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No. 2123710
A support thread for people whose parents are getting noticeable older, discuss the changes in your or their relationships, lifestyle, environment, mental and physical health, and behavior that come with aging. Parental figures (like aunts, grandmas, older siblings, etc) are also included. Feel free to talk positively, negatively, or with a neutral stance.
>How did your parents / parental figures change with age?
>Did it get better or did it get more complicated?
>Do they treat you differently as an adult vs when you were younger?
>What things have you noticed or realized as they age?
>How do you deal with the issues that come with your parents getting older?
>Would you miss them once they're gone?
No. 2123723
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I only have my mom left
>How did your parents / parental figures change with age?
Thank god she has mellowed down from all the things she said and did to me as a teenager
>Did it get better or did it get more complicated?
Both, it got better in a way because she's more chill now, but now there's other issues and sadly her physical health is not the best
>Do they treat you differently as an adult vs when you were younger?
I really miss all the love she had for me when I was a toddler, I do remember. Things like cartoons we watched together when I was that young now make me cry. I wish our relationship didn't turn sour in my teen years. I try to not have resentment towards her because she's the only family I have. I love you mom I'm sorry for not being the best.
>What things have you noticed or realized as they age?
That I wish she had divorced my dad. That she's kind of defeatist and submissive and it hurts to see her that way. That even though my brother is as bad as my dad was, she still sees good in him and she's convinced he's a nice man. That I rely on her a lot and I don't want her to die.
>How do you deal with the issues that come with your parents getting older?
I just try to not get mad at her or too sad in front of her, but thinking about her aging out hurts.
>Would you miss them once they're gone?
No. 2125201
>>2123714I relate to this. We had such a shitty relationship when I was a teen, she had an alcohol/prescription drug problem and didn't know how to deal with my dad's suicide so she was so mean to me, but I moved out, went no contact for a while, then low contact with a lot of boundaries, she got help for her addictions and slowly over the last 7 years we developed a great relationship, we're best friends now, I just love hanging out with her, watching movies, doing book club, travelling, I can't imagine a world she's not in.
No. 2193715
>>2123710My mom has rapid onset dementia and has been declining quickly the last two years. My dad died on my 18th birthday. I don't have any surviving relatives that talk to me and no siblings. The worse my mom gets the more empty my life feels. I spent most of my life terrified she'd die from her recurrent brain cancer and kind of wasted the time I should have been building my own life making sure she was safe. She's in a nursing home for people who have severe dementia and it's over 1000 miles away.
I feel like I'm barely holding on by a thread, and then I made the mistake of going on facebook today. I wanted to check if a friend in NC was okay after the hurricane. I saw posts from friends my age that I grew up with and their parents are just in their current photos and making cute little comments under their posts and it made me so sick I threw up. I'm trying to calm down I think I'm just having a massive panic attack right now. I'm upset and I know this sounds extremely childish but it feels so unfair almost every friend I've ever had still has both parents and they get to enjoy that comfort. My parents weren't even the best either, I just miss them both terribly. It's hitting me more and more that literally no one cares about me now except one friend. Like no one will send me a card on my birthday or give me a birthday present or hug me sincerely maybe for the rest of my life. That sounds shallow but what I mean is that no one will even remember me and it's so hard adjusting to the fact that it's just me now, forever. I feel selfish even writing this because I know it could be worse but oh well.
No. 2334003
>>2123710I know no one has posted in this thread in a long time but I'll still put this out there because this is such a real part of life that you don't even think about when you're younger and it's honestly the worst part about getting older yourself
My dad was diagnosed with blood cancer and I had to bring him over to the country I live in because back in the shithole country where I'm from and where he was living we don't have the treatment for it. My dad is elderly so having to pay his rent and services aside from my own as an immigrant in another country has taken a financial toll on me. I love my dad deeply and I was finally able to get a good night's rest after he was finally here and in treatment, but I can't help worrying for myself and my future because I'm in my early 30s and I can't save up enough money to buy a house and build a future for myself. I have nothing to inherit from my parents as they're unfortunately very poor due to my country's circumstances. I see all my friends buying their first homes and I feel left behind and terrified of what the future holds for me while I struggle to keep myself and my dad afloat
No. 2334045
my dad is over 70 and my mom is middle 60s now. I don't have fears about their aging? I feel callous but they're happy, healthy for their ages, financially stable, mentally much better than ever. hobbies, friends, goals, healthy attitudes toward aging and death. they really took control over the aging process, rather than give up and allow their bodies and brains to deteriorate. So many would not be able to even think about this stuff, but my mom will bring up concepts like Swedish Death Cleaning casually. They just seem like such brave cool old people lol.
they have come a long way from the stressed & depressed they were when I was growing up. they could drop dead, and while I'll be sad, they lived good lives and made positive impacts. it almost makes me want to have children because they would be amazing grandparents.
I'm grateful to have them as my blueprint for aging. Death and aging don't have to be these scary things. Instead of becoming some feeble weak old lady, my mom took up weightlifting. Instead of becoming some gross angry old man, my dad gets involved in communities and tries to bring people together.
family dinners have only gotten more and more fun as they age.
I love my parents so much.
No. 2334388
My parents are in their early 70's, my mom is as energic as ever but she has had both her hips and one of her knees replaced but she is still in pain some days. Her back is the worst, and she had a heart attack scare a few years back.
My mom isn't exactly my best friend, she suffers from a bit of main character syndrome and tends to give a lot of backhanded compliments. My sister and I complain to each other a lot about her. But despite her flaws she is the glue that keeps the family together, at least for me that struggles to connect with my siblings due to our 10+ year age gap.
But I can't imagine a life where she is gone, I've tried to prepare myself for it but… I can't. She helps me so much, despite her bad habits I love our little trips to far away stores. I love sharing recipes with her. She raised me a feminist, and she has always been my example of a strong, intelligent and independent woman that takes no one's shit.
My dad is a turbo autist that I haven't seen in 15 years, we've never been particularly close but we talk over the phone every now and then. He doesn't have any friends, he had a HUGE blowup with his siblings due to a heritage dispute when grandma died, and no other family than me. All of this is his own choice, he has no interest in a social life except for temporary friends when he's on his solo vacations. Unlike with my mom, I've been prepared for him to die for a long time since we don't have much of a relationship anyway.
No. 2334485
>>2334460Oh yeah, she is a power house and I enjoy my time with her despite how annoyed I get with her entitled boomer attitude at times. She isn't as
abusive as she used to be and I'm willing to bend over backwards to keep her from getting depressed again.
No. 2366662
>>2365936My mom ran away with a scrote over a thousand miles away and left me without money or a car and a hoarded house to clean. I try my best but the scrote made things really hard, I couldn't afford a lawyer to make him leave her house and sign over the cars her name was on with him. I had to turn her over to a state agency to get everything done, by the time they finished everything in courts and she was no longer hospitalized, her dementia progressed to the point she needed 24 hour care. I tried to get to her on time but did not have the money. I am the only person who calls her, sends her things, or ever visits her.
Despite all this I feel extremely shitty leaving her there. The best I could do is move closer so I could supervise her care better and give her regular contact and conversations in person. Unfortunately she moved to a tourist town at the scrote's insistence and I don't have the best job.
The other thing is, everyone kept saying just tell dementia patients what they want to hear so they don't get upset because they tend to ask the same things over and over and get upset like the news is new. Her realizing I'm not coming hit me like a brick, I do feel bad saying I was trying. I was trying to move there but she worsened to the point I would never be able to take her to live with me safely.
Anyway sorry for babbling it felt good writing everything down, I never get to talk about this irl. The guilt is very consuming for me.
No. 2366955
>>2365936You've clearly never been a full time caregiver for someone with dementia, it consumes your entire life and working full time would be impossible. Homes are often unsafe for those with dementia because even normal things like stoves are now hazards. Anon did the right thing by putting her mom in a safe place she can be properly cared for. Everything in a situation like this sucks, no need to be an asshole when you don't even know her situation.
>>2366662It's an awful thing to deal with, but it sounds like you've made the right decision. Hope you're being kind to yourself
nonny No. 2438997
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>>2438989Of course
nonny, I hope things get better for you and your loved ones soon
No. 2441289
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>How did your parents / parental figures change with age?
Yes definitely but me as well so my relationship sort of changed with my parents. They're getting physically old and need to get big surgeries.
>Did it get better or did it get more complicated?
With my mom it got better, we talk regularly and when we meet we don't fight anymore but find common ground. With my dad I never talked much, because he's super shut in and me too.
>Do they treat you differently as an adult vs when you were younger?
Not sure
>What things have you noticed or realized as they age?
They live very sheltered in their minds. Sometimes I catch myself nowadays saying things they used to say. My parents focus more of the health they don't have and talk a lot about negative things. My mom tries to go out and enjoy her life but I think my dad is just waiting to pass away.
>How do you deal with the issues that come with your parents getting older?
Not so well. However they don't have too much influence on my life anymore and we just check in with each other because it's a habit and we're family. But we never talk about anything important. I thought realistically it's not going to be different in the future when things happen in my life and my parents aren't there. I will just miss the memory of them.
>Would you miss them once they're gone?
My mother yes, and my dad I would probably get over quickly and just support my mother. I'm convinced he'll die earlier and my mom will be left. I hope she'll want to move close so I can help her sort out stuff and have a good life still! I realize I would only miss them because they're family, not because of our great exchange or insight. Idk if this is retarded because sometimes I have problems with "but they're family!". To be really honest my parents don't help me much with mental support or adult life.