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No. 1959358

Prev threads:

Any pro-fujo derailing in this thread will get a 3 day unappealable ban. If you do not like the thread, hide it. Repeat infractions will eventually result in a permanent ban.

No. 1959361

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No. 1959362

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No. 1959363

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No. 1959365

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No. 1959366

based but still kekky asf

No. 1959377

Business is business, gotta sell yaoi to pay the bills. The prime minister making a Beyonce reference in the original tweet like the white gay millennial he is far worse.

No. 1959384

I don't she's involved in politics and just runs an import industry for "LGBT+ literature".

No. 1959400

File: 1712863149052.jpeg (278.7 KB, 1290x2048, GgovrfW.jpeg)

So this was posted in the MTF thread, In 2018 a pretentious autobiographical comic was released, depicting a rent-boy transitioning into a trans woman, It was filled with disgusting sex scenes and pretentious whining but turns out that the creator of the comic was not an MTF or even male, the whole thing was fan-fiction of an FTM who had a history of drawing porn involving underage children, It's shows that no matter how fujos hide behind layers of irony or outright deny that women can also get porn-sick, you can reach a level of porn-sickness that your indistinguishable from an MTF troon, It's as if they believe women are magically immune from basic brain patterns.
link to the comic and her callout twitter thread
https://twitter.com/nonervana/status/1167968764970692610(post the tweet caps too)

No. 1959407


No. 1959417

The twitter link was deleted.

No. 1959462

It was written by an ex-prostitute MTF, but its and open secret that the artist Remy Boydell is a FTMTF detransitioner pretending to be a transwoman. Her birth name is Jennifer or something and was FTM on Tumblr a decade ago. I kind of love that for her, lmao.

No. 1959478

why would you proud of anyone being a degenerate who draws porn or underage children?"

No. 1959489

Nta but learn to read. She said she respected her specifically for de-transitioning.

No. 1959495

Because she makes money off of pretending to be an oppressed twamzwomin. It's a great LARP.

No. 1959606

Here's a properly working link of the callout post of the comic's artist. It was still written by a clockable hon, but the artist is a furry FTMTF.

No. 1960023

KEK I’m glad my personal lolcow could be the thread pic

No. 1960042

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>mfw every time a pedofujoshotafag claims to be a lesbian

No. 1960198

I knew that no moid could draw that good. The way the comic is drawn is so feminine in its attention to detail i doubt a moid would be able to create something like that.

No. 1960269

Yeah, the way she draws is very feminine.

No. 1960312

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Why was Clifford in this, kek

No. 1960594

I was exposed to shota porn when I was 14 by an older fujo coomer that liked South Park yaoi and thought kids IRL can consent. Now she claims to be a lesbian while drooling over cartoon little boys getting groomed. I usually don't care about fujos because yaoi involves adults but WTF is wrong with shotafags? It's so hard for me to believe they aren't into actual kids and hiding under the "it's just a drawing" excuse.

No. 1961302

>thought kids IRL can consent
>"it's just a drawing"
This is actual pedo cope.
>Now she claims to be a lesbian while drooling over cartoon little boys getting groomed
Many such cases. Identifying as a lesbian has lost all meaning specially to these retarded pornsick women that think their lack of attraction to irl men means they are gay.

No. 1961750

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Their logic always ends up sounding the same as what lolicons use, "Why don't you care about real predators abusing children instead of us, who aren't hurting anybody" "It's just drawings' and "You are all moralfags, and you should leave this space"

No. 1961770

between a female shotafag and a male lolicon who is more likely to get arrested after hard drive check?

No. 1962153

It's because pedophiles are sick regardless if they're male or female. My time in fandom has convinced me that female pedos are better at hiding it, I used to be on fandom in the Livejournal days and nearly every shotafag groomed someone or defended "non-offending pedos that can't help it" like they have a stake in it. I never understood how so many pull the card that "actually, shotacon is good because real pedos can use it as an outlet instead of abusing kids!" - Doesn't that just scratch the itch for some?

>retarded pornsick women that think their lack of attraction to irl men means they are gay.
They barely show interest in real women outside of roleplaying yaoi or looking at porn with other women like them. It's like a female counterpart to AGP men dating each other and pretending they're women.

No. 1962233

Both don't get a pass in reality, if it's a fed check what you are talking about. In jurisdictions where drawings can be CP then loli/shota gets treated as such. And CP is CP no matter if it's little boy CP or the opposite, and the owner of the computer gets convicted for it no matter if they're a man or a woman. If you mean socially though, I think women can "get away" with it easier to some extent (as in retarded degenerate moids saying "nice" or "that's hot").

No. 1962241

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>It's like a female counterpart to AGP men dating each other and pretending they're women
Jailhouse gay nerds dating each other because they are severely autistic and socially isolated will never not be funny to me. I think the stereotype of fujos being lesbians is essentially due to this, the fujos just date each other because men are disgusted/weirded out by their obsession, and fujos don't find IRL men attractive anyway because of the extreme anime porn brainrot. So they just date each other because it's the closest they can get to living the twink softboi yaoi fantasy and have a partner that shares their autistic obsession. If they start going down the "I'm a gay man trapped in a woman's body" rabbit hole they just go full degenerate on Grindr and never date other women ever again.

No. 1962308

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I went through the past threads because honestly I have never closely interacted with fujos and was curious to see some of the cringe behavior I've heard about since I'm also a weeb, but holy hell, I didn't expect so many of them to be pedophiles and defend shotacon and even irl attraction to little boys. I feel fucking sick, I always thought fujos were retarded and annoying gay men fetishists but otherwise harmless. Now I think about how a lot of those women will have children, and at least half of them will have boys and it really freaks me out. I never doubted that a portion of the female population are pedophiles, but I seriously never imagined they were this common. Seeing how non-fujo women here also defend shotacon is even more repulsive. Now I feel really paranoid, how many het women are actually pedophiles? Seeing this I realize I may have really really underestimated this number holy shit. I don't even know why but I feel betrayed, these women are truly on par with scrotes.(spoiler)

No. 1962310

>fujos were retarded and annoying gay men fetishists
They're probably gonna come on this thread just to yell at you for saying that

No. 1962319

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This thread is autistic as is everyone in it and technically the anon I'm about to talk about only resorted to being a fujo out of desperation due to the lack of femdomshit if you've been following the lore, but can we talk about the nucarnivalsperg who's been shitting up the site lately here?

How does a woman reach a level of coomerism where she can no longer consume any form of media that doesn't include at least softcore porn in it? I think she's just larping as a the female version of a male porn addict and she doesn't actually feel that way, there's something disingenuous about her vitriol. Whether she's doing it as bait, or to make fujos look bad as even they chase her out of their thread with pitchforks, or she's trying to convince herself for some reason, it is a mystery. Maybe she gets horny over the idea of making men seethe and someone told her liking ugly, scantily clad anime boys and calling other men, 3dpd and anime alike, ugly on a website where men are banned will accomplish that. But one thing for certain is that she's one of the most obsessive and mentally ill personalityfags active currently, just below that unwashed paki and trannyhands, and now we know she's an avid ban evader like them too.

Pic unrel

No. 1962359

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This seems to be a thing for fujos in the cosplay community. Like their relationships involve roleplaying as the anime boys that they ship so they can live out the fantasy. A lot of them identify as trans or "masc nb" or something like that. I feel like their sex lives must involve fake giant yaoi hands and lots of mutual gender affirmations.

No. 1962366

>No true Scotsman (fujo edition)

No. 1962374

She announced it herself several times in the old videogames and sexism thread on /m/ if you want to dig through that cesspool. She doesn't appear to like any bl besides Nu:Carnival which she likes because of how hypersexual it is, in a way that's very reminiscent of some of the 2D gay porn real gay men make, and throws a fit when strays point that out.

No. 1962380

can you give me some lore about her and the paki omg

t.newfag lurker

No. 1962443

From what I know
>terminal porn addict who frequently preaches about how men need to be sexualized as much as women are in media, and once that is achieved it will solve world hunger
>might've started out as a genshin impact fan but later got into nu:carnival because she likes men who look like they're on their way to a halloween party at a gay bar
>makes posts that reek of bait and absolutely chimps out at anyone who disagrees with them, often for hours into the night filled to the brim with samefagging, moid accusations, and ban evasion.
Some of the things that trigger her include:
>calling her a coomer
>saying you'd prefer less porn in your media and not more
>saying nucarnival guys are ugly or look like [something for] gay moids
>reminding her of how much gay moids like nucarnival compared to normal BL
>liking any man, 2d or 3d, she deems ugly
>liking any media she deems as 'for scrotes' which she defines as everything that isn't joseimuke, shojo, or specific bl, especially if it was made by a man
>doing things for fun and not for coom
>questioning her taste
>questioning her bizarre claims and definitions of things
>Fate grand order - anon wearing a pickle suit baited her by spamming pictures of a guy from this game one time and she's never been the same since
And if you're guilty of any of these things she will diagnose you psyopped and the spergening will commence. May or may not be the OP and most active participant in the ugly men psyop thread, and was a regular in the fandom thread. She's been chased out of both the fujo thread and the anime thread on /m/, and camps out in the videogames and sexism thread and /meta/ to complain about her dissenters and fight anyone who tries to complain about her there. The paki is a story for a different day but we're in her sperging domain right now. If you've noticed how autistic the posters in this thread get, know that she's the worst and most active among them.

No. 1962508

Fucking gross. Her/his whatever the fuck tranny’s Instagram is slimgiltsoul by the way. The profile is seemingly fine with nothing sexual on it, so that makes this extra disturbing. Are there any of the callout tweets archived?

No. 1962510

I’m an idiot samefagging, but I found it:

No. 1962534

File: 1713048535866.jpg (1.79 MB, 4096x2302, 20240414004357066.jpg)

i'm pretty sure it's rancefag

No. 1962541

good find, that explains everything kek. right when you thought that weird bitch actually left, turns out she just got a new special interest. the pakichan, trannyhands, rancefag unholy trinity of autism is prospering.

No. 1962560

She’s still around? Jesus

No. 1962746

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No. 1962750

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Posted it last thread but wanted to include the tweet when I realized it was the woman who created High Garden Spice and played the FTM teacher. Just makes it a little bit funnier and yet sadder.

No. 1962753

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Also shout out to that one anon who hated Jack Frost.

No. 1962768

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>The dean of Yaoi High.

No. 1962770

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Also she is apparently the daughter of Lupin III and explicitly child conan.

No. 1962792

Love when fujos realize that they're just experiencing heterosexual female sexuality but they are too retarded to tell.

No. 1962796

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This makes me feel so vindicated. From the moment I saw her sperging in the fandom discourse thread and later on the ugly men psyop thread creation, I knew it was a shotafag of some sort (since she likes genshit), I never thought of the coomer or rancefah possibility though. And everyone was attacking me and calling me schizo for this and saying I'm just making up some shotafag boogeyman or something but at the end I was right. Is she also behind picrel or is that another sperg? Either way I was right. And it's a shame because I don't disagree with the thread and think it's fun to make fun of ugly men's looks and ugly characters that are shoved down my throat 24/7, but those shotafag/rancefag retards have to override the discussion to justify their gross coomerisim and ruin it for everyone.

No. 1962807

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>Weaboo not knowing the use of uke in Japanese

Yes, it means "Receive" but not only in porn.

No. 1962817

Whenever you see her bring up rance, fgo, her untaken meds, and her gray cooter to shoo her manic ass off from now on


Probably her samefagging, because the same thing happened to me and I've seen it happen to basically everyone who interacts with her. Those pictures in your pic are so random it looks like she just plopped "shota" into some booru and downloaded whatever popped up to spam here and not like a genuine interest, of which we know she doesn't have many of, so could be her too. There are a lot of female shotacons who just do it to be edgy because they're bpdfag attention whores, with troon and terminally online radfem ones being the most likely culprits, and she falls perfectly in line with that profile. For one reason or another it looks like she's moved on from shopping for new personality traits from anons in the husbandofag thread to anons in the fujo thread.

No. 1962822

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rancefag post history exposed like mystery and spoony when? when will mods stop giving her special treatment?

No. 1962827

>probably her samefagging
Explains the same use of uncommon terms over and over.

No. 1962883

That's such an old cow. Here's her thread full of fujo cringe.

No. 1962963

>one single shotafag posst in the ugly man psyop thread(and gets marked as bait)
>proceeds to get shit on by everyone in the thread
I genuinely dont understand why that thread makes so many anons butthurt, probaby because they have ugly nigels

No. 1962973

File: 1713086094889.png (28.94 KB, 2463x270, fateshitter.png)

kek you are that fateshitter who was crying to the mods to get the sexism in videogame thread locked because it hurt your feelings. You get angry women like attractive men, but defend a game that has realistic little girl characters(fate go) in it because it has your husbando. You might genuinely be mentally ill and need to be locked up if you think everyone who disagrees with you is your personal schizo.
>inb4 its not me you are the schizo reee!!!
mods literally banned you for ban evading >>>/m/357828

No. 1962989

File: 1713087685679.png (16.89 KB, 1072x229, autistic ban evader.png)

And here is another of your posts bragging about your epic troll ''bait'' . We can tell it's you because when anons started shitting on you for praising a game with lolis in bikinis you started shitting and crying and sperging on /ot/ about mean anons pointing out your disgusting game has pedoshit in it. You tried to spin it as a ''bait(i was pretending to be retarded you guys)'' but in reality we all know you just got angry anons were calling you a pedocoomer for supporting a game with so much pedoshit in it.

No. 1962994

I had a similar experience.
Claim to be lesbian but reads yaoi to this day
When you call them out, they play the victim

No. 1962996

I feel like this thread has too many tinfoil theories about xyz anons all being the same person.
Nu carnival is pretty anime boys but slutty. Rance is peak moid aesthetics. Neither of these have any appeal to shotafags. Post some actual coomer fails instead of sperging about people you don't like. Also don't derail and start infights just because it's lolcow. It's not cool or edgy to randomly shit on unrelated
people like genshin/fgo players, radfems etc, stick to the actual topic.
Anyway, I'd like to post some milk myself but sadly I don't have any rn so gotta sage. The last time I saw extra weird fujos was in the the last fujo thread. >>>/m/361298
Curious anos can search "ryona" there, there were some hilarious infights kek. Some sperging troll part of that fight also got nukani pushed out to its own thread and then wanted to do the same for nitro chiral, which is basically the company that made 80% of the BL games currently available in English.

No. 1963012

calm down, rancefag. please don't flash your unwashed clam at us again. it's not our fault, direct your ire towards the mods who outed you.(infighting)

No. 1963029

Do mods ever out anons like that? Newfag so I never saw that happen.

No. 1963035


No. 1963040

Farmhand probably enjoys a good dumpster fire

No. 1963043

Integrate, don't announce you're a newfag.

No. 1963119

>fujocoomer calling another anon pornsick
the pot calling the kettle back

No. 1963283

Nigga did you miss the part where I said I don't disagree with the thread topic? Read, nigga, READ. I don't have a nigel or an ugly husbando, I'm just not a fan of the smugness and obnoxiousness of some of the posters who always turn out to be weirdos.(infighting)

No. 1963322

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Another fujo who thinks she's a "feminist"

No. 1963340

im not reading that pic but i think obviously many fujo mangakas are actual eastern feminists

No. 1963372

>NOOO YOU DONT UNDERSTAND!!! BL is empowering and feminist because straight girls living vicariously through men is totally feminist!!
None of them mention how fandoms basically view BL is “progressive” and thus better. That’s why they started dominating fandom shipping. In the past women shippers het ships without any problem. Now if you’re a het shipper you’re evil.
Completely ignoring how this website is so hostile towards GL ans straight shippers anyway

No. 1963484

So centering your time on two moid pairings is feminist but doing the same for a pairing with one moid and one woman is lame? The delusion is real

No. 1963548

I disagree with the first part but I think you're taking this out of context, this is about hypocritical hinejoshi Twitterfags are.

No. 1965879

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The result of fujo inbreeding and “ew het” is gendies making essentially f/m with extra steps

No. 1965881

kek anon that’s me

that twiggy fuck is the loli dragon character equivalent for western fujos (he’s not a 14 year old boy, he’s ackshually a 300 year old snow spirit!)

No. 1965883

He doesn't really look like a child though. I had no idea of his age actually. Most of his fans were teens anyways who tf cares about jack frost nowadays.

No. 1966444

I've noticed from the fandom thread that the term "porn addict" really sends fujos into a spiral, like they go at the mere idea they have any sort of paraphilia.

No. 1966456

Tbf unless you are level 99 porn addict, everybody would feel at least a little slighted at being called a porn addict.

No. 1966524

but they are porn addicts, if you get off to cartoon boys fucking, you are a porn addict.

No. 1966534

Probably because in their heads they only associate it with moids. There is a huge dissonance with fujo brains and behaviour

No. 1966931

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They sound like those neckbeards who defend lolicon.

No. 1966986

probably the same anon/s posting about liking Strike Witches and wishing their was a male version in the anime thread

No. 1966995

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Strike Witches is based. Don't hate.

No. 1967305

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We got some live fujocoomer cringe in the Post art for nonnies to rate-thread. A femboy bl "artist" who just won't stop ban evading and samefagging.

No. 1967314

This one is rough because even her art is recognizable, she wont be able to post anywhere without being known

No. 1967326

I hate how they present jilling off to drawings of little boys getting assraped as some hecking feministo retaliation against le hecking moids when they're sitting alone in their rooms rubbing it to drawn children, compare that to feminists, say, going to protest against abortion bans or whatever. These freaks are terminally online retards who'd rather politicize their sexual desire to cartoon children than to get off their simply asses and actually make a change. Shota fujos are truly one of the weaker links of womankind. I can't believe I have to share a sex with mouthbreathers like that but then again they're usually friendless shut-ins with no life.

No. 1967329

I cut them slack when they're young because for some girls and women it seems to be a way to offload/project childhood sexual trauma onto something. Like women who get into bdsm after sexual trauma. But at some point you have to address your issues, someone in her late 20s (arbitrary age I'm picking off the top of my head) who is still into shota has permanent issues or might just be a pedo honestly

No. 1967333

Nta but I guarantee you most of them are in their 30s or late 20s, just look at the threadpic kek

No. 1967334

Ayrt, I agree with what you said. I can relate to the sexual trauma aspect. When I was like 10 I was really into Supernatural, probably one of the worst fandoms a child could be in, and it did groom me into reading "Weecest", which makes my fucking stomach curdle to even think about how I was a child reading written child porn. It makes me sick and I want to a-log all those freaks who wrote that shit. Ugh. But even then it was a short phase and within a year or two I'd completely grown out of it and even realized how megafucked it was. That's why I have such a hatred for shota fujos because I had the sense to grow up and realize that what I was doing was fucking weird and the things I was reading were harmful in general and to my psyche, and here are 20+ year olds foaming at the mouth about how they're TOTALLY getting back at le SCROTES. It's so fucking retarded man.

No. 1967771

"Getting back at scrotes" by reading pedoshit is cope. These grown ass women are pedophiles and deserve the rope accordingly.

No. 1968229

File: 1713395892163.gif (658.93 KB, 300x224, 1000014046.gif)

>Loli panties and ass: The Anime
where are you people coming from

No. 1968317

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>implying that's what I like about it
Cool and strong female characters being turbo dykes is great. The military references are also nice.

No. 1970129

>Replies to the redlining nonna in a thankful manner
>Also posts her real reaction in another reply like the seething crab she is
ooh i'm laffin also am I getting déjà vu or did this happen before?

No. 1970789

At this point the whole discourse thread should be posted as cringe. The mental gymnastics of these woman hating pickmes sperging about women who don't hate themselves and all female characters and how only men like women and if you don't hate women you must be a tranny is insande. The bullying is 100% justified. The seething over the fujo to ftm pipeline is also pretty funny.

No. 1971150

What annoys me are the ones who keep bringing up how moids do similar coomy behaviour as if that’s something an excuse. Why the hell would you compare yourself to a scrote? It shouldn’t even be needed to say that their behaviour isn’t good either (it’s worse of course), that’s why it’s so jarring to see fujocoomers use the same retarded arguments as them.

No. 1971316

While there were already fujos on the site, the recent ones feel like they're from twitter where their usual shota/incest content is laughed at or mocked by the majority over there. You can tell by their reaction pictures and lingo. Here, they're free to post their cringe, and they use the fujo vs. anti-fujo discourse as a way to defend their scrote-adjacent tastes so they don't clog the normal fujo thread. Don't take it to heart, the only thing "meaningful" they'll contribute is a 1000 word pedo fanfic with 5 kudos on ao3

No. 1971912

>sperging about women who don't hate themselves and all female characters and how only men like women
This is so fucking mind boggling to me, specially when they claim to be lesbians but always find an excuse to hate female characters and unironically think only moid characters can be "cool" or whatever is their cope.

No. 1972083

I think nothing is wrong with yaoi, but the culture around it and seeing how fujos treat women who aren't into gay shit has turned me off of it. Similarly to some anons ITT, I feel like I was groomed into it in the first place, but not by a specific person, rather the culture of female fandom. When I was younger I was always into het content, but it switched when I saw how popular m/m was in comparison in fanfiction circles. As a young girl, it made me feel like to fit in I had to be into m/m too. They acted like every girl into het was cringe and m/m was cooler and edgier, not just because it was supposedly sexier, but because of the added taboo of homosexuality. Of course, these same people always said f/f was "disgusting" or "for men". I want to apologize to the women I thought I was superior to for liking m/m as opposed to m/f, thinking that it made me different or edgier.

No. 1972086

Peer pressure is not grooming. This is a retarded TiM-tier argument.

No. 1972087

The superiority complex a lot of the fujos have on this website and others is strange to me. For some reason they act as if the things they apply to yumes and het shippers (being cringe, entitled, etc.) can't be applied to them. All I know is walk up to any random person on the street and tell them one of your hobbies as a straight woman is reading two men getting fucked and they'll point you to the nearest psychologist. The truth is everyone is a weirdo, I'm just tired of them acting like they aren't a part of it.

No. 1972121

Found this on /snow/. Shotacon incest fujo: >>>/snow/1987188

No. 1972126

Try explaining the phrase "shotacon incest fujo" to a plain-jane normalfag. I dare you.

No. 1972128

Stop being so arrogant, you're on lolcow too.

No. 1972129

okay okay you caught me, I surrender.

No. 1972241

Oh I follow her a bit, honestly I don't have an issue with her fujo stuff (though her taste in ships is pretty cringy and outdated) but her personality is fairly shitty (with her being a typical pick me who hates feminism and the word lesbian for no apparent reason), despite that I'm happy she seems to be doing better (from her tone of voice alone you can tell she's calmer) since she attempted suicide a few months ago.

The furfag fakeboi in the video honestly seems far far far more obnoxious than her, I don't even get how you get obsessed with a fanfic about Pinkie pie killing people.

No. 1972277

I think the thread is basically containment for the few fujos that constantly infight and derailed the fandom thread. 'discourse' and 'anti' as in antishipper is embarrassing to read on lc. It's twitter/tumblrfag language we've never used here. I assume they're underage newfags who were too un-pc for twitter/tumblr fandom spaces. It wasn't like this before.

No. 1972804

File: 1713647824404.png (269.43 KB, 1080x863, embarrassing.png)

No. 1972813

File: 1713648134004.jpg (58.57 KB, 1125x1083, 1697575737722.jpg)

>jealous of a fictional man hooking up with a fictional woman
what? Just imagine an alternate universe where your husbando specifically hooks up with YOU, nigga! Just use the clone-theory that yumes use, my nonette! Oh my god KEKK I don't hate fujos, but that anon has so much to learn.

No. 1972817

Fujos like this do exist and tbese are the types of fujos who seethe at josei/shoujo, yuri or female characters.
The problem here is when you try to pass of this is all veing fujos when yaoi has become a popular genre and the majority of fujos do not share these sentiments, many fujos do read other genres such as hetero or yuri, cherrypicking is wrong, yes there are fujos like that with seething hatred for women but you are cherrypicking since a majority of them are just normie readers.

No. 1972820

At least she's honest. This is pretty much always the real reason, from what I've seen.

No. 1972830

You are actually braindead. Please look up the terminology for the word addict before you utter shit.
This thread has always been infested with moids and turboautist pickmes.
You are a man.(infighting/scrotefoiling)

No. 1973013

File: 1713662351388.jpg (179.27 KB, 1000x1419, 1475737904808.jpg)

>You are a man.
I'm a woman with a lesbian fetish. This is why I hate fujos and yumes, they refuse to admit the superiority of yuri and they shit on female characters.

No. 1973015

File: 1713662461204.jpg (125.54 KB, 1080x1059, 838f84ee9bb524707c8daca4fedd5c…)

>lesbian fetish

No. 1973017

Wait, what sexuality are you?

No. 1973024

File: 1713662787696.png (3.09 MB, 1500x1165, 1512868282457.png)

I'm heterosexual. Why?

No. 1973030

fujo detected

No. 1973033

Okay I'm going to ask probably the dumbest question you've heard, but how does that work? So you're attracted to men, but you like lesbian characters kissing/fucking? Is it for the art, or are you actually "into" it?

No. 1973037

hey clearly larping lesbian fujo anon, what is this weird logic that to be a lesbian you have to be into yaoi or that mostly straight girls are into yuri? tif4tif cosplay prison gay doesn't count as lesbianism btw

No. 1973040

File: 1713663260075.jpg (585.35 KB, 1280x1707, 1000014094.jpg)

>the superiority of yuri
>out of all yuri examples to post, uses strike witches of all things (a series known for loli fanservice)

No. 1973041

But aren't you the anon always talking about how there needs to be a boy version of Strike Witches/GuP? When are you a lesbian

No. 1973050

File: 1713663950420.jpg (134.84 KB, 640x800, 1480005924961.jpg)

How can I be a fujo if I hate yaoi and male characters.

Lesbians are cute and hot. What's not to like? I think everyone can appreciate lesbians regardless of sexuality and this is why fujos are broken to me.

You seem like a schizo and I didn't understand anything of what you said.

At least I don't watch these shows for the "loli", unlike fujos that constantly coom at shotashit.

God fuck no, I wish anime males didn't exist at all. They are blight.

No. 1973052

99% of yuri is loli fanservice tbh. Even Utena is 14.

No. 1973056

are fujos really this pathetic that they have to come in this thread to larp kek

No. 1973057

you are the first person on earth to call utena a loli

No. 1973059

She's canonically 14.

No. 1973062

File: 1713664245706.jpeg (39.85 KB, 450x254, 005.jpeg)

>At least I don't watch these shows for the "loli",
As if that show has anything else besides that…

No. 1973063

>Even Utena is 14.
She's not a loli though. That's a teenager

No. 1973064

Underage =/= loli

No. 1973067

File: 1713664350035.png (349.48 KB, 722x946, Lum.png)

I remember reading somewhere that Lum was originally considered to be a loli.

No. 1973068

You are obviously a larping/false-flagging fujo. Get out.

No. 1973074

the director gropped teenage girls, so its clearly she's underage because it turns him on and not for innocent plot reasons

No. 1973078

File: 1713664642070.jpg (370.22 KB, 1345x1080, intricate farming.jpg)

ok this is the funniest troll. this feels like farmers creating intricate rituals to argue with each other just to do it all again tomorrow.

No. 1973079

That still doesn't make her a loli. She's just underage

No. 1973080

Yeah. It's too ridiculous to believe. I assume they're mocking that original lesbian anon that posted here and in the g thread about liking yuri and thinking lesbian fujos were polilez. She called herself a lesbian, not heterosexual.

No. 1973081

she's still pedobait from a director who has a fetish for teenage lesbians

No. 1973082

That part is true.

No. 1973084

File: 1713665065549.png (448.21 KB, 529x1024, shotaro.png)

Is Jotaro a shota?

No. 1973086

File: 1713665176016.jpg (281.43 KB, 800x961, 1474900453126.jpg)

Wait what, you actually think I'm a fujo? I can post my yuri manga shelf and Steam yuri games if any of you unironically doubt.

It has cool girls and lesbians, and I also like the military theme so of course I like it.

No. 1973087

he's clearly not meant to be fapbait for the author, so no

No. 1973088

Ntayrt but its funnier if somebody says yes.
He's just a quiet and innocent young lad.

No. 1973090

this is my first time ITT but i don't believe you are either fujo or himejo. post manga shelf with feminine hand showing and steam screens right nao.

No. 1973096

File: 1713667107597.png (18.58 MB, 5428x2366, dadasd.png)

There you go

No. 1973097

oh wow, you even know about Kyoshi being in a relationship with a woman in her story.

No. 1973099

I'm a huge yuri fan, how would I not.

No. 1973100

opinions on girls und panzer? or is it not yuribaity enough

No. 1973101

so are you sure you aren't like… bi or anything?

No. 1973103

>G Witch
post hand

No. 1973104

if she was a lesbian i would respect her but she's like female kikomi, so it's cringe and lame

No. 1973106

File: 1713667592765.jpg (433.45 KB, 1046x1910, 1515206032550.jpg)

I made a post about it in the /g/ waifufag thread a couple days ago. You can check that out.

>can doubt the sexuality of a """"""""heterosexual"""""""""" yurifag but cannot doubt the sexuality a """"""""""""""""lesbian""""""""""""""""""" fujo
Hmmm funny how that works huh.

No. 1973107

Kikomi is female lol

No. 1973108

my bad i forgot. Then she is LITERALLY kikomi. Hilarious, especially since she has the Intel core box alongside her animu coom figs, just like troons do.

No. 1973110

i doubt both. if you really are a woman (and i doubt it), you're at least in denial, and most fujos are straight women who went prison gay after getting on testosterone and detransing. hope that helps.(infighting)

No. 1973111

I'm just saying if you're a woman who has a "fetish" for lesbians, that means you're attracted to women which makes you gay

No. 1973113

Yeah should have bought AMD smh

No. 1973117

So I'm the anon who asked you about your sexuality and I'm still curious about it; so when you say that yuri is hot, you mean that you feel sexual arousal? Or "hot" in a way that's more like staring at a nice statue?

No. 1973120

File: 1713668271433.png (14.81 MB, 4000x3000, asdasd.png)

For the record I fucking hate how honbians like G-Witch.

Okay I will just tell the truth. This anon >>1973080 is sort of right, I'm actually the poster who mocked """""lesbian"""""" fujos in /g/. I'm a lesbian. Of course I'm attracted to women. It's ridiculous how fujos can get away with calling themselves lesbians despite being so obsessed with gay men. I was actually just curious how people here would react to the opposite, ie a himejoshi claiming to be totally not homo. This whole website coddles the retarded fujo """""""lesbians"""""""" but surprisingly enough becomes rational when presented with the opposite.

I pledge alliance to Israel. I will give my money to Intel so they can continue genociding m*dslimes.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1973122

Oh wow, you actually did a hand pic.

No. 1973126

I was almost about to call you based but
>I pledge alliance to Israel.
You're cringe unfortunately

No. 1973127

It's really giving tranny(it's giving scrotefoiling + newfaggotry)

No. 1973129

Has this larp really escalated to you posting your hand to own the enemy?

No. 1973130

How do you all manage to be so schizophrenic.

No. 1973132

>I'm a lesbian.
well you're definitely attracted to women, let's just say that

No. 1973133

File: 1713668678715.jpg (120.09 KB, 719x720, 1364361525335.jpg)

Am I really.

No. 1973145

Yes. Also I momentarily forgot that you're a lolifag, so I must retract the previous "almost based" as well. Gomen.

No. 1973151

File: 1713669208060.jpg (102.32 KB, 500x500, 1497765308049.jpg)

Seethe and cope. Oneloli is life.

No. 1973154

okay I'm obsessed with you kek. how did you like the flowers ganes? i only played printemps. i thought about buying the rest. how does the story develop over the series? is it satisfying?

No. 1973190

No. 1973192

I think Suoh and Mayuri get overshadowed by the other pairings. Erika/Chidori and Neri/Yuzuriha are just so much better, so ete and automne are definitely worth playing. I actually haven't player hiver because I don't think the main pairing is as interesting anymore lol.

No. 1973219

File: 1713671396217.jpg (42.42 KB, 512x462, 6144fad8ce302a76ec18ee4c_512_4…)

interesting and good to know, i was hoping erika's story would deliver. thank you for this.

No. 1973226


>im a straight woman with a lesbian fetish

>most yuri shows you know is weird pedo-shit
> i was just jooking guys im actuaaaally a lesbian
>self admitted lolifag
>oneeloli is life
>posts weird meme that looks like it belong on pol.

Ok this is very obviously either a demented xy defect baiting or a sad pathetic excuse of a pickme who is suffering from terminal brainrot.
You can call it autopedophilia or general pedophilia but lets not call this attraction to women.

Eitherway i think this autistic attention seeking personalityfag has derailed this thread enough.

No. 1973232

It's a tranny or severely mentally ill woman who is likely into both shota and loli yet feels defensive of fujos because some of them like shota which they want to defend. This means their enemy is "antis" of both shota and loli which is why they've chosen this thread to sperg in and act like antis are somehow lolifags or some shit and are thus ""hypocrites"". Extremely immature and transparent

No. 1973235

If you didnt generalize fujos based on a few bad apples then fujos wouldn't generalize your side based on schizos like paki-chan, paladin boo and now irl kikomi tranny hands.

No. 1973237

Did you read their brainrotting text, nowhere did they defend fujos, i get it you hate fujos but please use your brain. This is one of your people aka the anti-fujo spergs.

But i do agree with you that this might be a tranny.
2 years ago someone like them would have gotten perma banned from this site by now meanwhile now its the anons who call a spade a spade getting banned.

No. 1973241

I just hope those replies to the tranny-pedophile was just them samefagging and not actual anons being friendly to them because how do you see someone admit to being a pedo and then be like "ohmmge girl im so obssesed with u whats your favorite game"….like what the fuck. Things aren't looking so good for anti-fujos. I just hope they're samefagging

No. 1973243

>a few bad apples
This is not a bad apple, this is a fujo obviously trying to smear "antis" as lolifags and racists, screenshotting it and posting it seconds later to the infight thread saying "wow look at how bigoted those racist lolifag anti-fujos are! This is PROOF they're JUST AS BAD!"
>nowhere did they defend fujos
The point was for them was to larp as a racist anti-fujo lolifag and try to conflate the two

No. 1973249

>This is not a bad apple, this is a fujo obviously trying to smear "antis" as lolifags and racists, screenshotting it and posting it seconds later to the infight thread saying "wow look at how bigoted those racist lolifag anti-fujos are! This is PROOF they're JUST AS BAD!"
its not the first schizo on your side on this site.

No. 1973252

I feel like you are too naive. Because number 1 trannys raid this board all the time so that might have been a tranny, number 2 there is a small minority of women whose brains get too rotted after spending too much time online and in male weeb spaces that they develop auto-pedophilia. Most of those women are imegeboard posters so not that surprised to see one of those freaks here too (although most of them spend time on male imageboard).
I can even give you a famous example of a woman like that such as Grimes.
You say they are larping but i don't think that's the case, i just think you rightfully so feel grossed out be having a degenerate piece of shit like that agree with you so you try to blame it on fujos like you people always do even though fujos have nothing to do with this

No. 1973258

Okay fujosisters, whatever you say. I guess the straight "lesbian fetishist" "death to all mudslimes" lolifag manhater totally wasn't a larper trying to make "antis" look bad after all then. You insult the intelligence of everyone on this site including fellow fujos when you larp incredibly cartoonish strawmen like that

No. 1973260

is pakichan also an strawman psyop by the fujos? lol

No. 1973262

Probably someone trying to encourage personality fags

No. 1973267

I just told you that i have seen actual examples of women (or trannys) like that and that it might not be a larp and you got defensive and snarky.
Also this is not the first time i have seen weird suspicious pictures/stories be posted in this thread before its just this is the first time one of them got called out for the content in their picture which lead to this whole derail.
At this point you deserve people like that on your side such as pakichan or tranny-pedo because you behave like nutcase narc cultists who blame everyone but themselves.

No. 1973268

It's bait, but just the baiting fujo from the discourse thread. They posted to try and own the antis or whatever.

No. 1973269

Ok conspiracy theorist. Funny thing is they were having multiple anons talk friendly with them in this thread despite them being a lolifag before i >>1973226 called it out which just goes to show how you are hypocrites with fake morals.

No. 1973270

I mean they have pakitard on their side, i don't know why they are surprised. Pakichan also posted her fat ugly hand in the first fujo cringe thread >>1146823

No. 1973271

Okay anon, post links to anything as blatantly retarded as anything like that in the thread please that isn't a baiter who was banned. It's obviously some retard baiting to be like 'see, they're the real degenerates, not me!'.
They couldn't even post the whole word to complete the larp, they had to censor it kek.

No. 1973274

Why do i get the feeling that if pakichan was new you would do that same thing to her and claim that is a fake larper.
You are deflecting the people who share your sentiments onto other communities and people and that is borderline pathetic.

No. 1973276

Don't treat anons like they're dumb enough to fall for this. C'mon anon.

No. 1973277

No. 1973280

Do you believe this >>1970888 ?

No. 1973281

Oh i think you should be the last person to talk to me about falling for something dumb considering how multiple anti-fujo anons replied to that pedo like they want to be best friends with her (with only 2 anons finding her weird) but now that she makes you retards look worse (which i thought was impossible) now you are pretending like its a fujo as if there werent multiple anons being friendly with her before that, cut the crap.

No. 1973282

pakichan is nothing like this retard, she's consistent. this pathetic one-time fujo larp was obvious bait by an obviously assblasted fujo, and i hope whichever fujochan bastard shotafag/lolifag hybrid user did it gets the help they need

No. 1973283

Kek you know that they believe that because they believe anything that fits their autistic anti-fujo agenda no matter how utter bs it is.

No. 1973286

go back manhands

No. 1973287

>pakichan is nothing like this retard
they both posted hands, and kikomi chan also posted her loli yuri collection. I love how all of you are ignoring her yurishit collection which no fujo would own.

No. 1973288

Farmhands tasukete…they're going to keep tinfoiling until the end of the world if you guys don't clear this up

No. 1973289

Use your brain moron, i said if pakichan was a new poster and not a already consistent oldfag. Anti-fujo spergs never beating the retard allegations.
Also imagine defending pakichan as if she is not a pedo either when she posted actual you-know-what-content on this site once and got banned for it.
Yes there are anons who still haven't forgotten about that and how she tried to defend herself for posting that.

No. 1973291

Im not that anon dipshit, i hope you get banned for anonfoiling.

No. 1973292

>when she posted actual you-know-what-content on this site once and got banned for it.
holy shit, i completly forgot about this. Yeah, it was in one of the dumbass threads i think? she's disgusting.

No. 1973297

>I love how all of you are ignoring her yurishit collection which no fujo would own.
that fujo was defending shotafags. shota/loli consumers are often fans of both. again, like i said, clearly a mentally ill person, maybe even a scrote
>i hope you get banned for anonfoiling.
i'm sure you do, since this entire larp attempt depended on (fellow) fujos being dumb enough to buy it. i don't think you are, i just think you're desperate enough to own le antis that you'll take whatever you can get

No. 1973298

You are actually starting to sound schizophrenic but its not surprising considering your own anti-fujo leader pakichan is a schizo sperg. You all kind of start sounding like her after some time almost like you are sharing the same collective mental illness

No. 1973300

>anti-fujo leader pakichan
This is mental illness. You are on lolcow.

No. 1973301

She didn't defend shotacon, she called all fujos shotacons >>1973050
>At least I don't watch these shows for the "loli", unlike fujos that constantly coom at shotashit.
stop trying to rewrite something to fit your narrative.

No. 1973302

it's "schizophrenic" to recognize a larp kek? please. you're not winning the hecking lolcow culture war by defending the most obvious bait ever

No. 1973303

Possibly the greatest delivery of fujo cringe ever.

No. 1973304

Lol who do you think started the fujo threads and who do you think makes up the majority of the posts here? You can try using your braincells or maybe borrow one from pakichan who seems to like boyxmommy incest, gross.

No. 1973307

Anon they are schizophrenic, we are watching a real life example of a person hallucinating and trying to rewrite reality. Maybe soon they will say that yuri-pedo was also one of those fujos who groped them at a convention.

No. 1973308

you're really fucking slow, so let me explain this slowly. this person was likely a shotacon/lolicon hybrid angry at the anti-shota sentiment on lolcow. they were larping in this thread as an "anti" who was also a lolicon and a racist so that they could claim anti-fujos were lolis and racists and thus hypocrites and post it in the other thread so their fellow fujos could see it and seal clap. at first they also claimed to be a heterosexual "lesbian fetishist" but then walked that back too.

No. 1973311

>writing fanfiction with 0 proof instead of accepting that another one of your own is disgusting
my fucking sides.

No. 1973315

>>writing fanfiction
scroll up. they weren't even trying with the 'man hater' thing lmao, but then they had to add the israel shit on top of it to make it obvious. written like a brainmelted, fanfic-writing defensive fujo with too much time on her hands

No. 1973316

she has too much yurishit knowledge to be a ''fujo''

No. 1973317

>his person was likely a shotacon/lolicon hybrid angry at the anti-shota sentiment on lolcow
pedo bisexuals are into shota and loli, yuri and yaoi. the gender doesn't matter. they are like the ultimate anti-anti, so it makes sense they would target this thread

No. 1973321

you are trying so hard to pin this on fujos but this anon is a legit schizo who's known in the lesbian thread because she spergs about fujos constantly.

No. 1973326

that's not the same person. also what's with the desperation to paint anti-fujos as lolifag lesbians?

No. 1973327

>that's not the same person.
she admitted it was her >>1973120
>I'm actually the poster who mocked """""lesbian"""""" fujos in /g/.

No. 1973328

It's why they can't link to anything like this post larp attempt kek.

No. 1973329

you're assuming they aren't lying, which given the fact that it's a larp i doubt. my guess is that the fujosister who wrote that didn't like the lesbian anti-fujos talking about it in lesbian general, so now they're trying to paint them as pedo lolifags and racists to get them to shut up about the fact that lesbians being attracted solely to depictions of men is weird

No. 1973331

The lolifag might be the 4chan girl from the lesbian thread >>>/g/363983

No. 1973332

This is the lesbian yurifag who wants to rape fujos btw, they have been at it for months
vocaroo she posted

Least schizophrenic antifujo btw.

No. 1973333

Wow. I don't know if she has autism, a personality disorder, or what, but that anon is pretty freaky. And it's really not even a moid? Wow.

No. 1973334

It's what years and years of 4chan do to the brain

No. 1973335

still seems like a long game troll to me. so it is a mentally ill woman, like i suspected
>Least schizophrenic antifujo btw.
no matter what that retard said or did, fujos still can't be lesbians, and "anti-fujos" will still never be a thing to anyone but terminally online tumblr fujoschizos, i'm sorry sis

No. 1973336

>I know this is the retard scrote baiting but for future reference, all the female yurifags that I personally know are straight women as are most yuri mangakas. I don't know a single lesbian woman into yuri
in her defense, i think i would go a little insane if i heard stuff like this from "fellow lesbians" 24/7 too. thank god i don't hang out in the "lesbian" general on this site

No. 1973338

Hilarious how antifujos stick to their own and defend them even after they come out as pedophiles who want to ''rape correct'' women they dislike >>>/g/363960

No. 1973340

Lol the fact that you are on waking back on it and backpedaling after infighting with anons for hours by saying it was a fujo and now that you are shown proof you are pulling the "we can't be defined as anti-fujos" card, you are such a sore loser.
Anti-fujo spergs being freaks and not wanting to take accountability once again.

No. 1973342

they are also defending the pedo too.

No. 1973343

Yes i noticed how they became softer towards them here >>1973336 once they realised that freak was actually one of their own.

No. 1973344

i didn't say i defended that at all lmao. pedoshit, loli and shota all disgust me, as does that person's racism and rape fantasies. i'm defending her stupid vocaroo she posted in response to that "fujo lesbian" anon, and her general spiral into insanity
i'm not walking back on anything dumbfuck. this is a stupid website culture war, nobody knows or cares who people like "lesbian general yurischizo" or "pakichan" are, i don't give a shit.
>Anti-fujo spergs being freaks and not wanting to take accountability
it's the fact that you think "anti-fujo" is even a community that's hilarious and makes everyone point and laugh at you
where? making things up yet again

No. 1973346

A sore loser with no actual morals that's what they are.

No. 1973347

Sorry no one believed the larp anon.

No. 1973348

ok, now go jack off to your shotashit you paragon of morality

No. 1973351

i love how antifujos are always projecting yet two of their own, pakichan and now yurifag tranny hands, got outed as pedos.

No. 1973352

You are now hyperfocusing on the anti-fujo label because you have nothing intelligent to say after you have been shown proof that the yuri-pedo was real meaning that your schizo ramblings were all false. So now you are trying to reach for whatever you can and are scrambling.

No. 1973354

Stop projecting on me you fucking freak.

No. 1973360

>antifujos are always projecting yet two of their own, pakichan and now yurifag tranny hands, got outed as pedos.
shotafag fujos are too ubiquitous on lc to be given individual names and have their personalites pointed out. it's sad that lesbians on a niche site are the ones who get singled out by an army of equally mentally ill straight women
you are now trying to copy and paste this post through google translate
>NO U!!!!
i don't need to project anything. just go back to your fujo threads and see it

No. 1973362

The theory that anti-fujos spergs have never watched any yaoi in their life or haven't taken a look at any recent/modern ones is so true.
Shota is incredibly rare in recent BL and especially manhwas, i read manhwas and everybody are adults there so i dont know why anti-fujo spergs keep projecting their own sickness on others.

No. 1973366

go cry on tumblr about it faggot

No. 1973369

Even back in the day it was rare. The most popular yaoi were always about grown men. Even school boys are fairly rare in yaoi, meanwhile in yurishit they are the default.

No. 1973370

You always have some excuse, what happened to all those posts you made accusing yuri-pedo of being a fujo and accusing every anon of being a larper. You were so high and mighty while doing that too. But not so high and mighty now??
Also i don't think you even realize how ironic it is that you are saying that anti-fujos shouldn't be generalized because of some people meanwhile you are generalizing all of fujos.

No. 1973373

This is such a 2014 insult that i can't even be mad at it. It really shows that you are developmentally behind.

No. 1973374

>school boys are rare
You know that's not true. But it's the default in het, Yuri, and BL so not like it matters much in the end

No. 1973377

I havent watched yaoi since the 2010s but back then it was all grown men in suits. Idk if it changed.

No. 1973378

>something you would hear a moid say during gamergate 2014
Where did you even come from?

No. 1973381

i'm not even sure that it's the same person and i still have an inkling that the anon in this thread was a baiting larper. that vocaroo the anon posted supposedly by "her" was legit harmless, i listened all the way through. there was no rape or racist or manhating shit in it. if anything, that anon is tinfoiling that it's the same person. if it WAS the same person as the anon who posted in this thread, which i don't think it is, i hope she gets help because learning she's a lesbian who had to deal with "fujo lesbian" gaslighting actually does make me more sympathetic towards her

No. 1973384

True but we need to be more specific when we say school because you know the anti-fujo schizos will take that out of context when most of them are high school stories about seniors or sophmores falling in love.

No. 1973385

Barely any gets animated at all anime has never been a good way to gauge BL trends. High school is less common now than it was back then but it's not rare by any measure. It's basically the default setting in all of Japanese media

No. 1973392

>there was no rape or racist or manhating shit in it
here >>>/g/363960 she also recommended lolishit >>>/g/364750

No. 1973394

All i got from this post is that you are still doubling down and saying that if it's real then you have sympathy for her despite her being a pedo. Wow anti-fujos really keep revealing themselves as being bastards who don't care about morality as long as that person shares the same opinion as them. You would have sympathy for her because of fujis gaslighting her….are you fucking kidding me she is a racist pedo and it sounds like you would be okay with that as long as she is a anti-fujo sperg. Anti-fujos have really revealed their face tonight. Also kek at you still trying to deny it even though its obviously her.

No. 1973397

I wonder what intelligent comeback they will stew up for this one.

No. 1973398

>you have sympathy for her despite her being a pedo.
>are you fucking kidding me she is a racist pedo
you are a dumbfuck who can't read
>i didn't say i defended that at all lmao. pedoshit, loli and shota all disgust me, as does that person's racism and rape fantasies. i'm defending her stupid vocaroo she posted in response to that "fujo lesbian" anon, and her general spiral into insanity >>1973344
yeah i've seen my fair share of corrective bislut rape in the lesbian threads on this site, let's just say it isn't unique or specific to her. still disgusting though, if that really is her. still not sure if it's the same person who posted in this thread tonight though, also kinda weird how anons remember posts from 4 months ago and have them on deck too
take your italics and attitude back to tumblr, fatass

No. 1973400

she also recommended morinaga milk too, who's also another yuri pedo

No. 1973405

>yuri pedo
hmm will the lc fujos attempt to paint yuri fans as uniquely pedophiles unlike pure wholesome cinnamon roll yaoi fans? next on lolcow. also btw, i'm not a yurifag and neither are most people in these anti-fujo threads so this entire conversation completely rolls by me. all you're doing is really alienating women into yuri and turning the site into fujochan 2.0 which did allow shota until last year and there was a huge spergout by the mostly lolcow userbase when it was taken away

No. 1973406

No you are a dumbfuck who either doesn't know how to properly express their thoughts or are braindead. And those posts of yours you linked are not any better considering one of them is a reply to a another anon where you were also trying to prove that you were totaaally not defending the yuri-pedo anyi-fujo sperg.

No. 1973408

>hmm will the lc fujos attempt to paint yuri fans as uniquely pedophiles unlike pure wholesome cinnamon roll yaoi fans? next on lolcow
just because you guys are incapable of critcizing a person without generalizing an entire group of people doesn't mean we do the same. As always, you fags continue to project.

No. 1973410

I'd say it's sorta easier to find college student/working romance in bl, but it's more like 40/60 deal rather than the super majority.

No. 1973411

Please activate your ape brain and use those neurons, we know nothing about this anon except for the fact that she is anti-fujo who likes yuri and is a pedo so of course she will be called yuri pedo. It has nothing to do with other yuri-fans. Anti-fujo spergs cannot stop projecting, we are not like you where we would catagorize a whole group of readers.

No. 1973412

>hmm will the lc fujos attempt to paint yuri fans as uniquely pedophiles unlike pure wholesome cinnamon roll yaoi fans?
says the one who were spouting that fujos are out abusing children to be their little ukes, why cant it be said for you too? why do like little girls so much you pedo? you understand why painting a whole fandom as being "pedophiles" hurts everyone where the majority are depicted as adults? we know not every himefag or fujo is a pedo but making up stories to benefit your own agenda favors no one dont cry when that same sentiment comes at you

No. 1973413

They just started shitting on yuri because it was pointed out that they're trying to pretend to be the g anon >>1973080 When no one took the bait >>1973080 >>1973068 >>1973056 >>1973037 >>1973030 they pivoted kek >>1973120 They're sure the doubling down will work.

No. 1973415

>still continung the schizo conspiracy theory of it totes being le evil boogeyman fujo despite evidence leaning towards it being one of your own.

Yawn this is getting boring , youve been going at it for hours, cheers to any fujo anons still here but i will have to peace out.

No. 1973417

seeyu nonnie have a good one. also kek at the backtracking antis are doing

No. 1973418

you said "another yuri pedo" lmao
"another yuri pedo" comes with connotations i wouldn't expect you to understand
i haven't defended yuri or loli at all, so i have no idea where this projecting rant comes from. i even said that i'm not a yurifag or lolifag

No. 1973423

>you said "another yuri pedo" lmao
i was talking about the mangaka, morinaga milk, who's a yuri loli author, so yes, a yuri pedo.

No. 1973424

it's pathetic. i'm not even into yuri nor did i ever defend it lol. in fact it's mostly just lesbians into yuri. what a shame
fuck off to shotachan i mean fujochan and don't come back

No. 1973426

>continues to project
lmao, this thread is hilarious. Antifujos are so fucking insane.(derailing/infighting)

No. 1973427

>no argument or even comeback
ok. pro tip: if you're embarassed by your own community so bad, stop trying to project that onto other people. terms like "anti-fujo" show a fundamental disconnect with the real world and how others perceive you

No. 1973428

File: 1713682034196.jpg (87.06 KB, 951x972, 2e81b56a7e641cdeb68758990ae0b9…)

No. 1973429

ok, great

No. 1973430

> in fact it's mostly just lesbians into yuri
>lesbian fetish
sure retard.fuck off to lolichan i mean 4chan and dont come back

No. 1973432

>fuck off to lolichan i mean 4chan and dont come back
>i'm not even into yuri nor did i ever defend it lol.
>i haven't defended yuri or loli at all
literally the sentence before. also i really suspect something fishy with this larp, it's not convincing that that's the same one who posted the harmless vocaroo and "bislut" soft corrective rape fantasy which is, no offense, pretty unfortunately common of the lesbians on lolcow and no way comparable to the israel "death to mudslimes, death to all men" autism thing that happened in this thread tonight

No. 1973433


No. 1973434

she's a known schizo on the lesbian thread but you can keep coping

No. 1973435

Its 2024 its no just a moid thing anymore, get out of your 2014 anti-tumblr/fujo/women lolī goon cave and you will see normies using it too.

No. 1973436

>bislut" soft corrective rape fantasy which is, no offense, pretty unfortunately common of the lesbians on lolcow
atleast write better bait troon

No. 1973439

Lmao that one caught me off-guard too when i read that. How is being offensive more worse than rape i mean both are bad but damn anon's priorities and generalization of lesbians are messed up. Looks like that anti-fujo is close to spouting lesbophobia.

No. 1973443

i'm sure "lesbian fujos" were looking for an opportunity to use those posts for something at least
ok, everyone who isn't a fujo is a troon, whatever
i think lesbophobia is probably targeting an entire genre of lesbian works as "for straight women" more than pointing out an unfortunate trend on a site for mentally ill women
also if you're a fujo i don't think you get to make that call. only lesbians do

No. 1973448

> Looks like that anti-fujo is close to spouting lesbophobia.
because they are. extremely misogynistic too if it isnt clear by their pickmeism categorizing lesbians into rapists and pedos there was also another antifujo who said fujos harm women more then men so its clear what they are..handmaidens.

No. 1973451

You were trying to generalize lolcow lesbians as being creepy rape fantasizers and say it's common just so you could defend that one yuri anti-fujo. Thats obviously not true considering how majority of lesbian anons talk about how they are not even attracted to bisexuals and that they avoid them, you tried to throw all lc lesbians under the bus just so you could defend one weird anti-fujo lesbian.
Also before you deny it by saying thats not what you said like you always do here is a quote from you.
>the same one who posted the harmless vocaroo and "bislut" soft corrective rape fantasy which is, no offense, pretty unfortunately common of the lesbians on lolcow

No. 1973452

>categorizing lesbians into rapists and pedos
sincerely, the person who brought you "another yuri pedo". and you implying that a "soft rape fantasy" (soft rape doesn't exist irl) would equal her actually raping a woman in real life is kinda you making out a large chunk of the lesbian general to be rapists from what i've read tbh
>fujos harm women more then men
they do. fujos bully women who aren't into fujoshit like they did to that woman in lesbian general and pretty much everywhere else on this site and everywhere else they congregate too. thinking fujos negatively affect men in any way is completely delusional and based in fantasy rather than reality

No. 1973453

>You were trying to generalize lolcow lesbians as being creepy rape fantasizers
lolcow women are disproportionally into fucked up shit and fantasies but that doesn't really reflect my view of the general population. i've seen some terrible shit in the lesbian generals said about women, and "soft corrective rape fantasy" to "cure" a "bislut" (commonly used term in lesgen) of her attraction to men is not even the worst i've seen. you're trying to clutch your pearls and moralfag your way out of this but it isn't going to work if you're honest

No. 1973454

Rape is still rape you braindead moron. When they said another yuri pedo they were talking about a mangaka artist did your mind just fly over that.
At this point fujos are doing chaity work by having debates with the mentally disabled of this thread.

No. 1973455

>being this dense on purpose
oh to be a fujo
>At this point fujos are doing chaity work by having debates with the mentally disabled of this thread.
then why do you STAY in this thread? why don't you ever get the fuck out?

No. 1973457

>lolcow women are disproportionally into fucked up shit and fantasies but that doesn't really reflect my view of the general population.
excepts when its fujos lol

No. 1973458

fujos are not a normal part of the general population, lesbians are, is the thing. there are normie lesbians, there are no normie fujos. don't compare yourself lol

No. 1973459

Because you spread lies and generalizations in this thread. Or do you just expect people to not say anything when you are writing fanfics accusing them of serious things meanwhile your own anti-fujos are either nutcases or pedos which shows it's all projection from your side.

No. 1973460

Normie fujos are absolutely a thing, who else do you think reads coffeeshop shit and shoujo mag BL?

No. 1973463

>makes an exception for a yuripedo into rape correction fantasies
>but fujos are too much
lol. I hope you treat women into het shit the same, but we know you don't.

No. 1973464

>soft rape doesn't exist irl
if youre an actual woman and wrote this youre beyond hope
>>they do. fujos bully women who aren't into fujoshit like they did to that woman in lesbian general and pretty much everywhere else on this site and everywhere else they congregate too. thinking fujos negatively affect men in any way is completely delusional and based in fantasy rather than reality
fujos arent out there hunting women down to be fujos with them we dont fucking care if you like us or not ,you know why fujos "attacked" you because
>accuse us of being pedos abusing little children
>transition because we want to be ukes totally
>the moid drawn like a moid and which behaves like moid is actually a pseudo woman and you are watching a woman
>you liken agp moids to irl yaoi
>you fujos are worse than actual agps who literally think of killing women and wearing their skin
>you all are pornrotted brains and are on par with coombrained moids
>dont call fags faggots!! that is offensive!! but let them call you fish,holes,and cum dumps sure those gaymoids deserve our respect!!
seriously now? why are you acting like anyone is forcing you to interact with us? seems like youre just jealous women having fun without the presence of moids

No. 1973465

>then why do you STAY in this thread? why don't you ever get the fuck out?
stop spewing your shit into our thread we've seen you go and cry in meta because the ebil fujos made a new thread!!!! and theyre discussing in the fandom thread about fandom shit!! BAN THEM NOW NOW NOW!!

No. 1973466

>makes an exception for a yuripedo
uh no i didn't "make an exception" for a "yuripedo" lmao. i myself have said, time and time again (but you don't read) that i'm disgusted by her fantasy, her racism, and her investment in lolishit. the only reason you anons keep saying "B-BUT YOU'RE MAKING AN EXCEPTION FOR THIS RACIST SEXIST LESBOPHOBIC YURIPEDO LOLIFAG!!" is because a) you're desperate for that anon to be her because you're desperate to own the anti-fujos and b) because i said i feel sorry for her to have to deal with the schizophrenic fujoshis that inhabit the "lesbian general" thread
>this much projection and denseness in one post
take your fucking medication

No. 1973467

> because i said i feel sorry for her to have to deal with the schizophrenic fujoshis that inhabit the "lesbian general" thread
>uh no i didn't "make an exception" for a "yuripedo" lmao

No. 1973469

i haven't called for one person to get banned lol. meanwhile fujos:
> i hope you get banned for anonfoiling. >>1973291

No. 1973470

> because i said i feel sorry for her to have to deal with the schizophrenic fujoshis that inhabit the "lesbian general" thread
everyone in that thread hates her for shitting it up with her schizophrenia and calls her a moid. She posted the vocaroo because anons kept telling her she was a moid for acting like a 4chan scrote. You should be feeling sorry for the normal lesbians, not your pet yuripedo antifujo-chan.

No. 1973471

Also add to them saying
>soft rape doesn't exist irl
Also this is the first-time i hear that the lesbians in the lesbian thread are fujos, anon seems to be really talking out of thier ass.

Got tired of bitching about fujos so now they are moving on to harassing the anons in the lesbian thread?

No. 1973473

how is feeling sorry for someone while still condemning their actions (if that really is the same person) "making an exception"? do you know what that means? i have less sympathy for fujos than i do lesbians yes, but that doesn't mean i'm "making an exception for her"
reading the things they said to her, and about yuri in general, made me feel sorry for her. like this:
>I know this is the retard scrote baiting but for future reference, all the female yurifags that I personally know are straight women as are most yuri mangakas. I don't know a single lesbian woman into yuri
over half of the "lesbian general" are not lesbians, and they're definitely not normal
>Got tired of bitching about fujos so now they are moving on to harassing the anons in the lesbian thread?
please just go away you slow retard

No. 1973474

>Got tired of bitching about fujos so now they are moving on to harassing the anons in the lesbian thread?
i saw it coming a mile away considering how much they hate tifs(who for the majority are actually pitied here and encouraged to get better if someone confesses they are one) typical handmaidens throwing women under to get a scrap of moid attention

No. 1973475

>still feeling sorry for a yuripedo
how do you guys manage to have sympathy for a yuripedo but draw the line at women who like adult men fucking kek

No. 1973476

>over half of the "lesbian general" are not lesbians, and they're definitely not normal
kekkkk so theyre not true lesbians now huh? tell me whats a real lesbian like?(infighting/derailing)

No. 1973477

either you're a samefag, or you're all pussies who need to gang up because you can't handle a 1 on 1 convo without your gay backup ""community."" typical coward fujos. also i thought "yumes" were the truTIFs and "schizos!!" according to you
i have no sympathy for pedos, including shotachan/fujochan users of which i'm sure you are one, and projecting as always, but that poster was a lesbian being ganged up on by a bunch of larping straight women so yes it did make me feel sympathetic in comparison
if i had to guess, probably someone who doesn't get off to men fucking

i thought you losers were going to sleep, but you just can't help it. literally losing sleep addicted to this thread lol

No. 1973478

>i have no sympathy for pedos
>but that poster was a lesbian being ganged up on by a bunch of larping straight women so yes it did make me feel sympathetic in comparison
LMFAOOOO you do have sympathy for pedos.

No. 1973479

if this is the level of reading comprehension then i'm not surprised the argument has devolved this way

No. 1973480

>lesbians don't like yuri (because majority of it is made for male readers and made for their tastes instead of female readers)
>this proves they aren't real lesbians, ugh those evil fujos.
>wow that anti-fujo yuri-pedo anon who talked about rape is totally being oppressed by these gaslighting lesbian fujos


No. 1973482

you have been defending a pedo for hours lol

No. 1973484

go back to discord or wherever you came from where you don't have to fully read shit before you respond because everyone is just as braindead as you you fucking retard

No. 1973485

We are on a imageboard once you make a post then as many anons can reply to you as they want. Go back to whatever echo chamber you came from if you can't handle being "ganged up on" kek

No. 1973488

Weren't you previously being overwhelemed from anons relying to you…i dont think im the one who has to go.(infighting)

No. 1973490

uh no you go back, this isn't your thread dumbass. i can handle whatever because you're all dumb pussies, but you're still pussies whose arguments don't hold up to scrutiny so you need to gangpile and point and shame whoever's criticizing you at the moment

No. 1973491

nope, and if this is another fujo attempt to bully someone out of the thread/off the site, then sorry but no matter what schizo shit you pull there will always be people who dislike you here and you will continue to mald about it

No. 1973495

>pussies pussies pussies
You sound like a moid who just learned a new word.
Also imagine using pussy as a insult in lolcow of all places.

No. 1973499

>imagine using schizo as an insult on a site full of mentally ill people
so you admit you are mentally ill?

No. 1973500

Just report and ignore the baiter anon.

No. 1973504

One is based in truth considering the fabricating and warping of reality that anti-fujos have done to either attack fujos or to defend their own.
Meanwhile you going "pussies pussies" was literally you
getting overwhelmed from too many anons replying to you on a imageboard.

No. 1973510

>fabricating and warping of reality that anti-fujos have done
no such thing happened. it's a baseless insult. and no one got overwhelmed, sorry. i said you're pussies because you are in general, you move in groups and only suddenly pop in this thread when you know you'll be supported by 3 or 4 other anons at a time. that's pussy behavior, because your arguments have no substance and you rely on pure social shaming and brute force to try to get your fetishes accepted, which is why you're so widely hated outside of your insular masturbatory gooncave of a community

No. 1973511

why cant you use coward like a normal person? why do you gotta talk like a moid

No. 1973513

next you'll probably say saying "faggot" is talking like a moid and then call someone "schizo" in the same breath. go clutch your pearls somewhere else fujofag

No. 1973517

using faggot is based because faggots are annoying moids, using pussy interchangably with 'coward' is scrote behaviour.

No. 1973527

File: 1713687422836.jpg (73.71 KB, 828x988, FopoZcMaIAAS0zt.jpg)

No. 1973537

>go clutch your pearls somewhere else fujofag
the audacity of a antifujo to say this while doing only that what a faggot(infighting)

No. 1973541

when did i clutch my pearls? being mad about someone saying "pussy" is as retarded as saying "DON'T SAY BITCH OR CUNT, THIS IS A FEMINIST WEBSITE!!" go away concern trolling fujotard

No. 1973705

What a fucking mess. The attentionwhoring loli schizo has been permanently banned, if you see her posting again please report her for ban evasion. There are relatively few other redtexts because most of the derailing in this thread was by the same 3 retards, who have all been banned.

Any pro-fujo derailing in this thread will now receive a 3 day unappealable ban. The reverse is true for antifujo posting in the fujo containment threads. You have the discourse thread for this discussion, doing it anywhere else will be heavily penalised and repeat infractions will eventually escalate to a permanent ban.

No. 1974032

>Any pro-fujo derailing in this thread will now receive a 3 day unappealable ban.
Thank you farmhand. Much needed rule for this thread.

No. 1974716

Based. The fact that this thread set some fujo sperg off so bad they posted hand and tried to larp as some g sperg is incredible. Why don’t fragile newfags ever just hide threads they don’t like.

No. 1974730

File: 1713776749613.jpg (29.76 KB, 750x417, elonrip.jpg)

No. 1974773

File: 1713780112951.jpg (138.06 KB, 496x750, book.jpg)

For a more interesting kind of cringe, how about a book? Picrel was written based on an event that happened at some sort of convention when a girl questioned Jensen Ackles about the subtext between him and Misha Collins character on Supernatural who's non answered caused some sort of meltdown in the fandom. The story itself seems to be entirely lifted from the scenario, with the added fanfiction aspect where it portrays the original question asker as getting to be involved in the show.

No. 1974775

File: 1713780293567.png (Spoiler Image,100.86 KB, 631x411, bookopening.png)

It opens with the main character googling gay porn to help finish her fanfic. Idea itself is fine, but the fact that it is almost entirely based on some real life fandom shipping drama is cringe, as well as the writing not being very good.

No. 1974789

File: 1713781888906.png (11.57 KB, 934x135, icantremember.png)

No. 1975017

The fact that they conveniently remembered the exact posts to link as "proof" only an hour after those posts KEKKKKK

No. 1975857

File: 1713846908933.jpg (740.42 KB, 1080x3271, cringe.jpg)

No. 1975887

This isn't really cringe, nona seems self aware about her past nlog ways, I respect that, this is more than what I can say about most fujos kek
Also glad to see idiot infighters and derailers getting banned, I recently found these fujo cringe threads and was very entertained by the previous ones. Current thread becoming so full of idiotic name-calling and pedo accusations was starting to depress me, hopefully we can return to quality milk days

No. 1976470

Oh my god what the fuck, is the character really retarded enough to google handjobs on a school computer and think nobody will find out because the librarian isn't looking at the screen? Do these people really have that little self awareness?

No. 1976547

File: 1713894857335.jpg (210.18 KB, 900x834, Da_NvEuXkAAfCFH.jpg)

Blanchard's theory of female troonism explains the link between FTM troons and fujos, and why so many females who do troon out were former fujos or still identify as fujos. Even if fujos aren't autistic enough to troon out, the underlying fantasy is the same. MTFs transition in order to become the fucked thing in heterosexual sex - autogynephilia. FTMs transition in order to be gay males, with no strict desire to penetrate or be penetrated, just to participate in gay male sex - autohomoeroticism

No. 1976572

thank you for picrel, i was trying to elucidate this in another thread. i think part of it is the desire to not be seen as the ‘female object’ like heterosexual men see them.

No. 1977613

File: 1713922855208.png (274.03 KB, 990x418, mtfujo.png)

the logical consequence of troonism: TIMs are going the next step in their woman skinwalk and becoming fujo rights activists now, thinking they're doing something new and revolutionary by copying old fujo arguments that have been around since the 90s. male to fujoshi indeed.

No. 1977682

File: 1713926468042.jpg (82.8 KB, 750x500, 8ntex0.jpg)

It inspired me to make this kek

No. 1979001

File: 1714001669346.png (527.91 KB, 753x2559, ohno.png)

No. 1982799

File: 1714265310078.png (422.25 KB, 505x632, Screenshot 2024-04-28 014637.p…)

So a female

No. 1982876

Fujos like this are the type who eventually become trannies. Kek

No. 1982890

the pregnancy thing is why I'll never accept the whole "I just want to see two hot guys kissing" spiel. It's never two hot guys, I can always see the way a male character is turned into a woman and yet they refuse to accept it.

No. 1986245

>"occurs only in girls"
This is the most retarded thing i have read in my life. Today i learned that transbians do not exist.

No. 1986247

i'm not sure on this distinction myself, but pretty sure blanchard is in fact aware of transbians

No. 1987134

File: 1714579679981.png (475.29 KB, 663x740, FcMaIAAS0zt.png)

No. 1990250

File: 1714819533590.png (1.71 MB, 948x2980, 1714819495557.png)

No. 1991503

File: 1714915146951.jpg (84.66 KB, 720x540, 159018391035.jpg)

No. 1991512

>implying men can be friends(pro fujo sperging)

No. 1992284

File: 1714980109347.png (161.76 KB, 635x302, d4qADyd.png)

my degenerate fetish is better then your fetish.

No. 1992344

no you don't understand, those historical male figures were just misogynist and hated their wives because they were GAY! no, it's not because women were an easy source of labor to use and abuse or anything, they were just repressed! if it weren't for those evil het women forcing them to be heterosexual, they would have had pure loving relationships with their best friends!

No. 1992462

File: 1715001565612.jpg (72.07 KB, 466x647, 1000005485.jpg)

>Dislikes: Monestary
The fucks that even mean?

No. 1995598

File: 1715197835264.png (377.93 KB, 601x687, FbcMaI0ASvzt.png)

and they've only grown more degenerate

No. 2002541

File: 1715703549192.jpeg (141.37 KB, 1242x1403, GNbf-O8X0AA021p.jpeg)

No. 2005073

File: 1715853971859.png (891.08 KB, 1080x1416, ss.png)

>I was a fujo that shipped Klebold and Harris

No. 2005251

Nonna in picrel: It was hybristophillia, those guys were below average in terms of look, it's the fact they commit a crime that make them hot for fujoshi true crimists.

No. 2005286

>Picrel was written based on an event that happened at some sort of convention when a girl questioned Jensen Ackles about the subtext between him and Misha Collins character on Supernatural who's non answered caused some sort of meltdown in the fandom.
Late as fuck and only semi related but can you elaborate about this? Or point me to a transcript or video

No. 2005559

Maybe, but they didn't commit the massacre in the few fics I read (I barely read things in English back then and there was none in my native language). They were one-shots with a lot of lemon tho, and in the one I remeber more distinctively that gay sex kinda cured them from their rage, in the rest they resumed the fic with some brief tragic words about their fatal fate for more angst. That leads me to think the authors had above all a savior complex, but that's very common with hybristophilia so yeah

No. 2006158

Reminds me of the fujos who ship Dahmer and Bundy.

No. 2006897

File: 1715980398388.jpg (530.86 KB, 1080x2126, 1000016786.jpg)

No. 2006986

File: 1715983496976.png (65.9 KB, 1027x203, 1653090541648.png)

No. 2014092

File: 1716363809682.png (238.08 KB, 601x646, IMG_1925.png)

No. 2019927

File: 1716647313890.png (47.84 KB, 597x383, 159018391036.png)

least misogynistic fujo

No. 2038980

File: 1717714040858.png (652.37 KB, 900x838, IMG_1929.png)

No. 2039360

File: 1717743292762.png (442.94 KB, 598x735, 1000016788.png)

they're the same picture

No. 2058758

File: 1718986431562.png (61.9 KB, 834x515, Untitled.png)

OP says that she isn't referring to pornsick women but then proceeds to describe pornsickness kek

No. 2058769

That's literally me except i am not a fujo. Nice.

No. 2058771

Another pickme malding over her precious moids being sexualized, seethe. Stop humanizing men and your life will seriously be so much better(infighting)

No. 2058849

kek, I love how some anons seem surprised that women who use a female only site to avoid male degeneracy dislike it when moid-minded dick obsessed females try to replicate that degeneracy with only the genders flipped and expose everyone to gross shit. Coomer behavior is disgusting regardless of its target. Sane women want to prevent moids from degenerate behavior as much as possible, not copy their shittiness.

No. 2058862

God forbid women be attracted to men. Just because you’re asexual (mental illness) doesn’t mean most of the women on this site are. Once again, you sound like a scrote worshipper

No. 2058863

b-but men are rapists, so you have to listen to my obsession with yaoi peen all day because men are worse!! otherwise you're not a girls girl for listening to how much i love dick and hate every female character because they're sluts that only exist to consumed by men. men that exist to be consumed by other gay men are hawt tho

No. 2058872

File: 1718992371449.jpeg (79.48 KB, 682x1024, B4F485D7-848F-45EF-907F-7BE3BA…)

Womp womp

No. 2058875

people rly draw this shit for free

No. 2058878

Also love the assumption that you can make nonas freak out by posting some casual fujo stuff. Many of us are fine with m/m ship content (I shipped these two in the first few episodes but dropped the anime when it got boring af full of school life crap), fujo doesn't equal to coomery kek.

No. 2058879

Nlog fujo, now that’s a new one

No. 2058883

No. 2058894

What? The original animator was paid. Pretty sure somebody just edited an open mouth onto an anime screencap.

No. 2062044

A lot of the more retarded fujo posters were brought over from 4chan. These retards literally had a discord and were spamming it across imageboards and advertising this place to get more thread posters until farmhands told them to stop.

No. 2068845

File: 1719585433942.png (322.47 KB, 1048x1419, IMG_1930.png)

Gee, I wonder why

No. 2070665

File: 1719669553462.jpeg (403.67 KB, 1294x1244, 1719462597532.jpeg)

No. 2081053

Light isn't a minor for most of the story. By the end, he's 23.

No. 2082383

File: 1720486350426.png (149.59 KB, 720x621, ceouke.png)

No. 2085773

Anyone else starting to notice that "polilez" is the new buzzword insult for fujofags now to deride women who have a problem with yaois and whatever degenerate porn addiction they have? First it was "pickme" and now it's "polilez"

No. 2085835

the polilez accusations are absurd, they assume everyone critical of all forms of porn must be andrea dworkin lite or something? they dont know how to formulate an argument because they've fried their brain with coom, so they just copy the argument of whoever is the loudest.

No. 2085836

maybe people just (rightfully) hate political lesbians because it's a fucking stupid idea

No. 2085945

Doesn't change the fact that the polilez accusations from fujos are baseless and has nothing to do with disliking yaoi

No. 2086256

A lot of fujos on here are polilez ironically.

No. 2086489

The fujotard projection never stops

No. 2086868

This fucking shit in its entirety is why it’s impossible to find semi-normal female friends interesting in videogames and anime. They are all yaoi gooners who can’t stop talking about their cartoon fags fucking each other or can’t stop talking about their irl moid boyfriends and their “oh so gay” relationships and just keep sex out of conversations. Women online have successfully psyopped themselves into becoming pornsick retards, trans or not. It’s also extremely embarrassing when libfem type women who aren’t TIFs in these communities have boyfriends who are obsessed with hentai and to compensate they develop an obsession with yaoi because their moid is giving them such an unhappy relationship or some shit

No. 2091033

>or can’t stop talking about their irl moid boyfriends
>why does Stacy hang out with Chad instead of ME
I will never understand why femcels say shit like this and then go to the venting thread to bitch about not making any female friends

No. 2091076

Being a cuck for anime men and trooning out is not stacey behaviour kek.

No. 2091632

Obviously I meant women who’re pretty enough to have irl boyfriends, who farmers hate.

No. 2095191

> or can’t stop talking about their irl moid boyfriends and their “oh so gay” relationships

No. 2102011

Fujos have some pedos in their thread, but I'm too lazy to screenshot. Apparently one of them is Rancefag.

No. 2102024

File: 1721773267837.png (332.53 KB, 896x2856, actualFujoPedos.png)

Screenshotting for you. What's crazier is how many of them are defending them. At some point they must realize their anti-male ideologies isn't the same as real feminists and just serves as a prop for their pedophilia defense. Also it's funny how they've blown their previous "it's not real" out of the water by taking inspiration from genuine real life events now.

No. 2102048

I am pretty loose with what people enjoy in fiction but using real rape victims as a soundboard is pretty fucking weird

No. 2102056

>geee why does everyone hates us wherever we go to?!??!?
Fujos are the Jews of fandom.(racebait)

No. 2102151

Why do anons keep tinfoiling and making shit up about some mysterious pedo in this thread? I don’t see anything kek

No. 2102153

Samefag nvm I figured it was this thread in /m/
what a bunch of creepy degens

No. 2102349

You're implying I don't also have a boyfriend and am just jealous of women who do. You missed the point entirely, and just projected. I'd like to make female friends of any sexuality or relationship status that are not tifs/fujos/pickmes/gooners. Not exactly a foreign thing to experience, as many anons will agree with both on this site and CC. Evidently this is a really hard concept to grasp for you I guess

No. 2102387

File: 1721794179147.png (401.19 KB, 1080x1402, rancefagdelusion.png)

Rancefag started sperging about shota all over /ot/ not long after she was first permabanned for the Rance and nudes spam:

Now she uses the fujo thread like her personal blog. Ironically she sends nudes to /r9k/ incels on discord while making all these manhate and pro-pedo posts. She thinks it makes them become obsessed with her when in reality she's just another neet whore with no self esteem to them. Picrel is from the same thread.

No. 2102838

people keep claiming rancefag is this anon or this other anon but none post proof besides two caps that only show she hates fat men

No. 2102989

No, it's definitely her. Confirmed by mods marking and mass deleting her meltdown in /meta/ a couple weeks ago when an anon started posting caps from her discord. If you've ever seen someone randomly start sperging about their love for shota, ryona, guro, gay rape porn, etc. with an air of manhating blackpill and capping hard for female pedofilia, it was her. She's a mentally ill neet femdomtard with bpd and does nothing but sperg all day in between "grooming" incels by sending them her nudes and gooning to anime kiddie porn.

No. 2103020

if you are going to claim everyone you dislike is rancefag at least post proof. I got called rancefag once just for saying i didnt find suits attractive.

No. 2103033

Maybe she'll get her own thread or macro one day, 'til then (she) can argue plausible deniability and whiteknight herself like every other personalityfag. And it never works, if their samefagging was in any way subtle or convincing they wouldn't have ended up as personalityfags in the first place.

No. 2103036

Nta, but can I ask something? Are you also a fujo?

No. 2103048

File: 1721841401154.jpg (13.64 KB, 304x296, eddy sipping.jpg)

aha, sure. To me it just seems like newfags dont understand there are several women who dare to have different opinions than them, and since they are womanchildren that dont touch grass they choose to cope by attaching everything they dislike, from serious accusations like pedophilia to mundane retarded shit like disliking suits, to a single boogeyman they can sperg about for not liking the same things they do. You can tell they are newfags because anyone who was here when Rancefag was posting knows that rancefag is a turbo pickme who lusts after a rapist from an eroge for men, who has sperged several times to defend her husbando being a lolicon and who wants to be raped by her husbando, literally the total opposite of their ''femdom, shotafag, manhating, ryonafag whatever else'' boogeyman. I already forgot the long ass lists that gets you labelled rancefag, but its super retarded like baby's first yaoi ship kawoshin and liking edgy yaoi(which is like 90% of yaoi). May some day these underage faggots mature and realize that women arent a monolith and can have different opinions.

No. 2103050

She reminds me of RacistUncle kek

No. 2103053

idk i am the most vanilla enjoyer on earth, and yet i have been called rancefag before for liking kawoshing and disliking suits lmao its hard to take you schizos seriously

No. 2103055

Based. I don't know where these newfags came from (I'm sure its just 2 or so spergs who spend 24/7 here) but their aggressive behavior is so fucking tedious to read. You step mildly out of line by liking something slightly "problematic" and suddenly you're schizo 1 2 or 3

No. 2103057

I'm convinced that several of the "I'm SUCH a ryona enjoyer you VANILLA NORMIES wouldn't get it" posters are the same ones who sperg out over nothing. There are chill and self-aware ryonafags in the thread who actually discuss things, and then there are other ones who are combative and edgy about it for no reason and basically just beg to be spoonfed.

No. 2103060

you mean ntyfag? shes such a cringe edgelord, i still remember when she drew the hamas and israel yaoi, nty also has the snuff tag which filtered me the fuck out of that vn

No. 2103073

A good example of the type of poster I mean, yeah. Also, it's like they want to LARP as edgy snuff/guro veterans who look down upon the coommoners, but the moment they see something ~problematic~ their newfag sensibilities get upset and they out themselves as surface-level casuals kek. It's very twitterfag refugee behaviour.

No. 2103078

i tapped out of that thread because they are always infighting about cringe retarded shit that doesnt matter. I wonder if japanese fujos are this cringe too or if they are better behaved.

No. 2103091

I wonder if these are ex-friends of rancefag. I hate rancefag too but from a distance, meanwhile schizos seem like her fellow Discord fujos because they have a lot of knowledge.

No. 2103112

nta but i doubt so, otherwise they would post proof about it.

No. 2103120

> you schizos
Oh don't get me wrong I don't fit into either of the extremes, but there's an insane amount of projection going on in that thread so I'm not surprised liking freaking KawoShin of all things made them go feral kek
It's wild that fucking SUITS of all things caused a huge outrage but an anon salivating over historical accounts of pederasty didn't.

No. 2103121

Keep trying to whiteknight "her" and blame it on ex friends and other personalityfags, it's only making you look more suspicious. Women can have the same opinions, there are more shotafags and ryonafags than just her and her discord friends who came here from 4chan pedoboards on lolcow, but it's obvious when one specific sperg is hyperfixated on something, only a newfag wouldn't notice. We never have to debate whether a post was made by pakichan, yuripedo, or trannyhands, they're personalityfags because you can always tell it's them. They repeatedly post about the same things in the same places, use the same words, and fight about it for hours on end.

No. 2103128

Ntayrt but one of rancefag's close discordfag friends is different personalityfag who's been called kawoshinsperg, her posts are also very recognizable and they seem to get mistaken for eachother a lot because they sperg about the same things. that's probably why.

No. 2103133

i didnt even defend her though, but since you are completly off your meds you think anyone slightly disagreeing with you is her. Again, rancefag has never sperged about liking shota or ryona or manhating, shes literally the opposite, a massive pickme who will defend her ugly husbando to death and wants to be raped by him. Thats why you are a newfag, you werent even there when she was posting.

No. 2103139

>We never have to debate whether a post was made by pakichan, yuripedo,
NTA but there's been plenty of posts with vastly different typing styles mistaken for them, (one example was some post in the unconventional thread thirsting about blonde euro men getting mistaken for pakichan even though the typing style was way too informal to be her and she never says "nona") and there's currently a debate over who is/isn't yuripedo going on in /meta/

No. 2103142

Rancefag herself said in the /meta/ spergout that she doesn't care about Rance anymore, she shopped for a new personality and shotafag manhater ryonastacy is the one she bought.

No. 2103143

No. 2103145

all this over yaoi?

No. 2103146

>I wonder if japanese fujos are this cringe too or if they are better behaved.
They are cringe too but in a different way from western fujos. Their fights and shitposting are not about morality but a matter of taste, which sounds less bad at first until you read some genuinely braindead posts that manipulate and twist characters or anons posts in a mentally ill way

No. 2103147

Farmhands mass deleted all her posts, go ask them about it.

No. 2103148

sure lol i bet the farmhands are ackshually rancefag too

No. 2103151

Kek anon go ctrl+F her name in the last few /meta/ threads and see >>1962796 and the posts it's replying to. She's been actively postint again for months now, and no longer cares about rance. She's moved on to BL, ryona, and shota.

No. 2103153

literally none prove its rancefag though. I know you are desperate to find a boogeyman but unless you have actual proof like >>1962534 then its hard to believe you, especially when even as retarded as suits and kawoshin trigger a 'reee thats rancefag'' response.

No. 2103156

Anyone who was there when it happened will tell you the same. Go read the meta thread and figure it out with context clues. Idk.

No. 2103161

I think she's just whiteknighting the fuck out of herself right now, there's no other reason to be this defensive over it kek

No. 2103163

''context clues'' means ''trust everything i say or otherwise you are rancefag!'' sure.
because you newfags keep shitting the fujo thread and calling everyone rancefag over the dumbest shit like suits and kawoshin.(derailing)

No. 2103180

>inplying everyone following this is an anon from the fujo thread you've been infighting with or an ex friend you fell out with
Find something else to call your haydurrs besides "newfag" "moralfag" "tumblrfag" "ntyfag" "pakichan" and remember you don't just shit up the fujo thread and /meta/, you do it everywhere. Anyone with eyes can tell it's the same retard every time.

No. 2103216

This anon is probably the same fujolard who's tinfoiling over the yuripedo on /meta/ right now, and now she's desperately trying to do damage control by deflecting the shota poster to be rancefag because one of their own got outed as a pedophile. Fujos always get the most obsessive over their personalityfag boogeyman, especially if it's a personalityfag that shits on their coomer hobby.

No. 2103220

Seems like not even farmhands putting a notice to fujolards in bright red & bold in the OP is enough to curb their mental illness

No. 2103231

>You step mildly out of line by liking something slightly "problematic" and suddenly you're schizo 1 2 or 3
Cows have had threads made on them for less than what they talk about in that thread. This is lolcow newfag, laughing at people not in the norm is the game.

No. 2103260

File: 1721851682992.png (35.34 KB, 905x447, 9bc30d941e50b38ee889bb10caa01e…)

There are too many posts to cap, but all you have to do is ctrl+F rancefag and see dozens of anons clocking these shotafag posts as her and discussing it. there was another anon in there making unsaged whiteknight posts using the usual newfag, falseflagger, moralfag, handmaiden, faghag, ntyfag, boogeyman buzzwords who sounded eerily similar to the whiteknight itt. that anon was later revealed to also be her after she made the now deleted post where she claimed she'd been a fujo shotacon since she was 8 and rance wasn't her husbando anymore. when the mods woke up and started mass deleting her posts the whiteknight's posts started disappearing. 'boogeyman' is one of her favorite words, every post using it in that thread ended up being deleted, picrel is her using it with redtext for ban evading right before her posts were purged.

I don't know a thing about this yuripedo or how she's relevant to this, and rancefag isn't the only pedo in the fujo thread, but she's by far the loudest. she's all over the psyop, fandom, and blackpill threads too. during her schizo pedo rants in the fujo thread she makes a point of saying moidlets (another favorite word) deserve to be raped and molested and female pedos are baste, and lashes out hard at anons who disagree with her, repeatedly calling them 'handmaidens' and 'moralfags' because this is above all a manhate thing to her. as an anon mentioned up thread she's a femdomtard and said she only got into BL because she liked cooming to art of her husbando getting raped. she's the personal cow of a few anons right now, myself included.

No. 2103261

>This anon is probably the same fujolard who's tinfoiling over the yuripedo on /meta/ right now
Recalling I've seen her trying to derail several threads (unsuccessfully) with her tinfoiling for a couple weeks now. She seems extremely schizophrenic, probably samefags in her attempts to derail. Mods should ban her more, it's really annoying.

No. 2103263

Does anyone here have screenshots of when people in the /g/ husbando threads found her diaper fetish ao3 fanfics? I'll try to find them later, but it feels like a fever dream. She stopped posting for a moment after that because I guess she thinks everyone forgot.

No. 2103266

What threads does yuri pedo even use? I've never seen her or the fujo you're talking about or how its known that anon is a fujo but I don't check the non cow boards that often anymore

No. 2103273

>ctrl+F rancefag and see dozens of anons clocking these shotafag posts as her and discussing it
This doesn't prove anything other than you sounding extremely obsessive and retarded for taking this as hard evidence that it's her.

No. 2103278

Wtf ewww kek please do post it if you find it. should we keep this here or move to the personal cow thread? I think it's fine here

>you're extremely obsessssedddd you stalker!
Do you know what the primary purpose of lolcow.farm is

No. 2103280

Nta but one of the old lesbian generals and the previous fujo cringe thread. This was months ago though, doubt she's been around recently

No. 2103288

Samefag I'm retarded it's actually in this thread, just ctrl + f "strike witches" and keep scrolling I can't be bothered to link it all, there's also a hand post in there

No. 2103301

>3 months ago
So someone decided to shitpost 3 months ago and some autist is still schizoing about it trying to derail entire threads in order to find this shitposter. Great. Wish people here would touch grass a bit more.

No. 2103318

>What threads does yuri pedo even use? I've never seen her or the fujo you're talking about or how its known that anon is a fujo
I can probably find the posts since I usually browse the lesbian-adjacent threads but give me some hours because I'm actually working unlike these NEET spergs. If in the meantime you want to look on your own, check the lesbian generals, fujo hate threads and fandom threads. And yes most of their posts are several months old so you would need to dig through old threads to find them.

No. 2103320

File: 1721855168710.png (104.11 KB, 1015x1278, 30623d169aea53fb1d88207998ce3a…)

Thanks, I was just about to ask if the anon who posted about that loli witch anime was the same person. it still doesn't make sense why someone randomly accused all the anons discussing rancefag of being some anon tinfoiling about a m.i.a de/g/erate on /meta/. rancefag had one of her chimpouts on handmaidens and moidlets yesterday and it was all in line with what she says in her recent her confirmed posts and accounts of anons who are in her discord. she's a cow, this isn't fujo falseflag.

No. 2103323

> "handmaiden caping for moidlets"
I swear the exact same retardation with the exact same terminology happens somewhere on this site at least once a month.

No. 2103344

File: 1721856465669.png (289.49 KB, 322x1275, 1721856032727.png)

She's a broken record, carries the same mannerisms between all her posts and she posts about fujos, shota, ryona, moids, and moid aesthetics compulsively. then anons start to think all of these unsaged schizopedo posts could possibly be made by the same person known for making unsaged schizopedo posts and a whiteknight suddenly appears to call them obsessive falseflaggers turning poor innocent rancefag into their boogeyman.

No. 2103587

File: 1721873290748.png (155.78 KB, 900x620, pedofag.png)

Second screenshot is the screenshot from when anons in the Husbando posting found Rancefags ao3 account and she had a meltdown over it. It was in the comments of some Jojo diaper fanfic. She liked a lot of ageplay fics on there. Of course, the fanfic in the screenshot is gone as well as the accounts. But in the old hornyposting threads you can clearly see her:
>old usernames were rancefucker/raversfantasy
>liked abdl
>constantly talked about shota, rape, or other things of the like
>boasted about having more experience than other nonas
She's a lolcow herself. Go see >>>/g/314785
For you and the others, the first screenshot is Rance from a while ago back when the shota ban was being discussed. She's always liked shota.

No. 2103593

wouldnt farmhands know its her samefagging if every shotafag ever was her though? shotas arent a niche fetish i dont know why its so hard for some of you to understand than a board infested with autistic terminally online women is going to have several shotafags.

No. 2103595

Not claiming every one is her but it's not a farfetched idea. Only the farmhands will really know so we can only tinfoil. But either way, they're not worth defending so who cares who it really is? They're all just fujocoomers anyway

No. 2103597

they should just nuke fujo at this point

No. 2103611

Why are you cocksuckers so against female pedos as long as they aren’t harming anyone? It’s insane how some of you can’t realize male children are deviant fucks who deserve everything coming for them(calm down rancefag)

No. 2103621

Kill yourself

No. 2103624

Looks like she's here

She's been permabanned a billion times and vpn hops to evade, they don't notice that it's her right away.
>shotas arent a niche fetish
Kek. Anyways, the posts in all those screenshots aren't normal shotafag posts, they're obsessive. Revisit any random thread you can think of that was derailed with an infight about shota at some point in the last few months and I kid you not, all those derails will either be started by or actively participated in by an obsessed schizo with the same posting style and rancefagisms.

No. 2103627

the fact that people are beliving this obvious bait kek some of you are so low iq

No. 2103633

why do you fags keep responding to shotafag/rancefag posts then? like i dont get it, just report. You might be equally retarded.

No. 2103958

I'm pretty sure that anon was a larping fujo, they claimed to be "baiting" the thread in meta >>>/meta/75727 around the same time and were sperging out because of being called shotapedos in the fujo vs anti thread and came here to spam unrelated stuff to this thread with the whole 'no you're the pedo cope', when you don't see similar posts anywhere else on the site consistently regularly like the other personalityfags (save when the shota stuff is questioned like now). Maybe it was rancefag all along kek, they seem like non OG lc users. Not to mention, only neets with too much time on their hands and no life have time for this behaviour. It's no shock it's being brought up since it seems to be the same poster from before since the same topic of shota and pedophilia has risen due to the spamming of the BL thread recently and farmhand recognising it as rancefag. I feel bad for the normie fujos dealing with the retard degens some stupid anons have lured in. Pretty sure it's just an attempt of deflection.
Yeah. This totally real personality fag always seems to always be brought up when shota is criticized for being degen.
Yeah, to be fair, if anyone posts in this thread they get called Pakichan. However, certain tells definitely make accusations more valid. Validity of the accusation depends on the quality and content of the accused post. Some will try and accuse single sentence plains posts of being xchan to feel like long time users that definitely know the personality fags. That's why it's better not to discuss them, filters out newfags.
Whoever tried to shill the thread offsite is to blame and responsible for the drop in quality of the site. Fujo thread posters weren't as schizo before then.

No. 2104347

it got redtexted as her so…lol

No. 2104387

its still very obvious bait.

No. 2104420

idk anon given her past post history she's genuinely that retarded. that's why she goes around defending her fetish to the death all the time. in that husbando thread when they found her ao3 diaperfag account she started unironically crying about gangstalking kek she believes that shit wholeheartedly. she still should be treated as bait and reported and ignored nonetheless.

No. 2104630

File: 1721932758965.png (133.32 KB, 617x343, hand.png)

No. 2104687

I hate when people gave protruding bones on the sides of their fingers like that. Its like seeing someone's nipples through their shirt, like please cover that up or something.

No. 2104690

Sounds like you're unnecessarily sexualizing bony fingers and nipples. Have sex.(yuripedo ban evading and sockpuppeting herself)

No. 2104695

Sorry if my comparison gave the wrong idea, I don't think fingers are sexual. I just don't like bony looking fingers. Maybe comparing them to super visible ribs would be better
>Have sex
I mean, if you're offering..

No. 2104697

omfg thank you, it's gross

No. 2104706

Honestly I think the bony parts might feel good inside the pussy…(yuripedo)

No. 2104738

It's hot on a woman but really disgusting to see that on a moid.

No. 2104758

It actually does kek

No. 2104769

Fuck. Don't give me a new fetish, nonnie.(yuripedo)

No. 2104801

Why are you saying this is the same poster, they mention nothing about yuri?

No. 2104804

Nta but It's the same hand anon it's yuripedo

No. 2104809

She's yuripedo? Kek. Then we also have her vocaroo somewhere.

No. 2104819

It's in an old lesbian general thread.

No. 2104833

Found it, mentioned here >>>/ot/1973493, for whoever wants a voice attached to bony hands, kek.
>Turns out that the Yurishitter pedo was a known /g/ antifujo who used to shit the lesbian thread to sperg about fujos.
Insanity, kekkkk, what is she.
You were fast, nonna!

No. 2105020

File: 1721952883397.png (171.15 KB, 530x227, rancefag blogs.png)

When did having some form of obsession with fujos become a requirement for all of lolcow's biggest inboard cows?

Pursuing the Rancefag milk, it does not disappoint so I'll dump my findings in the personal cow thread later. I can see the notorious shotafag is 100% her if >>2103611 wasn't proof enough. Does anyone know the exact threads where some of her major spergouts on /ot/ took place? I can't sift through dumbass shit, it's already torturous sifting through husbandofag, fujo, and /meta/ autism.

No. 2105029

File: 1721953215136.png (1.17 MB, 604x1388, nitrofag.png)

Old husbando chart she posted on 4chan's /cm/, a board (more) full of pedos, with some Nitro+chiral rapist characters a husbandofag found followed by recent caps from /meta/ about her fujo discord, where you can see her profile picture featuring a Nitro+chiral rapist character while she talks about wanting him to rape a shota.

No. 2105049

confessions thread was another one, that's the one where she started posting her own nudes (it's all deleted so idk if her non nude posts are also still there). i remember a few weeks after that she posted them again in one of the husbando threads too, basically any time she got accused of being a troon

No. 2105068

>not a single shota in her husbando list
what if this is some 4D chess move and shes larping as a shotafag because anons used to call rance post wall kek

No. 2105083

File: 1721957042679.png (179.85 KB, 859x970, oyvey.png)

There are a lot of posts where she just says she's been a fujo and shotacon since age 9/10/11 whenever someone questions the authenticity of her bait posts, but her ao3 account had gay diaperfag fics and gay Southpark pedo fics in the bookmarks from 2021 so she must be both to some degree.

Also fantasized about fucking younger Rance (posted up thread), and then samefagged pretending to be another anon having pedo fantasies. After she was permabanned and husbandofags learned to stop acknowledging her she did a hard rebrand as a manhating fujopedo and moved to the fujo thread on /m/. They didn't notice it was her until recently because of the more vague interests (shitposting about her fetishes, defending her fetishes, and asking to be spoonfed yaoi with her fetishes), but she was still posting a lot about edgy visual novels and avatarfagging as rapists from them. There are crystal.cafe posts talking about her discord from a year ago.

No. 2105085

File: 1721957144003.png (211.47 KB, 861x572, oyvey2.png)

Compare to a more recent spergout in the fujo thread avatarfagging as another visual novel rapist

No. 2105092

Cringe pickme trying to rebrand as based manhating stacy. This is why the ugly man psyop thread is right about bullying husbandofags who lust after ugly men, they are always mentally ill.

No. 2105109

anyone that desperate to convince stinky anonymous neets how based they are for being a pedo is bound to be a psycho overcompensating for something

and fuck bpdfags

No. 2105118

She got bullied so much by anons for being a pathetic pickme she had to start larping as a shotafag to try and fit in, sad. She should go back to twitter with all the other pickmes who want to fuck that uggo incel adachi she would fit right in.

No. 2105119

That's not her (or at least I'm pretty sure it isn't), she's only played SD for BLVNs and that was pretty recently.

No. 2105129

File: 1721961148860.png (193.05 KB, 1080x1428, 1684086408325.png)

Rancefag being a pickme on /r9k/

No. 2105143

We as a society need to raise the age of majority or something because adults 21 and younger are some of the most retarded people on the planet.

No. 2105146

She was just in here denying being a pickme lol, she could've denied that post too but she didn't. I don't want to flood the thread but it probably was her or the friend. The steam page for this game says it came out April 26th, the character is her type https://vndb.org/c65713?view=2-mbdpYvae, that's her typing style, and the posts before it were shaming some girls for not having rape fetishes paired with the cringe Kaworu reaction pictures they bring over from /cm/. The relentless sperging about other anons' taste and superiority complex about her own disgusting taste was what made the husbandofags hate her initially. She gets bullied out of liking things easily if the ntyfag saga is anything indicator–because she has no genuine interests or personality of her own outside porn and attention whoring.

No. 2105409

Agreed, the logic and prose of that post is too normal to be her kek. It needs more shitting on other women and random mention of gross fetishes to be her

No. 2105585

File: 1722003113546.jpg (625.59 KB, 700x2348, Untitled52.jpg)

>It needs more shitting on other women and random mention of gross fetishes to be her
That earlier posts made by that anon were these were making fun of some reddit fujos who didn't like the rapist character and infighting >>>/m/393125
>rape or rope.jpg
That's why I thought it was her, but it could just as well be one of the other freaks of the discord.

No. 2105588

File: 1722003161440.jpg (134.72 KB, 551x699, image (7).jpg)

Nemu phenotype

No. 2105670

I commend your autistic fixation with me to the point you’re triggered over posts I’ve made a year ago when I have since moved on from my old behaviors. Lol, lmao even(personalityfagging)

No. 2105685

We're here talking about you a year later because you haven't changed your behavior whatsoever. You changed your persona from the nude-spamming, Rance-loving maledom masochist to the argumentative, Slow Damage-obsessed femdom pedophile, and we're still able to tell it's you beneath the superficial change because you're the same piece of shit you were then. There are cows on /w/ and /snow/ who have less milk than you.

Real quick before you get banned again, do you claim the Matsuda avatarfagging post?

No. 2105701

Being this obsessed with rancefag makes you even more retarded than her. All fujos are mentally ill.

No. 2105709

>I've been a fujo for nearly 10
what the fuck

No. 2105722

No. 2105732

kek i love retard on retard violence

No. 2105747

>Someone posts actual fujocoomer milk
It's like you people want a boring and lame thread what the fuck.

No. 2106585

what all cows say in their threads

No. 2106650

I don't understand, sounds pretty based and nuancepilled(infight bait)

No. 2109777

File: 1722242870637.jpg (204.81 KB, 1078x1342, 453156337_1577795522798781_219…)

An artist I follow posted this, I wonder what's the term for male attracted women.

No. 2109926

I swear this hobby attracts autist like nothing else.

No. 2134564

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No. 2134601

File: 1723587686006.png (219.13 KB, 665x820, v8GH9Sv.png)

No. 2135058

File: 1723621382918.png (130.09 KB, 657x582, HtQOzKE.png)

No. 2140833

File: 1723924431384.jpg (247.13 KB, 1170x1376, 1000002493.jpg)

>it's a tim

No. 2140842

So it's a TIM pretending to be a nerdy fujo?

No. 2141082

they’re all yaoi episodes

No. 2143339

File: 1724069366668.mp4 (1.86 MB, 480x854, SM8OhWw.mp4)

No. 2143841

This doesn't go in this thread since the comic and tweet were made by a MtF troon

No. 2143953

Reposted in tumblr by real fujos who don't know/care he's trans. Plus we had this here >>1959400

No. 2146871

File: 1724221684115.jpg (318.23 KB, 1125x1246, 91839393.jpg)

i've noticed an increase of unironic lesbophobia on this site from fujos who think everything is a plot by lesbians to oppress straight women

No. 2146873

they try to pass it off as some edgy joke but considering how consistent they are about it you can tell it isn't kek

No. 2146876

Okay but that art is actually horrendous

No. 2146878

>i wanna say SSA are diseased but at this point i dont even think its them
did you stop reading at SSA? anon is criticizing pickmes, not lesbians. lesbians wouldnt play twitsted wonderland.

No. 2146881

i shouldn't have to explain why "i wanna say SSA women are diseased" is lesbophobic even if there's a "but it's just pickmes" after. plus, the obvious implication either way is that lesbians - or women attracted to female characters - are pickmes by design because they "draw coomer art" (sexualized art of women). and it's not just that post, it's been countless others throughout the past few days

No. 2146885

>women attracted to female characters - are pickmes by design because they "draw coomer art" (sexualized art of women)
i am sorry but this is true, wada arco, the designer for madoka(whos a creep who talks about stalking high school girls) and the female artist for kodomo no jikan are all pickmes. Yes, drawing sexy anime girls and lolis for male attention makes you a pickme, which is what that non was implying. These women arent lesbians, they are just weird fauxbisexuals that want male otaku approval.

No. 2146916

kek @ fujos currently trying to drag yumes for being "cringe" after yumes wked them against the evil himes/big tiddy coom waifus

No. 2147042

That art is ugly as sin and I have no idea how you think this would appeal to a lesbian. A shitty pickme made shitty genderbent art to appeal to coomers about some shitty disney villain game with pretty boys. If you like it and took personal offense to it doesn't make it lesbophobic.

No. 2147061

I don't understand why anyone should care about that drawing or get angry. If it's bad because it's an affront on female fandom, the obvious solution is to draw coombait female characters as attractive males, rewrite them to be more preferable to women's sexual tastes and spam every male-oriented fandom space with that sort of content as revenge. I know this won't happen because too many women and girls in fandom have unironic autistic hatred and revulsion toward female characters and wouldn't be able to stomach the process of that, though.

No. 2147066

I was on board until the last part. What do you mean by revulsion? Wouldn't they like sexy men more than women?

No. 2147067

Yeah fujos who hate yumes are so retarded because most yumes either dont care about fujos or they defend fujos since both yumes and fujos get harassed by pedo-lesbian himejoshis.

No. 2147069

why would anyone sit and play and support shit like blue archive just to piss off moids? seems like a waste of time

No. 2147076

I've just seen so many women in fandom talk about female characters like they're the worst thing ever, even if they aren't the coombait type. Not all of them are like that, obviously, but if feels hopeless sometimes, especially in the cases where the male characters they like aren't even particularly good. It seems pathological for some, like they wouldn't want to spend that much time learning about a female character.

You don't actually have to consume media to learn about it and make things you like for your own enjoyment/to troll retarded moids.

No. 2147091

That entire in-fight was eye-opening for many things. It made me examine the differences visually between female made coom with a woman as a subject matter vs. male made coom with a woman as a subject matter. Extremism in art. Being a female artist and the subjects you choose, and how you're viewed because of it. Depictions of sexual content. Female and male gaze. Pickmeism. Passive and active views on art and its content. That image of a genderbent Idia Shroud and Jack Howl in bunny suits is probably the most thought provoking image I've seen. Truly.

No. 2147097

>You don't actually have to consume media to learn about it and make things you like for your own enjoyment/to troll retarded moids.
i would rather draw original sexy men tbh

No. 2147099

>You don't actually have to consume media to learn about it and make things you like for your own enjoyment/to troll retarded moids
Why would I waste my time drawing stuff for a media made for moids to get back at moids, knowing they wouldn't give a shit let's be real her, when I could spend my time drawing things I like?

No. 2147107

It trumps feelings of anything but indifference toward moids drawing coomer genderbends of content for women tbh

No. 2147109

Yeah I get that but it just seems counterproductive, even more so when they'll either call you a faggot and block you/ignore you or if the man looks feminine enough they'll jerk off to it.

No. 2147115

This, its better to put your time and skills onto making things for other women.

No. 2147117

It'd be for other women either way though. I like shitting on moids and drawing cute boys, though I don't post my stuff online.

No. 2147186

>muh lesbophobia
It's not that difficult not to draw genderbent coomer art of joseimuke characters who ruin things for everyone else. Women drawing art like this aren't even lesbians

No. 2147193

Personally I think "well I WOULD say that lesbians are degenerates and it's all their fault but I'm totally not going to teehee" is a pretty weird way to phrase the argument kek

No. 2148064

Yeah, it's been pretty retarded. It went from the more deranged fujo posters claiming fujos are mainly lesbians to reeing that women who're into f/f are not 'real lesbians' because they think for some reason lesbians would not be into lesbian fiction or female characters? Not even just lesbians, but any women liking any female character must only like them because they're pretending to be gay and not because they don't hate all female characters for the tiniest of reason or like female characters for non coom reasons? It's always been seething faghag straight girls, which is why the whole yaoi to tif pipeline thing happens and it's just kind of gone mask off. I don't understand the hatred for people liking different things at all. The twitterfags that found this place are so defensive over being seen as cringe they have to try and drag down others with them, it having started with them seething about yumes.

No. 2148120

Fujos are gigacucks who are afraid to be rejected by a cartoon, so they will always be seething at you. You're daring to do something they need 7 copes to even begin depicting (first you gotta relate to a man, then a woman with a penis, followed by a woman with a vag but chest scars, ad infinitum), while you're just self inserting as a woman right off the bat. To a fujo, you're asserting that you're hotter or more confident than her to have the audacity to ship yourself with the cartoon the fujo deems her lowly female self to be unworthy of, or just too afraid to be directly "degraded" by.

Tl;dr best of luck in finding solidarity with the mentally ill, we'll be here to watch.

No. 2148167

this kek seeing the evolution from "most fujos are actually lesbians, EDUCATE yourself on the BL COMMUNITY" to "f/f is disgusting and only straight women like it, REAL lesbians crave fictional cock" to "SSA women are diseased and that's why we can't have anything good as based normal straight women" is hilarious. at least they finally realized being a "different kind" of straight woman =/= being a lesbian and that lesbianism isn't just a "queer" "outcast" landfill group for rainbow haired prison gay AAP fujo weebs

No. 2148175

Not a yume, just realise it started with seething about them being somehow more cringe than fujos which lead to these year long infights.

No. 2148275

What thread is that, anyway?

No. 2148277

"""""Lesbian""""" fujos are so heterosexual they cannot fathom a woman being attracted to female characters or liking F/F media.

No. 2148585

helen joyce compared yaoi to either a woman in drag having a relationship with a man or two women in drag, so it's possible for yaoi to be f/f

No. 2148611

There are like 5 himejoshis on the planet total, I don't know wtf they even bother seething about us.

No. 2148617

art salt thread

No. 2148625

Fujos are the biggest NLOGs ever, they'll shit on other female weebs while begging for female solidarity when scrotes shit on their shitty 2d faggots

No. 2148690

that's not the same thing. yaoi is not f/f because they are male characters

No. 2148760

kek. In that case yaoi would be akin to futashit then, not true F/F because they still have dicks and they fellatio and buttfuck each other.

I literally never witnessed women shitting on female yurifags until I started hanging out with fujos. And I've never seen a female yurifag shit on yaoishit, a lot of them like it too. Maybe fujos feel the need to shit on yuri as "revenge" for getting shat on by fandom scrotes or something (they won't shit on het because 90% of them are still yumewhales).

No. 2148770

Upper post samefag but I've seen enough Takarazuka Revue plays to know that women in drag LARPing romance don't feel like yaoi. If that was the case I would have started reading yaoi a long time ago kek.

No. 2148844

These are the types of heterosexual radfems who hate moids so much they'll shit on anyone with male-predominant interests including SSA women and female autists with weird hobbies. It's another case of radfem brainrot where their misandry circles back to misogyny. Being a heterosexual woman who hates moids and yet still feel compelled to love them and obsess over them is truly a kind of neuroticism.

No. 2148851

himejoshi lesbians arent free from criticsm just because they are SSA, the same way fujos arent free from criticism just for being straight women. There are actually tons of lesbians in the art salt thread that complain about how nasty and coomery some female yuri artists are, like that one disgusting artist who went from drawing wholesome yuri to futa loli

No. 2149042

>the same way fujos arent free from criticism just for being straight women.
why would straight women be immune to criticism? they aren't oppressed

No. 2149046

>Straight women aren't oppressed
Do you hear yourself?

No. 2149047

>(they won't shit on het because 90% of them are still yumewhales).
i noticed that too kek, the seething fujo in the other thread shipped touga/utena because anthy was "boring". anything to shit on f/f under some guise of progressiveness. they'll pay lipservice about owning le hetshippers and yumes but they're incapable of shipping unless a moid is involved

No. 2149049

Yes some of it is coomery but the hate that himes get is excessive considering how small of a group we are. Why not focus on the het moids who are a million times worse? Also why hate on himes who like nsfw for being coomers and then also hate on yuri for being 'too wholesome' and asexual. You can't win as a himejoshi, if you like darker or more nsfw yuri you are apparently a rapist bulldyke but if you like wholesome yuri you are a fakebian polilez, it's so stupid.

No. 2149050

yes? society encourages women to be straight. obviously all women are oppressed, but straight women are not oppressed FOR being straight. why does this need to be spelled out

No. 2149051

exactly kek and now they're even hating on the most basic widely loved f/f ships like madohomu and utanthy claiming they're "scrotey" or whatever. but if you mention any other ships it's either "EWW WTF THATS PROBLEMATIC COOMSHIT FOR MOIDS!!" or "wtf that's pure handholding asexual shit for moids!!"

No. 2149073

>himejoshi lesbians arent free from criticsm just because they are SSA
You're right, sorry for committing the crime of being attracted to female characters in anime. I will deconstruct myself and learn to enjoy shota catboy mpreg feminist approved fiction. My bad.

No. 2149086

Also gotta love the "Uhmm no these lesbian characters made by a lesbian author are boring and still male gazey eww"

No. 2149088

> himejoshi lesbians arent free from criticsm just because they are SSA, the same way fujos arent free from criticism
The fujos on here seethe that all criticism of yaoi or fujos is moralfagging or done by men or homophobic pickmes and shouldn’t be allowed.

No. 2149094

How come the criticism of yaoi is homophobic but not the criticism of yuri lmao

No. 2149100

Because it's just flailing to try and achieve the goal of getting every mild criticism shutdown (like this very thread which has been going for 5 years), it's why they throw out everything from homophobia to moralffaging. They don't actually care, they're shipping discourse fags from twitter.

No. 2149117

>Why not focus on the het moids who are a million times worse?
we literally do though, half the bad art thread is anons shitting on poorly drawn coomer slop made by men
you can like coomery garbage all you want, but that doesnt mean women wont look at you the same way the look at pornsick scrotes or pornsick fujos.

No. 2149130

>coomery garbage: anything with female characters
>pornsick fujos: any fujo consuming yaoi I don't like

No. 2149143

Himejoshis, yumes and fujos are all coomers. I dont understand why they are even fighting. There isnt such a thing as ''morally correct porn'' the original post anons are seething about isnt even about hating on himes, they are talking about pickmes invading straight woman spaces.

No. 2149150

>Himejoshis, yumes and fujos are all coomers
Finally someone says it. Never forget this. I'm tired of seeing retards having moral grandstanding internet slapfights over who's preferred pornography. It shows how much pornographic content has infiltrated the heads of users here when they're actively fighting over it.

No. 2149151

The nonnies on here are capable of understanding that faggots are just as misogynistic as straight moids even though they aren't sexually attracted to women, but when it comes to their fellow women, all of a sudden being sexually attracted to women makes you more likely to be a sexist coomer, so be careful bi and lesbinonnas! Don't ever be too open about your sexual attraction to women! Don't you know it's sexist to be a homosexual?

No. 2149152

Don't you know nonna? You can't ever complain about pickmes pickmemaxxing in female spaces anymore lest you make a lesbian who schlicked to that picture feel bad about said schlicking.(derailing)

No. 2149156

>pickmemaxxing in female spaces
For who though?

No. 2149157

it's started to happen with dungeon meshi too now. i'm not saying i like marcille and falin together but it's just continuation of a pattern. dunking on hetshippers in favor of their fags but secretly shipping het and using their hetships to dunk on f/f

No. 2149160

Are you really comparing normal lesbians who like real women to himejoshis who like big titty waifus? kek

No. 2149167

File: 1724365294052.png (248.81 KB, 1816x757, img_1937.png)

>see a post about ultra-misogynistic societies having pedophile practices
>fujocoomer:oh, that's so hot
no wonder they share the same discords with male paedos

No. 2149171

>Are you really comparing normal lesbians who like real women to himejoshis who like big titty waifus? kek
This. I am a firm believe that what you ship or the media you consume is not a direct 100% reflection of your sexuality. There can be correlations but it will never be concrete. I think a lot of people need to realize this. You can read as much yuri, look at as much anime porn, and fawn over anime waifus as you want but unless you'd date another woman, would eat out another woman, and marry another woman and only do the aforementioned with women you're not a lesbian.

No. 2149177

File: 1724365620855.jpg (589.99 KB, 1600x1200, 1723810209071.jpg)

I am so tired of himes feeling like they are above criticism because they like yuri as women. Some of them are capable of being as porn brained as men, pic rel the character designer of Madoka admitting to stalking irl teenage girls.
She was making fun of the moids with greek statue pfp, anon. The ''retvrn'' meme is something they use.
This. One of my favourite manga is yuri that i read simply because i love the art, yet i am not interested in dating real women. Most women who draw big titty shit are just pickmes who want to appeal to scrotes or draw big titty women because its just simply the way they think women in the anime style should look.(derailing)

No. 2149180

no one is saying all himejoshis are lesbians you retarded fujo, we're saying there is a specific pattern of fujo lesbophobia aimed not only at f/f ships but lesbians who like them. begone

No. 2149181

>Lesbophobia is when people don't like my ship or my coomer art

No. 2149185

i am not even a fujo, i was just pointing out that himes arent free from criticism and arent better than yumes/fujos.

No. 2149251

Jesus fucking christ, i don't think you dykes understand that there is so much media (specifically weebshit) with oversexualized women being the norm that you can consoom ad nauseum. There is nothing, literally nothing targeted for straight women, and the off chance there is you see pornsick lesbians make coomshit genderbent of it (ie; twst, nucani, hypmic etc) when they could just be sticking at bishoujo stuff they'd like more instead. I'm expecting tumblroids complaining about lesbophobia incoming when straight women are quite literally the least catered to in weeb media.(derailing)

No. 2149259

You lost me at the word dyke.

No. 2149261

People say worse shit on here, you'll live.

No. 2149263

Just saying, it doesn't help your argument.

No. 2149265

Dyke is a way less disgusting and dehumanizing word than shit polilez throw around like cocksucker or breeder, even less than normal misogynistic insults like slut or whore. You people are so soft

No. 2149276

Just block, mute, and ignore people like that. Literally why care this much? I promise you people drawing genderbent coomer fanart of your bishies are not the majority in joseimuke fandoms at all.

No. 2149281

Not until they fuck off to their own spaces and instead just draw coomer art of characters from zzz or some shit. There's no reason why they should be infiltrating joseimuke fandoms and ruining it with boobslop fanart of sexy male characters other than making a cruel mockery of straight women.

No. 2149284

>Literally why care this much?
Because the point of this site is complaining about people you don't like.

No. 2149292

>infiltrating joseimuke fandoms and ruining it with boobslop fanart of sexy male characters
How often are you even seeing this?

No. 2149298

Not her but enstars fandom is littered with people who exclusively draw the boys as big titty anime girls in way more sexualized outfits than they wear in canon.

No. 2149300

Enough that my twitter feed which is mostly compromised of fanart of bishies or other attractive animu men gets jumpscared at least once a day by big titty anime art of male characters

Enstars in particular is a victim of it and i'll never understand it. I've never played it myself but is it because the characters look like women to begin with?

No. 2149314


No. 2149321

I'm a celibate and this is proof that a lot of you dykes harbor intense misogyny over straight women, idk if it's autism or entitlement not being able to comprehend that the vast majority of women are straight. Same sex attraction is an abnormality, and that's not a bad thing, homos deserve to be treated like regular people but don't act like it's the norm.

No. 2149327

>You dykes
>Same sex attraction is an abnormality, and that's not a bad thing, homos deserve to be treated like regular people but don't act like it's the norm.
No offense, but this is severely ruining any chance for any of those "dykes" to actually care about your argument. What you said, in itself, is flawed.

No. 2149328

This is why everybody shits on you. Straight women ask for a space where we can look at anime boys in peace without pickmes subjecting us to sexualized art of women (ie the norm in all of wider society) in and you're response to pretend like we're genociding lesbians. You'd literally rather side with coomer moids and pickmes and wonder why people don't like you. It's not even lesbians who usually draw the worst coomer art so I don't even know why you guys get so mad when someone insults big tiddy waifu #18372.

No. 2149342

>Same sex attraction is an abnormality, and that's not a bad thing, homos deserve to be treated like regular people but don't act like it's the norm.
right. and that's why yaoi is degenerate fetish material.

No. 2149343

Being called a slur is a fair response to someone making up dehumanizing sexual fantasies of you

No. 2149346

No, no. I just mean the whole
>Same sex attraction is an abnormality, and that's not a bad thing, homos deserve to be treated like regular people but don't act like it's the norm.
It's a oxymoron.

No. 2149351

How is it an oxymoron, it's out of the norm that's true. Doesn't mean we treat them as lesser. Being ginger is also abnormal.

No. 2149356

many people have a hard time accepting this truth. it’s not bad per se, it’s just unnatural

No. 2149359

Reminder that the ugly man psyop thread got linked on /r9k/ earlier today and that's why there's suddenly so many tards kek

No. 2149365

Holy shit link? They're still having melties over it?

No. 2149370

>the vast majority of women are straight.
The vast majority of women are also cocksucking pickme doormats, does that mean we should praise them and normalize that?(bp sperging outside of containment)

No. 2149382

Women can control being pickme doormats, they can't control their sexuality

No. 2149383

thank you for posting this! now i can post my most controversial thoughts and it’ll get blamed on the /pol/tards!

No. 2149384

the pickmes are projecting again

No. 2149387

Here's the post where they sperg out kek >>2148493

No. 2149388

The "muh unnatural gays and ebil women" posting in a lot of threads is obvious to be fair, they aren't subtle.

No. 2149390

Yes but being a straight woman isn't something to boast over or act superior to lesbians over. You guys are hypocrites with how much you whine about "homophobia" when it's your fag husbandos and then turn around and call lesbians coomer dykes for not being attracted to them. Also comparing "cocksucker" which is an act to "dyke" which is a slur is ridiculous

No. 2149393

And in return everyone else has an incentive to report and ignore those posts instead of derailing and giving them the attention they want.

No. 2149395

homosexuality isn’t really natural to homosapiens though

No. 2149405

Idk what you're talking about because i abhor gay men and only like them as cute anime bishies. I'm calling them coomer dykes because of the specific act of drawing joseimuke males as big booby anime women or dyke authors putting oversexualized women in their works aimed at women (ie: black butler). I don't give a shit if you're a lesbian, we just want you to fuck off from our spaces and let us fawn over hot anime guys in peace.

No. 2149409

I don't think that's true.

No. 2149411

Nobody is boasting about being straight ITT, you're just that insecure.

No. 2149415

Sorry for not giving a fuck about your coom, I care more about y'know actual lesbians than fictional faggots. If fujos are making the choice to be lesbophobic by shitting on female fans of f/f and accusing lesbians of being "diseased" for drawing genderbends of your husbandos, then you unironically need to get over it and stop thinking everything is about you. Genderbends are fun and lesbians can do whatever they want. Sorry if that hurts your feefees. That doesn't make straight women oppressed or "victims of lesbians" in any way. Go cry to your moid about it.

No. 2149419

if that wasn’t true then the heterosexuality wouldn’t be required for humanity to continue

No. 2149421

>just want you to fuck off from our spaces and let us fawn over hot anime guys in peace
They aren't in your spaces to begin with if they're drawing anime tiddy genderbents.

No. 2149424

Why don't they just watch anime or play games with attractive women then? In fact, why is a lesbian even playing joseimuke if she's not attracted to men to begin with? I'm starting to think you're not even an actual lesbian or if you are one you're def a hyperfem straight passing woman whos only experience of homophobia is being called a dyke on lolcor dot farm

They are, and they're very snakey about it. They'll rt art of the characters in their non genderbent forms or post their merch of their favs, then sandwich coomer porn in between.

No. 2149426

Why should we give a fuck about your feefees then if you're too braindead to even comprehend why most women don't want female sexualization shoved into their faces where it should be non-existent. You care so much more about your bean that you've forgotten that female sexualization is already completely inescapable in the world. You see an anime boy and become so blinded with rage that you forget that these communities are made by and for women. You are invading the spaces of straight women and turning it into something it's not supposed to be. It's not like there is any lack of cute/sexy women in the world for you to schlick to, why do you come into one of the few places where it's not the case?(derailing)

No. 2149433

>They are, and they're very snakey about it.
But they aren't. They are not actively doing it to offend you nor are they forcing you to look at it. There's not a coomer dyke cabal conspiring to force the fujos to look at their cringe coomer genderbents.

No. 2149434

And samefagging, most of these artists aren't even lesbians so I don't know why lesbians are so offended. Are you going to get offended at people calling out male coomers too if you just happened to find his art sexy?

No. 2149438

I lost it kekkk

No. 2149443

>You care so much more about your bean
And yet your entire argument is that lesbians shouldn't distract from your uwu gay moids by genderbending them to female for fun or even wanting female characters because "WAHHHH I CANT COOM TO WOMEN WTF!!" and not being able to comprehend lesbians playing games with male characters they're not attracted to and genderbending them to female for fun. Literally everything you said is a mountain of projection. You care about YOUR bean and nothing else, literally constantly whining about female characters being "shoved in your faces" and how lesbians who play games with male characters must "secretly be STRAIGHT!!" because you cannot comprehend anything beyond cooming.

No. 2149447

>In fact, why is a lesbian even playing joseimuke if she's not attracted to men to begin with?
No, but really? Why would any lesbian be obsessed with a male character and saying how much she loves him and writing essays and excel sheets of his oh so great traits, psychoanalyse all his lore and character, making altars and so on and so on? Most of “fandom” lesbians I know are obsessed exclusively over male characters and no, not made by women only, the regular shounen shit usually, tumblr sexymen too. Of course not only 2d, but 3d too. Do I really believe that a lesbian swooning over a guy character from supernatural is a lesbian and she is just “kinning” and “relating”? Idk man

No. 2149453

It's so funny how much you people flip flop over what a lesbian is. You are the ones who call lesbians into male only franchises fakebians and bisluts and whatnot but now the story is that lesbians are into male-only franchises because they're so enlightened and above coomerism compared to straight women. So tell us, what is the truth? Or is the truth just whatever is convenient for you right now? And again, there is no shortage of gacha with cute female characters so why the fuck would a lesbian play twisted wonderland anyway?

No. 2149458

File: 1724375623343.jpg (87.13 KB, 1024x572, marin.jpg)

What's the real difference between art made for lesbian cooming and made for moids cooming anyway?
Pic related, considering it can probably count as an example of both, the author designed a girl she would find attractive, that she could dress up in outfits she herself designed with her idea of what is sexy.

No. 2149459

Autosexual pickme straight woman

No. 2149463

Which is also the type of women the supposed lesbians in here are desperately defending like retards. It takes two seconds of internet browsing to realize that most women drawing sexy pinups of women in moidgaze style are straight.

No. 2149464

File: 1724375932859.jpg (126.89 KB, 600x640, S4bc24ac3735a421bb3dd66a5f854f…)

But what's the difference between that and >>2146871 ?
Looking it up, she wears a bunny costume too.

No. 2149469

>It's so funny how much you people flip flop over what a lesbian is. You are the ones who call lesbians into male only franchises fakebians and bisluts
Male only? Yeah maybe, but that's usually not the case. If they read exclusively yaoi, probably not lesbian. If they make erotic fanart of male characters, probably not lesbian. But the women you're talking about aren't doing that - they're genderbending these male characters to female in order to sexualize them and find them attractive. Sooo… lesbian. It's not that hard lol. You're just trying to make it overly complicated because you're bitter and have an inferiority complex over finally having to admit to fujos being straight when you all tried to push the "fujos are mostly qweer!1!1!1" meme for years.

No. 2149472

A lesbian who is so uninterested in actual female characters to the point that she seeks out one of the few male-only gacha to genderbend and coom to is not the flex you think it is.

No. 2149474

And fujos genderbend female characters to male to coom constantly. I don't care. It's just something fandoms do.

No. 2149476

I've never seen that but i sure wish they did

No. 2149478

There's literally a fraction of fujos who do shit like imas and love live genderbends compared to how many waifufags/porn-rotted pickmes come into enstars and twst spaces, it's not even on the same level. One is far more common than the other and you know it.

No. 2149480

Aren't you the strike witches faggot who called all fujos pedos while literally being a fan of softcore loli porn so hard you bought the manga for it, while also being a self proclaimed heterosexual?(derailing)

No. 2149481

Ntayrt but I've seen it a few times, it's usually done out of pure curiosity or the official source made a genderbend.

No. 2149485

File: 1724376935506.png (442.78 KB, 403x906, 87387324.png)

We should normalize making coomer genderbent art of scroteshit like nikke or blue archive tbh

No. 2149487

Scroteshit gacha has the worst female designs on earth its not even worth genderbending.

No. 2149495

File: 1724377316095.jpg (81.33 KB, 850x777, weugwdfgj.jpg)

For me it's about the humiliation factor. There's something satisfying moulding moids handcrafted attempts at reducing women the lowest they can go only to have them made into hot anime men

No. 2149517

No, kill yourself for being a schizo tinfoiler who follows personalityfags.

No. 2149617

File: 1724384490783.jpg (128.29 KB, 442x405, absolutely disgusting.jpg)

>m*le witches
Kill all fujos.

No. 2149630

>people cant choose their sexuality
>seething over f/f being on female only website

No. 2149646

File: 1724387551618.png (Spoiler Image,1.23 MB, 1202x716, p14rlh.png)

If you're a lesbian and you tell me that you find right more attractive than left then you're 100% an autosexual heterosexual woman confusing self-insertion and porn brain damage for SSA. Right don't even look like women, left has objectively more realistic female proportions lmao!!(no nsfw)

No. 2149649

actual schizophrenia

No. 2149653

no one is taking away your coom material lol

No. 2149662

lesbians aren't into anime girls anyways

No. 2149663


No. 2149693

Dehumanizing sexual fantasies of whom? You actually believe you're the big tiddy coom waifu? Or the 2d faggot that got r63'd into one? Lel

No. 2149697

>Women can control being pickme doormats
"of course I overhumanize male characters duh, I want to fuck them. What did you expect?"

No. 2149700

Right? How can there be fujoshi lesbians?

No. 2149702

I know this is bait, but this is unironically what "lesbian" fujos believe

No. 2149710

File: 1724392381526.jpg (329.75 KB, 1417x1885, 3cacdca8a463ab68474930648de9db…)

Male characters unironically look more like women than female characters.

No. 2149723

They have penises. Though, a lot of people think women do too.

No. 2149726

>twinks are actually women
is this the new cope?

No. 2149738

So true, especially when anal and blowjobs are involved

No. 2149835

It's the same shit trannies try and shill, girly men are actually women.

No. 2149844

Kek ngl I kind of agree with this in some non-coomer cases because anime guys just look like an androgynous person, and most anime women now look like a retarded 10 year old, or a bimbo blowup doll. Obviously it doesn’t excuse fujoshit and gay male porn though, just stuff like lesbians playing as a guy character in some anime style games.

No. 2149907

File: 1724409650340.webm (4.74 MB, 360x360, 1716943523245.webm)

can we all know yaoi is famous for having actuate depictions of gay sex

No. 2149931

File: 1724411909231.jpeg (312.2 KB, 600x800, 2BEC5446-C634-41CC-9F53-FC2B4E…)

Hang out with the scrotes on 4chin if you want to talk about their loli or loli with watermelon tits canon counterpart. You and me both know it would be better with hot men instead(derailing)

No. 2149932

We need to start genderbending strike witches characters to make the yuri pedo seethe kek(bait)

No. 2149935

No. 2149940

what did i just watch

No. 2149941

File: 1724412620742.jpeg (159.39 KB, 850x869, 940F5B06-EBB2-4F84-8AC7-F0B44D…)

I have a male Perrine (picrel to the left is her in universe design) wip that I’ll 100% post once I’m done with it with a cock bulge of course

No. 2149942

How many people in this thread are straight women fed up with yaoi? it seems like some fujos think their detractors are all man-hating lesbians or straight men but never sane bi and straight woman. There might be a few in this thread but frankly, I feel weird asking something as personal as sexual orientation in this board.

No. 2149945

Nta but unrealistic sex between men is still sex between men and the unrealism comes from the interaction, not the bodies. If fujos can understand that ftms ruin yaoi by inserting ftms as one of the ""male"" partners and suddenly one of the totally real men has a vagina and is really female, why don't they recognize that yaoi having androgynous men (truly androgynous characters are not that common, a man with long hair doesn't look like a woman) and men who "look like women" or "act like women" but are biologically male can ruin it for f/f readers and regular lesbians and therefore they like f/f? It's like thinking lesbians would be into futa.
Being into something you think lesbians shouldn't like isn't proof they aren't a lesbian and just pretending to be homosexual, ESPECIALLY when it's literally just sexy women (not even scrote shit like loli or insane fetish shit that's an obvious red flag, just typical sexy big booba women in scantily clad clothes from a game for women. It can be cringe, but it's not proof they aren't gay). The only ones pretending to be homosexual are straight men who larp as women. Being into women isn't being a pickme just because men like women kek. If they're pretty much only salivate over men and it's all performative, fine, but we're talking about women who only want to fuck women and don't give a shit about men, not bi women who are bi in the "I would tolerate a threesome for nigel" way rather than the actually same sex and opposite sex attracted way. The issue with the whole "I'm only shitting on pickmes" thing, is pickme is not being defined as women wanting attention from men, but any lesbian woman into things you think they shouldn't like because scrotes also like it. If the artist is a pickme, whatever, doesn't really matter, what matters is thinking that no real homosexual women can like it and if they do they can't be really gay. Sexualization can be annoying, but I can see the appeal to women who are same sex attracted. If it was just reeing about men being into it, no one would care.

No. 2149955

Straight and honestly don't give a shit about anyone enjoying or not liking yaoi, yume, or yuri stuff, to each their own. Just think the fujos who start infights all over the site are annoying newfags who go against the point of the site (laugh at cows, this thread alone has some of the retarded fujos reeing that you can't make fun of anyone like them for being cringe and that's why this whole derail and retarded attempt to turn it into a discussion thread started). Some of the posters in this thread are fujos themselves who are annoyed with the retards too. It never used to be this bad and you don't really see it in any other group like yumes or himes or whatever derailing and infighting all the time. If all the "no you can't make fun of meeee" stuff never happened, I wouldn't ever have really posted here. It's very Streisand effect.

No. 2149973

The arguments against nona calling this lesbophobia are confusing me, because it’s mostly people thinking nona is defending drawing shitty coomer art of women as long as it’s lesbians drawing it.

But it’s obvious that the glaring issue is the anon in the screenshot said “I wanna say SSA women are diseased” which is not only dehumanizing, but also blaming SSA women for the hypersexualization of women in this art. Even if you add a clarification afterwards, “I wanna say SSA women are diseased” is still a weird thing to admit and reveals what you think of lesbians. Lesbians aren’t even known for drawing this type of coomer art (unless we’re talking about certain yuri mangaka). Lesbian artists are usually the ones getting shit on for drawing women too “ugly” or “masculine”, so all this infighting about the big bad lesbian coomer artist bogeyman makes even less sense.

No. 2149993

I know this is late but does she have a Tumblr blog? I think I've seen that username on there a few times

No. 2149999

It got linked on /fit/ which is as retarded as /r9k/ kek

No. 2150147

>How many people in this thread are straight women fed up with yaoi?
I only lurk this thread but me.

No. 2150200

I’m sick of coomer degenerates in general. Pornsickness is making people miserable and completely out of touch with genuine intimacy and healthy bodily relationships (to themselves and others) whether it’s hookup-obsessed losers who expect women to all look like porn, incels who hate that real people don’t look like muh hentai waifus/husbandos, or FTMs who goon to so much yaoi they think they need to cut their tits off and pretend to be 12 year old Japanese boys.

No. 2150745

I'm not talking about the shartpocalypse that is real gay sex. What part of a dick going into an anus or a mouth is lesbian?

No. 2161351

Did anything happen while the site was down?

No. 2161448

File: 1726131652177.png (41.63 KB, 772x440, aaa.png)

I share this mostly for the comments, there's a few standouts of "I read worse and turned out fine!" (tifs withstanding). It's benign shit, lack of self-reflection at most, but I kek at how they sound like boomers playing chicken at how much spanking made them cooler people or something. https://www.reddit.com/r/AO3/comments/1f726cd/apparently_my_thirteen_year_old_cousin_is_a/

No. 2161492

Have you ever noticed that they're all from like hyper-conservative countries? I think that's honestly why most women in the western world see BL as weird. It's like these Muslim/Asian women have to vicariously live their sexuality through fictional men because they're told they're "sluts" if they're women who want sex with men. It's also fucking weird to encourage a 13 year old to read erotica. The comments are weird. It's like they never grew up. They need to be slapped and told they're not fellow teenagers anymore and to stop trying to hang and be cool with the kids and act like an adult. Stop talking about shipping and fandom nonsense with 13 year olds or asking them what ships they have. Especially since they know AO3 smut is just a click away. It's like asking a thirteen year old what their favorite bodice ripper is. Irresponsible and creepy, shows how immature that crowd is. Bunch of womanchildren.

No. 2161555

>it's great that she's exploring
It'd be even better if she were exploring in some healthier way than endlessly consuming gay porn where no woman is involved in any way…

No. 2161563

>How many people in this thread are straight women fed up with yaoi?
I'm sick of it being everywhere and the default in almost any female fandom. At least in the fandoms for the media I like. I used to be a massive fujo in my teens, but now when I see yaoi art that's focused on one of the guys (the seme is faceless or not fully visible) I wonder what even the point is if they're not focusing on the couple as a whole. Why not just make the seme a faceless woman, since it's clear that what they like is seing submissive handsome men? I just cannot wrap my head around it anymore. But whatever, everyone's free to like their fiction in any way they want, I don't need them to change their tastes for me. What I hate is that they assume every single woman is also a fujo and don't let new fans in without bombarding them with yaoi shipping shit because fuck you if you just want to see the two characters as friends/rivals/enemies I guess. And if you point out that none of their shipper delusions are canon they'll just dogpile you and spam you with the "proof" that's, at best, shit-tier fujobaiting, and at worst, simple interactions that anyone sane would see as non-romantic, in most cases. This is a problem with shipping in general, but yaoi is more popular than het shipping in most fandoms, so it's more annoying.
>it seems like some fujos think their detractors are all man-hating lesbians or straight men but never sane bi and straight woman.
There's also fujos that try to claim you're a homophobe hating on gay males and fujo lesbians (I do know they exist, they have their reasons for liking yaoi, but they can't be nearly as common as this type of fujo claims). They can never make up their minds, are non-fujos who don't worship yaoi all pedo lesbians or homophobic straights? Who gives a shit what their sexuality is? Point is we're sick of fujos acting so entitled and like victims at the same time. And tired of their casual snark directed at any woman who likes non-fujo things, it's not our fault that moids hate yaoi for moid reasons, they don't have to take it out on us.

No. 2166889

File: 1726528297033.png (1.05 MB, 1080x2179, fujo_to_tif_1.png)

No. 2166896

Yaoi characters are rarely bald, Tiffany.

No. 2166897

File: 1726528607013.jpg (1.22 MB, 1080x6465, fujo_to_tif_2.jpg)

No. 2166899

And they get offended when you tell them that tif-ism is nothing more than a combination of misogyny and fetishism.

No. 2166900

i mean she does look like that taxidermy idubbbz yaoi moid

No. 2166905

File: 1726528924200.jpg (1.83 MB, 1078x9045, fujo_to_tif_3.jpg)

No. 2166922

the great irony of this is that she was already closer to her precious yaoi boz" as a regular woman than any male on the planet.

No. 2166932

i wonder if kristy had a good 30th birthday

No. 2166947

>it's not our fault that moids hate yaoi for moid reasons, they don't have to take it out on us.
Even then, I think the amount of moids who hate yaoi or feel "uncomfortable" by it is over-exaggerated by fujos. There is literally a regular fujo thread on 4chan /a/ where they can peacefully discuss their fujoshit in peace and both groups generally tend to stick to their own for them to intersect. And yet fujolards like to larp as based Stacies for making moids mad, letting them live rent free in their heads, when moids probably don't give a shit about it as much as they think they do.

No. 2166953

Tbf, that was stopped for years because men kept spamming tranny gore and zoophilia onto it.

No. 2167323

not to defend fujos but everytime there is a popular yaoi bait anime scrotes make /a/ unusable with their seething

No. 2168504

Half their threads are populated by faggot and bi scrotes who get turned on by threesome fantasies where they cuck their wife with a twink and fujos still think they're owning moids by drooling over yaoi. Since scrotes seem to grow more homo every day this phenomenon is only growing. Maybe the homophobia of anime fans back in the day was just repressed homosexuality. So many men and even trannies now are making "cuck fujoshi chair" jokes and they just laugh along like they aren't being made fun of, as if it doesn't even bother them. This is what we mean when we call them fujocucks.

No. 2179790

File: 1727319247034.png (3.9 MB, 752x6837, 1727302668222.png)

No. 2179839

File: 1727323294051.png (248.5 KB, 645x698, he it fujo.png)

No. 2179840

File: 1727323396631.png (373.57 KB, 1123x947, mtf fujo.png)

No. 2179844

File: 1727323440668.png (475.19 KB, 598x849, bad art.png)

No. 2195255

File: 1728182824610.png (Spoiler Image,265.06 KB, 602x1071, 1qGBpTD.png)

No. 2206564

File: 1728888696810.png (504.97 KB, 615x828, aAD6bJW.png)

picrel has to be peak fujocoomer brain-rot

No. 2206572

this just looks like cool art. anon i dont think this person actually wants the hurricane gijinkas to fuck

No. 2206614

sweet innocent nona

No. 2209281

Trying not to shake away my terminally online brainrot and analyzing why she redrew a sensual f/m artwork to be m/m and instead just redrawing famous BL ships as f/m to destress.

No. 2212065

File: 1729227588841.jpg (32.42 KB, 822x132, 1000021699.jpg)

Speak for yourself, you smoothbrain. I fucking hate these clowns assuming their personal macabre tastes are universal for all fujos

No. 2212075

This is so fucking funny

No. 2212087

This is more creative than the coomer moids turning the hurracaine into a generic animu grill

No. 2212188

I gotta agree, that is very good. Mfw even coomer women are superior to coomer moids.

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