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gender critical and female politics
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The site has moved to the new server! If you notice any issues, report them here

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No. 1821[Reply]

With the admin's verdict on /2X/ (and pink pill related topics as a whole) announced, where should farmers who want to discuss female politics head to?
The current options seem to be:
>New imageboard
>Migration to other, existing imageboards
>Migration to Reddit
As far as the first option goes, we may be able to create a space on https://8kun.top/ or https://endchan.net/ using their board creation functions. The only downside is that both places are also home to all sorts of unsavory males (virulent racists, pedophiles, pornography junkies, manosphere users, etc).
We could also create our own standalone board/site, though we'd need someone with the proper skills for that. Post any thoughts/suggestions on /2X/ migration here.
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No. 3717

Okay, where are the links then?

No. 3718

if the invite's expired, feel free to ask for a new one in the chat!

No. 3721

No, it's mostly one butthurt anti-gc/pp anon falseflagging like a lunatic.

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No. 1[Reply]

This is a test-board to assess if a female space for politics will be sufficient in giving everybody what they want while removing some tension in /ot/.

This is not currently permanent but, it can be.
If this board works out then I will make it a permanent board next year. For now you all have the choice of posting in the /ot/ thread or making new threads here. It's your choice.

No. 2

/ot/ rules apply for now. If you have rule requests or any complaints then you can post about it here >>>/meta/11760
Don’t make threads targeting specific nationalities, ethnicities, or races. You can discuss policy and government all you like but don't racebait. It is a global rule violation, this isn't /pol/.

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No. 35690[Reply]

Final warning: report and ignore rulebreaking posts and ban evaders or this thread will be locked

A thread for blackpill feminism. Discuss heterosexual dynamics, female psychology, and the flaws of the feminist movement here.

If you disagree with the entire premise of the thread, you have no reason to enter it. Remember that entertaining disingenuous liberal feminist debate is running around in circles.

Previous thread >>33686
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No. 38358

It always sounds like she’s crying typing this stuff because of the typos and grammar mistakes

No. 38360

am I insane or is that not the same exact guy just without a full beard…? And how coombrained is this moid that the first picture is somehow her being totally a slut or something? Like yeah her butt is definitely visible but it's hardly a whoreish picture

>had to get fucked like this
>on all fours
Does she know there are other ways to have sex? Like… a man can lie on his back under you and be still while you fuck him. I hate the "women are inherently submissive in hetero sex" like okay sorry you aren't based enough to dominate and take the pleasure you want for yourself

No. 38361

Femdom is a cope. He still holds all the power.

No. 38362

>I had a fear of my ass becoming wide
Great. Now it’s so wide she can’t even fit in her bariatric wheelchair.

No. 38363

They hate her because she speaks the truth

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No. 37086[Reply]

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No. 38309

listing those as if they're enviable

No. 38331

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No. 38337

For them, it is, the user is just making trannies seethe and 41% themselves.

No. 38338

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>you will never produce offspring
I’m overdosing on blackpills

No. 38351

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No. 17556[Reply]

I've noticed that in the GC community, rf and adjacent communities there are plenty of women who talked about having dysphoria (and some are detrans). So I've made a thread for this topic.
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No. 38333

Go fuck your scar wounds, BJ chan's cultist.

No. 38334

Lol am i bj cultist for pointing out your attention whoring post? I dont have any scar tissue besides the one that is called vagina

No. 38335

Im a lolcow user from israel and this is my post

No. 38336

You don’t wash your vagina???????????

No. 38342

Kill yourself, pooner.

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No. 17680[Reply]

Lesbian only vent thread, febfem, polilez, horrendous experience with bi women… Let it all out !
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No. 37701

Lesbian genderfucks are the most dangerous of them all imo.

No. 37730

It is so fucking annoying hearing some bisexual women say "I'm attracted to all women and 2 men" but who do they exclusively date? It's not that much of a problem because if they date men only then they leave actual lesbians alone and don't cause them heartbreak or STDs kek. But hearing them parrot it makes me wanna slap them sideways

No. 38128

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American Fakebian believes that MtFs gave all LGB people their rights during Stonewall…more at 5pm…

No. 38200

this washed up Cindy Lauper is so cringe. I can't with fag hags, especially lesbian ( "lesbian" in her case ). They not like us

No. 38345

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Unconventional female attractions thread: Kind of controversial women, mid women, female criminals
Unconventional male attractions thread: Literal nazi soldiers, school shooters, dictators, TRUMP
Why do OSA women bring every normal woman down like this? Why do lesbians get shit for our sexuality? Why are we seen as the violent perverted ones who uphold misogyny? It's so embarrassing

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No. 3791[Reply]

ITT: Post screenshotted pink-pills specifically relating to troonism, non-binary and genderspecials
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No. 37791

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No. 37930

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No. 37938

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No. 38227

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"To transition is not to challenge gender roles, it is to reject the body to preserve gender roles."

Can't find the post I capped this from so long ago unfortunately

No. 38314

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No. 22610[Reply]

Post anti-scrote memes here.
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No. 37781

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No. 37929

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No. 37980

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No. 38192

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No. 38310

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No. 11642[Reply]

>A person who conceals or masks their gender-critical views, especially from friends or within trans-inclusive spaces.

Thread for cryptos to share tips, vent, and talk about why they're crypto and if they're going to stay crypto. Have you managed to peak anyone by being crypto?

Any celebs you suspect of being crypto? picrel she kept her daughter from trooning out by letting her experiment with androgyny. jolie has also actually left the western feminist bubble
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No. 38196

I'm crypto because everyone in my life is a troon or a tra. Even my own Dad called me a terf as an insult once, a nearly 60 year old man. (Although my mum is a based anti-troon queen ♥)
What I study is full of gendies because it's a useless degree (although if you study it critically you would be a terf). Because I'm in anime circles like lots of nonas itt (through cosplaying) there are TRAs everywhere in my life.

I do have hope though because I think I know two cryptos, one is a fairly popular cosplayer/ influencer who has reposted radfem and gc stuff subtly, and the other is my irl friend. I'm not too sure on my irl friend because we both are friends with a TIF and call her him (she's one of those who doesn't try to pass in the slightest and is overly feminine but just autistic and probably has sexual trauma). When me and my friend see troons in public we laugh to each other which makes me think she might be crypto, she called a moid with a tranny flag wrapped around him a femboy once but it may have been a mistake and I'm wishfully thinking. She's a lesbian and will screenshot moids on dating apps using they/them or she/they that come up, and I doubt she would everrr date a troon, she makes fun of "lesbians" who do in fact. When I write it out she sounds more and more crypto actually which makes me very hopeful…
The cosplayer crypto is funny to me, because I know if troons ever found out her or I hated them they would 41%. They assume every cosplayer loves them because they're either super sweet anime waifus or OF costhots who need troonbucks.

I think there are way more cryptos than it seems. A lot of women are naturally disgusted by trannies unless they've conditioned themselves or been deeply groomed. It's just impossible to talk about even in all female groups these days, but a lot of the time when I have to talk about precious trans rights there's an insincere tone from everyone, like they're just saying what they're socially required to kek. IMO the worse troons get with arguing about women's bathrooms, sports, prisons and what not (especially the full-on hons), the more cryptos there will be.

No. 38214

i was crypto at work but then drank too much at a work xmas party and ranted about trannies

turned out fine no-one gave a shit

No. 38225

I'm crypto in a female dominated hobby. There is a real mix of tifs, libfems, and a few who have expressed feminist views unrelated to troons that I agree with. I've understandably made more effort to make friends with the latter group. Quite a lot of them are anti-porn for example and will even publicly agree with the feminist opinions I share. I try to suss them out and see if any of them are also crypto and I honestly don't know what to think. Sometimes when I talk to them privately about this stuff they will outright admit to not really seeing tifs as men. They use female pronouns for our tif friends behind their backs and usually agree it's some kind of nerdy NLOG fujo thing. But when it comes to tims they all believe in trutrans and act like handmaidens. They just can't apply the same logic whatsoever. I'm not sure if they're trying to save face or if it's just male privilege in action. Is it just a case of everyone being too scared to say no to the weird man? Does anyone else experience this complete cognitive dissonance from other women? It feels like many of them are either crypto themselves or perhaps close to peaking, but I don't want to push further and it all go horribly wrong.

No. 38305

A few years ago I was friends with a trannie, he was the same fucking type as every tranny.
started ugly as fuck than fucked every single "straight" men they could and got upset when they didnt want to have a relationship with him.
years later, he went to live in the capital of my country to find acting jobs, no one knows shit about him right now, I bet he is in the prostitution business.
sad, he was part of a good family, no one talks to him anymore because nothing else matter to him more than pretending to be a woman.

No. 38306

Lol you deserve to end up homeless and make your living by sucking smelly cocks. Die(infighting/a-logging)

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No. 5309[Reply]

a thread for those who identity with strains of feminism while also holding cultural or political right wing and or nationalist beliefs, please don't come here for the purpose of infighting
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No. 37445

I cannot for the life of me understand, of all these shithole countries, why Afghani men are allowed to step foot on western soil. If they can't get rid of their gender apartheid then the men that enforce it cannot be allowed to taint the west. Only Afghani women should be able to flee to more feminist countries since their status as refugee is legitimate and they don't pose a threat to anyone.

No. 37524

That sounds really horrible and I don't envy you. Europe is truly so fucking cucked. I'm glad I moved away. Can I ask what European country you live in?

No. 38224

I'm a bit wary of graphics like these, especially in a place like Germany where prostitution is legal to the extent that it is. In 2013 it was estimated a million men go to these everyday, that is a million men raping who knows how many women, does this ever get addressed in any of these? Or is it only rape when there's no money attached?

No. 38288

That statistic mentions gang rapes. Don't be fooled, german moids are closely as disgusting, but they are more likely to resort to abusing prostitutes, preying on homeless women, drugging drinks, raping intoxicated women and harming the women and children in their families. The further you get into east Germany, the less shameless the moids get about their behaviour too. Just sit in any train during football season and listen to what these shitstains have to say once they are in their boys-only groups. You'll quickly notice they're all the fucking same.

No. 38301

What's worse? african moids or indian moids? I pray for all the african and indian women stuck with those degens

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