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No. 77003
File: 1716006743805.gif (1.3 MB, 498x309, 1715998568125.gif)

I am once again asking why this needed to be spoiled in:
>>>/m/383328 No. 77006
>>77004Yes, the amorphous globosus cow ball. They look like hairy pomegranates when you cut them in half.
No. 77022
File: 1716050580192.jpg (Spoiler Image,636.67 KB, 640x853, 20240316_205113.jpg)

>>77020a little cow ball never hurt nobody
No. 77024
>>77016The thread was very active at the time, so i think she expected it to fill up pretty quickly, i don't see a lot of harm. She mentioned 1993 because they tried to ban it for being too early when it had 1993 already.
>>77023Somebody was annoyed with veganism discussion happening all the time, they probably treat this topic as derailment now.
No. 77026
File: 1716067102874.jpg (41.04 KB, 837x293, 1000054466.jpg)

I know this is old, I was catching up on a thread but why would you get banned for calling someone a retard? Moderator has been weird lately.
No. 77032
File: 1716101468486.png (6.78 KB, 776x134, waaaah dont call scrotes uglie…)

So, in lolcow dot farms, the site built around calling women ugly/fat, we cant call men ugly anymore? if there is something that confirms the jannies are moids its pic rel.
I will give the jannies the benefit of the doubt and believe they are going to ban calling women ugly outside cow boards and women shilled as attractive you find ugly as well, so here are some posts calling women ugly outside those containments
>>>/ot/1993311>>>/ot/1993428>>>/ot/1996274I reported them, so i hope you do your job jannies ♥ because need i remind you this whole board had a funny little april fool pranks calling women fat too, and outside cow boards too. So i dont understand why we can make of women but not men. Care to explain your double standards?
No. 77034
File: 1716103567927.jpeg (82.34 KB, 918x303, IMG_3829.jpeg)

No matter what you think of the idea of >>>ot/2009067, it’s extremely low quality, the threadpic is bait and how is it different than Women being shilled as attractive in /g/ or discussions about female beauty in Celebricows? It’s not the same as ugly male one because it was dedicated to discussing actual media and social phenomenon and not 'I saw an ugly woman today ree'. Also the op, who has been baiting in unpopular opinions for a while, gives serious male/tranny vibes.
No. 77039
>>77035Compare the OPs for both of these threads and notice the difference, besides the obvious baiting with 'famous sex symbol of the 60s vs young climate activist insulted for her looks since her teenage years'. Anons said this before, but again, we don’t have 60 year old actresses pushed as peaks of sexiness or paired up with 20 something males.
>>77038Too nitpicky or psychotic anons on /snow/ have been criticized multiple times. Calling woman ugly or hideous is one thing, describing her as 'garbage bag full of beans' is moid behavior.
No. 77057
>>77023I was one of the anons that was banned. Debate relating to diet, environmentalism, veganism and nutrition in general has always been in the tinfoil threads because it is tinfoil. There are large corporations that have interests in pushing humans to eat in a certain way because it drives profits and changing the human diet is part of the WEF's great reset and agenda 2030.
Anons do go into the tinfoil thread and then complain when the particular tinfoil theories they like aren't being discussed. If that happens, anons need to change the subject by posting information relating to what they want to talk about.
The ban wasn't long, and it was more of nudge to say "stop it" than being a serious ban, so it's not a big deal but I do wish farmhands would check what they are giving out bans for more thouroughly. She did put in the effort to ban and redtext both sides of the debate though, which I will give her credit for.
No. 77060
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think lolcow is indeed getting more femcel-y. As the old anons graduate and tiktok faggots take their place, it's quite obvious we are getting some regulars with a certain type of typing style, usually lowercase, that are always bitter, cause infights, and are being cynical, controversial and aggravating on purpose. Not in the fun or smart way, they literally sound retarded and terminally online. Basically what tiktok and 4chan tourists think of as "female imageboard culture", the type of people who would unironically use duolicious. They literally can't shut the fuck up. I can't help to think that there's one anon or two that are super active and do this on purpose. They insert themselves in places where they aren't welcomed and when other anons reply to them they're basically like "LOL UR MAD" when they're the ones literally seething. These infights get so tiring and annoying and I really think they're bringing the site down. And there's plenty of underage people too, some anons just confessed to lurking here since they were 12 and 15, I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't the only ones.
No. 77065
>>77060>femcel-yWho don't exist. you saying this proves that you're a newfag yourself although I agree we are getting "tardcel" larpers but they get filtered out real quick
or get outed as moids.besides who didn't check out imageboards when they were young? It isn't like they are getting bombarded by weird shit and child porn like they would on 4troonschan.
No. 77067
>>77060I’ve noticed this too, nonna
>>77064>B-but I’m an oldgfag!Ok? Thanks for contributing nothing
>>77065>besides who didn't check out imageboards when they were young? It isn't like they are getting bombarded by weird shit and child porn like they would on 4troonschan.Why the hell are you defending children using this site? Also I think some of the edgy newfags are coming here
from 4chan, based on anons admitted so in certain threads with known spergs (fujo thread, for example). It’s not like they’re being saved by 4chan retardation by posting here, they’re just spreading it. 4chan was obliterated by /r9k/, /pol/, and degenerate porn posted everywhere. I really do not want newfags to bring that culture here too
No. 77070
Retard tried to remake the ugly woman psyop thread
>>>/ot/2009598Moids are getting bold
No. 77075
>>77067TBF lurking isn't really the same as using. As long as they hadn't posted anything here while underaged, who cares?
>>77068After reading the OP it seems like a reverse ugly male psyop. Like instead of the thread being about ugly moids being shilled as attractive it's about attractive women being shilled as ugly? Probably should not have referenced the original thread though if that was what they're going for, and definitely should've laid it out more clearly
No. 77080
>>77067>4chan was obliterated by /r9k/, /pol/, and degenerate porn posted everywhere. You must be real new to imageboards to think that nonas here don't use kiwifarms or 4chan or any other altchans
many of the raids were known because some anons used those very sites besides 4chan was always degenerate but not this much because there used to be moderation. a site culture only dies when you become too lenient on certain degeneracies as 4chan did
plus they accepted troons so it was going to shit anyways No. 77082
>>77080>You must be real new>anon assumes I haven’t used 4chan, KF, or altchans Oh shut the hell up, I’m not a newfag and using those sites is how I know what I’m talking about, unfortunately
>4chan was always degenerate but not this much because there used to be moderation. a site culture only dies when you become too lenient on certain degeneracies as 4chan didYes, that’s why it’s concerning our current wave of newfags is coming from the
current 4chan, not the 4chan from 10 years ago. What do you think my point even was?
No. 77088
File: 1716148417378.png (642 KB, 1080x1807, ot.png)

>>77060People like this? I agree
No. 77091
>>77089We already have /2X/, moid takes, talk like a moid, ugly male psyop, etc. etc. How about we stop talking about males all together?
>>77090This too
No. 77099
>>77065Women who call themselves
femcel with no irony do exist though, and they do mention LC on shit websites like duolicious. I think you're right though, the word that we all should use instead is "tardcel".
No. 77100
>>77099I've seen unironic ones a lot on here, too. One time some went feral because I dared to make an unserious comment about becoming a
femcel after breaking up with my ex. One said if a woman has sex once, she's a stupid whore even if she abstains for a decade afterwards kek. They're dumb as shit and take actual pride in being better than "sluts" who aren't virgins
No. 77103
>>77102I read that and you still make no sense. Men used to have an ounce of presentableness in the past, famous moids tend to look uglier than the average cashier even if the standards for men are getting lower and any one of them and other women push to keep it lower for free moral points. Male characters in videogames keep getting more covered, uglier and older. Ugly moids try to bully attractive ones by saying they look like faggots while they make sure to prep themselves for the gay bear look.
If women in media now look ugly to you it's probably because beauty standards in certain areas got so high that they promote dumbass surgeries and if you want to rant about few nobodies that have an average face and are famous just because of their parents or somewhat else you have your space. Tell me about the ugly woman psyop when all of them look like old haggard hairy inbred burqa wearing obese creatures with 4 teeth in their mouth that don't even care to change their favorite sneakers for formal occasions and still have people saying that they are the peak of female beauty and try to normalize it.
No. 77104
>>77103>men male moids once again, for the 50th time, men and women aren't comparable.
>if women look ugly its because beauty standards got highNo, they actually dropped in the wake of 'fat positivity' and this whole ugliness is the new attractive wave that we're going through.
No. 77106
>>77104I'm not a burgerfag and where i live the ideal attractive woman is supposed to look as beautiful, feminine and healthy as it always was, same in other continents outside America. Some areas want them a bit too thin and that's something else but the popular idea it's always a specific one.
You made a sister thread because of a male focused one, would you have done the same if it didn't exist in the first place? Some anons who whine about the amount of male topics really sound stupid by acting in the same way baiting moids do, why even make a thread after it was already locked for baiting? You're so eager to discuss this so visible psyop that you have so little points, not everything revolves around whatever you see trending on social media, take a look at Tekken 8 characters and tell me if the female characters look ugly? Maybe just mediocre? Is everyone casting old fat actresses in big roles, while also not trying to fetishize them or put some kind of shame into them, or maybe they're directed by women with other intentions? Technology is also more common than it was once, you can see any person from any part of the world and any one of them has a chance to become famous, while in the past there were much more restrictions on who would be fit for something like that. Any woman i know shares the same vague idea of female beauty that is not a result of any psyop other than maybe sexualization in some cases, what else do you have to complain about? There is no ugly woman psyop that any grown men or women are trying to push en masse for decades and that the whole world is trying to follow for their own benefit. Go interact with real threads instead.
No. 77122
Is reddit spacing a reportable offense? I don't remember.
>>77117I was getting a very innocent childish vibe from that poster, I think they might be a child
No. 77125
>>77060You're absolutely right. Lolcow was always known as a mean place but in a way that was gatekeep-y (good) mean to newfags and blunt. Nowadays it's more like the barely 18-20 yr old newfags with too much time on their hands have to expose everyone to their autistic special interests whether it be fujo hating, fujo loving, ugly man psyop, getting angry that there's no ugly woman psyop, being a dumbass shit poster and then make all of us witness the extent of their smug never ending autism until they get what they want.
They're throwing tantrums all over lc, like this one retard in unpopular opinions yesterday and today, the retard in the anime thread, the retard in the fujo thread, it never fucking ends. They have to shit up everything they see with their retarded arguments, I don't even care that I agree with them or if they're right, they just can't shut up and it kills every thread they do that in. They have no self control, they seem to be camping 24/7 when they find a
victim to infight with, it's legitimately insane and lowers the quality of posting instantly. Whenever I notice it's one of them that's leading the conversation I just nope out of a thread.
No. 77131
File: 1716194690767.png (48.57 KB, 678x516, msedge_05_20_24_14_38.png)

>>77125I have no hope for things improving, mods seem to have given up as well, they seem to do the bare minimum. picrel is from fujo thread earlier today, the only thing the mod did was gently chide one idiot for posting an unspoilered wrist cutting comic, the rest of the messages are still fine despite being gross and off-topic (while some random joke pic got flagged for that). Do other nonas do not use the report function anymore or do the mods just ignore??
No. 77137
>>77133there was a post in the anime thread from an anon thinking they'll be doxxed on myanimelist if they filled out a graphic of their favorite anime, before the thread turned into a giant clusterfuck of arguing.
>>>/m/383065 It really feels like the site must have been posted or mentioned somewhere else for so many idiots to suddenly pop up in /m/
No. 77141
>>77110Ayrt, not criticizing anons coming from 4chan, as I already explained
>>77082 here. I still
lurk on a couple boards, but 4chan today is a cespool and I don’t want this place to become /r9k/ 2.0
>>77085There are definitely noticeable waves of newfags that follow certain trends, even if they aren’t
all coming from the same place
>>77119That thread was posted in /y/ iirc
No. 77144
>>77143>you're fine participating in a thread with a threadpic from a game with graphic scatNta but acting like room no. 9 is some super edgy scat game that’s too
problematic for lolcow is just retarded and disingenuous. I can only assume you’re one of the newfag edgelords shitting up the thread
No. 77145
>>77144when did i ever imply rn9 being too
problematic for lolcow? if you didn't think the rather long scat scene was gross that's fine i don't care but the game is edgier than pregnant uke cutters or whatever and if that anon is okay with one thing why can't she just scroll past the other.
No. 77149
>>77143dumb comparison. the op pic itself has nothing to do with scat, the thread covers a wide enough topic that most people in it have never played the game. no one has the time or inclination to check whether the threadpic source is ~
problematic~ before participating in a thread.
otoh the "pregnant ukes cutting uwu" are directly being discussed.
No. 77162
>>77131Please report posts you see like these. Farmhands don't always sit in threads watching them, so whenever you see comments like that and want action on it, report them.
>>77161Basically this, anyone is allowed to make a thread about them. To be honest, it's a bit surprising there isn't a FoodieBeauty one, but we do have a tess holliday one (it's very old), some are also posted in the old HAES movement thread and death fats (also very old and dead). If you feel confident enough to make a good thread on them, feel free to do so in /snow/.
No. 77166
>>77165There’s already a very active picrew thread on /m/
>>>/m/343999 I don’t understand why husbandofags don’t just use it too?
No. 77181
>>77180I posted a couple soyjaks too, days ago, but only cute ones. Is there really a ‘spam?’ I thought it was I and another
nonnie sharing silly ones we found on Pinterest. Like soyed animals etc.
No. 77184
>>77181Sorry then. But yeah
>>77183 is right, sometimes you can't tell if it's a real spammer or a nonna shitposting.
No. 77188
Can you ban the retard that’s
victim-blaming abused women in the unpopular opinions thread? Not the first time s/he has done this.
>>>/ot/2011008 No. 77192
I think Mikan Mandarin should be moved to
>>>/w/16207 The fashion vlogger/blogger thread on /w/. She's not milky enough to have her own thread again and all her recent milk involves fashion without any actual drama. Her personal thread will be filled with nitpicking outfits and anon is already talking about comments, but won't post caps of anything to prove she's deleting things. She's one of the many cows on /w/ that has no more life to her. All the milk in recap is old or about fashion only without actual drama in years
>>>/w/326805 All milk linked in the racap is a year+ old.
No. 77200
File: 1716321176439.jpeg (138.37 KB, 1798x847, ffxZbmh.jpeg)

This isn't my post, but what does this even mean? Are we not allowed to post wojaks anymore? What differentiates between a wojak and a soyjak? I say this mostly because this one in particular could have come from anywhere, not just the Sharty. There's no rule anywhere that states wojaks or soyjaks cannot be posted, so I'm not sure why jannies are handing out bans for it. It's a bit of an overstep that needs to be clarified, IMO. And if we're gonna make rule changes, make it very explicit to the userbase that/when the changes happened.
No. 77202
File: 1716322429818.png (111.58 KB, 863x398, 1000026838.png)

not my post, but anon is looking for the video her sponsored clinic took. She asked if other anons know where to find it. She didn't deserve to be banned for asking if another anon has a link to the video.
>>>/w/326818 No. 77210
>>77205Very redundant.
No. 77218
>>77213I'm not new, just literate in the English language. Show me where in the rules that it states wojaks can't be posted, "oldfag". Kek
>>77215>here we don't use soyjacks or "wojacks" or whatever jacks."Here" we are directly derived from 4chan, as are many of the users. The soyjak is literally making fun of the moid that you're referring to. What are you going on about? Anyway, wojaks are a part of imageboard culture, and I can tell that you are new and not a regular imageboard user by your boomer-tier misspelling of wojak as "wojack" and then calling them "jacks" on top of that. The absolute moralfaggotry that's transcended upon this website is crazy. This is literally a gossip board.
No. 77221
File: 1716357477307.png (172.81 KB, 668x572, sad.png)

Why was i banned for just cheering up before going away? I only interacted with that thread to talk about my unpopular opinion and i just hide those threads because they have retarded infights all the time, didn't even sperg about fighting games there
Anyway sorry for ban evading for the first time but there is a corpse posted on >>>/g/399782 and they sound like a moid too, you can ban me forever now but just get rid of that
No. 77231
File: 1716364478562.jpg (34.1 KB, 436x298, 11071157_351430485057530_27835…)

Can someone please tell /g/ to stop sending their retards to /m/? I'm so fucking sick of the catalog (which you can't hide threads on) being shat up with flavor-of-the-month containment threads for moids whose sperg fans got kicked out of /g/. At this point, I'm beginning to think it's the same handful of anons who become infatuated with some ugly faggot, then get bored of him and move on to someone else who looks equally mediocre. It has to be the same three obnoxious zoomers hopping from Paul Dano, Brad Dourif, Adam Driver, Jerma, and a bunch of other uggos I'm probably forgetting. All of those threads are either dead or extremely slow, because these anons get bored and move on to a different guy every three months. Make it stop.
No. 77233
>>77228>nowthis happened last year too with a topic i shall not name
>>77231this is why i suggested (many threads ago) a hidden thirst board to contain all that shit and other 3D attractions threads. that or move the flavor-of-the-month threads to /g/
No. 77267
>>77261>LSAfagsNta but what? They use "mean words" like faggot on LSA. It's like you just saw anons mentioning LSA here and so you're spouting it out without actually knowing anything about the site.
And no I'm not an LSAfag. I've was using lc first, for way longer and more often. I agree with the sentiment of the post but it's annoying how anons see terms here and start using them randomly.
No. 77269
File: 1716393549309.jpg (7.39 KB, 274x78, Screenshot 2024-05-22 085138.j…)

nta and please correct me if i'm wrong but isn't this what the thread requests thread is for, requesting threads?
No. 77272
File: 1716393884034.png (89.01 KB, 1104x560, Opera Snapshot_2024-05-22_1104…)

thread spam in /pt/
No. 77285
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>>77283I suggest you take the advice of the last sentence in picrel
No. 77290
>>77286He just ticks all the boxes.
No. 77293
File: 1716400138630.gif (170.07 KB, 360x346, IMG_0811.gif)

>>77288>I’m not moderating anything, you illiterate retarded newfagDid you not read the definition? Aww, are you incapable of connecting the dots and reading inbetween the lines? You are enforcing website rules on to another user like a moderator when you have no reason or power to do so that’s the very point but I find it rich and ironic you’re calling me illiterate and a newfag. You’re a lost cause with all of that boot taste in your mouth
No. 77303
>>77302You must be an autistic if you thought I was literal
and didn’t understand I was referring to the threads in /ot/ with the most infighting. You’re also ignorant if you genuinely think you’re not being a minimod yet you keep incessantly pretending like you know the “real” meaning of it kek. You are being a bootlicker, a bitch, a cunt, more annoying than me, and a mini mod
No. 77310
>>77309What makes this obvious is that a newfag wouldn't know to go directly to /meta/, but all these users do. They are clearly shitposting and probably a good chunk are the same users constantly being banned and just IP hopping around, playing dumb and ruining the site. Mods seriously need to focus on moderating not just the pages, but also /meta/. They are complicit in allowing them to keep coming back for the sake of allowing 'users to give feedback' in /meta/ and that has barely been what's happened in these threads the past few years. These threads might as well be Shayna threads with how fast they are ran through and made. If it isn't helpful to the site, it needs to be moderated like
>>77303 's infighting
No. 77324
>>77323Reeks of it some would say.
>>77310So glad someone's bringing attention to this like I tried to a long while back.
No. 77335
File: 1716449330796.jpg (43.39 KB, 631x188, R (3).jpg)

not my post but am i forgetting something or is it not global rules not to post underage cows troons or not? if the anon points it out how the fuck is this minimoding?
No. 77337
File: 1716449675804.png (3.26 KB, 388x89, banned anon.PNG)

>>>/g/399832This anon got banned for "posting porn" but people have posted much more explicit things without getting banned. Just admit it was because of Israel-chan and Hamas-kun, you pussies.
No. 77354
>>77343>>77349I wonder if farmhands have just given up kek. Not that I blame them
>>77351Yeah I mean an example is just above your post. The racebaiting anon(s) are still going so I assume they’re ban-evading. I hope cerbmin actually does something to address this. This is just a start, but maybe flag pol/kiwi terms like “shitskin” since these baiters are obviously learning their racebaiting ways from the same source, if they’re not the same relentless anon
No. 77357
File: 1716480535912.png (194.15 KB, 720x1325, retard.png)

There's definitely something going on with soyjacks and they're making threads and posting wojaks all over the place. I wouldn't trust anyone who posts wojaks at all, it seems to attract these retards.
No. 77359
>>77353It's happened a few years ago under a previous admin. It was a real "the cows have taken over the farm and all the farmers can do it watch" moment.
>>77354>I wonder if farmhands have just given up kek. Not that I blame them I don't think they've given up, I think it's that there's no euro hours farmhand. If you report a post during this time it won't be acted upon until later when /ot/ starts lighting up with redtext because a farmhand has started going through the reports.
>>77356They should lock every board but /shay/.
No. 77383
File: 1716502059252.png (2.45 MB, 898x11941, 112461.png)

>>77353>>77356the last time it happened (in 2020 under oldmin) everyone flooded /meta/ and spammed pitbull lyrics. it was pretty fun tbh
No. 77424
>>77422As far as I'm aware the majority of free VPNs have already been banned and the special ed class of infighters are ban evading by taking advantage of dynamic IP addresses. Blanket banning all paid VPNs would harm farmers that use VPNs for legitimate reasons, such as avoiding hate speech laws. In several countries criticism of trannies is considered hate speech and people have been fined and jailed. Obviously if a particular service or IP range is consistently used by someone to shit up the site, then it should be banned.
I also wonder if enabling poster IDs on /ot/ would deter some of the more obvious infighters because it would prevent them from samefagging and starting arguments with each other to derail threads.
No. 77426
File: 1716587796211.jpeg (450.81 KB, 2030x694, 0191FE50-EA6A-4264-A671-1613C0…)

There’s (what I suspect to be) a scrote on the loose in the ugly men thread who just casually called everyone a “he”
No. 77432
>>77424>In several countries criticism of trannies is considered hate speech and people have been fined and jailed.I get why some anons feel the need to use VPNs out of fear of these types of ridiculous laws, it sucks. According to the stats the admin released, less than 14% of posts were made by users through VPNs. It's tough because I wouldn't want them to feel unsafe using this site, but I also think that VPNs are a troll's BFF. Same with phone posting, a lot of anons have already mentioned that if you have an incognito mode on your phone browser and cellular data it's very easy to circumvent bans. I think we should just try a Hellweek where mobile posting and VPN use isn't allowed on /ot/, I'm not sure if it's possible to ban that on just one board but it'd be interesting to see the results.
>I also wonder if enabling poster IDs on /ot/ would deter some of the more obvious infighters because it would prevent them from samefagging and starting arguments with each other to derail threads.I think this could be a good idea, but I also don't think that there's a lot of samefagging going on in those obnoxious infights. It seems like the main problem is anons not knowing how to identify bait and not being familiar with the report function.
No. 77435
>>77424>I also wonder if enabling poster IDs on /ot/ would deter some of the more obvious infighters because it would prevent them from samefagging and starting arguments with each other to derail threadsI would like this on /ot/, also because it would make anons stop typing ayrt/nayrt/samefag, just more quietness.
I don't know about these things but if it was implemented would it only be visible in newer threads and not older ones?
No. 77445
>>77443>how do they expect us to react to some obvious baity/salty posts then?By not interacting with obvious bait,
nonny lol
No. 77446
File: 1716637086379.jpg (88.25 KB, 720x448, Screenshot_20240525_133715_Chr…)

Cant you guys autosage the photoshopper thread? Its just filled with cowtipping selfposting vendettafagging retards.
No. 77460
File: 1716639233900.png (2.26 KB, 272x42, shitthread.PNG)

Faith in mods restored.
No. 77465
File: 1716639677392.gif (6.18 MB, 500x616, IMG_3926.gif)

>>77464End of discussion.
No. 77484
>>77481Like the other anon said why don't you just call your grandma is you're this starved for attention.
>>77482He's trying to pretend like it's not him by accusing us of "schizochanning" (made me laugh that he's so autistic that he thought this was a phrase)
No. 77485
>>77483Like 70% of the messages there are from a potential man who's nicknamed Botox nona
>>77484i'm schizochanneling
No. 77503
File: 1716651629242.png (3.59 KB, 457x62, 05_25_24_12_39_chrome.png)

I would like clarification about whether /m/ allows 2d NSFW art or not. Rules of the board state "Do not post pornography or NSFW imagery here", which I had assumed meant real life pornography considering the amount of horny posts everywhere. I have been chatting in the fujo thread for a while and saw NSFW stuff with full dicks and butts was never banned there as long as it was spoilered properly. One game got its containment thread due to being gacha and I went to post there, but there mods are banning for posting a spoilered pic (it was just a super vanilla makeout with dicks visible, so can't be violence or something else) so I'm confused. Is 2D spoilered NSFW in /m/ bannable offense or not, admin/mods?
No. 77516
>>77514Because reddit is concentrated cancer and 4chan is full of moids.
>Why would we have that on a site like this.There's already threads about those topics on /g/ and /ot/.
No. 77533
There’s racebait in the unpopular opinions thread.
>>>/ot/2021628 >>>/ot/2021920
No. 77542
>>77532Some anons really just want this site to be female 4chan with all the same boards and shit. That's not what the site was ever supposed to be.
>>77533Russian isn't a race and she's just saying their looks are too fetishized/overrated. Not racist and not a big deal.
No. 77543
>>77535I appreciate this, but I really don't think it's sustainable. Can you (or anyanon) name a cow discovered in the last 2 years with an active thread? (I don't know how to phrase that without sounding like I'm trying to start a fight kek but I'm genuinely asking)
I used to come here strictly for the cows but all the S tier threads are extremely stagnant right now due to legacy cows growing up/passing away/off social media. I haven't stumbled upon any newcomers with threads that actually moved at a decent rate, but I still missed reading things from my nonas so recently I started reading /m/ and /ot/ in addition to the milkboards. This is one of the only places I know of these days besides moidchan where you can freely post thoughts unfortunately. Should we all move to CC for non-cowposting? Is there another board with a similar userbase we can use?
tldr; the ot boards and threads are taking off because there's no more cows in the field
No. 77556
File: 1716817564599.jpeg (165.53 KB, 600x940, IMG_4855.jpeg)

The fact that this got banned as autism is ironic as hell. The mod that keeps doing this shit needs to be fired. There were a bunch of tumblr tiktok newfags in the thread posting unintegrated retardation “umm maybe because im autistic??? Umm thanks???” but the anon who rightfully trolls them gets banned
No. 77561
>>77560>harass the farmhandsKek poor babies, gotta give them a little star for handing retarded bans uwu good work mods.. oops I mean Farmhands.. you're beautiful and competent uwu remember to stay hydrated
>thread is for complaints and suggestions, not for complaints>whole ass post being autisticYou deserve the ban, you're truly retarded
No. 77563
>>77555 said a lot of interesting cows are on TikTok. Tophiachu is a big one. I think another think that's affecting cow quality is that so many of these new cows are very young—like 23 or younger. These people are cow-ish primarily because they are young and not because of who they are, so they end up having a high turnover rate. If we can find older cows—like 25+, I think that might be worthwhile. Also get rid of boards like /ot/ that attract spergs to the site
No. 77564
>>77543>Can you name a cow discovered in the last 2 years with an active thread?It's dead now but fatvegfemme was a pretty recent cow and we got 4 threads out of her before she got offline. If you skim the Personal Cow board on /snow/, or even the e-Beggar thread there, you can find a lot of calfs there that have potential but lack a dedicated farmer "fan"base (for lack of better term). I think that /snow/ and /w/ could become a lot milkier if there were more dedicated anons that didn't mind digging through social media and such to find good milk and post succinct and informative write-ups. I feel like the assumed standard for a cow is a lot higher now than it was a few years ago, so it can be daunting to create a new thread on a subject that may not be the most "interesting." I think farmhands could promote a special week (à la Hellweek) with a dedicated thread for anons to post high-quality write-ups of new potential cows, and we can see which ones take off.
>Should we all move to CC for non-cow posting?It sucks that CC has bad moderation and a glacial post rate. I browse and post on CC but it's nowhere near as engaging as /ot/ threads and the quality of post on CC is subpar compared to LC. Our anons are the premier type.
>>77549Like other anons have said, this is a site for documenting lolcows. I think we have a good amount of boards as it is. It's great that we have off-topic boards because I do like socializing with other anons and I think there's a lot of great resources on this site. When I use LC, I usually browse the cow boards first and contribute to my favourite cow threads if I have anything to add, and after that I'll check /ot/ and talk to other nonas there for a while. I don't think getting rid of /ot/ would be a good idea for the site as a whole.
>>77563>Problem is most new cows are young.A lot of the legacy cows that I can think of, like Venus, or Pixielocks, were young when they came to public attention here. I think a bigger problem is that most anons are older now, I'd guess that there's more anons over the age of 25 than younger. A lot of anons aged with this site, so even if they're still dedicated to LC they may not have the free time to post and investigate cows like they did in their youth.
No. 77574
>>77564>the quality of post on CC is subpar compared to LC. Our anons are the premier type.KEK, WHAT A JOKE. You all sound like redditors and are guilty of every single thing people hate so much about them, you'd feel more at home there than any imageboard, that's where the culture shock is coming from. Nothing stopping you from making your own website instead of pushing the mods to pander to you and your newfag kin pouring directly into /ot/, /g/, and /m/ from twitter and shittok. Virtually all the real oldfags are long gone, you lot who came during the pandemic think you're oldfags now when what really happened was so many newfags came at that specific point in time that the culture of the 3 problem boards was rewritten overnight and has been an autistic shell of its former self ever since. The plot is lost, mods are rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.
>>77573>>77572Seconding both of these, I don't see what else could help at this stage.
No. 77588
File: 1716866347650.png (37.06 KB, 952x579, the cherry on top is the norma…)

>provide opinion based on facts
they need to stop hiring spergy tranny jannies from twitter.
No. 77590
>>77588jfc what sort of retarded "both sides bad uwu" libfem janny did they pick?
there's definitely some anons currently derailing a bunch of threads (fandom drama, ftm general, multiple /m/ threads) with sperging about shota/loli and calling other women paedos. they're the ones that should get banned.
No. 77594
>>77588Is that a real ban text? What the actual fuck? @admin what kind of newfag farmhand was this? What rule is being broken in that post?
>"FeMaLe PeDoPhIlEs DoN't ExIsT" I dare you to say that in front of an MDSA survivorWhere is the rule being enforced in question?
No. 77598
>>77594The ban message is ridiculous because the post is ridiculous. There are female pedophiles and women that enable male pedophiles. Just because men are 99.99% of pedos, it doesn't erase the 0.01% of women that are.
>>77597The exact same argument can be made for lolicons.
No. 77607
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>>77606This is an image board, sarcastic ban messages have always existed.
No. 77617
>>77587>Yes let’s just get rid of one of the most integral boards of the website./ot/ is not an integral board to this website KEK. It did not even
EXIST when lolcow first came online. You've already been told more than once that this is a gossip website, not a chatroom. If you don't like it, is that way.
No. 77618
>>77588>>77595>>77599>>77601>>77603>>77608Also these posters sound underaged, sheltered, or unironically autistic.
>wOMeN dOn't COmMiT crIMes!!!!!>wimmin are intellugint n can dfferntate fickshun from realihteeee!!!!1!1!Extreme retardation. Come back when you're 18, or whenever you decide to leave your house and enter the real world, because your belief that
all women are hand-holding kumbayah-singing sisters is factually wrong. And lolcow is probably like 50-60% female
No. 77626
File: 1716906471958.jpg (272.49 KB, 720x1316, #feminineenergy.jpg)

>>77623>feminine energygirl…
and it wasn't very innocent when anons in that thread starting insulting butch and celibate women and calling others "failwomen"
No. 77634
>>77630I don't think I've ever caught a ban for writing with the SpongeBob text. The real issue is that
>>77588 made a retarded statement that was not even on topic and now the retards who were rightfully called retarded are sperging out that the janny
IS, IN FACT A TRANNY!!!1! for telling it how it is.
>>77633/meta/ is like this on most days.
No. 77638
also here is someone who got banned for spongebob posting
>>76439 why are jannies allowed to break their own rules?
No. 77641
>>77636I don't disagree that women commit fewer crimes than men, but show me a statistic from a legitimate source that supports your claim that "women don't rape". Legalese is not a
valid excuse.
No. 77642
>>77641You dont even need statistics, you can tell just by going outside. No man is afraid of being raped, men literally get off to fantasies of them getting raped by their babysitters and make jokes about it because, unlike women, they dont experience sexual violence and thus dont take it seriously. Women are trusted with children and its why they are the prime caretakers, men are so desperate to paint women as equally bad that they try to use outlier examples to prove women are ''as bad as men''. Also, the fact raping means being penetrated, which women cant do. They literally had to broaden the definition because pissy men who slept with fat women while drunk and regretted it think they got raped. Stop playing into moid's
victim fantasies.
No. 77644
>the fact raping means being penetratedSee
>>77641>Legalese is not a valid excuseTry again. Also, there are other people who exist besides men (i.e. other women, children). This is why you sound underaged kek
No. 77668
File: 1716928121731.jpeg (133.24 KB, 828x306, IMG_4010.jpeg)

how the fuck is that blackpill?
No. 77676
>>77670Yeah and 'taking bans to meta' has changed anything in the damn thread. It's still as heavily moderated as it was. Bringing things to meta only invites trolls who shit up the thread.
Anon was literally putting words into Taylor's mouth, assuming she and the glocose-phobic nutritionist meant this and that just to paint Taylor as misunderstood and unfairly judged for her ana inclinations.
It's a fact that there's a bunch of wks who frequent the thread, try to counter every bit of criticism Taylor gets in the thread, report every post and come here to whine and request the thread to be closed.
No. 77682
>>77675Yeah, that's my point. It's the dumbass shit sperg newfags that are trying their hardest to LARP as oldfags. Nobody cares about /cgl/ drama but you can see that they're still bringing it up because in their minds that what oldfags are like.
>>77674Yeah, at least it's what I'm pretty sure is happening. Ever since that thread got put on autosage, the complaints & suggestions threads on /meta/ have been filling up really quickly because of their antics. When the autosage first happened, they tried baiting and then uploading their bans here to try and dunk on the farmhands, then they started complaining that the website is dying, then they started racebaiting for a while on /g/, then they went back to baiting on /ot/ and posting their bans here to "prove" that farmhands were unfair and evil or whatever, when that didn't work they created the "retarded ban" thread on /ot/ to try and dunk more on the farmhands and get other farmers to dunk on them too, now they're trying to get /ot/ banned because they hate it so much (they give examples of posts on /ot/ that they've typed to "own" the farmhands and prove how /ot/ is horrible) to bait. Like
>>77677 says, their bait is always easily identifiable so all they're doing is wasting their time and being annoying but I guess that's what they miss so much about dumbass shit thread.
>>77679I think so kek I still wish they made "yapping" and "delulu" redtext too.
No. 77683
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>>77674Farmhands have also confirmed a few times in the last two months in multiple threads that the dumbass shit spergs purposefully & routinely shitstir in threads across /ot/ and other boards. The most recent example is from today when a farmhand identified prolific racebaiting anons in the unpopular opinions thread as being dumbass shit spergs.
No. 77698
>>77694It is currently brigaded by a few dumbass shit anons for the past day or so. Please report them and do not respond to them at all.
>>77697Thank you, please report anything you see on those threads.
No. 77707
File: 1716950024494.jpeg (455.99 KB, 818x1217, IMG_4011.jpeg)

this retard keeps shitting up /m/ with incoherent posts about this character supposedly being a lolcow. it's personalityfagging at this point
No. 77712
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>>77710yeah but unpopular opinions is out of control now. just look at how quicky the threads fill up, the current one was created a few hours ago and it's almost halfway full already . it's like discord in there
No. 77715
>>77710theres also the fact that the dumbass shit anons are /ot/ users just like everyone else there. the dumbass shit anons
are the unpopular opinions thread anons and vice versa, always have been, and both threads have always been shit. they aren't setting anything up, this is business as usual.
No. 77716
>>77713Samefag but I know I'm not the only one who remembers the stuff like the dumbass shit vs. funposting thread infights. Again, those anons just found a different target, it's not that they want the thread back.
I personally think that both anons who were for the dumbass shit autosage and staff are using this as an "I told you so!" thing when really this is a problem of moderation tools not being effective enough to rid the board of persistent infighters.
No. 77720
File: 1716951682876.jpeg (381.96 KB, 615x743, IMG_0972.jpeg)

Someone on the farmhand team please check this janny who keeps banning people for appropriately posting in the correct thread. They’re even banning people for soyjaks when nothing in the website rules states that soyjaks are unallowed.
No. 77727
File: 1716954112585.jpeg (93.2 KB, 735x688, IMG_0975.jpeg)

>>77726>t. grinch You’re the type to eat baby parts for breakfast and call the cops because the children playing in the streets of your neighborhood just want to get their ball back off your yard. Kys
(dumbass shit anon alogging/using ai outside of containment) No. 77733
>>77730It's just so funny I imagine them crying and screaming at their computer while they type with their huge fat sweaty fingers about dumbass shit thread. It's been 2 months c'mon lets wrap it up.
No. 77741
>>77732>You people don't even understand why you hate us!!Then why do you think your thread got autosaged? I think you mean to say
you don't understand why people hate you because you're retarded, and we hate you because you're retarded. I like how you're using the exact language cows use with zero self awareness too.
No. 77745
>>77739I think you have me confused with users who want the thread back. I honestly think all the problem threads on /ot/ should be sent into autosage.
>>77735>>77738It's not a sincere post and I know you can tell it isn't. That's why it was banned. Capping for shitposters is crazy.
No. 77746
File: 1716956531693.png (266.53 KB, 1210x702, annoying.png)

>>77734Anon has also been in other threads complaining about the same post and she's been seething that her shitpost got red texted for hours now.
No. 77753
>>77745NTA but
>I honestly think all the problem threads on /ot/ should be sent into autosage. Because that worked so well for the dumbass shit that is now plastered on every /ot/ thread instead of staying contained. Surely we just keep annihilating containment threads, the inhabitants will neatly disappear and not wind up shitting up everything else. Makes sense.
No. 77754
>>77753what the fuck did it contain exactly because unpopular opinions was like this long before dumbass shit was even a thing and while it was a thing?
with that in mind the logical solution to the problem you bring up is to annihilate /ot/ itself
No. 77755
>>77754Kek you keep trying to do this where you fake agree with a post to further your retarded point but it doesn't work. Basically:
>shitspergs get mad their thread is on autosage>shitspergs try many different things to change this, most fail so now ->shitspergs start posting bullshit non-stop on unpopular opinions because its the obvious target for their bait and max each thread within 36 hours>then shitspergs come to /meta/ to talk bullshit about how because of unpopular opinions /ot/ itself should be nuked>all because they turned shitspergs' favourite thread on autosageLet's not forget that the shitspergs' whole thing is baiting: the reason they aren't content with their thread on autosage is because the main appeal of it before was other /ot/fags being drawn in by their obnoxious bait posts and constant image spam on the homepage. Since it's on autosage now, they can't draw in other /ot/fags to react to their shitposts and give them attention. That's the whole reason you want your thread "back." It's not even gone now, all you shitspergs can just keep that tab open or search the catalog for it and talk to yourselves in your chatroom thread or whatever, but that's not what you want. You just want attention from other /ot/fags. It's so tiresome.
No. 77758
File: 1716969639448.jpeg (738.85 KB, 1170x1883, IMG_3797.jpeg)

Just wanted to say thanks for the ban and also the anons who educated our newfagfriend on how to use the site. I finally get to know if fucking bratgrrrl is alive…all this 7 years its been…
No. 77766
>>77762two hours later and not a single redtext, have they given up on moderating unopop opinions or what?
god i wish they were tougher on tradthots
No. 77769
>>77765except now instead of manhate the board still revolves around men but it's "my nigel won't wipe his butt" "feminists are oppressing me for liking men" "i want to suck the anime man's dong"
i'd rather have the babyterfs than whatever wwe got now
No. 77780
>>77756Agreed. I was not a dumbass shit poster, but the spergs camping ITT claiming that it was the bane of all evil seem like they’re scapegoating it for problems here that extend well beyond that thread. Farmhands may be right that there are a few speds who were dumbass shit regulars, but it also feels like an excuse to enact vendettas against certain anons. Like this post
>>77720, for instance. I truly do not think, on its own, should have been banned (stay with me, kek). Acting like the confessions thread is for super serious confessions only is just retarded.
However, seeing how that anon overreacted here and on /ot/ after getting banned, farmhands are probably familiar with them as a chronic retard because of repeated infractions, which is why their posts are more heavily scrutinized. I understand why dumbass shit was banned, but it obviously hasn’t actually eliminated that type of anon. I know cerbmin/certain oldfags wish we could simply be rid of certain types of anons, but that’s almost impossible to carry out on an ib where it’s so easy to ban evade. We all know that unpopular opinions is just the new dumbass shit thread. What was accomplished?
No. 77784
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I was keeping a close eye on this post number, I'm 100% sure soyjaks lurk and camp on /meta/ to shit up the site on purpose and that's why the /meta/ infighting shouldn't be taken seriously. You need a better way to take suggestions and critique where these retards acting as a majority won't join in. Thanks for the confirmation retard op
case in point
No. 77791
>>77789I'd say a beter otaku board would be better for
>fujoshi>himejoshi>yumejoshi>general shippingand other fandom spergging for the nerdy women of this site.
No. 77798
>>77795No, I mean a board specific to that on this site.
>If you want a normie website instagram, twatter, and lipstick alley are that way.I never said this.
No. 77805
>>77804they do?
>>77683>>77698also where did I say anything about lolcow being killed? Did you even see the post I responded to
No. 77832
File: 1717014704357.jpeg (852.4 KB, 1242x1606, you will never be farmhand.jpe…)

>>77829Bootlicking is here to stay, I see
No. 77833
>>77816I get that you're trying to do the whole "reee jannies are autists reee" sperg thing but at least cover up your IP address because now we all have a rough idea of where you live.
>>77832Again with this meme. You've been posting this all over the site for 2 months now. Maybe it was funny the first time but now it's just like fuck get some new material. Go spam it somewhere else it's already been done here.
No. 77837
>>77827No one is bootlicking when its clear these posters are trying to start shit to begin with. Keep being
No. 77855
>>77852I've never seen it used in that context, I usually see it used in reference to anticapitalism or anticolonialism. Like most words, multiple groups of people use it.
>>77853Quiet, tardino. You don't have to chirp in every time an adult makes a post like one of those little anthropomorphized animal sidekicks in a children's cartoon with one repetitive catchphrase made to sell merchandise
No. 77864
File: 1717042098472.png (354.52 KB, 844x740, autistic janny strikes again.P…)

>no humor allowed in stupid questions thread
Please fire this fucking farmhand Jesus Christ
No. 77866
>>77864This is scrote-tier humour and you should be ashamed to even post this.
>>77865There was a LC one but it imploded because it was just dumbass shit thread Discord version.
No. 77874
File: 1717046607359.png (49.47 KB, 1198x262, are you just in a bad mood or …)

what does this have to do with dumbass shit? i said "off topic" because i knew it was off the topic off asking questions.
No. 77880
Can a farmhand please ban this user and their constant obsession with this skirby girl? They keep reposting old photos now, unsaged, they aren't even photo spamming properly.
>>>/snow/1998920 They need to go make this bitch a thread because the entirety of the photoshop thread is basically this girl and an anon or two trying to post about her boyfriend and other random milk that has nothing to do with photoshop.
No. 77889
>>77877It’s either that or a certain character just trying to stir shit up. On every other board “anons” don’t bootlick this insanely hard, somehow it’s only on /meta/ where any mild complaint or criticism of the moderation gets 5 insta-replies calling you a stupid idiot retard newfag shitposter in a variety of condescending ways and blindly praising farmhands.
I would have been less likely to assume this in the past, but seeing the immature snarky ban messages the current farmhands seem to be attention-seeking with, I get the sense that our current crew is immature and naive enough to try it. Especially since the most intense bootlicking behavior didn’t start until the new batch were hired and cerbmin came on.
No. 77902
>>77899Agreed. Anon is kind of unhinged about this and it’s very weird.
>>77900Dying on the anti-boner-hitler hill is a choice
No. 77907
>>77903You have to be trolling. I don’t believe you’re this stupid.
>>77905I think someone left a broken record on in the background.
No. 77911
This Gonk/Skirby poster is unhinged
>>>/snow/1999029 It reeks of newfaggotry and trying to use lolcow like a personal army with how much they are abusing this thread to post this girl. She might as well be in the instagirls you hate thread or have her own thread. The user keeps posting unshopped photos too.
No. 77927
File: 1717098160306.jpeg (343.35 KB, 660x835, IMG_1015.jpeg)

Raise the age that’s allowed to be here up to 21, preferably 25+. I’m tired of sharing this website with inconsiderate tinyboppers, I already have to use it with other stupid “matured” women
No. 77928
>>77925I agree, but now when you post an actual complaint the campers itt will accuse you of being a “shitsperg” samefag like above, which drowns out the actual purpose of this thread.
>>77922>those users come to /meta/ to pretend they don't know any better and try to get users to be against moderation all because they can't control themselves like babies.Get off your high horse. This is literally the thread for complaints and suggestions. You are just as spergy and cowlike as any anon here. I genuinely cannot stand anons like you. No, I don’t care about dumbass shit, and no, I don’t want to be a part of your gay ass infight. Please get a life.
No. 77934
File: 1717100639892.jpeg (133.2 KB, 489x1171, F40E03CE-2A4F-4AC0-8F4C-366334…)

I have not complained about a ban before, but Farmhands’ autism is getting out of hand.
>someone posts a vent about how they keep seeing anons shaming and mocking tall women
>I reply with a play on the “did someone say (thing the person loves)?” with a picture of a waterfall that is sort of vagina shaped. Spoiler the image just in case. Clearly a positive joke about how I love tall women.
>banned for 24 hours by autistic farmhand for “baiting”
Honestly speechless. This is such a harmless, light-hearted, and positive joke. Are we just not allowed to joke around anymore?
No. 77939
File: 1717102467257.jpg (26.15 KB, 349x642, just pretend.jpg)

>>77936Kek they just keep baiting then coming here to post their "retarded tranny janny is evil" screencap. It's like they don't understand the purpose of threads. The vent thread is for sharing vents and for others to sympathize with you or give advice. It's not for shitposting and making "random" jokes. They don't get it though because they think the purpose of this website is to try and be the most funniest most original sperg. If they don't get to make the "funniest" "jokes" and they get redtexted they get mad as hell. It's like picrel. It's all part of the ploy for attention.
No. 77942
>>77939Already said I’d never posted a ban before. It was not a “random joke.” It was exactly what you mention is allowed: an attempt at comforting— using humor as a vehicle. If you are a farmhand sockpuppeting to whitenight yourself, I’m seriously concerned because your intelligence level seems scarily low.
Also, your picrel doesn’t even apply to the situation at hand (even from your deranged perspective) Are you a bot or something? None of what you say makes sense.
No. 77955
>>77954yes, yes, we get it. Farmhands are always right and never retarded, and anyone with criticism is braindead, stupid, retarded, a "shitsperg", a newfag, a troll, a moron, or underage.
Admin/farmhands, if this isn't one of you, (and if it's not, I'm pretty sure I know who it is,) you should consider redtexting, because whoever this is is making you look like hypersensitive tards.
No. 77957
>>77956Yes, I could see that. But if it was one of their kittens, wouldn't they tell her to knock it off and stop making them look stupid and malicious? I don't think cerbmin is dumb enough to not see how bad this makes them look.
That's why my other theory is that it's you know who– he's known for samefagging and even arguing with his own posts just to sow confusion, and typically has a word he keeps overusing depending what phase he's in. Perhaps this is just a cope theory though, and our current administration really is this juvenile.
No. 77966
File: 1717127682479.jpg (58.89 KB, 735x576, 70a2d7dff35d82ab6f263bed422ac1…)

>"lock /ot/!!!!111!!"
>"take the dumbass shit thread off of autosage!!11!11"""
>"lock the unpopular opinions thread!1!11"
>"ban the dumbass shit anons!!1!"
I have a better idea, autosage the complaints and suggestions thread. Please.
No. 77973
>>77967>properlywhat an odd (and yet predictable) word for you to use about posting on an imageboard. fwiw I have posted a few isolated times in those /ot/ threads ever, I just see the rabid hate here and the paranoid moderation in other /ot/ threads (this is not dumbass shit! this is bait! this is a waterfall!!!)
>>77970>take your meds>a bunch of us who hate the anonskek sure, this is also predictable. "We're not all the same" "We're all laughing at you" - where, then, if not your discord with the farmhands? and why do you all sound similar and post to back each other up, often within minutes? Why is your infighting and shitting up cow threads rarely if ever redtexted? At least tell me, why do you sit on this imageboard, where you openly hate the anons? is there a single part of this board you don't hate and try to shit up? What's the point of starting infights literally everywhere and spamming reports, when you can just not visit the threads you hate?
No. 77981
>>77980this is the complaints thread. When an anon mentions "lol my ban was retarded" (as you suggest!) in the original thread they get slapped with a "take it to meta", but then when they take it to meta, bootlickers like you pitch a fit on behalf of the poor slighted farmhands. Sounds like what you really want is for people to shut up about shitty bans. Hm. Wonder who that serves. Also
>"newfags not integrating! Newfags not integrating!"Anons have been posting like this for years. That's why people are pissed off about being suddenly banhammered for things that used to be the norm (jokes, banter).
No. 77987
>>77982Gee, yeah why would anyone care about being banned for a reason that doesn't even make sense on a basic level. Just take the ban!
>>77986You are pathetic. That poster is not me. You must be projecting your samefagging onto others.
>>77983>Also what's the point of the "take it to /meta/" redtext then if it shouldn't be taken here?the point is to get anons to take their complaints to the designated thread where farmhands and company camp out to dogpile you using the same handful of retarded phrases (no matter what the context). It's egregious and the more anons get mad about it, the harder and more desperately they try to dogpile.
No. 77994
>>77992Do you realize how fucked in the head you come across when you constantly try to convince us that every single anon who has an opinion you don't approve of is the same person based entirely on these monumental reaches and how much they
trigger you? We can all see what you're doing and no one ever takes the bait, even the anons on your "side". Is it that hard to believe the world doesn't revolve around you and your wants?
>>77989This, we know farmhands lurk but they only make actual farmhand posts like once a month at most, so what are they saying on anon where they have plausible deniability to shield them from the self-wk allegations? Kek
No. 78001
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Cp in ot
No. 78013
>>78010Considering they're whiteknighting bans that happened
on /ot/ and praising the farmhands for taking care of the stray "dumbass shitters", I think they['re farmhands who] only come here for /ot/ in the first place experiencing cognitive dissonance. Anyone who wants /ot/ closed can clock these bans as a petty waste of time, but anons who want it to stay open pretend they're fixing /ot/.
No. 78036
>>78032If they find out they'll scrub the site just incase nonna leaked any confential data. Then posts like "kill all moids" may have to reported. Then bad stuff
>>78035Sorry about calling you retarded nona. Please learn not to shitpost on company wifi. Good luck in DC or New York.
No. 78043
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>>78042Thanks for the delete Farmhand! Hopefully we have many more years under the radar
No. 78046
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>>78035Samefag, thank you for deleting it, farmhand. The ban was still autistic, but I fear I was even more retarded in my moment of rage. I apologize to farmhands and other anons.
No. 78057
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Can they get rid of this fucking janny already? They probably know it’s a tranny but because he’s (the mod) keeps banning people left and right they probably lowkey enjoy it because the whole mod squad are a bunch of instigating queerios. Get rid of it you fucking babies of crack addicts, this was posted on the get it out with your chest jesus fucking christ not everything warrants a redtext
No. 78059
>>78058Anon that wasn’t me, I’m defending the
nonny who was likely being innocent. This is what they get for getting rid of the main ot thread where’s NO rules for the way you post
No. 78060
>>78057A bunch of users ruined it for everyone else, but now it's clear a bunch of people are reporting them because they are tired of these posts too. They are
valid and they are bannable post tbf.
>>78059It's not even in the right thread. Random thoughts are not the same as GIOYC.
No. 78061
>>78057Anons can't just post whatever they want in whatever thread they feel like though. As innocent as these are, it's annoying and stupid to people who want to use threads correctly. If stupid twitter type posts
have to be posted, at least put it in the bechdel thread or whatever it's called.
No. 78078
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>>78057Kek you're deranged and mentally challenged
No. 78086
>>78071My bad anon, sorry.
>>78074In my defense, the farmhand post she replied to was about the "chink" thread, not about that. And anon made it sound so sneaky…
No. 78089
>>78084Vent = For talking about problems and receiving replies offering sympathy or advice.
Confessions = For posting confessions about things you did or things you think.
GIOYC = For getting things off your chest and ranting, without fear of reply.
They're all different. It's not our fault you don't (can't?) read thread descriptions or lurk to understand what a thread is about.
>>78088They're just mad because they can't bait anons in dumbass shit thread anymore because it's on autosage so now they're trying to take down all of /ot/ in a fit of tard rage.
No. 78092
>>78089kek so basically all the same then? I don't care that "ermmmmmmmmmm ackshually read the op and you'll find that they're all 1% different from eachother and there's a STARK difference in the posting styles fucking newfag retard" these things are way too similar to warrant having three separate threads, all it does is bloat your catalog. gay and dumb.
>>78087needing a vent thread where no one is allowed to reply to you is some severe womanchild hugbox shit
No. 78104
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Shitspergs are at it again trying to make dumbass shit thread clones.
>>78097They're ramping up on the bait today in /meta/ and /ot/ because it's the weekend. You'll notice a very similar pattern of thought and posting style from the shitspergs.
No. 78113
>>78107You've made this joke twice already and it makes it more obvious that you're just baiting kek
>>78109>expect the populace to all stop posting itYeah LC isn't the government if they don't like that a thread is on autosage they can go to a different website or make a Discord server for themselves. The whole appeal of dumbass shit for them was spamming it constantly so it was on the homepage at all times and to draw other anons into the thread to engage with them. That's why they're so upset, not because the dumbass shit thread is closed because it isn't, it's just they can't constantly spam it to the top of the catalog anymore to get attention. The thread still exists there were people posting in it as recently as yesterday, it's not a big deal at all if it's on autosage because if they wanted to use their thread they could just go use it right now.
No. 78124
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>>78095jesus christ let it go. there's a gazillion theeads in ot you can post in and you autists are in here crying about dumbass shit every single day. get a hint already
No. 78135
>>78125it's not like they'll nucely go back to being contained even if dumbass comes back, they're too belligerent for that
>>78127>>78128usa the catalog. there are other threads besides confessions, unpopular opinions and vent.
if your post is so super special that it doesn't fit anywhere try tumblr or some shit. you don't HAVE to post here.
No. 78136
>>781358 billion years ago last thursday, 4chan instated a brony quarantine board to stop the spread of ponyshit to the rest of the site
it worked
we are not as shitty as 4chan; it would work here too, and it used to
No. 78138
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dumbass shit nonnies I tried!!! give it a few months, they’re just being so retarded this year idk why
No. 78141
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Nta in picrel but where are we supposed to put this shitttttt not every thread is like GIOYT where no replies are allowed we want to be retarded with other people vibing and grooving with each other. What the hell are they doing to this place????? no wonder most of the dumbass shit anons went to /g/ and just stay there cause this is just not it
No. 78143
>>78141I'd like to point out that the dumbass shitposters aren't just infecting the rest of /ot/, they've spread to /g/ and /snow/ noticeably
>>78142you are acting like a special needs person
No. 78149
>>78146sorry, lame joke, meant to imply that I think that they're literally the same people kek
but then some dipshit has already gone "omg you think we are horse-perverts?!?!?!11" so I just dropped it
No. 78160
>>78159The issue is that it didn't remain a quarantine thread. New users abused /ot/ and bled their DSP into other threads and now have been throwing tantrums for months and purposely derailing threads and testing the jannies like children, making their newfaggotry everyone else's problem.
A spam thread can have all they want. Images, DSP, vents that you don't think can go in the vent, hitler, male takes, troon hate.. Just get the fuck out of other threads if you can't follow posting rules.
No. 78161
>>78160that sounds pretty much like the dumbass shit thread, yeah
I agree that if there's a quarantine thread, then they damn well better stay in it, and no complaint about being banned for shitposting elsewhere should be taken seriously, since that thread would exist
literally what 4chan did with bronies to massive success; surely even our shittiet lava-rock retard isn't as bad as a bronie
No. 78165
>>78164trannies are a separate issue, all males should be banned on sight; but, playing devil's advocate, if you wanna sort of count them as dumbass shit thread posters, then they're
definitely some of the ones sharting up /ot/ and /g/ now
No. 78173
>>78170my bad, you you didn't tell me the minimum number of examples required, let me rattle you off the full list
>#1: no>>78172true but they would still have to hire a new janny to monitor for exactly that
No. 78191
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>>78187Here's a random selection of image board rules pages. All of them ban shitposting.
No. 78192
>>781914chan's specifically says
outside of /b/, so within that one board it's allowed
No. 78193
>>78192and our /ot/ used to be called /b/ years and years ago and we changed the name
specifically because admin didn't want it to emulate the culture of /b/
No. 78194
>>78192If you want to use a board like /b/ just go on /b/ and see how you like it.
>>78191No sense in replying to the shit spergs they're just baiting for the sake of baiting.
No. 78195
>>78192this website is not 4chan, same reason why this idiot
>>78040 got banned
No. 78212
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Posts like
>>>/w/327570 are just pointless WKing or shitty derail and add nothing to the thread. No one was attacking gluten-free people, no one cares about your opinion on carbs.
No. 78214
>>78209>dumbas shit in /sty/This isn't a great idea though because it would just be shit posting. I think anons forget dumbass shit isn't for shitposting and that the actual shit posting thread also got automated (or locked? Can't remember). It doesn't fix the problem that there's still no thread for anons who want to post things that don't fit in any other thread
In fact, the dumbass shit thread before it was locked basically was filled with shit posting and infights. Idk about anyone else but it honestly made it unpleasant to use for me. But those anons just kept getting banned and then coming back.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, but this whole fiasco is just the staff showing that they cannot properly moderate (likely due to not having effective tools because of how old our site is), so they just autosage the thread and blame it on a few overzealous and annoying users who kept evading bans.
No. 78220
>>78212Kek but nitpicking her food and tinfoiling she doesn't even eat what she posts isn't? Either food discussion is okay or not at all. Also no, you don't
need bread and pasta lol You can get carbs elsewhere and not be an anachan. The infighting calling an anon an anachan for that take isn't helping either.
No. 78221
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>>78202>fujosLiterally where??? None of the negative posts in the thread are defending the cows, they're just giving reasons for why they dislike the concept of the thread, and they were overruled by a farmhand anyway. Why the hell do some anons have to steer
literally every disagreement into sperging about fujos?
No. 78225
Beastiality tinfoiler has resurfaced in Steph's thread. Sigh
>>78220The most recent pics of Tay show that she's underweight (her arms are literally just bones at this point) and yet she's obsessed with weight loss/diet podcasts… that's ana-chan behavior and it's not nitpicking to discuss it
No. 78230
>>78229Probably all 3, fujos make the radfems and tradthots here seethe just as much as moids if not way more because by merely existing they shit all over their shared belief that pure and innocent women uwu are unable to enjoy sexual or degenerate content unless it's to impress a man and in that case they're just pretending. This is yet another issue caused by letting the political discussion get completely out of control here.
Husbandofags hate them too because they're autists who can't stand seeing their fake boyfriends with anyone who isn't them, but I doubt they make up more than a fraction of the fujosperging. The ones who hate them for political reasons are obsessive about it, they hate them more than moids and fight 24/7 to convince them to drop it so they'll stop 'making women look bad.'
No. 78234
>>78231Lol did you honestly think the anti fujo spergs were all random moids and troons coming out of the woodwork? See
>>77810 it's other women, always has been. The rise in fujohate directly correlates with the rise in political autism. All those radfems and tradthots you see going to war over prostitutes, abortion, boobs, race, and moids all day? They have a lot to say about fujos too and none of it's good, one of the few things the two groups agree on. Sorry you didn't get the memo.
I don't like shota and I most definitely won't waste my time fighting over it let alone watching others do so. Haven't even seen the thread where it's taking place this time yet.
No. 78235
This micky moon vendetta user is linking their Google doc that they keep spamming in thread, to other sites, then taking a photo of their account to share it. This cow doesn't have any traction outside of lolcow and we know there's a vendettasperg who had been trying super hard to make this 5 month milk stay relevant.
>>>/w/327593If they can't stop self posting, we might need to autosage. They post unsaged a lot.
No. 78240
>>78232I don't think there's any demonstrable difference between the "early" radfems and the ones we have now. Both groups are equally annoying about trannies and moids, although maybe the newfags are slightly more annoying because they have a tendency to scrotefoil.
>>78237Solidly agreed with this post. I don't even know why they bother using an imageboard if all they're going to do is moralfag over ~degeneracy~. That's one thing I miss about the old farms—these sorts of users would have been told to STFU or ignored.
No. 78249
>>78247Nta but they spill and bring this into other threads, here is a very quick example that's recent
>>>/pt/934649 Venus thread, anons claim poster is a tranny when the take doesn't even suggest that. It's unhinged. These users calling others moids and trannies are doing this everywhere and when it's not even applicable because they want to infight and think it's fun. They think aligning with
we hate trannies is a way to skirt around the moderation, but when they are held accountable for derailing, suddenly the
farmhands love trannies and one of them is a tranny.
No. 78252
>>78246 (NTA)
>admin has mentioned several times that these aren't male users, but women with trad thoughtsAnd that's not what anons like the angry newfriend here today want to hear so the scrotefoiling and pickme accusations continue on in the face of all the evidence that it really is other (t)radfems doing this kek. The irony of treating women like a hivemind never dawns on them.
No. 78254
>>78232I've been here since 2017 and I think you're absolutely right. The old fags who originally came here from cgl were not this puritanical. And more to the point, people should be hiding threads for shit they dislike instead of browbeating people who do enjoy it as a means of eradicating the thing entirely. It's very childish to think, "Well
I disapprove of yaoi, therefore no one should be allowed to enjoy it." Ffs they're just drawings, this is the least important thing on Earth and anons treat it like it's the source of all human misery.
No. 78262
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>>78261Huh? It's right here in the rules, friend. An exception is made for when the cow posts the information on their own, but that doesn't count as doxxing in that case.
No. 78292
>>78286hornypost spamming in unrelated threads was always bannable. in my opinion, the sudden increase in deranged fetish posting outside containment is noticeable and annoying.
on the other hand it's just some random gross posts so whatever, I've seen way worse. but I'm still going to report them.
No. 78297
>>>/w/327681>exactly! i’m not tinfoiling that they actually fuck animals, i just think it’s extremely weird that anybody at all can own several horses as pets and then want to put a dildo shaped like a horse penis inside of them>>>/w/327671Don't forget the good old:
>It's not a stick the janny has up their…nevermind it's a unicorn dildoEveryone else can read exactly what they mean. I have a feeling they are posting all this because they have fun tinfoiling about it and since they are fighting the mods about obvious animal fucking tinfoil, clearly they know what they are doing in the thread. As long as they can put down "THEY FUCK ANIMALS" somewhere and just get a redtxt, they will. They like the prosperity of the posts being on the thread in case people see it and want to assume it's true. It's basically archiving trolling. This happens so much now in cow threads.
No. 78298
Someone needs to tell the skirby poster, who knows they shouldn't be posting unedited and boyfriend photos, to stop spamming photoshop with her? It's a vendetta. Half the posts about her are not even shopped.
>>>/snow/2000412 Or at least ban her from the thread.
If anons want to post about her, and Instagram thots hate thread would be the place. They can post all her whiny social media things on there and post her boyfriend and unshooped images. I don't know why they keep abusing a photoshop only thread.
No. 78299
>>78297I'd love this person to just be perma banned but I know they haven't done enough to get that hammer on them
It simply isn't relevant to the thread because Stef isn't posting any bestiality shit, there's no proof of it other than her gf owning toys
I feel like they're some poor anon thats so obsessed with Stef that they just can't cope with her thread being slow so they make shit up kinda sad
No. 78301
>>78299I think anons are confusing the diagram of how furfags and cross over into it, but she hasn't shown any interest in fucking real animals. Not reposting animals with their dicks out or other creepy shit. It's just petplay and what if they had alien dildos or the weird zombie shit they had years ago? Does she wants to fuck dead people and aliens? Anon can't handle fantasy and reality being different and people being able to control themselves. They sound underage. I personally think it's gross to post all that shit publicly, but she still hasn't shown interest in wanting to do things with real animals.
Beastality anon is unhinged. If this is all her thread is, since it has been for a year now, it should close. Like a lot of other stale-ass threads. She doesn't even really fit into the idea of /w/ anywhere. She barely cosplays, doesn't go on about Japan, most of it is nerd community petplay. That's all e-thots.
I vote she gets moved to /snow/
No. 78302
>>78301/snow or just let it die, she hasn't done anything interesting, she doesn't post her shit with her gf despite spending half the year with her, she doesn't even post selfies, this is clearly a vendetta anon that can't let Stef go
I'd love Stef to come back as unhinged as ever but I doubt that's going to happen until her and countess break up
No. 78303
>>78302Agreed. I think the farmhands on /w/ and admin need to sit down and discuss how many times they need to redtext a thread constantly before it closes. We have a few that are becoming the new belle/jvlog situation. They don't belong on /w/ or at all.
Some cows that could be put out to pasture or thrown into /snow/ or the fashion/cosplay general thread on /w/:
Dakota -
fashion general on /w/Sarah Spaceman -
cosplay generalTerry -
cosplay general [he really does nothing besides anons constantly commenting on his cosplays, he has no other drama, no need for a whole thread of just achieving his crossplaying]
Stef -
pasture get rid of her
Taylor - she doesn't even live in Japan and doesn't cosplay. isn't there some
lifestyle vloggers you hate thread? she should go there. also 19% of the new thread is redtext.
Kelly Eden - doesn't even cosplay anymore, should go in the same
lifestyle vlogger thread as Taylor or even the alt thread.
Nicole Eevee -
instagram girls you hate or
pasture this thread was hands down made out of vendetta and this girl has completely nothing.
Micky -
egirls you hate anons spamming their google doc everywhere online that micky exists and then takes a photo of it to post to the thread. they did this is neocities and facebook and has posted their link to their personally made google doc [yes they confirmed in thread they made it, so they are using lolcow as their personal army] and then complains "Micky never grows", but is actively following her around social medias and spamming this. ruining any prospect of natural milk.
No. 78307
>>78299i don’t know why you guys think it’s one singular person on stef’s thread. i posted a couple of those things, and the rest of them are somebody else. i don’t know why you find it so hard to believe that more than one person finds this shit weird.
>>78297i said the horse thing, and i said exactly what i mean. i’m not implying anything at all. do you forget that half of us who post here are autists? i’m not insinuating that she genuinely fucks animals. in fact i’m about 99.9% sure she doesn’t and would never actually fuck animals. i find it laughable and pathetic that she lets her horses wither away while her and her whale of a girlfriend sit there and add ginormous horse shaped dildos to their wishlists. that’s it. i genuinely, sincerely don’t understand why you guys get so worked up over that
why do y’all want to kill her thread so bad? what’s the harm in letting us few stragglers talk about her shitty fursuits if we want to? we just had somebody last week find the thread and upload photos of a fursuit they got from her. the milk is still there, it’s just a few drops at a time kek
No. 78313
>>78308>no proof it was from StefI mean you can see how badly they are made from a distance so the idea they are badly constructed is pretty believable. They edited the colours so they couldn't be easily identified, I don't find it
>>78303Nicole Eevee thread hasn't been updated for a million years, the rest just sounds like you don't personally find them interesting. They are all milky, if you don't like /w use the other boards
>>78307Agreed, nobody thinks she actually does bestiality, that's just a dumb strawman anons made so they can deflect from the actual topic which is 30 animal dildos on a wishlist. That's funny. Only a unicorn fucker would think otherwise, everyone else thinks that's hilarious.
No. 78314
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>>78303I hate reading general threads, nobody wants this except someone who wants the board to die. Moving everything will break the links: is that the goal behind this? It's like two people arguing for closing Stef's thread (lol the boldest liar on this site).
>they like the prosperity of the posts being on the threadwtf word salad is this
No. 78319
>>78307Talk about the fursuits, but don't be creeps about bestiality and claim "muh autism", if you don't wanna be interpreted a certain way, then learn to talk like a normal person and avoid misinterpretation
I don't care if anons find it creepy, because it is, but it still isn't relevant when all of your proof is the gf not Stef
How about you make a thread for countess if you wanna project your bestiality degeneracy
No. 78324
I got banned for something I said days ago.
>>77005Seems like it.
No. 78325
>>78307samefagging to say that i just went back to the complaints thread from a few months ago to catch up on what people have talked about here re: stef. i'm the anon who originally posted the dildos like half a year ago. i've been passively keeping up with stef for years now and once in a while if i'm really high and bored i'll do a little deep diving on her and countess. that's it. i then proceed to fuck off until i feel like doing it again, or until there's actual milk from her. it's truthfully that simple. i've never evaded a ban because i'm too retarded to bother figuring out how. if that makes me a vendettachan then what the fuck should we call everybody else who uses this site kek
>>78319that's literally what i was doing? read the fucking quote we're discussing right now.
>i'm not tinfoiling that they actually fuck animals, i just think it's extremely weird that anybody at all can own several horses as pets and then want to put a dildo shaped like a horse penis inside of themhow is that not clear?
i also just went and searched her current thread for any mentions of the word "bestiality." 10 mentions of the word, plus 2 misspelled as "beastiality." one singular anon FIVE MONTHS AGO said
>Nta but her girlfriend being into bestiality kinda has a little to do with Stef…Just another reason to be worried about her animals.and that's the only time anybody at all outright accuses stef or countess of being into bestiality. another anon likens their usage of animal penis shaped dildos to "roleplaying bestiality," and another anon says that
>No normal people want to be thinking about dog penises or deer penises during sex and if you do want to be thinking about that, bestiality applies.that's it. so yet again i say, none of us are accusing them of practicing bestiality. go look for yourselves because i actually for the life of me can't figure out how to link to the specific posts here
while i'm here i would like to take a moment to thank the other nonnies who have been pointing and laughing with me. i'm glad at least a couple other people think this shit is weird
No. 78327
>>78257Is this about Stevie's company or something else? No addresses or identifying information is allowed to be posted here, even if it is public record. Mostly because imageboard males (who do browse here and poorly disguise their posts) are unhinged and doxing usually leads to harassment from them, like when people showed up at Belle's house years ago, and also more recently Moo's studio iirc (only opened that thread like twice so idk what happened after that)
I doubt anyone who reads Jill's thread would care about that, but the policy makes sense with the wider context of unhinged imageboard users.
No. 78328
>>78325Holy shit you are so unhinged. And to reply to your previous comments, it's 100% possible and very common for a person not to share all the same sexual interests as their partner. Idk what kind of virgin
femcel you have to be to not know that. Whatever Stef's gf is into is irrelevant in Stef's thread. Just shut the fuck up already and stop defending your sperging
No. 78330
>>78262it's still untrue they're not allowed at all, they just need to be disclosed by the cow. you need to be specific because the rules are. that
unless disclosed part is more important because it gives the context.
No. 78331
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i’ll be so glad when the current staff team fucks off man you people are awful
No. 78332
>>78327Their excuse is that you can pay for addresses online, but going out of their way to publicly post it on a site like lolcow which has people openly wishing harm on cows, is doxing. These anons are crazy.
>>78329It's a wishlist. People have had these up online for decades now and isn't new. She hasn't been begging either. Posting a link is not the same as begging constantly and tagging people yo buy you things.
I swear most of you over-exaggerate cows.
No. 78336
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>>78333Because cow boards are about the cow. It's in the rules not to involve in actual cow milk. She isn't the subject of the thread and anons have no new milk on Stef so they are trying to make her milky by association by what her girlfriend posts and likes. Keep gaming others faggot when you're getting all the redtexts and killing the thread with your vendetta.
No. 78344
>>78342Begging you to just make a thread for countess because Stef hasn't wish listed this shit so it's simply not relevant
Stef's threads have been very firmly narrow, they didn't bring in her friends or affiliates and it's always been that way so it makes sense no one wants to do it now
No. 78347
>>78344I wonder what the big deal is, because Lori and Kevin have a thread together, Stevie is fair game in Jill's thread (and his eventual troon-out is milky), Scott was discussed in Yumi's thread, etc. So since Stef has once again switched obsessions(furry), and her partner is into yiff and god knows what else, and they want all those animal dildos… why is this not allowed in her thread?
Stef has had slow but consistent milk in the past years. She just bought a new wolf-dog puppy from a breeder, then promptly fucked off to be with Countess for the whole summer. Some heart horse of hers died and didn't even get a eulogy. She is making crappy fursuits and pretending wolves & animals at the zoo remember her personally. Now she's larping as a trail runner with her uh, older wolfdog (which she bought by claiming she had one already - she did not). She used to be obsessed with breeding her horses, now there's the possibility she'll try to breed these two intact wolf-dogs.
I really can't understand why this is not enough to justify her thread. the people who don't like it, or are offended by it can just hide the thread.
Furthermore: of people (usually men ofc) who have been outed for abusing animals sexually, none of them were posting animal genitals online. They all know what they do is illegal, it is all done and shared secretly just like CSAM. I really feel for the investigators who have had to infiltrate these groups and see what they do, especially because the bastards are almost never successfully prosecuted for these crimes.
No. 78348
>>78347None of those threads allow tinfoiling about partners. We can say Stevie is a degerate cause he posts it, but we can say Jill is a degenerate as well because she supports age regression. Kevin is a weird and he's done his own cringy shit. Countess has weird fetishes, and they're brought up, but they're not projected onto Stef because Stef
has not shown to purchase any of these fucking dildos that this anon is so obsessed withHow is this so hard to understand. The evidence for the bestiality tinfoil
for Stefany does not exist she has never shown signs of wanting to fuck animals she's just a deranged weirdo who thinks she's a werewolf and thats milk enough without needing this baseless cringe tinfoil
No. 78349
>>78347Samefagging because I forgot
Countess is cringe and she has
sus interests, but the reason she isn't posted like Stevie or Kevin is because she's not super active in a bad way. aside from a pick me take on video game character design for women, she's mild, even lukewarm, and I haven't seen much worth posting from her
If another anon has feel free
Neither Stef nor her gf post much anymore and thats why her thread is dying, not because she didn't have some bs in the past they're quieter now and give us less to go off since they're not in weird servers either
No. 78350
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Alright, that's it. I've had it with this bullshit. These posts get to stay up for hours calling out women of other races, and they're somehow magically not racebaiting HOW, exactly?
I'm fucking sick of the black women thread being allowed to say this kind of racist shit and not receiving any reprimands about this. I'd love to hear from the admin or farmhands why this behavior gets a free pass. Because I, for one, can't understand it. I'm sick of it.
No. 78351
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>>78350>accurate read of retarded racist women equals raceb8were your feelings hurt? that anon's completely right about everything she said kek
No. 78357
The Quarantines’ Cultural Impact thread
>>>/ot/1819899 is being derailed by anons discussing ozempic and whether psychiatry is a legitimate field. Neither of these topics have anything to do with covid, and would be better off in the tinfoil thread.
No. 78361
>>78356this is pretty hypocritical considering you were one of the minority dragging AbroadinJapan's boring non-jvlogging ex into jvlog all the time, even if she just posted an outfit selfie. You're very clockable.
Mikan is a known queerbaiter who pretends to be bi, and she regularly makes ads for her brand that are like AKB48's Heavy Rotation MV, but in 2024 (if you can't get the reference, I can't help you). Tom and Taylor are both in the OP of their thread, Tom's mystical poor upbringing isn't off-topic. Stef and her gf are both furries.
No. 78374
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>>78372Samefagging 'cause I want to point something out. Found a post in the Asian women thread that really made me think. An anon telling another anon not to
generalize about an entire group of people based on the color of their skin. Fucking astounding.
No. 78376
>>78348>None of those threads allow tinfoiling about partners. NTA but this isn't true. There's tinfoils about Stevie cheating on Jill with Maggie, DDLG stuff, potential troon-out…and none are redtexted.
I don't give a damn about the Stef thread but the two (?) anons thinking they're the /w police needs to take a grip.
No. 78385
>>78374Why are you so
triggered, a hit dog will holler
No. 78390
>>78387no, she's perfectly articulate
you are retarded
No. 78414
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This is not my ban, but holy fuck, autistic farmhand who can't detect jokes strikes again. Since you're so autistic, I'll explain the joke to you:
>anon thinks russian moids are so revolting that she jokingly censors the word like zoomers do for slurs, indicating the depth of her disdain for them in a humorous fashion.
I am seriously at my fucking limit witnessing autistic farmhands banning people for obvious jokes that they were too slow to pick up on. What is going on with this crop of farmhands? I'm seriously asking. They never used to be this stupid.
Also, I feel like 70% of red texts now are a farmhand trying their hand at humor/sarcasm, which imo almost borders on personalityfagging if it's a particular farmhand that is doing all of those. The snarky red texts used to be reserved for the most egregious of posts, which made them funny, like "your post was so bad that a farmhand broke character." If the farmhand is doing it for the majority of bans, it swings from funny to obnoxious really quick, and we are there now.
No. 78423
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>>7835780% of that thread is just one autistic anon replying to every single post with a wall of text and getting mad when people don't agree with her covid vaccination opinion. It's obvious who it is because of their writing style and refusal to sage, you'll literally just get banned for replying to them too much because they literally will not stop posting
No. 80320
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Please reopen the Onision thread. Ever since yall closed it he’s been prancing around the internet acting like he’s invincible all the sudden.. he has a new YouTube, pushing his website again and pushing onlyfans again and asking old patrons to sign up to his OF for a year free