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No. 2097274

This thread is to discuss your grievances with gender ideology.

>What is gender ideology?

Foundational to transgenderism, gender ideology is the belief that one’s “internal gender” can contradict one’s biological sex.

Gender ideology operates much like a religious cult. There is no scientific evidence that supports the notion that we have an “internal gender,” and yet doctors now medicalize and sterilize children with “transgender identities” who have been groomed by the cult. Anyone who does not reaffirm these delusions is labelled as a “transphobe” in order to discredit any dissenting voices of the cult.

Previous threads:

Relevant /snow/ threads:
>>>/snow/2012701 (MTF general)
>>>/snow/1997877 (FTM general)

No. 2097489

this threadpic sucks what is ken doing there

No. 2097498

I don't mind GC Ken, what's the issue with it?

No. 2097499

I just saw a youtuber say "women, and nonbinary creators" by which he clearly meant just real actual female women but couldn't say that because he was too woke. Yet not woke enough to say "men can also be victims!!!!!" so I guess I should be grateful for that. I wonder if he's less woke than he pretends to be but knows he has to keep playing that game or his youtube days are over… I wish there was a way to know which content creators are secretly GC.

No. 2097610

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Years ago I watched an interview with this tranny in my own language, the show mostly revolves around the LGBT community and their journey. He confessed that he had a wife and a kid, and before they had a child he admitted he had cheated on her multiple times with men. After they had a child, the wife really wants to get back together with him but he denies her and his children. The most selfish and devastating thing is when the interviewer mentioned his wife and kid he always tried to dismiss them and acted like they didn't exist to him anymore. He sees them as a mistake and I know for a fact he hates them because they don't play into that sick fantasy of his, that's for sure. There's nothing I hate more than trannies that troons out when they have a family and make them adhere to their troonism but acts all bitter because they have a hard time accepting it while they run off and live with their fetish.

No. 2097622

>moid schooling woman on feminism
probably made by a scrote

No. 2097659

it was and if you check that guy's twitter it's all about seething about women

No. 2097679

Why are women being portrayed as the driving force and perpetrators of gender ideology, when its overwhelmingly men? Plus this comic shows a man knowing best and putting a woman in her place, which is not a vibe I want on LC.

No. 2097790

Not to agree with the retard scrote who made the comic, but women and theyfabs really are the main drivers of gender nonsense. TiMs spearhead and finance the movement, sure, but the well-meaning handmaids and TiFs are the foot soldiers. I guarantee you that most of the people on xitter who made a big deal about choosing the bear are also the same ones chanting "TWAW" constantly. It's female socialization at work– the talking heads have taken advantage of womens' tendency to pity others by constantly telling us that troons are being genocided.

No. 2097792

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Here's a little bit of typical anglocentric gender ideology nonsense, but paired with a refreshingly sensible response (from a TiF unfortunately, but a broken clock is right twice a day.) Translation:
>I really think we should ignore the little gringos who think they have the right to tell us what to do or not to do with our language because they didn't grow up understanding how it works or anything. We have to side not with the opinions of our communities but of the parties that share our language, because they seriously do not make an effort to even process how a fart works

No. 2097793

You think random 20something women have ANY political power, let alone enough power to shift national policies? Totally delusional. Right now the only non-homophobic people standing up to the trans agenda are women. Not a single man in sight. Men are blaming women for something they did once again and you're falling for it. Plus, the only reason trans ideology did as much harm as it did is because it empowered men too much. There were no tifs raping toddlers in bathrooms. Stop scrolling /pol/

No. 2097816

>women and theyfabs really are the main drivers of gender nonsense
retarded. there's an obvious contribution from women but it comes in the form of being doormats, not conjuring up all of the insane boundary violations they're intimidated into rationalizing some excuse for

No. 2097845

I agree that their institutional power is limited. But there are some cultural changes going on that are definitely being driven by people under 30. The social customs of shit like pronouns in bios, refusing to say "woman" in discussions on periods and pregnancy, attempts to "call out" or de-person those who dissent: those are all things that were born out of Tumblr, which was predominantly female.

I believe that if we peak enough of these women, it would really help turn the tide. Once the pharma companies and male-lead activist organizations can't draft women into pushing their culture-war nonsense, it'll be a lot easier to expose their machinations. When it was revealed that Levine was pressuring WPATH into changing their SOC, and that WPATH was basically telling Johns Hopkins what results to publish, most people outside of the GC sphere weren't even aware. If we want these things to reach more people, we have to disassemble the culture of silence and shame created on social media by Mean-Girls-esque bullshit from TRAs, many of whom are female (unfortunately.) Let me be clear: men are the source of these problems, but they've successfully manipulated these women into basically covering for them.

No. 2097851

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>Hey guys, let's not forget that the first books the Nazis burned were medical texts about sexuality and gender.

No. 2097856

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Found a handmaiden being proud of this image. You're not the "target", is the TIMs.

No. 2097887

Let's also not forget that one of the pioneers of penile inversion surgery was a Nazi, and that John Money (who forcibly trooned a child and forced rape his brother) is the one who founded the Gender Identity Clinic at John's Hopkins.

No. 2097902

I mean they're not wrong, in that a woman with a beard in a flannel shirt suddenly doesn't get XY chromosomes and still has the ability to produce large gametes and Timothy can never become Timonthnia Aphrodite-chan no matter how many dresses he ruins over his lumpy 6'7ft body.

No. 2097912

Sex is not hard to define. There's a body plan for making small gametes, and a body plan for making large ones. Most intersex people still have body plans that lean strongly in one direction or the other, to the point where some conditions viewed as "intersex" (like adrenal hyperplasia) by activists aren't actually considered intersex in the formal sense. Intersex conditions where the individual doesn't clearly favor one physiological sex are rare to the point that they do not need to be accommodated by changes in language. Unless someone suddenly discovers a third gamete in humans, there are two sexes.

No. 2097925

Noooo fuck why do such tims pedophilize symbols of fertility wtf what do they see women as anyway???
I have enough i just can't, sorry nonas take my vent

No. 2097927

The body plan can change through gnrh inhibitors and puberty blockers "trans"-identified children and juveniles are being given to by docs.

No. 2097937

The truth is that nobody needs to define sex, it's a bad faith distraction when gendies bring it up. They know perfectly well what sex is, otherwise the concept of transitioning from one to another would be meaningless. We all inherently understand the difference between men and women and we'd probably have died out long ago if we didn't.

No. 2097942

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There, I badly fixed the thread pic

No. 2097988

Nope, blockers and hormones don't give you the organs you'd need to produce the opposite gamete. No human being in all of medical history has ever been able to produce both types.

No. 2098004

Based for ever and ever. Eternity sister.

No. 2098021

A TIF I knew got mad when men treat her like a princess (chivalry etc, being notably less casual than being around with the guy's girl types) and took it all out on me because I happened to avoid her situation for some reason then called me a dyke and a guy's girl.
She LARPs as an incel, but the contrast is hillarious.

No. 2098044

Nta but I see way more male handmaidens then female ones both IRL and online. Even edgy scrotes that think sexism and racism etc. is funny and fine cape for trannies and ree about respecting pronouns. It's just a porn addict loser supports porn addict loser thing. It's why reddit has to replace mods with men to prevent transphobia, while female mods get removed because they're more aware of sexism and the need to distinguish by sex as it actually affects them. Gaming circles are largely men and extremely pro tranny because they sympathize with other men, even the degenerate ones. Handmaidens are dumb, but I see way more handmales(?).

No. 2098051

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he immediately became worse

No. 2098059

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Blogpost, but a white pill and related to trannyism

I’m in a local artist alley group (not in the anglosphere). Naturally, even outside of the angloid world, trannies have fandom communities infested, because a lot of fandom people still know English and congregate on websites where they’re recruited into the cult. There is a disgusting tranny who loves to go to every convention in cheap Aliexpress cosplay with cheap polyester wigs, you know, the type of outfit that would have nonnys on /w/ calling him a retarded e-thot if he actually was a woman. All of his “cosplays” are sexual.

Anyway, at a smaller, local con away from the capital city, a scandal happened. A cosplayer wore inappropriate sexual cosplay to a children and family event at a mall, and a parent complained because on top of that there was undressing in front of an 8 year old. As soon as that was posted to chat, I immediately thought “it’s gonna be the tranny.” It was the tranny.

I shot at the void and told the chat as much, since they all found it egregious, and got a couple responses like, ugh, I suspected it was gonna be him too. There was some slight handmaiden coping but even they had to admit undressing in front of a kid is an uncrossable line, and there’s a couple of moms, so that retardation didn’t fly. The chat then proceeded to laugh and cringe at his “cosplay performances” where he twerks his Hank Hill ass onstage terrifying everyone in the vicinity.

Sometimes it takes one based person for people to be honest, I’ve realized. If you’re safe enough be honest to your social circle and free them from the tranny brain virus. It’s doable because male trannies are perverts and female trannies are annoying enablers, and everyone knows.

No. 2098061

based and good nona

No. 2098063

> Gets angry when guys treat her like a princess
> LARPs as an incel
I'm so confused what she's angry about kek

No. 2098074

She's angry why those non-TIFs can be relatively immune to that princess treatment. She larps as an incel regularly as part of her tiffing out.

No. 2098080

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I enjoy mogging the shit out of both FtMs (personality wise) and MtFs (appearance wise) by being obviously female despite only wearing jeans and hoodies and not paying attention to dumb social rules.

No. 2098085

Quick one
There's nothing to gain for yourself mogging a Tif/FTM tranny. It just makes them more insecure.

No. 2098098

The overwhelming majority of fandomgoers hate degenerate trannies but are too afraid of voicing their opinion, and the diehard handmaidens are just panicking over being found out for wrongthink so they overcompensate. There's a crossdressing man in his 50's butting into lolita meetups here and it's clear that it's a fetish for him, especially when he's bothering underage girls for company, a group of lolitas I know have proceeded from "I know lolita is for everyone and gatekeeping is bad, but…!" to "yeah fuck him he's disgusting". Like said, it just takes one person to speak up for the rest to follow.

No. 2098100

What should we do for the fellow normies amidst every social political contagion era?

No. 2098103

Honestly, just be sensible about it. A lot of retarded anons here think that if you don't scream for trannies to be brutally murdered you're a poser good for nothing crypto but every normie will take you as a crazy person because 99% of their experiences with troons are just regular hsts and meek tifs that don't really cause any trouble for them. There's a reason why "TERFs" have a reputation amongst them as right wing nutjobs because a lot of outspoken prolific GC figures openly fraternize with white supremacist conservatives so your run of the mill normie usually wants to keep away from that can of worms. But a lot of them agree that people should be able to express themselves regardless of gender and that pressuring young GNC girls for example into troonery is immoral, but since they aren't five years into intensive online gender discourse. I've had good discussions with them regarding this because I don't barge in sperging about how all troons should be killed right off the bat.

No. 2098111

Usually following social contagions comes at a significant personal cost, so you just empathize with that and say that can't be the only way to live (trying to change yourself with years of hormones, medical upkeep, and cosmetic work that never ends can not be the only way, and why should you have to neuter yourself and make the decision to opt out of the gene pool at probably a very young age for that just because you have dysphoria?). Or there's often some glaring inconsistency or 2+2=5 type logic so you point that out (changes to your appearance can never cure a deep mental problem like wanting to kill yourself for being born the "wrong" sex, and no one should be telling you your body is wrong anyway).

No. 2098136

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No. 2098141

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No. 2098142

This is why children should not have access to social media.

No. 2098168

First of all, what the fuck did I just read? Second, uh, nice pfp you got there nonnie

No. 2098178

penis envy gen Z (alpha?) edition

No. 2098212

>it just makes them more insecure.
yeah that's the goal lol. make thel feel like shit

No. 2098233


No. 2098250


No. 2098254

I find it hilarious when retards like this try to introduce nonbinary in a gendered language, especially languages like German or Spanish where even a potato or a cat is a girl. Do male cats or potatoes cry about being misgendered? Does that mean these people have less of a mental stability than a food crop?

No. 2098262

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No. 2098273

>Even edgy scrotes that think sexism and racism etc. is funny and fine cape for trannies and ree about respecting pronouns
this, these leeching scrotes i have to call family use the n word like a fucking comma, don't understand why a man shouldn't gain weight after marriage, intake twitter polshit like it were oxygen, but oh! carryminati might be a twansphobe?? oh no no that's unacceptable!

No. 2098275

they'd feel insecure watching a gen alpha mini-moid make fart noises with his armpit, who cares

No. 2098278

well it's not like I'm trying to on purpose, I just do, which makes it funnier.

No. 2098282

male solidarity

No. 2098284

consequences of children growing up with high speed internet and unfettered internet access. the objectifying, moid-brained, and immature terms used to refer to vagina say it all. sad

No. 2098306

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>"She" rapped her sister!!
>The very first comment: He.
Every time.
And of course people are defending the rapist's "right" to being called a woman because "misgendering one trans person is misgendering everyone!!". I'm sick of these people already.

No. 2098335

This went viral on tumblr but was dunking on the Spanish speaker instead of recognising how absurd their whole ideology is

No. 2098337

I didn’t realise how long it was until i minimised the pic holy fuck
I bet you that for most the words are just abstract concepts, they clearly look like they’re set up to fail if they’re commenting gender shit on Pinterest out of all places

No. 2098343

anyone who disagrees with this is lying. for proof just look to the lesbian and gay communities. one group is ravaged, the other isn't. gender shit also honestly got its start on tumblr, being pushed by boring doughy straight women who couldn't stand being boring, doughy, or straight but couldn't muster the nuts to change either. i won't say it's entirely women's fault but yes, they are 100% the foot soldiers as you called it.

No. 2098349

ah yes it's the 20-year old thembies making all the political lobbing, multimillion donations and sending rape threats to activists. get fucking real, some anons on this site hate other women even more than trannies.

No. 2098354

yeah but ~gender and sex don't have to match up and sex is totally meaningless actually uwu~

No. 2098355

tifs do send rape threats yeah

No. 2098387

wamman did this by posting on tumblr. wamman fault

No. 2098462

They hated Jesus because he told them the truth. AGPs may be the ones who are actually dangerous, but women are overwhelmingly more pro-trans than men because women are socialized to be empathetic. Women are the ones who voted in support of pro-trans laws. Plus theyfabs significantly outnumber MTFs in developed countries at this point. Way easier and cheaper to get a pixie cut and put pronouns in your bio than it is to get your dick chopped off. Theyfabs are constantly posting Instagram infographics about how black trans women invented the lightbulb or whatever.

No. 2098488

fuck this shit, i just want to be able to wear dresses with my hairy legs and have people think im just a plain ol dyke again rather than a TIM

No. 2098501

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I still remember when some Tumblrtards told to minors that parents using a parental control is "abusive". Is a bit sad that now parents cannot use it without being called "abusive" when it's meant to be used to avoid shit like that.

No. 2098572

The term abusive has gotten so fucking watered down because people want to either apply it to every situation they don't like, or to point fingers at someone else. I was talking to someone a few years ago about how my sister got to be without a bedroom door for a few days because she wouldn't stop slamming it shut despite several stern talking to's, of course the person went apeshit about how it's abusive behavior. No, it's called a temporary consequence. This is why they are yelling trans genocide whenever they don't get what they want.

No. 2098627

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>Transgender people are less accepted in Japan than in the US

Wonder why

And is ironic because Tumblr was full of porn, of course you would try to block Tumblr in the parental control to avoid to your kid to see a surprise pic, not to avoid them to speak with their friends (unless said friends were way older).

No. 2098634

>This little girl likes short hair, so her mother decided to turn her into a boy…
https://x.com/Jonnywsbell/status/1786704217618407762(this is an imageboard)

No. 2098644

i hope they fire the weeb tranny thats running that account

No. 2098832

>women and theyfabs really are the main drivers
>AGPs may be the ones who are actually dangerous
>I'm le jesus the epic truth teller
why try so hard to define women as the "main driver" when all of us know who sits above them telling them where to go kek. that's what a driver fucking does, that's why an example featuring them hyping up male tranny lightbulb inventors is what even came to your mind. It doesn't require some NLOG fixation on giving wamman the literally worst title to acknowledge their role in this

No. 2098928

I feel you nonnie. I have both a TIM coworker and a TIF coworker and I hope I make them both feel bad about themselves when I show up to the office with no makeup, short hair, wearing pants, no pronouns in my email signature, and being apologetically, unmistakably a woman.

No. 2099099

>women and theyfabs really are the main drivers of gender nonsense. TiMs spearhead and finance the movement, sure, but the well-meaning handmaids and TiFs are the foot soldiers.
Absolutely. Yet both can be true at the same time. Being trans was most (I'd even argue ALL) trans identified females "get out of female oppression"-card. And that's something pretty much all females want in some shape or form. And for the handmaiden women they really think they are fighting for women, against men. For equality, against bigotry. The vast majority has never stopped to think about it, they think these men really have "brains more like females" that they're sweet, "gay", innocent and that these men fight for female rights. They never stop to see that these men stop at "trans rights" because actual female rights go directly against them as men.

I've told my mom about troons, she kinda gets it and thinks it sounds bad. She still calls the crossdressing male at her job "she/her" because she thinks that's "being nice". She doesn't really get it, even after years of me talking about troons and them having a fetish and children being castrated. Her natural reaction is "oh well I don't want to offend him and he's One Of The Nice Ones".

Bad men KNOW how to exploit women like my mom. All it takes is a few men profiting at the top pulling the strings. All it takes is one perverse male doctor lying about puberty blockers being the only way to stop the child from committing suicide for him to be able to medically castrate hundreds of kids with their own mom cheering them on. All it takes is one hubris-filled male executive seeing a loop-hole for him to permanently fund millions into castrating autistic children so he can eradicate autism from humanity and play god.

Women have been the ones pushing the enby stuff and they've been doing most of the "social" parts of the movement - while a few men at the top profit the most. And the men know having women fight for them protects them from criticism, gives them a "feminist" scapegoat and that women just look better as "the face" of the movement - because women are more likely to trust other women when they say "transwomen are women like us" than a man saying it. There are countless of peaking stories where a female was fully a TRA handmaiden - until they had one single bad experience with a male troon and that shattered all illusions. Usually it started with their female friends trying to escape female oppression by becoming tifs, which they naturally fully got behind. It's like there are 2 parallel trans worlds posing as one. They support the female trans world, unknowing that it also supports the male trans world.

No. 2099223

Threadpic is moidbrained garbage. I know this site has never been feminist, but come on, this is fucking embarrassing. A man telling a woman about the importance of protecting female-only spaces? Men are the reason we need those spaces in the first place.

No. 2099294

If the Ken in OP pic was changed to another woman, would that make everyone feel better about it? I feel like you’re all focusing on the wrong thing, I thought the pic was funny because that is literally how many troon handmaidens act.

No. 2099299

No. 2099301

Well yeah, it would be better. It's no coincidence that the butt of that joke is a woman with the audacity to prefer a bear to a man, the thing moids have been seething about for weeks. How very convenient that women who are wary of men are also dumb, illogical gendies who can't argue intelligently with a based man who simply cares about his daughter.

No. 2099416

>women are more likely to trust other women when they say "transwomen are women like us" than a man saying it
And equally likely to distrust other women than men saying the same thing too.

No. 2099418

Thing is: they KNOW they can't compare to moids, so at this level it's like tiffanies know deep down they are seen as women so they become desperate to be seen as the gender they larp as, but because another woman are perceived in the same playing field. It's the same thing where TIMs on /r/4tr*n4 hoping 'total twinkdeath' on femboy moids.

No. 2099587

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No. 2099593

>Omg eggggg hahaha looool!!!!!!
This is the worst cult on earth

No. 2099598

>A heterosexual male being attracted to a woman? Actually you must be a lesbian! Men can't be attracted to women with a full face of makeup and short hair. Congrats on cracking your egg uwu

No. 2099614

Devastatingly terrible threadpic. At least OP updated links unlike other newfag OPs, so thank you for that. We need to start bullying twitterfag threadpics. They’re like half the catalog rn

No. 2100366

This video is absolutely ridiculous kek, and so are the comments. Caring about women makes you a nazi apparently

No. 2100396

Stop being a lazyass and make new threads yourself then

No. 2100439

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Re-read my post:
>TiMs spearhead and finance the movement
>the talking heads have taken advantage of womens' tendency to pity others
Saying that women are being manipulated into supporting this stuff on the ground is not saying that it's women's fault or that women caused it. My point is that TiMs and pharmaceutical companies are banking on grassroots support on social media, and they can uphold that false image because women generally pity troons more than men do. The data bears this out: look at the difference between men and women in picrel.

I'm not pointing this out as a pretext to foist blame onto women. I'm trying to point out that the key to killing gender ideology is to peak as many women (including TiFs) as possible, because the pro-troon moids in power are relying on women to uphold the movement. If women peak, the movement crumbles.

No. 2100707

No. 2100748

okay but i kekked at that RLS comment

No. 2100800

>"But they burned books about biology!"

As well books about communism, any book that critiqued the Nazi ideology, many social warrior books, and a long etc.

No. 2100866

They also burned a bunch of modern art because Hitler was asshurt about being rejected from art school

No. 2100887

It really is. Mildly ot but I'm seeing a weird explosion in right wing memes, talking points and the like in the few female only spaces we have online and I really do think troons are to blame for a lot of it. This isn't a reference to the "rad fem to trad" discourse from the previous thread but it seems more like a lot of women who weren't that interested in politics before are finding that hating troons means that drifting conservative is the way to go. Yeah yeah this has never been a feminist site, but I do find it concerning, and it makes me kinda sad.

No. 2100961

>Women have been the ones pushing the enby stuff
nobody really cares about enby shit kek the most normie ignorant trans supporters still stumble over they/them pronouns constantly

>and they've been doing most of the "social" parts of the movement

while male trannies have been applying pressure directly to institutions. There's a reason why every mainstream tranny topic is about the males regardless of whatever number of tifs exist and it's because males command more attention and power and females are tuned the fuck out especially when their biggest presence is on websites like tiktok lmfao

regardless this ranking shit of who's the biggest baddie put forward by people who just gesture around about the reasons why without pointing to any concrete metrics is retarded especially when it's coming from people who offer zero insight or solutions or any reason to believe what they're claiming is useful at all. but anyway I 100% agree with you that women propagate the tranny shit because they've been mentally buck broken into complete doormats and it's rage inducing to witness. I'm happy about every new peaking story I hear kek

No. 2101397

those they/them knuckle tattoos enbies get are all going to age like milk

No. 2101512

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>indigenous enby

No. 2101827

If the main driver was women this shit would’ve never gotten off the ground like everything women want and men don’t care about. It’s shilled so hard from the top down because it’s a male want.

No. 2101856

>women are the main foot soldiers because tumblr
By this logic I can claim men are the majority of foot soldiers because reddit is by a great majority male and extremely pro troon. The truth is it's about even support between men and women as much as scrotes like to cope otherwise. There are more bisexual and down low men, men who hate women and stereotype them as nothing but dresses and heals, or fetishize women than they care to admit (the DL stuff because it's considered bad to be gay in the male hierarchy game shit). Even the studies that trannies have posted here to try and own the wamman that they totally will get their lesbian experience when they transition, use polls by places like Pink News (a totally reputable source and not at all biased kek). Tumblrs dead, yet trannies are still going pretty strong, and even 4chan has tranny pandering via /lgbt board that is mainly composed of men. Men who have never visited, or even in the past despised tumblr troon out (the whole incel to trans pipeline).

No. 2101863

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I’ve met some MTFs who shared interests in common with nerdy women and exclusively hung out with women but I’ve never met an FTM who truly managed to assimilate into moid culture. I think it’s because actual male socialization beats any ounce of femininity out of you, hence why you meet plenty of women with masculine interests but you rarely meet men with feminine interests. FTMs were raised as girls, so they don’t get the true male experience even if they pass.

No. 2101946

I wholeheartedly agree. Way back in 2018 I was saying that backlash to troon nonsense would cause an uptick in homophobia, and that's exactly what we're seeing both with anons here and in wider political discourse. Despite the fact that plenty of gays disliked troons from the get-go, and despite the fact that homosexuals (especially women) are one of the groups harmed most by gender ideology, gay people are now being blamed for troonshit and branded as groomers. Remember that lesbians are being sexually harassed and de-personed for not liking dick, and that GNC children who typically grow up to be gay are being brainwashed, drugged and sterilized. Gay people aren't the perpetrators of this ideology, they're the victims.

No. 2101954

It's because men never take responsibility for their actions and don't want their porn consumption and the way it affects society scrutinized at all.

No. 2101980

Women are more sincere and energetic in their advocacy for troons. Women are understood to be a social emollient, smoothing out conflict in groups and facilitating contact between people. Troons appeal to this feminine duty, so you end up with many more women nodding to troon harrassment of TERFs and even going out of their way to harrass skeptical women. They can justify their lack of solidarity and moralfagging by convincing themselves it's good for all women. Men's consent to TRAs is more laid back and cynical. Male leftists have welcomed gender ideology because it disarms feminism, all they have to do is wave troon talking points to be anti-feminist and they get asspats for it. Chasers of all political stripes are happy to have well-adjusted women imply they're not gay or secretely perverted/AGP for wanting troon dick. Normie men just think it's funny that creepy men have done a reverse uno on women by means of intersectional rhetoric. You're right for bringing up male support for troons but i understand why some anons think lib women are the true foot soldiers of trans ideology.

No. 2102059

I understand why, just think it's disingenuous because it's not true to pretend it's mainly women who support it and shilling it as if true is just going to lead to the same thing happening again. We need to acknowledge the cause and supporters to prevent it and address the problem, and since a great deal if not half are men, it means brushing their support under the rug and essentially letting them get away with it and risk something similar happening again. A great deal of handmaidens are male whether for selfish reasons or not, and it's funded and pushed by male headed lobbies. And I'd argue that most of the women don't sincerely believe troons are real women the same way as the men, they just support them for less self centered reasons. They just see them as sad gay men, or men who have empathy for women to the point of identifying as one (they don't but this is how they're perceived by handmaidens). Plus antifa is very energetic in their support to the point of violence (not to mention mtfs themselves being 'energetic' in their support via vandalism, harassment, threats, nailing dead rats to doors, etc). Not to mention male mods on many sites will ban you for being anti tranny. Hard disagree that women are more pro-active, again, it seems pretty equal. Women at best post online or hold up a sign and chant in protest. Men do the same (mtf or not) and actually enforce it even in male majority spaces via bans and threats.

No. 2102103

It really helps to put troons in the spotlight. "Listen to transwomen" nothing has peaked more people, me included. It's just important their creepy behavior isn't pushed under the rug. I was a happy handmaiden until I actually became friends with a troon and started doing research. I'm just scared this shit gets so normalized even troons being open predators won't turn the public on them anymore.

No. 2102129

File: 1721780735721.jpg (253.1 KB, 1080x1452, averagetroonbrain.jpg)

God, men are so porn-sick and stupid that they think they "love women in a gay way" and their gender is "lesbian." It's all so retarded, nonas. I'm tired of these troons.

No. 2102197

File: 1721783905314.jpg (557.53 KB, 1079x2001, 1000005546.jpg)

Ran into this just now and it makes me want to puke. This is putrid…

No. 2102212

TBF the average troon agrees this is retarded and evil. They frame it as "oh nooo this makes us look bad!" but they wouldn't condone it.

No. 2102240

The "I love women in a gay way" shit pisses me off so much. What the fuck does that mean? The most common explanation I've seen is that these are moids who aren't desperately horny all the time or who want an emotional relationship before a sexual one, but this VERY CLEARLY doesn't apply to 90% of the troons who claim this.

I know there's a whole thing about how "lesbian love is better and more pure" that I see in both feminist and fetishist circles, but (in feminist circles, at least) I thought it was obviously a joke borne of how great female solidarity and understanding can be, especially when compared to being around men? I've been with other lesbians who were just as selfish/sex-obsessed/fuck-and-go as moids seem to be, they're just less common and less obvious about it. And the "pure" shit is fetishism of course, usually connected to sexism and weird yuri manga.

I feel like genuinely saying "I love [X] like a lesbian" makes both women & lesbians seem like a different species, instead of varied people. Especially when it's coming from an idiot moid.

No. 2102289

I can't comprehend any of the words here that aren't in the bible and i'm thankful for that.

No. 2102308

COCSA stands for child-on-child sexual abuse so this person just made a trans identity flag for people who "feel like they should be experiencing child-on-child sexual abuse permanently"

No. 2102313

it's weird enough as a concept alone but adding on "permanently" is so odd. like do they envision themselves in some layer of hell in dante's inferno where the only thing that ever happens is children raping each other for all eternity????

No. 2102316

File: 1721788528182.png (34.25 KB, 697x500, identity.PNG)

These guys are just out to piss people off and be contrarian. Pay them no attention.

No. 2102342

The radqueers are their own brand of brainrot and their community is filled with minors. They love to whip up absurd trans identities like this.

No. 2102344

File: 1721790883433.jpg (193.77 KB, 961x742, ironicgender.jpg)

Well hopefully this is just an ironicgender identity and this person is not, in fact, constantly thinking about cocsa. I refuse to be transharmed by their post.

No. 2102391

File: 1721794440603.jpg (453.21 KB, 1079x1572, Screenshot_20240724-140622_Chr…)

This is something people are 100% serious about, this is called transid and its basically dumb teens, munchies or people with fetishes who want to be disabled or ill or traumatised and want access to resources for those things to affirm their identity, and they don't even have to bother with the typical munchie routes because they're "supposed" to be like that.
It's a 50/50 split of minors and pedophiles, that one toonimals website is a horrifying example

No. 2102396

I witnessed a 13 year old radqueer on tumblr making pedo furry art and trying to justify it by claiming that she was pro non contact so it's fine and that she's totally safe in the radqueer community, even safer than outside of it actually, with all the pedophiles. I feel so bad for kids nowadays, they're groomed left and right and think their barely teenage brains can comprehend things just like an adult because they're above the age of 10.

No. 2102478

"lesbians are weird third gender people" is literally something my homophobic mother would believe

No. 2102679

You raise good points. I was under the impression that male antifas are hyper-active but actually very small in numbers. They cause great nuisance but are niche, contrary to the masses of handmaidens who end up having just as much of an impact by vaguely supporting TiMs. But i agree that there are many, many men in the casual handmaiden group, it may be close to a 50/50 ratio. Another group that doesn't get discussed enough is HR and LGBT orgs staff who pretty much use trans ideology to advance their career and/or get funding for other causes. Gay orgs found themselves aimless after gay marriage was adopted in some Western countries and needed a new, hot cause to justify their existence in the eyes of establishment. It was weird seeing the shift from historical gay stuff like the fight against homophobic harrassment to 'the most vulnerable person ever is a 35yo AGP transbian'. This is probably one of the worst kind of TRA because they are on the ground, fighting to accomodate fetishists and transing children. They are the people who effectively push TRA talking points in schools and medicine. Gendie academics get a lot of shit, get made fun of for being insane or singled out as the root of all evil but they don't have much power outside of universities.

No. 2102844

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>HR and LGBT orgs staff who pretty much use trans ideology to advance their career and/or get funding for other causes
>This is probably one of the worst kind of TRA because they are on the ground, fighting to accomodate fetishists and transing children
Reminded me of this TRA social worker who posts resources to “help” parents with their “trans kids” (and supposedly has a “trans kid” herself). Everything she writes is so idiotic and contradictory, and I can’t look through her page without it getting on my nerves.

No. 2102846

File: 1721833839591.png (59.04 KB, 720x443, 1000005568.png)

Inb4 they post a tearful story like picrel kek

No. 2102847

>Then one day he called me a faggot
I get called that everyday on LC you're not special, boy.

No. 2103182

File: 1721847396964.jpeg (141.75 KB, 828x733, IMG_9798.jpeg)

i go to a liberal arts womens college as a dyke which i am now realizing was a mistake. i got roomed with a tr00n this semester and the campus troons have unionized to create a zine about how much they hate women. going back in a month i might just need to fucking kill myself

No. 2103187

start a zine on how much they hate women, start leaving articles about troons harassing/raping/murdering women around, go to 2X and check out the radfem graffiti thread. When women know theyre not alone they start to fight back. Dont give up hope nonna

No. 2103190

unfortunately women's colleges are even worse than co-ed ones for troons because they view it as the ultimate validation. they need to be banished somehow, it's criminal that women are letting this happen. handmaidens are class traitors.

No. 2103195

jesus christ nona…… you're stronger than me

No. 2103197

time to transfer to another college, god damn

No. 2103202

I would die if you made a competing zine anon

No. 2103206

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mfw i got rejected from everywhere i tried to transfer last semester… campus here is absolutely overrun with annoying tims and the most annoying and misogynistic tims. actually hell on earth. graduating and touching grass at job adap

No. 2103209

I used to dream of going to Smith and living in lesbian paradise and then when I actually visited in high school I realized there are no such thing as all female universities anymore. It's sad but I definitely think these places need to be avoided.

No. 2103213

*tifs my bad the trutrans tifs at this school are absolutely feral and will hide their misogyny behind their identity. they all look like 11 year old boys or have disgusting shaved heads. troons last semester got mad when women were looking at their boyfriends in the dorm or in the dining hall the wrong way or making the moids feel “unwelcome”…. i just found lolcow recently now the only place i can actually say how i feel

No. 2103225

> the troons got mad when women were looking at their boyfriends in the dorm or in the dining hall the wrong way
Wait what? How is it any of their business what women do with their own boyfriends kek

No. 2103271

nona PLEASE get one and post it all on lc!

No. 2103286

File: 1721853284696.jpeg (702.88 KB, 1170x1385, IMG_0154.jpeg)

>idc if my appearance scares women who have been traumatized by men, my sense of validation matters more
they are such men lmao

No. 2103290

Grab all of the content from "They Say This Never Happens" and discreetly leave them around


No. 2103300

also if you get in trouble for it, raise hell on Twitter and see if we can get someone like JK Rowling's attention on it kek

No. 2103302

You’re better off. Every single woman I know who went to Smith was unhinged and unbearable to be around. I could not imagine the energy of the school that attracted that type of person.

No. 2103311

You got roomed with a TIM or a TIF?

No. 2103315

Peak male behaviour

No. 2103333

Ugh I went to Smith and it seems like half of my classmates trooned out since then. It was some lesbian / a lot of bisexual / LUG drama cliquey hell. I dated girls from surrounding schools, which were also becoming gendie but not like enforced pronouns on your dorms' doors level

No. 2103337

I wonder if he'd have this laissez-faire attitude if HE was the one who felt discomforted.

No. 2103403

File: 1721861072423.jpg (20.9 KB, 262x400, burnout.jpg)

AYART. I read picrel and it was a shit experience. Only near the end does the author mention a story about guiding a group of college students to sing "Let it Go" and the emotional catharsis of the experience not only for her but all the students in the room, ending with everyone crying.

She was a counselor at Smith. Singing Disney's Let it Go as an exercise in self-acceptance is the most brain dead libfem take I have ever heard. Since then I can only imagine that school as being my personification of hell on earth.

No. 2103421

I listened to Amelia Nagoski guest on a podcast and immediately clocked her flavour of Tumblr autism.
Her sister wrote Come As You Are, which had some ideas that were useful to me, but it had overly earnest interludes about TiF clients of hers using their gay fanfiction writing to exorcise their own sexual demons. So, I'm entirely not shocked at the Disney psychotherapy.

No. 2103755

File: 1721882643132.jpg (197.96 KB, 540x720, 34113.jpg)

TiFs in a nutshell. This is basically their equivalent to when TiMs say they want to be uwu soft lesbians and get headpats. Neither of these groups have any idea of what the opposite sex actually acts like.

No. 2103757

That headline reads like the title of a South Park episode.

No. 2103764

I'm so done nonas. I just met a person who goes by "singular they" for the first time… but we don't speak English, and "singular they" is not a fucking thing in our language. AND we already have a gender neutral pronoun forced into the language that this person doesn't use. I cannot stress enough how absolutely retarded it sounds to pretend "singular they" even remotely works here.

It makes it so clear it's NOT about gender neutrality or troons "feeling like themselves". It's about policing other people to center your narcissistic tendencies. About control, exerting power and manipulation. Disgusting behaviour.

No. 2103904

So these people are just saying the word “they” in English in the middle of speaking another language?

No. 2103908

I'm confused, wtf does "singular they" even mean? How do you use that as a pronoun? Is it regular they or do they require you to use something else?

No. 2103933

How does this even work?
> I got they a basketball for christmas

No. 2103972

File: 1721900955605.png (173.38 KB, 534x1138, ME ME MEEEEEE.png)

I found this on a personal cow's tumblr and I'm fucking crying laughing. The whole thing is so retarded and entitled that I can't take it seriously, it's like a toddler getting mad that his parents have to pay bills instead of taking him to Disneyland.
The retard fucking lives in the UK. The insane prices and shitty standards of living affect him too. It's incredible how the internet rots their brains. They're so used to being surrounded by other broke delusional failures that the idea of a PM who wants to focus on getting the country up and running instead of waffling about troons is an insult.

No. 2104072

That's an awfully long tumblr post to say "People aren't constantly thinking about me despite what my narcissistic delusions would like"

No. 2104557

By his own logic, people shouldn't give a shit one way or the other about troons, since there are a dozen other issues the public is way more concerned about. Also, "luxury belief" is a phrase he stole from Rob Henderson and the people in his orbit. If anything is a "luxury belief" here, it's the idea that identity is a purchasable commodity that the government has to subsidize. People with actual problems don't troon out; it's something you do if you're bored and middle class and want to feel special.

No. 2104561

> i got roomed with a tr00n this semester
You need to request a change. At best, he'll steal your underwear. At worst, he'll sexually assault you.

No. 2104568

>women are the main foot soldiers because tumblr
This isn't even remotely what I said. I'm not arguing with a dipshit who can't read.

No. 2104611

Hopefully she’s talking about a TIF

No. 2104734

A woman who is homeless herself could literally say the exact same thing when someone demands that a moid be housed with her. His comfort isn't her problem.

No. 2105004

Had a friend who is a TIF visit me after not seeing her for months, had a nice time until we went through my nigels books and he has a huge collection of Rowling's books in different languages, my friend had a huge schizo meltdown and we had a huge fight about how I'm dating a transphobe etc. Like jesus christ i'm a bigger "transphobe" than my man is but i'm quiet about my beliefs but this friend decided to end our more than 10 year friendship today because of some books my bf owns, I'm honestly very sad and confused cause she was one of my best friends… Sorry for blogposting but I just wanna get this out of my system I've been feeling like shit all day

No. 2105073

I'm genuinely sorry this happened to you nonnie. Your friend was ridiculously obnoxious. If you went through her room you would likely find "problematic" media too. She's also just being unfair because there's plenty of trannies and tranny allies that are against troonsphobia and JK Rowling but still consume HP shit. It sounds like she really just wanted to fight.

No. 2105130

it means the person in question is either obviously a man or woman, but probably identifies as nonbinary and wants to personally be they/themed rather than he or she'd. using "singular they" is not an issue when the gender of the person is not known or purposely kept secret. Its the people who want it as a self picked pronoun that are demanding this bs. It's even more of a pain in the ass when not every language has neutral third person pronouns so they'll try to bastardize the language to affirm them. It's the reason why latinx unironcally exists.

No. 2105171

File: 1721965199496.jpg (26.62 KB, 623x532, 1683155913351.jpg)

So she wanted you to break up with your boyfriend because of a couple of books he owns? Normally I'm a proponent of choosing your friends over your Nigel, but your friend is being ridiculous and psychotic. Did you point out to her how absurd it is to demand that your friend dump a guy solely because he owns childrens' books by a problematic author? What was her response? I could understand demanding that your friend dump a guy if there's physical, financial, or emotional abuse going on, but otherwise it is not her place to do that. What would the alternative even be to dumping him? Forbidding a grown-ass man from reading certain childrens' books?

Just out of curiosity, has your friend ever been in a serious relationship? Because this strikes me as an incredibly juvenile way to view relationships. I hope she eventually comes to her senses. If I were you, I wouldn't burn bridges with her, just give her some space and time.

No. 2105242

Annoying fat scrote to an even more annoying fat scrote

No. 2105299

File: 1721974495004.jpg (277.09 KB, 1078x486, Screenshot_20240726-160836_Gal…)

Looking through the classifieds for free shit and came across this. Fucking disturbing that there's TIMs running around my tiny rural area, and this one is probably in his 40s because no one but middle aged and elderly people read this paper. Eww

No. 2105336

File: 1721977061793.png (209.07 KB, 1194x1105, woman.png)

i always roll my eyes at troons complaining about being "misgendered" on-stream, and encouraging chat members to obsessively police one another for something this minuscule is even worse. if you can't handle being misgendered for your obviously sexed voice, perhaps you should consider…avoiding a medium that puts all the focus on said voice? pic obviously related, and her art is so unquestionably female too kek.

No. 2105354

Is that the one who's whole shtick is being hyperfeminine but also somehow Definitely A Man?

No. 2105513

No. 2105564

She basically said that my boyfriend supports "trans genocide" by collecting those books and I shouldn't date someone like that. Also she has had three serious relationships but never a healthy one, two of her ex girlfriends were cheating on her and her ex boyfriend would beat her so I guess she just doesn't know what a supporting significant other looks like. Which also makes it more ridiculous that she think i should break up with my boyfriend when her past relationship have been so shit

No. 2106260

File: 1722026106991.jpeg (423.53 KB, 1170x750, IMG_5895.jpeg)

Rip to all the lesbians who get told they’re enbies. God’s strongest soldiers

No. 2106277

I’m gay and only somewhat butch (tall, deep voice, some “masculine” mannerisms, pretty buff from the gym, but I dress pretty femme most days) and genderspecials tell me CONSTANTLY stuff like “well you’re not REALLY a woman because you’re not femme,” “you’re such envy vibes, like a knockoff version of a woman!” shit like that. Like sorry I’m a confident athletic adult woman and not some giggling bimbo baby stereotype. Quite frankly a lot of it is straight up homophobia too, they see lesbianism as somehow inherently not cis unless you’re acting out a ridiculous porn version of lesbianism, and even then they’ll still try to get you to go she/they.

No. 2106281

>like a knockoff version of a woman!
You should knock her out.

No. 2106287

Do they have an excuse for why they think this isn't a sexist thing to say?

No. 2106432

File: 1722030363718.jpeg (454.07 KB, 828x1145, IMG_4754.jpeg)

yeah that's her. ugüu pink kawiwi personality and art style, looks like a run of the mill pastel instathot but "call me he/they or else"

No. 2106505

It's always fuckers who draw this kawaii pink art enstars pjsk genshin yaoishit who get the angriest about people assuming they're a woman lol, gotten to the point I just assume anyone who draws that is a vagina wielding he/they before proven otherwise.

No. 2106778

File: 1722046916472.jpg (248 KB, 933x2048, 1000013759.jpg)

I hate that gender ideology upholds the very same roles it claims to be against.

No. 2106787

Tras having no concept of how homophobic they never ceases to astound me. They completely weaponised that fact that she was vaguely butch against her, as if troons don't literally skin walk women like her profusely. In fact, there is honestly barely anything masculine about the way she presents herself.

No. 2106807

I really wish liberals never gave troons the time of day, but having them start ignoring them is probably one of the best possible outcomes to stop the troon insanity at this stage.

No. 2106812

File: 1722048088933.png (38.62 KB, 764x645, narctroon.png)

most trannies are narcs so this makes so much sense. their entire little culture war is about them getting attention, it makes sense as to why they're so degenerate bc its what gets them attention. i block them, ignoring them is the cure.

No. 2106896

i'm kinda sad that my chill, genuinely friendly and helpful coworkers are pro trans while my one rude, lazy, nitpicky coworker who is making even management pissed and might be fired soon is based about trannies. why it gotta be this way. it's so disappointing when a based woman turns out to only be anti trans for pickme reasons! at the end of the day i gotta choose the coworkers who are hardworking and not two-faced but i wish they weren't libfem

No. 2106934

> Tranny cosplaying the blow-up doll he's in a transbian polycule with says a normal looking woman is manly
And I must laugh

No. 2106953

Nonnies, explain something to me. Why are agp TIMs so confident in their status as women & that they "totally pass", but hsts TIMs engage in doom spiraling about how they aren't real women (or just straight up admit it like Pariah the Doll)? Why are hsts more self-aware?

No. 2106958

My guess is that hsts have genuine dysphoria and agp's are just fetishists. Hsts are also younger and have an eye for fashion and makeup unlike middle aged agp fetishists who just get their dick hard over shiny fabric lingerie.

No. 2107033

File: 1722061726132.jpg (77.5 KB, 1080x1100, 20240722_040522.jpg)

noahfence nona but I'm really over the HSTS are the trutrans with genuine dysphoria line of thinking. I can feel sad that they're effeminate gay men with internalized homophobia, but no that doesn't make them "genuinely dysphoric" compared to AGPs. what qualifies as actual dysphoria to begin with? what makes it that the guys who troon out because of sissyhypno or trap/femboy porn don't somehow develop it as a result of that? It doesn't seem all that easy trying to segregate TiMs as dysphoric vs non dysphoric

No. 2107170

thank you nona so true. the hsts i have met were all very misogynistic and into bimbofying themselves and becoming traps basically in order to trans max. they also have such a victim complex kek

No. 2107201

I think it is that hsts validation comes from being desired by other men, and moids are brutal if they dont find you fuckable. They have no problem calling trannies men to their face. Even chasers that suck up to them usually dont manage to hide they dont see them as real women. Compared to agps who have other transbians and handmaidens constantly telling them how beautiful and brave they are, screaming terf/right wing nazi to those who disagree. Straight wives will start identifying as lesbians after the husband troons out. Actual lesbians will get thrown out of their spaces for not wanting the girldick. And even if everyone else found the agp repulsive and called him a man, he would still be validated by his own desire for himself as a woman. I feel like agps are also more likely to be autistic, and combining autism to the coomerism creates the cases of absolutely zero self awareness that even other troons cringe at.

No. 2107281

HSTS are pragmatic. They often have specific aims in mind (more sexual success, leaving the gay community for a long term relationship with a closeted man etc.) on top of whatever is driving them to transition (homophobia). They even self-select, you tend to see less gigagon HSTS because they're aware it's a pointless pursuit (though they exist). Gay men are often plagued by dysmorphia, low self-esteem, self-doubt, because they do not have the intra-male solidarity (against women) that straight men enjoy. Gay men do not compliment other gays easily, so they are painfully aware of their shortcomings. AGPs are incredibly coddled in comparison to this. AGPs transition for themselves and others aren't a priority because they are autosexual. Some AGPs are self-aware and manage to dress like a normie woman as an attempt to distance themselves from their brothers in fetish but it's still an egoistical pursuit. AGPs who are really concerned with others' perception (so-called reppers) detransition or do not transition at all, because these men do not have a model of a pro-social 'transition'.

No. 2107292

True Nona, I've seen hsts say that they made the "right choice" transitioning because it's more pro-social to be a woman than a gay.

No. 2107361

I think homophobia plays a role. hsts often have a hard time dealing with their homosexual attraction and think heterosexual attraction is more acceptable to have, so turning themselves into a "straight" woman means they get to shed the homo part. meanwhile agps have never faced disapproval for being men attracted to women so they're secure in their orientation.
like >>2107281 said there's also a lot of competition between gay men (and a shallow culture obsessed with appearance) so hsts will probably pay more attention to their looks meanwhile agp have all the entirlement unearned and confidence of your average ugly ungroomed straight moid.
hsts and agos are both misgynistic shitbags tho, and ultimately it's all in pursuit of coom

No. 2107426

I had no idea how racist they were, constantly claiming Black women are more manly than they despite being born with a dick. And how many of them brag about being former nazis or 4channers

No. 2107472

It’ll be generations from now if they ever openly apologize for their homophobia, but being passive aggressive towards troons is a step forward

No. 2107484

How did you meet this troops? What was the friendship even like?

No. 2107570

Through a game, he was pleasant enough to play with and trooned out after we met. Since I was a handmaiden I was extremely supportive and got cognitive dissonance after he was angry that the local lesbians didn't want to fuck him (he still looked 100% like a man) and told me one of the things he looked forward to most was the female orgasm, kek. I peaked and the friendship slowly died. He is probably gooning 24/7 now, he turned full NEET after coming out as a transbian. I never met him in real life which is probably good because he had already warned me how "cuddly" he is. It's honestly astonishing how much the average troon manages to meet the stereotypes.

No. 2107792

They'll peak. Probably not openly, but they'll peak. Be friendly with them, not everyone has had the joy of interacting with troons IRL.
You hit the nail on the head. I knew a gay scrote who spiraled into severe alcoholism when twink death loomed on his horizon. He was a piece of shit but he was terrified of being attacked by men, he'd had bad experiences with homophobic scrotes and knew that his beanpole ass couldn't fight back, but he had no problem being misogynistic as fuck to every woman he saw. The only difference between him and a HSTS tranny is the outfit.
Gay scrotes are so painfully aware of their looks that even being near a woman will make them spiral into a panic attack over how obviously male they are. They know damn well they can't ever pass, they'll never attract straight men who pretend their rot pocket is a vagina, they know the only other scrotes who hang out with them are gay, troons, chasers, there for teh lulz, or serial killers looking for a victim. They end up self destructing in some way because moids can never be fucking rational about anything. Sometimes the self destruction IS trooning out, sometimes it's becoming a hooker, sometimes it's drugs and a mental breakdown. HSTS troons are imo more mentally unstable than the smooth brained AGP hons whose only purpose in life is gooning.

No. 2107991

File: 1722123064573.png (72.42 KB, 589x591, whatthehell.png)

this is a psyop, it literally cannot be anything else. the way they enter their degeneracy into politics is a way of them justifying it. gross.

No. 2107996

I hate these people so much it's unreal

No. 2108012

Least deranged leftist males.

No. 2108408

Kek imagine being an employee on tumblr and see a user making this

No. 2108417

File: 1722156405907.jpg (29.64 KB, 333x331, rx.jpg)

No. 2108442

File: 1722159180186.jpg (50.18 KB, 800x450, HD-wallpaper-joker-with-smoke-…)

Personally as a lesbian I love women like a straight man

No. 2108443

>conservatives want to ban abortion for rape victims and are running a known rapist for the election this year
>liberals fight tooth and nail for picrel
We truly exist to be raped, brutalized, and discarded for political gain. Acting helpless only enables them further but it really feels like there's nothing we can do

No. 2108672

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you are not a lesbian, you are in a heterosexual relationship with a man who has long hair and also likely a feeder fetish

No. 2108676

I truly hope they don't have kids

No. 2108716

Does he have a vagina tattooed on his fucking stomach?

No. 2108722

Kek I thinks thats a spider

No. 2108749

of course they sell these dumbass crochet plushies kek
what does her shirt say? something about gays?

No. 2109278

Holy fuck he looks like Pixielocks’ faggot boyfriend with grown out hair kekkk

No. 2110023

i'm the first ARYT, all i can do is hope so. i'm pretty open about my opinions with them but was disappointed overhearing a conversation they had where i could tell they were pro-trans. i was glad i wasn't there in the convo because i will never pretend to be pro tranny.
as an aside to your other reply, i had a gay moid friend just like that but without any trooning, he hated trannies. but it was so creepy whenever i would get male attention from straight men instead of him because he would get so angry.

No. 2110126

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These girls are so retarded, any guy "validating" their identity is just playing along because its easy pussy. Do they really think there is a single guy out there viewing them as not-a-girl™️?

No. 2110128

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>"but he knew I was non binary"
Come on now, they really need to start teaching critial thinking

No. 2111811

fuck this thread pic, dont ever do this shit again

No. 2111827

i dont know if this is the right thread to ask this, but how the fuck did the trannies get so widespread and accepted? yes female socialization, they are moids, bla bla bla… but seriously? how did it get THIS far? they cant be so retarded to actually believe they are acksual women. I know some say the majority of gendies deep down dont believe it, but why entertain it to the point it reaches laws? They cant be that retarded… or can they?

No. 2111846

Many women have way too much sympathy for men deemed as "failed males", they see moids bullied by other moids for being too faggy and/or spergy and feel bad for them and so they give those moids an inch and they take several miles. Most of them don't actually think of trannies as women but as mentally ill men they feel sorry for because normie men are mean to them. Also TRAs are very manipulative and rely on guilt-tripping women and taking advantage of this. Hence all those inflated statistics about how allegedly oppressed trannies are

No. 2111851

Tumblr porn ban exodus made all the creeps migrate to Twitter where all the unaware normies were

No. 2111856

This thread has to be one of my favs on kiwifarms
https://kiwifarms.st/threads/trannies-posting-their-ls-online.149396/(this is an imageboard)

No. 2111886

People on both sides support trannies. The left side sees them as the most oppressed and preaches "be nice to everyone" "everyone can be what they want". The right side has regressive ideas about gender (e.g. men and women should look and act a certain way, if you don't conform to your gender, it means you're the other gender.) and men also see trannies as a way to dunk on women. Trannies gained the most power when misogynists started to support them. It's just something that brings everyone together so TRAs exist in large numbers.

No. 2112234

Normies are afraid of losing their jobs/social circle and thus pretend to be pro trans

No. 2112463

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Twitter artist getting attacked by trannies for being "le evil terve". She's getting called misogynistic slurs, getting rape and death threats, etc. I know it's cringe to have a call to action but you guys should support this artist, i'm so tired of women getting bullied out of having opinions.(not your personal army)

No. 2112476

Even worse, most of these women aren't that stupid. They know men see them as women and don't give a fuck until they break up and can use it as oppression LARP points.

No. 2112583

>rape threats
really showing off their maleness here kek. fuck trannies

No. 2112591

So which one of you was this? kek tell her to come on her pls she’ll be right at home

No. 2112594

ayrt and i checked her account she said she used to be trans herself in her replies and was ranting about pervert males a few tweets before picrel.

No. 2112596

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nta, god why couldn’t she just dump that post here kekkk she knows how infested twitter is with these mutants who literally think a material, historical reality of half the world population can be boiled down to a simple feeling like a fart in the wind. trannies need to stop coping and start roping

No. 2112689

queen shit
>trannies need to stop coping and start roping
i kek'd

No. 2113771

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This is not the grand statement they think it is.

No. 2113829

I grew up and went to college in a well-known liberal city. When I was a teenager, there were always guys who grew their hair out long, wore dresses and eyeliner. Some were gay, some were straight. Nobody was forced to use she/her pronouns, they were recognized as edgy effeminite males. Sure they were made fun of by normies, but mostly they were accepted, I was even friends with a few.

Then it's like I blinked my eyes and that type of person isn't allowed to exist anymore because skirts and eyeliner automatically make you a woman, and they're to be addressed a such. It's even enforced by all jobs in my area and at the same college I attended back in the day (where I work now). The fixation on clothing as not just clothing anymore – instead, it's magical raiment that has the power to change your inherent sex – is bananas.

No. 2113897

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The delulu is strong in this one.

No. 2113978

now which one of you farmers lost it kek

No. 2114228

It's wild seeing trannies troonfoil 80s rockstars because omg he has long hair and makeup!!! He's a she, guise!!!
I think I'm showing my age here but I really think this is because everything is a surface level aesthetic these days. You get kids asking if they can listen to Taylor Swift if they're goth. Nobody goes out and does shit with other people without a screen in front of their faces 24/7 to reassure them that they're existing correctly and to sell them gadgets if they're doing it wrong. To them, trans IS a lifestyle, in the same way that cottagecore is a lifestyle for tradwives and dark academia is a lifestyle for booktokers. If you buy the uniform, you get the job. Of course we know it's much more sinister than that but as far as kids are concerned, and tbh as far as a lot of older people are concerned, troons are simply hardcore LARPers at the gender ren faire, and it's rude to call them their obvious gender when they put all this effort into their cosplay.
Close! So close! It's actually the other way round.

No. 2114275

I hate this "aesthetic" shit so much. Basically someone buys a whole new wardrobe and other expensive shit all for a trend that'll be out of style in, at most, a year.

No. 2114310

So they admit it’s all about clothes and fashion

No. 2114575

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I hate the false narrative troons push about children and under 18s transitioning. I can't tell if they truly believe noone under 18 is getting surgery or if it's just a sneaky thing they love to say to hide the fact it's happening.
It truly makes me seethe.
"Oh that's not happening.. but if it is happening it's not happening alot.. but if it is happening alot it's because they need it… but if they don't need it it's because they wanted it… but if they wanted it it's not because they're mentally ill and have other shit going on it's because they really needed it…"

No. 2114715

No. 2114738

>If you buy the uniform, you get the job.
>troons are simply hardcore LARPers at the gender ren faire, and it's rude to call them their obvious gender when they put all this effort into their cosplay.
You have such a way with words kek, well said and 100% true.

No. 2114846

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this is funny in hindsight

No. 2115139

Imagine being named Coraline and you throw it away

No. 2115176

The immediate acceptance of "gender is different from sex" was so retarded. It kind of makes the ideology meaningless considering they classify "gender" as "clothes, attitude, mannerisms, behavior". In this case, to say gender is entirely separate from sex is so dishonest it's not even funny. Where do these gender stereotypes come from?…. a sexist society that needs to differentiate between the sexes at the expense of females. The "gender ≠ sex" is a sexist-ass ideology. If people were really smart they'd see that the gender stereotypes that trannies think they can stack like power ups are just sexist viewings of the sexes in general, and maybe we should do away with "gender" as retarded sexologists and tranny supporters have defined it as and just acknowledge the reality of the body but put no mind to the "clothes, attitude, mannerisms, and behaviors" that they might employ, because at the end of the day penis = male and vagina = female.

Tl;Dr my schizo babble but they're basically pointing out the puppeteers who puppet the Muppets in the Muppets universe and instead of the Muppets being like "oh, so we're just people piloting a toy" they're like "oh, so if we're piloting a KERMIT we are male and if we pilot a MS PIGGY we are female! It's that simple!"

No. 2115239

As an ESL I dont really get what gender even means? My language only has one word, same as biological sex in english, even though trannies do use it to refer to their identity instead. Is it identity or some mental feeling of which sex you should be that troons claim to have? Or is it the stereotypical roles that are expected from a person based on their sex? How you perform the role or not? Im confused.

No. 2115248

They get all the normies with this one, including Charlie and most people I know who are tranny defenders despite being ignorant on the topic. Even back when I didn't know as much about trans stuff as I do now and didn't know any trans people personally it still never sat right with me, though. I just thought to myself "Huh…But wouldn't even just giving them these hormones be bad for their development? What if they're just a gnc child like I was? Wouldn't they just be better off not needing any of this and treating their misplaced feelings on inadequacy without resorting to drugs? Why is this necessary at all, isn't it better to just accept your body as is and be yourself regardless?"…Such questions came to mind for me immediately and intuitively even without knowing much on the topic which prompted TRAs to act like my completely reasonable questions were "bigoted" which I found odd since I wasn't trying to be, so even back then I could never really support it without even knowing what I know now. Yet with most normies it's like this doesn't even go through their mind, and they just instantly accept it and fold, since if the medical establishment and the mainstream says so and calls you a bigot if you have any other feelings on it, then it must be true, while I personally felt offended at being called a bigot when I saw no reason why I'd be one for asking reasonable questions. Normies probably fall for it easier also because they could never relate to being a gnc child, associate it with gayness (another thing they accept without understanding, although that one is fine) and aren't truly progressive in the sense of rejecting gender roles, since troonism relies on thinking it's better to troon out than be gnc, while a truly progressive person instinctively knows you don't need any of that. In Charlie's case it's most likely due to how he doesn't want to lose his platform as well and while I never expected otherwise from him, it's still disappointing seeing someone defend this shit and even debating sneako in the first place was retarded too, there was absolutely no need to give some guy debating about age of consent any time of day. This whole thing with supporting trannies just tarnishes his image of youtube guy who dislikes creeps who harass and make women uncomfortable when that's like, most trannies. But he probably doesn't even know that most people who are made uncomfortable by this are women since he believes the tranny narrative of them being the victims and only conservatives like sneako wanting them dead or whatever. I don't really agree with people saying he's a pedophile since it just feels like he's just another useful idiot who doesn't understand the full implications of transitioning children, but this is still so retarded. I'm tired of men like him in general where they'll be ok in other ways but then you'll realize they're still so fucking stupid and a male when you're confronted with their takes on the tranny question. It applies to most men I know and only a couple are truly against troonism without also being conservatives

No. 2115269

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And then you have the other side of the coin

No. 2115331

>see video about FGM and labiaplasty
>look at comments
>transwoman making it all about himself
Oh my God, can they not for a minute?

No. 2115423

are you fucking serious? what was he saying?

No. 2115426

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You made me think in that activist against FGM dealing with a moid saying "What about US?" and she answer him back with "If I have called myself as a man, I wonder if I wouldn't have dealt with that".

No. 2115541

that's like when men try to comment on FGM by talking about circumcision instead

No. 2115609

I know this is horrible but would anons use the tranny larp to get a leg up into a job/scholarship/college/oppurtunity/etc? Then never speak of it again unless you need to roll out the charade for another opportunity? It doesn’t sit well with me on principle but they make it so easy to bullshit your way into it.

No. 2115621

Moids use the tranny larp to get a leg up too so yeah I think it's ok. Just stay safe and don't cut your tits off or anything.

No. 2115632

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No. 2115670

I don’t understand why people are twisting their knickers over this so much. The international boxing association tested this person, not on testosterone but on sex, and the test disqualified them from participating in women’s boxing, which immediately makes the inclusion unfair, because it means the result pointed to XY chromosomes. An institution already tested and disqualified them from being in the women’s league- DSD condition, tranny, whatever it is, the medical condition does not permit competition against women. Many people have medical conditions that impede them from competition at the Olympic level. THAT IS JUST HOW IT IS.

No. 2115676

Samefag- one thing is a condition like CAIS, where there are internal testes but due to the nature of the condition none of the advantages of androgenic puberty manifest, and another is a case like Caster Semenya who DID androgenise and ergo have advantage. It’s very clear Imane and the Chinese boxer fall under the latter category, hence their disqualification. Plus 82% of female athletes want to bring back sex testing which was revoked in ‘99. Tranny or non-tranny, this is exposing the dangers of not strictly gatekeeping women’s sports and trying to find caveats. The athlete is XY and androgenised, permitting competition is unfair and the sexism bias shows on how these scandals always involve invasion of women’s sports and not of men’s

No. 2115715

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"I'm sorry for pointing out that she's a biological woman, not a cis woman". Seriously?

No. 2115726

I don’t get the whole “Saying Biological Woman/Man instead of Cis is transphobic” shit, I’ve legit seen TRAs and even trans people use ”biological” or is it the whole “it’s offensive cuz I said so”

No. 2115728

The type of test they subjected her to is actually confidential, no one knows her condition or chromosomes, which only encourages more retards to go full schizo.

No. 2115755

not defending the retarded word "cis" here but maybe it actually makes since in this rare instance. since cis means identifies as female and was assigned female at birth. If thought were born with XY chromosomes but was assumed female due to a lack of penis and raised female and identifies as such, it'd be hard to claim they're a "bio woman". Even if not a TiM, why are they able to compete against other woman to begin with despite failing sex testing? this whole situation pisses me off.

No. 2115788

It depends on whether or not it could come back to bite me in the ass. I would take a grant or any freebie made for genderspecials without any guilt, because how can they police that? It's all made up. Most TiFs still wear makeup, dye their hair, wear skirts, fuck men, and will birth children if they don't spay themselves first. I don't do any of that, so I would just take the cash and laugh. Job applications are a different story, because being an out gendie probably disqualifies people more often than it helps.

No. 2115792

I would change absolutely nothing from what I am currently doing. Just would use the ideology for my own benefit and once I reach where I want to be I’ll detransition, which again means I’ll change nothing.

Just hard for me in general to take advantage of stupid current cultural trends for my own benefit, especially if I have to pretend to be a self hating misogynist.

No. 2115797

i also don't understand the people going "b-but its algeria they wouldnt do that!!1!". cosmetic surgery on intersex infants is still being practiced today in developed countries for the sake of "better slotting them into the norm". that's actually where "AMAB" and "AFAB" came from before troons stole it, intersex people being forcibly slotted into the opposite sex and undergoing shady medical procedures (often without their knowledge) because they didn't match the characteristics of their real birth sex "well enough". now, is it really so outlandish to believe that developing countries would look at a man with a microdick (the quintessential epitome of "failed masculinity") and decide thats a woman instead? for gods sake, we even have a bunch of historical examples of gay dudes being assigned a third gender because their societies couldn't fathom the idea of them still being men. don't underestimate how eager men are to separate "failmales" from themselves.

No. 2115807

I was this close to putting nonbinary on my fafsa application. I don't know if it would've changed anything, but considering how easy it'd be to larp as a they/them, I wouldn't feel guilty.

No. 2115812

"Gender" and "sex" mean the exact same thing in English, "gender" is just the more polite word. Crazy people only recently started creating new definitions. Modern trannies believe that "gender" is the true sex of your soul.

No. 2115828

I mean, how could it bite you in the ass(besides the work thing, which fair enough)? TIMs get away with pedo shit, rape and death threats, and disgusting moid behavior becuase of troonery. Plus the ideology makes it so that no one can really police wether or not your are “truly trans”. Though I’m sure if a bunch of women started to claim trans purely for self advancement, it would change their tune real fast.

No. 2115858

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>adult and human are social constructs and female is a circular definition

this is the mind on troonism

No. 2115861

What's with people claiming that Khelif being XY is Russian propaganda?

No. 2115862

I like how every time people defend the inclusion of troons or DSD people in women's competitions they resort to classic male chauvinism about women's sports being lame/inferior to men's sports. They don't even try to hide their misogyny kek

No. 2115865

Is it considered dysphoria if I sometimes make myself a man in my maladaptive daydream sessions? I don’t want to be a man, I feel so special just by being born a girl, but sometimes being a chad guy that gets all the women is a cool fantasy to have. I’m not even les either so I guess it’s kinda weird.

No. 2115866

Fun fact: notorious pedo sexologist John Money coined the term "gender". Read his Wikipedia page if you want to hate the modern tranny movement even more.

No. 2115870

It's not dysphoria to fantasize about being a character different from yourself, no. Weird you'd just be a random "chad" and not some epic warlock or something, the random chad kind of dudes exist everywhere and they're basically just empty vessel sociopaths.

No. 2115872

>because some species of fungus have 30,000 sexes, this means saying humans have two functional sexes is somehow wrong

No. 2115883

Why not be some cool epic tough woman who gets all the hotties? I have this extensive daydream about being a lone wolf gun woman out on some sci-fi desert who kills outlaw rapists and is known as the “Mother of Dust” since so many men bite the dust when they encounter her.

Ofcourse the brooding bad assery is just a mega attractor to women who want to tame her. But she can’t ever settle down, not when she has a good mare and can ride out into the sunset once more.

No. 2115903

not necessarily. iirc he popularized the concept of "gender identity" however

No. 2115932

I just got off work so I'm still looking into it, but the International Boxing Association (IBA), which did the chromosome test on Khelif, is Russian-led and has a Russian president. It was suspended from screening people for the Olympic back in 2019 (or 2023?) "due to the ongoing seriousness of the issues in the areas of finance, governance, ethics and refereeing and judging." so I guess that literally nothing they've done is valid anymore, even if it's related to scientific testing instead of ethics.

No. 2115966

I used to do this but then I realized I was gay and it went away. Now my daydreams are just me with hot women.

No. 2116176

>another is a case like Caster Semenya who DID androgenise and ergo have advantage.
caster is a biological male who has fathered biological children with his wife. he is a man too.

No. 2116275

Yeah nonny, sorry if that wasn’t immediately understandable, but I meant that there is a difference between a male with CAIS where there is no effect from testosterone at all despite internal testes and a men like Semenya, and that I think Imane is a case like the latter

No. 2116424

Every other group gets to define what they are called. Of course women don't get that luxury

No. 2116520

So, what are you guys gonna do if it turns out that the Algerian boxer is a woman? Gonna apologize to xir?

No. 2116559

They'll go full qanon conspiracytard and bomb a woman's shelter or something. The schizophrenia spiral is imminent

No. 2116614

I never said it wasn't a woman just that it could also be a male with an intersex condition and reveals like that happened in the past. But apparently nuanced discussions aren't allowed and I'm literally hitler for even entertaining the idea that something like this could happen again. It's so pathetic how it derailed to anons just throwing insults around.

No. 2116635

The boxer but xerself in the spotlight so maybe ze should come out with what the fuck it is and make all this conspiracy shit stop. Ze knew it'd garner attention, it did, xyz loves it for sure. It would make all the hate stop too if things were clarified.

No. 2116681

No. 2116695

No. 2116741

Thanks, I always wondered how the xe/ze pronouns worked, it was a learning experience

No. 2116748

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yeah it's a male with DSD, but looks like he was raised as a girl (there are childhood photos where Imane is dressed as a girl). must suck to have that condition, but if you fail the gender test and have a proven unfair advantage, then it should be as simple as that. it puts women in danger.

No. 2116771

I love this fantasy of yours nonnie, I now want to write a book about this type character or play her in a table-top rpg

No. 2116856

This, once you get used to it, it's really easy to come up with scenarios in which you're like a cool man but female, and all the hot sexualized women are male instead. It's not easy at first because we're all bombarded with the opposite everywhere we go but it only takes a bit of imagination.

No. 2116957

I'm just tryin to be inclusive here.
No problem nonner

No. 2117014

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nonnies when it's time to suck russian media's dick (it said something they wish was true)
sharty is ze ozer way xister

No. 2117021

Doesn't matter if his mom put him in a dress in that one picture we've seen, if anything I think that's why he resents women and wants to punch them as revenge

No. 2117022

Boohoo I bet he reads here and his feefees got super hurt. If he was a woman he wouldn't give a fuck anyway, it's only an insult to him to be called a man because he is one and because he is pretending to be a woman

No. 2117026

>you need to be 18
no they do not, they literally aired jazz jennings getting bottom surgery at 17 on national television.
>you need to be transitioning for at least 1-2 years
also false. WPATH leaks and trans tiktokers indicate otherwise pretty often
>otherwise your body will not be able to respond properly to surgery
i have not seen a single instance of anyone's body responding properly to bottom surgery. you can't mimic the inside of a vagina with tissue from a colon or penis. you cannot mimic penile tissue or any function of a penis with any tissue from a vagina. take an anatomy and phys course and pay close attention to the reproduction chapter.

>gender affirming care for under 18s never happens so it's impossible to ban

i would love this banned, if it ever actually starts to happen they will be flipping shit over it, thus proving it happens and they think it's acceptable. they don't want to state outright it happens because they know it's wrong!

No. 2117035

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Nonas, I'd like to know your opinion, or rather rant about some truly stupid shit I just found out about because anyone who's not retarded doesn't need anybody's opinion to realize this person is a woman. And I realize she's not the only victim of this kind of sexism among female athletes but her story has enraged me so much because I rooted for her. Fuck I'm going insane.

Prisca Guadalupe Awiti Alcaraz is a British-Kenyan-Mexican female judoka who just won a silver medal representing Mexico. When I first saw her, I never once questioned her biological sex, though she did seem unusually androgynous (but still obviously female to me). To my surprise, an alarming amount of people in the comments of videos or pictures about her achievement seem to be convinced that she is a man, calling for DNA testing or banning her from women's competitions as if she were the same as actual trannies invading women's sports, and an equally disgusting amount are making degrading, sarcastic, sexist comments about her appearance while knowing full well she's female. Actually, I didn't know about the former until I made a google search about her, and it turns out there was also a braindead controversy in Poland over her victory against a Polish opponent (who defended her from the accusations, but apparently didn't explicitly say she's a biological woman so it makes it all more confusing for these people): https://notesfrompoland.com/2024/08/01/polish-olympian-defends-mexican-rival-after-politicians-suggest-she-is-male/
But still, despite this controversy being talked about, there are mentions of "transphobia" but no one clearly states that she is not trans (possibly to avoid offending troons with mentions of biological sex), which unfortunately made me doubt my own impression of her being female for a moment.
So, I googled to see if anybody was even asking if she's trans and this is one of the few results I found where she's mentioned in relation to anything "trans": https://notesfrompoland.com/2024/08/01/polish-olympian-defends-mexican-rival-after-politicians-suggest-she-is-male/
This article makes no effort to clear anything up, in fact the wording might be so confusing and walks on eggshells so much that you could end up believing she is a tranny after reading it. I thought this article sounded AI-generated as fuck, so I dismissed it.

Nowhere on any of her bios that I could find have I found anything about her transitioning or originally having a masculine name or having had a "special" childhood or adolescence. If she were a male, she'd have to have been put on puberty blockers from an incredibly young age to look anywhere like this, and considering she was born in 1996 (she's nearing her 30s, for fuck's sake!) it's extremely unlikely. You could say that at most, she looks like a teenage boy, not a man, but imagine a male teenager successfully lying about his age for so long to compete in international women's judo tournaments, kek. She has talked about her childhood, how her brother practiced both judo and gymnastics before dedicating himself fully to the latter (iirc), and how she used to practice gymnastics before switching to judo because she was too tall, and has also mentioned that she initially began to practice judo in Mexico because she felt exhausted in the highly competitive world of girl's judo in the UK. Also just the fact that she was born in the 90s makes it more likely that she wouldn't even believe in or be influenced by troon ideology.

Some sexist pieces of shit trying to make her out to be a tranny have used photos of her as "evidence" that she's a man. Those were probably all specific photos of her face where she looks the most masculine because when you look at her during judo matches it's obvious to anyone that she's roughly as tall as her obviously female opponents, etc.. If she were a male of African descent, (s)he would naturally be bigger. When you listen to her in interviews, her voice is naturally feminine, although deep but you can still tell the difference. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CexKGaYgdo8

Some scrotes are trying to claim she's on testosterone, but if she were a MtF tranny, (s)he'd do everything to appear as his idea of a woman, including growing his hair long, wearing makeup and hyperfeminine/sexualized clothing, and speaking in a terrible falsetto, plus he'd also be obnoxious as fuck about his tranny identity and most importantly, he'd be taking estrogen, not testosterone. And she doesn't seem to identify as any kind of transman or enby, so her taking testosterone as a "cis" person would definitely not be tolerated. Besides, she has a boyfriend: https://ovaciones.com/quien-es-el-novio-de-prisca-awiti-medallista-de-plata-en-paris-2024/
Hard to imagine a gay moid identifying as a woman enough to get into the Olympics as one, and then making no effort whatsoever to look like "a woman", for so long. And if she were FtM she'd be competing in men's sports like that one Aiden.
Furthermore, anybody can see that this: https://www.instagram.com/p/C3qbn5HLHhW/
is an actual, 100% female woman. Though I don't doubt for a second that conservative dumbfucks would still believe this is a man with implants, those fuckers have an extremely narrow view of what men and women are or look like.

And if this situation wasn't stupid enough already, some of her defenders from the shitty sexist remarks are calling them "tRaNsPhObIc" remarks while acknowledging that she's an actual female. Like yeah sure, moids calling a woman male just because she's androgynous and not the epitome of feminine stereotypes, and because they only value women based on their sexual attractiveness, is somehow all about the poor oppressed male trannies who's identity is entirely based on those very same, harmful, misogynistic stereotypes. https://nitter.poast.org/PaveloRockstar/status/1818331580949315750 (also check out the absolutely insane logic going on in that xeet and the replies. So terves are the ones calling this woman a man and not the scrotes who are upset she's not fuckable enough for them? Oh right, I forgot TERF is the modern equivalent of Nazi now and has lost all meaning. And also having been born as a woman with very androgynous features and cutting your hair super short not giving a fuck about stereotypes is exactly the same as having been born with male genitals kek I want to die. These clowns are fucking more offended over the sexist comments being insulting to MALE TRANNIES even though they're directed at a WOMAN. All while every single video about her, old or new, is being infested with disgustingly degrading comments about her androgynous appearance, both from Poles and Mexicans who should be celebrating her victories. fuck this woman-hating tranny world.)

Apparently women aren't allowed to be tall, or have broad shoulders, or have "unfeminine" faces, or have short hair, or dress in baggy clothes, or have (relatively) deep voices, much less all of these at the same time. Fuck troonshit for making things even harder for women who don't fit into stereotypes and fuck retarded conservatives.

Oh well, at least she seems to be happy with her family, friends and boyfriend.

No. 2117042

Can't be sexist against intersex people lol.
Your bait is stale. Here, let me spell it out for you loud and clear:
To reiterate, both Imane Khelif and Lin Yu-ting post testing, did not meet the required eligibility criteria to compete within the female category of our respective events.

*The proposal to ratify the decision taken by the IBA Secretary General and CEO on
behalf of IBA to disqualify Imane Khelif and Lin Yu-ting from the IBA Women’s World
Boxing Championships was approved by the majority vote with 1 abstention by Mr.
Abdeljaouad Belhaj and 1 vote against by Mr. Jose Laureano.*

No. 2117046

I wont, intersex people shouldn't be in sports if blurrs the lines of fairness which it always does. Not every retard should be able to do sports on high level and they should make peace with that as the rest of the planted did.

No. 2117053

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Case closed. It knows that it isn't a female, yet still decides to cheat at the Olympics. Vile.

No. 2117057

Its fucking Algeria, I doubt people are forcing their kids to be transgender there. She's probably just an intersex woman. I can agree that intersex people shouldn't compete in sports though.

No. 2117059

>Can't be sexist against intersex people lol.
NTA but this is just wrong. Intersex disorders still happen to either male or female humans.

No. 2117063

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iba is a corrupt russian organization

No. 2117067

If he actually is a woman, fair enough, but the testosterone indicates she has some sort of condition that puts her at a crazy level of T.
FWIW, I don't think the boxer deserves to be treated badly even if it's a guy with an intersex condition who was raised female. He's not the same as a tranny, his family and society probably just didn't know how to approach or deal with his condition. I don't think he should be in women's sports, but his story is sad, and the same applies to all the other athletes this has turned out to be the case for.
I don't really understand all these anons bashing him and pretending he just hates women and wants to beat them. I've been given no reason to believe he's just this bad person who deliberately snuck into women's sports. He probably genuinely thinks/thought of himself as a brawny, very tall woman.

No. 2117070

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You lie with dogs and you get fleas.

This is what trans hysteria and being obssesed with troons does to you, extremes always end up hurting women and now a woman with hyperandrogenism (Imane Khalif) is being accused of being a man or being trans. And if you think they will stop at women with abnormalities they won't because they will start attacking gnc women too soon (some already have).

People have now also started attacking other female athletes at the 2024 olympics and accusing them of being male. Katie Ledecky is now also being accused of being a man. Katie is 100% a woman with xx chromos and doesnt even have the abnormality that Imane had but people don't care because both of them are masculine women. The radfems are either silent on this or are joining in on the bullying of these women showing what they really think about gnc women.

No. 2117075

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>read this post
>’my attraction to him is very queer’
Do words even mean anything anymore? This just sounds like bisexuality to me. What is queer about attraction to a very obviously masculine man with they/them pronouns (that OP doesn’t even pretend to use). This and a post I saw about how being ‘queer is better than gay’ is making me feel so alienated with the modern lgbt community.

No. 2117076

Which sports org isn't? How were IBA wrong with their judgement? You're insinuating that they had rigged the tests for some reason? What would be the purpose of that? Neither Lin nor Khelif appealed the decision to exclude them - you don't find it strange? Why did you omit it in your post, if it's of crucial importance?

No. 2117078

This person even tried to comfort the Italian (which the media is trying to convey as "mocking/smirking" without evidence). People are being really disgusting by projecting their own feelings towards trannies onto this person who likely doesn't even know anything about Western transgenderism.

No. 2117079

Was it ever actually confirmed Imane has hyperandrogenism? I can't find any proof.

No. 2117080

100% agree

No. 2117084

Ledecky is just an ashkenazi woman with a fucked up hairline kek. I agree transvestigations are retarded. I understand why radfems want to identify cheating moids in women’s sports, but this type of hysteria just opens to the door for rightoid moids calling any woman they don’t want to fuck a tranny and spreading misinfo.
>bisexual woman dating a masculine male in a heterosexual relationship still wants to call herself a lesbian for woke points

No. 2117085

The problem with the conspiracy talk is that that everything in reality is supported by the IBA's statement, including the IOC's statement. I think people might not know historically there have been many intersex athletes who've competed at the Olympics as women because of the great advantage they have. Semenya is not a rare case.

No. 2117086

File: 1722612583051.jpeg (183.99 KB, 1289x1323, GT5uhS9WoAASbBs.jpeg)

Another athlete that has competed againts Imane in the past defends her.

Imane also has lost to many women in the boxing ring and she is not this "powerful advantage super race" person people are trying to label her as

No. 2117089

These gorillas are suddenly so concerned about women's safety. Hilarious.

No. 2117091

There are articles reporting it. I read one and it's not very clear where the information is from. The article references the IBA, but IBA's official statement says they didn't even test the athlete's testosterone; they used a non-specified test (that's realistically probably a chromosome test). There's a lot of weird reporting going on and I wonder if it's from the mass international reporting/language barriers.

No. 2117093

>Imane Khalif

This person has a Y chromosome. It can't be a female with a chromosome. They just got assigned female as birth because it has not fully developed testes

No. 2117094

They don't care about women's safety they are just transvestigating women for fun.

Now some are doing the same to Katie Ledecky and using ugly pictures of her on purpose (katie is 100% a woman and has xx chromos).

Like im sorry that not all fenale athletes are fap material or do coomer content for moids. (The one who lost and cried like a coward posts thirst traps for moids kek)

No. 2117096

Amy Broadhurst vs Imane Khelif

How come Broadhurst isn't crying and kneeling in grief?(this is an imageboard)

No. 2117099

It's not about khelif's looks, you just can't be a woman with a Y chromosome

No. 2117100

At this point they should just make chromosome testing mandatory to qualify for the olympics and make a separate category for the fucked up individuals.

No. 2117105

Oh i am so tired of having the same discussion over and over again about intersex people with uneducated retards.

No. 2117106

Imare was in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Kellie Harrington wiped the floor with her. Even an ameteur moid boxer has a significant advantage over even a professional woman boxer, hence why sports are divided by sex to begin with. If Imare really was a moid, she would have won every single fight she’s ever been in. But she lost that fight 5-0. And she’s also been defeated by 9 other women.

No. 2117117

File: 1722613703793.jpeg (162.1 KB, 1078x1287, GT6KXxFXcAAP4OP.jpeg)

Daily reminder that Angela Carini has a history of lying and playing the victim she did a similiar thing in 2021 and 2022. In 2022 she also tried faking a injury while in a boxing match.

If this is who you want to nake your hero against the "evil moid trannys" then be my guest but just know that you are supporting a fraud and also attacking a biological woman.

No. 2117125

she can have swyer or was born with PCOS? i was born with PCOS and my only issue were mild hirsutism and a bit of androgen excess that was evident before puberty. also PCOS is more observable in brown women or phenotypes with dark/brown hair and if left untreated, you can easily have more testosterone than the average woman, but it's nowhere the T levels of a man. i think that's what the tests were referring to?

or idk what kind of things happen in Algeria, as we also know that if the mother was on T or consumed toxic chemicals while pregnant, the baby will be cursed with a fucked up endocrine system.

No. 2117129

I can see you're taking this extra personally nonna. Nobody is making the italian "a hero" wtf? and nobody is sperging about evil moid trannys you retard. It's obviously an intersex person, maybe male, maybe female, you don't know, we don't know. The actual question is if intersex people should be in sports, which i belive they shouldn't. We have paralympics for retards and they can fit right in, it's not shameful and it's fair for everybody.

No. 2117131

Afaik you have to have testosterone levels of a man to be disqualified, so it's basically impossible to just be PCOS anon. Maybe she has PCOS and took testosterone, we don't know. There is not much information available.

No. 2117132

Go take your estrogen and leave us alone

No. 2117139

Anon i think its very retarded to try and gaslight someone as if we are blind and can't see all the posts who have gone viral about this situation and are painting Angela as some kind of hero with thousands of likes some reaching close to 500k.

I was waiting for someone to start scrotefoiling/troonfoiling and you didn't leave me disappointed. Do you know that you have more in common with scientology than you think? Reminds me how those weirdos call everyone who disagrees with them a supressive person kek.

No. 2117140

This is why I'm staying celibate for the rest of my life. The amount of fake lesbians I've met in my life is astounding

No. 2117144

I agree, nonny. I mistook her for a featherweight at first because of her absolute lack of muscle mass. If you look at any other welterweight female boxer, they have may more visible lean muscle. I think she was just incompetent and is trying to turn the world against a rival by painting her as trans. There are literally pics of Imane as a little girl

No. 2117145

File: 1722615376032.webp (17.83 KB, 660x443, IMG_9640.webp)

Forgot to attach pic

No. 2117148

Can you go choke on your baguette already?(infighting)

No. 2117150

> defends scrote
> gets called scrote in return

I don’t even know what that means. I just think it’s gross you’re defending some guy.

No. 2117151

i don’t really think her presenting as a little girl when she was years younger and 1000x less physically strong is very fair kek, because now that she’s an adult we can see that she obviously has more male genetics than female genetics; especially basing on the fact that she has XY chromosomes and a male level of testosterone, according to her testing results; she should’ve been either disqualified or moved to another team.

No. 2117152

File: 1722615742019.webp (8.2 KB, 244x300, IMG_9420.webp)

nta but here's one of the childhood pics

No. 2117153

this olympic tranny business is really another great reminder of how male supremacist this world is. the fake concern for women is bothering me the most

No. 2117160

If Imane has the same DSD as Caster Semenya then he is 100% a man.

No. 2117162

Exactly. Intersex athletes should not be able to compete in the women’s category. I feel bad for Khelif personally, not like she had any say in how she was raised and this whole thing has to be pretty humiliating. But if she really is XY, she’s male and it’s not right for her to compete. Same with Castor Semenya. She never should’ve been allowed to compete either. It’s sucks for them, but most people have things that prevent them from being Olympic athletes. Life isn’t fair.
I mean cmon…just look at her. SOMETHING is up, beyond PCOS or whatever people are trying to falsely compare this to. Bring back the swab tests. There’s no good reason not to.

No. 2117163

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I joined a cute facebook fashion group and this creature is always posting and every fucking other girl there cheers him on.
I dont even know if this is relevant to this thread since its obviously a fucking fetish. Its sick.
I hope its just heavily policed and those who voice how fucking gross this is just gets booted because I cant be the only one in there that thinks this abomination is pure filth.

No. 2117164

This looks like a male child in a dress to me tbh. Doesn't matter much now, if you have a chromosome, you should not be allowed to compete in a boxing competition with XX chromosome owners. End of.


Her being a jackass doesn't nullify the point that she should have never been placed in a ring with a person who has a Y chromosome. It's fine for them to identify as female on a birth certificate and wear a dress, but they should not be allowed to fight biological women. Its an unfair advantage, intersex people should either compete with other intersex people or just not professionally compete at all.

No. 2117165

Why is XY chromosomes the dividing line though? She has a vagina , breasts and hormonally indistinguishable from a TIF put on hormones since 13.

No. 2117168

>Looks 100% male only dressed like a hooker

No. 2117169

I can literally see his asshole through the underwear in the bent over picture

No. 2117171

File: 1722616940490.png (552.76 KB, 888x736, Screenshot 2024-08-02 182142.p…)

Here is the biggest proof showing that Imane is a woman.


The IBA test was not recognized by the IOC and her IOC tests show that she is a biological woman but suffers from testestorne excess. She is not even intersex like how some of you claimed, she is literally a biological woman with hyperandrogenism.
This article also confirms that the test that Imane took in IBA was for testosterone and the person who said she had a XY chromosome basically lied. She never showed a xy chromosome and it was another athlete that failed the biochemichal test.

Will radfems, GCers or right-wingers apologise for trying to ruin this woman's life? Of course you won't. I am expecting more people to double down in the replies and i am expecting the usual replies calling me a tranny and telling me to shut up.

No. 2117172

Are you the intersex person from last thread?

No. 2117173

Are they intersex male or intersex female?

No. 2117175

I don't think Imane has 5AR2D like Semenya. She probably has swyer syndrome. And she also probably has some naturally long and skinny genes. She'd be better at basketball than boxing.

If she had 5AR2D, she'd be dominating boxing and she'd have tons of endorsements. She'd probably already be in the pro boxing circuit. She'd make big money fighting big fights.

Instead, she lives with her mom and sells scrap metal to get by. She challenged the IBA ruling but then dropped it. That might have something to do with the fact that IBA is run by the mob. Imane doesn't have enough connections to challenge them.

I still blame IOC for having that tranny weightlifter at the Tokyo Olympics. They're ultimately at fault because they lost their credibility by not drawing a clear line against weird trannies. The public saw sports administrators validate and give trophies to Lia Thomas and weightlifting troons and cycling moids. And now the public doesn't trust sports administrations. And all this suspicion inevitably leads to endless transvestigations into elite athletes.

No. 2117178

Anon I get that being intersex must be a pain in the ass, but handicaped people don't get to do anything and everything they want, it's unfair, but it's life, that's why we have the paralympics, we should have the same thing for intersex people

No. 2117179

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I think she’s really pretty. I find it weird that I keep seeing people saying how tall Imane is and “omg! He’s taller than the referee” when imane is maybe an inch or two taller than the other girl and they’re both taller than the Latino looking manlet referee kek
2024 brain rot, people aren’t used to seeing women not done up or Bambi filtered to hell

No. 2117180

A tif put on hormones since 13 shouldn't compete with other women either though. But we don't know what kind of condition, if any, she has at the moment.

No. 2117184

>still doubling down and not knowing the difference between hyperandrogenism and intersex.

The XY chromosome thing was proved as fake so at this point you are basically transvestigating a biological woman like a right-wing boomer.

At this point anyone who saw this >>2117171 and is still calling her a man is basically transvestigating and should not be taken seriously.

Also to the scumbag who tried transvestigating even her photos as a child….you are disgusting.

No. 2117185

The referee looks like a butch lesbian

No. 2117189

Troons can also surgically give themselves “vaginas” and breasts but they still have XY chromosomes. She has XY chromosomes and is a man.

No. 2117190

If pregnant athletes can’t compete then why should troons get to

No. 2117191

Obviously they won't apologise, they're even shifting the blame on to the IOC or continuing to insist she must be intersex. Pathetic really.

No. 2117192

>I think she’s really pretty
Come on now..

No. 2117193

pregnant woman can compete actually an egyptian woman at 7 months iirc has, i forgot what sport tho

No. 2117194

Pregnant athletes can compete. The media loves it, too. They had tons of stories about the pregnant Olympic fencer

No. 2117195

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No. 2117196

Prisca, not Imane. Prisca is kinda hot

No. 2117201

Did the IOC test the chromosomes?

No. 2117202

Oh! Queen shit

No. 2117207

The IBA did not test hormones. A single test like that what they did would not diagnose hyperandrogenism. This is a language barrier issue or possibly lazy ass reporters just writing down whatever because they're lazy as fuck.

>Point to note, the athletes did not undergo a testosterone examination but were subject to a separate and recognized test, whereby the specifics remain confidential. This test conclusively indicated that both athletes did not meet the required necessary eligibility criteria and were found to have competitive advantages over other female competitors.

No. 2117208

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Victim blaming again? I don't care for Carini and she never even said anything offensive. People other than XX individuals should simply never be allowed in women's sports.

>she has XY chromosomes
My brain hurts.

>She has a vagina

>hormonally indistinguishable from a TIF put on hormones since 13


No. 2117213

File: 1722618558232.jpg (91.34 KB, 1021x571, b3c306ec0e0358ad595e7e50610bda…)

This is uncanny.

No. There is no proof of that anywhere.

No. 2117218

File: 1722618817583.gif (100.63 KB, 220x101, meduza-meduza-owns-trump.gif)

>Lin Yu Ting
HELPPPPP your retarded ass got called out for lying about Imane being a man that now you are posting another athlete to go on with your self victimisation story.

there is no language barrier the article can be understood nicely. It just seems like you are trying to dismiss anything that doesn't fit your agenda. Imane only failed the testosterone test meanwhile Lin-Yu seemed to have failed more than just the testesrone test but I don't see what that has to do with Imane. Some of you want Imane to be a man so bad, it's weird.


No. 2117225

File: 1722618977425.jpg (61.67 KB, 520x520, 1000025091.jpg)

As if he was the only one. Have you seen this? He's from Zambia playing soccer, Barbara Banda

No. 2117226

as in….he's barbara?

No. 2117227

The funny thing is he also tried boxing in the past, what's up with that

No. 2117230

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No. 2117232

You’re just veering into racism at this point. And holy shit, looking up Barbara I learned that the previous way of checking gender was an examination of their genitals. Feminists should talk about that

No. 2117233

>This just sounds like bisexuality to me.
Its not; its heterosexuality.

No. 2117234

>biological hyperandrogenism
If the reports of her hormonal tests are correct, there's no way Khelif isn't intersex, unless she/he/whatever is juicing or extremely sick (doubtful). It's well in the male range, natural T levels in men and women don't overlap like that. There have been issues with inaccurate tests in the past so there's a chance she's indeed female and a victim of unclear guidelines.
>they lied about XY
There's no mention of this in the article. Why lie? The article cites the claim of having found proof of XY, then reminds the reader that this org has issues with legitimacy (who knows if it's genuine or a case of Russia Bad). But it doesn't provide proof that the XY claim is a 'lie'.
>she has a vagina
You don't know that. Having a micropenis and no external testes is sufficient to be considered 'female' at birth.

No. 2117237

She did not fail at 2 different world championships though, it was only the one in 2023…

No. 2117238

There is no proof of her having XY chromosomes either, aside from a man's word?

No. 2117240

omg such a manly obviously tranny voice right nonnies !!!! fuck off with that transvestigaytards

No. 2117241

File: 1722620054125.png (614.97 KB, 896x771, Screenshot 2024-08-02 191938.p…)

OK meanwhile that retard is now posting other random athletes because they don't know what to say about Imane anymore let's talk about this :

A convicted child rapist was allowed to compete in the Olympics. Him being allowed in the Olympics barely caused any outrage and is only 1/100 of the outrage Imane (who is a woman whether you want to admit it or not) got. Why is that? (this is not a question that should be actually answered because we all know the real reason why, the so called defenders of women don't actually care about women)

radfems are mostly a white-woman club so don't be surprised, do you see how excited they get whenever they see a brown/black radfem and go "see SEE WE HAVE POC TOO" lol

They are confusing her with Lin. I swear radfems are becoming just as retarded as TRAs.(off-topic)

No. 2117242

File: 1722620134101.jpeg (281.83 KB, 750x1084, IMG_6016.jpeg)

This is so fucking embarrassing kek

No. 2117243

>IOC doesn't test chromosomes
Really makes you think.

No. 2117246

I saw tons of GCers (not even counting radfems because of course they brought this up) discussing this. Of course retarded 'transphobic' moids aren't interested in discussing male violence, yawn.
The only person i've seen defend this pedophile is a TiM, to no one's surprise. It was the usual anti-authoritarian rhetoric and appeal to other minorities to make it seem like it's a deep injustice to the vulnerable. Barf.
Why are you even here? Yes, it's depressing to see heaps of people fully displaying their disdain for women's sports and women's achievements to dunk on terves.

No. 2117250

So exhausted with the way I have to tiptoe around themmies. I have this girl at my place of employment, who is the most boobiliscious, overtly cutesy feminine woman you’ve ever encountered. But they don’t identify with womanhood and they are non-binary. I accidentally referred to her as “she” the other day and it was like all the air was sucked out of the room, every head swiveled to look at me, you could hear a pin drop. Come the fuck on. We’re all thinking it. It’s harder than dealing with trannies because I don’t feel like I’m speaking proper fucking English using they all the time. I just don’t talk to or address her ever because I don’t want to be the social pariah that can’t “respect people’s identities” and have to stumble my way through an awkward ass apology just because being called a girl makes you feel a little uncomfortable. Grow the fuck up and get over yourself. It’s so weird how normalized this shit is. I feel like I’m running around with a bunch of little kids. Weirdest part is, I’ve caught some of my gender identity friends using they when talking about me. Bitch I’m a girl stop trying to rub your solipsistic twitterbrained holier-than-thou-who-conforms rhetoric all over me. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

No. 2117251

This reminds me of a boomer Facebook post that goes "the earth is flat, prove me wrong" as you can see its always the retards who make up shit and believe lies always asking for other people to send them a continuous stream of proof that they are wrong but even when that happens ajd the proof is send they just glance over that proof and nitpick it and then generate more lies.

Her having XY chromosome was literally debunked as a lie but they will still keep on making more lies to try and confuse people and then even ask people to prove their lies wrong.

OK retard let me explain, her IBA testing which you all used against her to say she was a man or had XY chromosomes only showed that she had elevated testosterone and it had nothing to with her chromosomes or her being a man. Her not appealing was about the testosterone test and it had nothing to do with XY. She didn't appeal the testosterone test, not whatever chromosome test you all ran with. Stop spreading lies.

No. 2117257

Then what are Imane's chromosomes and proof of it?

No. 2117258

NTA, but I don't think the IBA test results are public yet? Personally I do think she's a woman but technically speaking the IBA just said in a statement yesterday on their website that it wasn't a testosterone test. I don't know why they can't show the actual results, considering she and her competitor are getting more hate from them not doing so.

No. 2117259

everyone shut the fuck up about the Algerian boxer until the test results are released

No. 2117261

TiMs are natal males who artificially try to become women due to the retarded notion that being a woman is a social role. This is not comparable to males and females with rare chromosomal or hormonal disorders. Her health records aren't even public and the source stating she has XY chromosomes is shoddy at best. You're right to be mad at TiMs invading female sports but you're directing your anger to the wrong crowd and don't want to admit that maybe, just maybe you were wrong.

No. 2117266

They won't show it probably because it was agreed to be confidential.

No. 2117269

>Her having XY chromosome was literally debunked as a lie
I hope your masters pay you well at least, you pathetic excuse of a human being.

No. 2117270

>disqualifies in the Women’s Africa Cup of Nations because he didn’t meet Caf’s gender DSD rules (differences in sex development) set by the Confederation of African Football (Caf) due to elevated testosterone levels.

No. 2117272

File: 1722621366742.jpeg (403.61 KB, 750x861, IMG_9428.jpeg)

holy shit kek you're like those seagulls from nemo, ntayrt

No. 2117277

>Imane doesn't have XY chromosomes!

No. 2117278

it's a braindead ideological extremist who can't accept being unsure about anything

No. 2117282

numerous anons have replied to you with proof that she didn't get tested for XY in the first place but you ignore that and keep posting the same shit over and over again.

Go back to your america containment thread, magafag.

No. 2117287

She’s shaking and shitting herself over what’s either an androgynous woman or an intersex woman competing in women’s Olympics, under some bizarre guise of feminism. If you literally can’t sleep over this you seriously need to touch grass and go do some real life activism

No. 2117289

I already provided you with that source about Imanes (and Lins testing) how many sources am I suppose to send you at this point when you keep on either nit-picking it or flat out ignoring it.

>i hope your masters pay you well

hmm and now what do you mean by that. Don't be shy, tell us what you actually mean by that.(learn2integrate)

No. 2117294

>didn't get tested for XY in the first place
Some claim there was and some claim there wasn't. If there truly was no testing then that in itself is a problem.

No. 2117304

Here's a comprehensive BBC article on the issue. I read it and it consolidates a lot of what I've read from multiple articles. If you're also confused about the weird reporting of this.


No. 2117311

You know it's a man when no one is criticising him. I mean, she could have just clarified right after no? Duh. She made such an embarrassing mess of the Olympic reputation, she didn't even stop at the interview!! Is that too hard for her ??

No. 2117315

>In an interview with BBC sports editor Dan Roan on Thursday, IBA chief executive Chris Roberts said XY chromosomes were found in "both cases".
Nothing new here. Just by looking at him you can tell it's a guy.
That IOC damage control is hilarious though.

No. 2117326

If Imane having high testosterone gives her an unfair advantage and should be banned from competing, then Michael Phelps should also be banned. He produces 50% less lactic acid than the average athlete, has twice the lung capacity of a normal human, and having that freaky ass wide wingspan. He has several biological advantages and he’s praised for it. Why do intersex, gnc, and otherwise unattractive women always have to suffer because of trannies? Nobody would give a fuck about this if we didn’t have actual men trying to squeeze into women’s sports.

No. 2117341

I see a lot of talk about the Algerian troon but not much about the Taiwanese one. In my opinion, Yu-Ting's situation is strange. While the Algerian troon looks like a man, at least he kind of put in a half-assed effort to look sort of like a woman, whereas the Yu-Ting does absolutely nothing to look like a woman. He looks 100% male in every single way. His Instagram, for those curious: https://www.instagram.com/boxing_ting/

Another thing that I find interesting is that when both of these men were tested and found to have XY, the Algerian man attempted to appeal the genetic test results at first, while Yu-Ting did not. To me this would indicate Yu-Ting already knew he would get those results and so didn't bother to contest the results.

Now I'm wondering, is Yu-Ting a regular man just pretending to be an "intersex" woman, or is he actually an intersex male and has known this for a while? I find it hard to believe either of these men didn't know their results shortly after puberty, especially Yu-Ting.

Either way, both Yu-Ting and Imane knew long before the Olympics that they are male and should not be in the female division, so fuck them both.

No. 2117343

nonna i'm one of the people who's been defending imane khelif but i do get where people are coming from in terms of her competing. the difference as i see it is less about the advantage in the sport but more about the force inflicted if that makes sense, in that it's dangerous for the regular opponent.

No. 2117347

Western media is obsessed with Imane Khalif because she's Algerian and Algeria is not a Western ally. Lin YuTing is not getting the same level of outrage because she's from Taiwan. China would love to see the world criticize the Taiwanese Olympic team. So of course mainstream media isn't going to do that.

No. 2117353

The news on this is terrible and the takes on twitter are even worse. with situations like this people need to be cautious when reviewing the data. a simple cheek swab could prove Imane's DNA, but many see this as intrusive. in reality, i think if we swabbed the cheeks of competitors, we'd see a LOT of xy "women" in the competitions, because thats how things are. there's expectations of privacy with these medical things as well, so a person "failing" a test means that the public can only speculate.

that being said, IF imane's testosterone level exceeded the markers, this would either indicate doping or a condition that severely increases testosterone (intersex male, cancer sufferer). a healthy woman, even when suffering from things like PCOS, would not exceed the rules given. a test result showing these numbers needs to have adequate follow up and transparency. i do feel bad for imane. i feel bad for all intersex people, especially those in developing countries. many are only caught in adolescence when puberty either causes a person to a) not get a period or b) develop characteristics of opposite gender (like internal testes kicking off hormone production and making a registered female at birth start going through male puberty). imane could be suffering from a number of dsds but we dont know because no one is being transparent. intersex qualifications in any sport should be case by case. imane's external genatalia may very well look like a vulva, but it also could mean they could have internal testes that WORK and can literally produce babies with eggs. we just dont know because no one is actually being truthful in this situation.

i'm more than willing to be proven wrong if imane can provide information why those two tests were failed, whether it was chromosomal or hormonal.

No. 2117366

even the part about "i would never date a cis man therefore i'm queer" makes no sense from queeroid perspective unless they'd agree a straight woman dating a trans man is actually bisexual kek. obviously they wouldn't agree with that because muh transphobia so why would it not apply in this scenario

No. 2117368

why don't you green-text this too you cherry-picker.

>Roberts said there were "different strands involved in that" and therefore the body could not commit to referring to Khelif as "biologically male".

>The IOC has raised doubts over the accuracy of the tests.

Either way the BBC article seems incomplete and they themselves said there is alot of things they don't know so I hope more information comes out.(learn2integrate)

No. 2117385

No, intersex athletes have been a debate for forever. Pre-2000s. There used to be mandatory chromosome tests in the Olympics for this reason. Trans athletes only became relevant around 2010.

No. 2117392

First off, thank you for being civil nonna, that’s a rare thing to see in this thread. I like having actual discussions and not angry shouting matches. Back to the topic, I really don’t see a big deal with her competing, since she really isn’t the testosterone raging roidpig people are making her out to be. She has lost many fights to regular women, and she competed at the Tokyo Olympics. She lost that fight, so it’s not like she has an insane advantage that guarantees her a win when she fights any other woman. I genuinely think that the Italian girl was just being a poor sport, and that it was easier to accuse her of being a man than it was to admit that she wasn’t ready to fight someone at that level.

No. 2117393

I think the Khelif is getting this response because of Carini's bombastic reaction, however I enjoy your theory and it appeals to my personal tinfoils.

No. 2117396

I don't think that sort of thing is tinfoily. It's just status quo soft power management.

No. 2117399

You're not on reddit, retarded newfag. Stop with that reddit spacing.

No. 2117401

It's impossible to make any sort of informed comment without confirmation about what type of DSD she has. If she has 5ARD (Caster Semenya's condition) then she's a male, no other way around it, even if she was raised as a girl. But if she has something like Swyer's, then she's a sterile female with no real competitive advantage.

I know that they don't mention how they test for sex because they don't want to invade the privacy of DSD athletes, but it really does more harm than good when all these sex verification methods are so opaque and vague. "High testosterone levels," "XY chromosomes," it's meaningless without knowing the actual condition. DSD conditions need to be evaluated on a case by case basis because some female-assigned people with DSD are actually female and some are actually male. Unfortunately the general public is extremely ignorant about DSDs, your average person doesn't know what the difference between Klinefelter, Turner or Swyer syndrome. This is why the category "intersex woman" doesn't actually make sense, some intersex women are almost indistinguishable from non-intersex women apart from being sterile (CAIS, Swyer, Turner) and others are males (5ARD, PAIS).

No. 2117408

Why tf did you reply to my post? It has nothing to do with Imane. I just posted that rant because I was actually pissed about all the hate she (Prisca) is getting from retards on YouTube (and she's even being harassed directly on her Instagram with retarded Polish moids wishing her death for not looking feminine enough for their dicks), not because of the autistic shitflinging that's happening here about a completely unrelated athlete with a completely different issue. I actually agree that Imane and intersex people with higher levels of testosterone than the average woman shouldn't be competing in women's sports but that's not what my post was about

>The radfems
I wouldn't call them radfems, just gender critical people which by itself doesn't make them feminist in any way. Unfortunately a lot of self-described GCs are ignorant fucks and right-wing conservatards.

No. 2117411

I really do think it’s Swyers, but as you said, it’s impossible to say for sure without actual confirmation. I really don’t like transvestigating in general, because I think it’s sad when real women catch stray bullets meant for men in dresses.

No. 2117422

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samefag, picrel shows that even when you take DSD conditions into account, male and female ranges don't overlap. The only one that kinda does is the very bottom range of PAIS. A woman with PCOS wouldn't have male T levels but a male with 5ARD would be on a completely different level.

The reason we have to do all this gatekeeping is because if we didn't, female sports would just reward whoever is the most male-like in their physiology. Nobody cares about intersex conditions for men because the women's category is basically a sort of special needs category for people who would not be able to win in a general competition. To determine which (if any) DSD conditions should be allowed in women's sports, you have to ask the question, "what is the point of women's sports." If you want to know what is the best female physiology can accomplish, you cannot allow male physiology in, because male physiology is categorically unfair in the same way steroids are unfair (you won't win every time but you'll still have a big leg up). If you want to know who is the best person who was raised as a woman, then you wouldn't care about physiology as much. I'm more interested in the former than the latter but I'm sure others will disagree.

No. 2117423

>intersex qualifications in any sport should be case by case.
I agree with this because there are dozens (hundreds?) of different intersex conditions one could have. People seem to forget that, even in this thread. It's not just "XY male with a microdick and no balls gets called female at birth" like some posts here have claimed. It can get far more complex than that.

No. 2117431

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i feel like the proselytism aspect if trans stuff isn't ralked about enough.
you see discussion of its cultish aspects and that's interesting but it's particulary alarming that they aggressively, constantly push hormones and surgery to everyone as an answer to everything. like they don't even make it about gender anymore, it's just telling people to do that shit for fun.
this is just a random post but you see so much of this "just take hrt for fun! for whatever reason! it's bit a big deal" rhetoric.

No. 2117434

>ruzzia bad!!!

No. 2117442

It's funny that Angela and Imane have very similar Mediterranean facial features. The only difference is Angela has her brows laminated. They're also close in height

No. 2117444

NTA but I hope you guys understand how pathetic and racist you look when you see >>2117225 and say things like "That's just the average black woman, you are racist for saying that's a man", and then it turns out the "racist" people who say these manly-looking individuals are intersex males were right all along.
This was one of the things that peaked me on the trans issue, how you guys think of non-white (specifically black) women, throw us under the bus and happily compare or equate us to males all to defend men in dresses. I don't think Imane deserves harassment no matter what they have going on, but does it ever fucking end with you? Lmao

No. 2117447

Can you provide link to this? Googling anything about Carini just redirects to articles on Khelif even with time filters, so I can't find it and I don't know enough about women's boxing to look it up myself. This is important evidence.

No. 2117453

>who is the best superior human is determined by how much you lift
Sports were a mistake

No. 2117461

seriously, it's fucking hilarious these so called anti-racists call black women masculine looking when it isn't even true, black women's features are usually very feminine with round faces big eyes etc but they base this opinion obviously on skin tone only because they think dark skin = manly

No. 2117469

Can we talk about literally anything else besides this potential tranny

No. 2117485

Anon's spewing shit, her father that inspired her to take boxing died during her first 2020 Olympics

No. 2117496

I will say they seem more ambiguous than Semenya (who I don't even believe identifies as female and is grifting).

Compare Semenya's "women are soft and boring" interview

To Khelif's post-fight interview

Mods forced the topic here so everyone's getting funneled from various threads.

No. 2117508

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How do the people saying it's racist to say Imane looks like a man reconcile with the fact that he/she resembles Angela? Why is it like, canon for all these super "woke" people to insist brown or black women just look like men naturally, but they never, ever say it about Italian women, or any other white women, even in cases when the two look similar? Hmmm (it's because all the people calling things "transphobic" are unironically racist, think being white automatically makes a woman feminine, no matter what, and love to use brown and black women as human shields for their agenda)

No. 2117515

Women like picrel are psyopping wtf, it’s like reverse psychology kek

No. 2117520

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for real, no one, absolutely no one would claim that the girl on the right looks extremely manly or masculine. and yet, women on the left, with same exact damn features supposedly look "manly".

No. 2117524

No. 2117525

There are women of any ethnicity that are more masculine-looking than others, but straight up saying the reason an androgynous woman of color (or intersex individual or tranny, it doesn't matter to them) looks masculine is because of her race is just racist. Not all women of that ethnicity are going to look like that and a woman that does look androgynous is likely an exception, not the rule.

No. 2117531

off topic but yeah, just caught myself doing similar thing, i called the albino woman a girl, and the darker skinned women women, infantilizing the albino woman compared to the darker skinned women! even though the two women at the bottom pic are same age range.

No. 2117536

Oh my god what a retard, fungi have so many sexes because they don't live for very long, and their fruiting stage is incredibly short and they need to mate with anything or reproduce asexually before they die. If we're going to use non human examples, then hmm isn't it strange that most plants and insects have sexual dimorphism relating to whether they're male or female, weird right? It's like your argument is ironically unscientific and mega retarded cherry picking

No. 2117560

This retard needs to understand that genetically fungi and clown fish are very, very, very fucking different from any mammal let alone humans. It's like saying that since all life forms at some point were "unisex" and reproduced asexually, then humans are also sexless and can reproduce asexually. Since some species can mutate their sex post-birth (note, no mammal can do this), then that must mean humans and every other animal can. What does that even mean?? This one species doesn't use the female/male system to reproduce, therefore female and males don't really exist for anyone else??

No. 2117561

…I didn’t realise people genuinely think like this kek

No. 2117573

What the fuck are you talking about

No. 2117574

something wrong? are we not supposed to analyze other kind of gender related biases, for example related to race and skin tone, in this thread or is this just about whining about trannies? no gender related discussion in gender critical thread allowed? fuck off marvel brained moron.

No. 2117587

? What did I say wrong…

No. 2117589

NTA but look at the OP you idiot, this thread actually IS only for whining about trannies kek
>What is gender ideology?
>Foundational to transgenderism, gender ideology is the belief that one’s “internal gender” can contradict one’s biological sex.

No. 2117641

It’s not about thinking that black women look like men, it’s recognizing that black women who look a little androgynous or don’t perform hyper-femininity get called men constantly. Saying that Barbara is a man just because she has a masculine hair cut, is fit, and isn’t performing femininity to “make up” for it is misogynoir
How are you people 100% getting it yet still missing the point.

No. 2117645

This does not look good for her case. If it turns out she was faking it and Khelif is not intersex, it’s gonna make all the gender critical look really bad. Gendies will never stop bringing it up. I wish the GC posters would just hold their horses and wait to see if there’s any further information on Khalid instead of immediately jumping to moidfoiling. If Khelif is a male we don’t lose anything, but if Khelif is a female, then posting her pics and going “look at this MAN” is going to be even crueler.

No. 2117652

It’s “misogynoir” to not recognise when someone looks much more masculine that the average black woman, just like some of the other women/not women who’s genders are debated itt.

No. 2117667

She doesn’t even look like a man, watch any interviews with her. She just has a more masculine hair style and isn’t wearing girly clothes or makeup. Most photos of women at the Olympics are extremely unflattering because they’re candids from odd angles, not the most flattering lighting, and these women have been busting their asses stressed and pushing their limits for months.

No. 2117670

Barbra literally is an intersex person. That's not a woman, it's not a matter of "not being hyperfeminine". A wig and makeup won't get rid of the very male bone structure and adam's apple, aand that isn't a "natural black woman's phenotype" no matter how "masc" you might think dark skin is. It's not the same as a slightly androgynous black woman getting called a man at all, you are just equating those women to men. How do you not see it?

No. 2117671

My point is, she looks just as “masculine” as >>2117070 and >>2117179 and the Asian athletes in the other thread whose gender was also debated. It’s no different and treating it as such is odd.

No. 2117680

Samefag, in case you didn't see it: >>2117270
Barbra isn't a black woman. No one who looked at them and thought "man" was ever wrong or racist. Rather, your bid to "not be racist" has you equating black women to literal men lmao. I know racists don't see a problem with this because it was their opinion to begin with, but the gaslighting is tiring.
You're not helping black women (or anyone at all) when you put race at the forefront and call people who call obviously masculine-looking people men "anti-black", especially since you don't lecture us about the naturally masculine European features of female athletes like >>2117070 and how it's "euromisogyny" to call them men. Funny how we never talk about naturally masculine white features. You're just bashing us and pretending it's righteous, enough kek.

No. 2117687

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Anyone else who was in a fandom/multifandom back when they were tifs? And if so, what was the fandom(s)? And what fandom(s) are you currently in?
I hope this is the right thread to ask this because I’m just curious in what fandom(s) were nonnas when they were tifs and what fandom(s) are nonnas in now, as ex-tifs.
I hope I worded everything right, I’m an eslchan kek

No. 2117688

Where did you find that she is intersex? I can’t find anything at all other than that she has higher testosterone than average. And no she does not have Adam’s apple do you even know what that is?
But she literally is female. And never talking about naturally masculine white features is part of my point. White women have a lot more leeway with having masculine features before getting called a male

No. 2117691

Yeah i've seen these 'try hormones now, see if you like it later!' points in all strands of trans ideology. I think it speaks to their hedonism and it's a way to convince themselves about their own life choices. Most of them do not pass and they need to pull others down to their level to feel less alone, to have more people reassuring them that they really made the right choice after all. I knew a TiF who advertised trooning out to a friend who had just been assaulted. Troons look at someone who reminds them of themselves and think 'this amazing lifestyle of mine will save them too'. Anything to not reflect on their horrible coping mechanisms/fetish spiralling i guess.

No. 2117696

Where do you think the high testosterone comes from? There is a higher likelihood than not that they, like Caster Semenya (a genetic male) has 5-ARD. Men with intersex disorders are not women, deal with it.
>no she does not have adam's apple
I don't know what to tell you other than to look at that photo >>2117225. That's not what any black woman looks like, you are just racist.
>never talking about naturally masculine white features is part of my point
You don't do it either. Instead, you insist black women look like men and try to guilt people on that false premise.

No. 2117703

When I was in my tif phase I wasn't super involved in fandom outside of reading fanfic, but I remember being into the largely-female dominated fandoms like Supernatural, Haikyuu, Miraculous Ladybug, and Free. I did watch very moid-like shows too any moidslop anime from 2017-2020, but never got as invested as I did with the aforementioned shows.

No. 2117706

So no proof of her being intersex, literally just another instance of a high T woman, either naturally, or through getting roided.

No. 2117711

I don’t talk about any women having masculine features because it’s a retarded topic and it doesn’t have anything to do with whether she’s a woman. There is no proof she’s intersex

No. 2117713

I think some of you get confused because of language being used here. "High testosterone" does NOT mean "higher than woman's average" or "upper limit of a woman." It's code for alignment with a male's. A level that's impossible for a woman for reach naturally. We're talking 20x the upper range for a woman.

No. 2117717

If that were the case, it would've been disclosed to quash the suspicion.
Keep equating black women to men and telling on yourselves, watch how fast your whole faux-progressive movement falls apart as more and more black women see how two-faced, (actually) bigoted and weird you are.

No. 2117718

I never went full TiF, I just got close to “transmasc” NB, and just wanted to say that at least back when I was deep into fandoms the male worship really got to me. It was to the point me and everyone else I knew only acted like male characters existed, not even in a husbando way just as characters, whether it was old men or children. Whereas the female characters were called “bitches” for the smallest things just like real life kek, either character traits or “interfering” with ships. I feel like this paired with the mass autism is why everyone I knew “felt more like a guy”, which is why I think gender ideology especially for TiFs is internalised misogyny. I feel like it’s due to society only seeing men as “people”, and since they know they’re people inside they must be men then, or not women. That paired with the impossible expectations of what being a “woman” is.

No. 2117721

Samefagging and obviously it’s dumb to think like this but I truly think growing up online with this rhetoric is the cause here, especially if you are ostracised by girls IRL.

No. 2117728

Why would they disclose an athletes medical shit just to make three retards on the internet who don’t know that women don’t all look like anime toddlers happy
It’s not dumb nonna, moid characters are definitely perceived as deep and cool by default, not even just in internet fandom. Often there will be a female character who is basically the same as a man but she will be shit on and labeled a bitch or Mary sue, look at Janeway kek

No. 2117735

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>th-three retards
You mean literally everyone with eyes who isn't trying their hardest to cape for trannies? You really don't see why disclosing that would be integral for a woman's career? As the other anon said, it doesn't even seem like you understand what constitutes "high testosterone" in this context.
You're bringing up anime toddlers because like Ethel Cain, that's your own conception of women and you project hard. In TRA delusions, everyone is an anime toddler or some kind of man creature.

No. 2117736

i don't know how you people sleep at night knowing you used some fucking telegram russian telegram channel as a reputable source of information. if i were you i'd kill myself out of embarassment
imagine being so blinded by your hate for troonery you start falling for vatnik state sponsored lies. rare albeit massive GC L. why spread that shit if you've never even seen the actual test results. i hope every schizo trannyfoiler gets a failed transvestigation redtext and a week long ban so people with an ounce of common sense can rest from your screeching

No. 2117740

I doubt they even care. Will literally side with Russian propaganda just to "own le troons" rather than have an ounce of media literacy and source criticism, this is fucking why the entire GC movement has a reputation of being filled with right wing conservatoid nuts because it damn might as well be with the amount of near-religious obsession where "the end justifies the means". Sure, GNC women might be the collateral damage but that's the price they're more than willing to pay.

No. 2117741

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>Banda didn’t meet Caf’s gender DSD rules (differences in sex development) set by the Confederation of African Football (Caf) due to elevated testosterone levels. Omitted from the squad for refusing hormone suppression treatment, she could only be an official at the tournament.
>Banda was identified as female at birth, so the criteria used to sideline her, which hasn’t been clarified, is the key.
>CAF sets the eligibility rules for the African Cup, but they largely follow FIFA’s, even using some of the same wording.
>FIFA, and as a result CAF, don’t have rules setting any limits for testosterone levels for female players, as other sports do
>They don’t broach the subject of sex variations in female athletes, which other sports have
>Neither soccer bodies give a clear guide on how players should have their sex “verified” but they both put the onus on teams to do it.
idgi and i genuinely cant find anything saying shes intersex, it sounds like they didnt have well set regulations and shit happened. If her sex was a concern wouldn't they have done a chromosome test instead of a testosterone one? would she even have high testosterone if she was afab? dont intersex afabs with xy taken estrogen at a young age to start a proper transition due to not having a uterus and such? this entire infight is confusing me kek
also wikipedia says she "takes medication to reduce her levels of testosterone" but doesnt say its just estrogen, could be some type of blockers
someone with more knowledge pls clear my doubts

No. 2117744

>Banda was identified as female at birth
Tbf, so were most of the other intersex athletes, this is because developing countries don't typically know how to handle situations like that and just raise the person as a girl. It doesn't make a person "AFAB" as in biologically female (like in the west).

No. 2117755

Being anti-troon should be a politically neutral stance and I hate that it's been co-opted by terminally online retards so that anti-troon is seen a as a rightoid stance and pro-troon as the leftoid stance. It's so obnoxious. It's so obvious that troonerism is supported by both sides of the coin, because both sides of the political spectrum are dominated by scrotes and their retarded sensibilities.
Since troonery has distorted so many peoples' minds, it's like they don't even realize that the elevated testosterone is an alarm-bell for anabolic steroid use, not gender-reassignment. I think Olympics (and sports in general) needs to re-evaluate their position on steroids, and especially re-evaluate it in the context of women with high-testosterone. For example, if a woman with unspecified hyperandrogenism went to the Olympics, would she also have to take drugs to limit her body's natural functioning, or would she be disqualified? What about a woman with PCOS? It's a really blurry line and I think if sporting regulators better defined hormonal irregularities, it'd be better for everyone. I don't have any stakes in the Imane drama, but if she was beaten by other women countless times before, how is it unfair that she won one game against someone unprepared?

No. 2117756

>i hope every schizo trannyfoiler gets a failed transvestigation redtext
kek, seconding this

No. 2117765

PCOS doesn't give you 10 nmol/L of testosterone, so I don't think that's a factor at all. Conditions that cause hyperandrogenism also affect intersex males that may (incorrectly) be pushed as female, like in Semenya's case, so just saying "She has hyperandrogenism" doesn't really work. I don't think anyone even said that Bunda was "gender reassigning" or a tranny, just intersex. Intersex people are often included in women's sports through no fault of their own. It's depressing, but they shouldn't be in them.

No. 2117769

Oh I wasn't talking in reference to that or anything, I was just saying it's annoying that the Olympics always inspire troonfoiling about the women athletes for their biological advantages, but never the men. Like I've only ever seen this vitriol directed towards women, never men. Nobody is gonna stop and say Phelps should've been disqualified because his body was freakishly mutated, so why are we gonna stop all the girls and say "oh you were born wrong, and unlike Phelps you don't have a penis, so that means you can't play because we hate you." It's a weird form of misogyny that a lot of women athletes are familiar with. It's weird that troonism hurts women, but then at the other end extreme troonfoiling also hurts women.

No. 2117783

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I don't even get this. I know one must be the asexual flag but what's the other

No. 2117788

Imane's testosterone levels weren't even tested from what I've read. The IBA stated they did not test Imane's testosterone. I think that's still a grey area, I may be wrong though

No. 2117792

First flag is lesbian and second is aroace (aromantic asexual).

No. 2117795

>sleep at night knowing you used some fucking telegram russian telegram channel as a reputable source of information
So dramatic. Not every anon is american and sensitive to fearmongering around Russia. We don't see it as uniquely evil because we aren't at war with them. Russian media is deeply flawed and you always have to be cautious anyways, but it's not any more corrupt than american/european media.

No. 2117805

If an American news outlet just reported that "yeah this athlete is actually a man the olympics is just overtaken by trannies these days! wokeism will end us all!" based on a sourceless message on Telegram that went viral on social media that would be just as atrocious, if not even more so since they actually had the option to fact check, and there most likely would be consequences for false reporting.

>Russian media is deeply flawed and you always have to be cautious anyways, but it's not any more corrupt than american/european media.

Russia is literally ranked 164 out of 180 countries in the Press Freedom Index and United States is the 48th, that's a pretty big difference even if the US isn't exactly topping the chart, and most European countries are at the top of the list with the top 10 being Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands, Finland, Estonia, Portugal, Ireland, Switzerland and Germany. Just accept that the entire GC movement made a massive mistake and they need to be much more careful in the future about taking things at face value. Caping for Russia just to save face is embarrassing.

No. 2117856

Yeah as someone who has literally been called a troon for having androgynous and masculine features this hits home. Skull measuring transvestigators on this site are genuinely mentally ill and have an embarrassingly shallow image of how women can actually look like because women with unconventionally attractive and masculine physical traits are never allowed any representation anywhere and are thus invisible in society. Imagine looking at Imane's photos of her being a little girl yet still choosing to consciously believe some harebrained "that's a little boy in a dress!!!!" conspiracy rather than accept that she's just a masculine-looking woman.

No. 2117868

Me too kek. At this point I just don't even read it because it's all bait to me now.

No. 2117872

i hate men and trannies as much as the next nonna but im not gonna call someone who's been living as a female since the moment of their birth a "he". imagine you went to the drs tomorrow and they told you actually you have xy chromosomes surprise! just like that none of your lived experiences matter and you are now (and always have been) a disgusting moid? i dont agree with that. is it fair for her to compete against other women in sports? probably not, but dont act like it would make any more sense for her to compete against dudes. its cruel to transvestigate athletes with intersex conditions when there are OUT and PROUD trannies in sports to take issue with.

No. 2117879

>not every anon is american
no shit nona i'm not american either. genuinely what does that have to do with anything? it's not even about russia being corrupt atp. believing a random telegram post is just plain retarded no matter what country it originates from. i purposefully stayed away from this entire discourse because i'm not forming an opinion until i see actual test results, documents, papers, SOMETHING other than some putin's cocksucker rambling and i was right
are you a belarussian? why are you caping for russia so hard

No. 2117883

As if America is the only country who distrusts Russia.

No. 2117893

>based on a sourceless message on Telegram that went viral on social media
Except that's not what happened retard.

No. 2117897

nta but if that's not what happened can you post a decent explanation of the events that actually transpired?

No. 2117899

File: 1722646643876.jpeg (139.65 KB, 1179x1163, GT7JPuCWYAAGaBI (1).jpeg)

then what actually happened?

No. 2117900

i hate and distrust the current russian government but let's not forget we got inti this argument bc of a bunch of anons in here insisting that all radfems are jsut manipulated by russian propagandas and hating troons is bad
i am begging tou ti end this retarded olympics infight bc it's just guving some ppl an excuse to post pro troon shit

No. 2117904

Am I retarded or something? Can someone explain how kicking two XYs out of women's boxing benefits Russia? And what's this "random telegram post"?

The two XYs were disqualified from a women's boxing competition by the International Boxing Association, and then the IBA came out with an official statement that said all the disqualified boxers didn't pass an "unspecified test" (confirmed to not be a testosterone test, assumed by all to be a chromosome test), which ended up being important because this years Olympics had literally no organization to screen boxers, instead going off of ID/paperwork (which is why people on other social medias are bringing up the F passport markers).

Can someone show the Telegram post in question?

No. 2117905

yeah you are

No. 2117907

Why is this any different from a politician or something posting something on Twitter/Facebook, which I'm pretty sure are banned in Russia? If it's confirmed to be Kremlev's actual Telegram account, then what's the problem?

No. 2117908

Complete misrepresentation. Tests were completed and they were disqualified last year for a separate event.

No. 2117932

This olympic competitor shit is just making me depressed. Love being told by women here, on Twitter, etc and moids of course that if you have testosterone issues as a woman then you’re not a woman. Laughing in PCOS sadness. Loving how our femininity is constantly being put up for speculation and judging, especially nowadays with troon witch hunts. Women will eventually be killed from this btw

No. 2117935

Exactly. I only found out last week that I have Swyers Syndrome, and I’m a regular fucking woman. I get periods, I have a uterus, the only thing I don’t have are ovaries. It sucks watching an actual woman have her womanhood questioned because trannies ruin things for every type of woman.

No. 2117999

File: 1722650917164.png (625.05 KB, 920x810, Screen Shot 2024-08-02 at 6.51…)

"Asked if XY athletes should be allowed to compete against women, Bacyadan said: 'In sparring it's OK, but if they have XY chromosomes in competition, they should abide by the rules.'

Bacyadan added on social media: 'I am trans at heart, but I did not take any hormones or steroids to look like a man. If I compete in the women's division, I don't think there's an issue.'"

No. 2118004

intersex and pcos women shouldn't be competing against anyone honestly

No. 2118006

Yeah, same with blonde "people."

No. 2118008

The olympics should also stop letting trans-identifying women compete in the women's divisions
>If I compete in the women's division, I don't think there's an issue.'"
1. You don't identify as female
2. Better get all that sponsorship monies since you would never be strong enough to qualify for the men's division

No. 2118041

fuck off, both conditions can be treated, good luck trying to determine how much testosterone women should have on average. FUCK this tranny mindset of uwu i have 0% testosterone!! so dainty and feminine!

No. 2118062

i agree with you on this, but its not really possible to "suddenly" find out you are xy in late adulthood. you'd find out during puberty as you'd be missing a menstrual cycle or developing male traits. finding out you are intersex as a teen girl must be a special type of hell though, i feel for them. i have nothing but sympathy for intersex people. it's something you literally can't help and are born with and often fucks up your health in so many ways.

if you just found out last week you had swyers, you'd not have a period at all, like ever? its my understanding that swyers requires HRT to get menstruation, and even then its not assured, and unless you've been on hrt before finding out, i do not see how you could get periods? only research ive seen of non hrt swyer periods is when a person has hormone secreting cancers lmao. sorry to nitpick but i do be skeptical

No. 2118067

you are behaving as if there already isnt a threshold for determining when an athlete is doping with testosterone

No. 2118270

File: 1722662242410.jpeg (370.08 KB, 578x890, 1722637511395.jpeg)

Your IQ is 50 then. Both of these cheaters knew very well than there was something up with their bodies (even ignoring the looks, things like not getting a period once adulthood approaches etc.), but kept it a secret, because the competition money is just too sweet. Moids NEVER deserve their feelings getting coddled. You put yourself in the spotlight out of your own volition, knowing full well that people are going to put 2 and 2 together (your appearance and the failed IBA sex tests) and you expect to be handled like fine glass instead of being ridiculed and shat upon? Moids can be so manipulative.

No. 2118274

They won't attack trannies publicly because they know it will end poorly for them, but they will attack women freely because misogyny is normalized and accepted, especially online. They scream and whine about troons but they'll never actually scream and whine at them, because they're scared of the backlash, so instead they'll save all their pent-up anger and frustration and unleash it on some poor woman who doesn't really deserve it. Happens time and time again. Misogyny is so circular, and the blind refuse to see that.

No. 2118275

do you have autism by any chance because you seem really fucking face blind

No. 2118280

In what way? This could mean anything.

No. 2118285

>Laughing in PCOS sadness.
are you from fucking reddit

look it's not our fault that you are insecure and identify with moids but xy person is still a biological male. god i knew it had to be something like this, some insecure body dysmorphia suffering retards getting apeshit over this because they think they personally are being attacked

No. 2118290

Could you post a screencap of the test results that prove Imane has XY chromosomes? I haven't seen it yet.

No. 2118291

if you honestly, seriously think this >>2118270 and how angela carini looks are the same you seem autisticly face blind. they have some similar features but saying angela is as masculine as him is retarded.

No. 2118294

They’re all in the same ballpark, I don’t know what semantics you’re arguing, it’s just what my eyes say. The discussion there wasn’t even centred around those two, we were talking about Banda specifically, who looks roughly as masculine as the other two.

No. 2118295

sorry about your pcos but women with that do not actually look like men. it's just your own personal body dysmorphia issue, it's just your personal issue that you think that saying "biological males are males" or pointing out that this >>2118270 right here looks like a man, and think that means every single woman has to be dainty blonde hyper-d cup feminine princess women. it doesn't.
what i am saying that saying people with xy chromosomes are biological males is not calling YOU personally a man. you are just taking it as an attack unnecessarily.

No. 2118301

> we were talking about Banda specifically, who looks roughly as masculine as the other two.
you are faceblind.

No. 2118302

? So do you think she looks more or less…?

No. 2118305

stop acting like a retard. honestly, you can pis yourselves about how evil anons here are so gender essentialist and so on but you personally think that if a woman has a strong jaw and big nose she looks like a fucking man.

No. 2118313

The retarded thing is PCOS makes you fat and unhealthy because it's related to insulin resistance. You don't get SHREDDED and fit because of it.

No. 2118317

You're responding to the wrong anon, I'm not the PCOSchan. I'm just asking you to upload a screenshot of the test results that show Imane has XY chromosomes because I haven't seen it yet, and it'd probably end this debate if you just uploaded them.

No. 2118320

File: 1722664057786.jpg (971.12 KB, 573x5024, thread.jpg)

Because you're a retarded newfag troll who came straight straight from 4chan, that's why. That information is confidential UNLESS the person involved publishes it itself.
Try to refute any point in my pic, mouthbreathing troglodyte.

No. 2118322

that isn't the point of my post, my point is that there are insecure women here who get angry about just the issue itself, we wouldn't need to be talking about olympics especially, we could be talking about juggler knife throwing championship competition transvestigation shit and same anons would get angry because they think pointing out intersex people with xy chomosomes are biological men because they think that them having body dysmorphia about their own bodies makes them on bar with having a legit intersex disorder.

No. 2118327

>That isn't the point of my post
No, I think the point of your post was to attack the person you thought I was and to demean them kek. It didn't work though because you responded to the wrong anon, so really you just kinda look like a jackass.
>You're a retarded newfag troll straight from 4chan.
I'm writing this one in my diary. This one actually did make me laugh out loud.

No. 2118333

my point still stands, some anons here get mad about pointing those things out because they personally think they are being attacked.

No. 2118334

NTA but you haven't refuted anything in the pic anon posted

No. 2118337

You didn't make a point to begin with you just rambled about something in a personal attack.
I could make a Twitter account right now and tweet out that you're a troon. That doesn't make it reality. You're posting a tweet and trying to pass it off as irrefutable proof. A tweet. Let that sink in for a moment, and then you might soon realize why it is stupid to post this and act like it's proof. I haven't deigned to refute it because to do so would be beneath me, as someone with an IQ over 90.

No. 2118340

where did you come from honestly

No. 2118342

>as someone with an IQ over 90.
gasp now you are just being mean and resorting to personal attacks how evil of you don't you know women are supposed to be nice

No. 2118343

The Russians must be rolling on the floor laughing at how easy it is to cause utter chaos in the West just by saying something about gender

No. 2118346

Kek you got me.
Do you mean me specifically, or anyone that disagrees with you, since everyone that disagrees with you just becomes the same person in your mind anyway?

No. 2118347

yes if a russian person is involved with anything at all it's just an evil russian plot funded by putin himself.

No. 2118349

>Do you mean me specifically, or anyone that disagrees with you, since everyone that disagrees with you just becomes the same person in your mind anyway?
i'm guessing reddit, they think retard acts like this are sly and coy. i'd guess you're an older white woman too, def millenial.

No. 2118351

TASS is a state-owned Russian news agency. So yes it is funded by the Russian government.

No. 2118352

I’m recognising you, you’ve been online for a while now haven’t you?

No. 2118353

they did the tests themselves?

No. 2118354

Yes, my name is Susan Whitewoman I'm from Americatown, USA, and my age is somewhere between 40 and 60. People often call me "Sly Susan" or "Coy Susan" because I'm very sly and coy.
Maybe it's a sign we both log off for the night?

No. 2118355

I didn't post the tweet you silly goose, do you know what NTA means? Also the tweet comes from one of the people who broke the initial news, if a news article was tweeted would you immediately go "nah that's not real it's stupid twitter stuff". Your >90 IQ doesn't seem to be doing much if I, a literal sped can read better than you.
>inb4 ad hom
Nah, I'm just sick of the days long infight and honestly one the fence about the whole situation.

No. 2118357

Whole post is good but
>10. "L & K were only singled out because they don't look feminine!"

>This idea that Lin and Khelif were singled out for not meeting some "western feminine beauty standard" is atrocious and quite easily refutable when you look at literally any of their competitors, most of whom do not meet that arbitrary standard themselves because boxing is a physically demanding sport for robust people, male or female.

Exactly, the trannies are heavily telling on themselves and their view of "non-western women" with that one lmao. Are we supposed to believe most of the "western" female athletes look hyperfeminine and delicate to begin with just because they're white? I guess that's a sensible worldview for a delusional racist.

No. 2118359

no, you're european.

No. 2118360

NTA is obvious Non-Trans Aligned, and I'd like to think we're all against troons here, but that's not the conversation we're having right now.

No. 2118361

I hope you're merely acting retarded and not genuinely retarded.
TASS decided to publish that story. It's using the reach it has to promote the narrative about the boxer's gender and cause confusion and chaos in the Western part of the internet.

No. 2118362

No no, you're right sorry, I meant to say my name is Susannah Blancfemme, and I'm actually from Europetown, EU, not Americatown, USA. I'm still 40 to 60 though.

No. 2118364

so posting the test results are wrong?

No. 2118366

File: 1722665343884.gif (133.88 KB, 275x275, 1721078065760.gif)

You are so funny and big brained, I hope you're trolling

No. 2118370

Did I say it was wrong?

No. 2118371

I'm starting to think they don't have the test results or something?
My brain is normal-sized and I'm NOT a troll just because I don't align myself with troon ideology. I thought LC was full of NTA people but I guess I was wrong…

No. 2118372

You’re the unfunny retard that was infighting in the mundane thread right? I’m not going crazy. Or is there a strange uptake of odd people on LC lately

No. 2118373

what are you talking about. do you understand what that post actually said.

No. 2118374

so the problem is russians, if anyone else published the test results it would be fine? or is china excluded?

No. 2118376

I know you're trolls and you don't care, but for anyone else watching this shitshow and wondering: it would be illegal for the IBA to publish confidential medical things like this.

No. 2118379

Where did I say there's a problem? Again, did I say it was wrong?

No. 2118380

So what you're saying is we're all arguing over hearsay? That doesn't make sense.

No. 2118382

That is exactly what people are doing. Why don't you check the dumbass hot takes you're repeating before deciding that you have an opinion?

No. 2118387

>Why don't you check the dumbass hot takes you're repeating before deciding that you have an opinion?
But that means I'd have to think for myself? I can't do that, I'm not some sort of Einstein. I prefer to just rely on following whatever the mob is saying, or if they're pissing me off, the second oppositional mob that forms in response to the first mob.

No. 2118389

No. 2118390

I'm only the first and the last one I don't know who the second one is. If it's easier for you to think we're the same person, that's okay, but at least keep that to yourself so you don't look dumb.

No. 2118392

Yes, everyone who's describing the uncertain situation that no one knows much about without being an emotional wreck must be samefagging.

No. 2118394

File: 1722666148619.webp (40.55 KB, 797x779, Know_it_all.webp)

oh no so there is two of you with the exact same retarded posting style it's like an army of this kid

No. 2118397

File: 1722666194518.jpg (28.05 KB, 612x612, istockphoto-1474792769-612x612…)

No. 2118401

>resorting to unfunny images
I accept your concession.

No. 2118403

File: 1722666346139.png (26.36 KB, 720x720, communityIcon_phs1gh9ayr1a1.pn…)

you really think you are smart huh

No. 2118404

I accept your concession, again.

No. 2118406

Actually, you are right. I'm something called the Demiurge, and I actually created this whole website, nay, this whole reality to fuck with you specifically by arguing with you online. Every post on LC, actually no everything on this Earth that you dislike, is actually just another form of me, the Demiruge. Unfortunately, you fall for my traps over and over. It's okay though. Tomorrow, I'll post more stuff that you don't like just to piss you off specifically and to make you angry, because again everything you don't like is me. Also, whenever a bird shits on your head, that's also me too.

No. 2118407

did you know this is an imageboard. could you imagine what that would suggest.

btw any chance you are from northern european region i have a gut feeling

No. 2118409

I imagine it suggests that there are images on the board. I've seen some images on this website, and the layout is sort of like a board, so I think I get it. And no, Europetown, EU, is actually in the middle of the Europe next to the refugee centre.

No. 2118411

File: 1722666603196.jpg (331.18 KB, 900x674, nerd-bigstock_Extreme_Computer…)

oh no you seriously thought you ate with that one kek

No. 2118414

File: 1722666613992.png (1.46 MB, 1239x1152, 4am lolcowery.png)

i hate it when scrotes get uppity

No. 2118417

Why are you saving so many pics of random nerds just to try and win an anonymous online fight kek(shitposting)

No. 2118421

File: 1722666703951.webp (27.2 KB, 600x900, very-angry-nerd-11684341.webp)


No. 2118427

totally not butthurt and winning

No. 2118428

I mean I guess your collection of nerd images is cool. How big is the folder you keep them in?

No. 2118431

idk how big is your momma

No. 2118435

Oh my god none of you are funny and you're all starting to sound like Redditors.

No. 2118437

who's trying to be funny

No. 2118438

they are redditors and twitterfags

No. 2118443

My mother was taken from my house by the communists in the middle of the night when I was 10 years old. She was sent to a slave labour camp, where she laboured for 12 years. Finally, they released her and she was on a boat to America to re-unite with us, but she was served some bad fish and she died on the high seas. So, maybe don't try to insult people's mothers because you don't know our life stories or where we come from.

No. 2118447

just pointing out, you're actually emotionally invested enough to put an effort into this argument, while very unfunny and shitty effort. think about that while believing this is beneath you.

No. 2118449

reference to whatever, you are putting an effort while acting like having online spats is beneath you. but it is you who is trying something.

No. 2118450

If you can't recognize the reference there and you think that it's effort I don't know what to tell you kek
I'm being nice and reuploading this so it links to the correct post since you deleted your first

No. 2118451

you are invested and that's all that matters kek

No. 2118462

Yes I am invested enough to toil away at my keyboard like a serf, typing away for hours to produce but one lone word. My fingers ache and throb in pain from the task at hand, seeing as typing is a Herculean effort.

No. 2118486

The posting style in question is using correct grammar and punctuation?

No. 2118493

God why does the circus need to come to town whenever some bullshit happens please go back I just want to engage in some misandry with the nice people in the computer

No. 2118541

File: 1722670233567.mp4 (937.25 KB, 1280x720, gross.mp4)

Gross Arab Y-chromosome-havers can't stop themselves from bad-touching women in public.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2118547

Yeah she's gross Arab scrote that's why she had to pray in the women's section of the masjid for her entire life and wear hijab. I wish Algeria wasn't so troon-friendly. In Algeria every man is actually a woman and every woman is really a man and everyday the sky rains hormones because when we make dua at night we say "inshallah the Algeria will be transsexual," wallah. Everyone knows that Algeria is #1 in world for transsexualism support.

No. 2118553

Still trying to deflect?
Argue against this:
You're a legit schizo and you can't even read.

No. 2118556

You're linking me to a tweet. Swear to God if the Iraq War happened today Bush would have said those WMDs were seen in a tweet. Also, argue against this:
You're a legit schizo and you can't even read.

Also, try to avoid using periods to finish your sentences, since this anon >>2118394 and others like her think if you use punctuation you're actually just me in disguise. Just wanted to let you know so you don't get those samefag accusations.

No. 2118561

Nta but wasn't there some photo posted earlier where they were standing next to a woman who actually had a hijab on, while khelif didn't? It was some photo where they were showing her how to box or something like that. idk in most of the photos and videos of this person they're not wearing one, even in situations where you'd expect them to

No. 2118575

File: 1722672181078.jpeg (57.73 KB, 634x945, khelif.jpeg)

Are you talking about this picture of her as a little girl wearing a pink sweatshirt, hair berets, and hoop earrings? Or a different picture?

No. 2118580

File: 1722672277473.png (408.5 KB, 485x655, khelif 2.png)

Samefag for another photo of her as a child, this time beside her sister.

No. 2118583

No it was one where she's an adult. It was posted in some other thread here but I forgot which

No. 2118590

XY DETECTED I'm joking don't ban me

No. 2118591

File: 1722672634227.jpg (120.05 KB, 968x1989, 1000015765.jpg)

Nevermind I found it. I just don't get why the boxer's not wearing one unless there's some loophole rules for hijabs, I'm not from there so again I dunno

No. 2118593

1. There's no proof of Imane having XY chromosomes. No test results have been ever presented. She has passed the sex tests for the Olympics two times now.
2. Nobody even said it was Imane who was kicked out of the world championships for having XY chromosomes. This "proof" is based on one sentence from the IBA chairman who said that some competitors had to be disqualified from the world championships for having XY chromosomes. This image >>2117899 here is completely falsified news.
3. Imane was disqualified from the world championships because the Russian-owned IBA is an organization SO corrupt they got kicked out of IOC (which is an accomplishment in itself), she got the boot AFTER winning against a Russian opponent. It is not specified why she was suddenly disqualified.
4. Imane has lost to 9 women. She lost to an Irish woman in the last olympics and didn't even go home with a medal. She clearly doesn't have some kind of super advantage with her body.
5. Russia has been attacking the Olympics relentlessly after IBA got kicked out and that along with their regular media psyops they have been milking the narrative of the Olympics being western morally corrupt debauchery with all them gays and trannies, so accusing them of allowing a man to compete in female sports fits that perfectly.

No. 2118597

>In Algeria every man is actually a woman and every woman is really a man and everyday the sky rains hormones because when we make dua at night we say "inshallah the Algeria will be transsexual," wallah.

No. 2118602

I went to a punk show tonight. I didn't know the opening bands were troon bands. I hadn't been to a punk show in years and last time I was one of the only woman present but tonight there were more tims than actual women (I never used to see any tims at shows). The bands were actually good (which sucks). There were both fronted by the same actual woman that did really cool vocals. One of the band, the drummer was a gross cat ear wearing troon wearing an ugly lolita type dress and the bassist was trying to shake his non existent hips and had very disgusting triangle shaped small moobs. I am so sick of troons being everywhere now.

No. 2118603

I think in Algeria the veil rate is 60:40, ie 60% of women veil and 40% don't. In this case, it looks like the trainer is the veiled one on the left. I'd assume she's wearing a veil because she's not the one training, she's just by the sidelines commanding or demonstrating a move every now and again. If this took place in a female-only boxing ring, most boxers wouldn't wear a hijab because of the sweat, but maybe a trainer or two would be wearing one because they don't plan on actually exercising. That's the other thing nobody talks about: In Algeria, there are no co-ed boxing matches. You're not gonna see a man boxing a woman, it would not be allowed. If Imane was seen as a man in Algeria, she would not have been allowed to box with women to begin with.

No. 2118604

man thsi thread has gfone to shit. >>2118561
the hijab isn't mandatory for women in algeria. many wear it but it's not the law. not every muslim country is run like iran.

No. 2118606

Algeria isn't fucking Iran or Afghanistan, there's no law forcing women to wear a hijab. Same goes for most North African countries. Takes two minutes to google this btw

No. 2118608

In the 2016 Olympics, there was a big controversy over ALL of the winners of the women's 800m being DSD males. Gold, silver, bronze all went to XYs with a rare condition. This was so bad that it caused them to implement a rule that people with 5ARD have to lower their testosterone. Semenya quit over this because he knows he can't compete otherwise (also to be fair the meds probably suck).

I imagine if multiple medals go to XYs, they'll be forced to implement changes due to this controversy.

No. 2118618

Is this the best you can do, paid shill? Try harder.
> She has passed the sex tests for the Olympics two times now.
No tests are required by IOC - they only look at your passport/ID card and check the F/M mark, they've admitted it themselves.
You should be banned for spreading misinformation anyway.

>This "proof" is based on one sentence from the IBA chairman

It was THEIR OFFICIAL DECISION THEY DISPLAY ON THEIR WEBSITE, you snake. Here, retard, read this >>>/ot/2117042

>Imane was disqualified from the world championships because the Russian-owned IBA is an organization SO corrupt they got kicked out of IOC

Addressed in >>>/ot/2118320, you lying piece of shit. Get better script.

>Imane has lost to 9 women

Doesn't matter. He still took a spot from a biological woman who could compete in his place. The troon weightlifter also lost to women in the Tokyo Olympics
- doesn't make him any less of a male.

>Russia has been attacking the Olympics relentlessly after IBA got kicked out

So what? IOC deserves the hate for all the bullshit they've been pulling for DECADES, the troon shenanigans being the most recent cherry on the dogshit top. Just because the criticism is coming from Russia, doesn't make it any less valid, even a broken clock etc.

No. 2118619

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I just find it disingenuous to pretend like these athletes from Africa and the Middle East are actually secretly men because they have some sort of genetic condition as if that divorces them from the pains of being a woman in the developing world. They'll always ever just be victims of misogyny anyway, in ways worse than the Western mind could even imagine. If you're born with a vagina, you're a woman to the eyes of the majority. Semenya was born with a developed vagina For that reason I think it's gross to call Semenya a man, she was born with a vagina, lived her whole life as a woman, and now because of a genetic test she has a million people calling her a tranny. I genuinely feel bad for people with intersex conditions because it seems like the gender-critical movement can't decide its position on their existence.

No. 2118621

>they'll be forced to implement changes due to this controversy
You're being far too optimistic. If anything, the Olympics are more and more troon-welcoming each time. Even the Semenya case dragged on for years and didn't even lead to xer complete disqualification - just a condition xe had to follow if xe wanted to participate.

No. 2118624

I specifically am calling Semenya a male because I believe he sees himself as one and is taking advantage intentionally. I base this off interviews where he talks about women as the other, the specific condition he has (over half identify as males as adults), and images where he wore a male's uniform in school.

No. 2118629

How could they prevent intersex people from entering, everyone would need a chromosomal analysis, and cytogenetics would be needed to detect 46 XY DSD and 46 XX DSD people on top of the hormonal testing which I imagine would be complicated as you would need to ask all entrants to provide genetic material and many people don't want some private organisation to have access to that kind of private information (think of all the reasons people are uncomfortable with 23andMe)

No. 2118634

Athletes are already tested for doping, whether they are fit enough to compete, etc.

No. 2118635

>the specific condition he has (over half identify as males as adults)
From the research I've read, this is the statistic from if they've been given androgenic therapy in their adolescent years. I.e., even when giving virilizing therapy as a teenager, half of them with the disorder will still identify as the sex assigned at birth. I'm unaware if Semenya underwent this therapy as a teenager. I don't have a good answer for the male uniform at school thing, but I do recall when I was a junior in high school, I also switched to wearing the boy's uniform (pants instead of skirt) because I didn't like how men on the public bus would look at my legs when I wore a skirt. I just think if Semenya was a man, why wouldn't she just be one? Patriarchy is much stronger in South Africa, and troons aren't exactly welcomed, so it would be more beneficial for Semenya to just take the therapy and become a man if that were the case. But she hasn't. That leads me to believe that she sees herself as a woman, and since she was born with a vagina and identified by her doctors as a woman, and everyone around her sees her as a woman, I'm inclined to believe that line of thinking. For what it's worth, Semenya also lost her most recent competition in 2022.
I just think of that poor Polish lady Ewa. What she went through because of the incorrect test results ruined her entire career and the public backlash about the error changed the way the IOC conducts these tests.

No. 2118642

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They can just test any participant with the testosterone levels of a man for their chromosomes. I don't think some of you realize that 5-ARD males produce 20x the amount of testosterone as PCOS sufferers, it's an insanely high difference to any actual female

No. 2118643

its a lot cheaper and faster to test for doping compared to genetics and doping tests don't involve legal consent to store your genetic material, that's my point.
The equipment needed to do this is also extremely expensive and many hospitals don't even have the technology that can do this testing it is that specialised, you would need genetic counsellors involved, lawyers etc. basically it would require billions of dollars probably on the scale of the Olympics.

No. 2118649

It would be quite funny if the next Olympics went bankrupt from all the testing and then troons and tranvestigaters were responsible for destroying the Olympics.

No. 2118652

Right but tumours can cause a normal XX woman to produce that much male hormone and there are many, many other types of intersex people that wouldn't have such a dramatic shift in hormones, also hormones can be suppressed using medication etc. to fool a test.

No. 2118655

Unfortunately agree. On my (admittedly small) sample size of ~1000 friends/acquaintances on social media, it’s 100% only women who are publicly posting about being appalled by “transphobia”

No. 2118666

It's hard to even describe if you weren't chronically online (16-20 hours a day) in the early 2010s. Basically, all those TIFs that are the foot soldiers now were sexually groomed by transsexual fetish bloggers (the early TIMs) on Tumblr (and a lesser extent, DeviantArt and fanfiction websites) roughly between late 2010 and early 2014. Some day I wish someone more autistic and dedicated than I could write the proper history of the troon movement, because it all goes back to 4chan and Tumblr, specifically as those two websites were before the 4chan/tumblr war.

No. 2118774

Agree with everything you have said here. Women on ovarit are going rabid with this story and making up facts as they go….I usually like reading stuff over there but they just sound completely unhinged ("he touched her breasts!!! He sexually assaulted her!!! Why isn't he wearing a hijab???" Like fucking seriously) when no one has the actual facts about the whole story.

No. 2118783

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>A Hungarian sports official has come out and stated that Algerian boxer Imane Khelif is not female. István Kovács, the European Vice President of the World Boxing Organization and former Secretary General of the International Boxing Association, told Hungarian press that he had warned the International Olympic Committee about males participating in women’s boxing as early as 2022, but that nothing was done.
>In a shocking statement made to Magyar Nemzet yesterday, Kovács confirmed the speculation surrounding the Algerian boxer, adding that it had been known as early as 2022 that Khelif was biologically male.
>“The problem was not with the level of Khelif’s testosterone, because that can be adjusted nowadays, but with the result of the gender test, which clearly revealed that the Algerian boxer is biologically male,” Kovács said in an interview with Magyar Nemzet, adding that a total of five boxers had been examined including Khelif by the International Boxing Association, and all of them “were indeed men.”
>Kovács asserted that he personally reported shocking result immediately to the International Olympics Committee, “but as unbelievable as it is, they have not responded to this to this day.” The retired world champion boxer also commented that he recently spoke with former women’s world champion Mária Kovács, who bitterly remarked that in modern women’s boxing, “there is a 20 percent chance that one of the athletes will suffer a testicular injury.”

No. 2118786

If this is true, why withhold the names of the other 4 boxers? Why keep it secret for so long?

No. 2118790

tinfoil but i think one od the reasons for transvestiagtions and xy-foiling of female athletes is due to the fact that women globally are starved of proper physical excersize and strength building since it's not "womanly" (and also literally starved, seeing how prevalent eating disorders are among young women and teen girls). it makes female athletes look weird and masculine to many people since the fat redistribution and musculature is far different compared to women who don't excersize and train to that degree, also considering that the diet of an athlete is far different than what most of us eat. plus most photos of female athletes aren't filtered and they aren't dressed up and have their make-up done, like the women we're used to seeing in media.
and before any anons with a stick up their ass go for me, this isn't a commentary about the current situation with imane khelif or any other athlete who potentially has a dsd, i'm just thinking out loud about how misogyny has had an impact on the female form and how much we are actually discouraged or outright banned from physical pursuits as to not threaten the male status quo

No. 2118797

I don't think having muscles makes a woman look manly. Like just turn on the Olympics it's their female forms are not confusing whatsoever.

No. 2118799

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BTW, the Wikipedia revision history for the Taiwanese is something else:

To make you seethe. Do your own research.

No. 2118809

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Ok, so I’m Russian, and I looked into it.
There are nothing about the specifics of the tests in the official statement. However, the >>2117899 seems to be true because this is exactly what Umar Kremlev (the chairman) said in his Telegram channel.

However, I think we should take it with a grain of salt, as you said, nonnie. Given the fact that that the organization has ties to Russia, and disqualifying the athletes would be beneficial: in Welterweight, excluding Imane helped Azalia Amineva, Russian athlete, and Uzbekistany athlete, Navbakhor (she even got the bronze medal). Excluding the other athlete, Lin Yu-Ting helped a Bulgarian athlete, Svetlana. I dunno, looks a bit suspicious to me.

No. 2118811

Thank you for posting your perspective Russian anon. I agree with what you're saying. It seems very politically motivated. Sometimes I think the Olympics are just a big nothing-show designed to create political issues and sow discontent among the working class.

No. 2118817

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>in modern women’s boxing, “there is a 20 percent chance that one of the athletes will suffer a testicular injury.”
it's all so tiring

No. 2118818

>I don't think having muscles makes a woman look manly.
Me either, but unfortunately it seems like we're in the minority. In almost every exercise class I've taken part in, there is always a moment of conversation dedicated to "muscles might make you look manly, so we want to be toned not muscular." You could also read some memoirs by women weightlifters or bodybuilders, usually they're very blunt about the misogyny they faced not only from their male counterparts, but from other women in their lives, all because of their pursuits.
100% agree. Ilona Maher made a really great video about this recently, she was basically saying that she gets shit on everyday by people that don't know what they're talking about all because she has broad shoulders and a sharp jaw. It's crazy that people can look at some of the best athletes on the planet, and then go "yikes but she has biceps she's a monster EW!"

No. 2118819

No one besides TRAs and GCs give a crap about this, though. It's just another flavor-of-the-week culture war that will be replaced by whatever stupid crap comes next in a few days.

No. 2118825

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you're right about the crabs in a bucket mentality but i feel some of them are beyond that and it's a custish/religious mindset. like instead of preaching salvation through accepting jesus or allah or whoever, they're rying to preach enlightenment through hormones.
in general there's a big religious element to some gendie beliefs imo

No. 2118827

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I looked into it a bit more, and he’s definitely lying in his post when he says that they had a meeting “with a full bench”. Of course, it doesn’t prove anything about Imane and Lin. But at the same time, he’s not impartial, and this is his platform where he can basically say whatever he wants. It’s not an official statement and really shouldn’t be treated as such.

No. 2118835

>In general there's a big religious element to some gendie beliefs imo
I agree, but twofold. Firstly, usually people that come from restrictive and very religious households have weird gender issues to begin with, like very strict gender role adherence, latent misogyny, etc., that can act as the precipice to troonery. (I.e., "I grew up believing only girls could wear dresses, so if I wear a dress then I'm a girl!" instead of "I grew up believing only girls could wear dresses, but now I see the illusion of clothing being gendered and realize it's stupidity.) Secondly, once they breech the troon line and they start trying to recruit others, it becomes much more cult-like instead of religious. I.e., it's not about faith, it's about facts, and their "facts" are just dressed up fibs. Troonism is a cult definitely, and I've noticed the ones that have a very religious background are usually the ones with the most power and influence in the cult.

No. 2118837

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Muscular women don't look like males whatsoever, I don't think normies would usually feel the need to transvestigate them for that alone. Look at picrel, they're gymnasts who have buff as fuck upper bodies and narrow hips. They all still 100% look like women, and it isn't because they're wearing makeup. If anything, being muscular often enhances the natural curves of women because it gives them a more narrow waist and larger glutes. People think athletes like Imane are XY because they look male (even while being done up and wearing makeup) and sound male.

No. 2118838

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Samefagging to add that this picture of Ledecky is a complete travesty, she's actually cute as fuck

No. 2118841

I honestly think plastic/cosmetic surgery and media filtering has warped people's perceptions more. Especially men who were already face blind and retarded about most obvious things when it comes to appearance. Like look how many men kept mistaking the Trump shooter for other men. Male opinions without science can't be trusted to he quite frank. Even the women are becoming retarded you'll see people constantly parrot you can't tell filler botox pillow face you can't clock well done bbl etc. People want you to be fooled but all this shit is pretty obvious. I feel like people just talk out of their ass on this stuff everyone looks like a dickhead

No. 2118844

God I love that meme so much. Gendershit is basically a religion, and has basically supplanted the role religion would occupy in the lives of its adherents. Think about it: they have a community, a shared sense of identity, a set of values it is evil to oppose, a personal sense of enlightenment, and a "born again" experience. The whole concept of "the gender of the soul" overriding observable reality is very religious in nature. These people claim to be atheists, agnostics, Wicca, Universalists, or even Reform Jews, but their true religion is the Church of Gender.

Not everybody needs religion in their lives, but some people genuinely benefit from it as a social lubricant and a sense of meaning. The kinds of people who get suckered into gender nonsense are adrift; they want to be special, but they also want to "fit in," somewhere, which causes them to bounce between different (typically online) communities and phases. People like this probably would have been religious converts of some kind if they had been born 50 years earlier. I dislike the way religions are exploited by political entities and how their doctrines justify wrongdoing, but I think religion is a positive thing for people with certain personality types. Some people just function better when they're part of a community and someone is giving them all the answers they need.

No. 2118850

>usually people that come from restrictive and very religious households
I wouldn't say this is true all the time, but it's the case for about 80% of the TiFs I've met. I personally know several whose parents were Catholic Republicans. Those without that type of upbringing were usually roped into it either by someone they dated or by just being groomed online as teens.

No. 2118854

Couldn't agree more. I don't think it looks manly, but it certainly doesn't look feminine because it's about being bigger, stronger and looking more capable. It makes a lot of people deeply uncomfortable.

No. 2118855

nonnie, they're still wearing make-up and are in feminine athletic wear. guarantee that if you put a lot of female athletes in more androgynous clothing and cut their hair shorter, you'd see a lot more claims of them being male. these women do have feminine facial features so it'd still be pretty easy but many have more androgynous faces. plus most of these claims come from seniles and conservatives who are faceblind retards and the people who transvestigate them never post them alongside actual males and only post pictures where they aren't dolled up or are taken from angles that accentuate certain features that make them look more masculine (ie. strong jaw or large nose).
also hard agree with this, she is really pretty.

No. 2118863

I was gonna say the same thing, like in the picture they're all obviously women, because the faces are always the giveaway, but if you cover up the faces what I'm seeing is shoulders broader than their hips, big hands, strong thighs and arms, all traditionally masculine features. There's nothing wrong with having these features, but they're the same features transvestigators always focus on.

No. 2118869

Another discord server that was once comfy has been infiltrated by troons and now its nothing but tranny talk.
Theyre like cockroaches, once one joins multiple join and take over.
I dont understand why owners deal with it. Disgusting sexual conversations is so off putting. Such a same.
Oh well on to the next one.

No. 2118872

>You lie with dogs and you get fleas. This is what trans hysteria and being obssesed with troons does to you
This is called spontaneous trait transference. It's avoidable if you're self-aware, but it's not unique to TERFs. It can occur in any instance where someone negatively fixates on another individual or group of people. In this case, it's also caused by anti-partisanship: troons have the retarded belief that sex is a spectrum, so GCs feel obligated to take the position that it's a binary (which is true 99.99% of the time.) However, there are some rare DSDs were it genuinely is hard to tell what the person is, and those should be examined on a case-by-case basis. It doesn't negate the fact that there are two sexes, it just means that some people have mutations that make it trickier to evaluate where they fall. Acknowledging that as a matter of scientific fact is not ceding ground to TRAs, who want to use those 0.001% of cases as a basis to eliminate the concept of binary sex in its entirety.

No. 2118927

These women are petite.

No. 2118972

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I legit don’t understand how they come to this conclusion. Do they even know anything about what she believes?

No. 2118977

They don't even know what they believe, let alone what someone else believes. JK Rowling is such a nobody that it cracks me up seeing troons freak out over her tweets, only they would be sensitive & stupid enough to take the author of Harry Potter as some kind of authoritarian Big Brother figure.

No. 2118985

Jesus what's with these retards and le ebil Yt women? This is pathological at this point. I'm not white btw, but this shit is literally even ruining politics.
Like, in my country people are suffering but Americans and bri*ish people are like
>um, over there there's only le white people and being white = evil
Who the fuck cares if there's white people? I really, really hate how only white people can be evil while anyone with any other skin color is a sweet little baby, it's just obnoxious, I just wish everyone could shut the fuck up about skin tones being required to be a certain amount of evil, to justify their hatred towards the opposite sex.
Why can't they all just admit they hate Rowling AND women alike and that's it? At this point it's not a fucking secret, everyone knows that to them, the problem is women who dare say that moids shouldn't be invading and taking away women's spots.

No. 2118994

the funny thing is that much of this is projection. these terminally online leftists also think nonwhite women are more masculine because they are discriminated against. they are the ones who they/them any woman who isn't traditionally feminine with long hair.

No. 2118995

It's like they haven't read anything she has said.
"I believe a woman is a human being who belongs to the sex class that produces large gametes. It’s irrelevant whether or not her gametes have ever been fertilised, whether or not she’s carried a baby to term, irrelevant if she was born with a rare difference of sexual development that makes neither of the above possible, or if she’s aged beyond being able to produce viable eggs. She is a woman and just as much a woman as the others. I don’t believe a woman is more or less of a woman for having sex with men, women, both or not wanting sex at all. I don’t think a woman is more or less of a woman for having a buzz cut and liking suits and ties, or wearing stilettos and mini dresses, for being black, white or brown, for being six feet tall or a little person, for being kind or cruel, angry or sad, loud or retiring. She isn't more of a woman for featuring in Playboy or being a surrendered wife, nor less of a woman for designing space rockets or taking up boxing. What makes her a woman is the fact of being born in a body that, assuming nothing has gone wrong in her physical development (which, as stated above, still doesn't stop her being a woman), is geared towards producing eggs as opposed to sperm, towards bearing as opposed to begetting children, and irrespective of whether she's done either of those things, or ever wants to."
Dis is racism..

No. 2118996

If you go out and interact with these people they act like fucking children, straight up. You will say "only a woman possesses a vagina" and they will literally reply back with "why are you reducing women to genitals?" As if you said "all femoids are vapid CUNTS" and not literally the fucking medical sex assignment procedure literally everywhere in the fucking world.

Also, notice their use of race when they understand that attention and care for their retarded religious psyop is floundering. I think these losers who are past the age of like, 20, understand that being called a "transphobe" will never be as heavy hitting as being called "racist" or "fascist" or a nazi. When they're at the end of their special snowflake victim olympics rope, they clumsily and not as all subtlely accuse the gender critical crowd of bigotry that actually has caused suffering for centuries. Calling a woman a transphobe is basically just hypersensitive retard speak for a woman who's either entirely too online or a woman who's really normie. And that's not a bigotry that has seen hundreds/thousands/millions of people die at the hands of hateful people kek. They're literally just overgrown adolescents trying to stomp and flap their way into getting what they want. It's so pathetic.

No. 2118999

what do they want though

No. 2119000

? They want free hormones and surgeries offered to children as young as 16, they want special entry into women's spaces all the while have a dick and balls. They want to take opportunities meant for WOMEN created precisely because women never have a fair chance at anything when men are involved. Now men want a piece of that pie that had to be created because of them in the first place. And they want all of this and to be treated as literal women and men when they're usually just overgrown autistic speds.

No. 2119007

You can boil this down to they want to be the center of the universe, at all times, forever and everywhere.

No. 2119011

Pretty much this. Any time anyone relents to their demands they end up moving the goalpost. It's not about getting what they want, it's about forever being a victim. Their movement depends on there always being victims and them being on the verge of suicide if they don't get what they want.
The moment troons aren't considered a big part of the victim olympics anymore they'll lose followers to another quirky identity type.

No. 2119016

Sometimes the kids are as young as 8 years old, I've seen way too many posts about retards wanting to poison their toddlers because if you're a tranny, then your child MUST be a tranny too.

No. 2119017

Yep, they're narcissistic to their cores and I genuinely believe if troons were forced into a therapy bootcamp designed to fix narcissists for 3 months, they'd come back and they wouldn't be troons anymore.
>The moment troons aren't considered a big part of the victim olympics anymore they'll lose followers to another quirky identity type.
And in that glorious moment that 41% is gonna shoot up to 91% and I'm gonna be giddy.
As I read your post, I kept wondering how you changed the line spacing, but then I realized

No. 2119025

These people are simultaneously so "big brained" they realize that culture and society influence the gendered behavior and interests of small children but are apparently too retarded to realize that if little Samantha sees her mommy shave her head, wear boy clothes, and demand to be called daddy, little Samantha will most likely follow in suit because that's her fucking mom and kids are monkey-seeing and monkey-doing… like that's their literal job.

No. 2119131

Fucking KEK you unironically use a twitter screencap as your earth shattering source, the absolute state of lolcow
You’re a retard who came from tiktok last year and thinks that makes you some kind of oldfag, I just know it. I hate to break it to you anon, but not everyone on lolcow is a dumbass who trusts any random bullshit a twitter literalwho spews(infighting)

No. 2119188

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>calling the co-owner of reduxx a literal who
the state of trolling these days is pathetic

No. 2119225

Those women are wearing skin tight leos, makeup with long hair, and have the body type built by/chosen by their specific sport which is highly focused on feminine form. Why are so many anons incapable of thinking about things for ten seconds?

No. 2119245

Kek, reduxx itself is a literal who, anon.

No. 2119273

i think the most retarded take i've seen on this whole situation so far is that imane is a tranny. ignoring the whole "raised as female in rural algeria with a conservative family" which basically already debunks it, if imane was a tranny we wouldn't even be speculating because your average tim has the bone structure of a gigachad neanderthal on steroids kek. plus those fuckers wouldn't be able to keep their mouth shut about being trans, no matter where they come from.

No. 2119278

I haven't seen people calling her a tranny though, just a man.

No. 2119283

i've seen a couple, mostly clueless boomers and/or conservative gc's who didn't hear of the term dsd until yesterday.

No. 2119292

You're posting in a troon-critical lolcow thread. We all know what Reduxx is.
Intersex/DSD has been completely subsumed into gender ideology, many people who don't know the difference between a man with a psychological disorder and a man with a genuine genetic disorder.

No. 2119294

You know damn well she is a woman even you subconsciously constantly calling her she/her shows it. You are literally ready to sacrifice a biological woman so you can feed your trans hysteria and delusion. If this doesn't prove current radfeminism is a right-wing pipeline i don't what else does.

And to any gnc woman reading this, be careful because you are next on chopping block.

No. 2119306

Even though I'm staunchly anti-trans and pro-woman, debacles like this are basically why I stopped calling myself a radfem because of the so-called radfems who recoil at the existence of GNC and intersex women. They may give lipservice to it, but when actually faced with a woman who doesn't fit into structures of femininity they go mask off. All they had to do was wait for the facts to come out before making judgements, but they can't even do that. Great job embarrassing yourselves and the entire movement because you couldn't contain yourself from witch-hunting someone who isn't even trans.

No. 2119313

It doesn’t matter if I happen to know that reduxx exists just because I saw a random ovaries post that mentioned it one time. I don’t read it precisely because of dumb shit like this. There are no facts or sources cited, it’s just a literal who posting on twitter and non-rad GCers going wild because they take everything their personal celeb shits out as gospel. And there are plenty of gender critical people who don’t know about reduxx, they have less followers than the random ass niche art YouTubers I follow.

No. 2119321

I know she is a woman because I have seen her uterus and ovaries myself (I have special radfem eyes that can detect chromosomes and also female organs or lack thereof), and yes I would also recommend all other radfems to be cautious, believing that males and females have major hormonal differences is an extremely slippery slope to believing that women belong in the kitchen, or, in a best case scenario, getting the shit beat out of them by testosterone-laden male women in contact sports.

To any fellow gnc women reading this, BEWARE! Cutting your hair short and wearing mens clothes will cause your uterus to disintegrate, your pussy to seal shut and transform into a penis, and all of your female-based oppression to disappear.

No. 2119323

i do agree wih you anon, i've seen far too many "radfems" shitting on gnc women and going conservative, but i do think it's largely in part due to women with non-radfem beliefs labeling themselves radfems because they're somewhat gender critical and hold some amount of feminist beliefs. a lot of these women don't go deeper than surface level "troons bad women good" ideology and the second they're confronted with other radfem beliefs, usually the criticisms of heterosexual partnerships or femininity, they jump ship and go conservative. this is in large part the fault of troons labeling anything trans-critical as gender critical, radfem or "terfy", when both gc and radfem ideologies are also critical of gender roles and not just gender ideology. i think only time will tell who's on our side because they hate troons vs. because they genuinely care about women.

No. 2119357

NTA but I actually fully believe that gender critical right wing “radfems” existslargely because it was ushered in by Reddit GenderCritical. GC wasn’t a troon word, it was a spin off label from radical feminism for radfems who weren’t buying trans stuff (yes, there were pro-tranny radfems). It should have been kept a strictly radical feminist sub, but instead the mods decided to embrace the right wingers coming in who got called TERFs and ass patted them, assuring them that they were welcome there. There are a lot more tradfags than radical feminist women out there, so pretty soon any opposing thought was getting shouted down, bc as long as they weren’t being outright plain-as-day misogynist or caricature level racist they were allowed to stay. Since they were so well received and celebrated by “radfems”, they decided to start calling themselves that. Then r/GC died and ovarit was created and it only got worse from there.

No. 2119371

My post was normal meanwhile your's is just unhinged seething and mocking. You are not beating the allegations that the current radfem movement is filled with mentally ill uneducated tradtards.

Also im not even going to even get into how untrue and false your statement "major hormonal difference" on how a woman having higher testestorone automatically makes her a man considering 1 in 10 women have pcos and 1 in 1.500 women are intersex. Keep on descriminating though. I guess shitting on troons got too boring for you and also fuck off with your strawmanning crap you know damn well acussing gnc women of being trans puts those women in even more danger.

No. 2119376

Rowling is the most famous GC person, therefore they think she "leads" the TERFs, even though the current wave of gender critical feminism was going on long before Rowling peaked. In their minds, debating whether people with DSDs have an unfair advantage in women's sports equals hating GNC women. They think that GNC women and troons are functionally the same, and that being black inherently makes a woman GNC. By that logic, to consider troons male is to consider non-white and GNC women male.

Kek at the shot they took at second wave feminism. Your "boomer mother's feminism" was actually about women. Third wave "feminists" care more about caping for troons and making excuses for Islam than they do about women. JK Rowling didn't set feminism back– third wave feminism did. Third wave feminists have failed to protect Roe v. Wade and they support policy that undermines Title IX, among many other things. What actual, woman-specific policies have third wave feminists successfully campaigned for?

No. 2119385

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ANOTHER smalltime gaming youtuber with somewhat interesting content is trooning out, for fucks sake… what is it with the fucking community that causes moids to troon out? You don't become a woman, you just become an even worse fail male than what you originally was.

No. 2119391

>Any time anyone relents to their demands they end up moving the goalpost.
Exactly. It went from "let adults change their sex on their driver's license after SRS" to "It's genocide to oppose pre-teens taking drugs that destroy their bones." It stopped being about equality a long time ago and it's now just about control.

No. 2119394

ayrt, i wasn't on reddit at the time r/gc was up, but holy shit that makes so much sense, thank you for the info nonnie.
also something i forgot to add, a lot of these radfem-to-rw grifters are pretty similar to the nazi-to-commie troons, in the sense that it's not about actual beliefs they hold, but rather about being an edgy contrarian and going against the status quo, and then changing sides because they either were criticised by people who actually hold those beliefs and threw a tantrum over it or because they got bored and wanted a cool new edgy identity to latch onto.

No. 2119405

I didn't say that having a major hormonal difference dictates whether you're a man or a woman. Women with high testosterone and/or PCOS are still women, because they're female. Try again.

No. 2119406

File: 1722705742188.png (306.03 KB, 1080x1689, 1000011092.png)

No. 2119422

So it is a DSD case? Is that what the correction is trying to say? Or is it just trying to say it's not a tranny case? Which most by now know it isn't, I hope.

No. 2119431

In my opinion people who succeed on Olympics level are not really human, not at least on same standard as your average potato couch. That's why we should not follow the same rules with them and make an exception with the whole gender fuckery. It sort of gives an advantage to those whose life otherwise would be living hell because of their genetics. Having certain testosterone limits for women in sports is retarded.

No. 2119433

Can we get more posts discussing these themes because it's a lot more interesting than whatever the fuck that troll is spewing. In fact the troll kind of encapsulates everything wrong with the rightoid GC popular movement.

No. 2119434

I forgot to add that right when it was known that GC was going to be banned, a mastodon instance called Spinster was created. Some of the more “extreme” pro-women radfems were already getting banned on GC for various reasons. A lot of people moved to spinster right away, but shortly it was revealed that the woman who created spinster actually only had a small hand in it, and everything was set up and run by her nigel. Most of the actual radfems voiced their discomfort with that and their worry about censorship, but they got shouted down or banned kek. The moid/wife duo running mastodon instantly got an army of rabid retards wking them to the death. Moids were also allowed free rein, which further caused real radfems bail, and pro-tranny trolls were allowed for arguments sake. I’m not totally sure how moving from spinster to Ovarit went down as I was pretty checked out by that point, but I was there when ovarit was announced. I just assume that people abandoned spinster for the familiar reddit-like interface of ovarit since I never hear about spinster anymore. Anyway, the banning of radfems with interesting or “mean” opinions continued at the start of ovarit, so there’s no saving the label gender critical at this point

No. 2119435

its neither a tranny case nor a XY chromosome case. Just hyperandrogenism.

No. 2119437

It's basically admitting they are, yes. If you listen to his video statement it's even more clear. It's only a minute long so just listen to it.

No. 2119443

Yes, they pretty much admitted it. But they didn't say which DSD.

No. 2119449

Two olympic level female boxers in my country have come out defending Khelif and calling out IBA for being a corrupt and untrustworthy organization, both also having met her IRL and testifying that she doesn't seem to have any advantage over other female boxers as proven by her numerous losses. People are so blinded by their obsession with trannies that they don't realize that this is actually a really dangerous claim to make seeing how troonism is illegal in Algeria and can actually put her in danger if radicals in her country start believing she's some tranny freak who needs to be flogged. I wish they saved all this energy for calling out the ACTUAL troons in female sports but since GNC women are the favourite punching bags of all time the hate is exponential.

No. 2119451

It's really just the same 1 or 2 retard trolls, all the rest of us with brains agree with you.

No. 2119454

I'm an algerian lesbian pro-woman and i have PCOS, i have facial hair, hairy arms and legs and belly, have some masculine face traits (which is the case from a lot of maghrebian/mediterranean women). Looking at these newgens radfem and so called british TERFs made me want to stop labeling myself as a radfem. It's sickening to see that they would throw gnc/androgynous brown/african women under the bus because they never seen a woman with a natural deep voice or being hairy and have some masculine facial traits. They're already in the right-wing bandwagon and I feel like they just want white women with traditional gender roles winning and everyone else is their enemy.

No. 2119461

Look at ovarit or some "radfems" account on X. Everyone still thinks that she's male and it's just being a stubborn bully at this point.

No. 2119465

Sage your shit first dickhead.

No. 2119466

I meant all of us people with brains here on LC. I don't use those other sites they're too filled with retarded people.
It's /ot/ dumbass she doesn't need to sage anything.

No. 2119469

nona pls have you ever been on the north africa thread ? i'm desperate for it to see some activity from people who are actually from here

No. 2119475

But it's saying it's neither of those things. Like that's what the text says.

No. 2119476

Are you ESL or skimming so fast you miss critical information?

No. 2119477

They're not actually reading it anon they're trusting someone else who "read" it on Twitter to tell them what happened. We're not dealing with intellectuals here.

No. 2119479

File: 1722707532923.jpg (182.45 KB, 1200x852, 20240803_194245.jpg)

I don't know why but this made me feel sad. I have never seen this huge and big level of bandwagon hate and transvestigation against a woman.

She did look emotional, im guessing the hate did get to her.


Not even that anon but why would it be fake, are you one of those retards who thinks women from the middle East or africa don't use the internet or don't know about imageboards.

Also social media is filled with people from Algeria defending Imane and even people from middle Eastern countries have wrote representative statements defending Khalif and saying she is a woman.

This situation has shocked me because this is the first time middle easterners have been more rational or progressive than westerners. I have to give them a W for this.

Thats because they are lying, their ego is too big to admit that they bullied a biological woman so they will just continue doubling down on their lies. Nowhere in the video did Bach imply she was intersex.
if only your intelligence was as big as your gaslighting

No. 2119484

>I'm an algerian lesbian
You don't have to lie, you know. You could just say, "The behavior of self-described radfems upsets me in this situation." Your point isn't more or less legitimate if you resemble the boxer or not.

No. 2119485

>I don't know why but this made me feel sad. I have never seen this huge and big level of bandwagon hate and transvestigation against a woman.
It's literally a Russian psyop, as meme-ific as it sounds. IBA is mad as fuck at being kicked out of the olympics and thus began their attack against IOC. I was browsing the discussion on twitter earlier and I saw plenty of obvious Russian accounts making inflammatory posts about her and all the homophobic British "radfems" like >>2119454 said are continuing it because they finally have a chance to openly hate on a masculine women.

No. 2119487

I'm talking about the tweet anon posted?
>This is not a DSD case
>This is not a transgender case
I don't understand what I'm missing here. It's a Tweet, not a rorschach test.

No. 2119488

When Bach was questioned about the case at the press conference he said that it's not a transgender case and that it's not a DSD case. Later on the IOC issued a correction and took back the DSD part.

No. 2119489

Wallah no Lesbians allowed in Algeria!!!! Lesbian are not allow in Algeria… ONLY TROONS!!!! Subhanallah God is great so he make us Number #1 Troonation in world. Mashallah God is so good he make all Algerian Lesbians turn into pigeons and fly down over to DYKEY Tunisia. Inshallah Algeria is only troons forever because Algeria is best nation in world for troons ameen.

No. 2119490


No. 2119491

No. 2119496

>Leave thread 6 hours ago because of Olympics troon sperging
>Click back into thread
>Still nothing but Olympics troon sperging
Sigh I guess I'll avoid this thread until the olympics is over and done with

No. 2119500

Only Western women can be lesbians. In the developing world, no lesbians exist at all. Especially if you're Arab. Arabs can only be Muslim as well as Straight (Except in Algeria where everyone is transsexual). It's easier for me to be racist than to grapple with the idea that women in the global south could ever be similar to me in any way. I am very smart.

No. 2119501

That's not what I said, retard. How many Algerians even use lolcow? Why would an Algerian person be using an obscure American imageboard dedicated to English-speaking lolcows? You might as well have claimed to be a dentist in Uzbekistan.

No. 2119503

It's pretty much what you said troll I have eyes I can read and I have a brain so I can infer. It must be impossible for you to imagine.

No. 2119504

nonnie are you by any chance american yourself?

No. 2119509

File: 1722708345641.jpg (31.15 KB, 750x562, FvQ7AEKakAAKhuf.jpg)

No. 2119510

We fucking have pakichans here so why is it so baffling to you that there may be MENA women here?

No. 2119514

I feel sad for this person being used as a tool for politics she has nothing to do with. People ought to act with basic decency and withhold judgment until better quality information is available. Relevant information should've been released already. Anything to clarify the situation while respecting this person's privacy.

No. 2119515

Woah… You pwned me so epically I'm shaking…. I think I have to call my mum or something I'm really shaken up over this…

No. 2119518

This feels racist and I rarely use that word. I have seen Algerians on every social media platform defending Imane so why would there not be one here? This site isn't as obscure as you think and english isn't this obscure language either you dumb ass murican.
We had multiple anons on different threads saying they are from Africa or the middle East so I don't know why you are surprised?

No. 2119519

Their problem is not MENA their problem is MENA women who disagree with their bullshit transvestigation.

No. 2119521

No, it's not racist!! I just know all Algerians live in mud huts and snort hormones all day!!!! And also all the Algerian women are actually just men. In Algeria, only t4t transbian wedding is legal. I know it's true because I believe it in my heart. And a heart can't be racist.

No. 2119524

KEKKKK holy shit nonnie

No. 2119525

There's a whole separate North African thread on /ot/ used by Algerians, Moroccans, Tunisians and Lybians, as well as North African anons born and raised in other countries wtf are you trying to imply here?

No. 2119527

Stupid whore do you think that there's no ESL women? International women? Women with different origins? Do you think that we're still living in mountains with no internet?(infighting)

No. 2119531

Amerifags always try this for some reason they act like they know better than women who ACTUALLY live in those countries.

No. 2119533

I'm trying to imply that I hate Arabs but I can't come across and say it directly so I'm gonna bundle it up in all this excessive bullshit (and try to make it seem GC even though it's really just tradthot shit) so that I can get away with my racial prejudices and feel good about being retarded. Why won't you agree with me!!!!!! It'sprobably because your all TROONS!!!! Just like all those Allah damned Algerians. It's all because the Arabs did 9/11 and 10 months after that my grandpa died it's all there fault I HATE THEM!!!!(racebait)

No. 2119534

very wtf is a kilometer of you

No. 2119536

Don't stoop so low and be like a moid. Act with tact retard

No. 2119538

do you think algeria is burkina faso or some shit kek you're genuinely so fucking retarded. lolcow hasn't even been obscure since like 2018. i'm moroccan and i've been here for years

No. 2119545

The biggest moment of her life after spending her childhood selling scrap metal to keep afloat and her adulthood training for years to compete and make her family and country proud. All obliterated in an instant for a political power play. Another woman tossed away and abused by the media for being too strong and too tall. This is why all countries that aren't Russia or the USA need to realize that nothing works when these are the two countries with the most influence and power.

No. 2119551

>stupid whore
Moid moment

No. 2119552

And it worked out perfectly because everyone hates masculine women, even more than male trannies, including the so-called "gendercrits". I haven't seen this much open hate and vitriol for any actual MTF invading female sports.

No. 2119554

Rabble rabble moids rabble rabble Imane Troon rabble rabble hate Algeria rabble rabble

No. 2119555

Just being angry.

No. 2119556

>It's unlikely that anon is actually who they claim to be given of the demographics of the site's user base
>Omg you racist you're saying we live in mud huts and are all trannies!!1!1 Hehehe we're going to completely misrepresent what you said and act like it make us right!!1! Le epic own, we win teh internetz!!1! (infight bait)

No. 2119557

Only scrotes can feel anger sadly. You should get those chromosomes tested ASAP.

No. 2119558

No we didn't misinterpret anything you're just trying to walk back on what you meant because you're a little fruity pansy.

No. 2119559

I don't think the boxers are male, I think they're just women with DSDs. I still consider myself a radfem. Cope.

No. 2119561

You were basically implying the latter, stop being a baby.

No. 2119563

Imagine being a woman born in a small village in Algeria where you have to sell scrap metal to get by and you are discouraged from sports but you still do it because that is your dream and you finally realise your dream by getting in the Olympics all for a bunch of mentally ill western right-wingers to accuse you of being a man/tranny because they suffer from tranny obssesed hysteria.

I feel sorry for her and after this I'm going to side eye british and western radfems even more.

No. 2119564

>Given the demographics of the site
Which has included a decent number of MENA women for ages now.

No. 2119565

okay then explain why there's a north africa thread with hundreds of posts, they're all larpers then ? either you're a retard or a newfag. actually you're definitely retarded.

No. 2119566

File: 1722709747439.png (604.56 KB, 598x644, angry nerd.png)

>It's unlikely that anon is actually who they claim to be given of the demographics of the site's user base. I am a genius at computer programming so I've hacked into the Lolcow mainframe and bypassed the Pixyteri firewall protections so now I have compiled a list of all your IPS and I can clearly see that only American Wifi lets you use LC. So CLEARLY all you FAKE foreigners are LYING! I am incredibly very smart.

No. 2119567

genuinely how hard is it to believe a woman from a non-western country is on the internet kek. sure, lolcow may be mostly americans and europeans but it isn't limited to these groups, seeing how many mena nonnies are replying to you. you're digging your own grave nonna

No. 2119568

yes, but it was pretty empty, i also posted on Lesbian MENA women

No. 2119569

Picture already been used >>2118421

No. 2119571

Please just stop posting for a little while.

No. 2119572

File: 1722709880029.jpg (82.69 KB, 1080x762, b93f70d7f354c12fdb505cadd8232f…)

You genuinely, seriously believe that I think Algeria is full of mud huts with no internet because I accused a person on an anonymous image board of lying in a context where it would be convenient to?

No. 2119573

Ah, so you're the Twittard spamming nerd reaction pics. Got it, opinion discarded.

No. 2119575

Yeah it was used by another retarded tradthot so I thought I'd repurpose it and upload it as a .jpeg because I'm smart enough to save things as .jpegs and not .webp files.
You keep posting these gay little tweets and I don't know how to break it to you but for grown ups, that's like showing me some squiggly lines in crayon drawn by a toddler and telling me it's a contract.
Promise I'm not the twittard nerd. I'm making fun of them kek.

No. 2119577

You're one of those british gender-criticals aren't you?

No. 2119578

Yeah, you can tell by how she seethes about brown people existing.

No. 2119579

oh my goddddd make your own thread about the stupid boxers alread

No. 2119580

Nope, that's not what I implied. You're inventing a caricature and deciding that's who you're talking to because you have a chip on your shoulder about retarded Americans mistreating you on the internet in the past.

No. 2119582

Show me where I did that. Ever.

No. 2119583

Rabble rabble caricature rabble rabbble Urghhhh BROWN PEOPLE!!!!! rabble rabble retarded rabble rabble chips on shoulders I'm American I can only think about potato chips rabble rabble

No. 2119584

You seriously need to take your meds.

No. 2119585

No. 2119588

>You keep posting
Literally the first time I ever posted a Tweet in this thread. There's more than one anon disagreeing with you.

No. 2119589

>Take your meds!
>Not everyone that disagrees with you is the same person.
Always the same 2 shit remarks you use whenever you get backed in a corner and you're too much of a faggot to speak your mind. Too bad. I thought you were tryna be tough but turns out you're just chickenshit like the rest once you realize your voice isn't the majority.

No. 2119590

AYRT and I'm not even MENA and even I can see your retarded burgerfaggotry with the "w-why would an AFRICAN be on muh anglo lolcow..?!?!?!" when we literally have an active thread for them here in /ot/.

No. 2119593

am i the only one in this thread who can feel two things at once? i feel bad for imane, it's likely she is intersex and didnt find out until puberty. but if she is truly xy with functional or partially functional male gonads, this should call her participation in fighting sports into question. just let a third party cheek swab to settle this. in the meantime calling her male on public platforms or saying she's obviously male is not going to do anyone favors and is only making the conversation toxic. Even if she has a male dsd like semenya, she literally can't help being born with it (but shouldn't be competing in women's olympic sport, in my opinion). fuck the IBA and IOC for promoting this online hysteria with their vagueness, we should be able to trust sporting bodies to make hard decisions for us.

this whole boxing situation should definitely have its own thread or quarantine lol

No. 2119594


You are obviously not very intelligent considering you were confusing Algerians with other nationalities and acted shocked that a algerian women would dare be on this site and then tried to beckpedal and say that's not what you meant even though we all have eyes and can see your posts.

Either way I encourage all other MENA anons in this thread to please stop replying to this moron, just stop replying to them PLEASE

No. 2119595

Kek they're in /meta/ now trying to get this thread locked. The Imane is a troon bullshit is all just a false-flag to rile us up so farmhands have to step in and move this thread onto the hidden board. Predictable.

No. 2119598

File: 1722710703920.jpg (253.4 KB, 1163x1200, hitler.jpg)

I personally as a GNC woman do not feel alienated by radfems or GC because I have a self-esteem and don't care if the occasional tradthot seethes at a woman being unfeminine. The constant whining about "waah evel radfems hating GNC women" is probably half a tranny psyop anyway.

No. 2119600

>supporting arab women is a tranny psyop
Go back to /meta/ to post this.

No. 2119601

I wasn't even talking to you you fucking schitzo, take your meds.

No. 2119602

>waah evel radfems hating GNC women" is probably half a tranny psyop anyway.

No. 2119603

Look at this post.
What did you mean by this? Because I took it as you were dumb enough to think Arabs didn't live in Algeria.

No. 2119605

>Collect and sell scrap metal to help your family
>Do sports in order to aim for a better life for you and your family despite being discouraged from it
>After years of training become so proficient in it that you actually make it to the olympics two times
>Have a regular win/lose record just like other female boxers
>An Italian drama queen backs out of a fight and refuses to shake your hand because BOO HOO IT'S A MAN
>Turns out the Italian boxer was paid off by Russian-funded corrupt to the core IBA to throw the match https://www.reuters.com/sports/olympics/boxing-iba-award-prize-money-italys-carini-despite-loss-algerias-khelif-2024-08-02/
>People "concerned for womens' rights" are calling you a man and accusing your childhood pictures of being staged because you don't look like a dainty white woman
>We did it girls we saved women's sports!

No. 2119608

Kek, go develop another crush and go "schitzo" at the sight of reflections instead of shitting up this thread with your rightoid bullshit.

No. 2119609

I truly hate the IOC. Of course, she is a woman, men larping as women were banned this year. They should have known that people would attack women like her. I can't imagine how she is feeling right now. All this mess wouldn't have happened if they already had a clear answer concerning the fairness of her participation. But they didn't because they don't care about her and the women who have to face her. This is hell.

No. 2119611

>I'm an algerian lesbian pro-woman and i have PCOS, i have facial hair, hairy arms and legs and belly, have some masculine face traits
I'm just like you (minus Algerian and lesbian, still Amazigh though) and i, women with PCOS, still don't naturally produce T that's in the male range, still don't look as male as Imane, still don't have XY chromosomes (allegedly). I think someone said it earlier here but PCOS makes you hairy, gives you acne, maybe obese, it doesn't make you look like Semenya. This is ridiculous. Look, i get supporting Khelif out of patriotism or even feeling kinship because s(he) was raised as a NA girl and faced the hell that is female socialization in that context, but other athletes still deserve fair conditions.
>they just want white women with traditional gender roles winning
White women in sports do not look traditionally feminine for the most part. As long as coaches and orgs feel comfortable letting males in, female athletes of all backgrounds will get transvestigated because it creates a climate of suspicion, on top of retarded assumptions about how dainty a woman should be.
I agree. I'd even say that her case is slightly different from Semenya's, because her socialization actually stuck and she seems really attached to the idea that she's wholly female. Meanwhile Semenya got a woman pregnant and seemed more male-aligned in childhood aswell as in his(?) adult life.
Slight OT but american characterizations of that Italian boxer as a drama queen 'muh white woman tears' are funny because North Africans are the same. It's a mediterranean thing.

No. 2119613

This. I'm with you nona. Anons are going insane infighting over this when literally none of us have any tangible facts to go off. Suddenly everyone is a chromosome or genetic expert…

No. 2119617

It could really affect her performance, I'm hoping the Algerian government creates more political stink about this because it could cost her some medals.
Yeah yeah go figure out the stalker ex situation then come back and post.

No. 2119618

Sorry for being ESL, I guess now you can stop accusing everybody of being American or British.

No. 2119620

It's one or two retards from twitter deliberately shitting up threads with hysteria calling the boxer a "man" and spamming reaction images without engaging in direct debates

No. 2119622

Ding ding ding. They're even in /meta/ right now trying to get this thread banned.

No. 2119623

>you were confusing Algerians with other nationalities
Okay, you must be confusing me with another anon at this point, because I never did this. I never even mentioned any countries besides Algeria.

I stand by the literal first fucking thing I said, and everything else after. I think the anon claiming to be algerian is lying. Not because I think that Algerians are verboten from using the site or whatever retarded nonsense you're projecting on me, but because it's statistically unlikely. That has zero to do with what countries have what infrastructure, and everything to do with the site itself being very anglophone-centric in terms of the cows and topics it covers. Obviously there are people here from non-English speaking countries who are still drawn to that discussion, but people are just more likely to post here if they're from the same cultures as the cows. We don't have any Algerian cows, so fewer Algerians interested in internet drama are going to post here. Not NONE, just way fewer than countries with cows featured on the site. Anon might not be lying, but it's very likely that they are, especially given how full of bait and infighting this thread is. I think they're lying. Scream at me all you like, you're not changing my mind.

No. 2119626

Don't forget she started fighting to defend herself against harassment from moids. And Yu Ting, the other boxer who was disqualified by the IBA, started boxing to defend her mother against domestic violence. People can be against them participating against women, but people acting like they are evil scrotes are just weird.

No. 2119628

>Anons rather believing a rumor from a Russian organization banned for blatant corruption and fixing matches at the Rio olympics about Khelif having XY chromosomes with no proof than an Algerian woman posting on Lolcow

No. 2119631


No. 2119632

how is being critical of right wing "radfem" larpers a tranny psyop kekk

anyways, rerailing the thread: were any of you nonnies a-okay with tifs (or were even a tif yourself) but the second you came into contact with tims you peaked? i was a tif for nearly a decade and i somehow managed to not interact with tims at all funny looking back, even in my most staunch pro-trans phase i was still uncomfortable around tims and male tra's, but the second the tme/tma discourse broke out i went from trutrans ftm to terf within a year lmao.

No. 2119633

Amazigh and thinking that other amazigh women dont suffer from hyperandrogenism ? There's so many women out there with deep voice and masculine traits, even for men there was men who looked too feminine and had a strong feminine voice, like Houari Manar.(derailing)

No. 2119634

This guy has a unique typing style and recycles the same set of insults. Imagine being so desperate to derail threads on LC of all places that you spend your weekend doing this.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2119638

Yeah and it's statistically unlikely that someone can be born with a skull as dense and thick as yours with nothing inside it, but yet it's happened. It's almost like statistically improbable things happen every day… Stop digging yourself into a deeper hole you just keep coming off more and more stupid. We don't really wanna change your mind, we don't think you have a mind, we just wanna laugh at you for being retarded the same way I laugh at the cows.
No, this is a fake post crafted by the troll. I could tell right away when she mentioned Amazigh, it's her subtle way of trying to dig herself out of the hole she dug when she said Arabs don't live in Algeria. She probably googled Algeria and saw Amazigh come up and just used that without thinking. Then of course she tried to write an entire post rebuking everything the other Algerian said. It was weird and I could tell it was fake.
You're angry because I called you out for using schitzo and finding your old posts so now you're projecting kek

No. 2119640

He was also in the vent thread previously(scrotefoiling)

No. 2119642

I hate that kind of solipsism, it's too common in debates around gender ideology. 'Sexually ambiguous person is bullied because they don't conform to their assigned sex, i'm a GNC whole woman and was bullied for it so it must mean they are totally FEMALE and it's MISOGYNISTIC to claim otherwise!! Me! Me! Me!' It's slightly less infuriating than hyperfeminine libfems who make up entire stories about being transvestigated, but it stems from the same solipsism issue.
There are tons of people of Algerian descent in Europe and Canada, including 1st-gen students who are abroad for their degree. Exposure to american culture is extremely common regardless.
Yes. I know tons of women with PCOS (I'm sure you know it's more common in MENA/asian/african women) and none of them look so ambiguous that they are genuinely (not mockingly) suspected to be intersex. Deep voices and being gay aren't intersex traits.

No. 2119644

you're deep in ur retardness, algerians arent arabs, arabs are all in the middle east. Algerians are maghrebians. The only thing in common with arabs is the islamic culture that was imposed in Algeria.(derailing)

No. 2119645

I said Amazigh to not state my nationality you retard, it's synonymous with north african. I genuinely disagree with what the other anon said.(derailing)

No. 2119647

File: 1722712303573.png (59.54 KB, 401x689, algeria.png)

……. You're gonna sit here and tell me Algerians aren't Arabs….. Like for real you're gonna do that….(derailing)

No. 2119649

The very, very vast majority of Algerians are Amazigh, not Arabs not matter how some of them are in denial. Stop embarrassing yourself. I was going to say "some of us" but I know I'm not an Arab so I had to correct myself. And this also applies to the rest of Maghreb.(derailing)

No. 2119651

Well it says right there in the graph collected from census information that the majority of people in Algeria identify themselves as Arabs and not Amazigh. So I'm gonna trust the information from the government.(derailing)

No. 2119652

I can tell you're not a woman (or a healthy man) from your autsitic, repulsive phrasing and way of constructing arguments. Your typing style is extremely "unintegrated" and it's funny that you're complaining about other people being unintegrated.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2119654

Yeah yeah anyone that disagrees with you is a man. Imane is a man. Every women that's brown skinned or has a big jaw or biceps is a man. I get it.(derailing)

No. 2119657

I am not the person who said stuff about Arabs in Algeria. I never mentioned Arabs until right now in this specific reply. I know for a fact now that you are confusing me with someone else. Ask the fucking farmhands if you want, the only posts from me are the ones accusing the "Algerian lesbian" of lying. I don't even think the boxers are male! I think that they're women with DSDs and I disagree with the people calling them male.

You aren't laughing, you're clearly furious at me. Idk why, all I did was call a random anon a liar. The most I've done is call you a retard, meanwhile you're cooking up elaborate, tryhard insults. Not the behavior of an unbothered person, anon.(derailing)

No. 2119662

>the majority of people in Algeria identify themselves as Arabs and not Amazigh
Probably because it's about culture and not their actuan ethnicity. That means these people have Arabic as their first language. All the North Africans I know who call themselves Arabs tell me they@re Arabs and then if you ask a few more questions they'll list their parents' tribes and tell you their grandparents don't even speak Arabic.(derailing)

No. 2119664

congrats you're learning that we got colonized by the ottomans and middle easterns, that's why we have arab gene but never be originally arabs. We used to be Numidians.(derailing)

No. 2119665

The government has a vested interest in pretending people there are Arabs. If you knew anything about Algeria and its history, you'd know better than to trust them. Amazigh are notorious for rebelling against the power in place for decades now. People like Matoub Lounes have been killed because they wanted our ethnicity, history and culture officially recognised. Search for "Printemps Berber". There was an "arabisation" program targeted at amazigh fir decades to erase their language, culture etc. No, the vast majority of Algeria are not Arabs. They are amazigh/berbers. Likewise in Morroco and Tunisia where people are more arabised.(derailing)

No. 2119666

And I forgot to add but why on earth would you trust the Algerian government of all things on who's an Arab and who's a native? You don't know the first thing about Algeria it's funny.(derailing)

No. 2119670

Kek nonnie I was trans for nine years, the tme/tma discourse got me combined with the transandro discourse. I remember getting so upset about it but not being able to talk to anyone (afraid I'd get called a dirty transmisogynist and lose my friends), so I started writing out whoooole essays in my notes app that was basically me saying "I think trans women might be treating trans men like how men treat women, maybe, possibly, for some reason that I don't want to admit."

No. 2119684

>You aren't laughing, you're clearly furious at me.
Yeah I'm shooting darts at a board with your face on it as we speak. Naturally you're anonymous so it's just a blank piece of paper. I'm so enraged arghh my blood pressure!
>meanwhile you're cooking up elaborate, tryhard insults.
I don't know if you're genuinely dumb or not but I don't think anything I've said has been quite elaborate. Maybe I used some big words with more than three syllables. I'm sorry for that.(infighting)

No. 2119688

Yes, I personally knew a lot of TiFs when I was a teenager, pre-peaking. But I was a "transmedicalist" and I hated "trenders." Meeting TiMs isn't what peaked me. I peaked gradually, because I began to see more and more people as trenders, and eventually fetishists. Today, I think that medical intervention is unhelpful even for people who "truly" have gender dysphoria. It's counterproductive, like giving bariatric surgery to someone with anorexia. This condition should not be enabled, because to enable it is to encourage patients to chase an unattainable goal to the detriment of their wellbeing. I doubt the trans movement would have gotten off the ground if it weren't so profitable for pharma companies and surgeons, tbh.

No. 2119689

I get what you mean. I think people for some reason think that gender dysphoria is real and not just a mental illness like anorexia or depression. To treat it, you don't enable it. You have to try and find the root problem. I never got close to trooning out myself, but when I was a young girl I had a lot of gender issues because everyone around me couldn't comprehend that I was a girl and that I liked "boy" things so I always felt like such a black sheep. I felt like I was a girl but that I was a "bad" girl or that I was somehow "wrong" in some fashion. When I got to my tween years, I kind of realize that the idea of "gender" is stupid, not because of troons or anything, but because it's just kind of silly if you think about it for a while I guess. Like why were all the 45 year olds so mad at me when I was 9 because I liked picking up frogs and playing manhunt in the woods with the other kids in the neighbourhood? Why shouldn't a girl be able to do all that? Why are only boys allowed? Why can't I wear shorts or pants?

By the time I was 14 was when I really started becoming interested in feminism, and as I did more research and reading and I realized it was normal for GNC women like me to feel a certain alienation. I learned it wasn't because there was something wrong with me like I was born in the wrong body, there's something wrong with the society that tries to push all that shit down my throat.

No. 2119692

relate heavily to the notes app venting kek. honestly kinda miss those days, mostly because transmasc spaces are the few female-only spaces left online and in general lgbtqxyz+ places. also calling yourself a t4t gay trans man was a get out of jail free card for being a lesbian/febfem without getting called transphobic. the pissed off tims were right in one aspect though - i remember them saying how the "transadrophobia" thing was radfem rhetoric and how it's a pipeline to becoming a terf. broken clock, twice a day etc.

No. 2119694

>calling yourself a t4t gay trans man was a get out of jail free card for being a lesbian/febfem without getting called transphobic.
It's so bizarre that a lesbian has to troon out and find another trooned out lesbian to be free of TIMs. I never even thought of it in that context before.

No. 2119700

File: 1722714795302.jpg (295.39 KB, 1080x1555, Screenshot_20240803_224645_Sam…)

the italian boxer/notorious quitter/crybaby just made a public apology to imane khelif, and said she regrets not shaking her hand and if she had a chance in the future she would choose to 'embrace' her.

imane khelif screamed "i am a woman" as she won against the boxer that publicly called her a "monster" a few hours before their fight.

the IOC says imane khelif "was born female, was registered female, lived her life as a female, boxed as a female, has a female passport".

it is absolutely ludacris that figures like jk rowling, elon musk, and logan paul are spewing hateful rhetoric against this woman and calling her a tranny when AT WORST she has a genetic defect that still makes her a woman.

pic related is the kind of stuff you will read on both lolcow and twitter and are expected to believe these people are "for women" (just not ugly women with genetic disabilities rofl)

No. 2119703

Genuinely surprised that there's at least two algerian lesbians (inc. myself) on lc rn. Anyway, I agree with you, this entire situation has been really sad to see. I'm glad she at least gained support from locals. But it goes to show that people are very ignorant about the country, and how easy it is for them to confidently talk about shit they know nothing about. arwa7i in the NA thread nonnie! We gotta revive it, maybe it'll show some people that we do, in fact, exist kek

No. 2119707

I really think that these sorts of tweets are gonna start creating some diplomatic issues sooner or later. I feel so bad for Imane you can tell she's really shaken by this experience, I wouldn't be surprised if she retires after this Olympics. God forbid a woman have a dream that isn't related to dresses and marrying moids.

No. 2119713

That’s a lot of words to say “XY beats XX”

No. 2119716

Oh my God can you stop with this already it's been almost 40 hours.

No. 2119721

would genuinely love to see where you got the information that she is XY? source?

No. 2119723

Cause the IOC and Imane would never lie. Imane is a male with a DSD that made him look female at birth. If he wasn't, he would have appealed his ban to the Court of Arbitration of Sport and won easily, but he dropped his appeal. I wonder why. When Caster Semenya appealed his ban to the Court, he lost, plus it became public knowledge that he was a man with a DSD and not a woman with high testosterone. The same would happen to Imane and the Chinese man.

No. 2119725

Yeah and I'm the tooth fairy.

No. 2119726

Source: trust me, I'm on an anonymous poster on an imageboard. I'm very reputable.

No. 2119727

>imane khelif screamed "i am a woman" as she won against the boxer that publicly called her a "monster" a few hours before their fight.
Based as fuck. Also Libs of Tiktok is literally ran by a conservatard rightoid spreading tons of fake news inciting actual violent attacks and who with her Pearl Davis phenotype looks just as masculine as Imane so you'd think she'd be sympathetic but no.

No. 2119728

Please have at it. I was thinking of making a comic.

No. 2119730

If they were assigned female at birth and lived their entire lives as female, they should be considred female. But still has an advantage against other women and it's unfair. I still think this person is different from a honest and true tranny, and it pisses me off that people think they are the same.

No. 2119732

István Kovács, the European Vice President of the World Boxing Organization and former Secretary General of the International Boxing Association, told Hungarian press that he had warned the International Olympic Committee about males participating in women’s boxing as early as 2022, but that nothing was done.

In a shocking statement made to Magyar Nemzet yesterday, Kovács confirmed the speculation surrounding the Algerian boxer, adding that it had been known as early as 2022 that Khelif was biologically male.

“The problem was not with the level of Khelif’s testosterone, because that can be adjusted nowadays, but with the result of the gender test, which clearly revealed that the Algerian boxer is biologically male,” Kovács said in an interview with Magyar Nemzet, adding that a total of five boxers had been examined including Khelif by the International Boxing Association, and all of them “were indeed men.”


No. 2119733

The Olympic shit is so disheartening because troons are now gonna milk this drama dry while also forgetting that an actual high-profile troon got caught doing things that supposedly never happens within the same week. I can only see this fucking over more women.

No. 2119734

>Cause the IOC would never lie
… like the IBA would never lie? the one that accused her of not being female after their precious golden girl russian boxer lost a fight against imane?

the “failed tests” were thrown out by the IOC because

1.) imane had all passing tests before beating the russian fighter, at which point the russian commission said she actually failed

2.) the russian commission was removed due to corruption charges and has not been a recognised organisation since 2021

3.) she has passed all tests from other agencies

there's nothing really to talk about. i bet you're ten times uglier than imane, tsk.

No. 2119735

Okay but my question is, if it's a naturally occurring phenomenon in her, and if it's an unfair advantage, why is Phelps great wing span or weird lactic acid stuff considered totally not an unfair advantage? ATP the Olympics just need to start testing every single athlete that participates in rigid testing that makes sure there are no biological advantages for any player. But, instead it's only the women that get shat on. Phelps and the other men get celebrated as stars. Is that not kinda unfair?
No the IBA is the organization I support so they're always telling truth always and forever.

No. 2119738

nta but source on these?

No. 2119739

Wait what happened with the high-profile troon? To whom do you refer?

No. 2119741

It's because the men's category is technically an "open" category where anyone can compete as long they are good enough, while the women's category is "protected" with rules in place as to who can participate beyond actual athletic ability.

No. 2119742

>If they were assigned female at birth and lived their entire lives as female, they should be considered female.
>But still has an advantage against other women and it's unfair.
>I still think this person is different from a honest and true tranny, and it pisses me off that people think they are the same.
What's a 'true and honest' tranny. I don't see any difference between Imane and any of the other men documented here: https://www.shewon.org/males since Imane would have know since teenage age that he was male and kept competing in women's sports anyway.

No. 2119746

Chris from MrBeast. Kiwifags dumped his Discord, confirmed that he posts sexual shit on a server that he knows has minors on it, even shared links to loli porn. MrBeast was also proven to be aware of his behaviour and yet did nothing.

No. 2119747

Genuine question but why do you want her to be a male or tranny so bad? I thought it was protect all women but the way you are behaving you are okay with throwing other women under the bus as long as that feeds your agenda and trans hysterics. Very cultish and kinda evil.

No. 2119749

You disagree with someone being assigned female at birth being considered a female? That's paradoxical to being GC. The other option would be be that that they were assigned female at birth, and would be considered a male at a later time, which is just extra words to say a TIF.
It's literally 1 troll trying to get the thread locked kek.

No. 2119753

It's unfair because women's sports are segregated because of testosterone. More testosterone is ALWAYS an advantage for every sport (including gymnastics). Not so with other genetic differences (i.e. height).
No one's "forgotten" about it, it's just two weeks old at this point.

No. 2119754

I agree like I hate the way ppl are throwing intersex ppl in with trannies. That's unironically giving more ammo for the troons because they're somehow gonna apply that having unusual genetics is totally the same case as men getting boners wearing women's sportswear.

No. 2119759

In general for this comparison to phelps, here is my thoughts: sports are sex segregated, if a disorder of sex development gave a female an advantage that would not be comperable to a natural developemont of a male. Sex differences are so extreme to need the seperate category, so it is relevent to consider for eligibility and not comparable to phelps. Second if you want to try and say "females that produce more testosterone naturally should be allowed to compete because its natural for them" i believe this creates "perverse insentive" for doping and lying about doping. Phelps producing less lactic acid cant be replicated by doping. His wingspan cant be achieved with surgery or something. Also females that have a condition that effects their sex development have hormone out of allignment, which is not healthy. Creating perverse insentive to mess with your hormones or to NOT bring them back into allignment because of an advantage is not healthy. Also again i just dont think a man with a unique yet healthy development is comparable to a woman with a disorder on the basis of sex which there IS seperate categories and seperate categories for a REASON.

No. 2119760

Hyperandrogenism is literally DSD what other kind of disease could it be? Its a disorder involving testosterone a sex hormone, that makes it a DSD if you produce the abnormal amount of sex hormones and it affects your secondary sexual characteristics.

No. 2119762

>ou disagree with someone being assigned female at birth being considered a female?
Nta but literally no one is assigned anything at birth which is why your point fails. What sex you actually are is the only things that matters, it's not hard to grasp

No. 2119763

Did people talk about this on here? I remember hearing about it and I checked a few threads, but I couldn't find any posts about it.
Girl c'mon. KEK.

No. 2119767

the IBA throwing a fit when a new international org was formed to get away from their country:

IBA has its recognition stripped:

IBA president accuses imane of XY chromosome after beating his fighter:

>The IBA did not disclose documentation at the time or reveal what tests were conducted. Questions were also raised because the organization, which was led by Russian official Umar Kremlev, did not disqualify Khelif until after she had already beaten a Russian boxer.

No. 2119768

The Chris Tyson troon was talked about in the mtf /snow/ thread a week or so ago when the news was coming out.

No. 2119773

If someone is born with a disability that renders them unable to partake in high level single sex sports that's too bad for them, but it is what it is. Some people are born without legs, or blind, or infertile. Too bad for them, doesn't mean they get to cut off someone else's leg or steal a baby. You have a super rare dsd that makes it unsafe for women to compete with you, too bad but that's your lot in life.

No. 2119776

Personally, it still feels too early to form any conclusive opinion about Imane Khelif. As many anons have said, more information needs to be released and additional testing performed. Regardless of the results, does anyone else feel like the outcome of all of this is going to significantly hurt our cause? It feels like this is going to set trans discourse back a couple years by muddying the waters even if this isn't specifically about trans people.

No. 2119778

>Girl c'mon. KEK
Show me a single person who was "assigned a gender" at birth then. I'll wait for you to peak.

No. 2119781

You don't even know if her test level is actually high enough to make her an unsafe opponent. Her record was literally 9-5. Do we even know if any of her female opponents sustained injuries that are out of the ordinary for the sport?

No. 2119782

>since Imane would have know since teenage age that he was male and kept competing in women's sports anyway.
I'll blunt with how much a patriarchal islamic misogynistic country algeria is there is no way in hell they would allow a troon to compete in women's sport especially if we take in account imanes poor background where frequent honor Killings still take place algeria might have been under French rule but it doesnot mean they also uphold French progressivenism (which the frogs did try to instil onto them). Nonas might be misinformed that most islamic countries prefer troons over being gay or lesbian when the reality is only Iran and Pakistan (which are not Middle Eastern nations)does and they're still not classified as the sex they think they are bit instead considered a third gender (AKA NOT WOMEN) and being a troon (especially if you're assuming imane was a open one) is akin to being called a prostitute or deviant and considering being trans or gay is illegal in most arab countries she would've been jailed for it. You have to take off your American glasses and see the cultural nuance too. Imane is a biological woman even if she looks a man and nonnas who mistook her for one aren't guilty.gnc and androgynous people can be hard to identify and that's alright but it is wrong to keep assuming she's trans when it has been confirmed she's not

No. 2119783

-I’m allowed to say this because I’m brown also- a retarded Algerian doctor with conservative beliefs and not enough money to run the right tests could misdiagnose someone as female. Shit happens.

No. 2119787

This isn't a trans case so idk if it will hurt the actual cases of men competing with women, which we know happens and ends horrificly often, but it is certainly going to turn away some potentially peakable women after they see the mass bullying of a woman by tradtards who call themselves radfems.

No. 2119789

>like the IBA would never lie? the one that accused her of not being female after their precious golden girl russian boxer lost a fight against imane
Which russian fighter and where? Reduxx says Imane didn't compete against a Russian fighter in the 2023 championships and Russia wasn't in the Arab Games, Mediterranean Games, or African Boxing Championships for obvious reasons. Was this some other event?


9. "The IBA only disqualified L & K because they beat Russian boxers at the 2023 championships!"

No they did not. I started seeing this weird, completely false claim circulating over the last 24 hours.
Khelif beat Thailand's Janjaem Suwannapheng and was set to compete against China's Yang Liu for gold in the Welterweight category.
Lin beat Bulgaria's Svetlana Kamenova Staneva for bronze in the Featherweight category.
They were scheduled to fight no Russian boxers in either one of their categories, and only one Russian boxer won a gold medal in the entire championship (Anastasiia Demurchian, Light Middleweight).
India won the most gold medals (4) at the 2023 Women's Championship. China won the most medals overall (7). Kazakhstan won the second most medals overall (6). Russia only won 3 medals at the championship.
Also worth noting that another Taiwanese boxer, Huang Hsiao-wen, won gold in the Bantamweight category. So for all the Taiwanese mouthpieces claiming Lin's disqualification was just "discrimination against Taiwan"… lol no.

No. 2119790

The year is 2034. Tradthots have conquered the continental United States. Now, for a baby to be diagnosed as either male or female you must pay the queen tradthot, Blaire White, for an expensive and grueling test of their chromosomes. Doctors can no longer believe their eyes, because having an education is now illegal. Every day I wake up at 6AM to sing my first praise songs to Blaire and submit more cells to be tested for chromosome irregularities. Without the daily tests, I'd never be able to walk outdoors… Then, nobody would ever be able to tell if I was a troon or not… They could just use their eyes, but how can eyes ever really be sure!? The tests takes about a week to process, but since I have to take them everyday, I can't leave my house. Sometimes I wonder about the before times, the long long ago, when we trusted our eyeballs and we weren't the punching bag for the troons that assumed power after the tradthot coup d'etat. Sometimes I dream of escaping and seeing other w-a-man…? It's been so long I forgot the word for us…. Someday I dream of a bright future where doctors are trusted enough to say if someone is a male female or intersex based on their eyesight and professional opinion as educated healthcare professionals. But alas, Blaire is calling for my next hourly Troon-Spangled Banner recital, so I must leave now.
Ohh that make sense, I was looking on /ot/ Youtuber thread and I thought I checked /snow/ but I guess I didn't look well enough or maybe I clicked the wrong thread. Thanks for spoonfeeding. Now I have evening reading to look forward to, kek.
No, obviously women can't ever beat a man. So all her opponents must have been men too. Duh. This whole sport is just for men and troons.

No. 2119791

NTA but you're being daft. "assigned gender"= the gender that the doctor says you have (quote on quote, "assigns you") when you are born and is then put into all your documents.

No. 2119794

you are talking about troons. Imane is most likely a male with dsd that had him appear female. That's an entirely different category. Can anyone speak on how people with that type of DSD would be treated in Algeria.

No. 2119796

He is a man. Go back to twitter.

No. 2119798

so should they go to the Paralympics? would that potentially solve this issue kek

Testosterone levels alone doesn't really give you the full picture, you don't know how strong their bones and muscles are from going through a more typically male puberty (some XX women are born unable to convert testosterone to estrogen and so they can develop male secondary sexual characteristics in puberty, but they could then take estrogen supplements as an adult before the olympics and have low t, this is considered a DSD too.)

No. 2119800

the second even one trans critical person fucks up, large platform or not, radfem/gc or conservative, it all gets blamed on us anyways. i think this one might be especially bad if she turns out to be female, seeing as some high profile people who are considered "terfs" by troons (jk rowling for example) were backing the whole imane is a male theory. it's not like the troons are helping though, seeing as the controversy of men in female sports took off this much due to their bullshit. it might cement the "terf=conservative and backwards" narrative in the minds of a lot of more normie people though. i don't know how exactly it would affect the trans rights movement though.

No. 2119802

>but it is certainly going to turn away some potentially peakable women after they see the mass bullying of a woman by tradtards who call themselves radfems
I think so too and that is my main concern. I'm not particularly radfem or GC (yes I know l2integrate, why post in a hate thread, etc) outside of being principled about certain things. My read on the situation is that these kinds of events and inappropriate responses are going to further normalize biological males identifying as women to normies and cement that position even more strongly in western society. I think this is just one step in the move towards the center on this topic before eventually settling there for good.

No. 2119803

i can't believe you used a twitter post as your "source" lol i fucking hate discussing anything with men

No. 2119805

>My read on the situation is that these kinds of events and inappropriate responses are going to further normalize biological males identifying as women to normies and cement that position even more strongly in western society.
Just what kind of a spin is this? How does the psychology work? If anything this is going to normalize calling masculine and unconventionally attractive women "men" because influential figures are being extremely egregious about it and every single normie is agreeing about it.

No. 2119809

My friends and I are already talking about how Rowling is gonna come back for this one. We're thinking she's gonna just gonna shift to full tradang LARP territory and run for political office. I know some of you don't have GC friends outside LC (get some if you can!) but most of us are seeing this as what it is: Russian propaganda. They want to make us seem like bumpkins like >>2119800 says, so that we aren't taken seriously, and so that the troon ideology can continued to be pushed to weaken the USA for eventual Orthodox cultural victory.

No. 2119810

>Which russian fighter and where?
NTA but 2023 IBA Women's World Boxing Championships, against Azalia Amineva who had an "unbeatable" record and it was Amineva's first loss. Imane was out three days after her win when she was going to fight for the gold medal. IBA never specified what test she underwent nor did they release official results so it could be entirely bullshit.

No. 2119812

>the second even one trans critical person fucks up, large platform or not, radfem/gc or conservative, it all gets blamed on us anyways.
Yes that's fair, I agree. It seems like that's the case for both sides IMO. I think there's a pattern to the troons but I think it's ridiculous to say that every troon is a rapist like you see on Twitter. That sort of thinking made me delete my account long ago since it's all so tiring.
I'm not trying to spin anything. I'm not very invested in this situation to be honest but I see a lot of the people who are extremely online and invested in the troon issue 24/7 seemingly losing their mind about this right now. I agree with a lot of the points but the repeated chants of "men taking things away from women", "single sex spaces", etc that do make sense overall are being applied to this issue without nuance. I personally don't see the troon topic ever going away in our lifetime. It's going to always be a background topic that most people (me included) are going to get tired of and tangentially related events like this are only going to accelerate common sense talking points being watered down. Sorry if I came off as trying to spin anything. I'm definitely open to being wrong about this.

No. 2119813

Has she been vocal about intersex/DSD athletes?
I'm not sure I actually know her opinion on intersex people in sports, care to enlighten us?

No. 2119816

> seeing as the controversy of men in female sports took off this much due to their bullshit. it might cement the "terf=conservative and backwards" narrative in the minds of a lot of more normie people though.
it could be worse, it could lead to the narrative that terf = transvestigator.

No. 2119818

I'm so sick of hearing about this genetic freak

No. 2119819

>Can anyone speak on how people with that type of DSD would be treated in Algeria.
Can you give any proof for this claim? Faggoogle keeps trying to show me the current shit (Not being accusative genuinely asking as I'm not algerian and it could be each arab nation deals with this condition differently)

No. 2119820

They already do that

No. 2119821

literally just a regular woman with high levels of testosterone… its like calling your mother a genetic freak because she has PCOS

No. 2119822

File: 1722718983564.jpg (1.79 MB, 1462x1909, img_7832-e1520418873473.jpg)

Has everyone forgotten about Caster Semenya?! For a decade we were told the South African runner was just a woman with unusually high testosterone. Any accusations that Caster was a man were also met with "you just think she's a man because she's a WOC". Finally in 2019 authorities admitted Caster is indeed male with the DSD condition 5αR2D, in which a male has internal testes with a underdeveloped penis.

Like Caster Imane is from a developing country. Doctors in these nations don't catch on to these DSD conditions right away. Like Caster Imane is probably a XY DSD individual that is unaware of their condition. I'm thinking Swyer's Syndrome.

No. 2119823

More research shows the Russian Fighter Imane beat is Azalia Amineva in the round of 16, which is suspect as fuck, for Reduxx to say it didn't happen.

And for the IBA ban. Amineva would have only had one loss and that is to Imane:

No. 2119825

When will men with very small penises accept they’re just lesser men and not women? Probably not until they stop getting paid for it.

No. 2119826

can you fuck off already you obvious, dick having, incel? probably russian, too. imane's case couldn't be obviously further than this, especially considering her facial structure, voice, BOOBS, lack of bulge and adam's apple are all apparent.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2119830

People like you are why GC women have a bad reputation and are seen as conservatives.

No. 2119832

So they have lied before then?..hmm

No. 2119837

>If they were assigned female at birth and lived their entire lives as female, they should be considred female
why are you even in the gender ideology hate thread if you actually believe this? sex-based socialization in childhood is foundational to the prescription and maintenance of arbitrary sex roles, and that's what gender ideology is: the construction of categories for certain traits and behaviors, calling them inherent and naturally "male" or "female," and slotting people into them. it doesn't matter if someone wore dresses growing up. it doesn't matter if they were mistaken for female as an infant or treated differently because of it. an adult male is a man.

No. 2119838

File: 1722719554807.jpeg (808.78 KB, 1492x843, 8319797C-4507-4E38-912F-DFAAA2…)

There are men who have boobs and no Adam’s apple. They’re still men.

No. 2119840

Caster was then banned from the olympics and if Imane had the same DSD as her then she would get banned too. Keep posting other random atheletes though, it still doesn't change the fact that you falsely acussed Imane of being a man.

No. 2119841

if she has female sex characteristics (a vagina) then she would be considered a female in algeria. in islam its based off of your external genitalia im pretty sure, as it was before DNA tests.

No. 2119842

Semenya has lost the majority of races she's taken place in the past few years. The whole "intersex women are really men and so they will always beat us real women" is so gay because half the time they don't win anyway and then you realize that it was just a moid distraction technique used to disguise the real issue of AGPs in sports by targeting a smaller less vocal minority group. Happens time and time again.
But Imane's match history demonstrates that she often loses to her competitors. So if someone beat Imane, they could probably beat Amineva. If Imane is a man and only men can win against other men, then are all of Imane's competitors troons as well?
Nooo stop using logic noooo

No. 2119843

You seem close to saying that having a vagina and a uterus can also make you a man. Just admit that you were wrong in this situation and engaged in a bandwagon hate due to your trans hysteria.

No. 2119844

It doesn’t matter if it’s a woman or not, it’s clearly not fit for the olympics anyway. Being an intersex female is still doping. It’s like being on steroids since birth.

No. 2119845

it is suspect that the moid spamming about how imane is tooootallyy like caster (see: >>2119838) won't acknowledge that the main source behind all this tinfoiling is the baseless claims of an uncredited russian org that had their best fighter lose to imane. so much corruption that they quite literally stripped her of her title after the fact. i'm convinced the moid itt is russian, too.

No. 2119850

They probably didn't have the cytogenetic testing results when he was younger, it's a relatively new and expensive technology and hard to access even in the UK where I am.
Not to try and diminish the issue but I have clinical genetics experience and sometimes it takes a very long time to officially confirm these rare types of DSD in the lab with their chromosomes and genetics.

No. 2119851


In a nutshell:
>During the 2023 Women's boxing championships organized by IBA, Russia's darling boxer Azalia Amineva lost against Imane Khelif making it her first loss ever
>Three days after the match Khelif was suddenly disqualified for "failing a gender test", nobody has ever specified what kind of a test this was
>Khelif had competed for years in tournaments organized by IBA with no issues
>The disqualification made Amineva's official record spotless again
>IBA was caught fixing matches during the 2016 Rio Olympics and was ran by Gafur Rakhimov, a literal crime syndicate boss involved in organized crime and heroin trafficking
>Over 30 nations left the IBA as a protest against the corruption and formed World Boxing to govern international boxing and to keep it as an Olympic sport
>After IOC severed ties with the IBA in 2019, Rakhimov resigned and Putin's close associate Umar Kremlev was appointed in his place
>Kremlev moved the majority of IBA's operation to Russia and has scrapped elections to prevent anyone from challenging his leadership
>Kremlev first tried lick the asses of IOC by trying to bribe them with monetary support to worm his way back to the Olympics and when it didn't work, he went on a spree calling the Olympics every name in the book: "This week, he released a series of English-subtitled videos on social media packed with insults, saying the Olympics “burns from pure devilry” and calling Bach “evil” and urging him to “resign urgently.” Kremlev has ended some of them by saying he’s sending Bach diapers so he doesn’t soil himself, then punching the camera." [sic]
>Now he very suspiciously paid the Italian girl who "lost" to Imane a large sum of money, making it very obvious she was paid to throw the fight

So congrats every transvestigator, you fell for Russian info war tactics.

No. 2119852

Don’t care, she still doesn’t belong in the olympics.

No. 2119854

Personally I think if you're assigned female but you have a testosterone level comparable to average males you should not be able to compete in the olympics. This goes for regular women who juice. It's not fair.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2119858

>Being an intersex female is still injecting yourself with foreign masculinizing hormones designed to improve muscle mass.
What are you even talking about??
>I have clinical genetics experience.
If you had a baby, would you be able to tell it's sex right away as soon as you birthed it? And if so, how would you feel if later on that child ended up having a rare intersex disorder that you weren't aware of? This isn't an attack against you I'm just trying to make sense of what this person >>2119742
Can the farmhands permaban this scrote already(scrotefoiling)

No. 2119860

welp, reuters didn't imply the actual reason for imane's disqualification was the russian boxer defeat so idk where you got that greentext from but ok
the 3rd claim remains unsourced
i can get why russia would like to sabotage the olympics with troon-mongering but what still bothers me is that IOC slip-up with the DSD + the lack of information if imane took any legal action after the 2023 IBA championships (cause it's kinda outrageous if they're a woman)
at least now i see there's no point in making any conclusions yet so thanks nonnie

No. 2119862

NTA but it should be enough for a woman to have a vagina and female reproductive system to be considered a female. if Imane does have XY chromosomes, the people expecting her to suddenly identify as a man socially, in Algeria of all places are retarded.

No. 2119864

>everyone who disagrees with me is a scrote
If we allowed masculinised intersex women to compete against us they would push normal women out of sports. None of us would be allowed back in. It’s doping even if it’s natural. Women’s sports would become intersex sports. Hulk is technically human but he wouldn’t be allowed to compete in the UFC.

No. 2119866

That's when I knew we lost the plot. When the actually anti-troon country of Algeria and the greater Islamic world all called bullshit on the IBA and confirmed tht she was a woman, that should have been the end of it.
Hulk is imaginary. He's not real. Imane is real and the other women that all beat her are also real. They aren't like the Hulk. He's from comic books.

No. 2119867

An obvious man who looks, sound and acts like a man getting away with punching women for years for sports is in no way proof that he's really a woman just because he eventually got caught.

I hope the olympics ends soon so the scrotes and handmaidens leave.

No. 2119868

NTA but in reality we just glance at the genitals and say its a boy or girl at birth, no close inspection at that point unless there is something obviously amiss.

No. 2119870

>"assigned at birth is real"
>anons calling a man "she"
jesus this thread can't be saved

No. 2119871

NTA and I don't normally post in this thread. I have a few questions that I would like to ask here if that's alright. The sex-based perspective of an adult male being a man and how that necessarily fits into something like radical feminism is understandable. Obviously feminism should not center men but something that has personally always made me question things a little bit is that it seems to lose the nuance of certain situations. In Imane's case if she was born male but lived as a woman socially I just don't think it's right to call her a man with all the baggage associated with that term. It's the same for other DSDs IMO. I am someone who likes to try and adopt exact viewpoints of things and it seems like blanket applying the logic of radical feminism to all males about their socialization and characteristics (I know this is contentious but this does include some gay moids IMO) just seems too much of an overly online take. The world is nuanced and social media feels like it's trying to turn us all into unnuanced and shallow thinkers who blanket apply ideologies and ideas that were fed to us. I'm not saying thats what you are doing but it just feels incorrect even if in a lot of cases it's not wrong. Am I thinking about this incorrectly (I'm not that well researched about this topic)? I dont think that most people care enough about this subject to think about this that deeply and if anything cases like the response to Imane will just muddy the waters of this whole topic

No. 2119873

Of course the rigid thinker is an autist who can’t comprehend metaphors. Anyway, why doesn’t she just quit boxing if she knows her presence is unwelcome? Almost as if psychopathic male traits are hormonally influenced and present in masculinised females…

No. 2119874

Yeah. That's what I figured. I'm not sure why we're all pretending that every human alive needs a gonad test to be confirmed as a man or a woman.
>The world is nuanced
You're talking to people who haven't stepped into the world for months anon.
Your metaphor was sloppy and stupid.

No. 2119875

I’m going to simplify this for you, we don’t care about the feelings of males or the nuance in their lives. You could raise a wolf as a sheep but it would still be a predator. Ntayrt

No. 2119876

>In Imane's case if HE was born male but lived as a woman socially I just don't think it's right to call HIM a man with all the baggage associated with that term.
Excuse me but what the fuck? The "baggage" with the term "man"? Man is a neutral fucking term that describes all men. He didn't live a single second of his life as a woman, he always lived as a boy and then a man. "Woman" is not a construct, a woman is an adult human female - this man is a male. You should lurk the mtf threads.

No. 2119877

So is any woman that takes anabolic steroids to compete suddenly a man kek?

No. 2119880

They were so anti troon that they crossed back around to pro troon

No. 2119882

No, but she’s not allowed to compete against women because she’s doping. If you’re intersex or a tranny suddenly it’s OK according to the misogyny crowd.

No. 2119883

NTA but If you had a daughter with aromatase deficiency which causes her to develop male secondary sexual characteristics when she enters puberty and you only notice there's a problem when she doesn't get her period, would you still consider her your daughter?

No. 2119885

No it's a moid I'd abort and try again

No. 2119887

>just straight up calling intersex women psychopathic and wolves in sheeps clothing
Stop responding to it guys, it's not arguing in good faith.

No. 2119891

I am genuinely curious, if this was only discovered once she was older, a teenager, would you now consider her male, make her change her name and call her your son?

No. 2119896

Yes and I would beat it everyday for ever having been born intersex and throw it in a big fire and dance around it and sing my tradthot melodies. Might as well have given birth to the Anti-Christ.

No. 2119898

I understand that, but how is it any different than incel men saying all women are x? Why contribute to the atomization of western society where everyone doesnt care about anyone else because of their own rigid viewpoints of the world? We probably agree more than not but I just feel like social media is calcifying every interaction and discussion in our society into rigid structures to the point that it will eventually become brittle and break apart. I just can't participate in it to be honest. It's causing me to sperg anonymously as you can see
It's not a neutral term in womens spaces at all. How can it be?
>he always lived as a boy and then a man
How can you know that? We literally don't know Imane's situation nonny. Why can't we all just admit that we don't know anything for sure??
I know it's not in good faith but I see this pattern everywhere. All over the news, all over society. Maybe it's always been there but it's suffocating. Even in places where we are supposed to be comfortable and think outside the norm we are forced to be ideological worker bees unknowingly building our little honeycombs of ideas in the hive without even realizing that we aren't being unique

No. 2119900

I wouldn’t change his name but if the doctors diagnosed him as male he would now be my son. If you weren’t indoctrinated by gender ideology you would know this doesn’t mean you need to change something about yourself. He can be a man with a girly name and clothes.

No. 2119903

please for the love of fucking god let's all shut the fuck up about the olympics until actual new info comes out. if imane is male, sure, rag on him for beating women, but at this moment we don't fucking know and it's a likely possibility you all are just dragging a woman with a dsd through the mud and transvestigating her like a fucking schizo alt right retard. take a fucking sedative, turn off your wifi and take a fucking nap you rabid faggots.