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No. 2124818

Do you want to rant about how much you hate a cow without disrupting the thread? Go ahead!
Do you want to sympathize with the cow and talk about how it's not too late to change? Do it sister!
Do you want to talk about your life (blogpost) and compare it to the cow in question? Here's the place?
Express yourself etc. Have fun!

Post your pessimistic, optimistic, negative, controversial, rude, or relatable takes.

(Also this is not a thread to complain about threads, bans, or mods, do that on /meta/. However you can complain about the fanbase of the cow or the people who dislike the cow here.)
Pervious Thread- >>1839828

No. 2125359

retarded aishit threadpic

No. 2127791

Jill's DID saga is so boring now and I can't wait for it to be over. Her last 2 threads have been so stale. I wish another saga or at least a new arc would come along already.

No. 2127799

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Instead of the AI pic can this be the thread pic instead

No. 2127814

I keep coming back because she'll always pull some random BPD attention-whore move where she overestimates her importance and it always cracks me the fuck up kek.

No. 2127825


No. 2127845

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does anyone else get really nostalgic looking at more OG cows? Like reading their early threads? I do, it's just the internet culture around that time. I miss it a lot. Cows are a bit more tame now because the internet has been much more integrated into regular culture, esp post-2020

No. 2127873

I feel like everyone is paranoid over being cancelled these days so funny meltdowns don't happen so often

No. 2127917

The internet bled too much into real life, now any potential cows are hyper-aware of online notoriety and disappear before anything great milk can flow. Fatvegfemme comes to mind as an example.

No. 2127921

OT but it’s crazy that she had like five threads at most from what I remember and still is one of the most mentioned cows, at least itt.

No. 2128105

She was so cute here

No. 2128222

Probably because her threads were funny af, but also because unlike most cows fizzle out until they become too boring or milkless she just disappeared in the middle of it all.

No. 2128314

probably because she was super milky during the short amount of time she was discussed. before she disappeared she had frequent meltdowns and freely posted the kind of embarrassing shit most people would only admit to under duress

No. 2128706

I don’t think this is an unpopular opinion or anything, but some of my friends and I rewatched a bunch of Venus’s old videos, and it really made me sad for her. I genuinely feel like she had almost everything stacked against her, and just grew up accordingly. She’s only a year older than I am, and I couldn’t imagine growing up with her online presence. I still have a soft spot for her and hope she can someday get the help she desperately needs.

No. 2128724

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First off, I want to applaud all cows who are total shitshows but at least don't have babies. Not even because uwu think about the kids! but because pregnancy kind of ties you forever to a (shit) moid and with children your chances for recovery, education, work, whatever are just so much slimmer.

Recently I checked /w/ after many months and who would have thought that those two would turn out how they did now? I remember back then people even accused Taylor of leeching off Venus' fame… I wouldn't want to be married to an old pig either but by giving him a son she fulfilled her duty as a chinese wife kek and will spend the rest of her life shopping and traveling (and dieting).
Meanwhile you couldn't possibly imagine a worse fate for Venus (except of course if she got pregnant)… I felt sorry for years but when I witnessed live how she suicidebaited and a couple other anons and I feared she would have done it for real and waited anxiously for an update/confirmation…she turned into total scum now. Not that her porn wasn't disgusting enough.
Lots of farmers still seem bitter about Kota but I think she's doing rather fine. She's had sugar daddy rumors for ages already and yet we never saw a single hint - all other cows always slip up after a couple weeks/months. Whenever she posts she's with some of her old modeling friends, so we can't assume she's all lonely either. Ultimately her dream was to live in Japan (away from her family) and she's achieved that for a decade already. It's a pity that her career didn't last but it wasn't really her fault either (her fat and ugly hair phase happened after she lost popularity). Nowadays she might have had better chances but back then shooping yourself was still a novelity and therefore peoples reactions to it were much more severe.
Kiki is too confusing to keep up with. I always thought her dream was also living in Japan and having her nipponese bf (I thought it might have been nice if the sister stayed there together? but I guess they aren't that close) but then she suddenly went the Hollywood route, pretty certainly sold herself and last thing I kept up with was a miscarriage? No idea.

No. 2128765

Something I noticed is that most weeb cows are doing much worse than kboo "cows". Venus life is a total tragedy and the old gaijin gyarus are also still at it, prostituting themselves, dating the shittiest hosts, always broke and always close to getting deported. Meanwhile the usually much younger kboos have successful social media, they're not really seen as outcast because everything korean is so popular with many normie girls too, the ones living in Korea mostly date normal guys their own age and some even make very good money modelling. The girl in the video was never super milky, just really embarrassing but now she seems to do well financially, is married and about to become a mom.

No. 2128795

anyone else feel extremely dedicated to a certain cow/thread and that no one else really cares that much even when it's apparent to you that the milk is endless and hilarious but it just doesn't garner the amount of interest you think is warranted?

No. 2128802

Not actual milk, so this can't go in the Amanda Bret thread. Did my monthly-ish search to see if Dan's dead yet and it looks like someone made a fake obituary for a Daniel Rivas of New Jersey.
At first I thought I had struck golden milk, but it's just a stupid troll.

No. 2129224

I actually really like Poppy and Mars Argo’s music, Titanic Sinclair can go fuck himself for all I care though and I hope NobodysDreamgirl wins the custody battle when they inevitably divorce one day

No. 2129784

>I felt sorry for years but when I witnessed live how she suicidebaited and a couple other anons and I feared she would have done it for real and waited anxiously for an update/confirmation…she turned into total scum now.
The parasocial relationship anons have with some cows here is crazy. It’s normal to not want a person to commit suicide, but treating self-destructive behavior of a mentally ill person like her doing it to personally slight you is insane.

No. 2130060

their post didn't come off that way to me at all, she does have a pretty horrible life in comparison to the others

No. 2130202

Today I learned pixielocks’ age and was gobsmacked. I had seen her around the site but never really read her threads and assumed she was at least nearing mid thirties. Then last night I was bored and decided to read all her threads from the start and there I realized she’s actually about my age (25). WHAT?!

No. 2130215

Please can we change the thread pic to this, I don't wanna look at AI pink cow every time I open one of my favourite threads

No. 2130256

Just make a new thread,I googled "strawberry cow" or ""pink cow" (I can't remember) and just picked this one, I didn't know anons would be this weird about it.

No. 2130259

Yay thank you farmhands

No. 2130266

I am devastated by the notice that shayna wont be shaking her saggy ass at fatcon.

No. 2130278

Alot of addys cowish antics can be funny but most nitpick her wayyy too much like be real a fucking skirt?which proves that many are vendetta fags I wish they kept on topic and documented the retard shit addy does

No. 2130524

Honestly I wonder if Shayna will make it to her 30s with the way her health is going, Amberlynn Reid made it though so I guess it’s possible

No. 2130527

I’m sorry anon idk why it was such a big deal it was just a picture …

No. 2130539

It was so fun to follow the big drama when it was happening, but now I only check the thread to laugh at Titanic's latest "music" and to see if he's divorced yet. It'll happen soon, I'm sure.

No. 2130553

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I’ve never been invested in Shay’s thread (and probably never will be) but I think she looks cute here tbh.

I still like rewatching her lolita videos tbh.

No. 2130556

empathchan really isn't horribly ugly like anons describe her even if she is a terrible person

No. 2130557

She can be cute at times, maybe even charming. Ignoring everything else, that is.

No. 2130560

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I feel like varg is going to end up like this dude

No. 2130561

Hot Take: Shayna can look pretty good when she’s not doing her weird DDLG outfits and cake sitting porn, her pussy and asshole are horrifying yes but if she never did porn and took more showers she could look decent and have a decent body since there’s plenty of bigger women out there that look good imo (ex Lizzo)
Yeah I agree as well, her photoshops are just uncanny and old school Venus Aneglic tier but she looks alright all things considered though she could probably benefit from washing her face and growing her hair a bit longer to cover her face shape

No. 2130614

She only looks good because her sunglasses obscure half her face. It’s the same way how people looked ”better” during covid when the bottom half of their face was covered with a mask, you can only see their eyes so your imagination fills in the rest for the rest. Anyways ugly people looking better in sunglasses is a real phenomenon, there are tons of old memes of guys looking hot in sunglasses and uglier when they take them off.

I think she is unattractive, but not really ugly. She definitely looks prettier than Shayna though.

No. 2130750

Who is this

No. 2130754

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Honestly, I think pixyteri is beautiful in a unique way, and she could be an ethereal kind of beauty if she lost a little more weight and started dressing in a more matured way. She’s pretty in like a Sarah Jessica Parker kind of way, but she would need to dress more like a mature woman to be recognized as that. I think the Jfashion just doesn’t suit her, and it’s too juvenile for her more mature angular face. I honestly think she looks beautiful here, and I think neutrals with less cutesy fashion suits her very well.

No. 2130768

It makes me wonder how her life would have been if she had been taken from her mother early and grown up in a more stable household. Would mental illness still catch up to her, or would she have gotten the help she needed before she spiraled? Or was her turning into a mess inevitable?
Even back during the start of her cowdom there was just as many people wanting to help her out as there were people laughing at her, which is why there are so many pictures of her in j-fashion - people tried to help her tidy up so she could se how pretty she could be if she just tried. But she was already a mentally ill mess at that point.

No. 2130827

The true and simple answer is that she is mentally a child and people purposely overlook that to make fun of and voyeur her. Had she been in a home that didn't pretend she's some high-functioning non-autist normie, they would have never let her develop a weird internet addiction. She would be cared for and not made fun of and taken advantage of by everyone constantly. I cannot believe the amount of people I see saying she's so pathetic and that everything is her fault when she's like 12 mentally. She needed a family that gave a fuck and didn't just yell at her while she sat at the computer. Shes going to spend her entire adulthood crying while people laugh at her and dehumanize her because she is mentally incapable of maturing.

No. 2130837

sarah calling herself old and ugly always makes me sad. i know she constantly says things for attention and i know she's severely mentally ill but i believe a big reason why she trooned out is because she was raised by a batshit crazy mother whose unhinged parenting led sarah to hate herself. i have no doubt sarah is massively difficult to live with but it's a hell of debbie's own making and i have zero sympathy for her. if she didn't want to be stuck with an adult child in her forties who behaves the way sarah does then she shouldn't have spent her daughter's formative years acting like a fucking lunatic.

No. 2130848

I think she can look cute without sunglasses too. I thought she was cute in her old Tumblr gifs too. It's a shame she does retarded shit.

She could look cute in classic lolita imo. I think Pixy can look great with the right styling. I still think some of her old cosplays are cute.

No. 2130906

i know a girl irl who looks exactly like PT did at her best, ironically she's also an autistic weeb. i always thought her face looked like if you squeezed a doll's head in.

No. 2131170

The anons saying Shay doesn't shower is a mean unwarranted tinfoil are the same ones who would've spent years calling the "Shay has one boobjob" anons schizo and tinfoil.

No. 2134631

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Jill looks like she smokes bush. She's such a stoner apparently but I don't think she ever buys good bud. I think she just buys the cheapest gnarliest weed she can get her grubby hands on. She's the type that coughs up black tar every morning because she doesn't clean her bong and her pot burns black. Gross girl.

No. 2134635

>her pot burns black
Doesn't it go from green to black to grey I don't understand

No. 2134638

In a bong when you rip it, good weed will burn into a lighter-coloured grey or white ash, and cheap stuff will turn very sticky and black.

No. 2134642

She looks like she could be a lovable fat woman comedian ala a younger Roseanne Barr but instead she's a shut-in, weed addicted NEET with no goals aside from chronic malingering.

No. 2134644

Nta but that's a myth.

No. 2134646

In my experience it rings true

No. 2134653

Okay, there's still no substantial evidence to back that up though.

No. 2134655

Well we'll agree to disagree then.

No. 2134661

No. 2134663

you know your stuff
anecdotes mean everything in the world of stoners. like if you don't cough, you don't get off.

No. 2134666

They mean everything to stoners because they're too retarded to look up stuff on Google on account of the marijuana usage.

No. 2134669

Don't get all spicy with me because you have no fun, no friends and no culture miss thing. I'll be over here getting toasty.

No. 2134694

Jill probably said the same to the emo self-harming BPD gay tranny in her head before taking this picture >>2134631

No. 2134698

>he emo self-harming BPD gay tranny in her head
Um, his name is Jerrick. Get it right.

No. 2134707

Whenever someone says Jill looks cute I gag, she looks hideous. Even Roseanne kept herself looking presentable. Roseanne was big-boned so the fat doesn't look bad on her, but when you see Jill you can tell she was a skinny person that let herself go and hates herself for it. I think Jill would be booed off the stage if she tried comedy, and hopefully rotten tomatoes would be whipped at her head.

No. 2134728

the difference between how she used to look and now is more shocking than Shayna's transformation at this point

No. 2134942

no way this isnt edited, isnt she only in her 20s?

No. 2134982

I want to marathon the camgirl threads but I think I can only take looking at pumpy's skelly anachan frame for so long before I just nope out from ick

No. 2134989

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it's edited but the original isn't much better

No. 2134991

what causes this, the weed?

No. 2135012

LJ and PT both make me extremely depressed and i only read their threads when i am feeling particularly horrible already

No. 2135059

i've followed pixyteri since 2009 (i remember the melty chocolate meltdown and the infamous work out lines, as well as her crying on camera for her birthday with her mom telling her to shower in the background) and she's always been histrionic and deluded, it's sad to see but it feels like it was inevitable due to lack of support

i've followed amberlynn since 2015 and she's never been as exciting as the messy destiny break up saga. i don't think she faked the cancer. i don't think this is the first feeder she's dated either. i also think it's a shame that LC doesn't take much interest in her (even though she can be boring for months) as every other site is intolerable to read through kek

No. 2135218

i don't know why there isn't much interest in amber here but maybe it's for the best. there's something about amberlynn that attracts retards who are compelled to compare themselves to her. i'm not sure why anyone would brag about how much better they are than a food obsessed woman pushing six hundred pounds who has the emotional intelligence of a preteen girl and lives in a constant state of dysfunction, yet it happens all the time whenever she is discussed.

No. 2137017

Whoever is calling Uma a groper just like that because ""they're realistic like that"" is making the same mistake as Jillian and it ticks me off because at least Jillian has never mentioned Uma by name. It's a heavy thing to call someone just like that even if we're in an anonymous imageboard.

No. 2137018

They only added a glitter thing in picmix, it wasn't edited further. Some anons are too serious about shit.

No. 2137316

i genuinely cannot believe people think shoeonhead is as ugly as her husband. think she’s ugly? sure, but she still looks better than him. lookswise she settled hard.

No. 2137358

>>2134631 This is not >>2134989 this.

No. 2137517

Can't post this in the Jillian thread bc blog, but she has parallels to a DID faker moid I knew. He started faking DID in 2016 after being terminally online and finding it's a good way to get attention. I knew him for years before the DID claiming. He, like Jill, didn't have a concrete traumatic episode to cite as the breaking moment. He claimed it was because when his mother was pregnant, she didn't want to give birth but was too scared to get an abortion. This apparently was so traumatic to him as a fetus because he could sense her conflicted emotions during the pregnancy. He posted online: "IN UTERO TRAUMA IS REAL and anyone who says otherwise can unfollow me right now." He gave it up after a couple years and deleted all mention of it from his socials, pretending it never happened.

No. 2137734

this is so interesting, is he a normie now or still weird? do you think it was linked to social media?

No. 2137748

she looks normal

no one really thinks that besides one or two obsessive, vindictive anons in her thread. it's debatable whether she settled or not because this guy lines up with her type as we know it (fat) but on the other hand, greg was much more attractive facially.

No. 2137990

Why do anons still believe anything Jill says? We're talking about Jill, the girl that fakes having seizures on camera to upload to her social media, the girl that pretends to black out and become a toddler so she can binge on Goldfish crackers and play with crayons, the girl that hasn't been honest about anything in 6 years. Why would anyone trust her at this point? It's so retarded seeing anons whine that Jill's abuse has to be taken seriously when we all know that there was no abuse, there's never been any abuse, she's lied about everything in the past and she'll continue to lie about it in the future. old dogs new tricks yadda yadda.

No. 2137997

Because Uma literally admitted she did things she shouldn't have, was 16 while Jill was 13, and then backtracked on how she wasn't going to share details which sounds like she still holds a lot of guilt for whatever she did. She's not a rapist, you should stop taking it so personally.

No. 2138004

Idk if you're autistic but if you read Uma's messages you can tell she's denying what happened but doing it in a polite way to not demean Jill's feelings. No offense but I'm tired of Zoomers pretending like 13 and 16 is a weird "age gap" for lesbians in the backwater boonies, it just makes you look sheltered and like you didn't have a social life as a teenager. They were two grades apart.

No. 2138011

>I did things I have held in deep shame since then
>we did the best with who we were at the time
If she didn't do a single thing she could have just said, no it was all consensual and I literally did nothing. That's what normal people would say if nothing happened.

No. 2138022

>she might have been in an uncomfortable situation with someone she was in a relationship with.
An uncomfortable situation isn't rape. When I was a teenager and exploring my sexuality for the first time, I was also in uncomfortable situations but it's part of the learning curve. To equate that with rape is stupid, it's literally just a part of fooling around as a teenager and trying new things. It's even grosser when you realize Jill is trying to present an "uncomfortable situation" into a rape so that she can use Uma as the reason she has DID.
She's a woman in her mid-20s that just got informed someone she dated a decade ago is calling her an abuser online to her YT audience. How would you want her to react? I read the messages and it seems like Uma was taken aback and confused by the whole thing, and was trying to take an understanding stance without shitting on Jill, because Uma is actually a mature adult unlike Jill.
>If she didn't do a single thing she could have just said, no it was all consensual and I literally did nothing. That's what normal people would say if nothing happened.
Actually no that's not what normal people would say. That's what guilty people would say. Swear to God I'm tired of explaining social interpersonal dynamics to autists.

No. 2138023

Jill has consistently victimized herself throughout her entire life (see: LACE) and female socialization also makes women internalize blame and are gaslit easily most of the time. Chances are she just feels bad because Jill got mad at her and was still mad at the time the cowtipper messaged her, I really doubt she did anything

No. 2138029

>To equate that with rape is stupid,
You are purposefully missing the point of what anons are saying because you are taking it personally. Nobody is saying Jill saying it was rape is okay. We all know she was not raped. Being touched in a way she didn't like is more likely and that is the molehill she is milking her fans for all their worth over. Are you slow or something?
If nothing happened Uma would have said so, but instead she's cool with a notorious internet cow implying she's a filthy rapist. She probably crossed a physical boundary but it wasn't rape and she knows the age gap will make her look bad to BPDfag twittards.

No. 2138032

>instead she's cool with a notorious internet cow implying she's a filthy rapist
I don't think Uma gives a fuck about Jill and I really doubt she follows lolcows or knows what they are. Likewise I doubt she cares about what people online are saying about her. Why would Uma confirm or deny anything so serious like that to a random stranger that messaged her on Instagram?
>You are purposefully missing the point of what anons
Actually I typed that in direct response to one particular anon that decided to delete her post after I responded. So it won't make much sense outside the context. Duh?

No. 2138035

>Why would Uma confirm or deny anything so serious like that to a random stranger that messaged her on Instagram?
I'm unsure if you are aware of how humans interact, but if someone came to me and said one of the girls I was involved with as a young teen called me a rapist I would tell them nothing happened at all, because if nothing happened I would have no reservations saying so and I do not want some retarded internet "celeb" to imply I went around raping with no remorse kek.

No. 2138039

She literally ended with "it is not as terrible as she is making it out to be." What do you think that means?
>called me a rapist
Uma wasn't accused of rape in the original messages. How could she deny something she wasn't accused of? You're confusing the timelines and it's fucking you up.

No. 2138044

Do not be daft, Jill was implying she raped her, which is why that anon even asked Uma about it.
>not as terrible as she's making it out to be
Yeah whats less worse than the rapist story? Probably some boundary crossing touch. Why wouldn't Uma just come out and say nothing happened at all? Is that so hard? I bet Uma is also a bit of a cluster b herself, but she's not a rapist. She probably just touched Jill in a way Jill realized she didn't like.

No. 2138047

No she didn't though. Watch the video. Jill never defines what type of sexual trauma she went through. She just implied Uma did something fucked up, and that's when someone reached out to Uma to tattle. AFAIK there was no mention of rape in regards to Uma before the last "press release" Jill uploaded the other day.

No. 2138048

>notorious internet cow
Kek what? Jill is a literal who in the actual world.

No. 2138051

Funny because I was told off for saying Jill never said she was raped. Uma probably pushed boundaries. The thing is to not be a BPDfag like Jill and say that it's being on Jill's side. Jill probably didn't like whatever miniscule mistake that happened and that is her right, but it is morally wrong for her to claim rape when we all know she wasn't.
Don't get how this is so hard to understand.

No. 2138053

Nobody is retarded enough to consider Jill a cow besides us on /w/. Even PULLtards stopped caring about Jill. Outside these two groups who else would know about Jill? Her videos get 15k views kek.
This is literally what I said in my original post and then you started arguing with me. I'm sooo tired of anons reading my posts, agreeing with me, but then starting an argument anyway only to go full circle and just spit my original points back at me like it's new info. God it's insufferable.

No. 2138064

Nta but I see why Uma wouldn't want to attach herself to the drama. So few people know of Jill, even fewer know she's talking about Uma, it would be retarded for her to attach herself onto that.

No. 2138065

Kek this isn't Twitter, you don't have to delete your infight bait 5 seconds after you post it. Cringe.

No. 2138066

It wouldn't be retarded is Jill is 100% lying. She could just say no, nothing happened, and that she wants her peace and privacy. That's it. Anons act like this is a herculean feat kek.

No. 2138067

You're talking about this like it wasn't a conversation with less than 10 messages that happened years ago on Instagram DM between strangers.

No. 2138071

She didn't want to discuss such a thing with a stranger though. She even has the grace to admit that maybe it could have been something Jill looks back on and feels disgust or regret over, it's a complicated time and a straight woman dating a lesbian was clearly uncomfy to Jill. Hell even kissing someone could be conflated with inappropriateness when that woman is straight.

No. 2138072

She quite literally did say that in her final message.

No. 2138080

She did not say nothing happened at all.
She said she holds "deep shame" over it. Stop coping.
Okay, and.

No. 2138089

I'm sorry but if you can't read between the lines and gauge what words mean in context, you can't be helped. You keep harping about "deep shame," but for are we know she could be referring to cheating on Jill or dumping her or some other thing stupid teenagers do. I don't know why you're so obsessed with the "deep shame" bit. Neurotic and frothing at the mouth for an infight.

No. 2138091

>stop coping
Wtf? Weirdly defensive about this

No. 2138095

You're weirdly defensive over a woman you have never met or interacted with.
Nobody is going to feel "deep shame" about cheating on a 12 year old as a 14 year old. But I know what would warrant "deep shame", a crossing of physical boundaries.

No. 2138100

She's just baiting for an infight because she's bored, don't bother responding kek

No. 2138102

Bpdfag cope(bait)

No. 2138109

Grimes is nowhere near as a good lolcow as elon is. Whenever i read their joint thread, i barely care what she has going on. Elon could have been rich in silence, but his ego and narcissism is what ruins everything. Never have a seen a man so profoundly insecure and immature, but desperate to be irl tony stark. I love looking at memes on twitter dunking on him, it mogs a lot of anything grimes has going on, even though she has similar traits to him, just on a smaller and boring scale. At least she has some good music to back up her stupidity even though becoming elon's baby mother arguably destroyed her creative output. Don't get me started on player of games, i wanted to kill myself whilst listening to it.

No. 2138362

Definitely still a weirdo, he they/themmed out for a while after the DID thing blew over. And got a massive Hello Kitty tattoo that covers his ribs. That, to me, points to extreme social media addiction. Now he's back to "identifying" as a man, he just lives in a weird trailer behind a house and is an alcoholic.

I think some people need attention so badly (I always suspected he had BPD, much like Jill) and social media gives needy people lots and lots of great ideas to get attention.

No. 2138619

I've always thought Armoured Skeptic looks like Ted Cruz

No. 2138620

I wish the ana cows thread split off the wannarexics and the starving ana chans into two threads, the latter group makes me feel deeply depressed and I honestly think strangers are way too hard on them even though they're also doing it to themselves. It just makes me feel bad. I want to gawk at the grifting overweight munchies without looking at dying women

No. 2138746

i agree

No. 2138798

Idk if it would be too against the grain of “muh imageboard culture”, but seeing as that thread attracts so many people who don’t know how to post potential new cows, I kind of wish the OP would include some kind of new-cow post formatting guide.
Something like
>an image
>why you think they’re a cow
>example of some milk
>link to at least one profile
Because otherwise anons will post screenshots of a video with little to no details, just like “does anyone think this person is milky” but there’s not even a username, and no one is gonna go out of their way on some wild cow hunt.

No. 2139047

But she was always accused of being a bad experience. The wording changed but that didn't mean Jill hasn't always said the same thing about it not being good. She had never said it was a heehee girly pop experience

No. 2139100

Good idea

No. 2139470

Not a real cow but a few weeks ago there was insanely childish and foot-stomping infighting here, both in the celebcow and spicy straights threads, for pointing out (supported by facts and her own quotes) that Chappell Roan isn't as huge a lesbian as her PR/fandom makes it seem, and now everyone is calling out her fauxbian/baby bi shtick. Lol. Lmao even

No. 2139492

I've been reading both of those threads and it seemed like people unanimously agreed Chappelle was a fakebian except some people saying that just her drag persona is a lesbian and she's not (which isn't the case, she seriously tries to pass herself off as gay). Not sure where you're getting the "childish foot stomping" from. Screenshots?

No. 2139528

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picrel plus in the other thread there was someone sperging out about how "men can suck a dick once but women have to do so much to prove themselves as gay", it really reeked of baby libfems with boyfriends taking it personally

No. 2139539

I can't imagine someone else's sexuality concerning me so much, the internet has truly rotted your brains. Don't give me some shit about how "spicy straights" are ruining everything for the true and honest gays, only online weirdos have such a bizarre way of thinking. Gays aren't a monolith anons, there is no competition for gayest gay. I think chronic internet users are addicted to anger.

No. 2139545

idk if this would belong in the personal cows thread more than this one but in the golden days of weeb cows I was personally acquainted with someone who was so similar to Himezawa it's almost creepy. It should have been studied, it was so uncanny. Posting it here because it's more of a cow comparison than trying to introduce a new cow

>mousey with a complex about her nose but endlessly proud of being skinny

>bleach blonde
>delusions of grandeur about being an amazing singer, had a decent voice and went into classical training but constantly threw fits and sabotaged herself
>trying to become an convention "idol" by covering anime songs
>serious moderu and professional cosplayer despite absolutely no sewing skills, no money to purchase materials or accessories, spent years marketing herself as an extremely high-brow costume artist but only had 2 costumes made entirely by friends
>garish overwrought "concept photoshoots" that spoke of the emotional maturity and visual storytelling skills of a 13yo
>dreaming of making it to Japan because the people there are so polite and intelligent
>seething over any cosplayer who received the slightest amount of attention, backstabbing every friend
>intensely selfposting on 4chan once she discovered /cgl/, endlessly made fun of for being obvious via her unintelligible english skills and guerilla marketing tactics
>obsessed with sexual purity while extremely horny for yaoi and yuri stories
>thought the number one spot in every creative field was rightfully hers despite nothing to show for any of her many ventures
>went to fashion school, still didn't learn how to sew
>tried to be a makeup artist when that was all the rage, never blended even 1 pigment, using the same frosted lipgloss + blue eyeshadow for every single shoot
>never-ending shitflinging with other weeaboos because she tried to suck up to everyone she thought she could benefit from knowing but ran around trying to tell everyone their business as soon as she felt 'in the know'
>failed wannabe author of high fantasy forbidden romances and edgelord shit
>eventually goes FTM

There are more similarities but it's crazy how she was even more notorious than Himezawa in the German cosplay community but completely disappeared because nobody wanted to give her attention. She even had a stint of dating a much too young girl and then posting photos of her with the eyes stabbed out and shit. Like an Onision of weeaboos

No. 2139549

Check the browser address bar and remember what site you're on, hope that helps

No. 2139550

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I discovered this site by searching about Venus Angelic, she's the only cow I'm interested in, I like following her because she's crazy and I wonder how it will end for her. (I honestly just wish her the best, but I believe she will never change.)

No. 2140700

I discovered this site because of Shmegeh (throwback!) but now I stay for my favorite cow with similarly repetitive milk, Heather Sparkles. The fact that Venus, Hags, and so many other cows never change is fascinating to me.

No. 2141797

It's crazy to me that taylor r doesn't do anything but has so many threads all littered with redtext. If she was scamming, I'd get it, but she doesn't. She also disclose what she needs. Where's her drama? I don't care about her shilling shoes, she's an influencer. That's what they do to make money. Obviously.

No. 2141832

PULL is dead but their users are still seething. The lengths they go to to nitpick the craziest shit about her is more laughable than most things that could warrant bumping her thread

No. 2141839

Jealous weebs that are stuck in the past will always seethe at anyone saying anything remotely neutral about her, but Dakota Rose was so far ahead of her time. No filters yet so she made her own, literally editing everything frame by frame. Honestly incredibly forward-thinking stuff. Had she not gone public and just promoted brands and makeup or whatever remotely, she probably wouldn't have fell so hard. But she really did it all and was crucified for it and now everyone is doing the exact same thing. It's honestly so funny looking back at how her editing animorphed from cute and model-y to baby monstrosity. I love how brazen she was too, going on public TV

No. 2141844

This era of internet cow was so much fun. I miss her and Felice and Charlotte Free and Shmegeh so bad. I miss all the photoshop/adobe after effects autism.

No. 2141854

It's mostly funny to me, you would think her and Felice were terrorists with how they were treated for photoshopping. Now it's so commonplace that the same women making hateblogs about them use filters on their photos and tiktoks. A lot of it was concern trolling born entirely out of jealousy, people were SOO mad that they were being praised for an ideal they didn't actually meet. They really set the bar far so much and were truly influential online, I see people deny it to this day but everyone was copying them and following their every move

No. 2142095

I'll always be impressed that she really took the effort to learn Japanese, that's more than you can say for most of weeb wannabe influencers. Also, her not engaging with all of the hate and criticism was smart in ways that most cows could never do.

No. 2143871

Heather's reaction to Rumham Ryan's death is so viscerally embarrassing to me I can hardly sit through seeing her posts. It might be because my mom is a cluster B nightmare who acts similarly and I've had to clean up her messes but Heathers over the top reaction, making it all about her/her hair color, and sharing private messages of him being a simp plus her staged melodramatic photos is giving me so much secondhand embarrassment it's insane. I've been a farmer since 2018 and this is for some reason the cringiest thing I've seen a cow do for a really long time. I wish she would stop kek I feel bad for his family.

No. 2143892

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I hate Jillfags. I've been following Jill's thread since before the DID LARP, and yeah it was always bad /w/ has always been shit, but a year ago I swear Jill's thread got infested with losers from Twitter and gendies.

I open /w/ to get my daily retarded washed-up PULLtard fix, and lo and behold I'm looking at a thread for writing fanfic about Jill's wedding that she's planning on having… in 2 years… What is the point of this thread? What makes Jillfags go to such lengths to make stuff up about her in their heads and wanna discuss it with others? I wouldn't have even been mad about the wedding sperging, if it had happened on like this thread for example.

But to go out of your way after a farmhand comes into the thread to say "stop wedding sperging its annoying," to then create a whole thread on /w/ for writing fanfic about the imaginary wedding? Like what's the actual point of a thread like that? It's like making a thread "Jill's first child, containment thread!!!" because once in 2018 Jill mentioned wanting a family one day. Most anons in that thread are normal, but I'm so tired of the unintegrated people that are so focused on cancel-culture mentality, gendie politics, or writing retarded fanfic about Jill. Then I see these same people on /ot/ going "Ugh you're not allowed to have FUN on Jill's thread anymore!!!" Like what? Is inventing stories in your head about a cow and then posting those fanfics supposed to be "fun" ??

Inb4 I'm banned for off-topic or "you're not supposed to talk about the cows' anons in here!!" that ISN'T true. This thread has ALWAYS been used to discuss annoying anons in a cow's thread. I was banned last time for this, and when I brought that up in the appeal I was un-banned immediately, so I know you know that I'm right. However, I saw other anons talking about being banned for the same thing after my ban happened, so I had to write this paragraph that way if I am banned I can point to it in the appeal as an example or poor moderation: to believe a report before reading the post.

No. 2143898

I agree. It's vile seeing her narc ass bask in getting a story out of this (and to tie it to something as retarded and trivial as coloring her hair) and getting to post cringe simping I don't think Rumham have ever wanted others to see. I don't care about moids but damn I wouldn't want to see screenshots of my dad getting left on read by some rando like a week after his death.

No. 2143909

it's been a ride to witness. just shocking

>I don't care about moids but damn I wouldn't want to see screenshots of my dad getting left on read by some rando like a week after his death.
fucking exactly. i feel the same way. it's downright wrong. i feel like even if someone (rightfully) told her to dial it back.. perhaps tone it down a bit, she'd go into a 10-story tirade about how this is how she grieves and she's allowed to ~process this trauma~ however she wants to or something like that. it's just deranged. she's really the type of person that will never have sense knocked into them

No. 2143927

nothing will make me believe the Venus thread isn't filled to the brim with scrotes, especially all the "stop calling manaki a pedo!!!" sperging when it's been confirmed hes been obsessed with her since she was the 15 yo Loli of his degenerate japanese dreams

No. 2144091

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>now everyone is doing the exact same thing.
So true
>I love how brazen she was too, going on public TV
Have to disagree here, nobody could have known that the backlash would be so severe, especially in Korea she was ripped apart. It should have been obvious to any adult involved, that no human can look like this, even if she's a foreigner to them. Thinking back, she's not even 30 now and this was way over a decade ago, meaning she really was just a kid who got herself a good modelling contract across the globe by shooping and studying loads. And then she got treated like the worst criminal by everyone who knew of her existence.
If you look at her earliest days in Japan she actually was really cute too (just not an ana doll), it's not like she's one of those fat absolutely plastic mamas that can become ig famous now. In general nowadays cows all look (and behave) much worse yet back then she was seen as absolutely tragic (pic was seen as a gotcha)
The anons who still sit in her thread and try to sell their conspiracy theories are crazy.

No. 2144098

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This too, how is that an ugly fat hag? It's not like we're in Japan paying for her model jobs, so no reason to get that mad for so many years.

No. 2144237

She did exactly the funniest thing she could have done. Never having a spergout and staying private and mysterious this whole time was the smartest thing possible and has made her haters seethe for over a decade now, it's impressive she never lost composure. She knew what she wanted and she got it even if she had to lie and CGI her way there. It's even more impressive that she never had a major scandal and none of her friends ever aired any dirty laundry. She really has her shit locked up tight and most of the negative things about her are looks-based or tinfoiling. She truly is a legendary cow

No. 2144271

>none of her friends ever aired any dirty laundry.
The last pics we have of her were always with old model friends, meaning she must be somewhat decent to be around, no matter how much some anons claim how nasty and lonely she is lol She also clearly still is in Japan, meaning in the end her weeb dream came true.

No. 2144280

Jfc lolcow sure has fallen when we're letting people make a fucking cow fanfic thread… also hate the lolcow hotel thread, and any other garbage threads taking up space and bumping out threads that I actually care to read.(thread complaints go in /meta/)

No. 2144284

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Ayrt and I think everyone knew there would be backlash, and she of all people should have known. Korea was kind enough to edit most of her pictures and even keep the heavy, forgiving filters on her TV appearance but of course they were shocked. They thought she looked like this. Nobody suspected a teenage girl was painstakingly editing her YouTube videos frame by frame on aftereffects. I understand why the modeling agencies etc were upset, but I agree that the freakish orbiters that hatewatch her and lie about her in her thread are genuinely insane. I still think they're jealous and make up whatever they can to cope. She isn't even active on socials yet they try to paint her as a completely different person. I imagine she's likely in a ltr and does comfortable translating jobs.

No. 2144288

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I have never had animosity toward her whatsoever at any point, even back when people were tearing her to shreds, but its pretty unbiased to observe that she was selling this barbie doll fantasy to them when she really was just a normal western girl from Florida. Given the beauty standards in Asia, of course they were going to be like wtf is this

No. 2144292

Taylor's thread is the most boring, nitpicky thread ever imo. I keep waiting for it to get interesting and pop in to peek from time to time only to be instantly disappointed after 15 secs of skimming.

No. 2144298

She was cute enough without shoop but >>2144288 is right. She looked nothing like the image she sold, and even though she was basically just a teenager she or someone in her camp (her parents i guess) should have at least prepped her harder for all of this. She probably wouldn't have gotten so far if she didn't go so hard with Photoshop but i think she could have at least modeled for some Lolita brands and shit in Japan. They love using average looking white girls for that sort of thing and her willingness to learn the language would have gone a long way.

No. 2144325

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I rooting for her and always will but to be frank, I don't think she would have gotten jobs. Her ticket was from how enamored people were with her and how she was making herself seem in her videos. Again I don't have anything negative to say about her, but Asian beauty standards have always been OTT and they thought she was quite bug-eyed waif with perfect idoru features. They covered her body up in a swimsuit photoshoot and hid her most of the time for popteen, and she couldn't do anything without editing and putting in contact lenses that were clearly ruining her vision. She would not have gotten any of those opportunities at all, she would have had to gone to Japan on a student visa or did something like the JET program like weebs do. Regardless though, she is likely doing just fine and the past isn't really anything dark or bad, weebs just demonize her out of jealousy for her life

No. 2144364

I never really kept up with her, but looking at her socials now she still seems to be doing modeling? The shoop and the general attitude online are what fucked her. If she were born 5 or 6 years later she could have made a killing as a modern day kawaii tiktok influencer or whatever

No. 2144461

And now she's dry as fuck.

No. 2144562

It's not a fanfic thread. You had anons role playing in the main thread. That's more fanfic than discussing what she's going to wear.

No. 2144565

>Discussing her hypothetical wedding that's taking place in minimum 2 years is NOT fanfic!
What else could it possibly be kek

No. 2144570

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yeah dakota is so popular and smart and famous. except we have no evidence of any of that in the past decade kek. she posted pics of random models who were on the same shoots with her a year and more ago, not her hanging out with friends, otherwise it's just boring snapshots of mundane things. always has been.
no one is really "seething" but there are weird whiteknights in her thread who always suspiciously lick her ass and try to reassure everyone she is super happy and doing well.
neither keeks nor koots are successful people with enviable lives.

No. 2144585

>literally editing everything frame by frame
I remember reading the pull thread and finding the shopped pics vs real pics funny. But i didnt know she was doing advanced witchery to contort her face in AE, i thought it was just lighting and angles. Is it a rumor by anons or is it proven? because its hilarious if so.

No. 2144622

It was never proven. Face tracking existed but it was more like what Michelle Phan used for her Pokerface video tutorial. For the most part I think she learned early on how to do the doe-eye stare and suck in her neck/cheeks. A big bonus to slimming your face is angles too.

No. 2144650

This is just rage inducing

No. 2144686

For what? Girls have been catfishing for centuries. Even Victorian women had their black-and-white photographs manually retouched.

No. 2144785

Fanficcing like this is 100% PULL behavior and I don't understand why it's being enabled. It was obnoxious and cringe in 2018 and it's obnoxious and cringe today.

I'm genuinely shocked that her thread is still alive and there are still mentally ill people stalking her despite her milk drying up almost immediately after moving to Japan and that was what, a decade ago? The one thing I do criticize her about is that she acted her part in making using uncanny-fying filters the norm because she's actually very beautiful even under her photoshopping, but decided to push the standards beyond natural means and that was the main problem I had with her even in 2012.

No. 2144813

Anon, you're just embarrassing yourself. She hasn't been a cow in close to a decade and nevertheless her thread is full of tards like you spinning tales about her escorting, sugar daddies, porn, living with her sis in LA and so on. You need to let go, you never had any evidence for your little fics either, yet you go on and on for so many years. People thinking she just lives normally now are a 100 times more realistic.

No. 2144815

You guys don't remember the blog post she made "addressing the haters" and saying everyone just photoshopped her uglier? Or her/her mom copyright claiming every photo of her they found online (whether it was a "hate blog" showing her different styles of editing over the years, or just a western fan) and sending hateful asks to random girls on Tumblr (some were literally tracked by IP to Florida, where her mom lived)? I agree the /w/ thread still going is crazy, but there's no need to lie that she "never responded to all the hate" kek. I remember some Japanese YouTuber posted a screenshot of a DM she sent him. She was annoyed that he parodied or joked about her in some way in a video, and said something along the lines of "It makes sense for girls to hate, but why would a guy say that?". There are probably screenshots of the blogpost at least in /cgl/'s archives, and some remnants of people talking about the copyright claims on tumblr blogs.

No. 2144837

she and her sister were obsessed with lesbians stalking them, I wonder if even one ever did

No. 2144884

There are also videos out there of both her and Kiki being extremely white trash racist, that was before she adopted her Kotakoti persona and was when she was still mimicking Kiki or right when she was phasing out of copying her sister iirc. Couldn't even be excused as the mid/late-2000's edgy humor that sometimes went a too far with race jokes, it was straight up racism.

No. 2144886

And she was like 13 in them being influenced by her schizo sister and white trash family? Vintage cow threads that are filled with anons hung up on bringing back things that happened 10-15 years ago again and again while the "cow" has been living a relatively uneventful life since then are the real milk.

No. 2144898

I am not trying to bring back old milk, but anons are looking at her through rose-tinted glasses forgetting that she was a shitty person on top of all the shooping. I get what everyone are saying that she was tame compared to the cows of today and I agree with what a lot of anons ITT are saying - however don't act like the criticism against her was only because of her editing, while it was the majority of what people was hung up on.
>And she was like 13 in them being influenced by her schizo sister and white trash family?
Did you know her personally? I am not going to deny that she was influenced at the time, but iirc there were instances of her being heavily racist later on too. Don't act as if your favorite cow doesn't have her own agendas and awful sides too.

No. 2145027

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There is an interview with more than one model at her agency here: https://forum.baginya.org/index.php?threads/kotakoti-koti-rose-dakota-rose-dakota-ostrenga.277/page-34
I only remember the first part of this interview, not the second part - might actually be something that never got posted here or elsewhere. It doesn't seem like she was very popular tbh

No. 2145059

She needs a Shaynatorim-lite. We can call it…the Jillnasium

No. 2145135

Then don’t go to her thread anon. Lots of nonnas used to be her followers until a certain turning point. She’s ridiculous and I admit the milk is thin but she is annoying with her pee and poo humor that’s it and the post was saged by that nona. The real milk is her trying to be shady about sponsorships and her husband’s fishy business.

No. 2145140

Honestly it's normal for a lot of people. I'm starting to agree with that one Jill poster about anons not having kids. A user in the Taylor thread even posted proof it's normal which is pretty funny considering the complaint is that it's not. I said she's borning because she does normal mom stuff. I don't care if you don't agree. Also she isn't even breaking any laws with her sponsorships or posts and her husband's milk is 5+ years old now.

No. 2145141

Farmer who thinks Jill should have a child is insane, just like any anon who says Tuna or Hags or anyone else should have a kid to improve their lives.

They should head over to the vent thread and just skim it to see the posts of many anons who were raised by emotionally immature or narcissistic parents. Can't believe anyone would want Jillybean to bring another human into the world and immediately ruin its life.

No. 2145143

They make not having kids an issue with maturity when it's mature not to bring a kid into a situation where they were only conceived because they felt like they needed to exist to have a full filling life. Being child free is great for Jill. More time to spend on cosplay, traveling, just not spending extra money. Kids are terrible, not everyone who is married has to have a tradwife life.

No. 2145146

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Jill is a lost cause. She won't do any career move, health improvement or long term planning you give. She lives so comfy she needs to be forced to try eg
>Can't afford townhouse and need roomate. Having to clean her shit and not stink weed everywhere
>Needing a 9 to 5 like everyone and not get fired. Can't be a dick. Effort everyday not every 2 months. Can't be late and high like her content
>Family/bf going no contact. Can't emotionally manipulate or suicide bait anymore. Can't justify all with diagnoses anymore.
>Get diabetes. Can't tell doctor "I'm austistic! I have to eat like shit!"

No. 2145150

I dont understand why there are two threads on attention whores(empath and that one fattie who larps as a trannie). They are boring and their antics arent genuine milk, its manufactured to gain infamy. Its two entire threads of people falling for bait.

No. 2145156

Empath is very forced, it's like less than 20 people that care about her I swear to god. A camwhore spits on people who fucking cares

No. 2145163

she will never be mystery

No. 2145165

Such a weird photo to take. "Here are the grown children looking braindead surrounded by their presents!" Who was the audience for this pic kek

No. 2145179

i think its because most of the posters are from Dublin themselves it also works as in a archive the shit empath does shes a horrorcow so sometimes its nice to read her thread and be wary of being chronologically online like her

No. 2145236

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Still a little sad lolcow probably contributed to her diminishing social media presence and the fact that she pretty much gave up on music in an non-hobby way. Now we only have the discount store troon version that's ten times a worse person than weirdo Nicole ever was.

No. 2145335

Honestly the only interesting thing about her in a cow-like sense was all the cows that spawned in her wake and were infinitely more cringefail than her creepy cute domestic abuse daddy little girl schtick.

No. 2145597

Oh I remember. Maybe I should have worded it differently, but generally she didn't fight in comments or post hater reaction videos or shit like that like most cows do. I wasn't pretending she was a good person, just that she generally kept the shit like copyright claims in the background and most people had no idea since she didn't sperg out in public. I'm also pretty convinced a lot of the copyright claims and anon messages were her mom and Kiki based on their past, I'm sure she agreed with it, but still.

No. 2145665

i have never once posted about any of those things lol i've just taken note of the extremely defensive weird wks in her thread.
again: neither keeks nor koots are successful people with enviable lives. cry about it i guess.

No. 2145673

Heather haunted butterfly 100% has autism, anons who deny it must be blind or retarded

No. 2145687

She's literally just a cluster B attention hungry retard, people with autism actually learn about and fixate heavily on their interests

No. 2145719

maybe the RyanQuest is her hyperfixation kek

No. 2145736

other anons have posted repeatedly that he's literally still allowing underage pics on his site after he said he'd stop doing it. not old, ongoing.
Your posts are really clockable btw.(baiting)

No. 2145755

nta, but the thread is begging for new milk. Go post about that instead of infighting and accusing anons of being repetitive posters.

No. 2145780

disagreeing with you politely in an opinions thread ≠ infighting

No. 2145887

that's not how autism works. she's not particularly intelligent, not even within her niches, but she's definitely autismal

No. 2145921

She is completely fixated on getting a boyfriend, will only wear the same ugly ass shit and style it in the same way, can only go on dates to the same place, has no understanding of social rules, ridig as hell.

No. 2145930

Who the fuck even is that(lurk more)

No. 2145974

Margo (probably) being arrested for squatting made my week, kek. I missed her insane antics, glad to know a shit person like her looks miserable and is living a miserable life.

You're right that that's not exactly how autism works, but nothing about her seems autistic at all, even if you discount her antics like fake stimming.

No. 2146263

It was absolutely proven, there were tons of gifs of the editing blips. She was editing her whole face in AE. This was before filters existed, it was obvious and undeniable.

No. 2146270

>no one is seething
Lying to yourself kek

No. 2146322

please continue frothing and rushing to the defense of koots every time someone says she must be lonely, it's not weird.(infight bait)

No. 2146414

Lol what is this fanfiction?

No. 2146434

claiming you know who is who is retarded. you sound like the anon who claims everyone is the chris and sharla posters. that wasn't correcting someone lol if anything it's bait.

margo getting arrested is a highlight. we need to make a new thread on her.

No. 2146766

Agreed. She's just what happens when narcissism intersects with shamelessness.

No. 2147168

seeing marge in the news bummed me out. i don't feel sorry for her at all but it's still depressing to see a woman her age living such a grimy, dysfunctional, shameless lifestyle. i'm fully aware of her batshit antics and i know that she's become increasingly unhinged ever since venus left but squatting in a stranger's house and accumulating a hoard inside of it like it was her own home is next level insane behavior. it's not exactly surprising that she would do something like this yet i'm still astonished by how she continues to maintain her massive sense of entitlement and the belief that she can do whatever she wants without ever facing any sort of consequences despite the numerous times she's blown her life up.

No. 2147222

I want to cry she cant even talk anymore.

No. 2147267

She's faking.

No. 2147318

Jill actually looks pretty here. I know that's not the point of this pic but it's shocking how much she's changed, I guess.

No. 2147339

Jill is incredibly based for creating multiple personas that include a multitude of kweerio identities. She's a retard and a scummy person, but she's based for creating as follows
>emo, self-harming TIF who has been used to push away her spergy porn addict BF
>balding, non-sexual faggot who does her taxes, because she's never interacted with real gay men at any point in her life
>a parody of the Chappell Roan "totes dykey" hypersexual "same sex attracted" "femmes"
I'm too lazy to list any more alters but if she was self-aware enough to play this off as a parody of the commonly seen internet-induced individuality complex found in every corner of the internet nowadays, she'd genuinely be a genius performance artisbt troll kek. If she had a single ounce of original thought that was not concerned with earning the most asspats for being a poor, unfixable autist, and had an actual drive for real internet fame and notoriety on a wider scale she probably would have already cashed in on this idea.
Her haters are upset with her because she "wasted" her internet fame niche by not doing the smart thing and putting out consistent alternative crafting/sewing videos and short form videos. I get it. But I think her haters miss the fact that she could have also been the next Trisha Paytas LMAO. The fact that she had the balls to come out with the DID LARP is utter insanity to me.
If her retarded munchie malingering delusion gene was genuine courage and guts, she could have been the most insane youtube/tiktok/Twitter troll. She would definitely be catching more views on her trolling videos than the slop she shits out now.
I'm personally upset with Jill because she wasted a fucking crazy trolling opportunity. If she had any sort of intelligence she'd be trolling the fuck out of that Psychiatrist Clinic place that used her retarded DID tiktok instead of whining about how it invalidated her. It's sad because she could genuinely be based as fuck if she didn't possess a hyper-victim mentality and lies about severe trauma she did not experience and inadvertently frames the people she knew in the past of horrible crimes.

I don't really care that she fell off the rainby craft bandwagon to LARP mental illness, but I am mad that she didn't do a big switcheroo and went full on parody troll with it.

No. 2147643

People who went to art school with her confirmed she acts like a complete autist with the stutter and everything and had 0 social friends. If you look at her pre-ED you can see the retard on her face.

No. 2147971

Wait hold on is she not insane anymnore or something now I have to go check her thread kek

No. 2148090

I know there is no point in ever telling some of you that you're heartless and cruel in the most pathetic way possible because you will never listen or see yourself for what you truly are.

No. 2148180

nta but damn I'm stealing this quote of yours

No. 2148268

Heather Steele using her friend's suicide to talk about how she would send him her nudes to rate before she sent them to the guys she was interested in, and talking about how the friend "loved" the nudes, is next level unhinged. Even going on to show that the friendship was mostly one sided, her ignoring him, but then making his suicide into how great besties they were. If I committed suicide and someone said this stuff about me, I would come back to haunt them and make their life hell. Kek I love this cow

No. 2148271

I wish Onision would just stfu and write more retarded power fantasy books, the videos of people dunking on them are some of my favourites of all time and I need more

No. 2148279

I don’t follow her thread bc it’s boring as shit besides DID stuff but it’s so weird to make a whole new one about her wedding and setting expectations for 'what’s going to happen', it’s probably going to be boring normal wedding with maybe rainbow color scheme? Reminds me of fans of the most milquetoast influencers and eagerly wait for every Instagram update about their lives. Inb4 'do you know where you are???!!!', lolcow was made for laughing at cows’s antics, not necessarily for having weird parasocial relationships with them.

No. 2148284

>I swear Jill's thread got infested with losers from Twitter and gendies
Oh it literally did. I love it when there's the occasional "transphobia is bad" post in there or the self admitted TIF

No. 2148340

Lillie Jean is just sad, its like a Gypsy Rose case except she is actually mentally retarded

No. 2148671

File: 1724343542716.jpg (19.39 KB, 474x474, retardpippa.jpg)

although shes not a lolcow farm centric cow pippa is such a good reminder to women content creators to never pander to moids whether they be left or right, ill be honest that i have watched some of her content,her streams on niche hobbies were nice but it was hard to ignore her giving more into being 4chans vt queen and started regurgitate the same 4chan coomer dog fucker,cunny,piss "memes" transphobic (its more funny because she was dating a tif kek) or maybe she was always that way who knows she was friends with a actual pedophile and was groomed herself its kind of ironic that her claim to fame began when she started covering lolcows long enough to become one herself and then the audience who heralded her as being based have doxxed her familys history made her move twice and leaked all of her personal info..what a way to go more strange is that ive worked for her company without even knowing who she was

No. 2148675

To be fair, Gypsy Rose is pretty stupid. But she can't help it.

No. 2148679

Only retards with no personality of their own pander to 4chan and kiwi scrotes. Its always talentless women like pippa and shuwu or britanny venti that need to pander hard because they would never be able to get a real following just from being talented and charismatic.

No. 2149799

I miss corpsehusband's heyday. That shit was hilarious to witness. Remember when we found out what he looks like irl? And then it trended on twitter with all his fangirls freaking out that he was ugly and looked nothing like his lil anime avatar? Those were good times kek I miss that type of harmless cringe cows

No. 2149848

nta but didn't she used to type and write normally? going by the notebook photos and screenshots from the earlier threads

No. 2149862

Lol, do you know where you are ?
Every time someone questions the validity of her retardo LARP, some super aggressive "anon" crawls out of the woodwork to infight (they have the same meltdown in the skelly thread and were banned).

Don't want to hi cow but, as a reminder, Lucinda had been caught selfposting and directly addressing the farm (there's caps in her early threads), really makes you think.

No. 2149911

Did they ever make a new thread for her? I searched /snow/ but I can't find anything more recent than #9. I wish anons would post the link to the new thread in the old one. It's hard for me to ctrl+f in the catalog because the search always fucks up somehow.

No. 2150059

That doesn't mean the cow is still self posting.

No. 2150168

someone made a thread way too early ( >>1954076 ) and it got locked. thread #9 got to maximum posts 3 months ago, so as of now there's no lucinda thread

i don't think it's heartless or cruel to doubt her. i hope she gets better. but i don't think it's out of line to be suspicious of some of her antics, there's definitely plenty room for doubt.
her schizophrenic "diagnosis" is as good as Jill's DID "diagnosis" IMO. but i sincerely hope she gets better

No. 2154822

File: 1724653974107.jpeg (95.38 KB, 355x512, demure.jpeg)

Kek sometimes cows will say or do something that I genuinely find funny from a non-cringe non-cow perspective. Like yeah, Terry, what IS this demure trend?

No. 2154839

Honestly I actually like a few of Grimes’ songs

No. 2154840

Well I think most people feel this way. She used to make cool music, but then she started sniffing her own farts too much and it got boring.

No. 2154881

Nonnas, what's going on lately? Margo got arrested for squatting, Heather probably caught monkeypox from a ryan and tuna is confirmed still using (and that lurch sucked dick or drugs?! kek). I'm sure there are other large updates I'm missing, but it truly feels like the milk is flowing heavy after such a long lull.

No. 2155249

I'm here for all of these developments, especially the Tuna one, that anon is a true gumshoe

No. 2155741

A LOT of the cows are going through Saturn return

No. 2155814

File: 1724723232665.png (529.57 KB, 1003x671, Screen Shot 2024-08-26 at 7.44…)

Lillee jean is unironically the hardest-working cow. Venus doesn't do content. Shayna does the same video once a month. Redscare girls post a podcast about nothing every 2 months. Jill livestreams nothing once a month. Momo makes the same nudes once a month.
Lillee? She posts multiple videos per WEEK to NO ONE. She's taking a 1000000000 selfies for no one. New costume, new shoots, new makeup, some Disney costume. She's picking up a new larp like film maker or writer. All while still posting her weird videos, photos and making livestreams to absolutely no one. She's copy-striking with her mom. She's writing threatening emails with her mom. She's making up a boyfriend and making him a fake Instagram account. She publishes another fake article saying shes the greatest influencer ever. She's teasing Indian men for free. She's picking up dancing for some reason. She will do anything. She is the busiest cow in the cow business and no one even cares. Such dedication to the grind. Someone so untalented yet so dedicated.

No. 2155818

I don't understand why the government hasn't picked her up yet. You know how government will hire really advanced hackers? LJ is like the master of creating fake realities. I think she could go deep undercover as a spy and nobody would really pick up on it.

No. 2155821

i think about this all the time. imagine if she used this level of delusion on something productive. she could also probably work 4 wfh jobs at once. but no.

No. 2155826

I wish I could get into Lillee Jean but her early threads feel like a Marvel movie in that I needed to watch some prequel before I understand things, that and the anons in her first thread seem like the Facebook snark kind which is definitely not the funniest demographic. She is truly crazy though, good for her.

No. 2155834

Wont lie, LJ threads are hard to get into because there's so much info, and later on, so many of Laur's posts get deleted that it makes it hard to go through the thread and follow what's happening. I wish the farmhands would stop deleting Laur's posts (unless they're really graphic and horrible) and just give her a unique redtext or identifier. It's like, if you don't have the more recent threads open to see Laur's posts in real time, it's impossible to go back after they've been deleted and actually understand what's going on. I remember slogging through threads 11-18 because they were so fucking boring, but I ended up just reading the unsaged posts and hiding the saged ones. Overall it's worth reading all her threads to get into it because LJ is one of the best cows on the whole site. It's not like Shay where the majority of threads are just cheeky banter, LJ's threads work really good for the documentation.

No. 2155842

>I wish the farmhands would stop deleting Laur's posts
Wait I don't follow Lillee's thread anymore and I'm confused, why do they delete her posts instead of tagging them? That's the usual protocol for cow posts. That's why so many old posts have that Mystery ghost gif. Even the last person who got their post history exposed and was a literal who had their posts tagged

No. 2155851

I honestly don't know why they started mass-deleting her posts. Basically, Laur started spamming threads a few months ago, I honestly don't remember what thread it started in but it was sometime this spring. Since she started spamming, the farmhands would delete every post in the spam, even though the spam posts had valuable information and milky bits. I haven't seen all of Laur's spam posts, but if you go back and read the most recent thread you can see a bunch of replies to her posts that have been deleted. It's frustrating because you can only see the anons' replies, not the thing to which they are replying, so it's always confusing to understand what exactly went down.

No. 2155852

Nta because the mod team is a ghost town and they just do not give a fuck to preserve fresh cow documentation. It's so fucking retarded and is the antithesis of following and keeping track of a cow.

No. 2155881

Noooo nona, now they're gonna redtext you because you're talking about moderation outside /meta/.

But for real why does it feel like there's a total of 3 farmhands for the entire site and there's no admin. Kek. It's never felt so much like the wild west before. It's been getting worse since May but now it's like damn, where is the staff??

No. 2155889

Lolcor is probably going to end like CC by the end of this year.

No. 2155899

There's definitely gonna be a resignation post from Cerbmin by November or December, but LC will never really die. It's too active and well-known. CC was never actually active or popular, too many people look back on it with rose-coloured glasses. CC was always tiny, poorly-moderated, and poorly-defined. LC is stronger because there's a clear reason for it to be here, to catalog cows, and as long as there are cows to milk the site will be up and running.

No. 2156038

idk, people have been saying this since like 2021 and it's still here

No. 2156133

I absolutely hate watching most "drama videos" or recaps of drama in video form, bc I like to read. But a couple years ago, I clicked on vidrel and I was captivated by the milk summarized in it. So I'd start with that if you're interested. I never expected to watch more than 2 minutes but I remember watching it, thinking WTF, and watching parts of it again

No. 2156177

File: 1724752624734.png (Spoiler Image,280.52 KB, 368x498, Screen Shot 2024-08-27 at 3.47…)

ironically Lillee and her mom harassed that youtuber so relentlessly for years he gave up doing youtube. no joke. he had to quit for the legal and mental distress they caused him nonstop and its still not solved. every other day they were threatening him while doing their usual fake influencing. he covered other lolcows but Lillee was his downfall. he was gone and scared to say anything for YEARS.
Jill wishes she has the autism to shut up her haters like this. Lillee is truly a KarJenner-level combo of lolcow dedication.

No. 2156341

One has to admire the spergy hustle, you're right. I wonder if LJ and her mom got their ideas from the Ostrengas' harassment of random kids (including fans).

I actually think LJ's eyes are startlingly pretty. She has a psycho stare just like Elizabeth Holmes, I'd actually like to see her do a skit as Elizabeth Holmes.

No. 2156602

Kek I respect the grind, I think her story could be an inspiration for Netflix short series in 15 years or so.

No. 2156836

She reminds me of Anna Sorokin but more retarded and rabid. I really don't understand why her and Laur haven't started a wellness cult yet. That's where the real $$$ is and with dedication like those two have, they could get it certified as a recognized religion by the state in probably 2 or 3 years.

No. 2156896

They're too ugly and autistic to start a legit cult that makes money. And I'm being completely serious. There's no reason anyone would want a life remotely similar to Lillie Jean's. She's not attractive, she's not smart, she's not funny and she has no money. She'd rope in a few frumpy tired ladies and maybe a few bucks from poop touching retards, but she and her mom wouldn't ever get any significant reach.

No. 2156902

Gwen Shamblin was ugly and autistic. So your point is moot.

No. 2157270

I honestly don’t know what the difference between the Soundclout and Indie Band Cows threads are supposed to be

No. 2157281

Reminds me of this artist friend i had who had the skill level of chris chan but would make games and animations and get at best 10 likes.

No. 2157295

File: 1724810808472.png (1.18 MB, 1510x523, bed thingie.png)

2 days ago i got this really cute vintage bed frame for my bad, and today the hog upload a photo lying naked on her bed with the exact same frame. Does it mean its cursed?

No. 2157306

I think she means "Turnabout", Turnaround just makes it sound like she's mastered the art of spinning around in place, kek

No. 2157465

Shoeonhead is cute
So is Heather Sparkles.

No. 2157476

I hate the anons who whine that if you point out Shoe/Junes mindset of settling and walling at 30, youre the manosphere incel woman hater. No retard, she's made her career shitting on 30 year old single women until she hit 30 single and married and popped out babies with the first guy that would have her, it doesn't make one an incel to point out thats what SHE BELIEVES.

No. 2157477

Soundcloud is for underground rappers, indie is for well, indie musicians

No. 2157900

I miss gimpgirl

No. 2158163

redpillchick too

No. 2158185

I hope the nonna that found out Null the FTM tranny is actually named Fanny is having a good day.

No. 2158187

Anon, if she wanted a better looking guy she could get one, all of her simps can’t be that ugly. She hasn’t settled in a sense that she got the guy that was her type for years, she still failed by the standards of every rational person by being married to fat tradcath. Dunno why anons need to renew the thread with this pointless discussion, the milk is dry af as of now so it’s all just nitpicking and arguing over definitions of words.

No. 2158204

Very very spergy tinfoil, but I honestly think that Empathchan and Null/Laika have the same mental illness at opposite sides of the political compass kek. They both lie about serious things that have "happened" to them constantly yet try to frame those events as no big deal, they've both got parasocial discord audiences to enable their behaviour, they both do gayops to pretend they're relevant irl, they post edgelord stuff for attention in the same "ugh I bet I'm gonna get sooo attacked for this" fashion (in fact they CLEARLY share the need to be the edgiest person in the room), they both have weird/extreme fetishes which don't seem to bring them any actual enjoyment, they simp for actual bottomfeeder scrotes (4chan tards for Empath, MTF trannies for Null), both of them are clearly bothered by opposing viewpoints but try to play it off in the same "actually YOU'RE the weird one" fashion, both of them have self harming tendencies (like Empath's cutting and Null wanting to be mutilated/abused in relationships) which they use to get even more attention and lastly they seem to THRIVE on negative pushback despite being sensitive snowflakes. Also a shitton of internalised misogyny from both of them. I don't know what the point of this post is, but I was reading their threads and realised that their issues are very similar at the core, they just manifest in different politically charged ways kek. Empath became a photoshop-abusing 4chan thot and Null became a tumblr TIF.

No. 2158257

Idk if she counts as a cow yet but that HappyLikeAWall girl that’s been going around /snow/ and is probably self posting is about to become the new Addy Harajuku lol

No. 2158259

thats just called being terminally online

No. 2158286

I'm so out of the loop I thought you were talking about Joshua Moon

No. 2159137

File: 1724955050975.png (287.74 KB, 591x326, nullcest.png)

i didnt find the joke fanny at first, but holy shit

No. 2159138

That's just BPD behavior except they're very online.

No. 2159141

File: 1724955354229.gif (507.18 KB, 640x640, welcomebackfanny.gif)

null and nulls stalker child

No. 2159143

I'm telling you it's meant to be!

No. 2161034

File: 1726099637403.png (136.08 KB, 315x316, image_2024-09-11_170707562.png)

i don't even follow his thread on /w/ but it pisses me off that terry hall has the same name as the front man in my favorite ska band

No. 2161045

YOURE SO BASED I love the Specials

No. 2161135

File: 1726104291045.jpg (248.34 KB, 1280x1920, ea80ef_84dc832bd1ec4c73b464925…)

There’s no way Lillie Jean is 23. This is a 40-year-old mother of two.

No. 2161136

Aw she looks so happy in this pic

No. 2161174

The amount of times I've accidentally clicked an Addy video on my phone with my volume cranked all the way up is too frequent. This is my sign to stop phoneposting

No. 2161182

It's her styling, she is being dressed by her mother after all.

No. 2161184

She's if Sabrina Carpenter was locked in the attic for all of her developmental years.

No. 2161191

I have not forgotten about those bunker thread anons who said they would fuck Null (Fanny)

No. 2161195

She's fat, which ages people, and her boomer mother picks her outfits for her
I remember in the earlier LJ threads there was an unironic tinfoil that she was in her forties and pretending to be half her age for some reason. I think it might have started because someone found a person with her name listed on one of those creepy people finder websites whose age was listed as forty something, which combined with her haggard appearance was enough for some anons to believe it

No. 2161219

I hate when people give genuine advice to Shayna. There's nothing funnier than a pickme being ugly, getting obese and destroying her body in the name of her love for moids. We're way too far into the years for her to make an actual change in her lifestyle. Her dressing awfully, having shit taste and becoming homeless after so much time on the internet being a misogynistic piece of shit is deserved. She could've studied whatever she chose but she wanted to be a degenerate pedopandering scum. Enjoy your 27 club fatty.

No. 2161652

She looks like a woman within model

No. 2161849

Newfags on the fanny thread are so fucking obnoxious. What even is the point of making up bullshit? she's already horrible and milky no need to tinfoil about her saving cp or other heinous crap. I can tell its unintegrated newfags because this never happened on other horrorcow threads like soren. The ones that get legitimally offended at fanny's art are also annoying, you are giving her what she wants.

No. 2161854

I can't stand anons who make shit up about cows in general

No. 2161872

Stephanie Cianfriglia/Sapphire Crimson Claw is such a milky cow in every single way and has been going at it for many years, I wish there were places to discuss her other than fucking kiwifarms

No. 2161876

derailing the thread by arguing loli is totes different from cp is also retarded annoying behavior

No. 2162194

This, lolishotafags are not as good as pretending to be neutral as they think they are, and getting caught on
>ermmmm AKSHUALLY. drawn pornography of children is not child porn, it's lolicon
doesn't make you sound any less of a retarded pedo coomer than pedo Cartman saying he's AKSHUALLY an ephebophile rather than a pedo. And we know it's the genuine lolisho anons because they all revealed their true colors while bunkering at the cuck site

No. 2162204

Back in 2016/2017 ish I actually liked polyglotplatypus/whatever other names she goes by now's art (i was like 13) and was in her discord server. I haven't thought about it in a long time but reading her thread now reminded me about it. I'm pretty sure the server was 13+ but she would talk about her nullification thing on her Tumblr where most people came from. I didn't really talk to her so I don't remember much beyond that, just a weird blogpost memory.

No. 2162275

I wish KF had rules against posting off-topic and non-contributory shit like on lolcow. I also think Stef is an interesting cow, but having to sift through all the slog to view any milk is excruciating.

No. 2162452

File: 1726201172903.png (848.83 KB, 570x1016, fatty fat.png)

I imagine Null/Fanny's Cy character to look like Leafy. Isn't Leafy white/asian like her character is? Put glasses on this ugly mug and boom, there's her fat pedo OC.

No. 2162454

holy shit, you're right

No. 2162456

god thats gross

No. 2162458

omg, and he even looks like fanny a little bit

No. 2162485

how old is her boyfriend/husband?

No. 2162507

damn leafy went downhill. just another fat moid now.

No. 2162684

Damn leafy aged like milk left out in the sun

No. 2164767

i feel so bad for heather. she's insane but everything is 100% real to her. when she says she thinks she's cursed, that someone she hardly knew was her best friend, that a guy she dated for a few weeks was the love of her life and now she is doomed to be alone forever… that is her subjective experience of reality. and that's horrible, no one deserves to live that way. yes she does horrible things, but to me getting angry at her is like getting mad at a schizophrenic who rants about taylor swift eating babies. is that a horrible thing to say about someone? yes, of course. but to them it isn't horrible, because it's true. same with heather. is latching on to a man who killed himself and saying he was your best friend when you ignored him all the time awful behaviour? yes, of course, but to heather it's not, because she truly believes that her emotions are reality, and she feels strongly that her story is true. i don't know, it doesn't excuse her behaviour, but i cannot hate her. she is the same as a hobo screaming about reptilians to me. it's uncomfortable and weird but i don't hate them because i know there's something really wrong with them and they have no support system to force them to get help. also, i wouldn't ever do it, but i think a lot about making a tinder of her perfect spoopy boy and setting my location to be near here, then forming a relationship. if i did this it would be for her own benefit because i would make my goth catfish talk about bpd and how he could only love someone who also had bpd and how the only real way to prove you had bpd was to get diagnosed and get therapy. i wouldn't actually do this, but i think having a man suggest it would actually make her go and get help.

No. 2164786

Why do people give more money to male lolcows versus female ones? I'm thinking about this because I realized that Shayna has been selling her body since 18, she has a dedicated "Lolcow hatebase", she's lolcow's less popular Ethan Ralph. Even popular female lolcows like Foodie Beauty don't seem to have major constant simps to the way that male lolcows do.
For example, King Cobra is a very dull chill lolcow, while he is trolled a lot, people constantly send him money, sometimes even care packages. World of T shirts smells like shit and is obnoxious, yet a stream with him on it gets $1000's a night from men/women donating, he travels every other week. Even some of the more famous female Lolcows don't get the same amount of money thrown at them that some male lolcows do.
And I'm not even talking about money to get them to do dumb shit, I'm talking geniunely donating them money. Are men more likely to give other men money? I know this is a dumb question, but I just wonder over the years how much money a cow like WOTS has made in his short time famous versus Shayna's years famous, she can't even travel to Vegas without being broke.
Meanwhile, If king cobra wanted to take a trip to vegas, someone would donate in a minute. Not even people who want to brag about cowtipping, just people who genuinely send male lolcows money/things/care packages (King Cobra). Is it because most male lolcows are fucking mentally ill via autism, and most famous female cows are just fat and/or fattish like shay & boring to moids?

No. 2164795

Most male lolcows are honestly close to straight up dying or ending up homeless because they're usually mentally ill lazy autist. So I assume people give them money in hopes that doesn't happen, like when Josh was going to give Chris chan money for a convention trip

No. 2164812

>getting angry at her is like getting mad at a schizophrenic who rants about taylor swift eating babies
>she is the same as a hobo screaming about reptilians to me
part of me gets what you're saying because she's clearly sick, but this comparison feels disproportionate. heather is an actual problem to the people around her, that's the reason why she's alone. people who are schizophrenic and/or homeless are dealing with real problems. i don't think she should have excuses made for her, she's 34 and is acting like a 12 year old. i sometimes feel sorry for her but she's genuinely not a good person. sure her feelings are extreme, but she also gets over them quickly as soon as some new drama steps in the picture. she's a narcissist which is definitely someone you should not feel bad for. she doesn't appreciate your empathy because you're a kind woman, and she hates women nona, she truly does
i hope you kinda get what i mean, and i mean no ill will towards you but i think you should use that energy feeling sorry for her elsewhere, i actually think she doesn't deserve it. she isn't some schizophrenic who can't see what's in front of her, she's vile and manipulative. i feel sorry for her in the sense where she does need help, and she clearly has nothing better to do than to post her sorry self on instagram all day. she should get herself some help but she doesn't want help.
anyways, the idea of you catfishing her would be funny, but then i'd think you'd see how dense she really is. she won't listen to you but still i'd love for someone to try to talk some sense into her
>i think having a man suggest it would actually make her go and get help.
i think that's what happened with her ex husband, she kept saying they were trying to "institutionalize" her against her will. but she lies and exaggerates, i think they tried to get her help in the past and she doesn't want it. i think if a man suggested it, she would prioritize her ego first and foremost and she would take it as an insult because she has zero emotional regulation and sees any suggestion that she needs help as a direct attack. that's why she blames everything on arbitrary shit when a relationship ends, just like how nobody likes her because of her "hobbies", she will never admit she's the problem. people like her are a plague to people around her and that is why she will likely always be alone. part of me feels sorry for her, but then i see how she behaves and i remember that this is the bed she made for herself

No. 2164899

File: 1726366493751.png (807.59 KB, 574x1024, no way.png)

I spent to much on this

No. 2164939

File: 1726369381763.jpeg (22.79 KB, 208x284, noboolyfanny.jpeg)

whenever i feel bad about myself i look at this photograph and feel better knowing i will never be as fat, ugly, retarded, and untalented as her.

No. 2164990

i took a break from her for 4 years, did not expect the moving out saga and actually committing to HRT. the pro pedo/her own pedophilia mask off i did expect. think bringing her to the farms would require multipe OP's/mostly caps from kiwi as even the KF op is decently outdated. RIP petey, she never deserved you

No. 2164998

File: 1726374026994.jpg (75.48 KB, 245x297, xxxtentacion.jpg)

I don't know if it's legit but i see Null as Pixielock's evil reverse, a forsaken twin. Pixie larps as autistic, Null actually is that. Null may come across as insane, but Pixie's the BPD one. Pixie larps as muh traumatized for sympathy, Null larps as the recipient of incest for coom. They both fail. Both Pixie and Null are navel-gazing gendies but they went in complete opposite directions, aesthetically speaking. They're obsessed with holding onto their childhood, but target a different parent for their weird psycho-sexual fixation. Pixie grabs your attention but is actually just annoying, Null has a dull exterior but is actually horrifying. I could go on but you get what i mean there

No. 2165005

Who is giving men more money than women? I feel like you have tunnel vision if you only see this because realistically it is not the case.

No. 2165011

Genius observation, Null is /snow/ Jill and Jill is /w/ Null

No. 2165018

>X-rated creator
Go back

No. 2165023

I find the bitching about Addy talking about tits to be ridiculous. I don't understand the massive pearl-clutching when someone is a X-rated creator. Yeah she's a hypocrite in what she thinks is good and bad, but that's not the same as actually promoting to kids to go buy porn and watch porn and buy all this softcore merch. I swear to God, some users sound like they are 12 years old.

No. 2165060

Samefag oh my god I just realised another mirror or whatever- Jill pretends she can speak French, while Null hates Canadian French and pretend(s/ed) she was American.

No. 2165080

She gave some notable examples, and I agree. Male lolcows, even open pedos or threats to humanity, get far more money donated (via streams or other tactics) than female lolcows, who generally are not massive threats to humankind. We can argue over the few female lolcows who do need to be locked in a hospital or prison, but most aren't dangers to other people on the street, most aren't grooming kids.

No. 2165262

I don't think empathchan is fat. She's untoned and flabby because she doesn't exercise but her actual weight is probably average.

No. 2165438

I agree with you, I don't want to baby her, but she's clearly delusional. Her thread is so full of vendettafags half of them should have stayed banned. She's a harmless sperg who bothers nobody outside of the people who want to hate on her for entertainment, which is the point of this site but she's just so pathetic and helpless in her endless journey for love and adulthood that I can't go along with milking her. nvr4get her ex husband and spurned tranny ex-friends are one of the major posters in her threads. the anons who try to coach her into ~doing better~ also don't get the point of lolcows and have some weird attachment.
and anyone who wants to seethe about her because she's "not a good person" needs to remember where we are. this isn't some high ground for moral crusading and never was.

No. 2165439

She has that sedentary adult woman body fat percentage, I think anons just call her fat because that's like the opposite of the "cute, sexy, unhinged insta loli" aesthetic she tries to go for. It's funny seeing her lewds because she wishes her thighs didn't tough but they do kek.

No. 2165469

She's chubby, maybe on the heavier side of average at the very least.
I really don't think Jill has BPD.

No. 2165478

She's a classic BPD weaponizing therapy speak kek what are on about

No. 2165501

File: 1726419225376.webp (13.66 KB, 250x246, image.webp)

I wish the kingkobrajfs and nakedandlaughing thread here took off. The kiwi farm thread is filled with less insufferable kiwis than average, but they're still annoying and humorless.

No. 2165505

nta but her characteristics seem much more HPD and/or NPD-like.

No. 2165510

Could you elaborate on why? Jill just fascinates me and I love to hear other nonny's armchairs.

No. 2165524

Same. Give us your best armchair diagnosis nonnette!

No. 2165526

The excessive attention-seeking, constant crises, exaggerated emotion, intentionally eye-catching style, munching, tendency to make everything about herself, and general theatricality all come off as HPD to me. Of course, I'm armchairing as much as any of the people who think she has BPD, but there's nothing about the way she behaves that makes her seem BPD imo.

No. 2165567

What is it about the way that she presents herself that pings you as not being bpd when other anons think it is? I think she’s more npd personally but that’s because of her inability to keep friends and the way she treats her family. Some people attribute it to splitting but I think some attachment issue happened where she sees her mother as an extension of herself and that’s why it wounds her so deeply when it seems her mother isn’t giving in to her demands. Obviously I’m armchairing hard because I don’t personal know her or know her interactions with her social circle. Maybe she has maintained friendships but the fact most of them now seem to be populated by her calfs I’m kind of thinking that’s very npd of her.

No. 2165582

NTA but I don't think the inability to keep friends is necessarily proof of NPD over BPD, I think she has BPD but the inability to keep friends and her self obsession is just a symptom of the typical BPD's narcissistic traits. BPD's can also be insanely narcissistic and sometimes histrionic too. Her "my BPD is tooootally healed" bullshit just strikes me as a delusional BPD who is surrounded by, and has made sure to surround herself with, mostly enablers, which is just typical behavior in cluster b's in general.

No. 2165584

I mean it’s a low bar

No. 2165600

She just isn't. Way too "stable", too "consistent", IMO, particularly her interpersonal relationships. The fact that she's stayed with Steebie for as long as she has without any notable breaks in between stands out to me. Plus she doesn't really have the early childhood trauma that is virtually always the catalyst of BPD. To be honest, I don't believe she has a "personality disorder" at all—maybe some sort of anxiety disorder—she's just spoiled and bad-mannered.
>What is it about the way that she presents herself that pings you as not being bpd when other anons think it is?
NTA but I don't think most of those anons really know what BPD "looks" like. It's easy to call a hysterical woman a BPD-chan, just witness how often it happens in other cow threads. There's a tendency among people these days to pathologize normal (albeit shitty) behaviors and misuse psychiatric terminology (e.g. mania/manic, trigger, etc.), thereby reducing the severity that these concepts actually imply, because it's easier/more comforting to believe that there's something "wrong" with a person than it is that they might just be a crappy human being with nothing "wrong" with them.
>I think she has BPD but the inability to keep friends and her self obsession is just a symptom of the typical BPD's narcissistic traits.
Narcissism is not a characteristic of BPD. They might come off that way, but it's everything to do with a primitive self-preserving instinct and nothing to do with a sense of superiority. Of course, they could also be independently narcissistic, but again it's not because of BPD.

No. 2165647

>Plus she doesn't really have the early childhood trauma that is virtually always the catalyst of BPD
I unironically think Louise getting sick with cancer is Jill's BPD catalyst, and I think part of why Jill has claimed so many identities and different aesthetics over the years is because she is testing the love and loyalty of Louise, and subsequently the love and loyalty of everyone else around her because she never got over how mommy "abandoned" her when she was sick with cancer. I do think her retarded "age regression" bullshit is because the ostensible emotional neglect from someone who was most likely her favorite caregiver still hurts her emotionally and because she's shit at emotional regulation and smokes weed like a chimney so she'd rather just "tune out" and indulge herself on nostalgia.
I also think Louise's hyper-enabling is because she realizes she did understandably neglect Jill a bit in her childhood due to an illness she couldn't have prevented, so buying into all of Jill's bullshit is just her way of trying to make it up to her young daughter for having to be in the background of her life worrying if she'd even be able to be part of her life at all.

If anything, Jill probably has the combination BPD+NPD/covert narcissism.

No. 2165663

>I unironically think Louise getting sick with cancer is Jill's BPD catalyst
You make a good point here, and I agree that Louise's cancer diagnosis could have been a source of trauma for Jill, but the cancer situation happened when she was a pre-teen. When we talk about trauma catalyzing BPD, we mean early childhood—so, 5 years or younger. I think your analysis is very interesting and offers insight into some of Jill's behaviors, but none of them are indicative of BPD. Her interpersonal relationships (and this is the big one) are very stable, for instance. She might become very angry at her mom or Steebie at times, but it never gets to the point where cuts them off completely, or ditches Steebie to bounce on another guy's dick because he pissed her off in some way before running back to Steebie because he's the 。・゚゚・ thembie ・゚゚・。of her dreams (demonization vs. idealization). At worst it's subtweets and subtle comments here and there. Still, I don't think what you've written about her behaviors is untrue—but I think if we contextualized it under the scope of an anxiety or depressive disorder, it might be more "true" to what she actually is.
>Jill probably has the combination BPD+NPD/covert narcissism
I also don't think she's got NPD, although she is a narc undeniably. Personality disorders are very severe mental illnesses, not every person who's stuck up their own ass has something like NPD.

No. 2165680

>She might become very angry at her mom or Steebie at times, but it never gets to the point where cuts them off completely, or ditches Steebie to bounce on another guy's dick because he pissed her off in some way before running back to Steebie because he's the 。・゚゚・ thembie ・゚゚・。of her dreams (demonization vs. idealization).
Not all BPDs do it to this extreme though. I do think something in her childhood must have happened, however slight, perhaps repeatedly, and the cancer diagnosis was another nail in the coffin for her. The reddit comment of how she randomly started cutting herself at a party just screams cluster b to me. I think Jill says her BPD is cured because she's learned enough to keep it on the down-low somewhat, so she graduated from loud BPD to quiet BPD and thinks she's totally good. Let's not forget how "Jerrick" would tell Steeb how "he's not his girlfriend" and would refuse physical affection and etc. That to me sounds like someone with BPD who realized they could get away with this pushing and pulling shit if they disguise it as something else they cannot control. It leveled out but then came the vague post twitter likes about how men ain't shit, which tells me she was riding out the devaluation stage. They also apparently sleep in separate beds and went to couples' counseling lol. Then Steeb proposes and woah he's proven himself now everything is peachy keen. To me it just sounds like Jill is somewhat aware of her instability, but went too far in the mento jillness betterment route to be able to claim ignorance, and I do think that the DID LARP is in part a way to alleviate the knowledge of her condition. Let's not forget she was aping for schizophrenia too kek, the unstable sense of identity is ripe within her. Sometimes BPD does end up lessening in severity due to age, too.
Another tinfoil is that Jill lost weight because she stopped smoking weed so frequently. I think she only smokes weed to film videos/livestream/and probably just at night time rather than all day now, so that probably helped her seemingly gain a sense of control over her bullshit. That's just what I'm theorizing though. Anons might call me a faggot but to me Jill feels like she might recognize that the DID shit was just a misguided substance influenced LARP, and is probably too embarrassed to give it up, and she thinks her control over her BPD symptoms means she's cured so that means it's totally just autism!!! I am a tinfoiler though, that's just my two cents lol.

No. 2165685

You know what, the way you lay it out like that I think you’re onto something. All her close relationships seem stable (family, steve) but her friendships often seem short lived (because she love bombs them and then hates them as they make her feel insecure). Shes neglectful with her friendships and herself (depression, low self esteem), she needs to go out and be part of the world everyday.
Imo Jill is a good example of a neet that developed agoraphobic like symptoms and can only manage to get out for things they want (as to why so many here relate to her). She’s become a shut in and with her thin skin she’s turned into this munchie as an excuse for having nothing better to do. Hopefully her new therapist is encouraging her to go out and participate in life because she desperately needs it.

No. 2165687

NTA I feel like her past relationships and the way she treated ex-friends really screams BPD to me. BPD tends to mellow out as you get older and often times when you get around your thirties it tends to chill out completely, so she could have lesser symptoms but still have a maladaptive personality because she's immature and constantly deflects shit so she can never actually change.

No. 2165720

Not everyone with BPD reacts the same, sure. But without the unstable interpersonal relationships, there's nothing particular about her behavior that suggests or is uniquely BPD. But now we're getting into very speculative territory if we're just throwing things out like
>yeah- well- maybe something happened when she was 3
to justify the conjectures about her unsubstantiated BPD.
>loud BPD to quiet BPD
Doesn't happen. This is textbook pop psychology—you will never hear these terms in a clinical setting. The concepts of "loud BPD" and "quiet BPD" only have limited support from psychologists, so I would avoid bringing them up entirely.
>NTA I feel like her past relationships and the way she treated ex-friends really screams BPD to me.
No, it just screams that she was an immature teenage/young adult brat. Everyone mellows out as they get older. Also
>around your thirties it tends to chill out completely
I've never heard such a thing. BPD is a lifelong condition, it doesn't just "go away" without treatment.

No. 2165727

Anon there are plenty of anecdotal evidence from diagnosed bippies that suggests that in some cases, BPD does tend to mellow out. Also
>loud to quiet BPD
>doesn't happen
Kek anon please. Much of the "no longer meets the criteria for" BPDs are just stifling their reactive personality.
>thinking "mellows out" means "going away"
Wrong, and I theorize, as previously stated, that the BPDs who mellow out have just learned and acknowledged their reactive personality and have managed to "reign it in" but still experience these emotions, they just learn how to keep it on the down low and self-isolate instead of sperging and blocking and mass deleting.

No. 2165742

Ntayrt and might be a controversial opinion around here but I think the women diagnosed in their early 20s suddenly chilling out with no therapy when they reach their 30s are more likely to have been misdiagnosed than to have become masters at hiding their dysfunction. Have you met anyone middle aged with a personality disorder? It's very apparent. I wish all they did was "sperging and blocking and mass deleting."

No. 2165744

>anecdotal evidence
>Much of the "no longer meets the criteria for" BPDs are just stifling their reactive personality.
Not sure I'm picking up what you're putting down. What I said about "loud BPD" and "quiet BPD" is true. There is limited support for the concepts in psychology, meaning that the existence of these particular BPD subtypes is dubious at best. If you're going to form a serious argument about Pixielocks having BPD, then leave the pop psych at home.
>thinking "mellows out" means "going away"
You (or the other anon) wrote
>around your thirties it tends to chill out completely
as distinguished from "mellows out" (which is what you're referring to). Clearly, then, that anon saw them as different ideas. Spell it out for me, what is the difference between when BPD "mellows out" with age and when BPD "chills out" in their 30s?
>they just learn how to keep it on the down low and self-isolate instead of sperging and blocking and mass deleting.
Uh, yeah—hence why I wrote
>BPD is a lifelong condition, it doesn't just "go away" without treatment.
>without treatment
BPD isn't just "chilling" on its own; anyone with enough self-awareness to treat their "BPD" independently probably never had it at all.
Right on the money!

No. 2165746

>acting like psychology is a science

No. 2165966

>Her thread is so full of vendettafags half of them should have stayed banned. She's a harmless sperg who bothers nobody outside of the people who want to hate on her for entertainment
your post just reads like infight bait. you are the one who sounds like you're seething. i know it might be hard for you to believe, but she's not a harmless sperg, and her thread isn't full of vendettafags who should be banned. the posts in there are clearly women who are appalled at her or just utterly in awe at her behavior and harmful personality disorder. she admits to hating women, she has plenty of threads for a reason and has a long history of being an awful person. she belongs on /snow/ and there's a good reason why her threads are as active as they are. how you want to define "harmless" is up to you, but i'm pretty sure her recent stunts have proven that she isn't harmless at all. i'm assuming you just don't read her threads because if adam was posting it would be glaringly obvious. the nonas in that thread are clearly women

>and anyone who wants to seethe about her because she's "not a good person" needs to remember where we are. this isn't some high ground for moral crusading and never was

since when were we not allowed hate someone on here for being a bad person? you're way too protective over a cow who would literally shove you in front of a car if it meant her one true ryan was on the other side of the road

No. 2166026

They look like the same person race swapped

No. 2166038

Reading old (and new tbh) Venus threads is making me want to a-log on year old comments, never seen a thread attract so many scrotes and it's unbelievable how unmoderated things were.
The comments blatantly saying they'd fuck her, the painfully obvious scrotal malding when anons point out her OF audience is scrote's who want to see her humiliated and broken, the CONSTANT AND INCESSANT MANAKI WKING… The milk is so entertaining but these fucking faggots keep ruining it for me

No. 2166091

Huh? Like you said this isn't some high ground for moral crusading and never was; there's no requirement that cows have to be awful bad people. I don't always want to read about people participating in horrible disgusting shit. She acts like she's perpetually 13 when she's in her mid 30s, it's funny. Always posting about her quest for a boyfriend, and then when she gets one she gets upset that they might want to do something other than antique shopping/wandering a graveyard and she dumps them. Or, it was someone who clearly was just there to get sex and she falls for it over and over. Cow behavior. I'm here to laugh, not here to solely read about people who should be institutionalized for the greater good of society.
Agreed. She's one of my fave cows.

No. 2166124

I don't know if Jill needs another Dx, but she was actually diagnosed with BPD at one point. Regardless, Jill's a dumb weed addict obsessed with herself. If I were her, I would 1) drop the DID larp 2) stop smoking or drinking 3) get a part-time job and hold myself to schedule 4) improve diet / exercise 5) accept being normal and make the pixielocks channel into a crafting one without any mental health topics. It's crazy how much her life could turn around if she stopped smoking weed and stopped talking about herself so much.
I agree, but she's not an X-rated creator. She has a very large teenage fanbase and argues with (jirai) teens knowingly all the time. There's some retard in her threads who calls her an adult creator when she doesn't age restrict or have anything in her bio about being for adults. She knows a lot of people who watch her are kids.

The way Addy digs holes for herself and her hypocrisy make her a cow for me. Addy seems genuinely unintelligent, ie acting impulsively without future consideration (flavor-of-the-week tattoos, bandwagon-jumping, going on moral spergs without considering how it would backfire on her). That being said her thread pearlclutchers are annoying. It's all the hypocrisy for me, especially how she moaned about Hetalia being problematic

No. 2166150

AYRT and she's definitely one of mine too. her threads are genuinely entertaining and way more of an easy read than some of the others. plus the nonas in there are my favorite. we all seem to universally agree about her absurd behavior and are on a similar page. so many in there have a great sense of humor. you'll never (or hardly?) see a ban for infighting, we're all just having a good time laughing at her ridiculous antics. bless the nonas in the heather thread, you guys crack me up

No. 2166333

Genuinely wish more people knew about HPD and they'd realize that it fits not just Jill but a lot of cows to a T.

No. 2166340

Plus is it really that much of a stretch to say she's probably referenced a real child's anatomy for her art? I'm not saying it is, or should be treated as legitimate fact but it's not exactly impossible.

No. 2166521

I agree with most of your post, and it's what I normally point out when anons bring up her shortcomings (a lot like Shayna, actually).
>she was actually diagnosed with BPD at one point
I've never seen any proof of this besides a tweet saying that she was Dx'd—and, like most cows, we can't take everything they say at face value, just like how she claims she was "diagnosed" with DID, even though it was a diagnostic evaluation, and IIRC the person who administered the evaluation was not even licensed to give out diagnoses—so evidently, she doesn't know what a diagnosis is/means and she's an unreliable narrator. And on the off-chance that she isn't lying, it's a blatant misdiagnosis; anyone whose done enough research on a given disorder could easily lie about or exaggerate their symptoms to ensure a diagnosis, especially with the more subjective illnesses like personality disorders (outside of ASPD).

No. 2166752

Great points. I've also wondered about her relatively stable relationships, this is really inconsistent with everything you can observe about BPD people. Usually they have either consistent friendships or one long-term relationship/marriage (best case scenarios), rarely both. I still get really strong BPD vibes from her. Like, what do you make of her complex around age regression, her creepy childish-hysterical attitudes? It's like she's trying to convince you she's really an 8 year old, and i'm not talking about her MLP/Bluey aesthetic, but really her mannerisms. There's something there that's weirdly specific to people with BPD (in my experience, at least). Slight blog but as soon as i came across her channel i suspected something was up with her personality (long before her massive freakout or even knowing she was a cow). She's always had this very fragile air, like she could burst into tears at any moment. I know this is not actual proof of anything, but i'm not surprised that least one psych thought she had BPD. Who knows

No. 2166829

>Like, what do you make of her complex around age regression, her creepy childish-hysterical attitudes?
Age regression isn't necessarily a trait of BPD, but if the sufferer believes that their love interest has a thing for children's media or child-like adults (or, yuck, ddlg), then it could manifest in a way that resembles age regression (the unstable sense of self). Mostly, I think Jill does it for attention, but I also think she has a fear of aging (not entirely unusual). Another anon >>2165647 brought up a plausible point for Jill being highly affected, perhaps traumatized, by her mother having cancer while she was a pre-teen. I imagine that's a pretty heavy burden for an 11-year-old to carry; I wouldn't doubt she may have missed out on a few years of having a "normal" childhood. I think those experiences may play into why she's so drawn to childish activities. I would not be surprised if Jill had developed an anxiety disorder as a result of her mother's cancer.
>She's always had this very fragile air, like she could burst into tears at any moment.
She does come off very high strung, but I think it's because she has a somewhat neurotic personality.

No. 2167010

The cancer theory makes a lot of sense.

No. 2168431

The right wing/trad thread will end up getting locked again just like the last one in a few months (probably for racebait again)

No. 2168688

The Onision trial is open to the public for viewing on the 26th. I can't tell anybody irl about this, but I'm excited to tune in and watch them flounder in court. I'm preparing snacks and stuff.

No. 2168894

I think ALR is quite pretty, at a normal weight she would be cute.

No. 2168941

A lot of people think that, but her personality would still be absolutely rotten and she'd be even more self obsessed

No. 2169000

Lucinda's thread has been dead for a bit so I got curious and went to her twitter to see if she was still alive. Sure enough, she is still doing the same shit she's been doing for the last few years. I don't know what it is about her but she is one of the most fascinating cows to me, just in the last few days shes been tweeting tons. I never have been able to decipher her keyboard smash typing so I can't really make out what shes talking about but it seems like more of the same shit. Huge grocery hauls and random updates about her parents. I guess her going to treatment in the states never materialized. I do hope she gets better one day but I have no idea how that would even be possible. She really is just the lolcow eugenia

No. 2169003

I feel strangely endeared to Lucinda. My lame confession is that back when her thread was fresh I would send her unicorn blingees on twitter to make her smile.

No. 2169091

Who would you all say is more depraved, Fanny Adrien Perret or Aggy Stwawbwewymilk?

No. 2169103

She said she would consider making an onlyfans if she lost weight. Thank god she is never losing it. And yes i agree, she could have been pretty if she got her BED under control or even acknowledged that she clearly had it.

No. 2169117

>> way too protective over a cow who would literally shove you in front of a car if it meant her one true ryan was on the other side of the road
KEK Nona this is so true. I have to believe people who feel bad for her haven’t really read her thread. She is a narcissistic misogynistic Pick Me. I agree with you and the other anon too who said her thread is pretty chill as far as infighting or anything, I never really thought about it but everyone does seem to be on the same page in there and some of the comments are gold.

No. 2169138

Aggy no contest. Fanny’s an edgelord but the tranny was a pedophile.

No. 2169153

Nta, but I think the people who defend Heather relate to her. I remember some posts from anons where they said so and described their experiences. It was in this series of threads but a way older one.

No. 2169567

Ew ew ew Onision was in my dream last night, he was in my house trying to get me to watch this new video about some nonsense. I fought him and won and kicked him out. In my dream he had longer, greasier hair and a hunchback.

So, I agree. I personally don't identify with her, but my sister is younger and more autistic than me, and she has lots of Heather-like qualities. She's not a piece of shit who would use the suicide of a friend for attention. Nor does she have a victim complex. BUT, it does seem that for years at a time, she'll get stuck on 1)clothes and 2)trying to find a man, in a very similar way to Hags. It's like man-finding is her special hyperfixation, and I have spent a lot of time trying to help her find something else.

No. 2169751

>if adam was posting it would be glaringly obvious
it is. if you read the first threads about her where he's posting almost openly as himself, you'll notice him popping up later on too, up until now. don't forget a farmer catfished him and he admitted to everything. anyway, i didn't say she's innocent, but the only people she can harm are retards like her who would fall for her shtick enough to make themselves vulnerable to her. anyone with a brain would see that she doesn't care about anyone but herself and just swerve her. so people who get over-invested in her are kind of pathetic to me, like the ones that cried about her disrespecting witchcraft by wearing her pentacle necklace wrong or whatever. cow on cow crime. the suicide saga is clearly unhinged but even before that people were acting like she's the worst person ever and it veered into moralfagging a lot of the time.

No. 2170143

File: 1726707014026.jpg (403.75 KB, 1440x1800, 4705263795264.JPG)

Dasha’s ugly and skinnyfat. I don’t know why anons here thirst over her.

No. 2170173

Go back to twitter anachan. Not even fat

No. 2170188

Nta but do you know what "skinnyfat" means

No. 2170190

Her hair being so ugly when she has a shit ton of money for doing nothing is where I want to a-log. It really gives me no hope as a poorfag student that I’ll ever be able to make my hair look good when she has some retarded amount of income and always looks unwashed and has an unflattering haircut

No. 2170244

I used to not mind addyharajuku that much, she was more bearable in the consoomer threads. Now with her having her own cow thread I have noticed a subtle difference in her behavior, it feels like shes acting out just for milk. That being said, constant sperging from anons about her weight or troon accomplice is boring and has been shitting up the thread. I do get a kick out of the 14y/o jirais on twitter taking the piss out of her though.

No. 2170248

She has to be one of the most failed "celebrities" in the world. Despite multiple charitable handouts and chances given to her she always squanders it because she's never been as talented as she likes to think, and her awkward and uncharismatic post-ironic affect on everything she posts and says really tells you all you need to know about how she feels about herself. Her movie sucked, her acting sucks, she's nowhere near the Underweight Plain Jane Loli Waifu that she photoshops herself to be. I genuinely think that she could possibly be autistic because they way she carries herself and every clothing and makeup and hair choice she makes is so fucking awkward and unflattering, it's like almost tranny-tier in a way. Not that she looks like a tranny but just the overall effect of her clothes, hair, and makeup, combined with her clearly 30+ year old nicotine addicted face.

No. 2170312

Not skinnyfat (actually thin) but definitely not "anorexic" like some nonnies and that stupid Charli song claim, not even close. I don't know why people keep falling for that meme.

No. 2170384

I’m happy that CWC found a boyfriend-free girl instead of going back to assaulting his mother.

No. 2170385

im not that moid shouldve been kept in jail

No. 2170387

I would actually feel pretty bad for Terry Hall if he wasn't a creep. Like I kind of get him. I know what it's like to have no friends and want to go do fun things and be a part of something (like conventions etc) and not know how to become part of a community. but the fact that he's 40 and is obsessed with girls under the age of 25 is so goddamn creepy. Definitely has groomer energy and is probably going to become a transbian soon. A small part of me does feel bad for him even though I know I shouldn't.

No. 2170392

Definitely not fat but she's so unfortunate looking I'm surprised she's actually female, she has that tranny phenotype

No. 2170398

I think her and empathchan are unattractive. Not ugly necessarily but I would avoid them like the plague kek.

No. 2170406

File: 1726728981775.jpg (32.04 KB, 236x419, 5379732589636.JPG)

Highkey looks like honter

No. 2170408

I dont know who she is but she looks cute to me. Some farmers have more insane beauty standards than moids.

No. 2170416

second pic is a TIM, anon. But I agree, Dasha is quite cute sometimes and is definitely not skinnyfat not fat

No. 2170423

whats the lore of the soap autist? i am new to jill threads and i keep hearing about her myth

No. 2170424

Someone brings up Jill going back into soap making sometimes when it was a one-off thing for her. They are easy to pinpoint because they bring it up when no one has mentioned it or even Jill.

No. 2170426

was she even good at soap making or did the autist latch onto something random for the shits and giggles?

No. 2170432

Decent, but the poster does it for attention.

No. 2170443

Contrary to what people think, several people have made soap posts in the Jill thread, myself included. It's not just one single obsessed autist, soap is a thread meme and the most recent post was so blatantly sarcastic anyone who thought it was legit is way more autistic than OG soap nonny will ever be kek

No. 2170444

You can tell she’s really malding over the thread, probably because she actually browses here (and openly admitted to it when she was still a consoomer cow thread). The weight thing makes sense considering her most recent stories trying to prove she’s skinny.

No. 2170445

soap-chan is a personalityfag though.

No. 2170534

i don't want him to rape his mother but i also don't want him to have any contact with any woman ever again

No. 2170541

AYRT, thanks for correcting me. I haven't decided if Jill has BPD or not, but it's fun reading
dissections and theories. In any case, she's the end result of worshipping weaknesses, identity politics, and hyperindividualism. We'll see a lot more similar behavior from Gen Alpha

No. 2170952

Its multiple anons so not really.

No. 2170961

it's obviously a joke, the first post started genuinely as someone who thought Jillian would do better in life if she made soaps (it was around the time when she literally did nothing but tiktok drag content) but ultimately people started using it as a joke and it reads like one now.

No. 2170963

>anyone who thought it was legit is way more autistic than OG soap nonny will ever be kek
This, it makes the people angry at that post look so dumb kek

No. 2171225

Anons who follow Heather when did her threads become really interesting? I'm still in the first thread reading through the divorce arc and her husband has come off crazier than she has so far.

No. 2171240

Heather lore isn't that deep tbh the whole problem with her is that she goes through the same insane repetitive cycles over and over, you pick any random thread and it will be same shit different ryan/hobby she skinwalked from ryan

No. 2171591

>her husband has come off crazier than she has so far
that's how it starts off, i would say it's around threads ~3-6 when things start to show more on her end, imo. but the Lurch saga is so fucking funny

No. 2171752

Skirby is such a boring cow. All cows where it's just the same thing posted each time, but a different outfit, hair style, but the photoshop stays the same, is so fucking boring. Just comes off as vendetta. What happened to cows being lolcow material for lying and scamming? Not just "Well she lies about photoshop". No shit she does. What else does she do? It's not a scam when men know they are paying for photoshop. They don't care about real or fake, they care if they look at it and their dick gets hard. It's a concept so many anons can't even wrap their head around and thus we have all these random photoshop cows with no milk besides they know how to use an editor.

No. 2172164

Idc for anons thirsting for her in appropriate threads since uglier women get posted there, but constant whiteknighiting she attracts is annoying. Way more attractive women get ripped to shreds here on daily basis and barely anyone bats an eye, but when it comes to Dashew it's 'insane standards', 'pointless nitpicking' and 'muh misogyny' (ironic considering that she’s one of the most vicious people posted here whose catchphrase is 'you get the face you deserve'). I get that a lot of anons can identify with 'wannabe anachan plain jane posting for 4chan scrotes' physiognomy, but come on.

No. 2173627

Nta or any of the anons, but I think she looks pretty. Also this is lolcow, anons are focusing on the cows, not random prettier women elsewhere. For a cow, she is pretty.

No. 2174345

By 'way more attractive women' I meant attractive cows posted here.

No. 2174421

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I decided to see what Mina and Dasha are up to, and maybe it's just me but wow Mina looks so different. I wouldn't have recognized her if I just randomly saw a pic of her. Her lip fillers are super obvious, especially in her Twitch streams. Her face isn't fucked up or anything but I think she was cuter without the fillers.

No. 2175861

The anachans in the anachan thread shitting themselves bc another anachan saying starving made her hair brittle shows how delusional they all are and if they had a social media presence, they would be subjects in the thread too.

No. 2175914

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I still can't believe Eugenia is alive. She's not even fun to laugh at anymore, just really fuckin depressing.

No. 2175918

Tinfoil but if Eugenia Cooney ends up living to old age she will just be used as an example for gross moids with anorexia fetishes to hold women to unrealistic standards because "she got that skinny and didn't die, you're just being dramatic"

No. 2175919

spoops live for an insanely long times for some reason. Lucinda is also alive and unwell.

No. 2175930

>lucinda is also alive
I wish she wasn't and I don't mean that as aloging but she genuinely seems in pain and hanging from a thread. I don't know how you can recover from that severe anorexia.

No. 2175948

its going to be so sad when she dies, i hope lolcow does something to commemorate her, like an unicorn theme or something. I hate when people hate her an horrocow, shes more sad than horrifying.

No. 2176034

I hate when people call her a survivor of an ED because she has never wanted help, never really took it seriously unless she could monetize it, her mother encourages it, and she panders to fetishists on purpose. She's a grifter who likes suffering because of her obvious BD, but also because it makes her money and she doesn't have to have a real job. She's so gross to look at and honestly won't miss her when she passes early.

No. 2176189

i'm still surprised she doesn't have a thread here to be honest, she's not talked about much on here but has genuinely well over a decade of milk. i would consider her a personal cow of mine and she's constantly involved in drama, flashing her audience routinely to the point where people were calling her out on it… when she was on twitch every week she had mods that would groom her younger teen audience and when she was informed about it she didn't care. to then later altogether completely abandon twitch and all the people who would donate hundreds to her weekly so she could move to tiktok. the recent jeffery star ass kissing, pretending to eat on camera so she can get re-monetized on tiktok (after getting de-monetized for promoting anorexia), the whole diaper drama… and that's just the last few years. there's videos of her in 2013 twerking on a rock in front of a crowd of people, she used to constantly stream on younow or whatever it's called. a lot of her earlier antics and history have been archived.
i'm just often surprised how little she's talked about on here considering she's 100% a cow. she's such a spectacle. i know she's sometimes brought up in the anachan threads but not that much

No. 2176342

I don't know if Achievement Hunter still counts as a cow company, but I was watching old videos, and Geoff genuinely seems like kind of a bad father. Whenever Millie is in videos all the comments are always gushing about how cute she is (and she is), but he never seems to take parenting her seriously and kind of treats her like a friend instead of his daughter. All these guys are kind of losers. I guess it took not being 14 anymore to recognize that.

No. 2176359

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I love her, she’s so cute. I can fix her (as a friend)

No. 2176366

I know this is kinda cheating but the celebricows thread would be so much nicer if half the thread wasn't being shitted up by anachans calling everyone above underweight fat, or talking about how what are absolutely conveniently attractive women are totally uggo.
There's actual milk multiple times a day but instead the thread is just infighting on the level of those trashy magazines that would say a random female celebrity is pregnant in each new issue.
It's also sad to realize just how different men and women get treated. There's no way in these types of groups that the women could pig out nearly as much as the men, or look as constantly disheveled.
But I agree, they're all the definition of manchildren who never actually had to work for anything so they have no idea how to parent.

No. 2176370

She’s a banned topic for some reason. I think it’s because mods decided she’s “not milky, she just has an eating disorder”. IMO she’s milky as fuck but she is very good at portraying herself as fragile and childlike, so that people don’t hold her accountable and act like she’s too innocent to know what she’s doing.

No. 2176392

At least he didn't have an Aiden phase like her mother, is sober now and in what looks like a stable relationship with a normie woman. Millie clearly turned out fine, she's creative, has a fun sense of style and didn't troon out or become any kind of genderspecial. I'm sure Geoff was a shitty dad when he was still drinking, definitely, but all things considered she seems like a well adjusted kid.

No. 2176397

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Heavy on the appearance nitpicking. I understand after an initial event, but it needs to stop. People posting random pictures of Taylor Swift that are zoomed in mid-movement to prove she's "ugly" are no better than those tabloid magazines that tried to call Britney fat in her candids. It's funny because Britney is so supported, but it's like, you guys would be the first to tear her down back then given how eager they are to rip to shreds other female celebrities.

I dislike plastic surgery, but it makes me sad sometimes when I see excessive hate against women who get those procedures done. They were only trying their best to conform, and it still isn't enough. Picrel is Kim Novak today. I understand disliking plastic surgery, fillers, and the like, but it feels strange to act like these women are malicious in their complicity. Tearing them down further for their botched surgeries doesn't inspire people to reject these procedures, it inspires fear and shame. You're not helping anyone by scaring them into not doing filler because of how injecting filler or completing plastic surgery could go badly, the fact it has "bad results" is the focus, not the fact those attitudes to begin with are harmful to women.

No. 2176417

ayrt, and I absolutely agree. There's a weird no-winning situation going on these days especially, where there's plastic surgeon influencers and normalization of getting shit like baby botox (whoever invented that deserves torture), while at the same time those (very much all male) plastic surgeons making videos on how lol look at how these young women botched their faces let's laugh at how old they look!! as if they aren't the fucking reason in the first place.
Fuck you see the same shit with ozempic. First everyone is fatties (read: women. men don't get these complaints) and should loose weight. Now if you loose weight and used ozempic and/or surgery you are actually fake and didn't try hard enough. Or you just get accused of those regardless. Right this moment there seems to be a trend of highly pregnant women working out and basically with the undercurrent of how much better they are then all those women who let themselves go, including endless pseudoscience on how it'll make birth and recovery easier. Which I'm sure it does to a certain degree but lets not pretend women go back to working out the day before and after giving birth because of that.

I honestly have so much to say about how awful the current environment is for girls and young women more then has ever been before, but that'd be a stupidly long off topic post.

No. 2176506

With xCanadensis making a guest appearance in Jill's thread, it just drives home my original thought that the flashier and more elaborately someone dresses while claiming autism, the more likely they are to be faking it. xCanadensis has been rocking the stereotypical slightly greasy femcel brown hair and glasses since forever and she has like 40 trillion dolls and can tell you every fact and detail about each one. It wouldn't surprise me if she was actually diagnosed with autism, whereas Jill is clearly a maladjusted normie.

No. 2176518

Ngl, the way some anons talk about autism drives home that they have a stereotypical idea of what someone with that will look like. Also being lazy and playing victim is achievable without having autism. Both could be lying for all we know.

No. 2176539

I think Jill is faking autism too, but I don't know if dressing plain is the criteria for autism. Look at Chris Chan - he was diagnosed with autism and always goes outside looking clownish.

No. 2176549

Chris Chan is dressing flashy because he is emulating women, but it's done in the most autistic schizo way possible.
xCanadensis wears feminine clothes but the way it's done shows she doesn't give a fuck about fashion as a hobby, nor does she painstakingly slap a full clown face on or meticulously fry her hair in an attentionwhore way. They way she dresses gives off strong autist woman vibes, whereas Chris Chan dresses like an autistic schizo clown because he's a scrote.

No. 2176582

I think a lot of anons are either autists in denial or have this extremely stereotypical perception of autism. It's all over the website; you are only autistic if you have the mentality of a child to some degree, don't know/care about how you dress, don't know how to talk to people and/or their lives circulate around their special interests. While it's not exactly untrue, there are a lot of high functioning autists that barely have these symptoms since it IS a spectrum but anons will now acknowledge any of that (occasionally even get aggressive when you point it out).
And before someone with a reading disability jumps down my throat: Yes, Jill is 100% faking it. But the issue with anons' having this extreme image of what autism is like is spread all over lolcow. but in the long run, who cares? We are just a bunch of anons here to vent and gossip, no one is here to actually learn from others. It is however infuriating that anons prefer to lean onto their preconceptions of things rather than listen when people with actual experience speak up

No. 2176590

I disagree. It reminds me of that one girl who was conventionally attractive and made a video about having noise sensitives and everyone was saying she was a faker because no autistic person would wear makeup. People forget that the primary symptom of autistic is lack of social development. You can have autism and not have a lick of sensory issues. People hyper focus on this element of autism and it's not important at all imo. That being said, what i consider the red flags of autism fakers is if they purposely infantilize themselves, make it seem like autism = fun and quirky and over focus on their need to stim and seem to have no memories of acting autistic as a child because they were heavy enough maskers. Sorry, but nobody is that good at masking, every autistic person behaved in a peculiar way as a child. I just feel like this line of thinking just leads to people accusing actual autistic people of being fakers because lets face it, some autistic people are just genuinely a little cringy.

No. 2176602

I agree anon. I feel like they don't even need to talk to us to properly understand what autism is, literally just opening the official diagnostic criteria would clear all the confusion since it's written so clearly and precise. They purposely choose to be ignorant and stupid and i don't feel like it's my job to help those anons either.

No. 2176613

No joke, my autism made me MORE attached to my makeup when I was younger for three reasons: I had a complex about being presentable and "clean", it was a ritual which helped me to get ready every day, and I genuinely liked the texture of the foundation as well as the fun colourful eyeshadows. Not every autist is bothered by the same stimuli. Another red flag to me is when their special interest is very FOTM, or even when they put a super heavy emphasis on the special interests and uwu cutesy consoomer stim toys in general. So many people who plaster their bedrooms in generic Amazon shit and then go "ooo this is soooo quirky and embarrassing I'm just SO obsessed" kek.

No. 2176629

I didn't just mention "make up", but the entire package of wearing elaborate outfits, lots of accessories, flashy hair colors that they painstakingly spend time on, etc. I grew up with an actual autist sister and I can tell you most autists do have tells that tip off normies even if they are pretty good at masking. It's pretty easy to spot. Every actual autistic person I have met who dresses outside the norm has other tells, and they never do the full face with styled, freaky dyed hair, with multiple piercings and definitely not the slightly uncomfortable clothes and shoes Jill wears when she dresses up.

No. 2176701

Wow, didn't know your personal experience overrides everyone elses! You have literal autists, including me, practically telling me you are acting out of a preconception you yourself developed. If you only knew how many fashion influencers actually have autism, because there are a lot. The ones I know don't talk about it because of people like you that believe they are the autism whisperer.

No. 2176735

Luna is a boring ass cow. Her milk is all repetitive bullshit: she's gross, she's fat, luch is nasty and horny for other women, rinse repeat. She should be on snow at most.

No. 2176738

You're coming off like a BPD sperg. Are you actually diagnosed, or…(infight bait)

No. 2176746

I think it's a little interesting seeing her slow, boring descent and the consequences of her choices. She's been in the hospital because of druggie related infections from needles, she's gotten arrested for shoplifting, and we found her alt account. Also, the easter island statute apparent has balloon hands from having no veins left. She's not unique, but she's actually had events happen to her this year. She also is doing nothing craft like or artistic anymore.

No. 2176757

You got to be baiting at this point, but fine I'll take the bait: I got diagnosed as a child, same with some of my friends that are very passionate about fashion.
Or are you going to stomp your feet and tell me I'm lying because my experience doesn't line up with yours?

No. 2176763

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People in Jill’s thread gatekeeping consooming plastic horses and autistic women buying plastic dolls is far more entertaining than anything Jill herself has done in quite a long time.

No. 2176771

Do you wear intricate, accessory-heavy styles when you go out? Do you wear platforms when you go out? Do you wear annoyingly bright makeup every time you go out? Do you have a haircut that needs styling to look good? You focused on the "fashion" part of my post because it seems like you want to get angry for some reason. My post wasn't meant to invalidate you personally, so maybe stop focusing on one part and focus on the entire picture as a whole.

No. 2176775

They're right. Jill is going to dump her plastic horse consuming as soon as the Winx reboot takes off. She's doing it for the autism clout.

No. 2176777

i am not those anons but its not gatekeeping. Shes trying to larp as super autistic pone expert when she doesnt know basic shit about the show even i knew when i was 13

No. 2176780

>even i knew when i was 13
Who are you…

No. 2176815

Because fashion is more than just clothes, styling such as hair and makeup is a part of it. I used it as an umbrella term so I wouldn't have to list these points every single time. I am not really angry, but it gets very frustrating when people try to act like they are a spokesperson and then speak over said group when they are telling you that your point of view is extremely restrained and don't seem to understand the concept of a spectrum so in the end it becomes very provocative.
But to answer your questions, step by step:
>Do you wear intricate, accessory-heavy styles when you go out?
This is a very layered question since what could be considered "intricate, accessory-heavy styles" is fairly subjective, but I can simply respond with that I used to wear lolita fashion a lot which - depending on style, colors, print (if there was any), theme, how casual you are feeling, etc. - occasionally required quite a bit accessorizing and styling. I used to wear a lot of accessories casually before that too, I love to mix and match depending on mood and outfit in general because I simply love that shit and the difference a subtle change can make to a whole look.
>Do you wear platforms when you go out?
Not as much as I used to, I used to have a small variety of heels, pumps, and especially platform shoes in different shapes and forms depending on my mood and how I wanted to mix and match. While my collection today is a lot smaller, I still have heels and platforms that offer a wider variety of use than my older ones.
>Do you wear annoyingly bright makeup every time you go out?
This is a very, very specific question and I don't understand what it got to do with autism. Makeup is makeup, it is going to take an equal amount of time to put on and feel on your skin. No, I do not wear very bright makeup on a regular basis, just like most normal people - both with and without autism. I do, however, wear makeup most days.
>Do you have a haircut that needs styling to look good?
Again, not anymore. But I used to have a lot of layered cuts (that I've been considering getting back to after looking at old pictures a few days ago). I've always loved how different I would look in different cuts, styles and stylings. Nowadays I only curl or straighten it.
The only reason I don't do a lot of these anymore is because I'm now 30 and struggle a lot with sleep, so I prioritize getting a few extra zzz in when I can instead.

No. 2176854

I'm going to be very real with you, the people around you can probably tell you are autistic even with all of that shit.
I was not literally saying that bright, attention-seeking, elaborate outfits literally means they are faking autism with no chance of it being true. I meant the CHANCES are higher. I have met autistic women, and the ones that do practice femininity usually go for more simplistic styles. Again I wasn't attacking you. I could probably tell you were autistic if I met you, the lolita shit gives it away. There is a difference in dressing because of passion and dressing because of attention-seeking behavior and unstable core identity, Jill falling into the latter. Your autistic fixation is on fashion, sure. Would you have done all of that if you weren't very interested in fashion? Probably not. Jill all but totally gave up her interest in fashion and only does things for views because it's what many of her subscribers are there for. Jill has a surface level knowledge of fashion, had a passing interest in j-fashion like lolita, gave it up, and now wears attention-seeking clothes because she's deadset on being the most special Snowflake in her backwater Canadian island. Do you understand the difference now.

No. 2177469

What happened to the Anisafag? I kind of miss the irrelevant sperging.

No. 2177493

This debate happening right after someone posted Grimes is very funny

No. 2177501

I'm >>2176613 and yeah I know that people can still tell that I'm an autist kek. I get what you're saying about the performative fakers whose actions don't line up with their words.

No. 2177885

Don't care, it's still way funnier than Jill herself these days.

No. 2177970

tbh i want to see jill get into a fight with a pony toy autist (not a farmer, not encouraging cowtip) the same way she spergs at precure children on twitter. there are many autistic redditor women into collecting expensive old kid's toys so it could possibly happen

No. 2178166

soren was the most interesting cow before she offed herself

No. 2178183

Was that ever confirmed?

No. 2179000

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Imagine reeing unsaged for months bc someone made a thread on a cow you think belong in a different thread, and with the threat that oh no we miss out on you and your gang of minimodders of e thots. kek

No. 2179004

These retards actually piss me off. Like I want them permabanned kek they have been shitting up /snow/ for fucking months. I swear I report this bitch nearly every fucking day
>me and most of my inner circle do not use this website anymore
Then why have you spent weeks losing your shit over "text being stolen" and getting banned repeatedly for shitting the place up? Leave. Do not ever come back.

No. 2179012

I don't think Fanny has ever posted a genuine piece of artwork in her life. Her tumblr comics were straight lies, the whole Laika larp, and now her disgusting fgm porn, it all seems like her 'art' (if you can even call it that) is an effort to put up appearances/appeal to others rather than her actual passion. I suspect she doesn't even enjoy drawing- her skill level has stayed static for YEARS. Impressive. And how she has nothing to show to her mom except for her grooming comics, it's for sure she doesn't draw anything outside of tryhard edgy porn. She is genuinely so pathetic and sad but I'm past feeling sorry for her.

No. 2179019

Honestly I don't know how to feel about Fanny. When I first discovered her, she was an absolute horrorcow to me. I couldn't even enjoy snarking on her. But I think you're right. She has cultivated a niche for herself and now she can't just up and leave, you know? And now she has to draw the same things over and over. I still feel bad for her though, her thread makes me feel very empty and I don't even know why

No. 2179128

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It’s crazy that Jill doesn’t at least try and post her final arts n craft school collection. Miss Sohee was in a similar situation as Jill during quarantine and decided to post hers on instagram. Now she’s a full on brand with celebrity endorsement. Not saying this will happen to Jill or anything but it would have helped her “career” in some way. Once again she fumbles the bag to focus on mental Jillness

No. 2179138

I get it, especially when I saw the pics of her at younger ages it was jarring to see such a normal looking girl become such a degenerate hambeast, I definitely don't think it was solely caused by tumblr poisoning. She probably has some sort of inferiority complex to other women (especially those in her family) which resulted in her trooning out and hating women. I did feel bad for her at once because she must be so fucking insecure to do the shit she does, but after her tranny-pandering, asian larping, fgm romanticization (hoarding pics of real fgm victims), enabling rapist moids, I literally cannot find it in me to feel sympathetic towards her. She's just too far gone.

No. 2179139

She has talent, Jill doesn't. She was too busy playing COVID monitor towards other people from inside her house.

No. 2179140

shes busy making essays diagnosing horses with mental illnesses

No. 2179145

I don't feel bad for her really. Even if she is obviously not truly into anal prolapse and clit removal she is such a gigapickme she does get genuine enjoyment from portraying women being abused and humiliated. Consider her attempts at m/m or femdom that very much give the "ok are you happy now guys?" vibe while her regular maledom shit still shows more genuine interest, not so much because she is into the degenerate acts herself but because she hates women. Her "real kink" is misogyny, and even that is something she memed herself into as cope and seethe over trooning out as a teen because of tumblr fandom. She's also coping and seething that she dropped out of CS for an art school less prestigious than what her parents attended and she still can't draw for shit. Her art looks straight out of 2013 homestuck tumblr. She is just yet another "peaked on high school" complacent loser (and even then her peak was just being infamous in the homestuck fandom kek) who is seething about it but still is too lazy to actually improve herself and move on. That's another reason why she memes herself into weird niche but still conventionally misogynistic kinks and surrounds herself with gooner troons: those people have no standards, they don't care about quality, they only care about coom and degeneracy, they do not give her motivation to actually work on her yellow hue filtered chicken scratches, because she doesn't even actually want to. She hates being such a failure but still is too lazy and complacent to do something about it so she churns out clitless prolapsed anus incest pedo rape comics with awful anatomy and no understanding of color theory for her yestroons who whiteknight her for that alone. She accepts it because it's easy, getting a real job is hard.

No. 2179156

You have a point anon, but she is insanely fucking lazy and has never really had to work all her life, so why would she start now? I'm glad she ruined everything for herself, she doesn't deserve opportunities like this.

No. 2179163

We greatly underestimate how much the human body can take. we should all remind ourselves that people like boogie and Amberlynn are still alive despite treating their bodies like garbage disposals. But with anorexics, i don't think i've seen a single one live to 40, and i am talking about some who were nowhere near as skinny as Eugenia and probably could be considered normal weight in baggy clothes.

No. 2179169

The poster and the user they fight with over who owns what rights to make a thread on who need to be banned and constantly have their posts banned when they come back. They are totally underage and I've been here almost 10 years, never, ever seen anons fight across threads like this over who owns what rights to post about a cow in what thread and who the OP is. It's completely juvenlile. Both threads should be closed and these thots need to be shoved off into other threads. Neither cow is milky outside of extreme photoshop and lying about it. That's it. They aren't special enough to even need their own thread and we don't need a thread with millions of the same editing and the same retards calling the girls fat and then infighting about it.

I will never understand how cows do this to people. It's like a special kind of dramarot.

No. 2179312

Yeah there is absolutely no way that they are older than middleschool age. I want them permabanned

No. 2179323

They have had so many reports and the threads are unreadbale because it's the same thing being posted, just a new spot on the wall and a new outfit. Nothing about these girls is worth keeping around. The mods can see this. Why they won't act, idk.

No. 2179326

Continuing on this, Michael being a huge asshole to his wife isn't cute and funny, it just makes him seem unlikeable. Ray is a loud memey Twitch streamer. Gavin is a smug weird shit. Ryan. All of these people are fucking insufferable. Men should be banned from the entertainment industry.

No. 2179802

TBF Lucinda hasn't been a spoop for half as long—a better comparison would be Ashley Isaacs, who is older and somehow even skinnier than Eugenia and has had bulimia since her teens (or early 20s)

No. 2180213

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When I saw this shit my blood ran cold. I know a person exactly like Dana.
>I met her after I hit on her boyfriend.
>boyfriend swerves me because he's already in relationship with Dana-lite
>become friends with Dana-lite
>let them know that I hit on their boyfriend for full transparency
>three months later she visits me and tells me she is in love with me (wtf)
>swerve, not into women
>find out not soon after that they're "poly"
>A few months later
>Dana-lite had a threesome with another woman
>Dana-lite is extremely buttmad that "other woman" still wants to be friendly and flirt with boyfriend, but not Dana-lite, because other woman is STRAIGHT.
>Dana-lite constantly talks about wanting to get top surgery, take hormones, cry about "being perceived" and wants to be masculine looking, starts asking everyone to refer to herself as "they/them" and eventually tacks "she/her" back on to cope
>dana-lite also has bpd and does the annoying therapy speak to justify her inappropriate behavior
why the fuck are they ALL like this!? I don't want to say it's all because of BPD. But how else can I take this? Why are two women that are probably a thousand miles away from each other behaving in the almost-exact same way? It's repulsive. At least Dana-lite doesn't have children and a crooked bridge piercing. I can't stop watching Dana and asking myself "when is this bitch going to melt down again?" She's seriously breathing life into /snow/.

No. 2181127

Taylor anons posting: "I hate the color of her walls and she took too long to post! Why did I get redtexted for nitpicking????"

Her thread is so unmilky. Can't be serious.

No. 2181160

taylor, out of all cows on this site, seems extremely gentle and harmless. a little dumb, a little foot in mouth disease, but thats it. so I'm convinced her thread is full of bitter weebs who wish they were a trophy wife. i have to laugh every time I see them come whining to /meta/

No. 2181226

None of the posts are even dramatic. Its the anons trying to reach for the slivers of "milk" and then they get mad when slapped with redtexts. Who cares if she has a nanny? Who cares if the room is bland when its filled with stuff he personally likes too. I wish my room as a kid wasnclown decorated and way less bold. The takes are terrible and make no sense.

No. 2181240

being poly should be considered a mental illness

No. 2181470

Brooke reminds me so much of my dad. He never let me celebrate halloween as a child because it was satanic and thinks anything related to vampires, ghosts ect is satanic. But he also has mary shelley's frankenstein on vhs which is really bizarre.

No. 2181538

I'm jealous of terry hall he somehow managed to keep a stable job while sperging out online all and spending the extra money on conventions. He is incredibly immature but I genuinely which I had the money he had to just spend, spend, spend and travel.

No. 2182385

I think the only cow with money that I'm monetarily jealous of, not their life, is Momokun. She did some disgusting shit for it and I would never stoop that low to have cash.

No. 2184301

fanny inspired me to start going to the gym

No. 2184306

same, and also to pick up anatomy for artists

No. 2184310

I'm not even a Shaynafag, but whenever I'm bored enough to traverse into one of her threads I put into more work at the gym for a couple of days. I don't even have a similar body shape as her, but something about her poor weight distribution causes some sort of primal fear in me of ending up like that.

No. 2184327

File: 1727535372067.jpg (168.73 KB, 928x1613, downie.jpg)

this photo of shayna still haunts me, i cant believe its not a mean edit by anons

No. 2184356

File: 1727538400666.jpg (1009.38 KB, 2442x2560, fanny milonakis.jpg)

It’s so cathartic that null/fanny was exposed to be a fat moonfaced tif after she was talking about deleting selfies she posted in her discord for attention. This bitch was talking as if she was some uguu kawaii loli who worries about getting carded at bars when in reality its because she looks like andy milonakis kek

No. 2184457

Doupy Mattel!

No. 2184459

This reminds me of Cece from the pro-ana scumbags threads. She was a farmer favorite who disappeared right after hitting maximum milk

No. 2184659

in her case, it was the best thing that could have happened to her though. I mean she was a supercow but it's hard to be mad about her being less mentally ill.

I get more upset when crazy cows take their craziness private. Stef moving to discord and telegram comes to mind.

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