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File: 1723773283826.jpeg (104.49 KB, 800x600, GrimesAndElonMusk13.jpeg)

No. 2026456

Ethereal electronic-alternative hipster musician turned washed-up imperialist-friendly space bimbo devoted to whiteknighting Elon Musk and performing shitty DJ sets. Billionaire exploiting his workers whilst neurotically dog whistling on Twitter and abusing various drugs.


>Grimes hypocritically decries AI music creation program Suno, calling it “sad and dark” whilst utilising Stable Diffusion and Midjourney for concert visuals >>1980256 , >>1980298 , >>1980981

>Grimes quotes Bladerunner whilst using the power of pure uninhibited mustiness to make Vivienne Westwood look cheap >>1980614
>Claire’s new boyfriend Anyma with one of many Grimes shirts with clearly A.I. generated graphics >>1980983
>Grimes threatening new music, Fortnite collaboration >>1984338
>Grimes hosts a Coachella dumpster fire with several technical difficulties on account of her inability to DJ, count, perform, or do any sort of damage control/problem solving. Complete with the premiere of a few new songs: the most shitty and lacklustre EDM “music” in the history of sound. >>1985329 , >>1985335 , >>1985337 , >>1985341 , >>1985343 , >>1985344 ,
>Plus, the live chat from Youtube: >>1996323
>Anyma assaults our eyes with naked Grimes visuals >>1985346
>Grimes acknowledges Coachella blunder by shifting blame to every other human being on the face of the Earth before taking responsibility for her ineptitude >>1985417 , >>1985418
>Grimes debuts new collaborative venture with Anyma, ‘Last Artists’, probably to forget about in the tragically near future >>1985623
>Elon yearns for beautiful women that he could never have for the umpteenth time >>1985673
>Elon Musk considers charging people real money to use his fucked up website >>1985834
>Redditors categorically expose grimes for not knowing how to DJ >>1986123
>Grimes is apparently back to hanging out with Silicon Valley faildaughter Lan Dao >>1986796
>Grimes debuts old thrifted shirts adorned with screen printed A.I. generated graphics accompanied by lorem ipsum text… literally! That's the merch! >>1987925 , >>1987979
>Duffy, former muse of Grimes, sets the record straight on how far Claire actually delves in these A.I. interests of hers, as well as calling her out for using hardships of others for personal profit >>1988066 , >>1988068 , >>1988071
>Grimes’s Manager Daouda publishes a thesis in defense of Claire’s Coachella flop >>1988901 , >>1988904
>Elon shits on childless young people with a seething rage >>1990415
>Bedlam at Elon’s Berlin factory as environmentalist protestors object to expansion >>1993913
>Grimes and Anyma take on Italy >>1994001 , >>1994015
>Grimes for Anyma’s birthday >>1996087 , >>1996089 , >>1997580 , >>1997588
>It is confirmed that Elon and Grimes have an agreement to share X (the child) on a week on, week off basis >>1996815 , >>1996823
>Argentine president Javier Milei and Elon Musk rendezvous for the most atrocious link up of the century
>Claire’s own fans lambast her lousy merch >>1997405 , >>1998251 , >>1998285 , >>2000007 , >>2002007
>Grimes cosplays a malnourished Victorian child in new woeful promotion for her never coming album, Book 1 >>1997672 , >>1997673 , >>1997675
>‘Pro-natalist’ couple Simone and Malcom Collins mention Grimes and Elon Musk in profile from The Guardian >>1998290 , >>1998292 , >>1998646
>Musk barking up the wrong tree once more, this time at an actual scientist who knows what they're talking about >>1998315
>Shivon posts Elon and her son, trying to convince us that there’s some semblance of a happy family >>1998528
>Grimes talks about lying to get into McGill (old milk) >>2003368
>Massive Wall Street Journal expose on Elon Musk's relations with women at SpaceX >>2003637 , >>2003662 , >>2003670
>Shivon gives birth to another one of these fucking mans kids >>2006710
>The Tesla Cybertruck gets recalled for a fourth time >>2008305
>Shivon simping on main again but this time directly quote tweeting Maye Musk on Elon’s birthday, calling him “epic king of memes” fucking yuck >>2009431
>Apparently, Elon was able to acquire twitter thanks in part to Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs >>2012320 , >>2012347
>After the unfortunately botched Trump assassination, Elon shows his support >>2014470 , >>2014706
>Grimes is fugly as usual as a guest at Curtis Yarvin(well known race scientist)’s wedding >>2015351 , >>2015582
>Elon pinky promises investors that Tesla humanoid robots will be viable for use next year >>2017487
>Elon decides that one of his eldest twins, Xavier/“Vivian” is a victim to the woke mind virus, tells everyone in conversation with Jordan Peterson of all people >>2017680
>Elon resists subpoena for Jeffery Epstein related case >>2018123
>Elon’s kid Xavier/“Vivian” speaks out >>2018696 , >>2018698 >>2018758
>Elon unfollows Grimes after she expresses support for the trans kid >>2018872 , >>2019520
>Apparently, in the midst of the ‘woke mind virus’/‘Vivian’ drama, Elon has decided to withhold His and Grimes’s children from seeing their dying great-grandmother >>2019657 , >>2019658 , >>2019659 , >>2019664 , >>2019665 , >>2019667 , >>2019671
>Grimes shows up to custody hearing in a green and black ensemble complete with Rick Owens clown shoes >>2021968
>Elon telling BBC jokes on main, will later whine about fleeing advertisers >>2024459
>Neuralink hunting for more poor souls to medically victimise with their chickenshit brain chips >>2024762
>United Auto Workers files suit against Donald Trump and Elon Musk for intimidation, etc. >>2025903


Old threads:
Thread #1: >>>/snow/1306047
Thread #2: >>>/snow/1426381
Thread #3: >>>/snow/1616021
Thread #4: >>>/snow/1671524
Thread #5: >>>/snow/1704982
Thread #6: >>>/snow/1719300
Thread #7: >>>/snow/1737960
Thread #8: >>>/snow/1817673
Thread #9: >>>/snow/1884242
Thread #10: >>>/snow/1898682
Thread #11: >>>/snow/1918968
Thread #12: >>>/snow/1980215(wait until the old thread has reached 1200 posts before posting the new one)

No. 2026539

thanks for the thread, nonna <3

No. 2027639

That tweet screenshot from his alt account
"Elon test" regarding Grimes is fake. I recommend sticking with the facts.(sage your shit)

No. 2027708

Do we know who has custody then? So far, I see only speculation and Grimes mentioning that she got X back.

No. 2027762

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She looks fucking terrifying up close. This is definitely the skinniest she has ever been in the post is obviously thinspo posing like she used to do. She badly wants people to see how tiny her thighs are and how far apart they are. She loves inducing anorexia in her female fans, it's literally why she became big in 2012. it was only because she was skinny and people were posting her anorexia blogs. But the fact that she knows that and continues to pose in those particular poses only some of us know about and can clock, is morally apprehensible.

Sadly enough her thin thighs just make her mannish torso look bigger in comparison lmao. Shes built like an aging rocker from the 70s. She does not look good. And sex with her would be both painful and dry. She probably is going to break a bone soon, just like she broke her tooth. A frail pathetic tweeker she is. My grandmothers could beat her ass.

Her face looks horrific in this pic. And thats with makeup. The surgery is fucking scary looking and i feel so bad for X. Imagine being a little kid and waking up to her bony claws reaching towards you with that face… nightmare material(sage your shit)

No. 2027771

Like all anachans she has a fat bloated face even when low bodyweight. I wager 99% of anorexic cases are naturally moonfaced girls who only have normal looking facial fat levels at 17 BMI or lower.

No. 2027774

All anachans are autopedophiles who starve themselves to look like little girls but they just end up looking like gangly spooky grandma hags.

Claire has always been open about her autopedophilia (shlicking to loli porn, doing her baby voice, trying to dress like a japanese schoolgirl with pigtails etc) her anorexia is just another facet of her pedo tendencies. Not to mention she was literally part of the Charlotte Fang/Milady/BRG server that was bullying teen girls calling them fat and encouraging them to cut themselves and purge. We saw that bitter ana tendency come out when she tried to call Azealia fat too.

Claire is a very evil bitter haggard bogged bitch and this skelly crackwhore phase is her last desperate plea for Elon to notice her and stay relevant. She's the only person on the planet more insufferable and narcy then Melon and you cant even say they're made for each other because even he got sick of her bullshit. Now she can do crack in front of her children like the white trash she is.

No. 2027781

Nitpick but it's not ALL anachans. Anorexia was how a lot of mentally ill girls "coped", for lack of a better word, with objectification and wanting to stay young forever in a chaste way before troonism came along. Claire is definitely the evil and vindictive breed though, FUCK her for posting this obvious body check.

No. 2027784

The weird thing about claire is she's obsessed with war and war aesthetics but chooses to make herself as weak as possible with the anachan behavior. True valkyrie aesthetic is being a fitness girlie

No. 2027793

Had to do a double take she looks like kiki kannibal here

No. 2027813

I hate to say it and wk Kiki, but Keeks mogs her to suicide lol.

No. 2027815

Fit bodies require hard work, dedication and eating healthily. Claire is allergic to all those things, the only thing Claire is dedicated to is stealing from others and maintaining her various larps, and even they fall apart after not very long. Like all ugly bitches being thin is the only card she can play, her narcissism will never allow her to lose that. She probably sits on instagram all day calling Varbies and gym bunnies fat.

No. 2027827

she definitely relapsed into ana-chan habits again. in her podcast with julia fox she stated she suffered for many years from a ed which implied she was getting better. My guess is the excessive drug abuse with enema and the custody process was too much for her.
btw, what happened to enema? he doenst make an appearance recently

No. 2027838

I have a feeling he cheated on her which is why she is spiralling even harder. Not many dudes want to be caught in the midst of a custody battle between a psychotic celebrity and his crackhead baby momma

No. 2027903

>sex with her would be both painful and dry

you can make fun of her antics and life decisions, but your whole sperg out about how fuckable she is is super weird and screams scrote

No. 2027966

theres one anon who has an unhinged hatred of grimes that comes off as really creepy. they seriously need to touch grass

No. 2027967

i was wondering this lately, there hasn't really been much with him

honestly that would make a lot of sense. he cheated with grimes so i wouldn't be surprised if this bottom of the barrel scrote cheated ON her while this whole mess is happening

No. 2028014

Why? She's been doing nothing but trying to signal how thexy and fuckable she is ever since she met melon.(sage your shit)

No. 2028048

i'm 100% sure half of the posters on this thread are the redditors that boderline have been stalking claire for years they never fucking integrate and keep using dumb millenial slang, if you deep dive on the grimesz sub it's really fucking creepy, they try to track down people who even marginally know her irl to ask questions about her supposed meth use and there's a bunch of resentful narc fans that are mad that she didn't give them attention on a show like 10 years ago.

No. 2028071

It's really not that deep, schizo. Stop wk-ing and infantilizing this insufferable cow.

No. 2028114

they try to track down people who even marginally know her irl to ask questions about her supposed meth use and there's a bunch of resentful narc fans

I'm gonna get banned for hicowing, no one fucking cares about your "Resentful narc fans" fucking retard

Also u dont have to be a scrote to comment on a claires unfuckability. Anachans are frail, dehydrated and basically grandmothers. If this offends you, eat some food nonnie. We should all discourage anachan behavior on here adamantly. Eat some food or end up like crusty claire the clown with chipped teeth and untoned smeagol bod

No. 2028130

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a hot dog will holler i guess…these schizo fans need to relax and go outside because its very weird to be this invested in an idiot celeb to the point of getting angry when elon is discussed and when others are tired of the frothing rage.

No. 2028145

you seem very mad, relax

No. 2028186

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Repost but she is so much more unhinged than first thought.
She lurks lolcow 24/7 and has seen what happened to all the other pro patriarchy pickmes and tradthots, she has no excuse. Like all other ugly bpd lolcow bitches like Heather and Chloe, she hates other women out of jealousy and insecurity and thought she could bond with Elon over his hatred of women. Forgetting of course that she is a woman too and always will be. What a stupid fuckwit.

No. 2028187

Crackhead rambling confessions of a pickme nonsense peppered with some random newfag incel/republican takes that she clearly parroted from Elon. What is she on.(sage your shit)

No. 2028188

She's right I'm so glad for the brave men that made women's rights possible and we should really do our best to help them not become rape apes

>men are beasts of war

Ok "war nymph"

No. 2028190

>honestly i was a huge pickme but i learned my lesson the hard way now and changed!!
>proceeds to post the wackest most misogynistic take about how men akshually gave us gorls freedom as a gift and they just need to always be met with love (blowjobs) and respect no matter what genocidal shit they choose to engage in
>muh neuroscience background
is she so delusional she genuinely thinks people are still buying into her bullshit PR lies from 2012?

No. 2028197

If you exploited women in poverty by paying them to carry your children you should be too ashamed to ever speak, let alone put the words "women's rights" into your mouth. Absolute fucking piece of shit retard.

No. 2028229

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No. 2028254

Does she not have a handler? She sounds psychotic.

No. 2028341

Take your medication Roman. I can’t believe I used to look up to this cooked bitch.

No. 2028353

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Someone at The Cut was sent the AI toy and wrote a piece on it. Sounds like the tech isn't good enough and the product is not ready to hit the shelves

>Grimes was intimately involved in the creation, ideation, and steering of the toy, Sallee says, the final version of which is still pending. In fact, for months after Curio sends me this first-draft Grok, I chase Sallee via email, asking when Grok will hit stores. The deadlines keep shifting, the updates forever forthcoming.

Although i guess that Grimes hasn't invested any money (since she probably doesn't have any) but has received a few checks for lending her voice and promotion

No. 2028355

oh wow a fuckin toy with a speaker in it, incredible, ground breaking
AIBO was released commercially in 1999

No. 2028408

She legitimately sounds mentally challenged kek

No. 2028417

She is

No. 2028478

I feel like claire has a lot of testosterone. Like no matter how skinny she is she has to arch her back insanely to not look male. I was talking to this trans teen who deadass thought grimes was trans before she got pregnant and was shocked she was cis

No. 2028491

her aesthetic and personality is similar to a lot of troons

No. 2028599

There's pseudoscientific theories about autistic women being 'male brained' and they also found that women with higher T levels are more prone to anorexia.(sage your shit)

No. 2028601

This is the most retarded and disturbing thing she's ever written.
>like um yah so…men are violent evil genocidal rapey pedophilic monsters

>the clear solution to this is obviously to placate them with coddling, good boy points and blowjobs, then they'll be nicer to us!

Look at Middle Eastern women who thought acting as mens slaves would make them be nicer to women. As thanks they got acid attacks, child rape, and forced marriage out of that deal.

Look at Japanese women who thought being submissive and hypersexual for men will make them be nice to women. They got rewarded with a nation of misogynistic woman hating rapey pedophile moids.

Men are essentially terrorists. You do not negotiate with terrorists.(sage your shit)

No. 2028626

>civilization happened because men who wanted it were better at war than those who didn’t want it
My god she is literally retarded and knows nothing about the development of human civilization. Does she wake up every morning and bash herself in the head with a bat a few times before posting?

No. 2028645

Civilization happened because men eventually realized if they kept raping and murdering each others wives and daughters that eventually it was gonna happen to them too and that Chad was getting all of the women while they got none, so they had to implement a kind of sexual communism to ensure equal distribution of pussy. It only took them like 10 millennia to finally figure this out.

No. 2028656

Agreed with you until the japan take. that’s literally not even true. You do realize that woman are in charge of finances in marriage, and have a huge say in matters involving home, children and work? massive generalization. Japanese women are not submissive, that stereotype was attributed by western men not understanding Japanese relationships and fueled by Japanese porn, which is not a reflection of reality. I know this is a nitpick(derailing)

No. 2028667

kek this is bait, oh my god shut up japan is one of the most misogynistic places on earth and always has been, which is why modern japanese women want nothing to do with japanese men
>but le woman has to deal with filing taxes and looking after the kids, she's so empowered

No. 2028705

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insufferable as usual

No. 2028732

Regurgitating 10+ year old /fit/ jokes to try to get male sttention i see

No. 2028734

>a huge say in these matters
Does this huge say ever translate to them not doing all the house/childwork orrrr

No. 2028736

Proof she lurks as we just commented how she has no muscle and the body of smeagol kek

No. 2028758

This isn't unique to Japan, it's quite common in highly patriarchal countries.

No. 2028812

wonder who the new BPD moid of the month it is

No. 2028816

Says reatarded nonna who has never spoken to a Japanese woman or even stepped a foot in the country longer than a typical vacation. Keep perpetuating a hurtful and misguided stereotype that hurts Japanese women if that makes you feel better about yourself. But you really have no clue what you’re talking about and is gathering this conclusion based on a meme about Asian women being suBmissiVe.

Right as most moms in the world have a huge say in family. But lots of women as least in the west don’t have a huge say in finances. It’s typical that Japanese women get the paycheck from the men and they determine how to use it, as opposed to the men always doing so traditionally. All I’m saying is that yes sure Japanese men can be misogynistic (like all men are at any place on earth), but Japanese women are not submissive little meek women. They are some of the most strongest out there tbh(derailing)

No. 2028818

What does that have to do with my original comment? I said women are not submissive, I never said that normalization of pedophilia in Japan is good? Reading comprehension. Pedophilia is a problem in the states as it is everywhere else. I agree that it’s a huge problem in Japan, but I don’t see the correlation between that and claiming that Japanese women are submissive.(derailing)

No. 2028819

God I’m so tired of MM overlooking these power hungry meth’d out kooks.
If any bitch in journalism had half a brain and “””journalistic integrity””” they’d ask Grimes and Elon why they’ve named all of their kids after Texas, why they’re both trying to get zoning laws changed in the state, and why they’re keeping up this bogus custody battle bread and circus to keep everyone distracted.

Te(X)as, T(exa)s, (T)au.

Also because Elon is a wannabe fundie quiverfull retard who keeps pumping out white children because he believes he’s engaged in spiritual warfare with black people, obsessed with the letter “X” due to it = 144 in gematria (something only conservative conspiracy tards like elon care about) which is in reference to the 144,000 chosen ones set aside by god for the rapture. Again something only meth’d out kooks with infinite money and delusions of grandeur would think.

What they have planned is more of a multigenerational long game but people need to keep their eyes on Texas for the years to come and their movements there. Grimes and Elons supposed separation is a literal psyop.

No. 2028820

When I say “they” I mean the cult btw, which extends much further than Grimes, Elon and Shivon

No. 2028822

There is csam hentai available in every 711 which are placed about a block apart in japan. Japan literally has underaged teen idols where men go to watch them sing and buy their underwear. Japan has such a pedophilia problem they didnt even make CP illegal until 2014. Were you dropped on your head as a child, fucking retard?

Japanese women only hold 10% of parliamentary seats and they lead the world in gender parity.

"Gender inequality is a stubbornly entrenched problem for Japan. It ranked 120 out of 156 countries in the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Index (GGI) Report 2021, which measures the gap between men and women in political representation, economic empowerment, education and health. This puts Japan at the bottom of the ladder among the developed world.

Gender inequality is a stubbornly entrenched problem for Japan. It ranked 120 out of 156 countries in the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Index (GGI) Report 2021, This puts Japan at the bottom of the ladder among the developed world.
In comparison, neighbouring China, South Korea and Singapore were ranked 107, 102 and 54 respectively, while the United States, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom were ranked 30, 24, 50 and 23 respectively. What is remarkable about these reports is the fact that Japan’s ranking has not improved over time, unlike in other countries.
In 2006, the first year the Report was published, Japan ranked 79 out of 115 countries while France and Bangladesh ranked 70 and 91 respectively. France and Bangladesh gradually narrowed their gender gaps, rising to 16 and 65 by 2021. Japan has not followed the trend of other countries — even those not considered ‘advanced democracies’ — in closing the gender gap.

>bangladesh has less gender parity than japan…

There’s a street in Tokyo known as "JK alley", or "schoolgirl alley", from the Japanese Joshi Kosei, meaning high school girl.
There, teenagers in school uniform sell their time to passers-by, while their minders hover in the background.
Men pay to hold hands, go for a walk or have a cup of coffee with the girls. Some even pay to sleep on a girl's lap.
This is all legitimate, above board and legal.
Japan is also home to 300 "JK cafes", where adult men pay to hang out with underage girls


>They are some of the most strongest out there

They dont have to be strong to be respected. It's fine to be feminine and delicate. Its one of the most gendered countries out there. This statement is dumb. Just leave japanese women alone nonnie, you obviously cannot speak for them so just shut the fuck up(derailing/integrate)

No. 2028838

t. Butthurt weeb
Child porn was legal in japan until only a couple years ago and their aoc was just recently raised from 13 due to western influence, fuck off with your akshually japan is feminist bullshit, they need women only cars because the men are so rapey and rape and child rape doesn't even get reported there because women know the police will do nothing about it.(derailing)

No. 2028839

>Yamato nadeshiko is believed to embody characteristics of delicacy and fragility, as well as elegance and sturdiness and outwardly submissive and obedient
YN is still what japanese women are expected to be and it revolves around being submissive and fragile but still 'strong' enough to do all housework and child rearing by herself ofc because japanese men would rather die than help out kek(derailing)

No. 2028847

>uhh holy shit guis Sisyphus had to EXERCISE
>something something gymspeak attempt after one gym session
Why is she so starved for the attention of teenage boys? Next she’s going to say she loves Camus and is also into stoicism, maybe she has already fucking kek.

No. 2028853

File: 1724359169459.png (127.44 KB, 892x639, cultnews.png)

No. 2028856

Ofcourse a Saudi is involved no wonder I was getting so much Saudi propaganda on my feed.

No. 2028866

Saudis we’re on the board even before musk

No. 2028883

Saudis own Musks bloated asshole, and probably Grimes’ by extension if we’re honest.

No. 2028944

No wonder this anachan crackhead is a dyel loser

No. 2028945

The rapture doesn't make sense, why would elites kill off all their slaves who serve them? The only explanation is when robot slaves and automation becomes a real thing but that's still a long way off and robots still glitch out and fail constantly, far more than humans do. Humans are also much cheaper labor than bots, which are expensive to build and constantly need costly new parts, fixing and upgrades.

No. 2028956

did she forget her own bullshit lore about how her dad forced her to exercise 10 hours a day or whatever? and that trololol ad she did with nike or something like last year?

No. 2029056

Posted at 6:45 am. Got ur child back and still going to bed in the morning i see. One would hope if she really did get her kid back (which imo is unlikely, melon’s ego couldnt take losing (and to a woman at that.) she would at least attempt a normal sleeping schedule, im genuinely sorry for those lab made children lul

No. 2029061

i don't think claire looks like a troon, to be fair, and whoever thought that might be a little retarded. maybe it's because of all her weird plasticy, filler-stretched facial features, which always makes real women look just uncanny enough that they have the same surgically altered quality as troons. but if her body looks sort of boxy and not feminine, it's because she's been starving herself since she was a teenager and her hormones are all whacked out - since the female body needs a certain level of healthy bodyfat to produce enough estrogen, anachans are commonly deficient in estrogen, which can lead to fertility issues and pregnancy complications.

i remember her saying in interviews how she was sooo frail and waiflike during her pregnancy that it was so difficult for her to carry a child, which is why she justified renting impoverished surrogate wombs to make lab babies 2 and 3. that pisses me off so much - sure, she's obviously unhealthy, /because/ she starves herself and does drugs. she did it to herself and she refused to get healthy enough to carry the children she wanted, but still felt like she just was owed & entitled to having more kids anyway. make the fucking baby yourself or don't have kids at all. sorry for sperg but it really makes me sad bc of how she still has 0 self awareness and inevitably is going to pass all this shit down to her daughter.

i bet she tried to lift 5 pound dumbbells for 15 minutes or something kek

No. 2029066

pre-plastic surgery Grimes looked way too good to be a troon. You met yet another delusional troon thinking he could somehow get to this level of beauty eventually. Big deal.

No. 2029094

Tbf I don’t think their plan is to cull the population of Texas. Though let’s be honest grimace has probably casually discussed population reduction with Elon.
Remember how easily she slid into her Queen of Twitter role which lasted all of a week before Elon fucked her over again lul remember her trying to assert soft authority over banned users? Kek I cringe.
Anyway, you’ll see a lot of wacko fundies reference 144. It isn’t always a literal rapture reference, but rather a signifier like “I’m a chosen person by God, you are not”.
Much like Grimaces utilization of the cringe two finger Jesus sign she always does, which effectively is just her saying to the public “I’m both human and divine, you are not”.

The elitism runs so deep with both Grimes and Musk they could never separate. Im sure it’s the one thing they bond most over. Elon literally thinks he was an alien put on earth by aliens just like all insane cult leaders believe.

>Humans are also much cheaper labor than bots, which are expensive to build and constantly need costly new parts, fixing and upgrades

Exactly. And there are a lot of humans in Texas. Many of them already primed for regressive policies that affect their freedom and way of life.

No. 2029187

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>this level of beauty

What the hell are u talking about

No. 2029194

File: 1724437989826.png (142.59 KB, 1258x676, yarvin_genocide.png)

Well, Grimes is friends with Curtis Yarvin, who's actually a fan of genocide, so…

No. 2029290

File: 1724446482242.jpg (50.24 KB, 408x612, gettyimages-491690496-612x612.…)

i can cherrypick pics too

No. 2029296

I'm really not here to fangirl over Claire but picrel means literally nothing. Some cherry picked images with 5/9 being pretty much the same picture and the rest being bad angles, light or facial expressions.
One could easily make a collage like this using just her good pics which would be just as pointless and cherry picked.
My point was that the troon was probably trying to tell himself that yet another celebrity was a troon too for some reason (he probably gaslit himself into believing he somehow looks similar to her), so that he could feel better about his shitty existence, longing for goals he can never reach. Say about Grimes what you will but the rotten part about her is her personality, not her looks and there's no way you could ever convince me a literal troon could come close to her pre-surgery looks lmao

No. 2029326

True. I rescind my benefit of the doubt. They probably all have people hunting parties on private islands.

No. 2029437

the pseudonym was Mencius Moldbug, why not just say it?

No. 2029463

anon it literally says 12:31 am which is a reasonable time for an adult to sleep
also even if it did say 6:45 am, thats a reasonable time for an adult to be awake in the morning, how did you get this information

No. 2029464

some of those weird troons that took puberty blockers as kids and got decent facial surgery could definitely hit grimes level of facial attractiveness (its a fairly low bar) they'd still have an obviously moid body composition

No. 2029600

Yeah it would be embarrassing if it was like 4 or 3am. where that’s an inexcusable time to be up

No. 2029697

I’m seriously curious how tf anon came up with 6:45 am

No. 2029703

I guess that anon quoted wrong post, because this twit >>2028705 is posted at 6:45 am

No. 2029837

File: 1724585000857.jpeg (121.66 KB, 828x410, IMG_2067.jpeg)

NTA and this seems like first day on the internet shit but the time on a tweet is when it was posted in your timezone, not the poster’s. Picrel.

No. 2030095

I can’t believe just how hideous she is in the inside. What an absolute brain dead take this is. How did she go from a self proclaimed feminist to admitting to being misogynistic and even still being a woman hating men’s rights activist because lyke menth’s dethire to kill and wape is becoz lyke they awen’t loved enoughth

Also you can’t really say you have a “background” in neuroscience, if you dropped out in your first semester. It’s like me saying I have a background in zoology and only attended one single class and dropped out the second day. It’s so weird

No. 2030183

Her saying she has a background in neuroscience is the same as her saying shes a solo music producer lmao(sage your shit)

No. 2030188

i like how she said "background" as a weasel word because she can't just say "as someone who has a bachelors/masters/phd in neuroscience"

No. 2030205

Can anyone give me a qrd on this? Is she really not producing the music herself like she claims?

No. 2030216

Have you noticed the few things she has put out have all been with other people, such anyma and subfocus from the most recent coachella music. It seems she samples a lot, Lorn's Acid Rain for So Heavy, Deewani Mastani for 4AEM, the io/deadmau5 for Violence are all confirmed. Some people think she sampled Jlo - On the Floor for Liberte and Kate Bush for some AA songs

I think she can adapt other people's work and ideas but isn't capable of coming with her own

No. 2030367

She has not made a single "solo produced" song since breaking up with jaime brooks who was "no less than 10ft away from her at all times" while she was making art angels and miss anthropocene… she had to scramble to find producers to make more songs for her after leaving jaime thats how we got WAP and Violence. And nothing "solo"since other than god awful demos a teenager could make like "love" aka the most retarded song of all time. All the other songs on MA even so heavy i fell thru the earth were recorded before she even met her mans which is funny cus the song is about being fucked by fatty "so heavy" elon. sebastian cowan re recorded all of visions and redid all the sounds. hana and bloodpop helped a lot with MA and AA too. Thats why they both started projects as soon as MA was done. Hana even posted about helping produce vocals on her page but deleted it. And her snapchat stories heavily alluded to that. She has not once elaborated on or demonstrated her ability to produce music, other than saying she side chains crowd noise. But as a producer its very obvious she only has a surface level knowledge of production and is pretending just like she does with swords and being intelligent, its 100% fake and gay

No. 2030370

Sry for doubleposting but - she also could not get signed to a major label as a "solo producer" and they would ONLY sign her with Illangelo. Why do u think that is?

No. 2030488

it's evident from the fact that when she started becoming openly chuddy and racist a lot of her liberal friends cut her off and her music suddenly became non-existent or extremely poor quality garbage(sage your shit)

No. 2030512

Nona On the Floor is already sampled from 80s music, sampling from a song that's already a sample mishmash is hardly a crime lol

No. 2030647

bitch really took a music/electroacoustics class and claimed she studied neuroscience

No. 2030737

Realiti is just "running up that hill" reimagined. She has a LOT of songs that are "reimagined. I used to have a list of songs she stole. A lot of songs on MA sound just like other songs. We appreciate power is a direct ripoff of spitfire by the prodigy, like they can be played on top of each other… i had more songs she copied or was very inspired by but i lost them… some even had the same lyrics as her songs lol. Shes a skinwalker and unoriginal gollum

Also, she can barely use her own gear and fails to do so a lot of the time. The only time she didnt fuck up was for kexp and it was probably edited. Sometimes when shes using her gear its completely mimed and its 100% backing track only. Ive watched all her performances. Using an sp404 to trigger different parts of ur backing track and playing black keys on top sometimes is something a 12 year old could do lol. Shes literally always been retarded. Remember when she referred to herself as a genius on her tumblr and compared herself to aphex twin and trent reznor? Delusional narc ass bitch

No. 2030759

Wasn’t she signed to jay-z’s label roc nation briefly though? It was before art angels

No. 2030819

4AD released AA and visions

Roc Nation helped her w label stuff and PR tho

No. 2030825

What 80's song does it sample? Regardless, cherrypicking 1 song that was also sampling doesn't prove anything when so many of her other songs are guilty of it. Is it really "sampling" when you lift the whole structure of chord progressions & melody? I'm willing to be proven wrong though, I'll wait for your analysis of the others

No. 2030851

if you listen to the instrumentals in Know The Way, it's basically just a stripped down gymnopédie No. 1 (erik satie)

No. 2030894

If you weren’t convinced on the narc part, check out this video of her listening to so heavy (kek why does this even exist)


I guess maybe she had to give it a listen after HANA mastered the whole thing.

Didn’t realize other people noticed this too, glad nona’s are waking up.
It’s been pretty obvious for a while she doesn’t have the rights to distribute whatever is on Book 1 as it is, I think we’ll find out a majority of it is AI generated and tweaked slightly, but she’s waiting for the “Overton window” to shift. Waiting for transformative content/fair-use laws to change in her favor. This makes the most sense since she isn’t capable of putting out original work.

No. 2030900

she did an even cringier reaction video lol, i cant remember what song it was, i think it was the one last year where she had orange hair and threw together a shitty video made of sailor moon gifs(sage your shit)

No. 2031044

She looks like a chimpanzee in this video lmao so ethereal ~* claire

I cant wait for her to release "liberte" with her shrill tard chanting and all the dumb ass shit with enema its so fucking bad lmao(integrate)

No. 2031325

File: 1724833848759.jpg (81.31 KB, 720x285, Screenshot_20240828_103024_Chr…)

Grimeth saying what we all thought…when we were 12

No. 2031449

>i feel incredibly sane but the data suggests others do not agree
hm, then maybe reflect on what the "data suggests"…
also when has she ever seemed to believe that she was "incredibly" sane? she's never given off that impression.
i remember her retweeting shit like that bpd princess stuff and seeing her replying to someone claiming she has ctpsd so bad she can barely walk without falling over (definitely not the drugs). and those two things are just recent examples
which is it claire? you think you're completely sane, or you're just a munchie looking for pity?
when i read the tweet i just assumed she was trolling, but then again, every tweet she does lately reads like she's being satirical about herself. who knows, everything she says is a contradiction, a joke, never meant to be taken seriously

No. 2031512

can she stop larping as a robot, it was never funny.

No. 2031775

this "neuroscientist" has the same misunderstanding of mental illness as she did when she was a child, how curious.

No. 2032094

It’s cringe and poppy did it better bc it was actually camp. Grimace acts like she just watched the matrix.

No. 2032438

File: 1726070420014.jpg (41.1 KB, 1284x332, GXMrSMRXgAAbEM3.jpg)

What the hell

No. 2032443

….is this a threat???

No. 2032447

Ew. Go be a father to the kids you already have, you autistic freak.

No. 2032453

Invitation for ivf to taytay? What’s her jock gonna say? Elon is so fucking desperate to be with the cool kids

No. 2032456

its a rape threat and moids are trying to do damage control for their pedo daddy

No. 2032468

inshallah taylor plans long drawn out revenge against him for this post

No. 2032483

If her football moid doesn’t at least have an appropriate roidy chimpout about this to defend her honor than what is the point of even being with him tbh he should beat musk to a pulp just cuz

No. 2032488

It's wishful thinking

No. 2032499

>ill give you my child
I fucking hate this south african inbred fuck so much
no. sometimes the best thing to do is to Ignore The Troll. Let his words hang empty in his echo chamber. Narc retard will never figure out why he has no friends and broken relationships

No. 2032540

File: 1726083876288.png (1.26 MB, 1764x1356, Screen Shot 2024-09-11 at 3.42…)

Grimes' friend Nusi Quero committed suicide last week

No. 2032550

File: 1726084187068.jpeg (Spoiler Image,436.69 KB, 1170x1413, IMG_3095.jpeg)

I remember nonnies were ripping apart his work on the celebcows thread. The way he portrayed women is disgusting.

No. 2032583

No. 2032599

All pornsick men need to rot, this is so disgusting

No. 2032673

daz 3d is the software he used for his 3d models. Coomers use it to pose the pre-made bodies of women and create coomer scenes like cp or bimbofication. His 3d art was literally for coomers by coomers. No wonder he killed himself I hope this is real and he fucking rots in the ground forever.

No. 2032721

A lot of completely good and reasonable people use Daz3d, by the way, just don’t want people thinking it’s a porn software. Also Nusi used a porn making 3d software to make his models, not daz3d which plenty of people use for that too unfortunately, same could be said of photoshop tho. But like I said he used a porn program. he used to brag about that he was making a pornographic time capsule with Grimes. I wonder whatever happened to that project. Pretty sad he got her to get naked for him just like all the other girls, her first public nudes were taken by him. Great job on both their parts honestly. I wonder what he said to her to get her to do it lol. One of his lasttweets was to her alt account. They were still friends and hanging out up until he died so she’s a fucking piece of shit. he literally licked a woman’s privates which is oral rape. He was a sex pest and pervert. if that wasn’t obvious already by his fucking art. Claire is the ultimate pick me for staying friends with him after the oral rape and dozens of molestation allegations…or engaging with him at all in the first place. Dude lived in a piss covered house and she would literally go fuck him there just like dozens of other girls. I hope he didn’t give her a disease. I’m not positive they fucked but I’m pretty sure. He also had more images of her he didn’t post online but would show to people who met him or went to his house.

No. 2032722

good news!
let's watch how grimes makes herself the poor sad victim out of this. even though after all the terrible allegations, all she could say was "i'm processing this all and need time to think" and that was it. hope this makes her spiral more to be honest

his obsession with her is disturbing. he's such a vile and disgusting shell of a person

No. 2032761

Jesus christ what a narc.

No. 2032950

bitch has been crazy active on twitter whilst the site was down. lots of new meth infused milk injected

No. 2032952

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No. 2032954

File: 1726151134298.png (1.69 MB, 2048x2732, IMG_8280.png)

No. 2032958

She's trying to get on his feed so he can have an interruption to him viciously masturbating to Taylor. Gross.

No. 2032961

grimey on suicide watch kek
wtf are they saying here i'm literally having a stroke reading her tweets. can she stop abusing chat gpt for one second

No. 2032962

how come swifties haven't started a twitter mass exodus yet after elon's latest gross comment?

No. 2032988

aaand he unfollows her once again

No. 2032989

File: 1726155846346.webp (50.57 KB, 750x1193, new-threads-account-who-did-v0…)

meth head hero moment ig

No. 2032998

File: 1726157137524.png (18.53 KB, 596x154, 23424242.PNG)

This is the type of shit you used to think when you were 12

No. 2033011

she is such a tard, the average life expectancy was low before technology and medicine not because everyone died by 30 but because of infant and child mortality and people dying of bacterial infections
plenty of people lived to old age, it was just less common than it is today

No. 2033015

That's not true, it varies greatly depending on the society. For instance Ancient Greeks often had very long lifespans but Celts and Vikings who lived later still had very short lifespans.

No. 2033017

Made my day lmao. Death to all sex offenders and coomers.

/pol/ has long had an autistic fascination with Taylor Swift because they view her as some kind of Aryan goddess and seethe because she refuses to have children yet despite being in her 30s. Muskrat is absolutely desperate to bag her uberfrau DNA and clone her for his gay fantasy Mars empire that will never happen. No matter how many Aspie women he pays to carry his child he’s such an incel and always will be. I hope Swifties destroy him for that creepy remark kek.

No. 2033019

Because menopause is not an intentional adaptation. If Grimey's lurking, here's some light reading:


No. 2033042

They went to court over him taking her kids from her like month ago and now they're tagging each other and talking again? Wtf

No. 2033097

File: 1726171181724.jpg (432.4 KB, 2190x1000, top kek.jpg)

This might get interesting if Azealia jumps in kek

No. 2033101

>syphilis spreading erik the red type shit
god how i love this woman

No. 2033119

she doesn't need his money Azealia, she's already a billionaire.

No. 2033121

I don't think this tweet counts as sexual harassment but I still want to see Taylor sue his ass off for it for the lulz. That said I don't think she will, she knows Elon is the current e-daddy of all the fatherless incels on /pol/ and pol gives her free promo everyday.

No. 2033134

No. 2033136

leave it to Azalea to have the most based possible take

No. 2033155

Yes Grimes, just keep babying the psychopath who treats you like shit, abuses you because he looks down on you and has humiliated you in front of the entire world numerous times; it didn't work during the years you were together, but maybe if you baby him enough he'll come to his senses and will stop throwing narcissistic tantrums that negatively impact everyone that obese, autistic vampire encounters. I'm sick of how so many of our cultural "heroes" are developmentally arrested, emotionally parasitic, narcissistic freak-shows who wouldn't garner a fraction of the attention they currently receive if it weren't for their incessant ragebaiting, only Elon is worse than an artist/influencer doing it, because he does it to divide and conquer, to mobilize young, resentful men, and to destabilize parts of society. I have a completely unproven tinfoil theory about how Elon intentionally turned Twitter into 4chan because he saw how easy it was to spread disinformation about the left/liberals (Qanon) through the site during the 2016 election, but maybe that's just me giving a self-sabotaging narcissist too much credit.

No. 2033161

Grimes would drag her pussy though a mile of broken glass just to hear elonnfart through a walkie talkie

No. 2033162

I agree with you I don't think the software itself is coomware but there is a big community around it that is sadly. It honestly should be filled with people who are into the dress-up aspect and fashion but we can't have nice things.

No. 2033168

Oh she’s so back with this take also
>the Caucasity

No. 2033185

???? she should take him for all he’s fucking worth fuck you mean

No. 2033202

She's kind of right, twitter seems to have turned into some kind of liveleak 2.0 crossed with 4chan, with all kinds of gore, murder, accident, graphic crimescene videos, racist memes everywhere, the whole place is a shitshow. They're also not taking CP videos down fast enough, leaving them up for days and allowing bots to spam them thousands of times over. And hardcore bestiality porn accounts are still up and running after being checked and 'verified'. X is actually becoming worse than many imageboards now, not even 4chan allows unfettered CP videos of underage girls or bestiality porn videos to stay up on their site.

No. 2033208

She's playing the
>yeah I'm a mid boring stupid bitch who got discarded but maybe once my fat narc FP runs out of narcissistic supply and women to harass he'll come back to me and marry me if I kiss his ass and act as a pathetic cuckquean enough
Bpdchan card I see.
She doesn't realize that narcs only decide to hoover once they see their ex has moved on, is doing better and attaining status. Acting lowly and deferential doesn't do anything for narcs except make them despise you for being beneath them.

No. 2033236


No. 2033301

somehow the more it happens the more i laugh, massive kek. every other month, like it's clockwork

nona not only is that hilarious but you're 100% right. she will do anything for even a single crumb of his attention. she'll never get over him, she's obsessed with that ugly sack of shit and always will be

it's just another wednesday evening for those two

No. 2033321

what is with moids not understanding that half the child's dysgenic dna is still his?

No. 2033329

lol at his Taylor swift obsession. reminds me of Jeff bozo abandoning his wife for that Latina reporter. nerds deep down all want the popular girl.

No. 2033363

This is above most tardthots reading levels sadly

No. 2033377

>nerds deep down all want the popular girl.
>deep down
Most of the time they're not even try to hide it tbh, they'll take the best they can get.

No. 2033411

All men who are marginalized are primed to desire white women in the same way brown and black women usually pick white men because they are led to believe it elevates their status and sometimes survivability in an American racist society.
Even the alternative guys want those plain Janes who just represent basic white supremacist sentiment of the pure white woman next door. Meanwhile they use Latina/Asian/black women as porn categories exclusively. There's rarely a "white woman" section in porn as they are seen as the default women in English speaking porn sites.

I get why azalea banks took Taylor's side. Honestly at least Taylor stays in her lane and doesn't pretend to be Asian or latina like fetishist grimes. Other singers even Lana del Rey admits her stage name identity is "inspired" from Latinas from Florida area, then there's Ariana grande with her brownface.(derailing)

No. 2033527

No. 2033531

Kek is this real?(sage your shit)

No. 2033539

Please tell me this isn't real kek. I've never heard someone sounding this mentally disabled in my whole life, and I work with mentally disabled kids. Lmao.

No. 2033545

But don't you know? Men are just poor creatures misunderstood by the world and all they need is love, uwu.

No. 2033548

Haha, is this actually a Grimes self-post or someone just being a good impersonator? I'm confused. That drug lip smacking tho…

No. 2033556

This is not Grimes KEK, her voice doesn't have that nerdy and autistic tone and lilt to it. This is some bitch doing a pretty okay Grimeth impersonation.

No. 2033628

Ok I did kek

No. 2033661


No. 2033664

Claire wishes her voice was this sweet and feminine, her real voice is so unpleasant to the ears. Also whoever this is is is a much better singer than Claire by far

For reference, Claire’s actual hideous voice:

https://youtu.be/P-y6eg0rMH4(learn to embed)

No. 2033732

why is she so obsessed with Warcraft gnome goggles

No. 2033766

>tehe if I write this quirky ironic caption it’ll make me different from every other braindead materialist
It never ceases to amaze how genuinely illiterate she is. She has zero concept of basic facts about the world, like she’s never read anything in her entire life.

No. 2034144

File: 1726387663838.png (2.95 MB, 2048x2732, IMG_8432.png)

20days of music you guysss!

No. 2034208

more like 20 days drug bender. recording is a code word for amphetamines in her world

No. 2034228

she's such a compulsive liar it's insane

kek, accurate

No. 2034231

First day on the internet?

No. 2034254

After her massive success "I want to be software", she is working hard on her new single "I do not exist, for I am but a figment of my beautiful E's imagination. Please come back Elon - I can dress like a child and destroy myself even more than I already have. Please give me a dall." I envision her album cover being an asian girlchild wearing a sailor/flight attendant uniform, with her face photoshopped onto the child's body. It's going to revolutionize the music industry, it's going to bring forth the god of AI, and we will all eat our words and regret all the time we've spent judging her and beautiful E

No. 2034541

kekkkkk too real

No. 2034786

File: 1726516848298.jpg (581.52 KB, 1832x2048, 20240916_155904.jpg)

unflattering hairstyle number 736

No. 2034815

why her eyelids are so swollen? is it because of botox?

No. 2034823

I hate this less than the ratty bleach blonde extensions. It gives multipass

Prob crying from the Taylor tweet

No. 2034826

She is never going to release this supposed 20 days straight of recordings. It’s never going to happen

No. 2034837

grimes the only resemblance you have to Leeloo is being dumb and naive

No. 2034844

it seems fifth element inspired

No. 2034996

because it didn’t happen lol

No. 2034999

her lips look awful. Why would she post this
Why is she so puffy and swollen, looking mid psychotic break

No. 2035007

>please give me a dall
kekkkkkkkkkkk(sage your shit)

No. 2035009


No. 2035014

really channelling the look of a chewed up and spit out single mother of three who's just picked the kids up after a 5-day bender

No. 2035104

Large improvement from the blonde becky curtains lmao if she had balls she’d go full joan of arc

No. 2035115

Please look closer Nonnies :) very cheap wig probably from amazon. She would never had the guts, too vain to get rid of the rat fest. I had to wear wigs for medical reasons for a good couple years now, i recognise one when i see one but this is $30 shit(emoji)

No. 2035130

It's not a wig she just got it freshly dyed, you can see the rest of her hair in a pony at the back. I like the clown color she's chosen though, very fitting for her current situation.

No. 2035337

Anyone feel like she was intentionally channeling leeloo to make Elon nostalgic and jealous? Remember that meme that they both shared early in their relationship with the screenshot about the multi pass?

No. 2035379

It's unbelievable that she posts photos like this without realizing that it doesn't look like her at all. She's so developmentally arrested I'm glad she isn't male, because if she were, there would've been a documentary released called "Leaving Grimethland" where young, underdeveloped girls cry whilst recounting how they were taken advantage of by a pedophilic predator. I appreciate her son's leg being in the background; it's an artistic element that accentuates the madness of his mother's priorities and hairstyle. "Mommy is busy right now XTC-$3X-EPICBACONAYNRAND-42069, she is taking pictures of herself in a ratty pink bob in the hopes of your abusive dad taking notice and making her the favorite harem girl again". He's going to torture rats in a myriad of ways whilst pretending they're his parents real soon

No. 2035524

A mother talking a selfie in a car is harmless and not wrong, but Claire is different

No. 2035627

File: 1726662293369.jpeg (1.06 MB, 2048x2684, IMG_8741.jpeg)

No. 2035667

is she eluding elon follows and unfollowers like the fucking loser he is

No. 2036000

No. 2036070

Errol is a real deal tyrant, racist slave owner, old world old money psychopath type, Elon is a bargain basement numale imitation

No. 2036073

why is the lower half of her face not centered with the eyes+nose i am losing my mind trying to make sense of it

No. 2036121

decades of gurning and too much plastic surgery/filler, i'm assuming

No. 2036203

The chapped lips…. Giving hobo living in her car(nitpicking)

No. 2036379

elon and her are boring now. I can sense the depression sinking in for both of them because what they ultimately seek is attention. the mask is off that Elon isn't actually a genius building rockets and Grimes isn't some genius producer. on top of that, they've transgressed everything that could have been transgressed, even revealing themselves to be white supremacists. kind of like how no one cares about Kanye anymore now that his music sucks and he said he loves hitler. you lose a certain interest to people after there is nothing else to reveal and that's absolutely devastating for these kinds of people.

No. 2036380

Me when i set the smooth filter to 5 instead of 1-2

Also she looks exactly the same as pre facelift? 200k just to look completely botched for 2 years then back to looking exactly the same but older? What a waste of money

No. 2036382

File: 1726812061365.jpeg (373.1 KB, 1169x1782, IMG_5114.jpeg)

>rip the old grimes she wud have loved dis

What is she even talking about

No. 2036383

just another daily bpdchan identity crisis

No. 2036386

The styling and photography on this particular shoot was horrible. It somehow blurred and softened all their faces but made them look 10 years older too? Aespa usually look stunning but with this kind of plain makeup and dull setting they looked mid af, only Ningning (far right?) looked pretty, the rest look like factory reject silicone sex dolls. And Claire looks like Heather wearing 10 layers of snow filters, so glad she got rid of those hideous Milky Bar kid glasses kek.

No. 2036390

Part of me wants Elon to get into another high profile relationship with a nutty female celebrity so more milk and drama flows. But another part of me believes he should never be allowed to touch any woman ever again. He's ruined his own image and exposed himself as a huge dumbass loser who sits hunched over his laptop all day saving SFW /pol/ memes, no amount of autofellatio and sockpuppeting twitter accounts can reverse it. No female celebrity would touch him now if she actually values her career, it's very telling that he's slid into countless famous women's DMs and only Amber (ASPDemon gold digger) and Grimey (BPDchan social climber) ever responded to his advances. It's not like many of these women havent fucked even fatter and uglier men for less (Weinstein comes to mind), so the fact Elon is deemed particularly untouchable says a lot. His autism and hormonal disorder is so offputting.

No. 2036407

yeah legit, there was a point during his 2015-2018 years of being worshipped where it wouldn't have been surprising to see him with a genuinely successful very famous woman but the best he could get were those two . I think I remember besides his Taylor Swift obsession he also tried to get with Miley Cyrus and Sky Ferreira. I bet he wishes he could return to his old image, he pretends to love his ethereum and great replacement theory bro twitter fanbase but he really wants to be loved by the masses. he doesn't get off on being hated the way say Andrew Tate does. even /pol/ thinks he's a satanic pedo now.

No. 2036414

old post, I know. but her constantly bringing up her neuroscience undergrad years (that she didn’t even complete) is fucking hilarious to me. like this bitch literally couldn’t pass physics 1. she probably never took a single 3000/4000/5000 class because she failed the intro ones. Probably didn’t even take ochem or anatomy. And is going around pretending she’s a scientist with a PhD. Incredible.

No. 2036482

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No. 2036484

File: 1726837653624.jpeg (150.94 KB, 1164x712, IMG_8937.jpeg)

No. 2036491

she has a different face in every single photo. i never know how much is filters/shooping, if it's her constantly getting procedures, filler migration or all of the above. last pic posted upthread her face looked totally swollen and in this one there's patches of red all over her face. or maybe it's poorly applied makeup because she likes to do the whole sickly thing
>goblin girls
she could have just not added a caption

No. 2036519

She looks more human and better in this pic than she has in all the other “official” pics she’s posted

No. 2036521

File: 1726843700044.jpeg (438.26 KB, 1819x1819, 5DDE1B24-07C1-498E-82B8-C1C3AF…)

No. 2036522

Kek is she admitting that she let Elon dictate who she did/didn't collab with

No. 2036622

>and marry me if I kiss his ass and act as a pathetic cuckquean enough
Wait they never got married? if so elon literally used grimes as a baby machine and she was dumb enough to fall for it, thinking he would stay with her. He wants to do the same thing to taylor swift but she is leagues above them and knows her worth. Elon wants to have a harem of female singer celebs lol

No. 2036638

Where is she mentioning elon there?
Idk how marriage would’ve made this better? I’m glad she didn’t marry him eventually. She probably gets tons of money for the children and that’s her income now kek. Like Kevin Federline living off the child support Britney had to send him.

No. 2036681


No. 2036690

Tallulah his unknown actress ex wife got a ton of money out of divorcing him twice

No. 2036692

>she probably gets tons of money for the children
they are literally in court and have been for months because Elon wants to keep the custody agreements in Texas, where child support obligations are capped at less than $3,000/month for three children, and Grimes wants to move them to California, where they are based on the non-custodial parent’s income

No. 2036694

lul, the "I'm lady jessica from Dune I can't be his wife but I am his most beloved concubine" cope must not be working any more if he's not even giving her decent money for the 3 kids. Brutal.

No. 2036695

Based Tallulah. She won $20 million without having any children with him, she won

No. 2036698

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Also she apparently married the kid from Love Actually and Game of Thrones, kek

No. 2036706

Why would she post such a hideous photo? Is she on meth? Orange looks better than blonde but her… face? Looks like you just peeled her face from the bottom of a pair of converse

Also, custody battle took place in austin so the golddigging meth goblin only gets 3k from elon per month , along with her trust fund money, royalties etc.

>>2036519 more human and better? Than what? A cadaver?

No. 2036707

he still looks teenaged. she looks like his mom.

No. 2036742

they’re both in their 30s

No. 2036757

Yeah sorry, I wasn't trying to imply that there's something inherently wrong with taking a selfie with your kid in the car; it just has a different vibe when it's her, because a) she's Grimeth, and b) she looks like an unwell BPDchan who's got "NOTICE ME ELON" stamped on her forehead in that pic.
I am so tired of psychopathic men. I wish manifestation and wiccanism was real, because if it was, I would spend the rest of my life manifesting the deaths of Andrew Tate, Bolsonaro, Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and his disgusting father. These men seriously need to be wiped out. I cannot believe that women procreate with these men when it's so obvious that they're all abusive pedophiles.
This behavior is not cute in any shape or form when exhibited by these two, bc she's approaching middle age, he's old, and they have three children… She doesn't even realize what a shitty parent it makes her seem like (because kids usually recreate the relationship dynamics they see their parents have), and how embarrassing it is that they do this shit in public. Her and Elon truly are a perfect match in terms of their levels of insanity, insecurities, narcissism, and total lack of self-awareness. Her rapid deterioration is such a good anti-drug PSA.
They're both emotional vampires who have a deep sense of inferiority due to being mentally unwell and unattractive compared to the other rich kids, so they've learned to garner the attention that they would've otherwise gotten had they been more attractive and had more appealing personalities by making people angry, bc to both of them, negative attention is better than none.
She's a different, cooler Grimeth now; she only listens to the sound of swords clashing together

No. 2036855

1st reply, that he didn't let her collab with charlixcx

She also doesnt get a ton of money from him, she was busy being cool girl who didn't need help from a billionaire she is the breeding sow of, and now she has a shitty apartment.

No. 2036863

"He" is obviously referring to fisher. You're just obsessed with Elon nonnie lmao

No. 2036952

he looks walled af be fr

No. 2037056

Hasn't Belle Delphine been trying to slide into Elon's mentions for years? The cow crossover potential if they started dating would be enormous.

No. 2037078

they're both south african too . probably won't happen though, she has actual porn videos online/onlyfans and elon sees himself as above that (despite getting with Ashley sexlaptop and likely tons of sex workers). i don't think he'd publicly date her. especially now he's trying to larp as a christian.

No. 2037091

>Amber (ASPDemon gold digger)

No. 2037372

Moids dont have morals nona kek, they follow their dicks. Though tbf I dont think Elon is a pedo, he doesnt go for jailbait looking pedobaiter types who try to look like teens. He's always dated women who are more glamorous/statuesque (well, with the exception of Grimey) and mature, in their late twenties to mid 30s. Even Talulah who I thought was tiny is actually like 5ft8.

No. 2037468

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the ill fitting blazer, extremely wrinkled shirt, and bare walls look like a cry for help.

No. 2037469

If I saw this pic without knowing it was Grimes, I would think it's a they/them tif.

No. 2037489

her interior decorating choices are so tacky and bad. you’d think as someone who might have money would conjure up something better than Amazon prime specials

No. 2037531

If she would dye her hair brown (her natural color, so it'd match her eyebrows, then leave it alone), and would use some damn conditioner/olaplex, she'd look so much less haggard. At this point she needs a wig. The orange overpowers all of her features, and so does the frizz.

No. 2037537

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i actually think unnatural colors suit her better. she always looked cute in pastel lilac, yellow and orange hair. she would look totally unremarkable with brown hair.

No. 2037538

she's really getting that sweaty-yet-chalky sickly meth addict complexion, complete with melted fat/migrating fillers.

No. 2037551

She always looks like her nose has recently been broken.

No. 2037563

Shivon at least got a nice house out of him but all of Grimes' posts makes it look like she's living in a college kid's apartment, it's embarrassing

No. 2037583

He’s ugly as fuck.

No. 2037595

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No. 2037601

at this point it feels like she's trolling, like she's trying to look bad on purpose. it looks like she edited her mouth area to look more bogged than it already is? so confusing to look at. the left side of her hair looks like an AI fuck up and i agree with the other nonas about her poor choice of interior decorating.

No. 2037614

it's not about morals, it's about image

No. 2037830

Wouldn't Elon dating Belle give him a lot of clout among his twitter fanboys? The kind of 'men' who simp for Elon are the same kind who worship thots and donate to whores onlyfans.

No. 2037831

They like to pretend that they don't though.

No. 2037846

She should sue dr. Kao. All he did was make her look freakish for 2 years only for her to look exactly the same/ worse than before. I know im going to get accused of being a moid when i say this and i normally shudder at statements like this but…she has ruined herself. She will never be beautiful again. not that she ever really was “beautiful”, but she could at least grasp it and embody it sometimes. The surgeries + pathological thinking (and the lifestyle +habits that ensue from it) have warped her face into exactly what she is on the inside, a spoiled rotten brat with no grace.

No. 2038022

Based anon, love your commentary (and I have exactly the same feelings when it comes to all these psychopathic and sociopathic men being shilled by society).

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