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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 2408236

Post about your employment status, successes, woes, anxieties, rants, etc.

Previous: >>>/ot/1962884

No. 2408374

I'm unemployed.

No. 2408389

Me too. I wonder if I can apply for benefits despite being a landlord

No. 2408402

I got hired by an american company! I'm sorry for taking your jerbs, I know it's unfair bc I can work for half what an american would ask for and still make insane cash in my local currency, while you guys simply can't just settle for this pittance due to the cost of living. But this money is gonna change my life! I can take better care of my mom, save up for an apartment, travel the world. I'm so excited!

No. 2408415

I got hired for part time work and I've been trying to pay my dues so they'll promote me because the job market is so shit right now. One of my supervisors has told me he wants me to take over his job once he retires in the summer, but he said it so casually that I'm worried he won't actually retire. I work at an underfunded government institution so they do things like scheduling you half an hour short of when they'd have to give you flex benefits, and even when you get promoted they typically schedule you half an hour short of when you'd get health benefits. Some people have to grind for years to get promoted to full time work here, and I seriously just don't have the time to play this game anymore. It also always feels like a slap in the face to be told you're "the smartest person in this department" and they "wish we could hire 10 of you" but then be sent home early because uh oh, we can't we can't have you getting health insurance! But I feel like I'm building good connections here and proving myself, so I don't want to squander all that effort and social capital when payoff could be right around the corner. Maybe I'll make my decision in the summer depending on whether he leaves or not. I wish I'd made better choices in my early 20s, then I wouldn't have to depend on the whims of some random guy to determine my future.

No. 2408447

Back in wagie land. Thank god everyone else is having a hell of a time too right now, or else this would be my final straw. I'm getting too old to work shit jobs while other people my age are becoming senior advisory level II whatevers.

No. 2408506

Had an interview today. At a retail outlet store. They're only paying $11 per hour. And I have to be available for truck shifts, which is fine, but come onnnnnnnn. At least make it 12 for that.

No. 2408544

Any nonas work in computer science? Considering getting a CS degree but from what I’ve heard 95% of people in CS are retarded moids/trannys. Is that what it’s really like? I don’t want to deal with bellend right wing males and Liliths for the rest of my adult life nonas

No. 2408588

Me. I have around 7 years of professional experience.
Never had to work with a tranny but I'm one of the lucky ones and I dread the day that might change. I have worked with two moids I think were right wing in separate occasions but thankfully it never became an issue or a topic. The companies were pretty progressive so maybe they felt scared to say anything. I was mistreated by a male colleague once, it was clear to everyone that he had it in for me. He was fired 6 ish months after I was hired and I remember seeing him cry at the roof of the building that day kek.
The biggest problem I faced with colleagues were huge egos and insane deadlines. It's hard work but it's manageable and the money is very good, even now that we're going through a crisis in the field. Should you go into this field? Idk. it's becoming saturated quickly. If you do, specialize in AI or data analysis, these are probably the areas that are gonna keep growing.

No. 2408615

Honestly you should. The pay is often decent because it's a male dominated field so you should cash in on that now. There's a reason jobs like school teacher, librarian, floral, caregiver, office assistant, etc pay so low. Go make bank and steal some of that money moids love to pay themselves in a moid dominated field. It's time to infiltrate.

No. 2408645

if any nonnas could give me some advice, id really appreciate it. heres my situation: im in my last semester of college getting my bs in cs. suffice to say with everything going on right now with the saturated field, volatile job market, and emergence of ai, its tough out here. ive been applying to relevant positions but i havent heard back from any; granted, i know i need to apply more. im also minoring in what could be considered tech writing, and i have experience in tech writing (did an internship for several months).

recently i applied to a tech writing internship on a whim bc im applying to anything and everything to prepare for when i graduate. i got an offer but i dont know if i should take it. its an internship and although theres the possibility of me solidifying my place in the company in some other sector because of my degree (i spoke to them about this), the position itself is finite. i have a short amount of time to make my decision, and im just scared. if i take this, i feel like im moving farther away from cs, and i dont know if thats the smart thing to do. also if i take this offer, what if in the later months i get a callback for an interview for a job i applied for, or another opportunity presents itself? its still early in the year so idk. but this is an offer and what happens if i turn it down and get no other offers?.. i like tech writing, i like cs, but the difference is, i have no work experience related to cs (software dev is what im looking at)

theres just also my bruised ego. i've worked hard on this stupid degree and to graduate and be a company intern in a field only kind of related to my major kind of hurts, but i know how lucky i am in my given situation, so im trying to be graceful about it

No. 2408756

I am in such a pickle rn guys. My bosses found my weed pen on me, and despite it being a legal state it is against company policy to have it on the property. I had a really good excuse thankfully and they didn’t fire me straight away, just put me on suspension for a few days while they investigate with corporate. It’s something they’d typically fire immediately for but I think because department is very short staffed right now, I might have a chance at redemption. The thing is at this point I don’t actually care for the job anymore, they’re adding more responsibilities with no increase in pay and are trying to crack down on overtime, so my main worry at this point is potentially looking bad to future employers. So in order to save my ass I’m wondering if I should call them and let them know I decided to resign due to being unhappy with the current state of the job, but because I am aware of how short staffed we are, that I would be willing to discuss things with management if they want to call me back? Or should I just straight up say hey I know there’s a likely chance I’m getting fired so I’m going to resign myself, but that if they decide they do need me, to give me a call? I don’t want to give them any reason to have animosity against me.

No. 2409051

>call them and let them know I decided to resign due to being unhappy with the current state of the job, but because I am aware of how short staffed we are, that I would be willing to discuss things with management if they want to call me back?
Do this one, at least this framing gives you a little bit of leverage

No. 2409398

I had my third interview, how do I make them give me a contract already? I need to write them that I want to proceed (?) and work there but how?

No. 2409421

If you like IT/ computer stuff then go for it. Haven't stumbled upon a tranny yet, and yes there is moidery, but then again there is moidery everywhere. I've been fucked over more by female HR staff at my company than by other moid programmers. But it's important to like what you are doing.

No. 2409806


Thanks everyone. I’m really passionate about tech so I think I’m gonna do it.

No. 2414192

>be a manager
>hiring for a 4 hour shift position that includes working weekends
>blatantly say during interview process that weekends will be required
>interviewees agree to the schedule so I hire
>first week, the weekend comes
>"Y-you mean I have to work this weekend?"
THAT'S WHY I HIRED YOU RETARD QUIT PLAYING DUMB. People say whatever it takes to get the higher paid job but don't realize it isn't gonna work out if they can't meet the expectations. Like I'm just going to rollover and coddle them lol.

No. 2414330

>this thread being the most inactive compared to the fandom thread

No. 2414332

Did anyone do a study on what percent of LC's userbase are NEETs?

No. 2414386

Complaining about work gets old fast and could make me break my NDA, complaining about little shits online writing ooc fanfictions on AO3 is a little more fun.

No. 2414396

I won't hold it against you nonny, I'm happy for you. It's not your fault that we don't punish companies for outsourcing jobs without paying enough in taxes to make up for what it costs us.

No. 2414484

>started new job
>90 day probation period that they don't seem to fuck around in
>work in a department i like
>when i got hired they asked if i was willing to learn other departments
>yes, give them 2 other ones i'm interested in and that's my hard limit
>week 2
>they fucking schedule me in a department i never asked for/consented to
>i told the team lead, asked if this can be changed and that i don't have to do it
>he said he'll text the scheduling manager
>yesterday my department was down so i had to work for this department before the actual scheduled shift on tuesday
>i fucking hated it, it's too physical and i have limitations
>schedule hasn't been changed yet either
What the fuck do I do? Unironically I physically cannot do that department. They never even told me when I got hired I'd be forced to do that department if mine goes down. If they did I would have reconsidered the job offer. What do I do? I tried calling today on my day off and the scheduling lady isn't there today either and the shift is on Tuesday. What the fuck.

No. 2414530

Not a weeb or anything but I purposely hide this thread because it makes me self-conscious of my shortcomings and incompetence

No. 2416832

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Nonnies sorry for sperging but I’m getting fucking fired from a job I’ve been in for years. It’s boring as hell and it’s giving me the kick up the ass I needed to do something more meaningful,but being there has destroyed my confidence & my design portfolio is so corporate that no interesting independent brands want me. I’m so scared of being broke as fuck again too. I’ve got like a month left there, does anyone have advice or just general positivity to help with unemployment anxiety? Or you can just call me a dumb bitch for getting here in the first place.

No. 2420708

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You are not a dumb bitch anon, this shit happens! I'm unemployed right now and I promise I'm the dumber bitch for up and quitting my job with nothing lined up lol. Unfortunately I don't have any advice for your particular industry but the last thing you should do is beat yourself up for what was ultimately someone else's decision.

No. 2421490

I got offered a position as a part time social media manager for a local branch of a largish company kind of out of the blue and I don’t know if I should take it. On the one hand it doesn’t look too difficult and it would be nice to earn more money, but on the other hand I’ve been allergic to social media my whole life and have abandoned every account I’ve ever made within a month. Plus I’m supposed to post stuff to appeal to a demographic that the recruiter thinks I’m a part of but that I haven’t actually been involved with for over a decade and also don’t really want to? I don’t want to get too specific but this demographic features in lolcow threads a lot and while it can be fun to observe them from a distance, I don’t really want to interact with them. Are social media managers supposed to reply to comments or can I drop a post promoting [product] and run? I don’t mind answering concrete questions like “when is X going to come out” but I’d rather kms than spend my time monitoring a TikTok comment section.

No. 2421531

>4 hour shift position
nonna hire me PLEASE

No. 2421573

How do I tell if a job listing is a scam or not? I found a trainee accountant role that basically requires 0 experience, you only need to graduate high school. Their official website seems normal too. I dont want to get my hopes up or get caught up in some identity theft type of shit, what should I look out for?

No. 2421583

Well, for starters, does your state/locality require an accounting degree/licensure? Are the offices physical or is it remote? Check out the company name and see if you can find it linked anywhere else online and especially look to see if there's bad reviews/feedback on BBB or recruitment/employment sites like GlassDoor, Indeed, or LinkedIn (bad reviews from formal employees aren't exactly a deal breaker but a fake/scam company likely didn't go through the effort of making them). How long has the company been in business? Are they registered with the state/city? You can track down the owners (be they people or a holding company) pretty quick and see what else they own.

No. 2421593

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if only my cubicle faced the other direction. i would feel free to work on my fanfic more often and not only when everyone else in my department is out

No. 2421647

I did some digging, its supposed to be an on-site job but the location they put on the listing isnt viewable on google maps. There’s a big blur where the building is supposed to be. I also couldnt find their company on my country’s huge companies listings which has every type of company (private/small/limited/etc) on it, so I’ll write it off as a scam since too many things are suspicious. Could only find 1 employee on linkedin who apparently worked there for 12 years.

No. 2421710

i have a sixth sense for tweakers that are going to steal. i'm not against theft from large corporations. but goddamn it, why do tweakers have to come into the mom and pop shop i work in and steal shit.
yesterday, a woman came into the store and i knew she was going to steal. she tried to sell me tamales first. when i was checking out another customer, she began walking out the store with a pair of jeans OBVIOUSLY tucked under her sweatshirt. she tried to sell me tamales again. i said, "those are not your jeans. please may i see them"
"what these are mine i came in with them"
"go ahead. call the cops"
and then she ran out the store. i did call the fuckin cops and they found her and ticketed her. she had already stashed the jeans and other shit she stole.
i work in a co-op flea market and i hate that i'm responsible for vendors stock. i feel so bad whenever it happens. i work alone and a lot of these tweakers turn violent and abusive whenever i try and stop them. i don't want to get hurt all alone. i just hate fucking bag lady tweakers.
another one just came in and i followed her around the whole damn store. luckily, she was the talkative type so i didn't seem like such an asshole.

No. 2421716

What do you do if you adore your job but the pay is shit? I work in research and it is seriously the best job I’ve ever had in terms of the work environment. Coworkers are encouraging and dependable, the work is interesting, and the benefits are good too. But the pay is so bad that it makes me feel really depressed sometimes. There are chances for promotions but it feels like it takes so long. I don’t know if I should look for something else because I feel like it’s so rare to find a job you enjoy going to every day.

No. 2421742

If you're comfortable doing so, I'd say demand/ask for more pay, or start looking elsewhere honestly. You don't have to be belligerent or anything but look into what ppl doing similar work to you are making and go off of that

There's a balance between "hell environment" and "good environment" that is possible while also getting paid enough to live. If you can live off of what they're paying you, then that's good, but also bills gotta get paid somehow and you deserve to be fairly compensated for your work

No. 2421812

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Thank you so much for your kind words. Quitting without a backup plan is a necessary move sometimes, not to mention ballsy as hell. It shows you have more self respect than to stay in a situation that isn’t right. Maybe neither of us are dumb bitches kek. I hope that you find a great job soon.

No. 2421842

>got a job Nov 2023 that I was excited for
>deals a lot with accounting and finance
>thinking everything is okay for the first couple months
>stress and workload increases like crazy after new fiscal year
>try telling others my worries but am brushed off
>constantly worried about finances even if I'm not at my job
>1 year later and now I can't help but second guess myself and abilities and my autistic ass wants to leave bc I feel that I cannot handle this position
I feel like I'm trying to always save my job money but everyone around me has no qualms about spending and it's frustrating. I work in a nonprofit technically so making money isn't our end goal but I want to ensure things run without issue. I try telling myself that I cannot be so personal about it but my anxieties just keep increasing.

No. 2421931

In a similar situation and I am giving it a time limit. I'm trying to quietly accumulate skills and take on projects that I know will help me get hired elsewhere if I choose to leave because it's a win win. I prove my ability to learn, which hopefully boosts my odds of promotion, but if they don't give me one, I have a backup plan to go somewhere else. It sucks because I like my job, I like my coworkers, and I even like my commute, but I don't like any of it enough to keep flirting with the poverty line. Granted, I work for a nonprofit, so it kinda comes with the territory.

No. 2422092

Thank you both for the advice!

No. 2425845

My workplace is mostly staffed by women and gay men. A straight male manager referred two other straight males to our department. The first one has a masters in our specific field (which is unusual), and our industry is very small. Everyone knows each other. Best not to fuck up. Well, he fucking quit. Wtf is he gonna do now lol. Anyway, he sucked at his job, so I was glad to see him go. Numnuts #2 also has a masters, but he’s dumb as shit and tries to get others to do his work for him. I imagine this manager is going to look pretty stupid when this guy also quits or gets fired. Whenever we hire women, they’re (almost) always smart and dedicated. Men must get special treatment because how do you get a masters and referrals to jobs while being a complete moron. Male stupidity rant over.

No. 2425849

I used to think getting a masters was crazy hard, but more and more men are absolute inbred morons. Women should be running more work places because men always try to get out of it and passing the grunt work onto us.

No. 2425855

I wish I could encourage you better, nonna. I am in a similar position. I also do tax stuff and tax season is just so insane honestly. I work like crazy and then I get tired and I just know I'm gonna make a big mistake somewhere.
Anyways, know what it like. I hope it gets better for you somehow.

No. 2426046

I feel like this is common knowledge to anyone who isn’t too misogynistic to admit it. Women work harder and get less credit, whereas men get credit just for showing up. I’ve known multiple men who said they’d only hire women if HR would let them get away with it.
Sometimes asshole bosses will hire a bunch of capable women and then give one position away to a buddy of theirs, knowing that he won’t have to work very hard and his female colleagues will pick up the slack. At my last workplace all the women were randos from all over with good resumes and experience, whereas all the men were locals who knew the boss personally.

Unfortunately my experience in my field (biomedical research) is that women who make it to leadership positions tend to be even harsher on other women than the men are. They often have a “I had to go through hell to claw my way up here so you should too” mentality. Worst case scenario they see other women as competition.

No. 2426066

I hate being working class while having misophonia. It is hell

No. 2426070

i knew a guy who was getting his masters and he played genshin impact on his phone all day while the undergrads did all of the work for his thesis for him. it’s not hard if you’re a scrote

No. 2426074

try listening to some asmr to relax

No. 2426347

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guys if you had to choose right now would you choose accounting or information systems as a degree? im getting to the point where i need to decide because the classes are different but im struggling. i genuinely think im pretty decent at accounting but i hear its super stressful. damn, I just want a normal, not miserable, not stressful office job… if I have to go back to retail ever again i might shoot myself atp

No. 2426366

>Unfortunately my experience in my field (biomedical research) is that women who make it to leadership positions tend to be even harsher on other women than the men are. They often have a “I had to go through hell to claw my way up here so you should too” mentality. Worst case scenario they see other women as competition.
I hate this mentality, I experienced it when I worked in a construction-related field too. Hopefully it will become less common when new blood fills their positions.

No. 2426384

A friend from high school got a high-paying IT job with no degree and only Wal-Mart experience, all he had to do was have someone else set up lunch between him and the hiring manager. I have never heard of something like that happening to a woman. Networking is beneficial to everyone but I swear it's so much more easy to get your foot in the door as a man.

No. 2426455

information systems maybe? both seem like they'd be annoying as fuck but from what i've heard accounting can be very stressful with long hours

No. 2426492

They both sound terrible

No. 2426494

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scheduled to work with my mean coworker on fridays and sundays this month but at least i get saturdays, mondays and tuesdays off. from now on if anyone asks me to cover their shift i'll only do it if it's not with her. i'm not asking for special treatment or anything, just basic manners like "please" and "thank you" would be enough. she seems literally incapable of feeling any emotions other than frustration and annoyance. i get it, you hate your job, no need to make it my problem. asshole

No. 2426496

what would be less annoying to you then? theres just not a lot of options cause im at community college

No. 2426538

logging back into my call-center job.. I work until 11 PM… 3 hours and 30 minutes left… I wish I would get a raise or find a job that pays more. No matter where I work, I'm always going to want something better or different. FML

No. 2426566

Both are good choices since they're typically housed in business departments and so the classes are fairly easy. Business departments also tend to have better connections to industry. I feel like information systems has an easier pathway into PhD programs and research if you're into that sort of thing. Accounting will also probably include more math and information systems will include more stuff about databases, so if you can't decide, pick whichever your strengths lean.

No. 2426581

Accounting. I was about to write an essay, but I’ll just leave it at saying the IT job market in the 2020s has been a dumpster fire for new grads. Accounting math is elementary school level. The difficulty of an accounting program depends on the school. Schools with high CPA pass rates for undergrads have tough classes. Finance degrees are easier than accounting and the typical role is probably slightly less stressful, but I'm not knowledgable about the current job market for Finance grads. In both fields, only certifications and a bachelor's are what matter to get the office job you want. The highest relevant degree is a master's. Research and PhDs are irrelevant unless you’re trying to stay in academia.

No. 2426753

thank you for the input i think ill like accounting, ive already taken 2 classes for it, i just worry all the entry level jobs will be slave labor and exploitation of my inexperience… but thats pretty much all entry level jobs i guess. sigh

No. 2427048

i am so angry at myself for not getting my dream job. i did three interviews, ultimately they went with someone with more experience. i should've tried harder, prepared more. it would've changed my life. i even had multiple people at the company vouching for me and i fumbled it. now i'm back to square fucking one.

No. 2427056

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Since so many feds have been getting fired from their jobs, does any Burger nona know what this might mean for contractors? I'm a contractor and even I got the stupid DOGE e-mail on my @gov e-mail. My company still told me to reply, saying this doesn't apply to me, but I didn't. lmao If they run this crap through AI and the AI gets me fired just by virtue of having a @gov e-mail this will be ridiculous.

No. 2427536

manager tried to talk me into doing extra task for no pay. funny how they can hire a contractor to do this job but when it comes to asking anyone in the department, no mention of any raise or compensation. position that typically does this job gets paid 75k+ salary. then she mentioned that i can bring it up in my review to get a raise. 8 months before we get our review. im not doing extra shit for no pay and might not even get a raise for it after working on it for 8 months. fuck off.

No. 2427808

Don't reply. Be aware that it was sent out to people who it wasn't meant to go to. Their were judges who got that stupid e-mail. There are already multiple districts working on the legal aspects of this. If you respond to the e-mail it can be taken as you agreeing with them. You may also be violating regulations, even if your superiors give you verbal permission to do so. You can consult a lawyer if you feel you need to. You may want to look for work elsewhere in the meantime just in case. I'm sorry for all the stress you must be feeling.

No. 2427864

im 31 and am finally eligible for benefits and health insurance at my full time job, after years of just working two part time jobs without insurance. everything is very confusing and i have never felt so out of my element before trying to make decisions. why is this so deliberately confusing?

No. 2428507

I've been at my job for nearly 4 years and I still feel like I'm not part of the team. I work a desk job for a jewelry and my office is in the next building for various reasons and I'm stuck alone there all day long, I only see my coworkers on the morning, at lunch break and in the evening. I lose a lot of time just by having my office not in the same building, communication is hampered by having to phone my coworkers instead of just talking to them and asking for help is harder. I'm also insanely jealous of the little cliques there, I have no close coworkers, all the ones who genuinely care about me have long left or they are in the other shop, nobody even remembers my birthday. My therapist has recommended that I should really get a new job since it's giving me anxiety, but I have low self-esteem and I feel like I'll never find another job.

No. 2429080

management saying shit to other people that i work so hard and they like how i do this and that. like lmao first time ive heard of this bullshit. i work so hard that my reward is giving me more responsibility of shit i dont want in the first place. i guess i need to start half assing and not knowing how to do shit now.

No. 2429180

Nonna isnyour workplace big enough for an HR? Sometimes HR has someone who can walk you through some things

No. 2429191

Me when I have the extreme urge to call off because my job won’t listen to my availability (that they hired me for) and my mental and physical is now suffering because of it. But if I call off, it’s going to fuck over someone and I’m still new at my job.

No. 2429194

I still haven't replied and I'm not going to, but lmao my company actually sent another e-mail the other day now telling people NOT to reply. This is just a mess. Screw DOGE and screw Elon. They're playing with people's lives.
>You may want to look for work elsewhere in the meantime just in case. I'm sorry for all the stress you must be feeling.
Yeah I probably should be because I've seen several people around me already laid off. I'm not bothering much because I don't believe it will work out well with this being my first job and only having several months of experience from it so far but I do also want to use it as a chance to look for something outside of the US. I'm a dual Euro citizen so I have a slight edge in looking for jobs in EU countries.

No. 2429229

on one hand theyve given me new tasks and seem to need more people. on the other i feel like half my team wants to explode me, more than just feel. other half nice and helpful. i know im paid a lot less than at least a few but im unsure my worth.

No. 2429244

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I've had to stay late at the office several times over the last few weeks and I hate it. I mean, I like getting paid overtime, but my company expects its employees (especially higher level) to have no life outside of work. I have seen people getting two double shots of espresso at the coffee machine in the mornings. My coworker said she worked until 1 in the morning last night, and when I was like "I'm sorry, that sucks" she just responded "eh, I'm used to it". If I ever have to work that late, I'm getting another job. What makes the whole situation even worse is that the office is located in a place you can't get to with public transit, so people have to drive home tired all the time. I wonder how many employees have fallen asleep at the wheel because they were stuck in a stupid meeting past midnight.

No. 2429254

jfc, what kind of job do you work nonna?

No. 2429256

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Damn anon, I feel for you. I had to start being an asshole and putting my foot down at work. People would ask me for shit right after I was scheduled to go home, so I'd straight up be like "Sorry, my shift ended fifteen minutes ago." Is it necessarily a "good look"? No, but the retention rate is so shit where I work, they can't necessarily afford to be picky kek. Plus I hold myself to a high standard of work quality in all other capacities, so they'd be nuts to complain. I've even trained new people despite it not being part of my job description (I like giving directions to others so it's fine kek).

No. 2429277

It's in the home goods / interior design sphere. I usually hear about tech companies having these kinds of problems though.

I give them a hard cutoff time for most days. To be fair, my boss does ask if I'm ok with staying late on the days where there's a lot to get done, and she's respected the times I said no. I'm normally very efficient so I usually get what I need to done in an 8 hour work day. I'm still scared of it becoming an expectation that I stay late though.

No. 2430345

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What career should I go back to school for if I'm genuinely miserable at STEM fields but don't want to be replaced by AI? Is UX still worth it or is anything tech-related risky right now?

No. 2430819

sounds like management is unhappy i dont want to do extra work and change my location while there are other people who offered and volunteered. yet theyre unhappy because they were expecting that i will just willingly do it. like the fuck? literally had other people who offered.

No. 2431003

left my job after getting put on a pip and realizing there was no way i was going to improve and now i'm terrified of getting another job because my fear that i'm actually bad at everything and have no self awareness has been proven correct. I was good at my other two jobs but they were unusually low-stress environments, and this job wasn't even particularly hard so I feel extra retarded (thx audhd) I'm terrified of rinsing and repeating dead-end jobs that I'll be no good at for the rest of my life and dying impoverished. Frankly I don't even know how I'll have the energy to work 40 hours someday, 33 was already pushing it for me. I feel absolutely worthless.

No. 2431016

cried for the first time about not being able to find a 9-5 corporate job after getting a piece of paper like society told me to. I don't want to give up but I can only cry and cry.

No. 2431058

Anyone else unemployable?

No. 2431098

Sadly, 4 years and counting here.

No. 2431134

It's been 5 years for me…they can't stop me…

No. 2431280

i got back from living abroad for a year almost a year ago and have so far had 0 luck getting a job lmao. even the government assistance program says they can't help me because of how fucked our job market is here

No. 2432938

Apparently someone complained about me at work that I rush them too much so I had to hear a long spiel from my boss about slowing down and being more "friendly" in my messages to them. I don't see what I would have messaged to come across as pushy and unfriendly whatsoever. I simply drop in asking them for an update, because they barely provide any and I have my own deadlines that are expected of me. I don't want to look like someone not doing anything by own bosses. Boss said he knows I have pure intentions and that I didn't mean it. Well, whatever in that case. I'll just stick to calling them if they feel so easily "pressured" then, like my boss suggested.

No. 2433099

I have been working in a library for 6 years.

> what I absolutely love

The entire job and what a good mix of organisational and social it is. My team are the greatest bunch of people ever and I met one of my best friends through working in libraries and she is my wife forever and ever. How supportive and iconic the women who are older are, they are like second aunts and mothers and one of them in particular stands up for us, especially me and the two other younger women working here. How autism friendly the job is and how a lot of our clientele are wholesome. Getting to see library users grow up alongside us, both families and their children. I will never forget the dad who came in three years after I got his daughter hooked on The Hobbit to tell me she's addicted to reading and adores it now. The lives we have changed by being accessible to everyone and anyone.

> what I absolutely detest

biggoted scrotes, especially the mentally unwell ones who come in and are relentlessly sexist and harass us for being young women. How long it takes a ban to be processed and how much trauma myself and colleagues have been through as a result. People who do not understand that we don't get to update the main website but blame us if the website team haven't updated it when opening hours change. People who return books with literal shit in (it's happened twice)

No. 2433103

No. 2433143

This same question has been asked 100000 times on Reddit, maybe you could find something there.

No. 2433208

Me too I studied communications but I need a bachelors instead of an associates, am genuinely terrible at stem and afraid prospective jobs will be replaced by ai

No. 2433343

KEK this is what I've been up to for 5 years, just switching from USA to Europe and back. It's like employers cannot believe you would have a life outside of work and that if you had any breaks from working in your life, that you must have something wrong with you, so they don't even bother giving you an interview. I hate modern society kek.

No. 2433646

Misophonia and overstimulation feels like a hot iron cattle prod to your bare skin and it is inescapable. Do you think you’re funny or cute saying some shit like this.

No. 2433669

Do you work at a public library. Mine is crawling with homeless tweaker moids who hit on female employees (so 99% of staff). It's to the point a coworker suggested I buy a fake wedding ring to use as an excuse because it happens so often. It wasn't like this at all in the academic library I used to work at, so I wonder if it's a pattern. Archives are very peaceful because it's just grad students and people interested in genealogy, but those roles are so competitive…

No. 2433733

i absolutely hate working in medical, do any nonas have any degree recommendations that have a high chance of being remote or hybrid? i really want to do administrative work

No. 2433895

I see a lot of remote medical coding jobs. Maybe look into that? Not sure if they pay well though

No. 2434316

dont do it if you have any passion for the field it will destroy you

No. 2434945

Nonna you aren’t worthless. Our worth as living beings isn’t how rich we can make employers. I’m on a PIP right now too kek and felt like a failure at first, but this board taught me they happen a lot and it’s pushed me to move onto a new part of my life instead of stagnating in a job I don’t like. AuDHD played a big part in mine too. We may be retarded, but so is the system. It’s about finding a way that works for you. Consider all your options (similar job or career change, temp work etc) and don’t let negative self talk keep you from trying. Be kind to yourself, you’ll figure it out.

No. 2434948

Also, you’ve already been good at two jobs! So you know that you can do it again. If you need low stress environments, that’s just part of who you are and there’s nothing wrong with it. There will be other places like that out there.

No. 2435459

Nonna you're so right, I do work in a public library with homeless tweaker moids who hit on us, especially myself and my best work friend as we are the youngest and they are shallow and disgusting. We had an old coworker who like yourself used to work in an academic library and I don't blame her leaving for another archival library after a year….it's so rough here now. Has it gotten worse for you since the pandemic? We had issues before but we literally now get a dangerous shitty man every week or two and have to get ban forms sorted. I have had two different men (both the former description) try to follow me home, one was so bad I reported it to the police. I hate how common this is, just let library staff do their job and don't fucking take advantage that we're paid to be helpful by giving us overt demands that compromise our sanity and safety……

No. 2435484

I was still in the academic library ecosystem when COVID hit, but my coworkers tell me things here have gotten worse with the homeless population even though head count has decreased overall. Now we have to have bed bug sniffing dogs walk through twice a year because it has been a problem before and we are all paranoid about the furniture. It just sucks because our children's programming is popular and fun, but no one wants to drop their kids off at a library people joke is like a homeless shelter with books. I've had some scary encounters too. One time, cops did get involved because some tweakers followed me to my car and tried to block me from getting inside to leave and a coworker saw and immediately phoned it in. They also get into fights all the time and our security has to break it up. I did expect it to be different from academic libraries, but the difference between sleepy hungover college kids who study quietly on their laptops and two homeless dudes cussing each other out in the lobby is really stark. And the terrible pay adds insult to injury. I really believe my "calling" is to work in archives and special collections, but the ROI for an MLIS is so bad that it just doesn't make financial sense to me. But I also can't bring myself to leave libraries because there are so many things about it that I love and feel so passionate about. It is very bittersweet.

No. 2435529

Nona are you literally me. I’ve also worked in public libraries for 6 years and I have such mixed feelings about it now. It’s the best job I’ve ever had, but I’m so fed up with the patrons and especially the men. Our patrons are very rude and needy and they often monopolize our time. They harass us and demean us and it really does get traumatizing. There are definitely moments that make it all worth it, like you said watching customers grow up alongside you and the people who are genuinely thankful to be provided resources and information, but it’s been really rough the last few years. We’ve had a huge surge in the homeless population and there’s really nowhere for them to go. I hate how libraries have been touted as the solution to homelessness and social issues on social media, and people who get off on being martyrs will lecture you about “this is what happens when you work with the public!” If you dare complain about how hard and frustrating it is lol. So many homeless customers are aggressive and violent, and they smell bad which is hard for staff and other customers to be around them. It also feels like a disservice to push these people who genuinely need help to librarians, who aren’t trained social workers and shouldn’t have to be, when the best we can do is google a shelter and a bus route for them. My biggest complaint about my job right now is I hate being an IT person for morons who don’t know their passwords and a social worker for people who need so much more than what I can give them. I miss being a librarian and doing reference questions. Maybe academic libraries is where it’s at lol. Best of luck to you!
Sending love to you, fellow librarian nona! Public libraries are really so hard, and no one believes that they’re as crazy as they are. We had a nasty old moid masturbating at our location who we had to call the cops on and multiple foot fetish incidents. Staff has been punched and had furniture thrown at them by schizos (at different locations not mine) and it’s so stressful. I feel you, libraries feel like my calling and I have so much love for them, but the public library setting is evil, as long as there aren’t places that actually serve the needs of the homeless and tweakers to keep them out of our hair lol. I went back to school for my bachelors because I wanted to get my MLIS, but who knows where it will take me now. I’m so burnt out on this job. I hope to see you and the other nona in the archives one day!

No. 2435583

My job is so unpredictable, some weeks i get 1 shift and the next 6, my manager wants me to work 4 days a week which is ideal for me but her manager doesn't want them to use the part timers at all becuz muh wage costs.

It pisses me off so bad, i've been at this company for 3 years!! I'm the only reliable part timer and i do my job well but hiring me permamently is unthinkable apparently even though they ovbiously need the extra staff. I don't get it. I would get another job but this is the only job i've had that i don't dread, and they are very understanding and accommodating to my health issues. The hourly pay is also better than similar jobs but what does that help if i only get 8 hours a week sometimes. Blah.

No. 2435591

Eat a dick

No. 2435595

I’m disabled but got denied disability by an asshole judge who my lawyer straight up told me I basically have zero chance getting approved by because he’s never awarded disability to anyone under like 55-60. and my mom is suggesting I try moving to Nevada and being a hooker at a brothel. She knows there are no actual jobs I can do. Feels like I should off myself.

No. 2435642

auto insurance claims will take anyone with a pulse or try call centers for big companies like amazon or food delivery apps, they are disability friendly and often work from home, all you need is a headset which you can buy on credit and write off later on your taxes. you can also try buying vintage at thrift stores and resell for more online before becoming a prostitute. i think your mom is just being nasty and kicking you while your down. being a prostitute would put you on a downward trajectory for sure, which if she hates you and is jealous is probably wants for you just to feel better about herself. i hate parents like that. hoping for the best for you nonna

No. 2436589

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i just wanted to say that i really appreciate this thread, nonas. it's reassuring to know that i'm not alone in feeling that i'm unemployable and not cut out for work in general. it's crazy how remote work is dying and looked down upon by most but i feel like i would thrive if i could just work at home without anyone around me. i'm a nurse who's severely burnt out from patient care and clique-y workplaces.

No. 2437583

If you want to leave the practitioner side of healthcare could probably get into medical billing as an auditor since you already have a lot of healthcare experience and it wouldn’t be too much of a pay cut

No. 2438323

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I’m getting laid off soon and I managed to get a phone screening this afternoon for a position I really want. I used office highlighters to draw a rainbow caterpillar. I am going to look into her kind, benevolent eyes to achieve a zen mindset during the call. You all are welcome to also gaze upon my caterpillar for good luck in job hunting.

No. 2438324

Thank you for this gift, nonna. Your caterpillar, she is very cute. May she give me the strength I need, and you the job you want.

No. 2438326

Your caterpillar is the pinnacle of beauty nonna, good luck with your endeavours

No. 2438347

praising the caterpillar for good luck in job hunting

No. 2438351

I love her. Thank you for sharing I feel like things will be okay now

No. 2438352

i feel so lost. i was working towards a library masters but i feel so burnt out and mistreated after working in a few public libraries. is it worth it to continue to try to get into different kinds of libraries that aren't public ones?

No. 2438358

Knowing what I know about the whole library/archival scene, you will probably get treated less like shit in an academic library with less chances to be stabbed by tweaker too.

No. 2439082

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I've lost track of how many interviews I've had over the past 10 months. Rejected from every single one. I've read books, listened to podcasts, watched lectures on how to present myself as professional and capable during an interview, but not a single one has been in my favor. It's always, "We've found someone more qualified for the job." Then why are these interviewers telling me DURING the interview that I'm OVERQUALIFIED for the job? I have a fucking Master's degree for Christ's sake. AND I've worked 3 years in my field until I was laid off because the economy is fucked.

I am actually going to be homeless in a couple of months. I'm down to my last savings. I have no family and I'm not going to burden my friends in this way. Today's rejection might have honestly been the last straw.

tl;dr I am unemployed and fucked. Nonnas, is there something I can do to actually get hired? I have done pretend interviews with my friends and they say there's nothing wrong with my behavior. I'm more than qualified for the positions I'm applying to. I don't believe in good luck versus bad luck but this is starting to feel like something completely out of my control. Is this bad luck? Is there something I can do to fix this?

No. 2439084

You might have to swallow your pride and get a shitty job in the restaurant business, anything to keep making money and to stay off the streets. So sorry this is happening nonnie and I hope you can find a good job soon.

No. 2439088

I used to work as a housekeeper and a custodian, back before Covid. Since summer of 2024 I have applied to multiple housekeeping and custodial jobs, but I was only interviewed by one company and I was rejected after that.
None of this is making any sense to me. I appreciate the advice though, and if I sound uptight or on edge in my post it's because I am. I'm at the end of my rope. Unexpectedly though I have a better understanding of what a lot of anons are going through in this thread.

No. 2439089

I think when you apply for lower jobs you should omit the fact that you have a masters degree and your bachelors if it's some wagie job. It might improve your chances.

No. 2439092

If you’re landing that many interviews but are always rejected, something is up. Maybe try the alumni career center of your universities (i don’t know if all schools have them but mine does) and see if you can get an appointment with someone who can do a mock interview with you or something, or just offer you an unbiased opinion.

No. 2439155

Highly recommend academic libraries if you want a similar library experience, just with less drama. Special libraries and archives are good if you're weak with customer service skills and have another interest you can leverage (i.e., history, law, medicine). However, in my experience, most people who specifically gravitate towards public libraries but then get burnt out try to pivot to school libraries and usually end up a lot happier. Doubly true if they already worked with youth in public libraries. The problem with public librarianship is that it is underpaid, thankless work. And the thing that makes public libraries so uniquely special – that they're accessible to anyone in the community – is also what can make them terrible places to work, particularly if you're working in a community riddled with problems like poverty and drug abuse. Every single other type of library has some sort of hard barrier to entry that whittles down patrons to a manageable population that is there for a specific reason. Of course, librarianship as a whole is a struggling field, and every type of library has unique issues (like tenure track academic librarians being treated and paid worse than professors, archives and special collections being super competitive and poorly paid, etc.), but disliking public libraries doesn't necessarily mean you should give up if you still think you might like it. Easier said than done, but if you can, I'd recommend working in another type of library to see if you prefer it.

No. 2439189

seconding this, back when I was a manual labor wagie I overheard managers making fun of and rejecting people's applications for having degrees in fields they considered "above" the job. I knew it happened, but I guess I always thought they'd at least have the decorum to do it quietly

No. 2439223

I've got an associates degree in comms. Should I swallow my pride and go back to school at almost 30 even though I really don't want to, or should I try for an actual job with an associates? It seems like everyone in the PR industry wants at least a bachelors and I fucked up by not continuing my education.

I don't want to work wagie for much longer. It's making me suicidal. I even love my coworkers despite my company sucking and having no ethics, it's just that I want better for myself, the monotony kills me, and if I don't get out I will end my own life. I only resorted back to wagie work because I had a mass mental breakdown phase where I was off my meds for years. Now I feel above it. I'm just very bad with rejection and very awkward in interviews, but I figure searching is better than crying my ass off everyday of my life from the emptiness and dissatisfaction

No. 2439231

I love my job because it’s a mainly women’s/teen girl clothing store with a small men’s section so 99% of customers are super sweet women and girls but I cannot fucking stand autistic moids and how they’re allowed out in public without a leash or caretaker. All of the autistic women I’ve met are very sweet and even if they don’t pick up on social cues they don’t spend 30+ minutes trying to have a conversation with you that you’re clearly trying to end but can’t because you’re in a customer service position. All men and by extension especially retarded men are coddled as fuck and anytime they do anything wrong or make someone uncomfortable it’s ’he didn’t mean it he’s autistic!’ meanwhile autistic girls are judged and ridiculed for anything outside of social norms so they either become complete recluses/really shy or manually restrain themselves in conversations/with strangers. I swear to god I had like 8 customers today and two of them were autistic men trying to show me their sonichu-tier self published prolife comic and the same dude that comes in every day to awkwardly make small talk for 30 minutes and never buys anything. 99% of the time it doesn’t bother me/I always make an effort to talk to people especially the elderly because they’re usually lonely and looking for someone to socialize with but Jesus fucking Christ no man ever is taught proper boundaries and I almost fucking lost it today after spending all day gathering security footage because another retarded manchild tried to assault women/push them into dressing rooms in our fucking store last week it’s not customer service that’s killing me its fucking moids and their lack of accountability

No. 2439253

I quit my healthcare job because my coworkers were toxic, I kept getting sexually assaulted on my commute (I live in a large city and took the train bc I don’t drive), i was being overworked and not paid enough for it, and my company was really slow to give me disability accommodations for an injury I had outside of work. Now I’m unemployed and I feel a little lost and directionless. Healthcare is not my dream but I chose this field because it seemed like a secure field for financial stability. If they didn’t pay me shit I would’ve stayed but I just couldn’t take it anymore. I loved being guaranteed a paycheck as long as I clocked in, and they had good benefits. I’m looking at other administrative healthcare jobs and they seem interesting but my self esteem has taken a blow now that I’m unemployed and disabled. Even tho my injury will heal soon, I’ve lost motivation and just wanna be a loser bum for a while. I feel burnt out and almost traumatized by my old workplace. It was such a hell hole. Idk if I need therapy or what but I just wanna stay unemployed.

No. 2439257

It's not really the best time to be looking for a job now anyways. If you can get by on disability for a while, improving your credentials toward a department that allows you to avoid rude staff is probably a good idea

No. 2439267

god everyone is so bitter and spiteful towards each other, as if it's unthinkable that they could ever be in a similar position.

No. 2439323

Men are supposed to be slapped as children because they need physical stimuli to understand simple boundaries.

No. 2439750

I’m in the exact same boat, anon. Masters degree, several years of experience, get invited to an interview where they praise my CV then receive a generic rejection email claiming they went with someone more qualified. I have Asperger’s so that probably puts people off, but at the same time people assure me that I don’t come off particularly spergy in interviews. I apply to entry level retail and housekeeping positions too but they never get back to me. On one occasion when I called to follow up they told me point blank that they’re not going to hire someone with a degree like mine because I’m “just going to leave for something better in a few months”. Years later I’m still unemployed.
Don’t qualify for autismbux either, because I could work if hypothetically someone were to hire me. It’s just that no one will.

Could it be that your field is prone to nepotism and bureaucratic fuckery? One major problem in my field is that everyone prefers to hire their friends but, since most of these institutions take government funding, they are required to make the job listings public and interview people even when they’ve already decided months ago that they’re going to hire Dave’s buddy Steve from grad school. I’ve witnessed multiple rounds of this at my last job where they got 200-300 applications for each position and had to interview a dozen people who they knew they weren’t going to hire because they’d already decided on someone else. Even if some of the interviewees were objectively better qualified than Steve, they’d already promised Steve! And he’s so funny! It’s extremely demoralising. One woman who interviewed me was super enthusiastic about me during the interview and personally called me to apologise for having to turn me down. She sounded genuinely sad and remorseful on the phone and I can’t help but wonder if this was one of those situations where she would’ve preferred to hire me but was stuck with Steve instead.

No. 2440425

this new manager is such a bitch. whenever someone asks a question, she gets so annoyed and acts like they're so stupid for not knowing and is always giving off "im telling you this and i am right so stop questioning me. google it yourself"
which is fucken ridiculous because she's constantly asking stupid questions herself also. on top of the nonstop blabbering about irrelevant shit all the time.

No. 2441561

I got a new job and it's temp-to-hire but everyone already expects me to be hired and I'm essentially just waiting down a retirement clock for the person I'm replacing. Even though it's the work I asked not to do, it's the part I can handle without accommodations.
I'm also farther from takeout and have to walk into work which is improving my mental health. I hops things continue to be this way and hope all nonnies get a good job for them as well.

No. 2441638

NTA, but most managers in those kinds of jobs are the type of people who barely passed high school and started their careers when they were 16. I assume they probably got called losers a lot for their low education, so it probably makes them feel like they are punching up when they see people with more education than them struggling to utilize their education and still having to work wagie jobs. Not defending them, they just need to learn to have more empathy and realize there's more ways than one to struggle.

No. 2441713

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Nonnies, the rainbow caterpillar worked. I did great in my phone screening, got immeditaely invited same week for a zoom interview, I did that today and I think I did extremely well, and then today at close of business I got a response that they are moving me forward to the last round of interviews, even though previously I was told to not expect news about that until the start of next week. My final interview is next week. I wonder how many people I'm up against? Being told-same day I'm being moved forward seems like a very good sign. I just need to blow them out of the water in the in person interview.
This job is perfect for me in every single way, I don't want to count my chickens before they hatch, but my god this would be a beautiful, beautiful chicken.

Please send me good vibes for next week nonnies. I need this so much.

No. 2442048

>pre crash
>Was always able to get a job in a week, two tops
>Jobs Always paid $20/hour or more
>Economy crashed
>Go to not 1 but 2 staffing agencies
>Both tell me "if we don't hire you for this we'll help find you another position"
>It's been a month and not a peep
>Multiple other job interviews just to hear nothing back, from ass wiping to everything else
>Job rejections left and right even to restaurants

What on earth is happening

No. 2442195

Start a shoe shining business.

No. 2442419

What industry/general location? Could be a staffing issue there or a balloon of people in that field. I'm in finance and have gotten quite a few and hospitals are desperate for whatever they can get if you look

No. 2442955

I live in a capital that's next to a massive military base, so there's an influx of the fired vets and federal workers looking for work too

No. 2443016

Same anon, I went to two job interviews yesterday, both of them told me "they'll put me on the schedule" and I hear nothing back from either.

No. 2443330

Irritated as fuck. Job tried telling me I can't wear a certain type of clothing item despite it saying on various sources, then they gave me the same dress code sheet I had before literally saying I can wear the thing. I have so much proof and yet my store is being so retarded about it because no one knows about my department and we have no manager for my department.

No. 2449494

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Applied for a job on 2 Fridays ago and heard back almost immediately. Had a video call interview the Monday after where the interviewer said that actually the business is a startup/still working out the kinks but I'm exactly the kind of employee they're looking for. "You'll hear back from us by Friday" yet I didn't feel excited since there was no verbatim "You've got the job." Friday comes, I sent a follow up email, and now it's Monday again with no answer. I was cautiously optimistic about it being a startup but bullet dodged I guess? Just sucks since they were the only place to get back to me and it was sort of in my field

No. 2451168

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Nonnies I need help! Should I go into legal administrative assistant or just general administrative? I know I want to work in an office, but I can't decide which one will be better in the long run, I am leaning more towards legal administrative. Anyone here work as an administrative assistant give me some insight please?

No. 2451174

I work six days a week, not even because I financially need to, but because my job will fire me if I don't. So I need to find a new job but I am so God damn tired from work that when I come home I have to drag my sorry butt over to the computer so I can jobs search. And then all my older coworkers are snippy at me because I'm tired and make mistakes. FML IDK what to do…

No. 2451208

I’m pretty sure men are more likely to lie on their resumes too so that could be another reason. Also less likely to feel ashamed in asking for promotions. That kind of unashamed confident attitude helps in almost any job

No. 2451635

I had my 1st job interview this morning and they just called me to tell me that I passed the 1st round! I honestly thought I did like shit because I was stuttering a lot and my mind went blank when it was my turn to speak (it was a group interview), so I wasn't expecting a call back at all.
I have an in person interview tomorrow, this time on my own, hopefully I'll do better. I do think they'll probably hire the other girl who was in the group meeting today but at least this will give me some experience for future job interviews.

No. 2453974

Samefag,the job interview went well! I was a bit nervous going in but the woman that I talked to was really nice and talkative so I felt comfortable really quickly. I'm not holding my breath waiting to get called because the other girl that was interviewed did really well in the group one so she probably aced the individual one too kek but I'm happy with how I did. I don't really mind getting this job so I won't be too disappointed if I don't get it, just sent my CV for the laughs. The extra income would be nice though.

No. 2453981


That depends on your location, but usually I would suggest to specialise into legal. People seem to be happier to employ specialised people in a variety of roles, than generalised people. So it might be easier to get from legal to general, than the other way round. Does that make sense?

No. 2454110

I watch animals and children and I love it but people can be so disrespecting of time and always want to haggle for the care of their loved ones. I need more gigs so I’m going to have to advertise myself soon which is a pain. Going to be suicidal when I need more reliable income and can’t make such good money.

No. 2454450

Whenever I hear people my age working at big tech or some big investment firm raking in 200k-300k I get severely depressed. For my field I'd be lucky to hit 3 figures even with a graduate degree. Growing up we get told to become doctors or lawyers but I always knew that the amount of education, debt, and overwork was simply not worth it. If I could do it all over again with the knowledge that I could be earning a doctors salary before 30 for a fraction of an effort I would have certainly chosen something like CS or economics. I just wish I had made a better choice.

No. 2454651

nonnies I hate being autistic please help me
ive gotten fired from the past 4-5 jobs. I've never made it past 3 months probation. I've always been nice and tried my absolute best but I'm too dumb. It's all been administrative because I don't know what else to do being wheelchair bound. I can't afford college, what is there for me?

No. 2454770

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My company laid a bunch of people off a few days ago and announced there will probably be more layoffs. Oh boy, here it comes. I've started casually looking around but this is my first real fancy/non-wagie job and I've only been here 10-11 months now and am not learning that much from it so I have very low faith in my ability to find another one like it. There are some roles open internally in a few locations I would like to try moving to. I'm going to also try with those in hopes its easier than counting on being an external hire somewhere else.

No. 2454805

You need to be looking for laptop jobs. Maybe online writing or shit like dropshipping grifts.

No. 2455256

>old boomer coworker calls my cell
>nonna, did you buy the test strips i was talking about
>no, they're like $80 a box for two strips, you never sent me a link and i have other ordering priorities right now
>we have deadlines! this has been way too long! i'll just buy them myself. i can't believe this, this is ridiculous.
>hangs up on me
GOD I CAN'T FUCKING STAND HER she's always asking me for unreasonable things then crashing out on me and implying i'm incompetent at my job. she finds random webpages with shit she wants on it and then goes "you can google it and find it yourself" instead of taking 2 seconds to email it or teams it to me OUTLOOK IS LITERALLY OPEN ON YOUR FUCKING COMPUTER. she's like 75 fucking years old just fucking retire already so i don't have to be verbally berated once a week.
she never ever apologizes either and im not the only coworker she raises her voice at. this fall she got mad at me bc she left equipment for one of her classes at the prison she teaches a class at and i told her to go get them, otherwise the materials had to be reported as unaccounted for and she threw a tantrum bc she didn't want to drive 45 minutes over there. TOO BAD. GET ORGANIZED AND THEN THIS WONT HAPPEN.
on top of this my favorite coworker is leaving randomly out of nowhere and im gonna have to absorb his job responsibilities and im already at my limit.

No. 2455288

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Nonnies I just had my final stage interview and completely fucked it up. All my answers felt like they were wrong and I forgot to mention so much. It’s over for me.

No. 2455384

I received the beautiful chicken. I am riding so high right now. Now I won’t have any gaps in my employment!!!! I can’t believe my luck. I only sent out 12 applications and somehow landed a top choice job in like a month and a half. I was bracing for 6+ months of job searching and was dreading going home after work just to do more applications when I got the call.
Thank you, universe. Thank you so much. I really needed this.

No. 2455517

i am so happy for you nonnie, you are an inspiration

No. 2455526

That's wonderful nonnie. Congratulations and manifesting that I have the same luck

No. 2455652

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Thank you so much nonnies. My biggest tip and the difference between the time I sent out 50 applications with no bites, vs 12 with three bites and a job offer, is make sure your resume looks extremely visually interesting. That’s literally all I changed when I updated my resume, the content was the same, yet I got nothing the first time I was looking for jobs. I have a background in graphic design (but applying for admin jobs) so I ditched the boring template I was using (I thought I had to be boring and corporate— NO!) and I created my own template on canva which is free. If you go on there they have lots of good looking templates, and if they want you to pay for them just take a screenshot of the layout and mock it up yourself using their tools for free.

My logic is you want something that will visually stand out to a recruiter who looks at hundreds of resumes a day. So go for something high contrast, bold headers, mostly monochrome but with a strong pop of accent color and something for visual flourish (I used halftone dots because I think they split the difference between creative but still unisex and professional looking. Picrel is the effect I mean, mine was a swoosh of them in the corner though.)

Back in school I used to make all my projects visually gorgeous and I learned it would make the teachers overlook any lacking content if the presentation looked beautiful. So I tried this experiment with resumes and yeah turns out the same thing applies there.

No. 2457653

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yes, i understand what you mean. i am actually now going into a paralegal position(need some schooling first in my country). thank you nona.

No. 2459224

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I've been unemployed for about four months and I'm going insane, I hate being at home all day. I've literally been having dreams about clocking into a job and chatting with coworkers kek. I'm trying to make the most of it by reading books and catching up on other things I've been putting off but I can't take another month of this. I got a job offer but I have to pass a background investigation that could take another month. I'll be happy to pick up shifts at McDonalds at this point.

No. 2459718

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Been unemployed for almost a year now and thinking about maybe learning a trade. I haven't been to college or anything so I feel like this is one of the few options I have to escape minimum wage. My main issue is that I am kind of put off by the thought of having to mostly work with moids kek, especially because I haven't worked with them in multiple years as the team at my previous job consisted of women only. Are there any nonnas here who are working in trades or have experience in it?

No. 2459933

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Anyone else who works in a call center can't stand the incompetence of old people making services 10x slower than what they should be? You'll have old people blowing up one line asking of 2+2 equals 4 and then you'll have to put the teen girl trying to schedule her life saving heart surgery on hold for 3 hours just to answer these complete fucking shit for brains and ofc management will never be asked to hire more people. It's even worse for welfare offices because you'll have a mom who's kids haven't ate in days trying to see why her food stamps froze but no fucking pam wanted to know if she can use TANF to buy laundry detergent. Gov efficiency my fucking ass

No. 2459980

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After nearly 3 years of unemployment I've finally landed a front desk position in healthcare! All of my coworkers are women my age!And all of the clients are elderly people or women and children. The pay is a bit low for my state but I live with my parents so it cancels out honestly. Are there any nonnas who do something similar with advice? I'm kinda starting from ground zero without any actual admin experience.

No. 2460560

So I was telling my mom on the phone this afternoon about my day at work I had today. It was extremely busy at my office (I work in a tax office) and we had a person out sick today. Anyways, I mentioned that my boss asked me to call a client at the end of the day (like half an hour before closing) and I asked my boss if she could ask someone else to call this client because every single day at the end of the day I count the cash drawer down (I always do this, we accept cash from people at our office) and I noticed we were missing $170 from the cash drawer, and I was way more worried about the missing cash than a phone call with a whole list of things to talk about. Anyways, my boss at work just said sure and went to ask this lady who wasn't busy (and this lady never does the closing cash stuff, it's always me).
Anyways, at my office I didn't sense anything was wrong and my coworker and boss didn't give me any shit. But I mentioned this story to my mom (because I'm a chatter box and I was mentioning the missing cash) and my mom said that I actually made a HUGE mistake at work. She said, "You're going to get fired if you keep doing stuff like that." And I asked her what she meant, and my mom said I would get fired eventually if I kept asking my boss to give other people my work. Well, first of all, I never do this, I was just worried about the cash and looking for it. But my mom said I should never tell my boss no regardless, and that I should never say no, and that I'm likely to get fired in the future. I didn't get the feeling I had done anything wrong, but I like to keep an open mind- maybe my mom is right and I made a huge mistake. What do you guys think.
(Also, I found the $170 cash, it was in my bosses office because the client paid boss in there and she didn't bring the cash out to the drawer, so I found it.)

No. 2460571

Congratulations nonna! Being unemployed for a long time sucks major booty so I'm glad you found a nice place to work. Try to get familiar with the company software and things like keyboard shortcuts, spreadsheets, etc (there are a lot of super easy tutorials on YouTube if you struggle with that). The fundamentals will generally carry you a long way and help you to learn anything more advanced and specific. Also, learn hand exercises to relieve typing cramp.

No. 2460751

Thank you nonna, I found a few videos that seem to use the same programs! Will also probably look into posture exercise since it seems the location stays pretty busy.

No. 2460922

Unless your boss is an insane control freak I doubt you have anything to worry about. It sounds like the cash register is considered your responsibility if nobody else ever does it and you had a good reason to prioritise it on this occasion.

It might be a good idea to check in with your boss about the cash register task and whether it’s officially considered ‘your thing’, though. I once had this issue where I ended up always doing a particular task which was supposed to be a communal responsibility because I was the one who hated it the least and everyone else was happy to fob it off on me. Then one day I had other priorities and couldn’t get around to it, and because it was still considered a communal responsibility and listed as such on the roster I left it for someone else to do. Nobody did because they just took it for granted that I’d do it (even though they knew I was in a different building across campus all day) and they got upset with me over it. IMO it’s always good to have clarity on which tasks you’re expected to perform and where your priorities are supposed to lie, both for you and your boss. If the cash register is solely your responsibility then maybe your boss should’ve known better than to assign you a task that conflicts with it.

No. 2462681

my coworker is trying to get me to move to another team but ALSO trying to set me up romantically with one of our other coworkers. am I wrong in thinking that these things together suggest that she’s trying to sabotage me? the romantic thing is throwing me off because I feel like she or someone else figured out that he & i act weird around each other.

No. 2462696

Dating coworkers is most of the time a bad idea, but I don’t think it’s necessarily a sign that she’s trying to sabotage you. Maybe she just really thinks you guys would make a good match and isn’t really thinking about the potential consequences. Do you have any other reasons to think she might not have good intentions toward you?

No. 2463399

Anyone else find it useless to go to interviews? I've gotten to a point where I can just figure out if I'm going to get rejected or not the minute I step foot in the door

No. 2463641

How many years of experience would you say it takes to not be considered a junior in your field when it's the sort of job that requires a bachelor or master's degree? For instead it's been nearly 4 years since I've worked in my current company and I've had a similar job during my internship years ago for 6 months so I'm trying to stay for one more year in that company before leaving. I'm worried about not finding a similar job later because of how hard it was for me to look for work ever since I turned 18 and the economy sucks these days too. My company is a sinking ship so I'd rather quit with enough experience to find work somewhere else without waiting for a whole year again and I want to be on good terms with my manager for future references to make things easier.

No. 2464465

i’m still unemployed after a year and 2 months

No. 2464554

Without knowing one single thing about your field, I would say that you can judge this based on looking at your coworkers and looking at job postings online. How much time have the non-junior people spent in the field? How much experience are the postings asking for for more senior positions?
Also, if you're in America, don't leave your job until you find a replacement job. If you want to leave your sinking ship, start looking around and applying elsewhere now. There are massive layoffs all over the country and a bunch of people flooding various job markets–not just layoffs of government employees, but layoffs from companies that expect cuts and hard times and struggles for investment because of the government cuts and new restrictions going into place.

No. 2464574

I'm not in America but the economy is pretty bad here too. From the news I think it's less bad than in the US though. And labor laws are very different so I doubt I will get fired anytime soon, especially with how uderstaffed we always are.

>I would say that you can judge this based on looking at your coworkers and looking at job postings online

It's kind of hard to judge based on my coworkers because most of them are my age or younger so it's one of our first full time job experience after graduating from university, and the one who's way older was working in a completely different field for 20 years more or less so she's learning on the spot right now. It's a regular office job so the skills she already had when she started in my company are still very useful though, without going into details. I will check job postings this weekend just to compare them to what I'm doing right now.

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