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File: 1716311691102.png (6.19 MB, 3084x4440, MikanCollage.png)

No. 326805

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikan.mandarin/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Mikanmandarin
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mikanmandarin
Twitter: https://x.com/citrusymikan
Brand: https://vinaofthevalley.com/
Twitter brand: https://x.com/Vinaofthevalley
IG brand: https://www.instagram.com/vina.of.the.valley/
Thread #1: >>143614
Thread #2: >>174287

General info:
> Mikan (Vina) Mandarin is a J-Vlogger currently living in Japan. She is Kurdish, Iraqi, Swedish, and English, and wants the whole world to know about it. But will only claim her West-Asian heritage POC card when called white-passing. >>149078 >>157122 >>149372
>Got famous for her pro-ana body and her awful weeaboo fast fashion coords.
>Lived in the UK long enough to blame her stank attitude on her “British humor”
>Went to Bunka Fashion College for a year before either dropping out or getting kicked out after showing her teenybopper weeaboo fans the work quality she submits for a final grade. >>143658
>Currently dating and living with a Japanese/Filo boy who got exposed by his ex for cheating on her with Mikan (gaijin hunter). >>144836 >>145908
>Rants on Twitter about her issues but absolutely do not give her advice or she will post it on her story and try to shame you. >>154633 >>166681

New milk and events (happened after the last thread closed):
>Got a free nose job from a sketchy doctor in Korea. Reeeed at anyone who questioned whether shilling plastic surgery to her followers is a good thing.
>Continued her “ethically produced” (in Chinese factories) brand and reeeeed at anyone who dared to ask for longer skirts or tops that can accommodate larger chest sizes.
>Currently reeeeing about her brand’s new swimsuits and her customers’ reactions to the release (see comments)

Milky highlights from last thread:
Sperging about race and how she is ASIAN (just a few examples): >>174305 >>176426 >>176441
Yasu is autistic and Vina never noticed: >>174309
Invites stalkers to her work: >>174508 >>179780
Seething about Americans (just a few examples): >>176427 >>177267 >>183821 >>206702 >>207345 >>208493 >>234768 >>240551
Don't call me middle-eastern! (Calls self middle-eastern) >>176465 >>177251
Casually mentions her brother committing crimes as a minor, probably without his permission: >>176829
Obsession with being "so tiny": >>177518 >>178381
Yasu does every chore and works long hours; Mikan: "y'all are so weird, am I supposed to play housewife just because I don’t work?": >>177436 >>178638 >>178646
Rude to her followers, hates advice from anyone, and blocks followers for giving advice (despite taking their advice): >>179435 >>187220 >>187221 >>187325 >>201534 >>201549 >>246265
A man was stabbed on a train, Vina makes it all about herself (“as a weak woman who stands out from the crowd, I'm a very very easy target”): >>179768
Old pic of Vina and her mother, whom she regularly bashes on Twitter, even though family members follow her IG and Twitter: >>180849
Don't talk about my weight, it's rude (but it’s so hard being tiny): >>183772 >>209596
I don't whiten my skin, except when I do: >>194564 >>202134
Ragequit the internet multiple times: >>195183 >>196253 "I'm too accessible" >>209755 quits twitter
Calling a Kurd an Arab (accident or not) is borderline racist: >>195785
Announcement of weeb fashion brand, Vina of the Valley: >>199914
Brand launch includes crossdresser, super helpful for women interested in buying: >>200107
Reeeing about sizes offered by her brand: >>200469 >>202077 >>202078
Softcore fetishy photos for brand launch: >>200810 >>206479
Former friend Tsuruko says Mikan called her fat constantly: >>201682
"Ethically sourced" Chinese production of her brand: >>201898
Demands Yasu return from a funeral to baby her: >>202075 >>202076 >>204181
Yasu & Vina's first date was before Yasu broke up with his ex: >>204696 >>204888 >>204994
Vina's megaweeb essay on why she is interested in Japanese culture: >>207151
Asks followers for "assumptions" about her so she can do a video, chickens out: >>222357
Returns to twitter: >>233258
Vina of the Valley's designs are copied: >>249607

No. 326806

File: 1716312436267.mp4 (3.13 MB, 576x1024, VID_20240521_102627_032.mp4)

First time making a thread, sorry for any formatting issues. Mikan's old thread hit limit a year ago. She is currently raging and deleted vid rel. because 1) She's tired of people asking if she will make longer skirts and dresses, and 2) She is upset that people were confused by the peach emojis covering the butts and they couldn't see the back of the swimsuit in the video. I'll add more milk later.

No. 326808

Good thread. Mikan is such a cow and I'll never forget how she SW'd her way through japan. I'm surprised her threads weren't more active.

No. 326810

File: 1716314247465.jpg (507.85 KB, 3195x2400, 1000026765.jpg)

Thanks for the new thread, OP! It looks great. I saw the video before she deleted it from IG. I thought it was strange that she first said she didn't want their butts showing because of "weirdos online" but then proceeds to respond politely and sincerely to a man saying, "We need to know how they look wet, no?"

She has turned this into a huge scandal by pretending women were demanding to see her butt. I think censoring it just made people assume the back was too risqué for IG.

No. 326811

Both replies are polite and there are weirdos online. Even if the other comments are right, they can go to the website to see if it's such a big deal that there is a censor. This isn't much of a scandal. She doesn't say anything about women demanding to see her butt.

No. 326813

File: 1716314658919.png (7.52 MB, 3641x3085, ConfusingPeaches.png)

>I think censoring it just made people assume the back was too risqué for IG.

This is what happened. I've included a picture of the back of the swimsuit in this collage (along with Mikan pretending that people are upset because she didn't show her own ass). The peaches covering the butts really made the suit bottoms look more scandalous than they are.

Also, here's all the terribly mean comments she was crying on Twitter were making her lose her appetite. Notice all the fans flocking too her aid and directing confused people to the website.

No. 326814

File: 1716314777949.png (401.37 KB, 864x1573, 1000026767.png)

ok, why respond to the creep asking to see it wet, then?

Yes, she turned it into "why do they care about my ass?!" There's only two pics of the back of the suit on her website and both are from an angle. Not that I care but why can't she shoot the piece on a mannequin.

It's Mikan's scandal, she's sperging about it. No one else gives that much of a crap.

No. 326815

I hate when designers post online just for the fact that people are going to complain it's not made to their personal standards and their personal tastes. It's ridiculous and honestly really weird for people to feel personally attacked because it's not something they want.

Replying to comments creates engagement which creates reach for your posts. That's simple algorithm basics. That's why she's replying to so many.

No. 326816

File: 1716315015429.png (418.55 KB, 864x1400, 1000026748.png)

doublepost, a second mention. She has even more replies about how the issue is because it's HER ass.

No. 326817

File: 1716315021608.png (581.07 KB, 691x2245, assrant.png)

She could have trimmed the part of the video where she spun around if she didn't want people to see her ass. Instead, she just got a bunch of confused women wondering if it was a thong, or against Instagram rules to post. This seems like totally normal behavior for a clothing brand owner.

No. 326818

The company that gave her the free nose job posted a reel of her that made her look incredibly bad. It looked like that company wanted to embarrass her which is fucked up, unfortunately I can’t find it though. Maybe another anon knows what I’m talking about.(this is an imageboard)

No. 326819

That's why people are complaining though, isn't it, that she censored it on Instagram? The post you are linking makes it sound like she's trying to insinuate something when it's just because it's a public post. Instagram could even flag it because it's a stupid app. Why are people so mad about this, it's so stupid.

No. 326820

Well her ranting on her vina of the valley instagram profile is certainly a choice.

No. 326821

very girlboss of her

No. 326825

I'm surprised to see a new Mikan thread. Thank you, nona. Sometimes I come across her tweets, and she's always whining and complaining about one thing or another. Her bipolar disorder is out on full display when you look through her posts. In case anyone new doesn't know, she's bipolar. She absolutely can't handle customer service or the littlest inconvenience. Sure, customers can be annoying and comment about wanting a different design or seeing the back of the swimsuit, but that shouldn't amount to her sperging and making snarky comments from her brand account lol. She needs to grow up and learn to act more mature as a businesswoman. She should have initially posted a comment/description that she isn't comfortable showing her and her model's back and mentioned there are more photos through the link. Done, move on.

No. 326827

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Thank you, nonna! Exactly, even with the people requesting more coverage, I'm sure that's annoying but instead of saying a snappy "girl just don't buy it," and inviting others to respond with the same energy, a generic, "Thank you for the feedback! I'll keep that in mind for the next release!" would have been better. Nobody can really say anything back to that, even if she's not considering the suggestions in the future.

The other thing Mikan does is she exaggerates the fuck out of these interactions, speaks about how people are "mean" and "demanding," and she will constantly assign malicious reasoning to these commenters, like that they think they are "punching up" by going after her brand, pic rel. The meanest thing anyone in the beach video comments said was the person who said that Mikan's brand doesn't care to listen to customers and there were about a dozen people defending Mikan in replies to that. She needs to hire someone to manage the social media accounts of her brand if she's going to get this bent out of shape.

No. 326828

File: 1716324559027.png (143.88 KB, 863x350, 1000026783.png)

it's funny how someone gave her some boilerplate text to use for these interactions, but knowing mikan, she probably blocked the person for giving her advice

No. 326833

There's something deeply ironic about her ranting about how she doesn't like having her miniskirts be 'too long' then censoring a clip of her in a miniskirt because she isn't comfortable with how much of her body it shows. It annoys me that she considers people asking for different lengths in miniskirts to be asking for a 'modest version'…on people who are like 5'8"+, it would still be a miniskirt, just a more comfortable and appropriate miniskirt, which is really what these length changes would be for. Comfort for a wider range of sizes. She definitely didn't need to blow things out of proportion by being an asshole.

No. 326836

You're definitely right. It's possible to need a small bust or waist size but be taller, and all her shorter skirts and dresses are extremely short even on her short models. No one is asking for Amish-style skirts or even knee-length skirts, just possibly something more versatile. idk maybe she has some extremist bitches in her comments all the time but I haven't seen that.

No. 326838

For some reason she insists on only making clothes that are proportional to her own body size + type, which is why her clothes often look bad on people that are still slim, but are in the healthy weight bmi. It's a strange choice as fashion designer.

No. 326841

But shes not wrong about people not liking the design complaining because its not to their personal taste or showed off online the way they want. She's being bratty, but overall the comments from people are so obsessive and demanding.

No. 326845

Every influencer needs to do customer service and an office job to learn some basic public communication skills, like this example posted is beyond their comprehension, and their lack of interaction with people in real life means they don't understand why boilerplate responses are required. It's like they are permanently in highschool and interact accordingly.

No. 326846

Like there is an alternative option to writing 48 Tweets about this, does she think every business ever doesn't get a million dumb requests and demands? This is why they have a script. Why waste emotional energy fighting such a silly concept, nobody thinks she needs to serve every market and have 1000 items in all different styles and sizes, it literally doesn't need a response more than what that person Tweeted.

No. 326847

Did she break up with Yasu? Just did a quick scroll through her socials and doesn't look like he's been in any of her pics for a year or so?

No. 326853

No, she mentions him on Twitter often. They didn't break up.

No. 326857

another worthless thread started by jealous weebs lol. go back to venus thread.(wking/infight baiting)

No. 326865

mikan problem is shes too cunty and thin skinned for no reason lmao

No. 326866

Yeah that's the main thing that's really funny to watch with her. She's an absolute raging cunt and she seems really pleased with herself whenever she makes some sort of "savage" remark about someone else that gets her praise from her social circle. But the moment that someone says something snippy back to a bitchy remark of hers, she immediately takes to Twitter about how stressful it is being a public internet figure and how people are soooo mean and such bullies and she's just an innocent doe who only wants to wear blush and dresses.

No. 326872

File: 1716409295810.jpg (121.65 KB, 1179x2556, droopy nose.jpg)

So happy that we have another Vina thread because she's quite milky. She's still actively discussed in the PULL discord server too.
Is it this one you're talking about? I'm pretty sure she's had 2 nosejobs at this point because the first one was botched and made her nose look worse than before, but the second operation wasn't successful either.

No. 326873

File: 1716409402836.jpg (911.81 KB, 1170x2097, droopy nose 2.jpg)

Samefag to photodump more pictures re: her 2nd nosejob in Korea, 1/?

No. 326876

File: 1716409912965.jpg (31.72 KB, 394x500, before droopy nose.jpg)

This was before the first nose job and is a photo of her original nose. She had her first nose job in Turkey, and then her second nose job in South Korea for free because she's an influencer. Back when she got her first nose job there was some backlash because she made it seem like it was a necessity to get one before going to Japan, and a lot of people tinfoiled that the reason she got it done in Turkey was the cheap cost and quick turn-around time. 2/?

No. 326877

File: 1716409986324.jpg (1010.17 KB, 3072x3072, first nose job vs second.jpg)

Here's one of the before and after picture comparing her first and second nose job. 3/?

No. 326878

File: 1716410171744.jpg (681.95 KB, 2208x1242, candid nose job.jpg)

Finally here is a candid screencap taken from a video which shows the side profile of her 2nd nose job ~1.5 years after she had it done. She sort of looks like Pinocchio now. Sorry if this was picspam but I just wanted to document her nose jobs for this thread in case it gets brought up. 4/4.

No. 326879

File: 1716410814484.jpg (110.08 KB, 794x1280, IMG_20240522_104814_103.jpg)

Of course Mikan would want a guy with a twink body to be a model for her fetish brand.

No. 326880

File: 1716411163648.jpg (83.87 KB, 1079x1362, diaper outfit.jpg)

She's just pandering to the troons with this tweet. We all know what her designs look like on taller/fatter people anyway, picrel is an example of her infamous diaper design.

No. 326882

That's a biological woman.

No. 326883

Yeah I know. I was saying she was pandering to the troons with her tweet about Dylan. The diaper outfit picture is just a reference to how her designs would look on Dylan because he is also tall like the woman in the picture I uploaded. I don't know how you could misread my post but sorry if it caused any confusion.

No. 326885

File: 1716412668568.png (4.33 MB, 2422x6063, plussizemodeldesperation.png)

Mikan is extremely desperate for a plus size model in Japan to model her brand's clothing. There have been plenty of women in the M-L range offering to model for Mikan, but she only orders sample sizes in her own size, XXS, and "plus sized" which she says is "above XL," because it's too expensive to order samples in all the sizes. She isn't really clear about what plus size she will be ordering for the sample though?

No. 326890

>making an extra sample for plus-sized shooting every time is already so expensive
whine a bit more about it, Mikan. Why not wash and sell the sample at a reduced cost afterwards if you're so put out by having to order one extra?

No. 326893

File: 1716417227885.png (562.57 KB, 972x829, mikan the moon.png)

so much for yt peepoo and being middle eastern, never seen that nose on anyone other than white women, that's literally how they exaggerate those noses in cartoons

No. 326894

File: 1716417447541.png (1.11 MB, 750x1334, mikan hypocrite.png)

That image KEK. It wouldn't be so bad to get the nose job but she's always flouting "we have to love our natural bodies and we hate plastic surgery it's evil" bullshit on her socials (picrel is an example) so it just makes her seem like a hypocrite.

No. 326895

Had no clue the pull discord was up still after all that drama years ago. Anywhom didn’t she get her new nose done by a ghost surgeon?

No. 326897

Yeah it's still up but it's infested with handmaidens and tumblr-types with a heavy focus on kpop so please appreciate that I had to sift through all that cringe to find those pictures. Also, I think her surgeon was a living person but idk I don't think ghosts are real???

No. 326898

>your nose is the right shape
>got two nose jobs
>your skin is the right shade
>whitewashed to Douyin damnation
>your lips, hands, & feet are the right size
>clearly only right size in her mind is "smol" and "tiny", also overlines her lips
>your height is perfect
>tries poses to make her legs look longer in photos
>& so is your natural hair colour & texture
>hair colour is always something light lest Nippopeepo think she's a filthy gaijin and not a cool gaijin
>your voice & laugh are perfect
>obnoxious britbong background that she tries to play up
>whatever you dislike about yourself is just in your mind
this is true, mainly because she'd never fix what is actually wrong with her.

No. 326901

File: 1716423011324.jpg (869.08 KB, 976x1446, 1000024992.jpg)

She also very obviously filters her skin very white constantly.

No. 326908

File: 1716426475201.jpg (525.12 KB, 3072x3072, skin.jpg)

No. 326914

File: 1716434965110.jpg (343.12 KB, 646x864, 1000025005.jpg)

Lmao sure vina. Totally naturally glowing ghost white just because it's not the middle of summer.

No. 326915

That cheap ass dress is absolutely horrid, it looks so bad

No. 326917

don't forget the heavy blushing, there's a specific subset of rosy cheeked pale skinned white woman that she's trying to skinwalk.
yes, the big nose you got rid of, there's only certain characteristics of MENA women that you're fine with and very conveniently one of them is something that is merely temporary since every winter that comes round is an excuse for you to opt out of it.

No. 326925

White people, esp southern Euros, have all of those features… none of that is "particular to her ethnicity." What a weird claim to make

No. 326950

File: 1716477791356.png (2.42 MB, 2396x3375, YoureMadIWearPink.png)

I like it when she flips out over her race and says that Americans just can't accept that a Middle Eastern girlie like her would want to wear cute dresses and blush.

No. 326956

Why is she so obsessed with Americans? If she lived there, it would make more sense but she doesn't. I doubt that many Americans interact with her online in the first place, and how does she know for sure that all the people she's talking to are American anyway? It feels like one particular American pissed her off at some point and now she has a vendetta towards all of them.

No. 326984

Because Americans are demanding. Honestly the biggest vocal complaints are from US posters if you click the profiles. Wanting more inclusivity for sizes, longer styles, more coverage.. Her demographic isnt size 24 women and that's the biggest complaint I've seen. The comments are annoying AF if you actually sit and think about it.

No. 326985

She’s had a hate boner for Americans since before her whole fashion stint. I remember it back when that frog looking guy was caught cheating on an American girl with her, so I always figured that had something to do with it.

No. 326996

Her decent looking non autist Japanese bf before the frog also went to study abroad in America and started dating an American girl so Vina left passive aggressive comments on her socials. Very normal behavior.

No. 327002

Fuck terminally online burgers honestly they give your average American such a bad name. I don't know who's more insufferable, them or Vina.

No. 327009

But that's not what she's talking about in those caps or most of her other rants about Americans. It's always about how Americans don't understand race and how they harass her about her race. I really doubt that actually happens to her often.

No. 327010

She's quick to react, but sometimes I think it's justified. Just depends on what's being complained about from either side.

No. 327016

File: 1716529720164.png (6.8 MB, 2805x4542, America_Americans_America_Amer…)

She's obsessed with Americans and she routinely goes on rants about how they're the absolute worst Kurd forgetters out of every single country in the world.

No. 327026

She's just so unlikeable.

No. 327046

File: 1716568885791.png (5.34 MB, 3192x2600, BreadMakerDrama.png)

Here's the time Mikan blocked an annoying girl for suggesting Mikan buy a bread maker. Mikan tells the girl's friend that she will refund the blocked girl's Vina of the Valley purchase.

No. 327050

God damn she is so fucking bitchy and annoying and her whiteknights are equally as annoying. Vina lives her whole life with a stick up her ass. The last tweet in particular is really nasty and it's the reason she'll never make it big.

No. 327052

why in christ's name is she an influencer? she clearly hates any type of interaction that isn't blatant cock sucking.

No. 327053

File: 1716581199185.png (6.42 MB, 4564x3456, the money.png)

>With what money
>After buying an $800 chair, $300 bicycle, and god knows how much $ couch just two weeks earlier
She spends thousands of dollars on new trinkets, clothes, salon trips, nails, overpriced shitty afternoon teas, overpriced cafe drinks, expensive name brand lolita clothes, furniture, every month. I just barely combed through her posts, I'm positive you could find way more if you looked on her instagram. $800 on pet beds in February. This doesn't even count all the brand name clothes that cost $300 a dress she posts about. But a $60 bread maker is "with what money"? Just say you don't want to make it, the uwu I'm so poor larp is fucking sickening when she owns and flaunts hundreds of dollars of designer clothes and furniture in every post and constantly talks about buying new things. It costs $200 for a round trip from Tokyo to Kyoto per person, $40-50 for day trips per person. She's not poor and seeing her try to downplay her wealth to be relatable is vile, especially when she's trying to imply some random ass girl replying to her is rich and she's uwu broke poor baby poor influencer

No. 327057

Honestly the girl seemed fine and it's totally reasonable friendly advice. Vina is just a massive bitch who only wants asspats, not solutions for her silly first world problems. Hilarious she tried to play it off like she couldn't afford a bread maker though? And what does she mean no time? She could literally use it for new content if she really wanted to. She's not very good at promoting herself or her brand acting like this. Does she come from a wealthy family, she has such an entitled and rotten personality, like a spoiled brat.

No. 327063

I think the one girl posted too many times about it but she probably didn't realize Mikan is a raging bitch most of the time. I am also uncertain if this is a slight generational problem (ugh) but do these people not know that a breadmaker is ridiculously easy to use and can be set on a timer? I feel like they were popular when I was a kid but aren't as hyped anymore, so is Vina just too ignorant of this? It's not hobby, you dump shit in and get bread baked for you.

No. 327069

I mean that girl quite literally said the same, but vina snap blocked her. Definitely the type of person who would rather live in ignorance and whine about every minor convenience online than to actually better herself as a person or find solutions. I look forward to her minor "girl in japan" celebrity to run it's course tbh. You just know she's not going to go out quietly. The weird shooping is definitely going to get much worse as she ages too. The kaweewee cows always desperately cling to their youth.

No. 327073

Kek why is she and her fans acting like making bread is a massive arduous task only for the rich? It's one of the easiest things to make. If she hates the bread available in the store so much, making her own is a great solution. She can do it in the morning and it'll be done by lunch time. She is such a huge bitch about everything, she really hasn't changed after all these years.

No. 327075

Because they're retarded zoomers who've never had to step foot in the kitchen except for microwave meals or take out. But more importantly, she does not want an easy solution (like making it herself) she just wants to complain and then pretend only the privileged make their own bread to excuse her laziness.

No. 327081

This is so obsessive and weird. Can any non-American nonnas confirm if "West Asian" is actually a common phrase elsewhere? I've never heard that from any of the MENA people I've met.

No. 327105

Yes. Colorism within race exists.

No. 327113

…no one said it doesn't? What does that have to do with the term "West Asian"? Every MENA person I've known either calls themselves MENA or by their specific ethnicity, not "West Asian"… MENAs are not what anyone thinks of when they hear the word "Asian" even outside the US

No. 327117

File: 1716658375325.png (421.24 KB, 1080x1449, Screenshot_20240525-103144-839…)

Mikan actually says she dropped the "West Asian" because of Americans who think that Asian only = East Asia, so now she's calling herself Middle Eastern even tho she hates that term. I guess those tweets didn't make it into my America collage. Here you go lol.

No. 327130

She's so insane. If you find the west asian term you clung to stupid now just drop it. Don't go on Twitter to fight and explain. She's the source of probably 80% of her own problems and since she has shown she isn't going to naturally age out of these things she needs therapy to work out being so defensive, playing the victim soooo dramatically, and stop projecting her insecurities onto building up Americans as this monolithic evil when her ex bf moved on with some cute white girl in America.

No. 327138

Dang this reads like she really hates her ethnicity. People from the Middle East don't care being referred to as that yet she wants to change the English language.

No. 327142

File: 1716679799321.png (373.11 KB, 645x318, surevina.png)

>go right back to telling me I'm trying to be east asian!!!
As if she doesn't shoop and edit her photos to look east asian. Why lie Vina? She erased most of her ethnic features with plastic surgery and then proceeds to erase the rest with filters and edits. It's hard to find pics or footage of what he real face looks like now, but the right pic was shared by a company whereas the left is her own edits.

No. 327143

File: 1716680308938.png (422.71 KB, 1027x266, transracialtimeline.png)

No. 327146

she has some points here, although she is going on about it in an annoying and whiney way. most americans (and likely most people on the planet without a connection to west asia, frankly) are not knowledgeable about the area. "middle eastern" is conflated with being arab and not an accurate description for kurds, turks, armenians, azeris or georgians. people from this area are often classified using the america-centric definition of "white" depending on their phenotype and level of assimilation. the reality is that the confluence of many races/cultures and the complex history of the area does not make it fit neatly into the discrete boxes that many people, especially americans, expect race to fall into; therefore a geographic descriptor like "west asian" is most appropriate.

she is ultimately and obviously a huge weeb and attached to the "asian" part of the nomenclature as unnecessary justification for her interest in j-fashion and aesthetics. she'd be better off embracing being a shameless weaboo instead of spiraling into diatribes about race and self-identification to appease tards on twitter.

No. 327158

Whatever new program or settings she's using to edit is turning every photo into uncanny valley plastic hell. I swear I'm not trying to bait here, but there are several recent pics where she looks underage (even though I know it's fake, I find that disturbing).

No. 327160

File: 1716687535655.png (1.24 MB, 1080x2148, Screenshot_20240525-182209-965…)

I'm not sure if she's actually doing it just to appease tards on Twitter but I definitely think Twitter is a terrible place for someone like Mikan because of all the idiots who suck up to her and feed into her victimhood; especially when most of her days-long rants are over next to nothing. I actually do feel bad for her sometimes when she writes about being "othered" for her race, but then she does hypocritical stuff like use filters to lighten her skin and won't just admit to it and say it's for the aesthetics of the photo or whatever. She doesn't do it every time but when people notice and point it out, she has a tantrum.

No. 327165

File: 1716690845674.png (259.86 KB, 298x347, 023495703947.png)

She's editing all of the sharpness out of her face along with her cleft chin and fairly pronounced laughlines which is making her look much younger and flat faced which obviously isn't even remotely the reality. Her shoops make her look more like a white hafu teen than a "west asian" woman.

It's weird how defensive she gets before turning around and editing herself even whiter each year. kek

No. 327169

>I didn't know about 9/11 until I was a teen

kek what a retard

No. 327171

File: 1716693877845.png (1.63 MB, 1587x1280, GoldenHour.png)

I wish she would just say "Sometimes I use filters on my photos that lighten everything, including my skin. Suck my arse," but she only pretends to be this loud bitch who stands by her convictions.

No. 327188

The right pic, much like the ass vid in the beginning of this thread, looks like it's made to appeal to men/male gaze rather than advertise clothes to women. I don't get how this is supposed to appeal to women.

No. 327231

File: 1716765039549.png (957.12 KB, 556x755, 00000334.png)

It is a little weird tbh. Her posts don't seem super male gazey to me at first glance, but there's definitely that coquette thing going on which by definition has sexual undertones. She's also uploaded pics with casual upskirts like picrel or near upskirts fairly often. I get she likes to wear her skirts short, but I can't imagine how many people she flashes daily with her skirt hem being at panty height half the time.

No. 327233

File: 1716765618152.png (1.02 MB, 1002x865, 00000335.png)

Samefag, but she definitely has had very male gazey moments in the past. She'd probably be a lot worse if she wasn't in a long term relationship.

No. 327235

This is pretty overt hoeing with the pantyshot pose beside a giant sign that says "no sexual services" like she's posing suggestively in a spot which is so popular for hookers it required a sign, no subtext here

No. 327237

Editing herself like this while nonstop racebaiting on her own Twitter account, she has the biggest unresolved hangups about race and skin colour. Literally nobody cares about this shit other than alt right weirdos and racists.

No. 327239

She acts like she "doesn't care" but is full of excuses to why her pale tan skin colour is visible (it's her actual skincolour is the reason, girl is crazy)
>dark studio (yes photo studios are known for their poor lighting)
>it was overcast
>the fabric was reflecting and changing the overtone
>my friend is pale so it makes me look tanner in comparison
You just have tan skin mikan! There's nothing wrong with it, it's very nice, the only person upset about it is you.

No. 327244

I think she looks cool.

No. 327245

The seduction tips video isn't a serious video, anon and all these other posts are kind of old.

No. 327246

File: 1716777812811.png (1.51 MB, 834x746, 0000345.png)

kek WK. Did you not read the "in the past" bit or? Obviously these are old.

I don't get why she isn't just honest about the filter abuse either. Anyone with eyes can tell she edits her photos heavily? This was a photo she was tagged in where you can see her actual skintone.

No. 327247

Why are you tagging us as the same person? All I said is that she looks cool.(newfag wk)

No. 327248

She spends tens of thousands on multiple nose jobs but still larps as poor, yikes

No. 327253

Twitterfags love casual racebaiting, its probably why she does it. She knows her audience who are quite literally the same types as the terminally online Americans she's obsessed with. The only difference being whether they are on her good side on any given day. No one in real life puts this level of focus on race, it is almost always an afterthought.

No. 327266

I've been hoping for a new thread on mikan!

Covering the butt is so cringe, if you make fashion - show the god damn fashion. If you can't even post it, its not safe to wear in public. If you just don't want your own butt online, get a real model to do it for you.

No. 327267

Vinas key issue is that she can't call herself "asian", which is what she want. She clearly doesn't want to be "middle eastern" even though it's the literal same meaning as "west asian"

No. 327271

It's funny how huge of a deal she always makes of it too. Isn't she from London? Does she ever actually talk about her culture or customs, religion, holidays, etc? All I see is cookie cutter kawaii consumerism and her editing herself into a light skinned east Asian girl.

No. 327272

>Isn't she from London?
yeah and before that she grew up in sweden, iirc she was once bragging about a former childhood friend back in sweden who was black

No. 327282

File: 1716823711757.jpg (627.96 KB, 1080x1726, 1000006246.jpg)

Did no one check her other tiktoks? This one isn't censored.

No. 327286

Okay? She still censored the other earlier ad which confused people who could have been potential customers, then flipped out on them for being confused. I'm not sure what posting her cheeks here now does to undo that. It's obviously poor advertising to cover half the item you are trying to shill with a massive emoji. She should've just scrapped the ad and uploaded this one in the first place, but she seems to like drama.

No. 327287

> I'm not sure what posting her cheeks here now does to undo that.
Lol no one is trying to undo anything. It's pointing out she's hypocritical. Says it's for modesty in one tiktok but then doesn't bother censoring her friend in another one.

No. 327288

Fair, but she also regularly posts pantyshots? She probably just wanted to create some drama for the interaction to get better ad reach. And she gets the bonus of playing the "people are always so mean to me" card yet again.

No. 327292

File: 1716834459373.jpeg (27.35 KB, 800x534, 2B304B24-D2E6-4983-86E4-17FDC4…)

shes an utter drama queen from a well off background and either doesn't understand, or ignores the fact she sets the tone for conversing with her. her fans wall on egg shells around her because she has poor emotional regulation. shes someone who NEEDS a xanax bar or two.
like there was literally no fucking reason for her to censor her ass when shes displayed it before. how fucking boring is her life man

No. 327293

>I'm not sure what posting her cheeks here now does to undo that.
That's the models butt, not hers. She only cared about not posting her own which is strange considering it's her design that she made specifically to herself and her own taste, yet she doesn't even want to show herself wearing it

No. 327294

Pixielocks must be so jealous of her, she's living the exact life she wanted, just a little less rainbowy(off topic)

No. 327310

One of the things I don't understand in her rants about Americans is the assertion that Americans think "Asian" ONLY refers to east Asian, such as China, Japan, and Korea, when that's just how Americans use the word "Asian" in American English. "Asian," in British English, like Mikan has said, usually refers to people from countries like India and Pakistan. I'm one of those terrible Americans who apparently can't understand this, yet when I first got on the internet, I made friends from the UK and we ran into language differences like this. You know what my reaction was when I learned that "Asian" is used that way in the UK? I thought, "Oh interesting! I didn't know that!" and I remembered it going forward. When I meet people from the UK and they use that word, I know they mean "Asian" in the British English way and I am not imposing my American view of the term "Asian" onto them. Does… Mikan think that every single American she has had to explain this to is the SAME American?! She keeps talking about how exhausting it is having to explain it over and over to Americans. Surely she isn't retarded enough not to realize it's a different person every time. Or does she think that, once she's made some sort of Big Statement about her race and ethnicity to one American, the rest of us should get the memo somehow?

No. 327318

The basis of that rant is that even though she is exotic TM she still is not classified as Asian (her dream as a weeb), even in the UK where it means either Chinese/Japanese/Korean or India/Pakistan. So she's trying to reducate and change the meaning of Asian to include herself. Meanwhile absolutely nobody cares about any of this except her

No. 327321

There's also the fact that no Middle Eastern person in America calls themselves Asian, and the census/all other official entities do not classify them as Asian either. Mikan thinks we should rehaul our whole culture to fit around her own preferences and beliefs.

No. 327328

please god no, don't make me gather up all the screenshots of Mikan shrieking about the US census, as if that applies to her at all. I remain in awe of her huge hateboner for the US despite their rather strong recent (I mean, since the 90s) relationship with and support of Kurds. I don't know how long she'll continue living in the 70s. The hypocrisy of opposing a country's foreign policy except when your group would have benefited from further foreign intervention is lost on Vina.

If there were a Kurdistan, no way in hell would Vina want to live there.

No. 327338

>stop projecting her insecurities onto building up Americans as this monolithic evil when her ex bf moved on with some cute white girl in America.
I think that's it, she's projecting because she lost to an american girl

No. 327421

Holy shit I forgot that! And then she kept posting about him and eventually made a sob story post about how she’s gonna move on

No. 327422

Wasn't there some cheating going on that started this current relationship with the toad? I might be mixing her up with another cow, but I think it was something like him having a girlfriend and cheating on her for vina? Typical pick me girl behavior if true.

No. 327423

Here's my tinfoil: I don't doubt Mikan is a massive cow and I've found her stuck up for years now, but my tinfoil is Yasu is controlling and toxic too and convinced her to cover their asses with emojis….(sage your shit)

No. 327426

Well we know he's toxic, he cheated/double timed and ghosted that other girl to date Mikan instead. He's also supposedly an autist according to Mikan, though I think that's not true from what we've seen of him (and my experience from having known many male spergs). She wants him to be an autist to explain his "social retardation", but in reality he's just your average low-quality male.

I don't think Yasu is controlling though. Mikan not wanting to show her ass out of embarrassment IS normal, it just looks stupid when she was modelling her own clothes to not even have faith in them. She just makes bad social media decisions a lot because she's immature and impulsive.

No. 327427

I honestly don't know what to think about her nose. Sometimes I think it looks fine, other times it looks super off in a cartoony way. I totally see what you mean by "Pinocchio". It really does like she's cosplaying as a white girl.

I can see why she wanted a nose job from seeing >>326876 but there was something very charming about her big middle eastern nose, but maybe that's just because I've had close kurdish friends with similar noses who I adored lol

No. 327431

File: 1717020185997.jpg (669.24 KB, 1079x1154, 1000025314.jpg)

Their relationship gives me ariana grande and spongebob guy vibes tbh. Ugly loser dude cheats on his significant other for the insecure uwu "so smoll" bbygrl. Crazy though how these girls go for such hideous men.

Honestly, I also get why she got her nose done too, but with rhinoplasty less is often more. She should have kept the ethnic shape and just made it smaller. Her nose from the front now looks okay enough (though very not kurdish) but her profile is definitely very "pinocchio". Perfect description Nonna. kek

No. 327438

eww wtf why the hell is she hung up over this loser?? Was he her ticket to a marriage visa or what? Weebs stay picking trash men for the clout of dating a native, I guess.

No. 327442

File: 1717032888527.jpg (761.76 KB, 1080x1086, 1000025323.jpg)

Oh no this is her current guy. He cheated on his girlfriend with Vina before they were "official". I definitely think she's settling because he's her ticket to stay at this point. Would not surprise me if that changes if she gets permanent residency. They definitely try to sell this picture perfect relationship, but he's quite ugly and it's obvious Vina edits him when she can and helps him dress himself for the camera. Picrel will never fail to make me laugh.

No. 327444

He's pretty ugly and homely. I guess this is what happens when weebs get desperate for that perma residence in Japan.

No. 327447

They are gonna make the most fucked up looking anchor babies.

No. 327448

Kek Nonna no, don't manifest such an awful thing. With his lack of a jawline and her pre-surgery nose? She seems like the type that wouldn't want to risk ruining her "so petite" >>327233 figure, so the world may be spared.

No. 327455

vina would the kind of mom to seethe that her daughter is a real japanese unlike her

No. 327470

Lol can you imagine her having a kid…
>Don't call my daughter "mixed race" you fucking ignorant Americans! She's ASIAN! Goddamn Americans are giving my child PTSD because they don't understand race!

No. 327474

Those visa goggles must be stronk because no way in hell is this toethumb faced mfer worth any of that. Then there's old adage that someone who cheats with you will cheat on you… but I guess since he's just a means to an end for her, it might not matter in the long run. I wouldn't be surprised if they were mutually cheating tbh.

No. 327478

>wouldn't be surprised if they were mutually cheating tbh.
I'm not sure either of them are even capable of it, looking like they do. Mikan is a foreign weeb with a social media following, I feel like people would be off-put or notice her too much. Yasu is frankly just ugly, but I guess another weeb could get interested in him too

No. 327480

>seethe that her daughter is a real japanese unlike her
I think maybe the opposite would happen, she'd hate her daughter for having her old "ugly" kurdish nose. I think Vina has boy-mom energy, she'd nag a daughter to keep her skinny and pretty as a mini-mikan doll, always bragging about her in public but nagging her at home. She'd let her son get away with anything, and he'll be a sexpest.

No. 327490

I'm pretty sure she's said before that she doesn't want kids. It was on her old twitter (now deleted). I think she's mentally incapable of caring about anyone except herself, anyway. She's also definitely watching ex-jvloggers whose lives have been consumed by giving birth & the resulting baby. I can't imagine it looks like an attractive option to her or anyone else. Honestly the birth rate would probably rise if fewer influencers were producing long boring vlogs of them crying and fretting and loathing their bodies. Every one with a crying or sad thumbnail kek.

It's fine for people not to have kids, anyway, I don't blame anyone for not wanting to.

No. 327499

>I'm pretty sure she's said before that she doesn't want kids.
About half of women with kids have at some point in their lives been certain they never wanted kids at all kek it's just the way it is.
> I think she's mentally incapable of caring about anyone except herself, anyway.
The opportunity to have her genes be mixed with japanese genes may eventually lure her in, it's a weebs dream(tinfoiling/derailing)

No. 327507

Every zoomer says they don't want kids. It's the trendy thing to say, to virtue signal that you're socially conscious and "don't wanna bring a child into a world like this." They don't actually mean it.

It's an anchor to stay in Japan as well, like Lorena got to stay bc of her kids despite not having a job or any value to society.(derailing)

No. 327618

I'm pretty sure the frogman is from SEA not Japanese, his kid would be useless. He's useful because she can get a bigger place and not pay rent thanks to him, she won't dump him for that reason.

No. 327624


Y'all mfs with a breeding kink should advocate for more affordable costs of living if you want to breed zoomer women(infighting/derailing)

No. 327625

What makes you think he's SEA?

No. 327628

wtf is this deranged comment lmao
nta but his mom is filipino and his dad japanese. They said it in a QNA video.

No. 327647

He's still nationally japanese though, isn't he? I agree though, I honestly don't see a longterm future for her and frogman, especially not one with children. He's convenient while she builds her "business", gets permanent residency, gets cosmetic surgery, etc. but I fully expect her to upgrade when/if the opportunity presents itself. She's obviously entirely obsessed with a very specific aesthetic and frogman is an absolute eyesore. If she does stay with him it's because he is a "safe" option as he obviously couldn't do better.

No. 327673

Yes, half japanese living in japan is obviously japanese
I know the kids talk got redtexted but I imagine the second Vina finds out there's a new thread about her she'll read it and post some vague comment like "omg ppl don't believe girls when you say you don't want kids" or something.
>If she does stay with him it's because he is a "safe" option as he obviously couldn't do better.
The girl he two-timed/cheated and ghosted for Vina was prettier than her though. Iirc he found her annoying because she was depressed or something like that.

No. 327676

>She's obviously entirely obsessed with a very specific aesthetic and frogman is an absolute eyesore
I feel like aesthetic girlies actually like it when their boyfriend is an eyesore, it just makes them look more attractive in comparison example alida simone and taylor r. I think the younger generation (especially tiktok celebrities favoured by the under 20s age group) tend to favour looksmatches, but the instagram/youtube elder zoomer/millennial generation seem to favour the ugly/kawaii setup. So I don't think him being decidedly mid is a problem, mikan is definitely the type of girl, like alida and taylor, who enjoy looking better than the people around them so they can be irl magical girls.

No. 327680

>elder zoomer/millennial generation seem to favour the ugly/kawaii setup
it's not about them being ugly lol they literally just want a rich man/man who can provide what they want, in this case a japanese bf gave vina social (weeb) status and the ability to save face from being dumped, and it keeps her in japan.

No. 327720

File: 1717457361608.jpeg (406.17 KB, 1170x1012, IMG_2894.jpeg)

Anyone else notice her constantly fawning over one of those white weeb cosplayers who tapes their eyes back? He’s all over her social media.

No. 327728

That's a whole girl with a boyfriend nonna. She's just queerbaiting for the likes, though I don't doubt she'd dip on frogman for an actual pretty boy if the circumstances were right.

No. 327730

Kek, ngl I though she was just a fag hag too before looking at Ariderion's recent uploads. Bitch photoshops herself like Fahr from /pt/ with the unhealthy Loki obsession.

No. 327733

Vina has always sucked up to other influencers so she can leech off of them, she used to do it to venus and another person whose name i can't remember

No. 327935


No. 327947

possibly her yeah

No. 328038

Happy to see a good active thread on w outside of Pixie's, she has a lot of potential

Nah americans are way too neurotic about race, that much is clear to non-burgers. She would've won if she wasn't so obsessed with being the nice girl in every single moment. I hate how defensive and thin-skinned she is

No. 328043

File: 1717941111782.jpg (541.73 KB, 1536x2048, omiomi-offical-mikan.jpg)

I know she didn't design this outfit herself but dear god is it tacky and ugly

No. 328044

File: 1717941222919.png (66.73 KB, 1122x242, mikan-twitter.png)

Anyone know what this was about? Baiting for sympathy?

No. 328045

Anyone noticed how it seems like the new thing to do as a foreigner in Japan is to design clothes? What is that about?(sage your shit)

No. 328047

A lot of these overseas girls that come to Japan to live their "uwu jfashion" lifestyle aren't that great at being designers. She's wearing her friend Naomi's outfit in this pic, and everything looks so horribly cheap. From the itchy lace, shiny fabric, and cheap ribbons, it's a hot mess. The outfit isn't even making mikan look like her petite XXS self like she usually likes to brag about.

No. 328050

Easier way to keep a visa than getting married or becoming a prostitute, I guess?

No. 328051

Notice how the bands around her waist cut into her and makes her fat pop out, and she's a skinny girl. I'm surprised she agreed to have these photos taken and put online, even more surprised the brand owner thought that was a good look for her clothes(*rattle rattle*)

No. 328054

This is truly awful, nothing is a logical or fitted shape, the fabric is halloween costume tier, and it is so badly constructed it even makes Mikan bulge out of it (those ribbons? tf?) like what did the designer use as a dress form? Did she just wing it without testing it on any actual humans?

No. 328064

That is definitely a tacky outfit. The cheap ace and shiny kids-first-sailor-moon-cosplay fabric.

No. 328065

File: 1717973425085.png (1.32 MB, 864x1296, 1000028608.png)

it actually does get even worse. I see she's all over the brand's IG. I don't see anything redeemable about these clothes.

No. 328071

At least it's technically not her fault? This brand looks so cheap. She'll take any model gig.

No. 328074

File: 1717979769298.png (108.58 KB, 1059x611, mikantweets.png)

always with the pantyshot pose too. At the very least they could have ironed this monstrosity.

No clue, she doesn't even address it in the comments. She made five separate posts on June 4th about "only sleeping an hour" and then went on about doing nothing but sleeping up to 12 hours a day. Now she's trying to self diagnose herself with POTS? Bonus picrel, her whining about how rough her life is and people mistaking her for a white girl. kek

Is that botched twink wearing a diaper? the adult baby vibes is strong in this shoot.

No. 328075

>asked if I was Ukrainian
You just know she loved being mistaken for a white girl since she hates being Kurdish so much

No. 328078

I mean….Crimean Tatars are pretty brown when compared to the rest of the pale Ukranians.

No. 328079

File: 1718005754290.png (197.31 KB, 524x220, pain.png)

wtf is that redtext? are you saying average and bigger women just LOVE having their fat squeezed out on display in their expensive brand clothes? That's a $200 (and that's while on sale) outfit, it looks like shit and doesn't even fit a skinny person. It's a bad sign that it's not gonna look good on anyone.

No. 328080

Not her fault, but as an influencer with a brand she should think about what she posts online of herself and fetish-looking stuff isn't the best look for someone with a past of selling sexual photos online

No. 328081

Why all the crying emojis? She literally had multiple surgeries to get rid of her distinctly kurdish nose to look like a stereotypical smaller white nose. Is she humble bragging about looking white or is she trying to say "omg how could anyone not see I'm a fullblooded (west) ASIAN!!" again.
Being that upset over being mistaken for Ukranian is so rude like damn girl thoes people have war in their country, they don't need your ass acting like being mistaken for them is some terrible insult

No. 328082

File: 1718009193734.png (1.07 MB, 863x1066, 1000028619.png)

Honestly, the other pics on the brand's Instagram look no better, but if she had been standing up or kneeling like picrel, there would have been less of an issue with the straps. Looks like you can also not wear the straps like that (see picrel). Another model wore a shirt under it (this also looks bad).

Don't misunderstand me, this is one ugly, cheap-looking set. But even
very underweight women will have some skin folding when sitting, that's not even "fat" and it's weird to harp on that. It's like making a big deal about a woman's thighs spreading out when she sits down. The issue is more about the pose, models pose to avoid normal rolls and spread.

No. 328083

File: 1718010270213.png (1.84 MB, 1098x1050, omiomi.png)

I checked out the website too and it made me kek how different the art she uses is from the actual clothes

No. 328084

>that's not even "fat" and it's weird to harp on that.
It IS fat though. We're not saying Vina is fat but what is poking out there is her fat. That's the the point, that it makes even a skinny person have visible fat poking out when the vast majority of women don't want that. It's like you said not about the actual fat or her body size, but about how poorly it fits and how bad she's posing in a way that makes the clothes look bad (as if they didn't already look awful)(*bones rattling*)

No. 328085

It's definitely some fetish diaper agere stuff after seeing the few images posted here, like I think that is why everything is so oversized and billowy and cheap so you look more like a baby, I am gonna assume Mikan possesses a smidgen of media literacy and she could also see this is agere diaperfag fetishwear when she agreed to take the gig

No. 328086

>It's definitely some fetish diaper agere stuff
It's so obvious, isn't it? The giant bear in the background, the grown-ass shirtless man that looks like he's wearing a diaper, and the oversized collar and bloomers for the girls all looks so skeevy. Mikan and her friends alike have abysmal taste when it comes to fashion, and nobody should be buying or wearing this cheap-looking mess. I'm sure she just thinks it's totally kawaii and sees no issue.

No. 328087

Off topic but Omg this MF I kept seeing him on this kawaii box subscription page that people in the comments find this dude so creepy to be promoting kawaii things. The page would never tag him. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C74K-RVOy1N/?igsh=MWxvMWh0djlkdnEwNA==(this is an imageboard)

No. 328090

His whole aesthetic is pink and kawaii.

No. 328092

Oli London lookin ass

No. 328094

This is the same girl who complains a skirts too long unless her cheeks are peeking and consistently pulls a pantyshot pose in photos. I don't think she actually cares as long as she gets attention for being so "cute and smoll uwu". Aging is going to absolutely crush her.

No. 328095

are you nonas obese or is it just the farmhand kek the red texts in this thread are so retarded and inconsistent
>I don't think she actually cares as long as she gets attention for being so "cute and smoll uwu".
girls like mikan who are very insecure (she knows she'd be single without plastic surgery) will relish in whatever attention she gets from her target demographic (men). My theory is that since she started out by doing those "petite" sexy photos that's where she first got hooked on getting attention and validation(ban evading )

No. 328096

You know the clothes are shit when even in the drawing looks like shit.

No. 328112

I can hear this video on mute, disgusting.
His aesthetic is being an obnoxious faggot lol

No. 328114

File: 1718124974459.jpeg (174.87 KB, 828x965, IMG_7020.jpeg)

Cow crossover. She talks about buying responsibly and alleges her clothing is ethically sourced/made but it’s really hard to believe that when most of her clothes look like variations of aliexpress/Shein/Yesstyle clothes

No. 328115

Rich coming from Jill when pretty much all she buys is sweatshop cheap tat kek

No. 328128

File: 1718130560128.jpg (293.75 KB, 905x881, 1000012389.jpg)

>based oomfie

No. 328172

Fuckin yikes. He was sketch looking in the photo with Mikan but seeing this video, that mouth is just nightmare fuel. That photo was flattering compared to this.

No. 328183

Mikan virtue signaling to the surprise of no one… I don't buy it for a second. Like hell her ass cares about sweatshops when 97% of her clothing is cheap fast fashion BS.

No. 328235

File: 1718333873877.png (74.48 KB, 593x608, mikanmoneyrant.png)

No. 328240

I thought Yasu was a construction worker or something? I remember that from older threads.

No. 328250

Imagine logging on twitter and your partner is loudly calling you broke in a tweet chain kekw

No. 328251

Frogman is ugly AND broke? What is she even doing proudly dragging him like this kek. Whatever it takes to prove you are another"self-made girlboss" I guess.

No. 328254

Mikan, this is not the flex you think this is lmao. Imagine proudly bragging about how you're the girl boss business woman, and you have a broke ass boyfriend that you employ. Is he making fair wages then? lol Also, I have to point out this post >>327053 of her spending habits. She absolutely does buy extravagant items. Just because she has all these PR sponsorships doesn't take away from the luxury items (like the pet bed) and upkeep she does on her hair, nails, and face. Even thrifting can get expensive

No. 328255

Shaming her future visa-kun and body checking all in one convo. She really does know how to multi task.

No. 328271

>Tokyo rent is cheap
Yes, when you're paid in American dollars… this bitch is so out of touch lmao. Even then she probably has extra money sent to her from parents because no way is she funding her luxurious lifestyle off of that shein-tier excuse for a so-called business she's running.

No. 328294

Yasu is probably not the most socially aware moid but insulting a man's capability of taking care of his loved ones usually hits them really hard, and Japan has very strict gender roles to begin with. I'm sure Vina just sees it as her being a girlboss that she can insult her bf openly like this

No. 328295

The way she subtly ana-chan flexes at the end too, she's truly the master of multitasking

No. 328297

File: 1718389000033.jpeg (335.94 KB, 1170x1769, IMG_3145.jpeg)

How is she an ana-chan for eating tomato soup? That’s a reach.
Off topic but since nobody else brought it up yet, did anyone else see her go through that scandal where she worked with this travel company that is a documented scam? Other influencers have exposed them in the past. It seems like a bunch of her followers spent thousands of dollars to meet her in Japan and the whole time she was complaining.

No. 328298

File: 1718389135309.jpeg (358.05 KB, 1170x1721, IMG_3146.jpeg)

More complaining as if it isn’t her fault for not doing her due diligence before having her followers drop who knows how much on tickets. Influencers on these trips also get paid thousands of dollars to promote this scam. She was complaining but she still got paid.

No. 328299

File: 1718389392201.jpeg (231.83 KB, 1170x1273, IMG_3147.jpeg)

No. 328326

take a fucking xanax and take a break from social media vina. fucking shit shes so high strung over fucking nothing

No. 328334

How “were so in love” of her

No. 328368

>How is she an ana-chan for eating tomato soup? That’s a reach.
It's the "I only ate X thing and nothing else". It's the kind of humble-brag she always does so I don't think it's any different than usual.
>Other influencers have exposed them in the past.
"I didn't know this scam I promoted was a scam because I do not research anything I shill to my followers" isn't the flex she think it is, though at least she's being honest about it.

No. 328370

Anyone with familiarity with anachans can see what she's subtly doing. She's been pretty obvious in the past with her fixation on being "super petite" too. She might not be a full blown skelly, but the behaviors are there. As a bonus she gets to play the "I'm actually totally poor" card again like she did during her "how could I ever afford a breadmaker" sperg out.

No. 328380

if they are struggling financially, why did Yasu stop working construction? (probably he was supervising, just a guess though) Construction work is at least consistent and good money; iirc from last threads he said his dad got him that job so I doubt he could really fuck it up.

No. 328383

Sounds like a really fucking smooth brained move to walk away from a steady decent paying nepo job to work for (checks notes)…your pink haired dropout foreign girlfriend who is a glorified drop shipper and who takes aesthetic pictures of herself in frilly ugly clothing for weebs to aspire to for a living.

No. 328392

So he's using her for an easy life and doesn't have to worry about getting a job if anything goes south cause daddy will take care of him. Meanwhile she needs to secure that visa and he's easy/convenient. It's better than pulling another Shiena, but I can still see this relationship falling apart in the next couple of years, especially with her openly dragging him like that.

No. 328464

who cares if she's insulting a moid

No. 328493

her moid should care, her normal non-moid hating followers should also care

No. 328532

No. 328553

As the one that nonna is replying to idc about the moid being hurt but no matter the gender of vinas partner that must be a wild experience to have kekw It doesn’t exactly paint her in the best light when to comes to awareness

No. 328560

Most people love and care about the person they date and refrain from posting mean things about them online. Most people also wouldn't enjoy having their significant other or person they love post about how bad they are or how they can't earn any money as an adult who is supposed to contribute to the household.

Similarly if someone you look up to posts mean shit about their partner online you can deduce they're not a good person, but someone who mistreats their loved ones both in private and public. Literally no one on LC cares about Yasu's wellbeing, no one is sad on his behalf. We simply like to gossip about Vina being a shitty girlfriend to him. Hope that helps!

No. 328562

Honestly nona he brought this upon himself if he wasn't a cheating asshole leaving his previous gf for her. He reaps what he sows imo, they both sucks

No. 328583

I don't think anyone here actually feels bad for the frogman nonna. It's just kind of weird or rude to drag your partner like that publicly. She definitely doesn't sound that into him tbh, she talks about him like he's a pet. kek

No. 328627

I think Vina would drop him for a fully Japanese guy tbh

No. 328718

oh cool a Mikan thread kek
lord she's such an uggo, her skimpy body is literally the only thing she got going for her and she KNOWS it
how the fuck is she still in japan?

No. 328771

>her skimpy body is literally the only thing she got going for her
Sadly it's true. If she ever gains weight she will lose most of her following as she is mostly just thinspo to people. Even at a normal-sized weight she just wouldn't be intereting to the aesthetic weeb crowd, she only made it because she's skinny. It's a sad world, but it's the truth.

No. 328781

She isn't ugly. At least she is prettier than you femcel weebs (❁´ω`❁)(wking)

No. 328881

File: 1719031721747.jpeg (444.73 KB, 1125x1301, IMG_2310.jpeg)

I have no words

No. 328889

>I am a misandrist
>dating an ugly, jobless, and broke man
kek. okay vina. Wasn't she also who frogman cheated on his gf for?

No. 328918

File: 1719050174357.gif (1.2 MB, 500x279, Sure.gif)

>dates a man
>hangs around gay men like the faghag she is
>sucks Dylan Mulvaney's dick about how stunning and brave he is

No. 328944

That's what a pick me would say. kek

No. 328983

>has a documented history of shitting on her female friends publically and privately
>constantly nitpicking and fighting with her female followers
>funding the life of a broke, chubby frog faced man who cheated on his girlfriend to be with her which she knew
>set all her followers on the girlfriend when she tried to warn her by tagging her, posting the dm screenshots calling her a liar who was trying to break them up
>no apology when the discord screenshots with timestamps proved the girlfriend was right
>publicly simps for dylan mulvaney
I think the word shes looking for is misogynist

No. 328985

Mikan is the opposite of a girls-girl, you only see her with other girls if she can post pics of them in skimpy outfits, preferably ones for her brand so she can earn money from them

No. 329027

>bitches out women actually interested in purchasing her shit bc they had some criticism and concerns
>earnestly responds to a comment by male with a wet clothes fetish
>coombaity poses in every modeling gig she has
>"in reality i am a misandrist"
philoandrist scum says what?

No. 329048

Such an unsurprising, transparent attempt to appeal to farmers lol. We see right through it. What a load of libfem bullshit, "tee hee see i'm just like you, a based boss bitch who uses and debases men (in a way that still benefits them)". And no one's calling you a pickme for wearing pink, you disingenuous grifter.

No. 331794

My first time commenting here, not sure if I’m doing it right.

Anyway I was wondering what happened to that Tokyo/Kyoto trip earlier this year. I just remembered that was supposed to happen, but don’t recall seeing any videos or posts about it. I saw the tweets here, but does anyone have some more info besides the tweets? Did she not make any content about it?

No. 331798

She did tweet about it, some of the tweets are in the screencap compilation of where she larps as poor while spending thousands on new furniture and designer clothes every month

No. 331828

If I remember correctly, she complained about having to be social the entire time.

No. 331856

File: 1721049212062.png (8.75 MB, 6673x5976, MikanTrovaTrip.png)

Was this the Trova trip she advertised then bitched about being a scam on her Twitter? It sounds like a lot of this wasn't her fault (messing up the train schedule is out of her control) but the whole "Tee hee I trusted the reviews and couldn't possibly think reviews are fake! Don't blame poor lil ol' me!" thing is gross.

No. 331862

>>331856 The fact she thought she is personable enough to do such a big hosting event in Thailand. She’s a difficult person to deal with I can’t even imagine her in that high stress of an environment kek

No. 331973

She's literally acting like a snotty cunt to everyone, she's just not pleasant to be around nor does she strike me as someone who actually wants to be around people. It's just all around odd of her to think that's something she should be doing. At the absolute very least she knows her own humor is sarcastic and mean, she just calls it her "british humor"

No. 332000

"Got Kinda used to" not so much as an oh it was lovely to meet these people/fans/followers who I enticed to join the trip.

Maybe I'm overthinking it but this is kinda bitchy? It was soo terrible but I almost didn't mind in the end? These people paid a lot of money for what was probably a dream trip with someone they admire but all she can do is complain.

No. 332015


Yeah, like I do think trova trip is too expensive and probably a bit scammy, but she could have made something good out of it. I remember some other youtuber I used to watch also went to Japan with trova trip, and as far as I can remember he and the people that paid to go with him were all positive.

I hope the people that went with Mikan had at least some kind of positive experience. Has someone that went with her spoken about it somewhere? Would love to hear from them how it was.

No. 332124

File: 1721243763702.png (5.91 MB, 1284x2778, IMG_6998.png)

All that fighting over a toad who looks like this. He’s definitely gained weight

No. 332218

he looks a bit like a tif, his jawline is so pudgy

No. 332233

she might have snagged herself the ugliest japanese moid out of the kaweewee cows (minus the ones getting with the elderly kek). He looks like a big toe, absolutely no jawline to be had.

No. 332234

despite her being a horrible person, she at least is leagues above him in terms of appearance, the fact she fought his ex over him when he looks like the retarded autistic cousin of Toad is hilarious, like how low of a self esteem do you have to snatch an ugly moid like this?

No. 332267

Kaweeweebs see a trophy, not a person. He may be ugly as sin, but she can use him as an accessory to enhance her "totally legit Japan influencer" status, and that's what's attractive to her. It's sad thinking that some weebs out there are probably actually jelly of her froggy little catch.

No. 332291

Hard disagree they are perfect for eachother (although she has had another nose job since this photo was taken) >>>/snow/516686

No. 332302

And she's said he's broke and doesn't have a job outside working for her brand. He doesn't have looks, money, and he's a cheater. Bottom of the barrel moid in all ways.

At least if they ever did have kids her witch nose and chin might balance out his unfortunate toad genetics.

No. 332538

not white-knighting Mikan bc her personality and taste are often putrid, but I think she looks cute in the pic you linked. Much better than the fried baby pink cotton candy hair and all the filters turned up on whatever app she's using. I think she looks a million times better wearing colors that flatter her natural skintone. >>332124
this is horrifying. Get the moid back on the construction lot, wtf.

No. 332558

I agree, but I also think she looks like a witch here because her first nose job was a massive fail. I mean she does look better than Venus, but that's not hard.

No. 332591

She's just generally a narcissistic spoiled bitch but doesn't do anything extremely crazy so that's probably why the threads died. She gets talked about like crazy on pull to this day.

A "designer" (which vina isn't given she has other people copying alie/taobao designs) and frogger the dude she happily cheated with because he had a gf at the time they got together does a lot of the drawing etc. A "Designer" also doesn't admit she "designs" things she thinks are cute on her. You design without thinking of yourself as a real business owner. But this girl is so narcissistic, she can't do ANYTHING if it isn't for herself.

Also, Mikan isn't really a business owner. What she does is closer to merch than authentic designs and she started as on of those pseudo relatable influencers, so yes, her followers do have a right to complain.

No. 332592

She actually made a post about her future kid having an "ugly kurdish nose" and how she doesn't want that, it was pretty gross. Also pretty sure her first surgery was in the uk for cheap and her second one was free because she likely reached out to surgeons. She gets most things for free and always claims they all seek her out. But she recently got into larping mei yan and thus wearing more dainty outfits, like lacemade and they are now suddenly showering her with free gifts? Yeah right, this bitch reaches out to many companies herself.

No. 332594

She claims it's just lighting, as usual. Also for people who don't know, she edits her body more petite than it is. She is short and thin, but not petite. She has average bone structure. She claims to be "naturally thin" and has consistently been thin, but also doesn't eat large portions. At bunka, she barely ate at all. She had a tiny bit of cereal (and I mean tiny portion even for non-american standards), some cocoa, 2 buns and a plate of pasta or something for dinner iirc. Not surprising she stays thin eating like that.

No. 332595

Because she's a racist cunt.

No. 332597

No, she sometimes specifically uses the snow/meituu/insert other apps that have features that exist to specifically whiten your skin and not the rest of the photo, so it's not always just a filter.

No. 332598

No, Yasu is meek, hence part of the reason he cheated, because he didn't have the balls to break up with the other girl. Vina is the toxic one though, who convinced Yasu he doesn't do enough compared to her and treats him like he exists to service her. He's likely subtly emotionally abused/berated to some degree.

No. 332599

Yeah the tip shape was fine and suited her. All she needed was to reduce the projection and make the tip align with the oversloped nose bridge from the first job, which can be done while maintaining the tip shape, but she wanted to try for the generic button nose, now she has some monstrosity inbetween. Still over-projected with hanging columella, while losing any character in the tip. It just looks ugly now.

No. 332600

She's too self-absorbed to have a kid. And it's good she recognized that. She's not the type of person who will ever be a good mom, but I assume when she's nearing 40 or in her 40s she might change her mind. Hopefully not though, for the child's sake.

No. 332605

I think she's uglier tbh. He doesn't look great, but she is outright ugly unedited and not dolled up. See >>327143 (pic 2; closer to how she'd look irl when you can see all the shadows/textures), and she's dolled up there and still ugly.

No. 332673

I think she has an actual eating disorder. It's how she stays thin and a big reason why she's such a grumpy bitch, her default is to always be in hangry mode.

No. 332674

I think Vina is cute tbh. She's not like "omg super cute, so jealous wish I looked like that!!!" but a good average cute. Though I honestly think a lot of her looks comes simply from being skinny. So much so that if she gained up even to average weight she'd lose her looks. I'm not at all an anachan myself but I've been a teenage weeb who looked up to girls like her, she's average enough that having the ideal skinny body is the only thing that elevates her, if that makes sense. Hard to explain if you didn't grow up in those weeb spaces.

No. 332677

If you genuinely think she's uglier than that moid, I think you might have brainrot from sucking dick(infighting)

No. 332682

7:17 - 7:22
What in the world is she doing with her voice? I don't have the patience to watch the vid, but is that yaku in the back? Is she making herself look like a retarded baby for him? I personally dont believe either of them is in love with the other

No. 332716

>I only think she's cute because she's very thin
>She wouldn't be cute anymore if she gained any weight
>I'm not an anachan btw
kek anon.

I don't get why so many of the kaweewee cows pull the weird baby act. Is it trying to mimic how japanese girls talk? Anime brainrot? It's always so jarring compared to their age/looks.

No. 332719

>Is it trying to mimic how japanese girls talk?
Maybe, some women unconsciously use cute voices when talking to family/a lover, basically people they find endearing. You never know with kaweewee women though, it could very well be an aegyo thing
>ugly kurdish nose
This is so sad. Most of her self-worth rests on being attractive, she clearly spelled this out in one of her GRWM. This isn't surprising at all for someone in her field but i hope she snaps out of it before she breaks down over aging or spirals into an ED/surgery problem. I really, really hope she doesn't have a daughter before that

No. 332736

I agree with that anon, the only thing she has going for her looks wise is that she's thin. She's just normal cute, keeps fucking with her nose, has now destroyed her hair to live out her weeb dreams, and dresses like shit. She's skinny in Japan, that's enough to make young weebs admire her. Her brand relies heavily on her being thin and wearing hideous, I mean kawaii, clothing, and it probably helps her to be more accepted by Japanese people for networking, etc. You don't have to be an ana-chan to see that.

No. 332743

I didn't say she's cute because she's thin and I understand why you think that's anachan-talk, but I was really just trying to explain the dynamic between Vina and her followers. If you haven't been in those spaces you might just not get what it's like.
>She's skinny in Japan, that's enough to make young weebs admire her. Her brand relies heavily on her being thin and wearing hideous, I mean kawaii, clothing
Yeah this! It's not we personally agree with it, but she's selling a certain "brand". As a parallel imagine those influencer girls with baboon ass looking lips from injections, huge boob and butt implants. They're only popular because their followers look up to that specific look (for whatever reasons). If they didn't have their "look" they would lose their appeal and look like average girls too. I think Vina is VERY aware of her position. Just like Venus used to "secretly" have an eating disorder and only eat every second day etc to maintain a skinny body while pretending it was totally just her natural body. I don't doubt she takes pride in being skinny because even at her "ugliest" she still knew that her sex appeal to sell was being "petite" (as we've seen from her old sex work profile).

No. 332838

Is she on drugs or did she get PS (or both)? Something about her is so off in this video. Her eyes look different and her mannerisms are so erratic. It doesn’t come across as “kaweewee” to me at all, more so inappropriately fast-paced and chaotic…

No. 332840

she sounds and is acting just the same as she always has, dumb and ditzy and over animating herself. She's always been more like this around her bf compared to friends who she poses with and tries to be all elegant and the better girl. Maybe you don't see her often currently anymore. Not like she does anything anyway.

No. 332983

Does anyone feel like even with her most recent nose surgery, it left her with this weird shadow between her nose and mouth? So it almost looks like she still has the long piece they removed?

No. 332998

No. If you look at her photos she creates that space by overlining onto her cupid's bow and then the highlighting and contour she does. She shadow is an ill-effect due to all of this and how lighting actually works.

No. 333016

File: 1722202740799.jpeg (157.86 KB, 1290x920, IMG_4090.jpeg)

It is weird cuz it gives almost the same effect of that long piece she used to have. And it only happens in far away photos where she cannot edit as much.

No. 333017

File: 1722202826069.jpeg (Spoiler Image,318.81 KB, 676x696, IMG_4091.jpeg)

Here looks like a shadows and not make up. I would just be mad if my second surgery still created a problem.

No. 333029

That is called a scar

No. 333038

This is completely pixelated.
So it this one. How is anyone supposed to tell with such low res photos?

No. 333039

>>333038 anything high res she edits to hell and back so she would edit out that dent anyways lmao

No. 333080

You mean the cupids bow? I think her mouth and nose are just unusually close to each other and her cupids bow is quite "deep" so it creates a shadow naturally.

No. 333152

File: 1722433184967.jpg (646.18 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20240731_142237_Ins…)

No. 333161


No. 333163

Tbh, since she is in Japan, she might be able to get it taken down due breach of privacy since it was published online.

No. 333169

File: 1722452121466.png (1.34 MB, 1284x2778, IMG_7086.png)

Update: Facebook took it down. Try taking down here vina

No. 333170

File: 1722452251615.jpeg (78.39 KB, 516x633, IMG_7086.jpeg)

No. 333204

t's not from Japan it's from Sweden . Also the only reason why she wants it taken down is because it's unflattering.

No. 333206

Can someone explain how a person can get 2 (3?) nose jobs done and still have a big nose? Not even trying to nitpick, it just seems weird that it only ever got narrower but never smaller/less projected.

No. 333219

God her nose is awful. Just so unnatural looking, even natural ski slope noses that are more pronounced don’t usually look that odd.

No. 333228

This girl has never heard of Streisand effect. If she really wanted it down, she would tell friends in private to help her report it but no she had to tell everyone on insta. Congrats Mikan now everyone owns a copy of a photo you didn't want to go online

No. 333233

I like getting a candid photo of her, especially seeing her nose. It looks a lot bigger than it does in her own photos. Usually when anons say her nose doesn't fit her face I don't see it but here I can tell that it looks unnatural. Tbf I don't watch videos of her so I could just have looked at those earlier kek
This style of lip lining is really not working for her, it makes it look like she has a zit or is swollen or something. And she really shouldn't do styles that make her lip look even closer to her nose when it's already so close.

No. 333252

First nose job she did was get rid of the big beak bump she had cuz she’s middle eastern. But she asked for it to have a button effect and the result was horrid. Not sure what she did in Korea to somewhat reverse the effect….

No. 333377

are there photo examples of each nose job?

No. 333704

Why does she insist on treating her brand account like a personal account? The way she replies to ppl.

No. 333752

File: 1723383791841.jpg (122.54 KB, 1075x1232, _20240811_091157.JPG)

>wants European nose
>wants straight hair
>wants blonde hair
>wants lighter skin

Why does she try so hard to convince people that she loves being a brown Turkish woman when that's obviously not true.

No. 333753

Agreed but she's Kurdish, not Turkish anon.

No. 333756

I don't think she even hears how self-hating she is. Like she genuinely believes this is what pride in your own ethnicity looks like.

No. 333780

this is actually so pathetic. the sad part is she would look 100 times better if she accepted her natural features and stopped dying and straightening her hair

No. 333827

She's so retarded. Most people who dye their hair have dark roots. Those people deal with bleach or just get a wig. What exactly is stopping her from getting a lace front pink wig?

No. 333829

I love when these type of women get triggered because they cant hide behind extreme editing and a filter.

No. 334117

File: 1723737795086.jpg (76.4 KB, 1050x515, _20240815_114840.JPG)

The manufacturer told her it would be more expensive because it has to be hand sewn. Vina is about to gas light and emotionally manipulate the fuck out of her consumer base, I can see it now.

>fan: this bag is so cute but too expensive I wish it was cheaper

>Vina: oh my god do you know how much work I had to put into this!! This is ethically made!! It was sooo expensive to make and I'm sooo poor and just a small brand why do you expect so much out of me!!! I didn't have to do this, I'm doing this because because I'm a good person. Did I mention how poor and broke I am. Why do you hate small brands so much!!!!

No. 334120

If her fanbase is going to whine like that then they really shouldn't be mad about it. Handmade fully is expensive and she is right, but the people who have the money or who will use the 4-payments method will purchase them. It's like when the fat girls were complaining about not being coddled to for their sizing, but Mikan doesn't have to sell 10xl at all. It's okay to not cater.

No. 334184

nta but to be fair one doesn't exclude the other, kurds don't have a country so she could have family from turkey who are still kurds. for some reason I have a faint memory of vina saying something like that, but i could be mixing her up with another cow who acted the same
damn bragging about making something expensive and inaccessible to your fans is fucking weird, she SHOULD be saying "i worked hard to make the design accessible to more people and pressing the price down for you"

No. 334256

File: 1723873348975.png (429.65 KB, 1080x1730, Screenshot_20240816-224137-597…)

Lol you called it before it even happened.

No. 334739

She's so uncreative that she doesn't know that making handmade stuff takes HOURS

No. 334752

She already clarified once that her family is not from Turkey. Her family is Kurdish from either Syria or Iraq (I don’t remember exactly), but she doesn’t have any roots in Turkey.
>one doesn’t exclude the other
Yes it does actually, because Kurdish people do not want to be called Turkish even if they were born and raised in Turkey and have Turkish citizenship. Most of them would take huge offense to being called Turkish. And Turkish people don’t consider them to be Turkish either.
And also
>brown Turkish woman
Most Turks do not identify as "brown" and would be confused if you called them that lol. We don’t think about race like that. This is a western concept. People in this thread need to stop talking about regions and ethnicities they have absolutely no knowledge of, sincerely an actual Turkish person.

No. 334950

Oh my god. Shut the fuck up! The point was that she considers herself sooooo brown Even though she yearns for white traits.

No. 336494

Venus has been going crazy and tweeting at mikan, has Mikan responded at all?

No. 336533

File: 1727946634972.jpg (78 KB, 1080x348, 1000048633.jpg)

venus is genuinely mentally ill and tweaking so replying to her would be retarded but mikan is desperate for attention so she'll probably subtweet about it

Does anyone know why capsulebunny and mikan aren't friends anymore? They used to constantly be together

No. 337043

>>336533 That group of ppl falls out with each other constantly. Theyre a bunch of attention seekers and thats how they become friends. Mikan has had like one stable friend her entire time in Japan because she has a difficult personality and expects others to bend to her.(sage your shit)

No. 337062

theyre all vapid bitches who only care about clothes, fashion and appearance with a million selfies. they cycle friends like they cycle clothes

No. 337067

She hasn't been connected to any of these dolly cows in years.

No. 337078

She's been orbiting a Chinese influencer in Japan for a bit now, and trying to shift into he actual fashion world and not just the tacky women children who wear it.(post proof)

No. 337092

File: 1728845351200.jpg (149.57 KB, 822x800, 1000006815.jpg)

>trying to shift into the actual fashion world instead of the tacky shit women children who wear it
>dropped out of fashion school for a reason

No. 337094

Is there any evidence that they’re not friends anymore? They seemed to see be close as of last year when the Cinnagal/CapsuleBunny drama happened. They also still follow each other so there’s no reason to assume they’re not friends anymore afaik.

No. 337095

Can you cap that they follow each other if you're going to say that?

No. 337112

File: 1728853809250.jpeg (88.11 KB, 1170x608, IMG_6953.jpeg)

No. 337113

File: 1728853835480.jpeg (88.78 KB, 1170x641, IMG_6954.jpeg)

No. 337726

File: 1729968821617.jpg (408.96 KB, 1638x2048, 1000031058.jpg)

Yikes she is looking quite witchy in her profile(random photos are not milk, please sage)

No. 337753

what did you expect. also
>boob window
>never had any boobs to begin with
"your ad here"?

No. 337762

i think boob windows look cute on flatter chests. Like damn

No. 338041

File: 1730545379833.jpg (127.38 KB, 492x795, ed.jpg)

ED so quirky.(unsaged, milkless social media post)

No. 338042

That is a great salad.(sage your shit)

No. 338044

Many Turks are brown, though. No one is asking what you identify as. Nothing wrong with that.(sage your shit)

No. 338051

File: 1730555399253.png (594.8 KB, 598x844, no thank u.png)

what's with the unsaged wk in this non-milky thread

No. 338052

Sounds like it would hit the spot ngl(this is not a chatroom/no1currs)

No. 338057

I've seen that dress on AliExpress lol

No. 338190

File: 1730847033616.png (1.06 MB, 1366x768, sdjfhuiwfupiewg.png)

One of Mikan's TikToks is in a new Edvasian vid. She's literally shaking and tearing up after being accused of Asian fishing.

She refuses to call herself Middle Eastern because 'colonialism'. And claims "I don't do anything to change any of my features" kekkkk(learn 2 embed and link )

No. 338216

why post a lame screenshot and not embed the vid. Mikan appears at 11:30 and hes using her as an example as asians mistaken for asian-fishing.
i cant tell how recent her tik tok is, but its her usual whining. shes gonna have to get over the "middle east" thing. not everyone knows or cares about the term "west asian" but they know what countries are apart of the "middle east". she needs to use both

No. 338244

>"I've never done anything to change my features"
kek, why lie? She's had multiple nose jobs to erase her kurdish nose and edits her face into an entirely different face regularly. She also lightens her skin when editing constantly?

No. 338326

Kek!Kurdish people being borderline retarded is a very common joke in arab countries!I'm sure all people in Kurdistan call themselves asian and love wearing pink cute stuff!!~(racebaiting)

No. 338547

It's funny how identity politics have people in such a choke-hold. Is Mikan "west asian"? Yeah sure, though most people would use the more common term "middle eastern".
Is "west asian" the same race or ethnicity as "east asian"? Nope, they are not. There's not even any overlap that makes it confusing. They literally just both happen to be regions part of the massive continent called Asia, hence the name. I don't get what's so hard to grasp about "west asians" being able to asian fish as "east asians", it was a well-known fact back in the weeb days! I remember plenty of filipino and thai kids trying to pass as Japanese because that was seen as the cooler asian to be. It's not this massively racist thing either to be asian fishing, they're all just weebs and kboos doing cringe stuff!

No. 338769

I feel like Korea types people as being light summers/cool toned in general because they prefer pastel colors and pink cool toned makeups and hair dye. Brown eyes, dark hair, and tan skin would never be typed as a light summer by any Western color analyst lmao, maybe her pink hair is throwing it off
It made me cringe how she's smug about her "pastels" supposedly being the most flattering on her.

No. 338771

Samefag just remembered aren't you supposed to wear no makeup for color analysis otherwise it's pointless, you can look good in colors that aren't best on you if you wear makeup that suits those colors, like mikan with her pale frosty cool toned dolly makeup is doing(learn2delete)

No. 338774

It’s so obvious the cool pink clashes badly with her undertones and always has.

No. 338779

Most color matching services like that are frankly a scam. They use their personal opinions ans what's currently popular and also see what your style is so they can tell you what you want to hear.

No. 338780

"I don't care what they tell me, i'm gonna keep wearing pink anyway"
Why even go there, then? Just flat out refusing the entire premise of the thing you're using to make content 5 seconds into said content is pretty dumb. Even worse if this was supposed to be a collab or something.

No. 338786

It's so glaringly obvious from the thumbnail and literally every photo of her on the internet that the shades of pink she makes her whole aesthetic are deeply unflattering to her skin tone. What a weird weeb hill to die on.

No. 338788

I'm a casual Mikan watcher and her face always disappears when I look at her in her usual clothes unless she is wearing 10lbs of glitter makeup. So I think you all are right that the colors don't flatter her.

No. 338792

This girl also advertised for a skin clinic with full face make up and edited photos. I don’t understand why any of these brands pay her.(sage your shit)

No. 338793

These brands edit images to begin with. Makeup is probably something they ask for the best quality before and after that they can post.

No. 338841

File: 1731938960091.jpeg (113.14 KB, 478x597, IMG_4259.jpeg)

I think the jewel tones looked really nice on her. She was so smug when she said that they just naturally gravitated towards their “complimentary colours” like girl lest we forget that you dressed like this too.

No. 338844

This color palette looks so good on her, I don’t understand why she had to give up on dark hair?

No. 338846

>I don’t understand why she had to give up on dark hair?
Because she's hellbent on separating herself from her Kurdish identity as much as possible and brunette isn't kawaii enough I guess, even though she does suit dark hair so much more. She could be going natural, looking gorgeous and having shiny, healthy hair instead of this damaged, crusty mess on her head.

No. 338847

Her colored hair looks fine here >>338190 Just depends on how she styles it. I think she likes the super curly look too, it gives her volume. It's not uncommon for people to think curly = messy.

No. 338879

Nonnas say her hair is messy because it's fried all over, not because it's curly

No. 338904

Yeah they really should have done it with no makeup. They also needed to cover up her hair to get accurate results. Somehow every single colour they showed made her appear washed out and grey. She's got that emaciated Ariana Grande look going on

No. 338914

her hair looks fine cuz she just had it freshly dyed and styled at a hair salon lol the curly hair is her natural hair pattern and she refuses to take care of it so its always going to look damaged outside her salon trips

No. 338958

Would any nona be willing to say what color palettes (with examples) you think would actually suit her? I can agree that she looks washed out but idk what would fix it as I'm not good with color theory.
I have a faint memory of someone once dressing her up in a more "tomboyish" style and it suiting her a lot better than kawaii stuff

No. 339137

File: 1732268082559.jpg (37.18 KB, 343x515, 3c263686a57e360e86ce900dcfabf1…)

Because of her swarthiness she's either dark autumn or deep winter, I'd say more deep winter because her skin has a grayish tinge rather than warmth, so dark richly saturated jewel tones and stuff are probably her most flattering colors

No. 339191

Oh I can actually see what you mean! I think she'd be more successful if her aesthetic wasn't kawaii plastic but more down to earth

No. 339221

File: 1732331139718.jpg (628.56 KB, 1029x1830, 20241122_221106.jpg)

Decided to take a look at her site to see what shit she's selling now and I couldn't believe my eyes. I knew she was already ripping people off, but to charge $70 for a see-through turtleneck???? The other colors are also sheer but they're not as obviously bad as this one. Not only does this make you a shitty designer, but it makes you a shitty stylist and photographer for not making her change bras!

No. 339223

I honestly think the design is cute, but the price is so high. I see this a lot with other tikotk/instagram popular girls with small brands. I understand starting out and needing to make back on your investments for samples and then buying minimum orders to have in stock, but even with inflation that is a lot of money to put back onto the consumer. Maybe $55 I'd understand more.

No. 339227

I agree that it's cute, but it's just too impractical to justify the price - especially whens she calls it "perfect" and says you can "wear it on its own".

No. 339230

Sweaters like this have exited for a while, you wear a white cami or a long sleeve shirt under. It's a layering item imo, not supposed to be worn alone all the times, but people wear bralettes under stuff like this too.

No. 339273

A see-through shirt in Japan? She's in the wrong country for that market. Then again I assume she sells to non-Japanese weebs and her living in Japan is part of the appeal, if she was jus another weeb in the US or whatever nobody would care or buy

No. 339277

Has she had yet another nose job? She's wearing a plaster on her nose in this video and sounds a bit more nasal. I skipped through the vid and didn't hear her mention it. Can anyone else confirm?

No. 339282

>chinese slave labour is good and ethical. other countries also have child labour too, you know?
>all my shit is made and shipped from china. i work so hard!
>the japanese are scammers!
>panty flash
>my sweatshop liaison thinks i'm a bitch, i love her
>i lost money because "my" designs are shit
>i got swindled because admittedly i'm a gullible dumb gaijin who keeps talking about the west while living in japan
>i got a panic attack because i don't know how to put on clothes
>panty flash
>my customers are amazing (even though i cuss them out on twitter)

i think the nose thing is a retarded attempt at matching with the huge miffy plushies

No. 339306

>panty flash
post screenshots if so(spoonfeed request)

No. 339328

i get that this is an imageboard but if you're so keen on seeing her underwear, go watch the video yourself. i don't want to be subjected to that again

No. 339336

Nta, but she is wearing bloomers. You can see the outline around her whole upper thigh. In no way are her panties showing at all, ever in this video. They would be under 3 different layers before you even got to that.

No. 339351

lmao this wasn't a spoonfeed request, it was a comment to say "post proof then"

No. 339352

Anon was wrong anyway, they weren't even close to being panties. No wonder they wouldn't cap it.

No. 339382

File: 1732581496993.png (3.04 MB, 1762x1452, mikan.png)

>Anon was wrong anyway, they weren't even close to being panties
And that's why it was questioned. Though I have to say after skimming the video it is really weird to frame and pose yourself so your legs are in center of the video like this. It's not how youtuber pose themselves on videos, it's how camgirls do it.

Accidentally played it at 39:19 where Mikan, in pink hair with a literal bow on her fucking NOSE, surrounded by plushies, scratches her head dissing a company by asking
>"Weird. Are we children? Are we 10 years old?"
Girl- you tell me.

No. 339383

The nose ribbon made me think she got yet another nosejob kek.

No. 339502

How much do we think she makes from her clothing brand? It must be her main income now but I can't imagine many of her fans actually buy the shit.

She used to get decent views on YouTube, but she rarely gets over 50k views now. She's only had two videos this year reach 100k

No. 339543

I assume she's not making that much on her brand and that it's more of a passion project. I don't watch her content much but I've never seen her do any kind of "small business" type of content like packing orders and such. I also don't think their tiny apartment is even big enough for all that so I guess it's all just handled for her by the manufacturer.

No. 339545

YouTube videos isn't where her buyers are, they are on tiktok, reels, and shorts.

No. 339550

>it's all just handled for her by the manufacturer
she says exactly this in the video. also she only posts like once a month or so, going by the dates

No. 339578

Most "small business" content I see are from people who still have the dignity to ship items to themselves first so they can quality check and make sure everything is right, put in some goodies etc. Dropshipping your own brand is so sad.
Btw did she ever mention why her brand logo is a lamb? I don't associate them with her in any way

No. 339934

Why is dropshipping your personal brand that has your personal clothes bad? That's not the same as fast fashion.

No. 341037

It's lazy, impersonal and shows a lack of care in the products quality. Any small company will tell you quality checks are vital because flaws are common and you don't want to damage your brand and disrespect your customers by sending flawed items.
Designing something and then making some company do all the heavy work for you is just the same as doing merch. Which is fine, if you're doing merch. But Vina is acting like this is her superior fashion brand and not just a cheap merch product.

No. 341155

Man, this thread really took me back. I knew Mikan back in the Facebook days when she would pander to known pedos who happened to be popular and they'd use each other for Facebook clout (of all things) with fake relationships and other gay e-drama. I wish I still had access to my old account, because she was known for her fake sweet persona while constantly starting fights with girls she was jealous of while also saying insanely racist things in group chats. I know my word is only worth so much, but I'm sure someone will pass through and know what I'm talking about. She was close friends with a Swedish sex worker named Shelby (forgot her last name) who was also popular in the community, just to constantly call her an ugly fat whore behind her back kek.(no caps/blog)

No. 341169

So, no caps and you can't remember the names of everyone fully. Honestly don't believe any of this. No one years later not a single person, with how *popular you keep emphasizing all these people around her were, that caps wouldn't have come up already. It isn't old like MySpace. Surely you can find something to legitimize your post.

No. 341173

File: 1734701553807.png (807.42 KB, 784x1022, ericka.png)

Sorry about that, I realize it was pretty off-topic without any proof or relevant caps. After sleeping on it, I remembered the friend's name. It wasn't Shelby, it's Shelley Floryd. Here's a Swedish article about her struggles as a sex worker: https://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/a/aP31b4/att-vara-hora-ar-att-vara-skadespelare
Her facebook: https://www.facebook.com/virisuntviri

The reason why so much of what I've mentioned is lost is due to the fact that everyone in that "community" was constantly having to remake their accounts after getting banned, on top of Facebook being a broken site with an unusable search function. I have very little left from that period because it was, in all honesty, a cesspool. I'll post what little I was able to scrounge up about Mikan though. Here's a screenshot of Mikan saying she'd worship the ground spat on by a community cow named Ericka Camacho, who was known for doing sex work, meth, and scamming since she was 15 and was still underage at the time of this post.

No. 341174

File: 1734701689381.png (169.66 KB, 1214x758, 22.png)

A bunch of moids talking about Mikan being insane with one of them trying to defend her because she bought him a Vita. Mikan and her friends, for some reason, often bought men things and lent them money and I have no idea why.

No. 341175

File: 1734701791179.png (106.6 KB, 1372x604, 022.png)

It was basically an inside joke for a lot of people that Mikan was nuts and doing sex work since she was underage.

No. 341211

Mikan deleted her Twitter again. Or changed the name to something else.

No. 341216

Random men will always be irrelevant. We can't even prove the VITA guy

None of your caps show Mikan trying to fight like you said >>341155 and also no caps of Mikan calling these girls fat behind their backs or being rude. She shouldn't be interacting with older teens sexualizing themselves, obviously. I'm wondering though if this is a case of being close enough in age that they were in the same community and they just blurred lines because of 'community and support' these girls think is empowering when it isn't and just further grooms each other. She's 27 now, so 7 years ago she would be 20. It's not really that strange for a 20-year-old and a 17-year-old to be in the same circles, especially when you consider many people graduate at 16 and 17, so being in that weeby, edgy subculture online together makes sense. She's not making a comment a moid would like saying she's fuck the hell out of her or she should take her top off, not even about kissing the ground at least.

No. 341219

huh. the only other place that links to her twitter is her brand account and that hasn't been updated in a month

No. 341237

Pastels dont suit her at all. Never did, never will. She's just butthurt that she doesnt have fair, cool toned skin and is now smug about it. It's also part of the reason she whitewashes her skin so much. She also doesnt suit anything "kawaii" because she looks too masculine, as well as pastels looking like dogshit on her. She has to edit herself to look even remotely decent.

There are literal screencaps on the old pull website of her nasty ass fb comments, including racist ones about chinese guys in her language school. So I don't find what anon said to be untrue. We already know she is a bratty bitch and did sex work as a teen.It's also gross for a 20 YEAR OLD ADULT to be supporting a teenager whoring themselves out.

No. 341238

Another thing, aside from the old leaked fb posts proving mikan is an antagonistic bitch and mikan's obvious dominant/bitchy/bullying personality that support what anon said is 1. the way she shit talks Yasu to uplift herself and 2. when she made that video discussing how this girl was scared of her when she got the main role in a play when mikan was in elementary school over mikan who really wanted it. apparently the girl was profusely apologizing to mikan and mikan acted all fake kawaii in the video and was like "why would she do that teehee poor thing." It's quite obvious mikan complained and maybe even bullied her for it. which is inline with how she acted on fb as a teen/early twenties. i think she's always been an entitled, narcissistic bitch. Almost 30 and she hasnt changed one bit.(doubleposting)

No. 341259

PULL is closed down, so it's up to you to fill her threads with these caps. Not the job of anons who aren't bringing up this milk to do it. We also know she's bitchy. No one here thinks she's sweet and kind. You're just recycling old milk. Post something new.

No. 341473

File: 1735274137146.jpeg (915.74 KB, 1125x904, IMG_4785.jpeg)

I didn’t even recognize her in this thumbnail.

No. 341478

ntayrt but why are you repeatedly whiteknighting so hard? Stop asking to be spoonfed and look at her old threads for all these caps that everyone has already seen and know about instead of pretending they don't exist

No. 341481


Life changing documentary(no caps, screenshot what you're linking to, this is an imageboard)

No. 341485

If its all old then why bother bringing it up at all? >>341237 needs to lurk instead of lamenting about this.

No. 341486

Literally doesn't look anything like her

No. 341505

Her face is the same of you crop it out.

No. 341520

Prove it because I thought that was a Japanese woman in the thumbnail.

No. 341526

Surprised that they used her real surname and hometown in the written post. She definitely tried to hide those details in the past.
I feel like Vina is stuck in the 2010s. She moved to Japan in 2017 and keeps retelling the story over and over. Plus this post trying to capitalise on the 'pink lady', 'green lady', etc trend from back then that used to get a lot of views. She's so tired.

No. 341532

She doesn't look Japanese at all. Also what is there to prove?

No. 341533

File: 1735410803772.jpg (234.66 KB, 1365x767, mikan-nose.jpg)

what in the whoville is going on w her nose?? it stays looking worse the more it heals.

No. 341534

What is her dream nose even supposed to look like at this point? It looks botched.

No. 341586

Her dream nose is one completely unachievable because her whole fucking facial structure is built around having a big ass nose. She wants a cute button nose but her face would probably collapse in on itself if she even got close to that. The surgeons are just pulling her nose out and up as far as possible to force a slope.

No. 341592

She has a naturally long nose that grows from the very top of her lip but wants to turn it into a cute short button nose hence the disfiguration.

No. 341616

praying that’s a wonky filter and not another nose job

No. 341715

it looks like those fucked up whoville noses that are for some reason really popular in Russia and adjacent countries right now.

Instead of going to South Korea, she should have done better research and flown to Turkey, where there are doctors there who are actually experienced in working with people like her. Instead, she did it in South Korea because it was free. That is never a good sign when they offer shit for free.

No. 341722

Turkey is also a really iffy destination these days, because you can't trust what you see online anymore including reviews. So many people who thought they were going to top of the line surgeons are ending up botched really badly because these doctors have started seeing surgical tourists as cashgrabs, so the prices aren't even worth it anymore. I follow a plastic surgery subreddit and there are so many awful cases but it's difficult to seek recompense being as there aren't many protections for people getting their work done overseas. By the time they've been fleeced of their money, most don't have enough to cover legal fees and pursue justice and the devastation plus depression really wear a person down mentally and emotionally. That being said, Korea is also not really a destination i'd consider for something like noses, and especially not for the suspiciously low price of free.

No. 341809

She has Anne Frank tier face lol.
Anyway I thought shed have OF or something but then all those nudes are made with AI. Makes me feel a bit sad for girls growing up nowadays.(sage your shit)

No. 342262

when will you open venus's thread(take it to meta/sage your shit/this is not venus's thread retard)

No. 343711

File: 1738450298760.jpeg (737.93 KB, 3085x1976, B2079F31-2381-45F5-8BC7-A6D048…)

I want to know who vina thinks will be buying this aliexpress ripoff for $100(this is not milk, please sage next time)

No. 343742

That's suspiciously similar tbh

No. 343745

There are also some on Amazon with different bodice trims also. This type of baby doll slim fit top isn't new, looks like Mikan just wanted to make her own.

No. 343749

File: 1738551354409.jpg (3.12 MB, 4096x2304, 1000055448.jpg)

I very easily found 2 exact dupes on shein, and according to a quick look at the reviews shein has been selling these since at least mid 2023, so they're not copying her.

No. 343761

Liz Lisa had a top like this back in like 2015 or something, they're not a new idea by any stretch of the imagination.

No. 343771

yeah, but eyelet AND pintucks AND same design? at least something could have been different. i don't even care if it's a copy or a dupe, but there's no reason why anyone would pay for mikan's version over a chinese version considering the quality is the same.

No. 343772

that's probably because many of the cheap factories she uses will just find a similar item and they're not really making the designs she submits. it's hard to get good factories that will really pay attention to detail now as well.

No. 343801

come on nonas, give her some credit. i mean, dropshipping is so hard

No. 343807

Her design has flower buttons and a different bodice. This tinfoil is shit and she hasn't even released her's yet. No one is hovering over Mikan to steal deaigns that already exist. This isn't good milk.

No. 343810

>>343807 Yeah I wouldn’t say anyone has copied anybody, just that Mikan has very little actual creativity which is nothing new.

No. 343826

I don't think anyone thinks shien stole her designs kek. Also calling her concepts designs is generous based on the child drawing shit she put out at Bunka. She likely just communicates with her oh so ethical sweatshop what generic slop she wants to produce next.

No. 343856

from my experience she'd have to atleast provide a photo/collage of a pre-existing items, if not a technical fashion drawing (which i am sure she can't do). a cheap chinese factory needs something to go off of.

No. 344297

The question was never if they copied her, it was if Vina copied existing clothes while pretending she's the one who designed it.

No. 344304

Thats such a basic piece of clothing. It's not copying from her or the others.

No. 344311

Agreed. It's like accusing Target of stealing from Wal-Mart because they both sell black t-shirts. It's all the same sweatshop labor, nonas. But holy hell, is she actually asking $100 for this? >>343711 That's got to be a 500% markup, at least.

No. 344312

Idk when she's claiming it's her hard design work that created it and for a hefty designer price it still seems very dishonest to me

No. 344313

Nta, but this comes off the same way every influencer thinking they came up with a new design and idea come off. They all sound fake. Even the more viral ones. I will say the fact that her's has cute buttons and nicer ruffles is a bonus for people. Even the strip of fabric the buttons are on has a slight scallop edge and not just due to the bottoms being tight or anything. I don't think the price is warranted at all, but this is better quality from the looks of it, details alone.

No. 344326

You can’t really speak to the actual quality of the finished product from a sample to say that its quality is worth the extra cost. I just really doubt she magically has the connections to have ethically made higher quality clothing no matter how much she tries to justify the price.

I mean, good for her she managed to set up a consistent relationship with whoever produces her clothes, but you can’t pretend at that price point and scale the extra cost is going to labor and materials. It just doesn’t add up. Her brand is so unnecessary, like why does she feel like her vision of ugly weeb clothes needs to be added to the sea of dropshipped generic bullshit filling the ocean. She isn’t talented as a designer. This brand is 1000% to feed her ego and justify her lifestyle and it’s annoying to me that she keeps finding enough success to keep her afloat.

No. 344331

Better quality meaning better details and effort put into the design. This is way cuter than the generic ones that were posted. I'm not buying it, but I'm not going to pretend it looks super low quality.

No. 344333

You're talking about the quality of shien vs some more established western brand. The brand piece is able to be made with marginally better materials maybe in a marginally better setting but it is still a foreign company taking advantage of lower wages because they have the backing of a large corporation and the money and infrastructure to throw around.

Vina can't afford to both pay for quality and find a manufacturer that is willing to work for her on such a small scale without her clothes being at a significantly higher price point. Seeing as her designs seem to be variations on already existing mass produced clothes, it just makes sense she is at best asking for minor tweaks on already existing designs of trends from some kind of sweatsh-I mean super ethical work environment.(post proof)

No. 344341

then post proof

No. 344348

>but this is better quality from the looks of it, details alone.
I'm genuinely trying to see it but when I look at >>343749 hers looks the worst in terms of quality. The only thing it has going for it is flower shaped plastic buttons, which is not something that costs a lot to produce.

No. 344359

>post proof
NTA but stop asking to be spoonfed, you can compare mikan's prices to ethical brands that document their process

No. 344367

If you're going to make a claim it's being made unethically, you need to put up or shut up. This is an imageboard. No one cares about the long-winded details about "well ackshually fast fashion, it's impossible". This is good milk if it can be proved. No one is begging to be spoonfed when no posts have been made to follow up this claim.

No. 344378

She will never offer us proof on a plate because it threatens her business model.

Anyways, she's constantly lying by omission. All clothes are handmade, including sweatshop rags, the difference lies in things like hand sewing (rare), quality control (takes time) and quality of materials. Her cuts are simple, there's no detail work, nothing that looks expensive to make. I kekked at >>334117, she's gesturing at a handmade bag as if it was extraordinary when it's not. 10$ bags on Shein are handmade to an extent.

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