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No. 2031615


LAST THREAD: >>>/snow/2020424

Adrien Perret, born Fanny Perret on 6/26/1997, also known online as Null/Laika Albarn/Polyglotplatypus, is a French artist and animator formerly Tumblr famous for getting entrenched in Homestuck fandom drama for drawing incestuous rape. These days, she's now infamous instead for LARPing as an Asian woman having an incestuous affair with her father in New Jersey while, in reality, being a fat, white French ex-pooner.

>Laika Albarn/deadspacedog

Her Asian LARP account. Some genuinely believed she was living a hentai fantasist's dream in the mafia asscrack of America. Her comic, LIMERENCE, is framed as being biographical.

Archived Twitter: https://archive.ph/VTxyp
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/deadspacedog
AO3 (Login only, but her fics are archived): https://archiveofourown.org/users/deadspacedog/pseuds/deadspacedog
Baraag: https://baraag.net/@deadspacedog
Tellonym: https://tellonym.me/deadspacedog

Fanny hates having her paywalled work reposted, so enjoy these archive links of her comic LIMERERENCE:

>polyglotplatypus/ad_pgp/Adrien Perret

Her "professional" username, most commonly associated with her name as Adrien Perret. Was once known for being waist deep in Homestuck drama, so that's included from the old OP.

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/polyglotplatypus/
Medium: https://medium.com/@polyglotplatypus / Archived copy: https://archive.is/7gnj3
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/polyglotplatypus /
Now-defunct Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/polyglotplatypus
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/ad_PGP
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXmA9taYweplYRMkVIvckBg/live
Wordpress: https://polyglotplatypus.wordpress.com/
Carrd: https://adrienperret.carrd.co/
Defunct MSPFA: https://mspfa.com/user/?u=101697801325065062029
Curiouscat: https://curiouscat.live/_ad

Call out post: https://jakemorph.tumblr.com/post/184188348347/for-whatever-reason-i-woke-up-to-a-bunch-of-asks


Her newest account where she draws a comic of her fetish OCs, the primary of which are a pair of highschool teachers in an abusive BDSM relationship. According to Fanny, her family is aware of her art and is even supportive of it.

She tries to play tough, but being doxxed in the last thread made her flip out and DFE. She is, deep down, a very sensitive little bitch.

Further, while she tries to claim that her fetishes are strictly fictional, she is in the process of saving up for nullification surgery and has advocated for pedophiles to use her art to cope.

Thanks to a brave anon from the last thread for giving us a server scrape of her paywalled discord, where you can see her admit to saving massive amounts of actual FGM victims and people putting live rats on their genitals:
Catbox full links: https://catbox.moe/c/a89j4a
Mediafire zipped links: https://www.mediafire.com/file/f663mx8j2cnf7nu/null_genchat.zip/file

Twitter: https://x.com/null_backdoorho
Second Twitter: https://x.com/null_bis
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/null_bis/pseuds/null_bis
Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/null-bis.bsky.social
Carrd: https://null-bis.carrd.co/#contact
Baraag: https://baraag.net/@null_bis
Discord: null_bis
Curiouscat: https://curiouscat.live/null_backdoorho
Retrospring: https://retrospring.net/@null_bis

Other links tied to her IRL identity:
IMDB: https://archive.is/cfUaB
French magazine talking about a comic she worked on: https://archive.md/WHhpu
Her old IMDB page from a short film she starred in made by her mother: https://archive.is/pYzyc(do not make new threads before the old one reaches 1200 posts)

No. 2031622

Her friends are going to be very upset about the Discord caps being leaked kek, expect a massive server purge soon

No. 2031625

I thought she already started purging the server? Reason why discord nonnie spilling the beans and leaving the server after only archiving two channels was such a tragedy (not blaming her, it was understandable)

No. 2031640

It brings me great joy to imagine her shitting her pants, hyperventilating and being unable to sleep from the stress of being called out for being a disgusting misogynistic pos.

No. 2031743

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kiwifags found her old facebook. Nothing milky besides a really old picture of Fanny when she was 16 and wasnt on T.

No. 2031745

Inb4 she tries to own da haterz again before freaking out and going on a social media purge spree kek

No. 2031747

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null shouldve kept the long hair

No. 2031748

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Not to be too ~controversial~, but I actually don't find Fanny's face to be ugly in these old pictures (though god knows what she could look like now, of course). I wonder why she felt the need to do all of this to herself. Literally all she had to do for a normal life was lose some weight, if even that.

No. 2031750

she was 16 anon, shes filled with mcdonalds and testosterone now she doesnt look anything like that. I bet she wishes she never took t that way she would resemble her uwu smol waif ideal more, but now shes destined to be a botched hairy ogre.

No. 2031751

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samefag. Dear lord i just realized, when she drew pic rel she was drawing her 16yo self. Oh fanny, i am glad you have to live in a disgusting fat hairy body you fucked by transitioning. You will never look 16 again.

No. 2031753

> I wonder why she felt the need to do all of this to herself.
daddy issues and attention whore syndrome and come on nonna fanny was a teen then now? she looks like a methhead who you keep a taser close for

No. 2031755

if anyone else is trying to find her kiwi thread its members only

No. 2031756

aw dammit. Why?

No. 2031758

probably so anons can archive shit before fanny deletes it.

No. 2031759

It's still in Prospering Grounds for WIP threads so it's login-only until it's moved to a different subforum

No. 2031760

Make an account, sell your soul to the other Null.

No. 2031761

anything relevant will probably be crossposted pretty quickly anyway. didnt realize she didnt have a thread already when she posted her fanfiction about totally and epically jerking it to the haters which means she name searches, probably pretty often. i just find that tidbit hilarious, very unbothered.
oh i see, i dont really use kiwifarms so i forgot how it works.

No. 2031763

for obvious reasons because a certain someone lurks here Heya pédé, je sais que tu lis ceci ! Quel est l’avis de votre mère sur votre fil KF ? Pour enfin réussir comme tes sœurs et ta maman, hein ?

No. 2031764

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I recommend against it because many places still have the site up but you can still get in trouble for making an account, and certain services like protonmail have been revealed to leak data despite promising anonymity
She looks like that Esther girl from that Orphan movie lol

No. 2031765

KEKK i love you frenchanon

No. 2031766

OT but damn, more info on proton?

No. 2031767

i have a account just for lurking there, do it nonna sell your soul to the slobbering mutt also so kiwifags cant take credit for the hard work our nonnas did

No. 2031770

No. 2031785

>This is an imageboard. Post screenshots and always archive links.
I did? The link was long dead before I saw it. The screenshot is there. So I'm not following.

No. 2031787

they probably just replied to the wrong post dont worry about it

No. 2031801

No. 2031810

probably because vivzie animated her spider twink character getting beat and fanny hates seeing men get abused (only women get raped in fannys content). Also seething jealousy that viv managed to be successful without cutting off her tits and roleplaying an incestuous relationship with her dad

No. 2031812

We all know fanny loves to lie about herself on the internet, but if that one comic she's made on tumblr about being raped with longer hair has some glimpse of truth, i think it's fair to say she's doing it to martirize herself the classic tif way: the uglier and weirder she is = no ugly men will touch her because she's totally a real man!11

No. 2031815

The archive doesn't exist, nonna.

No. 2031818

Is there a compiled list yet of how many alter-egos she's had over the years? I kinda lost count.

No. 2031819

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Nona she's detrooned already and stated she regrets getting a titchop, if the vent comic were real I'd feel sympathy for her but it's probably more larp/excuses to reclaim fetishizing pedos because "akshually im a csa survivor!!". it seemed fetishy too, who would draw themselves getting raped as a child?

her art sucks so bad genderbent cartman looks like Lois I'm crying. might as well rip off family guy too

No. 2031821

It's not relevant whether she was actually assaulted or not. Plenty of assault survivors end up developing awful fixations on things like this and plenty do not. I find it hard to have sympathy for anyone this aggressively misogynist and is self-aware about it.

No. 2031822

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No. 2031828

If the genderbend was true then male Lynn would have his dick chopped off so what exactly is she supposed to be jerking off with? Disgusting to admit but when researching this "kink" for another comp I noted that these freaks like to call FGM "female circumcision" which even if we could equate it to male circ would be just cutting off the clitoral hood.
>genderbent cartman looks like Lois
KEKK you are so right

No. 2031829


No. 2031845

>>2031819, >>2031822
The body type is like Peter Griffin’s with Lois’ face plastered on. I’m convinced there’s some level of self-awareness here. Maybe the first time could be a coincidence but this convinced me both were definitely intentional and done for some kind of outrage market

No. 2031849

Some farmer pointed it out but her mother & 1 sister's socials are now locked. Fanny you can lie to them for the reason but it's really sad your family has to be associated with you in the first place because YOU couldnt stop oversharing on tumblr. Maybe think about your actions and reflect on the trouble you cause. Again all it takes is a normie to see all this and sperg out about it on twitter for everyone to know your antics as Laika.

No. 2031859

Lynn looks cute as a guy. I would find null based if the sexes were reversed and it was a cute male twink x older fat woman (and if the main character only went after 18-24 year old men instead of teenagers, like the female dicaprio), too bad she's a handmaiden.

No. 2031867

She really doesn't realize how basic in it's degeneracy her shit is. Male pedophile? Woooow, so revolutionary. And he abuses his wife? And she accepts and protects him? Yawn. A hot young male/normal older woman couple would be way more groundbreaking and she wouldn't have to shove her weird incest and fgm shit to feel special.

No. 2031871

99% of ~problematic transgressive proshippers~ and kinksters in general actually are very basic and status quo upholding in their degeneracy. they're not "breaking any norms" they just put the norms on steroids and coom to them

No. 2031872

Finally, a woman horrible enough and with low enough standards to date Jersh. I ship 'em.

No. 2031875

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See, she's a liar because in her comic she was raped with long hair when she was 12 and cut it right after. She's 16 here and still has long hair. Remember she was already pretending to be male on tumblr by that age. There was no such rape, fanny even had a meltdown her mom's boyfriend told her mom she was going around saying she was raped and asking for explanations fanny didn't want to give.

No. 2031877

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Fanny atm kek

No. 2031882

File: 1724914715684.png (235.21 KB, 750x920, flat750x1000075f.png)

>LARP for YEARS as a real asian woman fucking your real dad in new jersey
>begging people to ask if this is real
>cry scream and shit your pants when they doxx you

No. 2031887

>I ship 'em.
Nullcest lmao. If you sell it to her like that she might even accept KEK.

No. 2031892

File: 1724915465150.jpg (Spoiler Image,154.36 KB, 1078x1199, GJswN3gWMAEhegt.jpg)

Her tracing a scrotey porn meme kek. Her tranny era definitely kickstarted some porn addiction

No. 2031894

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AYRT kek sorry for the misunderstanding nonnies, self harm and claiming asexuality is the M.O for so many traumatized tifs, at least Fanny studied the ways of larping a pooner. Too bad it came with the consequence of becoming a titless hairy degenerate.
Thread tax, there's a tumblr blog dedicated to reposting laika's art, and the reasoning is as retarded as you might expect for one of her fans https://www.tumblr.com/alivespacedog

No. 2031896

I'm probably giving her fans too much credit, but does this seem like reverse psychology to anyone else?
> Nooo don't delete your shit that would make me sooo sad

No. 2031900

I agree that she made it up. “I was raped so I use fetish art to cope” is the number 1 defense for women who draw pedo/rape/incest etc art, when in reality they’re almost always the result of early porn exposure. It’s still traumatic, just not in the same way. They also gas each other up which leads to escalating their fetishes.

No. 2031906

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Who wants to bet this is based on a real experience, except she was telling her french-speaking mom not to come in while she LARPed?

No. 2031910

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Looking at old pictures of your dad wishing you could have met him as an adult "even though by definition it was impossible" huh?

No. 2031926

keking at cartmans fat hands and cylinder arm. The only artist ive encountered here who can make less sexy porn is holly or matt(stwawbwewymilk. I hear you’re a fan fanny). She brags about men jerking it to her drawings but even the most degenerate moid who’s only there for fgm porn wants a bit of sauce and sex appeal

No. 2031931

Men can and will jerk it to anything, that's a hilarious thing for her to brag about.

No. 2031938

Just think. She runs the chance of having her thread on KF locked, and getting all the emotional abuse she's looking for if she plays her cards right. Not only is he her type (Cartman phenotype), the two even look a bit alike, so she can fulfil some of those incest fantasies. Pretty sure Null has a thing for mentally ill female artists/animators, too.

No. 2031940

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This comic is worded almost exactly like her og tumblr comic about her dad

No. 2031941

Oh my god you're right, I distinctly remember him whiteknighting Emily Youcis at one point. It's literally meant to be.

No. 2031946

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Fanny couldn't help herself and cement that she projects onto Laika by making her fat like her kek

No. 2031949

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stop derailing the thread with the nullcest its funny but be on topic also null is so into troondick she'd let one rape her which she already did i guess

No. 2031951

this obviously doesn't matter, but why tf does she keep saying "rape" if she's actively into it and gave the troon permission? not in that cap, but I saw the rest of that conversation

No. 2031952

>got into weightlifting
This added cope when it’s prob more like put on 50lbs and stop kek

No. 2031956

Tayrt somnophillia is rape someone sleeping cannot consent even if nulltard thinks they can.although I'm doubtful it even happened alot of the "sex"capeds she tells sound fake as fuck

No. 2031958

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I checked and only one sister's FB is locked now, the one she based Laika on. Her mom and other sister's FBs are still public. Unless you mean other socials?

No. 2031960

she literally told him it was okay though, like they repeatedly planned so-called "rapes" together
no, obviously a person who is asleep cannot consent

No. 2031970

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>one sister's FB is locked now
Do you think..she knows? Because fanny only shared what her mum thought of her art..not her sisters

No. 2031974

whaaaat she has a wedding ring ? did she marry her dad in her larp ?
also nice retarded flipped feet with the thumb on the outside omg

No. 2031976

So the degenerate moids in her server can coom to it better.

No. 2031979

I’d say it’s on the wrong hand but since the feet are so retarded who knows

No. 2031980

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Yes she calls herself and her "dad" husband and wife and they wear matching rings

No. 2031993

File: 1724940957538.jpg (Spoiler Image,992.15 KB, 1920x2160, Tumblr_l_7120342385517388.jpg)

KEKKK?? she can't be serious, this is so obviously her larping as a "fan"
>My objective is to get Laika-sama (who I'm obsessed with) to notice me, senpai!! I hope she doesn't delete her socials, that'd be SO sad!
Fanny why would you nuke your tumblr if you were just gonna make an alt to archive the most cringe ones? she still thinks people would be obsessed with the mystery of her incestuous love affair as if it wasn't painfully obvious to everyone but autists in her server that it was pure fanfiction
Apparently mommy perret also nuked her Instagram account, fanny must be terrified of getting exposed(spoiler this)

No. 2031998

ok yeah i read the whole things and it is on the wrong hand "not to replace her mother".
it blows my mind how much of a usual white girl she is, she makes a point of showing how talented, wealthy, respected, well-traveled the love interest is and how he's an asshole to most people but would never be to her and he 'proposes' to her in goddamn Paris after kissing on the eiffel tower, you can't make it any more cheesy and unoriginal.
the only difference is she makes it the MC's dad to make it a scandalous and angsty and add drama. such an nlog

No. 2032002

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how iusse probably feels in his grave ignore the watermark

No. 2032009

Somewhat not related to current convo autism warning:

could her use of the Albarn name in her pseudonym be a related to Maka Albarn/Soul Eater?

Maka was just raised by her scumbag perv dad (mom never appears from what I remember, other that characters talking about her). Takes place in USA (not New Jersey specifically) and she is at least half-Japanese (so Asian like her larp character). Soul Eater is would have been popular with anime nerds her age.

No. 2032019

This is more plausible than the Gorillaz connection.

No. 2032020

Could just as well be both.

No. 2032028

>my waist is so thin
Delusions from a fatass

No. 2032036

Can you post the OG comic?? That's more evidence (as if we needed anymore but still)

No. 2032045

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No. 2032051


No. 2032053

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No. 2032070

If she drew men getting abused and fem cy going after male teenagers i would have never made a thread on her tbh. I dont care what women draw as long as it doesnt affect women, sadly most of these bitches crave male attention so they draw women suffering to get complimented by degen scrotes.

No. 2032075

funny you still think that wouldnt have attracted degenerate coomer troons the reverse of her clit cutting fetish would be rot pockets, try keeping fujo fantasies out of this thread

No. 2032080

r63 lynn and cy would be straight

No. 2032081

what do you mean, swapping female teens for male teens doesn't make dad fucker fanny's lolcow milk any less delicious

No. 2032082

ofcourse it wouldnt, but it would make her art less disgusting. She would probably be a normal woman if she was into whump like those middle aged women.

No. 2032083

>less disgusting
it would still be pedophilia and incest retard.

No. 2032085

i dont care as long as it doesnt affect women.

No. 2032086

she drew an underage looking guy getting femnized with cbt if that counts

No. 2032087

kek. She should do more of that. She wouldnt have a thread if she was crazy in a way that only affected moids. I remember the rage that culminated in us making the thread was the whole FGM shit. I hope future schizo women learn that if they dont want their whole family doxed they should focus their crazy on hurting men.

No. 2032088

We have these arguments every few weeks. Fetishists like fanny aren't hurting real people or children, they are mostly harming themselves or exposing others to their kinks. They aren't as evil as real pedophiles, but they should be viewed as degenerates. This goes for "dark romance" types and fujocoomers

No. 2032089

m!Lynn is cute

No. 2032090

i see some of the degenerates from the server are here to visit if not, youre no better than null if you think shes less cowish if the same shit she did with women was with men instead

No. 2032091

I'm none of the anons above but she has no problem enabling baraag pedophiles who openly admit to wanting to fuck real kids and look at CP with no consequences

No. 2032092

Except that FGM is a very real thing while MGM isnt. If she was getting off to men getting their dick cut no one would care because its not a reflection of real life. Same for fem cy going after male students or male lynn getting abused.
wah wah go back to kiwifarms kiwifag, men dont suffer irl.

No. 2032095

I agree with >>2032090, I'm now convinced that either a friend/fan of her's wants to move the discussion away from her degeneracy and make it about something else

No. 2032096

>She doesn't know about our home-grown de/g/enerates

No. 2032097

its pretty clear by them saying
> "come on guyz!! you would think she would be based if it were moids! hypocrite much?"
fanny and her bootlick crowd have proven they lurk lolcow and kf so its best to stay aware now that theres a kf thread on her

No. 2032098

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She's laughably against any and every kind of male abuse she can't even bring herself to make Cartman less of a cheating pedo in a "trauma swap" AU. which is literally just like all her regular shit except he cheats a little less kek

No. 2032099

You cant read. I never said that. I literally made her first thread. I just wish these schizos would focus their degeneracy on men. Women already get raped and murdered irl, we dont need MORE art depicting that shit. I know you are probably some MGTOW cocksucker but if the genders were reversed in her comic no one would give a shit because men dont get MGM or raped or abused.

No. 2032101

File: 1724956713334.jpeg (57.82 KB, 425x425, 1709552002705.jpeg)

>less of a creep in this au"
>"it would be less disgusting"

No. 2032102

Why is she self-admittedly hoarding photos of actual FGM victims (most of which range from infancy up to the age of 15)?

No. 2032103

File: 1724956797958.png (298.6 KB, 2097x1320, maledom.png)

Since it's marginally topical, these are Fanny's thoughts on why she dislikes femdom

No. 2032105

>Maledom, misogyny, and traditional gender roles are "taboo"

No. 2032107

>uwu its ackshually more taboo to draw the most acepted kinky dynamic on earth!
kek that other anon is right, shes desperately trying to be problematic but it would be more ''problematic'' if she drew her comic with the genders reversed. I have seen more hatred for femdom and misandrist female characters than misogynists and maledom. 50 shades had 3 movies in theater for god's sake.

No. 2032108

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Samefag, Lynn will literally masturbate to real life rape victims testimonies but it would be too ooc for her to cheat on Cartman? kek it's so funny even her audience is sick of the same abusive scrote x poor victim wife dynamic over and over again, they keep asking for Lynn to cheat or for someone to at least kick pedo Cartman in the balls and she just passive aggressively e-begs and tells them they have to pay her to draw it

No. 2032109

File: 1724957340652.png (262.44 KB, 737x738, 1722225143110.png)

mentions of femdom or dynamics where the woman is more dominant really trigger her

No. 2032111

Literally no one brought up this argument in these threads ever. Lurk more retard.

No. 2032113

File: 1724957740107.png (769.72 KB, 944x426, Screen Shot 2024-08-29 at 15.5…)

Cute dickless hubby(derailing)

No. 2032114

I want to steal her ocs and draw femdom of them to piss off fanny

No. 2032118

Do it, we need more female ugly bastard content.

No. 2032122

all i gather from this and countless other content from her is how she loves being a contrarian. the only reason she's into FGM and borderline pedophilia is that most extreme porn is so normalized online that it's the thing she has to do to stand out and be scandalous.

No. 2032124

File: 1724958154085.png (22.92 KB, 1215x131, fatty.png)

you know why they're calling you fat kek

No. 2032125

Unfortunately genderbent Lynn (as well as tranny!Lynn) isn't castrated but I agree nona kek
KEKKK based nonnie you read my mind, I was just thinking she'd have a tard ragefit if LC reclaimed lynn for femdom. If any artistically talented nonas are planning on it pls make sure to draw Cartman skinny and bishie, that will have her seething

No. 2032126

File: 1724958248869.png (287.74 KB, 591x326, nullcest.png)

you are so fat you look like a R63 Null

No. 2032127

You're free, nona. Do whatever you want with her characters. tho aside from male lynn I really can't see their appeal

No. 2032132

I'd read a selfcest comic of og-Lynn femdoming and pegging male-Lynn…

No. 2032133

Start up the fanfic presses, new cow OTP just dropped.

No. 2032135

what about castrated male!Lynn licking Lynn's intact clitoris

No. 2032136

File: 1724958560310.jpg (940.92 KB, 984x1236, 1000024856.jpg)

Kek she insists that Cyrus is soo attractive and hot when he's a land whale. This comic was made because Fanny was annoyed on twitter with people asking to see him. Unclench your prolapse Fanny all the anon did was ask a question. BTW for all nonnies looking to edit her cy/lynn for jokes / piss her off here's the live link https://archiveofourown.org/works/55500619/chapters/140844871

No. 2032140


No. 2032141

she always surprises me with how bad she is at drawing. That Cy looks like stretched bubblegum.

No. 2032146

>claims she gets mistaken as asian
>pink faced white person

No. 2032147

Her "style" is also ridiculously dated, it screams early 2010s homestuck fan on tumblr, which she literally was kek

No. 2032149

No. 2032153

I fucking knew it, your her fans who want her to draw more kinks you like(infighting/derailing)

No. 2032156

>mum went to gobelins
>dad also went to art school
>has had a drawing tablet since a child
>go to artschool
>have art internship if this bitch can get a job with this art you can too nonas.keep drawing
still draw like as if you were a 14 year old retarded tumblerina, shouldve put more time to practicing than gooning your fanny. no wonder her mum thought she was retarded since she was a child

No. 2032157

she literally hates femdom, if anything you sound like a null wk trying to stop anons from drawing femdom of her donut steels since it annoys her so much kek(infighting/derailing)

No. 2032162

i want to see regular lynn beating the shit out of her fat husband. that would be kino

No. 2032164

are you genuinely retarded? how is drawing rule 63 of her pedophilic ocs a own? youre only drawing fanart for her you retarded gooner(infighting/derailing)

No. 2032166

Because it pisses Fanny off. Like calling her ugly fat oc cartman.

No. 2032168

Do you even read the thread? She hates femdom and male abuse. Genderbending her OCs is a "fuck you" to Fanny, go pearl-clutch about "muh coomers abusing le poor and helpless scrotes" somewhere else.

No. 2032171

Please do it, the salt and seethe would be delicious.
When did nonas talk about her before her thread? Was she posted a lot on the art salt thread or something?
Of my fucking god
It's time to stop.

No. 2032173

I think she might have been featured in the twitter hate threads on /ot/
stop with your coomer shit already
lol she really is into all of those kinks just bc she thinks it makes her edgy and contrarian. irony-poisoned turbovirgin confirmed.

No. 2032174

This was posted last thread lurk moar.

No. 2032175


the OP itself was, but not her reply about the "theatricality" of it all.

No. 2032176

its not milk, newfag. Sage it.

No. 2032178

try searching for ageplay or cunny sorry i couldnt stomach reading anymore but there is mention of it in the server and lolishit because i recall fanny being very annoyed when people point out anime child characters ages, thank you nonna and hoping you take a good long break and relax after viewing the logs that fucking dog sex sleeve scarred me these retards shouldve been euthanized

No. 2032185

This thread is for discussing Fanny and her behaviour, not thirstposting or fantasising about how you'd like to see her OCs drawn. Stay on topic. Any further derailing on this subject will get a longer ban than usual.

No. 2032187

File: 1724962198133.jpg (295.12 KB, 1191x487, 1000024852.jpg)

The comics full of fanfic tropes including the "one bed" kek. It's really embarrassing how she frames everyone that's cool with the incest thing as sweet and understanding but anyone who even questions it is a mean strawman. Sorry but your perfect world where you can openly tongue your dad doesn't exist

No. 2032199

I know this has been mentioned before but her art is so trash kek. I don't care if its 'muh style' because I've never seen her draw anything else.

No. 2032202

Even in the most backward third world nations is incest looked down upon by the general public, especially between a parent and child. From her self insert being a skinny asian to her fake dad being an autistic tumblrina in a hairy old man's body, there is nothing in this comic that tells me it's anything but a sad fat girl's wish fulfillment fantasy. She could have sold it as a cringe work of fiction but I guess Fanny couldn't stop herself from trying to push it as real life.
The book The Incest Diary swears it's a brutally honest account of parental incest, but it's written in a borderline coomery 50 Shades way just like Limerence. Why can't these just say that get off on being the little girl molested by daddy and move on? I thought being openly autopedo "to cope" was all the rage with degenerates nowadays.

No. 2032203

>if that counts
Not quite. There are way more creative and experimental ways to humiliate a moid than invoking ages-old blatant misogyny by portraying femininity as something shameful and/or weaker. CBT is based though

No. 2032221

We're back.

No. 2032222


No. 2032235

File: 1726039692116.jpg (39.4 KB, 735x679, 3e1e8480d1f6694035a021d1a97334…)

we're back

No. 2032236

she never outgrew the early 2010s homestuck tumblrina art style. sad! Imagine the relief she must have felt when the farm was down kek

No. 2032237

File: 1726040160361.png (21.97 KB, 952x129, 1726004975161.png)

someone on her kiwi thread posted her reposting loli shit with some really fat guy.. okay

No. 2032238

File: 1726040201390.jpg (Spoiler Image,721.15 KB, 1817x1853, eye bleeding colors.jpg)

Nothing particularly milky happened in the fannyverse. She made cy/lynn yaoi AU. Ofcourse the worst male lynn was subjected to is a cockcage and a poorly drawn latex suit. Meanwhile female lynn gets beaten into a pulp every page by cy.

No. 2032239

She's literally incapable of being based, isn't she? Moids can literally take worse beatings than women but she still gotta pickme.

No. 2032241

File: 1726040603279.png (292.78 KB, 541x358, nemu.png)

thanks kiwi nonnies for keeping up with fanny while the farms were down. They managed to dox quite a few of their orbiters. I am still laughing at this comparison too, how can someone who comes from a family of artists draw worse than nemu?

No. 2032242

I blame Homestuck.

No. 2032244

I’m so glad this thread is back. I didn’t want to bother checking moidfarms for updates.

No. 2032245

i hate having to page through KF for milk. i like scrolling threads for images, much faster for milk

No. 2032257

the site's downtime mustve been the best 2 weeks of fanny's life kek. cant wait for comments on the recent yaoified version of her ocs, the male version of the fgm oc predictably not being a eunuch.

No. 2032269

Same. I was waiting for this one in particular. also omg it feels so good to be home

No. 2032277

Her thread is still members-only I believe so it's been some very long two weeks without fanny drama.
She's such a coward. In her eyes, the main appeal of Lynn is her blind devotion to pedo cartman, and it shows through her reluctantly consenting to fgm, yet when she does her yaoi version she doesn't immediately jump the gun to chop off his dick? It really shows she doesn't want to hurt her pwecious male ocs and she doesn't care about genital mutilations or nullification, only female torture. Crazy to think she was larping as biologically male on her PGP tumblr and only mentioning male nullification there for the longest time, but didn't jump the gun to have a eunuch. I wonder if there's any link between her lack of interest in male null and her detransing.

No. 2032331

I'm so happy we are back. Will post all the mildly entertaining caps I collected from her discord leaks later.

No. 2032339

File: 1726056378436.png (1.1 MB, 1914x842, 1000042208.png)

Since it was brought up, here's the selfcest(incest?) that fanny drew

No. 2032378

what never interacting with another human being does to a mf

No. 2032381

kek isn't she adamant that she isn't into lolisho?
What is it with pudgy, terminally online women and collecting degenerate kinks like pokemon?

No. 2032393

File: 1726065992965.jpg (145.11 KB, 1080x769, Screenshot_20240829_184918_X.j…)

Fanny giving a glowing recommendation of her dead father's work by calling it "the ultimate kink show for kids". There was also another selfbio comic where she had her "awakening" watching a cartoon with a spy tied up but couldn't find it sorry nonnas.

No. 2032397

File: 1726066479493.jpg (Spoiler Image,250.84 KB, 1914x942, F22hnHZX0AAOap8.jpg)

this one?

No. 2032450

Nonnas do you think she's doing some sort of damage control with her latest malesub reposts / yaoi AU? like "FGM and abusing women isn't the only thing i like, i swear teehee"

No. 2032477

Wouldn't be surprised, but it's not out of the realm of possibility that she really is just this befetished.

No. 2032492

most likely, though its amusing that even in her damage control she cant go all the way to truly hurt the poor widdle moids the same way she does to her female characters. the pickme-ism overrides her need to do defend herself, pathetic.

No. 2032501

Even her followers seemed disappointed that she won't chop up his dick lmao. I really don't think her heart was in it with the yaoi au, abusing/destroying women is her main fixation and she can't do that with two men.

No. 2032512

File: 1726080544992.png (Spoiler Image,2.04 MB, 1540x728, ewwww.png)

samefag, scrolled down her media tab and her last stuff apart from the yaoi is this "sappy" shit. like she's saying "see he's not so bad :) they're totally in love it's okay he abuses her :)"(no emoticons)

No. 2032517

I still don't understand her obsession with this redhead/blonde cartman and his clitless wife. I know that fetish content is usually just bizarre like that (see: smartschoolboy9) but this I just can't wrap my head around. Does she actually think this would… Work??? Both the sappy and the porn meshed together?

No. 2032531

File: 1726082504312.jpg (28.26 KB, 408x250, 6368279-24907e6eb5988cb9de27c0…)

Reposting from KF (thank you to the kiwi farmer who was the only one to keep fannys thread alive during the outage). It's hilarious part of her Laika larp fantasy fulfillment is that if her dad had been alive to have sex with her she wouldn't have trooned out

No. 2032572

Has any more been said on her thread that hasn't been posted here? The thread is locked to the prospering grounds, lurkers are left in the dark.

No. 2032574

File: 1726088809249.jpg (441.93 KB, 1080x1768, 1000027515.jpg)

Fanny mentioned lolcow / KF often on Laika (as well as pretending to jerk off to her haterz). We already know that she had lolcow bookmarked from a tumblr sc so its more likely her "friend" was herself searching obsessively about Laika & being disappointed Anons figured her out within days of posting. She isn't very clever that girl

No. 2032575

File: 1726089156774.jpg (220 KB, 1080x947, 1000027517.jpg)

Also insists she's not milky & that she's not like Chris chan because my real dad consents! (Chris said Barb consented too Fanny) I feel like Fanny always wanted cowdom but can't actually handle it like the online badass she thinks she is. Just piles and piles of her past and present retardation being brought up / people being brought down with her. Makes for great milk despite Fanny desperately pretending it isnt

No. 2032579

No. 2032584

File: 1726090446815.png (6.12 MB, 1920x2400, pathetic1.png)

There's a couple new things including her rapist tranny friend with a TERF fetish "Tammy" getting doxxed, as well as another tranny friend of hers who draws nsfl furry scat also getting doxxed; but nothing too milky. I haven't seen this comic posted before, I thought Cy was supposed to only be a "benevolent" statutory rapist who treats all his victims well? But I'm not surprised.

No. 2032585

File: 1726090543830.png (Spoiler Image,6.71 MB, 1920x2400, pathetic2.png)

samefag, part 2

No. 2032586

File: 1726090544675.png (Spoiler Image,918.06 KB, 1666x2658, fanny.png)

Reposting my dumb fanart here from CC

No. 2032588

File: 1726090613166.png (67.34 KB, 1140x443, Screenshot 2024-09-06 at 18-40…)

Also, could this be her larping as one of her ex friends who blocked and ghosted her? kek

No. 2032590

kekk based chode choppin' Lynn, awesome fanart nona

No. 2032593

File: 1726090797021.png (44.23 KB, 2005x160, cope.png)

Bless you, this is already so fucking funny. I don't even dislike "problematic" fiction, it's the fact that Fanny is an utter retard and a misogynist who is friends with rapey trannies and capes for genuine pedophiles

No. 2032597

i love u nonna

No. 2032606

Why are they assuming that we are all men? kek at them simultaneously trying to act tough about getting doxxed and freaking out.

No. 2032608

UwU types as if we weren't calling her out for being a handmaiden ex troon and no anon has used her fake chosen name since we found out her name is pussy. She wants a fantasy where she's targeted by everyone for her super valuable & unique trangessive art but really people just want to point and laugh.

No. 2032609

File: 1726092054852.jpg (18.66 KB, 428x368, fc137b1534d9f16acd85edf4075a53…)

Wow fanny, very edgy and cool.

No. 2032622

Fanny is legitimately retarded and starved for attention if she hasn't learned not to share atp. This is her paypig server, why is she using it as a actual form of human interaction beyond "this is the slop you payed for eat up"? She can't keep friendships so she relies on her coomer fans for comfort kek. A sad but not uncommon fate for female moid centered coomer "artists"

No. 2032628

Ah, yes. The far-right assholes that cares about fgm here, totally a real thing

No. 2032629

File: 1726094067218.jpg (230.89 KB, 1080x901, 1000027522.jpg)

Some nonna or kf'r find this fannytard pls

No. 2032631

File: 1726094403104.jpg (100.81 KB, 1080x415, 1000027524.jpg)

"Antis" and annoying zoomers who 'moral grandstand' over fiction are also made fun of on the farms. We make fun of entertaining retards that's it they could have the exact same opinions but it's their milky actions online that we laugh at. Also didn't Fanny used to lurk? Wouldn't that make her just as evil by their logic or does it not count for their glorious pooner kek

No. 2032639

File: 1726095008516.jpeg (225.33 KB, 1151x989, 8D65C64F-3442-41C0-9478-413D7F…)

from the art board whoever drew this I love u

No. 2032642

File: 1726095136143.jpg (Spoiler Image,298.27 KB, 1067x1200, elocass4.jpg)

Some comics of the tranny OC I haven't seen posted here. Micropeen and piss under spoiler

No. 2032643

File: 1726095230554.png (1.26 MB, 700x3445, Screenshot 2024-09-03 at 17-26…)

Samefag, here's a degenerate tranny who seemingly has no issue with fgm, rape, incest and pedophilia; but draws the line at Fanny "fetishizing dysphoria" with his tranny OC kek

No. 2032645

God, that's something i really hate about proship spaces. Everyone that disagrees with them is a fancop, even if it's about issues that Does affect real people's lives like shipping real minor actors with adults or irl abusive incest dynamics. I couldn't care less about your problematic yaoi porn stash but don't fucking expect everyone to enjoy or agree with it lmao

No. 2032646

This stupid bitch can't even say she gets off to women getting abused without being a fucking loser about it. All it would take is a "this turns me on" but no, it's about fandom and variety in the fics or something. Also
>straight girl pretending she loves lesbian anything

No. 2032652

File: 1726096310790.jpg (104.91 KB, 1863x732, lmao.jpg)

Not helpful but I don't know, this person said they were staying anyway but changed their mind yet again and seemingly left, while their bf/gf? "locket" remains.

No. 2032655

it just shows how pathetically online she is. as if some people on social media being into "dommy mommy" shit is equal to the abuse of women or some variation of it (literally the most common fetish ever irl, think strangulation, hitting or any bullshit the bdsm community endorses)

No. 2032657

That's the most pathetic thing about her. All her fetishes are basically exaggerated normie fetishes. There's nothing subversive about violence against women.

No. 2032659

File: 1726096949382.jpg (98.28 KB, 1080x396, 1000027526.jpg)

Theyre all retarded & don't get how this site works. Just assuming we are meany antis & self victimizing themselves

No. 2032661

File: 1726097070187.jpg (95.76 KB, 1080x473, 1000027530.jpg)


No. 2032663

File: 1726097463070.jpg (Spoiler Image,5.89 MB, 2894x8192, polarka.jpg)

Here's some stuff on an orbiter of her's named Polarka. She was posted on KF and I have to admit, I was fascinated by how bad her art was and the level of pickmeism she's willing to sink to.
This is just a small collage of some of what was posted. There are a lot more discord screenshots and examples of her art on KF.

No. 2032666

ACTUALLY KEKKING OUTLOUD HOLY SHIT. Imagine your mom drawing abysmal art of your dad being an abusive rapist to her. I just know they are both ugly fat fucks.

No. 2032667

Lord, how pathetic. And that dialogue is… rough, pun not intended.

No. 2032669

Kek good job Fanny
The cyberpolice have been notified. Each of us is being backtraced by the interpol as we speak. Consequences will never be the same.

No. 2032672

File: 1726098238256.jpg (112.97 KB, 1080x366, 1000027548.jpg)

The partner claims to be intersex in the fake tumblr way like every troon that wants to be a gender special lmfao. Gotta look into this pair of troonlets "locket" and "trinket" they seem milky already with the retarded matching names. Etranny couples are so embarrassing kek

No. 2032674

>freak nasty sex and be happy
Kek, it's always about proving they really aren't unwanted goods. Everyone is so jealous of kink culture, which is populated by hideous moids in skirts humping each other and weird women with very low self-esteem/no standards who have to advertise they'll do anything to get the illusion of desirability. This isn't a coping mechanism at all.
>My husband was forcing himself to have sex with me, he wasn't attracted to me but loved me because i'm a doormat
This is almost too on the nose
>dude, i'm totally a real life futa

No. 2032675

Writing fanfiction about your fat ugly husband beating and raping you and giving him a child only to find out he doesn't love you and thinks you're ugly and gross is something only a dangerously low self-esteem turbo pickme could achieve. Fanny orbiters are so horrifying and funny and you only need to click around on her account once or twice to find someone equally as pornbrained and annoying as her.

No. 2032676

File: 1726098549606.png (32.08 KB, 1402x100, wifebeater2.png)

Kekkk I love how she described her husband as "the biggest feminist" on discord and then says shit like picrel
From the scrote's perspective he's a massive retard, though. He got the biggest bootlicking bangmaid pickme he could beat and fuck to his heart's content, then ruined it by admitting he finds her ugly and is only with her due to her bangmaid services

No. 2032681

File: 1726099075623.jpg (413.52 KB, 1737x3144, degens.jpg)

Rip the channels I never archived, I failed you and myself. They're hidden here, unreachable. Meanwhile, I have all post-leak chat safely archived where they literally have to warn each other not to post CP lest we're watching.

No. 2032690

did she just ban some rando LMAOO

No. 2032697

File: 1726100771806.png (676.39 KB, 1200x1200, 1000027551.png)

Fanny when she accidently bans one of her coomer paypigs instead of the evil terves in a tard rage

No. 2032701

Here are the archives. Any duplicate files are because I exported again to include more recent messages, these files are tagged "after such and such date". Most interesting is the channel "lynn's stamp of disapproval" which seems to be containment for any CP/lolishit and other TOS breaking chat, unfortunately purged.


The export included media but I don't think it caught all of them, so the image folders contain some but not all avatars, emoji reacts and attached images. They also include some music videos they listened to on voice chat (I was not picky with my export). Working on uploading those folders, containing all in all 2591 files, which seems to be too large for mediafire and too many for catbox.

No. 2032703

File: 1726101274914.jpeg (269.94 KB, 828x1201, IMG_5338.jpeg)

muh big manly masculine man male character would never identify as an inferior female uwu

No. 2032705

Has she been doing anything under her Laika persona?

No. 2032717

Thank you dear nonnie
No she's been MIA since May & doesn't seem to want to return (and most likely can't because it's already tied to her name) she got her kicks already from the small bits of outrage / attention she could squeeze out of Laika

No. 2032720

Your art style is so much more expressive and engaging than nulls, very nice oc

No. 2032724

File: 1726103085685.png (67.02 KB, 553x236, 1000024820.png)

She reminds me of todokaras / stinky in so many ways but especially in how they both lie about being even remotely attractive kek we've seen you Fanny nobody but straight troons would go after you

No. 2032725

File: 1726103454908.jpeg (344.38 KB, 960x1200, IMG_2712.jpeg)

based and castrationpilled. but i still have a hard time feeling bad for lynn (fanny) because she (fanny) is a huge piece of shit. fanny loves using personal victimhood as a ploy to 1) appear more sympathetic and 2) give herself the ol’ pedo pass (btw i doubt anything happened to her, as badly as she may want it to have happened, because her story has inconsistencies and her comics are so sociopathically triggering)

No. 2032727

I'm absolutely certain she was never molested or assaulted at all. She doesn't show any real understanding on how that would feel or how it would realistically affect someone. She gets off hard on the knowledge that other women are suffering and she isn't. It's pure sadism.

No. 2032729

File: 1726103823285.jpg (136.04 KB, 1080x658, 1000027439.jpg)

Fanny offended by anon telling her the truth so she comes up with a fat lie

No. 2032732

Lmao that's her incest character too, nothing about her is real.

No. 2032734

File: 1726104324907.jpg (159.36 KB, 1080x718, 1000027473.jpg)

As Laika she tries so hard to act like the mean staceys who bullied her in school meanwhile on her main acts like she's above it all kek the whole thing is pretty transparent

No. 2032736

yeah… i just read >>2032585 and i wish i didn’t. fyi fanny just a storytelling pointer since you’re so out of touch with reality, hearing your abuser talk about the other girls he abused doesn’t make you horny. it makes you feel like shit

No. 2032738

Who wants to bet that she wrote these "anon hate messages" herself?

No. 2032740

File: 1726104991848.jpeg (250.71 KB, 828x1444, IMG_5339.jpeg)

she always tries to act like shes so unbothered and dunking in the haters, it's pathetic

No. 2032747

Yeah no for sure these are all typed by her own hands. There is literally nobody on earth who's thinking "I wish Fanny was drawing hideous muddy comics about an old woman making a young woman drink her own piss but she's wasting her talents by drawing trannies instead"

No. 2032751

Shady af comebacks kek Fanny never grew up from her tumblr days, she probably still says the retarded "sweet summer child" line

No. 2032758

This is not a same sex attracted woman kek.
>only has one actual same sex OC couple
>uhhhhh they only have ANAL sex….
>admittedly cannot eat pussy due to "texture aversion"
>um but if the pussy didn't h-have a clit I'd e-eat it!
>gets off to dad-fucking
This is a porn rotted straight woman.

No. 2032764

I know this is close to a-logging but I'm glad that she ruined her body with testosterone and regrets lopping off her breasts.

No. 2032779

this is a horrorcow

No. 2032784

This just seems like average ftm or western animator activity to me tbh, don't see how this one is extra special. You could find these people by just searching for horror romance games on itch.io or something or their mutuals. Or even from the degen threads on /g/

No. 2032786

she wants to fuck her dead dad anon. She wants to fuck him so bad she drew an entire comic about where she self-inserted as a look-alike to her sister.

No. 2032801

She also built a whole fake persona around fucking her dad and uses it as wish-fulfillment to fix her past mistakes (pooning out).

No. 2032802

File: 1726114851110.png (Spoiler Image,2.06 MB, 800x3020, 20240912_011711_0000.png)

I was going through some of Fanny's orbiters and found this FTM making the most ridiculous "forcedfem" for pooners ever. The idea that a group of sexist/homophobic men catcalling this bimbo with hentai proportions would still respekt her pronouns, call her a fag, manwhore and say shit like
>Woah y'telling me he's a MAN with all that GROPEMEAT?
is so fucking funny. Unsurprisingly she also has incest OCs including a ftm chaser milf, but most offensive to me is still the collar-spiked "tboy cock" and the fact that she looks so greasy (most self aware tif). All these regretful trannies make the most laughable and unsexy porn of all time, it's so painfully obvious no one can ever be into this utter retardation unless they need it to cope with having ruined their bodies thanks to social contagion

No. 2032804

did the fat one at the bottom shit on herself?

No. 2032830

imagine how broken your clit has to be in order find this sexy. vomit inducing

No. 2032832

>The idea that a group of sexist/homophobic men catcalling this bimbo with hentai proportions would still respekt her pronouns, call her a fag, manwhore and say shit like
>Woah y'telling me he's a MAN with all that GROPEMEAT?
>yes cartman rapes teenagers but he still respects muh pronouns
why do all of these people draw characters that seem to exclusively exist in an universe where they can be put in any situation under the sun or be literal pedophiles etc but transphobia is still the worst most untouchable big bad of them all in the end? unless it can be pornified into a kink of course

No. 2032836

trans forcefem sounds like an overly complicated way for TIFs to indulge in hetero goonery while keeping their kinky queer street cred. I can't believe most of these people are honestly into all the kinks they draw. Nemu was popping ass pimples with her teeth and farting in her fat nigel's mouth yet she seems almost mild and well-adjusted in comparison to Fanny or her orbiters. As bad she is, at least she had a job and regularly fucked an IRL gross moid. this feels like the gooner olympics. It's blackjack. The tubby troon that waddles closest to degeneracy without going full nepi or zoosadist wins. The ones that bust just go to baraag.

No. 2032890

her female ocs
>get beaten
>get raped
>get their assholes ripped out of their bodies
>get their genitals mutilades
>get groomed by fat cartman pedophiles
her male ocs
>he wears a cockcage and gets slightly teased uwu

No. 2032895

agree tbh. her larping is disturbing

No. 2032897

File: 1726139682150.jpg (942.04 KB, 1972x2865, MV5BMWI4YWFkYmEtNTU4ZS00MjhkLT…)

Thats what i find the funniest about fanny. She thinks she has super unique taboo controversial DONUT STEEL fetishes but violence against women in media has existed since 120 days of sodom(1785). The 60s and 70s were plagued of sexploitation films featuring the rape and murder of women. Bitch really thinks her crappy 3deep5u poorly drawn comic about eric cartman and her pickme wife is as controversial and taboo as Holocaust cannibal when it realeased in the fucking 80s. She really needs to get off her high horse, shes a dime a dozen pickme.

No. 2032900

File: 1726140080954.jpg (370.46 KB, 2048x1532, pkna-09.jpg)

As if you need any more proof that Laika's fake father is based off Null's real father, his hyper-specific interest in the Disney italian comic scene couldn't be more blatant. For the record, Disney Italy's late 90s and early 2000s comics such as Paperinik's New Adventures, W.I.T.C.H. and even the less popular Monster Allergy gained european fame. France also loved them and they were especially loved by older nerds who could appreciate their more detailed art and more complex stories.
Barbucci/Canepa also more or less fled Italy and work exclusively for France qfter W.I.T.C.H., partially also due to France absolutely loving their work.

So yes, this hyper-specific interest is very much in line with that of an older french comics nerd, not some asian guy who looks like Keanu Reeves. It would also explain how her father managed to land a job working on the W.I.T.C.H. cartoon by being a knowledgeable fanboy of the source material.

It's depressing and sickening to see especially since it's clear her father's death is a key part in her trooning out.

No. 2032904

It also shows how terminally online she is that she thinks "girlboss/malewife femdom" is "mainstream"
>the 60s and 70s were plagued of sexploitation films featuring the rape and murder of women
It has to be noted the sexploitation wave trend strongly correlated with the rise of second wave feminism. It's just anti-feminist backlash moid revenge fantasies. Congratulations on having the same super duper avant-garde cutting-edge kinks as the average misogynistic moid, Fanny, but I guess it's totally subversive on her part since she respecc pronouns or whatever

No. 2032906

File: 1726141014815.png (70.96 KB, 1595x1073, code academy.png)

>she claims to be a web designer
interesting, back when i was making the first OP i found her using a few coding websites under her nickname polygotplatypus. They didnt have anything milky in them so i omitted them from the OP. I went back to those pages and she took HTML courses in Codeacademy, and has the achivement ''build your own webpage''. So both laika and Null can build webpages. Interesting, definetly not the same person at all.

her codeacademy page:

No. 2032912

Please draw the fatty being molested and raped by a cucumber or something. Alternatively draw him dying of overdosing on cheeseburgers kek.(fan art derailing)

No. 2032913

eric cartman telling pedo cartman he's a ginger faggot would be funny(fan art derailing)

No. 2032927

God that would be so funny

No. 2032982

that'w way funnier

No. 2032986

tranny looks too female looking and the woman is drawn too male-looking, so even when she draws men allegedly being abused it's still just maledom bullshit

No. 2032992

could you draw him being humiliated and fucked by a hot young guy (the only thing she's afraid of)(fan art derailing)

No. 2032995

I don't want to draw either of them anymore, sorry.
A little bit sus.

No. 2033000

File: 1726157950719.png (197.99 KB, 1139x769, Captura de tela 2024-09-12 131…)

Ok maybe a final fanart.(fan art derailing)

No. 2033009

These people are literally admitting to share child porn and surely stuff like statements from rape victims on Fanny Perret's server.
I think we should use her full name more often rather than just call her Fanny, so her full name always brings up the thread like in Shayna's case, anyone who looks her up should always know that she has a server where she shares child porn, bestiality porn and rape victim statements because they think it's hot.
Like the retard saying
>I don't even like underage the story and explorations of it is just fun man
Is literally saying that there's childporn and statements or stories from people, and that disgusting waste of space thinks it's just a funny haha lol thing to do.

No. 2033010

Please do not use this thread to request or post fanart. The milk boards, /pt/ /snow/ and /w/, are solely for the archival and discussion of and around the cow and their content.

No. 2033012

It's pathetic how much she idolizes rape with no actual understanding of it.

No. 2033016

>These people are literally admitting to share child porn
they said lolisho anon, not real child pornography

No. 2033023

>the thread has lolifags now
Null really is the shit on the ground with the worst flys orbiting around her(infight bait)

No. 2033026

File: 1726160814551.jpeg (66.29 KB, 822x358, IMG_5358.jpeg)

she alternates between "fuck da haterz" and "uwu pwease no bully". it's pathetic. you know she loves the attention.

No. 2033028

I agree with you but I also think it's important to make the distinction in this case specifically because one is highly illegal everywhere and the other isn't depending on location.

No. 2033029

she thinks it's ironic because she's omg so kinky and quirky but it's ironic because she's a frowny hambeastly tif nearing 30. funny either way

No. 2033031

she doesn't even understand sex and relationships, like it's so obvious that she's a virgin who has never had a boyfriend

No. 2033036

Comparing loli to cp only gives lolitroons the chacee to use the ''its not real, its not harming children!!'' card. Everyone knows lolifags are pedos but that doesnt mean loli equals actual cp where real children are harmed. You can shit on fanny and her degeneracy without muddying the waters, she's already horrible and milky there is no need to tinfoil about dumb shit.

No. 2033053

There are countries where illustrated pornography of children fictive or not still counts as a form of CSAM though nonna.(derailing)

No. 2033055

Exactly. I don't know how there are people above the age of 15 who still don't realize it's not helpful to say that drawings are CP. It's a shitty clickbait tactic that started with Tumblr callout posts, but it's a hindrance to objective discussions. Also, it's just not smart to download or share/reupload logs of anything and describe them as containing CP. Even if they don't have anything but drawings, it not only looks suspicious, you're opening up every reupload to being deleted/banned by hosting providers like Mediafire if they get reported. They're not going to take time to look through the files to see if any of them are actually CP, covering their asses legally is more important.
On that note, Fanny admitted to downloading a "metric ton" of actual photos of FGM victims, who are mostly children. Even if the photos themselves weren't taken with the intent to be CP, they're still graphic evidence of a child being horrifically sexually abused, and she exploits that for her fetish.

No. 2033056

it doesnt matter because anon was implying she was posting material where real children are actually hurt, which is not the case in lolishit. By making up illegal shit about the cow like that all you end up doing is giving her the benefit of the doubt.

No. 2033058

Hasn't it been mentioned before that she hoards photos of fgm victims to jack off to? If there's any kind of way to prove that she's hoarding photos of minor victims we might actually have a leg to stand on. But that's wistful thinking on my part, no way she's dumb enough to post that.

No. 2033074

File: 1726167251781.jpg (18.62 KB, 322x361, noboolyfanny.jpg)

more accurate edit

No. 2033078

File: 1726168012745.jpg (42.23 KB, 622x622, 1683524521024.jpg)

Unfortunately I'm not sure how well this would work, since she could still be using/legally known as Adrien Perret despite detransitioning. But who knows…

All of her "malesub" stuff is so lazy and atrociously-drawn (more so than usual, I mean), you can just feel her disinterest oozing off the screen. Compare the effort and "passion" that clearly went into comics like >>2032584 and >>2032585, where you can just feel how horny she's getting to the idea of these women being subjugated. Anyway, the contrast just really jumped out to me. Reposted to fix a reply.

No. 2033083

This reply makes her decision to detransition pretty confusing, even without pedo Cartman's design being based on herself. If being a woman is so ~uncomfortable~, why did she go back to it? Her detransition is one the few things she doesn't seem to obsessively overshare about (can't put off her troon orbiters), so what gives? Did she only stop because she realized she would NBAM?

No. 2033086

doesn't she still claim "nonbinary" rather than "cis woman"

No. 2033091

Yes she's still a "they/she horny queer mess" in her twitter bio.

No. 2033110

File: 1726172152583.jpg (671.78 KB, 1228x1382, 1000027396.jpg)

Based on Limerance, I think we can conclude she detransed because she realized she'll never be hot and fuckable as a ftm tranny, hence the fantasy aspect of her dad being attracted to "butches, tomboys and genderfuckery". She probably has this very autistic view of sexuality many ftms seem to have where they view everything as very black and white: you're either genderless and sexless, or a breeder piece of meat cumdump for men. They initially resent having been hypersexualized by men, get the tit chop at a young age to feel "genderless" (and thus less harassed), then regret sinks in and they decide they DO want to be seen as walking fleshlights because they're still painfully heterosexual misogynistic nlogs who want coomer attention.
Ironically enough I think many regretful ftm detransers are also agp, they're not as attracted to men as they are to the idea of being "put in their place" as women due to their terminally low self esteem and social contagion from coomer male trannies.

No. 2033114

Why does her imaginary dadfu speak like a AI erp bot? I know this is all fake but you'd think princx kinkster would steer away from such vanilla dialog.

No. 2033117

Funnily enough, "sexist conservative pedo groomer with a fetish that gets off to violating and degrading real women" is SUCH a TIM stereotype, she'd get torched to the ground by her mutuals if she ever actually did it. IRL, a guy like Cy would totally identify as a woman (and they do, every single day).

No. 2033154

Because she:
1. Doesn't have a father.
2. Is retarded.

No. 2033158

I want to print this post and frame it kek it's too accurate.
>[Nemu] seems almost mild and well-adjusted
Nemu's degeneracy was genuine, in a sense. It was real, fresh out of the oven DeviantArt slop. Null's orbiters just take 10 different porn tropes and draw them in a degraded tumblrina style.
>Is that what turn you on, just…. Gender???
I winced so hard.

No. 2033164

Friendly reminder that this is her own sister that she's drawn engaging in this act, in case anyone here had experienced the mercy of forgetting.

No. 2033177

Late I know, but she couldn't even illustrate the girl having an orgasm you just have to take Eric Cartman's word for it

No. 2033186

File: 1726184491463.jpg (136.54 KB, 1080x448, 1000027568.jpg)


No. 2033188

Fanny Perret, daughter of Iusse who worked on W.I.T.C.H., we all know you larp as Laika Albarn, a character you based off your older sister, and who has an incestuous relationship with a character based on your dead father. Everyone in this thread and on your Kiwifarms thread knows who you are. We know your name, your face, your family.

No. 2033191

File: 1726185017562.jpg (432.6 KB, 1080x1356, 1000027574.jpg)

How long until this new beau leaves her

No. 2033197

>the biggest compliment
That's so, so sad. Not only because that's a basic ass compliment, but also because she clearly puts all her eggs in the basket of her appearance. Girl I'm sure you have more to offer to a man than your beauty. A good compliment would be about how much he admires you as a person, how he thinks you're smart or dedicated or something.
I'm certain this man is also with her only because she's a doormat who lets him beat her up and mistreat her under the guise of BDSM.

No. 2033198

>my lipstick isn't lipstick but a nacho sauce and we fell in love when he wiped it off

that really happened retard moment

No. 2033201

File: 1726185763987.png (154.52 KB, 424x367, q111.png)

No. 2033203

this art style is so unfathomably ugly. why does she draw herself so ugly

No. 2033205

Are there any more hints the Laika character is based on her sister other than hair? I agree it's sus, especially when she's a landwhale irl but I don't think it's enough to say it's based on her. It might even be subconscious for fanny, she probably always wanted to be a blonde thin Stacy like her sisters and accidentally ended up channeling her sister.
I feel like imagining Iusse fucking her Stacy sisters she's jealous of instead of her would make her seethe more than anything

No. 2033210

it took him 5+ dates to wipe the sauce from her fat face and suddenly fall in love. Totally real human interaction

No. 2033211

she draws herself as a down syndrome midget

No. 2033213

>5 dates
>already in a relationship
>is such a quirky obese slob she shows up on a date with Dorito dust smeared all over
I didn't even recognize this was meant to be her new man because he's just as bald and fat as her previous daddydom kek
nona she literally left her nigel she had a kid with solely because he admitted hes not attracted to her lmao

No. 2033218


You cracked the code. Imagine bragging thst you have true beauty and an imaginary bf mistakes your lipstick for a nacho sauce.

No. 2033221

we do not forgive. we do not forget. WE ARE LEGION

No. 2033222

it's a lie or retarded moid of course, who else mistakes orange/yellow nacho sauce as lipstick?

No. 2033224

File: 1726188017062.png (291.28 KB, 580x578, kka.png)


my HARD and DARK kinks

No. 2033225

This shit has less soul than the abuse scenes. And that's extremely telling.

No. 2033227

File: 1726188368959.jpeg (15.34 KB, 438x232, 1627788931296.jpeg)

I CALLED THIS in the last thread and got temporarily banned for armchairing but god damn it I WAS FUCKING RIGHT!!!

No. 2033228

Expecto patronum

No. 2033229

Scrolled too fast and thought this was Lucinda fanart

No. 2033234

File: 1726189304460.png (Spoiler Image,1.87 MB, 1304x860, p.png)


Not to derail too much into this Polarka degenerate, but well.

>plap plap plap

No. 2033237

Are the people she dates even aware that she will self-insert them in her badly drawn porn fantasies? Kek. Please don't ever date anyone else again for public good

No. 2033241

File: 1726190395122.png (141.75 KB, 491x458, dasitmane.png)

The HARD and DARK fantasy of being the smol, conventionally attractive underaged discord kitten of a potato moidlet fresh off the clearance rack
Christ if this is some of the ugliest art in this entire thread. And that's saying something considering Fanny's stuff is right here. It reminds me of savannah horrock (I think that was her name). She too is a fatass who drew a lot of DARK art of uwu morbidly obese (but still tiny and delicate) girls enslaved and assaulted by tall, dark and handsome men. I can't tell which is sadder between that and Fanny's brand of everything but the kitchen sink kink.

No. 2033246

sage but English doesn't seem like her first language, so nacho sauce is probably meant to be salsa

No. 2033250

File: 1726190810490.png (Spoiler Image,401.97 KB, 593x614, 111111111.png)

No. 2033252

the difference between these is so telling.

No. 2033253

Does she only ever draw variations of the same two characters over and over? Is it all like this?

No. 2033254

She was probably inspired by that amputee fetish artist who got blacklisted by the chinese government kek

No. 2033255

File: 1726191955265.png (467.69 KB, 608x885, 1c.png)

Anons I hope you're ready for this hekkin yaoi (starring fat cartman and a dude lynn apparently)

No. 2033256

File: 1726191991487.png (1.67 MB, 951x909, 2cc.png)

No. 2033258

File: 1726192056221.png (2.65 MB, 1449x913, 3cc.png)

No. 2033259

File: 1726192083243.png (Spoiler Image,1.85 MB, 1125x891, 6c.png)

No. 2033261

File: 1726192111253.png (Spoiler Image,2.74 MB, 1501x901, 7c.png)

No. 2033262

File: 1726192458116.png (Spoiler Image,2.71 MB, 1517x895, 4c.png)

No. 2033264

File: 1726193045514.jpg (1.02 MB, 2031x2409, GWqDYLYXgAA4nLy.jpg)

No. 2033266

File: 1726193233566.png (617.52 KB, 570x679, 1kk.png)

nothing says rapist like anime style

No. 2033267

File: 1726193377219.png (Spoiler Image,960.4 KB, 576x835, 1fu.png)

No. 2033270

File: 1726193955026.png (Spoiler Image,641.56 KB, 583x760, 1c.png)

cw sounding

No. 2033272

This image reminds me of the images on the blog in the Delia Day/Susan Anton case.
TL;DR: a husband wrote a blog LARPing as the wife he was abusing(BDSM) and posted many photos, she finally shot him dead and got off on self-defense.
While trying to remember the name of this case, I found an article about it with some interesting quotes that are pretty much word-for-word the same as Fanny’s, including threatening clitoris removal.
>On his blog, he also rants about posts from a LiveJournal user named crimsonbagonia (though he refers to her as “ignorant slut”) about the cultural context of female circumcision, specifically, the removal of the clitoral hood. He remarks in this post that crimsonbagonia was a typical poster child for “moral panic” due to her concerns about female circumcision and it’s application. Interesting to note here is that the Delia Day profile also comments in this thread in replies to crimsonbagonia, espousing similar opinions to Travis, even using the term “moral panic” to describe the criticism of female circumcision. In her replies to the post, the Day account argues that the removal of the clitoral hood can enhance sexual pleasure, mirroring, to some extent, Day’s posts about her owner’s suggestion to remove her clitoris.

It’s so funny to see Fanny’s “controversial” ideas or stances coming out of the mouth of a moid whose victim shot him 20+ years ago and, with the blog as evidence, got away with it.

No. 2033273

File: 1726194582289.png (Spoiler Image,1.12 MB, 657x863, 1cl.png)

oh the edge

No. 2033274

File: 1726194607579.png (Spoiler Image,1.15 MB, 665x870, 2cl.png)

No. 2033277

File: 1726194993113.png (Spoiler Image,723.33 KB, 590x816, 112.png)

why did I go to the media tab

No. 2033279

The 7th panel is cracking me up kekkkkk those obese triple D scrote tits. The way she shaded his chest looks like he's wearing a bra too. Fatfuck Cartman has to wear a fatpig moid bra due to gynecomastia confirmed?

No. 2033280

File: 1726195204361.png (Spoiler Image,528.14 KB, 584x670, 1444.png)

dig in anons

No. 2033282

Why would you do this to us? Have mercy, please

No. 2033289

I'm going to alog…

No. 2033292

Why is there a scar on the tranny's taint? Is it supposed to represent that he pulled his cheeks too far apart or something?

No. 2033293

How does anyone find any of this shit funny or heartwarming? Pure mental illness.

What is the fatass supposed to be doing with his hand here?

No. 2033294

she’s used this style as laika before too >>2021264

No. 2033297

Why's his eye missing in that one panel? Why's her face keep morphing and stretching like Play-Doh? Why are the hands so shitty?

No. 2033298

KEK I'm assuming that's the natural seam men have in their balls, but i don't think it goes all the way to their assholes.

No. 2033299

Seems like a smokescreen to distract everyone from her FGM fetish and hatred for women.

No. 2033302

It's astounding how reality never bleeds into her comics. Especially Cartman-guy and his punching bag wife. He's a fucking teacher who's never discovered to be this abusive and degenerate? Ever? These are like Chris-chan-tier echo chamber comics. The only morality that exists is when she wants to bring in a strawman to justify why this shit is A-okay.

No. 2033305

File: 1726199461152.jpg (987.08 KB, 1228x1360, 1000024850.jpg)

It was the same bit with Laika too. She makes it a point to show that she's "getting away" with it (larping a relationship with Iusse). Meta & non meta within Limerence Laika & Van are constantly pwning their haters and it's as embarrassing & cringy as you can imagine kek

No. 2033308

It always gets me that this is supposed to be a totally real depiction of the webcomics industry kek

No. 2033309

Her art is ugly as sin and the filters she uses make the brown characters look like cheetos

No. 2033310

I think he's supposed to be dickless

No. 2033311

The little line does indeed go all the way to the anus.

No. 2033312

sorry for autism but thats the perineal raphe and it does extend from the anus all the way up to the scrotum and penis….so yes but it all looks fucking weird and exaggerated because of her shitty art style and gross obsession with drawing goatse-tier anuses. i think she has a decent grasp of genital anatomy but thats only because she fantasizes about mangling it

No. 2033313

she spends time drawing a violent fat chav character with 85 iq when she could go outside, see 5 of them in 5 minutes and realise they're vulgar and disgusting and get some self-respect… i swear the antidote to all this bullshit is simply touching some grass and talking to people

No. 2033314

It's kind of funny that despite the uwu-ified art style, you can tell she's overweight and the men she's dating are also fat

No. 2033316

This looks straight up traced from porn.

No. 2033318

It's so bizarre when retards type shit like that Pic related thinking it's so badass, but it's always just nuclear levels of cringe with the added context that this is her dead dad that she probably doesn't even remember much of, it's even more retarded.
Her dad must roll in his grave every time these comics are discussed on the internet kek. I would say I feel bad about it but I don't.

No. 2033320

hater nonnie he DUNKED on this nobody karen by boasting about how his STATUS in the industry lets him get away with INCEST. so cool and arousing and totally realistic

No. 2033324

IMO she just sees her dead dad as a husbando. From the amount of projecting whatever she wants onto the dad character, it's clear she didn't really get to know her real life father.

I just wonder what her sisters think.

No. 2033327

Christ alive I can't imagine being this disconnected from reality, drawing a comic about my delusions, and THEN having the arrogance to say, "Yeah, let's share this on the internet." One day she's going to be some 80-year old little old lady who pisses herself from a car honking too loudly, and THIS shit will be her legacy. That's it.

No. 2033339

What's their username? I'm intrigued.

No. 2033340

so was there any milk worthy content in the time lc was down in the other farms, besides the discord logs

No. 2033353

the comparison between this and the lame ass ''toxic yaoi'' is insane.

No. 2033361

he was jailed by the chinese government for obscene and degenerate art by drawing women as literal toilets (not as in morphing them in one but cutting body parts and using the mouth as one) i would not recommend looking him up at all

No. 2033373

Based chinese government

No. 2033376

rare china w

No. 2033378

Fanny wishes her art was controversial enough to be sent to labour camp by the goverment

No. 2033383

Was it JMEmpire? I support that, but I wish people who abuse/rape animals and children would also get jailed by the Chinese government. They don't seem to have their priorities straight.

No. 2033385

Pretty sure there's no law against animal abuse there, right? Grim. Their only redeeming point is that they continue to enrage coomer moids by censoring degen shit left and right

No. 2033410

She’s still a massive degenerate and I wouldn’t be surprised if she does devolve into drawing straight up amputee stuff in the future but im pretty sure that isn’t amputee art and her arms and legs are folded inside those things

No. 2033418

Weak. Homunculus did her tif amputee autism better. Her autism also wasn't based around depictions of Asian women suffering as drawn by a fatty tranny french woman. This is just your basic run of the mill, boring woman despising, male supremacist pickme.

No. 2033446

File: 1726238917223.jpg (Spoiler Image,777.24 KB, 2048x1688, 20240913_113506.jpg)

Her tif friend XXXEAVEN/HXXXVEN >>2032802 did draw a fallen angel AU with amputee Lynn already so I wouldn't doubt it. This bitch is also a huge degenerate, but she's also 19 so I kinda feel bad she's befriending nearly 30 year old deranged coomers like Fanny, especially considering Fanny's whole thing is spreading her fetishes onto others

No. 2033448

File: 1726238959149.jpg (Spoiler Image,764.06 KB, 1920x2160, 20240913_112419.jpg)

When I think it can't get worse than pedo Cartman, she proves me wrong with her Joji and Lola drawings. Tied up ham prolapse wasn't something I ever needed illustrated

No. 2033449

File: 1726239030698.jpg (Spoiler Image,560.17 KB, 1920x2160, 20240913_112454.jpg)

Last one, everything she draws with this couple is so revolting, it looks like they're deepthroating some parasitic worm

No. 2033455

Is it just me or her art has genuinely regressed ? The faces here seem to actually possess some proper features, in comparison to the formless profiles of Cartman and Lynn.

No. 2033456

>19 and already making pedophile jokes
Don't feel bad for her at all, anon. What a waste of space.

No. 2033462

File: 1726242236930.jpg (144.09 KB, 1076x653, 1724466593644.jpg)

Don't forget that before she got bored of being Laika she was going to have an entire arc where she got pregnant from her dad. I wonder how she can look her mom and sisters in the eye.

No. 2033463

i don't think there is literally anything besides the fact that van is an artist and her irl dad was an artist. the hair isn't even proof because laika's hair changes like, 4 times over the course of limerance

the "laika and van are actually her sister and her dad!!!!" thing is the most retarded theory to come out of this thread. people can write things that have nothing to do with their personal lives. this bitch has enough crazy shit to talk about, you don't have to manufacture any

No. 2033466

but who would mistake salsa for lipstick?? i know, a retarded moid

No. 2033472

i don't think a paddling would create lacerations like that, remember shay's BBQ looking butt i think canings do that. fanny has never had sex let alone kinky sex (not that it's brag worthy anyhow but still)

No. 2033479

I doubt Laika is based on the sister (shes a self insert) but Van is blatantly based on Iusse. There's coincidences and then there's the fathers dying in identical ways at the same ages, her old tumblr posts, her old fixation on father/daughter pairings specifically, & small shit like >>2031910. It's not a theory or armchairing at this point. It's a observation that Fanny is obsessed with her dead father and projects it onto the manic pixie dad

No. 2033482

i think that's Lola's boob tied up like a ham, not a prolapse. but i honestly was expecting that too. my question is, is he shoving his arms in her or his legs… because it looks like there's socks on(sage your shit)

No. 2033494

yeah thats her boob, those are both his arms hes using those gloves you use for breeding cows. im sorry nonnie but if i had to learn this so do you

No. 2033495

File: 1726247842597.png (Spoiler Image,45.2 KB, 235x165, cunny.png)

That's literally pedospeak, that's a word only used by lolifags when talking about girls vaginas

No. 2033496

to be honest its kinda funny to see retards steal pedo lingo and use it on their ''hags''.

No. 2033498

Is it supposed to imply she's a grown woman but has the genitals of a child??

No. 2033500

i think it's much more likely that she has a sexual fixation on taboo in general, not that she has some complex about her dad specifically. she was probably traumatized at a young age by an unrelated (or more distantly related) adult man, like most people are. i don't think it's IMPOSSIBLE, just that it's a pretty huge reach and accusation with not a lot of evidence to back it up

incest doesn't really appear THAT often in her stories, and limerence is way heavier on "romance" than on porn - it's obviously not her main thing. i think she just thinks of herself as someone exploring ~complex and morally ambiguous~ topics, considers it both a sexual AND an artistic exercise, and thinks she's way better at it than she actually is(sage your shit)

No. 2033507

I am pretty sure its just a TIF trying to imitate male coomers. You can tell they only draw the crap they do for attention and not because they are actually into that the same way moids are. They always resort to stealing coomer moids memes to appear degenerate. Cunny is from 4chans /tv/ board and the ''uoh child chest and belly'' is a pedo meme by dorontabi, a loli artist. It really makes no sense to use it to describe a grown adult woman's pussy.

No. 2033514

Incest fetishes are quite common when you have an absent dad, no need to have been molested or traumatized as a child for it (though one can argue your dad dying or similarly leaving you forever is traumatic). Her mom is also a munchie and it's no secret they never had a good relationship as Fanny complained often about her mother fatshaming her at every opportunity. Women with incest fetishes usually come from a similar family configuration. Plus we've seen Fanny suddenly start saying she was raped at 12 years old in her autobio comics under PGP, start repeating the story IRL to the point her mom's boyfriend told her mom and her mom became horrified and started pestering her for details and to tell her who did it which Fanny got pissed about and refused to answer (hint: it's because it's a lie). According to her it was also "one of many" rapes and it was a violent one where the perpetrator allegedly pulled on her ponytail, leading her to cut her hair right after and never wear it long again (which, again, was a lie, since in her FB picture at 16 years old she still has long hair). Not to mention this was all while she pretended to be biologically male.

No. 2033518

No. 2033528

the first word is evolved, so I think they're saying it's "adult cunny"

No. 2033540


I feel so bad for real life albinistic people getting "rep" like this

No. 2033559

Just finished reading through the first thread and everything in this one. Fanny/Laika might be one of my favorite cows yet…

I only have one question and it’s why the fuck does she think anyone would believe the whole “I fuck my dad and we’re in a relationship” thing. If it was legit and she posted her so-called autobiography that she made before she posted Limerence, shit would be posted EVERYWHERE and god knows she’d have a thread back in 2019 (I think that’s when she said she wrote it).

If ANYONE got even a whiff of news about a relatively famous animator/artist (no matter how obscure the media was) fucking his daughter, shit would’ve gone VIRAL.

Not to say that there aren’t other reasons why I think it’s made up, there are. This is just the main reason why I think it’s BS.(integrate)

No. 2033565

It's been talked about before, but it's especially egregious when you consider she said her father's work was popular on Tumblr. Even if it had the nichest fandom, it would have gone viral, especially considering how quick the tumblr girlies are to eat their own (especially back in late 2010s/early 2020s). Everyone would have connected the dots and recognized her and her father, even after changing key details as she said she did. You're talking about the site on which someone was doxxed for pretending to have HIV to write more authentic Hamilton fanfics.
All Fanny had to do was not say her father's work was popular on internet, it would have made her story a LOT more credible.

No. 2033578

Everything about this Joji character is repulsive, makes sense he'd be a troon too.

No. 2033581

No, no, you got it wrong. He's not a troon. He just decided to start HRT/get breast implants (i'm not sure which one it is) to please his girlfriend. That's the point of the comic, that the both of them do absurd body mod. At least I think it is? It would be weird for Fanny to have a TIM character say "i'm not a lady". It's disgusting, and we could argue whether or not it's better than skinwalking women, but this character isn't meant to be a troon.

No. 2033598

Kek goodness…do they not look at these images before hitting the post button? How can you post that and not feel embarrassed

No. 2033604

These women remind me of Ghislaine Maxwell. Fucking creeps, all of them.

No. 2033609

>a testimony of one of his victims
As in a court testimony? Is Fanny a lawyer extraordinaire in her comics, too?

No. 2033615

File: 1726267896073.jpg (363.57 KB, 1080x1307, 1000027578.jpg)

deleted the post for corrections / add on but Fanny also wrote Cy to be a rapist in college (before he met Lynn) & of course he never gets caught.

No. 2033618

My exact thought kek

No. 2033624

File: 1726268932660.jpg (532.51 KB, 1080x1877, 1000027586.jpg)

actually she implies that if he had never met Lynn he wouldnt be a groomer rapist which really goes to show Fanny does not know how moids operate. Plus subtly implying that bdsm is in fact a excuse to abuse & rape kek

No. 2033627

Of course he doesn't. That would ruin the magic and suspension of disbelief.
>being with the woman enabled his shitty abusive qualities
Ah yes, of course, the woman is always to blame for everything.

No. 2033636

>very boring, repressed lives

like normal people kek? apparently fatman's rapist life would have been so boring. ok

No. 2033649

there must be a scientific phenotype these freaks share

No. 2033659

doesn't this contradict this >>2033624 if he was already raping his classmates?

No. 2033666

It's called "uncooked sourdough"

No. 2033712

File: 1726285936107.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.01 MB, 750x1024, IMG_1564.jpeg)

eugh this one is extra creepy to me

No. 2033715

This is just. Ugh. These kinds of artists only inflict this kind of abuse onto women, and if they do abuse men, they're little boys, children that don't know any better. Why does she hate women so much?

No. 2033721

My tinfoil is that she's bitter because she's not pretty or successful/talented like her mom and sisters.

No. 2033733

What is it with she-coomers and being attracted to the worst kind of man. At least villain waifufags tend to gravitate towards conventionally handsome or interesting characters. Fanny's ideal man (because she's bi-curious at most and pretending to be ~queer~ won't change that) is a hideous lardass pedo who DVs his wife. Men like him wouldn't even have girls like Fanny on his radar if he were real. She's a pickme but wouldn't even get picked by a man she created. She's so sheltered and sexually frustrated I'm surprised that living her life alone isn't enough to satisfy her orgasm denial kink. She reminds me of the pooners who want to get raped IRL because they either think it will be like their fantasies or have some deep-seated self loathing they refuse to get professionally treated.

No. 2033736

I think it's amusing to them like how racists or misogynists start wanting to be dominated by black people or women or it makes them feel special, most likely latter for tifs

No. 2033747

Was this explored in another comic I missed?

No. 2033757

File: 1726306090382.jpeg (398.29 KB, 2048x1314, 1722485032198.jpeg)

ayrt, i'm not quite sure tbh, that's just from what i got through her threads. Fanny would never treat a TIM like anything other than a woman (but wouldn't extend the same courtesy to a TIF). That, and in a meme she made about those OCs, she said Joji was male.

No. 2033758

why does she always use those insanely obnoxious color gradients? they look bad

No. 2033769

Why do all of her non-white characters have the tumblr beak nose?

No. 2033786

Back in the day when Tumblr rallied against same face syndrome most artists only learned to draw two kinds of people and you still see it a lot with mediocre artists like her. They always default to chubby characters with button noses and lanky characters with the beak nose and never expand past that so still end up with same face syndrome. You can always tell when they don't actually understand anatomy or anything and are covering it up with this kind of stylization

No. 2033787

Easy. She's been on tumblr for over ten years, and she probably rarely has seen asian people in her life, not even enough to realize unlike what she believes, she has no "asian-passing"; one of her former classmate at EMCA confirmed this last thread.

No. 2033793

File: 1726317799175.jpg (114.45 KB, 1080x1887, Screenshot_20240913_143129_X.j…)

old milk but here is fanny making up some shit about her and her dadfu getting called faggots to garner sympathy on her laika account KEEEEK I can't believe there were people who believed her

No. 2033794

>we got called faggots
my fucking sides. her pathological lying is absolutely hilarious

No. 2033802

Of course her dadfu is some baddass that totally punches people when they insult his creator.

No. 2033806

She's as skilled at lying as an 8 year old telling their class how their uncle is actually spiderman.
>Haha yeah my totally real daddy-lover totally just punched that meanie guy in the throat and walked home casually like a total badass!!
And everyone clapped.

No. 2033819

Of course she's into drugging, too, wonder what she makes of the Gisèle Pélicot case (who am I kidding she probably is going to use it as plot fodder).

No. 2033820

>I am not equipped to deal with violent bigotry
You're not equipped to deal with anything, Fanny.

No. 2033821

she's such a typical girl fantasizing about forbidden love and a tough older man who beats up people that are mean to her

No. 2033824

oh god, you just made me realize she's probably been using that case as jackoff fodder since the news broke, fucking grim.

No. 2033828

This got me thinking: how come the Cartman guy never loses weight from all the abusing he's doing? He's the one doing most of the work, so he should be burning calories. The only way he could still be a fatass is if he is constantly binging on jambon beurres inbetween beatings.

No. 2033833

So he drugged her and raped her because she smokes weed? Also
>your eager cunt
Imagine some haffu hamplanet redhead saying this KEKKKKKKKK so fucking funny.

No. 2033849

That comic is 100% inspired by the Mazan rape case.

No. 2033851

>getting punished through rape because of smoking weed

No. 2033861

now that you point it out..i think so too. can discord anon fill in with some yknow? incase the bitch is lurking

No. 2033863

randomly yelling faggot really isn't even violent lmfao

No. 2033868

Anyone yelling faggot in New Jersey would beat the shit out of the lankey who tried to throw a punch at them.

No. 2033904

File: 1726337626970.webp (23.02 KB, 998x1043, 0e50a84229eed7d6159544e2fbd39c…)

Women will fantasize about being smart and successful, having a loving spouse, being tall and strong and powerful, flying the world and giving talks, living alone big beautiful house with a cat. This fuck-up fantasizes about random strangers mistaking her and her incestuous father for a gay couple. Fuckkkk!!!

No. 2033918

Oppa homeless style tier fanfiction. And then everyone clapped!

No. 2033921

Sooo many artists had styles where all the men had horse faces and grilled red triangle noses while all the women had wide oval faces and pug noses. Still happens today (sometimes they reverse it for trans characters, kek.) The Disney damage is strong.

No. 2034015

Ugh, I thought >>2033712 was old, but her posting this after an extremely mediatic drugging gang rape case was made viral worldwide is so fucking disgusting, no doubt her drawing of Lynn flicking her bean to rape victim's testimonies was an admission of guilt. Too bad you ruined your body with T and will never coom again, Tranny Fanny. Dominique Pelicot also raped and took pictures of his own daughter, which is also right up Null's alley

No. 2034018

that was my first thought too. shes 100% following rape trials just for fap fodder
she posted it this week. all of france is talking about the mazan trial right now, it's the biggest story on the news.
there's no way miss "getting off to rape victims' testimonies" drew shit about a husband drugging and raping his wife as a coincidence.

No. 2034029

It's especially weird that she uses it for all of her East Asian characters. Not to say we don't have those noses (I know a Korean girl with that nose but she's the only time I've ever seen it IRL on an East Asian despite living in a high concentration area) but it's exceedingly rare without plastic surgery. If I were being really uncharitable I'd call it racist since it's the opposite of the flat nose bridge more typical to Asians but I know it's because she's a talentlass hack working off of a desperately uncultivated visual bank.

No. 2034033

File: 1726358764616.jpg (Spoiler Image,827.81 KB, 1280x1811, 1000021684.jpg)

Her art is so genuinely ass it makes me laugh. They're very easy to find to read for free lmao, just look up limerence laika albarn and a bunch of porn comic websites have it posted.

No. 2034042

This reminded me of a comic of Lola (blonde girl) which is almost word for word the same type of case as that poor woman (but of course it's consensually!1!1) I'll post it when I find it

No. 2034053

File: 1726361623439.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.81 MB, 4096x3276, 1000001873.jpg)

Samefag, here's the Twitter post I was talking about

No. 2034055

File: 1726361709444.jpg (Spoiler Image,3.63 MB, 4096x3276, 1000001874.jpg)

The full images, warning it's disgusting rape shit

No. 2034062

File: 1726362620942.jpg (642.5 KB, 1080x1557, 1000027613.jpg)

One of her coomer followers had the prolapse oc tattooed on his body

No. 2034063

Wow. I'm almost impressed with how poorly-drawn this one is in particular.

No. 2034064

someone kill this moid stat

No. 2034065

File: 1726362878797.jpg (418.41 KB, 1080x1117, 1000027616.jpg)

According to this anon hate Fanny was still fat maybe even fatter as of 2023. I wonder if they saw the selfie from her server or her priv, unless she posted to her public and dfe'd after being called a landwhale kek

No. 2034066

There's another one too where the japanese guy catches another man spiking her drink at the bar, but "begrudgingly" aids him in raping her and films it to show her later.

No. 2034069

he got a tattoo that looks like a woman with a foot tumor growing out of her ass cheek. just another way fanny perret is making the world worse

No. 2034072

File: 1726363491875.jpg (704.17 KB, 1920x2160, 1000027617.jpg)

Found that one. (1/5)

No. 2034074

File: 1726363580172.jpg (746.8 KB, 1920x2160, 1000027618.jpg)

No. 2034077

File: 1726363961579.jpg (Spoiler Image,620.12 KB, 1920x2160, 1000027620.jpg)

No. 2034078

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No. 2034081

File: 1726364690661.jpg (585.51 KB, 1920x2160, 1000027622.jpg)

No. 2034083

art graduate everyone

No. 2034084

Everyone is going to look at it and ask if its fat fetish art of lois griffin

No. 2034089

File: 1726366295208.jpg (132.99 KB, 392x623, 1000021700.jpg)

Love how Fanny the Tranny's comics steer a very clear narrative of women: they need to be reasoned by a man, and they always want it. Also, this fucking CLAW, holy fuck.

No. 2034090

>with a preference for women, but only men manage to hit him hard enough
Sounds like projection, considering she's major fake gay. Honestly most of fanny's females characters just fuck moids, no matter how "queer" she tries to make them kek. iirc she said something like "lesbians and gay men fuck all the time!" on her twitter before, i have a very strong feeling she has never talked to a gay person in real life.
>horny queer mess
Why do they always label themselves things like that? it's so corny

No. 2034093

>She's kinda fat and her ass looks weird
Understatements of the century

No. 2034094

There's something profoundly pathetic about this, and I don't mean with the characters and their fetishes.
>Why do they always label themselves things like that? it's so corny
Because it's vague.

No. 2034096

>Why do they always label themselves things like that? it's so corny
women like fanny are the true 'super straights' she has the straightest taste in men(old, ugly, dominant)

No. 2034098

An affinity for ugly, old, weird or otherwise "undesirable" men is the calling card of straight women who desperately want to be a part of the rainbow mafia. They think that having "unconventional" tastes eleveates them above normies and separates them from basic breeders. Sometimes they'll use cutesy pornsick verbiage like 'old man pussy' in attempt to sound like some kind of cumbrained dudebro and hide that they're only attracted to dick. If you ever read those words it's all but guaranteed they were typed by a sexless, moon-faced tif or she/they.

No. 2034107

The fact that I come from generations that somehow both facilitate and condemn rapists and rape culture in the same sentence because they’re porn addicted virgins who need to virtue signal 24/7 makes me want to rope myself. How do they compartmentalize these things, the bf character quite literally enabled a rapist while simultaneously attempting to condemn him like how does that in any way work? The concept of consent to these people is just a way to normalize and justify sexual abuse while morally postulating about the “real” bad people out there…

No. 2034108

This is so deeply retarded. The rapist moid being shocked the other guy isn't stopping him as if rapist moids covering for each other and/or joining forces to gang rape wasn't the most common thing in the world. Fanny loves fetishizing male perversion despite having no clue how it actually works and how deep it gets because her landwhale ass doesn't interact with enough moids irl to understand it.
>"Girl feels like a fuckin fleshlight"
Her ass is prolapsed, Fanny. An asshole so loose your obese OC canonically shits herself constantly means she won't be tight to her rapists tiny shrimp dicklet.
God, and her moid having to convince her retarded bimbo OC to report him because she excuses it as "just her kink"… Utter retardation
KEKKKKKKK I love how terrible it looks, deserved. Imagine being 80 with this shit tattooed, I love autism

No. 2034109

>"practice kink responsibly, folks!"
Says the woman with the rape and FGM fetish. I hope her mom drank heavily while she was preggers with Fanny.

No. 2034111

>her landwhale ass doesn't interact with enough moids irl to understand it
Imagine going up to moids in whichever part of France she lives in, showing them this shit, and then mentioning that the """artist""" lives in their town/city. I truly wonder what their reaction would be.

No. 2034113

File: 1726374646571.png (974.67 KB, 1079x1637, 20240915_012628_0000.png)

>Her male characters never experience any pain??? Ermmm I guess her pedo Oc (who mutilated his wife's clit and beat her so hard she had to be resucitsted at the ER) having mental breakdowns over being called a ped- EPHEBOPHILE don't count?!? Checkmate sweaty!
I love how Fanny epically dodged the question by just pulling the "I'm a masochist!" card. How come you can't self insert your masochism into your male characters, then? I thought you were a queer mess? Are you saying you can only identify with AFABS? very problematic, Fanny!

No. 2034117

File: 1726374994280.png (153.57 KB, 545x537, kibidangoscans.png)

Is this the same polyglotplatypus?

No. 2034118

File: 1726375004081.jpg (436.1 KB, 1080x980, 1000027637.jpg)

found this comic kek. I know the fat fuck in the 2nd panel is supposed to be representative of all fat fucks but can't help only seeing Fanny. Just add Aiden hair and it's her

No. 2034124

all this effort for a whine comic, the combination of overly sensitive bpd tumblrina tif making vague pleading comics into the void + extreme offensive kinkster is so hypocritical and funny.
look at all these tears on the speech bubble and muscle strain lines on the strawman's face, look ar all the details she added to her expression to seem unbothered, she's having an absolute rage seizure at talented/popular artists who also happen not to draw pedo cartmans.

No. 2034126

File: 1726376380623.jpg (133 KB, 562x293, salty.jpg)

She was salty af to not be born a man.

No. 2034128

File: 1726377609658.jpg (186.64 KB, 862x477, 93ja63.jpg)

No. 2034131

Wait, she shits herself too? As if these OCS couldn't be disgusting enough.

No. 2034137


I think this is probably Aggy stwawbwewwymilk. He's an agp pedo who draws loli and gets cyclically canceled for it. His shit is really vile.


No. 2034153

File: 1726389540955.png (339.7 KB, 1315x1343, petite loli.png)

Don't you know she's a petite tiney winey uwu anachan who can't even eat more than one square of chocolate nonna?

No. 2034154

File: 1726389674725.png (230.22 KB, 1537x893, petite loli pt2.png)

it takes her 2 days to eat a normal sized meal! She's a loli-coded grown woman!

No. 2034155

>my new meds
tinfoil and i have no proof for this but while browsing her polyglotplatypus tumblr i saw a comic about how she reversed her type 2 diabetes. maybe she's on semaglutide and lost weight that way

No. 2034156

File: 1726389817881.png (276.74 KB, 1231x873, stinky and obese.png)

oh wait, she's clinically obese, pre-diabetic and also she stinks.

No. 2034158

You might be onto something. She's definitely on some kind of weight-loss medication.

No. 2034164

File: 1726390720450.png (160.65 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_pfzsl0dfEB1so7zheo2_128…)

No. 2034167

She's just an ugly, fat retard who feels bitter toward other women and wants to see them injured. Even if she self-inserts onto her female OCs to an extent (Lynn seems to be her own feminine ideal with scars drawn on), it's clear that she also self-inserts on pedo Cartman and likes the idea of getting away with being abusive, having women who'd probably be higher on the social rung than she is IRL worship her, and being in a respected position without actually needing or trying to be attractive (which are all things traditionally associated with male power/dominance). Since this strain of psychosis isn't socially acceptable to express, even in "queer-friendly" spaces, she hides under the "teehee i'm just a masochist" banner. Her masochism is around feeling like a "failed woman", envy of other women, and spite toward the female form itself.
One of the more obvious parts of this to me is that both OCs are canonically Asian or hapa IIRC, and she desperately wishes she was either of those things (she even made her incest self-insert hapa lmao).

No. 2034172

Very accurate take, it’s obvious that she relishes imagining other women suffering and is a bitter pickme narc who simultaneously dislikes herself while also seeing herself as being perfect and above all criticism, and therefore wants to see herself both as a sexy NLOG abuse victim AND an ugly yet irresistible powerful evil moid who can take out every frustration and impulse on younger, nicer, more beautiful girls.

No. 2034176

>hgvvghhgjv I'm 5'3…
>loli-coded grown woman
I don't even know where to start… she's obese irl but talks about herself like she's some petite little girl, her life seems to made up of cope after cope. You can tell that her talking about being baby or "looking like a 16 year old" is just a result of her being insecure about the fact that she's overweight. She stinks and she's huge. Taking two days to eat a meal and being overweight doesn't really add up unless Fanny has the slowest metabolism ever. She's so delusional about herself, her transracialness is a great example of that.
Hit the nail right on the head with this, she hates the women who have the traits that she wants. That probably added to her overall woman-hate. Her male characters are always just "spicy straight dicord mod old man who abuses women and is a pedophile. only faces slight abuse because equality" then her female characters "quirky shy smol bean with prolapsed asshole who somehow goes through fgm and rape everyday". She hates women so much and dodges everything that acknowledges that she hates women, a mixture of sexism and mental illness (Does she even do anything other than coom all day?) is definitely the cause of like 90% of her fetishes.

No. 2034177

Don't most people gain back the weight despite going on weight loss meds anyway because they actually keep their eating habits the same?

No. 2034184

File: 1726395120955.png (Spoiler Image,218.32 KB, 400x400, tkocrez6wt30a6xjfphd_400x400.p…)

Another lolicon reference.

No. 2034188

i saw these older drawings of herself on the prev thread, but remembering them they do look suspiciously like her cartmansona… i think she genuinely wishes she was Cy and could get away with abusing multiple women and girls because she's raging she's an overweight detrans failwoman. the deranged FGM fetish is also a way of expressing her anger for taking the med route of being trans, it probably destroyed her mentally and physiologically taking T and getting her boobs chopped off

No. 2034194

If I had a quarter for everytime a woman acted like was sooooo short for being 5”1 to 5”5 I would be rich right now. Bitch you are average height if you actually check the median for women in different countries. The fact a dumpy ass woman who admits she is average height, overweight, has high T levels and apparently smells is claiming to look ten years younger and “loli coded” is delusional. Its always the porn rotted pick mes who obsess over and call attention to how supposedly young, delicate and smol looking they are. Please tell me how you’re supposedly a lifter while bArElY EaTinG OnE MeAl A dAy and being a lolichan supreme kekw.

No. 2034195

no thanks, you can drown by yourself

No. 2034196

Would like to call attention to when this cap was dated because this was in august meaning she is still a huge lardass and what little weight she might have lost during the diabetes comic is either fake or she gained it right back lol. If her doctor called attention to obesity I wouldn’t be surprised if thats where her BMI is at since you have to weigh yourself at an endo since it can correlate with what you’re treating, but because shes lower end shes coping harder than her family seeing her art.

No. 2034198

i think ozempic actually cuts your appetite and makes you full and nauseous after a small meal, but yeah if you stop taking them overeating creeps back in

No. 2034201

Damn she is not beating the "french are stinky" allegations
>obesity is a mental illness
Based doctor

No. 2034214

nta but although its a well known fact null is a pedo im sure that "pomf" isnt a ref to anything besides the sound of the sofa(?)

No. 2034220

File: 1726407904551.jpg (35.29 KB, 200x200, 1724714793655.jpg)

spoiler this shit + you're a schizo lolipedo for instantly associating that random onomatopoeia with lolis
>I have naturally hight T for a woman
KEKKKKK Now Fanny you know damn well…

No. 2034229

>spoiler this
you need to be 18 to post here
glad to know that fanny is being blown up by even more annoying ppl than her

No. 2034234

I went to france on holiday one time and I was surprised how tall I felt when standing in a crowd despite only being of an average height. So she can't live out her loli fantasy by stepping out the door (which she probably rarely does anyway)

No. 2034236

Google "pomf", see what the first result is and put two and two together when her comic is clearly about a rape scenario as well. Literally no one uses it as a "normal" onomatopoeia. Also, why wouldn't someone who obsesses over her morbidly obese self being "loli-coded" not impart that on her equally fat OC to make herself feel validated, lmao? Also
>spoiler a sfw image , you're a schizo lolipedo
Don't make me "hi cow". This is so weird, newfaggy and defensive.

No. 2034240

>Do not post or discuss sexualised and/or sexual art featuring minors unless it is related to milk. Any NSFW images posted for this reason must be heavily censored, and all images featuring this subject must be spoilered

No. 2034243

NTA. The picture isn't sexual, it's a SFW image to show where she got it from. There is nothing to censor in the least. Get over yourself.
And no, it's not "random onomatopoeia":
>The term, the symbol and the catchphrase all originate from the hentai manga The Light of Tsukimi Manor (月見草のあかり) by Inuboshi (犬星), which was first published in the September 2010 volume of COMIC MEGAMILK (コミックメガミルク). The manga depicts a young girl, Akari, being tricked into having sex with three students.

No. 2034247

>slightly overweight
Unless both of your parents are diabetic or have an immediate relative with diabetes, the chance of you being pre-diabetic without being obese are slim. Slightly overweight my ass. Fanny, you are not a cute slightly plump loli. You're a fat woman of average height.

No. 2034256

bitch you don't go out people don't interact with you, plus you've taken T, that shit make women haggard in less than 2 years. you're not fooling anyone, she's the literal TIF stereotype of the fat, old, bald and straight woman.

No. 2034265

tayrt i know "pomf" is a pedo reference but i dont think it applies to the landwhale she drew in the comic.. try not to pedofoil without solid evidence

No. 2034269

she's a lolifag who makes loli references even to non-loli characters, she also used cunny to refer to Lynn's vulva >>2033446 this is definitely on purpose

No. 2034270

As an autoimmune diabetic watching/hearing fatties without autoimmune diabetes talk about their privileged pe-diabetic phase is so funny to me. Just stop eating like a hamplanet bitch. Put the fucking croissants and crepes down.

No. 2034272

lola's -pomf- is more like a -EARTH SHAKES VIOLENTLY-

No. 2034274

File: 1726412759591.jpg (25.17 KB, 563x619, 1724337829386.jpg)

>The manga depicts a young girl, Akari, being tricked into having sex with three students.
holy shit

No. 2034275

I don't see how just pointing out she made a pedo reference in her comic would be any kind of foiling, to be honest. There's zero chance she doesn't know where it's from, she's terminally online.

No. 2034278

>refer to lyns vagina as cunny
the tif XXXEAVEN/HXXXVEN did not fanny, look im not disputing fanny is a pedophile but please dont derail the thread with non proof like this >>2034077 because itll give a fanny a chance to say "look at them overanalyzing everything! its all lies!"

No. 2034288

I agree, "pomf" was a big meme alongside pedo bear on the early 10s internet. Vidrel, even Nyanners got in on it (and now desperately doesn't want to be associated with it anymore lol.) There's no way it wasn't a deliberate reference from Fanny.

No. 2034295

File: 1726414357172.png (219.51 KB, 547x312, nulls hairy roid arms.png)

>but i look 16yo irl
a 16yo scrote with hormonal issues

No. 2034299

nyanners doesnt want to be associated with that vid because it references actual cp

No. 2034332

fanny… im glad you made lifestyle changes but your chibi scrotesona uwu’ing about having oopsed yourself into T2DM is gross and disturbing. being obese and addicted to sugar is not cute, you nurgle ass bitch

No. 2034336

She lives in Paris so no one would be shocked, but they'd still rip her to shreds kek
Spot on. It's probably about skinwalking discord groomers as a result of being attracted to them, too. Not just for self-hate reasons, but because she seems like the type to stalk men she's attracted to like other creepy TiFs

No. 2034353

She said on her discord that if she had a Cy when she was a teenager she would have fucked him.

No. 2034357

I'm not sure I understand what she was trying to say with that. It's obvious she'd fuck any scrote that would look at her twice. Unfortunately for her, she looks like an underbaked Andy Milonakis so a moid like Cy wouldn't prey on her unless she had a cuter friend to help him groom.

No. 2034400

Pretty bold claim. Did he post art that'd tie him to everything?

No. 2034467

Is that where "salty coins and milk" comes from?(sage your shit)

No. 2034514

File: 1726449793760.png (1.29 MB, 1794x1303, fanny2.png)


No. 2034519

God she's SO ugly. It's been said before and I believe it 100%: her hatred of women is seething jealousy because she looks like a fat molerat.

No. 2034520

Fucking amazing Nonna. Captured her essence perfectly

No. 2034525

KEK at the fucking text on the mug. barf

No. 2034526

Holy shit lmao, that's gold. Next thread pic for sure.

No. 2034527


No. 2034528

Kekkk, it's perfect.

No. 2034543

i love that you incorporated her arm lmao

No. 2034564

Can you revert testosterone effects or is fanny destined to look like a fat filipino 18yo boy forever? i find the mental image of fanny trying to shave her monkey arms and feminize her voice through some tims youtube tutorials amusing. Karma's real because this lolilarper being forever trapped in a hideous body even the vilest lolicon discord mod would find disgusting is hilarious.

No. 2034578

>gave her tits
shes fat and titless she wishes she had any kek so she copes by larping as a "loli", amazing work though

No. 2034579

Good point, she got the titchop, which she regrets, right?

No. 2034585


Clit growth, body/facial hair growth, voice, and male pattern baldness are irreversible after coming off of T, so fanny is stuck like that

No. 2034605

she wishes

No. 2034633

thank you for your kind words anons ♥
tits are there because i just edited on top of fanny's own drawing from >>2034118 but the resemblance got lost in the process
i guess kekk

No. 2034662

File: 1726492678198.jpeg (1.08 MB, 600x3123, IMAGE_STITCHING_jpeg (1).jpeg)

Fanny answered the backlash she got for drawing a comic inspired by the Mazan serial rape case.

No. 2034668

Late but I've been cackling at this for 5 solid minutes kekk

No. 2034669

"How dare you use a real serial rape case to criticize me!!" but there's no self awareness over the way she uses real FGM victims as artistic reference for porn lmfao I hope this bitch deletes her account.

No. 2034674

Fanny acting like the mother Theresa of degens kek "MY impact on the world"

No. 2034676

>MY impact on the world
the only impact the world is feeling is her fat ass. gotta delude herself into thinking she has done anything with her life the only thing you accomplished in becoming fanny is a lolcow

No. 2034680

Yeah it is, she talked about it on Tumblr

No. 2034684

sage for ot and blogpost, but do you think she'd improve a bit if she had a normie boyfriend? I knew someone a little like her(though not as degen) like fanny, she was a virgin who would post about all sorts of kink shit all the time on tumblr, then she met a regular guy at university and being with him slowly helped her become more normal, even after they broke up, she stayed pretty normal(blogging)

No. 2034686

>a moid could fix her
nothing can, someone like fanny who has even broken the familial bond and turned into something as depraved as drawing your self insert in the face of your sister fucking your own dead father is doomed to reenact it again in any relationship, she has drawn a comic where a pregnant lyn hopes that the baby is a man unless it fathers rapes it; theres no fixing someone as degenerate as her if she ever dates and becomes a mother you know she will be the type mother who lets her husband rape and molest his daughters and then blames it on her own daughter for it happening because shes a pickme if god has a sense of humor i hope all that t she used made her infertile

No. 2034688

>"When's lawyers say 'there's rape and rape', they're not saying this because they get off to fictional rape porn on Twitter. They're saying it because they're misogynistic, abusive men"
not all squares are rectangles, but all rectangles are squares.

No. 2034689

samefag but to elaborate, not all people critical of rape allegations are misogynists, but all people that get off to the abuse of women are

No. 2034694

File: 1726501345874.png (202.01 KB, 828x1792, IMG_5397.png)

she's seething

No. 2034695

Considering how she looks, I think she used T for long enough to screw up her hormones, so that's one silver lining at least.

No. 2034698

Fanny is perfectly fine with misogynist rapist moids as long as they id as left leaning &/or wear a skirt. Doesn't she defend the whole propara & rad queer mindset?

No. 2034700

why do you think she hates women so much? she has near 0 chance of getting a bf, she's fat, ugly, autistic, stinky, hairy and has no tits. no job or income as well, so she's useless to settling incel moids. even moids with virgin or detransed fetishes don't want her IRL because there's better options. also, too woman hating and mentally ill for the "i can fix her" crowd that likes to turn pooners or whores into tard wifes.

No. 2034711

>you are massively weird for writing fanfic about me
laika girl right here has GOT to be trolling lol

No. 2034718

File: 1726506252097.jpg (Spoiler Image,449.15 KB, 1891x1414, disgust.jpg)

>You are massively weird for writing fanfic about me like this. Please get help
NTA but okay Fanny, if this is fanfic let me help get this writer some fucking sources. First of all get your head out of your ass, this anon was not insinuating you inspired a serial rapist of 10+ years when your null account doesn't even date back that far, retard, they're making a very gentle but true point: "Unfortunately, you still feed in a culture : the rape culture." It would be one thing if this whole Cy universe was a story on how an abuser gets away with his abuse his whole life, disturbing yes, but could be handled in a way to tell a horrific story without fetishising the abuse depicted. Instead, it's obvious from your overt focus in real life and within your writing on the sexually explicit scenes, and your coomchamber of a discord server, that this IS all jerk off fodder. Don't want to repeat caps so see >>2034081 >>2034074 for Fanny's porn of male partner helping a rapist rape his drugged up gf just like Pelicot, or my caps behind spoiler of Cy raping college girl Gloria when she's too drunk, seen earlier upthread, a character who never receives justice and is betrayed by witness Lynn, just like Gisele Pelicot who suffered for years because the countless witnesses online and in person who never stood up for her. I don't think it's morally reprehensible to compare rape porn to real life rape cases, I think what's really immoral and disgusting is to be the creator of porn that mimics real rape culture, subjugating women just like in real life, fetishises rape and FGM, and continues to upload and profit off of this as a world-famous rape trial is currently ongoing in your country Fanny and made public because brave Gisele decided to name and shame him and spread awareness. There is no fantasy and no fiction in recreating oppression just as it appears in real life. This is what truly disturbs me about Fanny and motivates me to keep logging her crap.

Btw, I double checked my logs and I have every single WIP saved dating back to 2021, thanks for not purging that one (AFAIK) kek. Nonnas once I get to figuring out a way to upload these images to a filesharing site they will be posted, but in the meantime my archives are safe. It requires my sorting the images to exclude avatars and reaction images for readability's sake and finding a platform to post them safely and without signing up for extra storage.

No. 2034726

she's kinda right honestly. Her art is gross, yes, but moids have been raping and killing for centuries before twitter and the internet existed.

No. 2034730

File: 1726507404755.jpg (Spoiler Image,170.25 KB, 1675x1356, logs.jpg)

samefag, picrel is what I mean about the logs.

No. 2034733

There's nothing even remotely explicit being shown here, it's so disturbing how she so blatantly gets off solely to women's pain and trauma. Tysm discord nona, looking forward to your uploads also, how good is your tranny coomer larp discord that Fanny kicked out some other rando when finding out about the breach kekk
That's not what's being said at all, how do you have the same level of reading comprehension as Fanny? Don't make me hi cow, retard

No. 2034739

>That's not what's being said at all
yes, it is. Sending spergy messages to fanny claiming her dogshit mspaint doodles feed ''rape culture'' is stupid because men have been raping and murdering since before the internet was a thing. You are making her feel like a martyr by treating her ugly art so importantly like it could seriously affect real life in any way when in reality shes a run of the mill pickme coomer that are dime a dozen and not an ''uwu prosecuted'' taboo artist like she wants to feel.

No. 2034741

KEK, I know she's watching and seething

No. 2034747

>There's nothing more disgusting than instrumentalizing abuse
True, but tell that to all the moids/troons who pull out dubious 'facts' about CSA to justify their loli addiction
This feels unusually realistic, i have to wonder if she gets off to victim's testimonies or if this is autobiographical

No. 2034755

>i have to wonder if she gets off to victim's testimonies
I unfortunately think that this is the case, given her fixation on FGM and her fixation of college students being raped by their professor (her ugly fatso OC) and romanticizing abusive relationship. The thought of it makes me sick.

No. 2034758

She’s too far gone kek. She’s a weirdo for the average person and I’m sure she can’t keep her weirdness to the point that she seems normal and she’s not that attractive that you can ignore it and find it cute and “manic pixie”. It’s like those autistic males who have not been socialized by their parents and who spew the first thing their brain tells them.

No. 2034761

Nona you are based af.
Seconding, she absolutely gets off to the testimonies of rape victims. It was already bad enough that she drew Lynn getting off to the raped woman's story, but to actually have drawn the rape itself so she could masturbate to it herself… her mind is so fucking twisted by porn, it's insane. She has absolutely zero sense of empathy or morality.

No. 2034777

It's true she'll probably find a socially well-adjusted normie guy, but it's a kind of naive way to think she'll never get a boyfriend, she could get one, but it will most likely be some fat degenerate porn-addict she met on discord

No. 2034778

is bottom left showing that lola has also had fgm? shes so fucking uncreative i cant be shocked anymore

No. 2034779

nonnie, these men don't go after women past 20…

No. 2034781

Men go after any woman regardless of age. Most of giselle rapists had cp in their hardrives. I think its retarded to imply that Fanny needs to be ''fixed'' by a scrote and it reads like weird kiwifag tradthot fanfiction. All men are degenerates, her dating a moid would do nothing to ''fix'' her because her mental illness steems from wanting validation from men. The only way to fix a pickme is stripping her of male validation and teaching her how to live without it.

No. 2034785

afaik lola wanted joji to stitch her pussy up or cut her clit off or something? i don't remember exactly but Just FannyTranny Tingz, amiright

No. 2034789

Yes, she asked her boyfriend to cut off her clit as a show of commitment to their relationship in lieu of a name tattoo or engagement ring. Which is pretty much exactly what Lynn did except that Lola was more enthusiastic about it. Her black "lesbian" character who fucks men also had her clit cut off, but it was hinted at that it was from actual traditional FGM instead of an extreme kink thing, which is even more fucked up to fetishize.

No. 2034790

>i have to wonder if she gets off to victim's testimonies or if this is autobiographical
Definitely victims testimonies, she probably wishes she got raped for the same reason male trannies wish it: It would make her feel soo desirable and womanly (even though we know moids constantly rape women they don't even find attractive).
she'd have to leave the house to even have the possibility to get a normie guy, and even then it'll be on maximum difficulty. Didn't her ex college classmate say she smelled, talked to herself and was hanging out with the tumblr weirdos until they dumped her?
That's her ass, nonnie, but Lola has had fgm, there's a drawing in prev thread where she asks Joji to cut it off. Her lesbian OC with the eye patch is also clitless, she's so fucking unoriginal

No. 2034798

File: 1726519023295.png (110.4 KB, 903x809, poll.png)

>it was hinted at that it was from actual traditional FGM instead
I can't be bothered to find the cap rn but the way Fanny puppeteered this lesbian OC into saying "yes it's totally okay that you find my trauma sexually arousing" was just sick not to mention a lazy writer's cop out.
Wanted to point out that her followers voted for this by a landslide over the other lighter options. Imagine creating a following so debased they beg for rape porn and you make it for them and they love you for it.

No. 2034799

nta but next to her prolapsed anus is a picture of her mutilated genitals, its easy to miss. they are correct, it is right there.

No. 2034801

>hard candy
uhh do i wanna know whats that

No. 2034802

It is a film where a young girl lures a pedophile in order to murder him (the girl is played by Ellen Page)

No. 2034803

It's an Ellen Page movie from the 2000s about a girl who hunts down and kills pedophiles. Kate is the student Cyrus groomed, so the comic would probably be about how awkward it would be for the two of them to watch that together.

No. 2034804

File: 1726519750142.jpg (117.94 KB, 1640x734, hc.jpg)

Beyond tarded

No. 2034807

did she draw cy grooming a ''male'' student?

No. 2034808

File: 1726520060781.jpeg (Spoiler Image,441.05 KB, 601x684, IMG_1579.jpeg)

I found the cap where it's hinted that Robin was a childhood FGM victim.

No. 2034811

kek exactly
>its retarded to imply that Fanny needs to be ''fixed'' by a scrote
>stripping her of male validation and teaching her how to live without it.
You're spot on, but i really think she suffers from a lack of positive attention. Fanny is at the very bottom of the desirability hierarchy. She's not that ugly (in my opinion) but her life choices landed her there and women in this situation tend to live in a parallel reality, especially if they have low self-esteem. They get treated horribly by moids around them and whatever attention they get is completely devoid of affection. They don't get dates, they don't get all the fluff of courting and they certainly don't get into long-term relationships. Women like Fanny think that being DMed by troons asking for a quick fuck is validating and flattering. They have no healthy frame of reference and this is probably exarcebated by Fanny's autism. Getting the kind of attention other women get from their boyfriends/flings could snap her out of this warped mindset and make her realize she deserves more than a fanclub of skinny greasy gooners. She could date a weird autist who cares for her and realize whatever she's getting out of being muh extreme kinkster isn't that worthwhile.

No. 2034816

File: 1726521044450.png (26.05 KB, 722x125, Screenshot 2024-09-16 220906.p…)

No she hasn't posted the 3rd place request yet.

No. 2034819

The way Robin's gf talks about her fgm scars is so viscerally bad, like she's happy Robin has suffered so much. Fanny is disgusting, portraying this as a completely normal and ok thing to say. Also no woman would speak like this. A troon maybe, but a woman would not see a fgm victim and go oh wow it's so pretty i bet it hurt haha. Fucking lunatic.

No. 2034824

It’ll probably be a troon too, a lot of her orbiters are troons. Gross to think that this fat hoe is into lesbian rape and has trannies surrounding her at the same time

No. 2034835

File: 1726524116847.jpeg (1.97 MB, 1873x3329, IMG_9372 (1).jpeg)

Terry, fanny's ex friend from her laika days, is another french degenerate ex-tif artist who succesfully turned her life around. She used to draw her oc sex pesting and torturing lisa simpson, got mass reported, and resurfaced a few months later as a wholesome spirou yaoi artist on some obscure art site that doesnt have likes/rts or other forms of getting attention. It shows these pickmes draw that disgusting shit for moid attention/validation and once you take the moids out of the equation they can fix themselves fairly quickly and become somewhat normal. Fanny could do the same, but unlike Terry she doesn't have anything going on for her that isnt coom. Fanny knows this and its why she keeps memeing herself into more autistic fetishes. She knows the only appeal of her art is the obscure fetish shit she draws, and that without it she wouldnt have a fanbase because her art is trash.

No. 2034836

My discord milk is stuck in transit. Does anyone have suggestions for file sharing that allows large uploads? Last resort is to contact KF archiver but I want to remain anonymous. That's also why I haven't signed up for an account with mediafire or similar in exchange for more storage. PS sorry this is a doublepost, at last attempt I didn't sage correctly.

No. 2034839

> Her black "lesbian" character who fucks men also had her clit cut off, but it was hinted at that it was from actual traditional FGM instead of an extreme kink thing, which is even more fucked up to fetishize
Among all the other obvious problems, this seems extremely racist (and not like a "casting choice" that would be made out of ignorance considering the research that Fanny has undoubtedly done on this topic.) I'm surprised nobody has given her shit for this yet, even among her nasty coomer audience.

No. 2034840

anonfiles. You could also make a protonmail account.

No. 2034856

That linework and draftsmanship achieved traditionally is seriously impressive. Look at what one can do if they stop drawing for pedophiles and misogynists

No. 2034858

Curious what's her new account? Always thought Terry was talented (especially compared to her former ilk like Fanny) but centered herself too much around degenerate moids. Abandoning the troon & lolishit seems like a good sign

No. 2034862

File: 1726527768967.jpg (125.87 KB, 1080x755, 1697086982403.jpg)

the difference is that terry is a good artist, fanny isnt. Funnily enough terry is a STEM student kek, i would be so ashamed if i got mogged by someone that didnt even attend art school.

old milk but she also confirmed the laika larp was not real. I wonder if she knows fanny irl, they used to be really friendly back in the day.

No. 2034865

I'm pretty sure she got a bit of shit for it considering she was complaining about it on discord going "but Lynn and Lola also got their clits cut off and they're asian and white! checkmate antis!"
Sorry for spoonfeed req but can anyone elaborate? How did fanny throw her under the bus? I thought all her ex friends just distanced themselves from her because her coomery got too bad

No. 2034866

Terry was outted as a terf & everyone in her proship sphere threw her to the wolves.

No. 2034869

she wasn't even a terf with that coomer rape art of hers lmao, just transphobic

No. 2034871

File: 1726529238220.jpg (664.51 KB, 1080x1474, 1697097421785.jpg)

imagine how based she could have been if she found this place first before going deep into troondom and moid coomerism. Wouldnt surprise me if null was jealous of her art skills, these catty bitches always are cancelling eachother over jealousy. I wish Terry would have also been catty enough to out null being laika.

No. 2034883

That laptop doesn't have enough crumbs/pubes stuck in the crevices

No. 2034884

possibly derailing but how do we know this is actually her? i've seen dozens of anons on here claim this rando is terry but no one has ever posted definite proof its her. pls i want to believe shes more well-adjusted now.

No. 2034886

File: 1726530812065.png (21.72 KB, 204x246, 1620656509194.png)

>one day I ate 14 plates of rice
Just the one day?

No. 2034893

similar artstyle, both are frenchies, she also started posting again in that account a few days after she stopped posting on her wicker acc.

No. 2034899

I gotta be honest, anon: not every single degen tif artist turns out like this. Just because they get mocked off the internet for a bit doesn't mean they all wise up. A lot of deviantart attention whores back in the day went through the same thing, and very few of them actually shaped up and became normal, responsible adults because of it. I think it ranges from person to person. Fanny is beyond saving. I've never seen a woman as fucked up as her.

No. 2034900

Terry was worse to be honest. At least fanny hasnt drawn loli guro yet. Getting off the internet is the only thing that could fix these freaks, not getting a nigel like tradthots want.

No. 2034903

Place your bets, everyone. As for the "getting a nigel", I 100% agree with you. No man would want her. The only way they'd put up with her trannyness was if she had a pleasing (read:submissive) personality, and wasn't fucked up in the head. She doesn't. The only way they'd put up with her fucked-up fetishes and "omg teehee I'm such a horny badass" shit is if she was insanely hot and was a literal fuckmaid. She isn't (I mean, fuck, look at her bedroom).

No. 2034911

>No man would want her.
men love crazy bitches like her that indulge them in their degeneracy stop acting as if men are pure angel with standards and not pornsick degenerates that would kill for their own bangmaidens

No. 2034914

I didn't say they were. I'm saying men's only standards are: if she's not hot, she has to be submissive. That's it.

No. 2034915

Shes literally dating some troon from her server.

No. 2034920

File: 1726532925165.png (141.96 KB, 596x656, 1000027650.png)

Also she drew herself for one of the daily challenges and it looks like every other self portrait she's done

No. 2034931

Do we know who this is yet? I'm surprised nonas haven't mentioned it much, is it the tranny who fingered her while she slept on his couch after she mentioned liking somno or someone else?

No. 2034953

Female lolifags are more often than not transphobic. They just keep it a secret since troons are almost always overly accepting degenerates. They're like clownfish and anemones.

No. 2034966

love it but we need a titchop edit, she still looks better than the real fanny

No. 2034978

>I'm surprised nobody has given her shit for this yet, even among her nasty coomer audience
Because the only thing audiences like Fanny’s care about is “transmisogyny.” They’ll happily accept sex pests, pedophiles, groomers, and bigots, but the instant someone stops worshipping TIMs they go ballistic.

No. 2034997

FUCKKKKK i love her art nona…. I actually thought of her as a 'problematic fave' when she got cancelled for her lisafagging I had no idea they were the same person holy shit
>It shows these pickmes draw that disgusting shit for moid attention
Terry didn't give me that impression, it's more likely she was shocked into dropping her loli waifu (at least in public)
>Fanny knows this and its why she keeps memeing herself into more autistic fetishes

No. 2035001

i am unironically convinced terry was a represed straight woman. She was never into lisa she just did it because of her moid larp. Now that shes free from her moid disguise she can draw her cringe old man yaoi like any other weeby straight woman her age.

No. 2035031

I can believe that, the dramatic change in subject matter is puzzling. I'll assume that autistic/really nerdy female artists are more genuine in their fetishes, but it's not exactly backed by anything

No. 2035042

Do you have more info on that, nona?

No. 2035045

>Female lolifags are more often than not transphobic
doubt it, most female lolifags ive seen were always pro futa or troon shit so were shotafags. a pedophile has no virtues

No. 2035112

undoubtably. i think theres a not uncommon thing with autist women who dont understand and cant accept the socially enforced heterosexual dynamic and get convinced that theyre probably gay partially because of this and partially because they experience their most formative intimate moments with close female friends in childhood/teenage years. then as they get older and their development catches up a bit they have the opportunity for self reflection and asking themselves what they really want. i think this is why theyre often yaoi-crazed too, its an outlet for heterosexual moid obsession without having to look at/think about the worse aspects of retarded heterosexual dynamics

No. 2035156

sage for ot but i have known at least 2 ex fujotifs who were like that, most of their lives they were convinced they were lesbian because they couldn't imagine a man being a woman and only when they transitioned did they start identifying as gay(i.e straight) and when they realized how fucked up they were and tried to live like normal people, they made peace with their real sexuality(blogging)

No. 2035243

Accurate, many women (autistic or not) comfortably grow in their sexuality well into adulthood.
>get convinced they're gay partially
Well, a lot of them are. They're bisexual and repulsed by their demonic teenage male peers
Here you go. It's some histrionic nothingburger of a callout but there are eyebrow-raising details. I kek'd at the 41 jokes transcripts https://dezcallout.neocities.org/

No. 2035303

>shes only 21
oh wow terry must be fuming that someone almost 10 years younger than her is better at art

No. 2035406

File: 1726622889604.png (99.96 KB, 767x628, Screenshot 2024-09-18 022405.p…)

>t. loser titchopped slob making less than minimum wage making really bad porn

No. 2035409

File: 1726623019418.png (113.23 KB, 787x588, Screenshot 2024-09-18 022546.p…)

If anyone needed further convincing, I think we can infer from this message that whoever found Fanny's real name and family got it correct kek

No. 2035415

Didn't Tuckbruise get cancelled for faking cancer?

No. 2035422

KEK She should come chill here instead of /co/.

No. 2035430

>its about my art!
she wants to be prosecuted for her totally unique and taboo art so badly. She wouldnt be milky enough for a thread if she kept to herself and drew her disgusting shit like all the other dime a dozen degens on twitter. Terry also drew disgusting shit and she never warranted a thread because she kept her mouth shut. She's milky because she larped incest with her dead dad, because her art is laughably bad and poorly written and because shel larps as a loli uguu jailbait despite being almost in her 30s and fat.

No. 2035441

she's so fucking dumb… literally could have said that we got it wrong and the sister is just some random woman. but no, she just had to confirm it. kek

No. 2035464

>confirming it
Jesus Christ, this tard. She could've said "some random woman" or not even mention it at all.

No. 2035495

Kek as if she had anyone to tell this to besides:
1. her family, who she lies to and only shows the most vanilla drawings while excluding all the main degeneracy people "stalk her" over and
2. her coomer server who OF COURSE see nothing wrong with her art because they paid $5 to join and talk about their serial killer tier fetishes in great detail
>trip with a friend
could this be the tranny she's e-dating or does she have other actual friends?

No. 2035501

wait what? what part is the actual CP reference? i don't want to google this but i always assumed it was based solely on the hentai comic.

No. 2035517

I hate this term so much. Reading the shit you post online then talking about it isn't stalking you retard.

No. 2035523

Right? Like the maximum effort needed to find dirt on her is a few keystrokes and $5 discord entry fee, she hasn't even tried to hide her personal information. Stalkers my ass, fanny just has no sense of shame or internet safety lol.

No. 2035526

literally what does this retard do all day other than draw porn? She's always projecting

No. 2035527

How is she so stupid to let this happen twice, didn't she also get doxxed during her Laika larp? the fact that she still had her tumblr up with posts about her school and where she lives from like 2017 is crazy

No. 2035531

sorry boo but doxxing someone with ease utilizing an abundance of publically-available information based on a decade of you knowingly over-sharing on the internet is not stalking. dont flatter yourself. youre not chris-chan

>deeply sad and alone people with nothing going on in their lives

kek…most of us have received more unwanted male attention than you will receive in the remaining years of your life with your mangled pcos-looking ass. weve dealt with our own personal cy’s unlike you, hence why your brand of online cancer is particularly abominable to women without brain rot. your skull is full of dead shriveled-up neurons and porn is your lifeblood, we are not the same

No. 2035537

If I woke up with this tattooed on my body, I'd kms

No. 2035570

cannot believe you feral bitches got horny over male lynn

No. 2035573

I had to unfollow because, while I can handle stuff like this, the underage boy shit she retweets just makes my stomach turn

No. 2035582

Honestly think she feels more threatened by lolcow is because she’s getting her misogyny noticed for once. She gets so bothered when we talk about her misogynistic dynamics and how the moids never get abused, she’s always sperging about “well it’s just drawn porn!! let me enjoy what i want!!” to tip toe around everything being said

No. 2035597

are you talking of another cow? null doesnt rt shota

No. 2035608

nayrt but that's her best quality so far

No. 2035629

File: 1726662984785.jpg (1.04 MB, 1920x2400, 20240918_044150.jpg)

I really doubt it, nonnie. She just retweeted a bunch of old art including many I hadn't seen, such as: pedo Cartman cutting Lynn's clit with a needle until she safewords, Cartman taunting his rape victim's friend telling her no one will believe her, Lynn eating Cartman's ass (who knew she was the infamous rimjob kween from the Shayna thread?), and more. Though it's a nice thought she might actually be gaining a conscience by reading how normal people outside her degenerate coomer yesmen circlejerk react to her depravity, but I doubt it

No. 2035634

don't fall for it nona. she's obviously making shit up now because she knows that discord nonny's gonna post the logs to here anyways kek. what a posing loser.

No. 2035643

Shit like this makes me think god is real and Fanny has been sent to us as an ultimate temptation test. It is really tempting to alog her and bully the fuck out of her ass. What makes me truly mad is that retards will see this shit and will unironically think that this is "feminist", despite the last panel hinting at the irony. I personally know few porn addicts who fell down this thinking trope and it's nauseating.

No. 2035660

This shit is so autistic. Lynn has been written very inconsistently. It's like the character doesn't get off to the acts committed on her, or by fatfuck Cartman, but by being miserable and abused. But it's also like she doesn't get off on that, either, because here she is remembering the abuse and being displeased at the woman's false notion. It's like Fanny also doesn't get off on this stuff naturally, but has been cooking to degenerate tumblr porn for so long. It's like all her stuff is made by her thinking about the most degenerate thing she can think, and the reality of the situation doesn't really matter because she's so autistic and she's scrambling for degeneracy so she can get off to it. She doesn't get off to this stuff in and of itself, she just gets off to the "wrongness" and extremity of it. She could change the characters to whatever other set of male and female characters, she's not actually attracted to them at the end of the day.

No. 2035671

File: 1726674214936.jpeg (140.36 KB, 1080x741, IMG_9335.jpeg)

According to Fanny, Lynn is with Cartman because…when he beats and rapes her, it’s better than the other time she was beaten and raped. It makes no sense and she definitely only gets off on how “wrong” it is like an edgelord.

Hilarious how she doesn’t realize she wrote that the supposedly super charismatic and charming pedo Cartman only has a wife because she settled.

No. 2035672

I always have the impression that Lynn is just written like a victim of gaslighting, who knows she’s been told so many lies but pretends to live in a more comfortable “reality” instead.
She’s on the brink of realizing she’s with an awful man, but instead of breaking the cycle she’s reinforcing it and spreading it to others too(sage your shit)

No. 2035695

Fanny is too autistic to come up with something like this.

No. 2035705

Yeah, Lynn is always written super inconsistently because Fanny writes her in this very moidish way where she's supposedly a smart, disciplined, seemingly frigid woman with self respect who secretly wants to be humiliated and abused in every way possible by revolting scrotes when in reality it doesn't work that way. Women like Lynn do exist, but as you'd expect they're severely mentally ill traumatized pickmes with immense self esteem issues. Lynn is "traumatized", but Fanny refuses to explore it further or actually write her like a realistic victim of rape and mutilation would act.
Lynn hates being cheated on and they fight about it constantly, but gets off to her husband raping teen girls. Cartman loves to cheat on his wife with teens, but gets instantly triggered when one of them mentions his wife and starts sperging about how she's "insulted Lynn" and how offensive it is to imply they have marital issues. Lynn will safeword when Cartman is making cuts on her clit with a needle, but won't when he forces her into a surgery to cut her clit off forever. Lynn has little to no sympathy for Cartmans victims and is willing to lie to defend her groomer, but is also soo kind she forces him to break up gently with her favorite student because she knows she has issues. Fanny basically picks and chooses what moral code they're gonna have for the day and that's it, it's so lazy. Especially since she thinks she's exploring these dark subject matters

No. 2035713

tbh the way lynn is written is pretty typical for a 'in an abusive relationship but it's hot' female protagonist. She has to both love and hate while also denouncing and approving of Cy's treatment of her and others– it's part of the dirty-bad-wrong-but-sexy aspect people like Fanny get off to. It's basically edgy whump or dark romance, and she thinks it's more than the insipid fapfodder that it is because she believes she's adding nuance or depth in the 'Lynn talks to other people' or 'Lynn mildly disapproves of Cys actions as he does them' comics. She also does these things for 'comedy' as well.

No. 2035727

the salty coins and milk part is referencing the '' vicki'' series.

No. 2035729

kek this is so poorly drawn i cant even find it disgusting, just painfully cringe.

No. 2035781

Kinda fucked up how both her parents have so many works attributed to their names, but all fanny has are rape comics on Twitter and what. One short about seals? kekk

No. 2035795

she treats misogyny like it’s a quirky little joke. So cringe, like she uses the amount of irony that’d you see in a kids movie to demonstrate abuse towards women kek

No. 2035816

This is not milk. Her mom is not a cow. Also
>specifically linking the contact page
You're not slick. Stop encouraging cowtipping.

No. 2035828

she looks like a gigastacy, how did her daughter turn out so fat and ugly?

No. 2035848

She posted a comic about her parents fighting because of how retarded she was, so I assuming autism.

No. 2035872

She's the youngest child, no? Maybe Iusse's sperm was already geriatric by then and she came out retarded

No. 2035889

the only justice in this world for a woman like fanny is the fact that she will be scraping the bottom of the barrel until she dies

No. 2035908

File: 1726704095602.png (345.14 KB, 816x736, 219487.png)

Going to sperg for a second but as an artist I cannot stand Fanny's work on a technical level. From this piece alone I hate the composition and personal pet peeve tiny skull on Cartman here. There is zero room for a human brain in that thing. Why is the glass of wine so prominent while Lynn has fucked off to the upper corner with far less clarity? Is this a fic about alcohol or is it about CyLynn? I know it's been said but still I'm forever appalled at how she makes any sort of living off of this, that she ever received any formal training for this, when it is so bad. Is anyone here keeping up with her fics as well?

No. 2035911

composition is the least of her problems. Her anatomy is absolute dogshit everyone looks like they are made out of playdoh. She clearly doesn't love drawing and does it only as a mean to gain attention from deranged male troons and pickmes. If the internet didnt exist she wouldnt draw.

No. 2035914

File: 1726704930063.jpg (140.52 KB, 1002x1481, lol.jpg)

Observe Fanny, a French woman, telling someone from Minnesota what the weather in Minnesota is like. I bet she wishes she could go back to the raised in New Jersey larp just to have some ground to stand on here.

No. 2035916

>Cy's a chilly bitch
Dude is fat as fuck! Fat guys barely even get cold in the winter. She really cannot take even a sniff of criticism or admit she might be wrong in any case.

No. 2035917

File: 1726705492558.jpg (1011.05 KB, 1920x2160, 1000027677.jpg)

She posted the finished piece on twitter and its actually worse than her usual coloring kek this whole piece just looks so messy & unpleasant to look at

No. 2035918

That Fr*nch colonizer mentality couldn't be suppressed forever kek

No. 2035919

I know it's probably supposed to be a bruise but it looks like she's glued a piece of beef jerky to her tit lmao. Also I skimmed through this fic, she's laying there like that because of the scene were Cartman talks about how much he wants to fuck his students while fucking Lynn who is pretending to be a corpse (she says "doll" but I wouldn't put it past Fanny to be into necrophilia at this point.)

No. 2035921

Fanny is so off-putting no wonder she keeps losing friends. According to EMCA anon she became too much even for the tumblr crowd at the school which makes perfect sense.

No. 2035923

Lmao this objectively sucks from a composition standpoint tf is this color palette and placement and as the other anon said the beef jerky tit kekkk

No. 2035924

i hate her gradient map coloring style so much it hurts my eyes

No. 2035925

Why even go to art school if your art looks like it's straight from tumblr

No. 2035931

Loving the fakedeepness of this whole piece! Lynn's 'necklace' just makes the rest of her body look like it's crammed into a skintight suit.

No. 2035933

I have seen better art covers for wattpad one direction yaoi fanfics

No. 2035960

Did she just give up on this or something? This is so incredibly bad, even for her. Kek at the orb wine glass and Simpson skin with no coherent composition, chicken scratch font on the phone, and complete lack of contrast (biggest sin)

No. 2035962

She doesn't make a living off of it at all, nona, she's being maintained by Mommy Perret. Though I am also appalled anyone gives a shit about her retarded ugly OCs at all, even if it's just autistic trannies

No. 2035968

she overuses gradient map filters to hide how shit and lazy her art is

No. 2035993

I can't get over how hard Fanny tried to structure the cover of this shit like a whimsical shoujo romance manga. I love Cy's vacant aspie stare and gormless half-grin. I adore Lynn ~symbolically~ floating in space. I love that the linework looks like something an early AI model shat out. Then there's the pack of sugar labeled SUGAR, symbolizing Cy's struggle with diabetes. There's the phone, pencil and eraser in case you forgot he was a teacher that fucks his students. I love the lazy overlay background and pissy jaundice gradient map. It's all just trying so hard. She wants her microcephalic lardass to be a charming sadist mastermind so bad.

No. 2035996

no one is saying her art is inspiring moids to rape, jus that it's utterly tasteless and depraved to usee a particularly horrible irl rape trial as fap fodder and inspo for your porn comic
mama also went to the two most prestigious film and animation schools in france. faany went to a smaller provincial school which isn't that bad but definitely a downgrade compared to her folks.

No. 2036011

Cartman is having an exorcist moment here. Like another nona said, his head is super tiny. And the colors, Jesus Christ.

No. 2036028

She made it look as if Lynn is a corpse

No. 2036034

kek I can't unsee Cy's microcephalic skull. I know this has a gradient map on it but it's crazy how comfortable she is coloring her asian characters' skin straight up yellow, this is far from her first offense and she is SO obsessed with having asian characters

No. 2036035

yeah that's the least of her offenses, no need to go into nitpicky sjw nonsense to talk shit about fgm fanny

No. 2036039

File: 1726731701772.png (657.67 KB, 572x582, Capture d’écran 2024-09-19 à…)

it's not sjw nonsense to point out how ironic it is that she's obsessed with asians yet is absolutely arse at drawing them
that wine glass is a straight up sphere lmao. come on fanny, any frenchfag worth the name knows what a wine glass looks like.

No. 2036043

File: 1726733616462.png (40.33 KB, 600x323, muhcensorship.png)

fanny tranny acknowledges people rightfully finding her fgm fetish gross, yet continues to sweep it under the rug as a "proship vs anti" tumblr discourse thing. No ones censoring you bitch you're just nasty kek

No. 2036048

is she aware that to literally anyone who isn't a chronically online porn addict "null" just means zero…? "there's geniuses figuring out" as if her brainrot is some sort of common knowledge

No. 2036097


No. 2036144

I wonder if Asians are to the French what black people are to a white majority state American. No way this bitch has actually met any real Asians in her piss pot of a country, she just finds them trite and cute, like some kind of charismatic wild animal that she has a childish attachment to.

No. 2036166

my bad, yes her art sucks ass. i hate her facial expressions, she's so vile you can't have any empathy for her characters either.
also she makes such a big deal that they are ~high school teachers~ like that's intellectual and interesting, just goes to show how immature and socially isolated she is

No. 2036182

france has shitloads of asians, especially vietnamese and chinese. paris has two chinatowns.
fanny just can't draw an asian to save her life because she sucks at art.

No. 2036218


No. 2036225

Up until I read your post that's exactly what I thought was happening.

No. 2036246

She can't draw a straight clean line to save her life

No. 2036291

File: 1726792434611.png (340.96 KB, 1020x775, Screenshot 2024-09-20 011335.p…)

Last week I posted these logs linked above and since then, channel "lynn's stamp of disapproval" has been locked. As suspected, Fanny is regularly checking this thread and trying to sniff me out kekkekek. The log can't be deleted and is still available at above link, be warned it is nsfw lolishit I think.
Since then I've been trying to work out a way to reupload the logs with images, which proved difficult because the images clogged it all up so hard. I could update all these logs to include images, but mind you they are large and mediafire will prompt a download for viewing, these zips range from ~300mb to 3GB a piece, per channel. Won't bore you all with the why it can't be worked around, for now I'm just going to drop the wip channel, which IMO is the only channel worth downloading the images for, since this logs years of Fanny's art. Two warnings if you access it, it is the largest channel export at 3GB and it is very nsfw and disgusting. PS I deleted some image files like emojis and other misc.
If you click it will start download: https://www.mediafire.com/file_premium/fi198i9niahe8gi/wip_channel.zip/file
Otherwise behold 3rd place request, Fanny draws TIF Cy getting raped (except not really, just aftermath, because heaven forbid she inflict any real pain on Cy like she does her full women characters). You can see reactions here (60ish KB): https://www.mediafire.com/file_premium/82ua216gv0bpzv7/null%2527s_hangout_-_%25E2%25AD%2590wips%25E2%25AD%2590_-_Aaand_since_I%2527m_in_a_ftm_Cy_mood%252C_here%2527s_the_tr..._%255B1286440217942949930%255D.html/file

No. 2036294

File: 1726793019911.jpg (474.06 KB, 1979x3336, kek.jpg)

Only women can be raped in her media or in Fanny's totally progressive gendie view, only vulvas can be victimised

No. 2036296

I don't understand what's going on here.

No. 2036297

it's also incredibly un-erotic, sexless, and lazy. You can tell this is for brownie points and not out of any real passion like she normally draws women getting beaten and abused

No. 2036300

Apparently Eden rapes Cy in his (her) sleep? Lmfao, that character 180. Does Fanny the Tranny even know her own characters?

No. 2036301

I can’t get over this heinous beak nose she gives all her Asian characters genuinely losing my mind at this shit. Why does he have fucking Ratcliffe from Pocahontas’ nose

No. 2036302

Ooooh so when the victim is male, suddenly he's able to tell right from wrong. I don't get why she still pretends to herself that she doesn't get off to hating women. It's not like she has any honor or pride left, considering all the shit she posts online.

No. 2036303

The scribbles and purposely messy/smudged handwriting to make it look passionate… Fanny, you're such a fake bitch. Just give it up, none of the freaks in your circle would even bat an eye if you admitted your only kink was female harm anyways.

No. 2036304

No but for real…they’d probably all laugh about it and go “yeah tbh me too” because in the end they all do hate women in those degen little cesspools on discord etc

No. 2036309

Wow, this looks like shit. Hate to sound like a broken record but each new piece of "art" posted ITT is genuinely worse than the last.

No. 2036316

This is an AU where male Eden rapes female Cy. It's just mindboggling that Fanny goes all this way creating roadblocks, like that they're both ""men"" or that Cy is the dom, and still somehow subjugate the female.

No. 2036324

same. possibly her biggest and worst crime tbh. >>2036294
vaginal penetration is an unforgivable crime while violent gangrape and anal prolapse and clitoral nerve severing are comparatively a good time. have fanny's career, personality, and gender identity been determined entirely by an untreated case of vaginismus?

No. 2036328

Yep, her inner sexual world looks.. empty? Everything revolves around the lowest common denominator of pornographic sludge (hierarchy). She doesn't get off to odd things like Nemu, she doesn't display personal peculiarities that would only make sense in her erotic language. It's always 'man above, woman below'. This is something that people arrive to, depart from or struggle with in a back-and-forth. They come to this after years of porn addiction that strips away everything so that the only thing left is pedo/raceplay/pure misogyny slop. Or they grow out of bad events/porn as they gain sexual experience and find their true preferences. A lot of people nowadays are in an awkward in-between where they carry around some baggage alongside their personal taste. Fanny though? She's totally static, rehashing the same thing over and over again. I don't get it, there are so many sexless autist losers out there who make really unique art/smut that may or may not be horrifying, but something that still bears their mark.
>determined entirely by an untreated case of vaginismus?
That weirdly makes a lot of sense. Perhaps that's why she copes with 'anal focus' and maiming everything but her vagina. It's either that or she doesn't enjoy penetration and doubles down on degradation to conform to what she thinks is her place

No. 2036340

Why the fuck would manlynn retaliate against cartwoman for bullying him during sex in the first place? Isn't masochism what he supposedly gets off to? Like that's his whole deal? Her character inconsistency list only grows lol.

No. 2036344

thank you nonny, you're the backbone of this thread

No. 2036345


No. 2036346

File: 1726802408886.png (602.12 KB, 697x591, Screenshot 2024-09-19 at 22-18…)

gotta keep reminding everyone how young she looks you guys

No. 2036351

File: 1726803512794.png (546.05 KB, 697x591, totally jailbait.png)

the cope on this fatso to still draw herself like when she was 16 and pre T

No. 2036352

Why does she think she's such a loli kek. I still remember cringing when I saw her in her discord message leaks talking about being a smol loli kekw. This bitch is fucking fat with pre diabetes and sausage fingers, who does she think she is? you can tell after she tif'd out she decided to go into this baby loli girl larp because that's how she sees ALL women. Hate self hating women like her, you're no a loli, you're grown. Go make a spreadsheet

No. 2036353

My god what a cope, the rapist pedo moid would not think "jackpot" upon hearing your your old maiden age he'd be viscerally repulsed by you.

No. 2036355

I would have edited her face on both kek

No. 2036360

Its not unusual for pornsick pickmes to liken themselves to little girls to appeal to the pedo moids they want validation from. Fanny lives in delululand where she's a petite babyfaced hafu pseudololi and not a white, hairy, zippertit of average height and too much weight. She's the edgy tif version of the fat girl who overcompensates for her insecurity by acting hypersexual and feigning confidence. If she didn't get the tit chop she'd be yapping about their size every other day, ignoring the fact that the rest of her is also huge. Bitches like her badly want to be irl hentai categories so scrotes will jerk off to them. Just like the fujo tifs who think top surgery and rot dogs will turn them into the yaoi ukes of their dreams. The fact of the matter is that Fanny is so repulsive both inside and out that not even her made-up rapist scrotes would be attracted to her as she really is. I'd put money on her having little to no irl sexual or romantic experience that wasn't over the internet. She likes to flick the bean playing taboo bingo but wears her complex for teen girls on her sleeve. She copes with her rape FOMO by insisting she too is a slight, petite girly predators would jump at the chance to groom and not a doughy, foul smelling sow.

No. 2036362

KEK the only way she looks 16 is if we’re talking 16 year old hulking autist moid who simultaneously looks 30, never bathes and emanates worrying school shooter vibes.

No. 2036367

you're on point. no normal 26 yo that knows what a fulfilling relationship is uses her own sexuality and edginess to pander to the worst pedos on the internet and revel in their attention. at its core it's 12 year-old attention seeker behavior.

No. 2036443

She's like those Instagram/Tiktok girls who insist they're so teeny and childlike but when you take their filters off they look like dehydrated matrons kek

No. 2036444

File: 1726832154022.png (Spoiler Image,722.89 KB, 809x840, Screenshot 2024-09-20 123059.p…)

more "I'm such a loli" sorry for doublepost i forgot to spoil

No. 2036447

This is so cringe

No. 2036448

This is just nuclear levels of sad and embarrassing I had to re spoiler it post haste

No. 2036449

Her OC is so gross , he’s so ugly , I hate fat men.
Also kek at the way she drew herself, she’s tiny teeny small bean who looks 16 despite being 27 when in reality she’s a hairy, fat woman with a fucked up voice from T and no tits.

No. 2036452

Funny how she didn’t draw Cy raping her like he always rapes her other characters

No. 2036453

Did you notice how she drew herself holding the beer glass with two hands to emphasize how teeewwny twiiiiny she is kekkkkk short obese women are really funny to me they’re like human meatballs insisting they’re petite

No. 2036454

She doesnt hate herself, she hates other women.

No. 2036458

Why she has Harry Potter's scar?

No. 2036463

>Masters in computer science
>>2032906 by mastering HTML lel. This is cringy but what did she mean by this shit?

No. 2036465

I got second hand embarrassment from this shit.

No. 2036483

This has to be a troll. She has to be fucking with us. She can't be this delusional.

No. 2036485

Yeah, why does she? Couldn't tell at first because I thought it was just a product of her messy illegible style but it looks like she has another scar on her cheek. Her method of sketching is so shit…

No. 2036488

I felt a pang of compassion because of the breast detail in that last panel.
>Would you be interested in taking this coversation elsewhere
No tension, no flirting, robotic phrases… This reads like DM sliding by bored horny moids, bleak

No. 2036490

I REALLY want to know what that selfie she posted to the server looked like. Must've been photoshopped to hell and back if she can still sell the uguu smol loli image with how she actually looks irl, but then again her server is probably chock full of trannies who delude themselves into thinking they're anime girls.

No. 2036495

File: 1726839432119.png (Spoiler Image,322.68 KB, 1010x617, Screenshot 2024-09-20 143613.p…)

Another self draw, warning this one WILL make you throw up, she draws her own gaping asshole

No. 2036497

i get the feeling these are specifically in response to farmers…

No. 2036498

I love how she drew a fat woman next to her delusional OC as if that's how the cheerleader effect works kek

No. 2036499

keeekkkk holy shit i wonder if she does that in real life bars

No. 2036500

I thought she drew hairy asses at first kek

No. 2036501

Stuff like this makes me seriously question which of her degenerate OCs she self-inserts as because this gives me actual unironic lolicon vibes.
Maybe they think that because she kinda sorta looks like a fat 14 year old boy named Kyle then she must totally pull off the youthful petite loli thing kek

No. 2036506

oh nonny, you know damn well she doesn't go outside.

No. 2036552

File: 1726847771696.png (696.37 KB, 800x2000, 20240920_124316_0000.png)

I'm pretty sure it's meant to be blush, her art is just too shit to tell
KEKK same, do you think she sent pictures of when she was like 15? That's the only time she even remotely resembled how she draws herself now. In the logs post discord leak her coomer army is reminding everyone not to check the threads on her behalf, I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't give a shit about her personal info and just didn't want her army of troons finding out she's actually an obese zippertit testosterone beast instead of a doe eyed long haired skinny feminine loli kek (also love how they tried to act unbothered making jokes about shipping lolcow stalker "men" with fat furry trannies yet continued to blatantly freak out about being posted in the thread right after kekkkkk)
she really hasn't drawn herself fat once except for >>2034118 huh? It's so funny especially considering how triggered she gets at the thought of people drawing Cy thin. Anyways I highly doubt shes ever fucked her own ass at all, it feels like she'd be really attentionseeking about it and constantly post about her gaping asshole or her dildos if she did, it's all larp. She wants to be a male tranny soo bad

No. 2036557

The cult like damage control mindset is kek worthy as fuck lmao

No. 2036563

Insane nitpick and ot but 'babygore' is the weirdest fucking thing i've ever seen someone on the internet go by

No. 2036565

>Anyways I highly doubt shes ever fucked her own ass at all
IIRC she used to post pictures of dildos and her hairy asshole on her private twitter and it was neither very demure or loli. Fanny has the asshole of a middle aged big rig trucker
tinfoil, but she may be shitting out troll art in attempt to weed out the farmers in her server. Are they coming from channels you need permission to access?

No. 2036569

The dates on both pieces are from before the leak, one is two days before and the other is about two years before. I didn't need perms

No. 2036574


how come the alleged lesbian only ever fantasizes about having sex with cartman lol she couldn't be straighter if she tried

No. 2036606

File: 1726855566033.png (151.09 KB, 300x244, PkGnRMq.png)

I don't know if this is some kind of cope or whatever, like at least with 99% of other dark romance stories, no matter how abusive the 'daddies' are, at least their rich successful CEOs who over six feet tall and have eight-packs or are part vampire or werewolf, and yet she has to pair herself and her OCs with a disgusting overweight loser or trannies, It makes no sense

No. 2036607

>i got a master in computer science
i guess even she is ashamed of graduating art college while drawing like that

No. 2036610

limerence was about how sad she was her father never raped her a la mr garrison, this is about how she regrets trooning out as a teen and never being flirted with or attracting male attention in general.

No. 2036612

She's incapable of drawing anything with the correct proportions. Tiny skull with huge body on cy, huge head and tiny body on Lola.

No. 2036616

Is this the first time she mentions compsci?

No. 2036639

She actually dropped out of computer science before going to EMCA. It was all on her tumblr. That's why she graduated university at age 24 or something, in France you graduate from highschool at age 17. She only went to EMCA when she was 19/20.

No. 2036641

does this mean >>2036444 is also about how she regrets dropping out of comp sci for EMCA and still drawing like shit

No. 2036642

File: 1726862658640.png (5.71 MB, 1800x2051, 1000027680.png)

That's funny her insert has a masters in the thing she quit kek I wonder if she really does regret going to art school because it seems she didn't get shit out of it. Sorry to bring up Terry again but she doesn't just indulge in her autistic interests, she practices and is trying to improve her faults. When has Fanny posted a figure drawing or studies?(derailing)

No. 2036644

at the end of the day, the truest fantasy the edgy contrarian 'horny queer mess' has is for a big, burly guy to think she's smart and cute and sexy and take her home for some sweet, consensual, kink-free sex in the missionary position.

No. 2036658

She's mentioned "the sex face" a few times, it's even featured in one of her FGM oc's. Not that I want to think about this bitch naked but I'm so curious as to what expression she is actually making IRL. She portrays it as this uguu cutesy round eyed kitty mouth thing but we all know how she looks so what kind of retarded expression is she actually making kek.
It feels like some sort of autist cope for some kind of insult or insult adjacent thing that was said to her once.

No. 2036668

Can you stop sucking this retarded lolicon TIF's asshole already? I hardly considering drawing ugly balding men as admirable just because she had a come to Jesus moment and ceased drawing lisa simpson getting gang raped

No. 2036671

File: 1726865758655.png (486.99 KB, 610x397, IMG_9345.png)

Her violent rapist character is suddenly concerned for her self insert’s comfort and pleasure. >>2036444 hits the nail on the head kek

Notice her self insert looks like a younger Lynn. This obese titless French woman wants to be a demure little Asian girl so bad.

No. 2036675

Kek because she does NOT look like that. She’d be the same size as the fatty. She draws herself like a smol loli to compensate this shit is so cringe. She draws herself just like lynn

No. 2036677

So now she lies that she has a masters. She's so pathetic.

No. 2036684

Compulsive liars gotta compulsive lie.

No. 2036687

Terry is autistic about drawing, she draws for 4-6 hours a day it's pretty admirable. Fanny is almost 30 and doesn't have a single skill. She can't draw, she can't write, she failed compsci. I think one of the reasons why she sticks to the degen persona so much is because she has nothing else, she spent her 20s rotting on her bedroom and schlicking and never became good at anything or developed as a human. Sad.

No. 2036700

>incel lolcow stalker gross man

No. 2036711

someone mentioned in another thread but its not like fgm is a common fetish, or a procedure women can get safely. If fanny really has fgm photos like shes claimed then shes likely not saving fake porn but using real photos from victims who’ve been butchered

No. 2036713

kek my body had such a visceral reaction to this cringe that i immediately felt the urge to shit, i was really constipated too. Fanny >>> miralax

No. 2036723


No. 2036732

the word demure existed before the tranny made it into a trend nona.

No. 2036741

Damn so she really just drew that shit for fun, huh

No. 2036743

KEK exactly

No. 2036748

File: 1726878891563.png (91.38 KB, 604x582, wittle itty baby.png)

She calls it "dead eyed" but on the visual choice to infantilise herself here is her really astute response - her fans love the lolishit anyway so no need to think critically. But I genuinely think the corpse face thing is a sorry cope for having never actually enjoyed sex. That's the vibe I get from coomers with deranged kinks like her, if you need all that faff to fathom sex as enjoyable and not "boring" you're probably not having sex right and need to do some reflection and stay celibate until you're ready. But no, retraumatise yourself having sex your body hates and tell your partner "this is just the way I am! Wait, why are you turned off?" and then select for rapists so they love the sight of your apathy and don't bug you about it. I would feel sorry for her if she weren't honestly offensive to me about her fgm fetish, not to be pearl clutchy moralfag sjw like she called us but truly I have no empathy for such a thing.

No. 2036755

File: 1726880564645.jpeg (Spoiler Image,2.05 MB, 1722x13303, comic.jpeg)

This is an old WIP, has it been released as a full comic before? Spoiler for rapeshit but TLDR
>Lola gets raped and is traumatised
>Joji says it was him all along
>it's okay because she asked for it

No. 2036761

>Tuckbruise aka Ghost-Oakes active in Fanny's server
Dried milk and not worth a thread but holy shit. I wonder how many of Fanny's associates are lolcows in their own right. Birds of a feather flock together.

No. 2036762

This bitch is so disgusting i'm really struggling not to a-log right now. She wants to paint victims as willing participants so fucking bad (looks to me as if she's implying that women with a 'rape kink' - which is 99% of the time taken out of context/misunderstood - actually want to get forcefully violated by a stranger, and that women actually deep down desire to be raped, and that it's totes okay to fantasize about being the rapist because it's muh kink) it's absolutely insane. I seriously want to know what's her issue to make her hate women this fucking much. These levels of pickme are psychotic, i used to believe she was just a pickme and too pussy to actually do anything irl but i don't doubt for a second she'd instigate a rape just for moid brownie points.

No. 2036765

the ao3 of it all kek. coffee shop rape hurt-comfort AU up next

No. 2036767

i cant understand whats happening in 90% of this comic. Her chicken scratching game is insane.

No. 2036774

as someone who experienced a break-in/assault this is the grossest fucking thing to see all panel by panel when you know she’s shlicking it to the entire scenario just because she’s rotten inside. Fetishizing FGM the way she does, this should seem garden variety by comparison, but god do I want to a-log. figures she is fucking French, no offense to the sane French nonnas itt

No. 2036782

jesus christ nonnie, i hope you're okay
why does she try to frame it as if rape just becomes totes okay because a girl is so mentally fucked up she 'wants' it? if someone admitted that they actually wanted to be raped, the normal response would be to get them help or cut them off because that's weird, privileged and plainly there's something wrong with them, not fucking rape them you gormless oaf (but how would fanny know? the only 'people' she socializes with are level 6000 degentroons, what a life!). she tries to make joji in the right throughout this entire shitfest she calls a comic. this type of misogyny is genuinely baffling, one day it's gonna catch up on her lmao.

No. 2036815

fanny's twist is always "something really bad happened to her…and she got off to it! and then the kissed. the end"

No. 2036835


These bitches are clueless

No. 2036859

If they learn that this site is mostly women, in typical totally-real lesbian queer fashion, they're going to start fantasizing that everyone must be jealous of them, kek.

No. 2036893

I think this is the worst thing I've seen from her so far. Disgusting.

No. 2036989

File: 1726943390681.png (494.11 KB, 673x1080, 20240921_013729_0000.png)

Is it reaching to think this is in response to anons saying she uses limerance dadfu as an outlet for her more cancelable opinions and self inserts into Cartman? she's definitely lurking

No. 2036993

I find this particularly hilarious, she's so incredibly stupid. The "class struggle" in her disgusting misogynistic porn is that Cy, who represents the wealthy whites, abuses, mutilates, rapes, beats, and cucks the poor Asian woman, grooms and rapes children and forces said poor Asian woman to cover it up for him, but, get this, she's HAPPY to do it and WANTS to be abused! In fact, she was the one to introduce him to the idea of abusing and raping her! She's even the one to bring up FGM, and it's totally consensual! She's extremely happy in this relationship, this abuser is the only person that can make her happy and satisfy her! Of course, she gets a little mad at him routinely cucking her by raping children at their workplace, but in the end, she always obeys, because she knows her place and that's all she needs!
Btw I don't believe that she is a secret conservative, she's just so profoundly retarded she is genuinely unaware of these very obvious, surface-level themes in her porn, and her understanding of racism, misogyny, classism, etc is nonexistent. But I also believe she has a specific fetish for conservative men (her manic pixie dream dad character was either anti-tankie or anti-communist, while Cy is a full-blown conservative) as part of her mysogyny kink.

No. 2036998

File: 1726945234490.png (Spoiler Image,2.92 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1694.png)

She really can't get enough of drawing her fatsona raping kids huh.

No. 2037000

File: 1726945289651.jpeg (Spoiler Image,230.34 KB, 750x424, IMG_1693.jpeg)

samefag, and another favourite of hers, hatred for lesbians.

No. 2037010

kekkk Fannybananny who is calling you right-wing or conservative? Misogyny isn't politically exclusive. She wants her fap rag to be profound so bad.
This corrective rape fetish is just an excuse for pooner TIFs to flick it to het while keeping their queer card. Just like how they love "sexualized" transphobia, breeding and degradation. They'll do anything to deny that they're a desperate cock-hungry straight women. Fanny isn't bi, pan or lesbian and I don't think she even thinks they really exist.

No. 2037015

File: 1726948427400.jpg (46.28 KB, 800x450, 1000013900.jpg)

Every comic with them is like a corny comedy show with canned laughter and a single punchline of "oh you silly pedo rapist you!"

No. 2037025

Wow, the woman is a poor Asian who gets abused, the male is a white-passing rich Asian who abuses… this is so deep.

No. 2037041

>being a white-passing asian man is deception
That's so racist and illogical that I'm surprised I'm not reading it in a post on /ot/ and she's out there saying it's unintentional socialist genius

No. 2037092

The fucking marvel-esque lines in relation to her characters reacting to child rape is so cringe. Like another anon said it's very reminiscent of a cartoon comedy. It's proof that she's so disconnected from real life, she doesn't even portray this shit accurately she just has lala land fantasies about it. Wonder how much this bitch goes outside.
Much of lesbophobic fetishes in general are 50% self hating tifs and bi women. It's no surprise she shills this slop so much. That one r/dykeconversion subreddit is ran by troons and self hating bi women, reminds me a lot of her discord orbiters. She seems to project a lot of her self hatred onto lesbians tbh. I remember her saying "gay men and lesbians fuck" and that everyone who disagreed doesn't actually talk to gay people in real life (lul wut?). She's also a big shiller of the "mspec lesbian" tumblr slop. She's one of those degens who are brain rotted by countless hours worth of queer theory from tumblr

No. 2037112

Lets not act like its “self hating” biwomen at not bihets who do everything in their power to stay compulsively heterosexual while claiming they’re still gay. Its just a different breed of the same types to be bar lesbians while serial dating moids, they just want to fetishize the act while still centering the moidgaze. Its peak libfem pickme’ism.

No. 2037172

>"Watch me accept credit for things I didn't even think of when I made that choice"
fanny you have to have been deliberately engineered in a laboratory to be this retarded. nobody with half a brain cell believes you didn't send this to yourself you dumb bitch. and no, equating your character's status as a white-passing mixed man with his being a "deceiver" who "isn't what he seems" isn't helping you look woke, you're literally regurgitating one of the oldest racist perceptions of mixed people on the face of the earth. YWNBAsian(sage your shit)

No. 2037187

File: 1726997630534.png (77.8 KB, 1054x246, Screenshot 2024-09-22 at 2.33.…)

This is the same person who, in her Laika roleplay, swore up and down she was completely lesbian 'with an exception'. She cannot begin to conceptualize the lesbian experience.

No. 2037194

Oh of course she’s one of those bihets who sperges about “boobies!! omgeee hehe i only like one man but i LOOVE boobies!!!!”. It’s like these hoes can only imagine women as porny vixens but accept the most bottom of the barrel scrotes. She’s like bihet turned to the max

No. 2037202

Even calling them bihets is too generous, "I'm a girl but I looove boobies too teehee" has been the mantra of every heterosexual Cool Girl since the 2000s.

No. 2037289

Yes she is absolutely not the tiniest bit attracted to women. Her fetish for female sexual abuse is just the porn version of the typical nlog fantasy of the popular girl getting hurt and rejected. Except Fanny's rival is not the popular girl, it's literally any female on earth. She lowered her standards into oblivion and memed herself into being attracted to absolute bottom of the barrel men (ugly landwhale conservative groomers, makes me wonder if Cartman is based on some discord mod she knows), but now she feels ashamed and has to pretend Cartman is super attractive and popular (in reality the teenage girls he'd try to groom would be absolutely repulsed by him and report him immediately).
It's just so funny that her self insert comic reveals she's genuinely not into any of the extreme fetishes she draws. Her ultimate sexual fantasy is for a man desirable to other women to find her cute, smart, and interesting enough to take her home for a missionary one night stand.

No. 2037301

>spergy failed normie girl who trooned out and threw her life and health away because of tumblr ends up detrooning and overcompensating through extreme coomerism and pickmeism still remaining an absolute loser
I have a feeling we are going to be hit with a whole wave of similar cows in the near future.

No. 2037311

not to stick up for this fag but I assumed they meant "lolcow" as in stalking the lolcows themselves, not this site.
You're right but I don't want you to be. Uurgh

No. 2037314

on the bright side, all the oldfags complaining that theres "no more cows" and the site is obsolete can rejoice for the oncoming saga of detrans/terminally online fandom tifs that overshare on social media

No. 2037323

I feel like most detransers I've seen just try to purge the koolaid and go back to being normies, Fanny's case seems to stem from (amongst a myriad of other issues) her inability to accept she messed up by trooning out. Instead of trying to go back to being "cishet", she remains identifying as a "genderqueer mess" and surrounds herself with more revolting troons each time. Really makes me wonder what happened between limerance and now because even taking the dad fucking larp into account , she was way more normal compared to now.

No. 2037384

File: 1727042176041.png (Spoiler Image,245.85 KB, 1098x843, coomer.png)

The person who wrote this is a stereotypical AGP TIM who tweets repulsive pictures of his dick and asshole next to hardcore pornography of women getting violated. This is not even a self hating woman, but a regular straight man who hates women and especially lesbians because he gets off to the idea of raping women who would never want him. His media tab is filled with porn of women getting pissed on and dehumanized. I won't screenshot those posts but these are the types of people that Fanny supports and thinks she's so queer and subversive for liking even though they are all indistinguishable from regular porn-addled misogynists except for the fact that they damaged their bodies with cross-sex hormones. Everything about Fanny's fetishes just seems like massive cope for not being able to look kawiwi and feminine anymore for her dream daddy dom since she took T and got fat.

No. 2037388

File: 1727042582181.png (1.45 MB, 1089x1155, tfw your moid wont beat you.pn…)

She posted another comic…

No. 2037390

File: 1727042700429.png (148.64 KB, 1095x558, ackshually its called hentai a…)

…also another funny cope retweet
>I only write for smart people. If you can't be trusted to handle complex feelings or dark themes, there's always cocomelon.
Get real, you make shitty porn drawings for other retarded coomers who hate women and themselves.

No. 2037391

Fanny, you can't even be bothered to stop recycling the same joke, give your OCs backstories or keep your lies straight, wtf do you mean "you write for smart people" kek

No. 2037393

File: 1727043092852.jpeg (97.34 KB, 734x556, IMG_5242.jpeg)

Shitty porno webcomic version of this meme.

No. 2037398

LMAOOO no fucking way, that Dunning-Kruger effect is no joke.

No. 2037400

File: 1727044542256.jpg (Spoiler Image,9.26 KB, 259x194, images.jpg)

Lynn (image is sfw and not gore, just gross looking fingernails)

No. 2037411

here she is insinuating it's a woman's fault for being beat in bed because she's upholding gender stereotypes??? stupid bitch
didn't even see that wtf? knowing fannytranny it's probably a ~trauma~ reference kek

No. 2037421

File: 1727048108444.png (217.76 KB, 540x482, 26cd355ae7086643399507b7003d24…)

minor sperg but sixth panel reminded me of picrel KEK. 7k/year (in a country where most schools are free) art school graduate everyone! no wonder she wants to pretend she has a Master's in compsci instead.

No. 2037426

racist yellowface continues

No. 2037440

The Kingdom Hearts avatar is just the cherry on top here

No. 2037443

"complex feeling or dark themes" and it's just a poorly drawn coomer comic about a fatass being a rapist in a looney tunes way. she thinks her goon comics are high art lmfao

No. 2037473

That has nothing to do with it, that person isn’t even associated with fanny she just happened to say something that was pretentious enough to resonate with her
t. kh sperg but pls don’t associate my fav series with this degen

No. 2037513

always found it strange that the specific ugly gradient map she likes to use makes lynn yellow…

No. 2037520

wtf is that, that's what it looks like, are you making a joke or did she talk about her having clubbed fingernails ? her art is so bad i can't tell myself
go back to twitter

No. 2037530

Why do you keep getting mad at anons pointing out how yellow she makes Asians kek it's a legitimate thing to point out while looking at what makes her art so utterly garbage but you keep shitting your pants about it

No. 2037533

nta but she makes everyone yellow because her art sucks and she cant paint for shit

No. 2037566

you already have Soren anyway sorry khfags

No. 2037792

It was a joke, afaik she hasn't mentioned her having clubbed nails
Tbh they look like they're wrapped in bandaids or something, but still, the first thing I thought was clubbed nails.

No. 2037863

She answered a question on her side account and it's not clubbed nails but I assume ripped out nails, they're bandaged because she's growing them out
She answered the ask right after axons here were laughing about it lol she's definitely lurking(this is an imageboard)

No. 2037888

Her art always has some weird yellow hue to it. It looks so disgusting. funnily enough whenever she doesn't add it, it looks muddy and depressing.

No. 2038056

File: 1727187626822.jpeg (Spoiler Image,392.35 KB, 1638x2048, 5E6F22C1-6CFC-4B9B-96FD-391A07…)

Not sure whether or not to spoil this image. This is an older comic, her art has not improved at all.

No. 2038061

KEKKKK her art is so dogshit her bdsm shit becomes funny

No. 2038100

Cy's fucking pudgy woman hand in the most unconvincing gripping pose.

No. 2038102

Kek all I can focus on is the atrocious side profile.

No. 2038112

It’s truly like she’s never seen any nose besides some caricature artists rude drawing of a middle eastern/Jew type nose it’s insane if I was Asian of any kind I’d be even more offended by her retarded stylization kek

No. 2038125

How can you have this little skill? Cartman isn't putting in any strain at all.

No. 2038153

lynn looks like a mutated newborn baby what the fuck

No. 2038169

Is she trying to make cartman look less like cartman? She's giving him a weird light Yagami-tier side part hairstyle when it is usually just random spikes of hair because she has the creativity of a dead cell.

No. 2038172

File: 1727211317584.webp (16.89 KB, 640x480, oioioiii.webp)

She's succeeded in drawing Cartman when he tries to smarten up in order to get something out of people

No. 2038226

File: 1727221422637.png (1.27 MB, 2356x850, sigh.png)

Fanny and macbeth from the server have collabed on latest victim, Isabelle, a young college girl dating geriatric Cartman. Also got to emphasise how broken~ he was by Kate's leaving his sorry ass. I would like to know catharsis and find that he's just playing that up to make Lynn feel retroactively guilty if she ever thought of leaving, and in fact his whole character and story will end in his solitude or arrest for killing Lynn, but that would require actual thought wouldn't it. No, nevermind, this is all just shitty porn.

No. 2038228

Why is cy such a male mary sue? Like he's just a huge charismatic intelligent moid who attracts every woman ever? Even though he's fat and musty looking. Also all of this shit looks crazy written on a timeline like this kek what the fuck

No. 2038229

File: 1727221712696.png (Spoiler Image,38.97 KB, 139x166, Screenshot 2024-09-24 7.46.57 …)

ive never seen an artist so consistently shit. spoiler for cropped porn but heres another hilariously bad profile

No. 2038231

i cant even say that cartman is the most disgusting thing ive ever seen come out of a womans brain because fanny will read that and schlick to it

No. 2038233

art college btw

No. 2038237

File: 1727224083387.png (40.27 KB, 300x320, F79F1A34-93B3-4E3F-89CC-C0DD7E…)

No. 2038239

What fucking copium is fanny inhaling. Being a tall and fat moid means you're shoveling food down your throat constantly, it makes no sense why Cy would ever be attractive to teenage girls, it makes no sense why he would have energy to engage with so many relationships if he's too busy stuffing himself like a pig. If he ever engaged in BDSM or sex in general there would be a necessary 5 minute inhaler for 2 thrusts because of the fat clogging his lungs every time he moves. IRL Cy's don't have a fat dick, they'd have a budget motel sausage, they don't have cute college sub girls while be a 60 yo professor, they'd be in prison for breaking into a mcdonalds. There is nothing subversive or interesting about this couple because Adam Sandler movies can be found in thrift stores everywhere. It's so clear fanny sees herself in Cy, wanting to be seen as admirable and charismatic. She takes offense when Cy is compared to cartman because she looks so much like Cy that calling him cartman is caller her cartman. Reality doesn't see creepy fatties like her as admirable at all, just a future chore of paper work when she inevitably gets herself a restraining order.

No. 2038243

FUCKING KEK I knew there was somewhere I recognized this from in my deep deep memory

No. 2038244

The Kate plotline is honestly one of the worst things that Fanny has shat out because of how she uses it to make Cartman sympathetic a la Humbert Humbert. I struggled with something similar, it took me years to cut him off and then even after cutting him off it took me a few more years to (kind of) believe that he didn’t love me, partly because of the way he reacted when I did things that hurt him. I still don’t understand how someone who didn’t love me could be so upset about not having me. Like does she just hate women so much that she enjoys getting into the headspace of a predator? She’s way too fat and old and botched to be his target demographic anymore so where is this passion for child rape coming from?(blog)

No. 2038246

I love how she failed to mention that during the time hag Cartman starts cheating with the british bimbo, they get divorced and Lynn also gets a dom (who happens to be the abusive british bimbo's dad KEK peak storytelling). She's always sperging about how Lynn is "sooo ouppy!!" on Twitter and how much she loves her, but even her own self insert OC is merely a second thought to Fanny if she can focus on an obese rapist scrote instead.
>Cylynn renews their vows, more in love than ever after 25 years!
>Cartman is the BEST thing to happen to this severely abused college freshman!
She's always justifying everything by claiming her characters are horrible people on purpose, but ends up trying to make it sound like a fluffy coffee shop AU at the same time, typical "tehee! he may beat me until my heart stops and I have to be rushed to the ER and fuck all his 15 yo students, but we cuddle afterwards and he tells me he wuvs me!" bdsmfag cognitive dissonance

No. 2038247

The way she makes it sound like the most natural thing in the world for someone
>severely abused by her father
To also be
>desperately seeking a Dom
Like…….thats a cry for help and meeting some aged pedo rapist as a young college student is certainly not going to be
>the best thing that’s ever happened to her
For someone like that JFC I hate this bitch

No. 2038255

I work at a university and I just realized (horrifyingly) that we have a man sort of like Cy in my department. He’s married, yet he gets uncomfortably close to some undergraduate student employees. All of the girls he talks to are over 18, and he’s not their direct supervisor, so technically he’s not breaking any rules or laws. Nobody has ever come forward to say that he’s assaulted them, and I can’t be sure whether he sleeps with student employees or not, but he definitely flirts with them and it’s gross and creepy. But unless he does something blatantly inappropriate he can’t just be fired. He’s been working at this job for many years now, so he probably got more play when he was younger and better looking - I think now that he’s getting older (he’s probably in his 60s) he’s insecure about students (girls) seeing him as a doddering old man. It’s disgusting that Fanny will probably jerk off to this if she reads it.(blogging)

No. 2038260

>woman is severely abused by her father
>uwu a mean (abusive) daddy dom is the best thing that ever happened to her!!
is this bitch serious

No. 2038267

so she didn't recognize the voice and body of her boyfriend?
not that it matters, this is garbage

No. 2038282

aw that's so sweet, before Lynn dies of old age at fucking 60, she adopts a girl-child to raise just like herself for her fucking owner
wow that's so cute and good, I sure hope nothing bad ever happens to anyone who jacks off to this shit

No. 2038286

I hope you mock him relentlessly to all the young women and let them know they can come to you if he does anything creepy!

No. 2038300

File: 1727238843495.jpeg (811.1 KB, 1926x2048, E20206E0-9F40-4499-88AD-FFA9CF…)

Was this comic supposed to be a redeeming quality about Cy? This just looks predatory.

No. 2038301

Absolutely disgusting. She knows what she’s writing. The predatory dynamic is what gets her off the most because she is gross inside and even if she really did look like her Laika self-insert uwu she’d still be a disgusting POS for the stuff she draws with such a loving hand

No. 2038306

it's like in the olden days when you would look at someone's deviantart profile and realize that the dialogue they write on their art is intentionally meant to groom children (or gaslight women in this case)

No. 2038309

>"Why does my porn have class struggle in it" a horny socialist wrote it is why
KEKKKKKKKKK never change Fanny

No. 2038311

>gets naked before mentioning the giant katana wounds she's insecure about
>John Green-esque YA novel dialogue
>she's so happy this red-headed hambeast hafu touches her and gives her like one fourth of an actual compliment she cries sparkly Steven Universe tears
>she lunges and hinges her elbows behind his shoulders
This stinks.

No. 2038313

not to be that guy, but it is kind of weird that this white woman exclusively draws asian and black women being raped and cut up

No. 2038314

File: 1727240829819.png (2.67 MB, 1764x1880, 1000027738.png)

In the leak there was another comic to emphasize how "broken" he is & it's about as melodramatic / embarrassing as you can get

No. 2038315

can I a-log a fictional character

No. 2038318

what's the lore on the prolapsed anus??

No. 2038320

File: 1727242144994.png (215.53 KB, 836x830, Screenshot 2024-09-24 222641.p…)

I went digging through Fanny's AO3, not gonna read the entire fic because its 2 hours long but there is a scene in which Cy invites Kate to go and watch the five nights at freddy's movie with her. it is oh so very cringeworthy.

No. 2038321

ah, so fanny has the autism real bad

No. 2038322

>giving an objectively vile man an uwu sad backstory

This is the type of "fembrain" TIMs wished they had. Kek.

No. 2038343

please fanny i beg you learn color theory

No. 2038358

>"please feel pity for the poor pedophile!!"
Fanny ze tranny will never not be funny. She may pretend her comics are making an "impact" and are so new and out there but she's just one more sjw tumblrina who larps as edgey and hardcore.when you just know she'd cry if someone slightly raised their voice at her. Never change fanny keep mining that salt mine

No. 2038368

He could skip eating every day for a year and survive what is this “please eat uguuuu” as tho he is one of the anachan thread spoops. If some fat fuck like Cy wasn’t eating IRL it would be a good thing and also an impossibility KEKKKK

No. 2038388

lynn is such a handmaiden holy. imagine cutting your clit off for a male and he admits to you that the only time he's felt 'warm' is with a highschooler he groomed. and we're supposed to feel sorry for cy??? fanny à la tranny thinks she's exploring ~dark themes~ and multifaceted characters but all of her shit it undeniably shallow.

No. 2038395

wait so lynn isn't he one he was feeling warm about? fucking hell that's just sad

No. 2038396

okay nonnies i love you and i hate trannyfanny but you could just read the comic

No. 2038398

not to be that other guy but her other "main" oc couple has a white woman getting raped by her Japanese boyfriend and also she prolapses her ass and gets her clit removed for him. but it's ok because that's her kink anyway teehee! she's literally asking for it and questioning it is the real misogyny!

No. 2038403

File: 1727268931026.jpg (534.81 KB, 955x1426, 1000042642.jpg)

No comment needed. posted today

No. 2038406

As she draws this all with one hand. This is so bleak. It is not normal to fantasize and masturbate about it at 6-7.

No. 2038409

>We were all born as weird horny beasts
This dialogue sounds so unnatural

No. 2038410

Only a tumblr user would say stuff like that

No. 2038411

File: 1727270683488.jpg (190.01 KB, 720x598, Twitter.screencap.jpg)

I truly wonder what Fanny would be like without internet access, she's the poster child of why the west needs internet laws like China

No. 2038414

Why is fanny, as an adult, reading about teenager girls masturbating?

No. 2038415

sorry nona im just retarded now answer the question pls

No. 2038417

>we are all born as horny beasts
This is so poorly written, its on par with her laika comic. People dont talk like that, she must be terribly unsocialized if thats how she thinks humans comfort eachother after speaking up about their child abuse.

No. 2038424

>someone that's so warm
it's lynn
>a new person, another really warm one
it's the kate woman

No. 2038443

also, she's obviously a virgin who has never had a relationship.

No. 2038451

bless you nonita

No. 2038458

Omg nonna I'm not alone in the server? Honestly I've been losing my mind every time I check to catch up so I only do it so often and in small doses lately. Sometimes I'm tempted to ask questions anons ask here but in tumblr speak just to see how she defends herself from the criticism but I don't for fear of cowtipping.
>It's so clear fanny sees herself in Cy
Anecdotally it's so obvious from the way Fanny casually talks that Cy is just like her. Not sure if she meant it to be or if it's inadvertent but they have the exact same mannerisms, this sort of tumblr deadpan stilted speech that lacks any charm or flirt and is so. Talking like this! For lack of a better way to describe it kek

No. 2038466

If she had this conversation with her mom/sister/aunt/whatever why is she sharing it online???? Ffs

No. 2038477

she's just laying the breadcrumbs of traumatic childhood excuses in case she gets called out in the future for being a disgusting human being, and the asspats don't hurt either

No. 2038480

Nonas still in the server, does she still post selfies (Is she still fat)?

No. 2038484

File: 1727285554834.png (2.36 MB, 1506x1884, 1000027740.png)

Haha don't kill yourself I need you (to rape and abuse)

No. 2038491

Kek Cartman's tiny ass peanut head in the top right corner is fucking killing me

No. 2038493

I read this in Cartman's voice and actually almost choked kek

No. 2038498

Wow I had missed that Cartman was 50. That makes the sadboy thing even more cringe.

No. 2038499

File: 1727287496849.png (2.26 MB, 540x6716, 1000065812.png)

This doesn't even make sense, it's Soren's level of nonsensical time-line, so she was raped/molested as a child, and her doting parents never noticed. Or her father raped her when she was a child, and her mother is probably trash for only talking about this when he's already dead.
But she says she was raped when she was older and that's why she keeps her hair short, because she was in college and had long hair, but she draws herself with long hair, wasn't it traumatic?
So which is it?

No. 2038510

None of the above. It's half wishful thinking and half justification for her fetish. Fanny has the same kind of FOMO that gooner scrotes get whenever a female teacher rapes a male student. She's too far gone to see a terrible crime as anything but fap fuel.

No. 2038516

its all a lie for her to be unique in a twisted way, i think the nonna who said that the molestation/assault was probably on her sisters and she co opted it as hers in a way not to feel left out i mean come on we are talking about a faggot who drew incest porn of her own dead father

No. 2038520

File: 1727289551255.png (80.62 KB, 332x586, fat fuck tiny head.png)


No. 2038524

> Fat
> Ugly
> Sex pests
> Histrionically lie about being abused by their family members, maybe even steal their family's stories to add to their LARP
Were Fanny and Boogie possibly separated at birth?

No. 2038527

Unfortunately no, she's not that stupid.

No. 2038542

built like a roblox avatar

No. 2038543

File: 1727292942279.jpeg (107.94 KB, 1262x710, IMG_1900.jpeg)

Quite literally Cy

No. 2038547

File: 1727293350299.jpeg (382.04 KB, 731x636, IMG_5420.jpeg)

honestly the fact that this is supposed to be taken seriously as porn OR as melodrama kills me. not with that art style fanny

No. 2038559

kek I'm gonna do that from now on, it makes these comics somewhat more bearable

No. 2038572

was she pretending to be a biological male here

No. 2038576

she says its also supposed to be a black comedy, to be fair. especially the pedophilia.

No. 2038592

Yeah, she kept up the lie she was male all through her PGP saga. It's been heavily discussed last thread, not so much in this one, and it's most likely the reason so many people thought she was a TIM (that, her disgusting fetishes and her gorilla arms) up until she was doxxed. Her detransing (and fetish for fgm) is what made her stop pretending to be a moid imo, she switched her larp to be an uwu dainty loli instead.
Reminder that this is a lie, at least the cutting her hair part. Her old facebook proves she still had long hair when she was as old as 16, see here >>2031743

No. 2038593

bingo-bango, clit-less furry-triangle

No. 2038609

this sounds like the backstory yandere dev gave to ayano (i recall because i liked following the game's development as a teen kek)

No. 2038611

I thought about it too, but tbf it's a pretty standard yandere/psycho/"low empathy but I still want to give my character reasons to have a love interest" trope. Fanny has described pedo cartman as a sociopath before, but someone with ASPD wouldn't fit these tropes or the way she writes him, and would only see his love interests as tools/properties/extensions of himself.

No. 2038613

Honestly the more I learn about her younger years the more i really believe lynn is a self insert. Lynn is like everything tranny fanny wants to be.
This is shit out of a butt, this isn't dark at all it's reminiscent of a looney tunes cartoon

No. 2038616

oh i wasn't bringing it up to imply she stole it, just that it's such a cliche for people to justify an edgy character.
>someone with ASPD wouldn't fit these tropes or the way she writes him, and would only see his love interests as tools/properties/extensions of himself
when edgelords include a character like this they're not really referencing the reality of what people with these types of personality are actually like but the usually fantasy of demented freak (to represent their edginess) who still in ways is more kind/understanding than "regular people".

No. 2038618

nta, but she's dumb and lacking desperately in creativity, I thought she stole it outright, if not that bogus dane cook-ass claim that she just accidentally created the exact same story accidentally after hearing other peoples stories and just didn't realize she word-for-word ripped off george carlin and everyone fucking knows it

No. 2038625

File: 1727306255866.jpg (385.64 KB, 1920x1080, no sociopath would behave like…)

>they're not really referencing the reality of what people with these types of personality are actually like
The problem is that it used to be true five or ten years ago, when edgelords just wanted to be edgy. Nowadays it's all about ~genuine representation~. Fanny has refered to pedo cartman as a "high-functioning sociopath" before (reminds me of BBC Sherlock KEK), and most likely genuinely pats herself on the back thinking she's writing diverse characters when in truth, she's just rehashing old tropes as you mentioned, under the guise of representation.
Picrel is one example of her calling him a sociopath, but she did it a lot more, especially on her retrospring or whatever the name's of that site where she answers questions.

No. 2038628

>The problem is that it used to be true five or ten years ago, when edgelords just wanted to be edgy. Nowadays it's all about ~genuine representation~.
You're right, by referencing I meant actual research on people with personality conditions and not the glorified fanfiction versions of them. They may want to be "genuine" but in reality men like this aren't listening to their wives and being understanding to people's suffering like >>2038300 is intended to portray, they would only say those things to someone to manipulate them.

No. 2038631

The way Cartman's tits are 2 cup sizes bigger than his wife's lmao

No. 2038633

fanny thinks she's so cool and into being humiliated but she has never once drawn cy bragging about how much bigger his tits are than lynn's
if cy is actually a sociopath he would not feel embarrassed, he would absolutely be telling her that he has more feminine bosoms than she does to suck out her delicious life-force
do it coward, you won't, you're a poser lol

No. 2038655

the whole thing where he's incapable of feeling love until Lynn fixes him is such romance novel cringe

No. 2038662

she gets her boyfriend (the rapist in the comic) to fist her regularly until she prolapses because her fetish is having a really weird butthole. i'm not kidding

No. 2038665

Kek was just reminiscing on my middle school Heathers phase with those youtube animatics (cringe I know), and it hit me that that's what fanny tranny's art reminds me of. The weird misshapen pinheads, disproportionate noses, messed up side profiles and expressions, all down to a T. I can't believe she went to art school

No. 2038670

why does he have anime girl boobs

No. 2038671

nta but you're so right, everything about fanny's art and writing is just concentrated eau de tumblr.

No. 2038690

recognizing personal cows from a long time ago in these logs. wow.

No. 2038703

speaking of boobs i hate that she draws the outline of the bottom of lynn's, either she has the skill of a 13 yo that doesn't understand draping or she has no bra and they droop and fold over her sweater made of very thin fabric, she's so tasteless i can believe either

No. 2038706

Not to defend Fanny but that's apparently a deliberate choice; Lynn doesn't wear a bra and has slightly saggy breasts.

No. 2038723

thank you that's depressing, she loves seeing her humiliated

No. 2038727

oh my god spinny ride from from jimmy neutron eeeeeee(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2038739

>her fetish is having a really weird butthole.
are you kidding?
>i'm not kidding

don't believe her, she's fake-enjoying being humiliated, if she actually enjoyed it, her sociopath character would say something about it. he would not ignore how saggy and small her tits are. fanny feels actually bad about her breasts being deflated and deformed by testosterone "therapy"
the only thing more pathetic than actually being into bdsm is wanting to be into bdsm

No. 2038777

very barbarism v. civilization

No. 2038807

File: 1727348174025.gif (488.68 KB, 500x234, IMG_1620.gif)

Kek nonna
>the only thing more pathetic than being into bdsm is wanting to be into bdsm
So true

No. 2038829

it's like identity politics for rape lovers and ddlg types to say "I was assaulted and that's why I masturbate to other children being assaulted… to cope!" in much the same way that pedophile rapists claim that being assaulted made them rape children. it is unclear who they think they are fooling, but it is definitely the funniest use of internet idpol since "I have autism, so I can call you a fucking retard because that's just how I reclaim that slur"

No. 2038832

At least the girlies doing all those Heathers animatics weren't art graduate in their mid twenties (i would hope so at least), so it was less egregious and more so just pure, undiluted, rancid eau-de-tumblr as >>2038690 said. Fanny's art feels covered in grease and filth in comparison, like it's been washed down with expired butter and cooking oil. Fanny has that midas' touch except it doesn't turn her art into gold but into piss.

No. 2038851

I can honestly believe her being abused at a young age, 'masturbating' (re-enacting certain gestures) isn't rare for young CSA victims. Either way that comic is way off, wonder if she's exaggerating her symptoms ('being horny as a 1st grader') for edgy points

No. 2038889

>believing fanny
lol, lmao even. She said she listens to rape victim testimoties so she probably stole some woman's csa story for her larp.

No. 2038916

She reeks of fake victim, she was raised by some animator and a normal mom. Her father was probably too busy to be abusing her so she had to fill in the gaps because on tumblr, everyone needs to have some ailment or traumatic past to fit in

No. 2038932

i think she groomed herself via increasing degrees of internet porn and i can believe she was very young when it started.

No. 2038968

i don't think she went through what she says she did, but i don't doubt she experienced some level of irl sexual harassment, online grooming or porn exposure at a young age since most women do go through that also french moids are all pedophiles so that removes some doubt for me kek

No. 2038971

I love you for catching this nona thank you lol

No. 2038976

her insistence on being a petite uguu loli is her cope for no longer being in the typical frenchmen's age of attraction kek fanny is so deranged and not in the way she wishes she was
female porn artists with pedo or moid-like fetishes more often than not get their start by joining communities they have no business in as kids and getting groomed. Any male attention is good attention to a pudgy shut in so catering to incels becomes top priority. Once they're no longer underage they lose appeal so they overcompensate by shoehorning themselves into porn catergories to prove to that they're still one of the gooners and not a disgusting used up hag

No. 2039024

File: 1727386478309.jpeg (Spoiler Image,5.71 MB, 1280x15360, 15B96F3E-85B2-4848-87FB-4E58DF…)

Ntayrt but this is the comic she’s referring to.

No. 2039030

This is fucking disgusting, but coming from tranny Fanny it's not surprising

No. 2039036

What the fuck is even going on here
High chance she was groomed online, like another anon said she reeks of fake victim. It seems like her fetish is wanting to be a victim.

No. 2039038

okay shouldn't have opened that with the gastroparesis flaring up

No. 2039051

The most effort she has ever put into her art (still bad) and it’s fucking anal prolapse porn.

No. 2039053

This is repulsive Jesus

No. 2039074

I'm sorry but the genuine autism emanating from this is hilarious. I get the feeling that if Fanny grew up without the internet she would have ended up like that one lady on TLC who was in a relationship with an abandoned rollercoaster and made out with it. It's actually fascinating how devoid of sensuality she is.

No. 2039078

I can’t believe you know about Bruce and Linda anon. I’ve carried this knowledge alone for so long. Do you remember how she ate pizza with it…

No. 2039107

I don't get it. She's a shit artist, but is that not already meant to be a prolapsed anus at the top? And why does the prolapsed anus have a wig?

No. 2039109

File: 1727399120177.webp (685.47 KB, 1200x1025, IMG_2736.webp)

EW kek the shading technique in some of the panels and the drippy saliva/rectal mucus reminds me of the art from cloudy with a chance of meatballs

No. 2039113

it looks like it's an 8 page comic fused together in page order 5-6-7-8-1-2-3-4

No. 2039130

it's out of order i think

No. 2039187

jesus h christ, everything she draws is so intensely unsexy

No. 2039212

This is so fucking foul. I don’t know what’s worse, the art, the content, or Fran probably looking up “reference material” to draw prolapses.

No. 2039243

File: 1727424528355.png (1.82 MB, 1280x992, tardface.png)

the other farms found a old fanny the tranny photo from 2019 and yes shes as ugly you expect her to be

No. 2039247

Behold! The loli-coded woman who is so uwu tiny and gets mistaken for a preteen all the time!

No. 2039248

She looks so disproportionate… The fat body with the skinny arms and the small head which makes her look bigger than she probably is… very uwu loli kek

No. 2039250

she's so fat and hunchbacked, good find to whoever dug this up.
though i can't seem to find where she's currently discussed on the other farms (topic system that makes it so you can't ctrl+F the whole thing + 2 fat nulls clogging up search results), can you give me a link ?

No. 2039251

her huge eyes are demonic she looks like a posessed hamster

No. 2039257

This… is the loli-coded, big eyes, uwu-faced, "am baby" posting creature? I'd be coping to the moon and back too if I looked liked that and did everything she does kekkkk

No. 2039259

Kek no wonder she’s obsessed with the idea of some ugly fat dude torturing beautiful girls, this is genuinely pathetic.

No. 2039264

med nonnies, is she permanently stuck with the beard and arm hair after stopping with the testosterone? the idea of this ''i am baby UWU'' larper having to wake up every day to shave is making me chuckle

No. 2039267

not a med nonnie but i have pcos, yes once your hair shafts thicken and darken it's forever unless you resort to laser hair removal.