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No. 2121106
This thread is to discuss your grievances with gender ideology.
>What is gender ideology? Foundational to transgenderism, gender ideology is the belief that one’s “internal gender” can contradict one’s biological sex.
Gender ideology operates much like a religious cult. There is no scientific evidence that supports the notion that we have an “internal gender,” and yet doctors now medicalize and sterilize children with “transgender identities” who have been groomed by the cult. Anyone who does not reaffirm these delusions is labelled as a “transphobe” in order to discredit any dissenting voices of the cult.
Previous threads:
>>>/ot/2037097>>>/ot/1894283>>>/ot/1941872>>>/ot/1991983>>>/ot/2097274Relevant /snow/ threads:
>>>/snow/2022374 (MTF general)
>>>/snow/2016968 (FTM general)
No. 2121116
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I absolutely fucking hate working in tech. It is full of trannies, amd they tend to hold positions in "Women at ABC company group", or DEI. Tech events are overran with them…
No. 2121118
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I have to share this TRA fail with you, nonnas.
>TRA scrote writes play called "Terf cunt">It's about JKR and the pro-troon HP actors>Can't find any female actors willing to perform at first>Renames play to "Terf">The play makes light of JKR fleeing her violent, abusive ex-husband>There is also a troon character with a taped mouth to show how troons are never heard in online debate KEK>Writer expects huge protests outside venue>Nothing happens, no one cares>40 people show up to watch the play in a 350 seat venue>Among those 40 are journalists>They are unimpressed and call it things like "a messy slog"The scrote ego must hurt so much right now. No. 2121122
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Alot of gender-critical westerners and euros using this Algeria situation as a excuse to be racist and misogynist towards brown women.
No. 2121124
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>>2121122of course he is british (this got posted by official fc account, its not doxing)
No. 2121130
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>>2121122This whole situation feels so racial
No. 2121133
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>>2121122Your fellow gender-critical defending a britcuck man wanting to beat algerian women. I looked at her profile and its just her sharing conspiracy theories and anti-semitism.
(samefagging/baiting) No. 2121137
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Caroline who seems to have never interacted with a algerian or brown person in her life shares a fake racial stereotyping statement saying how Imane not wearing a hijab makes her a man.
No. 2121139
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>>2121137Caroline gets called out in the comments by Algerians but she still keeps on doubling down.
No. 2121142
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>>2121137>>2121139and this is what Caroline looks like. THe internet is destroying these middle aged peoples minds.
No. 2121150
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Certain News organisations have come out to apologise about the misinformation they have spread about Imane. But its too late and the damage has already been down.
I low-key want Imane to sue all these outlets.
No. 2121152
>>2121148Fuck off of course I’m gonna call you a tranny when you use radfem as an insult on the
terf website retard
(infighting) No. 2121171
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>>2121158Technically LC is indeed a terve website because moid posting is not allowed and that includes troons.
No. 2121216
>>2120880> Won't some of you please answer why she passed gender tests in IBA's competition for years before failing for the first time when she won against the Russia's pet boxer whose record had to stay spotless? Did she transition from XX to XY in the meantime?If she is XX, it is trivial to do a DNA test and prove it. Any of those dna testing companies like 23 and me tell you your chromosomes. The fact none of these people have done their own test to prove they are XX when it’s so cheap is proof they are XY.
The question is whether she has Swyer or CAIS because those are female conditions (SRY region inactive, or cannot respond to androgens). If she has 5ARD or PAIS, those are male conditions.
No. 2121222
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>>2121195Gotta love Bindel's face when she listens to the wanker.
No. 2121249
>>2121202Last night I ran into a really good friend from highschool. She is a very sweet and passionate person but ended up in a codependent marriage with some scrote. I believe they divorced last year. She was always very active as an ally for the Gay straight alliance in highschool. But over the years I feared that she fell down the libfem hell hole with her divorce from her scrote, which probably really threw her into the “queer” (spicy straight) crowd. I can understand why since she needed community and that group will take literally anyone who apes the cult’s lines.
I noticed she was sporting a “they” pin and it sunk my heart. Do nonnas think it’s worth it to rekindle a friendship? Any tips for navigating it? I know the basics but it’s just hard to be around people who support patriarchy and gender roles even though they scream that they are dismantling it from the top of their lungs.
No. 2121333
>>2121249It depends on how much she has integrated her new ~* totes they/them queer *~ into her identity. I still have a handful of gendie friends from my handmaiden days and gender politics are pretty much never a topic among them, at least not when I'm around, and I make sure to avoid topics that might steer the conversation in that direction.
I actually have moments where I wonder if they figured I'm crypto but like me enough to keep up the friendship So it is doable without having to put too much work in, but there will be times you will have to walk on egg shells and those moments will have you question whether it's worth it. It pretty much boils down to her level of autism kek
No. 2121369
>>2121272I’ll tread lightly and see if it’s super ingrained yet. I think maybe before getting fucked over by a moid would have been a better time to try or maybe in a few years when it’s not so fresh.
>>2121333She is not autistic but I wouldn’t be surprised if she claimed it since a few they/thems I know think “oh I’m really interested in this topic! It’s my special interest guises! I’m autistic!” I think it may be more along the lines of whatever makes someone codependent (low self confidence?) that makes her really into it.
I think I’ll try to hang with her and see how it goes. Hopefully it’s just that rose tinted glow of “finding yourself” after a bad divorce. She really is an awesome woman.
No. 2121392
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Pink News, a TRA propaganda outlet run by Benjamin Cohen whose goal was to promote transgender medicine to financially boost his husband's trans charity Mermaids is experiencing some whistleblowing by staff for abusive workplace practices.
No. 2121475
>>2121118Amazing, everyone's so done with troon shit that even the TRAs suddenly had to wash their hair that night. I wonder if the topic had anything to do with the abysmal turnout. Men mocking women who escape DV and champion women's rights doesn't sound too good, no matter how much lipstick they're wearing.
>>2121369Tbh she's probably glad to have found such a welcoming cult so soon after her divorce. See it as rekindling a friendship with a friend who became an MLM hun after losing her job, you're going to have to tread carefully but if you exclusively talk about normal topics and grey rock her when her special gender comes up she might be saved. Ultimately it's her choice to fuck up her life, and while you can try to draw her away from gendies by being more interesting and less retarded, at the end of the day she's the one who's responsible for her life. Even if she does get the tit chop and stickerbook tattoos there's no guarantee she won't regret it afterwards and come back to normal.
No. 2121668
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Lacryboy (FTM creator of popular tranny art such as Roachification, and the pronouns timeline that became a meme)has chimed in on women's sports with a never-seen-before hot take! she doesn't care. also pretends to be a creep at the end instead of a bifujo
No. 2121920
>>2121362And an attention-whore. He must be insufferable to be around as a person.
>>2121392Narc gay men deserve it.
>>2121466It doesn't have a Wikipedia article full of smears and libel, so I bet it is.
No. 2122029
>>2121118KEK troons didn't learn from the hogwarts legacy debacle that people actually either love JKR or simply don't care at all that she's supposedly a
Side note, now that it's been confirmed in meta that troons invaded the thread I feel better about all the anons pretending the males in the Olympics are female or calling them "she" instead of he, ofc other troons would do that to shit up the thread
No. 2122069
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picrel of Khelif wearing a groin guard for men. i’m so done with the gaslighting.
No. 2122076
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>>2122069Women wear groin guards too. I don't even care what she is at this point this infight is getting to banging heads on wall retarded
No. 2122093
oh god not the fucking olympic bullshit again
>>2121392progressive moids are the worst kind if bosses. and they love gender ideology bc ut cames with constant language and thought policing.
really it kills me that gendershit is so popular with ppl who think they're revolutionaries. it's the most individualistic, corporate friendly and neoliberalism-compatible ideology you could think of.
No. 2122140
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>>2122081Here's one with a built in bulge
No. 2122152
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>this is who khelif is fighting against today
how has this person passed gender tests??? what?(bait)
No. 2122204
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>>2122195he looks more like a man/thai ladyboy than the algerian
(bait) No. 2122224
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What is it with trannies on twitter talking about mold on JK Rowling's wall? Is that even mold? I don't know why stuff about JK Rowling's wall is being pushed on my feed because I really don't care. The screenshot isn't from my feed though, someone else posted it in their tweet.
No. 2122226
>>2121392Great to see. They are among the absolute worse.
>>2121226Right back at you nona ♥
>>2121348Same. There was a debacle at the Grace Hopper conference last year where men turned up in droves. All they had to do was say they 'identified as women' which is accepted. The conference organisers said they couldn't do anything against it. Just proves the madness of when the gender ideology meets reality and nothing makes sense anymore. This year I had to sat through a gigantic hulking troon making a seminar on "sexual harassment" and you know statistically he was the one doing the harassment.
No. 2123143
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>>2122433Watching the Imane debacle and some truly braindead takes (picrel) from lolcow to ovarit, you are correct. They aren't just on twitter.
No. 2123390
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So apparently imane and the italian boxer knew each other beforehand… imane may or may not be eligible to compete, but the girls terfs turned into a martyr of gender is definitely an untrustworthy crybully.
No. 2123419
>>2123390Why are you assuming Imane is being honest? Even if they were cordial towards each other while at the gym, it's not manipulative of Carini to cry and be upset after taking a beating from him in the actual event and quickly losing.
>>2123395Women and men can spar. Afaik the fighters don't strike at full force, just test their training/skill. If Carini sparred with Imane, it makes her crying after the actual fight (when he hit full force) more reasonable.
No. 2123510
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What gets me about gender ideology is how much it encourages narcissism and individualism. People are encouraged to gaze at their own navels 24/7 and endlessly search for the super special label that will totally fit their personality for real this time (it won't). of course while they're endlessly focused on themsleves, they never actually pay attention to sytsemic issues.
you see that a lot with troon comics and art, it's always about themselves and they'll fill hundred of pages with dissecting their every thought and deed and handwringing about their identity. it's terminal self-obsession.
No. 2123515
>>2123510The profile picture is similar to someone talked about in the TIF thread on /snow/, is it the same person? Or a different person using her art as the pfp? She's the one that brags about how testosterone makes her bald.
>it's terminal self-obsession.This is a problem with a lot of gendies, troons, and kweer people. They think they're the smartest and most advanced person in the room always. It's why usually they only hang around with each other, because nobody else can take the constant monologues and self-centered orations. It's also why as soon as 1 troon walks in, suddenly the whole thing is troon-centric, e.g., all the lesbian subreddits that were taken over by troons.
No. 2123543
>>2123510>let's be real there's an image that pops up when you think of itKEK isn't this the same reason why most TIFs feel like they can't be women? I'm waiting for her to follow this line of thought until she loops back to being a regular butch
>>2123515It is indeed the same TIF you're thinking of, the one that makes comics about her transition
No. 2123783
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There should be training on how to spot narcissism in people at every level of compulsory education. Narcissists should be shunned and heavily discriminated against - they ruin lives, especially if they are male. Scum of earth even worse than drug addicts. You think you hate narcissistic men, but you don't hate them enough.
> No. 2123827
>>2123419>it's not manipulative of Carini to cry and be upset after taking a beating from him in the actual event and quickly losing.She took one hit and forfeited in 46 seconds. It was 100% acting and she received a huge "money prize" from IBA for doing so.
>>2123143Some are also claiming she must be a man because she played football with boys as a child despite her being bullied for "playing a boys' sport" according to her past interview. These gendercrit hysterics should honestly have their own thread for milk because I went down the rabbit hole of their community on twitter and there's a huge overlap between them, Trumpfags, tradthots and covid denialists and they're all united by homophobia. The amount of cognitive dissonance is staggering when you're posting about how convicted rapist Epstein's friend Trump will saves us women yet still post the infographs about men being responsible for 90+% of sexual assault.
No. 2123924
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>>2123832probably safe to assume all tils are narcissistic. it takes vast aloubts if self-centeredness to troon out. just look at how most teoon art is aout thelsleves and their trooning out journey, or wanting others to be like themselves
No. 2123935
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New press conference dropped.;
The International Boxing Association (IBA) clarified the disqualification of Imane Khelif (Algeria) and Lin Yu-ting (Taiwan). They were disqualified due to not meeting gender eligibility criteria, confirmed through two separate blood tests in 2022 and 2023. Despite informing the International Olympic Committee (IOC), no action was initially taken. Both athletes were notified and given the right to appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS). Lin did not appeal, and Khelif's appeal was dismissed due to non-payment. In 2023, the IBA amended rules to strictly define male and female categories based on chromosomes. The IBA continues to assert that the athletes’ hormonal imbalances give them an unfair advantage and pose a danger to other female boxers. The IOC has denied being informed of the case, leading to a press conference by the IBA to address the issue.
Is the IBA implying that Imane has XY chromosomes? Because this could have serious consequences if there is no way for anybody to actually prove this, it's just an outright smear campaign.
No. 2123939
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No. 2123942
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>>2123802Since black trannies tend to be HSTS, while white trannies tend to be AGP (this is a generalisation of course), I think they just don't care, because they still want a cock of a 'straight' moid and AGPs hardly ever even cut off their dicks and are predominately attracted to women? It's lust over any sense of racial grievance.
No. 2123957
>>2123935So IBA is outright lying about informing IOC about these test results and are still refusing to specify what tests they actually ran? Khelif did appeal their decision but apparently withdrew due to not having enough funds to fight their decision. Great news for all female athletes that if you piss off a Russian organization by defeating their special fighter you can get called a man immediately and everyone will believe it because you're "ugly".
>Following many complaints from several coaches, boxers agreed to gender testing. Blood sample collection was made on 17 May 2022. Sistem Tip Laboratory from Istanbul (License Number: 194-MRK) issued its report on 24 May 2022, after the competition ended. The laboratory detected results that didn’t match the eligibility criteria for IBA women’s events.>At the next IBA Women’s World Boxing Championships 2023 in New Delhi, Khelif and Lin were tested following their consent again before their first fights. Blood sample collection was made on 17 March 2023. Dr Lal PathLabs from New Delhi issued its report on 23 March 2023. The findings were absolutely identical to the first test results.So they aren't even specifying HOW they didn't match the criteria? Like specifying what condition exactly led to her being disqualified and how this "Y chromosome" was detected? And why Khelif wasn't disqualified in 2022 already and being allowed to compete again in 2023 despite the lab results apparently being identical? This is such bullshit, they can just smear any female athlete in the future if they want.
>IBA cannot comment on the previous iterations and lack of leadership actions in this regard.Kek, they can't even come up with an excuse why Khelif was able to compete before but was kicked out after defeating Amineva.
No. 2124005
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>>2123957>>2123961This blogger has seen the test results as he was leaked the letter that IBA sent to IOC with the test results, and he said the tests say Imane and the other boxer have XY chromosomes.
And really, what female athlete would let themselves be unfairly banned from the IBA over a test that they knew was incorrect. Anyone with XX chromosome would have raised holy hell, back in 2023, at some test that said they had XY and got them banned.
. Wire Sports has seen the test results and a June 5, 2023 IBA letter to the IOC that says tests of Khelif, one in New Delhi, a prior test in Istanbul at the 2022 world championships, “concluded the boxer’s DNA was that of a male consisting of XY chromosomes.”
For both Khelif and Lin, the New Delhi test – from, as IBA disclosed Monday, the independent Dr Lal PathLabs – consists of three pages. In part:
The first page provides, along with basic identifying information for each athlete and date and time of sample collection, result summary – “abnormal” – and interpretation – “chromosome analysis reveals Male karyotype.” The second page offers photographic representation of the 22 paired autosomes and then, for each athlete, further depicts an X and a Y chromosome. Page three makes plain that the lab is a “national reference lab” and, as well, accredited by CAP, the Northfield, Illinois-based College of American Pathologists, and certified by the ISO, the Swiss-based International Organization for Standardization.
For both athletes, there is a summary on page 2 that says the same thing. Translated per Google from Turkish:
“Result: In the interphase nucleus FISH analysis performed on cells obtained from your patient's material, 100 interphase nuclei were examined with the Cytocell brand Prenatal Enumeration Probe Kit. An XY signal pattern was observed in all of them.”
No. 2124008
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i feel sad for this little girl. i wish people would just leave her alone and let her box, this is all just high blood pressure bait because people can't stop being outraged over something.
No. 2124012
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>>2124008A child can look line any gender depending on styling, picrel a child TIM
No. 2124017
>>2124014hits different when you know he's a man and he knows he's a man and he still lies so that he can hit women at the olympics.
>he's a shegreat. take some tests and reveal XX. he could put this to rest. the IOC could put this to rest.
neither do because they know what the results would be.
sucks that he was born without his penis and was raised to believe he was a girl. must be rough finding out.
No. 2124019
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>>2124014Right… Very feminine. I thought your argument was that we are faceblind and hate gnc women with masculine face, but suddenly androgynous little kids have very obvious masculine or feminine faces lmao
No. 2124026
>>2124020you don't have any empathy for the women getting punched by a man and losing out on their olympic dreams cause of the intrusion framed as inclusion of a man who has known he is a man since at least 2022 and still demands to invade.
the "woman" you support the most is a man.
No. 2124034
>>2124028>if the IOC did the same tests and says she's a woman, which they didsource? they mention passports not sex tests.
"They reached all the eligibility rules in terms of sex and age via their passports,">>2124031>Do you think people get gender tests when they're born or something here.
>>2124030>they're afraid to be cancelled by crazy trannies and their enablersi don't see them as an outsider afraid of trannies and their enablers. I see them as tranny enablers themselves. allowing males with DSDs to compete against women is the first step, and males with gender identities is the second.
No. 2124049
>>2123967>There's genuinely no trusting a mob organization, multiple large profile and olympic level boxers have come out to say that IBA's statements mean nothing.I don't think this is true. They are thinking of anti-Russia politics more than its actual conduct, which has been normal and impartial. Previously it was wholly controlled by Europeans. The actual problem seems to be that they lifted the ban on Russian and Belorussian boxers, which could be seen as self-serving but could also be seen as being more impartial.
Russians are the sworn enemies of most Westerners, so that clouds everything. Proof and level-headedness goes out the window very quickly when 'Russia' is invoked, you see it time and time again. No doubt they are enemies, or have been forced to be enemies, but it is kind of hysterical.
This issue should actually be seen as a means of attacking the IBA more so than pushing troons. I think they knew in advance that the IBA would speak up. When the interest / news cycle dies down they will quietly admit reality and the news won't say a thing, the people defending it will continue living in a fantasy and jump to the next thing. That's how it goes.
No. 2124067
>>2124056In what way and how is it worse than Europeans serving themselves for the rest of us?
Because I have seen complete lies pushed uniformly in the 'reputable' news media recently about this issue and the IBA, since apparently journalists can't do the bare minimum of the job. As if proving things or saying something of substance were irrelevant.
I'm under no illusions about Russia, but neither am I about anyone else. Or about the IOC, which btw is controlled wholly by Western Europeans. Very international.
No. 2124164
>>2122224I came here to post this because I was wondering the exact same thing and these braindead qrts keep popping up on my tl even though I never engage with tranny content. They're really reaching and apparently she changed her profile picture or something so they're claiming it's because they totally caught her and it means it's legit, which is retarded. It's also funny because they're the ones who usually have unclean living spaces in general but they want to project that onto some rich woman that probably has maids. Also imagine thinking you need your house to be molding to believe bio sex and female oppression is real when it's just common sense? Nothing she says even indicates any sort of mental illness or disturbance, and I'm tired of how everything is just reversed with these people. If you're a normie who isn't invested in gender shit you're somehow the mentally ill one who must be brain rotten by mold around you and…Not the trannies who are cutting off healthy body parts and trying to be a living stereotype? Ok.
>>2123510this is why I can't take it seriously when trannies and gender believers call me self centered and say I should "support it to care about others and stop being so self centered" when it's them who are the egocentrical ones and constantly force everyone around them to play along. Like no amount of gaslighting can get me to agree that this somehow makes me more selfish than them lol
No. 2124168
>>2124069Thank you, there has been more than enough baiting and derailing about that topic.
>>2124164Narcissists often accuse others of being self-centered for having other opinions and needs. Classic.
No. 2124179
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>>2122224Do people truly think shes living in a moldy house lmao
No. 2124260
>>2124213they know she doesn't, but they wanyt to make her look ggross and also pretend she only holds her opinions bc she's mentally impaired by hallucinogenic mould spores.
it's the old "women can't have political opinions bc hysteria" shit, repackaged
No. 2124429
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>watching video about femininity in horror
>disclaimer about how "women" doesn't cover only "vagina-havers"
When will it end?
No. 2125088
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>>2121118even the guardian savaged that retarded TRA play lmao
No. 2125312
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I can't wait for all male trannies to age and start looking like horror hons in a future that has discredited the trans ideology. The hardcore fetishists won't quit, the ones that mangled their dicks can't quit, the schizos will become even more schizo and detached from reality. It will be a sight to behold.
No. 2125330
>>2123832>>2123871>>2123889Perhaps we can petition the mods to open this thread:
No. 2125413
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What seems so disingenuous about the whole gendie thing is that it's complete and utter dull sameness, by people who pose as originals. Overlooking their whole misguided idea that TERFs want the structures within the "gender cloud" to be static while they want to be dynamic, rather than normal people just thinking the whole idea is sexist bunk to begin with, they seem to have the assbrained idea that people are put off by them because they're "new" or "radical" when they're anything but. Men were putting on makeup in the 70s, that's 50 years ago, none of this is new in the slightest. It's all so played out, catgirl this, tboy rizz that, it's so entirely boring at this point. Subcultures seem to start dying off, or at least stop producing anything creatively interesting, whenever a uniform emerges, a certain hairstyle, vocabulary and lifestyle becomes common within the group, but that happened a long time ago within the tranny online circlejerk, and yet they're still going. Don't they get tired of their whole friendgroups, discords, and twitter feeds just being samey regurgitation?
No. 2125615
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>>2123939>child-birthing hipsthe child being birthed:
No. 2125725
>>2125615that's so horrorful nonaaaaa
i feel bad for the baby
>/s<(learn2integrate) No. 2125837
>>2124459this is why I stopped watching video essays or most youtube creators, they'll almost always have some retarded intro or disclaimer about how not transphobic they are to appease trannies. i literally just stop watching and close the video
>>2125413yup it's so ironic, they're just carbon copies of each other and so easy to predict despite pretending to be oh so different and special. I unironically predicted every single thing a troon I know would do and wear as soon as he trooned out without even trying because all he did was just copy every other troon out there and start dressing like a "goth" anime hooker basically and saying the typical troon shit. they feel like they were made in a factory yet wanna call the "cis" people that aren't retarded and nearly as same-y the boring ones. hilarious
No. 2126403
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>I want to write this story but it involves a man and a woman, how can I make it less straight?
>Use genderspecial pronouns?
No. 2126495
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thought this was funny
No. 2126988
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Just when I was think it was cool how youtube was giving me some interesting game trailers I get this shit
No. 2126991
>>2126988I hope the plot twist is that the mc is actually a giant
terf and the goal is to make the troons realize how sexist they are and that they fucked up their bodies for life kek
No. 2127015
>>2126495the only people that want to fuck trannies in general are either fags, fellow trannies, women who want brownie points for being a lesbian while they're bi/straight, and women started dating a guy and then he trooned out halfway (even then they usually just leave), and polyamorous "people" that look like they stink and are probably full of STDs
>>2126988looks like shit
No. 2127019
>>2123510>i'm not like other enbiesCurious. People seem to think the average enby is an unhygienic obese person with fried hair and ratty clothing. That's exactly who she is
>>2126592Yes, and redpill circles function as a social scene for tranny chasers. Women can never live up to their ideal of a bepenised girlboy pederast bait so they cope by ranting about how inferior and un-feminine actual women are. They can't fit in with normal gays, can't fit in with straight men either.
No. 2127216
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>Maverique is a gender identity characterized by having an autonomous self that exists independently of the gender binary (man/male/masculinity and woman/female/femininity), along with anything derived from those genders, but is not of a neutral gender.
>Maverique is a combination of the word "maverick" and the French suffix "-ique". Maverick as a noun means: "A person who shows independence of thought and action, especially by refusing to adhere to the policies of a group to which he or she belongs", and as an adjective: "Characterized by or displaying independence of thought and action".
>The maverique flag was designed by Vesper H. on June 15, 2014. The color meanings are as follows:
>Yellow: "Primary/elementary gender; non-binary gender". Yellow was chosen because of its association with non-binary gender and because it is a primary color, which means that it cannot be obtained from combining other colors and is independent of them, similar to maverique's relationship to female/femininity and male/masculinity.
>White: Autonomy and independence from the spectrum of colors/genders, especially from the gender binary. White is also symbolic of maverique being based upon a blank gender state.
>Orange: Inner conviction in regard to one's own gender, and an unorthodox and individualistic nature.
NLOG: the gender kek
No. 2127440
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is there a reason why people are obsessed with respecting "nonbinary pronouns" even if it's blantly obvious it's just a girl anyways? pic spoiled because ass out
it's really weird we got to a point were a piece of language can be deemed personalized/customizable to someone and you have to ~be respectful~. I ain't calling the whale woman "they"
No. 2127870
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This retard has "transsexual" in it's bio. Why do retards think calling themselves "transsexual" instead of "transgender" makes themselves more legit? is it their weird obsession with 60's-80's gay culture? Also they make every single label nebulous like picrel, it's so annoying if you're actually gay you have to deal with these shits all the time. I'm so tired of "who cares, it's not hurting anyone?" it is hurting gays, I can't find community anymore, it's so frustrating and we get gaslit about it. Ugh when will they stop.
No. 2127887
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Today there was a TV show about trans kids, with both the views from TRAs and conservatives. It went exactly like you expected: A cesspool.
No. 2128112
>>2127870i was a gendie on tumblr when the whole "transsexual" thing took off so i can answer that one.
it was after troon shit got "wokeified" around the mid-late 2010s, opinions like not needing gender dysphoria to be trans and acceptance of nonbinary shit became more widespread and terms like mtf/ftm, sex reassignment surgery and transsexual became seen as backwards and
problematic to the wider trans community. it was also the rise of today's cancel culture, where everyone strives to be the most innocent morally pure human while calling everyone else around them
problematic and degenerate.
now, i'm not
exactly sure what kickstarted this, but around ~2021/22 the new cool thing in certain tumblr spaces became "queer" history, especially lesbian and trans history within the 1950-90s era. a big thing within these circles was using old gay zines, magazines and anecdotes to redefine various identities because the aformentioned new trans culture was seen as annoying and these people wanted to make their gender and sexuality seem more edgy, which is where we get shit like lesbians fucking gay men, bi women being lesbians, ftms being lesbians, the rise of terms like "girlboy" and the return of the old
problematic lingo like ftm/mtf and transsexual. and suprise suprise, this was also the beginning of the whole "sex isn't real" thing taking off, primarily because most (if not all) people in these circles were bi and they genuinely believed sex was changed by hormones (and sometimes surgery, even though the only surgery people got was ftm top surgery).
there is a lot to go over and a lot that i've skipped since i don't want to write an essay, but this is why the "gay" history enthusiasts, self-proclaimed transsexuals and "bi lesbians" (or any other contradictory label) overlap. 2 big figures from this time are that girlofswords scrote and sweatermuppet tif who i'm pretty sure have been posted inthe mtf and ftm threads before, if you've ever seen a collage with shitty poetry or quotes about troon shit it's likely them or one of their calves. also unconfirmed theory of mine is that the rise of this specific type of troonism is due to more and more mtfs joining tumblr and taking over these spaces.
i feel like i've skipped over somthing, but i'm burning to death right now so nevermind, i'm ashamed of how much shit i know about this kek No. 2128150
I think I'm becoming a bit less of a tranny hater, at least in theory. Trannies who actually aren't evil should just say they're heavily inspired by women, even if they aren't really women, and keep it moving. They're basically fans or kinnies, and until it gets to a certain point of derangement, there's nothing wrong with that. Instead, in reality, we have all this other bullshit, actual science-denying, ridiculous entitlement to women's hard-earned spaces in politics and sports, etc.
No. 2128169
>>2128150I wouldn't even have that much of a problem with troons if they admitted that it was a mental thing and that you can't
actually change your sex or try to redefine words. but to do that would require mental stability, and if they had that most of them probably wouldn't want to transition in the first place.
No. 2128202
>>2128156thank you nonna! i was in the movement for about 7-8? years, so i've got a lot of stories to tell kek. i'm thankful that i only hung out with other women and managed to dodge tims for nearly the entire time, they always gave me a weird gut feeling, even in my worst gendie phase.
if you have any questions though, i'm sure nonnas in this thread will know, or reading through older ftm/mtf threads and the ex-tif one on /2x/ could help clear some things up.
No. 2128208
>>2128150>I think I'm becoming a bit less of a tranny hater, at least in theory. Trannies who actually aren't evil should just say they're heavily inspired by women, even if they aren't really women, and keep it movingBut they don't say that. And they won't. You're saying you're hating them less simply because you've made a thought-experiment in your head that IF they did this, they'd be acceptable.
It's not much different from handmaidens thinking that troons are ok because "surely they don't mean they're literally a physical woman when they say they're women" but yeah no they do literally mean that. It's not doing you any good to think "well IF they did…" because they don't and you're deluding yourself by making exceptions for them based on nothing!
Most troons aren't HSTS drag queens who are fan of women and feminine fashion, most are straight AGP men who want to get sexual validation from other people, mainly women because they're straight. If they were "just" turned on by themselves they'd never leave the house - instead they go out in wigs and bras and into women's spaces. Real women are still their
victims and erotic targets. If women all cut our hair short and wore male clothes they'd do the same, they don't care about women they only care about invading women's spaces for sexual gratification.
No. 2128270
>>2128112Really good summary. I noticed how you get offputting AGPs and people who'd be at home in the earlier woke tumblr trans culture, hopping on this vintage trend and calling themselves 'transsexual surge doll' or 'boydyke' as an attempt to seem more 'real' or more feminine. I'm amused by these vocabulary shifts and play-pretends because you can still tell who is a gay man and who is a het man with a fetish based on how they arrange their phrases, their humor, style of interaction etc.
Anyways, it's ironic how this new wave of troons is similar to early queer theorists like Gayle Rubin (hambeast who LARPs leather gay culture, wrote extensively to defend pedophilia and gay pedos in particular, carved a swastika on her jewish gf because she's oh-so-deviant). It's the same mish-mash of edgy images and attempt to look like a worldly degenerate when they are mousy nerds.
No. 2128459
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local tif confuses gender with sexual orientation kek. she really just threw together some gendie buzzwords and thought she did something
No. 2128606
>>2128459>clothing should not have gender rolesclothing styles deemed feminine or masculine shouldn't be gendered I agree but clothes are gendered mainly because surprise surprise males and female are physically built differently.
>you can wear crop tops or skirts even and still be straight!lol they really just be saying anything. TiFs who still wear feminine clothing and act like they're uwu femboys are an interesting breed of stupid. "passing" or not, it's still just a gender conforming woman. But it's the ones who make 0 effort in trying to look like a man with their boobs on display, really girly revealing outfits, but because they have he/him pinned on their shirt they act shocked when normal people see them as women
No. 2128703
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>>2128674coincidently there is a TiM working at the Walmart I work at as well. I've only talked to him a few times passing by the produce as he's usually around that area stocking stuff. I just assumed he was a quirky alt guy with his long hair and earrings, but some days I'll see him wear typical men's clothes then next day women's, and it's blantly obvious he's got tits when wearing women's shirts. I doubt that was him in there with me that day, but I try to keep my distance from him unless I have to ask him to find something for a customer or whatever. picrel is him after finding out his full name. he's a transbian it seems
No. 2128770
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>>2128624There was a time when hotties rocked the crop. Though now we are plagued with absolute genetic rejects with no self awareness of what looks good on their bodies.
No. 2128790
>>2128255>What made you peak?it went gradually for me. i never could fully delude myself about biological sex, i just put mystical ~gender feelings~ above it and pretended it didn't exist because i couldn't handle the cognitive dissonance of being aware.
peaking on tims was fairly easy, it started with the whole tma/tme thing, even with the fact i was deep into gendie stuff my immediate reaction was "they will never know what
afabs go through!!!", as i mentioned i felt creeped out by them and always avoided them. before that i did kind of put them in the category of "women" since i felt like they were as distant from me as "normal" women (straight, gender conforming, not mentally ill, basically the exact opposite of what i am). with that said, the idea of them being similar to actual women shattered the second i went deeper than surface level twaw posts kek. the transmisogyny discourse fully destroyed that idea though.
it's a different story with tifs. i guess i peaked when i myself desisted? i don't even know if i fully saw tifs as men either, since to me they registered more as a safe group of other non-women (read: women as desperate to escape misogyny as i was) than actual males. i should probably add that they're not the normie heterosexual women with dyed hair and they/them pronouns i see talked about here often, they're all nerdy outcasts who only date other women/tifs and have (usually sexual) childhood traumas and moderate to severe mental illness (likely due to the fact that i'm not from a western troon friendly country). this peaking took longer since i had to face my own issues to be able to recognize that other tifs are just women with internalized misogyny too.
>How do you feel about your previous gendie phase today?mixed. on one hand i'm very grateful since it helped me realize that i can, in fact, be gnc and be attracted to women. if i hadn't trooned out i would probably be forcing myself into being gender conforming and dating men or i would have done a 180 and become tradcath and become a nun just to avoid the previous fate.
on the other hand, trooning out is not much different psychologically than alcoholism or drug addiction. it's still a way to run from your current problems, only to realize when you're sober that you've created even more problems for yourself. sure, it did help
slightly, and i never went on hormones or had surgery so no harm done there, but i could have just turned to other women instead of pushing them away and declaring myself as different. i wish i did live in a better society and was surrounded by people who would support me, but i was shit out of luck on both fronts and i didn't know where else to go at that point. plus, i'm pretty sure binding damaged my rib cartilage, worsened my ability to breathe and likely even caused more cysts/fibroadenomas to grow in my chest, almost none of which were present beforehand.
>Are you willing to tell one or two of those stories?i wish i had more irl or bizzare stories to share, but thankfully my troon encounters were limited to edgy but harmless tifs and the occasional discord tim weirdo. this isn't really a story, but i'd like to bring it up anyways since it's
very worrying to me. i went down the gender rabbit hole at age 12 or so (mostly because i was freaking out over having a crush on a girl and wanting to "fix" myself), but didn't fully commit to it until i was already in high school. i saw similar stories from other tifs, with a few exceptions where they already identified as nonbinary in middle school (never ftm though). but recently, i've noticed hoards of young girls identifying as trans and even talking about shit like puberty blockers and what surgeries they want to get once they turn 18, and it's just making my stomach drop. granted, these are mostly girls from western countries that shill this shit like crazy, but even in my tiny right wing shithole there's been a sharp uptick in minors, especially young girls, going to the one of the only gender clinics in the country. they even recently put up billboards about trans rights, which is so fucking retarded seeing as there have been next to 0 violent attacks on troons, meanwhile nearly every year around june gay people (usually gay men) get beaten in the streets and the femicide rate due to dv has gone up as well. girls are being forced to choose between trooning, pandering to pedophilic scrotes or becoming religious fanatics, i can't predict how this will affect them as adults, it's so fucking bleak. i wish i could do something to help, at least with the troon shit, but voting does nothing as all the anti-trans parties are also anti-woman and anti-lgb, and all the pro-woman and pro-lgb parties are also pro-trans. it just kinda feels like we're stuck watching this new gen of women grow up on the most misogynistic shit ever that'll scar them for the rest of their lives, and we're unable to do much, if anything, about it.
>>2128669i adore her channel, but it feels like her content has not been researched as well and has been too rushed for the past while. it sucks seeing as she's got some really good takes and in her older videos is well spoken and makes impactful points. still love her though.
No. 2129069
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No. 2129187
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>>2128669how dare they misgender my queen
No. 2130142
>>2128150I feel the opposite. I used to not hate them or just be one of those people who's like "let them live" but then tons of people in my online circles started trooning out. This opened my eyes that it's a social contagion because I don't even know that many people, yet I know at least 10 trannies, which is really disproportionate for how rare they are supposed to be. They always turned out to be mentally ill and incredibly shitty people to interact with and they're all cringy and coombrained, it makes me want to vomit looking at their retarded woman-face larp. I've also grown to dislike them the more I spent time with them because I used to think the ones that aren't evil were more common but instead they're almost all AGPs and HSTS that are just "inspired" by women or more "harmless" are much rarer, and even then I'd still see those types hate on women and say they're better than actual women. I'm tired of them spreading shitty sexist stereotypes further and making me uncomfortable almost everywhere I try to interact and how they make me hate other people by extension, like I used to respect people but now it's hard when almost all of them unironically support trans shit. I hate how they made me realize how much the world hates women in general and how I feel silenced in my daily life. I still don't want them dead or anything like they claim, but they sure do want
me dead for being tired of this shit, so I find it hard to feel any sympathy for them at this point, even the ones that aren't AGP. Every time I see trannies I know post pictures and shit up online spaces I used to like my dislike for them grows
No. 2132034
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I don't know who this is (I stole it from that athlete thread) but the shirt both pisses me off and makes me laugh. It's just so noncommittal. "Is gender a highly restricting set of boxes that only does harm?" "Yeah!" "Do we want to get rid of it?" "Uh, well, uhm…"
No. 2132451
>>2130191It does sound funny now that you mention it lol. It's probably because despite being introverted and not knowing many people I frequented mostly male dominated spaces because of my hobbies and in every single one there's least 2 or 3 men inevitably trooning out, besides just ones that are already troons.
>>2130244Me too. I didn't realize how much men hate women until I was confronted with troon shit since it exposed me to radical feminism stuff when I got called a "
TERF" and wanted to know what that means. I always assume every man that supports this stuff is a misogynist now too which contributes to my disillusion with them. And when I do find a guy that doesn't, they tend to be right wing and hate women in a different way, so it just sucks overall.
No. 2132690
>>2132451>I didn't realize how much men hate women until I was confronted with troon shit sorry for blog but the ONLY friendship I've ever ended was because of a troon supporter and I had that exact realization experience: he was so full of hate for women.
He had only mildly been annoying me with "JKR bad
terf", "my trans friend is a real woman", "I'm a feminist" but the trans topic came up and things he said sounded so odd, I asked him to clarify to make sure… and it just got worse and worse. I realized he was 1000% willing to sacrifice real women if it means troons get what they want. He was defending literal rapists, and them being put in women's jails "females rape too so a transwoman isn't any more dangerous than a rapist woman in prison, and SHE would be at too much risk of abuse in male prison so it's the safest option for everyone involved". Like the fuck, "safest for everyone" means "sacrificing all women's safety for one rapist man, and letting him rape them" and when I pressed him on it he just dug his grave deeper and I snapped and blocked and deleted him everywhere. I remember the sinking feeling of realizing that while he even called himself a feminist, he literally had no compassion for women whatsoever. I know he knows what a man and a woman is, they all do.
No. 2132900
>>2132690I also had a similar experience with male friends, they'd say they're lefty feminists that respect women then react in the same way as you described when it comes to the troon topic which made me lose respect for them, since I realized they don't give a shit about me compared to how much they care about troons aka other men. It was really eye opening once I realized this but also left me feeling empty and just sad since I thought they were my friends and was naive enough to believe they didn't hate women.
Also it's even worse when types like that eventually troon out (something I've witnessed many times, I call it the "feminist" man to troon pipeline) and they
still call themselves feminists and try to take our struggles for themselves and say it's worse for them as trans women, while simultaneously embodying every single misogynistic stereotype about what men think women are and never caring about us. There's so much cognitive dissonance and contradictions in everything they do that it's baffling to me how they don't realize it. I see troons doing the most sexist stereotypical shit possible like saying unironically that they're a dainty weak emotional little girl now after taking estrogen and somehow I'm supposed to think these guys are epic women allies (and they themselves think they are, somehow).
>>2132813Yeah it sucks. I was added to a female group and I was excited only for it to be mostly troons. I feel like being a woman who is gnc (be it in hobbies, looks, whatever) is already isolating enough as it is and this just makes it even worse, when you constantly see troons skinwalking you and pretending they're the same when they're just…Men
No. 2132966
>>2132900>I call it the "feminist" man to troon pipelineThis is absolutely a thing, they become 'feminists' because it makes them feel like they're part of the club. These AGPs have orbited feminist orgs since the 70s at least (see Michfest troons). I honestly prefer 4tran edgy anti-feminist greaseballs in a way, at least they don't have the (very male) impulse to control what's
not for them to try and make it compatible with AGP
>>2132376>shows you that trannies haven’t been as “oppressed” Right. So many of these historical examples of 'brave' troons are just a bunch of well-off men who had enough money to freely indulge their fetish without consequences
No. 2133181
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>>2129187She was hilarious, this was my favorite one. I love how the cow butt is drawn, kek.
>What do you eat? When you want to eat but you dont eat>You want cow butt? Or chicken breast?ooooooh what do you want No. 2133210
I think the thing that really peaked me wasn’t actually the trans part of it, but how they treat women who aren’t the perfect ally. I was basically taught that every terf is an angry, vindictive bitch who will snap at you for nothing, and try to take everyone’s right away. But after actually talking with a few GC women personally, I learn that most of them act that like that not because they’re vindictive bitches, but because they want to protect themselves, as well as other women and girls. 1 in 5 women globally are rape victims, the abuser is almost always a man. It’s really no surprise that some women are extremely aggressive to men invading our spaces. After talking, I wouldn’t even say aggressive is the right word, they’re defensive. They want to feel safe, and TIMS see our safety overriding their comfort, and they attack us. And it doesn’t matter if you’re on their side either. I’ve seen hardcore TRA women get absolutely ripped to shreds because they did something to upset the troons. They are not on our side, they only keep regular women around because they fuel their girl larp, and if you dare to question anything, you’re transphobic. Sorry for this rant, I’m a little drunk
No. 2133445
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It's like they're almost getting there and then they just decide to stop thinking completely for their own comfort.
No. 2134002
>>2132966They'll basically adopt all the libshit feminism like sex work is empowering type trash and shitting on "TERFS" and that'll be all their "feminism" amounts to. I also believe men like this who start off as "feminists" before trooning out basically are like the NLOGs of men and it's part of why they end up transitioning. They'll say they hate men constantly and this will lead to them disassociating from their own gender and believing they're "not like the other guys" aka most be a troon. The irony being that they ARE still exactly like every other guy, if not even worse and more misogynistic for trooning out.
>>2132922I have seen a couple of them do this and just fuck their fellow troons despite being into women before, which is as funny as it is disturbing especially when they start bragging about how much sex they're having and saying they're "lesbians".
>>2133446They always make this "employment" meme with they/thems and somehow fail to realize maybe, just maybe, if your super duper important identity goes away with getting a job, then it's not really as real or important as it seems. This should be obvious, but they seem to believe it's solely due to opression of the real world or something,but do gay people stop being gay when they get a job and are around homophobes? No. They might hide it but they won't suddenly just…Not be gay overall. Same thing with being black, a woman, or any other actually oppressed group. So why would enbies stop being they/thems? Well, because their entire identity hinges solely on fickle things like everyone else's validation, so it's no identity of their own at all and disappears once they don't receive that. Yet this won't click in their head that if you can opt out from your totally real identity and it hinges solely on others validating it, that MAYBE it's just bullshit they made up that isn't compatible with reality, especially if literally every other form of real opression isn't something you can just stop being.
No. 2134068
>>2134027>They act like they're heroes of all women and minorities until an actual woman or minority stands up to them and calls them what they are, a fucking fascist lunatic, and then suddenly the pretense of being some hero of justice and savior of the oppressed goes out the window. So true, and they'll call
you the fascist instead kek. They claim to be all for women and minorities and hearing our voices, all while trying to silence us if it goes against their narrative in any way. They have endless sympathy for other men (including men in dresses) and none for women, but still want to claim the woman ally points despite prioritizing other men at our expense. They unironically consider trans women (men) more oppressed than women too so in their head it's justified to give more of a shit about them than actual women
No. 2134292
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No. 2134301
>>2134292I so wish I was shameless enough to do this grift kek just put on a bad wig and bad eyeliner and pretend to be a poor but convincing transwoman who needs to cut off his dick and survive his
abusive household. Easy money
No. 2134499
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What the fuck does this even means?
No. 2134574
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>>2134556Kek, I wonder how many scammers they get since they make it so easy.
No. 2134604
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These tiktok lesbians are fucking disgusting. Look at the way the bitch stitching OP talks about wanting tranny dick, the way she forces it on OP too. I'm so tired of these disgusting bisexual tranny lovers changing the entire meaning of homosexuality to make themselves and fat ugly trannies feel comfortable taking dick. I'm also tired of these nasty handmaidens calling themselves "dykes" while sucking dick, coming from someone who has had that word thrown at them in vitriolic ways it's disgusting to see them call themselves that. Fuck these handmaidens, this is why I hate fakebians so much, especially the celebrity ones because they have a platform to spread lies about female homosexuality. They harass lesbians for not liking penis, they literally dogpile us. I saw this one video of women protesting against trannies or some shit during pride and a bunch of trannies were screaming "DYKE DYKE DYKE" and shit. It's so nasty. We need to start fighting back, I already am fighting back but so many lesbians are too scared. Fuck these handmaidens and their ugly tranny boyfriends, literally destroying our subcultures and rewriting our history to make themselves be on top. Ugh, always send hate to these bitches.
No. 2134670
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I thought she was going to give fashion advice or something until I read further
No. 2134685
>>2134673Funny, a year or two when I was on tumblr more frequently I remember a surge in popular KWEERio circles reblogging and posting nonstop about how making fun of cringe theymabs isn't the sick own you think it is blah blah blah, because zomg it hurts the gnc males!!! But you could totally make fun of the cringey feminine theyfabs, they're stupid cis-lite (WHITE!!! THEY'RE WHITE SO WE'RE NOT MISOGYNISTIC!!!!) bitches who are in no danger of the down with cis bus attacking them like fugly hulking males in skinny skirts are!!!!
It's literally a "woke" version of men's right activism. Theyfabs are the butt of the joke and everyone ignores what trans men say because they're also women kek. The hatred for feminism since the very beginning of the modern TRA era cannot be overlooked.
No. 2134751
>>2134731No worries.
Semitic religions are patriarchal. I'm assuming that PIE religions are also patriarchal based on
>>2134702 Both of these cultural groups, should in theory, have third genders. What is so special about Christianity that it omits the trend of third genders/troons/etc.
No. 2134845
>>2134751Okay, thanks for re-wording. To start I mentioned PIE-derived religion because when you mentioned third-gender societies my mind went to hijras in the Hindu world. Hinduism is derived from the same religion that the religions of Ancient Greece and Rome derived from. The original PIE religion features a sexually liberal attitude, and homosexuality was a natural part of life and the religion. If we are saying that the Western World is based on the Ancient Roman and Greek cultures, then there
was already some troon shit baked into Western culture. Look at all the myths featuring sex-changes in Ancient Greece & Rome, they even had a Hermaphrodite God. Since the Hindu world features a third-gender ordained by their PIE-derived religion, it would make sense that if the original PIE-religion of the West survived into modernity, then we too would have a concept comparable to the hijras.
Semitic religions are sexually conservative, and consider homosexuality sinful. They don't have third-genders because Semitic religions are very focused on limiting a person's sexuality and sexual expression, it was never celebrated like in Roman or Greek culture, especially in regards to male homosexuality. In cultures where third-gender is present, it's usually only for flamboyant homosexual males as you pointed out. Since Semitic religions are against homosexual expression, there could be no third-gender.
Christianity is interesting because it's a Semitic religion that developed so intensely among non-Semitic peoples and outside its original cultural sphere, it's why Christianity can seem so binding and suffocating to Europeans or Americans, because it goes against the collective unconscious even though it makes up so much of their cultural outlook.
No. 2134900
>>2134776No but you can ask for expensive things and just resell it. You just need a PO box it's really easy.
>>2134876My character is a paraplegic TIM with schizophrenia and an
abusive family. You just have to make the character a
victim in several ways and it should work fine.
No. 2134968
>>2127216late but I knew someone who genuinely identified as Maverique. She was living with her two boyfriends and was pretending the best she could she was a true man even though she was like 5"2' and cooked and cleaned up for everybody and sucked two dicks for free.
Funniest is we fell out (before I was a raging
terf) because I was saying MLP community is full of pedos and she threw a tantrum. Lmao. What a cunt.
No. 2134986
>>2134845If they had a sexual liberal attitude about faggotry then why did they emasculate their partners into faux women? It seems like all of these cultures give these subsection of males some variations of these features; strictly bottoming, must be young(more androgynous, not bearded or “manly”),limited to women’s work, and other misogynist projections of male ideas of womanhood. So there seems to be some limit on sexuality becuase why else would they bother? Is this just an effect of the patriarchy on the moid psyche? They can’t truly be gay so they must turn their object of lust into a lesser, woman, becuase they must always be more; a man? Some of these cultures then justify it as somehow “this is actually better becuase these wakashu, eromenos, etc are men (de facto better than women), just not as manly as me!”
From this pov, I wouldn’t say that Christianity was super different from other patriarchies. The tenet of: “Naw, only the reaaaaallll women are allowed for sex; Males must always moid.” Would be within the scope of this repression. Not to imply that the Semitic religions are closely related to the PIE religions; just that this might be a meme of patriarchy as a system. What’s strange is that the semitic religions took it to the extreme. Why? And why was this extreme form so prolific that it gobbled up other patriarchies?
There are strange exceptions like some Muslim nations allow a moid to transition so that they aren’t “technically” gay. Is this like a throwback to some pre-Abrahamic religious culture influence? I haven’t really study any of those arabian peninsula cultures tbh.
No. 2135021
>Semitic religions are sexually conservative, and consider homosexuality sinful. You're right, Semitic religions are much less tolerant of homosexuality, but so-called third genders are definitely a thing in cultures that follow Semitic religions, from Asia to West Africa. It could be a holdover from the past, who knows. Muslim societies had/have pederasty lite, aswell as less pedophilic concepts of 'flamboyant gay man that we let be feminine and hang around women'. All of these things coexist with intense homophobia, since it's always about making an exception to the rule ('femininity in men is abhorrent except for our local village shaman, he's cool' , 'it's not gay if i do it to a younger man' etc.).
>If they had a sexual liberal attitude about faggotry then why did they emasculate their partners into faux women?Interesting point. I think that male homosexuality was, historically, incredibly hierarchical. The first accounts of male homosexuality that we have appear in societies where slavery and women's subjugation were already well established (Greece, India, etc). There are traces(?) of male homosexuality in hunter-gatherer societies but it seems much less prevalent and less organized. I still wonder if it's because it's harder to find records of homosexuality pre-civ or if the emergence of caste societies and strata is related to the emergence of formalized male homosexuality. I mean even today, gay male sexuality is still a lot like this. They lost the direct reference to women but they all worship hyper-manly men, and i'm sure you see what i mean when i say they're enamored with hierarchy in sexuality. Chasers and bisexual men are an even better example, with their fascination for neoteny and femininity in men (women's inferior status and childern's status are inextricably tied). There's a reason why gay/bi men are over-represented in the alt-right (which is pretty much a club for men to indulge in their Authoritarian Daddy fantasies). I got sidetracked there kek, and sorry for editing twice, i had to fact-check
No. 2135194
>>2134699Just as a caveat, there have been at least 2 cultures that have had 3rd gender roles for women: bacha posh In Afghanistan and sworn virgins in Albania. “Bacha posh” literally translates to “dressed as a boy” and basically it means that families who don’t have any sons will dress their oldest daughter up as a boy and treat her as a boy (sending her to school and making her get a job) until puberty, when her femaleness can no longer be denied. Sworn virgins in Albania were life path women could choose - basically if a girl didn’t want to get married and be a mother she could choose to dress like a man and live independently with a job and her own house, but she had to remain alone. Sworn virgins have been dying out for the last 50 years now that feminism has given regular Albanian women more rights.
In both countries, 3rd gender roles for women emerged because the countries were too sexist to believe in women getting an education/working/living independently for their own sake. It’s the same with cultures that have 3rd gender roles for men - basically every 3rd gender role is just “flaming faggot” because all of these cultures are so sexist that they consider men who want to wear makeup and take it up the ass to be “not real men”, and creating a 3rd gender gives other men a loophole to say it’s not gay to fuck them.
No. 2135204
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Not milky, I just checked the follows of someone who has followed me and found this post funny, spicy they/thems really do so many mental hops to justify everything they enjoy is queer No. 2135252
>>2135204> Self adornment and self expression, universal human activities, somehow a special tenet of my ideology. kek, this sort of logic reminds me religious behavior.
"Family is Christian. Not to say that anyone with a family is Christian, but rather the act of having a family, the practice of family – all of that in general is hella Christian. From how society seems to hate it, how you work with the lord to bring another life into this world with a loving wife….."
No. 2136431
Sorry if this is the wrong thread, but I figured it would fit here.
Earlier this summer, I went to visit my best friend who lives in a different state. While I was there, we hung out with some of her friends, one of whom had begun "dating" this ugly TIM. I immediately disliked and distrusted him, even though I wanted to put on a polite front so as not to ruin my time there. I think he could tell that I disliked him, or that I was transphobic, bc he was pretty much hostile and dismissive to only me the whole time. Despite this he didn't really do or say anything super incriminating besides a couple unexpected sexual comments, mostly about himself. Anyway, my friend recently hung out with him and the friend he's dating. She called me about it the next day, telling me that he took mdma and immediately turned into almost a caricature of a sex pest. She told me she's pretty sure that he only hung out with the both of them to fulfill some weird "fantasy" of his, because he kept asking her and her friend to "make out" as well as continually make extremely weird sexual comments. Every time my friend tried to leave or express discomfort, he would apparently "moan and whine and get sad" until she came back and talked to him more. He kept asking if my friend found him cute or attractive, kept talking about random sexual things he did, said he wanted to "suck on the strap-on", and coerced my friend into kissing his neck and letting him feel her up, along with a lot of other stuff that I feel gross about typing out even though she gave me permission to share here. I thankfully haven't met many TIMs in my life, and a part of me was naively assuming that they can't ALL be disgusting perverts, but I keep getting proven wrong. I've had other friends try and tell me to "keep an open mind" and "not go full TERF" because overgeneralizing is bad and all, but this just blackpilled me even further. I hate how common it is nowadays for people, especially in the creative and social circles I usually hang out with, to be unquestioningly okay with letting TIMs dominate everything they do, say and think. I wish women my age would just wake up and see these people for who they really are, and I hate that I can't express discomfort with being forced in proximity with them even when they show themselves for who they really are like this nasty one.
No. 2136470
>>2135317>The current wave of transgenderism among westerners is an expression of a culturally-bound mental illness.Exactly. The whole cause of the problem of transgenderism is the denial of the effects patriarchy, capital, and gender ideology has on our societies. It's this very elaborate and try-hard denial that caused transsexualism to become what it is today, and in fact is propagates further the issues that caused it to form to begin with. It's insidious. The whole society has to be psychoanalyzed to understand & solve the issue, and not many people are willing to put in the work required to do that.
>>2135225NTAYRT but all third gender systems rely on the patriarchal substrate of their respective cultures. In the case of male third genders, it's because of the learned disgust scrotes feel towards femininity and their desire to segregate men that act in feminine ways. In the female third gender cases, it's because of the limits imposed on women from the misogynistic cultural background and the desire to liberate oneself from them. Both are sociological reactions to the chains of cultural patriarchy and latent societal misogyny.
>>2134986I'm the AYRT. Sorry if my answer is disjointed, I'm trying to inject the necessary background information to understand.
>What’s strange is that the semitic religions took it to the extreme. Why? And why was this extreme form so prolific that it gobbled up other patriarchies? If we trace back Semitic religions, and by this I mean Abrahamic religions, it started with Judaism. So, in the time when Judaism was first forming, it happened to take root in the hinterlands first as a cult-like offshoot of the main religion of the region. In the cities, along the coast, the Semitic peoples there also displayed sexually liberal attitudes towards homosexuality and women were freer. So, the Jewish laws against it were made in direct attack of the urban-dweller mentality. It was a form of early separation from the mainstream religious and cultural climate of the region at the time. For the same reason, the Jewish bible spends a lot of time relegating the "proper" role of a woman, common in the countryside but seen as backwards in the coastal cities. You have to remember that when Judaism was first starting, it was a fringe cult (kind of like extreme-Baptists today in the Southern USA), so a lot of it's rules and codes of conduct were made in direct response to the general attitudes at the time that it sought to reject (especially from a populist anti-Urban perspective). These rules and regulations continued and were refined by the advents of Christianity and Islam. In this same fashion, Christianity became popular from a fringe-cult movement by rejecting many of the cultural tenets popular in the Roman Empire, and later by filing the power-vacuum left by the disintegration of the Empire. Like, for example, since sexual abuse of slaves was common in the Roman Empire, if a new religion came around that said "Oh, a man should only have sex with his wife, not slaves" that would solve the sexual abuse problem in a way. All religions are based on rejections of some cultural or societal element prominent at the time of their creation.
>If they had a sexual liberal attitude about faggotry then why did they emasculate their partners into faux women? It seems like all of these cultures give these subsection of males some variations of these features; strictly bottoming, must be young(more androgynous, not bearded or “manly”),limited to women’s work, and other misogynist projections of male ideas of womanhood.I'd actually reject this. In the Ancient world, it wasn't that men were cast into women because of their sexual acts, it was just that men were much freer to admit to their sexual proclivities. Sexuality didn't have the same restraints then as it does now. It was spoken about very openly, such that in Ancient Rome there are many references to how one must ask the host before they have sex with their slaves, or otherwise it'd be rude.
It wasn't that "men desired women, so if they desired another man he must be like a women," it was just that in that cultural landscape, the desire for young men was just out in the open and expected. It's no secret that young men are attractive, or at least much more attractive than older men. They didn't have "gay or straight" because in that time, sex didn't have that religious component as it does now. It was expected that a scrote would want to fuck anything that moved, the Ancients didn't feel the need to deny this truth. In the case of Ancient Roman or Greek paederasty, it was expected that the younger man would be the passive partner to an older man, but this wasn't always the case (there are Roman sources that joke about older men being passive for younger men and how silly they look). The passive partners weren't relegated to women's work either, mostly they did normal jobs as men, and homosexuality was common and promoted during military service.
>From this pov, I wouldn’t say that Christianity was super different from other patriarchies.Christianity is a major propagator of patriarchy in most Western societies. Both as an institution, and as a undercurrent in the cultural psyche. This is because of the dogmatic limitation placed on human sexuality within the Christian framework. Western transgenderism is, in part, a reaction to the limitations of the Christian framework.
No. 2136682
>>2136367 this wikipedia article explains some of it. Basically, everywhere in the world, people sometimes suffer mental distress for some reason or another. But the way that the mental illness symptoms present themselves, and the way we classify the “illness” the person is experiencing, varies according to where you are in the world.
Anorexia could be considered a culturally-bound mental illness - there are studies of isolated societies in the Pacific islands, where teen girls never had eating disorders until their islands got TV. These girls were likely experiencing traumatic things in their lives due to being women going through puberty, and if they didn’t learn about anorexia TV they likely would’ve acted out in other ways, but now they developed anorexia because they’d seen it on TV and they had an example to model their own behavior on., with the rise in western young adults identifying as transgender, we know that many young people suffer from all sorts of issues (sexual trauma, internalized homophobia, negative perceptions of gender roles, hatred of their bodies, too much yaoi fanfiction, AGP, etc.). People have always experienced the things I listed in the parentheses, but within the last 10 years there’s been an explosion of transgender people in the media. So now, people experiencing the issues I listed in the parenthesis will assume that means they’re transgender, and they should transition, because they have examples to model their behavior on.
No. 2136837
>>2136682Yes, this is a thing people don't realize exist even though it's been documented for centuries. During the hysteria period young women would go to the doctor 100% convinced they had hysteria. They would unprompted claim they could literally feel their uterus traveling up their body and choking them, and they would literally physically have trouble breathing when they thought this happened. They weren't acting and they didn't do it on purpose.
We now know (and certain doctors at the time) that it's physically impossible for your uterus to do that, but these girls were in distress (often just from being teenage girls going though puberty) - so they accidentally convinced themselves the popular explanation MUST be true, and they started manifesting it. The brain is powerful and flawed, our perception affects reality. The same is happening with girls now thinking they are trans.
No. 2137157
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Ellen Page's character in the latest season of Umbrella Academy is suddenly a heartbreaking ladies man running a rough dive bar. I can suspend my disbelief for time travel, superpowers and talking monkeys but come on. Her "former lover" must have 6 inches on her kek
No. 2137198
>>2134845>>2134702so this it ot, but you are completely wrong. pie religions did have some egalitarian elements, but they were incredibly patriarchal and hierarchical. also you seem to forgetting that greek religion and greek civilization were heavily influenced by near astern (middle eastern) cultures and thought of themselves as closer to egyptian people then the barbarian of europe, even Indian civilization were influenced by the indigenous people of India and what
>>2135021 said is also true, every muslim(semitic) culture also has long tradition of boy fucking
No. 2137206
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>>2135194>>2135225>>2135317not Afghani, but a similar situation used to exist in my country as well. one thing you all have to understand is that women didn't choose to be men in any of these cases, families without sons have their daughters "become" male, usually requiring wearing male clothes and cutting their hair short and adopting a male name and everyone sorta goes along with it, its a dead tradition in south and central India, but still happens in the northwest Pakistan and Afghanistan, it's not a great existence either cause you basically have to do backbreaking labor, first for your parents, then your sisters(to get them married) and then you basically wait to die on your farm
No. 2137239
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Press (x) for extra doubt
No. 2137327
>>2137264Well they gave us…
And we cannot forget when they fought for…
And all they did for…
No. 2137694
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>>2131762You reminded me about the composer of the main Bomberman deet and of various Bomberman games'OSTs, "June" Chikuma aka Atsushi Chikuma.
He's a weird music nerd and an AGP moid who larps as a humble japanese woman. I knew nothing about him before getting recd a video about Bomberman's music theory. The narrator in the video kept going about how much "Jun" was such a genius of a woman, but the pic in the video credited a guy named Atsushi… needless to say I went to check and saw him before he transed.
It's the kind of thing that worsens your day just a little bit when you see failmales like him pretend his achievements should be lumped with the ones of actual female musicians.
No. 2139110
>>2134499so this person is saying they relate to characters with traditional gender roles? wow, revolutionary. so gender
>>2134670transition is always a mistake
>>2137239the world isn't kind enough to them since some (not braindead) people are still against them castrating little kids and invading female spaces
No. 2139128
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>>2137694This reminds me of Walter ‘Wendy’ Carlos. Watch any documentary or video on the history of electronic music, he’s always mentioned as a “female pioneer of synth.” They pull out the fugliest agp and try to pass him off as an example of female intellect and prowess. It’s downright insulting when Delia Derbyshire is right there, who I’d say has contributed more in terms of influence of sound. The Dr. Who theme is much more iconic than whatever Walter Carlos cooked up. ‘Wendy’ Carlos is also used as an example that electronica/synth is a TiM’s genre, when it’s only very recently that stupid genres like hyperpop have been infiltrated by troons. The only other TiM I can think of that has a name in electronic music was Genesis P. Orridge of Throbbing Gristle and Psychic T.V. Though he didn’t consider himself a ‘transwoman’, he was ‘pandrogynous’, basically a concept of skinwalking your partner to look more similar to them. He skinwalked his late wife with horrendous surgical procedures up until his death. But the notion being pushed by troons that electronic music has always been for mtfs, by mtfs is incredibly sexist and outright saying that electronic music is only for men.
No. 2139138
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>>2139128Samefag but one of my favorite artists, Momus, released a song about Walter Carlos. Troons probably never called this out because they’re too busy listening to Machine Girl.
No. 2139506
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>>2139128His Switched-On Bach album gets way too much credit. It's just Bach pieces arranged for synthesizer. Derbyshire and other women actually composed their own music or even created instruments. Daphne Oram (picrel) made a machine where you draw soundwaves on a filmstrip and run it through the machine to play the sound, and Laurie Spiegel developed a music software called Music Mouse.
There's a pretty good documentary on women electronic music pioneers called Sisters with Transistors. It does unfortunately include Carlos, but he's only there for a few minutes, much less than the others, so you can easily skip over his part.
No. 2140098
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Why is a troon now voicing Trish, a female character, from Devil may cry? He is basically a flamboyant gay man who needs editing to sound more female, why the fuck wouldn't you hire an actual woman for the role?
No. 2140113
>>2140106A nepo baby and he still did porn? Typical troon behaviour.
>>2140108I believe moids really love troon shit so they can kid themselves that they're straight while wakning to it.
No. 2140126
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>>2140120>luckily Japan doesn't do this stupid shit, hopefully they never do.…..too late nona..
No. 2140168
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>>2140098>>2140106>>2140120repost from the MTF thread, but in america (and a few other countries like mine), the va and localization scene has basically been taken over by wokies, mostly because they have rich parents and work cheaply (no union contracts or anything) even the non-troon voice actors are awful
No. 2140238
>>2140227Nero got uglified too. Still young but got tiny squinty eyes and supershort hair. At least V looked good.
>>2140168Anon what is this? Sounds like an unfunny parody dub.
No. 2140271
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they wanted teach this crap in schools
No. 2140303
>>2140271The fact that the example of a woman is a black woman that's really big and tall so the tranny moid looks smaller in comparison, even the white woman that's trying to be a moid looks smaller.
I really hate that shit of them, saying that black women are manly.
No. 2140311
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I'm halfway through reading Little Women (lovely so far), but can someone please explain to me what "queer vibes" he's mentioning?
No. 2140350
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>>2140311It's obsessive, they read everything as queer, you are queer, I am queer, anons are queer and Winnie the pooh is queer like the teletubbies and hello kitty, the Winx club is actually about being queer, so is Alice in Wonderland and Kirby is an absolute queer allegory.
No. 2140363
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I honestly have no idea how they can read what they just typed and still not get it.
No. 2140645
>>2140474I agree the bad grammar and refusal to use quotation marks makes it hard to read, but I actually read it as:
>When someone says that I'm "upholding [male] gender stereotypes" because I have armpit hair, a short haircut, and that I wear a binder, those things "don't mean that I'm not not a girl" and that it's "misogynistic and anti-feminist to associate those things with masculinity."Basically, the TIF here is getting irritated at the non-existent GC person saying "Hey, just because you cut your hair and have pit hair, that doesn't make you a boy. Those are based on gender stereotypes anyway, and since you're upholding them instead of breaking them down you're acting in an anti-feminist way. It's misogynistic to believe that if a woman doesn't shave or cuts her hair short, that those attributes suddenly turn her into a man."
No. 2140826
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I was just googling some things about Kirby when I found a blogpost from some site called "". I had the feeling it was a troon but still had hope it was a woman (of course, that never ends well for me). Lo and behold, this is the most recent post. Obviously, that .tf stands for transformation fetish, because of course trannies are all about their fetishes.
>>2121106omg it's a Mr. Mime skinwalking a Jynx kekkkk No. 2140828
>>2139128I can think of a couple more TiM producers in history, but yep, i often see people half-joking that 'cis' women aren't into this stuff because how can you possibly be 'feminine' and computer-savvy without being an AGP.. It's obviously rehashed boys club ideology
>Genesis P-OrridgeHorribly violent, woman-hating moid who terrorized woman after woman before his AGP art project. He's such a piece of shit you'd think he was written by an Ovarit user as parody
No. 2140836
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>>2140826The title of this post made me kek, pornsick males are so stupid.
No. 2140854
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>>2140836And finally this blog post that terrified the fuck out of me. I didn't include the posts's image in the screenshot because it's that horrifying.
It's a pixiv guro fetish manga about literal skinwalking. Troons are fucking unhinged. I kek'd at how in almost every shot of the girl (or guy in a girl's skin? I legit couldn't force myself to actually pay attention to the story) is subject to the most ridiculous sexualized angles. In almost every shot where her body is visible, you can see her underwear, except when she's fully naked of course.
No. 2140889
>>2133413>>2129069You can be horny for a guy and also admire his sense of fashion and personality or whatever. It doesn't mean you have to literally BE him. You can be inspired by him and wear similar clothes because you like his style, or be more like him because you like the way he is. Or maybe you want to be more like him because of the completely normal feeling of wanting to think about the person you like at all times. But you will never BE him nor does this turn you into a man.
They're unable to understand this and act normal about their attraction, because they really believe gender stereotypes are a rule of nature and not just made-up bullshit us humans created out of generalizations about males and females. In other words, they truly think that being male means wearing certain clothes or having certain personality traits and vice-versa, so they cannot possibly be women while having those traits bc girls are naturally supposed to be lame and uninteresting amirite? They want to be cooler like their husbando but they don't understand that women can also be cool in the same exact way, without girly stereotypes attached.
Their desperate, childish need to skinwalk everything they like, just like kinnies, gets on my nerves. But I can hardly say I blame them, given how obsessed the whole world is with the idea that men and women must always fit into two completely separate, tiny boxes.
No. 2140986
>>2140544She's implying that she disagrees with feminists when they say that you don't stop being female just because you don't shave or because you have short hair. She says that said feminists also claim that by identifying as a man based on those "unfeminine" traits, she's upholding gender stereotypes.
The way she wrote it makes it hard to tell at first, but the based take belongs to the strawman feminists she's arguing against
No. 2140994
>>2140271Also isn't it really homophobic? I feel bad for all of the gay kids who trannies want to teach this to. Sigh I just wish for a day young gays don't have to feel like their attraction is immoral or "transphobic" and can just live their lives.
>>2140098Even outside of troonism I hate nepo babies.
Putting in the extra effort to make this tranny sound good just because his mommy and daddy have connections is so embarrassing. there's probably some great female vas out there who can't find jobs in this field.
No. 2141212
>>2094319Love how obvious it is that this is a woman's art
Also love how she's still drawing females wearing clothes that were designed specifically for women in real life
And clothes that were harmful to wear but had to be worn to conform to what society expected of those women, no less
It's like TIFs like this are too attached to the chains that society forced onto us, and getting rid of them entirely would be too uncomfortable. If this is the same artist I'm thinking, then she's also drawn a trans "man" in lingerie, BDSM gear and a submissive position too, as if it's anything revolutionary to depict a person of the female sex like that.
No. 2141215
>>2140271Was the tattoo necessary?
>>2140238>At least V looked good.Yeah. He's really got them PSL.
No. 2141351
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I really hope I can someday have
>a woman on the internet isn't speaking the way I wish she could speak
As a problem in my life someday.
These people act like JK Rowling is murdering trannies left and right with her bare hands, all they're celebrating here is
>yay we totally made a woman shut up! Take that! Women!!
When is everyone going to stop hating women?
No. 2141533
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>>2141380>How do anons fucking deal with this gender ideology shit?Voting with your feet.
No. 2141577
>>2141351Their wishful thinking is something else.
>Rowling hasn't tweeted in a while, it must be because she regrets standing up for women's rights Or it could be because she is busy with real life, currently writing another Strike novel, work with multiple charities, and helping out with the upcoming HP tv-series.
No. 2141893
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>>2141723Thank you, this is very pratical and a good perspective. There always will be some crazy backwards ideology.
>>2141533So I looked into this more, and an interesting example that Wikipedia gave was the free state project for libertarians. Picrel
I’d like to imagine that women with GC views could do something similar but I think it would be immediately attacked.
No. 2142277
>>2142225Being into lolita fashion is what peaked me for the same reasons. You get the AGP pedo sissies, the fujoTIFs who are so obsessed with shota anime (Kuroshit I’m looking at you) that they want to become the uke and NB girls who look, dress and act exactly the same as every other girl but insist they’re not girls because they’re
people. My comm even had the rare HSTS brolita who wouldn’t shut up about how much cuter and daintier he was than “cis” girls and would throw hissy fits when anyone let on that they clocked him instantly (or more hilariously, didn’t realise that he was supposed to be trans vs. just another dude in a dress).
I’m honestly amazed that there are any non-gendie handmaidens left in that community at all. The worst part was that even when they acknowledged that Pedo Sissy #54 turned out to be a sex pest, they’d insist that this didn’t mean Pedo Sissy #55 wasn’t a True and Honest Woman. Pattern recognition? No no no, can’t have that, that’s
No. 2142535
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>>2141380It's hard to block out if you're gay to be honest, finding community has gotten harder and harder since the late 2010's (and especially the early 2020's). I hate trannies so much it's unreal, narcissistic fucks ruined everything. I'm very open about being anti troon online but in real life if i meet some kweerio who assumes I'm pro troon and love talking about troonism just because I'm gay, I act like I'm confused and have no idea what they're talking about. Very gaslighty but it works like a charm kek.
No. 2142541
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>>2142535Much love to you nonna, not gay but have read the shit troons say about women and quite frankly it makes me want to hate crime them.
No. 2142581
>>2141569No, as in being more politically radical. "Liberal" is not synonymous with "progressive". Liberalism aligns more with the idea that "everything should be allowed as long as it doesn't hurt other people" and also supports profiting off troonism. Liberalism isn't a radical ideology these days (used to be), it is the standard now.
Radical feminism is distinct from liberal feminism.
Note that being politically radical doesn't mean supporting/tolerating/not judging every single perversion people come up with (such as zoophilia, pedophilia, DDLG, BDSM, etc.) unlike what some so-called "politically radical" people (in reality just terminally online coomer LARPers) claim.
No. 2142810
>>2142797Anon you have got to forget the individual. It's the
ideology that is harmful. I know like 4 tranny males and double the TIFs. Some of them really are nice. But that does not change the fact that they have been influenced by an insidious, sexist ideology that reinforces gender stereotypes.
If your trans friends truly did not think themselves superior to real women, they would not be foolish enough to try to "become" women, because they'd know they're just men and nothing can change that.
No. 2142866
>>2142797I currently have:
A TIM coworker
A TIF coworker
A theyfab coworker
A TIM relative
In the past I’ve had a best friend who became a TIF, a crush who became a TIF, and at least 1 TIM, 4 theyfabs, and 2 TIFs in my previous social circle.
I distanced myself from my old social circle and former best friend, in part because of their ideology - once I peaked I felt like I couldn’t be honest about my feelings and remain friends with them. I can’t really do anything about the trans coworkers if I want to keep my job (although every now and then I consider looking for a new job in a less woke area, but the money’s just so good) and I’m hoping that my TIM relative grows out of it eventually.
I don’t hate any of these people. Most of them are pretty smart, funny, and creative. A few of them are very clearly autistic. From what I know about their childhoods, some of these people suffered some kind of abuse that undoubtedly factored into their decision to transition. I have sympathy for these people. Yet, I know that if I were ever to voice my true feelings (“You aren’t actually a woman, you are a sad man doing a woman cosplay and everyone around you is humoring you because they’re worried you’ll either kill yourself or chimp out on them if we told you the truth.”) it wouldn’t matter how many years they’ve known me, or how nice I’ve been up until this point. If I go against their ideology I would instantly be labeled an intolerant bigot who wants them dead and deserves to be fired for my wrongthink. So no, I don’t think that good natured troons exist. If you are delusional enough to believe you are the opposite sex then you are not a rational person.
No. 2143119
>>2142797>My troon friends are actually nice and aren't obsessive about being a troon and don't think they're superior to biological women, etc etc. just like.. how do you deal with that conflict of your friends and your ideals? Do you really think there could be good natured troons out there?Nona first you have to swallow the hard cold pill of truth that there are NO good troons. If these men understood or respected women they wouldn't think they are a woman, at all. They think they know better than women what a woman is - that they as a man can be one, be it mentally or physically. The fact that they think any woman has to on any level accept a man as a "woman" is inherently misogynistic and predatory in itself.
They think their "feelings" are more important than the actual real life safety and reality of women. The absolute BEST case scenario is a troon like who admits he's male, but that he's still identifies as a woman. Even then they think women don't even deserve to have a word that means "woman" unless it includes them as men. Because these men fundamentally have no respect for real women and can't even let us have a single word to describe us.
I also need you to know that countless anons have had a "good troon friend" who seemed like an innocent confused autist who may or may not be a bit gay. We'd swear he was one of the good ones, "not like other troons" - but slowly you realize he's been a massive coomer the whole time, that he has a porn addiction and he trooned out because of the fetishes, suddenly you see him saying sexist shit you swore he would never say. And once it hits you in retrospect you're able to spot all the little signs for it. You realize he was using you for validation all along, you were part of the fetish larp.
No. 2143125
>>2142535I’m not gay but still surrounded by TRAs so I do something similar, and I mostly get away with it because I’m an obvious autist who gives off clueless vibes and live under a rock regarding a lot of modern media. My favourite thing is to be very cheerfully open-minded and progressive in a pre-gender ideology/neutrally GC way, like
>Oh of course men can wear skirts and makeup! That doesn’t make them any less men! And there’s nothing masculine about a woman with unshaven body hair, that’s just our natural state!which leaves handmaidens scrambling to explain that um acktually the fact that this very obviously male person is wearing a skirt signifies he’s really a woman and their own armpit hair shows they’re nonbinary or whatever. I don’t dare to do it around TIMs because I don’t want to get MA’AMed but it works very well on women. They either end up admitting that certain aspects of gender ideology make no sense or they give up on trying to convince me because I won’t “get it” anyway. And the best part is that they can’t dismiss me as a neonazi or tradthot or something. Most of the women I talk to are old enough to remember the time before trans completely took over feminist and LGB discourse, so opening a little portal to the pre-TRA days can lead some of them to question how we went from “lesbians don’t do dick” to “actually it’s racist for lesbians to refuse dick if it identifies as female” in such a short time. TRA goalposts move so quickly (by design) that it’s easy for people swept up in the narrative to lose track of where they started.
No. 2143273
>>2143119Different anon adding to this:
>If these men understood or respected women they wouldn't think they are a woman, at all.The reason your TIM friends identify as women is because they unironically see women as a sexualized caricature. They genuinely believe we are defined as women because "women wear makeup, skirts, high heels, are beautiful and sexy, and are fucked by huge cocks and love being treated like a worthless slutty cumrag just like in my porn". The reason they identify as women is because they wear clothes that are stereotyped as women's clothes, and get off to it because they associate women's clothes with being a woman and being a woman with being a porn caricature.
No. 2143289
>>2143273Yes, you cannot respect women AND troon out. They mutually exclusive concepts.
Even if they really hate themselves and think they have gender dysphoria (it's not a real diagnosis) and hate being men, and always acted feminine and are gay and promise they'll stay out of women's spaces because they know they don't pass etc etc… even just taking the word "woman" for themselves is disrespectful and hateful towards women. It's using our reality to cope with your fully male problems as if women only exist to please and soothe your male problems that have nothing to do with us. Men's feelings being hurt do not mean they get to erase the word "woman", that's ridiculous.
No. 2143343
>>2142277Neither me nor most of my friends are really into lolita anymore, but so many of my friends from the community are giant handmaidens and I just can't stop scratching my head over the cognitive dissonance. We were into the hobby during the early 2010's through like 2017ish so we have plenty experience with sissys and how disgusting they are (some of them even have left a legacy said friends occasionally bring up and make fun of), but they STILL somehow consider AGPs a "
terf talking point" and that all tranny moids are hella
valid. I just can't wrap my head around it whatever mental olympics they are doing and don't even try anymore.
No. 2143705
>>2136837>>2136682Also, there’s the promise of an escape. If you hate how people see you and treat you as a woman, you now have a cultural excuse to transition. Instead of questioning the whole culture and it’s roles, transgenderism allows for the stereotypes to remain intact. Also the promise of modern medicine allowing for these freakish surgeries and hormones treatments.
In a way, you can compare it to transracialism. Most examples are white-to-other, but there’s a reason why it isn’t other-to-white. I’m gonna use black-to-white as an example. We know nasty stereotypes have been used for centuries to justify slavery and oppression. And you couldn’t escape to whiteness, even if you were mixed with white ancestry. You could lie and try to “pass” but passing for white isn’t the same as actually being white. And even when “Oreo” was a common perjorative against black people with unsual interests and perspectives, this didn’t mean they were actually white on the inside. And many black peoples around this time took the effort to explain that they were still black, just not stereotypical. Since you coulnd’t escape to whiteness, you had to expand the box of blackness. And that’s what feminists did for women in the 20th century.
Maybe things might change in the future if the genetic engineering/cybernetics/plastic surgery augmentation advances and it becomes possible to alter as another race. But I wouldn’t be surprised if that wasn’t used as tool for grater assimilation into a population.
No. 2143759
>>2142277That makes sense, I've always liked lolita fashion myself but never tried it so I wasn't familiar with dramas within the community, and even I noticed some women saying they were NB or he/theys while in full lolita get up. If I ever did lolita stuff I'd probably just keep it to myself so I don't have to encounter people like that
>>2142797Yeah, and it's why I peaked. I don't think good natured troons exist, all of them turned out to be shitty, mentally ill and narcissistic people
>>2143289>Yes, you cannot respect women AND troon out. They mutually exclusive concepts.This is why I can't stand when troons pretend to be feminists. None of what they promote is in any way actually pro-woman, yet they'll keep acting like they're the biggest feminist allies because…They "admire" women so much they want to skinwalk us. That's literally the only way I can see them justifying it to themselves as not misogynistic, yet it still is lol because if they truly admired women they wouldn't pretend like they can even become us
No. 2143877
Troons made me proud in my femininity lol. Let's start by saying that I believe that "gender roles" are bogus stereotypes and logic and I mostly thought about my body like in a neutral way like sure, it exists, it works, that's fine but since a former friend of mine trooned out, without thinking too much about it I started doing "yeah that happens to females" jokes and started talking about exclusive female only experiences around him and that made him seethe so much, it's funny. They know they aren't women but of course they want the others to partecipate in their delusion but once I realize how frail that is, I'm having a blast. I'm immature? A hater? I don't care. One time I was at a party and simply by telling someone that I was feeling nauseous due to my period, at least three people offered me help/medicines and he stood there. They were called both of us "she" but he realized the main difference. I never vocalized my views, I never touched the trans topic and wanted to keep myself crypto to avoid unnecessary arguments I don't have time for that but seeing that man in a dress shutting himself the moment he couldn't insert himself into the topic, made me absolutely euphoric and instead of staying crypto, I decided to play on other people's perception. With my female friends, I talk about female only experience , like periods, hormone problems, pcos (this makes troon seethe even more when you say that's female-exclusive), in general, bathroom talk and since it will be seen as rude and lying to talk over us, he shuts down.
They are so vocal online but they know they are miserable people who don't fit anywhere and their attention needs don't translate offline, especially if they're not american, because the novelty of them being trans quickly fades off or at best people are okay with it, without much celebration or ass kissing. When skirts look flattering on me and on them look like circus tent, it shows. When they wear black lipstick and it outlines their weird, wide, thin lips and looks "right" on me, it shows. When my voice is low in the morning and I don't spend an hour in front of the mirror to "train it" because people know I'm female, it shows. When I exist and they wear a cosplay of me, it shows.
It feels weird and scary, they're literally skincrawlers and they're a horror to look at but realizing that they spend hours only to convince themselves and others that they're representing a woman, it gives me power.
No. 2144033
>>2143978This happens alone or with their yesmen friends but since they live off attention and approval, when they know that they can't win around normies/other women (it's better to be like 3-4 women vs 1 troon while pretending he's one of the girls, always works), they shut down and seethe. They know they can't win. Play on that. They get off of being better because they are afraid of other women by simply existing, make your presence the only presence in the room and don't care if you come off as shallow, you have all the right to claim your shit. I claimed long skirts back, troons use long skirts to hide their male thin legs, when I wear them I get a lot of compliments because they fit my figure, with troons it's "yeah, he does that". Don't bite back, show them that you can do better by breathing in their direction when it's crowded, ignore them when you're alone. Always works.
No. 2144053
>>2143901>Irl troons are so painfully awkward and autistic, they wont' dare speak over others in topic they don't know shit aboutI wish. Every troon i met (male,
sometimes female, but especially male) would shout over others then betray their superficial knowledge of certain sensitive subjects. TiMs are very weak so they tend to sob or retreat in silence when feeling muh dysphoric but they never miss an occasion to embarrass themselves in front of women on the topics of feminism/politics/science. We're talking about men after all, it's even worse if they're autistic because then they catch this mysterious superiority complex
No. 2144161
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So many problems with this, I can't even point them all out.
>every time i tried to embody ANY archetype of male […] it felt like being trapped in a perpetual adolescence
Ignoring the fact that he's trying to shove himself into female archetypes now, the solution to this is to grow up and stop trying to fit an "archetype" at all. Archetypes are meant for characters in books and tv shows, not real people.
>I WAS misogynistic (past tense)
>I had to PURGE so much misogyny from my body
>I had to see them as equal
>I do truly see them as individuals and not some monolithic biological assemblage
Reminder that this is yet another man who has not only admitted times to consuming gargantuan quantities of porn, but has also talked about how the huge amount of porn he watches might be fucking him up.
>I couldn't allow myself to love women bc the form I inhabited made me feel inherently creepy
You still inhabit the exact same form, you stupid little creep.
No. 2144743
>>2144161I seriously hate this faggot. I remember like maybe a year and a half ago, he would post kinda funny comics, then they became only about sex and featuring penises, then he troons out, now all he does is make comics about troons and penises. He's obsessed with drawing penises. This rant you posted makes him look even more creepy and insane.
>Transitioning to make myself feel less creepy is funny because some women will find me WAY MORE creepy.So close but so far. Women found you creepy before because you looked like an incel and are obsessed with drawing penises. Women found you creepier now that you're skinwalking us (and look EXACTLY LIKE Buffalo Bill) and pretending to be us.
>I do truly see women as individuals and not some monolithic biological assemblage.In other words, he had to start dressing up "as a woman" and pretending to be a woman to think of women as individuals and not breeding machines. What a fucking freak.
>I tried to embody any archetype of male, be it sensitive, or stoic, or confident, or quiet, it still felt like being trapped in perpetual adolescence.Maybe because you're a fugly man-child that draws penises all day to post to your troon followers. Seriously, what is it with failmales blaming their failed launches on being men instead of realizing that they're just losers? I also don't think clown was ever "confident" in his life.
No. 2144961
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>>2144161#1 male feminist!!!1 Don't you want this beautiful soul in the changing room with you?
>>2143978>>2144033I've encountered both types, the spergs are literal autists who have zero social norms and peak everyone in a ten mile radius just by existing. There's no helping them, they're only going to get worse.
The troons OP is talking about are the fake shy and sweet kind, the ones who some doormat normies think are women born in the wrong body.
They get off on being treated as one of the girls, what OP is doing is absolutely hilarious because it throws their LARP back in their face.
I've twinned with a troon at a Halloween thing ages ago and it was incredible, I was wearing the same ugly outfit he was in and kept shoving myself in photos with my bestie girlie twinsie and giggling about how we were soooo identical, two peas in a pod. You could actually see the gendies there dying inside when they saw us. I know that the troon I went with stopped roleplaying as a kawiwi clumsy lolichan, then made some insane 'I'm a woman even if I don't pass' posts before going offline and working from home for months.
It works because you're not giving them the ebil
terf reaction they want. You're being a fun and supportive bestie who sees no difference between cis and trans women. Remember, they get off on convincing themselves that they can intimidate actual women by being more of a woman than we are. When you force them to face their bullshit, they don't know what to do. I mean obviously they have meltdowns, but they can't get past the knowledge that their clothes and makeup look so different on a real woman. They have to face the possibility that their yes men are lying. For the first time in their lives, their male confidence has been shaken, and it's a terrible, life-changing event.
No. 2145000
>>2144961I know exactly what you’re talking about with the fake shy uwuwu lolichan troons and I think I hate those even more than the overtly creepy AGPs. At least the obvious Buffalo Bill types creep
everyone out and the only reason anyone plays along with those is because they’re afraid that he’ll chimp out and punch them, not because they think he’s harmless. The uguu~ shrinking violet types actually manage to trick some women into lowering their guard around them despite the fact that they’re just as misogynistic and dangerous as the Buffalo Bills. Face to face they put on this performance of hiding behind their hair and being shy little innocent anime girls but then they pick up their phone and tweet about wanting to horrifically SA women like JKR and putting her body through a woodchipper. Horror movie shit.
No. 2145026
>>2144961>fake shy and sweet kindThose can be spergs aswell but i see what you mean. I loathe them because they act
just like the lowliest simps, orbiting women in hopes of sex/AGPfuel moments, pouncing when a woman they fancy feels down or seems likely to be too nice to them. They're very likely to engage in fake misandry, they'll hone their weak sensitive male persona and devalue other men (ugly moid tactics). I know being nice to them fulfills their 'teehee girlie best friends at a sleepover' delusion so i don't even touch that, but you're correct, there's potential for laughs if they're self-aware enough. I don't coddle them whenever they ask 'am i not a woman?' after i casually bring up women as a group. I keep deflecting or ignoring their pleas to be treated like one of the girls, in part because lying this much is painful and in part because it's hilarious to see them flail afterwards. They eventually get that i don't think of them as women but they're too committed to their nice simp bit to confront me.
One troon i knew who was totally the 'fake nice' type kept getting burned by normie women and men misgendering him in our presence. He'd sob in public if someone talked or joked about certain aspects of male biology (kekkk). He'd vent about not being able to go on with life anymore after a misgendering incident even though he was smirking when getting compliments for his passing days before. They're so fucking weak, all it takes to hurt them is acting normal and relaxed.
>the troon I went with stopped roleplaying as a kawiwi clumsy lolichan, then made some insane 'I'm a woman even if I don't pass' posts before going offline and working from home for months.KEKKKKKKKKK
No. 2145041
>>2144961My issue with this is that most troons are agp and passing is of no issue to them as long as people pretend they pass even though they look like a hulking ogre in a tutu skirt. So you better make sure what kind of troon it is before attempting this or they'll see you as a source of validation and will bother you every second they can. But if you're at a party with them like you were then you probably know them well enough to tell already.
Also I fucking love little britain kek
No. 2145384
>>2145370I do feel a bit more hopeful lately that the tide is turning, there's also been the Chris Tyson fiasco too with him being a popular tranny outed for being a pedophile and how people reacted when MoistCritikal, a big youtuber, defended child transitioning (he got backlash for it).
I'm kinda getting tired of waiting since I peaked years ago though and it sucks how my whole youth has been filled with having to see trannies and support for this shit everywhere. The one positive thing about it is it unironically made me feel closer to my family because I can talk to my mom and other relatives and none of them believe this bullshit, while online it's just tranny handmaidens and their supporters. It made me actually reconnect with people irl because I'm sick of how popular this is especially on the internet.
No. 2145484
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>>2144743>then he troons out, now all he does is make comics about troons and penisesseriously, what is up with that? I didn't know of this faggot before these threads, and I'm amazed at how he's not even willing to drop the erect dick constantly in frame shtick even when attempting these shitty "I'm 14 and this is deep" comics (or is it meant to be funny? hard to tell since it's neither). Is this just an obvious overcompensation considering he's probably packing peanuts or does this grown 30 year old man genuinely still think a penis is the peak of comedy? so much for escaping the perpetual adolescence of manhood and growing up as a true and honest woman…
No. 2145641
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>>2133445>>2133446HMMMMMMMM GEE I WONDER WHY
No. 2146480
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>Let's be miserable together.
No. 2147486
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>>2145384Just wait for 'How to Be Successful as a Yotuber' tutorials to include 'people you should never hire: • trannies'.
No. 2148107
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Ever notice how popular South Park is with TiFs, despite its creators have 10x nastier opinions on troons than JKR? Inch resting.
No. 2148150
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>>2148125That is such cope omg. In the commentary, Matt jokingly says something along the lines of how he's a "black Denver bronco trapped in the wrong body." They very clearly think that the "trapped in the wrong body" line is retarded. I've seen people bring up the fact that Trey almost quit the show during the making of that episode, but they intentionally omit the fact that it had
nothing to do with the subject matter of the episode. Trey ended up staying because he liked Matt's idea for having Gerald be a trans-species dolphin.
Also, the fact that Cartman sides with "Heather Swanson" (the trans athlete who is just Randy Savage) at the end of "Board Girls" is a pretty strong indicator that Matt and Trey think troons are in the wrong. 9/10 times, if Cartman is on someone's side, they're doing something shitty that he stands to benefit from personally. Also, even the PC Babies end up forgiving PC Principal for siding against "Heather," at the end.
No. 2148227
>>2148123there are lots of ftms on tumblr and probably elsewhere who engage in this bizarre larp where they bawww about knowing theyre a girl deep down but at the same time they stick to gender ideology as rigidly as anyone if anyone gender critical dares to say that nothing's wrong with them.
theyre like simultaneously being actually honest for once but also caching it as larping as "represser males" or something? its very confusing.
made much worse by the fact that they all orbit & worship these "ftm punisher" type accounts that bully them cartoonishly about really being girls and never being able to be men no matter how much they want to be.
these accounts - which are supposedly males, but really are probably also ftms - can say literally whatever, say trans isnt real, say theyre pathetic failed women who take testosterone to cope, etc, but as soon as a normal woman appears and is like "it's okay to accept that you're a woman" they snap back into full gender robot kill all terfs mode. its SO weird.
No. 2148581
>>2148227Right, it's really odd. Maybe the ftm punisher shit and 'muuuuhuh i'm just a dysphoric AAP butch radfem repper!!' talk is their cowardly way of self-reflecting safely. Since it comes from themselves or equally neurotic troons, there's no edge to the criticism. They can pre-empt the blow by absorbing criticism and turning it into irony. Receiving the same criticism at a moment where they don't expect it hits harder and forces them to look at themselves in a harsh light. They hate it because too much of this would make them realize their 'dysphoria' isn't
really a thing and that they need to stop their bullshit. It's also a masochistic outlet, of course, once again a way to cope with their self-inflicted misery in unhealthy, unproductive ways (coom)
No. 2148827
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No. 2148880
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>>2148107I find it funny how they can handle blows at every single group except for trannies kek. Obviously this episode (Mr. Garrison’s Fancy New Vagina) is much more harsh than alot of other episodes but it just goes to show how troons are the ultra-protected group that is more important than every other minority, because troons tend to be narcissistic males. South park had an episode where cartman pretended to be a woman to go into the women’s bathroom, but got his own special bathroom instead. Like another anon said, Cartman tends to side with the troons which is a major sign south park is putting them in a negative light. It’s so obvious that matt and trey view trannies negatively. Of course they get less shit for it than JKR because they’re male.
No. 2149169
>>2149020Most hsts I met were pretty narcissistic, misogynistic, in some cases violent (maybe because I'm from a shitty part of town), and overtly sexual.
I feel like it has to do with american culture encouraging this type of behavior but to me lady boys from Thailand seem chill. Most gay trannies here get butthurt if u point out they're just fags in makeup but every video I've seen of lady boys they seem way more ok with themselves and the fact that they're men who like crossdressing. I don't have a problem with that but I have not met a single hsts like that in america
Can any Thai nonas let me know if lady boys r really as chill as they seem or is it just me being desperate to believe a good tranny exists lol
No. 2149329
>>2149176what i wonder is why do they all take women's names, even the edgy "not like other troons" troons? why cant they just still be named michael or andrew…i know the answer is that its a fetish larp in all cases but still, how does "being who you are" involve changing your name one way or the other…
maybe the better question is, how are there literally none whose fetish involves wearing women's clothes but still having a male name? that seems like an obvious "humiliation" type thing but i've literally never seen a single one like that.
No. 2149551
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So you agree? You agree that it's cosmetic? A cosmetic procedure which insurance shouldn't cover?
No. 2149618
>>2143877If anything, it made me proud of my GNCness. I never shaved but I would usually cover my legs, now I bear my ‘hairy’ legs to the world. Even if they’re not hairless, put my leg next to the one of a waxed tim’s and my leg will still be the obviously female one. Even when wearing clothes from the men’s section, I am female and not trying. I live in a area with a lot of troons and it’s the best feeling to walk past a HSTS that kills his body over trying to pass, even with all the makeup on his face and his waist trainer cinched to the max, I am female and not trying. I could shave my head and I’ll still be more female than him. He wastes his time and money on beauty labor that I’ll never give into because I’m already female and there’s no use of buying into that. I was in line in a restroom at a formal event, I was waiting behind a giant hon in a skimpy cocktail dress and heels that made him stand out like a sore thumb. I was wearing a tuxedo, he was staring at me from the mirror with rage in his eyes. It’s not a matter of women looking good in both masculine and feminine fashion, it’s that he could wear the same outfit and it wouldn’t communicate that he’s supposed to be a woman. I wear clothing that was designed for him and there’s no question of whether I belong in the women’s restroom. It’s the bane of his existence.
I hate the term GNC because it’s my natural state, but I used it for the lack of a better term. No. 2149642
>>2149618>>2143877Seeing how neurotic they are over meaningless crap like clothes and body hair made me feel so much better about just… being myself, and not having to overthink anything. I'm a woman no matter what I wear, or whether I put on makeup, or what hobbies I have. I'm not super stereotypically feminine, but I'm not GNC, either. I'm just kind of average, I suppose, and I'm okay with that.
I've also realized how these people try
so hard to be special, but they end up all being the same as each other. It quickly made me realize how childish the pursuit of uniqueness is. People should spend less time worrying about being different or special and more time doing shit they enjoy and being good to the people in their lives. Genderism seems to attract a lot of people who are unhealthily obsessed with what others think, be it because they're narcissists, teenagers being teenagers, or compensating for their own low-self-esteem. I'm past the point of caring whether people think I'm "boring," or a "Becky" or a "Karen," or whatever other crap they cook up to denigrate women.
No. 2149728
>>2149618Funny how all we have to do to rock their entire worldview off balance is to… wear clothes. In female designed clothes we look too womanly, in male clothes they accentuate how we aren't male but actually female. They always seethe in jealousy.
It reminds me of how the oppressive islamist parts of the world where women are made to cover up more and more until all they're allowed to wear is a fully black sheet covering their entire body… if troons had their way it would be the same, only troons would be allowed to wear female clothes and women would have to hide themselves to not upset them
No. 2149867
>>2134608A little late to the party but I wanted to ask: when you say "make the account", does this mean you need proof of some social media presence to apply, or are you just referring to the application itself? I want to know if I have to dig up some old socmed accounts for this.
>>2149770NGL, makes me happy to see nonnas take pride in themselves
and make troons seethe while doing so apparently kek, all the better.
No. 2150026
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>>2141351Sorry troons and other misogynists, JKR was just on holiday and now she has returned to post terve tweets.
No. 2150077
>>2150071I want to add that even back when I hadn't peaked I'd pretty much only listen to him and not the extremely retarded, more lefty troons (agps and others who support the crazier types of lunacy and shut any type of discourse down) so I think he's a decent gateway into showing someone a trans person that doesn't have those opinions, just in case they're still worried about "being transphobic".
With trannies like him it's also like, at least you can have your own opinion and he wouldn't want you killed which is better than 99% of trannies who unironically want you jailed for existing and having "thought crimes"
No. 2150255
>>2150071I think Blaire is great for peaking woke people and people who are kinda on the line of not knowing where to stand on the trans stuff. He's backpedaled a lot for the better, for example he used to use the women's bathroom but has since claimed he doesn't do that anymore (idk if I believe him but at least then his public stance is for troons not to use it), he's admitted to being a male using trans to cope with his mental illness of "dysphoria", and that it's not the same as being a biological woman. While I strongly believe "there are no good troons" is true, he's a good stepping stone as woke people will absolutely not hear anyone out out of fear, unless it's coming directly from "oppressed" people.
I can honestly see him stop identifying as trans in the future by switching to just calling himself a feminine gay man with body modifications, when the trans tides turn.
No. 2150775
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A troon wrote this, I just know it.
No. 2150837
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>>2150775Oh my god they're being transphobic to plants! What if my male zucchini wanted to be a female one? Fascist botantists!!
No. 2151286
With the recent ruling in Tickle v Giggle, I wonder if the only way women could legally gather in Australia without a male presence would be a tif only meetup. Not Australian, but I wonder if you could get away with allowing only "transmascs" in a group. They'd definitely be fine with "transfems" only, but they might be biased against women gathering, even actual tifs. I wonder if you could exploit a loophole involving tif only meetups and how long it would last before men start clamoring to force themselves into that too. Funny how despite hating biological sex and claiming it's not real, they always seem to know who to treat like dog shit. Aside from that, women can't really have anything without men trying to get in. The only thing we have is the time-honored female tradition of pretending to be a man so you get to be treated like an actual human being by others. It only really works in limited application though, like on image boards or anywhere where people can't see or hear you. Even pretending to be a man will be fetishized and appropriated by tims though. They would probably treat it like their weird gross boymoder copium and start cooming to wearing pants. Despite being labeled an autosexuality, autogynephilia requires continuous observation of real women and continuous escalating violation of their boundaries. Tims are not truly attracted to themselves, they are attracted to the control and boundary violation as well as the voyeuristic thrill of watching women in an environment of privacy and vulnerability. If all women became tifs, the agps would begin to imitate them, would likely even get implants just to experience the thrill of chopping them off. It sucks, because it feels like there's no escape. Every door is slammed in your face. Even desexualizing yourself is sexualized. They're constantly trying to watch women and get off to them in increasingly violating ways and when they catch you trying to escape it, they become enraged and want to punish you. Literally patriarchy on steriods.
No. 2151329
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>>2150775Okay, I get it, chromosomes don't define gender because they define SEX which is more important than gender because gender is a grammatical category that should be respected as well, because in a space of arbitrary concepts, we need some basis that have to be respected which is
>male is a man>female is a womanWhy? Because if grammar becomes something completely disregarded, which is considered a lesser category already by how people use words in the most retarded ways, then what's next?
Like, see? Words have meanings and everyone is using those meanings as ballsack polish because it's easy to say
>language is fluid uwhuh, I should be allowed to use words however I want!!!But nothing is respected at all and you have people calling randos "they" when it's a single person, laughing about it because why the fuck not?
I don't care if I seem schizo at this point but this whole shitshow began with people being asked to be referred to by their "preferred" pronouns because everyone believes that words are something you can just mix and match like an outfit, when in reality they're more than that, words are part of our reality and how we describe things, without words we wouldn't be able to form concepts, the problem is that changing a conceptual reality wasn't enough because it doesn't change the actual reality which is: you can't change who you are by being referred to differently.
So then gendies moved to trying to change the physical reality and now we have people regreting getting their organs mangled and their hormones fucked because they all thought that a conceptual reality was real, because everyone thought that words don't really have a deeper meaning and that they're just a decoration that you can just take on or take off whenever you want to.
This is why we have people being confused by something that everyone is taught at primary school, because it really is so easy to just say a new concept
>sex is actually how your genitals feel, if you're aroused in a manly way then you're a man and if you're aroused in a feminine way then you're a woman! >gender is when you don't want to do the dishes because women are taught to do the dishes, if you're a woman and you don't want to do the dishes you're a man, if you're a man and you don't want to do the dishes, you're actually just a woman that's being oppressed by patriarchy and you're rebelling!It's so insane how words can just make people believe in the most stupid shit, it almost makes me want to kill myself but I need to see how all of this is going to end.
No. 2151379
>>2151286It’s so dystopian, I feel like women will have to become violent. At least be bitchy. All demographics of women should shun these freaks. I feel like only some
WOC and immigrants can repeal the troop for some time.
No. 2151445
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>>2151286i don't understand how its discrimination based on gender identity if the app does not detect your ideology. your gender identity is irrelevant and you can identify as anything as long as you are not of the male sex, i'm sure the mods would also not gaf if you were a female identifying as kikomi trubiotrans. tbh we aren't even allowed to do art exhibitions that are mildly male exclusionary here (MONA in tasmania) so it's a consistent misogynistic political trend here
No. 2151553
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>>2151534Picrel is a great movie that explores the practice in depth. It's super depressing though.
No. 2151578
>>2151486>Nazis would love the highly experimental and unnecessary surgeries the troons are being subjected to.ITAYRT, exactly, how could i forget the first ever womb transplant on a tranny
he died btw was done by a nazi surgeon who was involved with freezing experiments on concentration camp prisoners during ww2>In 1931, Gohrbandt, with Ludwig Levy-Lenz, was one of the first surgeons to perform sex reassignment surgery with vaginoplasty on some transgender patients - a pioneering experimental achievement at the time. Known by name are the patients Dora Richter, a domestic worker at the Institute for Sexology under Magnus Hirschfeld, and the Danish artist Lili Elbe.>According to Bernd Luther, he participated in the development of the "freezing experiments" conducted on prisoners of the Dachau concentration camp.[5][verification needed] On October 26 and 27 of 1942 at Deutscher Hog Hotel, Nuremberg, Gohrbandt participated in a secret conference during which Sigmund Rascher and Georg August Weltz spoke on topics related to the freezing experiments. No. 2151652
>>2151286Tbh if you have a woman's only group in a rural area (very large portions of the country is rural) that's not too close to a city you could get away with not allowing TIMs. I used to actually go to women's only groups until maybe a year and a half ago for reasons I won't get into and never seen a TIM in them or even try to join one, only TIFs and I don't think that's going to change in a hurry just because of this court case. Most of the TIMs seem to congregate in the cities or those weird tourist pockets like the Byron Shire. It's a bit different to the situation in America because as soon as you leave the major cities people don't really care, and you still legally can exclude TIPs from the opposite sex's sports groups etc. I've also seen a lot of normies and normie family members be absolutely disgusted with the outcome of Tickle v Giggle although I don't know if that means much.
Australia is also right on the edge of a catastrophic recession so I don't think troonism is really going to be able to dig its claws like it has elsewhere because everyone is going to be concerned with actual issues.
Also putting on my tinfoil hat for a second, I think the case winning was indirectly cased by a CIA psyop because the ammendments to the discrimination act that allowed the case to win was made by Gillard who was a massive American bootlicker and maybe this was all a smoke screen to distract the population from whats going on in the CIA bases, we're not a progressive country at all and gay marriage was legalised only eight years ago so it's weird that the thing that less people agreed with was allowed first. There's so many retarded psyops going on in my country already that I'm willing to believe it.
No. 2151673
I'm pissed that women who are socially awkward, adhd, add, autistic, whichever else, have fallen into the gendie shit. Now if you turn out to be an autist woman into vidya, shows, movies, art, then you must follow the insane gender propaganda that mainly TIMs benefit from and going against it results in witch hunts or doxxing. women who are odd finally had spaces to be themselves and yet they're put against each other because of internalized misogynies or fetish for gay men, lesbian women, hating themselves. I'm just so tired of it. So many of these women are 20-30 without a realization it benefits men most. Men always side with themselves regardless of tranny status so they'll laugh at a blue haired TIF together. Women somehow always pit each other against one another even if one party has no reason to hurt the other.
No. 2151735
>>2142797They're not my friends, but acquaintances hanging around the same hobbyist circles.
>A HSTS hon TIM who is clearly a degenerate and has an annoying personality but is harmless enough to ignore>A transbian AGP who is very clearly autistic and abused as a child and has a buffalo bill-esque obsession with lesbians, really creepy but ultimately harmless and is fairly respectful towards women>Three stealth TIFs who honestly pass pretty well, don't care about tranny discourse and just live out their lives as functional members of society>A grating as fuck nonbinary woman who at nearly 30 is in arrested development stuck at 13 in all the worst ways possibleTo be fair I've met my fair share of really insane troons so I'm not at all a stranger to them but they're basement dwellers who barely go outside, so their effect on my life is next to nothing. I'm always baffled at anons who seem to be surrounded by perverted TIMs at all times because I live in a big liberal city yet barely come across any trannies, male or female. Some weird she/theys who sort of identify as "genderfluid" but sort of don't pop up every now and then but actual "trans people" tend to be rare. I don't hate trannies either, I used to when I was consooming doomposting about them day in day out in around 2019 but now I don't really care anymore besides cringing at them and occasionally ranting when I'm pushed over the line. It helps that at least where I live trans shit has somewhat gone out of fashion and spicy straights who whine about being oppressed by le gays have taken their place, and GC circles being overtaken by homophobic conservatives and right wingers really makes me less willing to associate with them.
No. 2151768
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>>2150775>>2151760>put out a memo strongly objecting to sex chromosome leading to transphobia blah blahKEK yes i'm sure that's exactly what she was thinking about in the year 1905
No. 2152724
>>2152696I'm inclined to say that indulging them a little bit (nothing permanent) at that age might be better than completely refusing to hear any of it. I think that'd only increase the chance that the kid would get stuck in full rebellion mode and/or too proud to admit she made a mistake. Hopefully she can somewhat safely explore the tranny shit, realize it's not what she thought it was and let is pass like any other fase before she ages out of needing parental approval for going on hormones or hacking her chest off.
But I'm not a parent so what do I know.
No. 2152836
>>2152766>>2152724this is still ridiculously indulgent parenting…forget the troon thing and imagine you had declared to your parents that your name was now like idk Cypher. would they not have literally laughed in your face?
these advice givers have literally zero fucking guts. if theyre retarded and internet pilled enough to fall into troon shit, well, #1 you already failed as the adult, but #2 literally laugh at them and take all their devices if they persist.
this walking-on-eggshells mentality literally just tells them they have the upper hand and that you can be suicide baited and selfharm baited into anything. this shit deserves to be laughed at. it is deeply unserious.
these parents got here by treating every single one of their kid's complaints and difficulties like it was the end of the world. "autistic" lol…parents who fail to socialize their kids and then throw them at the cruel mercy of "psychologists" to fix the problem are shitters. "autistic" = "i othered my child to expunge my guilt" 99.9% of the time
(integrate) No. 2152841
>>2152836I think it's a bit more difficult and nuanced than that. Children are being indoctrinated online by gender ideology. They are told their parents won't approve. They are told that their parents might disown them. So they build up this sort of detachment from their parents as a preemptive defense mechanism.
Parents laugh and call you retarded because all your friends are genderfluid and now you think you're really a boy in a girl's body and you want to be called Socks? Okay. Now time to totally detach from them, ignore them, shut them out and jump into the arms of online tranny groomers because your parents did exactly what the groomers said they would.
I've seen this scenario play out plenty of times. They go and seek out online community full of salacious adults because they're retarded and their parents are mean and won't listen to them.
I don't disagree that the childish urge to troon out is retarded, but I think the gender ideology is basically just grooming children to bit by bit disconnect from their parents.
No. 2152857
>>2152841i agree with you nona. trooning out is retarded but i don't think a parent should outright reject, or worse, abuse a child over it. it just gives the cult more fuel and will add further resentment on the childs part
>"they don't understand me but these strangers online do!"ect
No. 2152865
>>2152841While I'm not a parent I was a rebellious child from strict parents and I do think the best way for your kid to turn out relatively normal is to support and accept them exploring things in their teen years. If you provide the space for them to do some gendie shit without pushback it'll become instantly a bit less cool in their mind. I agree with the other anon that letting them change their name and pronouns but setting the line of no hormones/surgery is the way to go. Telling a teenager "no" is just going to:
1. Make them feel more isolated
2. Let them think they can't talk to you about these things you ~don't understand~
3. Push them into online spaces that are going to take them in with open arms like young boys do with incel forums.
I genuinely think I would have turned out relatively normie had my parents been less crazy strict with me, and I wish every parent knew this before their kids reached teenagehood.
No. 2153105
>>2152865>>2152851zero nads
gutless worm parent mentality
1) how are they gonna go more into online hellholes when you take their devices away
2) teens are LOOKING for conflict. they will push until they find conflict. if you retreat, they will push forward.
if you admit any part of this nonsense is anything but laughable you have already lost.
1) gender is fake
2) call yourself whatever you like bucko
3) psychology is fake too
4) go do your homework
done. do not give in to any part of the nonsense.
genx parents are gutless ssri zombie psychology believes themselves so this behavior doesnt surprise from them. but you should do better.
(unintegrated posting style) No. 2153219
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this wording is fucking insane. "identifying as a girl" like it's a choice?? Do you see how western troonism conflicts with everything else. Imagine hearing about how women in Afghanistan are suffering and finding a way to make it about troons. This is why recognizing the biological reality is so important. Women and girls in afghanistan aren't oppressed because they "identify as girls" it's because they're female. I fucking hate trannies, narcissistic shits.
No. 2153269
>>2153056I wish the hormones they took made them severely ill and made them die in the span of 5 years , we need these troons out of society.
But it’s looking bleak honestly and I’m tired of it. Isn’t it funny that women fought for centuries for their rights, but as soon as men wanted to identify as women it took them less than a decade to have rights, or even better, privileges. It’s truly a men’s world.
No. 2153280
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I hate her for this
No. 2153448
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No. 2153541
>>2152766>the best outcomes they have seen of the gender craze is from the parents of children who indulge them a bit but set hard rules of what not to expect, ie hormones and surgeriesThat's probably a good take on it.
>>2152836>this walking-on-eggshells mentality literally just tells them they have the upper hand and that you can be suicide baited and selfharm baited into anythingThat's not how I read it, since the parent(s) in this case knows about the dangers of troonism they could allow the kid her new nickname, while maintaining it IS just a nickname and no surgeries/hormones are allowed. All the while they could subtly talk about gender stereotypes and how being a girl who likes "boy" things is totally ok etc to peak the kid but without telling her to her face that she's wrong. That lets her put the pieces together herself. Maybe make her watch documentaries on cults as well, pretending it's not related to the troon thing kek
>>2152865>I genuinely think I would have turned out relatively normie had my parents been less crazy strict with me, and I wish every parent knew this before their kids reached teenagehood.There's a lot of known indicators that a kid might troon out and a very common one is coming from religious/strict homes. I think it's as common as autism and being gnc.
No. 2153558
>>2153550Samefag, another predatory way troons prey on the mystical "feeling" of being a certain gender is twisting people's
valid resentment towards gender roles/sexism into a symptom of their illness. Gullible, mentally ill people don't have the brainpower or vocabulary to express
why they hate gender roles, like a woman being affected by misogyny, so it's easy for troons to feed them regressive bullshit and put words in their mouths. Basically what I'm trying to say is that troonism takes vulnerable people affected by outside societal problems, and gaslights them into believing it's actually because there's something innately wrong with their bodies.
No. 2153632
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>>2151396Nona don't you know? We're all on a gamete spectrum, even cis people. Enbies are spegg, trans women are spergs
No. 2153833
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When Le Gender TM is no longer in vogue, I wonder how long it'll take for the blatant homophobia in this sort of shit to be called out. There's so much of it everywhere you look. Lesbians do not need men in order to live happy fulfilling lives. Lesbians do not need to accept the troon brigade in order to be 'real lesbians'. Women deserve and need our own spaces. Men who look realllyyyyyy good in glitter eyeshadow from Claire's don't get a pass even if they come bearing a rot pocket.
Honestly I'm more than fed up with handmaidens who parrot this shit. Women don't need to put up with anyone who wants to throw us to the wolves, regardless of whether it's a moid or a fellow woman who really hates being female.
No. 2153868
>>2153833It's so funny when TiFs defend men, thinking it'll make them look like they're legitimate males. The thing is, she almost gets it but her TiF compulsion to think she's totally one of the boyzzz is setting her back. It's true, self-proclaimed members of the LGBT community
hate 'masculinity' in women. They believe that masculine/feminine traits or articles of clothing are the ultimate measure of character, beyond sex and socialization. This is how they come to loathe butches (wishing them mutilation, talking about their '
toxic manhood') and un-feminine, non compliant women in favor of oh-so-vulnerable TiMs. In many women, there is a real, deep belief that femininity is fundamentally good (as opposed to a constraining set of norms). Of course, she had to point the finger at lesbians even if the strongest defenders of the 'masculinity=bad' line of thought are gendies/handmaidens and a bunch of self-hating TiMs. It doesn't matter that TiFs are all over lesbian social scenes, it must be the fault of evil lesbians (never TiMs who spit on TiFs though). And who gives a fuck if some lesbians only want to be around women? How is this shocking for women, let alone homosexual ones kek
>>2153839I think that's what she's implying. Women in their mid-life/teenage crisis really want to believe every well-adjusted adult is two bad days away from injecting themselves with T or horse piss
No. 2154199
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>>2153688The fact everyone ignores the blatant disrespect sewerslvt constantly displays towards junko furuta is almost representative of the ignorance towards trannies disrespecting women as a whole. Naming yourself after her then adding “slut” to it knowing she was raped is absolutely insane. These moids have no respect towards women, handmaidens don’t care of course.
No. 2154204
>>2153558So we can't reason with TRAs because they are too dumb? why and how did these people get so many privileges, to the point they are a protected category when they don't even have a fixed view and they can't explain nothing about their ideology??
At this point I think that it's just a conspiracy against autistic people in order to make them lifelong patients and milk money out of them or it's an indirect attack on the LGB, since support for us has also decreased too.
No. 2154287
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>>2154210she didn't outright say sewerslvt in the lyrics of the song, but this feels a little too on the nose or maybe I'm just schitzhoposting you decide
No. 2154809
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Gender people "humor"
No. 2154968
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>TiMs stop projecting onto every super hero ever that has an alter ego that hides their true hero identities challenge, literally imfuckingpossible
Get the hell away from Cybersix oh my god
No. 2154977
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>>2154968adding on, why do so many TiPs get
their influence on trooning out via the cartoons they watched in their childhoods or even recently as adults? what level of autistic does this to a man?
No. 2155014
>>2155009You don't have to be
friends with everyone. You can be her acquaintance and leave it at that. Talk to her about your niche interest and do all that, but don't get too close and don't talk about anything deeper than the interest. If it's a surface-level relationship, surely her opinions on troons won't come up often so it won't have such an impact on your opinion of her. Personally for me, I only stay friends with people that I know I can trust, and that share my values, and being gc is one of those values that I really appreciate in others.
No. 2155089
It's almost impressive how the gendercult has managed to be so persistent especially with the bunch of lies they keep saying.
>we're like a 1% of the population!!
But they're everywhere online unless you join spaces that excludes them and that has to be done secretly because you can get banned for nit accepting them in your crochet meme spam server.
>we don't have basic human roigths!
But they can: vote, get jobs, have businesses, have properties (even huge ones like the tranny farms) they can have animals, adopt, have or buy children, they can have bank accounts, they have courses and careers about their ideology in universities/colleges, they have special days of visibility, apps cater to them by letting them add their special pronouns and color schemes, they can get married and remarried however they want, they're allowed to get hormone imbalances by their doctors and any surgeries they want, some of those things are even covered by insurances which they can have, in jail they can get all of that for free and sometimes they're even allowed to go to their preferred jail, at public places there's bathrooms for them and they're allowed to go to the bathroom they feel like going to, they can join any social events and they can host any events they want like parades or protests or even counter-protests against whatever they want, they're welcomed by religions even (the pope has had luncheons with drag queens and trannies, Muslims sometimes prefer to have a trooned out son over a gay son) they can go to the Olympic games, they can enter sports teams regardless of sex or even age, they can publish books, plays, make movies, make music and read outloud (you know, unlike women in places with literal laws against women's singing voices and women reading outloud) they can have a citizenship, a passport, they can travel, they even have bathrooms in airports for them and so on.
So what rights do they don't have?
And I know this is preaching to the choir but sometimes I think most people don't seem to notice that these so called problems that the gender ideology are going through aren't even real.
No. 2155192
>>2155124In the end it's just people that don't have good relationships at home tbh, those people that speak way too much don't even bother to get along with their families, like ever. They don't even have a cousin they can talk to because they burn any bridges they may have, and/or just know they would be made fun of or even ignored by their families.
That's why they then constantly talk about retarded shit with their friends or strangers online.
Like, I have an acquaintance (I don't think she's really a friend of mine) who only talks about being soooo gay, "happy faggots month!", how tits are hoooooot, omgz tranz roightz or how JKR is such an evil monster bully sad face emoji, my friend and I usually ignore her or change the theme or go "Oh wow really" and that's about it, but she can't stop bringing that stuff up because she just doesn't have anyone else to talk with, or she wants us to feel some sort of kinship with her when we just don't care.
This is honestly also why you mostly see nerds into this shit, most of them are lonely people with no meaningful bonds, hobbies that are too niche or just overall uninteresting to the average person.
If anything we should be amazed by how anons here have either peaked or never fell for this shit, it's like Crack to nerds and anyone who isn't a complete normie, it's a community, a topic, a hobby and a religion all in a package full of promises of feeling accepted and welcomed.
No. 2155522
>>2155089They don't know what to protest for because nothing about them is important, only the cult. They love to move in cult and to feel being part of something and have quick excuses instead of working on themselves. They love to repeat shit like "Omg go to therapy! Therapy saves lives!" but they don't go themselves.
If you're autistic or not a boy pick me, you're a dude. You're "different"? You're a dude. No, don't go to therapy to find out the real reason behind your anxiety and constant unhappiness, you're simply trans and chopping your body will grant you a new start, a new chance at life. Don't like your life? Don't make it better, restart it with a new identity!
But think about it clearly, nona, and reply without irony: when did gender matter, on the inside?
Like yeah sure I can see the sexism but that's a matter of environmental factors, think about the inside, why is gender so important? Why keep thinking about it? Why doing mental gymnastics to fit in a group you don't belong? (for ex. straight girls trooning out)
They don't have real problems, it's the same effect of rich people/influencers doing those horrible "I try to work as a cashier for a day!!" videos to show how different their lives are but it looks terribly tone deaf. It's a misery roleplay. Sure, to troon out you have to have some mental problems, but being trans isn't it, they don't have other shit to worry about so they fill their brain with brainrot and love to larp as disabled people to get sympathy points. One thing that made me peak was seeing them roleplaying my problems: I'm a bisexual woman, when I had a gf years ago I had to hide, I had to keep it a secret due to my country's strict views, it's not cool at all and I wish we could evolve, but it's something you think about, how the real world perceives you, they don't think about it because it's not real. They like to walk around with pronoun pins and people don't know what those mean, they love to go to the hospital to claim their top surgery and get surprised when the doctor send them to plastic surgeons and not urgent care surgeons, they claim that they face discrimination on the job when the worst scenario is "Bug can you please stop having meltdowns about your legal name on the tag and get back to work". They live fake lives and face fake problems, only to fit in. It's creepy. And for what? To fit it and close their eyes at their real problems, as long they have their genshin kins and pins on their itabag, everything is fine. Tifness is wearing rose colored glasses.
Tim-ness is pure coom, nothing much, but they forced thmeselves on the lgb movement so they could be accepted and justified, a moid's biggest frustration is not acting out his coomeristic tendencies.
No. 2155712
>>2153219It’s woke
victim blaming. Makes perfect sense considering how liberals love to align themselves with Muslims and always defend at every terrorist attack
No. 2156168
>>2156105Its difficult for me to find applicable resources even online, i think for mine, i just ignore how my tif sister keeps wanting me to be feminine, wanting me on her side that she should take on the male role so I don't need to do it (because she has no brothers), and it is actually just her accusing our parents that i am raised more like a boy than she is. She hates me being the older sister because she saw it as an inherently better starting point, to her she not only had to act like a proper girl but also a proper little sister, not taken seriously and not allowed to grow up in a metaphorical sense.
When anyone suggests I tif out(meant to be a joke) as an extension of my familial role she gets freaking mad as if she is ignored.
No. 2156171
>>2156168Yeah that and she saw a lot of the traits expected for firstborn boys and girls w/o brothers to be traditionally masculine, so maybe it had influenced her to act out on me. My parents thought she hated me but I saw it as she hated their expectations of me. It's like an extra hurdle in her trooning out. Because she did it so many times I kept on hearing it from her.
I am Japanese, and a good number of modern Japanese families in whatever countries has this weird mix of conservative and liberal values.
She kept calling me "handsome/cool woman" to spite me.
No. 2156846
>>2156735>But tho there's no men directly involved since neither her nor I have other brothers how would jealousy of a woman cause another woman to become a TIFBecause she sees a person who is "better" than her, so she wishes to be even better than that person. And exactly because she doesn't know what males are like she idolizes them and imagines if she was a boy she would have the power to be "better". It's possible if she had a stinky brother it would shatter the fantasy and she'd see how gross they are first hand and not want to be one.
She also resents the competition of being the younger girl, so if she was a boy that girl-on-girl competition would be gone.
No. 2157107
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Lol these troons are so fucking retarded, statistically most americans do not give a fuck about trannies. They try to force everyone to give a fuck. It'd be so stupid to run on trans rights when it's an issue only like 1% of the population cares about, and that 1% mainly being in deep blue states kek. Trannies are always like "ME ME ME ME FOCUS ON ME!!!!!" when there are much bigger issues that most americans care about that statistics support like housing, economy, abortion, etc etc. I think many mainstream left-leaning movements and parties are starting to understand that trannies' demands are infinite and that they'll never satisfy them. It'll be narcissism that kills the troon movement kek.
No. 2157213
>>2157107The DNC can redeem themselves if they continue to ignore them. I can gather by now that western liberal parties are slowly realising that advocating so loudly for troons just wasn't worth it and it didn't bring in the votes like they thought it would, plus especially in regards to the US, that one incident where the troon flashed his implants must have pissed them off.
My current annoyance is that "demure" big chungus gorlock the destroyer troon that many handmaidens are obsessed with. It was all fine and dandy when it was internet only, but other women in my lab class are obsessed with quoting that troon and think he's funny and it's pissing me the fuck off. I hate having to deal with troon stuff irl, it's bad enough that online spaces are infected with troon pride flags and troons talking about yeeting their tits off out in the open like it's nothing. It's worse enough that a big ugly troon is in one of my classes and he is so loud and obnoxious. he thinks only wearing pink cargo shorts is enough to signal that he is a woman.
No. 2157358
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After seeing the trans parents featured in various cow threads, I believe it.
No. 2157359
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>>2157358Some of the brain dead top comments
No. 2157525
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>find out a EarthBound romhack I've been waiting for since the late 2000s is still being worked on after all this time
>… by two chiptune loving trannies who LARP as the soft nerdy musician gurls they want to bone
The day the videogame fandom at large wakes up and understands this gender bullshit is a fraud is the day I will finally be free. For now all I can do is suffer in silence or I risk being ostracized. I'm so fucking tired of all these skinwalkers who think they're failed males and so they LARP as women and I'm tired of seeing them everywhere. I'm tired of people making excuses for them and pretending there aren't patterns everywhere for their perversions, nutcase behaviors and maleness. I'm tired of everyone tiptoeing around these walking landmines because we are all afraid of being ostracized by our only real friend groups.
It sucks, it's suffocating.
No. 2157530
>>2157359If that is even true, which I somewhat doubt this just shows that the level of cognition these retarded groomers possess is on the level of an infant who's still figuring out language itself. I have a two year old daughter, we're not native english and she messes up grammar and conjugating verbs all the time as well. For example will say "(I) pick you up" when she wants to be picked up or also "do (you) want/ (you) don't want" to express if she wants something or not. Since it hasn't 100% clicked yet how different POVs work and how language reflect that, so it would only make sense if it happens in other areas of language as well.
Aside of that it feels quite grim that a filthy redditor posting there and talking like this is supposed to be supervising little kids. Be careful in whose care you put them!
No. 2157537
>>2157530You’re right, kids that age mess up pronouns constantly. I know 5-year-olds who still struggle with it and routinely call their female teachers she/him. My own kid referred to herself in the second person until she was 3 because that’s how everyone else addressed her. It doesn’t mean children are ‘nonbinary’, it means gendered language and grammar is difficult for young kids to understand. The children themselves are still either female or male. Does this person think that everyone who speaks a non-gendered language is automatically nonbinary?
At that age I’d be worried that referring to single, known individuals as ‘they’ will make it even more difficult for these children to develop proper grammar, and I also worry that introducing genderism in this way will just reinforce gender roles for these kids. Introducing a third category does not free children from that. If girls are X, boys are Y and nonbinaries are Z, and my family all agrees that I’m a girl, does that mean I must do/be X? As opposed to simply telling them that girls can play and wear whatever they want. These poor children are going to be so confused.
No. 2157539
>>2157537Gendered language can be difficult on average for kids until they reach 5, in developmental disorders 6, my baby cousin kept 'misgendering' me and calling me a he and his mom had to keep correcting him. He's doing fine now.
If left untaught, they will grow up and possibly adopt the behavior of a 10 y/o who told his teacher "they" and "them" are not pronouns (because their definition of the word pronoun has been corrupted by woke).
No. 2157584
>>2156846She was raised as the pretty girl while I was raised as the nerd girl, she hates being called cute or pretty or anything that imply her feminine looks, while when she complains she's ungrateful. At first I feel enraged why is she throwing away what other girls want (by not wanting to be pretty) but I came to realize she did that because she was a TIF.
Usually it's the nerd girl why troon out to escape competition, she must've been mad why I'm not subjected to female socialization at the extent she is.
No. 2157765
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Nonas I am going insane. At my uni we have a group chat for the whole group and someone new joined today, and I check her profile and she has he/they on her bio. There's 3 gendies and 2 TIFs already in my group, we're a small group so it's a lot of gender people proportionally. It now makes me wonder what new classmates I'll see soon who are just girls who hate their bodies, I still don't know everyone who will be there.
Right now I'm visiting family in my home country cuz I'm a foreign student, I'm from a third world country who has Catholicism as its official religion. Before leaving for studies, I thought most young people didn't care for gender stuff, but I've been proven wrong. I went to a small con for national artists and the amount of TIFs I saw was driving me nuts, the amount of gender related merch was absurd, the amount of people I heard using gender neutral terms (which btw, my language doesn't have gender neutrality, so it sounds stupid) was jarring. It just makes me very very depressed, this is blackpilling to me, I just see young women who hate themselves and instead of choosing a healthy way to cope, they instead feed on delusions and ruin their bodies. When will this gender fad end? I want women to love themselves, I want them to feel confident in their womanhood to the point where they can dress and express themselves however they want.
I'm tired nonnies. I just hope none of them women I see do something they will regret years later. Wear pronoun pins, use badly coloured hair, wear ugly piercings… that's reversible. Just please don't inject yourself with testosterone and/or get top surgery.
No. 2157843
I wanted to post this in the peak trans vent thread, but it's so inactive.
Yesterday I waited on a troon at the restaurant. When he walked in, I thought he was in cosplay of Hunter Gathers from Venture Bros. Unshaven beard, army veteran cap, sunglasses, and a short dress. He ordered a slice of pizza that comes with herbed aoili drizzled on it. He kept me at the table FOREVER asking questions about the murals in the restaurant, what to do as a tourist, and trying to get me to talk about my tattoos (which I don't do with any customer, especially not a troon). After paying, he got up from the table and made it a point to find me in a wholly different part of the restaurant to say, "That pizza was so good, you should call it the Money Shot pizza" – referring, one can only assume, to the white aoili on it. I just blinked and walked away. And back at the table … $0 tip.
No. 2157907
>>2157843>peak trans vent threadI miss the
terf shiba memes
>"That pizza was so good, you should call it the Money Shot pizza" Talk to your manager and have him banned for sexual harassment
No. 2158017
>>2157843The dude seems just autistic and socially retarded. The perfect
victim for the troon cult to groom.
Recently I was at a party where I got seated next to a troon for a bit, and out of nowhere he asked me my pronouns (I was like “uhh…I’m female”), told me his pronouns, and started showing me the waifu keychains on his purse. I could literally smell the autism wafting off of him so I just treated him like I would any special needs person.
No. 2158210
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found on pinterest kekkkkk
No. 2158840
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There ISN'T any danger you retarded fucks, that's why everyone tells you to stop obsessing yourself into a spiral and get a fucking hobby or a job or anything that stops the eternal navel gazing. Gendies really did meme themselves into retardation and permanent irreversible damage because they were brainwashed by fellow retards into thinking that getting their shit together meant they wouldn't be able to post BNHA headcanons anymore.
These people are genuinely too retarded to save.
>>2157765Is it Brazil? It's a fucking plague isn't it, I try to peak the TIFs by being all 'Yeahhh go boi, now you don't need to do the cooking or the dishes or the laundry or the cleaning like the wimmin and you can play vidya all day like your brothers!' It seems to work, I can see them thinking about how their living situation hasn't actually changed in the slightest and nobody takes them seriously. And it's not twansphobic because you're calling her a he and pretending that short hair equals penis. No. 2158990
>>2158840Wow this is pretty sad. The first paragraph is genuinely good advice for ANYONE who is dealing with poor self-esteem, including "dysphoria". Yes, go outside, go volunteer, get a job! But then it goes on to say that those things are bad, and what you should really do is cave to your self-hate and obsessive dysphoric thoughts.
You'd better start harming yourself now, or before you know it you might
>be married>have a family>have a job>have helped other people… so start your journey into radical self-hatred before it's too late!
No. 2159092
>>2158848kek! you’re retarded
>>2158844i meant when a female tra most likely only recognizes herself as “cis” because she’s playing into stereotypes/conventionally feminine. i’ve seen a few slip from she/her to she/they and they/them and snap right back to she/her and the cis label once they adopted a glitterfart aesthetic or otherwise got a boyfriend
No. 2159276
>>2158037I'm aware but it still fucking sucks. The only hobby I have they haven't invaded yet is physical exercise, I do cycling and cardio and I haven't seen trannies so far (and most probably never, they're allergic to having a healthy body after all).
>>2158840>spoilerNah it's not Brazil, but my country is in Central America so it's close. Sucks how everything that becomes popular in the US becomes popular in Latin America but with a few years of delay. So even if online Americans are starting to get fed up with trannies, we still have to wait for Latin America to get the big tranny phase and then later start hating trannies again.
No. 2159907
>>2157584Seems like you're actually in the occasional reversed situation.
Usually, it's the nerd and older daughters that are more susceptible to trooning, exacerbated by autism/black&white cognitive reasoning. Nerdy girls are quite unfeminine (not in a bad way) to start with, and if gender ideology gets pushed too much on them they might start to try fitting themselves in the narrative, by logic since boys are masculine and they are, it makes a triangulated reasoning they must be boys too. This is sad, and the brain only matures at around 25 for most people.
>>2156846That might further cement her tif sister's views that anon is 'masculine' if she ever comes across this post because she, to you is 'better' and it creates another cycle of hatred.
>>2156642No1curr, this is a cheap dollar store copy of (tif version) Dylan. Her voice is clearly off, any unironic actual non-tif woman who sounds like this would be bullied off the earth.
No. 2159950
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we can tell!
No. 2159969
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Smoke their asses! What a queen; I can already feel the TIM seething in the comments, kek
No. 2159974
>>2159907>That might further cement her tif sister's views that anon is 'masculine' if she ever comes across this post because she, to you is 'better' and it creates another cycle of hatred.why are you assuming anons sister is going to find this specific post on an anonymous forum, then misunderstand it and take personal offense to it, that is wild
>No1curr, this is a cheap dollar store copy of (tif version) Dylan. nona this woman has been parodying Dylan for at least a year now
No. 2159996
>>2159644Feeling so damn sorry for those wives and daughters of the
abusive AGPs and how they get gaslighted by "health professionals" while the perverted moids get support. I'm glad the documentary was made, hope it peaks a lot of people.
No. 2160134
>>2155775sorry for responding to an old post but I noticed trannies usually spawn from middle class or rich families. I think it's because they realize they have no real problems and the glorification of mental illness/the struggle/abuse makes them WANT to have problems as if it makes them a more complex or deeper person. Combined with some other things they just troon out.
A tranny at my job told me his family used to be upper middle class until his parents divorced. The thing is he still isn't dirt poor. Him and his sisters are just losers who won't move out and keep making retarded financial decisions. They still travel and go out for fun. I suspect he has BPD and realized how privileged he was/still is so hopped on the tranny train to have something to self victimize himself for.
No. 2160928
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No. 2161393
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Remember how TRAs went apeshit when JK Rowling didn't tweet for a couple of weeks (because she was on vacation in Greenland kek) and thought it meant she was being punished for her troonphobia? Well, I liked her response.
Btw, how did the OP image come back?
No. 2161421
>>2161407Oh I saw the pinned post now. Ganbatte Cerbmin!
>>2161408>she's successful and beloved. I think that is why. She is a highly successful and widely beloved famous woman they can't cancel, and it makes the troons and other moids absolutely seethe. They have been so used to be able to bully and shut down women for decades now but JKR just laughs at them on twitter and keeps earning tons of money. Meanwhile I think the TIFs/female TRAs are angry because they loved HP and sees it as betrayal that the author doesn't have the same beliefs as them, because everything they consume needs to be approved by the cult.
No. 2161483
>>2155009>>2155106Old posts but this put my feelings into words so well. I feel alienated from people I know because they almost all turned into gendies and I always think they'd hate me if they knew my opinions so I never feel any real connection with them. It's this never ending cycle of enjoying a nice talk with someone about your hobby and even life sometimes, but then being disappointed by them inserting trans shit into the conversation, besides just garden variety misogyny and annoying moid shit that doesn't involve troons. It's even worse when they actually start trooning out instead of just parroting the ideology, I had a normal hobby group (granted it still had issues with misogyny because it has a lot of males) and now it's infested with a troon constantly making it about himself in the middle of normal conversations.
Being a weird, not super attractive woman with poor social skills is honestly way more isolating than being a man with the same issue in general for as much as men pretend to be lonelier than women and it's why I don't feel sorry for lonely men and incels at all. Even before the troon shit I always had to put up with some form of misogyny just to interact because not many women are into my hobbies, while for men it's like at least they can be friends with other men without them just wanting to fuck them, constantly making misogynistic comments, and actually have your loneliness be taken seriously. With women it's like even though you have these reasons to be alienated (even more so now with how many men and women support troon shit), they'll act like ackshually you're better off and you'll never understand the mythical male loneliness because men still want to fuck you, as if that somehow fixes everything (when it actually just makes it worse). I digress but at this point I feel like my options are either just talking to normies and feeling disconnected for different reasons or just being alone really.
No. 2161646
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No. 2163321
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Just found out that some fucking tranny creep is larping as a gUrLy programmer and attempting to reverse-engineer this series of computer games aimed at girls back in the 90's. I grew up with them. They were special to me and very cool, and of course now moids have to infiltrate that. Picrel. Fuck you, creep.
No. 2163391
>>2163321>>2163342Almost no women are into reverse engineering games. It’s extremely tedious work that has to be done in a team and requires knowledge of assembly. It’s a lot of unpaid work. On the upside, if you can find a game that’s a work in progress, there’s volunteer work you can do matching functions. You need to know C for older games. If you’re considering doing it, you have no choice but to tolerate troons. Basically every group has one. I tried to do it for the sake of educating future women in it, but right now I don’t have the time to invest in learning h the system.
I really hope more women can get into the scene one day, it’s a such a sausage fest. The more we know, the more we can form our own women-centric groups and learn some cool skills. Plus it would just be more fun to work with women than dudes kek
No. 2163741
I'm the anon from
>>1980193I can never call my best friend a man, she came up to me this summer for help because her boyfriends dad wouldn't call her and her bf a gay couple on vacation. I helped her pack thru everything and coping strategies and acted as a shoulder to cry on.
One of the phrases she said to me was "its reassuring knowing that every queer couple goes thru something like this."
I kinda think her BF is pushing for this stuff and shes chronically on tiktok. just a disaster.
I cant loose my best friend, a friendship that ive had for 17 years. every time she talks about this stuff to me i have to lie thru my teeth or use my past handmaiden/enby skills to communicate with her.
we used to make fun of trannies; now she is one. i know if i ever slip up she will never ever talk to me again, even if she detranses because we are both stupidly stubborn people.
i miss her.
No. 2163824
>>2163810It’s going to be hard because our lives are so intertwined, our families are so close. If I go full
terf I’m not only going to loose her but also cause a lot of heavy friction with my family as well.
I really think her boyfriend started all this.
Her boyfriend is in the military, and she really didn’t have any way of thinking in that direction until she started dating her boyfriend. They met right after she got away from her
abusive ex-boyfriend. Anyway, he reenlisted this year and she finally moved back closer to home to family and me. Previously, he’s been the person that’s been doing all of her hrt shots. So hopefully sometime apart, might get her to question things, and also possibly getting off of TikTok of that hopefully gets banned.
No. 2163978

Warning for classic troon surgery scars but I've been thinking about this lately.
Of course this is an unfortunate case since he has a condition that fucks up the face but isn't "facial feminization surgery" the biggest scam, out of all surgeries?
I can somewhat understand top mutilation on girls because it actually modifies the body and they can somehow pass, I can understand getting a rot pocket because despite it not being a vagina, it makes a difference, somehow.
But facial feminization surgery? What even is a "feminine" face? Women have a lot of faces, rounder, wider, edgier, softer, rougher…what makes a face "feminine"? These delusional men are paying a fuck ton of money for nothing, or rather, a slight shaving of the adam's apple and brow bone but their traits are still there, it gives off a fake effect and if I can pinpoint the plastic surgery on someone, it kinda defies the point, right? They are willing to live all bruised, with screws and nails on their head for looking exactly the same, for me it's the major indication of their mental illness, paying for an illusion.
No. 2163981
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>>2163978if I spent an absurd amout of money to look exactly the same except for thinner brows I would kill myself indeed and yet they get meme'd into getting this surger, what's up with them
No. 2163989
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>>2163984My favourite pics are the ones where the after is caked in makeup to give off the illusion of successful surgery like yeah wipe that off and let's see the difference
No. 2164140
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>>2163981Samefag, looked up this fraud and the clinic is called "2pass"
"To pass" yeah you wish notice how most troons have mythical/unusual names, makes me kek everytime.
No. 2164193
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this is gold nonny. Look at how the simulation doesnt have an adams apple and the end result adams apple is even bigger than the before. He also looked better before, he didnt look feminine but he looked like a teen boy, he just paid to make himself haggard.
No. 2164206
>>2164193his adam apple is even bigger because in ffscams doctors shave their faces in a "Pug-ification" techinique so it's shorter but that makes a horrific optical illusion making their necks bigger holy shit
>>2164140The list has at least two Dianas, a Selene, a Layla, Isis and Freya (strangely no Luna), they're so obsessed with the moon goddesses, which in many deity groups are also womanhood and sex goddesses, it's cringy, they don't make a single effort to pass. If I see a man with a pillow face called Luna I go yep, that's a mentally ill one, try to at least blend into normie women for fuck sake, stop living into your manic pixie dream and idk, call yourself Kayleigh or Brittany
No. 2164487
>>2163741It's time to grieve your loss and then move on nona. You have to realize gender ideology functions like an actual cult, that's not something people say just to insult them - it's the literal truth. People captured by a cult will NEVER leave it unless they themselves are the ones who start to question it to leave. No matter what you tell them, nor what evidence you show, they're just going to shut you out and call you a liar and refuse to see reason. They do not care about logic or truth because they did not arrive at their current mindset using logic or truth, they arrived there by strictly denying reality and logic.
It hurts so much to lose a friend over gender ideology, speaking as someone who has been in the same position. But you already lost them long ago. They're not the same person, they're not your friend - and they are the ones who made the decisions that led you both here. They decided that truth doesn't matter, they decided that living a lie and forcing everyone to lie and deny reality against their will is righteous and just. They became a
toxic acolyte for a harmful ideology.
All you can do is focus on people around you not captured by the cult yet, use her as a sad example of how cruel and sad, and ridiculous, it is. I was clear with my family about why I cut ties with my former friends (who they knew), I used the friends own words and I explained why I didn't agree with them. They really do seem bat shit insane once you say it all out loud to normies. "She's mad that people won't call her a gay man and that they're saying her straight sex isn't gay sex. No really, she refuses to talk to her dad over this.", "He calls his dick a vagina and is calling real lesbians bigots, he's also posting death threats to women online, just like a real lady huh?".
No. 2164740
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Young gay guy correctly identifies how trans ideology is fundamentally conservative in nature, people in the comments agree,…and troon reddit mods lock it KEK
No. 2164743
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>>21647402/2 (repost bc my icon was visible oops)
No. 2165280
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>>2164743found this comment while scrolling through that thread and I'm still confused on how these people think.
It's not a matter of "choice" because you either acknowledge your actual sex or try to deny it. and nonbinary is already seen to most gendies as a third gender option. I used to be a tif and call myself nonbinary, even partialling taking testosterone because I was dumb enough to think it would give me an ideal andro body but it doesn't work that way. "nonbinary" itself is a nothingburger of a label . If you can dress and act like your natal sex why go the need to call yourself nonbinary for exactly? you're still a man or woman conforming to your sex or not conforming to it. the change in label doesn't do shit
No. 2165397
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Not a lesbian myself, but this post about lesbians was on my Instagram FYP. I opened the comments, and of course the top comment was some AGP asking why “so many lesbian women hate trans women,” despite the post having nothing to do with trans. All the replies were sucking him off. Sorry to all the lesbians who have to deal with this.
No. 2166204
>>2161619Exactly. They have it so easy with finding other men like themselves and yet still act like they're the ~real~
victims of loneliness, it's laughable. Another issue about connecting with other "weird" women for me is that a lot of them are just using it as an aesthetic since that's trendy nowadays, my depression isn't a marketeable quirky aesthetic so I end up feeling like I have nothing in common with most "mentally ill" women I see online, while men don't really have this problem as much. When you're a woman it's like you have to make even your lowest moments and depression palateable and still be fuckable and it's terrible.
And I believe this is actually part of why so many women are trooning out too, since if they do they more easily get access to a community of other "weird" women who also became troons. They no longer have to be mentally ill in a way that conforms to female beauty standards (being the mentally ill BPD goth gf or something) and instead can just be a gnc woman and find similar women more easily.
>>2165919It really sucks being surrounded by people who can't see the obvious, it makes it hard to respect people or find them intelligent when they can't even see something that simple. There's that voice in my head saying "you are so stupid" when I remember they believe and support troons.
No. 2166296
>>2159974>nona this woman has been parodying Dylan for at least a year nowAYRT, crap how do I not know lel
I like the kikomi Dylan parody better this woman's voice alone screams danger and if it's natural she's one goddamn unfortunate woman
>then misunderstand it and take personal offense to it, that is wildNo offense intended but yeah I've probably derailed and attempted armchairing
No. 2166304
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The way 80% of the reasons are related to men's pleasure says a lot.
No. 2166320
>>2159959I'm sure a nona in a previous thread mentioned about bigger girls getting partially exempt from female socialization relative to smaller girls. Not only nona's sister is younger but also conventionally more feminine, female socialization becomes more acute to her that the only way out is to troon out.
It's like people sometimes have suicide thoughts because they are put in a claustrophobic situation.
No. 2166349
>>2166304>the dolls (us) men will always be inferior to women. why do they see us as a threat so much that they think they can replace us? the audacity, it's one of the most delusional things i have ever seen. this man is
>CONVINCEDthat stinkditches will replace women. i don't know why the fuck they are so threatened by the mere existence of women. what a pathetic loser. every time i see this sentiment, of how they just want to downright replace women and see themselves as superior just reeks of pure copium. they don't have a leg to stand on. fucking losers
No. 2166442
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>>2166399>this annoying troon I know who claims he's going to have a better ass and tits than real women>pretending a vagina's only use should be to be fuckedEvery time they compare their surgically created mimicry to the real thing they reveal their true beliefs, which is that women exist to be sexually attractive to and get fucked by men. In what way are silicone bags implanted underneath male nipples ‘better’ than real breasts? Do they produce more nutritious milk, which is the #1 function of breasts? No, they can’t produce milk at all. Do ass implants improve mobility or are they more comfortable to sit on than the real thing? No, they actually inhibit mobility and are uncomfortable, even painful. The only way anyone would consider fake breasts, fake asses and fauxginas better than the real thing is if they think those body parts exist for male pleasure, particularly the pleasure of males whose brains were hijacked by porn use to prefer supernormal stimuli. Those men are by definition terrible partners because they see women as objects and masturbatory aids rather than full people. HSTS think they’re robbing us by ‘stealing’ these men away but really they’re doing us a favour by picking the most rotten apples out of the barrel.
Pic related. Troons are arguing that the fake birds are better than the real ones because they provide more intense stimuli. Meanwhile, the hatchlings starve to death.
No. 2166466
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You’re at a dicksucking competition , but your opponent is an handmaiden
No. 2166469
>>2166442Excluding functionality and whatnot, a biological female body will never be the same as a surgical one, Mother Nature didn’t do any mistake when making women.
The cope is extreme with these scrotes to the point that they always sound ridiculous. They’re busy thinking that it’s a competition when they’re not even part of the competition.
A Neo vagina at best is a hole with no muscles and no self lubrification.
No. 2166485
>>2166304Fistulas are so rare in the first place lol and a rectal-vaginal fistula is even more rare, they’re mostly associated with child birth aka traumatic events. The stinkditch has a much higher chance of complications though, from smell, hair, necrosis, granular tissue to fistulas. They can keep their smelly hole.
On another note I want to use this post to celebrate how powerful and resilient the female body. We literally have an ecosystem down there, that maintains itself. We have a specific organ made for the sole purpose of pleasure, how cool is that?
I wish medicine placed much more attention to female esclusive phenomenons, because we still have much to learn.
No. 2166648
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>>2166466Do these people lose all their neurons when they drink the kool aid? Not a single thought inside that empty head.
No. 2166723
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No. 2166742
>>2166723Has anyone else noticed that detrans spaces can be just as gender-obsessed as trans spaces? Her distress about being fucked over by doctors is
valid, but even from people who didn't get the chop and were only on hormones for a few months, I'll see them post about how they're insecure because they're not able to conform well to their "new" (aka old/assigned) gender role. I thought detrans spaces would have less people posting things like "finally starting to feel like a woman!" followed by a person dressed in frills and a full face of makeup, but it's just more of the same.
No. 2166776
>>2166742This is what it feels like for me, especially as a GNC woman. The whole point against the transgender movement is that it is convincing people to
conform to ideas of gender. You don’t have to wear frills and makeup to “feel like a woman”, you
are a woman, no matter what you do, whether you want to wear men’s clothes or engage in masculine hobbies, THAT’S the truth you reach when you learn sex is real, but gender is not. This woman could be dealing with the trauma of mutilating herself so it’s different, but still, to fixate on how her “boobs looked good too” is reminding me of other TIFs who’s “fix” is just conforming in the other direction, even if she isn’t necessarily an example of one. Also it just confuses me. Surely you trooned out because you related more to traditional “masculinity” or liked to present in a less feminine way? Why do they suddenly switch to being an ultra-feminine girly girl? It still fits the trans rhetoric. And which one is the real you?
No. 2166804
>>2166742(last edit, sorry kek) It looks like most women who troon out are aligned on feminine values and have feminine worries, "conservative" aspirations etc. All of this becomes apparent after detransition. Plus it probably takes a
long time to really recover from severe gender poisoning. Detransing goes a long way but some of the underlying emotional turmoil remains.
>They were great lookingWanting to enjoy sexuality as a young person is normal, and part of it is being desirable (so you can attract partners). I notice that the detransers who are most concerned with being less 'hot' are really young and trooned/de-trooned early in life, regardless of sexual orientation. They fled sexuality (understandably, for a teenage girl/young woman in our day and age) before they could comfortably be sexual, with all the psychological benefits of aging: more confidence, caring less about bullshit, getting less negative attention from creeps etc. They probably feel like they missed out on something crucial.
No. 2166890
>>2166818As I said
>This woman could be dealing with the trauma of mutilating herself so it’s differentGetting really sick of anons just not reading. I get that it was long but if you’re going to nitpick it’s the least you could do.
No. 2166957
>>2166945I was agreeing with
>>2166742 while it doesn’t apply to this instance, it’s simply untrue to pretend that this isn’t a phenomenon. Just go to any de-trans space. There is a large focus on being feminine, not being feminine enough to “be a woman” anymore, and feeling as though they have to wear makeup and conform in order to “be a woman”. This is the same thing that makes male troons think wearing makeup and putting on heels is what makes them a woman.
>>2166951I don’t think it could ever be illegal, because it’s a cosmetic surgery in the end. What about women who want complete breast reductions? I think people would argue if you can get breast implants then you should be able to remove your breasts too, which isn’t unreasonable. But I guess that argument could pan to whether most body modification like plastic surgery should be illegal too, which I wouldn’t be opposed to to be completely honest.
No. 2167382
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No. 2167852
>>2166742>Has anyone else noticed that detrans spaces can be just as gender-obsessed as trans spaces?Well, obviously. Detrans spaces are for support and for questioning, they've not yet reached the point where they've fully peaked and feel comfortable with their detrans bodies. They've spent years obsessing over "gender" so to turn it off without questioning it all first is pretty much impossible. It's a grieving process most of them have to go through.
As other anons have touched on a lot of girls troon out simply because they don't feel like they were good enough at being girls. They'd actually be happy to be girls IF they had been good, perfect girls. For example, they'd often be happy to be girls - if only their wide shoulders weren't so manly, if only their nose wasn't so big and unfeminine, if only their belly wasn't so fat, if only their boobs had been perky and perfect.
So they desperately try to escape from being a "failed" girl into a "normal" boy or enby "non-girl". Once they realize girls and women can actually be anything and they were never a failure they realize it was all in vain. They were always a "good enough" girl but through their own actions turned into the "not good enough" version they thought they were.
It's a bit complicated, yet easy to see once you spot the pattern.
No. 2168522
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genuinely hate how trannies are actively ruining the English language (really just language in general)
No. 2168572
>>2165280So this choice system has a default of non-binary? Which is both a choice and non-choice? It's a non-box even though there are 3 options and it's one of the options?
Imagine thinking this does fuck all to eliminate oppressive gender stereotypes. All it does is enforce it and allows people to delude themselves they're outside of it.
The op in that reddit post summed it up perfectly, it's not that people are categorised as X or Y it's that society attaches dump rules as to how people in those categories should behave or look.
>>2164740I'm glad he worded it in a way that didn't mention 'trans ideology' or any buzzwords that would
trigger an immediate accusation of being gender critical, even though it is literally gender critical.
No. 2168699
>>2168602So it’s a clown costume? When I doth the magic wizard robe everyone must now pretend I am a literal magic wizard?
These people are morons, clothes dictate nothing. When I take the dress and heels off, are the dress and heels still a woman? Does she have the right to vote? Can she apply for a loan? Of course not! It’s a bloody dress and heels.
If a man takes the dress and puts it on it does not convey to him magical femaleness, he is simply a man in a dress. The dress is now a man’s dress because a man owns the dress. Nothing about who he is changes just because he puts it on, he is still himself albeit himself with a boner, but nothing has fundamentally changed about who he is as a person.
Even if the man takes estrogen and gets implants or dons a big titty breast plate, he is still a man doing those things because those things aren’t magical. Nothing has changed about the person other then they are now doing those things, who they are as a person and biologically haven’t actually shifted and no amount of magical thinking, potions, spells or prayers to some cosmic power are going to change that for them.
They’re delusional, childish narcissists and it sucks that so many of them are people in the public eye and with power.
No. 2168733
>>2168068I've seen so many like this too. The way they'll immediately turn into a degenerate and expose how they really see women when previously they just seemed like shy unassuming guys who were "one of the good ones" (lol) feels like they're actually just men who repressed their moidier traits until they had a different outlet to let them out on. Essentially since they didn't feel "masculine" enough they couldn't hate on women like the other guys who just say they hate women, they try to project it onto themselves by trooning out and showing their misogyny by saying they're a weak little girl which is what they feel like they're capable of due to not feeling masculine, which is even worse. It also seems to stem from guilt at being a male initially but then they show their true colors and rather than trying to be a better man BECAUSE other men are bad, they just choose to "opt out" entirely to not be part of the group like the losers they are and reinforce harmful gender stereotypes about women while also being insanely homophobic. All while they pretend they support women and love lesbians too… It's so disgusting
>>2168602How anyone doesn't clock this shit as insanely regressive at this point is beyond me
No. 2168899
>>2168068>calls out other moids for being coomersEvery time. I know so many troons like this. When they call out other moids it's 100% because they're bitter and feel cheated for being at the bottom of the male hierarchy.
>>2168733>they just choose to "opt out" entirely to not be part of the group like the losers they areYep. They bypass things like male competition and having to prove your worth as a partner by trooning out (on top of indulging their AGP/humiliation fetish). Being the one male in a group of women who are in denial about your sex is a really effective sexual strategy for a moid. They often end up trying to sleep with their entire 'friend' circle as a result of having zero competition
No. 2169174
>>2166466the chappell roan avi kek
>>2168522Trannies are always the ones to sperg about abolishing gender, but how are they even gonna do that if they're just further defining it? Making it confusing doesn't do shit. I also hate how they force this TIF lesbian shit on butch and masc women. I remember seeing a stud saying she didn't like troons and trannies were like "how are you a stud and transphobic you're like one step away from it!!" like what the fuck are you talking about???
No. 2169206
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Tranny is jealous of other trannies.
No. 2169284
>>2169279And I’ve yet to see TIMs actually advocating for women. The only time they ever speak up is to shout “trans rights! Trans rights!” And how transmisogyny is so rampant and how TIMs are even more at risk than women, the only thing they ever care about is themselves.
I wish we had a mass shortage of E in order for this scrotes to piss off. I’m so fed up with all this BS.
No. 2169291
>>2169281I said that because you're acting like straight men are our friends or something. Straight men hate women too you know, all moids do.
>you’re clearly an AGP faggot yourselfYou wish, retard.
No. 2169446
>>2168899It's depressing that when a male actually calls out the shit their fellow men do it's usually because of those reasons instead of…Actually caring about women. Or they start deluding themselves it means actually they must be a tranny if they ever feel an ounce of sympathy towards us (only to turn out to have none anyways since trooning out is the ultimate fuck you to women). Actually insane how little men like women that this is even a thing
>They often end up trying to sleep with their entire 'friend' circle as a result of having zero competitionI feel like they fail at this because every troon I've known either ends up dating other troons or just gets a chaser male to fuck them. This guy I know trooned out and he pretty much just dates other troons exclusively now because no woman wants to touch him. The only times I've seen troons date women is because they've either been in a relationship before he trooned out, or it's a fake gay girl using the troon for clout and to say she's a lesbian or something.
>>2169151They do this so much and it makes fandom spaces insufferable to be in
No. 2169673
>>2169611Maybe. Their idea of "feeling like a woman" is so disgusting overall, imagine thinking being a woman is all about clothes and getting fucked in the ass by men and somehow not seeing yourself as a misogynist. I just wish men could actually act disgusted at coomshit from…Being men who care about women and aren't coom addicted retards themselves so they don't "get" it and find a man who is one weird and offputting. I feel like in the past it was way more common for just regular dudes to side eye and shame porn addicted guys. Even trad men don't hide their coomer shit anymore and most leftists are just proudly coomers and supportive of all of that. Then they wonder why so many men are trooning out partially from porn exposure and why women don't want anything to do with them
>>2169664Same, I don't really know anyone my own age who thinks like me. It's rough out there
No. 2169749
>>2169465Is Chimamanda even a proper
terf? From what I’ve heard her only ‘crime’ is that she said TWATW instead of TWAW.
No. 2169791
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Always JK's fault even if it happens in another country that doesn't even read or care about her tweets. Never the fault of the men who did this though.
No. 2169802
>>2169791it was in front of a female nurse thankfully, although of course asking a child to strip in front of anyone is fucked up. But imagine thinking the Egyptian security guards read jk rowling's tweets kek.
>Never the fault of the men who did thisyep no mention of the misogyny from the man who "couldn't believe" a young woman would have short hair. this is the exact kind of sexist gender traditionalism that is pushed by trans ideology.
No. 2169809
>>2169446>I feel like they fail at thisTrue, most do. But the 1% who aren't hideous and might pass as a 'pretty/androgynous' man take advantage of this. They still pick a certain type of woman, fakebians or TiFs. It's like the joke about men pretending to be gay to be invited to a slumber party, but in real life kek
>Actually insane how little men like women Right? The couple men who do care for the women around them (usually, a daughter and wife) are very lowkey about their concerns. It's nothing like troon/simp manoeuvers
No. 2169945
>>2169749She’s a Nigerian feminist, women from countries like Africa , South Asia and east Asia hardly have time to think about males and include them in their feminism when males of their country actively harass, rape, abuse and kill them. Also gender ideology isn’t as known there, again because people don’t have the privilege to sit on their ass and delude themselves that they’re the opposite sex.
Most feminism out of the west is radical so yes trans-exclusive too. The only feminism TRAs deem acceptable is libfeminism kek.
No. 2169949
>>2169809I often see enby queer women paired with tims. But fucking around, no unless it is other troons/moids.
>>2169791Damn, Egypt would be a woke paradise without that witch! Also arent TRAs also claiming girl with short hair = boy. Maybe this transboy should have had male marker in his passport to avoid this.
No. 2169971
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More tranny "humor"
No. 2170058
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Two prison gay TiMs came into the restaurant I work at on what I could only imagine was a first date. One clearly tried to dress like a "dyke" and the other was wearing a dress. The one with the dress came in first and when he was looking over a menu I asked "can I get you anything to drink, hon?" which I could tell just threw him off completely.
I'm someone who says hun/honey/babe a lot so knew I could get away with it. I spent the rest of their time there mogging them with my effortless womanhood.
At one point I'm clearing their plates and they were doing a terrible attempt at flirting with each other, it went something like this:
>TiM 1 pulls out number on calculator: You're right! You win
>TiM 2: What do I win?
>TiM 1: uhhh, a puppy!
>TiM 2: Ohh I love puppies! What kind of puppy, where are you getting the puppy from?
>TiM 1: I'll uhhh steal it off the street and get you a puppy from someone walking their dog
>TiM 2: awwwww sad face but I want my own puppy, not someone elses puppy!
I made picrel face and left the table.
Then at the end of the night as they left (towering over literally every customer and staff member, male and female) they gave me a filthy look.
No. 2170076
>>2170052I'm going to play devil's advocate and agree that incest is indeed popular, from male-oriented porn to female-oriented smut (even if these things aren't the same). This isn't really surprising given the prevalence of incest and its 'taboo' status. It still doesn't mean that fantasizing about it once in a while is equivalent to immersing yourself in coom to such an extent that you roleplay incest with your troon polycule, make it your entire personality in real life, and talk very clearly about
wanting it to come true. One is fantasy, the other is an action. All troon/spicy straight talking points rest on vague definitions and category errors.
>me and my gf do this!Cool, weird how she skips over the fact that male and female sexuality are different,
especially when it comes to fetish. Men saying they want to do x usually
mean it, they're serious about degeneracy. I don't know if reddit brainrotted women can comprehend that.
No. 2170172
>>2170058Kekkkk very good nona, I love making disgusted faces at TIMs. What are they gonna do? Chimp out at me in public and get the cops called? This reminds me, I had an elderly moment without my glasses recently where I saw this tall skinny
something walking along the sidewalk and it had the weirdest goddamn silhouette… once I was closer I realized it was a troon in a crop top and skater skirt and he was absolutely glaring at me because I was visibly squinting at him trying to figure out what the fuck I was looking at. They are such embarrassments to themselves.
No. 2170271
>>2169791A man worshipping culture defending with tooth and nail a man worshipping culture in order to shit on their rentfree
terf queen. i knew when i saw this story today that troons would weaponize the abuse of a GNC girl, it's like clockwork
No. 2170275
>>2170058>I asked "can I get you anything to drink, hon?"I love this story so much. You are a stacy.
Once when I met a friend's TIM buddies for the first time I said "It's so nice to meet you guys!" which I legit just said automatically but you could see their faces drop lmao. Sometimes its the small things
No. 2170514
>>2169809Even some "loving husbands" will still put trannies/ other men above women's concerns and it always feels really gay. They rarely ever actually protect women even when they claim to love them
>>2169971Get it it's sooo funny because a man can't use any vaguely "feminine" nicknames hahahahahaha that's a girl thing!
>>2170052Incest is gross and I'm sick of trannies/moids defending it at every chance they get. Just because something is a popular porn category doesn't make it normal lol. Nothing about porn and kink is healthy even if millions are consuming it and especially not incest when it leads to tard babies. And they always love to say "it's fictional, it doesn't affect who I am!" but then go on to talk about it 24/7 and shit up every space with their fetish which does reflect they're a degenerate even if they're not actually fucking their little sister. Also this person acting like women are in any way comparable with the average tranny's degeneracy is hilarious. There's a reason trannies have a reputation for being degenerates and a few women with incest fetishes doesn't deny that.
No. 2170599
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For my job, I had to ask the biological sex of an obvious troon who needed a profile set up for his visits. When he had to answer me, he sighed all mopey and admitted that he was a male. He even hung his head down in shame. Do these faggots really think they can just go their whole lives running from what they'll always be? That they can just call themselves women, and every person and system (even medical) is supposed to just be okay with it? Tranny, please—this is the real world.
No. 2170685
>>2170597They always do this and it absolutely drives me up the wall.
>This never happens!I share a record of it happening
>That’s fake/that was just one time/that doesn’t count because reasons! It never happens!So I show them twenty more separate incidents of that exact thing happening
>Okay but that’s a good thing actually? I never said it NEVER happens lmao you’re so weird?Then, two weeks later:
>This literally never happens!I keep having to remind myself it’s a cult and they’re operating on circular cult ‘logic’ instead of rational earth logic because it would drive me insane otherwise. It’s exactly like talking to a Scientologist. They’re not actually arguing with you or trying to convince you of anything, they’re just parroting what they’ve been conditioned to say to get the desired reaction.
No. 2170718
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Is anyone else thinking of modern gender ideology fad as just that, a culty new-age fad? Has there been a weird societal fad like this before? The only fad I can think of is lobotomy surgery and the indigo child movement, but lobotomies leaned way too hard in the medical direction while the indigo child movement was way more spiritual and crunchy. Has there been a fad like modern gender identity that has been both medical and spiritual? I don't know how to look this up on Google kek but I'm so curious. Pic just for attention.
No. 2170727
I was about to phone into my initial consult with an OB about my pregnancy the other day when I suddenly started miscarrying 10 min beforehand. I kept the appointment, in case there was anything they could do, etc– the first question I was asked was "were you assigned female at birth". No, I was actually born male, and that's why I am seeking medical care for the baby growing/dying inside me. So that certainly didn't help my mood. Then I had to go have my blood drawn to check hormone levels. As I'm trying to leave the parking garage, sobbing in agony, a fucking 6'6" alien looking TIM is tottering down the middle of the lane, making it impossible for anyone to pass on either side. It is 9am and he is wearing 6 inch pleasers, a shiny bodycon bandage dress from like 15 years ago, a giant curly red wig. This is a rich white dude with a cart full of whole food groceries, so def not some unfortunate streetwalker as much as an AGP playing dress up so he can mine discomfort to masturbate to later.Took me 10 min to move 1000 ft. Normally I'd honk and probably yell but I didn't think I could control myself and don't wanna go away forever for hate criming one of the "mOst VulNeRaBle mEmBeRs oF sOcIEty". Then some scrote in a sports car barreled in at 50mph and nearly hit us both. But it's like, from the moment I leave my house in the morning and see a 65 year old man dressed like a 3 year old at the bus stop, any time I try and receive medical care and I'm bombarded with words like "chest feeding" and "menstruating person ", I just want to cry sometimes because I feel like i am being gaslight by the world at large, and don't you dare say a thing about it lest you be symbolically crucified. What do????
No. 2170768
>>2170718I’d say diet culture in the early 2000-2010 maybe. Not just pro-anas. But at least it didn’t take women’s rights and safe spaces.
If gender ideology would have been something like punks or hippies I wouldn’t have given a fuck, but it’s the fact that laws are being changed, female spaces are being erased, women’s voices are being erased and reality is being purposefully distorted to appease them that bothers me.
I couldn’t care less if a retard wanted to poison themselves with synthetic hormones for the rest of their life as long as reality remains reality and I take no part in it.
No. 2170832
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>>2170631Next time, if it's a quiet day or they're especially creepy, tell them you know a gorgeous 100/10 trans girlie who got the rot pocket and she get all the goth cis lesbian girls now. He should get it too!
>>2170714The normie troon supporters were sexist to begin with. They're not going to support women when they can support men in dresses and get asspats for it.
>>2170718YES! Syanon. Picrel was taken from Wikipedia but you should read the testimonies of ex cult members. It got so popular with kids that kids who'd never touched any drugs were begging their parents to let them go to Syanon and getting their friends to lie about them having heroin addictions. The cult roped in misfits, poor kids with few prospects, the easily influenced, and anyone who was generally unhappy, as well as actual addicts. There's a huge overlap between 'The Game' and today's weaponised oversharing. The social control aspect was obviously much more present in Syanon, since they physically lived near each other and didn't have the internet, but social control is so present in every facet of kids' lives nowadays that it's even harder to break free, in a sense.
No. 2170918
>>2170685>I keep having to remind myself it’s a cult and they’re operating on circular cult ‘logic’ instead of rational earth logicThat's often the problem for newly peaked people (and some stay in that mindset), they think people who believe in gender ideology value science and logic. They don't, they're strictly anti-science and have been since day one. Thinking you are something you physically simply are not is illogical and insane. It's a spiritual/religious belief at the core that you have a separate entity within you that can be the opposite sex than your physical body. Or both, or neither, or fluid and constantly changing.
But too many people want to give troons and their supporters the benefit of the doubt - they think surely if the science isn't settled troons wouldn't insist that it was! If it was really hurting children to cut up their bodies and giving them drugs and studies showed that, they'd stop. Oh the studies do show that? Well then these good gender people just haven't seen the studies yet so we must inform them of it! They wouldn't do it if they knew the harm it causes!
But no, the troons and doctors knew all along what they were doing. They happily sacrificed the kids for their fetish to be validated or for money and they won't stop. They actively chose not to look at the studies, to denounce them and to call people with different opinions bigots and liars.
No. 2170931
>>2170727That sounds so awful. I wouldn't be able to contain saying "I'm a fucking woman, retard" if anyone asked me what i was "assigned" as, especially during a miscarriage of all things. Then they wonder why women are against this shit
>>2170768Ironic because they constantly say "why do you care? it doesn't affect you!" when it literally does. If it didn't affect me I'd still think it's disgusting, and that's flawed logic to begin with. Humans are taught to care about others and to not be selfish yet if you care about someone else possibly mutilating themselves you're evil somehow unless it affects you directly. And then there's how it DOES affect women and children especially which they always like to pretend isn't the case.
>>2170832>The normie troon supporters were sexist to begin with. They're not going to support women when they can support men in dresses and get asspats for it.True. Worst part is they think of themselves as "feminists" or at least not misogynistic and make fun of the "actually misogynistic" men, but then care more about trannies than women and don't see the contradiction in that since they've been told trannies are more opressed than actual women.
No. 2171348
>>2171237Nowadays they get
triggered by everything. If you’re remotely questioning kinks, porn and prostitution you get called a
terf and get lectured on how it’s homophobia too because kinks are an inherent part of being queer kek. And if you remotely talk about female problems or say that the experience of women and
TW are different you get labeled a
terf that deserves to be broken into by girldick.
You’d rather go all
terf at that point.
No. 2171379
>>2171310I got called a
TERF when I was still in the cult for saying people with the ability to get pregnant were discriminated against in law, even while using gender neutral language around pregnancy and couching it with statements that trans women were the most oppressed group ever. The mildest support for women is
TERF wrongthink now.
The trans community fucking despises women and women within the community get treated like shit. TIFs saying they don't have as much privilege as cis men or that they've faced misogyny before gets called MRA rhetoric by TIMs. AFABs get derogatory nicknames like theyfabs and are a laughing stock that TIMs sexualize and/or accuse of being insincere trenders all the time, even though being a chaser or believing in ROGD are supposed to be heinous crimes. It's constantly implied in the community that TIMs are gritty and oppressed and real while TIFs are dumb teenage girls projecting onto anime boys. TIMs with anime girl profile pics will unironically claim that their favorite waifu was intentionally transfem coded by the secretly transfem creator and that it's deep literary analysis, then make fun of fujo TIFs who draw their husbandos with tit scars in the next breath.
I think most TIFs can see this but know they can't say anything about it without being kicked out of the group.
No. 2171556
>>2170670You're so right
nonnie, and it explains why so many troons are
constantly grabbing for external validation. They spend every waking moment trying to convince themselves of a reality that doesn't exist, and they beg us all to play along.
No. 2171809
>>2170918Ayrt and I peaked around 2017, but I wasn’t raised with religion or around religious people so this kind of religious thinking is incredibly difficult for me to wrap my head around. I just can’t fathom how their minds work, and keep forgetting that they’re not thinking rationally. It’s like arguing with an alien.
What’s worse is that the vast majority of handmaidens I know where also raised agnostic/atheist, and are completely normal otherwise, it’s just trans shit that shuts their brains down and turns them into TWAW-parroting zombies. Sometimes I discuss other radfem ideas with them and actually manage to make some leeway, like when it comes to ‘sex positivity’ and prostitution, so it’s not liberal feminism that’s their primary brainworm. But then they go online and read that the Nordic Model is ‘terfy’ and it’s back to square one because anything terves believe is automatically anathema, even if they agreed with it two seconds ago. It’s creepy.
>>2171177Solidarity, fellow STEManon. The biggest misogynists I’ve worked with were all huge trans supporters,
for some reason, and somehow that redeemed them in the eyes of my female coworkers even though the same men would still make daily misogynistic jokes and comments and showed zero signs of empathising with women ever. You’d think that would clue some of them in to the fact that being pro-trans is not the same as being pro-woman, but no.
No. 2171879
>>2171813It's exactly that, it's mental illness. The majority of fatsos are TIFs, simply because society tends to associate beauty with being thin, causing body dysmorphia and pressure to adhere to femininity, hence why they troon out. It' s not like they really want to be men, tehy just don't want to be women (as in they don't want to be treated like women). Trooning out is just a bandaid on a gushing wound for TIFs.
TIMs on the other hand are just porn addicts and incels. The ones who are more goodlooking are the gay men chasing straight men.
Ugly men think they can have more chances as women, hence why they troon out. An ugly man makes an ugly woman though.
No. 2171899
>>2171379>>2171556This, and the narcissism, are why it's so hard to feel bad for any tranny. They project their self hatred onto everyone outside the cult and the approval from the echo chamber makes them feel like they have friends when all they have is other cultists watching their every move. They hate each other, they tear each other down at any opportunity- remember the TIF who shilled dick surgery even as she was actively dying from hers?- and do everything in their power to make non-gendie women legally become subhuman.
I feel bad for any ex TIF who was groomed into destroying her life over her insecurities, but I really don't feel bad for anyone still in the cult. They bring all this shit onto themselves and onto all women as a result. It's like watching a wealthy poverty LARPer slowly fall into actual poverty and then scream about how unpaid bills and eviction notices are akshually because lizards control the gubmint, and then still refuse to get a job. Congratulations, you manifested your own retarded idea of utopia, enjoy. Hope the infected botched surgeries, permanent health issues, and estrangement from all your loved ones was worth the asspats from strangers.
No. 2172057
>>2172034Is "any pronouns" suspicious? I noticed a while back that a discord profile of a former male friend changed to mention it and I took it as a sign of doom that he's on the nerd boy to tim pipeline. I have no idea what he's like now that I haven't spoken in years but I'd like to hope he was just a crypto
terf all along. Maybe we could have shittalked his nonbinary sister together, kek if only.
No. 2172120
>>2172057Not to be too paranoiac but often "any pronouns" is code for "yeah can't you fucking see what I am?" for cryptos or people who don't want to be involved but have to to avoid work related bs.
I work in the comic industry, I had to put "any pronouns" (knowing very god damn well no one is gonna call me a he) to avoid that bullshit, but also to say yeah "misgender me" like I give a fuck lol
No. 2172162
>>2172133Laws are already changing wrt to puberty blockers nona. I think troonism is a litmus test for the end times, so to speak. If it dies down, we're good. If it ramps up I genuinely think that countries might disband, not because of troonism itself but because of the ideology inherent to troonism. I have hope. There are women who don't get it, who laugh at men in dresses. It's not just us. It's normie women.
It sucks that lolcow is becoming more and more known within the internet sphere, but if these young women that troons skinwalk can peak, this is a good indicator of the eventual death of troonism.
First it's the academics who question and converse about it, then it's the dedicated feminists who speak about it, then it's the laywoman girls online who start to reiterate it. It happened with troonism, it can happen with anti-troonism. Once males start to see the target of their sexuality denounce this shit, once they see women laugh at the moids who approve of this, they will change their tune as well. It happened with troonism.
No. 2172176
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A troon posted this on X. If this survey is true why are they always whining about lesbians?
I’d even take it with a grain of salt since going against trans acceptance is akin to transgenocide. I wouldn’t even feel safe taking a survey even if it were anonymous and I’d just tick “positively”.
No. 2172182
>>2172133I don't think nonna. Gender Ideology isn't sustainable in the long run, it will implode on itself eventually if they don't decrease their crazy demands and they don't seem to want to stop at all.
Also no matter how you want to make misgendering and transphobia (not the real kind, the one where you simply see and describe reality) punishable crimes, it isn't just going to change reality or biology.
I can call a TIM a woman, but I still know who the real women are, same goes for TIFs. I can call NBs a they/them, but I can still tell what sex they are. We all know what is a male and what is a female, even TRAs do, it's innate and there are simply not enough TWAW or TMAM for us to change millions of years of evolution. Lastly, normies are starting to wake up on how harmful this ideology truly is.
No. 2172215
>>2172057I’m on weeb spaces and almost every woman is “any pronouns” or “she/her” and definitely neither is a
terf dogwhistle, sadly. They’re always posting about how evil jkr is and how you need to unfollow them if you hold any radfem aligned beliefs.
No. 2172285
>>2172034Idk I always assumed anyone who places pronouns in their profile supports gender bullshit in some way, unless they were literally forced to for their job or something. Same for
>>2172057 with "any pronouns". Using or giving into it in any way when you don't even have to is odd to me, I've never used pronouns on discord or wherever else and anytime a space demands you have to use them I just leave.
>It's extraordinarily uncommon to be a gendie ally without being a gendie yourself, at least for women.Most tranny handmaidens I know are normie or libshit feminism women who aren't trannies themselves. I feel what you said applies more so with men, either they're a chaser, closet gay or they secretly want to become a tranny if they're way too focused on defending other trannies. Haven't been proved wrong on this even once after observing it several times, it's actually a red flag in men for me if they're too enthusiastic about defending trannies because all the ones I know fit into one of those categories (usually the "ended up trooning out" one). This is because men don't have much empathy for things they can't either fuck or become themselves, so any man defending trannies a little too much is bound to want to fuck them or become one. Not so much the case with women defending trannies though, usually they're just scared and don't want to be cancelled. Even if some are like you described where they become trannies themselves too
>>2172133I'm not optimistic at all but at the same time I don't think troonism has what it takes to survive as an ideology long term. I mean, the things they inject into themselves are killing them/making them sick, and troonism in itself is nothing but a fad that isn't based in reality but instead in social stereotypes, which change with time. So even if they want to keep it going or make it a permanent part of life forever I don't think it's really gonna be sustainable. Outside of that, I already notice a big difference between now and a few years ago with more and more people speaking out about this even if trannies still dominate the conversation.
No. 2172363
>>2172176Yougov is basically just a marketing research company, you can voluntarily sign up to take surveys and I think you get paid a small amount. I looked this specific one up and it's data taken from 1,023 people aged 16+ and these people already identified as being part of the LGBTQ+. There is also a self-selection bias whereby people who are TRAs are going to be drawn to filling out surveys on trans issues.
Saying all that, it doesn't surprise me that a lot of lesbians are pro-trans. So many of them are sadly TIFs and enbies now, and those that are more terfy are unlikely to fill in LGBTQ+ surveys, so it's not shocking. If the question was framed to views on TIMs specifically or "would you date a MtF"? I think that might be more revealing.
No. 2172414
>>2172120I also have this policy. Call me Sir. To my face. I really don't care. I've carried two babies in my body, thanks. I am a woman. But online on Discord I do actually get called male as default and I'm really fine with that. I tend to act like a dumb man when people start spouting TRA shit and saying stuff like
TERF. And kind of act like I have no clue. And they always seem to realise they sound really insane trying to explain it to what they perceive is some normie maybe gay dude and that does amuse me.
But I didn't realise the whole Any Pronouns was something women were embracing. If I see she/her in someone's Discord profile I automatically assume they're a troon at this point. But I did see Troons complaining that pronoun stuff others them when people ask only them their Pronouns. See, damned if you do, damned if you don't at this point. There is no point pandering to these dummies.
No. 2172495
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No. 2172747
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God these people are so fucking thick. It's not a trauma response to say that kids shouldn't have the ability to decide to undergo experimental medical treatment and permanent body modifications. Even tattoos are for over 18s.
No. 2172754
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>>2172747And now that so many news stories about TIMs are circulating, they have to pretend that the women who are justifiably concerned about being murdered by Buffalo Bill in stripper heels are simply doing so out of a need to remain in the
TERF cult.
…Almost as if the posters themselves parrot bullshit to each other out of fear of being kicked from the only 'friend' group their boring codependent asses ever had. Interesting how they only rationalise this by relating it to cult behaviour. I wonder where they got that from?
No. 2172937
>>2172116Oh it will, but give it a couple years. Anons doomposting don’t realise how society works, especially this age of social media. Suddenly it’ll be trendy and forward thinking to denounce transgenderism
in a way that’s harmonious with the ideology on platforms like TikTok and it will spread. Things like how transgenderism promotes the gender binary and is moving backwards. If not by everyone, by the “right” side of history, or by liberal spaces, and by women. Can you not see how quickly things progress? Even in the last year, or the year before, so much has changed in regards to the presence of transgenderism. It might feel like it’ll last forever but everything is just going through it’s process rapidly. We are at the zenith of this movement, and it is only down from here. They are no longer the underdogs. Once you peak you don’t unpeak. And people are so easily influenced, that’s how this whole thing started anyway. On TikTok creators - I’ve already seen this happening, it’s still quietly brewing but it’s the same thing I’ve seen with previous large social stirrings so I’m familiar with it by now. Slightly related - I also predict that radical feminism is on the brink of being “revisited” socially. Mark my words, within a decade’s time siding with radical feminism while criticising liberal feminism will be the new thing. I’m already seeing it happen. It’s the same pattern every time, you can see it with attitudes towards pornography too. Underdogs being supported by those who consider themselves progressive “be more open minded!”, while normies either don’t care or are critical/disgusted -> more traction, becomes trendy to side with them -> the zenith, they’re at full power, full presence, everyone and their mother is crazy about it -> whispers in the shadows, people secretly feeling like they don’t agree with some things, and they begin to congregate -> new cycle. This can happen with both good and bad movements. (sage for sperg)
No. 2172982
>>2172747>>2172754also not to samefag but as a radfem who has experienced a lot of trauma I'd actually argue that the reason many radfems are
victims of trauma makes complete sense. Many women who are ideologically fairly neutral/detached can be because they haven't been exposed to man's true evil. The everyday sexism they face can be waved away, ignored or accepted because they haven't had to look men in the face at their very worst and in their truest form. Not saying that every person who's been abused turns to radical feminism, in fact many can swing the other way, how everyone deals with trauma (and specifically, sexual/physical trauma from moids) is individual. If anything, reading up on radical feminism has helped me a lot to understand the behaviours and societal structures at play that allow men to abuse, harm and degrade women.
Looking at reality for what it is, that we live under patriarchy and male supremacy, isn't some sort of vision we create in our heads to victimise ourselves, it's facing the reality of thousands of years of structural oppression. They really can be so obtuse.
No. 2172991
>>2172937Everyone (gendies included) is saying the same thing, "our ideology is obviously right, therefore we will surely win out!" Radfem is not as obviously right or convincing to the male/male-aligned normie population as it is to you.
Even if troonism loses, it won't be because radfems won. It'll be because religious trads won. Radical feminism is a fringe group even among feminists, the only real option for anti-trans policy change will fuck us over worse. The liberal left is not abandoning gender ideology regardless of the anecdotal examples the algorithm pushes to you
because it knows you like viewing them.
I wish I could be as optimistic about this as you, but I think your predictions are based on what you
want to happen.
>>2172754Moid unsurprisingly has not considered whether fighting to stop the root causes of the trauma is actually a healthy trauma response.
No. 2172999
>>2172991>Radfem is not as obviously right or convincing to the male/male-aligned normie population as it is to you.Neither was a lot of things, including some other “lgbt” movements. And I also mentioned anti-pornography movements. This sentiment is growing very fast in normie women, supposedly “male-aligned”. I don’t think I’m being optimistic, this is just pessimism.
>examples the algorithm pushes to you because it knows you like viewing them.I’d honestly get where you’re coming from but I don’t even interact with radical feminist content. I wish I was more involved in radical feminism but fact is I am just not that educated in it. The examples I’m thinking of have come up as “jokes” about gendies that got million or something likes (and were subsequently moralfagged over on Twitter and the like) mainstream fyp type videos, and from female TikTokers, the most popular of which is a normie girl my friend showed me who literally dated a tranny, and has only recently started to sneak in gender-critical thoughts very recently, of which a lot of the comments were agreeing and saying they secretly feel this way but don’t want to be attacked despite gender critical topics never having been brought up before. Of course there were troons arguing in her comments and saying they’re unfollowing her but to my surprise a lot of (actual) women were defending her. This is normal women, obviously, not just niche radfems. Do you really think most women buy it, really? Most of them either just go with whatever’s considered progressive or keep quiet over what gets them attacked. Or do you actually not think this is true?
And what would even be the end? I feel like this is just a short-sighted way of thinking. Things don’t stay the same forever. Even if it doesn’t happen in our lifetime like I believe it will, I just can’t imagine everyone keeping the pronoun dresses make you a girl larp in fucking, 2124, when society’s view on womanhood would have changed even without the gendie movement. After a while the only idea of what a “man” and a “woman” is is history books and they’d start to forget the concepts in the first place, what makes a woman a woman, submissiveness? Fashion (which would have changed)? It would just end up redundant to most people, imo. I’m curious. What future are you seeing?
No. 2173012
>>2170714It's even more egregious than 'not all men' because troons are (slightly) worse than your average Joe. Statistically speaking, active paraphiles posit a greater risk than your average male with an average sexuality. If you take the current socioecomic context into account (high unemployment, many men fail to launch, miss major milestones of psycho-sexual development, get all social feedback from fellow under-socialized men online) it adds another layer. Like, older AGPs would only have to wrestle with one woman, in private (their wife), getting her to tolerate their fetish in exchange for the stability of marriage (patriarchal contract: you submit, you get security, kids, a home, etc.). Many of these new AGPs don't even get to that stage, which in itself is fuel for their troonout. This is why they're so petulant, hostile and direct in their aggression. They feel cheated for not having a woman fall in their lap by the time they're 20 and know they have nothing to offer, and their response to that is cranking up the entitlement, much like incels. The ones who
do secure a partner are just as entitled because they have 100 different online men in their ear telling them it's fine to be an egoist in the pursuit of coom. So many of these handmaidens only know one response to male aggression, which is fawning. They won't accept that fawning doesn't work on troons. It doesn't stop them in their tracks, it doesn't provoke a grateful reaction like 'oh, these people are so nice, i'll be reasonable in my demands then' like it does in a healthy couple negotiation. Just goes to show you how deep this conditioning goes
>>2172937Yes. It's already on its way out, at least in europe. Notice how gen Z/alpha are more likely to not take HRT and less likely to approve of troons? It's already a cringe millenial thing. Being a kid with 10 different genders isn't cool anymore because the general atmosphere is one of malaise, being normal is actually more aspirational now. You can say this about every libfem trend, too. The backlash against libfem sexual politics was already burgeoning at the height of the trans craze, but now it's deeply felt by people under 20.
>siding with radical feminism while criticising liberal feminism will be the new thingI feel like this will only happen if radical feminists heavily campaign and allow themselves to not be purists anymore. The left has no intention of being serious about women or even having any kind of vision beyond defending the status quo (prostitution, breakdown of sexual/social norms with nothing to replace it, etc). This is why trad shit is on the rise, right-wingers actually have a project for women. They have their own crises (people realize it's a lie every now and then) but they keep winning because they really it take it more seriously than leftist men and submissive leftist women. Radfems are accurate in their assessment of this but i feel too many still feel indebted to the left and are afraid to cross political lines.
No. 2173281
>>2173012I think a couple of these things also boils down to counter culture; a lot of older-to-mid millenials grew up in an era where it was all about breaking gender roles, letting go of gender stereotypes and sex positivity. Gender ideology is counter culture on (occasionally literally) steroids and at it's most perverted. The response when younger millenials/zillenials and older gen Z started to express their flavor of individualism would of course be pushing the subject of sex positivity to it's absolute peak and bringing back gender stereotypes but with a new flavor, mix that up with the radical acceptance of individuality that came with the 2000's and the narcissism social media feeds and we get this current mess.
Speaking of other radical movements, remember the hysteria surrounding cultural appropriation? And fat acceptance? Sure these movements are still around but you are more likely to get a tired sigh if the subject of cultural appropriation comes up, and fat acceptance influencers have either been dying off like flies or started semi-successful weight-loss journeys (both with and without ozempics) so people are wisening up to how much of a cult it is. Those two are two different types of beasts compared to gender ideology, but they still had these types of cultish extreme ways of thinking and keeping people in similar to troonism.
No. 2173283
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>>2172747>Women who are concerned about the systemic oppression they face are just mentally ill and traumatized!Do these people hear themselves at all?
No. 2173882
>>2172747god this shit is so retarded. I was never abused at all in my life nor did men even do anything "traumatic" to me (outside of just being themselves) kek, it's just having basic pattern recognition and observing shit around you. if you just watch the news every day for example you'll pretty quickly realize how vile men are just out of the sheer volume of crimes they commit against women daily, you don't need to be abused yourself for that at all. some people actually have empathy for others without having had to go through abuse themselves. it's like if you said all black people just dislike white people because they've been traumatized by a white person and not out of systemic opression and history, or the same rethoric as saying any woman who doesn't like men has "daddy issues" or is just an unfucked
femcel. all it does is put the blame on the woman for accurately recognizing patterns of male violence. for trans stuff the reason I peaked wasn't because I was traumatized or abused in any way either, it was just from observing troons being themselves
No. 2173942
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Troon compares himself and other Tims to pitbulls kek. Funnily enough this comparison is accurate too.
>inherently violent and aggressive
>if they do something good, it's a representation of what they are, but if they do something bad , it's not a representation of what they are and anyone who says that they're all bad is just a bigot
>people will deny their nature despite a mountain of evidence
No. 2174295
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>>2173344I know someone who frequently spergs about her and how shit her books are. He's a massive TRA but whenever anyone asks for more details on why her books are shit the only reason he gives is 'she doesn't think trans women are women'. It's an enlightening glimpse into the mind of a troon supporter.
And I've noticed a pattern where IRL TRAs I know are either chasers thiiiis close to trooning out themselves, or women who hang out with AFAB he/theys and think that TIMs are exactly the same. Their TIF friends would cry at the thought of hurting a fly, why is a rich old lady being mean to them? Men take any chance to shit on successful women that remind them of how shit their own lives are, but when that woman is trying to take away their precious source of easy pussy or force them to acknowledge their attraction to men, they'll do everything possible to take her down. And that hasn't worked so yeah, she lives rent free in their heads, she's a living breathing reminder of all of their failures.
>>2173942Reminds me of picrel. Troons really love pretending that they're the put upon, misunderstood, tragic main characters of the universe. But picrel isn't fanfiction at all and absolutely happened, it's such a realistic and completely plausible scenario.
The scrote in your post is completely right though, how many pitbull owners have been mauled by their own dogs after living peacefully for years? How many tragic child deaths could have been avoided if the parents understood the nature of their dogs instead of using them as photo props? How much better things be if these dogs had been allowed to go extinct decades ago, instead of insisting that it's the
victim's fault for being mauled?
No. 2174300
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I'm halfway convinced that this website is a psyop to miseducate people on sexual health, but seriously how the fuck do they not see the connection between sexual dysfunction and gender dysphoria, and why the fuck are they promoting vaginal surgery for a woman who's on T? Vaginal atrophy is a major side effect of T, so this is doing the opposite of helping! And encouraging TIFs to see a male gynecologist for their vaginal pain, ugh. All this so that a woman who identifies as a man can more easily get fucked by men after a painful six month recovery from the surgery, even though she still has to dilate and still has pain. It really shows who benefits in the end. I believe that gender ideology is deeply misogynistic at its core and further victimizes the women trying to escape womanhood while telling them that they're being liberated.
No. 2174302
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>>2174295The troon in question. He's ever so feminine, I'm sure nobody at the pharmacy would ever clock him as male if it hadn't been that dratted deadname.
No. 2174304
>>2174295I wouldn't be surprised if this troon just saw a pharmacist who
actually just so happened to share his "deadname" and felt so much histrionic BPD rage that he rewrote the scenario in his head. They are THAT melodramatic.
No. 2174529
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I saw this on the /snow/ thread and it makes me seriously wonder about the role of suggestion in the phenomenon of gender dysphoria. I'd like to see troons vs a control group of GNC people measured by a suggestibility test.
No. 2174575
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Remember when people used to point out how stupid it was to draw eyelashes or a ribbon on a character to signal that it's a girl?
No. 2174659
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The "lia" troon is 30, by the way. They're so obsessed with becoming little girls it's so creepy
No. 2174666
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Can someone explain to me why troons have completely invaded the weird/old media scene? I like hearing about older media that's been forgotten about or was too niche for it's time, but lately I've noticed more and more people talking about it online (YouTube, Twitter, etc.) are TiMs.and it's beginning to drive me up the wall. I've clicked on like 5 suggested deep dives on something only to hear that male-trying-to-sound-girly voice or a shit filter.
No. 2174669
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>>2174575Sorry for sperg, this reminded me of a My Little Pony character with a popular "trans headcanon". Their reasoning is a single white dot in her eyes is missing, only the male ponies have that supposedly. These retards will spread their cultshit to absolutely any corner of the internet.
Kek at her being the only character in the show with a "suicide attempt" No. 2174672
>>2174571I don't think he is depressed. I think he's having the time of his life.
I'll never understand why radfems try to argue that hrt doesn't make troons happier. It's an unnecessary red herring in the broader argument against gender ideology and it's demonstrably untrue most of the time.
No. 2174751
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>went out with friends last night
>theyfab in the group
>dressed in a crop top and low rise jeans, unmistakably female
>Think she's cute anyway so keep chatting to her
>reveals she's a fujo
>reveals she's a weeb
>Tells me to watch the new interview with a vampire series
Do they just churn them out in a factory now? Where's any level of originality? I'm so tired nonners
No. 2174776
>>2174672Hormone imbalances do cause depression though, which is what trannies do to themselves, they cause hormonal imbalances in their already shit bodies.
Putting too much of a hormone inside a body makes people feel like shit, which is why hormone treatments exist in the first place, because if someone doesn't have enough of a hormone or has too much of another hormone, then that person will have lots of physical and psychological issues.
Like, if estrogen made people actually feel happy, get bigger boobs, get extra intense orgasms and make people change their hobbies entirely, then estrogen would be given by psychiatrists to cure depression instead of, idk, weed and prozac.
No. 2174824
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>>2174669Here’s someone transing a character from
Minecraft: Story Mode, of all things, because of her
mouth shape. At least it’s just a headcanon.
No. 2174826
>>2174824Forgot to add, her VA is Ashley Johnson (Ellie from
The Last of Us), an actual woman, so it’s pretty sad that this person claims that “to an extent her voice” was also a factor.
No. 2174889
>>2174828Samefag, I mean…yeah…but at least we don’t believe in electrocuting the gay away at least kek.
The new conversion therapy now is being promoted as “genitalia preference”.
No. 2174908
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>>2174529>estrogen = "motherly" (spending times with kids)>testosterone = playing video gamesis this what he is suggesting? i looked him up and of course he is
terrifying looking and a veteran. he would be better off playing more video games and less time traumatising his children.
No. 2175112
>>2174843I don't think it's you being paranoid, a girl I used to talk to would want to look like a guy "as a joke" and now she's a tranny.
The issue with gendercult shit is that if a person isn't self-aware enough, doesn't have common sense and is easily swayed by the crowd, then it means that person can fall down the slippery slope of gendercult shit.
So from crossdressing "as a joke", or as an experiment can end in some impressionable idiot falling for truly believing that it means you have to be the sex you like to crossdress as.
This is why gendie shit is so easy for kids to get into, because this whole thing is just a porn category and a whole ass fetish, that whole
>uhhhhh I don't want anyone to know if I'm a boy or a girl~~~~~~Is part of the crossdressing fetish that has been existing for decades ever since women weren't allowed to wear pants or have short hair and moids were ostracized for wearing any color that wasn't poop brown, vomit green or blue.
This makes people horny for some reason, so it makes sense that it got turned into a "culture" like bdsm and ddlg shit, actually, I'm impressed by how everyone forgot how tranny shit was always on the side of "keep pride kinky" bullshit, and how trannies have always been prison gay or sex pest that want to be lesbians.
No. 2175266
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Sorry for the mega sperg but I've been thinking about my personal stance on troons lately and I wanted to share my thoughts with nonas.
I agree with troons that there is a difference between sex and gender. Sex is defined by your sexual characteristics, AKA your genitalia. This is what we call man and woman. On the other hand, gender is a set of artificial tropes wrongfully attributed to sex, AKA eyeliner and heels versus sports and muscles. This is what we call masculinity and femininity.
Femininity is a performance that requires effort to maintain. It is a tool that has historically been used to oppress women, by psyoping us to spend our time upkeeping it instead of exploring other activities which were fully available to men. That is why I have no issue with crossdressers and drag queens in THEORY. I have never felt mocked by a drag queen putting on make up and prancing on stage; because I am a woman, not a 'female' as defined by society, and I am therefore not defined by this thing called 'feminity'. Drag as a performance inherently recognises femininity as a fake performance and takes feminity to its extremes to emphasise this fact.
On the other hand, you have troons. At least drag queens know that once the makeup comes off, the mask of the 'feminine' comes off with it. They know that gender does not equal sex: that being a woman does not boil down to wigs, high heels and makeup, but those collective experiences we share in the context of the patriarchy and in spite of it. But rather than mocking the feminine performance forced on women as the shallow product of sexist oppression that it is, troons EMBRACE it. Being feminine IS being a woman, they say. You will address me as a woman, they demand, because these heels and nails and lipstick make me a woman and not just a PERFORMER of feminity. In this way, troon ideology does not 'fight' patriarchal standards as queers so vehemently claim, but reinforce and make them worse.
Further, troons deny their blatant misogyny by claiming we 'mystify' womanhood. But we do not 'mystify' our experience any more than other minority groups. I am both a woman and black. At a surface level, I am a woman because I have a vagina and black because I am of African descent. But the experiences of both groups runs deeper. I feel safer around women and black people. I relate more to women and black people's experiences. I have a deep sense of shared community with women and black people. So why do most troons accept that there is a shared 'black experience', but not a shared 'womanhood' amongst women? Simple. Because they know it would be 'racist' to deny the former, but that they can get away with denying the latter.
Because that is what men have always done. They oppress women. They feel discomfort when they cannot insert themselves into our spaces, cannot relate to our experiences. Men have been sold a product of 'femininity' as created by other men since birth: so when they are confronted by the reality of womanhood, they are quick to anger. How dare women exist and behave in a way that does not suit my patriarchal preconceptions? How dare they bond over things other than shopping and beauty, things that I have never bothered to care for in my comfortable capacity as a man? How dare womanhood exist as a much more multifacted and communal concept than the shallow 'femininity' I have been spoonfed all my life! Since I, as a man, cannot relate, it must therefore not exist!
And so, they respond by shoving our multifaceted selves into the box which they feel suits women best: the box of 'femininity'. Which is why, after much consideration, I believe that troons are the perfect symbolic encapsulation of women's oppression in our modern world: the final form of patriarchy.
No. 2175294
>>2175266Nonna you ate this so bad. I agree on all your points. Gender ideology is regressive at its very core, this is one of the main reason why none of the TRAs ever have a fixed set points of view, everyone has their own definition of woman and man, which often ends up being a flavor of feminine=woman , masculine=man. Saying that women are females and men are males isn’t regressive , it’s just descriptive. True freedom of expression can only be achievable by removing the notion of femininity and masculinity , a man can be feminine and a woman masculine, but that doesn’t change what they are.
It is also capitalistic too, because it sells the notion that you can buy your “true self” kek and maybe that’s the reason why it has been pushed so much. Having forever patients is lucrative.
No. 2175848
>>2174843Maybe laugh about it with her and tell her anectodes about when you were younger and got mistaken for a boy because you had short hair or wore baggy clothes or whatever, but everyone laughed it off because you were still so clearly female. It's definitely a cause for concern, if you make it sound less mysterious and more cringe she might drop the idea altogether.
It could also be rooted in a more serious issue. Is everything OK at home and at school? It could be a form of dissociation, like a physical version of maladaptive daydreaming where she tries to wish away the bad things by becoming someone else.
>>2175266You're completely right. It's crazy how TRAs and troons harp on about breaking the gender binary without acknowledging that they're literally enforcing it. What happened to women doing everything men do, not despite their gender, but because gender doesn't dictate an individual's skills and interests? How the fuck did men in makeup become seen as more female than a woman? When this shit started on Tumblr it was widely accepted that girls could play with cars and boys could play with dolls because they were just toys, they didn't mean anything. Everyone said that men should be able to wear dresses and makeup because that didn't detract from their masculinity, just like women should be able to go barefaced and wear men's clothes because it didn't make us any less female. How the fuck did it get warped to the point where they're encouraging genital mutilation surgeries on children instead of clamoring for them to be taken away from their obviously insane parents?
No. 2175853
>>2174843Yeah probably. More likely than not I'd say she's probably fucking around or she's experimenting with her own self/gender expression whether she is conforming or not.
>>2175361It's interesting that you mentioned you wanted to be percieved as a male and were bullied by men too. It was the opposite for me because I was bullied by other girls for not being like them or not girly enough and liking weird things, so I wanted to be a male because I like boyish things = I must have meant to be a male.
No. 2176013
>>2175848She's perfectly fine, her parents are good. She doesn't go by alternative pronouns or give off any trans vibes at the moment so I don't think it's that deep other than a kid wanting to troll people
>>2175900True. She still identifies as a girl and is happily one, so I'm probably just being mildly paranoid.
>>2175361Good point and I actually did this too so it concerns me. In her case I don't see any pointers that she's doing it out of fear of men, but point taken
No. 2176891
>>2176878It was a butterfly affect. It's a long ass timeline with a lot of shit in the middle, but basically queer theory was a huge thing on tumblr and Leelah Alcorn's suicide catapulted modern transgenderism into what we know of it now. Hopefully a more educated
nonnie can come through with a rough timeline.
No. 2176904
>>2176891Pretty sure there was a
nonnie either in one of these threads or some other a while ago that put together some sort of time line, it was very rough but cohesive enough to see the patterns. Would love to see some very eloquent anon with enough patience and knowledge make a really good time line because it would be cool to see how it all came together to turn into the confusing soup we have today. But it would require time and some research that we all could spend on other things.
No. 2176966
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I cannot escape gender ideologists in my little fandom ship space. Everyone is a they/them tif and they’re all very nice aside from that, but I hate having to pretend to be one of them. I’m trying to hard to be crypto but the more I fall into radical feminism the harder it’s getting. Every single Aiden there is in a spicy straight relationship (one in particular makes enby her entire personality and is literally picrel) meanwhile they go on and on about “kweer theory” and insist Character A has feminine qualities because he isn’t a violent retarded moid. I’m so tired of hearing how the characters are Kweer Poly friend group in their eyes and I want to play the triggered victim card of “oh don’t use queer around me plz ;-;” so they fucking stop but I know it will get me outed as gender critical eventually. The joke about HRT devastating nerd communities in a similar way crack was to the black community is so real and I hate it.
No. 2177188
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>>2176966Lol, your last sentence. I thought the exact same thing this weekend when I was at an arcade. There was this group of nerdy males, all bros with each other, and 2/4 of them were TIMs. One had stringy yet greasy dyed pink hair and he was wearing a skirt that was vaguely reminiscent of the lesbian flag colors. The other one wore a sundresses and had a hairstyle that was literally picrel - shaved short all around except for a tiny ponytail where his bangs would be. I’d honestly be fine with TIMs if they confined themselves to groups of their fellow nerdy males but I’m guessing these guys probably harass lesbians on dating apps and force the women in their lives to call them she/her under threat of a tantrum.
No. 2177241
>>2176966I'm tired of being crypto, my friends keep sending me tif porn of my husbando and swapped genitals piv of my favorite het ship and cunt boy x penis man yaoi.
Someone please just end my suffering. Even before I peaked, I hated it but at least back in 2018, this was less common. Now it's absolutely inescapable.
No. 2177328
>>2175266>At least drag queens know that once the makeup comes off, the mask of the 'feminine' comes off with it. >They know that gender does not equal sex: that being a woman does not boil down to wigs, high heels and makeup, but those collective experiences we share in the context of the patriarchy and in spite of it. Do they though? This might be to the left of this discussion, but a critical point of patriarchy is that gender roles and sex are conflated; it is the feminist's task to distinguish the two. The average person, especially the average man– irrespective of sexuality– does not distinguish between sex and gender; this is why men can believe that they are women– or think another man passes as a woman– once they put a dress and makeup on, and derive eroticism from that idea.
My issue with the gender critical perspective (gender is bad, sex is good) is informed by an anthropological view that within human society, models of expected behaviour are natural if not necessary (moral behaviour, social behaviour, lawful behaviour, etc.), and given our different reproductive capacities (or indeed lack thereof) 'gender'– that is, the social function of sex– is not precisely the issue in and of itself. By no means do I have a transhumanist view of sex– that is, we need to overcome sex to solve patriarchy ala Shulamith Firestone (really my issue is the 'gender bad, sex good' because radfems dispute sex creates gender, so how do you abolish gender if sex is biologically essential?)– but the point is getting away from me. To circle back to the beginning of this reply, I don't really believe that drag queens are benign– not because I think performance of femininity is essential to womanhood, but because it is socially constructed that way! Drag queens and tranvestitism are intertwined, and I think it is foolish to ignore the confluence between men who identify as women and men who perform as women, who mock women. I don't think it is an equal collective shared amongst men and women, including gay men who are oppressed for not performing their sex role correctly.
>How dare they bond over things other than shopping and beauty, things that I have never bothered to care for in my comfortable capacity as a man? How dare womanhood exist as a much more multifacted and communal concept than the shallow 'femininity' I have been spoonfed all my life!>Since I, as a man, cannot relate, it must therefore not exist!Femininity as we know it to be constructed is something which suppresses essential personhood, because that is part of the function of misogyny, but it is also the conduit for suppressed characteristics of maleness– primal, emotional, 'true' experience of the world removed from logic and reason. Part of what I suspect to be terrifying for men who perform their idea of womanhood is that women actually experience the world in much the same fashion as them. It is existentially threatening that the erotic escape is denied to them– think of their living in sexual fantasies, getting in touch with their feelings, finally discovering the truth of reality in something only Eve and Pandora ever saw. Women have a sense of inherent human nobility, dignity, suffering, joy, pleasure, moral intuition, which our current sex roles would deny to uphold the inhuman suffering necessary to perpetuate patriarchy.
This threatens their mid-life crisis, their break from reality, autism, whatever is currently afflicting them– including the psychological ligature of masculinity– and their pornographically-driven delusions/sex addiction.
I like your post, I hope it doesn't come off critical; I'm agreeing and expanding on your second point and I'd be interested to discuss the topic. No. 2177340
>>2177328Lovely analysis
nonny, I would spam you with crown emojis if mods didn't ban me for it
No. 2177383
>>2177328To add on to your point, I also disagree with those who act like only trannies equate womanhood and femininity and the average normie doesn't. It's in the same vein as trannies pretending the average normie supports them unconditionally and "transphobes" are a tiny minority. The truth is more like the only trannies normies tend to be fine with are the ones they deem feminine enough because they do very much equate the performance of femininity with womanhood! How many even so-called gender criticals have we heard saying that actually they only hate the AGP rapehons but still respect "actual trans women who try to pass"? It's the most obvious with conservative moids (and also makes it ultra retarded for "gender critical" women to ally with them) who only openly hate on catgirlmen in spinny skirts and blue haired pronouned women, but behind the scenes jack off to tranny porn and bimbo troons like Blaire White (one of the good ones according to them). In fact, the real reason why they hate the catgirl transbians is because they claim to be women while failing to make conservative moid dicks hard, and of course they hate blue haired pronouned women because they already hate all women anyway. Now do they
actually believe TWAW as in literal biological females? No, literally no one does, not even TIPs themselves deep down, but a lot of people do have an easier time granting "honorary woman" status to males that perform femininity "well enough", and often even consider them preferable to unfeminine actual biological women.
No. 2177401
>>2177383>How many even so-called gender criticals have we heard saying that actually they only hate the AGP rapehons but still respect "actual trans women who try to pass"?Yeah, exactly. And I think what a lot of us aren't being honest about, myself included for a long time, is that sex roles seriously reflect sex in a way that the nebulous group of "libfems" actually describe (and then perpetuate). It's not just that men who perform femininity are performing femininity, it's that they're performing femaleness as well, because femininity is female– how are you supposed to begin to even untangle that? It gets confusing because the social reality articulates a scientific one, and vice versa. Which is what that 'honorary woman' status you articulated here
It's a real shame the pomos were really onto something before they devolved into retardation.
On the note of drag, the normal defense is that it's mocking femininity, not femaleness; the usual refrain is then that, well, men perpetuate patriarchy, they don't get to mock what makes us; it follows then that that mockery, actually, can deconstruct femininity! So why does the male mockery of femininity– vain women with their makeup, impractical heels, vacuous romance novels– not eventuate in the slow destruction of femininity? It doesn't. It reproduces it. Clearly, sex roles and sex are entangled. This is where those "libfems" (they're not, kek) have a real point and is part of why they get defensive about 'femininity'. Femininity is a vehicle to enact misogyny, and is a site of misogyny because it is conferred femaleness. Its mockery by drag is nothing new and not revolutionary.
>often even consider them preferable to unfeminine actual biological women.This is the biggest one to me that I've even seen amongst radfems and gender criticals, frequently and repeatedly. I really don't think we have fully unpacked how powerfully sex roles ("gender", "gender roles", "the social function of sex") animate, codify, and reproduce society and expected behaviours of men and women. Sexual reproduction is completely enmeshed with cultural reproduction.
>>2177340Thank you, I do earnestly appreciate it, it's amazing how refreshing an honest and open space like this can be.
No. 2177428
>>2176878It started before the internet, you'd see really rich, young people being exposed to "gender theory" in pockets like universities and artsy LGBT scenes (theater kids). Then you had sparse AGP orgs ('transvestite networks') and homosexuals. Gay 'transsexuals' and straight paraphilic men rubbed elbows in gay bars (pretty much the only places that tolerated crossdressers). Tumblr/4chan allowed this to trickle down to middle-class kids and millenials, fusing all of these niches together. By that time, a pattern emerges: people who genuinely cope by committing to the bit and people who treat it like the rich kids of pre-internet days, thinking of it as an advanced performance, a way to distinguish themselves (people could be both). Nonbinary and inane, complicated theorizing isn't really new, but the internet made it so everyone could participate. Teenage girls are at the forefront of language innovation, too. Many, many words in our vocabulary are coined or popularized by them, so it's not surprising that Tumblr (and LJ before it) would be the epicenter of this.
This is where they make the most gains in terms of institutional consensus because A. turns out there's a market for this B. it's simultaneously popular and still 'rare' enough to be palatable to hyper-educated people. Upper middle-class people will believe all sorts of insane things to make it clear they're not part of 'the masses'. The mid-2010s sees the continuation of this trickling down and now trooning out is pretty much something that every poor person with a porn addiction or no support system/mental health treatment can do.
>>2177401>This is the biggest one to me that I've even seen amongst radfems and gender criticals, frequently and repeatedly.Yes. A lot of otherwise serious feminists these days seem to believe that femininity is fundamentally good, that it's virtuous. Their critique stops at superficial things like makeup and other fluctuating signals. They do not cut at the heart of femininity and what it does to women's integrity and intellect. They know that sex =/= gender but there's a gap between their professed belief and the inner workings of their logic. I don't think it's
that big in comparison to GCs who do critique femininity, but they're definitely a thing.
>This is where those "libfems" have a real point So-called libfems actually aren't always pro-femininity, if you exclude their defense of feminine signalling. The 'girlboss' wave is a very good example of this, they're capable of encouraging women to be more active and assertive.
That last paragraph in
>>2177328 is great, it really grasps what is actually harmful in femininity as it exists today.
On drag, i just think 'camp' and 'critique of gender' are flimsy excuses for what they're really doing with drag, a lot of the time: leveraging the conflation of femininity and femalness to escape the homosexual ghetto (HSTS in a nutshell), finding an outlet for their deep jealousy of women and enjoying a dominant position not too dissimilar from being the one straight man in an assembly of fawning women. "Mocking femininity" is a kind of pleonasm, if you think about it.
No. 2178334
>>2178310tim who dates men - twink
tim who dates women - skinwalker and future serial killer who will one day wear her face as a mask
tif who dates men - yaoi addict
tif who dates women - doesnt exist tifs hate women too much to ever date one
if you disagree with me you’re retarded
No. 2178488
>>2178334not to blog but an old friend of mine dated a tif for years and even moved across the country to be with her. she was very
abusive to her. tifs definitely hate other women but they definitely also date them lmao
No. 2178809
>>2178798I’ve read a good chunk of it via a read along in her KF thread. She comes across as a hysterical but extremely boring person and the way she describes her male friendships seem like crushes. Every new person she introduces is the most important person ever who she’s connected to so deeply, it makes are come off as a really empty person. It feels like reading the same shit over and over again how she’s always so upset having to say goodbye after filming for a movie ends. So far she only seemed really happy when she was at that coming farm thing or whatever and I think a life like that would suit her better than Hollywood.
I’m not surprised at all she pooned out tbh. She seemed increasingly emotionally unstable in the years leading up and I remember her breaking down over trans rights on some late night show years ago. I get the impression that she wanted to insert herself into trans activism and didn’t feel comfortable doing that while cis.
No. 2178940
>>2178425>While I recognize that some people really do have gender dysphoria, it’s seems illogical that it’s managed totally opposite the way body dysmorphia isDo they have gender dysphoria, though? Or are they distressed over perceived sex stereotypes (or other things, like body dysmorphia)? Because remember they say gender and sex are different and unrelated - so gender dysphoria can't really exist the way they claim. "My gender doesn't match my sex" means nothing because they are literally supposed to be separate and are unrelated, according to them. How is being distressed over for example having physical female sex parts and wanting male sex parts suddenly "gender" dysphoria and not sex dysphoria? It's clearly not actually about this gender-soul that they claim is separate from your body.
Gender dysphoria would be distress over your gender - so thinking your gender-soul is wrong and should be a different kind of gender-soul. But that's not even spoken of at all within the trans community, because to them gender is permanent and immutable and the most important thing about a person.
No. 2178963
>>2178940You’re ridiculously being pedantic. I mean there are people who are dysphoric about their genitals and post secondary sexual characteristics aka what is called gender dysphoria. I don’t think this so-called gender dysphoria is anything more than a specific form of body dysmorphia and it should be managed the same way as body dysmorphia.
Sorry anon I wasn’t the one who named gender dysphoria and yes I am aware of the difference between sex and gender.
No. 2178990
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Totally normal message I received from a TIM I know irl
No. 2178994
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Nonnas are there any trans exclusive rape shelters anywhere?
No. 2179073
File: 1727270242028.png (92.29 KB, 1057x690, ssc.PNG) clicked on this article thinking "perhaps this will disprove some of my opinions, I will go into it with an open mind"
I think this actually made my mind more closed. Bonus quote:
>I asked the same cis female friend who gave me the quotation above, and she described using a tampon to masturbate and finding it hot. No. 2179085
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What a time to be alive nonnas
No. 2179101
>>2179073how can it be a paraphilia if she is already a woman? she's not getting off on the idea of her being something that she is not. if she said she got turned on by the idea of herself as a man and having a penis, and masturbates to herself wearing a beard or whatever then she might
begin to understand what AGP is, but won't come close to the full experience, which this handmaiden fails to see the harm in.
this woman straight up thinks that "feeling sexy" is the same as porn brained men wanting to wear women's skin and coom. they fetishise femininity as a sexual object. not their own bodies. not to mention she is probably getting off at the thought of her own body through the eyes of her lover / admirer (real or imagined), which is very common and normal but nothing remotely related to AGP. again, this is just feeling sexy.
>after reading this I want to become a womanthat's because he's a man reading about a woman getting turned on and finds it hot. he imagines women can sexually objectify themselves in the same way men do, and get to live this fantasy 24/7. he has already been given "permission" (from the social culture) that it's not only possible but totally
vAliD for him to experience this for himself. and anyone who points out this is delusional and offensive is a small-minded
No. 2179110
>>2178798guess i'm trans now since I pee standing up in the shower
>>2178967you're in the right place i think. i'm on the same boat as you, i was added to some girls only server only for it to be like 70% trannies.
>>2178990so creepy
>>2179085why do they act like knowing women are the only ones that get pregnant is somehow something that makes YOU the outdated wrong one? i mean i know why but god. clown world
No. 2179111
>>2179085~Gender neutral~ language around female reproductive anatomy only obfuscates
why there is so much shame and stigma and misinformation about our anatomy in the first place. If conservatives really believed ~pregnancy is gender neutral~ they wouldn't even care about banning abortion, or at least they would still keep it legal for the ~pregnant non-women~ maybe
No. 2179245
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>>2179073Jesus, Most women don't experience womanhood as "living in a sex fantasy". She is hearing what AGPs say and parroting it to be a good little handmaiden "Yes, yes, being a woman is all about being a 24/7 sex object and loving it! You guys… girls are so right, unlike those feminazi cunt TERFs who are too ugly and haggard to be sexualised anyway!" I don't doubt she gets off to feeling sexy sometimes, but the whole paragraph is regurgitating things that only AGPs say, like finding the physical idea of pregnancy inherently hot.
No. 2179266
>>2179101Every 'AGP is common' take relies on stamping unrelated phenomenon with the AGP label to make it meaningless. I've noticed that highly gender-conforming women
love subjective/vague language and definitions, too. It helps with denial and fake naivety i guess
No. 2179283
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>>2179073I don't have time to read this article rn, but kek look at this chart. Also, the gender disparity is insane. over 5000 men, but under 700 women? And only 35 of the women are TiFs.
No. 2179480
>>2179382Literally me. I am my body, I am female, that’s what makes me the same as 50% of the population. I would still be a woman if I didn’t know the word “woman” and if I lived far away from civilization, I don’t need to convince anyone I’m one or for them to acknowledge me as one either.
But I have a full fledged personality , hobbies, dreams etc.
“Feeling like a woman” is honestly tied up in societal gender norms in my opinion. Troon always attribute it to shallow things like liking makeup , dresses, or even worse experiencing misogyny , getting fucked (makes me feel icky to even type this kek).
No. 2179657
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Of course the guy defending troons is a ginger abomination.
No. 2179708
File: 1727312455513.png (1.48 MB, 768x969, tired exhausted disheveled bir…)

every time i see a cute tomboy on the street i can't help but worry she might be a tif. especially if she's covered in tiktok microtrends
>>2178798>She specifically cites trying to pee standing up as a kid as one of the moments she "knew" she was a trans manpretty sure everyone has done that at least once in their lifetime out of curiosity kek
No. 2179889
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Has anybody noticed more liberal blogs are speaking out for acknowledging sex or 'assigned gender at birth' and AGAB socialisation? I have only seen this on Tumblr, which is interesting because it was ground zero for all this nonsense (something to keep in mind). The general vibe seems to be:
>we need to make feminism great again
>misandry isn't real
>males as a class oppress women as a class
>if not all men, why won't men stand up for women?
>transwomen are women and experience misogyny
>the increasing wave of antifeminism is concerning
>but it is and isn't the terf's fault, sometimes it's just regular misogynists
>porn is sometimes bad
>no comment on BDSM though, probably political suicide to do so (kinksters especially get sexual gratification from dumping the autistic vagaries of their sex addiction on you)
>sex-based language discussing abortion, domestic violence, and misogyny generally
I nabbed a screenshot from sprinkledsalt's blog here as an example– interestingly there's one post where she says radical feminism can be trans-inclusive– but there are lots over her blog I can get if anybody's interested in this trend, also across cardassiangoodreads (constantly spergs about TERFs trying their 'propaganda' on her, spouts radfem rhetoric, does for some reason think transmen have special man souls which make them misogynistic) and a few other liberal adjacent big name blogs (mini-wrants, who's had a few posts get hundreds/thousands of notes aka the Tumblr viral; glorianas; and many others who circle them). There's one user mariacallous who is a transwoman and also a very active political poster and seems to endorse all of this, even has been called a TERF which is majorly ironic. This was what a lot of us were happy to go along with in the beginning before things reached the point of no return, so I'm kind of conflicted about it because it feels like such a fucking betrayal to be told that it was 'radfems' (I'm not even a radfem anymore, not rightwing kek, just a regular feminist) who destroyed the movement when it was their retarded garbage that did. They're asking how antifeminism got out of control and how we lost the ability to talk about misogyny as if it wasn't being told that it was 'transphobic' aka misandrist to talk about misogyny that was a huge part of it. But then again, the opportunity to go back to being able to talk about anything essentially feminist is such a breath of fresh air. Maybe, if this ever filters outside of Tumblr– just like it happened the first time in 2014, 2015– the record can be corrected.
It might be nothing of course.
No. 2179894
>>2179889no radical feminism cannot be “trans-inclusive”, this is the problem with liberal feminists they’re still too addicted to the intersectionality koolaid they can’t fall too deep into the realities of sex-based oppression. let me guess, she would try to reform the idea of sex-based oppression as men also being oppressed because they can’t cry or can’t talk about the marginal rates of their molestations that are usually done by other men and which they refuse to address or fix because men never cared to begin with. it’s so annoying, we should be trying to get rid of that tranny cancer not trying to become a fucking church for them to come and have rights that belong to women and girls
only, fuck trannies all the way through. trannies need women’s oppression to thrive
No. 2179900
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>>2179894>let me guess, she would try to reform the idea of sex-based oppression as men also being oppressed because they can’t cry or can’t talk about the marginal rates of their molestations that are usually done by other men and which they refuse to address or fix because men never cared to begin with.I mean, no, it seems like what they believe is that transwomen join the female sex class and are oppressed through that means (not that transmisogyny is a special category, but just simple misogyny), not that men are oppressed, this burgeoning collective seems to be very against the notion of trying to pivot misogyny and misandry as equal ideas. Did you read the post or was it not clear enough? You sound kind of angry kek
I was thinking of it in the opposite sense to what angle you're taking, in that I think they're testing the waters for what they can get away with.
No. 2179999
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>>2179075As expected of tranny-run things.
No. 2180345
>>2180024>trans ideology, at its core, is MRA shit.The TME/TMA shit makes this so apparent. You'd think cis men would be "TME" but no, they're
potential MTF troons, so they're also subject to the worst most evil oppression ever and only biological females have the privilege of being truly immune to transmisogyny.
No. 2180483
>>2180198>I see a lot of confusion of terms when femininity as a concept is discussed.Because it's literally a made up concept and not a solid physical reality that exists within people. Female bodies and biology is what is real. Femininity is only useful for discussing trends and patterns within populations.
Troons want this made up femininity to be the center of womanhood instead of femaleness so they can claim to be women, or indeed to not be women if they're tifs. It's all so fucking stupid.
No. 2180782
File: 1727380020067.png (97.61 KB, 919x458, notlikeotherboys.png)

>>2179073nonna you just reminded me of this article
(and if you were wondering, i have seen his selfies and no he does not have any potential to pass as a woman kek) No. 2180813
File: 1727380835169.png (80.13 KB, 593x460, animeclocking5.png)

>>2180782Begging for his selfies if you have them, nona. Just judging by the AI and cutesy anime on his substack, he can't be a very good looker.
No. 2180847
File: 1727381918562.webm (1.39 MB, 1280x720, anonymous.webm)

>>2180818>>2180813i found him from a youtube interview, see vidrel. is this guy for real?? what the hell is going on here. full interview here:>most autistically rectangular you were somehow underselling just how rectangular and just how autistic,
nonnie No. 2180851
>>2180847this guy's been my personal cow for a while now and i didn't even know about this interview. love you
nonny thank you for the milk
No. 2180951
File: 1727384825249.png (459.73 KB, 577x674, gendew.png)

>>2180847> remembew> gendew> kwossdwessingI hate making fun of autists with speech impediments
especially bc I am one kek but holy shit. Looking at this guy reminds me of the fact that the more autistic and the poorer their theory of mind, the happier a troon is with their transition.
No. 2181198
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Picrel was in a reddit thread in TwoX about how Scotland made it illegal for male rapists to identify as women. Most of the comments are as braindead as you would expect, but this one jumped out to me. Imagine admitting this. Imagine being so spineless that you’re afraid to think or say the wrong thing even when no one is around. “Twistingly sensitive” - the only thing that applies to is them and their worldview. The most upvoted comments are the ones bemoaning how the legal definition of rape requires a penis and that’s soooo unfair to all the hordes of men raped by women (So…like all 3 of them lol).
There are some brave normies piping in like “Um…so why exactly do we care about the feelings of rapists?” but they’re largely being drowned out and downvoted. On the bright side, I PM’d a lady who was clearly on the verge of peaking and getting some negative responses to another post of hers related to the trans stuff and pointed her in the direction of the fourth wave women sub and she was receptive! Baby steps I guess. Tryna find a silver lining in all this.
No. 2181301
File: 1727391178354.png (63.22 KB, 1478x240, scotland law reddit post.png)

>>2181198>scotland, for once, takes the slightest care in women's safety and prevents convicted male rapists from being jailed with women>"I WOULDN'T WISH THIS TORTURE EVEN ON MY OWN RAPIST"that reddit post was a depressing read, as is nearly always the case with reddit posts. can't find a single comment that imagines how this effects their
victims (who have to address their rapist as "she") and the women who are cruelly locked up with known rapists.
it's also really funny how much troons tell on themselves when they think laws against raping and pedophilia are aimed at
them specifically.
bonus retarded comments
>"this kind of thing is horrendous. In the US, rape laws have been weaponized against the queer, Black, and Indigenous communities for generations. There's no world in which this sort of thing won't be used against an innocent trans person"they always have to bring black and indigenous people into it as if it's at all related
>"What a time, where laws try to stretch themselves into pretzels to say rape is one thing only while anybody else that's suffered from assault is left in the dust (e.g. non-vaginal penetration, rape from cis women, male victims, etc). As long as you get back at those nasty queers, am I right?"what about the poor men raped by evil cis women??? it's always all about them, even though it's women who are most at risk
No. 2181525
File: 1727403203387.jpg (62.39 KB, 504x758, girl horny.jpg)

Found a good next thread pic candidate
No. 2181537
File: 1727404383718.png (60.13 KB, 919x383, Screenshot 2024-09-26 232947.p…)

post on an "afab4afab" flag pinterest recommended to me
No. 2181567
>>2180847>>2180851>>2180951kekk how many of us think of him as a personal cow
>the more autistic and the poorer their theory of mindYes, this one is funny because he latches on the slightest detail like 'uwu i'm weak and nice' to highlight how 'fembrained' he is yet he's one of those men who are unmistakeably male in their interactions, every time. It's a mix of over-confidence and sensitivity you only see in male autists
Anyhow, that niche of troons is interesting because they seem to believe their paraphilias are innate (KEK) and are allergic to any social/political analysis of trooning out and it's consequences on women. Iirc this 'anne' troon called agressive radfems 'autoandrophiles', these people have a weird tendency to diagnose anyone they don't like with paraphilias. Bindel et al. are cows but kekkk what a way to water down their precious sexology science
No. 2181600
>>2180053yeah I mean we know Russian propaganda was behind a lot of shit on social media, especially the leftist bothsides bullshit which has fully taken off on its own now. I wouldn't call that a tinfoil, just reality. You can see old posts on Tumblr that were made by terminated propaganda accounts kek.
>>2180345I swear when this started being a thing I thought the house of cards would finally collapse. They knew AFAB/AMAB would implicate them in male socialisation, so they invented transwoman socialisation, and now they've just finally arrived at men being oppressed and women being the real oppressors.
>>2180491this is the bit I don't get though. It collapses at the slightest scrutiny. I get that there are reasons that people have to buy into it, I wouldn't dispute that, but if you apply any logical analysis, if you take it to its most obvious conclusion, none of it holds.
This is why I've been insane since 2015. That's why they're always having to invent new terminology (see above).
>transwomen are women>but they need supplemental hormones to be women>but women are not defined by biology and it's TERF shit to say that femaleness, and consequently girls and women, are defined by a normative set of biological characteristics>but transwomen need hormones to be women. And bottom surgery. >the inversion of a penis is the same as a vagina and also the ballsack becomes a vulva but if you say women have vaginas you're a TERF>transmen are men>but NOT oppressors like cis men. also they don't really matter because transwomen are the most important >you can't say 'pregnant women' because transwomen can never get pregnant, but transmen can!>men can get pregnant!>but transmen need hormones and bottom surgery to be men >some men have vaginas by this logic, surely a transwoman with an inverted penis could still constitute a man >no no you don't understand transmen have special male souls and transwomen have special female souls. they identify as men and women>but if women can identify out of their oppression, why should they still be oppressed?>why are transwomen oppressed if they could just choose to be men?>they have body dysphoria>but treatment for body dysmorphia, essentially the same diagnosis, is not to cater to those harmful delusions but to challenge them>transwomen are more oppressed than biological women!>but transwomen's oppression is oppression on the basis of femaleness, so how are they more oppressed if they're the same thing? TWAW? TWAW? anybody? >so transwomen are more women than women, but women are not biologically women, but they need supplemental and surgical intervention to become women, as a consequence of following the biological model of women, but transmen are men, despite having vaginas, but are not men, because they're not oppressors like men, and some men can get pregnant, but not all women have vaginas, but transwomen need bottom surgery to pass as women, but transwomen are ALWAYS women, and are more women than women, and women oppress them. Women are an oppressor class. Therefore, transwomen are oppressors. Unless they are not really women.It's retarded.
No. 2181744
nonnie I saved that thread to post to the reddit hate thread, but it also works well here. I feel like I'm going insane reading all the responses from handmaidens and troons about poor wittle men's feewings! We are literally talking about rapists and sex offenders.
I will say that in that thread whenever a troon throws in the whole "Regardless of how bad the person is, being gendered correctly is a basic human right" they're downvoted to hell kek. It seems once again the people who do have things to actually say on the matter are just camping out in the up/down votes (and I'm one of them).
No. 2181853
>>2180198I do wish it was simpler and more common to distinguish between things that are associated with women and therefore considered feminine and “lesser” despite there not being anything inherently wrong with them and things that are inherently degrading and are pushed on women to keep us down. I’ve known so many women who rejected “femininity” because they wanted to be taken seriously and would brag about being unable to cook or sew on a button because those were
girly things and therefore
stupid. Meanwhile they still let their boyfriends smack them around in bed because sexual empowerment or something.
No. 2182069
>>2181198Funny how they have more empathy towards rapists than their
If saying that rapists shouldn’t have the chance to transition is transphobic that says a lot about the community you’re in kek.
No. 2182104
File: 1727437731912.gif (3.49 MB, 864x864, Did you know.gif)

>>2174681Late but this made me kek so fucking hard I had to make this pic
No. 2182113
File: 1727438093947.png (137.94 KB, 720x386, 1000006583.png)

>>2181537This is how lesbians became the biggest haters of trannies on the entire planet. All these flags that basically skirt around "I hate trannies ♥" remind me of that scene from The Mummy where Benny pulls out all these religious necklaces hoping to find one that respects the mummy so it doesn't kill him kek.
No. 2182135
File: 1727439608391.png (609.34 KB, 720x1492, 1000006588.png)

>>2182127DA I think she was serious. Her "lgbt board" has 1k pins of these flags she collects, and it seems her friends all identify as some form of queer. No. 2182222
>>2174661Sorry for replying to an old post, but it's most likely because a huge majority of men want to fuck dogs/animals, so they get off to pretending either themselves or their partners are one.
Same as the pic you're replying to, lots of them are pedophiles as well.
No. 2182351
File: 1727449354927.jpg (30.03 KB, 353x462, pickle troon.jpg)

When troons make food not using the microwave for once and they think it makes them a tradwife. Fucking pathetic
No. 2182366
>>2182351i don't think it's the tradwife thing, i can't remember
why exactly but pickles are a TIM thing for some reason. i think it was to do with a side effect of their hormone pills, making them crave salt?
either way it's pathetic though.
No. 2182621
File: 1727464475723.png (405.96 KB, 1196x1276, men in drag.png)

>>2182553just for giggles, i searched "trans women pioneered" and the majority of results are about how TIMs invented drag. I actually agree with them on this one. Men who thought putting on a dress made him into a woman = drag. It's literally the definition of being in drag. They just went full-time. Funny that they're still invested in "owning" drag as their thing, and yet claim their every day crossdressing and offensive feminine performances aren't drag.
No. 2182637
>>2182440it’s due to their hormones kek
No. 2182657
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>>2182621>"drag was invented by a black tranny, therefore it's not degrading to women at all"what world do the minds of these retards live in to where nonwhite people never do anything misogynistic or bad? Did this person even consider the thought that maybe actual black women can easily dislike and be against dragfags? Gotta love the subtle, naive implication by these social justice tards that all brown people agree each other. That's not even getting to the part where they really believe that trannies are the same as
women. How old do you think these dipshits are?
No. 2182673
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>>2182222I also think it's because a lot of them are weebs who want to be like an anime girl, and cat girls and dog girls are a common trope in japanese media. Dogs are also seen as obedient and submissive, and some of them seem to have that sort of fetish or association with them. I've seen some say they're a "puppy gf" and then have a collar or a leash for their "owner" (usually another troon)
No. 2182890
File: 1727475382100.png (319.78 KB, 598x686, why transphobia exists.png)

Is not easy to understand when you're not the target to these people, Will.
No. 2182938
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>>2182890>But I don’t know why trans people are meant to be threatening to me as a cis malehilariously tone deaf. "i don't understand why women would fear men in dresses in their spaces when
I a MAN, feel no threat whatsoever when I hang out with my best friend I've known for decades who now wears more pink and has long hair!"
No. 2182969
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>>2182959omg he would look exactly like Nick Contino
No. 2183298
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>>2182553I've seen a comment like this in the wild about Eartheater who people keep saying is a supposed troon, but aside from having a long face, a surgically enhanced one at that, the fact that she wears skimpy clothes beats the allegations completely along with her live vocals which only a woman could do without cracking like crazy. She makes pretty avant garde music and apparently that alone is enough to warrant troon allegations because women can only make basic pop music written by scooter braun of course.
No. 2183300
>>2181796Nah, don't be embarrassed. That's fucked up and sad, and it's just how this shit always goes. It'll be the people at the bottom of the food chain who are affected most by this shit, meanwhile the people at the top are lecturing us like
>>2182890>>2183235Every thread there's a couple posts like this, why? Unless she was wearing a pronoun pin she might just be a woman who likes anime and alt fashion. I've met several women who I thought look gendie adjacent on first glance who turned out to be entirely gender critical. And why are you writing fanfic about her being a febfem, too?
No. 2183325
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>>2182959The way he acted in Zoolander makes me feel he would be like
>>2182969 No. 2183389
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>>2183325funny you menttion zoolander because there's second movie with Benedict Cumberbatch's character as a gendie and it's directly done to make fun of them too kek
No. 2183595
File: 1727491692775.jpg (4.59 KB, 225x224, images.jpg)

Retarded vent but I hate how much the troon movement has ruined cotton candy colors for me. It doesn't help every gender special obsesses over colored stripes because they lack creativity to use any other symbolism. I had to change my OC's color scheme because I knew someone would say she was trans. I have belongings in the tranny diaper stripe palette because I liked pastels and I want to just burn them all now
No. 2183764
>>2183595Same boat. I am a Sanrio girl and will perish if I wear clothing that isn't bright and cheery. I just want to escape the dark colors that remind me of my worst days with depression, now I have this fear of someone thinking my pink, white, and baby blue coordinated outfit is a signal that I'm trans.
Additionally, I'm from southern US and use the term "folks" regularly. People think I'm pro-trans supporting by referring to a group of individuals as "folks", which
triggers both sides to react a specific kind of way.
Fuckin "folx" bullshit.
No. 2183840
>>2183389I remember seeing that movie in the cinema and seeing Benedict without eyebrows in full HD4K was an experience.
And yeah, I remember
how Zoolander and Hansel didn't know if he was a woman or a man, but then they started to shout "HE'S A MAN! HE'S A MAN!" while Benedict was laughing his ass off. I don't recall any gendie being offended by his character back then, only how ugly he looked without eyebrows. But now that movie would be cancelled.
>>2183595I know that feel. I don't even like baby pink/white/blue combo, but each time I see these colors with "(x) said Trans Rights", a part of me dies.
No. 2183850
>>2181796oh god i'm so sorry to hear that nonna. as
>>2183300 said, you have no reason to be embarrassed, if anything they and all the morons enabling this (despite being able to see the consequences in real time!) should be the ones feeling embarrassed. your perspective is actually immensely valuable and if it's within your means, i'd encourage you to chronicle any misadventures or things you've seen/heard somewhere. i suspect these stories are going to be sought after in the future as the narrative around "this never happens" crumbles. in the meantime, please stay safe.
No. 2184006
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>>2183926Ayrt oh thank god you just live in a different country, right? I was so scared you were male kek. So picrel is not the most accurate but in the US and other similar countries the toilet has three states: lid down covering everything (top right), seat down so you can sit and do your business (bottom right), and seat and lid both up (bottom left). Last one is what men use when they stand up to pee. They need to lift the seat up so they don't accidentally get piss on it, and they need to stand up to pee because…I don't know why. I think their penises dangle in the toilet water or something? Male bravado? Whatever. Anyways lots of men just piss and leave the toilet seat and lid up. This is annoying to lots of women because when we run into the bathroom to try and pee in a hurry we can accidentally sit on the ledge and fall halfway in. The toilet seat issue is just one of those silly little things men and women like to complain about over here. See google for more dumb debates about it. But it's kind of hilarious that trannies who try to claim womanhood still exhibit basic male behavior even about something so obviously gendering like leaving the toilet seat up.
No. 2184185
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>>2184006the one you posted looks odd
No. 2184191
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>>2184006That middle part being flippable at all and picrel are so strange
No. 2184194
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>>2183840no, they weren't too keen on his character and he said he regret playing it few years later. He has the gull to equate it to blackface to gendies
No. 2184262
>>2182104kek v good nona, you should put this in the
terf memes thread
No. 2185268
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>>2182626>>2183311I meant that maybe they claim to crave pickles because of a placebo effect from thinking that menstruating women crave pickles, whether this is true or not. A lot of them claim that their hormones make them emotional once a month.
I found picrel while looking up why TIMs crave pickles, so maybe it’s a common false belief that menstruating women do. (Other comments pointed out the salt/spiro connection.)
No. 2185446
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>be me
>go to a historically womens college
>there is a room for autists such as myself in the dining hall that is soundproofed with no talking allowed
>eating and watching tv on my laptop with noise cancelling headphones
>door swings open and picrel equivalent with dog collar and everything who is like 6’5 walks in, talking loudly at full volume
>his friend is in there or something
>him: “ugh theres no food here i can eat!!!” and other complaints
>me and all the other women staring but dead silent because none of us want to go up and confront this person
>i step out to get more food and find them stamping his feet like a toddler because hee can’t find anything he likes
>go back to my autism den with my fellow autists
>picrel comes in several more times talking at the top of his lungs
>when his friend finally shushes him his face of hurt and disgust is so palpable
>i literally go to a women’s college where the fuck am i
No. 2185551
File: 1727587048098.jpg (88.31 KB, 218x233, 20240927_010342.jpg)

>>2184194>>2184238If I were Benedict I would regret it because the shaved eyebrows make me look weird, not because I acted exactly like gendies/non-binary acts like.
No. 2186206
>>2185684I think it's something they do to try to "filter" anyone they don't want watching their content, either that or so they aren't cancelled later on or don't have people assuming they don't support trannies.
>>2185711To them not giving into their delusions is infringing on their rights, but it's as retarded as someone who has schizophrenia telling you you're oppressing them by not validating their delusions. Or any other mentally ill person really.
>>2185874Yeah it really fucking sucks. I just try to avoid using them and not really talking to/about the troon, but it can be difficult when you've got something to say.
No. 2186266
File: 1727627971575.jpeg (467.49 KB, 1170x593, IMG_0426.jpeg)

logged onto fb after a while and noticed one of the groups I was in changed to this… why do the troons have to make everything about them lol it’s a group for silly pictures of food…
No. 2186339
GOD I'm so tired of troons nonas. Every mainstream corner of the internet is fully poisoned by troons, to the point that saying something super mildly opposing their ideology in any way makes them see you as "problematic" and unsafe. I was blocked by several members in a discord simply for mentioning possibly wanting to play Hogwarts Legacy some day. I had literally never said anything else that could possibly be seen as against troons in any way and the server isn't even openly LGBTQ friendly as it's not relevant to the topic.
Then I go offline and talk to normal people irl. They aren't as insane, but instead they're so out of the loop that they don't understand how you could possibly think a transvestite is that bad, after all drag queens are kinda fun, aren't they? And no transvestite thinks they're actually really a "penised biological woman", nor are they trying to go into the opposite sexed spaces, and of course they aren't cutting off breasts of teenage girls or mentally stunting them with drugs! No doctor or psychiatrist would do that, they're all honorable people who do serious evaluations for years until anything medical is ever allowed! You're just a bit of a crazy conspiracy theorist who happens to see the one or two cases where it happened. And it certainly didn't happen here in OUR country, must have been some crazy third world country without our superior regulations. Oh you're showing proof? Nah, that's just another conspiracy theory or the words are being twisted somehow, it's totally still not happening.
It's exhausting.
No. 2186367
>>2186276back when I used fb I was genuinely shocked by the insane amount of trans-related content in groups that should have zero to do with it. groups where people
were just sharing memes and quotes from tv shows suddenly bombarded with disproportionately trans-based memes and had the trans flag in the banners etc.
It's very clear that TRAs purposely look out for moderation roles across the internet so they can push this shit, just like they do on reddit.
>>2186272kek good spot. honorary
terf group
No. 2186734
>>2185874You have to be sly about it. Refer to him as a she, pretend to be concerned about 'her' disgusting comments, and tbh if the handmaidens are so infatuated with Mr Stinkditch you can go ahead and volunteer them for anything that involves spending a lot of time with him. That normally does the trick. No joke, forcing handmaidens to really experience the trans femininity of incel poltards does more than any amount of facts and logic ever could.
>>2186339It's not all bad, nonna! The tranny infestation means that normies are getting well and truly fed up with their fuckery; it's social suicide to openly be a
TERF; and being that out of the loop means you get the chance to show people some super heckin validational surgery photos, preferably while they're eating, and show them articles about trannies in women's shelters. Don't bother getting frustrated about them licking tranny ass, just get them to understand how bad things have gotten in a way that affects them. Nobody cares if the brave and speshul men wear spinny skirts in public, but showing them Reddit posts of trannies jerking their withered dicks in womens' bathrooms might prompt some change. If it doesn't, well, they were a lost cause anyway. Move on to the next person.
No. 2188046
>>2188033i don't think a lot of nonas will seethe over this. it's pretty easy to agree with. it's just a label. being gender nonconforming is a thing, and "tom boy" is just another term for that - and yes it's a stupid term because it implies the girl is
boyish for not performing femininity.
No. 2188611
>>2188038like what
>>2188046 said. tomboys are real because it's just a specific label for a gnc girl. not a girl existing in her natural state, but one who indirectly dresses or acts in a way that's commonly more associated with boys. it's like saying butches aren't real
No. 2188739
>>2188613Had the exact same experience and now my friend openly refers to herself as a
TERF, there is hope. I think if you were to introduce her to radfem stuff r/fourthwavewomen might be the best place to start, it's generally based but still has to follow some woke niceties and self-censor just because it's on reddit. It would probably be gentler than showing her radblr or ovarit.
No. 2189447
>>2188038I see your point, but like other nonas have said it's just a label used to describe non-conforming girls. I think it's harmless enough of a label, at least I've never heard it used negatively.
But in the same vein (and I know it has been previously discussed) femininity/masculinity also "doesn't exist" because it's just labels used to describe patterns and norms within the sexes. I think it's generally fine to use it for that as long as people understand that it is just patterns that describe the average. Troons thinking they have a feminine soul that makes them women is obviously as full of horse piss as the pills they take kek
No. 2189471
>>2188038>>2188046I can't be the only person who thinks 'gnc' as an aesthetic label is lacking… It reminds me of adult gendies-lite who are obsessed with butch/femme because they think clothing
is gender non-conformity or conformity, rather than something that signals it (not saying anons are this, but the underlying logic feels similar). I've thought about this because i live in an area with many women who dress hyper-feminine yet couldn't be further away from feminine norms in their behavior and aspects of their socialization (loud, assertive, direct etc.). I think that being confident, not afraid to take up space, not second guessing your ability to be right/objective/etc is much more important for a woman's quality of life and … Everything than the type of clothing she wears. Sure, spending hours to get 'pretty' vs. not caring points to someone's relationship to femininity but it's not the whole story
No. 2189578
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libfems and troons coping about pelvic structure differences
No. 2189600
>>2189578"it's all hormones!" i think the worst part about this argument is that these people actually believe what they are saying. i grew up surrounded by all of this nonsense on tumblr and while there was an extent to which i was convinced, it never got anywhere near this level of denial and retardation.
also i love it when americans spell retarded as "retarted"
No. 2190444
>>2189578>i totally have birthing hips!!Sir, you are fat.
>so you think womens’s bodies are for baby making, gotcha you misogynist!!! It’s the biological function of our bodies, so…
No. 2191170
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Goddamn these idiots will find anything to make them feel better. We talk like animu villains, apparently. But it's funny because the only people who talk like this are younger zoomers/gen A, so she can't pass as a dood even to literal children who exclusively socialize on Discord. So there's hope yet, I think.
>>2189578Great, hormones make big hips! Surely giving small hipped women estrogen will give them Kardashian sized hips. Oh no, wait. It won't! Too much estrogen in women is linked to ovarian cancers, endo, polyps… men are welcome to have those if they like but they lack the correct parts, no matter how many hormones and surgeries they have. Biology wins again, somehow.