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File: 1742316243992.png (69.96 KB, 720x503, aromantic rights.png)

No. 2450392

Post dumb shit you see on Tumblr

Previous thread: >>>/ot/2201280

No. 2450421

Person that has sex with no emotional intimacy is called a douchebag actually.

No. 2450442

Reminds me of when I was looking through senlinyu's tumblr and she was talking about being "aromantic" while she's married with a kid kek. I just don't understand how that would work other than NLOG-y "I don't do all that yucky stuff other girls do!" rhetoric.

I obviously don't doubt that aro people exist, but I do think at least half of them are lying about it. Whether its some NLOG phase they'll grow out of eventually or some psuedo-intellectual LARP.

No. 2450446

why do autists on tumblr like to create new words to describe themselves like “aromantic” like no, youre just a vapid slut. and then it goes on to get thousands of updoots by other people (being loose with the term people) just as braindead as them. and then they take up these imaginary coined dictionary words to add to their carrd bios and glorify and creates fan-flags to wave for these imaginary terms.

5 years ago the new personalityspecial term was “queer” and (which used to be used as an insult) 3 years later the new personalityspecial term is “therian” for people who think they are dogs or cats, and “proshipper” for people who ship “pwobwematic relationships in media” and 2 years after that it’s something like “fictionkin” for people who think they are fictional characters and “rcta” (race change to another) for people who “identify” with being another race and consider themselves transracial.

and then they have these huge communities who circlejerk themselves for “identifying” with these words. i know im not crazy, but i feel like the need to add these imaginary labels to yourself and get a protected-from-all-criticism echo chamber support group for if you feel like you relate to these imaginary labels is just undiagnosed narcissism. think about it (rant.)

No. 2450456

>“rcta” (race change to another) for people who “identify” with being another race and consider themselves transracial.
no fucking way lmao I thought that was the gotcha for transhit and now they've embraced it?

No. 2450472

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oh no, its real. but its more widely hated on tumblr than widely pysoped and gaslighted into liking. unlike the “trans” community/cult, you wont get called nazi bigot for dunking on it.

honestly i personally peaked when trannies were against rcta when its literally the same thing they are doing and virtue signaling as if they “werent like them” but couldnt bring up any reasons as for why. maybe in an alternate timeline trannies were as hated and made fun of as rctas, because if the rcta “community” dispersed once universally made fun of, i wonder if the same thing would have happened to trannies if it was nipped in the butt before it got too widespread

No. 2450528

I am willing to bet that the rcta community is going to be the Next Big Thing with how many celebs and makeup artists are trying to pretend their east Asian kek

No. 2450535

Pro: transgenders are gone
Con: we now have to deal with transracials

No. 2450546

I think some women have genuinely bought the idea that sex is a service, or something that is taken from them like a resource, rather than something you actively participate in. That's why the transbian "you dont have to like someones genitals to have sex!!! just figure it out!!" thing is so easily accepted by them. You'd only be able to grasp that if you believed your own wants and desire (or lack of) don't matter, and internalized it as an awnser to why you have normal boundaries over being called a sex-negative puritan and having to defend yourself. Think porn is gross? I'm just on the asexual spectrum. It's grim.

No. 2450564

Has there ever been a tumblr famous person who reached success who was lower middle class or poor? Just wondering because I recently found out Molly Soda went to a rich art college kek, now she makes low-effort social commentary parody youtube videos.

No. 2450571

>5 years ago the new personalityspecial term was "queer"
You're a bit off on your dates. IIRC the "q word" discourse was noticeable since 2015/2016. I recall therian being used as early as 2014, and kinning started in large around the same time.

I don't think there's a lot of cases of "famous persons" on Tumblr. It's a very closed-off ecosystem. It's much harder to garner influence on Tumblr than it is on other sites like Twitter or Youtube.
>Molly Soda
I looked her up and this is the first thing that pops up. Sometimes I feel a tinge of jealousy inside me that other people can be so free and self-confident that they can post things like this.

No. 2450582

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No. 2450593

File: 1742324879610.jpg (358.86 KB, 1080x1073, vampireapologist-gfm.jpg)

Kek, not that I'm aware of.
My favorite example of failure to launch is vampireapologist. She made a following off a combination of funnyman posts and overly personal drama. Started getting into identity politics and reclaimed her "irish heritage" ("changed" her name to "mallaidh anne" and threw tantrums if people sent asks about it), came out as genderfluid, and grifted her followers to pay for top surgery during the pandemic (picrel).
The second she got the funds, she announced she had "outgrown" tumblr and would now be leaving to pursue bigger things as an outlet for her creativity and personal growth, like her career as a youtuber (off her boring channel, Ginger Snaps, where she played "comfy" video games with her brother). She deleted her blog and had followers bully anybody who kept archives of it into taking them down.
Fast forward a couple of years, she comes crawling back to tumblr with a failed youtube channel and a dash-locked blog. She eventually changed her blog name and is going by "wizardarchetypes" to escape vicious mockery kekk. Now she makes posts about how terms like "pillow princess" should not be used in the "queer community" because it's demeaning, homophobic, and misogynistic. Something tells me her attempts at lesbian hookups in Alaska have not been fruitful.
GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/mallaidh-anne039s-top-surgery
YouTube Channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UCBpIm-Uu3b0SzkVUSmPjWhw

No. 2450652

>is it cause i'm middle eastern
Isn't acidbathcat Pakistani though?
And what was this ask in response to? What happened?

No. 2450674

Is that why all of her stuff was deleted? Shame, I thought some of her stuff was very funny. Thank you for the update though, that's hilarious.

No. 2450741

This was a fantastic write up anon. I only remember her for her annoying as fuck fakelez posts. We need a genuine tumblr cows thread on /snow/.

No. 2450800

Not a problem! I have a good chuckle thinking about her every now and then.
I would definitely be willing to help make a tumblr cows thread on /snow/! How would we do it? I'm not sure what would qualify as a cow from tumblr though. Some users seem very milky from the way they behave, but turn out to be retards who make cringe blogposts about the minutiae of identity politics all day kek.
Unfortunately I never thought miss molly anne would delete her blog because she was so popular, so I don't have many of her posts saved for milk. I could try scrounging them up via reblogs, but it would certainly be a task.

No. 2450827

I remember how she bragged about working a million different jobs including beekeeper, working on a boat, and something to do with animals. Also I can't find it now but I remember her post about how she first wanted to get a titchop because she went to a Renaissance Faire and didn't feel comfortable in a corset but liked a loose blouse instead and I was just thinking no shit a corset's not comfortable, it's not supposed to be. It doesn't mean you have to cut your tits off over it.

No. 2450959

>grifted her followers to pay for top surgery
>The second she got the funds, she announced she had "outgrown" tumblr
I wish it had ended there and she disappeared off the internet. I would've liked her more if she just took the money and ran KEK

No. 2450981

File: 1742342586732.jpg (579.82 KB, 1080x2114, more-mollyanne-grift.jpg)

Eh. While I see where you're coming from, once an ebeggar, always an ebeggar.
She's started up a new GoFundMe to beg for 30k to cover tuition costs for a "1 year program".

No. 2450987

This reminds me of all the people who got over 60,000 in donations during the Trans genocide panic in like 2019 or 2020 and instead of spending it on the gender affirming surgery they claimed it was for they used it to go 4 years without a job kekkkk

No. 2451104

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not related to that menalez 0.2 ask but i never liked her tendency to defend Islam and straight up downplay the misogynistic culture of Pakistan and other Muslim countries

No. 2451154

I don't have any screenshots on hand but yeah I've seen people use her inbox to tattle on women committing various thought crimes several times. She's nowhere near as bad as menalez but definitely has a couple similar tendencies.

No. 2451212

File: 1742356847554.png (379.03 KB, 476x884, 777.png)

Rolling my eyes so fucking hard. "Vivian" is alive in the first place because he's male. Also way to say the quiet part out loud, that being a troon is a political statement rich white men use to stick it to their dads.

No. 2451217

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I can't perceive this as anything other than hunter schafer again. they're blending together into one person in my mind, idk if its their appearance or porn habits expressed through their clothing and makeup choices

No. 2451232

It's small (and autistic) potatoes but there's this rumour going around that musk was specifically choosing male IVF babies, but he has multiple non-tranny daughters? The reason why he has so many male children is because there's something about the IVF process that favours male sperm, It had something to do with the centrifuge or the solution they keep the sperm in. His sex wasn't paid for as a commodity, his entire life was. And I guess he's throwing that away anyway w/ trooning out.

No. 2451237

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This is so bad. I love her cats but this is indefensibly bad writing.

No. 2451257

Grimes wanted a daughter but Musk went behind her back and paid the IVF clinic to give her a son instead without her knowledge.

No. 2451265

Nta but how do we know that really happened? It sounds like something grimes would lie about to "prove" she isn't a pick-me and also place herself as the victim again, in a way that seemingly makes elon seem cool to losers (his base)

No. 2451272

this sounds like a fucking joke, i'm losing it. this might be the funniest thing in the entire thread
a woman wanting a daughter is a very straightforward thing to imagine while telling a lie to prove you're not a pickme and also boost elon's status for some reason seems more convoluted to me

No. 2451293

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Not to vendettapost but anyone else finds dreadanddespairdyke insufferable?
She's 25 and still acts like a 14 year old fujo thirstposting about Komaeda from Danganronpa and Sunny from Omori yet claims to be a lesbian.
Also, what a fucking gross answer.

No. 2451301

I feel bad for lesbians. The troon onslaught hasn't shown signs of slowing down and now they have whatever this is to contend with

No. 2451303

>literally admitting that you're vendettaposting
>failing to integrate by putting a tumblr link in every post you make

go back

No. 2451313

IVF overwhelmingly favors male sperm, you actually have to go through a more difficult process to conceive a female child.

No. 2451332

Ntayrt but that’s interesting, I would have guessed it favored females since female embryos are more hardy and resilient compared to males.

No. 2451337

It's less about IVF and more about the process of artificial insemination. because female sperm are larger, they tend to move slower, while lighter male sperm reaches the egg first.

No. 2451339

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Nta but if you didn't alter anything, what would be the approx. odds of a 50/50 "litter"? I remember sofia vergara fighting with some moid over their ivf embryos and they were both female

No. 2451468

Depends on what you define a litter as. According to this study PMID: 24602756 52.1% of babies born via IVF were male so having a 50/50 male/female ratio with 4 kids conceived via IVF would be a around 25% chance if I calculated correctly.
Having 2 female IVF babies like sofia would be a ~23% chance.

No. 2451487

That's the same as in natural conception. In humans about 105 males are born for every 100 females because having only one x chromosome makes them more likely to be genetically broken and die in the first few years of life.

No. 2451517

Yeah but apparently for different reasons. More male babies are born in natural conception because sperm lacking an X are lighter and faster at swimming. In IVF after sperm has fertilized the egg cells the fastest growing blastocysts are chosen for transfer into the uterus and most often XY blastocysts show faster rates of growth in those early stages compared to XX blastocysts

No. 2451520

Grimes has a daughter with him though.

No. 2451557

File: 1742388617215.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1125x1368, IMG_8082.jpeg)

Tired of this fail daughter nepo baby larping as a philosophical starving artist. Mummy got her a job in the art world

No. 2451559

why did you pick an actually funny/reasonable post

No. 2451563

She’s fucking miserable all the time

No. 2451800

Isn't she getting published? Imagine being an editor and getting handed this kek

No. 2452458

She's definitely stunted but she seems nice. I don't think she's a lesbian though.

No. 2452502

can you pick a less boring person to be obsessed with

No. 2452674

No. 2453404

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Radfems regurgitating pseudoscience, must be a day that ends in y.

No. 2453557

How is that pseudoscience? Women do better in marathons, swimming marathons etc. Women are also more agile. Those are all proven facts

No. 2453574

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no comment

No. 2453582

gonna think about this every time i see a carwash. regret reading this.

No. 2453808

File: 1742493247411.jpg (462.24 KB, 1080x1668, 1000028821.jpg)

When will it fucking end? When will white trannies stop getting white guilted into donating to scammers pretending to be Palestinian? I really get the feeling that Tumblr never particularly took off in the Gaza strip, so why the fuck are there suddenly so many Palestinian families with identical profiles and donation posts? I'm sick of this.

No. 2453871

>fuck you for buying badges and supporting tumblr
>has four badges, has therefore at least benefited from someone supporting tumblr

No. 2453893

Its not psuedoscience to point out that sports were invented to play to the strengths of the male body aka retarded ape strength

No. 2453895

To be fair those are the free ones from events, but still. Log the hell off if it's so horrible. I don't understand.

No. 2453897

None of those are paid ones

No. 2453910

It's clear that I spend too little time on Tumblr then.

No. 2453926

I can't blame you for that misconception, it would not be too far fetched for a tumblr user to do that.

No. 2453967


No. 2454008

I'm convinced that some of the users bitching like this are the scammers themselves

No. 2454027

Nona, is op a tranny? Can anyone confirm?

No. 2454065

Skimmed the blog, looks like an average "transmisogyny real" tumblrina. But maybe I'm blind, you have to dig through 500 e-begging posts first.

No. 2454071

File: 1742504689143.png (32.03 KB, 499x374, as a cis woman.png)

Nvm, here you go

No. 2454125

File: 1742506800880.jpg (486.36 KB, 1080x2562, guldaastan-bea-age.jpg)

Okay, thanks for the second opinion, thought I missed something obvious.

As far as I can tell, this is another tumblr retard who has no "unique" personality or interests, so she has adopted the trademark "loser young woman bitter about not being white, overcompensates by being pro-'communism', death to Amerikkka political" tumblr user subtype.
A wannabe kweer woman who is (supposedly) living in India, uses the "desi" tags and posted about attending university. She identifies as bisexual, but says she "might be lesbian, because she does not find men as attractive as women" despite blogging about her crushes on men at uni multiple times.
Doesn't have a grift fund (this, coupled with uni, tells me she is supported by her parents, middle class), but she is OBSESSED with Palestine. She has a dono tag for fundraisers and makes guilt trip posts via polls. Her method is to make a poll and include a warning not to vote in the poll without reblogging, along with information on a "verified fundraiser" from Gaza to donate to. She has also made approximately one billion posts obnoxiously navel-gazing about the situation in Palestine. What's funny to me is she seems to forget about it for a few weeks and then queues up or makes approximately 4-5 posts, reblogging those. There could be even more on her bare blog, I was mostly diving tags.
There's probably more, but I'm semi-busy and on mobile. She doesn't seem milky, unfortunately, just annoying and braindead. Also a handmaiden, but that goes without saying. Picrel confirms she is 20/21 years old.
Kek thank you, anon! My tumblr snooping skills are getting rusty. I should have done a search for "transmisogyny" and "cis".

No. 2454159

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No. 2454439

No. 2454864

File: 1742536764359.jpg (143.93 KB, 720x850, tumblr_b102f20c1157e93adbe4b54…)

Male moment

No. 2454874

KEKK this is exactly how they react when you're attracted to them

No. 2454964

tims will never know peace kek

No. 2455033

File: 1742557959453.jpeg (482.12 KB, 1125x1599, IMG_8116.jpeg)

Tumblr users love lying about dreams they had

No. 2455044

>aggressive He
>open blog
>"terfs die this blog is for faggots" title
> it's a woman obsessed with mcr
of course

No. 2455212

File: 1742569964236.png (41.17 KB, 554x334, IMG_2386.png)

Hate this piece of shit so much. This is an old screenshot from his sideblog. I’ve seen a lot of online misogyny but that first post really left me speechless

No. 2455817

Can these insufferable retards just permanently delete their accounts for good? Man, what a miserable existence he has. I feel bad for the Tumblr staff who have to put up with these rabid brain dead losers.

No. 2456223

trannies are such miserable faggots.

No. 2456247

File: 1742607533426.png (1.02 MB, 1080x1712, 456645654654645.png)

I love how you can spot troons in the wild just by seeing who says the most irrelevant unfunny jargon-laced spergout on a completely unrelated and witty post (tbf the tranny having some anime girl bullshit icon from a 90s OVA certainly helps)

No. 2456308

>pornography native to a country will be more popular among it's male inhabitants than male foreigners
how very interesting

No. 2456473

>I obviously don't doubt that aro people exist
Go back

No. 2456477

>I recall therian being used as early as 2014
Therians have unfortunately been a thing since the ‘90s
t. former idiot teenage therian

No. 2456705

why would US men read lesbian porn when it’s all over the internet for them to watch? there’s a reason animated or drawn porn is more popular for japanese men and it’s bc their actual porn is censored.

No. 2456997

Aromantic in the sense they're too repulsive to feel any connection to anyone.

No. 2457098

I honestly hope she succeeds, because fool Tumblr followers once, shame on you. Fool Tumblr users twice with the exact same scam, holy shit those are some stupid fucking followers.

No. 2457387

File: 1742677216862.jpg (104.33 KB, 720x715, 1000000022.jpg)

Is this gingermaggot?

No. 2457397

File: 1742677500440.jpg (211.46 KB, 720x1352, 1000000026.jpg)

Samefag, here's more.

No. 2457401

>nostalgic cope

Well for starters, no one back then posted about lolcow openly. Especially on tumblr. I’m hoping it’s the same retard who posts about LC and not another one doing this.

No. 2457409

KEK, lolcow's seething ex girlfriend

No. 2457413

i don’t know who this woman is, but she’s trying way too hard to be cool/nonchalantly masculine

No. 2457414

File: 1742677895676.jpg (26.74 KB, 720x326, 1000000025.jpg)

Samefag, here's another picrel.
I'm suspecting it is her.

No. 2457424

File: 1742678120527.jpg (8.93 KB, 250x223, FuKh4CQakAEBZDw.jpg)

God I hate people like this. Why the fuck do these attention seekers even use anonymous boards in the first place?

No. 2457429

Paranoid schizophrenia

No. 2457431

>attention seekers
You answered your own question kek. It's not good enough for them to just use a site, they're brain poisoned by the need for clout. Like a scrote addicted to coom.

No. 2457434

God, I wish there was a button which would eradicate every cluster B male on the planet at the same time. What is this histrionic screed

No. 2457435

More than half of incarcerated TiMs are sex offenders. They fall into that 93% male category, not the 7% female one.

No. 2457446

That's the worst part about the state deciding to use male sex offenders to punish women for petty crimes. You're pretty much guaranteed a sex offender, if you don't get a hsts . At least with russian roulette you have a chance of winning

No. 2457447

File: 1742679293909.png (7.89 KB, 494x99, 90ghost.png)

Who is "Ahmed" in this case? 90-ghost? El-Shab-Hussein? Or someone else? Palestine e-begging scams are against the ToS and I report every message they send me as spam.

Edit: Just looked into it. 90-ghost got term'd. I'm opposed to what Israel is doing in Gaza and the West Bank, but I also despise scammers who exploit tragedies and fill my inbox with spam. Inshallah.

No. 2457449

Most women in prison are mentally ill and/or survivors of sexual assault, and are serving sentences for things like property crime. Forcing them to share a cell with a male sex offender is cruel and unusual punishment.

No. 2457452

It's what peaked me, other than personal experience being parroted by thousands(/millions?) of other women who have experienced the terror of autogynephilia. It's so sadistic and impossible to comprehend, I think it causes actual "cognitive dissonance" and people shut down unless someone like joe rogan or dave chapelle (male, every-man) confirms it is happening

No. 2457454

I fear they are sadly correct kek

No. 2457455


No. 2457457

>trying too hard to be cool/nonchalantly masculine
Wahmen seriously hate other women who rest in their own power. Shut up becky bitch kek(infighting)

No. 2457459

Nta but there's nothing restful or powerful about that. Cringe bitches who are on the opposite of the spectrum to the point they develop an affectation are just as retarded.

No. 2457461

How would you prefer women typed?

No. 2457466

I don’t know what you’re seeing in that person’s post but they were typing pretty normally. I think you need to stop projecting your weaknesses on to other women who are more capable of having BDE than you

No. 2457469

File: 1742680172013.jpg (370.99 KB, 2048x1152, 3578120250.jpg)

Arguing with baiters

No. 2457489

Disagreements = baiting, uncomfortable conversations = baiting. Retardation at its finest, how do you people log on to the internet without a tard helmet and extra padding to use it?(take it to meta)

No. 2457508

File: 1742681886827.jpg (40.78 KB, 720x644, 1000000028.jpg)

Isn't arcticyarn the chick that gingermaggot was close mutuals with?

No. 2457514

I'm surprised she's still obssesed with that fat balding streamer moonmoon

No. 2457627

I'm sorry, moonmoon? As in that ancient tumblr meme about the retarded wolf?

No. 2457685

File: 1742691036705.jpg (113.72 KB, 670x908, 1000012529.jpg)

Nta but kek dae remember when they mandela-effected moonmoon from being retarded to idiotic.

No. 2457694

AYRT, YES kek, didn't op even post an apology for ableism or something. The era all of our problems began in, god bless.

No. 2457699

She still has her blog up with the same url and it's in her FAQ kek. She made a whole page on her blog just to apologize for saying retarded. I really miss that brief window in time where everyone was being a cringe retard and being kind of edgy right before everyone had to apologize a billion times over for using gay as an insult.

No. 2457710

Fucking finally that larper got btfo. Never thought that I'd say this but based staff

No. 2457723

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No. 2457728

Think this is satirical but 2015… my god it has not gotten better at all

No. 2457763

Staff has been based since they finally started term'ing troons for guideline violations. That's why you have so many posts from troons and their handmaidens screaming about "tumblr's violence against transwomen" kekk

No. 2457785

Deets on this? Was it after the CEO got threatened?

No. 2457806

That's WHY the CEO got threatened kek. Will try digging up on it soon, not at home right now.

No. 2458000

NTA but it was predestrogen who did that, right? When the whole shitstorm started I remember looking up his name and the first results were furry vore porn and screenshots of him telling other trannies to kill themselves KEK. I don't know how anyone thought he got banned for no reason.

No. 2458007

Correct! And that's because all troons LOVE to push the narrative that they were banned because evil terfs spam reported their blogs while sending them death threats. You'll also notice that while they tell people to kill themselves, that's different, because they are an oppressed minority expressing their anger at oppression, and if that makes you uncomfortable then maybe you have some biases against vulnerable transwomen to reevaluate! Men are so transparent, but tims even moreso.
I'm trying to find posts talking about it for you all right now, but I keep getting rate limited by tumblr. I guess they can tell I'm using my internet for evil kek.

No. 2458441

>need for clout
>reblogs disabled
>5 notes
She's getting so much attention from this.
I used to follow her during the elections and saw her unironically claiming the US would become nazi Germany 2.0 when Trump won. I unfollowed because her meltdown got annoying but she's something.

No. 2459197

File: 1742771988234.jpeg (306.02 KB, 1125x908, IMG_8141.jpeg)

Not this bitch who was born in the late 90’s trying to gatekeep mid to late 2000’s subcultures. You were in elementary school when this scene was happening, don’t pretend that you had any part of it. That scene was dead by the time you entered high school. Also nobody worth their salt refers to anything as “indie sleaze”

No. 2459469

i don't get women who aren't any flavor of tif that bat hard for tims, what would they do for you? call you an ungrateful tme and tell you to take the gock like a good girl. blog but i know a girl (online) who's allegedly a lesbian but she's so fucking pro tim, in fact i don't think she even mentions tifs at all.
this video is so nice to look at
are these idiots ever happy? bad if you speak, bad if you stay silent. i wish i could telepathically tell all girls to avoid tims at all costs, don't coddle them but don't express your obvious disgust either, they'll find anything to twist in their favor.

No. 2461101

File: 1742909633463.jpg (335.84 KB, 675x1183, Screenshot_20250325_083048_Tum…)

Why the fuck would tumblr recommend this dogshit

No. 2461110

>in your orbit
Someone in your circle follows or is mutuals with this person.

No. 2461119

File: 1742910625751.png (18.7 KB, 666x299, Capture.PNG)

Ashamed to admit that this made me chuckle

No. 2461151

File: 1742913710681.png (60.36 KB, 540x656, estrogenesis.png)

These people are so fucking stupid lol. OP is a "30yo trans dyke."

No. 2461405

I was just about to say this. Don't mean do this ALL the time? Now we're giving a name to people who just fuck around with no emotional attachments? I swear to fuck, these morons want to name everything.

No. 2461413

First time I heard of it. I did IVF twice and both times, I got female zygotes and only like 3-4 male options. I guess my eggs are just based by default.

No. 2461417

You know someone has a solid argument when it sounds like actual schizophrenic babble kek

No. 2461508

I like how he says all this so aggressively and smugly as if it's a good argument, or even makes any sense at all.

No. 2462051

still pissed off tumblr term'd my blog i had so many good posts on there

No. 2462070

I need this to hit the mainstream because it legitimately makes no sense
But for some godforsaken reason these bizarre incoherent posts never make it to Instagram

No. 2462654

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Tumblr leftist larpers are so fucking annoying. Why the fuck don't you then? Huh, "Rogue"?

No. 2462661

>polycule but it's just two people in a romantic relationship with each other
So just a normal relationship?

No. 2462675

From my time on Tumblr I think he's making a false equivalence between biological sex and different kinds liquids. I think other blood types means different ways of expressing one gender and the other different liquids mean non-binary shit? Actually nevermind, I have no fucking idea what he's on about. It's a stupid ass comparison because there are two sexes and all intersex disorders are still either male or female so comparing something biological and immutable to peanut oil and seawater is retarded.

No. 2463410

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yeah I’m not gonna do that

No. 2463412

That's exactly what he means but its just so retarded and not a moving argument in the slightest. Like okay?

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