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No. 2408236

Post about your employment status, successes, woes, anxieties, rants, etc.

Previous: >>>/ot/1962884

No. 2408374

I'm unemployed.

No. 2408389

Me too. I wonder if I can apply for benefits despite being a landlord

No. 2408402

I got hired by an american company! I'm sorry for taking your jerbs, I know it's unfair bc I can work for half what an american would ask for and still make insane cash in my local currency, while you guys simply can't just settle for this pittance due to the cost of living. But this money is gonna change my life! I can take better care of my mom, save up for an apartment, travel the world. I'm so excited!

No. 2408415

I got hired for part time work and I've been trying to pay my dues so they'll promote me because the job market is so shit right now. One of my supervisors has told me he wants me to take over his job once he retires in the summer, but he said it so casually that I'm worried he won't actually retire. I work at an underfunded government institution so they do things like scheduling you half an hour short of when they'd have to give you flex benefits, and even when you get promoted they typically schedule you half an hour short of when you'd get health benefits. Some people have to grind for years to get promoted to full time work here, and I seriously just don't have the time to play this game anymore. It also always feels like a slap in the face to be told you're "the smartest person in this department" and they "wish we could hire 10 of you" but then be sent home early because uh oh, we can't we can't have you getting health insurance! But I feel like I'm building good connections here and proving myself, so I don't want to squander all that effort and social capital when payoff could be right around the corner. Maybe I'll make my decision in the summer depending on whether he leaves or not. I wish I'd made better choices in my early 20s, then I wouldn't have to depend on the whims of some random guy to determine my future.

No. 2408447

Back in wagie land. Thank god everyone else is having a hell of a time too right now, or else this would be my final straw. I'm getting too old to work shit jobs while other people my age are becoming senior advisory level II whatevers.

No. 2408506

Had an interview today. At a retail outlet store. They're only paying $11 per hour. And I have to be available for truck shifts, which is fine, but come onnnnnnnn. At least make it 12 for that.

No. 2408544

Any nonas work in computer science? Considering getting a CS degree but from what I’ve heard 95% of people in CS are retarded moids/trannys. Is that what it’s really like? I don’t want to deal with bellend right wing males and Liliths for the rest of my adult life nonas

No. 2408588

Me. I have around 7 years of professional experience.
Never had to work with a tranny but I'm one of the lucky ones and I dread the day that might change. I have worked with two moids I think were right wing in separate occasions but thankfully it never became an issue or a topic. The companies were pretty progressive so maybe they felt scared to say anything. I was mistreated by a male colleague once, it was clear to everyone that he had it in for me. He was fired 6 ish months after I was hired and I remember seeing him cry at the roof of the building that day kek.
The biggest problem I faced with colleagues were huge egos and insane deadlines. It's hard work but it's manageable and the money is very good, even now that we're going through a crisis in the field. Should you go into this field? Idk. it's becoming saturated quickly. If you do, specialize in AI or data analysis, these are probably the areas that are gonna keep growing.

No. 2408615

Honestly you should. The pay is often decent because it's a male dominated field so you should cash in on that now. There's a reason jobs like school teacher, librarian, floral, caregiver, office assistant, etc pay so low. Go make bank and steal some of that money moids love to pay themselves in a moid dominated field. It's time to infiltrate.

No. 2408645

if any nonnas could give me some advice, id really appreciate it. heres my situation: im in my last semester of college getting my bs in cs. suffice to say with everything going on right now with the saturated field, volatile job market, and emergence of ai, its tough out here. ive been applying to relevant positions but i havent heard back from any; granted, i know i need to apply more. im also minoring in what could be considered tech writing, and i have experience in tech writing (did an internship for several months).

recently i applied to a tech writing internship on a whim bc im applying to anything and everything to prepare for when i graduate. i got an offer but i dont know if i should take it. its an internship and although theres the possibility of me solidifying my place in the company in some other sector because of my degree (i spoke to them about this), the position itself is finite. i have a short amount of time to make my decision, and im just scared. if i take this, i feel like im moving farther away from cs, and i dont know if thats the smart thing to do. also if i take this offer, what if in the later months i get a callback for an interview for a job i applied for, or another opportunity presents itself? its still early in the year so idk. but this is an offer and what happens if i turn it down and get no other offers?.. i like tech writing, i like cs, but the difference is, i have no work experience related to cs (software dev is what im looking at)

theres just also my bruised ego. i've worked hard on this stupid degree and to graduate and be a company intern in a field only kind of related to my major kind of hurts, but i know how lucky i am in my given situation, so im trying to be graceful about it

No. 2408756

I am in such a pickle rn guys. My bosses found my weed pen on me, and despite it being a legal state it is against company policy to have it on the property. I had a really good excuse thankfully and they didn’t fire me straight away, just put me on suspension for a few days while they investigate with corporate. It’s something they’d typically fire immediately for but I think because department is very short staffed right now, I might have a chance at redemption. The thing is at this point I don’t actually care for the job anymore, they’re adding more responsibilities with no increase in pay and are trying to crack down on overtime, so my main worry at this point is potentially looking bad to future employers. So in order to save my ass I’m wondering if I should call them and let them know I decided to resign due to being unhappy with the current state of the job, but because I am aware of how short staffed we are, that I would be willing to discuss things with management if they want to call me back? Or should I just straight up say hey I know there’s a likely chance I’m getting fired so I’m going to resign myself, but that if they decide they do need me, to give me a call? I don’t want to give them any reason to have animosity against me.

No. 2409051

>call them and let them know I decided to resign due to being unhappy with the current state of the job, but because I am aware of how short staffed we are, that I would be willing to discuss things with management if they want to call me back?
Do this one, at least this framing gives you a little bit of leverage

No. 2409398

I had my third interview, how do I make them give me a contract already? I need to write them that I want to proceed (?) and work there but how?

No. 2409421

If you like IT/ computer stuff then go for it. Haven't stumbled upon a tranny yet, and yes there is moidery, but then again there is moidery everywhere. I've been fucked over more by female HR staff at my company than by other moid programmers. But it's important to like what you are doing.

No. 2409806


Thanks everyone. I’m really passionate about tech so I think I’m gonna do it.

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