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No. 2086559
Off-topic random shit thread but the only rule is DO NOT TALK ABOUT MOIDS. Doesn't matter if it's men you hate, men you love, men you are attracted to, men you aren't attracted to, men you personally know, men you don't personally know, men that literally just exist, husbandos, yaoi, bara, het ships, nonexistent men, hypothetical men (including god or Jesus), men's opinions, none of these things are allowed ITT. NO PICTURES of moids (including animated moids) allowed either. This also includes trannies since they are men. If an anon mentions males ITT, report immediately.
>But why?It's exhausting and annoying to see anons talking about nothing but moids over and over.
>Isn't this thread redundant?If only.
>But what about-Real life animals are fine but otherwise just follow the Rule of thumb: if you have to ask then it most likely belongs elsewhere so don't even bother.
previous thread:
>>>/ot/2055834 No. 2086561
File: 1720803701646.png (1.71 MB, 1003x1008, sisteerrrsss.png)

Kek you beat me nonny!!
No. 2086583
>>2086566It's a really unique flavor, but the closest thing I can describe it to is very carbonated, extremely sugary lemon lime soda while your tongue is receiving a low level shock. They used to have a flavor called live wire and when it first came out, drinking it actually felt like you were sticking a live electrical wire on your tongue.
From what I've heard, you have to have it as a child to be able to stand it as an adult. I used to drink it all the time as a kid, but now I find it too sweet and it tastes kinda gross.
No. 2086589
File: 1720804453292.jpg (103.1 KB, 550x800, 287880-47132.jpg)

I am going to enroll to college soon. My neet days are almost over and i am so sad, i am going to miss daydreaming about doing things while doing nothing but watching youtube and playing gachas. Once i am done with college i made the promise of buying my favourite animu figurine as a reward. So i am excited.
No. 2086603
>>2086595Lol, it didn't even occur to me that it would fit in to the fighting that ended the last thread until you pointed it out, it was just a picture another
nonnie had suggested days earlier so I've been holding on to it.
No. 2086614
File: 1720805013642.jpg (158.53 KB, 1280x1441, _sth__female_sonic_by_howteyoa…)

>>2086598Be faster than me next time. Only two minutes elapsed between the last thread hitting 1200 posts and me posting this one.
No. 2086625
File: 1720805279379.jpg (48.3 KB, 531x693, cheers.jpg)

>>2086598Deal with it, history hater.
No. 2086639
File: 1720805648353.png (553.23 KB, 564x552, IMG_5833.png)

I find it so surreal that lions used to live all over the world. Imagine going on a walk in Poland or England and randomly encountering a lion.
No. 2086642
File: 1720805671716.gif (2.02 MB, 400x292, IMG_0527.gif)

>>2086598imagine hating history. bleak
No. 2086645
File: 1720805764482.jpg (292.36 KB, 1600x1600, 814lFySmUsL.jpg)

you are invited to a lolcor pool party and can only bring one thing, what do you bring? i bring pic rel
No. 2086653
File: 1720806021234.jpg (52.84 KB, 1200x890, 1000005077.jpg)

>>2086645This is MINE none of you can have it
No. 2086655
File: 1720806059774.jpg (102.88 KB, 736x736, 1000041352.jpg)

>>2086645I bring this, let's race.
No. 2086660
>>2086638>has the iq and mental maturity of a toddlerSounds like you're describing a modern tiktoker.
No. 2086662
File: 1720806361502.jpeg (1.54 MB, 5184x3456, IMG_4518.jpeg)

>>2086645pool noodle time!
>>2086636OP pic isn't even victorian, it's from WWI. anyway we have a billion animu threadpics you'll survive one history themed thread.
No. 2086667
File: 1720806749308.jpeg (185.86 KB, 736x981, IMG_1697.jpeg)

were these even good
No. 2086671
File: 1720806929264.jpg (26.51 KB, 563x526, fcf44ebd8bfd5efdf711bc28e0a84b…)

I'm 40 and feeling disturbed after an anon called 40 yo women gilfs in the last thread. Seriously? Gilfs as in grandmas?
No. 2086672
>>2086671i am sorry
nonny it was a joke, although my 50yo mom is a grandma, but thats because my sister is dumb and got preggo at 20
No. 2086689
File: 1720807806505.png (5.09 MB, 3570x2859, Elsie dies from cringe.png)

my mom got poisoned by milennial house decor tiktok brainrot and now wants to turn the house into a beige milennial nightmare. How do i stop her reign of beige terror.
No. 2086693
File: 1720808044719.png (1.8 MB, 1216x943, punchy.png)

>>2086645Mojito punch bowl all day
No. 2086699
File: 1720808507981.jpg (176.67 KB, 736x920, 61b8d9cc5a912e345a69473375f83a…)

>>2086689Alas, there is nothing you can do. The cycle completes when it trickles down to Gen x or boomers. Same as how facebook started for college students and is now a cesspool of old people reacting to AI generated clickbait. HARK all who stumble upon this post and be made aware: the age of greige has sounded it's death. It's time to be an unabashed color patriot and suffocate the normies with texture and hues as soon as they enter your home. It's time to make the basic bitches slightly uncomfortable for a few years until they decide to like and steal your colorful wallpaper ideas.
No. 2086765
File: 1720812160389.jpg (86.76 KB, 800x800, Electric-Shot-Water-Gun.jpg)

I never had a water gun when i was a kid, but i always wanted one. Maybe i should buy one now kek
No. 2086787
File: 1720813284154.jpg (51.86 KB, 735x731, c4d38f57cc4b892ac0739d140bef18…)

I just saw one of those posts that made me think "what the hell happened to this site"
No. 2086821
>>2086815It's really weird how the current mods seem so strict while not actually or barely moderating things that matter.
>INB4 "take it to /meta/When you guys actually start reading it.
No. 2087132
File: 1720836146084.jpg (35.49 KB, 600x300, 0_nkQGo-FhE6X1_UiS.jpg)

I always feel like Koreans must hate us (Americans) for what we did to mukbangs kek. It was originally just supposed to be like eating a normal meal with another person. Now it's just monetized gluttony with suck ridiculous types and amounts food that you can't even immerse and feel like you're eating dinner with a friend. I still watch them though kek. Then again, plenty if Korean YouTubers do the same shit so they might not even care.
No. 2087359
File: 1720858788332.jpeg (78.87 KB, 587x627, IMG_7382.jpeg)

No. 2087416
Not genuinely a sexuality crises but I feel scared that I do actually like women. I mean I always knew it, ever since I hit puberty and it wasn't hard to accept, just whatever. But now I'm dating a woman and it's settling in that I am actually gay, I am with a woman, and it's making me scared. I've never been with anyone before this so the fact that I liked women wasn't important to me but now that I'm with her, it's like.. it's too real now. This is gross to admit but I was hoping that when we had sex for the first time I would realize I didn't like it. Obviously, I liked it and we do it regularly and I just feel weird. Not during it or anything, I like her a lot but just the fact that I'm actually with a woman and my attraction is actually real. I live in a muslim country, I have a muslim family, god, this is gonna be such a shitshow.
No. 2087425
>>2087423Exactly my situation, anon.. I'm not a muslim, an ex-muslim if you will but I guess the guilt and shame persists.
>my love for pussy wins over any islamic indoctrinationKek, word
No. 2087583
File: 1720887041212.gif (171.6 KB, 168x224, hikari friends.gif)

>>2086589Good luck
nonny, I did the same and haven't regretted it for a moment. There may be times where you feel like you're at your lowest again but keep your head up, remember your value and get that degree!
No. 2087586
File: 1720887133550.jpeg (137.46 KB, 735x586, IMG_1712.jpeg)

>>2087581Right? I just want fun/cute threadpics for the summer, not shit reminding me how awful it was to be a woman back in the early 20th century. Better yet just a reminder of an era that was overall shitty for my folks. I just want to have fun damn it
No. 2087597
>>2087588Bullshit. Why don’t you just stop being so lazy and read the titles
>>2087589Sounds horrible. I guess they didn’t really need feminism if they were really enjoying themselves teehee yeah!!!! White power!! Gross
No. 2087601
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>>2087423>my love for pussy wins over any islamic indoctrinationIconic.
No. 2087606
File: 1720888250217.jpg (19.78 KB, 600x600, jojeh.jpg)

>>2087589Thread pics are the new inkblot test
No. 2087616
File: 1720889032929.gif (5.91 KB, 126x104, 1000035584.gif)

If you had just stuck with the calico/torties, none of this would have happened. I never use this thread idk what's happening
No. 2087634
File: 1720890622559.png (404.21 KB, 448x735, catlady.png)

>>2087616What about this compromise kek
No. 2087668
File: 1720892584698.webp (89.92 KB, 879x1227, I fucking hate webp.webp)

No. 2087671
File: 1720892618370.jpg (120.21 KB, 564x889, feministcat.jpg)

This is only one cat but she is showing solidarity with human women.
No. 2087674
>>2086598there’s a bunch of other colorful thread pics too
nonny it’s ok
No. 2087692
File: 1720893534307.jpg (88.12 KB, 640x852, sukeban.jpg)

>>2087668I would like something more or less modern
No. 2087697
File: 1720893835007.jpg (455.06 KB, 1245x1600, 0042c71ecc71c8c92e916a1e8ca9c6…)

>>2087681Ugh, AI is shit!
You need to be more specific with details while searching for photos. Personally I also I'm really interested in history and like to save interesting pics whenever I come across them.
No. 2087699
File: 1720893909323.jpg (72.34 KB, 640x890, 2489.jpg)

No. 2087705
File: 1720894121570.jpg (50.42 KB, 500x398, milk-delivery.jpg)

>>2087681Use a decent search engine and be more specific such as "victorian girls having fun"
No. 2087709
File: 1720894255237.jpg (67.98 KB, 540x408, dance.jpg)

>>2087705Your pic is the opposite of having fun though.
No. 2087717
File: 1720894531081.png (631.09 KB, 489x744, Sukeban.png)

>>2087692I'd go with this
No. 2087719
File: 1720894558739.png (184.04 KB, 488x355, sukeban-02.png)

>>2087717or this. Just to keep the black and white
No. 2087722
File: 1720894682973.jpg (83.16 KB, 606x800, victorian woman with cow.jpg)

No. 2087807
File: 1720899979161.jpg (17 KB, 350x197, 0014a195-350.jpg)

>>2087793It's never too late to start your own violent gang
nonnie. Be the change you want to see.
No. 2087820
File: 1720900671429.webp (23.1 KB, 548x478, RedRaven.webp)

>>2087606Demon Raven from Teen Titans
No. 2087827
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>>2087606I see some kind of fox demon.
No. 2088074
File: 1720913725598.png (321.53 KB, 760x636, prinCESS.png)

>>2086598I agree we should make real women historical figureheads the threadpic and not some pickme nobodies hauling ice (sad and poor)
No. 2088096
File: 1720914426233.jpg (150.82 KB, 638x786, ccd778128cb685a51a655f3d1b71ac…)

Every fat bitch knows the best trick is ordering 15 pc wings at a restaurant and asking for half of one flavor and half of another so that you can get an extra wing
No. 2088200
File: 1720916515897.jpeg (72.19 KB, 573x410, IMG_4047.jpeg)

it's absoluletly sending me that ppl get this mad over the historical threadpics when they exist pretty much only for this thread.
everything else on /ot/ has colorful threadpics ft. cats or anime or pop culture.
and yet every time a new bechdel thread is made there's some retard screeching about the vintage stacies bc history is like soooo boring and they need colors for their monkey brain. cope.
No. 2089065
>>2089060but that's exactly why they're called trad
thots though instead of just trad. and those types of women (or the ones on social media at least) do call themselves trad and try to identify with it despite not actually living that way. check the tradthot thread on /snow/
No. 2089227
>>2088084Next thread pic please
>>2088200Is this photo edited? Because those are the most serious leg o mutton sleeves ever!
No. 2089345
>>2089324Can you give a summary just for me
nonnie? I love indo food, my uncle is from there and it's always such a treat, nothing like it.
(this post doesn't pass the bechdel test) No. 2089542
File: 1720971224701.jpg (102.38 KB, 500x660, bb64c7a91ed15b48b22bf1656d_ed5…)

Not to start an infight, but posting this because this could be a great summary for basically every infight that happens here.
No. 2089558
File: 1720971962569.png (89.75 KB, 714x284, diplomamill.png)

>>2086589You can spend six years in college and learn absolutely nothing of value for the work world and for when you need to start working, therefore remaining a NEET not in form, but in function
College is good but you need to be careful about what college you choose, especially in the US where you really need to invest in yourself and avoid becoming one of those who end up 29k$ in debt after four years No. 2089559
File: 1720972145982.png (207.03 KB, 460x460, 17998679.png)

>>2089542What? Lolcow in general and particularly this thread is very lesbian positive. I'm not gay myself but I don't see much hate for gay women. Maybe my hetro eyes are missing it but this feels like bait.
No. 2089590
File: 1720972959541.png (624.52 KB, 756x680, priya.png)

>>2089564The reason I couldn't embed the video is because the post wouldn't pass the Bechdel test
>>2089568You need to be careful about what you want to learn and what is valuable to you in a context where you have to work to earn decent money, a mistake is going to an Art college for 4 years and learning nothing from it and then having no job prospects. What employers want is skills, for example you can produce art using programs such as Photoshop, so you need to be very adept at using the program and other graphic manipulation programs as well and then get the foot in the door in a company which is hiring people who don't have previous work experience in that field
No. 2089627
>>2089598That could be it. I'm kinda oblivious sometimes. I didn't pick up on a lot of day to day racism stuff until I had a foreign roommate.
Learning something new every day ♥
No. 2089851
File: 1720981952401.jpg (110.21 KB, 600x818, 604766-39920.jpg)

>>2089558My country has free college so i dont need to worry about debt. I am planning to study accounting, so i am sure i will do okay in the work field, its not a meme degree and my accountant relatives seem to be doing just fine. I want this Miho too. I wish i was rich.
No. 2089910
File: 1720983593462.gif (379.11 KB, 128x128, 1714319681547.gif)

its absolutely tragic when once in my life i feel compelled to defend a cow
No. 2089920
File: 1720983838020.jpg (27.47 KB, 480x481, cat101.jpg)

i would like to have cat that i could kith like this
No. 2089935
File: 1720984493118.png (994.6 KB, 779x768, onyum.png)

>>2089927what’s your favorite soup nonka? mines french onoign of course
No. 2089940
File: 1720984759423.jpg (39.03 KB, 500x375, tomato-soup-recipe-500x375.jpg)

>>2089935tomato soup, ironically, i hate tomatos(in specific ways)
No. 2089979
File: 1720986384016.jpg (125.6 KB, 1500x1125, 20220913-Tom-Kha-Gai-vicky-wsi…)

>>2089935tom kha gai soup
No. 2090028
File: 1720987793665.jpg (101.44 KB, 1200x900, Tomato-Lentil-Soup-pot.jpg)

>>2089935lentil soup. or soup with lentils in it. I tend to add a lot more than lentils when I make it, like in picrel. what goes in depends on how broke I am and what scraps are available, but it's always comforting and tasty. usual additions are a potato or two, a shit ton of cabbage, and a can of diced tomatoes with jalapenos.
No. 2090043
File: 1720989024404.jpeg (347 KB, 479x694, IMG_1744.jpeg)

why does she look so neolithic(racebaiting)
No. 2090249
>>2089345It was just something about how Indo food is arguably the best asian cuisine based on texture and flavour. Not only are their traditional dishes delicious (nasi goreng, kue putu, gado-gado, ikan bakar, etc.) but they take the better parts of Javanese (also really nice food from there), Chinese, Indian and European (mostly Dutch) cuisine and puts a fantastic spin on it. I could live off mi goreng and spekkoek…
They also have lovely teas and coffees
No. 2090277
File: 1721000454139.jpeg (134.71 KB, 1500x1500, k_Photo_Recipe Ramp Up_2021-12…)

>>2089935Tom Yum (hot and sour lemongrass soup) with shrimp
No. 2090556
File: 1721013261620.gif (1.32 MB, 165x302, bdaykitty.gif)

Happy (belated) Bastille Day nonnies, also it's my birthday
No. 2091050
File: 1721043137296.png (379.81 KB, 538x346, 2.png)

>>2090373What a time to be alive
No. 2091054
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Also it's pizza time
No. 2091077
File: 1721046409268.jpg (168.08 KB, 1260x708, 0.jpg)

Riding the drakette
No. 2091180
File: 1721055387946.png (75.22 KB, 988x462, cave.png)

The Underground Astronauts: name given to a group of six women, Hannah Morris, Marina Elliott, Becca Peixotto, Alia Gurtov, K. Lindsay Eaves Hunter, and Elen Feuerriegel, who excavated the bones of an old ancestor of the species, from the Dinaledi Chamber of the Rising Star cave system in Gauteng, South Africa
No. 2091275
File: 1721061657844.jpg (27.81 KB, 555x331, 4e94e5c6474856c76400f46c7e3d32…)

It's 7 months into 2024, how many of you nonnas have completed/achieved your New Year resolutions?
>Getting a decent job(still ongoing)
>Improving my CV(x)
>Picking a minor degree in uni(still ongoing)
>Learning how to drive(x)-I'm not a bad driver but I need more time on the road and get my license
>Losing weight(x)-I still have 10 more kgs to go
>Dressing better(x)-I dress a little more casually but I'm aiming to be more put together if not more fashionable
>Finding a way to get out of the country(still ongoing)
>Saving money(flop)
>Learning how to digitally paint (again,flop)
>Starting to learn a new language(flop, I don't want to study a new language anymore)
>Focusing on how to write better(still ongoing, I'm an ESL btw)
I have to admit that some of my resolutions are still ongoing, didn't work out or probs didn't intrigue me anymore but I'm glad that I'm working forward to getting (most) of them all done this year. Good luck nonnas.
No. 2091459
>>2091445Its ok
nonny I declare that our new years resolution was the follwoing: we straight chilling. Do your best
No. 2092203
File: 1721095880643.png (561.55 KB, 1023x711, kindalina.png)

any of you remember Tom’s kek
No. 2092233
File: 1721097381131.jpeg (118.76 KB, 1660x1783, IMG_3562.jpeg)

Alright but do y’all remember Sperry’s? Every single person at my school had a pair kek. Yes, I went to an upper middle class school in the suburbs.
No. 2092235
File: 1721097576196.jpg (60.01 KB, 800x600, prod_photo1_90271_1592319282-1…)

>>2092203these were just a shittier version of the good ol' espadrille
No. 2092241
>>2092203I have some platformed ones I still wear kek. I don't particularly care for them but they're easy to slip on and comfortable enough.
>>2092233Also had these as a kid
No. 2092336
File: 1721103881184.jpeg (84.29 KB, 800x800, redbull vapes.jpeg)

have any of you tried the blue energy flum flavor?
No. 2092340
>>2092338kek sorry
nonnie my sister in law says its yummy but i dont wanna take a hit off of hers
No. 2092344
>>2092336i want to be so mean and report this
nonny but i woke up on the right side of the bed today
No. 2092395
File: 1721108121349.png (82.8 KB, 228x388, jummy.png)

>>2092384nonna do you want a hit from my gummi it might take the edge off
No. 2092397
>>2092395What does that taste like? How does the taste even hit, like what is the sensation? I've never vaped before kek, describe it to me
nonnie let me live as you
No. 2092428
File: 1721108878520.jpg (88.04 KB, 749x862, 1000039081.jpg)

Do you ever have a hard time buying accessories? I'm so autistic that I need to feel a connection with the accessories or like it makes me happy just from seeing it. Otherwise I just mostly wear whatever I get as a gift.
I'm not really like this with clothes though, I usually just buy whatever fits me/is comfortable, is made with decent materials and isn't ridiculously expensive.
No. 2092429
File: 1721108889833.jpeg (205.24 KB, 1200x1200, raggy rag rah.jpeg)

>>2092384> AHH NONE OF YOU STICK TO YOUR VAPING BELIEFS Kekky your funny nonka
(this post does not pass the bechdel test) No. 2092448
>>2092428My favorite accessory is a ring that spins and it has little stars and moons embedded in it and
they glow in the dark. And my name is engraved on the inside! Sorry for having the coolest ring ever anons please stop being jealous.
No. 2092458
>>2092410That's fair, I really like that burning sensation so when I tried a vape for the first and last time it kind of felt like someone was breathing into my mouth after eating candy. Grotty as.
>>2092384>that last paragraphEugh, I know septic tanks are the majority of the user base but everyone else doesn't care about your weird politics
No. 2092702
File: 1721129016558.jpg (59.51 KB, 640x480, images-1.jpg)

I sometimes call farmers "lolcowians" in my head
No. 2092828
File: 1721138631829.jpg (313.29 KB, 794x1024, tumblr_0e1b007a86597793469f3b2…)

>>2092447Instead of being upset at this, shouldn't this lead to the realization that acceptance should come from within? That if you rely on outsiders for acceptance of yourself and your hobbies, that you will inevitably be attacked by someone, since no one thing is universally lauded?
But also, just make fun of the Regina wannabes back. Do you know how often I start mocking and memeing people attacking my posts? Often enough that I'm constantly in the screencap thread. So stand by your conviction, and also depict yourself as the Stacy and your opponents as the Pearls until you win.
No. 2092872
File: 1721141262877.png (184.82 KB, 339x383, kondo.png)

>>2092428>I need to feel a connection with the accessories or like it makes me happy just from seeing it.That's the right way to shop for things like jewelry etc. When you shop like that you're going to treasure, wear and keep your items for a long time.
No. 2092900
>>2092892You could try having a really healthy diet, like eating plenty of vegetables and atuff that doesn't contain or affect the way your body interacts with iodine. You could also try to avoid spraying stuff on your neck, the endocrinologist of my mom told her to stop that. And make sure you can do some exercise at least twice a week, it has to be something that makes you move a lot so you can increase your BPM.
You could stay like that for like a month or two and then see if you're still having issues.
No. 2092920
>>2092901I mean testosterone and estrogen specifically, I don't think food can affect it. Or at least I've seen no evidence for it. Soy conspiracies ignore that the estrogen found in plants… only affects plants. The acne and hair made me panic my T went up or E went down.
>>2092900I've heard eating food high in iodine is actually good because it increases metabolism and encourages thyroid hormone production.
>>2092897This is an interesting resource. Fixing my diet is daunting. I'm eating better than ever and have cut out most processed foods, but maybe there's something I missed. Thanks.
No. 2092927
>>2092892The only thing that ever helped my acne was spironolactone and I am the one who had to bring it to my derm's attention. They actually tried to put me on something as damaging as accutane first before I swerved on that.
Don't listen to dietchans, diet can't fix wack hormones.
I eat like shit some days and don't get a breakout.
No. 2092943
>>2092941Not a doctor so I cannot say.
The worst that happens is that you try the Spiro and it does not work, then it's back to square one to try something else.
I will say in Spiro's defense that it is a low-risk medication with very little side effects, and I read that it helps women with PCOS.
It has been hijacked by MtF trannies because a side effect is that it causes breast growth or gyno in males kek.
Forgot to mention I am an uninsured burgerfag and this medication is also very inexpensive. You'll probably spend more money going to the doc to get the script.
No. 2092961
File: 1721149528209.gif (498.98 KB, 500x252, neemie.GIF)

>>2092702kek that’s cute
nonny(nemo is a boy) No. 2093088
File: 1721155627116.jpeg (693.66 KB, 2560x2560, s915595299194882674_p394_i3_w2…)

Just saw a discussion in /snow/ about using beef tallow as moisturizer. Honestly it seems like the perfect farmer beauty routine. That and milk baths!
No. 2093124
File: 1721158078847.png (1.46 MB, 716x1022, papi.png)

I smell like popcorn right now(this post does not pass the bechdel test)
No. 2093198
File: 1721162240365.png (68.77 KB, 440x300, d2f3a9c0015b85e1b0fa4a797b52c8…)

There is a special place in my heart for the nonnies that download the tiktoks they want to share and upload them here as mp4s instead of using the cancerous tiktok embed that redirects you to the website when you try to minimize it
No. 2093514
File: 1721179965141.gif (947.34 KB, 500x300, tumblr_n2552wjYVG1rp6axuo1_500…)

I didn't have the best childhood but I had very cheerful moments in it, and days like these really make me miss it. I miss eating strawberry cookies. The N64 was such a happy little machine to me. And I love pokemon. I'm sad now
No. 2093530
File: 1721180862816.jpeg (125.76 KB, 681x681, IMG_3037.jpeg)

I really want to change my name. It’s very awkward to pronounce and very religious and I hate the vibes it gives off. I feel like I could afford to change my name but I’m worried about my family whiny and complaining. Ideally I would change it after I become financially independent but I wonder if it’s easier to do it while I’m still at home. Downside is I don’t know what to change it too. The options I chose before didn’t really fit my ethnicity (made my friends burst with laughter) and I have yet to find something that matches me. Any thoughts?
No. 2093549
File: 1721181686737.gif (23.03 KB, 480x386, name.GIF)

>>2093530Would you feel comfortable telling us your ethnicity? It feels like it’d be significant for suggestions. Unless you’re not asking name suggestions and just want our opinion on timing.
No. 2093775
ethiopian but I have a rare name even among that group. I want a more western name, with a last name that begins with J
No. 2093790
File: 1721195004781.png (25.28 KB, 587x232, Screenshot 2024-07-17 013523.p…)

>>2093789Didn't even post the screen cap AAAAH. But overall, it really is one of the better sites purely because it's dominated by women and the social element is a minor component of it.
No. 2094069
>>2093515Oh absolutely. In order to thrive in our culture and society, a little girl must be broken. We must be taught that we can't act naturally, that we must stifle our normal emotions and actions to behave politely. And this process of breaking your daughter is incredibly traumatic, obviously to the daughter, but also to the mother as she relives the trauma of her own breaking, the horror that she has to do it to her own flesh and blood, and the justified fear that if she doesn't teach her daughter the correct way to act as a girl, that her daughter will face ostracization and punishment from her peers and society for the rest of her life.
It's the type of desperation that leads to mothers ironing their daughters breasts in Cameroon.
No. 2094161
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>>2094110Here's a little something for you to practice, it's okay to have issues with reading comprehension even if you're over 20 years old, just don't let it drag you down.
No. 2095347
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Is hrh collection a troll? Playing a character? Is she for real? What do we know about her?
No. 2095631
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>>2095202oreo peanut butter
No. 2096026
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No. 2096450
File: 1721410686315.webp (264.33 KB, 1800x1395, lolcow baseball game.webp)

oh i forgot this thread existed, hi y'all
No. 2097077
Frigo string cheese is so damn delicious nonnies I just ate 3 and now I might go back to the fridge to get more.
>>2097014Honestly I wish we had a Chantal thread. The Nader saga was one to witness
No. 2097385
File: 1721492692476.png (98.03 KB, 720x416, Screenshot_20240720-091807-661…)

Y'all don't understand her iconic prowess
No. 2097395
File: 1721493029985.png (686.58 KB, 720x1058, Screenshot_20240710-153314-706…)

>>2097394She has so many knockouts, I could be here all day
(this does not pass the bechdel test) No. 2097400
File: 1721493184940.png (942.66 KB, 1170x943, stalker.png)

>>2097395I googled who that is and whoo this dude is really obsessed with her. Also
>they’ll come for the gays next Good, I hope they do
(the does not pass the bechdel test) No. 2097405
>>2097385I love her
>>2097395>>2097400You need to follow the thread rule.
No. 2097506
File: 1721501875103.png (1.21 MB, 600x848, nemesis.png)

In Marvel lore, Nemesis is a prime, if not the very first prime Cosmic Entity, and the living embodyment of the seven Infinity Gems.
Nemesis was originally the sole being in all of existence. Out of loneliness, this cosmic being took part of herself and gave it independent life; however, because the entity didn't know good nor evil, and thus didn't will her creations to be good, they turned out to be evil. Displeased with her creations, the entity destroyed them.
The entity ultimately chose to put an end to herself due to her loneliness, forming the Infinity Gems and most of reality.
No. 2097750
File: 1721516769244.jpg (981.71 KB, 3024x4032, gwicxllhcd081.jpg)

>>2097647>>2097744There's some discussion about getting an anime night if you're into that sort of thing over on /m/. Could get some silly stuff going if you post some recs.
>>>/m/402233>>2097736I'll (you) you nonna
No. 2097787
File: 1721520548007.jpg (52.69 KB, 640x853, y356zqsc6dlb1.jpg)

>>2097780I have read the /meta/ definition of same fagging, and it also includes responding multiple times. Which would happen if I responded to as many people as I actually want to. I don't know if you suspected because I'm posting on lolcow, but I'm kinda a sperg.
No. 2098015
File: 1721544641397.png (325.73 KB, 718x1208, Woah What Is Up?.png)

This is the most I've seen /2X/ bumped in a long time kek(This post does not pass the Bechdel test)
No. 2098048
>>2097394>>2098046I realize I'm ironically breaking the thread rule but I have a request to make: whoever ends up making the next thread, please put in the OP to not allude to men at all.
Anons seem to not be able to understand, the rule is NOT that you can't say the words man/men/male/scrote/moid. The rule is that you cannot discuss them point blank period, even if you censor it
No. 2098202
>>2098197I eat peppers such as jalapeno, serrano and poblano every day. I also have avocado every couple weeks. All other fruit I eat when it's in season if I see it and the prices are good. I like to go pick wild berries and freeze them if I find a good spot for that.
I tend to avoid big fruit like melons and papayas because I just don't want to deal with chopping it up and potentially not being able to finish it
No. 2098223
>>2098202This post should be bait.
>>2098197Fruits I eat: those cute miniature oranges, bananas, either green or red apples, strawberries, those frozen smoothie blends you get from Trader Joes/Costco if that counts.
Fruits I don’t eat: watermelon, sometimes bananas because they both make my mouth itch and I don’t know why
No. 2098243
>>2098197Eat frequently
>apples: relatively cheap and always available. Don't like them much but you can't always be eating expensive exotic fruit>bananas: always available and tasty>berries: my parents have lots of them in their garden and I feeze a bunch. I wouldn't get them from the supermarket, way too expensive>plums: same as above but only during the summer fresh from the trees>grapes: easy to eat and relatively affordable>mandarines: easy, affordableDon't eat frquently
>Oranges: tend to be sour, don't like the seeds, difficult to peal>Cherries: Tasty but very, VERY expensive. 8-9 euro for a 500 gram!>Strawberries: Don't like them, or at least not the variety they sell at the supermarket>Pears: always hard as bricks No. 2098290
>>2098197Muscadines, kiwi, strawberries and dates I don't eat too often. Muscadines and kiwis make my mouth itch, I think it's the hair on the kiwis and some kind of chemical in the skin of the muscadine. Also, muscadines are native to my state so it's not terribly difficult to find them, but still not the most common fruit so I don't find myself coming across them all the time. Strawberries I only really eat as a topping or make it into strawberry milk, but they're not really that enjoyable on their own. They're the pretty privilege fruit as people say. Dates are sooooooo sweet, so even though I know they're healthier than most sweet options and I want to eat them more I find it difficult to.
Fruits I eat the most are mangos, cherries, blackberries/raspberries and grapes. I also eat bananas but I find myself disliking them recently. I really would like to try soursop some day! I always mean to look for places that sell it near me. Or maybe I'll try it whenever I finally go to the Caribbean
No. 2098295
>>2098197>GOATberries, apples
>GROSScitrus of all kinds
No. 2098307
>>2098197god tier: cherries,wild blackberries
love: pears, green apples, pineapple, mango, lychees, tangerines
ok: oranges, sweeet apples, bananas
EW NO: apricot, watermelon, cantaloupe, any melon tbh
No. 2098590
File: 1721588329800.png (199.91 KB, 826x803, 1718971231918.png)

>>2098385Tanyrt I didn't meant that. my auto corrected changed retards to redacted and lc wouldn't let me delete since I passed the time limit. thank you for fighting for my honour but sadly I'm a austimo with a bad phone.
No. 2098591
>>2098197love avocados, peppers, plantains, and olives the most because i'm not a huge fan of sweet foods but i like kiwis, lychee, and any sort of berry. kumquat is amazing if you're really into tart foods. i especially love yellow dragonfruit for the texture and subtle sweetness but i rarely eat it because it's like 6 dollars for one piece of fruit where i live.
i avoid apples because i think they have a boring straightforward flavor, and yes i've tried nearly every apple variety available commercially.
No. 2098888
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Parent went travelling and brought me this piece of coal as a gift
No. 2098936
File: 1721599438894.jpg (439.26 KB, 713x1760, Screenshot_20240721_165559_Sam…)

Can't find the "things you ate thread" but I had to share this candy rec with you ladies. These are no doubt pricey af for some mints but they're yummy as hell. The flavor is mild and they taste more like green tea to my taste buds, but it's delicious all the same. They have a mild taste of anise in the middle. Overall, it is a lovely fragrant type of candy and I highly recommend trying them if you can afford to spend 20 bucks on some mints.
As an aside is there anyone else who really enjoys "older" flavors of candy? I have been really craving violet flavored candies as well as clove and horehound lately. I also keep eyeing some of those salted liquorice candies. Black liquorice is delicious and I'm curious about how the salt affects the taste.
No. 2099479
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>>2097852That resolution is so cute, I'll have to try it out. Those star-shaped fruits have always intrigued me. Prickly pears and papayas are definitely up there for me - I'm glad you tried them out!! I know so many people hate papaya smell and sliminess.
>>2098197My "go-to" fruits are raspberries, mandarins, grapefruit, and grapes. Peaches, mangoes, and pomegranate only when in season. Wish I ate more papaya, cantaloupe, and prickly pears. And FIGS! I love figs.
I'm not a big fan of apples, pears, or pineapple. I'll eat them, but I find apples and pears so boring. The mouth-feeling pineapples leave is annoying and they're also a pain to cut. And then I have a love-hate relationship with bananas. Hate the smell, dislike the taste, love to make desserts with them. Only type of banana I fully love are those tiny baby bananas (picrel). Plantain is lovely, too.
No. 2099572
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It's fruit time
No. 2099671
File: 1721651855677.jpg (Spoiler Image,657.37 KB, 1920x1080, 1721004596225.jpg)

I think I have a pretty good butt and it looks good from the side and in clothes, but from the back it's so fucking flat. If I posted a pic, you all would mistake it for Shayna. Its so terrible.
No. 2099782
File: 1721657959080.jpg (44.67 KB, 736x729, 1000019944.jpg)

Has anyone ever had a Netherland dwarf rabbit as a pet? How was it? I want one, they're impossibly cute.
No. 2099785
>>2098197love mango hate banan
>>2099671i have the flattest ass ever known to mankind
No. 2099836
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>>2099819You can tell by the lighting.
No. 2099864
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>>20998473-5 is normal, i’m taking about the ones who collect lines of these stuff and it looks like a grocery store shelf in their cabinets kek
No. 2099869
File: 1721661066139.jpg (Spoiler Image,46.49 KB, 306x601, article-2532524-1A618690000005…)

>>2099861I'm having such a hard time visualizing this. The opposite is so common, how would a woman have a flat ass that is not actually flat? Olga Kent is an example of a person with a flat ass that doesn't look flat directly from the back. Picrel is her butt directly on, but this link is what it looks like from other views: No. 2099880
>>2099875step 1: get book
step 2: open book
step 3: place eyes into letters and proceed to read book
No. 2099962
>>2099890It depends on how many books I can find that I'm interested in reading– if I could find twenty fiction books in a month, I could probably manage to read them all in that time, but generally the number of fiction books I manage to pick out a month is like two or three (sometimes none, for months ugh), unless I get hooked on an author's body of work or long-running series.
Genre/book type plays a big part in how many books a person can chew through too– nonfiction books aren't always as long as a novel, for example, and many take less than an evening to get through. If you're seeing large monthly book numbers on social media spaces like booktok or booktube, the types of books that they read are usually simply written YA/romances designed to be consumed quickly and in large numbers (people within those spaces also admit to speed/skim reading books just so they can get through all the monthly recs/must reads and keep up with trends and book subscriptions, so there's a unique pressure/motivation there too).
Regardless, it's not about how many books you read, it's how much you enjoy them that matters
No. 2100117
File: 1721669802606.webp (24.99 KB, 500x376, marge-01.webp)

Roommates are away, work is done and chores are finished so I'm blasting cringey songs and doing some Monday grooooving
No. 2100167
File: 1721672014997.png (4.2 MB, 1095x1971, the wetness .png)

Dude fuck you(this does not pass the bechdel test)
No. 2100277
>>2099890Admittedly, I don't read as much as I'd like to. On average, probably one or two. Haven't read a book from cover to cover since undergrad. I'll usually read specific essays or chapters in a book, unless I'm doing research - then I might read full books.
With that being said, does anyone have any good fiction recommendations? I like Clarice Lispector. I've had an itch for romance for months now, but everything seems to be either TikTok Cartoon Cover romance book or… Jane Austen.
No. 2100678
File: 1721688554355.jpg (223.14 KB, 1300x1300, bomb pops.jpg)

I cannot stop eating bombs pops. They were on sale, so I bought a box of 12 three days ago and I only have three left. Absolute gluttony and hedonism. Do these exist everywhere?
No. 2100688
File: 1721688929426.png (76.87 KB, 480x514, 01.png)

>>2099890Depends on how big the book is, I've just finished Crime and Punishment and also Chevengur, which are fairly big, the second one in particular because my copy has tiny ass print, and next month I'm going to try and read both volumes of Mushrooms, Russia and History. I used to be able bang out at least six to ten detective or horror paperbacks but they're kind of boring now so I've been trying to read more actually interesting books and have slowed down to about four to three per month. I don't know if this counts but when I'm not browsing lolcow in my free time I'm reading medical and biology papers and recent Chernobyl studies and it's all super interesting and easy to get through in a sitting or two.
No. 2100775
>>2099890Looking through the past couple of months in my reading log:
April 13
May 16
June 10
July so far 7 (I've been doing a lot of movie marathons this month, which cuts into my reading time)
No. 2100956
File: 1721709474964.jpeg (11.41 KB, 275x172, ed sheeran.jpeg)

>>2087307its been 10 days and i still scroll up to giggle at this kek
(This post does not pass the Bechdel test) No. 2101060
>>2087132mukbangs are fucking disgusting
everyone looks disgusting when eating
No. 2101063
>>2101061each worldstone in demon's souls has interconnected maps
I think demon's souls has better map design than dark souls, in terms of satisfying interconnections and atmosphere
No. 2101071
File: 1721722659083.webp (62.84 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_5650.webp)

can someone photoshop this to say "retarded" instead of "retired" I'm too lazy right now
No. 2101127
File: 1721729926213.png (583.17 KB, 684x520, todolist.png)

>>2100990This post passes the Bechdel test
No. 2101425
File: 1721748469367.jpeg (143.82 KB, 500x500, IMG_1854.jpeg)

There’s an annoying big ass roach right outside my window and somehow the rain and wind didn’t blow that fucker away. It’s still outside my window right inbetween those mosquito nets and it’s bothering me so much. It’s one of those roaches that come from those dirty ponds/rivers ughhh and it’s a pretty huge adult one I swear I’m being punished for being a bitch
No. 2101435
File: 1721748902352.gif (97.04 KB, 200x200, lol.gif)

wow,,, ur so sigma!!!!!!!(retard emailfagging shitposter)
No. 2101495
>>2100688>ChevengurHow did you find it
No. 2101594
>>2101585Because this post
>>2101143 didn't mention the forbidden topic yet was banned
No. 2101616
File: 1721754526722.jpg (110.06 KB, 500x500, lioness .JPG)

We lost Amy 13 years ago today. I love you so much queen we’re always thinking of you I hope you’re having a good day in heaven ♥
No. 2101838
File: 1721761516653.jpg (75.12 KB, 757x540, ht5rr6u.jpg)

>>2100491>(take it to meta)guys this wasn't a complaint, just something i saw offhandedly. i'm NOT complaining about the ban since it's not even mine, it was just a random thought, relax
(this post does not pass the bechdel test) No. 2101865
File: 1721763699334.jpg (141.07 KB, 1416x1080, 24-facts-about-pearl-krabs-spo…)

>>2101838What is it about this cartoon that causes so many of you to break the only rule in this thread. You can still post it, it just has to be Pearl or Sandy.
No. 2101866
File: 1721763810662.png (4.54 KB, 540x500, winrar.png)

Imagine if winrar suddenly decided the infinite 30 days trial period is over tomorrow.
No. 2101873
File: 1721764113747.png (201.42 KB, 717x445, Cat(lol)alog.png)

i forgot to post this earlier
No. 2101887
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>>2101865you're right idk why. maybe the lashes threw me off but i fixed her
>>2101864i'm gatekeeping sorry. i don't want any lurkers getting all the ips banned
No. 2102022
File: 1721773076621.jpg (30.04 KB, 720x720, 1609384118630.jpg)

>>2101890So texthooking doesn't work on ryujinx
No. 2102030
File: 1721773537855.jpg (119.36 KB, 736x736, cb5c1ce123319534ee17ec2d4b7585…)

I am done with trying to grow my hair. I look like crap with short hair and even get some unwanted "beauty tips" (aka "let your hair grow" suggestions on repeat) by complete strangers but I also look like crap with long hair, and I'd say it's even worse. I not only have to spend money on shitty hair products that cause skin issues and smell bad, my hair doesn't even look good and I am completely invisible to everyone everywhere. I am tired of being invisible. Might at least get the time and money I am investing on hair and do something else. Gonna waste my money on new clothes too, I used to buy second hand shit and it is not worth it most of the time quality wise and also it makes me look frumpy.
No. 2102135
>>2102030I know your pain nona. I cut all my hair off after a terrible haircut and that period between hair under the ear to chin length was painful… Washing my hair everyday and massaging it helped mine grow faster. Also you can try putting some oil in. They say castor is good for hair growth but its way to thick for my hair (very fine).
>>2102114Any recs for hair masks? I put avocado in yesterday because I heard its good for making the hair more shiny but I couldn't tell a difference. I only did it the one time maybe I'm being impatient? I'm willing to try again but I don't want to waste perfectly good produce if it doesnt work….
No. 2102163
File: 1721782581492.jpg (25.38 KB, 464x662, damaris goddrie.jpg)

>>2102135Oh I can't wash my hair everyday, it is very dry. I started using olive oil which makes it a little better (still have to use something else so I don't smell like pizza kek) but it is annoying to take care now it's longer, I also got a lot of knots at the ends. My problem is not growing it out but actually making it not look like shit, it is almost past my shoulders now and I am trying to resist the urge to cut it all off again.
I used to have a similar hairstyle to picrel, I kinda miss it but I also remember how annoying it was that hair period you referred, this is the only thing holding me back from cutting it all. I am desperate, if I don't end up cutting it out I might just straighten it, I am so unhappy with it right now.
No. 2102191
Bought a pretty skirt, I'm going to add pockets and embroidery to it once it arrives. I'm so excited.
>>2102030An oil mask is the key nonna, I basically stopped having split ends after using it regularly. Just using olive oil from my kitchen, no extra expenses. Hope you can get a bit of a glow up nonna, you deserve to feel pretty ♥
No. 2102359
File: 1721792395072.jpg (73.68 KB, 512x467, unnamed.jpg)

what are we doing tonight nonnies
No. 2102367
>>2102022Damn I'm sorry
nonnie, what vn are you trying to play?
No. 2102652
File: 1721818310622.png (423.37 KB, 1064x612, amy.png)

>>2101616We touch the walls of a city street, and didn't explain
Sadly, showed us our ways
Of never asking why
Cast down, it was Heaven-sent, and
To the church, no intent to repent
On my knees, just to cry
Until you travel to that place you can't come back
Where the last pain is gone and all that's left is black
No. 2102657
File: 1721818978312.png (Spoiler Image,1.1 MB, 1104x496, bans.png)

>>2101552>>2101585But the butt
But the Modinas don't
The Modinas don't
The Modinas don't like that unless they hand out bans
(dumbass shitposting) No. 2102695
File: 1721824708430.jpg (177.75 KB, 800x500, The Sisterhood of the Travelin…)

>>2102372Try to ask in the movie thread on /m
No. 2103083
File: 1721842835537.jpg (45.89 KB, 932x726, 1000015647.jpg)

Farmhands please read the OP
>Off-topic random shit thread>the only rule is DO NOT TALK ABOUT MOIDS>>2102657 literally did nothing wrong and didn't break any rules. if shitposting isn't allowed here then edit the OP.
No. 2103238
File: 1721850701625.jpg (46.63 KB, 564x557, amelie.jpg)

I love Amelie. Whenever I watch it my perspective of everything changes a bit
No. 2103316
File: 1721854506680.jpg (Spoiler Image,300.74 KB, 3840x2160, 20240724_154859.jpg)

>>2099869>>2099671It has to do with general fat distribution and shape. That models butt looks fuller directly from behind because it is round and not square like shaynas and she has a very defined cheek crease. Op probably has more of a square butt, square butts have fat that is distributed on the hip crests and upper thigh, but less in the actual pelvic area causing a divot or straight line from hips to thigh. Also if you have a lot more fat in your thighs it will make a smooth transition from your thigh to your cheek causing very little of a crease to form, which adds to the illusion that you don't have butt cheeks. Shaynas butt looks unfortunate because it
is both square and flat. It sucks but some people get stuck with square butts instead of round.
No. 2103330
File: 1721855747798.jpg (275.64 KB, 720x952, Screenshot_20240724_161333_Goo…)

>>2102372Is the secret life of bees a shit answer? Or did anyone else like that movie?
No. 2103497
File: 1721868815365.jpeg (32.38 KB, 564x406, IMG_1891.jpeg)

I have a suggestion for a new board idea that will never happen. /hc/ for horrorcows or /dk/ darkroom. it can be a board where you can talk about cows or other people who have done devious, illegal, disgusting things like zoophiles, murderers, etc. it can have a spooky and dark theme, 17th-18th century aesthetics. If I was skilled at coding it would have a cute “password” page before you enter the board where the password would just be nonny or some shit with some goofy disclaimer. Picrel is a vibe on how this fantasy board would look/feel like, it would even a cute little music player with spooky music while you browse.
No. 2103552
I can't wait until it's fall, the weather has been pretty dreary this week and it's so cozy I love it.
>>2103497It would probably become like /w/, not neccessary but still fun. Honestly I wouldn't mind it, I love the picture too.
No. 2104188
File: 1721915352554.png (Spoiler Image,697.21 KB, 720x462, beba.png)

If you have a stocky stubby or "big boned" body with wide hips and not so wide shoulders, you can do all the dieting you want but that narrow waist with wide shoulders won't come
No. 2104227
File: 1721915995754.jpg (212.19 KB, 1080x1080, the little hours.jpg)

>>2102372Set It Off
The Craft
The Little Hours
Polite Society
No. 2104230
File: 1721916013627.jpg (Spoiler Image,50.74 KB, 724x482, andressa.jpg)

>>2104202Best you can do with that is a flat belly Mulher Melancia (watermelon lady) body assuming you're not very tall.
No. 2104238
File: 1721916139627.png (340.05 KB, 472x516, but.png)

>>2103898I'm very constipated on the toilet right now,
what foods would you suggest to avoid digestive problems and to make things more easily handled by the stomach? I'm not allergic to gluten
No. 2104254
>>2104238nothing can help you
once you're constipated, it's a downward spiral
No. 2104303
>>2104238Drink more water.
>>2104188>>2104202>>2104230Any woman can look great if she eats enough and exercises. People outside don't care about the size of your waist if you are at a normal weight and active. Only insane moids and brainwashed women care.
(this post does not pass the bechdel test) No. 2104308
File: 1721917460459.jpg (154.59 KB, 1024x1024, Nutrivore-Cruciferous-Veggies-…)

>>2104238eat more cruciferous vegetables. Like at least a half pound per day
No. 2104310
>>2104238fiber literally never helped me with constipation
if anything it makes me even more backed up
No. 2104311
I'm confused by some of this body/hourglass talk. Like,
>>2104188 is just a strange thought to post, no woman wants wide shoulders.
No. 2104342
File: 1721918440417.jpg (15.47 KB, 236x360, d6e3f6b3b03b7b9e88016a4ec8596e…)

>>2104311then why were shoulderpads for women trendy in the 80s?
No. 2104422
File: 1721921962038.png (623.82 KB, 532x604, cortez.png)

It's about bone width, length, and structural proportion.
No. 2104423
File: 1721921967779.jpg (117.61 KB, 720x483, image.jpg)

>>2104349I wish the glamazon career boss babe looks from the 80s would come back, as well as the cute neon tracksuits and poofy hair teen girls wore in the late 80s. I look terrible in neons and pastels but I'd rock them anyway. Born too late etc etc
No. 2104424
>>2104188I'm so confused, is this targeted towards someone? Who wants wide shoulders? Not throwing hate towards those who have them, but you literally never see women say they want wide shoulders.
Even with hourglass bodies, that being a beauty standard is because of the hips and waist, not the shoulders. Plus you don't need to actually have wide shoulders to be an hourglass, they just have to be the same width as your hips.
No. 2104428
File: 1721922094221.webp (65.04 KB, 571x800, 80s-clothing-advertisements-fr…)

>>2104423Just look at them, like adorable cozy poodles
No. 2104641
File: 1721933574665.jpg (29.44 KB, 536x572, damn constipated aliens.jpg)

>>2104238What does your constipation have to do with fucking the mods? Do you have powers and knew I went through chronic constipation till recently and thats why you responded to my post with your constipation issues? Are you one of the little aliens that come here to fuck with the cows? I suggest you drink more water and eat granola and natural yogurts, little alien, it's what worked for me. I also stopped eating certain types of bread. And stop messing with the cows, red meat is not good for your guts, go abduct the people across the road, you will know where it is, they have a big ass gate and they are proper criminals, everyone knows they resell stolen goods.
No. 2104787
>>2104356slay but only in real life with my sister
we did it ironically at first and now we just cant stop
No. 2104797
File: 1721940601930.jpeg (1.05 MB, 2000x2000, 1617416560933.jpeg)

Spent the entire day deleting old accounts connected to my 10 year old email, they were all from a time my dumbass teen self would sign up to everything and thought to use the same password "slightly" altered across several sites, including ones that have personal details. I was so stupid. And I used to think I was so smart and cyber secure back then too.
My email right now has several (failed) log in attempts and I'm just so paranoid even though I set up two factor verification and changed my password. I have to wait the 30 day period for permanent deletion on a lot of accounts. I'm moving to a new email and not signing up to anything anymore.
No. 2104949
File: 1721949067850.png (337.99 KB, 1133x937, 1525975736529.png)

>>2104613Leave my short, knock kneed ass alone. I can barely reach the ground and so I perch like that to maintain balance.
No. 2105032
File: 1721953512356.jpeg (17.18 KB, 602x205, woman pooping.jpeg)

>>2104613True. We should all be perching on our toilet seats
No. 2105036
File: 1721953863062.gif (11.22 KB, 205x274, 1705124773893.gif)

>>2104949A fellow ceceliker on lolcow?
No. 2105178
File: 1721966206568.jpeg (77.43 KB, 421x400, IMG_1921.jpeg)

I was betrayed by a nonny once…
No. 2105205
File: 1721968514854.webp (26.36 KB, 500x740, princess.webp)

>>2105178Was she as beautiful as lauren
No. 2105214
File: 1721968816076.png (1.13 MB, 1170x1136, sponge cake .png)

Such a lady
No. 2105225
File: 1721970009943.jpg (79.31 KB, 900x750, 1000004112.jpg)

>>2105216I always loved that she had a bitchy look, like she didn't have to try to look demure or seductive or squint her eyes like the other girls. She just looked like that.
No. 2105614
File: 1722004662198.jpg (104.03 KB, 528x960, f877a49abb45ffc70a69be85d10ac2…)

As much as I think most British food looks and sounds gross, their breakfast minus the baked beans and mushrooms looks really good. It could be perfect if the beans didn't have sauce on them.
No. 2105695
>>2105689Not a british
nonnie but blood sausage maybe? I've never had it
No. 2105704
>>2105672Sunday lunch on Sundays, English breakfast can be eaten any day you want, it depends if you want to cook all that. Most of the people who will eat that frequently are builders, someone who needs a large energy start to the day. That's also why they all die of heart attacks at like 45.
>>2105689Blood pudding, really nice tbh.
No. 2105840
File: 1722017500665.png (1.03 MB, 1236x536, scarlett and others.png)

>>2105030An actress from the movie Rough Night
Also do you recognize Scarlett here?
No. 2106071
File: 1722022376602.png (1017.84 KB, 1028x708, bath.png)

>>2104613I don't really know why bathroom scenes are needed in movies at all, they don't really contribute to the advancement of the plot
No. 2106670
File: 1722041247541.jpeg (38.01 KB, 450x600, IMG_1937.jpeg)

sitting in my room wearing only a towel waiting for my clothes to be done in the washer so i can put them in the dryer and take a shower and it feels so nice because i never do this and it feels like i’m living like larry right now. my period is finally over but you know that thing where it just does those final gushes when you think it’s finally over so i’m taking a risk sitting on my bed like this kek. do any of you nonnas walk around the house naked and free?(This post does not pass the Bechdel test)
No. 2107066
File: 1722066140279.jpeg (190.85 KB, 1099x474, Screen_Shot_2018_03_08_at_9.24…)

Im getting hit with nostalgia right now and I miss PULL. I always fondly remember it as the one gossip forum that actually had summaries of the thread topics in the OP (sites like GG don't do this so I could never get into them). It's been so long I can't even remember the names of everyone in the banner anymore, only Venus, Dakota and Kiki
No. 2107163
File: 1722075751026.jpg (42.58 KB, 449x401, 94vqz.jpg)

>>2107158Couldn't be me, I just took my morning shower lmao rank bitch.
No. 2107230
File: 1722083327791.png (251 KB, 576x356, toi.png)

>>2106639>>2106668I'm not sure but some recent series have many bathroom scenes in them, seems like hollywood has a thing for people in vulnerable positions
>>2107158You're sweaty and reek of bad odour
No. 2107262
File: 1722085237783.png (Spoiler Image,711.37 KB, 894x538, body.png)

>>2104424>>2104425This is an example of wide shoulders and narrow waist (Vladislava Galagan)
No. 2107315
File: 1722088233318.png (282.29 KB, 512x362, mandy.png)

>>2091275So Ms. Nona, what you doing in order to find gainful employment
Since your last signing on date?
Fuck all
You've sat around the house schlicking
Can of beer, you're a mess
Desperately clutching onto a leaflet on depression
Supplied to you by the NHS
It's anyone's guess how you got here
Anyone's guess how you'll go?
You suck on a lollipop, pull your skirt up
Fuck off, you're going home!
Your employment history looks quite impressive
We looking at three retail positions you previously held with quite
reputable stores, isn't this something you'd like to go back to?
Nah, you'd just end up fucking robbing the place
And you've got drugs to take and a mind to break
No. 2107415
File: 1722095896718.jpg (127.04 KB, 1000x1500, MV5BMDJiZjM0YWItZWIzMi00MDFhLT…)

>>2107315I love Diane Morgan, Cunk is the best though.
No. 2107476
File: 1722099445012.png (159.95 KB, 800x800, image_2024-07-27_175601384.png)

i wear one of these on my head when im lurking or posting because it makes me feel like i fit in here better
No. 2107942
File: 1722121171171.jpg (142.85 KB, 1241x1231, studybuddy.jpg)

I am literally begging, can someone please bully me into working on my final project. I am so burnt out I feel physically incapable of working more. Any encouragement, mean words, or thoughts are accepted I am so desperate.
No. 2107943
>>2107646Congrats on getting better
nonny. I used to have awful feet too spoiler for TMI
really dry itchy skin I would scratch until it bled and every toenail was nasty and infected but they got better after going on meds too. I'm so glad I can put it behind me.
No. 2108565
File: 1722167156575.jpeg (378.03 KB, 1500x840, FnKLLwwaMAEXzbA.jpeg)

I love being positive minded and no longer letting myself succumb to my overthinking or negative thoughts. I can’t believe I wasted my formative years existing in misery and sabotaging myself because of my OWN insecurities, my place in life, my future, how others think of me, etc. and when you’re in that mindset you can’t even budge or change anything because it all seems hopeless, you don’t even realize that the change comes from YOU and nothing is gained from being your own enemy and even if you fail you can STAND BACK UP AGAIN because if you give up it’s all over there’s no where to go but this shithole you’re stuck in but if you keep standing back up then you’re always making small improvements you’re taking tiny steps to being the person you want to be or going to the place you want to get and often your worries are inflated and seem 10x worse than they actually are in your own head. You need to train your brain into being your ally and not your enemy.
I haven’t even had a sudden change in my circumstances to prompt this switch-up, I think I just got sick of waiting for someone to “save” me and I realized literally no one on this earth can show me how I should live my own life. Yeah I’m still held back by societal gates, but I think I can still find happiness in life and be satisfied without a perfect education history or the bougie office job. I just need to work on myself at my own pace and find the day-to-day joys that make me happy (without sabotaging my growth). Anyway yeah I wanted to get that off my chest it feels very weird to wake up and not want to kill myself anymore or blame myself for everything I hate about my life.
No. 2108573
File: 1722168069889.gif (406.52 KB, 400x414, 5879ecf3e80a04ca4e8ea49975b434…)

I love when I'm playing league and I'm the only one who survived the team fight so someone on my team starts pinging or shit talking me. What are you mad about, me not giving them an ace or pentakill? Im usually silent in games but I'm gonna start flaming these retards.
No. 2108589
>>2107498You're right, I've been thinking about that as well. I feel like with the size of the current global population we're kinda trapped. A lot of people live in appartments, you can't do a lot to be less reliant on the government there. Like sure there's modern homesteads/off-grid living/partial self reliancy in urban settings, but not everyone can do that (if they even wanted to). Is there even enough space on earth for every family to hypothetically live off their own land if nothing else was a limiting factor?
I try to do small things like air drying and mending my clothes and foraging greens for salads but it doesn't add up to much to be less reliant. When Russia invaded Ukraine causing a global food crisis, that made me aware of how reliant we are on governments and global trade (and climate) just to be able to feed ourselves.
That said I try not to glorify the past. My farmer grandparents were partially self reliant by eating from their garden and cattle and they were dirt poor, there's downsides to everything.
No. 2108677
File: 1722171561901.jpg (1.78 MB, 3072x4080, IMG_20240728_155356.jpg)

There's a pidgin in my living eoom
No. 2108682
File: 1722171670105.jpg (2.04 MB, 3072x4080, IMG_20240728_155412.jpg)

>>2108678She's appreciating art
No. 2109072
>>2109066you wish
>>2109068A woman, with XX chromosomes
No. 2109078
File: 1722193994465.jpg (86.09 KB, 467x700, PIX.jpg)

How does it feel knowing none of you will ever be a based JP idoru like picrel?
No. 2109080
>>2109078She got that motherfucking thang on her. Fit is
GOATED and RIZZED with the
VALID patterns
No. 2109086
>>2107066miranda kanadajin and her sockpuppet before she became muslim….she was really one of my favorite cows
No. 2109105
>>2109078Why did she have to become what she is? God I feel sad about PT being the miserable woman she is right now.
If only she had at least a 1% of Japanese blood she probably wouldn't be as sad as she is, maybe? I don't really know how she would've reacted but it's nice to imagine her being happy and not the female equivalent of chris-chan.
No. 2109813
File: 1722246610448.png (384.36 KB, 768x354, merton.png)

>>2109084Rizz is a new word which evolved from "charisma"
No. 2109814
File: 1722246794571.png (639.46 KB, 694x480, pidgeon.png)

>>2108709I do, in fact, know a woman relative who keeps pidgeons as pets, and has a room in her apartment where some pidgeons stay, apparently
After years of this, we all think she is not completely mentally sane
No. 2109920
File: 1722259134542.png (729.41 KB, 944x720, jain.png)

>>2109821Hey Lil Anon
Why don't you come around
You're feeling lost
You're feeling alone
You're feeling away far from your home
When the sun is going down
And there's pidgeons in your town
Don't you worry, don't you run
There's a place to lay your head
Don't you know how to stand up
And make this world your own?
If you feel like giving up
I'll make you feel at home
No. 2110153
File: 1722275214062.jpg (618.54 KB, 2560x1544, female pidgeons eating.jpg)

Do you go to nail salons? And if yes, what do you do there?
No. 2110162
>>2109981It's unlikely, but if it's a bite from a recluse spider you could be in moderate to severe trouble, such a bite can go from necrotic skin lesions to kidney failure
See: loxoscelism
No. 2110202
File: 1722277964466.jpg (162.08 KB, 500x500, 1000047078.jpg)

>>2110153I go to nail salons because I'm incompetent with my hands, whenever I try to do my nails I always end up with lots of wounds, so I gave up, and now I go to a nail salon at least every month or every 17 days.
I even fuck up my toe nails so horribly that sometimes I have trouble walking and get terrible infections.
I don't know why I was cursed with the incompetence in anything that requires me to have a pulse that isn't of someone with Parkinson's.
No. 2110424
File: 1722288879812.png (150.89 KB, 846x110, beetle.png)

>>2110351Imagine a 50 feet long and 10 feet tall beetle flying and causing trouble through your city
No. 2110462
File: 1722290177309.jpeg (19.86 KB, 678x452, images - 2024-07-30T075442.216…)

>>2110351Insects don't do that to much smaller insects, iirc praying mantids don't eat ants and most carnivorous insects don't go after fruit flies. We also have to take into account that we will never understand insect brains, it's basically three knobs of matter on a spinal cord yet they can show empathy and do quick maths. Their parasites however might be more of a concern to us.
No. 2110703
File: 1722296990260.jpeg (209.57 KB, 750x731, IMG_1984.jpeg)

>family member comes back to the house
>immediately feels stressed and nauseous because their energy and presence is overall nauseating and unwelcoming
>their presence makes me genuinely want to kill myself or start doing drugs to escape it
sorry for the blogpost i need escapist media what anime do you guys currently recommend? I don’t even like anime that much but please just recommend something, anything
No. 2110726
File: 1722297571873.jpg (175.97 KB, 735x953, 1000047479.jpg)

>>2110703Ojamajo doremi, always, Ojamajo doremi forever.
No. 2110741
File: 1722298064301.jpg (12.84 KB, 220x148, Haibane_Renmei_group_shot_(1d-…)

>>2110703I feel like I'm always shilling this but Haibane Renmei is great. Paranoia Agent is also pretty decent psy horror if you're into that
No. 2110748
>2110740>how old are youold enough to not watch anime religiously (an adult who is allowed to use the website)
>>2110732anything that comes out of japan where the characters turn into little girls is highly suspect, i’m sorry anon
>>2110741oh hell yes this is the type of genre i wanted. thanks for the rec
No. 2110803
>>2110748I don't watch anime religiously either, ojamajo doremi is literally THE anime of my childhood, don't you ever assume weird stuff about it again.
If you watch it, you will see how it's cute and honestly deep.
No. 2112686
File: 1722388321486.jpeg (70.81 KB, 500x500, IMG_2007.jpeg)

No. 2113568
>>2113412Yup. It's even more retarded when they're just adding to their post or changing a spelling error, yet there are tards like
>>2113442 projecting shame or something into it.
I guess it's the younger userbase who grew up on twitter and isn't used to post editing.
No. 2113670
>>2113412I kind of get it sometimes, like, I once posted an unpopular opinion and some anon told me to kill myself, then "she" deleted the post like a coward to not catch a ban, it wasn't a correction.
I also have seen anons delete important information or screenshots with milk on cow boards too.
I personally don't really like to screenshot every single interaction and I delete anything from here as fast as possible in case my phone ends in the hands of another person, so I'm honestly amazed by how some anons are quick to save random stuff, that must be the power of autism.
No. 2113800
File: 1722443822927.png (693.57 KB, 1280x460, sasha.png)

>>2113765Wait, so there are only females on the internet?
No. 2114101
Okay listen to me nonny, the key to making your first big leap is exercise. Speaking from personal experience. I want you to go on a reaalllyy long walk this evening (or tomorrow evening if its already night time for you) and drain yourself, you'll be so tired that you'll conk out earlier than usual and you can slowly fix your sleeping schedule that way while also making your body more active. Each day just enjoy your own personal company and the sights, take your headphones, charge your phone, prepare your playlist or podcasts and enjoy the long walk (do 10k steps but if you're a weak neet like I was then you can stop at 7k-ish as long as you're tired). Getting that done is crucial for your health and for the success rate of your other plans because when you drain yourself and eventually start sleeping earlier to recuperate, you'll slowly wake up earlier and get a hold of your sleeping schedule. It actually doesn't take very long for your body to unlearn a shitty sleeping schedule as long as you're consistent for a few weeks (speaking as someone who used to wake up 4pm and sleep 9am).
When you wake up in the morning, open your curtains (get that sunlight in your room), open the windows and freshen yourself up. Write your plans for the day and week. Don't overwhelm yourself, don't set unrealistic expectations. Praise yourself for every single little task you complete. I know it sounds retarded but lets be real, the old you wouldn't have been able to complete simple tasks but the new and improved nona who is getting a hold of her life can. And that's something to praise yourself for. Even if you only get 1 thing done for the day, you have a whole new day tomorrow to get another thing done. Maybe even 2 things. Even if you fall back into your bad habits, you have a whole new day the next day to start again. Train your brain into being your best friend, your support and your ally while you're working on getting yourself out of the gutter.
Eventually, once you get the ball rolling for yourself you'll
1) realize that a lot of the tasks and problems you have SEEM 10x worse in your own head and the hurdles are actually a lot lower than they seem (not trying to downplay any serious, unavoidable personal issues you might have but idk the specifics of your life)
2) remember the amazing feeling of waking up early, getting a few tasks done, getting your blood pumping for a few hours of the day and the general happiness you feel towards yourself compared to the misery of online escapism and staying up late for short-term satisfaction
3) find it a lot easier to get back on the wagon if you fall off once you're consistent with positive reinforcement and generally shift your mind to being your ally instead of your enemy
It wont be easy and you will have hard days trying to become a better version of yourself, but as long you're kind to yourself and allow yourself the room to make mistakes, there is always hope.
No. 2114151
>>2114147Its okay
nonny, its a good thing I kept my tab open or I would've missed it. I hope at least one sentence will help you get back on your feet again
No. 2117223
>>2117212samefag forgot about the 'i love
nonny' thread too, though it looks like nobody got banned there.
No. 2118563
File: 1722671719833.png (120.72 KB, 400x400, 87082357-clown.png)

me as fuck tbh. who else feeling this
No. 2118564
>>2117223Link to the I love
nonny thread pls
No. 2118587
File: 1722672483019.png (385.73 KB, 631x890, yotsuba 1.PNG)

yotsuba new chapter is just adorable (1/2)
No. 2118588
File: 1722672517701.png (392.91 KB, 630x895, yotsuba 2.PNG)

>allow me to explain banana juice!
No. 2118673
>>2118671why are child abuse
victims like this
No. 2118707
File: 1722679828951.png (Spoiler Image,83.04 KB, 900x1000, tumblr_cc2727ae9f11aab20db12e4…)

>>2118686>>2118687Not any of the other anons, but damn if you two aren't a clear cut case of Schrodinger's asshole.
No. 2118722
File: 1722680415121.png (31.46 KB, 144x134, 20240803_201953.png)

>>2118711Are you that extremely funny anon with over 90 IQ from before because if so it's past your bedtime young lady.
No. 2118725
>>2118717aw sorry to hear
nonny you are too poor to afford a mirror
No. 2118739
>>2118711Good satire, perfect response, 10/10.
>>2118717Not feeding the trolls, perfect response, 10/10.
I love lc.
No. 2118760
File: 1722681585228.jpg (328.06 KB, 1080x1586, Screenshot_20240803-203732_Chr…)

>>2118749Samefag, from a slightly newer selection of studies. Possibly why there's so much infighting recently too
No. 2118789
>>2118749>>2118760It isn't necessarily affecting the skills we measure to calculate IQ, at least from what you've posted. However, having reduced executive functions is probably much worse from a practical standpoint. As
>>2118779 basically said, your processing speed isn't as important as your ability to make and execute on long-term goals, to give an example.
No. 2118794
>>2118760Oh it's fucking over for me. I haven't been able to get anything done the past years, I just start things and don't finish. Various art projects but lately it's taken over my house. My clean laundry has taken up an entire loveseat. I will put the laundry in, but I just
can't sit down to fold it and put it away. I get distracted or actually fall asleep.
No. 2118800
File: 1722683400799.jpg (162.92 KB, 1080x471, Screenshot_20240803-210151_Chr…)

FUCK forgot what thread we were in. Sorry, kek.
>>2118777Not said in those studies but other studies link higher amounts of grey matter with higher IQ. There's also studies on porn addiction which has similar (far, far worse) effects and researchers noted that the people involved were basically impulsive retards.
>>2118773It's not possible to get it all back because damage to neurons is permanent, but smokers (smoking also causes shrinkage of grey matter) have been observed to get a portion back after a few years of not smoking.
No. 2122228
File: 1722850302260.jpg (69.87 KB, 1079x211, Screenshot_20240805-193056_Chr…)

Quick if true.
No. 2123124
>>2123045I despise my voice a lot but because I just don't even recognize my own voice, it's so bizarre. Lots of people (women) have told me that they like my voice, that it sounds nice or that it's relaxing to hear even, but I just can't understand the sound of my voice.
I literally think I sound retarded, like an absolute sped out of the sped school, the pitch is weird as fuck, I have this weird "ghetto girl trying to sound classy and failing" accent in Spanish or an "American trying to speak like a brit" accent in English.
I also don't like how I sing even though I have been told from time to time that I have a nice singing voice, like, I like singing but hearing my voice recorded makes me want to puke, literally.
No. 2123452
File: 1722900955508.gif (2.66 MB, 320x180, 1649173806595.gif)

Depressed as fuck this period that mentstruession shit hitting hard affffffff who up and relating rn.
No. 2123475
File: 1722902746625.jpg (509.82 KB, 1285x2570, inside_out_2-online-use-i170_2…)

This bitch been making me tweak 24/7 for the last decade or so
No. 2123712
File: 1722917162858.jpeg (36.31 KB, 680x110, my bad.jpeg)

>>2123479>>2123350Saw this cap from another thread and I thought it fit here too. The recent infights have been retarded, I think the summerfags are finally starting to crack and fall off. Hopefully by September or October things will be calmer.
No. 2123747
File: 1722918928849.gif (3.11 MB, 366x436, 05021411.gif)

No. 2123865
File: 1722932293170.jpg (59.15 KB, 480x696, 14d225d7007fa09939cfffe36e2710…)

Why do I start thinking about autumn as soon as it's August? Does anyone else get like that? Start planning my wardrobe for cold weather and shit. It's still summer here. We won't get proper autumn weather where I live until early October. And during the winter I will complain and miss summer. The weather now is hot and sunny, I need to enjoy it while I can!
No. 2124057
>>2123456Mod you retard, do you really think auras and negative energy are real? Or that they could travel thousands of miles in order to affect that women's internet viewing habits and how people respond to her? Goddess damn, she's retarded for getting butthurt off that and you're retarded for thinking that auras exist.
>>2123747What's the fifth outfit supposed to be? The one with the leaf and the pink diaper.
(take it to /meta/) No. 2124394
File: 1722964361972.jpg (35.04 KB, 612x408, istockphoto-912927848-612x612.…)

>>2124057>(take it to /meta/)If you're afraid of being called out with your comments in the place you made them, then don't make little comments. Just ban them and then make your comment on meta and link it back to here. Energy and auras aren't transmissible through the internet, so people making fun of them is just banter.
>>2124073I don't know sis, if the Virgin Mary isn't real, how come I once saw her in a piece of toast?
No. 2125539
File: 1723029682582.jpg (Spoiler Image,169.31 KB, 1080x1350, 1.jpg)

Goal body still not reached
No. 2125558
>>2125282Only semi related to your post but the funniest shit is when you make a post and then come back hours later to realize you accidentally started a fight kekkk
>>2125551She looks fine, she has a really nice body.
No. 2126877
File: 1723122301637.jpeg (87.88 KB, 768x599, IMG_2126.jpeg)

oh my god she’s foodie beauty ugly kek
No. 2126889
File: 1723124259265.png (Spoiler Image,524.52 KB, 786x516, blackrectangles.png)

>>2125603It's because of the wide hips and pelvis, and shoulder to waist proportions
No. 2126926
File: 1723126987429.jpg (71.09 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>2126908I find her weird tiny mouth situation disturbing. It's like she's wearing too-small dentures…
No. 2126951
File: 1723129563583.png (510.84 KB, 1170x997, faget.png)

Going on vacation who’s joining me
No. 2126981
File: 1723131491974.webp (75.22 KB, 1019x2048, r0lrgujx9h281.webp)

>>2126908Remember the filter denial/filter fuckup era tho? She'd spent so much time only looking at herself with a filter on that she was somehow shocked to see.. herself?
No. 2127033
File: 1723135755768.jpeg (148.22 KB, 640x640, ab67616d0000b273aa71c00e2da9c1…)

I love this song so much cause of the Stevie Nicks baseline
No. 2127384
File: 1723150934566.jpg (186.52 KB, 1400x1120, 02-jamaica-travel-guide-negril…)

I love the way Jamaicans talk even though I can't always understand them, one day I need to go there. Bless up yaself, BOOYAKA BOOYAKA!
No. 2127473
>>2127452I noticed this too, I'd say 1990-2000 was the best time to be born to learn digital safety and computer skills as a kid. Computers were becoming mainstream in the late 90s and early 00s, and it seemed like because it was still a foreign thing to a lot of people, more people were treating it with caution and promoting digital safety. I even remember in elementary school in the 2000s having computer literacy classes, getting taught how to copy and past, how to safely search, how to create files and browse the PC, etc.. It was surprising to see my younger relatives, the so-called "digital native" generations lack common digital safety knowledge and be ignorant of how to actually use their PC.
In my country, it's common for elementary students to be issued Chromebooks now or even iPads, instead of having computer classes in the main curriculum they just give the kids dummy tech and hope they don't download TikTok. Even if kids don't know about the PC tech (like how to search through files), they're just as ignorant on the internet as well. They don't know how to pirate, they don't know how to search for things (I have a cousin who queries through TikTok instead of a search engine), they don't know how to be safe, it's craziness.
No. 2127555
>>2127473100% agree, I had blackboards and whiteboards, large computers and small computers, flip phones and iphones, it's such a good balance to know how to use both and essentially, know how to troubleshoot.
I've met people only slightly younger than me who don't know how to create a new file on a computer. Younger Millennials and Older Gen Z have it the best, everyone else just straight up sucks at using computers.
No. 2127989
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What are tips for learning guitar and learning how to improvise and shit? I just can't find any method of learning that really sticks. Do any guitar player nonas have tips?
No. 2128948
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Anons, did you go to any concerts this year or have any planned? For who?
I would've loved to go to some shows this year since I have more disposable money than last year, but the two people (Beyonce, Ariana Grande) I actually wanted to see haven't done any tours. Ravyn Lenae has some shows coming up in my country, maybe I'll go to one of hers.
No. 2129299
>>2129152Babies and toddlers aren't getting enough meaningful stimulation nowadays, lots of parents (let's be honest it's mothers) don't have enough time or energy to play with the babies properly and there's no device that can teach kids how to human properly.
Which is also an issue at school, teachers can't focus individually on each child to ensure that they will all be able to human properly or even decently, daycares and such also suffer from this, in the end it's all about the parents' interest in raising the child properly that then makes the child unable to develop properly.
Of course there's exceptions, I know of an influencer (she's your typical glamorous mom with a cool life that other's watch to live vicariously through her) who barely interacts with her baby and the baby only babbles at like 3 years old, but there's another influencer who has a baby that's like 2 years old and she can speak almost properly.
One baby has more meaningful interactions with her mom and caretakers than the other, hell, the 2 years old girl can even swim to save her life in a pool while the 3 years old girl is basically a ragdoll.
I hope that if I ever have my own child (a girl, of course) I can have enough time to play with her and teach her stuff like how we're supposed to as parents.
And like, I know that not everyone has the time, patience or energy to have a kid lots of people don't seem to understand that even after having one child, which is why I think it's only fair that lots of women decide to never have kids of their own, it's a tough job, most women never get properly supported and have shitty partners that are shitty on purpose, sometimes it's even a thankless job too.
No. 2129308
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>>2129299Wow, I applaud this post for the way you walked that tightrope of following the thread rules kek
No. 2129574
>>2129299I'm going to catch a ban for this, but I feel like people have to be warned.
This is 100000% either a bot or someone who hates women. I saw this exact same comment on funnyjunk about ten hours ago. I recognized it because of its opening focus on placing blame on women by saying "lots of parents (let's be honest it's mothers)", followed by the paragraph that subtly lauds stay at home moms who focus on the children. It didn't mention having children or the reassurance that girls are best (because funnyjunk dispises women and the comment would have gotten downvoted into obscurity) but it's the same comment.But I hate the fact that even "niche" internet places like here are being invaded by bots that are spreading an agenda.
No. 2129685
>>2129612You have got to be joking.
>>2129617I decided to re-read about the case and she's still as blameless and Italians are still crazy
No. 2129856
>>2129574Ypu need to take your meds. I'm saying that because women aren't allowed to be happy pr are forced to find happiness in caretaking.
I don't really feel like explaining the obvious reality of childbearing because everyone in this site knows.
Your lack of reading between the lines just shows that you should've spent more time with your mom and grandmothers.
No. 2130793
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>>2129685And clearly the mainstream media immediately went towards the sexual mischief path with actions with the involved parties
No. 2131519
>>2131514they’re just excited for your high quality nuts
No. 2131567
>>2131519That's fair I guess
>>2131533The money is absolutely not worth the time and energy spend on it, it's just something they do for fun.
No. 2132239
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I dreamt an anon here was banned and the red text for it was (being too Irish)
No. 2132299
>>2131369I think she can be very funny at times, but it's like she's trying to win pick me of the year with her actions and most of her comedy routine.
>>2131514Come on sis, my bananas are mad ripe. I just need those nuts to add to my bread. Just a few nuts, please sis. Surely you have some of last year's harvest left over?
No. 2132591
>>2132573How do you not feel absolutely cucked volunteering doing work that deserves payment on a sliver of hope you will be hired for a job that may or may not exist
I felt so unbelievably exploited in my unpaid hr internship I generated so much for zero dollars. It was humiliating and hurt my self esteem
No. 2132701
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>>2132527I hope most people become NEETs and crash the system. With the way they’re implementing technology I wouldn’t be surprised in a few years unemployment becomes the norm and so they start giving crumby neetbux away especially for neets who can operate this basic tech and get paid for it. They’re already doing that with the IKEA Roblox, you get to wageslave in a virtual IKEA location, it’s pretty dystopian. Many people will be living the remote work lifestyle and as much normies like to think the old “bootstraps” method will work will get left to the dust wondering what happened to all their savings in the bank and why they officially changed the currency of their country from something that’s entirely virtual and needs to be taken out with certain permissions. No. 2132853
File: 1723489516116.png (60.9 KB, 300x100, IMG_2174.png)

irony that this is one of the website banners yet you fuckheads can’t seem to take the simple advice(This post does not pass the Bechdel test)
No. 2135505
>>2132763>>2132792There was a temporary job where we were called to prepare merchandise out of people's shopping lists, and we phisically were in the store picking the merchandise and putting it into crates. Basically e-shopping for other people
Then the merchandise would be shipped via trucks to clients' homes
>>2132598No long term plans sadly, just going with the vibe and about 900$ worth of paycheck every month, down from about 30K a year. Currently doing some investments which have so far netted over 20K$ this year.
No. 2137003
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No. 2139153
>>2139148we love you too
nonny ♥
No. 2139338
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can’t stop thinking about what neanderthal women were like. historians love to over exaggerate how fat our ancestors could’ve been, i don’t really think it’s possible for a homoerectus to have this much body fat considering how much movement they made and how difficult it was to hunt/gather your food
No. 2139458
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>>2139447I’m a burger and I say turmeric because that’s how it’s spelt and pronounced at least in English
No. 2139738
Nature: part of world with dangerous insect plant and animal. Basically this "ANON" told you to kill yourself by getting eaten by cougar, caught by insect like angry wasp, or infected by poisonous plants like poison ivy poison oak etc.. The best way to stay in shape is to walk in circles INDOORS where there are no dangerous elements. It is fun and great way to improve helth and make positive choices in your life.
Please be aware in natural areas many murderers and sociopaths lurk and live there to find easy
victims for nefarious and dark purposes (murder, cannibal eating, theivery etc) so when you go into park nature etc there is HIGH CHANCE for CRIME AGAINST YOU. Nature is bad place for junkies and social misfits do not go to nature it is not for good people that love God and love society.
No. 2140033
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feeling this image reaction right now
No. 2140035
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>>2140028They're always complaining about female characters. Almost everything is better than animu when it comes to portrayal of women. Like at least watch Xena or something kek
>>2140031Very true. Maybe reading some classic literature without talking about it online and then going outside would be better.
No. 2140094
>>2140035First ayrt. Personally, idc about the whole "good female character" thing. I watch for interesting plots and stories and I get interested in characters sometimes if they have the right story and personality that ticks the boxes for me. But I'm also good enough at vetting shows thay I know I wouldn't like and avoiding them, so I don't have anything to complain about anything I like other than maybe too much romance and too much painting alt fashion in a positive light because "they're misunderstood!!!" kind of tropes, but these are too silly to avoid a show because of so I just power through it. That aside, live action usually just doesn't have the charm animated shows have to me (I watch both western and non-western animated shows so this is not about anime only), and usually they're just a bit too tryhard or straight up cringe when they try to do things that only work in cartoons. But I admit I enjoy live action TV shows aimed at kids or teenagers because they have a good middle ground for me. But I hate shit that tries to take a very fictional idea and make it "dark, realistic, edgy, adult, sexual" etc. but ends up coming off as corny, like the MCU take on marvel's IPs for example. The animated shows are literally superior and ironically more mature. This is just an example, not saying the only live action I've ever seen was MCU or something like that so please don't take this out of context, thanks.
I'm not into the more boring and normal live action shows with romance or social commentary, it's just not my thing at all. Like The Sopranos, Sex and the City, House M.D., Breaking Bad etc., these are some of the big live action shows people talk about a lot but it just doesn't appeal to me at all, it's so bland for me and not escapism enough, I need my unicorns and rainbows and butterflies and superheroes, sorry. But I do plan on watching Xina because the MC is hot.
No. 2140129
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Do you have any tips on how to clean window glasses efficiently?
No. 2140390
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Since we're talking about ice cream, this is the best vanilla ever in the whole wie world. Cuntry girls know.
No. 2140916
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So happy my favourite tanning salon had a sale on minutes!! I'm gonna be looking sun-kissed all month long.
No. 2141105
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I hope this mom is having a good day
No. 2141108
>>2141086Really? I sent your invitation by swan and everything. Sorry
nonnie. We're meeting next full moon. Please bring chips. But nothing spicy, because that resulted in most of the orgy having to go to the ER last time.