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No. 935962

Lillee Jean is a physically and emotionally stunted unwashed "beauty guru" turned "actress" who has taken "fake it till you make it" to previously unseen levels. With over 1 million (fake) followers on Instagram, 11k (fake) followers on
her suspended Twitter, and 22k (fake) subscribers on youtube, her pitiful engagement rate is propped up by bots, engagement pods, and "bob-vageen" foreign men with no idea who she is.
Lillee is best known for abusing copyright strikes to silence her many critics. LJ and her momager, Laur Trueman, have been on a multi-year "anti-bullying" rampage where they ruthlessly mock other people for their age, looks, socioeconomic status, and more, all for the crime of questioning Lillee.
Many dedicated Lillee critics have created callout videos and posts to expose her racist, dishonest, and absurd behaviour. However, Lillee and Laur remain convinced that this is all a conspiracy organized by one person out to get her.

>Extremely stunted social development due to being removed from school around 13-14 years old. Does not appear to have a single friend IRL besides her helicopter mom.
>Is now 23 years old but legitimately plays with dolls
>Speaks and writes in "attic pidgin", our affectionate name for her limited grasp of the English language (her only language)
>Claims to have a totally real, not-made-up boyfriend who is both a French diplomat and also a family friend since childhood. "Phillipe" (an incorrect spelling of the French name) seems to hop across continents, being either local or foreign depending on Lillee's convenience. Conflicting details about when they met suggest an inappropriate age gap (with a 23-year-old Pheepy asking out a 14-year-old Lillee). Her alleged boyfriend has no internet presence of his own, and has never been shown by Lillee, despite oversharing every other aspect of her life. As of Feb 2024, she claims she is single with absolutely no mention of Pheepy.
>Uses her "Jewish identity" to deflect all criticism as anti-Semitic, despite not practicing the Jewish religion OR having any clear Jewish lineage
>Constantly exaggerating her status in the beauty community with fake PR
>Got caught running her own fan pages, many of which were racist caricatures of minorities. This included (alleged) POC claiming to hate their own dark skin and wishing to be pale like Lillee.
>Once posted a photoshopped image of herself over Katy Perry's body, claiming to have attended the Met Gala. Later backtracked and tried to pass it off as a fan-edited image.
>Went to the Bite Beauty Lip Lab, created a custom lipstick colour (the point of their business, which anyone can do) and advertised it as an official collab, claiming that her fans could ask for "the Lillee Jean collection" in all Bite stores. Bite Beauty formally asked her to stop making this false claim.
>Lillee participated in a public Covergirl ad campaign where anyone could submit selfies to be displayed on a scrolling billboard in Times Square. Lillee waited through hundreds of submissions to catch a photo of herself on the billboard, then posted it as though it were a collab where she exclusively modelled for Covergirl.
>Consistently copyright strikes every single thing said about her on the internet. As of May/June 2024, YouTube has been tuned into their copyright strike abuse and stated they will monitor to see any new ones that come in.

MAIN ACCOUNTS AS OF 2024 (Updated June 2024):

https://www.twitter.com/reallilleejean (Suspended)
https://www.youtube.com/@lilleejeanne (New account, old one is still active)
https://teespring.com/stores/lillee-jean?aid=marketplace (removed)


https://www.twitter.com/InevitableLrt (Suspended)
https://www.twitter.com/JeaniezInc (Suspended)
https://twitter.com/iamlaur67 (Suspended)
https://www.instagram.com/jeaniezmanagement (Suspended)

https://twitter.com/lilleeinc (Suspended)
https://twitter.com/lilleejeanbeauty (Suspended)
https://twitter.com/lilleejeanbeaute (Suspended)

1. >>>/snow/833840
2. >>>/snow/847048
3. >>698862
4. >>707075
5. >>718259
6. >>724333
7. >>736259
8. >>754981
9. >>767645
10. >>773135
11. >>777937
12. >>784721
13. >>794372
14. >>802142
15. >>811813
16. >>820665
17. >>825857
18. >>833714
19. >>838519
20. >>844274
21. >>853090
22. >>857281
23. >>862009
24. >>871230
25. >>878034
26. >>888656
27. >>917506
28. >>928152

>https://www.lilleejeanbeauty.com made its last post >>928566 and she has completely switched to posting on https://www.lilleejean.com/ (even though she's blocking every country from looking at it)
>Project Bullyish is being converted from a documentary film into a screenplay >>928571, it is claimed to have wrapped up filming >>935102
>Lillee has recreated her Twitter account despite being previously banned >>928678
>Lillee tries to once again claim anti-semitism and explain her Jewish ancestry in an "interview" >>929029
>Laur doxxes people on her FB >>929163, >>929177
>Lillee enjoys dinner in an outfit choice that is a mix of a 10 year old and an 80 year old >>929279
>New acting reel from Lillee >>929432
>Lillee posts new "workout" shots >>929460, >>929461, >>929462
>Lillee finally drops her long awaited teaser trailer for 'The Trapper Trap' >>929502
>Lillee poorly conducts herself during an interview/talk show by looking at her phone half the time >>929687 with an anon summary >>929700
>Lillee has started submitting her films and trailers to FilmFreeway, a website where you pay to enter and are basically guaranteed to earn an award. All of her awards on her Trapper Trap trailer are through pay to enter websites with guaranteed wins >>930754 | >>930755 | >>930760 | >>931273 | >>931626 | >>931652
>Lillee celebrates her 23rd birthday with one kid's menu quesadilla, enjoyed with a fork and two knives >>931630
>Lillee shows off her basketball skills >>931767
>Lillee claims she is working with an Israeli makeup brand ADAH >>933143 but upon further research by anons, it seems the brand's owner, Adah Lazorgan, may not even know who she is and Laur & Lillee seem to have created an IMDB page to impersonate her and her son, Guy >>933169 | >>933173 | >>933175, after anons called out several mispellings in the IMDB page, they miraculously were corrected less than 24 hours later >>933386
>Lillee's new singing reel >>933258
>Another terrible interview from Lillee >>934816 along with an anon summary >>934821
>A new dance reel from Lillee >>935661
>New video resurfaces of Lillee having boomer opinions by saying millenials want everyone to be vegetarian and atheist, and says she doesn't agree with transgender people because they "mess with what God gave them" >>935718
>Some of her photoshoots/new photos >>934271, >>934272, >>934273 | >>935107 | >>935571, >>935572, >>935573 | >>935471, >>935574, >>935575, >>935472

>Primink comes out of a 9 month hiatus to call out Laur & Lillee's consistent, unrelenting abuse and harrassment toward him, including their doxxing of him. He also calls out their abuse of the copyright system. >>933546
>Laur doxxes several members of Curtis Price's family on her FB, along with some people unrelated to Curtis. >>932851 | >>932852 Curtis addresses the doxxing >>932855
>Reddit threads about Lillee get copyright striked by her including r/DoWeKnowThemPodcast >>933682 and r/YoutubeDrama >>933683 | >>933921
>Twitter posts about Lillee get copyright striked by her >>933684
>Primink's Discord post linking to his own video on Lillee gets copyright striked by her >>935083
>Lillee Jean's Wikitubia page is removed by a vote from the moderation team after Primink's video >>933747
>Hundreds of Lillee's copyright strikes can be found on Lumendatabase.org >>934261
>A reporter, Steven Asarch, writes an article about Lillee's harassment, doxxing, fake life, and abuse of the copyright system >>934759. Prior to it being released, Laur threatened Steven in any way she could to try and prevent the article from being posted >>934476. Lillee attempts to DMCA the article to remove it from Google searches >>934985, but they were unsuccessful because they put the wrong link in the copyright claim >>935657. Using >>935657 again, Steven posted a second article for all of the updates since his first one.
>SomeOrdinaryGamers picks up the story and does a video on it >>935039
>Primink grabs the attention of YouTube to start looking into her copyright strike abuse >>934058. YouTube has reinstated several YouTube videos over the past 4-5 years that were copyright striked by Lillee. They claimed it was a legal matter now and referenced Brady v. YouTube >>935362 | >>935366. YouTube also mentions that they will be watching for any new copyright claims coming through.
>After YouTube's statement that they are watching Lillee's YouTube accounts and claims, she created a new Youtube channel and attempted to rebrand to Lillee Jeanne >>935569
>Tater Tatiana came back after a long hiatus to clear her name about the $3500 in GoFundMe donations. She explains that she did use that money toward her attorney, but Laur called her attorney so many times that not only was the $3500 used almost instantly, Laur put Tatiana in major debt to the attorney that she finally paid off 3 years later >>935693

No. 935964

Apologies for the previous posts being a little out of order, I figured it would be easier to follow by grouping certain things together. Also decided to section out the major milk with Primink/actual consequences to her copyright abuse.

No. 935966

>Tater Tatiana came back after a long hiatus to clear her name about the $3500 in GoFundMe donations. She explains that she did use that money toward her attorney, but Laur called her attorney so many times that not only was the $3500 used almost instantly, Laur put Tatiana in major debt to the attorney that she finally paid off 3 years later

Holy shit what? Man, Laur might know nothing about law but she won this case due to sheer insanity. It's really fucked up, was the lawyer obligated to pick up every call or was he just trying to get as much money as possible?

What's weird is why didn't Tatiana explain this 3 years ago? Or start another gofundme or something. It seems a bit fishy, but if true can you imagine getting into so much debt, having to leave social media just because you beefed with a couple of irrelevant retards (not that tatiana is relevant, but I'm assuming she had a bit of an online presence that could potentially grow, now it's all gone)

No. 935968

File: 1718709491399.png (277.61 KB, 723x1426, Screenshot 2024-06-18 071316.p…)

She posted her receipt to the attorney for $3500. My guess as to why she didn't open up a GoFundMe again is because she saw how quick the money emptied, and felt like if she were to actually take Laur to court or do anything really, it was going to rack up way more money than she was able to handle or have donated. She says in the video that she's posted this receipt several times, so it's possible she did explain it, I can't recall though.
My question though is why she couldn't demand her attorney to not answer Laur's calls. Couldn't Tatiana ask him to only communicate with Laur when she asked him to? Never hired an attorney so idk if that's an option. I imagine she tried to say that if she saw the bill absolutely racking up, but again, totally unsure.

No. 935972

That's a very complicated ask kek even if I agree, but there's due process and laur could allege a ton of shit if it actually went to court about being denied her rights etc but also some (a shit ton) attorneys are slimey and want every dime they can get from you

No. 935973

couldn’t she have told her lawyer to only communicate with laur’s lawyer? i thought that’s how it usually works?

No. 935976

last thread still has ~100 posts left

No. 935989

File: 1718748971979.jpg (70.3 KB, 1000x565, Self tape.JPG)

No. 935997

no, laur is most likely pro se (appearing on her own behalf), which means that counsel would have to humor her as a self-representing litigant.

alternatively, laur was RPing a lawyer over the phone which is fucking hilarious to think about.

No. 936004

Damn. Laur sure knows how to play with an attorney who charges by the hour. I feel really sorry for Tatiana. I don't think her attorney listening to Laur's insane ramblings on the phone helped her case at all.
For those wondering, this is the goblin equivalent to "We will drown you in paperwork."

>What's weird is why didn't Tatiana explain this 3 years ago?

Clients are not supposed to comment ongoing cases publicly.

No. 936008

Jeez, who cares? Anon who made the new thread might be busy later and we'll have to wait for a new thread for days, since not many Anons kindly take time to do so.
You don't need to post that on both threads, just chill, you know.

No. 936026

File: 1718816851817.jpg (60.56 KB, 1243x556, dmca1.jpg)

Anon who made new thread has already been DMCA'd by Laur.


No. 936028

Always makes me chuckle when someone calls us that.

No. 936029

lolcow legal should go at her for this

No. 936030

>promotes doxxing

LAUR! Pot meet kettle - you don't think we've archived all of the doxxing you've done on lolcow?

No. 936033

Wonder what empty platitudes Lillee will post in honor of Juneteenth. Will she tell black people to shut the fuck up about slavery?

No. 936035

quit fucking making threads early. now all the conversations are being posted between threads.

No. 936038

Or anons can just move over to the new one? What difference does it make if saggy-assed Lillee loses 50 comments by moving a little earlier.

No. 936041

because people go to the catalog and ctrl-f for their cows and start having convos in both threads simultaneously. it's annoying. can you just wait for 100 more posts next time?

No. 936043

Do not post a new thread until the old one is full. This thread will be unlocked once it is full.

No. 936596

File: 1719430340391.png (1.88 MB, 971x3472, IMG_2614.png)

Lillee and momager are keeping busy with new projects.
>Private Lives with Carlos Miguel
>The Chorus in Our Eyes with Ken Holmes
Will she complete either one of these film? Place your bets nonitas!

No. 936597

File: 1719430524394.jpeg (138.71 KB, 1080x1920, Hills have eyes.jpeg)

FYI, Lillee is a multi-award-winning actress now. At least she looks like she is having fun on her little play date.

No. 936605

I feel bad for her looking at this picture. She looks like a retarded child in it.

No. 936607

Laur doesn't know the difference between a film and video - and this is their "business".

No. 936611

She also doesn't want Lillee to find work, like ever, based on that shitty joke resume. Has she honestly never seen a resume? I just can't get my head around how two people can live in such a cave that they don't know the most basic life skills.

No. 936616

File: 1719443976133.png (2.1 MB, 1868x1080, IMG_2958.png)

Lillee went to a parking lot today. There was nothing interesting to photograph so she posted a pic of the sky. At least it's not a rock on the ground like last time.
I claim no young woman would choose to live like this. Doesn't she have any friends to hang out with?

No. 936617

>this Hollywood production
Um, is "Hollywood" being used like a company name? We know Carlos is in Spain and it doesn't look like he makes the kind of living that can afford him a trip to LA. And we know the Truemans definitely can't. So is this going to be awkwardly pieced together, each each of them with mismatched sightlines and one person recording in landscape and the other in portrait?

No. 936645

The way she does this pose is so awkward, any normal person resting in contraposto has the opposite sides of hip and shoulder propped up. But not Lillee, she lifts up the leg and shoulder of the same side like an alien just learning to mimic humans

No. 936668

Anyone who's even taken a short course in modeling knows what Contrapposto is but seriously nona - do you think Lillee would even know the meaning of the word?

It's just so puzzling that she continues to blunder out into a world where everyone knows more than her, thinking she can "fake" it.

No. 936671

Not the early 2000s wedged heel jesus christ. I remember in her old vlog in her blue mini-dress, Laur was wearing black wedged heels. So, either she gets her only fashion advice from Laur, or Laur dressed her herself.

No. 936676

Does Laur not allow her to see what other 20-somethings are wearing? And why doesn't she allow her to wear anything that FITS?

Just looking at this is uncomfortable, imagine the CHAFING and Candida infections.

No. 936679

This is how she dresses in New York? Are we sure it's not Alabama at the dirt track? Actually even if you got a date at the ol' dirt track you'd get your hair did.

No. 936681

wedges are coming back but those are platform flipflops kek. i bet all her stuff is the cheapest thrift store or second hand clothing she can find. you'd think they'd try to establish a unique style for her or something besides 2008 old navy. i feel like she'd look okay in life 50s vintage style but they can't afford that.

No. 936683

File: 1719495668531.jpg (17.86 KB, 259x194, dirttrackgrls.jpg)

Who you kidding, those backwoods country dirt track girls make Lillee look like an old grandmaw.

No. 936687

Nona calm down I see zoomers in wedges all the time(sage your shit)

No. 936691

i think she actually looks pretty cute in the first picture tbh. the second picture looks retarded though. if only she was a normal young adult and wasn't pretending she's a mega famous movie star with her glen danzig lookin-ass mom following around pretending to be paparazzi

No. 936692

this is how terminally isolated gremlins from borderline lawn guyland dress. it’s more common than you think.

No. 936696

here we go with the booty tootin again…is laur trying to honeytrap someone to marry lj so that they can leech off of one man’s income?

No. 936698

My mom doesn't leave the house looking this meh but if she did she sure wouldn't be waving her ass around pretending to be hot. Lillee looks 45 if a day in these pics.

No. 936714

File: 1719523803831.webp (11.53 KB, 708x253, Tribeca)

Laur says that Lillee is working FOR the Tribeca Film Festival.

No. 936719

File: 1719530964419.png (3.17 MB, 2498x1080, IMG_1815.png)

Insta stories.
1. She won another totally legit award. The print job looks terrible.
2. Something for the Zodiac autist from last thread.
3.-4. The great outdoors.

I think Laur is trying to say Lillee submitted one of her trailers to Tribeca in Attic pidgin. Who knows.

No. 936734

What is it about Aries lolcows that they make such a big deal out of it? Chantal/Foodie Beauty also does the "tee hee I'm so quirky because I'm Aries" bs. Someone should make a lolcow horoscope summarizing the personality traits of each cow that shares a star sign. Also,

>women's film category

No. 936739

"as honest as they come" while showing off her fake award

No. 936773

These recent photos make it look like she's not allowed to leave the yard. So she snaps the aborvitae along the property line, and a begonia wrongly planted in shitty soil… this doesn't make Lillee look free to roam, it just shows how NOT free to roam she is.

No. 936774

Wow Laur used up most of her black ink cartridge on that one.

They still think people don't know the difference between a video and a film. And they aren't even mentioning that her "films" are just 2-minute trailers anymore. God, the laziness.

No. 936791


Do you guys think Laur takes Lillie with her when she's clothes shopping, or does she just go ham at Marshalls and Goodwill and tell lillie to make the best of it? Early 2000s fashions are making a comeback, so maybe one day soon Lillie will be up-to-date with current zoomer fashion trends. Today, however, is not that day.

No. 936796

We've never seen Lillee out shopping - considering what a big deal she made out of going to CVS for a vaccine, it's safe to say Laur buys all her clothes online. They still do Rent The Runway too.

No. 936826

I would totally make lj birth chart, but I need her rising.
Somehow I don't expect laur to actually know and remember lj's hour of birth.

No. 936842

>"bob-vageen men"
They're called Roadside Romeros where they're from. That would be India. Any it's creepy. It's creepy to women there too. The Sweet Petes of the subcontinent.
>https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Roadside-Romeo(sage your shit)

No. 936843

It isn't even an award. It says "certificate of appreciation"..

No. 936846

I dunno, I'm of the opinion Laur has a shrine to the miraculous event that was The Birth of Lillee, since it's pretty much her only real accomplishment. In a way her getting LJ all these awards from fake film fests is really her giving awards to herself for her amazing creation

No. 936847

My sides, I didn't realize how accurate this was until you just said it.

No. 936908

She always does that pose with her ass bent up as high as she can muster. With all the money Laur must have spent on getting fake ads and articles, you think she'd have put a few bucks into getting Lillie a Yes Man coach.

It always reminds me of PT's poopin' pose.(sage your shit)

No. 937083

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Did she put herself through AI? Why does she look like this in this photo?

No. 937093

File: 1719955672765.jpg (40.68 KB, 873x192, Screenshot 2024-07-02 172640.j…)

Bullyish is winning major awards - our royalty checks will be rolling in soon. We are RICH!

No. 937137

Goddammit Lilz, that is some greasy fucking hair.

No. 937176

File: 1720069985762.jpg (312.76 KB, 1152x2048, 449854556_18319197166145476_46…)

William Shakespeare's Macbeth Scene 2, Act 2 (promotional poster)

No. 937177

File: 1720070114212.mp4 (3.92 MB, 1080x1920, An_A8k8JZffZzhA030iGQK5HiUi0pS…)

Macbeth Is the Language finalist
Film Quirk series? Podcast? Show?

No. 937178

File: 1720070206539.jpg (497.34 KB, 2338x1598, July4thEve.jpg)

Day before July 4th postings

No. 937179

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Day before July 4th postings (more)

No. 937180

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No. 937181

File: 1720070293447.jpg (775.1 KB, 1152x2048, 449466137_18319208590145476_91…)

No. 937182

File: 1720070338829.jpg (567.68 KB, 1152x2048, 449709360_18319208671145476_11…)

No. 937183

File: 1720070365826.mp4 (677.85 KB, 1080x1920, An-3wrdwXEelekZHziWtxc_pm7qbx2…)

No. 937184

File: 1720070575634.jpg (200.45 KB, 1152x2048, 449754639_18319225486145476_80…)

No. 937185

File: 1720070633777.mp4 (2.38 MB, 720x1280, 354C08F7E1A90FAF7FF891C24BF219…)

"nice nice! Summer summer summer!"

No. 937186

File: 1720070804078.mp4 (3.57 MB, 1080x1920, An8biTmP7HL1dhatyD1lXm1APQzXCh…)

"Lavender Fleur Productions Presents: JULY EVENT Screening of all Lillee Jean Films"

No. 937190

File: 1720080450027.png (70.27 KB, 947x751, Screenshot 2024-07-04 at 10-54…)

Wait, did Laur just claim Reddit poster SNUFF848484 is a man and the main leader of the group stalking Lillee Jean. Because that account is owned by none other than Laur Trueman and has been listed to be her's since thread #2. Way to change the story, too. What happened to middle aged woman bribing children to stalk LJ?
Laur's account is still up so let's see how fast it disappears. It's archived, Laur. Just so you know.

No. 937192

File: 1720087554807.jpg (75.41 KB, 572x571, 1676030033450.jpg)

Samefag kek I'm a retard. I just noticed the "to" when I rewatched. Laur never claimed the account is not hers. Well, story changed, but I'm still a moron and too late to delete.

No. 937194

Another summer of Lillee not being allowed out of her mom’s sight? This is such bleak, forced, fake happiness.

No. 937196

File: 1720098353902.jpg (3.36 MB, 2320x3088, ea80ef_1353571f3c1643fd8a4f9c1…)

There's so much legitimate sadness in her eyes here.

No. 937201

Someone please take her wedged flip flops.

No. 937211

File: 1720115278252.jpg (283.26 KB, 1080x1045, Screenshot_20240704-184728.jpg)

Wow I bet Reddit is crying and shaking in their boots

No. 937268

The tucked shirt is bothering me too, it looks like Laur hastily shoved it in there and it doesn’t look like that “cool effortless” type of shirt tuck she was going for

No. 937272

There's a youtube short that's doxing Lillee and Laur. It's been up for four days, I wonder why they haven't DMCAed it. Is youtube looking at their DMCAs more closely or do they want it up so they can play victim?

No. 937290

File: 1720203042261.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1179x2104, IMG_4562.jpeg)

No. 937330

That doxing is such old info it's not worth Laur's time to even file a dmca, honestly.

No. 937331

It's funny that Project Bullyish has won so many international awards but the TikTik for it has 14 followers and is set to private. And they just keeping acting like they're not embarrassed of "winning" fake Indian film festivals that don't exist.

No. 937332

The soft focus on that picture makes it look like a bad 1980s yearbook picture.

No. 937338

i’m looking at her shitty site with a vpn and i don’t see any kind of “screening”…

No. 937373

File: 1720270061589.jpg (25.08 KB, 732x122, humro.jpg)

Without vpn I just see this in google searches:

AWARD: Humro Cinema Film Fest 2024 (Best Documentary Film).

No one is THIS stupid, are they?

No. 937378

I thought they switched it from a Documentary to a Screenplay? They're still submitting it as a doc? Lol

No. 937385


Humro Cinema is a Nepali organisation.
And as late as June 24th they had a 40% discount on submitting to their film festival according to their facebook page.

Still can't believe Laur is willing to waste her money like that just to stroke Lillees ego.

No. 937399

i don’t think laur would even bother if it didn’t stroke her own ego as well. birthing lillee is truly laur’s greatest and only “accomplishment” in her entire life. she hasn’t done anything since then. it’s almost sad until you remember who she is. then it’s just funny.

No. 937405

File: 1720300209514.jpeg (316.78 KB, 1240x2048, IMG_4584.jpeg)

The way she talks about being a woman makes it sound like it’s a disability of some sort.

No. 937407

isn’t this old?(sage your shit)

No. 937411

File: 1720307943521.jpeg (431.96 KB, 2048x2048, 0339A12D-C2C2-4974-87D9-AB0AEA…)

Seems like they can’t keep their name straight. Is it Humro or Hamro?

No. 937413

year old, is there new articles?(learn to sage )

No. 937424

I can guarantee she has not once faced actual discrimination because she's a woman. She's never been in the workforce, she didn't even go to school, she's never been passed up for opportunities because she only goes through avenues that you pay to enter.

No. 937446

"'Murica land of opportunity" or "Land of the free" etc. is hilarious on it's own, but it is extra funny when Lillee Jean says it. Did Laur give her a sock?

No. 937450

"Laur has given Lillee a sock! Lillee is FREE!"
Sadly, she won't break free of her master, unlike Dobby.

No. 937456

Does anyone else see the parallels between Lillee and Chris Chan? I feel like she's being raised to be as much of an independent adult as Chris.

No. 937457

if she is an adult why do you say raised? either she is a kid or she is an adult, explain.(still hasn't learned to sage)

No. 937458

Sorry, wrong choice of words. Has been raised but is still being influenced every day.

No. 937489

It's pathetic for Lillee to discuss successes "as a woman" when she's not allowed to leave the yard without mommy.

No. 937490

Funny when she's known for being most unliberated woman that ever lived

No. 937491

Chris Chan (very very briefly) had a job at McDonalds or something, also graduated from public school and finished a community college course (eventually, after getting suspended for the sweetheart search). Also, Chris can drive and go to stores by himself (and get kicked out and/or arrested). So he's leagues ahead of Lillee in terms of life experience, even if you just compare up to when he was LJ's age.

No. 937493

It won't be funny when Lillee's parents are gone and she literally won't know how to function on her own. In terms of life experience she's like 8-10 years old.

No. 937494

At age 8 we were all out riding bikes, playing with friends until it got dark at night, having sleepovers. She's not even 8.

No. 937498

>when Lillee's parents are gone
watch laur take this as a threat by the evil lolcow boolies rather than what it really is: an indictment of her atrocious parenting and lillee’s depressing, neglectful upbringing

No. 937501

Also, to make this even more morbid, Laur had her pretty late already and Laur and Earl aren't doing well healthwise. That combo looks grim for the future of the Truemans.

No. 937504

Laur's 58 - with the garbage they eat, I don't give her much past 65.

No. 937515

Nta but they've posted plenty of pictures of the unhealthy, cheap food they eat on LJ's insta stories. LJ also thought a Chinese takeaway she went to closing down was the most devastating thing that happened to her during Covid.

No. 937516

The food that Lillee has posted countless pictures of is nothing but takeout pancakes, frozen tv dinners, instant mashed potatoes and a mutilated fried chicken. The one time that Lillee tried to cook she made some strange tofu pasta meal that used way too much garlic salt.

No. 937517

Laur’s “parenting” is nothing more than blowing up Lillee’s ego by telling her she’s the best and that the opportunities will come to her and to not actively pursue the opportunities. Laur has also given Lillee the idea that the evil boolies are after her and as as result Lillee has barely gone outside and had Laur chauffeur her around because she doesn’t have a license nor wants to take public transportation like everyone else. Laur has raised Lillee to be a toddler in a woman’s body.

Also, type sage in the email section when sharing opinion or no new information so you don’t get flagged for not saging

No. 937521

FYI if you're going to post here you need to write "sage" in the email field before posting. Not writing sage bumps the thread to the top which you're not meant to do unless you have new information.

No. 937551

Laur's parenting is much worse than that. She's raised Lillee to believe that everyone else in the world is either scary, out to get them, or stupid - so Lillee now ONLY feels safe with Laur. That's called isolating, and it's the top tool in a narcissist's toolbox.

Most 24 year olds are done with college, living their own lives, building their own lives, social groups, and passions. Lillee still clings to mummy and poses her butt toward Laur's camera on command.

No. 937552

File: 1720451252896.jpg (9.17 KB, 236x354, thicc.jpg)

We could fill a website with JUST the butt shots Laur has made Lillee do

No. 937553

File: 1720451363339.jpeg (16.85 KB, 227x275, wut.jpeg)

Oh really?

No. 937555

Most mothers would do ANYTHING to protect against people staring at and objectifying their daughter's butt. Laur on the other hand, has a creepy fixation on her daughter's thicc ass, and posts every angle she can, marketing it on the daily.

No. 937569

Laur probably got her hands on another bottle nonnas

No. 937570

>she is also an adult so what is the problem?

Laur just asked why it's not ok to extort her uneducated low-iq prisoner daughter once she turned 18.

A mother's love, ya'll - nowhere to be found in the Trueman home.

No. 937571

There was just a New York Times article called "Moms Marketing Their Daughters on Social Media" which I can't share here because you need a subscription but it's essentially talking about Laur.

No. 937584

here’s the original article:
>A Marketplace of Girl Influencers Managed by Moms and Stalked by Men

and here are the letters to the editor:
>Moms Marketing Their Daughters on Social Media

No. 937596

there are some, but not much imo. Chris was coddled but with a lot more freedom, and he had friends aka weens without his parents interference (after the payed play dates ofc). There is nothing of Lillee that is hers truly, everything goes through her mother. fucking horrifying.

No. 937615

Mods I'm sorry for the meta, but this anon has been doing this for several days now.

You need to put "sage" in the Email line unless it is pertinent/important information/milky updates. If it's just a general response, please sage.

No. 937617

She's been doing this for years, you'll never teach her how to sage.(how ironic)

No. 937619


>Mods I'm sorry for the meta, but this anon has been doing this for several days now.

For days now? Try for years now. That 'anon' is Laur, and that's how we always know it's her.

No. 937620

File: 1720493376974.png (280.56 KB, 960x1200, franzia-white-zinfandel-5l.png)


No. 937621

God this is SUCH a weird photo. Nothing about it makes sense. Why is she straddling a door frame? Why is she propping her foot up like it's resting on something? Why is she grabbing it like that? So confusing.

No. 937622

File: 1720493694771.mp4 (513.25 KB, 1080x1920, An93vXyRN8CUE1zmxp3Fxt2T8LfoyV…)

Please someone help her get better style. I'm begging at this point.

No. 937623

File: 1720493732066.mp4 (572.62 KB, 1080x1920, An9RiuHtwrg1B9VTEQrEtA-6lmO8mA…)

No. 937625

I've said it over and over again. Lillee looks best in deep tones, jewel tones…navy blue, sapphire blue, emerald green, a deep royal purple. I have no idea why Laur encourages her to wear white, cream, gray, or the worst of all, pale pink. All those blah colors with her pale skin wash her out completely. At least the shorts here don't look horrible (even though the color isn't great), but the velvet looking shoes are bad.
What she's wearing here wouldn't even be all that bad if she'd worn regular flat black flip flops. And pull out the top some more from her jeans.

No. 937627

Not to mention the creepy ass foot fetish shit. And the constant flexing of her calves. I can almost hear Laur's drunken braying for Lillee to turn her ass more towards the camera, flex that leg, point those toes.

No. 937630

>foot fetish
but how else would laur earn her meager income?

No. 937641

She’s getting pretty chonky lol. Her legs and arms especially I bet her and laur could share clothes right now

No. 937646

File: 1720518539401.png (1.62 MB, 980x1960, IMG_4437.png)

Lillee winning all the awards!

No. 937659

At film festivals last summer? So we gotta time travel to see them?

Lillee needs to stop pretending that making home videos an accomplishment for women. She is the MOST repressed woman in America.

No. 937664

They can't afford a stripper pole

No. 937668

>Unironically using the new Katy song that got memed to the moon and back for sounding like tampon commercial music

No. 937687

File: 1720575133352.jpg (283.45 KB, 1280x1920, Wide.JPG)

She’s built like a linebacker.

No. 937689

This is like the midget version of Shayna's wide ass body type

No. 937711

Weirdly one of the best pics ever taken of her. Horrible styling yes, but she looks casual, calm, looking to the side and not directly at the camera. Her mouth isn’t forced into a huge smile or unnecessary duckface. Her hand in her pocket looks relaxed and not stiff.

No. 937716

I agree tbh. I actually like this outfit, and she looks her age as in she doesn't look stunted. Good for her

No. 937737

I think the biggest issue, as another anon mentioned, the colors are too pale for her.

No. 937739

are we seeing the same picture? the stiffness and cray cray eyes scream lunatic about to flip from repressed rage

No. 937742

File: 1720642433598.jpg (99.42 KB, 720x1080, 04bd89a95a6849762d7a0955d26321…)

I agree. I think she's some kind of winter in seasonal colour theory analysis, probably a true winter. That yellow blonde she dyes her hair looks awful on her and ginger isn't great either. Cool and deep jewel colours definitely look better than pastels and creams

No. 937746

so how long will it take for Lilz to turn into Venus?

No. 937748

I think she's destroyed her reputation too far to ever try and claim she was under Laur's control. Venus was relatively quiet in her doll era phase which had people originally in her good graces. Same for Gypsy, she was in prison so she was forced into being quiet technically, but still, she was also in good graces upon leaving prison. Both Venus and Gypsy have fallen out of good graces with their online presence after "escaping".
Lillee is the farthest thing from quiet. She made so many Insta livestreams lashing out at people and generally freaking out, has been caught doxxing people and grabbing IPs, etc. Regardless of the fact that a significantly low amount of people follow her story to begin with, she's already looked at as evil by everybody. She has no "out" by claiming she's escaping Laur because she's shown her true colors as an adult time and time again.

No. 937753

redheads are always warm-toned, can't be winter

No. 937755

File: 1720657372851.jpg (699.95 KB, 1280x1920, c-PersonalLilleeJean__Lilleeje…)

Well she's not exactly a ginger, I think this is the closest to her natural hair color. She's been dying it since middle school but this color is the most similar to her childhood pictures.

I think she's closer to True Summer, and the recommended colors for this type are the ones that look good on her. She doesn't have enough contrast to be a Winter imo

No. 937756

That's a myth from the 80s, you can have any hair colour and be a warm or cool undertone. It's about how colour interacts with your skin, hair and eye colour have very little to do with determining your season (unless you're using the Zyla method) and it's possible to have naturally warm toned hair and eyes but a cool undertone and vice versa.
LJ definitely suits cool better than warm imo, pure white looks better than cream on her and she looks decent in black, royal blue and true red, at least compared to warmer tones anyway.

No. 937771

This picture is really scary. I keep saying she would be good monster in a horror movie, that's her only slight chance for success.

No. 937772

It really shows how massive her mouth is. A lot of her photos, it looks like she's purposefully smiling insanely wide, but even here, she's just grinning and her mouth is still huge.

No. 937775

File: 1720696085848.jpg (767.54 KB, 1280x1920, bestshaircolor.jpg)

Seasons-nonnie, you are right, she definitely looks best with a cool tone in her hair, not the cheap garish oranges. As someone who's had their colors professionally done, I'm almost positive she's a Summer. Not a Winter.

No. 937776

File: 1720696681727.jpg (93.99 KB, 1023x502, ssummer.jpg)

She's a Soft Summer for sure:

No. 937780


Lillie unironically has a better body than Shaynus somehow. At least her boobs usually stick out more than her gut. Before the boobjob Shayna could never.

No. 937782

You know, it's crazy how much good advice has been given to Lillee in these threads, and how every time she actually tries any of the recommendations, it is an immediate clear improvement (even if it's not perfect). But she's still too proud to listen.

Fixing her teeth - she's clearly extremely happy about it and what she said about "liking her unique smile" was a lie all along.
Cutting her hair - she still dyed it in a way that doesn't exactly suit her, but it's way better than when she had the super long "rapunzel" hair with tons of split ends that she couldn't take care of.
Actually styling her hair - it's crazy how many times she needed to be told to just wash it, and she still doesn't always do it, but she's gotten way better at it.
Even clothes - she doesn't look nice or stylish, but at least she doesn't wear those garish rompers from fashion nova anymore, doesn't ruin every shirt by stretching the neckline, etc. So it's still an improvement.

I know we are evil trolls and bullies, but when have we ever given bad advice? And yet she is so stubborn it takes her years to finally listen. Now anons are literally giving her a color season analysis for free, just for fun. Do you think she's going to take the advice or try to stick it to the hayterz by wearing the opposite of what looks good on her?

No. 937784

She has, and I can’t believe I’m typing this, much better fat distribution than Big Shungus kekkkkk

No. 937785

Ayrt and yeah you're probably right tbh. I thought she was some kind of winter because she's cool and her skin looks more bright than muted to me, but I do think her contrast is that of a summer

No. 937788

File: 1720710862167.mp4 (307.05 KB, 1080x1920, An8mNhJEZ1lD1u2Sp7AxyiCT-psaV_…)

No. 937792

I hope she does take our advice on colours she should wear tbh because the only other person she has in her life to give her feedback on what suits her is her mom, who keeps doing her dirty and dresses her like it's 2004

No. 937803

In terms of her clothes not being stretched out and washing her hair more, I'm actually unsure if that really improved or not. I think what happened was she stopped uploading daily YT videos and started curating her content a little bit more and isn't shown doing daily stuff, giving her more time to actually wash her hair and change her clothes. I think the unwashed hair and stretched out PJ tops every day was just a product of being too lazy to actually "get ready" every day, but still had the obligation to film and release a video.

No. 937829

Couldn't agree more nona, we've saved Laur a lot of embarrasments over the years by warning them here, that they'd posted something super stupid. Making a video about Bad Bunny - uh not ok. Changing the name to Sad Ponny, cuz she couldn't spell pony. Misspelling famous celebrity names on her fake Adah IMDB page. I mean, she reads our advices and often runs off to change them. Telling them 20 times how you wear a crossbody bag before they finally got it. You're welcome, dumb bitch.

No. 937880

File: 1720887511603.png (748.55 KB, 863x1850, IMG_1506.png)

This isn't creepy at all… Has Laur been drinking or does she just want to make sure the guy knows she misses him?

No. 937881

File: 1720888099515.png (958.25 KB, 1302x1080, Privatelives1.png)

Here's what Lillee's been up to. Filming another movie with Carlos Miguel.

No. 937882

File: 1720888132294.png (1.66 MB, 976x2810, Privatelives2.png)

No. 937883

File: 1720888181876.png (1.5 MB, 1516x1080, Oolalaa.png)

No. 937884

Hmm wearing black and true red after nonnas said they looked good on her

No. 937888

Still all of her looks end up looking like an old OTT actress from The Love Boat. She literally does nothing fresh.

No. 937892

That's because she gets her fashion sense from Laur whose taste never developed past the early 2000s.
I do think these colours look way better on her than the usual creams, light greys and pale pinks she usually goes for that wash her out. The cut and style of the clothes though looks like something a 60 year old woman on a cruise in the 80s would have worn. And then there's that damn duckface expression she does in every pic that nobody else has done since 2017.
I really wish Laur would just let her go outside and look at what other girls her age are wearing instead of letting her going out dressed like someone three times her age. For a young woman like LJ who has an interest in beauty it seems like such a waste to live in one of the fashion capitals of the world and then never so much as take a bit of inspiration from just observing what her peers are wearing.

No. 937899

Bro got that autistic serial killer look

No. 937913

Still - notice how when Laur shuts up there's really nothing to criticize beyond her out of date wardrobe? Lillee gets left alone to make her fake films for fake film festivals and really, nobody cares. Gosh it's almost as if LAUR WAS THE WHOLE PROBLEM.

No. 937932

DUH Laur was the whole problem the whole time.

No. 937933

It's like that now, but Lillee used to go live on Instagram and freak the fuck out and start attacking people and sharing her asinine views. She started realizing that was terrible for her image as well as the fact that people were recording it and she couldn't escape it. I'm not saying Laur wasn't a problem, I just wouldn't say she was the whole problem. Lillee showed her ass all the time, she just started trying to "clean up her image" a bit when she wanted to start becoming an actress.

No. 937934

Samefag, but it also slowed down when her OG Twitter got suspended.

No. 937935

Yeah LJ is also horrible. Not as bad as Laur but she's not a clueless Gypsy Rose type woman child

No. 937946

not to defend lillee because i think she’s a hateful little gremlin, but she learned this all from laur, who has been her only real human contact since laur pulled her out of middle school. i wonder what she would be like today if she’d had a more normal upbringing, one in which she didn’t spend 24/7 around a drunk, racist, semi-illiterate scamming ghoul filling lille’s head with garbage and taking pedobait pics of her for the internet. laur ruined lillee.

No. 937947

To be honest, I think Lillee is naturally a hothead regardless of Laur. Her views may have changed, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if she would still hop on an Instagram live and flip out. She loves attention and has very narcissistic tendencies that I very well think can just come from nature vs nurture.

No. 937954

in my opinion anyone who had the sort of upbringing she did would have the same personality, especially she seems to naturally have kind of lower intelligence, i don't think she's a total helpless retard but shes just delayed enough for me to put 99% blame on laur (i also still believe the williams syndrome tinfoils from years ago tbh). sorry if this is considered offtopic/armchairing

No. 937959

File: 1721059341960.mp4 (1.09 MB, 1080x1920, An-K9ZsK4eepzN41ItY6kwVcQ-Jt_A…)

First peek at Private Lives!

No. 937960

File: 1721060566872.png (505.05 KB, 1080x1916, What.png)

>Your voice takes on an acidic quality every time you mention she name.

No. 937963

This is so bad that it's kind of cute that these two retards found each other across the Atlantic and are having fun making these little autistic compilation videos together. Also damn she's getting chonkier every day

No. 937966

File: 1721067713506.jpg (57.48 KB, 726x515, kisstocarlos.jpg)

She just posted a tweet to her love, giving him a kiss in her bikini. It's love.

No. 937967

A new Philippe? Or should I say, Filipe…

No. 937968

File: 1721068087146.jpg (73.56 KB, 738x778, bikinibabe.jpg)

Made him a happy man.

Actually this guy is probably the best she can ever do. He's nice, and loves "acting" as much as she does.They should meet.

No. 937969

No. 937970

File: 1721068264072.jpg (39.58 KB, 360x400, 1000025740.jpg)

Same vibe

No. 937972

>They should meet.
We never bring up the time Lillee held that Asian man captive in her hovel for a makeup video. I can only imagine how it would go down with Miguel

No. 937975

lurking since prim, why is your convos all about her when she is a teen?(sage your shit)

No. 937980

I'll be honest, I never thought I would have stuck around long enough to see Lillee possibly potentially maybe getting into an actual real relationship with someone who exists.
There's like a 99% chance this won't come to fruition lmfao but whatever this would be a wild arc to assume regardless.

No. 937981

"convos" lol Laur pass me a drink

No. 937987

File: 1721079304373.jpg (27.09 KB, 520x338, EyvqB-jU8AIxHi3[1].jpg)

jeepers she is PALE

No. 937998

That's what happens when you don't go outside

No. 938000

Wonder if a tan would distract from that awful, brassy hair color?

No. 938002

Might not look as bad because a tan wouldn't clash as horribly with that hair as her cool pale skin and would give her some warmth, but really she needs to just dye it a colour that suits her better. Maybe an ashy brown.

No. 938004

Dang it Laur, last week more than one person explained how to sage. For the 100th time, sage your shit!

No. 938005

>>937975 You'll find our "convos" are mostly about current events.

>>937978 We know you don't understand racism but information is widely available - why not educate yourself?

No. 938011


>racist comment, why mention nationality?

Not a racist comment, and nationality was never mentioned.

No. 938013

Shut the fuck up

Lillee invited a Chinese man over who fed her Korean food

No. 938015

Why are you incapable of saging? It's been explained to you a million times, are you too mentally retarded to write "sage" in the email field before posting even though you've been told countless times?

No. 938035

Honestly if you now want to pivot to how they define themselves, we don't know that they defined as a man but that has fuck-all to do with race. Plus you brought in nationality - I sincerely hope to Christ you don't think Asia is a nation.

Who am I kidding, of course she thought Asia was a nation.

No. 938038

File: 1721140858615.jpg (967.86 KB, 2880x2226, 20240716_103648.jpg)

>hair and eye colour have very little to do with determining your season
Not true. Your eye color matters in your facial color harmony and yes, dyed hair doesn't tell much, but natural hair color is a strong indicator of chroma.
We don't have a good idea of Lillee's natural hair color as an adult. I get the feeling she wants to be a spring, because she keeps wearing corals, warm cream tones, reddish strawberry blonde hair, but her skin is pale, pink, and cool. As for whether she's a summer or winter, I edited two of her photos for a summer and winter palette, respectively. The dark colors overwhelm her. She sees an improvement here >>937883 but really, summer tones would suit her best. Specifically light summer.

No. 938039

All jokes aside, this seems like early stage dementia. How sad would that be for Lillee. She won't know how to cope with caring for two senior citizens. Does she even know how to pay a bill, or drive them to appointments?

No. 938048

This whole seasons thing is retarded. Just learn basic color theory.

No. 938049

Colour seasons is colour theory but for fashion, nona

No. 938050

nta but not really.

No. 938053

It uses color theory to determine what colors flatter and clash with the colors present in your skin, hair, and eyes. It is exactly color theory.

No. 938058

New webpage https://lilleejeanisreallymean.com/ was made by Laur - it only contains one sentence and it's typed incorrectly. Also she alludes to Lillee losing weight which we know is bullshit. Anyway, don't sign up on this dumbass page.

No. 938061

File: 1721155360516.jpg (633.54 KB, 1080x1274, Screenshot_20240716-194202.jpg)

She's only gotten fatter, is Laur blind?

No. 938082

Something's going on with Laur. Her edge is gone and her EQ is plummeting. Must be something medical.

No. 938084

wet brain from her raging alcoholism

No. 938085

After millions of people read about and watched videos about her, and Youtube reprimanded her, she probably hit the bottle pretty hard. Maybe Lillee even understood just how much harm Laur had done to her, and that might have been the proverbial straw on the camel's back.

No. 938091

How did you find this?

No. 938100

I think Carlos Miguel might be retarded

No. 938110

It's just laur trying to get ip addys to try and dox. One would hope nonnies wouldn't click on it.(sage your shit)

No. 938124

One of these days, I'd love to see the admin put out Laur's entire post history the same way Kiki got outted as being sperg-chan. Imagine your ops being your own mother.

No. 938126

You are super confused. I didn't delete anything. I say it's Laur because who else could it be? Noone would give a fuck enough to search lillee Jean hate sites. Literally NO ONE. For one, websites are fuckin easy to pop up. Secondly, sure you can'taffix via ip, but Laur is not mentally sane. So….

No. 938131

I think aside from her normal drinking, Laur got so triggered by the idea that Lillee might get a real boyfriend that she had a complete mental break. Carlos is definitely the best Lillee could do, he might not be French, but Lillee has never seen a map so it's good enough for her.

No. 938133

They've had the IP tracker thing on their website before, so they definitely think that IPs give them some kind of leverage even if it isn't true. Also, they've literally created a website before, the main Lillee Jean website that they update regularly?? Why would they not be able to pay a couple bucks for a new domain and put together a simple page

No. 938134

Yeah she'd always be a hothead but she wouldn't be so out of touch and dumb and her future wouldn't be so bleak. That's all anyone really means when they say Laura ruined her daughter.

No. 938136

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No. 938137

File: 1721242491182.png (819.04 KB, 1179x1561, Screenshot 2024-07-17 at 2.53.…)

No. 938138

File: 1721242521162.png (202.37 KB, 1179x477, Screenshot 2024-07-17 at 2.54.…)

No. 938149

Laur sweetie - you learned how to sage!!! Hey, not even joking, I'm proud of you. You still give yourself away but at least you won't keep getting banned and we can have a nice "convo" anytime you want. G8 job.

No. 938150

how much do you think domain names cost? and there are free trackers. laur could have set this up for like $20. it’s not like she’s ever proven herself to make wise investments, even while they’re getting evicted.

No. 938151

I found it with a google search no problem. Would you like us to show you how to do that?

Ok - you go to Google, type in "Lillee Jean" and then under "Tools" you select a timeframe E.g., 24 hours. Enjoy!

No. 938153

No… why would Laur warn anyone about going to the site, or use correct terminology. Use your brain. I was just going by her past actions. Whomever posted the link to the page has to be Laur. Do YOU spend time googling lillee Jean hate sites? I sure don't. How would the poster know about this way out there random page? Because they made it. Why would anyone bother to make such a page? Because it's laur. Setting the shitty stage for her goblin daughter to be "cyber bullied". I fucking hate summer.

No. 938157

Proof of what? Alcoholism? I don't believe anyone has that and personally I've never believed it. Just my opinion.

No. 938160

I think what Laur's asking is what proof is there that she made the new webpage? Other than a failure to run spellcheck and the sole purpose of collecting emails, I guess none. But that's lowkey awesome circumstantial evidence tbh.

No. 938161


Bro what?

No. 938162

She's always on here begging us to re-post something she posted. Her memory is getting bad.

No. 938164

Was it ever good? Lol one time she gave us two different ages/years that she got married.

No. 938170

sounds personal to you. you bring up details that nobody, but someone in her age group would think of. i don’t care when some lady who is 57 or 58 got married, she’s old enough to be my mom. most of us were not even born yet. are you a former friend? are you Laur? are you her age?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 938171

There it is - the dead giveaways! Laur just ask whatever you really wanna ask.

No. 938172

File: 1721256234416.jpg (63.39 KB, 608x487, Screenshot 2024-02-18 153452.j…)

Laur pretending to be a farmer is so funny.

No. 938173


Bless, Carlos and LJ really are soulmates

No. 938174

Lillee explaining white balance to a somewhat attractive man. Carlos must be seething.

No. 938175

I hate how much she looks down at her script while she's talking. People usually edit those out, but if her eyes are glued to the paper the whole time she won't have any video left.

No. 938177

File: 1721259889633.png (3.92 MB, 2481x1291, Screenshot 2024-07-17 194343.p…)

Here is the shot that she claims is "insane"

No. 938179

Explain what? It's not complicated, why do you think you are so confused?

No. 938180

Oh so Lillee even went to a park with a man, makes sense that Laur is drinking way more than usual

No. 938181

I love the fact that she's clearly trying so hard, even learned to sage, yet her insanity is so immediately obvious in ever post. And she doesn't even know why we keep figuring out it's her right away. Never change Laur

No. 938188

File: 1721272269140.png (77.99 KB, 601x493, lovebirds.png)

He has a very subtle way of flirting. Imagine the both of them considering what they do as work.

No. 938198

File: 1721299529556.png (909.07 KB, 932x2102, IMG_3858.png)

Here's how a real aspiring movie maker takes criticism. Notice how Laur is trying to participate in the conversation yet has nothing to say.

No. 938199

File: 1721300037573.png (1.68 MB, 975x3377, IMG_4943.png)

The thread continues. I love how Laur goes "Better start thinking of ideas!!" And this is her being friendly.

No. 938201

File: 1721301157774.png (839.46 KB, 748x2105, IMG_3738.png)

Carlos and Lillee are a match made in heaven. Lillee should start learning Spanish with Duolingo.

No. 938203

God I really hope we get a Lillee Jean boyfriend saga and that Laur doesn't interfere and fuck it up

No. 938210

Her and Carlos would be so cute together. He can tolerate her autism because he's just as retarted. Its adorable

No. 938213

Eh, he'll be done with her when he figures out it's all fake. Seems like he legitimately wants to act, not just pretend.

No. 938215

Yikes she has a full apron belly now, and it's heading south.

No. 938219

Don’t forget her massive bingo wings. I think she’s aware of them so she tries to hide them on camera.

No. 938220

It's going to be verrrry interesting to see what Lillee has written for a 'love story'. This will be where the isolation and weird mother's teachings are really gonna show.

No. 938223

I don't get this vibe from him tbh, his videos are even worse quality than Lillee's and yet he legitimately thinks of them as "films". And as we've seen, his response to criticism is to flip out, block, and threaten to never act again like anyone cares. I think he's very similar to Lillee. Match made in heaven

No. 938244


Am i the only one who thinks he's too old for her/he's out of her league? She'd officially become Laur Jr. He seems mentally slow but he probably has actual life experience and wasn't coddled by an overbearing long island trash-esque stage mom. The only relationship i see working well for Lillie is if she finds a literal Chris chan tier dude who's just grateful he's got someone who's willing to show him some boobs.

No. 938247

You can tell he’s reading his lines at around 2:33

I don’t understand why he couldn’t film outside so the backdrop at least somewhat matches to Lillee’s

No. 938251

Who is the audience for this??? This would be bad even for a 5th grader.

No. 938252

He couldn't have angled the camera so that we can actually see his face?

No. 938253

this is so bad, holy shit. lillee needs to either take acting classes (will never happen because she and laur are convinced there’s no room for improvement) or throw in the towel and get a job at forever 21 or similar (she might be unqualified—does she even have a GED?). here’s an invidious link so no one has to give views to the attic goblins: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=8CRe1M-UGHg
>lavender fleur
shame she and philippe are no longer together, so he could tell her how stupid this sounds.

No. 938255

Horrible acting aside, the audio quality changing between each cut is so jarring and distracting. They need to invest in a wind muff for outdoor recording, and learn how to edit audio to remove background noise.

Somehow, Carlos' acting is worse than Lillee's.(sage your shit)

No. 938256

File: 1721339450977.png (1.12 MB, 1179x1888, Carlos.png)

Carlos has retired from acting

No. 938257

Oh no, I was rooting for Carlos and LJ kek

No. 938263

Nonnas I laughed out loud so many times at the video, the editing is so bad it's hilarious and the "plot" and dialogue are incomprehensible. And then I read Carlos' dramatic tweet and oh my lord my sides kekkkk this has been a good day. Waiting for Laur's deranged attacks at him any minute now

No. 938270

Im so confused and I have so many questions. Are they meant to be in a bar having this conversation? Why is she outside? Why is he speaking in Spanish and she’s responding in English? Why did she crop his videos so short you can’t even read his subtitles? Why is she talking like that? The conversation is so hard to follow it doesn’t make any sense
I’ve seen better acting & editing from literal kids on tiktok

No. 938271

This is so fucking funny, he never bothered to google her before? I thought they had a 'great connection both at work and outside work'? kek

No. 938276

I can’t help but feel a bit bad for Carlos. This dude probably thought that he would get a good chance at acting is what he thought was a legitimate acting gig only for it to be very low effort that it puts a kid who opens their first YouTube channel to shame. At least he saw the light now to see what is Laur’s move.

No. 938278

I feel bad for Laur because she paid for a few festival wins for him kek

No. 938279

I feel bad, but also it could have been much worse for him. At least he got conned by a mother and daughter who are just delusional, rather than by some fake acting agency that demanded thousands of dollars from him.

No. 938283

This is fake, it’s not on his account.

No. 938287

File: 1721354565654.jpg (79.5 KB, 585x372, tm.jpg)

Looks like he deleted.

No. 938292

It has been quite a while where I laughed out loud at something on this thread, and I about fell out of my chair. Lillee thought she had her perfect costar buddy. Good for him for figuring it out I guess, even if it was later down the line. I hope Lillee is seething.

No. 938293

Are you sure? It's the same handle all the way upthread too where he's being tagged directly from Lillee and having all of those conversations with her and Laur >>937881, >>937882

No. 938294

Wonder if her and Laur threatened him saying her regular bs about lawyers and police reports. With English not being his first language and not living in the US, he could have fallen for her threats and deleted it.

No. 938299

Yeah, she probably threatened him with Kobe Bryant's lawyer or something and he deleted it. Looking at his Twitter it seems like Laur also deleted a bunch of earlier, friendly tweets directed at Carlos, but his replies are still there.

No. 938313

I wonder what made him randomly look up "Lillee Jean fake"? He even mentions he was warned months ago and didn't listen. And he seemed to go along with the pay-to-win awards.

No. 938317

I wonder if Laur told him she's a legit agent and will get him real acting gigs? Or if he was expecting to get paid for his shitty videos and started getting impatient. He is obviously a complete retard so it shouldn't have been that hard to lie to him, I wonder how they fucked up.
Massive tinfoil but I'm now wondering if Laur actually freaked out that Carlos was going to steal Lillee from her and decided to tip him off herself? Wouldn't put it past her

No. 938319

Looks like all the snippets with Carlos' acting have been removed from her youtube channel.
I don't mean it unkindly but the guy's a complete moron, I think he genuinely thought she was his ticket to acting stardom and it just took a while for the penny to drop. The language barrier probably helped keep him in the dark, plus being simple enough to think those were award-quality films as a middle aged man.

No. 938329

Sandra sent a bunch of links about Lillee to Carlos. Not sure why she thought that this would be a good idea because everyone is worse off now: Lillee doesn't have an acting partner, Carlos has retired from acting, lolcow users lost millions of gallons of milk. Good job you dusty old bag.

No. 938330

Who's Sandra?

No. 938331

A woman who was doxxed by Laur multiple times. Her dox is gone now but she's still cowtipping all over the place.

No. 938332

wasn't that the crypto scam account laur kept posting that was obviously fake and not a real persons account?

No. 938334

Her facebook got hacked and Laur couldn't figure tha.t out

No. 938338

>>938329 Laur if warning him that you would do exactly what you just did is cowtipping, that's really funny

No. 938347

File: 1721409971405.png (1.15 MB, 819x2472, IMG_1913.png)

I know the goblins can be intense but I can't help laughing at this.
>Call the FBI
>They are breaking the law

Poor guy. I hope he understands that the goblins pose no real threat to him.

No. 938348

lol was just about to post that too. I'm starting to wonder if Laur and LJ took money from Carlos for their "film production" and that's why he's so het up.
Laur's usual intimidation tactic is either doxing or threatening legal action but Carlos all ready uses his real name everywhere so I guess she's just hoping the language barrier will be enough to fool him into thinking she's got a real lawyer.

No. 938352

Idk, on the other hand, this is some of the funniest milk we've had in a while. The milk Carlos & Lillee were providing us was doubtful to be a romantic arc. Lillee is too self-absorbed to consider Carlos romantically, and I bet that would have all taken place behind the scenes where we couldn't even see it. Now, we have a raging Carlos who wants to write an article detailing how Lillee and Laur fucked him over. And depending, may actually call the police on them to stop the threats. While a Lillee Carlos arc would have been gold, it was wishful thinking. We're seeing one of her ex-costars join in on exposing her, shit is hilarious.

No. 938353

File: 1721412257932.jpg (363.98 KB, 628x748, ew.jpg)

This weird looking person is defending Lillee for some reason atm

No. 938354

File: 1721413010560.png (2.11 MB, 967x3496, IMG_1624.png)

What are the goblins threatening him with?
>Lose friends
>Lose reputation
I guess Laur realized it's useless to threaten a Spanish person with American lawyers.

No. 938358

aw i feel for him. he's obviously very slow but he seems genuine enough, he's not trying to fake fame at least. laur is such a cunt, i can't wait for the day they're too broke to be able to afford internet

No. 938367

File: 1721418138555.jpg (155.56 KB, 1242x1657, proof.JPG)

Laur took no money from this guy because he's dead broke. All the festival submissions were paid by the Truemans.

Also here's proof that it was Sandra who sent him the deets about Lillee.

I'm not innocent when it comes to cowtipping but this cunt is taking it to another level.(cowtipping retard)

No. 938373

that account was most definitely made by another farmer

No. 938374

Grand opening, grand closing. I can't help but feel a little bad for this guy, he seems mentally delayed. I wonder how Lillie even found him? Is he one of her zoom acting classmates?

No. 938378

File: 1721425964489.jpg (Spoiler Image,262.4 KB, 956x1525, carloshere.jpg)


Carlos started talking a lot sweeter/flirtier towards Lillee after horny posting.
I didn't get to capture all their exchanges before their falling out. He was falling for their delusions, I thought they oddly matched up.

No. 938382

Posting her name and calling a cunt for helping Carlos?? Are you defending Laur?

No. 938397

why is she acting like she's in a bad 40's film? transatlantic accent and everything? they must keep the turner classic movies on all the time…

No. 938398

Whoa farmer, which side are you on? How is someone a cunt taking it to the next level by pointing Carlos to the truth about Laur.

And when you say "festival submissions" please don't say you believe these are real film festivals.

No. 938399

Not the cowtipping retard anon but the film fests, while not actual film festivals, were pay-to-play scams. While there are legit film fests that you have to pay to submit to, the ones Laur sends their videos to are "everyone gets an award" scams. Carlos probably didn't notice or understand the difference until recently.

No. 938419

Nta but most of us are here to watch, he would come to the truth in the end himself and telling him anything wasn't necessary. It's just spoiling the natural progression of things which the interresting part about it.
Please Sandra or whoever that was let it be next time. You don't need to save random dudes from Lillee lol.

No. 938430

Can people please stop posting real names, this is an anon board and that's shitty

No. 938432

File: 1721490515871.jpeg (942.7 KB, 1284x1388, IMG_9679.jpeg)

The jokes write themselves

No. 938434

We in Europe have a Discord team re: the Truemans and we each individually warned Carlos. He subsequently reached out to a much-loved Youtuber to learn truth from a source he chose. We had no intent but to help this man and don't perceive this harms Lillee since it is all fake anyway. When you lose an imaginary friend, what have you lost?(cowtipping)

No. 938437

Congratulations on spoiling the milk retard

No. 938443

Holy shit, my sides

No. 938444

She keeps trying to make being female a disability & we're all out here doing just fine and being successful at our jobs. Of course if you dip from middle school you'll have no skills or qualifications applicable to any career in the real world. DUH.

No. 938446

Crap, this is better than the finest Laur-isms. She has officially become her mother.

No. 938453

Cowtipper you have no stake in this, wtf

No. 938456

Why did you feel the need to help a retarded coomer?

No. 938467

Human decency? Pity? Disgust with these fakers? Pick at least one.(ban evasion)

No. 938469

>We in Europe have a Discord team
>in Europe
Kek what? How do you make sure no people from other continents joins your super secret Euro server? Ah, why am I even asking. Retards gonna be retarded.

Nice one, Lillee. Like a true intelligibluan.

No. 938476

This jackass is so delusional, she has nothing to hate on. Lil Jeans, I beg, keep being yourself

No. 938484

Why is there an active dedicated discord server when the truemans are barely doing anything interesting these days? Why is it exclusive to Europe? What are you guys on

No. 938485

>exclusive to Europe
Why?Call it laziness but because all members speak French.(ban evasion)

No. 938487


Oh, are you guys in contact with that one female french YouTuber Lillie copywrite striked ?(derailing)

No. 938492

>Is this really how you French faggots wanna spend your summer?

Imagine getting as extra as you are over an old racist like Laur Trueman. Please - entertain us some more.

No. 938494

As a (non-frog) European I think you are a retard. The Carlos/LJ saga was shaping up to be the most interesting thing to happen in this thread for ages and you went and spoiled it

No. 938495

You’re saying there’s a French discord running gayops to protect gross coomers hitting on women half their age? You aren’t the good guys kek

No. 938497

>hitting women half their age

No one's hitting on anyone, but thank you you just gave me BINGO on my game card.

Laur's obsession with age is so weird.

No. 938499

Dear non-frog, you seem to be under the misconception that lolcow is the center of the LJ universe. It's only a tiny orbiting satellite.(ban evasion)

No. 938500

Jesus fuck you are a proper cringelord.

No. 938501

Then why are you here

No. 938502

Then go join one of the Lillee fan pages where you can assimilate.

No. 938505

What are you smoking? You weirdo. You admit to spoiling the milk, cowtipping and you think we are the people who don't belong here? Clown world.

No. 938506

The French really are the most cringe of all the Europeans

No. 938507

Lillee is fluent in French

No. 938510

Lillee is American. Hope this helps.

No. 938513

no she’s not lmao, what are you smoking drinking? let me guess: franzia?

No. 938516

You already spoiled the only slightly interesting milk to happen in Lillee's life for months to come, can you at least stop shitting up the thread with your autism you cringelord

No. 938520

The French love to smoke, should have left well enough alone.(incoherent)

No. 938537

> We had no intent but to help this man and don't perceive this harms Lillee since it is all fake anyway

You are harming Lillee by further isolating her from outside contact. This guy was creepy but he was a real person and not Laur. You’re only pushing her further into her codependent relationship with Laur when you contact these people.

No. 938539

Yeah, LJ finally got a chance to have a friend and to maybe even date like most adults her age and Frenchchan just wrecked it and left LJ with nobody but her parents

No. 938542

Nta and I see what you're saying but let's call it what it is: they were funny and you wanted milk kek. Let's not pretend Carlos was going to save/help the situation when he was a part of the delusion + openly a horny posting moid lovebombing Lille

No. 938553

Ntayrt but so what? He was still the only person she knew that was on her wavelength lmao, everyone else she had collaborated with clearly just saw her as special needs. This was literally the first time in her life she could talk to someone on her level, and her opportunity to live out a middle school e-romance with a fellow retard. Now Laur can continue to tell Lillee that everyone around her will betray her and they only have each other, and Lillee will depend on her more. For me personally, seeing LJ win and get an actual friend/e-bf while Laur seethes would've been both milk and a positive development in LJ's life. Alas, the French continue to french

No. 938554

am i the only one tinfoiling right now? why would a french person say lillee speaks fluent french when even burger anons can tell she’s worse than elementary-level? i really think the “french discord” is just laur sabotaging lillee’s only friendship and trying to make it look like there’s some kind of organized movement against lillee. thus painting her as a victim of da cyberboolies again. she made this, after all >>938058 it’s totally something she would do.

No. 938556

I’m so sorry to have tell you this but you may be retarded.

A frog anon along with an American woman, who’s been posting all over the place about Laur and Lillee for years, messaged Carlos about the attic duo’s antics. I don’t have any proof but I do believe that the new website was created by the frog discord. It’s way too unfunny to have been made by an American cyberbully and it lines up with the timing of retarded Euro posting in this thread.

The French have once again ruined a good thing. Great job you caca boudin.

No. 938558

Ok so you mad he read his Youtube comments and went and talked to a Youtuber.Why so mad– you know the Laurcow always will give more milk.

No. 938559

Once again, what did you personally have to gain from this? Do you think you’re some sort of a hero for saving a Spanish pervert from making more bad acting videos?

One of these frog anons is a literal child and it’s fucking summer out. Please go touch some grass and leave the cyberbullying to people who are funnier than you.(ban evading)

No. 938571

>i don’t have any proof
okay then. i don’t believe “frog anon” or “frog discord” exists. no french person would ever say lillee speaks fluent french. it’s laur sabatoging her own daughter, as always.

No. 938574

This person is responsible for the new Lillee subreddit and I’m assuming they’re also responsible for the Lillee Burner account on Twitter.

I love poking fun at Laur as much as the next anon but blaming her for the Carlos shitshow is naive at best.

No. 938577

Theres a Carlos Shitshow? he found videos about her ok but really so what.

No. 938581

The new reddit thread is oompaville.

No. 938587

Am I the only one who read the fluent in French comment as sarcasm?

No. 938588

No! I thought it was obvious because Lillee's French is nonexistent. Laughing that anyone took it serious.

No. 938589

Like saying she's an excellent basketball player.

No. 938590

File: 1721688157505.png (963.79 KB, 802x1893, IMG_2232.png)

I see she fell for Laur's lies. Lillee and Laur reposting the same picture on set. Makes it look like Lillee is working hard every day.

No. 938591

File: 1721688237932.jpg (591.66 KB, 1538x2048, media_GS8IHKxWkAAIR22.jpg)

Big pic

No. 938592

I've never seen a girl with a hairy back.(nitpicking)

No. 938593

File: 1721688568610.mp4 (195.73 KB, 1080x1920, Bullyish .mp4)

I was wondering what is this Reddit retardation ITT about. Then I found this on Laur's Instagram. Laur can't edit videos at all.

Provide screenshots, retard.

No. 938594

Lol anon, a lot of Caucasian women have hairy backs. It looks like light hairs to me on Lillee.

No. 938595

File: 1721688740496.mp4 (1.04 MB, 720x1280, Silver Linings.mp4)

>Lillee Jean Performs SILVER LININGS Movie Dramatic Monologue Scene | So Lillo Qui

No. 938596

You don't need a screenshot of Oompaville, he did a whole video on them, its hardly obscure.(this is an imageboard, provide proof)

No. 938597

File: 1721689368170.png (745.96 KB, 1288x1080, IMG_5854.png)

The video is just two screenshots.

No. 938598

File: 1721690322575.png (843.21 KB, 1080x1211, IMG_2134.png)

I don't know if Carlos will do anything milky. But one can always hope.

No. 938599

File: 1721691678860.jpg (209.19 KB, 464x569, 1725120322529.jpg)

new woman, prom aged.(sage your shit)

No. 938600

That’s because you’re a literal child.

No. 938602

This is an imageboard. Either post a screenshot of the subreddit or a link.

No. 938603

File: 1721695149526.jpg (116.02 KB, 1080x655, Screenshot_20240723-023618_Chr…)

This "The Archivist" person doesn't sound French to me so I don't think they're related to the supposed frog server, sounds like a child. So a random kid is trying to promote their 7 follower youtube by trying to get involved in LJ drama and they made the Lillee Mean website, subreddit and a "Lillee Jean Burner" callout twitter. I don't know why someone is claiming Oompaville is involved but that's clearly not true

No. 938617

Creepy that he only attaches himself to younger women, I don't feel sorry for this dumbass

No. 938622

He quoted himself just like Lillee Jean loves to quote herself. There must be a red thread of fate thing going on. This milk is meant to be.

No. 938623

>prom aged
Or you could just say she is 19 years old like a normal person would. Lillee never went to prom. Sad.

No. 938624

Lillee has never had a legitimately genuine documented friend that isn't in her engagement pod, desperate acting circle, or Laur.

No. 938631

he is stalking a girl who just went to prom.(sage your shit)

No. 938635

Ur obsessed w Carlos, let it go man it's done. He was like a penpal not like a real boyfirend, she'll get over it.

No. 938636

She’s 19 and he did an interview with her. Not really stalking. Seems like Laur is trying to get the farms to brigade their pet coomer who went rogue.

No. 938647

File: 1721757217658.png (1.49 MB, 985x1886, Amanda1.png)

Lillee must be seething because she can't post her shitty collab with Carlos. The shots in the red dress made her feel pretty, and Carlos's horrible acting made Lillee seem somewhat talented.
Kek at the song choice.

No. 938648

File: 1721757270517.png (1.92 MB, 1738x1080, Amanda2.png)

The other pics of that post.

No. 938650

She almost looks normal here

No. 938651

File: 1721759019217.png (1.12 MB, 1475x1072, IMG_2241.png)

No. 938653

Lillee's talking about women in leadership and management but she's never worked at McDonalds.

>It must be normalized for a woman working in a leadership role, rather sensationalized.

What year is she living in,, 1972? Girl, catch up.

No. 938654

The back fat spilling out kek

No. 938657


Lils is fighting for her life to suck in the gut and pull her head up and back to hide the double chin. She's never been good at arranging her body to look relaxed and natural while masking her flaws from the camera, but this is cartoonish

No. 938659

what the fuck is that first post?

No. 938681

A girl sticking it out in a $10 Shein dress, is pretending she knows about women in leadership and management. If that's the life she wants, she needs a degree in STEM, or finance, or business. The fuck-me poses aren't giving vibes for anything but a Blue Chew ad.

No. 938707

The only influence in her life is Laur who is an old hag. She probably has to listen to her wine about getting her custodian job at the lawyers office or how hard it was for her to become such an elite prop master. To her the only wisdom she has is what she learned from Laur at the attic accedemy so she has no concept of what the real world is like in 2024. It's quite pathetic. She thinks that by hashtagging #woman #girlboss she might gain followers, but the average woman this day and age is self providing and in control of their career. She will never understand that because of how sheltered and ignorant she is.

No. 938708

Her shoes do not match the outfit at all, sad. I actually like when she takes photos of just her face like in the second pic, I never minded her makeup tutorial looks or whatever from a while ago, but I guess those were more structured and shopped. First pic is just so unflattering and such a weird bad angle makes her look real fat and real cheap

No. 938716

she could have grabbed at least one other green accessory or something to match them so they dont look out of place

No. 938721

>pic is just so unflattering and such a weird bad angle makes her look real fat and real cheap

That's Laur's amateur photography, mostly.

No. 938733

Man that dumpy ass, I can't believe THIS is the thing she decided not to photoshop. Please just take front facing pics Lillee

No. 938742

Lillee talks about Bullyish

No. 938744

Dude I can't belive Laur's vile face at the end! She come here writes the most disgusting shit about killing her own daughter one time when she's wasted or psychotic. I saw that and i remember Laur! And then films a video like this. Who knows how much of the threats and egg nonsence was Laur. I honesty don't remember anynthing about eggs or eggies except that they got one egg mailed. Did Laur's schizophenic ass got fixated on eggs for some reason?

No. 938748

She claims that this "woman" is currently talking to children on her discord server. She also says she won't "name names" because she has "faith in the police". If she about someone who is currently grooming children, it is her duty to name that person, at least to law enforcement. We all know that there is no cult, no stalker, no unnamed single woman grooming children on discord. But she just claimed she is keeping a child predator anonymous.

No. 938749

File: 1721863719068.png (1.06 MB, 878x1806, IMG_2601.png)

Look at that. Carlos may deliver more milk after all.

No. 938760

Man this guy is retarded

No. 938761

File: 1721875020140.webm (12.63 MB, 576x1024, 1587490834364.webm)

sage for vintage milk, i was just going through the old threads and reminiscing on the good old days. i miss early tiktok dancing queen era lillee

No. 938763

The grandma glasses and the cropped hoodie look baffling together

No. 938777

File: 1721906018558.png (1.21 MB, 1066x1559, IMG_4558.png)

Their whole narrative has never made any rhyme or reason. Lillee can't even spell Bullyish.
>won twice at film festivals
I bet the "jury" didn't even watch the film.

No. 938778

>my reputation is in tatters
Lmao I love this guy

No. 938779

It’s obvious they finished it years ago and didn’t change it to update anything. The “glitter bomb” was a birthday card from an online prank store, whoever ordered it used Lillee’s email address and she received an email notification (Laur says this is identify theft kek).They show the email and it says “card”, nothing about a glitter bomb. In the footage at the post office, Laur says they haven’t even received it yet but they wanted to let the post office know it’s on the way. The story about Laur getting a glitter bomb and almost having a heart attack is a total lie.

Weird they’re blaming Maine lady on YouTube and Twitter when Bullyish is blaming everything on Diane

No. 938782

It says moaning card. My sides.

No. 938783

Thanks for posting this nona! Before she removed all her early dance videos from tiktok I used to get such a kek watching her move her weirdly uncoordinated body. Like when a child tries to imitate adult sexy dance moves and it just looks funny. If you have others, please post.

No. 938784

After all the millions of views from around the world in the last few months, Laur still thinks only one lady dislikes her? Does her brain literally not work, like at all?

No. 938785

I just realised what she said here. The lady in Maine was Diane all along! I didn't realise til today. Am I the only one?

No. 938787

I can't find a single incident of Lillee posting threats received. Wonder if Laur writes them and shows them to Lillee, like the "love your hormones" letters of the old days. Diane never threatened for sure for sure.

No. 938789

File: 1721920538580.png (1010.84 KB, 2360x1196, ID theft.png)

this is their proof of identity theft kek

No. 938790

File: 1721920587479.png (385.2 KB, 2132x1218, Farty.png)


No. 938791

File: 1721920651843.png (948.19 KB, 2400x1190, dick.png)

sexual harassment!

No. 938792

File: 1721920691960.png (347.82 KB, 2442x1028, mark cuban.png)

No. 938793

File: 1721920922912.png (719.81 KB, 2486x1392, dox.png)

also she doxxes primink again in this video (i redacted his name)

No. 938795

They seem to have changed this video, it's an 8 second clip. Also the yewtube link doesn't work, the page loads but the video isn't available. Shame, I wanted to watch it.
>The FBI has offices in every country and every city worldwide
Who is this schizo? The way they capitalize things is very weird.
Zero body acting and her voice is extremely flat. Also her grimace at around 0:04 is straight up disturbing.
KEKKKKKKK THE SPASMING How does someone have so little control over their body?

No. 938796


any way to watch this shitshow shy of going to their site?

No. 938797

File: 1721926374269.png (267.4 KB, 607x840, image_2024-07-25_125236089.png)

Looks like Laur stayed up late last night with her box wine and made a new sock to harass him with

No. 938800

It's not worth the watch, they presented nothing new. A self pity party with out of context screenshots that show so fast you have to stop every second to read them. They try to make it sound like there's a cult and think random twitter screenshots prove it. Basically two retards discover that people on the internet talk to eachother and suddenly it's an organized crime lol.

No. 938801

so the full movie is finally out on her website? i actually want to watch this one kek.
they are so comically retarded
i don't expect anything new from them but i find listening to them talk about the egg cult so funny. they exaggerate everything to the craziest degrees

No. 938804

What an absolute CROCK of shit. I refuse to believe that she thinks everyone against her is under a cult of Diane. She knows she has 0 actual fans and that everyone hates her, but would never admit it. Saying Diane paid people to make videos on her? Oh, so Diane paid a massive YouTuber, Primink, to make a video on you that gets 10mil views, and then a follow up video 4 YEARS later on YOUR stalking? Get fucking real.
And then her trying to claim she's "boisterous and never made a comment or statement about this", meanwhile her and Laur fucking sperg out all the time on every platform. God she fucking sucks.

No. 938806

Didn't she use the same tactics against Primik? Saying he was grooming minors on his Discord channel?

Laur is just making up bullshit to excuse their relentless harassment of any person who dares to say anything negative about Lillee.

No. 938807

imagine if they’d each spent all that time filling out job applications instead

No. 938809

I can’t get over the threatening packages they’ve received being hiking boots, fake eyelashes, egg timer and an email receipt for a birthday card that moans. It sounded like all these things were sent to their P.O. Box which is listed all over her website. Those hiking boots were probably from a genuine fan. Hiking boots are expensive kek

No. 938814

Imagining a cop taking this complaint of receiving boots, eye lashes, an egg timer, and a prank glitter card. No threats, just gifts. Ooooh menacing.

No. 938822

It says the reasons are in an attached petition. Can you please post that?

No. 938824

The "egg" thing started because Laur and Lillee thought it was funny to call Twitter accounts without profile pictures "eggs". The old Twitter placeholder for profile photos was an egg. They were obsessed with the "egg" thing. No one called themselves that, the attic goblins called them that and they rolled with it. Same with all the "cult" shit. Laur and Lillee came up with all of those names themselves.

No. 938838

They were told in March to get out by June 30th and instead of getting jobs or finding housing they started a fight with YouTubers.

No. 938846

So in September 2022 their landlord tried to evict them because their lease was over/they owed him rent. Laur claimed ERAP so she got eviction protection and it covered her back rent.

In September 2023 the landlord sued them for 4 months worth of rent ($12,800) because they didn’t pay May-Aug. Laur then responded that the landlord was harassing her and she applied for ERAP again, thus she couldn’t be evicted until they processed her application. Landlord’s petition got “discontinued without prejudice” in January 2024.

In March 2024 he served them a 90 day eviction notice and they had to vacate his property on June 29. It’s unclear if they owe him any rent but at this point he just wants them gone.

This guy has been trying to get rid of them for 2 whole years. Their unit will likely require extensive repairs and I’m sure that Laur stopped paying rent altogether as soon as she saw the eviction notice.

No. 938847

The real threats were the many eviction notices that Laur has received over the years.

No. 938859

When posting documents about a cow you must censor any addresses contained within. Please repost without the addresses visible.

No. 938862

My tinfoil is that Laur pressured Lillee to post the Bullyish video, which they obviously never finished and wanted to keep threatening to release instead of posting, because Lillee is really upset about Carlos and needed a distraction.
I can't wait for his video, I'm 99% sure he doesn't have any dirt on them and is just upset LJ's followers are fake, but the ensuing franzia freakout is bound to be great

No. 938864

In the oompaville video, Primink said his lawyer found out they don’t have jobs, abuse public assistance and they’re squatting >>936146 Looks like Primink knew about this current eviction before we did

No. 938865

IIRC the landlord’s office is the first floor of the house. All the outdoor shoots in parking lots are them avoiding their landlord kek

No. 938869

Laur started doxxing people in the old thread like a couple of days after she was served with eviction papers. They also started buying awards mid-March, before they were served, but the landlord has probably already let them know that they had to gtfo. I swear Laur starts freaking out about stalkers as soon as their housing situation becomes precarious.

No. 938870

Notice how she brushes by the "there's the stuff about everything being fake" and basically just saying "whatever" to that now. Wild to think this is how it all started, but this used to be the reason behind all of her freakouts. She couldn't handle being called out for being fake about everything, but now she's just saying "whatever" to it.

No. 938872

I noticed the same pattern, anon. She probably agitates critics on purpose so she can say they have to move because of threats instead of admitting to Lillee she’s mismanaged their funds

No. 938874

and she liked the eyelashes too kek, laur probably drunk ordered them on amazon and forgot

No. 938875

“Mismanaged funds” is a charitable way to describe poor white trash that leeches off society. Like a lot of these types, they’re waiting on someone to die (probably Earl) in order to avoid poverty.

No. 938882

So Laur is a squatter?

No. 938893

File: 1722015737626.jpeg (373.3 KB, 1290x1660, IMG_6050.jpeg)

Laur can’t go to their court date because she has to travel out of state for Temporary Restraining Order hearings.

No. 938895

yes she's been one for a very long time.

No. 938905

Unless the judge sees that those two TRO cases are already filed and scheduled for hearings with the court, she just perjored herself. That could be jail time right?

No. 938909

I doubt they’ll care. They just won’t reschedule the court dates.

No. 938910

Landlord loses two more months rent, she sucks as a human.

No. 938913

I wonder where there going but if they can't pay rent how can they afford travel for two court cases? Also the counter stalking claims are going to suck for them if their not in fact lying.

No. 938914

Taking 30 days to travel to Maine and Michigan is insane. Are they walking?

No. 938915

She’s asking for 60 days. It’s going to take her all of August & September to travel to 2 states kek

No. 938918

I fly Chicago to San Francisco all the time, leaving in the morning, take a half day meeting, fly home after - sleep in my own bed. Why the hell would she need more than a day - day and a half tops?

No. 938924

File: 1722023762498.jpg (84.19 KB, 871x1020, lzjirclav9b11.jpg)

NYC to Michigan 2 weeks by horse & buggy. Only 3 days NY to Maine.

Per some redditor.

No. 938928

File: 1722026104214.jpeg (87.33 KB, 1066x828, IMG_7251.jpeg)

What a freak, I don’t know why she can’t edit the weird faces she pulls in this video, it really makes a lot of her points seem disingenuous or like she’s joking, especially when she’s trying to make it sound like she’s in fear for her life lol

No. 938930

File: 1722026997881.png (1022.16 KB, 1036x1108, Audition .png)

No. 938932

File: 1722027096674.jpg (1.64 MB, 1179x1959, Coinstein.jpg)

From Lillee’s ig stories. I hope she doesn’t think that she’ll be able to pay rent with these coins.

No. 938935

File: 1722027752846.png (Spoiler Image,275.29 KB, 595x416, Screenshot 2024-07-26 134956.p…)

No. 938943

Her eyes freak me out. She got text book sociopath gaze.

No. 938970

She looks so bad with her hair like this. It really shows how ugly she is when it's just her face trying to do all the work. Do they not have A/C in the attic?

No. 938975

File: 1722081821370.jpg (24.89 KB, 379x532, crazyeyes2.jpg)

Not today, sleep paralysis demon.

NOW can they admit the crazy eyes are fucking terrifying?

No. 938977

The look on your face when you're about to steal Christmas.

No. 939013

Laur is traveling to file TROs? For Lillee? No, Laur - YOU would stay in NY for your eviction hearing, and LILLEE, a legally grown-ass woman, would travel to file her own damn TROs, which will be declined because no one ever threatened her.

Only Laur Trueman would ever believe she could file anything on behalf of her legal adult daughter on the basis that she "used to be a baby."

No. 939018

File: 1722116346994.png (912.2 KB, 1062x1258, IMG_2194.png)

Voice acting again.

No. 939020

File: 1722116413299.png (1.69 MB, 1452x1080, IMG_3246.png)

She is actually good at making goofy faces.

No. 939034

Voice acting is one of those things that I think with practice she might be okay at it, but the main thing is being able to accept criticism. She's going to have to get used to retaking her lines several times until they get the perfect tone/pitch/etc. and something tells me at the first "redo" she's going to flip out and feel like it was perfect and she doesn't need to retake.

No. 939059

File: 1722159259262.jpeg (694.14 KB, 976x1042, IMG_6388.jpeg)

Its obvious she’s just avoiding the court date and trying to not get served papers like she’s been doing for fucking years because she knows she’ll go to jail if they actually get her in court

No. 939063

her name is not on the papers, what are you talking about/jail? for what?

No. 939067

File: 1722167181820.png (196.35 KB, 1247x246, uh oh.png)

For when the dates don't add up.

No. 939069

File: 1722167766307.png (196.35 KB, 1247x246, uh oh.png)

For when the court finds out that Lillee is the one requesting the TRO since she is the one allegedly being harassed online and Laur is the one requesting an adjournment for the eviction hearing. See how that doesn't add up?

No. 939070

When I initially read the document, I kind of brushed by and assumed Laur was getting a restraining order for herself. While I wouldn't put it past her to try and get one on Lillee's behalf, I think she might actually be getting one for herself because 1. She's using it as an excuse to avoid court. 2. Her and Lillee never leave the house or each other's presence, so getting one for Laur means getting one for Lillee too.

No. 939071

File: 1722168144314.png (546.64 KB, 1340x546, Screenshot 2024-07-28 135836.p…)

This statement implies that Laur will be seeking a TRO for threats made against herself, she never mentions Lillee. Misleading statements like that on an official court document are considered perjury.

No. 939075

>Misleading statements on an official court document
That's Laur's MO. Last time she claimed she didn't know she was getting evicted, and found out about it from "Black websites". She also claimed the landlord harasses her. I say the TRO is as legit as Lillee's acting career.

No. 939076

Anti-semitism only came from that freak "nazi" who wasn't American. Threats, same. Has there ever been a single proof of threats?

Primink, Maine lady, Diane, any Youtuber who has ever covered her - not a single threat.

No. 939077

Bullyish didn't show anything threatening, just flashes of tweets which a) are covered by free speech and b) made criticisms, not threats.

No. 939083

I actually think Lillee could make it as a children’s entertainer. She makes funny faces, she over-emotes constantly, she’s immature in her interests, and her voice is cartoony enough to be engaging to little kids. She just needs to get off the internet and stop trying to act like a sexy boss babe.

No. 939086

File: 1722187490997.jpg (34.31 KB, 1080x608, side-eye-chloe.jpg)

To me her faces are scary not funny. Like she's going to vomit sometimes or like she's getting posessed for a second before returning to normal. I know my kid self wouldn't enjoy watching her.

No. 939087

I agree. She could have real actual human fans. She could dress up as a fairytale character and perform at kids' birthday parties. And use her "makeup guru skills" to do face paintings.
Of course none of this is going to happen.

This. She can't even commit to her short films. You can see she is reading her lines from a paper instead of memorizing them. That's her only "job".

No. 939088

File: 1722188778289.gif (14.55 MB, 600x461, IMG_5021.gif)

I know it’s old milk but I just watched her basketball video again and I love it so much.

No. 939089

>>939088 It's sad. Lonely girl playing alone so her mom can make a video to humiliate her on the internet.

No. 939090

Serious question, does she have dwarfism? I've never seen a non-midget with such stumpy limbs.

No. 939091

She has SOMETHING wrong with her, but since she's never used it as a grift, there's no way to officially diagnose. If it were a simple case of dwarfism, you'd think she's use it.

No. 939097

I'm pretty sure they do use it as a grift, just not online. Remember when they used to claim she was 5' or 5'1", then the anons in the thread started talking about how she could get benefits for being a dwarf if she was shorter, and then the goblins magically "discovered" that LJ was actually 4'11" or something? Lmao

No. 939105

She’s actually 4’9” which makes her a dwarf

No. 939107

File: 1722205880916.gif (7.15 MB, 600x459, wnba.GIF)


No. 939110

lol are you dumb? you can't avoid paying rent or mortgage.

No. 939111

She once showed a measuring tape on a live video - 4'9". She should have been given growth hormones as a child but we all know how Laur avoids responsible parenting at every turn, hence the nightmare she caused for Lillee with her teeth.

No. 939112

This clip with the ball really shows how severe her hand-eye coordination is. She bounces the ball like a 5 year-old.

No. 939114

I just noticed that she’s not even playing with an adult basketball. This looks like a ball for preschool kids that’s around 6 inches in diameter.

No. 939120

she runs on her toes like an autist

No. 939121

File: 1722217303207.gif (2.21 MB, 340x376, Run.GIF)

Holy shit she does it multiple times

No. 939122

>>939075(remove addresses and other identifying info from screenshots before you upload)

No. 939123

File: 1722217963997.jpg (767.65 KB, 1179x1473, Holdover2.jpg)

No. 939127

old, closed?

No. 939133

As per the Farmhand post from 3 days ago, any screenshots of court documents must have private information such as home addresses censored. Failure to do so after this warning will result in a week long ban.

No. 939135

From the Mayo Clinic:

Toe walking has been linked to autism spectrum disorders, which affect a child's ability to communicate and interact with others.

If your child is still toe walking after age 2, talk to your doctor about it.

Persistent toe walking can increase a child's risk of falling. It can also result in a social stigma.

No. 939136

>It can also result in a social stigma.
lmao your child might been as retard. congrats laur, stellar parenting

No. 939139

Considering she never even noticed her kids baby teeth didn't fall out, she's quite negligent.

No. 939140

Lillee had to google her own pre-cancerous growth, Laur didn't give a shit enough to notice…

No. 939148

What autistic shit is this

No. 939153

Permanently disabled person who can't walk. So was this person in alone when you were being served laur? Since you were never in to be serve. Sounds like elder abuse leaving such a vulnerable person alone. When your out galavanting making videos with your daughter for hours on end. Would love to hear the excuse they would come up with for that.

No. 939159

Who's going to be with the "disabled, unable to walk" Earl while they are gone for 30 days?

No. 939165

old and closed?

No. 939166

Laur’s vagina?

No. 939188

File: 1722356268856.jpg (290.96 KB, 903x802, TPO.jpg)

I assume the Maine lady is already well prepared for all fuckery, but in case not here's a little help.

No. 939192

File: 1722362920879.jpg (113.51 KB, 732x815, bullyish.jpg)

Primink knows Laur doxed him again in Bullyish so you can't watch it without giving your email.

Clever move Lillee, since there's NO WAY for anyone to set up a new email address.

No. 939195

Bunch of us viewed it without her tracking because she doesn't understand technology, like at all.

Don't bother, it's an hour of seizure-inducing crap editing of flashes of non-threatening emails and Laur clutching her pearls because she doesn't understand society. That's the whole video.

No. 939205

Why is it the landlords responsibility to house them because they can't afford another place?! It's his property. He has no obligation to allow them to stay. Get a fucking job!
I just wanted to see of I made the roster.

No. 939215

File: 1722388859190.jpg (1.23 MB, 1056x1856, June2024.jpg)

This isn’t in the doc

No. 939216

File: 1722388884483.jpg (1.05 MB, 1039x1849, May2024.jpg)

And neither is this

No. 939218

Lillee Jean? Her hands look like an old washerwoman’s.

No. 939223

That's supposed to be the police person helping them file the report. They're meant to be sitting on the other side of the desk. I'd say it looks more like they're in an H&R Block but we all know Laur doesn't file taxes.

No. 939225

Tenant laws are insanely lenient if you know how to abuse them, which I’m sure Laur does. She’s probably figured out a way to stay without paying for another couple years. People do that in apartments all the time

No. 939227

Lmao they couldn't decide whether they filed one report or multiple? How are they still so bad at making stuff up

No. 939228

Notice how Laur uses foot photos, Lillee smiling, and empty dinner plates to REALLY stick it to the “hate crimes” perps.

No. 939246

Their insistence on using "fifteen-and-a-half" instead of just "fifteen" never fails to send me.

No. 939247

File: 1722443976777.jpg (14.75 KB, 271x188, shoes.jpg)

We know Lillee's not allowed to go shopping on her own, but could Laur not bring her along to make sure her shoes fit?

No. 939249

She has wide feet but I guess Laur just isn't bothered to find brands that do wide sizes and just buys her daughter standard sized shoes she has to stuff herself into like sausage casing. Either that or she's delusional and thinks Lillee has dainty petite pretty princess feet and therefore can fit into regular shoes for narrower feet just like Cinderella

No. 939261

In the last 5 months, the behavior has escalated significantly, and my private residence has been violated by someone on the property at least three different times, with odd packages, and placed bottles on my tires to “send a message”. This is a psycho delusional stalker, with delusional thoughts and feelings toward me and my family. The person has amassed her own cult, to “take me down”, while she hurts my family and I daily, with severely concerning threats.

The conduct has gotten worse toward me in the last ten weeks, specifically, with the most ominous message sent to me via email, wanting me to be “r** and left for dead.” That was sent several times in detailed horrible ways just in the last 4 weeks. I am afraid that this email message shows that this person, intends to sexually assault me, and I have filed additional police reports with the NYPD. My whole family has received threats of murder, and horrible curses of cancer as well, from the stalker, and her group. It’s become so many, it’s overwhelming. We have passed along the info to the Queens District attorney – the agency that has been working with us on the original identity theft, and stalking case. My concern is things take time, and I am so scared.

This stalking on a deranged level, makes me feel terrified. It started when I was 15 1/2, on a Reddit where they said they wanted to r* me. When my mom tried to defuse and defend me on the Reddit, since I was underaged, that became more of a story that she’s “batshit,” and they started further creating delusions. From that day on, things got insane, and scary. In 2019, I was 18 years old, when something called the “Lillee Jean Clone Cult” was created to “take me down”. They claimed I was fake, a fraud and deserved it. They put people in my path as “friends” to get confessions, and even had Discord servers on me to plot and plan seeing me bleed, and my family die. Even recently, someone was put in my path by this woman, who came onto me in a very sexually motivated scary way, and I felt trapped. From all the hate that I’ve been through I put up with the creepy messages of love being sent, and felt very isolated. The international person I filed a report on this week, for fear of them being motivated to follow through with their threats against me.

This has been terrifying. I lost everything I ever had built, from the lies spread. People from that “cult” have sent terrifying letters to my family daily, and despite working with the NYPD, the cult has gained traction with new members “to take me down”. They convinced each-other the police wouldn’t do anything, and even tagged the precinct on Twitter as far back as 2019. Each report I’ve filed has been particularly on men within the cult stalking me, to do the bidding of the woman that formed their group.

I was sent glitter bombs in the mail with my name as the “sender”, moaning Valentines Day cards in the mail, I was sent packages of hiking clothing, specific eyelashes I wear by physical mail…it is absolutely terrifying. I feel this is like a Charles Manson like cult, and it is freaking me out. It’s a group entirely of men, and children, with one woman at the helm calling her disciples “lord & saviors” and doing “God’s work”, and it’s just frightening how the delusions grow daily. The more she hurts me, and threatens me, the more she rewards these people publicly.

The stalker online keeps calling for me to be separated from my family, which is giving me fear of being kidnapped, on top of being r*ed. I’m a small woman, and it’s just terrifying that I can’t even go on a run alone, without this fear over my head now. The stalker has created mass-hysteria, and put me in a position where my life is being sucked dry.

The woman who runs the cult is actually a public figure, and identified herself in several tormenting emails to me through my website, social media, and even to my lawyer with her organizations name as the sender name. She told me that we were related “in some way”, when I asked her to stop stalking my family. The delusions she has even go as far as her trying to assimilate into being a “family member” who will heroically “save me”. The women online has tried giving me illnesses that do not exist, has tried calling as “Laura”, my mom, to obtain school records, and even recently has made appointments with local plastic surgeons to “fix my face”. This all increased starting in May, 2024.

The worst is the whole internet at the time thought it was funny, and it made it ten times worse. My pain, and what they did to me became their stories. She empowered them, and they became victims, or her “lord & saviors”, yet I am the one with the police reports, and my family being threatened horrifically on a daily basis. She coerced the cult members, which are mainly men, to start a new wave of “the takedown of Lillee Jean”, in April, 2024 with hundreds of videos, twitch streams, riddled with lies, and innuendos to harm my family. I felt so terrified in April, especially because it was my birthday month when the beginning of this massive plot to kill me and my family began.

My family has kept silent, and we do not know these people at all, and never intend to know these people. We have had no contact with any of these people. We’ve taken to public outcry for them to stop. There have been many incidents, messages on social media, letters, but most alarming for us is the in person encounters, which are startling. In the last few weeks it’s just increased to a stark level, where I don’t even feel safe where I am. I can’t even go to the supermarket without someone pointing me out, and heckling me. My whole family feels terrorized and have even looked for a new state to flee from the stalker since I know she has the inside of my house, and has posted it online. She even posted dental records on a black website a few months ago. All of this she obtained from trying to find personal family records… she even built out my family tree on Ancestry.com with my great grandma’s records in her possession. This is a terrifying time in my life with a target put on my head, and my entire families lives are in danger. She portrays that she is a sympathetic “friend”, and catfish’s people into believing she isn’t as old as she is. She uses her degrees as credibility and weapons. This woman is a danger to me and my life.

I thought that telling my story through my documentary would be enough for people to see what has happened to me, but it clearly isn’t enough, and so it is time for my voice to be heard. It's very important for me to have a normal life, and be able to do what I love. Despite the stalker lying about me, even right now, concocting massive plans to kill me, and creating a hostile environment for my life, I must maintain a normalcy. If I allow her to stop me from doing what I love best, acting, now truly my life as been taken over by her. I refuse to allow that to happen, but I needed to let everyone know, the threats are increasing and the r* threats are frightening. Please stand by me." - Lillee Jean

No. 939262

>placed bottles on my tires to “send a message”

so the Maine lady is placing bottles on Laur's tires now?

No. 939264

>>my private residence has been violated three times
It’s the landlord trying to serve your eviction notices dumbass. I bet they claim the landlord is stalking them too.

No. 939265

I’d love to have this Maine lady be my personal Uber because she can clearly travel faster than any other human on earth.

No. 939266

File: 1722461408768.jpeg (91.46 KB, 1125x495, rpon0vq6dr4d1.jpeg)

Lol what insanity is this?

No. 939269

>>the stalker has created mass hysteria
Kek. I mean, I guess Lillee is a mass…
Imagine if she just stopped checking her emails, this would all go away. It’s really that simple.

No. 939271

Omg anon! I didn’t even see your post as I was just posting that last comment and almost put that meme!

No. 939274

Prove it, show us the evidence for the "massive plot to kill you"

No. 939275

PSA TO LILLIEE.. if you can act like a racist caricature of a black woman, and a homophobic one of a gay man… you can spell rape. For fuckssake you're 23 years old. You aren't some teen.

No. 939277

She is saying an old lady forced Primink, Curtis and all the other Youtubers using a cult? And this woman rapes women. And leaves bottles by your car. Laur SEEK HELP.

Oh and let's not play that Lillee wrote this.

No. 939278

>Despite the stalker lying about me, even right now, concocting massive plans to kill me, and creating a hostile environment for my life, I must maintain a normalcy

this sentence is a work of art

No. 939280

>>She uses her degrees as credibility and weapons

Poor Lillee, so terrified that her and her one remaining cat, Laur and Earl will be viciously attacked by the Maine lady armed with a paper from an accredited institution oh the humanity

No. 939281

>horrible curses of cancer
Didn't Lillee say on stream checks notes "I hope you all get covid, burn and fall of a bridge"

No. 939282

If even an ounce of any of that happened, it is Laur sabotaging her daughter to make her fearful of ever leaving her side. Wake the fuck up, Lille.

No. 939283

Where is this from? Lillee’s not posting here kek

No. 939284

> Even recently, someone was put in my path by this woman, who came onto me in a very sexually motivated scary way, and I felt trapped. From all the hate that I’ve been through I put up with the creepy messages of love being sent, and felt very isolated. The international person I filed a report on this week, for fear of them being motivated to follow through with their threats against me.

Carlos got reported to the police for being a creep

No. 939285

So the old lady set her up with the loser from Spain? This isn't even funny how Laur's brain is disintegrating.

No. 939286

I also think this is all Laur’s doing to keep Lillee scared and dependent

No. 939287

>I thought that telling my story through my documentary would be enough for people to see what has happened to me, but it clearly isn’t enough.

But hardly anyone has seen it. Post it here, let us see it.

No. 939288

Carlos wrote creepy messages of love? Like, "I love your hormones."

No. 939295

>I can’t even go to the supermarket without someone pointing me out, and heckling me.
>most alarming for us is the in person encounters, which are startling. In the last few weeks it’s just increased to a stark level
Ironic considering they've been spending most of their time outside. But they are remaining outside their home even though that should be a safer place to be, especially with a disabled adult living in the home.
>I can’t even go on a run alone
It probably is knowing the history despite it being on par with what a schizophrenic person would think. You know Laur would never let her leave the house by herself regardless. She's perpetuating Lillee's fear.

No. 939297

>I can’t even go to the supermarket without someone pointing me out, and heckling me.

kek maybe your mum shouldn’t have let you embarrass yourself on the internet since 15 1/2 years of age

No. 939299

File: 1722477954541.png (127.71 KB, 319x548, 7806346A-6A2A-45D9-8227-00AC6E…)

With a mum like this, who needs enemies.

No. 939301

Has Lillie ever thought that her mother is just re living her youth through her? Or do you think she's so pidgeon brained to care or be aware of it?

No. 939305

I cannot bring myself to believe that this is real. Literally not a single person gives a flying fuck about her. So many people are "exposed" through commentary Youtubers and I guarantee every person watching it does not remember who it is like 5min after they close the video.

No. 939310


reading this genuinely scares the shit out of me. Google holly colino YouTube… it's essentially Laur. I think if she doesn't get mental help it's going to end very very badly. it's not even funny how truly sick Laur is, thinking everyone's out to get her, everyone's watching, gang stalking! she's going to end up doing a mrdr-su.. you know, "saving her precious daughter" or lash out at some innocent pedestrian for stalking them.

No. 939311

I actually agree it's a cause for concern that Laur becomes so paranoid she actually acts on it. Or brainwashes Lillee into thinking she's being stalked so far to the fact that Lillee would do something.

No. 939312

I think that was the goal in the beginning. Laur got married very young (either 16 or 18 depending on the age she gives you that day) to old ass Earl and lost all of her youthful years after that point when she could have been out dating, partying, making friends, etc.
Now that Lillee's entire online presence (and her's, but it doesn't further my point) has been destroyed, I think Laur is now in revenge mode. We all ruined her ticket to money, fame, living vicariously, etc. so I think Laur is just an unhinged madwoman that used to have vicarious goals, but is now just angry at the entire internet and yells into the void.

No. 939315

So every time Lillee makes a friend (even an online friend) Laur can claim that they're part of a cult so that Lillee can never have any semblance of a relationship with anyone. What a nasty vindictive bitch.
I actually feel a little bad for Carlos, he's just a random retard but he must be shitting himself right now thinking the FBI is out to get him

No. 939321

I Stg some of you nonitas are too soft. Go back and reread the threads before you start feeling bad for the fug goblin. Remember her videos where she admits that she knows everything. Where she spews hateful words. She knows there was no older French diplomat boyfriend. She knows her following is fake. Her smug attitude and nasty tone is not one of a sheltered Gypsy Rose type of dynamic. She's just now figuring out that the fake it til you make it scheme isn't working.
None of this is something to pitty. It's what she deserves. They made constant shitty financial decisions. They aren't scared of the "mean internet bullies". Laur and Lillee are scared Earl will be put in a nursing home and they will be without even the scraps his social security brings now that they are facing eviction.

No. 939322

I think people are just saying that Lillee is young and has time to change while Laur is dedicated to living a miserable and pathetic life. I agree LJ is a nasty little bitch at times, but maybe she could have a redemption arc. Gypsy Rose is a bad example since she’s obviously permanently looney tunes. Not sure if you’ve kept up with her antics.

No. 939323

Posting the endless "look at my ass" pics might be why guys are being indecent Laur mmkay.

This new letter is insane. Obviously an older woman from New England didn't do 90% of all of the things. And we already saw the ancestry posts so you lie - you asked if you were related and she joked well I guess we're all related somehow! You're being deliberately obtuse.

No. 939326

> her mother is no longer speaking online
They just posted an hour long "documentary" online with her crying about the boolies last week.

>these are old

The eviction papers and request for adjournment are recent.

No. 939327

>her mother no longer is speaking online

She posts daily either here, Medium, X, FB or yt videos. Pull the other one.

No. 939328

The doco is new although it's impossible to view at least in the uk.

>They just posted an hour long "documentary" online with her crying about the boolies last week

~Please someone post a link~

No. 939329

All they ever had to do was say Hey we like living in a fantasy world, let us do that. We're sorry we posted a fantasy about an older man when I was underage. We're sorry we said racist things. We don't do it again.

Say that and there's nothing left for anyone to bitch abt right

No. 939332

i don’t really see people feeling sorry for her other than acknowledging the fact her mother is a nut.

No. 939333

You don't see it? "Poor Lillee her psycho mom has her chained to a basement and she can't get away" ffs, it's stupid. People ARE pitying her in here. She has access to the internet, she lives in one of the most populated cities in the world. She can get away. She's a 23 year old adult. She isn't the only person that has an overbearing manipulative psycho mother.
Only one answer for that. She enjoys being taken care of. She wants to be a forever 12 year old playing pretend plays with her dollies.

No. 939334

If she wants all trolling to stop she knows what she has to do but she won't do it. Ergo, she loves it. If lolcow were gone she'd be devastated.

No. 939335

"The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) warns that providing false information on their complaint form can result in fines or imprisonment. The IC3 reviews complaints and forwards them to law enforcement or regulatory agencies for investigation and prosecution"

No. 939336

I tried to get it through the anons heads earlier that Laur can only be blamed for so much of Lillee's behaviour, at some point she's responsible for being an outright cunt, but I was still met with anons claiming everything she does and every way she acts is because of Laur. She's an entitled, bratty cunt regardless of Laur. She wants everything handed to her without working for anything. Her films are absolute garbage, like straight out of a middle school film club, so she can't even claim she's "working for" that. She lashes out at the smallest bit of criticism or anyone pointing out that she's trying to skip the line to the top by buying all her followers. There is so much to her that isn't Laur. She's god awful in so many ways, and it's frustrating to see that just because she isn't going absolute psychotic on Instagram lives anymore that she's somehow "poor Lillee is trained by Laur for everything wrong she's ever done". Like people can just suck, regardless of their parents. She's one of them.

No. 939338

Lillee must know that this is all a scam. The Trapper Trap is still not out and she stopped promoting it after winning multiple awards for the trailer kek

They just want to create an illusion of her being a busy lady boss. It's all a sham. And instead of getting a real job that could pay rent, she will continue to play make-believe with her mum and random men who are desperate enough to dip their toe/dick in the crazy.

No. 939340

File: 1722518145723.gif (2.58 MB, 498x203, the-addams-family-wednesday-ad…)

There is no must know, she DOES know. But why take accountability? Psycho mom will take the fall and she can hide to play pretend actress.

No. 939342

Remember when Laur held those youtubers hostage a couple years ago by putting 2 strikes on their channels and giving them a list of demands in order to lift the strikes? Now THAT was extortion.

No. 939345

So Laur and Lillee are allowed to cry about stuff that happened in the past but we have to "stay in the now" kek

>you just said you have a demand

You do realise that not every post on here is from the same person right? This is an anonymous board, stop pretending everybody here is the same person.

No. 939346

why do YOU care? if you don't like what's going on this thread then stop bumping it with your unsaged nonsense and leave.

No. 939348

The admin and mods need to bite the bullet and do a trueman post reveal. Instead of deleting their posts.

No. 939349

>All they ever had to do was say Hey we like living in a fantasy world, let us do that. We're sorry we posted a fantasy about an older man when I was underage. We're sorry we said racist things. We don't do it again.

Problem solved!

No. 939350

There was no problem before she at 15 said she was having sex with a 24 yr-old. What did they expect.

No. 939351

>There was no problem before she at 15 said she was having sex with a 24 yr-old. What did they expect.

15 and a half!

No. 939354

Because she got her mom’s permission to be statutorily raped!

No. 939355

anon i wouldn’t worry too much about what other people think. if other anons want to pity lj that’s on them, it isn’t your responsibility to tell other people how to think.

No. 939370

It was Laur using those fake accounts.

No. 939371

>My family has kept silent


No. 939373

>"winning" multiple "awards"


No. 939374

File: 1722541187698.png (2.91 MB, 1179x1930, B.png)

No. 939375

This is a joke.

No. 939376

Does she think lolcow farmers are all members of the Clown Cult too? Should we be scared of the clipart cop car coming for us?

No. 939377

File: 1722542505786.jpg (7.26 KB, 216x106, copcar.jpg)

Nona you saying this doesn't look official?

No. 939378

File: 1722543372264.png (222.43 KB, 630x277, Screenshot 2024-08-01 221232.p…)

Damn that's disgusting.

No. 939379

>>939374. Hope this was in s public area or they will be in big trouble as its against the law to photograph non public areas in a police station

No. 939383

If she really went to the police they would have told her to quit doxing, quit interacting, quit making threats, quit making videos about it. No law has ever been broken, and the cops probably have a good laugh every time they leave the station.

No. 939385

File: 1722546896950.png (846.28 KB, 1180x960, Screenshot 2024-08-01 at 5.11.…)

this is old and gay but i was looking at carlos's twitter and this tweet is the reason they made it look like carlos was stroking the knife kek

No. 939386

File: 1722546919050.jpg (202.54 KB, 1920x1080, MV5BOGVhNGNiYzUtZjExMi00ZjUxLT…)

No. 939387

File: 1722547239078.jpg (225.41 KB, 1350x2000, d.jpg)

No. 939391

This was truly the most autistic thing she's ever done, my favorite after the tiktok of her flailing around in a bikini with the caption "petite winning". The way Carlos didn't even bother to step away from his computer for this pic so there wouldn't be any blue light. Whatever the fuck it is they did with the fire in the 2nd version. Lillee clearly doing all of the editing and photoshopping herself for a shred of male attention while Carlos films himself on a potato in his room and calls it a day
Man fuck those retards for ruining this glorious arc, we could have had like 10 of these

No. 939400

I wonder if Edgardo Rubio is going to pull a Carlos and denounce Lillee after she never publishes the film. I know Carlos was contacted, but in general, Lillee can go forever on her own lies, but she's now dragging people into it that are expecting turn out. She can only go so far.

No. 939405

wtf is the LJ clone cult, i thought we were the antisemite stalkers

No. 939415

"Lillee's" letter above is the most refreshing ice cold drink of milk in a long time.

No. 939419

Someone pls explain. I came here from Prim's videos. I know for a fact some came from Cleore's fans. WHY does Lillee want it to be a whole cult with an evil genius queen leader. It's ridiculous. Does she think she's in a Disney movie?

No. 939421

File: 1722612813146.jpg (52.03 KB, 782x298, Screenshot 2024-08-02 113040.j…)

My favorite is when Laur doesn't know what phrases mean and then takes them super literal or totally wrong. Ma'am learn to use urban dictionary if you're so out of touch.

No. 939422

File: 1722613554703.jpg (29.51 KB, 532x243, Screenshot 2024-08-02 114054.j…)

This is more common though

You are right most of the problems are always because Laur didn't understand people or words. I mean she started everything by screaming at redditors and twitter about how she wanted them to social media.

No. 939423

This is a good question that I haven't stopped to think about. Everything to her has some sort of ulterior motive. The question really lies in how delusional she is about it. Does she actually believe it's one person (complete delusion), does she want to make this story of a cult so it's easier to file police reports (also delusion but less so in that she actually believes in what she's writing), is it to try and shield her image so people think she only has "one true hater" and not that everyone hates her (a really terrible plan all in all, but I think the least delusional of the 3). I don't know, any theory I can think of is just completely bizarre.

No. 939424

Samefag but I am in the boat that she isn't filing police reports at all, and if she is, they're laughing at them. I don't personally believe it's "easier" to file reports on cults vs individuals (to put it simply), but just placing it as a possible theory in her delusional mind.

No. 939425

First thing any cop will say is to not interact with the boolies or whatever.
First thing Laur does is interact with the people she filed a report against.

No. 939428

>I felt so terrified in April…when the beginning of this massive plot to kill me and my family began.

13 April 2024
This is my week and I love this week! Why? My birthday is the 18th! Check! The cast and I of The Trapper Trap won more awards and honors! Check! I performed a Macbeth scene in a short film with Carlos Miguel Bernardo González! Check! It’s a good time #lilleejean #nycactress #macbethscene #newyorkcitylife

No. 939430

>I felt so terrified in April…when the beginning of this massive plot to kill me and my family began.

This is just Laurspeak for "somebody called us out on our bullshit on youtube and we didn't like that"

No. 939436

it's funny how she keeps trying to push the "everyone wants to kill us" angle. no one wants laur or lillee to die. we want laur to stop evading rent and for lillee to be allowed to be independent instead of being forced to live a lie by her mom.

No. 939447

I can't figure out why she would rather pretend people want to kill her, over making amends. But that's why she's a cow.

I mean she's just a fake celebrity, and yes her mom is socially backward and racist - but that don't add up to becoming an episode of Snapped. This is as crazy as a 6 yr-old telling teacher that a girl made fun of her so there must be a MASTER PLAN OF RAPE AND MURDER FROM A CULT. Laur you so silly.

No. 939454

File: 1722643166724.jpeg (562.03 KB, 1022x1435, IMG_5141.jpeg)

No. 939459

File: 1722647533499.jpg (1.64 MB, 1280x1920, ea80ef_19c636c6ac5b4a6d8866798…)

why does she have a rag tied to her purse?

No. 939460

File: 1722647635073.jpg (2.51 MB, 1280x1920, ea80ef_71de45ab04c849399034aac…)

same rag in may of this year

No. 939461

File: 1722647813385.jpg (919.03 KB, 1280x1920, ea80ef_0e1bf858cfb342898cbe0b3…)

No. 939463

It’s called a twilly and coach bags can come with them. You use it for decoration or wrap it around the handles to protect them from dirt/damage. The one she has is absolutely disgusting though wtf

No. 939464

I know what a twilly is and this is definitely not it

it looks like a piece of old ripped up pantyhose

No. 939466

it’s the original scarf that came with the bag 10-15 years ago. It’s disgusting

No. 939471

File: 1722659281004.jpg (1.03 MB, 1047x1693, Cops.jpg)

From Laur’s ig stories. I don’t think these cops gave their permission to be photographed.

No. 939472

Kek I love how she thinks this yawnfest of random computer monitor and keyboard photos is supposed to intimidate anyone with a functioning brain. Only a sheltered, unsophisticated idiot would believe this works.

No. 939478

To the NYPD investigator who is inevitably gonna come across this thread: we feel your pain, we know it's a lot, take your time! We know Laur is a handful and please know that we appreciate your efforts!

No. 939480

This is a cute pic / outfit tbh. Too bad it looks like she’s in the garden walkway of some 60+ community housing zone. Laur taking Lillee on her weekly walk I guess.

No. 939482

Words cannot explain how much I hate that retarded cheek biting thing she does. Looks like her mouth is glued shut or something. It ages her by like 30 years. Did someone pick at her cheeks as a kid? Does she think it makes her look like a model? Why? It fucking grinds my gears.

No. 939483

She looks so old and haggard here.Her rapid weight gain in the past few threads really aged her

No. 939484

File: 1722688997798.mp4 (2.02 MB, 720x766, The Chorus in Our Eyes.mp4)

From insta. No sound. She looks like she is having fun. Good for her to go outside and spend time with someone else than Laur.
I really hope the retarded cow tippers leave this guy alone.

No. 939485

She thinks it makes her look skinnier lol

No. 939487

File: 1722689759890.jpg (351.13 KB, 1855x1075, IMG_5732.jpg)

More ig stories. Shit is about to go down. Every time Laur has a meltdown she posts screenshots with pictures of arrows and pointing fingers.

>Nobody is anonymous

That's correct, Laur. The admins have your whole post history. I hope they reveal it soon.

No. 939488

File: 1722690221886.jpeg (170.97 KB, 1080x1350, lillee.jpeg)

Here's one pic where she doesn't bite her cheeks. Looks better.

No. 939489

File: 1722690342645.jpg (1.06 MB, 2980x1017, IMG_5919.jpg)

Other photos from the post.

No. 939490

File: 1722696719241.png (867.57 KB, 1115x771, bleak.png)

Out of curiosity I was checking Adah Lazorgan's instagram account and guess which losers I found there commenting on Lazorgan's post

No. 939494

She’s sucking in her gut so much in the first two pics kek

Also her arms are fucking huge in the second pic

No. 939497


Remember way back when, Laur would repeatedly declare "THIS ENDS NOW"? Funny how this is the 29th thread about Lillee Jean.

No. 939502

That's a lot of bottles of water.

Anyway, I love their transition from printing off "police reports" from home to showing up at the police station once she couldn't copyright claim the boolies on YouTube anymore. She's so pathetic.

No. 939505

Walking on her tiptoes again

No. 939507

That is a fairly common trait people on the spectrum display.

No. 939508

lurk moar

No. 939509

File: 1722709500611.jpeg (100.93 KB, 640x1136, Bullyish.jpeg)

She updated this one. The police has profiled the woman now.

No. 939510

No, not people with an LLC!!! The horror…

No. 939511

File: 1722709858643.jpg (136.76 KB, 973x1741, IMG_2614.jpg)

They try so hard

No. 939512

File: 1722710077588.png (7.24 KB, 171x56, woopsie.png)

That's the most beautiful Freudian slip I've ever seen.

No. 939513

If this is Adah's official post, it's clear that she uses professional models who look like commercial models in her ads. Did Laur think that if she got Lillee to make an ad that Adah would go oh my god, this is brilliant! She's the perfect spokesmodel and she really enhances my brand! Oh second thought, yes, that's exactly what Laur thought. How embarrassing.

I know Lillee likes to wear mini skirts because she thinks they make her short legs look longer and very tight bottoms to show off what she thinks is her best ass-et, but tbh, the pic on the right with the long skirt doesn't look that bad. It's flowy and light, right for the hot summer, and it actually emphasizes her shortness less. Maybe it looks completely different from the front, but this shot from the back isn't too bad.

No. 939514

The more she writes these long artciles the more she convinces herself in this cult delusion. Only the biggest narcissist of them all would think there is a literal cult based on herself. She really couldn't handle fame if she actualy got it.

No. 939515

Aren't the police obligated to go through the motions of "helping" someone who brings an insane complaint, but not really obligated to follow through? I would imagine every police station gets visited by mentally unwell people like Laur from time to time, who complain about "Satanic cults" and other schizophrenic things. They probably dutifully write down all the information, send the person away, laugh a bit, and get back to doing their jobs, right?

No. 939517

If a relative ever told me stuff like this I’d seriously consider getting them some psychiatric help.

No. 939518

Err the legal anon who used to post docs here was not Diane nor the lady who came after Diane nor in NY who left bottles in their driveway. Laur is merging every callout ever into one person. She's just trying to act so crazy she get another Youtube made about her. Poor attention starved Laur.

No. 939519

File: 1722712896143.jpg (1.38 MB, 1179x1954, Po.jpg)

another pic from the police station

No. 939520


Over 10 million people saw Priminks video.

Let's say that just ONE in every THOUSAND people left them a tweet or mailed something stupid like eyelashes.

How many people would be saying or sending stuff?


Not one senior citizen ~ or two website reporters ~ or even three incels from Spain. Ten thousand different people, from everywhere. (She is a national treasure of a joke in France.)

They always come back to blaming Diane because their brains just can't handle how their own antics caused themselves so much embarrassment.

No. 939522

File: 1722716697381.jpg (4.33 KB, 337x50, madeit.jpg)

Kek made it, made WHAT?

Grownass woman so far behind in life all cuz she won't apologize for anything. If she wanted success she'd do that - proof she doesn't really want it.

No. 939523

>The main leader, who is a public figure with radical activism dating back to the 90s, obtains degrees in various fields to make people believe she is educated"

See, I can believe Lillee wrote this: severe misuse of commas, and thinking "this person got a good education just to prove she's well educated" is a great dunk

No. 939525

One of the legal anons here. PACER is an acronym for Public Access to Court Electronic Records. It is not absolute but court cases are public record and anyone can access them. In New York (and all states) there are statutes and court rules that exempt certain categories of information from disclosure, and a court may limit access to court records in certain situations (cases like this are considered ‘sealed’). So Lillee, unless your cases met any of the criteria to be sealed then they would be considered private documents. None of the court cases filed against the Trueman’s meet the state or federal criteria to be sealed.

No. 939526

Neil deGrasse Tyson does this same grift. Completing multiple degrees to fool people into believing he is educated.

No. 939528

It's like getting multiple tattoos to fool people into thinking you're inked.

No. 939529

SATANIC! Kek, this is embarrassing. Laur truly keeps her under a rock. Sorry for "desensitizing" the police reports, I didn't realize paperwork had feelings. Everyone is bored of her including the contents of the police filing cabinet.

No. 939532

File: 1722723904974.png (797 KB, 1280x720, IMG_5159.png)


No. 939533

The most laughable thing about all of this is that she thinks she's important enough to have an entire cult surrounding her specifically. Her delusions are so infuriating: 1. Thinks people care about her enough to have a cult dedicated to her. 2. Thinks that she's the greatest thing in the world, so no one independent can dislike her, it has to be someone convinced by the cult leader. 3. Claims that she gets approached every time she goes out in public, again, completely inflating her ego. 4. Wasting law enforcement's time when I'm pretty sure she doesn't even believe in this cult fanfiction herself.

No. 939534

Anon you are responding to - definitely not me. I have better things to do with my time than sit on discord discussing the Truemans.

No. 939536

thought you were the same
nobody has done something wrong, why care?(sage your shit)

No. 939540

This reeks of schizophrenia. Especially with words like "the leader" and "cult"

No. 939543

I thought the same thing about the skirt, anon. She doesn't look bad in it, at least from behind. A good skirt could give the illusion of a waist and flow over her hips and stumpy legs.
A different shirt, lose the ball cap, shoes that actually fit her, and she'd actually look decent and age appropriate.

No. 939544

did laur use the burn tool to give lillee a butt crack?

No. 939545

ok I'm legit going to fucking vomit. there are 2 straws in this drink which means she's sharing it with lover-mom

No. 939547

>(She is a national treasure of a joke in France.)
Elaborate? See voo play.

No. 939553

File: 1722765703332.jpg (241.46 KB, 1080x1369, IMG_2826.jpg)

Oh no. Carlos went private. No more milk. Fucking cowtippers.

No. 939555

Lillee is probably not wearing any underwear. Being fat in the summer is hell and it is known that she doesn’t like to wear underwear because of her tight pelvic walls.

No. 939557

File: 1722788221907.jpg (90.54 KB, 682x772, narcissist.jpg)

Dis you Laur?

No. 939558

File: 1722788935965.png (173.63 KB, 633x365, Tongue.PNG)

I was looking at old threads and found this kek

No. 939559

Like these stupid faces are silly things little kids do with their moms…what's weird is that Laur then posts them on the internet - like WHY?

No. 939560

She unironically looks so much like laur here

No. 939561

Was the actual full documentary up? I was going to try and archive it but it doesn't show an email signup anymore and only has trailers.

No. 939562

Yeah the whole thing was up on her website. It’s an hour long video.

No. 939563

Cannot find one aspect of her that isn't unfortunate. Frizzy mousy hair, potato shaped face fat jowls, those TEETH, nose, voice, lunch lady arms, practically flat chested yet overweight, candles, wide feet.. like.. can she even have one thing about her that can even be called attractive? I'm trying nonitas..

No. 939564

Did they already pull Bullyish down? They figured out how idiotic it was faster than usual this time, hey maybe they're learning.

No. 939565

Nonnie I think that's a bit harsh. If she was one of the hundreds of women who dress like her at my office, I think I'd just call her Lily from payroll, the really short one. I wouldn't go at her other features, but then again I would assume she's in her late 40s.

No. 939566

Bullyish won a ton of awards on the day it was announced but then less than a week later it's pulled down and Lillee says it "clearly isn't enough" but what does that mean even.

No. 939567

Nonas here are very nitpicky on cow's looks, it's basically a hobby
In reality LJ is a very average looking frumpy woman, but she's not hideously ugly.

No. 939569

File: 1722801190042.jpeg (41.5 KB, 640x1136, Brenda.jpeg)

Did you find "Justice for Brenda"? That's one of Laur's earlier scams.

No. 939570

Am surprised they haven't set up a gofundme for their grift. Claiming it to help move nd for lawyers etc. Or do they know they could end up in serious trouble if they tried and it got looked into.

No. 939571

I’m surprised that she hasn’t blamed the cyberbullies for Brenda’s murder.

No. 939572

It's the way she moves her face and bulges her eyes all the time that makes her ugly

No. 939575

Come on mods, just show us the post history already!
Is it possible this was when she was filling out this form? >>939071

No. 939581

I think it's because they are well aware they have no actual fans and wouldn't get any donations

No. 939590

idk she has thin lips and her jaw moves in a very unpleasant way when she talks. there were rumors about her smelling bad too but hopefully she was able to fix that.

her face and body are not meant for a leading lady. she could potentially become a character actress but not with that terrible attitude and inability to follow someone else’s schedule.

No. 939592

No. 939593

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No. 939594

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No. 939595

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No. 939597

Lmao great now Laur is prob on her way to the police station losing her shit telling them they got graphic death threats. I understand she looks like a hog but this is retarded

No. 939600

Okay, couple things

>the Satanic cult

THE Satanic cult? I'd be star-struck

>A sheep in wolves clothing


>She convinces cult members police are a joke and reports are fake so she doesn't get jailed

How does that work? Imagining things doesn't make them real, hard as it is for these two to believe.

No. 939602

no, she isn't ugly but she isn't the stunningly drop dead gorgeous beauty that laur has made her out to be. if you listened to laur you'd think she was some blonde bombshell a la jean harlow. laur sets her up to fail by idolizing her looks; no one would care if she didn't act like lj could outshine margot robbie. she is decently attractive when her makeup is done right and you don't see her from the shoulders down kek. not including the fact she really does look 5-10 years older, which is kind of strange given how short she is. as we all know, whatever attractiveness she does have falls apart once she opens her mouth and you see her stumpy lima bean body.

she'd do fine in high fantasy films or even horror as either a demented serial killer dwarf or bilbo baggins' 2nd cousin twice removed, but of course her mother won't let her try out for eccentric roles or even play up her physical shortcomings (kek) to her benefit.

No. 939609

Both the lolcow and kiwifarms thread were dead for months, nobody was talking about them, everybody stopped caring.
That was until came out that Laur kept abusing the copyright system on youtube and used it to harass and doxx multiple creators.
These creators got so fed up with her shit that they started to speak out again, throwing them back into the limelight.

When a reporter caught on to the story and contacted them so they could finally give their side of the story in a neutral way they tried taking him and his publisher down too with more copyright abuse, doxxing and trying to get the guy fired.

Laur, these are the consequences of your own actions, ain't that a bitch huh.

No. 939611

Her eye color and hair color are really pretty. She just has shit styling and shit diet. Those things can be fixed.

No. 939614

I'm not even trying to be mean when I say I disagree. I actually am on the side that while her body may be frumpy and her chunkiness doesn't help, that her body can be fine depending on how its styled, however, her face is where I think she's kind of scary. Not "unattractive", but scary specifically, only because when she smiles it's straight out of a creepypasta photo. She doesn't smile normally, the gaps between her teeth and her cheeks is massive and you can see basically a void on each side. Top that with her deranged ass eyes that pop out of her skull too. She does it so often, and practically every time she smiles, so I can only guess it's just her default smiling face. Her neutral face can be deemed as fine, sure, but she hardly ever stays "neutral". She is very expressive all the time, and because of that, I just can't agree that she's decently attractive from the neck up because her face regularly defaults to a deranged, contorted psychopath.

No. 939615

The thing that's most annoying about her crying about harassment, stalking, etc. is she's trying to act like this entire situation didn't start and continue because she wouldn't own up to faking her views and making fake accounts. If she came outright and was like "Okay you guys caught me, I bought these, I'm sorry, I'll do better", or whatever, she would have faded into obscurity and no one would have ever talked about her again because she's so uninteresting without the controversy (idk what else to call it). But she's dug her heels so deep into the sand, and wants to file false police reports because she's entitled and her ego is too inflated to ever turn back now. She wants to claim the "people calling me out for everything being fake" are "whatever" and claim that the "stalking and harrassment" are what she's worried about now, but she's still copyright claiming everything she can that isn't on YouTube AND continuously complaining about the "stalkers" wanting to "take her down". Even going so far as to basically cry about having all of her "opportunities and achievements" taken away from her (sorry for everything in quotes, I just don't feel like dealing with anons that think I believe in what she's saying). She isn't in fear of her life and never has been, she just can't handle she's in a losing battle of completely fucking her online presence permanently under the name Lillee Jean, especially now that YouTube cracked down. She doesn't want "the stalking to stop", she's still trying to put up the fight toward people who won't let her lies die down, and she's still fuming over it, but just doesn't flip out about it publicly like she used to.

No. 939616

anon, you're allowed to have your opinion, it really isn't that big of a deal to me and you were very polite so don't worry. i actually agree with your points, i just didn't feel like going into a bit-by-bit breakdown of all her facial flaws since it's been rehashed here so often about her jaw and her bucking her eyes.

there's only been a few times when her face is totally relaxed and laur hasn't done her up to look like a victorian tart that i thought, huh, she actually looks somewhat okay here? most of time i think she either looks disturbed or like a blow up sex doll, but i don't know which is worse. i often think she looks weird too, like you can tell she's either not all there or that something is wrong with her. those childhood photos of her with the blank vacant look on her face reinforced that for me. laur trained her to smile crazy because i don't think she's actually naturally that expressive at all? in fact i think if she wasn't being forced to be a glorified circus clown she probably would never smile at all. no matter what laur does, she will never hide the fact that lj came out strange.

No. 939625

I'm sad for laur that she never called anyone her lord and savior. Not even Taylor Swift or Selena? SAD.

Seriously does she just not belong on the internet cuz everytime she goes on she doesn't understand.

No. 939626

It all comes down to Laur not getting how the internet is. One time someone on lolcow said they called LJs school, messing with Laur. Another time someone on lolcow joked about voodoo dolls, again messing with Laur.

She feeds her trolls so well, that's why they keep coming back. I mean we eat like kings.

No. 939627

NGL one time I pretended to be a frenchman on here and she totally bought it. She's too easy!

No. 939628

Can anyone explain, is this the cult here on lolcow? Or can I get link and how do I get initiated? Do I need to kiss a goat or something?

No. 939629

Honestly I've followed this thread from BGC, and I'm still a bit confused on her red line detective connections, mainly because I wasn't in Twitter spaces.
From what I could gather, the Cult Leader is Diane, and the other people who followed the story on Twitter were Diane's Eggs (due to the Twitter's old default photo). Lolcow got grouped into that because Lillee and Laur's peabrains can't fathom that people on Twitter and people on Lolcow could be different. Diane ended up leaving it all behind her and stopped talking about Lillee, but Lillee has to keep up the appearance that a cult is real, so Lillee is now starting to target some woman in Maine. I don't know if Maine lady is supposed to be Diane or not, can another anon chime in?
But yeah anyway, I think that's the jist.

No. 939630

The Maine woman is not Diane. However, "Bullyish" focused entirely on Diane, except for a few screenshots at the end from the Maine woman.

I believe Diane made a tweet about a cult years ago, which everyone understood as a joke except for the goblins. They're still fixated on that old joke, presenting it to the police as if it's part of a powerful, secret organization. Eyes Wide Shut has nothing on the Maine woman.

I'm trying to make sense of Lillee's erratic posts. It seems they claim the Maine woman is paying Primink, Cleore, and others to create negative videos about Lillee, and that she's leaving bottles on Laur’s car tires. They also allege that her relatives are performing Satanic rituals to harm Lillee.

What I don't understand is why they always target a single person. Is it due to a lack of intelligence? I'm genuinely baffled.

No. 939632

I already watched her video where she claimed it, but "leaving bottles on Laur's car tires" sent me into another laughing fit. I just can't get over how hilariously simple of a "threat" it is. Also, didn't her car get totalled and impounded? What car tires are they leaving bottles on?

>What I don't understand is why they always target a single person. Is it due to a lack of intelligence? I'm genuinely baffled.

I'm personally subscribed to the idea that Lillee and Laur don't like to admit or face that they have multiple people calling them out, so they try to mask it - either for their public/online appearance or for themselves - as "one person" manipulating everyone else into calling her out.

No. 939633

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Lillee is a donut away from diabetes. Just look at the dark skin under her arms.

Laur, please consider using your spending money on semaglutide instead of traveling to two different states to file restraining orders. Lillee doesn’t look healthy and while you probably blame it on us, her health is still your responsibility until you let her have more freedom.

No. 939638

>What I don't understand is why they always target a single person. Is it due to a lack of intelligence? I'm genuinely baffled.

imho she cannot get her head around millions of people watching them and not liking them. So anything that ever happens, even a litterbug leaving a bottle on the sidewalk in New York, must all be getting done by one puppetmaster. If I were the Mainer I'd sue, don't get why they haven't.

100% no one paid Primink to make a video - he doesn't take commissions.

No. 939641

>The Maine woman is not Diane

How do you know? Laur says she goes back before Lillee was 15 - so during eyeball queen? The earliest I ever heard of Maine was 2022.I've been here since Christian Show got abused.

No. 939642

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Should we tell them about the red cars?

No. 939643

The first rule about the red cars is we do not talk about red cars.

No. 939644

We know they’re not the same because Laur doxxed both of them lol.

>She does not have legitimate degrees.

I love how they devalue anyone who has any semblance of education. Laur graduated from school of hard knocks and Lillee dropped out of middle school and hasn’t read a book since.

No. 939645

Ok surprise she lied. But what years did she dox them, who goes back to when Lillee was 15?

No. 939647

I'm graduating next year - someone please tell me how to use my degree as a weapon against stupid youtubers who lie a lot!

No. 939648

Interestingly in Bullyish she says that it was a group of men from the DelusionalArtists subreddit who were bullying her when she was 15 1/2.

Maybe the Maine lady got a little sex change between her bullying campaigns.

No. 939649

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That subreddit appears to be nothing but ridiculing bad artists. Imagine if all these artists' mommies helicoptered in guns ablazing! Only Laur though.

No. 939650

Laur reminds me of the moms I grew up around that would tear the school down if their precious child didn't get a trophy of some sort. I know boomers complain about the participation trophys, but the parents like Laur started that shit.

No. 939651

Can't even imagine how many times people have called Laur KAREN.

No. 939655

Like another anon said on here, she could be a voice actress if she put forth the work and kept her ego in check. She can easily do a ridiculously high pitched cartoon voice. She could do that childlike anime voice IF she studied and didn't think she knew everything and listened to feedback.

No. 939658

If you look at the sites where voice actors list themselves, most either majored in theater or radio broadcasting.

No. 939664

Laur’s worse than a helicopter parent - she’s a lawnmower parent. She is always unsuccessfully trying to mow down any obstacles in Lillee’s way of achieving celebrity status.

No. 939680

Agree nona but she also instills psychological terror in Lillee - is that love? She takes every little snarky commment people make about their fake stuff and convinces Lillee it's a death threat, a rape threat, a torture threat - comments about blood, violence, removing their guts. It's disabling a child with terror. There can't be a meaner mom in the world.

No. 939688

No evidence is needed to file a police report. Police reports are just claims being made by one party against another. One their own they hold no value and are not evidence that the claims made are actually truthful.

No. 939691

No. 939697

the unironic use of "in the hall of the mountain king" fucking sent me sides into orbit

No. 939699

Thank you anon! Haven't been able to watch this due to the VPN block and eventually just gave up lol

No. 939715

Where is this archived?

No. 939717

Directly to the archive.org website.

No. 939718

Today on CourtTV the case of a glitter card and eyelashes - shock horror!

No. 939720

Ok but they also claim daily rape and death threats - if those are real why is she even wasting time on eyelashes and bottles in the driveway. Also why hasn’t anyone seen proof of threats - is Laur actually writing them like she did with Pheepy’s fake love letters about her hormones?

No. 939729

I finally got a chance to watch this. Some notes:

- Laur and Lillee focus so heavily on brands dropping them, even showing the emails they got, and in practically every single email it says "We have been shown the things Lillee is saying". It isn't "People are contacting us". These brands were receiving screenshots/videos of things SHE said, and they want to cry victim about it when they get dropped. This all started because she refuses to admit she faked everything, and then her ugly side came out from it, which is what was sent to these brands. She 100% shot herself in the foot. No one came to these brands and was like "Hey your client is fake and bought followers", they wouldn't give a single shit if that were the case, people went to them with "Hey look at these screenshots with her racism and homophobia" and other shit. Yeah that'll get you kicked off from PR, Lillee, you dumbass.

- She brings up that they did have an attorney, but people "slaughtered" him to the point where he wanted nothing to do with Lillee or Laur anymore and dipped out. Fucking rich coming from the cunt mother that called Tater Tatiana's attorney so many times it put her into major debt. You can't cry about not being able to have representation due to your attorney being harassed, and then turn around and do the exact same shit to another attorney.

- Laur is a brick wall. She wants to say that she asked someone why they were harassing her and that person "didn't know why". Absolutely guarantee, if this conversation actually did happen, she was told exactly why, but Laur is so thick she thinks any reason isn't valid and dismisses it or just flat out ignores anyone pointing out their issues and parades around with "They have no reasons to be harassing us!"

- She claims "People calling us racist and transphobic, I have never heard of that in my lifetime!" I don't know if she's meaning this in a boomer way and doesn't even know what these terms mean or if she just means she has never been called it. But again, going back to my point with the brands, basically every single one of those emails said "Hey we saw what your daughter said and we don't support racism, homophobia, transphobia, discriminatory language, etc." GEE LAUR, maybe if every single company you contact states your actions are racist/homophobic/etc., idk, maybe your actions are racist/homophobic? Did you ever consider it?

- Lillee directly addresses that we make fun of her for not having a job, and then goes to say "Well I can never have one with my name being dragged through the mud like this". She's going to need a name change, and considering she's aware her name is tarnished, I imagine a new name in the next 5 years when they're completely evicted, broke, desperate, and Lillee's lies haven't given her the big breakthrough she's looking for.

- She wants to ask "Why me?" without ever stopping to think and look around that so many other people on the internet trying to make it big don't have people trying to call them out, make videos on them, etc. But she won't ever grasp that it's because of what she's done and not her "being a metaphorical punching bag" as she explains it.

- They go back and forth, and have since this all started, of either all of her haters being Diane and the accounts she created or a cult following Diane. Which is it, Lillee? Are they all Diane or are you finally admitting several people don't like you and what you've done?

- Laur and Lillee outright admitting that all everyone has ever wanted was for her to own up to her lies and her harmful words, but that it's all not true and fabricated by Diane, like we weren't there to see her sperg out on Twitter and froth at the mouth on Instagram Live. Also saying Diane's "list of demands" was "outrageous" LMFAO. To hold yourself accountable? That's "outrageous", Laur? Do you hear yourself?

- "She (Diane) doesn't even know why she started this". Yes, Laur, we all remember. Sorry your boomer brain forgets the simplest details.

- No one is jealous of you, Lillee. Please someone, if I am ever jealous of Lillee, just put me out of my misery as I can't come back from that.

- LOL Laur's claim that Lillee panicked and started choking up when 30 accounts came at her on her Instagram live birthday chat, when she could literally just…not respond to them? Lmfao what. Lillee, just because someone says something to you in a chat doesn't mean you're obligated to respond.

- Lillee's Law? That is one of the funniest things I've come across since the origin of this bullshit. They not only think they're important enough to have a cult dedicated to them, but they think they can have an entire LAW named after them because some people on the internet said she bought her followers? I know this was made in 2020, but that just solidifies they lost their mind and it's not coming back. Also, she says "A law so people can never do this again". Do WHAT again? What exactly do you want this law to address?

- Blatantly admitting to abusing the copyright system on YouTube lmfao fucking amazing.

- Says someone impersonated Marvel/Disney to DMCA her video and get it taken down on YT. Oh, so it's cool when you abuse the copyright system, but not when anyone else does it to you?

- All this has shown me is that they absolutely love this attention. Laur parading Lillee around as "They've been stalking us for 5 years" to literally anybody who will listen, even when it is not at all relevant to the conversation.

- LOL I love them keeping in the "pro bono" lawyer they got in contact with that ended up just falling off the face of the planet a couple years ago and we never heard from him again. Maybe the reason no one wants to deal with you and your mom is because you both are fucking lunatics lmfao

"It had been discovered the pain I suffered is at the hands of corporations running multi-million dollar YouTube channels". Damn anons, we're on the HEAVY tinfoil today, aren't we?

Man I wish Diane would come back. Especially now with Primink's arc. Fuck dude, the good old days.

No. 939739

Also Out of laurs own mouth 'this started in 2019' so where does the 151/2 come from. Yet they kept saying sge was a child throughout she wasn't a child then

No. 939740


i don't get the bottles thing- is laur claiming this happened daily or just once? and how does she know it was a "stalker" who left the bottle(s)? was there an email saying 'LOOK OUTSIDE BITCH I LEFT A BOTTLE LOLOLOL GOT U!!!'? there was a bit of trash outside my front gate earlier, a mcdonalds bag and a candy wrapper- GUYS, AM I BEING TARGETED?!

No. 939742

This is probably why they made the documentary unavailable, the narrative they are pushing in the docu doesn't align with the things they are saying on the police reports.

No. 939747

What the hell are you on about? No one would know her here apart from terminally online losers who have nothing better to do than scheme on a discord server to cowtip and interfere with her life.

No. 939752

Laur please. Millions of views of YouTubers presenting video receipts is your issue. Not the puny lolcow posts.

No. 939753

Cowtipping like answering Carlos’ questions? But you said he sent dick pics to Lilz. Which way do you want it lady?

No. 939758

Wait, what? I missed the dick pic lore.

No. 939761


>What the hell are you on about?

I don't think it's Laur this time. There's a whiff of fish and chips coming off this post. Elaine's thread has been dead for a while, so she's returned to the only role that is guaranteed to get her a crumb of attention: recurring side character in the Attic Cinematic Universe. The goblins only seem to bother with her when their living situation becomes especially precarious. I wonder if their landlord is closer than ever before to successfully putting them out.

No. 939763

i was thinking the exact same thing. definitely smells british in here kek

No. 939769

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Checked on Elaine and she’s definitely manic enough to meddle in Lillee’s shenanigans.(off-topic)

No. 939798

Dunno if it as D pics but it was something offensive to Lillee. Weird she wasn’t offended at all years ago when her Pakistani fans flashed her.

No. 939799

Carlos only suddenly did something sexually offensive AFTER he questioned her. Coincidence?

No. 939872

I work at Passionfruit. Laur promised an immediate lawsuit back on May 19. Do any of you know what is taking so long? We are ready.

No. 939882

I work for the FBI and you all are under arrest!

No. 939883

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Archived copy of Bullyish has been taken down. Laur and Lillee don't want anybody to watch their documentary, not even on their own website.

Why? Probably because all the things they say in the documentary are completely different from the narrative they are currently trying to push on the police reports they filed and the walls of text they posted on their Instagram.

No. 939884

It's so bizarre that they want to "make a change" and get people on their side that they're truly victims of cyberbullying or whatever, but then hide the video that is supposed to convince people behind every wall of the internet.
I mean even with all of their claims in the video being completely different, why would they even "release" it then? And then proceed to make people jump through 50 hoops to look at it? I don't understand the benefit.

No. 939886

If you slow down the insane flashes of the “bullying” all you see is people telling them they’re liars. Did she think we wouldn’t screengrab all those?

No. 939887

>I don't understand the benefit.

Benefit is the perfect word - Laur and Earl are professionals at getting benefits from fake disabilities, fake car accidents, bankruptcies etc. Look at the years of free housing they've bilked. Anytime she can pretend to be a victim, Laur sees dollar $igns. Some grifts fail, like the one about her sister's "murder", but others work -like 18 fake car accidents, getting Lillee free cosmetic dentistry, etc.

No. 939890

Nobody is saying that, but it's just a fact that Laur tried to use her sister's murder to get Lillee more fame. We've all seen how she added Lillee's name to an article on Wikipedia that mentions her sister.

No. 939891

It was ruled an accident. Get that changed in a court of law and then we can call it murder.

No. 939892

No body talks about it being an insurance fraud arranged by Brenda and her husband. Explains why her parents tried to get the "burglars" off the hook.The husband shooting her screwed up the plan.

No. 939893

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No. 939894

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When even Wikipedia slaps you on the wrist multiple times for attacking people kek

No. 939899

Shot by the husband when people tried to rob their jewellery store, the husband tried to defend the store and shot his wife by accident.

No. 939900

>like i said seems personal, all the papers when you search say she was shot by the husband, so you must know them.

Laur's pidgin English is getting worse.Why would they need to know someone to read about them online?

No. 939902


No. 939905

Hey lets face it the Marks girls don't exactly pick the high IQs for their husbands. He probably did something stupid or clumsy.

No. 939906

>were you involved

Laur I just wanna say good job on the saging. You still give yourself away but you won't get deleted as much if you keep up the good work.

No. 939907

were you involved?

No. 939908

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The wiki debate Laur had was with a 72 yr old Jewish man from San Francisco going by Cullen328. She accused him of harrassing her for 3 years. Never heard of him til now.

No. 939910

You are retarded

No. 939912

Still hasn't learned how to sage

No. 939913

Defense? It was in the papers. ACCIDENTAL.

No. 939914

>No body talks about it being an insurance fraud arranged by Brenda and her husband. Explains why her parents tried to get the "burglars" off the hook.The husband shooting her screwed up the plan.

This makes so much sense.

No. 939915

Laur get the case reopened & reinvestigated. If you're right, you're right. Til then, you're wrong.

No. 939916

laur the type to write a reply and put "sage" in the comment field once she learns about it

No. 939918

What are we drinking today Laur?

No. 939919

Most anons weren’t even born when your sister died. Get a grip, lady.

No. 939920

>defense for the guy w gun, are you involved

The dentist burglars had guns too and your parents defended them.

No. 939921

She thinks her ex-BIL posts on lolcow. She's said that before.

No. 939923

She thinks he pays us. Where's my check!

No. 939931

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Laurs parents testified to defend the robbers. Just sayin.

No. 939932

Laur herself provided a letter in defense on the robber serving a life sentence and accused her sister of perjury. The letter and Laur are mentioned in Section VI.3.d of his appeal


No. 939935

Damn… did her dead sister dirty.

No. 939940

Laur's other (living) sister gave a testimony that the marriage was good and Laur disputed that in her letter.

No. 939948

Laur, why did you name your daughter after the mother of your sister's husband and accidental killer? It's pretty weird

No. 939979

New Primink video.

https://youtu.be/wiEvOlff-_s(learn to embed)

No. 939981


Notes of possibly new information:

- Primink reached out to YouTube Creator Support privately before he ever made the stalking video on his main channel, and was given copy and paste responses that had nothing to do with what he wrote in about, so just bad support in general.

- There's a conspiracy that Lillee or Laur bribed someone at Wikitubia to permanently lock her page from being edited. Reason this conspiracy is in place is because Wikitubia pages are never permanently locked, only temporarily at most. So the staff were very confused how her page was permanently locked, leading to the conspiracy that there was a bribe to lock it. The vote to delete her page happened after they looked into it further and saw that the only person editing it was 1 account, assumed to be Lillee/Laur, and all of the references were false information.

- Primink makes a good theory about the whole "everyone is one organization/cult" thing, and he says that Lillee/Laur group everyone together so that they can harrass/doxx/retaliate/become the aggressors toward anybody and not look like the bad guys (to themselves). They can fall back on "Well, [user] is part of Primink's organization and they doxxed me, so we can doxx Primink because they're all working together!" essentially is the theory.

- Not directly related to Lillee, but there's multiple pieces of evidence that YouTube doesn't like/may take issue with Primink. He's never been given his Play Buttons and when he reached out to ask they told him that he can't have them, he was never assigned a YouTube rep even though practically everyone above 100k gets one, practically everyone tweeting at YouTube support on Twitter to look at this situation but them responding to literally everyone else but him. He had to start a brigade and he messaged multiple creators to tag YouTube or make videos on the subject, and got any fans to tag YouTube, until they FINALLY said "Hey sorry we missed your tweets" which is just bullshit honestly. I have a feeling they didn't want to have to face that their copyright system is so easily abused until they were basically pushed into a corner. But either way, the lack of support on top of other things brings question to if Primink for some reason is in bad standing with YouTube?

- Says that if anything happens on the legal side of things, like YouTube taking legal action against Lillee, he will make another video.

The rest of the video is already well documented through this thread.

No. 939988

Lillee’s response to Primink’s video

No. 939995

File: 1723312949670.png (2.75 MB, 1179x10347, Comments.PNG)

I decided to look into some of the replies to this video and

No. 939998

File: 1723315374107.jpg (193.27 KB, 762x656, Cynthia.jpg)

Well looky here the whole damn family are criminals.

No. 940000

All three sisters were born criminals - wtf!

No. 940002

File: 1723316716014.jpg (167.46 KB, 1179x708, Art.jpg)

Lillee isn’t an artist anymore

No. 940003

Wait, who is HE. I thought it was all the pied piper woman leading all the kids.

No. 940004

Primink isn't a "public company" hunny.

No. 940005

File: 1723319041030.jpg (46.78 KB, 725x208, brenda.jpg)

Sorry if the doc above isn't new but it's new to me and blowing my mind how crooked Laur and her sisters ALL are. Explains why Laur abandoned her book and websites.

No. 940009

hate how one of the most obnoxious people on youtube is at the center of this, his voice makes me violent. it's hard to listen to the deets because his voice is like nails on a chalkboard(derailing)

No. 940010

So Cynthia was a jewel thief, Brenda fenced it and committed insurance fraud. Laur begins to make more sense now.

No. 940012

Oh you know, Primink who is actually a conglomerate, who is actually an entire organization, who is actually a cult ran by a lady, who is actually owner of all the accounts against Lillee Jean, who are actually their own individual people under a cult ran by a woman, who is actually an organization, who is actually a conglomerate, who is actually Primink.

Did I get it right?

No. 940014

File: 1723320820961.png (1.8 MB, 1179x6585, Comments2.PNG)

Her comments are a dumpster fire

No. 940015

im shocked they arent being filtered or deleted

No. 940016

They've been like this since they started on the internet. You try to narrow them to directly address something and they still weasle out of it and address something completely different that you didn't ask or don't care about.

No. 940017

She'll delete them soon enough.

No. 940020

File: 1723321391424.jpg (77.37 KB, 1210x513, notlilz.jpg)

This is clearly Laur, not Lillee. It's got BOOMER written everywhere.

No. 940021

File: 1723322088353.jpg (38.36 KB, 1012x127, lauragain.jpg)

Hahaha oh this is laur not lillee. Isn't lillee allowed to speak laur?

Also this claim of not being an influencer but she has a million insta followers and how many thousand giphys?

No. 940023

File: 1723322639812.png (932.74 KB, 1179x3153, Victim.PNG)

Laur is losing her shit.

No. 940024

File: 1723322674420.jpg (219.04 KB, 1046x214, lol.jpg)

"An urban legend"

No. 940025

File: 1723322793573.png (710.63 KB, 1179x2668, Wtf.png)

No. 940026

File: 1723323030545.png (1.39 MB, 1179x4704, Laurno.PNG)

No. 940027

If Lillee didn't care about numbers anymore she wouldn't still be abusing Laur's limited funds to buy 50k likes for her IG pictures or buy followers to keep up the 1 million jeaniez facade.

They don't buy views for her youtube videos anymore, but that's probably just because youtube is monitoring her channel.

No. 940028

They stopped buying for YT a long time ago, before all this Primink stuff. Probably couldn't afford both and figured she'd pick a fight for the facade.

No. 940029

That one person trying to reason with her/Laur. I mean they're trying to be gentle, but Lillee/Laur are just so defensive and refuse to listen to reason, a kind comment. Lillee and Laur are both so deep in denial, I mean it's ridiculous and pathetic.

For her to have an acting coach, you'd think he'd tell her to lose the crazy eyes. They were on full display in her last video.

No. 940030

File: 1723324537596.jpeg (409.88 KB, 1179x1315, IMG_5277.jpeg)

No. 940031

Entertainment for the rest of the day until she implodes and everything is nuked. Laur probably popping pills and shotgunning Franzia right now. Lillee can't drive to go get Laur another box kek.

No. 940033

File: 1723330586941.png (785.72 KB, 1179x2685, Journalists.PNG)

No. 940034

File: 1723330704178.png (402.64 KB, 1179x1899, Nazi.png)

No. 940035

File: 1723330784084.png (336.85 KB, 1179x1532, Subpoenas.png)

No. 940040

I just searched their site and there’s 3 articles. The original and 2 follow up articles because Lillee filed copyright claims on the original. Steven didn’t threaten them, Laur doxed him and the editor. Kinda hope the journalist sees this and decides to be a petty bitch about it

No. 940050

Turkey Tom is live-streaming about Primink’s newest video


No. 940055

This link spamming is so dumb. Imagine when they go to the police again and say "look at all of these people treating to kill us from YouTube" after they gain a handful of vpns with their phishing scammy websites. Will the provide the police with the same conversations that are being posted here? I wonder how Laurs schizophrenic mind will twist the people actually giving her good advice to death threats to the police.

No. 940064

All the comments have been deleted

No. 940073

File: 1723342466122.png (80.08 KB, 1522x297, Screenshot 2024-08-10 car.png)

HER car? Lillee doesn't have a license or drive, what is she talking about?

No. 940076

If she has one, prove it or is it as secret as her high school diploma? Neither exist.

No. 940078

File: 1723343597450.jpeg (842.02 KB, 1179x1864, IMG_5285.jpeg)

Lillee just doxxed Cleore on Twitter.

No. 940081

File: 1723343758074.jpeg (101.69 KB, 1179x1246, IMG_5286.jpeg)

I redacted the name.

No. 940085

File: 1723344017957.jpeg (346.54 KB, 1179x820, IMG_5289.jpeg)

No. 940087

File: 1723344123134.jpeg (919.46 KB, 1179x1993, IMG_5290.jpeg)

No. 940089

Laur, shouldn’t you be busy building a home out of a cardboard box? You’re about to be homeless.

No. 940090

Lmfao what the fuck is this. Looks like they clicked on a link and became spam bots or it's an IP tracker

No. 940092

Using a fake Earl account to share a dox on Twitter

No. 940093

I'm sure she already has a new victim, I mean landlord lined up. It's her way of life.

No. 940094

File: 1723344601929.png (114.56 KB, 1011x622, Screenshot 2024-08-10 2248282.…)

It's some dude from Michigan. 100% guarantee she thinks this guy is stalking her.

No. 940095

It’s a listing of some sex offender in Michigan. Idk who he is but he’s from the same state as Primink.

No. 940097

So she/Laur sperg out in the YT comment section, realize no one is taking their side (apart from her sock accounts), so she goes on Twitter and starts trolling Cleore and Primink. Checks out.

No. 940098

Is she trying to say this guy with a totally different name than the other person they doxed in Michigan earlier is Primink? If there was any doubt they were full of shit about detectives & fbi agents, this proves they’re just petty vindictive liars

No. 940100

>wrote on the YouTube section

definitely not a boomer

No. 940101

>could be someone in your neighborhood

They’re doxxing Primink’s neighborhood. This is vile

No. 940103

Yep in one day Lillee doxxed Cleore’s name and Primink’s general location. Yet she’s the victim!

No. 940109

It’s not Primink. Laur said his name was something different. They’re just threatening him

No. 940110

Yeah it’s the same shit she did to 20+ people on her website earlier this year.

No. 940112

File: 1723348070789.png (1.7 MB, 1179x1742, IMG_5295.png)

Lillee is now doxxing someone from Minnesota and Europe.

No. 940113

She’s doxxing the Maine lady’s maiden name and I’m assuming two old men from Belgium who may or may not be related to Cleore?

No. 940117

it is a Minnesota article what are you talking about? who is the people related to the book lady?

No. 940118

How is it worth their time to find an image of a guy in front of a building? Who is it supposed to be?

No. 940122

File: 1723356098687.jpg (59.94 KB, 995x571, the cycle.jpg)

This is the answer to all questions.

No. 940124

Kek, ikr? Broke, close to being homeless, yet they spend all their time online doxxing or attempting to dox random people. What a life.

No. 940126

Yeah, why aren't they house-hunting? How do you even get a rental with a history of evictions and no job? Is Laur on welfare?

No. 940130

>Are you related and just airing out your angry thoughts

Maybe I partied too much tonite but what does that even mean

No. 940131

Laur "partied" as well i see

No. 940134

Laur could use some edibles tbh

No. 940135

Show the screenshots

No. 940136

That does not sound like Cleore.

No. 940138

Post the screenshots then

No. 940139

Cleore can certainly afford attorneys so Laur be sure where you step.

No. 940141

Laur figured out her maiden name and found some dog article she wrote in 2007 so that's not crazy at all, kek

No. 940142

No because it's the internet and everything doesn't need a big response or you'd lose your mind.

No. 940143

Cleore's video was a while ago, what reason would she have to scream as you say?

No. 940144

Do you know where you are? You can type paragraphs and not post screenshots?

No. 940145

Later today but why? I'd love to read with my coffee.

No. 940146

"Yelling at her" in the video or in the comments, how do you yell at someone in the comments?

No. 940147

Oh god no I hope she didn't use (gulp) ALL CAPS?

No. 940148

Sacré bleu!

No. 940149

>All these Laur posts in such a short amount of time

Seems like someone has been hitting the Franzia a little too hard tonight.

No. 940150

No. 940159

Unlike the US, Belgium has actual privacy laws, keep digging that hole Laur and see where it takes you kek

No. 940168

> fucken
at least she learned how to sage kek

No. 940172

So Cleore was yelling at Lillee in YouTube comments so Lillee decided to dox her on Twitter? Makes sense kek

Laur, post screenshots or gtfo

No. 940173

All Cleore did was make a comment on Lillee's video asking her how she (lillee) is the victim if she is the one who doxxed Curtis entire family.
Lillee then proceeded to sperg about how she filed a report to the Belgian Consulate and the FBI followed by first a youtube comment doxxing Cleore's full name and later a tweet doing the same thing.

tldr: Lillee was called out for doxxing and responded by doxxing some more.

No. 940178

I understand why the Europeans were posting here at 12-4 am in the US, but what is up with Laur and her flying monkey posting all night.They live like vampires.

No. 940181

she put up a photo of a book, she did not say her name.

No. 940182

"Later today" aka "So I have time to alter the screenshots". There is literally zero reason to not immediately post screens lmfao

No. 940183

"She didn't serve her meat, she served her spaghetti bolognese!"

No. 940184

File: 1723393219033.png (26.7 KB, 883x104, Screenshot 2024-08-11 181833.p…)

Except that she did.

No. 940185

Her name was in the embedded link to her book and visible for all to see. Why do you think this is acceptable behavior? You won’t get much sympathy from the internet or the police if you keep doing this shit.

No. 940186

Cleore and Primink need to see if they can do something about Laur/Lillee filing police reports based on lies. It’s not a coincidence the report was filed on 7/26, the same day Laur asked the courts for a new court date on her eviction.

No. 940187

Lillee just linked to Curtis Price’s parents’ businesses on Twitter.

No. 940188

Yeah she's gone off the deep end. I think last night when she saw the people bombarding her video made her break and now she's just digging her heels in and acting totally batshit.

No. 940189

I really hope Primink and Cleore squeeze what little bit of cash LJ and Laur have left through litigation. Primink is pretty popular and I'm sure he's made a good bit of money from YouTube so I bet he'd be more suited to really press them than Tater Tatiana was.

No. 940190

File: 1723394418584.png (68.07 KB, 1361x500, Screenshot 2024-08-11 123803.p…)

She wants to be famous and/or have people watch her documentary to prove they're victims, but she has whole states and countries blocked?? Oh but if you give her your info, she'll whitelist you and definitely take care of that info and not try to doxx you with it.

No. 940191

>Lillee just linked to Curtis Price’s parents’ businesses on Twitter.

Curtis said he'd make a new video every. single. time. so I guess she is begging for a new vid.

No. 940192

And here we go round again, wheeeeee!

No. 940193

Nicholas Deorio said he’s live streaming about Primink’s new video later. The same guy who got YouTube’s attention the first time for Primink. Hope he checks the farms first for all the new doxing and insanity from the goblins

No. 940194

Laur's got her box wine ready for today's sperg, and away we go.

No. 940195

File: 1723395501534.png (416.65 KB, 1109x635, youarehere.png)

Current situation.

No. 940196

Is that why you married a man twice your age?

No. 940198

File: 1723398323318.jpeg (765.77 KB, 1170x827, IMG_8889.jpeg)

I brought some cookies for you nonnas to go with the influx of milk we’ll be getting.

No. 940199

It's been 11 hours, does that count as "later today" yet?

No. 940200

Thank you, nonna!

No. 940202

File: 1723400718312.jpeg (193.52 KB, 1179x477, IMG_5306.jpeg)

Laur is all over Reddit

No. 940203

>fucken button
Holy shit that just sent me

No. 940204


She is so deeply stupid, it's beautiful. Really blending in with le youthful internet denizens. Btw I've met more than a few BPDs who think they excel at 'acting' or even doing impressions of others for con-artist reasons, all the while failing miserably at it. What's up with that? I'm guessing the common denominator is a lack of a solid inner self and inability to be honest in literally all situations.

No. 940208

If she was just stupid like this and not doxing people as pedos, Laur could gain a huge following

No. 940216

The Truemans as a family are defined by Dunning-Kruger effect like no other

No. 940217

With how unhinged they're acting, they really must be finally getting evicted or something lmao, cause I don't see what else could've caused this outburst. That or Carlos really does have some dirt on them so they're trying to scare him with their insanity

No. 940218

Laur's mental health flare-ups seem very cyclical. Don't know what that indicates but it's become really reliable, like I'd set my watch by her.

No. 940219

File: 1723418310676.png (1.56 MB, 1179x1336, Prim.png)

No. 940220

File: 1723419090739.png (517.1 KB, 359x793, scorched.png)

No. 940226

Sage for rambling but what's the endgame here? Do they even have one? They put out "acting demos" and horrible "photoshoots" yet can't stand the slightest criticism or even reasonable guidance or gentle suggestion for Lillee. I mean you really think her acting coach if she actually has one doesn't provide legit feedback on the crazy eyes, weird mouth movements, awkward body language, insincerity, etc.? She's never had legitimate deals or worked with true professionals and now with all the doxxing Laur and Lillee are burning absolutely everything to the ground. Nothing good or profitable will come with any of this behavior amd they're too stupid to see. No one will ever want anything to do with them due to what they're doing. There will be no Lillee's Law or any other delusional bullshit.

No. 940231

I don't think a legit career has ever been the endgame, just getting the perks of being famous (whatever that means, really).

No. 940240

Multiple people have made vids on Lillie but for some reason every time she goes after the same three people. Primink, Cleore, and Curtis. It's so fucking weird. As for doxxing Curtis's family (again) she probably did it preemptively because Curtis got involved defending Cleore last time.

No. 940245

If only she'd have a go at Mutahar. I'd pay top dollar to see that.

No. 940247

Does she think there aren't screenshots and receipts?

No. 940248

What's the statute of limitations on selling petroliana and other collectibles and then never shipping them? 7-10 years?

No. 940249

What's crazy is if you watch her documentary she literally points out that people have destroyed her name and she'll never get a real job without a name change.
I'm still in the boat that she doesn't give a shit about getting famous anymore, that's a secondary. Her main priority is "never giving up", keeping her fake 1mil Instagram no matter how many reports come out, keeping her YouTube channel no matter how many copyright strikes she requests, doxxing people everywhere and no company, not even YouTube, doing a single thing about it. In her documentary, she says over and over again how no one can take her down, she's always going to keep her head above water. This is a war for her and has been for a while. She will never admit to faking everything, to being vile, to abusing systems, to doxxing people, etc. She wants to come out on top, she wants to win against everyone who tried tearing her down (aka criticizing her). Winning to her is keeping all of her accounts until every last one of us gives up. It's why she keeps doxxing Primink, Curtis, and Cleore among others over and over again. She knows it's wrong and she shouldn't do it, but when nothing happens to her, it's a "win" in her eyes. It's her taking a stab back because she can't win the audience, so she might as well double down and just keep doing the shit everyone is accusing her of. She knows her name and reputation is done for. She's not trying to save it. She knows everyone wants her off the internet, so that's her goal. To stay on the internet in the face of everyone calling her out, making videos on her, etc. Kind of like when a kid shoves another kid, they start fighting, and the kid who originally shoved someone (Lillee) goes and hides behind the teacher and says that the other kid they got in a fight with is the bully. And then once nothing happens to her after the kid explains she started it, she just stands behind the teacher and taunts them by sticking her tongue out. That's what Lillee is.

No. 940250

Well I know it's not the most popular take on things but I still thing Lillee doesn't know about the majority of the shit Laur does. Clearly Laur is the only posting from Lillee's socials, Earl's Twitter and on lolcow/reddit/kiwi. 20 yr olds just don't talk like a sagging Boomer the way Laur does. Laur's really bad too - like the most out of touch adult I ever saw.

No. 940251

Oh she knows….

No. 940252

I disagree in general, but a really big indicator of them colluding together is the documentary. They both worked on it together and they have hundreds and hundreds of screenshots from all websites that mention them. So if they're collectively gathering screenshots, they're collectively aware of where each of them are going.

No. 940253

File: 1723479441370.png (410.6 KB, 1179x1742, Monkey.png)

No. 940261

the goods being petroliana is irrelevant. they're all covered in a contract for goods/sale and it isn't covered under criminal code, it'll be a civil case that needs to be brought on by the purchaser.

action needs to be brought on within four years per NY UCC § 2-725. might be different (as in +/- a year) in NYC. (source: https://law.justia.com/codes/new-york/ucc/article-2/part-7/2-725/)

No. 940265

Except when it's done over the internet, then it becomes wire fraud and that is a federal crime and has a statue of limitations of 10 years.
(source: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1341 )

No. 940268


it's a fair assumption, taking >>940248 at face value, to assume that laur was slick enough to say "sure" to interest in buying something but not facilitating electronic payments.

they're dumb as fuck, but obviously "slick" enough to work the system and understand workarounds. while it's nice to think laur is some mastermind who's going to do time in the federal pen, it's a hell of a reach.

No. 940269

File: 1723483360695.png (115.18 KB, 1881x949, Screenshot 191543.png)

There are a couple collectors forums that have threads about Laur's scam activities with her companies truetiques and travelin tiques.

No. 940271

People that fear for their life usually don't taunt the people that are allegedly after them you psychotic bitch.

No. 940273

They're unemployed so the difference between day and night doesn't really matter much to them

No. 940274

you'd think that for pretending to be a celebrity she would stop being such a fatass whale

No. 940275

File: 1723485856271.jpeg (133.64 KB, 1179x636, IMG_5326.jpeg)

Why does she insist on lying about her height? Does she think that casting directors don’t have eyes?

No. 940276

File: 1723486082437.png (233.26 KB, 500x484, smoll.png)

No. 940277

First glance I see newspapers.com mentioned and that is PUBLIC info. From old newspapers. So not sure why Laur would care about her grandparents public info. Unless she lied about something, anyone know what?

No. 940282

OK, not that we didn't know, but Laur is STUPID. I just went on ancestry.com and her sister Cynthia has their family tree set to public. So she can stfu with the stolen private data rants. Not stolen and not private. Fuuuck Laur wasn't kidding when she said she din't understand the internet.

No. 940283

File: 1723489352950.png (3.18 MB, 898x5013, Ig3-imageonline.co-merged.png)

Lillee’s ig stories

No. 940284

>Says people have destroyed her name and she'll never get a real job without a name change.
>Makes "movies" and sends audition tapes using her legal name.

This makes zero sense. Nobody gives a fuck about your online reputation if you apply for McJobs. In movie industry reputation is everything. Post stupid shit on Twitter and lose your job. It should be the other way around. She should change her name in order to become an actress.
Be real Lillee. You can't get a real job because you are not searching for one.

No. 940285

Bwahahaha, tweets from 2021 with not a threat in sight. It's called criticism Laur, learn to either accept it or delete.

No. 940286

newspaper, ancestry and court files are all public records.
Maybe just pay your dental bills next time ok?

No. 940287

She been doxing that lady for 3 years for the same harmless tweets thats all legal. That ain't harrasment bitch.

No. 940289

>It’s not a coincidence the report was filed on 7/26, the same day Laur asked the courts for a new court date on her eviction.
Yes. It is reasonable to file a police report if you are going to apply for TRO. Kek.

Why doesn't Laur, the seasoned scammer change her name?

No. 940290

File: 1723491012181.jpg (32.11 KB, 467x332, Diane.jpg)

Some of these screenshots were Diane, you bellend.

No. 940291

>Why doesn't Laur, the seasoned scammer change her name?
Name changes are in the public record in the US.

No. 940292

File: 1723491237521.png (45.76 KB, 709x283, Screenshot 2024-08-12 212907.p…)


No. 940293

File: 1723491602127.png (195.26 KB, 1179x791, Fregoli delusion - Wikipedia.p…)

Someone should sneak seroquel into their morning coffee

No. 940299

Ok so is it Sandra or Diane. Pick one.

No. 940300

they got this taken down. luckily someone on KF archived it: https://files.catbox.moe/rz7ewq.mp4

drink more, laur!

No. 940301

>Ok so is it Sandra or Diane. Pick one.

So read the Fregoli definition above and recommend you go get a CAT scan.

No. 940302

File: 1723503426753.png (416.89 KB, 1179x1111, Faildox.png)

No. 940304

oh my god laur looks just like a bridge troll and at 59:30 you can see she literally waddles when she walks. they’re both gross little goblins. kek forever at lillee claiming her civil rights are being taken away. you can really tell how uneducated the two of them are in this video. it should have been illegal for laur to “homeschool” lillee with her own lukewarm IQ and obvious mental illness.

No. 940305

File: 1723508954795.jpg (590.83 KB, 1539x2048, Skirt.JPG)

She actually looks nice here apart from her dark prediabetic armpits. Lillee, you should wear more long skirts like this one.

No. 940306

How ya gonna complain about Diane who hasn't said a peep in like 4 years or the Maine Lady all I seen is her say things like "they didn't pay for Lillee's teeth" - uhhhhh thats true.

Y'all literally robbed a dentist and we not allowed to say nothing?

No. 940307

You cannot get a restraining order on someone who hasn't direct contacted you in months, let alone years. Tweets and lolcow don't count whatsoever.

No. 940347

File: 1723553722955.png (50.34 KB, 661x340, Screenshot 2024-08-13 145302.p…)

All these police reports Laur and Lillee are filing are beginning to smell like slapp lawsuits.

No. 940350

The words Trueman and strategic don't belong together in a sentence but nona here may be on to something..

No. 940358

Lillee’s showing screenshots in reference to Andrew Rossow when talking about the pro bono lawyer. He couldn’t represent them because he practiced in another state. He wasn’t bullied off the internet either. He fired them because they didn’t pay him and when he asked Laur for payment Laur violated their NDA by posting DMs on Twitter >>802722

No. 940360

Damn you just unlocked a core memory of the "Guardian Project" lol. Completely forgot about that.

No. 940363

Sage for OT but I had to see what happened with the guardian project.No updates since 2021. The comments are all people complaining they didn’t get their rewards, emails/website being down etc. Guess Rossow & Pellegrino never got justice on their bullies kek


No. 940364

File: 1723565380594.jpeg (260.92 KB, 827x1459, IMG_5355.jpeg)

This post made me read old threads and kek missing 26 days of school in grade 1 is kinda crazy

No. 940365

File: 1723565425897.png (13.59 MB, 827x14719, IMG_5356.png)

Also this

No. 940366

why would their bully need to call the school for records when Lillee put it all online?

No. 940370

File: 1723568048342.png (544.09 KB, 639x654, yearbook.png)

It's so crazy how she looks like an almost full grown adult, or around 18, when she was in 5th grade. Like if I never knew Lillee and I was shown these images and asked how old I thought she was, I would have said 17 or 18.

No. 940385

I would have thought the same, nona. Damn. She dramatically regressed. And what's with that pose? Being yanked away from her peers and Laur being her sole source of interaction thoroughly fucked her up mentally and socially. This shit really should be a psychology case study.

No. 940387

I don't need to entertain your armchair diagnosis. I was asking Laur to explain herself since she's in here posting bullshit everyday.

No. 940393

I've never seen a 5th grader who wears a 34DD. Something weird about this.

No. 940399

She almost did but even she knew that was a bad idea. They go for easy targets.

No. 940403

I have… but she doesn't have big tits, she has a broad pectoral area.

No. 940405

Probably stuck wearing Laurs old bras because they can’t afford them

No. 940406

Agree about the skirts being flattering on her, but when she puts her arms down the waist of the skirt is almost under her boobs. I know they're also working hard to give her waist definition here.

No. 940412

File: 1723595455701.png (2.11 MB, 1033x1712, Chorus.png)

The Chorus Our Eyes In

No. 940413

KEK why is she leaned forward like that

No. 940415

Wtf is that gibberish title???

No. 940416

File: 1723601418274.jpeg (21.65 KB, 225x225, 087274D0-B665-4FA8-9B7A-11AFEB…)

BTS on set! Army is excited!(non-contribution/kpop)

No. 940421

trying to walk in too-high-heels alongside little goblin genetics. her centre of gravity is shifted with the heels, she's leaning forward for stability when she walks. she looks great in this outfit when she doesn't need to move kek

No. 940422

File: 1723630189562.mp4 (3.44 MB, 720x1280, Chorus.mp4)

The video

No. 940423

File: 1723630285856.jpeg (52.87 KB, 640x1136, Bullyish.jpeg)

Same shit different day.

No. 940424

File: 1723633216797.png (176.35 KB, 494x657, paranoidmaxxing.png)

Undiagnosed schizophrenia is one hell of a drug. Get help Laur, take your meds.

No. 940426

Does she think Null launched kiwifarms to target LJ? Wtf does this even mean?

No. 940428

>>940424 she might be thinking that they started milking her when she was 12 to make MiNor AbUse accusations lol

No. 940433

They haven’t learned a lesson about copyright claims. According to Lumen they’ve filed 9 claims since july

No. 940434

Has she ever named one of her projects with words that weren't rubbish?

Voyager - never left town
Mind over Beaute - Beaute is not a French word for beauty. Or an English word.
Shakespeare is the Language - what even – what?
So Lillo Qui - not fucking words
The Chorus Our Eyes in - she's just messing with us now

No. 940436

Laur you're finally getting warm. Warmer.

No. 940439

That's to be expected. They only stopped filing with YouTube because they have eyes on them. They're going to continue filing everywhere else they can abuse the system, which is unfortunately every other website.

No. 940440

She circled Feb 4 2013 and the Kiwifarm post is from Feb 4 2021. Still not sure how they’re supposed to connect or mean anything

No. 940441

Don't forget The Pauper of Shoes lmfao, her best work to date

No. 940442

The bottom part is a screenshot of her IG where she posted a post that was made about her on Feb 4, nona added the top to show Feb 4 is the birthday of kiwifarms.

No. 940443

She didn't know what pauper meant! - that was hilarious. And Laur never explains anything to her, she just lets her look stupid. G8 momming.

No. 940444

I think Laur is almost afraid to criticize Lillee in ANY way

No. 940447

Laur's also a dumbass. Wouldn't be surprised if neither of them knew what it meant.

No. 940448

That video was so funny because she never actually clarified what she THOUGHT it meant either… a true Attic Productions classic

No. 940449

Isn't a pauper a poor person? The poor person of shoes? That makes no sense what so ever…

No. 940450

Guaranteed she thought it meant something along the lines of "duchess". She's never read Mark fucking Twain? Surely she's watched the Disney film? Maybe she only watches the ones with a princess. So now she thinks a pauper is like the Prince's assistant or vice president. Still doesn't make sense but my multiple degrees aren't from Attic Academy.

No. 940452

Lillee’s never read a book.

No. 940454

File: 1723681204434.png (154.03 KB, 1179x869, Curtisprice.png)

No. 940455

File: 1723681300688.png (100.82 KB, 1179x563, Comment.png)

No. 940456

File: 1723681368392.jpg (154.08 KB, 1179x527, Doxxing.jpg)

No. 940464

Can’t wait for this to come up in the Null stream. (It won’t.)

No. 940478

File: 1723715006985.jpg (113.75 KB, 1000x500, 90d1zr.jpg)

>The Chorus Our Eyes in
It's supposed to be "The Chorus in Our Eyes". Now I can't unsee it. Kek.

No. 940479

File: 1723715069703.png (17.78 KB, 446x92, neversurrender.png)

She did it again! She reposted the workplace of Curtis' dad.

No. 940480

How likely do you think it is that Lillee is doing all the doxing right now and not Laur?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to wk her, I think Lillee is an evil, nasty person. However, ever since she began "acting", I feel like she stopped using social media as much. You don't really get as much of her signature wording and phrases, and of course there's the fact that she posts less stuff in general, but I do wonder.
Laur seems to be really seriously deteriorating, seeing more and more insane patters in dates, litter outside her house, etc. So I wonder if behind the scenes she is getting scarier and more domineering (while during the "influencer" era, you could tell from some livestreams that Lillee was the one ordering her mom around). And as she becomes more unhinged, she's taking more control.
Because I really don't believe Lillee is the one schizoposting, she seems more focused on her "films". Again, not to wk, but more to tinfoil about Laur becoming significantly more unhinged and it changing their dynamic

No. 940481

I think you are right, the walls of text and rants do sound like it's Laur posting on Lillee's accounts.

No. 940482

At this point it doesn't matter I'd it's her or Laur. It's her account and ergo she is culpable for what is posted on it.
It does start a tinfoil about of Laur has used Lillee's social security number though…

No. 940483

100% it's Laur. I'm not convinced Lillee is even allowed to look at her own phone anymore tbh. And when we say "her own phone" of course Lillee has never purchased or owned anything in her life, so technically it is Laur's.

No. 940485

Laur has said in the past that she takes Lillee's phone at night so she can't go online and read what people are saying about her.

No. 940486

I for a change belive Lillee herself is doxing Curtis on twitter here. She spams on twitter all day long and it doesn't sound like Laur. If Laur was posting on her twitter then Lillee would have to see the tweet and leave it up. Why would she leave it up when she knows it's incriminating, except she posted it.

No. 940487

It's technically not a crime to post a website and say that you like it. We all know that she is doing it to intimidate Curtis and she is an absolute piece of shit for doing it but it's not illegal.

No. 940488

Lillee is absolutely the one who’s been doxing people on Twitter. Laur has her own accounts where she has doxed people before.

Anons who keep making excuses for Lillee are delusional.

No. 940489

>>940488 they forget she is just as vile as her mommy dearest, looking at her "get covid and die" type of videos. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

No. 940490

That doesn’t mean Lillee is the one posting on her Twitter. Do you think 75 year old disabled Earl is also using his Twitter account to dox people?

No. 940492

This video is wild. Lillee rolls her eyes 3 times in 18 seconds and it doesn’t sound like she’s responding to Laur’s question in the end.

No. 940494

File: 1723727231633.png (1.24 MB, 1179x1208, Community.png)

Is this a dig at Tatiana?

No. 940496

File: 1723728315454.png (251.38 KB, 1179x874, Giphy.png)

She uploaded almost 3k gifs of herself to giphy

No. 940500

>>940496 Oh yeah, she's using them for responding to bots and clueless thirsty boomers.(multiple unsaged, unintegrated posts)

No. 940501

she comes up all the time on Teams for the most random searches, makes me laugh every time

No. 940504

Whoa she seriously cannot act AT ALL - like not even good enough to get in a junior high play. It's as if she cannot put herself in another person's shoes for even one minute. Unbelievably bad.

No. 940506

God, Laur's voice is so jarring. Like a honking goose.

No. 940508

KEK you beat me to it. I thought the same thing.

No. 940510

Isn't there a video of lilleejean encouraging and celebrating doxxing someone or getting someone to dox? Wonder how that would look with her I've been doxxed war cry. When she put her home adddress on her website.

No. 940511

There are posts of her saying shit like "instagram army do your thing" and stuff like that where she asks her "followers" to attack people.

No. 940516


We all know Lillie is toxic all on her own but Laur takes her phone away at night so it wouldn't be surprising that she posts from lillie's accounts when she's asleep. Laur is the ringleader because above all, Lillie is lazy. And tbh i suspect she's dumber than Laur is. Didn't Laur do the copyright strikes on behalf of lillie on her own accounts too? But at the end of the day, they share one wetbrain so it doesn't really matter which one actually does the thing.

No. 940529

File: 1723761301836.png (4.3 MB, 1069x1910, ParkAve.png)

I was wondering why they were so quiet today. From Lillee’s ig stories

No. 940530

File: 1723761589384.jpg (3.87 MB, 1280x1920, ea80ef_7e63a8c4ef3b43fc86c4960…)

Lillee Jean is no stranger to snapping a few photos in her native New York! The award-winning actress wears a yellow halter top framing her petite frame, light blue distressed jeans, Tory Burch flip flops, an Aries necklace, a red distressed crossbody purse, and pink/black sunglasses. Sporting no makeup, she is full of confidence this Thursday!

No. 940531

File: 1723761723440.jpg (3.69 MB, 1280x1920, ea80ef_02dfa9ce94564cfda4fd4aa…)

No. 940532

She looks so much better with shoulder length hair. Her long hair makes her look even shorter in stature and doesn’t do her any favors.

Lillee, please get a long bob.

No. 940535

All I see is loneliness. A prisoner. All of her friends from her middle school yearbook have graduated college and are working enormously successful careers, especially her old BFFFF James, while she still only does what her mother tells her all. day. every. day. She's a caged bird.

No. 940540

File: 1723765291965.jpg (1.42 MB, 2248x2928, Screenshot_20240815_183745_Sam…)

What is the fuck is going on with her nose? Looks like a mix of weird color correction with Franzia alcoholic bloat.

No. 940542

she's got that voice that every raging witch seems to have: hoarse and raspy and always turned up to a level 7 so she can immediately start screaming at people for being "rude".

what stands out to me the most is how saccharine and insincere she sounds in her introduction, like a mean little six year old girl who will smile in your face and then go behind your back and tear up your clothes out of spite. then you look at her eyes and you can tell she's unhappy and miserable and hates her mother. i wonder how many arguments they've been getting into lately?

No. 940543

not as exciting as the tinfoil, but it's probably just allergies nonna.

No. 940545

>framing her petite frame

No. 940548

seborrheic dermatitis from being greasy + drinking alcohol + eating like shit(medfagging)

No. 940549

Her style is really stuck in 2010 kek

No. 940559

She took off that nasty rag/twilly from her purse.

No. 940563

i mean she can't really wear most of the trendy silhouettes now so it's almost like she has no other choice. can you imagine her wearing a crop top at her height and weight? baggy high wasted mom jeans that don't look like they're eating her alive? neutrals and nudes that wouldn't clash with her current hair color and wash out her already pale skin? plus they don't even have the money to buy shitty temu knockoffs of goyard bags, love bracelets, and bottega venetta sunglasses so her accessories are going to be wack. i guess they tried it with the tory burch sandals, but no one wears those other than middle aged suburban moms with their nordy club points in newport beach. hermès doesn't loan out orans on rent the runway…

No. 940571

File: 1723795481719.jpg (305.11 KB, 1080x1666, Screenshot_20240816-090258.jpg)

Are they still doing that rent the runway thing from a couple of years ago or did they spend $200 on sandals despite being broke

No. 940574

File: 1723807687075.png (385.39 KB, 1322x556, shoes.png)

She's just wearing Shein knockoffs

No. 940579

Just like the her dirty Micheal Kors & Coach bags, she’s had these sandals for at least a decade. It’s why her style looks so dated like anon mentioned, she’s still wearing items Laur bought her in middle school. Im laughing at Laur describing stuff as “distressed” when it’s just old, damaged and ugly

No. 940591

Don't know that I'd call her a "caged bird". It sounds more poetic than the reality, which is a dumpster fire shitshow.


But anyway, I looked up some of her classmates and they all have jobs and on their way to successful careers, some of whom have already achieved it at only 23 or 24. They are all educated. The girls turned into gorgeous women. They have friends. They are having fun. They have traveled the world. Lillee has no job, no education, no friends, haven't traveled, and not having fun. And they were all at an equal level at some point, with the same potential and opportunities. That is so sad.

And can I just say, if Lillee drew that pic of the "Libery" teacher, it's actually pretty cute. It's better than anything else she's done, especially the disfigured mermaid and Disney princesses she drew when she was older.

No. 940601

New Curtis Price video where he addresses the latest doxxing of his family.

No. 940606

File: 1723840349760.png (2.16 MB, 1179x1916, Ig1 2.png)

No. 940608

File: 1723840419133.png (1.87 MB, 1179x1907, Ig2 2.png)

No. 940609

File: 1723840478836.png (2.15 MB, 1179x1926, Ig3 2.png)

No. 940611

File: 1723841258916.jpeg (151.78 KB, 1179x757, IMG_5430.jpeg)

I want to believe

No. 940617

>neo nazi sites kiwi and cow

No. 940624

File: 1723852002107.jpg (123.24 KB, 1179x1175, Doxxxx.jpg)

Lillee just doxed Cleore on twitter again and linked to an ig post that possibly has a photo of Cleore in it.

No. 940625

File: 1723852121611.png (804.93 KB, 1179x1317, Doxxxxxxx.png)

No. 940626

Does Laur have an endgame? Doesn't she know that doesn't work? Nobody cares, it just makes you look stupid, Laur. Guarantee Cleore does not care.

No. 940628

Hey Laur are you just mad that someone makes art 1000 times better than your kid's shitty garbage?

No. 940631

File: 1723854661555.png (128.72 KB, 772x584, moredoxxing.png)

So wholesome seeing them work together in their doxxing endeavours.
And Lillee finally has somebody to look up to who has actual talent!

No. 940634

Lillee really is the queen of self sabotage, she claims she filed police reports against Cleore for making videos about her and not much later she is just giving her book and artwork shoutouts as if they are best friends… it really shows you how full of shit she is about the police reports, who in their right mind does that?

No. 940635

File: 1723856128719.png (1.25 MB, 1179x2077, Doxxxxxxxxxxx.PNG)

The order of these tweets gave me a whiplash kek

She doxed Cleore (or someone related to Cleore) and Curtis’s dad’s work

No. 940636

The Franzia is flowing hard tonight kek

No. 940638

Not totally sure but I think she doxed Cleore’s mum or some other older female relative

No. 940640

It's only 9pm in NYC right? It's awfully early to be this out of her gourd.

No. 940641

File: 1723857543892.png (210.39 KB, 1179x627, Outlaw.png)

Idk if this is a dox or not but they rarely ever post anything like this

No. 940644

A true David vs. Goliath story of how the 14th century Scottish 'Outlaw King' Robert the Bruce used cunning and bravery to defeat the much larger and better equipped occupying English army.

So Laur is BRAVELY using Lillee and Earl's accounts to let us know she's gonna gather her horses at sunrise. Honey they don't make suits of armor to fit you, sorry.

No. 940646

File: 1723861331699.png (148.91 KB, 1179x522, Points.png)

No. 940656

File: 1723890262961.png (503.25 KB, 910x661, FEB4.png)

The egg cooker was also ordered on that date.

No. 940658

Not sure why people are insisting that Lillee couldn’t possibly have a hand in the doxxing and that it must be Laur from Lillee’s account. The doxxing tweets clearly have Lillee’s writing style. She’s a vindictive little turd just like her mom.

No. 940659

Well she's obviously not "fearing for her life" like she claims all the time if she taunts the people she thinks are after her like this.

No. 940673

Yeah it's honestly getting exhausting seeing how many anons think that Lillee is some dunce in Laur's attic with no autonomy. She's shown she's vile multiple times through the years. Guarantee she knows her name and rep are ruined so she's just doubling down now.
A few anons keep taking the "Laur takes Lillee's phone at night" as the gospel. Lillee has a laptop/computer. They also said this a while ago, who knows if it stills happens.

No. 940674

Highly doubt this is true BUT I was surprised they included emails from brands asking where they could send payment to lillee. They’ve said before lillee makes no money and it would have been during the period laur said they made no money on the erap application

Anyone else notice Laur was listed as the superintendent of their rental on the eviction paperwork? Another side hustle she hid from the state

No. 940675

And Lillee is listed as "Jane Doe" on the paperwork, probably to hide the fact that she owns a business that operates from the property .

No. 940676

A landlord has the right to take subtenants to small claims court for unpaid rent but it's pretty hard to do that when they are listed as Jane Doe.

No. 940678

Wonder if her landlord has seen her video bragging "you can never have too many shoes". I mean 10 pairs of expensive heels are worth more than their back rent.

No. 940680

File: 1723917226300.png (38.5 KB, 655x383, rentmoney.png)

Or if he knows that she is actually a millionaire.

No. 940682

Hold up, she received something from Publisher's Clearinghouse and is trying to act like it was a threat? So she responded to their mailer, went to the website on her phone and, in trying to win big, stupidly signed up for something which was then delivered. She definitely clicked the "JUST ONE ORDER IS ALL IT TAKES!!!" banner. I can't believe this. She had me thinking it came from Amazon.

No. 940683

Not to defend them, but it's easy to find their personal info, so it is very possible someone signed them up for it lmfao

No. 940688

But the person would have paid with a credit card and that information would be on the invoice. They also have the customer ID so pretty easy to call customer service and ask what's up. Imo Laur just ordered it and pretended it was the boolies.

No. 940689

You're right kek, but PC sends mailers to basically every single home in the United States, do you think Laur can resist a good sweepstakes? Other nonna has a point about the invoice info.

No. 940703

I like how they block out the customer ID and order number in one spot, but then leave that same info uncovered next to "your order summary" at the bottom there kek

No. 940724

Great find nonnie - so it's as if Diane never did shit except express her opinion, huh?

No. 940726

File: 1724000280792.jpg (73.28 KB, 572x453, guys.jpg)

Oh my good GUY'S?

What is wrong with her brain, for real.

No. 940727

File: 1724000347874.jpg (29 KB, 616x152, firstgr.jpg)

She is literally failing first grade.

No. 940729

File: 1724002014910.png (83.76 KB, 1275x354, 3.86GPA.png)

3.86 GPA my ass.

No. 940730

"Finishing her high school years" is Laur's vague way of walking around that Lillee dropped out. Lillee's IQ is 75 at best.

No. 940733

They are spamming twitter. To cover any mention of them and lets be honest to try and get a reaction. Which I believe is why the doxxing happened to get a reaction so they could go look, look their bullying me.

I thought this was lies as she keeps claiming she never was an influencer etc but she had a beauty company before she was an actress. The somersaults they do with their stories.(sage your shit)

No. 940757

File: 1724029584535.png (57.94 KB, 1129x424, Screenshot 2024-08-19 030420.p…)

In her most recent Wikipedia draft (that didn't meet the criteria btw) she categorised herself as LGBT.

No. 940759

She was pansexual for a hot second. But I’m pretty sure she thought it meant that she liked people of all genders as friends.

No. 940760

File: 1724031628828.png (3.23 MB, 1280x1920, Feet.png)

She learned to hide her feet.

No. 940768

she learned to hide her feet by doing this? this looks weird and confusing, I'd rather just see an ugly foot

No. 940779

File: 1724061240686.png (10.03 KB, 598x103, donting great.png)

She's doing this on purpose right?

No. 940789

Early stages of dementia? My grandmum stopped making sense and being really angry at things in her early stages.

No. 940790

Same ol' Lilz. Random, weird pic in front of her scuffed, marked up wall. Oily hair in a shit style. Biting the inside of her cheeks and pursing her lips.
She's never going to change, is she?

No. 940792

File: 1724082558511.jpg (10.22 KB, 218x247, dirtyshoe.jpg)


Dirty hair, dirty shoes, and hands touching dirty feet. How very on-brand from the brain of Laur Trueman.

No. 940793

grease and dirt aside, why is her shoe off and just sitting beside her like that? and laur couldnt tell her to move over half an inch to cover up the outlet on the wall? kek so professional, honestly.

No. 940794

File: 1724084611572.jpg (63.59 KB, 425x1500, angelus.jpg)

My mother taught me to keep myself and my things clean. The bare basics a mother does, no?

Mine taught me this one for shoes

No. 940795

File: 1724084955034.jpg (36.4 KB, 581x461, ugh.jpg)

>why is her shoe off and just sitting beside her like that? and laur couldnt tell her to move over half an inch to cover up the outlet on the wall?

I assume Laur never took a single damn photography class, nor studied composition or style. She doesn't believe in "learning". So we have nothing but shit lighting, and no balance.

No. 940797

File: 1724085160745.jpg (259.51 KB, 1179x1724, Cleore_dox.jpg)

Lillee is posting about Cleore again

No. 940798

Cleore posted a new video an hour ago

No. 940799

TL;DW: Lillee doxed Cleore’s family so now Cleore won’t be very nice to the Truemans in her next video. The next video will be in English since Curtis is helping with narration and translation.

No. 940802

File: 1724087313764.jpg (34.45 KB, 558x657, popthetittie.jpg)

Oh Lillee.

No. 940803

File: 1724087817420.mp4 (1.28 MB, 720x1038, ssstwitter.com_1716621146420.m…)

Did you want this on the internet forever?

Cuz YOU posted it; and that's forever.

No. 940806

Is it me or is it weird to shout the person out that you just filed an FBI report against for allegedly stalking you?

No. 940807

Great, another idiotic self-striver is just what this thread needs. It wasn’t interesting when Twitter callouts/Diane/Tatiana/etc did it, and it isn’t interesting now.

It’s hard to feel sympathy for anyone who willingly interacts with the Truemans knowing they are unemployed losers with nothing to lose who love doxxing people. Poking a retarded bear for YouTube views, what could go wrong?

No. 940808

File: 1724091309778.png (1.62 MB, 1179x1502, Look.png)

No. 940809

Apologies for being unable to screenshot, but the FTC claims to be cracking down on influencers and companies that purchase fake followers via a recent ruling (“selling or purchasing fake indicators of social media influence”). Unclear how they’ll actually determine and enforce this

No. 940810

there's a whole tom dark stream on this one. enjoi, lillee.

No. 940811


It's also really weird to use an Amazon India link.

No. 940813

I recoiled watching this. Her horny retard sperging era, man those were the days, kek

No. 940814

Probably means they are using a vpn.

No. 940830

File: 1724143894110.png (911.35 KB, 1907x1066, Wikidraft.png)

It's amazing how hard they keep trying. Adding Controversy and all. The article is not going to get accepted, and the Goblins should just delete it.


No. 940832

That's not them who added that controversy part, the Truemans would never acknowledge stuff like that.

No. 940835

Lots of people on the internet calling the Trueman’s actions criminal and Lillee posts a video of fake cops chasing her

No. 940838

File: 1724159527996.png (386.36 KB, 1179x1935, Wiki.png)

No. 940839

File: 1724159597515.png (106.56 KB, 1179x674, Wiki2.png)

No. 940840

(self promotion spam)

No. 940842

Solid video. Countdown until there’s a ‘predator alert’ randomly made up about this gal… Wonder if Laur and Lillee ever get dizzy from this endless loop they are constantly spinning.

No. 940843

File: 1724165080559.png (11.64 KB, 196x255, spot the difference.png)

great gazoo sounding ass.

No. 940845

They’re not insane but both are definitely a combination of a personality disorder and low IQ

No. 940846

File: 1724166443176.png (124.92 KB, 1080x607, Wiki.png)

Oh no. Look at that ip address and user name.
Remember what Laur always says? "Nobody is anonymous"?
Smells like gay ops.

No. 940848

File: 1724167074927.jpg (165.32 KB, 1080x693, IMG_4604.jpg)

Is this video the reason Lillee retweeted this comment from 2022?

No. 940849

File: 1724167241360.jpeg (677.39 KB, 1179x1432, IMG_5481.jpeg)

Keep honing on, Lillee.

No. 940855

Looks like the only thing she’s been honing in on is a box of donuts

No. 940857

She also posted this one. I don't get it.

No. 940870

It's cringe in a sad way to see how much the home schooling has stunted her emotional growth and intelligence. Her writing & characters make no sense in any of her videos and the "humor" she makes is like something a toddler would make, when they are just trying to figure out what makes adults laugh and are trying to imitate funny words and noises without understanding why. This voice she uses is so jarring, I don't understand is it supposed to be cute or what… it doesn't portray fun and quirky, it just reveals how out of touch Lillee is from normal people. She needs to get some actual friends so she can get feedback on her behavior, this is just like watching a mega autistic person embarrass themself in public and not understanding everybody's kinda pitying them. Get out Lillee, stop this nonsense and go live your life, do something normal for a change

No. 940873

she can't do any of those things, her mom fucked up her life by keeping her so sheltered and unable to do anything independently.

No. 940878

File: 1724194963440.jpg (229.29 KB, 750x1333, Essay.JPG)

No. 940879

File: 1724195305987.jpg (1.16 MB, 1179x2031, Live.jpg)

Did anyone catch her ig live?

No. 940881

Catch the different size texts from paragraph 1 to 2. Seems like she copied and pasted and never changed the font back.
Also, who remembers their specific grades on work at all, ESPECIALLY as far back as 7th grade? If I had $50mil on the line and you handed me an essay I wrote from 7th grade and told me to tell you my score on it, I would hand it back because there isn't even a semblance of a memory.

No. 940882

Oh cool, are we going to be able to watch her freak out on IG Live again one day? That'd be great, I miss those days.

No. 940883

>gonna teh again
>Check out new for The Trapper Trap

Wtf? I can usually decipher the attic pidgin, but even this one is doing my head in.

No. 940884

File: 1724198249699.png (2.24 MB, 1071x1902, lilleejean Watch Instagram st…)

No. 940885

Looks like Laur bought exactly 5400 views kek

No. 940887

It's because it's right when the pre-attic era ended and she had a school life and did normal school things. She holds on to memories of school achievements (whether earned or not) because they were real, unlike all her paid for fake achievements after she dropped out of school.

No. 940889

File: 1724199474913.png (88.5 KB, 814x558, viewbot.png)

120 bucks well spent!

No. 940891

her writing hasn’t improved one bit kek. this is the highest level of education she has achieved, which is beyond depressing. laur trueman completely ruined her daughter’s life.

No. 940897

File: 1724209421830.png (711.77 KB, 1046x896, 1000013612.png)

>I'm gonna make you my profile pic

No. 940919

It’s extremely weird to see a zoomer use two spaces after a period. I thought this shit ended with Gen X?

No. 940921

File: 1724256476920.jpg (13.81 KB, 370x72, Fminus.jpg)

I teach ESL and this is the WORST paper I've ever seen from a middle school student, especially one who was born in the United States. I began marking her errors in spelling, grammar and usage, but then realized I don't have all day.

Never mind the horrendous spelling, the made-up or misapplied phraseology, and moron-level use of punctuation. Ignore those.

She seemed to admire Andrew Jackson, the well-known icon of White Supremacy, and the most racist President the US ever had.

Also clearly the two type fonts indicate she copy/pasted from somewhere. So on top of her being mentally challenged, she has no problem with cheating.

No. 940922

File: 1724257584983.jpg (20.42 KB, 245x252, surly.jpg)

The wit and wisdom of L.J.Trueman. Coming soon on Amazon!

No. 940923

File: 1724257877268.gif (2.16 MB, 640x454, 1000006866.gif)

> Jackson, rose above being and orphan and loosing everything before his eyes and started to do stuff around his town

No. 940924

"this left Jackson as a hardened fifteen year old young man."

Wait. Wasn't he a MINOR? I hope his mom stepped in and did all his talking for him until he was pushing 30 like Lillee - because he was UNDERAGE.

No. 940925

you know it all comes from her mom right?

No. 940931

i started to do the same thing but ran out of time and patience kek. she definitely admires jackson, and she also seems to think stono ferry was his brother, not a battle. she must’ve gotten a 92 only because laur is the one who graded it.

No. 940937

Lillee surly doesn’t know that Jackson bloody loved raping his slaves.

No. 940939

Insane that so little has happened in her life since then that she's posting a random shitty middle school essay as if she's proud of it

No. 940940

old screenshot from her IG, not new.

No. 940944

>old screenshot from her IG, not new.

Meaning what? She's smarter now? Pull the other one.

No. 940946

File: 1724275274558.png (1.57 MB, 816x1446, lilleejean Watch Instagram st…)

No. 940947

not that same anon but it’s weird people are correcting Lillee’s grammar from a paper she wrote when she was 11

No. 940948

She was 13, but maybe you are in the wrong room?

No. 940950

File: 1724279734165.jpg (63.58 KB, 1073x467, stufflikemen.jpg)

What era is Laur raising her in? Why is she so sure that women can't "like, um, do stuff, and get equal stuff you know?"

She keeps prattling on about women not having jobs in business and she knows that we know she's never had a corporate job, um, like, in ever, like you know???

No. 940951

File: 1724280148624.jpg (74.14 KB, 997x582, 5564attend.jpg)

5,564 attendees but only FOUR comments and those are from people who clearly didn't watch or give a shit.

No. 940952

File: 1724282439522.jpg (142.18 KB, 773x770, live.jpg)

Laur has taught Lillee all about the witches placing black magic spells on her, and when a mosquito went by she knew is was a demon so you guys call off your mosquitos. She's ON TO US.

And, she is now wearing a Greek souvenir necklace that Laur says protects from hexes.Even at the Witching Hour.

G8 job Laur! Teaching her the important stuff!

No. 940953

You should record the live and upload it here.

No. 940954

use an ad block & watch on youtube why upload here?

No. 940955

raising her, she is 23, not 13, you made no sense.

No. 940956

File: 1724283404879.png (3.04 MB, 1179x1734, Liveig .png)

Bullyish is intellectually very important

No. 940957

Because you didn’t say it was on YouTube nor did you embed it here. Learn how to properly document the cows.

No. 940959

File: 1724283886164.jpg (411.02 KB, 1280x1920, ea80ef_362ace88ffd0413e8b422da…)

new headshots with bonus acanthosis nigricans

No. 940960

she’s starting to look so much like her mom. how unfortunate for her, but well-deserved.

No. 940962

File: 1724286448693.webm (6 MB, 884x1286, RPReplay_Final1724284304.webm)

No. 940975

No. 940979

Even if 5000 people were watching her organically (they aren't), that's only 0,5% of her 1 million followers, which is crazy low. Does she even get that?

No. 940980

5000 live viewers but not a single donation or badge and only a handful of chat messages…

No. 940984

File: 1724329321112.png (468.05 KB, 436x755, 5437.png)

No. 940985

File: 1724333443554.jpg (43.31 KB, 432x545, pearface.jpg)

Geez she has the most pear-shaped face I ever saw

No. 941008

Kek the wide eyes really capture this. Just needs limp, greasy hair and more dolphin teeth.

No. 941063

File: 1724466403230.png (123.48 KB, 307x579, noods.png)

No. 941064

File: 1724466730080.png (118.41 KB, 655x799, context.png)

Lillee conveniently cropped out the part where people found her lurking account on the server and started calling her out and making jokes. Being Lillee, she of course took those jokes serious kek.

No. 941065

File: 1724467478522.png (1.86 MB, 1179x1959, Nudes.png)

No. 941066

File: 1724467533181.png (2 MB, 1179x1880, 15.png)

No. 941067

File: 1724467570886.png (1.04 MB, 1179x1926, Bullyish.png)

No. 941068

File: 1724468676563.png (181.03 KB, 648x736, noods.png)

So you are telling me that Lillee Jean, the person who is known to take down even the smallest hints of criticism, has left this account and photo's untouched for 20 days? Yeah I'm not buying it kek

No. 941069

Yeah there's absolutely no way she would've not tried (and succeeded like all the other times) to get these taken down. Really suspicious

No. 941070

I reported this account and individual posts and they’re still up. Twitter isn’t what it used to be.

No. 941071

File: 1724470093706.png (203.63 KB, 622x801, Screenshot 2024-08-24 051553.p…)

Comment with the photo was posted on Aug 14 under a post she made Jul 20 And it's till up. The account posted it as a reply to multiple of her posts and it didn't get blocked, flagged or taken down.
You are a sick fuck Laur.

No. 941078

Laur and Lillee never fail to take down twitter posts and accounts, except for this one time when it's actually warranted? Sure…

No. 941081

First of all, you should learn what the definition of revenge porn is.
And second, it doesn't take 10 days to take something like that down, she could have dmca'd it and it would be taken down in under 24 hours.

No. 941086

Yeah sure let's contact the police and tell them you are involved in this cow case, brilliant idea idiot.

No. 941091

File: 1724482485764.png (209.03 KB, 874x596, report.png)

I did, I reported all of them individually + the account multiple times. Shit like that is never ok, even if it's about somebody I don't like.

And what I meant was:

"Revenge porn" are real private photos that are taken and posted to the internet (usually by an ex partner or family member) with the intent to harass or cause embarrassment.

"Non-consensual AI porn" are fabricated (not real) AI photos made by people online, also to harass or cause embarrassment.

They are two completely different things but serve roughly the same purpose.

No. 941092

This is fucking gross. Who does shit like that and find it funny ? I may not like lilleejean but this is the lowest of the low creating fake porn images of her. I hope whoever did its next shit is a hedgehog.

No. 941093


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 941094

Is there a reason she is reporting this post in particular >>940496 or is she just revealing that they lurk this thread?

No. 941095

No Laur, are you the creator though? that's the question.

No. 941098

How utterly embarrassing snd sickening that Lillee's unemployed mother is orchestrating all of this.
Laur, take your 22 year old child to an endocrinologist. That's not the body of a healthy young woman. Showing simulated nudes of your borderline dwarf child isn't enticing to even the most desperate of Pajeets and you should feel profoundly guilty for all that you've done.

No. 941101


Yeah, considering those tweets stayed up for over a week despite the well documented fact that Laur's copyright strike fingers are the fastest in the west, and considering the other well documented fact that, to date, the only people to have ever posted sexually exploitative images of Lllee to the internet have been Laur and Lillee, I'm inclined to believe the tinfoil that Laur housed a double-bladder deluxe party cube of Franzia and either gave Elaine permission to do the deed or she crafted those nasty AI nudes of her own daughter herself. Either way, what a desperate, disgusting weirdo you are, Laura Renee Marks Truman. Seek help.

No. 941102


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 941103

I'm not defending Lillee or Laur when I say this, but I will give the benefit of the doubt for this specific situation that she reported the content, and didn't DMCA it because she probably believes DMCA'ing it would claim that she owned it. She probably felt like she didn't want to claim she owned it, so decided to go the report route. That's just my theory.

No. 941104

Not owning the actual complete work never stopped her before from taking down transformative content. She has used the DMCA for way less than this in the past.

No. 941105

I know, my point was that whenever she DMCAs anything, she always claims it's her face, her work, etc. To her, DMCA protects her "everything". My theory is she didn't DMCA this because, to her, it would be admitting ownership of that photo and she may feel it's worse to claim she owns it than to get it removed immediately. It's backwards, but I could see it.

No. 941106

There’s no way LJ looks like that naked

No. 941107

I understand your reasoning, but then she could still DMCA it and claim parts of it (her face) were used without her permission. Non consensual deepfake ai porn isn't covered by fair use laws so she def has the right to take it down that way in this case.
Laur also always says that protecting Lillee is her number one priority and in this specific case even I wouldn't mind her bending the rules a bit.

No. 941108

Deepfake porn and rape threats? Farmers don't do that.
Deepfakes are not revenge porn btw. And the person claiming that smells of fish and chips.
If you want to find the culprit I suggest you look at the fanbase of the fat Oreo boy who likes to stream about Lillee. (Oreo fatty and his fans attacked Emily Artful during the Creepshow art drama because Emily claimed Anthony raped her.)

As much as I dislike the goblins I don't wish rape threats or deepfake porn for anyone.

No. 941109

Not condoning making AI porn of LJ but watching them clutch their pearls over this and call it revenge porn when Laur posted revenge porn (some old guy’s nudes) in this thread is funny

No. 941110

File: 1724506898626.png (17.29 KB, 595x575, byebyenoods.png)

6 hours. That's how long it took to take it down. Laur and Lillee left it up for 10 days!

No. 941113

doubtful they have control over how fast twitter responds.

No. 941114

not revenge porn, guy claims to lurk on the boards, he uses his facebook to show his nude modeling.

No. 941115

A digital services act request was submitted and the official X support account was tagged under every post. Not much later the account was taken down.

No. 941117

how would you know that?

No. 941118

File: 1724508842017.png (47.98 KB, 589x565, samedayservice.png)

Filed today, dealt with today…

No. 941121

doubtful you saved the day. a lot of people got same notification, twitter dealt with it finally.

No. 941122

Doesn't matter who saved the day, people on here started reporting it and tagging X support and it was taken down within hours. As is usually the case.

No. 941123

I reported it a few times two days ago and Twitter didn’t do anything. Reported it this morning and got a notification that this account is suspended.

No. 941124

it is because everyone reported it, not because you clicked & got a report.

No. 941125

Kek no one knew who this guy was except Laur. G8 job integrating dummy

No. 941127

Obviously the nude was done by Laur - if it was a hater it wouldn't have been such a good, normally-contoured body, it would have been more realistically weird or even worse.

No. 941129

No offence but you’ve gotta be genuinely retarded to think that Laur did this.

No. 941130

But why did she leave them up for 10 days? Took the nonnas just a couple hours to take them down…

No. 941131

Agree with the nonas saying ONLY Laur would put Lillee's head on a tall normal shape body and allow it up for 10 days.

No. 941132

Laur herself posted about killing Lillee on here whe she was drunk/psychotic some time back. I know this is weird in a slighty different way but I wouldn't put it past her. I'd say it's 50:50 being Laur or some youtuber's unhinged fan.

No. 941133

Oh yea those screengrabs are archived

No. 941134

So Laurdidn't tag twitter support and her buddy ie replied to one but she didn't tag support either. Huh.

No. 941135

Hahahahaha EXACTLY

So either Laur or ie made the nude, only logical thing.

No. 941136

Well, now we know the email addresses for the NYPD Officers and Queens DA that LJ and Laur have been in contact with.

No. 941137

Tagging support doesn’t achieve anything unless it’s a viral tweet. Multiple people have to report in order for them to do anything.

DevilsAdvocate tagged support 2 hours before the tweets got taken down.

No. 941139

I think a few people didn’t see these tweets because that account was restricted. Whenever a restricted account replies to one of your tweets you don’t get a notification about it. You can only see the replies if you go back to your tweet and click to see spam replies to it.

No. 941140

File: 1724521964993.png (121.6 KB, 697x159, nonconsensual.png)

Wasn't only as a reply, one of the tweets tagged them directly and Lillee also explains it a such in her statement.

No. 941143

So fucking funny that she reported to the cops that "AI Nonconsensual renvenge porn photos" were made of her, because with her horrible spelling it kinda reads as "All non-consensual revenge porn photos", implying that the photos are real and somebody just got a hold of them and posted them online kek

No. 941144

Email addresses like these are normally publicly available so while it's somewhat hypocritical for her to share them, it's still publicly attainable for anyone

No. 941146

I support this theory. Lillee and Laur have censored usernames and email addresses in their previous screenshots. Why would you leave the Twitter handle visible on a picture you don't want anyone to see?
I'm not sure if Lillee knows this but you don't need to provide any additional links when you file a police report. Just like with any other crime, the victim is not expected to investigate the case. That's what detectives are for.

No. 941152

fake porn is wrong. she is a victim in this, women are afraid to say anything because they get blamed. stop making excuses.(derailing)

No. 941153

that is not what was being said, & you know it, sounds like you condone rape.

No. 941154

Revenge porn is something released by someone you had sex with. Lillee called it REVENGE PORN so let's belief her for a second.

So she's saying that someone she had sex with took these and then stretched the images out to make her look normal dimensions?

Pheepy you bad Frenchman!!! Non! Non!

No. 941156

she is a victim in this, whether you like her or her mom, you're the clown here, people are being "victimized by fake nude photos" - look it up.(sage your shit)

No. 941157

1 out of every 6 American women has been the victim of attempted/completed rape in her lifetime so yea statistically there are a number of us here who know way more about it than Lillee does. And how dare she try to call it revenge porn when she didn't even know what that means. A lot of us have experienced it for real and it's not something you yell in stupidity. Don't yell fire in a building if you actully only mean flamin' doritos.

No. 941159

Not only are the email addresses publicly available but also not intended for filing police reports. Otherwise every Karen would file reports after consuming a cheap box of wine.

"Fake porn" is illegal. That's why the victims should report this at the police station. You know, how the Truemans just recently went there?

No. 941160

Is she a victim if she posted it herself? NO.

Is she a victim if her mother posted it? HELL YES.

It's pretty clear she is a victim but we've been screaming that her for years

No. 941161

I agree, but that isn't the same as revenge porn. Not even close.

No. 941162

Absolute right nona! The fact that she said that is really problematic for me too.

No. 941166

Dear poop toucher who stans theTruemans:

Tell them not to yell REVENGE PORN if it's not. That's not ok.

>A lot of us have experienced it for real and it's not something you yell in stupidity.

No. 941173

>this is AI revenge porn, stop being in denial

No, it's not revenge porn! It's ai generated nudity. Learn the fucking difference!

No. 941178


Revenge porn is when real nudes are leaked to the public, usually by an ex partner as an act of revenge.

ai generated nudes are fake photos that are generated by people online to embarrass and humiliate another person.

They are not the same thing, they aren't even close to being the same thing.

Are you really so fucking dumb and entitled that you think you can just redefine things to suit your limited vocabulary?

No. 941180

File: 1724536372915.jpg (172.7 KB, 1080x781, IMG_4939.jpg)

Here. I hope this helps.
>Oftentimes, deepfake porn is used to humiliate and harass primarily women in ways similar to revenge porn.(derailing)

No. 941183


That's what I have been saying dumbass, they are similar but not even close to being the same thing.

No. 941184


It's in the word, revenge porn is an act of revenge. Usually done by a jealous ex partner.

non-consensual ai porn is not an act of revenge, it def is harassment but there is no revenge factor.(derailing)

No. 941185

I'm still wondering why she left them up for 10 days and that (out of all people) the nonnas banded together to take them down.

Wanna explain that Laur? We know you are reading every single word here…

No. 941190

File: 1724540072202.mp4 (252.38 KB, 1080x1920, Story.mp4)

Lillee's insta story. A picture of a sign(?) with "Like a Prayer" playing. Is this a threat for a call-out or is she losing it?

No. 941195

This might mean they’re on their restraining order trip.

No. 941196

I think she just really liked the Deadpool & Wolverine movie.

No. 941200

File: 1724541970020.png (62.64 KB, 691x84, tagged.png)

10 days

No. 941201

File: 1724542307969.jpg (369.56 KB, 1080x1361, IMG_2259.jpg)

Will this be the same old same old or something completely different?

No. 941202

File: 1724542480462.mp4 (3.39 MB, 1080x1920, Diamond.mp4)

"Diamond Diva Entertainment Presents Diamond Showcase on Instagram Live @diamonddivaofficial Sunday, August 25th at 4 PM EST!! Shine Bright One-On-One Interview with Host Diamond Diva @diamonddivaofficial Special Guest: @lilleejean Actress… Director… Writer… Filmmaker… and Entrepreneur [emoji] Fundraising for @mythreesicklers Will Be Available With 100% of the Proceeds Going to the Sickle Cell Disease Foundation. Join Us on Instagram Live… See You There!!
Graphic Designer: @fadedmulah #business #brands #talent #talentdevelopment #businesstips #branding #marketing #mindset #interview #lilleejean #diamondshowcase #showcase #diamonddiva #diamonddivaentertainment #teamdiamonds #diamonddivaofficial #diamonddivaentertainmen"

No. 941220

Agreed, moids always take things way too far and ruin the fun

No. 941221

Diamond Diva is a member of one of Lillee's engagement pods on IG. They've done at least one other of these zoom interviews during the pandemic when all the pod people decided to be talk show hosts and podcasters at once. It'll be nothing new. Miss Diva will ask Lillee softball questions related to her current career LARP, Lillee will open her mouth and spray her with a firehouse of incoherent nonsense about women in film,clone cults, and rape threats in the form of trash that blew into her driveway until Diva can no longer hide the confusion in her expression behind a mask of thoughtful concern and has to nudge Lillee on to a different topic.

No. 941237

who gives a shit if it's technically revenge porn? you're going to mock Lillee during public sexual harassment because she doesn't know the difference? just because she's stupid doesn't mean it's not fucking horrible. everyone playing the victim olympics itt is disgusting. nothing about the AI porn is funny.
>1 in 6 women have been raped so some of us surely know better than her
fucking disgusting. it's not a contest. Just because Lillee is kind of retarded doesn't mean AI generated porn isn't evil.

No. 941241

There’s a nonzero chance that the image was generated by Laur or Elaine, and both of them are actively in this thread. Several recent posts defending Lillee/Laur use British spellings of words. Idk why after all the bald-faced lies Lillee/Laur have told to garner sympathy, we’re suddenly believing that some random person popped up on Twitter to make AI porn of her, even though she has way less notoriety now versus a few years ago? And as others have said, she DMCA claims drawings and thumbnails including her likeness, so leaving the deepfake up for more than a week is suspicious.

No. 941243

you've decided to blame them, you are telling us to believe you, that it is not AI revenge porn (devils advocate tagged twitter that it was), claim that they made it, but offer zero proof. they also are not one person, they are two. you might be reaching their level nonnie.

No. 941244

File: 1724601598572.png (49.32 KB, 718x274, ainoodity.png)

> that it is not AI revenge porn (devils advocate tagged twitter that it was)
No he didn't…

No. 941245

I hope no one here condones of what was done - but why are Laur and Lillee so determined to call it revenge porn, I guess that's what people are asking.

I mean if someone assaults you, you don't call it murder. If someone stabs you, you don't call it decapitation. It's just Laur's neverending gross exaggeration, which is at the heart of everything, from day one.

If we can ditch arguing about semantics - I think (hope!) we all agree that posting that image was a shitty thing to do.

No. 941246

Yes we all agree only that one "nonnie" >>941243 over there is hevaing some kind of cow freak out about it.

No. 941247

File: 1724604179400.mp4 (7.72 MB, 720x1280, Story1.mp4)

Three videos from Lillee's insta stories. She lurks.
>Dark web
Keep using that word.

No. 941248

File: 1724604319985.mp4 (4.17 MB, 720x1280, Story2.mp4)

The people who make AI nudes of Lillee are truly insane. I agree with her.

No. 941249

File: 1724604421589.mp4 (5.88 MB, 720x1280, Story3.mp4)

No. 941250

God she's such a boomer

No. 941252

Sorry to be a little off-topic here, but is the photo even AI? It looks like Photoshop of her head onto a photo that was previously taken. Bringing that up because it's even creepier that someone took the time to actually Photoshop her head onto a nude body, rather than throw her face into a generator and give it a prompt.

No. 941253

Not off-topic at all nona, I thought from the start that it wasn't AI at all but just basic photoshop

Not sure where the insistance on AI came in and perhaps it is, but to me it just looked like basic cut/paste shooping.

No. 941254

Who did the pink across the image censoring and then reposted that - Laur?

That's just really peculiar.

No. 941255

>you've decided to blame them, you are telling us to believe you, that it is not AI revenge porn, claim that they made it, but offer zero proof. they also are not one person, they are two.

Your terrible Engish is attempting to feel out if we've found proof - maybe because you're behind it?

Take your janky English back to reddit, dude

No. 941258

Why does she keep stroking her chest with those dirty ass nails

No. 941259

I also wonder why she made a statement that included the account that posted the ai nudes while they were still up. It's the most retarded, backward thing you can possibly do when something like this happens. At least do damage control first and then make a statement…

No. 941261

Ok not taking their side here BUT if they hadn't I wouldn't have believed it even happened. They've told so many lies about me and everything else, I never believe a word they say anymore.

So for once I can say that I believe it happened and it is WRONG of whoever did it.

No. 941266

Because that's the only version of the image, kek. Guarantee Laur made it this way, and that no 'original' exists anywhere including the 'darkweb'.

Self-soothing, liars do this to self-regulate and lower stress.


No. 941267

Lillee it's not rumors it's theories and it's only because your mom has a bad track record with posting dangerous shit involving you.

No. 941269

The pink redacted shot is the only one that exists?

No. 941270

Lets be honest Laur has posted nude pics of Lillee before. We complained rigorously at the time but got nowhere.

No. 941271

Yeah, that's not a claim though, just my suspicions. I definitely don't want to find out but I'm onboard with the theory this is one particular person's doing. This smells of "I told you so" and Lillee even says that in the first video posted above. Idk, maybe even these two aren't stupid enough to fake this but their track record for faking things digitally is not reassuring.

No. 941272

Many of the people who dislike them do so because of the unethical/immoral things they've said. Whoever did this is working on a different issue. What are other reasons people can't stand her - besides her shitty words and behaviours?

No. 941273

IS there any other reason?

Racist comments
Transphobic comments
Claiming ancestors were put in the ovens alive at Auschwitz when they were in Queens
Pretending to be pansexual for one day
Buying fake followers
Buying fake fans and Youtube comments
Making threats against people on all socials
Doxing people

People opposed to these things wouldn't shoop a nude pic. So make it make sense.

Seems like someone stupid just wanting to stir the pot.

No. 941276

>Transphobic comments
>Claiming ancestors were put in the ovens alive at Auschwitz when they were in Queens
>Pretending to be pansexual for one day
>Buying fake followers
>Buying fake fans and Youtube comments
>Making threats against people on all socials
>Doxing people
Doxing family members and their workplaces
Threatening creators with SLAPP lawsuits
Accusing people of grooming and pdf stuff
Filing false police reports
Scamming people online with their antiques store
Scamming brands into giving them sponsorships

No. 941278

Look again. This one doesn't have the "replying to" above the pic. >>941065
This one does. >>941068 Notice how the shade of pink matches but the lines don't.

No. 941279

Well fuck.

Laur is busted.

No. 941280

File: 1724615961430.png (335.23 KB, 498x671, woop.png)

This one she posted is also different from the other two.

No. 941281

The police can dig see the metadata, she knows that right?

No. 941282

Sorry I'm going to ask to be spoonfed here like a retard, but what does this prove exactly? Couldn't she have just taken a screenshot herself and drawn over it herself? What am I missing?

No. 941283

So now the rape threat looks more bogus.

No. 941284

Why would Laur make 3 separate versions of this, that's kooky

No. 941287

If it happened to my daughter I sure wouldn't make 3 separate versions of it with different pink and red coloring over the genitals and then post and repost on the internet. wtf Laur

No. 941288

What kind of mother does that, I'm disgusted

No. 941291

> This one doesn't have the "replying to" above the pic.This one does.
Probably because the screenshot was taken from the replies tab from the account that made the post, not from a timeline.

No. 941293

It’s definitely Laur and not the discord server full of retards planning gayops? You sound as paranoid as Laur.

No. 941295

This thread has been taken over by scrotes. Even if Laur made it, which I don’t believe, Lillee is still a victim. Fuck off with you victim blaming bullshit(wk)

No. 941296

>photo of lille naked by her mom? she was a kid, & i remember it, that was not porn, it was a normal photo

You should read that again, slowly…

"just posting a normal nude of her underage daughter online, as a mother does"

No. 941299


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No. 941302

Even if they didn't make and post it themselves, they didn't take it down, it was up for 10 days and they spread the link around to where it could be found themselves.
Takes Laur 2 hours to take down a photo of her cat but this can stay up for 10 days no problem? That on it's own is a massive fail on their part.

No. 941304

choose your words more correctly. There was no rape or AI porn. There was allegedly a rape threat, and a photoshopped head on a nude body. Words matter, and you're turning into Laur with these gross exaggerations.

No one here would photoshop a Lillee head on a body - we are here day after day complaining about Laur's lack of morals. That's what we do here. The extremeness of it really only points to Laur because she uses over-the-top words in any and every situation. You know that part is true!

No. 941387


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No. 941394

She looks genuinely happy it happened to her (G8 acting on looking "terrified" btw).
I'm sure she knows Laur and/or Elaine did it.
Anyone can tell she wishes something like that was done by real people.

>detectives on the case

>the support I got
She would do anything to promote bullyish since none of her "acting" is going anywhere.

No. 941397

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