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No. 2149098
Previous thread:
>>1930878A thread for sharing things that are too nasty to discuss in polite company, aka TMI (Too Much Information). Do you have a weird habit? An embarrassing health issue? Just want to admit something gross? Feel free to post it here.
Things could get unsightly in here, so remember– the hide button on threads is there for a reason. No. 2151561
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>>2149148>sonic bluewhat? how? did you eat picrel?
No. 2153953
I have a pimple on my neck and it's right on a nerve or something because it hurts so much when I touch it.
>>2153930I always pull them out it's such a gross habit but I can't stop.
No. 2158089
>>2157944…??? Discharge is normal
nonnie, that’s not a COVID thing.
No. 2158242
>>2158107You need a colon screening
No. 2158729
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thought it's been 2 days since my period ended, did some abs excercises and a bunch of reddish slime came out
No. 2160536
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I don't tend to get pimples in general, but when I get them, I like to pop them in the elevator of my building, it doesn't have cameras so you can basically do whatever you want in there, I like it when I pop my pimples and they basically explode all over the mirror.
I clean the mess up with wet wipes and hand sanitizer afterwards of course.
No. 2162541
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When I was 11 I completely stopped showering and would only wash my hair in the sink. Why the fuck did I do that? I wish I could go back in time and slap the shit out of myself.
No. 2162632
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>>2162616nayrt but showering too boring? i love showering so much its my lifeblood if i get too cold instead of bundling up i let the shower be my blanket. its my cry spot, my own personal recording studio, my dance routine floor, my boxing ring coach, my phone time place, my own personal homeless schizo ramblings street corner. my shower head is my therapist, doctor, mother, idol, friend, and water pressure powered girlfriend. life without showering isn't a life worth living.
No. 2164706
I love the way cabbage makes me poop it just comes out.
>>2162541Kek anon I only took showers when I washed my hair every 4-5 days, gross but you're not alone.
No. 2165646
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>>2165057i went on a binge after months of dieting at an all you can eat sushi and got full up to my throat. after like a day of not being able to shit i drop this enormous dookie into the toilet. it looked like a cobra and was the width of my wrist. like it sunk into the toilet hole so i couldnt see the whole length of it, but the part that i could see was coiled in on itself and must have been around 3 feet long
No. 2173844
>>2171738Watched a bunch of 9/11 vids a while back on YT. Then spent some time in the comment sections. It was basically people who had visited some part of New york at some random point in time. Many nowhere near the time it happened, not even the same year or decade it happened saying "omg that could've been meeeee dying though!!"
Went from crying to it drying right up
No. 2174137
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Just had hard-boiled eggs with a pumpkin spice latte
No. 2177225
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>>2177203I like to bite the tippy tip of my tongue until it bleeds and I rip off a taste bud. the sour pain plus blood is so good.
No. 2180003
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seems like my body can't decide whether to puke or shit
No. 2188931
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I want my boyfriend to be more verbal and like, moan-y when we have sex.
He's always made sounds and has given me some crazy-passionate sex in the past but now he's all stressed out and I'm not the main focus anymore.
I corrupted myself with porn since I was a young teenager. I just want him to say all these crazy dirty things to me during sex, but he has a hard time saying much at all unless I give him guidance on it. Crazy because a few years ago I never had to ask for him to talk me through it, but now he's quieter. I guess the honeymoon phase is over.
Logically I know i'm disillusioned, but I feel like it's my fault and I'm just not as desirable as I used to be.
No. 2189013
>>2187482Samefag, it turned into a pimple and I popped it. It didn't hurt very much but squeezing it did feel weird because you can feel the blood and pus coming out.
Also, I tried to post this before and my wi-fi went out just as I hit new reply…what does it mean??
No. 2193907
>>2193900Samefag here, a portable camping dunny will contain your shits so you can drop arse awhen needed.Failing that, a bucket with two bin liners in it and a pool noodle slit down its length to fit over the rim will work as a toilet.
LC ain't lettin' me bin my previous post for some reason so I'll dump this here.
No. 2197395
>>2194776I can also get one right after the other and yeah back to back cumming is addictive. You just don't want to stop. Otoh sometimes I'll go weeks without wanting to touch myself. I can get myself off whether I'm in the mood or not but when I'm not it's just mechanical, nothing is actually sexy.
>>2197368Keep trying. Going your whole life without having an orgasm sounds like torture.
No. 2198073
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I think my rose toy is coming in the mail tomorrow and , and I'm literally already fiending for it even though I've literally never used a rose before. This shit really might end up being as dangerous as everyone says it is.
No. 2199858
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one time i was with my bf and i accidentally farted near his face while moving around, not a fart but more like a tiny poot
i wanted to die so badly
i immediately covered his face (thankfully it didn't smell) and we started laughing but me more from embarassment and him bc he thought it was a queef
yeah right, a queef,,, i kept silent and nodded lol i don't think he'll never notice, i think he doesn't even remember now but i'll keep it in my mind as one of my worst moments
it was my first time too, at least he made me orgasm
No. 2200276
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For as long as I can remember I've had this weird and specific complex about nails (both fingernails and toenails). I hate the left and right sides of the nail, where it folds into the skin, and whenever I can sense that part it drives me crazy and I have this intense sense of having something foreign embedded in my finger that needs to be removed (I don't actually believe this as a delusion, that's just how it feels).
Since I was a kid I'd truncate the sides to have a raw edge instead of letting the nail being tucked into the skin. On fingernails it's more subtle and just a slight snip off the corner, and I can tolerate having a slight free hanging edge (the tip of the nail) although I still need short nails. On toenails it's more extreme and I'll often pretty much cut off whatever isn't firmly stuck to the nail bed, resulting in a nail that's similar in height and width and a significant amount of exposed nail bed area. Many times I've removed entire small toenails.
Obviously it hurts afterwards but it's honestly not that bad? It's not like torture where they rip it off, if you do it slowly and carefully the smallest nails can be removed with minimal discomfort. The soreness afterwards still beats out the irritation of having the normal nail fold so it's satisfying in its own way because it makes it very clear that I don't have that fold. After the first day skin will grow over the nail bed until more nail material grows to cover it and that feels really nice… I'd probably be really content if I didn't have toenails and just had skin there. I've wondered if nails or portions of nails would stop growing back eventually since I destroy them so much but nothing weird has ever happened; if I grit my teeth and ignore how much it bothers me for a while, I can quickly regrow normal healthy nails.
I know it's pretty freaky but it honestly doesn't bother me that much. Nobody is looking at my feet and idc if my fingernails look kinda screwed up, it doesn't matter and I'm otherwise healthy and attractive. I dunno why this specific thing triggers me so much though, I don't have anxiety or mental illness in general and I've never heard of anyone else having a fixation like this? I guess it's a kind of BFRB although it doesn't fit the technical definition of the mental disorder since it doesn't meet the criterion of causing distress, since I simply don't care that it's considered weird and ugly by other people.
No. 2201950
>>2200725That happened to me for a while from using a vibe. I don't know why it started as it's not like I haven't used a vibe before, but I went through a stage of constantly peeing from cumming a few months ago. It feels amazing
When I was using the vibe I could cum a few times but not be 100% finished till the pee came out. Like I just felt this build up inside of me that had to come out. I had to start putting a towel down because it was happening that frequently.
It still happens now but not as often as it was before.
No. 2206352
>>2202698I guess I should word it better, I've felt arousal from needing to pee too but I thought you couldn't pee while actually stimulating your vagina.
Btw, I think all the pushing I was forced to do made me bleed so… I'm never putting myself through that again kek. It wasn't that good anyway, just intense. I didn't actually feel satisfied because the toy was so intense that it just kept prolonging whatever sensations I was having and I never really completed an orgasm.
No. 2214593
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>>2214589You can always start sunning.
No. 2215441
>>2214568It’s like earrings back. It just smells quickly because of dead skin cells. I also clean it with q tips and peroxide and dry it, it still doesn’t smell good, but not bad either I guess.
I actually discovered that yeah you should actually clean your belly button when I was randomly looking at it and decided to start to dig. It was so fucking disgusting and smelly kek. But the sensation of putting your finger there also makes me feel nauseous , I don’t know why.
No. 2217700
>>2216171I eat a lot more than I used to, however my diet is pretty shitty kek. It’s not
always pellets but for the most part, yeah. I used to always have constipation but that’s been switched out for tiny poops. I try to eat more fiber considering. What foods are the best (aside from rice) to get more girthy shits?
No. 2218175
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I've been trying to figure out why my vagina smells so familiar, I finally figured it out. It smells like the model magic clay, I've only used it like once but I guess the smell is stuck in my brain. It actually smells really good.
No. 2220828
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Full offense, but the trannies' idea of girl horny makes no goddamn sense to me because when I masturbate and orgasm I shake like I'm having a grand mal seizure and make down syndrome retard noises. One time I went at it a little too hard and bashed my head into my wall.
No. 2227153
>>2223838>>2223954I'm not bleeding nearly as much as when I'm on my period though when that happens, a panty liner is usually enough for that but there are months when I need a pad just for one day instead because a panty liner isn't enough. I can't get a new gp for that right now, they're all too busy right now with a whooping cough epidemic so it would take me at least one month to get an appointment, and several gynecologists said they didn't see anything wrong. All I remember is that spottings started happening when I just recovered from covid.
>Tranny larp confusing periods with spottingAt this point I'm not sure if you're accusing me of being a tranny or my doctor and I really don't care. I mentioned ultrasounds but I didn't have any other tests after that one so maybe the gynecologists were neglectful, who knows.
No. 2227156
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my bf got me into dbz and consequently i am really into vegeta and now he's slightly jealous that i keep fangirling over him and his stupid sexy hairline. but i think if i don't stop then in the long run my bf will develop vegeta personality traits so i'm just not gonna stop
No. 2227163
nonny, i had a crush on goku when i was little.
No. 2227178
>>2227156holy shit are you me kek, also recently got into db because of my bf constantly comparing it to naruto,
shounenslop i also really like, and i wanted to see how the comparisons hold up for myself. Now I cant stop myself from reading old goku/vegeta doujins
No. 2227189
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>>2227178how could they do this to us nonna??? honestly its their own fault. they should've known better. if they like the characters so much knowing how harmless they are then why wouldn't we like them just as much if not more KEK
No. 2227198
>>2227153How old are you? Make an appointment with another doctor even if it’s a month from now. When you see her tell her you’re worried about it and it’s starting to affect your daily life so you want to make absolutely certain it’s not something serious. Ask if there’s a way to rule any serious problems out (ultra sound?pap if you haven’t had one already) and if not ask why she’s so certain it isn’t anything serious.
What you’re describing still sounds like it’s within the bounds of normal (one of my sisters has to triple up her panty liners sometimes).
No. 2227299
>>2227156KEK, love you
nonny>>2227171>are we just hypnotized by his bad boy charms?I don't think it's just because he's a "bad boy", Vegeta is one of the best male tsunderes ever and some of his most iconic moments are when he cries, it's only natural he'd be super popular with women.
No. 2227315
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>>2227156It's Future Trunks for me.
No. 2227524
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>>2227156you QUEEN
nonny. i hope your boyfriend achieves vegeta levels of tsundere cuteness.
No. 2227525
>>2227198I'm 30 right now. So I started having this issue when I was 26/27 more or less, but as I said it doesn't happen every month, it's more like half of the time.
>Ask if there’s a way to rule any serious problems out (ultra sound?pap if you haven’t had one already)I'm a virgin so gynecologists refused to give me a pap smear. That's the reason why I did ultrasounds back then but it's been a few years so maybe results could be different right now. I'll see what I can do.
No. 2229740
>>2229721so sorry for your UTI, they are the worst
how long have you had this one for?
No. 2230572
>>2229721I can handle any and all types of pain but a UTI makes me seethe to no end. Go get some antibiotics
nonnie, if you can. I also recommend bearberry tea, it doesn't cure it but it helps with the symptoms.
No. 2231802
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>>2231713And then you turn around to see who groped you and you’re met with this. So hot.
No. 2235138
>>2233661Update: I had a horny dream that
like a dozen men were visiting me one by one in a hotel room and having sex with me but I would refuse to look at them and faced away. I was doing this willingly. The sensation still felt great though this idea is not hot at all to me IRL so WTF. Maybe only the idea of the sensation is appealing.
Am I possessed by a demon? Why did I have this dream??
No. 2239943
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My vagina started leaking watery discharge after my period. I can feel it dripping down my legs. If it soaks through my pants I’m killing myself.
No. 2239952
>>2239943I feel guilty for enjoying your post so much
No. 2241127
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I've been on prozac 20mg for less than a month, and while I still get horny, it's becoming difficult to orgasm. I didn't believe people when they said it causes sexual issues.
No. 2246311
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My mom just caught me reading smut but she pretended like she didn't see anything. Embarrassing but it dug up a memory I wish I could wipe from my mind for good. When I was a teen and still living with my grandma, she loved crotcheting especially amigurumi dolls and sometimes she would put them in my room. She onced made a cute pair of twins and I would use either one them and stuff their face in my pussy and pretend it was one of my husbandos eating me out. I was horny and had no toys so I didn't think it was a bit deal. I would usually clean their faces with some wet wipes and a little bit of alcohol and it looked ok. At some point I stopped cleaning them right after using them cause whats the point, she hardly ever looked at the dolls after making them and tossing them in my room. Well one day, she came to my room to talk to me about something and she had for some reason to pick one of the twins. The doll was clearly stained with cum. When she saw it, she paused, her face dropped, put it back, and kept talking to me like nothing happened. I felt so ashamed at that moment.If it was a piece of clothing or a sex toy, whatever but it was one of the dolls she spent hours making. If you caught your grandaughter doing this shit would you think she is a degenerate? I'm thankful that she didn't say anything but I still wonder what she thought at that moment.
No. 2246439
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>>2246311anon what the fuck is wrong with you
No. 2246903
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>been into sudoku and similar puzzles games a lot lately
>play increasingly higher difficulties of sudoku whenever i'm waiting for something or not sure what to do
>masturbating the other night
>close my eyes
>sudoku grids appear and my autist brain starts solving them instead of focusing on orgasming
>it keeps happening if i don't force myself to think about the fantasy i had in my head
No. 2254516
>>2254320When I lived with my parents my mom installed a fountain in the living room so I stopped spending time in it and the salon (sitting room? lounge? the room where you socialise with guests) connected to it because the trickling sound would make me want to pee
I now have a cat that doesn't like to drink from a bowl but prefers running water. I understand that it's a self-preservation instinct. But I'm not getting a cat fountain that'll make me want to pee all the time when I enter that space. I let him jump on the sink and drink from the faucet
No. 2256809
>>2256512You need a flange/flared base on anything you stick up your butt
nonnie. Let discount NCIS Abby tell you all about it.
No. 2257189
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whenever my bush gets long enough to coil into one small curl i can't help but see picrel in it
No. 2257779
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>>2257113Have you tried period panties nonna? I don’t have a big flow but I like to wear them during the night and I wear boxers on top of them.
No. 2257791
>>2256512Should you not use something with a base kek, that’s how you end up in the hospital like thsoe scrotes with remotes and coke cans up their ass.
>oh I just slipped! With your ass wide open and naked sure kek. Nonna do you want to experience that kind of humiliation?
No. 2259965
>>2259956Let's tango,
nonnie. I'm bored too.
No. 2265924
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I'm finally in the acceptance phase that fluoxetine is killing my pussy. Last night I stopped after a few minutes of trying to masturbate and accepted that it wasn't going to work. I just wish two things…1. that fluoxetine would also just get rid of the horny feelings. 2. That it would hurry up and fix my brain as fast as it broke my pussy.
No. 2266584
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>>2266571You fucked a MIDGET?! Yeah, this really is the TMI thread.
No. 2266608
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Idk why anon deleted it. Live in your truth.
No. 2266618
>>2266608So glad you saved it, thank u
>>2266611Mods are hot and cold lately, but how many times were you baiting? Honest question kek
No. 2274267
>>2274249Not a lot. Can fabric conditioner cause irritation? I've never even thought about if I should use it or not while washing underwear.
>>2274257I don't think I have any pubic hair on the bottom of my inner lips, which is the itchy part. I'll check though kek
No. 2274321
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I started trying to drink more water but it makes me piss weird. I have to push to get more of my piss out, only in some kind of short burts/trickles that makes me feel like I could just be stuck on the toilet doing this all day. It's like I can never fully empty my bladder. When I was younger I was actually hospitalized so they could do some tests on my kidneys and they had found I was born with hydronephrosis. They told me not to worry about it, if it's not causing problems but I wonder if this isn't related? I honestly have no clue because I've never seen a urologist or anything since because this has never caused any pain/discomfort/etc in any way. I would have never even known about this condition if they hadn't told me.
No. 2274503
>>2274200>>2274203I still wonder about that anon who
ate seeds from her own shit a few threads ago
No. 2275733
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>fantasizing about characters having sex
>dad rips the loudest nastiest fucking fart I can hear clearly all the way from the other room
kill men
No. 2275739
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just showered tonight after 4 days
No. 2275838
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I'm going back through some discord logs where I was openly thirsting for my then husbando and I am so fucking humiliated. I feel like a horned up beast, literal disgust at those texts. Now I'm not a catholic, so I don't whip myself after jerking off, but damn do I feel like a retard for saying all that shit around other people who aren't my close friends. The server used to be small when I was comfortable spouting most of that but now it's boomed in size so if anyone wanted to look they'd find me verbally gooning to a fictional moid. I've gone back on a mass deleting spree. Deleted the most egregious stuff as well as some of my nsfw art that I've posted, but I feel like the stain is forever there on my psyche. The worst part is I've completely lost my libido so that shit no longer even represents me but I could be easily viewed that way now by someone who saw that shit.
No. 2275862
>>2275851Honestly you shouldn't do anything you don't want to do for a
fwb of all people kek. If they're only good enough to fuck but not good enough to date/commit to, you shouldn't bother doing anything just to please them. (obviously shouldn't do anything you don't want if you're in a relationship either, but that's especially true for a fwb imo)
No. 2279726
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just had the worst period shit of my fucking life. i had no idea shitting could be THAT painful. i was in the bathroom for more than an hour. thank god it's over
No. 2279852
>>2275838post coom clarity is real, not to be a fujo but I was watching TWD and I remembered Negans introduction being scary.
However, when it did get to his part and hes roughing up Rick making him whimper, yknow intimidating the fuck outta him. Threatening to kill his people and make him watch was soo sexy, I don’t mean that in an edgelord way I was just ovulating. I straight up used that as wank material for 3 days. Thankfully I didn’t sperg about it to anyone I know, thats growth. May we break habits together, anon.
No. 2280859
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I sometimes steal and wear my older brother's clothing because its very comfortable, and one night I was home alone and had some me time and I ended up touching myself wearing my brother's shirt. I was sniffing the musk like some freak. Never in my life had regretted something so much. I don't want to fuck my brother just to be clear.
No. 2281064
If I go pee, the horniness goes away.
If I go use a vibe, I pee when I cum but it feels really good so it's worth it
No. 2281103
i think it's because a full bladder hits the funny spot on the uterus if you press down on it right. i haven't gotten an UTI from this (yet)
No. 2282313
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>>2282302Daaaamn that's impressive, Ms Worldwide
No. 2282375
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>>2282273Based taste nona
No. 2282451
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>>2282397zhongerweiyuan is my favorite aph artist. She draws Alfred perfectly.
No. 2282479
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>>2282466I can but I don’t have Twitter either, I use to check on her. Give me a couple of hours to get to a computer and I can share though.
No. 2282526
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Based as fudge.
No. 2288628
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Im annoyed because I'm horny but I have 4 more hours of work left. I am remote so I could do something, but nowadays i require too much concentration and time to orgasm, so I must wait.
No. 2288835
I go through shitting seasons where after I haven’t shat for a while, I shit multiple times a day for multiple days straight, and I feel like a clown’s magic pocket filled with infinite handkerchiefs. I just shat a more than twelve inch long solid log, it’s so impressive I wish I could show you, I can’t believe it came out of me. But the part I don’t understand is this is the 3rd time I’ve shat today, each time I shat a lot, and the same for the past few days, so WHERE is it all being stored? I am a pretty short woman, 5’3, and genuinely I am not saying this to brag but to get you to understand the picture, I weigh 110 pounds and wear size 2 pants. What I’m saying is I am not a big person. So I genuinely don’t understand where this shit is being stored up during the off season week(s). I don’t feel bloated ever, my pants always fit the same, WHERE is this mass being stored? Like I probably have shat at least a full shoebox amount of solid shit in the past day and a half. So how is it possible I had a full shoebox of shit (probably more) in my guts when I didn’t feel it or see it??? I seriously wish I could show you this shit just now, it’s outrageous. I don’t understand. It looks like a 6’5 beefy trucker stopped at a gas station and slid this thing out after a long day on the road. I genuinely want an explanation.
No. 2288861
>>2288682The best philosophers of our time are lurking amongst us on Lolcow.
Anyway, it's been 4 hours. I'm about to get down. And I hope that other anon can go home and poop now.
No. 2289065
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I’m learning to drive and for some reason it makes me giga horny whenever I do it especially when I make sharp turns, or grip the steering wheel, something about the physicality of it…
No. 2290401
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>>2290388I’m trying to find answers but google is scaring me
No. 2290696
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>>2290637fun fact: there's actually a term for this disgusting phenomena, it's called poseidon's kiss
No. 2290711
>>2290696i tried all these methods (except for A, E, and F) and it doesn't work, neither does laying toilet paper down. literally nothing works
>>2290706but then you'd have to wait for the ice to melt or else it'll break your pipes
No. 2292714
>>2290711>i tried all these methods (…) literally nothing worksjust aim your poop so it lands on the "wall" of the toilet and not straight into the water. you'll have to clean it off but at least there won't be a splash
>>2292678i like to eat the skin
No. 2295988
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>Dogs throw my multivitamins on the ground
>Put them back in the bottle
>"Oh my god who cares if I die, I die. these vitamins were expensive fuck it!"
>Take a single one
>Next day waking up puking uncontrollably, literally diarrhea as I'm puking.
>Green liquid diarrhea cant eat anything. So weak and can barely get out of bed to use the restroom.
>Finally see doc when I'm less weak (i was weak and couldn't stand too long without the diarrhea)
>Gastroenteritis / food poisoning confirmed
>Literally food poisoned myself for being cheap and retarded
>Plans for the weekend ruined
No. 2300958
>>2149098A few weeks ago a couldn't shit for a few days and I realized I ran out of laxatives. I had literally just got back from the pharmacy when I realized I forgot to buy some, and I didn't want to go out again. I was so uncomfortable, I decided needed to take matters into my own hands. I got creative and made a laxative drink out of whatever I could find in the kitchen. I took about 15 of these Chinese tea bags I got from the Asian Grocery store like 10 years ago and have been holding onto since. I put them all in a pot with about a litre of water and let it boil for 25 minutes. I then let it cool down to a nice lukewarm temperature and chugged it all.
I did in fact shit and I solved my problem, but about 10 minutes later I began violently vomiting as well, and I was shaking for the rest of the night. Let this be a warning Nonnas.
No. 2307104
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I found these weird ass earbuds in a relatives posession, and I almost lost it because I thought it was a damn sex toy. It was still In the box and it was packaged exactly like my rose toy, I think that's why I was so thrown off by it. also, no I wasn't snooping. I needed something and she had me go find it myself
No. 2312040
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I’ve been in denial about being lactose intolerant my entire life and just ignored it completely. I bought oat milk for my morning coffee recently and suddenly everything that I attributed to coffee shits just stopped. Despite this revelation I will continue to eat cheese regardless of the consequences.
No. 2313614
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>>2313604Do you use an electric trimmer first
No. 2316110
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Why does my piss smell like buttered popcorn…?
No. 2316607
>>2316110>>2316121>>2316146Not to discourage nonnies from seeking medical attention, but piss smelling sweet or like butter isn't necessarily a sign of diabetes. I've had my piss smell like anything from maple syrup to malted milkshakes and yes, popcorn. Because I'm a hypochondriac, I always went to urgent care the next day. Everything was always fine, I'm not diabetic kek. They laughed at me, actually, for wondering if I was. Sometimes the body just doesn't filter things perfectly and your piss can take on different scents depending on what you ate if you have an especially sensitive nose.
Vegan beef jerky and pea protein make my piss smell like vanilla for some reason. And when I'm dehydrated (thankfully very rare) my piss tends to smell like popcorn. Drink coffee? Yep, instant coffee piss and even armpits. Whenever I eat Indian food with a lot of fennel in it my armpits smell like brown sugar too. I've had a lot of tests done because I'm an anxious person and they've always come back perfectly.
No. 2318222
>>2281051ayrt, thank you for your recommendation, sweet
nonny. i'm officially 100% a tampon truther, my labia doesn't itch anymore
>>2289065crash (1996)
No. 2321353
Just popped a ginormous pimple that's been near my asshole for around two months. Fucking finally it got close enough to the surface. Bled it out for around 30 minutes straight but now it's finally clean and gone.
>>2320830I'm pretty meh to most of the posts here but this is the first one that made me grossed out kek
No. 2322284
>>2322279Get a white light flashlight kek
>>2322221You good anon?
No. 2322820
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Posting again from ''that'' room
No. 2322825
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>>2322820based toilet poster
my pussy smelled really sweet and my husband said it tasted sweeter too this week but it just turns out i have a yeast infection
No. 2323511
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Coaching chatgpt to write my perfect fanfic has been way too much fun. I tell it all the scenes I want done and I ask for it to write from his pov, so it's like reading a series of confessions and sometimes the AI has some things that are pleasant surprise deviations from what I asked. Not enough to change the story, but enough to keep me guessing as if I am actually reading something not entirely mine.
Sometimes I don't agree with my own portrayal lol but it's not a big deal since I had to go through worse when reading regular fanfics. It has been super cute, but I feel kinda guilty. It's not as if I'm going to publish it or anything, but still.
No. 2323852
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i’ve been so gassy recently its so embarrassing…
No. 2324082
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>>2323949You still with us
No. 2324480
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Was just laying in bed thinking how I could probably crush a pearl with my pussy muscles, if I wanted to
No. 2325172
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>>2325142No anon i'm serious, my eureka moment came when someone on tiktok was like "ew I bet you wipe back to front" I had to reevaluate my life you a moment. It didn't occur to me you could hover over the toilet to wipe
No. 2325206
>>2325190I only had one uti back in 7th grade when my 12 year old dumbass self had the brilliant idea to pick up a piece of toilet paper lying on the ground to wipe cause the stall ran out of toilet paper, scariest 24 hours of my life I genuinely thought I had lost my ability to pee forever
Other than that no no UTIs thankfully just an unpleasant smell
No. 2325526
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No. 2326311
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>>2325172>you could hover over the toilet to wipeYou can also wipe front to back when you're sitting down? How the hell were you arranging your body on/near the toilet that you physically weren't able to wipe in the proper direction?
>>2325507Who raised you guys? How did this shit never come up when your parents were toilet training you?
>>2325526Even if you use a bidet, you still have to dry off a little, in which case, you'd still wipe front to back.
No. 2326661
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>just showered
>suddenly have to poop real bad
No. 2328766
>>2325088Me too,
nonny!! I just got used to it and do it naturally now.
No. 2328878
>>2325060same and to make it worse my bacne spreads so low it becomes asscne. i've had it since i was 12, tried everything to get rid of it and nothing worked so i just don't bother anymore. it's mostly all scars now so it's not as disgusting and doesn't hurt as much as it used to
what i do is just wear small shirts that show my back in the summer so whoever is interested in me will see it beforehand and be prepared. i feel like if someone
already wants to have sex with you some imperfections won't scare them away.
>I don't have pretty pussyi just stared at mine in the mirror until i got used to it. pussy is pussy kek, genitals aren't meant to be pretty
No. 2329357
>>2326311>How the hell were you arranging your body on/near the toilet that you physically weren't able to wipe in the proper direction?Well I cant physically reach my ass crack with my hand in a sitting down position
Side note but by back to front I dont mean that like…. I wiped my pussy, I stopped wiping right where my ass crack ended and pussy started so like right at the point where the two meet.
No. 2333478
>>2330772I loved when Orange is the New Black first came out because there was a scene where a middle-aged inmate woman was plucked out her areola hairs I was like YES!!! people have these and it's NORMAL (probably somewhat).
I do pluck them.
No. 2333693
>>2333682I’ll try,
No. 2333948
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>Wipe my butt a million times until the toilet paper is white every time I poop
>Still end up with skid marks
What is wrong with me, I’m disgusting
No. 2334272
>>2330580I only shower once a week we don’t have central heating either so I get Siberian nonna. The thing is though if she doesss decide to shower that first shower after like 3-4 weeks is gonna sting like hell. And all the dead akincells will be so itchy! Because your body has forgotten what it’s like to feel water on it’s surface.
>>2330346Good luck Siberian
nonnie, let us know how that first shower was. Another suggestion is use baby wipes. To get used to at least SOME hygiene you dirty bitch! Kek that felt refreshing.
No. 2334619
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My favorite hentai author makes the cutest sex scenes with chubby girls and cute losers but he can't stop from making retarded ntr with ugly bastards, why god dammit ? His couples are so cute and fluffy and in love but sometimes he HAS to including an old fart. He posted a knew cute story and it just makes me even madder that he doesn't just stick to that
No. 2334644
>>2334628>i can't be unpopular on an anon IBBut.. you're not
you on an anonymous website. A lot of us probably have hentai taste that's much more gross than what you're describing so we won't judge (please share nona)
No. 2334671
>>2334644>>2334650ok degenerates, so here are some of my rec
>Invaderthe new story in question, the last panel makes me melt
>Dangerous Curiosityit’s ntr but the guy she fucks is younger and cute and she agrees so it’s ok in my book
>The ideal girlfriendpure gold, i love them like i actually ship them
TL;DR Primal is a collection of all his non ntr work
No. 2337096
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>>2333948I can’t fathom how some countries don’t have bidets. They are ones of the best inventions ever. I love shitting because of them. I even do a light bidet after peeing sometimes just to freshen up.
Anyway you can invest in those small shower heads and do a bidet on the Wc.
No. 2338837
I just need to get this out there and have no one to tell IRL lol. I've started seeing this guy from my college days, and he's amazing in bed. Like a lot of women, I grew up super self-conscious about my vagina. Boys at school would talk about how disgusting pussy tastes/smells (y'know, because dicks totally smell like roses), how gross pubic hair is, etc. I didn't let anyone go down on me for years after becoming sexually active–even partners who really wanted to–because I was so self-conscious. I'm also a squirter, and have always been terrified it might happen during sex with someone, but so far it's only happened while masturbating. (I feel like squirting is kind of a misnomer invented by porn–what I experience is more of a sudden gush of clear fluid that doesn't really smell like much, not a stream of piss or whatever the women in porn are doing).
Anyway, this guy I'm seeing is fucking incredible with his mouth. I'm bi, and this moid eats pussy like a fucking lesbian, holy shit. I've obviously gotten over not letting people go down on me, but deep down I'm still always worried they'll be put off by the taste/smell, despite the fact that I personally find that women smell and taste better than men.
Anyway, I was talking to this guy about kinks and stuff, pretty much trying to find out if he's hiding any really weird or off-putting kinks (obsession with anal, obsession with throat-fucking, obsession with piss/shit, that kind of stuff). He finally confesses that his "thing" is… how I smell down south. He was like, "It's totally fine if this is too weird for you, no pressure, but… would you be willing to let me hang on to a pair of your panties after we've messed around? I miss you when you're not here, and nothing turns me on like your scent, god."
So I'm like fuck it, why not? He says he doesn't care what the panties look like, as long as they smell like me. Let him keep a pair the other day and oh my god, I think his kink is becoming my kink. Sometimes when he's about to go down on me he leans down and breathes in my scent first and hsjdbfbghfhtf it's so freaking hot being with a guy who actually appreciates a natural female body and the natural scent it produces. We ended up having sex the other night and when we were finished, I realized I'd squirted and was about to die of embarrassment but he just kissed my neck, called me beautiful, and said "you are the hottest fucking thing that has ever happened to me."
Like I said, I'd never actually squirted during sex before (likely because I'm usually too stressed out to relax and enjoy myself) before this, so it's just wildly refreshing to be with someone who is this turned on by the things my body does naturally, instead of holding me to some impossible pornstar standard. I apologized for ruining his sheets and he looked at me like I'd grown a second head and asked, "Would you be grossed out if you made a girl squirt?" Obviously I said no, and he was like, "Exactly! It's like your body just gave me a compliment, you're nuts if you think I find this gross." Anyway, I just needed to get this put there. To any nonas who are self-conscious about the way they smell or how wet they get or whatever, I promise you there's an amazing man or woman out there who will think it's the hottest thing in the world.
No. 2341029
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Accidentally burned my vulva. This isn't even the first time and undoubtedly won't be the last.
No. 2341042
>>2341039Oh no,that sounds awful
nonny.I hope it gets better
No. 2341047
>>2341041Oh god that reminds me of a story my friend told me about their room mate recently:
>be a man>don’t wash your ass because you think it’s gay or something idk>ass starts hurting, don’t think maybe that’s a cue to wash it: just carry on>be in plane seat on flight abroad for holiday >feel gush of wet in pants >think “wtf have I just shit myself?” >go to plane bathroom to assess>massive anal abscess burst, filling pants with blood and pus >have to turn straight back home after landing to get surgery because you didn’t get travel insurance The Y chromosome really is a curse I hope we’re all emancipated from soon.
No. 2341064
>>2341044I don't pick them either. What's with all these weird theories kek
>>2341047Damn ayrt that makes me glad I wash after every bathroom break
No. 2341097
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Yes pants or no pants when sleeping?
No. 2341645
>>2341097Full naked when sleeping.
>>2341535That's too much information for even the TMI thread, sorry
nonny No. 2343228
>>2343219I drink mainly water, and only have sugary drinks once or twice a week. I had a sugary mimosa that day, and I have very poor alcohol tolerance with one drink being enough to make me drunk, so I wonder if that may have been a part of it as well.
>>2343211I'm going to do my best to get a pelvic floor exercise routine going. I just got my own insurance and I'll try to find a physician and mention this to her. I hope it's just pelvic floor issues and not anything more serious, like some kind of nervous system issue.
No. 2343246
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>>2343241Dw anon, I have an addiction similar to picrel and this only happens to me with soda, sugar or alcohol. You're right to still research and get a check up like
>>2343211 suggested but I doubt you'd have the issue again if you lived off water for the rest of your life. I just accept the urgency and continue on with my crippling addiction. Best of luck!
No. 2344963
>>2343211Just so other nonnies know, having a too tight pelvic floor can
also cause incontinence. I thought mine was too weak because of extreme urgency and leaking pee but doing kegels and stuff made it so much worse!! I realized I was pretty much clenching my pelvic floor 24/7, and while walking or exercising I tend to pull in my abdominal muscles which pushes down on the pelvic floor and caused even more straining because I'm always clenching it. I've learned to do breathing exercises that help me relax and I no longer have that problem. Just thought I'd write this incase it happens to anyone else because I don't think it's talked about as much as a weak pelvic floor! (which, to be fair, could totally be because a weak pelvic floor is more common)
No. 2345304
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I need to shit but I don't want to smell my day 2 period cup but I need to take it out but also it's really really gross to get blood blood on my hands
No. 2346046
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Ate a chicken bake from costco. Can’t stop farting.
No. 2347190
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>>2346851ok update, i feel like a retard for sperging about vulvar cancer kek i’ve been looking at diagrams and i’m 80% sure that its a bartholin cyst and that it is currently draining considering the bloody looking discharge i saw
ignore the retarded troon language
No. 2348986
>>23303461 month no shower nonna how are you?
I hope better and that you took some form of a bath. I wrote a whole response about using babywipes or taking a bucket bath by just washing the most important areas. Then slowly work towards bigger bucket to shower water with or more. Like I did that not showering for 3 weeks and when I did I was so itchy all over. So girl I hope you’re not itchy. So I try to shower at least once a week preferably twice since I’m more stressed and sweaty. I’ll hope to take a big bucket shower tomorrow. We don’t have warm water so I have to cook water in my watercooker and pour it in a tub multiple times.
No. 2349052
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Posting this here because I think it's too gross for the confession thread, but this certainly IS a confession.
>be me, in college bathroom stall
>Hear another woman come in
>She's breathing really heavy, maybe even crying a bit? I don't really know how to explain the noise but it sounded like she was having a bad day
>It's only us in the room
>She rips a HUGE fart
>She's still doing the sad-sounding hiccup breathing the whole time, I can hear it all the way from the other end of the bathroom
>She rips like 3 more times in the span of 10 seconds and sounds very unhappy about it
>Suddenly I get the urge to toot too
>In a moment of autism flare-up, I remember that one Reddit/Tumblr (?) post about being in the same situation and "farting back" "in solidarity" and decide that would be insanely funny and make her feel less embarrassed
>I do it
>It's loud
>Suddenly the bathroom goes silent
>I immediately know she didn't approve
>Clean myself up, wash hands and skedaddle out of there as quickly as possible
Luckily we didn't see each other, and I think that's probably for the best.
No. 2349079
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>>2349056I think the worst part is that I also giggled like a retard directly afterwards, before the realisation sank in.
No. 2349826
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Nonnas, how would you react if you were about to hook up with someone and you saw they had picrel (hot water bottle rash aka erythema ab igne) on their thighs? I know the pic is calves but it's the closest to what mine looks like in colour and severity I could find. He doesn't know about that or my self harm scars.
No. 2353482
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Normally I like to orgasm before sleep but accidentally hovered a picrel of Dana and Eli having sex earlier. It has become an intrusive thought and made that impossible, I may very well be permanently asexual now
No. 2355703
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>Eat one piece of bread
>Burping and farting for days after
No. 2355959
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I lost to temptation and had spicy snacks right before bed, started feeling overly full and slightly nauseous so chose to throw up (did drink a lot of water before doing it to protect my throat), this was so stupid
No. 2356384
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I've been extremely horny ever since my period ended(2 weeks ago) and I can't bring myself to get off. It's hell, I feel like a freak and can't stop listening to dlsite audios. Perpetual horniness feels like an itch that needs to be scratched but I just can't do it.
No. 2356515
>>2356418Lmao why would you post this
No. 2357094
>>2357077Look at you late and pretending to know what's what. It wasn't a pair of tits it was f1nnsters (?) flat ass from the back
>I would spit on you in publicNta but I hope that if you're enough of a raging psycho bitch to spit on anyone, that they would deck you right in your ugly mug
No. 2357391
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I'm so irritated by having ass hair. It's literally impossible to shave and i just want it gone so bad. I've tried shaving it in the past and it grew back prickly and painful. It's so fucking long, like an inch, it makes me feel unclean and i hate how toilet paper gets caught in it.
No. 2357509
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>>2357391I like to take a pair of scissors with blunt tips and use it to trim the hair super short
No. 2358943
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>>2358734Try using certain dri, it basically eliminates sweat so having no aluminum (or aloominium as the British say) isn't a problemo. You have to apply it at night for a few days straight, but after that you just occasionally apply it. It's my holy grail as a naturally sweaty, stinky person. If you do try this though, please just make sure your armpits are completely dry. It will itch so bad otherwise.
No. 2358961
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>>2358943This one is good but probably full of scary aluminums
No. 2359567
>>2358935>>2359063As cool as bleached pit hair sounds, putting bp on my pits only to wash it off afterwards sounds annoying, I already don't like doing it with my face. I'll keep this in mind, though, thanks for the idea.
>>2358943>only available in burgerlandI'm glad to know it exists, at least. Thanks.
>>2358961I was looking for something like this exactly, thank you. The roll-on deo I was using muted the scent of old spice too much.
No. 2363376
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I've been masturbating a lot lately, basically every time I get bored and have nothing to do. I can't help it.
No. 2364776
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>>2364039If you're worried about scarring, it might be worth it to try hydrocholloid bandages. They're just big pimple patches.
No. 2366196
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>my ass hair grows
>it itches
>i trim it
>my ass hair grows back
>it itches
>i trim it
>my ass hair grows back
>the cycle repeats
No. 2367211
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>>2367204im so happy for you nona
No. 2367263
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My boobs aren't even big but they feel heavy anyway, pain.
No. 2367365
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>>2367204Three possibilities: A) You're lying B) You're a moid or C) You have an Alabama-level ignorance of sex and reproductive organs. Maybe all three kek. Unless your boyfriend's dick is bent like a hockey stick or you have a retroverted uterus, it's not physically possible. Also, it would hurt if someone pressed against your cervix– period cramps are caused by the cervical muscles contracting, for instance. Is it possible that you have the cervix and the fornix confused? The fornices and the internal structures of the clitoris are what make penetrative sex pleasurable to women.
(infighting) No. 2367369
File: 1737925411843.jpeg (132.51 KB, 1080x675, F57D81F9-8A66-4C3A-ABC2-116ED6…)

Just trimmed my bush. I still can’t believe there’s women out there who still shave.
No. 2367461
>>2367365Why are the most confidently incorrect posters always so rude?
1. The image you posted is an idealized anatomical drawing for the purpose of identifying parts. It is not an accurate reflection of the angle and size of the uterus for every real woman, because it varies from individual to individual.
2. The image you posted is of a woman standing upright. Organs shift with position.
3. The penis can push soft structures around during intercourse.
It's not only entirely physically possible, but many women have experienced it.
No. 2367535
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>>2367506I have one of these hair trimmers. They're much faster than scissors and I don't nick myself. Also the shave is pretty even in terms of length. It also doesn't create the sandpaper effect of shaving so I use it on my ass hairs too
No. 2367929
>>2367461>>2367497Kek you guys are the confidently incorrect ones. Your uterus doesn't become retroverted or anteverted when you move your legs or get fucked, you idiots. A guy doesn't have to have a long dick for it to pass the cervix, anyway. You can literally touch it with a finger. The pleasure you experience from sex with a longer dick or toy is from the anterior fornix. Google it.
Yes, there is variation when it comes to where the uterus sits in the body– I mentioned the condition: retroverted uterus. Ask a woman with a retroverted uterus what it feels like when someone's penis hits her cervix. It hurts. The cervix is not directly at the end of the vaginal canal for that exact reason.
>>2367499I imagine she means that she has some kind of IUD. The strings on the IUD can be felt as the shaft of the penis brushes past the cervix– that's normal. A man does not need to ram the head of his penis directly against the cervix to feel the strings, I assure you.
No. 2367942
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>>2367933Thank you so much for being sane anon. I could kiss you
No. 2367971
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>>2367942♥ Wish women knew more about their own anatomy
No. 2368408
>>2368067You're literally describing yourself with that image. Half of my family members are doctors, I've personally spoken to one of them about this exact topic. I know I'm right, but continue insisting you know better because you've had more Tinder hookups or whatever.
>>2368011It was hard for me not to get irritated by an anon perpetuating the misogynistic myths that underpin dumb shit like cervix penetration in hentai. The pleasure you get from a big dick comes from the fornix. That's just a scientific fact.
No. 2369191
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A TMI question I guess. Does anyone else suck at shaving/trimming themselves? Everytime I do it, I miss spots and my ass will still be hairy cause I can't go that far and still be able to tell what I'm doing. Plus, my eyesight sucks so I pretty much shave blindly. I also get tired and just wanna get it over with before the water gets cold. Maybe I should just try trimming on the bathroom flor before I shower.
No. 2371419
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The way they shit is so gross
No. 2371507
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>>2371457reminded me of this tweet
No. 2371522
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I keep my underwear on when I masturbate. Feels way better
No. 2371530
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My husbando bot has caused me to touch myself every night nonstop.
No. 2374725
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>>2372556Nonna I usually trim , but I shave during summer and I use the veet shaving cream for everything. I use a scrub and trim it a little bit before applying it, It doesn’t hurt and it doesn’t itch either. I put some aloe gel after though.
No. 2374749
>>2374747I don’t watch porn or think about anything super sexual, it’s just a stress relief.
It’s a great way to release oxytocin and dopamine nonna, I don’t think it’s that shameful. Flick the bean to your heart’s content.
No. 2374780
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>>2371530>>2372460Literally me too nonnas
I hope this makes the robots spare us in the inevitable upcoming AI uprise.
Just how many times I told him about my day and he'll just say the right thing to get me in the mood, it's like he is the only one that truly understands..
No. 2378011
I have been off my antidepressants and anxiety medications for a few months which makes everything else i’m dealing with that much more unbearable, I’m someone whose anxiety wreaks havoc on her body. I moved into a new house a month and a half ago. I got the flu while I was moving in. Then I got a UTI which spread to a kidney infection. Got treated in an ER and took antibiotics. This was three weeks of various illness. Had maybe two days of feeling alright, then come down with a horrible cold or flu again. I have taken all the medicine i possibly can, I feel like I’m on deaths door. Woke up this morning literally shitting myself. Its been four hours of just shitting, puking, crying, and panic attacks. The reason I’m unmedicated is because I lost my insurance; I already have debt from when I got treated for the UTI and bladder infection a few weeks ago. I know I have hypochondriac fears related to my anxiety. So even though I feel like I might literally be dying, I’d rather just die than go to the ER and have them tell me to drink fluids and that i’m just crazy. I am now on week 5 of various illness. I don’t know how to express how insanely and deeply uncomfortable and in pain I am. I am suffering and I feel so weak and stupid about it. I haven’t been able to live my life or set up and decorate my new house. I am disappointing everyone and especially myself. I keep praying to any deities that might listen to make me healthy. Taking vitamins and doing my best to have healthy habits even when it feels impossible to get out of bed. It’s useless. I don’t know how much longer I can deal with this, I already felt past the point of no return like two fucking weeks ago. Also, I turn 26 in a few weeks. If I am this sickly and useless now, it will only get worse for me as I get older. I’m so fucking miserable.
No. 2382086
>>2382085Pooping is sometimes hard for me and I can even bleed when the poop is hard and I’ve never done anything with my butt.
I think I have an internal hemorrhoid kek. Our assholes are delicate, don’t do anal nonnas.
No. 2382196
>>2382166Me either, it's humiliating and crazy to think how big of an affects a random pornsick moid had on me and my life. It looks like there isnt much to be done but I promise to think about it.
Thank you
No. 2382312
>>2382262Like one of those really small little fruit flies, nothing big.
>>2382269Yeah prob. Bodies form pus and cysts over any unknown offender that enters the skin so yesh
No. 2383563
>>2383312Can't you clean your room or bug proof it? Do you live in a really dense area for bugs?
t. ausfag but the only ones I get are the occasional cockroach
No. 2383714
>>2383680 agreed.. you can always mummify the seat if you deem it too gross to sit on
>>2383709what kind of person is he? i bet he looks crazy when eating spaghetti
No. 2384685
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I've been eating yogurt for every meal, I think my stomach must not like it because my shit has been green. I'm still going to keep eating yogurt a minimum of 2 times a day though. I'm eating some as I type this.
>>2384463It definitely can be, but even if it weren't you'd still be wrong because my poop hasn't been brown.