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No. 411848
you can say whatever you want as long as it pertains to romantic or sexual fantasies about other women and isn’t talking about dicks. if its not a fantasy go to the lesbian/bi thread.
Previous Thread:
>>>/g/342326 No. 411920
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>>411914>>411918here's that attention you wanted
No. 411977
>>411947Don't let them shame you anon. Idk about the best but it's up there.
>>411949I think women always look so hot and confident in boxers. If I had a girlfriend who wore boxers I would probably steal them and wear them myself occasionally, I just feel like sharing clothes is so intimate. Shirtless, or a white tank top and boxers is the best look. Actually white tank tops in general look so sexy.
No. 412480
I’m bored and horny so retarded reply session
>>411868Me too, if I ever get a chance with the girl I like I would be so attentive to her, I want to give her the best time of her life. Kinda cringe but I’ve seen het women on the internet gush about being with a guy that just knew how to do things so well, like they felt like they were becoming completely undone. I want to be that for a woman.
>>411914Wait, what was the problem was this message? Everything you said here was so real. I want women to orbit me online and everything… or I want to be a part of a group of orbiters for a cute girl ha. I kind of am secretly, there’s just not a community of women like that. Honestly have thought similar things about the internet for a couple of things - embarrassing but I used to go on porn subreddits and all the flirty titles for each post were always geared towards men, talking about giving them an erection and the like. It’s kinda isolating to consume that crap as a woman and I would imagine a parallel universe where women were posting themselves naked on the internet asking if they made other women wet kek.
>>411949ARE YOU ME? I think this is my biggest turn on. When you can see the outline of the vulva through the boxers too… oh my god. I get horny instantly. Need to mouth at her clit through her boxers.
>>411951Mod is right you need help but I also want a girl to kill me honestly. Or even a romantic suicide.
>>411963>>411969I don’t see the rush. Maybe it’s just me but I think experiencing firsts with someone you really like is way better than just hurrying up and hooking up with someone for the sake of it. With the right person it can make the experience really memorable and overwhelming in a good way. Just let it happen when it happens. I used to cringe when I saw people say they want their SO to be a virgin (even straight nonas on here) but I think I’ve started to understand it, if the person you’re dating is experienced then it’s cute, if you’re both virgins then it feels kinda special. Basically there are definitely pros. Of course it depends on the person, if hook ups seem like fun to you and/or there’s no romantic appeal then this is basically irrelevant.
>>412259I have a fantasy of a truth or dare session turning into this. Party game fantasies are fun especially if you’re the type to crush on friends like me. I like to imagine the aspect of pretending you totally don’t want your friend to lick you pussy.
No. 412757
i’d love something like this. i went to a maid cafe in japan when i was 15 years old and the maids were so cute it made me blush like a tomato ahah (embarrassing), they call you princess if you’re a girl so i think it got to me haha. but there were a lot of creepy guys too, so it would probably suck to work there, but like if the customers were women it would be so cool OMG LIKE imagine loser women who like anime going there and they’re all shy and shit and you want to be their favourite maid. idk ik it’s also kinda dumb but it would be soooooo cool. sorry i type like a dumb ass when i think about dumb stuff.
No. 412997
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unfortunately i'm getting really horny thinking about ancient minoan women and their dresses that fully exposed their breasts. i can't handle it. sorry. i know, i'm a danger to society and abnormal. take me to jail now. there's just something about it, or several. i wish i could have seen them in real life just working with their boobs out, though i'm sure it probably wouldn't have been so sexy to me and just normal had i grown up desensitized to that. the otherwise almost full coverage of everything aside from the boobs is literally turning me into a primal animal right now like i'm in heat
No. 413102
>>411937Nta but I get it nona. Like imagine arguing with an angry lesbian and trying to make a
valid argument but suddenly she shuts me tf up by putting my mouth to better use, as in, between her legs. Better yet if she calls me a bislut and makes me do ungodly things only to point out that me consenting so enthusiastically to her awful treatment further proves her point.
I swear I'm usually not like this, but there's something about unapologetic angry women, they can fucking ruin me and I'll thank them.
No. 413155
women who likes males are not superior
(responding to bait) No. 413170
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>>413167It’s because they are all closeted homos. They grimace just by seeing a female body that doesn’t look like a plastic smooth barbie doll yet they look like hairy, smelly beastly sasquatches. This quote explains male sexuality in the most poignant way possible
(derailing) No. 413208
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>>413205Can you log off now holy christ how are you still going. I think you must want to date a bi woman you're so obsessed, and don't act like lesbians never post about craving penetration.
No. 413383
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>>413369Oh boy do I. I’ve only had a crush on like 4 people in my entire life, and they all had this nose type. Long but with a low profile, with a slight bump, a rounded tip, and sexy ala (just had to google the word for that part of the nose kek.) spoiler for my retarded nose fetishist example drawing.
Looking at it objectively, i just realized it kind of looks a lot like how profiles were stylized in ancient Maya art. Which also happens to be my favorite ancient art style… hm.
No. 413522
I normally don't fantasize about anything crazy but last night I was thinking about having a woman ride my face.
>>413360That's a -philia I never heard of til now. I guess that's me, I'm attracted to women with sharp features and certain nose shapes are really attractive to me. My ex GF had a cute nose and I like mine.
No. 414063
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>>413383I was going through my photos and this one reminded me of your post
No. 415136
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i'm sorry for being such a coomer but i came across some woman's tumblr audio post of her touching herself and orgasming and i can't lie it was really hot. i don't think anything's made me that horny in a while, i'm so weak. it wasn't exaggerated or porny at all imo and the format is exactly perfect for fantasizing. sadly she has a fanbase of trannies that send her asks about girlcock that she responds receptively to but i found that out after i was done i'm so lonely i fantasized about having a girlfriend that would send me that kind of thing or make me watch her masturbate in general to teach me what it takes to get her off… i'm getting something akin to "post nut clarity" as i type this kek
No. 415231
>>415136Kek learning how to get someone off in that way seems like a great idea actually, I might suggest this if I find a girl I can do this with… one day…
Audios are really hot to me too nona, I think I’d enjoy getting those over nudes for sure.
No. 416730
>>416643need a tall girlfriend specifically for the purposes of being hugged by her from behind in the shower while she rubs my clit and her wet hair drapes around my face and shoulders
>>416705>the moment before I see her with her pants off is such a moment of anticipation for mefor me it’s when you can see the vulva pressing against her underwear, it’s so enticing and just makes me wanna put my mouth on her immediately. also the entire expanse from the mons pubis to the navel is so so so sexy, i love the lower tummy region so much
No. 417150
>>411914>i seeing girls says bisluts and call other women bitches or whores it’s fucking so attractive i don’t know whyCringe.
>i wish you could be a 4chan egirl but the orbiters are girls and they would want you defend you and also hate the shit out of youBased. I have a similar fantasy of acting as autistic as possible and shitting up female-dominated generals on 4chan and other women either get mad at me or find my retardation endearing and funny and they all sexually harass me to either scare me off or make me sperg out more.
No. 417158
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i fumbled a cute emo tif in the past and while i'm over her as a person i'm not over the concept itself. she permanently cemented my type in women with her influence. i can't stop fantasizing about having one squirm under me with girlish moans after the whole man larp ahhh…
No. 417203
>>416643>>416730need a tall girl (one specific tall girl) to flirt with me and as we get bolder and bolder and things start to get real, she gets a little shy, and that's when I strike. she might haltingly lean in and move her face a little close to mine, but when she hesitates to make the first move, I'm the one to kiss her and stick my tongue in her mouth and I'm the one to push her into the sofa and straddle her and suck and bite her neck and slide my hands under her shirt and
so on etc. until she comes hard and she's left spent and speechless.
>>416969you want to fuck that one lacryboy roachification picture. be honest.
No. 417208
>>417158>>416969This thread consistently reminds me i'm not unique with my fantasies, and i'm thankful for it.
>bpd traits and baggage turn me off like nothing else canExactly. I need the female equivalent of a neckbeard, doesn't matter what she looks like. Not a cluster B. I had a devastating crush on this skinny, very smug boyish woman who wore
fedoras and was a kind of NLOG (i mean this in the best possible way). Probably not a channer but she is the blueprint for this fantasy
> i can't stop fantasizing about having one squirm under me with girlish moans after the whole man larpYes… She doesn't even have to be a TiF, as long as she's the nerdy/lanky emo type who never sees the sun and is always hunched over her sketchbook/phone/computer, giggling to herself. Feminine fujos are perfect too, i really just need a pervert weak woman to ruin.
>>417160Same… It's not necessarily about LARPing as a boy myself (though i can imagine her being flustered by a tomboy/butch), just knowing she's
that weird is enough.
No. 417232
>>417203the legacy of the lacryboy roachification picture can't be understated. it marks a before and after in my life tbh.
also same to your tall girl fantasy.
>>417118honestly i'd be okay with her not wanting me as long as i had access to her in some way to at least adore her from afar but i also believe a woman like that doesn't exist. sad for us. closest thing i can think of are those neet schizoid fujos and himejoshis.
>>417208>i really just need a pervert weak woman to ruin.10/10
No. 417249
>>417232>i'd be okay with her not wanting me as long as i had access to her in some way to at least adore her from afarThis reminded me of an old cow discussion on 4ch (i think) where some anon complained that his female roommate was a rancing fujo. He could hear her vibrator buzzing if he stopped near her bedroom. I imagined living with a woman like this, sometimes being invited in her room because she's friendly enough depsite her fixations. Coming across disgusting doujins or sex toys tucked under clothes on her bed. Hearing her masturbate at night, moaning things (
my name, even). Getting a feel of her life and state of mind through the things she drops in her bedroom or in mine, because she's too focused on terrorizing stangers online to have a decent hygiene. Sleeping next to her after we watch a film or chat for some time. Then hearing her masturbate next to me, silently humping the bed because she needs her yaoi fix or himejo fantasy to sleep, anything goes. Making it clear i'm still awake and watch her go from deep embarrassment to bliss as i help her relieve herself from all that pent up lust. Seeing her try to enact her retarded dom fantasies she got from 10+ years of masturbating to scroteshit, grabbing her hand or sextoy or whatever she's using to use it on her instead.
No. 417308
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>>417282>e-“relationship”But we already met each other irl and we're meeting again in 2 weeks.
(derailing/baiting) No. 417315
>>417304>it’s not me U R SCHIZO!!then
>>417308>ok it is mekekkkkkkkkkkkk my sides, I guess she likes you because you have the IQ of a child
No. 417317
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>>417315We're not the same poster, dumbass. I just popped in to clarify that I've actually met my gf irl.
No. 417334
Every weekend feels wasted because I'm not spending it in between her thighs. I don't want to run errands or go to the gym or hang out with friends. I just want to bring her home with me on a friday, make her dinner or get takeout and drinks, and then spend as much of the following two days as possible between her thighs. Not even just sex, I just wanna lick and kiss and nuzzle her thighs while she's watching sports or playing video games or whatever. I'd kiss her all the way down her legs and calves to the tops of her feet and up to her tummy and neck and ears and occasionally look up at the tv to see whatever she's watching. I already know she just goes home and does nothing after a busy week, so it's dangerously easy to think about how I could enhance her downtime with my tongue and hands and anything else she wants from me. She could spend the whole weekend unwinding however she likes and worshiping her soft chubby thighs would be my entertainment. We could put on music and go for a walk at night to enjoy the warm summer air and then come home and fuck. In the morning, we could walk to the diner a few blocks away and bring a little secret baileys for the cheap diner coffee and then come home and fuck. And when she left on sunday, the residual thrills would keep me going through the week until the next day off, when we could unwind together again…
If only there was a way to tell her that I'd do anything for her if she wasn't too repulsed by me being a boring depressed loner.>>417252You're not wrong, but I get it, because women can be so buttoned up and repressed that it's super hot to think about someone who's either shamelessly perverted or so furiously horny that she's absolutely desperate to be taken care of.
No. 417906
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>>417232>tfw when your crush resembles the lacryboy roachification image so much she gets compared to it on tiktokkms. i will never have her
No. 417939
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>>417929Unfortunately she stopped posting and has privated for a while but picrel is a niche meme that features her, kek.
She is the typical TiF with autism unfortunately. No. 418030
>>418023>superstraight girls>unicornsKEK nona that's exactly what i call them, superstraight. It's a tragedy that qt autistic 'relatable' women with cute boyish looks are the most likely to worship men and be obsessed with them, even moreso than normal feminine women. How cruel! How unfair!
>i'd want a regular tomboy gf but it's not the same without the internet addictionYou get it, elegant normie butches are very attractive but they don't have the special appeal of internet addicted strange tomboys
No. 418059
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>>418023I’d feel a little ashamed to post the link since I know her IRL kek. I actually followed her before I met her but didn’t know she was a TiF until she posted picrel. Luckily she isn’t straight but she’s still a fujocoomer…
>i'd want a regular tomboy gf but it's not the same without the internet addictionYou get it nona. Here there are a deeecent amount of GNC women but they are often TiFs and I’ve never met an internet addicted one who wasn’t. I’ve had some success peaking them in the past though lol.
No. 418069
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Okay so i have this moid tier fetish. I want to shove my underwear into the mouth of a pathetic loser girl. Like I am the cool bully Regina George and I'm cornering her in the bathroom or locker room and force her to get on her knees and open her mouth and then do the thing. Pls dont come at me, it's just my cringe power fantasy because i was the loser girl in my school. I also like body hair on women like here.
No. 418181
>>418178how exactly are the posts about women "bishit" , are we meant to only like feminine women now?
inb4 this turns into an infight, don't bother be the change you want to see nonna and make the posts you deem right for the thread
No. 418266
>>418225anon i have a friend who gets exactly like that. don't you fret, you'll survive this.
>>418239same. i don't get tif chasers to be completely honest. some of them are cute (the ones who just look like messy androgynous girls with short hair) but i can't stand their idiocy. i just want a pretty and gross gnc woman with none of the gendie brainworms. i'd do anything for one of those. one day i was so desperate to find my dream girl that i even thought about making a duolicious profile to test my luck but thankfully i got better. i don't think she would be in that terrifying place anyway. from what i've seen it's just cluster b "
femcels" with anime pfps. scary.
>>418253>>418254tomboy master race
No. 418267
>>418265tranny chasers are GAMP, not gay or straight
TiF chasers are bi
No. 418273
>>418256so true. I'm in love with you actually
>>418266you get it
No. 418278
>>418253who gives a shit this is female fantasies thread
could you fuckless morons fuck off already
No. 418288
>>418277it's related to the whole agp thing. as far as i know, it's basically being attracted to men out of autogynephilia. basically, a tim being attracted to men because they can make him "feel like a woman" and not out of genuine attraction. idk what that has to do with regular men being attracted to tims though.
>>418286please stop taking the bait or else this anon is never gonna leave
No. 418302
>>418300she tried to resist, but it was her smegma coated pussy that finally got her into tif pussy only. from now on the only thing
nonnie could love was the smelly smegma pussies of stanky tifs, and she no longer could infight on lolcow anymore because she was busy chasing tif pussy. it was finally over.
No. 418304
>>418303"anon, stop resisting, soon you will forger about all of that bad stuff and only know fun and pleasure…" the tif sat her stinky ass pussy right onto your face. infight
nonny could not see the screen nomore and stopped typing. it was finally over. she was nothing but a stinky pussy eater from now on, and stopped posting stupid things on lolcow.
No. 418327
>>418305Nta but if she was hot I would totally smear TiF smegma all over my face
>>418182Sorry but I just like women who don’t practise femininity, not that weird. I’m still a lesbian just like how the fags who like men in skirts are fags.
No. 418340
>>418338Tomboys aren’t trannies, and the TiFs anons like just look like tomboys. What’s this idea that only bihets like boyish women and that it’s super ultra lesbian and tres homoséxuale to prefer feminine women kek. It’s such tranny logic to think that clothes and hair define gender.
>I must also let everyone else know I'm a fujo btwHas anyone itt even said they’re a fujo…?
(derailing) No. 418415
honestly maybe a bit shameful but I like to play hard to get because I fall hard for women, more than is reciprocated, and i prefer to work start with a strong friendship first. but if we were having a sleepover and she gave me even a remotely flirty or bedroom-eye kinda look, even accidentally, i’d fold so hard. i’m genuinely afraid of this happening, her eyes already make me melt, but the proximity and setting make my heart race. we both share the bed whenever we stay over with a friend and are pretty close, so it would be weird to just not, but whenever we do i make sure to go to sleep immediately after getting in, i have to keep myself from having weird thoughts. i always feel like she’s teasing me a little whenever we get into bed too, suddenly getting all touchy. i can’t handle her speaking to me in a sleepy low voice. aaaaaagh
No. 418556
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Can we talk about how hands are the most underrated sexy parts of a woman? All my crushes in the past always had a kind of hand like picrel – narrow wrist, long fingers, and a slender shape. There's something so mesmerizing and lewd about it. Goddamn, I'm so lucky to have a gf with pretty hands.
No. 418622
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>>418556Nona, you won't believe what video popped up on Twitter for me shortly after I saw this post. Maybe you'd like finger dancing?
No. 418885
>>418884Sorry nonita I have been thinking about female sexuality because i saw this i though only straigh women think this way
No. 419421
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>>419129kek imagine something like that but with a woman
No. 419467
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>>419427You made me click. It's just an ugly man. Regardless, low empathy women gross me out. Their eyes look empty.
No. 419489
>>419421alright i get what you mean. i was thinking more empty soulless stare but a woman with the psychopathic killer eyes that want to gain power of you is a good look too.
>>419467i love low empathy women's eyes. shannon's everything takes away from their beauty unfortunately.
maybe if she lost several pounds and they weren't so far apart>>419477that's creepshow art
No. 419611
i've had this fantasy for a while of being in college and having a mean roommate whose a messy, kind of edgy, party girl. she laughs at me for being a sweet good girl who studies diligently and never breaks the rules. she makes fun of me for how flustered i get when she walks around the dorm in her tiny tank top and shorts, not wearing a bra. i fantasize that we eventually start an intense relationship where she has me wrapped around her little finger, i'm inexperienced but i'm desperate to do good and hear her praise me. one night she catches me getting off to her photos and makes fun of me for being so gone for her. after that she purposefully posts more photos on her insta of her in her clubbing dresses and heels, just to laugh at me for being such a loser, jerking off to photos of her fully clothed, not even naked. she likes to make me eat her out as stress relief after a frustrating day. sometimes when she gets really into it she yanks me in by my hair and humps my face, not letting up when i say i cant breathe. on the flip side, i like the idea of her being secretly protective over me, like one day someone makes fun of me and she tells them to fuck off and eat their own shit or something haha. on nights out when she's bored, she sneaks out somewhere quiet to call me and instruct me on how to get off, listening to my moans and whimpers for her amusement. she doesn't let me cum so that i'm desperate for her fingers when she finally returns to the dorm. she convinced me to stop wearing bras when i'm in the dorm so that she can sneak a hand underneath my shirt and grope my tits. i imagine her torturing me with our shared bathroom's shower head, keeping it on my clit as i squeal and holding my legs open so i can't close them. nobody knows we're together, but nobody has to, because when she comes home and i kneel at her feet it's like the whole world falls away anyway.
No. 420045
>>419976do we like the same girl kek
>feel like the awkwardness would just add to the tensionI really want this, I wanna learn about sex together with someone. would feel so special
No. 420269
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I’m such a people- and sex- deprived NEET that I feel like my executive functions are not working. I’m convinced I would pounce on any woman who shows even the slightest attraction to me. I’ve been imagining a cute masc girl, tall but pretty with fluffy hair showing up my doorstep for some random reason, like maybe we need something fixed in the house and our neighbour’s daughter who is good at fixing shit is in town or whatever. I’d feel avoidant before she arrives because oh no human contact I’m an embarrassment so she can’t see me… But after peeking at her from above the stairs to get a look I’d get super excited because she might be a lesbian or at least bi. I’d feel super embarrassed when they expect me to say hi quickly to her because I’d probably be blushing and self-conscious (99% probability I’m in my pyjamas). If she was hot there’d be no chance of me being able to suppress my attraction to her especially since I’ve not had contact with anyone but my family in literal years I’d probably check up on her while she’s fixing something upstairs which is out of character for me since I would shut myself in my room when there were strangers KEK, joke with her a bit, and she’d be surprised about how obviously attracted to her I am. I think she’d be a little flustered and maybe question if she’s reading me incorrectly. But at some point she’d get done and face to face it’s really obvious there’s some tension there. She’d consider saying something about it just “she really shouldn’t” but I would probably last two seconds of it before dragging her into my room… and suddenly we’re frantically touching each other and trying to be quiet. I’m so overly sensitive and horny that I’d probably look like an idiot writhing and twitching + desperately trying to not seem like a loser for cumming instantly from just her rubbing my clit. The minute her tongue hits my clit I’d completely lose it, honestly I don’t trust myself to not start cumming before it even touches me, I bet it would look so erotic with the half lidded eyes and how swollen my clit can get. She’d laugh a bit teasingly and it would probably sound really sexy and turn me on more. I’ve never given head so I always worry if I’d do a good job, but I think in that moment I’d just be trying to have my mouth all over it, sucking and pressing my tongue to taste it, completely losing it. I’d bet she’d have one of those sexy pubis bones(?) the type that create a valley from the hipbones and stick out a bit and make the clit look so inviting. I’d want to see the whole view of her fit torso from below while I stimulate her. I think she’d throw her head back and her face would be so pink with her hair all falling in her watery eyes. After she comes we’d probably have a moment of clarity that we shouldn’t be doing this with others in the house. I feel like this fantasy is somewhat a result of the fact I simultaneously want and don’t want my family to find out that I’m gay kek. Don’t come for me for being a shitty NEET pls. Picrel is probably what I’d be wearing btw
No. 420285
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I'm (s)creaming
No. 420315
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>>420297You’re not retarded. I couldn’t find any actual examples sorry, since they would be nsfw. Picrel isn’t actually depicting it but I feel like you can imagine it from the photo, it dips in at the hipbones but comes up again at the pubis if you go lower, like it’s poking out a little.
No. 420415
>>420279i'm too ashamed kek but if you look up "lesbian nsft" and filter by audio it's among the top results. tbh there's pretty good ones under that tag in general; lately i just scroll there whenever i get the urge to jill. i'm such a coomer…
tip: have "trans" and/or "transfem" filtered
specifying because enbies and hsts tifs use the first tag sometimes No. 420509
I recently got to go to a female only event in my area (very private, invite only) and my god, it's like all the hottest women alive were there. I already knew what I liked but I'd never been completely immersed in it like that. Older butches, nonas. They're so tan and rangy and capable and unexpectedly soft. I like it when they wear little silver hoops in their ears and get tan lines on their faces from their polarized sunglasses. I like the way their tits look from never wearing a bra. I saw this one, tall, thin and athletic, so impeccably dressed, take a bite of a brownie and I got so turned on I was dizzy. I don't care if the attention I get from older women is mentorly or not, I show off for them constantly. They think it's cute when I offer them my seat, meanwhile I want them to fuck me in the back alley of some building. It'll never happen though because all of them have been married for like 30+ years (or their version of it).
>>420371Unfortunately I feel the same.
No. 420517
>>420371You remind me of a girl I knew on tumblr.
>>420410God same. I used to like shorter girls with curvy, feminine figures but I've seen the light. The long legs and the orangutan arms are irresistible to me I love them sm. Lanky gangly women supremacy
No. 421094
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Blondes. ESPECIALLY blonde body hair and eyelashes. Beautiful. I was a ginger warrior long ago but since then ive been led to the light like a mosquito
No. 421098
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I feel like I'm likely going to die alone but:
I can only feel romantic love for fellow fucked-up hypersexual degenerates. I want to find someone like me who is interested in a romantically monogamous but sexually open relationship.
We'd spend the weekends watching disgusting degenerate porn, masturbating to nudes we get from other bitches on dating apps.
But shee needs to have her shit together. At least be able to keep a job. I'd want to have a family with her (just girls, abort all boys) and delight in seeing them grow up like us.
Can anyone relate to this?(integrate)
No. 421107
inb4 bishit sperg this scene honestly really turns me on. making my tomboy gf "crossdress" from her regular clothing by wearing ridiculously girly clothes and teasing her about it, watching her awkward and embarrassed expressions ahhhh i can't take it. makes me wanna GROPE and feel for her wetness while making fun of her for it before i eat her out under her skirt.
>>421094ANON omfg yes. i love the way blonde body hair looks in the sun it's sooo sexy to me. it looks so soft and welcoming to the touch… honestly i'd be lying if i said i don't like banho de lua/body hair bleaching to achieve that look. sorry feminism. the contrast that creates is also hot to me. honestly i'm just all about contrast and juxtapositions kek
No. 421160
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I know this should probably be in the fetishes you’re ashamed of thread but they’re so boring and straight there. Anyway I kind of had a crush on Susie from Deltarune. Other than the fact she’s like furry adjacent this is totally the type of girl I would have had a crush on in school. I need a maladjusted girl who probably has anger issues and just doesn’t give a fuck. She would totally use imageboards
No. 421171
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>>421116>who took candids in the changing rooms of her college swimming pool.…of who? Herself or…?
No. 421213
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Fetishes you’re ashamed of reminded me, women who wear picrel are so hot
No. 421241
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>>421213Kek I used to wear these kind of glasses from middle school until recently. It gives you a serious person vibe, not gone lie.
But now I wear big framed Glasses.
No. 421242
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>>421213same. very happy about the recent office siren trend
No. 421777
>>421743I wish there was some sort of lesbian town where I could dress up like a slut and get hit on by women.
Kek same. Never worn any revealing clothes in my life but I would in some female-only town
No. 422383
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Is aftercare something you think about after you fantasized? sometimes i do if it's really intense. Either being comforted by sweet nothings or snuggle up to a woman that cares little of my well being.
No. 422421
>>421242Same… I've always loved office siren characters, something about small rectangular glasses in particular makes me so horny and i don't understand why. Speaking of office sirens, i want to work under an older one who's really authoritarian and borderline bullies me. I would love to rile her up with subtle defiance and inappropriate flirting (i like to imagine her as really repressed) until she snaps and corners me in private. I'd keep teasing her during our argument until she calls me a filthy pervert and many more rude things. At this point we'd realize how physically close we are and somehow we start having angry sex. I also fantasize about being the (fake) naive underling to a horny female boss and servicing her under her desk, letting her grope me etc.
No. 424400
>>411848i just discovered this site today… im a skinny 5'5 brunette masculine/"chapstick" lesbian taller nosebridge (lol i was reading the thread and it made me feel better about myself im super awkward IRL and feel ugly AF) virgin i watch and read a lot of porn tho lol i wish i had a Gf omggggggggggggg. anyways,,
i realllllllllyyy want a girl to lick all over my fucking clit while i shove her face into my cunt, telling her how much of a dirty bitch/ whore she is. ngghh sooo fuckkinggg hott. my juices getting all over her face. i love dirty talk i want to talk to my girlfriend while having sex like, "such a good girl f'me" i curse constantly lol getting to hear little whimpers come out of her mouth ,, soooo sexy!!! i would love to just sloppy make out with a girl, my tongue fucking her mouth, while i finger her insides,,, especially if we're high on marijauna … id totally love to use a strap-on too.. watching it split her open ughh id say "you like my cock baby?" i just wanna see her get all worked up under me. getting all sweaty n sticky together <33
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My druggie mom molested me for years when I was little. Let a couple of even more fucked up druggie girlfriends touch me. Eventually I was "rescued" and placed with my alcoholic grandma who at least was just passed out most of the time. So much of my identity is being a victim. But I still masturbate to it often. I hate feeling like I'm only a lesbian because of what happened to me, like I can't even have a sexual identity and know it's truly mine. I'm not typically into infatilism or m/lg, I just fantisize I'm a kid again and a loving mother figure comes into my room and takes advantage of me. Fucckkk I hate myself so much.
No. 424758
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My current daily life is quite boring and lonely, but I like to fantasize about what my daily life might look like in a couple years.
I'll have a WFH job where I slack off a lot. I have a very clingy NEET gf with high libido. She'll rarely leave my side more than a meter and clings to me all day while wearing cute feminine clothes, like miniskirts for easy access. We're not morning people and need to have morning sex to start our day. I'll wake up to her eating me out or fingering me, making me orgasm hard. Or vice versa. Throughout the day, we're fucking each other multiple times. I like the idea of teasing her and driving her mad while she's playing games or doing stupid shit online. Like caressing her thighs and slow masturbating her while forcing her to keep playing until she begs me to cum. I also have a kidnapping fetish and will tie her up and pleasure her like crazy. In the evening we cuddle and have sex for hours yet again. We also enjoy spicing things up and sometimes have sex on drugs like weed, psychedelics, MDMA etc.
No. 424761
>>424754 please, don't hate yourself for it, that happens to many people who went through CSA, and if having these fantasies hurt you, you should seek professional help.
Fantasies are supposed to be fun, not something that brings you pain.
No. 424917
I'd love to be used by a cute, meek, soft woman (i picture her with glasses and fluffy long hair, small breasts, simple modest style). She'd be very nervous and pliant during our first dates, whining and giggling when i tease her verbally and physically. I'd savor her embarrassment (she'd be so adorably pathetic at first, panting and asking for release while i edge her) until something snaps within her and she shows me her agressive (maybe even sadistic?) side, making me into her plaything, roughing me up. I have many more ideas (her being an insane woman beneath her allure, physical transformations to symbolize the shift, asking her to be a little more agressive in bed and seeing her turn into such a domme that she goes 'overboard'…)
No. 425100
>>423831Same, this is fucked up and belongs in the fetishes you’re ashamed of thread but I felt this way while having an ED-ridden bi/les friend group. A mixture of competition and attraction too. Also if a woman is homophobic to me I just get turned on unfortunately
>>424400speak your truth newfag
>>424758God this is the dream, I aspire to have this.
No. 426193
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>>426185I'm about to make your day. The very thing you're describing exists, they're like chastity belts with a dildo on the inside. Being forced or forcing a girl to wear one in public as a punishment is top tier, I especially like it if it's punishment for losing a bet or a game.
No. 426810
>>426784Oh my god… This is my fantasy too. Or visiting her and walking in on her doing this with a pair of underwear I thought I’d lost.
Embarrassing but I really am so obsessed with her that it would take some serious self control to not steal anything dirty of hers, like a sweaty T-shirt too. I hate being a creep
No. 427116
>>426984Oh no kek, crazy thing is I unfortunately also relate to the parasocial internet crush thing too…
>in the privacy of my own room for as long as I want and behave like a retarded animal in heat with no judgementI totally get this. Honestly I feel a little ashamed picturing myself with my crush.
No. 427668
>>426784>>426984if i knew my girlfriend was sneaking around and smelling my used panties and masturbating like that, it would make me go feral. i'd lock us up at home and not stop fucking until we were both sore.
i have a huge thing about smells, a girl i dated was obsessed with yoga and cardio and whatever and so she would work out a lot, and the way she would smell afterwards…
No. 429032
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I need a degen woman’s clit in my mouth I can’t take this shit anymore I need to watch her groan and arch her back trying to hold back having an orgasm only for it to be futile as she literally creams on my face. Fuckkk me dude. I love when women are sensitive and when their clit is engorged, the slightest touch putting her over the edge.
this is also a really weird one but nonnas stay with me. women who are on t but only for a month or two before their body starts to change too much, but have a high sex drive? And I don’t necessarily mean TIFs (I’m not really attracted to them) but women who for whatever reason (bodybuilding, health, etc) need to take a certain amount of testosterone for a short period of time. Fuck idk if i just have a weird transformation kink but the idea of a woman waking up with a high sex drive and being unable to ignore it anymore just turns me on so so much. After that point i feel like they’d just become too masculinised for my liking but oh lord. Especially if nobody else knows but her?? AND she suddenly is finding herself attracted to women too? God. I can’t be alone in this or maybe i am
No. 429332
>>429032>woman waking up with a high sex drive and being unable to ignore it anymore just turns me on so so muchYes!!! I feel this would be an invitation to tease her until she snaps and starts using me for her pleasure. I get off just imagining a woman's slow ascent into a sex-crazed state, day by day, seeing her try to fight against it until she's so sensitive she comes from the slightest touch or becomes unusually agressive/passive from her sex drive boost.
Did you watch Love Lies Bleeding? It's a lesbian romance between a roided lesbian bodybuilder (really pretty) and a sleep deprived Kristen Stewart. The sex scenes are great and there are couple scenes where her body pulses because of her 'transformation' from taking T, those really got to me. I've always had a thing for muscular women but this really cemented it.
No. 429349
I FUCKING. HATE BEING HORNY. I don’t even know how to voice my thoughts. I’m thinking about things I’ve never even thought before. I feel like a complete slut kek
>>429032Ugh I witnessed this kind of firsthand. Unfortunately she went from lesbian (whole life, since middle school) to bi on T so it’s more like she began feeling attracted to men, not the opposite. But seeing her not being able to deal with the different libido was… hot, even though I didn’t get to experience it lol, she was already horny 24/7 before. Said that it didn’t actually change how “horny” she was, the physical urges just became difficult to ignore/control when she was. She wouldn’t shut up about sex and got flustered way too easily. Was kind of torture for me (sexually).
No. 429433
The only thing getting me horny past couple weeks is this coomer ass fantasy, but I get so wet so quick thinking about it. I imagine my friends organize a sleepover, we're all women and it's been such a long while since we got together like that. I come wearing the skimpiest clothing ever because I wanted to feel cute, and it would be just us girls, but then I get nervous in front of them, and they reassure me that I look super cute and pretty and how my body is so soft and they all fondle and touch me and try to make me comfortable that there's no reason to feel nervous or shy, we're all girls here and tell me how cute my boobs, my stomach etc look. And as I get more relaxed around them, there are a couple of nipslip accidents so they convince me to take off all my clothes and just stay naked because I'd look so much more cuter and they keep touching me and kissing me to make me feel less self-conscious. After that, I'm just hanging out with them completely naked, kek. One of them makes me sit on her lap like that, while we're just having casual conversation, and keeps fondling and caressing me that I get wet and leave a wet patch on her pajamas, she notices it and acts clueless like "nonna, do you want to go pee? why didn't you tell me?" and I have to tell her panicked it's not pee, that I got wet and she's like "Why didn't you tell me before?" and starts fingering me, while the other girls coo about how cute I look and how I definitely only came here to get fucked. Then I kill myself.
No. 429527
>>429433This turned me on so badly holy shit It’s crazy because I’ve thought about the wet spot thing too. Once I liked someone so much I got so insanely wet whenever I was around them it was crazy. I left a smear on my seat one time since I was wearing a short skirt and it soaked completely through my underwear. I was so scared she would notice but at the same time I kind of wanted her to see how she gets me lol… even if it were embarrassing.
I have a lot of sleepover fantasies too, especially with friend groups. That kind of coy faux-innocence with sexual undertones really gets me. And honestly, it feels a little… common? Kek maybe it’s my batch of friend groups but sometimes there’s
really no need to get that skimpily clothed or to be that touchy, it’s like this suppressed mass horniness that we’re pretending to not notice. It’s this kind of coquettish, cat-in-heat, slightly arching the back sort of behaviour. Even the straight girls start acting differently and suddenly they’re cuddling up to you and trying to caress you.
>while the other girls coo about how cute I look and how I definitely only came here to get fuckedGod the way I’ve had this exact fantasy. Just a bunch of us crowding around one of us doting on her saying she looks so cute but honestly even being mildly objectifying, and kind of perverted about it. And then once it escalates everyone’s cooing about how cute the faces she makes when she’s touched are and how she must have really wanted this etc. Teasing her and telling her how soft her skin is while spreading her thighs wider apart. Starting to grope her under her shirt.
I imagine this either being me or this really cute girl I know with these soft features and lovely thighs kek, which I’ve only seen once and I can’t get out of my head since she usually covers up god I sound like a perv sorry. But I bet she’s absolutely the type to struggle to keep quiet and get all whiny and needy. Nona I hate you because now I’m horny in the afternoon.
No. 429564
>>429527Nonna you get it exactly. I feel less insane now.
>It’s this kind of coquettish, cat-in-heat, slightly arching the back sort of behaviour. >honestly even being mildly objectifying, and kind of perverted about it. Ugh, exactly. Fantasizing about it getting heavier and escalating gets me so horny. Something about that setting really makes it.
Kek, nonna, and now I'M horny because of you No. 429745
>>429596Say more
nonny. Secret friend crush? Coworker? Girl at the coffee shop? Because if it's just a friend, don't let your dreams be dreams
No. 429938
>>429332>i get off just imagining a woman's slow ascent into a sex-crazed state, day by day, seeing her try to fight against it until she's so sensitive she comes from the slightest touch or becomes unusually agressive/passive from her sex drive boost.yesss exactly. I’m so glad you see the vision too. The idea of women actively craving sex from other women in a carnal sort of way really turns me on.
>have you watched my love lies bleedingYes I have and I will say that it absolutely fed into this a great bit kek. I’ve always liked muscular women as well, and that combined with the kind of transformation she was having because of her bodybuilding show at the end of the movie was the cherry on top
No. 430121
>>421353Nona… are you me?
I also have a weird breastmilk sharing fetish (don’t ask) and I want us to mutually pump milk into each other’s mammary glands.
No. 430214
>>430199>>430203SAME. Except mine’s just a mix of mutual impregnation and a bit of
>>429381 (which is when impregnation happens)
No. 430230
>>430210>who owns yougod I’m sorry but I know so many straight people that think like this and… I definitely have a visceral reaction. those breeding fetishisers. shiver
the actual reproducing thing isn’t weird to me, it would be cool if our biology had evolved to allow embryos to fuse or something, then again if it happened during tribbing we’d have to actual use those dental dams or something… yeah no i’m find, i don’t want kids anyway
No. 430243
>>430230I think you're overthinking it. First off we are not one of these straight people, and second one of them gets pregnant by scissoring thanks to our vaginas' lube or something. Baby also magically disappears when we had enough pregnancy fun or one of us turns into a chicken and just lets out an unfertilised egg kek
This is the fantasy thread, not everything has to make sense/be doable in real life. They're called fantasies for a reason.
No. 430405
I don't care if it's cringe, it makes me so wet when my fiancee comes home smelling of some other woman's perfume.
>>430264This is the coomer thread. If it wasn't coomerish it would be out of place.
No. 430420
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The woman I am obsessed with, I wish I could watch her all the time. Every tiny thing she does is interesting to me. She is so odd looking but in a way that fascinates me. I’ve never seen a woman like her before. I’m not even sure what this feeling is. I wish I was an alien so I could beam her up in my spaceship and observe how she interacts with the space I made for her. But I wouldn’t do that because she would be scared and probably cry. That would be too sad. Maybe instead I would send a tiny invisible drone (alien technology) to accompany her in her daily life so I could watch her without disturbing her. This is not a creeper fantasy because I’m not waiting around to see her naked or anything I’m not getting off on it. But you might say then does it belong in this thread? Fair question. But I ask where else would I put this. I want to watch her sleep. The drone would also need a microphone so I could hover really near her nose and listen to her cute breathing.
No. 430699
Being in a previous time where there are foreign powers up to no good and having a meeting in an empty place with a woman of the enemy nation. It comes out of nowhere, and you’re kind of giving each other looks but not knowing a clue what the other is saying, with unanswered questions and amusingly insulting each other. We realise we know a few simple bits and pieces from each others’ languages due to having had occasional interactions with others of that nation. I imagine this woman is an aristocrat who kind of talks down to me, in a position of power but at home is probably stifled for being a woman, seems tomboyish for a lady, and I get the sense she’s trying to waste time here with me. It’s clear to me she wouldn’t act this uninhibited around her family and associates. In broken communication and gestures some things are conversed, with a couple of slurs from each of our languages tossed in here and there, of which I glower at and she scoffs at. And I’m kind of torn, because she’s very beautiful and yet I find her handsome, and yet still I see the delicate Lady who men must give anything to marry. She’s the prettiest person I’ve ever seen, and this feeling kind of worms its way into my head and curls around the medulla in a way that feels uncomfortable. Looking at her, I would experience a feeling so alienly assertive like some sort of suppressed delayed puberty, all the feelings rushing into me. At some point she pulls out an adorned knife, engraved or something. She would push me down with no resistance slowly to the ground with the blade toward my neck. Even though she’s forcing me either way, I know her eyes are asking me without her volition, and I already knew what sick thing she wants much faster than would a sinless mind could expect another woman. And at this point I fully switch out of my full-time act with myself, yielding fully and looking at her straight in the eye. I would say a full sentence then, knowing she wouldn’t understand. She would say the word in her language I know for “What?” and I tell her again that she’s a perverse sinner, and I look her straight in the eye, and it’s clear that I’m just waiting. Her gaze lingers and then she presses against me, any doubt that could have existed about the nature of this all evicted. She would be pressing up against me and when she starts pressing harder I can tell it’s my pelvis she’s pushing against and I’m overwhelmed at the pressure that’s on my vulva. Holding me there for a while I can see the lust in her eyes, and as she starts touching my body under my clothes I would think about how depraved she does it, how lingering she’s touching me, anyway yeah we fuck and by the way she’s touching me I know she’s given women pleasure before, and then we’re tribbing out in the open jesus christ this fantasy was long sorry I didn’t expect to write a fanfiction This is embarrassingly based on this really pretty GNC girl I know
No. 430872
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I want my cute physics teacher to take me to her office and kiss me with her hands on my waist. I want her to start flirting with me in class while all the idiot males in my class are oblivious to our obvious chemistry. I want her to put her hand on my shoulder as she helps me answer a question, and lean into me as she writes on my notes. I want her to touch my ass as she stands by the door when I enter and exit the room. I want her to fondle my pussy through my clothes when I go up to her desk to talk to her. I want to get to her classes early and have her make me nearly cum, then edge me all lesson by brushing up against me. I want to stay after class and have her undress me and tell me I have a gorgeous body and then make me give her head. fuck nonnas, im so wet.
No. 430884
>>430872>teacherHow old are you? You mean professor, right?
Having sex with a professor is hot. You get to be praised by an older woman in a position of authority and gently guided by someone smart and confident.
No. 430901
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>>430699This is so much better than the Sylvanas x Tyrande fic I read the other day
No. 430967
>>430949>I wish there’s a way for 2 women to be even more intimate with each other than thatheterosexuals can never experience simultaneous dual penetration
nonny, we're blessed. you can fuck your gf in the pussy while she also fucks you in the pussy at the same and you can fit a little tribbing while you're at it. lesbians can do penetration better then hets ever could, lets be real
No. 431087
valid fantasy nona, not weird at all imo
bodyplay is very common among women imho, fusing into your lover is something plenty of girls think about. the weird ones are those psychos that go one step beyond and fantasize about skinning their partner and wearing their partner's skin as a bodysuit so they can feel more 'closer' to them. ive seen plenty of this on tumblr back in the olden days kek especially when goth/emo was still trendy back then
No. 431275
>>431268What's your gold standard for lesbian fantasies, bishitchan?
No. 431286
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I have a foot fetish and I'm also attracted to the shame that comes with it. I kind of love being perceived as like slightly creepy for the weird shit I like. I imagine myself being shamed by a group of more socially well-off women, being kicked and stuff, that or having their feet shoved in my face. I just love the shame that comes with certain things. I remember that when I was a teen, girls would ask me to do things for them (like short errands) because they knew that they looked good and that I was gay. I kind of liked it. so since that, having a lower social status and being manipulated by women with higher ones is just something I'm attracted to for some reason
No. 431288
I desperately want to share an insertable toy with her. Like, as in, she uses it until she gets super wet and the toy is hot from being inside her body and covered in her wetness, then I put it in myself. It's totally psychological but it would make me so horny and quick to cum knowing her arousal lubrication (why is there no sexy word for this kek) is inside me coating the inside of my vagina and mixing with mine.
>>431286I like women's feet too. When she shows the bottoms of her feet in natural sexual poses it really turns me on. I actually don't know why. it's not a humiliation or dom/sub thing for me. I just see the bottoms of her feet and it makes my brain go crazy at how cute it is. It makes me want to ravish her.
No. 431300
>>431293What about pee makes you get off? Do you have a fluid fetish? Or are you interested in her peeing
in your vagina?
No. 431346
>>431266This. I’m also a simple woman.
Eat pussy, trib pussy.
Suck titties, rub titties.
That’s all I need :)
(emoji) No. 431470
>>430210Yes, I want my girlfriend to get me pregnant.
If it were possible to get pregnant with other women, I would be a breeder, i would carry the babies of many lesbians inside me.
No. 431593
>>431534Same, kek. I'm obsessed with women's fantasies, even the ones I can't relate to, even the ones about males. Hearing what turns a woman on is insanely hot to me, I love imagining her face as she types up or illustrates her desires, thinking about whether she got off afterwards. When
>>431293 posted I immediately imagined what it would be like to find evidence of her fantasies or hear her shamefully whisper them to me and what it would be like to indulge a woman in her kinks in that way… I'd probably pretend to be embarrassed and shy but secretly 100% willing.
No. 431626
>>431370My favorite kind of flirting… Haha we are simply discussing sex like adults! Why are we laughing nervously? Why does it feels like our pupils are lasers that could melt metal when our eyes meet?
>>431593Sameee i get worked up from that other shameful fetish thread on a regular basis
No. 432320
>>432160Double posting sorry but I have such a thing for hands. I like the idea of me tribbing her or grinding on her and grabbing her hands so I can place them on my cheeks and make her cup my face. Or maybe she's running her hands through my hair after we've both come and I'm snuggling closer and headbutting her gently like a cat. Also when we're out in public, the idea of her squeezing the back of my neck just a little, I swear I get instantly wet just thinking about it. I think if she did it right my knees would actually buckle, then she could tease me about how easy I am. I usually like masc women but I think this fantasy is really hot with a woman who has French tips and dainty rings, the contrast is so hot to me.
I've also had this fantasy forever of kneeling at a woman's feet and resting my head on her thigh. Before I eat her out, she has her legs spread and I'm resting my cheek against the soft inside of her thigh and smiling up at her adoringly. Maybe I kiss her stretch marks (I find stretch marks really cute). Extra points if she's a businesswoman and I'm eating her out while she takes calls, maybe if she gets frustrated she starts talking louder and pulls me closer to her by the hair so I can barely breathe. I dream of humping her leg while she mocks me for being so desperate, panting and hiding my face in her leg as I come. While she pets my hair obviously kek. Or falling asleep while slumped against her knee, me sitting on the rug while she sits on the couch. It's so specific and I have no idea where this fantasy came from, I've dreamt of it for years.
No. 432433
>>431193nvm i realized i might have feelings for her
i really want to experience one of those nights with her where you just find everything funny and do retarded shit, watch trash series and movies, some flirting and kissing here and there. fuck i can only dream
No. 432629
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Still thinking of a beautiful woman over 6'0 with big hands holding me down, being rough with me.
No. 433259
>>433173I feel you
Sometimes I envy hyenas.
No. 434119
>>432154samefag, somehow by the grace of god i've managed to find this exact kind of woman. she's so fucking hot and i get so wet whenever we sext. i've never been this down bad for a sexting partner before. i want so badly to close the distance between us and actually make love to her, i want her to tie me up and tease me and fuck my face. i want her to use me, make me eat her out for hours, leave me a dripping wet mess.
she calls me "pet" and i'm surprised by how hot it is to me, and now i've been fantasizing about collar and leash stuff. i want her to yank on it whenever she's close, or to pull me in while she commands me to do things to her. fuckkk i'm so horny for her
No. 434453
>>434445>we hated each other but shed always make out with me in privatethat is literally so fucking hot
nonnie, care to go on?
No. 434534
>>434488I hate to seem scrote-ish but I have an ideal boob lol. For me the best boobs are soft.
Soft. So usually not perky unless they’re really tiny. The best thing about boobs is how round and soft they are. But I kinda love small saggy boobs… But I also love boobs so small they hold themselves up, like shallow breasts. I love big areola too and +1 for the visible veins thing, it’s so pretty when you can see them. Big fan of puffy nips though
especially on ghosties Still it seems crazy that moids’ standards are so simple and like… thoughtless idk lol. Like, the huger the better. Or they must be perky and not saggy. It’s like they just went with whatever’s popular kek
Boobs can be sexy, but I feel like for me first and foremost they’re cute and sensual. I want to kiss and caress them, or just put my head on her chest. I want her to touch my boobs lovingly too.
No. 434866
File: 1727905762353.webp (35.69 KB, 570x456, IMG_6257.webp)

so i definitely have a smoking paraphilia because i just watched a video of two women "helping" eachother smoke and it literally made my pussy throb kek am i 14 years old…
No. 434932
>>434893What so you think it is about being specifically taught about sex that's appealing? Is it that there's no uncertainty in what the other person is expecting?
>>434928Well? The session has started. Go on.
No. 435029
>>435022It's weird but I'm the opposite. I can't stand imagining myself as the object of a woman's desire in a physical interaction, so all my fantasies are scenarios that get me out of that, like being a ghost, or a man, or
an alien…etc… this is part of the reason i think i will never date or have sex. Some sort of unsurmountable mental block.
No. 435571
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>>435567Urgh I don’t think any celebrities really have her vibe. She looks a
little bit like a “cuter” Freja Beha Erichsen, if she was a little emo but maybe that’s the black hair. Alternates between dressing like a dapper man, nerdy bespectacled loser (her roots) and a frat boy kek
No. 435828
>>435821FUCK I feel the same way about my "straight" best friend growing up that always wanted to skinny dip and shower together and cuddle at night and hold my hand in the street and I hated myself so much that I convinced myself
I was the creep if I let her do that stuff. Fuck fuck fuuuuuck. We're pretty stupid huh
No. 435911
>>435838why are anglophones obsessed with this pejorative word demeaning of status known as "loser"
can't go anywhere without this uttered in some way
No. 436440
>>436341I love when women with small breasts wear button-down tops all the way buttoned. It’s so cute to me for some reason. It makes me want to hug and press my body against them or feel their cute boobs through their shirt.
We got a new employee at my job (a gendie unfortunately) but I saw her for the first time today in a meeting and was literally sweating because she fits this bill and I was having OCD intrusive thoughts the whole time fml
No. 436458
Children don't have adult breasts and if you knew anything about your own body, you'd know that small women's breast are literally fully developed, just small. When we go through puberty, our breasts are a different shape and don't resemble fully developed breasts at all.
No. 436459
>>436448Don't become
so anti-coomer that you accidentally regurgitate their talking points.
No. 436973
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I want to smell her underwear ….
No. 437770
>>437531This is such a turn on, do you have any examples of people who talk like what you're describing?
For me Jodie Foster's voice is rlly hot.
No. 437943
File: 1729104082632.jpg (10.83 KB, 132x132, tumblr_p6a67kPVDB1wawrrwo1_250…)

this is the first time in my life where i've lusted after someone in real life ever let alone this hard. it's borderline becoming painful, or at least painfully embarrassing. i'm actually a sick pervert, i just can't help making her the subject of my fantasies. it's almost a sickness. i can't take my eyes off of her. it was bad enough when i used to just see her around and now she's in the same class as me, i can't take it. she's like the walking personification of my type: about my height, slight, and effortlessly androgynous.
tfw i've posted here before about small chested women's breasts showing through their shirts braless being something that turns me into a ravenously horny animal and that's exactly what she turns up in everyday. so androgynous in fact that like this anon
>>437552 >she’s really good looking in a way straight women reacti've actually been told by a normie that she used to crush on her thinking she was just some effeminate edgy guy. maybe it's a good thing that i'll probably never get a chance with her in any way honestly. i feel like a creepy depraved incel kms. i want her so bad…
i don't even care if we take it to the bathroom for a quickie and then never see eachother again, honestly i'd be lying if i said i wouldn't love that. i so badly want to feel and taste her i feel like dying when she passes at glance at me so idk what i'd do if she ever spoke to me let alone touched. (un)fortunately i'm an autistic loser so that's probably never happening.
No. 438032
File: 1729128740637.gif (1015.99 KB, 498x373, courtney-sithe-the-great-ace-a…)

>>437917You are not alone on the surgery thing
nonnie. There's this character from an ace attorney game I played a while back that I also fantasized about her doing this to me, she is sooooo hot. This is this best image I could find of her though… tragic
No. 438154
I always had wet fantasies about dominating another girl older than me.
A private Hongkong-based lesbian BDSM group I was in leaked images of a real exhibitionist slave teacher recorded by her student that awoke something in me. (nsfw)
No. 438176
File: 1729186873672.jpeg (140.56 KB, 809x643, IMG_5436.jpeg)

Im ovulating and I’ve been getting of to this fantasy where I’m a noble woman of sorts and my older, middle aged servant discreetly gropes me while she’s dressing me. She slips her hand up my skirts and slowly traces the outlines of my labia and gradually starts rubbing my clit through my undergarments, gradually increasing pressure. She asks me if I want her to continue as if it’s the most casual thing ever while I get super flustered and turned on. Then she bends me over my vanity and fucks me with her finger until I cum.
No. 438178
File: 1729186996717.mp4 (124.21 KB, 350x270, HSHWHDEHQHSHC.mp4)

i love deep smooth voices im going crazy imagining her talking to me right now
No. 438311
>>438154I've had dreams about fucking female professors that are twice my age. You know why dominating and hurting them would feel so good? Because they're trashy creeps who fuck their students. I'm doling righteous punishment onto her for being a whore with no self control. I want her to be gentle and patient with me when she's taking the lead, and to be my punching bag when I want.
Do you think these pics are real? Usually this kind of stuff seems really trashy and unattractive to me, but something about the LiveLeak tier pic quality makes it seem so much more candid. It helps she has a sexy curvy body. Don't they have laws against this over there lol? I feel like it has to be fake cause no one but a porn star would be willing to do something that could permanently ruin her reputation.
No. 438343
File: 1729225585108.mp4 (Spoiler Image,2.62 MB, 376x276, d3e3-445a-403d-93bc-da451274b7…)

>>438311I guess the footage of the abandoned building part proves it's real.
No. 438406
>>438154My wet dreams are less outwardly agressive than that collage but i so understand this fantasy. I'm addicted to falling for weak older women with librarian vibes. Or smug, smart older women, i want to see their vulnerable, sensitive side. God i'm so jealous
>>438174Her legs are stunning
No. 438410
>>438406From the leak claiming to have read
a message by the owner, the student mistress apparently read some fiction about a bound and restrained teacher who was exposed outdoor and humiliated, and got herself a queer masochistic teacher as partner, and decided to make her fantasy a reality.
She started by filming with camera stands indoors with her teacher cuffed and humiliated, and then decided to do it in secluded outdoor spaces.
No. 438572
File: 1729307631029.jpeg (226.13 KB, 768x1024, 8825F967-10CE-460F-AE27-E0A3AB…)

My heart goes so crazy for tall, delicate, willowy women. I have this ridiculous instinct to cuddle and protect them even though I’m very small. I want to beat the shit out of someone on behalf of a tall willowy woman like some sort of psychotic miniature dog. Willowy women make me so crazy I would be so territorial. It might be a good thing that they would never date me because I think I would be too intense. Which is weird because I’m usually a very stiff and repressed person. I would transform like a love werewolf she could sic me on her enemies aaallllright I’m not making any sense I will turn off the lights and go to sleep now and get ready for another day of being cold and repressed.
No. 438576
File: 1729308682678.jpeg (1.65 MB, 2647x2610, J7UVVXJP3BEI5MI2II2X7DXPPE.jpe…)

>>438572Holy shit your picrel looks like that one sticker they're giving out to Michigan voters
No. 438599
>>438587you're so autistic i want to cup your face between my hands oh my god you poor little thing
also i want to believe
>>438576 is the gangnam style poster from the lesbian general
No. 438685
>>438654the joke is that
>>438576 says the original resembles the copy??
No. 438742
>>438711Yes, I’m samefag with
>>430121 kek
No. 438842
>>438831Sorry bru but I'm literally living the dream.
>meet qt nonna due to spergout in a thread>we talk and play vidya for a couple months before meeting>fly to nonna's country>have a very spergy first date>at the end we confess and she invites me to watch anime at her place the next day>go to her place in the evening >start watching animu on her laptop>2nd episode in and she starts stroking my thigh>kinda freak out and horny>can't watch the animu anymore >turn around and kiss each other>start making out>touch each other under our shirts etc>comfily sleep cuddling each other that night >go back to Nonna's place again next evening >have seggs>have bathtub seggs>eat her out>she eats me out>finally no longer KHHVsShe's my gf now.
No. 438858
>>438847You mean yuripedo? I think I would probably date her so long as it was just loli. It’s kinda gross but would be preferable to a normie women, weird women are too rare and precious
>>438849Kek like?
No. 438966
>>438961I found mine by sliding in her twitter dms asking for yuri recs
but it's a gamble on whether it's gonna be a nona or a troona
No. 439003
I don't really have masochistic fantasies anymore (doing much better mentally wise) but once in a while i imagine what it'd be like to 'serve' a woman i love by becoming human furniture. Her foot stool, table, anything. It usually ends with her forgetting i'm restrained somewhere in her house/flat and finding me still in the same position, going insane because she left me aching and aroused from whatever toy was put on/in me. It's the idle cruelty and implied disregard that i find hot
>>438975I don't remember her saying she shlicks to kids, she cited a loli yuri in a list of GL manga made by women because she liked the older character. Nonas have selective memory
>>438936>battery acid pussyKEK
No. 439095
File: 1729475879362.jpg (31.57 KB, 564x325, 3076f6c9db13944a705182e4099a86…)

i want to get dry humped and teased all day by a pervert loser girl, is that too much to ask for?
No. 439441
>>438311I'm back to wanting to fuck an imaginary professor and it's had time to cook in my head…
First of all, she needs to be about twice my age. Not too old that she's elderly but old enough for it to be weird. She needs to be highly intelligent and passionate about her field. Ideally she teaches a subject I actually like. I want her to sexually harass me at first. Starting with standing too close to me, maybe for the first two weeks. I go to ask her for help and when we're together at the board she's just right behind me. a little weird, but there's plausible deniability. I want her to start putting her hands on me. On my shoulder, my back, my thigh, longer and longer each time. I want her to praise me more and more, I want her to attempt to groom me. I am insane so I will actually make this one of the worst decisions of her life. I'll hide a camera in her office so that I can collect blackmail material of her harassing me. In this fantasy, I'm the only one she likes. Maybe she's married, but I'm the only student she's into. Then, I become aggressive with her in return. Moving close to her, touching her. Maybe she likes kissing me, but she doesn't like that I'm taking the lead because it makes her feel less in control. She probably expected to take the lead and make me dependent on her, but I'm actually very rough and verbally cruel to her. I want to tell her how disgusting she is for coming on to a student. I've storyboarded a whole plot in my head of exactly how I want it to go down, I feel like I ought to write erotica or something…
No. 439779
File: 1729699471082.jpeg (129.94 KB, 612x603, 14D58DEF-0AF9-418F-A2E4-815C40…)

I want a tall girlfriend who gets easily scared by things like ghost stories or scary movies. It’s such an adorable trait it makes my heart EXPLODE with protective urges. It would be sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo adorable for her to get spooked and cling to me or want me to hold her even though I’m much smaller than her. My tiny ass would carry her through the second half of a haunted house like Hercules. If we watched a scary movie before bed and she was still jumpy and scared I would hold her close in bed and soothe her. If she was too scared to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom by herself I would go with her. tease her a little bit but give her lots of kisses.
Oh man, I need this so bad, I’m literally smiling like an idiot writing this post… Please god it’s all I want.
No. 440075
File: 1729729780643.webp (23.04 KB, 750x815, man.webp)

I want to eat out a woman who looks like Alex Vause or Bayonetta. I want to lick an office siren's pussy clean and suck her clitoris.
No. 440311
>>440295Nta but it’s kind of a hot scenario to me. I think repressed me would probably have done that
I used to only be ok with FTMs kek, who were “totes men” even though I only liked them pre-T>>440307Same, god the smell of pussy drives me insane. I’m always wondering about what hers would smell like
No. 440340
nonnie were you my bestie in school? Because I also had this dynamic except I was the short, masculine bully that sexually harassed her sometimes
No. 440557
Need a view of her tight torso on top of me while she’s sweaty after a workout in her sports bra I need her to fuck me like that… I want to watch the sweat drip down her ribs I want to put my mouth all over her god I need her to be high on the endorphins and smother me with her pussy all in my mouth arghhh I’d turn into an animal for her!!! Please universe just let me have frenzied sex like this please
>>440550I don’t even wanna talk about it.
No. 440948
File: 1729992319746.jpg (62.11 KB, 610x612, gettyimages-84950497-612x612.j…)

>>440931call me whatever you want nothing can come between me and my fantasy crossdressing wife
who i eventually get pregnant via fantasy logic but tbh that's like a spin off of the main fantasy. I think it would be sexy if she was an architect back when architects used big drafting tables instead of computers. Pencil behind her ear, face of concentration, so sexy. She is so smart and cool but also very cute because she is secretly vulnerable and girly emotionally and cries laughably easily. You see it's this contrast that makes her irresistible. We live in a very nice small apartment in a high rise in a big city. I think maybe it's the 60s except without all of the shitty parts of the 60s, this would also work well because IRL I already have style similar to that time so it's not a stretch to imagine living in the aesthetics of that decade. I think maybe I'm a writer/ illustrator in this universe, she is my personal muse and in my off time I sketch hundreds of portraits of her, maybe one of her sitting at the window overlooking the city with a drink in her hand. I'd make sure to delicately render the softness of her lips and chin and the beautiful swirling lines of her hair and the crisp edges of her suit jacket. And she'd never stop being a little embarrassed to pose for me when she sees the intensity in my eyes.
No. 441222
File: 1730101302658.png (683.04 KB, 1919x1018, Captura de pantalla 2024-10-27…)

Ok very cringe but here I go. So you know how rogue Samurai would put a new sword to the test by murdering a random passerby? I have had this fantasy seen I was a teen about a badass Samurai woman who kills me that way. Slices me up, a poor peasant girl, and my guts spill and my robe come undone as I fall. Satisfied with the quality of her blade, she prepares to leave, but then does a double take. She looks at my mangled corpse, my brasts exposed, a single tear running down my blank visage, and decides to have her way with me. Once she's satisfied, she washes herself at the stream, and leave my body rot.
That's all. I'm sorry if you read that. Yes, I've been a gurofag since I was 13.
No. 441228
>>441222Nona….. are you me?
I wish someone made a female version of Shigurui. And give stronger romantic undertones between the 2 main leads.
t. another gurofag
No. 441740
Meeting my gf in highschool instead of as adults and exploring our sexualities together, being each other's first relationship, having an amazing time doing dumb teenage shit and being obsessed with each other. It's not always strictly sexual, but I'm hung up on the idea of us kissing for the first time during a sleepover and realizing nothing's stopping us from going further. I was terrified to even breathe near my straight friends all growing up so this could have never been a reality for me, kek.
>>441685Hmmm same. I like to think I make women question their sexualities or wonder what I'm like in bed. Let's be delusional together.
No. 442285
File: 1730480007570.png (122.94 KB, 288x222, aaahhhhhh.png)

>>442269nona, you aren't alone. i've literally never in my life been so lustful and horny for someone i don't personally know. i didn't even think "strangers" could have this effect on me… i wish i could go back to thinking i would only encounter my type in fantasy. it's painful and humiliating how badly i want her, and the worst part is that i know it shows. it's kind of ruining my life. needless to say i don't have a chance. i'm such an obviously retarded little twerp creepily staring but i can't keep my eyes off and i can't stop thinking about her ughhhhh i want to kms…
No. 442399
>>442395Aw, cute, I do this too. one of my favourites is imagining us as early humans, especially in some tribe with an odd religion. Waking up to the bright sun and wondering where she is only to encounter her in the forest, reaching for fruit, admiring her beautiful naked body before she notices me. Kek
>how impossible my crush is IRL in this world…Don’t say that nona. I’m rooting for you.
No. 442417
I'm pretty sure my crush is reciprocal, i'm so happy. We haven't talked in a bit but just knowing she may be into me makes my heart flutter and brightens my day, she's a literal angel. She told me she's somewhat sex repulsed (autism) but i don't mind. I've had issues where my partner is less interested in sex than i am, or needs to be 'seduced' into it while i keep getting randomly and frequently horny. I can manage but i've definitely had moments where i've felt the itch. Despite this, thinking about her having a lower interest in sex doesn't bother me at all, i actually… find it hot? I can already picture myself patiently warming her up, hoping she's in the mood only to see her say no. Waiting patiently for her to give me a sign so i can initiate, going insane from being around her, watching her adorable face, not being able to ignore her body, smelling her, casually touching her while we're hanging out. This is usually the kind of thing that makes me grope the other but for her i'd be so patient. I'd go hide somewhere and masturbate. I'd ask to massage her, anything to touch her. She wouldn't be aware of any of this until we have sex and i shamefully confess how i'm going slowly insane, telling her about how much i've wanted her and all the embarrassing things i've done because of her since our last time.
No. 442435
>>424714Is this what you wish for? (nsfw)
No. 442467
File: 1730563393389.png (Spoiler Image,2.18 MB, 589x2218, IMG_0574.png)

Pic related is my fantasy, except I’m Wonder Woman
No. 442493
File: 1730571481970.png (136 KB, 314x314, 20180806_020657.png)

>tfw no surgeon gf to come home after a 14 hour shift to ruthlessly fuck you
No. 442504
File: 1730575227327.webp (18.33 KB, 225x350, Yomi.webp)

>>442496Oh I had gay dream last night too!
I was in some dorm sharing a room with another woman. She was tall, black hair and kinda aloof but cool af like picrel. I was asleep at night and she came in late drunk or something. She slipped into my bed instead of hers and started cuddling me. I pretended to stay asleep so she wouldn't leave. After a while she started kissing the back of my neck. She started kissing my ear and then I woke up.
Fucking bs. I tried to go back to sleep and all I got was a nightmare about being stuck in a rapidly closing pipe. Figure us out brain ffs.
No. 442534
>>441954Here again. Every time she posts literally anything I have a whole daydreaming session for a couple of hours
completely healthy I love her so much…
No. 442823
>>442785Ayrt, I really resonate with your experience.
>I'm still trying to get over her and the old version of her I loved Me too. It hurts so much to watch someone you fell so hard for change unrecognizably and shed everything you loved about them. I’m glad I’m not alone. I wish at least I could still look back fondly at old pictures and videos of her and her work, but it’s somehow too painful to re-live that perfect time when now I have the knowledge of everything that’s gone wrong since. So I’m stuck in this limbo of not being able to let go of her because she made me the happiest I’ve ever been in my life (sounds dumb to say about an actress but it’s true), but also not being able to love her the same way anymore since I’m so disappointed and heartbroken about what she’s become. And I can’t shake this fixation even though it makes me so miserable because like you said, there’s not a single other person out there who comes even close to her uniqueness and how much she captivated me, so no one else interests me and I am stuck on the ghost of her past self forever.
I also really relate to how you said she shaped your tastes, I have the same problem. Anyone I find a bit attractive I only find that way because they directly remind me of her. And she’s so unusual looking it hardly ever happens and of course no one is even 1/10th of how ethereal she is/was to me. It sucks so much because I feel like I will always have her stuck in my brain because of this. I wind up comparing others to her like “I like her nose. Reminds me of actress. Of course actress is unbeatable though, no one really makes me feel like she did.” Then cue sad thoughts about how things turned out with my actress. It’s pathetic and depressing and inescapable. I really feel like worthless garbage.
Anon, I hope you can escape this some day and find someone you can give your love to, or at least someone you can fantasize about without the pain. It’s really hard. Sorry for reposting so many times, I kept realizing I had more I related to about your post that I wanted to add.
No. 442910
I’ve been missing my ex so much lately, which is odd because we broke up months ago and I hadn’t felt this sort of longing for closeness with her again before this point. Idk maybe my feelings are all just spilling out at once after suppressing them. I want to make out with her topless, pressed against each other, kissing and sucking each other’s necks, I want to bury my nose in her armpits and inhale while I fondle her over her clothes. I want us to dry hump until the friction gets us close and I can rub her clit until she orgasms. I just miss the feeling of being around her intimately so much. And then I want to embrace and lie there in her bed, just engulfed in bliss and each other, her cd player on and incense burning, skin to skin. It’s not even like we had a bad breakup or don’t see eachother anymore, we’re literally still friends, but I just got such a surge of feelings erupting for her and how it felt in the earlier days of our relationship. I feel kind of guilty for thinking like this, but I threw a party the other day and she came and said so many nice things to me, and she kissed and licked on this doll we bought together before she said bye. UGH I literally have this other girl who I made out with the other day and she fancies me but I’m not sure I’m ready for a relationship with her. Fuckk nonnies help me please I feel awful
No. 442912
>>442899>watching that change in real time was so devastating. Just waiting thinking maybe she'll go back to her usual self or at least show that side of her and losing hope the more and more she changed to the point she was like a completely different person.Damn, it was exactly the same for me. So incredibly painful. I often struggle to even imagine how past her and current her can even be the same person.
>I'm trying to get over her, and while I've made progress, I can't help it whenever I get reminded of her I check in on her to see what she's doing just to see if there is a hint of the her I loved like some sort of addict. I do the same. Damn. Thing. Even though it always makes me feel worse because inevitably there is no hint of the old her. I’ve deleted my social media accounts I used to keep up with her which has helped a little, except for I can’t seem to get off of instagram, always waiting for her to show up there. Currently her fat old stubbly husband keeps posting about her calling her his cute wife and I blocked his account because reading that shit makes me feel like I’m being melted by acid.
>I ended up feeling so much guilt over my sexuality because of it and even wishing I could just be a man.Again, same…. I could go on but:
I don’t want to continue shitting up this thread but I’d love to continue our conversation, I’ve left my throwaway email in the email field if you want to reply that way I’d love to hear from you.
No. 443096
Have recently been really addicted to the idea of having a really perverted, busty butch who is secretly really into me and the idea of taking my virginity. She jokes around about being attracted to me, but keeps it strictly comedic so I don't know that sometimes when she sleeps over, she goes through my underwear drawer while I'm elsewhere. She'd delude herself into thinking that I've been saving myself for her, what with all of the frumpy, unrevealing clothing I always wear. Of course, I have no idea any of this is happening or how she feels about me at all, I'm very much in my own world. That is, until one night, when she jokes a little bit too much about wanting to kiss me, like she can't shake the thought, and I get too flustered about it to continue the joke. That pushes her over the edge, and she starts kissing all over me, and I comply after a bit of resistance. She'd want to use my mouth too, and I can't find it in myself to say no when she broaches the topic after making out for so long.
No. 443316
>>443272Height is one of the most usual preferences, why are you het-ifing it kek
Am I straight as well because I'm into blonde women and men like them too
No. 443385
>>443358same anon.
a hot voice and dirty talking is like a need for me sexually…
my ex had a really hot voice and all they had to do was like say a cliche dirty phrase in bed and i'd cum so easily. it was like they just pressed a button or something. kinda insane.
No. 444038
File: 1731361714420.jpeg (298.33 KB, 750x847, IMG_6393.jpeg)

i can't lie that video of the woman acting like a dog and crawling on all fours on a leash in home depot made me really horny kek. i know it's for a scrote but this ain't about him. i've filtered him out and blah blah public indecency moralfagging yadda yadda i'm too busy flicking for that rn it's mostly the view ( nothing turns me into a primal animal faster than the view of pussy from the back, even clothed AAAHHH ) but also her proudly accepting to do something so degrading jfc i'm so turned onnnn… would so bad
No. 444715
>>444692This is great nona. I've had a very similar fantasy but instead of soldiers we're spies spotting each other in private and conducing an 'extensive search'.
The woman you described is ideal, all she needs is a foreign accent (preferably german/russian) and i'd willingly do anything for her
No. 444778
File: 1731697921996.jpeg (27.66 KB, 525x415, IMG_0644.jpeg)

Loving all this talk about period sex, I'm on mine rn but I want to eat out someone who's also on hers.. I just think it would be so hot to be all up in there with all that extra lubrication rubbed aaaaallll over our faces… We're so blessed to be female because blood makes me really horny and it just so happens that this is a naturally occuring process AND some people say getting off while menstruating helps them ease the pain. I couldn't have been luckier.
No. 444861
>>444647I’d never thought about it like that
nonnie, imagining being in heat with another girl also on her period is making me swing my legs
>>444733Bloody tribbing actually sounds like a wonderful idea
No. 444959
File: 1731779203506.webp (1.24 KB, 28x28, IMG_6327.webp)

Crying and throwing up at the thought that I'm not in sync with all the beautiful nonitas in here, currently ovulating.
I'm about to be super gross but I find the taste of period blood super tasty, regular blood too. I love the idea of biting down on a girl's body (shoulder, breast, thigh) until it starts to bleed and licking that shit down.
I have a fantasy where I'm some high class vampire lady and I'm in a political conflict with other vampire Lords, so I find an infamous vampire hunter and form a mutual alliance with her in which I protect her in my castle (she is in hot waters after killing one of a son of the most powerful vampire family) but in return I send her in missions to kill my political enemies. We'd hold disdain in each other since the other represents what we hate the most but the alliance is so beneficial we carry on.
Still, there is an unspoken tension between us, in particular her blood smells absolutely amazing but I find the idea of stepping so low as to drink the plasma of some dirty peasant to be disgusting. This would be apparent when one day she comes wounded and injured from one of her missions and when I'm hit with the smell of her exposed blood I have to use every inch of my willpower to not lose control and attack her right there.
A lot later in the plot we'd have to escape together from my castle, which was compromised, and I'd find myself without the chance to eat for a number of days. We'd be on the balcony of an abandoned building, nighttime air and dense woods stretching all around us, there we'd be having a heated discussion about something when she discovers the state of hunger that I'm in. She offers me to drink her blood but I refuse, she then starts to unbutton her shirt, exposing her body. She grabs one of her daggers and draws a slash along her chest, deep crimson blood quickly starts to flow and trickle down her breasts, abdomen and crotch area.
I don't have the chance to think or even process what's happening when I find myself on my knees desperately licking, sucking, her body and trying to drink all the blood that flows down. I'm almost animalistic, devouring her body as she brushes my hair with her hands and lightly making fun of me with her deep husky voice. As she's standing in front of me she presses her foot on my crotch, this just sends me over the edge and I drag her inside and throw her in the bed, where I aggressively take her pants and I go down on her.
Surprisingly this fantasy never had period blood, originally I just made up some coomer logic where her vaginally fluids are as nutritious as blood but menstruation makes a lot more sense.
Matter is, when I go down on her pussy and “feed” I act like a starving animal and desperately lick and suck, my lips just seemingly glued to her pussy. She orgasms multiple times but I never stop, or even slow down, this goes on for multiple hours and by the end of it she's completely delirious.
From this point forward across our journey every time I'd need to eat she'd lend me her body, sometimes I'd do the classic neck bite but every time I got the chance I'd pull her to a secluded spot and eat her out.
sorry if this isn't well written or there are mistakes! English is my second language and I never do narrative writing like this in it, I just wanted to share my horny lesbian vampire fantasy.
Also in this we're both butches, she's a tall, toned redhead with golden skin and a long mane of messy hair.
No. 445056
>>443358Hinge lets you put a voice note on your profile now iirc, good luck nona
Anyway on with my fantasy. Usuaully, I'm so depressed that my vagina doesn't self lubricate much, despite the ungodly amount of discharge it can have outside of sex. Like even when I'm turned on in every other way
clit swollen and ready, vulva throbbing, face flushed. What I really need is a muscular lady with the stamina and speed to
tie me down and finger me so fucking hard and fast until I'm so wet it's almost like I've pissed myself. No. 445263
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I really want to invite this one girl over for a "movie". I would open the door and welcome her in with nothing but a bra and panties on, and I would be super casual about it all while enjoying the fact that I know she's checking me out.
No. 445286
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I want a filthy coomer girlfriend. I get so turned on by a women who disregard common decency and morality in order to get off, and even further get off on the very fact that they are disgusting inmoral coomers.
She would have a disgusting gooncave and an ungodly sex toy collection she never washes properly, and would have me go down on her while watching porn on two different screens. She'd slowly groom me into her degen ways, and make me cum with more and more moraly questionable jerkoff material, and if complain she just tells me to stop moralfagging and just think of cooming more, as that's all that matters.(spoiler this)
No. 445355
>>445286I fucking hate porn gooners but I really like degen girls, it’s why I put up with fujocoomers. But it’s even better if they’re lesbian and not bi. If they’re lesbian then liking regular porn can be hot (just the bi porn addicts seem to be worse especially regarding scrotes) especially if I imagine it being a qt, hentai would make her even more of a loser though and fuckk losers turn me on so much especially if they have the dorky glasses like the roachification meme… I’ll be embarrassed if someone remembers me mentioning this before but my crush has pictures of half-naked anime girls on her phone and that did it for me for the next couple of days kekk. Better than being a coomer though is being a perv, I unironically like genuinely pervy lesbians and wish there were more
>morally questionable jerkoff materialFucked up porn-induced fetishes honestly just make me sad so no, but I do like weird/edgy women (the girl I like watches gore) so if she introduced me to something an acceptable amount of depraved it’d be hot to me.
No. 445725
>>445692Maybe I am…
>>445700Who knows, it’s possible that the staring women really do think you’re beautiful.
No. 446080
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I want to get handcuffed and bent over and fucked by a female officer with a strap-on. In public. Over the hood of the cop car. Even better if she spanks me a little. I want to cum multiple times and then be let off with a warning. The stories of male cops sexually abusing women they pull over is obviously horrific and evil but if a female cop did that to me I'd be so wet… I want to get pulled over and hear from her how easy it'd be to make me fuck her, to strip me, handcuff me, finger me, make me take it… I'd let a female officer sexually abuse me. I want her to make me her whore. In a similar vein, I want the cop who's "abusing me" to also protect me… if I get harassed by a male, I want her to beat him to death.
No. 446114
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So, I met this girl in a pokemon pocket chat on whatsapp, she is from my city, but she already has a gf, she is so hot and smart, I kinda get wet when she starts ranting about the pokemon vcg KEK
No. 446118
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>>446080I want to be taken in and forced to give an entire department of female officers oral sex one after the other while they also fuck me from behind, either with their fingers or with straps. I also want them to spank me with batons while I eat them out and grope my tits. I want to be a disoriented wet mess by the end of it while they're all laughing and making jokes. I don't even consider myself a masochist or particularly into degradation, it's specifically female cops that do this to me. I want them to tell me what a good girl I am for following all their orders and not hesitating to eat their pussies and let them touch me. What if they put me on a registry with my full name and face and videos of them all fucking me for everyone to see? So many delicious scenarios for female cops.
No. 446177
>>445624This is one of my biggest fantasies but I'm on the other side of the equation, I keep fantasizing about sending my girlfriend to work with vibrators and randomly making the intensity higher or lower throughout the day.
I just keep thinking about when she gets back home, absolutely exhausted and delirious, then taking off her pants and finding her underwear completely soaked, pussy pulsating and so sensitive she finches as the slightest touch after orgasming all day.
No. 446241
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>>446235Maybe anon got post-hornyposting clarity and regrets making the suggestion
No. 446315
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I spent most of the day today turbo fucking horny for some reason. I guess I'm just in a good mood. I just want my girlfriend to hold me tightly and fuck me gently. I masturbated in videochat with her earlier but it's not enough, I was so horny my skin was burning and I felt like crying. I've already gotten off like 5 times today. I NEED HER TO COME HERE AND FUCK ME.
No. 446345
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>no gf lap to sit in and kiss her and coyly show her my panties
>no gf to make fun of for not fucking me "because you're drunk"
>no gf to tease by saying insane shit
why can't I have anything
No. 446825
I need to have an internet friend that I kind of find attractive but pretend not to. We get really close, to that insane stage where we text all the time, I get back home and we play video games, call before bed etc. And at this point we consider ourselves basically best friends. But at some point it happens to be that she’s visiting somewhere near where I’m at and we’re like shit why don’t we meet, and get super excited to be besties irl. Tell her she should hang out at mine instead of stay at a hotel. But when we do meet, we can’t hide that we find each other really attractive and there is this underlying blatant sexual tension we’re trying to skim by. Eventually we cave and fuck each other like crazy (against our better judgements, basically succumbing to it) and it’s so incredible we want it again and again, before passing out in each others’ arms, playing with her hair… then we wake up in the morning horny again and I tongue her pussy and then she fingers me while humping me moaning like an animal. And then we leave to go about our days, meet again with our friends later on and I spot her and feel undeniably horny again and I can see it in her eyes too. At some point she’s burying her head in the crook of my neck and begging me for it so when we get back we can barely talk we just have our hands all over each other. We’ve probably had silly conversations about kinks online already so it’s not even awkward to bring that up. So the key to this whole fantasy is we basically get addicted to each other. So badly that she’s masturbating thinking about me when I’m not there and I’m calling her begging her to come back if she goes out briefly, greeting her at the door half naked. And when she has to leave we’re both extremely distressed and basically have to tear ourselves from each other.
My favourite part of this fantasy is the aftermath, all she can think about when she touches herself is me and I sometimes get messages from her telling me how badly she wants to fuck me right now. Calling me in the night all choked up telling me how much she needs it. And for the first time of my life I send nudes making sure to be as teasing as possible, maybe she sends things she wants me to wear in the post… and she sends sexy pictures of her from oral angle with full view of her pussy so I can get off with my fingers in my mouth imagining I’m sucking her clit. Basically we become gooners for each other specifically kek. And whenever we meet we have crazy sex.
Please dear god (there is a specific person I’m imagining this with)
No. 446878
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I've been having such intense nonstop fantasies about my crush being pregnant and me caring for her and loving on her, tonight i imagined laying in bed with her in the early months kissing and nibbling at her lips and gazing into her dark eyes with my hand on her lower belly, talking nonsense to her about how much I love her.
I saw a video of a mother cat caring for her kittens and almost started crying because it reminded me of my fantasies about her. I'm really going off the deep end. I'm going to get ready for bed and then lay in bed and cry.
No. 446891
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>>446878You'll find love
nonnie, I'm sure you'll be a wonderful mother. It's hard dealing with loneliness but there's the one for you out there and one day you'll be happy together, never lose hope.
No. 447069
Sometimes I just want the boring shit. Taking turns picking up the check at dinner dates, sending a mundane quick text to say I'm thinking of her, spontaneously buying her flowers while I'm out running groceries, etc. Her hyping me up when I'm nervous about asking for a promotion, cooking my favorite meal, lying next to me on the couch when we're both tired from work and watching a mindless movie. Signing a lease together, deciding if a pet fits into our 10 year plan, deciding which bank's credit cards offer the best benefits for us, setting up a mortgage plan.
We can get annoyed at each other and get a little snippy, maybe I accidentally forget an important day and have to apologize and make things right. Maybe she accidentally breaks my garden set up and we can't save some of the plants. Our in-laws might bug the shit out of us and we each find the fine line between commiserating and accidentally out-venting the other about her own parents. The fatass cat broke into the food bag
again and I'll be damned if it gets diabeties and we have to pay insulin prices for a fatfuck cat.
Something boring and stable where we see the future before us and know the steps we need to take along the way. Life still has risks but we're excited to support each other through the direction we want to go in.
>>447051I hate to rain on your parade anon but no offense, you and all the anons who talked about it should have experienced post-nut clarity by now. At least one of you will be a lurking troon who bypasses the checks, possibly by utilizing a fauxbi handmaiden.
No. 447070
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I was backreading the fujo debate thread and I’m ashamed to say this turned me on so much. I hate that there’s essentially been a whole lesbian (well maybe more bi) sex culture created that consists of more masculine women being coomers online, that just has to be spoiled by mental illness. But the thought of a woman getting off to retarded weebslop, getting horny over her favourite characters, reading fanfics and looking at art and then getting horny at other women rubbing their pussies thinking about fujoshit too is so urghhh. So shameless too. Fuck I know this sexy as fuck TIF and she does not pass but dresses like some kind of nerdy loser and I know she likes yaoi and imagining her being like this is so hot…. Imagining girls like her sending each other videos of themselves masturbating is making my clit throb like crazy kekk. I used to get so pissed whenever I heard any of them call themselves a “boy” but now I think whenever I hear it it’s just going to turn me on knowing this is such a fetish for them and they probably frantically finger themselves imagining being some sort of yaoi cuntboy like a depraved loser.
No. 447127
I don't usually love penetration but sometimes I fantasize about her strapping me and going really slow and praising me the whole time for taking it so well. Every time I tense up she'd slow down and kiss my face and tell me I'm doing so good. She'd be so gentle and sweet I'd eventually be able to relax enough to enjoy it.
>>447051Annual reminder that the friend finder thread is full of not only troons, but also sociopathic het women who come here to troll with their 4chan discord boyfriends. Even if you verify that the person you're talking to is female it's not safe.
No. 447658
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Felt so horny this week and I thought watching videos of other women tribbing would help quell my mind without having to touch myself but it only made me more horny and now I want to trib with a woman AND jill off AND kiss AND accidentally rub our sensitive nipples together and feel the weight of her heavier chest on mine.