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No. 2141150
Off-topic random shit thread but the only rule is
Doesn't matter if it's scrotes you hate, moids you love, scrotes you are attracted to, moids you aren't attracted to, scrotes you personally know, moids you don't personally know, scrotes that literally just exist, husbandos, yaoi, bara, het ships, nonexistent men, hypothetical men (including even God or Jesus), men's opinions, none of these things are allowed ITT. NO PICTURES of moids (including animated moids) allowed either. This also includes trannies since they are men. If an anon mentions males ITT, report immediately and do not respond.
>But why?It's exhausting and annoying to see anons talking about nothing but moids over and over.
>Isn't this thread redundant?If only.
>But what about-Real life animals are fine but otherwise just follow the Rule of thumb: if you have to ask then it most likely belongs elsewhere so don't even bother.
Previous Thread:
>>2141176Ugly soul? In me is only corruption and envy and lust for power. Cruelty and coldness. A vicious probing curiosity. Pure, poisonous,
toxic malice. I've never from my earliest years shown a shred of compassion or sympathy or kindness without calculating how it would return to my advantage. I've betrayed and intrigued and gloried in my treachery. My soul is a cesspit of moral filth.
No. 2141199
>>2141160winter time i always have 1 tea in the morning, and 1 tea at night minimum. an extra tea in there somewhere if i'm feeling extra cold or hungry
summer is usually only 1 tea in the evening, sometimes i'll skip it entirely but not often
No. 2141203
>>2141160Usually one cup of coffee in the morning and then a caffeinated soda a bit past noon
Some weekends I get adventurous and drink 3 cups so I can feel sickly from the buzz
No. 2141280
>>2141160I drink lots of coffee everyday since I was like 5. Maybe it's true it can increase your chances but I guess you'd have to have higher chances of that anyway, I'm in my 30s and the only thing actually making me sick when I drink coffee is the milk I put in it. Used to drink tea everyday too but now I drink juice just cus it's more convenient. I wouldn't worry much.
>>2141269I feel you. I love longfics but these days everyone writing them are just not good, I suppose they are young and the older writers either left or don't have much time anymore. I miss the good writers but I also miss when I had the patience and could devour anything even if it was some coffee shop domestic au crap
No. 2141292
File: 1723949988250.png (1.71 MB, 1003x1008, sisteerrrsss.png)

>>2141283I kinda liked the cute victorian girl pics better too
No. 2141638
I love the threadpic.
>>2141160I drink up to a liter of coffee a day, usually only about 0.6 liters though. I know it's bad, I just love coffee too much and my workplace has a free coffee machine.
No. 2141837
>>2141294Kek ikr, that’s why I don’t really fuck with those threadpics it makes me feel like OP is one of
those types of women. God, ew.
No. 2141842
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>>2141837One of those history interested women? What's wrong with that?
No. 2141915
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>>2141837most of the board has animu or cute animals or meme threadpics. no one's making you look at the sole thread with historical OP pics.
if you think liking history is ~
problematic ~ just go the fuck back to tumblr.
No. 2141943
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>>2141837This woman probably laughed and smiled more than you, miserable cow
No. 2141947
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No. 2141949
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No. 2141956
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>>2141945>>2141953You two aren't making any sense whatsoever.
>>2141946Maybe they want some suffragette pics.
No. 2141957
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the sleeves block out the haters
No. 2141964
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Major L(does not pass the bechdel test)
No. 2141968
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Is this GOATED and RIZZED material for white feminists or something? Kek(baiting)
No. 2141973
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Imagine the smell they had to endure while being in the same house with women who’s legs and pussies smelled like nickels and dimes and ham. I feel bad and that’s why I hate this era of history(baiting)
No. 2141978
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>>2141972It's pretty fascinating to see the schizos chimp out over historical photos of European and Asian women, pretend it's racist and think the pics will magically reverse voting rights or something
No. 2141979
>>2141970>muh racebait garbageThen why are these pictures only women of a particular race and not others who did exist in that same era? Is that now “american propaganda” or are you just too fucking retarded
and don’t actually care or know anything about history whatsoever. I’m tired of people sharing the same crap around, it’s borderline ridiculous and self-centered
No. 2141988
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No. 2141991
>>2141985This started by an anon mentioning Victorian women. Why must you bring up race and play the
victim card always whenever white women are discussed kek
No. 2142002
File: 1724001338817.png (440.01 KB, 500x730, IMG_5858.png)

i lovehistory. i love historical fashion, i live military history, i love political history, i love art history, i live women's history, i love world history, i love historical dicuments, i love historical fiction. there's so much to love about history, it's so vast. and i love all my fellow historyfags in this thread
No. 2142005
>>2141994Will you be ready and waiting angrily for this thread to fill so you can choose a thread pic of a non white woman kek
>>2142002Same anon! Typical how race must always be bought up
No. 2142011
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I can’t wait until these annoying historyfags are gone. I have to be the change I want to see. We must go higher, we must go beyond. I will change this, this should be for all women, not a subset of ones with unwarranted self-importance.
No. 2142025
>>2141940Polish like other anon said, she makes a lot of fun history/fashion videos like this 1600s fashion haul vid.
>>2142002Fuck yeah, love you too sis
No. 2142027
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Hyperabsurdist modern diversity stacies vs boring historyfags
No. 2142029
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>>2142016>likes to pretend to be other races This is extremely funny to me because I’m actually a black woman kekkkkk. Am I pretending when I say that biracials should get the hell out of black female spaces?
(baiting/infighting) No. 2142031
File: 1724002082227.gif (3.04 MB, 500x380, IMG_2797.gif)

we had the same spergout last thread too. it's no use replying to the anti-historyfag it's all just bait
No. 2142035
>>2142032True. Thank you farmhand.
>>2142031Which movie is this? The actress is so pretty!
No. 2142043
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>>2142035>>2142033that's louise brooks! not sure about which film, i think it might be pandora's box but you can't go wrong with anything in her filmography rly
No. 2142044
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>>2142036I'm trying to make a fairy/troll/goblin doll of some sort so I can craft it a ton of miniature clothes and trinkets. The only problem is I'm a huge procrastinator and will probably give up and not finish it. Going to try to motivate myself otherwise.
No. 2142046
>>2142041What is it about, cats?
>>2142043Thank you! Gonna check out Pandora's box.
>>2142044Omg that's pretty epic. Finish it!
No. 2142048
>>2142041Ooh that's fun nona, what type of game? Is it set in the past, present, or future? Wishing you luck in your gamedev journey!
nonnie that sounds really cool and lovely. I am also making a custom doll! Sewing the clothes is the second roadblock I've encountered and it has seriously hated productivity. I hope you don't give up, imagine how awesome it will be to have your own little fairy/troll/goblin with its own little handmade trinkets and props. It's hard to stop procrastinating but what helped me is thinking that everything I am doing in my project is a learning experience!
No. 2142067
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Absolutely autistic post but I love the littlest pet shop customizing community. Littlest pet shop was my favorite childhood toy and even the less skilled customizers are so creative and do such a good job changing the pets to something unique and personal. It seems kind of childish, even more childish than doll customs since they are tiny plastic animals with a super cartoon look so I kind of hide that I like it so much. Plus I still collect LPS so it makes me look like more of a sped.
No. 2142068
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Next thread pic hehe
No. 2142346
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>>2142036I'm crocheting a skirt. Pic related but all one color and ankle length, made out of the softest lightweight cotton and bamboo blend. Almost finished with it and can't wait to wear it.
No. 2142352
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>>2142036I have an Addi knitting machine. I like to start knitting woolen hats in August or September so I can donate them to women's shelters by October or November. Nobody talks about the Addi knitting machine but it was one of my best purchases ever! I can knit a whole hat in a hour.
No. 2142410
>>2142036I just ordered some embroidery threads to make signs for the toilet and kitchen in my next flat (which I will hopefully find and where I will move into very soon) and I'm thinking about potential sewing patterns people would like so I can start my own store very soon. I'm a learned pattern maker, I need money and want nonnas to have easy to follow and good fitting patterns so they later own amazing clothes far away from that Shein bullshit.
When I have the time, I want to start drawing again and maybe finally learn how to knit and crochet.
No. 2142491
File: 1724020408074.webp (17.8 KB, 989x1200, s-l1200-2.webp)

I'm trying to incorporate this design in one of my OCs who is a mad scientist (woman ofc), but I'm having trouble recoloring this dress in a way that doesn't look weird. I picked this dress because it looks like a fun, fashion-forward scientist coat, and I want the color scheme to be red, yellow, blue, and green (DNA double helix reference) but every recolor I try to do looks really off. Any suggestions?
No. 2142533
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>>2142427Report back with how it goes! After you finish that it isn’t a leap for your next project to be socks, which are my preferred project of choice.
No. 2142598
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>>2142036I really want to get into hobby kits, like making small scale tanks and stuff. When I get my finances in order, I want to try making a pink Tamiya 1/35 Panzer II.
No. 2142727
File: 1724028950980.png (1.67 MB, 920x929, so hungry right now bitch.png)

I need to go to starbucks right now and order 500,000,000 cake pops
No. 2143048
>>2142817That's me with the refresher drinks and energy drinks and pumping extra sugar into my tea there or else it's not sweet enough
Long live sugar
No. 2143061
File: 1724047818633.jpg (83.65 KB, 603x514, Freedom_Train,_LA_'48.jpg)

Hey nona's what should I do for my 19th birthday? I've never celebrated my bday before due to growing up in religious household but now I have money and a car so I can do whatever I want ~ What do you guys do?
No. 2143256
File: 1724062517089.png (Spoiler Image,745.69 KB, 840x704, 1.png)

Coffee makes me go too much
Tea is better
No. 2143650
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I like historical women too. I don't get why someone was calling it racist, or where any "jealousy" would come from. Hate seeing bad actors fuck up every women's space.
No. 2143906
>>2142727Ok samefag from
this and I just need to say wow I forgot how big starbucks cake pops are. Have they always been huge?? Or has the food inflated too kek
No. 2143910
File: 1724097875237.png (10.02 KB, 318x163, ffffffffffff.png)

fuck you lard guzzling bitch there is no "no shitposting" rule
i tried, you faggots never read /meta/. arguing about gay cartoons all day is clearly your top priority. i'm going to ruin this thread until you actually fix this shithole(if you have a problem with a ban, appeal it. do not shit up other threads just because you are mad about it)
No. 2143940
File: 1724099311928.gif (444.35 KB, 500x500, 770.gif)

I hate everyone I want to die I want everyone to die there's no where else to go anymore except hell. YOU MAKE UP THE RULES AS YOU GO ALONG YOU FUCKING LIARS. Take yourself to /meta/ first
the infights are worse yet you do nothing
the baits are worse yet you do nothing
you don't care about reports, you don't care about anything. bubut muuuhhhh drawings muhhhh fujozzx, I fucking hate all of you(alogging/take it to meta)
No. 2144042
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i'm going to keep shitposting regardless. they can't break my spirit they can only break their fingers mashing the report button
No. 2144160
File: 1724109102511.jpg (544.97 KB, 1080x2103, Cerbmin.jpg)

>>82275I'm the autist, and that wasn't me. I admit I did do a lot of samefagging and ban evading and spam reporting (telling them to look at /meta/ since that's their pre-programmed "go-to") even right now. However I wanted to leave this email reply from Cerbmin for people to read.
Cerbmin cannot verbalize why the threads I've mentioned here
>>82266 are able to be on /ot/ but a thread pertaining to a /meta/ topic is banned from being on /ot/.
It is an issue of my "personal feeling". It is not a personal feeling when they are solely about topics that belong in their respective topic boards.
They say they "don't agree with how the ban was handled", which tells me there is a problem farmhand in /w/. Will they address the
problematic /w/ farmhand? Will they try to solve some issues anons have with the /w/ moderation? No, why would they? They don't want the Lolcow Culture and Moderation Complaints thread up because /meta/ discussions are not allowed in places other than /meta/, which is funny because /snow/ and /m/ and /g/ and /2x/ discussions are fair game in /ot/ and not their respective boards.
I know my original ban would have been dealt with after a few hours. My problem is with the ban-happy farmhand in /w/ who issues bans based on
vibes and
mood. The original ban should have never happened. "Approximately half the replies to the Lolcow Culture and Moderation Complaints were from you", yes, replying to other anons kek.
I admit I threw a tantrum. I admit I made the moderation team's job harder today. I admit I was being rude, ignorant, autistic, retarded, annoying, and a distraction. I know that. I am sorry.
I love lolcow. Not to be corny but I do think of this place as my home. I want to see it thrive. I want to have good discussions with other anons. I want to be able to laugh at cows.
If it is too hard for a team of moderators and farmhands to sift through hundreds of reports, then maybe try opening up farmhand applications. Maybe introduce a list of things to
not ban anons over, taking into consideration the most common dumb report. Maybe don't issue bans because some unhappy anon didn't like a simple, innocent shitpost like
>>2143910I know anons have felt shafted by the moderation. I know anons hate not having a space to shitpost and have fun. I also understand how other anons would dislike a shitpost thread or a dumbass shit thread. But I do not think it is much of a coincidence how the erratic moderation and banning of shitposting and the dumbass thread has coincided with the rise of angrier, more combative, baiting anons who purposefully misinterpret what you say.
/ot/ used to be off-topic discussions that don't pertain to the other boards. Now it's an "everything" discussion board. It's just way too much, way too cluttered. With the dumbass thread on permentant sage and no shitposting threads it's just kind of depressing.
Love you farmers. I will definitely be outta here after this last ban evade. It's been a great ten years. Peace.
(ban evading to derail another thread with an autistic sermon) No. 2144177
File: 1724109526012.gif (1.44 MB, 498x276, girl-sure-jan.gif)

>>2144160>We care about this site and we care about moderationOk….
No. 2144179
>>2144160I can see clearly now why you don't understand what you're doing wrong; you really are that retarded. I hope they just keep banning you. People who sperg out this hard over an easily evadable 11 hour ban shouldn't be here. Taking this shit that seriously and raising such a massive stink
>I admit I did do a lot of samefagging and ban evading and spam reporting (telling them to look at /meta/ since that's their pre-programmed "go-to") even right now.makes you a perma-newfag no matter how long you're on here for. Just leave. I recommend PULL, their ~culture~ is more aligned with your child-brained temperament
No. 2144195
>>2144188I tried to track her behaviour and I think I got it mostly right in
>>2144044 but it's crazy how retarded someone has to be to do all this over an 11 hour ban.
No. 2144218
>>2144189>>2144191>>2144199i thought
>>2144015>>2143936was about this ban
>>2141205 which IS pretty retarded since this thread isn't supposed to have high standards beyond the one rule in the op
No. 2144251
>>2144218No, it was something like this
>>2144044 , it all started after the cat post got banned in Jill's thread.
No. 2144260
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>>2142036 I'm finishing a toile for a pair of knickerbockers (like picrel but more volume in the thighs I reckon). I'm going to make the final pair out of a brightly coloured plaid cotton.
No. 2144267
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>>2144230I think you just want there to be an infight. Also I never said a decade, I said close to. There's like 2 years before I'm actually there.
No. 2144761
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No. 2144835
File: 1724144997790.jpeg (151.53 KB, 640x993, IMG_5035.jpeg)

>>2144260That's amazing anon, will they be part of an outfit?
No. 2145970
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For the pretty historyfags who deserve love
No. 2147234
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No. 2147300
File: 1724257855705.png (3.15 MB, 1170x1408, you’re being gross .png)

I really fucking hate how my fellow burgers choose to consume such a good food like crab legs and vegetables. Why does it need to be in a big fat bowl full of broth? Why does it need to stay in its shell? Why do you not use utensils and instead gloves? Why is it not seen as easier to just cut up some seasoned crab, with the corn/potatoes on the side, and then the broth on the side? Why does it need to be made disgusting?
No. 2147328
>>2147300Dang, I love the shell on. It's fun to crack the shells by hand and get all the meat out. I wouldn't trust someone to serve me cut-up crabmeat, I'd be paranoid they didn't do it right and wasted a ton of the good stuff.
Anyway, I agree that dumping garlic butter all over anything is gross. It ruins real flavors. Crabmeat is delicious by itself, with a little lemon juice sprinkled on it, or with just a touch of Old Bay.
No. 2147534
>>2147341>it’s not supposed to be glamorous and pleasing to the eyeI’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you’re just someone who doesn’t read posts in their entirety before ragetyping a response. I said that it should be plated differently and eaten with utensils instead of your hands like a neanderthal. Does slopping everything together and then eating it off of plastic gloves somehow make it taste better? Because I love seafood, but that makes me gag.
>europoor I’m a burger, being american doesn’t mean that you need to eat your food like a sped.
>what the hell is wrong with you? For eating with utensils?
>>2147356>dry boujee food Who said anything about cooking it differently or not seasoning it? I simply said it should be plated more reasonably, not thrown into a bucket and pourn broth all over it then forcing your customers to eat it with gloves because the shells are still on the crab and the corn is still on the cop and the potatoes are still whole. Just the way the dish is constructed, it’s unsustainable to the consumer, who is
me>>2147358>you’re trying to act like a princess when some foods are meant to be messy I live on the west coast where seafood is abundant, and the majority of locals don’t eat their seafood in the touristy way that you see on instagram. It takes 10 minutes to shuck your crabs before seasoning them and cooking them with your side dishes, and it’s unnecessary to throw it all together in a big tray like it’s a soup or a stew when it’s like 3 separate dishes all thrown together. If you go to a restaurant you’re more likely to get crab meat on its own, your vegetables on the side, and the broth on the side so you can control how much you put on it.
No. 2147537
>>2147328It sounds
sooo inconvenient to have to shell your crab, at the table, in a restaurant, in public when you’re starving and just want to eat food that’s prepared by the cook who’s paid to make it for you. If you’re eating at home that’s way different, but if you’re going to a restaurant for seafood that’s just inconsiderate of them lol
No. 2147598
>>2147590I know seafood boils are cajun, but they’re still a staple meal in Coastal cities where fresh seafood is constantly available. I live on the Northwestern coast of the U.S., and people are capable of eating with utensils instead of throwing food everywhere like it’s tomatina. I know the people of New Orleans are just rowdy as they are, so you can’t really blame them for expressing that via their meals, but I feel like
their plating shouldn’t be enforced constantly. The bibs and plastic gloves and big tin trays full of the food is just ew. It makes an amazing dish so unappetizing.
No. 2147659
>>2147300I'll actually offer a normal explanation instead of calling you retarded or Californian or whatever.
>Why does it need to stay in its shell?I wouldn't trust seafood served outside its shell. The shell is important because it confirms it's A) real seafood, not expensive fake, B) I know I'm not being skimped, i.e., if I get served the whole crab in it's shell, I'm not wondering "hmm did they take some of my crab to give to other people? is this how much crab I paid for?"
>Why does it need to be in a big fat bowl full of broth? Why does it need to stay in its shellIf you're talking about just regular seafood boils, it's to enhances the flavour of the meat. Usually the broth serves as a base for seasoning, and as a dip. It's also a boil, that's just how boils are served.
>Why is it not seen as easier to just cut up some seasoned crab, with the corn/potatoes on the side, and then the broth on the side? Some people do this, some people don't. When I do a seafood boil, I'll usually separate the contents after the main boil and put a serving of each on everyone's plate, and then everyone has a little bowl of the broth and some butter to dip to themselves. Some people use gloves because it's easier to crack shells with your hands instead of tools, and the gloves prevent cuts & keeps your hands and nails clean. I don't often use gloves, but I usually crack the crab with my hands and suck it out (the meat and the broth), and then use a little crab-pick (long thin metal stick with hook at end) to clean out the shell.
>Why does it need to be made disgusting?This is reminding me of a picky-eater, kek. Why is it more disgusting to be served plate of food steeped in broth compared to same food and same broth served separately? Is it a texture thing, or something? I know my autistic cousin hates when different foods touch on her plate, so I guess it's the same sort of revulsion.
No. 2147889
>>2147659Maybe if you’re in an area where seafood is shipped in and not caught fresh, I understand that approach. And I love the spicy broth that comes with it, but I think drowning the main course and side dish in what is supposed to be the dip kind of turns it into a big sloshy soup and I just can’t get into that, because I don’t really associate crab and potatoes with soup. And I think dumping broth all over your shelled crab and solid potatoes and corn on the cob, that you need to eat with gloves because it’s so messy, is gross and avoidable on its own; the food is wonderful on its own, but the plating and serving practice is just
really unappetizing
No. 2148115
File: 1724295958962.png (199.14 KB, 1133x1572, wow.png)

I think it’s insane that there are egyptian nonnies. Who are the trinidadian anons??
No. 2148737
File: 1724347076235.png (Spoiler Image,2.72 MB, 2344x1072, onsen.png)

Do you like warm baths as a method to relax after a hard day's work?
No. 2148759
File: 1724347810158.png (417.36 KB, 1472x1040, garotas.png)

>>2148115Onika lurking
>>2148361Tà bom tà bom
No. 2148768
>>2148763>the water is too ??
It's nice and relaxing. I wish I had a bath.
No. 2148931
File: 1724356853049.png (1.7 MB, 1164x720, barbie.png)

Who's that tiny woman stealing all that trash? She's Barbie from the channel called Clean with Barbie, she's a 5 foot tall powerhouse and one of the best cleaners on Earth, other cleaners take breaks while cleaning but she just has one speed: vag to the wall
No. 2149654
File: 1724387811528.jpg (Spoiler Image,210.25 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_pb74xbfMEi1wyd6myo1_128…)

If it were socially acceptable I probably would wear a sparkly, decorated lingerie bra (e.g. a Victoria Secret fantasy bra) with jeans as an outfit. To where? No idea. With what shoes? Fuck if I know.
No. 2149664
File: 1724388269790.jpg (134.88 KB, 736x981, 1000055365.jpg)

>>2149654In a better world, I would wear something like pic related to go out and have something to eat with friends.
No. 2149670
File: 1724388660414.jpg (69.66 KB, 500x607, df8e1e9bfa59f4c2bd0da9a80f62be…)

>>2149664I'd wear pic rel
No. 2149687
File: 1724390505635.jpg (63.68 KB, 1100x1100, STEVEMADDEN_SHOES_EVELYN_RED-P…)

>>2149654She's so gorgeous. For shoes, I feel red high heels would look nice, something about it will complete the look.
No. 2149699
File: 1724390949341.jpg (182.47 KB, 1200x700, PoorThingsCostumes.jpg)

>>2149664half the reason i liked poor things was bc of the outfits. i wish i could wear shit like this every day and just wander around aimlessly.
No. 2150107
International sizes are so weird, I got a sweater and the label says it's a north euro large, us/uk medium and Italian xxl kek
>>2149915Do a vinegar soak it usually does the trick for me!
No. 2150186
File: 1724426829489.jpeg (79.15 KB, 435x580, IMG_2293.jpeg)

She fumbled a baddie for grape chicken salad, what the hell Raven??
No. 2150195
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>>2150186i dont understand what any of this means or who those are
No. 2150209
>>2150190>implying that’s badbitch she’s beautiful and you’re just jelly of her amazing swag and vibrant aura not to mention her banging body and smile that emanates warmth and confidence
>>2150195grandma I told you I would call you later, I told you not to come on here if I don’t call
No. 2150322
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what’s the point of this?
No. 2150336
File: 1724432525138.webp (1.78 MB, 2323x3000, cp47d05s_Y1vcn0ElyXoSZhQ5L2qYS…)

I fucking love it when women have front-ward facing eyes. I appreciate girls who have more space in between their eyes resulting in a more deer or rabbit appearance, but fuckk women that remind me of tigers and lions can ruin me
No. 2150399
File: 1724435118737.png (1.97 MB, 1944x1184, 2.png)

>find new gf
>she cheats after two months with another girl
No. 2150512
File: 1724439987800.png (Spoiler Image,116.05 KB, 611x408, bagel.png)

>>2150479I made a pic explaining what I think the anatomy of that bagel could possibly be.
Excuse the editing errors, I was struggling to make that picture No. 2150668
File: 1724445259804.gif (65.5 KB, 321x279, 9E7C911D-162D-4981-BB69-675C92…)

i have a soft spot for feminine female characters that are also completely nasty people(this post does not pass the bechdel test)
No. 2150687
File: 1724445821728.jpg (49.21 KB, 456x700, bd2c83d5eb048e831f70fd5110c4c1…)

Any plans for this weekend? I'm getting gel nails tomorrow in a light green with white stickers/decals
No. 2150697
File: 1724446274716.gif (300.74 KB, 305x360, 67C6A5AD-B356-4E5C-ABA6-582F62…)

I aspire to be the best kek bitch alive, kek kek kek
I aspire to be bitchiest kek bitch alive, kek kek kek
I aspire to be the sexiest kek bitch alive, kek kek kek
I aspire to be the smartest kek bitch alive, kek kek kek
And when a non comes up asking, “aren’t you that kek bitch?”
I say yes yes yes,
Oh kek kek kek
Oh yes yes yes
…. kek… kek
No. 2150705
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No. 2150719
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>>2150710That would just make me kek even more. A militant kek bitch, if you will.
No. 2150748
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>>2150336Is that like the prey vs. predator eyes thing?
No. 2150827
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>>2150801>other predators look retardedEagle looks baby
No. 2150878
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>>2150875which is framed as a bad thing
rent free
No. 2150888
File: 1724451704526.jpg (104.97 KB, 1920x816, MV5BMTdjZjg3NmEtZmQyMC00NDMyLW…)

>>2150870No, it doesnt. Its also hideous. I hate how most artsy modern movies look so beige and boring. Its like they are trying too hard to become like the artsy classics, but they have none of the talent to make it happen.
No. 2150894
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>>2150888>say the truth>"nuh uh"ok
No. 2150912
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>>2150898i just wanted to talk about the cool costume designs and a bunch of butthurt nerds started trying to discuss the themes lmao take a walk
No. 2151051
File: 1724456521149.png (726.73 KB, 1024x576, IMG_5391.png)

for a female-centric movie i recommend whispering corridors (1998)
No. 2151070
File: 1724457481309.jpg (261.8 KB, 1000x1500, SOURDOUGH-SANDWICH-ROLLS.jpg)

The fact that subway can make me eat an entire loaf of bread in one sitting is DISGUSTING (unless I only eat 1 half). I really never thought about how gluttonous and awful it is until now. Still gonna eat it though.
No. 2151120
>>2151115sometimes i wanna buy one of these tiktok temu self defense boxes but i stop myself
No. 2151126
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>>2151121i too love watching women be brutalized for sexual thrills
No. 2151198
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>>2151194Not a douche, wash like soap. A lot of them are similar to picrel.
No. 2151270
File: 1724467120842.jpg (43.35 KB, 693x688, 4ac87325ef9fe9bb6c7a6d7d4c07a1…)

How the fuck did Clue know to start sending me notifications on the exact day I start PMSing???? or maybe they've been sending me notifications this whole time and I didn't notice Keke
No. 2151275
File: 1724467543769.png (472.1 KB, 800x500, Untitled-6.png)

>>2151261It's not. Beverly Hills used to be slightly classy but now it's full of Persian housewives and braindead tourists. I'm from LA, believe you me, you don't wanna go there. (haha fixed the image get wrekt)
No. 2151932
File: 1724500452306.png (244.01 KB, 466x330, bil.png)

Yeah it
I'll have a burg for lunch
What did you have for lunch?
No. 2152995
>>2152162So happy anons are waking up and realizing the kek bitch is the reason we have 99% of infights. Whenever she goes around and starts saying kek it ruins the thread.
>>2152246You're not fucking funny, personalityfag. Everyone knows it's you. Get a life.
No. 2153042
File: 1724552704189.png (44.16 KB, 1201x108, Screen Shot 2024-08-24 at 10.2…)

>>2153010This was her post on CC for reference, kek. It's insanity. This isn't the first time a retard has gone on a rampage here and then went to CC to talk shit about it either. These people are genuinely handicapped in ways I thought weren't possible.
>actual newfags are taking after the freaks and not the enjoyable nonnasThe problem is a lot of newfags don't lurk and so they don't understand what integration means. They don't know what bait looks like, they don't know what infights are, they don't know what personalityfagging is, etc., and if you call them out on this they get really defensive because they "totally aren't newfags! [they've] been here for more than 2 months!" or whatever. Newfags are usually here from Twitter or Tiktok, not from following a cow or being on other cow-focused sites, so they think that this is "4ch for girls!" (I've actually seen dozens of posts online calling LC 4chan for girls kek) and that they're supposed to act like rabid retards or something. It's so irritating.
No. 2153579
File: 1724589492863.png (202.69 KB, 476x356, 2.png)

Phoneposting right now
No. 2154960
>>2154944where ya travelling
No. 2154992
File: 1724673120428.png (2.3 MB, 869x1240, jimmies!.png)

>>2154960i’m headed back home to the PNW! morning flights are my
favorite because i love watching the sunrise in the sky
No. 2155002
>>2153598not saying to flex but i'm the filthiest person
outside the toilet bc i'm paranoid about vaginal infections kek i wash my hands after using the bidet etc although i am a toilet phoneposter i know yet i have the clearest skin out of anyone i know and healthiest gut so i don't think poo germs in the air really matter
No. 2155625
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>>2151070I've never been a huge fan of subway, makes me feel weirdly bloated. And now my little pea brain finally put together why. A whole ass loaf of bread with meat and cheese? No shit.
maybe that school counselor who thought i was autistic was on to something afterall No. 2156242
File: 1724759184438.png (Spoiler Image,253.48 KB, 632x354, 2.png)

>>2155459Posting from the shower
No. 2156250
File: 1724759729945.png (213.04 KB, 350x346, Martha Addedson.png)

>>2155002I cleaned rooms today, there were some brown streaks and spots on the toilet seat, and some other brown colored things on the floor, probably dirt and melted chocolate some people were eating (the chocolate not the dirt hopefully)
Messy kitchen had to be sorted out
All the deodorant products helped so the bathroom could have a better scent overall and the kitchen ended up smelling of deodorant and sweat
No. 2156415
>>2156271Yes, its a very
toxic ingredient called bread
No. 2156540
>>2156353>>2155866You can just get the half, but i like to get the whole one and just have half for lunch and half for dinner.
>>2156271I'm pretty sure it came out that their bread can't legally be considered bread in the US because of all the sugar in it, I get what you mean. But, I'm pretty sure it's just the bread. Idk if im gluten sensitive or if eating just half a sub is still too much for my stomach to deal with.
No. 2156542
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>>2156526Like 60%. My right ear is kinda useless but hearing in my left has gotten sharp enough to compensate. I’m training myself to say “speak up” more instead of “HUH?!?” so I don’t sound like a dumbass.
No. 2157953
File: 1724872132151.gif (846.67 KB, 400x400, 4:20.gif)

Apparently my baby is gonna be a Pisces. Please pray for me kek
No. 2158544
File: 1724901282576.png (874.84 KB, 1079x1736, 1000001143.png)

Cardcaptor is getting a mobile game!!!!!!
No. 2158713
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>>2158264I had to clean a disgusting toilet today because some supermarket clients act like uneducated monkeys
No. 2159146
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What’s your favorite album of all time nonnas? I love Teenage Dream. I remember when it came out.
No. 2159238
File: 1724959232898.webp (107.2 KB, 2000x2000, Little-Simz.webp)

>>2159146it's a rather recent album but i just love her music and the album's narrative
No. 2159289
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>>2159146The silent force.
No. 2159323
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>>2159146Not of all time because it changes regularly but I've been really into this one since it came out
No. 2159412
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I think more medications should have images printed on them. Picrel is diclecis and it's rather cute.
No. 2159452
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No. 2159611
File: 1726047326951.jpg (446.39 KB, 1280x1917, 0.jpg)

I hate having to use workplace bathrooms
No. 2159634
File: 1726048177745.jpeg (86.95 KB, 800x533, 1698584449147.jpeg)

>>2159628I came up with so many opinions and takes to shout into the void. Now that LC is back, I forgot all of what I was even gonna say.
No. 2159638
File: 1726048489114.png (505.95 KB, 640x480, 958616F0-A7A3-4B6B-8243-5B4D47…)

>>2159634Me too, glad we’re back though
No. 2159682
File: 1726051389790.jpg (192 KB, 1430x801, cowpasture.jpg)

>>2159632I instantly got hit by the permaban and couldn't appeal it. I have no idea why as no reason was given. I've been forced to touch a lot of grass while longing for the digital pastures of lolcow dot farm. Thank goddess it's back.
No. 2159694
File: 1726051857009.jpeg (245.08 KB, 1200x1770, IMG_5163.jpeg)

>>2159632i got an autoban once but it didn't last. either it wasn't perma or changing mobile IPs and clearing the cache worked
i miss the historical women pics. hopefully they get restored
No. 2159737
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Did someone say historical women? It's fall now, so officially spooky season.
No. 2159756
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>>2159754Which outfit would you wear, nonas?
No. 2159826
File: 1726058457011.jpeg (275.42 KB, 904x960, IMG_4049.jpeg)

>>2159737im gettin the godzilla costume
(this post does not pass the bechdel test) No. 2160013
File: 1726068319616.jpg (138.71 KB, 640x853, eqt2y7rkb6891.jpg)

Sometimes I get so confused when people see someone with a big perfume collection and they're like "omg how do you even use that much perfume?!" but then I remember that most people don't wear it everyday and it's more of a special occasion thing kek. Even when I'm alone and staying home I like to spray on a little perfume, especially because I WFH so it really brightens my day. I've been wearing Mugler Angel Fantasm a lot recently.
No. 2160688
File: 1726090291524.jpg (101.87 KB, 485x557, 34948722645465256.jpg)

How would you call this style?
No. 2160727
>>2159826aw i forgot what thread we were in with the missing threadpics. my bad anons
>>2159979of course i know it is, "godzilla" is just convenient shorthand for "big lizard minster thingy".
>>2160688a mix of y2k and boho. looks like shit tho
No. 2160905
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>>2160895Samefag, had to delete the pic cause I think it would've broke the thread rules. Anyways, The designs are very BAPE-y.
No. 2161383
>>2161370You're right kek to me it seemed so AI. Like an actual AI bot came in here trying to start up a conversation trying to assimilate.
>>2161378Interesting, tbh I only like mine when I have pms. They get swollen and perkier, rounder and I really like how they look. Then after my period they deflate and look droopy. I also have body dysmorphia and my fiancé has never noticed any difference except that they are a bit firmer during pms, which makes sense like I've googled and it's a real thing that they do swell right before a period.
No. 2161598
nonnie I've cut my bangs like actually horrifically short. They looked soooo fucking retarded. Nobody ever took a stealth photo of me though. I'm sorry that happened to you, you weren't even being cringe you just messed up you bangs. I hope that person slams their toe on a sharp corner of some furniture.
No. 2161625
File: 1726147197617.jpg (269.67 KB, 597x823, sheila.jpg)

>>2161537one time i fucked up my bangs pretty badly and nobody said a word about it. either they didn't think it was horrific enough to comment on or were too polite to say anything. keep in mind that we are often our own worst critics and other people might not even think anything negative about your haircut.
>>2161537did you clean a hoarder's house?
No. 2161626
File: 1726147293895.png (916.12 KB, 1080x2400, 1000001365.png)

Cardcaptor Sakura out!!!
No. 2161675
File: 1726152284212.png (1.22 MB, 1080x2400, 1000001366.png)

Same-fag but it seems really boring at first but that's because you have to keep upgrading till you're at the level 2 base and then you start unlocking fun little side quests. It also just released today so there's going to be plentiful of updates
No. 2161686
File: 1726153352644.png (1.71 MB, 1080x2104, 1000001367.png)

>>2161679Yes and it's free! You have to level up the chibi sakuras you get from gachas to unlock stories and build your bases to put the chibis in to collect coins. There you can upgrade your card deck and defeat monsters to find the missing clow cards
No. 2161701
File: 1726154550265.jpg (62.98 KB, 518x850, 1194010327176.jpg)

>>2161675Glad to see they're keeping up Tomoyo being a fag.
No. 2161715
nonnie, that sounds really cute. I'll install it!
No. 2162116
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It's so farfetched but all I hope for in life is a woman with a well-paying career that will let me be her housewife/SAHM.
No. 2164708
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>>2164690Do you guys smell that?? Something in here stinks
No. 2164726
File: 1726354899779.jpg (71.81 KB, 926x512, how-do-we-smell-things-1.jpg)

>>2164708uh yeah? stinks delicious bitch
No. 2164729
>>2164708Shut up and let people have their vices
Car exhausts smell worse and are worse for health and you still tolerate them
I bet the stuff you drink, eat, and rub/spray on your body are more carcinogenic than getting a whiff of anon's cig in passing
Dumbass influenced by both marketing and anti-marketing
No. 2164749
>>2164745Yeah, things you don't want to believe are really hard to believe
Just let people live how they want to. A random anon living who knows how far away is really not stinking up your life.
No. 2164770
I will keep calling out bullshit
Putting others down for no fucking reason
You literally sound like Onision, calling people "stinky"
(onision is a moid) No. 2164784
File: 1726359856448.jpeg (74.4 KB, 1600x1123, image1688.jpeg)

gee, someone's sure not passing the bechdel test today
No. 2165200
File: 1726398765242.jpg (12.49 KB, 275x275, 1724690267958.jpg)

Listening to a podcast from 2009 and got depressed because everyone talked in such a thoughtful way and seemed really smart even though they're all weebs. In comparison to today where everyone talks in web dialect and brings up stupid memes and just talks at each other instead of having actual conversations. Not saying there isn't media like this now but the people who run and are guests on the podcast are just random normal people who happen to be into Japanese culture and/or in the JET program, and if this podcast ran today it'd be full of retards who'd just talk about anime and retarded trends and not the actual culture. Not saying what it's called because I want to gatekeep it from lurkers who wouldn't appreciate it.
No. 2165713
If you can decode that, you'll know. Hint, it's one of the base codes. It has a really weird name but it's a normal pod I promise.
No. 2166199
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>>2165795What's the doll line?
No. 2166218
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>>2166199>>2166205It's monster high. I'm obsessed with picrel ♥
Her conception is really interesting. She was the runner up for a poll they had going asking MH collectors which doll they wanted to be released. Then they came out with a prototype that looked wildly different from her first release, which is her SDCC release. Then she had her I Love Fashion release which featured SDCC characters in a more accessible playline.
I'm just really in love with her, and I have scoured every nook amd cranny to to find more intel on her, sometimes the monster high designers will post concept art of the characters but I've found nothing for her.
No. 2169348
I would love to have a social media account with a decent following but I'm way too lazy to post regularly. I miss the cozy community feel social media used to have.
>>2166218I love her so much, such a unique design. Wish they made more dolls of her, the potential is unlimited.
No. 2169360
File: 1726655666358.png (216.55 KB, 398x356, to.png)

I don't like office bathrooms because people can't clean themselves properly there, and people barge in without even announcing it
No. 2169900
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I always thought that if I got married I would just get eloped, but now I've found my dream wedding dress so now I HAVE to get married in at least a small ceremony. This top corset with a poofier skirt would be perfect to me.
No. 2169988
File: 1726699186568.png (2.94 MB, 1170x1175, yewie.png)

>>2169940I’d contribute to this daily kek there’s so so much that I hate about the mass produced food like hot pockets and pizza rolls
No. 2170019
File: 1726701278635.jpg (11.64 KB, 368x380, 0044.jpg)

>think photo of myself looks nice
>flip the image horizontally
>suddenly deformed
No. 2170289
File: 1726715359619.jpg (28.83 KB, 456x541, 1000018162.jpg)

I have a coworker and I have a gut instinct that she also at least lurks here. But of course, I would never mention this place to her just because it's LC.
No. 2170317
File: 1726718614320.jpeg (715.8 KB, 1125x1098, 4945AF05-065F-4E2A-92F0-82EED0…)

I had to fight Ubuntu for like 2 hours but I finally got everything setup and working for class tomorrow. I have a big test as well so I’m feeling pretty nervous, please wish me luck nonnies.
No. 2170480
File: 1726741884382.png (1.87 MB, 928x1248, fiona.png)

That device ignites a fuse to their pockets
Whatever they say is gonna be wrong
There's no time to interrupt the detonation
They have to go before they're gone
Pray for Lebanon, pray for Israel, pray for the Middle East
No. 2170826
File: 1726765818079.jpeg (601.84 KB, 1125x1093, D82DF8D9-43A6-4C04-8AA6-A7043D…)

>>2170331Thank you anon it went pretty well. I attribute my success to your blessings alone
No. 2171863
>>2171826Damn nona, that sucks I'm sorry. Is your country super strict on psych meds? If you were American I would tell you to go to a psych and get a prescription for benzos or something.
Also it's definitely not as effective as melatonin but I've found magnesium before bed helps me decently. It makes my muscles relax which helps me fall asleep.
No. 2172196
File: 1726847536873.png (494.46 KB, 564x514, huh.png)

There's this rap group that speak a language super similar to mine but they had a super thick accent so every time I saw an interview or something I was like "they're fucking exaggerating there's no way they actually talk like that" but today I recorded a voice message in English and guess who I sounded like kek, made me eat my words.
No. 2172235
File: 1726850277254.gif (130.49 KB, 164x170, autismdance2.gif)

I was really nervous earlier this week because I just had my first eBay dispute over the buyer not recognizing the transaction but today it turns out I'm covered and I'll be getting my funds regardless. Yay
>>2172203Baking is easier than cooking imo. I like that you have to be presice when measuring. You'll do fine.
No. 2172289
File: 1726853359422.jpg (52.01 KB, 452x640, 1000011229.jpg)

Anons! Would any of you be interested in a gender critical doll server? I am in the process of creating one with a friend. We aren't done yet, but when we are in the process of fleshing it out. Once we are done, I will post about it here more with instructions on how to get an invite.
This server is ideal for female collectors who are passionate doll collectors, more specifically focused on mainstream fashion dolls like Barbie, Bratz, Monster High, Rainbow High, and etc. Basically if they were released on shelves, it's game. I'm not a BJD collector and honestly the two communities are so different that I hesitate to include them.
If you are interested please reply to this post!
No. 2172307
>>2172293Samefag, if you didn't mind the server being primarily fashion doll focused, I could add an "off topic dolls" channel where you and other BJD/vinyl collectors could post pictures and converse there? I would just feel bad having you all hunkered down in one channel, I really want this server to be a tight-knit community of women who are gender critical and also love dolls! I'd love to have you there
No. 2172580
File: 1726867962835.jpg (459.38 KB, 1170x1952, calistoga.jpg)

I absolutely love how the theme applies to the catalog now!! This dark blue is sooo cute(This post does not pass the Bechdel test)
No. 2172638
>>2172364That's crazy, pretty much everyone where I live has vitamin D deficiency. That would explain a lot kek.
>>2172580Which one is the blue? Luna?
No. 2175227
File: 1727021426109.gif (755.2 KB, 400x400, happy fall.gif)

Happy Autumn Equinox nonnies!!! What are you doing today?
No. 2175383
File: 1727029499785.png (1.71 MB, 2000x1088, 2.png)

Coffee coffee coffee
No. 2175397
File: 1727030125628.gif (1.78 MB, 500x260, B4D9591B-E8EE-4100-A8DF-E56FFC…)

>>2175227Happy equinox! The leaves are starting to show a bit of yellow here and it’s getting cooler.
No. 2175557
File: 1727039893197.gif (1.17 MB, 540x304, F55DF01B-4D5F-43CB-B9E9-D9C5DA…)

>>2175538Mahoutsukai no Yome! Watch the first episode and ignore most of the weird shit. It’s a very cozy watch and is perfect for autumn. The writing is pretty solid up to the
school arc but I don’t believe that is adapted in the anime.
No. 2175607
File: 1727042813510.jpg (142.32 KB, 1200x628, Buddha-Bowl-Salad-with-Chickpe…)

>>2175227Have been lounging outside on the deck all afternoon. Read the new autumn issue of my favorite magazine. Made and ate a delicious buddha bowl with spinach, brown rice and quinoa, cherry tomatoes, pickled carrots, broccoli dressed with oil and lemon, baked tofu, sliced avocado, and a spicy sauce. It's been a great start to my favorite season of the year.
No. 2176077
File: 1727092890572.webm (Spoiler Image,3.99 MB, 744x544, lol.webm)

>>2164784This is though, you gonna need more perfume
No. 2176083
File: 1727094217983.jpg (23.79 KB, 539x561, crying.jpg)

>>2176077why did you post this
No. 2176122
File: 1727098614629.jpg (14.94 KB, 480x588, rdxfu5x5ux5.jpg)

>>2176077These are the farts of a weakling.
No. 2177492
File: 1727168105806.jpg (51 KB, 400x600, wildwest.jpg)

Howdy nonas, I'm bored. Post historical women please
No. 2177499
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>>2177492the fact that there are is only ONE westerns featuring a cowgirl pisses me off as a huge fan of the genre
No. 2180054
File: 1727347924104.png (648.45 KB, 778x404, carwash.png)

I just got my car WASHED
No. 2180150
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>>2180124I have found my people. Finally, some other people who agree that fall is overhyped. I'm gonna miss being able to wear normal clothes outside without having to suit up like those fuckers in The Thing.
No. 2180848
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How are you doing, nonitas? What did I miss while I was at work?
No. 2180897
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>>2180848I skipped class today because my professor wanted to meet in person when we’re having historic flooding. I decided the risk to my life was not worth it for a ten minute presentation. I’ve been napping all day since.
No. 2184500
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I’m tempted to get this backpack for when I go hiking no bully
No. 2184556
>>2184521Nah, I just like cute shit.
>>2184525Doubt it.
No. 2184560
>>2184523Who says it’s a brag kek
No. 2184571
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>>2184500>>2184556This bag specifically looks like a cheap school bag for children. You will just look retarded wearing it, and it won't be cohesive with any outfits unless you were to wear it with other literal childrens clothes. You can find other cute sanrio bags that don't look quite as childish, including hummingmint ones like picrel.
No. 2184574
>>2184571anon I’m not gonna use a purse when I’m hiking, the whole reason I wanted to get it is because it’s a backpack with a lot of pockets and shit.
>You will just look retarded wearing itCool, I’ll also be able to keep snacks and water in it.
No. 2184594
>>2184590I don’t need it to be huge, just enough to fit snacks and water (which it has inserts for)
Also it’s like 10 bucks which definitely helps my decision kek.
Either way if you genuinely give a shit about ‘an outfit being cohesive’ while you’re hiking then I kinda think that speaks for itself.
No. 2184623
>>2184618Then I’ll buy another one for like 10 bucks
It’s not like I’m going hiking every week (only a couple times a year)
No. 2185022
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>>2180150hmmmm so all the other times a sponebob pic was posted didn't pass the bechdel test but this one apparently does?
No. 2185056
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>>2181591I like shorts more than pants.
No. 2185927
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>>218461520 minutes a day
No. 2186564
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I finally found a way to make space buns stay in and not look retarded on top of it, these things have single handedly changed my life. I went to a concert yesterday and after an hour of dancing my hair still looked fine, I love it.
No. 2186658
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If you see this, please reply telling me your dominant hand and which burner on a stove (e.g top left, bottom right, etc…) you prefer to use. I'm trying to see if my theory is correct.
No. 2186678
Bottom right for small pots and bottom left for bigger pots
No. 2188865
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>>2186658Thanks for the responses. I made a pie chart. My thought was that people will typically use the burner that's closest to their body and their dominant hand (e.g. a left handed person uses a bottom left burner). My theory was wrong, but it is important to remember that farmers are autistic so not representative of the general population.
No. 2189256
File: 1727787784019.jpg (53.67 KB, 564x683, wtf.jpg)

>start reading a random lolcor infight
>everybody sounds really dumb
>10 retarded opinions in a row
>realize I'm actually reading the Amerifag thread
kek never change amerinonnies
No. 2189280
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>>2189275I can see that! Especially the paws. But its eyes are so big and close together. Maybe it’s a baby?
No. 2190124
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If I didn't work in a professional environment now, I would honestly probably live out the fantasies I had when I was young of getting a split tongue. Also, I'm too fucking scared to get my tongue cut in half kek I can barely handle getting needles in my gums at the dentist.
No. 2194431
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I comfortably type around 100WPM in my native language but only use eight out of ten fingers. I wonder how powerful I'd be if I ever learnt the 10 finger method. I'd probably be an office goddess or something.
No. 2195049
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Poured myself a glass of wine and checked up on my personal cow, it's about the little things.
No. 2196252
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>>2194460>>2194474What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a nurse?
No. 2198317
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Drank coffee too late, made my sleep med useless and now I can’t fall asleep at all. I have important shit tomorrow why is this happening to me. I’m a good person and have never done anything wrong in my entire life please dear god
No. 2199384
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i hate when im trying to find a fucking job but linkedin has blocked me from viewing any.
No. 2200008
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Scrolling on pinterest for meal ideas, one second I see something delicious and nutritious and the next I'm looking at bullshit like picrel.
No. 2200051
>>2200045We would indeed
Kek it's like a joke, how many farmers does it take to eat one egg
No. 2201539
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I love this episode. Probably the best of the modern seasons.
No. 2203386
can be good money
can always find work, will never be without a job no matter where you move
may give you a sense of personal fulfillment
shit hours
shortened life span due to disrupted sleep schedule and health effects of working said shit hours (look it up)
the nurses you work with are mean to you and the patients because they don't have the personality for a caregiver job but they're too invested to switch careers
you'll see gross and sad stuff
No. 2205074
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I've been thinking about learning an instrument and holy shit no one told me they're so expensive.
No. 2205078
>>2204871i’m 117 lbs sorry
nonnie i fucked off for a while kek
No. 2206867
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>>2206847I actually can't put too many decorations in my room because they give me allergies regardless of how much I clean.
But I have a cute plushie that my best friend gave to me for my birthday, it's on my bed.
I also have this sort of banner with my name that was used for the decoration of my birthday, I will think of where to put it, a kimi doll and a cute porcelain piggy bank that's a cow.
Otherwise I can't really have that many things in my room, I get obsessed with the amount of dust they gather and then I just begin throwing out/giving away everything.
No. 2208473
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>>2208462Some body shapes are just unfortunate.
No. 2208847
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I love her I wish I could meet her
No. 2208876
>>2208867Half the things zoomers get blamed for on here are things that only a millennial refugee from Reddit snark subs could have written. Not referring to the post you're replying to specifically but I've noticed it happens a lot in general. Earlier I saw someone in celebricows accuse zoomers of not knowing who Courtney Love is or what nymphette tumblr was even though like half of the Courtney Love obsessed, photoshoots-in-cemeteries-wearing-nightgowns, Ginger Bronson reblogging blogs on tumblr were older zoomers who would have been teenagers in the 2010s.
Sad to see so many millennials acting the same way about zoomers that boomers were acting about them a decade ago.
No. 2209089
>>2209077I have a thigh gap when I stand with my feet separated too
nonny lmao
No. 2209091
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i'll get booed for this but picrel is much better
No. 2209120
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>>2209106You mean ribcage. Even their bodies don't look like that all the time, they go on specific diets to make sure that they have zero gunt available. I think the only thicker victoria secrets model they ever had was Tyra Banks.
No. 2209142
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>>2209132>>2209127It's actually more tame than it's ever been. This website was started just to nitpick nasolabial folds on girls like Kiki and Berry
No. 2211645
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I was reading this article about the ocean floor and how shocked everyone is that there's worms and snails beneath it and how unexpected it is and don't get me wrong it was very interesting but also a bit like, duh no shit there's life in the ocean floor, why wouldn't there be?
No. 2213208
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I love browsing furniture and kitchen wares so much. I cant get over this crystal bee tea pitcher! Sun tea in this would be otherworldly
No. 2214379
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It took a long time for me to start really liking cats when I've been a dog person for so long. Granted, I didn't hate them, but I remember just being really uncomfortable around them, specfically my grandma's cats (some of them were always hissing and scratching). But then I met a few other cats who were the sweetest and realized that you just need to have an entirely different approach to cats as opposed to dogs. They really are adorable…
No. 2214668
>>2214379I was such a dog person, had dogs all my life and was kinda intimidated by cats
But then one day when we went on a walk my dog found a baby kitten and absolutely refused to leave it. So I took it home
I now love cats
No. 2214773
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>>2214379Honestly meeting sweet cats changes you.
No. 2216958
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I'm gonna shut up about it because I don't wanna be an annoying personalityfag but it breaks my heart when I see anons telling other anons not to try therapy because it doesn't work/it's a scam. Same with medication.
Therapy saved my life many times and allowed me to go from pathetic useless neet to a happy person with friends and a career. It's a long, arduous and very painful process, and I do know it doesn't work for everyone, but I do think if you're suicidal or believe you are mentally ill, you should give it a try.
Finding the right therapist is key, and that's where most people give up. They go on one therapist a couple times, don't get along with them, then never go back. You need to find someone who you're willing to let criticize you, your choices, your behavior, and your emotions. A therapist will focus on you, not on other people. They're not there to constantly affirm your victim status or criticize the behaviors of others, they're there to help you deal with what happened.
And for medication: Yeah, you'll have side effects. Maybe you'll feel dizze or sleep a lot or gain weight, but when you're truly suffering, it's so worth it. My pills fuck with me a little, yeah, but at my worst, I'd give both arms and legs to feel a fraction of the stability and peace I feel now.
Sorry for the sperg, I swear this is the last one.
No. 2217690
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It's Scorpio season!!
No. 2217877
>>2217816Yeah, and injecting heroin is even worse than drinking alcohol and rubbing plutonium in your skin is even worse than injecting heroin
Smoking is bad for your health, stop coping
No. 2219509
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Russia, Greenland, and Antarctica are not as large as you think they are!
No. 2219514
>>2217877We are now thinking about all the
toxic fumes and
toxic particles in everyday city air
No. 2221103
>>2219509So much evolutionary history hidden beneath Antarctica's ice. I wonder about the creatures and plants that lived there. Interesting exotic marsupials.
It's also fascinating how on this planet teeming with life, there is a huge chunk almost devoid of it. Reminds me of our fragility.
No. 2221108
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>>2219509I bring to you a special gift: the mercator projection on a globe
No. 2221115
>>2221108Some people aren't cut out to employed in any way, and the designer of this is one of them
I will happily pay extra taxes to enable these people a comfortable life so I don't have to see this
No. 2221329
>>2219514Ayrt, unfortunately, I have to think about this because the air in my city has become unbreathable in the winter
I have bought an air purifier for my home and wear a mask when I go out
My country has the highest lung cancer rates in my region
No. 2221379
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Does coffee wake you up? I'm so sleepy, I drank a lot of coffee but feel nothing.
No. 2222354
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>when a nonny tells me I have great taste
It’s happened twice recently which makes me happy. I get my best recs for media from here and am so happy I can give back too
No. 2223079
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Ok so has anyone else gotten an AI auto complete type thing on this site when using Google Chrome when you're writing up a post? I fucking hate the internet now.
No. 2223166
>>2221404>>2221409After careful consideration of yesterday's intake of caffeine, I realized it does not wake me up, and at large doses, it boosts my anxiety.
>>2221486Same, I learned that I can't drink too much (2 cups is the max), but it did make me peppier this time.
No. 2223680
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>>2223631Should I have said "nice poll idea girlie! it'll be cool to see the results! but I feel like summer births are more common cuz of this prob haha sorry if I'm wrong I'm just a silly woman!"
No. 2223951
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Everybody pick a random tarot card. I wanna see what you all get. I got the magician a few hours ago but now I'm curious where you all are at… post does not pass the Bechdel test) No. 2223959
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>>2223951Sounds about right.
No. 2223964
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>>2223951Tarot is fake and gay but hahaha
(this post does not pass the Bechdel test) No. 2224377
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>>2223951Samefag, apparently the magician is a very good card! A "yes" generally
No. 2224434
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(this post does not pass the Bechdel test) No. 2224501
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>>2223951why is everything spirituality related attacking me today sheesh. i get it i get it im workin on it.
No. 2224619
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>>2224007ok bet
in your past you used to be victimized repeatedly by many people, a core memory you have is probably at a party or get together with other people but i see that you had no protection or boundaries over your own body, forced to submit and say yes to things you didn’t want to. nobody else really believed the truth you wanted to come forward with as if you did, it would ruin this person’s image, career, etc. this betrays feels very one-side and your were isolated during this betrayal. honestly i feel like this is like a thing where something traumatizing happens and you were kind of brainwashed and now that you’re older your brain is uncovering a lot of truth that you’ve tried to bottle up and that this person was actually destroying you even though their feigned generosity was laced with manipulation and lies. the spirits around you wants you to cry and let out all emotions you’re dealing with rn because you might be dealing with nightmares or bad pop up of thoughts you rather not have, focusing more on your mental health. there’s also a focus on wanting to travel and employment. idc if this is inaccurate KEK
>>2224016ok so basically your fake and gay. ok jk
one of your relatives or one of your parents was an ugly out of control bastard that you had a secret on and if you told that secret to the other person it would’ve caused a separation in a relationship this person was benefitting from, there was a bit of manipulation and gaslighting as well and they were probably
abusive as well. spirit urges you to use spiritual protection against these people from your home life who continue to prey upon you even till this day, you’ve always been trying to manifest a better living situation for yourself and it might come into fruition.
>>2224215estranged from family or family scapegoat , persecuted, trying to achieve some pipe dream, desperately wants some kind of attention or recognition for this thing they’re pursuing or trying to achieve. probably autistic unironically and wanting to prove others wrong who doubted you. you probably disappointed your mother because of what you identify as so you’re probably gay as well kek, that bohemian rhapsody lyric keeps replaying in my mind. something very humiliating happened with you and your mother probably to preserve the family image or something
>>2224265you’re being urged to leave a
toxic situation, making the decision to figure out that this situation or place isn’t good for you and it’s time to make the hard decisions to leave. this is someone you’ve been in the “i can fix them” mindset but clearly it isn’t working and you have to cut your losses. this person is also using you as well and loves to put on a show for others but behind closed doors they’re a major cunt towards you. you’re being urged to review all of the red flags you’ve missed.
ok read ah
No. 2224624
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>>2223951What does Justice means?
No. 2224632
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>>2224004please read mine…..
No. 2224636
>>2223951I dislike when someone or something uses only major arcana
You pull some epic and important card meanwhile it's an ordinary Sunday and the most that's happening is seeing a baby swan at the park and having to clean the mess your cat made when it tipped over the cactus
No. 2224644
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>>2224619Anonacinna read my life, please.
No. 2224704
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>>2224693Oh fuck. I wonder what I did now.
No. 2227071
>>2224628you moved somewhere else probably for work. something in the new housing you’re in feels old, some of it might’ve been breaking or something in general is very wrong with it and it’s giving you a lot of disappointment and anxiety because it’s defying your previous expectations - feels like it was not worth the money, not worth the deal they offered and you felt like you were ripped off. not to mention at this new job or wherever you are, there’s a lot of performance anxiety or possibly being judged. you’re regretting on moving to this place and you might be nostalgic for the other place you used to be at
>>2224632this one is confusing but i feel like you’re inheriting a family’s prized possession, i feel like it’s a house or something or if not you might be trying to sell it off. i’m not sure if it’s a passing relative or something but there’s some form of manipulation or weaving the situation that could potentially benefit you in the future so it’s either you are getting property inherited to you or trying to get more of a will or you already have it and it’s way too much to keep maintenance of so you’re really trying to sell it off but there’s someone else trying to swindle if away from you with deception. It might even be a family business or something. ok so i heard something and i thought it was nonsense at first but it’s an actual thing called dowsing which is a form of divination where you find valuable objects, so maybe there’s something spiritual about this where you’re led to find something very important?? honestly i really don’t know but research and look up dowsing
No. 2227626
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>>2227071This is really interesting since
you’re like half right. I haven’t moved or anything, but I have a black mould problem in my house that has really been affecting me recently, but I don’t have the money to fix it. So I’m paranoid that it’s affecting my health since there are a bunch of bad side effects to being exposed to black mould, especially over a prolonged period. I am in a transitory stage of my life, I haven’t moved jobs but I’ve recently changed to a new setting now, and it all feels quite overwhelming. I’ve always been a nostalgic person so due to this change I have been quite upset and thinking of the past a lot. Wow haha you’re quite good
No. 2227642
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>>2224004Would nona be so kind to do mine?
Also if it helps I pulled Death.
No. 2227658
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>>2227642>deathSomenonny's going through some major life changes. Good for you. They might suck while they're happening but you'll be better for it in the long run.
No. 2227671
>>2223951I got the fool, pic doesn't pass the test.
Is it bad ? Does it mean I'm stupid and / or delusional ?
No. 2227682
File: 1730123129074.png (1.17 MB, 750x1250, the-fool-color2copy.png)

>>2227671No, The Fool is the 0 card in the major arcana, which means that it's the first step in the journey of growth depicted in the major arcana. The Fool means you're in the beginning of something, either a new project or a new stage in your life. Can't wait to see where you go nonna!
No. 2228669
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>farmhands are always watching
No. 2235132
>>2234815For the most delicious scrambled eggs, the secret is mixing in a fuckload of cubed butter.
You can thank me later.
No. 2235142
>>2235132But my arteries
>>2235114I love using lard to fry meat or potatoes
I prefer butter for eggs though
No. 2235488
>>2235462same here! i relate to
>>2235466 where the older i get, the more i understand why my mom has done the things she's done and how strong she really is. i'm thankful that i have such a good relationship with her now and that we're as close as we are.
No. 2235800
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>>2235489The thread has reached 1103 posts so far
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About to start my shift. I hate working nights. I need a new job with some normal hours.
No. 2249408
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i need mcdonald’s right now
No. 2251621
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How is everyone doing today? I’m hoping to make a lot of progress on my assignment tonight so I can chill for the most part tomorrow and watch a movie with my best friend. I need to start shopping for Christmas presents too but I might not get to that
No. 2251673
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No. 2251683
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>>2251621I need to start shopping for Christmas presents too(also figure out what to make for Thanksgiving). I recently moved out so I've been eyeing up the decor stuff whenever I leave the house. I want to wait until after Christmas and buy some stuff cheap, but I'm worried all the cute stuff will be gone by then.
No. 2251705
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>>2251621I've already started to buy some Christmas gifts for my family, because I was worried that the shipping times for items would go up and I didn't want to go up. My younger sister loves to draw, and I wanted to get her a nice marker set. I'm too broke to give her copics, but I was able to get her a nice set of Ohuhu markers. I've never used ohuhu (well, I never draw), but people online seem to like these, and I hope she likes them too.
No. 2251723
>>2251682That sounds so productive! I love that post cleaning high kek. We talked about watching Twilight but we might change our minds. Any recs for something light and fun?
>>2251683>>2251705You nonas are so much more with it than me. My family will buy presents in October so I always feel behind in comparison. I just don’t want to think about it until November, let me have my Halloween month.
No. 2251841
>>2223951Very late but I got the chariot
Not posting pic because it's male
>Determination, success, and control. When it appears upright, it signifies that you're on the right path and should persevere in your endeavoursWhile I don't believe spiritual stuff I do get curious about it, but this meaning couldn't be further from my lazy ass. Could someone explain why I got it
No. 2252239
>>2251841Kek sounds like being lazy is the right path for you to take.
>>2251699That thread would go to shit so fast. Sad because it sounds like it could be really fun and sweet but there are too many schizos here who take everything personally.
No. 2255908
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Why did people like decorating with vegetables
No. 2256028
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I just remembered that saber tooth tigers are extinct and now I'm genuinely incredibly upset
No. 2257291
>>2256578I got picked twice! They're the sweetest cuddliest creatures
I was a dog person and used to have this image that cats are assholes thanks to internet memes and shows like "my cat from hell"
Bit now I know that couldn't be further from the truth and those people who have "asshole" cats probably made the mistake of picking a cat instead of letting themselves get picked and that's not the way it's supposed to go
No. 2257772
File: 1731445273053.png (1.86 MB, 1399x899, nails.png)

My review of various nail shapes that I've tried and done
>1 & 2. Almond (any length)
100000/10, my favorite nail shape. Versatile, can look classy or fun and quirky depending on the design. The tapered-ness makes them extremely practical. Doesn't impede on anything you need your hands for. Super easy to shape. Makes my fingers look long and slim. Never seen someone who didn't look good with almond nails.
3. Short/medium coffin
7/10, Cute, more practical than square nails but not as practical a almond or stiletto. These are a bit dated now. Not as cute when they're super long so it's best to keep them medium or short. A bit dated now.
>4. Short square
9/10, Love them. Not my favorite because they don't have the slimming effect that almond does. Super practical, easy to do. Very practical as all short nails are.
>5.Medium/long square nails
5/10. Not everyone can rock these. They can look really tacky depending on how long you go and the design you pic. Amazing for nail art since they have so much space. The shape makes them less practical than other shapes. Ime, the hardest to shape because it's especially important to make sure all the nails are even and the shape is crisp and sharp. The shape does dull out after a while.
>6. Short natural nails
6/10. Good for fingering. The most classy, great for job interviews. Not much space to do any nail art or decor, so not for women that don't like simple nails (me). The least divisive out of all nail styles. Makes me feel naked. If you choose not to have these, you better be really good with your mouth.
>7. Long stilettos
8/10. Love the look, but can be annoying because of the length. Doesn't look amazing unless it's long, short makes them look like little claws. Makes me feel like a sexy vampire, like I would shank a bitch and then lick their blood off of my nails. Can only stand them for a few days before I cut and file them into almond.
No. 2257792
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>>2257772Samefag, bonus nails
>Short stiletto 0/10. Hate it. The worst. Looks like little claws but not in a cute cat-like way. Ugly. Probably practical, wouldn't know because I would never put these on my fingers.
No. 2257956
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>>2257772How do you feel about duck nails?
No. 2257988
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>>2257956I actually don't really mind them and I've seen some that I thought were cute. I imagine they're very impractical though. I wouldn't wear them though. I think they're another one of those shapes where you have to be able to pull them off.
>>2257977I think what's considered short to women who wear fake nails and women who don't is different. For me, that's pretty short. Even 5 is supposed to be medium length rather than long. Maybe picrel would've been a better picture to use as an example of short though.
No. 2257990
>>2257988All long nails seem impractical though
And unhygienic
No. 2259984
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I'm so tired but it's partly my own doing. I haven't been taking proper care of myself recently and I am really feeling it. I have an exam tomorrow though so I can't stop yet. Please wish me luck nonnies I need some good mojo
No. 2261433
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>>2257807HA, this anon sucks at eating pussy!
No. 2265910
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>>2264358How kind of you to ask, thank you nona. My exam went pretty well, I got a high B. I’m still in the middle of a bunch of projects and assignments but I have been doing better about resting and remembering to eat.
No. 2266954
>>2266231Me too
nonny, I am starting with the low goal of a drawing a week with the hope of drawing any day that I can
Good luck to you