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No. 1413396
Notable cows:
Hybrid vigour/black knight fool:
>Canadian>Will accuse women he disagrees with of being lesbians, masculine, or radical feminists. >Calls other men gay/incels when he has incelish tendencies and a high pitched voice himself.>Constantly accuses others of being mentally ill when he obviously is himself.>Claims to hate BW despite talking about them constantly.>Will post a wall of incoherent verbal diarrhea in the comments sections of videos either insulting the uploader or stroking his own ego.>Uses white nationalist talking points.Caesar Cannon:
>A literal criminal. >A wannabe cult leader that uses occult symbols in his videos and thinks he has spiritual powers.>His commenters/audience act like creepy cult members and even call him "patriarch".Golden Goddess:
>Gets into online drama constantly despite being like 50.>Husband left her because she was slutty and insufferable.Smiles and the twisted MD:
>Claims to be a doctor but has time to do 2-3 hour long livestreams almost daily.>Starts drama with others and has deranged, angry fits for no reason at all.>Recently got exposed as a white woman pretending to be mixed.Hybrid vigour channel: channel: Cannon's channel: Goddess channel: No. 1489165
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>>1487957Here's a screenshot for context.
No. 1625814
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Here's some background information on the possible creator of this thread.
His name is Atlantic Creole/Beige Pill/Kyle Griffiths and he's a known predator and stalker of the goldensphere and is a lolcow himself.
>Pretends to be pro black but has called black people apes and slurs.>Has a rap sheet of stalking and sexually harassing both men and women.>Has doxxed multiple people and made death threats.>Has allegedly exchanged nudes with a 13 year old boy and has a collection of CP. Falsely accuses other people of being pedos despite this.>Bragged about molesting his own father once and how he got away with it.>Acts like an intersectional feminist but calls women he's jealous of whores and thots, especially mixed women.>Tries to get women harmed repeatedly and puts children in dangerHis YouTube channels: Twitter No. 1703247
>>1632101I don't normally post on /snow/ or but here is some discord invite on his channel and his channel link.
These people are nothing but pure drama. No. 1703538
>>1632101this is not shawn seguin
that's someone else No. 1794196
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The lore behind the Atlantic creole/beige pill
>Was once a struggle actor and book writer under the stage name "Parys Sylver". Who tried to falsely accuse Michael Jackson of molesting him to get a come up.>Pretends to be pro black but has called black people n1gg3rs and "coon kids" on his Parys Sylver Twitter account.>Is extremely homophobic despite being bisexual.>Is a social worker who's allegedly involved in sex trafficking and allegedly raped his clients.>allegedly manipulated a disabled woman and killed her dog.>allegedly sodomized a young boy and held a knife to his throat. Falsely accuses other people of being pedos despite this.>Is overweight.>Has a history of making false police reports.His pages: old twitter account accounts: against him page about him: smearing MJ for publicity No. 1794683
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>>1794196Hey hey hey it's fat Albert
No. 1795547
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>>1794683Parys Sylver aka the Atlantic creole has a rap sheet. Are we really surprised?
No. 1805949
>>1794198Hello. Do you have more of these Parys Sylver posts archived? If so, could you share them?
This writing style looks very, very similar to a few other accounts on Twitter.
No. 1806109
>>1806031>>1805999Thank you so much. This stylometry appears to be the exact same writing style as the @biracialthingz twitter account, the @BiracialAF twitter account and the @Biracial_League twitter account.
Whoever is behind those accounts is likely the same person.
No. 1806113
>>1805999There is another Twitter account, @kultur21_
It looks just like the Parys account with the excessive N-word usage and the " 's " on plural words. Even the grammar is similar.
No. 1813075
Atlantic Creole/Parys Sylver/Reese Riley Smith is allegedly connected to Chris Stokes, a known sexual predator in the music industry as well as Marques Houston
Whose wife was a missing person for 5 years. I guess Angry Biracial saying that he has ties to sex trafficking, pedophilia and other deplorable things isn't too far fetched. Maybe he knows some things we don't. No. 1813333
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>>1813075Here's some proof of Chris Stokes following him on his Parys Sylver account because they are close
No. 1826845
>>1826841Bobbi Jo aka Golden Goddess aka bobbibobkat1 is 41 and is a trailer park slut with a fat ass White mammy and she has gone to jail so much, she could win an Olympic medal.
How pitiful it is that these are grown ass people acting so fucking puerile and embarrassing. These fools do not speak for mixed people, they speak for this Lipstick Alley x FBA x Creolestan larp they have going on.
(so much samefagging) No. 1849736
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Is Atlantic creole/Reese Riley Smith a demon?
No. 1873793
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Atlantic Creole aka beige pill aka parys sylver posted a gif of a little girl being dragged and you briefly see her underwear. This is very suspect.
No. 1935973
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Reese Riley Smith harrassing Don Armando's wife on Facebook
No. 1935982
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>>1935973Him sending death threats to a female content creator that wasn't even acknowledging his existence
No. 1937040
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Karma's a bitch, he's made false pedo accusations so it's his turn now.
No. 1937434
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>>1937041I'm laughing at this, he deserves it.
No. 1938000
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>>1935973The fact that Atlantic cunthole is so fucking vile but is still allowed to work with vulnerable people is very concerning.
No. 2018936
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>>1968130There's a possibility that this Yeti could be one as well. He said in a stream saying someone in this space is being watched by the FBI how else would he know that if he wasn't a snitch?
No. 2048111
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>>1794196Here he is threatening more women online
No. 2059685
>>2058513Weren't you trying to seduce a young mentally impaired girl, "sithgang?"
You are a grown ass man.
(sage your shit) No. 2076074
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>>2076069Think about it, Mulatto Vanguard aka Adam Williams is always referencing "masonry" on his Facebook and is using black and white checkered symbolism. Him being affiliated with the royal order of Jester's isn't far-fetched
(sage your shit/tinfoiling) No. 2084821
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Adam Williams aka mulatto vanguard is allegedly in a Neo-Nazi server full of underage girls. This looks really bad on him.
No. 2085207
>>2085190How did he get kicked out? Spill the tea, I want to know..
He just gives me angry incel vibes for some reason. Referring to black people as "bantus" in a derogatory way, going up and arms if he sees a darker-skinned black male with a half black woman, ENDLESSLY repeating "mulatto/mixed race is not black," which I'm all down with mixed race of all blends having their own identity, but he tries so hard to denounce even being of African decent like he doesn't have a black parent or something.
(sage your shit/spoonfeeding request) No. 2085254
>>2085190"(sage your shit)"
The person acting as janitor here is an egotistical faggot (probably a goldensphere person themselves using their position as cover for their own misdeeds) and the people who posted this mess love drama as equally as the people being named here.
(retard) No. 2085415
At least I'm not a fucking loser on lolcow /snow/ having a power trip with the bans, you terminally online bastard. And you're a dumb motherfucker hustling backwards because you're not even getting paid for this shit.
(retard) No. 2099312
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Beige bunghole has a fascination with Don Armando & his wife don't anyone find thay creepy?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 2099313
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This guy going after JorJor as well.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)