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File: 1712283570313.jpg (66.6 KB, 735x740, f31b57364bdd0342899b8bcad2d24f…)

No. 1951096

Can't remember where you saw that thing? Want to know the name of someone? Ask here.

If you're not searching for something specific, try the request thread >>>/ot/1343869

Previous threads:
#1 - >>>/ot/861432
#2 - >>>/ot/1068958
#3 - >>>/ot/1288369
#4 - >>>/ot/1561582

No. 1951101

Help me find genuine reasons to live

No. 1951106

>The sun rises every morning in the east and sets in the west, so you get to see two beautiful horizons per day.
>We live in the best of all possible worlds and at the most advanced point of human history.
>We can make lifelong connections with our fellow beings that generate love, laughter, and light.
>We control our own destinies and by each crime and every kindness we birth our future.
>Antidepressants and menthol cigarettes.

No. 1951109

Belongs in the request thread >>>/ot/1343869

Unless there's a specific reason to live that you're trying to remember..?

No. 1951139

Thanks for the new thread
Nonna, I can’t tell if you’re autistic or a comedic genius

No. 1951557

Does anybody have that anti-brony drawing where Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy are inside a noose and encouraging the viewer to kill themselves?

No. 1951578

have you ever sat down in a tide pool at night during a new moon and moved your hand through the water and seen it come to life with bioluminescence? I would post a picture but all the pictures of it are goofy fake photoshop because it's too magical for cameras to capture (or it's just too dark).
If you haven't, now you have a project you'll have to life for because it's too cool not to try to do it. You're welcome.

No. 1952191

File: 1712346999227.jpeg (563.73 KB, 750x1080, 64733DE0-CA9A-4979-A22E-AF033B…)

Does anyone know where this lemon skirt is from? Sorry for the shitty image quality.

No. 1952473

File: 1712356076821.png (771.73 KB, 800x449, E4_21_Kropp_2C_2019__2801_29.p…)

A movie with a poster that has a picture of a logging truck viewed from the back. Think it was German or Austrian, definitely a European movie. I saw this poster on letterboxd a few years ago but I can't find it.

No. 1952783

Does anybody have that comic from tumblr that was about alien weed or something? Might've been dank alien weed. It was a green-tinted comic about a man being beaten up in an interrogation room by a woman with short hair inquiring about said weed

No. 1953530

The Tumblr/Twitter Blog cringe thread I could have sworn I've seen it but I can no longer find it?.its not the Carrd cringe thread but very similar maybe it got deleted??I loved seeing all the cringe yet retarded shit in people's bios on Tumblr/Twitter i guess the thread no longer exists?

No. 1953776

LOFT had a lot of lemon and orange print fabrics last summer

No. 1954001

Anyone have that one pic of Leon Kennedy where he's being lifted up and is shirtless but has his vest on?

No. 1954611

File: 1712491066776.jpg (883.52 KB, 2352x1040, f180bddd6879217ef7c0b407647e6e…)

does anyone know how i can find these diamond painting kits at wholesale prices? i already looked on aliexpress but couldn't find anything. at least i'm fairly sure these are dropshipped in some capacity because the museum edition is sold by several different stores across social media.

No. 1954626

File: 1712492442437.jpg (28.17 KB, 347x368, oof.jpg)

No. 1954632

File: 1712492708060.jpeg (89.99 KB, 640x480, IMG_0194.jpeg)

I used to follow this person on Instagram & tumblr, but I cant her find her current accounts, she also had a yt, where she talked abt satanism and stuff. Had some kind of schizo disorder and was Chinese-American, her tumblr was age restricted and had a gif set floating around showing her cutter/knife collection. Pic rel is her.

No. 1955440

There's this Chinese video of I think a parent trying to tutor their child English letters, and they point to W which sounds like "double yew" but pronounced in a Chinese accent as "da be liou," and da also means big, so when the parent points to the lowercase W the child says "xiabeliou" because xiao means small and a lowercase W is a 'beliou' but small… has anyone ever seen this video? I've been looking up 'dabeliou xiaubeliou' on google forever and no results I feel like I'm going insane.

No. 1955444

do you mean the heart shaped knifes that were popular on traumacore on tumblr?

No. 1955461

No. 1956148

File: 1712601407879.jpg (70.76 KB, 640x480, 51334660093_da00014b38_z.jpg)

in probably 2012ish, my mom bought me a "blythe" doll off amazon after i'd gotten obsessed with them. i had her for about two weeks before our dog chewed her head off (loved her, but man, that sucked) and we didn't have enough money to replace it. it was probably under thirty dollars on amazon (or maybe somewhere else, but i specifically remember looking at the dolls on amazon) and had long, light blonde hair, a light colored dress, and i'm pretty sure she had blue eyes. i remembered her as being less creepy than what the dolls look like when i search them up, but i think that was just my brain correcting the sheer horror these dolls hold. help me find her? picrel is a doll that's similar, but not her; i don't remember her having eyeshadow or lipstick, but she did have similar long, flowing hair.

No. 1956156

File: 1712602206317.webp (32.56 KB, 640x640, HTB11LRgl7KWBuNjy1zjq6AOypXao.…)

There are a lot of factory blythes on aliexpress, just search for "Blythe Doll" and you'll find tons. Maybe not the exact one you're looking for, but they have a lot of cute ones. But they usually come naked (you can buy their clothes on Aliexpress as well though)
It could also have been an "Icy" doll, the chinese version of Blythes, picrel.
>t. hobbyist Blythe customizer

No. 1956235

File: 1712607206608.jpg (140.8 KB, 1080x1001, Youtube.jpg)

This is dumb, but I remember seeing a screenshot of this video in a photo compilation of other women Youtubers that a nona posted somewhat recently. It's bugging me because I swear I saw it just the other day or so, but I don't know where it was posted exactly.

No. 1957538

File: 1712699723367.jpg (21.48 KB, 400x400, 12beea9567_400x.jpg)

could it have been an lps blythe? maybe not this exact one, but they were sort of different looking.

No. 1958418

Maybe it was an Icy or Pullip doll?

No. 1958555

I used to watch this drama commentary Youtube channel hosted by two women who, instead of showing their faces, had these cute drawn avatars of two girls, one dressed in pink and one in green. One of the avatars was holding a pen with a puff ball. Their name might have been something like Extra Lessons or smth.
That's about all that I recall. Does anyone recognize them and know their channel's name?

No. 1958568

Wtf she's adorable like a chibi pullip doll.

No. 1958709

does anyone have the virgin ftm vs the chad fujoshi image? think I saw it a couple weeks ago on a thread here but I've lost it now

No. 1958759

File: 1712796319192.png (128.39 KB, 717x388, 1708297527798.png)

This one?

No. 1958807

Does anyone remember these three Sonic OCs? I remember this being like 2010-2013 ish. They're all hedgehogs I think, one has like darker hair and maybe blue eyes, one is silver and I think wears red? Maybe her name was Venus? And then there was another that was blue. I remember seeing them EVERYWHERE and drawn by multiple artists. The memory literally hit me out of nowhere kek.

No. 1958818

File: 1712805120423.png (555.21 KB, 868x920, d5rrnxz-5ce75862-413a-400f-93c…)

Could the first one be Mari the Cat? She was very popular in the hispanic Sonic fandom

No. 1958820

Could this be them?

No. 1958962

not quite, but still good lol. it was akin to the ‘incel walk vs chad stride’ format.

No. 1959024

please i am asking again finnish anons i'm really ashamed but last year i watched a fan uploaded english translation of some käärijä video and he opened it by saying something to the effect of "hello my little milk suckling sweeties" or something like that KEK and the translator's note said that it was a line from a humorist but i can't remember if it was a youtuber or actual comedian or idk I SWEAR it was real but i can't find anything about it when i look it up even though i remember him saying it multiple different times !!!! i feel like such a freak trying to find it kekkkk nothing ever comes up i only get actual breastfeeding websites and videos… please someone help if anybody knows what i'm talking about

No. 1959954

someone in a discourse thread asked why middle eastern women are obsessed with omegaverse and a kind anon gave them a genuine response but I cant find the post please help

No. 1960292

File: 1712912506728.jpg (297.46 KB, 1128x796, 1712659629413.jpg)

Help me find the thread where this image is being discussed. I saw it on the previous fujocoomer thread with a "wrong thread" redtext and got curious, couldn't find it on /snow/ or /w/ or the Japanese music threads on /m/.

No. 1961356

File: 1712971269513.png (138.38 KB, 303x267, 32.png)

can anyone help me find this necklace? i know it wasn't the $1k-$2k one that i'm seeing online, more around $300
can't find it anywhere available to be shipped to the US

No. 1961427

i can't actually answer your question nona, but that is literally the little boy lovers pedo sign in the upper left pic fucking w o w

No. 1961567

This is so disappointing because I like her music. But I learned my lesson, anyone who's obsessed with childish imagery in their work and lifestyle is probably a pedo, an autopedo, or both.

No. 1961587

Which symbol? I didn't know there was one for this fucking degeneracy and her commenting that on a actual child's photo is so unnerving and horrifying

No. 1961834

File: 1713012717115.jpg (49.81 KB, 474x613, pedo symbols.jpg)

do you guys want me to full tinfoil about ALL of the symbolism in the 2 left pics or should i just leave it? incedentally, i remember seeing the little girls lover symbol in a kpop girl group's mv way back in the day, before kpop blew up basically

No. 1961850

She was forced to do softcore pornography for pedos when she was 12, it's no surprise she turned out like that too.

No. 1961885

was she?? i always thought she was just a model that sold fake lashes before she got famous

No. 1961902

yeah, its on her wikipedia page. She was a ''junior idol model''.

No. 1962001

File: 1713020078079.jpeg (28.36 KB, 626x626, IMG_3384.jpeg)

pretty sure it's just supposed to be the impossible 3d triangle thingy, picrel

No. 1962016

regarding the kyary tinfoilism, in the upper left-hand pic she is wearing all pink in an all pink room wearing a pink wig and is wearing giant goggles that are connected to the tv where she is also wearing a pink wig. she's being brainwashed. the color pink has multiple meanings and mv directors/producers/etc usually use all of them lol - it can mean submissiveness/passitivity, especially the shade she's surrounded by, they also use pink to stand for female genetalia, (hyper)sexuality, and little girls. as i initially pointed out, the boy lover symbol is painted right behind her chair. so basically kyary('s being made to) see(s) herself as a little girl who feels sexually attracted to little boys. i did notice the tranny flag colors next to her on the tv, i dont know what year this mv came out, so it could just be refrencing the boy and girl lover symbols typical coloring, but who knows tbh a pedo created the tranny pride flag anyways.
in the middle pic, you have the standard covering one eye pic all celebrities do no matter what country or audience, fucking yawn! it's an anti-christian god reference, bible says people who delebritely go against christian teachings/holy commandments/etc and promote inversing it, think 7 deadly sins, will be divinely punished by god by having one of their eyes plucked/gouged out come reckoning. yes, i know it's non-sensical when over half of those celebs doing it were never christian in the first place, but mass media is basically controlled by one specific group and they pretty much just target christians. tldr; whenever celebs do the one eye thing, it means they're pushing degeneracy to the masses. kyary's specifically pedastry/lust.
now for the last pic, kyary is still in the chair and surrounded by eyeballs. she's wearing all black with a lilac wig and black blindfold. she's being watched/monitored by a large group. black symbolizes control, order, saturn, etc. all shades of purple are considered 'non-real' colors, i wanna say her head is being filled with lies and she's being 'blinded' from actuality kek. i could go on, but my phone is about to die thank you for coming to my tinfoil tedtalk
it's too late nonny, i literally tinfoiled all over the place

No. 1962017

What's the source for this? Where do they come from and where's the connection to pedophilia?

No. 1962028

source is the fbi, pedos use these symbols to connect to other pedos without being "out" about it. politicians, royalty, celebs, etc use them. you can find the symbols on websites, irl buildings, jewelery, clothes, etc. it's a secret club password for pedos, basically

No. 1962032

File: 1713021319560.gif (1.36 MB, 480x270, tinfoil intensifies.gif)

Thank you for the ride, nona.

No. 1962566

File: 1713051679017.png (541.52 KB, 1000x1000, 106489532.png)

why did they have to use my childhood icecream logo as a pedo symbol i hate moids so god damn much

No. 1962594

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Help me find this without the hair, the original version (hq if possible)

No. 1962611

she wasn't forced, groomed maybe.
that's tsubasa masukawa

No. 1962626

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No. 1962646

No. 1965792

a romantic comedy film from the late 2000's or early 2010's, about a maid who falls in love with their employees son, it wasn't love actually.

No. 1965800

I don't think he was her employer's son but Maid in Manhattan?

No. 1967116

Bothering me a stupid amount but there’s this song from somewhere in the 2010s that I found a while ago, it was sort of dark electronic? And the drop featured a woman’s heavy breathing in and out in pitch and tempo with the song.

No. 1967183

that's not it.

No. 1967224

Reminds me of Meg Myers - Desire (Hucci Remix)

No. 1968311

what was the name of that webcomic with the pink bunny? thing. the author was a schizo I think and was anti-semitic/racist or something

No. 1968629

bumping my question from last thread >>1840829 this moid haunts my dreams. I also remember he used 2 forks to mix his cheese and sauce pile into a goopy liquid

No. 1968636

File: 1713418637592.jpg (1001.55 KB, 2058x2430, FzIPKjJagAU5Gfo.jpg)

dogisaga. I love her

No. 1968651

The fujo vs antifujo wars summarised

No. 1968687

Kek the antifujos do sound a lot like that ugly fat schizo cunt.

No. 1968748

Know what you're probably thinking of but it is not in the current /ck/ webm thread and I aint looking through the archive for you.

No. 1968775

I had a sudden childhood memory of an animated TV show about fairies…? Or tiny forest people…? that aired on Disney in the mid-00s. The animation looked like it could be 90s or early 00s. It aired late at night in the summer (maybe 12-3am PST) and I think aired along side other "older" cartoons like The Little Mermaid. I unfortunately don't remember a thing about it since it's probably been 15-ish years, I just remember really enjoying the one episode I got to see and would love to know what it was. I tried to look through the wiki page for what aired that era, but nothing seems familiar. I know the episode took place mostly at night, and in a forest.

No. 1968879

Does anyone remember there being some sort of an audio program on 4chan's /x/ board years ago that would play various white noise recordings that were supposed to make you relaxed etc? Then there was an audio called "hand of god" or something similar to that and it was supposed to make you hallucinate demons or something. I remember listening to it but getting too scared halfway even though it was just white noise. I would love to find it again.

No. 1969397


No. 1969407

it was similar in genre (actually was listening to this song when I remembered about it!) but much less lyric heavy, I don’t even know if there were lyrics, there might have been some talking? Maybe in french? I could be making shit up, honestly I’m wondering if I imagined it at this point.

No. 1969910

Hello fellow /x/ nonna. You may be thinking of binaural beats. Hand of God was the name of a popular i-Doser binaural beat back in the day.

No. 1970672

Thank you nonna, that was it! I wish I could find more threads and conversations about it, I remember being really fascinated by it.

No. 1970776

A new pop song about that boy is a waste of time as the theme. Language is English and it's sung by two different women with another woman coming in doing a more rap or hip hop beat. Heard it in a store today send help anons!

No. 1971167

An anon once drew a humanized version of all the boards (not just lolcow chan but ot,g,m,snow etc). Does anyone have it and is able to share it again? It was super cute

No. 1971431

File: 1713551412698.png (972.7 KB, 1244x895, IMG_1993.png)

This one?

No. 1972622

I'm looking for a screenshot of a meme here on lolcow. It was of Shinji and Asuka. Both badly drawn where Shinji calls asuka cringe for having a fursona. Then asuka calls him cringe and he starts crying in the bathroom. A friend showed me a screenshot of this and I think it was from lolcow. There was a comment under it with the wird "rotsuko" or something like it. I don't have the screenshot I just wanna know if he showed me something from here.

No. 1972669

Could anyone help me find a book I read as a child? I cannot remember the title but I have a small grasp on the plot. It followed a girl who, alongside her class, is learning to turn into a bird from her teacher. The book felt very whimsical and weird. I remember a part of the book where she is learning to control her body/mind by forcing herself to wake up without an alarm. That is all.

No. 1972731

File: 1713642529511.jpg (107.7 KB, 680x1067, aaa.jpg)

im not sure if youre looking for a particular variant of the meme but heres the original comic

No. 1972766

Yes, that's it anon! I was looking for the post but maybe I will find it with this picture. I was just curious if I stumbled upon evidence from this site irl

No. 1972860

I’m trying to remember the name of a book I read way back. It was about a woman whose mom died I think? and so she went to visit our maybe even stay at her aunts’. The only thing that I remember the most is the mc mentioning how her aunt loved starchy foods. I didn’t finish the book further so I don’t have any more details

No. 1972872

>I was just curious if I stumbled upon evidence from this site irl
What do you mean?

No. 1972956

Does anyone know what happened to SpurGirrl Gabriella? I hope she is ok

No. 1972958

Sourgirrrl TYPO

No. 1972970

This sounds familiar to me too… some googling and it seems like "Going Through The Gate" might be it? I think I recognize the cover.
I'm starting to realize that there is a truly bizarre amount of animal transformation fiction aimed at children.

No. 1973730

A friend showed me a screenshot of this meme with some text from another site and the layout looked a lot like lolcow. So I wanted to know if anybody knows this specific post. But it's really not that important

No. 1973790

what is the little bugs cerbmin stepping on saying

No. 1973968

Yes! Thank you so much!! Regarding animal transformation, this book made me wish I could become a bird for a long time.

No. 1974210

What's the name of that thing that's like a flowy curtain that drapes over your bed and hangs from the celiling? I forget and I really want one

No. 1974212


No. 1974214

Yess!! Thanks nonnie!

No. 1974485

That tweet of jk rowling finding out that The Amazing Atheist stuck a banana up his ass

No. 1974555

File: 1713757168764.jpg (77.5 KB, 1080x536, typical TRA behavior.jpg)

No. 1974627

is this thread good for finding a specific clothing item or is there a clothes find thread? if there's a clothes find thread, where?

No. 1974652

The fashion threads are all on /g/.

No. 1974670

File: 1713770588646.jpg (53.56 KB, 720x960, 84a7dad1646b5b6c11c7f7e19a2531…)

Does anyone have that post where an anon made a guide on how to endure you don't get pregnant with a boy? I specifically remember it mentioning to eats lots of citrus and go on a low calorie diet for the early months?

I need to post it in the mom thread in /g/, I wanna ask if any of the expecting/trying anons there are willing to test it out for lolcow science.

No. 1974764

To save you some time non, sperm decides sex, no matter how anyone would experiment, any type of experiment would have to be done by the male.

No. 1974770

The deciding X or Y comes from the father. Also if you go out your way to do voodoo magic because you hate men so much (yet still procreate with one thus being around one for at least 2 more decades) that you can't bear raising a boy, then you should not have any kids at all and get sterilized forcefully! Hope this helps.

No. 1974778

Real life isn't like the Sims where eating cheesecake makes you have twins.

No. 1974783

I worded it poorly in my post but to be clear, the guide wasn't to pick the gender of the baby. It would make more sense if you read it.
>sterilized forcefully
So now suddenly someone wants to be offended at the sentiment of farmers not wanting male children? Kek.

No. 1974791

Samefag, I'm realizing some of you are a bit too sensitive now so I won't post the post anywhere. I found what I was looking for though, so I no longer need help.

No. 1974800

Imagine being this upset because someone said they don't want a male baby kek

No. 1974867

anime about an ugly demon fish girl thing stalking an idol

No. 1974873

Damn I want to know too

No. 1976903

Video of eastern european girls singing rolling in the deep, but terribly.
Everyone in the audience has on red fedoras for some reason, only person on stage play an instrument is just strumming the same strings while the other people just sit there and do nothing.

No. 1978633

Some anon posted a picture of a parakeet or some kind of bird in front of a tiny computer with a messy desk. Emphasis on the messy desk part, I've found pictures of parakeets with tiny computers but no messy desk.

No. 1978639

File: 1713976234974.jpg (74.74 KB, 556x525, 1712854797474.jpg)

this one?

No. 1978665

Anon I could kiss you!!! Thanks so much!

No. 1978732

File: 1713981813473.jpeg (103.92 KB, 649x914, IMG_4993.jpeg)

Anyone know this artwork?

No. 1978782

This short clip of an old guy slapping an old ladys ass and then she grabs him by the balls and he starts jumping. They were outside a camper van. It's wasn't porn.

No. 1979229

Help me find this Russian song from this specific video

No. 1979234

definitely ai.

No. 1979241

are you sure its russian

No. 1979314

shazam says its this song

No. 1979903

Thank you so much!

No. 1980127

this one creepypasta/lost media of an apparent darkweb (?) video that made many people feel "sick to their core" or "an immense sense of dread" etc when they watched it. what was available of the video itself iirc was incredibly grainy and dark footage of a dead baby in a crib and a shot of wriggling maggots. could be more but i don't remember.

No. 1980585

Why would we help you find that you freak. Get some help

No. 1981615

slice of life comedy anime from 00s/10s about a blond "child genius" teacher. similar to nichijou but faster paced and more absurd. I was watching a subtitled version that tried to explain all the references and you'd have to pause and read paragraphs on every shot. I think the first episode had lots of Gundam references

No. 1981643

File: 1714189334125.png (1.13 MB, 1000x750, Pani-Poni-Dash-MEGA-Streamango…)

Is Paniponi Dash! the one you're looking for?

No. 1981645

the grifter? it was fake btw

No. 1981652

yes thats it! thanks nonnie

No. 1983279

Who are the women in this video? This music video is cringe, but I always thought the first woman with the "trillest" hat was so beautiful and I can't find anything on her!!

No. 1983302

is there a thread on dolls/dolls collecting on lc? if there is please link it

No. 1983458

Learn to search the catalog.

No. 1983684

A youtuber who made content about eating disorders/eating disorder recovery, specifically focused on bulimia I think. She had a "things my eating disorder made me do" type video where she read dms from her audience sharing weird/gross ed related behaviors. Also I'm almost sure she had blue hair in at least some videos

No. 1984497

samefag, but I was finally able to figure it out using chatgpt and openlibrary.org, the book was Amandine! Though I was way off base with the details.
I recommend this site to any nonnas who want to look for books! You input a line from the book and it shows you all the books that contain it

No. 1984637

File: 1714405244090.jpg (671.6 KB, 1056x2089, help me find request.jpg)

Nonnas, does anyone have the Vampire: The Masquerade - Taste of the Moon pdf, and/or the Laws of the Night LARP pdf? I have all the other pdfs available if you want to swap. ♥

Also, Nonna, thank you so much for sharing this, it's gonna come in so handy.

No. 1984672

File: 1714406245525.png (9.75 KB, 434x610, idk.png)

NONNIE i hate pintrest but i can't find a picture that i used to see there often. It was some wavy blonde moid model with blue flowers that trailed across his face and neck, it was on his profile and there was some kind of shadow. I don't remember where he was looking but i thin he had some kind of serious or hurt expression.

No. 1984704

File: 1714407293035.jpg (99.36 KB, 500x700, 2836f333ed318db8bc1d338d6c39b5…)

This? The first result when looking up "blonde man flower" on pinterest?

No. 1984730

KEK thank you so much i swear i tried but i deleted my old pintrest account and other searches didn't help, weirdly enough.
My artwork was so close.

No. 1984737

A masterpiece

No. 1984738

I saw an Instagram reel of a cute little black kitty eating and munching on a croissant. It was outdoors I think. Please I need to see it again

No. 1984744

File: 1714408542385.png (767.18 KB, 919x666, pinterest.PNG)

They're in love

No. 1984749

omg nona i love this thank you so much, my otp.

No. 1984750

File: 1714408795785.jpg (44.72 KB, 502x795, gxh7c675hngb1.jpg)

the weird neck arch reminds me of this

No. 1984758

Kek amazing

No. 1984787

The Taste of the Moon one is a really hard one to find for free. I wish you luck in your search, but I think you'll have to purchase it.

No. 1985261

Try the book thread on /m/

No. 1986480

There was a meme I saw that looked like an iphone text, that was a like 2 sentences of a NSFW Naruto fanfic describing him hooking up with Sasuke and then the next message is the person saying "Sorry wrong person, sup bro"

I can't find it anywhere kek

No. 1986828

File: 1714551010245.jpg (97.61 KB, 563x793, fish.jpg)

Does anyone know where I'd be able to find scans of old 100 Idées issues? I don't know french so I'm not sure what keywords to use to search for them, but I found this on pinterest and I'd love to sift through the magazine.
There's this site (https://centidees.blogspot.com), but a lot of the pages are either missing or have been saved as thumbnails

No. 1986843

It looks like even French people are having a hard time finding scans of the old magazine, I can't find any PDFs for you but here are two other blogs that have some scans http://salsamelie.canalblog.com/main-tag/100_idees http://fanadidees.blogspot.com/

No. 1986850

Thank you so much for looking into it and finding the extra links! Shame that there isn't a more organised way to look through them, but the links look promising.

No. 1987751

File: 1714620834940.jpeg (67.98 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_2621.jpeg)

What movie is this?

No. 1987752

Twin Peaks (1992)

No. 1987753

Twin Peaks (a tv-show)

No. 1987754

Big fat kiss on both of y’all’s foreheads

No. 1987778

A website for me to track the shows I am watching and want to watch that is not Letterboxd. Something like the site Storygraph that I use to track my books.

No. 1987943

Do you know how to use reverse image search?

No. 1987987

File: 1714655263365.png (41.93 KB, 446x469, naruto-fanfic.png)

No. 1988331

I'm looking for the name of an old fashion blog, around 2013, girl from Sweden, red hair, super skinny, had that typical indie lookbook/tumblr fashion style from that time with some vintage looks thrown in there. I know for a fact the blog is no longer accesible, only through webarchive.

No. 1988578

serializd.com maybe

No. 1989114

File: 1714743832101.jpeg (178.22 KB, 951x966, IMG_5879.jpeg)

Milan. Dolce & Gabbana. Fall. Aired in 2006. Where the FAWK do i find this poncho from ugly betty??

No. 1989141

Still looking

No. 1989417

>Swedish girl
>Early 2010's twee/lookbook.nu fashion
>Red hair
Were you thinking about Ebba Zingmark?

No. 1989464

Does anybody have a caption of the rant some anon made against Deku from BnHA?

No. 1990572

please do not ask but im looking for a picture of drake with his ass out (photoshopped) and i think he was doing a yoga pose in it.
please help me i dont know if this is something conjured from my brain but i swear i saw it im goign fucking schizo looking for it please spare my FBI agent from further torment of my already blasphemous internet history.

No. 1990604

File: 1714844240411.jpeg (275.19 KB, 1600x1276, U5oKXsj.jpeg)

sounds like you are thinking of Nadia Esra. a lot of her old photos are archived here: https://www.listal.com/nadia-esra/pictures

No. 1990792

Yes! Thanks!

No. 1991596

Is there any "student" thread?

No. 1991771

No that wasn't her. I think her name might've been Colette or something else with a C but I can't find anything searching by that name. Thanks though!

No. 1991845

multicolors aka johanna herstedtt maybe?

No. 1991857

No. 1991934

File: 1714946458018.jpeg (67.35 KB, 481x892, 2ERgzuf.jpeg)

Cosette Munch?

No. 1991940

A video with an Asian man talking about the process of getting a CS job. He also made a video about New York city. Both videos were super humorous and shitposty in nature.

No. 1991946

Was it Joma Tech or Nicholas T (both on youtube)

No. 1991948

NTA but this was a blast from the past from the front page. I used to be so obsessed with her.

No. 1992007

Is there an NSFW thread? Crystal cafe's dead :((:()

No. 1992165

frying pan?

No. 1992925

Please give me that recent meme one of you posted with the bald guy
>early balding, he dgaf
>late balding, freaking out applying over 9000 different products to his head

No. 1993150

File: 1715040109795.jpeg (66.08 KB, 600x445, IMG_6998.jpeg)

This the one I have

No. 1993177

does anyone know a better place to order custom bumper stickers besides etsy?

No. 1993886

Hell yeah you rock

No. 1993924

Looking for the original gif of that lolcow banner with the anime girl punching a guy over and over. I kept refreshing but can't get back to it. She has black hair I think.

No. 1993931

I made that one! Must be on the banner thread on /meta/, not sure if the last one or the current one has it. All banners are posted there!

No. 1993934

File: 1715092561819.gif (211.74 KB, 300x100, 219.gif)

No. 1993954

Thank you, anon! I knew it was from Amagami SS but Amagami punching gif wasn't showing up.
God bless you for looping it like that. It's perfect.

No. 1994292

Which thread do I go to to request a new thread for /g/ ?

No. 1994294

What kind of new thread do you want?

No. 1994298

A thread for sharing NSFW voice actors

No. 1994328

What exactly do you mean? Like, posting their pictures? Their voices? Explain

No. 1994333

Sharing their best audios, or just their profiles
I'd like to discover new voice actors, share my favourite voice actors and discuss their content

No. 1994335

You'd probably want to make that thread on /m/ if it's specifically an audio-focused thread

No. 1994336

I thought /g/ was the place for horny talk

No. 1994342

/g/ is more for general hornytalk. /m/ is for discussion of specific media, both horny and non-horny. If the BL threads and hot guy pic dumps are on /m/ I don't see why an NSFW audio thread also wouldn't fit in there.

No. 1994394

File: 1715119443667.jpg (308.42 KB, 1360x2041, Bella-Hadid---Attends-her-star…)

What brand is this dress from?

No. 1994397

Spring 2003 Roberto Cavalli

No. 1994399

thank you!

No. 1994400

damn that was fast, fashion savant nonny

No. 1994542

File: 1715128806987.jpg (83 KB, 787x1024, 1703306183430.jpg)

who's the artist?

No. 1994644

Feel free to make it on /m/ nonna

No. 1994960

does anyone know where I can watch Julia Fox's OMG Fashun show? can't find it anywhere

No. 1995114

found it! had to try a bunch of US vpns lmao
for anyone else who cares it's seriously just this lmao

No. 1996319

Okay, it's very possible I imagined this entirely, but was there a children's TV show (probably between 15-20 years old, but could be older and I'm pretty sure animated) wherein one of the characters becomes a clown due to genetics? I remember it was a specific episode (all the others did not involve clowns) wherein the protagonist finds out that his or her entire family were once or currently are clowns. I remember a piece of dialogue that was something like, "I'm sorry, son/daughter; we meant to tell you when you were older, but we never got the chance. We have the Clown Gene." I think the idea was that everyone in the protagonist's family becomes clowns at some point biologically? It was treated somewhat like lycanthropy; as in, the protagonist couldn't stop it from happening and began adopting more clown-like traits (throwing pies at people, having one of those flower squirt guns, wearing the makeup, pulling a long handkerchief out of a coat, etc) as the episode went on, much to his or her friends' horror. This was never addressed again for the rest of the series, and I forget if it was properly resolved. I think it was an episodic cartoon. I'm like 70% sure this exists, but it could've been some horrible nightmare. Any help is appreciated.

No. 1996341

Could it be an Adult Swim short or something like that?

No. 1996675

How did that one quote that said you don't have to worry about amassing a mountain of money if you don't plan on leaving a family or legacy behind go again, and who said it?

No. 1997326

Does anyone have the meme of sailor moon and it says something like "if your feminism doesn't include porn addicted sissy boys I don't want it" or something? I've seen it so many times but I can't find it. It's also too niche to Google.

No. 1997361

File: 1715307473918.png (1.04 MB, 828x728, IMG_3714.png)

it's in the terf memes thread in 2x

No. 1997465

File: 1715311179309.jpeg (329.55 KB, 1170x842, 7EB13493-AB70-4615-A634-56B21D…)

Was it an episode of Billy and Mandy?

No. 1997570

I watched a clip of a video of a radical feminist talking about the patriarchy and she starts crying. It is an old video, I assume like late 60s-early 90s. I remember there being two or three women in the video and one man and they're all having a conversation, and the man quotes a feminist that I can't remember the name of. Does anyone know what I'm talking about or did I hallucinate this?

No. 1997607

Can you remember the format like if it was random women interview or like guests on a talk show or some sort of conference or something?

No. 1998214

The name of a Russian designer plushie, rabbit-like. I remember seeing it posted somewhere on LC at some point. Super expensive, like several hundreds for one plushie.

No. 1998218

What kind of aesthetic did the plushie have?

No. 1998289

I found it! It is called Not a Love Story: A Film About Pornography. I can't find it anywhere online without purchasing it though.

No. 1998391

What was the name of that mix-race (or maybe just lightskin black) girl on youtube who used to make videos/storytimes about her time in japan (and i think korea too)? She was chubby, always had this smug smile on and she was fairly pretty. I think she had tiny teeth too.

No. 1998411

File: 1715387175504.jpg (160.3 KB, 500x500, arvia_01.jpg)

Maybe Zaykuties?

No. 1998420

File: 1715387749137.jpg (68.38 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg)

Kennie JD?

No. 1998447

damn.. what a throwback.

No. 1998448

YES her thank you! Did she ever get a thread here? My cow senses were tingling back then before I even knew lc

No. 1998719

What's cow-like about her? She seems pretty non-problematic.

No. 1998732

Yes! Thank you!

No. 1999079

A picture that's a parody of the drawing of two obese neckbeards roleplaying as anime girls online, that depicts two normal and pretty women pretending to be bitter incels online

No. 1999162

File: 1715460076174.jpg (2.65 MB, 4096x2120, 20240511_132909.jpg)

Does anyone know where to buy the beige gingham and teddy bear cloth like picrel? And also where to buy the bear pouch?

No. 1999169

I know she had a PULL thread but I'm not sure if she had one here. I believe we had a kvlogger general at one point in /w/, maybe there?

No. 1999363

I think a British PSA about child victims of war? It went like this: the camera was constantly focused on a little girl leading a normal life, which slowly progresses to the atmosphere becoming tense as there's obvious signals of incoming war in the bg (news reports, parents arguing etc), then she's evacuated from her home, and hit by bombs. The PSA ends with her being saved from under rubble I think and she sits in an ambulance with a blanket and a shell-shocked expression. There's a text that says "It could be your child" or something of the like?

No. 1999393

No. 1999412

Thank youuuu nonnie!!

No. 1999612

A really goofy looking sped up version of the "you here now" gif with the loser whipping the bed

No. 1999614

I also want to see this.

No. 2001112

does anyone have a copy of the Mclean DID video? Been looking high and low but it's been pretty thoroughly scrubbed from what i can find unfortunately

No. 2001975

I saw this meme of girls and guys with autism somewhere on lolcow. I think it was a doodle or 2D style where the guy has negative traits like school shooting and the girl has tame things like sparkle dogs. At this point I might've imagined it.

No. 2002063

I remember one of these where the girl autism was Leon Kennedy

No. 2002073

Yeah, I think Leon was in it too

No. 2002163

Years ago some girl on YouTube went from being a pan-project/trying to empty products to obtaining make up PR including I think the moschino gold bear. It had a small run making fun of her with the clown music.

No. 2002214

still looking

No. 2002221

No. 2002311

the ''men live like this and think its okay'' meme

No. 2002327

File: 1715686783406.jpg (60.49 KB, 537x466, 1700016358249723.jpg)

No. 2002330

That one meme of a guy with an arrow and a guy with tons of knifes on his back

No. 2002335

File: 1715687306029.jpg (Spoiler Image,92.11 KB, 1024x606, loss_by_lycanium_d7r3116-fullv…)

I only know this version

No. 2002336

it was with humans, but thanks for trying nonnie

No. 2002350

File: 1715688455545.jpeg (74.76 KB, 540x440, IMG_1285.jpeg)

The soldier protecting meme?

No. 2002351

File: 1715688588106.jpg (49.63 KB, 680x680, 2tolbc.jpg)

No. 2002354

thanks nonnies all of these are great

No. 2003686

I'm looking for a comic where it's two white, literal paper white, colored people fighting over two identical products that have different names. They have s or p or k in the names and look like short tubs of facial product.

No. 2003692

File: 1715780870583.png (183.25 KB, 750x996, PBF-Skub-1.png)

No. 2003707

Exactly that! Tysm nona

No. 2004422

File: 1715800068776.jpg (Spoiler Image,39.35 KB, 720x720, GIQzFPWXUAArEn4.jpg)

I swear, I remember a post in a manga thread which read something among the lines of "Female mangakas writing TiMs as they are", it showed a panel of guy with female clothing (?) and it was like a horror scene judging by his expression. I believe it was indeed a horror story but it remind me of this Drawn Together meme. Does anyone has the panel, manga name or remembers that post? I couldn't find it on the manga threads.

No. 2004432

anyone have that comic where it’s like blobs getting mad about an article. the final blob has a caption that’s like “hasn’t even read the article, but won’t let that get in the way of a good rant”

No. 2004442

File: 1715801352830.png (83.57 KB, 960x532, 4661.png)

No. 2004487

File: 1715803629169.png (368.5 KB, 1350x1920, troonmoid.png)

I think it's Boys abyss it has a troon character in it forgot to attach the image

No. 2004496

NTA but this reminds me to catch up on that trash can fire of a manga

No. 2004652

Kek, it seems like that's the manga, thanks anon.

No. 2004700

File: 1715816967645.jpg (64.01 KB, 341x231, the hermes of statue or whatev…)

the painting by some famous gothic old artist who was known for bible or hell art, its a creature with a sleeping womans face and a sad mask on her forehead? her body is part lion part bird but her forearms are human and shes holding either a flower or a sword but i cant remember its done in ink and the color is sepia and muted and the name is of a greek god probably hermes and the title was like "the??? of hermes"

No. 2004853


No. 2004859

damn I want to know too now. also masterpiece of an image there anon.

No. 2004950

its a meme of this mexican woman whos bald but her head is covered in dicks? like dicks are sticking out of her head

No. 2005415

File: 1715877935226.jpg (365.84 KB, 1080x1038, consolation prize.jpg)

I couldn't find the original, but here's a re-interpretation by an artist I really like

No. 2005642

Mythical creature or similar that can only turn left? It's evil, possibly someone built a maze so it couldn't get to the middle??? Pls help

No. 2005789

File: 1715901419551.png (1.55 MB, 622x1219, 1000032977.png)

All I can think of is a minotaur due to the maze aspect
could it be this? I think you're talking about a sphinx

No. 2005793

File: 1715901462626.jpg (191.35 KB, 640x1170, 1000032976.jpg)

No. 2005892

File: 1715909166554.jpg (57.83 KB, 512x294, unnamed (1).jpg)

Hours of searching and 50+ artists later, this is the only remotely similar thing that fits the description you gave. I was initially thinking that maybe you had H. Bosch in mind, but he doesn't have any mythology art, just jesus shit. I'm incredibly invested now someone find the pic nonny has in mind, I've sunk way too much time and effort into this

No. 2005948

File: 1715914832926.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1222x886, IMG_3928.jpeg)

You have completely infected me with your mind virus, I have to know now

No. 2007980

I too have searched so long and hard that it's kinda driving me insane, nonny get the fuck back here with your riddles

No. 2007992

That hideous scrote that's been posted around here, he had pink trousers with suspenders, and I think a fedora. He had the body shape of an oompa loompa.

No. 2008014

File: 1716056625124.jpg (206.49 KB, 792x620, tumblr_ocg404Mx1i1s3fi4ko1_128…)

sorry i saw so late but i found it!!

No. 2008093

File: 1716061144779.jpg (62.45 KB, 1140x1424, 1000018790.jpg)

That's Harry Styles lmao

No. 2008101

I hate this picture so much kek

No. 2008103

He looks like someone's gay Amish dad.

No. 2008113

I audibly yelped LMAO

No. 2008629

This is gorgeous and well worth the search, plus I got to see cool sphinxes.

No. 2008634

olg thisbis beautiful! what's the artist's name?

No. 2009278

please does anyone have that screenshot of a comment section where somebody says something in german and gets replied to with "yeah nobody knows what you just said"

No. 2009287

What's the name of that shitty one chapter shoujo manga where a girl gets married to a guy she just met during an escalator ride?

No. 2009302

that picture of tomboys men like vs tomboys women like

No. 2009334

File: 1716127983525.jpeg (434.71 KB, 1469x1920, yuMenor1.jpeg)

Was it this one?

No. 2009338

Ernst Fuchs

No. 2009339

can a kind nonny translate the moonspeak?

No. 2009346

File: 1716128898222.png (421.33 KB, 1177x717, 365835.png)

No. 2009955

I can't find a documentary whose name I can't remember. It used to be on Youtube. The filming took place in the 90s-00s. It was about a guy who took in all kinds of unwanted animals, from farm animals to really sick ones to very aggressive ones, and they were all living well under this guy's care. During the filming of the documentary, the New York state animal services agents came in and took all of his animals under the false claim he was abusing them and arrested him. The film crew had to use their footage as evidence to free him and get his animals back. Some of his animals unfortunately died while under the state's care as a result.

No. 2010493

I would kill for a Yuri between them. The left one has to be less male gazey though

No. 2010541

File: 1716202698275.gif (189.6 KB, 540x545, sx6Q1scncwdo1_540.gif)

2D Fighting game nonas, help.
I saw a 2D sprite of a young muscular male character, he had (if i remember correctly) long brown hair in a braid and traditional simple japanese orange clothes.
The movement was simply him going from his side facing stance to backturned, and as he did that the cloth on his top fell on his waist exposing his back.
I'm looking for it for scientific reasons and i'm sure that it wasn't fanmade, just don't know who it was or where was it from.

No. 2010552

who is this?

No. 2010560

File: 1716204218183.png (146.66 KB, 284x400, ingrid-sfa3max-bust.png)

Ingrid from… a couple of Capcom games

No. 2011110

Based nonna, thank you.

No. 2011784

File: 1716272992067.jpeg (17.06 KB, 400x600, 4B17E702-1488-4EDC-B166-9F66C6…)

a dress like this but not composed mainly out of polyester. It is from h&m and called “gathered dress with flared skirt”

No. 2011845

What's the name of that suspected TIM with a Stepford wife vibe who had a YouTube channel and a Netflix show where he was cooking and doing interior design?

No. 2011867

Check out Uniqlo, they definitely have this style in cotton and also in their airism material (it's polyester and synthetic fibers but really comfy and lasts long imo)

No. 2011950

Hi nonna this style is called a "skater dress" you can find a lot of these using that term

No. 2012448

Hi I’m new to this thread, is there a new thread for Celebricows? Should be thread 108. Sometimes new threads don’t show up on google or the catalog at first, usually when I find after googling it’s already been made two or three days ago. Thanks!

No. 2014371

File: 1716386576960.jpg (315.42 KB, 1000x1000, The Curious Creations of Chris…)

>suspected TIM
>Stepford wife vibe
>YouTube channel
>Netflix show where he was cooking
he is a tranny

No. 2014522

can somebody post proof that this person is a TIM? It's not necessarily that I can't see it but their voice sounds female and that's usually the giveaway, and there's no trans identifiers that I could find on their youtube or socials

No. 2014764

I feel bad about wondering about it too.

No. 2014794

Yes thank you, despite everything I still liked his videos, I just like watching people craft and fix shit.
Kiwifags managed to follow the breadcrumbs https://kiwifarms.net/threads/tranny-sideshows-on-social-media.33028/post-10895364

No. 2014906

Damn, I guess at least intuition is always right kek.

No. 2014974

Does anyone have a fandom roleplay website suggestions? Kind of like omegle but for lit RP

No. 2015330

Why did they blur his third nipple next to the butterfly tattoo but kept his normal nipples unblurred?

No. 2017473

A Japanese PV, don't remember anything about the song excpet that it wasn't by some idol group but actual singers. The PV was rather long if I remember correctly, probably around eight or nine minutes and live action, so no vocaloid or the like. There were two friends, Girl A was crushing on Girl B, but Girl B had no idea. Girl A doesn't tell Girl B about her feelings and just watches pained from the sidelines when she gets a boyfriend or other friends or something like that. I think the PV was a whole school year, and somewhere around the end of the year Girl A always sat in the arts classroom and painted somthing, and then it's revealed she's been painting a portait or something of Girl B. Girl B sees it, is speechless, then there was some speaking parts if I remember correctly, and Girl A runs away crying. I think it's implied they stopped interacting afterwards. Then a timeskip, and they reconnect. I think I saw ir some time around 2017?

No. 2017502

A manhwa about a killer who looks like Luffy from OP, he paints how he's gonna kill his victims and then goes and kills them then shape their bodies to match his paintings. The art style looks like something by Team Getname but it's not theirs probably.

No. 2018384

File: 1716582750796.webp (77.75 KB, 347x500, E8F80BF7-BD26-400A-B23C-A19290…)

i was told to post here
Can anyone tell me a french speaking web forum or imageboard they frequent? Preferably majority female. Idc what it’s centered around…i just miss it.

No. 2018600

I'm looking for a reaction image that was really popular a few years ago. It's a photoshopped stock image of a guy laughing super hard while looking up with his hands on his head, but he also has another set of hands that are on the desk I think? He's sitting down but the pic is from the waist up.

No. 2018791

File: 1716600453187.png (51.12 KB, 838x696, Gato sprites.png)

Could it be Gato from The King of Fighters 11? He's wearing chinese clothes, but everything else seems pretty spot on otherwise.

No. 2020149

File: 1716658650550.png (1.79 MB, 1190x1192, foru.png)

No. 2020174

YES! Thank you so much i love you. Unfortunately it has been some time since i saw it so i didn't remember it that well, this is exactly what i meant, i'm so happy, thank you so much.

No. 2020192

Glad I got it right, I was determined to find it for you (and because I wanted to see it as well).

No. 2020565


No. 2020795

File: 1716693991376.mp4 (10.14 MB, 1700179968823.mp4)

Can someone help me identify the song and band?

No. 2020806

Have you tried looking at the soundtrack of the movie or credits mentioning it? If you find out let me know.

No. 2020807

Samefag, nvm, used genius music identifier and found it. Enjoy!

No. 2020825

I found the video without context on the random video thread
Thanks! I didn't know about that genius identifier thing

No. 2021516

There is some OST of either an anime or a game that sounds really similar to Antonio Inokis theme. Anybody knows which one it could be?

No. 2021544

what movie?

No. 2021553

Was it from a shoujo anime? Or a action one?

No. 2021569

File: 1716750389362.jpg (107.48 KB, 448x640, MV5BNTNlZjZkNjEtZmNiZi00OTc4LT…)

Nta, koi no mon (otakus in love)

No. 2022100

Is this worth watching or am I better off skipping

No. 2022127

Ayrt and idk, I found the name for you but I've never watched it. The video posted of it seems to be the ending of the movie where all the characters make manga for some reason.

No. 2022132

Oh im nta I was just piggybacking off the topic because I watched the vid upthread

No. 2022354

No. 2022424

A post either on lolcor or crystalcaf where someone angrily said "women are not sentient enough to know when they orgasm". I regret not taking a screenshot immensely. I think it could have been in /g/ but I can't find it.

No. 2022489

File: 1716801729036.jpg (104.99 KB, 988x1280, IMG_20240527_142152_202.jpg)

This one?

No. 2022493

Oh, the schizo guy from yesterday?

No. 2022548

A youtuber that has a series or videos where she talks about what makes a successful manga/anime/show. I remember one video she talked about schools or segmenting people into groups (eg: HP) and how that's successful because it allows the readers to do the same for themselves.

No. 2023966

File: 1716892626578.jpg (114.73 KB, 1200x675, chiquititasjpg.jpg)

English subtitles of picrel. Grew up with a dub that cut so much of the content, I want to watch it in Spanish but still get to understand it and enjoy the songs. Show's called "chiquititas". And the specific iteration I want is season 1, released in 1995. I couldn't find it online but maybe I'm looking in the wrong places.

No. 2024448

is this the one? the middle part seems very similar

No. 2024575

have you checked yify subs?

No. 2024624

Got quite a bit wrong, but that's it, thanks.

No. 2025696

No results unfortunately. The official youtube channel for the show uploaded all the episodes but no subs unfortunately.

No. 2027016

File: 1717030571635.jpeg (812.09 KB, 1021x1446, 5F490425-0D44-4F36-94B6-579937…)

I am trying to find a glass vase to replace one my mom had in my childhood. It was cobalt blue, all one color, described as a handkerchief or ruffle vase, and quite tall. (I would guess about 12”/31cm)

This is for my mom’s birthday so it would mean a lot if I could find a close replacement. Picrel is from Etsy and close but it’s almost $200. Do nonnies have any leads or keywords I can try to find something cheaper? I can find many that are about 9”/23cm but that’s too small.

No. 2027389

File: 1717066053126.jpeg (179.63 KB, 846x1024, xyz.jpeg)

where's the elsie version/edit of that "everyone i don't like is ____" meme?

No. 2028753

File: 1717132508900.png (1.05 MB, 801x928, 1677370002100.png)

Found it in the elsie thread in /m/

No. 2028787

File: 1717135920184.jpeg (147.16 KB, 1024x975, RD-Africans-5.jpeg)

I'm looking for those pictures of an old guy who would wear t-shirts in various pastel colors with very inflammatory atheist / anti-christian quotes on them. I think I remember seeing them on Tumblr in maybe 2015 or so.

Googling just gives me shitty auto-generated t-shirt spam and Richard Dawkins, but I don't think the guy in the pics was notable for anything other than the shirts.

No. 2028792

I think that's called "handblown glass". Use the image search with this picture and you'll see how many similar vases pop up in your search, hope this helps

No. 2028795

Samefag but you could add "Italian Murano glass" to your search

No. 2028824

File: 1717140175407.jpg (248.59 KB, 1453x1148, 1000019327.jpg)

This is going to be very specific and weird but I'm looking for a slightly suggestive fanart of Kakyoin from jojo that i saw on pinterest years ago but couldnt find it again. Basically it was a painting of kakyoin sitting on a couch mostly unclothed/nude. It was drawn sideways like in picrel so it was completely sfw. Please help me find him nonnas

No. 2028839

I love that you drew this on an actual piece of paper. You did frame it, right?

No. 2028844

Yes but only as a placeholder

No. 2029645

File: 1717195591843.png (319.55 KB, 932x418, binge.png)

Source for this manga cap? Reverse searching using multiple sites brought up nothing.

No. 2029647

File: 1717195674068.jpg (101.44 KB, 770x1100, 8 (2).jpg)

its virgins empire

No. 2029648

Should've figured by the art style, thanks for the quick response!

No. 2030436

An image of a dick being cut off with a pair of scissors. I swear I saw it posted on here a while ago

No. 2030521

No. 2030533

File: 1717266190109.jpeg (Spoiler Image,108.06 KB, 933x948, 1708108837884.jpeg)

No. 2030586

Thank you

No. 2031483

Where can I find those old pixel Japanese gal images/gifs?

No. 2031510

Did you try tumblr?

No. 2031659

File: 1717309587792.gif (5.71 KB, 139x120, gyaru.gif)

Do you mean like the gyaru ones? This tumblr blog has a good amount of them and other pixels https://pixel-diary.tumblr.com/tagged/gyaru

No. 2031692

thank you!!

No. 2035014

File: 1717485024608.png (348.9 KB, 1458x2100, Untitled.png)

What font is this?

No. 2035139

Yada Yada Yada, pretty sure it's discontinued.

No. 2035550

I remember when I was like 16 I stumbled on this music video on youtube. There was a girl with really creepy makeup at a birthday party and the guests all had paper masks on. Really disturbing video, but I'm now 20 and haven't found the video and I really want to find it so I can have at least some closure.

No. 2035561

No. 2035937

File: 1717537654231.jpg (106.53 KB, 540x720, bc25df6413d4a7ea690ca5e708e066…)

Anyone know who this guy is? I think he's hot

No. 2035949

He looks gay and low IQ

No. 2035978

what the fuck love yourself

No. 2035988

File: 1717539996027.jpg (632.57 KB, 1080x1820, Screenshot_20240604_172549.jpg)

No. 2036013

he looks like a troll

No. 2036041

Thank you! I managed to find a download for it.

No. 2036770

A short movie where two women get followed home from the mall by a man in a creepy mask. I saw it at a party a few years ago, and it seemed fairly old, maybe from the 80s or 90s?

No. 2036772

What's the manga?

No. 2036774

No. 2036827

Yes, that's it, nonnie! Thank you!

No. 2036918

A music video where a girl was floating through a destroyed neighborhood, then she went inside one of the houses and started dancing. Later she was in a mall wearing angel wings and there was another girl wearing camo. The song was really dreamy rap music, sounded 90's-inspired but it was only a few months ago and my friend said it was new. I didn't hear the artist name or song title, but I remember the girl singing was black.

No. 2037365

I'm trying to remember the name of this famous actress and social media star. She has long red hair, stunning green eyes, and she was really into fashion and makeup when she was doing Youtube. She even had deals with Covergirl because she was so well-known. I think she was a victim of cyber bullying but she ended up going on to become a pretty famous actress and I think she's even producing her own movies now. I've been trying to remember her name all day because I loved her videos but I couldn't find her in my subscription feed and forget her name. She was from NYC I'm pretty sure. I wish I could find her because she was such a great talent. Can anyone help out??(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2038725

A screenshot from a video where some kind of a protest is going on, some man was sliding down from somewhere with a goofy careless look, his arm extended upward, while people around him were enraged and screaming at him. There were memes with this man and few other people around him traced in a primitive way and they represented certains countries (for example: the man was Russia, other people - Ukraine, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania), I saw it 10 or more years ago. Can't find it

No. 2038787

File: 1717705185992.jpg (138.56 KB, 960x640, 1000019376.jpg)

This one?

No. 2038811

One time one of you posted a drawing of Roger in drag and it was really good does anyone remember what thread it was? Sorry for being retarded i know it was really recently

No. 2038834

iirc he exposed his dick to a group of women who were sexual assault survivors and that's why they were all so angry with him.

No. 2039014

look up ginger actresses, there can't be that many successful ones

No. 2039204

looking for the first beat, i tried shazam and youtube check but found nothing

No. 2039235

I remember on 4chan when some guy recognized one of the girls in the group "Hey wait I know her! she does brazilian horse porn!" then posted the screenshot

No. 2039931

Apparently there's a video or an audio of Ayesha Erotica getting "deadnamed" by his dad. Could any of you find it? If not, that's cool.

No. 2040156

Sorry I forgot to update, but I found her finally! Her name is Lillee Jean if anyone else wants to know!(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2040157

What's with Brazil and weird porn

No. 2040169

File: 1717802831956.png (183.78 KB, 320x326, a cat.png)

No. 2040238

KEK was this Laur shilling the entire time?

No. 2040364

In looking for a very attractive Indian male YouTube. I saw him in a YouTube short last night, about feeling like a third wheel, and he was w two Indian women, lip syncing to a sing that has the lyric "I don't go to school". He was SO DAMN hot and I rlly want to fund him does anyone know who im talking abt???

No. 2040396

Is there a kinkster/bdsm cringe thread on here or something similar?

No. 2040398

There's an old kinkshame thread here on /ot/ >>453716

No. 2040400

Maybe Shah Rukh Khan. He's in everything so it may have been him.

No. 2040648

Yes! Thank you!

Ew, what an asshole. Thanks for context, I didn't know (or completely forgot)

No. 2040761

there was some controversy of some dating app, white showed matches with black, south-asian, arab over white men. When women complained about not matching with white guys, the company came out and labeled them as racist, does anyone know the exact name of this dating site and where it happened?

No. 2040764

> a goofy careless look, his arm extended upward, while people around him were enraged and screaming at him
kek you described the pic >>2038787 so well. what a scumbag pervert

No. 2041079

A post from a few days ago where an anon gave us two different recipes for strawberry milk and asked us to make it

No. 2041178

recent, 90s-inspired, dreamy rap by a black female artist immediately made me think of Kezia but I don't think this matches any of her vidoes

No. 2041688

does anyone have that meme of the gigastacy that says something along the lines of ''400 sexual harassment complains from male coworkers''

No. 2042466

Was it The Boiled One? I don't think there was a dead baby but it did have people saying they felt sick and saying a monster was feeding on their spine.

No. 2042521

File: 1717956204355.jpeg (297.35 KB, 1365x1958, image0.jpeg)

No. 2042547

File: 1717957397553.jpg (1.25 MB, 1920x1080, iw9dXTanJqXASAuxYRaSXQ.jpg)

Can anyone help me find a pirated version of the Indika artbook?

No. 2042653


No. 2042683

I'm looking for a singer from like the 2000s-early 2010s. She was fairly popular I think, she made kind of "basic white girl", if you will, pop music, kind of cheesy I guess but its what was popular back then. I remember she had a song about riding on a floating piano, or a song about something else and the music video had her riding on a piano. I listened to her occasionally, but I was young (like maybe 10 or 11) when I saw the piano video. Anyone else know who I'm talking about?

No. 2042685

Vanessa carlton?

No. 2042686

this ask was just for me i loved this song as a kid kek

No. 2042711

Nonnies thank you so much!!

No. 2043321

A movie about a bunch of kids who got locked in an attic by an abusive aunt/mother?? It was a female family member. There were like 5 kids I think and at some point there was like incest between a brother and sister?? Really sick movie but I saw it years ago, like 2009. It was most likely from the 70's to the 90's.

No. 2043325

Flowers in the attic?

No. 2043326

flowers in the attic

No. 2043373

Yes that's it!

No. 2043627


No. 2043711

File: 1718007155614.jpg (502.81 KB, 2048x1304, E1bweCqUUAIeJ5O.jpg)

Source for this image, or even just the character? Reverse search isn't giving me anything.

No. 2043986

A few years ago there was this youtuber, an Asian-American woman who vlogged about her extreme minimalist lifestyle. She talked in a very soft voice and claimed to be a former shopping addict. One of her videos was something like "things I no longer own as an extreme minimalist," and I remember the weirdest item was physical photos - she had no printed photos of her loved ones, but did have one framed photo of her "spiritual leader" on her mantle. I can't find her anymore through youtube search; does anyone remember her name or what happened to her? Other details I remember: she was a "digital nomad," at one point only had a hammock for a bed, and also has a sister who is also a minimalist.

No. 2044110

Boris Airay?

No. 2044127

File: 1718040296526.jpg (34.77 KB, 856x767, 94bd6a6621d59afdc4ffe3f88b357b…)

Looks like Genda from Inazuma Eleven.

No. 2044257

I watched a low quality anime on TV along with Black Lagoon in elementary school but I can only remember a sniper woman, maybe long blonde hair, that obviously got the pantyshot…I guess it had a stupid title but it's been in my mind forever

No. 2044275

Well, I never bothered to search it but there weren't as many anime as I thought so it was pretty easy. Now I wonder if I should watch this Najica Blitz Tactics coomery to confirm

No. 2044321

nta, it's from Ryuu no Gakkou wa Yama no Ue, specifically chapter 7, A School for Angels. Definitely worth checking out!

No. 2044412

File: 1718056161740.png (171.13 KB, 293x301, nervous sponge.PNG)

does anybody know what episode of spongebob this is from?

No. 2044413

looks like the one with Manray

No. 2044481

Does any one have a Tumblr meme i saw on radfem tumblr? I can't find the post anymore ;; It was a distorted face on a red background and it just said "DIVORCE" and it was on a post with various other memes similar to the "stick figure violence" template(no emoticons)

No. 2044869

Looks like you're right, thanks! I went over his tag on pixiv with no luck, but at least now I know where he's from.

No. 2045184

File: 1718120753181.jpg (30.07 KB, 540x399, 17124779_1408984245840521_3936…)

Does anyone have that old image of a male deviantart user drawing himself transforming into a maxi pad??

No. 2045346

Can anyone help me find the name of a missing person case? I think it was in Arizona/New Mexico/Texas or a similar state and the girl was Hispanic or at least had dark hair, but I know for sure she disappeared with only her bible and maybe a few other nonessential items barefoot. I can’t find who it is but I know she exists and it’s driving me crazy

No. 2045545

No. 2045553

There is also a missing persons case with a woman named Cajairah Fraise, she also disappeared with only a bible

No. 2046441

I'm looking for a man who posts (or used to post, I'm not sure) disgusting photos of himself wearing little girl's clothes, drinking from baby bottles, hanging out in playgrounds, etc etc, on Flickr. He looked old (I'm guessing in his 70s or 80s) and called himself a sissy. Anyone know who im talking about?

No. 2046511

What's the name of the powder I can put under my breast during summer?

No. 2046516

Nonnie, these days there are literally dozens of these men posting all over the internet.

No. 2046601

File: 1718223495321.jpg (38.67 KB, 640x853, afcaa0aa86016f7caee782b7eb01e3…)

nonnies PLEASE do any of you have this meme but with the artist one replaced by a photo of some crackhead looking guy in a dark dirty room?? i saw it on pinterest and i haven't been able to find it again i'm fucking losing my mind

No. 2046714

File: 1718228576882.png (34.68 KB, 480x487, Screenshot_2024-06-12-17-44-33…)

Nonnie is this it?

No. 2046727

Is that a picture of Ewan McGregor in Trainspotting or is this a junkie look-alike?

No. 2046737

Yep, that's him

No. 2046802

File: 1718232533957.png (94.85 KB, 263x249, tumblr_f883e2756e9fc6d661e4468…)

ayrt it is i fucking love you so much nonnie

No. 2047114

Requesting a screenshot of a post here on lolcow from years ago, something about English cuisine, how some gross egg based dish was something like "muckshire pie" please someone has to remember this

No. 2047738

I'm looking for a scene from a movie or tv series or something, where a young Dustin Hoffman (might not have been him, but it was a relatively famous actor) was pressed with his front against a wall by a woman who was sort of molesting him. I think the walls were green or teal. I know it's not much but it's all I remember.

No. 2048175

File: 1718324649862.jpeg (19.9 KB, 540x723, IMG_5204.jpeg)

please help me find other products that smell like this shampoo. as soon as i bought it and used it i went back to the store to get the conditioner and serum in the same product line but they didn't have the same smell! i don't even know what it is with the scent of this shampoo that's so addicting but it smells so fucking good, i need every kind of product that smells like this, bubble baths, shower gels, lotions, whatever! help me

No. 2048839

Need the tweet of someone posting a letter from ancient egypt that said “what does it mean when i havent heard from you for a long time” and then the tweet poster says “at the end of the lesson our professor told us the letter was never sent”

No. 2048845

Yes it was! Thank you!

No. 2048887

I'm looking for a singer, somewhat popular underground I think, Tumblr-gendered with crazy makeup, had a song about depression and wore pink on the music video, from like 4-6 years ago? I think they were female but doing the they/them routine, and sang about being s cunt. Anyone know who I'm talking about?

No. 2049101

File: 1718391948066.png (220.61 KB, 468x400, 1710932766141.png)

ANONS INTO TRUE CRIME PLEASE HELP ME FIND A YOUTUBE VIDEO !!! I swear to god there was this one video about Darlie Routier (???) where the guy had been an believer in her innocence and even was in contact with her I think but later ended up changing his mind because of it? It might not have been Darlie Routier but it was a woman who most likely faked an attack on herself or something.

No. 2049241

File: 1718401428884.png (220.02 KB, 590x392, Screenshot 2024-06-14 at 3.40.…)

These exact shoes??

No. 2049242

how many ninja turtles died for these shoes to be made? for shame, anon.

No. 2049699

That "never ending cycle" meme that says something along the lines of "I need to talk to someone -> I feel overwhelmed -> I disappear -> I feel lonely"… thank you.

No. 2050566

Damn story of my life.

No. 2053072

quick question but does anyone remember this art piece of like a woman eating a man and looking up, they are in a bedroom (presumably the males) and theres a bunch of portraits of the women around the room to an obsessive manner

No. 2053079

I have no idea which region you're from so I can't link a store to you, all I can do is give you keywords. Look for Isabel Marant green suede wedge trainers.

No. 2053606

A Korean artist on YouTube who posted really nice speedpaints and drawing streams in a really niche and old looking drawing program.

No. 2054093

I am really hoping someone finds this. Im very invested in what this crazy shit was

No. 2054105

File: 1718723593768.jpeg (37.58 KB, 680x700, IMG_4267.jpeg)

No. 2054156

The sh0e threads?

No. 2054695

File: 1718745998686.jpg (157.83 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

A comic about a girl who dreams about Luigi being her boyfriend and Luigi saying something like "Someone will always love you unconditionally" and the girl being like "but Luigi you're not real!" and the girl wakes up and cries. Someone on twitter made it

No. 2054717

File: 1718746844141.jpg (57.06 KB, 500x500, tumblr_287616f2f06b6888a0c5b89…)

I saw this shirt and I really want it (I know its kind of weird please don't judge lmao) but image searching just brought me to the person who posts the pic, I reached out to them about but they never replied, does anyone know where I could buy this??

No. 2054721

>school girl dreaming about getting tied up
why the fuck would you want this gross tacky crap

No. 2054729

Lmao, it's just something I liked

No. 2054892

File: 1718750476920.jpeg (356.28 KB, 920x1035, IMG_9193.jpeg)

A Swedish metal band that has a black and white flying hot air balloon (like picrel) as their logo. They released a few albums in 2010s and they're still active.

No. 2054919

in the comments someone takes credit for making it and links their depop
wait it's also literally tagged in the post. the fuck, nona? are you sure you're old enough to be spending money online, how did you not see this?

No. 2054934

No. 2054953

Thanks anon! I saw this on Tumblr and didn't think to check the Instagram post.

No. 2055521

Desperately in need of sexy french maid lingerie that’s not actual fucking garbage, cost isn’t a problem

No. 2055534

Do you know what sub genre they are?

No. 2055908

File: 1718803293683.webp (399.79 KB, 970x970, IMG_9200.webp)

I found it! They're called Vi Som Älskade Varandra Så Mycket.

No. 2056012

What's that website called again where you enter a reddit username and it shows you all deleted (not just removed) posts? It's not reveddit.

No. 2056075

Does anyone have that image of a kid (I think it's Mucaulay Culkin) frantically shoving McDonald's into his mouth? I need it for something

No. 2056279

File: 1718823170067.png (5 KB, 925x472, lalalalalalalaaaalaaaalalaaaal…)

Please anons help me, it's a fairly well-known, I think, song stuck in my head, but I remember no language, no lyrics, no nothing, only the "Lalalalalala-laaaa laaaaa laaaa laaaaa laaaa" sung by a woman. The first long la is relatively low compared to the second one, the third one is lower than the second one but higher than the first one, the fourth one is the highest with the fifth one being lower than the fourth, but higher than the third one. Have a graph. I have absolutely no background in music, so it won't be helpful.

No. 2056591

jazmin bean?

No. 2056887

Two british (former) emo/ scene guys from around the early 2010s. Both of them were on Youtube. They were living together and probably dated. Both had blond or bleached hair and dressed fairly normal at that point. One of them was shorter with a kinda cute face. One of their last videos I remember was them going to some convention in the UK. I think one of them had a name starting will Ll, Lliam maybe? Please help!

No. 2056957

You make me feel so - cobra starship maybe

No. 2057635

No, it was older and sounded waaay kitchier, but thanks.

No. 2057931

Yes that's it!

No. 2058526

File: 1718970279886.jpg (71.48 KB, 550x1032, 1000006825.jpg)

Looking for this screenshot of a tiktok video where this edgy tiktoker had a 3×3 grid image on their screen of their "kins" or "alters" and it was Alastor from Hazbin Hotel, all these serial killer anime characters, and randomly Oikawa from picrel, and the caption (either over the video or on a twitter repost) was "We need to kill this guy"
I want to know if Johan Liebert was on there

No. 2058665

I'm looking for a YouTuber,she's of Russian/Ukrainian descent, anti-woke and very based in my opinion, her name was Masha (or something similar) something, and she also made cooking vids sometimes.

No. 2058670

All I can think of is that Kylie minogue song but I don't think that's right. Gonna go listen to it 50 times

No. 2058695

Misha Petrove? Iirc she's Christian and a bit right wing leaning and into the whole trad thing, but I admit she helped me peaking.

No. 2058719

Opus III - It's A Fine Day
La Bouche - Be My Lover

No. 2058737

Holy shit, it is. I didn't think anyone would know about her. Thank you so much, I am in your debt for life.

No. 2058743

This one?

No. 2058866

Yes that's her nonnie! Thank you!

No. 2059005

File: 1719002795519.png (329.81 KB, 942x726, soz.png)

Well gang it was a little different than I remembered it but I'm satisfied now.

No. 2059586

No Johan, maybe he is too niche for tiktok zoomers.

No. 2060713

Who is that above Sangwoo? I must know for…research purposes

No. 2060911

File: 1719143082515.png (109.32 KB, 200x291, image_2024-06-23_123837116.png)

I'm trying to find a specific old school egl photo that has a similar edgy vibe to it like in pic rel. The photo has 4-5 models wearing gothic ops and they are blindfolded. I remember it had either medical/religious white crosses on the print and the background was red. I used to see it around tumblr a lot but can't seem to figure out what to search. can any nonnas help?

No. 2061360

Who is that tranny ftm YouTuber and singer that writes bad songs about mental health and the internet?

No. 2062754

nta but tooru oikawa from haikyuu i was obsessed with him for a bit when i was younger

No. 2065018

please help me find this one image/tweet where it's something along the lines of you know you're really depressed/reached rock bottom when you listen to shit like this instead of sad songs" and it was some will.i.am song or something but as far as i've searched that's not right… this entire thing is paraphrased btw but the song was i think from the late 2000s to early maybe mid 2010s at most and it was a collab between a man and a woman. i can't remember it for the life of me but it's a mainstream radio pop party song basically

No. 2067583

Holy shit thank you
I was starting to think I hallucinated them

No. 2067710

File: 1719525982548.png (946.79 KB, 600x872, t.png)

Does anyone have that ms paint drawing a nona made in response to some "how guys look when they kiss you" meme? She captured it so well.

No. 2069539

Does anyone know the name of that one site an anon posted awhile back that let's you enter an email and see where the email is used on other sites? Thank you.

No. 2069572

File: 1719609525740.png (16.66 KB, 687x535, 1677973963719.png)

Kek I remember that post >>1515017

No. 2069587

No. 2069601


No. 2070634

Thank you very much

No. 2073480

does anyone have that post of twilight sparkle in death note with either light yagami or L i can't remember. i'm pretty sure it was a tumblr post but it might have been a twitter thread…

No. 2073639

There was illicit.services but it got shut down again

No. 2073763

A while ago I was browsing reels on insta and a girl came up that showed that she tracks everything she does at work really autistically.
I forgot her name, and didn't save her videos, but now I would like to find them and see again if she has something useful.
I remember that she was asian and had more than one video because she doesn't only track her work. She also made a bunch of graphs from ther data.
Pls help out if you know who I'm talking about

No. 2074630

Does anyone know a song that goes like "something something something want affection, something something something need attention"

No. 2074682

Attention by doja cat?

No. 2076993

File: 1720056305369.jpg (318.84 KB, 1440x1440, 449699280_1024062615751154_644…)

does anyone know who's this girl in Lana del Rey's last ig post?

No. 2077015

is it this?

No. 2077022

I'm Not Your Toy by La Roux?

No. 2077034

Does anyone have that tumblr video of the girl crying ebegging for a new MacBook. she shows that she already has two MacBooks and "explains" she needs another one for emails or some shit like that.
It was on tumblr and went viral there 2010-2015 I cant find it on youtube. the girl was cute i think, if that helps.

No. 2077187

I don't but I remember a similar video where a girl is crying about macbooks and something to do with her parents. Her background was pink and she had dark hair, idk if that's the same video?

No. 2077221

Not fully English but Attention by Newjeans?

No. 2077230

What's the name of that one Scandinavian football player who's blond and looks like an actual neanderthal with a thick ass build large skull and is somewhat of a meme

No. 2077233


No. 2077645

I thought about her just the other day too!

No. 2077889

a greentext where some guy makes train noises as he cums

No. 2078445

Does anyone know the song that plays from 1:04 to 01:57

No. 2078468

You mean… the royalry free background music?

No. 2078972

What's the blog of that one Finnish TIF who's semi-famous on tumblr for cranking out pretentious ADHD rants about random shit, including the "look at me drinking ice tea" 40k note post, on a near-daily basis? The icon was of some gnome-looking creature.

No. 2079132

Yes, the royalty free background music.

No. 2079451

Extremely unreasonable request.

No. 2079453

Try to Shazam it

No. 2079466

Thank you nonas who answered, turned out it was Touching Yourself by The Japanese House

No. 2079882

do any of you know where that AI generated video of Stanley Kubrick saying he faked the moon landing is

No. 2079896

File: 1720294870831.jpeg (130.45 KB, 846x1236, d9e1fc40511648b44f72a7ce38ef67…)

Can any nonas tell me which manga this guy is from, I like the way he thinks

No. 2079898

It's called Always a Catch

No. 2079933

File: 1720300348273.jpg (23.62 KB, 480x430, 1000018201.jpg)

Thank you nonny, mwah

No. 2080528

That 2000s "what goes around comes around" song but not the justin timberlake one, I think it was more dance-y and had a guitar riff?

No. 2081595

File: 1720431932281.jpg (67.18 KB, 584x620, DUZ5346VAAY1UbI.jpg)

I'm 90% sure Rae used to talk about a male actor she found attractive and based her Dante on him. I vaguely remember her analyzing his mouth shape. I used to google translate her posts, so I have no idea where she could have posted that and in what language. Please tell me I didn't dream of it. Who was the actor?

No. 2081598

the one from Lenny Kravitz? Though I don't remember a guitar riff, so it might not be it.

No. 2082577

THis maybe a longshot, but I would really appreciate any help and would be really thankful.

Im looking for a youtube playlist. The image of the playlist is Harry Mason (silent hill 1) sitting inside a cabin. I tried to find the image using this description but it brought up nothing. Its of his imgame model (pixelated, not fmv) I guess to tie into the theme of the playlist.

The playlist itself is either 8bit or 16bit slowed covers of popular online tracks, 3 of them are after dark by mr kitty, 3am by daniel, and øneheart x reidenshi - snowfall . The playlist iirc is under 1 hour and the last track is at least 20minutes long.

No. 2084604

I love the tiktoks whers it's like girls making a collage and then they include some random guy singing, it's the same middle aged white guy guy every time but he's singing different pop songs.
The caption will be like 'staying home sick from work just to scroll tiktok' and it's an image of a messy bedroom, and them they'll collage in things like candy, a cat, a vibrator, laptop, weed pen etc. And there's the guy doing his crooning, that's supposed to be the girls i guess singing to themselves?
I just really love them. If I knew the guy's tiktok I think it would make searching for this genre easier.

No. 2085385

I think it's Rodger Cleye?

No. 2086747

Yesssssssss thank you nona!! Just found out he's being accused of sexual harrassment though. Standard. Whatever he's just the medium for the visions of women everywhere

No. 2087715

File: 1720894507699.jpg (162.16 KB, 828x1305, tumblr_0418a219ef61ce72799d742…)

samefag i found it on my own, as per usual kek

No. 2089069

There's a video that I think was only on Tumblr that features vidrel being played over and over again at various speeds with random Windows Movie Maker effects applied while Bodies by Drowning Pool plays in the background. The video also featured those weird red dancing number/letter GIFs that were popular on Tumblr around the time (early to mid 2010s). Does anyone know where I can find this video? Or even better, does anyone here have this video archived? I need it in my life again so badly.

No. 2092571

I need the image of someone throwing an ayn Rand book into a garbage chute please please nonnies

No. 2092587

I got bored and found it

No. 2093689

do we have a lolcow memes/images thread? i tried to find one in /m/ and was unsuccessful

No. 2094297

No. 2094436

I know this is a big longshot but did any of you ever see a short commercial when you were a kid where its these two little kids talking about a princess in early England who loved to eat tofu and it was like a vegan ad? way back in the aughts its not recent at all. thank you!

No. 2097041

File: 1721463063687.jpg (470.1 KB, 2048x1463, 1639737875575.jpg)

No. 2097044

looking for an illustration of a girl that's a mech pilot but half-submerged, oxygen mask, lying down, white hair, naked

No. 2099101

File: 1721605895780.jpeg (40.43 KB, 278x311, F02148D5-56D1-4D58-B6F5-ED1EE3…)

Where can I find this shirt? Is it from a specific brand? I’ve seen it in a light blue before too. Sorry for the shit quality I had to pull this from a YouTube thumbnail.

No. 2099119

It’s available from chinese clothing sites like shein, yesstyle, romwe, etc. Imo don’t bother with it, it’s cropped weird (unless you are short maybe, I think it would probably be more flattering for someone shorter than me. Example, the white part was above my boobs and bra, up near my collarbones. And then my boobs were below it, very unflattering as you can see the white part should sit on the boobs themself. Ontop of that the shirt ended above my bellybutton, super cropped) but the material also felt really shitty and itchy anyway

No. 2099165

That’s depressing. In the vid I took the thumbnail of she doesn’t wear it but I found another video where she does and it looks like how you said, awkward and cheap. Sucks cause I love the layered look.

No. 2099203

pls help me find the international music showcase thread on /m/… I've tried ctrl+f on the catalog and I still can't see it…

No. 2099296

I forget if this was in a Personal Cow thread or a Art Salt thread (doubt the latter, I reread those when I'm bored) but it was screencaps of poorly vent art featuring Mario after someone on discord called the moid who made it's art dog shit It is the funniest fucking thing ever and I need to save it somewhere forever

No. 2100033

FUCKING HELL do any of you remember this advertisement where it’s just an image (I can’t remember what it looks like) and the only text on the photo is the word “Familiar?”

No. 2100050

Does anybody have the screencap of that anon who went on a rant against Deku from BnHA?

No. 2100054

Is there any way to track old instagram accounts or facebook accounts? I know the girl's first name and her Youtube channel. But it sucks, she's deleted a lot of her content. She was german. She used to use the name colourxmagic.

No. 2100087

I cannot possibly be the only person who remembers this. It’s something like a photo of a cigarette and at the bottom it just says “familiar?” I feel like some of you have to have seen it before I just can’t remember who made it

No. 2100143

Her first name was Dani, I believe btw

No. 2100743

File: 1721692676060.png (869.38 KB, 862x515, familiar .png)

After a full day of racking my brain I finally remembered that it was a Coppola wine ad, for anyone who cares kek

No. 2100791

the name of an anime i watched as a kid which featured a lot of lolita clothes, it was called rose something i think but it wasn't rose of versailles

No. 2100796

Rozen maiden?

No. 2100807

wow yes, thank you nonna i'm gonna binge it now for nostalgia ♥

No. 2100967

Nona I love you so much I could KISS YOU, you are the best. How did you find it?

No. 2101232

A comic panel of a girl (maybe laying on grass with her eyes closed) surrounded by a happy family. Everything has color. Then she wakes up, emrhe colors are now grey and black. She leaves her room and goes maybe to the kitchen, where her parents look like scary monsters, sitting at the table. She then goes back to her room, closes her eyes, and is back with her happy imaginary family. Would like to find it

No. 2101244

It's not a comic so it's probably not right, but your description reminded me a lot of Opal.

No. 2101273

Great now the mirror man's song is gonna play nonstop in my head for the next week

No. 2101343

Late but could it be the Afraid of Clowns episode of the haunting hour?

No. 2102270

Months ago I watched a tiktok with a song where a woman is humming and rhymes “serious” and “delirious” I believe, does anyone know the song?

No. 2103203

this one popular twitter artist who drew detailed armor in a stylized dark souls/bloodborne way. he had an oc knight girl with a black bobcut. i think he had this moon-headed mascot but i’m not sure?

No. 2103969

Micah Ulrich?

No. 2105112

It's the song TikTok by Ke$sha from 2010.

No. 2105113

Buy a plain long sleeve scoop or v neck and then buy a lace trim camisole underneath

No. 2105116

a post on here where an anon went on a rant about people who find anime/video game characters that have plain faces attractive. She attached a photo of link to her rant iirc

No. 2105133

I'm pretty sure it's We R Who We Are not Tik Tok but I could be wrong

No. 2105161

a podcast where they criticize popular books, like booktok books and shit

No. 2105170

any more info to go on? like, any books you remember them covering, and any traits of the hosts?

No. 2105173

No. He was a rendermaxxer iirc.

No. 2105758

Do any of you guys know where I can find that audio of Dasha talking about her body count?? I lurked leftcows and cannot find it myself

No. 2105760

I'm an idiot, I'm the anon who linked Tik Tok and the song you linked is indeed the actual song that has that rhyme pattern anon mentioned. Whew.

No. 2106706

That deseased schizo american artist that would make insane photoshop collabs related to conspiracy theories in america like pizzagate

No. 2106709

David Dees?

No. 2106741

yes thank you

No. 2107159

PLEASE! A psychiatric type documentary about "mimics" people who copy others . They dont have set personalities and will change beliefs, interests, fashion, taste etc. Also mention how these type will even copy other peoples laugh too…
I'm so intrigued and google search SUCKS

No. 2107288

File: 1722087011837.jpg (240.84 KB, 1125x734, 1669068627420.jpg)

A hybristophilic woman on Twitter with a fixation on Ted Bundy. She was posted in a bad art thread on /m/. As another anon described it:
>Context: the creator has a strange fantasy where she reincarnates as ted bundy's pet sheep in heaven because of divine forgiveness and his victims go to hell because they didn't understand him and he is actually free from all sin like jesus 2.0 because the creator made a sin cleaning blood ritual dedicated to ted bundy's soul in 2021.
Personally I think this is like the most extreme case of pickmeism I've ever come across, this is the absolute peak. You can't go further than this
I can't find her on Twitter, does anyone know what happened to her?

No. 2107291

Obviously this is horrible and reeks of mental illness but
> reincarnates as Ted Bundy's pet sheep
absolutely slaughtered me with how random it is kek

No. 2107347

Hybristiophiles trigger my inner alog. Wonder how she would react to being kidnapped, raped and torturwd irl. Would she still think it's fun and romantic? Would she praise her captors? Would she talk about how much she loooovesssssss Ted Bundy and thank them for this wonderful experience?

No. 2107947

One time onision was made this video about what an average/healthy woman looks like and eventually he pulled up a big fat bitch with an apple shaped body and said "See, this lady is average" do any of you know where I can find it? because if i google those words nothing comes up

No. 2108200

File: 1722136395409.gif (142.79 KB, 145x200, 1991421_c2dfb.gif)

I saw someone made a caramelldansen version of Elsie not too long ago, did anyone save it? Please nonny nonny nonny help.

No. 2108202

File: 1722136536216.gif (57.53 KB, 468x453, 1669290962695.gif)

I found it

No. 2109675

File: 1722231011289.jpg (30.53 KB, 720x633, 1000015484.jpg)

A post that showed a woman who got sent trad memes and was insulted by some moid she met on a dating app, i cant find it anymore and i dont remember which thread it was

No. 2109729

It's in the previous ugly male psyop thread probably. Either that or the current one. Or the twitter thread.

No. 2110145

There are multiple versions of this meme. One is a japanese woman caressing glass with the top and bottom text saying something like "oh American fatass-kun, I want nothing more than to be your wife" and a different version is with an anime character.

No. 2110155

Is there a website that you can punch in songs you like and it finds songs that sound very similar?

No. 2110159

No. 2110161

File: 1722275560053.jpeg (503.53 KB, 1242x1860, 1648754167082.jpeg)

This one?

No. 2110203

Thank you!!!

No. 2110429

oh my god lol, i'm the anon that originally posted about her. (also i remember she found my post and didn't find it very nicely)
she eventually privated her account and changed her @ a few times, then i think her account got purged because true crimers were being wiped en masse from twitter at the time, so i lost track. she may have left twitter altogether.
still, i think about her at least once every month. she was very original and very crazy, i sometimes look at her poetry images and i really can't believe that actually happened.

No. 2110866

There's an old Tumblr meme that was parodying/making fun of a certain kind of post that was popular at the time. Mid 2010s. It contained mostly nonsense and notably included the phrase "large and in charge, wet floppy asshole". The post also used "fancy fonts" for some of the words. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? I was able to find this meme maybe 5-6 years ago on Google, but now I can't find it.

No. 2110872

File: 1722304850220.png (192.45 KB, 1440x1103, Screenshot_20240729-185945~2.p…)

Disregard I just found it

No. 2111505

An artist similar to Meyoco but they paint with what looks like watercolours and they use masking fluid to make cute details like rain. I remember she would paint lots of grass and nature but also have cute cartoony/anime style people and animals like cats in the paintings. Please.

No. 2111546

File: 1722327567807.webp (39.33 KB, 347x497, Tweeny_Witches.webp)

Tweeny Witches?

No. 2112575

That one moo tweet where she shares the “results” of her alleged pilates workout and it’s just fat hanging off the bone

No. 2114508

That 4ch screenshot where a guy greentexts that he's an uber driver and a female passenger saw him using his gearshift and claimed he was 'playing with a fidget toy and making her uncomfortable' or something. It was so obviously fake but it got really popular for some reason. You could literally tell off jump that one day a man was using his gearshift while driving and made up an entire fake scenario where a woman compared it to gripping a cock because men are fundamentally retarded

No. 2115210

what's that one yaoi with the title that's reminiscent of the world "papillon" from like the 1970s or maybe early 80s i can't fucking find anything about it. you know what i'm talking about it gets referenced on this site here and there… if its not a yaoi then there's explicit homosexual male attraction. i'm about to chew my fingers off from frustration and i'm not even a fujoshi i just want to find it again

No. 2115240

File: 1722524780913.jpeg (178.31 KB, 1000x775, IMG_5359.jpeg)


No. 2115245

YES !!! thank you anon it was killing me. knew i could rely on my nonnies for help

No. 2115795

There this illustration I can not remember the name of. It is something like a mind mapping drawing,but it is full of small humans doing activities in rooms.Like there's a creativity room with paints and canvases, a childhood memories section,a room for lust etc.It is a very detailed and colourful illustration. Probably a digital drawing made in cartoon style.That's all I can remember.

No. 2115823

i forgot the name/term you use for women who don't openly talk about their opinion on trans people because they're afraid of how people will react or perceive them after. i saw the specific name here on lolcow a while ago but i can't remember what it is or where (g, ot)

No. 2115832


No. 2115833


No. 2115836

yes, that's it! thank you nonnie

No. 2116135

still looking

No. 2116429

File: 1722580085074.jpg (86.78 KB, 1063x1517, Oc.jpg)

Can anyone help me find nikocado avocado fanart that looks like picrel?
I remmeber seeing it on twitter and forgot to save it. It wasn't drawn mean spirited like other fanart it was actually kinda cute and i remember the post saying somthing like "oc pls don't steal"

No. 2116581

nevermind I found it

No. 2120926

File: 1722781606035.jpeg (8.76 KB, 152x254, IMG_8193.jpeg)

Please help me find this painting

No. 2121009

I think it's Love and Life by George Frederic Watts?

No. 2121010

Thank you so much

No. 2121632

Two artistic photographies of a woman with long brown hair (with bangs), turning her bare back to the camera and looking over her shoulder, in the first she smiles normally and in the second she has sharp teeth and whited out eyes. I don't remember exactly if she had blood on her on the second one

No. 2121723

Trying to look for this Pagan/medieval/neofolk song. It's very difficult to explain through text. Female vocalist. Kinda operatic. A scheme that sounds something like "hey eye! na na na hey-her ney eye ee ee hey eye!". Sorry if this isn't very descriptive. Almost certain the song wasn't in English. I can hardly remember anything about the song. No album cover, no artist, not even the language. I heard it on a Spotify Playlist a long while back.

No. 2122137

a caption of a radblr textpost (no images present, but it had colored text) that gave a blog description each type of troon would use along the lines of:
>sock, he/they, smol boy, loves frogs and bugs!!1!
>plague, xe/it/void, anarcho-communist, hardcore bdsm
i dont remember the other categories but there were at least 5-6 of them total. again it's not the popular "troon alignement" meme i see reposted on here sometimes because it had no illustrations, but it nailed the categories anyway kek

No. 2122161

Please bear with my description because my brain is running on fumes, but what is tgat one movie character that gets used as a meme on here when talking about MTF trannies? Looks like Heath Ledger.

No. 2122179

Samefag, nevermind I remembered his name. Its Buffalo Bill from Silence of The Lambs.

No. 2126188

looking for a facebook meme of two girls with a caption of something along the lines of "me and my bestfriend, sometimes we fight" and beside a picture of the girls hugging theres a picture of them beating each other up.

No. 2126204

>looks like Heath Ledger
I feel for the guy in his grave now, what a horrid reason to be referenced

No. 2126455

Help me find the song starting at 2:06 it's piano and it sounds so familiar.it also goes lalalala. I tried everything to find it without much maybe it doesn't exist?but I could have sworn I have heard it before.

No. 2128279

a old british song about a ballerina it has a lyric at the start that says "dance for me someone said" its a sombre beatleesque song its probably from a indie group

No. 2128359

No. 2128777

The opening show of a sports event I think, maybe horse riding since I used to watch that a lot when I was young, from the 2000s. It was a giant zen garden being traced in the sand. Nothing going on around it.

No. 2129271

File: 1723258411558.jpg (242.77 KB, 1080x1350, 310329301_600172401892150_8241…)

I NEED to know where to get this dress. I tried reverse image searching in addition to all my basic search attempts and nada.

No. 2129281

File: 1723258953689.jpg (45.67 KB, 369x340, 306728095_185602647297588_4589…)

Another view of it.

No. 2129304

might be vintage, they don't really make clothes in that kind of upholstery-tier fabric anymore

No. 2129569

A tiktok mirror that works?

No. 2129610

thank you!! i have been looking for it for years!! love u nonnie

No. 2131062

I don't know if it's a movie or a true crime story, but does anyone remember a story/case about two teenage boys, one pretending to be his sister/a girl he liked that was in danger, then he pretended to be the police and convinced the teenager that he was a secret agent and he ended up stabbing him when they met up? I can't remember everything but I swear I heard this story.

No. 2131639

mark and john

No. 2134234

File: 1723570694460.jpg (36.08 KB, 425x386, Ghhh.jpg)

Can anyone help me find this necklace?

No. 2134271

No. 2134429

Thank youuu oof @ the price

No. 2134478

File: 1723582500775.jpg (340.46 KB, 1442x1250, 1723580217626.jpg)

Pleeeaassee I need the dress this dumb bitch is wearing but she made her tiktok private after self posting in /snow

No. 2134718

File: 1723593724572.png (790.85 KB, 704x849, f.png)

sorry nonnie i cant locate the exact dress but maybe you can find something similar:



(out of stock but perhaps you can find it on a reseller site)

also, francescas boutique sells a lot of dresses in a similar style (fitted, puff sleeve, square neck, see picrel), perhaps its from them but i cant seem to find it.

No. 2134722

File: 1723593972074.png (447.74 KB, 891x325, lem.png)

nevermind i found it

Reformation Belgium Linen Dress Citron

No. 2136010

Does anybody know about this old manga from the early 00s? It was published in English, I think Tokyopop.
It was about a bunch of grade schoolers getting isekai'd when they dream, it was quite girly, the covers were pink or yellow with the femc in the middle, I think she wore something pink and looked a little like Samura from CCS but I'm not sure, it's been so long.

No. 2136663

File: 1723689255513.jpg (55.02 KB, 318x475, 9781591827740-us.jpg)

Dream Saga?

No. 2136676

Yes, it's this, thank you.

No. 2136693

what do you mean that's not cardcaptor sakura

No. 2137774

I'm looking for a meme that's about how men basically like something that's the same as horoscopes while simultaneously making fun of women for being into horoscopes. I can't remember what it was about exactly but it was some male hobby that groups men arbitrarily and the point of the meme was that men are hypocrites and shit on stuff women like for no reason

No. 2137836

No. 2137845

Hmm. I thought about it a bit more and I don't think it was about MBTI. Maybe something about alpha vs beta males or something to do with ancestry/pol shit.

No. 2139574

possibly extreme longshot but PLEASE help me find that one cheems meme that was about kin culture. i'm paraphrasing everything but the buff one said kinnies in 2015 be like "I am literally bakugo in real life kill yourself extras i will not hesitate to block you all if you don't get that" or some shit and then the second one is kin culture in 2020 with a crying cheems being all like "i like and relate to this character"

No. 2139790

picture of a depressed anime girl sitting in front of a computer smoking a cigarette, her room is messy and the colors are dark

No. 2139873

People were saying that about men being obsessed with alpha/sigma/beta males etc. but they've made that joke with other things. Might it have been enneagram?

No. 2140086

it's a black and white music video. the song is entirely in spanish and the genre is rock. every single shot is in black and white and there's a lot going on but it has a lot of random scenes of boxing
there's also a scene of a turtle in a desert (in another scene the turtle falls over) and a dark room with oddities, interspersed with the band playing in a white room. the guitar sounds good
i think(?) that the music video starts with females boxing each other

No. 2142481

i can’t find the website stats that were posted during hellweek?

No. 2142561

???? Anyone know

No. 2142643

I don't know about a website but they were posted in this thread

No. 2145281

a version of sweet home alabama where the tone was changed (don't remember the exact musical term) which made the song sound sadder or melancholy, anyone know what I'm talking about?

No. 2145298

nvm found the term it was in minor scale

No. 2146984


No. 2148100

I'm looking for a video, but I only remember the audio from it. It's a scottish (?) woman saying "What is this? What is this?" But it sounds more like "Wot es thes?"

No. 2148913

File: 1724356194931.jpg (39.72 KB, 382x383, 1616522861427.jpg)

whats the source?

No. 2148916

Nevermind,I found it! thanks random Japanese user whose YouTube comment I didn't see sooner.

No. 2148919

a twisted wonderland doujin maybe?

No. 2148924

original filename was smug lou so i dont think its TW, unless there is a character nicknamed lou

No. 2148960

I think it's from black butler, nona

No. 2148963

thank you!!! i love how yana toboso draws, i really should read black buttler

No. 2149003

File: 1724358476872.png (Spoiler Image,1.45 MB, 1916x1080, 1000039543.png)

can someone get me the uncensored version of this thx

No. 2149089

I remember a music video that's like a fever dream. Maybe it was released 2005, 2004 or before. Probably European as I was living in Europe at the time and the music video channels played a lot of European stuff. It was dance pop music. There were two gay guys dancing and riding rockets in space. One guy was white one guy was black. It was definitely very gay. Does anyone remember this music video? Band name or song name?

No. 2149132

File: 1724364189013.jpg (Spoiler Image,67.54 KB, 850x534, sample_ac9c7ec654963a57b9eacb2…)

i cant believe there is so much catdog porn

No. 2149178

Reminds me of that Brian Griffin fanartist who wanted to fuck his own dog

No. 2149184

AHHAHHAAA I didn't think anyone would even bother I just saw the censored one and posted it as a goof. I'm so sorry thank you nonnie lmao

No. 2149496

File: 1724377338396.png (866.44 KB, 514x653, light-1.png)

curious if this light is real because its beautiful

No. 2153392

Can someone find that public sex poll on tumblr, everyone's talking about it but I can't fucking find it

No. 2153622

What is the chemical that was used to anesthetize women in labor and was ALSO used for heavy industrial metal cleaning, now is suspected to be the largest cause of parkinson's? I'm not fucking kidding.

No. 2153627

Cows get better care by veterinarians than women do by doctors. They wouldn’t use heavy machinery chemicals on an animal that might end up in a moids tummy (what if he gets sick??)

No. 2153642


(from wiki) The introduction of halothane in 1956 greatly diminished the use of TCE as a general anesthetic. TCE was still used as an inhalation analgesic in childbirth given by self-administration. Fetal toxicity and concerns about the carcinogenic potential of TCE led to its abandonment in developed countries by the 1980s.

No. 2153697

How did you find that? Is it really called trichloroethylene cause I looked up trichloroethylene but I couldn't find anything about parkinson's. Name's cute though.

No. 2153766

First I looked at some medical journals on pregnancy and anethstetics through history but that didn't help much, so I just looked up leading causes of Parkinsons, looked few some things and looked up any chemicals mentioned and then tried to cross reference for ones used for pregnancy anethstetics at any point.
If you search up trichloroethylene and parkinsons, tonnes of results.

No. 2154956

a picture of two women, one knelt down (bottom half not in frame) using the other's skirt as a shield against the wind to light her cigarette

No. 2155337

File: 1724694912438.webp (269.33 KB, 985x755, F6347B3E-373D-4937-9764-5E5138…)

I saw a black and white redraw or fanart of picrel 4-6 years ago. I am fairly certain it was on tumblr, it may of had the arrow in gold and or glowing. The description was no more than a sentence. I thought I had saved it but I didn’t.

No. 2155347

Samefag, adding some more details. I don’t believe it had a closeup of Kagome’s face like in the original. It could have been laid out like a comic page and was meant to be viewed vertically, not horizontally. If it was a comic book page I believe a thin panel had a closeup of Kagome, maybe. There was a lot of detailed line work in the tree, it almost could have been a tattoo.

No. 2155412

There was this gif I saw on tumblr a few times of an asian woman with her head tilted to the side, looking sort of confused, and then nodding as if to say "sure, I guess". I think she was wearing either very read lipstick or blush. Anyone have it?

No. 2155780

who has that low res image of null with all the hearts around him. need it for school project

No. 2157054

File: 1724797353668.gif (507.18 KB, 640x640, 41EFA4E3-0EAC-402B-9DAE-4C8458…)

Please explain how this relates to a school project

No. 2157055

File: 1724797411785.gif (582.21 KB, 640x640, A98A9AAD-FD65-4188-B13F-CECD2E…)

Idk if you wanted prev or picrel so here are both

No. 2157057

please explain why do you have that saved

No. 2157061

I actually want go cry right now. I want to find a cute game I used to play on my grandma's phone, it was one of those games you could play using a special portal made by the phone company.
I remember the game being in English, this was before touch phones existed btw, I used to play on a flip phone if I remember correctly and the game was basically you picking a cute dog, it could be a Labrador, a golden or another breed, I think a poodle.
You had your little house and you could pet your dog, go to the pool to see your dog race against others and you could also just play throwing a ball if I remember correctly.
It was all a pixel style game, I remember the apartment having lots of green and brown, it was cozy and small.

No. 2157062

He looks happy here but there's a certain despair in his eyes that you can tell is because he's overweight.

No. 2157064

So I could upload it to lc

No. 2157071

thats the face of a man who loves shota catboys

No. 2157076

….hmmm..ok stalkeur childe. happy surfing on the lowercase i internet

No. 2157078

He kinda looks like an Aiden in this one.

No. 2157086

File: 1724798428465.gif (1.35 MB, 320x240, 6FB5C524-2C25-4866-B25A-E5C0F9…)

I’ll see you in prison on pizza day, nona

No. 2157093

He has the same smiling mannerisms as Anuc Attiwan

No. 2157094

Do people think this thing is cute? Looks like any other boring fattie in my classes

No. 2157099

File: 1724799141039.jpg (133.87 KB, 411x437, Josh is somewhere.jpg)

No josh just is just trying to psyop us into thinking he's cute

No. 2157106

File: 1724799521667.jpg (6.39 KB, 225x225, elfstealingallyourdomains.jpg)

that elf faced bastard is at it again

No. 2157318

this picture is melting my heart he looks so sweetly retarded

No. 2157523

is that the fucking cereal gorilla?

No. 2157558

ipuppy world or touchpets? maybe mypet (see timestamped video)?

No. 2157764

Does anyone know the name of that Japanese woman who killed a tranny scrote after he tricked her into going on a date with him? Google is no help

No. 2158250

this one?

No. 2158583

File: 1724907713704.jpg (54.82 KB, 750x1000, bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-pad,…)

Anyone have the version of this meme where it's that one actor and he's photoshopped with really greasy hair? I forgot his name

No. 2158586

File: 1724908216638.jpg (65.39 KB, 500x533, 3952699425742.JPG)

Brendan Fraser aged like milk

No. 2158602

The copypasta thread, please

No. 2158603

Based. Trannies hate when lesbians do this one good trick

No. 2158650

yessss thank you

No. 2158674

Fucking finally, yes that's her thank you. I love that all the comments I saw were in support of her as well.

No. 2158760

Does anyone have the name of that artist on Tumblr who was drawing those Harry Potter yonkomas with a super deformed art syle, often pointing out the absurdity of the world and where Dumbledore was a huge asshole?

No. 2158789

File: 1724936589011.png (1.08 MB, 1280x1682, IMG_8539.png)


No. 2158795

File: 1724936885581.jpg (148.87 KB, 700x697, 1000007273.jpg)

I used to love these kek

No. 2158836

File: 1724939224780.jpg (469.69 KB, 1280x1458, 1000024285.jpg)

Yes thank you! I was looking for picrel in particular and I didn't find the original blog in my following list.

No. 2158952

File: 1724945594922.jpeg (210.87 KB, 950x676, IMG_0549.jpeg)

There was this website that used to show people of different body types. Basically you could input in a set weight, sex, height, age, etc and it would show you a bunch of photos from average looking people with the same type. I think it was made a charity aimed at reducing body dysmorphia

No. 2158956

No. 2159112

It was an anime style music video, I don't remember anything about the music but there was a kid riding a bike I think and also robots. The kid might have been shooting at the robots? It was kind of older looking, like late 90's.

No. 2159269

Could someone find that one anti-moid Nico reaction image? It had some manhate text and cutesy stickers but I dont remember what exactly it said. Thanks!

No. 2159459

Nonnies how do I join the Minecraft server? I'm sick of playing by myself but I don't want to join another random server overrun by moids who keep destroying my builds. I just want to build a pretty little farm and fill it with sheep.

No. 2159467

im also wondering , ik its a whitelisted server but i dont know how i can get added to the whitelist arrghhh!!

No. 2159551

Minecraft anon said that it would be off for the weekends, she's already posted the IP. Do not link it here or say where it is, she will whitelist it permanently.

No. 2162815

I saw a short video posted here with cuts from Anton Chigurh with Like That by Doja cat playing in the background. It's probably from /ot/ or /m/

No. 2163432

File: 1726273704082.jpeg (170.22 KB, 780x778, IMG_2587.jpeg)

This one?

No. 2163894

File: 1726298589659.jpeg (1.22 MB, 3000x4000, CB004764-031E-45DE-B790-43AC3B…)

Nonas i found these pictures in an "dark academia esthetic edit" and wanted to ask you if you know what movies they are from. I don't know if it's from multiple movies. I made a collage so that i don't spam the thread

No. 2163901

i don't quite know, but one of these HAS to be from the Dead Poets Society, and some of these look like Harry Potter

No. 2163906

No. 2163911

They're neither of those because i know those movies by heart lol (the original clip had both of those movies in it so i didnt include them cause i was able to recognize them!!) thank you still for trying!! Im really desperate to figure it out!

No. 2163945

Someone in the comments of the original said "Riot Club" ?

No. 2163977

Third one down on the right appears to be from Tolkien (2019). Some of the others (building out of window, writing) may be stock images or from Pinterest

No. 2163990

There's a similar image to top right in Young Sherlock Holmes (1985), don't think it's the exact one but may be of interest if you like this aesthetic. Third on the left looks like it might be from a Harry Potter video game rather than one of the movies, hence the similarity to HP. That's as much as I can find

No. 2164019

Thank you girls, will check them out. (Btw they were all videoclips, not pictures, so I'm sure it's from movies)

No. 2164080

File: 1726321138185.jpeg (175.54 KB, 1179x875, IMG_0758.jpeg)

What about this, wheres it from?

No. 2164238

The Riot Club

No. 2164304

Top row left - The Riot Club
Second row right - The Vampire Diaries
Third row left - can't find movie but this is the Middle Temple in London if that helps

No. 2164368

Now that we're back can anyone help me find this? It was a little kid with brown hair riding a tricycle I think. Blease.

No. 2164434

Thank you nonas, kiss

No. 2164669

The ita thread i feel so stupid is it even on this website?

No. 2164762

Go to /m/ and search the catalog.

No. 2164896

its not on /m/ its on /w/

No. 2165782

sometime back a nonnie shared some great resources in how to properly homeschool your kids, it would be appreciated if someone could share those assets

No. 2169808

comic panel of that pink rabbit made by the schizo tif with the speech bubble “you are disabled be quiet”

No. 2169814

File: 1726688801002.jpeg (28.84 KB, 199x344, IMG_2757.jpeg)

Here you go!

No. 2170128

There was this popular online clothing brand in the mid-late 2010s. I never bought from them because they were too expensive, but I remember them as their clothes were resold all over Depop at the time (when it was a hip new app…). I think it had a J in its name. They basically made preppy vintage inspired clothes and a guy irl thought my shoes which were platform lace up boots were made by them, but they weren't. I believe the brand name was only 2 words as well.

No. 2170159

jaded london?

No. 2170169

It wasn't Jaded London. It was more preppy than Jaded London.

No. 2170189

Jack Wills?

No. 2170192

I'm a retard, I finally found it. It was UNIF. Thank you for your help anyway, I'm aware my "hints" weren't helpful

No. 2172816

please help me find a lolcow post here in /ot that i saw today while half-asleep and i don't remember the thread. it was about anon watching a documentary on 9/11 to cry and then masturbate and other anon also did the same

No. 2172881

TMI thread #3, it only got better >>2171738

No. 2172944

Does anyone have that video that kept getting posted of the super hot black girl and a nerdy white guy dancing to tinashe - nasty.

No. 2173028

File: 1726888987313.mp4 (3.9 MB, 480x852, 1725318583312.mp4)

No. 2173029

i’m pissing myself

No. 2173035

chud good end

No. 2173044

Does anyone have that video of an Asian woman in what looks like an airport and then some white guy passes by her and she looks so upset or something, I just remember it having a song called apathy playing on it

No. 2174090


No. 2174270

that one gif where a dude throws a baby through a female and male skeletons' pelvises. please

No. 2174320

Whats the site with the 3D figure where you can put in different weights, heights, and measurements and see what it would look like?

No. 2174341

File: 1726955599508.png (133.43 KB, 956x884, moo.PNG)

No. 2174353


No. 2174390

I've been thinking of an old horror game for days now but my google-fu isn't strong enough to find it. It's from the 70s or 80s, I remember it having a similar inferface to the MacVenture series but the actual game had brighter colours, and the villain would say "it hurts" as he hunted you. It might not necessarily have been a horror game but I think it was, it had a creepy vibe. I know that's not a lot of information to go off kek sorry

No. 2174403

File: 1726958566861.jpeg (432.26 KB, 516x1055, IMG_9975.jpeg)

>when in reality he was accusing someone who identified themselves as bisexual of dangerously confusing young people about their sexuality for simply existing androgynously
wtf is this referring to ?? can't find anything when i try to look it up

No. 2174450

I could have sworn we had a general TikTok hate thread? Or something like that…

No. 2174464

File: 1726962761930.png (67.8 KB, 339x455, 2024-09-21_23-52.png)

No. 2174516

No. 2174570

this is what all women should look like

No. 2174924

This is peak female physique

No. 2175306

File: 1727024690109.jpg (12.26 KB, 480x360, 1000045798.jpg)

Does ANYONE have this meme of Miss South Carolina where instead of her speech she's going on about her bloodlust. Please.

No. 2175323

File: 1727025967792.jpg (77.15 KB, 637x480, 1000016569.jpg)

No. 2175346


No. 2175349

File: 1727027055628.png (4.85 KB, 675x456, smek.png)

kek you're welcome

No. 2177314

The song called ___ cowboy with a scrote in a cowboy hat on the cover. The lyrics go "gjsdfdfhererjgdfidfgerieri WOOHOO!!!" over and over

No. 2181447

File: 1727398414474.jpeg (63.69 KB, 736x485, 0852A966-65E4-4EDB-A22F-7CF1C5…)

A tiktok or other short form video where a woman has two different boyfriend AIs talk to each other. The gimmick is that both AIs are daddy dom or bdsm types so they just keep trying to fight one another. The woman I think was black but I don’t remember too well. Was definitely posted on /ot/ in the past month.

No. 2181835

KEK please someone find this.

No. 2184536

No. 2185486

does anyone remember this video of a scene girl (?) alone in her bedroom talking shit to a camera. at one point she's like "bitch" or "slut" or something and she says something like "and only i can say that because i'm a girl (???)"

No. 2185490

Listen up botdf haterz?

No. 2185496

holy kek yes thank you this has been in the back of my head for years

No. 2185535

you are a treasure for bringing this back into my life, inshallah may your hair do what you ask it tomorrow and may your hands be ever soft

No. 2187597

Does anyone have or at least remember that one meme about the Caucasus
>group photo of Eastern European(?) looking people beefing labeled with Caucasus flags
>Azerbaijan points gun at Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh, who are also pointing guns back at Azerbaijan
>Georgia in the middle pointing two guns at his own head, the guns are Abkhazia and South Ossetia

No. 2188526

I hope this isn't the wrong thread to ask but do any of you nonnies know good fashion "influencers" who post their fits without showing their face? Even better if they make videos, vlogs or tiktoks. They don't need to have their face cut off or blurred they could also be wearing a mask or something.
Also no weird meme/internet clothes only like actual fashionable outfits it can be artsy of course

No. 2191595

the '' i feel sad when its not about me?'' meme, it was a twitter capture

No. 2191597

File: 1727927632540.png (47.58 KB, 740x384, IMG_5517.png)

No. 2193416

That montage of Trump and Biden saying "shut up" "no you shut up" "make me" and then they kiss.

No. 2194495

I'm looking for this website that lets you add random characters who then battle each other, i constantly see it in memes posted but i cant for the life of me remember what its called and cant really find it when looking for hunger games simulator

No. 2194505

No. 2194508

its not this one, thats the one i keep finding but not the one im looking for >>2194505

No. 2194523

File: 1728142514581.mp4 (10.89 MB, 1280x720, 1000048626.mp4)

No. 2194652

I'm looking for an Instagram reel that was an animated short. It had a really surreal art style, a primarily red color palette, and a female AI voice narrating. It's a loose plot of a woman giving birth to the child of a god after all her other pregnancies were rejected by this evil god figure. It also said "this was before the angels grew jealous. Their shrieks rattled the bronze walls of the temple." Or something similar.

No. 2196896

File: 1728270110625.gif (Spoiler Image,1.29 MB, 362x240, lv_0_20241007050119.gif)

Where's this from?

No. 2197451

does anyone have that post about chick fil a’s popularity being fake

No. 2197525

There are these baking videos that use a background clip of a woman berating her daughter for falling in love or something. I can’t seem to find these baking videos, but if you know what I’m talking about, does anyone know where the clip is from?

No. 2197552

The movie “Cruising" from 1980, starring Al Pacino as an undercover cop in the gay scene of NYC

No. 2198275

The boomer wojak video where he wakes up the zoomer playing thunderstruck and stuff

No. 2199414

Gameboy Grinch screencap with the caption "this is the face he makes when he's balls deep inside you"

No. 2199761

This Christian girl on deviantart who drew a lot of spanking art and husbandoed Loki and TFA Starscream but also wanted to be their moms(?) I think she might have also husbandoed something from the matrix but I could be wrong.
I think she published a Christian kids book about gargoyles too.

No. 2199809

Is there any English translation of this song?

No. 2201065

File: 1728562950848.jpg (75.28 KB, 800x800, kawaiies-plushies-plush-softto…)

Does anyone have an image with this isopod backpack strapped into a car?

No. 2201293

this is gonna sound so obscure and i doubt ill ever find it, but does anyone by any chance remember a certain cutesy, korean song from around 2005-2007? it had a cute stop-motion animation of a little cardboard guy and a paper robot in the video, i think. its like electronica beep boop music with a guy softly singing over it, and a kind of acoustic riff. it was by an indie artist and most koreans probably dont even know it tbh.

No. 2201295

off topic but making pretty women advertise ridiculous/jokey items really grinds my gears

No. 2201385

pretty women love isopods

No. 2201439


No. 2202116

File: 1728613004940.jpg (50.83 KB, 564x560, 1000003052.jpg)

What book was this wonderful cat in? I know it's Richard Scarry but I don't remember which one

No. 2202127

File: 1728613492599.png (724.78 KB, 720x561, 1000002591.png)

Best Word Book Ever 1963 ed. The 1991 ed revised that part out to cat in danger.

No. 2202777

Wow they really hate articulate children.

No. 2203008

Picture of Michael Jackson dressed as a clown with a midget. I don't remember if i mixed several pictures, but i remember there was a picture of MJ with a bunch of midget prostitutes.

No. 2203580

the name of that one schizo on twitter (and youtube as well?). i remember this video, vaguely, he was talking about training the birds at his supermarket to attack passerby

No. 2204919

File: 1728779237873.gif (3.52 MB, 360x202, 1669496650258.gif)

where is this gif from?

No. 2205295

tawag ng tanghalan

No. 2206273

What's the meme where a guy with red hair, glasses and a beard (?) has both his hands on his head and is shocked? All I know it's a PNG from some failed game (I think he's also wearing a plaid shirt)

No. 2206294

File: 1728867280654.webp (37.42 KB, 1000x742, D033C6E4-2543-482F-A23C-8F9CB8…)

Its Alex from the game YIIK, a shitty rpg with tons of reddit tier references and elisa lam waifuisms

No. 2206301


No. 2206450

It's been posted a few times before what's the image of a younger guy getting his face smashed into cake? Wasn't it from a French magazine?

No. 2206474

Can anyone help me find those commercials about cable or direct TV or some shit where it would setup this chain of events that would happen when you have poor signal, and the events slowly get more ridiculous and crazy.
The commercial I remember was a guy witnessing a murder and going on the run. They had a super specific dialog setup. It went something like:
"When you have bad signal you see things you weren't supposed to see" with a video of a man looking out his window and seeing mafia men stuffing a guy in their trunk
"And when you see things you weren't supposed to see, you fake your death"
"And when you fake your death you grow a mustache"
"And when you grow a mustache you attend your funeral as a man named(stupid fake name)"
"Do not attend your funeral as a man named(stupid fake name)"
There was also another one of a guy selling his hair to a wig shop.

No. 2206500

Unironically looks like a gijinka of the Reddit alien.

No. 2206521

Movie about zombie applcyspe that has been "cured" and the ex zombies ate discriminated against when they are cured and come back into society? Or maybe it's a show?? Anyone know?

No. 2206595

File: 1728890554991.jpg (24.27 KB, 738x415, bbc in the flesh.jpg)

I only know of the show In The Flesh, the plot is basically what you describe.

No. 2206604

They look like they could the main characters from one of those shitty Silent Hill games not made by the original Team Silent.

No. 2206609

i love in the flesh i was really obsessed when it first aired kek

No. 2206965

A website(?) that let you customize and create your own layout for work. It included features like a calendar, to do list, notifications, etc that displayed on your screen upon startup. It was shared in the bunker threads on CC but I can’t remember what it was called.

No. 2207409

my memories are hazy so it might not be 100% accurate but: that music video where it's basically a woman dreaming about her lost(dead?) lover and there is that slo-mo scene where she is kissing him on a roof and there is a comet shooting in the background. she wakes up at the end

No. 2207428

File: 1728949311612.jpeg (98.93 KB, 960x504, zombies-3-960x504.jpeg)

i hope it's this one just because it would make me kek

No. 2208909

Does anyone remember a website/blog dedicated to posting pics of random people in New York City? The people in his pics are never posing and it's uploaded daily, I think.

No. 2208918

People of New York?

No. 2208925

Its the "The Cured" with Ellen page. ##I remembered because a cool detail is the cured zombies remember everything they did as a zombie"

No. 2208959

A picture of a family where the dad is carrying his wife and multiple children in his arms at once. He has a huge grin and the wife has an unamused look. I think the picture was black and white, not sure though? The dad was white and the mom looked Vietnamese or something similar

No. 2211736

File: 1729212234469.jpg (232.39 KB, 1152x2048, 1729196432666.jpg)

What's her name?

No. 2211764

Claire Max. Just as a tip, you can reverse search images! That's what I did and that's how I found the name

No. 2211771

File: 1729214218007.png (110.65 KB, 800x869, 1000018494.png)

When I did that there were no results but ty

No. 2211783

a meme/screenshot of a fat weeb's Facebook status where he says his life is an anime. this is accompanied by a photo of him with a piece of toast in his mouth that is either covered in a grotesquely thick layer of butter or possibly cream cheese?

so stupid but it's bothering me. TIA!

No. 2212073

File: 1729228054107.png (177.03 KB, 299x375, IMG_3524.png)

Gif set of Ellen page talking to some man and he’s actively telling her that he’d harass her. She looked visibly uncomfortable in the gif. Does anyone have it?

No. 2212091

File: 1729228527433.webp (39.57 KB, 828x478, 1000001363.webp)


I found this article the guy on the picture wrote while I was googling to help you find the picture. Here's both, because what a loser he must be to write a whole article about how people misinterpreted his joke.

No. 2212123

word for that complex where you always feel like you’re being watched by a house of windows or something

No. 2212150

Some 4chan troll posting how White women all secretly lust after Indian men and an Indian poster replying with a "no" (I think there was a sad reaction image attached to it).

No. 2212164

incredible anon, thank you so much!

No. 2212358

File: 1729252758428.webm (272.75 KB, 464x720, 1728998499873.webm)

does anyone know who's this woman?

No. 2212664

What's that blogspot detailing the decline of the Y-Chromosome called again?

No. 2212674

No. 2212727

Yep, thanks.

No. 2212888

A dance cover of Hirose Kohmis Get Down but it's two tiny dogs dancing. It's not vidrel.

No. 2212894

Anyone know that song where the singer goes "I'm not calling a man a she"?

No. 2215709

Crossposting: >>>/g/438928

No. 2215949

There's this picture I saw awhile ago that basically was long text about how men should die more and kill themselves more and get raped more, does anyone have it? It's really funny and I want to show my mom

No. 2219477

band name that starts with "the m[???]" i couldn't see the rest kek. i saw it irl on someone's shirt. the font was long like the beatles' logo but thinner and with serifs IIRC. i'm thinking it has to be some rock band from that era, late 1960s or 1970s ish..?

No. 2219495

The monkees?

No. 2219675

i thought so too but the logo doesn't look the same at all sadly the monkees' one looks much cooler… it was all straight letters not written in some design.

No. 2219680

Moody Blues? Mamas and the Papas?

No. 2219740

File: 1729697600668.gif (930.9 KB, 245x237, 4eda5e2a0fe809b9ca2c516eed1f4a…)

please where is this performance from ?

No. 2219741

vidrel is more footage from it. i couldn't find deets from the comments and reverse image search wasn't giving me results

No. 2219754

it's from a French performance, I found someone on Reddit who uploaded the whole thing to Google drive here https://drive.google.com/file/d/11vLnv8t7S8ntJyfJLCrw7nhgQexzjGmE/view

I love Alex so much thanks for bringing this up

No. 2219763

File: 1729699187774.gif (4.78 MB, 728x738, Byj9lma.gif)

No. 2219801

God what a chode. I’m not justifying it but it’s shit like this that explains why some TIFs want to escape being a woman.

No. 2219863

Their feelings are understandable, but their solution to the problem is what I disagree with. This whole interview is a mess.

No. 2219881

And that's how troons are made

No. 2220049

longshot but i want to find an old post, i don't remember the thread at all but i'm pretty sure it was something on /ot/ or /m/ discussing anime. some nonna made a post talking about a soccer anime that she love-hated and how ridiculous the premise of it was because everything in the plot revolved around soccer. i think there was a youtube clip or a webm attached of a scene in the anime where the characters are lying on a roof dreaming about playing soccer in heaven or space or something.
anyway i've tried quote searching for it with no results, i can't recall exactly what it said just that it was hilarious. i don't think it was posted in the funny caps thread but it could have been.

No. 2220253

worst part is this moid was the president of brazil lol

No. 2220720

How can I find the KF thread where they discussed lolcow staff milk? I'm a total newfag there and hate the search system

No. 2220750

It’s just called lolcow.farm community, it’s 66 pages or so… basically just click through the pages KF sucks like that

No. 2221463

File: 1729801046880.png (344.57 KB, 960x504, original.png)

Hi nonnas, your help would be greatly appreciated on my search for a picture that had what was supposed to be Mr.Beast's post history/list soliciting mtf troons on 4chan. It was a list of multiple posts. I swear I saw it, nonnas!!

No. 2221476

OH MY GOD THIS POST IS ABOUT MEEEEE!!! The anime is Inazuma Eleven and here is the clip

No. 2221485

File: 1729802009190.png (946.93 KB, 1079x1332, Screenshot_20241024-162912.png)

Samefag for screenshot

No. 2221513

god bless you nonna. your post will live in my heart forever, like the eternal aeons of time in space heading as a ball towards earth's goalpost.

No. 2221548

Does anyone remember that cosplayer who went to a con in a skimpy costume and allegedly smelled like fish? All I remember of the pics of her is that she was tan and had short hair. I wanted to post her in the cosplay thread in /m/ to be funny but I can't for the life of me remember her name kek.

No. 2221572

is that mr bitch

No. 2221589

Yeah, he seems to still have a soul in that pic

No. 2221596

This sounds very similar to Galactik Football. A French Canadian animated series. Except earth has a different name and aliens and humans are aware of each other and have all kinds of political and economical relationships. All aliens play football and use their unique to their species superpowers in it to win, using said powers outside of football is illegal and they get arrested for it and kicked out of their teams, humans are the only ones without super powers (sort of?) until 2 crazy scientists invent some infinite energy source, and the mafia comes after them for it, so they try to run away and accidentally drop it on earth, and all babies born at that time gained their own superpowers, but somehow the older team that already existed had it, too? But when the kids grow up, they all join the football team with the coach being a member of the older team and his assistant being one of the crazy scientists who has amnesia and doesn't remember his invention. The other crazy scientists went to become a space pirate who does good and does a Robin Hood like act of stealing from the rich and corrupt and giving to the poor and needy. His son is one of the kids in the new team and because of the whole energy source and mafia drama, they get to meet for the first time. And it turns out someone hid the energy source orb thingy in the football galaxy cup, so the main team try to win to save the world from the bad guys. It was amazing tbh and got canceled unfortunately.

No. 2223197

File: 1729872142627.jpg (4.23 KB, 100x100, efbi.jpg)

you're definitely thinking of tunamelt-chan
thank you nonna!!! he used to be so cute. sad

anons where is this from? is this just one of those random pics people had as their avatars or is it from some kind of album cover or video game? neither google nor yandex are turning up results and tineye etc are useless af

No. 2223624

Does anyone know the link to a Japanese song I'm trying to remember. I remember the song had a heavy use of piano and xylophone, it a had a upbeat yet somber tone. The YouTube video has a thumbnail and image of a bunch of stuffed animals on a shelf. I distinctly remember the lyrics starting out with something like
>みんな ね みんな (Mina ne mina)
So it sounded like this
>Mina -BUM- Ne mina -Ba-bum-
and then some sharper Japanese words. I really hope it can be found.

No. 2224682

File: 1729954028545.png (450.3 KB, 500x1500, ZiRKgPZ.png)

Does anyone have a source for this cute art I saw in /g/?

No. 2226692

that comic of a brown guy being disappointed that white women aren't into bdsm and that they would rather apologize for being white

No. 2229758

File: 1730224693886.png (390.54 KB, 640x602, IMG_1822.png)

What was the name of that one website with a huge .pdf database? The one that had every book imaginable?

No. 2229764

z-library? I think it got taken down

No. 2229768

annas-archive.org is still online. not sure if it's the one you're thinking of though

No. 2229774


No. 2229791

I was thinking about zlibrary, sad to hear about it being taken down, but thank you so much for the other suggestions, mwah.

No. 2229806

Z-lib has a lot of mirrors, you can try any of this. The most common is down rn but some others remain up.

No. 2230073

File: 1730240313448.png (20.45 KB, 591x396, spng.png)

can anyone help me find me the rendermaxxed art of two anime girls, dressed in j fashion, one in white?pink? with pink pigatils and the other in black with long sandy blonde hair? like my shitty picrel sketch

there are tons of artwork with these two

No. 2230077

File: 1730240456009.mp4 (1.91 MB, 576x1024, whale hunter.mp4)

No. 2230085

Oh I recognize her

No. 2230089

File: 1730240975562.jpg (40.11 KB, 463x663, images.jpeg-35.jpg)

unxxi? She has a pink haired oc too

No. 2230091

looking for an awful video on youtube of a zoomer explaining why theres nothing wrong with zoophiles or paraphiles in general. I couldve sworn someone shared a screenshot of the video in the youtube hate thread, but i cant find it.

No. 2230158

This is a reeeeally long shot, but I'm looking for a video that was posted on Tumblr years ago that was a parody of a Jason Derulo song. The clip played while a woman shout-sang making all sorts of funny noises and inflections. I think the song was birthday sex. At some point she dubbed Jason saying JASON DERULOOOO in a really funny way.

No. 2230167

not this one, both characters had fair skin, but cute pic

No. 2230182

File: 1730245519958.jpg (239.07 KB, 1200x1194, 6791c5e95a724d11ad53cd6bdd460c…)

this then?

No. 2230183

File: 1730245543788.jpg (466.61 KB, 1346x2048, 5d5e30351e3ab2d43812ec43cb701b…)

or this one?

No. 2230193

File: 1730245949685.jpg (645.66 KB, 1349x2048, tumblr_a7379fa3aacf8e26690bca1…)

or better yet this one? by the same artist unxxi

No. 2231247

YES!!! this is The one, thank you sooo much nonnie ILY have a great Day

No. 2232500

Please help! I'm trying to remember this old computer game I used to play where you would navigate a guy through a maze or something but the gimmick was there were these different colored zones of arrows that would change the gravity. If you ran into ones pointing to the right, the guy would be standing on the right wall, if the arrows pointed up, he'd be on the ceiling and so forth.

No. 2232572

File: 1730343705989.png (144.14 KB, 396x235, Screenshot 2024-10-30 230102.p…)

samefag and nevermind I found it

No. 2232591

Some OST that sounds incredibly similar to 0:46-0:51 (timestamped it, too) of the piano version of Long Vacation's Silent Emotion that'd sometimes play in the background. I think it's either from an anime or VN.

No. 2232927

No. 2233199

Nope, but thanks

No. 2235162

Long shot but I remember some weeks ago when I was scrolling through /ot/ (or maybe /g/?) some anon talked about how she doesn't quite feel like "You can think anything, it's your acts that matters" is a philosophy to live by and that it feels more like a cop-out. She herself said she couldn't really express why she feels that way and that she wanted other anons thoughts on it. I for the life of mine can't remember what thread that was, and if it even got any discussion going, but maybe someone knows what I'm talking about.

No. 2235167

I'm the OP and I posted it in the 3rd tumblr cringe thread, here's the post >>2105341

No. 2235178

Seems like my description of it got mixed up with my own feelings on it because yours is so simple and concise lol but that's exactly it, thanks.

No. 2235861

Nonnies, apparently Koakuma Ageha is publishing their magazine online on a monthly basis, and the physical magazines are only released twice a year. Where the hell can you find their newest issues online? Maybe I am stupid but I could not find anything

No. 2235892

File: 1730565878666.png (165.11 KB, 680x680, image.png)

No. 2236535

I really need to find an album. "Live at the World Cafe Volume 4." I had the CD when I was really young and it is just an amazing and weird album (in my opinion). Have never been able to find a download of it, even though other volumes are available online. It's stupid obscure so I don't really have hope, but I miss listening to it.

No. 2238068

I lost an artist I saw on my twitter feed the other day, the art is kind of yoshitaka amano inspired with a few other obvious influences, but the handle was something like RIKA_hanu in that it started with an R and was capitalized, and after the underscore I think it started with an h but was lowercase? The post was pretty popular, in case any of you happened to see it. Would really like to find them again I really wanted to look at their art

No. 2238318

File: 1730720166980.png (1.97 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_1901.png)

What castle is this? I only know it's in Germany

No. 2238321

it's the Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany nonnie

No. 2238327

File: 1730720902704.png (76.98 KB, 747x539, IMG_1931.png)

No. 2238332

File: 1730721780600.webp (8.44 KB, 390x280, beauty-portrait-cute-lovely-yo…)

a bit too much but ok kek nonnie

No. 2244137

That drawing comparing anime tomboys men like versus ones women like

No. 2246116

The gebinning of neetlita saga, anyone?

No. 2246836

it was posted in this very thread kek

No. 2253664

A short video of a frog (toad?) sitting on a water thing that's bubbling like a jacuzzi & the caption was absolutely lost in the sauce. Think I saw it on Instagram reels or tiktok.

No. 2255105

Is there a good, free, reliable reverse image searching site? I think i may be getting catfished

No. 2255112

What are your suspicions

No. 2255153

She's pretty, almost too pretty. Also too perfect, hasn't asked for anything perverted, shares my interests, and is overall an extremely nice woman. But I am paranoid

No. 2255195

She may just be a heavy editor, time will tell. You can always ask to FT or exchange insta

No. 2255534

File: 1731311884640.jpeg (39.13 KB, 335x398, IMG_2092.jpeg)

What painting is this?

No. 2255570

File: 1731315498007.jpeg (1.29 MB, 3024x3779, IMG_6071.jpeg)

the Apotheosis of Hercules, it's on a ceiling in Versailles

No. 2255577

File: 1731316001299.webp (10.56 KB, 640x640, IMG_2095.webp)

No. 2255608

File: 1731319483058.jpeg (217.22 KB, 884x1103, IMG_6076.jpeg)

oh my! you're very forward

No. 2255778

fashion Nonnas, I need you. I cannot remember which cow thread it was, but it was a cow who splurged on "expensive" clothing, I hadn't heard of the brand before and I went on the website and it was either American or Russian and they had really cute coords and sets for Christmas, something you'd picture a oligarch would wear, red coats with fur, skirts with fur. very dramatic and over the top, like from a childrens fairy tale book of winter. it was around $300 per piece and they seemingly had "seasonal" drops. it's none of the common brands and I know this is super vague so I am not expecting to ever find it again

No. 2256423

No. 2256426

I'm so late but thanks

No. 2257350

where is that grindr message exchange that was like
>top or bottom
>OK send me your insta
>r u sure you're a top

No. 2257385

that one video of trisha paytas on tiktok lip syncing to an audio that went something like:
>but you don't look trans
>yeah that's literally the whole point

No. 2262812

File: 1731747846203.jpg (352.01 KB, 1170x737, 1000589430658.jpg)

does anyone have a link to that study showing that most people preferred brunettes over blondes? i remember it was posted during one of the hair color infights around a year ago

No. 2267924

does anyone have that reaction image of someone sitting normally but they have a thought bubble that says "horny & feral thoughts" or something like that?

No. 2268071

Hey guys, help me out. This is going to be hard…

I'm looking for a song in Japanese that I used to listen to on YouTube…

I think the song title was in English and sung by a woman with a very soft voice (almost girly). The clip with the Romanji lyrics I used to watch had some drawings of a crying/sad girl.

I don't remember the lyrics because they were in Japanese, but I remember it was a soft pop song and that in the chorus the singer asked a bunch of questions (basically about how life has been treating the listener).

I also remember that Vocaloid did a cover, and that some band also did a jazz cover with some English lyrics.

All of this was around 2009-2010.

If any of you know a song that kinda fits this description, please let me know!

No. 2268101

I’m going out on a limb here, but could it be this song/mv…?

No. 2269011

Artwork that was about a woman being raped and the man was represented as a black spiky ball or something? It went viral for some reason, or maybe I just saw it posted about here but I don't remember what it was called.

No. 2269022

File: 1732128854826.webp (Spoiler Image,89.38 KB, 933x1350, 1000027889.jpg)

The Morning Visitor by Dino Buzzati

No. 2269025

oh thank you!

No. 2269026

This makes me viscerally uncomfortable, which I suppose is the point.

No. 2269033

I both hate and appreciate this

No. 2270513

File: 1732193146105.png (142.75 KB, 2647x1196, d6g51ro-2ba06eef-8e40-4b98-b39…)

A world map that's colorable with the paint bucket tool in Paint. All the islands were connected to the main countries with lines and all countries were separate. Like the one I attached but not the exact one.

No. 2270516

>looks like fetish shit
>drawn by a moid
>look up his other art
>see women with gags in their mouth
Of course.

No. 2271164

which mario game had that buzzy beetle mini game thing? you would think with the hordes of mario autists out there i could find it but no

No. 2271396

OMG this is the song!!!
I've been humming this for all week, trying to remember!

Thank you so much nonnie! You are an angel!

No. 2271759

File: 1732256570590.png (526.96 KB, 1080x615, Screenshot_20241120-233107~2.p…)

Who's the black guy in this thumbnail? I'm 80% sure he's a YouTuber but I can't remember his name

No. 2271765

>see women with gags in their mouth
where? i looked up his art and didn't see anything like that

No. 2271769

can you share the video link?

No. 2277159

Nevermind I finally found him

No. 2277757

Does anybody here have the gif of two (sweet?) lolitas which shows the one lifting the another one and then spins her around? I think both of them wear white outfits.

No. 2277782

File: 1732654747115.jpg (146.24 KB, 683x1111, soup.jpg)

does anyone have the 4chan soup post

No. 2277786

This is a masterpiece

No. 2277798

File: 1732655196604.jpeg (62.85 KB, 420x618, BCB1A887-860E-4989-8862-9D5503…)

nvm i can't believe i was looking for this post for months and found it fucking immediately after drawing this stupid shit. why am i like this. enjoy the non-soup post though.

No. 2278342

Does anyone else remember an obviously fake tumblr post that was posted back in like 2015 of someone who claimed that they called the cops one time and then when the cops arrived they passively mentioned that a fanfic they liked had been updated and the cops were fans of it too and it said something like "He put his partner in a shock blanket"

No. 2278345

Nonnie this is beautiful and even better than the og post kek.

No. 2278378

File: 1732676897180.jpg (32.14 KB, 400x166, 8kTQOP1.jpg)

It's Homestuck, not a fanfic, but here you go!

No. 2278420

when i was in 6th grade i read this book about a girl who fought zombies and her arms would glow (i think). i remember there was this one passage in the book where she puts on a frilly shirt to go to a party and the author mentions that it makes her look more booby than she actually is. i dont remember anything else about it but if someone knows the title pls tell me im so curious.

No. 2278422

Late, but I think you might mean this track from Yosuga no Sora. Listen at 0:33.

No. 2278466

I'm not sure but I would guess it's this because of the lyrics

Girls who want boys
Who like boys to be girls
Who do boys like they're girls
Who do girls like they're boys
Always should be someone you really love

No. 2278608

Can't believe annoying tumblr losers are trying to give this timeless bop an agenda

No. 2279520

File: 1732738740377.jpg (42.71 KB, 806x466, idwsnjknsdbwjec.jpg)

Does anyone know what movie this is from? (I don't think it's actually supposed to look all blue but I'm not sure)

No. 2279609

omfg thank you so much nonna

No. 2280237

Is it a still from vanilla sky idk

No. 2280287


No. 2280555

File: 1732816175752.jpeg (26.27 KB, 612x421, images (35).jpeg)

i saw a video reposted in a discord server that had lolcow on the url, it was of some vtuber openly acting pedophilic towards a real child. She was reacting to some sort of "we asked something to people between ages 5 to 100!" concept and she paused on the first girl basically screaming "shes five!! shes so cute!!" over and over again also saying some things like "She looks eight she doesn't look like she's five!" but for the life of me i cannot find which thread that clip came from. I skimmed the last 3 vtuber threads but i couldn't see it, there's a chance i wasn't careful enough but i really want to know if she's a cow with her own thread and where that clip was posted

No. 2280709

ohh maybe… i'd have to watch it again to check. thank u for the suggestion!

No. 2280776

It's Majo Carol, I can't find the thread but I remember it.

No. 2280891

Can't win with retarded faggots + gandalf at the bottom

No. 2281049

when i was a kid, maybe in 2008? me and my sister used to play this game on our xbox. all i can remember is that there was 1 girl and 2 boys who were all siblings in that game (and maybe they were orphans, but i'm not entirely sure), and most of the gameplay consisted of us going through different rooms and doors in some antique looking mansion/castle. a lot of the ui had oval antique picture frames. i'm so desperate to know what the name of this game is called! i thought it was related to alice in wonderland but based on my research it's not

No. 2281084

Not a perfect match but sounds like it could be A Series of Unfortunate Events?

No. 2281397

The Ben Shapiro picture where he's edited wearing a pink outfit next to the Barbie movie poster

No. 2282216

thanks nonny

No. 2282269

File: 1732914955226.gif (222.72 KB, 192x192, ezgif.com-gif-maker.gif)

does anyone know which movie is this gif from?

No. 2282286

wait it's not a movie kek i found it, it's a playboi carti video. what a shame

No. 2284561

whats that one oc that was like a mix up of a bunch of different anime characters. i remember one of the characters was konata from lucky star and i think also miku? im going insane nonas

No. 2284608

File: 1733018300820.jpg (11.42 KB, 252x247, 1000016197.jpg)


No. 2284654

yes! thank you nona ♥

No. 2285555

I need some help finding a painting that I remember seeing back in like 2016? It said “last nights dream didn’t make much sense” in the corner. Whenever I google that I find nothing?

No. 2286279

Does anyone know where to get a trustworthy cracked Spotify/apk? Mine keeps crapping out on me so I think I need to update versions, but I don't want to blindly trust one of the many results that come up.

No. 2286322

File: 1733128844104.jpg (179.39 KB, 386x562, kawaiizilla.jpg)

I have two requests I need help with please. Who made picrel? And does anyone have that artwork of Sadako/Samara crawling out of a Disney Princess TV set? The background was purple.

No. 2286329

File: 1733129289426.jpg (334.23 KB, 1440x1685, paintdust.JPG)

Wait- I found the second one. I am stupid and just scrolled up in the thread I thought I remembered I last saw it in. I cannot find that Godzilla one though no matter what I try to use to help.

No. 2286356

File: 1733130771450.jpg (99.3 KB, 736x936, 8b18f04d3376fa11c580f4990e8943…)

its by the artist artrtak

No. 2286363

Anon, I could kiss you. Thank you so much.

No. 2286364

No. 2286373

File: 1733131833423.mp4 (885.29 KB, 576x576, 1732929455530.mp4)

No. 2287039

File: 1733171818779.jpeg (55.01 KB, 626x351, IMG_2480.jpeg)

Looking for a cartoon of which I only remember one scene of. It is an old cartoon that aired on tv 20 years ago, but is probably even older than that, i saw it when i was a child. This is the scene: a man is riding a horse through a forest, it's nighttime and the screen is mostly dark. And then a crow flies past him, and as it flies away it caws. And the caw sounds exactly like the bird is saying "Beware! Beware! Beware!"
I don't know how to maximize the chances of me finding this cartoon again, thought i'd give it a shot here

No. 2287073

Do you remember what art style it had? Or the channel it was playing on or the time of year that you saw the cartoon?

No. 2287080

So for art style i can only say "old cartoon", where each frame is drawn by hand. But it definetly didn't look as fancy or polished like disney. Still very impressive and looked good!
Honestly it was one of those cartoons that just gets replayed over and over on a random tv channel. I vaguely remember another one was of like dwarf miners singing "it's spring! But inside me it's winter" LMAO i'm sure reading this is so random but i'm trying to give as much info as i can. This one scene just stuck with me for some reason.

No. 2287087

Are you based in America? Did you have limited channels? Do you remember any details about the cartoon man or horse like hair color/clothing?

No. 2287091

I saw the cartoon in europe, but it was an american cartoon because it was in english (i dont recall hearing a british accent). For more details: unlike the picture i posted, i believe that the man was riding the horse slowly, and toward the viewer of the screen. But it wasn't zoomed in, you could see the trees around him, the pathway, and him and the horse from a decent distance. It also definetly wasn't a happy and cheerful cartoon like disney. It was a cartoon for children, yes, but this scene for example is scary, it's just not soft and sweet as other cartoons. (Definetly not violent! This for example, is probably the scariest scene in the whole cartoon). Now because the man is going into the darkness of the forest and is walking toward us, his and the horse's figures appear as nearly fully black in the scene. I think that behind him are either the very last lights of the city, or the moonlight casting a shadow on his figure since they're behind him

No. 2287110

I FOUND IT NONNIE. You're misremembering it all wrong, it WAS Disney, it's Ichabod and Mr. Toad. Here is a clip, the crow comes near the end!

No. 2287117

File: 1733176682919.webp (39.93 KB, 755x937, IMG_2481.webp)

OHHHHH MAIIIII GYAAAAAAAAA NONAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! You're INSAAAAANEEE FOR THIS THANK U SOOO MUUUUCHHH i actually got the chills seeing that scene again!!! It's definetly so different from what my brain remembered BUT ITS THIS ONE!! Thank u so much how did u even do that???? I cant believe this im actually shaking lollll this is me in the pic but in the positive sense

No. 2287124

I'm glad I could help you out!
>how did u even do that????
Honestly as soon as your post mentioned "man on horse" I instantly thought it was Disney, then you said it was old and I just thought that animating horses is hard af, so if it's an old American animation being played on a euro channel it had to have been Disney!

No. 2287161

Lol you beat me to it, I just found the same vid you posted after looking through lists of all Rankin & Bass productions, don bluth, a straight up list of all American animated movies released in the last century lmao.

No regrets, I got to have a little nostalgia session

No. 2289608


What's the name of tune playing at 31:35? I know that it's very well known(learn to embed)

No. 2289614

I'm assuming you're talking about the little bell melody? that's aud lang syne

No. 2289645

Thank u!

No. 2291903

I'm looking for a video of an interviewer asking "what do you have to say to Joe Biden?" And the guy invites Biden to dinner. The interviewer was in plain clothes and it was for a YouTube channel I think.

No. 2291906

Found it

No. 2291968

the bear fanart on twitter and it was carmen and syd's side profiles with nice line weight

No. 2293771

trying to remember the name of a web series (it may have just been a collection of ocs) about cabaret dog girls. can't recall if they were furries or just kemonomimi. but the site did have a test you could take to see which dog girl you were. tia

No. 2293918

Can someone help me find that image of that twitter user who posted a pic in front of columbine high school with her shitty anime acrylic stand? I can’t remember what thread it was posted in

No. 2294038

File: 1733559753117.jpg (376.41 KB, 1500x1284, puppettesinfo2.jpg)

No. 2294276

I hate how cute furry shit can be sometimes

No. 2294862

The white dude in his bedroom is like man I'm so upset walks to the corner of his room and starts throwing it back

No. 2295117

KEK I just remembered this vid the other day!

No. 2295761

Does anyone have that r/MTF screenshot where a tranny is like "like another transgirl, I'm also a smol tiny baby…", someone replies "youre not a baby youre a grown ass man" and he breaks the pedolarp and goes "What the fuck????"

No. 2295766

I have never seen this video before it's making me lose it, thanks nonas

No. 2296243

ms paint drawing of a sweaty unkempt woman sitting on a frameless bed/mattress on the floor angrily yelling "GET A JOB" at her laptop

No. 2298709

Can someone help me find a book I've read in school? I never finished it since i had it borrowed from a teacher when i moved states but it had a light blue/cyan cover, it was about a psych patient detailing his life and the people around him inside a mental institution. I think the author had another book with butterflies in the cover and it was a non linear story/choose your adventure style, if that helps

No. 2298739

File: 1733734441376.jpeg (63.15 KB, 542x826, C2627E3D-64A0-4725-A989-52591F…)

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest?

No. 2298742

NTA but this makes me kek everytime

No. 2298745

an oldish manga about an androgynous boy who is homeless or an orphan or something. a girl and a boy fight over him but in the end the guy wins and it's a BL. the androgynous boy is considered very beautiful but is absent-minded and maybe he has an obsession with strawberry milk or something like that idk

No. 2298752

Was it Japanese or Korean? Kindof sounds like a manwha premise which could narrow it down. Was the art style pretty or standard

No. 2298757

I thought it was Japanese but it honestly could be either, I read it so long ago I don't remember. Also the androgynous boy had light, should length hair while the other boy had black hair. The girl had long light hair and was maybe rich. I don't think the art style stood out in particular

No. 2298764

It sounds familiar, if he was androgynous it could be crossposted under the bl and gender bender tags on a manga site

No. 2298767

afterschool nightmare?

No. 2298771

If it isn't afterschool nightmare, you can try multiple tags. If you're like me and just read a ton of bl in school, those oneshots are stuck a phantom somewhere in your brain forever lol

No. 2298772

nope, I don't think it was a gender swap or any crossdressing/tranny shit either the boy just happened to be androgynous
thanks nonnie, I'm looking but I have a feeling it may not even be tagged as BL because it was more of a love triangle between the 3 until the very end

No. 2298774

It isn't about literal gender swapping, a lot of the time any androgynous male character was put under the gender bender tag. Not sure how it is now, but that was the norm a decade ago.

No. 2298776

Oof the love triangle tag goes on for many many pages

No. 2298789

heterosexuality with extra steps

No. 2298806

Ugh it's driving me crazy but here's my last post about it with as much as I remember in case it triggers anything in one of your brains.

The manga starts off with a popular guy and girl, maybe they dated maybe not but for some reason they are together. They see some androgynous person passed out on the street and are both immediately attracted to them. The guy thinks they're a girl and the girl thinks they're a guy, they help out the androgynous person and turns out it's a guy. The MC whose this black haired guy is in shambles because he's totally not gay but the girl is happy. Anyway the androgynous guy has issues and it's hard to get close to him because of some childhood trauma. He also has a female cousin who is protective of him and likes strawberry milk or some kind of sweet. In the end the guy wins the love triangle and it's surprise BL but only in the last chapter or something. I feel like it's a fever dream but I really want to read it again, I definitely read it in high school or middle so it would have been pre 2013 or so at least

No. 2298836

File: 1733745353088.jpg (53.27 KB, 690x1000, 1000057505.jpg)

FOUND. Crush on You by Lee Kyung Ha
Turns out it was a manwha thank you for the suggestion
I scrolled through the love triangle tag on Baka Updates in ascending order for almost an hour kek autism wins yet again thanks for the idea

No. 2300621

some prison documentary called the "something" of america, something like shame or maybe not, cover had a men with his body buried but no his head i think

No. 2305074

Looking for an old school furry who died, and then it was revealed that all of his close circle of friends was actually his sockpuppet accounts. He was an artist, they all had similar art styles but no one suspected. Anyone know the name?

No. 2305091

Albert Temple?

No. 2305249

I remember something similar to this! Last time I read this was on a site similar to Mangadex.
Was it colored too? or partly.

No. 2305942

Yes!!! Thank you

No. 2308333

probably never going to find this but there was a song that sewerslvt sampled/stole(?) that im trying to find, the only lyrics I can remember are "I can't stop moving" "I'm not the only one" "I said come on" with a roboticish voice

No. 2308660

Check this out https://www.whosampled.com/Sewerslvt/ I'm on my phone so I'm too lazy to go through every song but maybe one of the titles will ring a bell.

No. 2309738


No. 2310035

i’m trying to find a post about justin bieber spitting on his fans faces and a bunch of nonnies responded talking about how hot they think he is?

No. 2312148

File: 1734484574847.jpg (1002.93 KB, 1179x1496, dexpuppyuwu.jpg)

No. 2312158

It was the hybristophilia thread

No. 2312172

I really need help finding a download of The Theme From Big Wave ('85 Live Version) by Tatsuro Yamashita. Specifically the '85 Live version.

No. 2312261

File: 1734492447737.jpg (128.35 KB, 580x826, helpmefind.JPG)

are pirating requests ok here?
I tried Anna's Archive, Z-lib and PDF-drive
I don't want to be paying 1870-cocksucking-¥ for picrel (動きと感情表現/ how to draw movements and emotions by Kamizawa Sakuga)

No. 2312276

Greentext where anon is a train crazed autist and yells choo choo when he loses his virginity? I've been searching for years.

No. 2312325

File: 1734498049909.gif (495.38 KB, 220x157, eyes.gif)

Does anyone have a full-res version of this .gif? I think it's from a k-drama or something.

No. 2312334

No. 2312337

Did you check the /ic/ artbook threads?

No. 2312416

File: 1734505965192.jpg (39.73 KB, 1193x291, fuck.JPG)

I couldn't find it, somebody's already requested it. They have 4 volumes of sakimichan's shitty ass anatomy course though. Those fucking hoarding coomers, man.

No. 2312427

nonna that's from squid game on netflix

No. 2313256

Thank you!!
Sorry I don't watch a lot of TV shows so I didn't know this was a thing

No. 2315169

File: 1734659442328.jpg (1003.01 KB, 1179x1502, allowmetosmile.jpg)

No. 2315479

File: 1734695030417.jpeg (387.98 KB, 1420x2048, Ge3u3niW4AAVYJx.jpeg)

This is ship art of Ranmaru x Sara from Your Turn To Die, but the artist said they "hananene'd" it which is Hanako x Nene from toilet-bound Hanako-kun. So I'm assuming the original quote is from that manga but I'm having trouble finding the panel or whatever it's from? I like the quote and want to know the context of it from the original source.

No. 2315739

File: 1734709666442.jpg (3.04 MB, 2001x1994, 1000047820.jpg)

Maybe not the correct thread but can anyone tell me who this is?

No. 2315747

either Danielle Gaubert or erika blanc

No. 2315876

thank you nona but I kinda doubt it's either of these ladies?

No. 2316838

File: 1734814332725.jpeg (174.32 KB, 830x1200, IMG_1920.jpeg)

Does anyone know the artist of this? Afaik she’s Japanese. I tried reverse searching and looking on all the boorus and pixiv.

No. 2316885

No. 2316899

Thank you. Looking through her other posts is something. She must be one of those ultra-westernized westaboos.

No. 2317081

File: 1734828017453.png (709.43 KB, 1364x577, Screenshot 2024-12-21 163722.p…)

I would also say Danièle Gaubert. Couldn't find your exact picture though. Where is your image from?

No. 2317219

I remember my mom was watching this movie in the mid 2000s but I only remember 2 scenes. One was of a lady yelling into a landline phone "Where's my money" and her slamming a trunk.

No. 2318828

File: 1734996440280.jpeg (1008.28 KB, 1125x1610, FDE4469D-0301-4204-94BE-0EF945…)

Does anyone have that LC screencap where a nona says “You seem upset, why not eat a pepperoni and cream cheese roll up? You’ll feel better.”

No. 2321418

I just remembered a music video but can't remember the name. It were some young women in a forest, at some point they lay down on the floor in a circle, and in some other scene they braid each others hair I think. The song probably came out after 2015 because I vaguely remember seeing it on some Hot Now! compilation on TV some years ago. I think the singer was popular on tumblr, too. The videos tint was green-yellow-ish and the song was in English.

No. 2322099

Does anyone know the true crime case of some college aged guy who recreationally did some weed or shrooms but had an insanely bad reaction to it that caused him to go to his fathers house and murder him and also attack his dads girlfriend and pulled her eye out or something? i think there was interrogation videos with him and he was sobbing for most of it he had no idea why he did what he did

No. 2322276

File: 1735294977039.jpg (68.39 KB, 736x907, bac04783959ab6d8f0fbc12b883449…)

bit of a long shot but i'm searching for a music video i watched in 2016-17 that wasn't super big in terms of views. it featured a very androgynous female (?) singer that looked a bit like picrel on a dark road/highway at night, there was a car too and the headlights were used for dramatic lighting. the singer had a deep voice, can't recall any exact lyrics except "but now it seems so far". any ideas?

No. 2322296

Can't help you sorry but this is what I aspire to look like.

No. 2323404

A cover of vidrel sang by a male. He had a nice voice and was actually dueting with Miku iirc, but I could be wrong. It was around 2017 or something. I found one male cover with low views from 11 months but it's not the same singer. I'm losing my mind looking for this.

No. 2323411

Women in suits are my weakness.

No. 2323412

A reminder to everyone in this thread, save, archive, download, screenshot and record anything you might even vaguely be interested in. Even make videos of songs you hear playing on the radio to identify later. Otherwise you will end up like me.

No. 2323466

does anyone have that comic where some dude curses out a character's grandpa and he goes "hey dont talk to my racist grandpa like that", and afterwards the grandpa says "you've got to stop introducing me to people like that"?

No. 2323572

Reminds me when I was in a record store in London and I heard a beautiful song, but I didn't want to use Shazam and I didn't dare to ask what it was, so I'll be haunted forever by this song.

No. 2323609


Could it be this one nona? You didn't specify the genre of music in the video, but otherwise it sounds exactly like what you described.

No. 2323615

See? And if you had asked he would have forgotten about you in like an hour tops. And now you can’t forget the song.

No. 2323622

Yeah I have no idea why I didn't ask, it's not like I was still an antisocial weirdo at this point. It was a Japanese woman singing but I'm not sure if she was singing in japanese, it sounded more like vocalises à la Cocteau Twins (but not the same genre). I guess I'll have to scoure Wikipedia for every Japanese female singer, hopefully she's not an obscure artist.

No. 2324173

A friend is looking for an anime movie she watches back in 2019 or 2021 on YouTube.
>set in lichtenstein or something similar
>poor boy and royal girl
>lots of trains
>a woman who is presented as the antagonist but turns out to be the protagonist, wears a suit, has black hair, and a pet puma. And tries to capture the royal girl
>the art style is similar to ghibli but it's not by them

No. 2324416

I swear this image has been posted here before but there was this screenshot of a tif gendie tiktok captioned with
>When you want to seem friendly and approachable but your name is literally knife
I think about it often and laugh out loud every time.

No. 2324581

File: 1735461318988.jpg (547.18 KB, 1253x1879, ni6nrmub331rogsvvo2_1280.jpg)

Yes that was it, thank you so much! Turns out the singer is actually an androgynous female as described, albeit a gendie.
Sounds a bit like "Steamboy," it's a steampunk film and has that rich girl-poor boy dynamic. Did it look like an older or newer anime?

No. 2324607

She said it looked older

No. 2324779

File: 1735481442089.jpg (7.06 KB, 140x140, meeeeee.jpg)

hello nonnas. ive spent 2 hours trying to find a very specific image i saw on tumblr, probably. it was a yaoi slider? chart? thing that went from (dont remember, probably wholesome?) to no idea. lots of gay ships in between. i remember two and have a vague recollection of one. the image exists, i know it does. cant find it anywhere. didnt know where else to go

No. 2324782

catherine deneuve?

No. 2325854

Does anyone have that meme that basically is captioned something like "I'm finally quitting porn/video games and settling down to find a wife" and the image is male baldness?

No. 2326145

A cow, though I'm hestitating to call her that because I never read her actual thread and instead only ever saw her being mentioned in passing in other cows threads on PULL, and whenever that happened it just sounded Kenna tier jealousy. As I've never read her thread I don't really know what the deal was with her, but I'm hoping there's just not all too many potetionally lulzy blonde, white girls born and raised in South Korea and working as models and someone could help me. I unfortunately don't remember in whose threads I saw her being mentioned but I'm pretty sure it happened until shortly before PULL shut down, so she was likely active in at least like 2019 or something like that.

No. 2326276

File: 1735597588452.jpg (51.8 KB, 640x664, 42e44c8da13228b3686a07d907a083…)

No. 2326629

Thank you

No. 2326649

File: 1735616034747.jpg (91.03 KB, 736x1108, 1000004514.jpg)

does anyone know where this is from?

No. 2326691

I hate that I know this but I'm almost certain this is a panel from the Korean BL Low Tide in Twilight. It's an omegaverse and that's the main character who gets raped pretty early on and often by the ML.

No. 2326705

that makes sense i was seeing a lot of that series on pintrest the other day which is where i downloaded this. didnt recognize it being the same characters in chibi

No. 2327722

File: 1735705016132.jpg (45.53 KB, 814x532, tumblr comic in my memory.jpg)

I'm looking for a short comic I saw on Tumblr a long time ago. It was a tif art style furry/anthro comic.
It was about how as the author has gotten older, they increasingly tend to understand new people they meet in terms of their similarities to other people, rather than as an individual first.

They illustrated this with construction paper animal crossing-esque cutouts of anthro creatures that were assembled from the parts of other paper dolls. Or something.

No. 2328749

File: 1735778674012.jpg (215.09 KB, 665x529, Screenshot_20241221-081622_1.j…)

This specific scene of American Psycho, can't find a single clip he looks hot while crying, pls help a nonna out kek

No. 2328758

No. 2328786

Oh my god thank you kek

No. 2328902

My thoughts exactly

No. 2329031

Anyone know the modern song that soinds like 2000s rock music that got really popular on tiktok or whatever?
I think it was called something like lost sister and had a male vocalist

No. 2329046

Nvm, i found it - youngest daughter by superheaven if youre curious

No. 2329286

File: 1735824573704.jpg (745.46 KB, 1280x1840, bdcaeae5.jpg)

No. 2329546

I am looking for a movie that i saw sometime around 2011-2014. It was about a lesbian with short black hair and beautiful eyes and a another lesbian with big clurlyish? blonde hair and i think she was an artist. The blonde girl maybe had a twin sister and i think there was a big scary monster and it had something to do with eating pussy. I know it sounds like porn but it was a movie about their relationship. I watched it because i saw gifs of it on tumblr and thought the blackhaired girl was gorgeous but when i was looking for it years later i couldn't find it.

No. 2329557

katieaegi ? she wasn't raised in south korea though

No. 2330952

File: 1735922735687.jpg (47.61 KB, 406x571, ninja_by_blackchakra456_d24koa…)

What is the original source of this image? Yandex only took me to Deviantart reuploads of the illustration, and Google Lens and Saucenao didn't work.

No. 2331710

i know a good portion of you guys lurk radblr, i’m trying to find this post of this one radfem account going absolutely balls-to-the-wall off on nosferatu and how it’s filled with on-screen rape and stimulated child porn and how the director constantly does this perverted shit in his films - im legit mad at myself cause i didn’t finish reading everything she wrote and now i can’t even find the fucking post, nonas please help!!!!

No. 2331718

Help me find video’s of women beating up men in street fights
Grown ass men but no old ass men

No. 2331759

Tineye has this link
https://web.archive.org/web/20090602230244/http://puzzlepiece14.deviantart.com/art/Sasuke-Uchihah-124101960 (archived because the account was deleted)
This is the source of your image's filename
But as far as I can tell the image has been on the internet since 2008 and these are both from 2009. The artist may be lost to time anon

No. 2331799

This image is so SOULFUL

No. 2331987

File: 1735969666441.png (189.11 KB, 546x2106, asdf.png)

Might be her, her name definitely came up a lot, but the one I'm looking for definitely spoke Korean fluently. I'll see if it was her, thanks
This one?

No. 2331990

File: 1735969954394.png (108.04 KB, 435x350, 1000000264.png)

Someone once posted a video of an ai cover of Shakira doing the opening for serial experiments lain and I can't get it out of my head. I can't find it tho. Maybe it was in a mundane shit thread? Icr

No. 2332005

File: 1735970790501.png (33.52 KB, 770x645, IMG_0267.png)

yyyessss anon, this is it, this is exactly what i’ve been searching for!!! oh my god i virtually kiss you smooches
absolutely love hating shit and seeing other women also hate on shit, it truly gives me life

No. 2332188

Maybe some Hungarians can assist, I cannot for the life of me find a music video for a pretty generic pop/edm song that's fully in Hungarian. The whole video has the band and extras with neon animal masks and UV paint in a club. I remember finding it in the related videos to a lot of halott penz music but not anymore. One line directly mentions city lights in Budapest and that's about all I remember beyond the video aesthetics.

No. 2332477

does anyone remember that long post where an anon said she was going to kill her cat and her family and made multiple really long posts about it and i think it was in all caps? maybe it was in a vent thread but i'm not sure. i'm trying to find the thread where that was posted or just a screen cap of it

No. 2333703

looking for a youtube video of a young guy "reviewing" a city/state he used to live in. he was standing in front of a green screen showing random images of that city, his commentary was pretty funny. i think i saw the vid about 2 years ago.

No. 2333707

Damn and I was actually excited to watch this…

No. 2333728

Nonna was it Jack & Diane (2012)?

No. 2333760

Wait, I'm dead serious, the movie is about rape? I haven't looked into it but thought about going because I love vampires. I thought it was about vampires sucking blood and shit, not rape or even sex. What the fuck?

No. 2333791

Yes thank you so much!

No. 2334519

Nona, vampires are well known as allegories for rapists.

No. 2335849

A video on youtube about how fat activism and feeders are deeply related. The youtuber was a woman and she didnt show her face. Pretty much all her content was about fat activism.

No. 2335878

If it's not it then it'll probably interest you anyway.

No. 2335936

nta but only watched a few minutes of it, but it's really interesting, like I always should have known men involved in fat activism were doing it for fetish reasons

No. 2335944

Yes that's it!! thank you so much, for a second i got scared and thought she nuked her channel.

No. 2336644

File: 1736227192586.png (1.99 MB, 1492x1980, jean.png)

Any ID on these jeans or a dupe? Yandex/Google were useless

No. 2336660

>sews another pair of jeans onto the ankles
>high fashion couture

No. 2336739

File: 1736233340570.png (2.29 KB, 194x151, x3.PNG)

What can I say, Im quirky like that

No. 2338551

A dworkin quote about women dominating men in the act of sex by engulfing their bodies. I am paraphrasing

No. 2339640

File: 1736398465577.png (469.94 KB, 1055x891, VRtvWFf.png)

what film is this?

No. 2339681

I'm looking for a video that I watched as a kid on Youtube in the mid to late 2000s. It could have been a short film, a movie scene or even a music video, I really don't remember. It featured a woman who was at the park, and everything had a colorful filter on it and she was really happy. Eventually she wakes up and we realize that was a dream. When she wakes up, she's stuck in a sort of dirty and dark basement like something out of a Saw movie and she starts screaming. Does anyone know what it is?

No. 2339783

File: 1736412142282.jpeg (197.67 KB, 1170x1765, IMG_7816.jpeg)

Looks like it’s an actor named Sergey Kuvaev as “Roger Irving” in Death Note: Light Up The New World

No. 2339786

File: 1736412295934.jpeg (856.67 KB, 1170x1412, IMG_7817.jpeg)

Is she maybe wearing boots that look like jeans over her pants?

No. 2339998

It's clearly Goncharov

No. 2342822

I've been trying to find the name or a pic of this attractive japanese/asian wrestler I saw no long ago on TikTok. I remember he had long hair and maybe was wearing contacts, please someone help.

No. 2342829

was he kinda big but like kinda fat almost? longer black hair?

No. 2342841

Possibly, honestly I don't remember a lot. I just know he wasn't skinny.

No. 2342842

haruto sakuraba?

No. 2342846

Oh my god, finally someone else who knows Goncharov. What a masterpiece.

No. 2342854

Yeah it's him. I remembered him less flabby kek. Thanks nonna

No. 2342875

omg i need to find this person. if she drew them being spanked then it’s based if she’s the one being spanked by them then it’s cringe

No. 2342876

happy to help! this the second time I could help a nona here, feels nice

No. 2343009

File: 1736637390144.jpg (64.54 KB, 1000x1335, jw-anderson-bucket-denim-jeans…)

jw anderson bucket jeans

No. 2343125

The song was Da Vosk Docta - Gentrify. In case anyone ever has the same question kek

No. 2344975

File: 1736768633835.mp4 (4.49 MB, 540x960, output_video_6784f81d74b099.32…)

Anyone knows this guy's name and official socials?

No. 2345288

What is the name of the manga that had apocalyptic themeing (though wasn't post-apocolyptic) and had a scene where ants cover and envelop a car that has a character trapped in it. The ending has the place where our characters are covered in an artic freeze of some kind. It wss one of those dark survival mangas following a group of people that dwindles as the story progresses.

No. 2345410

Luckily for you, I'm too messed up by ADHD to focus on work right now, so I was able to find some info. He had a tiktok channel but it was deleted or banned. His new channel, https://www.tiktok.com/@berberenglish, but it only has three videos up.
Some of his vids have been reposted: https://www.tiktok.com/discover/royal-english-phrases
You may find more by using other search terms.

No. 2345718

Thanks! I reverse searched his face and found his Instagram @berberenglish, I find him a bit cute and I enjoy his linguistics autism.

No. 2345756

we never should have strayed from royal english

No. 2346809

Does anyone know of an EU based piercing shop that sells gemstone captive bead rings? Natural stones like turquoise, I've seen them before and they're beautiful but I can't find them on the websites I know and I don't trust Etsy with piercing materials.

No. 2347290

does anyone have the manga panel of the animu girl cutting a penis off with scissors?

No. 2347296

File: 1736934262649.png (Spoiler Image,190.62 KB, 536x544, animu girll.png)

samefag and i found it if anyone else is in need

No. 2348359

I've only seen part of one cutscene from a game when I was younger and now I want to know which game it was so I can check it out. Can anyone who recognizes it tell me the title?
>man on a plane
>gay man with green hair sits next to him
>gay man has a mannequin head
>he treats the mannequin like a real living woman
>he gave her pink sunglasses
That's all I remember

No. 2348488

D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die

No. 2351833

Do any old nonnies remember a cartoon movie from the 80's about little green people who lived underground, and some kids who went with them into their magic/cave world? Was this ever on TV or did I completely imagine it?

No. 2352446

Children's picture book about a clique of girls who bully this other girl because of jealousy but in the end they become friends. The bullied girl has a hard life and I think her mom died? If I remember correctly it's set in Britain, and I think the girls have big eyes and possibly long necks?

No. 2352583

i'm looking for this really mean gif that was something like a pic of a cat and "how does it feel knowing me posting this cat invalidates every retarded autistic thing you just said"

it was on tenor at some point

No. 2352959

File: 1737254807195.jpeg (402.58 KB, 1400x1788, IMG_2622.jpeg)

The English Roses. Written by Madonna.

No. 2352991

No. 2353589

File: 1737286549938.jpg (218.19 KB, 1125x1500, 1000048335.jpg)


Yesss! That's it! I love you! thank you!

No. 2354023

Does anyone have the picture of the Reddit post where a mom is replying to someone but then halfway through the post her speech to text software starts typing out her talking to her infant son while changing his diaper?

No. 2354038

File: 1737308947837.jpg (304.22 KB, 1125x2436, jugryhtpolh21.jpg)

Anon literally all I had to do was copy and paste your post into google search

No. 2354053

This is so fucking funny holy shit

No. 2354059

File: 1737309481007.jpeg (33.88 KB, 360x360, IMG_2709.jpeg)

>the boobs and middle schooler uniform in frame.

No. 2354089

File: 1737310458254.gif (6.97 MB, 448x640, cat.gif)

No. 2356308

File: 1737407204172.jpg (392.26 KB, 1400x2100, WARMBODIES.JPG)

Thank you nonna! I admit I was lazy and asked here instead of searching on my own probably because I love this meme so much and want everyone to see it
I know right? Iconic
Not the anon who asked for this but I was curious about it so thank you for helping out too
Late but could it be Warm Bodies?

No. 2356853

File: 1737425813026.jpg (196.81 KB, 1067x889, 18010.jpg)

What film is this from? Looks like crazy modern tattoos hehe
Reverse image search gives me only unrelated old photos

No. 2356858

File: 1737425878587.jpg (257.02 KB, 1280x720, Marie Antoinette 1938.jpg)

I guess, there was a mistake in the credits, he is not from picrel?

No. 2356968

what movie is this from?

No. 2359344

what was the thread with the middle eastern girl who thought diet could make you white and praised the beautiful youthful looks of some pillow faced woman with plastic surgery??

No. 2359348

Safa Abbas. Nothing's loading for me right now so I can't link it, but you should be able to get it by going to the catalog in /snow/ and ctrl+f'ing "safa"

No. 2359358

File: 1737534507172.jpg (373.88 KB, 869x776, vtiw8el49pc81.jpg)

>Looks like crazy modern tattoos
No those are beauty patches that were trendy in the 1700s and could also be used to cover up syphilus sores.

No. 2360321

many years ago I used to watch retsupurae and for many months I've been desperately trying to find the video where they play a point-and-click game and at one point one of them sees the latin name for rabbit and says "my husband hasn't performed the rabbit on me in awhile.." or something. do any nonnas know what the game might at least be? I think it had the same type of art style as Harvester with IRL people as sprites, one of the puzzles being about rabbits.. there was also a game location that was a filling station.. I can't stop thinking about the stupid cuniculus joke!

No. 2360387


No. 2360388


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2360391

reeeee it's woke

No. 2360400

This is hilarious. Its like what egirls wear on tiktok. Fashion truly is circular.

No. 2360897

So embarrassing to ask but does anyone have that comic of the pink rabbit her name is like Jessica but Koreanfied and she's saying like "You're Autistic so you'll never understand normal people." I always forget the name of the rabbit so I can never look it up kek

No. 2360984

No. 2360987

File: 1737596361777.jpeg (130.01 KB, 1024x790, 98054F27-698C-4FC7-8030-8E3DB8…)

No. 2361052

> Jessica but Koreanfied
is that really why the rabbit is named jongi? i used to think dogisaga was a korean schizo because all of the korean references in her comics

No. 2361053

Did dogi ever explain her obsession with Koreans

No. 2361126

File: 1737600090599.jpg (58.51 KB, 847x432, 175559.jpg)

But what film is this? I didn't see him in Marie Antoinette 1938, the quality is different. My guess, he is Duke d'Orléans from an older movie??
Yeah lol >>2356853 I think, he has a whole carriage with horses on his cheek, but it looks like under-eye word tattoo… and a cat on other cheek. So extra

No. 2361127

File: 1737600117373.jpg (43.42 KB, 720x537, duke d'orléans marie antoinett…)

(from Marie Antoinette 1938)

No. 2361818

Does anyone have that pic that has article quotes from Tom Hardy and Charlie Hunnam combined (something about sleeping with actors), and then there's an out of place random quote from William Defoe about murder or something like that?

No. 2361822

Any /lit/ nonas who could help me identify a play I read years ago? Somewhat obscure, Restoration era, set in Venice. A man, an aspiring politician if I recall correctly, orchestrates the kidnapping of his wife for some kind of political gain. I think everyone dies in the end. I apologize for the poor description but my memory is vague.

No. 2361882

File: 1737649023727.png (1.59 MB, 1634x1294, 1023920772.png)

Does this sound right to you?

No. 2361943

Oh my God, THANK YOU!!! I was searching up shit like "yellow retard rabbit Jiaxhi" but it's fricking "Jangmi." You're the best.

No. 2361984

This is exactly the one, thank you! I had no luck searching, thank you so much.

No. 2362552

I have 2 things I want to find that are related to each other. First, is there an official recording soundtrack album of the Korean version of the musical Aida? I really like the Korean version of My Strongest Suit, vidrel. Second, I remember a performance of the English version done by a woman with a bob cut, wearing a hat, a blazer, a pencil skirt, heels, and gloves in white and black, and wearing bright red lipstick, performing the song in an office setting. Did I dream that up or something? I can't find it online at all.

No. 2362569

Looking for a documentary I saw on Netflix a while back. It started with a quote from a doctor stating something along the lines of “when we are alive we tend think about death and how we would like it to go, but when we are dying we run away from the topic”

No. 2362637

i don't remember him saying something exactly along those lines but a doctor said a line pretty similar in the documentary End Game on Netflix? it's a documentary following patients close to death.

No. 2365163

this is not it! it literally was like "you're a retarded autist" kek i'll have to dig through discord i guess

No. 2367102

File: 1737908324705.gif (1.38 MB, 407x275, violence.gif)

Anyone here got the links to the studies made about old males low quality sperm? As many links as possible would be good. I try to research on it but they push the female ones to the top, they're hard to find.

No. 2367121

No. 2367123

File: 1737909554841.gif (665.53 KB, 498x466, a-lovely-tuji-hug.gif)

Thank you nonny.

No. 2367130

Samefag, if someone has more links of studies to share for me please do, i'll look through all of them.

No. 2367334

Where can I find the alleged video of Destiny giving Nick Fuentes a blowjob?

No. 2367767

Does anyone have that pic that’s like “Europe has all the diversity it needs” and all the sun groups have pictures of lolcows (dsp, cyrax, Daniel Larson, cwc etc)

No. 2367815

It was posted here a few days ago but I forgot which thread

No. 2367834

Idk about Nick Fuentes, but the blow job video in question was posted in the real opinion on cows thread. Trigger warning, smol.

No. 2368058

File: 1737969648168.jpeg (910.2 KB, 2922x2922, CB4D13A5-68D6-49BD-9717-7256D4…)

what's this symbol? it looks occult or astrological and bears a little resemblance to the wheel of fortune tarot but haven't been able to find an exact match

No. 2369466

File: 1738066782834.jpg (25.56 KB, 450x600, 1000012401.jpg)

I swear this image first appeared on this board but I can't find the source thread nor her name. Does any nonnas remember that?

No. 2369962

File: 1738093332075.gif (5.33 MB, 540x450, sorryforbeingdishonest.gif)

A Sailor Moon episode. I'm not sure if this is what they said in the actual anime or if our voicing took artistic liberties, but since this gag happened more than once, I'm hoping it was an actual thing in the Japanese episodes, too. Basically any episode where Usagi and Rei argue like this:
>I never said that!
>Yes, you did!
>No, I didn't!
>You did!
>Tell me year, month, day, hour, minute and second when I did, then!!
The bolded one is the exact line I'm looking for. I'm not looking for a specific episode, as I said, this happened more than once if I recall correctly lol.

No. 2370491

Does anyone have that reaction image of Sasha from Animal Crossing saying "let's take anti-psychotics together"

No. 2370496

File: 1738117999848.png (3.45 MB, 1604x2297, 1000019973.png)

No. 2370502

can’t help but notice the similar typing style to that anon who had a bdsm dungeon discord server

No. 2370520

File: 1738119903748.jpg (13.86 KB, 320x240, 7be3acd3f654f0eefb5f3a02e51107…)

Thanks nona

No. 2371547

File: 1738189266656.png (75.87 KB, 160x206, asdf.PNG)

Sorry for potato but does anyone have sauce? Looks like Kyoani.

No. 2372696

They're Free Iwatobi Swim Club' characters, 3rd season specifically, Nao Serizawa and Natsuya Kirishima.

No. 2372939


No. 2374278

File: 1738313499916.jpg (45.77 KB, 600x800, 97a25ccad105c6778543f35982fe27…)

a long time ago i saw a post of a korean fashion store that made really cute matching outfits for couples. Pic rel was one in the set, but i cannot find the others. Any ideas of what brand or story it was?

No. 2377603

That one tiktok man who got recognized and went viral because he was handsome and posted a video of him in a car saying yeah, that's me.
Then people found out he had a wife and the wife looked average compared to him or something

No. 2377631

File: 1738497396482.jpeg (383.75 KB, 1179x1332, IMG_9057.jpeg)

Anyone know what comic book this is?

No. 2377647

I think it's the konmari manga

No. 2377711

I think you're right nonnie thank you

No. 2378137

Thank you, Nona!

No. 2379375

This might be better for the artist salt thread but does any nona remember the name of an artist on tumblr (I think) who drew kinda simplistic black and white comics about being a butch lesbian? And then she got ran off the site because she was crypto and followed some Terf blogs. This is super vague I know but I think her persona was drawn with short spiky hair and the blog name was either a name or her initials but I’m not super sure.

No. 2379407

Does anyone have a link to that 9/11 footage made by teenagers on a roof, at first they are joking a bit since they think it's a small fire and maybe they won't have school the next day, then they see people falling and the horror starts to sink in, and then the second plane crashes?

No. 2380967

I think I'll never find this song because I can't even remember the lyrics. All I remember is finding this song through a Itachi/Sasuke doujinshi on Youtube a very, very long time ago. They were holding hands and Sasuke was embarassed. Maybe it had " bell " on the band or song's name, but I can't really remember it. Help me please.

No. 2380978

Fuck I think I know who you’re talking about but I don’t know her name either. Did she do like a 3x3 of types of butch women you meet, and one of them was a grad student who says “I’m surrounded by men” and one was a rare long hair butch

No. 2381182

Maxine Harlow?

No. 2381224

There was a really cute Japanese song that had a chip tuned beginning that then became what sounded like a peppy "orchestrated" version of itself. I think it's called "Prism" Something or Something Prism. From before 2012… I can't find it but the song means the world to me. I wanna pay for it properly since I lost the rip on a corrupted harddrive a while ago.

No. 2381342

facebook(?) screenshot that says "i really want girlfriend… kills self". there was a green haired anime guy dying on the floor from stabbing.

also a song with these lyrics:
>we both know this is wrong
>i'm never acting right
>girl just leave me inside
it's like edm and the singer is autotuned and sounds gay like 2hollis kek. heard it in someone's car and haven't been able to find it anywhere even when searching for these phrases in quotes

No. 2381514

What was Buck Angel's real name again? I remember seeing it on the other farms along with a pre-transition photo of her, but I can't find the post for the life of me.

No. 2381872

Susan, it's on her imdb page.

No. 2381875

*Susan Butch, sorry

No. 2383036

Thank you!

No. 2390666

Was this song used as a soundtrack somewhere? It's strangely familiar but I can't find anything

No. 2391510

Ladies can you help me finding a TV show? It was about a police department solving cases and crimes in a world where vampires, werewolves and much more supernatural monsters exist. I don't remember much except it was aired on MTV during the late 2000s.

No. 2391522

No. 2391529

Saw a performance on tv at a restaurant and I'm trying to find out who the singer was. Insanely gorgeous white man with strawberry blond shoulder length hair. He had that slightly androgynous male model beauty. I couldn't listen to the song too much bc it was at a restaurant, but I did catch a glimpse of a name that popped up toward the end: tob something. I think it's Tobias? This is all I have to go by, sorry.

No. 2391543

File: 1739167471789.jpg (18.94 KB, 428x428, 1000000882.jpg)

I found it and it was Death Valley! Thank you nonna!

No. 2391552

Yay, nona! Glad to have helped!
I was thinking of this show but all I could remember was their stupid "lactose intolerant officer obsessed with chocolate ice cream" joke, so you helped me out, too!

No. 2392140

File: 1739211033042.jpg (35.87 KB, 387x420, homuradrinking.jpg)

What is the source of this reaction image I saw in
I can't find it on any reverse image search engines, and I'd really like to know.

No. 2392143

File: 1739211162655.jpg (103.36 KB, 800x640, 1000032750.jpg)

I put it in Google Lens and it looks like it could be this person's art? https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2234643

No. 2392145

File: 1739211274497.jpg (Spoiler Image,621.93 KB, 2000x2000, 227_homunculus100_161149821521…)

actually it's cropped from one of homie's comics, spoilered for boobs

No. 2392146

Oh, now I'm mad I didn't recognise it kek

No. 2392158

I feel like I'm going to die.

No. 2394848

inarticulate retardation warning but what were those terms for like, people who understand media solely through the context presented to them and those who account for the writer etc whereas the former doesn't. some anon mentioned one of them in a thread but i can't remember which one it was anymore, and i know i found those terms on tvtropes but when i search for that website in both of my devices' history nothing comes up. help!!!

No. 2395479

Such a genuinely strange human being. It's always anyone who was into that weird Japanese cartoon of those boys growing up. You know, the one that's not quite anime and weird girls draw art of them fucking eachother or being tortured for some reason

No. 2395487

id reckon she was way too much into those scenes where they get tortured to end up chopping off her leg

No. 2395488

death of the author?

No. 2395491

>those scenes where they get tortured and end up chopping off her leg
Wait what, what media are you referring to because I'm talking about that Japanese cartoon of all the teenage boys with the bowl cuts in the slightly western animation style

No. 2395496

that Japanese game with all the high school teenagers partaking with all those takeshi castle blood sport games with a fag with hair of white mucus

No. 2395501

Hey don't make fun of me, I don't remember the name of the cartoon im talking about unfortunately. What game is that?

No. 2395518

dag an ropenaan i think

No. 2395529

File: 1739389657762.jpg (31.55 KB, 408x560, 1000020147.jpg)

Are you talking about Danganronpa and Nagito Komaeda?

No. 2395534

Oh yeah, the weird drawing of the komeda cosplayer. I'm too fixated on that cartoon weird cult fujos become obsessed with

No. 2395550

yes kek
that would be osumastu brothers

No. 2397404

thanks but no, it wasn't about that. there were two terms for two kinds of people, one that's too immersed in the world built in the works, and the other that accounts for real life context. single words each, and i think they may have been names? like in the same way as "freudian" "lacanian" etc… pls help!

No. 2397796

doylist and watsonian

No. 2397950

omg yes!!!! thanks anon it's been killing me kek. i won't forget it now

No. 2398298

you're welcome nona! if you were looking for a specific discussion it's probably the one about terrible watsonian analysis in fandom discourse >>>/ot/2378960

No. 2403224

Super long shot: In the early 2000s I used to play these flash games straight from the maker's website (not newgrounds, kongregate etc) though maybe it was on these sites, idk. They were all super simple games, but the visual style was so beautiful and they were really fun time wasters.
The one I remember the most was one where you play as a bunny jumping on either clouds or bells to get higher, and the objective was just to go as high as you could. The visuals were super cute, it was set at night and the bunny was white.
I know this is very little to go by but I've been thinking about that game a lot lately.

No. 2404252

No. 2405115

DAE know the youtube video of some slightly older man going over the war on information? He touches on Russian trolling farms IIRC, from my memory there was a point early in the video he made about the psychological tactic of referring to someone using some insult, he went on to use the example of "Peahead Putin". The title of the video IIRC made no mention to the topic, it was one of those "this video was meant to find you" titles.

No. 2405669

File: 1739864729241.gif (5.28 MB, 640x640, 1000032029.gif)

Where's that from? The woman is beautiful, she looks like Julia Louis-Dreyfus.

No. 2405674

No. 2405677

That is her!

No. 2405908

Lol okay, I usually have pretty bad face blindness especially when it comes to celebrities.

No. 2407096

File: 1739956216157.jpg (60.52 KB, 800x464, zomg.jpg)

There was a time when I watched so many old wtf lewd movies… I randomly remember some scenes, but can't remember titles. Something like Baby/Dolly/Rosy, 70s: an older savage looking farmer with a beard saves or marries a lost or just dumb younger woman. She has doll-like curls, sleeps in a special doll-like bedroom, wears a short nightgown with her bare ass out. A gardener passes by and is shoked by this view. In the end she dies because of cumbrainers, maybe the bearded man dies before.

No. 2408332

Does anyone have that picture of cat elsie on the pc, tried looking on the board-tan threads and couldnt find it

No. 2408397

File: 1740009560575.png (40.1 KB, 275x270, 195B2312-98B9-46C3-8691-7D068E…)

This one?

No. 2408404


No. 2408413

File: 1740009991034.jpeg (687.68 KB, 1125x1085, 9EEF9F93-EC53-47D7-81AE-6BB54A…)

always happy to help nona

No. 2409226

That one misandrist tweet that went like:
>I'm pregnant, gonna find out if it's a girl or an abortion #KillAllMen
I would look it up but I don't wanna stumble upon moid retardation when googling kek

No. 2409812

File: 1740084639647.jpg (55.38 KB, 1080x666, 1740083345458.jpg)

Somebody posted it in Stupid Questions.
I know it's probably you and you found it on your own, but still answering here for future reference.

No. 2412077

Can you guys find me the image that says "notto this shitto again" and it's an anime screenshot?

No. 2412081

File: 1740211719258.jpg (64.56 KB, 604x340, cdc.jpg)

No. 2412394

a makeup pouch of the brand 'GUAPA'. saw a girl from brasil or messico that had it, and it was square shaped but with the upper part a bit raised up. no sharp corners at all, because the material made it look like a fluffy cloud, it was white/cream colored. it was THE SOFTEST fabric i have ever touched in my life. i make sure all of my cozy clothes are soft, but none of them, no matter how expensive, are as soft as this makeup pouch was. it looked like a little sheep with how fluffy the outside was, or like a cloud. i BELIEVE that the inside is instead, super colorful. but i might be wrong- i swear to you my brain short circuited when i felt its softness, and by the way, the softness is on the inside of the pouch as well. not just outside. would love to buy it

No. 2415565

a meme I believe I've seen on one of the boards but can't find anymore. It was resembling a discord channel implying a conversation was held, then someone posts the "Current character of the week/month" in there, be it fanart by themselves to show off or just obsessing over the character. Trying to attention whore for no good reason. It was very schematic rather than showing a specific incident. I just can't get it out of my head and need to see it again similar as if I was listening to a song one last time to finally stop an ear worm. Thanks in advance nonas

No. 2427850

Being childfree saves your financies, your peace of mind, your body, your relationships with men, if you wanted them, your friendships, your career, your travel fund, your savings.

A child is basically a collossal financial hole you cant return from. They don't even really help you in old age, they set you up to die in a home and ignore you for the most part. There is no such thing as not dying alone because you have kids.

No. 2427851


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2430481

Anyone knows the title and artist of this Indian song? Shazam isn't helping because it just shows the Arabic version.

No. 2430684

I'm looking for a Twitter thread where a woman breaks down princess Diana's life. It's tone is slightly humorous. One of the clear sentences I remember is "Diana's sister smelled a rat."

No. 2432840

Sounds like Marie-Poupee, nonna. Fuck the faggot who made that though, he abused animals for another movie.

No. 2435890

File: 1741482648939.jpg (1 MB, 1179x1168, TF art.jpg)

Who is the artist? I tried Labnol, Yandex, Google, saucenao, and another already.

No. 2440605

File: 1741766371761.jpg (140.68 KB, 736x1120, 1000024878.jpg)

Where is the top from?

No. 2442322

File: 1741861846955.jpg (3.97 KB, 220x220, 0.jpg)

Yes! Thank you!

No. 2442922

PLEASE can someone help me find that image of gandalf with the caption "Can't win with retarded faggots" I've seen it posted here, I can't find it anywhere now.

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