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No. 81334

Previous thread: >>>/meta/79881

No. 81336

lock the bp thread

No. 81337

Seconding this. I don't even know why is it even allowed, bp ideology literally originated from incel culture.

No. 81338

just wish we had a thread to make fun of nigelfags

No. 81339

>woman hate general #249

No. 81340

not all women are nigelfags, blowjob-chan.

No. 81342

defensive nigelhavers are part of the infight problem lol.
still we should get rid of bp and unpop opinions. these threads act like great big autism magnets for baiters and aggro retards

No. 81343

Agreed. We need to go Rudy Giuliani on retards. Another hellweek would be great. The great lolcow cleanup. Unpop opinions is just bound to be an infight thread

No. 81344

yeah no I'm not any -chan, -fag, or -kun in this war you schizos have going on, just an outsider telling you all I see on both sides kek.

No. 81345

grandma personalityfag is back in the oldweb thread again farming for attention and asspats

No. 81346

It was a joke you autist

No. 81349

It's a problem with most of /ot/. It's just where baiters and terminally online retards go to vent their frustrations out on unsuspecting anons. Yeah, unpopular opinions is basically asking for it, but the vent thread, confessions, celebrity cows, and art salt have all had problems too. I don't think we should nuke anything, it's just that it's a broader issue than just moid bait. Part of the problem is the culture and demographic of anons that use this place now. There's also not enough active staff to consistently filter out the shit, thereby dissuading retards from continuing to post like there used to be.

No. 81350

ok stick in ass-chan

No. 81351

thats not ever gonna happen because the majority of this website is populated with nigelfags

No. 81352

lock BP thread if youre not gonna moderate it

No. 81353

Nta and while that's true, it just feels unfair that other threads have been locked and autosaged for less. Like the staff should do that to all threads causing problems or don't do it all, not pick and choose while leaving the worst ones alone.

No. 81354

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No. 81357

get rid of this thread
>get rid of this thread
get rid of this thread
>get rid of this thread

No. 81358

File: 1722486537398.png (400.46 KB, 654x1072, lolcow.farm.png)

If mods won’t lock the bp thread, can you please take 2X off the front page like other hidden boards? The front page has been like this for days, and I don’t care about bpchan or whatever retardation is occurring in that thread. Having it constantly clogging the front page is just going to attract more spergs, not contain them at a safe distance.

No. 81359

whoa that's insane compared to how dead 2x usually is. bp tards really are cancer
god i miss when 2x had actual gc discussion not this shit

No. 81360

its not even bp it's just a shitposting thread now

No. 81362

newfag can't even get the heart right

No. 81363

Nope! ♥
Shut the fuck up you cant even get someone to go out for a drink with you, fat bastard(infighting)

No. 81364

stop projecting tranny(infighting)

No. 81365

All GC talk moved to the /ot/ GC thread after it was allowed again. /2X/ is obsolete and should be retired.

No. 81366

do zoomers not know what the word tranny means?? or do they just think its an insult like bitch

No. 81368

I don’t believe that you’re 18

No. 81369


No. 81370

You're right because I'm an old fuck

No. 81371

Tumblr and tiktok troons love to use that acronym the most

No. 81372

i guess everyone on LC is a tranny then by your logic.

No. 81373

>everyone on LC is a tranny

No. 81374

nah just you

No. 81375

can't wait for the thread to get closed tbh we're so close i can feel it

No. 81376

Millennial grandma

No. 81377

pro troon retard baiting in the art salt thread

No. 81379

Should the ricecel thread be in /snow/

No. 81380

yeah i've reported like 5 times that its more of a /snow/ thread and should be moved there

No. 81381

When it's gonna get closed? There's no point of it

No. 81382

I'm a front page user so this is pretty fucking annoying. I hate the 2X BP sperging, they make it so hard to find and reply to actual conversation happening on this site.

No. 81383

anon they were only filling up the front page because it was dead. even when the thread is moving fast, you'll still see posts made on other boards on the front page

No. 81384

The threads were fine until a certain poster appeared. This poster has become an unintentional personality fag because they refuse to integrate and their posts are extremely noticeable. The bp threads are now just this poster getting trolled. The farmhands are probably at a loss of what to do because this certain poster will ban evade and she clearly like being trolled because she keeps coming back for more.

No. 81385

Blaming one person again… No that's now what happened at all

No. 81387

same honestly. it's been going on like this for a few days

No. 81388

"trolled" and it's some bitch talking about getting facefucked and harassing the other

No. 81389

There was some issues in the thread but it was nothing that went beyond report and ignore. When it went wrong was when an easily trolled retard walked into the thread and started writing unhinged walls of text about pigs, blowjobs, whores and getting fucked on all fours. This brought negative attention to the thread as non-bp anons came to observe the schizo.

Myself and several other anons tried to explain to her why she was getting trolled and why she needed to integrate. We all got accused of being trolls and sexually harassing her over text on an image board.

No. 81390

If every other post on the front page view is randomly BP sperging, posts that I would have actually clicked on and engaged with from the front page get buried. And no this doesn't only happen during slow hours.

No. 81391

Based on how you verbalized what the posts were about I can tell why you got accused of that cause you make it sound like it's not about reality or something other people do, but some personal liking or personal fetishes instead of universal reality. Also that's not what happened at all.

No. 81392

The reality is that making posts about women being dick sucking pigs is going to draw negative attention on an image board filled with women. It's possible to express the opinion that heterosexual relationships are degrading without using porn terminology.

No. 81394

The Ricecel General belongs on /snow/, not on the off-topic board:

No. 81395

I did without insults and still attracted negative attention.

No. 81396

please make the hyperlink colors readable on the luna theme, they're too dark and almost blend in with the background.

No. 81398

Close the bp threads it's too much and they keep sexually harrasing like what the fuck is the point of those threads, none of the women who wanna talk about bp shit are there anymore (and I know that 100% rest is trolls, haters or women not into those talks and maybe one or two non extreme women) or will come to other boards. Replace it with feminism thread or some shit

No. 81400

Can a mod put a stop to the troonfoiling based on looks in the Olympic thread? I'm 100% there's a bunch of samefagging too.

No. 81401

Shut up, bj-chan.

No. 81402

They've moved on to racebait and stuff not even about the thread involving Turkish people and cats

No. 81403

Trooonshit and racebait still going on in the olympics thread. seriously when are you ginna hire new farmhands

No. 81404

There's a moid going around shitting up /ot/ threads, and self-admitted to being a male in the Olympics thread. Godspeed farmhands.

No. 81405

It's been confirmed its a woman so they need to stfu. This is so annoying. I'm tired of the trannyfags being in every thread.

No. 81406


No. 81407

Everyone who does this type of bait needs to be permabanned.

No. 81408

Thank you for handling the troonfoiling and stuff in the Olympics thread.

No. 81409

Please report them and do not respond to them. People keep responding and causing them to ban evade because they are getting attention.

No. 81410

baiter still going at it in the olympics thread about how radfems are a cult or somethung. im reporting but it keeps posting

No. 81411

Nta but that's not the baiter.

No. 81412

idk whi's who tbh. there's some retard also psoting olympics shit avout how evil jkr is in /snow/ so we have at least one pro troon retard running wild.
i hate that the olympics thread got ruined by infighting, there's so much stuff ti discuss at the games.

No. 81413

Those are two separate things. Having opinions about JKR is valid, but going on about a biological woman being a man just because you're an ignorant dumbass isn't the same. JKR is a dumbass in this aspect too.
>Pro troon retard
And you wanted to complain about being called a cult? Anon, there's a whole bunch of farmers who aren't obsessed about trannies or who don't care at all. This is not a TERF website.

No. 81414

Can we please mass delete the ban evaders in the olypmic thread. Jesus christ. this is ridiculous. The only discussable trans/LGBTQ shit that needed to be talked about was the opening ceremonies. There is nothing else valid happening right now warranting all this political derailing, medfagging, and troonfoiling.

No. 81415

i didn't participate in the infight and i dont' think troonshit has its place in the olympics ghread at all. i'm talking about the autist posting all over snow about the olympics with special mention of much they hate jkr. Whatever you think of the issue someine's clearly trying to drag in the infight across threads.
>blah blah you guys are a cult
man i miss when being a terf on here didn't attract the angry normos. sad!

No. 81416

I didn't say you were a cult. I'm saying complaining about being a cult sort of proves anon's point.

No. 81417

When the entire internet is talking about the Algerian boxer, it's not stupid to talk about that. Just ban the infighters and people arguing with no proof that "it's a WoMaN!1" because honestly we have no clue until more information is released.

No. 81418

you're right and you should say it
>man i miss when being a terf on here didn't attract the angry normos.
i miss when we didn't have a bunch of radfem twitterfags shitting up our boards by trying to make everything about trannies and scrotes. sad! good thing other anons are finally pushing back against it. enjoy your containment board while it lasts.

No. 81419

a lot of these tranny obsessed jackasses are gc tradthots too. you can't tell them apart until they start fighting with eachother.

No. 81420

I'm not part of this fight but didn't the boxer turn out to have a microdick and that's why he(?) wasn't classified as male?

No. 81421

I swear, you guys need to get off of Russian propaganda and right-wing media.

No. 81422

how can one be both

No. 81423

>she thinks tradthots, conservatives, and chuds, the loudest anti-troon voices in the media, support troons
are you retarded or is this just another troon derail attempt? gender critical means you're critical of troons, that isn't a radfem exclusive belief.

No. 81424

>trannie jennies indeed
>infightings sperging happening because there are handmaidens defending him
It's so over

No. 81426

>she thinks tradthots, conservatives, and chuds, the loudest anti-troon voices in the media, support troons
literally where did i say any of that?
not all anti-trans ppl are gender critical.
gender critical isn't just about troons, it means feminism critical of gender ideology but also sex sterotypes and gender roles.
trads insist on women following antiquated gender roles, which is the opposite of being critical of gender. learn what the words you use mean.
never been on twitter lol
idk what terves did to you, call your nigel fat or what, but it's pretty retarded to come to a woman-only ib that openly has a no males policy and get mad that it attracts terf types

No. 81427

>not all anti-trans ppl are gender critical
so you're a newfag to both lolcow and radical feminism on top of all of this, epic.
>everyone sick of "terves" derailing threads left and right on this drama board for closing in on half a decade is either a picke me or a bitter troon!!
absolutely epic

No. 81428

>but it's pretty retarded to come to a woman-only ib that openly has a no males policy and get mad that it attracts terf types
Exactly, also on most sites saying anything against trannies is heavily censored. so of course people come here talking about trannies, they're not allowed to talk about them negatively anywhere else without getting witchhunted.

No. 81430

Keep it on topic and not troonfoiling.

No. 81432

if you can't disagree with ppl without calling them newfags or putting words in their mouth you're definitely part of the infight problem that's shiting up lc
but yeah sure it's alllll the terfs fault

No. 81434

bold of you to assume I sit on /ot/ all day infighting like you do. I report for derailing when I see it and move on, I don't participate in your shitflinging. if you can't disagree with people without trying to cope that it has to be someone guilty of political wrongthink asking you to stop infighting and derailing threads, you are guaranteed at the core of the infighting problem that's shitting up lc. you have an entire containment board, fuck off there. by the way, talking like that isn't the way to not get called a newfag, newfag.

No. 81435

oi tranny jannies why did you delete the post showing the name of the cunt that made a callout post against farmers for wrong think?

No. 81436

That was my mistake (thought it was one of the non farmers doxxing again), I removed your ban instantly. Feel free to repost but please be aware that doxxing is against the rules.

No. 81437

its not doxxing its attached to her username

No. 81438

Nta but there are some people who call themselves conservative and yet support trannies (usually because they're religious and homophobic and and they think transitioning cures gayness).

No. 81440

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Why is this thread allowed to exist? The very essence of the thread attracts racebaiting.

No. 81441

Discussion of the Olympics boxing controversy does not belong in /snow/. It is 100% an /ot/ or /2X/ topic, since the people involved aren't cows and it isn't even clear which intersex conditions they have, so it's basically transvestigating at this point.

No. 81442

Semantics aside, you're absolutely right and you should say it. This is the summer of right-wing newfags.

No. 81443

I agree tbh

No. 81444

polisperg derailing on artist salt

No. 81445

take dumbass shit off autosage already

No. 81447

She isn't intersex or anything. She's a woman. Imagine hating women because they don't look like models. Half the athletes who are women barely have a chest due to gear and working out. Are they ALL men? Stop troonfoiling everywhere

No. 81448

It's just Asian hoteps/tvre vikings. They're cows and their milk specific pertains to how they engage with their own racial identity. The thread isn't about Asians, it's about a very specific type of fringe group that happens to be Asian.

No. 81449

The vendettafag in the skirby thread needs to be permabanned or something. They constantly infight.

No. 81450

>The thread isn't about Asians
Yes, it is. A thread that's asking for Asian incels is a thread that's asking for incelish Asians. They are the same. Even though the thread targets only a subset of Asians, it still targets only Asians. And this trespasses the rule.
>inb4 the rule refers to threads targeting the race in general
The spirit of the rule is to forbid racism and racebaiting, against the female, and against the male. Now, if you view the posts in the thread, you will see that nearly all the posts are some kind of racist statement. What, will you say the thread just coincidentally has racebaiting? The very essence of the thread topic attracts racism. Therefore you see how the thread violates the spirit of the rule.
>they just happen to be Asian
In real life, they just happen to be Asian. In a thread that specifically requests and requires a peculiar race, they do not just accidentally, coincidentally, by chance and fortune, happen to be Asian. In the thread, they don't "happen to be" Asian any more than they "happen to be" incels.

No. 81451

I agree I was kinda surprised to see it honestly

No. 81454

For the love of god get rid of the spergfest about the olympic XY athletes in the vent thread. That shit should be contained to the gender ideology thread instead of stuffing every other thread on the site.

No. 81455

There’s an African hoteps thread in /snow/, you’re only offended by this because you’re Asian and trying to defend your race’s honor or whatever. Hide the thread, no one cares

No. 81457

I bet that thread was started by one of the mods, that's why it's getting special protection.

No. 81458

If you're going to quote me at least respond to what I said in it's entirety, and not just selectively. Like I said before the thread is not about Asian people, it is about a selective fringe group of cows who have a strange relationship with their racial identity, much like hoteps and trve vikings. If anons are racebaiting, report the posts.

No. 81459

most of the recent posts in that thread are racebaiting

No. 81460

>If anons are racebaiting, report the posts.
Strange how that doesn't work for some reason and some posters get away with shitting on an entire race, not just specific incels. Also strange how that thread is still on /ot/, even though I reported it as not belonging on the board (it should go to /snow/).

No. 81462

Anons bitching about posts being brought to this thread are probably the anons doing the derailing. If a farmhand is asleep, anons bring the reports to this thread because someone is usually lurking meta. Just thought I'd suggest that so anons stop being newfags about meta use.

No. 81463

Yeah, it should be on /snow/. I think that would minimize racebaiting as well, since cow board farmhands tend to be much more likely to ban from what I can tell. Also, I feel like /ot/ attracts a certain type of sperg /pol/ rapefugees that will take a mile when you give them an inch.

No. 81464

>There's an African hoteps thread in /snow/
That shouldn't be allowed either, really. Half the posts in that thread have red texts.
>The thread is not about Asian people
>It's about a specific subset of Asian people
It's still only about Asian people, and still specifically targets a certain race.
>If anons are racebaiting, report the posts
Treat the disease, not the symptom. 99% of the posts in the thread is racist bullshit. Clearly the thread itself is a racist thread.
It shouldn't be on /snow/ either, and that wouldn't stop the racebaiting. Moving the thread instead of closing it, is like beating a dead horse instead of burying it. The very substance of the thread will cause racebait, and that can never be changed.

No. 81465

Even the actual racism on the hoteps thread gets redtexted. People are calling the Asian moids bugs and not getting redtexted because they’re combining the racebait with long winded posts which according to farmhands makes it not racebait. Just move it to /snow/ and let the farmhands who actually give a fuck monitor it

No. 81466

>move it to /snow/
Or how about getting rid of the thread altogether? I doubt moving it to /snow/ will stop the racist posts. You think racists have enough morality to care about getting redtexted and following the rules?

No. 81467

mods don't care that mich about the /pol/ infestation consodering the kind of shit that gets tolerated in /ot/. not just the asian incel threads but also the bong and amerifag threads ars full of trads and boomer-tier outrage posts

No. 81469

Banned for "obnoxious spacing" when tons of other posters do it regularly? Why?

No. 81470

you probably did it too often
or just got unlucky bc your post was reported when others weren't

No. 81472

This anon with no braincells keeps coming back >>>/ot/2117449 Talk about having XY when you're raging this hard. I doubt that mock will hit it's target.

No. 81473

CP on the front page oh my god

No. 81474

File: 1722632960220.jpg (24.08 KB, 735x629, 1000027176.jpg)

Yeah was about to post about it to, i know i should have reported it but i dont wanna look at it. Dont know if it has been removed yet so just posting an image in the hope it is not on the frontpage anymore

No. 81475

Is it possible to report the links being advertised in the CP? I'm not touching that shit but can mods do anything legally?

No. 81476

We removed it right away, please always report them! It helps us remove it quickly and we apologize to any farmers unfortunately running into it.
Without going into detail, we do.

No. 81477

File: 1722644615777.jpg (274.61 KB, 1080x1711, IMG_20240803_001447.jpg)

>>>/w/333286 new level of mod's retardation. The post is a literal joke. Learn to read before you ban, shit heads. Mods think they are stand up comedians with their unfunny jokes in bans but when farmers post a joke they get a ban. For nitpicking. Lmao
Admin should add passing IQ and reading comprehension tests to mod qualification criteria.

No. 81478

kek how can you ban a milk reference on fucking lolcow

No. 81479

janny thought she ate lmao. look at that very funny and witty ban message.

No. 81480

There's a sperg in /ot/ using weird, middle aged man boomerspeech and being a pest

No. 81481

I went to see what you were referring to as you didn’t say what thread and kek
>yep you got me!

No. 81482

A bunch of anons in /ot/ are making fun of this, anons need to stop being retarded in that thread

No. 81483

Ngl the anon in that thread is being a nitpicking retard but >>81477 is pretty funny and clearly a joke

No. 81484

Refusal to integrate and being an attention wore isnt banned enough on /ot/.

No. 81485

If you're under a rock, maybe

No. 81486

Considering the constant state of the thread, safe to say don't fuck around in it? Anons are banned constantly. Posting jokes seems unwise. Just gives them another reason think about anons saying lock it. I know it's been said it never will be, but why keep testing the moderation when they've been tight on what's posted ITT?

No. 81487

I've never even clicked on the Taylor thread even once, just stating my thoughts as an outsider.

No. 81489

When's lcf birthday officially?

No. 81490

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>Posting jokes seems unwise
Is this Xi Jinping‘s China?

No. 81491

You also have to wonder the type of retard who reports posts like this. Unless the farmhand is a regular in the thread herself

No. 81492

That's fine, but anons need to consider that when posting. It's basically jvlog 2.0 and they cracked down on those threads and Belle's until they got locked.

No. 81493

Yeah it's really not funny when the next post image is nitpicking drinking whole milk. It's clear its a shitpost and saged in hopes it doesn't get called out. The farmhands know how the posters are in that thread and depending on anons post history, that wouldn't help their case.

No. 81494

LC is now discord for underage girls too sensitive for 4chan.

No. 81495

I’m sorry but this site was always more moderated than 4chan

No. 81496

Personalityfagging is acceptable now? K

No. 81497

Who are you referring to?

No. 81498

Can the ricecel thread be remade on /snow/ if it stays milk filled and focused? Or are we banned from ever having it again on any board? The old ricecel threads were on /snow/ and there was never an issue like this with them.

No. 81500

The unhinged Taylorfag is back >>>/w/333348 I bet it's the same whole milk poster too. Why can't anons in that thread just be normal? Taylor has nothing going on that warrants this many posts that aren't milk. I can't find a single real milk post in all her last 3 threads. Anons complained she was painting Easter Eggs 2 weeks early because that's not allowed even though that's a basic childhood spring activity. How are they going to call other users braindead, but post this crap? I'm all for looking into making a Retired Dollie thread.

No. 81501

I agree, the thread should be properly moderated, I have no idea why it's not in /snow/. Farmhands should be making sure the thread remains on track with milk pertaining to the outrageous shit that group publicly posts instead of allowing racebait. I just don't think it's fair to have rules for some vs others, so I'm against an outright ban of the topic. The thread most likely needs to be reformatted with notable cows to discuss like Trve vikings has with Varg and his ilk in order to be used appropriately.

No. 81502

File: 1722667248962.jpeg (40.19 KB, 639x480, images - 2024-07-30T122022.087…)

Farmhands I beseech you to deal with whatever the fuck is going on in the gender ideology hate thread

No. 81503

Sounds like some genuinely retarded shit.

No. 81504

ntayrt or the anon in the thread, but it's not a crime to make an innocent joke about a milk post in any LC thread, anon, unclutch your pearls.

No. 81505

I bet it's another groomcord-coordinated raid.

No. 81506

You mean the person spamming pictures of ugly men in glasses?

No. 81507

lmao then ban the next post as nitpicking, not the joke. if jannie wants to be an overachiever in an anonymous forum, she can, but she should use at least a little bit of logic when handing out nitpicky bans.

and what happened to the rule about banning mindless reporters? this seems like a good example of abusing the report button. but instead of banning the retard that can't read, mod joined into the stupidity.

No. 81508

(nta) I agree with you. The next post is boring, but it's not even about her drinking milk (no one cares), it's about her posting in response to comments asking about her dairy-free phase. I don't think that's even nitpicking anything (I'm nta), it's just uninteresting.

In any case, there's no reason to ban the "fanservice" poster over a harmless joke about LC. If any cow had posted something about "keeping up with milk," it would have been posted in their thread.

No. 81509

True, only moids could be so unfunny with their epic owns

No. 81510

Redirecting the olympics spergery to the gender critical thread in /ot/ was the worst fucking decision, the thread is fucking ruined now with this retardation that just won't fucking stop. Should have asked them to make their own thread or something because it's barely even fucking relevant to the fucking thread as it is at the moment imo. Thanks for ruining a decent thread, if you didn't want us to have it you should just have autosaged it instead.

No. 81511

Agreed, I dont care at all if this person is a troon or not. The fact its just constant back and forth about it in there now has ruined the thread. I tried posting something to redirect but it was pretty much ignored. I'm hoping mods get sick of it and just ban the topic in general. I dont know if its the same 3-4 retards trolling eachother back and forth or what but it has made it unreadable, every time I go back into the thread its the same conversation.

No. 81512

can the olympics boxers bullshitt get its own containment thread or something? it's completely taken over the gender identitiy hate thread even though it's got nothing to do with the topic.intersex ppl arn't even trans or gendie.
the thread is ruined, you can't have normal discussion bc it's drowned out by spergs posting 1000 posts an hour arguing in circles.

No. 81513

agreed, it should have its own containment thread. I find it a pretty weird discussion, different from how this topic is usually argued about on lc. I'd rather it have its own thread than get censored as this has to do with women's health and safety (potentially on both sides of the argument)

No. 81514

I wish we could have a hellweek in which random words get randomly censored and red texted, that would be funny.

No. 81516

The taylor.ppster who keeps getting banned took their ban evading to /ot/ real opinions thread and is shitting up that thread now with their milk bullshit. You can tell it's them because how of angry they are. Why are they shitting up multiple threads? Now I see why the milk post was banned. Anon isn't a contributing farmer.

No. 81517

File: 1722696669403.jpg (99.43 KB, 950x310, Solaisawhorekek.jpg)

Double post, but you cannot talk about anything in the Taylor R thread without this poster chimping out. They are very recognizable when you say anything that isn't outright attacking or demeaning the cow. Mods need to keep banning the shitposts because her thread has no reason to be active with so many posts. If anons can't post updates unsaged, then stop posting imo. That means she is milkless.

No. 81522

File: 1722699858490.png (241.59 KB, 720x576, 1000031558.png)

I haven't posted in Taylor's thread recently and I'm not ban-evading. You are frothing about someone having a different opinion than you do, and now tinfoiling that I'm every anon you disagree with while accusing me of breaking the rules of lc. Is it your personal crusade to infight any time certain cows are mentioned? Hide the thread or don't read the posts, you are not the thread and opinion police. I've never ban-evaded on lc btw.
Want to explain your filename?

No. 81523

You took bait lol

No. 81524

>She's milkless!! Lock the thread asap !

Hide the thread and move on WK

No. 81527

make a tacocel thread and watch how fast things change

No. 81528

Nowhere in that post does it say it should be locked. Where are you getting that from "if she doesn't have milk, just don't post"? A slow thread is still an active thread.

No. 81529

Seriously. Mods, fucking stop ignoring this and do something about it. The thread was almost back to it's normal state but those spergs can't fucking help themselves

No. 81530

It makes me not want to engage in the thread at all. The trannysperg or two are just ruining it.

No. 81531

agreed. it's not a even a transgender issue so it doesn't have to be in the gc thread and people just keep arguing the same points over and over and over "reeeeee its a moid" "troon aren't that bad you radfems are hysterics" "reeeee its a woman". let them have their own thread ffs.

No. 81532

How is trashing radfems and accusing them of being 'right wing' in a tranny-hate thread even allowed? What's next? Allowing moids to post their dick pics?
These tourists need to be thread-banned and told to use their own containment zone for radfem hate. So fucking transparent (no pun intended).

No. 81533

Some of them feel like false-flaggers tbh. Why even go into a gender ideology hate thread if you're going to cry about radfems?

No. 81534

Are you really going to sit here and say there isn't a problem with the radfem community being infested with right wing tradtards?

No. 81535

Now the Gender Ideology Hate thread is being derailed by some retarded racebait.
Go cry about it in another thread.

No. 81536

Stop polluting threads other than your containment zone, tranny-lover. I hope those radfems you keep seething about non-stop haunt you in your sleep.

No. 81539

I didn't know that being a radfem meant being a transvestigator. I learn new things every day.

The new radfem slogan should be "I love transvestigating biological women"(integrate)

No. 81540

Can you PLEASE make a containment thread for the endless boxing argument it's ruining the gc thread

No. 81541

It really feels like a coordinated raid from a bunch of retarded trannies from some groomcord. I think they're trying to get the thread locked, and honestly, as much as I dislike the idea of giving them what they want, the Gender Ideology thread should probably be locked, just for a day or two until people move on. Anons just can't resist taking the bait.

No. 81542

KEKKKKKK oh my God it's so funny when you do this!!! You bait in these threads, then you wait for people to respond to you, then you come to /meta/ to snitch like a widdwe baby. Oh boo hoo. Another attempt by you to get rid of a thread you don't like. Pathetic & sad.

No. 81543

Same act that the shitspergs were doing after the last Hellweek.

No. 81544

Go back to wherever you came from, redditor.(infighting)

No. 81545

I don't think that will work. I honestly think the thread should be locked for 48 hours or something.

No. 81546

>Everyone who disagrees with my transvestigation of women is a tranny/handmaiden/pickme/moid/raider

You are giving scientology a run for their money.

No. 81547

And you fail to integrate. You sound underage too.

No. 81548

>I am so integrated I spend my time arguing with anons in /meta/
Something tells me you shouldn't be the one talking about integrating

No. 81549

To be clear, if raiding is going on, it's not in favor of one side or another. I think it's just posting bait to cause chaos. This is not an "everybody who disagrees with me is a moid," situation, it's a "wow, even the anons on my 'side' are acting unusually unhinged," situation. The only topic I've ever seen anons get this heated about before was fujos vs. anti-fujos, which baiting tourists also had a hand in. I really, really don't want the thread to be permanently autosaged or for the thread to be moved to 2X. I don't support a permanent lock. I just think there should be a TEMPORARY 24-48 hour lock while this drama blows over. It's totally derailing the thread.

No. 81550

It's definitely like this, it's clear some anons have a stake in continuing the argument bc they see it as slam dunk against radfems and a way to get the gc thread locked. somd ppl are making blatantly pro-troon posts like listed in >>81532
some people want to have their own non olympic discussions in the gc thread tho, they juyst get drowned out by the spergs. at this point mods need to act to stop the retardation, it's either a containment thread or a topic bans. locking the thread wont do shit when ppl have been trying to drag the infight across multiple threads.

No. 81551

Honestly, maybe a containment thread is the way to go. I'll definitely be hiding that shit, though. I've had enough of this boxer drama tbh.

No. 81552

Seconded. Locking the thread seems easy but it would only shit up the rest of /ot/. Banning the topic or general infighting that immediately stems from it would take effort but it’s worth it in the end.

No. 81553

>A topic heavily divides the GC community.
>We cannot discuss it in the GC thread however.
>Because my side is losing.
Just say this it's more truthful.

No. 81554

As someone who doesnt give a single fuck either way, I'm over reading the same argument every single time I click into that thread. It is continuous. It has ruined the thread as a whole because noone is interacting with the new non-Olympics-troon posting. Neither side will come to meet in the middle, neither side will concede. Its just the same sperging over and over and over.

No. 81555

Yeah it's a real autist showdown in there right now.

No. 81556

a templock is just ginna give the pro-troons what they want and penalise the reasonable peoole trying to have a reasonable gc discussion outside of this infight. the whole issue is about intersex ppl, it isn't even about trannyism or gender ideology, it should never have been moved into the gc thread in the first place.
i agree with you that people on both sides are acting like retards but there's clearly some bad faith actors in there. bans don't do much either. a containment thread coukd at least make ot so that no one but the angry spergs has to look at 30,000 posts of circular arguments about some boxer who isn't even trans.

No. 81557

There was good discussion for the first few days but now it's endless intentional shitposting.

No. 81558

Please reopen this thread, this thread is about personal experiences and it doesn't fit the general gender critical thread. Plus that thread is infight central

No. 81561

There's already threads like this on /g/ and /2X/

No. 81562

As >>81561 has said, there's already threads like this. Feel free to make a thread like this on /2X/ if you feel there are none that fit the category you're saying. We don't want /ot/ and /g/ filled with GC threads as that is not the intended purpose of those boards.

No. 81563

ok and how about finally making a containment thread for the boxing retards so that the gc thread can be used for its actual purpose?
we get it you gate gc discussion but maybe if you actually moderated 2x and the gc thread they'd be usable enough that gc users wouldn't spill over to other threads.

No. 81564

Cool, finally a response. Now do something about the fucking boxing retards that is shitting up the gc threads!

No. 81565

I think it'd be really funny if you redtexted boxer or boxing. I think it'd be hilarious.

No. 81566

The fact that this conversation even needs to be had, let alone go on for close to a week, is another devastating reminder that old admin allowing lolcow to take this radical political turn was the most detrimental decision in the site's history and it will probably never recover from this point even if we had a based admin who finally hellbanned it.

No. 81567

Unfortunately, there has been a significant increase in polsperging recently, although it has been building up over some time. We are currently discussing possible measures to address this issue, so please stay tuned for updates.

No. 81568

seconding everyone who brought up making a containment thread for the boxer shit.

No. 81569

I don't wanna call you a liar farmhand but the last time staff talked about updates was after Hellweek re: site features like improved search, and they never happened or got brought up again and that was a few months ago. So are you guys really gonna address?

No. 81570

ok now can you make a boxing containment thread orban the topic already

No. 81571

Thirding this the thread is filling up with very obvious troonspeak. Besides it's derailing at this point when the argument is the same over and over

No. 81572

When you said stay tuned did you mean stay tuned for a few hours or a few days what?

No. 81573

c'mon jannies get a grip already. the gc thread is completely besieged by retards, it's jsut one giant infight and anyone who tries to get a different convo going gets drowned out.
you got enough energy to respond in this thread, is it so hard to do the same for /ot/ make a containment thread or ban the retarded sports debate?
some of us want to talk about actual gc stuff not that endless derail.

No. 81576

Soyjak retards making gender ot thread like the bp one

No. 81577

I've noticed this. I think the country threads and the threads made after political events should get banned

No. 81578

Is there a chance that you could move it to /2X/? Instead of remaking it it would be easier to move it and open it there

No. 81579

Good idea! Will do that, thank you for the suggestion.

No. 81580

To be fair that thread is just "hey nonnies what made you peak??" and blogging about their aidentranny past over and over again and posting schizo level conspiracy tinfoiling and 2016 level tranny cringe, nothing of value was lost.

No. 81581

I find it funny when you ignore all the retards in this thread and only respond to the normal anons. Patience of saint kek.

No. 81582

dislike the thread all you want, but it acted as containment and now that it's been overrun you'll have to see its original contents spill out everywhere else— even more than you already did. notice how the aiden thread got made during all this boxersperging crap.

No. 81583

Nah I like the chunnibyo energy
Thank you for being so attentive farmhands, it's greatly appreciated

No. 81584

Are the mods going to move ricecels to /snow/ where it belongs…?

No. 81585

Didn't they lock it? We should be allowed to have it in /snow/ if the /ot/ mods don't want it there. But it should be focused solely on asianmasculinity/aznidentity communities so that general racebait talk of Asian men doesn't happen. Screencaps/pics/discussion of those communities only

No. 81586

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I'm 99% sure the Gender Ideology Hate thread going downhill is actually mods shitposting with each other. Otherwise they would have deleted this race bait crap right away. Really makes you think why they won't.

No. 81587

I believe it. Probably the same reason why they allow sperging in the BP thread and allowed a bunch of baiting and infighting in the american thread a few days ago.

No. 81589

Considering they keep ignoring the overwhelming criticism of the state of the thread and leaving it unmodded pretty much confirms it. ZERO response on this despite multiple posts complaining about it.

No. 81591

Containment threads haven't worked for years. Whole containment boards don't work. Look at the start of this thread, the manhate anons are still getting triggered they can't control the board. The troon-obsessed anons turn up in every thread and derail with their obsession.
This shit should have stayed banned but it's too late now.

No. 81592

Why are we hearing from you and not Communication Admin?

No. 81593

It's called having people who work under you.

No. 81594

I don't understand why they seriously mod other threads like unpopular opinions, have locked threads when serious infighting/trolling happens, and even auto saging so only those who want to keep a bookmark on the thread can continually post. But when it comes to gender discussion or anything feminist related suddenly there's tumbleweeds

No. 81595

yeah they're deliberately letting the thread go to shit at this point. people keep messaging them about it and they dgaf.
im convinced they're just gonna use it as a pretext to lock or autosage the gc thread.
they clearly don't like gc posters or any kind of feminist discussion. 2x is barely moderated and generally unusable as well.
the mods have some ideas about what kind of user they wnat on this board, dumbass shitposters got culled and now it's the terf posters. clearly having baiters and roghtoid spergs all over /ot/ is less of an issue for them.

No. 81596

It’s called abandoning the site and most likely ghosting your tranny janny ‘cord. Business as usual basically.

No. 81597

File: 1722790231235.png (7.82 KB, 735x109, schizoposting.png)

At this point the venn diagram of the """terf""" posters and right wing poltards is a circle.

No. 81598


and here's the playbook

No. 81599

I understand that farmhands dont give a shit about 2X, but lock blackpill thread already. It is infested with scrotes (like literally 100% of posters are moids, just look at shit they post) and every thread is full of infighting and esl retardation. The fact that blackpill posters on saidit/pinkpill.co also turned out to be scrotes tells everything you need to know. They had the same retarded convos, word by word.

No. 81600

>The fact that blackpill posters on saidit/pinkpill.co also turned out to be scrotes tells everything you need to know.
Please share caps, I know blackpillers are men for sure but I want to see this with my own eyes to restore my faith.

No. 81602

More like trannies trying to derail the thread and then coming to /meta/ to slowly get it closed.

No. 81603

File: 1722792746268.png (143.11 KB, 1087x545, lighthearted fun no longer all…)

Why is it that a thread just poking light hearted fun at some of our deeply retarded posts gets locked, but the same infights happen in Unpopular Opinions daily and you seem to not care? Come on mod. Pull the plug out of your ass.

No. 81604

thats the funny caps thread too, we need a disappointing caps thread! pull the log out of your ass cerb

No. 81605

The thread's topic is literally infighting and creating a draft between users. You're supposed to shit on cows, not other nonnas.

No. 81606

/Snow/ is for shitting on cows…but pardon me for wanting to have a laugh over anons thirsting over Sam Hyde, I guess? And no infights happened at all over the course of that threads life but I digress.

No. 81607

ntayrt but that’s the theme of unpopular opinions too

No. 81608

You can do that within the original thread.

No. 81609

not trying to call you dumb but if you wanna shit on cows go to /snow/, /pt/ or /w/ because idk if you’re new to /ot/ but shitting on other anons is not only allowed but usually encouraged by our fatherly jannies KEK

No. 81610

damn so you expect her to go to the unconventional male attractions thread just to post screenshots of anons being as stupid as they can? that doesn’t sound very fitting nonna kekkle

No. 81611

It's getting tiring see all the useless crap anons post in the Taylor r w thread. Can we force anons to only post milk, not complain about children being with other children? There's nothing new in any of the threads for some reason but there are so many

No. 81612

This is not what I said, that energy should used on cows and not other users. Like in the antifujo thread, it will just turn into dragging your infights over multiple threads and petty posting screencaps while hoping that others will take your side.

No. 81613

do you know the difference between a cow and a funny screenshot…? cows are people who you regularly keep up with for the purpose of farming their milk, and sharing it with other nonnas. Lolcow User Cringe was just posting random anons (who we have no realistic way of keeping up with, because they’re all anonymous) who say vulgar, disgusting, or just flat out shameful posts. I recommend reading through it because yeah it’s gross as hell, but it is also funny as fuck KEKK.

No. 81614

Lesbihonest nonnas, the mods didn’t like it because one of their comments probably got posted there kekk

No. 81616

File: 1722795327253.jpg (89.76 KB, 1080x536, IMG_20240804_201108.jpg)

Just checked out of curiosity and it's a few days old but the Olympic thread has been linked in 4chan's tranny board.

No. 81617

now i know whenever i see someone use the word ‘seethe’ it’s probably a man

No. 81618

If the second mtf thread is locked, can the "soyjak" pic thread pic at least be spoilered?

No. 81619

File: 1722798956985.png (158.66 KB, 1077x512, briton.png)

Reminder that all the scrote infighting and baiting you see comes from the same retards spending their days and nights on 4chan replying or internalizing porn memes as if they're serious

No. 81620

come on jannies what more proof do you need? do something about the pro troon posters and retarded olympic infight aleady.

No. 81621

You don't even need to be a feminist to point out that men are seething over women being strong. It's not even a tranny situation. Men are outright the dumbest fucking side of our species

No. 81622

I don't get how farmhands have time to do this yet do nothing about the olympic and blackpill thread. The cringe caps thread didn't even have infighting unlike some other threads

No. 81623

Hey, I have a new suggestion. Stop having the same moderator for other boards like for example stop having /ot/ farmhand from overseeing /m/ or /snow/ and keep them separate because I know what you people are doing and you aren’t slick kek

No. 81624

Nobody in that thread has been pro-troon, quite the opposite. They're defending a biological woman from baseless troon accusations.

No. 81625

File: 1722802626098.jpeg (490.04 KB, 750x962, IMG_2048.jpeg)

>baseless troon allegations
Yup, this is totally a fellow woman!(bringing infights across threads)

No. 81626

They ban evade super fast. My god, give them time.

No. 81627

Then wouldn't it make sense to lock those instead? I just want them to be consistent.

No. 81628

Thank you mods for being a bit more active in the new GC thread

No. 81629

So no one is allowed to talk about the Olympics then? Jfc.

No. 81630

This is what I'm not getting
threads that barely cause any problems:
>let's lock/autosage these because it MAY cause problems down the line

threads that actually are a problem and full of infighting for months (or years in unpopular opinions case):
>sits on their ass and does nothing
like what's the reasoning?

No. 81631

Holy shit you were right >>81616

No. 81632

>>>/ot/2116792 what is the point of these animal hate threads? they feel so moidy.

No. 81633

in sope cases the threads arenn't an issue just one particular topic. the gc thread normally has actual discussions it's the boxing bullshit that attracts baiters
otoh a thread like unpopular opinions attracts infights 24/7/365 no matter the topic

No. 81635

I don't go to these threads, but considering how often killing the animal is brought up, it's attracting certain users and while I think there are women who do thinks its funsies to mutilate and harm animals just because it's an animal they don't like, I don't see how these discussions are worthwhile? Honestly wondering what the point of the discussion is because can't you also just admit in the confessions thread that you hate a dog/cat too? A whole thread dedicated to these are just stupid.

No. 81636

they are still going. Please just delete their posts going forward unless it's a new poster/IP. This is ridiculous. I want to talk about how Imane is already set to win bronze after her second fight win, but I don't want these idiots to come in and complain she's a man still. >>>/ot/2121483

No. 81637

it's really fucking gross and scary to see people talking about wanting to kill/hurt animals yeah

No. 81638

The cows are among us

No. 81639

How about ban or temp ban politics outside of 2x for a week because /ot/ is on fire and most of the complaints itt for the past few months, especially the past week, have been about the political discussion on it

No. 81640

Exactly, I don't understand why the thread has to exist. There's nothing really else to it besides "I hate dogs/cats xyz." Dogs I can understand a little more due to their size and attacks on people/children/other animals, but cats is downright crazy, yet both are filled with someone users fantasizing over them dying. I see it gets redtext, but what is the point of the thread outside of using the normal "Things I Hate" thread? What's next, bird hate thread? Rodent hate thread? Honestly they would be valid in these contexts, but it comes down to why even have them to begin with.

No. 81641

i could see a pitbull hate thread since 99% of the dog hate thread is just people complaining about pits and they are a genuine problem, but it makes me feel extremely creeped out to see anons talking about wanting to kill and hurt normal dogs and cats.

No. 81642

if you want to curb politisperfung you might wanna start by moderating the the britbong thread bc it's /pol/ tier.

No. 81643

File: 1722821062323.jpeg (492.22 KB, 1242x918, IMG_5652.jpeg)

Was Britbong thread always this bad?? I remember when Elizabeth died, I was posting about it and went into the Britbong thread and I didn't see as much poltard shit as I do now. Now whenever I open the thread they aren't even talking about the UK they are just reeing about Muslims and Indians. It's like it's not even a thread for the UK it's just a thread for British Racists.

No. 81644

nah it wasn't always this bad. now you got peoole unironically posting shit from tommy robinsona nd misniformation from randos on fb and twitter. it's like reading your boomer uncle's facebook page

No. 81645

So you guys cape for asians angry with the ricecel thread but couldn't care less about the blatant racist sperging on the bong thread? Oh right cause they're talking about indians and blacks I guess…

No. 81646

Am I crazy or is the "you guys" phrasing very specific and identifiable to anyone else

No. 81647

nta but that's an extremely common saying, no different from "y'all"

No. 81648

breeding propagandist in burgerfag thread

No. 81649

Take your meds

No. 81650

they're saying homosexuality is a mental illness now. for the love of god we need a hellweek

No. 81651

And before someone starts bringing up "muh fags" the context was about lesbians specifically

No. 81652

> breeding
leave scrote

No. 81653

homosexuality is a mental illness though. think about every lesbian you’ve ever seen in person.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 81654

her words, not mine.

No. 81655

uh, the word breeding wasnt used by that anon once. it was only used by the angry cat lesbians(dragging infighting across multiple boards)

No. 81656


No. 81657

Retards starting the gender olympics infight again in the gc thread. just ban the fucking topic already oh my god

No. 81658

the dog hate thread makes sense because there are so many pit defenders in the wild who are as rabid as the worst tras, only they directly let their pups kill their children instead of mutilating their genitals for munchie reasons

No. 81659

After one dog hate regular (who also spammed dog gore) was outed as some psycho 40+ year old moid from reddit I've viewed those animal hate threads just as scrote centrals. Being violent against animals, especially dogs and cats which have been domesticated to be companions to humans, is 100% malecoded behavior whether we like it or not.

Mods could honestly do three things to alleviate this problem.
1. Shut down 2X entirely. The only active threads are the Blackpill threads (very obvious scrotes) and the Islam hate thread which is basically just an even more radicalized version of the UK thread people bring up here >>81643 . The actually insightful threads discussing female-specific issues receive replies maybe once or twice a month.
2. Containment threads work for petty problems like fujosperging because in the end it was just maybe 2 or 3 obsessed posters who constantly brought them up everywhere. They don't work for race- or trannysperging because they bring in loads of newfags from other sites who refuse to integrate and only come for the politics, and most of them use VPNs so you can't even ban them. This is exactly why 2X was locked to begin with.
3. Lock threads when days-long infights happen. There's no sense in moderating a thread that goes nowhere and abscesses. It's a waste of resources. Just lock it up.

No. 81660

File: 1722851962887.png (5.73 KB, 368x103, badart.png)

Wrong. The pink pill thread and GC ones are somewhat active too. Not everyone you disagree with is a man. How you saw this poster as a 2X lurker over the more obvious explanation of a trad woman or moid saying lesbian bad is odd. Since when have GC/BPs thought gay people are all going to hell?

No. 81661

>After one dog hate regular (who also spammed dog gore) was outed as some psycho 40+ year old moid from reddit
What's the story behind this?

No. 81662

>Shut down 2X entirely
Spotted the resident TRA.

No. 81663

I don't believe in shutting down 2X, just stricted moderation (the fights that last for days like you mentioned; i also hate them)

No. 81664

But blackpillers ARE moids, wasn't that already stated for numerous times? This screencap is from the Blackpill thread by the way. >>81597 The amount of misogynist garbage they spew is absolutely written by scrote hands, they just call it "blackpill feminism" to get around it.

No. 81665

Can I be honest? The thread seemed redundant. We have a cringe thread, and we have a funny caps thread. The stuff being posted in there could go to either of those threads

No. 81666

>closing the entire board instead of moderating it or giving the threads a timeout
You fuckers don't even try to hide yourselves anymore.

No. 81667

9/10 chance, he's the one who made that soyjak thread pic

No. 81668

Why do you think 2X was originally closed down and stayed that way for years? It was precisely because it was attracting the worst kind of posters and right when it was opened up again we saw a new uptick in polsperging. It's not like they stay in their containment board, they spread their cancer over other boards as well. We have the MTF and Fakeboi threads for actual tranny milk and the constant autistic blogging about troons can go to ovarit for all I care.

No. 81669

Compromise: move blackpill to manure or /sty/

No. 81670

Why? Leave it where it is.

No. 81671

Kek, seconding the cap request. it's sad because didnt 2x threads only get quarantined in the first place to avoid scrote brigading? and now schizo scrote brigading is literally all there is anyways

No. 81673

File: 1722875338375.png (1.1 MB, 1920x1080, photo-collage.png.png)

the ban evading poltard posting random far right tweets in the britbong thread is at it again. you can tell it's the same person bc they don't even change file names

No. 81674

The Amerifag thread has gone completely off the rails with pregnancy sperging retards derailing and ban evading. Please make it stop, mods

No. 81675

Honestly I'm kinda glad you guys autosaged the dumbass shit thread, judging by how painfully unfunny and desperate for replies anons are in the unpopular opinions thread. Nu lolcow has truly attracted the most bottom-barrel retarded people ever

No. 81676

This is so pathetic, why dont mods just close that thread? I'm a bong but its unusable unless you want to screech about migrants 24/7

No. 81677

Spreading them out just made the whole board worse (though unpopular opinions was never good tbf). This is the worst state /ot/ has ever been in, I unironically want burritomin back.

No. 81678

nta but here's what I remembered, saidit is an edgy 'free speech' version of reddit (which is filled with far-right tards) about 4 years ago, reddit deleted many of its controversial political subreddits (mostly aligned with the right, but in that purge r/gendercritical was also banned). saidit gendercritical was used as an alternative, but traffic was very slow and very quickly males started posting, so it was just abandoned, before it even began, pinkpill.co was created as a counterpoint against the red pill movement, and there was a strong culture of ironic misandry and wanting men to submit. It very quickly became overwhelmed with men with femdom fetishes who would post fetish content and the site was ruined as well

No. 81680

It's been autosaged for months, yet it still lives rent free on your head.

No. 81681

>Noooo you can only laugh at hons with me, if you're actually criticising my brain damage you need to go somewhere else because it makes me uncomfortable!!
Average /lgbt/ poster detected

No. 81682

nta but huh? what are you even talking about

No. 81683

Jewish moid in the black girls thread trying to derail about Palestine again

No. 81684

Please close the BP thread. BJ-chan’s going full rape-apologist.

No. 81685

you're a dumbass

No. 81686

Direct quote: Also women are raped by men so much because of their sex anatomy and rape is a forced intiation into the submission and femininity they already embody

No. 81687

how does it not go against your radfeminism to deny that women get raped more than men do? she's not saying it's a good thing? what are you on

No. 81688

If you’ve taken the time to decipher her schizo ramblings you know exactly what she’s implying by that

No. 81689

she isn't saying that it's a good thing. stop making up shit. this is literally just how reality has played out.

No. 81690

She never said it was a good thing, but she still suggested women deserve punishment through rape.

No. 81691

so you think she didn't say it was a good thing, but you also think that she believes it's a good thing… because you think she believes women deserve to be punished. you are again, making shit up.

No. 81692

Why do you keep whiteknighting her…?

No. 81693

why do you keep lying so that you can keep disliking her?

No. 81694

Multiple anons have expressed their grievances. You can agree with her theory on sexual dynamics, but she went too far as of late.

No. 81697

File: 1722898624071.png (34.14 KB, 1004x251, bjchan.png)

No. 81698

We need a post history reveal for bj-chan.

No. 81701

>she went too far as of late.
It's because this isn't the original BJchan, it's like 2 retards that want to LARP at her. I've analyzed BJchans more well-known posts, and I'm like 70% sure that recent posts attributed to her aren't actually her, just cheap knock-off.

No. 81702

are you the same person that analyzed the gc ot post and tried to say it was her? this is mega autism.

No. 81704

wish there was a way for /2X/ posts to be hidden from the frontpage, I don't want the first thing I see logging into this site to be "Teenage girls suck dick". Sad how /2X/ is dead when it comes to actual feminist discussion, it's just a bunch of schizophrenic self-hating women now.

No. 81705

CP on /m/ again again

No. 81706

Hello mods fuck off

No. 81708

we need fucking poster ids. please atleast just for single sessions or something.

No. 81710

Anons only want this to know who is posting. It wouldn't help the staff at all because they already see this info.

No. 81711

>logging into this site

No. 81712

Worded it wrong, by logging on I just mean going on the site.

No. 81713

Nta but it would help with the samefag problem, people accusing others of being some anons, etc.

No. 81715

i am once again asking why we have threads dedicated to talking about fantasies of harming animals

No. 81716

no we need it to create accountability on both sides, anons and mods.

No. 81717

can you people please do something about the olympic boxing derails already so we can actually have discussions in the gc thread without getting drowned out by repetitive chromosome sperging

No. 81718

File: 1722936362288.jpg (58.05 KB, 1272x174, 1.jpg)

Please delete all instances of women-hate from the Gender Id Hate thread >>>/ot/2123827

No. 81720

>these gendercrit hysterics
man that thread is really getting taken over by TRAs huh. mods please ban the fucking boxing shit already

No. 81721

Where tf do these people come from anyway? Even 4chan trannies on /ot/ are more subtle.

No. 81723

Seconding. Delete/ban all posts calling the obvious man "she" and delete their woman-hating posts. Also possibly just ban all mentions of the male boxers and make a containment thread, or use the olympics thread for further discussions until the trolls fuck off. We already know 4c has linked it to send troon trolls over and it's ruining the thread to see them sperg out.

No. 81724

Since when is cross posting against the rules? Who the fuck cares

No. 81725

>Also possibly make a containment thread
I made one because I got so sick of the infight going on its 6th day it's just too annoying to read. I hope it's not locked because I'd much prefer if the boxer war was quarantined to that thread rather than the GC lite thread.

No. 81726

The only redtext I saw for cross-posting recently was for the bait posted in the Olympics thread about the runners. So.

No. 81727

yeah we really need a containment thread for the boxer shit. there's a few ppl that just won't drop the topic and keep flooding the thread with it even though it has barely anything to do with gender ideology. and it's obvious some of them just want to shit up the gc thread

No. 81728

Pretty sure at most there's 4 normal anons and maybe 2 or 3 trolls from 4chan that just won't drop the topic and keep falling for each other's bait and infighting literally all day long. So if they're gonna be that obsessed maybe they can battle it out in their own special thread for it, instead of fucking up the gc thread. Something tells me if all mentions of Imane get banned outside of the Imane Khelif General thread, suddenly nobody would care about Imane anymore because nobody actually gives a fuck besides the retarded trolls baiting and the anons stupid enough to fall for it.

No. 81729

Since a lot of twitterisms have been creeping in - 'ywnbaw' being used unironically here? Sad - can we start using hashtags as well? Maybe introduce an up / downvote system.

No. 81730

The hashtags and upvote/downvote idea are really cool. I think we should start adding account too, that way we all know who each other are and we don't have to be anonymous! It would make everyone a lot friendlier too. Also we should add a video creation and streaming section to compete with TikTok and Instagram Reels.

No. 81731

Imane is a woman. Go outside(bait)

No. 81732

>'ywnbaw' being used unironically here? Sad
Kek. You sound new.

No. 81733

How is it off topic? both sides are talking about gender ideology. That thread is so slow and has the same 2 posts over and over again, when something interesting and culturally relevant actually happens you want it to be shut down? Why are so many people against threads moving faster than 5 posts a year?

No. 81735

Actually with almost being here 10 years, the "ynbaw" posts are more recent and frequent. I don't know if the visitors coming here to shitpost don't realize this, but that phrase is not thrown around as heavily as it has been the past 2 weeks. It's bait and what mods call troonfoiling.

No. 81736

File: 1722955639433.png (27.06 KB, 300x100, 1676925802744.png)

lmao where did you come from? ywnbaw has been used unironically here for years, it's on some site banners even
it's th same argument being rehearsed over and over "it's man" nuh huh that's a woman" for days on end, it attracts TRAs and tourists, and it drowns out all other discussion. it's not even about gender ideology bc it's about legitimate intersex disorders, not troonshit.

No. 81737

Go to kiwifarms if you want that shit

No. 81738

I'm guessing you're the same trannies mad about the Rowling banner too kek

No. 81739

It’s these gendercrits who think Imane is a woman soooo(dragging infights to /meta/)

No. 81740

File: 1722957915356.jpeg (136.24 KB, 695x657, IMG_6073.jpeg)

It’s about gender ideology because there are discussions around “feminists” who have dumb gender stereotypes they are buying into, and people are calling Imane a man even though all signs point to Imane having been perceived and treated as female their whole life with female genitalia. Meanwhile the defending side has both honest feminists and retarded tranny lovers. Both sides have some valid worries about how gender ideology creates and affects situations like these.(dragging infights to /meta/)

No. 81742

idc how valid they are, bothh sides have been having repetitive circular arguments for days and shitting up every thread they're in. it's high time there was a containment thread.

No. 81744

I don't know why summerfags have such poor reading comprehension they think gendercrit and tradshit are interchangable. Before the influx of them I thought it was understood that gendercrit meant being critical of gender stereotypes and how associating pink = girl, blue = boy, etc; was harmful. reposted for wording

No. 81745

Considering the thread was linked on scrotechan I'm pretty sure it's deliberate slander.

No. 81746

for the love of god ban the selfie posting tranny in the finn thread for his own damn sake, maybe he's the one shitting up other threads too

No. 81747

File: 1722967321474.jpg (10.02 KB, 250x203, 73c058edb2db9c6c0ed697e410d538…)

We really, really need another hell week

No. 81749

This is bait to make people who actually complain about twitter lingo look like newfags. 2/10 for lazy effort

No. 81750

No we need vpn and proxy bans

No. 81751

I've been saying this since the last Hellweek. Why are we fucking over 90% of users that don't use VPNs for the 10% of users that do? It's very obvious that these bans need to be implemented, otherwise farmhands have no ability to effectively moderate the site. If VPNs were banned and range bans were implemented, the workload for staff would be cut by maybe 50 or 60 percent.

No. 81752

schizo meltdown in the vent thread

No. 81759

ywnbaw is not from twitter. retard.

No. 81761

File: 1722982274039.png (350.66 KB, 800x650, ban_VPN-troon.png)

>inorganic shitposting and infighting on /ot/
>suspicious complaints about GC and terfs ruining the site on /meta/
>we must ban VPNs to solve this issue
It keeps happening

No. 81762

My thoughts exactly

No. 81766

These blanket bans are only being suggested in the first place because farmhands are being way too lenient (or lazy) when it comes to infight bait. For most of this year, people have been getting away with all kinds of racebait, homophobia, and politisperging. These retards need to stop being given one or two hour bans, and the threads where they often post (country threads, gender ideology, BP, black girl thread, etc.) need to be monitored closedly. It's obvious that these repeat-offenders are either moids looking to cause conflict, or women so mentally ill that they're as detrimental to the site as a moid would be.

I'm still holding out hope that the TRAs and tradthots shitting everything up are just summerfags who will dissipate when September rolls around. But I sort of doubt it.

No. 81767

File: 1722988081786.png (421.19 KB, 800x650, vpn.png)

This is like the 6th thread that this image has been posted in, and we never really get a clear idea why you're so against the VPN ban suggestion. 90% of posts on here made last Hellweek (which was 2 weeks) were made without VPNs, the other 10% were. It's kind of obvious that all those shitposting and infighting anons are the same anons that regularly ban evade - they've even admitted to it and bragged about it in the past. It's always the same line too, "if we ban VPNs I won't be able to talk about troons," which obviously isn't the case if the other 90% of anons can do it just fine. It's not "inorganic shitposting and infighting" if it's been going on for the last 5 months with a very clear pattern. It's not 2014 anymore, the moderation tools that were useful then aren't as useful now. If VPN bans or range bans are something that can't be done because of technical limitations, it would be great to at least get some confirmation on that from cerbmin.

No. 81768

yeah there's def some troon-adjacent posters camping in here atm. you see a lot of posts dunking on terfs in particular
yeah the homophobia and migrant sperging have been especially bad. they really need to hire new jannies to cover yuro hours on /ot/ and tighten up moderation overall

No. 81769

It's a pattern that seems to repeat every few months. There's infighting on /ot/, shit gets flung on /meta/ over who is responsible and then there's calls to ban VPNs.

If VPNs were causing major moderation issues, they would be banned, some VPN providers and ranges already are blocked. It used to be possible to post on LC using tor. It was contributing to the CP spam problem, so it was blocked. Admin can see what IPs are posting here and if they are VPN IPs or not. The majority of ban evaders use mobile data or have a dynamic IP.

No. 81770

The homophobia is the worst because it's towards other women, not even fags, same with any racism towards women. there should be a rule like the racebait rule for gay women honestly, considering how many lesbians use this site. It gets annoying seeing it myself and it only leads to infights

No. 81771

AYRT, I agree with you, I just wish the farmhands or cerbmin were just more up-front about the challenges that this website faces. Like, it wouldn't be so hard to say "oh, most of the problems come from mobile data," or "oh, most VPN users are doing this" ect ect. I guess I'm just frustrated by the recent lack of communication, especially considering we were promised some changes and overhauls last post-Hellweek thread. I just get defensive because I feel very deeply that it IS the same problem anons again and again, but you're right, we don't know if it's mobile data abuse or VPN abuse. For context, I use a VPN too but if they were causing problems on a wide-scale I'd still want them to figure out how to mediate it. You're right though about the pattern, I wish I paid more attention to it in the last few months because I wouldn't mind seeing how the bait has changed and which threads become targeted. The GC thread on /ot/ is just the latest to become the designated "bait and infight" thread, until the Imane General was made. It's just frustrating seeing so much shitposts and infights all the time!

No. 81772

This is the second time you posted this and it still doesn't make sense.

No. 81773

The funny thing is your first quote is probably said tranny camping here and getting cold feet at the prospective of him not being able to ban evade anymore without shelling out a considerable amount of his neetbux.

No. 81774

I know right? Nobody was even taking about trannies but they bring them up anyway. Not everything is about trannies. It screams troon narcissism to accuse everyone else of being a tranny and bringing them up all the time when we're talking about issues that don't really have much to do with them.

No. 81775

Iirc, most of the Opera VPN IPs are already banned because it was the preferred ban-evasion method of a few spergs. Plus even if they did get rid of all VPN use, there would still be shit like mobile data and other workarounds. It's wack-a-mole that hurts the site's rule-following users more than it reduces rulebreaking.

No. 81781

>hurts the site's rule-following users more than it reduces rulebreaking
No it doesn't. It definitely hurts the rule breakers more.

No. 81782

you're so transparently a rightoid baiter larping as a radfem
i agree

No. 81784

Not everything is partisan American clown show related. I started using a paid VPN service in 2017 for LC when the police in my country started arresting women for making GC posts on social media. In that time Cerbmin is the third admin that has refused to blanket ban VPNs. Burritomin didn't ban VPNs when Elaine was raiding the site and Shaymin never banned VPNs when the site was getting spammed with CP because they are able to see that a few farmers using a paid VPN service is not the problem.

No. 81787

File: 1723057121343.jpeg (76.82 KB, 720x761, 0D45A90E-0380-4794-B335-3AFD09…)

Can you guys get a hold of the infighting and bait already?

No. 81788

Can the Marilyn Manson thread be unlocked? There’s new milk regarding his new music, tour, and upcoming milk from colonel Kurtz. Apparently this cow did an interview with Manson and his wife.

No. 81790

Nta but you're aware admins are the ones who'd hand over information in the first place in case police would ever give a shit about this place besides cp? (which they don't lets be for real. I'm from Germany and police here made similar public stunts for years, but never arrested thousands of people because they dared to post "trannies are ugly men" on an anonymous drama website)
>In that time Cerbmin is the third admin that has refused to blanket ban VPNs. Burritomin didn't ban VPNs when Elaine was raiding the site and Shaymin never banned VPNs when the site was getting spammed with CP
Which explains the current state of the website. Bans are completely useless if evasion is as easy as a few clicks. Staff could monitor lolcow every second and it would still be useless because everyone can just jump on a free vpn with a few clicks. Several of our most spergy posters unashamedly admitted to using vpns too, not mobile data.

No. 81791

You guys have got to grow a bigger spine and stop trying to get vpns banned, jesus christ this is why everyone rather just use those male imageboards and kiwifarms at this point always trying to get people to pay for this and control everything until there’s nobody and nothing left!!!

No. 81792

>UIPs - 8005
>VPN IPs - 1377
>percent of posters using a VPN - 17.20%
Less than 20% of posters are using VPNs, yet you are claiming that they are biggest problem on the site? No previous admin has singled out all VPN users as being a moderation issue.

>everyone can just jump on a free vpn with a few clicks

Admins can ban VPN providers and IP ranges. Previous admins have done this and I suspect Cerbmin has also done this as stated here >>81775.

Free VPNs and VPN IP ranges that are used to ban evade and post spam should be banned. Blocking paid VPN services used by legitimate posters should not. There is no reason to ban all VPNs, when the solution to the problem already exists and is already implemented. The one downside of this, is that it is reactive. Admins do not know what VPNs need to be blocked, until someone has used that VPN in a malicious manner.

No. 81793

Yes? It doesn't have to be a majority to be ruining multiple boards. What else is supposed to be the biggest problem besides the very people who get banned and don't stop(because they can just evade)?
Besides, opera and tor aren't the only, or even the most popular vpns. Phone users probably use the app ones.
>Free VPNs and VPN IP ranges that are used to ban evade and post spam should be banned.
I agree with that too, at least they have to pay money to shit up the board then. There's a list somewhere on github with free vpn IPs, if I remember correctly it was even provided for imageboards. So admin's wouldn't have to pick and choose either.

No. 81794

Does anyone have any suggestions for how to reduce infighting between the "PIV sex" is antifeminist crowd and the "babymaker" crowd? Should I report all of those posts as bait or is this a serious userbase shift? I am childfree and don't really even have PIV, but it's starting to shit up a debate in every political thread. Maybe the terms "babymaker" and other certain buzzwords I notice that are used could be restricted to being used in the 2X board?

No. 81795

I'm a lesbian and I agree it's so annoying to see, I hate that retarded infighting so much, it happens like every day. I've been reporting them too no matter what belief they hold because it's such a useless debate because nobody changes their mind it always just dissolves into adhominem and talking about nigels or some shit. I just want to discuss politics/political happenings without the PIV sperging
>inb4 "an opinion is bait?"

No. 81796

I'm like 90% sure there's a scrote in the thread you guys are talking about, one of the replies about birth control had very "Wikipedia is 1 tab over" energy kek, so I don't think it's just our userbase. That being said anons nowadays do seem to have very schizo political beliefs, on one hand they're SO sensitive about possible maybe-there misogyny and yet it's obviously the same posters who say nasty shit about other women unprompted.

No. 81797

Shit redtext this is actually a troon abusing Chinese editing apps >>>/snow/2022698
Here's the proof >>>/snow/2023137

No. 81799

I can't link it for some reason but there's a baiter in the America thread sperging about birth control and PiV sex.

No. 81801

I feel like anons cannot mention even the mere existence of children or piv sex even casually without it devolving. Anon A could post "I had bad sex blahblahblah" and it's just a vent and then anon B will start sperging about how evil PIV sex is and how dare Anon A do it and Anon A is asking for rape and whatever the fuck else. It shits up everything.

No. 81802

It's obnoxious. Part of me thinks it's a troll, because doubling down on thinking anyone having anything to do with males means women want to be raped, just can't be a genuine opinion. Like I refuse to believe that kek. It's such a troll opinion. Either a troll or the resident blackpill anon has inspired some very weird people onto the board.

No. 81803

You do know t-girl is an insult right lol how do we know she isn't leaning into the insult?

No. 81804

I mean the blackpill thread gave us our own resident schizophrenic so anything is possible.

No. 81805

some trolls from 4ch probably stayed around after the olympic thread got posted on 4ch recently incentivizing coming here to bait. after the imane infighting got quarantined to a unique thread and lost its appeal, now theyre baiting in other threads being obnoxious. summerfags cant distinguish bait from reality so they still respond and infight.e

No. 81806

infight/derail in the bad art thread >>>/m/408081

No. 81808

So tired of all the troonfoiling all over the site

No. 81809

I will implode if I have to see another Florence Welch is trans post

No. 81810

Someone is posting about random girls from reddit in addys thread. It's niot about addy at all

No. 81811

I come on for the first time today and I see copious amounts of posts about women being disgusting sluts and whores, an entire infight about not caring women women are raped from five hours ago left unbanned as well. The fuck is wrong with newjans? Too busy with your thumbs up your ass?

No. 81814

ok so i am seeing what other anons have been talking about with the constant infighting and baiting. i've had at least a week or so of posts getting nasty little replies and it's starting to wear on my nerves. they're all ignoring the majority of my posts and hyperfocusing on the most stupidest things ever like typos or poorly thought our phrases and getting all hyped up about it. if i wanted to get bitched at by snarky, unhappy people, i'd sign up for xitter or fagbook. i come here to laugh at weirdos and be weird, not stressed out and angry.

No. 81817

File: 1723140540275.jpeg (253.91 KB, 648x420, IMG_2131.jpeg)

free my nonny she didn’t do anything wrong, it’s somehow bait but nobody replied to it because she was just posting in context of the thread just like everybody else. if you state anything the “wrong” way you just get redtexted

No. 81818

The entire Americafag thread is being shit up by the tradthots.

No. 81819

Can you start banning the anons that respond to obvious bait? They need to learn to ignore and report instead of dragging infights on for hours like they're doing in the Amerifag thread on /ot/, it's part of integrating.

No. 81820

To be fair, it is hard to ignore when it takes a while for some of the mods to appear.

No. 81821

It really really isn't hard to ignore bait. Don't respond to bait. It's LC 101 this is like the first thing you should learn when you get on this website. It's annoying seeing people respond to bait because they're giving the troll exactly what it wants and they're actually rewarding it by doing what it wants.

No. 81822

retarded PIV/sex/rape infight in amerifag thread again

No. 81823

It's still ongoing.

No. 81824

Alleging that women are capable of defending ourselves is now considered to be “bait”. I guess the jannies love jerking off to rape fantasies just like every other man alive(ban evasion, trying to dredge up infight)

No. 81825

Looks like things were just cleaned up, thank you mods. It looks like the PIV bait poster has been coming daily as of late around this time period?

No. 81827

Anon has it ever crossed your mind that posts like that being made has resulted in several anons being infected with that poison?

No. 81828

Idk, they have suspiciously consistent typing styles.

No. 81829

Yes, I believe there is more than one poster and unfortunately it does appear to convince some anons. But there's definitely someone who consistently comes because it's a similar time and their typing style is quite clockable.

No. 81830

i agree that it shouldn't be brought to unrelated threads but that doesn't mean you should ban any dissenting opinion from the entire site. anons should be allowed to talk about it somewhere. childrearing talk should also be kept to its containment thread. if it's obviously inflammatory then sure it's infighting bait, but anons should still be able to express their opinions.

No. 81831

>if it's obviously inflammatory then sure it's infighting bait
well yeah that's why it was banned

No. 81833

if there's a back and forth between anons about whether pregnancy is good or bad and it shits up the thread, they should both be banned, not just one opinion.

No. 81834

>childrearing talk should also be kept to its containment thread
Even the mere mention of children can summon the "PiV sex is inviting rape and childrearing bad" anons. I haven't seen any conversation specifically mentioning childrearing that leads to that anon appearing. It's the mere mention of someone being pregnant (in the vent thread of all places).

>anons should still be able to express their opinions

Yes, but the problem is when having children is equated with allowing yourself to get raped because that means you had PiV sex with a moid.

I say all of this as a staunch childfree anon.

>if there's a back and forth between anons about whether pregnancy is good or bad and it shits up the thread, they should both be banned, not just one opinion.
Yeah, but that's not happening from what I'm seeing. It's the "babymaker" anon screeching at any anon who might make a slight reference to the fact she happens to have a kid or is pregnant in threads where it isn't derailing to mention that.

No. 81835

/ot/ has been overrun with political shit, can you guys hurry up and upgrade the site or restructure the boards so that lolcow is actually worth fucking using again

No. 81836

for that example i was thinking about the 2 trads that derailed the amerifag thread by constantly bringing up pregnancy and arguing with others about it. your example about anons equating PiV to rape sounds like infighting bait, not just expressing an opinion. if an anon chooses to engage with that, they should also be banned, because it takes the two of them to shit up the thread and ruin it for everyone else.

No. 81840

I notice they always pretend to be in good faith until you actually engage then they start throwing ad hominems and bullshit at who ever is responding, that's when one should disengage and report. It's obviously bait too when they're like "ARGUE WITH ME OR YOU'RE WRONG AND SCARED" (They're attention whores). We need like a list of a signs of a baiter to put on every /ot/ thread atp.

No. 81841

Most VPNs are banned on 4chan.

No. 81843

we just need stricter moderation. locking threads and throwing bans helps anons move on.

No. 81845

browsed and contributed the site for the last 6?-ish years but don't frequent as i used to during my NEET phase. greatly appreciate all the staff that keep things up and running. we've been through a lot here and there and i'm grateful for all the mods, admin, and nonnies.

No. 81846

why are you kissing the jannies' ass

No. 81847

Shut down the black girl thread for good, it's just infights after infights.

No. 81849

Ngl it looks more like bantering and a mild disagreement but its ok I wouldnt expect autists to be able to pick up on that over text.

No. 81850

looks like every pregnancy infight tho

No. 81851

It is really funny that the new mods have instituted a "women have to agree with each other all the time" policy, whether they meant to or not.

No. 81852

samefag but it died down so I deleted it but it did look like a pregnancy derail, esp with the labeling everyone as newfag/“motherphobe” esque sperging. Don’t know, those types of infights are just becoming increasingly common

No. 81853

File: 1723183941612.jpg (38.18 KB, 636x424, nl6nlu1q09ux.jpg)

The pregnancy fight is basically lolcows version of picrel.

No. 81854

>t. the tranny who baits in there to get it shut down

No. 81859

Requesting this to be moved to /g/

No. 81860

Yeah I've noticed a lot of bait regarding this, to the extent I'm not so sure it's always bait - more just retards regurgitating what they've seen. Mothers, single or otherwise, are some of the most vilified women in our society. It's getting old seeing anons shit on them under the guise of "radcial feminism" when it's generally just room temp IQ moid talking points given a superficial paint job.

No. 81861

how do i hide a thread? where is the minus symbol?

No. 81862

File: 1723217259228.png (442.97 KB, 894x742, minimize icon.png)

No. 81863

There's bait in the Things You Hate thread of the you know what kind.

No. 81864

see the difference when you just dont argue with someones opinion that differs from yours. the topic just dies and everyone moves on

No. 81865

BJ-chain’s being a rape apologist again

No. 81866

stop going into the thread then

No. 81867

Nta but why are you minimodding meta?

No. 81868

Wth are you talking about? I always report and move on.

No. 81869

if true then ok i see.

No. 81870

Derail about personalityfags in the rate nonnas art thread in m

No. 81872

Are bj-chan and rancefag the same person? Rancefag was sperging up the art rate thread a minute ago and started acting funny when someone implied she sounded like bj-chan. Both are raging blackpilltards with inferiority complexes that stem from being recently converted ex-gigapickmes hopping from one extreme to the next known to wk themselves, which is something a lot of anons have experience with but them having identical mental illness, timing, and -isms makes it uncanny.

No. 81873

No. 81874

Rancefag is just an attention whore/idiot. BJ-chan is legitimately schizophrenic.

No. 81875

Both are schizo, see rancefag's recent streak of blackpill pro-pedofilia derails that started to peter down right when bj-chan became the blackpill schizo of the month

No. 81876

KEK shes not a fujo, i hope youre trolling.

No. 81877

Their typing styles are entirely different and bj chan doesn't even like 2d guys

No. 81878

Imo you can tell from BJ-chan's writing "style" (or lack thereof) that she's got legitimate issues. Rambly, obsessive with certain repeated phrases, no structure, almost seems to be tuning out the other anons and using the threads as her personal diary etc. Rancefag clearly has some kind of disorder too but she's too coherent to be a match, you can hold hasty beliefs without being insane.

No. 81879

Anon, check the fujocoomer cringe thread in /ot/. She was always a yumefujo and it was confirmed by mod redtext in that thread that the shotasperg is her.

No. 81880

That's supposed to say "nasty" btw

No. 81881

thats fucking hilarious that you think that

No. 81882

she is ESL

No. 81883

Being ESL wouldn't explain all the weirdness about her rants.

No. 81884

File: 1723249082237.jpg (75.4 KB, 1080x631, 3aea4af51f236e4932235fdada7d16…)

No. 81885

>correct punctuation
you realize that multiple people on this site say cocksuckers right? are you the same autist from earlier that said she was that other person from /ot/

No. 81886

On second thought I agree, she might've just defended her out of schizo kinship kek

No. 81887

No. 81888

You have to be retarded to think bj-chan and rancefag are the same person.

No. 81889

Day 2 of asking for the black girl thread to be permasaged, it's just non stop infighting and racebait at this point

No. 81890

samefag but seriously, everyday it's just infight and baiting so why keep the thread up? Other threads have been nuked for less.

No. 81891

>jew-chan trying to get the black girl thread permabanned because theirs was
kek, you’re still at this? mind your business

No. 81892

I was banned for like a week bc i was posting about jews a few weeks ago, I am Not jew-chan

No. 81893

Can we start redtext highlighting twitter and tiktok fag slang? Like corn, for example

No. 81894

then why are you desperately wanting to get it taken down?? retard

No. 81895

what does corn mean

No. 81896

porn but censored for the tiktok algorithm

No. 81897

Like I initially said.because its filled with infighting and racebaiting.

No. 81898

The Jewish moid is back ranting about Muslims and Palestine in the black girl thread. Why hasn't he been banned yet? Literally every single day he tries to derail about Israeli colonialism.

No. 81899

Its called ban evading

No. 81900

That one athlete containment thread reads 1:1 like a 4chan thread, complete with spamming and cringe moid humor.

No. 81901

File: 1723290597546.png (5.9 KB, 467x100, strong and independant feminis…)

Yup. They're not even trying to hide it anymore.

No. 81902

It was obvious from the early start. Hope the farmhands clean it up soon.

No. 81903

File: 1723299216053.png (247.85 KB, 706x398, 1671335304172.png)

pedophile moid in the love after porn thread

No. 81904

maybe it's the same scrote?

No. 81905

there is still the pedo in lover after porn thread, wake up moddies, >>>/g/423259

No. 81906

woOoOoO i'm replying to bait woOOoOoO you have to ban me(maybe get the scrote while you're at it)

No. 81908

can the prepping thread >>>/ot/1572306 also have "climate change" also in it's title, considering half the thread is mostly talking about climate change related issues

No. 81909

>say the exact same thing as another post
>other post not banned
>banned for derail

No. 81910

this isn't derailing and doesn’t need a 6 hour ban. people talk about how annoying primink is frequently. stop being retarded and lurk more, new mod.

No. 81911

Self-admitted pedophile (tranny?) in BP thread(report posts before you complain about them in /meta/, we will see the report long before we see your post here)

No. 81912

File: 1723334423853.jpg (231.75 KB, 1179x1005, tumblr_716e02b55537192e9e41d38…)

I'm not even sure what they should do at this point. On the one hand, locking it would make the retard moids feel like they "won," and they might break containment. On the other, I worry that the thread is attracting those kinds of retards to the site at a time when we're already having a serious issue with right-wing tourists.

No. 81913

Nta but when did this become a rule??.

No. 81914

It's probably not a real ban and was for a few minutes. Farmhands will use bans and redtext to communicate with posters because there isn't any other way of doing so on an anonymous IB.

No. 81915

Can you please ban the retarded butch hating transvestigator sperg that dwells in the Imane thread. Literally takes whatever chance they get to call masculine/butch women fugly which is nearing personalityfagging at this point.

No. 81916

they usually do it by replying with their blue title though

No. 81917

>there isn't any other way of doing so on an anonymous IB.
? They reply directly plenty of times >>81579

No. 81918

It could have been a janny because they can't capcode as far as I'm aware.

No. 81919

I genuinely think there is one single sperg on /ot/ writing a ton of baiting comments on how feminism is retarded cancer and I think it's the very same butch hating, "I love being feminine" sperg.

No. 81920

Please please put the skirbysperg out to pasture. They are reposting old photos we have already seen and being autistic as hell and circling obvious photos in case anyone 'misses it'. There hasn't been a single anons saying she is all natural or not shopping. That's the whole point of the cow, but when you're going to double down against haters who aren't even living in the thread, then what the fuck is the point of posting? This poster in unhinged, I swear to god. They want lolcow to be their personal hate skirby fanclub so bad.

No. 81921

They've replied both ways for years. I presume they sometimes use bans because it isn't something that needs to be announced to multiple anons or posted directly in the thread.

No. 81924

This place has truly lost its sense of humor

No. 81925

>race baiting
Not race baiting, muslims come from all races. Black, white, asian..

No. 81926

imo, armchairing shouldn't be forbidden unless it derails the entire thread, I really enjoy reading nonas insight on a cows psychology. also, powertrip jannies are going a bit far, half the shit that gets redtexted for bait/off topic/derailing/racebait isn't even against site rules. Also, I've lost count of the amount of times some retard started infighting, didn't get banned, but the anon replying to them did. I get that we're supposed to report instead of joining the infighting but at least make it fair and redtext all parties involved in it.

No. 81927

Tinfoiling she is killing animals

No. 81928

Admin and her jannies are trying to kill the site.

No. 81929

Not the unhinged anons, right, who get mad when you point out that armchairing isn't accurate though?

No. 81931

Infight in confessions thread >>>/ot/2110705
Might be bj-chan since the bp thread is currently active as well

No. 81933

> lost count of the amount of times some retard started infighting, didn't get banned, but the anon replying to them did. I get that we're supposed to report instead of joining the infighting but at least make it fair and redtext all parties involved in it.

No. 81935

>>>/m/409446 kek who is this? is it some anti-fujo spammer posting in the wrong thread in their blind rage? i'm so confused. just reported it bc it reminds me of the fujo thread arguments

No. 81939

I wish we had a thread watcher and I wish you could hide threads on the catalog
Please implement these basic imageboard features

No. 81940

The skirby thread should be autosaged because it seems like all the unintegrated newfags her thread brought here don't care to learn what saging is

No. 81941

Delete the most recent unpopular opinions thread please I don't want to see that ugly faggot humping a wall

No. 81942

The same user is spamming some moid in photoshop. This user is annoying as fuck

No. 81943

also do something about the racebaiter sperging about koreans in /ot/ pls

No. 81944

I genuinely think there is one sperging troll. Random but there's been a lot of weird, slightly baity comments made and it's always phrased in a way that might pass for a typical farmer but it has a random sort of edge toward a specific race.

No. 81945

The new unpopular opinions thread is being lurked (and was probably posted) by a retard baiter. They're replying to anons trying to use the thread normally with baity arguments.

No. 81946

Co-signed, it's a stale meme and it's gross. Ban the retard who made that OP.

No. 81947

Thirded or w/e, I don't need to see uncouth moid behavior and OP should know better.

No. 81948

There’s a troon ban-evading and whiteknighting in Addy’s thread.

No. 81953

Hellweek to purge troon users please

No. 81954

Delete the unpopular opinions thread and let a better anon make a new one

No. 81955

Samefag unlock the Wanda supremacy unpopular opinions thread retarded mods

No. 81957

File: 1723563932342.jpeg (330.34 KB, 1640x612, IMG_0639.jpeg)

Did it warrant a red text if I was responding to someone asking why Venus envied Mikan/Taylors life and it circled back around to Venus wanting to be a sugar baby like them? Not trying to be obtuse, I thought it was she, it was semi relevant to what was asked

No. 81958

shotashits fucking up the cute guys thread in m (again)

No. 81959

>thought it was
So you admit it's not even confirmed. The bedspreads are different too and you don't even have to try hard to see that.

No. 81960

File: 1723586044902.jpeg (349.96 KB, 828x738, IMG_1005.jpeg)

She went on PULL to wk herself when the account was discovered and confirmed it was hers. She said she didn’t go through with it so it’s still a tinfoil but it’s also something she could’ve said to save face and not admit she did indeed do sex work.

No. 81961

I know you are not supposed to "hi cow" but I find it really odd that someone, out of nowhere, has posted dorians old anachan pictures in the alt thread. These have been posted threads ago when they were relevant to discussion but these are posted out of the blue in reply to no one. Also not a coincidence as its around the same time she uploads a new video and nonnas in the thread have said its clear she stalks that thread.

No. 81962

how are the depraved degenerate tranny posts in black pill feminism not routinely deleted? How is the rapist tranny allowed to post here?

No. 81963

(bj chan)

I have not been on lc in a long time and just genuinely curious how depraved posts like those are allowed here

No. 81964

Kek, that wasn't even tinfoil I vividly remember this post >>81960 back when it happened. Sure, redtext for derailing but at least get the lore correct. That's something I've noticed about this bunch of farmhands, a lack of sassy quips that ring true and a tendency to make incorrect statements. You used to be able to rely for the most part if a farmhand had given a redtext what was contained within was generally true based on evidence. Now it seems they just write whatever without giving it a second thought.

No. 81965

infighting about the ethics of prostitution in celebricows #111

No. 81966

Moid thread and retards replying

No. 81968

there's more retarded "women asked for it b/c moids suck" logic infighting in the unpopular opinions thread

No. 81969

Admin I know you posted user stats back in February but I’m really curious how many anons are here during the summer.

No. 81970

The context doesn't even matter. Anons tinfoil this is what Venus meant and then it derailed into random Mikan and Taylor discussion.

No. 81971

File: 1723669008649.jpg (26.82 KB, 265x374, Ore_no_imouto_novel_v1_cover.j…)

An anon was wrongfully redtexted in the fujo thread. The image they posted wasn't actually shota, it was a shitpost edit of picrel.

No. 81972

We banned shitty house anon months ago and she is back again trying to start non-stop infights again

No. 81973

Some idiot on w is editing cows photos like in the old belle, venus, and jvlog threads. They are doing it in the jill thread and infighting about how it's totally not an edit and just a filter. Please look into that anon and see if they are still fucking around.

No. 81974

The retards getting paranoid about shota and reporting non-shota posts are so fucking stupid

No. 81975

Sometimes I’m convinced she samefag until someone bites her bait

No. 81976

>>81971 honestly, shota shouldn't even be banned if it's completely sfw (which wasn't even the case of that pic since it was just a meme.)

No. 81977

That was the agreed rule after the poll but the sperg in the fujo thread who screeches about shota probably spam reports so the /m/ mods just ban whatever now

No. 81978

File: 1723685045343.jpg (213.68 KB, 1440x914, Screenshot_20240815_041916_Sam…)

This is happening again. Any other anons encountered this?

No. 81979

You're posting now, so didn't you solve your own problem? It even says glitch.

No. 81980

I cleared my cookies and it's alright now, just wanted to post a heads up.

No. 81981

File: 1723688835431.png (104.04 KB, 2568x348, Screenshot 2024-08-14 at 8.25.…)

Wtf the retard admitted she shooped it hoping Jill will see it and seethe. Is this a teenager? What in retardation?

No. 81982

How does she even have time for this? She's been going on for like 12 hours

No. 81983

The same anon posted it in the opinions thread a few days ago too. >>>/ot/2134631

No. 81984

You're talking about the glitter blingee someone posted? Its not that deep.

No. 81985

Anons who post long ass novels, dumb advices or shitty edits in the hope that the cow will read them are so cringe.
Reddit-tier retardation.

No. 81986

Editing a cow's eyes to be smaller, ie uglier, in hopes they see it and get angry is retarded though. Like literal middle school behavior kek. Not to mention the belle delfine thread got locked because of the retard doing it over and over in an attempt to show how ugly she thought belle was

No. 81987

Should be bannable, tons of anons in Shay’s thread got banned for making her pics uglier/doing weird shoops and edits before shaynatorium was made. Imo there should be a shaynatorium but for all cows in /ot/ but maybe more specific, like for cow fanart and edits

No. 81989

There was a containment thread for cow's edit and fanart somewhere on /ot or /m. Maybe mods should redirect these autists to it ?

No. 81990

Pretty much most of the posts in blackpill are some tranny spreading insane sexual harrassment

No. 81991

how are the depraved degenerate tranny posts in black pill feminism not routinely deleted? How is the rapist tranny allowed to post here?

No. 81994

Requesting again this thread fits better on /g/

No. 81996

Please ban the blowjob chan from the blackpill thread already. Constant infighting, samefagging and derailing. Even if she uses VPNs to override the bans, her typing style is so recognisable it doesn't do her a favor.

No. 81997

Can you at least try

No. 81998

Can you please reign in the moralfaggotry from tumblrfags in Jill's thread ranting about how we can't speak on what really might have happened during Jill's ""most traumatic"" time in her life.

No. 81999

We don't even have all the facts and an anons is moralfagging about Uma being a groper

No. 82000

>moralfagging about Uma being a groper
That's not what the word means, and it's been more than just me who has voiced the exact sentiment I had said in thread about what might actually happen. I actually got the idea from an anon in the last one or two threads who said it. Stop moralfagging and go back.

No. 82001

How're you going to redtext about imane when the cow themselves posted about imane? She recently posted about Trump too, so is discussing that derailing as well? Be realistic with bans when it's on topic of what a cow discusses. Anons pointed out you should take the imane talk to /ot/ to avoid the tranny derailers, but apparently not that's bad? Do you expect anons to ignore the post? If it's an issue, the post itself should be redtext so that no one brings up imane in the thread at all. It traps anons into being banned if they reply to thr Imane or Trump posts that are from Addy.

Addys imane post >>>/w/334012
Banned post about imane >>>/w/334022

No. 82002

you've clearly only read the last 1 or 2 threads, newfag.

No. 82003

There's an infighting anon in the Pixielocks thread calling others schizo etc.
You're taking things too personally if you think "please don't say someone is a groper without proof" is being a tumblrfag

No. 82005

Can you stop with the "groper" retardation, I'm so sorry I used a word that wasn't approved by tumblrfags. Anons have literally said what I have said in previous threads. Why don't you try assimilating to the website you are on.

No. 82007

Go back.

No. 82008

Just because you have a mean girls attitude straight out of tiktok doesn't mean it's right to call someone Jillian is using for her sob stories to make her fake mental illness sound more legit, a groper. It doesn't make anyone a tumblrina to call out this behavior in your post. You stick out like a sore thumb.
>Why don't you try assimilating to the website you are on.
Nice deflection

No. 82009

Go back, also I've been on this site for eight or nine years at this point.

No. 82010

All newfags say that lmao

No. 82011

Okay schizo. Uma probably groped Jill. Anyway.

No. 82012

So tinfoil.

No. 82013

A tinfoil that has been expressed repeatedly by other anons, even in the sane thread.

No. 82014

Why are you taking this so personally? Take a breather nonny.

No. 82015

I don't think you know what that means

No. 82016

I don't like the moralfaggotry stemming from probably TIFs and enby women. They act rabid when they read a single word they don't like because they still have the gendie brainworms even after being a Jill detractor.

No. 82017

>Troonfoiling when anons disagree with you

No. 82018

I know two IRL BPD chlamydia magnet nonbinary women who post in Jill's thread.

No. 82019

newfag is a state of mind. plus i don't believe you were using the site when you were 10

No. 82021

I'm going to be honest with you and please take it easy this time. Saying someone is a groper with no concrete proof is playing by Jillian's side. She's a delusional woman, she can't be trusted. Even if the ex gf said she did things she regrets, there's no way of telling what happened or not. Jillian is probably looking at her thread right now and thinking "oh how fun there's one of my haters saying I never lied and seedling doubt and they believe me". Calling people schizos etc just because they don't agree with you makes you look extremely dumb too.

No. 82022

Now you're being schizo, acting this paranoid and treating a thread like it will somehow discourage Jill's delusions is just as delusional. Very politely, hop off. Jill is never going to get better. She doesn't need her thread for validation she is literally surrounded top to bottom by wishy washy enablers 24/7.
>calling people schizo makes you look d-dumb!!!
Okay lol
Been here at least a year before the first Shayna thread and subsequent banning of Shayna as a topic for discussion.

No. 82024

And who is that. I feel like I've been talking to schizoids this entire time.
>I know who you are
>Jill is literally reading the thread squealing in glee over scraps of validation
This is mental illness.

No. 82025

again, newfag is a state of mind. you seem like a newfag regardless of how long you've been here because you act like one.

No. 82026

>you're a newfag!
>gets offended over a realistic theory that doesn't 100% paint Jill as a total lying narc cunt

No. 82027

crying to farmhands on meta is newfag behavior kek.

No. 82028

This is literally the place to do it… wanting anons to beef it out in the threads is also newfag behavior.(do not drag infights to /meta/)

No. 82029

Nonna with all due respect just go roll a joint and chill out jfc you can't be this pressed and defensive for this long over some anons disagreeing with you

No. 82030

Anon, you're here whining about "muh opinion", not any actual offense. Anons are calling you a newfag because you're displaying cringy hostile behavior. You're acting like you're trying to fix the thread when infact you're just butthurt that anons don't want to discuss your tinfoil. I am waiting warmly for you to get banned for tinfoil and infighting.

No. 82035

I don't go to those threads, but I agree. It shouldn't. Unless it's obviously a romantic or sexualized context, something like the kid from Diabolik Brothers or Ciel Phantomhive WITH someone else like how people pair him with the Butler, it shouldn't count if they are fully clothed and it's not obvious fetish material bait like a lot of moe bs for girl characters.

No. 82036

Bumping this

No. 82037

Just more complaining about the shota sperging, particularly in the anime threads. Get off your high horse, you're posting hot 17 year old boys instead of 15 year old boys. Oh wow. Maybe we should ban the Homestuck thread too since the characters in HS are all 13.

No. 82038

The shota spergs have become so deranged now they report adult anime characters as shota and retarded mods just ban regular anime characters now

No. 82039

theyre specifically derailing it in a thread where only adult looking men have been posted, stop forcing your pedo fetish into every ones faces there was literally a semi nude shota image posted in it ,dont act so naive like we dont know what youre doing, you were given a inch before and you took a mile by posting more vile shit

No. 82040

the magazine scan and 2d girl threads are full of loli and I don’t see anyone sperging about it either. at least stay consistent faggot

No. 82042

>>82040 that thread is for cute boys too, why can't nonnas post their cute shotas if it's sfw and not sexualized?

No. 82043

A shota ban will remain unenforceable as long as retarded mods and pearl-clutchers don't even know what a shota is.

No. 82045

not related in any way to this convo, but there are a lot of anons who think any anime character looks like a child and relate anime features with real life children, regardless of age or context, so that probably has a lot to do with it. you'll get anons calling cows pedos because certain characters read as children to them personally and they defend the misconception that pedos are simply attracted to kid body types. i feel like a lot of these anti-anime anons are the main problem with infighting about any anime since they do it in other threads as well.

No. 82046

The stupid bitch reporting adult characters as shota has double standards clearly(infighting)

No. 82047

>they defend the misconception that pedos are simply attracted to kid body types
thats what part of pedophilia is retard. are you really going to say aswell that "loli" is totally a body type and not a attraction to little girls?
>i feel like a lot of these anti-anime anons are the main problem with infighting about any anime since they do it in other threads as well.
youre really not helping the stereotype that anime culture is largely pedophilic when you shotashits sperg out after rightfully being banned for their vile shit. you can like anime and not be a pedo you know?(infighting)

No. 82049

>>82045 talking about anime on lolcow sucks, anything gets you called a pedo or scrote.

No. 82050

No coincidence these schizo accusations started appearing as lc started feeling more like twitter lite

No. 82051

You can appreciate something as being cute without gooning to it. If it’s safe for work, just chill out.

No. 82052

I can’t help but wonder if this is partially a generational issue. I’m an oldfag and I feel like the attitude towards media-someone-personally-doesn’t-like is very different with people who are coming of age now.

No. 82053

you're the exact type of anon i was referring to though so thanks for proving my point.

No. 82054

There has to be an increase of some kind. This has been one of the worst summerfag seasons I've ever seen, and I've been here since 2017.

No. 82055

Absolutely not. 2022 was a nightmare for the summer. These users got a bunch for cow threads locked or closed completely

No. 82056

>the characters in HS are all 13
Sorry to be autistic, but the characters age throughout the story. They're 16 for about half of it, and at the end they're 20. The alphas and cherubs are 15/16 when they're introduced.

No. 82058

Fujo-related sperging is derailing the fandom thread again

No. 82059

Why does this always happen? What is the obsession? Like who really gives a shit that some woman likes yaoi. How does it manage to derail that thread so fucking often?

No. 82060

The current sperging includes someone with a typing style that sticks out like a sore thumb, so I'm assuming a newfag who just stumbled onto their first fujo convo and having the first bout of schizophrenia

No. 82062

File: 1723777120990.png (2.63 MB, 1006x1699, arena antics.png)

There are a handful of obsessive anti-fujo anons who just can't let it go (one of the constantly accuses everyone of "shitting on" this and "shitting on" that) and then a bunch of fujos who like to stir the pot because they get a kick out of it. It basically just boils down to women scolding each other either for being too horny or for being too puritanical, and nothing productive ever happens. They treat it like team sports, it's so bizarre.

No. 82063

Close this shitty thread we don't need more autism in /ot/. Fandom discourse is enough of a containment.

No. 82064

It's a combination of two things.

Anti-fujo newfags don't understand the origins of LC and can't handle seeing someone else enjoy something they don't.

Fujo newfags don't understand that yaoi goes in the yaoi thread and can't handle seeing someone who doesn't enjoy something that they do.

Both types of poster ruin yaoi discussion on LC.

No. 82065

It's literally just fujo vs antifujo 2.0

No. 82066

please just ban bjchan already

No. 82067

Male versus Female Fandom Thread is kinda arbitrary, since a fandom thread already exists

No. 82068

This thread is so retarded and pointless

No. 82069

Very amusing to see fujos act like victims once again when that infighting started with a fujo shitting on a himejo anon and continued to be about how much they hate f/f shippers. Oh but we conveniently forgot that part and you guys are the poor bullied nonnies, right?

No. 82070

This just sounds dumb when the thread made because of that, apparently to discuss female characters, is just more bitching about fujos instead of actually talking about what they were ""bullied"" by fujos over.

No. 82071

It really is pointless

No. 82072

>one of the constantly accuses everyone of "shitting on" this and "shitting on" that
kek are you talking about me since you replied to me in the fujo vs. anti-fujo containment thread with your fixation on the phrase "shitting on". I don't know what schizo anti-fujo boogeyman you're obsessing over in your mind but that's the only post I made on the topic and I wasn't even gonna bother replying to you in the thread because I didn't care enough to argue over it. Not everyone that has a complaint about fujos is an "anti-fujo sperg" or the same person.

No. 82073

fujos derailing the fandom thread once more

No. 82074

>how much they hate f/f shippers.
I don't recall anyone saying this.

No. 82075

Stupid thread made for bait, pearlclutching and infighting, it's all I can see in there.

No. 82078

Thread is dumb but its worst crime of all is the twitter threadpic. I’m tired of the twitter threadpics. OP deserves a permaban.

No. 82079

People were mentioning it in the bug reports thread for some reason and not this or the general meta thread, but I don't think we need a board dedicated JUST to fandom. That would cause many more new Twitterfags to come here. I've seen screenshots from the fandom threads and art salt threads posted on tiktok and twitter, and links to other threads like the fujo general. Having a dedicated board just for fandom would do more harm than good. We should limit how much meta-commentary on fandom is allowed here and return to our roots of focusing on cow discussion and milk posting. And besides, as much as people complain about how many fandom threads there are in /ot/, I can count the number of them on hand. And all discussion is redundant and always leads back to people just infighting over who is and isn't allowed to like or hate something.

No. 82080

I'm asking you close this thread already, it's literally just a duplicate of fandom discourse it's redundant, and barely anyone is discussing the topic at hand anyway, just continuing the fujo/anti-fujo spergout. Are farmhands retarded?

No. 82081

The fact that's it still open says enough, I doubt this will be the last thread made over the same dumb topic.

No. 82082

Repeating what other anons have said, why do we need a 3rd? 4th? thread dedicated to fujo vs anti fujo sperging in /ot/? This fandom discourse shit attracts summerfags like moths to a flame. No one over 25 gives a fuck about this “discourse,” I promise. Let them sperg about it on twitter.

No. 82084

Can the “Make a new thread at 1100 posts” be edited or show up later? Like so many people get red texted for making early threads but the message says nothing about “wait until 1200 posts before making a new thread” it says
>Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.
And there’s lots of new threads that are made before 1200 posts that don’t get red texted / locked

No. 82089

it’s a litmus test for newfaggotry, like you posting the same question in two threads simultaneously

No. 82091

can the futa posters be banned already theyre not even hiding theyre troons at this point

No. 82092

Nta but the more autistic fujo posters definitely spergout about any women that like F/F must be men/trannies because F/F is only ever for men (even over shit like utena and F/F made specifically for women). Eg. just recently in the fandom thread >>>/ot/2136235 , and comes up all the time >>>/ot/1677624 . The fandom thread is definitely lolcows tumblr. Even normal fujo anons have a problem with the more deranged ones.

No. 82093

Someone’s derailing the BP thread with sexual fantasies (and it’s not BJ-chan this time)

No. 82094

What's the issue with the second one, isn't that more about hating transbians?

No. 82095

It's more a demonstration and the mindset that is directed at everyone into F/F not just men (not to mention the weird homophobic dyke sperging).

No. 82096

File: 1723852479918.jpg (18.91 KB, 302x362, 39d6afdcf9f8a2133521c7bee36845…)

I just accidentally reported like 3 posts on /g/ for unsaged off-topic because I mixed up the tabs and thought I was on /snow/, can mod-sama forgive me? Please don't ban me for being stupid

No. 82097

can the male versus female fandom thread be locked already, most of the current discussions are just about regular fandom

No. 82098

Genuine question, has there even been an /ot/ farmhand online today

No. 82099

The weekends are always slow.

No. 82100

If celebricows requires saging and bans for blogging/derail like regular cow threads, why is it even in /ot/? There are a couple of other cow-centric threads like the artist salt thread in /ot/ that don't require the same.

No. 82101

It’s literally just a hybrid of the fandom thread and fujo infight one, wtf is the point of it existing?

No. 82102

They've banned people for "derailing " in the shitty antifujo thread so it's more likely they think more antifujo threads are fine.

No. 82103


No. 82110

Personally, I think all the fandom sperging should just be transferred to fujochan. So it would get more traffic and because it kinda serves as the female fandom website to an extent.

No. 82112

i agree with you but it also doesn't really belong anywhere else. you could maybe get away with putting it in /snow/ but i'm not sure it belongs there either especially if the bulk of it is simply gossip. /pt/ would be kinda crazy but maybe makes more sense than /snow/

No. 82113

The 1100 post notification is for the next thread maker to start compiling milk and links and stuff for the new thread. It can take awhile to make a new thread so a heads up is nice. The 1200 notification is when it is time to post the new thread.

No. 82114

It got put into /snow/ once and it got shat up even more, amazingly enough. It was like a zoo in there kek. I like it in /ot/

No. 82115

Why would antifujos use a site for fujos?

No. 82116

File: 1723882178480.png (113.12 KB, 604x267, Screenshot 2024-08-17 010816.p…)

cat hate thread is still extremely creepy. why does it exist?

No. 82117

I agree with you Nona, cat and dog hate thread needs to go

No. 82118

yeah i don't see the point of the dog hate thread either (besides pit bull hate, fuck pit bulls). there's a popular reddit sub for being anti-pitbull which is what most of that thread is anyway.

No. 82119

I can understand wanting to talk bout the danger certain dog breeds pose and such. But obsessively hating on pets is creepy behaviour and makes me think of psychos who kill people's pets.

No. 82120

The male vs female character thread is literally just fujo fighting. Whether it's for fujos or against them. Is everyone involved underage? I can't understand how this is a fun conversation that we need multiple different threads for. Who cares that badly over this stuff besides teens? On second thought, maybe the thread is a containment trap for the teens coming here from tiktok. Keeps their retardation to that specific thread.

No. 82121

>Is everyone involved underage?
Sure seems like it.

No. 82122

i suspect both are full of moids

No. 82123

Considering they use terms like 'anti' and 'discourse', almost guaranteed.

No. 82124

Agreed, just get rid of them all

No. 82125

the tinfoil thread constantly gets derailed. just about every time i check it there's discussion of off-topic subjects that have absolutely nothing to do with conspiracy theories or any point being made even though we have numerous threads they would be better suited for. right now there are multiple posts talking about pinterest and crafts.

No. 82126

This. It's weird.

No. 82127

Posters being weird, retarded like in your screenshot or otherwise saying things you don't like are not reasons to close threads. Just hide it.

No. 82128

More people are killed each year by deer than by dogs, yet I don't see anons here making a dedicated "deer hate" thread where they talk about how all deer need to be rounded up and brutally murdered.

No. 82130

This is my issue with it. It specifies domesticated animals, animals that aren't usually known to attack people, but there are instances of it happening. Moreso with dogs. Cats are mishandled all the time and they show when they don't want to be touched, but people will stick mess with a trashing-tailed kitty. Dogs a lot of the time won't make a noise and will just lunge.

If anything, they should close and an overall "animals I hate" should be made, but anyone saying they should die or be killed should be banned. That's not a-logging a person, but it's fucked up to see users saying animals need to be mass murdered.

No. 82132

I agree we need to get rid of it. its only gonna attract psychos, redditards and moids. like its really fucking weird the more i think about it

No. 82133

Honestly never thought lolcow was a place where women want to say out loud they want to kill animals as if this were the Nextdoor app and someone got into their pansies or scared one of their animals. A lot of this is about owners unable to control their animals or breeding them into existence. At tops these animals have brains the age limit of a 4 year old.

No. 82134

If you lump everyone together, it'll just devolve into a gigantic infight between the cat haters and dog haters.

No. 82135

No it won't. You don't even have to only talk about cats and dogs. It's animals you hate.

No. 82136

It's pretty common for shelters to have adoptable cats that require a home with only adults and no other animals. Cats lash out like that when they're in a stressful or overstimulating environment (for instance, it's common for cats to have behavioral issues when their owners move to a new house.) Some cats just don't cope well with too much activity and benefit from having a nice, boring living space with fewer people and animals.

No. 82137

Yeah it's just super stressed, probably depressed, no one is touching him constantly to get him re-connected with human touch or touch at all. Older cats really have this issue because they are already so set in their ways and who they want around them and don't. Poor baby. It took a few year for one of the cats I adopted to stop freaking out and even when she plays, she stops after a second because she becomes hyper-aware when someone sees her and then she just doesn't continue playing. I can't imagine someone seeing a cat like this and thinking "just kill it". I really want to know the farmhand logic behind keeping these threads. With this logic, can I make a thread about sea animals I hate and talk about how they should all be harpooned into non-existence because I hate the ocean? Come on.

No. 82138

Double posting because I want a separate reply if possible, but is wedding discussion in the Pixie/Jill thread okay or should anons avoid it? I think it should be discussed, it's not really tinfoil IMO to talk about how to incorporate the things she wants into the wedding and whether certain aspects can be executed well. If it is derailing, can someone mention it? Otherwise, I am enjoying talking about what she could and couldn't do. I also suggested maybe a containment thread for it? I know Momokun has a cam thread specifically, so it would be like that.

No. 82139

*in car crashes, be honest.

No. 82140

It's a dumb idea either way, there's zero difference if there's one general or two threads. It doesn't even change anything about what that anon is complaining about (the 1-2 very recognizable posters who go OTT) either. I feel like those anons get triggered everytime they see the thread titles and then either come on here to demand bans for things they don't like or get into the threads to start infights. I have several cats myself and clicking the (-) takes me one second.

No. 82142

how about we just don't have animal hate threads in general because we seem to get psychotic zoosadists typing out their fantasies in them
but like… why do we need them? why are there threads devoted to hating common pets? wtf does that have to do with lolcow and what productive, fun, or funny converation does that cause? it has nothing to do with drama or the internet.

No. 82143

How retarded would someone have to be to assume anything else? Literally anyone with a brain can infer that it's from collisions. Did you seriously read that and think that hundreds of people are getting mauled by deer?

No. 82144

Because some anons want to vent about those animals specifically. If it doesnt apply to you, hide it.

No. 82145

Unban bj chan

No. 82146

It's very 4chan unhinged behavior

No. 82147

True. Also anything I don't like is 4chan behavior btw, forgot to mention that.

No. 82149

>wtf does that have to do with lolcow and what productive, fun, or funny converation does that cause? it has nothing to do with drama or the internet.
This is a good point. I don’t really care that much about either thread existing since I have both hidden, as I do think some of the posters in them are legitimately deranged, but I feel like anons feel entitled to creating whatever ragebait threads they feel like, even if those threads are detrimental to the health of this site. Sperging about your violent fantasies towards animals isn’t protected speech, and it has nothing to do with lolcow

No. 82150

i'm not into those threads either but that logic can easily apply to 90% of /ot/, might as well nuke the entire board

No. 82151

Second ayrt, I don’t see how that’s the case. Farmhands lock threads all the time that provoke infighting. That being said, there are plenty of fun threads on /ot/, even if they get buried sometimes

No. 82152

i meant that most threads have nothing to do with drama or the internet, or lolcow in general, not just those.
>Farmhands lock threads all the time that provoke infighting.
very rarely. they still let unpopular opinions and the fandom/fujo threads go on for some reason

No. 82154

nta but i don't think it's rare but rather arbitrary. that's what i think other anons are getting at. there's no consistency with what is locked vs what's not locked. that's been the entire issue with this mod team in general, lack of consistency and enforcing rules that don't exist.

No. 82156

bumping this again i want numbers

No. 82157

Great, so you know it's a dishonest comparisson kek.

No. 82158

>but like…
Newsflash underage twitterfag, Lolcow is not just for you alone. Anons are allowed to talk freely about things you don't like.

No. 82159

NTA. "But like" is evidence of underaged twitterfags now? Touch grass

No. 82162

it's why the threads always feel moidy to me. we know moids are behind 99.9% of deviant sexual behavior including zoosadism. and a lot of the dog/cat hate threads is just sadist fantasies. it's nasty. also hiding the thread doesn't matter when you use the catalog. most anons don't scroll the front page, they use the catalog to look for their threads as far as i'm aware.

No. 82166

Yeah idk why they say to hide the thread lol doesn't make the thread disappear

No. 82167

On catalogue it's even easier to just ignore since you don't even see any posts.

>a lot of the dog/cat hate threads is just sadist fantasies.
I'm starting to think this is some kind of psyop get people to check out the threads because everytime someone says that, almost all posts in the threads are just discussion and criticism besides that one recognizable poster.

No. 82168

Why is this thread still not locked? >>>/ot/2138490
It's a duplicate of other running threads and is nothing but fujo vs. anti-fujo infighting AGAIN. Some schizos just can't live if nobody replies to their bait - you need to put a stop to that.

No. 82169

I agree this is just the antifujo thread all over again it always starts when that troon comes back it almost was on topic at one point. its better to delete it altogether since there's nothing new that isn't in the antifujo thread

No. 82170

They are still going at the fujo thing EVEN AFTER being warned by the mod.

No. 82171

half the thread is about fujo shit and the other is general fandom stuff

No. 82172

File: 1723992188978.jpg (529.97 KB, 1080x1834, Screenshot_20240818_074157_Chr…)

Nta but this post is in reply to an anon who claims taylor can't talk about premenopause because apparently she's not old enough. The other 2 are details though. The middle one is from the anon who constantly nitpicks the thread.

No. 82173

I don’t want to ignore the thread, I want it to not exist anymore. I don’t want these people on the same website as me.

No. 82174

That's too bad. Kek.

No. 82175

>This thread is for discussing milk, not writing fanfiction about Jill's wedding. You are welcome to make a containment thread to have fun with that, but it doesn't belong here.
I would like to know more about the reasoning behind this because I don't think we need a whole new thread for this reason, I don't think the wedding talk is that annoying. Everyone is just having fun speculating what Jillian could do. The Uma tinfoiling is, in comparison, pretty annoying for some anons. I feel like this kind of talk wouldn't have been a problem years ago

No. 82176

agreed its too 4chan and kf like

No. 82177

Aw in that case maybe twitter or tumblr is more suitable to you?

No. 82178

The Uma speculation would be commonplace in any other thread from years ago, anons in there are part-time SJWs and gendies straight off of twitter and tumblr when they're not in Jill's thread. The steeb troon speculation is also good fun considering he's a "former" porn addict and it's likely he will troon out at some point. But they're not allowed because it's not milk and the janny who camps in Jill's thread is annoying as fuck.

No. 82179

>The Uma speculation would be commonplace in any other thread from years ago
So would the wedding talk

No. 82180

The wedding hasn't even happened. The relationship with Uma did. One makes sense to speculate about because it was an integral piece of milk that spawned the current DID LARP and the other hasn't even happened yet.

No. 82181

baiting retard is back in the /ot/ bechdel thread getting mad about historical pictures. >>>/ot/2141837

No. 82182

I told you guys yesterday to make a marriage containment thread. I warned you.

No. 82183

The marriage sperging and speculation is annoying as fuck at this point because we've run out of material to really speculate about. I don't care enough to make a thread but you can if you want.

No. 82185

Thus containment. I'll make one later

Thank you for freeing anon from jail. I don't think correcting anons, especially in that thread, should be banned. The vendettafags are on some heavy drugs considering the shit they post. "Women don't have this in their 30s!!! She's a liar!!!!" Unhinged retards. Istg.

No. 82186

can all the bait get deleted in the bechdel test thread instead of being redtexted? it only encourages the baiter to come back.

No. 82187

agreed. they're still going on about how posting historical women means you're a heinous racist. tiresome

No. 82188

I agree. They're still going on with their weird racebaiting despite a farmhand's warning.

No. 82189

Way ahead of you, thanks!

No. 82191

File: 1724005343330.jpeg (419.67 KB, 828x1039, IMG_5020.jpeg)

thx farmhand-san
also the racebaiter who shat up the brit thread spamming screencaps of anti-immigration tweets is trying it again in the eurofag thread

No. 82192

But wedding talk is fun

No. 82193

It shits up the thread. Go and make a containment thread if you want to sperg.

No. 82194

People sperging about cats being abused in Jill's thread. Literally pearl clutching the use of a pet stroller.

No. 82195

One post with two anons laughing about it isn't "sperging". Nobody mentioned animal abuse aside from one mentally challenged retard, they were just saying it wouldn't be very considerate to the cats who are notorious autists.

No. 82196

Okay my suggestion is that we move fandom threads on /ot/ like the Male V Female characters, Fandom discussion, and Fujo containment threads to /m/. I think it'd make the /m/ board more lively, and TBH I don't see why threads specifically about media are on /ot/ to begin with.

No. 82197

Can this thread be unlocked now that Elon Musk and Grimes’ current thread hit 1200 posts? >>>/snow/2026456

No. 82198

stahp being a minimod kek

No. 82200

tell us you live happily in a country that doesn't have to deal with immigration (none of which are women or children) and move on. shut the fuck up

No. 82201

The fujo fight threads on /ot/ are just infight threads, which should stay far away from /m/. I agree that the fandom discourse and male vs female characters should be on /m/ though.

No. 82203

Nta but the overaction says a lot

No. 82204

it's not an overreaction, I've had to deal with immigrant scrotes, so have a lot of euro anons

No. 82205

Generalizing them isn't fixing that.

No. 82206

We generalise men as a whole on this site all the time kek??? being an immigrant gives them a pass???

No. 82207

On this site, of all sites for some reason, yes.

No. 82208

Retard spamming suspicious discord link over /ot/

No. 82209

Bored retard trying to bait in the vent thread

No. 82210

absolutely not. /m/ is a peetty chill board and these retarded threads are infight central. you don't want to import the spergiest ot/ anons to a slow-moving board, they'll take over and ruin it

No. 82212

Intersectional politics brainrot was bound to and has been spilling into the place for years. The pearl clutching around any men but white men is palpable. Unfortunately people can't distinguish between /pol/bait and reasonable discourse. That, and this is a site for autists. Expecting a grasp on nuance is probably too high a standard.

No. 82213

I'm gonna bring this up again after seeing this ban in the last bechdel test thread. >>>/ot/2141205
So can you please finally tell us why these bans happen when nowhere in the thread rules does it say "no shitposting" or anything like that? Literally THE ONLY RULE is don't mention men. If you're going to keep doing this would you at least add a mod note to the OP or something?

Also how come you keep ignoring these? >>79968

No. 82215

Can someone tell the photoshop thread that we don't need every single photo of this moid to be posted? It's nothing new and its just his same face being spammed in the thread. At least change up the photoshop, but it's just his face every single time. I'm sorry, but we don't need 100 photos of the same photoshop. We get it, he fucks with his face. Why do these newfags have such obsessions with skirby and this moid? Their photoshop doesn't change. Posting the same shop, but different times doesn't change the fact that its already been posted. these are pretty much all the same photo. This thread never used to be like this.


No. 82217

no it's not go back into old threads and you'll notice they never got locked for being early

No. 82218

what uou people din't get is that independently of your personal stance of immigration, politisperging is shitting up threads. retards like the one spamming her twitter screencaps are sperging and infighting. idgaf about her personal politics, i care if she starts shitting up other threads like she did the britbong one

No. 82219

I think it really says a lot how quickly that thread filled up compared to every other /ot/ thread. God I wish the site would break again.

No. 82220

Now the usual baiters are trying to invade the Fandom Discourse Thread with their fujo vs anti-fujo bullshit that SPAWNED MULTIPLE THREADS THEY REFUSE TO USE (can't bait as effectively in containment threads):

No. 82221

honestly those threads are increasingly full of tumblr-tier moralfaggotry. fandom drama barely gets discussed even though it's milky, instead they create their own fandom drama sperging over whether you're morally allowed to like fictional shit. the male v female characters thread is more of the same retardation.
honestly, between the moralfags and the poltards /ot/ is really going to shit

No. 82222

File: 1724062307142.png (9.17 KB, 814x59, 4.2.png)

>So can you please finally tell us why these bans happen when nowhere in the thread rules does it say "no shitposting" or anything like that?
It's a global rule

No. 82223

File: 1724073175069.jpg (188.91 KB, 926x491, Literally what.jpg)

Why did this cop me an ELEVEN hour ban? I said the CATS were raggedy fat asses, because they are raggedy fat asses. Jill's thread is genuinely getting the brunt of the shit moderation of this site because how the fuck have the rules gotten so oowoo soft? We can't call those cats "raggedy" or fat? I would understand an ELEVEN HOUR ban if I said I wanted to kill Jill and her cats, but I don't.

It's genuinely very retarded what will cop a ban in Jill's thread. What fucking rule did I even break? None, because the mod that banned me just said "calm down". Because the janny didn't like the tone I was using in my jokepost. Holy shit.

The admins need to get rid of the /w/ janny. Or whoever is handing out retarded bans in Jill's thread. They're literally picking who to ban based on how they feel.

No. 82224

The male v female characters thread is probably the most aggressively autistic on the site kek. I've never seen anons so eager to discuss anything EXCEPT the thread topic before.

No. 82225

Samefag the shit janny in Jill's thread might genuinely make me leave the site kek and I've been here for about a decade. I know some zoomer gendie is behind the bans.

No. 82226

No. 82227

File: 1724074673283.jpg (270.08 KB, 894x820, I did retard.jpg)

KEKKKM the tranny janny told me to take it to meta when I DID. And they still didn't tell me what rule I fucking broke in the first place to earn an 11+ HOUR BAN. FOR CALLING CATS FAT INBRED RETARDS. I didn't even call Jill a fat inbred retard. I called the cats fat inbred retards. This site is fucking cooked. No mods read this shit, they don't care.
Lolcow was better when shaymin forgot to pay the bills.

No. 82228

Do you genuinely think I'm sweating and grinding my teeth about this just because I capitalize some words. Lolcow is so fucking cooked it's not even funny.

No. 82229

Hey janny what rule did I break the first time?

No. 82230

No, but maybe reddit is more your style? You can sperg on there about how much you hate animals till the cows come home.

No. 82231

I'm taking it to /meta/ jannies!!! I'm here in /meta/ like you said!!! What made get the ban in the first place? Was it my tone? Is "fat" and "inbred" banned words? I'm so curious!

No. 82232

Still waiting on a response from the mentally challenged incomplete cell clump that banned me.

No. 82233

I'm in /meta/ now…… why tell us to go to /meta/ if there will be no response?

No. 82234

No. 82235

When I appealed my ban the janny literally said "take it to /meta/" so here I am waiting for an explanation as to what rule I broke in the first place. I'm waiting jannies.

No. 82236

To reiterate, the janny KEPT my ban, and then told me to "take it to meta" at the same time.

No. 82237

I'm waiting for an explanation jannies, I'm here in /meta/ like you said! It's not like you just tell anons to "take it to /meta/" where you don't have to look at what they say… right…

No. 82238

Hey janny why was I banned the first time?

No. 82239

Could it be you just didn't like my tone? And I broke no rules at all? Funny how you can't even tell me what rule I broke!

No. 82240

why does it even matter. you’re evading, post in peace.
t. evader posting in peace

No. 82241

Because the moderation in Jill's thread is probably the worst moderation in this entire site and it needs to be brought to attention

No. 82242

Holy kek I actually feel bad for jannies if this >>82239 is the level of autism they have to deal with on the regular

No. 82243

I’m sorry but having a public melty is not helping your point. Maybe email admin or something instead of sperging out here

No. 82244

>public melty
>thinking the admin actually reads the emails
You're a riot. I'm not engaging anymore because I know janny bootlickers when I see them.

No. 82245

Ok sperg

No. 82246

I'm not any of the anons posting on /w/ or here in the past couple weeks. The removal of this redtext proves the bias of the /w/ farmhand. That post is derailing, and it's just pointless non-con posting to shit up the thread. Then we have Tweedledum and Tweedledee in here talking about letting an anon out of "jail" (was probably a couple hours ban) and calling others vendettachans, accusing everyone who doesn't agree with them of being one anon. Yeah, at least one of the /w/ farmhands (unless there is just one) needs to go.

No. 82249

Either the anon is a scrote or is some young user. The removal of the redtext isn't a bias when anon posted factual information to correct a seething vendetta poster.

No. 82250

Unlock the culture and moderation complaint thread, it was going fine until janny bootlicker popped up. Get a new /w/ farmhand because they're shit at their job and annoying as fuck with their unnecessary redtexts.

No. 82252

That's not what /ot/ is for. The newfag who made it was asshurt that not enough people were paying attention to her whining. Inshallah

No. 82253

For real though. There's actually so much to discuss regarding how female characters are written and how women perceive them and why and god bless the anons who actually wrote profound replies but it was to be expected to go straight to hell. It's like they're haunted by a demon fujoshi who keeps invading their head.

No. 82254

Anons clearly were enjoying it.

No. 82255

This. Please keep the sperg’s pity party thread locked. /meta/ complaints don’t belong on /ot/. She just wanted more people to give her asspats, but that’s not what we’re here for. Thanks

No. 82256

Just hide the thread.

No. 82257

>seething vendetta poster
It's possible to disagree with someone and correct them without assuming vendetta. Who has a vendetta against this woman with millions of followers?

No. 82258

Nah, I’m going to bookmark the thread so that I can reread it later and laugh at your melty all over again

No. 82259

Does anon really want it to specify every single little term like talking to a child? Being obtuse is irritating as hell.

No. 82260

We don't need another separate thread for Jillian's wedding discussion as long as all the posts are saged. We need other farmhands on this case.

No. 82261

Hey farmhands, Jillian's mother made a blogpost with photos of Jill from all ages in 2020. I don't know if it's been posted, but I wasn't sure if it was okay because its from her mom and I know we don't usually link family personal stuff.

No. 82262

We can have multiple posts about baby cat strollers and mlp spergery but somehow some posts about Jillian's wedding, which she's posting herself, requires another thread? I don't think that's necessary, it's going to make the thread boring and convoluted. Talking about Jillian inside Jillian's thread has never been a problem before.

No. 82263

That has already been linked and posted before.

No. 82264

Thank you that solves that. There were so many threads in 2020 that I couldn't find if it was.

No. 82265

Too bad. Already did it. >>>/w/334426

No. 82266

Why was the lolcow culture complaint thread locked if we can have threads on /ot/ about the ugly male psyop (belongs on /g/) or male vs female characters (belongs on /m/) or the gender ideology hate thread (belongs on /2x/)? What about that thread in particular makes it different from other threads like it?

No. 82267

Samefag if it's allowed I can create an anonymous survey to see if anons would like a specific thread to vent about their issues with the site culture. It seems many anons have problems with the site culture changes.
I see no reason to not allow such a thread considering there are other threads in /ot/ that obviously belong on the other boards. If anons don't like it, they can simply hide the thread.(ban evasion)

No. 82268

I genuinely believe this is a gayops or some vendettafag at this point. Why are you still on this? We have a complaints thread and a meta discussion thread already.

No. 82269

you think these threads belong in other boards. others don't. it's not like the site is here to cater to you personally

No. 82270

NTA but it's pretty dumb how they lock that one yet refuse to lock threads that are legitimately redundant and actually cause problems (like the male vs female characters one is basically anti fujo vs fujo thread part 2)

No. 82272

just want to remind everyone there's already a thread to discuss how female characters are written but of course the tumblr refugees and farmhands will never use it

No. 82274

imagine if we had good moderation…we’d have less people having melties due to being pushed to a boiling point after probable months of wading thru a worsening userbase (due to aforementioned shitty moderation constantly pandering to the worst of the worst here)

No. 82275

From what I can tell it's one really low functioning Autist having one extended melt down because she couldn't handle an 11 hour ban over her dumb cat sperg comment in /w/.

No. 82277

Nta and also don't use /w/ but even I'm getting tired of the inconsistent moderation. I'm still appalled at the infights in the american threads a few weeks ago that they let go on for ages.

No. 82278

Can we ban the debate of whether or not prostitution and porn production is considered rape or not in the Shayna thread? It doesn’t happen often but when it does, it just keeps going in circles.

No. 82282

Just saying, if the admin's goal is to make this site less hospitable to newfags, banning people for shitposting on threads and boards where it's allowed is a strange choice. The strict direction this site is going in I think is more alienating to users that have been here a while than anything.

No. 82283

if this choice drives away people who spam up the entire place for days over a temp ban then it's great. chatroom threads have been the demise of this site ever since they started getting abused by cow-like users. i personally hope all of you slip up at least one time and get identified because the /snow/ threads about you will be better entertainment and more in line with our site "culture" than any of your unhinged posts.

No. 82284

Unhinged for giving my feedback on the moderation in the thread meant for it..ok anon.

No. 82285

Global rules still apply, and low effort shitposting on any thread is not allowed (with a general leniency on dumbass shit's thread). Spam posting alogging, spam posting in all caps, and general unintegrated obnoxious posting like that is not allowed. As well, ban evading like you have been, and continuing to complain about moderation on threads that have already had several redtext + farmhand warning is obviously going to land you to be banned and deleted.

No. 82286

Wtf? I have not been ban evaded or even been banned at all. Can you at least check before making accusations like that?

No. 82288

>chatroom threads
*redundant fandom threads, blackpill threads and unpopular opinions threads

No. 82289

Samefag but I've also made similar posts to that one (disagreeing with the strict moderation style) in the past few months. Don't know why it's an issue to the point where you need to accuse me of shit I didn't do now.

No. 82290

You're right, sorry, had a lot of tabs open due to large amount of spam. But regardless, global rules do apply to all threads, with some (like dumbass shit) have a more lenient approach. You're allowed to disagree with moderation, you can even post about it on meta or the lolcow reports complaints thread on /ot/ or even email admin. You have places to go and talk about it – Just don't shit up an unrelated thread with meta complaints, it clogs up the content.

No. 82291

Well thanks for admitting it at least. But to be clear, I'm not talking about anyone complaining about moderation in /ot/. I'm referencing this ban >>>/ot/2141205 . I know it's an "old" post but I've seen similar bans these last few months.

No. 82293

This is clearly spamming to fill up the rest of the thread (even if it's more than 1 anon) and justify making the new one rather than letting it fill up organically with real comments. This has always been bannable. Just because the thread OP says there's only 1 rule doesn't mean other rules or etiquette are void. We can't pretend we haven't had massive issues with rapid fire waves of low-quality posts shitting everything up and letting it be normalized was a mistake that is luckily getting corrected via short bans. I don't understand why there's this massive outrage over a temporary ban, just take the hint and ban evade or do something else for a few hours. People who are this upset about the site not being their personal playground have lost the plot, you used to get harshly mocked and banned for any little thing up until the great admin absences. This isn't a safe space for sperginess. Get back on Discord.

No. 82294

ntayrt but what about these bans? these weren't spam

No. 82295

NTA but did the possibility of those posts not being reported or anon already copped a ban not come to you? They don't ban every single post with redtext, newfag.

No. 82296

Nta but did you even click the posts

No. 82298

Anons using real opinions to bitch about anons and moderation as usual. Seething about the wedding thread.

No. 82299

those posts were actually banned though

No. 82301

Shitposting is obvious when you see it.

No. 82302

NTA but those were a month ago

No. 82304

i know, but it's part of the trend of banning "shitposts" that keeps happening in that thread specifically when it's unnecessary

No. 82305

>keeps happening in that thread specifically
blame the anons who keep declaring it "the new dumbass shit thread" and fill it up accordingly

No. 82306

ever get answered? Like that gets locked but not the male vs female characters thread? I feel like staff allows the latter out of spite because they know most anons dislike it (besides the tumblr twitter fandom infighters).

No. 82307

Dakota straggler /w/ infighting in the opinions thread about other anon's takes and hyper-exaggerating what anons are saying. >>>/ot/2144570

No. 82308

Not the one who made that post but that reads like a regular disagreement to me rather than infighting, it's not aggressive.

No. 82309

That user sounds like >>>/w/334311

No. 82310

ntayrt and nta in either thread, but this kind of nonnafoiling is retarded. If that's the same anon, people post across threads, so what. Anon in Opinions thread is disagreeing about something, not infighting.

I think "hi cow" is a good rule but it's kind of weirdly enforced. I always thought that it was meant to be overt "is this kiki?! omg this has to be Venus!" posts and not mild suspicion about whether Kiki still posts here to defend her sister. Since, you know, she actually did that.

I also want to remind the mods - regarding "tinfoil" - your own rule states that "tinfoiling with no basis to a claim." There are things that LC as a community figured out way before anyone else on the internet, and that's because of circumstantial proof and smart anons using their powers of deduction. As an example of bannable tinfoiling, I'd say the yakuza tinfoil in Dakota's thread counts as that. Zero basis for that, just some fanfic. But saying a cow has ED behaviors when she posts about weight loss and eats weird shit all the time is hardly "tinfoiling with no basis to a claim." There have been a bunch of other "tinfoil" redtexts lately that just seem wrong to me. Sometimes there's a huge amount of circumstantial evidence that contradicts the cow's own lies.

No. 82311

Second this. Mods are inconsistent af. E.g. in Taylor's thread most of the posts documenting or pointing out her ED behaviour get banned as tinfoiling, because wks believe you can't be ana and still eat, and keep reporting every single ED-related post.

No. 82313

this isn't a no shitpost rule it's a parody of an /r9k/ rule

No. 82314

this thread should be called cowplaints & suggestions

No. 82315

racebaiting(possible indian moid) in the elsie thread

No. 82316

File: 1724151168355.jpg (167.34 KB, 1080x613, b.jpg)

Can we get a /b/? Mentioned in the last Bechdel thread.

No. 82317

Cute idea, but is the Bechdel thread even active enough to warrant a whole board? Although I could see the board being filled with random threads about anything, maybe we'd finally have a safe place to shitpost

No. 82318

File: 1724160945704.jpg (116.69 KB, 600x600, e6f2-130a-4e45-8d80-53ebc6ddd3…)

I don't really see the point especially since it's in /w/ and the janny said we should take it to /ot/. I also think it's a stupid idea and will get dry extremely soon, maybe an alt wedding general thread on /ot/ would work better? This just makes it very confusing whether or not certain posts are allowed on Jill's thread, at least maybe clarify what can cause anons to get a ban (rainbow suit nonna was done dirty) because otherwise you'll kill the only remaining active thread on /w/

No. 82319

No. And that thread should be renamed to "totally not moid centered uwu dumbass shit".

No. 82320

They didn't say take it to off topic. They said the current thread will get filed with ot-like posts, so a containment is needed. It can still stay on w. They didn't close the thread or move it. Anons won't see it on ot either.

No. 82321

Anons are derailing the opinions thread now with 12 year old dakota milk and complaining about moderation and how you can't use /w/ anymore. These aren't cow opinions.

No. 82323

no, and then there would be people complaining they can’t find it because it’s hidden. i love the idea but we don’t get as much traffic anymore to really need a /b/.

No. 82324

If anything we need to lock threads and merge some.

No. 82326

are we just not gonna ban the resident troll/samefag or?

No. 82327

Are you talking about the weirdo in the fandom threads that seemingly has no reading comprehension skills and keeps baiting for replies?

No. 82328

I think so, they're getting more and more desperate for replies and resort to obvious samefagging, they also keep trying to make arguments about zoomers and homebuying for some reason

No. 82329

>We assume you would also have more fun with the discussion that way since you wouldn't have to follow the stricter rules of /w/ vs. /ot/
Maybe I misunderstood but that sounded like the janny was suggesting we'd move to /ot/ because the rules are more lax

No. 82330

the anon who keeps posting the capital "KEK" needs to go. Most annoying poster here

No. 82331

But then everyone will get banned for dumbass shitposting

No. 82332

It is tinfoil though. When she's posting eating meat still and going out to restaurants, yeah. You want everyone to assume she's not eating this food or she's bulimic somehow when that would completely be counter-intuitive when she is trying to have a baby. She has a natural skinny body, she went from baby weight to going back to normal. Yes she' admitted to having an ED, but these recent posts about healthy food aren't ED things. She's eating more than a vegetarian would. Anons are nitpicking anything food related and it's very obvious.

No. 82336

lol the only racist there is you for accusing an anon who made fun of blonde men for being a disgusting brown person or whatever your weird comment was.

No. 82338

she's on a restrictive diet, anon. when she's already as skinny as it gets. she's religiously cutting down carbs of any kind, not only sugar, follows weight loss influencers and listens to weight loss podcasts. that's ana behaviour, too. the fact that she calls it "for health and fertility" doesn't mean anything. actions speak louder than words.

No. 82339

Do you re-read what you type out before you post it?

No. 82340

Where does it say restrictive diet besides anons assuming that? We can't prove she isn't eating 3 meals a day, not eating her entire meal she shows online, or restricting herself from eating [substitutions are not restrictions]. Anons have posted big bowls of food and her eating out, so where is the current milk that she has an ED not equated with her past ED? It's all speculation. This is why it's redtexted as such constantly. From the outside, it looks like she's eating, she's been breading chickens and pretending it's extra crunchy. That's not exactly super healthy even when baked. That doesn't sound like cutting carbs.

No. 82342

You seem not to know what is and isn't disordered.
>where does it say restrictive diet
people with disordered eating don't announce it to the world unless they want to stop
>we don't have proof
there is plenty of evidence she's preoccupied with her body/weight/eating
>Substitutions aren't restrictions
hell yeah they are
>we don't have all her meals
true of anyone on the internet
>she's eating, she goes out to restaurants
so do ppl with EDs
>That doesn't sound like cutting carbs.
Read the recipe for the chicken and find the carb, anon. There's no breading.

idk what you get out of caping here(bringing infights to /meta/)

No. 82343

anon what you described is anons assuming all this

No. 82344

Can farmhands do something about the racebait again in Unpopular Opinions? I've reported for the past 15 mins but they just keep going and going. It's the same bait that was already posted months ago as well.

No. 82345

File: 1724191794927.jpg (442.23 KB, 1372x1215, s-l1600~2.jpg)

/meta/ has the best milk

No. 82346

can you tell those de/g/ens in the mundane shit thread to go post their horny crap in their designated boards, it’s so annoying when they do this and it’s very obvious it’s not even funny like the other time anons posted mickey mouse thirst traps. what is the point of the 2D husbando thread if they just keep spilling out?? >>>/ot/2141639

No. 82347

Not really. Anons in the thread posted multiple recipes where she substitutes rice with cauliflower rice "for extra fiber", pasta with chickpea pasta "for extra protein", makes "healthy" chocolate mousse with freaking tofu "for extra protein", uses cottage cheese in sauces instead of cream etc. etc.

It's all easy to find in the thread and it's been going on for a while.

No. 82348

It's been almost 2 hours and the bestiality post on /ot/ is still up without redtext or without deletion.

What's going on with the /ot/ farmhands this week?? Are they on a different schedule now that school is starting up? It's like /ot/ has been left on its own for the past few days.

No. 82349

It sounds like you were arguing with someone, so maybe the ban was for infighting? I think farmhands need to cut back on the sassy redtexts a little and just directly say what the ban is for.

No. 82350

All of the farmhands left. Good, replace them with better ones

No. 82351

Derailing racebaiting on unpopular opinions

No. 82352

What exactly is the story with the Family Guy/American Dad anons?

No. 82353

Why are you upset about substitutions? Get a grip

No. 82354

Baiting and posting weird creep shots on Unpopular opinion

No. 82355

I feel like the farmhands aren’t banning the racebait because it started with shitting on Mexicans. Yes, creating racebait about Mexicans is racebait, ‘Mexican’ being a nationality is not an excuse. There is a clear type of person in mind when people refer to Mexicans, white people living in Mexico doesn’t change the stereotype being targeted. But there’s Asian racebait now, so maybe they’ll do something.

No. 82356

There seems to be one user specifically who keeps infighting with a bunch of different takes in the real opinions thread. It's obvious they aren't there to post and are instead replying to users and accusing them of being other people, infighting about and calling anons whiteknights based on their personal opinions.. The anons needs to be put out to pasture.

No. 82357

There’s so much bait in the unpopular opinions thread it’s insane, and it seems to have started with arguments about mac and cheese of all things.

No. 82358

Why does the dumbass shit thread get autosage but not unpopular opinions, even without the bait it always dwindles into shit posting

No. 82359

Men spamming racebait in unpop but once again all of you are off playing otome games with your thumbs up your asse

No. 82360

racebait in porn in unpopular opinions? a-ok. shitposting? autosaged

No. 82361

File: 1724211480444.gif (859.79 KB, 220x220, lol.gif)

>arguing about mac and cheese

anon, i wish you were lying, but i know you aren't. i'm not even sure i want to know what people could even be mad about over macaroni and cheese…is it the baked vs creamy camp again or europoors who've only ever tasted kraft making hot takes about "it's just cheese!" to work up americans? i'm surprised we haven't had a hygiene olympics yet.

No. 82362

farmhands pick and choose what they ban, it seems black, mexican, and indian racebait are usually ignored or take longer to be dealt with.

No. 82363

No, basically it started with racebait, but then anons took the bait, then it became about black food vs white food, then black food vs other black food, then mac and cheese made by blacks vs whites, then mexican and indian food, then more mac and cheese spering. /ot/ farmhands must be on strike today or something.

No. 82364


No. 82365

Same, this just fuels my theory that farmhands are involved in infights even further, or that there's only one single farmhand in existence. Admin even said that they'd consider autosaging UO if it gets worse in the hellweek results post yet never followed up on that for some mysterious reason.

No. 82366

Set Dumbass Shit free please

No. 82368

>indian racebait
I haven't seen anyone talks shit about Indian women though, it's all about how their scrotes are awful because of their extremely misogynistic culture.
I really feel for Indian women, personally.

No. 82371

black racebait gets dealt with pretty quickly though? especially compared to mexican and indian. racebait in general takes ages to be dealt with though compared to farmhands banning for nitpicking or other stupid spergy shit

No. 82372

I think a farmhand needs to look at the real opinions thread because I think anons are using it as a thread extension for /w/. A lot of posts aren't opinions and instead are complaining about 'this anon made this thread and it makes me so angry' or snide remarks about other users in general. I get it's about 'fans', but not having the same opinion as someone doesn't mean they are a fan. Especially when it's all tinfoiling. You have anons accusing users of being other users too and it's derailing. That's not the point of the thread.

No. 82373

Can we get a hellweek soon?

No. 82374

Helloween week please

No. 82375

File: 1724258957112.jpeg (Spoiler Image,54.12 KB, 809x835, birdballs.jpeg)

Why do bird balls have to be spoilered now?

No. 82376

Its ai shit, that alone should make it censored

No. 82377

imagine being so proud of your retarded scrote-tier humour you feel the need to post that disgusting ai slop in several threads. pathetic

No. 82378

Least neurotic lc user

No. 82380

Yes please, and before Halloween.

No. 82381

Pedophile in unpopular opinions (just fucking autosage that thread already)

No. 82382

can mods please get the art salt thread back on topic, autists are derailing with retarded gacha sperging and polilez accusations

No. 82383

Take a wild fucking guess what type of (anime)fag it is and what the replies are saying kek

No. 82384

Massive shota derail and bait in Confessions on /ot/

No. 82385

Thats a whole pedophilia derail. Unless you’re talking about the anons trying to bring up shota?

No. 82386

They're trying to blame it on the fujos now so obviously it's going to get even more out of hand very fast.

No. 82387

I think anons are purposely posting wedding crap in the og Jill thread. Mods should get the ips of people who didn't want the thread to exist and see if it's those posters

No. 82388


No. 82390

Mods in the Jillian thread are being too trigger happy with the bans in my opinion. Too excessive.

No. 82391

Unpopular opinions needs to go so bad.

No. 82392

I think it's Rancefag and her schizo groomcord. She just likes to cause problems because she's asshurt that she's not allowed to advertise her retarded server on the site and has been banned fifty times.

No. 82393

kpop derailing happening in the ugly man psyop thread

No. 82394

and it all started over a Japanese guy kek

No. 82395

Is it a man being pissed that women don't like the white gay guy???? Like what the fuck kek it's so random

No. 82396

Hellweek with unpopular opinions and confessions threads locked forever please

No. 82398

they have been for ages. the wedding discussion thread is for anon fanfiction and speculation. the shoe posts didn't need a ban because it's literally jill posting

No. 82399

Yeah why did that anon get banned?? I'm so confused. She didn't deserve the ban, there was no fanfic. Jill actually bought the shoes kek.

No. 82401

Thanks for letting this site devolve into children and men.

No. 82402

You keep saying fanfiction but no one is rping or making up stories. Please learn what tinfoil is.

No. 82404

Half the replies in /ot/ are just one word. Do your fucking jobs.

No. 82405

File: 1724302216721.png (130.98 KB, 2564x308, Screenshot 2024-08-21 at 10.48…)

Nta but she's just repeating what the farmhand said the side thread was for. Either way, the person posting the shoes posted actual milk and didn't deserve the ban

No. 82406

get over it fag

No. 82407

mods your ban function is broken

No. 82408

Stop whining and post wedding stuff in the wedding thread. Obviously wedding shoes go in the wedding thread because logically it'll get wedding related responses. Anon deserved the ban. They are stupid

No. 82410

ban feature is broken, it keeps showing your request is true even when im not banned

No. 82411

nta, but I'd also like it if styles were applied to the catalog(s). I hate it when I'm finished with one thread using Darkcow and then get flash banged when I click the catalog button.

No. 82412

Why would anons need to post proof of their tinfoils in the Jill wedding fanfiction thread?

No. 82413

Does the title say fanfic/tinfoil thread? W rules still apply, the thread if not on the off topic board. Stop being stupid for the sake of just being stupid.

No. 82414

File: 1724336219379.jpg (366.66 KB, 1042x1256, 1000010974.jpg)

Anon, you seriously don't have to be so combative and hostile. That was a reasonable question because in picrel you can see that the description implies that there will be tinfoiling. Nobody was infighting, nobody was outright disagreeing with eachother, but the /w/ farmhand decided to issue a redtext for something that you would have clearly recalled if you were following Jill's thread for more than like 2 or 3 threads, which most people have at this point unless they're VERY new. I'm not trying to argue here, I'm just genuinely curious as to why one post deserved a redtext asking for spoonfeeding.

No. 82416

Except she was caught liking tweets related to her relationship and they were denoting unhappiness on her end, how is it not a reasonable tinfoil based on that alone? That actually happened.

No. 82417

Made the thread, but tinfoil has to be based on reality from.what we see. We have no proof she was subtweeting/liking posts towards Steven and that there are issues bts. Anon also said they are too lazy to post caps for proof in a new thread where the tinfoils are about the wedding, not behind the scenes issues. Is it that hard to not differentiate between what goes in what thread? The post had nothing to do with the wedding besides the bottom half tinfoiling about how long the marriage will last. One thing goes in one thread and another doesn't.

No. 82418

In what world would the tinfoil about the marriage lasting belong in Jill's general thread?
If the tinfoils have to be based on literal, actual reality, with proof provided, why isn't that in the description? Tinfoils are wacky theories, the tinfoil thread in /ot/ does not state to make sure to include actual, literal proof of their wacky theories. The post about how long their marriage lasting and how there were probable problems behind the scenes prior to the engagement is literally just reasonable speculation because we all know how Jill is and how she was raised. It's reasonable to conclude there might have been issues prior to the proposal because anons were already speculating that she was going insane because there was no engagement yet.

No. 82419

It doesn't but anon was making two different talking points and no proof of a messed up relationship. Be realistic anon. I feel like some of you are just mad an extra thread exists. You still have to follow posting rules, but claiming messages are signs of a bad relationship isn't on topic without some proof. A tweet is t proof when people like those.thinga because they are also empathetic or have been through it, doesn't mean definitely it's because of steve. That's a reach.

No. 82420

We had a Chris and sharla thread containment and a jvlog thread and anons can't handle a seperate jill thread? Screams newfags

No. 82421

I knew that making two Jillian threads would come with this kind of trouble, I tried to warn you.
For the love of god just lurk more.

No. 82422

>no proof of a messed up relationship
Anon, Steve has been encouraging Jill's DID LARP, and Jill has been pretty much a NEET for years smoking weed and drinking alcohol. This is not a healthy relationship even if both parties are happy with each other and in love. It's not a "reach" to conclude that their relationship probably won't last for a few more years. They're still young adults.
>A tweet is t proof when people like those.thinga because they are also empathetic or have been through it, doesn't mean definitely it's because of steve. That's a reach.
I have no idea what you're trying to say here but anons have been speculating that Jill has been tard-raging for a while because Steve hadn't proposed yet. I just don't know why there has to be proof for anything in a speculative tinfoil thread when the anons in said thread are literally just saying what they think would happen. I have absolutely no clue why it even matters in the first place and why anons have suddenly gotten really combative and bordering white-knight territory with regards to Jill. She's spoiled and jealous through and through, I think it's well within reason to speculate that Jill passive aggressively orchestrated the proposal in the first place. It's such a non-issue that I really struggle to understand why it matters, but that's my opinion I guess.

No. 82424

Please track down on racespergs and polfags more thoroughly, they're fucking everywhere now

No. 82425


No. 82429

It's a containment. I wish the mod never said fanfiction. Anons are nitpicking so hard. Do they really need to go in and make another post because users can't understand how a containment works? Again, this wasn't an issue with jvlog vs chrisxsharla threads being separated until retards who actually tinfoil ruined it all and now we have no threads. This isn't a new concept. Deal with it.

No. 82430

I still don't understand why my post is deserving of such hostility because I'm not even trying to infight. Also I'm not even arguing against separate threads, the containment thread was first proposed as a fanfiction thread in an offhanded colloquial sense, not literal fanfiction. Tinfoiling is in the description because there is an implication that anons will be tinfoiling about the wedding. I still don't understand what the big deal is or why you are so upset. Speculation on how the engagement happened is related to the wedding. I don't even know how much clearer I can make it so you can understand what I'm saying.

No. 82432

they removed the redtexts hours before you replied…

No. 82434

Don't know if there is a more appropriate thread for this but could I make a thread in /m/ that is dedicated to doll collecting/customizing? It would primarily focus on mainstream fashion dolls, the collecting culture surrounding them, and also doll customization. I know there is the toy collecting temp thread and the doll collecting thread, but that thread is more of a general doll collecting thread. Basically I just want to sperg about mainstream doll releases with other anons and talk about the collecting culture, as well as share customs we might be working on. I know it's kind of a mish-mash thread but IIRC there was an anon in the unpopular opinions thread who wanted something like that and based on the replies to her post, other anons would enjoy it as well.
Mods pls.

No. 82435

I don't understand, all of that is already allowed and discussed in the general doll thread >>>/m/213555

No. 82436

It's dead and also the people who enjoy and purchase BJDs are different from the people who enjoy and purchase mainstream fashion dolls.

No. 82437

NTAYART If it's dead then it's safe to assume that nobody cares about that topic anymore, sorry nonny

No. 82438

Weird reply, there were anons in the UO thread talking about wanting it. I'm pretty sure the reason the current doll thread is dead is because of the notable difference between anons who like BJD and anons who like fashion dolls. They are two separate cultures and are pretty separate in fan communities outside of lolcow.

No. 82439

mainstream fashion dolls are also posted and discussed there anon…

No. 82440

See this >>82438, the BJD community and the fashion doll community are largely separate entities, it would be like if Pokémon and Digimon shared a thread because they're both about evolving monsters who fight each other.

No. 82441

You sound like Jonah Hill after his therapist taught him to share his feelings. Just so condescending.

No. 82442

Nta but I’ve posted there about fashion dolls and felt really out of my element. It’s like walking into a conversation about high-quality cosplay and talking about your shitty Halloween costume you bought of aliexpress.

No. 82447

The American Dad personalityfagging is getting really annoying

No. 82448

>It's dead
Then it would benefit from having your posts in it. Just use the damn thread jfc. Not every tiny little subset of every topic needs its own thread. Why have anons been so desperate to make redundant threads lately?

No. 82449

>tiny little subset
Anon it's genuinely two separate hobbies with two separate cultures. They might overlap but the culture and history is completely different between them, and I have tried contributing multiple times in the past. This anon >>82442 is right, they are two very different atmospheres and it's not very fair to ask such a dichotomy to share one space. There should be a thread for BJD collectors/customizers and fashion doll collectors/customizers. This is generally how the two hobbies interact irl so I don't see the problem with having two separate threads focused on the two topics respectively.
BJD autists and fashion doll autists are not the same.

No. 82450

anon most of this userbase is burgers kek. get over it

No. 82451

I’m a burger and I hate that shit too

No. 82452

NTA but you can 1) hide the thread 2) report and ignore if you truly think it’s a personalityfag but it seems like mods haven’t redtexted it as being personalityfagging the way they normally do

No. 82453

File: 1724383354771.jpeg (70.77 KB, 735x414, IMG_0759.jpeg)

cp on front page bump

No. 82454

that was quick thank you mods

No. 82455

The newfags that keep using animated gifs for thread OPs is getting to be obnoxious.

No. 82456

>Again, this wasn't an issue with jvlog vs chrisxsharla threads being separated until retards who actually tinfoil ruined it all and now we have no threads
>We had a Chris and sharla thread containment and a jvlog thread and anons can't handle a seperate jill thread?

There was no Chris & Sharla containment thread.
Locked for being a shit thread.

No. 82457

Republican "women who want abortion legal are nasty slut whores" infight bait in the American thread AGAIN.

No. 82458

Can the bans for this shit be more severe than usual, it's literally SOLELY retarded infight bait. There is no discussion to be had because these anons will call you/all women whores and slots if you support legal abortion. Then they hide behind "not all women have the same opinion!!!" It's literally just baity infight trolling.

No. 82459

Lol I remember this. Anons flipped out about a new thread like they did with jill lol sensitive little nonnas

No. 82460

Please take care of the lost scrotes in the amerifag thread.

No. 82461

We need to get rid of the country threads tbh.

No. 82462

The retard who is using faux-feminist rhetoric to excuse his seething hatred of women and replying to himself is so annoying, I hope his penis gets de-gloved.

No. 82463

fujos sperging in the fujocoomer thread

No. 82464

Retarded (and fake) "blackpill" bait in unpopular opinions. Jannies please deal with the obvious influx of scrotes. It's seriously ruining /ot/.

No. 82465

Holy shit mods please ban this obvious schizo moid from baiting and ruining /ot/
>women don't care about solving rape
It could not be more obvious, please ban these tards.

No. 82466

Retarded "blackpill" scrotes infighting in the amerifag thread STILL. Please ban these infightfags jannies.

No. 82467


No. 82468

Seth MacFarlane stuff can be funny, like I get why it got popular and I've laughed at it before, but it's a bit meh to see such normie stuff here especially so much lately. I hope we don't get any banners

No. 82469

No fun allowed!!! Everything has to be ugly rainbow colored anime girls with an ambiguous age or boxed shaped ugly 2D males

No. 82470

Can mods implement heavier bans for infight bait in /meta/? This is a complaints thread, not a "epic pwnage infight bait" thread.

No. 82471

>epic pwnage infight thread
god i want a thread like that on /ot/ so bad, need infight thread back again

No. 82472

Can "cisgender" and "cis" get the bold, redtext treatment?

No. 82473

Amerifag thread is being held hostage by ban evading trolls and scrotes. I don’t think it’ll get better til awhile after the election and next president gets put into office tbh. At this point I think I’m just going to hide the thread until next spring.

No. 82474

This site is literally unusable lately with all the poltards baiting. Every thread either devolves into sperging about immigrants or calling women cocksuckers and whores. This whole site is as misogynistic as moidchan lately. I think it honestly started with the BP thread. That thread should have been locked ages ago. It just attracts the worst users.

No. 82475

No way those are women pulling out the "strap is modeled after penis!!" argument to attack a lesbian. Either it's schizos, moids, or trolls making these posts. I don't even care about the debate itself, It's just annoying seeing it clog up the amerifags thread.
I'm gay and as much as I don't care about (and am annoyed by) women's nigels I also hate it when threads go to shit because of a retarded ban evading BP troller. I see how they bring their bait in this thread too kek, it's how you know they're attention-whore trolls.

No. 82476

retards are trying to restart the poor things infight that shat up the movies thread for days on end, this time on the bechdel thread >>>/ot/2150831

No. 82477

imagine being such a whiteknight for them kek, they will never fuck you lesbo-chan

No. 82478

no seriously though the strap-on is modeled after a penis, it makes me laugh seeing how in denial lesbians are when trying to copy scrotes, even more pathetic than the ball lickers kekek(ban evading retard)

No. 82479

I miss when i would see anons put out to pasture. I hope hellweek is extremely unforgiving

No. 82480

you can't mention this movie anywhere without people sperging about it because they think it's about toddler sex or whatever weird thing. god forbid a woman enjoyed it.

No. 82481

File: 1724454557017.jpg (1.76 MB, 3840x2160, 20240824_020802.jpg)

The ban is expired now but it's kinda stupid that my post got redtexted when the thread OP says animals are ok, while the picture with male animals didn't get redtexted anyways. This gets banned but the retard baiting about Poor Things doesn't kek.

No. 82482

sorry not everyone has the same hateboner for the movie that you do but it's not bait just bc you're mad

No. 82483

I don't even give a shit about the movie, but the anon who started the "discussion" by saying it's good when majority of anons dislike it did so to bait an infight. And it worked unfortunately.

No. 82486

i haven't even watched that movie. i just hate the retarded infights it inevitably brings

No. 82487

anons aren't allowed to discuss things they like because other anons don't like it…? how is it her fault she got sperged on

No. 82488

some people are using the discussion as infight bait, which coincidentally happens every time poor thungs gets brought up.
infighting and baiting is tiresome and the bechdel thread really isn't the right place for that specific discussion anyway.

No. 82489

can the ot mods wake up and already ban the baiting moid in the ugly psyop thread and the retards namefagging him

No. 82491

File: 1724488581940.png (9.2 KB, 361x96, ot-Ugly-Man-Psyop-Discussion-T…)

He's not even hiding it anymore

No. 82492

I propose that "yall" should be added to redtext words.

No. 82493

I think farmhands are a little too ban-happy lately and it’s stifling the conversation a bit, and some of them (like the bait ones) feel a little arbitrary.

No. 82494

Wtf is it with anons acting like dicks towards other's vents in the vent thread? So many responses lately that are straight up mean and angry towards the poster

No. 82495

There's always been a problem with this somewhat but I'm 98% sure it's baiting scrotes in this case, a lot of the angry responses feel samey and kind of follow the same formula from what I've seen.

No. 82496

Anon >>82495 is right. Pretty sure it's just bait and to a lesser capacity people looking for an outlet for the frustrations which is unfortunately other anons. I learnt my lesson the one time I posted, never again kek.

No. 82497

File: 1724498529728.jpg (148.89 KB, 720x1238, IMG_20240824_142117.jpg)

There's a tranny in unpopular opinions

No. 82498

I guess its illegal for women to be freaky now 

No. 82500

Derailing antifujo in art salt thread

No. 82502

Link examples

No. 82503

Move celebricows back to /snow)

No. 82504

You realize that it's not just moids that make stupid save names, right?

No. 82505

Fuck you assholes

No. 82507

File: 1724536878088.jpeg (450.57 KB, 828x1043, IMG_5097.jpeg)

the ridiculous photoshoppers threads really bring in the most retarded newfags

No. 82508

I agree, it makes no sense in /ot and it's dumb it's the only thread you have to sage on in /ot

No. 82509

File: 1724543147224.jpg (110.67 KB, 917x356, Retard take it to meta.jpg)

So tired of anons sperging out in the threads about what user is who, assuming everyone is a supposed whiteknight too. These users keep shitting up the Taylor thread constantly with these accusations. Please long ban them. The thread is already suffering as is, we don't need anons baiting like this. They can take it to meta or report wks instead of trying to point them out and hide before text spoilers like newfags

No. 82510

The smirby faggot is ruining this thread. Spamming moids and random girls saying how it's so skirby coded.

No. 82513

I agree that the spoilered text is superfluous, but it's in context with the reply. Prev anon made an unfunny joke that flew over OP's head and she decided to write a lengthy explanation as to why. Was it absolutely necessary? No. Does disrupt the thread? Also no. Can anons ignore it and move on without bringing every single post they disagree with to meta? Absolutely.

No. 82515

You two are genuinely fucking retarded or you're troons.

No. 82517

Can this >>>/g/426965 reply get deleted, wtf? This is vile to suggest to a nona happen just because of a moid, this is probably written by a scrote too.

No. 82518

Porn spam with link posted

No. 82519

Can a farmhand chime in and dissuade the literal retard in the new aniejoy thread? They seem to be labouring under the misapprehension that they need to be credited for lazy recaps posted on an anonymous imageboard and are unsaged fighting with the op of the thread. I am actually astounded by this level of attention whoring.

No. 82520

Delete the two bait threads in /2x/

No. 82522

I don't think it matters if anon didn't tone police it. Constantly complaining about wks when there wasn't even one is newfaggotry. Anons need to stop defending shitty posters who don't contribute. Anon just sounds like a bitter, stupid nonna who wanted to be right but they were wrong. Now they are whining about it as if it's some boogeyman's fault.

No. 82523

This dichotomy between vendetta-chans and "wks" is what has got the majority of locked threads locked on /w/ in the first place. Idk why it's such a specific issue to /w/ (other than the types of anons the threads attract) but it's been a pretty big issue for years now.

No. 82526

Sounds like an easy way to get threads locked if anons are fingerpointing like this.

No. 82527





No. 82528


No. 82529

File: 1724560594733.png (49.25 KB, 1533x684, Skirby 3rd person retard.png)

I'm begging you to just keep banning the skirbyfag. They reply to themselves in the 3rd person, they think they own threads. There is no fucking way this poster is over 18 with how they obsessively compare every thot they post to skirby and literally skirby is a nobody. Claiming all sorts of tinfoil without proof at all and then getting mad when anons call them out. They have been spamming some ugly dude in the photoshop thread and it's not even new shops and now the thread is filled with the second to last posts being the skirbyfag >>>/snow/2029426. We don't need every single fucking photo of his ugly photoshopped face. It's shopped, everyone knows it is. This is the same repetitive posting that forced this anon to make a skirby thread because anons were tired of them ruining the photoshop thread, but we don't need a thread for every single person who does shop that they stumble upon either. Like please. This is ridiculous and we know they reply to themselves, we've seen it before and they are so obvious because they won't shut up about their precious skirby. Anon needs to get a grip and shut up and stop shitting up so many threads with their posts and claiming anons need to give credit to them. What a weird thing to even demand on lolcow.

No. 82530

The other day a scrote posted about wanting to have oral sex with a dog and it took farmhands 8+ hours to redtext the post, but it still wasn't deleted.

No. 82531

Sounds about right

No. 82532

Mods clean up /2x/ now

No. 82533

the mods need to be stricter across the board during summerfag season, thats all I ask

No. 82536

There’s a retarded scrote baiting in the things you hate thread. No woman cares this much about denying the Holocaust or whatever. MOOODS! Ban him

No. 82537

please stop deleting Laur's posts in the LJ thread, they're milky. or at least make a page we can view them…

No. 82539

Yeah I presume that's the case, but I didn't wanna get called a schizo for noticing what's been a pretty consistent pattern over the years.

No. 82540

Disgusting and sloppy work from the moderation team holy shit. Mods please do better because what is this shit.

No. 82542

I reported a post about Tulsi Gabbard in the Amerifag thread today that seemed like an obvious mood post but it didn't get banned. Maybe I was wrong though.

No. 82544

Farmhands lock and delete the new 4chan thread on /ot/. Obviously made for scrote bait by a scrote. It's gonna attract even more rabid 4ch chuds to the site.

No. 82545

literally what, why are we allowed to make fun of twitter/reddit but not 4chan??

No. 82546

it'll attract 4channer moids

No. 82548

mods, delete this shit pls, it's gross and shouldn't stay up >>>/g/427194

No. 82549

File: 1724610750200.jpg (410.69 KB, 1290x2293, 456981587_18448747069030812_69…)

Please make a new addyharajuku thread

No. 82550

Yuri pedo is going on a loli spam rampage in the lesbian thread while also trying to bait in the husbando thread by claiming anons are positing shota (they’re not)

No. 82551

the scrotefoiling in celebricows is getting ridiculous. i feel like i've read 10+ posts of anons accusing others who disagree with them for being a gay man, and it's shitting up the thread. we know fags and moids lurk, if they're really moids they need to report and move on i'm sick of seeing "you're OBVIOUSLY a gay man who lacks empathy" in some infight that's clogging up the thread. not even a part of the fight just tired of reading it

No. 82552

these retards have been infighting for hours now on the same subject, it makes the thread unreadable

No. 82553

Please report them. There was only one report from that thread regarding scrotefoiling and it's been dealt with already.

No. 82554

not true. i made two scrotefoiling reports that went through, and i may have reported more. the point is it's still going, despite my reports and the thread is being clogged with some back and forth arguments that make it unreadable

No. 82556

samefag, you can see the exact scrotefoiling reports that went through that i myself reported. there were two. one of them was 5 hours ago, that's how long this pointless argument has been going on for

No. 82557

Those aren’t the same anon

No. 82559

You’re right. One was the American dad wannabe avatarfag, and the other was yuripedo. Both are annoying faggots. It’s unfortunate both decided to plague /g/ at the same time.

No. 82560

Yuripedo and her groupies are still shitting up the lesbian thread because they’re furious a bisexual may have reported her for spamming lolishit. Can a farmhand please clean up that thread? I wouldn’t be surprised if they all have a discord server considering how often yuripedo and her gf shit up other threads.

No. 82561

Shouldn't all this margo new renaissance milk go to her thread instead Venus? They aren't correlated in any form to Venus to justify using the same thread imo

No. 82563





No. 82565

File: 1724638754596.jpg (33.27 KB, 602x339, main-qimg-6f8532751ceb198802a5…)





No. 82566

Thank you for adding the pic. Very prety !

No. 82567

I hope they ban you

No. 82569

I'm with you anon. Shit's wack.

No. 82570

Farmhands can't open applications, that's the admin job.

No. 82571

Thnx my mistake will change the format of the message when I post it again tomorrow at 10PM est

No. 82572

Me too! I just want an answer. Past 2 weeks have been HORRID after 10PM. Literally insane that if you're awake at 7-8AM and you're on the catalog page, you can actually SEE the post numbers in each thread go down in real time as idi/ot/ farmhand wakes up and starts doing her job. My only question is if she is so overwhelmed by the amount of work WHY don't they open farmhand applications so that the workload can be shared more effectively between persons in different timezones?
They did ban me for spam, but luckily I have a VPN so I can just click a button and in less than a second I am unbanned again. This is also another problem with the moderation of the website that needs to be addressed.(ban evasion)

No. 82573

This thread should be unlocked, afaik it’s not a duplicate and it being a “shit thread” is dumb because the Reddit, YouTube, and Twitter hate threads have descriptions that are just as, if not less, detailed >>>/ot/2153881

No. 82574

They'll never let us have a 4chan hate thread, one was made a few years ago and got locked too

No. 82575

It's not gonna work troll

No. 82576

You know exactly why it's locked.

No. 82577

I agree it needs to go

No. 82578

File: 1724678538547.png (847.91 KB, 2432x1372, kinkshaming thread.png)

Are we letting sensitive newfags bend the rules of a thread to their whims now? That stupid rule wasnt in the last two thread. Its always the bitches that get off to choking and corpses that end up being the most sensitive. Imagine if a fujo hijacked the fujocoomer thread to put a rule saying you cant crosspost from the fujo thread, hell would break lose.

No. 82579

How about getting rid of all these retarded threads; kinks, kink shaming and whatever nonsense your spouting.

No. 82580

this board doesnt have to cater to your personal taste, newfag

No. 82582

File: 1724688383935.png (35.23 KB, 1800x534, underage retard.png)

You will never convince me that the skirby poster is not underage. They even went back to edit their 'newds' because they realized it sounded too juvenile and gave them away. Also the way they claim threads belong to them and they need credit?

Honestly think you should lock their skirby thread, ban skirby posting, and ban/deete their posts when they are the poster. They keep infighting and shitting all the threads they enter. Not to mention obvious cowtipping and I'm not just saying because of the file names. skirby poster knows it's a throwaway when anons weren't even mentioning or caring if it was. They added all this extra info that no one cares about or asked about. Anons already suspected this with tiktoks involving skirby being posted too.

No. 82583

Yeah, I wonder what their post history looks like.
I just ignore/hide the thread now. Depending on how autistic they are they'll likely lose interest when it doesn't get attention because the posts are annoying/unintegrated and the cow (skirby) is boring.

No. 82585

I've notice this happening too. Mods promised more communication but they were lying out their ass because none of our concerns in this thread will ever be answered.

No. 82587

File: 1724693442535.png (137.81 KB, 500x250, 2953807424697.PNG)

Why do I get banned for personalityfagging while bpchan and ntyfag get to roam free?

No. 82588

Why is it so fucking stagnant in here? Three admins but there is no communication happening. If there really are three of you, you're the same flavor of failure as all of the past admins. Let me guess, you all took on more than you could handle and now you just neglect the site instead of handing it off to someone who might actually improve it?

No. 82589

>nonas in the MTF thread all hate the idea of a soylita threadpic
>some retard does it anyway, mods do nothing despite soyjaks being forbidden
>nonas who complained got told to stfu and that there would be a new thread in like a week anyways
>MTF thread has never been deader, it's already been like a month and we still have the same shit soylita wojak threadpic
Not to put my tinfoil hat on but oddly suspicious.

No. 82590

bpchan, a local celebrity

No. 82591

I like how sometimes a stray farmhand will start talking to anons to quell disappointment and so bootlickers can be like "UMMMM ACTUALLY THE MOD TEAM DOES COMMUNICATE". There is no way they read every single post itt. They're straight up lying. At least shaymin brought anons together with her retardation.

No. 82592

Watch out anon! Some covert farmhand will add in a rule change in the MTF thread that says something like "REMEMBER: soyjaks are NOT BANNED" like here >>82578 so they don't have to enforce any rules and they can go back to minimodding like crazy and ban anons who dare attempt to be sarcastic in response to another anon in some milkless cow thread.

No. 82593

Ok, this is actually super retarded especially considering nonas in /g/ are straight up into sissy hypno coomer bs and as well as the fugliest moids imaginable. What is this "don't yuck someone's yum!" in the kinkshaming thread?

No. 82594

>sissy hypno
No one is into that shit.

No. 82595

Wish that was true, check the femdom thread. Inb4
>Ohh it's just regular NON sissy hypno!!
please, it's the same retarded tranny shit. gtfo with those DeviantArt tier fetishes, you're not gonna hypnotize a man to be your perfect lil bimbo with a YouTube video

No. 82596

Anons there hates sissies, they love himbos though.

No. 82597

Can you please make "cis" and "cisgender" red, bolded text to do something to actively combat the trannies, gendies, and retarded enbies that are shitting up like half of this site's boards? Eagerly and unironically discussing "cis privelige" should be a bannable offense.

No. 82598

We have 1 admin currently.

No. 82599

What happened to the other two?

No. 82600

They are both permabanned but regularly ban evade. Please report them when you see them.

No. 82601

It’s so weird, anons shouldn’t be able to randomly change the rules of a thread to suit themselves without any discussion at all.

No. 82602

I don't think it's random farmers I genuinely think it's undercover farmhands or something.
Still no sign of life from admin.

No. 82603

The first one wasnt even involved in the 3rd admin. The second one was consulting but not running. Anons have fed these threads so much tinfoil.

No. 82604

>The first one wasnt even involved in the 3rd admin
nta but i'm confused. what was the point of the cerebmin introduction thing then?

No. 82605

>ntyfag is permabanned
What, she posts in the post your art thread all the time lol. Bans truly mean nothing.

No. 82606

None, they wanted to seem more apt and capable than shaymin. But as we've seen, that's not quite the case.

No. 82607




Jfc so we can't have shit because of a potential raid from some pieces of smegma from 4chan?? what's the fucking point of having LC in the first place then? I'm sick of all the hundreds of milkless threads that are full of nothing but nitpicking some random e-whores Instagram story. I don't give a fuck. We need more threads mocking male cows and 4chan is the perfect hub of male retardation. Plus, 4chan shit has gotten normalized to a disturbing degree, with normies using their white supremacist incel memes or constantly sharing unfunny autistic green texts as if they were the funniest shit in the world. 2x has already been privated to allegedly turn off moids from raiding the threads, and as a result 2x is now full of either trolls or retarded schizos and fully unusable. This site is gonna end up useless if we keep cowering and shaking in our boots at the idea of moids finding certain threads.

No. 82608

can we stop literal full frontal/backside uncensored porn screenshots being posted in the shayna and aniejoy threads? no one needs to see their vaginas or assholes close up, it feels like moids posting that shit, honestly. they could at least censor their holes for gods sake, this isnt a porn site.

No. 82609

>I'm sick of all the hundreds of milkless threads that are full of nothing but nitpicking some random e-whores Instagram story. I don't give a fuck.
I agree but it's always been an unspoken rule that lolcor is full of woman hating anachans, pickmes and female misogynists who would rather write paragraphs about a woman's nasolabial folds or obsessively analyze and tear apart her instagram story than make fun of moids.

Half the time I think the angry vendetta flameposting in the porn or photoshop whores threads is women who have caught their boyfriends watching her porn and now have a hateboner towards her. We really don't need more onlyfans whore threads with their porn screenshots, none of them are especially milky besides people like Shayna and Skirby.

No. 82610

All you're doing by rehashing unhinged scrote 4chan posts is just normalizing their ideas, spreading hate and giving their stupid opinions/unhinged thinkpieces more attention and credence than they deserve. Nobody needs to see
>reasons why I hate women
>reasons why I hate brown people
>reasons why I hate Jews
threads regurgitated on here, we already know these unhinged hateful freaks exist and 99% of the population avoids them and their idiotic drivel for that reason. Stop acting like these losers opinions or takes even matter, you're just spreading it around.

No. 82611

So are we going to get an explanation for >>82578

No. 82612

>Half the time I think the angry vendetta flameposting in the porn or photoshop whores threads is women who have caught their boyfriends watching her porn and now have a hateboner towards her
Hit the nail on the head, I think you were even too generous claiming it's only half of them. But this can easily change. Just how there's rules implemented to drive newfags away or force them to integrate, there should be rules to drive cringe pickmeishas obsessed with vendettafagging about their jakeys favorite e-whores. In fact, vendettafagging and nitpicking are already against site rules but this is conveniently forgotten in all these retarded threads. The absolute lack of male cows is astounding, especially considering how much milkier and more retarded they are than women at large.

No. 82613

As the anon who made the 3rd kinkshaming thread I added that in because we already have “Lolcow’s own screencaps” for de/g/en shaming >>>/ot/2072706 if so many nonnas want that part removed from the OP then go right ahead farmhands/admins it’s not big deal to me lol

No. 82614

Why are u assuming we'd only mock poltards? 4chan is huge and theres multiple stand-out retards and degenerate cow behavior there that absolutely warrants its own thread. By your logic, no cow should get a thread at all because thats "spreading their ideology". Also, newsflash: 4chan retardation has ALREADY been normalized. Hence my complaint about 4chan memes and greentexts escaping containment and seen as something funny and cool by normies

No. 82615

Big reason as to why I think women on here talk shit about trannies so much over any other moid, because we can't have threads dedicated to making fun of degen schizo moids without them being shut down. Trannies are the closest to 4chan moids we can get. I'm tired of /pol/fags infiltrating this site too, they need to be promptly bullied. There's so many posts on here that are just "the /pol/tards were right the entire time!!" that are obviously said /pol/fags trying to psyop us lol.
The random bpdemon e-whore threads are soooooo boring. Nothing special or new about them, but it's so obvious that they're made by women who hate other woomen so it's not really new. I remember daniel larson's thread, it was sort of inactive but it was funny making fun of a disgusting moid with people who defended him getting blasted. As I said earlier it's why I think trannies are so talked about on here, they're milky as fuck. No boring nitpicking, just pure milk

No. 82616

True, but even the MFT threads have been stale lately so there goes our only active and popular male cows thread. Guess only pickmeishas get to make 700 copy paste threads about undistinguishable e-thots now. LC is becoming 4chan 2.0

No. 82617

Nta but the MTF thread has been stale because the threadpic seems moidish as fuck and jannies are red texting anyone who wants to sperg a little deeper into tranny ideology because MUH GENDER IDEOLOGY HATE THREAD IS RIGHT THERE NEWFAGS.

No. 82618

anon the ayrt is referring to and seeing the stuff about the threadpic is so funny to me because I made the edit of it to make fun of the tranny who posted the original, did not expect it to be the threadpic with the kris tyson shit going on kek. but anyways i don't get the point of having a different thread for gender ideology when the ideology itself is milky. Trannyism is literally a cult I don't see how that isn't milky, also having a seperate thread for it causes the /snow/ tranny threads to be more dead

No. 82619

I know, I complained about it above >>82589, that's still a failing on jannies part considering they even locked the thread with the Chris Tyson pic and left the scrotey soylitas one up. And nonas getting redtexted for derailing/blogposting is also retarded, reading nonas analysis on tranny psychology or personal anecdotes of irl troons is one of my favorite things from the MFT threads.

No. 82620

>The random bpdemon e-whore threads are soooooo boring.
I agree. All these women have the exact same personalities, antics, aesthetic, makeup, photoshopping style, and everything else. Maybe back in the late 2010s this would have been considered milky as it was more rare, but now there's literally millions of these women online and they all are completely interchangeable. We know these cows are scummy whores and warp their waists and noses in every picture, we dont need threads and threads full of evidence for it.

No. 82621

>The absolute lack of male cows is astounding
This. Has anyone ever worked out the male:female cow ratio on the log?

No. 82622

I'll be honest. I've used kiwi farms before and it taught me I don't have the stomach for most male cows…

No. 82623

I think it would be more interesting to how many
>male cows
>female cows
>mtf cows
>ftm cows
there are, you rarely see a cow born male that still calls themself male and you rarely see a cow born female that’s gone ftm, the only noteworthy ones I can think of are Kalvin Garrah (who almost had a thread but got locked so I don’t count Kalvin) and Pixyteri (who’s a pretty big cow but there’s not many other ftm cows like Pixy)

No. 82624

Nta but how exactly is this surprising?

No. 82625

Ban nigelfags from /2x/

No. 82627

Lol taylorfags are so bored now the way they talk to their toddler is milk? Jfc why does this thread exist when its only ever nitpicking for 3 years now

No. 82628






No. 82629

Cerbmin isn't real and we don't have enough farmhands because it's Shaymin and her friendos and they won't accept new mods. She's trying to kill the site.

No. 82630

Interesting theory plz detail it in longer form so I can understand better thank you for the effort trooper

No. 82631

Can the Marilyn Manson thread be unlocked??

No. 82633

If you're too stupid to not click the spoiler because it offends your delicate sensibilities then you deserve to see whatever's underneath. How new are you to being crying about a mechanism designed to protect you but are unable to allow it to do so? I'm not even advocating for porn, I just don't think everything that hurts your feelings should be banned. Especially when nsfw that is intrinsically related to milk or discussion (they are literal sex workers) has been allowed since lolcow's inception. I'm sick of seeing people try to mould this place to their liking instead of fucking off or integrating.

No. 82634

Why are you banning anons for scrotefoiling on the confessions thread? The moid literally wrote he produced smegma.

No. 82635

Women produce smegma too, it's literally just a buildup of dead skin cells/oils etc. If you've never seen it on your vulva it's because, congrats, you wash it frequently, but it definitely exists.

No. 82636

Ban nigelfags full stop

No. 82637

Cant believe I'm about to ask this but would farmhands consider perma saging the shoe thread? Its full of retarded white knights bumping it with their cringy fanfiction and reeing over the fact she chose to marry a dumpling rather than posting any new milk.

No. 82638

I support this 100%

No. 82639

If they ban nigelfags before they ban the conversation of "cis provelige" and bolding the words "cis" and "cisgender" then the mods are definitely trannies.

No. 82640

someone is posting raceplay fetish accounts on multiple threads and it feels less less about wanting to laugh at them and more just blatant fetish posting by a moid(likely indian)

No. 82643

when hellweek rolls around, can reddit spacing be a bannable offense again. I really feel thatll clean up the place

No. 82644

I get that you don't have to like every animal on the planet, and that a lot of people don't like cats/dogs for a number of reasons. But it feels fairly disturbing that there are cat/dog hate threads, especially since they are filled with people wishing harm on them. It's borderline sociopathic and I don't understand why those threads are allowed to exist.

No. 82645

It's clear a lot of anons type like this to test their limits with moderation since the last time we had hellweek

No. 82646

Derail about moderation complaints and ceribim in the real opinions thread, theres about 3/4 derailing posts in a row that even the posters said should be brought to meta kek

No. 82647

I avoid those threads like the plague but isn't that literally a-logging? It shouldn't be allowed just because they're animals. The people who frequent those threads are unbalanced and should be put on a list.

No. 82648

pedotard derailing in the art salt thread

No. 82649

they’re kekky so i think they should stay

No. 82650

the newest unsaged post is milky though and there hasnt been any bumps since over a week and all the previous unsaged sperging got redtexted. if you don’t think it’s milk just report it

No. 82652

Please ban nullfag before she starts posting cp

No. 82653

Once again suggesting a /w/ Legacy Cows thread or something with a better name. All the old cows with active threads right now are either redtexted to death because anons have no milk and are trying to make milk or the cow has abandoned posting online [Dakota]. Really think this might help mitigate trying so hard to make non-milk milky and anons getting bans because of this. We shouldn't have to leave these once milky cows to their own, crumbling threads anymore. They might as well be combined and together as they rot out to pasture.

No. 82654

Or just move them from w/ altogether like the Venus thread.

No. 82656

Instead of deleting Laur's posts, make a special picture/gif for her and tag all of her posts with it. The way it should be, the way God intended. Remember that this site doesn't just act as a gossip site, but also as an archive for cow antics (hence why we don't delete cow threads).

No. 82657

I hate that this even has to be said. The new mod team is just not up to lolcor standards.

No. 82658

that shit belongs on fucking reddit or 4chan. not here.
no. her comments are deleted for a reason.

No. 82659

>for a reason
Please enlighten us anon

No. 82660

Because anon is a mod bootlicker and is much too esteemed to encourage the idea that the mod team of a cow website should be preserving cow antics.

No. 82661

This would actually make sense since both do modeling, can't they go into instagrammers you hate or something instead? i like the idea of a "dead-dolly" type name for them all to be clustered in. Venus would be the one cow to keep the whole thread alive if we combine all 3 and move them to /pt/ as they are both legacy cows and I know that's important to anons. Then Margo can have her own thread since she's getting so much more milkier.

No. 82662

I've been here for several years and this has always been the go-to when a cow keep self-posting. They like the attention. Yes it's milky to laugh at them, but lolcow isn't a site for them to come and manipulate their own threads. It's always been discouraged. It's why they've always been banned and for severe cases, posts deleted. It sucks, but the threads aren't for the cows, they are about the cows.

No. 82663

Hey farmhands, I just want to point out you have let slide posts that talk about wishing death on whole groups of people (I'm pretty sure thats against the rules) and israel shilling so I posted that picture to show what these idiots are condoning so I disagree it is unnecessary in this case. I didnt want to have to post it either and I wouldnt have had to if you just redtexted those posts that break the rules.

In any case I know you guys are dealing with a lot so I dont want to be mean I just wanted to explain why.

No. 82664

I've also been here for years and they didn't delete Erin's selfposting, nor Mickey Moon's selfposting. They even highlighted Erin's selfposting, which is what they need to do with Laur's selfposting if they actually gave a single shit. But they don't.

No. 82665

Unhinged poltard going on rampage on /ot/

No. 82666

you havent been here long enough if you cannot understand why the mother of all cows gets her shit deleted every time she tries to start shit. this isnt some lonely faggot trying to revive their thread by self posting. she goes waaay beyond creepshow art levels of insanity and legit deserves no attention for posting here.

No. 82667

Laur regularly spams word salad, dox spams various innocent unrelated people, spams gore/gross content, and makes the thread unusable on the regular due to the insane amounts of unhinged spam. We delete these the moment we see them, so most farmers miss the complete schizo meltdown that happens weekly, but I'm sure some have seen these posts. As well, we discourage selfposting and personalityfagging in general. So for now, we will be deleting her posts.
Essentially this. We always delete massive schizo spam posting on other threads as well (Dasha's thread for example).

No. 82668

Farmhand what do U think was the craziest thing Laur ever posted? Like the thing that made you go "damn this woman is insane." Plz can U tell us it would be a good bonding exercise for us.

No. 82669

>As well, we discourage selfposting and personalityfagging in general.
NTA but not really. You tagged Mystery's posts and Rita's.

No. 82670

>we discourage selfposting and personalityfagging in general
>multiple selfposting personalityfags allowed to do whatever on the regular

No. 82671

Can we re-open the tradthot thread?

No. 82672

Nona check under your flaps, every woman produces smegma in her labia too

No. 82673

kek there's really retards arguing that porn needs to be posted on lolcow now
why not just change the url to cowhub and post constant screenshots of shayna and aniejoy's cunts for the moid lurkers to enjoy

No. 82674

Why’d it get locked?

No. 82675

What are you talking about? Farmer's have been uploading pictures of Shayna's asshole to /snow/ for over seven years.

No. 82676


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 82678

Yes, there have been many cows that had their post history exposed and sometimes their posts tagged (Kiki, Dasha, Kelly, that one pet youtuber i cant remember the name of, etc…). The inconsistent moderation here sucks, and the fact that anons act like you're crazy for suggesting things based off of precedents the staff set kek. Of course things like gore should be deleted, but honestly I think the real reason they're deleting posts is simply because they don't have the moderation tools to actually ban Laur.

No. 82679

Men kept shitting it up with bait.

No. 82680

They don't have enough farmhands and mods to run this place and they refuse to open farmhand applications for some curious reason.

No. 82681

This isn’t twitter, we don’t post pictures of child gore to win arguments. Report the other posts for racebaiting instead of immediately jumping to posting gore.

No. 82682

you weren't around for shayna's earlier threads huh

No. 82683

Newfags spamming shit threads on /snow/. None of these e-thots are milky enough by themselves to have a thread on.

No. 82684


Jannies should look at this. It's just doxing and weird stuff.

No. 82685

I'm really tired of every 2nd snow thread being about some random camwhore or onlyfans whore. Is there any way they can be confined to a sex worker general?

None of these people are particularly interesting or milky, they all do the same antics (photoshopping, scamming people, generally being horny degen retards) and sometimes it even feels like making a whole thread about them is a PR move to try and increase their infamy because most people would never have seen them or come across their content in their lives. There's also literally millions of onlyfans cows and if there is a thread made about all of them then the entire catalogue would be filled with nothing but onlyfans whores.

No. 82686

If by farmers you mean trannies then yeah. I promise no actual woman saves pictures of other women's assholes to nitpick.

No. 82687

My theory is that lolcow will die within the next couple years because the internet has become absolutely saturated with lolcows. People like Chris Chan used to be a one in a million anomaly, now there's millions of autistic sex offender tranny weirdos seeking attention online. Same goes for the e-whore, youtuber and streamer threads, there's simply so many of them doing cow-ish activities at any given time and getting into scandals that it's hardly news anymore.

No. 82688

I think so too

No. 82689

Obvious newfag.

No. 82691

Okay. Not like people can't find this content elsewhere.

There are generals for them. Idk why they arent used. Not every cow need their own thread.

I wouldn't trust someone complaining like this to be a moderator.

No. 82692

I dont think this fits in this thread unless you’re suggesting to shut the site down, this should be in general meta discussion. You’re probably wrong though lol, people will come here if for no other reason than being unwilling to make accounts on KiwiFarms, PULL, or GuruGossip, plus there being more and more Lolcows if anything only means more traction for the site

No. 82693

>it’s not big deal to me lol
why are all newfags so selfcentered

No. 82695

Cp spam on /m/ clean it up tranny jannies

No. 82696

admin said that the post history tagging in the past was done by the admins not the farmhands

No. 82697

the site will more likely just die off naturally for reasons like server bills or management issues which seems to be the main recurring theme we have with the admins. most people don't want to run this site for various reasons like being exposed to cp, gore, and harassment/doxxing threats, so the pool of capable admins is quite small. that's part of the reason why things have gotten so bad here lately. eventually there isn't going to be anyone who is willing to manage it and deal with all the stress that comes with running the boards unless it gets sold out like what happened to 4chan. a lot of admins have talked about how expensive it has become to run this place and the abundant issues with the backend so on top of finding someone who can deal with cp and weirdos attempting to doxx them, they also have to be willing to work on the site code. i know years back one of the older admins contemplated allowing advertising but it's hard to find sponsors that'll run on an imageboard other than porn and ccp datamining bullshit.

>because the internet has become absolutely saturated with lolcows.

i actually think it's the opposite. it's hard to find actual lolcows in the wild. people like chris-chan, cyraxx, raven, kota, pixy, idk cows like either aren't online anymore or don't get as much attention as they used to. i do think the internet is overly saturated though with annoying attention seekers, but they're not weird the same way that chris-chan was weird.

No. 82698

I'm aware anyone. My initial post wasn't towards the farmhands, but they responded so that's who I directed my response to.

No. 82699

Do you even know where you are?

No. 82700

Anon must not have been here for the Belle porn spammers.

No. 82701

Can we do something about the anon tin foiling and mini modding in the black girl problems thread?

No. 82702

I don't see any reason to do this. No one wants a group thread. What has changed is the fact that many threads are now absurdly overmoderated - something that has started in the past couple years.

No. 82703

Agreed. I really think the use of sex worker/OF containment threads needs to be utilized more. Not every photoshopping e-whore needs her own thread to showcase how much she shoops her hips ffs, it's such boring samey non-milk.

No. 82704

Thanks mods. Appreciate your work

No. 82706

File: 1724845212690.jpg (26.45 KB, 861x517, IMG_0828.jpg)

sorry but how did this post break rules in any way? the pic i posted wasnt even porn or had pussy/tits showing on it

No. 82707

thats because /w/ is a shitshow of excessive nitpicking over stupid things. the cows there are not as milky as the others. they should bring that mentality to some of the threads in /snow/

No. 82708

>will die out in a couple of years
You’re being incredibly generous, give it 1-2 years, 3 max.

No. 82709

>and they refuse to open farmhand applications
as trash as the mods are the current user base isn’t much better. getting more retards in power isn’t the answer

No. 82711

It was anime porn with a hairy asshole showing

No. 82712

So we should have the threads littered with tedtext as if thats any better?

No. 82713

No it wasn't kek stop lying, there is so much worse being posted on here than that picture

No. 82714

I really dislike how the moderator’s are treating /2X/ at the moment. It really makes you think what gender/sex these mods really are, because every time they allow bj-chan and the other self-projecting confused tifs on that board persists you’re implying that /2X/, a board to talk about women’s issues and feminism, is actually a containment for loony/crazy/childless/schizophrenic women who are simply just “jealous” of not having a man. It makes me highly suspicious that a lot of these mods are just trannies or scrotes at this point or retarded (known fact), regardless clean that fucking board up before it becomes entirely unsalvageable it makes you look incredibly weird anti-feminist to allow that board to go to gutter shit. Wake up you lazy ass mods, do your job

No. 82715

Go back to ovarit

No. 82716

NTA but it literally was, don’t try to gaslight kek. I remember it. It was an anime girl with long brown wavy hair sticking her finger in a moid’s hairy asshole, your ban was absolutely justified. It’s creepy how much weird hentai you have saved to your devices to spam during your episodes.

No. 82717

>slotting in “childless” with mental illness terms
You’re not slick

No. 82719

I agree nona. They can't clean the shit up because there's only like 2 farmhands.

No. 82720

it was a drawing of two women, and the asshole wasnt even showing. if sight of female anatomy triggers then you shouldnt use the lesbian threads at all. the husbandofag thread would be more fitting for you though.

No. 82721

I wish they were stricter about containment in other boards from /2X/ rhetoric. I used to be in support of /2X/ until it became the way it is now and is spilling over across the entire site. It is draining seeing hate against mothers, pregnancy, women who have sex, etc. with women being characterized as subhuman for "opening their legs" on all these other boards. Birth rates are already extremely low across the globe, are lowering, and it seems like misplaced anger. You could replace a lot of this rhetoric with moid talking points from Kiwifarms. I am childfree, anti-nigel, etc. but the way these views are expressed sounds like alogging to me.

No. 82722

Can we please get some more intense and timely moderation on the bisexual thread? Every time someone tries to use it for it’s intended purpose, self-admitted straights and lesbians immediately invade to derail and bait. Every single time. The thread is dead and no one wants to use it because I think we all understand by now that if we do use it, it will just result in being dogpiled by straights and lesbians. It’s not cool. The bans are too little and too late. I want the thread to be usable. It would solve many other adjacent problems too.

No. 82723

You’re just straight up lying. Deranged.

No. 82724

Lol recent example is in the taylor thread they posted a bun tutorial all because an anon didnt like her bun tutorial kek w users are too stupid to know what milk even is. It wasnt even lolcow worthy just nitpicking like you said

No. 82725

Is a nitpicking moids thread allowed on /ot/ or /g/

No. 82726

File: 1724862519667.png (Spoiler Image,566.34 KB, 1092x611, g.png)

you make it sound like I posted deranged fetish porn when there is far worse shit posted by straight/bihet anons where they literally have their hairy bulges out and actual fetish porn that you let slide because you jerk off to it yourself. again, as ive said before, if seeing women in mildly sexual contexts bothers you, then hide the lesbian thread

No. 82727

Never used that site.
I’m talking about how these people view women who are feminists, dummy
Nobody wants to be a mod for this shit heap, don’t blame them but I also don’t sympathize kek
>birthrates are getting lower
Trad-chan we told you not to post like that here

No. 82728

File: 1724865256463.png (608.99 KB, 1200x1200, pJxo8HAHdzuwMu7Z6JJ8YKMcb7-lrW…)

I'm not a trad-anon, the trad-anons are saying boomerisms like "if a woman fraternizes with a man, getting raped is her fault". If you really give a shit, donate to organizations that educate and provide birth control to women in Bangladesh which has the highest birth rate in the world currently. This is a link for RHSTEP, Reproductive Health Services, Training, and Education Program: https://rhstep.org/.

No. 82729

Oh you mean people are posting horny pictures in the horny husbando thread?! Call the police! Meanwhile, posting a moidshit hentai image of a young girl fingering a man’s hairy butthole is perfectly appropriate to post randomly without context in the lesbian general thread.
-/g/‘s resident genius, yuripedo

No. 82730

Can't wait for this shit to hit zero.

No. 82731

spoilers exist for sensitive asexual retards like you btw.
>man’s hairy butthole
are you implying women cant have hairy assholes…? should it be squeaky clean shaved to be acceptable for you? not very radfem of you nonnie
>/g/‘s resident genius, yuripedo
i doubt yuripedo would be caping for bpdchans kek. get your facts straight, not everyone is the same anon, retarded schizo

No. 82732

How the fuck is this a tinfoil? It's literally a creator she linked under her reel and half of the said creator's content is about weight loss and dieting.

Mods keep baning every single post that documents her ana behaviour. I'm very curious to know why. And this is not the first instance.

Or was it for the sarcastic bit about learning Hindi? Lmao

No. 82733

>Yuripedo isn’t here schizo
Where have we heard that one before… kek. You must be genuinely retarded to think that works. There’s only one person that goes around spamming hentai and loli unrelated to the discussion in the lesbian thread.

No. 82735






No. 82736

at some point parthenogenesis will become possible and then we can have a world with only women.
Most of the redtext on Taylor's thread makes zero sense. It's always the same 1-2 anons in here reeing until their mod or sock bans whatever they don't like. Once I got 3 contemporaneous BS bans in threads on different boards just because they couldn't find a good reason to ban the post the person wanted banned.

If the particular anon(s) start an infight, they never get banned, only the people who correct/respond do. If they don't like your opinion, however nicely worded it is, you get banned for nitpicking, infighting, baiting, or derailing. The only opinions allowed are praise or insane defense of their favorite /w/ cows. They love mentioning belle delphine, jvloggers, sharla, chris, dakota, and nicole. They made the containment thread and pretended like the sharla/chris containment thread didn't get locked by the mods as soon as it was created. Even then, they blame nonas instead of the mods for doing it.

It's ludicrous that the mods and admin let one or two people shit up so many threads and abuse reports to this extent. This isn't a fanclub for cows and no one is forcing you to read any threads here. In fact, I doubt that the anon(s) doing this even use the boards aside from defending their cows and minimodding any thread where nonas have a different opinion.

No. 82737

10pm eastern is 3am european? what the fuck is adding european farmhands supposed to do when they would be asleep as well?

No. 82738

Omg… it was the Californians all along…

No. 82739

File: 1724871867991.png (73.49 KB, 512x512, full.png)

>Where have we heard that one before… kek. You must be genuinely retarded to think that works. There’s only one person that goes around spamming hentai and loli
i almost want to believe this is satire by how ridiculous this sounds, the girls in that drawing didnt even look loli at all kek
>unrelated to the discussion in the lesbian thread.
okay we get it, you hate fun, anime and female sexuality. i recommend you to check out facebook lgbbtv groups, they would definitely be more suitable for you than an imageboard with that mindset

No. 82741

Keep reeeing and try posting milk for once.

No. 82742

I think the /w/ farmhand is a known ban-happy janny and problem amongst the moderation team but I don't think they'll do anything to stop it. They do nothing to make the culture in /w/ align with the rest of the site. They don't care about random gendies and tiktok refugees shitting the place up, and they expect the board to be STRICT documentation only. I don't get why /snow/ threads get to have a bit of leeway with conversation but /w/ users must abide by a strict code of conduct, because, like I said, they do absolutely nothing to force /w/ users to integrate amongst the overall culture. It's fucking retarded.

No. 82743

The part you circled red is literally the asshole though

No. 82744

File: 1724874396276.png (14.45 KB, 136x136, 2770-pompombutt.png)

not really. at that angle you cant actually see her butthole, its only the shape of her ass that is visible. if it was at an angle similar to the picrel then id agree

No. 82745

>that reaction pic
Holy cringe. Hilarious how once someone confidently clocks you you stop denying it too lol.

No. 82746

liking anime and anime lesbians is not a yuripedo exclusive thing. are you lost? do you want me to shlick to anime moids instead or what?

No. 82747

> liking anime and anime lesbians is not a yuripedo exclusive thing
You’re right. It’s a tranny exclusive thing.(ban evading)

No. 82748

a bunch of edgy reddit subs were just deleted including redscarepod and TAFs expect refugees.

No. 82749

File: 1724875828773.png (19.25 KB, 580x129, spam ban.png)

Still spamming this
Still unanswered.

In response to picrel, farmhands you must realize by now that bans have no effect on a certain portion of the userbase because VPNs exist. It doesn't matter how long the ban is for, because it can be circumvented very easily. This is another issue with moderation that should be addressed.

I meant European +2. 10pm EST = 5AM in Finland. So by time midnight EST roles around, it would be 7AM in Finland so they'd have a morning shift. There are lots of Finnish anons. Why can't admin find farmhands that are NEETs and that are awake all hours of day or night anyway?

Why should we be happy with reduced moderation (or even moderation blackouts) for more than half the day? Why can't cerbmin spend 1 minute to confirm that he's alive? Why all this denial and pretending like nothing is wrong?(ban evasion)

No. 82750

I support you anon. They get sassy with the redtexts because they expect their shit for brains bootlickers to start insulting you so they don't have to answer your question because if the majority is against you then the mod team doesn't have to do shit. They lie about reading every post itt, because if they did they'd answer these simple-ass questions.

No. 82751

If nobody is going to moderate the lesbian thread can it just be nuked? Trolls are camping it 24/7 to the point where it's unusable anyway. Thread is currently infighting about scat fetishism. Things have gone past the point of no return.

No. 82752

right. why not we just turn the lesbian general into a yaoi thread because female homosexuality is too icky and male gazey while dicks and anime bois are feminist and female gazey

No. 82753

I love self milking cows

No. 82755

you can go back to talking about dicks in any of the other threads nonnie. the lesbian thread is not the only one that exists on this site

No. 82756

I don't blame them for not reading every post in this thread because anons take advantage of the fact that bans are rare in /meta/ to use it as an avenue for infighting and bait. Half the posts in this thread have nothing to do with the site in terms of suggestions or complaints.

But even this is an example of why there needs to be a re-evaluation of how the site is run. If these threads have become a cesspit because of the constant derailment, then why aren't the procedures updated so that more redtexts are issued here for off-topic posts? Why was I redtexted for asking a valid question, meanwhile anons itt can infight all day and night without consequence?

No. 82757

newfags are shitting up /snow/ by making retarded threads

No. 82758

It’s been like this for a week straight

No. 82759

The only person who mentioned (repeatedly, compulsively) dicks in this convo is you, ms. “Lesbian” addicted to scrote hentai. Really Makes one think…

No. 82760

File: 1724878175162.jpg (102.56 KB, 1080x621, Owow.jpg)

Mods are retarded, I got banned for reporting another anon baiting. Didn't even get a reason, either. Somebody must be butthurt today

No. 82761

Let’s see the post you reported

No. 82762

Ew you're being deliberately dishonest

No. 82763

I was also permanently banned just now for asking about moderation, albeit in all caps. They will ban us, but of course the baiters and infighters itt will never be banned. And even if they were, they have VPNs so they can easily evade. It makes you think!

No. 82764

>posts one picture of anime lesbians
>immediately labeled as a porn addict
>somehow this also makes her not a lesbian according to the self hating autistic bi schizo

No. 82765

Show the full thing go on

No. 82767

File: 1724878962452.jpg (97.52 KB, 1080x438, Owowowow.jpg)

I reported this post but got banned as a result, didn't get a red text at all
Your concerns really need to be addressed, every night there's back to back bait threads being posted without any sort of moderation it's only a matter of time before we get raided

No. 82768

Same anon but my response to that post was just saying that it wasn't scientifically accurate. Don't know why I got the ban hammer does that fall under infighting?

No. 82769

>randomly post hairy asshole anime porn >>82726 in the lesbian general
>anons say ew you’re weird
>have an episode, start accusing anyone who didn’t like the hairy asshole hentai of being a fujo who loves dick
>everyone mocks you
>why are they always mocking you

No. 82770

Reply to the wrong post anon?

No. 82771

KEK I did, woops

No. 82772

facebook is that way

No. 82773

I'm assuming (& hoping) you were replying to me as the 2nd ayrt. I agree. I don't see why I'm being permanently banned for asking a question about moderation. I'm a regular user on this website, I think I (and all other regular users) deserve to have my concerns addressed by staff. Isn't this thread supposed to function as a way for users and staff to communicate with one another, in an open forum sort of way? It shouldn't be difficult for a farmhand to type out a response to my questions and concerns, and in fact their communication would probably ease my anxieties and explain what's been happening recently. But I've brought up my concern for three days now and I'm still being ignored and punished. It doesn't make sense to me.

No. 82774

I hate that they don't ban in meta.

No. 82775

I've noticed since these threads have stopped being made by admin directly, the quality of posts itt have been declining and the rate of infighting and baiting has grown.

I can agree with the original stance that "oh, we don't ban in /meta/ for transparency reasons" but now we have huge slap-fights like the one going on currently that really do warrant redtexts and bans. It's especially annoying because I think this thread in particular is really important for the health of the website in general, and if this thread is full of bait and irrelevant posts, it makes it harder to discern real complaints and suggestions from shit.

No. 82776

Retard janny in the null thread needs to calm tf down. How is it derailing when nonas are discussing her fgm fetish which is literally part of what makes her a cow? Go redtext retards in the hundreds of useless milkless e-thot threads instead

No. 82777

Nonnas who are smart and go and google it themselves. Yes, the cow is into it, but that's all we need to know. Bothering to post information about it in general and then discussions happening based off that as a topic are derailing. Its not about the cow anymore and about anons talking about this crap instead.

How has derailing, nitpicking, and tinfoiling become uncommon knowledge in the past 5 years? I think admin and the mod team need to think about reorganizing some of these boards and threads. There's a lot of threads that are unnecessary and bring certain users.

No. 82778

File: 1724883903757.png (242.82 KB, 850x657, responses tallied.png)

Samefag, just to correct myself:
>I've noticed since these threads have stopped being made by admin directly
I should have said since the last hellweek. I thought that before hellweek, the complaints and suggestions thread were usually made by admin or farmhands but I must have been imagining things (maybe mandmella effect? kek). Only a few threads were made by them.

I wanted to see how often farmhands and admin posted in these threads, so I went back through all the threads and ctrl+f'ed for "farmhand" and " admin" and tallied the results, which can be seen in picrel. I wrote the thread number, and then the amount of responses by farmhand, and then in brackets the amount of responses by admin (if there were any). I just thought it'd be interesting to see how often staff respond to users in these threads. I didn't take into consideration the content of their posts, or to whom they were replying to (if they were replying), I just tallied the total number of posts that were made by them.

I was surprised by how few times the staff has posted in these threads. I had a rose tinted impression that in the past, farmhands and admin had responded more than they do now.

It was interesting going back through all the different threads. Even if you just look at threads before #22, you can tell that the quality of these threads has gone down a lot since those.

I'm beginning to sense that these threads are now seen by staff as just containment threads for autists to sperg about their bans or to infight with other anons free of consequence, instead of being threads based on actual substantial complaints or suggestions.

No. 82779

meta is supposed to be a cesspool. deal with it.
>How has derailing, nitpicking, and tinfoiling become uncommon knowledge in the past 5 years?
this is whats really ruining the site, this last wave of bullshit started with covid. people complain the /w/ janny is ban happy, but these were always bannable offenses. they don't fucking contribute ANYTHING to the thread. it brings weirdos and newfags taking retarded tinfoils as truth. I seriously suspect they're tiktards because they have zero critical thinking skills.

No. 82780

File: 1724884103308.png (17.98 KB, 349x117, antiadmin.png)

Samefag again just to say kek I didn't know doing pound pound was a way to spoiler text, I always did it the square bracket way. Just to clarify, I did search for "pound sign pound sign farmhand" and "pound sign pound sign admin" not just "farmhand" or "admin." The funniest thing I saw was someone pretending to be admin and getting banned for it.

No. 82781

/w/ is for all around low-milk cows already. What contributions can you really expect for threads like that?

No. 82782

Yes, you can go spam hairy assholes on there instead.

No. 82783

Can this be unlocked now that Adrien’s first thread is past 1200 posts? >>>/snow/2031615

No. 82784

Unlock the second Null thread Jannies. Kiwifarms got ahold of her and there is some new milk.

No. 82785

kek ironically she'd find more of an audience on there with her hentai than here. Lots of socially and mentally stunted moids.

No. 82786


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 82787

>Isn't this thread supposed to function as a way for users and staff to communicate with one another, in an open forum sort of way?
Silly nonnie, it was designed to corral all users with complaints into one thread that farmhands can then just hide. Kek.

No. 82789

They ban in meta pretty often now. Don't forget that movie thread anon got permabanned last summer for posting in meta. And now they allow certain anons to basically personalityfag and start infights here. Only the nonas responding to it will get banned.

Admin needs to clarify the definition of these words then, because speculation and normal discussion is no longer even tolerated in many threads. If the janny were at least consistent and would ban the anons who start infights or post retarded ad hominems and non-con wk posts, then it would at least seem less biased. I'd rather read anons speculating than have some rule that everything a cow says is automatically the truth. Tinfoil is speculation without any foundation at all, it's batshit crazy crap, not normal use of powers of deduction.

I also think talking about cow threads being 'necessary' or not is pretty weird. There isn't a finite amount of resources. Don't like a thread? Don't read it. It's silly to expect an entire imageboard to change because you don't like some thread or you personally like the cow. I don't get why this is hard, there are so many threads I think are boring or nitpicky or mean; I just don't read them or get involved.
It just seems like you want to minimod what anyone talks about - why? Genuine question, do you like any thread on LC? What's a "good" cow thread to you?

No. 82797

do you also scream in horror when seeing a womans body irl. i doubt you even ever got pussy if body hair triggers tf out of you

No. 82801

I stg this is the skirbyfag >>>/snow/2031820

No. 82815

So many cow threads can be reduced down to generals. Theres a bunch of dead cows with threads alive just from rapid anons deaperate for drama and milk that will never flow again. It's obvious when you go intk the threads.

No. 82841

close the BP thread. it's dogshit

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