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No. 1914925
Discuss the happenings, drama, cringe, etc. of Neocities, personal sites, webrings, and other small communities, and how they used to be in the past.
Other possible topics of discussion:
>personal sites vs social media profiles>creating shrines and fanlistings>joining webrings and cliques>how socializing on the internet has changedPrevious threads
>>>/ot/1520815>>>/ot/1320546Search for personal/non-comercial sites: help: No. 1915198
File: 1709854746498.png (1.22 MB, 1920x1080, neocities starter pack.png)

No. 1915224
File: 1709855698431.png (121.37 KB, 265x350, 323801965140211-123977529.png)

I want to have a cute side blog where I can post poetry with illustration. If not for neocities, would substack work well with that? I'm kind of looking for the same people who would use neocities, since my art could be attracting to them. The only other insane animecore-adjacent person besides all of the neocities kinnies that I'm aware of that uses substack is an actual schizo troon though
No. 1915930
>>1914981it will be soon overran with tims when it will open and pretty much it can attract drama generated by gendies like woti did
>>1915198lmao, it's so true. i remember time where neocities still was mostly programmer moids or script kiddies. women who were around were nice and had great sites though
No. 1917050
File: 1709949862028.png (679.37 KB, 1213x808, templates.png)

Grandma Devastatia is still posting about this thread. I personally agree with this article but damn, she's not over getting banned because she can't learn to integrate. We're not "obsessed" with you, you're just easy to provoke.
No. 1917051
File: 1709949940381.png (355.56 KB, 1109x509, 350.png)

>>1917050Samefag, but does she not know that you can buy a domain and server space for less than $350? They're right that Gen Xers are equally tech illiterate as Zoomers.
No. 1917077
>>1914920Can you elaborate on Foollovers? I've never heard of them stealing content from others
>>1915224Seconding fc2 for your blog, both the blog and web services work well enough. They add ads to your site footer/header is the only thing but who doesn't use an adblocker in our current year
No. 1917168
>>1917050Also, the conversation about templates here was very chill. Why does she imagine conflict and "damning" where there is just conversation.
>>1917082More power to you, but like
>>1917154 said, Nekoweb was made by those types of people for those types of people.
No. 1917344
File: 1709974204927.png (295.37 KB, 1216x488, Screenshot 2024-03-09 at 13.46…)

anybody else come across this troon lately? he's kind of turned into a personal cow with how much he whines about his family not gendering him correctly and his diy hormones kek
No. 1917399
File: 1709979012667.jpg (35.58 KB, 563x369, buginfested.jpg)

what do you guys put on your websites? i've only just started building mine and i'm a little at a loss content-wise, i don't really have any art to host and i'm not sure how often i'd update a blog
No. 1917432
>>1917399Whatever you want to write about or share
No. 1917475
>>1917453Don't worry
nonnie, it's completely fine and normal to utilize code snippets. I think as long as you don't completely copy an entire website and hotlink their graphics nobody will even notice or care. You can always privately (or in their guestbook) thank the person you took code from, I did that when I "stole" somebodies code for scrollbars which I then adapted for my site.
No. 1917646
>>1917344>>1917427I have, I just assumed he's a follow4follow type or trying to farm pageviews since his Neocities is just a mirror of his main site.
>>1917399You can more or less post whatever you want. Most websites have some kind of gallery, a blog, shrines, an about page, a graphics hoard, and a links page, I think that's a good baseline.
>>1917453I can count on one hand how many sites I've seen sperg out over "code theft", referencing what other people do is how you learn. As long as you do what
>>1917475 says and don't completely rip an entire website and steal their graphics, most people won't notice or care. You can add credit in the source code like I've seen other sites do too.
No. 1918025
File: 1710026888469.png (440.4 KB, 1118x540, comprehension.png)

>>1917051I got an indirect reply, apparently. I know she's lurking this thread, so FYI: If you check the timestamps, I posted this comment before (21 hours ago) your article was published (9 hours ago).
No. 1918261
File: 1710045377349.png (88.38 KB, 789x567, troonery.png)

>>1917344I don't think he's farming views, I think he's trying to get people to join
his hosting site kek. He even has the "how to migrate from neocities" underlined ffs. Looks like no on hosts on his server except him lol
No. 1918264
File: 1710045565873.png (35.27 KB, 777x164, kek.png)

>>1918261I take it back, it's him, 2 blank pages and another troon kek. Also he really made his domain "" At least nekoweb's is cute.
No. 1919257
>>1918025The ai hentai that has no relevance to the post is so funny. Are we supposed to be imagining her talking to us like she's the girl in the pic or something?
>>1919210You can pick how to sort sites in your activity feed. By page views, by followers, by last updated… I've found that joining/looking at webring or web clique members was a better way of finding cool new sites than the activity feed, anyway.
No. 1919768
File: 1710115143383.jpg (92.04 KB, 986x1024, keyboardcat.jpg)

>>1919543The more I think about it, the dumber it is. It means that following other people - aka signing up to see things that you like - is devaluing your social currency. The more you want to view on the site and engage, the more worthless you appear. And many social media site users care about their social standing and status among other users. It also means that content creators are kind of rewarded for avoiding their audience somewhat. Just a big social status hierarchy, not based on genuine creativity and connection. I know that popularity contests happen, but they shouldn't be front and center imo.
No. 1919780
File: 1710115728868.png (35.18 KB, 960x152, christianwebring.png)

Does anyone know what she's talking about? I don't get why she lurks places she hates so much.
No. 1919895
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>>1919780idrc if it exists but I don't see nekoweb users joining this No. 1920070
File: 1710129054634.png (10.81 KB, 776x122, ff.png)

>>19198954. Your website CAN be NSFW but NOT because of porn or lustful content. Make sure it is marked as well. Acceptable reasons a blog might be NSFW:
a. Heavy gore
It's odd she allows gore and that she hardlines being anti-abortion and being proudly LGBT. I wonder why those specifically are listed and not any other sins like adultry? Also she follows F+F so I wonder if people will start harassing them about who they feature/support.
No. 1920886
>>1919895Kek, are they serious? Neocities and Nekoweb are both 99% women, specifically TIFS, and they're pretty much exclusively liberals or leftists. Who the hell is joining this? More power to them I guess, but it doesn't seem like they know their audience. Or they're trying to be provocative on purpose so they can play
victim when no one wants to sit with them.
>>1920070Because she hates women and gays kek. I do think this would be a beautiful ending to F+F's reign of terror, maybe that'll teach them to blindly clout chase.
No. 1923297
>>1921798Oh I have been using DW for a year and I love it. I have a Twitter and Tumblr as well but even with Tumblr being a "blogging" site, they're very different experiences, it's just an archive and Twitter with no text/photo limit, no one uses it to actually blog or read posts with more than 3 lines.
Despite my fandom being relatively popular I still haven't found any active blog/user into it, so it gets lonely sometimes, but yeah the activity feed is nice.
No. 1923320
File: 1710344348986.png (231.83 KB, 693x791, flying-with-quills.neocities.o…)

I'm so used to seeing TRAs having victim complexes over everyone not kissing their ass, it's almost refreshing to see a Christian having the same kind of fit online.
No. 1923445
>>1923320>I'm just a girl who loves God and loves to journalAlso a homophobe, it seems.
It's almost like homosexuals don't want to associate with someone who openly proclaims that their natural state of being is "the sin of sexual deviancy." If I'm not welcome in the Kingdom of Heaven then girl you're not welcome in my webring either.
No. 1923632
>>1923320Kek the seething is delicious. I don't know what she was expecting. Completely retarded to start Jesus sperging on Neocities and then act shocked that the userbase of women and genderspecials don't want you there. Isn't the owner of that webring a lesbian anyways? If so, this is doubly retarded.
>>1921798Oh, that sucks. I'd been curious about Dreamwidth, but it's unfortunate that people aren't sticking around. I feel like sites like that have an issue where you need a robust userbase to make it feel "worth it" socially, but it's hard to get everyone to agree to move from their current platform of choice.
No. 1923658
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>>1923653Samefag, forgot the screenshot.
No. 1924480
File: 1710410704496.jpg (64.07 KB, 944x320, mvfuol3CdG1qmldhio1_1280.jpg)

>>1924154There are still a good chunk of active people, DW's focus on privacy just makes it harder to find people who share your interests. This post has communities that based around hobbies/fandom, you can always lurk the comments and followers to find active users while it's not about finding users, I found this post about the decline of actual blogging sites and fandom interesting No. 1925867
>>1925374Yeah even with just 3 subs I still got comments from time to time, this one girl who used to follow me surprised me because she would still comment on my fandom posts even though we shared 0 interests. The slower pace has been great to me, though I guess people who are used to receiving 10 stimulus per second in social media would hate it (and maybe that's the reason of why it's unpopular, aside from the obvious ones).
Current sites wired people to interact mostly with just likes/retweets and directly commenting is seen as too foward, so it's a nice change of pace.
No. 1926946
>>1926915I specifically said troon, and referred to him as male. My journal still says suspended: "This journal has been either temporarily or permanently suspended by Dreamwidth Studios for policy violation."
After contacting DW in email they told me I violated rule 1 which is "1. Upload, post, or otherwise transmit any Content that is harmful, threatening,
abusive, hateful, invasive to the privacy and publicity rights of any person, or that violates any applicable local, state, national, or international law, including any regulation having the force of law;"
They didn't specify what post but since it was my most recent one and that rule talks about not posting hateful content, I can only assume it was that. The rest of my blog was personal and fandom related. It was public though so assuming you keep anything "hateful" private they probably don't screen unless someone reports.
No. 1926996
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>>1926946DA That is so sad. Guess I'm using DW for fandom and discussion and Neocities for public troonventing.
No. 1928205
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Nekoweb made its own Districts. Wonder if it'll implode like the Neocities counterpart did.
No. 1929345
File: 1710727072749.jpg (244.65 KB, 795x1071, stickersheet.jpg)

How do you all feel about web clubs like picrel? Have you picked up any hobbies from browsing personal sites/neocities? I noticed most art pages feature pixel art of some sort, toyboxes to display art they've collected, free to use pixel graphics, and doll bases. I've taken up doing a little pixel art in my free time because of it, and it's quite difficult.
No. 1930449
File: 1710808362370.gif (1.81 MB, 600x567, heres your pixel art bro.gif)

i think there's a lot of pixel posers, not in the pixel art itself but a lot of pixel site posers. gendies are touted as THE pixel sites of neocities but don't even really make anything pixel related just steal assets from web archives and sozai sites. ive seen a lot of retards that just resize images to like 50x50 and add crank up some filters in photoshop and try to pass them off as "pixel art" but once you zoom in its obvious that they didn't draw or color it because none of it makes sense at all, lines dont connect there is 20 million colors in an image when pixel art only uses a handful and its blurry and weird and the most obvious thing is the jagged lines and blinking artifacts like the random white dots outside of the lineart. shit like this but i see it all over neocities
No. 1931716
>>1931061Some of my favorites are speaking, if a pixel artist links another artist, they're legit. Seriously, check out webrings. The ones where you make your own pixel art using a template attract a lot of pixel artists. page lists a few.
No. 1931916
File: 1710908416356.jpg (389.61 KB, 917x1186, pixelclubs.jpg)

>>1931719Rude. I disagree, I think most of them look nice. Do you mean the websites themselves or their clique arts? Good pixel art is difficult just like any art, so it's not like everyone will be perfect. Besides, even the less skilled artists usually link good artists as inspiration.
No. 1934624
File: 1711090400139.png (526.08 KB, 930x612, Screenshot 2024-03-22 at 15.55…)

>inspect element is not tolerated here and it is disabled
spergs like this are so amusing, does she know that her source code can still be viewed?? kek
No. 1934808
File: 1711112209336.png (240.77 KB, 800x600, tumblr_abfb7f608b3de384a1f856e…)

>>1934758i too am old and sometimes get so nostalgic over the sailor moon fan sites from back in the day kek
No. 1937016
nonny! wanna start a small blog.
No. 1937071
File: 1711271571869.jpg (211.17 KB, 1080x821, Lmao.jpg)

Someone offered to make federie a submission box for applicants since they shit up everyone's feed. They give their denial sperg. And their final reply is so insane and rude. Why do people even support this "project" lol
No. 1937088
File: 1711273508654.jpeg (649.48 KB, 1290x1397, IMG_2280.jpeg)

>>1937071kek what’s their problem? Looks like they turned their site into a copy of districts. Hopefully it’s temporary because a follow4follow scheme would be a sad replacement for something that was supposed to call back to geocities neighborhoods.
No. 1937189
File: 1711283930277.jpg (3.14 MB, 2100x2100, 1339281.jpg)

I don't know if this is really the right place to ask but can any nonna direct me?
I have no experience with making sites and honestly i've never browsed neocities but i'd like to have a database site for school uniforms in media.
I know it sounds autistic, it's not a fetish but i've just always loved them a lot and i like how there are so many different types, i want to collect them all in one place and put filters and tags for them, am i dreaming too much?
No. 1937207
File: 1711285844298.png (495.25 KB, 1021x1834, 1000033112.png)

I host a neocities, I absolutely love finding insane and esoteric sites on there. I've been working on a webring mainly about chaos magick kek(selfpost)
No. 1937364
>>1937212>>1937333>>1937338Omg thank you so much nonnies! I will definetly look into that and i don't mind sharing it here or saying if it's up (idk how browsing places works there kek), i used to have folders full of different uniforms from characters art before i gave up so it will take me some time to do all that stuff again and learn about neocities but i'll try!
I don't know about javascript but i know basic html code stuff so i hope that will help a bit maybe, thank you so much again!!
No. 1937396
>>1937377Thank you so much, i'm so happy to hear other anons being into that, i thought to do it just for myself but i'm more inspired now.
It's something i wanted to do for years and i really regret deleting my files but now that i know that i can actually make it i'll try to dedicate some time into it, i have to sort out some ideas and see how things are displayed but i think i will keep that stuff in my notes for now.
I really know nothing about neocities so i have to get used to that first.
No. 1937732
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>>1937207this reeks of selfpost
No. 1947311
File: 1712065632643.jpg (30.9 KB, 640x480, 1711459958743965.jpg)

>>1947223I mean what are they gonna do? do they have the power to brigade in your content and take down websites if they think you hurt their feelings like they can do on reddit/twitter/tumblr?
I was on DA the other night and i was surprised to see people write
TERF-esque journal entries and instead of some flamewar happening, there were intelligent conversations with people that both agreed and disagreed with OP but OP was still able to just live their life in peace and continue posting art for her fans without some idiot trying to start fights in her comments.
I'm truly starting to think this is a twitter only/twitter minded (since some of them are making neocities) phenomenon because of the way the algo and search engine works on that place you're just always on your toes ready to fight.
No. 1948842
>>1947311>I was on DA the other night and i was surprised to see people write TERF-esque journal entries and instead of some flamewar happening, there were intelligent conversations with people that both agreed and disagreedI stopped using DA after Eclipse, what artist was this? I honestly think more liberals are semi-peeking and/or crypto online now, more women willing to agree with diet radfem arguments if you word it a certain way (ex. don't use specific lingo like TIM/TIF/troon or focus more on anti-makeup/sex work than gender). I left art communities for being TRA-infested but this is great news.
>>1947223If your website is big enough, has a good layout and aesthetic, I doubt most will notice unless you post slurs or unhinged screeds. There are multiple open radfems that still have tons of followers, digdeeper also has right wing conspiracy shit about Covid but even gendies still follow it because it looks cool and has privacy-related resources. The worst that had happened to me was getting my button removed from people's links pages.
No. 1949094
>>1948926DA is overrun with bad fetish porn and kids using it for meme collages but its less echo-chamber-y than other sites. When I was active in the early 2010s there was an equal amount of liberals and conservatives and some comment sections had real debate besides "you're a bigot, kill yourself."
>>1948897Not gonna lie, the "Neocities is full of gendies" is what scared me off from making a site until recently. They're easy to avoid if you don't follow the 14 year old label hoarders/pander to their low-effort aesthetics and follow adults who don't virtue signal. It's easy to find cryptos going by who they follow too.
No. 1953143
File: 1712406375730.png (917.88 KB, 1992x1160, someshit.png)

Something about this person's website really bothers me. It doesn't really have original content, unless you count the graphics pages, but the vast majority of them aren't unique and you see them on other websites too. Yet, her gofundme is prominently on display, and her social media links also have her ebegging.
Her gofundme is retarded too, "buy me a PC because I'm disabled and can't work", yet the "proof" screenshots she posts that she needs a PC upgrade are… literally just driver updates. And if she's going to school for UX design, chances are her university provides computers for students to use (mines did). She ended up raising the gofundme goal to 800 dollars because "I need a GPU", which makes me think she just wants a free gaming laptop because you certainly don't need a GPU for shit like drawing and doing things on Photoshop. What the hell do these people think Neocities is for?
No. 1954504
>>1954441Tumblr is frankly worse than neocities when it comes to gendies. GC women constantly get banned on tumblr. Nobody will do or say anything to you on neocities, hell, there's out and proud nazis, racists and /pol/ trad christcucks that say and do whatever they want. Neocities doesn't even have rules besides don't break USA law so you're good. Never saw anyone get banned for their politics on neocities.
As for the hate, that's nonexistent too, female gendies suffer too much from female socialization and anxiety to actually leave you hate personally and male troons are too busy jerking off and reviewing obscure linux distros to care about your website and do anything about it. The worst that might happen is that some tif might make a "I came across another disgusting
terf" post once in a while on their profile while not actually namedropping you. You might get gendie followers but don't let that scare you off from posting, they usually just follow because they think your site looks pretty and read exactly 0 words past the index.html.
No. 1959276
>>1959267It's literally ran by an agp in programming socks
No. 1962924
File: 1713080165914.png (215.84 KB, 790x1128, feds.png)

feds unfollowed all of their "supporters" this week so they could get to the top of the main page. they've now resorted to blocking threats to try to keep the constituents from unfollowing them. kek
No. 1963084
>>1962924Are they seriously
that retarded? Do they not know that by blocking the small websites (that they oh so want to help become more visible) they are only contributing to their imminent shadowban? There's no way they didn't know this already.
No. 1963117
File: 1713096284781.jpg (227.31 KB, 1080x1119, 1000024738.jpg)

>>1962924>we permanently block anyone who leaves our project without saying a wordNow people are announcing that they want nothing to do with F+F anymore, instead of just unfollowing quietly, which is just going to make more people unfollow. I think it would be funny if enough people block them over this that they get shadowbanned.
No. 1963276
File: 1713108702938.png (7.82 KB, 703x172, kek.PNG)

imagine simping for the feds
No. 1965736
File: 1713250121832.png (712.5 KB, 1200x1431, neocities.org_site_federiefede…)

They've deleted everything from their site kek
>>1965630I would suggest skimming the last thread to see why people started getting upset by them.
Something that wasn't said in these threads, they compared themselves to a charity for giving the poor unpopular sites a chance to be seen. The chance being a simple button on federie's site that barely gets any views when compared to how much they spam.
No. 1965951
>>1965736Why do they follow 1 person? Didn't they unfollow everyone?
For reading the drama use* since it shows all archives of their site.
No. 1965966
>>1965708I'm not from neocities (and not interested in joining), the thread has no cow summary and I simply wanted to check the drama quick like I do with other cows. It's not that deep
nonny>>1965951>>1965740>>1965736Thanks for the actual helpful responses
No. 1966614
File: 1713308070395.png (59.7 KB, 1066x959, fed.png)

No. 1967492
File: 1713367888631.jpeg (213.7 KB, 1235x450, IMG_2716.jpeg)

thank you to whoever wrote the message to macaque correcting the misogynist misinformation on that “article”, and I hope you know the “i hope all cishet women go to hell” was originally phrased as “i hope all cishet women die and go to hell” and corrected after backlash in macaques guestbook
No. 1967715
>>1967492I looked at the guestbook comment and this is pretty reasonable even to someone who doesn't care for BL. I swear to god gendies shut down when they read a rebuttal longer than a few tweets. Macaque didn't even respond to the parts about how men published lolicon (which is equally if not MORE disgusting than the most
problematic yaoi) out of spite for women making yaoi doujins. No. 1968138
File: 1713387662595.png (6.15 KB, 761x62, what.png)

>>1967898Kek did she change the phrasing again? What a hill to die on. I don't even know what this means. I assume she's very bothered by the negative feedback if she's stealth edited this line multiple times. Here's the link if anyone wants to read it in all its glory. >>1967715She also didn't address that yuri absolutely is not by women and for women, nor are the implications of lesbians being "purer" free from misogynistic baggage. It's telling that the only people defending her are thirteen year olds whose best arguments are retarded Twitter clapbacks. I commend that person for trying to be respectful when this misogynistic moron is as graceless and bad faith as they come.
No. 1968277
File: 1713398051935.png (19.7 KB, 916x106, Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 4.52.…)

>>1967492>>1968138I found a snapshot on the Wayback Machine of the article when it was first uploaded, original wording and all. She changed it to the current phrasing later that day after a comment called her out on it, but that comment was deleted and not archived. No. 1968404
File: 1713403803406.png (117.13 KB, 990x372, 001920391021.png)

oh wow
No. 1968462
>>1968360She's bisexual (and I believe that more than having 500 genders) but it's funny how her article talks about its sometimes difficult to tell the difference between a fujoshi and a "gay transmasc egg" and how its
valid to discover you're trans via fetishes. How do you know those "cishet women" aren't "transmasc gay eggs" (aka the same thing)? Transphobe alert!
>>1968452The sound effect when clicking also sets off my misophonia. Weird how its always the self-proclaimed autistic/ADHD people who have the least accessible sites for disabilities.
No. 1969629
File: 1713470838901.jpeg (965.44 KB, 971x1708, IMG_2719.jpeg)

Macaque is starting to get backlash in her guestbook and the only people defending her are reading-averse 13 year olds
No. 1970303
File: 1713485707811.jpg (238.89 KB, 1592x321, macaque.jpg)

>I wish I was overexaggerating
She is over exaggerating
No. 1971262
File: 1713544881387.png (80.16 KB, 516x1108, dS3x7i4.png)

>>1970197In Macaque's response (at the bottom), she states that she deleted "
toxic" comments, but a lot of them weren't that bad imo. New comments have been posted, I wonder if she will delete these too.
No. 1971933
File: 1713572673690.png (106.19 KB, 600x257, yaoi.png)

she's not even consistent with what she says in the article
No. 1976646
>>1976188Can you provide the url for blocking people
nonnie? I've been needing to block someone for a while now but they've had their profile disabled
No. 1977798
>>1976212isn't this grounds to email the guy who runs nc to get his site taken off the platform a la federiefederi? he's legit trying to game the system to get exposure lol
>>1976260we do, though? the block feature is just worthless when it comes to the social aspect of nc
No. 1977902
File: 1713943612174.png (372.05 KB, 2400x1600, adobe_dreamweaver_8-899352160.…)

Has anyone here ever used adobe dreamweaver?
No. 1977905
>>1976709From what I've combed through it seems you'd need to make a script to block people without their profile open because it's a post request that requires some sort of a site token that can probably be obtained by opening the site itself, I haven't found any being shared online so maybe I'll make something at a later date.
Unblocking works with just typing the url though like so: No. 1978467
>>1977798If he's blocked then how are you guys still seeing his updates?
>>1977378Thank you Nonna. He is so effing creepy.
No. 1978473
>>1978467>If he's blocked then how are you guys still seeing his updates?I'm
>>1976212 and I didn't have him blocked, I assume the
nonnie who quoted me probably does. I will block him now though, I'm sick of his shit.
No. 1978632
>>1977902I haven't in years. I'm starting work on my first neocities site and thought I might give it a go after doing things from scratch first.
>>1978628See if you can find the m0nkrus version if you're interested in downloading it.
No. 1979738
File: 1714059544140.jpg (130.08 KB, 700x525, 14tI22xh3VkAVaeWu-uN_noideadog…)

i have my own website and it's really nice working on it, but god damn, it's really hard to actually engage with other people because it seems like everyone on neocities/the indie web is in these discord cliques that it makes it hard to talk to them. thankfully, i was able to talk to a few people through email, but it's still really damn hard to engage with others. i've tried commenting on guestbooks and sending emails to webmasters that seem cool but most of them don't reply back. so much for "i made my website to escape social media!" but they're still really addicted on them, and as someone without really a social media presence it feels impossible to talk to 90 percent of the people who run personal sites.
No. 1981842
>>1981707Some leads to his alts would be helpful if possible, but I'm assuming you may be a degree of separation from him and don't want to out yourself. And here I thought this was a dime-a-dozen programming sperg.
>>1981815Google is free but it basically tracks your info and activity when viewing a site. It tracks which pages you look at, how long you look at them, your location/IP, the device you viewed it on, etc, it's what advertising companies use. Notably one thing is it grabs a referral link of where you found the site, I recommend against clicking any links to his site shared in this thread or anywhere else on LC because I don't trust what he'd do with the info.
No. 1981965
File: 1714229517939.jpg (387.91 KB, 1080x913, 1000034042.jpg)

>>1981845Probably just narrow down what woman is looking at his page and be a creep to her. I just looked at his page (w/ a VPN), his latest blog talks about still living with his mom. I feel sorry for her. Her 23 year old skirt-go-spinny troon of a son mooches off her while bothering women online all day.
No. 1982027
File: 1714234739709.png (97.55 KB, 1166x143, screenshot.png)

No. 1983367
>>1977609>>1977624>>1977712You can also use Notepad++
I honestly just use the Neocities editor since I don't really have a problem refreshing the page a billion times kek
No. 1988421
>>1983401They do not need money. The foundation that hosts the site currently is holding more than 100 million dollars for Brewster Kahle (founder)
Hopefully the lawsuit is won
No. 1988714
File: 1714699997071.jpg (70.15 KB, 843x532, example.JPG)

How does neocities generate preview images when you update? Like, there's the main image and then the smaller ones on the side. Which page gets chosen as the 'main' image as opposed to the little ones?
>>1988431I didn't even know about neocities until I saw these threads
No. 1988907
File: 1714713246619.jpg (88.35 KB, 1080x345, Screenshot_20240503_010117_Red…)

Cocopie having a normal one on reddit
No. 1988908
File: 1714713278527.jpg (84.75 KB, 759x414, Screenshot_20240503_010651_Red…)

No. 1989025
File: 1714729870144.jpeg (479.31 KB, 828x644, C310BF96-5666-4954-A6D3-A8B942…)

>>1988936Retard whose only personality traits are being a teen mom, SAHM wannabe and nazi larper. Sad that's she's only 18 and is already deep into this shit. Ngmi
No. 1989066
>>1988907Kek after seeing these, I thought she must have an amazing, top-tier, creme de la creme website.
And what do I see? The most basic, ugly, zoomer website ever. I swear to god I've seen multiple that look just like this.
No. 1989099
File: 1714742759632.jpg (178.58 KB, 1080x750, 1000027538.jpg)

>>1989076Her Reddit profile has the iron cross in it kek
No. 1990046
File: 1714789697248.jpeg (755.7 KB, 828x926, IMG_9616.jpeg)

>>1989195oh, sorry, looks like i got it mixed up. pic from suboptimalism’s page about neocities’ mechanics
No. 1992941
File: 1715034597432.png (40.82 KB, 745x641, Closure of 123Guestbook.png)

>>1914925123Guestbook is shutting down on July 1st
No. 1995784
File: 1715208332137.jpg (21.97 KB, 550x450, thank you and goodbye.jpg)

>>1966614just came here to say… thank you! if you hadn't reported us we would definitely have continued and wasted more of our time promoting sites and works of people that aren't worth helping, I mean… I just took a peek at some of our ex neighbors and some of them still don't get what we were trying to do, plus others are just talking bad and even making up weird things about us, is like they're doing your job but better hahaha and that just tell us how right we were… we'll just focus on ourselves from now on. ANYWAYS! thank you again and goodbye!
oh and one last thing…
>>1977905we found a way to block sites with private profiles (from the experts themselves on blocking sites haha! but not sure if it still works…) all you have to do is go to anyone that has their profile enabled, then instead of clicking the big red block button, inspect it, then search in the code the <form> tag and look for something like this: "/site/sitesname" (I think it was followed by a "/block" but don't remember… and we don't have an account anymore to check again) and edit the "sitesname" for the name of the site with private profile that you want to block, then you just confirm the changes and click on the button, you'll block the site you want and not the one you're currently in, that's all!
>>1981960Just get a free domain.
https://www.infinityfree.com used infinityfree for a few months, then I bought a .com domain. It was only 6€ per year when it was on sale. Normally it's 12€. You could get a ccTLD instead, they're cheaper. Be cautious, if your account is inactive it will be deleted.
Some other alternative sites are Netlify, Surge, GitHub etc. Neocities is awful and the only reason it's popular is because of the social features and the "nostalgia", whatever that means. Don't bother with such things if you want to make something professional. It's like trying to make a videogame using Scratch…
If you're worried about privacy, in Neocities all pages are findable via sitemap, so you have none. That's the thing with most static websites. Why don't you download Notepad++ and code something in there, then save it as html and send the file to specific people? And if you're planning to host any videos or images, save them on cloud or drive.
No. 2000840
File: 1715564833657.png (35.37 KB, 766x302, 1715563719287p-2.png)

i rarely use this site but; some neotard under the user "abigblueworld" is being a huge fucking autist, and is just a pretty cringy person. no one likes them. please raid. thanks,
monabased gikocel
(sincerely, not your personal army retard) No. 2003033
File: 1715731519008.png (268.42 KB, 2300x1770, retardedtroon.png)

>>2002794nonas, don't go to this site. this is a lexi troon honeypot. the domain for this is registered with an obscure registrar and his main site uses the same one. the chances of both of them using this registrar are very impossibly slim. you can check it here yourself here if this was a real farmer, it would not just be a cryptic screenshot. it would be an exciting project made with love.
No. 2003038
File: 1715732693251.png (128.7 KB, 336x294, male.png)

>>2002794why can't you fuck off? no amount of gayopping or tracking or phishing will ever make you a woman. i can literally smell your balls across the atlantic ocean.
No. 2003046
>>2002794>>2003033And you girls say
I'm paranoid.
Yes, it's a self-post. No, it's not a troon. Your favorite grandma cow has had a page about it on her website for a week now.
No. 2003054
File: 1715734161787.png (478.38 KB, 1132x477, image674-eg72.png)

>>2003046forgive me grandmother, for i know not what i do
No. 2003055
File: 1715734268543.png (312.79 KB, 1243x350, moar.png)

Sorry for the vague self post screenshot, but I'm supposed to be banned from here and didn't want to push my luck. This is me.
No. 2003078
>>2003073It's all right. I used to post on F**ked Company spinoffs. They had an extremely paranoid culture, to put it mildly.
On my new site, the NSFW stuff will be in a separate section that requires age verification. It's not a good look when everybody who links to my site feels compelled to post a NSFW warning for the whole site.
No. 2003089
>>2003055Love you edgy grandma, kek.
I didn't see any announcement initially either, since the 123guestbook owner didn't put it on the main page so you have to dig for it. It can also be seen as a small green banner at the top of guestbooks now, in addition to being on the site here: No. 2003091
>>2003089Yeah, I saw that green banner on somebody's guestbook after they signed up for my guestbook service.
There had been some speculation that one of the nonnas made the original screenshot of the closure announcement as a hoax, but I pushed back on that idea because you girls don't seem like the type to troll each other.
No. 2003246
File: 1715750170639.png (394.76 KB, 819x799, faggoteraero.png)

Dimden is now advertising Nekoweb on r/FruitgerAero with an extremely ugly and not even Frutiger Aero theme for the website, which… isn't even it's default theme. Not a big deal but I find this so deeply obnoxious.
No. 2003535
>>2003246Filename kek
Yeah not a big deal, I wish people would drop this frutiger aero shit especially if they're just shilling something that has nothing to do with it. It's so overdone.
No. 2003846
>>2003734I can understand Millennials and Zoomers liking 70s and 80s music better than today's wretched no-talent AutoTune abuse. But that's not really nostalgia.
>>2003758I was around back then, and I hated the look of Windows XP. I always changed my desktop to the classic Windows 95 theme. I use Cinnamon with Linux now because it's likewise unobtrusive.
The misuse of words like "aesthetic" as hipster buzzwords comes and goes. A current one that I think is overused is "iceberg explained." I always click "not interested" when I see it in a YouTube video title. kek
No. 2004198
>>1977902late, but if you're making a simple website there's not need to bother with bloated software like dreamweaver. WYSIWYG Web Builder is far better, intuitive, and is 1-time purchase. link, I'm not an affiliate)
No. 2004744
>>2004216Hobbies are no longer activities to these people. They've been replaced with aesthetic and "identity". You just have to dress the dress and label yourself and now it's instantly gratified reality.
Take the Nekowebbers for example: So many of them in the discord have said they don't want to bother learning html/css at all, bragging and snickering like they're an edgy rebel for copying html and using pre-made layouts in lieu of actually trying to learn the craft. What's the point of joining a hobby if you aren't going to attempt to learn how to do it?
They want to be called webmasters and join in the trend for the aesthetic, for the little bit of dopamine they get from calling themselves something they see as prestigious, and not for an actual passion they'd have to work toward or accomplish themselves.
That's also why so many of these sites aren't dedicated to anything substantial, devoid of any content besides announcing the other 32 identities and genders they've collected. Their sites are empty because they themselves are empty.
No. 2004773
>>2004744NAYRT I completely agree Nonna it's like they fall into the trap of being left behind so they have to "hurry up" and as a result they cut corners and create really bland copypaste sites, they don't get that they have the power in their hands to slow their side of the internet down, so to speak, and stop competing against all other websites which is just replaying the same social media bullshit they're claiming to avoid. Instead neocities/nekoweb is just another tool to compare against others with.
Feedback happens
after the authentic content, not from their copypaste "skills" kek. And no feedback means no incentive to update …and so no actual updates get posted. It's actually like they don't know how to blog outside of microblogging or reposting other people's photos, they don't have a voice because they don't have a point of view, even if it's subtly articulated through the material they share, because they don't share much, even in their diary blogs. They're so desperate to appeal to their crowd that they don't even have a secret blog to be free on!! I wanna see their secret opinions with their own coding. Arghhhhhh. And I want to see what links they look at online so I have lots to click on. They already lead a double life–they should at least lead an entertaining one.
No. 2004795
>>2004744>>2004773What you're talking about is commodification, or turning personality into a branded product. That's the mindset that social media cultivates, and Neocities and Nekoweb sadly perpetuate with their social media features and algorithms. There's nothing wrong with branding
per se. If you have a distinctive username and avatar, that's your brand. People don't buy a brand for the label though. They buy it because they like the taste of what's in the jar.
I imagine the real Internet is like an alien world to people who have only ever known social media. You really are alone when you start a new website. Your friends and family aren't going to support you. The search engines aren't interested in you. Even if you do have a viewpoint and a colorful way of expressing it, you'll be shouting into the void for awhile before anybody responds. It's discouraging, but that's what you have to do. I posted to myself on an empty forum for months before anybody noticed.
No. 2004852
>>2004808NAYRT; nonna's point is about making it your identity in an obnoxious way, specifically. But I also think the existence of aesthetics and naming them isn't the problem, it's the behavior in the communities.
I was at a reasonable age when what we're now calling Frutiger Aero was popular, and I'm nostalgic for it now. But I actually lived through it and enjoy it, and I've done more research into it now that I'm an adult. People who didn't live through the height of the aesthetic they like, and who do little-to-no research on it, making it their entire personality is incredibly annoying. Especially considering they're usually totally bastardizing the aesthetic anyways. "Y2K" is a wonderful example, even the name is stupid.
No. 2004982
>>2004964It sucks that this is a thing kids (mostly kids and maybe the odd bored adult) do, but the upside is that trends like those (if you could even call them that) fade quickly, and the performative adopters will get tired and leave.
they're annoying, a lot of them are ignorant and maybe rude, but there's always a small percentage who start off with a superficial/'aesthetic' interest in something they might not have lived through, only to develop a genuine appreciation for said thing. I think this applies to oldweb and a lot of other stuff. fashion, fandom, etc.
that's kind of what happened to me, anyway. glance turns into stare turns into new obsessive hobby lol
No. 2004988
>>2004985 genuinely what kind of domain names would these kids come up with. not very many worthwhile or well thought out ones, that's for true.
im in the nekoweb server and the sheer influx of people has been insane(ly demotivating for mirroring my neocities there) it did surprise me the few that seem to actually know what the fuck they're on about with more than html css and java, though.
No. 2005431
File: 1715878946405.png (Spoiler Image,222.15 KB, 655x523, lPxTBhz.png)

>>2005406>>2005424Kek speaking of that moid. He either doesn't check what he is liking or has some kind of script. Picrel
No. 2005433
> the sheer influx of people has been insane(ly demotivating for mirroring my neocities there)Every noteworthy project draws a lot of curiosity seekers. I had several clowns sign up with fake info for my widget service, apparently just so they can see how the forms work.
> the few that seem to actually know what the fuck they're on about with more than html css and javaSo you're finding more people with actual skills on Nekoweb? What capabilities does Nekoweb provide other than HTML, CSS, and JS?
Also, not to be pedantic, but JavaScript isn't Java. I don't think browsers even support Java applets (or any other embeds besides img, iframe, audio, and video) anymore.
No. 2005645
>>2005616Do you have to be logged into Neocities to see the likes? I can see the
number of likes, but not
who liked each site.
No. 2005690
>>2005669Samefag. This is your grandma. I just bumped my post about choosing a host for you.
A friend of mine has used Dreamhost for years, and swears by it.
I love my current host, SiteGround, but it's a little pricey. It may be overkill for you, depending on what you want to do.
(global rule #4) No. 2005719
>>2005707I met the first few people I know on the Personal Web when I had my own forum. I think I may have met them on Basement Community or Agora Road. I don't remember exactly how that came about.
I used to post a link to every new article I wrote in my status on Agora Road. That's a good place to promote your site because they read every status update and click the links. The down side is that you get a few dipshit troll responses. But that's anywhere you go on the Internet. It'll definitely help get the ball rolling as far as exposure though.
Signing the guestbooks of people with similar interests pays off too. And join a few webrings. Your immediate webring neighbors at least will click through to your site. I get a lot of guestbook posts and new readers that way. And, of course, if your site is especially interesting, your friends will recommend you to their friends.
Google is worthless for promoting a personal site. I don't even have good page ranking for my own domain name. You have to promote your site yourself on forums and what-not. The response will be slow at first, but it'll snowball as more people fall under your spell.
No. 2005725
File: 1715896091545.png (10.29 KB, 460x79, Screenshot from 2024-05-16 16-…)

Also, this lovely gentleman is friends with literally everybody on the Personal Web. He's always looking to meet new people. if you buddy up to him, you're sure to get more traffic.
No. 2005728
File: 1715896422166.png (66.82 KB, 698x373, Screenshot from 2024-05-16 16-…)

If you're a fiction writer, you'll definitely want to join this webring.
No. 2005742
>>2005738where exactly is that supposed to get us in small oldweb communities? we don't
want to be in large social media spaces where that has an effect.
No. 2005747
>>2005742Men are men, whether they're on social media or in small communities. It'll get you loyal readers. Most guys on the Personal Web are mature about it. I don't have any creepy stalkers or anything like that. Most people who read blogs and what-not are silent voyeurs. You won't even know they're there for the most part, but you'll get page views.
Again, this isn't something that I'd recommend to everybody. It has to apropos for your online persona. You can probably come up with a schtick of your own that would work just as well.
No. 2005779
File: 1715900307059.png (493.66 KB, 604x604, srygram.png)

>>2005771gramgram we love you and all but this thread is for schizo posts, bullshit archival and the occasional newfag question. It's very nice what you're doing here by offering help, but I think the type of chat-style discussion you are looking for is best suited for a forum or a discord server. PHPBB is an easy install and I think theres an audience for a forum that isn't pozzed like 32bit. I don't want you to leave, but if you keep replying to every post you'll catch another ban.
No. 2005780
>>2005779Understood. This is my last chat-style reply, I promise. I ran a MyBB forum before I made my personal website. As I said, forums aren't really my thing.
Ladies, I hope what I've said here has been helpful. Don't take any of my advice as a prescription. I was asked what worked for me, and I answered. I'm not a gatekeeper. The main point of having your own site is to do what you want to do, on your own terms.
I love you girls. If there's ever anything I can do to help, don't hesitate to reach out to me. Take care!
No. 2007200
File: 1715997486150.jpg (56.33 KB, 1080x286, 1000025818.jpg)

>>2006991He saw F+F get a bunch of attention so he's following their lead. Not sure how old he is, but definitely older than F+F. Less annoying, but more pathetic
No. 2023701
File: 1716866572028.png (205.65 KB, 1176x570, divsel.png)

The irony of Divsel posting this while making the social aspect of Neocities fucking obnoxious to use with his scripts. No. 2023814
File: 1716874435300.jpg (396.28 KB, 1121x728, divsel1.jpg)

>>2023701In some neocities discord he basically confirms he's been abusing the social media feature despite disliking it. His opinion on the new userbase seems very skewed and mixed up.
No. 2024129
>>2023960Post also smells like disgusting balls.
Until the retarded blog and discord sperging I was indifferent towards divcel and his GitHub Reddit site. I thought he was just some sweaty tech moid playing with a new toy. However, he’s clearly proven himself to be a bitter clout chaser who copes and seethes in a discord server full of minors.
No. 2028654
File: 1717125035049.png (52.43 KB, 728x256, image_2024-05-30_200953587.png)

Is this one of you nonnas? If so, you're doing the lords work
No. 2028785
File: 1717135427267.jpg (118.43 KB, 790x733, divsel3.jpg)

While making callout pages is cringe twitter shit, the reaction it got out of divsel is top tier. It's impressive how he's a proud former goon and 4channer yet transphobia is where he draws the line, typical soy male behavior. SA was where the term troon was coined, yet he endorses it fully while he hates lolcow kek
No. 2029200
File: 1717170262825.png (68.61 KB, 827x455, coco.png)

The most common error of these people is revealing their full email address in plain text. Its always plain text.
No. 2029253
File: 1717172738889.jpeg (424.41 KB, 1170x1203, IMG_2493.jpeg)

He’s embarrassing himself so bad in the comments lmao. What a retard. He should have just ignored it.
No. 2029621
File: 1717194249005.png (30.61 KB, 683x383, divban.png)

divsel got banned
No. 2029945
File: 1717210755229.png (90.11 KB, 2018x236, cringe.png)

>>2029872He's so fucking insufferable. I honestly didn't even care that much about his retarded clout chasing at first, but he is so obnoxious that I can only feel joy at the fact he's been axed. Pulled this off the ban-divsel site before it got deleted because it made me kek.
No. 2030112
>>2030062lmao i just realized these replies were here… me and iniggered got a pretty good laugh out of it ( ´∀`)
you lolcow people are mean, but funny
(underage retard) No. 2030132
>>2030001Both of these were banned due to exploting the code and/or Neocitie's dumb mechanics (ie the shadowban thing when a certain number of sites block you), another site that was banned was for being used for doxxing.
Considering sites with questionable politics/morals are still up and he did nothing agaisnt… 11amgf was it? after the horde of users hating on her on the site's guestbook and public profile for
terf crimes, I think we are safe for now.
I wish Kyle could move his ass already and implement code fixes other people have done for him though…
>>2029621So he has his own domain and host but went to Neocities just the cloud/attention since a usual website doesn't give you the same public serotonin as social media (except for guestbook comments). Men are annoying… Your site was not popular for a reason.
No. 2030516
File: 1717264691770.jpg (128.35 KB, 1080x1156, dot teekay.jpg)

Since the free domains are unavailable right now, where do nonnas here buy theirs from?
No. 2030800
File: 1717281646952.png (6.47 KB, 583x69, image_2024-06-01_154017240.png)

So… this is the girl we've all been fawning over, nonnies?
No. 2030810
File: 1717282009092.jpg (142.77 KB, 2400x2400, 71LhnEMji8S.jpg)

>>2030800shut the fuck up
No. 2030851
File: 1717285342720.png (10.3 KB, 240x240, 75472628_422807695022145_51595…)

How do Nonnies here blog on Dreamwidth when there are so many batshit gendies? What friends are there to make? Also do you post to comms and meet people through that or comment on their posts randomly? I'm so new to blogging in general, the only thing I've used is tumblr and omegle.
No. 2030932
>>2030851I've been too intimidated to use Dreamwidth, but when I used Livejournal in high school I joined communities and posted in them, and commented on people's journals (if they were okay with it) and added them first. Usually they'll add me back if they weren't vent accounts.
When it comes to gendies on these sites, I dunno. I've been too paranoid to use my new account for that reason. If someone doesn't virtue signal about gender stuff or "terfs" and are over the age of 30/40 they're usually okay. You can also search interests for things like "radical feminism" or "JK Rowling" if you want to potentially find people who might be chill.
No. 2030959
File: 1717289722718.png (66.25 KB, 452x565, lul.png)

>>2030810she even has trouble going out by herself, it's not worth whiteknighting her. considering the daddy entei shit from the last thread, vivarism seems like she has cow tendencies.
No. 2030964
File: 1717289914509.png (203.23 KB, 1171x655, mickeymoonsized.png)

>>2030903She accuses him of stealing her idea when this obese retard doesn't even know how to code
No. 2030965
File: 1717289917518.png (170.11 KB, 1135x778, deletefederie.png)

>>2030648i did.
>>2030001who would have thought i would have even one thing in common with you ladies* here.
*and gentlemen
>>2030851making an introduction post on addme or related communities worked pretty well for me. also, most of the people i’ve found on there have been a bit older and less insane (than tumblr, at least), actually.
it’s probably not the best place for outright
terf posting, but i don’t think anyone would attack you for it, either. honestly, my dreamwidth experience has mostly been centered around journaling and arts & crafty stuff, as well, so your mileage might vary in more fandom circles.
i still really like dreamwidth, though, and i hope you try it out, nona!
No. 2031049
>>2030965>>2030965rules lawyers love to go "b-b-b-but TECHNICALLY what i did WASN'T against the rules!!!" in these situations, but as you've said you knew from the start you would probably be banned for what you were doing and chose to do it anyway, so you can't really claim to be an innocent
victim. no set of rules can ever cover every possible variety of undesirable behavior, so sometimes an executive decision must be made. though what you did does not violate the letter of the rules, it violates the spirit of the platform, at least the way that kyle sees it. for example, on the neocities about page, it says right there that one of the goals of the site is to "…To rebuild the web we lost to automation", as in, don't use a script to automatically like and follow everyone on the site.
No. 2031058
>>2030974nothing other than being cowish while also farmer-adjacent (or perhaps just a farmer, idk how much time she actually spends on lc)
Anyways, who wants to bet this new site following everyone is divsel's pathetic 'revenge'?
No. 2031100
>>2031082Summerfags, basically.
>>2031083Is anyone here in that server and can supply caps? I don't use Discord.
No. 2031249
File: 1717301199034.png (18.5 KB, 565x181, status.png)

>>2030903Is she lurking this thread? What is this about?
No. 2031266
File: 1717301496077.jpg (120.18 KB, 880x1280, photo_2024-06-02_00-10-35.jpg)

>>2031249That crazy gendie, Jax posted a huge doc of all her retarded shit she did over the years basically a compellation of her lolcow greatest hits in the main big NC discord. No. 2031326
File: 1717303493148.jpg (46.34 KB, 1080x203, Screenshot_20240602_004420_Dis…)

Also in the main NC discord
No. 2031339
File: 1717303901356.png (6.75 KB, 387x75, image (1).png)

>>2031326That's actually fauux (or someone pretending to be him?). Sadgrl isn't involved in this drama at all afaik.
No. 2031345
>>2031328Personally, I don't think Jax is a transgender. They act too normal (or as normal as someone like them can get.) Definitely retarded though.
If they are a tranny, their posts are pretty convincing.
(ban evasion) No. 2031371
File: 1717304638563.png (64.52 KB, 596x395, fakebox.png)

>>2031339apparently someone impersonated graybox before too, when jax joined the server they replied to one of this acc's messages, but the troon mods deleted xer response. also the fake graybox acc mentioned divsel when joining the server but mods also deleted that message. might be the same troll and maybe connected to sped callout site?
No. 2031602
File: 1717308328272.png (4.3 KB, 315x100, tapatinga.png)

>>2031578how many times are you going to ask this?
No. 2031614
File: 1717308624619.webp (35.94 KB, 600x600, 54642.jpg.webp)

>>2031602NTA but I'm pretty curious too.
No. 2031645
>>2031582>>2031623I'd still recommend considering it for your portfolio. I've never had any issues with drama on neocities and the only times I hear about it is from this thread. Your experience on neocities is what you cultivate. If you follow mentally ill teens and/or trannies, then you can't surprised when you see retarded shitflinging. But if you only interact with (relatively) normal adults, you'll be fine. If you really don't want to interact with zoomer gendies, then find a host with no social features
>>2031578Werther's Original is considered grandma candy in the US. For some reason, it's really common to get it from old people. Idk about the hot sauce
No. 2031680
>>2031266For the love of all things holy archive your fucking shit. Google docs links are on par with IP grabbers. That said, seems to be down so I've elected to catbox it. newfags here are painfully obvious. Please lurk moar.
No. 2031788
File: 1717314440682.png (36.05 KB, 1027x525,…)

i really want to start a neocities site for easily sharing radical feminist information like
>the history about the suffragettes.>feminist history as a whole.>terf is the new punk shit. >the problem with riotgrrl allowing trannies.>statistics about male sexual/general violence.>problems with gender-special ideologies.>pornography and degenerates.>the male brain being retarded in general.>autogynephia.>dangers of transitioning. (necrosis and shit)accompanied by an mspaint doodle like in picrel
i already reserved the url so it'd be memorable and easy to share
hopefully i can get a few articles and illustrations up by the end of the month
also i'm open to giving up the url if someone has a better use for it No. 2031829
File: 1717319280932.jpeg (259.45 KB, 2564x1750, CkdtJ-fUUAARQhe.jpeg)

>Be Kyle Drake>Want to revive Geocities>Make a website with a cute cat mascot (Scratch ripoff) and some child-friendly html tutorials>10 years pass>Site is infected with mentally ill troons>Nobody buys the premium plan>You get emails like >>2030965 ("At that point I became uncomfortable with the service"? Boohoo.) where they address you like you're buddiesWas it worth it?
>>2031582If you make serious art and not yaoi or some retarded shit and consider using an obscure website for a portfolio, you're asking to be unemployed. Your employers are going to be turbonormies who always do background checks, so they're going to find what kind of person uses Neocities and consider not hiring you just for the fact they assume you are the kind of person who uses Neocities too. I know a guy whose work is amazing, is a professor at a university, but he had to make a Neocities profile because …? I can't understand his line of thinking. Unless you're this guy who is a genius or the second Pablo Picasso, people won't take you seriously if you use some offshoot site instead of something professional, I don't know, Adobe? No. 2031830
File: 1717319290247.png (305.22 KB, 720x1426, IMG_20240602_030656.png)

>>2031816Can you at least add a fucking screenshot
No. 2031831
>>2030800I don't know much about her, but she's still a woman and I will always support that over men or troon. She's cringe, but as long as she doesn't hurt others its fine on my book, men defend the most vile humans just because they're men all the time anyways. I just hope she can get help someday.
>>2031582Echoing what other nonas have said. I only see drama when I go to this thread, if you follow normal people you will get a nice experience. And if you disable your profile it will be like any other web host, no one will be able to do anything but look at your drawings.
>>2030851I just learnt to ignore that, the main demographic skews older since most of them are LJ refugees so even if they're gendies they tend to be more mellow when it comes to gender/sexuality, just making a few ugly patches for pride or whatever rather than it being their whole personality. Unafortunely if you want a 100% trans-free place the only solution is to not leave your house ever.
Still, my experience here has been very pleasant, if you focus on hobbies your conversations with others will most likely be on hobbies, which will rarely bring up politics.
And yeah I just comment randomly when I see an interesting post, unless they're a RP account or similar they will appreciate it specially since DW is very closed off and no many people see others' posts or comment. People are very open on friending memes, so you can try them to find others.
If you only have used Tumblr before, this post gives you tips on DW (ignore the cringe wording at times kek= these 2 DW posts might help as well
DW 101 - - No. 2031843
>>2031837You don't even
have to use Adobe, my point is that you just need to use something that has a good reputation. In fact just buying a .com domain and naming it (your_name).com is good enough.
No. 2032010
>>2031831>Unafortunely if you want a 100% trans-free place the only solution is to not leave your house ever.This, sadly. My main issue is more that "unable to accept other worldviews" has a 99% overlap with trans ideology, but refusing to use entire websites because there are trans users is stupid. That shit scared me off from using Neocities, but this year I managed to find a decent community of normal women by not following the gendie sites and reaching out. Like
>>2031953 said, Livejournal clones have privacy features that could actually be used to make gatekept female-only communities we need, it's just that nobody wants to bother trying for some reason. Why do gendies and weird coomer fanficcers get to have their own specific communities but we don't?
No. 2032105
File: 1717344123104.png (251.57 KB, 1920x1080, image_2024-06-02_090135433.png)

>>2031788>>2031792>>2031828https://radical-feminism.neocities.orgjust finished the layout i'll try to work on filling it with articles soon (im very open to topic suggestions and it'd be great if anyone's willing to help write/suggest articles to put up)
No. 2032193
>>2032173You can disable your profile and/or comments if you want a standard site hosting experience, there are lots of normal people there as well (but like everywhere else, the annoying ones ate the loudest).
Though I'm looking for another host too since I want a domain, php and such, NC is limited on that regard unless you pay for support, and to pay I prefer to do so on a focused host rather than on someone's hobby project.
No. 2032480
>>2032467She's not wrong though.
>>2032447Two column websites with a top banner have been around for a long, long time
nonny. Probably around 90% of the internet used them at some point.
No. 2032637
>>2030965When I said "nobody" I meant anyone but Divsel and the Feds. Of course you care about what happened because it was your site, but everyone else did nothing but feeling sorry or just wondering like
>>2030001. This silent behavior of people doing nothing to help others proves that most of them on Neocities are only looking up for themselves, and I am quite sure you already noticed it. Your profile, same with the Feds, were filled by kind and nice comments from people who said they liked both of you and your works, the same people who did nothing to help when you both were banned.
The Feds case was one of the worst I've ever seen because, as far as I know, we didn't get a chance to see if they were really a scam, so all that time that they were on Neocities they were only advertising others sites and works of other people, literally working for others, I thought that when they reached the top they were going to change their site to only show their own stuff, but they were reported before we could see it happen. And your case, Divsel, proves that people on Neocities are still participating in the follow4follow despite their deep aversion to social media. Even with all the followers you got, your boards were still almost empty and the views you had were most from bots like everyone else, including the Feds, and that is simple because most people only care for their site, or if they care for others they only do in a negative way, like harassing them and making gossips.
At the end of the day, the people who visit other sites the most, are the ones who haven't made a site or haven't made an account yet, unfortunately, the only sites that will benefit from these people's visits are the ones that are already at the top, aka the most followed sites, and this can be easily fixed by removing the "most followed" or changed it by "last updated", but Kyle is too lazy to care and too busy banning sites for not fixing exploits that should have been fixed years ago.
No. 2032927
File: 1717385474672.jpeg (423.99 KB, 828x1054, IMG_9752.jpeg)

>>2032174 should be set up properly, with members names hidden. I don’t really have a strong idea of what we should talk about or anything, but feel free to stop by and give suggestions!
No. 2033656
>>2030001Have you heard about the drama surrounding gaming journalists Alyssa Mercante and Nick Calandra and a YouTuber named Smash JT? The journalists are DEI types who persuaded Wix to delete JT's callout website because they claimed he was using it for targeted harassment. Wix initially removed his site, but later reinstated it after reviewing it and finding he didn't break the law or Wix rules.
Long story short, the cancel culture mob can get you banned from any high-profile site builder platform if they put enough pressure on them. It's harder to do if you use a regular DIY host like Bluehost, Dreamhost, etc. Almost Free Speech would probably be a good choice. I know a fairly famous blogger in the indie Web community who uses it.
No. 2033965
>>2033656The other moral of the story is that if you petition the platform they may bring your site back. There is hope. But a host that believes in free speech from the outset is probably best. Hell, you could even make the site on one of those dopey drag and drop builders, then copy it to another host. Multiple other hosts. Anyone who worries about getting deleted or "cancelled" should have at least 3-4 mirrors.
>I know a fairly famous blogger in the indie Web community who uses it.Who?
No. 2034209
On the other hand, Gab had to build out their own very expensive hardware infrastructure to get back online because no host would take them. If a host doesn't explicitly say they support free speech, it wouldn't be safe to assume they do. In my experience, the DIY hosts give fewer effs about what you do on your site than the more social-oriented platforms do.
About Kiwi Farms. I'm no lawyer, but if you ask, the SJWs are engaging in tortious interference in a contractual relationship between third parties (the host and the website owner) when they get a site taken down. I'd love to see that idea tested in court.
InB4 "never heard of him": The blogger is known as starbreaker on the Personal Web. When I say he's famous, I mean famous in IndieWeb circles, not with the general public.
No. 2035885
>>2032105Nonna, I know you're trying to use a cute version of the
TERF flag as your header, but the pastel colors make it quite literally the genderqueer flag. I was taken aback by the choice until I realized what it was supposed to be.
Are you trying to lure in gendies (fair, not to mention most female gendies are susceptible to radical feminism) or was this unintentional? It feels antithetical to the site itself if its not on purpose.
No. 2036056
>>2035885When I was a gendie and first saw the suffragette flag my first thought was "oh cool, a genderqueer person" (lmao). Keep it, it'll make good bait.
>>2032105>im very open to topic suggestions and it'd be great if anyone's willing to help write/suggest articles to put upYou probably already have it on your to-do, but 101s about porn and sex work would be good.
No. 2037108
File: 1717610454535.png (54.69 KB, 985x420, mHrbCnu.png)

Callout posts have reached the subreddit now. I guess we can look forward to Neocities being drama central forever with this new wave of users. Now just waiting on the inevitable callout posts for the countless 4chan edgelords and the zionist mypillowfort kekk
No. 2037424
File: 1717626956990.webp (133.26 KB, 540x405, unit00.webp)

There's a pro-Palestine webring now and the owner's site looks about how you'd expect, kek. More performative activism
No. 2037836
File: 1717646093305.jpeg (350.58 KB, 750x1257, IMG_3381.jpeg)

>>2035885This is a common problem, apparently
No. 2037871
>>2037836AYRT, this is why I pointed it out. And it's because the troon who made it did intentionally take that flag, I don't believe the lie that they didn't know about it.
I'm not bothered by it being there, I just know a lot of nonnas here might not be aware of the fact they look so similar. I thought the screenshot was a gendie we were ridiculing from the thumbnail until I clicked to read the image, as the flag is what draws the eyes. As I said, it might pull gendies in and TIFs are very susceptible to radical feminism when framed in certain ways. I just wanted to make nonna aware.
No. 2038064
>>2032105I love your idea
nonnie, do you have a sock email account to send you resources to like articles, books, journalists, and other stuff like that?
No. 2038068
Has Neocities been barely working since yesterday for everyone else or is it just my connection? It takes ages to load and gives me an error when I try to upload any file to my site. It's getting very annoying…
>>2037108Hopefully that will stay very insulated (and I guess it's just 13yo making that, I mean "this person is bad because they joined this very public webring that is front and center on their website, in case you didn't notice" seriously?).
I don't think I will ever get caught in drama since my followers are normal and my only sin is to be in the Women of the Internet webring (I'm making a shrine for a questionable ship, but no one with a brain cares about that), but if it escalates and/or becomes more commonplace I think it will finally be time to gather some money and move to an actual host. I don't want these kids to try stop my hobby.
No. 2038107
whoever made is so real for it
(self-posting) No. 2038722
File: 1717702441671.png (84.08 KB, 538x460, fraidycat-oct2019.png)

>>2038358I don't know much about them so this might not be the best one, but before Elon killed his site I used to use Fraidycat to follow Twitter accounts. I also used it to bookmark random sites and blogs since you can make tabs hahah I think it has a pleasant interface No. 2039290
File: 1717736414165.jpg (128.61 KB, 979x690, divincelisbutthurt.jpg)

Hilarious his idea of a feminist is a 50 year old divorced woman, it's like he's stuck in the early 2000's feminists are lame and bitter era. He didn't even reach the "all feminists are blue haired SJW's" stage yet kek. His age is so obvious.
No. 2039411
File: 1717747525438.webp (50.97 KB, 1255x650, 1.webp)

>>2039406This site was also divsel's project. He used it to enter the neonet discord and trolled them pathetically. the archive of the site is here
No. 2045360
>>2045348Oh definitely, I'll take what I can get. I don't even think it's super complicated I'm just dumb, you'll see what I mean.
Attached the email to this post Thanks so much.
No. 2047276
File: 1718262573607.png (14.72 KB, 2560x1536, image_2024-06-13_000811675.png)

>>2037905yes, i didn't abandon the site i was just busy last week but i'll start adding articles soon. (i already have a large to-do list of articles kek)
>>2035885i think it'd be pretty funny if it baited gendies into reading the articles but if turns out to be a problem somehow i'll just desaturate the purple and/or switch the green for yellow like picrel. i feel like you can't really "win" with having a flag though, picrel still looks like the non-binary flag.
No. 2052943
>>2052796Chatgpt sucks for coding too. It's not the same as asking a real person for advice one-on-one.
>>2052758You're too funny for this site, LMAO!
No. 2052971
File: 1718648448792.jpg (964.98 KB, 2448x3264, 10456e86761e7bce832abdd6998c54…)

>>2047276you could try keeping the og colours but making the white part wider so it looks less like a pride flag and more like an old school suffragette scarf?
No. 2052982
File: 1718649031594.gif (21.62 KB, 151x240, 631012p2ezxwy7tu.gif)

I'm compelled by the farmer legislation to agree with the queen jannies but I do really love how grandma-chan started out as an antagonist and now just hangs around. Wholesome
No. 2053389
>>2053302easiest for me was just doing that basic profile setup thing in a table where it just lists info about you.
>name>location>birthday>hobbies>likes>dislikesand whatever else u want to include. i have a section that also describes more specific favorites like
>book>food>music genre>movieetc.
No. 2055535
I know this is dead and hasn't been used in 4 years, but did a
nonnie here make this? No. 2058768
>>2058560 >>2058537
definitely not something you can ignore, they constantly shove it in your faces on the hosting site itself. putting that aside, it's an eyesore that doesn't even work well with shit UI, why would you ever want to host there?
No. 2059394
File: 1719033427777.png (240.59 KB, 744x517, c733170a3d9f471000e1ed9f6d2f1e…)

Bogleech made a very helpful guide on how he made his website here:'s pretty basic but I think you can build it from there. Also linking this since this was the og context of him posting it: No. 2060843
>>2060738The social media style features are what makes Neocities unique. Comments on site profiles and updates are fun when you're friends with all your mutuals. This sounds like a skill issue honestly. Just unfollow the people who annoy you and make better friends, or move to a new webhost if it bothers you that much.
>>2060840I've never heard of such a thing, probably because the troons would get riled up and try to cause problems. I say go ahead and make it anyway. It's more important to reach out to likeminded women than worry about potential backlash. I hope people will join your ring, nona.
No. 2061910
File: 1719205677232.png (8.35 KB, 585x85, 17439874782334351.png)

Has anyone else been seeing this girls posts? This is all she uses her profile for and makes around 10 posts at a time. Her bio is a suicide note for christ's sake. Don't people have journals for this?
No. 2063413
File: 1719327700122.png (22.13 KB, 676x126, Screen Shot 2024-06-25 at 8.00…)

No. 2064159
File: 1719357762564.jpg (262.92 KB, 1240x1413, swirl.jpg)

>>2063983ntayrt but she responded on someone’s site update
No. 2064688
>>2063917AYRT, i was wrong and it is,
technically, hers… on an incredibly superficial level. it's just a slight tidying-up of this calendar every "cutecore" site like hers uses: — which i'm absolutely sure is why that person thought it was fine to take it. swirl steals all of her shit anyways — purinland was an uncredited ripoff of a japanese website she used to screech at people for "copying."
speaking of swirl, why the fuck is her index page so slow? what is she bloating it with to make it lag my entire computer?
No. 2066979
File: 1719478605526.png (403.46 KB, 961x586, Screenshot_20240627-114035.png)

One thing I don't understand about 5amgf/vivarism/scarecrowkid is how many times she's willing to go through that ordeal where she models her whole website after a specific theme and then at some point gets tired of it and abandons it entirely to start something anew. Like she started with the bungo stray dogs theme but she let it go after breaking up with her girlfriend, changed it to sans but let it go, now she's a they/them. Why doesn't she just get a more flexible theme so she won't have to redo it everytime? Or perhaps she can just leave the whole parasocial media (my name for whatever the neocities phenomenon is called, where your website is your proxy of interacting with people instead of your account and you have an entire website diary that complete strangers can read it). Maybe she should just make a app for herself using HTML, CSS and JavaScript instead, so she will actually journal in her own privacy, and then put it out in the market? Because I get journalling in the presence of others sucks, like what do you get out of it? It's a performance, not a thoughtdump. Journalling is supposed to be the latter.
No. 2066997
File: 1719479680139.png (545.64 KB, 1080x991, Screenshot_20240627-115612.png)

>>2066992I know about personal blogs. But what she does is obsession… You will know it if you've followed her long enough to see how her mental health has been.
>>2066979It just doesn't seem viable, this whole thing she does. I hope she's reading my thoughts because I'm referring to her, but anyone who stumbles upon this and feels it applies to her is welcome to read it. Does picrel even seem like the kind of thing someone writing a diary should be concerned about? It seems more like the kind of thing someone concerned with their image would be concerned about, "if I say that about myself before someone else does, I'll save myself from scrutiny." At this point you can't just let go of the fear that others will be watching you, judging you and continue doing what you're doing. If she wants to get rid of that though she needs to let go of the internet. It's like addiction, this is what I'll compare it to. A normal person can indulge, they can drink one more bottle. An addict is only hurt by another bottle. There will always be another and another… It's just an endless circle of drinking. And when the addict recovers, they shouldn't drink again or smoke again, because it starts once more. Addiction is easier to restart when you already have been an addict once. And those addicts who can start to drink or smoke again without indulging, are the ones who find the root cause of the problem and solve it. The thing with them is that they wouldn't drink or smoke because they find no reason to. They are satisfied with how they are. I'm not saying she's addicted but I'm saying that she's gonna go through that endless circle of remaking her website, feeling other's judgement, becoming self destructive, unless she lets go of the internet. I don't think she's addicted but she's definitely lonely. She needs to stop talking to an audience.
I found this story, on Reddit, about someone who was addicted for 13 years to the internet.'s some highlights:
>yes, you can replace bad habits with better new ones, but once life hits you hard again, you will be back in the old habit faster than you think, because for most of us, the internet is a hideout, something we turn to whenever we feel pain, loneliness, anger, boredom - just anything slightly unpleasant to be honest. But in order to overcome this addiction, you have to learn to sit with these emotions, to deal with them in a healthier way, like actually TALKING to someone about it.She would benefit from reading it.
No. 2067034
>>2066979>Why doesn't she just get a more flexible theme so she won't have to redo it everytime?Some people just enjoy more to work on the graphic/web design part of websites rather than the content itself. She seems to be one of these people, her site is mostly carried by her cutesy/intricate page designs.
(In a way, I envy these people a bit because I'm unable to come up with designs, be it for graphics or pages lol 90% of my site is a centered box for text and a background)
No. 2067070
File: 1719485963445.png (3.36 KB, 63x84, IMG_0797.png)

>>1915224What about… a lolcow webring?
No. 2067087
>>2067075Maybe I don't understand this because I don't get attention for my site, positive or negative. Even when I had edgy blinkies on my front page nobody noticed them (even to irl friends until I pointed them out.)
Most neocities gendies are too young and app-brained to know what lolcow is, and even if they did, it doesn't go against neocities TOS (very little does tbh). kiwifarms and CWC is the only branch of this kind of thing that they'd be familiar with. Even if you showed them lolcow they'd probably think it was such an uwu webcore altchan(like their beloved 4chan which they claim to oppose but use as an aesthetic motif) until they saw the tranny threads.
No. 2067098
>>2067089>>2067091That's a shame. I would hate to attract more of the kind of retards who purposefully wreck and derail threads.
Maybe something more stealthy could work that isn't explicitly linked to lolcow. Like a "dairy product enthusiast" webring or something stupid and innocuous like that. (that sounds less like an alt-right dog whistle preferably)
No. 2067121
>>2067116No fun allowed for the sane ones in clown world, thanks for the advice.
>>2067115It’s almost like they made the webring for us kek.
No. 2067150
>>2066979It's normal for webmasters to change their theme and layout? This post is so weird. Do you not remember how fansites in the 2000s has "V2/V3/etc." layout?
>scarecrowkid>now she's a they/themSince when??? I thought she got callout posts for being a
TERF and talking about how Undertale made her trans as a teenager, I highly doubt she would become a themlet again. Why are you randomly acussing some rando gendie of being her? I'm not even whiteknighting her, I never got the hype of her website. But who even is scarecrowkid? Her website when she was a gendie is still online (5amboyfriend), but it's abandoned.
>>2066997>If she wants to get rid of that though she needs to let go of the internet. It's like addiction, this is what I'll compare it to.Most people with a website are internet addicted, that's why they have their own custom site instead of casually using Facebook or Instagram like normies. Why not email her if you're so concerned for her health lmao?
No. 2067155
>>2067091The gendie zoomers think namedropping or referencing 4chan makes them look cool like they're part of some secret internet cool club nobody knows about when 4chan is all feds and bots now and is as known as reddit. They think lolcow is worse because we aren't pickmes who bend over to pander to men in dresses so we are automatically more evil than the site that has hosted actual images of murder
victims posted by the man who murdered them, revenge porn, racist nazis, and other degenerate shit like lolicons and cp and gore. It's always so cringe and transparent that these kids don't even know what they're posting, it's just "hehe cool sekrit internet website I'm so different than normies"
No. 2067163
Why does every TIF call herself a "silly little guy"?
>>2067155These kids couldn't survive 2004-2010 4chan. There's a dime-a-dozen edgelord TIFs but all you have to do to be actually edgy is reference a gossip imageboard or not pander to troons
No. 2067552
File: 1719518998952.png (15.7 KB, 1155x63, 4troonisdead.png)

>>20671554chan is so unfathomably dead and uncool now. A
nonny in the mystery.jpg thread from 7 years ago was talking about how UNCOOL and LAME it was to use r9k and how they stopped going 4-5 years ago.
I remember thinking 4chan was illicit and cool when I first found it as a preteen, but by the time I had found it, it was already mainstream and in the news (and definitely not cool at all anymore).
But seeing these larpers come to burrow in the corpse of a website that's old enough to drink… it's morbid.
That's why we need websites like neocites. Even normies are coping with escapist nostalgia (or what they imagine that nostalgia would be like if they had it) to deal with how sick and evil the globalist monetized mono-culture capitalist app-ternet is.
No. 2067866
>>2067019>>2067150>>2067030>>2067130>>2067146>>2067414>>2067745You all can go ahead and worship vivarism all you want. You’re all so blinded you can’t even see how obvious it is that she is scarecrowkid. It does not effect me. This parasocial female socialization behavior is part of why I decided to host off neocities. There are so many webrings and fanlistings the I’ve grown to despise and I also despise all the people in them. I deleted most of it off my site so I don’t have to look at it. Trying to talk to people from neocities is a mistake that I will not make again. They’re either useless NEETs that I REFUSE to surround myself with or in elite cliques where you have to be “in the know” to get in. Not that I care to be involved in that.
Discord seems to be a requirement as well and I will not use such a brain rotted platform. Everything that comes from neocities is drama just like all other social media. They are addicted. I have no patience for this. These people stress me out and nobody understands my perfectionism. From now on I will quietly sip my tea while you all embarrass yourselves by publicly kissing her ass.
>>2067238>>2067297You are delusional just like the rest of them. Nice try but NOBODY knows who I am.
No. 2067912
>>2067866Post proof that it's her then.
Also, you seem a bit too bitter about things that would be irrelevant if it weren't for your constant sperging. As much as pandering and constant ass kissing bother me as well, your unnecessarily negativistic attitude is even more bothersome. You are just as internet addicted as those "retarded NEETS" if you let such trivial matters get to you this damn easily, and your superiority complex does a terrible job hiding the fact that you quite literally have no friends to begin with.
Just stop interacting with these "brainrotted platforms" if it causes you that much distress, but if hatred and hate-reading are the only ways you can cope with your crippling loneliness then I don't know what to tell you.
No. 2067982
>>2067423am i the only one who remembers her totally trooning out and repeatedly crying about her gender struggles multiple times? either way, like nonna said, definitely not a radfem. she's barely even gender critical.
>>2067866i can almost see it, the interests and typing style are reminiscent. but you lost me entirely by throwing a fit like this instead of just posting your reasoning. no-one's going to believe you based on blind faith. we don't know you, and damn we don't want to.
i'm sick of hearing of vivarism though, truly. i think she's obnoxious and overrated and don't understand why some of you white knight for her so hard. she's not going to fuck any of you, she's too busy drooling over undertale characters.
No. 2068022
File: 1719537149804.png (271.35 KB, 1330x1477, shrinefemaleXX.png)

>>2067982>am i the only one who remembers her totally trooning out and repeatedly crying about her gender struggles multiple times?Where? I find her diaries boring so I never caught that, but I remember her going mask off and talking about how her themlet phase was a delusion and getting ROGD from the internet. That was how she got the
TERF callouts, if she did a 180 and is crying over genderfeels I'm curious to see when/where.
No. 2068113
File: 1719539995674.png (1.88 MB, 1440x733, desk comparison.png)

>>2067866Post proof or take your meds schizo. I looked around on vivarism, 5amgf, and scarecrowkid, and I don't see the connection. They have entirely different writing and art styles. They both have pictures of their desks on their sites and their computers are different. Plus, I'm pretty sure scarecrowkid is older than vivarism. Vivarism mentioned turning 21 in 2021 (in her diary on 5amgf), meaning that she was born in 2000. Scarecrowkid had their (her?) first web domain in 2013 and talked about living in the late 90s.
No. 2068208
File: 1719542914708.png (28.54 KB, 586x185, scarecrowkidabout.png)

>>2068113Scarecrowkid looks like a typical gendie millennial woman on Neocities, her about page mentions using Xanga and Myspace.
No. 2068588
>>2067866hurry up and post some viable proof then, retard. like
>>2068113 said, the ages and desk setups don't line up at all
No. 2069430
File: 1719603906690.gif (114.55 KB, 99x55, d37vcye-c8b959b5-f54f-4bc9-b54…)

>>2067866>hates drama, neet losers, social media and females>posts schizophrenic rambles on the all female mostly loser only social media about dramaI would tell you to make your own site if you have such a superiority complex over the rest of the internet, but.. even that can't stop you from imposing your insufferable personality disorder on people minding their own business.
I'm convinced this is satire or selfpost or ragebait because of how absurd it is. Otherwise smallweb really attracts insane people. Like terry davis types with lower iq? lol.
No. 2070201
File: 1719634372572.png (171.28 KB, 800x300, banner2024.png)

>>2070193Assuming it's because of the anime
No. 2070219
File: 1719635249678.gif (774.21 KB, 425x288, 6e64fa96ebc711a60fb5a5f4f5dec6…)

Anynon have html&css tips to share?
Mine would be that you should always use absolute positioning unless you like headaches… but mainly that everything from width: to height: to top: and bottom:and even background-height: should be adjusted using % value and NEVER PIXELS! Idk how many people do this or know that it is an option so don't scold me if this is common knowledge, I didn't pick it for a while while I was learning.
My favorite is using background-height: 100% 100%; to manipulate the bg to whatever the dimensions of the parent are.
it also helps with scaling(pain in the ass) a lot
No. 2070461
File: 1719649671508.png (2.24 MB, 2860x1340, cutiesuccubus.png)

looks like micky is back on neocities again after deleting her last site… No. 2070790
>>2070522>>2070529>Or perhaps they're not pretending at all but completely agree with my points so for convenience they act like it's me?The double post and this beautiful syntax. I wonder who this could be…
>>2070751It's also common for anons to try and deflect after they've been caught.
No. 2070972
File: 1719685217562.jpeg (352.75 KB, 662x433, 35FBC1BE-B79A-402E-9014-796C3B…)

>>2069842>>2069886If you look around, Tabatinga seems to really like sperging about “perfectionism” and others’ flaws. Also the talk about NEETs which is present here
>>2067866 too.
Not surprising to see her admit that she has no friends. No. 2070977
File: 1719685454663.jpeg (368.57 KB, 643x591, D6C02E1B-EB7A-4B41-B231-AFBEB9…)

>>2070972Obligatory Discord sperg and complaining about cliques and brainrot too kek.
This is probably her.
>>1979738 No. 2071278
File: 1719706443828.jpg (1.61 MB, 1360x1992, Lmao.jpg)

From Tabatinga’s website. This is definitely about Flonne, she’s obsessed. The rant about discord, neocities, and cliques as well as her wording confirms she’s the same anon who posted this
>>2067866she seems to be complaining about The Flowering too.
No. 2071296
File: 1719707357696.jpg (1.05 MB, 1614x1701, lmao2.jpg)

>>2071278here’s a comment from Tabatinga’s guestbook. I skimmed through her diary and she really does come off as a miserable person. She also complains about discord in nearly every post, it’s honestly pretty funny.
No. 2071341
File: 1719710487818.jpg (1.43 MB, 1374x1748, 859.jpg)

More deranged vague posting about Flonne from Tabatinga’s website.
No. 2071389
File: 1719713137863.png (100.24 KB, 663x287, image.png)

>>2071341That version is her idea of subtlety and damage control. Here's the original.
No. 2071399
>>2071389AYRT, thanks for capping the original kek this comment
>>2071296 was posted in her guestbook around that time so I assume that’s what made her change it. this is me tinfoiling but I feel like her obsession with Flonne stems from jealousy, seeing as Flonne has issues but still has friends and WKs while Tabatinga has none of that.
No. 2071466
>>2071444>she has skeletons in her closet and I don't mean her husbandothis made me laugh
>>2071450Flonne is nice and minds her own business which is likely why she is liked by anons despite her many issues. Tabatinga has an insufferable personality and a superiority complex to blame for her lack of friends, it's no wonder she's jealous. Seriously, reading through her diary astounded me with how much she lacks self awareness.
No. 2071768
File: 1719728144392.png (157.26 KB, 538x362, Capturetwo.PNG)

>>2071341This is the deviant art grade furry art that she is whining about? She makes it sound as if she has to re-paint the mona lisa with the talk of "technical art" and "obsessing over every detail." which I don't believe, because the hands, feet, posing, anatomy, and ugly brush/line width/line work are just a few details which could use some attention.
No. 2073322
>>2072956That's true, but you also need some basic ground to be able to do that. If you're starting from 0 you won't know what's a div, styleaheets, how tags work or anything (and while all of that might seem common sense, they aren't to someone who has never seen a line of HTML).
That said, I have always found W3school confusing outside for code snippets, I don't know why peoppe recommend them for beginners. I used HTMLDog since it takes your hand all the way and explains how stuff works in a simple manner.
No. 2073387
>>2073322Same, I wouldn't use w3 for learning how to code, because it's more like a code wiki than a guide for beginners of any kind. But what to recommend instead? Personally I used YouTube vids on 1.5 speed and asked chatGBT/google lots of questions.
Also use the inspect tool if you find that fun.
No. 2076065
>>2071858>>2073387For sure, W3Schools is more of a reference material than a course. It's also not actually affiliated with W3C who are the ones who actually create these web standards. When you're following any of those online coding courses or a tutorial I highly recommend MDN over W3S which has the same information and more, maintained by Mozilla and Google themselves.
That being said, W3Schools is enough to get going and make a few static pages.
No. 2076452
File: 1720025874862.jpg (1.55 MB, 1057x2600, tabatinga.jpg)

>>2071768Looks like she ended up taking her site offline.
No. 2077517
File: 1720095506594.png (22.04 KB, 778x207, hLYYkFJ.png)

Is Divincel back with a new troll website?
No. 2077958
>>2077730celine used to never state her age, to the point of entirely removing her webmaster page when she was asked about it back on purinland, and used to call herself "under 16" on the first version of swirl:"under 16" means "i'm fifteen and want you to think i'm not." i'm also fairly sure she listed herself as 17 briefly on her everskies. her whole persona screams "20-year-old woman so deep into loli porn she's deluded herself into age regression."
No. 2077971
File: 1720123391148.png (252.98 KB, 765x698, BzUzk4Iw8cEax92z_dGH.png)

>>2077958Her old everskies profile from 2 years ago states that she is 14, meaning she would be 16 now. She comes across as a person that hangs around lolicon and agere circles too much, in addition to her more acceptable hobbies so it could go either way. She could be lying about her age due to being too old or reveling in the fact that all the pedo males whose art style she's inspired by find her age appealing.
No. 2077989
>>2077969AYRT, she is definitely lying about her age thanks to proof from nonna, which means there is no reason to believe she's actually sixteen, either. her age also did not stay constant on everskies and she was called out for it more than once. sixteen or not, she's a cow for a fucking reason and she's clearly lying about her age to deflect from criticism of her horrible behavior.
>>2077971thank you nonna, i was pretty positive of that being the case, but as i don't use everskies i was unable to find her profile.
No. 2078031
File: 1720126893943.gif (56.52 KB, 170x160, hellokittys.gif)

>>2078007NAYRT—Besides being generally obnoxious, she's a huge part of why Neocities is the way it currently is. I'd say her and Dreamie have equal blame, maybe with a bit of blame on Doko's annoying group as well. Celine essentially pioneered using the update feature as a microblog, and her previous website Purinland is one of the websites I would personally blame with pulling in the horrible userbase Neocities has now, especially because she used to advertise herself so much on Everskies and TikTok.
She also religiously harasses people who "steal" anything from her. All over her site you can find her crying about not taking anything from her website, including graphics that she didn't make because "um well i changed the color of one pixel." For context, I've attached an example of her pixel "art." Basically everything on her site is stolen based on the horrible quality of what she's willing to directly claim is hers.
She still does this constantly as seen on her site profile. Further up in the thread there's screenshots of her bothering someone to the point of them apologizing profusely, I'm sure because they know how Swirl's following loves to harass people she accuses. (Can also be found here: She used to do the same thing on Everskies, regularly accusing people of "stealing" her profile layouts that she was heavily basing on other people's code. You can see her instigating some minor drama throughout this thread and the previous two but usually she was a constant background player in other people's drama.
TLDR; chronically attacks other people over "stealing" "her" graphics and code she's stealing from other places, and is just generally an annoying little brat.
No. 2078088
>>2078031That "pixel art" looks like official Sanrio art put through a dithering filter, lmao
>>2078035>people were screeching at each other to boycott the website because they only allowed you to discuss the topic on one specific thread.That's literally the most reasonable way to handle current events? WTF?
No. 2078127
>>2078099what about 50 year old coomers pretending to be teenage girls?
if swirl wants to keep her age private that's fine but adults pretending to be kids is just weird
No. 2078157
>>2078099You sound retarded. "Internet safety" obviously doesn't cover lying about your age for attention and to excuse your behavior. If you don't want to disclose your age, and I agree you generally shouldn't, just don't do it at all. No-one is making you do so. But Celine is very obviously either lying about her age to get away with her behavior, or lying about it for attention, or both. And if you are going to lie about your age, at least do a better job than this. She's been fourteen for two years now, kek.
Also, there are situations in which I find it morally wrong to lie about your age. I do think convincing other minors she's younger or older than she is—if she even IS a minor, I don't have a reason to believe anything she's said about her age now—is incredibly weird. Especially given she is telling this lie privately as well.
No. 2078803
>>2078099Agreed. I think it's weird that people are so up in arms about being as honest about who you are as possible on the internet. I blame social media for encouraging this shit.
>>2078157>moralsperging about lying on the internetI feel like I'm getting old, whew. Who cares? Unless she's a pedo lying about being a child to lure kids into her digital white van, which she isn't, I can't imagine caring that she says she's 14 when she's actually 15. I have extreme doubts that she's anywhere near 18 at all, she behaves just like any other internet-addicted teen brat. Can't believe you're getting so worked up about a kid who's most likely just left middle school, kek.
No. 2079330
>>2079119It's more ~le weird and uncomfortable~ that you're fixated on a kid to be honest.
>>2079327If you're talking about
>>2067866 , that was basically confirmed to be tabatinga.
No. 2082460
File: 1720493731808.jpg (34.21 KB, 807x454, 1_CIjEk3ShKvQTRWf22z9LZw.jpg)

>>2078010I recently made an everskies account actually, there's so many wokies. Does anyone know good clubs on there that aren't filled with those groups?
No. 2082539
File: 1720501486802.jpg (5.42 KB, 652x58, Screenshot_5.jpg)

>>2082460There is no community on everskies that is sane enough for decent and comfy discussions. I've been on everskies since the beta. If you're going to play it, use it strictly for dressup and never interact with the users aside from trading. If you're really desperate to see the sad state of the once half decent side of the community tick this in settings, and you'll have access to the mature forums.
This section of the forums once used to be alive and filled some nice mature discussions until it got overran by
terf hunting drama, the remnants of which are left in the
terf dogwhistles pinned thread, everything else has been deleted. Now it's a shell of its former self. Everskies kind of died community wise ever since it released the app and got bought out by a larger company that does no updates on it.
No. 2082544
>>2082524I enjoy the profile customization aspect (although i cannot do much as im a new member and they have restrictions). Also the character customization aspect is fun.
>>2082539>This section of the forums once used to be alive and filled some nice mature discussions until it got overran by terf hunting drama, the remnants of which are left in the terf dogwhistles pinned threadAwh man that sucks, every time i find a new website that has HTML customization and forums there's always wokies who suck out all of the fun.
No. 2082550
File: 1720502747541.png (147.88 KB, 1039x591, psyop.png)

>>2082544Samefag but I pray for the day the tranny psyop ends
>overly vocal about genital preferences, acting like they are oppressed for not wanting to date or sleep with trans people>gold star lesbianismthis all just feels like lesbophobia
>referring to penises in a derogatory or violent way also the fact you cant "degrade" penises but mentioning vulvas isn't allowed? trannyism ruins everything. Im definitely just sticking to the dress up
No. 2084864
File: 1720669515524.png (48.87 KB, 605x448, modspacehey.png)

Thoughts? Gray is a mod on spacehey and she's responding to a post about ultra sensitive kids spamming the blog page with drama and complaining about offensive stuff etc etc. Do you guys think they'll actually do something about the retarded kids in the near future?
No. 2085126
File: 1720693027091.jpeg (543.75 KB, 1024x1024, thispersondoesnotexist.jpeg)

>>2085089AI tools have existed before, retard.
No. 2091120
File: 1721051276418.jpeg (99.01 KB, 828x385, 37D54E57-BF4C-45F5-AC78-082E84…)

And so it begins, once again
No. 2091123
File: 1721051528606.png (6.09 KB, 404x84, vYyMovD.png)

>>2091120KEK more clout chasing incoming. Can't wait to see the eventual melties because of this "project"
No. 2092006
File: 1721088572159.png (68.41 KB, 1044x290, great.png)

>>2091123if this was on their timeline, it's now deleted. kek
>>2091211it's for sure the feds. i know esl slop when i see it.
No. 2092050
File: 1721090091438.png (142.89 KB, 844x670, Screenshot_2024-07-15_at_7.10.…)

This is 100% feds. the weird stipulation that you wont be added until you meet their standards and "work on it a little more" The most fed part of it is that the main criticism from the nc normies what the feed spam and refusal to use a guestbook. Now they're doing it all through the guestbook to not look annoying and spammy because they think thats what got them ran off last time. No. 2092590
>>2092180Saw them "inviting" some sities I follow yesterday and I can't believe they got so many followers already.
But like
>>2092339 said, this is just a mousetrap for Twitter users who don't know how to find others without an algorithm telling them who to follow.
The followed/following feature to find similar sites of ones they enjoy? It doesn't exist.
Going to someone's button wall? Requires spending more than a minute on a site, and worse, actually reading a page's content.
Writting a nice comment with your url attached so others/the guestbook's owner visit your site? Requires you to do the "work" instead of letting people find you by magic or something.
No. 2096018
File: 1721359300646.png (20.39 KB, 643x178, MOOOODS.png)

spacehey mods actually need to do something about the amount of children, it would fix their site immensely. we don't need 13 year olds who make callout posts and leave. I think adding some sort of 16+/18+ age limit would fix the site a lot. Would also fix the twitter migrator problem. I've met cool people on there but the children who shit up the site then go inactive still rule.
>>2092590Twitter/tiktok migrators are the reason every attempt at a more decentralized internet goes to shit, they think the internet can only be engagement bait and callout posts. It makes the environment so boring.
No. 2096023
>>2096021yeah but it does really make you wonder what could actually be done to limit the retarded children. I mentioned one proposal they had before
>>2084864 but I don't know how'd they implement it
No. 2096399
File: 1721407803088.png (20.2 KB, 432x310, 89756.png)

Looks like Neocities started to roll a limit on updated. It hasn't been publicly announced yet but some people I'm following are encountering it. The limit is 10.
Good part: People will be forced to update their site instead of microblogging all day & (hopefully) there will be less drama.
Bad part: It counts comments as well, which are super useful. Guestbooks are disorganized and clunky to use (specially for replies), so I only use them when its my first visit and/or want to say something long. Simply replying under the updates is quickier and more convenient than having to check 15 different guestbooks.
No. 2096512
File: 1721415700485.png (43.38 KB, 718x580, 5N08OPQ.png)

>>2096399Kek, it's because federie kept shitting up the feeds. Good. I like this change even if commenting on actual updates has to move to cboxes and guestbooks. If it means I don't have to see picrel happening as much, I'm all for it. I hope for commenting to be gone all together one day tbh
No. 2096968
>>2096399>Bad part: It counts comments as well, which are super useful.I like leaving comments under update posts sometimes, but in my 4 years of using neocities I haven't left more than 5 comments a day anywhere, I'm pretty sure. The slow nature of the site allows for this. I'm really happy about this update because people like
>>2096512 have been multiplying and personally I wouldn't want this type of behavior to be common place.
No. 2097056
>>2096968I don't comment that much either (I don't follow too many sites on NC to beging with), but some people I follow do reply a lot daily so I will miss their comments haha.
>>2096710They work perfecly for me right now, maybe you're shadowbanned? This was 2 years ago but I used to have problems with updates as well and I think it was because either I had them disabled on my site and/or I had my profile hidden.
No. 2098475
>>2097990I was of single digit age when I started playing MMOs and joining guilds full of older people. I remember thinking it was soooo cringe that one member was married when she mentioned her husband. I tried teasing her about it but she grey rocked my underage ass and shut me up. I still cringe about it now, they were too nice about it and I deserved to be told off way more. I got kicked out once they found out I wasn't even 10 so I threw a huge tantrum on the game forums and got banned.
If that happened now I'd probably accuse them of bullying a neurodivergent minor or "grooming" kek, but back in the day you just ate a bit of shit and kept your head down next time
No. 2099499
>>2099372Adding onto your point that even in the early days of social media you didn’t have the same algorithms you have today. Your feed showed posts of friends and family or whoever you choose to follow, absolutely nothing else. If you did not want to associate with a certain crowd or consume certain content you just unfollowed it and that was that.
Social media algorithms now show you posts you are most likely to engage with. This isn’t the same thing as things you like, annoying rage bait slop content is everywhere because it gets lots of engagement. Some places like instagram barely even show you posts from people you follow anymore, it’s mostly suggested content that you didn’t ask for that the algorithm thinks you’ll engage with. It pushes people they dislike onto everyone which results in more vitriolic bullying especially with younger people. I’m not that old or young to not remember the days of old youtube, insta and facebook, the difference is pretty big.
No. 2099521
>>209911890% thru webrings, fan listings (that didn't originate in NC) and affiliates. Though more often than not those links bring you to the person's fanlisting collective page rather than their personal one, you will have to dig a bit to find them.
Sometimes I also visit random guestbooks since people without a NC account can't commect on people's profiles so they're forced to use the guestbook if they want to say anything.
Here are some random listings/linkages you can use as a start (This one is a list of websites) No. 2103571
File: 1721872434433.png (988.91 KB, 1080x2150, retardeddni.png)

Some cringe NeoCities DNI list I found.Why is this retard even using the Internet in the first place?lmao embarrassing
No. 2105752
File: 1722012605591.png (15.73 KB, 762x198, sdf.png)

Nonas that are more intelligent than me, I'm having problems with my tooltips…
For some reason, they decided to stop working when I try to include them on any new page (but the ones where I added custom tooltips previously still work, I can remove and add them with no problems).
I tried to copy-paste the full code of the pages where they still work and then simply re-skin the body and divs to the page I want to make so the tooltip scrips/code is fully unchanged, but it still shows as the browser's default tooltip.
It makes no sense, I don't know what am I doing wrong. I don't need any fancy tooltips, just ones that don't take 5 seconds of hovering to show up.
I have been using this code since I made themes on Tumblr back in 2013, so I don't know what's up with it. On the main page, I just add picrel + some CSS to spice it up, and the info/JS of the tooptips is here (
No. 2105792
>>2105752NVM, I figured it out!
It had nothing to do with the code, the JS file just had to be on the same root directory as the file you want to give the custom tooltips lmao.
Changing the "src=/jquery(..)" to "src=/folder/jquery(…)" would work as well I guess. I don't know how I didn't see it.
No. 2105946
>>2031788Hell yeah, i love the idea of this
I’ve always wanted to make essays on a personal site and I think I’m gonna start making the site
No. 2106357
File: 1722028370701.jpeg (182.74 KB, 828x760, IMG_4460.jpeg)

>>2106335all dnis are retarded except this one
No. 2106453
>>2106357This is
valid and I agree with it
No. 2109879
>>2109390Let's see how long until they claim this as transphobia kek
>>2109853Wtf did they even complain about?
No. 2109930
File: 1722259576696.jpg (38.49 KB, 914x134, 1000007153.jpg)

>>2109922Don't break the law and you're good. There are open terfs and /pol/tards
No. 2109982
>>2109952Then they should be against phones, TVs and many other things since they've using AI for years, they were just called smart before.
I'm 100% sure the webring is against generative ones, be it drawings or whatever shit Google is pulling out as answers, since that's all what AI means for terminally online people. Of course people on the ring have the right of kicking
nonnie out (it's really funny she joined an anti-AI webring while having AI generated stuff on her site tbh), but I just wanted to say some people are more lenient than others. I guess it depends on what rules the ring goes by.
No. 2110025
>>2109982>b-but muh phones and tvs use AI!!1!1you know what i meant when i said "all AI", and you know what people mean when they talk about AI now. don't be obtuse to try to make a point, you sound stupid.
>>2109986i'm curious why you joined a no AI webring when you have AI on your site. seems like you're asking for trouble when it's not like the other members could have known the ringmaster excused your particular AI slop. they probably thought he missed it when accepting you in, you didn't get "canceled".
No. 2110042
>>2110025The ringmaster knew he had excused my use of AI slop.
I've identified the tattletale's (the ringmaster's words, not mine) IP address with a high degree of certainty. He won't see anything else to complain about.
No. 2110123
>>2058560dimden is not a gendie though. or so I hope
does anyone know why'd he delete his discord?
No. 2112652
File: 1722386358311.png (2.59 MB, 1401x1018, bye.PNG)

>>2111599Everyone thinking this is Feds is wrong; it's grandma upset about being kicked out of the no AI webring. No. 2112660
>>2112652Weird, because feds deleted the new citizens BS, too. What timing.
Join No AI webring knowing that you've got AI content, expect special treatment, and then throw a fit and delete everything when you don't get it. Okay? Is that supposed to be some kind of epic own? Nothing of value was lost either way.
No. 2114931
File: 1722504189185.png (52.56 KB, 786x747, straw.png)
Has anyone heard about this new website builder called straw page? I've seen it pop up a few times in the last few weeks in conversations I see online, and I was checking it out today. I like to play around on websites like carrd, or squarespace, because I like making random silly websites about nothing for fun. This one is really intuitive and easy to use for beginners, it seems like it's advertised as a mobile-focused site. If you've used this website builder before, what'd you think?
No. 2114966
>>2114931Just made one for myself the other day because it has both an askbox and okeaki board so people can sent you stupid drawings kek
It's good if you only use it for these things, but as an actual website builders it sucks ass.
Straw is akin to making a scrapbook, you just drag and drop images and simple things. The "mobile responsiveness" is mostly making everything smaller so it fits on the phone's screen width rather than it becoming readable. Its not made for actual websites, even Carrd works better if you want a simple (and responsive) site.
No. 2116285
>>2114931i haven't used it but your picture reminded me of other site builders i've tried. one is called hotglue and the other ones called
i don't use either anymore but they were fun to play around with
No. 2123399
I just noticed that features AI art. In her theme credits, she says the spooky theme background image was "potentially" created by AI. But if you check out the source ( it is literally created by AI. Why try to soften what it really is? Especially since she has a link to an AI art theorycel essay.
No. 2123989
>>2123399I guess no many people care despite the fuss they make about it.
What surprises me more is how she has 4k followers when her site is so bare bones content-wise, did she used to have a more complete site but re-did it afterwards or something?
No. 2125799
File: 1723048460009.jpeg (46.76 KB, 997x118, aiessay.jpeg)

>>2125727I don't think that's true. but goblinheart does not seem to be against ai art anyway. she has an essay linked that claims that artists against ai are gatekeepers/evil capitalists.
No. 2128593
File: 1723227272714.png (713.5 KB, 1080x2720, soap.png)

Has anyone else come across this person having a meltdown over mypillowfort and viviarism? it's been going on for months now
No. 2128604
>>2128593God this person is insufferable. Also mypillowfort is a 14-15 year old TIM living in israel, it's not that surprising he's a Zionist, and even if he weren't, it's not like he would be able to be against it kek.
>cunt>bitchSuch a hateboner for a person they could just block. Not a single word uttered about pedos, incels and racists infesting the site though, how curious. Terfs and teenagers are definitely the most dangerous demographic you can encounter on neocities.
No. 2128700
>>2128593>Chronic complainer>Tells other what to do/think>Actual site is emptyWhy am I not surprised, it's always these kind of people…. Maybe if they spent more than 5 seconds working on their websites instead of complaining they could start thinking like a normal person.
I used to feel bad my pages weren't interesting design-wise because I love cute stuff (I'm not creative, so most of my pages are just a centered div with text/images), but after seeing 60% of MC sites are just fluff with no content made me realise how stupid that mindset is. A plain text website with interesting info is a thousand times better than a intricate site with no content sans an about/link page, no matter how much "personality" it has.
No. 2128712
File: 1723232879561.png (3.11 KB, 694x83, 124124312312.png)

>>2128593come the fuck on
No. 2128773
File: 1723235195993.png (90.49 KB, 639x619, puckfuck1.png)

>>2128593I can't take this seriously when this is the kind of art on their site.
No. 2128838
File: 1723238903873.jpg (282.41 KB, 1544x1372, retardation.jpg)

>>2128745>>2128650I wouldn't be surprised if she was up to some creepy shit. Her tumblr is full of fat fetish hornyposts, weirdly sexual shit about torturing and killing iof soldiers, and guilting her -2 followers for not compulsively sharing ebeggar scams like she does. No. 2129122
File: 1723250650358.png (108.17 KB, 765x809, image.png)

>>2128593The viscera-zombie person had to make her own useless feed posts about it too. I'm guessing on the same day? Does anyone know how to access concrete timestamps on NC events, not just "1 month ago?"
No. 2129123
File: 1723250733889.png (28.92 KB, 979x275, image.png)

>>2129122And she's still mad about it as of 3 days ago
No. 2129171
>>2129123Sage for turbosperg but:
>muh anti-feminism>bitch>radfems dniI bet these are the same people that ask other people to "educate" them and when someone actually does they get all pissy, whiny and perhaps pull out the "I'm literally neurodivergent" card kek. Basing 50+ year old beliefs on what a bunch of nobodies in a webring supposedly write shows their ignorance. I'm not saying they must adopt radical feminism, but it's so painfully obvious that they just parrot what retards on MRA/TRA tumblr have been saying since the dawn of time. Been there, done that. Also it's easier for them to target random girls/women online because they know they won't risk life-threatening harassment as a consequence. It's an obvious projection of their own behavior, because they spend most of their days relentlessly harassing and "canceling" others for the validation of troons and incels that would never defend them the same way. It's amusing to see how much of their time they're wasting when they could just fix their eyesore css instead.
No. 2129263
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i think this speaks for itself. anyway, what's with these tranny types and shitting up the neocities feeds with their dumbass sperging?
No. 2129282
>>2129263>main reason for leaving tumblr and most other social mediacould've fooled me. they sound like every other brainrotted gender-obsessed tumblrite who want to spew hate under the guise of what they perceive as the correct way of thinking
>anyway, what's with these tranny types and shitting up the neocities feeds with their dumbass sperging?none of them seem know what critical thinking is. they're spoonfed opinions and told what is "right" and "wrong" and think they're original and unique for spewing dogshit that's been said a thousand times before. it's just social media brainrot. anyone who says "x don't interact with me i hate you" will never get far past their screen or mental capabilities. they're fed what to think through a feed and algorythm and then use it as an excuse to lash out all of their dipshit insecurities. these people are all over the internet now and they suck the joy out of what should be a creative space. if they supposedly "left" social media they should try to act like they aren't social media incarnate. this shit is a plague
No. 2130454
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No. 2130694
>>2130601>nce when is making your own graphics not content (…) Mr Beast is content. Instagram meme pages are content.That's the thing, in NC most sites just use others' assets; if they were theirs it would be a different story. At least meme pages are funny even if they're stolen stuff, but there isn't much a cake favicon taken from Fool Lovers can tell you.
We (at least me) are talking about sites who are just a pretty landing page with "Welcome to my corner of the web to escape social media" and nothing else. Once you see the 80 stolen Hello Kitty pixels bording the div, there's nothing else to do or see. It's not bad per se, it takes work and the owners don't owe anyone an interesting site, but when you mostly see those kinds of sites around NC it gets borings and we have the right to complain as well, even is more interesting than some sites because its funny kek.
I follow sites that technically barely have anything, but the 2 pages they got are nice (like a mini dress-up game).
Also content is not a modern web lexicon, what else you're supposed to describe what is inside a site, be it text or images?
No. 2131385
>>2131341I think that anon is just too pressed about it kek don't mind her.
Honestly people just refered to more specific content rather than as a whole, as in complimenting their images etc. Also simply "information" since lots of websites back then were about general or fandom info as they acted as wikis. Or referring to "art" for the art gallery ones or "diaries" for personal ones, sites back then used to be more specific (though of course, there were lots of mixed bag ones)
No. 2131610
>>2130694i'm so glad still exists. it's an all-timer
>>2131448>There’s this culture on neocities of rejecting social media, yet using commercialized words for things;“assets”,“engagement”, “interaction” etc. I even saw someone talking about their site’s “branding” the other dayi felt my eyes roll back into my head when i read that. we will never again have another space online that isn't riddled with this corporate internet social media infested brainrot. too many people grew up with the shittiest website ecosystem possible and are now spreading it everywhere they go. i hate that every site has to have social media features, and it invites these retards who only care about "number go up" and shitting up every website they come across
they will never know what the oldweb is no matter how much they try to emulate it, they miss the mark every time. it really is a special kind of weird how often you'll see these pages trying to revive the look of oldweb pages, and then the juxtaposition of tranny bullshit on the side profile. it takes me out every time. i stopped looking at the activity feed months ago because it really is just a cespool
No. 2132317
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Who wants "aromantics" dead? This hoe is a schizo
No. 2132326
victim complex is off the charts. When has someone been killed for not wanting to date or fall in love?
No. 2132340
>>2132317The fuck are aromantics? Also
>leave the coomers alone!!! They only consume rape porn!! It's all OK!! No I want both the industry and its customers dead.
No. 2132349
>>2132317what the fuck is she even saying? Even barring anti-porn stuff it sucks to be an aromantic? literally what
>my mere existence is corrupting societyHow are these people so self-centered
No. 2132391
>>2132317This is so funny considering the world is already 100% compatible with "being aromantic": hypersexualization of women and young girls, grooming into prostitution and the porn industry through "kinks", moids getting in relationships just to get a bangmaid and the list goes on. Nobody in the real world wants you dead, you retarded cumbrain with a
victim complex, you're behaving exactly as moids expect you to.
No. 2132443
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>>2132317This is what's on top of the reply. God forbid anyone who wants to be in a healthy and committed relationship instead of going on banging spree and get STDs kek. I swear pornfags will do anything to justify their disgusting shit
No. 2133162
>>2132414>>2133094agreed. this person is fucking retarded. i'm still thinking about
>>2129263>i promise i don't post stuff like this oftenand here we are. they're still posting the most retarded shit day in, day out
No. 2133582
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Swirl discontinued her site
No. 2134306
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Checked her video essays page (just youtube video reccs) and kek
No. 2134346
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Does anyone know wtf special sauce means?
No. 2134768
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>>2134665divincel shoutout
No. 2137862
>>2137837NTA but I think we follow eachother, you got one
nonnie less to find
No. 2137883
>>2137868Nowadays I pretty much limit my follows to the women of the internet webring since if the person is not a farmer (which i guess only the first handful of people are since we promoted it over here first), she is probably more tame kek
Outside of gender stuff, im general I'm just tired of how political internet has become, I just want to share nice things and disconnect from real life issues for a bit, even personal websites are now filled with political stamps.
No. 2137901
>>2137837I'm pretty sure I'm mutuals with you also. If you're who I'm think of, your site looks rad! I hope you plan on updating sometime soon (no pressure though!)
>>2137076I like it! Although I've never heard of swirl outside of these threads, so it was pretty funny seeing her site on the front page
No. 2138352
>>2137946as did i, i'm a crypto & desister and have been for a while.
speaking of, i'm thinking of maybe making my views a little more prevalent on my site because i know some of my mutuals are farmers and that i don't have to fear the trannies anymore kek
No. 2138603
>>2137837I hope i come across your site soon nona. I also still got followed by gendies too despite having
terf sites on my links page kek
No. 2138769
>>2137946>>2138352Your two were more intelligent than me haha, I jumped onto it the second it opened.
Not that I mind too much if people know I use this board, the only negative effect I could get is if one day I decide to open commissions or something (since I also post my art on my site), but I think most people don't really care, they weren't for
terf crimes but I have gotten callouts before and all of them failed
I also do NSFW work and men dgaf about the artist as long as they get boobs No. 2139210
>>2138900Yeah I'm not worried about that, I just went "Ah that makes sense" when reading these posts.
>>2138935You mean in Neocities/a website? Yeah I guess letting people look at whatever you create is the point, I don't know why else you would put it on the internet instead of keeping it local.
Honestly like
>>2138979 said, most annoying people just look at the homepage and leave, the more normal people are usually the one who stay on sites the longest.
If you want less eyes on your site, turning off your profile is a good idea to be almost invisible, the only way people will have to find your site is via webrings and link backs. And if you still want to receive coments/let people follow you but prefer to keep a low profile, you can also delete every automatic update so you don't appear in "recently updated" or the updates tab, that will cut a good chunk of views as well.