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No. 405991
>FromSoftware, Inc. is a Japanese video game development company founded in November 1986 and a subsidiary of Kadokawa Corporation. The company is best known for their Armored Core and Souls series, including the related games Bloodborne, Sekiro, and Elden Ring.Talk about Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro, and Elden Ring, Armored Core or any other Fromsoft games you like here! Help each other out, post pics of your protagonists, talk about your favorite pieces of lore, your husbandos/waifus, etc.
>>197446 No. 406000
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After 11 painful hours spread over 3 days, I finally beat the final boss of SOTE.
Anybody else disappointed with the final fight as well as the ending? I hated that they brought back Radhan (who is the most non-character out of all the demigods) just to pander to powerscaling fanboys who were like hurr durr I wanna fight Radahn at his peak. Miq and Radahn had absolutely no connection in the base game. By all intents and purposes it should have been Godwyn. Not to mention the entire fight is terribly unbalanced so much that only a certain number of builds are viable, which is a great shame. My colossal greatsword daughter was by my side for the entire 250 hours I spent playing the game and at the last moment, I had to switch her out for something else to be able to defeat him. I hate him just for that. It's also super anticlimactic once you kill them you have a memory that just… Says what Miquella already said two times at that point. That he wanted Radahn to be his consort. Megayawn. I honestly felt like a lot of stuff from the base game was retconned in the DLC, and that it felt rushed and unfinished in parts. The DLC ends on such a disappointing note it sours the whole experience a bit to be honest.
Nonnies who've finished it, what were your thoughts? How many hours did it take you to beat the final boss?
On an unrelated note, Thiollier best cutest boy.
No. 406002
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>>406000i'll let you know when i do it… tbh, i'm putting off finishing SOTE. i'm pretty sure i have all the sites of grace unlocked and am done with the DLC aside from the final boss but i keep hearing it's so bad and annoying. if i'm being honest i'll probably just let summons kill it for me, i don't have the patience for a lot of the ER bosses since they feel like complete bullshit. like, i'm replaying bloodborne right now, and i felt like BSB was very annoying, but even that boss is less obnoxious than… most of the ER bosses? feels like so many ER bosses are the "hyper-aggressive massive damage output and also heals and has to have a second or third phase" thing it's almost a meme. for instance, i think malenia is the worst boss in the entire series solely for how fucking retardedly overtuned she is. (don't talk to me about bed of chaos since it's an obvious rushed oversight of a boss and really not that hard.) malenia is just… stupid. compare her to, like, isshin sword saint, who is extremely difficult and long but VERY fair and feels great to fight. he's a masterpeice of a boss of a video game, testing everything you've learned. malenia is just "hurr durr heal myself constantly and then bomb the whole arena in my second phase" and it's cheap. malenia is a stupid fight and people who say otherwise just think malenia is hot. apologies for the tldr.
related to your post i'm sure i'll hate the final boss too.
No. 406004
>>406002I still haven't beaten Malenia lmao. I'm happy just leaving her chilling in the Haligtree, believing her brother is still there. But really I didn't want to deal with her before the DLC came out and now I'm not sure I want to deal with her actually. But from what I hear she's fairer than the final boss of SOTE. I need some time off from Elden Ring after that one, it was an awful experience and I didn't even feel good beating it.
Isshin is my favourite final boss of all time and Sekiro is my favourite From game. I think that game is actually perfect and I'm still upset they scrapped the DLC to make Incest Ringu. I did like ER but to be honest, I'm tired of it now, especially knowing how
unfinished the lore is now. Oh the irony, GRRM. I hope From goes back to making things like Sekiro and BB and ditches the DS 789 weapons formula, their best games are the ones where the weapons are limited and you're forced to master the playstyle completely.
No. 406015
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>>406004yeah, bloodborne and sekiro imo have less replay value due to the limited builds, but also, they feel more tight and realized as games. dark souls 1 is forever my favorite since it was the starting point of my love for fromsoft games, but i recognize it's not the best in the series either.
i really enjoyed elden ring as a game. hated the lore, which is why i chose
the ending where you destroy the entire world as my first. i've 100%ed the game and absolutely love the world itself and the lore of the people living in it, but i couldn't give less of a shit about the empyreans.
No. 406084
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>>406067agreed. it's retarded how sony refuses to allow a pc release even now. they'd make a fortune. i'd personally love to be able to play online again, since i'm replaying now and it feels lonely without messages and ghosts and all that, but like fuck i'm going to pay for ps+. pretty sure every bloodborne fan would buy a second copy on pc even if absolutely nothing was changed or remastered and it was the same original price too.
No. 406117
>>406000I haven't beaten him but I think it's dumb af.
Miquellas plan relies on Malenia killing Radhan and then some other random person killing Mogh. I don't think it should have been Godwyn since he had a plot in the main game. Ideally I would've liked it to be something around the Gloam-Eyed Queen. Maybe Miq resurrects her since she was the only one who seemed to challenge MarikaBoss fight sucks too. I'm going to have to respec and cheese it.
No. 406123
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This guy went so hard on his voice lines I’m still a little in shock and how fun and cinematic he made the fight with Bayle feel. Really some of the most fun voice acting in all of FS imo
No. 406177
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even if we admit that part of the deal Miq made with Radahn involved letting Malenia kill him, then who would have been the one to kill Mogh? Assuming Miq also charmed Mogh into kidnapping him and ruining the Haligtree he worked so hard for. What was the point of the whole Mogh business anyway? Did he need to share Mogh's bloody bedchamber in order to access the Shadowlands somehow? There is nothing on this point. Was Malenia supposed to kill Mogh, upon coming back to the Haligtree and not seeing Miq in his cocoon? No, because not only did she almost die fighting Radahn, she had to be brought back by her knight barely alive and then just sat there like an idiot not even realising Miquella was gone. Why did Radahn fight her nearly to the death if he had already agreed to be killed in order to be resurrected as his consort? Why did Malenia bloom in order to kill him, when she rejected the rot? Was Mogh just a replacement dead body that was on hand? And who got Mogh's body into the Shadowlands after all?
It just doesn't make any sense and stinks of retcon everywhere. I disagree when it comes to Godwyn, Miquella was already trying to resurrect him and the only reason that he couldn't was because Radahn was halting the stars, so the eclipse couldn't happen. Killing Radahn makes it 100% possible for Miquella to be able to resurrect Godwyn's soul, and would have made more sense than fanservice, silent and emotionless Radahn. After all, "the Lord's soul needs a vessel", meaning that it doesn't matter that Godwyn's body is still alive. His soul is dead, and could have been placed in a new vessel perfectly.
I also don't understand why we don't get the choice to become Miquella's Lord after killing Radahn, since we get the exact same option with Ranni. It makes no sense to kill them both at once, and it's actually strange since the remembrance is called something like "remembrance of a God and Lord" but the description only says "remembrance of Radahn". This is the first time I'm actually unhappy with Fromsoft's narrative choices. No. 406191
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>>406000I agree with you.
It made no sense that Radahn was the final boss. He looked cool, yes, but the whole fight was like Twin Princes all over again but way shittier. I HATED the meteorite surprise attack he does in the final phase, like even that had to be recycled from the base game. It was so cheap. I rebirthed my character so I could use Rivers of Blood and the sick new spell Impenetrable Thorns and I also summoned a tank player to help me with the boss. We smashed Radahn and the long-haired twink into oblivion. I will never do that fight again.Otherwise it was a nice dlc and I had fun with it. Not a 10/10 though.
No. 406197
>>406000i'm ngl i think the anger over the lore is silly…what is the difference between a ten second clip 3 years ago and one today. also
>miquella wants to be strong>picks the strongest god to accomplish that >had a good relationship with his dad, who had red hair (as is evident by multiple in game items) >rads has red hair >their whole setup mirrors hoarah loux, first elden lord: can be assumed this is to evoke the same sense of awe hoarah loux did >>inb4 why not use malenia maybe he didn't want to puppet his sister around like he's puppeting rad because he loves her. i dunno
>>406177>why did he get nabbed by mohg it could be that he's a manipulative shithead (also hinted by a few items in the main game, look at bewitching branch) and had to go the long way around to avoid detection by outside parties, or maybe mohg was supposed to get recruited and wanted to steal miquella's powers for himself, etc. it's not really too crazy or too out there
No. 406360
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>>406328I don't want to have a remake (especially if it's made by Bluepoint). A remaster would be better imo.
No. 406367
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>>406328soul vs soulless. everything in the original DES has this sort of dreamy quality, like everything is a bit foggy and unnatural, and the color palettes all look like they came from the same source. the remake was obviously made with love, but it's been turned into high-detail western pop-fantasy slop. the remake could be from any game. the original DES graphics have an extremely distinct quality, like a singular artist's vision come to life.
and let's not even talk about the dark souls remaster that just made everything look like rubber.
if bloodborne got a remaster i'd only want it to fix the horrible loading times. replaying it now, it's still a spectacle, utterly gorgeous.
No. 406369
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shadow of the colossus also had this problem and the changes are remarkably similar to DES. these phantasmagoric green-yellow worlds with a mix of intense light and intense shadow, ground down into what looks popular in 202X.
No. 406420
>>406328Remaking it would be completely pointless, it's a PS4 game, not an NES game, it will hold up for a very long time. I don't think a remaster would be useful too, just a PC/PS5 port with fixing the loading time and the framerate would be enough.
>>406367Let's not even talk about the music, the original score was somber chamber music that fit the suffocating and oppressive atmosphere of the world, in the remake it's just generic bombastic orchestral music.
>>406369Damn, is it the Sony execs who ask them to do these boring changes just to follow trends or does Bluepoint just not get it?
No. 408031
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should i pay $9.99 to gain access to the cum dungeon
No. 408196
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No. 408197
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No. 408198
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No. 408200
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I want to get a Ludwig tattoo since he is one of my favorite characters of all time but since he is ugly (no offense to him) I'm afraid it would look like some kind of tumor, any ideas on how I could make something subtle? I would prefer black and grey tattoo but with the moonlight greatsword some turquoise highlights would be inevitable imo.
No. 408215
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>>408200I don't think you should show much of him because, ya know mutant horse man, but something like pic related but moonveil in front of him and like half his face behind it. Black bits are tatted, everything else is skin. If you want to add pain you can pop in turquoise highlights but color fades and it might look bad after a few months.
You could go for the emblem of the Healing Church which is more subtitle but then you may look like a Christfag
No. 408305
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>>408200ludwig is one of the scariest and ugliest video game characters ever made, don't get a tat of him specifically.
my recommendation is to get the moonlight sword on its own. sword tats are awesome.
No. 408476
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No. 408504
>>406015Frenzied Stacy?
>>406000>>406002Malenia and Prom Queen Radahn are terrible bosses, what a waste of her story and design. She was the poster girl, star of the original story trailer and had a questline's worth of screen time as proto-Millicent before getting cut down into an optional boss. Radahn is not clever or fun to beat, involving him with Miquella made their stories too messy and answered nothing and the heartstealing gimmick was just boring. I agree it feels rushed.
I think collaborating with GRRM was the mistake that led to this. His strength as an author was meant to fulfil their goals of making a stronger story but since he was only there to write them the background I believe they floundered when left with his Western style, character-driven fantasies on the paper. Try to reconcile that with FS's breadcrumb storytelling and you get this visually gorgeous hydra that goes in many directions but doesn't properly give closure to anything. Maybe if they only worked with their homegrown ideas such as the dream brew stuff it wouldn't have felt so disjointed while the Marika royal family plot tumour swallows everything (and they still couldn't tell us more about Melina or Godwyn while Mohg becomes a posthumous plot device).
I still believe in Miyazaki, from what I read I don't think Elden Ring is his baby, his Bloodborne 2 if you will. He's yet to make that game and when he does he'll blow us all away once again.
No. 408514
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>>408504>I believe they floundered when left with his Western style, character-driven fantasies on the paper.i agree that elden ring has a bad story but miyazaki based almost all of his work on western fantasy novels he tried to read (but struggled since he didn't read english). he's very, very familiar with the genre. i feel like GRRM barely contributed and only gave them a skeleton, since we all know GRRM barely puts effort into writing anymore (nor does he have to, he could spend the rest of his life living off GOT residuals). i don't know what went wrong, though. usually i find myself liking the "main characters" of the games, the ones who influence the world and story the most. i just fucking hated the empyreans and all their family drama. it's all so boring. doesn't help that i hate them as characters except for malenia, ranni and rykard. radagaon is also okay i guess. messmer feels like a complete waste of an incredibly cool design. how the fuck is he not even the main character of the DLC??
i guess i'm just not a fan of these godly beings who come off as assholes who literally never did anything worth admiring. they warred with each other. fucking gwyn fought a war against dragons. the moon presence is an elder god who wants to kill other elder gods. isshin wants to defend his clan and praises your strength even after being defeated.
the empyreans are a bunch of unlikeable power-obsessed despot cunts who ruined the world due to petty family drama. also incest. why is there so much incest? i don't care.
No. 408695
>>408514He might be familiar with it but that doesn't mean he's good at recreating the build up and climax or the tropes of a Western novel, especially when he's trying to make video games instead and as you said he doesn't really know English. GRRM not pitching in properly was a missed opportunity and the stuff he did contribute gave us a poo man and the backdrop for shittier Twin Princes. The Empyrean thing is a good example of the problem, they weren't being mysterious about it yet people still don't actually know what an Empyrean is and assume it's a race or something inherited when it's a title bestowed by the Two Fingers to show you're eligible to take a consort, get your own Fingers and become a god.
Yeah I'm starting to hate that picrelated.
No. 408715
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>>408695>>408696someone got mad at me for saying "who even plays fromsoft games for the story?" like, i love the lore, but the storytelling? it's always been really mysterious and that's what it's known for. that's what most players like. a lot of the anger directed at SOTE that doesn't concern gameplay seems to be people pissed off that "the story doesn't make sense". like… okay? are you playing fromsoft games for the story? that doesn't make any sense to me. people play fromsoft games for the badass aesthetics, fun gameplay, interesting npcs, and cool lore. not the storylines. does it make sense the way i'm phrasing it? i fucking love the lore of all the games but i'm not going into it like "oh boy i can't wait to see the narrative unfold" because that's always felt like a weak point in fromsoft games and it doesn't matter that it is. we aren't playing a fucking witcher game.
No. 408737
>>408715>someone got mad at me for saying "who even plays fromsoft games for the story?"Kek I sure don't, I open the games and slay enemies but the lore still bugs me. I still read the item descriptions because I like them.
>the badass aesthetics, fun gameplay, interesting npcs, and cool loreIdk, they're still top tier in all these classes but npcs and background lore are the tools to tell that story, and I think the scope of what they want to cram into the Lands Between starts falling apart when comveyed exclusively like Zanzibart.txt. Ranni's questline is better off for not being like that whereas Millicent's was a bit disappointing because she has all those ties to Malenia, only to die at the end in the way she does and you go off to kill Malenia which achieves nothing and she doesn't acknowledge her. Something like that might better fit Thiollier though I'm glad he lived. They are trying to be more conventional, the plotline for Miquella's followers with Thiollier and Ansbach is the biggest example of non-breadcrumb storytelling with the first instance of inter-NPC dialogue during gameplay. I'm not saying they have to make it super cinematic, it's not their wheelhouse but they sure are having growing pains when doing it with the Souls formula.
Look at it this way, Elden Ring mechanically really feels like Dark Souls 4 and there's only so much that can be expressed with NPCs that stand in one spot and say lines when you press A. Worst example of how bad it can be is when you have to run back and forth between Hewg and Roderika at Roundtable Hold to progress what's supposed to be their budding tutorship and then they sit there 5 feet apart in the same corridor for the rest of the game. In SOTE we get the complexity of Leda and co's questlines and NPC summons who speak directly to the bosses, though it's still largely a courier quest. That's a lot of steps forward but when there's every other character and major pillars of lore who gets shafted like Melina it's hard to not think what on earth were they doing throughout development to have to shuffle things around so badly? It sounds like that's been the case since DeS. You're not wrong for not giving a fuck and playing it for the pure atmosphere and fights, it's just strange to be asked not to care about said weak points when they're doing something about it and ER's world isn't meant to be like Dark Souls where all the interesting events and people are long gone and (You) are a major player in the field of events, the player is in the intro cinematic.
No. 409004
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i love alfred
No. 409005
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should be able to kiss him in game
No. 409022
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>>409004Good taste. He is a
problematic fave of mine.
No. 409097
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problematic? you feel bad for vilebloods? personally i don't care, i think people headcanon they're some poor misunderstood class of people but i say fuck 'em, they're a bunch of rich assholes living in a castle. i've seen people call alfred "racist" as if the vilebloods, who seem to just be aristocrats consuming blood a certain way, are an actual ethnicity of people lol. it's left vague on purpose because neither group is right or wrong.
No. 409313
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>>409097I don't feel bad for Vilebloods. I remembered him being super misogynist towards Annalise, but now that I checked the dialogue he wasn't that bad. He would've 100% mocked Annalise if she was a man. I believe I mixed a quote from D (Elden Ring) with what Alfred says to Annalise because these two characters are really similar.
No. 409444
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>>409313yeah i don't think alfred is misogynistic. he hates any vileblood. it'd be dumb to be misogynistic in the bloodborne universe anyway since it's probably the most "strong female character" vibes of any of the fromsoft games, as far as i remember the only instance of misogyny comes from that annoying lady you pick up from the hypogean gaol who hates arianna for being a prostitute.
No. 409664
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>>409444Absolutely. Bloodborne is a female-themed game (and it doesn't try to hide it) and that's why trannies flock to it.
Anyway I love Eileen the Crow so much, she's the best girl of soulsborne for me. I love she's an older woman and she has a cool armour set as well
No. 409760
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>>409664trannies flock to every game tbh try not to let it bother you too much.
as far as eileen, i love when people draw her as a black woman since her VA is black.
No. 409761
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No. 411067
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just fought lady maria for the first time, man she was fun. they really fucked it up with malenia. too bad such a cool design went to such a shit bossfight.
No. 412212
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No. 412645
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>>412349imma be honest i just turned on a trainer and made myself invincible. i was not gonna give that faggy bossfight the time of day. fuck radahn and fuck miquella i hate these boring characters.
the rest of the dlc was pretty impressive thought aside from a lot of empty areas. still felt like i got my money's worth.
No. 413647
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Cloak-less Messmer really highlights how weird his proportions are.
No. 413718
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No. 420174
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Bloodborne bump!
Happy spooky season nonnies, is anyone else heading back to Yharnam for Halloween?
No. 421488
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>>420811what like developer messages? that's weird.
also what's your favorite starting class in ER anons? not really for stats but looks/aesthetic. i am partial to the vagabond and prisoner.
No. 421747
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>>420174no, but only because my ps+ ran out and i don't want to renew
however i did platinum the game last month and i'm proud of that
No. 421958
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>>421508A hoonter must hoont! I'm ashamed to say she's currently bleeding out on the Cathedral steps in my game as I couldn't kill that Bloody Crow yet (picrel).
>>421747That's awesome
nonnie, I'm going for the plat this time since I've never completed the chalice dungeons. I've been playing them coop with my brother and it's a ton of fun but I can't imagine how rough they are solo. Great job!
No. 421962
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>>421958thanks anon! fortunately i had help with a couple of the bosses, but there was one in particular that fucked me up so much it was almost as difficult as trying to beat orphan of kos (i platted the dlc too). you can do it!
No. 440304
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>>440277>RISE TOGETHER>Join forces with other players to take on the creeping night and the dangers within featuring 3-player co-op.>BECOME A HERO>Take command of uniquely skilled heroes, each possessing their own abilities and distinct flair. While individually powerful, their skills grow even more formidable when united as a team.>TAKE ON THE NIGHT>Overcome a relentless environmental threat that sweeps through a land that changes between each game session and defeat the magnificent boss of that night!Guess it's Elden Ring roguelike set during the Shattering?
>>440289Dancer of the Boreal Valley (1:36) and DS3 style Firekeeper at (1:46) too.
The DS Twitter kinda confirms it's the same characters? I doubt this is canon either way. Sounds like a best of remix.
No. 440305
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>>440304samefag. It's one or three player. Weird
No. 440592
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>>440360I saw some videos on Youtube and honestly I don't think it's that dumb to have an AC vs a tarnished. They're about the size of Radahn. A bit quicker yeah but cool downs are big in Armoured Core. Comet Azure, Gelmir's Fury and Night Comet could reasonable make a tarnished be able to defeat one
No. 441685
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love how the games have an obligatory "just some guy" mob. i camped out in darkroot garden just to watch the little mushrooms toddle about. so fucking cute
No. 441729
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>>440360>bloodbornei feel like sony would sue them to hell for that (unless they already got away with it before?) but i'd love to see some sekiro enemies return. it's interesting, the game feels kinda cheap but i can't deny it does sound like a fun time. where we droppin nonas
No. 442877
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Just started ds2 and Im enjoying it much more than anticipated! The only glaring flaw that I understand the hate for are the shitty keyboard/mouse controls; Ive managed to get by but Ill miss being able to actually parry + riposte, its just annoying to get the timing right when youre better off going for a backstab instead. regardless, im excited to go through the rest of the game! I just cleared heide's tower of fire and im so fucking glad to be done with those shitty knights. Having to go through them is 10x harder than facing the dragon + corresponding boss fights in the area, what the fuck was formsoft thinking adding these broken ass shits in the baby starting area
No. 443584
>>442877>Having to go through them is 10x harder than facing the dragon + corresponding boss fights in the area, what the fuck was formsoft thinking adding these broken ass shits in the baby starting areaOldish post but still, funny how you mention that, because all that stuff wasn't even part of the vanilla game. The only enemies at Heide's were the big knights and nothing else, the Heide knights and the dragon were added later in the Scholar of the first sin edition, Heide knights were rare non-respawning enemies that you found spread across the game.
I have no idea what were they thinking either, because the Dragon Rider is still a massive pushover who is now 10x times even easier than the area he's found in.
No. 443591
>>443584That makes so much sense. It seems like every QoL fix they added in SotfS had to be cancelled out with some completely unnecessary addition nobody asked for because its dark souls 2. I personally dont mind the addition of the dragon since the giant knights are butt easy to bait, but FUCK the 2 heide knights that are just before the old dragon slayer's fog wall.
(also funny you mention the dragon rider being a pushover because he quite literally got pushed off the arena 5 seconds into the fight during my first run LMAO)
No. 443634
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>>443609I almost bought a PS5 just so I could play bloodborne
and demon souls but pulled back because Im a cheap bastard kek. Glad to know the original DS is emulatable on PC, i honestly prefer the more ethereal and nostalgic graphics of the original vs the sleek and shiny remaster
apparently they shortened the walk back to king allant's boss room in the remaster and the elevator up still takes 15 seconds to get there KEK No. 443635
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>>443634i have demon's souls on emulator since i didn't want to buy a whole ps3 just for it, like i did with bloodborne. i also vastly prefer the old graphics.
i stopped playing for awhile and forgot what the hell i was doing but i love it.
No. 443641
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>>443637i think i was taking a break during tower of latria because it was so intense (i'm playing totally blind with no guides so kept getting lost.) i definitely beat the boss, the fool's idol, so i'm not sure if i beat the whole area or not… fuck.
No. 443644
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>>443641You are so much better than me cause no matter how hard I try to go in blind, the moment i hit a wall or a specific enemy pisses me off I instantly google a guide on wtf to do. Tomb of Giants especially fucked me up when I was feeling cocky navigating the catacombs blind and finding the secret bonfire on my own. never again.
No. 443657
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>>443644i never used a guide for my first fromsoft game, which was dark souls 1. that's the game where i quit out of rage for an entire month just on the bell gargoyles before coming back. i was stubbornly determined to do it without getting any help. i didn't even know about summoning help (i think i just skimmed past solaire's explanation of it and didn't understand humanity very well), so i didn't summon anyone for anything my first run. let me tell you, i almost cried from relief when i found that secret bonfire in TOTG. i ended up falling in love with that feeling of suffering but managing to come out victorious.
No. 443658
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I feel so bad… I just found out that the dragon knights don't aggro unless you attack them or run past the drake keepers and Ive been brute forcing my way through the aerie when I could've just avoided it in the first place by not sniping the knights the moment I catch eye on them. I initially thought the knights bowing to you was cocky as hell and it pissed me off but it turns out they were being chivalrous and giving you polite formalities. I am so sorry dragon bros
No. 443663
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>>443657Oh man that takes me back to when I didnt know you had to switch weapons in the beginning of the game and rage quit for months because I couldnt land a dent on the hollows with the broken sword. I'm a little too far into my current game to continue blind but I might just do the DLCs without guides in honour of you kek
No. 443684
>>443534Elden Ring, Dark Souls 1-3 and Demon's Souls, and I love them all dearly!
>>443548Yes exactly! Not pulling your leg! It's a little tricky setting it up, but since the video first dropped the emulator got a lot of updates. The hardest part for me was hunting down the pkg files
No. 443918
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Just completed dark souls 2! I'm confused on how the ending connects to the lore, but man do I regret not throwing on my best robes before usurping the throne.
Its honestly not as bad of a game as people make it to be, its brutal for sure but there hasn't really been an area I would deem completely unfair or unmitigable by just over levelling your character or gitting gud. I'll probably just watch a lore video to comprehend the plot since I struggle with fromsoft's vague storytelling.
I have DS3 bought and ready though Im wondering if the season pack ever goes on sale and if I should wait until I beat the game before getting the DLCs legitimately
No. 444006
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>>443676Kek, this is definitely true.
I'm feeling like picrel. I deleted ER from my PC because I needed space for RDR2. I hope I will not regret this…
No. 444146
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i love solaire so much gwaaaa
No. 444167
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>>443918If your confused
nonnie I can give can give a short DS2 summary without spoiling DS3
Essentially there's a cycle of an Age of Fire followed by an Age of Dark. DS1 took place during the first Age of Fire. The Age of Fire can be prolonged by tossing yourself in the Kiln of the First Flame. Dark will win after a while and Fire will rekindle some time after that. The other Lord Souls from DS1 will reincarnate to others. That's why in NG+ runs their names are different (also some other stuff changes which I wish FromSoft would revisit). DS2 takes places after many cycles of Ages of Fire and Dark. The DLC takes place during other ages. When one age is prolonged too long time and space get all convoluted and mash into each other. That's why you can take a lift up a windmill to the top of a volcano or fight against bosses that should be long dead. Preserving an age or moving to the next age fixes things. Tree boy Aldia found a way to leave the cycle.DS2 was my first Souls game and had my favourite character Lucatiel of Myrra.
No. 444172
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>>444167Thank you so much for taking the time to write up a summary! I understand a bit more now and realized that I missed out on a lot of context in both games by not reading item descriptions…
I also loved Lucatiel! Though I think I wasn't able to complete her questline since I last saw her in no-man's wharf. It seriously baffles me how people manage to do souls questlines completely blind, plus
I just discovered I missed crucial dialogue with emerald herald that explains her backstory because I ended up having to backtrack to an area I missed out and couldnt find her near the throne room where shes supposed to be when i came back sigh No. 444505
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opening dark souls 3 for the first time and being met with the most spine chilling orchestral soundtrack that only plays on the title screen
No. 445045
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cute pic dump
No. 445046
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No. 445047
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No. 445048
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No. 445170
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>>445049KEKKK love this one! Ill start dumping some photos of my own
No. 445173
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No. 445174
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No. 445175
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No. 445176
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No. 445177
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No. 445178
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big hat logan is incredibly underappreciated
No. 445198
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Accidentally corrupted my dark souls files so now I have to start over starting from remastered. Im not even mad about my lost progress Im more pissed I have to redo character customization for 4 characters ugh… at least I know my way around so it shouldnt be too bad to replay
No. 445218
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>>445183i agree, i like how tall he is. or wolf is just a short king
>>445198how did you corrupt it? very sorry anon…
No. 445220
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>>445174>cat eared helmetso cute
No. 445232
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>>445218I accidentally moved my game files to the wrong hard drive which broke the files completely… alas I wasnt able to recover a single thing and had to reinstall all of it.
Im doing a replay of DS1 at the moment and its hard to believe I struggled so hard with undead burg when I first played. I blew through it in like 5 minutes and Im already on my way to the bell gargolyes
No. 445254
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>>445218I feel like wolf is slighty shorter than average…a tall shinobi doesnt make much sense to me. Genichiro is definitely huge though
No. 445259
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>walk into your abode
>see this
No. 449572
Halfway through bloodborne and is my least favourite so far. I know, massively unpopular opinion. Its a good game and its very pretty, I just don't care much for the combat compared to ds, er and sekiro. I love the dance/chess feeling of the others, while bb is just dashing, hitting a couple times, dashing, hitting again, rinse and repeat. I don't feel accomplished when I beat enemies/bosses like I did in the other games. I get why people prefer this style of combat, just mindlessly hitting, but its just not as fun for me personally.
No. 450209
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I love Bloodborne, it's one of my favorite games of all time but I'm sick of people asking for a sequel or a spin-off, can't they just be happy with the game as it is? A remaster for modern consoles or a PC port, yeah no problem, but I feel new content would break the mystique (like the Demon's Souls remake), I wish Dark Souls didn't have sequels either.
No. 458625
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anons i'm committing to this achievement. i already fucked it up but it's fine since you have to replay the game like 3 times anyway. what a pain. but i want to finally 100% DS1
No. 459111
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No. 459593
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>witch in Nightreign is a generic titty woman
Et tu, FromSoft?
No. 459599
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>>459593Female character design in general is returning to the dark ages, I swear. Absolutely no hope in gaming.
No. 459612
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I like the Bloodborne esque character but she looks a bit too clean for a Souls game. There's usually a weathered look about characters clothing.
>>459593There's always unfortunately been one or two fanservicey character in each game (member Gwynevere?) I'm sure it won't take over all the designs. Unless they are selling skins, then fuck it all.
Did anyone get the network test? It's seem like no codes for PC, only console atm.
No. 459614
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Samefag. Other two classes revealed. Knight and bird
No. 459652
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>>459599>>459612>>459614i doubt miyazaki had much creative input here. it looks like that embarrassing code vein shit. soulless. also it has "battle royale" mechanics. this just seems like capitalizing on a popular IP type slop.
No. 459653
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always remember that miyazaki never wanted to include the giant titty design of gwynevere in DS1. he didn't like it, but allowed it to pass because his friend designed it and was proud of it or something. probably the same faggot who made the ugly nightreign designs
No. 459668
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>>459656i feel like miyazaki is the only one on the team who has a dedication to preserving what he loved about western fantasy that he read growing up, particularly the designs. he's just astoundingly creative with armor and outfits that tell you so much about the origins of where a character comes from, their aesthetic choices and principles. he's obsessed with creating lands that spawn a certain type of people and those people traveling to mysterious kingdoms where they all come together in a melting pot and you get the privilege of reading bits of their history. he doesn't make designs to be lustfully gazed at by some guy who can jerk himself off in 30 seconds to some anime porn. he absolutely loved reading western fantasy novels growing up and wants to translate that to his soulsborne games.
No. 460283
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i am still shocked at how fucking shit nightreign looks
No. 460395
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>>460283Same. I already wasn't that stoked when the trailer dropped, and given the female characters (so far) are Anime Titty Sorceress and We Have Lady Maria At Home, I care even less.
Still gonna play it, though, if I'm being honest. No. 461139
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>>460395it's hard to explain but disregarding the other shit designs, the warrior, which should be the most easy for them to design to look like miyazaki's style, also fails. it looks blobby and sci-fi-ish more than innovative and time-accurate armor design. even miyazaki's more crazy designs still feel uniquely him. the guy can make the most basic suit of armor look incredibly cool and fresh.
No. 461783
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>>461225>ER knight looks like shittake that back. i love his whore's helmet
No. 463043
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Please say sike, this will end up so ass.
No. 463718
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>>463043i could see it MAYBE being a series focused on marika's bloodline. there's way too much shit to cram into a movie especially if the main character is just a tarnished. too many movies these days that adapt an existing IP should hav been tv series.
but hopefully it will just remain in production purgatory instead.