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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 2224766

Post things or pictures of things that make you laugh.

Previous: >>>/ot/2050407

No. 2224768

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Reposting this thirst trap kek

No. 2224769

No. 2224778

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I’ve been laughing for two full minutes now kek. Someone even commented “Prince of erectile dysfunction “

No. 2224787

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kek its even funnier bc he looks like frasier

No. 2224789

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This exchange at the top of the last thread KEKKK

No. 2224790

everytime someone mentions Frasier I think of iCarly now because of that fat guy

No. 2224793

gibby???? KEKKKK
why did she even write that to begin with? kek

No. 2225062

No. 2225122

Fucking kek

No. 2225428

He was hotter than Shrek's human form.

No. 2225450

He sounds like Dennis from its always sunny

No. 2225730

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No. 2226129

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Written confirmation that Vicky shingles genuinely thinks the questions on quora are being asked to her personally

No. 2226137

>white scrote
>woman with the typical latina box wine built body with the incessant need to wear crop tops in spite of this
the icing on the cake kekkk(racebait)

No. 2226206

Stop shitting on Latin culture

No. 2226233

Be for real kek

No. 2226239

Kek at the pun too

No. 2226240

You want to whitewash them so bad.

No. 2226253

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But she's dressed like this character who wears a crop top. It's not about being Latina or not, stop racebaiting already.

No. 2226422

nta but is wasn't race-bait, she was just making a joke about mediocre white moids and the hispanic women they end up dating

No. 2226443

Nonna sounded way too bitter for that to be a joke.

No. 2226616

i remember a previous mega infight months ago about which races have a "box body" and i think she is trying to start the infight back up again

No. 2226669

Off topic but her design is so cute.

No. 2226672

This was cute I don’t know why anon youre so mad at the girl kek

No. 2226677

The only one who actually got it, humanity clearly has some intelligent people left thank god
Seethe about it and go wear a waist trainer(ban evasion)

No. 2226686

Did a Latina steal your Nigel or something?

No. 2226689

Are you the anon from the unpopular opinions thread/confession thread?

No. 2226690

She looks cute in her costume while he looks like a retard

No. 2226696

I forgot to put “ugly” because they’re always pitifully ugly and autistic looking always wearing those t-shirts that look like they were dipped in pig grease, not to mention they already look like pink piggies. They’re absolutely disgusting to look at kek(ban evasion)

No. 2226697

>has skinny flat stomach
>tiktok woman has fried dough stomach
I hate inaccurate cosplay fr(ban evasion)

No. 2226700

Why do we suddenly have an influx of anons trying to LARP as gay moids

No. 2226701

What the fuck are you talking about(ban evasion)

No. 2226704

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nigga niggga NIIIIIIII SAN~ uwu(ban evasion, racebait)

No. 2226705

Considering the seeth at lesbians recently and troon dick sucking I wouldn't say that

No. 2226707

>has fishtail
>woman doesn’t have one surgically grafted on
hate inaccurate cosplays

No. 2226709

I think there's some retarded moids considering how lately there's been retarded opinions posted everywhere.

No. 2226711

She's also a fish, retard, women aren't going to look like your cartoon waifu.

No. 2226713

KEK as soon as you called out them out they posted racebait

No. 2226714

The timing wasn't lost on me KEK

No. 2226715

Either seething HSTS or ugly handmaiden, calling it.

No. 2227337

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I can't believe this post is only 2 years old. It feels like I've known it forever. Every fucking time I remember it I laugh to the point of tears. I don't even understand why it's so funny. It's objectively not even that funny. But why am I crying again?

No. 2227342

God that image link kek

No. 2227352

That's not even all of it, I couldn't capture it all in frame even after zooming out kekkkk

No. 2227353

It’s so outrageously funny for no reason. It’s transcendent.

No. 2227397

I feel so blessed to have witnessed this in real time. I noticed the post before she got the ban and laughed my ass off. A few minutes later, she got banned and posted in the caps thread. It feels as if it happened yesterday.

No. 2227499

Hall is the blonde one

No. 2229063

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No. 2229155

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For context there is a white lady on tik tok showing off how she lives with 6 kids and a husband in a 1 bedroom. The husband and the wife sleep in the bedroom with a kings size bed and a ps5. The kids sleep on cots on the floor of the living room and kitchen. Oh and she’s pregnant with her 7th.

No. 2229164

What's funny about coomer moids making disgusting comments?

No. 2229255

Those comments are disgusting and uneducated. I don't know why you find them funny.

No. 2229670

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those are women making those comments also i dont really gaf if a woman is being a cum dumpster for a filthy moid while her kids live in squalor with fleas and cat piss everywhere. Fuck off. Feminism is a joke. The nasty bitch and her scrote need to both have their genitals mutilated so they stop bringing children into their life of piss and dilapidation. Care more about a woman being called nice names while she willingly lays in bed with a useless jobless loser fulfilling every sexual fantasy while her kids develop life long mental health issues they'll never be afford to process.Maybe more women should take it up the ass if this is the result of PIV.(a-logging)

No. 2229671

Blessica Blimpson would be a farmer

No. 2229676

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>more women should take it up the ass

No. 2229684

Mothers in the developed world who have their kids sleeping on mattresses plopped on the dirty floor are all mentally ill or personality disordered. There's just no excuse for it, it's a result of a raging mental defect. This bitch could have thrifted some bunk beds, she made a conscious decision every day that her kids have to live in squalor and can't ever have friends over. Which, let's be honest, means her kids will never have real friends, just kids they know at school.

No. 2229686

>Post things or pictures of things that make you laugh.
i haven't seen you lol or lmao once in any of your posts, not even a hehe

No. 2229694

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No. 2229714

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>cum dumpster
>nasty bitch
>have their genitals mutilated
>she willingly lays in bed with a useless jobless loser fulfilling every sexual fantasy
>more women should take it up the ass
Why is it so easy to spot them? They literally don't know how to talk like a normal person, let alone a woman.

No. 2229718

Oh it smells in here

No. 2229731

KEK, The overly high pitched breathy voice troons do is so damn annoying.

No. 2229779

im a woman. you bitches are on an imageboard that nitpicks sex workers pussy lips and has YEARS worth of threads dedicated to it stfu. Again you simple minded idiots have more smoke for me calling her out for neglecting her kids than her WILLINGLY neglecting her kids and then promoting it on tik tok to get free gifts and fake sympathy. Her and her nasty dirty dicked moid can die in a fire. i stand by what i said and im more woman than you for calling it out. you sending me male tier ugly memes is not gonna make me any less of a woman you daft cunt.

No. 2229790

I know which couple you're talking about and you could have brought up how the woman is humble bragging that raising her kids is hard but she'll persevere and be strong, and support her unemployed(?) husband's small business by being a good housewife, you could have brought up how they have a shit ton of kids and seem like they're struggling but the father has a PS5 for some reason while his kids sleep on the kitchen floor. The parents are laughable but you like a little stupid right now.

No. 2229792

i brought it up initially maybe learn to read and stfu

No. 2229797

I was talking about that specific reply I quoted. Calm down and let's just laugh at the two bums who are neglecting their poor kids.

No. 2229803

i apologize im just upset people tried to use fake feminism when little girls are being neglecting by two retards

No. 2229826

>things that make you chuckle
>posts unfunny shit
>goes on a seething rant about how women should "take it up the ass"
lol what's wrong with you

No. 2229849

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No. 2229854

you bitches are stupid i posted context everyone ignored teh context on why women would say that about another woman who refuses to stop having kids she clearly cant afford but you guys are hyper fixated on anal.
japanese people have some nerve dont they have to have trains dedicated to women and minors because gross scrotes of all ages cant keep their hands and dicks to themselves. pot meet kettle(infighting)

No. 2229856

the only reason anal is even mentioned is because clearly her and her husband cant keep their hands to themselves enough to not procreate so either swallow the load or take it up a different hole. OR STOP HAVING CHILDREN YOU CANT AFFORD.IF YOU HAVE TO EXPLAIN A JOKE THERE IS NO JOKE REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

No. 2229865

You really think a country whose women are choosing to no longer breed with their men to which the men crank up the shitty harem anime slop to inspire a population boom to no avail will ever understand that they have a male problem? Kekkkkk.

No. 2229900

Why is tourist in quotation marks

No. 2229902

Because by tourist, they think they're referring to only black people. Forgetting the fact that because of Japanese insular society and culture, regardless of their lighter complexion, they will still be seen as tourists too and no amount of caping and dicksucking will make them 'honorary japonesu'

No. 2229920

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I like that the brown man running that account put two unrelated posters next to eachother because he needs to believe Japan is as racist as a white burger incel with a BBC/sissy porn addiction. They always think they'll be loved and worshiped in Japan while looking like this, creeping on women and being a general nuisance (like the French scrote who attacked a Japanese woman and stole her purse, then had a bunch of other white moids defending him and insisting he "must" be Arab instead).

No. 2229923

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No. 2229929

No. 2229933

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Thank god they were denied entry. Too bad this one wasn't.(wrong thread)

No. 2229938

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Samefag, or this one.(wrong thread)

No. 2229949

KEEEEKKKKKK how is this even possible?
Why post depressing shit on a happy thread?

No. 2229989

Why bring that SCUM up in this thread of all threads

No. 2229992

Because someone posted racist shit in this thread of all threads?

No. 2229996

I don’t think that is the same level as a literal child rapist/murderer

No. 2230013

Wdym? The implication is black people bad. It's just ironic considering what white men get up to, and that's all I was pointing out.

No. 2230575

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No. 2230587

as a non-american or even a westerner the way they talk and use slang is genuinely fascinating to me

No. 2230700

who clipped their hentai when recording this? lmao

No. 2230728

The point is to make you think it's hentai when you click on the gif to see the whole thing and then you get Britney Spears on the phone instead.

No. 2230772

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Deserved. Because of streamers like Johnny Somali. This video is satisfying.

No. 2230780

He’s trash but didn’t the Paul brothers film dead bodies in Japan and act an ass? Where is the yodA hat sign

No. 2230784

nipponese are fucking so funny about racism considering how much of their pop culture is surrounding black culture kek.

No. 2230792

Because they like white people I guess kek, not racebaiting, just a fact sadly

No. 2230801

They don’t like white people they are just afraid of being bombed by white people so they kiss their ass. It’s what all of east Asia does Lowkey

No. 2230813

Not even just east Asia the whole world kisses white peoples ass and caters to them because they know how savage they truly are kek. Black people are just easy scapegoats.

No. 2230822

Wait how

No. 2230825

>being bombed by white people
This made me cackle nonna

No. 2230848

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Not defending them because they need to provide rooms for their kids before deciding to have a new one, but the original posts aren’t even true. They don’t have 7 kids, they have 4. He has 2 kids from a prior relationship and she has 2 from her prior relationship, and now she’s pregnant with his child. It’s a family of 6 going on 7, not 7 kids. All the seething about how they need to have their genitals mutilated because they can’t stop procreating is just creepy. They each have 2 kids on their own and are having their 3rd, that’s not a crime, 5 kids is a big family but perfectly normal.

They do however need to upgrade to a bigger apartment immediately, kids shouldn’t be sleeping in a living room and on top of that they have their daughters sleeping in the same room as the sons which is just downright stupid.

No. 2230851

They aren’t easy scapegoats, it has to do with their cultural practices like child brides, slavery and female genital mutilation

No. 2230853

You won’t upgrade with with a black man, he bought a ps5 before vying a bed for the kids who are sleeping on foam pads , right near the entrance door, while they sleep cozy in the sanctity of their bedroom.(racebait)

No. 2230857

There are plenty of black men who can provide appropriately sized apartments anon, with the common sense to not make their kids sleep on the floor next to the front door. This couple specifically is trashy and ignorant. If they decided to combine their families of 2 children each and then have a new baby too, he needs to sell his stupid ps5 and buy them some bunk beds and then look for a three bedroom apartment

No. 2230861

All you did was protect the parents. They are being wilfully neglectful of their kids to have a room to constantly fuck in she even stated herself that if they go viral and make money she will keep having kids. This dude is a ducking bum who skimped out on 2 kids from previous women and this bitch is a ducking retard who keeps laying up with him thinking he will change. In fact she is worse because she saw proof of how he was (neglectful) and still decided to give him more. He doesn’t work because he doesn’t want to pay child support. Children are literally being infested with lice and whatever cat droppings while these 2 hobosexuals fuck like rabbits and bank on tik tok puff hearts to feed his video game addiction.(do not self censor)

No. 2230864

i don't think the people hating on american black people, canadian black people, or hating basically any black person not from africa is concerned with that

No. 2230884

Where did I defend them? I criticized them for having too many kids and not providing for them, idiot. I just cleared up that the one anon was lying about how many kids they have and saying she needs to have her genitals mutilated for giving birth to 3 kids

No. 2230886

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No. 2230887

I think it is more they just hate black people anon, you don’t need to make excuses kek

No. 2230889

It is what they’re concerned about though anon. That’s why the entire world has always hated Africans (and still does), they also bring up how behind they are. African Americans who travel to Africa literally say that they’re hundreds of years behind everyone else in how they think

No. 2230899

She thinks that just because a few mangaka references American action movies that happen to have Black actors it's the same as being dependent on (American?) Black culture to strive as an industry. I would have believed it if she talked about kpop though.

No. 2230908

they worship them and get plastic surgery to look like them.

No. 2230910

No one has ever said that and it’s not a cope it’s literally an objective fact that white people are known for decimating entire societies if they don’t get their way. Japans interactions with white people were all forced due to white people being stinky strong armed savages(racebait)

No. 2230917

Exactly, and get eyelid surgery and whiten their skin kek I think some anons are making excuses

No. 2230919

Honestly feel bad for Asians they have no choice but to worship and try to look like them when they saw the affects of the atomic bomb, agent orange etc. They don’t want to get bombed again. Also if you look at the history of PS In South Korea specifically western Doctors created the double eyelid surgery because they wanted the enslaved female prostitutes to resemble the white women back home for the us soldiers that would eventually rape them. It’s all PTSD from white peoples savagery

No. 2230923

African Americans and Africans don’t even like each other kek, I’ve seen multiple black women say that Africans are ignorant and less intelligent and hundreds of years behind mentally

No. 2230925

It’s literally a cope from all the US soldiers raping them constantly during the Korean war. You guys should learn history before >>2230917
They don’t whiten their skin to look like white people they just like to look dead and have liked it since they knew of the pink man’s existence. War really has made white people think they are more loved than they are. Everyone’s afraid of y’all bro

No. 2230927

newfag detected

No. 2230928

Okay and European Americans and Europeans don’t like each other. Asian Americans and Asians don’t like each other.shall I continue

No. 2230933

Also nice racebait but everyone knows Africans from the motherland are smart af. Every African I met has been a doctor

No. 2230936

Or worked in a stem field nice cope though. The average African living in a mudhut is smarter than you even with the odds stacked against them loser

No. 2230947

I know, what’s your point?

No. 2230955

anon, the post was about black people in general, not africans specifically. why do some parts of the world hate black people who aren't from africa (and thus aren't practicing weird cultural things)?

No. 2230961

Im not african but this is true, every african i met has been hard-working and very well put together.

No. 2230965

samefag, this was the original post >>2230813. no mention of africans or black people from specific countries where child brides, mutilation, etc are practiced

No. 2230967

and it's still relevant

keek very good


No. 2230970

Because that’s how bigotry works. It’s not my personal belief, im just sharing what I see in racist comments online and even black people who don’t want to be associated with African culture because of how scary it can be

No. 2230971

>Thread name: things that make you chuckle

>recent thread posts: racebait.

Ahhh never change lolcow never change….but is it just me but lately almost every thread i check out now lately is just filled with racebait, pro-trumpism, misogyni or lolifags.

No. 2230978

DAMN you held nothing back. You know, this is sad but it's true kek. But hey, not my country, not my circus.

No. 2230980

You don't understand this culture. That man comes from a community where he can get away with almost anything, and the most he has to worry about is getting yelled at. What's worse, he's used to being poor. He's getting sex, companionship and to continue his bloodline without the need for wealth, so why should he care? He probably struggled as a kid. As far as he's concerned, junior and the rest can deal with it too and they'll figure it out. He's happy with his broken-down wife, hungry kids he doesn't have to feed and life as a gamer on welfare.
That woman probably comes from similarly poor beginnings and is used to that within her own culture, or she thought this would be a fun adventure after already becoming a single mother. I do not disagree with giving all men vasectomies, and making them have to go through paperwork to prove they can afford to support children before they can have them reversed. Both men and women should have to prove they're stable enough to raise children, too.

No. 2231002

I've had my hunches it's because we're like shoulder deep into election season.

No. 2231029

I meant gyaru and rap culture though? But I agree most of the borrowed culture is American African and not African in general.

No. 2231036

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Samefag, sorry but I definitely can't support this. Scroll down on the account and there are vent posts about how they don't get views, complaints about him calling her ugly, and shit like this. They should not be procreating, the other anon was brash but right.
She bought him a PS5 when there's a ridiculous number of things that need to be fixed about their living situation. She's 29, and he's 35 doing side jobs (eg Door Dash). He owes child support that he isn't paying to another woman and her child, so he's avoiding getting a real job.
Here's the mother of the child he walked out on talking about the whole thing and saying he hasn't changed at all:
There is no excuse, there's no defending this. He's not a loving father, she isn't some innocent struggling mother. This is not "normal" except in the worst way, they aren't "trying their best". These are levels of ghetto I've never thought possible.

No. 2231045

I genuinely hope people don't bomb her with views, because the last thing that household needs is more free shit for the parents to waste on themselves.

No. 2231047

It's extremely common to find racists specifically bashing African-Americans and ignoring Africans. In fact, that's how it usually goes. They tend to ignore Caribbeans, too. It's weird that you're trying to pin all racism on hatred toward Africans.

No. 2231050

I hope CPS takes all their kids away idgaf.

No. 2231207

Im sorry but you’re literally not making sense

No. 2231211

? Okay, kek

No. 2231214

Samefag means you wrote the post you’re responding to

No. 2231395

You're delusional

No. 2231440

No. 2231729

> Everyone’s afraid of y’all bro
If I had to choose whether a black scrote or a white scrote were walking towards me in a dark alley. I would take the latter kek and so would they(derailing/racebait)

No. 2231772

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No. 2231777

Really? Because white men are the ones with the highest track record of serial killing and rape. According to statics a black man is more likely to attack another black man.(derailing)

No. 2231779

That's so funny because I've always heard the opposite, where women who move here from Africa are shocked/embarrassed by African American culture.
Just last year I met up with some friends for a weekend in San Francisco, and one of my friends' friends moved here from Nigeria and as we were sitting there having lunch she goes "What is wrong with all of these black people?" and we kinda laughed and she goes "Oh, you know what I mean!" kek(derailing)

No. 2231781

I'm not even american but typical murrica patriotism jokes (spamming bald eagles, freedom, the national anthem, making fun of size units, going on about why a state is better/worse) always make me crack up so much.

No. 2231790

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No. 2231791

i mean its not shocking that africans who largely come to america to assimilate heavily to white culture would side with white people over black americans. Its not rocket science every minority comes to america to mock black people while riding on our benefits that we brought to them

No. 2231796

case and point you were in San Francisco one of the whitest richest cities in america KEK. you bitches are stupid

No. 2231798

Lolcow isn't ready for this conversation lol

No. 2231801

they are so fucking stupid they dont even realize people are so afraid of them they are willing to mock people that look like them in order to not be treated like how white americans treat black americans. San Francisco has 5% black population what african americans were they looking at!? i bet it was through a screen KEK

No. 2231807


It's true, I read this book called Disposable Domestics, and it's basically about how white women have built feminism on the backs of women from other countries. When they assimilate "economic immigrants" they treat them a lot differently than "asylees or refugees", because they receive different benefits and a different kind of indoctrination. So they immediately become biased towards black Americans because they're indoctrinated against anybody that "uses welfare" because they are given welfare from an entirely different coffer, and are given different limits.(derailing)

No. 2231830

Cool story bro you bitches be so scared of black people all while living in 95% white towns going to all white schools, going to your all white jobs and the last black person you saw was doing an act of service for you. So scared of black people when black people ARE FORCED to interact with you people. Even when we try to make our own shit you guys tear it down. Even innocuous shit like Black girl Gamers had to face public backlash and threatened to be sued even though everyone knows black female gamers are treated like utter shit by everyone. WHite people are obsessed with black people you bitches watch our every move but you have the AUDACITY to say you are more afraid of us. FUCK OFF. you can go your whole life never even meeting a black person. Black people even in remote villages in Africa cannot say the same because you pink sun repellants never leave us tf alone!! YOU GUYS ARE OBSESSED WITH US ITS for literal CENTURIES ITS EMBARRASSING. Literally disecting and eating us. BUT YOU ARE SCARED OF US NOW THAT IS A CACKLE(responding to bait)

No. 2231832

San Francisco isn’t one of the whitest cities in America. The East Asian population is higher than the white population and Latino and white are about even

No. 2231837

Where in America are you talking about? I see black people almost every day wtf.

No. 2231863

Well that anon said her friend was from Africa, so that’s why she was focusing on black people. This entire discussion started because someone said whites are the evil scary group and that Africans have been scapegoated, and then it was pointed out that Africans have their share of evil behavior too, like female genital mutilation and child brides. They’ve also had slavery for thousands and thousands of years, but like to pretend that Europeans introduced slavery to their continent, which is ridiculous because the Arab slave trade occurred before the Atlantic slave trade and lasted over 1000 years

No. 2231864

plus, that anon clearly never did her research on just how massively the number of foreign rape perpetrators are white when it comes to Asian countries. The vast majority of men who arrive there to rape, torture, and make "content" of women and children are white moids. If I were an Asian woman, I would avoid as many scrotes as possible at night, but I would *especially not fuck around with a white scrote considering the context of how bad they are in those countries. Why do whites keep forgetting all the Peter Scullies they have running around the Philippines, Taiwan, and Vietnam? Why are they obsessed with acting like their scrotes never do anything wrong? I'll gladly cop a ban for derailing just to point this out.
"Most offenders for Child sexual exploitation are White men according to Interpol.

Ethnicity of visible offenders "Figure 5 below shows that where it was possible to categorise offender ethnicity, the vast majority 78.84% were white. A further 12.17% were Hispanic-Latino, with black and Asian offenders comprising the least commonly featured offender ethnicity in the sample (4.23% and3.17% respectively)."

"This belies the assumption that sexual exploitation of children is a crime only carried out by white males traveling to developing countries. Possible exceptions are cases of traveling sex offenders who travel outside of their home country or region to abuse children "

In other words this supports the notion of mainly white men going to Asia to exploit children. Because they can claim not all offenders are white but the fact that Interpol still admits its mostly white men being caught and even acknowledges assumptions of white men traveling to developing countries to commit these acts.

The sources also note that a lot victims are majority white children themselves which makes sense since most offenders were white. Child marriage is currently legal in 44 states in the US so nobody should be surprise. Austria, Belgium, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom, to name a few – have laws allowing children younger than 18 to marry under some circumstances"
"During my time working at the Seoul Rape Crisis Center, one of the more well-established response service in Korea, I saw how yellow bodies silently absorbed this cost: sexual assault of Korean women by white men, mostly American, constituted at least a third of the Center’s cases. This is, of course, invisible to those in the West because of the concealed workings of globalization, racism and colonialism, and the failures of carceral feminist approaches to sexual violence."
So yeah, no, white scrotes and their defenders can go fuck themselves.(derailing )

No. 2231865

oh yeah because you anon and your experience alone is the experience of every white person in america KEK. Do you bitches not know percentages and just how much white people make up in america and how little black people make up in america!? do the math

No. 2231867

Hey guys what's going on

No. 2231882

Nothing new, nona. Don't you worry your pretty little head

No. 2231885

Rape and pedophilia is a male problem, all men in every culture and era do the same things. In the East Asian cultures you’re defending, men have multiple wives and concubines who were usually teenagers when he married/bought them, and all brothels offered kids, there were even brothels with only children. Child pornography was legal in Japan until 2013. In China the age of consent is 14 and 14 year olds can legally prostitute themselves, which is quite common. You need to learn more about the history between different East Asian cultures, men do incredibly evil things to women and children in times of war and when conquering another area, which I guess you don’t know anything about.

While white men might be statistically the largest demographic of sex offenders, that would be partly because those crimes are actually reported in the US and are rarely reported in some other regions, like East Asian countries or countries in Africa and the Middle East. The majority of CP is filmed in Latin America for example, but men there are rarely reported for pedophilia or rape even though those things occur constantly there. Many African Americans won’t report male family members to the police because the police pose a bigger danger to them, which causes men to get away with molesting children in their family and committing DV and sexual assault

No. 2231888

I don’t think the census is even accurate because many people don’t do them. I’ve heard people I know irl and people online say this too. Like Latino/hispanic and middle eastern people a lot of the time will put themselves as white in the census, and I’ve seen so many black people online say they’ve never done the census and no one they know does it, and it seems like incredibly inaccurate. Some areas like Utah or something are mostly white but not coastal areas (where almost everyone lives) or the south

No. 2231889

dont try to gaslight me with your racist babble. Also Arabs are not black people so wtf are you talking about a slave trade. Black people are still being enslaved by Arabs to this day it never stopped. Whatever "slavery" Africans had going on was not fucking chattel slavery you stupid fuck. Stomp comparing it. You guys dont even know the bare minimum of what enslaved black people endured nor do you even attempt to try to learn. But please tell me more about fucking the arab slave trade as if that still wasnt targeting black people.

No. 2231891

Thank you, I love you.

No. 2231894

how tf does anything in this novel you have typed out make you chuckle, wtf is going on in this thread

No. 2231895

all men are pedos that data is definitely outdated especially since it was revealed that South Korean men watched a bulk of the CP on sites like Telegram. All men are nasty and crave minors but you are more likely to be targeted by a scrote that looks like you than one that doesnt so its so funny that white women still believe the psyop that they are more safe with a white man than a black man. baby you arent safe at all but they are so blinded by racism they cant even see that. Stupid asses

No. 2231896

1) I never said Arabs were black 2) I never said the Arab slave trade didn’t target black people, that’s the opposite of what I said.

Africans have had slavery for thousands of years, there are records of this. Ancient Egypt and other African civilizations ran on slavery. The Arab slave trade targeted Africans and went on for far longer than the Atlantic slave trade, but most black people don’t even know that the Arab slave trade existed. They also don’t know that Arabs colonized North Africa, they literally know nothing. They’ll bring up whites enslaving them and colonizing them when those things were already happening before Europeans joined. Europeans also only bought people who were already enslaved, and many of those enslaved people were sold to the slave traders by their own families and villages, because that’s how things were at that time

No. 2231899

> so its so funny that white women still believe the psyop that they are more safe with a white man than a black man. baby you arent safe at all but they are so blinded by racism they cant even see that
Bitch no one said that, I said all men are pedos and rapists

No. 2231900

i dont care stop comparing it to chattel slavery in america to justify what white people did to us fuck off

No. 2231902

Stop comparing what to chattel slavery in America?? The Arab slave trade? Honey that was chattel slavery too (and so was the slavery going on in Africa)(derailing)

No. 2231905

wheres the fucking funny huff i come to this thread for?

No. 2231907

BITCH this nonnie did so try again doofus >>2231729

No. 2231912

im talking about what africans did to other africans it was not chattel slavery so stop saying we did it to each other because no tf we didnt

No. 2231915

Or, you know, Nigeria is just a more conservative country, and they experience a culture shock when they see African-Americans aren't really like that because they subconsciously expect people of their race to "naturally" act similar to them, but give leniency to other races. People are just…like that.
It's not that they're doing it to spite African-American people IMO (well, some of them play into it after they're given the idea that they can get away with it). Even African-Americans don't like how some of their own people act the same way a lot of Africans don't like how some of their own act. It's not that weird.

No. 2231922

File: 1730326921613.mp4 (1.06 MB, 1280x720, tumblr_rgq522rwA81y2kxyc.mp4)

is this funny

No. 2231924

nta but it made me laugh

No. 2231926

File: 1730327148238.gif (774.03 KB, 220x169, 1696248181510.gif)

yes, thank you.heres something funny in turn

No. 2231931

>ancient egypt
>synonymous with black
They had black rulers for only a couple of generations, otherwise they're irrelevant in this sort of discussion. Stop forcing this shit. Those who came after didn't defend their empire well enough, got killed/raped out of existence and now they're a bunch of slave traders and camel fuckers. Let it go!!!!!
It's largely burgers that don't know about the Arab slave trade, not other black people IME (and Africans know it because a good chunk of them are literally Islamized). This is because the American school system is inadequate. Don't be retarded.(derail)

No. 2231937

File: 1730327431825.mp4 (3.81 MB, 1280x720, tumblr_rej2czYPA21zc25s7_720.m…)

Thank you lovely anons

No. 2231938

File: 1730327433425.webm (1.37 MB, 320x400, 1639119811982.webm)

No. 2231940

File: 1730327543665.jpeg (117.1 KB, 800x600, IMG_1214.jpeg)

The American school system is superior to the school systems in most countries actually, sorry. I don’t know why you can’t just admit that African cultures have their own share of abysmally fucked up things they did, there’s no need to no true Scotsman in a discussion about what has happened for thousands of years(derailing)

No. 2231941

File: 1730327585674.jpg (245.37 KB, 1168x1206, 1650574105613.jpg)

No. 2231942

why did you post a video of my room nona this is doxxing im sending the internet space marines at your exact location

No. 2231943

i envy rich hikkineets like this so badly

No. 2231944

File: 1730327705235.jpg (437.31 KB, 1468x1467, 1718038374338.jpg)

I don't trust this study. My country should not be in the top 10

No. 2231948

It was chattel slavery though. Chattel slavers is when someone is owned by another person, as opposed to other forms of slavery like being briefly enslaved as a punishment or for owing a debt, indentured servitude or sex slavery. Every culture has had slavery. Africa has had chattel slavery for thousands of years, as far back as ancient Egypt if not farther(derail)

No. 2231957

Where in my post does it say Africa doesn't have its share of fucked up things? Work on your reading comprehension, I'm correcting you on your "ancient egyptianz was black n shiet" American conceit and projection of your own country's issues on an entire race when you just mean "the black people I know in my country". If America's school system is superior, then clearly, many people have been failed by it and have no understanding of the rest of the world, religion, history, etc.(derail)

No. 2231961

File: 1730328233835.png (780.45 KB, 639x800, 1670552723856.png)

No. 2231963

I don’t think you followed the conversation

No. 2231969

File: 1730328436932.jpg (51.77 KB, 800x677, 1667580871771.jpg)

I really don't care what you were chatting about with the other anon. You said something wrong because you actually don't know much about Africa. Stop being a faggot, do a quick Google search next time instead of being a lazy bitch. Better yet, take your blackkklansman diaspora autism elsewhere, nobody wants to read that shit.

No. 2231975

File: 1730328790606.jpg (3.83 MB, 3864x3334, 1727902232346.jpg)

No. 2231977

You’re such a retard(infighting)

No. 2231978

No. 2231980

File: 1730328945114.webp (71.59 KB, 955x896, e565a1b0102b63791f33896fa00573…)

Cope, child left behind(infighting)

No. 2231983

File: 1730329043713.jpg (17.31 KB, 1080x399, GacTAyEWcAAjPjR.jpg)

No. 2231985

Average redditor downvoting posts of reason

No. 2231989

File: 1730329293733.jpg (129.32 KB, 720x868, Kek.jpg)

No. 2231991

File: 1730329399513.png (1.4 MB, 918x1202, 1663553651158.png)

No. 2232015

>t. north african invader

No. 2232037

Aloha snackbar

No. 2232041

go back to 4chan with your shitty ifunny memes please

No. 2232042

I've been here longer than you, stop shitting up the thread with your tears.

No. 2232045

File: 1730331596668.png (108.04 KB, 435x350, F_vaL5mXAAE6GIw.png)

No. 2232046

you’ve been here longer but you’re still a male-brained retard with the shittiest taste in humor imaginable. nobody cares about the infight you had earlier(infighting)

No. 2232051

You're the cuck that was infighting trying to come back for more. No one cares, pequeno idiota racista chora chora(infighting)

No. 2232070

File: 1730332680836.jpg (19.59 KB, 376x376, E7GHBjKWQAEMdmm.jpg)


No. 2232141

>This entire discussion started because someone said whites are the evil scary group and that Africans have been scapegoated, and then it was pointed out that Africans have their share of evil behavior too, like female genital mutilation and child brides.
Once again, the post was about black people IN GENERAL, nobody mentioned Africans until later
>Black people are just easy scapegoats.
she's saying lots of racists hate black people who AREN'T from africa so it's retarded to go "oh they only hate them because of (xyz things done by specific africans which the vast majority of black people don't even do)". Many of those racists aren't even aware of those countries where that shit is practiced.(derailing)

No. 2232820

No. 2232829

File: 1730350730182.jpg (42.88 KB, 720x193, 1000000095.jpg)

No. 2232831

File: 1730350913298.jpg (58.8 KB, 1024x732, 1000000094.jpg)

No. 2232833

File: 1730351269450.jpg (190.54 KB, 1242x1474, 1000000119.jpg)

No. 2232843

File: 1730351776763.jpg (193.08 KB, 1169x1739, 1000000120.jpg)

No. 2232845

File: 1730351952500.jpg (125.61 KB, 1460x1198, 1000000123.jpg)

No. 2232855

I had to stop and think for a second there
Unironically good. I want this to be on spotify.
>Channel name
Has to be satire
I can see the vision but this template will never be funny to me.

No. 2232864

File: 1730353542826.jpg (94.54 KB, 720x490, 1000000099.jpg)

No. 2232881

I shouldn't have snorted

No. 2232889

>this template will never be funny to me
BOOO it is with a man inside

No. 2232891

File: 1730354867120.jpg (100.76 KB, 842x897, 1665250387691.jpg)

sorry if repost

No. 2232914

(at least for Kevin Federlines parts) it was early 2000s "black" slang at the time and making fun of how he used it

No. 2232919

File: 1730358433237.jpg (160.83 KB, 1028x1027, 1730275587097.jpg)

No. 2232979

File: 1730368525887.jpeg (40.15 KB, 720x416, IMG_5521.jpeg)

No. 2233071

Black people are of African descent anon, it’s still their cultural heritage. You must not know any African Americans or Caribbeans if you think they don’t value or connect with their African roots. You claim racists “aren’t aware of African countries” when those are the main things I see people bring up about why they don’t like Africans and why they don’t want African immigrants in their countries.(derailing)

No. 2233146

No. 2233148

how can anyone this math like that without driving a knife down their throat

No. 2233165

File: 1730382924715.gif (1.61 MB, 300x100, 1688713458106.gif)

No. 2233182

It makes me happy whenever I get this banner. I love it

No. 2233480

how is this funny? her room is so yicky and lots of ruined potential, pretty room ugly hygiene.

No. 2233493

still not getting it huh. most black people in the US are not engaging in child marriage, FGM, etc. someone raised in the US (or other anglo countries) won't be exactly the same as someone raised in another country no matter how much they're trying to connect.

No. 2233541

File: 1730406547943.jpeg (412.65 KB, 1170x1409, e0dad162uphd1.jpeg)

checked on kenna for the first time in years and had a good kek at her dressing herself up as a clown for her birthday.

No. 2233585

forgot to add (yeah I'll take my ban) most american blacks are mixed anyway, not fully african. it's like saying that since white americans have euro heritage that means they're the same as an actual European

No. 2233631

Damn you can really see the demographic change in this thread.

No. 2233634

over a span of 5 days?

No. 2233649

File: 1730411436850.mp4 (3.37 MB, 576x1024, kekkkk.mp4)

Yep, slavery is still active in some corners of Africa but it's not just arabs, there's the occasional rich black slave-owning family. It's sadly not limited to one group
Yeah, i mean why would a (probably) rich african immigrant be sympathetic to a wildly different demographic? People outside the west are not neurotic about their prejudices
Anyways, i can't stop watching vidrel kek

No. 2233653

>You can't be giving in!!

No. 2233662

Did he draw his freckles on?

No. 2233666

KEK the name

No. 2233743

Me when nonnies vent about their nigels

No. 2235292

I don't care if these predator hunting videos are fake or unethical or whatever, literally nothing more wholesome than watching a pedo have a panic attack kek

No. 2235458

This looks fake af, but even if it's not that is not a panic attack kek. It's just bad acting. Loser.

No. 2235962

No. 2236058

When men use Asian beauty filters/ snow app because it always looks so disgusting, even worse than when women do it. Pinched unbreathable Michael Jackson nose, no jaw, tiny head, enlarged lips. Like come on you look fucking ridiculous dude stop that

No. 2236506

File: 1730592078857.jpg (313.56 KB, 1080x1315, Screenshot_20241102-205751_You…)

No. 2236509

File: 1730592230119.jpeg (190.62 KB, 463x546, IMG_2937.jpeg)

No. 2236517

File: 1730592644127.mp4 (1.09 MB, 1022x1080, Superman is coming to school 3…)

No. 2236518

KEK I forgot about him

No. 2236915

No. 2236916

Why do he look like that kid who played live action Greg Heffley kek

No. 2236922

Is this the chestnuts roasting on an open fire guy

No. 2236946

Kek yes an anon posted one of his video >>2236518

No. 2236968

No. 2236984

This is what k pop idols look like to me singing ridiculous wannabe hip hop lyrics that they don't even understand. Such utter nonsense it seems ai generated

No. 2237273

No. 2237276

This is my favorite Wendy Wildhog moment

No. 2237332

No. 2237417

So this is what them boys heard every night

No. 2237454

No. 2237738

File: 1730670507178.jpeg (298.69 KB, 1170x1071, IMG_6150.jpeg)

No. 2237748

TIL that Asian beauty filters turn men into creepy AI generated pictures of Null

No. 2237878

File: 1730679707326.mp4 (4.04 MB, 720x1280, 1000016985.mp4)

No. 2237880

i love hot men, thank you anon.

No. 2237885

He looks like a female cow I've seen, but I can't remember which one

No. 2237906

He's hot but he has the sense of humor that only hot people could get away with because on anyone else it would sound retarded and juvenile.

No. 2238009

Men often look less attractive with long hair but I've noticed it gives insecure men confidence because it's a security blanket or distraction. At least this one washes his but by God I don't understand why anyone attracted to men would like it.

No. 2238035

Just like how some women can rock very short hair, I believe men can make long hair work if it is well maintained and fits their face shape. Unfortunately most moids don't even bother to wash their asses, so most guys that rock long hair are ones I see online

No. 2238046

File: 1730692365798.png (275.07 KB, 581x423, Screenshot 2024-10-29 210919.p…)

guy on the right looks like a sims 2 character.

No. 2238057

I don't want to be banned for racebait but I think that certain races look better with long hair because of the texture/styles/care on average. I think maybe I just think Caucasian men look fucking stupid with middle school birthday party curling iron waves, and it reminds me too much of men like Varg ew.

No. 2238058

>I don't understand why anyone attracted to men would like it.
You just have a different preference, and that's fine.

No. 2238071


No. 2238434

No. 2238952

File: 1730745390203.png (19.94 KB, 589x198, CYzQFfRUEAEEtM_.png)

cow on cow violence but I thought this was kinda funny

No. 2239047

File: 1730747187893.mp4 (2.31 MB, 720x1280, 1000017003.mp4)

end her suffering

No. 2239118

Oh my gosh that poor creature. so much pain in one life

No. 2239693

Her cartwhelels are so fergalicious

No. 2239760

who’s nigel is this kekkk

No. 2239794

god she’s so real

No. 2240129

I lost it at that random "Michael Jackson"

No. 2240267

kek i am so using this to troll my personal cow

No. 2240382

No. 2240399

No. 2240419

No. 2240647

the amount of effort put into this

No. 2240670

File: 1730824506151.jpeg (695.87 KB, 1170x1195, IMG_6343.jpeg)

Reply to that tweet about who is the male equivalent to Megan Fox. This gave me such a chuckle

No. 2240673

File: 1730824565815.jpeg (643.28 KB, 1170x1304, IMG_6344.jpeg)

No. 2240675

KEKK. How is he even comparable, ugly

No. 2240837

A better answer for the second question would be "are you dead?"

No. 2240854

File: 1730827897995.jpeg (676.39 KB, 1170x1408, IMG_6345.jpeg)

No. 2240864

What's this guy's name?

No. 2240898

who is this guy and why does he look like a racist cartoon

No. 2240909

is that psy? or that one Chinese comedian who was in the hangover movie?

No. 2241001

Rap Monster from BTS
I’m not even kpoop fan and I know that isn’t psy or ken jeong anon.. are you trying to be funny

No. 2241251

Built like a pug

No. 2241256

What happened to his entire nasal bridge?!

No. 2241428

No. 2241445

Awww my heart

No. 2241526

I was watching a video of them dispensing ice cream from a machine and all of their profiles were so ugly from the excessive jaw removal. I watched in a loop like 12 times I'm so sorry but ew

No. 2241536

File: 1730847488493.jpg (132 KB, 800x968, nooooooo.jpg)

No. 2241599

File: 1730848986038.jpg (124.4 KB, 960x1706, 1000000219.jpg)

No. 2243932

File: 1730879968765.jpg (34.85 KB, 329x482, FxjvSTZXVAExvM.jpg)

No. 2244016

Autistic and eleven year old me would've unironically cared about this picture's lore.

No. 2244372

What does this mean?

No. 2245474

File: 1730912639476.jpeg (963.59 KB, 1170x1645, IMG_6351.jpeg)

Another reply kek

No. 2245519

Does the dog seem distressed for anyone else? Her legs are shaking a little bit.
Dadaist zoomer humor.

No. 2246229

He has a huge witch-like crooked honker but no one noticed because he has pretty girl hair. He looks super gayfaced to me.

No. 2246345

File: 1730925841252.png (46.45 KB, 820x245, Da reminder!.png)

No. 2246386

This is how the "nice guy" love interest is written in every single anime.

No. 2246405

File: 1730926540525.jpg (53.99 KB, 600x505, c448671a-95bf-4bea-a28b-5fc4f9…)

>The actions in this video are performed or supervised by professionals. Please do not attempt.

No. 2247687

File: 1730955459811.jpg (99.07 KB, 720x667, 1000000230.jpg)

No. 2247689

File: 1730955509057.jpg (46.09 KB, 720x247, 1000000229.jpg)

No. 2247698

Targeted psychological warfare campaign from ED twitter when

No. 2247796

File: 1730958311853.jpeg (140.66 KB, 1170x942, IMG_0038.jpeg)


No. 2247809

File: 1730958583472.jpg (123.96 KB, 630x852, 1000000235.jpg)

God I was born in the wrong generation. Take me back

No. 2247857

Please nona what is this from!

No. 2247888


No. 2247892

this is why women are generally more attractive than men, there are more variations in which a woman can be beautiful but men can only be cute if they are a beautiful bishie otter (expires at 26 tops) or a sexy strong tall hunk,(expires even sooner) there are cutesy little ladies, and then there are handsome, chiseled women. And there are the ones in between, I feel like women just look better, even unattractive ones because we don't have facial hair and ugly jutted out bones. Men are ugly.

No. 2247906

File: 1730963872967.png (2.06 KB, 266x130, 1723674088188.png)

No. 2247925

File: 1730966585253.jpeg (69.7 KB, 600x798, 1644210030813.jpeg)

This DIO edit of him makes me kek every time I see it.

No. 2247981

every tumblr libfem

No. 2248600

1. they don't
2. The put themselves on a pedestal above black Americans until they have their negro wakeup call
3. The second they face racism and violence, they come running to black Americans and apologizing

No. 2249382

In reality I think her equivalent would be Ian Somerholder

No. 2249398

File: 1731021702789.png (3.28 MB, 1104x1836, daddy’s home.png)

No. 2249693

I hope this kid is having a wonderful life

No. 2249699

Oh god no he looks like my ex

No. 2249703

Tell me more, what was it like to date nosferatu?

No. 2249737

he was an annoying self important whiny goth

No. 2250233

File: 1731054356030.jpeg (120.04 KB, 2000x1000, IMG_6440.jpeg)

> I feel as if I’ve been standing my entire life and I just sat down.

>…500 cigarettes.

No. 2250255

The Chris angel shirt is really what makes it

No. 2250392

File: 1731073951815.jpeg (224.49 KB, 860x1062, IMG_3003.jpeg)

this is real and not deepfaked kekkk, I love the shit these elections always bring

No. 2250425

File: 1731075738033.jpeg (827.41 KB, 1179x881, IMG_2061.jpeg)

I bring good news, nonas!

No. 2250464


No. 2250471

File: 1731077870324.jpeg (47.07 KB, 750x358, IMG_3004.jpeg)

Males known how worthless they are without society applying a role to them, it’s actually hilarious seeing this shit
>higher up scrotes keep fucking with me and i’m a retard who doesn’t know how patriarchy works and can’t make it work for me soooo how do I make this about women and their rotten whorish ways?
And that’s exactly why the grand majority of them deserve to die

No. 2250720

I would never ever hit that, but ngl that's incredible for 70+.
men in 2009: You can't just expect me to get married. I have my whole life in front of me! Just asking shows you're manipulative and needy!
same men in 2024: I have no purpose in life and women are hateful bitches because they won't even try to date me anymore. I was supposed to be married years ago.

No. 2250819

No. 2251742

I love seeing politicians get into arguments. Not debates over policies and economics and shit, but actual arguments

No. 2251872

File: 1731125283165.jpg (81.6 KB, 1093x677, tumblr_pdthbdm1Pa1w70op2_1280.…)

I actually laughed at picrel. The PS2 graphics adds to the funnieness of the word "fatso".

No. 2251874

File: 1731125308860.jpg (85.34 KB, 1218x683, tumblr_pdthbdUQHO1w70op2_1280.…)

It gets better

No. 2251935

KEK their prophecies about roasties wasting their fertile years, walling and then regretting were right, but it was about them instead.

No. 2252278

File: 1731163053577.png (679.18 KB, 1080x1068, glstHMe.png)

No. 2252287

>I would never ever hit that, but ngl that's incredible for 70+.
agreed, sometimes, scrotes need to put in the effort regardless if they end up fuckable in the end, the point is to have an existence that doesn't make people scowl.

No. 2252288

it's so funny to me for some reason that his nipples perk out from his pecs so much they peek out the shadow cast on his chest.

No. 2252292

File: 1731163537403.mp4 (12.72 MB, 720x1280, Guys After Buying A Women's Bl…)

finally, they make themselves useful, vidrel is threadtax

No. 2252293

File: 1731163573805.mp4 (1.91 MB, 720x1280, Snapinsta.app_video_3142E613DB…)

No. 2252384

This is just sad
I see a lot of "white woman tried paint a black woman with the angry black woman stereotype" on reality tv but I have nearly seen it so clearly depicted, and in a political situation too? If the blonde woman faced no backlash for this then America is more fucked up than I thought

No. 2252440

That's Marjorie Taylor Greene. She's a fucking whackjob who thinks that Jewish space lasers are causing climate change or some shit like that. She routinely baits other politicians and arguing with her is pointless, you both look worse for it but she likes the attention.

No. 2252604

File: 1731176278615.jpg (48.77 KB, 720x679, 1000035261.jpg)

Thank you for explaining a little, she sounds insane

Here is an ehh meme for thread tax

No. 2252645

File: 1731178754449.jpg (19.14 KB, 548x407, media_Gb6J1_sWoAAheBd.jpg)

No. 2252647

Kek this is such a Regular Show bit.

No. 2252738

File: 1731183377345.jpeg (253.07 KB, 1115x1536, IMG_2012.jpeg)

Naaahhh they got nick! LMFAOOO

No. 2252755

File: 1731184077489.jpg (26.41 KB, 564x314, ac8cda6e11dd44165ff067ffd80bd0…)

No. 2252769

This animal being tied in a painful position made you laugh?

No. 2252900

No. 2253419

File: 1731210440719.jpg (19.27 KB, 500x499, 1000018924.jpg)

This AI cover that someone made of Leonardo (the ninja turtle) singing Hypnotized by Simon Curtis.
(Listen to Leo sings Hypnotized (ROTTMNT AI Cover) - Simon Curtis by TheSingingLeon on #SoundCloud
https://on.soundcloud.com/sHQ4i). Nonnie with the Ninja Turtles as her husbandos, is that you?(ai slop)

No. 2253436

I love monty python

No. 2253634

I need to know her name, nona

No. 2254248

I miss the 2000s.

No. 2254987

File: 1731289598053.jpeg (268.36 KB, 750x758, IMG_3030.jpeg)

No. 2255093

This is random and sort of cringe, but when I was a teenager I was friends with a few guys that made music and we'd make really stupid clips sometimes with garbage lyrics for fun, goofy shit for ourselves. I've forgotten a lot of them, so when I randomly got an ear worm of a horrible garage beat with gravely vocals repeating "pewdiepie is a child rapist" a few years ago, I thought it was one of those from years ago. Only now am I re-remembering that it's a real clip from an old pewdiepie video.

No. 2255326

File: 1731303195152.jpg (48.83 KB, 500x443, tumblr_lyqgqeS5mx1r2wxazo1_500…)

No. 2255373

File: 1731304406974.jpg (45.07 KB, 720x900, 1000000287.jpg)

No. 2255375

File: 1731304481961.jpg (55.12 KB, 680x598, 1000000192.jpg)

No. 2255381

File: 1731304633359.jpg (51.47 KB, 578x617, 1000000189.jpg)

No. 2255638

No. 2255642

Men’s jokes are never just jokes

No. 2255651

Scrotes being absolutely SHOCKED that Stacey with a million better options didn't want to wait on the backburner forever kek

No. 2256603

File: 1731368666396.jpg (289.98 KB, 1290x1671, 1000000285.jpg)

No. 2256704

No. 2257083

File: 1731393894206.jpg (255.74 KB, 1024x768, Gb8v4UfWQAAoDAH.jpg)

No. 2257092

If any youtuber out now found out some rapper made a song like that about them now they'd try to get a defamation case going over it. They certainly wouldn't put it in a video. Lol.

No. 2257110

Probably because pewdiepie really is a child rapist

No. 2257144

dat nigga is a millionaire and millionaires fly to islands to rape kids

No. 2257908

File: 1731449278305.png (336.72 KB, 1525x586, cried and cried.png)

This Japanese amazon review

No. 2257911

File: 1731449342100.png (368.62 KB, 580x555, please include it properly.png)

For some reason the plushie is being sold by a vitamin company and is supposed to come with an unrelated vitamin keychain?

No. 2258065


No. 2258082

there's this one anon that i can always instantly recognize because she has a very weird and neurotic obsession that she can't help but mention in her posts, even when the subject at hand is completely irrelevant to her obsession. it just makes me laugh every time i stumble upon one of her posts because i don't know how a person gets like that.

No. 2258089

It was a joke and at the time I think it was pretty innocuous.

Nah edgy satire was really popular at the time

No. 2258091

Either say what it is to explain why it makes you laugh or stop. This is just passive aggressive drivel otherwise.

No. 2258096

File: 1731456356948.jpeg (137.23 KB, 637x1078, 1730612102981.jpeg)

no i don't think i will. it's my own personal amusement and it's funnier if i keep the specifics to myself.

No. 2258100

why are you mad tho

No. 2258101

99% of the time guessing what posts are by the same anon doesn't work. Pakichan, anorectal violence chan, blowjob chan and Jim carrey chan are very recognizable when they sperg about these topics but unless it's very specific it's probably incorrect.

No. 2258105

Someone asking you to elaborate is not bait.

No. 2258107

>Pakichan, anorectal violence chan, blowjob chan and Jim carrey
>Insinuating they aren't all the same person

No. 2258109

the anon i'm talking about does a very very specific thing though, i would be amazed if there are other anons with her type of neurosis.

No. 2258112

Is it me?

No. 2258113

basically saying tell me what it is or shut up is bait. baiting to get the answer KEK

No. 2258115

>telling someone they're using a thread incorrectly and being annoying means you're seething
Stay retarded

No. 2258118

File: 1731456995865.jpg (73.41 KB, 827x784, 1728563743380197.jpg)

could be anon… could be…

No. 2258119

File: 1731457016732.jpg (12.39 KB, 400x400, 1000000325.jpg)

No. 2258121

No. 2258122

pardon? using the thread incorrectly? its the "post things that make you laugh" thread and i posted something that made me laugh. seething this hard isn't going to make me tell you any specific. you need to stop being mad and minimodding.

No. 2258123

There's evidence it's all the same girl? I haven't seen all their posts.

No. 2258125

Thats not what bait means.

No. 2258126

There isn't. It's probably some underage newfag pretending to connect dots that don't exist.

No. 2258128

I feel like people underestimate how many people use this site. It's not just 10 anons taking turns.

No. 2258129

Fuck I really am curious. I want to laugh, too…

No. 2258132

Weird and supicious hostile behavior happening. Maybe the aforementioned anon is in thread with us right now and she's feeling called out.

No. 2258135

LMAO nonny i am sorry, there is no way i am going to say, do you see what even mentioning it does to these weirdos? they all think its about them and they start getting mad. just find laughter in this instead, i am.
kek that's what i'm saying. maybe maybe…

No. 2258136

I swear to God they have to be underage. I refuse to believe larping newfags are this dumb. Their "aha gotcha" attitude coupled with them being dumb as fuck and not knowing how to use threads or verbiage is too much.

No. 2258138

So schizo, so self important

No. 2258139

File: 1731457469476.jpeg (13.15 KB, 288x218, images (58).jpeg)

There are only two people here, me and you.

No. 2258141

Its not because you're speshul, it's because every week there's an anon claiming to be able to clock another anon and its almost a joke atp.

No. 2258143

You have to be 18 to post here

No. 2258150

the others are bots you can just tell by how mad they are. they lack soul.

No. 2258157

File: 1731458086718.jpeg (25.73 KB, 540x419, images (59).jpeg)

Not even gonna sage because it's relevant to the thread.

No. 2258158

File: 1731458109948.jpg (16.88 KB, 577x433, 1000000326.jpg)


No. 2258160

good bot

No. 2258184

99% of people on earth are empty husks…
Small soap

No. 2258209

No. 2258227

File: 1731461083414.jpg (74.61 KB, 720x1016, 1000000328.jpg)

No. 2258233

Legitimately entertaining

No. 2258279

File: 1731463679083.jpeg (490.16 KB, 750x864, IMG_3048.jpeg)

the guy on the far right looks like peter griffin guys

No. 2258285

I love being on an anonymous website where my schizofaggotry is never detected tbh, I don’t know why people desperately want to put an avatar to people’s posts on here, it’s legitimately weird and typical twitterfag behavior

No. 2258339

I remember the Snookifag trying to claim she was all those personalityfags at once which seems highly improbable because all their typing styles are distinctive enough and they're spread across such a swath of posts at different times with such different quirks it seems impossible to be them all at once. Even if you are crazy.

No. 2258559

these types of posts are why i never share what i truly like and switch capitalization and punctuation every 5 minutes. i hate detectivefags.

No. 2258784

File: 1731503899038.mp4 (4.78 MB, 480x848, 1000011073.mp4)

No. 2259239

File: 1731529939647.jpeg (55.88 KB, 177x332, IMG_3057.jpeg)

The brain damage some young zoomers have to create this makes me laugh so hard

No. 2259243

Samefag but kekkkk wtf is this

No. 2260183

No. 2260325

File: 1731587342707.jpeg (590.05 KB, 711x1115, IMG_3062.jpeg)

I know the man hate thread on kiwifarms is incredibly cringe (you’re complaining about scrotes while neglecting other female spaces to whine and complain about scrote’s behaviors they have no concern about changing) but this shit made me laugh kek. It’s even more funny when there’s a bunch of male posters who are clearly butthurt about this libfem thread existing

No. 2260369

KEKKK i love this nona. every sentence is gold

No. 2260382

this isn't ai?

No. 2260796

File: 1731612974526.png (278.47 KB, 601x1002, 1714076402785.png)

No. 2260802

I know they're trying to wink-wink-nudge their way around Xitter rules by giving the guy a fire extinguisher but it genuinely looks so retarded kek

No. 2260838

File: 1731614480301.gif (176.53 KB, 410x274, gold.gif)

>Report males to the IRS

No. 2260849

File: 1731614966220.jpg (38.19 KB, 625x415, 1000028796.jpg)


No. 2261289

File: 1731635508069.jpeg (59.87 KB, 753x449, 5NcuV6d.jpeg)

No. 2261291

Do none of you know this is a copypasta? The original was talking about brown people she just changed it to males, lurk more bitches!!!!!!

No. 2261306

No. 2261323

Who cares?

No. 2261326

No. 2261328

Wasn't it originally black people?

No. 2261724

That just means “she” fixed the copypasta kek

No. 2261804

No. 2261873

File: 1731686869143.webp (15.99 KB, 660x289, 734665.webp)

No. 2262092

File: 1731700974617.png (141.58 KB, 1080x652, Screenshot 2024-11-15 at 10.38…)

No. 2262097

File: 1731701238236.png (2.12 MB, 1670x1486, Screenshot 2024-10-29 at 10.14…)

No. 2262109

File: 1731701613642.png (646.36 KB, 2368x592, Screenshot 2024-10-24 at 11.45…)

I was looking up old john lennon song and saw this cover. Of all the beatles songs to do a cover of, who the fuck chooses this one? kek

No. 2262114

The thumbnail ties it all together.

No. 2262270

I can't ever see this referenced anywhere without thinking about how there used to be a really aggressive 2x anon that would unironically reply to tragic things with "women is the [] of the world", at one point I was howling with laughter because they were being so serious

No. 2262317

No. 2262351

better to cover this one instead

No. 2262977

File: 1731763842133.jpeg (205.84 KB, 555x547, IMG_3104.jpeg)

take a drink if

No. 2262978

No. 2262983

Stop playing dumb

No. 2262991

But I genuinely don't kek

No. 2262999

Oh well ok so like the

No. 2263000

>Now he think he is fly
KEK based parent shading their son

No. 2263603

File: 1731793518107.jpeg (107.73 KB, 1170x624, IMG_0184.jpeg)


No. 2264030

File: 1731814947713.jpg (116.74 KB, 720x558, 1000000393.jpg)

No. 2264043

They need to learn the word “tranny” as well

No. 2264124

File: 1731819297870.mp4 (4.97 MB, 354x864, somebodykillme .mp4)

No. 2264362

File: 1731845965527.jpeg (226.58 KB, 1125x1011, IMG_6511.jpeg)

No. 2264371

This generation of 12 year olds is WEAK.

No. 2264708

File: 1731869705268.jpeg (31.44 KB, 680x471, IMG_3020.jpeg)

Remember when self-diagnosis was something inherently ridiculous?

No. 2264726

It still is..but people have deluded themselves into having schizophrenia

No. 2265168

No. 2265195

No. 2265233

awww thats cute

No. 2265345

No. 2266116

File: 1731960373218.jpg (339.44 KB, 720x948, 1000011341.jpg)

the #ihatemybf trend is so funny lmafo

No. 2266474

He’s back

No. 2266476

They’re unironically based, fuck vidya scrotes

No. 2266478

File: 1731978584783.jpg (3.5 MB, 4032x3024, he lives with my gloomy now.jp…)

It didn't come with the shitty keychain when I bought it, what bastards.

No. 2266482

Chestnut roating onan opinfir

No. 2266487

No. 2266515

File: 1731981262642.jpg (163.84 KB, 720x655, 1000000446.jpg)

No. 2266530

He's the Thai Chino Moreno

No. 2266594

god this is so real

No. 2266715

This is so funny to me considering when i was his age i was saying faggot up and down the playground. Very sad to see!

No. 2266746

T-trump sama?

No. 2268309

File: 1732077475863.mp4 (Spoiler Image,7.08 MB, 720x1280, 4zxnd-4ztGTiFix7.mp4)

Not exactly nsfw but i need to be safe.

No. 2268322

File: 1732078194684.jpg (111.7 KB, 720x565, 1000000471.jpg)

No. 2268323

File: 1732078242910.jpg (172.6 KB, 1179x1445, 1000000472.jpg)

I have questions.

No. 2268327

The pillow behind the headboard answers everything kek

No. 2268328

His feet are dirty as fuck

No. 2268331

I don’t get it

No. 2268333

Was literally just coming here to post this KEK. Sickening.

No. 2268337

They were having sex and put the pillow behind the headboard of the bed so that it couldn't slam against the wall and no one could hear them

No. 2268338

Why not just remove the headboard

No. 2268339

??? Why would people do the harder thing?

No. 2268340

the #womeninmaledominatedfields trend is also funnasf and gigastacied

No. 2268343

Remove the whole entire headboard off the bed just to have sex?

No. 2268344

The headboard might still break under the pressure of the pillow. It would be best to remove it from the rest of the bed.

No. 2268345

They could just slide the bed out 6 inches and leave it

No. 2268346

NTAYRT but personally my pillow isn't so hard that it'll break my headboard if it's pressed up between the headboard and the wall

No. 2268351

He's genuinely so endearing and adorable. I love his videos and I wish him the best in his singing journey.

No. 2268358

Holy shit the song. This is advanced shitposting.

No. 2268367

File: 1732082669093.jpeg (72.87 KB, 749x583, F7490BFB-7536-4052-8FE1-C757E9…)

Short, sweet, and to the point

No. 2269574

File: 1732148567978.jpg (19.69 KB, 901x379, Screenshot_1.jpg)

the only /ot/ thread that hasnt gotten its threadpic back is picrel kek

No. 2269731

her legs look crazy. I am jealous

No. 2271269

No. 2271451

God bless the womb wizard

No. 2271838

File: 1732265436922.jpg (81.31 KB, 1179x996, harry styles was black.jpg)

No. 2271851

i never listened to ethel cain but this is what i imagine his music is like

No. 2272048

File: 1732288943319.jpg (742.27 KB, 1440x1484, Screenshot_20241122_155713_Sam…)

No. 2273259

Kekkk I love this woman she makes videos dunking on gluttonous cows

No. 2273318

File: 1732375591782.png (814.91 KB, 1080x1311, image_2024-11-23_162623620.png)

No. 2273506

File: 1732381083397.png (207.98 KB, 500x500, 619581CE-A210-4B8A-8427-863791…)

No. 2273533

serious question: for people that song resonates with, do they not realize or think about the existence of black women?

No. 2273608

kek it truly did not age well.

No. 2273613

It's about all women though not just white women

No. 2273627

>She (god) (queering it)

No. 2273635

Lolcow is this guy's fanclub now

No. 2273640

In my world this is how everybody would talk to nerd scrotes

No. 2274003

No. 2274056

This guy seems like he literally has nothing going on upstairs.

No. 2274209

File: 1732414541392.jpg (270.5 KB, 1143x1200, 1000000040.jpg)

No. 2274211

File: 1732414725657.jpg (Spoiler Image,67.42 KB, 900x740, 1000000039.jpg)

No. 2274216

File: 1732415093907.jpg (162.09 KB, 1157x1322, 1000000035.jpg)

No. 2274247

that’s hot, I wanna smash all of his cute mugs and watch him cry over it

No. 2274251

Imagine breaking his glasses every once in a while and giving him new ones so he becomes dependent on you but so he also is always afraid of you snapping and breaking his glasses again, making him partially blind.

No. 2274269

Fucking adorable

No. 2274274

No. 2274467

i would mock his french pronunciation and set his hideous clothes on fire (with him in them)

No. 2274484

File: 1732430634961.jpeg (464.91 KB, 1125x1058, 161274C4-DB24-4B16-841E-2BD352…)

So glad to see another womb wizard appreciator on LC. Picrel gave me a good kek the other day, seeing her interact with normal people always puts me in a good mood.

No. 2274524

File: 1732434449605.webp (142.5 KB, 1179x2221, vvmiukzgks2e1.webp)

No. 2274570

File: 1732441984739.png (294.44 KB, 1101x1027, image_2024-11-24_105226447.png)

hello /v/

No. 2275319

File: 1732486341269.jpg (112.94 KB, 1080x1339, 1000017345.jpg)

Spot the difference kek

No. 2275500

File: 1732495178973.jpeg (105.03 KB, 714x750, IMG_0214.jpeg)

No. 2275506

Where is chadification anon when we need her

No. 2275507

File: 1732495816731.jpeg (Spoiler Image,44.18 KB, 720x720, IMG_5101.jpeg)

No. 2275568

Who is chuckling at this, I said "oh nooo" out loud

No. 2277087

File: 1732598587407.png (409.12 KB, 1080x1906, Screenshot_20241125-212136~2.p…)

No. 2277211

What is she holding?

No. 2277213

No. 2277214

This just makes me uncomfortable

No. 2278183

File: 1732669921244.jpg (34.49 KB, 566x542, 1000000107.jpg)

Everything reminds me of him

No. 2278279

File: 1732673767611.jpg (263.42 KB, 720x977, 1000000112.jpg)

Free Jodi facebook photo grid

No. 2278298

File: 1732674598131.jpg (85.56 KB, 1080x1080, artworks-000670006786-qzeila-t…)

wtf is this

No. 2278317

I love seeing people getting banned for not integrating. I don't know why but it cracks me up every fucking time. Something about the (integrate) along with whatever they did makes me audibly laugh.

No. 2278791

The tradition to play "All I want for Christmas" starting from dec 1 and the borderline countdowns to it kek. Can't listen to anymore without grinning.

No. 2278864

No. 2278870

The king is back

No. 2278992

File: 1732718335084.png (470.5 KB, 735x762, ef3.png)

I wanted to put this in the post-leftcows thread but it's hit post limit

No. 2278993

lol maoris are based, as a new zealander i can confirm the trashy whites in nz are equally as trashy as the trashy maoris.

No. 2278996

KEK thank you

No. 2279523

Whos the maori woman with the mean face?

No. 2280062

File: 1732782426056.jpeg (69.77 KB, 750x476, 1730578585819.jpeg)

this never fails to make me chuckle

No. 2280080

This is insane I would kms if I were her

No. 2280216

Men in New Zealand are genuinely insufferable on average, and the white hipsters are arguably worse than the Maori. They're also weirdly more aggressively racist and like to call them racial slurs for black people, they have nothing of their own and draw everything from online in the same way isolated Slavic nerds do and it's a coin toss between them being ameriboos, faking a British twang, or pretending to be Nordic. Somtimes they do all of the above. A moment of silence for all kiwi women.

No. 2280228

that’s a shame, it’s a beautiful country with the cutest wildlife. new zealand men should be exterminated so the country can be turned into a preserve for women, like they did with that kakapo island.

No. 2281264

No. 2281278

File: 1732858662727.png (668.51 KB, 530x1128, moma.png)

This outfit drea de mateo is wearing in Desperate Housewives lmfao. the 2000's were funny

No. 2281281

Skinny jeans, 2 inch strappy heels, and a poncho top with midlength ruched cuff sleeves. Dear Lord…

No. 2281289

The grifting cannot be worth catching strays like this kek

No. 2281324

I can't look at outfits like this without having the sentiment of the mags at the time echoing in my head like a schizophrenic: pair with a chunky heel/pair with chunky bangles/pair with chunky highlights/add a fitted tailored blazer/use a hair wax stick to get the graduated piecy look/etc it was such a … time

No. 2281376

File: 1732868834015.jpeg (2.08 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0622.jpeg)

No. 2283557

No. 2284040

File: 1732985877767.mp4 (574.4 KB, 734x720, AXhoCwR.mp4)

this is the only good thing onision has contributed to society

No. 2284056

I love that this person didn't get banned for race baiting, because it proves that it's only race baiting if you laugh at anything related to brown people.

No. 2284075

it's weird one time I said Irish smell like farts and haggis and I got banned for racebaiting I am not racist I am xenophobic there is a difference, but yeah that is weird, i think just mentioning race as the punchline of a joke should be banned

No. 2284112

>I am not racist I am xenophobic there is a difference
I feel this so hard.

No. 2284117

To be fair, the context is a white person getting schooled after being racist herself.

No. 2284177

I would accept that if the same thing didn't happen every week here yet it's only non-brown people who get banned for racism.

No. 2285283

File: 1733068840406.jpeg (149.09 KB, 750x297, IMG_3195.jpeg)


No. 2285379

I'm brown and got banned for racebait for talking shit about my own race kek

No. 2285381

Very true, brown and black people have become sacred cows you can no longer criticize or joke about just like trannies. Especially when you offend another black woman, that’s when everybody should just start to grovel because they think they’re above being made fun of

No. 2285449

Honestly, anon, I've noticed an uptick in racist anti-black-women white women after the elections due to some preconceived notions getting dismantled. We don't talk about it though.

No. 2285870

i still recreate this video everytime i open my sister's bedroom door

No. 2285882

The anon who posted >>2274524 didn't get banned for race-baiting, probably because nobody reported either

No. 2286919

File: 1733166163424.jpeg (80.73 KB, 750x393, IMG_3219.jpeg)


No. 2286924

File: 1733166489288.webp (403.21 KB, 1080x1189, b54bc9cdffea2fcae4e5b0529ee8dd…)

No. 2286925

still has his neck pussy, sigh

No. 2286929

based francophone stacy, i personally would just guilt him about trying to learn an ebil eurpeen language than an Asian language.

No. 2287412

File: 1733187850513.webm (155.81 KB, 588x432, moid_PSA.webm)

this video

No. 2287417

This was funny of her and she shouldn't have had to say sorry.

No. 2287447

where's the fun in that when you could actually destroy his confidence by pointing out his grammar mistakes, tearign down his feeble attempts at creative writing, and returning his love notes with the mistakes marked in red pen

No. 2287487

just remembered today that my ex would smoke meth to play minecraft real good

No. 2287753

the fun in that is that i get to neg him about his own sense of moralitysorry nonnie, i only speak english and naan bread

No. 2287795

File: 1733213034563.gif (729.16 KB, 220x220, nikocado-avocado-mental-breakd…)

This reaction pic

No. 2287796

No. 2288918

idk why but this video is so dumb I enjoy it and sometimes sing along with it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_nI9PwoTjg(learn to embed)

No. 2288926

File: 1733283728612.mp4 (220.07 KB, 598x526, 1733242616575.mp4)

This from the celebrity cow thread and Ariana and Cynthia's cluster b adventures in general.

No. 2288930

File: 1733283807908.jpg (44.38 KB, 507x334, 1000000174.jpg)

He would find him in any universe

No. 2288940

It's monkmode

No. 2288956

this is so uncomfortable

No. 2288984


No. 2289008

I cant stop taking him off my team and adding him back just to hear heyyy soldierrrr

No. 2290940

File: 1733405335315.jpeg (247.87 KB, 666x480, IMG_6159.jpeg)

No. 2291606

File: 1733439765922.png (433.76 KB, 748x801, aRrF0OW.png)

No. 2291609

What, how are people this stupid

No. 2291613

She did this as a bit to mock the retards who make these types of complaints in every new live action remake right? That's how I interpreted it but everyone in the comments seems to take it seriously

No. 2291696

Ohhhh I thought this was real until I saw the “pop crave” kekkkk, good post it’s like playing Where’s Waldo

No. 2291806

File: 1733453120415.mp4 (924.86 KB, 720x720, 1000019328.mp4)

who can it be now?

No. 2291840

i love this song

No. 2291898

File: 1733460479190.png (483.55 KB, 800x800, 47765dd8-018c-4dc5-98d3-ec4f41…)

No. 2291907

i hate this i hate lain i hate zoomers

No. 2291918

File: 1733463792011.jpg (34.99 KB, 492x438, GWrflmzXAAA-Asm.jpg)

let people enjoy things :skull: :skull: :skull:

No. 2291922

File: 1733464440183.png (383.25 KB, 800x1155, 1000019471.png)

No. 2292273

File: 1733499144558.mp4 (348.17 KB, 888x660, pinterest-video-50-pintod.mp4)

oh no! anyway.

No. 2293303

I think I’ve actually lost my mind completely

No. 2293311

I really want to know where are they all coming from seriously

No. 2293331

That's a gorgeous cat!

No. 2293341

No. 2293481

The shampoo dispenser looks like fun. You could write words or draw pictures on your cat

No. 2294957

This looks like Nintendogs gameplay lol

No. 2295938

It's the aw, shit that gets me every time

No. 2295964

this makes me laugh every time

No. 2295997

If it's fake, that guy should definitely be a voice actor, his delivery is so perfect kekk

No. 2296354

File: 1733669879297.mp4 (6.35 MB, 576x1024, тютютютютютютю.mp4)

No. 2297637

File: 1733699416306.mp4 (4.59 MB, 720x1280, dehydration.mp4)

I need to find the song desperately

No. 2297638


No. 2298512

stompin' at the door, GUCCI BRACELET.

No. 2298600

Let me talk to you

No. 2298794

No. 2300061

File: 1733780392614.png (126.32 KB, 674x640, full body phalloplasty.png)

i know pooners are a touchy subject here but the full body phalloplasty one never fails to make me laugh

No. 2300063

the pooner meme freaks me out so much, i think it's the lips and nose

No. 2304121

File: 1733941999135.jpg (580.42 KB, 1079x2118, Screenshot_20241210_010419_Chr…)

Was going through old femboy threads and holy fuck the testirical levels of malding and cope it attracted KEKK… "leg beard" is a hilarious cope for someone who wants to be fem and has an actual beard.
>"I'm on estrogen so I'll age like a woman!"
1. No you wont, estrogen does nothing for male pattern baldness
2. Is that meant to be a flex to… actual women who will actually age like women as opposed to bald estrogenized men with erectile dysfunction? KEKKKKKKKK oh man…

No. 2304125

File: 1733942598888.jpeg (55.8 KB, 598x575, IMG_1918.jpeg)

No. 2304127

No. 2304251

File: 1733948303598.png (14.2 KB, 480x128, heyk.png)

No. 2304254

File: 1733948413735.png (567.38 KB, 2720x2720, 1672447990304.png)

My issue with it personally is that it was cooked up by someone who was some kind of body dysmorphic TiF, because Pooner doesn't actually look much like how TiFs actually look. In my (unfortunately extensive) experience encountering TiFs IRL, they tend to be petite, scrawny/skinnyfat, pale, and thin-lipped. They almost always have septum piercings and a handful of ugly tattoos, and some kpop-ass haircut no actual moid would ever wear. If they wear glasses, they're big and round with thin frames. They're riddled with acne, and sometimes have a pube beard going on. Their clothes and accessories are either fandom bullshit of some kind, or uwu softboi Pinterest lookbook type crap. I rarely come across TiFs with gigantic gauges; excessive body modding is definitely more of a thing among TiFs than normies, but ugly tats seem to be more common than crazy piercings (aside from the septum, which is apparently mandatory.)

No. 2304313

i can fix the neutral fakeboi

No. 2308368

File: 1734251572944.jpeg (665.28 KB, 1125x1449, E5FF42F2-0804-4D61-A944-93E7E8…)

No. 2310227

File: 1734385913884.jpg (395.06 KB, 658x1565, 1732990253690107.jpg)

No. 2311131

Pic looks like 60% of the fandom discord I'm in kek
Since most of us are fujo gooners the types on the left usually leave in disgust or get banned eventually. There's even an American one looks exactly like how you describe.

No. 2311734

File: 1734460750540.mp4 (1.36 MB, 296x640, 1868560595286716752.mp4)

No. 2311912

File: 1734471253138.png (270.97 KB, 650x432, yugioh.png)

No. 2312850

File: 1734546112456.jpg (162.62 KB, 1080x1240, 1686046327327.jpg)

No. 2316019

File: 1734723422335.mp4 (5.79 MB, 720x1280, 1000018477.mp4)

Dr. Umar is hilarious, I can't take him seriously at all

No. 2316730

File: 1734804796561.png (1.68 MB, 1562x1257, zombie.png)

No. 2316740

KEK when I saw the trailer I thought that was Cillian Murphy

No. 2316821

File: 1734812609179.mp4 (3.06 MB, 576x890, previously unimagined levels o…)

No. 2316837

Gay Jewish wedding?!

No. 2319288

File: 1735029576799.jpeg (404.97 KB, 1170x1243, IMG_7411.jpeg)

This ad for a t-shirt I just saw

No. 2320172

File: 1735113815265.png (332.21 KB, 659x791, CbKfaFO.png)

No. 2321851

File: 1735255363044.mp4 (2.82 MB, 640x360, rip.mp4)

No. 2321863

Kek what game is this?

No. 2321882

reverse collapse: code name bakery. Its part of the Girls Frontline franchise but you dont need to know anything about GFL to play it. Its really good if you like anime and turn based strategy games. I like it a lot, its also really edgy and the obscene extremely gory for no reason deaths make me laugh everytime.

No. 2321888

File: 1735256783652.png (830.43 KB, 751x748, quandale-dingle-restored-v0-oe…)

No. 2322235

File: 1735289795085.jpeg (72.73 KB, 681x977, GftGxGeXcAACxGu.jpeg)

No. 2322255

Is there a dyke version of this? The lack of diversity in fag hell is problematic.

No. 2322285

only men go to hell, women go to heaven or get reincarnated

No. 2322320

File: 1735300950707.jpeg (503.79 KB, 709x1824, IMG_7381.jpeg)

No. 2322800

This is so fucking cute!

No. 2322810

The Hindu Code of Manu is very clear in these matters: if a woman behaves badly in a life then she will be reincarnated in a male body, and that seems an awfully large gamble given that the prize is a generally unquenchable thirst for orgasms

No. 2322892

>men are basically just the vessels of evil women
holy shit.

No. 2323350

No. 2323356

This is out of a cartoon kek. I kinda didn't catch everything she said but hilarious nonetheless.

No. 2324439

File: 1735448358182.jpg (63.09 KB, 640x653, 1000009057.jpg)

No. 2325096

No. 2325229

File: 1735511362497.jpg (116.01 KB, 800x540, Cake Prince.jpg)

What the hell lol, I had no idea someone reposted this, I just found out from the voting form.
No, I made it for the most recent site fuck up.
Oh shit love you, love farmers that make stuff for the farms.
Cake Prince.

No. 2325568

File: 1735538478450.mp4 (4.28 MB, 540x1008, output_video_67721ceb35dc42.03…)

No. 2325576

File: 1735540688411.jpeg (377.88 KB, 2048x1728, Gf5IdZGXUAAh9IH.jpeg)

No. 2325610

File: 1735547010160.png (89.94 KB, 324x205, 1734510111828.png)

No. 2326927

No. 2327104

File: 1735660248874.jpg (21.33 KB, 1053x447, 1000018738.jpg)

No. 2327114

I love this but why does the angel look evil and excited and why are Jesus' sclera blue?

No. 2327144

I saw the original on Twitter and everyone was commenting Mandela Catalog. It's a analogue horror Youtube thing. Not sure about Jesus

No. 2327280

I honestly don't know but the othet anon >>2327144 is onto something. What I gathered from the replies is that it's just popular memes and brainrot shit inserted all over the art work. Someone claims the loss meme is there, too.

No. 2327284

> loss meme
is it because the 4 panels?

No. 2327294

File: 1735669076388.jpeg (619.82 KB, 2048x1728, Gf5IdZGXUAAh9IH.jpeg)

I don't know how did they see it either, I think they were joking, they attached an image explaining they're reasoning but I can't find it, so I recreated it from memory. Picrel.

No. 2327306

File: 1735669486803.gif (2.15 MB, 330x312, 1727998642571.gif)

No. 2327311

File: 1735669700902.mp4 (1.34 MB, 720x960, 1873089032651256173.mp4)

No. 2327339

where the og source of this meme from, the "Queens never cry" meme?

No. 2327351

File: 1735671840359.png (237.3 KB, 1260x694, 141.png)

The Ki Sisters, a korean webtoon

No. 2327499

File: 1735684949446.mp4 (318.76 KB, 366x360, F_king hell - Chair falling gu…)

No. 2327509

What is the in story explanation for this kekk it's so random from an outside perspective

No. 2328000

File: 1735736866250.jpeg (575.94 KB, 750x1018, IMG_3323.jpeg)

>inb4 the spell backfires on him because he’s a male
remember to roundhouse kick trannies in their nutsack

No. 2328002

Goddamn it this sound effect never fails to make me laugh. Also me and my husbando.

No. 2328022

No. 2328060

Wtf is this song

No. 2328229

No. 2328908

File: 1735788023213.jpg (74.65 KB, 720x565, 1000000184.jpg)

I absolutely screenshot this when it was on my feed randomly kek

No. 2328927

Thought this was Venus and freaked out

No. 2330904

File: 1735919533449.jpg (54.9 KB, 1080x993, Screenshot_20250103_002932_Goo…)

No. 2331455

File: 1735944638041.jpg (1.18 MB, 1436x2741, Screenshot_20250104_014901_Sam…)

No. 2331467

KEKKKKKKKKKKK and her username is hannam too which is the korean equivalent of moid/scrote

No. 2331469

File: 1735945003204.jpeg (23.42 KB, 680x409, GgY7AbQXkAACH4F.jpeg)

No. 2331503

File: 1735946067634.png (189.91 KB, 466x517, diva.PNG)

korean radfems are so funny, i feel so bad for them though. i would love to befriend one and shittalk scrotes for hours cause they have the funniest insults alongside chinese girls

No. 2331516

Bitch i'mdying kekkkk

No. 2331532

I love Korean women for having the balls to stand up to all of this

No. 2331533

The short answer is because he wanted to jerk off to it

No. 2331593

No. 2332046

File: 1735974338534.jpg (331.41 KB, 1206x1698, 1000000274.jpg)

To this day

No. 2332334

File: 1736002027570.webp (33.44 KB, 1080x829, IMG_3395.webp)

>”what is that”
>thing but chinese/japanese/korean
violent thoughts race in my mind

No. 2332339

File: 1736002136724.jpeg (586.17 KB, 750x926, IMG_3335.jpeg)

fat girls mutilating their own beauty and potential. fatness is the enemy

No. 2332340

No. 2332490

No. 2332491

Jealous much?

No. 2332619

Nobody is jealous of Asian people where tf was that even implicated???? It’s cringe when people soy over twitterfags using a different language zomg they’re so speshul and interesting when they’re just cursing people out in Korean kek. Get your underaged ass off this website

No. 2332628

lol retard(infighting)

No. 2332647

They literally DO have better insults though.

No. 2332663

ok chinese people do have very poetic insults in their online comments and they're fun to read

No. 2332694

Nowhere in the screenshot post did it say "I find this funny because an Asian wrote it". I just thought the translation was hilarious and wanted to share it itt. Asians are on your mind rent free you have to seethe about them at every given opportunity. As if people don't ever find things written in English funny or something. You're the one who is making it about "Asian thing cool", not me. Do something about your inferiority complex.

No. 2332705

Probs because they’re very honest people when they want to be lmfao
>asians are living rent free in your head
>posts is literally about asian twitterfags dunking on moids
Bitch are you retarded?(infighting)

No. 2332736

>posts is literally about asian twitterfags dunking on moids
And why is that a bad thing exactly? It's just a funny joke, laugh and move on. If it's not funny to you, just scroll past it. No need to bring the whole "you worship Asians!1!1!" thing into it at all, very unnecessary angle and makes you look obsessed.(responding to bait)

No. 2332743

File: 1736020140637.gif (151.22 KB, 220x220, IMG_3399.gif)

Special ed(infighting)

No. 2332761

That's rich coming from you. You can always screenshot something funny in English and post it here if the Korean/Japanese/Chinese posts trigger you so much.(infighting)

No. 2332763

an e girl I know irl and online was bragging about how she's losing a lot of weight fast. It's annoying because she's bitchy.

While she did lose 50 pounds the first year she never got as thin as her photoshopped images. Well find out that once she stopped ozempic she's gaining the weight back rapidly. Like 15 pounds per month or so. And it couldn't happen to a better person.

No. 2332765

You’re the one triggered by a joke from a few hours ago though(infighting)

No. 2332789

How was that a joke and not someone seething about anons enjoying some Twitter screenshot? Nothing about >>2332334 says joke at all. Whoever wrote it indeed had an inferiority complex around Asians doing anything ever and getting attention for it. Work on yourself if you want people to pay attention to you instead of the Asians. Still sounds like jealousy to me.(infighting)

No. 2332806

Open your eyes more and you’ll finally understand kekkkk

No. 2333259

I think you're schizophrenic, the context is funny because korean women have been forced to start an entire child free movement due to how disgusting and entitled Korea men are and they're fed up with it. It's good to see women from such a misogynistic country share their seething. You're just mad and weird

No. 2333446

No. 2333479

File: 1736046585454.mp4 (5.55 MB, 320x568, passportbros.mp4)

>Be born in a third world hellhole
>Some sleazy old American moid 25+ years your senior shows up loaded with cash
>Sell your soul to survive and tolerate him until you get to America, then divorce his ass and head back home with cash and prizes
Knowing how disgusting these old moids who roam SEA are, its 100% deserved

No. 2333493

Where's that anon that said she hates pink people. This is so scary

No. 2333515

It does look like someone boiled his head in water before the video started

No. 2333694

File: 1736060761460.jpg (115.02 KB, 646x938, SEI_229300028-bdf8.jpg)

I wish we had her side of the story, because this shit didn't come out of nowhere. Things were really fucked since she gave up on US residence and citizenship altogether. Obviously he thought he could slack off on the relationship part of the relationship, and a fancy house and Disney vacations would make up for his lack of everything else. This just proves that his wife isn't the golddigger he wishes she was.

No. 2334102

This is some old shithead in a third world country to pick up a girl that could be his daughter's age. Guaranteed there is nothing good coming from this guy and his ex wife probably knew it from the get-go. And who knows what he got up to and with who before he met this woman. SEA is a hotbed for pedophile moids, I would never trust any moid that went on vacation anywhere in the region except maybe Singapore

No. 2334346

File: 1736111586377.jpeg (77.92 KB, 1158x487, IMG_0710.jpeg)


No. 2334348

I hope she got good money out of it.

No. 2334661

File: 1736126938150.jpeg (338.13 KB, 646x680, IMG_3402.jpeg)

the episode app and its community is a goldmine for lulz (can we please bring back that word i love it so muchhh)

No. 2334663

File: 1736127005592.jpeg (384.22 KB, 750x1132, IMG_3280.jpeg)

samefag from a story making fun of mafia boss porn book readers kekkk, it would realistically be an ugly bastard

No. 2334664

This has to be satire.

No. 2334706

First one feels like it was written by a child and the second one is satiring mafia stories kek

No. 2334783

No. 2335194

File: 1736177523632.mp4 (745.94 KB, 638x360, KArrjFY.mp4)

No. 2336315

No. 2336563

No. 2339230

Brother you are the patriarchy. I hope it works so this troon explodes.
Added to my chill spotify playlist
High effort

No. 2339423

Idk if I should post this on the chuckle or cringe thread. Some context: altrightoid history "nerd" who has read "800 books" (listened to less than 50% of many of them according to his goodreads) and makes videos based on incorrect information, recently had a schizo breakdown and posted over 7 hours worth of autobiographical ramblings. He did this after taking ayahuasca and during most of the videos, drinks kratom like it's tea. The videos are a goldmine of legit proto-schizophrenia, including how Odin told him to make a list of all the women he masturbated too and how he discovered repressed memories of his mother raping him over 40 times after ayahuasca. This is a highlight video.

No. 2340004

i hate it here

No. 2340007

File: 1736433060660.webp (74.6 KB, 1920x1080, urnigels.WEBP)

I read your post earlier but do you think he’s worthy of a /snow/ thread? I’ve heard of that fat nerd before, he causes a lot of seething amongst the other politispergs especially the socialist/communist ones and the althistory faggots that collect Warhammer toys as grown men.

No. 2340010

>he causes a lot of seething amongst the other politispergs especially the socialist/communist ones
what did he say?

No. 2340044

Is this Elon musk

No. 2340055

I honestly don’t really know all I did one day was put his youtube handle in the search bar and there was a bunch of other videos sperging about his spergery. I don’t know if this video is ironic but it has a bunch of other history/political dorks coming out of the woodworks to debunk his garbage kek

No. 2340233

File: 1736446520530.jpeg (Spoiler Image,80.73 KB, 680x649, IMG_0757.jpeg)

I needed to share this

No. 2340239

reminder that women would literally become bangmaid community pass around for men like luigi and the worst ones while you continue to fight for their rights to be free. it’s like throwing a punch only to hit yourself which is why imo feminism was only for a specific kind of woman with backbone and willpower

No. 2340240

I genuinely don't understand this meme

No. 2340287

I agree so much with you. I am glad luigi took out that piece of shit CEO but women who literally simp and throw themselves at him miss the point entirely. It makes me depressed because a man does something for the good for many is very rare, but you throw these pick mes a bone and they hop on it. I bet if women started going 'who cares if he's hot. it's about his actions' you have other women tell her she's trash cuz she doesnt want to suck his dick. It is exhausting. Feminism should be for all women, but it really isnt at this point.

No. 2340292


No. 2340302

The actions of some women don't negate feminism.

No. 2340307

sperging in the black pill thread doesn't count as fighting for women's rights

No. 2340322

It doesnt help it move forward and progress.

No. 2340324

From what I understand he bases his ideas on pop history books and claims to not read any history books written after 1960, so a lot of his information is old and has been disproven.
If the schizo develops, yes. He's acting more normal now, though it seems he's naturally a sperg.

No. 2340337

i don’t think the ceo is dead but i’m a conspiracy theorist so kekk

No. 2340338

why do you have that thread constantly living rent free in your head? did the content in their albeit very autistic hit a nerve? kek

No. 2340351

This is my first time mentioning it, you're just very obvious.(schizoposting)

No. 2340371

Love this video because the singer sounds so fucking wimpy kek

No. 2340815

File: 1736480572089.mp4 (2.95 MB, 360x360, Put your back in it.mp4)

I'm obsessed with this guy

No. 2340821

I will say this: he's werkin for it

No. 2340908

File: 1736489435695.mp4 (4.63 MB, 720x1280, offtheheezy.mp4)

No. 2341648

>it tastes like blueberry pie
>like homemade blueberry pie

No. 2341657

i love his account

No. 2341670

he's my guilty pleasure.

No. 2341679

the way he always pulls up his tshirt makes me laugh. Dude you have nothing to show, stop.

No. 2341697

Bro i'm cryiny

No. 2341709

What's the name of the really thin Mexican BF with the thick gf that he loves? Put rose petals in her room and shit

No. 2341801

No. 2341918

No. 2341921

I never understood the Harambe jokes

No. 2341927

I don't vape but that seems excesive. Also the video is timestamped, a true professional.
10/10, great timing and delivery
Ok but what a queen going up on the fence like that.
I don't fully understand this

No. 2341941

File: 1736563217525.mp4 (341.78 KB, 540x960, output_video_6781d92e1bb3c9.87…)


No. 2342137


No. 2342316

File: 1736602698285.gif (846.9 KB, 496x500, IMG_8866.gif)

this gif indeed made me kek out loud

No. 2343641

File: 1736693743169.jpeg (81.83 KB, 950x879, IMG_6638.jpeg)

No. 2343645

File: 1736693973672.jpeg (113.26 KB, 793x1096, IMG_6639.jpeg)

I showed this to my mum and she can’t stop laughing

No. 2343654

I can't stop kekking at the bored unimpressed goths in the background

No. 2343656

He looks like a robotic suit made to infiltrate human society by ostriches

No. 2345322

File: 1736787350996.jpg (27.1 KB, 1070x613, 1000018968.jpg)

No. 2345335

File: 1736787734729.jpg (143.63 KB, 624x1294, 1000012975.jpg)

No. 2346916

File: 1736900252045.webm (520.81 KB, 320x320, o7gUJG79z8AgTvft.webm)

No. 2347004

File: 1736906982298.jpeg (98.57 KB, 815x863, IMG_5365.jpeg)

No. 2347007


No. 2347019

File: 1736908133892.jpg (143.39 KB, 1170x1454, 1734478478714.jpg)

Happy dude

No. 2347021

This made me laugh so hard. lmaoo

No. 2347025

polchud 0.00002 seconds after a black girl gives him a crumb of attention:

No. 2347037

>web-supported webm video watching and sharing for iphonefags now???
holy shit WE UP

No. 2347041

they've been working for a while

No. 2347045

Makes me think of the "Banana for scale" meme kek

No. 2347110

File: 1736914265743.jpeg (196.97 KB, 1280x923, IMG_3451.jpeg)

i want
to go back
it hurts so much

No. 2347121

Wrong thread?

No. 2347878

She's a master troll

No. 2348320

File: 1736993659338.jpg (1017.69 KB, 933x1400, efm9p7hne8xx.jpg)

the chloe grace moretz shoop memes are so mean but anytime I think of them without fail it makes me lol

No. 2348323

Sprinkle Sprinkle.

No. 2348327

Wholesome autistic japanese guy wants to be a superhero and practices his english.

No. 2348331

Is it trolling if she's telling the truth though?

No. 2348347

File: 1736995889249.jpg (1.25 MB, 828x1383, 1000000373.jpg)

Sorry but this is hilarious

No. 2348349

File: 1736996001479.png (407.66 KB, 520x827, 1000000397.png)

The same

No. 2348350

File: 1736996102815.jpg (179.19 KB, 310x311, 1000000374.jpg)

No. 2348362

Was the woman a boomer? Developmentally delayed?

No. 2348373

She was GenX lol

No. 2348377

File: 1736997614411.jpg (96.41 KB, 640x485, 1543914437052.jpg)

This stupid smug dog has been making me laugh for years

No. 2348382

Gen X but claimed to never really use the internet, girl just say you are dumb wtf. Apparently, she got bullied so hard for this that the french network that hosted her interview took it down.

No. 2348387

Jesus that's awful, kek. I would kill myself tbh, and I replied to some copycat account once thinking it was some dj's legit account which still makes me feel retarded.

No. 2348390

>girl you are just dumb
Can you kill yourself back to twitter or something holy shit what is with the chronic inability to properly integrate here? We don’t speak like that, we actually received a proper education and have a traceable father

No. 2348396

I'm an oldfag and just skimmed it. It was kind of benign if you didn't misinterpret as directing at you, relax.

No. 2348403

Me when I get caught and I have to make up a lie kek

No. 2348405

Did that anon think you were talking to them? Wtf

No. 2348407

i cant tell which of you nonas is the retard holy kek

No. 2348414

Imagine interjecting yourself in an infight you were never apart of just to hog the attention and say “omg!!! durrr they’re both retards!!!” Did the ugly scrote never respond to your bpdemon texts of slitting your wrists yet or were you left on read so that’s why you need attention so bad?(infighting)

No. 2348415

I should've added nta but I'm not really paying much attention

I guess I just read the sentence correctly and didn't care enough

No. 2348417

File: 1736999128704.jpeg (1.55 MB, 1125x1863, IMG_3560.jpeg)

Saw this today was scrolling. Made me kek. Take a look at the pfp vs video

No. 2348420

Aw sweet a schizo meltdown

No. 2348423

1380 of those comments were likely normies trying to be the ((good person)) or it was a bunch of retarded children using broken english and internet ebonics just straight roasting the tranny and calling it a man, I hope for the latter

No. 2348437

I came across this too kek. I immediately knew it was a man before even reading the caption, even one of the comments said the same.

No. 2348477

Reminds me of the singer from taking back sunday

No. 2348485

Just look at that horse face kek and the ponytails only make it worse

No. 2350216

File: 1737119808010.jpg (604.94 KB, 1380x1725, 470225898_1127673952258895_663…)

Milo Manara cracks me up. He can't draw any other way, everything is seen through some kind of sexy lady goggles. he's a million years old and he has never and will never grow out of this. this is his tribute to Miyazaki for his birthday recently. he has a sexy 9/11 tribute and a sexy covid essential workers tribute series and he even drew his deceased friend a memorial picture but there was a sexy grim reaper standing behind him. he just can't be stopped. I hope he lives forever

No. 2350224

File: 1737120372761.jpg (Spoiler Image,106.4 KB, 992x606, 665IHOIRZ5FWHCE6T3BWLHMLMQ.jpg)

i love his 9/11 tribute, its out there next to the hooters ''let freedom wing'' 9/11 memorial pin. Also, his watercolor art is genuinely really good. Then you see his digital art and its this crappy tacky garbage.

No. 2350243

How do I get on this level of delusion?

No. 2350253

oh my god I've never seen his digital art that is horrible lmao

No. 2350439

She's too funny

No. 2350596

in a new smosh video (don't judge me) they're trying to guess members of their cast/crew based on their notes app, camera roll & lockscreen and for the mtf troon everyone guessed a male member of staff kek

No. 2350729

No. 2351074

link it

No. 2351247

File: 1737159049222.jpeg (168.42 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_4357.jpeg)


No. 2351537

File: 1737174131153.png (776.65 KB, 525x727, Screenshot 2025-01-17 232108.p…)

At first i was like who the fuck is that, then i realised, he drew this shit lmao. Letting this man near a comic book in the current era was a bold move.

No. 2351566

Kek I remember him. What a troll

No. 2351655

Kek he drew her body looking like a shaft and balls

No. 2351659

when you draw all your women looking like how trannies wish they look, you reveal your true desire he was a fag the whole time

No. 2351683

>chinese lovemaking secrets II

No. 2351712

No. 2352030

File: 1737215866581.jpg (44.37 KB, 1080x904, R (21).jpg)

>the Chinese ccp agent keking at cia/fbi malding that banning tiktok led spineless muricans to a more surveilled Chinese app eating their data and stealing their private docs
although i hate the ccp dicksucking these muricans are doing as if they all forgot all the genocide and rape ccp do in other countries and even in china itself

No. 2352041

Love her. She's so right.

No. 2352043

because it’s perfectly fine if america rapes and steals their data. tiktokers are all low iq and narcissistic so they don’t read the terms of agreements or any articles on how everything practically steals their data out of their devices, these fucking unironic sheeple are always eager to show their faces and talk with each other even though they all say the same 5 jokes like AI bots they don’t really think about things like that, everything about tiktok blackpills me about the future of humanity nona

No. 2352107

americans sure like to pretend that its other countries that are set on destroying them(be it immigrants from countries they purposefully destabilized or the le terrorist groups they totally didnt fund with american guns) but its own people are on route to do that job itself, i mean what kind of people would willingly join a social media based in their "enemys" country kekkk ,you want to conquer america? forget blowing up buildings or espionage just make apps and cheap blind gable anime boxes and keep feeding them troonganda to sterilize their population without even stepping in the country and see them run to their own ruin. its bleak for the present american

No. 2352155

Dear Anonymous, sincerely, you are deeply mistaken!!! Chinese are Good people and they'd never genocide anyone. Stop letting American propaganda poison your mind with false ideas. 为人民服务! 中国共产党万岁!

No. 2352159

Whats the difference between america and china stealing your data? Genuinely asking

No. 2352506

File: 1737234101786.mp4 (6.86 MB, 540x960, output_video_678c1537458953.92…)

What did I just stumbled upon? Is this what theatre school like?

No. 2352703

File: 1737242506399.jpeg (203.34 KB, 1170x1292, IMG_5428.jpeg)

The fact this moid turned in to a meme and memory has been immortalised as a pathetic gooner makes me laugh, it would have been forgotten within a week max if he didn’t go full retard after. Good riddance, his family deserved better

No. 2352716

Who is this moid and what did he do? The hashtag is funny though

No. 2352744

He is Nautica Malone. He went to Bikini Beans drive-thru with no pants on exposing himself, was told to leave by the barista who was filming the incident, he then shot himself in the head some time after the incident but before the video was released, they have now gone viral for goonicide kek. Dude had a wife and kid and was probably a repeat offender since the barista was already filming him.

No. 2352754

men think they are more fit to rule the world than women but they do shit like this

No. 2352773

>have a wife and kids he probably doesnt deserve
>still acts like a sex pest to women at their jobs
>gets exposed
>is incapable of taking accountability
>decides to kills himself
An accurate depiction of moids tbh

No. 2352777

Accusing a place called "Bikini Beans" of goonicide makes it sound like they're a honeypot and a front for an anti-goon organization whose goal is to capture and murder as many gooners as possible kek. If only that were true.

No. 2352836

File: 1737249282891.png (69.08 KB, 1076x507, noOtome4Moid.png)

This made me chuckle because I can feel a strong "get rekt, moid" energy radiating from her replies. Kek.

No. 2352862

KEK I don’t even know what an otome game is but good for her

No. 2352876

No. 2352878

We need to start making more games and media where there’s zero males in it, they’re so extremely entitled and self-centered they think everything should include them. Based japslop creator

No. 2352885

Reminder that it’s not just basement dwellers doing this shit, most of moid fuckery is committed by males who are accepted by normal society, has kids, a wife, a job, friends, etc. yet he still exposes himself to other women like an absolute mongrel that he is. It’s almost like males can never be placated unless they’re put down like the disgusting fucking feral dogs they are. Of course the twitterfag males who are quick to make sure you’re notified about ~male mental health~ on any day that celebrates women are laughing at his retarded ass because males have been admitting for centuries that male death is hilarious and entertaining and they couldn’t give less of a shit about male lives because they know they’re inherently worthless KEK

No. 2352903

Lmao deserved

No. 2352910

File: 1737252331634.jpeg (179.61 KB, 413x769, IMG_3452.jpeg)

The episode app is such beautiful cancer kekk

No. 2352917

Kek I've saw so many edits and one of the replies was if he saw what happened after he killed himself he'd kill himself again lol

No. 2352919

Otome means "maiden" or "virgin" in Japanese. Otome game means a dating sim for women.

No. 2353007


Lost normie?

No. 2353023

TIFs have yaoi games that they can self-insert in, gay moids have bara games, straight moids have 1000 times more games than anyone else, even straggots have trap fetish games. Why can't any of these people get it through their thick skulls that otome games are romance games for women only?

No. 2353071

this doesn't feel far off from the dumb shit kids did when i was in school. it's just stupid high schoolers

No. 2356503

I can kind of see the 5 o'clock shadow and also he just has a phenotype that's designed for being a pro-wrestler, the Rock facial expression isn't helping his case.

No. 2358017

File: 1737481880016.jpeg (93.97 KB, 596x616, IMG_8207.jpeg)

No. 2358019

No. 2360194

File: 1737572346756.png (55.18 KB, 1167x187, cope.png)

These old wikipedia comments denying and doing level 10 mental gymnastics over Marlon Brando's sexuality when he literally, very openly admitted to it kek

No. 2360203

>time to go and infect a woman with my shitty sperm to give her autistic/ADHD children who will turn into discord trannies!
Male death when

No. 2360212

File: 1737573021706.jpg (96.16 KB, 736x1070, f32c06c0d8c749a308777413d71839…)

multiple comments are telling him he looks like this woman

No. 2360240

People need to stop telling 40 looking year old males they look like 17 year old looking women

No. 2360291

File: 1737576133252.jpeg (85.45 KB, 1004x1176, IMG_6778.jpeg)

No. 2360407

File: 1737580549311.webm (2.57 MB, 576x1024, v09044g40000ctmgu9vog65rfe8l2p…)

No. 2360418

He looks like a bowlcut moidlet who bites.

No. 2361924

No. 2362105

File: 1737662664720.jpeg (247.18 KB, 1170x1188, IMG_0936.jpeg)

No. 2363366

File: 1737729854552.jpg (716.07 KB, 1060x1545, IMG_20250124_084231.jpg)

No. 2365753

File: 1737835637990.jpg (59.11 KB, 735x728, 1000019575.jpg)

No. 2365773

You can tell a zoomer/alphole made this meme because referring to childhood trauma as "vulgar" is so ESL-sounding and retarded it has to be a no child left behind tard.

No. 2365774

What an odd nitpick kek

No. 2365776

Okay but do you get where I'm coming from kek.

No. 2365816

NTA but I don't get it. Why is 'vulgar' not an appropriate word to use with child abuse?

No. 2365860

I typically associate vulgar with uncouth acts in reference to public decency. Vulgar language, vulgar attire, vulgar acts. In this instance a better word would have been “reprehensible” or “deplorable”. Vulgar implies that the woman had some control or say in what happened to her.

No. 2365907

File: 1737841289518.png (140.97 KB, 788x444, c5ITMCD.png)

No. 2365909

No. 2365912

I respect the honesty

No. 2365959

No. 2366053

Then why write in English in the first place lmao, just write your fanfiction (?) in your own language.

No. 2366063

They want the wider reach writing in English gives them but want to be le quirky and dunk on English while they do it. Kind of hypocritical. I say this as a bilingual

No. 2366066

>Vulgar implies she had some control
Now you're the one who sounds ESL

No. 2366073

Sounds like a tumblrbrained non america who talks big about being a pee oh sea (I am not self censoring farmhands this is a joke) but knows nothing about their own countries history, modern politics or society but can talk for hours about the social justice movement in the USA from 2014 until now.

No. 2367190

File: 1737913330700.jpg (330.02 KB, 1125x1034, Tumblr_l_14255405114829.jpg)

No. 2367193

She'd look so much better if she just stopped doing that to her lips.

No. 2368106

File: 1737975583012.png (197.17 KB, 460x595, 1737951100074.png)

The Mulan meme is killing me

No. 2368112

His name is Alfred E. Neuma and he's not a kid.

No. 2368172

File: 1737984476988.jpg (68.73 KB, 680x737, tumblr_3d992c2b618ca44949e9e16…)

People have referred to him as kid for decades. Even if someone isn't physically a child, I know a lot of people who refer to people under thirty as kids.

No. 2368308

It's not a child? Everyday I learn something new.

No. 2369137

File: 1738038373956.jpeg (200.63 KB, 1486x1124, 23C91EEA-1C1B-4B62-A6A5-029F6B…)

I was rewatching old vocaloid videos and had to pause on this frame. Len Kagamine with a gun is so surreally funny to me.

No. 2369152

He ran for president for over 30 years and you have to be over the age of 35 to do that. Open a book.

No. 2369242

>i am kindla having despair, on my gaming ablility

No. 2369296

File: 1738054885861.png (510.51 KB, 739x1011, IMG_5869.png)

No. 2370036

File: 1738098654824.jpg (362.18 KB, 1079x1111, Screenshot_20250128_220936_Fir…)


No. 2370060

No. 2370071

Troons suffering brings me great joy

No. 2372181

File: 1738227162260.jpeg (388.03 KB, 1404x1660, IMG_8296.jpeg)

I just learned about Wil Wheaton’s dramatic Facebook post about Larry David choking Elmo and had a hearty kek

>I really want to know what raced through his tiny little mind, and why there was no voice or person who spoke up to stop him from expressing violence towards a children's puppet WHO WAS THERE TO TALK ABOUT HOW HIS LOVE AND EMPATHY FOR PEOPLE HAVING A TOUGH TIME MATTERED AND MADE A DIFFERENCE. Elmo and his dad were there to talk about empathy, love, kindness, and caring for each other.

No. 2372220

i was hyped up and expecting to see larry davis beat the ever living shit out of elmo until he's nothing but a bloody pulp, but all he did is put his hand on that retard and shake him up a little. My boy bart simpson has been through harsher shit than that but you dont see him crying and shitting like that pussy elmo.

No. 2373445

No. 2373478

It’s funny because Wil had a similarly dramatic multi-day meltdown when Tumblr nuked the porn blogs, so while he may not approve of choking Elmos, he definitely approves of doing it to human women and will fight for it.

No. 2374160

the dead guy's name in Law and Order season 2 episode 2 is Edward Cullen lol.

I never thought about if it was a common name or not.

No. 2374167

now I'm thinking about this too hard, but the fact that the sexy vampire guy's name was Edward is funny to me lol. Edward will always make me think of retards because of Ed, Edd, and Eddy lmao

No. 2374241

Peaking: The Movie. Why do they keep saying "man/men" and "woman/women" wrong? I hate this new emerging trend so much.

No. 2374811

File: 1738335595334.jpg (16.46 KB, 340x191, arrcow.jpg)

This pic from cc

No. 2375351

File: 1738356722963.png (708.12 KB, 716x1253, b9Yrcck.png)

No. 2375353

kek what a stacy

No. 2376730

File: 1738437892393.jpg (44.33 KB, 550x550, fd71ed3882d31bdbe9e51560d2d718…)

These CGI models with this text never fails to make me laugh

No. 2376739

File: 1738438247124.jpg (164.47 KB, 1080x1080, 4f6b5536de282d5d08d956b02986df…)

No. 2376743

File: 1738438325046.jpg (81.3 KB, 500x500, 500_F_57136173_1WFYmYstHsZCbeF…)

Found the whole family in HD

No. 2376796

Fuck I can’t find the post anymore because Threads (the app) search engine is retarded. But I saw this post of someone saying that he and his kid saw the Nirvana “reunion” and the kid said that Kim Gordon looked like “trans Kurt Cobain” and this dude is like “I think that’s what Kurt would’ve wanted” kek

No. 2377387

File: 1738469464871.png (79.99 KB, 640x871, kpkPeshjMAuNS0BzTbBtNfTKnlI7ZC…)

No. 2377410

This is hilarious

No. 2377436

Me tbh

No. 2377452

File: 1738475286407.jpeg (453.23 KB, 828x840, IMG_6884.jpeg)

No. 2377468

File: 1738477116907.gif (3.4 MB, 374x374, kamala-harris-laugh.gif)

maybe you shouldn't've posted filtered pictures of you knowing that your fellow troons are as faceblind as you KEK

No. 2377516

absolute stacy, subscribing and liking each and every one of her videos now.

No. 2377518

the vacoom-sealed leotard takes me out everytime kekekekekekeke, where the hell did this woman find leotards molded to the exact shape of her ass KEK

No. 2377519

i clocked the trans as soon as i saw the himecut with the square jaw

No. 2377520

she looks like a black Demi Lovato ke, like if you combined the features of Snooki and Demi.

No. 2377538

KEKKKKK, i don't know anybody in the current Smosh cast, but the moment the Princess Bubblegum x Marceline lockscreen popped up along with the FNAF game notes/poem(?) from before, i just knew!

No. 2377543

>scrote tells himself that its the fault of the eveel American women for radicalizing his Filipino wife
damn these women get the credit for everything.

No. 2377553

and jugeo translates to die/kill in a lot of sites, so her handle must mean something like "scrotekiller" or "scrotekilling" smtg kek, tho it translates to "dwelling" too for some reason.

No. 2377563

File: 1738487510289.gif (102.6 KB, 275x275, lol.gif)

the "imnida"s are killing me too KEKEKEK, "Ho you ate imnida", "Periodt imida", "clock it imnida",

No. 2377934

File: 1738514665778.mp4 (2.38 MB, 974x720, WOO.mp4)

No. 2377950

File: 1738515537233.mp4 (946.01 KB, 854x486, Hg7jFHD.mp4)

No. 2378185

File: 1738525549291.jpeg (4.9 MB, 5712x4284, IMG_1570.jpeg)

this cheese kind of had a weird dick and ball shape. made me chuckle.

No. 2378232

they look like old sake bottles

No. 2379353

Looks like a potion that will give you +25 hp but also a random poison debuff

No. 2379376

File: 1738573296177.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1125x1119, B1C45DCD-C865-48FB-93AA-ED5A66…)

How am I suppose to take this moment seriously when the panels are drawn like this

No. 2379388


No. 2379450

I don't get it

No. 2379541

File: 1738591651954.jpeg (225.03 KB, 1180x1142, jknhbyt.jpeg)

No. 2379544

File: 1738591715773.jpeg (432.56 KB, 1170x1056, IMG_0606.jpeg)

Someone on the random questions thread was claiming to have this disease, i didn’t know what it was so I googled it. Wanted to post it ITT but it reached its reply limit.

No. 2379546

Kekkk I'm glad someone is keeping this legend alive.

No. 2379572

This takes me back…

No. 2379619

Kek this was a fun internet thing

No. 2379882

So you want to erase the experiences of women who are plagued by this debilitating condition? Misogynistic as fuck.

No. 2379975

I do know that women with Alexandria's Genesis are 60% more likely to be cursed with TOO MUCH beauty, be trapped in a cycle of tragically dying and being brought back to life by their love interest's tears, and be cursed to live as an angel-demon hybrid. It's very sad indeed and nothing to joke about.

No. 2380021

The news lady who said “who is this 4chan??”

No. 2380768

This woman from New York who went to Pakistan to meet her internet lover, and is now trying to run the place kek.

No. 2380772

Honestly good for her. I hope that family who ghosted her pays what she's owed.

No. 2381023

File: 1738646635421.jpeg (1015.94 KB, 1170x1285, IMG_7145.jpeg)

No. 2381027

Looks hotter than Hunter Schaefer

No. 2381030

Weak ass little nigga needs to head to a war zone kekkk

No. 2381031

Why lie

No. 2381054

No. 2381069

File: 1738648606255.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1170x1321, IMG_7147.jpeg)

Here is the church, here is the steeple, here is the answer

No. 2381102

Woah that reminded me on how butt fugly most celebrities are, thanks. It really reminds me that celebrities look no different to the average jane on the street but somehow we treat them like they’re insanely beautiful and physically infallible creatures. They all look disgusting as fuck

No. 2381126

Does she wear hijab because she has to in Pakistan? kek

No. 2381131

Having rich family members and getting fucked suddenly earns you a PR team and complimentary plastic surgery

No. 2381404

File: 1738670872967.png (280.83 KB, 598x648, NW95M05.png)

No. 2381414

I don't really get the "gotcha" here since in 99% of cases, the police don't get you your shit back anyway?

No. 2381449

kek charlamet and sabrina carpenter
I didn't even notice billie's mouth KEK

No. 2381464

Damn most anons qualify to become a celebrity atp kek

No. 2381466

Anon.. I think it has something to do with the hypocrisy of an ACAB person relying on the police to deal with imminent crime.

No. 2381503

no not really we dont have morality laws here and shes in karachi where women can wear skirts if they want to >t.pakichan but its weird shes asking money from the government considering her marriage would never fly in pakistan since 19 year olds are still considered teens here moids have double standards theyre trying to deport her but it seems shes a special case of bpd
>“Given these circumstances, the metropolis police chief has been requested to approach concerned quarters to provide guidance regarding her continuation of provision of medical assistance,” the letter read, requesting that the deportation process be initiated for her “timely return to her homeland.”

No. 2381653

File: 1738682914341.jpeg (171.59 KB, 750x804, IMG_3578.jpeg)


No. 2381661

Please, please, please let her fail upwards into Pakistani politics. I believe in her.

No. 2383126

File: 1738756708634.jpg (87.93 KB, 1024x760, 1738732277476.jpg)

No. 2383149

Sabrina is so fugly

No. 2383732

No. 2384144

File: 1738803980499.png (1.57 MB, 960x960, t1ssigj9cqd41.png)

No. 2385394

File: 1738874100753.jpeg (452.27 KB, 1440x1800, K8CvT8d.jpeg)

This guy on reddit uploaded his flat lays on top of him because he's "dreaming" about the clothes and tbh the outfits are nice, but it just looks so silly because with them being flat they look ridiculously wide on top of him and it made me laugh so much and some of the poses are a bit silly too. He looks like how in old cartoons (Tom & Jerry or Looney Tunes) the characters would be flat after getting ran over by a street paver or whatever. More of his flat-stanley lays over here: https://www.reddit.com/r/streetwear/comments/1ij7wep/dreaming_of_clothes/

No. 2386384

File: 1738928393023.jpg (494.17 KB, 904x2316, 1000013317.jpg)

No. 2386393

Non binaries who crack literal whips on themselves, refuse to get jobs, and do nothing but grift all day expecting people to respect them or take any of their slacktivism and demands seriously

No. 2386394

File: 1738929009550.png (967.81 KB, 1456x1236, IMG_7900.png)

No. 2386399

You're allowed to be a racist that terrorizes women and treats everyone like shit oh and make literal whips as long as youre AMAB, identify as non-binary, and have a septum ring. You're issued papers and membership cards excusing your rampant misogyny and terrorism.

No. 2386919

Oh my god they are haggard and disgusting (and so is their music)

No. 2387397

No. 2387408

File: 1738975671082.jpeg (197.92 KB, 915x1156, IMG_0604.jpeg)

i have a bush

No. 2387611

File: 1738985386241.mp4 (4.3 MB, 576x1024, EyTF3Un2sLFX4d_e.mp4)

There's so many interviews with her and moids offering her marriage proposals kek, she's like a mini celebrity

No. 2387617

finally someone to save pakistanis from themselves

No. 2387619

Im sorry if i offend any pakistani or indian anon but why do pakistanis look exactly like indians and have the same indian accent.

No. 2387629

File: 1738988604483.webp (24.66 KB, 602x480, main-qimg-6aeaa35a9ac7e47c6f17…)

Because basically they're probably are the same thing. At least genetically.

No. 2387634

There isnt one Indian look though.

No. 2387637

File: 1738989614100.jpg (51.66 KB, 500x683, f90b3e629446aa65bc3b4738c99d04…)

??? Yes they do. They are basically light-caste indians, they even share the same genetics. It's not my fault you are ignorant on how diverse indians are (there tones can go from light, medium to dark).

Here is a light indian actress for example.

No. 2387647

File: 1738991148341.jpeg (117.8 KB, 1024x1024, image_large_9a1cbd89-b82e-45c0…)


Hi /ot/

Wrote this AI music slop as a joke at/for some chick on discord bitching about being too broke for cosplay and how she couldn't even whore herself because she's been run through already

I was directed to post it here (I don't use this site)


No. 2387657

File: 1738992156813.gif (2.59 MB, 600x338, 1000122729.gif)


No. 2387662

thanks for the input, I guess

No. 2387687

Like I said, there isnt one Indian look you miserable colourist

No. 2387725

No. 2387875

Anon, I want to thank you for this video. I find it absolutely perfect for some reason. I can't explain what I even mean by that.

No. 2387964

File: 1739022874848.mp4 (332.19 KB, 720x720, bEaDPuj.mp4)

No. 2388023

File: 1739025909389.png (779.51 KB, 864x909, byron2.png)

This review of a ninja themed restaurant in Tokyo lmao

No. 2388033

based ninjas

No. 2389217

No. 2389227


No. 2389228

File: 1739077010508.jpg (84.44 KB, 540x643, 3acce3c29b4e3b71dfc3672ef60071…)

No. 2389247

No. 2389273

What do you think Devon is thinking

No. 2389285

hot shot lesbos italiano

No. 2389293

Oh okay

No. 2390641

File: 1739131054566.mp4 (6.35 MB, 480x360, videoplayback.mp4)

No. 2390645

Chris Chan is drooling to this as we speak

No. 2391720

File: 1739180408087.mp4 (10.85 MB, 576x1024, video_1_7a61aeb20c4946eebd8995…)

No. 2391723

The siren sounds between the songs killed me

No. 2391726

Kek he looks like he's using his Stand power

No. 2391728


No. 2391761

File: 1739185561573.mp4 (14.16 MB, 1080x1080, Dont stop believin.mp4)

No. 2391806

File: 1739189900796.mp4 (2.26 MB, 640x360, 1000055485.mp4)

No. 2391809

File: 1739190060214.mp4 (9.92 MB, 1280x720, 1000055493.mp4)

No. 2391811

File: 1739190163497.gif (27.3 KB, 180x200, 1709191198080.gif)

>the fact that theres a syndrome in japan about Japanese travelers going to paris and being so shocked at the shittyness of france that they get panic attacks so severe that they need therapy

No. 2391820

File: 1739191276625.jpg (128.6 KB, 735x732, 3ada2e2f513347e7e4a53d8f385ff3…)

super late but theres not only one type of indian or pakistani kek the pakistani accent may differ from which region the speaker is from.the people in that short are from karachi who share linguistic similarities to bombay (the most traveled indian and pakistanis are from these areas so people wrongly assume theres only "one" indian/pakistani accent with the head bobbing thing when in reality this is a specific accent from a specific region in those areas) its like saying why do white americans and white British look and talk so similar when you can clearly point out differences in accent and genetics

No. 2392655

File: 1739229316673.jpeg (103.41 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_1198.jpeg)

No. 2392683

File: 1739230473731.mp4 (4.94 MB, 854x652, oQvPtYt.mp4)

No. 2392867

File: 1739241206588.webm (1.56 MB, 1024x576, transrights.webm)

whenever i find this video again i watch it minimum 3 times

No. 2392873

Make the girl have the brains of a ten-year-old who is also a slave who is also a daughter/little sister figure then you're all set. Rising of Shield Hero style.

No. 2392886

16? Ew. Stop posting old roasties, bro.

No. 2392889

wrong thread

No. 2392890

This isn't the post like a moid thread but maybe you got confused… so I won't report… not this time…

No. 2392892

…what if this is just sarcasm.

No. 2392894

that's not the point newfag

No. 2392895

File: 1739242939712.jpg (35.06 KB, 735x414, 1000020076.jpg)

>too autistic to recognize obvious sarcasm that ridicules the pedophilia of scrotes
>accuses anons with a social IQ greater than the number of 60 of being newfags

No. 2392896

Context pls??

No. 2392898

the other anon and i both acknowledged the sarcasm, it's just the wrong thread and people will report it for bait, anon.

No. 2392914

… what if nobody gives a fuck about your sarcasm.

No. 2392918

File: 1739243856866.png (397.39 KB, 720x1290, Screenshot_20250211-001343~2.p…)

Even with the [citation needed] that's still pretty crazy. I don't want to be rude but this sounds so childish. Being unable to cope with the difference between reality and fiction regarding something so inconsequential isn't something I'd expect from adults.

No. 2392947

the way the moid is actually very cute, lad needs an upper lip tho kek

No. 2392951

Paris is really dirty though

No. 2392995

File: 1739247916615.mp4 (5.57 MB, 824x466, gqqHd8d.mp4)

No. 2393020

Kekk what is this, anon?

No. 2393021

This music video cheesey gold. It is so out of touch and bizarre with the kids rotating on the stage in a ring around the singer. His acting is SOOO exaggerated and when he puts his arms around a girl around 1:45 I just die inside. Clutching the ladder, dutch angles in a dark room of lit candles, everyone's buck teeth

No. 2393025

just another reality tv program packed with the lowest-iq stars you'll ever see

No. 2394348

Censoring the name nationalities. It's so silly but always makes me crack up.

No. 2396000

No. 2398564

File: 1739506779247.png (139.79 KB, 870x224, kek.png)

No. 2399596

File: 1739568055118.mp4 (Spoiler Image,47.58 KB, 368x464, ezgif.com-video-to-gif-convert…)

kero kero bonitos singers ex who likes showing his dick imprint off a lot and is definitely gay

No. 2399602

File: 1739568273354.jpg (Spoiler Image,98.4 KB, 756x765, EAhvidZVAAAA5Ac.jpg)

it's so funny and absurd… why does he do this?

No. 2399795

File: 1739572744750.jpg (23.52 KB, 573x573, 1mbcm8.jpg)

No. 2399818

File: 1739573245249.jpg (Spoiler Image,73.8 KB, 557x992, EAhvidaUIAIQrk8.jpg)

i'm convinced in >>2399596 he's packing to look bigger. i don't know anything about growers vs. showers or whatever but there's no way theres that much of a difference. by the way, every single thing he posts is like this. he is so weird

No. 2400001

someone posted her in one of those personal cows thread and ever since then i just love witnessing her autistic joy. she loves wearing inflatable violet beauregarde suits on disney cruises

No. 2400020

How am I supposed to be a hater of this shit? When someone is cognitively in the same space they were as a kid and they aren't hurting anyone or being a menace, it feels like I'm bullying their inner child or something

No. 2400115

im still subbed to her from when anon posted her and check in from time to time. MEETING THREE CABALLEROS IN DISNEY! and she had one as her husbando

No. 2400998

kek yeah three caballeros and violet beauregarde seem to be her favorite. her family is always on a cruise or going to disney they must have money. i love watching the random ppl in the background of her vlogs they’re always so confused

No. 2402041

File: 1739681502489.jpg (24.5 KB, 720x252, 1000000637.jpg)

We must protect the innocent

No. 2402050

>5 hours ago
The more things change, the more they stay the same

No. 2402070

I keep re-reading it like I'm reading a passage by Rumi and experiencing vibrational healing

No. 2402789

File: 1739723723570.mp4 (942.5 KB, 540x918, output_video_67b2134c2b1659.12…)

No. 2402813

It always makes me smirk whenever asada nemui gets a lot of attention on twitter because none of the gendies know about her old secret account and how radfem aligned she is

No. 2402956

File: 1739731664583.jpeg (2.44 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_2829.jpeg)

restaurant i saw in japan
>borosu jonsunu-sama!

No. 2402971

Did you try it?

No. 2403074

File: 1739735186294.png (311.73 KB, 1022x702, doawk swear.png)

No. 2403093

I remember finding her old account long ago by chance and retweeting some Xenoblade 2 and Pokemon SWSH but I never followed it. What did she post or retweet? By the way plenty of Japanese female artists that are popular with Western gendies are like that too. I remember when you could still see everyone's likes and Kotteri liked a very popular video showing a female scientist saying in English with Japanese subtitles that men can never be or become women. Plenty of popular enby or trans Western artists still follow her to this day kek.

No. 2403775

File: 1739761927639.jpeg (35.61 KB, 750x162, IMG_3708.jpeg)

the NPC profile pic made me burst out laughing KEK

No. 2403781

Can someone please tell me where to find that reaction video

No. 2403790

No. 2404195

The tiktok euphemisms are funny but the actual content just made me sad

No. 2405085

File: 1739836055594.mp4 (1.18 MB, 720x1280, 1000020170.mp4)

This is the only use of OnlyFans that I approve of

No. 2405089

Top 20% kekkk that's where Dana's at and she makes like $200/month. That face she's making is retarded, there is literally nothing you can say on tiktok that will ever make you look good or cool

No. 2405211

That's maybe $80

I have a hard time believing she consistently makes 200/mo

No. 2405281

this is so obviously fake

No. 2406507

File: 1739925151693.jpg (13.39 KB, 350x238, Screenshot_20250219_014047_Wik…)

Unfortunate name

No. 2406652

No. 2406796

File: 1739939578843.mp4 (2.89 MB, 576x1024, Snatched.mp4)

Idk why i find this so amusing lmao.
I used to fuck with that thread for thirsting over walled moids but my god is it just a competition to just post the nastiest moid possible and try and justify it, kek.

No. 2407041

File: 1739953361550.png (1.2 MB, 1395x779, IMG_8268.png)

No. 2408189

some of them get pissy when you try to post a regular uggo instead of the worst ones because "he's too handsome for this thread" even when it's someone who obviously doesn't belong in the conventional thread, there's no winning

No. 2408247

Nathen Mazri has a thread in KF. He's an arab nepo baby who's obsessed with entrepreneurialism and fame. This isn't a skit from a comedy channel, it's a "documentary" about his restaurant and current obsession, Garfield Eats. I'm sure there's a lot of acting and scripts involved, it's not fully authentic because Nathen wanted it to look like a reality show, but it's still nuts that he thinks it would make him look good. Btw "entergaging" is a mix of entertaining and engaging.

No. 2408251

Old man incest sperm has created him

No. 2409261

File: 1740040146832.png (46.4 KB, 1258x266, 1000000678.png)

No. 2409290

it's a funny pic but honestly getting sprayed by a skunk will ruin your life for a while. it can take months to get rid of that smell. you'd be better throwing your clothes in the dumpster but god help you if you have a dog who gets sprayed.

No. 2409493

I saw a pic of this meme posted on the front page but it’s so funny kek

No. 2409521

It's still funny years later. The mogging adds to it.

No. 2409529

Kek I love this meme, this is my fav version

No. 2409683

i hate consoomers like darcy but vidrel made me kek.

No. 2410083

File: 1740094921131.mp4 (Spoiler Image,2.94 MB, 540x960, output_video_67b7a33f9a3045.88…)

Spoilered for shirtless skinnyfat moid. It's satire but there are probably retards out there who believe this unironically.

No. 2410209

File: 1740100871707.jpg (67.43 KB, 736x731, 1000020203.jpg)

No. 2410211

Lol I love Berserk memes, I hope you post more nonna.

No. 2410854

>”that kek bitch”
kekkk i love saying kekkk

No. 2410859

I still giggle thinking about that anon saying "you're kek asf". So retarded and funny.

No. 2410866

Getting mad at imageboard lingo is such newfag behavior

No. 2410879

Steve Jobs didn't even use charcoal and refused to listen to Apple employees' pleas to take a shower, insisting that he smelled good.

No. 2410996

File: 1740157434159.jpg (64 KB, 680x518, 1740138725334520.jpg)

No. 2411005

Kek what a queen

No. 2411019

I want to show this to aliens.

No. 2411021

This makes me nostalgic for /freemarket/

No. 2411063

This video I just got recommend

No. 2411066

>4 kids with a moid
>4 recently traumatized kids with two moids
Totally anon

No. 2411072

Kek, I saw Izzzziysizzis (idk how to spell her name sorry) video on him and it was so hilarious. I think the restaurant was closed due to health concerns but I'm not sure.

No. 2411161

File: 1740163932220.jpg (233.28 KB, 1080x997, Screenshot_20250221_194938_com…)

Good for her but he "forgot" to mention the wife is 23

No. 2411384

File: 1740170906888.jpg (342.25 KB, 960x640, Pedopickme.jpg)

>makes asmr soft core pedo videos about anime little girls
>old screenshots leak of your pedo groomer discord group where you were admin where cp videos were shared
>"i consume pedoshit becauz of muh mento health"
>gets doxxed kek
>yes moids this is your based toddlercon pedo vtuber queen!
the stereotype of the more a vtuber model is coomified even if its a child model jesus the more ugly the person is behind it

No. 2411388

Those kids would also be traumatised if they grew up in a loveless home where the mother was unhappy.

No. 2411389

Kekkk, many such cases

No. 2411404

File: 1740171685584.jpeg (167.29 KB, 828x504, IMG_1754.jpeg)

No. 2411464

File: 1740174421318.jpeg (13.16 KB, 290x172, GkFFyCYXEAAFY8P.jpeg)

No. 2411479

Samefag a bit late to add this but she also lived and did a lolishit "child being molested" video with a convicted pedophile who raped his 13 year old cousin, her names bittycat IRC, shes been talked about in kiwifarms

No. 2411514

Not surprised, most high school relationships don't last, they probably tied the knot too early

No. 2414190

The zoomerspeak gives me a headache but kek what is with all of these celebs having trooned our children

No. 2416780

File: 1740431986970.jpg (26.9 KB, 862x229, g.jpg)

No. 2416797

having narcissistic parents makes kids mentally ill and want to dissociate from their bodies.

No. 2416953

now I want to go somewhere and dig a hole

No. 2417344

File: 1740447939476.jpeg (Spoiler Image,36.8 KB, 384x684, IMG_1920.jpeg)

this tiktok screenshot that came up on google that was entirely unrelated to my search kek

No. 2417368

So did you and your new friend get dressed together nona?

No. 2417371

Idk why, but the socks are the funniest thing about this pic, kek. I would die if such an awkward screenshot of me was floating around on the internet in general.

No. 2417746

File: 1740461726559.mp4 (2.34 MB, 480x686, 1000000697.mp4)

No. 2418825

File: 1740520464048.png (28.77 KB, 488x348, gjxdkmvqr9aa1.png)

No. 2418831

No. 2418833

I snorted to this shit wtf kekk

No. 2418836

I think it’s the diddy parties tbh nona

No. 2421002

I don't get it

No. 2421113

File: 1740631099141.jpg (3.24 MB, 3464x3464, 1000132445.jpg)

Those retarded YouTube drama thumbnails for their videos are just hilarious, they're just so dramatic, but then the video is about some random retard that only some 30 terminally online people know about.

No. 2421120

This should be the official meme when we actually do acknowledge the troons on trannycord

No. 2421504

LC isn't accepting this link in the video field so I'm just gonna post it like this:

No. 2421509

and that said random retard just publicly posts their love relationships for everyone on the internet to see

No. 2421649

One of my Internet cows I check in on once in a while, somewhat buff autistic incel that complains about never getting any girl to see him as attractive. He's blackpilled but kind of hilarious: the video is titled "I had a couple dates."
Does NOT goes the way I thought it would

No. 2421656

When will men learn that lifting alone doesnt make them attractive. These stupid scrotes neglect their skin health, get ugly haircuts, never develop a fashion sense and then think that just by lifting they are going to get stacy pussy. Men are fucking retarded. He looks like Sid from Ice age if he swapped bodies with he-man.

No. 2421740

File: 1740684288318.jpg (70.51 KB, 736x659, 1000020341.jpg)

No. 2421744

tif humor

No. 2421749

my life is like a bideo game

No. 2421786

its crazy how every loli vtuber is hideous irl KEK

No. 2421800

Wtf does this even mean

No. 2421819

No. 2422553

File: 1740717757175.jpg (65.38 KB, 720x687, Screenshot_20250227-203841_Chr…)

I remember null reading this on stream a while ago

No. 2423789

File: 1740791042738.jpg (167.95 KB, 720x1170, 1000000713.jpg)

No. 2423929

Looks like someone some /g/tard would fuck with no self-control or contraceptions, only for her to go on the vent thread creating massive 3-day infights because she’s having a pregnancy scare kek

No. 2423933

KEK accurate

No. 2424039

File: 1740803032572.mp4 (4.29 MB, 480x854, 1000000715.mp4)

Average /g/ poster

No. 2424054

Average relationship advice thread poster

No. 2424080

Average ugly man psyop poster

No. 2424088

nta but you obviously feel called out if it makes you seethe, nigel haver

No. 2424097

>nigel haver
Are you jealous because they hop on cock every night while you’re blogging about what a scrote should look like despite looking like a bridge troll compared to those ideal attractive men kek(infight bait)

No. 2424115

>because they hop on cock every night
>desperate annoying penises literally everywhere
Fingers smelling of ass and ball-vinegar typed this

No. 2424117

why would anyone be jealous of that? dick is abundant and of low quality. Chantal has a dedicated simp and several fuckboys and she's a deathfat. Reminds me of scrotes ''threatening'' women with sex bots as if anyone is going to cares about them and their microdicks opting out of the gene pool. Men are all whores.

No. 2424119

File: 1740808502937.png (747.19 KB, 1280x1324, patty_and_pig_pen_holding_hand…)

No. 2424120

>hop on cock every night

No. 2424122

You guys are hellbent on doing this in this threat every time, huh

No. 2424138

But for real I do think a farmer would date him ironically at first and milk his neurosis for her femdom pleasure

No. 2424286

Ooooo you rancetards don't like that

No. 2424335

The Luigi threads on /g/. I think he looks mid and nonnas shouldn't be swooning so hard looks-wise, but god everyone in that thread is so fucking funny and unhinged, so I can't help but support it.

No. 2424474

File: 1740844274585.jpeg (41.47 KB, 750x412, IMG_7243.jpeg)

No. 2424494

imagining this said in a Scottish lady voice was delightful

No. 2424922

that subreddit name is so unnecessarily mean

No. 2426390

the first few minutes alone had me kekking, i love you chris

No. 2427471

File: 1741037551574.png (248.65 KB, 291x568, Screenshot 2025-03-03 142333.p…)

this old selfie of fupa

i loved this

No. 2427473

uwu daddy dom wit the ebil darktroon shirt kek

No. 2427477

TIFs cry about being "fetishized" by fujos while not even being on the fujoshit's radars, just to further their real gay man larp.

No. 2427482

he looks like a sprightly little elf

No. 2427500

The faggy filter kills me. Look at those eyelashes

No. 2427501


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2427964

File: 1741066448323.jpeg (297.6 KB, 1208x1429, zpYrngq.jpeg)

I remember the /a/ threads when this anime came out and all of the webms and ss of the QUALITY

No. 2427969

Are these from the same episode? Same part? Why is it completely different ? The CGI and animated parts? Jesus Christ.

No. 2427973

File: 1741066948111.webm (2.67 MB, 1280x720, jesuschrist.webm)

I went to /a/'s archives and JFC.

No. 2427977

File: 1741067151025.jpeg (183.53 KB, 1204x1422, apFY3Ng.jpeg)

The bottom is from the aired episode and the top is the ''fixed'' version from the BD. I never watched the anime but i really loved checking the threads.

No. 2428006

File: 1741069588580.jpg (2.39 MB, 3072x2304, 1588155007034.jpg)

I dove deep, thank you for igniting QUALITY threads memories for me, nonnie.

No. 2428390

File: 1741102277645.gif (119.85 KB, 300x100, 9.gif)

still one of my favorite banners

No. 2428446

…why even make an anime at this point?

No. 2428500


No. 2429279

I love these. Never fail to make me laugh and also feel better about myself.

No. 2431169

File: 1741241660295.mp4 (7.36 MB, 720x1280, d96c5b8173024d7e8724718ea81ef6…)

i love her

No. 2431220

Kek she's so wasted

No. 2431262

Oh my god, my sides

No. 2431317

File: 1741254037483.mp4 (17.55 MB, 480x854, 1000000743.mp4)

Type of man straight women refer to as twinks

No. 2431762

File: 1741282419711.jpeg (132.73 KB, 1045x1045, IMG_2533.jpeg)

5th grade humor

No. 2431844

Don't know if this goes here but does anyone have a pic of Trump telling Zelinsky "you're all dressed up" but in meme format?

No. 2432227

Context please?

No. 2433062

the second hairstyle makes me seethe

No. 2433064

File: 1741368891950.jpeg (247.42 KB, 1179x1074, IMG_5376.jpeg)

sometimes i remember the wahoo exists and then slightly chuckle to myself
it's a species of least concern. wahoo.

No. 2433077

Did he put lip filler on just for the video

No. 2433277

>Things That Make You Chuckle
The current weegee thread. So funny seeing all these retarded cows have their fantasies shattered.

No. 2433289

File: 1741381283964.jpg (35.74 KB, 450x495, ▄█▀ █▬█ █ █ █ █ █ █ ▀█▀.jpg)

kekkkkkkk i called it on the first fucking day, thats why you only yume 2d moids lassies

No. 2433349

What happened there? I cba to read all that bullshit

No. 2433350

The coping on there is insane

No. 2433358

Messages of Luigi holding pokemon style porn cards, and a text saying he got into a fight with Thai lady boys

No. 2433361

samefag and arguing on whether or not they're actually real

No. 2433362

Thank you. First red flag is him fetishizing certain races of women. That's hella cringe kek

No. 2433378

>he got into a fight with Thai lady boys
who won?

No. 2433381

His arm is scratched up so maybe the lady boys?

No. 2433382

The ladyboys unironically.

No. 2433388

i would pay millions to watch the weegee vs thai trannies fight

No. 2433389

On some of these I genuinely can't tell which one is supposed to be better kek

No. 2433400

No woman thinks it's necessary to pander to the absolute most disgusting scrotes unless she's deeply, DEEPLY desperate.

No. 2433409

The ladyboys beat the shit out of him

No. 2433414

Shouldn't you have used a pooner caricature or something to convey that better instead of Jameela Jamil

No. 2433528

I made a QUALITY thread on /m/ if you're interested, I'd been thinking of making one for a while >>>/m/467735

I was never that bothered by their thirsting, but from the beginning they were very in denial about his typical male retardation. It was so obvious that this was going to happen. I find their threads funny both because of the unhinged horny posts about raping and enslaving him (kinda based tbh) and the cope (cringe af). The cringiest part for me was when some started to hate on Asian women and a lot of them became insecure because they aren't Asian kekmao

No. 2433606

I also didnt mind/care much about their thirsting but the instant racism when the first hints about him having yellow fever was discussed, it immediately flicked my switch on the thread. Its just a thread full of pickmes. The lowest posters on lc.

No. 2433781

File: 1741401003060.png (1.64 MB, 1170x1091, poolsclosed.png)

pools closed due to aids

No. 2433798


No. 2433810

Me when I retire

No. 2434101

No. 2435044

fucking kek

No. 2435118

Literally looks exactly like 2/3rds of teen zoomer boys

No. 2435951

I'm jealous of anyone who watches this video without knowing the twist beforehand

No. 2436383

kek just watched it and I'm still giggling nice one

No. 2437835

File: 1741579395110.png (3.45 MB, 1604x2297, 1672263292.png)

I saw this a year ago and still think about it

No. 2438192

File: 1741615617652.jpeg (71.52 KB, 750x344, IMG_3993.jpeg)


No. 2438208

>Type of man straight women refer to as twinks
Not true at all, I love actual twinks that a disgusting old man.

No. 2438242

File: 1741618555628.mp4 (1.05 MB, 360x640, gm.mp4)

No. 2438332

I have been sent from the future to close the pool

No. 2438690

File: 1741641064002.mp4 (1.89 MB, 576x1024, timbaland.mp4)

No. 2438916


No. 2438918

This guy's videos always make me laugh

No. 2439052

File: 1741657653544.jpg (125.49 KB, 1320x1565, 1000010951.jpg)

No. 2439214

Everyone just makes the same jokes they've stolen on Twitter over and over in hopes it will be associated with them instead of the original poster. Clockwork, every day.

No. 2439664

File: 1741712406455.webp (29.88 KB, 640x564, IMG_0646.webp)

I cried at this picture today.

No. 2440481

File: 1741755407248.jpeg (72.5 KB, 680x510, GlrLdXVXsAAl0Rl.jpeg)

I love this trend, kek.

No. 2441187

File: 1741805041736.jpg (411.78 KB, 482x6000, 1000020680.jpg)

This is very old but it always makes me laugh

No. 2441203

File: 1741805701216.jpg (93.6 KB, 680x408, tumblr_1c1a9d8043624e8dfe4be5b…)

the jd vance memes are killing me, i'm starting to forget what he actually looks like kek

No. 2441216

File: 1741806134801.jpg (423.54 KB, 1280x720, hygfds.jpg)

Whenever one of his friends or staff go through something really publicly embarrassing or traumatic, he usually fires them right when it's happening or after setting them up for one more humiliation. Idk I hope that happens, it's really funny

No. 2441738

That's a song I haven't heard in the longest of time.

No. 2441744

I remember this song from animation memes

No. 2441749

This just made me cry kekkk

No. 2441761

File: 1741827323407.jpg (140.14 KB, 1200x893, vance chan.jpg)

my personal favorite

No. 2441764

Literally thought this was the regular, unedited picture for a minute, lmao.

No. 2441765

File: 1741827744984.jpg (4.91 MB, 861x8551, Hallistheblondone.jpg)

There you go.

No. 2441768

Why did I think this would be manifesto chan or some shit jesus christ what is this kek

No. 2441773

samefag but I remember the fatter version of this screenshot.. this one is somehow funnier

No. 2441784

I like to imagine this printed on a scroll.

No. 2441788

nta and very late reply but this is from pop team epic kek

No. 2441790

this gets me every single time. lolcow heritage post

No. 2441808

This has to be a joke because I'm laughing so fucking hard right now

No. 2441828

Childern are so silly

No. 2441845

Holy shiiiiiiittttt I'm fucking dying

No. 2441983

I'm pretty sure that's a grown woman

No. 2443752

The "reduce stress" one kekk

No. 2444704

the fucking head punch kek

No. 2444746

File: 1741997350634.png (14.91 KB, 1086x135, Qd4I7p9.png)

No. 2444986

File: 1742008093442.jpg (233.14 KB, 1057x1288, 1000000800.jpg)


No. 2445182

kek i just had those onion rings the other day. spicy ramen flavored, they’re not good enough to get tattooed tbh

No. 2446046

No. 2446603

Out of all references to icp songs, at least she chose the one about murdering pedophiles.

No. 2446647

File: 1742091174822.jpg (89.38 KB, 572x751, Peaky Blinders Deano.jpg)

Deano memes always get me. If anyone with some photoshop skills could shoop veneers on to Cillian Murphy, it would absolutely slay my sides.

No. 2446658

>absolutely slay my sides

No. 2446878

The fagbonics

No. 2448080

File: 1742183100082.mp4 (431.81 KB, 480x340, ssstik.io_@delusionalderanged_…)

No. 2448148

File: 1742187318315.jpeg (184.85 KB, 584x436, IMG_4019.jpeg)

No. 2448149

No. 2448758

File: 1742233626603.jpeg (109.96 KB, 1284x896, IMG_1993.jpeg)

No. 2448790

ooooo morgan theeee broodmare

No. 2448793

he hot though

No. 2448799

No. 2448863

File: 1742238808231.jpeg (381.28 KB, 1170x1758, IMG_1728.jpeg)

This made me kekk

No. 2449154

File: 1742245503813.mp4 (973.81 KB, 576x1022, ssstwitter.com_1742201642840.m…)

No. 2449161

Don't we need eyelashes to protect our eyes?

No. 2449172

that is dangerous as fuck! if he removes his lashes he can go blind if he doesn’t wear proper eye protection when he’s outdoors

No. 2449211

36 year old republican white woman humor

No. 2449390

This is so stupid.

No. 2449396

I read Muslims as Australians

No. 2449649

It's what he deserves for being an insecure retarded faggot.

No. 2449650


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2450289

File: 1742311756946.mp4 (4.51 MB, 360x640, 1000029781.mp4)

No. 2451288

File: 1742363970800.mp4 (1.66 MB, 720x1280, 9EExBzvVAGy1hdCm.mp4)

No. 2451394

File: 1742375627281.png (177.13 KB, 603x785, firefox_lQtTrjIGJ9.png)

This is so fucking accurate

No. 2451752

File: 1742402963468.jpg (6.97 KB, 271x42, thesis imageboard.jpg)

i forgot to submit my lolcor farmer thesis will cerbmin still give me credits so i can graduate as a farmer? i dont want to fail god bless farmhands i dont know why this made me laugh so much

No. 2451754

Fucking kek I read this as thesis at first too

No. 2454658

This shit has been killing me because why am I lowkey Frank?

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