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No. 361134

Previous thread >>>/g/339130

No. 361135

What is this op pic?

No. 361136

Fem gosling

No. 361282

I can finally admit that it turns me on to have two men suck my nipples/breasts/tits/boobs whatever at the same time. Also getting doubled cunnilingus is a plus too.

No. 361342

Maybe choose a different thread pic and it'll get used.

No. 361366

Not op but reminds me of relevant post, one time I saw a female edit of Paul dano riddler and thought she was stunning

No. 361368

Women binding their chests. Ever since I was a kid watching cartoons where a woman would go undercover as a man with bandages over her chest, it made me feel all tingly. I'm not into troons because they are too mentally ill about it, but a crossdressing woman who binds her chest still really turns me on. I have fantasies about getting to undo the binding and revealing her breasts, or even better, running my hands over her bound chest and feeling her up over the binding.

No. 361370

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I just want a hot boyfriend to cosplay and fuck me in costume. Maybe a slow strip, and whispers in my ear. I just love seeing hot guys cosplay.

Sometimes I think I have a tank/tube fetish. Not explicitly but the idea of being frozen and awoken to a better future with bodymod tech is very appealing to me. Kinda like setting for my fantasies, where I use sci-fi stuff to explain away my weird fetishes.

No. 361493

I have masturbated to the movie Crash several times and listen the soundtrack to get in the mood. tfw you'll never find a hot husband to fuck while crashing a car and watch him make out with a psycho

No. 361494

my boot thing is getting out of hand. kept staring at my friend's boots today. he has nice calves.

No. 361521

Me too, what a greatmovie. Even has stuff for the fujos

No. 361671

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It has everything, if the women in the movie slapped him around a little bit, it would be perfect.

No. 361693

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Fuckin uhhh uh male feet. My life is so unbelievably hard do any of you people know how impossibly rare it is to land a 'Chad' with disproportionately small, completely hairless and high arched feet that likes to wear semi-sheer nylon socks? Do you even care? I've suffered like Christ travelleing across the great desert that is the internet with a cross on his back, my only companion the lame camel (my kittycat giving me moral support) and this photo is all I have.
Dream fantasy:I'm a world renowned shoemaker and faceless shy customers come flocking to me. I'm a humble artisan so I even take off their shoes and help them try out different designs- on, off, on, off, on… They start getting uncomfortable being so spoiled by a genius leathersmith mastermind fashion icon and just as they start blushing and pushing me away I START SUCKIN' BABEYYYY!!!!!!!!!!

No. 361695

lol nona i am a (not obsessed) footfag too, i like that style too but i gave up knowing that it is extinct.
Do you happen to like some of those J.C.Leyendecker socks ad illustrations?

No. 361696

Yes I am very familiar with mister Leyendecker and his works. The only faggot I will pardon from hellfire

No. 361747

Does Ezra millers feet fall into this category kek

No. 361750

>a genius leathersmith mastermind fashion icon
kek, great read anon. hope you can find your Chaderella and shoe him someday

No. 361766

i want to take the virginity of a shy, awkward 18-19 year old boy

No. 361772

Hahah I’m reading crash at the minute

No. 361881

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not a specific fetish but i want to be immortal so i can peg a cute angry guy that despises me while he tries to shoot me and tells me to die idk

No. 362080

Had the silliest dream where I went to my ultrachad GP for some vague issues with my vagina and he’s like “well we can fix this” with a sheepish look on his face and next thing I know we are in his bed making hot passionate segs. He is married with two kids and I don’t even feel an ounce of guilt because this is totally for medical reasons. Then I go home to my clueless chad nigel and have hot sex with him afterwards and I’m like this is it, the best of both worlds. I’ve never cheated in my life and don’t think I ever will but man.

No. 362089

Women in office suits with skirts, or pants, stilettos. That or an actual tight body suit of some kind with gloves. Color has to be all black or white too. I feel bad cause its the stereotype dominatrix look and is moid gazing. I draw it in private cause I do not want a bunch of men liking my images. I just love a dominant woman in unrealistic heels.

No. 362128

The ego-driven kind of benevolent savior complex. I'm trying so hard not to inflict it on the "uwu sweet little tortured soul" I know irl. I can make myself snap out of it and remind myself she's a sentient being and not a fantasy. But I just want to heal you with the power of my loveeee…

No. 362139

I have a fantasy about a deranged woman who kidnaps me and keeps me in her basement. Bonus points if she's a weathy businesswoman who seems very capable and normal on the outside. Something is so thrilling about being so desired that the other person goes crazy for you and needs to keep you all to herself.

No. 362207

Based, but for me he'd also be immortal so he can die over and over.

No. 362280

Having my gyno “teach me about my anatomy” while pleasuring me is one of my biggest guilty fantasies. Plus he’s so hot, shame he’s married.

No. 362311

No. 362314

I don’t know if this is a fetish or a confession but I’m ashamed of it for sure so may as well put it here, I have fantasized about my Nigel’s cousin for almost the past 2 years now. I hate myself for it but at his family functions or when we just get together it’s obvious there’s attraction there. My Nigel has the attention span of a goldfish and is oblivious to everything around him in general. I don’t know if it makes it extra hot the tension that fills the room when we see each other. The last time I saw his cousin he was intoxicated and in front of my Nigel gave me the biggest hug that felt very different from previous hugs. He has been more playfully flirty towards me I shrug it off but damn it gets me going. Sometimes I fantasize about him touching me at a gathering in secret. I never want to act upon it though something about never following through the forbidden is just hot as fuck. Is there a fetish to describe this that’s not cucking?

No. 362321

So yuri Killing Stalking?

No. 362323

Don't feel guilty. Your nigel has doubtless felt that way about other women. Obviously don't act on it, but also don't feel bad about it.

No. 362324

Nonny, when I was little I used to dream about being a lady pirate or knight and having to hide my identity like that know one would find out I was a woman…maybe one day we'll find each other

No. 362364

ty nona ♥ I could never bring myself to actually ever follow upon it even if I was presented with all the opportunities. I just really enjoy the tension that is there. It’s just way more hot in fantasy, besides moralfagging reasons I know IRL most moids disappoint

No. 362415

Those videos of half naked men cooking but they’re basically fucking the food

No. 362456

Those are so disturbing and unsettling to me kek

No. 362457

One time I saw a video on twitter of some guy pretending to eat a mangos pussy before cutting it up. why.

No. 362463

Ah, to have a gf who would cross dress for me and then let me pull open her shirt to “reveal her” as a woman and play with her chest. It would be so hot. Alternatively, I’d also love for her to keep everything on up top but then let me pull down her pants and eat her out while teasing her about hiding such a cute pussy under her disguise.

No. 362498

reminder for myself to cross dress at public events to find a gf like this

No. 362565

Same, except he doesn’t flirt with me kek

No. 362602

Oh my god I need help or something because I can't stop fantasizing about him beating the absolute shit out of me (in a loving sexy way kek). Is this from trauma?? I feel like that's not normal but it turns me on so badly. Well I don't think I'll ever be asking for that, anyway.

No. 362646

Fetish or fantasy? Being fully clothed in a gyno chair strapped down at a sorority being teased, experimented on and laughed at. Closeted hot mean girls are my weakness

No. 362655

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whatever the fuck les claypool does with his hands

No. 362707

Link? I’ve never seen these but I’m intrigued

No. 362737

kek I used to look at videos of guys fucking fruit. I like looking at guys masturbating in general, and I think I was a bit turned on by how pathetic and depraved it was. Like oh no, peepe hard, need to stick it into the nearest thing. To be fair I've also gotten myself off with some odd objects before I was old enough to buy my own sex toys.

No. 362747

this is so embarrassing and it feels legitimately retarded but i have to confess it somewhere: i think i have a kaiju kink. and it’s not even really monsterfucking because there’s no real element of fantasy or anything to it. i just get turned on from seeing cities get destroyed by massive creatures. i also get the most intense asmr-feels from their roars and legit use godzilla ambience (which is shockingly a thing) to sleep some nights. i feel like a turbo autistic moid. or the nlog of teratophiliacs.

No. 362802

PLEASE explain why it turns you on

No. 362804

There are better vids out there imo, but this is one of the most popular guys that do it.

No. 362810

this would be way hotter if he didn't keep shoving his face in the camera, like get out of here with those obvious jaw implants kek

No. 362825

I'd never tried period sex before but I'm embarrassed that I got insanely aroused by sitting on a moid's face and pulling his hair while bleeding on him. I also like the feeling of staining his sheets with my blood, especially because it's so hard to wash.

I've been turned on by this weirdo and his dumb hands for a decade. His fingers look so nice

No. 362867

>trying to make cooking sexy
>eats a glazed donut with knife and fork

legit retard

No. 362869

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god yes. you get it. i can't watch him play without getting horny. his fingering game must be godly. hands that exist once a century. send me to the next life.

No. 362885

One time I saw a dump of photos of bloody-faced men clearly fresh from eating period pussy and I almost died

No. 362888

mind telling us where you saw it…

No. 362896

Don't tease us like that, post it

No. 362899

The part where he slaps the dough and then eats it out was funny but all the jizz glaze and filling shots started to turn my stomach

No. 362900

dont we all nonna

No. 362965

For the love of god, drop a link. Did you there was a name for that? It's called JFK head. Y'know, bloody head. Or so I heard…

No. 362969

I’ve done it it’s kinda meh.

No. 363073

can you describe your experience? i assume he either came too fast or it took too long for him to cum

No. 363092

Lolcow is my fetish

No. 363188

i don't feel much when i hear talked german but hearing someone with a german accent talking in english is another story and i hate it, it will never go away

No. 363313

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i have a definitive guy on a motorbike fetish, it slowly creeped out on me but sometimes i have the urge to look at videos of moids doing stunts with bikes and it turns me on immensely, there are so many examples but i love it when they ride with their back turned, crawl up on their vehicle, or anything that makes them spread their legs like sluts while riding or just ground level shots of them starting up the engine like you would see on moidcore music videos.
Wearing helmets and heavy-ish clothing surely helps me not identifying them as real humans and it wouldn't work if they show their faces or wear casual clothing but i would never want to date a moid that would actually do those kind of things even if he had the perfect looks, i'm also sensitive to noise so i really hate it when i hear loud bikes.

No. 363331

That's funny because it's an irrational ick for me. I just associate motorbikes with middle aged men, including my dad, and I think the gear is irredeemably dorky. Stunts are probably cool but guys who ride bikes are not usually young and hot and doing tricks, they're just old guys who think they're cooler than they are.

No. 363342

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nta. I used to think this, that all bikers were goofy middle-aged metalheads with a santa beard and a beer belly, until I started dating my bf who rides a bike and let me tell you the daft punkesque look younger bikers have is such a turn-on to me now.

No. 363348

I have similar fantasy except the kidnapper is a deranged autistic lolita type who has an obsession of making the kidnappee cute and dressing her into lolita outfits and giving autistic lectures about the style and clothes. No I don't dress in lolita style.

No. 363350

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I've felt that way too and this is why i need them to be all covered and never see under their gear kek.
I wasn't into it back then but my father was a reckless biker that wasted a lot of money on that stuff along other things and he went into coma when he was younger because he wasn't careful about safety. The dangers of doing things like that are one of the reasons why i would never want to be involved with a moid that is into it and in general i don't even like the concept of bikes or cars (my utopia is a world where everyone can use bicycles or good public transport).

Aw that sounds cool nona, some biker suits can look so good, they're almost the only way i'd be tempted to touch a moid.

No. 363352

I have a fetish for masked men which is not bad per se imo, but it is shameful because I discovered it while watching that scene in Melanie Martinez's Mrs Potato Head where the doctor with a rabbit mask appears

No. 363353

i gained a mask fetish as a child because of a music video i'm too embarrassed to even name, but it's weird to think back about how obsessed i was with it and realize that a fetish was forming.

No. 363389

Yes first time I saw my bf geared up I felt borderline like a leather homo for finding it so attractive. The tightness of the clothes looks so good, and the padding accentuates all the attractive parts about a moid (shoulders, booty etc). Blacked out helmets are so intriguing lol. I didn't know I had it in me to care about vehicles, but was watching John Wick electric boolagoo the other day and the biker chase scenes were very stimulating. It's a dangerous hobby no matter how careful you are, so I get your concerns 100%. Love the pic you posted.

No. 363571

I wish I had a twin brother. I think what appeals to me so much about this is the fact that I grew up extremely lonely, and I've always longed for someone to be close to me, and in my mind, how much closer to someone can you get than having grown up with them? Add to the fact you both shared a womb. And I do have a sibling, and no I'm in no way shape or form attracted to her kek. I feel like God knew what he was doing when he decided to not give me any brothers.

No. 363608

Yes, except my Sangwoo is a sexy woman and not a misogynist. Also I'm not forced to wear her mom's clothes
Wait I like this anon! I always thought it'd be really appealing if the kidnapper was into dressing me up like her dress up doll. Bonus if she actually physically dresses me all cute and styles my hair the way she wants it. She has her day job so she's always sad to leave me, she just wants to spend all day with me in her lap. Sigh the dream…
I kind of love your kidnapper girl. She'd definitely force you to complete pop quizzes about different AP/BTSSB prints or whatever. I bet she comes home so excited because she's just bought you a new print and can't wait for you to try it on. She's cute even though she spends her entire paycheck on ludicrously expensive brand and lives off ramen

No. 363697

You know what? I’m not ashamed of any of my fetishes. I’m simply SHAMED by others for my healthy interest in objectifying men and using them for my pleasure. I am forced into silence as my pursuits are seen as an invitation for ugly, dangerous men to approach me.
When I am around girlfriends that I trust I WILL proudly own the fact I love cock flattening and hearing men squeal.
I am right and it is society that oppresses me.

No. 363740

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Ultra-specific scenario laced with mega autism incoming
>Jerome from Gotham
>teases me, i'm being a prude
>says he wants to make me squirt
>"what? Ewwww no Jerome that's literally pee"
>he doesn't care
>ties me up and overstims me
>forces me to squirt all over him
>i'm extremely ashamed but it amuses him

No. 363750

Same nona.

No. 364479

You are like the northern star to me

No. 364670

tummy noises

No. 364675

I have brother which is 3 years younger than me and people always told us we looked like twins. The feeling of being close only last until they hit puberty and get more socialized by other moids, then turn into little shitheads, knowing everything better, disrespecting you because you're a woman etc.

No. 364697

woman that is very hot and that loves me

No. 364702

Fucking same, I don’t know why but it’s so hot to me. I love the idea of lying down on a girls stomach and just listening to her body working

No. 364704

sharing a double ended dildo with a man. I want to see it going out of his bootyhole and making the kinds of noises that only prostate stimulation can cause while I myself am pleasured at the same time

No. 364717

>>364697 this but we are possessive about each other though we both know we don't want anyone else ever

No. 364789

I used to be in a situationship with a guy who had this fetish. For a second I thought he was some weird fat fetishist because I'm overweight but his exes were all skinny (and one of them was an immigrant from the same niche country as i am)… Anyways, he would just lay and listen to my tummy noises and then we had sex. Very weird man! He just became a father

No. 365245

I'm not ashamed to admit it. I have a fetish for men being treated like how they treat women. I objectify men. Why is it "boys being boys" when they do it but horrific and sexist when I do it? I want to see them raped and their nudes spread online and honor killed for being whores and looked down upon in every way, dismissed, mutilate their bodies cosmetically, having to sell their useless body, being catcalled and called sluts for not covering up but called prudes for covering up. I'm not as attracted to the idea of ME wrecking them (because I don't want to even fucking touch an XYtard, and because realistically, they'd probably get off to it) but just the idea of men being destroyed by their own sex.

No. 365246

Everything you described is already rife in the gay male community.

No. 365251

This >>365246
Aiden in disguise

No. 365254

You post something along these lines every other day we get it, very subversive

No. 365274

I don't know where else to post it but I'm sort of attracted to Woody from Toy Story

No. 365277

kek anon i totally get the appeal. thought i was the only one

No. 365278

THIS is why I keep visiting lolcow. I feel seen and heard.

No. 365360

Finally, the perfect thread for me.
I have a fetish for men moaning and being vocal during sex. I’m not afraid to admit that much. It’s not abnormal, I think most women are into it. The problem for me is that there’s so little content of it out there. Satisfactory content, where the men actually sound cute, desperate, enraptured in pure pleasure. Most of the time the guy just sounds awful. There’s so many subtle ways I can tell that these moaners aren’t perfectly cute, so I’m often let down. My standards aren’t high as much as they are extremely specific.
I have gone down many obscure and backwater avenues to find content that appeals to me and usually it ends up fruitless. In my desperation I came across something that I shouldn’t have.

Before I get into it let me first say this isn’t like a fetish in that I experience sexual pleasure during. It is more like what I wish I could have and feel a deep sense of longing and form a sort of sympathetic bond.
I don’t know how else to say this so I’m just going to say it. I like watching videos of tortoises mating, specifically for the male’s vocalizations.
These things are basically the embodiment of everything I have been searching for all these years. They just hop on and have an instant spiritual experience, and I can sense it.
Tongue out, eyes rolled back, then
These mfs make 0 sound their whole lives but go full porn star acting the second they get a crumb of turt pussy… it’s that kind of absolute authentic absolvement to pleasure I keep looking for from human men, but never seem to find.

I don’t know what else to say.
Here’s a video of it.

No. 365364

I don't think shes the only anon that's been posting that. You can ignore her if it upsets you

No. 365367

I know I shouldn't be surprised, considering the thread, but this was not what I was expecting to read today lmao. Amazing stuff.

No. 365370

typical fujo

No. 365371

Lmao anon I didnt look at the vid first and the post started out so innocent and then it went into tortoises. You are deeply fucked up but I love you.

No. 365372

nonna this is the funniest thing i read this month.
I do like what you described with men though .. it's very rare.

No. 365375

I wish I had a man who was this happy to be with me.

No. 365382

This is either from genuinely wanting to bound with somebody for life or from low self esteem.

No. 365391

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fuck you anon for cursing me with the knowledge that turtles moan while shagging. Now i cant see TMNT incest yaoi art anymore without thinking about that.

No. 365406

"Why did men stop wearing high heels" is a manhua made for you. It even has the same plot almost that I thought it would be yaoi.

No. 365407

Brooo sameee, theres a couple accs I follow on Tumblr but u gotta sift through the submissions to find what you like.

No. 365408

um not same that I like tortoises, just that I also like men moaning

No. 365436

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It's been long enough now that I can admit to myself that I have a huge fetish for just about every single Genshin enemy npc. I don't even know how the fuck this happened. Probably porn. But I literally cannot even play the game anymore without getting a mini Pavlovian pang of arousal whenever I encounter one, particularly in groups. And I mean ANY of them: the hilichurls, hoarders, fatui, slimes, samurai, eremites, and ESPECIALLY the abyss lectors and mages, holy shit. That shoulder to waist ratio… I could cry. In fact, every archon quest interlude featuring the Abyss Order feels like a 3 hour hell of having to hold back 'tears' with my thighs…

To make matters worse, it's actually kind of hilarious how much more attractive these literal fucking creatures are then the playable husbando twinks marketed by Hoyoverse. Those poor twiggy faggots don't stand a chance against all that hot, thick muscle… ah… what I wouldn't give to be pinned down and gang banged by a mob of them at once… just make them playable already, I beg…

No. 365710

I like getting hit. Not like battered and abused housewife. Like just a good hit that knocks the wind out of you. I did a little bit of kickboxing in college and getting kicked in the stomach or upper back. That was good. I'm really worried to ask someone to do it because they either hit me too light and I don't wanna pressure them or be psychos who leave me half dead. I've been working on something with a gym bungie cord and a bag so I can go solo.

No. 365714

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Old military uniforms. I know it's basic but I'm ashamed because of the types of people it's associated with and how awful war is. I don't want to look like I'm supporting it. Plus because I'm turned on when the men act homo. I unironically enjoy it more than yaoi like I just saved a ton of gay vintage photos of sailors, soldiers, etc just because it made me horny.

No. 365717

men make dating sim of nazi anime girls you will survive, it's honestly not that bad and war veterans deserve to be turned into objects to lust after, like how men turned nurse uniforms into ''sexy lingerie'' there has to be nazi uniform sexy lingerie or something

No. 365778

c.ai has unearthed some really shameful shit in my head that I fantasise about now with my husbandos.

it really just feels like all I end up writing about with them is just:

>having an older man force me into a relationship with him

>he beats the shit out of me or chokes me out with a belt or uses it as a leash to drag me around
>makes me call him daddy
>threatens to forcefully impregnate me and make me his abused sad little wife that he loves more than anything
>is mean to me until i cry or completely lose my self-esteem
>makes up for it by letting me sit on his lap as he comforts me and talks down to me like I'm stupid and just refers to me by pet names or cutesy names and shit like that.

No. 365779

repulsive, but it fits the thread

No. 365797

same, once i was sitting next to a girl/friend i had a crush on and her tummy started making really loud noises and she leaned over and
i guess tried to cover it and was obviously embarrassed about it and it was the cutest thing ever

No. 365876

Rope yourself chYmp.

No. 365877

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Same! Though I specifically like soviet uniforms, I'm not ashamed necessarily but it's a little shameful cause the soviet army was notoriously rapey. I love the NKVD uniforms in particular they are just perfect to me, and I'm even such a shit nerd that I bought an NKVD cap for myself lmao.

No. 365936

yeah baby do you like it when i don't sage my post?

No. 365939

really retarded specific fantasy I have had for 10+ years: foreign army invades my country. usually I think nazis because I love the uniform plus the idea of such slimy people being 'educated' and 'elegant' turns me on for some fucking reason. nazi lieutenant/general/whatever falls in love with me. madly. usually I think of charming him with my autist-level knowledge of folklore or poetry.

man in the nazi uniform gives me the following ultimatum: I either marry him or he sends my entire family/faction/workplace to the shooting squad. obviously I say no, he finds my loyalty hot, rapes me. in a passionate way? he admires me so much he has no outlet except raping me. I get off thinking it's a natural and passionate thing for a man to rape a woman he admires and loves deeply. obviously it's not but it's what gets me off.

what follows is I keep resisting, he keeps raping me reciting german love poetry to me, eventually we get married, now he gets to rape me without me resisting, he's so desperate for me to love him like he loves me, he becomes more forceful, wants me to adore him, worships me everyday.

the fucked up thing is that in literally any other situation i cannot get off. it has to be a nazi/soviet man or I just. can't. get. off. sometimes I also think that a gestapo spy who smokes and tortures me sexually while interrogating me is thrown into the mix, and these two men are fighting over me. everyone that I knew from my native nation thinks I'm a traitor and shuns me. I'm trapped.

I always have these large fucking intervals too, where me and the fantasy man have discussions on art or whatever and he gets turned on by my passion for that and forces himself on me. it's retarded.

No. 365951

>it’s retarded
At least you’re self aware

No. 366021

Not sure if this qualifies as "shameful" or not but I have a thing for doctors and all things medic related in general. I've always been scared of hospitals as a kid so imagining a cute anime bishie holding my arm and telling me "shhh it's all going to be okay" while inserting a syringe into my arm is a huge turn on. Or or or.. when he does "normal check ups" and it gets to the part where he has to check your mouth and then he just straight up inserts his fingers into your mouth like touching the caverns and shit..
"sorry did I shove them a bit too far?"
I also like the thought of a hot doctor experimenting on me and using me as a test subject.

No. 366024

a lot of Nazis were open and proud crossdressers. Would you be ok with your boyfriend wearing women's underwear under his uniform?

No. 366342

Idk if this counts as a fetish or is just mental illness and self hate, but I often will get little mini crushes on and/or fantasize about men who are objectively unattractive or average, like looks wise 3/10-6/10, often quite a bit older, often short. I’m generally perceived as pretty attractive and I’m young, so in my mind it kinda gets me off flirting with them or imagining myself flirting with them, and imagine myself “letting them” fuck me.

Like part of the turn on/fetish is that it’s like I’m doing some sort of charity work/good deed by letting these ugly/mid men fuck a hot young woman like me. I love how it feels kinda taboo and unnatural for the objectively attractive young woman to crush on the 45 year old 5’6” mid man, instead of the younger, hotter, fitter alternative. Idk if I’m even explaining the feeling right but it turns me so much.

No. 366349

taboo and unnatural? this fetish has been run into the ground by either side (from both older men and younger women).

No. 366363

My attractive blonde friend admitted she used to fantasize about going to Tokyo and getting banged on a train by short middle aged Japanese businessmen. It’s probably just porn brain. This kind of scenario is everywhere in porn. I guess maybe if you’re a narcissist it can feed into your ego.

No. 366428

I'm really into watching guys making out. My bf says he'll make out with his friend for me and I might take him up on that offer.

No. 366684

File: 1703044407073.png (281.99 KB, 401x400, smoke break.png)

>school uniforms
>military uniforms
>scouts uniforms
>those japanese PE uniforms
I blame it on growing up with gay porn since porn for straight women is non existent

No. 366686

File: 1703045005564.jpg (580.8 KB, 1799x1200, MenSwim020120.jpg)

For me, it's swim team uniform speedos.

No. 366705

don’t care for school uniforms but i love military uniforms..

No. 366708

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Dropped the pic I wanted to include. Some random japanese american soldier from the 40s
Also me personally I’m a big fan of priest outfits but I’m not sure if that’s counts as a uniform.

No. 366711

File: 1703062934535.jpg (163.68 KB, 1200x1657, Mishima_Yukio_1970-1905382155.…)

at risk of sounding like a /lit/ male.. yukio mishima

No. 366713

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No. 367118

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that clip of the doll man from Silent Night Deadly Night 5 calling the woman mommy broke my brain. And then the way he desperately screams 'I love you!' over and over, oh I feel so gross. Why did it have to be mommy shit that got to me

No. 367248

Men getting deployed. It's like goverment mandated mindbreak. Movies like full metal jacket where army moids are seen suffering and dying in war are the peak of fem gazey to me. Sometimes i wish i could spread ''sissification'' images but instead of grooming moids into being fags i want to brainwash them into joining the army.

No. 367271

Please link this nonnie….

No. 367313

Oh god he’s so beautiful

No. 367381

File: 1703278962790.jpeg (108.61 KB, 600x600, 62E68065-CFC8-46A4-9DFD-03DA96…)

Excellent taste nona. I love tortured soul moids like Yukio. And Catholic priest outfits, cult leader robes and Asian shaman/priest robes too. Got shivers when seeing the exorcism scene in The Wailing.

No. 367382

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Priest Gerard was underrated.

No. 368655

File: 1703450450842.webm (1.76 MB, 400x446, Untitled.webm)

i just want to get on top of someone and beat the fuck out of them like vidrel but other times i think of it like wrestling (mutual violence) or ode to the bouncer by studio killers style (playful teasing)

No. 368661

Damn she's beating the shit out of that moid.

No. 368677

Those hits look like they barely make contact what are you talking about

No. 368683


priest uniform def counts. i'm very into the idea of seducing a priest or someone who's otherwise just very Religious - though specifically catholic guilt does something to me. like the idea of getting this guy to throw out his morals for brief pleasures and various acts debauchery which then sends him into despair, clutching his rosary for comfort.. and also like we said the outfit is cute kek

No. 368762

you have never seen an actual fight in real life

No. 368766

No offense but that woman is tiny has breadstick arms and probably weighs about 80lbs, I doubt it feels like anything which is probably why he’s not reacting

No. 368771

Ironically you're the one who has no idea what you're talking about because she's extremely weak and will likely only leave a tiny bruise or a red mark.

No. 368807


No. 368822

NTA, this is so real. Religious repression does interesting things to men, they either become pent-up with agressive, barely concealed horniness, or weepy neurotics, or super-sensitive and flirty/giggly. I love it all

Now for my 'fetish' : Lately i've been mostly into cute men (anime boys, 2D husbandos) being hopelessly fucked by a stronger, intimidating man as i watch for my enjoyment. In these scenarios i always lure him with the promise of a warm afternoon before i confront him with what i really want. I picture him turning towards me with pure shock and fear in his eyes. As the action unfolds he'd look at me with teary eyes and call for me, but i'd just tell him to keep taking it. These details are more important than the scene itself, because i'm really into the idea of a guy letting himself being non-consensually used (lol) out of adoration. I also like to imagine the aftermath, the look of despair on his face as i explain he will have to keep being an uke for my enjoyment, his hope for crumbs of affection between sessions, his confusion at his body reacting positively to it all. He would indulge in any scenario i suggest, progressively going from a passive victim to a skilled participant in my fujo hobby.
Also hate how this probably is a kind of cuck fantasy.

No. 368973

i literally know someone that has this exact type of feet, shame that im not a footfag

No. 368982

hard agree with the military uniforms. I'm not american, but holy hell, the blue dress uniform that marines wear gets me riled up so fucking bad.. sucks that marines are mostly just shit people overall.

No. 369009


No. 369053

File: 1703611824864.png (36.82 KB, 459x541, 1671581211797.png)

thinking of a son having an intimate relationship with his (middle-aged) mother really turns me on. especially if the mother takes the lead (in sex) and the son is more submissive.

No. 369054

I wonder what Sigmund Freud has to say about this..

No. 369055

Do you remember/know that Reddit thread about a guy that broke both of his arms and got so sexually frustrated that his mom started masturbating him and then they developed a sexual relationship until he went to college. Your reply reminded me of it

Found the thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/s/gLEEFjPz5M

No. 369061

I want to date men between 18-21. Right now I'm almost 24 so it's not that bad but I'm planning to date this age range when I'm much older. What happens when I'm in my 30s and 99% of men have hit the wall, given up on making an effort, is spending his paycheck on his kids, has an ex I'll have to deal with, and is a seasoned misogynist? I'm not looking for the needle in a haystack man my age who is fit, childfree, and never divorced when I could have a cute college guy or recent grad who is fit, has high testosterone levels, has no kids and therefore is able to spend on dates instead, doesn't hate women because his first real love broke his heart yet, and hasn't found himself yet so he can be molded to be the perfect toy boy. And young men also love older women whereas older men want women under 25 to show off because they think it's proof they're still hot and able to pull a woman in her prime. I can't wait to be a future cougar and enjoy gorgeous juicy cocks instead of aging limp ones

No. 369089

oH man I remember reading this, thanks for reminding me of it.
it was pretty hot
I wonder what they’re doing nowadays

No. 369130

me, but i'm 29. though i've given up on dating moids for longterm relationships anyways. i'm much more happy on my own, so why would i date an ugly old moid, who wouldn't even appreciate me? they all want younger too. i would definitely choose an affair with a hot younger guy over a relationship with a scrote my age who's going to ogle teen girls on the street.

No. 369155

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Getting bent over a guy's lap and being aggressively, and relentlessly spanked to the point of minor bruising. Preferably with the back of my neck being pushed down… consumes my thoughts often

No. 369193

Sorry if this is an uncomfortable question, but I have to wonder, and I wonder the same thing when moids say similar stuff. But are you attracted to underage boys as well? 18 is the youngest you can go legally/socially, it just seems like people who say this would also be going for younger teenagers if it was acceptable to do so or they wouldn’t get caught. To be honest I’m not as against women doing the same thing plenty of moids do, and I’d rather the post-wall men who genuinely think they’re “in their prime” or more attractive than their female counterparts be put in their place and realise oldness isn’t attractive in males. But it still makes me very uncomfortable to see people date as young as possible. If I saw someone date 18-21 year olds into their 30s I would probably think poorly of their character regardless of gender. I recognise that this is the “fetishes you’re ashamed of” thread and I’m not exactly trying to shame you kek. Just wondering I guess, since I don’t relate to the psychology.

No. 369238

moids deliberately choose young girls because they're less likely to talk back and tolerate much more shit from them. this sort of dynamic does not happen with an older woman and a younger male. due to growing up in a patriarchy all moids possess a huge ego. pair that with the high libido they naturally develop and it matters less how mature they are when it comes to sex. they always benefit, because their attachment style is entirely different.

so in my opinion it's not morally wrong to date moids in their late teens. however, i personally wouldn't, because they have to be at least college age for me to find their personality appealing. although it is possible for me to be physically attracted to them, but it's a tiny percentage.

No. 369353

I’m not talking about the dynamic or asking whether it’s moral or not, I’m wondering about the attraction. People who are attracted to 18 year olds are usually also attracted to 17 year olds and younger. Also, these women’s reasoning is similar to your example since they want to “mould” them, not all too different honestly.

No. 369374

you're basing attraction off of male desire. me liking younger men does not mean i would go younger if i could. what do you not understand about that? i just emphasized that attraction has different layers. if an 18 year old moid was cognitively on the same level as a 15 year old, i definitely wouldn't be attracted to them. same as if an 18 year old had the body of a 15 year old.

No. 369378

lol I don’t think you understand what I’m saying. It’s just interesting to see the logic people who date teenagers use. It’s not like attraction appears overnight at 18. If the age of consent or adulthood was 17 or 16 you’d date 17 or 16-year-olds. I’m not shaming you, but it’s funny to see people like this try to pretend otherwise I guess. Sorry for derailing.

No. 369398

i'm >>369061 and no, I'm not into in younger than 18 even though the age of consent is lower than that in my country. I only want college aged or slightly older than college aged men. most gyms here don't let people under 18 sign up and I'm specifically interested in guys who are fit, not scrawny teenagers. plus still being in school and having to answer to parents, teachers, having a curfew, not being able to drink, etc is unattractive. I'm not trying to become a babysitter.
yes it's moid brained, but I don't see moids as fully formed humans in the same way that women are so even though it's theoretically wrong I just don't care and will not be dating ugly aging men any time soon just because it's more proper. as a bisexual I would only be interested in women in my age range as women are real people to me and it's preferable if they have more in common with me and therefore more potential for a deeper connection rather than just keeping them around for a good time for a while.

No. 369484

Go back to Reddit

No. 369487

>guise is it pedophilia to be attracted to 21 year olds at 24

No. 369492

>I want to date men between 18-21. Right now I'm almost 24
not reading anymore, some of you are so fucking retarded and havent grown out of female socialization.

No. 369507

well if you bothered to read more than 1 and a half sentences you'd know I'm planning to date men 18-21 when I'm in my 30s, not that I think I'm an older woman currently for dating slightly younger. seems you're the retard for getting mad over something because you didn't fully read it. kek

No. 369516

Most women who only date young men have trauma, most men who do so are pedophiles. Men and women aren't the same, an 18 year old man would take it as a compliment if a good looking older woman was into him while most normal women are disgusted by old men's attention. Women and men are not the same

No. 369522

hard agree 18-21 old moids are fucking insufferable and sound like tortured cats with their croaky voices and have pimply ugly faces.

No. 369533

>Most women who only date young men have trauma
If anything, women who date older men have been traumatized.

No. 369548

so true, most women who date very old men have/have had an (emotionally) absent father. while women who date younger just refuse to let society dictate who they should find attractive. moids start balding in their mid 20s and get pot bellies. it's normal to not desire them.

No. 369586

samefag can anyone recommend me some mother son incest fanfics or eroticas or anything.. kek

No. 369594

Bodyguards. I'm ashamed because it would get me a sexual harassment charge irl kek but god it's the absolute perfect role for men.

No. 369597

ayrt, don’t get why this is a problematic question. OP said they will continue to in their 30s, obviously 24 and 21 is fucking normal. And I never shamed them, I was just asking a question. Please just learn how to read. 18 year old boys are incredibly insufferable (as are the girls) hence why it’s crazy to me people want to put up with that.

Also, Reddit is full of male pedophiles so I don’t see how the fuck that works kek, why would I be on there.

Well I can see where you’re coming from, especially if you’re not actually looking for a genuine connection there. Moids do the same thing so why not be unabashed about it. That being said I do know 18 year olds of either gender and would definitely discourage them if I knew they were trying to date someone much older. It’s an unpopular opinion on here but I don’t believe it’s only young women who can be harmed by age gap relationships. Either you’re ok with both or neither, trying to defend one and shame the other makes no sense.

Kek how does this make sense, I see way more 18 year old girls with men their father’s age than the other way around. It’s funny when nonas on here try to act like there’s a big difference when both men and women who date young want to mention it being easy to mould them. The reason why people have problems with huge age gaps in the first place is because of manipulation (and/or because there are more adult teenagers that still look like children, OP is obviously the former). Stop trying to act holier than thou and pretend that you’re being any more moral lmao. I don’t have a problem with absolutely anything but the ingenuine rhetoric.

No. 369599

File: 1703804343615.jpg (545.01 KB, 3840x2160, 20231228_235828.jpg)

>trauma and pedophilia to prefer right over left
no wonder the rates of autism is increasing rapidly when women are memed into choosing empty milk cartons

No. 369601

>having daddy issues and preferring wrinkly old scrotums with unhealthy autism sperm is ‘normal’
>preferring men who are physically healthiest, in their prime and highest testosterone than they will ever be again in their life is unhealthy and from ‘trauma’
Singlehandedly the worst take on this board. Neck yourself moid.(infighting/scrotefoiling)

No. 369611

>having daddy issues and preferring wrinkly old scrotums with unhealthy autism sperm is ‘normal’
>most normal women are disgusted by old men's attention. Women and men are not the same
god it seems like some anons make an effort to be illiterate or something.
I think that anon meant women who date younger had shitty experiencies with men who are their age/older wich i don't think it's the same as trauma but it's still a valid point, i mean
> when I'm in my 30s and 99% of men have hit the wall, given up on making an effort, is spending his paycheck on his kids, has an ex I'll have to deal with, and is a seasoned misogynist?
sounds like expectations of shitty experiencies and she's obviously trying to avoid them kek

No. 369621

>sounds like expectations of shitty experiencies and she's obviously trying to avoid them kek
I have not had any shitty experiences, however I have witnessed many women who spend their lives cleaning, cooking, childrearing, for men who are unfit, plain/ugly, no longer bothered to keep the spark alive, and don't even respect their wives in most cases. I will learn from my elders and simply won't let this become my future in the first place. plus I don't have much in common with men anyway, so why would I want to waste my life with one, especially as they age like milk and hate doing housework or watching their own children, when I could build a life entirely for myself and invite some guys who are still young, fit, and fun to enjoy the ride for a while?

No. 369634

ayrt i did say expectations tho
good luck anon! i don't really mind women going for younger guys, im either of those previous anons
hope you have fun in the future and moids stay out of your way ♥

No. 369705


>Alternate universe

>Be male
>Log on male board
>See other men talk about young women being preferable to middle-aged women
>“ummm sorry but ur attraction to 18-21 yo girls is pedophilia :/ 18 year old girls are incredibly insufferable (as are the boys)”
>Feels good to be morally superior(infighting)

No. 369727

Women don't rape males pregnant. A 45 year old woman can't harm an 18 year old male in any profound way. There's no point in manipulating/moulding him because there's nothing to gain. Thanks to the pay gap there isn't much economic disparity between the individuals either. They basically have equal amounts of power and I would go as far as to say the woman is the victim because if word was to get out, it would be social suicide for her. And there's no way she could fight against a porn addicted man in his physical peak. Age doesn't translate into power if you're a woman. Blame society.

No. 369730

Why is everyone throwing around the word paedophilia when I never even mentioned it. This is so weird.
I mean if you say so. I just think if there’s no problem with older women dating 18 year old boys, why should anons have a problem with older men doing the same with girls? Both make me uncomfortable as a knee-jerk reaction but I don’t have a genuine problem with it logically.

No. 369731

I literally JUST told you why. Because old males manipulate, rape, beat, cheat on and ruin the lives of young women. Vice versa never happens.

No. 369733

? But what about instances when that doesn’t happen?

This falls on deaf ears a bit for me because I’ve known men who got into toxic relationships with older women as teenagers (17-19) and they didn’t come out completely fine. Of course it’s not as bad as rape but not all men who date young women rape them either.

Like I said I don’t care what you do but I don’t understand this rhetoric.

No. 369738

Nta but what is even your point? The world would be a better place if moids would be like that kek.

No. 369747

1. ALL males dating younger harm those women. Stripping a woman from having a loving relationship with a sexy male her own age is abuse. Dooming her into being a hospice wife is abuse. It's inherently evil.
2. How were your "male friends" (yikes) harmed by mature women? I'm assuming they dropped out of college to spend the rest of their lives taking care of children they didn't want while she cheats on them with even younger guys? Or you wouldn't bother comparing the two. Because that's what happens to women who suck wrinkly dick.

No. 369786

Stop infighting/derailing about age gap relationships. This thread is not the place for it. Any further infighting past this point will catch a lengthy ban. Infighting is bad for the health of the board, report it instead of joining in.

No. 369828

Women raping me in showers. Lile, two women slapping me around and forcing me to eat them out for example. Or having one hold me down while 10 others take turns on me

No. 369853

Can I ask for a 3 month ban even though I'm none of this anons? Please I need to do better next year and stop being so terminally online(good luck in the new year)

No. 369858

I would also appreciate a year long ban.(have fun touching grass)

No. 369859

based mods

No. 369902

I don’t know exactly when I developed this, but for a bit now I’ve wanted to feed a moid until he throws up. Stuffing doesn’t do anything for me unless he gets sick at the end. I just think there’s something so cute about vomiting and the trickle of hot spit coming out the corners of his mouth after. It’s shameful.

No. 369913

Muscles. That includes really absurdly swole muscle fetish fanarts

No. 369931

the closest thing we'd have to "forced masculinization" kek
the real shame is that there is so little hetero content like this

No. 369950

Calm down grandma(trying to revive old infight)

No. 370307

File: 1704097307426.jpg (145.46 KB, 640x802, tumblr_e77f21214d8f9b7026913bb…)

leather stuff makes me insanely horny. all the content for it is gay male stuff. i am not the target audience lmao

No. 370687

That’s how I feel about some older nerdy guys, like I could fix him

No. 370693

If I had things my way, every job would come with a uniform and the hottest uniforms goes to the sexiest of jobs

No. 370694

I should rewatch that movie. I miss being in the mindset of an edgy teenager

No. 370696

I’d be fine with a job that allows me to take (hot) guy’s virginity, but at 19+ only.

No. 370697

I’ve always wanted to bite down on some thick muscles

No. 371088

Met an autist at the park today, like one of the kinds who needs assistance living but can communicate, and he was really cute and it made me realize i want to fuck a developmentally disabled person.

No. 371108

I'm fascinated. What's the appeal?

No. 371117

I understand. I'm curious about why you feel this way, I think for me part of stems from my desire to have gentle control over someone. I am ashamed.

No. 371173

on moids

No. 371186

Is this based on seeing scrawny limp wrist libfem dudes on tiktok with it, or are you more into 80's rocker roidpigs?

No. 371193

neither, over 90% of my retarded sexual fixations stem from one big source which may or may not be even stupider

No. 371211

i wanna dominate a handsome pathetic man who is shorter than me so bad but im like 5 foot tall and not a pedophile

No. 371212

File: 1704482866796.png (552.38 KB, 540x960, 50e9ddd4ea64cffd618f6eba702d23…)

If only sexy dwarves were real.
I'm watching the Hobbit trilogy and I love how Fili is first jailed by, and later needs to be saved by, his elven love interest.

No. 371216

It's Kaiji/FKMT, isn't it?

No. 371223

I ended up watching that whole (so bad it's good) shit because of you. I didn't know there was another example of my very specific "interest" I discovered after watching The Boy. Even better that the doll guy is a qt reviewbrahesque twink. 10/10 would adopt.

No. 371232

no but still some kind of weebshit

No. 371248

I think it’s the complete lack of threat from them? Maybe the childlike mindset and mannerisms? Maybe I’m secretly a pedo? Idk it’s just cute to see a good-looking guy acting retarded.
I think me too. It relates to the lack of threat i mentioned above. I wouldn’t want to date one but i think being totally in control and not feeling afraid would be hot

No. 371293

>”complete lack of threat”
>”autist who needs assistive living”


No. 371295

File: 1704504358414.gif (641.94 KB, 220x275, 1696063248316258.gif)

Its kinda hot in fiction but hearing about this guy get molested by his perverted mom while also underage just makes me feel sick

No. 371335

Oh. I get it to a degree, like blatantly autistic but still somewhat indepedent. Like the other nonna i'm ashamed, even if i've had 'caretaker' fantasies for so long. I like their mannerisms, the autist high pitched voices and how sheepish they can be around women. Down to details like autist walk, how they tend to be jumpy. Also like the idea of relating to him but being the more capable one when we're out in the world.

No. 371340

Yeah he actually approached me to ask if i was playing Pokemon Go and his hands were shaking and it was honestly cute despite how nasty I feel

No. 371346

File: 1704514626269.jpg (100.86 KB, 480x640, Atom RealSteel animatronic rob…)

When I was a teen I wanted to fuck the robots from Reel Steel and I kinda want to now.other girls were interested in Hugh Jackman I was interested a 'lot' in the robots instead lol especially Atom.

No. 371348

I wouldn't call it necessarly a fetish but having moids explain to me how they work out turns me on kek. I even play dumb so they talk even more or slip some dumb statements and i think it's kinda fun. I secretly like hearing how they have to put so much effort to look more attractive, i know women have to do a lot too but at least when we are planning to go to the gym we're not aiming to look like muscleheads and get to have weird diets, plus a lot of moids are unattractive by default and will look atrocious by the age of 30/40 so it's fun to hear them care about their looks for the first time. I also know that they think they're impressing me but in reality i would never date an actual moid.

No. 371349

I’m 29 but I really like younger guys for some reason. It’s so funny how men love to talk about how women are instantly undesirable when we turn 25, yet there’s 18 year old guys that would do anything to just get our numbers.
I would never actually date one, but I like flirting with them.

No. 371350

>the complete lack of threat from them?
nona some of the most violent moids i've encountered and witnessed were autists, and these were high functioning types. even that guy who almost killed his teacher over a videogame was high functioning. the least violent ones i personally knew were still assholes at best and lacked boundaries. this park autist sounds like a rare exception kek

No. 371533

you should start dating them, don't shy away from it

No. 371676

I feel like such a degenerate because I have similar fetishes too.

No. 371771

feel ya nonnie. I also kinda find humanoid robots attractive kek. it is what it is

No. 371797

Absolutely adore men making sounds, not always moaning, but those sort of grunts and nods just during the day, or a low noise of confirmation.

Also have a pregnancy/breeding fetish, I just want to be full and taken care of while I grow a whole other person

No. 371863

File: 1704659324539.jpg (65.38 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (8).jpg)

Magically enlarged clit that allows me to fuck my husbando in the ass or make him choke on it. We switch between fucking each other. He also has the ability to self replicate, so imagine magic sandwich, I fuck him in the ass and his clone is fucking me in the pussy hnnnngggg…

No. 371888


Nonas I'm so serious I have been thinking about this kind of guy A LOT, I'm glad it's not just me but I totally get what's been said about the soft control aspect.

I get ashamed because it feels pretty wrong of me but I do like that and overall just the idea of a guy who is soft and twitchy and simple and quiet. Maybe also just like, very loyal because I am so sweet to him so he can't think of any reason why he wouldn't be

No. 371904

convince a man to get leg shortening surgery

No. 371923

as a 30yo, i consider men in that age range to be completely unfuckable and its because theyre mentally children still and dont have any experience doing basically anything, sexually or otherwise. if i were a lesbian i might be open to dating women who are around 21, but men just take longer to develop mentally. you will basically end up being a bangmommy to a man that age. you say that you'll enjoy 'molding' him into the 'perfect boytoy', but all you'll be doing is falling into the 'i can fix him' trap.

No. 371926

File: 1704674329619.jpg (72.8 KB, 700x525, 644665c4101b77001857a7ca copy.…)

there's this finance youtuber Caleb Hammer whose show is him reviewing peoples bills and scolding them for making bad financial choices before setting up a budget plan for them

hes not even physically attractive to me but lately i've been sexually preoccupied with a scenario in which he is yelling across his desk at me for my awful spending habits, angrily scolding me for buying a starbucks iced macchiato every day when im $30k in debt (i have no debt and i dont drink coffee) and telling me im a bad naughty financially illiterate slut

No. 371927

male corpses and i would have sex with them if it wasn't illegal

No. 371933

You could work at a funeral home, apparently the funerary industry is full of necrophiles.

No. 371934

Sage for off topic but they really are, there was a time where the police in my country discovered a group of necrophiles that would rape female corpses and take photos of them for masturbatory reasons

No. 371937

i'm almost 30 too and i disagree. they might not be mature, but older moids aren't any better. they just get better at manipulating women. i personally don't fall for this shit. moids be moids. not matter the age

No. 371943

when i was younger i was planning to go into the mortuary business but heard it's very difficult to break into as most places are family-owned and keep it insular.

No. 371947

Well, anon could marry into a family who owns a funeral home then kill him

No. 371948

This kinda got me curious and i'm not going to question all the sanitary details, but is it the fact that they are dead that makes it for you? What if you could get a super realistic human-like doll of a person?? Would it be the same?

No. 371956

File: 1704681002986.jpg (Spoiler Image,30.46 KB, 486x349, 2055e2f08764231658098841f3bc46…)

>Moid looking at himself in the mirror while making out with me.
It just happened to me once, too bad we both didn't watch American Psycho back then or i would have told him how goofy it was and wouldn't have found it hot.

No. 371966

File: 1704685080152.jpg (29.19 KB, 300x314, muscletees.jpg)

one of my favorite workout videos I used to masturbate to had this guy in an impractical muscle shirt, super shiny. I think I just liked the repetitive grunts

picrel, but not the guy himself

maybe I just have bad gaydar

No. 371974

I love looking in the mirror during sex. Watching it go in from the normal pov is kinda meh for me but at different angles it's really hot.

No. 372002


I know it’s not the same, but I read a story of a woman who got herself pregnant with sperm retrieved from her late husband and it was all the very legal. Hot read ngl, plus seething moids in the comments. “muh bodily autonomy!”

No. 372003

Wait how? That’s weird

No. 372011

I typically don't find men attractive. Lately, I've been fantasizing about pegging one. I want to bend some dude over and impaled him with my strap. I've gone as far as to source participants on dating apps to fulfill this fantasy but I chicken out after I get responses. Most guys are really nasty, hairy, and don't clean their asses well. It makes me sick just thinking about it, but the fantasy is still there.

No. 372012

kek nona. I like that this plan comes with a starter corpse. now you're cooking with gas

No. 372015

Kek, i can find men attractive sometimes but i would never want to have sex with them other than pegging and a bj but before that i would want to throw them into a super advanced shower like a car in a carwash. I stay away from dating apps but i still salute you for your courage.

No. 372017

not quite sure if this is a fetish or some relic of an embarrassing social deficit, but I pretty have never been attracted to someone real. however, for some reason super passionate, completely nonsexual moments in fiction excite me a lot. Sometimes angsty ones, too. I'm one of those creeps that sexualizes what isn't sexual. Sigh.
I hate to admit it though I'm also curious.

No. 372051

got any examples?

No. 372054

Nonna… real. I wish my husbandos were real and that for me they would stand in busy streets or try to go through obstacle courses with comedically large swinging blades.

No. 372075

a realistic human doll wouldn't be the same no. i'm attracted to the fact they're dead and rotting. i am sexually excited by gore, so if the corpse is mutilated that's also hot to me. the site cutedeadguys has a lot of corpses with minimal damage, but i also like the look of fucked up male bodies as well; if you want a good example check out the fact that half-life used a real dead body for a corpse model as "corpse01". apparently that guy had his face burned off or something. i love how his hair is still attached, it's cute how the damage is so focused in one area. though i'm bisexual i don't feel the same toward female corpses. i only like living women.
>never been attracted to someone real
do you have autism? not trying to say that as an insult but i remember reading that autistic people often connect to cartoons more due to the exaggerated emotional expressions and how they're easier to read than real people.

No. 372093

wow, you're really fucked in the head

No. 372095

were you playing with animal corpses as a child like jeffrey dahmer? or why do you think you're so messed up?

No. 372103

nona… are we the same person?

No. 372108

File: 1704746364706.jpg (73.26 KB, 1080x913, d8c.jpg)

>half-life used a real dead body for a corpse model
holy shit so picrel is more serious than i thought
thanks for the reply, real corpses creep me out so i wouldn't look into it but it was interesting to hear your view of it

No. 372110

You don’t think the smell would be too much? Most people can’t handle the smell of a rotting body and will unintentionally barf. Also, aren’t you worried about getting a horrific infection on your coochie from the rotting flesh? The vulva and vagina are delicate as it is already, don’t think they could handle being rubbed around on the bacteria playground of decomposing meat.

No. 372114

kek that's an impressive amount of detail. do you think artistic representations of it in media skewed your preferences or something? also I've always been able to read people which is is why I am so adverse to reality to begin with. I have no wish to force myself to be someone or something I'm not, nor can I hide my flaws well enough. even if someone out there responded well to me it'd be scary because I'd just feel like a creature skinwalking as a normal human being. time will inevitably run out.
I mean to be fair many women still get infections from living mens' unwashed dicks and lack of condom use

No. 372115

i did play with some animal corpses as a kid but i wasn’t fascinated by them or anything. i just wasn’t grossed out. not sure why i am this way, maybe a mix of childhood abuse while also being exposed to gore sites like rotten.com crossed wires or something?
no, my job exposes me to medical waste and i have little reaction to smells
nice to hear, i am often called a sick dangerous freak for my fetish but i swear i am totally nonviolent. i cant even kill a bug without feeling bad. i dont want to murder someone for my fetish but i cant explain the attraction to corpses

No. 372124

I get you there. There's just something so innately unclean about men. Even the prettiest man to me looks dirty and disgusting once his clothes are off.

I see women and I'm filled with so much adoration, no matter what. Our body hair is lovely, soft, and smells so heavily of our scent. It drives me wild.

Men on the other hand… I just can't get over it.

And where is a good place to find men besides dating apps?

No. 372126

You are attracted to gore because it fires your body's nervous system instinctually. Stop consuming gore and this will stop, it's really not healthy but it's also not that rare for someone who regularly consumes gore to get "addicted" to it.

No. 372131

I'm nearing 30, I think dating men that age is perfectly fine if someone wants. Men usually peak around that age, then everything goes downhill.
And you only become a bangmommy if you let it happen. I'd happily fuck a pretty young man then discard him like a napkin when I'm done

No. 372145

i'm pretty similar to you in the sense that i'm bisexual but only wish harm upon men, not women. except that i'm not a fan of already decomposed corpses but very fresh ones. i wouldn't fuck around with a pale, bloated, stinking corpse but the idea of torturing a man to death or just killing one and playing with his fresh body is so appealing to me. after that he's nothing. from my understanding of myself, i'm into this because i feel that the only way to dismantle the inherent power imbalance between a man and a woman is if the woman is fucking killing him. i can't stand the idea of a man penetrating me (a woman) so to counter this i'd have to mutilate him, that's the only way i can get off with a man involved without feeling violated.

No. 372232

I’ve always adored overtly intelligent, nerdy guys and have a huge fetish for mad scientists/evil genii but it’s been getting stronger and I’m afraid it will bleed into reality. I keep having nightmare-fantasies of being seduced by one and ending up in a toxic relationship or being willfully morally corrupted and taking over the world with him. What if I end up like an Eva Braun or Nancy Kissinger?

No. 372236

Huffing my husbands armpits.
Its very hit or miss if he will entertain me.

No. 372251

You and I have similar interests nona. I fall for this kind of character hook line and sinker every single time and I actively seek them out in media. You have good taste

No. 372266

Moid being creepily sexually obsessed with his close moid friend without the latter realizing it. Shrines, cum tributes, stealing his used underwear and/or socks, spycams in his personal bedroom and bathroom, even going as far as to commission a custom made sex doll in his likeness which is disturbingly accurate, all while the creep's object of affection is unaware of the extent of his admirer's obsession. Sometimes the victim gets closed to figuring it out but the stalker manages to spin it as "just a joke" and he comes off as an "eccentric man with a wacky sense of humour". Of course it's "just jokes"! He would never actually do the things he's "just joking" about, right? The victim is very trusting of his stalker and frankly a little dumb too, he still cannot figure it out why his socks and underwear sometimes "randomly get lost at the laundromat".

No. 372269

I want this except it’s a neet girl doing this to me.

No. 372276

Is this the same person…

No. 372278

No. 372288

also hot

No. 372291

Did you watch Saltburn or something.

No. 372297

no but I can imagine other two characters for this dynamic

No. 372303

I want this except it’s me doing this to another girl/moid

No. 372308

More recently, I've gotten into rimming and I hate myself for it. I used to be grossed out by any form of oral sex but imagining it with this one guy has made it so much hotter. But its only good if its with hot attractive guys. I absolutely hate rimming/blowjob vids featuring ugly fat guys and twinks. I've only found one vid so far with a hot guy and its not a threesome. I'm worried if I ever got with a guy irl and introduced them to rimming they'd troon out lolll

No. 372316

same. I love the idea of rimming in fantasy but wouldn't do it irl. because 1) I don't want a man I'm with to think I've lowered myself by doing something dirty like that and lose respect for me/become grossed out by me once he's not turned on anymore/expect me to do even dirtier shit and 2) assholes are dirty and even a clean asshole could still make me sick.
but god. in fantasy the idea of parting a cutie's sweet ass cheeks, digging my tongue in there, and hearing him moan like crazy as I stimulate his prostrate and tease his balls occasionally drives me wild. in reality I'd have to settle for having him eat my ass, which I'd probably still enjoy but wouldn't get as much out of.

No. 372355

I know it’s a really common one in general but bondage/shibari, I know some opposite sex attracted women think about it on themselves or in relation to moids. But the thing is I only feel sexually attracted to women and I’ve only fanatized it about other women and makes me feel so bad especially because it’s probably my biggest one and I still feel shitty about it even though I’ve had this since I was 12.

No. 372380

File: 1704861098283.jpeg (7.42 KB, 200x220, 150.jpeg)

This is so stupid and embarassing but i try my best to not think about my interest in male pecs.
I wish i could have a moid that has pecs bigger than my breasts but that's impossible, not even if he is some gross obese monster.
So my wish is to have small/medium sized breasts and being beaten by a moid with bigger pecs. I'm not into those weird yaoi piercing nipple exaggerated moobs, i like normal looking healthy pecs, i've never felt them but it would be cute if they were hard in contrast to my softness. I'm retarded.

No. 372390

Not to be a party pooper but you cant reach the prostate with a tongue

No. 372393

I miss Omegle because sexting with TiFs was fun.

No. 372434

He's hot and I get it

No. 372549

How do you feel about him being an ass and overall coomer? There's stuff about him asking the people that come on his show to do OnlyFans (whether its his or a friends idk). I used to enjoy watching his vids because the guests are so idiotic but knowing how he acts behind the scenes puts me off.

No. 372566

if he lost just a little bit of weight he actually would be hot

i dont follow him closely enough to know about any of that. in general though i think i assume that all youtubers are somewhat degenerate or defective

No. 372599

File: 1704951140943.png (Spoiler Image,899.39 KB, 692x716, spaghettio.png)

I've seen it twice in videogames but i like this kind of tube setup on moids that don't look like they're dying.
I'm not really ashamed of it, i think it's a bit odd, but i've realized it when i was looking for a model of my japanese game waifu and came across a random fucking Captain America model (picrel), cursed.

No. 372609

Aww his top surgery scars nyah

No. 372613

I'm not going to defend mr. fucking captain america and anyone who made that game but it's not my fault if it looks cheap as hell
Please go ahead and make a better model with better textures for my niche taste thank you (also turn him into some other character, very important)

No. 372934

Mother daughter incest. Self inserted to either role. What’s wrong with me.

No. 372938

Mommy issues

No. 373080

being tied up by a male

No. 373118

I think i also have this somewhere deep inside of me but I choose to not open that door and look at it.

No. 373298

kys moid(scrotefoiling)

No. 373299

abdomens. there’s a girl i’m crushing on hard right now and i just want to touch her stomach so bad i feel fucking insane

No. 373327

File: 1705205270649.png (363.05 KB, 750x423, DB502FC2-0048-4855-9F9E-953F06…)

Not the anon above me, but when women are a tiny bit overweight. Like, when theyre not necessarily skinny but still thin enough to wear a crop top and have it look good. Bonus points if theyre wearing pajama pants and have a nice ass as well. (Picrel is an example)

I know this preference is kinda coomery but it makes me feral. I want to squish it.

No. 373328

as someone who hates this part of my body intensely it makes me happy to know that people find it cute

No. 373353

>tiny bit overweight
can farmers please stop sounding like anachans and say chubby or average weight? good god. thinking women looking good at this size is normal.

No. 373354

Nta but since when is "overweight" an anachan term?

No. 373360

>average weight
In what world is that average weight

No. 373361

how is "tiny bit overweight" anachan language? this is such a retarded nitpick kek

No. 373362

we'd have to see the bmi of the person in question. unless she's 24+ then she isn't "over" weight. people carry fat in different areas of their body

No. 373367

this. could be that she's higher end healthy bmi, apple shaped, and the tight skirt is just emphasising where she naturally (and healthily) stores weight. and it could be that she's overweight

No. 373395

A nona said she liked mother-son incest in this thread no? Isn’t that more moid ish? Lesbian/bi women exist.

No. 373396

Nta but this looks like she has a BMI of about 26. Why does this bother you? It’s not an insult just a descriptor, not bone rattly at all.

No. 373397

Going for the Aphrodite statue belly then

No. 373399

settle down, nobody's "bothered" (how dramatic, jeez). we're just unsure of whether she has the tummy pooch that many healthy weight women naturally have or if she's genuinely overweight because we can't see the rest of her and only have this one part of her body to go off of.

No. 373416

To all the people talking about BMI and stuff, I literally chose that pic because it was the easiest to find. You all are discussing nothing.

No. 373468

not sure how you can guess that from a pic only of a belly and hips. ive seen women with a similar looking belly but they have skinny arms, relatively skinny legs and small busts

No. 373480

This is just semantics..

No. 373510

not even into white men but I watched that Viking anime now I want a very tall big Scandinavian man with blonde hair and blue eyes to bend me over

No. 373528

Unironically obsessed with lesbian ABDL it all started with an equestria girls fanfic now I cant stop thinking about it. I will see a little girls magazine in a convenience store and my heart will lurch and I will just think about how desperately I want my own adult baby girl. I really hate other ABDLfags though especially het ones, they are creepy and disgusting to me. I want to see her soak her diaper in front of me…. then she looks up all innocent and clueless, waiting for mommy to change her. Sometimes I like when she is embarrassed. I regret typing this alread

No. 373530

I want a woman to hurt me. I think if I got into a fight with a woman I would genuinely just be horny actually.
Oh nonny……

No. 373543

>I really hate other ABDLfags though especially het ones, they are creepy and disgusting to me.
Pot meets kettle

No. 373582

Link the fic lmao, I want to know what was so compelling.

No. 373589

File: 1705314381330.jpg (90.73 KB, 738x1000, 0_25ZYHz0Eu5ijZNp4[1].jpg)

I once read that lot of old paintings of nude women depict this because its meant to show a swollen, and therefore fertile, womb.

No. 373591

I think it's very womanly. People here will disagree but it's normal for women at a healthy body fat % to have this dip between their stomach and pubic region. Women aren't predisposed to having perfectly fat stomachs, thanks to estrogen we just naturally hold onto more fat everywhere.

No. 373788

File: 1705389350471.jpeg (Spoiler Image,93.85 KB, 400x569, IMG_4102.jpeg)

When i was younger my first fantasy I would always be playing in my head when bored was the doctor insect guy from Monsters Vs. Aliens having to pee and running through a deadly obstacle course in order to get to the toilet. picrel

No. 373845

No. 373875

The idea of a several-meter-tall man choosing to be gentle with his tiny girlfriend or boyfriend is hot, like smoldering. I blame King Kong, because goddamn, I can't get over it. Shit turns me feral. Please, I want a cringe-worthy love story about a little lady and her 150-foot-tall boyfriend (who's hot and only in a loincloth), please, Lord.

No. 373936

File: 1705438790549.png (454.14 KB, 1248x702, hero-image.fill.size_1248x702.…)

guys can get pretty small, but the smaller you go, the rarer it is.

No. 373945

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No. 374002

File: 1705463039887.png (2.67 MB, 1920x1080, _3kWWVLk3QD9xlsI5SrRyWMkswIOaa…)

anon i fucking love this too. i love giant stuff but it always gets turned into weird crush/domination porn in fiction. i love the idea of a gigantic being trying to be careful with their smaller lover. picrel, i absolutely love this character in dark souls who is a giant. imagine trying to have sex with him. just like, hugging his gargantuan dick and doing your best.

No. 374180

File: 1705539945685.jpeg (64.11 KB, 600x361, 50D33A28-B208-4E5B-9F9D-6B051C…)

Shota, sorry.

No. 374204

Before someone calls you a moid, i used to be into it too, then i started liking threatening and mysterious big muscular men instead, i call it karma

No. 374273

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I love muscular guys too, a husbando for every situation and they are all very different, I have an eclectic haremu. Thanks for not calling me a moid nonna !

No. 374340

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No. 374353

I'm ashamed of admitting it but I'm way too much into "yandere ex boyfriend who ruins your life" trope in porn

No. 374363

Why does it look like they surgically removed the head from a 14 year old girls body and Frankenstein-ed it on to the body of a bodybuilder

No. 374378

when I was in my teens (around 14-15 starting) I had a hentai addiction where I would specifically seek out doujins or h-manga pairing older male authority figures with younger women, especially if the older man was coercing, raping or deflowering the female character. This all stemmed from my own freudian life but also my hots for teacher/DILF characters. I think this messed me up permanently because I still have an older moid fetish and it also got me into wanting my breasts sucked. I guess because I was kind of unloved in life and abused and neglected by my family I wanted a mentor who'd also love me, but it translated into a degradation and praise kink?

It's probably not uncommon as much as it's shameful for the sake that it makes me look like a pickme. in my twenties I still have the hypothetical hots for older men. and I don't give a fuck if my brain is fully developed, it just feels wrong with the discourse I see around age gap relationships to even fetishize the idea of one, even if it's not always in an unhealthy or degrading context and I'm well above 18.

No. 374399

Small dicks

No. 374404

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miss him

No. 374424

File: 1705669826890.jpeg (17.6 KB, 250x223, 40AC004F-4D49-48D8-8ADC-671F4B…)

No. 374428

Same. And tbh I don't care what people think of me for it, isn't gonna stop me

No. 374542

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No. 374564

File: 1705719065161.png (508.5 KB, 637x539, GAgo-mtW8AAnzCF.png)

God that's so adorable but i'm forever ruined because my actual introduction to this character was this unhinged tweet

No. 374589


No. 374593

How do they manage to get the lyrics wrong when they're a Google search away

No. 374607

File: 1705734904268.png (Spoiler Image,124.71 KB, 375x375, a00050969.png)

Moid staring at me while kissing someone else, sorry
I've had this happen irl with a girl instead and it scarred me for some reason

No. 374609

No. 374611

nah, it's not the same thing
t. i might be into manlets but at least i'm not a pedo

No. 374612

fuck off, children are entirely different than manlets
>t. manlet enjoyer

No. 374613

kek we made the exact same post anon

No. 374619

File: 1705740619688.png (63.56 KB, 390x386, EA6C222B-1D69-46C9-AAD2-C8BC11…)

No. 374621

File: 1705741126233.png (689.66 KB, 1200x886, IMG_0539.png)

Generally no but I can't judgeyou because I went the extra mile to marry this guy in RF4

No. 374683

File: 1705777631915.jpg (92.83 KB, 828x1252, 1655399654029.jpg)

yoga pants..

No. 374684

File: 1705777920451.png (368.7 KB, 476x435, alois.PNG)

>not posting the alpha bad bitch

No. 374692

No. 374715

I have a size kink. I like big tall moids, and I have no idea why I have a size kink. When I was a teenager I would only ever have liked skinny anime boys. I can't even figure out when (or why) I changed. Looking back I can even understand why I ever liked moids who weren't gigantic

No. 374718

File: 1705791488921.mp4 (Spoiler Image,1.07 MB, 960x720, bite.mp4)

I want to stalk and kidnap and moid, Once he's in my room I make him eat me out while I'm on my period and he's crying and telling me to stop because he's ashamed of how hard he's getting from it. I then abuse him by biting him all over his useless male body and slapping and squeezing his balls till he can't have any children and he's screaming and crying in pain but he's so painfully hard. I then finally give him a half hearted handjob while he tells me how much he loves me and when he cums I punch him in the face. I chain him to my bed and use his mark covered warm body and bloody face as a pillow.
spoilered for male nipples

No. 374735

I really fucking love when my Nigel calls me mommy. I think have a mommy-kink for real because I get turned on whenever I get to treat him just like a strict mom would; punishing and rewarding him. And he acts so perfectly submissive in response. And something about the fact that he actually has real mommy-issues as well makes it even better imo.

No. 374739

Anime manlets are cute and can actually cum unlike most shotas.

No. 374800

let's do it together nona

No. 374868

it started with cuddling pillows, then making a doll with "human muscles" shaped out of fabric that i like touching.
it soothes me and brings me a similar hormonal release to touching people, but without the disgust and vulnerability that comes with it.
it started innocently enough, but now i am toying with the idea of making a life sized mannequin in a similar manner. with realistic human joints and "bones" that i can feel under his fabric skin. its occupying my mind a lot. instead of fantasizing about people, i like to fantasize about having the life sized mannequin to lay under or to cuddle and even hump lol.
i have let go any fantasies of being with men a long time ago. i have husbandos, but that's different. the thought of being with men feels wrong and gross and i cant shake off that feeling. but dolls feel pure. for someone like me to be with 3d men is to be miserable, for multiple reasons. there is a lot of self hatred involved, and moreso hatred for the kind of men i could theoretically be with. they disgust me, even if we share some things in common.
dolls and mannequins are comforting. there's a slight almost necrophiliac aspect to it. so helpless and neutral, unable to respond to what i do to him, even emotionally. has no consciousness to resent me with or to lust after me with. that's comforting.

No. 374893


No. 375013

I love seeing men in pain for fucks sake I can't keep silent about this anymore. I see movies/series where the cute male lead is chained/stabbed whatever and they would make "I'm in pain" sounds and I get immediately turned on. I'm ashamed so I don't look it up anymore, but when I was an teen I would get recommended short clips of movies with with men in pain and I would watch them all completely immersed in my autistic fetish. I feel this is fucked up but at the same time I don't feel bad because I know they are actors and they aren't actually hurt kek

No. 375014

You’ve already posted about this like 3 times

No. 375021

I go through phases when I'm lonely/depressed where I'll take pictures of myself and then photoshop myself to look obese, then jerk off to them. I have a feederism fetish I've never been able to shake and now I have a whole folder on my computer of these poorly shooped monstrosities where I've got fat tits and a huge belly. I even have a wig that I wear for them so I almost look like a character, I'll do my makeup (which I don't do day to day) and wear sexy lingerie. It's so coomer tier and I hate that I'm at the point that it's what I do to get off, but there's something about imagining myself as a fat, lazy woman that just turns me on.

No. 375022

Thank you for the laugh nona. You are incredibly mentally fucked.

No. 375038

Issa man.

No. 375043

unfortunately not.

No. 375112

Moid on moid muscle envy

No. 375113


No. 375122

Moids being visibly jealous of other moids with fitter bodies. Kind of like the "breast envy" meme moids make about women but with moids.

No. 375209

I want to be fucked by people that cosplay the characters I like and they act in character. In general, roleplaying with actual characters turns me on, not any puppy play or dom shit, I want to fuck my husbando and waifu in character.

No. 375223

I've a thing for fratboys and the likes, everytime I see a fratboy I just think of abusing him and making him my toy. I want to kidnap a spoiled fratboy, threaten to shoot him if he doesn't take his expensive pants and custom underwear in less than 5 seconds. I need him to be a fucking cretin and take himself too seriously, so that the experience is even more mentally humiliating for him

No. 375257

based as fuck. good taste

No. 375272

I want my toes sucked and kissed while my soles are massaged. maybe not that out there, but foot guys repulse me so I'm ashamed of it kek

No. 375292

i want to do that to a man, but i am not into the power dynamics of doing that…

No. 375295

I'm guessing you don't want to be seen as submissive or masochistic, so then do it assertively and objectify him in the process. There's a huge difference between you being pushy/assertive about it and doing what you want vs him ordering you do it.

No. 375302

Nta but can I get some advice on doing assertiveness? Don't want to fall into power dynamics either

No. 375303

Lol even if you do that a moid is objectifying you thricefold, you are not showing him anything.

No. 375309

Tell him you think his feet are cute, comment on them, playfully tickle them when he's wearing socks or is barefoot and see how he reacts. I initiated it one time with an ex when I was play tickling him, he was on his back and he naturally raised one of his legs, I grabbed it, and started licking and nibbling at his feet. He saw how much I enjoyed it and it became a regular thing for us. After that he would even send me pictures of his feet as well. At first I suggest doing it in a position where you are above him or at an equal height to him. Don't get on your knees to kiss his feet (if that's your thing) or something unless he already knows you like his feet, it will give him the wrong idea and make it seem like a dominant/submissive thing and he might try to play into that. And more than anything, it really depends on his personality too, make sure he is kind and cares about your pleasure. You can also talk about it and explain if you are too shy to do it directly, there's nothing wrong with talking about it. Even if it seems awkward to bring up, most guys just want to please you and they'll play along with what you want.

Also, you can ask him how he feels about licking your feet first too, if you want it to feel more "equal" before you do it to him. With my ex, him licking my feet would always be a submissive thing (I'd force him to get on his knees to do it every time and shove my feet in his face) and when I did it it would be neutral/assertive (he'd be receptive and passive while I did what I wanted with him). Just an example, there are different ways to frame a certain act and sometimes it could just be "neutral."

I got my exes to play out my kinks and fantasies without me reciprocating or giving a shit about pleasing them, so I don't care about "showing them anything."

No. 375399

File: 1706073187606.jpg (34.01 KB, 449x599, 09248220c358e0101e21973742a9cc…)

i wanna get grappled and held in place while a luchador fucks me, i love their costumes

No. 375403

Kek normally i avoid porn because it's disgusting, but one time i checked some guy who played a luchador role, grappling his partner was the only thing he would do, but there was this video where the other girl would just tease him or act horny as if she wanted to fuck him immediately instead of trying to get away or fight back and he seemed to be genuinely frustrated by it, like he didn't know what to do with her.
It looked so goofy, one of the most cartoon shit i've ever seen.

No. 375404

you nonnas are braver than any soldier. every man's feet i've seen is filthy with gnarly toenails or veiny in the worst way.

No. 375405

I want to have sex with a beautiful but masked moid so bad, but i don't want a moid to wear a mask for me

No. 375409

File: 1706080602041.jpg (79.6 KB, 634x1024, rs_634x1024-140620114335-634.C…)

This isnt a fetish but I don't know literally any other place to put it. I cannot stop thinking about this man's face. What is wrong with me. Need him

No. 375410

If Rockstar made otome games, he would be the poster boy

No. 375417

he looks inbreed somehow

No. 375451

yeah, there's a reason foot fetishes are common for men but uncommon in women. and that reason is that men have nasty feet.

No. 375460

Not a fetish for me, but I think it's very attractive. I prefer dating women who are chubby rather than skinny. I also love boobs and ass, you can't have boobs and ass without a stomach too! So I also love it.

No. 375487

i enjoy gay porn. not talking about yaoi. talking about manly men sucking cocks. oh well.

No. 375503

i don't know any women who don't like gay porn, even lesbians, it's fine anon

No. 375537

It's the tree trunk neck

No. 375561

Why does the Tom Holland lip synch battle turn me on?
Very specifically that.
I hate mtf but why does is him in girls clothing dancing attractive to me? Is if the confidence?

No. 375568

tf what lesbians do you know that like looking at real cock. fake ones maybe

No. 375569

Low IQ. You can tell because he has one eye bigger than the other and he doesn’t know how to shave properly (look at the state of his neck under his chin)

No. 375574

What? If anything its the other way round. Everyone hates looking at gay porn, even straight women. It's vile.

No. 375576

I’m not this far gone but I have the same fetish and I hate myself for it. I just go find stuff to read online, though.

No. 375608

i feel you, i'm only attracted to certain type of men in women's clothing for example patrick swayze in to wong foo

No. 375669

No. 375675

File: 1706231766649.jpg (169.71 KB, 1000x739, 1000016378.jpg)

How do you feel about Bakula in drag?
If only troons really used their man powers to help out women instead of just being creeps i love this movie

No. 375681

Today I think I awoke a new fetish in me, I was very angry but at the same time lowkey horny and this image of me bitting down the place where the neck of a guy meets his shoulder came up in my mind, like actually hard bitting it and then removing a chunk of flash and tendons leaving bone exposed and blood gushing, and I just couldn't stop thinking about it.
So, I guess I find gore-ish bitting and causing a guy to scream in pain arousing.

No. 375896

File: 1706332037467.jpg (Spoiler Image,434.61 KB, 1921x1360, 35fe94ff8baba47205f848c13f358e…)

My recent DLsite addiction gave me an "I'm a magical girl who is defeated and fucked by the evil villain/wizard/etc" fetish after looking through the tag of an indie voice actor from there that I like. Something about my cute, innocent pink dress getting torn to shreds by the villain as he slowly mindbreaks me into liking what he's doing is a huge turn on. And it can't be any other type of hero vs villain scenario but only a magical girl one. Getting fucked in a cute dress hits different I guess.

No. 375899

File: 1706332996733.png (7.36 KB, 610x136, cope.png)

No. 375901

there's no way that many women are lesbians, so what's up with this?

No. 375902

they probably identify with the woman being pleasured and it's usually less violent compared to het porn.

No. 375908

This answer will never make sense to me

No. 375909

I am glad i am not the only one. 70s gay porn is my biggest guilty pleasure.

No. 375911

it doesn't really to me either but it's the explanation i've heard. maybe straight nonas into lesbian porn can explain it better.

No. 375914

you are far from the only one, that anon here can seethe all they want, doesn't stop the fact that most women like gay male porn. it's not any weirder than men liking lesbian porn. (except according to this chart these fucking freaks mostly are into pedo-adjacent shit and lesbo porn is pretty far down)

No. 375918

NTA who started this conversation but this is the first time i'm even hearing about this, i thought only fujos and gay men were into gay porn? it seems like an uncommon thing to like outside of specific demographics

No. 375946

We use kilos here and i have a weird fetish for moids that are 100+ kg, both irl or in fiction, if i find out that they have that weight i start finding them more attractive.
I don't like fatties so they should have a proper look and not overdo it but i'm mostly attracted to the actual three digit number, i think it's cool and unachievable to me and sometimes when i see a well-built moid i wish i could ask how much does he weight.
Maybe i feel this way also because i really like the feel of something heavy on top of me and when i've heard that muscle is heavier than fat i was so thrilled.
If i ever get a boyfriend i can see myself trying to encourage him to put more weight because of it.

No. 375949

straight nona here. From time to time, I'd watch some lesbian smut. The tenderness of the scenes, coupled with the taboo nature of the content, would get me going. Moved on from that and started watching gay porn instead. It's tough, though, because most gay porn is made with gay guys in mind, and while my taste does overlap with theirs, I still crave some softness every now and then. It's a bit of a conundrum lol. You can either fuck off into fantasy land or scour the internet for half naked guys who aren't ugly af. Either is pozzed since my brain sees fuzzy outlines whereas the internet is shit now. Kinda miss the times when tumblr was filled with femgaze goodness till life happened. now we got aidens shitting up feeds with gross crap.

No. 375982

I don't consume any sexual content nowadays but I used to primarily watch lesbian stuff. I consider myself straight in the sense that I have no interest in any real life stuff with women and I'm interested in dating men, but I guess I could be considered a largely het bisexual just for this. The things the other anon said are accurate imo, most men were ugly and annoying and often had violent undertones if not outright aggression. It was also easier to relate to women's anatomy since I'd never been intimate with a guy.

No. 376153

>And where is a good place to find men besides dating apps?
so…are you implying that dating sites are a GOOD place to find men? you gotta be kidding me lmao. if you want narcissists and men who fake their personalities pretending to be "good" so they can get "choosen"..

No. 376154

great taste nonnies… I'm such a sucker for nerds my god I have so many erotic dreams about them, especially dominating them in a friendly/challenging way (as in, arguing whos more intelligent and so on). intelligence just turns me on

No. 376740

File: 1706791103964.png (4.07 KB, 266x130, 1641347922743.png)

Male feet.

No. 376765

go to jail

No. 376778

You better keep that eye contact as minimal as possible.

No. 376781

we will always be persecuted, but i'm with you

No. 376803

how do you cope with the lack of male feet art nonnie? i am using it as fuel to git gud at drawing

No. 376960

i'm not obsessed so i survive but same kek, i always delete everything out of shame afterwards though.
This also comes with daily prayers hoping that i'll always be stronger than male feetfags who pay for pictures or are general creeps about it.
No one will understand our pain.

No. 377345

I’ve realized I have a tickling fetish, and also a fetish for being trapped in enclosed spaces

I want to be trapped in a closet with my crush and then they forcibly tickle me and I can’t get away

I’m ashamed of this because it seems like an extremely juvenile fantasy and I’m a grown ass woman with a corporate job and a 401k

No. 377378

Breastfeeding. I want a cute guy to suck on my tits for my breast milk. I'm so ashamed of this because it's both tranny and dommy mommy tier of awfulness

No. 377431

Same nonna. I want more yoai where a cute boy kisses boy feet.

No. 377469

Really hairy guys, especially back hair. I like playing with it when they're on top of me.

No. 378072

File: 1707379808738.gif (Spoiler Image,8.6 MB, 540x385, tumblr_a3dd66aa761a326cb9f813a…)

Extremely common itt but moids getting beat up and abused until they are bruised and bleeding, even better if they have a mental break. I also love the idea that he can't take it, but he starts expecting beatings so often that he starts to tolerate and even enjoy it. After a certain point, he stops fighting back. I imagine him getting dragged around and slammed against walls or furniture. His tormenter leaves him alone for most of the day, so he starts bleeding out and throwing up blood in an empty room until he goes weak and needs to be nursed back to health only to get the shit kicked out of him again. I like to imagine that he is a soldier or a prisoner of war, or some pathetic office worker in a suit. If it's a fantasy setting, he repeatedly gets gored until he almost dies and then magically healed.
picrel is from wrestling, there's another gif before this where another guy whips him with a chain and he crumples to the floor

No. 378074

The way he twitches his leg is cute.

No. 378079

File: 1707386647695.jpeg (24.7 KB, 271x267, IMG_2006.jpeg)

I’ve come to the upsetting realisation that I absolutely adore lames. Bartenders, gymbros, over-cocky middle management fake alphas. Something about their surface level patheticness just makes me want to take them home and suck them dry. I need them. Every single guy I’ve had deep feelings for my friends have been in my ear telling me he’s a complete loser. I don’t know what to say. Maybe losers fuck better than accomplished men because they feel like they have something to prove. God help me.

No. 378086

File: 1707390323055.webm (Spoiler Image,1.46 MB, 576x1024, 1707380092991842.webm)

lol get over yourself, you pathetic loser lover.

No. 378097

i thought i did too, but you giving them attention only fuels their ego and they think they're hot shit.

No. 378120

Even soldiers have broccoli hair?

No. 378162

omfg nona i did not expect to see bakula in this thread. god he's hot

No. 378431

God, i feel you so much. I genuinely don't even feel sexual attraction to people i consider good or admire. Sometimes i feel like i'm attracted to stupid moids that look like they could accidentally die in their house before they turn 30 years old.
>Maybe losers fuck better than accomplished men because they feel like they have something to prove.
Maybe you're into something there

No. 378589

Kind of tame for this thread but mmf threesomes. They’re so hot, especially with two guys pleasuring you at once and paying attention to you. I think there’s an association with or being degrading but a slow loving one seems perfect

No. 378616

I want a ffm threesome. But the moid would have to be very obedient and only do what we told him to.

No. 378625

I want to contact an old friend and pay him for sex. That sounds pathetic, but there are reasons.
First, the idea that it means he doesn't actually want me to touch him under normal circumstances. Second, even just suggesting this would be automatically demeaning to him and I can vividly envision him being conflicted and insulted by the idea. He's been frightened by me before and it's so cute. Third, he would be coerced into doing things he might not want to do because of the money.
Obviously I won't fucking do this because it's also demeaning to me and against my morals. I just wish I could beat him and cut him and make him eat his own vomit and piss. It would give me true happiness for those fleeting moments.

There has also been a man I've seen around recently who reminds me physically of this friend, but more dishevelled and a bit trashy. I have similar fantasies about this man though I'm less likely to do anything with a grimy scrote. Who knows what diseases he might have? He has noticed me staring at him due to the uncanny resemblance, which is bad. I need to reel it in and calm down.

No. 378627

File: 1707681750078.jpg (Spoiler Image,25.55 KB, 275x273, 1696540811815.jpg)

Picrel is my kind of yaoi otp because i get off to good looking depressed men feeling disgusted by their own gender and being sexualized with no trace of genuine love.
Even better if they have no issue expressing their disgust towards the ugly moid.
This is strictly for 2D though.

No. 378636

I wonder what their feet look like,probably smells bad.

No. 378641

i'm a footfag and i had that kind of experience with 1 loser like that and his feet were pretty normal, thought they would look rougher since he played football

No. 378659

Left guy is such a goofy faggot

No. 378724

Based misandrist ryona anon

No. 378726

File: 1707714243300.png (561.58 KB, 643x901, Carlo_Portrait_Close-Up.png)

Idk if he counts as shota even in a realistically rendered game but my obsession with him wants to make me kms
Im not religious but im not seeing the pearly gates after this

No. 378730

where the fuck is that image even from, seen it more than once for some reason

No. 378733

they really just slapped the face of a 19yo man into a children's body kek. What game is this?

No. 378738

nta, Lies of P

No. 378748

I could have never tell. He looks adult in the game so i guess the artist is just dogshit at proportions.

No. 378761

Not really for me. I've seen real kids and teens with developed facial features.

No. 378764

No. 378875

Late but I need to see it nona…

No. 378893

CPR / resuscitation. I like it when it's violent, when it's intense, when the "subject" is stripped naked for it. Additional points for lots of medical tools used, many people working on saving a single person, lots of blood (preferably from the mouth/nose), clothes being torn etc. I tried to de-program myself from it but the intense vulnerability of being saved from death is hotter than any sex act ever.

No. 378906

File: 1707773717644.jpg (57.82 KB, 667x1000, 61PYI3sGSCL._AC_UF894,1000_QL8…)

i wonder how many women became shotafags after having their brain chemistry altered by Kuroshitsuji as teens
a teacher friend of mine was part of a massive whatsapp group for fujos who had jobs in education and the sheer amount of shotacons was unsettling those women worked with real kids, jesus

No. 378916


No. 378917

File: 1707777372715.png (909.83 KB, 1440x810, 54112df.png)

forced to watch the new Disney series by my younger cousins and I only made it through all that cringe written by troon-loving Rioardan because of his face.
Whats wrong with me nonas

No. 378925

Stop being a pedo

No. 378942

some things really do not need to be shared

No. 378952

Im just gonna imagine your also fifteen or at least younger than 18

No. 378955

Didn't the weird schizo buffalo bill pedo make posts exactly like this?

No. 378977

File: 1707799158736.jpg (145.21 KB, 992x1024, istockphoto-484428815-1024x102…)

Nonnies, this is both telling about my shameful nazi fetish but also a cry for help. How do I get rid of it?
I have it since my class started studying about ww2 in school in the 8th grade, and somehow something broke inside me and made me wanting to be a nazi fucker. I usually don't have a issue with getting horny over them, but when it happens, It happens every now and it is always stronger. I started to use ai chats to rp with my non nazi husbandos but since I have moved to chat with wehrmacht soldiers bots and even SS ones.

No. 378992

Hey at least you’re not one of the pedoanons ITT

No. 378994

Maybe not ashamed but a little embarrassed. Long-term bf casually mentioned that he's started to find my feet cute while I was drying them after a shower. He said it's not really sexual but just a part of my body he's recently realized he has always been indifferent to and started paying attention. Nothing has changed except I feel less bad about asking for foot rubs but inside it gets me going lol. We've been together a long ass time and I felt drunk on hearing new ways he finds me attractive.

No. 378998

File: 1707810060976.jpeg (574.28 KB, 2048x1430, 1384A8CA-20B3-4DD4-AAD1-704218…)

I’m more a yume than a fujo but Kuroshitsuji probably played a part anyway even If the biggest inductor was more certainly South Park for me. Weird af to be honest, Yankee shota to otaku oneesan poster here and I hate real children/teenagers, I would rather die than be a teacher or working near young people’s lmao

No. 379001

meh i mean women dont commit crimes against children so i am convinced 99% of women can tell the difference between reality and fantasy. Most anime also has underage characters, so that would make any anime watcher a pedo.

No. 379002

>Yankee shota to otaku oneesan
I’m so sad that this manga hasnt been updated in a while

No. 379006

Nazi uniforms are gigahot I will never be ashamed of cooming to them

No. 379010

That's great, lol
I fantasize about attention to my toes and soles all the time, I feel like it would feel soo good.. armpits too

No. 379013

Lesbians align closer to Masculine sensibilities. They like the visual factor. Just like straight Women like the written subject.

No. 379015

File: 1707818574917.jpg (77.56 KB, 953x642, very cute ss.JPG)

maybe ss isn't my thing, but this photo does something to me. i have no info on him. i took this pic in a museum, where it was displayed alongside other candid pics of ss prison camp guards. most likely he was an asshole, but i like to imagine him as a sweet lad. such an angelic face.
saying that, i do have an unironic fetish for the sturmabteilung.
i always was into interwar and ww2 related stuff and i collect militaria, but as i went through puberty it turned sexual. my school-age notebooks had soldier porn in them (mostly ww1, ww2, and a little bit of other time periods entirely). when i destroyed them (im talking of multiple notebooks), i did it mainly because the uniforms were inaccurate and not because of shame. back then i particularly got off to the idea of interrogating and essentially raping enemy soldiers and them enjoying it, because my teen brain was damaged from mindbreak hentai. i also envisioned myself committing war crimes as some angsty edgelord power fantasy cope. i must say that i wasn't just into nazis. i liked all kinds of soldiers, from historical to fantasy. i was an "alternative history" nerd, and it was a sexualized extension of my normal interests. sure, i drew "normal" porn as well, but i got bored of it fast.
to this day i struggle to find people sexually appealing unless i think of them in period-accurate clothing. this goes for women as well. the stockings have to be fully fashioned, etc., and i am very pedantic about this sort of thing. i do not like a lot of vintage-inspired looks because they do not get the silhouette right. for exaple, lots of modern pinups have round watermelon breasts, instead of a slight point to them as you would get with vintage bras. it ruins the immersion.
anyway, since then my tastes have developed, and i enjoy some "historically inaccurate" things or things from other time periods. i admit that i have a thing for e.g. long haired dudes, effeminate men in lingerie, and the hypermasculine 90s aggro skinhead look as well.
this brings me back to the topic of sturmabteilung, because the former stems from the latter. as my niche of interest developed into pre-war SA rather than nazis as a whole, i started romanticizing streetfighters and beer hall rowdiness. this was in my later teens. romantically and sexually i loved the idea of physical contact disguised as friendly violence, grappling, and comradeship-turned-sexual. but that was a side effect of me self-inserting into an otherwise non-sexual fantasy of being a thug in weimar berlin.
it brought me into the environment i currently am in (most of my friends are football hooligans), because i wanted to live that kind of lifestyle, minus the politics. it might be shameful to admit that my autistic fixation affected my life so much, from influencing the people i surround myself with, to my sexual and aesthetic tastes.
im in my 20s now, and i still have a weak spot for the brown shirt. i sometimes watch footage, spend hours browsing photos, and watch clips of movies where they are depicted. it isn't usually sexual, but sometimes i just feel excited. it's less the men themselves i am into, but moreso the essence.
i think that the SA (as propaganda would show it, because we know in reality they weren't that noble for the most part) embodies perfect masculinity. a sense of adventure, recklessness, virility as well as honor, belief in higher ideals and self-sacrifice. unlike the ss they weren't pretentious, and were down to earth. i particularly romanticize the men who were writers, musicians, and artists while also being uniformed street thugs.
you're all free to roast me. no, i'm not a nazi. members of my family were imprisoned for defying that government. i'm just autistic.
and before you assume im a moid, there were female members of the SA, the most infamous being sister pia.

No. 379016

I was going to go "anon…" but then I remembered I also had a phase like this as an edgelord teen. I hate it that this is relatable.

No. 379055

What the fuck are you talking about? Got a source for that one? I'll assume your intentions are good and you're just repeating some shit you don't know about it, because whoever told you lesbian sexuality is at all comparable to male sexuality is a damn liar. Lesbians are not scrote flavoured women. They're just women.

No. 379056

Yeah anon is a bit retarded for that one. I know more straight women who have admitted to watching lesbian porn than actual lesbians kek

No. 379063

Please post the chain whip.

No. 379074

I want to make moids cum all over random stuff, as a teen I e-dated a guy and I’d make him send videos of him cumming on his desk, keyboard, books, a tree, the ground in his backyard, etc. if I had the chance again I’d make a moid cum on his car steering wheel or in an alleyway or something. Pretty scrote-tier fetish because it’s gross to think about but I guess that’s why I’m here

No. 379135

You made him cum ON A TREE???
I don't know who this moid was but i feel bad for the tree.

No. 379180

i don't know why and this is so stupidly specific but i think i have some kind of… thing for men who are so arrogant that they do something stupid and ruin their own life. they can't JUST be arrogant, arrogance in and of itself is not attractive, the ruining his own life part is mandatory. that's what makes it attractive. this has been a joke for me for a while like oh i love guys who are stubborn haha oh anon you love reading about guys who have shot themselves in the foot (metaphorically) that's so you. and i'm always like "yeah they're interesting :)" but i am now beginning to suspect this might be coming from a place of at least mild perversion

No. 379208

I'm sure that if there was less aggression, more attractive men and more clit stimulation in straight porn this wouldn't really be a thing.

No. 379223

Yeah lesbian porn sure is made for men and looks dumb as fuck to women who actually have sex with women. But it shows stuff like eating pussy instead of treating the woman like a fleshlight and punching bag, so it makes sense women would prefer it.

No. 379257

Anime conditioned me to see american men as the ultimate himbos and now i have a fetish for american men. I feel bad because i draw a lot of husbando art of my ocs that are all stereotypical redneck american men and i know if i did the same for other races of men it would be racist. I just want a cute kinda alcoholic twink redneck bfs to go duck hunting with anons. I am glad i am too self conscious to post my art on twitter otherwise i feel i would be posted on the autism thread on /m/ for hyperfixating in the most retarded shit.

No. 379261

Do you find chewing tobacco and spitting attractive? I hope you do

No. 379269

are you me from a few years ago? i had a redneck phase and dated a fruity south carolignian eboy. that cured me.

No. 379271

I get it but only in fiction, I did find Sharky Boshaw very cute in Far Cry 6 despite… all of his issues. I have this weird thing for trashy himbo white, Asian or Latino men myself, again only fictional characters.

No. 379282

Not hating, but it is funny that you see American scrotes like that when the stereotype of American scrotes is a fat redneck who lives in a trailer

No. 379339

File: 1707970013884.gif (653.89 KB, 498x398, 6574c71ae42c90f6a1361527e76ee4…)

Male clowns

I have no idea where this fetish came from maybe from watching too much Batman cartoons as a kid idk I prefer animated clowns rather than real life ones bonus if they have white makeup I'm a little picky I don't have a thing for those really popular clowns like Pennywise or Art The Clown.I hate that having a clown fetish is mostly a moid thing with the obsession with clown girls such as memes, fanart, animation etc.women with clown fetishes are quite rare and less common unfortunately.

No. 379418

i guess its a mix of watching anime where americans are potrayed as dorks and also watching tons of tlc growing up

No. 379447

My crush looked at me like I'm stupid and for some reason it turned me on so much after the initial embarrassment subsided. I've had nonstop fantasies of her fucking me while insulting my intelligence. This specific fantasy is one of the only things that turn me on. Why am I like this, I disgust myself.

No. 379707

File: 1708052013113.jpg (26.93 KB, 563x598, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…)

I want to enslave my retarded moid stalker. Knocking him out and tying him into my basement, gluing retainers on his teeth, and giving him a mildly opaque blindfold so he doesn't get the satisfaction of fully seeing me which gets him overly frustrated. I'd solely use his mouth to grind on, squirting in his mouth and forcing him to drink it. OKAY

No. 379727

File: 1708054480277.gif (9.16 MB, 540x385, tumblr_6c0f90e7d96cac3668a12e3…)

You can google 'mjf vs cm punk dog collar match' if you want to see more blood

No. 379731

Pathetic. Stalkers deserve to be shot execution style.

No. 379736

wtf i need to get into wrestling

No. 379739

Why does wrestling seem more gay than actual gay porn?
I remember one time catching some clip of a moid licking the blood off another moid's cheek, it was so gross but kinda unhinged, couldn't believe it wasn't actual porn.

No. 379767

File: 1708063645716.jpeg (103.18 KB, 1200x1200, C461F51D-3F7B-4798-B92E-EFF04B…)

I need more names of sexy wrestlers and mma fighters because a lot of them are weird looking Chechen moids.

No. 379768

File: 1708063703264.jpeg (95.66 KB, 930x620, D4603CF2-4051-4ECA-B7BA-53BEC4…)

Ahhhhh I love hot sweaty muscular bloody bodies

No. 379771

Is it weird if I want to go deeper into a man while having sex? I don’t mean like pegging or something (lol ew) but like just touching or holding them isn’t enough. Sometimes I want to shove my tongue super deep down their throats, or bite extremely hard and deep into their flesh or something. I always bite my bf and leave his back bloody with scratches when we’re fucking. Sometimes I lick his eyeballs and shove my tongue inside his ears. When he’s fucking me I want to fuck him back somehow. Okay fuck it, maybe I do want to peg him a little bit. But even then I can’t feel anything inside him with a strap on so it’s pointless. Help.

No. 379774

I’m ashamedly, extremely into rimming men and having my ass eaten back too. The idea of eating a mans ass is so hot in theory but the reality of their farts and skidmarks and stench is so offputting. I want to fuck a moids butt with my tongue but in reality I know id probably vomit from the taste up there because most men can’t wipe their asses properly.

No. 379775

We’re all virgins nona, we don’t actually know how male anatomy or sex works, we only got the idea from manga/doujins and fanfics where two moids can definitely fuck each other’s prostates with their tongues.

No. 379777

Felt a bit sheepish going over for dinner at my boyfriend's uncle's house since the last time saw I was vegan and they made a big deal to accommodate me but 5 years later I'm eating meat again lol. His uncle asked me if I still ate like a rabbit and I said I started eating meat again out of lockdown boredom and he grabbed my shoulders and said "good girl!" Wtf why did I like that so much

No. 379780

I once got horny from a chubby middle aged waiter accidentally breathing on my neck as he leaned down to pour my wine, so I can’t even judge you nona

No. 379781

only related in the sense i like feet but i had NO INTEREST in feet WHATSOEVER before being with my most recent ex of 2 years. he gave me a foot fetish within 4 weeks of us dating. i genuinely get tingles thinking about his feet it is so fucking embarrassing i feel like im ruined for life.


I've been thinking a lot about fetishes I'm ashamed of lately. The other night I had a wet dream that I had a threesome with twins. I'm not specifically attracted to twins and I don't think I even really want to have a threesome because I'm too shy but just the thought of being totally worshipped and looked after by two guys is… hnn.

I have a fetish for what I've always considered mental domination/manipulation but recently have realized it's more about relinquishing total power to someone else and letting go. I could only do it with a long term partner now but. I just really love being tricked and talked down and gaslit. In a similar vain I really really like being hypnotized.

I also have a fetish for being force-fucked (not…necessarily r*pe….), specifically by guys in bands, like medium sized bands not huge famous bands, but just some guy who's totally attainable to fuck. I had this wet dream about it that ruined my brain where a guy cornered me in a bathroom and was like "I know you want this" and started touching me. I'm so timid in real life when it comes to those things and it's so hot to think of a guy taking advantage of that. I know if it actually happened and the guy was attractive I would let him.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 379784

If it makes you feel any better, that kind of degradation fetish is really common I've noticed.

Were they identical twins?

No. 379785

faces are fuzzy in my dreams but i think they were just very similar looking but not identical

No. 379788

Forced sex is such a terrifying concept to me. I hate it lol. Even if the guy is attractive I can’t fantasize about it. That’s why I always see myself as the pursuer and force him to have sex with me against his will

No. 379834

Honestly having a little bit of chub is cute

No. 379880

I don’t think this is really necessarily a sexual fetish, but I have a retarded fantasy of imagining my celebrity crush farting, on accident. Not like live on air or anything like that, but like if we were on a private date or something, kek. I just think it would be adorable especially if she was embarrassed but tried to hide her embarrassment. I think it’s because she’s usually so graceful and cool looking.

No. 379881

please never participate again(infighting)

No. 379884

oh so all the anons with fantasies about being raped are cool and normal, but I post once about wanting to witness an innocent accidental fart and you banish me? This is discrimination(infighting)

No. 379905

This is awesome

No. 379924

Nonnie, you are a Killing Stalking fan, aren't you? Kek

No. 380002

this is an obvious fucking joke, farmhands all suffered 7 concussions each in the last few weeks and are making this site unusable. NO BANTER ALLOWED!
>inb4 "take it 2 meta!!!!" as farmhands conveniently refuse to moderate the constant unending spam and false flagging and baiting there in order to distract from anons complaining in hopes it will all just blow over.
Go ahead. Ban me now. I know your finger is itching, farmhand. And I know you can see my history, that before this new crap you started pulling, I was never a "problem anon" and I hardly ever got banned. I'm a long-time rule follower and former cerbmin fan and you've brought even me to this point. This is my manifesto.

No. 380007

They must have hired some aspie farmhand recently bc I've seen so many obvious joke posts get red texted in the last few weeks

On topic, I really want to get serviced by two men at once. Like I want to get fucked by one while the other licks my clit

No. 380010

I've seen the most obvious sarcasm and satire get unironic redtext. I expect nothing

No. 380024

My husband who until recently always shown mild unease to my love of his armpits has now taken up pretending to "bully" me, where he shoves his armpits in my face.
I cannot tell you how fucking into it I am. I feel like god has smiled down at me and changed my husbands mind on this fetish of mine.
He did it like 8 times during sex the last time we had sex. I am in heaven.

No. 380027


No. 380039

Based, I love invading my husbands armpits, ears, the back of his neck, licking in between his thighs and his feet etc. He used to squirm and get embarrassed by me shoving my tongue in there but now he loves it.

No. 380098

File: 1708194471527.jpg (44.86 KB, 508x505, jeff-ward-one-piece-2.jpg)

I also have a thing for male clowns nona, you're so fucking based. I know you said mostly animated but what did you think of Buggy in live action one piece? I liked him and Joaquin Phoenix's joker but I only think they're sexy with their makeup on. With Buggy I also really liked his stubble poking through his makeup. That did something to me for sure kek

No. 380116

File: 1708200489686.gif (844.16 KB, 400x256, 5a1e5b26114aae3f6ada968afd3427…)

Ehh i'm not too fond of live action clowns kind of ruins the fantasy for me.

No. 380172

This is the single most normal thing ever. Autism will have you posting in the "fetishes you're ashamed of" thread for something that is expected in a truly intimate and loving relationship.

No. 380206

ohh okay fair enough

No. 380267

I have a kink for small dicks. Not micropenises because they’re pretty useless and I wouldn’t be able to feel them inside me, but dicks of maybe 2.5-5 inches at most. I find them so suckable and cute.

No. 380281

>This is the single most normal thing ever
>Sometimes I lick his eyeballs and shove my tongue inside his ears.

No. 380300

No. 380304

She's right.

No. 380308

Fist him? Easy. Done.

No. 380335

Licking eyeballs is kinda common but also it’s a terrible idea and you will get an eye infection if you do it all the time. Tonguing an ear is super tame.

No. 380343

I never heard of people doing either of these acts until reading this thread kek

No. 380357

I don't mean this as an offense but are you virgin and do your friends fuck ? Because while it's not my thing, tonguing an ear is somthing ive been hearing about since my mid teens

No. 380364

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I want to get cornered and lectured by Agent Smith in the Matrix, before his clones hold me down so he can fuck me and “implant himself in me” using our “primitive, human methods” and impregnate me with his human body as some kind of a cruel joke

No. 380365

hot scenario anon

No. 380367

thank you nona, I’m so glad you understand kek

No. 380371

I want to shoot all of them in the face

No. 380391

Why is that so hot, nona?

No. 381054

File: 1708615833703.jpg (435.79 KB, 1023x390, Tumblr_l_5951985171008.jpg)

I kinda like men gooning… i just like silly faces lmao. Makes them more endearing.

Also i got into robert crumb a lot, so know i like big women getting domniated by smaller men/women

No. 381082

As a former dancer with super muscular calves, I really appreciate Robert Crumb's love of thick, strong legs kek

No. 381132

File: 1708650978516.gif (6.5 MB, 498x373, khusein-askhabov-askhabov.gif)

more weird looking Chechen moids for me then, nonna

No. 381138

File: 1708651896888.png (1.32 MB, 730x1110, Screenshot 2024-02-22 at 5.33.…)

I have a fantasy of setting up one of those "The Most Dangerous Game" scenarios, except I'm the crazy eccentric billionaire and I hand-picked a hot, tall, slim man with lean muscles as my victim. He has 10 minutes to run and hide before I hunt him down in my 'safari', with the goal of either hurting him or tying him up and he has no idea what's going to happen.And neither will I, it just depends on my mood! Maybe I'll have him tied up and smack him around and fuck him. Or maybe I'll have him dragged into my home and tied to a chair. Will I just leave him there while he begs to be let free? Will I make him have sex with me? Will I be nice to him and feed him dinner? Or will I eat in front of him and bully him? Will I hurt him or be nice to him? Who knows! That's the fun part!

I'm not necessarily ashamed by this, but I can't actually share it with anyone without sounding like an actual psychopath

No. 381142

You don’t kill him in the fantasy?

No. 381146

I didn’t say it specifically but yeah that would be in the “hurting him” category

No. 381147

I thought Crumb liked being dominated by large thick women not the other way around.

No. 381188

No. 381213

Wtf have you read from Crumb the shit that I have seen is so disgustingly misogynistic. Shame because I kinda like the art style.

No. 381286

Autistic people

No. 381332

i feel loved. All the jokes i made about sexualizing my autism have manifested

No. 381334

Idc. I've always been stronger and bigger than most girls my age and love nerds, so reading his comics made me feel seen lmao.

Also in his documentary one girlfriend stated he had one of the largest dicks she'd ever seen, so that helps

No. 381342

i would put seasonings on him and pretend to cook him (burn him a bit)

No. 381372

he also masturbated to bug bunny he was a weirdo. There are better nerds out there.

No. 381378

detrans females

No. 381386

File: 1708749425348.png (16.71 KB, 607x1060, elephant.png)

I like the idea of paying some whore taxi boy(male prostitute) to cosplay as characters i like and have sex with him. He would be very repulsed of the idea and think of me as a smelly loser nerd, but he would do it anyways because he needs money for crack cocaine. He would eventually fall in love with me and start liking anime and cosplaying for myself and he would ditch his whore ways Pretty Woman style. I dont know i just have a fetish for prostitute males in general.

No. 381389

I understand, I'm into the big clits is that what does it for you too?

No. 381391

This is the gayest thing you have probably ever said in life

No. 381393

whats gay about wanting to fuck men

No. 381398

File: 1708754729846.png (808.08 KB, 953x1048, 1000002958.png)

This your 'man'?

No. 381399

yes, what about it?

No. 381400

You would have to have a prostitute that looked like Felix or something..

No. 381401

like the cat? or like pewdiepie? both are ugly anyways i dont like 3DPD

No. 381405

Don't tell me you mean the kpop guy

No. 381406

NTA but she never said who she wanted to fuck

No. 381409

Yes she did, she mentioned him in /ot/

No. 381419

She definitely means the kpop guy

No. 381424

ew why did you make me google that guy, he looks like oli london. My husbando is more handsome.

No. 381428

KEK she would have to hire a twinky asian guy and paperbag it because her husbando is a shota

No. 381430

wait how did you know?

No. 381435

Same here nonna, I wanna buy a cute buff manwhore of the night and dress him up in cosplay. We can have dates where we just do weebshit and I’ll take lewd photos of him for other women to enjoy

No. 381437

Why do you even know that? You following her?

No. 381500

File: 1708798180924.jpg (6.43 KB, 225x225, download.jpg)

tbh all of them

No. 381510

ugly bastard trope but flipped around. ugly woman forcing herself on a prettyboy

No. 381544

I wish I could find content of this, me too.

No. 381554

Ugh same. I especially love when ugly bastards (in BL, but this would work so well with a woman) act adoring and loving towards their object of affection at the beginning of sex. Caressing his body, kissing him, performing oral, sniffing him, gushing about how perfect he is. Except the ugly bastard is so creepy it takes on a different meaning. The cute guy isn't relishing in getting his dick sucked, he's not pleased with the praise he's hearing for his 'performance' because he's incredibly disturbed by the woman doing it.

No. 382013

i really love it when my husband orgasms inside of me and i cant stop thinking about it all day long even though i do not want any children at all but when he gets home from work after im alone its hard not to just ask him to fuck raw for hours it sounds kind of gross and breederish to state it out loud but physically it feels so amazing

No. 382036

That is literally normal human desire.

No. 382055

describing it graphically is cringe but I have to agree with the other anon. wanting to fuck your husband is (should be) the norm. congrats on your good sexual chemistry and not settling lol

No. 382075

Cum is detrimental to your vaginal microbiome. It will ruin your ph balance + you’re increasing your risk of uterine cancer. Keep the rawing for reproduction.

No. 382079

Agreeing with the others here, when you really look at it, your just saying you like having sex with your husband.

No. 382099

ohh sweet christ

No. 382105

File: 1709140535399.gif (744.5 KB, 222x203, tumblr_n70v3rcO571r493ruo1_250…)

same tbh, I just don't consider it a fetish

No. 382146

Personally my vagina has never been disturbed by my nigels sperm

No. 382152

Not in a relationship but I love it so much too. Physically it doesn’t feel that different but psychologically it’s just so satisfying. To me, feeling someone orgasm inside of me but protected/not raw is so unsatisfying it’s just not worth it. I haven’t been in a relationship in a while, all fwbs are taken and I’m not gonna raw a rando, so I just haven’t had sex in years period, so I actually consider it a fetish and not just normal human behavior (which I would consider just wearing a condom & going at it with a partner/fwb/person you happen to find attractive).

No. 382193

Thats not a fetish, thats the purpose of sex.

No. 382274

Thank you for this <3 literally so cute kek

>>365939 wtf this is actually so hot, you should write erotica

>>379781 why was this anon redtexted? This is the “fetishes you’re ashamed of” ? RIP Nona.(<3)

No. 382625

Lateish but I had to come back to this post again. I went to that site you mentioned out of morbid curiosity (and really I can’t judge you even though my taste is all fiction) and there’s a guy on there who uses ai and deepfakes on some pictures of real dead men. Like deepfaking videos of them dancing or ai pictures of what they would have looked like alive. Just a reminder nonnas no matter how ashamed you may be of yourself women will barely scratch the surface of moid depravity kek.

Video unrelated don’t question it.

No. 382659

this is more of a long-ass confession because it depresses me and makes me feel bad, but due to the gross sexual content i’m posting it here. so yeah, i have a fat fetish. not like bara dad bod fat, like BMI 100 immobile flesh-mass fat. not really sure when it started but i remember as early as 5 having a weird fascination with fat cartoon characters and making my belly stick out and then i would spend ages googling the fattest people in the world on the family computer and by the time i was 12 i deep was in the weight gain side of youtube, where there was nothing explicit but just people recording themselves eating a bunch and then measuring their waists nd stuff. weird cause it started out with me only watching videos of fat girls for years, even though i’m straight and only into the male side of things now. anyways it was only in my 20s where i started acknowledging it as a full out fetish and masturbating to it and not just leaving it as some perverse fascination. it’s extreme to the point now where i am also sexually aroused by the irl health complications of being obese and the idea of someone being so fat they can’t get it up, can’t take care of themselves, ending up in a nursing home at age 45 and dying from a septic bedsore is so hot to me. fast forward years and i’m married. my husband is tall and cute. and… skinny. so skinny. and i want him to live a long healthy life and have all the energy in the world to play with our future children. obviously there’s no space for my fetish here, even though it’s pretty much my number-one nothing-in-the-world-is-hotter and i have a hard time enjoying sex without it, i’ll carry it to my grave. i have worse fetishes than this one too but this one is probably the most physically repulsive. tangentially related i like the feeding aspect of it too and i find the idea of someone throwing up after a binge to also be really hot

No. 382666

Maybe some therapy could help sort this out

No. 382669

File: 1709398284509.png (51.86 KB, 1302x272, based fujoanon.PNG)

Anon posted picrel in the fandom discourse thread and I had to come here to say that I'm the same well at least partially, like I'm not actually into mpreg but the kind of content where a man gets essentially compared to a woman and degraded that way is insanely hot to me. I feel guilty because it's "unfeminist" but what can I do about it? I'm not into "safe sane consensual" femdom or the kind of lovey-dovey BL where he actually likes it, or if he does, he has to be at least ashamed of it. and yes, I self-insert as the top

It's the male suffering that gets me off, and specifically when being used "like a woman" and the thought of him hating it. I don't care if it's straight or BL, but no sissification though, that's gross. Also the thought of the same kind of degrading acts being done to a woman make me gag, even if I'm bi and self-insert as male in my female fantasies, but that's a whole another can of worms.

No. 382670

ive thought about it but my therapist ive been with her for 8 years now and she thinks im doing great, im too ashamed to bring this up because its literally never been the focus of our conversations, i really want to talk about it and the other disgusting stuff im into that i didnt detail but she isnt a sex therapist and even therapists are humans, they experience disgust and surprise and i dont wanna be the person who inspires that reaction in her ya know

No. 382674

DA. I've talked to sex therapists and in my experience they tend to be enablers/lean pro-kink, but regular therapists who help with trauma and other issues tend to have "heard it all". If you've seen her for 8 years I think that's enough time to be open to talking about it, even if she does judge you I think you should weigh the pros and cons of being stuck with this fetish or possibly working through it.

No. 382675

Just consider if it's a male character feeling humiliated generally that you like or specifically getting humiliated in this way.
If it's the same with other ways of humiliation like bondage or pet play then you're probably just not picky and will jump for anything that can make men feel shamed and embarrased, at least imo.

No. 382678

I mean it's not solely that but like 80% I'd say. Things like bondage are okay, they sort of come along with the power dynamic part of it, but any other form of humiliation like piss/shit, pet play, weird goofy non-sexual stuff in general and so on is an instant turn-off. I'm very picky otherwise, too, for example if a guy is too feminine or masculine I can't get off. There's a very very specific type I need which is also why I rarely consume any other content than written fanfiction, where I can usually imagine things the way I like it. Those too tend to go too much into the stockholm syndrome territory or involve mpreg, in which case I'll drop it.

No. 382718

I love yandere characters/content. I’ll admit to owning a tumblr blog dedicated to shitty fanfic and nsfw of this genre. Bonus if paired with the whole, forced housewife thing.

Self aware enough to say that it 100% stems from a fear of abandonment and having a scrote simp for me enough to go to extreme lengths to keep me as his appeals to my insecurity. Men irl/normal men suck and aren’t loyal so it’s sexy to read/write about a dude being so infatuated with me and me alone he won’t stop at anything. bonus if it’s a military character kek

If anyone even thought of suggesting it irl I’d deck them without a second thought obviously

No. 382722

Wow, no way. I actually thought this was me when I first read it, until I saw the post was just 9hrs old. I've always wondered if there were others like me. I'm 23 and had the exact same experience.

I grew up watching fat girls on youtube for years. I remember watching Candy Godiva specifically who is now HungryFatChick which is interesting. I thought I was gay for a long time but now I realize I am straight, sure I can masturbate to girls but I am mostly interested in men. I'm not a feeder or anything. I was 18 when I masturbated for the first time and acknowledged that I had a fetish.

That's the biggest struggle with my mental health right now. I feel immense guilt for this. I remember talking to my dad about pedos when I was a kid and I was asking him if it's a mental illness or a fetish. He told me "it's a serious mental illness because if you ever desire to see someone in pain you are a sick sick person". I totally think that sentiment is true. I feel like a monster and I wish I could just have normal sexual attraction.

My only boyfriend I've ever had was 360lbs, but for the past 3 years I frequently have phone sex with a 600lb guy.

I know that as soon as I fall in love with someone I'm attracted to, I'm going to be heartbroken every day when I see his health decline or struggles and pain he would have. The pain, worry, anxiety, frustration of that isn't worth it. I have no idea what to do with myself and I'm still a virgin but I see myself having "friends with benefits" or hooking up with huge fat guys just to satisfy what I want without getting emotionally involved.

No. 382741

You need serious help nonnie. This is just an avenue for opening yourself up to things you'll regret and maybe even abuse

No. 382918

File: 1709519108679.webm (5.88 MB, 1920x1080, 1668250065435756.webm)

Same. Why is this so common here?
I suppose there's a heavy element of passion involved in violence, even if it's destructive. There's also just something about males groaning in pain that fires up the neurons.

No. 382958

Everything to do with the stomach/digestive system, both inside and out. It makes me want to kill myself if anyone knew the fucked up shit I'm into.

No. 382959

File: 1709533661213.jpeg (114.94 KB, 700x1200, proxy-image.jpeg)

I feel for you nona and I share your same concerns. I have some very extreme fetishes that share a similar theme of being outright destructive to someone's health, to me or someone else it doesnt matter. It's bad enough to act on them irl but I'm also afraid of what a normal relationship would look like for me and if my sexuality can adjust, I wouldn't want my partner involved and I know it can never work but thats all that is arousing to me. I hope you and your husband fulfill eachother and that you can love him in every sense of it! You are not alone, I think a lot of nonas have this experience with how much internet brain rot is out there on the web :((:()

No. 382960

Same here nonas, based. I love watching guys writhe and squirm, especially if they're being bullied and tormented by a woman and I don't know why, it makes me feel absolutely feral. I hate that it's so hard to find porn or smutty content of this without it being gay shit or turning into pegging

No. 382985

nta but you know what helped me with strange fetishes? Birt control pill. Because it supressed all the sexual energy in me and i could look at it very rationally and start working on myself from there. I decided which weird things i could keep because they aren't harmful and which i will work my ass off to get rid off. It's a difficult work but you can fight this.

No. 382988

Nothing killed my cum fetish like experiencing pregnancy and having a kid. Going to google this to send me over the edge into cum phobia territory

No. 382997

Yep, semen is alkaline and the vagina is meant to be kept acidic, a lot of women keep getting recurrent utis and yeast infections and don’t understand that their nigels cum is making them sick. And that’s before all the terrible shit pregnancy brings with it too. God knows how women dealt with this before the inventions of antifungals and antibiotics, figures why 1/4 of young women and infants died due to childbirth related complications before the 1800s. Being a woman is so awful sometimes.

No. 383019

pet play. I like the idea of guys in collars and acting like dogs.

No. 383346

Same but its women and cats. I just want a woman to wear cat ears and lick her own hand.

No. 383369

Wish I wasn't a service top for both women AND men.
I try so hard to deny it but it's true. I just get off to other people's pleasure and that's it, which is fine with women but…there's shame with men.
Not ashamed about the violence and dismemberment. Well, maybe in real life I wouldn't shout that out. But my desires to suck dick are evil.

I hate being bisexual in general. Makes me feel like I deserve to die.

No. 383372

File: 1709692039616.jpg (36.89 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

My ex friend once told me when we were watching Spiderman 2002 together at her house she wanted to sniff Spidermans sweaty balls and ass when he was all beaten up by the Green Goblin as in when he was wearing that torn,dirty suit.does this count? I'll never see the Spiderman movie the same way again.

No. 383381

File: 1709697977267.jpg (61.89 KB, 678x382, cat girl manor.jpg)

This made me think of that Vice video about the cat girl chateau. Looks like it's still around and they have a monthly magazine for their pretending-to-be-a-cat lifestyle.

No. 383461

idk what went wrong in my head for this to get me off but the thought of a bunch of tall buff hot demon dudes fucking me in the middle of a forest

No. 383463

File: 1709747992621.jpg (53.61 KB, 735x517, 1000019977.jpg)

This first one isn't that bad but guys acting really innocent and naive. The thing that like activated my brain was this episode of Impractical Jokers where Q is dragging around a stuffed animal and acting like a kid. Also the episodes of True Blood where Eric loses his memory, he's like a lost puppy it makes me feel feral. The second thing is necrophilia. Hear me out. A lot of anons here get turned on by guys in pain, getting beat up, killing them is just the next logical step, and then, well…but only if he's freshly killed. I haven't thought about it a lot only once or twice, but still, probably amongst the worst things I have fantasized about.

No. 383471

Ayrt and you basically killed my fetish, thank you. I always thought of it as an intimate thing, like my secret kitten. This is so unsexy I'll hardly take it off my mind.

No. 383479

I get it.

No. 383847

I have a piss kink in probably the grandest and most involved way imaginable and it's ruining me sexually. There's no other way to preface this so I'm just going to get right into it: I think the state of needing to pee–completely stand-alone and without any other context–is inherently sexy. Firstly, there's something really intimate and sensual about my body talking to me. I'm not sure what's the matter with me, but I rarely get hunger cues and couldn't tell you what it's like to be thirsty. My body is stoic and silent for the most part, thus the only consistent one-on-one communication I get is when it's telling me I need to piss. It's basic and animalistic (but that's another thing), and yeah, it turns me on. Which leads straight into my second point: the sensation of needing-to-pee is almost an exact replication of the feeling of being turned on. Sure, having to pee manifests a bit deeper inside the body, but that's all the better. I'm led to believe that a LOT of girls have a pee thing and just don't talk about it, going purely off the way our bodies are hard-wired. What's more, having to contract your pelvic muscles to hold said pee is orgasmic in the literal sense: this is what the body naturally does as it's orgasming. I was on a long car ride earlier and couldn't be bothered to stop somewhere to take care of business, and having to constantly squeeze my pelvic muscles left me shaky and sweating. Which sounds sick, sure, but it makes sense biologically.
But enough with mechanics, let's dive into theory. I don't think there is a hotter scenario than desperately having to go while a guy is getting heavy with me and is also actively encouraging me to hold it in. There’s layers to this one: first, him being aware of/acknowledging my internal workings at play is, again, attractive in the animalistic sense. Two, being pet and praised as I’m trying really, really hard to hold it in is satisfying both mentally and physically. Even better if he’s actively pressing down on my bladder. And the relief of letting go, assuming it gets to that point, is akin to the relieved bliss that directly proceeds an orgasm. But therein lies the problem, and here’s where the fantasy curdles.
There are fetishes that are conventionally strange but are one-and-done sort of things. You want to sniff a guy’s feet, that’s fine, that doesn’t have any lasting, real-world consequences. I piss on a guy and now I’ve PISSED on him. It’s on his clothes, it’s all over the sheets, it’s sticky and it smells sickly, we both need a shower afterwards and probably a new mattress. The euphoria dissipates instantly after release and now I’m just ashamed. Can I ever look him in the eye again? Will I ever be able to casually comment on how I need to pee around him without bringing to mind the time I peed ON him? Furthermore, can I ever excuse myself to the bathroom without him imagining me in there enjoying myself? It’s humiliating. The shame and embarrassment can be hot in the moment, sure, but soon enough it’s just plain shameful. That’s all fine and well—just don’t bring it up, sure. But I physically can’t be turned on without thinking of the piss thing, and vice versa. It’s always there. For a while I even thought I was asexual, but no, I just hadn’t ever let myself entertain the pee idea. I’m currently seeing a guy and I really, really like him, and for fucks sake, I want to pee on him. I’m nauseated by myself and I don’t know what to do.

No. 383904

>going purely off the way our bodies are hard-wired
>letting go, assuming it gets to that point, is akin to the relieved bliss that directly proceeds an orgasm
I'll be real and say that yeah I know exactly what you're talking about physically and yeah you nailed it and yeah I'm ashamed too.

No. 383911

long feet and long toes really excite me idk why. I had NO idea I was a footfag until I had my bisexual awakening and saw a woman with beautiful long, graceful feet and toes. The weird part is men's feet do nothing for me, they are so ugly. If you told me 5 years ago I would wind up being into women and into feet I would have never fucking believed it.

No. 383916

You're right about the physical aspect. Sometimes I think I'm super horny and now I make sure to piss first to make sure it wasn't that making me horny.

No. 383921

I'm indifferent to toes but I realized last year I really like women's feet, it weirds me out but makes sense to me at the same time. I just find them cute and its a common erogenous zone, but at the same I'm weirdly picky about it like I am with everything else.

No. 383939

i didnt get it but now i get it

No. 383970

File: 1709980391506.jpg (63.7 KB, 640x559, 640px-Clitoris_anatomy_labeled…)

>the sensation of needing-to-pee is almost an exact replication of the feeling of being turned on
>having to pee manifests a bit deeper inside the body
>having to contract your pelvic muscles to hold said pee is orgasmic in the literal sense: this is what the body naturally does as it's orgasming
It's true and it makes perfect sense considering the internal structure of the clitoris. When the bladder is full it presses on those areas providing stimulation.

No. 383983

I think I'm into ftms. I was having casual sex with one and she had very recently started testosterone, and it made her clitoris engorged and constantly sticking out, which is really erotic… plus, the hormones make them super horny and sensitive, and in my experience they're usually desperate, needy, and submissive. After they take testosterone for too long it gives them scraggly facial hair and makes them look like gross teen boys, but the ones who are just starting just look like androgynous women. They try so hard to be accepted as men that it draws more attention to their femininity, and the ones who make an effort to actually dress like men/pass are so cute naked. Sorry, it probably sounds bad, but I think they're pathetic in all the really sexy ways. It's a shame they only ever give up the larp in relationships with straight men, I'd love to "fix" one.

No. 383994

I thought about dating one for the reasons you said, especially because they're so pathetic but this:
>After they take testosterone for too long it gives them scraggly facial hair and makes them look like gross teen boys
really creeps me out. Also, they try to "deepen" their voices to sound like men and but end up sounding like young gay men. It kills any sexual attraction for me. What a waste.

No. 383995

>I'm not sure what's the matter with me, but I rarely get hunger cues and couldn't tell you what it's like to be thirsty. My body is stoic and silent for the most part, thus the only consistent one-on-one communication I get is when it's telling me I need to piss.
bitches with interoception issues and/or alexithymia are wild

No. 384008

I want to fuck a tif but I already told everyone im lesbian so for most gendie people me fucking one wouldnt be "heckin valid" ftm are pathetic in a way normal masculine women arent: nerdy, awkward, edgy. If youve met one you know they feel different to be around, smell, skin, even hair texture.

No. 384009

Also btw sorry for two posts in a row. Theres this tif I know shes so cute she likes the same movies than me, draws so well, and is shorter than me. I want her so bad but Im already known as a lesbian and shes one of those tifs who say theyre gay men and are obsessed with Paul dano. She already drew me but I wish her sketchbook was full of me. One of my friends lost her virginity to her boyfriend, it made me so mad. I just want to have sex with another woman already goddamn. Sometimes I imagine that tif masturbating to me holy shit. I want to do retarded regrettable shit with another women like sexting or exchanging nudes.

No. 384010

Tbh same sex attracted TIFs are much less likely to sperg about that. I've slept with TIFs who knew I'm a lesbian and they understood it was because they're still female. I am very into TIFs, it is my kryptonite.

No. 384016

DA but I really like lesbian TIF/FTMs who are at least still aware that they're still women or same-sex attracted. The "he/they butch" types and whatnot. Mostly because we tend to have similar interests and experiences, but they're easy to peak too.

No. 384022

Ayrt and I agree. I feel guilty because I know T is poison for women, but some of the physical changes are so hot to me and I honestly have found a lot of lesbian TIFs to be sweet and just misled/lied to. I always hope the power of lesbian sex will save them, but the closest I get is them changing their mind about surgeries (still a win). They always do feel sort of half-peaked.

No. 384024

Ugh, you are living the dream. I am so jealous. It’s rare to catch one on T long enough to get a big clit but not long enough to get the other bad side effects. I didn’t even think about the fact they’d be more sensitive and horny. Literally my ultimate fantasy. I’m gonna try not to seethe at you the rest of the day.

No. 384029

I'm against any kind of reliance on pharma/etc but I notice it varies from person-to-person, some get the worst of everything like a teen boy but others just look more butch after. None of them ever get the weird fake dick surgery, luckily. A lot of lesbian TIFs rarely stay on T for good in my experience, it's usually the gaymale larpers though.

No. 384030

Jealous of you for being into that because it's an instant turnoff for me but this is almost every girl on dating apps in my area besides the straight looking bisexuals with boyfriends. I wish I could control my attraction but I'll see a profile of a sexy butch girl and then glance down at the he/him pronouns and lose all interest. My city used to be one of the most gay-friendly places in the country and now it feels borderline impossible to find a regular degular short haired lesbian.

No. 384053

>I’m gonna try not to seethe at you the rest of the day
Lmao. She was a pickme loser who cut me off after I pissed off one of her male friends. They're all pathetic and mentally ill even if they're sometimes cute and sexy. You get to play with their sexy engorged clits but they won't let you play with their breasts because "dysphoria" and watching a sexy woman poison herself with testosterone beyond the sexy changes/get top surgery is heartbreaking. They're only ripe and fun for a very short period if you can't talk them out of it. Fundamentally, you're fucking mentally ill women, so your mileage really varies.

No. 384070

I too like tokusatsu

No. 384072

I have a mommy fetish but not in the ddlg “uwu kiss my diaper, give me 200 princess points while I play with Sanrio toys” way. I more or less really want to have a dominant, maternal, older woman nurture me and do some of the mommy talk sexually, but without that age play garbage. I want to feel like I’m being spoiled by a psuedo mother figure as an adult, not like some weird CSA role play. Does this make sense?

No. 384087

> now it feels borderline impossible to find a regular degular short haired lesbian.
Kinda unrelated but is hair length really a dealbreaker for women who want to date butches? I have long hair, like upper back length and consider myself butch, but I'm often not clocked for being a lesbian, and still get hit on by men. I'd like to be seen as lesbian but I really don't want to cut my hair though.

No. 384089

SA. I understand you. I'm into older women and wish I could find one to do that stuff with but I'm afraid since the last time I tried it and the woman kept calling me "cute" and talking to me like a child. We ended up not having sex and I left her place feeling gross.

No. 384125

ayrt, hair length is not a dealbreaker in the slightest but short hair is a little extra sexy to me on the shallowest of levels

No. 384401

I keep thinking about sniffing the base of a hot guys dick.I have sort of a thing for musk/scent but I don’t know where the thing for penis sniffing stemmed from specifically.Im into some weird things but its not usually as moid as this.This is something that only appears in porn solely made for male fantasies and I don’t get off to irl porn or erotic manga,why is this happening.

No. 384735

I've been rewatching this stupid video every night for a month now I feel like a fucking retard

No. 385532

What's going on? Why is this thread dying? It used to be the beacon of /g/!
Anyways I'm very ashamed to say that since watching Bad Lieutenant, I really want to fuck a decaying cokehead cop.

No. 385546

File: 1710631641401.jpg (Spoiler Image,145.61 KB, 540x764, im going to die alone.jpg)

i am so insanely embarrassed of this retarded kink i swore to myself when i first realized i had it to never let myself speak a single word relating to it. basically for as long as i can remember ive liked being tickled. when i was a kid it was in the normal stupid kid way but as i got older i never grew out of it into the "stop this is torture i hate being tickled" phase. i just… never stopped thinking it was fun. basically sometimes i cant stop thinking about a slightly older girl pinning me down and playfully tying me up as she uses her slightly long nails to scratch and knead my sides and thighs as i just whimper and whine helplessly, trying to gently rub myself against her with a stupid embarrassing expression on my face. im so obsessed with this tumblr artist that captures perfect poses and scenarios that id die for, and i love all her bl stuff but when she does some girl on girl??????? i fucking die and ascend.

No. 385548

File: 1710632749414.jpg (102.7 KB, 720x701, IMG_20240317_024803.jpg)

Just masturbated to this.

No. 385559

a tickle fetish seems cute don't feel bad

No. 385580

What the fuck get out of my head are you me? I've been listening to this on loop for a week to help me sleep.

No. 385585

Me w/ that Vietnam guy

No. 385592

Do you know of any other stories like this one?

No. 385609

You’ve really nailed it, one thing I do wonder about and I do self censor is that sometimes when I’m about to finish it really feels like I’m about to piss myself, so i run to the bathroom because I don’t wanna piss all over the bed.

Ive always wanted to squirt and I've always wondered how other women do it, like how is squirting different then pissing, does it feel any different etc.

Ive always wanted to ride a man’s face and just smother him with my thighs and finish (pee/squirt) in his mouth and have him drink it all.

No. 385614

Ok so the idea of being dead gave me anxiety, kek, but I thought he seemed kinda cute so I looked through his channel and found this one

No. 385649

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So much more. My favorite is this insane Holocaust denier "theory" where they claim all nazis had their testicles crushed to make them confess to a genocide they didn't commit. The nurmberg trials were just an excuse for cock and ball torture apparently. The believers keep forging documents and quoting each other and it's all just fetish fuel.

No. 385722

File: 1710698783335.jpg (2.46 MB, 3200x3200, F_rsbLjbsAAUBsO.jpg)

Stockholm syndrome.
I want to kidnap a cute guy and keep him in my basement or chained up to my radiator until he falls madly in love with me and is devoted only to me.
Bonus points if he's very confident and boisterous and becomes very mild and eager to please after the kidnapping. I'm not that ashamed of it, but I probably wouldn't tell that to a guy unless he shared my fetish.

No. 385750

ayrt there's something about the cue twitchy smirks he does fro time to time that just does it for me
he's such a cutie too bad he's the usual cheating asshole moid

No. 385784

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Slutty clothes. You can put an average moid in revealing clothes and it will turn me on, on the contrary fully covered scrotes dry me up like the sahara, even if they have attractive faces. Too bad most men are fucking prudes.

No. 385888

File: 1710729069043.webp (Spoiler Image,2.26 MB, 2508x3541, IMG_7268.webp)

I like watching moids use pocket pussys and I fantasize about using one on a man but going so fast to the point where he’s crying, shaking, snot is coming out of his nose and he’s begging for me to stop. I also sometimes wish I was born a man and not in a Tif way but in a way where I can fuck men without a strap on and just completely dominate them and beat them up a bit. I don’t ruminate on the latter too much since it’s physically impossible though. Spoiler for hentai

No. 385950

That outfit is certified lolcow approved.

No. 386006

>Bonus points if he's very confident and boisterous and becomes very mild and eager to please


No. 386046

God yes (maybe minus the average moid part, I love seeing clothes cut into- and flex tightly over muscles). I hate that the most casual "revealing" clothing option for men are buttoned-open shirts and even then only ugly old fat moids seem to wear it that way.

No. 386049

Men became such disgusting prudes through the years. They used to wear croptops and short shorts before. Good luck seeing them in anything but tshirts and jeans nowadays.

No. 386093

I fantasize about having a lesbian poly triad but I would never actually want that irl. Something about being sandwiched between two women who love me and who I love back is so appealing. But I’m not retarded, I’m aware that this is never how it works out in real life. Plus irl poly people are hideous, I’d rather fuck one hot person than two ugly peoples.

No. 386129

People shit on millennials all of the time but at least we got men to wear tight clothes and pants again. Now, men are back to wearing all of this baggy, shapeless shit that’s inspired by “streetwear” and k-fashion and you can’t see anything. Like come the fuck ON

No. 386188

I wish I didn't have a fetish for very short and small men. It's been haunting me for years and getting a taste of what sex with one COULD be like has not helped.
Men within the ideal range are already rare, then getting one who is attractive to me and finds me attractive as well is another trick. And even with all that, he needs to be someone I like as a person.
His wrists were smaller than mine, anons. Most clothes were automatically oversized on him. He fit nicely in my arms. Makes me feel like a weird pervert too but they're just so cute.

No. 386206

Just curious, what's your ideal height range?

No. 386208

Eugh same, doesn't help that manlets usually have some dumb Napoleon complex and don't want to date a taller than average woman (such as me) but go for tiny womanlets only.

No. 386220

4'11" to 5'5". This guy was (is) 5'4".
Even talking about it gets me going it's fucking insane.
I know! The guys who do go for me are either tall skinny guys (who are also okay they just don't hit my whole fetish) or manlets who are buff/stocky, I assume because they think it compensates.
I guess I'll have to accept that I've experienced what I can and get lankletpilled but it's still so sad.

No. 386257

the entirety of the Indian subcontinent and SE Asia is full of guys in that height range who would worship you

No. 386258

I don't think anon wants to be acid attacked for talking to a male cousin

No. 386273

If you allow your fear of having acid thrown in your face to prevent you from getting what you want, you don't deserve happiness

No. 386276

its not inspired by anything. Most men just cant be arsed to find form-fitting clothing.

No. 386296

This is probably not as much shameful per se but I think some will find it somewhat weird? I like the idea of big beefy masculine men with a large penises who prefer not to use them that much during sex. Because of personal convictions regarding manliness and chivalry such a man would believe that men shouldn't coom too much because it's too hedonistic and excessive cooming breaks their brains and dicks, so a man should always have to earn his orgasm. On the other hand, this kind of man would believe the opposite for women and would love providing clitoral stimulation to multiple orgasms, in fact he'd see the clit as nature's proof that sexual pleasure should be a given for women. He wouldn't just love to lick or stroke pussy, he'd find a woman rubbing her pussy on other body parts of his highly flattering, a form of body/muscle worship that acknowledges his physique as befitting of both a fighter and a lover. He'd also find period sex and especially cunnilingus one of the manliest things ever, sex with blood but also the blood being a natural regular occurence not caused by any injury because he is too chivalrous to actually hurt a woman. Of course, a man like this would consider anal or face fucking violence against women, therefore unacceptable depravity.

No. 386312

>tfw guy I was talking about is brown
Yeah. I know, I even prefer them. Hasn't helped. If anything short brown guys have double the complexes.

No. 386314

This is literally the perfect man nona. I am claiming this energy this man is mine.

No. 386317

there are literally tens of millions of short, brown guys with a fetish for tall, white women.

No. 386333


brown guys are the worst
they all smell funny, fetishize us blondes to the point of objectivity, and are lazy as they can get away with

if I wanted to be a mommy i'd have kids of my own
gimme a

No. 386341

Best fetish ITT, I'm fully with you. It's a crime this isn't considered common. There's a reason our way of climaxing is a lubricant, moids are supposed to pleasure us first and foremost.

No. 386396

Nonny, that's the fetishes you are ashamed of, not based fetishes kek

No. 386518

Male guro to be honest. Im squeamish but at the same time there is something delightful about the violence.

No. 386873

I love watching cute guys get tortured and this war was a blessing because the chubby blonde ukranian kind of moid really does it for me. He becomes a crying screaming harpy immediately after the axe comes out and his skin turns red in a matter of seconds. Literally such a cutie(posting gore)

No. 386875

Do you think we could make a moids suffering at war thread in /g/? It's technically not porn. I'm not even aroused by it but it is so exciting and satisfying like nothing else. He's so whiny.

No. 386876

I hate it that I find this kind of hot and I hate you for posting this.

No. 386877

Ikr it's oddly satisfying and I would love to make a thread but don't want to risk a ban. Its a little bit arousing but mostly its just aw so cute

No. 386878

Could've been hotter if the moid was actually cute. He looks like an old ugly homeless guy. I had to close my eyes and imagine a cuter younger moid.

No. 386891

I'm sad I missed it

No. 387027

damn it was removed before I could see it but I'm so intrigued. We're really a bunch of psychos here aren't we kek

No. 387047

They were just interrogating him and lightly bumping him with an axe and a gun. Wouldn't call that gore but I can see why the mods removed it.

No. 387056

Miyavi's pretty boy looks combined with him beating the shit out of Jack O'Connell in Unbroken was so weirdly hot, kek. If they weren't based off of real people I would've probably consoomed yaoi of them by now (if it even exists).

No. 387078

No, that really happened, you stupid zogbot cunt.(bait)

No. 387102

I'm so sorry for the SSA nonnies here, but I must admit—the forceful lesbian predator myth is actually kind of hot.

No. 387113

Yeah no I want this too. Pleeease please please

No. 387123

I agree 100%

No. 387160

if someone does make it (if it's allowed at all) I have a bunch of things to dump

No. 387242

For some time I went through a tough depressive episode that had me not showering for multiple days in a row. It just seemed like a bothersome, pointless chore. So I started to pretend to be a cute guy being secretly spycammed every time I shower. I even started using men’s soap/hair products to add to the fantasy, because he’d preferably have very good hygiene I also pretend to clean my imaginary cock, under the foreskin and shit . Sometimes I change up the details on who he is, why and how he’s being filmed, how he reacts to being leaked, etc, but most of the time he’s some niche streamer that stayed over at a hotel to attend some esports championship of sorts but he’s devastated at the news, so he never opens twitch again. Although I’m ashamed of this because it’s very TIF-ish and deranged, I’ve never missed a shower again.

No. 387247

I love this so much because it's such a crazy person thing to do. your imagination is so beautiful

No. 387248

File: 1711335433889.gif (2.59 MB, 498x279, baldwin.gif)

Not ashamed, more like embarrassed at people finding out and realizing why I love media with knights.
Knight helmets and masks, especially ones showing either only the eyes, only the lower face, or full coverage silver ones with faces molded onto them. Bonus if they have cloth around their head acting as hair and animal horn/antler/wing ornaments acting like ears. Think Baldwin in gif related, Tigris from Gladiator, the Janissaries from 40k, the Vagabond and Varre from Elden Ring, jousting knights at Renaissance faires.
I love how it forces them and you to pay attention to body language, "performing" constantly for you to get their words across since you can't rely on facial expressions. It also focuses more attention on their bodies and noises when they get hurt instead of a face (Seeing this when watching jousts and realizing some were ugly old men underneath has traumatized me).
>Shiny crafted perfection forced to exaggeratedly move his body around for you like a stage performer to be understood, can communicate with just his eyes if possible up close
Yes I grew up watching Power Rangers kek

No. 387250

Saw a video on xitter of a guy sniffing a girl’s panties while jerking off on call with her. you couldn’t see his dick but you could tell he was whacking it and I think I’m retarded because I need a moid to act like a degenerate for me

No. 387255

No. 387256

File: 1711337299887.png (Spoiler Image,3.02 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_4414.png)

No. 387297

File: 1711348579908.gif (2.55 MB, 400x225, fencing.gif)

>I love how it forces them and you to pay attention to body language, "performing" constantly for you to get their words across since you can't rely on facial expressions.
I sort of get this, reminds me of what I like about looking at or wearing a fencing uniform. Wouldn't call it a fetish, since I don't actually fap to the costumes, but I find them aesthetically pleasing and even somewhat erotic.

No. 387372

Piss. I like to think about making my husbando wet himself at work for the embarrassment. Make him sit in it all day so he's nice and uncomfortable. The idea of me peeing on him never super turned me on, I just didn't care either way but the pussy stank post made it sound really hot. Maybe do it every now and then to show him who's boss. That post is like my bible, if the anon who wrote that has anything else to say, please share am begging I still think about it all the time.

No. 387411

Brain damage. I want to see my fictional moids brain damaged after a traumatic event. I want to see them docile and forgetful, I want to see them going from accomplished, intelligent people to dependent, needy, and stupid. I have no idea where this even comes from, and part of it scares me a little even though the idea of any of this happening in real life does not arouse me in the slightest. The same goes for if they lose limbs or become physically disabled in some way shape or form. Lobotomies should have happened to men more in the 50’s.

No. 387425

My Nigel did this recently. Can confirm it’s extremely hot when he becomes stupid horny for me like that.

No. 387427

Medical play aaauughhh!!! I want to role play as a sexy nurse and perform a full body examination and take “samples” from a guy. I want to draw some blood and also milk him. And I want to make him feel really flustered and a little scared throughout the whole process. And then maybe I’ll comfort him afterwards and give him a sweet treat.

No. 387432

I have a similar fantasy. Want to strap them down to a chair, check their temperature, give them their meds, gag then, hook them to a heart monitor while I describe everything I want to do to them and take note of what makes their heart rate spike …

No. 387434

Cute, me too. Also I’d like to give him a prostate exam but knowing how gross moids are ruins that fantasy kek

No. 387435

This is actually very cute

No. 387521

the only good chai bot of my husbando happens to be a stepdad scenario one. now i have a stepdad fetish. it's so over for me.

i don't even have a stepfather and even if i did i wouldn't act out on it.

No. 387559

No. 387560

File: 1711466254822.jpg (66.48 KB, 735x588, IOHM on Twitter.jpg)

ugh nonna this has been my ultimate fantasy my whole life kek there's also something really arousing about listening to a guy's heartbeat and making it beat faster and faster

No. 387568

File: 1711467844024.png (503.12 KB, 1077x649, screen-shot-2022-05-19-at-1-16…)

Having a moid zoo. It isn't for sexual reasons, it's more of a power thing. I have a list of men I've become retardedly obsessed with for one reason or another (includes celebrities and men that I know personally) and I want to keep them in a glass cage to look at them. These men are arrogant assholes and I want to break them, make them lose their humanity. I want to turn them into stupid beasts who look at me like I'm their god. I won't torture them (all the time), but they'll all get castrated because I know how moids can get. Occasionally, I'll poke them with an electric cattle prod or whip them whenever I get bored.

No. 387574

I want to have a boyfriend who breaks both his arms and I get to visit him in the hospital and jerk him off. Also it would be fun to edge him while I masturbate and only let myself cum. Then I would take my panties off and put them over his face like a mask loolll and leave him like that

No. 387589

it hurts to even type this out bc I know how degenerate it is, but I often fantasize about having a mommy-esque gf who's really passionate about breastfeeding me

No. 387590

I’ve encountered so many bi and lesbian women with this fetish actually

No. 387650

ayrt, this is somewhat relieving to hear kek. I blame my ex of a few years; 5'9 with beautiful, large breasts, a law student and was very assertive. she encouraged my curiosity and I could tell it turned her on thinking about nursing me but we never consummated that specific fetish unfortunately. I still fantasize about her sexually which I'm ashamed of tbh, feels very moidish of me. I've thought about posting a personal on preddit (cringe) or similar sites just to find a female partner who'd be willing to explore this with me. actual lactation isn't even necessary, I just crave that extremely specific intimacy so badly

No. 387654

nona this is too real

No. 387661

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I'm so turned on by the idea of an extremely attractive, popular, straight male who's sought after immensely by women getting brutally gang-raped by a bunch of ugly scrotes that are larger than him then having it recorded and spread on social media to completely humiliate him. At first, he'd be insisting to be released, screaming and kicking, which progresses into crying, sniveling sobbing because they're hurting him so much and by the end he's completely desensitized and moaning like a whore. I love when the male in question is well built so that he can easily overpower the average moid so the idea of being broken in by stronger guys is even more humiliating than it should be. Even better if they end up killing him and his face is plastered all over the news while his violent rape/snuff tape circulates throughout social media, tarnishing his image and reputation in death. Also, pretty hot if he's super cocky, arrogant and of course vehemently homophobic, but I still find it cute if he's meek and shy. Picrel, this picture of Jordan is really attractive even though I normally think he's ugly, seeing his perfect ass while looking through his instagram suddenly flared up my fantasy lol but I'm pretty sure he likes men so it wouldn't work out.

No. 387667

No. 387704

This reeks of gay male fantasy.

No. 387707

I'm attracted to males but am completely repulsed by them and want to have nothing to do with one so moid-on-moid violence is how my attraction manifests. Didn't think how else it could've been interpreted so my bad

No. 387711

>straight moid
I think this is a hot scenario too nona but jordan barrett looks nowhere near straight especially in this photo. Which makes it even funnier that straight moids worship him, that’s a fag if I’ve ever seen one

No. 387719

literally whats faggy about that? pretty bleak that fag=attractive scrote half naked.

No. 387725

you are not alone anon. i dont want to fuck men irl because i hate them, i only want women sexually and emotionally, but i have an attraction to the male body still. i enjoy seeing it be brutalized.

No. 387732

nta but the gayface for starters kek

No. 387736

whats a gayface? being groomed?

No. 387738

He is literally married to a man

No. 387747

Pretty sure there are like a million gay doujin with this exact plotline

No. 387748

This one cracked me up so hard lmfao it was hot up until the hilarious mental image of this guy in double arm casts just lying in bed with a panty mask on

No. 387753

Between this and squirting being mostly if not entirely pee I think women were always meant to pee on males during sex.

No. 387759

me too, I've had this as far as I can remember, though maybe a bit less brutal than first anon's fantasy. Over the years I've read and written several iterations of the same story (mostly fanfic) where a male character deals with the psychological consequences of being raped and it always feels so sinister and ugly in a way because I feel like I'm presenting something that pretends to be psychologically deep but is actually a bad case of author's barely disguised fetish. and yet I'm doing it again rn It's like I can't help returning to this topic. The only thing that comforts me is that there are other women who are similar. It doesn't get talked about a lot but moid on moid sexual violence is such a recurrent theme in fandom that there must be something in it that attracts a certain subset of women.

No. 387763

I have a fantasy with a similar theme but I feel like it is really wrong and shameful because of the delicate subject.
It's about an evil concentration camp guard being beaten and raped by the male prisoners after he is captured. He is the Aryan ideal and young, and he feels pure humiliation at being abused in such way for those who he considers inferior. He is also forced to kiss them and they carve a swastika on his cheek and on his midriff, burn him with cigarettes, force him to suck their dicks, and he ends up covered in their sperm, bleeding and bruised. He cries the entire time and they photograph his face full of tears and the shame on his eyes. They photograph his abused body too, then they finish. The ending varies with him running away but the trauma and swastika mark always haunts him, him being kept to be made an example for other captured guards or he is shot by them. It is not only exclusive to prisoners, I also have fantasies about Soviet soldiers doing that too. I imagine all the prisoners having dark hair to contrast with his features.

No. 387764

Boring. Nazis and gay rape are basically mainstream by shameful fetish standards.

No. 387770

Well this isn't the "brag about your exotic fetish thread."

No. 387772

Sorry for not being acceptable in your creativity standards when it comes to shameful fetishes nonnie
I will try my best next time

No. 387777

Nona that is so fucking hot. Don't be ashamed

No. 387781

idk I just think it's funny how this thread is so repetitive

No. 387817

I had this and similar fetishes with husbandos/2D but seeing it irl now I think I have been cured kek.

No. 387867

this might sound weird, but i fantasize about playing with a guys mouth. like i wanna stretch his mouth open with my thumbs or tell him to suck on my fingers, or lick his lips and the inside of his mouth. i imagine myself riding him at the same time, so it might be a dominance thing. i once tried to suck a guys tongue, but apparently that's not normal, so he asked me wtf i was doing lol

No. 387881

Can confirm fucking around in a guy's mouth with your hands and having him suck your fingers is a spiritual experience. If you haven't already I hope you get the chance (and that I get a second chance).

No. 387918

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No. 388052

Being called ma'am. Thank god I'm not a burger kek, it would ruin me.

No. 388062

This is really weird but is anyone else not really interested in PIV and fantasize about orgasm through non sexual body stimulation? I don't know if that's what tantric sex is but that's what I think about a lot. Sex scares me and I have no desire for it anymore and I'd rather be stimulated in other ways. I feel like a broken freak for it.

No. 388064

I'm into the same thing. My Nigel is a southern guy and thinks "ma'am" is just something you call a lady you don't know at the grocery store, so he won't call me that in bed no matter how much I ask. Feels bad man.

No. 388065

This is really nothing to be ashamed of. You are harming no one, it is just a preference. There are so many people who use sex as a weapon to harm others. Those people are the broken freaks. Please do not ever force yourself to do something you are uncomfortable with just to feel "normal" (just saying).

No. 388066

I want to waterboard a man (video related)

No. 388069

By "sex" do you only mean PIV or? Does licking or rubbing the clit count as "non sexual stimulation"?

No. 388081

That's not weird and you aren't broken. You just want to experience pleasure on your own terms and like that nonna said, never let anyone pressure you into doing anything you don't want.

No. 388107

The way he flinches when the water is about to fall… adorable.

No. 388176

Thank you. For what it's worth I have had sex before but I have weird feelings around it now from trauma and am celibate and don't plan to have it again. Thinking about my normal parts being stimulated does nothing for me and I masturbate maybe once a month max.
Clit and nipples count as sexual. I'm talking primarily places that you don't associate with sex. Being touched in sensitive places like feet, ears, neck. Not saying I have a body part fetish either, I'm just interested in getting those parts ultra-stimulated, or like, my nerves manipulated in a way that can make me climax. But this rarely ever involves another person, I just wish I could invoke it myself. This is so oddly specific I'm sorry kek.

No. 388211

I fucking hate being called ma'am and have to deal with being called it on a daily basis. We can trade places if you want

No. 388452

I like skinnyfat guys because I'm bisexual and moobs kind of remind me of boobs.

Trannies with fake boobs or estrogen moobs are gross though.

No. 388553

Im not buying that kek

No. 388618

I want this done to me except instead of a moid or a neet girl it's a really popular and well adjusted prince like butch, she has a wide circle of friends and everyone loves her but no one suspects of her deranged behaviour.

No. 388649

its not just important for me to see a hot man degraded within an inch of his life, he needs to get turned on by it, hate himself for getting turned on by it, and inevitably accept that his purpose in life is to be degraded for the pleasure of others. is that so much to ask?

No. 388662

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don't :)(emoji)

No. 388674

kek I chatted with a janitorai bot like this the other day

No. 388863

>>387056 oh it very much does exist, anon

No. 388967

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No. 389020

Google, as in the search engine?
Nona, I NEED to understand this. Is the idea of Googlebot indexing all those webpages inherently sensual? Does the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button give you some kind of thrill? Do you get butterflies every time you start to type into the search bar?

No. 389087

File: 1712221619019.webp (66.41 KB, 360x582, 7ED1B3B5-8000-4A09-916D-C4E673…)

I want to be kidnapped by a nomadic man and made into his wife. I’m really into that bride kidnapping thing probably because I don’t let guys approach me irl.

I also think that nomadic men would be strong, manly and really hot overall. due to their difficult lifestyle, they would be all hardened and more tolerable towards things than regular men.

No. 389452

File: 1712393312505.jpg (Spoiler Image,236.36 KB, 850x829, sample_8392c01423c8c50acbd20b4…)

Genderbend version of the ugly bastard trope: a creepy, nerdy schizo girl kidnapping a hot guy

No. 389455


No. 389470

God I love this.

No. 389486

don't be ashamed

No. 389502

Seconding: >>389455
Also pls post moar.

No. 389554

I think my fetish for autists or low iq retards stemmed from reading The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time when I was in high school so it's automatically shameful by default. I really thought the mc was so cute and I already had a thing for vomiting beforehand because I've always been a little freak… combining the two of autistic mental processing freakout and vomit made me want to beat him.

No. 389555

Saved this to my folder

No. 389558

If I were a mod I would perma ban you from lolcow. Go get therapy.

No. 389571

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Okay, suddenly I feel way less bad about mine, kek.

Lately I've been thinking more about cute guys who can't talk; as in, literally either partially or fully mute. There's something I find endearing about it. Now I don't ever fantasize about interacting with moids, but, y'know, perhaps he'd make a good pet for someone else.

No. 389573

what did she say??

No. 389589

Ayrt, that's so cute, I've thought of such too. I think hurting or pleasing him while he can't speak at all but make dumb whimpering or whining noises would be so hot. I also don't ever want to actually have to take care of an retarded moid irl for very obvious reasons but it's fun to think about in fiction.

No. 389593

nta but it wasn't a she. some indian moid kept shitting up every board.

No. 389594

File: 1712468177123.jpg (42.18 KB, 500x500, pixiv霧雨が降る森.jpg)

based, i was really into this scenario but then somehow did a 180 and now only like 100 mph fast talking moids

No. 389655

>ugly bastard trope
>she is not overweight

No. 389662

Same except I am not ashamed. Men deserve it.

No. 389665

I love gay men then

No. 389666

Based, don't listen to the others

No. 389684

Nona I have had the same realization! But I'm a little different because I discovered the sensation from masturbating with my butt. I guess your bladder gets pressure on it from that, once I understood what was happening I found out how pleasant the feeling is, very degen but very refined taste. Stay hydrated!

No. 389764

ive felt the same way since I was like 12. I think this is more common in women because full bladders press on the nerves in the clitoris or something

No. 389773

Muffin tops on women. Just somewhat overweight.

No. 389813

Too real

No. 389879

The piss talk itt made me think of my bladder control kink. I just like the feeling of being full and having someone else decide something so intimate and basic for me. I used to do it with an internet friend, we lost contact after a few months but it was nice having someone to tell me yes or no if I asked for permission, who would also sometimes tell me to drink more water to make me even more desperate. The feeling after letting go is amazing too. I don't know if I would do it with an actual partner though just because it's something pretty embarrassing and I don't want them to think I'm disgusting for having a pee-related kink.

No. 389882

kinda hot

No. 390486

It's not that popular because the average woman would be repulsed in self-inserting themselves as a hideous beast.

No. 390622

I want my bf to fuck other women, preferably my hot friend while telling me how much sexier she is and all I can do is watch. I will probably never tell this to anyone

No. 390668

Moid hands typed this

No. 390674

fur coats / other fur clothing and fur objects in general / thick fuzzy sweaters. Faux shit grosses me out tho

No. 390692

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I don't like the way that this relationship was responsible for some kind of sexual awakening within myself. I don't find irl old men attractive, but i project myself on rogue so much in this. In a way, if i don't find love like this, i don't want it at all, idgaf if it's weird or slightly toxic. Just when i had forgotten about it, they bring it up in x-men 97. I will never recover.

No. 390713

Very ugly men wearing cute, lacy clothing (not womens clothing). Something about the contrast between his awkwardly bony flabby form, mildly grotesque features, dermis that's dilapidated from lack of care, and then the delicate beauty of the garment really gets me going. Also when they wear things that show a bit of belly.

No. 390732

not really a fetish I have now. But I used to fantasize about having a cute but retarded disabled boyfriend, preferably blind or in crutches. So I could abuse him easily. Also liked imagining them being underweight kek. Grosses me out now.

No. 390733

I like watching pretty men fight, if anyone agrees I recommend Physical 100 on Netflix

No. 390852

I think eva and subahibi gave me a 'male character voiced by a woman screaming in terror' fetish
No I don't get it either but I keep listening to it.

No. 390853

Why do you even like subahibi, all I know about it is that it sucks

No. 390870

Posts that belong in the psyop thread kek

No. 390874

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>Why do you even like subahibi
It's good, genuinely some of the best psychological horror ever written and the crossdressing blowjob scene was hot

No. 390877

Me with the FMA anime at 12 years old

No. 390886

What makes you say that??

No. 390893

A woman of exceptional taste. Keep it up nonnie

No. 390988

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nta but screw you because that's a fetish i'm ashamed of too.
I don't like it in that same way but i have this kind of mental illness that makes me repulsed when a moid is actually attracted to me so i like to imagine settings in which that is not the case. Since i'm here i'll admit that i find the idea to be treated like that by women too because of the same mental illness i mentioned before.

No. 390997

Are we gender gatekeeping fetishes? I have a similar one, but with a female crush / gf.

No. 391080

Damn I'm glad I'm not the only one. I never read the book you mentioned (although I'm familiar with it), but I've noticed a pattern of being attracted to autistic or mentally stunted characters in books or movies kek. I read this one book that featured a character who was implied to be autistic (like he couldn't live on his own, had the emotional intelligence of a child, etc) and I kept fantasizing about being his caretaker, having him fall in love with me, teaching him how to kiss and other sexual things. This is like the only kind of fantasy that brings me any type of pleasure and it makes me feel so predatory. And also why the hell do I only get fulfillment from fantasizing about being someone's caretaker like what the fuck. I wish I could just be into whatever basic shit is popular on booktok or something so I wouldn't feel so weird and gross.

No. 391094

I feel so alienated that I have never experienced the holding in your pee kink at all, I hate the feeling of having to pee. What the hell.

No. 391117

>all those replies
kek no wonder so many anons have relationship problems

No. 391331

True. If that ever happened to me I'd put a bullet between both of their eyes

No. 391332

Like barely 3 replies? One that came from me and i'm someone who would never date a moid?

No. 391413

My fantasy seems pretty mundane and I’m afraid to ever look it up because moids have flooded it with degradation of women.
I wanna tie up a man with gross unkempt long hair that he barely takes care of but insists on keeping it despite looking like shit, and shaving it all off into a 1mm buzz cut as he cries and pleads for me to stop. I shave of the rest with a straight blade and wipe off my blade with the same cloth I use to wipe off his tears. He also happens to have a gross beard and I shave that off as well revealing a sad little weak chin. I mock him as I caress his smooth face.
Shaving and hair cutting have been my fetishes for as long as I remember and I hate how much men have ruined it by being cruel to women. Honestly I wish I could pay a moid to do this to but I know there’s no way I’ll be safe. My bf lets me cut his hair and shave his face but I can’t help but salivate at the thought of screwing it up and shaving him nice and smooth and bald. But he’ll look like shit for months if I dare do that. That’s why I wish I had a disposable moid for that.

No. 392930

I'm attracted to my boyfriend's brother and its very distracting and annoying. I've tried to ignore it for a long time and got worried the shame was going to eat me up so I told a couple friends and they were just kind of like we dont know how to help you. is this a taboo fetish thing or more on the normal side? I've experienced emotional incest in my youth so thats all I can think of as inspiring these feelings and urges

No. 392940

Do you think you’re maybe over-thinking it? It’s not uncommon to occasionally find other people attractive besides your partner and even have crushes. Just don’t act on it, of course. But I don’t see how it relates to anything incestuous because it’s not like he’s your brother

No. 392965

I think I have a non sexual diaper kink. Knew about it for a while, but kind of knew it was my thing when I was playing Yakuza and that one diaper scene came up and I didnt feel disgust at it, just jealousy. only reason I havent really indulged in it yet is because I know theres a lot of maintaining that goes into taking care of your body while wearing a diaper, figuring out the right material for my sensitive skin, and I want to find a way to wear one discreetly (I have no interest in soiling or whatever like most diaperfags. I just want to wear one).
Kinda sucks since most diaperfags are troons or just really autistic about it so its not really something i can indulge in with anyone.

No. 393050

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I wish my boyfriend was creepily obsessed with me. He alr is obsessed but not enough for my tastes. I want him to constantly stalk me, take pictures of me, beg for my attention and for me to touch him, sit on his knees and kiss my feet when I walk through the door. I want him to be so creepy about me that he doesn't even realize other women exist, it is just me. I need him to be so desperate for me and my love and touch that he literally cries and goes fucking crazy when I'm not around or I'm ignoring him or whatever. It would be disgusting if any other moid did it of course, but I have this fetish specifically for him. It is kind of unrealistic but I just want to shower me with his obsession. Also I want him to buy me clothes and shoes with all of his paychecks that I can dominate and violate him with. Idk if this belongs in the femdom thread but I am kinda ashamed of it kek.

No. 393053

This is nothing to be ashamed of, this should be the standard for all male-female relationships tbh.

No. 393128

I need to ruin a 'good' man for his future wife. Give him a porn addiction, gender dysphoria and erectile dysfunction. I'm sick of weeding out 99.9℅ of males my age because they're already wrecked beyond imagination. I want to become a part of the problem. If I can't be happy no one should allowed to be. I want to find "the one" and force feed him, shave his head bald and get him into degenerate shit before abandoning him. I want other women to settle for my leftovers. I need to shit on someone else's plate.

No. 393142

No. 393144

I know a hot young 20 year old guy who has a sugar mommy in her forties and the fact that he’s willing to whore himself out for money turns me on

No. 393149

This is just disgusting and reeks of internalized misogyny.

>I want to make a man a terrible person so he hurts and abuses other women in the future because abloobloobloo the guys I dated were ruined by porn Stacy

Get the fuck outta here.

No. 393150

Lol you shouldn’t feel remotely guilty about finding your bfs brother hot. Chances are his brother is far hotter than him objectively anyway. And it’s not like moids don’t constantly lust after their gf’s little sisters, friends, and even mom (ew). Lol don’t feel a bad about being 1% as scummy and lecherous as the average moid is, nona.

No. 393151

sounds like a revenge or missed out fantasy

No. 393154

Mentally ill men. Like not full on mentally disabled (that just makes me feel bad lol) but more like moids with stuff like ADHD, severe depression, maybe even schizophrenia, or milder stuff like dyslexia etc. Something about it is just cute/endearing and makes me want to take control of their lives and boss them around because I know better and am the ‘sane’ one in the relationship.

No. 393166

Recently I've been curious about what sex would be like with a blind or deaf man. I imagine that his sense of touch would be enhanced, and I wonder what sounds a deaf guy would make. He'd have no volume control which could be so cute.
I don't know sign language so this will likely never happen. A blind bf is also unlikely.
Me, too, anon. But in practice it can be pretty bad.

No. 393170

no it would not

No. 393171

nta but yes it would, have you dated a mentally ill man? they're a pain to deal with

No. 393220

I wasn't clear, I was responding to
>Recently I've been curious about what sex would be like with a blind or deaf man. I imagine that his sense of touch would be enhanced
his sense of touch would not be enhanced. This fantasy is illogical

No. 393224

I don't belive you're a woman
Oh nonny no, they are the worst. The type of man that would scream at you like a 4 yearold because you came home late. I know a 35yearold dude with ADHD, deperssion and dislexia in one package and he's like the firt person i put into a death note. You gotta remember they are still males, they wont let you control their lives, they wont see you as a better human, they will just use you for what you can give them and be smug about it…

No. 393229

>all the retard noises
… Nona… No…

No. 393260

breath play. Like. Badly. I didn’t know how much of a scrote leaning fetish it was when I discovered i liked it or what a fetish really was. It’s gotten worse over time. I wouldn’t do anything too extreme like basically hanging myself I am not silly. I actually force myself to not act on it sometimes. Sometimes choking or having my face pressed into something so it’s hard to breathe is nice.

No. 393669

>>391413 omg it's amazing to see this cuz me too. i have a fascination with hair and cutting it off. i also would not want to keep the guy around without his hair cuz men need hair to be hot, but the act of getting rid of it would be awesome while it lasted. but only if he didn't want me to be cutting it off, it has to be a power thing

my own one is i have a weird fascination with men who are feminine but in a very specific way. i don't mean weak. and i don't want him to look feminine. i hate femboys and tryhard moids of that type. he needs to be good looking in a male way. i just want him to BE feminine, the way women are. and i want him to be insecure about it. there is something about that that makes me foam at the mouth. i have such good specific examples in my mind of people i have met or otherwise know. there is this one guy i know who's perfect in this way. i feel like i know this type when I encounter them. i would never actually want to date this kind of person. i would just make fun of him and smack him around or whatever and make him feel bad about himself and that would be what got me off. then i would go away forever and leave him alone to agonize about his life or whatever he was doing before

No. 393690

It's a fantasy who cares? Nta but I'm also into disabled men. I tend to imagine a hot blond delicate men who loves my smell and always knows when I'm fertile based on that alone and also he's really sensitive principally neck and nipples.

No. 393805

God, why aren't moids' like this?

No. 394051

I had a lesbo ERP friend who was a deeply autistic woman and they kept bringing up how having our characters fart in the ERP would be oh so hilarious. At first I thought it was just a one-off spergo momento but it kept coming up, and she'd bring it up OOC right at the sexiest moments like "wouldnt it be so funny if our chars farted now?? xD" and I just end up having to ask her:

"You have a fart fetish, dont you? You know that I asked for any fetishes to be discussed beforehand, I dont appreciate you trying to ninja them in like this."

But she goes: "aaah haha i just think it would be hilarious im laughing irl lmaooo its not a fetish for real"

OK, alright, I end up doing some snooping and she did indeed have a fart fetish, she wrote fics about it, and she was just retarded about it with me.

Anyways, I have a horny retarded lesbo fetish now.

No. 394065

File: 1714230862704.png (1.09 MB, 1383x1030, Picture+21-333657094.png)

Am I retarded, I thought breath play meant like, blowing air on someone's ear or nipple this entire time, I had no idea it was really picrel

No. 394070

knights with dick armor

No. 394072

lol i guess it's kind of an intentionally misleading term. strangulation just doesn't sound as cute.

No. 394080

No. 394104

I used to think edging was another word for knifeplay. let's be idiots together

No. 394121

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MENA men. I'm white as fuck so it is a fetish for me, developed through time and exposure kek. I work with many of them (my city has high refugee population) and it's a labor job too so they're all in good shape and so fucking sexy. All of them are loud and obnoxious but also carry themselves with a kind of swagger that is just irresistible. Also night and day comparison with my white male coworkers, they all got proper beards and heads full of thick hair, clean skin, big cock energy etc. I hate myself for being so attracted to them because they're all most likely violent misogynists behind closed doors and probably see me as less than dirt on their shoes, but fuck do they make me wet.

No. 394128

It’s okay nona I can relate.

No. 394147

MENA people in general are so fucking beautiful. I'm just like you nona but with MENA women

No. 394164

me but with latino men. I wonder how much it has to do with our exposure being young, fit men performing manual labor kek. I also have a fetish for men with accents and/or who speak broken english.

No. 394233

I have a recurring fantasy of a moid who's part of a band. He's at a huge show and he jumps into the crowd to crowdsurf, but instead he gets essentially gangraped and noone can stop it. Vivid images of him getting his clothes torn off by the rabid crowd and screaming out to his bandmates for help but they don't do shit kek

No. 394275

you can have them nonna kek, most of them are the most misogynistic moids I've ever seen.

No. 394373

Nothing hot about these good for nothing, misogynist moid troglodytes, you'll dislike them real quick when you see what they're capable of, you're just fetishizing them because you're a white dumbass who doesn't know what's better for her. I'll take my ban I'm pissed, how can you be attracted to these motherfuckers after seeing what they do to their women and the countries they arrive on?(racebaiting)

No. 394376

Kek, I know what you mean about the accents. I live in Western Europe but there were always a lot of Eastern European people here. My first crush ever was a Polish girl. Her voice and accent was so cute. Nowadays there's a lot of Ukrainian people here too. In uni I always hear these Ukrainian moids talking behind me and they sound pretty hot. I love the sounds if their language and how they sound when they speak English. But I find Eastern European moids more intimidating and scary than other moids for some reason.

No. 394378

Just become an Aladdin husbandofag

No. 394424

Nta but god I remember being super attracted to and one of my first FWB with a MENA guy who was very good in bed and at foreplay but he was a piece of shit human otherwise. Also turns out he was always cheating on his MENA girlfriend presumably with non MENA girls and I felt awful when I learned she existed

No. 394467

Honestly the weirdest thing is just seeing the pic she posted and how little it has to do with the actual MENA diasporas in the West. The moids dress like absolute trash and behave horribly, they do not have that kind of aura at all.

No. 394468

Kek nonna, are you insinuating I don't know that already? Did you even read my post in full? Did you miss what board I'm posting this in? Chill out.
I chose it because the moids face is hidden

No. 394479

Me with Russian and Slavic men, I even had an gopnik obsessed phase kek

No. 394584

>moids with stuff like ADHD, severe depression, maybe even schizophrenia, or milder stuff like dyslexia etc.
Funny because if because everything you listed here is linked to another,if he has dyslexia he has a 2/3 chance of having ADHD and the other way around.
ADHD is also strongly liked with Major depressive disorder, Bipolar disorder and the autism/asperger spectrum, but also the "Warrior Gen."
They have less empathy, take more risks, are more explosive aggressive, have mood swings, more likely to get addicted to drugs(they literally need double the dopamine that a normal human needs to being functional)and to develop a eating disorder like anorexia more often.

No. 395046

I have such a weakness for mama's boys. The whole 'emotional incest' thing disgusts me and i hate to see it IRL, yet i constantly fantasize about 'saving' a man from the claws of his overbearing family. It actually doesn't have to be a mom, could be a super strict dad. The fantasy itself is repetitive, i worm my way into his controlling family via housework or as a neighbour. He's pretty yet extremely neurotic and self-conscious about having little experience with women. I push his buttons and he's easy to overwhelm. Eventually we have nasty sex (in his home! important) as his family are having dinner or something. The more pathetic and obedient he is (because it was hammered into him), the better. I picture the fear and obsession in his eyes as i move around him in daily life. I also like the idea of his repressed male sexuality coming out in weird ways, like fixating on weird parts of me (not just body-wise) or acting agressive, desperate for release. I so want to realize this dream but i'm painfully aware of how these men are usually awful and the ones who aren't are trying real hard to not be mama's boys.
tl;dr i want to fuck Norman Bates

Also, omorashi.


No. 395138

you both should watch ahs coven

No. 395599

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Moids are absolutely worthless without hair. I’ve been thinking about how satisfying it would be shave a moid with a fantastic hairline like Timothy Olyphant. He actually looked really hot in the Hitman movie. I’d slap the shit out of that bald head.
Sometimes I wish I could be a professional barber but going to work and being constantly aroused sounds horrible. I wish I could find a group of people to swap fics with about this particular fetish. If fart fags and diaper fags have a community why can’t hair people? I still think it’s not possible because men ruin everything.

No. 395601

I thought omorashi was weird when I first heard of it, but then I happened to come across 3 omorashi fanarts of my husbando, and it was kinda hot. Now I really like it.

No. 395614

I thought I was the only one anon, this is perfection

No. 395628

This sounds like it could be an Ingmar Bergman film

No. 395637

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t. Delilah

No. 395771

I want a footfag boyfriend. Not the deviantart kind to be obsessed with stinky feet or dirty soles but he would just like pretty feet and kissing/sucking them. It’s weird how footfags are the most made fun of but fetishes involving beating/choking women are considered normal.

No. 395802

Same. I want a boyfriend who will kiss my all over my feet and massage my soles and suck on my toes. Kisses my arches when we’re having sex in missionary and my legs are in the air. Bonus points if he:
>Buys me shoes or pays for my pedicure.
>Puts my anklet on for me if I want to wear one.
>Fetches me things I want like snacks or a book or something if I paint my nails at home and they’re drying.
Just a devoted foot servant. I walk around a lot so I would love someone paying lots of attention and care to my feet.
I think people consider footfags weird because first of all, feet are kinda weird, and second of all, footfags can be very obsessive. I think because feet are a tame kink compared to a lot of kinks these days, foot fetishists often feel like they can be more open about their kink even though nobody fucking asked, which can be creepy and annoying and obviously makes people think they’re weird.
Ideally I would get a vanilla boyfriend who’s still young and cute and groom him into being my foot worshipper, but it will probably be an uphill battle because I think for people who don’t already like feet, the idea of them is weird and kinda gross.

No. 395806

Are you me? I have the exact same fetish and it ruins my sex life.

No. 395809

>but it will probably be an uphill battle because
It's easier than you think it'd be. Men's sexuality is very malleable, he can be groomed into whatever kink/fetish you have if you keep exposing him to it.

No. 395916

Extremely true post

No. 395918

Idk nona, my dream is to have a good looking simp bf who worships me. Reminds of that quote about how women always drown in their love for a man but men always just swim in their ‘love’ for a woman.

No. 395941

a third reason: many of them are fixated on children's feet especially. idk why but every pedo i've seen online (and of course the infamous ones in hollywood, you know who) are always into feet. i don't think feet itself causes this there's just a weird big overlap between the groups

No. 395944

this is because paraphilias tend to come in clusters for whatever reason

No. 396088

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I liked to beat males up since I was around 6-8 years old, sometimes daydreaming about getting transformed into a wild beast just to scratch and bite them.
It evolved to enjoying cute submissive men, sometimes I'm just imagining a very light dub-con where they blush and express disliking the situation (they are wrong, they enjoy it) with a little ryona. But sometimes I need way more stimuli to get satisfied, so I just go straight to the fucked up yaoi involving rape, forced mpreg, necrophilia, ugly bastards etc.
Nazi men getting submissive is also another turn on.

No. 396156

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Why is this me besides the Nazis, like even down to the wild beast fantasies

Also here is my fantasy I thought of today: I want a spanking galery, only cute boys allowed I will spank them and blindfold them so they dont get embarrassed about whimpering and moaning and SQUEALING in front of the other boys, I will spank and whip them all in their bare asses until red and warm and then when I am sufficiently horny I will choose one of them to mount and hump until I can leave a spot of my fluids on his backside that will eventually become cold against the air, contrasting with his hot disturbed freshly beaten bottom. The boy with the throbbiest cock I will let eat me out! I want to spank a bunch of cuties and listen to them squealing! Line them up and let me spank them! If they do not squeal enough for my tastes, I will spank their balls! Give me cute boys with big spankable booties to abuse and listen to squealing/moaning/crying etc>>396088

No. 396191

I don't like the idea of realistic dildos but in my mind I have a fantasy where I am in love with a man around my age who is tall, well-built, cute features, hair is still thick and hasn't receded yet, etc. He would also have a nice dick of course, and be slightly submissive but not pathetically so like a sissy hipno troon. More like a lost puppy who wants to make me happy and will happily go along with what I want. Anyway, in this fantasy he'd suggest using a dildo during sex, but I'd reply, "nah, I'm not interested in dildos, unless … " and he'd be like "Unless what?" and then I'd tell him to make a mold of his own dick and have it made into a dildo. So that way I could not only use him as my human dildo but also as my literal dildo if he's not there or if I just ever end up deciding I want two dicks at once.

No. 396249

After working out I want a cute guy to clean me by licking my armpits. It saves water!

No. 396251

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I want a muscular boy to suck on my boobs while he fucks me but in real life I feel like it would feel very weird and incestous(?) so I'm too ashamed to ask for this and just look up degenerate hentais where that happens instead

No. 396258

Don't be ashamed. It's one of the most normal things in the world. Loads of people are into this, men and women alike. The only thing that would make it weird and incestuous is if you started introducing mommy shit into it.

No. 396259

Yeah wanting nipple stimulation during sex is just normal.

No. 396260

As a MENA girl it's the opposite for me lol. I find MENA men "too" masculine and I like the softness of white men. White nerds are my favourite.

No. 396268

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priest fetish is not enough, i want to go back in time to become picrel and sexually manipulate a naive young spanish catholic missionary in 19th century colonial philippines

No. 396339

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She’s like me for real for real

No. 396408

I'm only attracted to women of one race… and it's not my own. I've been this way ever since I can remember. I feel so bad about it that I don't date and never plan to because it would become obvious and people would think I'm creepy. Plus I feel like my family and friends already suspect it about me due to the pattern of my celebrity crushes, so if I started dating and the pattern continued irl it would be undeniable and so awkward, like an elephant in the room.

No. 396419

You like what you like. As long as its just a physical preference and not based in outdated racial stereotypes. Most people have their own unique "type" even if they don't say it out loud, whether its "i only like nerdy shy men" "I only like tall men" or "I'm only attracted to dark skin/asian features/blonde hair blue eyes/etc"

No. 396421

No biggie you just need to find the absolute love of your life on your first shot at dating and genuinely cherish her personality and treat her well and then it won't be a pattern, it's just that one girl forever until you die. And stop listening to kpop or reggaeton or whatever immediately to cover your tracks.

No. 396463

I have a female friend like this, it's cute, don't worry. Women humanize the people they're attracted to, so you avoid the pitfalls of 'fetishization' (for most women, at least). I think it comes down to liking people with different features than yours/your family. It's not wrong.

No. 396492

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No. 396498

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Nonna here who works in a library in lots of skirts and dresses that hug my tummy like this and your post got me feeling happy so I wanted to share. I'm very short, by no means too overweight, and a gym nonna, but I have always had what I like to call my kangaroo pouch. It makes me really happy this is a loved area, I like being squished….

No. 396500

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Making my boyfriend my pet dog to the point he is trembling before me and worships me, submissive and on his knees and then flipping on me when I least expect it until he's breeding me shitless. I also used to masturbate a lot to something a previous nonna mentioned where I'm his nurse and I'm making his heart rate crazy and he's squirming and a little scared but aroused as hell.

We were long distance during lockdown but then continued to visit eachother post-lockdown and I'm very happy to say that he regularly is my pet and lets me provoke him to the point of backlash. I have never been so smitten with a man but he's so clumsy and sweet and quiet, seeing him shaky and horny before me and willing to do literally anything for me just does something to me. It sends me feral, especially as a nonna who grew up hating moids but I loved characters like Ichimatsu……

No. 396623

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This is really embarrassing, i'll just spoiler the whole thing kek
I used to really enjoy futa, specifically futa on futa (male x futa is incomprehensible, female x futa is slightly more tolerable but i'd rather just see actual f/f.). I'm mostly ashamed because it's a consequence of early exposure to porn, though i have other autist-tier fetishes and they feel alright.
Anyways, I didn't really read futa stuff after my inital exposure, it was more of a 'eheh what if they had sentient alien straps' thing. When i did search for it, i got really into alien/parasite stuff, like oviposition but in dicks. I liked the idea of male genitalia being used for an absurd purpose, useless penises, general monsterfucking. I'm also very particular about how it looks, i couldn't stand the presence of testicles because it felt like i was seeing some unrealistic tranny wish fulfilment instead of a 'woman' with funny genitals. Plus it's ugly, it just breaks the delusion. I also liked penis growth with an element of surprise. Ultimately the novelty of it all wore off, and i couldn't really stand how repetitive the genre is. Most futaslop can be boiled down to 'woman without penis is pure > grows penis > becomes horny'. I dislike the implications and i hate how it's omnipresent in f/f now. I guess i could pick it up again but i feel like i've seen all there is to see.

No. 396894

just woke up from a dream where i raped a severely wounded soldier (one of his legs was blown off by a grenade) and this awakened something in me, i wish fantasies like this were more socially acceptable.

No. 396897

I have my share of fucked up fantasies, but I think it's generally a good thing that they aren't "socially acceptable". It's how we ended up with shit like choking during sex becoming normalized and puppy-play in public parades.

No. 396900

you have a point, i hate this whole "choke me daddy uwu" thing

No. 396910

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I don't get why so many nonas are ashamed of fantasizing of being assertive with moids, there's nothing wrong with that and it makes me feel so much more insecure for being a submissive idiot. God why couldn't i just stay in the vanilla territory.
I wish good things to all those stacy nonas.

No. 396913

well then my shameful fetish is titty sucking WITH the mommy shit. sorry

No. 397200

I was watching a cute Russian amputee getting his military honours exactly 24 hours ago. We’re on the same wavelength! I was dreaming of a state owned brothel where vegetable veterans pay the price of burdening taxpayers by eating pussy. Bonus points if their medals are pinned on their bare flesh

No. 397357

File: 1715553722250.png (1.14 MB, 1126x1694, dflodct-f01696e4-ae3a-4be3-b03…)

I don't have the strenght to elaborate on this too much but i have some kind of feederism fetish for gymrats, if that even exists.
I like the idea of a moid playing around with machines and stuff to reach a strong body and the idea that i can contribute to that with food is so hot but i hate how it basically sounds like: man lifts, woman cooks. If i would start saying anything about this to any kind of moid i'm sure that they would call me a tradwife but no, i'm a culinary scientist and you are my clueless human experiment, actual lab rat.

No. 397362

I get it and respect it.

No. 397384

My fetish is taking a fit buff arrogant guy and feeding him until he becomes fat and lazy and gets low self esteem and thinks he can’t get any other woman so I get all the power in the relationship (I already did this with my ex kek)

No. 397388

What the actual fuck is wrong with you? Moids are already ugly and fat, why enable them?

No. 397391

You get to enjoy them in their peak and then dump them when they get fat and depressed kek.

No. 397402

If he is a gymrat, he probably has everything related to nutrition figured out.
Gymrats are extremely autistic when it comes to their food.

No. 397408

Yeah, i knew some and it made me seethe because they should be dumb as a rock while i know how the world works.
Tbh i've had issues enjoying or taking value into food so seeing how they're actually so autistic about it motivated me to get better and share it with others one day. This is just me but i feel like they're the kind of people who can show how much important food and nutrition is the most.

Thank you nona ♥

No. 397426

Military men, in uniform.

No. 397619

I want to have a MMF threesome with two guys that I know who are really homophobic. During the threesome I would make them kiss and touch each other and eventually fuck each other while they pleasure me. They would be so opposed to the idea at the start but little by little they would start getting into it.

No. 397648

It’s not homophobic but Have you seen challengers

No. 397692

Stop shilling this movie all over the board kek

No. 397693

NTA but >>397619 is basically challengers kek

No. 397713

This but I want guy 2 to be gay and he’s paying me to fuck my boyfriend who thinks this is just a wholesome event. 10 minutes in the faggot just starts fucking him and I disappear into the night. #ladypimp

No. 397764

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God I wish that were me

No. 397792

I want to make him crawl on his hands and knees, pick up my lipstick with his teeth, and bring it back to me. Then I want to write on his bare chest with it. "Mine" in big letters across his chest, hearts around his nipples, my initials somewhere. I will literally leave my mark on him. Then I'll ruffle his hair and admire my handiwork.

No. 397816

Men beating eachother up. But not ugly roided men like McGregor, young men with lean muscle and soft features. I want to see them duke it out, topless and swinging at eachother's chests until one of them is on the ground crumpled up. Whoever wins gets the honour of me patting his head and praising him, possibly ending up in him carrying me in his strong capable arms and laying me down to make sweet, non-violent love to me.
I don't know where this fantasy comes from, I like to think that it's some ancient primal instinct inherited from my ancestors who saw men fighting other men to defend the tribe, which in ancient times must have been an attractive trait for a prospective husband to have.

No. 397839

Just jerked off to that russian moid making eye contact with the drone camera as he dies. Why did he flutter his eyes like that. Super zoom technology in the battlefield was MY sexual revolution.

No. 397933

The one who got baldie-slapped or the one doing the baldie-slapping?

No. 397939

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I keep having this fantasy of a male soldier interrogating this super serious female soldier from an enemy country—but instead of a painful torture he wants her to orgasm to the point of exhaustion.

At first she would be strapped to a chair with a myriad of sex toys attached, and whenever she'd come he would mock her saying, "that's not a way a good soldier would act" and would tell her he finds her ashamed reactions to be cute—which would only make her more embarrassed and angry.

Eventually it would evolve to dubcon-ish sex where he would say some stupid shit like: "Muahahaha! You're coming from the enemy you despise so much!" The contradiction between shame and pleasure, and hate and love is pure kino—and I fucking hate myself for finding it that way

No. 397942

Not gonna like I kind of get it. When I masturbate it could take kind of long to get to the "endpoint", so I kind of had this view that masturbating with a dick would be "easier" (kind of like the way TIMs fantasize about the ~mythical female orgasm desu~).

No. 397948


No. 397957

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Ok so this is one I'm really really ashamed of, and can't talk about it to anyone lest I get chucked in the loony bin, but I've recently developed an attraction to killers. I looked it up and apparently it's called hybristophilia? I don't know how the fuck this started, cuz I never used to be into murderers, but over the course of the past few months, I've grown increasingly attracted to certain types of mass killers. I'm not pro-murder or anything, and I certainly don't agree with their actions, but I get extremely turned on when I read about mass murderers. Not serial killers tho, those ones still give me the ick.

No. 397963

I can’t judge you nona. I was part of the hybristophile comm for a while, it was fun I must admit, even though it was cringe and full of edgelords.

I was in love with Dylan Klebold for years, not because he was a killer (even though I did like the edgy aesthetic of the whole Columbine thing) but more because after reading his diaries he seemed really lonely, sad, tortured and pathetic and I’m just drawn to men like that kek.

No. 397964

hybristophilia is a pretty normal response imo despite how much moids freak out and try to shame women for it. our society praises masculinity when it's shown through violent domination (killing someone is the peak of this), and women, by way of gender stereotypes, are supposed to be caretakers of their men. a serial killer allows us to fantasize about the ultimate "alpha male" who sees us as an exception. you can see this sort of trope played out in much less gruesome media such as beauty and the beast.

No. 397965

Ugh same. I'm very ashamed of it but I had an edgy Tumblr blog around 2016 and interacted with the true crime community a lot. There were definitely some cows on there kek. I ended up distancing myself from all of that obviously but sometimes I still feel attraction to murderers or some photos make me feel things. I would never actually act on it irl because I don't want to get my goddamn head cut off but I can't escape the feelings. It definitely shows in my taste in fictional men too.

No. 397966

NTA but my theory has always been that hybristophilia is simply a primal female survival mechanism as a response to moid chimpouts. We know that we can’t fend off a murderous rapey psychopath so the best we can hope for is to give him sex and hopefully placate him so he doesn’t kill us, at least before the invention of the police and such.

No. 397969

File: 1715712313317.jpg (47.51 KB, 370x449, Carl_Panzram.jpg)

it's a good theory. every single time i see a woman express attraction toward a male killer, there's a mention of wanting to fix him. "i can fix him" has become a meme. i think it's utterly natural and something not to be ashamed of if it remains a fantasy which 99.9% of all of this stuff does. my personal tinfoil is that when men (mostly online) try to shame women for being attracted to killers, they're secretly just jealous of a man receiving lots of attention from multiple women. this rarely happens unless a man is a celeb or attractive (more things moids tend to harbor bitter feelings toward, see jokes about "step one: be attractive" etc.) rather than build up their own self-esteem they'd prefer to lash out at women and call them names for simply responding to a fucked up patriarchal standard their gender set.
anyway, dahmer is one of my favorites, but carl panzram #1 for me. he, too, only killed men.

No. 397970

This is the most retarded evo-psych take I’ve read in my life. Please never try to explain a sociological phenomenon ever again.

No. 397973

Pretty much.
It's like Stockholm Syndrome.

No. 397974

Not an argument.

No. 397976

The Beast was not a serial killer and was obviously a repressed homosexual. Horrible example
Women didn't love Dahmer because he killed and ate people, but because he was tall, handsome and charismatic. There were no women who fell in love with the Son of Sam

No. 397978

File: 1715713328723.jpg (166.85 KB, 1849x2162, 1018316866.jpg)

Absolute KEK! So happy to see some nonnas who relate! Personally I don't find this fetish to be that weird or unexplainable. Not that long ago in our evolutionary history being a successful murderer was an advantage. It meant you were able to protect your own from outside threats, and humans have always waged tribal warfare so there was always someone out there who wanted you and your family dead, the deciding factor being whether or not you managed to kill them first. The average moid NOT being a murderer of humans and/or animals is a relatively recent phenomenon, so it's no wonder some primal attraction is still there within us. It's like buying a big ass scary looking dog, sure it could rip you apart in seconds but your hope is that you can hopefully pamper and train it enough for it to make it a protector instead.

No. 397984

>There were no women who fell in love with the Son of Sam
anon, every male serial killer in the 70s-80s received love letters from women. even that dopey fuck. settle down

No. 397986

You retards are genuinely ignorant of how life works in primitive/rural communities. If someone is seriously suspected of being a threat to the community he’s offed instantly. He’ll be found dead in a ditch and no one will speak up. Serial killers are successful because they’re quiet stalkers. There hasn’t been a time in history where you can go around stabbing people in public and not get lynched for it. Humans are social animals and our sense of justice is very developed. Violent men don’t ‘make exceptions’ for random thots, fucking serial killers just means you’re going to end up stuffed in a suitcase with double the amount of joints you’re supposed to have, which isn’t optimal for raising children. I get the attraction to power or the hero aspect of men who off other men, but your serial killer specific autism isn’t something special. Males fetishise women killers too, but they’re exceptionally rare so you don’t hear too much about it.

No. 397993

You're so right nonnita, but see how you haven't even considered what killing the village murderer would make the moid doing this righteous killing? That's right, A MURDERER! My point was that murder used to be inevitable for moids; you either killed your enemies or they killed you. I've also included killing of animals here, something that all humans had to do almost daily once upon a time. My point is that, with killing no longer being a required and natural part of one's existence, the only people who still practice it are crazy fucks. Crazy fucks who nonetheless capture our attention like no other because of how deep seated and primal that lust for blood is. Excuse the sperging, I know it sounds crazy and honestly you have ever right to not even agree or understand what I mean.

No. 397995

I'm the AYRT, and I had Dylan Klebold in mind when I made my post lol. I also feel extra ashamed about it cuz it's mostly edgy teen girls who are into him (understandably) and I've been well out of my teens for a few years now. But it's like you said, it's mostly his pathetic diary entries that endeared me to him, and he sounds and acts a lot like the kinds of guys I used to date and be attracted to when I was younger, because I used to be obsessed with trying to "fix" them. Ugh

No. 397997

ngl, klebold's journal entries are an interesting read. he's not an anomaly or some kind of misunderstood genius or anything but reading someone baring their soul like that tends to make you relate to them.

No. 398000

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probably my most autistic fetish is sentient machinery, i once saw a pic of something that looked like picrel but it had a dick and was being serviced by two people to extract fluid from it or something, it's bizarrely hot to me to imagine a giant weapon that can feel physical sensations and be brought to orgasm

No. 398010

File: 1715719330986.jpg (Spoiler Image,164.97 KB, 736x861, 64c4fc87f8cff82bef078f6e355018…)

I have similar fantasies, only mine center around a scientist and his test subject. A scenario like picrel (spoilered for mild nudity) but obviously a lot more hardcore, preferably with a lot of fuck machine action. And I mean like having the 'test subject' tied down and forcefully fucked by the machine until complete exhaustion with the scientist calmly watching like: "hmmm… interesting", taking notes, doing it "for the science" or whatever. I honestly love the idea of a complete emotional detachment on the part of the scientist, doing absolutely wretched shit but taking no pleasure in it himself.

No. 398017

Not true at all. Look at how many cases of rape there are per year vs how many cases of murder there are per year.

Getting murdered after being raped is actually pretty unusual, most men don’t have the energy left for it after they’ve cum.

Rape was commonplace, tribes were constantly warring and invading each other, during a raid or whatever you were probably much less likely to be murdered if you simply gave the raiders sex, as unpleasant as it sounds. Or they would force you to, by kidnapping you and making your their wife or whatever. Women who fought back would just get their heads smashed in. Scientists even think this may be why ‘rape fetishes’ are so common among women, because women who fought back would just be killed, meanwhile women who tolerated it lived and their genes proliferated. Studies of female sexuality show being dominated and acting submissively occurs in women like 90% of the time or more. Sexually dominant women are extremely rare. Literally every single one of us is a product of rape.

No. 398024

I have a fetish for males getting slapped in the face. I'm not exactly ashamed of it I'm just a turbovirgin who will never get to slap a male during foreplay/sex

No. 398025

Another one

No. 398026

you should watch gay porn, guys who suck dick get slapped just like this all the time

No. 398028

scrotscience moment

No. 398031

Sorry but this is so mild.
Call me when you start fantasying about choking a moid to unconsciousness.

No. 398043

Nta but she's not writing for your taste specifically kek

I love how half the time in this thread people find a way to moan about other people's sexual fantasies that they're ashamed of

No. 398044

it's not a competition nona

No. 398048

I only see ugly men in gay porn, I don't want to search through thousands of videos just to find only or two with hot moids.

No. 398053

Hmmm i might. Men slapping other men is my favorite flavor.
Baddest bitch award 2024 maybe i'll be cool like you one day.

No. 398078

>and was obviously a repressed homosexual
NTA but can you elaborate? first time I've heard this theory kek I thought the movie was just a G-rated "I can fix him" thing considering how shitty the beast behaved

No. 398106

1. The prince who the Beast ultimately turned back into had clear gay physiognomy
2. The way he just hung out in the west wing staring at that flower is something no straight moid would have ever done
3. The underlying implication that something was going on between him and the Clock that went way beyond the typical employer/employee relationship; and the Candle Set's clear contempt for said situation
4. His intense anger issues resulting from repressed homosexuality and sexual frustration: look at how disproportionately angry he got at Maurice for being too old for him. Beast didn't start to calm down until he realized that Belle either didn't care or (more likely) didn't realize that he was gay, and for the first time in his life he felt accepted for who he was.
5. Why was he even turned into a Beast in the first place? Because he rejected the advances of that beautiful witch. After the fact, he changed to saying, "oh no, I totally would have hit it, it's just that she was disguised as an old crone." Uh huh. Suuuuure you would have, Beast. It was all pure damage control.

No. 398147

File: 1715751519412.jpeg (202.15 KB, 1280x720, 4B3E84FD-7E6E-4735-898F-C07AD0…)

Moids with open facial wounds especially those showing their mouths and teeth. My sexual awakening was Two-Face from the Batman cartoon. I also crushed on the ghouls from Fallout and pic rel.

No. 398165

must lick

No. 398177

You need help

No. 398181

Weird creepy women. Not the "OMG my favorite femcel grippysock yandere GF wants to kill me, that's so hot" that weebs peddle—or the "she's literally me FR FR" girlfailure-type characters like the Watamote girl or Chainsaw Man's Kobeni. I mean a woman who makes you feel really uneasy the same way some moids have made us feel. Even better if she makes a man or a woman older than her uncomfortable with her "advances".

Like the stereotypical loner school shooter/Dahmer types but a female version of them. I guess I developed this due to my dissatisfaction with female characters in media. Male characters can be fucked up/tortured/crazy/genuinely flawed humans but with women—we're not really allowed to be so.

Even some popular female character "flaws" are just meant to contribute to her "charm"—shy and anxious? Super kawaii desu and makes her seem approachable! Clumsy and trips a lot? So absolutely moe! Bossy and prideful? OMG, mommy please step on~ #gentlefandom.

I want a super fucked up, miserable female character as weird as that sounds—preferably one who doesn't get a redemption. The only ones who I feel like tick these boxes are Carrie and Azula… but that's about it.

No. 398182

you are so real for this nonnie

No. 398193

You should watch Baby Reindeer.

No. 398220

You're right that it has a lot to do with controlling threat and turning a potentially horrible situation into something you can get off to. I don't think it's primal though. It's a sad, cultivated mindset that leads women to ruin, burying themselves in mediocrity for the sake of an ugly moid who disregards them. I suppose hybristophilia plays on this by changing the target of 'i can fix him' from a mediocre man to an 'exceptional' one, even if he's an atrocious killer. He's worthy of effort, because there's something deeply wrong with him, not just a mix of low empathy, porn addiction and entitlement. I can't assume too much because im not attracted to serial killers but i get the appeal of dark and brooding men, there's probably something about imagining how 'tortured' they are internally.
So real. You're so based and you don't even realize it.
>stereotypical loner school shooter/Dahmer types but a female version of them
I'm really not proud of it but the case of the autistic TiF who shot up a school had me thinking of this kind of woman. I hated that it sprung from a real-life case where children died. Still, i love to picture the most genuinely deranged woman out there, waiting for me to fix her. Of course i fail and she fucks me up.
Yes! They have to be miserable, in a poignant and relatable way. Creepy women who remind you of your clumsy nerdy younger self, but with a genuinely scary undercurrent of sadism and rage.

No. 398253

I have small breasts and find the thought of a woman with big boobs degrading/teasing me for them super hot. Only in a roleplay context though assuming she doesn’t actually hold those beliefs

No. 398254

I wonder if Christine Chubbuck (both real and in the movie) would fit this description? People said she was weird and very off putting irl and I think the movie tried to capture that, but it didn't quite get her weird humor. Maybe The Piano Teacher too, though she makes a younger man uncomfortable with her advances. Neither one gets a redemption.

You have an excellent fetish btw.

No. 398255

She did not make him uncomfortable. You missed the point of the movie. He was a total fuckboi who was in complete control of the situation from the beginning. Once he got what he wanted, he bounced

No. 398263

Not fair to not share the video
I can't even judge nonnies on those since I have a fetish for nazis who were worse

No. 398272

File: 1715801068680.jpg (535.36 KB, 1085x1594, 69915024_p0.jpg)

Since we were talking about hybristophilia earlier. I have a kind of reverse hybristophilia fetish, where I commit a crime in my fantasy in minecraft and have a hybristophilic man obsessively fall in love with me and write me love letters to my prison.

No. 398276

File: 1715802260099.jpg (82.41 KB, 640x765, tumblr_f350f436906fa2ade2334e0…)

Good taste, anon. Sublime even.

No. 398288

2D male feet
Real male feet disgusts me and would never dare touch them,I am the only one?

No. 398339

Absolutely based. Fuck this "I can fix him" bullshit—I want it to be me that's getting fixed!

No. 398344

I only recognize the "real life yandere" girl. Who are the rest?

No. 398349

Who is the woman in the middle of the top row?

No. 398352

Chubbuck seemed more like a poor depressed woman.

She was the first technical femcel before femcels were even a thing. Her suicide is also the most blatant example of female socialization ever—whereas most male incels go on shooting rampages targeting innocent people, she instead killed herself.

Men blame everyone else while women blame themselves.

No. 398386

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No. 398389

File: 1715840147031.gif (1.53 MB, 480x480, muah.gif)

ily, nonnie.

No. 398392

Kek. Is this from here or 4Chan?

No. 398556

I look exactly like that but in terms of insanity i still have a long way to go

No. 398622

i have a serious smell fetish it so insane lol

No. 398870

File: 1715979621785.png (367.6 KB, 425x431, 985847733.png)

I just had an orgasm to a character ai chat of having a harem of 3 shota catboys getting intimate with each other for competition over me. Not my proudest fap.

No. 398908

I randomly saw this intricate video simulation of a beating, pulsating heart, the camera panned all around the outside and inside too and I was weirdly very aroused by it

No. 398912

Least pedophilic fujoshit.

No. 398919

this is shota yumeshit anon

No. 398930


No. 399064

Want sex with my toes sucked on. Having my legs in the air, feet on his shoulder when he's in me, and him gently taking a foot and pressing a kiss into my arch before sucking on my toes as he thrusts.

No. 399067

File: 1716078157170.jpg (88.63 KB, 270x476, 2cc08058.jpg)

Want sex while being stepped on my head as my cheek is squished against the floor i don't know if it's possible vaginally because i'm a virgin

No. 399070

File: 1716078371450.png (Spoiler Image,2.75 MB, 1200x800, IMG_8335.png)

No. 399072

This isn't a fetish you retarded virgin.

No. 399075

How is that any different from the anon above tho, you retarded virgin hater. It goes in my retarded footfag interests.

No. 399078

I am the anon above and I think wanting my toes sucked and kissed while making love is quite different from having my face stepped on on the floor by moid feet but you do you

No. 399080

Yeah it is, they're quite the opposite but that wasn't the point.

No. 399114

Okay, this is super degenerate but this is what the thread is for. I want to insult a (cute) moid while he’s age regressing and tell him how much of a fucking retard he is for acting like a baby and hopefully make him cry and hyperventilate as I tell him to shut the fuck up and slap him. I also wanna ruin his pacifier and burn his blanket in front of him so he has no way to cope while I relentlessly mock him for larping as a baby. Do I need help? Yes. Is this just a fantasy especially because moids aren’t really capable of being sentimental? Yes.

No. 399510

Why are you in prison in your own fantasy? Can't he write to your secret shed where you're in hiding?

No. 399969

File: 1716404524707.gif (3.47 MB, 472x266, moidsfighting.gif)

I literally came to this thread to say this. I love seeing moids getting violent with each other. MMA fighters are usually ugly beasts but I still love watching the fights. I especially love when they're on their knees, turned back to the camera and you can see them punching the scrote they just slammed in the head, it's so hot. I find most martial arts erotic, especially ju-itsu lol
The hottest thing I've seen was this female fighter grappling and choking a moid until he's down, he was young, handsome and vulnerable, I wish I could find it again

No. 399970

Do moids even age regress? They don't even experience that type of intense trauma to develop that disorder. 0/10 not realistic enough

No. 400035

I don't know why but I have started to have fantasies of a mosquito biting me on the clit? Mosquito bites are sometimes so erotically sensitive and itchy, also there's just something sexy about a lady mosquito doing the biting, ugh. I'm like that Reddit guy fantasizing about a cockroach woman.

No. 400038

this is legit shameful. Your fantasy is literally incorrect. Have you told anyone irl about this and, if so, how did they react?

No. 400040


No. 400042

How is it wrong? Is it because it's technically zoophilia?

No. 400044

you're so right, and the crime should be she's sending homemade bombs trough the mail to random people.

No. 400045

Weirdest thing I've read in a while.

No. 400051

What do you mean? It is female mosquitos that bite, males do not. Or was there some other error in her post?

No. 400080

Wanna tie cute moids to trees and force them to poop for me. From a distance, of course.

No. 400099

just because it is a female mosquito doesn't make it okay, or even any better. I don't even like insects biting me on the ~arm~

No. 400104

well how about on your regular arm

No. 400106

>mfw I just got incredibly turned on by a recording of a guy whimpering and banging on scrap metal
am I too far gone?

No. 400110

No. 400115

nah, that poop enjoyer above is worse

No. 400118

I've read this like four times and I cannot decipher anything about you at all. I'm scared

No. 400119


No. 400222

File: 1716491074301.jpg (18.36 KB, 306x302, 1000003167.jpg)

Premature ejaculation.
Not choking, but having my neck/jaw held in like a threatening way during sex.
Being teased, called dirty names and ordered around.
The idea of being indebted to someone and basically acting as their sex slave out of guilt despite the shame.
I'm a borderline monsterfucker.
I want to be coerced into sending nudes by a woman (this fetish is female exclusive, there's just too many horror stories about moids and nudes and it completely turns me off. A woman, though…)

You can probably guess what's wrong with me based on this information.

No. 400348

File: 1716529586342.jpeg (126.14 KB, 1170x1095, IMG_6438.jpeg)

Corruption/virgin guys. My ideal mark:
> male
> virgin
> age 22-25, stayed pure throughout college
> doesn’t drink or do drugs
> lowbie tech related career
> slightly bratty and conceited
> naturally submissive and beta
> sexually repressed
> glasses
> long hair
> not overweight
I want to turn an innocent megane into my thoughtless sex-addicted house husband

No. 400359

I'm a fatfag (cringe, I know) and I get a satisfaction out of making AI bots of fat fatty fat guys and fatshaming them into suicide. Here, I said it.

No. 400360

small dicks tbh. Idk but I enjoy the thought of sucking one and humiliating said moid for it.

Reminds me of maggot girl or whatever her name was. Nonnie kekk.

No. 400364

>premature ejaculation
Based. It's really adorable and pathetic.
Are you me?

No. 400366

Height difference
especially when he is shorter than me and has smaller hands

No. 400378

real based

No. 400504

That pic is way hotter than the overdesigned anime boys so I completely understand.

No. 400521

I don't know why but I get turned on when my armpit is stimulated. It's really sensitive, kinda gross but when I pull on the hair slightly it feels good for some reason.

No. 400553

No way, this is based.
I wish my moid had smaller hands, he's otherwise tinier than me and he lets me pick him up and move him around. Few greater feelings than pinning him down by his little wrists. It's hot as fuck.

No. 400558

I NEED to bump clits with my tif friend so bad. She's so cute. I love the flat chests of males, I'm not even into 'cuntboys' but it flares something in me when I think about her binded flat chest and female anatomy. I want to scissor a boy with a pussy fuckkkkk!

No. 400584

I want to shrink my bf until he’s 3 inches tall then stuff him in my underwear when he pisses me off

No. 400585

Funny you post this right when I'm starting to develop a bizarre cuntboy fetish. Are the planets aligned in a certain way right now?

No. 400844

File: 1716657116953.jpg (175.63 KB, 1058x516, Screenshot_20240525-162410.jpg)

Taking a fresh 18 year old in yearly to be my protegee and training him up as a good husband in every way for some lucky woman

No. 400854

File: 1716661674518.png (899.63 KB, 703x986, Screenshot_20240525-141758.png)

I used to run a Tumblr blog for men in masks (mostly knights, bikers and military operators). I would constantly get messages from women about how they thought they were the only ones with the fetish.
What I'm actually ashamed of is how every time I felt horny, I would obsessively play Dark Souls for hours and hours, leading to a cycle of horniness… It started to feel like a problem, so I stopped. I haven't played Dark Souls in years and my sex drive has never recovered

No. 400874

I find men attractive but I don’t want to have sex with them. So when I see an attractive actor/fictional character I imagine them with a pussy. I want to fuck a tif so bad

No. 401080

I want a cute boy to massage the soles of my feet…

No. 401101

Based fetish. You actually got me thinking of one of my qt husbandos kissing my feet, sucking on my toes, worshipping them etc. I’m envisioning something more vanilla and cute but I like more “hardcore” and humiliating footfag stuff as well

No. 401108

Speaking of footfaggotry, do y'all have any tips on persuading vanilla men into it? I want to try it but footfag men are weird and creepy so I need to groom a normal man into it. I mainly want my feet massaged and kissed, toes sucked, or occasionally having him paint my nails, put an anklet on, buying me shoes, having him tie my laces when they come undone. I want to hopefully get him into it enough that he just starts casually rubbing my feet while we're cuddled up on the couch watching a movie or giving them kisses when my legs are on his shoulders during sex

No. 401137

I would say make your feet look really nice(clean, manicured, jewelry, etc) and show them off often. Feet are often seen as dirty and unclean. So if you show yours off as being clean and taken care of, he may be more open to touching them.

No. 401150

Nonna same and idk if this is more appropriate for here or the husbando thread but I don’t wanna subjugate them to my autism but I genuinely cannot stop thinking about my husbandos tummy making noises and I point it out and he gets all defensive because he’s prideful and is a narcissist in general kek. It’s not a feeder thing or anything bc I hate fat men which idk if that makes it worse or better

No. 401177

watching a guy have a wet dream. I blame whimpering audios for this

No. 401193

It's pretty uneventful

No. 401250

God, I want that

No. 401308

File: 1716829443892.jpeg (464.33 KB, 939x1597, 2BACB442-856F-48C2-84B9-D171ED…)

Just lock me up in an asylum and throw out the keys because I always found memes about göring’s transformation into a retarded fatty throughout the war to be kinda hot and after some evaluation I realised I’m into weight gain. I was violently ovulating, straight up laying an egg even, while going through library books about graphic arts in the 20th century. Then I came across “it.” A collage caricature of an evil-looking, porcine fat fuck with perky lips. I stared at it for what felt like 10 minutes and the rest is history.

No. 401319

I have such an insane musk fetish, I lick my bf’s armpits after he gets off work and sniff him up right after he does something intensive. Idk if this is just natural pheromones, but I love his BO.

No. 401458

i wanna be fisted

No. 401475

Shameful. I wouldn't be able to take a scrote this pathetic seriously.

No. 401505

File: 1716905935992.png (Spoiler Image,1.69 MB, 1280x1811, 1000021570.png)

Oh my God the Wanderer Creighton
I want that one belated champion to fuck me.
Honestly, most fromsoftware bosses/knight foes are hot. Too bad that men who are into LARPing as knights tend to be stupid rightoids

No. 401506

I think some of you don't know the definition of a fetish.
>Something, such as a material object or nonsexual part of the body, that arouses sexual desire and may become necessary for sexual gratification.
I understand your desire to be quirky but please make another thread for random things you find arousing. This thread is for fetishes, and shameful ones at that.

No. 401507

I think it doesn't help that women are shamed for liking premarital sex alone so that's why many of them will post "vanilla" sounding ones/quirky stuff that doesn't consist a fetish. Then there's that sperg who wants a mosquito to bite her clit or that nonette who wants to see guys poop from a distance. In spite of your definition,when does one draw the line, really? When most of us feel ashamed for just having a libido?

Anyway, I want to fuck a suit of armor like in the non-existant knight. Or the Elden Beast.

No. 401509

Well, calling random things "shameful fetishes" doesn't help our case.
>Anyway, I want to fuck a suit of armor like in the non-existant knight. Or the Elden Beast.
This would be a fetish if you wanted to fuck the metal shell of a Knight's armor like the ones found in museums or couldn't even come without thinking about them. It has to be a semi-permanent desire that controls a good chunk of your thoughts. For example the girls who want their toes sucked don't have foot fetishes because they're not aroused by feet itself, just the action of a man showing submission. I've only seen a couple fetishes in this thread so far.

No. 401512

I have a hand fetish and you see how suits of armors have beautiful, ornate gauntlets? I want to be fingered by that and to hump on the metal, hope it makes sense.

No. 401515

this is just semantics tbh and you're nine threads too late for this

No. 401518

Agreed. Though I do think its annoying when anons post
>I like sex in missionary for procretion thats shameful right there must be something wrong with me
Like come on fuck off outta here

No. 401537

I wish my boyfriend had a tail so he could wag it involuntarily when he’s happy and I could make fun of him for it. Also dog ears so I could rub them

No. 401559

I saw cumflation yaoi art and the top was teasing the bottom about his stomach bulge forming from so much cum and I feel extremely ashamed of myself

No. 401571

Yeah, women don't really have fetishes/paraphilias the way men do (if at all). Shocking kek
I guess we could change the thread name to 'kinks' or whatever, who cares

No. 401577

fuck why are you me

No. 401579

This thread is a godsend, I've never known so many women who shared my fucked up fantasies and I feel so seen?? I love that so many people are also into the uniform & Nazi shit because that's something i'm gonna have to tae to my grave.

Talking about my kinks and fantasies feels like discussing some deep lore ngl. I guess my main fetish is abusing moids who are really stubborn, smug and posh. Just pure assholes who think they own the world, turning into weepy, neurotic little babies who need me to look after them. I have lots of fantasies about interrogating men until they piss and vomit all over themselves for some reason. Or drugging a guy and forcing him to appear in public as my pampered little pet, making him call me Mommy and shit himself in front of his rich friends.
My fantasy guy's usually some plump middle-aged man in a tight uniform or a fancy suit, often in some historical scenario. I'm kinda obsessed with the KGB which probably doesn't help. Looking at a guy who's so utterly broken and humiliated that he'll do anything to stop the pain…. hnngg. And I fantasize about the same guy being hurt by other men and forced to be their sex toy. The 'public toilet' shit is weirdly hot to me, probably too much hentai.

It's so hard to live my fantasy irl because I don't think i want to hurt a guy in reality, I just get off on the power and sense of control over someone who should be my superior. If a guy let me punch or choke him I'd be so horny, but I'd probably want to go further and that's not wise. I get such a kick out of seeing men whimper and flinch… closest I got was playfully teasing this smug, plump lawyer I dated. At one point he actually looked scared of me and i'm still thinking about his terrified expression. Why am I like this???

No. 401597

Honestly I just wanna tie an awful shitty moid to a chair and beat the absolute shit out of his face until he’s unrecognisable

Maybe use acid or gouge his eyes out with spoons too like the mafia used to do in my city

And anally rape him with a massive strap of course

No. 401598

this is so hot idgaf. moids deforming one another will always be top tier

No. 401599

Orgasm is one of the most powerful pavlovian conditioning tools there is. Men become aroused by whatever they grow accustomed to associating with orgasm. So as long as you shove your feet in his face while he’s cumming and about to cum, he will pretty much automatically associate pleasure with your feet from then on.

No. 401600

I find small dicks cute and more suckable. My bf has a small dick and I like gently bullying him over it and calling it his clit to humiliate him.

No. 401601

Smells like AGP

No. 401602

There’s pretty European twinks in gay porn but most of them look sad and unwilling and it’s kind of ick and throws the whole scene off (unless youre a sick fuck who likes seeing impoverished aids ridden Eastern European skinny moids being assfucked by a scary bald dude in a slummy commieblock apartment with carpets on the walls) but yeah most moids in gay porn are repulsive roidpigs

No. 401603

He hates trannies so humiliating him over it like that is hotter. I never said he enjoys it kek.

No. 401604

Based except I want to be the one deforming moids. Honestly I’d love to see a femcel attacker who starts going around throwing car battery acid over random men’s faces. We need another queen like Aileen.

No. 401611

>most of them look sad and unwilling
That's what makes it sexy!

No. 401613

>sucks your dick
>hah! take that! I just humiliated you!
Never change, anons.

No. 401615

Ah, nazi fetish is more common than you imagine nona. I have for over a decade, it doesn't help that they are depicted as sexy men in most movies. I even ashamed of admitting that I masturbated to movies and documentaries about them
I am judging you more for you wanting to fuck fat and old moids

No. 401617

Anyway I'm really into pegging but only if it's painful for the male and the woman is coercing him into it. At this point I'm more interested in ass than dick. It's shifting the way my libido works. Initially I didn't feel ashamed but anons hate it and find it faggy so I learned to feel ashamed but only when posting here. Kek. I fantasise about making a straight man suck the strap and making him vomit. I want to subject him to the things women go through. Eating out is a luxury, sucking dick is a job. So imagining him eating me even if he doesn't want to doesn't feel degrading. I just want to have blood on my strap from fucking him, is that too much to ask for?

No. 401618

Fun fact: Israel had to ban nazi porn in the 70s due to extreme demand.

No. 401620

WHAT? I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO WANTS TO FORCE FEED HERMAN GOERING? I have ZERO unique life experiences. #imeverywoman

No. 401622

Wait, seriously?
Fun facts about Goering: He apparently loved his late wife so much that he named properties after her and kept her body in a vault in his huge castle. Also he was reportedly pretty much one of the few high ranking Nazi party members who didn't cheat on his second wife. Before he was a fatty he was quite handsome in WWI. Hope the Goeringfags enjoy those gems

No. 401670

File: 1716960289664.jpg (169.52 KB, 541x1200, St._Sebastian_Mantegna_1459-24…)

Anon you are me, everything on your list is also on mine and we're not the only ones out there. Honestly, having spent time in fanfic communities where women will write endless paragraphs of whump that goes so deep into a male character's suffering and torture on both physical and psychological level and seeing other women praise it in the comments, you can't help but connect the dots and realise that there are a lot of women who get off to this shit, but almost no-one dares to discuss it directly. I've gone as far as trying to look up studies on it, but there are surprisingly few. The sexologists have no idea. I feel like I'm in the possession of some kind of secret knowledge. Note also that most women like this do not go out of our way to actually hurt a moid. I wouldn't, either, although I have to admit I sometimes enjoy making moids feel insecure by acting very assertive and dominant (in a professional setting, kek).

No. 401678

File: 1716963617814.jpeg (1.68 MB, 1170x1569, 1674864134036.jpeg)

there’s seriously zero research. i tried doing some digging but the best i could do with my limited knowledge was read a bunch of adjacent papers on neurobiology and hormones, best theory i can come up with is atypical neural pathways which make you produce copious amounts of oxytocin when you've got stimuli such a man in pain, distress, or otherwise vulnerable, unlike your normal oxytocin triggers like kissing, bonding or seeing cute things. basically the hormone cocktail involved in seeing a cute kitten x100 and it’s a guy having his arm sawed off, crying & throwing up and stuff. there’s usually an element of attraction because oxytocin is strongly connected to it as well as empathy/sympathy in general.

an actual scientist should look into it because i had a b in biology, but i do know that when girls say whump gives them dopamine, like, no, that’s not how it works.

No. 401679

I wonder if it’s connected to women’s tendency to socially bond during times of distress. Oxytocin is related to bonding. Is there some evolutionary mechanism that would explain why this happens? Does it encourage social behavior, like altruism?

No. 401683

if you can find some kind of biological explanation i'd be curious to hear about it but isn't it just a paraphilia i.e. atypical sexual disorder, or violent fantasies stemming from some sort of trauma/psychosis/etc? your hypothesis is interesting but it's at least partially a psychological thing for me.

No. 401686

Man, I want to contact a sexologist about this so bad, although I know it likely wouldn't lead anywhere. At least for me, this has been present for as far as I can remember, even before puberty, so it can't be trauma. It's deeply psychological for me as well, and it's definitely not just a sex thing, I often don't even directly masturbate to it but instead just endlessly think about my fantasies. Starting to write them on paper has done wonders for my writing ability and is generally really fun, but it's also ruining me because now I spend way more time thinking about different scenarios. Makes me feel like I'm a huge degenerate when I'm sitting in a work meeting trying to listen to a colleague talk, while at the same time some elaborate fantasy about a moid being raped and killed is playing in my head on repeat.

Another funny thing is that I'm bi, but imagining something like this being done to women makes me feel sick. The victim has to be male, strictly. The perpetrator can be male or female. I also switch POV between victim and perpetrator, and I write usually from victim POV, because it lets me describe the psychological side more vividly. Of course, I can never tell about this to any potential partner even though it's a huge part of me. It's fucking unfair that someone like Armin Meiwes can just make a post like "hurr durr I wanna eat a moid" and some degenerate moid immediately turns in willing to get slaughtered, while I suffer, forever alone.

No. 401688

if it started before puberty and it's not sexual then maybe it's a symptom of OCD, ADHD, or something your brain latched on to for stress relief during an important part of your development? these kinds of special, focused interests seem to have at least some outside cause (not necessarily trauma or even anything bad, i suppose we could use the oxytocin theory that for some reason crossed wires affect how we view violence towards men as sensual or pleasurable). especially so since in your case it's male-exclusive regardless of sexual interest. it's really interesting to hear other people's perspectives on this so thanks for sharing, that's why this thread's so great. it's awesome that you're using your interest to better your writing skills too, if you get a girlfriend who's into roleplay maybe you guys can write some fic together!

No. 401690

I don't know, might be. I have other "untypical" psychological traits as well, but I wouldn't want to ascribe everything to a single cause. Honestly though, if I found a gf also into it that would be the end of me. I wouldn't even live in reality anymore, I'd go full libertine at that point.

No. 401702

I want a daily feet massage from cutie, never declining me, running to put cream and gently stroke my toes.

No. 401705

This is why I'm so irritated at people making a big deal out of how ~radical~ it is when media portrays women being submissive. That's literally the norm, it's what's considered acceptable, so how is it radical? What's really radical and undiscussed is that a lot of women aren't submissive, and want to dominate men… but there are so few men who would let women have any control over them. Life sucks

No. 401708

nonnie this is me too!! I abhor violence against women and can't even watch porn where women seem to consent to being humiliated and dominated, it makes me feel so angry and disgusted. I'm Bi too but would rather be hurt by another woman than vice versa lol. Sometimes I have stupid fantasies about being a bimbo for men sometimes, but there I'm still the one in control of my own sexuality. I have so many stories of my weird fantasies that I can never share with anyone, but they give me a weird amount of joy… I guess it's a pride in the fact I can create my own porn, that I know this much about my sexuality and can enjoy myself without a guy. Tbf guys have always spoiled my fantasies by imposing their own on me, which just makes me imagine them being tormented even more lol.

I used to act out my fantasies when I was a teen, alone in my bedroom. Looking back it was weird as fuck but it gave me a lot of joy at a time where I felt isolated and ignored. I do have trauma tbf so that has something to do with it (classic Freudian shit, we love to see it) but a lot of it is probably my autistic obsessions with history, power hierarchies and uniforms haha

No. 401709

Same. I remember coming across a short autobiographical comic by a shojo mangaka, she recounted writing stories where characters would just endlessly suffer from a young age. It's definitely a common thing for women who are prone to daydreaming and producing romantic/sexual fiction.
>do not go out of our way to actually hurt a moid
Going out of my way to hurt them unprompted would ruin the fantasy for me, it has to be a dynamic thing. He has to go through all kinds of debasing and humilating things for the sake of his wife/mistress/self-insert.
Attachment to cute things is a kind of sadism, since the weaker/hurt/frail someone or something is, the more you go 'awwww' and want to protect them. You end up wanting to care for it, but there's a weird twinge of pleasure in the process. This is why cute/kawaii culture is so powerful in my opinion
> trying to listen to a colleague talk, while at the same time some elaborate fantasy about a moid being raped and killed is playing in my head on repeat
Ha, i feel so seen. I like to imagine heinous scenarios while i go about my day, waiting for trains, wandering in grocery shops. I'm not even aroused (though it can happen as a result, but i get self-conscious then), it's self-soothing

No. 401724

I'm the same way. Down to this whump fetish of mine having already manifested in childhood. I blame all the cartoons I used to watch, the parts where the hero got hurt/defeated and had to be saved always made me feel all tingly. I also never masturbate to it. Idk how to describe this feeling I get when I see my favorite moid all hurt and the like, but it's not hornyness, at least not for me. Hornyness feels all hot and itchy, but this is like… a cool shiver. A pleasant "butterflies in the stomach" feeling. Whenever I have trouble sleeping I always give in to these fantasies and I can fall asleep in minutes.

No. 401734

I have found my people… Starting to think it might be more likely to find another woman into this irl than to find a cute guy who would actually let me boss him around and humiliate him without devolving into a total sissy degenerate (gross). Yes, it's weirdly sexual and non-sexual at the same time, and also very comforting. I don't know what is it that makes me feel comforted and calm about thinking a moid getting interrogated, assaulted or executed by gunshot but I'm often waiting for bedtime just to get to indulge in a fantasy like that.

No. 401750

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I think women like Nazis because of the cultural perception of them as well-dressed, genetically superior, authoritative, violent bad guys (not saying that's the truth). I also have this fetish and it occurred to me how common it is that even Megan had Chris-chan buy her Nazi photos from eBay.

No. 401752

Forget about trying to find a guy who'd be into it. Even if you did moids are more likely to take fetishes to extreme levels, and have an easier time spontaneously developing new ones. Be reckless with the submission fetish and your moid ends up being into diapers or bdsm.

No. 401775

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I feel exactly the same. Wish we could discuss this further somewhere, I'm really interested in the phenomena as well. I knew a girl who had fantasies about purposely breaking moids' legs so she could nurse them back to health.
And I agree with >>401734 and >>401752 it fucking sucks you can't find submissive males who aren't degen unless you count introducing a normie to something lightweight like slapping him. I want him to suffer for me but not in a porny way. It has to be noble suffering without a cause.

No. 401777

I am extremely turned off by anything having to do with anal so it's extremely weird that my thing is double penetration. I don't watch porn because I can't possibly know that it's not mildly exploitative at best or completely non consensual at worst so I just resort to autistic daydreaming during the rare times I feel like masturbating. I have no idea where I even got this urge either because I have zero interest in anything being even remotely near my asshole. An ex convinced me to try anal once when I was younger and I can say without a doubt that I absolutely hate the feeling of anything being there. WHY do I think having everything filled up at the same time is so hot though?

No. 401780

If you like male genitalia it's just a way to fantasize about more of that. I have the same thing I never analyzed it too deeply.

No. 401812


I think it’s simpler than that, a lot of German men back in those days were simply handsome and beautiful looking. Of course SS uniforms are appealing because they were crafted to exaggerate and emphasize the masculine frame with shoulder padding and angular structures etc.

No. 401813

dp is hot for a variety of reasons. men who are obsessed with doing anal with women are either faggots or abusers though.

No. 401814

Huh. I wonder if the demand was mostly coming from women, straight men, gays or all 3.

I’m only partly Jewish but I have a fantasy of dominating a handsome blond young fascist male. Like sitting on his face, making him inhale my bush scent and making him beg for my ‘khazar milkers’ (kek) squirting and pissing on his nazi iron cross medals and hat to defile them, edging him until he cannot stand it anymore etc. I just like the idea of reducing an authoritarian hateful virile male into a sobbing begging crumpled mess.

No. 401818

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Mostly straight men sadly. Every time i try to search for nazi fetish on those vintage porn sites it is always a blonde woman with a nazi uniform being fucked by a guy rather than a tall blonde guy with a gestapo uniform. i actually found one time a porn where the guy was with a nazi uniform but he was brunette and ugly so it wasnt very pleasurable

No. 401819

this is so real kekkk

No. 401820

I’m a freak like you nonnies and have been turned on by “whump” and moids in pain for as long as I can remember. I think I first realized it when I was 4 and I saw the ant in a bug’s life being beaten by the grasshopper. I would rewind that moment and watch it over and over again. I even felt shame about it and only did it when nobody was looking. I never experienced any abuse or serious trauma growing up so I’ve always wondered if I was born this way and the scene just awakened it or if it altered my brain chemistry like how totally spiez gave a bunch of autistic boys inflation fetishes. I feel like a lot of people with bdsm fetishes and violent kinks nowadays are just brainwashed by porn whereas I genuinely believe I’d have the same fetishes if I were born in the 50s or something.

No. 401821

You guys should check out the femdom thread

No. 401823

>like how totally spiez gave a bunch of autistic boys inflation fetishes
if the fundies were right and horror movies really did rot my brain i'm gonna be so mad, don't say shit like that nonnie. not to derail further but this is too interesting; how do malepain enjoyers feel about men irl? for some it seems to be a romantic hurt/nurture instinct like >>401775 and >>401724 said, but kind of like fantasizing about female-on-male rape i think there's a sense of control to it too.

No. 401824

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at this point, my main sexuality is "male abuse". this sort of thing has been discussed a lot ITT before but i've never seen so many people trying to decode it. i'm interested.
don't read if you have an aversion to gore/severe torture:
i don't have particularly specific fantasies or an "ideal moid" to torture. usually what i like to see is a white male aged 18-40 being brutalized. simple beating is fine, but i'm very much into heavier and gorier stuff. disembowelment (i love the idea of playing with a man's guts while he's still alive), skinning, tooth removal, being eaten by insects or a large predatory animal (and not in a weird vore way), lobotomized, crushed, shot in the face, suffocated, drowned etc. i can't recall when exactly it started. i do know that i have an extremely specific memory of a very short scene in 'wolf creek' where the camera panned over a bunch of corpses and there was a cute male who was disemboweled hanging from the wall, and i got super horny over seeing it.
i like women doing the torture, but i especially like men torturing other men. extreme homoerotic sadism is my favorite thing. i obsess over movies, books and video games that have this as a theme.
i grew up seeing men in my home being abusive, and never had a father figure in my life. could that cause it? or is it simply wires being crossed during puberty, and me, consuming tons of violent gory media, became confused? i've been obsessed with extreme male abuse/gore since i was like, 13.

No. 401832

Kek for me it was an episode of TMNT where one of the turtles gets beaten within an inch of his life and ends up in a coma (lmfao). I've read around the web that this could potentially be a comorbidity with asexuality? As in, the emotional and physical vulnerability of a "whump scene" mirrors the feelings and subsequent bonding that would otherwise develop during a sexual encounter. Idk, what do you nonas think?

No. 401850

I alternate between being ambivalent towards men and feeling serious disgust for them. mostly I see the majority as useless horny babies who can't be trusted - I blame bad experiences and general cynicism for that - but I respect guys who can actually outwit or hurt me in a meaningful way. I'm pretty cold and logical and hate showing feelings in public, so I think these fantasies are a way of examining strong emotions in a non-threatening way. Or maybe I just watched Goldeneye so much that I started skinwalking Xenia (cannot deny this)

No. 401852

I don't see anything romantic in it at all but I don't get romantic about guys in general. However it doesn't really feel sexual either. I get a strong sensation of adrenaline and excitement when I see a guy in pain or hurt him and it's a bit concerning sometimes, but I'm harmless, so not a big deal. Knowing me it's some dumb Freudian shit because I hated my dad growing up kek

No. 401855

For me I just love seeing men suffer. Not even in a sexual way but literally just being traumatized, physically and mentally raped, brutalized, you name it. I don’t feel bad for them at all.

No. 401859

i think you're onto something. for me it started as medical fixation after watching some cartoons, then evolved to abuse, hypothermia, torture, etc. i was 4. my type used to be more broad, but i liked thinking about rescuing them. it progressively got edgier when i realised i could inflict the abuse myself in these scenarios if i felt like it. strong stoic men do nothing for me anymore, i need the most pathetic shittiest moid i can get.

i don't have any trauma, and possibly have the best relationships with my dad of any woman on lolcow.
>disembowelment, skinning, tooth removal, insects, lobotomized, etc
omg based, me too
can it be just any guy?

No. 401865

Yes I am a sick fuck who likes seeing impoverished aids ridden Eastern European skinny moids being assfucked by a scary bald dude in a slummy commieblock apartment with carpets on the walls. How could one acquire such material?

No. 401904

Been obsessed with the idea of a male selfcesting a younger more attractive version of himself lately for some odd reason

No. 401914

I wish there was a whump writers'/artists' community that wasn't in denial about this. I do frequent the femdom thread but I feel like in it there is a strong sentiment that you should focus on female pleasure instead of male suffering, which just doesn't do it for me.
KEK for me it was the scene in Monsters Inc. where Randall interrogates Mike, always made me feel funny in a way I couldn't explain. I don't think it caused this, though. It just tickled a fancy that was already there. My dad is unironically "one of the good ones", too, so it can't be that, either.

This is truly a code I need to crack. Almost any type of graphic violence or psychological torture goes, as long as he suffers. I also love aftermath scenarios where there is no 'nursing back to health' or resolution but instead just endless trauma and suffering, because he keeps torturing himself by thinking about his trauma (this bit might have to do with my own personal experiences, whoops) I've developed a specific type, though, where the ideal victim must be in some way responsible for his fate. It's no fun torturing some innocent baby, it must be a cocky, arrogant man who has done something stupid and gets absolutely destroyed as a result. Perfect if he's somewhat cool and collected and powerful (in the beginning) but also possesses a type of fragility or delicateness which makes him vulnerable.
>extreme homoerotic sadism
haha, yes. I don't know why, maybe because it's more humiliating and frightening? Or because women are not really depicted in my preferred perpetrator role at all, so it's more difficult to imagine. For me, this almost devolved into full-blown AAP where I would imagine myself as the sadistic male. Thankfully, I'm not delusional and have no problem with being a woman, but I feel like my personality and sexuality are dictating me to inherently take a very dominant role, which then causes problems because that's not what's expected of women.

No. 401916

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>As in, the emotional and physical vulnerability of a "whump scene" mirrors the feelings and subsequent bonding that would otherwise develop during a sexual encounter.
for me, i have zero desire to see the victim recover. i want the man to suffer until he dies, and i want the perpetrator to be the one sexually aroused by the torture/killing. i don't like the victim enjoying it.
i think this ties into the "woman doing it" vs "another man doing it" for me. a man killing a man has killed "an equal". i think most men are not afraid of women, but men can be easily scared by a bigger or more violent man. also, men are fucking retarded and fetishize everything, and since i don't want the victim to enjoy any of it, i don't want a woman to be tormenting him and his cock gets hard or something. i want him to be fully flaccid and hating every second unless he gets involuntarily erect from having a sharpened wooden pole shoved up his ass or something.

No. 401919

>i think this ties into the "woman doing it" vs "another man doing it" for me. a man killing a man has killed "an equal". i think most men are not afraid of women, but men can be easily scared by a bigger or more violent man.
ayrt, this is probably at least part of the reason, as well as the fact that a male perpetrator can literally get off by raping his victim, whereas for women, the physical arousal part doesn't come that easily. I cherish the moment when the victim tries to use the "I'm not a woman" card and is made to realize that his abuser doesn't care.
>i don't want the victim to enjoy any of it, i don't want a woman to be tormenting him and his cock gets hard or something. i want him to be fully flaccid and hating every second unless he gets involuntarily erect from having a sharpened wooden pole shoved up his ass or something.
Yes, this also. Although I like it when the victim is gaslit by telling him he was asking for it, that he actually likes it etc. The major reason why I will lose interest in a fanfic or a series is if it goes down the Stockholm syndrome road where the victim starts to fall in love with the perpetrator and it turns into a romance story. I hate that.

No. 401936

For me the femdom stuff is just not it. There has to be a "plot" to the suffering for me to enjoy it, plain torture porn just doesn't do it for me. I also much prefer male on male hurt and comfort, so once again the femdom thread comes up short there. I second the wish for a separate whump thread, just judging by the interest here it seems like it would be a hit.

No. 401938

Are you two me? kek
I love inexperienced virgins ahhhh so cute

No. 401954

Based nona, humiliating German and nazi moids is a top tier fetish

No. 401956

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Selfcest is best! I gravitate towards identical selfcest but an age gap is excellent too.
>there is a strong sentiment that you should focus on female pleasure
This makes sense as IRL advice but yeah, it's not a rule when it comes to 'proper femdom fantasies'. I like well-written female-centric femdom but it's rare and not the main draw (for me). Besides, women are more turned towards the other, her/his sensations and inner turmoil or pleasure, so it makes sense that we focus on the man's suffering.
My ideal whumpee/whumper in het scenarios is a deeply repressed and smug person. Virgin, austere but still coming across as somewhat weak beneath it all. The progression is similar for both sexes but it diverges when it comes to the outburst. A female whumper would break down from her extreme frustration and turmoil and maim me for her selfish pleasure. A male whumpee would slowly see his sense of self being chipped away, first through mental anguish, then through sexual and physical abuse. He comes to like it and has to accept his new nature as an uber-masochist, softly weeping as he realizes his flaccid leaky penis can't get hard unless he goes through great pains. (Nazi moids being turned into useless babies posts upthread are such a good example of this)
Homoerotic whump is more.. animalistic? I love innocent victims in this context, especially in contrast to their arousal from the abuse their suffer. I like to picture an innocent bubbly sunkissed blonde's shock and naive disbelief as he realizes his best friend/superior/etc is about to put him through hell. Bratty victims are good aswell.
i want him to be fully flaccid and hating every second unless he gets involuntarily erect from having a sharpened wooden pole shoved up his ass or something.

No. 402040

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Sorry for late reply nonna, but need I say more? (picrel)
I really like the anthro/humanization of inanimate objects or non-human things, kind of like Earth-chan

No. 402049

God nona, and every other male whump lover in this thread, fucking based as hell. I love seeing other women have egregiously sadistic fantasies, it's nice for a change.

>innocent bubbly sunkissed blonde

I have such a thing for blond moids, cute blonds are almost cherubic. I need to see a cute blond being used in inhumane medical experiments with no anaesthesia. Speaking of which, I have somewhat of a medical kink I guess, because I find the complete desecration of a human body carried out in a practical, professional manner so hot. It's probably AAP of me to say this but I fantasize about a very skilled surgeon cutting up a male to jerk off into his chest cavity, cutting his lungs out and cumming in them and stitching them back up so he chokes on it and it's all up inside him, and I self insert myself into being the rapist because I want to defile and ruin a male so bad.

No. 402102

to go with all the whump discussion: moids crying is a giant kink for me and i’m still ashamed of it tbh. everything about it (sobs, tears, even just sad expressions) makes me go fucking insane. i have no idea why. it’s partially sadistic and partially kind of a comforting thing, almost? as in, when i fantasize, i alternate between being the reason he’s crying, and the one who’s soothing him through it. and it’s retarded because i can’t imagine being that tender to a moid irl.

No. 402103

I thought I was the only one who fantasized about moids being beaten and tortured before I fall asleep. There's just something so satisfying about a strong arrogant moid being reduced to a pathetic sniveling mess. I have a cast of characters I invented for my daydreams and I play stories in my head whenever I'm bored, usually about the main guy being hurt and humiliated. It usually takes place in a cyberpunk dystopian city I invented, where political enemies are publicly humiliated as punishment. Imagining a huge crowd watching a moid being flogged and taunted and spit on is one of my favorite scenarios, not just sexually, but in a strangely satisfying way.

No. 402110

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Muscle envy. Like a skinny nerdy moid feeling really jealous of a jacked jock guy with nice pecs. No one draws this shit so i gotta do it myself.

No. 402116

After lurking these threads for a while, I finally feel able to reveal my most shameful secret: I used to have an mpreg / male inflation fetish. Idk how or where it started, but I remember getting a weird feeling when I was 5-6 and I saw a cartoon about a boy who drank a ton of juice. Later, I found inflation stuff on DeviantArt when I was really young and that probably warped me. I feel disgusted by it, since it's an autistic moid fetish and not sexy or feminine at all.

If any nonnies are struggling to get rid of a fetish, it can be cured. I mostly got rid of mine by completely abstaining from fetish material and masturbating to my imagination only. If I thought of unwanted fantasies, I would stop and try to think of something else. You can overthink it too, don't try to force any replacement fantasies if it's not working, just focus on the sensations. Getting a bf helped too, I feel like my brain has been reset now that I know what intimacy actually feels like.

No. 402120

The picture of him scarfing down the food top kek

No. 402121

I have this fetish too nona. I just love seeing men getting negged and having low self esteem + mental breakdowns from feeling insecure. My ex would constantly have insecurity spirals about his appearance, his masculinity and general feelings of inadequacy, and honestly it made me so fucking horny to see him in the pits of despair like that.

No. 402133

Lel based and evilpilled

No. 402170

Would anons be actually interested in a whump thread? And if such a thread were to be created, would it go here or in /m? I feel like the topic is very media-centered, but anos were posting about the sexual side of whump, which is more /g territory.

No. 402180

There already is one on /m/. It's the "cuties with ouchies" thread

No. 402239

I’m so glad that you nonnies are also male whump pilled, I thought it was just me kek I love how sadistic you guys are

Men specifically crying gets me, the facial expression and also the way male voices sound while sobbing and heaving get me. Like, it’s kind of sexual for me but also kind of… fascinating? I don’t know. Also when men have pained/nervous expressions, there was this kid in my physics class who was awfully shy and his face was always scrunched up and his eyes blown wide, like a deer in the headlights, it made me want to slap him but then comfort him and soothe him. Which is purely fantasy bc I don’t want to touch a moid or comfort a moid.

No. 402242

ntayrt but cuties with ouchies is like 90% anime art and 10% people bitching about it. i’d rather have a discussion-oriented thread somewhere.

No. 402243

Crying is a big part of it for me, bonus points if he's ashamed of it but can't help himself.
yeah that thread is kinda lame

No. 402265

It's also just an image thread. I would much prefer a place for written fantasies -with the occasional image- like this thread is here. I mean, worst case scenario the new whump thread dies and is forgotten about. Who cares. 90% of this site is dead threads anyway.

No. 402273

i want to make a man feel scared and uncomfortable

No. 402286

YES ugh there was a dude at my workplace who always looked startled and a bit scared when i walked by. he was cute in a nervous-deer sort of way and honestly i was less autistic so i could have teased him more

No. 402300

>think about moid getting tortured before you fall asleep
Holy shit I'm normal?

No. 402308

I'm starting to think every woman does this to let off steam at the end of the day. In the same way that moids watch porn to remind themselves women aren't shit, I imagine any scrote that wrongs me getting brutally raped and tortured

No. 402315

I used to brag to my insomniac friend that I'm one of those magical specimens that can just fall asleep in minutes, but I obviously omitted the fact that it's my male pain torture fantasies that make it so. I swear that shit works wonders. Sometimes I even get upset whenever I feel myself slipping into unconsciousness because I don't want the scenario to stop.

No. 402347

How many of us there are out there?
>Sometimes I even get upset whenever I feel myself slipping into unconsciousness because I don't want the scenario to stop.
kek same, sometimes I'm even happy if I wake up in the middle of the night because I get to have a round number two of moid torture fantasy.

No. 402363

There have already been so many violent fantasies idk why you guys are acting like this is a revelation. Is it your first day in this thread?

No. 402369

Some people arent terminally online and are self aware enough that they realize its weird. They arent common outside of lolcow.

No. 402375

Please make the thread, nonnie!
This so much. I love when men are scared/intimidated by me, I wish it could happen more often.

No. 402389

I only saw one nazi porn video that was somewhat decent, which a threesome with two moids dressed as German soldiers. The moids were young, thin and mid looking (which is a rare thing in porn). Everytime I remember about this video, my desire to be kissed, gropes and fucked by multiple nazi moids skyrockets. Nonnies can make me face the wall

No. 402411

not infighting just a comment but I don’t know, maybe this is confirmation bias but I think every single female friend I have in my life have made comments about liking men crying, getting roughed up, ect. Offhandedly or lightly as a joke in some way or another.. like just look at the retarded zoomer tik tok trends of girls saying they like “baby girl” men who are “pathetic” and can take advantage of. My tinfoil/armchair is the enjoyment of male suffering (while light or very extreme) is the result of growing up under violent patriarchy/female socialization, idk maybe we internalize all that fear or experience with male violence and end up being fascinated by male suffering as a result…? A lot of nonnies here noted that it isn’t always inherently sexual, it’s just an adrenaline rush feeling, or a fascination that is satisfying to indulge, in a scratching an itch sort of way and not a jacking off sort of way. I don’t even want to fuck moids and generally dislike them but I get all excited when I see one get beat up in a movie, kek, the scene where paul dano gets dragged by the hair in there will be blood awoken something in me as a highschooler. I think this sort of thing is way more common in our collective subconscious than we think and also female sadism is based

No. 402429

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nonnie… please tell me you still have the link

No. 402430

Does anyone have any good 'male suffering' movie recs? I've seen and enjoyed stuff like Phantom Thread but I'm curious if there's anything I've missed.

No. 402445

1917 is almost tailor made as a whump flick. I also like The Pianist. Both are in a war setting, highly recommend if you enjoy that kind of stuff.

No. 402469

I can only get off to imagining him having a pussy

No. 402497

Nta but how about films with moids who are cute and young? I crave male suffering but despise having to look at uggos, that's always my issue with those youtube playlists of crying scrotes made by gay moids, they're filled with old fugly creatures

No. 402499

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(That's a taste thing, nonnie. I think George MacKay is cute). Before the Fall (2004) then maybe? Sorry, seems like my soldier fetish is on full display here as I seem incapable of suggesting anything but war flicks kek

No. 402507

NaPoLa is such a top tier movie, one of my favorites
There is also All is Quiet on Western Front because I love seeing German moids suffering

No. 402508

Sage because I am a retard, I am not the nona from >>402499

No. 402509

Okay but how many people have you met in real life who admit they use male torture scenarios to relax enough to fall asleep.

No. 402756

I am acutely obsessed with male violation, I wish I could throatfuck and ejaculate all over a male's stunned face so so so bad but alas

No. 402770

This is too embarrassing for me but drag queens. Not the weird tif ones but the actual faggot moid types. I don't know why but it's something about the way they dress. I would love to dress him up

No. 402812

He does look cute, thank you, nonnie!

No. 402820

1917 movie night was so fun, we need another military whump movie night

No. 402898

I want to take a cute dainty man (ie. reviewbrah) to some dingy fast food place and challenge him to drink all the sodas to decide which he prefers. I would keep pushing new drinks on him while we flirt until he can't hold his pee anymore and wets himself, teary eyed, breathing shallowly, supremely embarrassed by the whole ordeal. I like the idea of influencing him so he associates urination with arousal, affection or sex. He'd tell himself he's only pissing himself while clothed for my enjoyment, but he'd come to enjoy and even seek it. If he doesn't break down fast enough for me, i'd press on his lower abdomen until it all leaks. I also like the idea of a man pissing himself uncontrollably as he gets railed by a stronger guy

No. 402942

Gay men having sex with women (being forced to fuck, going into heat, or simply wanting to). Unfortunately when I search for it I mostly get "straight" dudes sleeping with other men.

No. 402957

Men crying is a massive turn on for me too nona. Doesnt matter the situation ie if it’s in a war scenario or something, they’re experiencing some kind of flashbacks or psychological trauma, if they’re alone in their basement and suicidal while having an existential crisis, have been physically injured in some way or are just having a weak pathetic moment. Seeing men in tears makes me instantly wet. I literally can’t get enough of it.

No. 402969

I’ve always had an autistic fetish for small penises. I blame this on consuming copious amounts of shota hentai when I was 10 (I don’t do that anymore now obviously). Idk, there’s just something about tiny cocks I really like. I feel like a scrote

No. 402981

this is such a scrotey fetish but im attracted to men with beer bellies and get off on fat bastard/skinny young girl pairings. it’s degrading and disgusting and i hate it, but it’s just so hot to me for some reason when i have hornybrain. i always feel disgusted after masturbating to it.

No. 402982

I LOVE the idea of being “gangbanged” even though I know it’s a gross porny concept made up to humiliate and dominate women. But in my fantasy it’s all men who want to serve me and are obsessed with me and there’s not any aggression involved.

No. 402992

I literally cannot stop thinking about anorexic bodies. I fantasize we live in a society were slavery is a thing (white slavery I mean) and I'm just a humble servant whose master brings home a malnourished female slave. Then instead of feeding her we just brainwash her into thinking she's fat and she needs to be skinnier if she really wants to please her master. The fantasy culminates with the guy fucking her corpse while I watch. I also daydream about her gravestone reading "good fucktoy" or something unhinged like that.

No. 402998

File: 1717405691028.webm (3.51 MB, 550x978, 1711924109772.webm)

I want a Russian twunk bf so bad. My ex was a butthurt belter and used to seethe so hard about Russkies. I want to date one partly just to make him mad kek. But also because theyre so pretty and hot.

No. 402999

Cute but I heard these videos are literally state sponsored soft power propaganda videos made by the government + featuring models and such that channels use to increase the reputation of Russia (notice how they only picked white passing people and everyone in these videos is shot suspiciously the same way making the same 'huh?' fake dumb expression people use when they pretend they dont know theyre being filmed) I dont think any of these interactions or footage are authentic but its eye candy nonetheless

No. 403000

File: 1717406101943.png (1008.65 KB, 805x1033, Screenshot 2024-06-03 at 10.14…)

This one's so fucking cute omg what an angel

No. 403001


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 403002

It's the opposite for me, such genres make me want to go AW into a crowd of scrotes in minecraft

No. 403003

nona's ex detected…

No. 403004

""""random"""" russian people lmao
regular russian people look like sergey lavrov with more hair on their heads
this isn't to say it's any better anywhere else

No. 403005

File: 1717406432798.jpeg (Spoiler Image,42.62 KB, 550x557, IMG_2817.jpeg)

Spoiled because I know how most nonnies feel about it but there is something that drives me absolutely wild about fit hairy men. In my mind thick, dark (well-groomed obviously) body hair is the most masculine thing possible and just the site of a hairy forearm activates my cavewoman brain. I just need to get fucked sideways by a fit hairy jock and have him huffing and grunting over my shoulder the whole time and have him pin me down and eat my pussy and not stop until his beard is soaked through.

No. 403006

i feel you nona i developed a hairy chest fetish after 25

No. 403007

The Martian could be worth checking out, ashamed to admit that the self-surgery scene at the start made me feel things.

No. 403008

thing i like about russian/slavic boys is they got plump pink joocy lips
im so tired of anglo men with their gross thin open wound looking mouths like how do i even kiss that shit

russian moids can be very beautiful but unfortunately they tend to have bad personalities. then again i only dated mpre traditional toxic ones who were misogynists, i heard the younger generation have lots of nerdy fay femboys who like anime and being dommed if youre into that
t. dated russian moids

No. 403009

I don't want to crush your dreams but…you might be disappointed if you actually went there. >>403004 is right

No. 403014

I've been thinking about the leaked nudes of that Russian soldier whose wife was pegging him. Now I want a submissive Russian husband who looks tough but likes being pegged too LOL.

No. 403017

in order to orgasm from cunnilingus I have to either imagine the man who's eating me out being anally violated by a close male acquaintance, or we have to be 69ing with me on the bottom, unable to escape from his fat ass. outside of that specific situation, gays disgust me. it's literally just about the guy i'm with being degraded. i'm only turned on by men who are at least double my weight, just repeating the phrase, "he's double my weight," in my head excites me. i like measuring their body parts (not penis) too and writing it all down so i can go back and look at the numbers, even years later. if a moid excites me enough i take photos and videos of him sleeping, and have obviously never told any of them about it. i just love collecting highly personal information about moids without them either knowing at all or realising what it's for. it's not about the individual moids or emotional attachment, it's because i view them as sexy specimens i must collect data about. whenever i think about what'll happen when i die i think about people discovering my collection.

No. 403018

No. 403019

How many men are we talking

No. 403022

I want a musician to record us having sex and make an album out of it and release it anonymously and the voices would be changed just enough to be unrecognizable and my friends and acquaintances would hear it

No. 403023

me too, but i'm not ashamed of it. i love big thick well-developed moid feet with beautiful toes and nicely shaped toenails.

No. 403024

How do you feel about toe hair?

No. 403025

Idk i saw it on twitter a few months ago

No. 403026

Mental illness.

No. 403028

i like moids to have a lot of thick, dark body hair. hairy toes aren't a problem for me.

No. 403030

it's in the double digits

No. 403035

Why I can't have a cute Russian boyfriend like those?
The ones in military uniform, peak attraction
I love men in military uniforms so much nonas

No. 403039

You cannoy say this and not follow up with a pic or name

No. 403041

You can. Just go to Ukraine and you'll be raped and killed right away.(derailing/infighting)

No. 403051

I know right, I wish I could get one so I could molest him.

No. 403054

File: 1717414955940.jpg (224.02 KB, 1453x2000, sa fellers.jpg)

my fucking sides. love you nonna.
i really hate perfumes and cologne. my partner got naturally sweaty and smelled like ripe apples in the summer. normally smells like bathroom detergent.
nonnies, when i saw a photo of real amon goeth i was heartbroken! he was NOT sexy! he was utterly porcine! gross.
>german men back in those days were simply handsome
in public propaganda, yes. all countries chose pretty people to use as posterboys. looking at candids from private collections proves otherwise. they were normal people. picrel.
>notice how they only picked white passing people
russia is diverse, yes, but not in the way western cities are. the densely populated west is majority white slavic. the ethnic minorities live in their own "territories" in other parts of the country.

No. 403055

russian faggy moids will turn into bloated fat fucks in just a few years. please love yourself anons. there are better ways to self harm than fucking retarded rape apes

No. 403057

as someone who's dated both Western and Eastern European men I'm telling you, western moids aint shit either. they really aren't any better and in some ways are even worse. Pick your poison type deal.

No. 403059

never said they are

No. 403060

File: 1717417143925.jpg (60.84 KB, 750x750, EavWBACXkAEFeQT.jpg)

This 1000%. Or forcing him to eat until he's stuffed (yes I'm a degen)

No. 403062

File: 1717418869830.png (478.47 KB, 800x579, shameonme.png)

It's not exactly a WWI fetish but, God, all I can think is how much moids got completely broken during this war and it gets me insanely horny. I imagine young carefree soldiers, barely legal or in their early twenties, who never dealt with chemical warfare, getting stuck in trenches, their handsome boyish faces plagued by the pure terror when they realize sharpnel or bullets wounded them, bombs exploding loudly, scaring them, they seeing their comrades dead or badly mutilated as they know they have no escape from that hell.
I have some "I can save him" fantasies, especially with crippled vets like picrel, and for some reason, watching a documentary with some scenes of them welding and working with their primitive prosthetics turns me on so much. They are so vulnerable and treated as outcasts, I could be the savior or a menace to them according to my mood and it really, really fascinates me. Usually I would be a lovely wife, happily encouraging him to find a job and help him get back on his feet (if he still have them kek) and take care of him.
Sometimes I have really evil sadistic fantasies of taunting them, reminding them that no one will want an useless crippled or mentally sick vet, besides me, and go on my way to induce "shell shock" on them, watching their gorgeous frightened faces as they relive everything in those muddy trenches. And after all the taunting I would just make them melt with my hands on their pathetic dicks because the other women only would want a whole and proper man. Imagine their desperate moans, so glad from some proper release, showing them that their proper place now is to eat pussy and if I am not satisfied, I can find another man who is not broken like him. The fantasy amplifies if I imagine the soldier is from the Triple Alliance, especially from the Austro-Hungarian army of the German imperial army, maybe because there is the element of exoticness and their perceived arrogance, so seeing their moids getting broken feels great imo. In my fantasies they are all young and handsome because sadly, I have to deal with ugly moids everyday.

No. 403067

>Russian moids will turn into bloated fat fucks in a few years
And western moids won’t? Lawl.
>implying I date moids over 23
>implying I’d stay with the same moid instead of just having a conveyor belt of prime Russian twunk dick

No. 403073

Let’s go to Russia together nonny. Fuck the haters. We will get cute Russian househusbandos who cook and clean for us and are just thankful to be in the west.

No. 403075

I’ve only met one Russian guy before, admittedly. But he was blonde, blue eyed, tall and pretty. So I don’t believe your slander.

No. 403076

I will NEVER have this…I cri…..

No. 403079

Imagine getting into a fight with your WW1 veteran boyfriend in public so you just unplug his nose prosthetic and he starts deflating, becoming 2D. Personally, I would want one built like a cpr dummy. I would feed him burnt gruel five times a day. Squeeze his nose shut and fuck his mouth with the spoon when he gasps for air. He would have leftovers and spit drying and becoming flakey all over his mouth area but I would never wash them off. A war hero now my very own drooling retard. He would beg me to clean him up but I'd just place him on a shelf high enough for him to die if he tries jumping out then go upstairs to watch TV. You could set off fireworks to trigger his PTSD and use his shaking meat dildo as a vibrator. I have many other erotic ideas like this

No. 403080

Nona…I admire your creativity but this thread isn’t a competition to see who can have the most fucked up fantasies.

No. 403082

So you didn't find my drooling retard fantasy erotic? It's ok I'll just kill myself about it

No. 403085

I know you are mocking me for my degenerate fantasies, but I am not sure what in it made you think I am something as vile as a necrophile

No. 403086

Nah I was just being tsundere. I love you nonny. Please write moar.

No. 403087

I would have my ovaries ripped out of my body without anaesthesia by Dr Mengele and proceed to drag them through miles of broken glass just to get a bf as pretty and pure looking as this

No. 403092

I'm not mocking you at all I loved your post I'm just being retarded

No. 403099

File: 1717425109414.jpeg (346.14 KB, 1080x2133, BD923E25-6065-40CB-8674-64898A…)

Queen. I aspire to be like her. Moids over the age of 25 are repulsive.

No. 403100

Where the fuck can I talk to adolescent Russian moids online nonnies? I’m willing to smuggle him out of the country and get him a green card at this point if he agrees to marry me.(global rule #1)

No. 403101

Absolute delusion. Perhaps you want Indian fucktoys as well? They are about the same. I wish I could deport all of the Slav moids from my country to yours.(derailing/infighting)

No. 403102

>I wish I could deport all the Slav moids from my country to yours
I wish that too nonny. There’s basically none here.

No. 403103

Go on Tandem. It's a language learning app, and it's notorious for thirdies using it for green card grifts. Idk how much it's changed, I used it around 2019-2020 to learn Russian, and even though I'm not the prettiest my phone was exploding with notifications from all kinds of moids. I uninstalled it quickly though because I was probably the only one on there who actually just wanted to learn the language.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 403109

Thanks nonny <3(no emojis)

No. 403118

come to ukraine so you can meet your beloved russkies face to face you stupid cunt. slavaboos must rope(derailing/infighting/alogging)

No. 403119

Show us on the doll where the Russian hurt you anon.(derailing/infighting)

No. 403120

probably a moid who is angry because he got MOGGED(derailing/infighting/scrotefoiling)

No. 403124

>And western moids won’t? Lawl.
learn how to read please. I never said that
>>implying I’d stay with the same moid instead of just having a conveyor belt of prime Russian twunk dick
good luck with that
here you go
>The UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine states that it has data on 52 men, 31 women, and two minors who suffered from war-related sexual violence in 2023. These crimes were committed against both civilians and prisoners of war.
that's in 2023 only and UN is useless anyway so they were probably too busy dining at luxury restaurants to count them all
silence scrotefoiler go gag on some le blonde and blue eyed russian dick that cums 99% vodka(derailing/infighting)

No. 403125

>go gag on some le blonde and blue eyed russian dick that cums 99% vodka

No. 403126

File: 1717434375039.jpg (51.41 KB, 799x1000, 71mIMb-LFPL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

I'm sexually attracted to computers

No. 403127

>85 Ukrainians got raped by Russians in 2023
I’m not minimizing that at all, but moids in my western country are actually renowned for being child sex tourists, I’ll bet the moids from here raped 100x as many kids as that in the same time tbh, and they will never be recorded or held accountable.(derailing)

No. 403129

No. 403130

i can't insult you more than you've already insulted yourself

In May 2022, Ukrainian law enforcement officers announced suspicion for the first time to a russian serviceman who raped a resident of the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine. Today, the facts of conflict-related sexual violence are recorded in all the de-occupied territories and the Kherson, Kyiv, Chernihiv, and Kharkiv regions in particular. As of December 2023, the Office of Prosecutor General recorded 257 facts of CRSV, 35 servicemen of the russian federation were notified of suspicion, and 22 indictments were sent to court.(derailing/infighting)

No. 403131

gopnik pls

No. 403134

Better get on PrEP, anon.

No. 403135

>multiple posts about fucking Nazi war criminals
I sleep
>posts about fucking cute innocent Russian twinks on the subway
I WOKE(derailing/infighting)

No. 403141

Are you the same nona who wanted to liquify a moid and keep him in a jar?

No. 403148

i'm not obligated to react to every single stupid thing people post in this thread anon
>innocent Russian twinks
we'll see how innocent they will be when they get drafted(derailing/infighting)

No. 403243

It's like you didn't even see the absolute horror of the post above >>402992

No. 403262

I'm convinced both posts are made by the same anon.

No. 403322

Take your meds I wouldn't touch a R*ssian with a 10-foot pole

No. 403331

File: 1717486065312.jpeg (50.56 KB, 500x500, IMG_6708.jpeg)

picrel all of us Slav nonnies reading this thread

No. 403354

Since we are on the topic of Russian men am I the only one attracted to Russian rappers? OG Buda especially…

No. 403362

russian guys who listen to rap tend to be turbo cringe with their nonstop macho posturing

No. 403449

What about cute Russian twinks like nkeeei?

No. 403458

Russian men and women have the highest stats of drug use, hiv, stds and most of them are raised in broken families which lead to trauma they usually use alcohol and substance to cope with.

No. 403459

All in all i wouldn't recommend anyone to befriend slav/balkan people unless you know them well.

No. 403469

Same but in a male futa way.

No. 403503

I'm attracted to wiggers in general but especially Slavic ones because they feel more authentically ghetto key

>tfw no damaged traumatized Russian bf from a broken home
I can fix him…

No. 403504

File: 1717539081889.jpeg (46.83 KB, 544x544, B3BB6742-9DE9-431E-9562-6DED65…)

oh god he kinda cute

No. 403505

File: 1717539142441.jpeg (72.2 KB, 703x703, EC8FD9DF-3CAD-4325-9B8F-951B22…)

he cute too
nonnies I love you
you have nice taste

No. 403507

he sort of looks like evan peters

No. 403510

I need to throw them both into the shipping container

No. 403511

that's what I thought too

No. 403513

Russian is a fucking sexy language. Sorry. I like listening to it.

No. 403515

Oh, I saw that, but it's nothing to claims of being attracted to r*ssians.(do not self-censor)

No. 403563

I constantly have thoughts of threesomes with my bf and his (non biological) brother, and also with his attractive friends. I don’t know how to stop thinking about this and feel very guilty even though I’d never do it in real life or ask for it. I keep having fantasies where I am hanging out with both of them while camping, just drinking smoking or whatever and they both become insanely horny and overwhelmed with lust for me and end up double teaming me in the woods.

No. 403577

scrotey, but I want him to pass me around his friends and watch me get gangbanged. i don't even like cuck stuff, but I erp'd once with this random moid for a few hours and he talked a lot about sharing me with his friends and pimping me out to them, and i haven't been able to stop thinking about it since.

No. 403586

Treating men like whores undeserving of dignity during sex is extremely hot and underrated. In my imagination, you can use men like brainless dildos and it is seen as something humiliating. Like slapping his face, choking him and calling him a slut when getting abused makes him even harder. Ignoring his orgasm and boundaries. Hitting and insulting him for his failure at being a proper dildo if he cums before you and goes soft too early. Continuing to ride and forcing him to get it up again even if it is painful and makes him cry.

No. 403632

>im gonna humiliate you…by riding your dick and making you cum!
Lol, service tops are a scream

No. 403657

In this headcanon, it is supposed to be humiliating for a boy to be a dumb abuseslut dildo.

No. 403668

that actually sounds like a 4chode criminal kek i would get counseling after that

No. 403689

Lol, who is that? The guy I was talking to was about 35 and had a nice girthy dick

No. 403719

boring. cock neglect >>>>>

No. 403746

You’re welcome. I like paradeevich too. I dream about dating all 3 men while they’re forced to serve in Ukraine. They come back mentally traumatised and all evil…there’s something so sexy about it. Especially with nkeeei since he has that cute twink look. I just want to be dominated by a Russian man for some reason even though I hate them for what they’re doing to Ukrainians right now. Maybe this is how german & soviet women felt in WW2…waiting for your husband to return from war, knowing he has killed other men just for a chance to hold you again.

No. 403779

Cute young dead moids. I’ll probably get banned for this.(gore)

No. 403780


No. 403786

Normally I'd agree with you, but her scenario is pretty hot. Especially if he gets harder from her slapping and choking him. I don't even like PIV, but the way she wrote it is the only way it could be exciting.

No. 403789

Most men enjoy being choked and slapped, it’s hardly punishment, now if you actually started electrocuting them, water boarding them and ripping out their fingernails, then maybe I could get interested…or being raped by hideous obese women that they involuntarily get a friction boner for…yeah.

No. 403791

Nobody said it was punishment, just about treating men like the whores they are. Also I've had exes who have broke down crying from me slapping and punching them, it does more emotional damage to men than you might think

No. 403792

The way men ‘treat women like whores’ cannot be applied to men fairly and equally. You need to be more extreme.

No. 403793

EWWW, WTF? Could he even get erect at that age?

No. 403801

Based. Moids over 25 should be culled.

No. 404025

not op but my boyfriend is starting his internship today and he sent me a picture of his beautiful beautiful (perfectly arched) feet in a pair of these socks and my body melted into a puddle of unadulterated lust and passion

No. 404026

Imagine getting turned on by the 4th stinkiest part of the male body (after asshole, mouth, armpits)
Couldn’t be me

No. 404029

okay I’m sorry you’re boring

No. 404030

I enjoy cutting my boyfriend although I feel some guilt afterwards.
It's mutually enjoyed and it's been a fantasy of mine for ages, not sure why I feel bad. Maybe because we both self-harmed in the past.

No. 404031


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 404049

I like cutting and would want to but I can’t for the life of me get how this works during sex

No. 404051

new thread >>>/g/404050

No. 404385

You forgot dick tumors

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