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No. 1484820

Inspired by CC's unfortunately deleted thread. Post deranged things only a troglodyte XY defect would say.

No. 1484821

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I've literally seen women on the bus built like this you roasties are just jealous.

No. 1484822

I saw a white woman walking her dog, and bro you just know…

No. 1484823

belongs more in 2X, maybe? good thread though

No. 1484825

There's this fat ugly chick who's totally DTF but bro she's so ugly, I hate talking to her cause like my should dies, but I'm gonna meet up fuck her this weekend. I'm gonna ghost her afterwards because fat women are soulless sprites that are just there to be easy lays for men.

No. 1484827

Men are the more rational gender! starts sperging about the smallest thing ever

No. 1484829

Bro my mom is like such a bitch dude she keeps asking me to like get a job and shit and saying all sorts of condescending shit like "you have potential, sweetie." and "have you checked on those applications today?" I want to shoot this bitch and steal her credit card

No. 1484832

If women are such victims then how come a lady teacher at my school fucked a 17 year old student?! (That guy was lucky though, she was hot.)

No. 1484840

You're so right, bro! Women are always too emotional and go overboard with their reactions! gets angry over losing in a video game and punches hole through wall

No. 1484842

Hey fellas, is it gay to wash your own dick? On account of it being a penis?

No. 1484866

It was deleted because it just became a place for moids to post their bs, just like this one will

No. 1484880

Washing your dick is foid brainwashing. Foids are simple minded animals and they don’t deserve to dictate how a mans dick should smell, they should just shut the fuck up and choke on it. The longhouse was a mistake and reappeal the 19th amendment. I’m being abused by my female teacher, she keeps giving me F because she can’t handle my facts and logic essays about why adolf hitler was oppressed by feminism and the holocaust is their fault. Then she made me sit on a table of foids so they could help me with my reading comprehension and one of those whores was really cute, she was Asian and literally looked like a ten year old which is biologically the most fertile age, everyone knows that, so I asked her how far she can shoot a ping pong ball out of her pussy, because all Asian chicks dig that, and they put me in isolation. They punished me just for being a logical male and that’s why I flunked school. Men are forced to be in a room with their inferiors and forced to suffer equal treatment to foids, which in turn makes them depressed. Nothing is ever men’s fault because we live in a gynocracy but also we are the ones who created literally everything whilst women sat around and gossiped.

No. 1484884

There is no such thing as a patriarchy. Feminism was invented by older men who wanted to restrict younger men and their access to young and fertile foids, leaving us with leftover dried up old hags of equal and similar age. Women didn’t create feminism because they have absolutely no agency at all. Having to go about in public not being able to savagely rape and harass everyone that takes my eye Is a human rights violation. I’m sick of cuck fathers smashing my recessed chin even further into my face just because I take sneaky pictures of their teenaged daughters in public to post on r/beautifulfemales and r/creepshots and their hysterical screeching wives who take my phone and discover the rest of the filth in my phone, giving them evidence for a false accusation so they can put me in prison.

No. 1484892

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>whilst women sat around and gossiped.

No. 1484908

Please no, the thread on CC is already an actual moid magnet.

No. 1484937

>waaaa please don’t!! You don’t want to upset the male overlords baaaaaawww!!!!
They come here and shit up the place no matter what. When will you newfags fucking learn?

No. 1484951

I'm not a newfag and judging by the other thread it doesn't upset them, they use it as free ticket to post and then claim it's just the thread topic.

No. 1485038

I went to the zoo with my famil and I got a little turned on.

No. 1485046

My gf was crying because her dad died on a car crash this morning and it really turned me on, never felt like this before. She called me out and I feel like she was being too unsympathetic with me is not like I can control it, I know she's going through a rough time but sometimes your penis just does its thing y'know? I think she needs to check her anger issues

No. 1485048

Celibate women are honestly so selfish, imagine going out your way just to not love and take care of your potential partner, all those statistics are obviously fake because every married women I know is very happy with her relationship, you could be as happy as them too but you only think about yourself

No. 1485049

I remember when my dad used to beat me to pulp with a comically large chair and sexually abuse me, and you know what? That made me stronger, he did the right thing and I think every child should go through that to become a man. No, I'm not "traumatized" and "fucked up" just because I think beating women is okay too, that's just how things should be you're just too weak

No. 1485073

File: 1675008284012.png (563.39 KB, 801x394, itsover.PNG)

>get assigned new coworker to shadow me
>she's qt3.14
>make small talk
>her social skills are fucking worse than mine somehow
>she keeps doing this weird motion with her hand on her nose
>ok she's an autist i guess
>introduce her to other coworkers
>she brightens up and walks over to them, is acting like a completely different person
>she quickly befriends all of them and isn't doing the weird hand motion anymore
>realise i just fucking stink

No. 1485084

This is real

No. 1485329

Heh. Imagine being pro-censorship over fictional child characters in fictional situations in a fictional world of a fictional game. The devs and artists put their whole hearts into FuwaFuwa LoliBuster Succubus ~ SweetDREAMs ~ 2:Yamete Kudesai Princess Kino. Meanwhile Karen-Americans like you want to destroy these hand-tendered, high artforms from Japan. Just because you said that, I started learning Nihongo so I can fap better to lolicon ASMRs on DLsite.

No. 1485337

KEK this is beautiful anon

No. 1485348

so I (35M) just got a cute new coworker (19F) and i think she is secretly into me. anyways i asked my girlfriend to open up our relationship because c'mon it's 2023 and we all know humans are not meant to be monogamous and she got upset and hysteric. anyways after weeks of explaining the logic and rationale behind my decision she finally gave up and let me open the relationship. tips on how to apprach coworker???

No. 1485355

Based, anon, as a scrote, it's funny how amerikarens will tell me that I can't fap to elementary school little girls, but if they are drawn with bedroom eyes and huge tits, they're adults, what's so hard to comprehend?
>insert article about the how puberty affects the female body and how it's possible for a kid to get pregnant and the story of the 5 years old girl that got pregnant after getting raped
See that article? It's made by someone who can use word and shit, and it says that I should be able to fuck kids, therefore it's okay for me to fap to the idea of fucking a kid.
Plus, they're not even young. Sure, the girls of FuwaFuwa LoliBuster Succubus ~ SweetDREAMs ~ 2:Yamete Kudesai Princess Kino are going to a preschool, and are learning how to read and shit, but their ages are
>6000, 70000, 8000, 9000
So it's 100% legal for me to want to fuck them.

No. 1485356

Bro, ask her for bob and vagene pics bro.

No. 1485357

hey its me again. i fucked up really badly bros. that 19 year old bitch got me fired from work because she reported me for harassment to HR, thanks feminism.
meanwhile my gf left me because after we opened our relationship she started going on dates and now she fell in love with another man and left me. i told her we can now close the relationship because i realized she is the one true love i have ever had but the she is not the woman i know anymore, she is now a cold hearted bitch. wtf is wrong with women? men really need to go their own way…

No. 1485363

Geez bro, have you tried getting into stroganoff? Maybe stop hitting on straight women, you're just a lesbian in the wrong body and they don't want you as a man, if you let your hair grow and shave, you will be a woman and you will get a gf, become the gf to get a gf.

No. 1485370

This thread is hilarious

No. 1485371

I have just sent you reddit gold because your post has made me wake up to the fact that I have been a girl all along. It was obvious from when I was a teen, I would steal my sister's panties and bra, wow I was such an egg!! Anyways I am still early into my transition but just thinking about how womanly I feel made me grow boobs a little and I got period cramps for the first time after I was done with my mountain dew and cheetos gaming night. Yes I am a gamer girl, don't on me silly boys because I am a lesbian TEEHEE

Anyways why is it so hard to find dates as true and honest girl lesbian?

No. 1485372

My dad left me while my mom tried to rise me with love and care, this only means one thing: its clearly her fault dad left and she's an evil bitch. I fucking hate women reeeeeeeeeeeeee

No. 1485373

I get a boner when I tend to my potted plants.

No. 1485377

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why can't women in real life be like this? its not fair bros…

No. 1485380

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Picrel is me. For context:
>24 year old KHHV
>qt 4.13 turned out to be a roastie
Fuck that bitch
>but still…
>shes kind of a qt 4.13
>stalk her
>am obsessed
>cant get enough of her
>remember her smell
>we never dated BTW
>I just stole a hoodie of hers once
>she never knew
>cum to the smell
>realize i want to smell like her
>so i can jack off
>notice it's more than just that
>I want to be her.
>look in the mirror
What do I do? Do I order estrogen immediately and start looksmaxxing? Should I go a different route and start getting /fit/? I want to be a girl i think so i start smelling nice, like Stacy… also people will start treating me better and not run away from me when I round a corner.

No. 1485381

Bro, I get a boner when I'm playing soccer, my bros can't know.

No. 1485382

I used to hide my friends boners all the time during gym, it's not gay if you're doing it to avoid other guys seeing his dick. Now that would be gay.

No. 1485390

Me and the bros would be this classic game all the time called Willy's Steamboat. We span in a circle and whoever we stopped on was Willy. Then we'd get someone to take turns tugging on his willy and screaming "STEAMBOAT STEAMBOAT STEAMBOAT!" until he either started punching us or he splooged. Anyone else do this?

No. 1485391

so i was preparing some squids for lunch and one squid fell down and touched my penis a little (i was not wearing boxers, haha). now i got rash on my penis so is there a cure without having to visit a doctor?

No. 1485402

Got a gf recently and she's kind of a karen bitch sometimes cause she had some of those feminist ideas like not watching porn you know, but men have to watch porn and it is healthy to masturbate to sexy girls after a hard day at work playing vidya. The pussy is good but sometimes I miss the masturbating sessions with my homies, we would show our favourite pics and pornstars we found and just jerk it together while hanging out, seeing our reactions and smelling each others you know. Jerking off sessions with your bros is so healthy for straight men who love pussy.

No. 1485412

as a gay man i gotta tell you women - like get it together??? i see so many women walking around streets and supermarkets no makeup on, hair in a bun and wearing hoodies? the fuck? do you want to keep your boyfriends or do you want them to leave you for me? girl get it together and put that makeup on…

also lose weight.

No. 1485424

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How come my gf is mad I showed her nudes to my roommates? I told her that they want to fuck her and said she's so hot, why would she be angry about this? She can't be mad at me, she knows I have trauma from that one time a faggot said hi to me and I thought I was gay. Bitches are so inconsiderate

No. 1485434

Fuck I reported this post because I keep forgetting what thread this is. Sorry nonna

No. 1485442

I’m fucking dying KEK

No. 1485443

How dare you? That's just like my gf or mom wtf you're all the same always reporting me no matter what I do it's never ever enough fuck I try so hard why can't you see it reeeee

No. 1485444

The main reason for why I can't get a girlfriend is because women are fat.

No. 1485445

No. 1485450

I do heroin because I'm traumatized by not getting a prom date 10 years ago, life is so fucking bleak no one understands my pain.

No. 1485453

My mother taught me how to express my emotions in a healthy way but my bros always called me a faggot so I decided to stuff it inside and be more like my dad. Just got out of a 6 month prison stint for my third bar brawl I started, anyways guys what I want to know is how can I convince my girlfriend this is somehow all her fault?

No. 1485459

No. 1485461

If I have a criterion for choosing the greatest anime, it's an emotional one. These are anime that moved me deeply in one way or another. Anime is the greatest art form ever conceived for generating emotions in its audience. That's what it does best.

After seeing this anime many times, I think I finally understand why I love it so much. It's not because of the humor, or the intrigue, although those elements are masterful. It's because it makes me proud of the characters. These are not heroes – not except for Renge Miyauchi's resistance fighter, who in some ways is the most predictable character in the film. These are realists, pragmatists, survivors: Komari Koshigaya, who sticks her neck out for nobody, and Hotaru Ichijou, who follows rules and tries to stay out of trouble. At the end of the anime, when they rise to heroism, it is so moving because heroism is not in their makeup. Their better nature simply informs them what they must do.

The sheer beauty of the anime is also compelling. The colorful closeups of Renge Miyauchi, the most bravely vulnerable girl in anime history. If there is ever a time when they decide that some anime should be spelled with an upper-case A, "Non Non Biyori" should be voted first on the list of Anime.

No. 1485472

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>Nobody will break into my NEET lair apartment I've holed myself into for months and beg me to have sex with them, my life is harder than most humans on earth.
>Women aren't human for scrolling Instagram but scrolling r9k and incel forums endlessly is not the same thing at all.
>My mother is disappointed in me but it's her fault for having expectations of me. Now that she's given up it's all still her fault because she doesn't have expectations for me.
>The reason I'm alone is because I'm going my own way.
>that couple holding hands and smiling are just a evil whore and her simp.
>Johnny Depp has aged like wine.
>I'm not a loser I'm just an omega male who is unbothered by social hierarchy. Now let me rant about alphas and chads.

No. 1485496

Fuck anon, I get you, I'm still traumatized from that one time a girl told me "no" what the fuck does that mean? What's "no" even suppose to express? That bitch fucking told me "no" when I was in middle school and I'm still malding, females will never understand what is it like to be told "no".
So now I'm at my mom's home, mad, I'm also a kissless virgin, I got out of jail because the judge game me a 3 weeks sentence for killing some stupid cats and dogs, and it was that girl's fault.

No. 1485523

that scene at 12:08 made my dick diamonds bruh

No. 1485532

I was jerking off for like the 5th time today when my dick started spewing out blood. What does this mean? Earlier I stuck it in a French fry cutter but i put a glove and lotion in there so I don’t see why that would be an issue.

No. 1485537

I take it back, please keep it up kek.

No. 1485543

You forgot to say no homo.

No. 1485544

Bro you just gotta rinse off with some water, two days a week is fine. If you don’t want to get in a shower wiping with some toilet paper the next time you shit should do the trick

No. 1485545

No. 1485546

This is not healthy, man. We really do live in a society where men got brainwashed into jerking off 500 times a day, I used to fap to rape and teens too but I changed for the better. Don't let whores control you like this, stop jerking off or your DICK will suffer the consequences, do you SERIOUSLY want to lose your DICK? this is a warning for all the men out there

No. 1485563

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Always thought she was mid

No. 1485564

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Yeah! Women with this body type naturally exist, dumbass troons. Go Google ‘wide hips nude’ and see for yourself.

No. 1485570

I told my gf she should get surgery to look like this hot bitch, she cried and asked me why I never appreciate her, women are so sensitive sometimes, just because I follow 1000 accounts of sexy women who don't look like her at all it doesn't mean I don't love her (She should still get that surgery tho)

No. 1485571

I'm so fucking pissed. I watched this anime labeled "shoujo" and it was about some chick romancing a couple of faggots. I don't want to fucking see that shit! My years entrenched in glorious Nippon art mediums have taught me that shoujo means girl so you ignorant retards incorrectly tagged this gay shit. Shoujo refers to my favorite anime such as Azumanga Diaoh and Lucky Star because it only has GIRLS. Not long haired faggots! Who even is this for?

No. 1485575

Dude you're obviously retarded it's for gay men who wear dresses. Japan has always been gay, die mad anime pfp.

No. 1485580

Nah I get it, women and their bullshit "shoujo" animes where men look like lesbians and nothing interesting happens ever, females have shit taste for real. You should check high school DXD: sexy women, tits everywhere and NO fags, that's the stuff

No. 1485582

>men look like lesbians
Me when I boymode

No. 1485585

if women are just as smart as men then why didnt they do as much stuff as us all through history? i mean come on how many famous female inventors are there? none because men built civilization.

No. 1485590

fuaaaark i started showering twice a week last month and thought i smelled better. never showering daily though what an obvious fucking psyop that shit is, i'd rather stink than be a retard

No. 1485592

true, its not like we kept them enslaved for thousands of years using violence.

No. 1485595

I'm tired of these females not understand that us men get tired of the same pussy. It's not cheating, it's our nature. They need to get over it, like bitch you are still my girl but i need some side pussy while you must be loyal and SUBMIT. This is why you females get beat, because y'all hoes don't like to listen. Y'all hoes are going to die alone.

No. 1485596

You mean to tell me that shit was for females?
>Brings up chartfag's latest anime season chart with 30 series and 2 labeled shoujo
Women take over fucking everything. They should stick to Twilight and keep out of men's hobbies

No. 1485597

>Who even is this for?

No. 1485610

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bro I love my gf and everything but i would sell my soul to get Sugarf4iry to suck my cock! I love goth mommies step on me yo !

No. 1485613

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I’m coming out as a goth trans girl! I’m gonna grow out my hair and I just ordered some estrogen pills on the dark web when I got done jerking off to my irl lol I collection and then I realized… I want to be just like them. I am a little girl, that’s why I’m so drawn to them. I do DDLG my little age is 8-13. I am a lesbian looking for a gf but since I’m always getting catcalled I figured you boys could validate me. Would you fuck me? I’d fuck me. I’d fuck me so hard

No. 1485617

Porn is my self care and foids taking away is a human rights violation.

No. 1485619

stay strong brother

No. 1485620

No. 1485622

I miss my girl so much…she left me after her parents found out she had a DDlg blog about all the kinky sex we had. She’s such a bitch too, I left her a letter under her bedroom window and she didn’t even look at me at school today. I swear I love her, nobody’s ever let me beat their ass and let me deepthroat train them before, I think she’s just scared cuz I’m in MS 13 and she knows me and the boys will roll up on her dads house if he tries to keep me away. I even wrote her some poetry on my tumblr and she won’t even give me a second glance…she’s such a village bicycle bro. I can’t believe she let me take her butt virginity, she’s such a whore. I love her tho.

No. 1485645

For real honestly, only fat hairy ugly dykes are attracted to dainty faggy pretty boys, REAL hot and sexy women are attracted to hypermasculine beefcake dudes bro

No. 1485744

reminds me of my whore ex that wouldn't let me piss on her
i hate females so much it's unreal

No. 1485754

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My brothers, I have ascended. I stopped lifting in 2012 and since then I have been achieving the perfect form by practicing callisthenics. Everyday, I start my day with the sun rising and then follow the 3 commandments of Hephaestus. I shower with cold water, drink 6 liters of water every three hours and eat only raw soil. I haven't fapped in decades. My dick's energy is so pure that I have no need of acknowledging his physical existence. I'm now a metaphysical man with an Olympian health and an accomplished businessman who own $320 billion worth of NFTs. Join me my brothers and find your Olympian-self by following me on tiktok, twitter, instagram, reddit, snapchat, onlyfans and discord. Only the heroes will prevail in this world of mindless obeisance.

No. 1485765

i feel like these threads attract actual moids to pretend and post here

No. 1486012

>Ending the cash flow before stealing the credit card

Let me help you out, ladies. The problem here is you post about relationship problems because that's all you vapid sluts think about. You have no agency and only exists to be some guys cock sleeve.
This just proves that any guy that ain't Chad or a family member is invisible to women.
If you wanna post like us, you gotta put yourselves in the worn out new balances and unwashed ass crack and basketball shorts of a guy who's invisible to women. Not that you can, since women have no empathy.

No. 1486107

I have a feeling this thread was made by a moid honestly

No. 1486247

Am i the only one who thinks that's a self-own? We are laughing at them. Nobody is taking them seriously and would likely think it's an anon being silly. Unless they get off to women mocking them, then sure. I never saw the cc thread, so i could be missing a puzzle piece here.

No. 1486255

femoids more like reeeemoids am i rite brothurs

No. 1486282

No am OP, and I'm an anon who's been here since 2016. I just laughed so hard at the crystal Cafe thread. I kinda regretted it when >>1484866 was posted but I find it funny still.
should I post my hand? I've already done it before when i got accused of being a scrote once by multiple anons.

No. 1486288

File: 1675123529980.png (588.46 KB, 768x894, EuOAlQHWQAIIHt8.png)

And there's gore of course.

No. 1486290

spams CP and gore
>terfs and femcels owned!

No. 1486297


No. 1486322

Someone's upset that an anon posted sexy gifs of a boi being bullied in the femdom thread, cope harder

No. 1486415

Don't you know what the puzzle piece stands for anonita?

No. 1486527

Wow another wahhhmen at it again. Chichi-chan decided to marry him of her own accord. You would know if you watched a single episode of "Perapera! Papa-tan is my Lover in a New World?" Way to go not allowing females to make choices. Not very feminist of you is it now?

No. 1486626

brushing teeth is a jewish psyop, i have not brushed my teeth in 3 years and i am doing fine

No. 1486702

KEK. This is fucking genius nonna, you nailed it.

No. 1486704

She was hot before she hit the wall at 18. Why can’t whores stay cute forever? I personally lose wood at the slightest hint of full sexual maturity. A sexually mature looking female is dried up and infertile.

No. 1486746

This is peak moid

No. 1486962

My brothers in Christ, have you had your zinc pills today? We need to saturate our population with a highly intelligent generation and the only way we can do that is to shoot strings.

No. 1486992

LCfags can't meme

No. 1486996

I’m 30 and my high school gf broke my heart and this is why I’ve treated every woman like shit since then. Women really don’t know what men go through and what heart break really is.

No. 1486998

How 2 make dick bigger

No. 1486999

Oh shit I thought this was google, bros how do I delete this?

No. 1487004

File: 1675189226297.png (1.15 MB, 1526x3411, trans-selfies-rule-v0-llh92wqf…)

I fucked this lady I met at the restroom of Shell. It was so hot. She was wearing high heels. Long gothic, rocking bod. Just so happened to be in the men's room and sucked me off, kinda sounded like a man, but she let me use her backdoor, I think I found the one bros!!

No. 1487028

Cum is such a funny word lol cum cum cum

No. 1487045

Women are just more emotional thinkers and men are more logical. Its why we men favor war over just ya know, working together and trading local goods for foreign goods. Like why do that when logic says "kill them and both are all yours." Psh. Women and their EMOTIONS… also why women take care of babies just instinctually and us men have the hardest time just figuring out changing a diaper or why the baby is crying. Crying is an emotion men dont have so women just hear a baby cry and its like a secret language between the baby and mother. Definite lack of logic there bros. Women are dumb and literally wouldnt survive without men. Also men have it way harder than women because we have to deal with women complaining about the bad things us men do. Hella fucking hard ass life bros.

No. 1487091

Last month I started the carnivore diet and I can feel the testosterone boost, but I haven't shit in two weeks and today one of my fingernails fell off. How long does it take for my body to get used to it?
OOC: this is peak /b/ lmao

No. 1487099

i love penises, i think about penises, i draw penises, i joke about penises all the time but i am straight and if you dare suggest i am homo i will rage the fuck out because I AM NO FAG.

No. 1487108

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Hey /ot/ how do I get a cosplay,e-girl,goth,milf,dommy mommy,trad,right-wing,tomboy gf?

No. 1487114

Holes are just copycats, even in womens work like cooking or fashion the greats are men. Must suck to suck haha

No. 1487116

Hey girlies, anyone else ovulating today? I've laid five eggs on my pad but reckon I could do a couple more, I need to finish in time to get to the nail salon for my appointment, how else will i be ready to have sex with 80 chads tonight? ♥

No. 1487136

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girls like that aren't real anon, it's all photoshop and media psyops from roasties who are scared they won't find a partner before hitting the wall so use deception to lure in innocent men.
see picrel, the obvious choice here is to become your own perfect girl. it's the only way.

No. 1487188

File: 1675196393915.jpg (136.32 KB, 387x698, Screenshot_20230131-131836_Pic…)

Bro isn't it so funny when we joke about raping 6 year olds unprovoked. I love making people uncomfortable with it like bro it's a joke get a sense of humor, I only jerk off to lolis, bro i dont wanna go to jail. it's funny when other guys reply "hol up" AHAHHAHAAH THATS SO FUNNY DUDE I'm gonna split my balls in half guffawing at pedophile jokes

No. 1487191

Don't you just love commenting random sexual stuff on innocent videos? I was watching a video of a girl who wasn't trying to be cute, the bitxh was ugly tbh but I commented "ik it's gripping" and I got 75k likes, and other bros were like "hear me out" roasties should know that we see them as nothing but warm willing(?) holes

No. 1487192

bro i love commenting that on videos of toddlers on tiktok, its just a joke, why cant women just take jokes.

No. 1487387

File: 1675211517181.png (375.85 KB, 691x415, FmcqGNEXwAEmzKV.png)

Finally got her bros

No. 1487388

there’s nothing funnier when a dude posts ‘bubblegum pink’ on a picture of a 2 year old girl, especially as all the roasties with their beef coloured flaps screech like harpies about it! They’re just jealous.

No. 1487400

you fucked the squid didn't you

No. 1487401

you did

No. 1487406

a hole is a hole. Ive done worse, a rotting coconut, i was bored so i thought ''hey why not?''.
my dick is itchy for some reason though and there are bumps over it.

No. 1487434

The 3 terabytes of child porn on his portable hard drive was just a goof you're honor. My client is a prankster. A real zany goof ball if you will.

No. 1487457

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No. 1487478

Nah man, i can't fuck wit a bitch who don't got a big ass. I was following some baddie with a fatty in walmart and the bitch called security on me and I got yeeted out of the store and can't go back. Smh, now I can't get hot pockets and gatorade all because of some feminist bitch who won't let me pipe her in the middle of the store real quick. Don't trust these whores and stay strong brothers, they all just want to steal your money.

No. 1487508

Shut up, nigger. All you do is commit crimes and get away with it while simultaneously filling up the prisons. Don't make my get my FBI crime statistics out. Did I mention I don't trust the government?

No. 1487518

Shut up white boy you wanna be me so mad. Bitches be like my pussy stay wet bitch that's fatness!

No. 1487520

I went on a date with this Icelandic chick. She was like five six and put on six inch heels so she's six foot tall walking around and dude she was fucking stunning like ice queen blonde hair blue eyes, petite little girl that is just like ridiculously tall. Literally dudes are hollering at her as I'm walking down the street and I'm like yeah I'll get out of here. Wouldn't want a wife or girl that was like that.

No. 1487534

I am a normal looking man and I have a job. I have great taste in video games, and my t-shirts are always clean and free of stains. Despite all this, I cannot find an attractive woman who wants to have sex with me. Feminism has destroyed western civilization.

No. 1487632

Women are the Jew of the sexes haha. Isn’t that extremely profound? I read it on 4chan and I said it today when my foid mother told me to clean my room and go out and get a job because I’m 32. She just looked at me with utter confusion and hopelessness. I wish my dad never left, he would put that fucking bitch in her place.

No. 1487633

i believe that women should be submissive wives and leave working to the men just like the wives of the prophet Muhammad i as a wahabi muslim man truly believe that women are less valued than livestock ,hazrat khadija may have been a business owner but she was subservient

No. 1487636

Mohammed is a pedo, you muzzies just want to come over here and rape little white girls and all you do is steal jobs from decent British blokes. I can no longer afford my bi yearly trips to Thailand and Hungary.

No. 1487645


i swear on my life vacuuming dick works

No. 1487648

Heh… I'm glad I'm not like other millenials. Instead of being into social justice, starbucks lattes and Taylor Swift I save my enthusiasm for things that actually matter - such as sperging about minorities on /pol/, stalking e-girls and in secrecy fantasizing about trooning out.

By the way, aren't you all just so tired of all these millenial twitterfag SJWs telling you not to make rape jokes? It's just a joke, all these roasti– I mean twitterfags just don't realize their hypocrisy in limiting my freedom of speech! They might as well go back and take their meds, heh!

No. 1487665

Why so many women on antidepressants? Because women fucking suck of course. Why so many men committing suicide and the bulk of the worlds atrocities? Because the world fucking sucks, of course. We work hard so that fat liberal whores get to sit around and watch reality tv, guzzle wine, pop Xanax and baby their cats. This is literally ALL women do, women don’t work, the government literally pays them to exist. Women don’t have to work, they only get jobs so they can be around men and get attention.

No. 1487668

Women should be submissive, not pursue education and so the bulk of the housework. They should not be allowed out the house unattended. They should focus only on children and be the primary caregivers because mentally and emotionally they’re still children themselves. But also, they should be drafted to wars and they should get off their lazy cellulite ridden asses and go get jobs. But not better jobs than men, because that isn’t fair, they’re robbing a decent man of getting that job and that’s feminazi social conditioning. Women should be chaste and modest, and should be punished legally if they are not, but also porn is awesome! Don’t you dare get rid of that. Im entitled to see tits whenever and wherever I want but the women who’s tits im looking at should be regarded as lower than cattle. In fact, I’m not sure what exactly my world view is, since it’s full of contradictions, I just know that it makes me extremely happy when women are disadvantaged or miserable in any way shape or form. The destruction of foids happiness is my lifeblood. I want to live in a world where I can have a harem of submissive young roasties at my beck and call who wear burkas in public and around other men, but also I want to visit prostitutes and watch violent pornography on a park bench. I also want to see women publicly humiliated and scantily clad at any I’ve given opportunity so that I have an outlet for the more savage may violent aspect of my manhood, whereas my “tender” side will be reserved for demeaning compliments towards my child brides and not smacking them in the face whilst I’m impregnating them repeatedly. This is the only way I’ll ever be happy.

No. 1487675

>could you please stop defending rape and pedophilia?! That's wrong and evil
Firstly, woman, we should have a deep, complex talk about morals, what is morality? Ahem Morals, as we know them, are not objective, you could think feeling aroused by my little sister and mocking rape victims at the town shelter is inhumane but…is it really? We need to think about that, does it really matter? Do you understand that your rigid morals are not necessarily my morals? In my mind, kids are attractive and sexual harassment is not that bad, is a matter of opinions and you are imposing your subjective, rigid and arbitrary morals on me, which is objectively wrong

No. 1487677

This is so spot on I don't know whether I should laugh or cry

No. 1487741

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GOD blessed this lady with an incredible gift!!! Meanwhile western women already act as if pushing out 1 child is hard laboir and something we should worship them for! I'm going to show this my entitled ungrateful lazy american teen daughter!

No. 1487744


Funny thing is, women built like that do exist, but they're black.

No. 1487745

>Evangelion isn't a good anime.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

No. 1487747

Life is all about survivial of the fittest. If you're not fit, strong, able bodied, fierce willed… nature is going to wipe you out and thats just life. That's how its meant to be. Nature doesn't care about your feelings and natural selection is nature at its finest. Die mad if you're not all that.

On a totally unrelated note. Why won't anyone have sex with me? Why won't women date me? Why am I not settled down with my dream 10/10 subservient cream pie loving hotwife yet? Muh offspring, I must spread my seed.. why am I not being seen as the stud that I am? I don't get it.

No. 1487753

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No. 1487764

Women have to take antidepressants because they shared fluids with too many men and absorbed their negative personality traits. Women are forever tied to every man they sleep with and her DNA changes to match his. Any child born to a non virgin woman is a cuck baby and probably will not have your DNA. My wife's baby came out Mexican last year because she had a summer affair in Tijuana when she was in college. When women go to foreign countries they get gangbanged and absorb foreign DNA to pollute the gene pool. This is the only reason a woman goes anywhere. To steal seed

No. 1487792

I finally managed to get a date and what happens? The fucking foid is not even impressed by my extensive knowledge of haplogroups and phenotypes. I even brought up Charles Murrey and the real science that they don't allow you to talk about and she just wasn't interested. After a while she just went to the bathroom and left. Look bitch, I put my race first in my Tinder bio and it is for a reason.

It's truly over for Wehrmachtcels.

No. 1487793

File: 1675265885598.jpg (50.8 KB, 563x844, preview.jpg)

Wow, your 12 year old sister is gonna be gorgeous when she grows up. I mean like, wow. She's probably got a boyfriend, or what? Haha. Yeah, she'll become a total babe the exact day she turns 18. A sex bomb. Naw, I'm just kidding haha. Dude, it was a joke haha! She's a cute kid though, got jokes too. Funny lil kiddo, that one. Hehehe.

No. 1487833

jesus christ anon this impression is way too accurate. Picrel gives me the creeps too

No. 1487846

I'm one of the good ones I try to blend in here to learn how to talk to girls, can I stay?

No. 1487849

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She is mid anyway

No. 1487859

It's all about the story with My Little Pony, sure the same archetypes are there in most other media but as a 50 year old male the pastel colors and watered down messages speak to my undeveloped mind. That being said I don't understand bronys except when it comes to Midnight Dash as she is clearly 6000 years old unlike the rest of them who are like 7 at most. Midnight Dash is clearly the superior waifu and I modded a map painting game so that I can have her rule the world and live vicariously through my Goddess Pony.
This ended up being more Chris-Chan than I intended.

No. 1487889

I wanna fuck the green one

No. 1487908

Foids really expect us to wash our asses and cock and balls and maintain our personal hygiene and dress presentably (there is absolutely nothing wrong with years old graphic tshirts with permanent stains and cargo shorts) and NOT TROON OUT? TOP KEK. They're so retarded. Women really are like children if they don't realize the the taking care of yourself and putting effort into your appearance to tranny pipeline. Fucking clueless skirts. You want me to put on a button up and cologne? I may as well change my name to Alice, wear programmer socks, and go on titty skittles. Men are supposed to be fugly abominations. Being an attractive man is literally against the tenets of manhood.

No. 1487929

I swear this guy looks exactly like the teacher from my school who got caught having an affair with one of the students

No. 1487936

Some of you nonas are absolute comedic geniuses. I swear I've seen some of these exact posts from 4chan and reddit.

No. 1487944

kek same, I thought this thread was going to be shit but I'm genuinely busting my sides laughing at it

No. 1487955

Something about how 13 year old girls smell is different and way more alluring than the way a legal "adult" woman smells. Mmm if only I were still allowed within 15 yards of a school.

No. 1487964

File: 1675281621088.jpg (226.4 KB, 1080x738, Screenshot_20230201_195904.jpg)

ot but reminds me of this real tweet from a uk conservetive party candidate

No. 1487965

Women be like porn is bad because revenge porn and trafficking, bitch please. It's bad because it causes erectile dysfunction and the whore pornstars deserve no sympathy. They get paid tons to suck dick and I did that many times for free in my fraternity.
Day 4 nofap and I keep jizzing randomly even though I'm soft. I think women are picking up on my pure energy. I cried today because I miss jerking off. I miss Riley Reid, Mia Khalifa, Lana Rhoades, and Trisha Paytas. I miss them more than I miss my beloved nana (RIP) today my wife asked me what was wrong and I told her and she said that it's unhealthy for me to be so attached to them, I told her maybe if she had sex with me more than just once a night I wouldn't need to jerk off to beautiful sexy women that I feel more attached to than her and then she started crying. that turned me on so we made up and had sex. After we had sex, I had post nut clarity and then I felt like she had an ogre body. And a gargoyle face. I can't believe I live in the same house as this bitch, so disgusting. Anyone else wanna stab their wife?

No. 1487970

Me (35M) and my fiancé (19F) have just moved together after two weeks of dating and I'm already sick of her. I told her that she could move in with me because driving all the way to her apartment around 0,3 miles from mine was exhausting, made me miss so many gaming sessions and discord voicechats wasting all that time in my car. So anyway, I thought she would be serving me drinks and food while I was on multiplayer but instead she spends all her time working her two jobs because I had to quit mine due to pursuing a career as a future e-sports star or a streamer.

So we haven't had sex in three days because of this and as a man with a very high sex drive this could actually potentially be classified as spousal abuse. So one time she came home after her third shift and just like that, she passed out on the couch from exhaustion. I finally took my chances and had sex with her as she was laying there. She woke up in the middle of it and got mad, now she hasn't spoken to me since and accuses me of rape. I'm really hurt about this and tried to explain that men need to have sex to prevent themselves from going on a killing spree and as we're engaged she's automatically consenting no matter what circumstances. I don't know what to do other than to ignore her and keep focusing on my professional gaming career. Am I the asshole?

No. 1487980

Pedophilia aside
>conservative party
>usa flag emoji

No. 1488020

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No. 1488031

I didn't read the OP and was seething while reading the posts thinking we had a moid invasion.

No. 1488334

pickup artist voice
…so anyway, women have literal dog brains and will always follow you once they've imprinted on you. If she starts to question you then you just gotta trade her in for a younger model, the feminism got to her.

Why does nobody compliment men? We roll out of bed and put on ragged jeans and cum stained hoodies and nobody even looks at us. I'm sorry bro, you're not an asshole I promise. Feminists need to just stop expecting anything from us men.

No. 1488902

Right? They always have an answer for different types of porn too. Verified couples?
>They're exploiting themselves.
>All of them look like kids!
Western animation
>Her poor back, where are her organs?!
Furry porn
>Eww you're a furry?
Meanwhile they they flick the bean to fanfiction but it's ok because because reading about some dagger chinned spider handed faggots kissing is totally different.

No. 1488915

File: 1675365847091.png (19.24 KB, 657x527, 1634472880226.png)

Yeah I have only been complimented by a female once. She told my I have a nice hair. I tried making a move on her and of course the cunt had a BOYFRIEND. Like even if they compliment us it is fake??

No. 1488916

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I fucked up today bros. I asked my buddy who's his waifu and he fucking said my waifu. I left the call and ripped off all her limbs and smashed all her faceplates for being such a cheating bitch. A couple hours later, I regretted ruining my favorite bishoujo doll of her but my heart is broken

No. 1488922

bro vid related is some real PUA tactics from a pro. Watch and learn

No. 1488956

Dude fr. If you compliment me then there's the pussy you bitch? I acted nice and even asked her out politely but she would not have sex with me, then what's the point? Feminism is ruining women, they're more emotional and will freak out and become catty if you reject them while men take rejection all the time and are supposed to take it.
Looks at statistics saying the complete opposite
A few chads getting aggressive and violently raping their girlfriend doesn't mean all men are like that. You never hear this happening with loser quiet guys. Women just hear "yes" a lot more.
Serial killers are often losers who want revenge and then kill themselves
Feminism is ruining women! They had it coming, mothers can't do their job and the boys just needed to be listened to. If they had girlfriends who gave them pussy these things wouldn't happen.

No. 1488958

File: 1675368104191.jpg (328.93 KB, 1742x1450, 06f.jpg)

i truly believe that the matrix is behind great men like andrew taint and sneako theyve only spoken truth about women, they claim that assaults' against women is high because men are animals but dont say anything to the women wearing a skimpy tshirt and jeans at night, i truly believe theres a world order whos trying to take down these brave men

No. 1488959

File: 1675368141543.png (61.64 KB, 243x206, d.png)

Why do those whorish white women not like me, is it cause my skinny fat manboobs are bigger then their scrawny bodies, by Allah they deserve to be "punished" and its morally correct as allowed by the Holy prophet to rape kafir women

No. 1488962

File: 1675368260682.jpg (78.69 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

thats because youre a sunni muslim if you were wahabi like the superior muslim arab you wouldve gotten a harem of wives at your service

No. 1488967

File: 1675368458235.jpg (29.34 KB, 800x450, Sects-in-Islam-Final2.jpg)

breaking the larp for a second, but wahabis are part of the sunni sect

No. 1488969

Women should like “dadbods” bro you just wait til you hit 35! All the fertile 18 year old babes will be throwing themselves at you. Just follow a bunch of 14-16 year old girls on Instagram and that’ll let them know you’re a chad who is sexually available to that generation. They will notice bro.

No. 1488971

Andrew tate and Elon musk are being hunted by the government shadow GOONS rn for no reason besides being TOO masculine.

No. 1488976

I have no interaction with women in real life so I just sit at home and consume 20 hours of BBC cuckhold porn every day, let me tell you about how all women are used up whores who only want black pp and its all the jews fault!

No. 1488981

no thanks brother, saving myself for marriage to a blonde, ghori(white woman) who converted to Islam and is willing to be my personal maidwife, also 18 is too old for me

No. 1488996

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Do I mog you? Be honest

No. 1488998

Hey bros can I get some help with my relationship problem? So my gf is like a hysterical BPD bitch who gets mad when I hurt her feelings and this really pisses me off. Like, she just wants to be mad at me and she enjoys being miserable so she will pick dumb reasons to get mad like when she catches me checking out teenage girls asses in the supermarket (as a man of course I can not help but stare at a fertile behind). So basically I didn't even do anything wrong and she just becomes super mad out of nowhere and I tell her that her feelings are stupid and illogical and she is still mad?? Like bro wtf? I already tried screaming and throwing things at her and that didn't help either.

No. 1489002

Same bro I'm a 5'5 white chad and the girl I saw next to be was trying to tell me something when her big black boyfriend came up. It's over. Years of feminism, SJW and cuckholdry will end the white race.

No. 1489007

Hmm bros my wife is pregnant with our first child… should I start transitioning now or after I trap her with a few more?

No. 1489009

Say what you want about Women beaters and murderers, but they always have wives and girlfriends.

No. 1489012

Bro, you don't even know, it is so over. I saw Tyrone today, and he looked at me, and I just knew he was going to steal my girlfriend. All I have now is interracial porn and tears.

Over before it even began. I'm going to spam slurs now.

No. 1489017

Women are such whores it's unreal, like they come out of the womb and straight onto the cock caroussell, they will literally fuck any man all day long and yet I am still a virgin this just doesn't make sense. Like I see women being sluts all day in my pornos and yet when I ask my step sister if she wants to suck my dick she says "Ew no get away from me you freak" Like wtf? I know that whore has had at least 7000 dicks inside her so whats one more right? Anyways, how do I find a virgin pre-teen trad gf?

No. 1489021

Wait til the kid is 5, and then get him to transition too. That way she’ll look like a total bigot Karen when she is in court fighting for custody of the kid.

No. 1489030

Guys I am 45, live at home, have no job, am a serious alcoholic and I am basically too depressed to do anything but jerk off and scroll 4chan all day. What do I do to get the 10/10 qt trad virgin aryan mommydom tomboy gf that I deserve? How do I meet women age 14-16 that havent been spoiled by feminism yet?

No. 1489044

After reading this message, your LIFE will be changed forever. Alea iacta est. YOU will be crossing the RUBICON. The farmers of life have taken over the STATE BY MILKING YOUR SONS AND BROTHERS. The first cause of death in the world isn't cardiovasocullar diseases. The first cause of death in the WORLD is death-grip syndrome, aggressive and recurrement male masturbation. Masturbation is the wasting of bodily fluids. By practicing oral masturbation, you will replenenish bodily fluids and level your testosterone. The gay agenda is shaming you into rejecting LIFE ITSELF. Homosexuality is a psyop to SHAME MEN. Consuming cum is natural. Greeks and Romans, FOUNDERS OF CIVILIZATION, knew the truth. Cumming into young men was a way of rising their testosoterone. That's how deep and real relationships between master and students are developed. Testosterone is best taken anally. CIVILIZATION IS COLLAPSING BECAUSE WE ARE MADE FEMINININE BY THE FARMERS OF LIFE. Feminism wants you to believe that love between men is homsoexual but you have been LIED TO. MASTURBATION between TWO MEN IS THE PUREST FORM OF MASCULINITY. Women only purpose is to bear children, not to rejoice in the CUM. CUM MUST BE KEEP MASCULINE. CUM IS MASCULINITY. IT CAN ONLY BE SHARED BETWEEN MEN. Casual sex is masculinizing women. Porn is killing men. If you are pale, uncelan and irreducibly consuming porn, you are already half-dead. PORN IS the gateway to DEATH!

No. 1489048

Oh shit I jerked off to this pic and only noticed the face when I was done. It is not gay right bros? If you just look at the tits it is kinda like dick girls which are 100 % straight and better than roasties. Right bros?

No. 1489050

This song is just roasties seething that my boipussy will always be prime (once the docs do yet another revision and fix the fistula that's leaking fecal nuggets UGH)

No. 1489051

It's not gay because it looks to be a Japanese man which means your act is very straight and possibly even honorable. Japan is a perfect ethnostate BTW I'm moving there as soon as my moms dementia progresses and she gives me all her life savings.

No. 1489054

File: 1675374076214.png (97.43 KB, 190x309, 1665056681693506.png)

UWOOOOOH ;_; ;_; CUNNY ;_; ;_;

I can't fucking do this, I hate moids.

No. 1489057

It’s not gay if you’re an egg, sis. This is how I found out I was a kinky little dickgirl.

No. 1489060

Glownigger detected! Jk tho we need to keep posting drawings of children to save the white race also does anyone need funds and encouragement to commit a mass shooting maybe?

No. 1489065

File: 1675374668645.jpg (36.93 KB, 780x439, FeSqms-UAAYjBnp.jpg)

Bro, normalfags have such bad opsec. I have spent 10 years in the dedicated jewish discord server for trolling Chris Chan and I am a moderator of his kiwifarms board. I have doxxed Bella Janke WHILE jacking off to her big fat tits and at the side I pretend to be a cool wine mom and have my own mean girls clique but that's not gay or anything, I don't plan on transitioning, it's just to lead them off my trail.

No. 1489066

GUYS! I Owned the foids on LC. They banned me for posting one picture of a foid. Women are so fragile. kek. I hope my mom makes me hot chocolate tonight and kisses me to sleep because she is the only woman who will ever love me because I'm such a chad, rotting on his computer's chair. kek.

No. 1489068

Is your mom hot? Pls post her tits, she sounds like a MILF. My mom is a cunt who is never around to tell me what a great boy I am cause she works two jobs to support me cause I have depression from being a virgin.

No. 1489073

No way fag, cumming is the most cucked act a man can do. You just produce x chromosome spermoids who LEAVE you. That's why I eat testostestrong every day and focus my energy on being a pro fortnite streamer.

No. 1489075


No. 1489086


No. 1489089


No. 1489095

File: 1675377434792.gif (318.57 KB, 498x498, imposter-sus.gif)


Now excuse me Ladies, I have to sus on /g/ and /m/

No. 1489099

Ye is my president and Nick Fuentes is my hero. Also I hate black people and mexicans. America first!

No. 1489104

All women want babies or whatever bullshit null ranted about that one time

No. 1489105

File: 1675378271035.png (176.63 KB, 468x536, chad.png)

would with my eyes closed

No. 1489111

File: 1675378756078.jpeg (3.03 MB, 4032x2268, 5brhBQJ.jpeg)

Rate my setup. My pan has a GeForce RTX 4090 with a Noctua NF-S12B redux-1200. My spatula is a Intel Core i9-13900K. I cooked a Pattyware 34 QD-OLED (AW3423DW) in 8K.

No. 1489126

i'm norwooding bros… how over is it for me? any advice?

No. 1489128

bros my bitchy mom has been yelling at me for collecting lewd loli figures and doujins, what do? I tried explaining to her the lore of the loli moe idol girl harem erogames series and how they're all actually 100 years old succubus but she told me to get a job and threatened to kick me out. I'm only 35, I should be enjoying my youth not wageslaving away. roasties just don't understand glorious redpilled japanese art, they have no culture. loli erogames are very profound and meaningful and evoke strong emotions, you need to be smart and cultured to understand the deeper meanings. these holes are just jealous they will never be as cute and desirable as my 2D loli waifus. also I just spent my latest neetbux on a waifu pillow and a bunch of loli doujins, I bet all the bpd egirls reading this post are seething that they will never have a desirable redpilled chad with lots of neetbux like me. too bad I'm mgtow and will never fall for the tricks of the 3DPD. anyways can't wait to spend next months neetbux to replenish my stash of cheetos and mountain dew, cooking using fresh vegetables and fruits is a government psyop - I learned that on /pol/ today. oh yeah cleaning your room is another psyop bros. leaving half eaten food and trash everywhere along with never washing your sheets gets your body used to different bacteria and builds immunity. you will live a long healthy life doing this, I saw it on an infographic in /pol/ so it must be the truth

No. 1489132

Why are women always naked? Everytime i log onto the internet i always see some femoid slut with her tits outs or slurping on some dick. I can't remember the last time i haven't seen a woman who was wholesome and wanted a traditional family. I don't understand why those feminists whores keep complaining about women getting called whores when every single woman nowadays dreams of getting railed by 50 black guys and has an onlyfans. They are just mad that nobody wants to subscribe to their onlyfans because they are fat.

No. 1489148

women are shallow talentless emotionless whores. anyway i'm gonna go sit on my unwashed ass play modern warfare and hurl slurs at the television screen like an actual fucking child. having a deeper thought? developing interests in things besides consoomerist funko pop marvel dog water? that's for women. those brainless uncultured sluts. gotta get back to drinking nothing but energy drinks and eating like a 12 y/o while forcing my bitch gf to be my mom, bbl.

No. 1489167

Bros help me out… idk what's worse women not having children and ruining the west or women having kids which is obviously using men as betabux…

Single motherhood is a cancer. Also, any man that marries and dedicates his life to a femoid and her spawn is a retarded simp mealticket wageslave.

In any case, you should both spread your seed but also protect it from semen stealing witches.

No. 1489168

Wonder how many of these posts in this thread (and LC in general) are from actual moids, posting in a kind of NLOB attempt to make themselves feel better than other moids. “At least I’m not THAT bad haha right nonnies?”

No. 1489188

bros, I'm thinking of leaving my bitch girlfriend after finding the girl of my dreams on a Japanese dating app. My new waifu is so much fucking hotter and cuter than her anyway, and acts like a real woman. She always tells me she loves big strong American men, and that all Japanese men are soyboys! She always send me nudes, but for some reason she always looks different in them… I'm guessing it's just the angles and lighting. She doesn't work like a good trad woman should and so is always short on money. I already payed her hundreds of dollars so she can afford her things, but I didn't think it was so expensive in Japan. In any case, I am prepared to pay for everything like a real man who provides should. I already payed for her plane tickets and broke up with my-ex hog of a girlfriend, to make her know that I am committed to her. I'm finally getting the submissive tight waifu of my dreams ~~

No. 1489194

it's so blackpilling to think about how foids will never understand my machiavellian ways… sigh, bros…

No. 1489197

Depends on whether or not you're white tbh

No. 1489202

[a short ugly man with a beard walks across the factory floor]
All the females working are probably so impressed with my swagger and in your face vulgar comments. I should walk around swinging my shoulders to emphasise my short stature to get all the girlies wet

No. 1489204

My dumb cunt girlfriend started crying because I punched a hole in the wall. Idk what her problem is she should be grateful she wasn't the one who got hit
Dumb roastie keeps reeeing about how I need to work on my "anger (((issues)))" but I know it's just some jew psyop she read on twitter that tries to demasculate men and turn us into limp-dicked simps. It's like she thinks I'm not good enough for her KEK. She doesn't know she's actually the one on thin ice since a qt 3.14 10/10 big tittied 18 year old co-worker is all over me lmao

No. 1489217

bros, I am so upset that Taint got locked up. He should be free and continue being a member of society because he's innocent, and the Romanian government knows it too, they're just putting him in prison because they're just NATO matrix agents. Romania is a gynocentric society where the women dominate men. All those whores around Taint did it because they wanted to and were getting paid, and even if they weren't they deserve what happened to them, because Taint is a legend. He tells me to think for myself and pay for his courses so I can learn about how I can become an independent free thinking man and escape the matrix. I made a presentation about it for my English class, and my bitch teacher told me it barely fit the criteria of the assignment, and she fucking failed me bros. When we had a meeting after class about it I told that cunt that she had no right teaching me or other young men because we are by default better than her. She's just too dumb to teach young men like us, bros. The school system is failing us because most teachers are women, and women are dumb as shit bros. It was a system designed to favor women over men, which is why girls can read better! If books weren't so feminist, more men would read! What the fuck is A Call to Arms? Some gynocentric feminist bullshit? I'd rather read Top G's thoughts on women and society. That way, I can end up just like him.

No. 1489218

I feel like it's only a matter of time until moids find this thread and mistake it as serious. I see this thread as a ticking time bomb, and it's getting close to exploding already. There was a post ITT complaining about being banned from lolcow with a porny pic of a naked crying woman. it deleted by farmhands so it was probably a moid. This thread is dangerously close to crossing the line between ironic moidposts and actual moids posting. I really do hope farmhands lock it

No. 1489221

File: 1675387544971.jpeg (6.81 KB, 168x300, images (1).jpeg)

I don't consider ugly women people. If she does not have
>at least C cup titties
>18inch waist
>48inch ass diameter
>5'6" under (anything taller is a man)
>Hair past shoulders
>face like picrel
She's a total dog, bro! You should totally fuck her but treat her like garbage.

No. 1489222

Alright waifuchads I'm finally moving to Japan. I'm sick of being cucked by western ideology trying to keep us white men down. Japan is the model society every nation should strive towards. A nation proud of their ethnicity and they keep those feminazis in their place. It's great that I'll finally be in a country that knows the reasonable age of consent. I'm not sure where to meet women though, whenever I tried dating apps in the west foid bitches never swiped on me and when I tried to pick them up while they were working at the cashier they never gave me their number and called security on me. Feminism ruined those western bitches. Fortunately Japanese women are all submissive and will do whatever men want plus they are all qt unlike western foids who hit the wall at 18. I'm gonna head to the maid cafes or go to a bunch of idol events so when my cute young waifu sees me, glorious white man, ask for a handshake they'll fall in love with me. Anyway bros, if you see this you gotta get out of the west who is constantly pushing propaganda against us and move to based Japan.

No. 1489223

Who is your pic? She's sexy

No. 1489228

That's Lolly Jailbates, hottest porn star ever

No. 1489230

I'm OP and I regretted making it and I'm surprised its not locked after the gore flood yesterday. It's so funny but moids like to ruin everything so wouldn't be surprised if they got extra bootytickled and raided this thread specifically to ebically ~own~ us.

No. 1489234

File: 1675389010437.jpg (45.7 KB, 564x564, ragdoll.jpg)

"You're going to die alone and your cat will eat you."

(moids are dumb dumb)

No. 1489244

dying next to kitties>dying in a miserable marriage with a sexual deviant who watches degenerate incest porn and is likely to kill you.
It's so hard being a man, nobody ever compliments you, females like to complain about cataloging but I wish my looks were complimented from across the street. Life on easy mode. Amirite bros?

No. 1489246

I know man, I gotta lookmaxx or be beta bux for the bitches. Why can't they love my fatass?

No. 1489248

(laughing my ass off right now, nonnie)

No. 1489268

I can't fucking believe women have the gall to make fun of men's interior decorating when all they do is hang up LIVE LAUGH LOVE, put down a plant, hang up personal photos, and coordinate with more than 2 colors as if they aren't all copying one another. Don't they see the memes about how messy women's rooms are? Pushes away stack of empty pizza boxes

No. 1489280

Hold on, the pic posted wasn't just a porny pic, it was literally a screencap of this woman crying after having deepfake porn made of her https://twitter.com/itsybitsyspicyy/status/1620187503725789185 The pic was of her crying face photoshopped onto someone's naked body. Fucking disgusting, this thread is just attracting flies

No. 1489287

Don't regret it. Moids are bullies. We shouldn't let them push us around on our image board. They can go crawling back to 4chan or pedochan.

No. 1489292

All i know for sure is that there are too many white bitches fucking black guys and marrying Indian tech workers. The race mixing is ruining western society! Every white woman i meet nowadays is has a worn out pussy and lose their virginities at 10 years old. I hope the libs enjoy their high crime rates!

This bitch used to go to my high school and she fucked every guy including the janitor. I heard she is fat now, this picture was from 2 weeks ago.

No. 1489294

Don't worry, they would have posted gore no matter what. This is a really fun thread and it's really made me laugh, good work. I think it would be fun to have more larp threads in general, idk if other anons would find that too cringey though.

No. 1489300

File: 1675398072855.png (573.99 KB, 595x600, deception.PNG)

this is why you have to take girls swimming on a first date, she doesn't even look like the same person

No. 1489301

I would agree but I don’t see any makeup in either pic. On the left is just what a beautiful NATURAL traditional girl looks like in her teens and old hags are mad they don’t look like that anymore after hitting the wall at 20 and being used up. Maybe at most she has mascara on but I’m sure she could be convinced to give it up as self respect.

No. 1489303

This is why I’m never having a daughter. She will just grow up to be another whore in Tyrone’s harem getting pounded in the a** every night by his huge sexy BBC while his masculine ebony ballsack swings to and fro like a delicious bag of chocolate marbles. Not that I am into dicks or anything. I hate faggots.

No. 1489304

(OMFG nonnie, I'm dying)

No. 1489314

That's no girl, that's an old ass hag. Look at her mouth corner fold and her skin holes.

No. 1489335

Women only go for the top 20% of guys. I hate those Chad-chasing whores. Anyways, women hit the wall at 22. Every guy knows only 18-22 year olds, less than 20% of the adult population, are attractive.

No. 1489336

Some of you are way too convincing, lmfao

No. 1489344

Bro black men are deviants do you wanna see some videos of them twerking I have saved on my phone?

No. 1489346

>I think it would be fun to have more larp threads in general, idk if other anons would find that too cringey though
Nta but there used to be a lc hotel thread and a lc nightclub thread where nonnas larped as cows, celebrities, basically anyone and those were pretty fun

No. 1489347

>Larped as cows
Oh god that'd be a bloodbath nowadays.

No. 1489350

How come

No. 1489367

gohris(white woman) aur chiini(chinese woman) truly are the perfect to convert, allah will truly bless me for converting so many kafir women

No. 1489373

So true brother, you are blackpilled. After watching 9000 hours of interracial gangbangs I have deduced that all women are racetraiter whores who love BBC the mostest. Once I had to go to the store to buy some things I didnt want my mom to know about and I saw some white hole walk around with a white man and a bunch of white 3D lolis and shotas and I was like "wtf???" Must be her step brother cause I saw that in a video once as well.

No. 1489405

Never get married bros. My bitch of a wife nags me all day long cause some stuff needs to be repaired around the house and I told her not to hire someone to do it because I am a real man and I will do it myself, so every day she reminds me I still havent fixed that hole in the roof and that it keeps dripping water and she has to empty 20 buckets a day and also the front door is still broken from when I bashed it in after coming home drunk that night. But like, I will get to it in my own time okay???!! Like bitch do you even know that you can't pause a DOTA game in the middle? Like I will do it tomorrow for sure. Ugh.

No. 1489409

Btw I am not violent or abusive or anything I just smashed the door in cause my favorite football team lost the cup. Foids will never understand that pain.

No. 1489430

File: 1675414741879.jpeg (49.56 KB, 294x500, 37685840-A211-4F1C-8169-757E8E…)

Lmao all you roasties are just mad that trans women are more feminine than you. It probably hurts you so bad that I’m out here fucking several schizo trannies and you’re just at home with your cats.

No. 1489431

File: 1675414896010.jpeg (47.73 KB, 645x773, 33F99DD1-4528-4167-8524-E539ED…)

No. 1489444

Whoa that's sexy, this doesn't make me gay right? The custom leather interior pussy is way better than a foid.

No. 1489460

Gyms these days are complete shit. Every time I go in to get my reps in, there's some retarded roastie with those stupid scrunchy butt leggings and a bra on at the step machine or treadmill. There's also about a 30% chance she's talking with her placeholder hamplanet becky friend (who usually dresses in gym shorts and a oversized tee since they can't be fucked to dress properly) about diet plans or which black guy they'd like to fuck at college. After 15 minutes of gingerly walking at a pace my grandmother could outrun, they usually sit on the weight bench taking photos of themselves or texting Chad for about 45 minutes. They dont seem to be self-aware enough that people actually use those. I can't even finish my no-barbells deadlift since it requires lots of concentration for me because these whores are prancing around the gym.
Anyways, does consuming semen raise T?

No. 1489481

File: 1675425411259.jpg (1.28 MB, 1580x2063, 1675260854181632.jpg)

>start talking to this girl in my lit course
>she's a huge fantasy autist, massive tolkien collection
>loves nature and animals and hiking
>taking a philosophy class as well
>seems based to me
>send her some reading recs off the tedcore essential chart
>she calls me cringe and asks if i'm serious
>i'm kind of caught off guard by her blunt response
>tell her i think she'd enjoy my recs since she loves tolkien
>she asks what tolkien has to do with "any of that incel manifesto stuff"
>i redpill her on why LOTR is an ecologist critique against industrial civilization and progressivism and how based ecofash chads like ted and linkola are tolkien's spiritual successors
>i get ghosted, we stop talking, she starts ignoring me at school
why are women like this bros? this whole encounter has led me to believe women are ultimately unable to comprehend the underlying themes of tolkien's works. no matter how much they get into it, they will only perceive the most surface level concepts like "friendship" and "hope", completely incapable of any deeper philosophical reflection. i bet she's also one of those yaoi fangirls who think sam and frodo are gay. it's usually the only reason girls even get into tolkien. did modern society and feminism cause women to be this shallow and dumb, or can they simply not read or think on the same level as men?

No. 1489484

OT but Tolkein famously despised any sort of philosophical/pretentious over analysis of his works

No. 1489494


No. 1489496

Long story short:

I was tired of living in this cucked leftist western shithole so I decided to move to Japan. I love Japan because it is a honorary white ethnostate with no niggers allowed and women are submissive and cute.

So when I moved there I had to get a job to get a visa and only job available was assistant english teacher at Peppy Kids Club. Job fucking sucks because I don't even get to teach, I am more of a mascot there, having to sing and dance to that baby shark song. Pay is also shit, way below average.

So I figured out I was gonna find a better job soon so I focused on finding a wife. All these bitches acted nice and polite to me but would run off for no reason at all? Also I do not speak their ching chong language, they all say they want to learn english anyway.

Anyways managed to find wife through tinder. She said she wanted to marry right away and have "hafu" baby. Perfect! So we had sex and got married day after. But then she turned out to be crazy. She started demanding for me to get a better job. Not only that, she beats me up every day and threathens to kill herself if I complain. We never have sex because after she got pregnant and had her "hafu" son.
I can't even see my son because I have to work overtime until 10 PM at Peppy Kids Club. Also no luck in finding new job because nobody wants to hire me since I don't speak their ching chong language.

TL;DR Moved to superior Japan, now I am working a dead end job and wife beats me up every day and calls me a failure. At least there is no feminism and blacks around.

No. 1489499

You should have asked her if she knows the name of Lovecrafts cat, she probably wouldn't tho cause shes only a dumb hole.

No. 1489503

I had a similar experience but I went to Thailand to find my submissive trad waifu cause they are more poor and desperate there than in Japan (rookie mistake broski). Thailand is so incredibly based because all the women see a white Chad walk down the street and basically immediately offer me sex the way women are supposed to do. So I picked out the cutest cutie and also married her right away so we can have sex (she is catholic and trad as fuck and so am I so no sex before marriage, no hymen no diamond). We have been trying to have a baby for a while now but no matter how many times I creampie her she isn't getting pregnant so I'm thinking maybe she lied about her age and is already over 20 aka infertile empty egg carton?? Her penis is also bigger than mine which makes me a little insecure.

No. 1489508

File: 1675431558592.jpg (13.51 KB, 225x225, 1675333362523103.jpg)

>be me, 35 year old, 5'5, 90lb, blue eyed aryan chad
>hairline only receding a little bit
>somehow don't have a gf despite complimenting bitches asses on Tiktok every day they don't answer my DMs
>western women are totally ruined by social media
>pay for online course to teach me how to approach cutiepies in real life
>learn that all women are shallow whores that only want to fuck Tyrone and if I want to have a shot as a white man I need to be mega rich
>go on /biz/ to get financial advice since everyone irl just tells me to get a job (lmao yeah right like I'm gonna be a wagie like them)
>this anon is an insider and tells me to buy AnimeFeet Coin, it's gonna moon
>today is my day bros
>take out a loan of $100,000 with my bank and invest everything into AnimeFeet Coin
>already imagining my new life with my 10/10 hot asian waifu who lets me do anal every day
>AnimeFeet Coin crashes
>it was a rugpull

Anyways, anyone know any fast and painless ways to commit suicide?

No. 1489509

No. 1489514

File: 1675433386720.png (44.29 KB, 657x657, e07b20ffd67e495e5f6325dd395d0a…)

>be me, 28yo kissless virgin
>go to the same coffee shop every day cause the waitress there looks like my favorite Overwatch character (idk the name cause I don't play the game only watch the porn, it's the bitch with the snowsuit)
>sit there every day fantasizing about what her farts smell like and what her feet taste like, probably delicious
>she is always really nice to me and calls me sweetie, honey etc and sometimes gives me extra syrup with my pancakes
>she wants me
>this is my chance to lose my virginity so I decide to ask her out
>You have really nice feet, maybe I can buy you some sandals someday, mommy?
>realize I accidentally called her mommy cause I have been staring at her mommy milkies the entire time
>she says "sure sweetie I just have to get my things out of the back"
>can't believe my luck, I knew she wanted me
>after 10 minutes some big guy walks up to me and tells me to leave and never come back
>tfw this bitch had a boyfriend the entire time she was flirting with me

I just hate women so god damn much they only want Chad.

No. 1489516

Neither of you did anything wrong except that you haven’t done mewing or negged women enough.

No. 1489521

Genuine question, is it gay if I "helped" one of my mates out once? We were camping and he'd broken up with his ex (she was a fucking bitch and wouldn't let him watch porn) and we were both horny. We're both straight but this one night was kinda different.

No. 1489525

It's not gay if it's your bro and you're both straight (bisexuality doesn't exist) me and my bros exchange brojobs all the time.

No. 1489538

No homo

No. 1489588

Looking at these posts makes me think that creating a moidspeaking bot would be relatively easy and even believable.

No. 1489619

Only Chads gets three wives, cucks get none, brother. I should thank you, your post made my third wife Fatima laugh so hard she might not even beg me to buy her stupid shit today.

No. 1489654

Tom Brady has been making huge wins after divorcing that ugly bitch, but make no mistake FAMILY COURT will ruin him just like it ruins 100 000 other innocent American males.

No. 1489661

Wow the vent thread really shows how much feeemales love to complain about their non issues. What do you have to complain about when you can go out and bang someone any time you want. Some of us don't have that luxury. Some of us have to put on a false charm and systematically manipulate someone into sleeping with or dating us. Do you know how tiring that is? Must be nice being a female and just complaining about being abused all day long. I bet you secretly love it. Otherwise you'd be giving nice guys a chance.

No. 1489675

Holy shit nonnas, these posts are so in point its both hilarious and eerie. xyoids are truly inferior beings, great thread.

No. 1489676

nlobs are a total thing, look out for them anons. If a post sounds like a moid its probably a moid escaped from his shithole containment websites.

No. 1489677

meant to reply to >>1489168, im dumb

No. 1489678

R u a girl? Pls post bobs & vagene

No. 1489679

holy kek anon

No. 1489680

I honestly think the unfunny ones that are just extreme without being ironic are just scrotes thinking they're better than other y havers because male comedy lacks so much self awareness.

No. 1489692

Like yeah I cheated on my wife and every girlfriend I’ve ever had, but at least I’m not one of those 4chan incels haha amirite?

No. 1489696

File: 1675444956844.png (Spoiler Image,360.1 KB, 679x377, 1632404585833.png)

>female (((abuse)))
Good job falling for glowie memes, if anything it's the feminazi roasties abusing us. The average first world white woman is pretty much on top of the social hierarchy and even if they weren't they would probably enjoy the (((abuse))). Crime statistics don't count being a psycho cunt as abuse, which is why they aren't dominating them.

No. 1489724

Started at 150/350 cum. T was in the 80s and milking just barely out of range. Threw in AC (anal cum) at the end for 5 weeks I never bothered increasing cum. It was working just fine.

TL:DR Before & After

No. 1489728

I fucking hate this meme,moids are disgusting

No. 1489732

No. 1489751

If you'd post this for one week on 4chan, there'd be a group of moyds who seriously start believing it.

No. 1490089

I always say sorry to my gf when we fight because she always makes me the bad guy and even if she apologizes to me she somehow expects me to do the same? Why do women hate being wrong? She always tells me this annoying shit about me hurting her feefees and disrespecting her just because I ignore it when she asks me to clean the dishes with soap.

No. 1490122

File: 1675481107274.jpg (149.31 KB, 1024x768, 1656001037560.jpg)

I just about finished with my mancave! Managed to put this together just before the new homeowners arrive tomorrow, really can't wait to live with them and see them every night when I go up to grab some snacks, dirty panties and socks. They have a mega hot daughter that goes to my old school and she's just my type! I heard that she's trying out for the cheerleading team from her mom, who's alright looking but she's one those better suited in the kitchen if you know what I mean. How should I get the girl to like me? Should like make a card with some hand-drawn cars and say that I like her? or should I wait until she's fully settled upstairs before talking to her? I could see myself waking her up from a nightmare like her shining knight in armour in the middle of the night while her parents are in their bedroom sleeping. I want to talk to her without her parents knowing since they think I moved out a few days ago and I don't want my efforts to go to waste.

No. 1490129

File: 1675481475595.webm (3.68 MB, 512x638, midwest emojak.webm)

heckin foid at my work bragged about her tinder matches and guess what. 100 matches in a week. the west has fallen. it's over.

No. 1490138

>even if she apologizes to me she somehow expects me to do the same?
this is straight up abuse

No. 1490177

Hello fellow nona, just so you know not everyone who disagrees with you is a moid, nonny. Actually, you sound like the tranny here. I'm really tired of radfems shitting up lolcow, did you know this website was created by a man and that moids weren't always forbidden from posting? Not saying that it should be lifted, but not wanting moids here is newfag radblr reddit twitter radfem behavior that we as a website really don't need. Don't forget that this is not a woman-only website but a drama board. Nearly every conversation gets derailed by radfems nowadays, just like now. I'm tired about reading about moids everywhere, so maybe we should just tone it down and shut up about it nonie.

No. 1490474

Never apologize to a woman. Women are like dogs so you never reward their bad behavior (being upset with you) by apologizing because otherwise they will learn to be more upset more often! This is what my redpill sensei taught me. Instead you should just gaslight her into thinking she is overly sensitive and insecure and that her feelings are wrong and don't matter. Whenever she criticizes you, get mad as hell and punch holes in the walls so she learns not to be mad.

No. 1490991

File: 1675549136858.jpg (72.79 KB, 449x500, Naughty_kirk.jpg)

Foids keep telling me I'm gay, just because I talk about dicks and joke about having sex with my friends on Discord. Just because I write "you gonna post cock or what" or "you gonna let me suck your cock already" doesn't mean I'm gay, come on

No. 1491013

I would like to thank my black brothers in Christ for inventing basketball shorts because without them (and my XXL Limp Bizkit shirt), I'd be homosexual

No. 1491026

File: 1675551314503.png (110.5 KB, 615x300, mackenzie-foy-interpretou-rene…)

she hit the wall hard

No. 1491036

Anons, I beg you to stop reporting posts here with the reason as “moid.” Read the room. You’re in the Larp as a Moid thread.

No. 1491043

>You’re in the Larp as a Moid thread.
Would it be possible for you guys to change the subject to the greentext? OP didn't do it and I think that's what confuses other people.

No. 1491072

This is hilarious
Dummy nonnas lmao

No. 1491203

I very strongly wish we could see which posts were reported

No. 1491269

File: 1675572019727.jpg (110.66 KB, 1121x1119, ee4.jpg)

>Tfw no farmer gf to humiliate me online

No. 1491322

for real, is that a troon ?

No. 1491404

Whenever I read about a woman teacher having sex with her underaged students I get so fucking mad. Men are always demonized as pedophiles and you can't even go to a kids playground and sit on the bench and watch them play without people assume you're there to snatch one of those litte morsels up. Yet women can be pedophiles all they want and nobody cares! But the thing that pisses me of the MOST about it is that none of my hot teachers ever molested me?!?! Like those boys are so lucky…

No. 1491428

Mad that a tranny looks better than you ever will, roastie?

No. 1491441

You're an homosexual man, if Hitler was alive he would execute you on sight

No. 1491444

Kek, I did this once because I was scrolling down /ot/ and didn't see which thread the last post was posted in. Easy mistake.

No. 1491466

File: 1675603625349.jpg (59.25 KB, 691x387, guitar.jpg)

Cool guitar, beautiful blues by a beautiful woman, what's not to love?

No. 1491470

Women aren't actually attracted to things they say they are attracted to. For example, no woman likes cute and pretty guys. They all secretly lust after ugly cavemen like me. I know this because as man everything I think should be true is what women actually think.

No. 1491478

Don't tell me you think that woman can actually play that guitar. Everybody knows women know nothing about music except for top 40 pop trash and gay boy bands who look like girls. If you ask that woman about Cream I bet she wouldn't even know who they are. Women need to get out of our music and stop pretending to like it for attention. Jimmy page is 1000x more beautiful and talented at guitar than that poser whore

No. 1491509

File: 1675607887986.jpg (72.88 KB, 576x1024, EkyPabFW0AE4_vS.jpg)

dream girl right there…yup.. Want to make her my wife and grow old together. got lots and lots in common..We like the same song

No. 1491588

File: 1675617098411.jpg (20.6 KB, 474x296, th-1549286270.jpg)

Today I was browsing pinterest in order to find new photos of women to objectify, and can you believe it someone had uploaded a photo of a female movie star SMOKING. Don't they know that I find smoking unsexy? Why are women doing things that turns me off and why were they doing it in history? Why would anyone upload a picture of it? I had to write a comment and complain about how beautiful women should NEVER smoke because kissing them tastes bad. I'm sure everyone found this very important imformation. Especially Lauren Bacall, I bet she would care supermuch about my opinion and stop smoking if she were still alive.

No. 1491596

Are you a faggot or something? Smoking is totally hot because it means the woman is a cool girl who doesn't give a FUCK, not like other foids who are all hoity toity and only eat salad and drink kale juice or whatever. Also it is sexy because it makes me think of my wiener being the cigarette and she's putting it in her mouth UNGA BUNGA!

No. 1491602

The problem with female pedos is that (unlike male pedos) they are grossly underreported, and if a victim does come forward, what happens? He is laughed at, told he was asking for it, that he secretly wanted it. Even accused of lying. Same for male victims of domestic abuse. Most of these cases never make to court. Women will NEVER understand what men go through

No. 1491604

The problem with female pedos is that they didn't target me. Bro I was horny in high school where were the lecherous female teachers who would whoop me with a ruler

No. 1491606

Bad satire
Good satire

No. 1491617

I sometimes let the strong milf teachers catch me doing something bad just for their attention and time

No. 1491618

>male victims of domestic abuse. Most of these cases never make to court.
Forreal. My ex wife slapped me in the face once, no one gave a fuck. But when I broke her wrists, nose, and beat her into a shivering bloody pulp suddenly the police wants to show up? Make it make sense, bros.

No. 1491625

Tbh any man that cries about female "rapists" is a loser faggot, if a woman had surprise sex with me I'd COOOOOOOM to the MOOOOOOON unless she was ugly, then I'd beat the shit out of her for raping me.

No. 1491636

Bros, my gf is upset cause I am in several discords where I share porn with my bros and we masturbate together while watching the same thing. She said this is gay and cringe. How do I explain to her that I can not fully enjoy my gooning session if I don't talk about how HOT the purrno I am watching is with my bros? It's not gay at all. Anyone want to add me on discord btw and join in my goonroom? Just search for my name "FartOnMyFace420".

No. 1491643

File: 1675621701470.jpeg (245.88 KB, 800x800, 1F2E3AC6-249A-4DA2-BFFF-6BB4CC…)

Any hole is a goal

No. 1491644

She probably got creampied right after by chad's mighty beautiful cock, like every foid. His testosterone fueled sixpack was probably drenched in sweat as he relentlessly pounded her. It's all those whores do. You look at any foids and you immediately have the image of chad's monster cock in your head. The redpill is very long and hard to swallow.

No. 1491646

Bro I thought I was the only one picturing that whore getting pounded by 21cm lonng black cocks and imagining them impregnating her every turn. That doesn't make me a fag right?

No. 1491650

File: 1675622285126.jpg (28.75 KB, 647x363, 85aa34ff25ad4bfb4189571fd72bd5…)

I was in the grocery store today girlmoding with my supercute dresses, and this fucking cunt kept staring at me with this annoying smirk on her face. It took all my humanly restraint not to grab her and punch her right in the face. I am a foot taller than her, I could have beaten her to a pulp if I wanted to. I swear to god these fucking cisbitches will never know our struggle. They already live life on easy mode when they can pass as woman all the time. Once my HRT starts kicking in, get laser therapy, tracheal shave, FFS, orchiectomy, vaginoplasty, height reduction surgery, breast implants, then I'll finally be the woman that I've always meant to be and I'll serve cunt better than all those other cisbitches out there. I hate cis woman and their female privilege so much, oh my god.

No. 1491657

File: 1675622895792.jpg (14.91 KB, 480x360, transition_goals.jpg)

Me too sister, last day the gamesotre employee sideeyed me because I wasn't enough of a woman to him. He then started calling me "sir" so I ended up screaming inside the store and throwing figurines on the floor. Cisbitches will never understand our pain. Fuck them and fuck transphobic bigots. They want to erase our pain and struggle so bad.

No. 1491680

File: 1675625840506.jpeg (5.45 KB, 232x218, download (5).jpeg)

We're in this woke hell because they started adding female playable characters in farming sims which put too much extra stress on devs. They had to write all new dialogue. From the perspective of a woman, one of the hardest things a man can do. It was so strenuous, it caused XSEED to work overtime, gas their homes, and kill themselves. And that's how we have bland gender neutral protags now.

No. 1491851

Gaming has always been a man's hobby, culturally and historically. Foids getting into video games is only a desperate cry for attention because these bitches just want to scam us by begging for our money donates to favorite twitch streamer Anyway this bitch refused to talk to me after I pinged her 50 times in the public chat and I got banned as a result? Why are foids like this? First they get into our territory and they won't give us the time of our day? They should be lucky we even give them any views. Anyway, have you checked the latest FPS game? I couldn't focus on the gameplay because there was this 2D whore and her massive titties distracting me and making my dick twitch. I'm gonna COOOOOOM 10 more times today. Fuck females.

No. 1491932

There's a Skyrim mod that adds a companion that reminds me of her. Described as "Goth mommy with big personalities." Oh my

No. 1492009

I see you've voiced your discomfort over 12 y/o Lala-chan being forced to marry an old bastard knight, but you should know that it was a very common occurrence in those times. It may be wrong to our modern eyes but as an amateur historian, it makes me so giddy to see it depicted in my favorite jrpg series! You should also understand you're getting offended over fictional characters that aren't real. If you wish, I could tell you more about this world and setting?

No. 1492029

Lol fag I make $1.4M a year working 1.5 hours a week all WFH in quant equity machine artificial intelligence gentoo learning. I hate Pajeets so much, smelly pajeet noises always filling up the office.

No. 1492253

that's because women use psychological abuse and terror tactics against men, like accusing/threatening to accuse them of rape or abuse when they don't get their way. they don't use physical violence kek how would they ever overpower a man? they have to adapt and become conniving manipulative bitches because of their inferiority. that's why young women seduce and manipulate older guys, they know they'll have all the power in the relationship due to their monopoly on victimhood and blackmailing tactics. read lolita and you'll understand.

No. 1492255

>read lolita and you'll understand.


No. 1492277

Why are foids so retarded? They spend so much money on dumb shit like body wash, bath bombs, and candles. Anyway, did you guys see the new Overalorant Fortcraft Genji Skin? It's RGB and has custom colors and only costs $45 after you subscribe to the battle pass. Totally worth it.

No. 1492283

>read lolita and you'll understand.

No. 1492398

File: 1675706225489.jpg (17.06 KB, 275x155, 1635017997743.jpg)

>read lolita and you'll understand.

No. 1492415

File: 1675707665365.png (Spoiler Image,220.85 KB, 600x782, 47d.png)

I am here posting this on /g/ picrel is the thread because disgusting vile wojaks amuse me.

No. 1492465

If only incels actually did heroin, I'd have more respect for them. At least then they would have done something about their "depression" and shit life, albeit destructive, I would at least be something.

No. 1492493

Tyrone is based for cucking white soyboys like you.
Post boobs or stfu femcel.

No. 1492592

File: 1675721707255.png (429.78 KB, 396x669, my dinner.png)

Bros, I've been eating a raw meat diet for 1 month now and I can definitely see some gains, but I just keep having diarrhea, fever, and stomach cramps for some reasons. And no it's NOT salmonella, stop asking !

No. 1492628

why do roasties take everything out of context? just because I stalked you and threatened to rape you, does not mean I am a danger to you. Chad would never experience this.

No. 1492640

Why are you femoids so devoid of any empathy? We truly live in a matriarchy if you think a poor man who just wants to experience love is dumped by a stupid whore who only wanted money. I swear, you whores stop being wholesome by the age of 12.

No. 1492706

At least the animals I think of fucking aren't DOGS, lmao. It's basically a giant rat. For all women go on about not wanting to take care of men they'll feed, pet, play with, and scrape the shit off the ass of their dogs no questions asked. They'll spend an hour trying to fuck a dog with a smaller than average dick that's only going to nut two pumps deep anyways yet judge men for doing better!

(a moid just told me this on 4chan)

No. 1492707

These are women, gentlemen. The creatures you hold so dear to your hearts. Repulsive swine. They should have never been granted freedom or rights as they are clearly incapable of any form of critical thinking. They should be locked away like the livestock they are and forced to breed our children.

(moid also told me this on 4chan)

No. 1492718

Big Jew is trying to corrupt us with feminism. I will never consider women humans, fuck the government. Trump 2024

No. 1492722

me neither, those deranged harpies, They need to be locked away in breeding camps so we can creampie them and make white babies!

No. 1492757

We should make it official and rally up all bros for the 24th of April. Also, every foid who isn't bubblegum pink, grippy and hairless should be executed!

No. 1492776

File: 1675741387281.jpg (70.45 KB, 828x468, FvmbmbJWYAEH2q0.jpg)

Here's my face reveal

No. 1492782

File: 1675742018661.jpg (110.38 KB, 736x917, 420e7c1a355fa826d7a77f8818d422…)

Here, I found you a looksmatch based on your phenotype.

No. 1492788

What the fuck? Why a Latina? Those bitches are always mad, they're high maintenance and they get ugly after popping kids, plus they just want to harvest your organs, get him a blondie, he deserves it for being based and not cringe, and she better be 10 years old.

No. 1492791

too swarthy, I need a big breasted six feet tall germanic tradwife

No. 1492805

File: 1675743811454.jpg (70.11 KB, 500x678, 8827302877c3a2c3846.jpg)

Israel is RUN BY JEWS, HOW COULD THIS BE ? I thought they were based whites dabbing on arabs

No. 1492806

You’re in a room with a woman and a Jew. Who gets the beating first?

No. 1492808

is the Jew a woman as well

No. 1492810

No. 1492824

My dick, as I sit in the corner and hope they have sex. I may be a cuck now but once I finish this sigma male Tate academy training course, I'll probably work my way into having sex with him too.

No. 1492829

Bruh the baby has no consciousness or concept of literally anything going on outside the mother’s body. They can’t even form memories until like three years post birth. Yes there’s an evolutionary reason you’re not interested in sex with visibly pregnant women you can’t impregnate them thus your drive to conquer and breed that bitch goes down to basically zero but if your pregnant wife wants a pounding you suck it up and you give it to her because it’s gonna suck for her in another month or two and she deserves it

No. 1492833

This thot mid as hell. My gf is a g cup with dsl and a fat pussy and she is sexier than this bitch. My girlfriend would agree that she is ugly and has no ass and we would both laugh at her and throw rocks at her.

No. 1492834

Why did I get banned from lolcow for saying I would fuck the cows? They should be so lucky, I would only have sex with every woman who would ever let me do it.

No. 1492848

The patriarchy doesn't exist because females get to choose who to mate with. That's how it works.

No. 1492861

File: 1675755403544.gif (4.81 MB, 498x498, 204B1C30-EAFE-40F8-93C6-F8C6EF…)

The patriarchy doesn’t exist because I said so checkmate foids

No. 1492910

kek I also read this KF thread

No. 1492917

>needing women's permission to fuck them

No. 1492938

Western women were ruined by feminism, better you move to Japan like me and get a submissive asian waifu. All the women there are obsessed with white guys

No. 1492940

um achskully I went to Japan and women avoided me, was it cause I was 5'1.75 inches and bald ?

No. 1492941

File: 1675772078354.png (547.8 KB, 659x933, 4705k8n5kz74z.png)

oh nooo how could Jordan Peterson(my surrogate father figure) betray us like this, that's It I'm never cleaning my room again

No. 1493481

File: 1675804741169.png (656.39 KB, 831x698, lewd.png)

Femaleanons. add me Lolibreeder#3469

No. 1493502

File: 1675806150476.jpg (20.18 KB, 667x375, Ryan Gosling in Drive_wide-767…)

He's literally me

No. 1493506

So you're a faggot?

No. 1493510

File: 1675806492580.jpeg (184.95 KB, 764x512, VIhlxwZ.jpeg)


No. 1493846

File: 1675838438632.jpg (230.4 KB, 2048x1400, gettyimages-594337220-2048x204…)

Anyone here watch "I Am Jazz"? Dude those girls are so crazy hahahaha at least Tyler sounds like a girl, and Jojo has a big girthy hog, /nohomo/ though, but I would suck Jojo off, but shes a girl cause she sounds like one

No. 1495070

File: 1675947527431.png (36.2 KB, 294x466, Untitled.png)

How many bitcoins do I need to get a girl like this to agree to be my bangmaid slave?

No. 1495082

I wish more men were real men like him. I see too many weak cucks that simp for females and get no pussy in return. Even worse if she has some chad as a boyfriend or children with one.

No. 1495096

would any bros like to add me on snap and see me bust a nut to some hot forced anal demon squiddog loli futa incest schoolgirl punishment impregnation humiliation piss hentai. You could join in too, I would prefer if you also showed your dick on the call.
My user is onichaan_obito just don't save our messages my gf might see

No. 1495109

Yeah I don't get it either tbh, the driver character was stoic but he was also kind and willing to do anything to protect a woman he barely knew

No. 1495194

I'll only add you if you promise to send your gf's dick.

No. 1495231

File: 1675960985157.png (54.59 KB, 600x570, e37.png)

this whole thread basically

No. 1497522

my stupid bitch gf got me normal pizza rolls instead of the ones without seed oils. I threw them out because seed oils make you low test and give you autism, and then found out she's been cooking with canola oil this entire time. this fucking explains why my dick didn't grow on nofap and also why she's morbidly obese (120 lbs). Goddamit I'm so angry and she kept laughing at me and my favorite anti seed oil twitter accounts so I punched a hole in the door and now she's at her mom's. I just converted to catholicism though so I was planning on going to confession about it, not that I feel bad because it was her fault anyway for poisoning my masculinity with SEED OILS

No. 1498880

Media for women should be hidden from male view at all costs. I can't believe Nintendo wasted time in their direct on this gay shit "Fashion Dreamer." Women shouldn't play video games and being exposed to this girly shit was like being hit with a gayifying laser.


Guys, MtF here, I can't wait to play Fashion Dreamer and upload my character dressed like my ideal cumslut bimbo for the world to see. I'll join Discords about the game to terrorize the women in them who just want to talk about style so I can tell them about how hard those little skirts make me, tee hee!

No. 1543330

File: 1680937806619.jpg (136.33 KB, 1280x960, wp5395979.jpg)

Are you saying that petite women don't exist? I know a 35 year old woman irl who literally looks like this. It's not unrealistic at all. You sound like a jealous old hag.

No. 1543336

File: 1680938318635.jpg (14.72 KB, 480x360, Touya_x_Yukito.jpg)

Does anyone else get annoyed when people call these two gay? They're obviously just good bros. Fucking fujos ruin everything.

No. 1543405

File: 1680946502098.jpg (157.54 KB, 800x1135, __fujimaru_ritsuka_and_astolfo…)

Very submissive and breedable! Boys make the best girls! The dick just makes it better! I love traps and femboys! They make my dick diamonds!

No. 1543426

File: 1680948396318.jpg (93.47 KB, 1280x720, sussyvaporeon.jpg)

Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon for humans? Not only are they in the field egg group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Vaporeon are an average of 3"03' tall and 63.9 pounds. this means they're large enough to be able to handle human dicks, and with their impressive Base Stats for HP and access to Acid Armor, you can be rough with one. Due to their mostly water based biology, there's no doubt in my mind that an aroused Vaporeon would be incredibly wet, so wet that you could easily have sex with one for hours without getting sore. They can also learn the moves Attract, Baby-Doll Eyes, Captivate, Charm, and Tail Whip, along with not having fur to hide nipples, so it'd be incredibly easy for one to get you in the mood. With their abilities Water Absorb and Hydration, they can easily recover from fatigue with enough water. No other Pokémon comes close to this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you pull out enough, you can make your Vaporeon turn white.

No. 1543665

Hey, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is actually not the most compatible Pokémon for humans? This is a common and understandable misconception, however Vaporeon has it's human on Pokémon breedability outclassed by it's cousin evolution, Umbreon. Umbreon weights approximately 60 pounds, or around 27 kilograms, and is 3'3" tall (About a meter), making it not only large enough to appropriately handle human genitalia, but also light enough to easily be lifted, and promptly set back down repeatedly. It's relatively small size would also prove a tight entry, which is always a good thing. Umbreon also boasts an extremely impressive defensive stat spread. With it's combination of very high HP, Defense, and Special Defense stats, it can take a great pounding and come back for more! It's ability, Inner Focus, allows it to keep slamming attentively, without getting fatigued. Umbreon also has access to the ability Synchronize, which allows it to share it's current status with you, meaning you will receive all of the pleasure it feels COMBINED with all the pleasure you're getting from pounding this perfect breedable Pokémon. Umbreon also has the capability of seeing perfectly in pitch-black darkness, allowing it to effectively attend a midnight fornication session. Even if you do manage to drain Umbreon's energy with all the furious thrusts, it can recover very quickly with its access to the move Moonlight. Its black fur is also a giant positive attribute, allowing all the excretions you make to be easily seen all over its body. A great fun fact, Umbreon can excrete toxins in its sweat, which would in turn soak into your member and swell it up, making it even more sizable and sensitive. This would not only enhance the experience for you, but for your Umbreon as well (Which with Synchronize, ends up pleasing you exponentially more). Umbreon's wide movepool also supports the hypothesis that Umbreon is the best Pokémon to breed with. It can learn Payback, which doubles in power after the Pokémon is hit, meaning Umbreon with throw it back twice as hard as normally if you're hitting it good. Umbreon can also learn Guard Swap; it could give YOU its insane durability, and go crazy on you all night with your now massive endurance. Speaking of endurance, Umbreon also has access to Endure, making it practically immune to fatigue, it will always have energy left over. Charm is also within Umbreon's movepool, letting it be extremely seductive towards you, easily getting you in the mood. Umbreon can also use Taunt, in turn making you ONLY able to to attacking moves such as Slam, Pound, etc; none of that foreplay shit, right into the action. It also has access to Sleep Talk, giving it the ability to not only give consent in its sleep, allowing access to any of its ports and any time, but also move in it's sleep, making it an effective 24/7 fuckmate. Umbreon still has even more great moves that good to have while smashing, such as Quick Attack, allowing swift slams and bounces, which can have even greater power if Umbreon uses Curse beforehand. Curse would also raise Umbreon's defense, making it able to take powerful thrusting for almost any duration. Looking back, Umbreon's slightly small size ensures a gorilla grip cavity and easy physical manipulation. Its ungodly bulk allows it to take poundings for hours on end and resume after recovering with moonlight (Which works even better when it's sunny). It's access to the abilities Inner Focus and Synchronize allow it to unwaveringly throw it back and add all of its pleasure onto yours, effectively making it twice as amazing as any other Pokémon, or even FOUR TIMES, factoring in the doubled power of payback of course. All of this information in combination with its extremely useful movepool in the world of intercourse makes Umbreon the Pokémon most qualified to breed with humans; able to take dick of any shape, any size, in any position easily for extensive periods of time, while having the ability to return for even more mere seconds later.

No. 1543940

File: 1680987432161.jpg (157.44 KB, 640x858, 2nW9ok7xjQGN7OWZ-vu3DgTOw3BCfD…)

Fujos should stay away from media. Everything they touch have always try to turn it into to some faggot shit even when the guys are clearly straight. Fucking disgusting that they have to sexualize men and fetishize fags.

No. 1543980

Typical hysterical female behavior. The second a male space pops up their first instinct is to destroy it.

No. 1552563

these bitches are just jealous of the femboy superiority because they get dusty old eggs after 25

also i don't understand why I keep getting banned for not integrating

why are these nufags reporting me for nothing

No. 1552598

Hello there fellow trans girlie! It seems my previous post was deleted by the evil terfs who wish to genocide me for sharing my joy!! I just bought this game and booting it up gave me such glorious rush of euphoria!! I always saw cisses playing those ubisoft games when i was younger and i shunned them because they were too girlie. Boy was i wrong!! Had i played imagine babies as a teenager i would have transitioned sooner! That means i would have more time for my tits to grow in. Imagine, i could have been a H cup by now, but unfortunately I am a measly C cup. It sucks, but i am still hot and sexy. I am having such a thrilling experience making cute clothes that i can only dream of because of those transphobic clothing companies that only make cute slutty clothes for cis women!!! Fashionova just can't handle dressing a bad and nasty cumslut bitch like me, they only want to cater to dusty haggard cis cunts!!!! I have been making a ton of miniskirts in the game and i feel euphoria at the notion that i can wear something that flatters my hard and dripping girl dick and with easy access to it any place any time!!! I hope you are enjoying the game, we trans girls invented the concept of gamer girls!!!

No. 1552645

I know I'm a woman, I can feel it, it's a deep sense of connection to my spiritual feminine. Have you considered you might actually be nonbinary?

No. 1552827

File: 1681783359522.png (74.06 KB, 570x425, 140C598B-CBCC-4D5D-B746-BD8638…)

Ooh miss gurl PLEASE don’t make me snatch my wig at this biiitch, periodt. I know she did NOT come out the house looking a whole mess, not even snatched, long ass neck, loose ass fish smelling pussy. Purrr I see you. You trynna come up in here hugging on your mans like I’m not here boutta snatch him up I’m just a hole daddy sir everyone knows I look way better than most cis straight white women (me and my fellow cunts call them EXPIRED MILK JSksksksk) it’s so funny these ugly bitches think they’re hot shit and don’t even have acrylic nails or wear she in crop tops. These fatwhores don’t even know I would literally kick them in the fucking jaw and slice them up with pickax, it’s giving slay. Anyways Stan Nicki

No. 1552838

No straight or even masculine presenting man looks at a freak like James Charles or whatever and sees anything more than a deformed little boy. Its so sad to see gay men flush their savings away trying to look like a woman with ass filler or whatever because you end up looking like a clown and everyone is laughing at you. They hate women cause we're the competition and the only men who will fuck you are desperate bottom of the barrel incels because they're too ugly to get a normal woman. Die mad about it.

No. 1552847

How about a little blowie? I consider it tender loving care and it makes me feel like my wellbeing matters to you. Just 10 seconds.

No. 1552852

Girl please you’re just jealous cause your man wants to FUCK me. And I willl, I’m on that prep pill.

No. 1552857

me when my pussy smells like fishy fishy and i'm mad about it. my bussy smells like chocolate cake, die mad sis

No. 1552862

pressed and obsessed kek

No. 1552883

I worked with an ugly fat faggot like this who got so mad at me because I fucked his lame bisexual fwb. He was asking me about it for weeks no joke he's still obsessed with me after that. Luckily I have a gene that protects me against HIV because those two faggots def have aids by now. Must suck to see every man you love fall in love with a woman because no man with a shred of masculinity looks at a drag queen next to a naturally beautiful woman and feels a primal urge to fuck the queen.

No. 1552890

File: 1681787174658.gif (11.62 MB, 640x620, saucy-santana.gif)

Stay mad HEUX! You mad because your raggedy ass can't afford a bbl! Y'all bitches stay mad and bitter and don't known how to keep a man and me and my girls stay sucking on your man on the low low. Pretty sure i saw your man in a club in Atlanta with one of my trans girlfriends.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1552930

You bitches think vagina runs the world emojis, bitch half your men be sucking my toes and dick!! And they straight!!!! Yes they straight men!!! I'm a bad bitch and yall can call men fucking with Trans all day gay but guess what??? They straight N-words with baby mama and girlfriends! Your baby daddy or boyfriend! Straight men ain't afraid of no dick when it's attached to a bad bitch! Pussy don't run the fucking world!emoji spam

No. 1552936

I was larping as a moid

No. 1552988

To be honest there is kind of a high number of seemingly straight men on the downlow but that's mostly because they're sex addicts who are too broke or too ugly to afford having sex with the types of girls they want. I've known a few people like that its tragic but at least they get aids and die eventually as all ugly genetically inferior men should do.

No. 1553004

kek, that's why i specifically mentioned atlanta, apparently it's the mecca for down low men looking for easy and discrete dick. You also see a fair share of men like the gif or James Charles clones just out and about so often. I've seen so many I've lost count. Tbh, these fruity moids get their confidence from somewhere valid, but they just fail to realise they are nothing more than side dishes, they never actually steal men from women no more does any old prostitute, but they sure do end relationships, just empty handed. They are like pickmes trapped in male bodies and i find it funny.

No. 1553078

It's funny because it's true. Scrotes will seethe night and day how it's not gay to fuck men and that straight moids definitely bang other moids because even trannies are still men and obsessed with the idea of competition and reproductive anxiety kek.

No. 1553400

Bros, I can't do this anymore, another day yet again spent jacking it to petite lesbian anal torture orgy porn. When I was FINALLY feeling close to shoot my load (used to be able to cum buckets, now I can only cum after ~5-6h of pregnant women extreme degradation), my mom slammed the door open and screamed at me to clean the toilet, saw my computer screen, and now she and my dad are talking about finding ways to make me do the chores (which is a foid duty, mind you) or they'll kick me out. I'm so mad and feel empty, I'm so so tired and just want to break free from these evil whores mind control, drawing me to pornhub day after day. I'm a King and deserve to be loved unconditionally and taken care off by a young hot foid. But none of them seem to apreciate me for who I am. Fuck my mom (sounds kinda hot ngl), and fuck feminism for giving options to women other than becoming my bangmaid.

No. 1579349

File: 1684260942567.jpeg (Spoiler Image,47.31 KB, 554x528, images (57) (16).jpeg)

Small dick jokes are a iluminatti jewish masonic bolshevik psy-op to make white and east asian tradwaifus to prefer black and brown men over us and cause white genocide/great replacement.
Our ancient greeks ancestors considered small, flaccid dicks to symbolize masculinity and virtue, and large, erect penises to symbolize degeneracy and decay. #AllSizesMatters

No. 1580224

File: 1684347886959.png (129.25 KB, 642x680, LMAOOOOOOOOOO.png)

i believe 2d women are far superior to these fleshtards, my waifu can be tsundere and make dinners for me without any issues, my father may have divorced my mother because he had a side chick but i know my mother is at fault for being such a useless woman, marin is the ideal woman she just wears what her bf wants and is a slut.
also breaking the larp but seeing andrew taint fall into the coombrained anime hole is funny as shit

No. 1580244

Which mod missed which thread this is? LMAO

No. 1580409

Only low-decoupling low-IQ females wouldn't understand why me and my high IQ friends spend our time ranking every woman we meet on a scale from 0 to 10… The brains of females aren't unfortunately built for such analytical thinking.

No. 1583348

File: 1684680288587.gif (2.6 MB, 498x348, kek2.gif)

No. 1583361

File: 1684681935748.jpg (25.02 KB, 500x296, main-qimg-653ad82cb30c6fe1fc3e…)

My gf keeps complaining that she has to clean piss off the walls next to the toilet every week because I refuse to sit down to pee. She really expects me to sit down and pee like I'm some sort of bitch. Everyone knows sitting down to pee means you are not a real man because god gave me a firehose to aim at the world around me and cover it in my piss. She then asked me to clean the toilet myself then if I want to piss all over it, so I said of course I will do it. Jokes on her tho cause I never will actually do it and just roll my eyes at her whenever she reminds me it's my turn to clean until she finally can't take the piss smell anymore and do it herself. Then me and the boys joke about how much our wives are nagging cunts who nag us all day about stupid things. It's great to be a man lol. Press p to piss.

No. 1583363

No. 1583996

The only reason that lesbianism isn’t counted as a hate crime against men is that our society is pussy-whipped and refuses to give the very real issue of misandry the respect and attention it deserves.

No. 1595997

File: 1685817223796.jpg (Spoiler Image,53.03 KB, 640x413, 71229b5eb23a14451e5d6526ab65eb…)

Remember these whores aren't actually only into each others, brother. They just do it for our attention and enjoyment. I've fucked so many lesbians, they would never say no to a big fat cock !
Btw how do I ask my new gf to have a threesome? The other day I tried to imply I'd love to see her play with a chick but she started getting all defensive saying she's straight and I lied to her about being monogamous… As if straight girls don't have secret orgies at their sleepovers… Also our unicorn would basically be a living sex toy so it doesn't count lol

No. 1603303

You're a fuck ugly greasy little faggot and I genuinely hope your father or whoever neans the most to you hunts you down and takes a hatchet to your face and then kills themself. You fugly retard. I hope you get run over by a semi going 80mph. I want to see your body explode into a meat soup. I hope you fucking die painfully and horribly. I hope you go fucking bald in a year. I hope a customer with AIDS bleeds in an open wound of yours and you doe a slow death. I hope you fucking suffer you slimy fucking cunt stupid fucking retard. I hope you fucking suffer. I hope you fucking die. You are a piece of shit ugly cunt and I will be manifesting and praying for your horrible, sad death and if it happens I will revel in all the people boo-fucking-hooing over your fucking worthless existence ending. Fuck you you stupid cocksucker. I will piss and shit on your fucking grave and I hope your family never fucking heals. I hate you

No. 1603590

Cybersexing on gaiaonline as a retarded 12 year old and I wrote puts cigarette out on boob and wipes ash and the moid broke character to chimp the fuck out. I got a gazillion page lecture on why smoking was not hot because his dad wah wah. Faggot.

No. 1603607

File: 1686483883829.jpg (55.96 KB, 800x735, mfwneedcooming.jpg)

NGGGGH, my fav waifu's precious, round, disproportionnate mommy milkers. I'd totally smash that bro.

No. 1605641

File: 1686675346219.jpg (28.81 KB, 428x413, 1674751088597.jpg)

I jacked to a chick's armpits, dude, I love it. There's like, pheromones there, it's like her essence, and like her smell and like, her root, her whole. This is you. This is you in there. I wanna smell you! I wanna be as close to the source as I can! If she doesn't shave, like, fine, I wanna be in there. Her armpits smell differently. I'm in the show.

No. 1605785

File: 1686685417026.jpeg (9.1 KB, 235x296, F5BDB58D-710A-4754-94F4-4E2AEF…)

I’m literally Batman but instead of fighting crime, I am racist. My last name is Martinez

No. 1605795

Face is meh but his body is hawt. Paperbag or whatever.

No. 1605798

What are you, gay? Wanna fuck at my grandma's?

No. 1605800

Sorry guys I didn't see what thread Im in I just saw abs and arms

No. 1605819

I didn’t see what thread this was at first and nearly reported, good job?

No. 1605832

Let me in on this I wanna watch from the closet and jerk off

No. 1605840

Thank you! The best part is I transcribed this from a drunk scrote who admitted this.

No. 1605871

Only if you both agree to splooge on my face after. But in a completely non-homosexual way tho.

No. 1605960

Oh yeah dude. I-I wasn't gonna do that until you asked, haha

No. 1606039

That's gay as fuck bro

No. 1606315

No it's not bro. Real men look out for each other and jerk off together so we can check if everything works fine. It isn't gay to check your bro's cum, bro. We have to inspect our dicks so we can be in perfect shape to get all those bitches.

No. 1606435

Life is so hard for men compared to women.
Nobody cares if we live or die, people cross the street when we walk alone, it's harder to become friends and people are colder to you than to women. We are only nice to them to get sex but you get the point.
And we're cold because of the DUMB WHORES who laughed at us when we got emotional! Fuck! I'm so angry I'm gonna punch a wall!

No. 1606536

File: 1686764104299.jpeg (101 KB, 750x1190, E99E88FA-1340-405A-A540-472577…)

Retarded femoids use your brain challenge, I know you don’t have a lot to work with but you can’t assume every man is dangerous just cause a few rare cases of men. So what if your relatives you trusted are degenerates like your stepdad and uncle? It obviously runs in the family cause you started doing onlyfans and unsurprisingly your stepdad and uncle subscribed, look I don’t even feel bad for these whores. Their “work” is them preying on lonely naive men who don’t know about Reddit leaking OF thot nudes, they think those girls want them cause the girls act like it just so they can take men’s money. When you say “I’m creeped out by my stepdad” I hear “I seduced him” tell your mom to give the poor man some more sex ffs also you’re mid. I rate you 3/10

No. 1606540

I was about to get mad at this but then I saw what thread this was posted in.

No. 1606543

women shouldnt expect anything from men considering men cant even expect a woman to have a bodycount under double digits by the time they are 18

No. 1606555

can the retards reporting shit here please READ THE THREAD body text before reporting people for being moids? jfc come on…

No. 1606562

You sound like me when I'm angry at nonas. It's cute

No. 1606564

Calm down janny, kek.

No. 1606571

something about randoms driving by and reporting shit from this thread, enough to piss of the jannies is hilarious

No. 1606741

Reporting the farmhand as a moid, only moids have poor emotional control

No. 1608136

men and women are not the same so it's OK to ask you to be a virgin when I've fucked dozens and it's OK for me to cheat because duh men dissociate lov eand sex

No. 1608179

Yeah, bro, I get you. We logically, as moids, need to have sex with as many females as possible because otherwise, we will get beaten up by other moids, if I don’t find a female to have sex with daily, then I will get gangstalked and killed.
I can’t believe females don’t understand how crucial is sex with virgins that are devoted to us, specially when they’re young, it’s scientifically proven how having sex with a young female males moids happier and their dicks grow too.

No. 1608207

File: 1686863324154.jpeg (40.9 KB, 577x762, F0CFDA3A-5C7D-4CC4-BBBD-3F3B29…)

I don’t give birth, therefore I don’t have the responsibility gene in where my dick wants to secrete, we men have to use charm, money and looks to get a broad, but any whore can open her legs, I don’t give a fuck what warm willing(?) hole is on the end! Shut the fuck about zodiacs hoe, that shit isn’t real, everyone knows your birthday doesn’t determine shit about you, it’s the shape of your skull that will tell you if you’re a chad or a wimp Jew, I will FUCK anything that moves, I’m an INTJ alpha male I have disturbingly high amounts of testosterone and it’s from the supplements of Bull Semen pills and Chimp Anabolic Creatineroids. Anyways I pretend to be into Tarot and Trans rights for the hairy liberal art hoes to give me footjobs under the table at Dennys at 3am and let’s me lick her maadams apple and gooch, she’s gonna let me hit it when she gets the gorilla grip customary cream ridden frothy bloody heated leather (VIRGIN) pussy installed. Imagine the smell.

No. 1608320

>when you give them the intj stare coupled with that knowing, sardonic half smile of pure analyzing

No. 1608424

A bonus of the sardonic half-smile is you get huge jaw muscles from it. Bitches are on me now like flies on shit. No more mewing for me!

No. 1608432

I stay chewing on the falim

No. 1608459

Most moids actually have it incredibly easy when it comes to finding decent women. Broke ugly short men still manage to find women who want to give it a shot. It is harder for women than it seems, also, to find a guy who wants to really be in her life.

No. 1608466

>gorilla grip customary cream ridden frothy bloody heated leather (VIRGIN) pussy installed. Imagine the smell.
Bro you should write books, you're really good at writing!! Do the next Marvels movie!

No. 1608483

File: 1686881640851.jpg (582.66 KB, 1502x2000, IMG_20220807_224638.jpg)

God I'm such a good cook, foids seethe this is what real men cook while you fuck around with your Easy Bake Ovens

No. 1608511

Looks tasty king. What's the use of having a slut around now?

No. 1608528

Just stubbed my toe badly while walking. This is the result of living under the gynocracy because women control most consumer spending and drive demand for useless garbage like tables and bedframes. Meanwhile the only thing men need to live is a gaming console. Seriously those whores will never understand the pain of living in this shitty feminized world.

No. 1611088

I hate the majority of people and I'm okay with that! I'll use my charisma to win them over anyway and use them each step of the way, whichever how I can. I'm a great person because I do not enact my anger towards them. Only using them for my convenience and not as a emotional dumping ground where I call them a stupid fucking IDIOT for being so dumb. Kek
People are my tools to use.

No. 1611089

Great now show it coming out of your asshole

No. 1611097

File: 1687114183906.png (46.08 KB, 1345x904, 2A8DA4F7-A48F-4376-90AD-3675C3…)


No. 1611109

This is a new personal fave.

No. 1611120

File: 1687115697999.png (24.22 KB, 375x550, masculoid.png)

How do I replicate this recipe without semen being available? I used the last remnant of my cum jar yesterday. My dog is also neutered.

No. 1611128

Zinc and apsaragus, brother

No. 1611576

Relationship advice for fellow chad thundercocks like myself: Your gf is mad at you because you acted like an emotionally retarded ape? Simply get mad at her back. For being mad at you! To a smoothbrained female this might sound nonsensical but if you think about it with your logical manbrain, this bitch is basically just looking for reasons to get pissed off and to make your life harder by being mad and not giving up the pussy, this makes me fucking mad as hell and thats all her fault so I just gaslight her into thinking that she's actually done something to me by being upset when I am a dick to her. It's easy you guys should try it!

No. 1611578

Remember: give a chicken a treat every time you pluck out one of its feathers. That's all it takes.

No. 1611589

Asparagus is a pagan vegetable worshipped by Greek faggots and Romans. It has no place in Judeo-Christian cuisine.

I'm >1608483. If you can't get semen, get mayonnaise with pineapple juice and mix it together with milk of magnesia. Same texture and taste as regular se- wait. No. I'M NOT GAY IM NOT GAY IMNOTGAYIMNOTGAYIMNOTGAYIMNOTGAYIMNOTGAYIMNOTGAYIMNOTGAYIMNOTGAYIMNOTGAYIMNOTGAY

No. 1613430

You wouldn't understand, it's a guy thing. A chick could never get what it feels like to be emasculated, girls aren't supposed to be competent and strong like men. It's a uniquely male experience to be insecure when you're a failure.

No. 1613689

It's true that breast size is determined by genetics, my little sister's bra fit perfectly on my chest (though she is overweight and in no way shapely). She's still growing so maybe we can compare our growth, can't wait! (I'm 17, 2 months on E)

No. 1613727

Is that Alex?

No. 1614112

How make pp bigger?

No. 1614135

jelq brother, 3 years and I don't have to dickmax anymore

No. 1614138

File: 1687397125908.png (704.25 KB, 634x1132, Untitled.png)

A real man only eats raw meat. The paleo raw-meat ketogenic organ meat omad caveman diet is the only diet for real alpha chads. Vegetables are a psyop by the Jews to make you poo weak and soft. If you are not pooping stone-hard pebbles then you are a soyfilled bitch. Men who eat their steak medium rare might as well be called women. Once a while I take one of my dogs deworming pills and poo stringcheese for a couple of days. It's like a natural detox.

No. 1614165

No offense dude but I'm not listening to some FAGGOT with no shirt on.

No. 1614180

No. 1614199

Clothes are a psyop too. Wake up sheeple. Once you eat raw meat you will grow a wooly coat of manly bodyhair and not need any clothes. Bonus is that your musty odor (pheromones) will drive the chicks crazy.

No. 1620675

File: 1688080670343.jpg (27.77 KB, 375x348, cdc0028d2d25c207299eda61eb649b…)

The rant on this image is so fucking telling kek, they really think we're like them

No. 1620678

Why is Levi involved in this?

No. 1620694

i thought he looked cool bro, i'm a lot like Levi anyway so I understand him. All he wanted was to stop the Jewish Marleyan agenda just like me

No. 1620709

Bros what is your favorite anime? Mine is of course Desu Kawaii Loli Schoolgirl Cocktorture Neko Chan Monster Titty High School Rape Dungeon 5000

No. 1620730

I'm very high IQ I only watch emo fakedeep traumaporn that happens to also feature titty high schooler rape

No. 1620735

Keep malding foid, just watch when we replace you roasties with our submissive Ukrainian waifus! Eastern women actually know how to us men with dignity and respect and are all virgins!! I feel dirty writing this

No. 1620757

File: 1688091520614.jpg (31.57 KB, 600x600, poster,504x498,f8f8f8-pad,600x…)

So true brother. Move over Sabine and Heidi who rejected me for my body odor. Olga is coming to warm up my ears with her DDDDDD earmuffs aka TiG OLD BITtIES!! I will motorboat them fuckers like crazy and then she will bring me chicken tendies and suck my penis in a wheatfield cause she is TRAD unlike western roasties. She doesn't even care that I stink, don't have a job and spend all my social benefits on anime figurine.

No. 1620760

File: 1688091903133.png (214.48 KB, 640x852, 58.png)

Loli high school rape, seriously? You fucking degenerate. Pedophile scum like you make the rest of us anime watchers look bad. I only watch anime about little girls doing the most boring inane shit imaginable. Why? Because the storylines are extremely interesting. And nope, I don't want to fuck these little anime girls. In fact, I just want to protecc them like an older brother. I think about them 24/7, collect figurines, write forum posts about how kawaiiely pure and innocent they are (I fucking hate western whores), and dream about sniffing their hair while they sit on my lap. I would take them to the mall and buy them cute, modest outfits… Then we'd get ice cream, and she'd look at me with those lovely Bambi eyes. I'd feel like the king of the world…

All of this would of course be in a 100% non-sexual way, like siblings. If you even DARE think about pure, virginal, innocent, tiny, petite lolis sexually I WILL KILL YOU.

No. 1620769

Based af. Lolis are for head pats DO NOT LEWD. I want to be papa to cute Kanna-chan, take care of her, bathe her, buy cute underwear for her while these women look upon me with confusion and admiration. Yes I am a single father who will put the well being of my kawaii little girl above even you women so back off whores, for my heart is taken!

No. 1620801

Breaking the fourth wall here but I absolutely hate when a man has a moderately handsome face and he has this stupid long hair. It looks fucking dumb. Buzz that shit and lift. Stupid hair.

No. 1620809

Whoa bro you’re kinda sexy you look like you have hunter eyes with a positive cantal tilt

No. 1620824

Hes so Chad. Any stupid fucking whore cunt bitch roastie that rejected him doesn't deserve him anyway. Gock gock gock

No. 1620837

Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation

No. 1620839

My gf is getting kind of fat, she gained like 5lb since I met her and now weighs 100lb at 5'10. I noticed in the 10 years we have been together she also got at least 10 years older. Of course I immediately lost all attraction. Should I cheat on her?

No. 1620848

Lmao every time I unwittingly scroll past these threads and catch these replies I get so annoyed and seethe until I realize what thread it is Kek

No. 1620853

You deserve a raise :((:()

No. 1621094

Lmao this is the one

No. 1621113

Disgusting. Trannies are a menace to society and hurt our women and children. As a traditional manly man, all I can say is that ALL trannies deserve the rope. Except for the ones who make my pee pee stand up, of course. Feel free to rape women and molest my kids, long as you let me touch those hard-as-rock titties.

No. 1621139

this is literally my creepy brother. i will never let him around my kids.

No. 1621160

File: 1688137380339.jpg (38.17 KB, 450x600, mantour11.jpg)

True, true. The fucking nerve gold-digging western "women" have to expect me to pay for their $8 coffee. Bitch, you think I'm gonna invest in you like that? I took a month-long vacation to Thailand to look for a trad wife with high morals like myself. I found a lovely, delicious little peach of a Thai girl and we spent a few weeks together. Wow, what an experience. A breath of fresh air. We'd lay in bed pillow talking about how I'd put a ring on it and bring her back here to the UK. Oh, you want to know why I didn't bring her home?… Well, uh… It was too difficult, you know… I am going back to Thailand though. To meet her again? I was thinking maybe I should give the other girls a chance as well, anything else would be unfair. Had a couple sweethearts dragging me by the collar at the bars haha LOL. Gotta see what's out there, you know.

No. 1621436

File: 1688161112807.jpg (18.06 KB, 245x400, blonde_woman_in_a_wheat_field_…)

Bros why is it so hard to find a nice woman to love me? I really don't ask for much except that she is no older than 15, looks like picrel, is a virgin and willing to have 8 of my children while taking care of the house and also working full time to contribute 50% to the bills. It seems due to modern feminism I am doomed to be alone forever. Maybe I need to mew more?

No. 1621494

File: 1688165095859.gif (3.68 MB, 480x358, 74BB4006-0F7A-457E-9566-A5B7CD…)

This will be me when I finally find a girl who isn’t on sale for 4.99 a month and doesn’t have a snap score over 5,000 and isn’t a landwhale of course

No. 1621497

Samefag literally every girl is exactly the same all the ones I follow on instagram have onlyfans and their tits and fake blowjob lips out on display, all I want is a nice naturally beautiful fertile woman under the age of 20.

No. 1621500

skskskksksksk Agatha! Omg GATHERED ha!

No. 1621544

File: 1688170284145.jpg (97.33 KB, 699x1143, blonde_woman_in_a_wheat_field_…)

Same bro. All women nowadays start Onlyfans as soon as they turn 18 so the age of consent is preventing good men from picking up a women who are pure. These sluts are so stupid because we will replace them with AI tradwaifus soon.

No. 1621863

File: 1688202582954.jpeg (126.09 KB, 675x1200, 9E48371C-1009-4F59-A624-2621E1…)

Reminder that it’s ok to punch your local terf!

No. 1621867

ok queen, go off

No. 1622220

some retard almost got me permabanned because they didn't read the top of the thread

No. 1622461

File: 1688258957085.png (423.25 KB, 1382x700, ieywb.png)

Ugh I hate shoe because she's been blacked and she's bald, but anyway here's a fun fact about black men and their BBC. Ugh i hate them so much

No. 1622479

fuck off and go neck yourself

No. 1622491

Just confirming that scrotes have always been psuedo homosexual lunatics obsessed with cucking and other mens dicks kek.

No. 1622493

Did you forget what thread this is nona

No. 1622498

Read the title of the thread

No. 1622510

The point of the thread is to make posts pretending to be a scrote, not seething about real scrote posts. Gj derailing the thread dumbass.

No. 1622519

How did i derail? Seems like you are there's a few posts posting things moids said and also pretending to be a moid. Whining about it details the thread more

No. 1622550

Because this thread isn't for you to cry about Null, it's for making funny posts pretending to be a scrote. I know you are the same bitch too who cries every time he mentions Shoe0nhead being blacked cause you got some weird personal hangup about it. Get over it.

No. 1622578

File: 1688268972285.jpg (128.76 KB, 1280x1354, simplewaterfilterseller.jpg)

Our civilization could've been colonizing the stars by now if we hadn't been feminized by the feminist whores slutting around, taking birth control, and pissing the excess estrogen into water system.

No. 1622597

>pissing the excess estrogen into water system
Real shit? You think if I drank enough girl piss it would be just like HRT? BYE BYE HORSE PISS PILLS!!

No. 1622600

You girl sick eventually gets so smol it turns into a girl clit. Even smells like it, my totally straight boyfriend told me! He sucked my girl dick and said it tasted like fish totally like a real vagina! Cis bitches mad and stay down bad!!!!

No. 1622614

I don't understand how stupid slut femmoids think they can be taken seriously in the gaming space. All of them turn to onlyfans once their career flops and do porn, poisoning the minds of young men who have no choice but the watch their content. These whores don't understand how evil they are for making porn and forcing all of us men to be addicted to it. It's not fair that we have no choice but to watch porn and these whores get rich and famous of our helplessness! At least when men fall off, they make podcasts where they exclusively have intellectual conversations about how unfair it is femoids can make money from men, but us men can't show our dicks to them for money! It'S NOT FAIR!!!

No. 1622663

Those retarded sluts have no idea how easy it is to be a bitch. They have the easiest lives imaginable. If I were a woman I would just sell pussy and fuck all my guy friends, it would be so easy. I would become a millionaire and use all men, jizz would drip from my ears but my wallet would be so heavy. So fucking easy. You just have to get naked and they throw money at you. I don't understand why they wont just give it up, their lives would be so much easier. All they do is cry about being molested, guess what I was molested too and im perfectly fine. Stupid fucking cunts. Ugly bitch trash.

No. 1623039

It is truly mysterious how women can have sex whenever they want with whomever they want and they chose not to??? Like what?? Free sex and they are just like "lol no thanks". If that was me I would be doing nothing else all day and have all the BBC bukkake cuckholding BDSM stepsister stuck in dryer orgy fuckfest anal destruction parties that my body could handle. Women have it so easy. They get to have the only thing in life that is important: sex. And they throw it away like garbage while wasting their time doing whatever stupid shit women do. Gossip and buy shoes I guess. Ugh how I hate them!!

No. 1623203

Bro getting the gluck gluck 3000 from your hot teacher at 12 isn't being molested. Rape isn't real, you should be grateful you got to bang a hot MILF. So many good dudes are incels because of prude femoids and bitches sucking only Chad's cock. The things I would have done to my homeroom teacher at 12 hngggggggg. I would have made that bitches ass prolapse after a good ass fucking. Damn.

No. 1623233

Yes everyone knows sucking dick isn’t gay, as long you have long pink hair and thigh high socks, you’re a girl.

No. 1623331

Right? My uncle and his friends passing me around like a cumsock when I was 6 built character, and taught me how to tuck my dick so thats a win/win. Girls only cry and threaten to kill themselves, it's so annoying. They hold it over your head and use it as leverage so they don't have to give up sex. They're so fragile emotionally, we are so much smarter for just pretending it never happened and punching ourselves in the chest when we are all alone at night and our call of duty bros have gone offline.

No. 1623487

Do foids actually think we want to be friends with them? We all know we just want to fuck every hole that will take us. That's their only value and as soon as we convince them to be free use then society will be fixed.

No. 1623827

No. 1623832

File: 1688409757751.jpeg (27.44 KB, 211x302, IMG_0901.jpeg)

I’ve been doing semen retention for 12 days now.

No. 1623880

File: 1688415505623.jpg (7.95 KB, 150x336, kekaroo.jpg)

>not recycling your semen instead

lol ngmi

No. 1623892

Don't trust foids bro, you never know which ones of them are actual sluts with a high body count! One of them told me she had sex with some beta cuck last night and I felt so cheated. We never even talk that much. I bet her body count must approach 100. Why are women all sluts…

No. 1623972

Can’t even stare at a woman’s ass and take pictures without it being called “sexual harassment” feminism ruined this generation of women, I bet that little slut was gonna go home and sell pictures of her ass anyways, I was just getting a freebie

No. 1624002

So true. I got kicked out of a gym for filming a slut doing squats. Like it is scientifically proven females cant grow muscle, there is no other reason than showing off their ass to do that. I bet if a tall chad did that she would have just gotten horny, but since Im a regular nice guy its "harrasment".

No. 1624016

Sorry but you look like a babyraping sandnigger, bro. Everyone knows only whuite men deserve pussy. Yes I am 4'9 and weigh 70lb plus have less hair than you and acne plus skorliosis, but my genes are superior to all of those with darker skintones than mine. Once I get a job and leave my mom's basement its fucking over for mudcels.

No. 1625470

You watch Cardcaptor Sakura? GAAAaaay that anime is so mid and boring. Could say the same for all shoujo anime. I don't understand the appeal of them and can't take them seriously because of how girly they are. No wonder they hardly get any seasonal releases. The only good thing about that show are the lolis and maybe the shota. I highly reccomend watching Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid! It got titties, cute lolis, yuri romance and a straight shota with a hot bimbo!

No. 1625576

Nothing beats Evangalion. Shinji is literallyme

No. 1625597

Hey girlies, I’m going to try to start tapmaxxing (tap water maxxing for you autistic dolls out there) since my previous HRT discord vendor got got. Would the E be more potent since I’m closer to Flint, MI?

No. 1625615

Not when he's shipped with Kaworu. That's fucking gay.

No. 1625630

>Shinji is literallyme
So you're a faggot? If I were Shinji I would have killed all the angels without whining like a little bitch and I would have fucked Rei and Asuka at the same time.

No. 1625634

>fucking those two sluts like gendo isn't right there

No. 1625671

I told this dumb hole about the time I poisoned this bitch's cat and she got mad at me lol do you think I could still fuck her though? She seems stupid and kind of fat

No. 1625703

Bros, I need help dealing with my bitch girlfriend. I pointed out weird texture on her thighs that I hadn’t seen before and jokingly said “Your legs look like cottage cheese” to tease her and now she won’t talk to me and says I’m an “asshole” and “don’t understand basic biology or female anatomy”. What do I bros?

No. 1625710

Just lick the inside of the toilets in the girls restroom while you're powdering your barbie pocket, it's more efficient.

No. 1625738

File: 1688607276048.jpg (68.41 KB, 680x680, 5MwtopA1i_VWrn0KsIRZr5Clk1PgJZ…)

Agree, bitches be mad that these ladies are at their peak youth, all nice and fertile especially if they have huge milkers. Hags wished they were them with men flocking all over them giving them all the attention they starved for. I need a big titty petite woman to paizuri with and cum in her tight young pussy.

No. 1625743

She’s getting old bro dump her before she hits the wall and go to the phillipines and get a cute 12 year old submissive virgin trap instead

No. 1627796

File: 1688787011115.jpg (40.78 KB, 600x900, 1736e7cb00b0cec8366966e41369b4…)

Anyone elses bedroom look like this? I get so fucking mad when I lose a game of Call of Duty that my entire bedroom has lots of holes in it and I can't cover them up with posters of anime girls anymore. I am afraid my mom will notice and get mad at me. What do I do bros?

No. 1628000

File: 1688806621781.jpg (Spoiler Image,775.15 KB, 2000x1500, doggo.jpg)

Look at my dogs balls! Whenever I walk or take him out to the park, women would come by to check out and pet him saying how adorable he is. I bet these ladies are also impressed by how massive his balls are! They probably think I have massive balls too heheh. Also I think it's best to not neuter your dogs. It'll demasculate them!

No. 1628006

God damn it I've gotten got by this thread like 5 times now, just scrolling past and reading a reply, and being disgusted for a second before realizing. Feels like stepping on a cartoon rake every time

No. 1628227

File: 1688832941888.jpg (115.9 KB, 1200x801, D145_191_075_1200.jpg)

Nice balls on your dog bro. White women want to have sex with dogs, that's why they like to pet them at the park. I have seen it many times on the internet, basically can't go a day without stumbling on a dogfucking video on my favorite porno site. I then share those videos with my bros to warn them about white women degeneracy. Whenever I see a woman with a dog I imagine them having sex. Women are really gross and disgusting.

Picrel, you just know.

No. 1629793

i'm having a really hard time meeting women and I can't do online dating because i'm short and balding but I'm a great guy and women only want chads
should I do volunteering to meet women?

No. 1629803

fuck the wall hole

No. 1629828

File: 1688969445930.jpg (69.51 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (5).jpg)

Never get married bros. All women are whores. That girl you see in church smiling at you? She's getting her back blown out by 8 bbc tyrones as we speak. That cute cashier in the supermarket? She has 3 mutts from 3 different Tyrones. Stop being a simp. BBC pill is real. This is your future if you choose to be a simp.

No. 1629837

Alpha behavior. Marriage is the ultimate form of submission. Tethering yourself to a female who will inevitably grow fat and old is the biggest scam turbo normie betacucks could ever fall for. Historically, the wedding ring symbolizes the woman's vicegrip stranglehold on your penis and therefore your source of power. Plus ,the idea of depositing ones seed into a singular female for the rest of your life doesn't even make evolutionary sense. Jerking off with fellow males of an equal power level has been scientifically proven to increase your testosterone stores tenfold. Stew your seed. Let it ferment until you find a worthy enough specimen to unleash it upon. Good luck out there, homies.

No. 1629859

>the wedding ring symbolizes the woman's vicegrip stranglehold on your penis and therefore your source of power
>Jerking off with fellow males of an equal power level has been scientifically proven to increase your testosterone stores tenfold
Comedic genius

No. 1630425

As the title says, I take absolutely massive shits, it's fucking annoying, I gota plunge the fuckin toilet all the time and most of the time I have to wait a while before it will flush. I'm a big guy, 6 3 260 pounds, I eat healthy, lift weights and exercise. I don't drink or eat any fast food, most of the things I eat are "clean" and I track calories. I eat between 3500 and 4000 calories a day and sometimes more. I'm healthy and my massive dumps aren't really an issue as I'm not struggling to release the kraken every time I go but holy fuck the toilets are fuckin weak. It ain't just my house, its most places where the toilets aren't those industrial grade public shitters that will flush a football. Although I've clogged those before smh.
Me wife hates it, but I don't know what to do about it. She texted me earlier today "For the record. I don't understand how shit that big comes out of you. Like the width of it just does compute.". To be fair I forgot because we had people over and usually it has to sit for a minute before the plunger will work to dislodge the turd. Sometimes i weigh myself before and after and I swear to the holy ghost I've taken 5 and 6 pounder dumpers before. The other issue is the stench is obviously unpleasant to say the least smh.
It's not just the toilets in my house, its most residential shitters aren't able to handle it. Look I'm just venting because it's annoying as fuck snd rather embarrassing when I gota drop a dook at someone's house and then ask for the plunger smh, some people don't even have one, fuck am I supposed to do?
I remember the legend of the poop knife, and while I would never defile myself with resorting to such measures, I understand

No. 1630441

Would you rather fuck an obese green haired they/them or an anorexic twink?

No. 1630455

Twink getting rekt

No. 1630482

File: 1689043739615.jpg (72.75 KB, 601x1429, t27gasnhc4a31.jpg)

Twinks are basically better than women if you think about it. Yes I am perfectly straight but I hate women because they are all riding the cock caroussel and have sex with Tyrone. Thats why a femboy makes for a better tradwife than a woman. Unlike women they are very feminine because they wear slutty ali express clothes and chokers that compliment their wide feminine necks made for sucking coxxx. A femboy tradwife will also let you watch porn and not get mad and will let you do anal sex daily which is extremely trad and foids don't want to do it cause they are all stuck up prudes. A butthole is better than a vagina anyways if you think about it because it is more TIGHT and if you eat enough Taco Bell it also self lubricates. Its Volcano week btw. Did I mention I am straight and also trad?

No. 1630515

Lolfaggot, wrong. They have to be estrogenized. Underweight + preteen breastbuds = diamonds. Idk why people call me bipedo btw

No. 1630600

File: 1689053645880.jpg (38.23 KB, 500x500, Crock-Pot-Hot-Ham-Cheese-Close…)

Ok bros, what is the craziest thing you ever stuck your dick into?


No. 1630604

File: 1689054392210.jpg (56.26 KB, 720x700, Fy4E_JcXsAIK-06.jpg)

You will never, ever best me. Don't think you can for even a minute. Just when you think you had the kid figured out.

No. 1630611

File: 1689055492209.jpg (94.75 KB, 720x1280, 3f5149801f6582573aa9c1f92caf8f…)

How can anyone find this creature attractive? She is so disgusting to look at. We have been psyopped into finding repulsive goblinas like her attractive.

No. 1630636

>overhanging gut
>pendulous breasts
>unkempt, masculine eyebrows
>frizzy, damaged hair
>neanderthal brow
>no ass
This is why I stick to femboys.

No. 1630691

I literally saw a 12 year old girl on the bus who looked way better than her.

No. 1630782

Obviously the theyfab (female), maybe I could fuck the snowflake out of her and make her lose weight and be my breeding tradwife.

No. 1630882

File: 1689092108418.png (111.22 KB, 860x745, dl0xwn2y63g61.png)

Le 56% amerimutt goblina

No. 1630884

File: 1689092354995.jpg (69.63 KB, 596x380, ilia-garbuzov-korova-telionok-…)

Speak for yourself, I only jerk off to blonde white women doing farm work and being naked in wheatfields because that is trad.

Milkies mmmmmm mommy gib me

No. 1630950

File: 1689096922531.jpeg (43.72 KB, 1000x750, 5c927959dd086109374e90e5.jpeg)

Finally I've talked with a REAL female (other than my mom and my oc's!!) Getting closer and closer to lose my v card, bros. Pls wish me luck. Well she's in a wheelchair anyway, so it'll make things so much easier for the big day, haha. She seems like such a sweet, pure virgin.
The other day, she told me weird stuff like apparently her mom's been hitting and restraining her. I don't remember why, just seeing her crying got me so bricked up and I couldn't focus on what she was saying. So I showed her one of my fav candleplay bdsm bestiality art, but it didn't seem to cheer her up. I wonder why..?

No. 1631334

KEK it took me a second, I thought that was Ezra miller

No. 1631647

Yeah, thank god Ryan Gosling will somewhat save this movie.

No. 1631665

Typical foid pandering with the Barbie movie. If there was an adaptation of he man, the jew media wouldn't suck nearly as much of its dick.

No. 1631701

What's even worse is that pozzed hollywood pairs this dried up manfaced whore with Gosling, who is objectively the most unrealistically handsome man in existence on top of being practically ageless and generally based, and then expect us to find this a believable match. She looks like she could be his grandmother, I wouldn't even pityfuck her. Gosling on the other hand, I would fuck in a second, wouldn't even be gay because he is too based for that.
Obviously this is just to train western females to only be satisfied with a chad like Gosling despite looking like post-wall hamplanets themselves. This has been happening for years and I know this for a fact from observing roasties behaviors but mark my words, it's going to get worse.

This is why you need to claim a female while she's still young and pure without jew poison in her system, which is what based cunny enjoyers such as myself have known for years of course.

No. 1632054

See what I did lolcow? All me btw. It's summer and my parents took my Xbox away.

bump because actual moids won'tlet us have shit

No. 1632058

First impression of the beauty queen

No. 1632269

File: 1689209020518.jpg (255.56 KB, 695x900, 204932295-4f712ff5-e9e9-41d5-9…)

RIP brother. The jannies got him for his oozing masculine energy that a low T janny couldn't even imagine. SWING YOUR MOP HARDER FAGGOT JANNY!

No. 1633181

Hey fellow dudes! I'm like totally a DUDE so i feel like i would fit in here! My name is Aiden and my hobbies include sewing, cosplay, and fandom. Jessie Pinkman is LITERALLY ME, so imagine him whenever you see me type anything my dudes! I also love to defy gender norms by wearing lolita dresses, like dudes can want to be princesses too! I want to empower all my guys to wear makeup and embrace their femme side, i promise it's fun!

No. 1633247

Can I impregnate you and choke you and call you a dumb slut and smack your bitch tits I won’t misgender you tho little cuntboy

No. 1633271

Um dude, you have to go through my onlyfans if you want that kind of thing, it's gross that so many people think they can just get away with asking for free services from sex workers. Plus i only date other gay guys and you seem straight.

No. 1633750

YWNBAM pooner, get out of my board before I pound you and make you my breeding slave together with other poonies at my FTFMTF conversion therapy by rape and forceful impregnation (by an ethereal cute dickgirl like me).

No. 1633771

Built for BBC

No. 1633779

File: 1689366049874.jpg (614.75 KB, 2048x3840, dEFQ9OzI.jpg)

Which country is best for finding a submissive tradwife? I was gonna go to Ukraine and bag me a mommy milkies booba ooga booga olga, but it might not be the best time right now. Prefer a white girl, but will settle for a chinky bitch also as long as she is small and looks like an irl loli. I am 5'4 600lb (husky teddybear) very kind and caring guy who will do aftercare after our daily anorectal violence choking spitting boob torture BDSM (I am kinky haha). Will only accept a virgin cause you know what they say, no hymen no diamond!

Picrel is the kind of asian woman I would settle for.

No. 1633788

Brooo hahaha pedo much? You want to rape children? Goofy ass. Y'all, bro over here is trying to kidnap little girls haha. Couldn't be me dude, haha. Kinda nasty, maybe don't mention it again. Anyway let's hang out tomorrow broski

No. 1633793

If you're an Eurochad they're gonna come to you by themselves. Just put up an advert listing everything you need in a wife (pink pussy, virgin, under 40 kg, submissive, etc) and watch them flock to you, even the most prudish ones will give up their autonomy just to marry a foreigner.

No. 1633812

Chads don't need to leave their country to bang women. Only bottom of the barrel and middle aged divorced westerners go to ukraine Ukraine, Thailand or whatever to be used for a greencard.

No. 1633817

Dude get the fuck out, western women are all nasty sluts and some of us men want some pure ones we can groom from a young age.

No. 1633973

Too old

No. 1634035

>Used for a greencard
Excuse me?? My trad latinx firey mammsita from Brazil is NOT in it for the greencard. She genuinely loves me for my BWC. There is no way she would ever leave me once she gets her Greencard. She is so trad and has FAMILY VALUES, something western foids don't have and she is catholic so she doesn't believe in divorce. We are going to be living the good life in the US together, she really wants to move to LA to kickstart her Instagram career. She goes to the Gym literally all day and her trainer is going to help her make her even hotter for ME alone. He is really invested in her success, sometimes they train all night long.

No. 1634112

File: 1689391778107.jpeg (90.4 KB, 600x600, fetchimage (1).jpeg)

>admits to only being able to bag fat white americans in his local wallmart

No. 1634163

File: 1689397537581.png (1.68 MB, 1646x796, wall.png)

men age like fine wine

No. 1634188

Thats a woman Maury

No. 1634262

A hitler youth haircut and masseter training could fix this easily.

No. 1634661

40 is when men start getting into their prime and women start being interested in us after a life of inceldom. I can't wait to turn 40 and have hot 18 year old sluta throw themselves at me daily because I have a car and a house that will be paid off and belong to me in 20 years. Well, my ex got the house in the divorce actually and I live in a one bedroom above an Indian restaurant now. She will seethe once I bring my hot 16 year old gf to the kids birthday party. Slut.

No. 1634683

Elliot Rodger was right but he just didn't think big enough. Topple the chad-archy, enslave the stacies! Incels rise up!

No. 1634719

File: 1689457921294.jpg (27.97 KB, 597x597, C-mkcJCUAAAAQJf.jpg)

Transitioning could have saved her.

No. 1634793

Mogs all women

No. 1637177

File: 1689696501490.jpg (176.95 KB, 1908x1146, 60252115-0-image-a-9_165778526…)

Very disappointed by this casting choice. As a lifelong bimbo fetishist I went to the movie theatre ready to release a giant fountain of cum at the real life Barbie movie and then they show me this flat chested grandma?!?! Like she is at least 20 years past her prime. I am going to vomit looking at this old hag. Everyone knows Barbie is supposed to be a 16 year old porn star with giant double d (the biggest bra size) bouncing boobas that make you go AWOOGA AWOOGA BOOIIIINGGGGG!!! disgusting.

No. 1637485

File: 1689724751731.jpeg (395.77 KB, 640x780, 33823293-FC7D-4620-A477-0ACF4D…)

Ugh I know bro I watched it and I was like “how am I supposed to jerk my big ol dick off to this?” I had to get creative and sniff the chairs and jerk off to the stench of what could have potentially been the remnants of a hot sexy young girl’s ass. I licked it for good measure

No. 1637523

hey foids. i was told that this is like the female 4chan & i saw on /b/ that you ladies have a secret board where you post your tits & pussies. could any of you be kind enough to direct me to this 'secret board'?

No. 1637531

seconded i NEED to see bobs and vagene RIGHT NOW please post link or i'm going to kill my family and then myself!

No. 1637599

Livestream it you pussy little faggot I’ll rape you

No. 1637609

File: 1689744352228.gif (5.46 KB, 200x115, wowa-pepe.gif)


Those must be at least a triple D cup! Maybe even quadruple D! Imagine what her farts smell like. I want her to shit in my mouth!

No. 1638477

File: 1689823551373.png (877.12 KB, 996x677, 1689819739785.png)

Post your rooms bros. This is mine.

No. 1638479

File: 1689823896346.jpg (151.04 KB, 800x600, 1483389364276.jpg)

its a bit messy because my cunt mom refuses to clean it anymore

No. 1638651

File: 1689849969575.png (285.52 KB, 640x478, 463.png)

Armpits are the most erotic part of a female. Every true intellectual knowe that.

No. 1638815

How can roasties go to Africa to fuck horny 30 year old guys, but I can't go to Thailand to rape 13 year old homeless girls? Make it make sense, bros.

No. 1639592

File: 1689937360421.jpg (75 KB, 768x1024, 1686380850298853.jpg)

how can I get one of the man hating terfs here to step on me and call me names?

No. 1639942

Wtf I called my coworker a rancid cunt today and now the dumb cunts in HR want to discipline me even though I'm literally Australian, these cunty feminist cunt cunts have no right to culturally genocide me.

No. 1639965

File: 1689972264994.jpeg (11.75 KB, 201x251, 0D09722F-B636-4B1E-A34E-296FEC…)

All girls are exactly the same, with their zodiacs and makeup copy and paste haircuts, those shitty plushies and playing dumb shit for video games that requires no skill like standee valley. Tell me, when is the last time you met a woman with a hobby that wasn’t makeup and fashion (literally the basic requirement of being female) I swear to god these bitches piss me off with their uselessness. How can you be so nothing? They literally have no purpose except for being young and pretty but that only lasts til they’re like 25 after that they should just die or something nobody is trynna fuck a old woman. I hate women so much that whenever I see little girls I glare at them so they know how worthlesss they really are. They look scared.
Why can’t I just find a nice girl to settle down with? One that likes anime and the gym (unique) one that has a fat ass but isn’t fat? I just want a 4’11’ 110 lb Asian gf with a fat dumpy and fat DD tits who will call me oniichan and is goth but also a nice christian?

No. 1639970

That young man is very fuckable

No. 1639971

ummm bro, you forgot to say no homo at the end bro? are you gay? because he's very attractive, no homo though

No. 1639979

File: 1689973218817.jpeg (144.84 KB, 600x800, 39AF86F7-0645-4A18-B2A1-E79F79…)

Bruh you’re not asking for a lot but females are weird! A girl will be just as you describe (mid), ran through and will cheat on you with Tyrone. Not only that but she wouldn’t even look in your fucking direction unless you were 6’5”, make 6 figures and have a car and job and other unrealistic standards. Also you look young in your picture, you haven’t even peaked bro you peak in your 40s I’m almost there and I’m wise and rich and all these 19 year olds love me, I notice pretty waitresses and cashiers smiling at me a lot more these days.

No. 1639982

Post your penis on here bro please I'm sure the roasties will like it and contact you, also post your discord (I won't contact you though I'm not gay I swear bro)

No. 1640002

I would also fuck this guy no homo

No. 1640122

His face is cute hes just fat and has poor facial hair decisions

No. 1640163

File: 1689991893255.jpg (7.32 KB, 188x250, Toetax1.jpg)

Wrong. The most erotic part of a woman are her feet. There is nothing hotter than a woman letting you slobber all over her little piggies and soles and let me tell you I go HAM on those babies. I grate that foot cheese into my mouth like parmesan. I wish to be crushed by a giant dommy mommies big old tootsies. I love summer time, I just walk around all day in public filming womens feet and they don't even notice. One day I will fulfill my ultimate dream of drinking my mountain dew out of a cuties sweaty gym shoes as she stomps on my balls. Imagine the smell. Schlopp schlopp schlopp.

No. 1640205

Daddy wants to take you to the woodshed

No. 1645844

My fat cow cumdump gf spends so much money on the salon…but if she ever cuts her hair short it will be the end of our relationship.

No. 1646934


No. 1646938

I liek potato mozzarella dog

No. 1646964

File: 1690514837062.jpg (58.45 KB, 768x960, 6081980963.jpg)

Got a new chair recently. Women hate how little it takes for us to be happy.

No. 1646973


No. 1646981

Nice set up brother! I can always respect a fellow dweller of abandoned janitor closets.

No. 1646982

Nice setup

No. 1646990

Pussy broke fag get two monitors that shit is NOT a set up

No. 1647000

Killer goon cave, you do meetups? Let’s goon bro

No. 1648312

File: 1690655091644.jpeg (813.41 KB, 828x1021, IMG_3494.jpeg)

I don’t understand how foids are attracted to men like this, he looks like a woman, just more proof that foids are nothing but crypto-lesbians. Those stupid kpop femcels only like these “”men”” because they can’t handle a real man with excess body hair and a wide midface such as myself. Women are so dysgenic I can’t believe they chase after these fairy-looking faggots, also don’t ask why this picture is saved onto my computer I’m not gay I swear.

No. 1648378

File: 1690661440730.jpg (163.94 KB, 730x1095, giant_muscle_man_by_atuohs0999…)

Based, picrel is clearly hotter and way healthier, foids should shut the fuck up and let us men tell em what an attractive, sexy man actually looks like
>Inb4 why do you have this pic saved
It's for illustrative purposes, I'm definitely not gay, I just have common sense to recognize a hot, sexy man when I see him

No. 1648722

File: 1690691536048.jpg (31.21 KB, 640x360, 54MTduYTphS-9lCi_2FlI6ppcS2Ekf…)

She's just like me fr

No. 1650806

File: 1690882182296.jpg (125.46 KB, 1003x1024, 1690863931806509m.jpg)

the easiest way to get into a hoe's pants is to ask where she got her shoes, then do pic rel
worked every time

No. 1650813

File: 1690882361917.jpeg (57.27 KB, 700x875, IMG_1061.jpeg)

He’d be a great looksmatch for Jenna Ortega, if she lost weight.

No. 1650816

any feet pics for this queen?

No. 1650819

Society hates men so much. The movie industry hasn’t been this bad since 2016, the year of the manly tears (when they released the female ghostbusters movie). They KNEW that spiked the male suicide rates exponentially, yet they’re doing it AGAIN with the Barbie casting. They really couldn’t get any lower. We already had to deal with the casting from The Last Of Us, when they chose an ugly 19 year old to play the hot 14 year old girl. They just want us all to fucking rope, I just know it.

No. 1650823

I’ll fuck your mother and make you my stepson you whiny cracker little bitch. Then Imma make yo daddy eat my loads out of her white snatch. You just wait until your snowqueen mudshark mommy pays the coal tole. I’ll just have to kill her pet golden retriever first, because we all know snowbunnies aren’t interested in human men when there’s dog dick around, not even sexy thick BBCs like mine.

No. 1651004

File: 1690903761858.jpg (130.76 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-1.jpg)

It's something you have no hope of understanding…

愛よ !

No. 1651121

File: 1690914525961.png (48.49 KB, 1182x540, shoebed.png)

kino. since you appear to be a man of culture i want to ask what you think of a little diy project i have been working on. my mom is not very happy about it but i told her i'm a grown man and i can decorate my living space however i want. she reluctantly gave in because she thinks it will be a good bonding experience for me and my stepdad who is helping me build the frame of the shoe. she is however against me weathering the shoe to make it look well used because according to her "it will look trashy". she also won't let me use her sowing machine for the foot, but i think i can eventually guilt her into it if i sulk enough. something i did not tell her about is the smell factor, but i figured it's an ask forgiveness rather than permission situation. i want to get some synthetic foot odor, kinda like that fart spray, i havnt researched it yet but maybe i can get some chinese company to make it, if not i can experiment with making my own. if this project goes well i am going to convert the door and stairs to my basement apartment into a gaping mouth and throat slide.

No. 1651128

did you actually make the pic or did you find it?

No. 1651135

of course i made it, it's my idea

No. 1651225

Brava, Nona! Bro, you’re a genius. You might want to copyright your idea before it’s stolen!

No. 1651233

File: 1690923004710.jpg (139.16 KB, 1920x1080, pepe387.jpg)

Can you explain it better? Is the foot the inside mattress of the shoe bed? Why is it upside down? What is the giant foot?

No. 1651250

the foot can either be placed on the floor as a beanbag or rigged up to the pulley system and lowered down into the shoe while i am lying in it. i suppose i could make two feet since the suspended foot would not be taking up floor space and i wouldn't have to struggle moving it around to change configurations, i want the foot to be at absolute minimum 80 pounds in order to simulate gentle crushing.

No. 1651258

>What is the giant foot?
sorry i skipped over this, i am going to try and find some soft cloth, as close to foot texture as possible and fill it with something that is heavy enough to reach the minimum 80s pounds required for my needs, yet also soft and firm enough to have a realistic feel. a foot is not soft or hard, it is both soft AND hard. it needs to be soft on the surface yet firm on the inside. if my mom doesn't let me use her sowing machine i will do it by hand. THIS WILL HAPPEN.

No. 1651284

I am both soft and hard reading this

No. 1651320

Fill it with your cum.

No. 1651480

File: 1690944104167.jpeg (86.2 KB, 640x480, 87C2A021-E2B5-4EB2-90D3-90B32B…)

Bruh if I had a daughter I would not let her around men even relatives. I’m not letting her wear shorts cause real prizes stay wrapped up Fuck you mean I’m admitting that makes me distrustful of all men? No manches That’s sexist bullshit homes. its la raza, we’re catholic, we just believe in keeping our women and girls pure until marriage and we have to prevent it at all costs, were tryna cause any more drama n shitt I’m not saying I wouldn’t love her if she did have sex before marriage, I would just be disappointed a little bit but if she turns out to be a pinche jota ima have to disown the little bitch. I don’t want that sort of evil in my family. Our tio went to jail for some bullshit and shit but he’s cool now cause he’s old and his dick don’t work and he’s not even allowed around schools the only time he sees kids is at family get togethers and we tell the kids to lock their doors so it’s all good in the neighborhood. even before he went to jail, we kept it a secret cause that’s family dawg. That’s my blood right there and he just made a few mistakes but that don’t make him a bad person

No. 1653405

File: 1691129329737.jpg (217.24 KB, 1024x768, 1691128310522531.jpg)

we need mandatory corrective rape to clean women's brains of all this jewry

No. 1653435

You can't just post stuff like this without the source. I need to see tits.

No. 1653468

was hoping someone here had the sauce. these whores are destorying the west, but i'd still goon for them

No. 1653503

Time to women to do all the jobs that only young men do; all the HVAC jobs, plumbing jobs, roofing jobs, oil rigging jobs, etc.

Good luck. Time for women to pick up the slack.

No. 1653542

First sentence is unironically based. Most children are victimised by male relatives and not strangers so at least he got that right

No. 1653547

This one’s too real, nona.

No. 1654095

File: 1691188341337.jpg (139.45 KB, 900x1200, C-Kth49UIAA3eXe.jpg)

I am an incel

I am balding. My face is ugly. I wear glasses. I am a manlet. I don't talk to anyone except for a select few incel friends who are as similar to me as possible. I have autism. I am obsessed with porn, shitposting on 4chan, and gaming. I specifically like games about women, such as Touhou, Azur Lane, and Idolmaster. I like imagining that I have sex with the women. It makes me happy and lazy and I don't feel like I need to spend effort to find a gf anymore. Regardless, I still believe women owe me sex. I have no basis, I just have a very firm conviction that they do. I specifically want a girlfriend who is very attractive with large breasts, wide hips, and a huge ass but is also short and skinny. She should be dumber than I am and also be obsessed with me and not much else. I want her to cook for me and do housework and also comfort me about any problems I had during the day. In spite of her demure nature she should also be a beast in bed that can accommodate all my fetishes even though she had no sexual experience prior to me whatsoever. Aside from that, there isn't much I want in life. I am waiting for my parents to die so I can get a job at McDonald's without having to feel ashamed. I am not very interested in politics, I mostly follow vaguely right wing ideologies that place me in a position of victimhood. I listen to video game music and nothing else. I have never been part of a club or performed community service in my life. I wear the same outfit every day. My personality revolves entirely around the content I consume.
How do I touch grass and have sex?

No. 1654111

you sound like a chad tbh

No. 1654115

He definitely is, that wolf pic on the wall goes hard

No. 1654125

I read this as killer goon cave. As in the goon cave of a killer.

No. 1654157

Perfect looks match for Jenna Ortega fr fr.

No. 1655443

Hmmm, this is a female oriented site…time to ask women complaining of body troubles if I can inspect their boobies for them. Everyone is gunna laugh at my epic joke. After all, women aren't funny so this website must get boring without me around.

No. 1655468

File: 1691292645822.jpeg (Spoiler Image,68.4 KB, 607x1024, 7229BABE-54CB-4E18-829E-1F5BEE…)

I was thinking after jerking off last night, bro like imagine being a girl and having titties I would manipulate and seduce all my superiors and I’d have such long hair and a fat ass and I’d always wear dresses and heels. Women live life on easy mode.. I tell you one thing I’d do is SQUIRT and JIGGLE MY BOOBIES awooga boing boing nyaaaa ~ I realized that the idea of being a sexy woman gave me pleasure. Gender dysphoria. I’m a lesbian I want a woman like picrel to hit me up pleaseee I have the strap on biologically attached teehee some girls just have big hogs I love being a girl so far it’s my day 2 and I am going shopping at Claire’s and Hot Topic, I may be 34 but I found my true self (a girl) just recently so mentally and sexually I’m just a lil 14 yr old legal loli, i bet you all the haggard old expired terf Karen’s won’t like this! They are jealous cause I’m young n sexy

No. 1655471

File: 1691293057461.jpeg (Spoiler Image,335.75 KB, 1536x2048, 992DC906-A645-4FD9-9528-A14B7E…)

Samefag my boobies are already growing! owo// I Have only been on hormones for 16 hours they’re growing I’m going through a form of puberty .. omg I feel like such a little nymphette I bought some bras that are 34DD and I’m just growing into them uwuwu I asked my sister if I could borrow any of her old clothes specifically panties and bras and she says she supports me! (My mom is a dumb cunt bitch Karen slut who I will slap with girl sick and have her chicken on after I strangle her to death and steal her perfume and high heels she doesn’t need it anyways she’s literally hit the wall and old and past her prime and of course a haggard ‘woman’ like that doesn’t support my decision and calls me my deadname still and she said my sister only ‘supports’ me cause she’s scared I’ll murder her) this is me please tell me I’m gorgeous otherwise you’ll trigger me

No. 1655480

File: 1691295181923.jpg (169.84 KB, 1125x1689, 1_CTtvmRodPnQ-go8NYSNY3Q@2x.jp…)

Can't wait for ai waifus bros. We're all gonna ascend to levels never seen before. With ai I'm going to be able to fuck hot blonde aryan waifus with K cup tits and qt lolis and my stupid bitch coworker Megan that rejected me last week. My ai waifus are only going to like me and will love me even I'm 4'11 and 350 kilos. She will do whatever I want and never have any negative comments unlike the controlling real life femorroids. I will be so delighted to see foids seething and coping by the fact that they going to be useless cat ladies while us Chads are going to live out our wildest fantasies. They are going to regret they didn't swipe right my profile on Tinder.

No. 1655488

I've been seeing this girl for about eight months now and I think she is the one bros. We are both really into jogging, we shop at the grocery store together, we go to the bar near her place every friday. I'm telling you guys this girl is perfect for me. I think next week I am finally going to introduce myself. Wish me luck.

No. 1655536

Anon, don't be a faggot, AI is controlled by (((them))) and will have you shill money you need to wagecuck for to buy the newest updates. Only pure waifus can be tulpas, meaning a lot of hard mental meditation I do mostly by fapping.

No. 1655551

File: 1691304119129.png (397.13 KB, 750x917, 1691239955711889.png)

This thread kind of sux when you're being too literal in execution

No. 1655587

an hero

No. 1655611


No. 1655632

KEK, don’t give them any ideas.

No. 1655674

File: 1691310885738.jpeg (73.74 KB, 1078x787, IMG_1056.jpeg)

No. 1656811

File: 1691410858969.jpg (126.79 KB, 1200x1200, 3_Katie-Price-worries-fans-as-…)

Wtf is a K-cup tit? Everyone knows double D is the biggest bra size. Picrel, a woman with nice perky natural double D booba. You can tell she always wore a bra cause they don't SAG!

No. 1656843

File: 1691413540833.png (671.22 KB, 1800x552, Screenshot 2023-08-07 at 09.08…)

No. 1657167

>be me, neet, dropped out senior year of high school and have not held a job or been enrolled in any form of education for the past 8 years
>mom dies in car accident earlier this year
>stepdad refuses to tell me whether or not i was in her will. unsure if she even wrote one
>cant afford attorney or any legal fees to bring him to court
>ships me off to live with my grandmother in michigan
>hear she has a spare room
>okay this is fine ill just throw my shit in a few boxes and load them up in my uncles car
>old cunt makes me get a job on top of being her slave caretaker in exchange for food and housing
>apply to a chain restaurant as a grill cook
>really only excited to work there so i can be the mysterious older guy my teenage coworkers have a crush on
>eager for teenage puss
>first few shits are digital training safety bullshit, sit in the back and dont really meet any coworkers aside from some old bitch waitress and a bus boy
>first real shift finally comes
>get to watch my female coworkers come in and out of the back while i cook food all day
>get paid to throw shit on a grill and stare at their bodies while chatting with the middle aged grill cooks
>this isnt so bad
>other grill cooks accept me into their group and tell a bunch of fucked up stories of their past while we all fantasize about fucking the girls
>this is entertaining
>start picking up shifts so i dont have to deal with cunt grandmother
>after a few weeks i pick out a girl i like the most
>16-17, red hair in a ponytail, perky a cup tits and round ass
>shy and blushes a lot when we have to interact
>this turns me on even more
>watch her specifically every shift we have together, pay no mind to the other bitches
>find her in the back doing digital training while im clocking out
>greet each other
>i ask about her training
>she actually responds back and tells me about it but shes really focused so she quickly goes back to it
>feel like im about to coming because her shyness gets me off
>ask what time she gets off
>she tells me shes not sure
>decide to wait around in the seating area out front on my phone so i can coincidentally catch her leaving
>hour goes by
>another hour goes by
>finally see her come out of the door
>pickup truck with tinted windows pulls up
>she fucking has a boyfriend
>ignore and act bitter toward her whenever we work together
>couple weeks go by, attempt to scope out the other girls
>as im leaving one day i notice the same truck pull up with the window rolled down
>its her father
>fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck bros im so fucked i ruined my chances
>start treating her even nicer than before
>double down, complimenting her outfits and checking her out with my eyes
>she likes it because she smiles and gets all nervous and blushes, will quickly walk away because shes so shy
>she likes me bros. im in
>i get the courage to ask her out on a date to the movies
>"sorry anon i dont really feel comfortable with that but maybe we can do a work get together?"
>realizes shes probably a virgin and needs time to get out of her shell
>start asking about her past relationships on next shift
>responds with brief answers
>stop seeing her next few shifts
>wondering if she got fired
>notice schedule in back room
>two of the days we were scheduled together she didnt show up
>wtf she must be sick
>ask the old bitch waitress about it pretending im concerned
>"oh she was here yesterday morning i dont think shes sick"
>realizes shes been switching shifts
>gets even better
>finally see her the following week but shes talking with my manager
>as im walking past i swear i hear my name
>they notice me walk past
>manager calls my name and jokingly says speaking of the devil
>wondering if shes asking my manager more about me before she accepts the date offer
>dont see her the rest of the day as im on the grill and shes leaving
>have weekend off
>manager calls me before my shift monday and says hed like to talk
>fires me for bullshit reason, says they onboarded too many people
>faggot ruins my chance of getting teen pussy
>i storm out and throw a chair across the dining area right before leaving
>literally considering seeking revenge on him for fucking this up for me

what do bros? its so over

No. 1657246

That jew nose hag a 10/10? LOL

No. 1657330

Her Roblox sperm shaped eyebrows irk me

No. 1658206

You pretty much nailed the experience of working at a restaurant kek

No. 1658733

No woman is going to settle for a traditional husband and kids if there's 1000 simps willing to finance her life
All attractive women and slampigs should be enslaved and put on brap farms

No. 1658886

File: 1691593524542.jpg (25.1 KB, 400x600, this_australian_girl_17.jpg)

Why is it so difficult to find a wife these days? All I'm looking for is a traditional catholic virgin between the ages of 14 and 22 who is slim, has DDs, and has a round ass. She cannot have any male pals and must be 100% unaltered (no makeup or plastic surgery). I spotted pic rel on Instagram and thought she suited my criteria so I messaged her and threatened to rape her if she didn't become my wife, but she blocked me. I didn't say anything improper therefore it must have been my face. I bet she would have let me to rape her if I had looked like Jeremy Meeks. Foids are shallow cunts, and I despise them.

No. 1658951

File: 1691597935935.gif (2.12 MB, 498x395, eyes.gif)


No. 1660522

it's all about dat ass, bro.

No. 1660553

this one is good, good job, 10/10
wow what a faggot, did you reach out to her? she might not know what happened and thinks you just quit. make sure you DM her on all her social media

No. 1660761

You should straight up behead that little whore

No. 1660871

Bros my wife(who disappears when I take my pills) hasn't been putting out for months, should I cheat on her?

No. 1660877

That whore is clearly cheating, getting pounded by bbc every night anon. It's only fair that you get out there bro, go to the gym to attract some high value femoids and not some bitch

No. 1660892

File: 1691754338865.gif (1.09 MB, 498x498, tenor.gif)

Today, my roastie came home 10 minutes later than she said she would. She has been hanging out with one her friends (the hot one).

I called her and she didnʼt answer, and this made me angry. What was she doing, what if she lied to me? Maybe she was, in fact, being fucked by a 6ft tall Chad, while I was at home being worried about her. I felt like a cuck.

When she came home, I asked her why she was late and why she didnʼt answer. She said that her phone ran out of battery. I looked her in the eyes, grabbed her head in my hands and told her:

"Do not lie to me, whore."

She started to cry. She was fake crying, to try to emotionally manipulate me, because this is the only thing foids are capable of. However, I'm not stupid, I have a superior male intellect (180 IQ according to free-iq-tests.com). So, I did not let the woman manipulate me, or get away with her degenerate scheming.

I punched her in the face. She screamed, and her nose was bleeding. I laughed.

No. 1660976

I really hate it when women try to emotionally manipulate you by crying. Waterworks and crocodile tears, boo hoo.

No. 1661083

It’s so nice to see a natural woman with no makeup and no surgery for once.

No. 1661107

File: 1691772473292.jpg (161.12 KB, 946x693, Screenshot_20230811_173539.jpg)

>qt in my class obviously liked me so decided to give her a chance
>go on 12 dates and make out a few times and have sex
>tells everyone that I'm her boyfriend
I hate clingy women like this

No. 1661113

File: 1691772930804.jpeg (68.23 KB, 640x640, 0ACD11AF-D886-46E0-8416-920D89…)

You dropped this king

No. 1663058

Guys how do you take out the shit smell from your gaming chair?
I tried everything but it still smells like shit. The bitch that I call my mother doesn't even want to help me, fuck her.

No. 1663063

Saw a single mom at the park today with her ugly little bastard child, these people are a plague to society. She’s not a bad looking lady the pussy must be mid af for her to get left like that by the kid’s dad or maybe she just became a feminist LMAO amirite immediate divorce after that dumb shit.
They were probably walking to the welfare office to get millions of dollars in child support from the dad and I bet you she just buys acrylics and club outfits instead of THINGS TO SUPPORT THE CHILD, that little slut is probably getting dicked down on the daily, I think about it all the time tbh. She’s just gonna shit out another kid from a different guy to get more money from the poor dad she tricks into creampieing her. Selfish whores like that disgust me I feel bad for her son he will probably grow up to become a serial killer because single moms are defective parents and 99% of our problems as a society start in childhood of a broken home family unit. I’m gonna ask her to suck my dick later (single moms are low on the market they don’t ask for flowers or anything they just know they’re only worth is sex) wish me luck boys

No. 1663071

File: 1691912455030.gif (455.31 KB, 200x150, 973AF959-1AB0-4A02-B1D7-015CA7…)

So apparently she wasn’t a single mom she was married but then I asked her if she was willing to let me watch her get dicked down by her husband I forgot her son was there and she shot me a look like picrel I apologized and I felt like crying honestly. Here I was trying to get laid and then it hit me that I’m ready to settle down like her husband and have a nice wife and family. I’m 37 years old white (supreme aryan hood genes) j need to find another white or maybe Asian submissive and young breedable cutie. I was looking for conquests in an area where I shouldn’t have been, I set up a tinder and put that in looking for a wife under 110 lbs under 5’5” (I just want a girl shorter 1 inch shorter) white or Asian knows how to cook and willing to stay home and do all the chores while I work.
I haven’t got any matches yet and I set my age range from 18 to 25 I want the most fertile ones I know dames like a little bit of machismo aggression so the first thing I will message my match is if they’d rather be choked or slapped or spit on, if this doesn’t work out I’m going to a village in Laos and picking a 13 year old wife there

No. 1663120

Just buy a new chair, bro. If you don't have the money, just steal some from your mother's wallet. If she protests, tell her that you're the man in the house and you make the rules.

No. 1665002

File: 1692076515108.jpg (73.39 KB, 882x758, 6gqb94.jpg)

>be me
>cheat on my gf with ftm side hoe
>ftm tells me she can't get pregnant because she's on hrt
>we fuck without protection
>ftm is pregnant
>she wants to keep it
What do I do, bros?

No. 1665022

The whiplash this thread gives me

No. 1665075

Kill “him”

No. 1665080

Guys I can't believe the joos literally strapped me down to my chair and forced me to jerk off to abused Latina throats. (((they))) are truly keeping the white man down. Whatever those whores deserved it.

No. 1665088

>abused Latina throats
Absolute kino, did they have girldicks? Please answer asap

No. 1671388

File: 1692595863014.jpg (64.84 KB, 900x900, angry_pepe.jpg)

I hate online dating so much. I think women having too much choice is a bad thing. How many times have you seen some reddit graph where a femoid has 10,000 matches but narrows it down to only talking to like 2 of them? How could you possibly make any kind of informed decision at that point? Maybe the only perceivable difference between two different guys is one has a car and the other doesn't. I don't think these are good parameters to judge someone on. It's just insane. You can't tell what someone is like until you meet them in real life, how many men lose out on great partners because of petty little shit like that. I feel like back in the day when you just had to choose from the guys and girls in your town (or the next town over) things were a lot simpler.
There are so many people who use it just to get an ego boost, to look at the number of matches they have and say "yeah, I'm fucking hot" when really I'm just swiping right on everyone in the stack because I'd fuck anything with two legs.
The mental health effects are also detrimental. So many people on social media talk about being depressed over shit like this. Imagine being a man who gets no matches. I know no one will give a fuck here but the MALE VIRGINITY RATES ARE RISING and most girls on dating apps gravitating to the same top percentage of guys is definitely cause for concern. Having an entire generation of young boys with nothing to lose is extremely dangerous. I don't want a communist/fascist uprising anytime soon, but if people don't get what they think they deserve (a family and a home) people WILL commit violence to get it.

No. 1671437

Fucking kek nona. I had to double check if I was on the moid thread while reading the original post.

No. 1671438

I really thought this was a low effort post but then I saw the actual one. Why are men so retarded? Kek

Anyway I'm going to go jerk off to rape porn because seeing a reposted tinder screenshot made me mad. I hate women so much, why do they get to be swiped on by horny abusive men? Male loneliness is going to cause Consequences (tm), just you wait. Whores.

No. 1675142

File: 1692831351282.jpeg (17.29 KB, 496x508, images (16).jpeg)

hello bby i see ur post n i liek it. u send sex bobs n i send my pinis pls respon bby

No. 1675151

Women have it so easy when it comes to dating! They can just meet up with a man and have sex anytime they want. I put on my profile that my hobby is playng video games and put "no entitled women" to keep all the bratty women away but no one will even send me a message!1! Why can't I get sex like women can?????

No. 1675164

Roasties live on easy mode they have everything handed out to them just because pussy. Now they are planning to make their life even easier by doing feminazi shit. Just don't be a fucking landwhale (don't weigh above 50kg) and you're a gigastacy.

No. 1675183

My wife doesn’t have sex with me anymore. She says she doesn’t feel like I care about her or talk to her. She wants to go on “dates” and “fun” things together. I don’t like to go outside unless I have to for work or if something interests me. On my most recent day off I told her that I was going to stay home and drink (I’m making an effort to communicate.) She said “you don’t want to do anything with me today? Ok.” Is she mad? I told her I didn’t want to, there’s nothing else I can do right?

No. 1675184

File: 1692834502004.jpeg (172.46 KB, 394x617, 18A9DBBB-481E-4E47-90C7-8AA299…)

>>1675142 bro got the negative cantgal tilt prey eyes with the hyperattrophied zygamous corner folds AND the ears of a anteater according to a 1994 Chinese ears mapping chart I found in tigerbeat magazine(anteaters are unwise fools) with and asking to see boob
It’s over dude I don’t need to even ask I lift weights everyday and have prey eyes the bitches flock to me while ugly pieces of shit like you troon out and kill yourself or Jill yourself flat out. How about you go find out if you like gay butt sex cause women don’t want you bro they are PICKY

No. 1675194

i love u hony im kiss ur boby n pusi add my watsap +91123456789

No. 1675204

File: 1692836209091.gif (414.52 KB, 220x220, jake-gyllenhaal-angry.gif)

Me just SCREAMED at my gf, IS THAT GOING TO FIX PROBLEM? should me SCREAM MORE? if me scream MORE woman will get scared and submissive and EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE AGAIN, me should SCREAM MORE I feel it in my bones I NEED to SCREAM go CRAZY that will SOLVE EVERYTHING GUYS

No. 1675215

based stoicism

No. 1675234

Kek why are they all like this

No. 1675305

File: 1692843595132.jpg (48.22 KB, 640x800, 6c261025363d3a848f716218d727c1…)

I wish more women wore no make-up like this. I hate how much make-up women wear because its fake and ugly and makes them look like whoreclowns. They don't even need it and its just a jewish psyop to make more money from dumb consoomer bitches. I love when Hollywood actresses have no make-up on like the girl from the hunger games. She has a nice anus also.

No. 1675307

File: 1692843749484.jpg (88.52 KB, 1080x1246, 072903154e362ad419e0cb51401fca…)

Another pic to show how pretty women without make-up are!! Natural like this is what men want!!!

No. 1683041

Rape Her.

No. 1683046

This thread isn't worth it.

No. 1683086

Tip for when you want to be cruel and misogynistic toward women: just tack the word 'white' on! You can bully them as rudely as you want!

No. 1683098

File: 1693452060556.gif (534.14 KB, 220x378, B4EA4508-7AD8-47E6-835A-D10895…)

This is me after seeing a video of a woman getting punched in the face and getting knocked out with a bloody nose by a McDonald’s employee after she told him she wanted another pack of ketchup and that it shouldn’t cost an extra 30 cents on r/pussypassdenied. He showed that karen , (that kind of turned me on so I went on r/incestporn after that.)

No. 1684298

You dance in celebration because you're an uncultured ape. Do you not see the tragedy in this story? This woman was UNACCOMPANIED in public, seeking food like a stray dog. We as men are hunter-gatherers and most importantly protectors. Our women should be safe at home where they thrive, scrubbing the bathroom tiles with a toothbrush and raising our children. Meanwhile, us men bust our asses to bring home the dogecoins so we can provide our queens and heirs with a nourishing meal from uber eats. It's the natural order of things, but I wouldn't expect you to understand that. Your father still hasn't come back with that pack of cigarettes, huh? Seriously, I'm scared for the future if you're HAPPY that a man put his hands on a woman he is not married to. Pre-marital beatings significantly weaken a woman's ability to pair bond, it's been scientifically proven. It should be her loving, stoic husband who corrects her at home. You should never let your woman roam free, look at the dangers out there. This is why we need to bring back traditionalism.

No. 1686498

Congrats. Your son will be a gigachad thanks to all the excess testosterone.

No. 1693003

File: 1694332101601.jpeg (16.95 KB, 495x619, jealousy .jpeg)

Bitches are jealous they're not as curvy as my girl, ugly bitches are the only ones who hate porn because they know they'll never be as hot as the pornstars their men like, amiright bros??

No. 1693932

Actual faggot

No. 1693933

Bro she's morbidly obese, are you a pigfucker?

No. 1693937

Ew what am I looking at a 12 year old boy? Where are the titties? I’ve seen 7th grade boys who are actually hotter than her

No. 1693940

File: 1694393050235.jpg (80.98 KB, 720x758, gracie-bon-altura.jpg)

Is that what you call curvy? Your bitch is flat af. My girl is way sexier and your mid Becky can't compete. Chestlets and asslets seethe when they look at this hottie.

No. 1693944

File: 1694393419071.jpeg (54.57 KB, 800x533, 2c9344036ff50d254b06e24d9e5f33…)

Stop posting hamplanets.
The 12 year olds from edtwt are the peak of female physique. I always larp as an older anorexic foid to "coach" them and make them send me their bone pics. Of course most are lards in the beginning, but once you hook them up and give them the sweet Masculine attention they crave by saying some sexy things, they turn into the dainty princesses all foids should ideally be.

No. 1702432

I don’t feel bad for Barb, raising a child and being mad he rapes you as a senile old woman, when you are the reason he never got laid? She MADE him autistic by giving birth to him past the age of 23, with her rotten eggs, and her brown wrinkly uterus, he probably fell out instead of her pushing, cause she was so ran through. imagine hugging up on your son pressing your tits on him and not thinking he wouldn’t at least consider it. Combine that with the fact that she didn’t teach him how to have skills with women, She probably led him on all those years.
I feel bad for Chris if anything, the only time you had sex was with a wrinkly old bitch? Id rather be a virgin, not that I am one I get tons of pussy.

No. 1702559

File: 1695204680891.jpeg (600.13 KB, 2048x1324, EAiw0uDU4AE0Y8L.jpeg)

This is going to be me in few decades, you all roasties will grow old and wrinkly and live with cats while i am going to thrive. Just you wait

No. 1702561

>the only time you had sex was with a wrinkly old bitch?
He did buy a whore once before but she was probably so loose that it barely registered. Speaking of which it's bullshit that whores even charge money for sex because it's a known fact for anyone who isn't a virgin that femoids can't even feel anything when they're being fucked. I kek every time I hear someone imply females enjoy sex because they just told on themselves for being virgins. I know for a fact that foids are lying about this, all the whores I've fucked had to ask me if it was in yet, they literally have no sensation there kek. Proof that sex is a meme, my hand does it a million times better anyway and isn't attached to some nagging bitch who can't stop gaslighting me about how I "don't wipe my ass".

No. 1702562

What a chad, this pic also perfectly shows how men age like wine and only become more desirable with age whereas that roastie will have maybe another 5 good years before he has to swap her out for a new one. She's borderline hamplanet already so I'd say they're a looksmatch.
Feels good to know that I'll only gain value as I age tbh, in a few years I'll hit my 40s and truly start to grow into my prime, gonna be swimming in pussy soon

No. 1702582

>all the whores I've fucked had to ask me if it was in yet, they literally have no sensation there kek. Proof that sex is a meme

No. 1703414

Good day m'ladies I am looking for female advice on how to stop my girly ladyboner from peeking femininely through my skirts when go spinny, it is the single feature which I possess that bears a hint of what some unenlightened bitches might term 'manliness'. This is a matter of utmost importance as I plan to scream loudly in public in protest of the continued success of JK Rowling's vile books which murder me personally as they are filled with women I don't want to fuck. Should I have a little lady mishap in my frilly underpanties the gentlemen and whores in my surroundings mayhap might imagine that I am not the animu bangmaid waifu which 4chan has assured me that I am, and I run the risk of not drowning in lesbianne pussy by the end of my brave and noble pursuit. The best answers will be awarded with Reddit gold, the highest honor which a lady such as myself can bestow, and a Funko Pop of the poster's choice. You may proceed.

No. 1758132

Whenever I see women and children get harassed, beaten and raped by trannies I smugly smuckle to myself knowing that they voted for this and it's all their fault.

No. 1758197

Yes it's feminisms's fault I went on 4chan since 14 and despise women and was an alt-right discord edgelord before I masturbated myself into becoming a tranny.

The fact that most trannies are generated in male-only sissy spaces like /r9k/ and that most trannies beliefs align perfectly with /pol/ has NOTHING to do with the fact that this is all somehow the average woman's fault!!!!!

No. 1758261

File: 1699396487619.png (Spoiler Image,403.23 KB, 512x512, abdc8ccf-ba9c-46cf-b78f-607b7a…)

How's No Nut November going, fellow anons?:^)

No. 1759644

File: 1699474752448.gif (287.36 KB, 498x498, C133F35A-7A8A-4E26-9D3E-24AD63…)

Keep posting them man titties bro. Me likey.

No. 1759672

It literally is. When women go to the voting booth they always sign a big fat X on the box thay says "allow men to peep on women in dressing rooms, install cameras above changing tables and crush women's skulls in female only sports" like lol if you don't want those things to happen then don't vote for it?!?!?!

Also women all 100% support trannies, unlike men who are STRONGLY opposed, well except ofc when the tranny is hot, submissive and breedable ofc. If women didn't constantly support trannies then men would cease to be autogynephiles and sexpests immediately. So suck it up cunts, your feminism did this!

No. 1759682

nona i am so sorry i just reported you because i scrolled by and didn't realize what thread this was

No. 1759987

Bros is it gay if I let a guy suck me off? I am no faggot and I don't fuck with that LGTV bullshit but I really wanted to nut that night. It's not gay if he is the one who is doing the sucking, right? I got plenty of bitches throwing themselves at me too so I can't be gay.

No. 1760023

Unironically not gay. Cover his face with the end of your t shirt and disassociate. Sure, you'll shudder and cringe whenever you remember the octave of his voice but you got a nut to completion and you don't even have to pretend to respect him after.

No. 1783579

Bitch got her period right on Thanksgiving and needs more help cooking. I wanted to sit on the couch and jack off goddammit!

No. 1783582

File: 1700694181461.png (38.15 KB, 680x624, E8YRGLVXoAA3f2j.png)

Kill all roasties

No. 1783584

File: 1700694570295.jpg (48.25 KB, 736x491, 3762e8bc5c838b45eaf0d73c921604…)

It's not the same if a man cheats and a woman. Men only cheat to get off thats why we start whole other secret families and marry mistresses. Also fuck goldiggers… where are the modest women who help you BUILD an empire at???

No. 1783587

File: 1700694867307.jpg (28.37 KB, 564x564, 1699332996920.jpg)

My bitch of a wife forgot to pick me up a curry tonight. Dumb nagging cunt won't stop yapping about diets.
If you can't find my dick, darling, put some glasses on those knackered old bitch eyes, give it some effort for once in your life and lift the gut. Not much worth the effort if it's going to be like a hot dog down the hallway regardless. She's post-wall, anyway. The frigid hole is acting like it's hard for me to find a bright-eyed, bushy-tailed 19 year old who loves a dadbod, respects maturity. I see them eyeing me in public. Lucky for her, I can't stand gold diggers.

No. 1783596

No. 1783598

Threads like this will never hit

No. 1783599

Because deep down all women want is to be violated sexually. That’s why they like rape porn, they just love to be stared at and grabbed and forcefully fucked good because it lets them know they’re sexy and deep down they like it. It means all the makeup and tight clothes and smelling good isn’t just for naught The only reason they cry about it is because they know it means ran thru=less value. Men who rape are the ones affected by the male loneliness epidemic and lashing out at the women who oppress them by withholding what we need biologically. Seriously you can’t put a starving man in a room full of good hot food and then get mad at him for trying to eat some. It’s these dumb laws and the ridiculously high age of consent in the US and egirls on onlyfans preying on us that make men have the highest rates of suicide.

No. 1783609

File: 1700695633459.jpg (33.29 KB, 632x615, Fu-YBFjagAAvPyE.jpg)

See posts like this aren't funny and are too on the nose to be satire. You'd never know if a real man is posting here because a lot of the time the posts read like the kind of abuse we constantly have to ban. We have to see enough of this in our day to day, why try to mimic it? This shit fucking sucks

No. 1783613

Age of consent in some places is 14, it is therefore based to fuck 14 year olds. Guys can't help loving young girls. Any bitch complaining about 36 year olds dating 17 year olds is obviously a roastie who needs to GET RAPED.

No. 1783616

Post your tits

No. 1783624

TITS or GTFO post pussi

No. 1783625

Your roastie brain is small and fragile and can't handle the truth. Many such cases.

No. 1784014

This thread is great tbh, it shows men aren’t “deep thinkers women will never understand the male condition” if it’s this easy to imitate them.

No. 1784056

It isnt great because literally any man can post his disgusting opinion here and not be banned. It's redundant. It's the same misogyny women deal with every day. We don't need it repeated.(hide threads you don't like instead of posting in them)

No. 1784061

ummm just hide the thread if it bothers you, typical emotional foid

No. 1784062

Make another rape joke, I'm sure it's sooo cathartic

No. 1784080

> It's the same misogyny women deal with every day. We don't need it repeated.
this site is about bullying women lol

No. 1784081

File: 1700710961057.jpeg (93.52 KB, 1280x720, 658DD7B4-13AD-416C-8324-30FDA4…)

Literally me minus the fact that he’s a simp

No. 1784092

Real chad shit brother

No. 1784100

Anons have escalated to making rape jokes and manifestos. Pathetic form of 'entertainment'

No. 1784102

damn bros i told you women arent funny they cant even take a joke. Anyways have i told you the joke about the midget in a bar

No. 1784111

File: 1700711661723.gif (387.37 KB, 244x240, 7FF788FF-B9CD-4863-8124-0B2848…)

Dude tell it bro let me tell you one
Why do women have boobs?
So we have something to look at while we talk to them

No. 1784123

Wanna hear a joke? Women’s rights

No. 1784211

Have to agree, I have some suspicions of some posts on here that may have been made by lurking moids. This thread was funnier when it was satirizing the worst of male behaviours, not copying word for word incel manifestos.

No. 1784304

I'm honestly baffled mods see actual rape fantasies posted here but they're still just like "hurhur hide the thread". Fucking idiots.

No. 1784454

We have so much moids here, that it's a no-brainer, really, that they for sure write posts here too.

No. 1784477

every movie, tv show, and game is objectively better when they have hot naked women. every movie, tv show, and game is objectively worse when they have scantily clad hot men. the fact that these men all have a full head of hair while i'm able to count with fewer than ten fingers the remaining strands of my hair, desperately clinging onto my thumb-shaped head like each one is auditioning to be jack from titanic, is irrelevant. when we say we're visual, we mean we're visual creatures, not that we're visually appealing. men who care about their looks aren't real men, and don't tell me otherwise, because i'll cry, and i can't do that in a society that expects me to be so manly.

No. 1784845

I hate my ex! She destroyed my life. How could she left me? She should be forced to stay with me. I'm too nice to be alone! I won't shup up about it for years, decades! I own her.

No. 1784949

I'm so fucking tired of 2/10 roastie bitches demanding 6ft men. Especially that bitch Billie Eilish who has no talent and no accomplishments btw. So what if that interview was from 2017? I'm still not over it. This is why women deserve femicides, fucking cunts. Women literally have no idea about what it's like to have to conform to beauty standards, they're literally soulless.
>no under 6ft please
This is literally why the male suicide rate is so high. They're literally killing us.

No. 1784955

mods incredibly retarded as usual

No. 1784960

File: 1700729527342.jpg (97.45 KB, 834x1024, be8796ff10bcbbbe248f307d87630f…)

Yeah, bro, fuck those western foids and their insane standards. You have to be a literal gigachad like Jeremy Meeks to be able to score anything other than a 1/10 whale single mom. That's why I got a 21-year-old Colombian tradwife girlfriend that I met in a nightclub in Medellin. She doesn't care that I'm 47 years old, 5'3, and bald, unlike those evil western foids who literally want all non-Chads to die. The only problem I have with her is that she keeps asking me for money to help her friend and his kids, whom she keeps visiting during the weekends. I guess she has a really big and generous heart, which is something those western friends could never have.

No. 1784962

*western foids not friends lol

No. 1785106

File: 1700744923798.png (3.41 KB, 420x42, move_over_hemingway.png)

No. 1785135

Whatʼs wrong with that? Heʼs a chad.

No. 1785147

so true bro just posted that for the Eurasian tigers in the audience, our roar will be heard

No. 1785460

ok ok I’ll admit I went a little rogue I am just parroting things I’ve seen on Reddit like “muh women like rape porn” but let’s just larp as a little less aggro because it does stop being fun at this point and a little more retarded like

Even if there are moids on here it’s like a self own like congratulations on admitting you’re a retard, and when they do post on here they post gore and deepfake porn and cp they are idiots who take things way too far unlike the anons posting like manifestos, but we will never be so fucked up as to spam gore and porn. I’m sorry but if you’re tired of misogyny then lolcow is the last place you should go, wtf, we make fun of fat ewhores here this isn’t the feminist club some of you act like it is

No. 1785577

Rape fantasy or manifesto has never been accepted here and it shouldn't in "parody". I'm not even sensitive, im just not retarded. I don't need your "we aren't feminsits" speech. You're autistic enough to think actually typing that out was funny, I dont give a fuck about your opinion.

No. 1785820

Sad thing is that this opinion is shared by moid S on / r9k/, scary stuff.

Colombians are the best bitches, bro! They are thicc.

No. 1786054

>I don’t give a fuck about your opinion
Nta but of course you do you sperged about it and were offended

No. 1786134

Kek go make another rape joke

No. 1786281

Fags misinterpret him for their own gay agenda but Ken belongs to us, bros. They will never know the real feel of being alienated in a Barbie world.

No. 1786381

Nta but this site is for communicating honestly with other women for me without fear of tranny repercussions and male rape threats. Some anonymous women gossiping is hardly "bullying women".

No. 1787949

How to becoe Chad when 5 ft 3? I tried memorizing rap lyrics about smashing Box and laying paper but now my room is full of cardboard and torn spiral notebooks and I'm still fat

No. 1787951

File: 1700917897942.jpg (186.12 KB, 512x512, output.jpg)

its so over for you, women are purely visual creatures and only date for resources or chads superior semen to cuck the resource bearer with. If we returned to the year 896 fat little unemployed effeminate men like you would be happily assigned fit hairless young wives by their families, You need to nazimaxx to breed bro or its over, return to tradition or transition

No. 1787957

Here's what you can do
>get /fit/ (go to the gym and eat protein bars)
>learn2code and get a job in IT (nerds win in the end)
>be an asshole (women don't like nice guys)
>watch Andrew Tate, the supreme chad, for more dating advice
Good luck bro.

No. 1787995

Trad family values are extremely important. I wish I had a qt trad wife to complete my trad lifestyle.

…Visit my grandma? Go see my cousins new baby? Ehh…

No. 1788419

Most lesbians are ugly bull dykes or coping single moms anyway. The pretty ones wouldn't fuck you if they were straight.

No. 1788433

I'm a girl and I'm not trying to say that men ar right or anything, but they're right when they say that females can only be happy with a husband and seven children.
From a purely female perspective it's true that once your eggs expire at 27 you start to become crazy and hysterical if there aren't at least two kids in each room of your house.
Just my opinion as a girl.

No. 1788501

File: 1700951431355.jpg (71.17 KB, 748x748, jp0l4giawd5a1.jpg)

OMG same sister. I'm an 18 year old debt free virgin with no tattoos and I can't wait to have at least 10 kids with a 40 year old handsome mature manly man to save the West. I am dying to make home cooked meals like breast milk ice cream and feed my kids raw meat.

No. 1788520

bros, i broke up with my gf cause i realized she's no longer on my level since i finally got a job. i mean, she financially and emotionally supported me all those years in which i was unemployed, but i honestly feel like i can do better now. i mean, she's getting older and gained some weight during a depressive episode, which is kind of a turnoff. it's not my fault her dad died in the hospital after his long battle with cancer. i still hit the gym, why couldn't she do the same? it's like she doesn't even try to improve herself. i surpassed this woman and i'm a better man now, so i deserve a hot chick who's normal and not crazy like her.

No. 1788532

File: 1700952397961.gif (420.54 KB, 244x240, patrick-bateman-smile.gif)

That's such a sigma move bro. She doesn't deserve a redpill alpha hustler like you.

No. 1788871

>>chads superior semen to cuck the resource bearer with.
ROFL, I'm legit laughing right now, kek.

No. 1788881

Fuck off Chad this board is for virgins only

No. 1789369

I'm on day 2 of nofap, this shit is a complete game changer
I feel more muscular and vascular than ever before, all the girls stare at me with pure lust in their eyes, my dick is 0,3 mm longer (measured it with a precision micrometer), my brain fog, ADHD, ED, PE, dermatitis and phimosis are completely gone, I feel the wisdom of Bodhisattva and the power of super saiyan Vegeta flowing through my body
We're all gonna make it bros

EDIT: Day 3 of nofap, do I have to restart the count if I jerked off to a pony I don't particularly like?

No. 1789374

Male loneliness is such a problem bros. Women will never understand what it’s like to have no one care about you. Yes I have family, friends from high school, a DnD group, friends from university and online friends but I’m still so alone because I don’t have a gf, I’m going to be alone forever. Ryan Gosling gif.

No. 1789518

guest mubles venom into a mic on his podcast

No. 1789531

All women need to do to solve my loneliness problem is open their legs. All my problems will go away if I just smash and ghost bitches. Gotta get em as young as I can too! Age of consent should be 12.

No. 1789546

I too wish I had a gf I could ignore while I'm gaming, who I could roll my eyes while listening to, and could complain about to the bros.

No. 1789735

I wish my bitch wife would shut the fuck up and leave me alone. Go do the dishes or something bitch. She is pissed off at me because I sent a pic of my boner to a 16 year old girl I met on discord. The girl told me she has no friends and is depressed! What the fuck else was I supposed to do? I think my wife is one of those terfs who hate women, why else would she be so angry about it. I cant stand her nagging anymore bros but I can’t divorce her or I’ll have to find a job and won’t be able to stay up everynight til 4am looking at pornhub.

No. 1789798

Expressing your feelings as a man around women is like bleeding in front of a shark. Men feelings are so demonized. My feelings: anal and blowjobs

No. 1789851

She is abusing you bro.. she is trapping you in the marriage

No. 1789866

My girl is emotionally abusing me. Can you believe this is the third week in a row of her rejecting anal? Idk if she keeps saying no I'm gonna hit up my OF link for irl.
Yet she's allowed to financially rape me whenever we go to the mall together and she expects me to buy her dinner. Fuck that.

No. 1789871

If you don’t get on all fours and suck my girlcock, you are racist and a bigot

No. 1791455

All my depression and anxiety would be gone in a nanosecond if a foid would let me fuck her. My mom took me to a foid therapist but it didn't work because all I wanted to do is fuck her. We need goverment mandated escorts but instead (((they))) cuck us with gay shit like mental health programs. If you think about it, fucking escorts is like going to therapy and can literally help us incels by alleviating our suffering because not having sex is just like being denied a fundamental human right. Being an incel is just like being disabled so the government should provide a solution.

No. 1791527

not letting us have our own government mandated escorts is worse than being raped

No. 1791528

Girls: crying to a lame romantic comedy
Boys: crying to planet of the apes

No. 1791534

File: 1701128666604.jpeg (64.21 KB, 643x613, CE208BB0-4946-4B8D-B7F1-F73770…)

If you think deeply about this meme it says a lot about our society, girls don’t do anything important but men always have grandiose plans. We aspire to do more even hypothetically.
Today I am the 15th world record holder for most funko pops owned. I’m literally making history, I have shrine of Deadpool.

No. 1791539

Onlyfans girls posting L’s example #262727828
This one girl talking about how some guy stalked her after she gave him the girlfriend experience and talked to him on the phone everyday. He literally gave you thousands of dollars just have sex with him.

No. 1791664

Foids love to complain about fanservice while thirsting over male characters that are fully dressed and over 20. They are way more degenerates than the average male weeb

No. 1791942

Bro, so much of them DROOL over 21-year-old Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic. They're basically real-life shotacons.

No. 1791990

it's probably females who invented fetishes anyway, some cavehole must have said "i won't fuck you unless you're removing your own body hair and dress in flower colors" and the poor dude agreed just because there was no other way he could have had some sons for his empire.

No. 1792800

File: 1701217053092.jpg (115.04 KB, 552x784, 55aa6a31ef82794a3b4e495e938513…)

Jerked off to tranny porn #NoHomo

No. 1793398

Bros, it's my fourteenth birthday today and a fistful of my hair fell off while I was showering. By showering I mean rubbing my head with moist tissue paper. I don't normally wet my hair let alone shampoo it but I was called into the principals office for stinking so now I have to. Should I save what I can and hot glue them back onto my head? Or should I just kill myself?

No. 1793430

I've been with my 35yo girlfriend for 10 years now and I'm bored, need new pussy even tho I'm already 60yo. I need some big tit bimbo bitch, specifically the one I've been lusting over throughout our entire relationship, I have a crush on her, she's already 30 but new pussy is new pussy, anyway Bros wanna exchange nudes of our foids

No. 1793463

I need some pussy aka use women as meat. I asked this old wise man to give me some life advice and he said the same thing: fuck as much as you can aka use women as meat.
Male nature is non monogamous, I want to fuck other people wives and gang bang bitches for the rest of my life but also have some children to validate my ego, idgaf about their mothers tho. I'm going to college soon, I'm gonna engage in as much sexual degeneracy as possible since college foids love being intoxicated. Also I just watched porn and I deserve the pornlike sex that I saw on the screen, need to get my dick sucked pornstar style

No. 1793536

Bros my wife is being a nagging bitch. She keeps whining about how much porn I watch and she says it's making me disinterested in her. Like goddamn can't a man watch some pussy get destroyed by five dicks in peace? It's not my fault my dick only gets hard at Riley Reid getting a train ran on her. Why do females complain so much about how their man gets his nut off? It's natural and healthy for men to want to see chicks getting gangbanged and facially abused, what's so hard to understand about that?

No. 1793566

Wiping your ass is gay. Like bro wtf? And don’t even get me started on the faggots who use a BIDET. Just say you like taking it up the ass

No. 1793569

So true bro. Only eurofags and japs use bidets and we all know they’re a bunch of queers.

No. 1793613

Just shave it off bro, girls love when you look like the Exeggcute Pokemon.
Just look at Vin Diesel, he's a big hunk that would make even a completely straight man fall for him and he rocks the lightbulb look, there's no way women wouldn't want him too.

No. 1793757

File: 1701291512727.jpg (165.53 KB, 640x853, male.jpg)

Bro, if I had a time machine I would fuck my mom before she gave birth to me, it won't count as incest.

No. 1794127

I’m having a similar problem. My wife won’t get off my ass about watching porn. I told her that if she would just have sex with me I wouldn’t have to, but of course she used the “I’m pregnant” excuse again and whined about being too insecure about her body. I tried to compromise by suggesting doggy style so I wouldn’t have to look at her stomach, but she went crazy on me and started crying. God women are fucking insane. She should be honored that I still want her when she’s that fucking fat.

No. 1794359

actually porn isnt harmful at all and my death grip and desensitized sense of whats normal in a sexual relationship has nothing to do with the hours of porn consumption I take in daily, its actually your fault for not being kinky enough for me and thats why I lose my boner and its also because your pussy is too loose I cant feel it

No. 1794424

File: 1701321489872.png (189.11 KB, 600x971, 5u905u920.png)

>mfw finally lost my virginity aged 31 to a 19 year old pooner by going on grindr and pretending to be bisexual

take the fake gaypill bros, it's totally worth it

No. 1795689

I have to admit brothers, i am jealous of women in porn. I think being a woman is the only way people will want to have sex with me because women are the ultimate sexual objects. Does this mean i'm trans?

No. 1795693

I'm sorry to break character but I saw this and for a split second I thought someone posted the top of my exs head. 100% looks like this but way thinner on the sides. I cannot believe I let a balding scrote neg all my self confidence away

No. 1795777

You sound like you'd make a hot trap. I'd fuck you (no homo)

No. 1796098

How do I stop crying and shaking and throwing up? I went to a party and my gf best friend dragged me into another room and raped me at knife point. Now my gf has called me a cheater and is breaking up with me? I went to the police and they told me there was no evidence I was raped at knifepoint and also how several witnesses saw me making out with her beforehand. Now they’re prosecuting me for making a false police report. Why does nobody support male victims? Everyone knows only women lie about rape.

No. 1796100

Right? Women are so ugly and their vaginas smell so bad. Thank god for femboys. Now I can escape having to sleep with women without being gay.

No. 1796118

Honestly none of these are convincing, 1/10 for effort though.

No. 1796122

Your mum isn’t convincing.

No. 1796123

This is why I never want to have a daughter because she will be having sex and that’s gross to me and hot in a weird way. I will be weirdly jealous of it and terrorize her boyfriend

No. 1796124

Not sure if on-topic or not kek

No. 1796135

Children exist to service their fathers. Women exist to service their husbands. The entire world exists to service ME ME ME ME ME ME ME!!!!!

No. 1796144

hentai boobies are so much better than irl breasts. I was asking my gf if she could breastfeed me or if I could milk her and she said no, that she had to get pregnant in order to make milk. Did you know this bros? Was news to md

No. 1796151

I went through the same experience. It horrified me so much I haven’t been able to even look at a woman since. Now I just milk the girlcocks of femboys and drink that instead.

On a completely unrelated note, don’t you guys hate faggots and homosexuals? And the liberal agenda? And the death of the family? And the low birth rate?

No. 1796165

[in the comments of a video about a man murdering his girlfriend] This is why girls need to get better at picking a boyfriend! She knew what she was getting into

No. 1796177

[in the comments about a woman murdering her boyfriend when she’s even remotely good looking]
I cAn fiX HeR!!!!!

No. 1796183

If let amber heard shit in my bed

No. 1796188

File: 1701431275985.jpg (95.05 KB, 683x1024, gettyimages-1234540647-1024x10…)

I hate gays and trannies but Blaire White is hot. I would love to pound that bussy. She looks more feminine than real women and is fighting against the liberal agenda so it wouldn't be gay.

No. 1796323

So true bro. Trans women are ideal because they still have superior male brain, not girl brain like those cis hons. Basically the dream: looks like a woman, thinks like a man.

No. 1796596

You are both retarded faggots, i like my bitches as dumb as possible, there's nothing better than having a hole around you that barely has a personality and can't say no.
If you ever meet a vanilla bitch don't believe that shit, she's just too dumb to realize she is into nasty stuff and it's our job as men to help them figure it out.
Anyway see you bros, i have to share my latest genshin impact pull with this egirl so she believes i'm into it.

No. 1796601

fuck, I was gonna report this until I realized what thread was.

No. 1799208

Women are so stupid also I only like dumb whores tho and my life revolves around lusting over them. Ohhhooooh I'm drowning in my own ego and its women's fault! I'm not sensitive at all, women are just evil because they don't tip toe around my ego, they are fucking cruel and demonize mens emotions. Mommy bangmaid please baby me you owe me sex cause men build the world

No. 1799681

No. 1799685

Hey thanks man, i'm not into that gay shit but shits been rough for me lately out in these streets, my tinder has been dry as usual. I might take you up on your offer as long as you say no homo after.

No. 1799704

It doesn’t count if you say no homo! wipes jizz off the corner of my mouth

No. 1799783

That and they have dicks. Most cis girls wouldn’t let you do anal, but I met a tranny on Grindr and I swear that is the first time I’ve ever even gone down on a girl. Always thought vaginas are gross. All the folds. The smell. I like to wear women’s underwear.

No. 1799854

File: 1701764316289.png (2 MB, 3529x3143, men can never learn to moid.pn…)

(This is based entirely on the real life reply chain I got from braindead unmitigated scrotes on pol who thought they were making valid points when I explained to them the easy to understand concept that all men ever have to do is the absolute bare minimum to get a girlfriend)

You stupid cunt wet hole femoid. You ask men to clean themselves, have a steady job, a hobby, AND to have healthy body fat distribution, yet what the fuck do YOU bring to the table? What makes you think you're worthy of any such a man, just because you're another wet hole? All a femoid has to do in order to get a man is not be a landwhale. Being a femoid equals having life on easy mode, yet for us men we have to work and slave away doing sooooo muuuuuuch yet we can't even get a text back. Women deserve nothing.

(But seriously there is no saving these pathetic incel fuckers. They are a lost cause and will cut your last nerve of patience. At this point they all deserve to burn.)

No. 1799858

File: 1701764486719.jpg (64.3 KB, 960x700, autistic meme.jpg)


My reply btw all started as a response to this autistic misery porn meme that some scrote posted on the board saying how men have it soooo haaaaaard when more than half of the list were unnecessary demands literally no girl I know (including myself) would ever ask for

No. 1799866

why would you spend your time trying to teach pol scrotes how to be human lol

No. 1799872

Did men meme themselves into being whores because they actually think women would want a ran through man?

No. 1799885

Because I delude myself into thinking there’s still hope that a part of their brains that isn’t fried from porn might let the information I tell them sink in

Apparently so KEK. Ik for sure no sane woman I know in real life wants lumpy herpe-ridden dick covered in sores and disease. Fucking disgusting

No. 1799889

The only reason straight men don't lift and get plastic surgery is because straight women don't demand them to. Fags bully each other into looking like models with "no fems, no chinks" but you can continue fucking bio dildos for being wageslaves. Turning your pussy into a charity won't make men love you

No. 1799893

they're deeply mentally ill and hopeless, I would just spend my time doing something to help women instead. you are wasting your time.

No. 1799897

I tried dating a 4chan incel and now hes been stalking me online for 3 years.
My bad for taking his virginity, I thought he was just autistic and shy but after breaking up it turns out no, hes actually full psycho

No. 1799901

So true bro! And not be over the age of 26 (dried up uterus)

No. 1799929

>why should a guy do all that for you?
>all that
Sometimes I really wonder how these creatures survive on their own.

Also kek at the projection in the last reply, that's essentially what the retarded meme in >>1799858 does. 3/4 of it is "the man has to have power/advantage over the woman" which we know is moid's peak 'chad' wank fantasy.

No. 1800067

File: 1701782968951.jpg (469.66 KB, 2048x1674, 1.jpg)

I once expressed my deepest feelings to a woman like this and she used it against me. That's why I'm going MGTOW.

No. 1800085


No. 1800099

As a man with a penis, balls and asshole connected with my scrotum, I think I'm going to kill myself because tfw no gf and that makes me sad insert sad face, I will proceed to traumadump everything about my sad sad life (someone told me "no" once) and how I'm very traumatized, I'm too traumatized to have a normal job that was given to me on a silver platter, booooohooooohoooooo.

No. 1800107

The low-effort nature of this one is actually making it funnier lol

No. 1801560

As a girl with a penis add me on discord

No. 1802381

File: 1701954923967.jpg (41.6 KB, 600x338, 6700615.jpg)

>tfw no mommy- i mean gf to cook and clean for me to emotionally hoist me up every day when i melt down for no reason at all and to give me lots of sex while i don't reciprocate
life is so unfair bros…

No. 1811411

File: 1702515669863.jpg (2.5 MB, 2000x2000, 1702509408280922.jpg)

No. 1811428

File: 1702517230187.png (114.95 KB, 634x697, a22.png)

Post-wall foids will never thrive. That's what they get for not settling down with a nice guy when they were 18.

No. 1811536

File: 1702527526101.jpg (51.89 KB, 576x613, OADTBSOUEE3MPMPVPTVLJN6ZZ4.jpg)

I'm so tired of these cis bitches being threatened by my existance! Those ugly feminist hoes keep saying that I am not a real woman. Like bitch? I am literally the peak of femininity. I know how to serve FISH and CUNT hunny. My waist is snatched, my titties are perky and my coochie is giving BARBIE. They are all frumpy, have no bbls, no lashes, no acrylics… like how can you be a woman and NOT beat your face? I bet those hoes are jealous because their man secretly wants to destroy this pussay. Purrrrr Like I am sorry my coochie is tight n cute and yours is blown out and loose. Men tell me I'm sexy all the time on instagram dms so I am more of a woman than them.

No. 1811552

I hate hsts and catty fags so much this is so accurate down to the jealousy of women

No. 1811638

Pretty accurate kek. Reads like Macon Cains recent chimpout about our very own lc >>>/snow/1914200

No. 1813386

Foids nowadays are just whiny selfish sluts nowadays. I think I'm GTFOing to Thailand and buy my cute asian waifu with my old apartment money. Western bitches are soooooooo over.

No. 1822437

>be successful empowered woman
>still feel the need dress like a hooker for attention

No. 1822444

Women are DEFORMED
If you are under 5'7 and over 90 pounds you are DEFORMED and your mother was an alcoholic who boofed peach schnapps all throughout her pregnancy. Your tits are disgusting bags of FAT and you sit down to piss you are DISABLED for existing

No. 1822567

Well now who’s gonna want them? They look like eggless floppy hags!

No. 1822692

what is going on here? the woman's face gets in the way but is he saying that despite liking her, she isn't fit enough for his liking and that if they should be together they must be on the same level of fitness? And then makes fun of him for that?

No. 1822736

Bro women are made that way so we can fap at them. Women over 5'5 look like men, only closeted faggots like them. Trust me Im an alpha male and fuck pussy every week.

No. 1879619

File: 1707245925848.png (58.04 KB, 762x398, ugly.png)

Foids are actually evil and love when men are peak testosterone that they are on the urge of killing those around them. insert 0.00002% of the women population thirsting for a criminal on twitter SEE! THE EMPATHETIC GENDER FOLKS.. SLOW CLAP WOMEN LITERALLY GET WET AFTER GETTING BEAT BY CHAD!! IT'S ALL LOOKS BRO AND SOCIAL MEDIA IS REAL LIFE. I keep jacking off to photos of Chad and making MS paint edits of him cucking me no homo though because if I was him I could kill all my oneitis loved ones and beat her and she would be thirsting over me or something. Also I don't really care about caring for a girlfriend to be honest but then I couldn't virtue signal enough that I just want love and not to have as much sex as Chad. I'm also a big philosophy reader (not like stupid roasties with "romance") like Evola was so true on the metaphysics of sex. Women are the evil gaslighters and the more they force me to be enslaved to them the more my masculinity crumbles or something so it's actually their fault why I consistently think about them and can't look at a woman without thinking about porn in real life.

No. 1879624

This is the only post I saw when loading the page. I almost reported you at first nonny well done

No. 1879627

Post suifuel.

I'll start: women would rather fuck dogs than fuck a short guy.

No. 1879630

No. 1880148

Sometimes when I'm bored at work I like to imagine how I would fend off an enemy attack on the premises. I have been dropping hints to the Stacey I sit next to that I know my way around a firearms so if this were to happen it would really reinforce my worth to her. I almost always imagine the attackers being Arabs it's just been like that ever since 9/11 kek. I wish it would happen so I could prove my work so she would have to date me unlike my oneitis who didn't return my feelings and who I vehemently hates now because she should know she doesn't have the right to do that.

No. 1880203

Good morning, I hate women. (Unironically)

No. 1880247

File: 1707291092076.jpeg (Spoiler Image,291.31 KB, 640x771, C7275430-0C09-4F1B-8E47-3DA657…)

My long distance fiancé in Cambodia just turned 18 and she’s got all these followers, looks like a hot model but worships me. She recognize that I am a man and I have needs. My soon to be ex wife doesn’t get it, bitch is always complaining cause I like to eat like a man, saying I’m gonna die soon on account of my diabetes. All I do is send gift cards to her and buy her stuff off of her Amazon wishlist like keyboards, games, phones, watches and she texts me all night, gushing and head over heels. Right next to my sleeping wife. I wish we could video chat so I could see her pop that pussy in real time sadly has no service on her cheap Chinese phone and lives in a hut and doesn’t speak English and is saving that for when I send her $15,000 so she can fly to the states to live with me.

No. 1880262

File: 1707292682327.png (4.67 MB, 1600x1600, 4x4.png)

Peak shoujo anime. I don't get why bitches and shouhoes cry every season of newly release anime when these masterpieces exist. Hell I would even call these shoujos too. Women would whine and complained over literally everything and that's why I'd stick to hot beautiful waifus than 3DPD roasties.

No. 1880300

File: 1707295459913.jpg (590.27 KB, 2048x1534, iodtdmrkglg41.jpg)

That my dude, is why traps and femboys will always be superior than women. Picrel is actually a boy if you're wondering

No. 1883951

My mom told me no more chicken nuggies until my room is clean. Well I thought she was lying but she really did it!!!

Can someone please help a brother out?

No. 1884356

sex work should be legal and tax subsidized. government mandated girlfriend mommies are the best way to prevent violence against women. i also love ricky gervais

No. 1889747

Dumbass Shit will remain on autosage for the foreseeable future

No. 1889793

Glad to see you foid whores underage retared children get locked, haha. Everybody hates you, you fucking attention whores. I will not sleep until this website has no users anymore, i fucking hate you so much it's unreal. <3(no emoticons even ironically)

No. 1909900

File: 1709453501085.jpg (123.56 KB, 1200x900, me in the middle.jpg)

Wished I were a cute shota again just to not have a care about the world but to play games all day, get fed and taken care of by mommy and get ara ara'ed by hot onee-sans. Life isn't fair bros…

No. 1909919

File: 1709456256840.jpg (107.54 KB, 857x1300, I7f6xJ0.jpg)

I'm so tired of le woke media pushing MID women propaganda. This would be a solid 3 in japan and russia.

No. 1909921

I agree, she's mid. Would only fuck after I've had a bottle of vodka.

No. 1909977

looks at those pointy elbows 3/10

No. 1913144

Do you guys ever have any scrotish thoughts? An old lady passed me on the street yesterday and i thought “damn her tits are huge, I bet she was hot back in the day”

No. 1913146

Old ladies are gross and have roast beef sandwich. I bet they're cheating on their Beta husbands with Alpha chad at the nursing home.

No. 1913157

Yeah but big booba….

No. 1913199

i love bromance with my bro who rapes women in the millitary. i hate negging wivezzzz heres a boomer meme

No. 1913267

Whores are so pathetic calling it “rape” when they’re raped by one of the people serving our country. It’s the least they deserve. I’d suck their cocks myself if it weren’t gay because they’re literally heroes.

No. 1913300

File: 1709729120889.png (465.56 KB, 613x905, __alcina_dimitrescu_and_cogita…)

If she looks like this then gyatt damn I'd be pounding that gilf pussy before she rests in peace. Imagine if my dick could fix all her weak ass granny bones and muscles by me fucking her especially with my milk lol.

No. 1914091

I would motorboat the shit out of a nice pair of knee saggers.

No. 1928571

File: 1710677863508.jpg (157.19 KB, 658x960, 1710673714858.jpg)

One day I will become Chad. All the hoes who turned me down will regret it.

No. 1928717

Don't forget to thank a female this year for original sin. without them we would not have Christmas and be living in paradise. Instead we live in this hellscape called Earth. Remember that Adam was TRICKED, men did not knowingly eat the forbidden fruit. As always men are blamed for female mistakes.

Gensis 3: 6 "Consequently, the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that is was something desirable to the eyes, yes, the tree was pleasing to look at. So she began taking of its fruit and eating it. Afterward, she also gave some to her husband when he was with her, and he began eating it".

No. 1928773

The sexism in this thread from females is disgusting. Men don't think or talk like this. We have feelings and empathy too. I mushrooms once and learned all about it. Ever heard of a guy called Alan watts? Maybe if you listened to him you wouldn't all be such cunts

No. 1928891

You sound like a total fag dude. Why are you whining about your emotions like some chick?

No. 1928892

All these whores care about is money. I will prove them all wrong by making my only redeemable quality be my bank account and get a gold digger.

No. 1928908

Everyone I don't like has BPD and every BPD woman is a whore who'll sell her body at a moment's notice!

No. 1928927

kek I almost reported this

No. 1930175

But mentally ill women have the best pussy anon. They’re so desperate to be loved they’ll do absolutely anything to get you off while they expect nothing back. The only downside is occasionally they’ll run at you with a knife or try to throw boiling water at you but that still gets my dick totally hard.

No. 1930218

Had some Indian food last night and was charging up some crazy bad gas in my guts. Pulled up the sheets this morning and let rip. Now my girl is pissed a me!? I don't get it, it's just a prank. Girls need to chill out and learn to be funny. So fucking sensitive. Fucking hormone shit

No. 1930637

I think she's a feminist bro, you got need to drop that hoe and get a passport, women from third world countries will compliment you for ripping ass in their presence.

No. 1931441

I think it's funny when women get raped

No. 1931493

Same, especially if I'm the one who rapes them.

No. 1931498

am I gonna make it bros? I wish I could get a gf. Any woman! My standards is having a being a woman with a vagina, she doesn't even have a pulse anymore. I have low standards, I am not trying to date above my level. I have a full head of hair, I look healthy and I'm a fitfag but no woman ever look at me!!1
It's like I'm invisible to femoids bros. There's this hot Stacy at my uni but I can never talk to her because there's this ugly fat ass friend of hers who is always around trying to keep Stacy away from me. I try to say hi to her but this fatty shows up out of nowhere and says hi to me before I can get to Stacy, she tries to distract me when I show up and every fucking time Stacy goes away FML. Why is this dick shriveling bitch so preoccupied with trying to stop Stacy from dating me? Maybe she's a dyke. Either way why am I so invisible to women??? They act like I don't exist…

No. 1931508

Shut up you stupid bitch, bring me a beer

No. 1931511

maybe after you suck my fat cock

No. 1931522

No, really, I'm a man.

No. 1931528

File: 1710881756699.jpeg (130.86 KB, 400x614, IMG_4354.jpeg)

Oh, I’m sorry! I stopped paying for my date’s food because I was worried it would put them off, making them feel like I don’t see them as an equal. N-no it’s ok it’s ok I can pay next time! Anyway, I prefer hanging out with women. Men always bully me because I’m kinda soft and their constant macho manly man charade makes me roll my eyes. You should come hang at my place, I’ll buy any game you choose and we can play together. Don’t worry about that! I would never pressure a woman into sex, that’s so pathetic. Oh you don’t like my wall art? What’s wrong with it? Objectified??? They’re strong and inspiring women though, you’re just focusing on her skin showing there are plenty of naked women in art and it’s not sexual. Anyway so yeah I always feel guilty when I walk past parks. Gender roles are so unfair right, people always assume any man who isn’t with his wife or kid must be a creep. No really, I can feel them all watching me! That? Oh yeah! Those are the comics I’ve been binging lately after work. It’s such a great way to relax. What, you don’t like it?

No. 1933553

Booom booooom
biiiiiix nooooooood

No. 1933563

File: 1711031763901.jpg (44.57 KB, 542x568, k96636nry5551.jpg)

I want an autistic gf bros. I would give her headpats and hugs, buy her cute dresses and plushies and feed her yummy treats. I wouldn't mind cleaning up after her if she pissed herself. Autistic girls are so cute and child-like. Neurotypical toilets are nasty and their brains have been pozzed by Chad and Tyrone's cum while autistic girls are pure and innocent.

No. 1933575

Sorry bro but they’re not safe anymore. I thought I had a cute faithful autistic gf but then I caught her being a loose whore (playing video games with another guy) and had to lay down the law.

No. 1933576

File: 1711032376892.jpg (38.94 KB, 564x454, scr.jpg)

Facttttssss insert doomer face I want a loser autistic gf. She has to be porn-sick, pervert, creep, socially inept, like me but be super kawaii in a child body!!! She'd be head over heels while I call skinny men twinks while I'm 300 pounds of pure masculinity and be like PIC rel and watch seinen and hentais together!

No. 1933587

same bro. had an autistic qt with no friends, no job or anything. she took more than 3 minutes to respond to me on discord so she had to be getting a bukkake no other possible explanation. go MGTOW

No. 1933623

All these bitches are easy whores who sleep with literally anyone yet I have to be a virgin that doesn't get any action. Should I rope myself, bros?

No. 1933641

Sounds hot bro. I want my autistic gf to be suuper horny and suck dick like a pro (swallowing is a must). She also has to be a virgin.

No. 1933649

i hate all these roasties who wear with tight shit like sleeveless shirts or short shirts that just brings more attention to their tits, bitches will get upset as soon as i lock my gaze at those damn gazoonkas and grab me a nice rounded meloon, so yeah gonna pay for some onlyfans to show them bitches us men still have money power over them.

No. 1933657

Same brocel. I would legit date ANYONE but no foids ever give me a chance. My standards are literally just be a woman. I was on Tinder and the only matches I got were 30 year old walled whores and landwhales. I'm so lonely and unloved.

No. 1933692

File: 1711037925397.jpeg (35.67 KB, 768x615, yQVxCqPke1OpAWKc.jpeg)

White women are fucked. So many of them are fucking Tyrone, Jose and even Chang. We should stone those traitous harlots for betraying the great white race. How could they prefer some non-white swarthoid compared to an Aryan hyperborean Chad like myself? This is all the effects of kike propaganda because all they want is to destroy the white race.

No. 1933698

>Tyrone, Jose and Chang
My sides holy shit

No. 1933706

Love messaging women's families that were porn stars 10 years ago and letting them know their wives and mothers are just whores. These stupid sluts think they can just get away with what they did without consequences and I'm here to remind them of the reality they created for themselves. I am the enforcer, it's a hard job and takes a lot of my time but I make time for it every single day

No. 1933799

You. are. a. Hero.

No. 1936055

I didn't know these bitches had names let alone families.

No. 1943909

File: 1711835229919.png (16.26 KB, 1207x124, Screenshot 2024-03-30 184657.p…)

I don't know if this is the thread, but…
Why? What leads someone to think things this way?

No. 1943955

This is where you larp as a moid, there's a good thread in 2X for that

No. 1944125

There’s a moidtakes thread

No. 1944265

I masturbate so much my dick don’t work unless I pull on it like it’s an old car engine

No. 1944271

There's this qt3.141 at my school who I think likes me back because we did a project together and she smiled when I told her all about my podcast I'm going to record. It's a podcast where I rate anime based on how enlightened their takes on adult-minor relationships are.

Anyway she's having some sort of period insane mood swing where now she won't talk to me. I intercepted her acceptance letters for college so I could ensure we were going to the same one next year (it literally took weeks of camping out by her mailbox how is that not romantic?) and she said I 'ruined her life' or something. I don't get it bros, she's not smart enough to get into Harvard or Yale (they waitlisted her) so I basically did her a favor by picking for her.

How do I get her to understand I'm her perfect guy? I literally set up our future together, it's like she doesn't care at all. She cries whenever I come near her and doesn't come to school much any more so it's been really hard to talk to her and explain my point of view. From intercepting her mail I know where her therapist's office is, I'm thinking I should camp out there and get her alone finally?

No. 1944306

Of course my balls dictate my every waking moment, do yours not?

No. 1944438

File: 1711861207621.jpeg (37.41 KB, 480x640, IMG_3723.jpeg)

Who else here an emotionless titan of logic and reason who don’t feel no feelings?

No. 1944439

Yeah I'd consider myself a pretty open minded guy aha, btw before you come over tonight can you shave your legs and pussy? (Insert "adorable" smiling/blushing emoji here)

No. 1944483

Oh your husband died? but would you even care if he wasn't chad. Stupid roastie slut.

No. 1944485

No. 1952845

File: 1712378368054.jpg (248.31 KB, 750x1000, MikeS5.jpg)

Why can't you whores be this cute?

No. 1952869

AITA? My gf found my porn collection. She started crying and I told her she's emotionally manipulating me. I explained watching porn is good for my prostate health and she's being controlling by telling me to stop. I mean come on, she watches rom coms. It's basically the same thing.

No. 1952885

You all are really bad at this. Holes should stay in the kitchen.

No. 1952890

I just let out an epic fart that made my whole apartment tremble. You guys should of been here.

No. 1952893

I fuck femboys ONLY. Btw it’s not gay to suck another dude’s dick and balls because I’m attracted to FEMININITY. You foids should learn a thing or two about that! Why don’t women want me?

No. 1952930

File: 1712385398807.jpeg (56.74 KB, 768x737, 99juCCnRm3TZXhV4.jpeg)

Damn bros why are american trannies so ugly? They all look like bearded brolic dudes. I wouldn't mind trannies if they looked sexy like the ones in Thailand. Some of them even look better than the majority of feminazi leftist bitches and at least attempt to abide by the social roles women should play.

No. 1952933

I know bro, why do they look like men instead of boys, i mean girls?

No. 1952943

File: 1712386390858.jpg (158.95 KB, 1055x1161, GIuIeFyWQAAvFdd.jpg)

Holy Lifefuel. This shit made my day. Stupid whore had it coming. I hope this happens to other cumdumpsters. Now I will rub one out to her in celebration.

No. 1953061

My mom caught me jerking off to sissy hypno in my sister's panties and started beating me. That whore is just jealous I have 10 orbiters on Discord who get hard at my anime voice filter while she is a divorced single mom with 10 cats. Roasties wouldn't last a day in our shoes and they live on tutorial mode.

No. 1953063

Bros. I've thought about bbc and black bulls taking away white women so much that I think I turned gay??? How do I reverse this??

No. 1953157

simple bro, I just jack off to black guys getting pegged, now every time I see a black guy my mind immediately jumps to them getting pegged.

No. 1953160

I don't care off what the fascists says, I'm not a "gay pedophile" for being attracted to underage superior thai ladyboys.

No. 1957704

File: 1712712530693.jpg (Spoiler Image,454.58 KB, 1400x1397, roastie.jpg)

>be me 30 yo single, alpha male
>work as a jiu jitsu instructor, teach teenagers
>notice hot 16 yo woman
>develop feelings for her
>figure its only right to ask her parents for permission to date her
>parents come to pick her as usual
>looks like this is my chance
>walk up to them as they wait for their daughter and ask for permission to date her
>her parents look pissed off
>walled roastie mom calls me a pedophile kek
>pussy whipped beta cuck dad promises that he'll get me fired
>give them a smug smile, say nothing and silently walk back like a sigma
>just for that, im going to pump and dump his daughter kek
>girl doesn't show up next day, probably scared of me fucking his daughter
>class ends, say bye to my students
>manager asks me to come to his office
>tells me my behavior is inappropriate with the "kids" and says he's letting me go wtf
>Tfw didn't score with hot teen puss

No. 1957707

Congrats this is the first post on here that made me genuinely uncomfortable kek

No. 1957721

Dude, it was cucked of you to ask her parents for permission in the first place, you got what you deserved just for that. We live in an era of feminism where everyone is cucked, back in the olden days it was normal for our great grandads to marry 11 year olds and women came of age right out the womb, how society has fallen!

No. 1958186

Women want Chad only. There are no women on the internet btw. Post tits or ywnbaw

No. 1958196

I want my future wife to be a hot, busty, Stacy with huge milkers. She needs to have sex with me everyday and be a dom-leaning switch. Also she needs to pay for everything and cook, clean and do everything for me while I NEET in my room. Why is every woman I meet such a bitch cock-sucking whore? They all want Chad or Tyrone. Their standards are too fucking high compared to mine. Modern women are disgusting prostitutes who only seek Chad. The only thing they deserve is to be pumped and dumped like the whores they are. I hate women so much bros like you wouldn't understand.

No. 1958202

I used to have a crush on this girl in high school, checked her social media and found out she hit the wall now. Lmfao fuck that roastie bitch. She probably got ran over by Chad. That's what she deserves, amirite bros?

No. 1960062

File: 1712898540201.jpeg (58.03 KB, 602x865, main-qimg-5ad0d34008416d7afeaa…)

I tried hitting on some brown chick and she rejected me. Why?? I'm a beautiful aryan Chad (picrel) yet even some dumb shitskin roastie won't date me.

No. 1960065

>getting rejected by a low IQ shitskin roastie
>not going to Thailand and getting a 10/10 irl loli chink that can do your math homework

No. 1960067

>fucking foids at all
>not going to Thailand to fuck a 8 years old boy pussy
You faggots are too gay to fuck real girls with cocks.

No. 1960069

File: 1712899632883.png (306.32 KB, 512x512, 7e3.png)


No. 1960070

Fuck these hyperpigamist post wall whores, that bring nothing to the table. They aren't even interesting and don't have real hobbies but consoom and browse socual media. Yes videogames are a valid hobby, and there is nothing wrong with be extra loud while on mic as I play videogames with my friends until 4am as a grown man. You dont understand i have to be extra loud, even though i own a studio mic that costs more than my whole outfit,groceries for the month and my toiletries combined.
Oh what you disagree and find me manchildish? I'm just going to devalue and dismiss your argument because obviously you're not seeing it in the logical sense that i am. You're too emotional, therefore invalid. I am irrefutably correct in this sense because i only see it logically.
God, see women like you are the reason us men can't be emotional, why men aren't taken seriously when it comes to DV!11!!

No. 1960071

File: 1712899915166.jpg (21.32 KB, 474x458, 1712884957721387.jpg)

>be me, NEET, no money for food
>mom won't give me money for mcd's, throws shitfits when i don't want to eat her "food"
>food is nasty overcooked broccoli and carrots with soggy rice and rank fish
what am i supposed to do bros? why the fuck can't women cook

No. 1960072

No way dude pedo stuff is only for trannies and faggots!!! But also the brown girls little sister was kinda hot. (She's 7 years old)

No. 1960073


No. 1960080

ngl you roasties are getting too good at imitating men rn, there better not be any other guys here to ruin my IRL isekai harem of pure autistic virgins

No. 1960086

Yes I'm 5'6" (lately I've been closer to 5'7) but that doesn't matter since most foids are shorter than me

No. 1960093

File: 1712901246789.jpg (56.95 KB, 1080x1080, 1000015592.jpg)

>not wanting a 5'11+ dommy mommy goth gf to treat you like a dildo and spit in your food
You absolute faggot.

No. 1960096

Too old

No. 1960106

>anon bitches at his mom instead of flirting with her

No. 1960121

File: 1712902777867.jpg (75.84 KB, 951x840, 1000015594.jpg)

>first woman in your life
>sees and touches your dick on a daily basis when she changes your diaper
>feeds you every day
>kisses and hugs you
>compliments you
>loves you
>gets bigger tits and ass after carrying you for nine months
>you even get to suck on her tits and they feed you
Anons, why is it not okay to want to fuck your mom? Shouldn't it be natural?

No. 1960137

File: 1712903767516.png (3.08 MB, 1280x2460, Hayase_Nagatoro.png)

Who is your waifu bros? Nagatoro is mine because she's a kawaii tanned tomboy.

No. 1960146

The fact that roasties can enjoy media without chimping out violently and screaming just shows how low IQ and beneath us they really are. They literally have no depth of emotion apart from when they’re scheming and lying in order to take down innocent men. Or when they are getting the tingles at a jonas brothers concert or something. I was talking to a roastie at work the other day and she claims to play COD but when I asked her how many expensive headsets she had smashed she looked puzzled. Why would I do that? Obviously the stupid foid has never even played and is just lying to get dick.

No. 1960150

Stop being a fat fuck bro. I only ever eat raw meat that I kill myself (I live in a city in the UK and there are few wild animals to hunt so I mostly eat roadkill and pigeons) like a real alpha male. I regularly get worms so that means I have to drag my arse across the carpet like a dog, and walking on my hands has got me swole as shit.
The woke mine virus wants men to eat vegetables in order to feminise them. Don’t fall for the meme.

No. 1960160

File: 1712904909636.jpg (33.88 KB, 411x574, d68c860521508eba5214c35cd1fc41…)

Coal. My waifu is better.
>tfw no qt tsundere to bully you

No. 1960187

File: 1712905513182.png (30.75 KB, 471x477, 0jwcDPwKrNvAWaeA.png)

Yeah bro. Same as fruit. It's all sugar that makes you a fag. Sugar = Bad = Gay. That's a secret that the elites have kept hidden for years until recently when Andrew Tate exposed them and their fruity agenda. You know it's legit when it's coming from the Top G himself.

No. 1960196

Kek. Lol even. Enjoy your alpha male hunter cope faggot you'll miss it when your mom cucks you with a refugee

No. 1960207

your girl is suckling my cock rn and telling me how much better it tastes than the battery acid blanks your meme diet has you shooting

No. 1960213

Not based or cunnypilled

No. 1960259

>posting pictures of an actual child
Have fun with the fbi retard

No. 1960651

File: 1712935135274.png (Spoiler Image,144.27 KB, 1192x1200, GAmK4b2asAAwfZl.png)

Lots of bitter old hairy hags itt kek. Have fun dying alone with your cats while I become manager at Culver's and swim in loli pussy. You roasties wish you had a successful man like me kek. Too bad all of you are 30+ and invisible to me. You missed your chance kek

No. 1960669

i hate women.

No. 1960775

I hate them too but somehow my entire existence revolves around them and I can’t be happy unless they validate me.

No. 1960788

File: 1712943947053.jpg (86.98 KB, 850x1202, 1000018285.jpg)

My waifu is Ilulu, she's like 5 years old mentally but she's mature for her age, plus she has huge tits, but her body is realistic, everyone knows how girls mature faster than boys, so it only makes sense that she has huge tits but a teeny tiny body, plus she has a job, she could be the breadwinner while I spend the whole day watching Loli porn and playing vidya, I wish foids were real, but only like ilulu, all the others should just drop dead.

No. 1960868

File: 1712947536500.webp (128.04 KB, 860x645, IMG_1228.webp)

Tinfoil incoming bros. The recent uptick in popular pornstars dying is an effort by right-wing evangelicals to take away our porn. They’re cooperating with China to supply fetanyl to female pornstars, killing off our sluts. Do they know what this will do to us? Do they realize how much destruction will be caused to humanity? And to think I just bought a VR headset specifically to watch Blacked gangbangs.

No. 1960880

This has to be the worst and stupidest moid impression on this whole site.
Most moids with porn addiction actually despise the women they are jerking to and whenever a porn star dies they all in unison make fun of her deâth

No. 1960887

Wow, did she die? RIP to a nice pair of tits. I'll make a cum tribute in her honor, I'm sure it's what she would've wanted

No. 1960906

NTA some poltards do talk like that to circlejerk at how they're coming at it from an intellectual standpoint too. and being self-centred in a void autistic schizo way that makes it all about them and how they're so important it just must be an elaborate political ploy against white males is accurate

No. 1961197

File: 1712961729264.jpg (184.67 KB, 1242x1525, ez4kyyynvdk31.jpg)

Friday night feasting bros, gonna down this with a full handle of vodka while i play COD.
Unrelated why am I friendless and kissless.

No. 1961216

I don’t really get this one, McDonald’s and vodka sounds fun

No. 1961294

If you typed this like a reddit scrote instead of a 4chan scrote then it would be more fitting.

No. 1961295

>while I become manager at Culver's

No. 1961330

I can't stop checking the girl I dated for 3 weeks in 9th grade on Instagram. She's about to get married. Bitch. The male pain from first love is the absolute worst soul destroying pain that foids could never understand even for one second. This is why all their rights need to be taken away. Especially voting because foids don't mentally mature beyond teenagers. Even though at age 25 I'm still mentally crippled from 9th grade.

No. 1961334

File: 1712969640248.jpg (151.81 KB, 1286x800, Cbxuu4RWwAA9LPc.jpg_large.jpg)

Toll paid. It's lifefuel to see coalburners get what they deserve.

No. 1961341

Okay but seriously now, your post was simple but that is such a good moid impression. Especially of white moids. They and black moids are the first to blame the woman for any abuse or murder she suffers if the boyfriend or husband was a different race. They truly think they own women based on race, and seethe crazy hard when "their" women date out because they're outrageously jealous.

No. 1961388

File: 1712974081060.webp (94.42 KB, 463x715, IMG_2236.webp)

After reading this post I decided I’m finally going to try seducing my mom. I’ve been fantasizing about her for years and waiting for my dad to die of leukemia (he was diagnosed last year) so that I can start seriously pursuing the woman of my dreams. My dad finally kicked the bucket last month, and I got to hug my mom while she cried on my shoulder as they lowered his coffin into the grave. I remember she smelled like roses. I think I’m going to start sending her screencaps from my favorite momcest hentai to see if she gets the hint. Wish me luck bros

No. 1961393

incest is wincest. godspeed anon

No. 1962470

Men act like this towards any woman they're interested in, regardless. But you're right, if the woman shares any resemblance to him at all and dates outside of their race, they get especially upset. I honestly think this video wouldn't have gone viral if her husband was white.

No. 1962715

File: 1713061159433.webp (662.54 KB, 3000x4000, wiafucipt.webp)

Konnichiwa! Sitting here at le neighborhood pool waiting to see some IRL lolis ouhhhhh with my waifu cup that I smeared mod podge and bought a custom made silicone boot to protecc my hecking QT anime waifu. My baka hahaoya said that I could've put half of my disability check into moving out but she didn't understand she was limited edition with extra mommy milkies! Ugh at least In Japan they care about family values then I'd be fed Chicken nuggies and Ramen my whole life. My fellow gooners at Reddit at least respecc the NEET grind.. GTG fellas and sissies, DATTEBAYO!

No. 1962755

Whats her @

Anyways I just saw a hilarious meme on ifunny implying the OP was going to rape a small child, it’s funny cause bro is going to jail. Skull emoji

No. 1962774

File: 1713064563982.png (248.25 KB, 391x503, 17068574042658.png)

She's 100% natural. You ugly bitches are just jealous you aren't as blessed as her. Typical of foids to be jealous of hotties. Maybe if you spent less time seething and more time at the gym you could also look like her.

No. 1962779

/ck/ every weekend is just moids soloing picrel while other guys tell them that their fast food of choice is for cucks

No. 1962780

Fake because uohposters think women hit the wall when they develop breasts

No. 1962788

If there's a hole there's a goal

No. 1962793

File: 1713066498708.gif (631.82 KB, 499x665, de0e706fbc5c69ebc13ff52366cf7f…)

You guys should all consider becoming cute sissy boys instead. Don't you want soft skin and big hips??

No. 1962830

Walled, post some child tummy instead

No. 1962868

This is not true bro, some females just develop early. My niece is 12 years old (ideal age for reproduction) and she already has big boobs and hips.

No. 1962965

File: 1713084979368.jpg (49.58 KB, 400x351, moviebob-made-a-mistake-in-his…)

A fairly small amount of McDonalds for the average sized American.

No. 1963242

File: 1713107213422.jpg (107.51 KB, 845x1000, lopunny.jpg)

You just know lopunny is a fucking whore riding their trainer on a daily basis, fuck bro she just vaguely resembles a woman and uggh FUCC IM GONNA COOM.

No. 1964175

File: 1713146657107.jpg (164.18 KB, 1280x720, SEI_102337550.jpg)

Why can't western foids be like this?

No. 1964512

I need to see it from the back. I need to hear it clap.
Who the fuck wants a post-wall 12 year old? Disgusting. You know some of them already have cellulite?
I remember when the girl I brushed hands with at the year 7 disco got a boyfriend. It was like being raped. Every night I thought endlessly about how she feels being plowed by his huge throbbing cock and filled like a cream cake with his juicy cum and it felt like rape.

No. 1964895

Bro when I'm forced to go out in the summer I just get eye raped all day long. I know they're cucking me with Chad so I creep shot them to post in #948 Creepshot thread on 4chan.

No. 1964977

File: 1713194412446.jpg (331.18 KB, 640x965, 95734th_waifu_i've_fapped_to.j…)

Bros i need help. When i was in high school all my friends told me about how their gfs wouldn't have anal and i promised that i would be the first one to find a bitch that lets me fuck her ass.
It has been my life goal but bitches always walk away when i approach them (i make sure to take a pic of their asses everytime they do) but is it really worth it? I don't want my dick to fall off because of diseases, can i counter that shit purely with my testosterone or some food?

No. 1964991

File: 1713194703979.jpg (71.02 KB, 912x1716, 1000015684.jpg)

>getting a foid to do anal instead of fucking a troon or a faggot
trannies are getting more passable, you know what to do

No. 1965021

Fuck i will admit that one time one of my bros sent me a picture of himself with a skirt and thighhighs as a joke, don't know where he got that but i almost fell for it, men really know the definition of sexy
This is why the Roman Empire was so great

No. 1965023

>not cruising on Grindr for pooners and free anal

No. 1965040

>THICC thighs
too old



No. 1965044

File: 1713196201064.jpg (525.73 KB, 1536x2048, 1000015685.jpg)

>fucking bloody sweaty and smelly pooner pussy instead of putting your dick into a twink's tight hairless and pink asshole
some of you niggers just don't get it

No. 1965066

>not understanding that all you need for a free poonslave is to call her a real dood once in a while and she’ll basically do whatever you want

No. 1965152

My gf is retarded. There's no such thing as porn addiction and there's nothing wrong with jerking off to porn and hentai. I still love her obviously. Why can't she understand, anons?

No. 1965161

How old is she? Usually women over 16 years old are too annoying and old, their eggs stop working and they become jealous of anime girls and porn actresses.
You need to get a girlfriend that's at least 6 years old, before she gets jealous of other girls, plus they're so mature for their age, you would be surprised of all the cool shit they understand when you talk about it, they also say cool shit too. You will basically make your own girlfriend, she will obey you forever.

No. 1965179

"moid" here because you ladies need someone of intelligence. Men are actually just defending themselves against evil wahmen like you.. maybe if you just had sex with that guy he wouldn't have thrown acid in your face? Also women are basically just as bad because I googled "Women abuse kid" on Google and I got a few search results sooo riddle me that. Also stop making fun of incels and their looks they literally don't do anything and just want to be loved but evil foids like you spit in their faces and cuck them with 6'0+, 6 figure, muscular… Alpha men….. That provide for you…. With a 7+ incher…..

No. 1965182

is that a TIF?

No. 1965188

File: 1713204410165.png (Spoiler Image,1010.71 KB, 828x2439, 1696741760992.png)

foids are as bad as pedos and rapists, just dig out rape videos of women and children from your abuse folder and spam it all over lc and cc. that'll show the foids. remember that we're not pedos if we're just proving them wrong

No. 1965512

I still can't believe how ugly he is

No. 1965522

Erika is so cute, she passes better than all of the cis hons on this website.

No. 1970907

Hahahaha. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. OT but did anyone else's dick get hard looking at this pic?

No. 1970948

Do you ever notice how only OLD UGLY and FAT women hate men? I mean obviously a cute stacy would never say anything that would make me mad online. That's how you know whenever you argue with a woman online that she is definitely unfuckably fat and old and ugly.

No. 1971124

Muzzies have the right idea with those acid attacks. We need to humble these slutty loose foids by disfiguring them.

No. 1971406

File: 1713550936372.jpeg (124.08 KB, 593x900, IMG_1992.jpeg)

I can’t even think of a caption for this. The workings of the moid brain are beneath my comprehension

No. 1971584

File: 1713554943961.jpeg (63.34 KB, 768x576, XpF2JlBcGAh46PNc.jpeg)

Get your passports bros. Once you come to Thailand, you'll never want to go back. Thai women are fit, feminine, friendly, and submissive, and they love foreigners.

No. 1971746

I agree, we as women just love communism!

No. 1971901


No. 1972108

Based. Commiecels take the L

No. 1972300

File: 1713607544610.png (176.61 KB, 771x773, ZONE-TAN.png)

Zone-tan because goth girls are fucking hot and she's so smug and based. I'd let her step all over me and use me as her personal dildo play thing. I'll never forget the first time I stumbled across their porn animations on Newgrounds of some of my childhood cartoon shows like Teen Titans, FHOIF, and MLAATR. They all look official and legit made like they're from the actual show but then my dick instantly turned into diamonds seeing the girls get fucked and pounded and lost how many times I nutted watching them. It's like my childhood has been enhanced since I did had a crush on cartoon girls like Raven, Frankie and Jenny but didn't understand what sex is as a kid. Thank you Zone-sama for fulfilling my childhood fantasy and desires with your God-tier work of art and I'll always love you Zone-tan. Please watch me fap nonstop.

No. 1972561

File: 1713629995913.jpeg (33.82 KB, 619x768, abhtcq4HRdlwsgfk.jpeg)

fuck it face reveal

No. 1974563

File: 1713757885913.jpg (Spoiler Image,78.51 KB, 960x720, 1513663992548.jpg)

Imagine living a society where females don't exist and only males can thrive and reproduce. Society would be great again if not better without those ugly foids, roasties and woke wahmen ruining everything. No more bitching, no more female privileges, no more misandry. A male only society would be perfect. I would love to have a cute femboy wife husband that doesn't have the retarded fragile female brain that get emotionally distressed over nothing thus doing stupid shit. Women just can't live without men and our superior intelligence. My loving femboy partner would take care of me, please me and wouldn't complain about the porn and vidya I consume everyday. He'd let me pound his soft baby plump ass whenever I wanted especially from a hard game's match or after making big bucks by selling cryptos and NFTs. Pussies are gross anyways with their nasty yeast filled bleeding holes and their hairy flappy beef curtains. Penis and ass are way better and less replusive. Also I think having a girly shota as our son would be cute though. Have to resist lewding heheh. Anyways I would never leave a family like this if I where a father.

No. 1974566

In 2 hours I'll be free from the ban the shitty Jannies gave me for being racist on /v/, i will not be silenced for wanting my fellow men to keep their families white!

No. 1976833

File: 1713901050412.jpeg (43.35 KB, 662x768, DMSgHfSVbXkcyLpf.jpeg)

The push for LGBT rights by the Democrats with emphasis on tranny rights is to pave the way for Michael Obama to run for president.

No. 1976863

File: 1713901547539.jpeg (31.92 KB, 700x611, 86FV2PUa8Tb24TTB.jpeg)

What are the chances Big Mike ever has a public reveal. I know this would require a certain level of societal degredation before *she would come out, but that is the direction things are trending. But ive had so many people act like I was fucking nuts for believing this, even after i showed them the evidence. I feel like this would be a huge red pill for some people close to me that my lense of reality was more accurate than theirs. So what are the odds?

No. 1976947

File: 1713902957410.jpg (38.59 KB, 458x594, gettyimages-2021990621-594x594…)

If a tranny, XY-chromosome’d nigga approached me looking like this and that man got a makeshift vagina and I fuck him, I ain’t gay nigga! I fuck their vaginas and Im not gay or even bi. IMO its kissing that makes you gay and I dont kiss them and I only fucked the ass once and thats because I thought it was a real girl at first.

No. 1980468

File: 1714108086500.jpg (75.57 KB, 900x900, 1_I1rOWQP1vyF5_InJSYdmEA.jpg)

>cashier makes eye contact for 2 seconds
>Instantly fall in love with her
Fuck bros I'm so lonely. Chad gets females so easily and they won't even look at me. All I want is a foid to be my maid, therapist, prostitute and mommy who I can drop at any time, is that so fucking much to ask? Society is a dark, cold, cruel place. They will never understand our pain.

No. 1981415

I'm tired of these hoes man. I took this female from Tinder to the Golden Corral, paid for our meals and when I asked her to suck my dick on the ride back home she said no. I asked her why and she said she had no obligation to just because I paid for her meal. I told her to get out of my fucking car and I blocked her ass. These finessing bitches really be out here baiting and switching. Did she seriously expect to get a meal without giving anything in exchange? Fuck these bitches.

No. 1982061

you dodged a bullet before you got divorce raped bro gold digging whore gonna die alone

No. 1986468

Bros my gf is mad at me because I cheated on her but I told her that I was depressed because my dog died like what did she expect me to do? Can't a man grieve? This is part of the mourning process. Instead of focusing on the cheating, she should focus on why I cheated. This is why men are killing themselves today, because women only think about themselves and do not consider how we feel.

No. 1986487

Caring how a woman feels about you is retarded just ditch her and get a whore. Not that a faggot like you who cries over some dumb mutt could man up enough to do that though

No. 1986489

You should rope yourself so I can fuck your gf to help her grieve at your funeral kek

No. 1986508

File: 1714515585515.jpg (178.66 KB, 1500x2098, dnXGuQC.jpg)

Emma Watson was so cute before she turned into a feminist. Pixie cuts are the worst thing a woman can do to herself, after getting a septum piercing or dying their hair blue.
At least her feet are still cute

No. 1986514

File: 1714515936609.jpg (211.53 KB, 1333x2000, tmL4Xmo.jpg)

Why do women make fun of us for lying about height when their lie about their breasts all the time? Billie says she has double d boobs but I've seen porn actresses with bigger ones.
This is why I stick to 2D qts like Hinata

No. 1986518

her tits are probably saggers anyways

No. 1986524

File: 1714516419461.jpg (49.12 KB, 768x768, zFiH8pk.jpg)

Why do women even wear makeup? Natural looks like picrel are so much cuter

No. 1986525

She’s already 22, she’s hit the wall.

No. 1986534

File: 1714517057807.jpeg (Spoiler Image,40.41 KB, 768x659, yPM6sgOnrEg7Ty61.jpeg)

what the fuck is this shit? she is built like a little boy. yall are faggots that cant handle real curves. reminder to all you simps. this is what a real woman looks like.

No. 1986589

File: 1714522227172.jpeg (73.68 KB, 525x472, IMG_2139.jpeg)

Bros, I want a goth gf so bad but all the goth girls I meet are leftists, feminists, and shitlibs. They always ruin their natural beauty with black lipstick and gross piercings and tattoos as well, why is it so hard to find a modest, natural, gothic woman who is also based? Wokeism and feminism have ruined alt culture.

No. 1986592

Clicked on this from the homepage and was gonna call you a retard so good job Nona

No. 1986598

Thank you lmao, I’m a gothnona so I’m used to seeing this shit daily when I take my morning doomscroll through Instagram

No. 1986599

Shitlibs are only good for hook ups. I dated one and asked if we could open up the relationship for hookups, she started seeing other guys. My friends found out and I dumped her.
Western women will humiliate you, that's why I'm texting a Russian goth qt I met on discord

No. 1986603

File: 1714523291589.jpg (78.48 KB, 640x1138, L4nNOpM.jpg)

Gonna get hate for this but I think tomboys are hot

No. 1986604

I thought “tradgoth” was a subculture for based qt alt girls that want to start families, but they all look like gay vampire men from the 1980s, feminism has RUINED this generation of females none of them have any self respect anymore smh

No. 1986610

I met a based Orthodox tradgoth gf, she's never had a boyfriend, her body count is 0, and she lets me watch porn. I don't understand why women hate men who watch porn it's just natural.

No. 1986613

File: 1714523718822.jpg (271.96 KB, 1365x2048, tp2J063.jpg)

You're right here's a more masculine qt

No. 1987308

tits or gtfo

No. 1987315

Average western roastie. Modern day femoids are spoiled and pampered princesses who want everything handed to them for free. That's why I'm moving to Thailand.

No. 1988898

File: 1714712168407.jpg (Spoiler Image,44.97 KB, 640x708, tumblr_0060ffc95af29efc1c12897…)

Need to impregnate a tan tomboy NOW

No. 1994785

forgive english, i am Russia.
i come to study clothing and fashion at American university. i am here little time and i am very hard stress. i am gay also and this very difficult for me, i am very religion person. i never act to be gay with other men before. but after i am in america 6 weeks i am my friend together he is gay also. He was show me American fashion and then we are kiss.
We sex together. I never before now am tell my mother about gay because i am very shame. As i fock this American boy it is very good to me but also i am feel so guilty. I feel extreme guilty as I begin orgasm. I feel so guilty that I pick up my telephone and call Mother in Russia. I awaken her. It too late for stopping so I am cumming sex. I am very upset and guilty and crying, so I yell her, "I AM CUM FROM SEX" (in Russia). She say what? I say "I AM CUM FROM SEX" and she say you boy, do not marry American girl, and I say "NO I AM CUM FROM SEX WITH MAN, I AM IN ASS, I CUM IN ASS" and my mother very angry me. She not get scared though.
I hang up phone and am very embarrass. My friend also he is very embarrass. I am guilt and feel very stupid. I wonder, why do I gay with man? But I continue because when it spurt it feel very good in American ass.

No. 1994824

хахаха ты пидор

No. 1994951

What did i just read….what promoted this anon?

No. 1995555

araf (all russians are faggots)

No. 1995556

we are being cucked by bears now. foids are no longer satisfied by dogs so they have moved to bears. its over.

No. 1995560

File: 1715194715385.jpg (176.76 KB, 1920x1080, bearjak.jpg)


No. 1995569

honestly these girls just need a good dicking and theyll be fixed

No. 2002135

File: 1715662226058.jpg (244.37 KB, 1079x2035, 8UUC9zZ.jpg)

The truth is the average woman is mid and we can all mog them if we tried to be femboys. Picrel looks better than most woman, no make up, no filters, no photoshop.
Can say the same about the average female who walks wastes money on make up. This face is untouched by make up.

No. 2007118

File: 1715990484636.webp (28.61 KB, 637x634, Mr._Fresh.webp)


No. 2007142

Feminism has ruined women. Men used to be able to marry 12 year old's as nature INTENDED and is entirely NATURAL why would we want washed up old hags at 30 when we are also 30 and in the prime of life? I will never touch a woman who has touched another man, even on the arm to give him directions, they are all filthy whores and I know when I turn my back on a woman for five minutes she will be doing the stuff I watch in my porns every day. At least one dick in every hole and a few more dicks in the queue. I know all women think about dick 24/7 like I do and they DISGUST me especially because they abuse me constantly by rejecting my dick. Every woman over the age of 15 has a triple digit bodycount, that is why I prefer preteens because I know they haven't started whoring their body out yet. I am currently weighing up my options for the best way to source my child bride, but it will take a long time to save up because I'm an ubereats driver (on my girlfriends account because they wouldn't accept my application with my criminal record) and my porn subscriptions and simping alone costs me 2k a month. I drive around for 20 hours a day and jack off for 4 hours, then do the same the next day, then I take two days off to sleep and jack off before starting again. All I can think about is my perfect child bride, I will get her one day and never need to touch a filthy, worn out whore like my girlfriend again.
Also advice pls guys because my girlfriend made me propose to her and she keeps booking wedding things for 2025, how's the best way to play this and also ensure the smoothest transition to my child bride?

No. 2007181

See this is what REAL feminity looks like! Hell, I even want to lick his armpits
>why would we want washed up old hags at 30 when we are also 30 and in the prime of life?
>Also advice pls guys because my girlfriend made me propose to her and she keeps booking wedding things for 2025
ooc: KEK

No. 2007884

File: 1716050552135.jpg (111.48 KB, 1366x768, 6e4b7987584ead68b683fe0a7cb681…)

Didn't know you were into HAGS. Unlike my waifu.

No. 2008165

File: 1716064916906.jpg (7.5 KB, 204x247, oskar_dirlwanger_gaming_introd…)

Kikes, niggers, trannies and thirdies are subhuman, they keep raping and murdering all over the place, even children!
Anyways, hmu in telegram, I'm looking for members to revive the Dirlegang (MUST BE AT LEAST 1/64 BRITISH TO JOIN)(posting racebait in the "post like moid thread" is still posting racebait. Don't do this thanks)

No. 2009372

File: 1716130165252.jpg (190.41 KB, 1053x940, 1715881713466812.jpg)

Personally, I choose the woman
Because I'm not a fucking pissbaby redditor

No. 2009384

File: 1716130905838.png (479.05 KB, 563x502, goals.PNG)

I am MTF trans and I love having lesbo sex as a gurl now that I've started hrt, I have a gf whos also trans and we literally have sex for hours on our mattress (yeah I don't have a bed yet.) Having sex as a girl with another trans girl is amazing and totally different from having sex as a guy. My dick doesn't even get hard and I don't ejaculate when we have sex (for some reason I can still cum when I masterbate alone though.) Hrt is magic.

No. 2010604

No. 2010609

BELIEVE ALL MALE VICTIMS (keep joking about those fags' traumas tho ofc like lmao it's still funny idc that much) NOBODY TAKES MALE MENTAL HEALTH SERIOUSLY (like seriously imagine being a man and a victim that's so fucking gay lmao) FEMINISTS SIMPLY DON'T CARE ABOUT US (ew no don't confide in me just consider yourself lucky you got laid)

No. 2010632

File: 1716213098159.png (19.29 KB, 370x320, menhera chan shy.png)

this is so true. i'm a (pre-op) trans lesbian too but I don't have a girlfriend yet (i have genital preference towards vaginas and it's hard to find an open-minded lesbian where i live Т_Т) so idk about sex but masturbating as a girl hits different.

before transitioning used to jerk off like a guy would do and my male orgasms were short and underwhelming (like a couple seconds and very dick-centered, yk). now that i started masturbating like a girl would do (hump my blahaj, use a vibrator, stroke like i would do a pussy, rub my thighs and nipples… you get it >///<) i get mind-breaking full-body orgasms, it's insane. my retractory period is gone and sometimes i get lost in time and end up shlicking for hours, cumming over and over again… >.<

i'm convinced trans girl orgasms feel even better that cis girl orgasms. all they had to do is just get born female, while we had to fight tooth and nail for a chance to experience authentic female pleasure. the psychological factor of this achievement is so satisfying imo. anyone else feel this way?

No. 2010634

oops sorry for mistakes.. i was typing with one hand.. >/////<

No. 2010741

File: 1716223421188.jpg (72.28 KB, 639x919, 316.jpg)

there is no hope for ricecels bros

No. 2010745

those are some nice cock sucking lips and ball sniffing nose he should transition

No. 2010748

File: 1716224065952.gif (892.23 KB, 500x468, 1715788232492b.gif)

>those are some nice cock sucking lips and ball sniffing nose he should transition

No. 2010766

kek. incel-to-tranny pipeline

No. 2010801

File: 1716226967399.png (314.19 KB, 1076x832, miner.png)

this was her

No. 2011189

File: 1716245391912.gif (587.82 KB, 255x255, 1714793928384g-2.gif)


No. 2011201


No. 2011220

No. 2011949

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No. 2011978

10/10 would make tender love to her

No. 2014513

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No. 2014538

I think motherhood is splendid

No. 2015326

Looking for a big tiddy goth dom mommy god i'm so horny and depressed

No. 2015362

File: 1716422791945.png (2.29 MB, 1166x2592, v0-mojuwm40g3sa1.png)

It's not gay to jerk off to traps. Consider that the average femboy is unironically more slim, feminine and fuckable than most foids these days. Check the obesity rates. It's not even gay to have a personal appreciation for dick, anyone who says they haven't noticed a particularly virile penis or a nice ballsack and gotten aroused is lying. Traps have small, feminine "dicks" and pristine, needy holes that would remind any man of a vagina, and activate the same pleasure sensors. Moreover, it's called a self-insert. I've been into babecock content lately. I like to imagine the girls are me and the men are cumming to (and in) me and that the penises are mine so I can enjoy both sides. I have a penis, so I know already what that'd feel like for them, but I can also imagine a whole new sensation if I pretend to be the girl. It's fucking godly. It's even better if you have a jerkbud next to you in a well-decorated gooncave, or if you're in a voice chat.
I like my jerkbud to wear a skirt when we give each other a hand because it reminds us both of women. If it were gay, there'd be no need for that. He doesn't always wear one, but I can just look at the screen anyway while he pumps me. Sometimes, I even wear the skirt or we're both in it. Besides the double perspective and self-insert factors, other men are just better at handling dicks. Years of personal experience. I don't even bother trying to explain this shit to women. From a pragmatic standpoint, it's just better.

No. 2015372

Tfw when I'll never be a Roman emperor with a harem of 14 year old femboy slaves.

No. 2015437

File: 1716427206495.jpg (157.13 KB, 1500x1000, Burnt-chocolate-cake-by-savcoc…)

I'm about to order a 13 year old for thailand because my whore girlfriend doesn't appreciate this cake i baked her. It's a bit burned because i went to the gym whilst baking it and i ran out of baking powder. If that bitch loved me, she would have devoured the entire cake, no gagging, no water frfr

No. 2017322

You put cum in it, didn't you bro.

No. 2020201

hello girls

No. 2020225

hiiii :3(no emojis)

No. 2020235

File: 1716661809453.jpg (43.08 KB, 1080x1350, i4z9mbpr56k51.jpg)

No. 2020243

File: 1716662158255.jpeg (98.75 KB, 800x640, 1684874504902.jpeg)

since we're all girls here let's show each other our panties!! :3

No. 2020248

File: 1716662458807.jpg (122.55 KB, 735x897, 1000027437.jpg)

Hiiiiii uggüu I'm on my period and my tummy hurts insert scrunched up face shitting emoji and hearts with sparkles emojis my tits are so big, I can be your big oneesan if you're a little girl or your dommy mommy.

No. 2020261

File: 1716662979251.jpeg (765.72 KB, 2000x1500, 1522064944679.jpeg)

b-but anon we're both girls…

No. 2020272

This chad used to rizz up roastie sluts on stream with that big nose jew goblin cx fuckin love watching him make those looksmatched whores uncomfortable. purple army whats up cxcx

(I hate scrote livestreamers so much)

No. 2020279

File: 1716663524280.png (16.35 KB, 250x216, file.png)

old and busted pederastbro you can do so much better
12 year old catamite boywives!! LETS FUCKIN GOOOO wagmi!!!

No. 2020818

((((they))) can not be beautiful.

No. 2020824

Absolutely sad how realistic this interaction is

No. 2020843

File: 1716696003840.gif (1.44 MB, 500x281, tumblr_89ba29acd4a77bd5c655ae3…)

Honestly, this is coming across as very terf coded. There's nothing wrong with us trans girlies using anime to feel more connected in our femininity. I bet your vadge isn't shaved and no man wants to sleep with you. You could only dream of being as cute and soft like us, you're probably a jealous dyke who looks manly! #GirlsLikeUs

No. 2020851

File: 1716696363848.jpg (112.14 KB, 714x758, Beverly-Hills-Magazine-Natalie…)

It's sad how the perfect jail bait has aged, now she looks like an old Kike hag. Dear God, women hit the wall not like men, who at 40 is their peak.

No. 2020873

File: 1716699795083.jpg (1.15 MB, 3024x4032, hootersanimegirl.jpg)

roasties perpetually MOGGED

No. 2021108

File: 1716712057679.jpg (52.91 KB, 379x600, 379px-Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-S3…)

Would transitioning have saved her?

No. 2024610

File: 1716923900210.jpg (85.9 KB, 886x1200, mcdonalds cashier.jpg)

Bro why do they keep casting mid hags like Margot Robbie when girls like this exist? Talent doesn't even matter for actresses anyway.

No. 2038002

File: 1717658459662.jpeg (185.49 KB, 1280x720, MOMMY.jpeg)

UGGH same with Gardevoir too!! Man, seeing them as Alphas makes my dick rock hard. Game Freak knows what they're doing with this. Wished they snu snu me to dust especially during breeding season while they're in heat. Fuuuuck I wouldn't stop cooming and giving them all the eggs they can push out of their cock hungry pussies.

No. 2040044

File: 1717795983013.webp (68.33 KB, 1024x1024, s-l1200.webp)



No. 2040046

His aryan hole was probably bubblegum pink

No. 2040050

Males hit the wall at 18

No. 2040189

I want them to peg me.

No. 2040197

File: 1717804426503.webp (42.67 KB, 550x673, RDT_20230922_00333381080811750…)

No. 2040215

Isn’t this peak tumblrina?

No. 2040223

File: 1717805952611.png (1.99 MB, 1800x900, fallout-4-mama-murphy.png)

ugh feminissts are ruining video games and making all the girls UGLY

No. 2040236

No. 2040439

would with my eyes closed

No. 2040441

File: 1717818905418.gif (4.1 MB, 488x498, pooh-gangnam-style.gif)

Don't care post tits

No. 2045905

File: 1718163606891.jpg (57.03 KB, 1200x800, 645453.jpg)

Women need to understand that being nice, chill, and modest is what’s most important to getting a man. Just don’t be a bitch or a slut, that’s all it takes. You shouldn’t — oh, hang on… Hmm? Oh, nothing, just got a text from my ex. Yeah she was a crazy bpd whore who cheated on me, but I was with her for six years and did everything for her. We don’t really keep in touch except last week when I bought her that necklace she wanted. And the week before that when I moved all her furniture for her — wait, what? She says things aren’t going so great with her current bf? I might have a chance?! I gotta head over there right now.

No. 2053287

File: 1718663866929.jpg (Spoiler Image,90.03 KB, 720x720, moid_terrahawks.jpg)

I wear many faces, but… have none of my own.

No. 2053295

My balls are kinda itchy

No. 2053331

File: 1718666244193.jpg (48.39 KB, 465x479, women.jpg)

Based Peru

No. 2054569


No. 2054608

Today at Target I was near the toy section and I heard a little girl tell her mom she wanted a toy and I got a boner lmfao

No. 2054648

It's too real, no more like this.

No. 2054809

File: 1718748745471.gif (3.6 MB, 278x386, fail.gif)

She is ready bro. Nature instilled in us an instinct that just tells you when a female is ready to continue your linage. Next time act on your gut feelings.

No. 2054940

Good advice bro, next time I'll jerk her off

No. 2054941


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2054969

New thread!

No. 2054995

We have over a hundred posts left on this thread nona?

No. 2055882

Damn I know a married woman at the gym I go to and I'm thinking about asking her to have sex wigh me. What do you think, bros? I think I should have my hide my hands while I talk to her, so she doesn't think she's about to get attacked. I'm thinking I could put them in my pants, my balls need a good scratching anyway.

No. 2055886

>I could put them in my pants, my balls need a good scratching anyway
Bro right!? My balls always itch when I walk by the playground. Why do all the MILF hags glare at me when I scratch them? I can only assume it's because they secretly want to gobble my cock and are envious of the jailbait I'm bagging.

No. 2056475

File: 1718827221487.jpg (62.97 KB, 300x375, Mootforpresident.jpg)

Thread cap should be 1488 posts, heh

No. 2057683

Ladies, I just wanted to say how impressed I am with your adorable little imageboard and that im 100% on your side. I just think you need to create a more welcoming and inclusive environment for all women. It’s very disappointing that trans women aren’t allowed to share their experiences here especially when they’re the most vulnerable and silenced voices in our society. I also couldn’t help but notice that this is a very sex negative environment. I happen to be very passionate about a woman’s right to empower herself by creating porn, and I think there needs to be more of that here. Unless you’re just jealous. I’m not trying to start a cat fight but I know how threatened you ladies can be by sexy women. Trust me I am too haha!

No. 2057712

>Why do all the MILF hags glare at me when I scratch them?
Unfortunately there’s a lot of prejudice towards penises and testicles because cis women falsely associate them with men. Testicle scratching is a normal and healthy behavior that both men and women engage in and you shouldn’t let some stupid bitch make you feel ashamed for it.

No. 2057933

File: 1718923985110.jpg (377.48 KB, 1200x1800, Lana_Rhoades_2-2017.jpg)

I hate how this whore makes my dick hard. We need to implement Sharia law and cover them up. My fapping addiction is their and Jews' fault.

No. 2058958

Good point about trannies, bro. I would love to see the ladies on here let girls with cocks use their little imageboard too. Plus, if they let trans women on here, we can just put on wigs and makeup and come on here to read them talking about their cute little periods and boobs.

No. 2086228

File: 1720774826729.jpg (126.07 KB, 900x900, F1nn5terLIVE.jpg)

The pussy cartel has inflated hoe ego to an all-time high. You don't wanna bend over and fuck bitch? Okay, I'll just fuck ladyboys instead. Watch these thots seethe. MtF trannies are better in every way than the real deal. Literally smoking hot babes without the self-entitlement. If you're still straight in 2024 you're a massive cuck. #Takethetrannypill Simps can go home to their 3/10 hamplanets that have been ran through by Tyrone and his BBC gang while us Chads go to the 10/10 trannies. Stick with your primitive heterosexual thinking and see how far it gets you in the modern day.

No. 2090606

File: 1721015908087.jpg (158.34 KB, 1050x700, willie_robertson_new_1050x700.…)

Trump is my saviour. Trump is my light. Trump is my life. I would literally let him grab me by my scrotum since i don't have a pussy. Hehe not gay though.

Huh you disagree with me about trump? Well listen here…you little BEEF CURTAIN, UGLY BITCH, FAT, WHORE WOMAN. Also no i am totally not a man tehee don't you know us girls can be mean too~

Did you see that female bodyguard that worked for trump omg that bitch didnt jump in and die to receive all those bullets that hit poor donald. This is why women are worthless, they are all incompentent and should never be allowed a job. Its biology and facts.
These incompetent females are taking over the male fields!!!!!!

Eitherway whores should keep their legs closed and maybe then they wouldnt need abortions.

My poor Donald was almoat sacrificed by the liberals (wait what…you are saying its a republican who did it…oh lalalallalalla i can't hear you)
But he rose like a phoenix and stood strong, donald the man you got this election.

#2024maga #antiabortion #prolife #DonaldTheMan #secondAmmendment
#icarry #qanon #christian #conservative #libtardsTriedToKillDonald #thosefkinlibtards #sleepyjoe

No. 2090621

File: 1721016637024.jpeg (75.99 KB, 690x678, rA05wKOV0nI31QP2.jpeg)

Leftards want to kill him to put that curry bitch Kamala in power and turn this country into the Soviet Union. Project 2025 will save America and they want to stop it. Trump fears nothing, they fear everything.

No. 2090622

Fuck yeah man, maga 2024 baby woohoooo.

#nofaultdivorce #pro-childbrides #makeMaritialRapeLegal #maga2024 #christian #psalm5:1

No. 2090628

I thought you said 'Trump is my wife' kek

No. 2090639

BRO. THIS. SO MUCH FUCKING THIS!!! I swear Every Stacy I've ever met was a fucking angel towards me. Ugly and mid women? Fucking cunts.

One time at school, this gorgeous 10/10 jailbait blonde Stacy with a ponytail pulled the 'I'm a faggot' paper off my back that some prick had stuck on me, and giggled cutely as she handed it to me.
I SWEAR bro, when she handed that paper to me, she was fucking flirting with me, I saw a 'fuck me' look in her eyes. She wanted my dick so bad. I still fap to that memory 19 years later.
Meanwhile the other day I left my apartment for the first time in 3 years, I held the door open for this fat hog bitch at the store, and she didnt even say thanks. I fucking HATE fat and ugly women so much bros. Chads have always been my wingman too. Chads are fucking bro tier too man. I miss Chad.

No. 2090643

Literally Nobody likes Kamala. She is an annoying bitch, who could she possibly appeal to? Biden clearly has much more brainpower than that stupid retarded bitch. How do they think this country would run if she was on her periods. Women just need to stay in their lane.

No. 2090647

File: 1721018066004.jpeg (42.09 KB, 500x320, DB8EDFE3-5418-4926-8CCF-271C13…)

Fuck this western gynocenntric matriarchal hellhole broskis.

I'm moving to fucking Russia where the females are all 10s, skinny, trad, submissive and can actually love their men, unlike fat western hypergamous gold digging whores.

Gonna get me a nice trad Slav child bride from some rural village. I don't have much money but I'm willing to settle for pic rel, that's my minimum standard and as old as I'm wiling to go. I hope my bpd cunt ex gf sees us on facebook together and seethes.

No. 2090649

Too old, looks walled as fuck.
Are you into mid grandmas or something bruh?

No. 2090659

File: 1721018458077.jpeg (56.84 KB, 741x500, Invpta85W0FYLms0.jpeg)

yeah bro. project 2025 will kick whiny cunts like her back into the kitchen!

No. 2090677

Why do women hate rape so much? Like damn, you all orgasm during it anyway. You just hate men getting access to your pussy for free.

No. 2090726

1/10 hag, would not bang

No. 2090942

Women could stop 100% of all rapes by consenting. They're literally complaining about a problem that they created.

No. 2092162

Too old, WALLED

No. 2092175

The real cause of homosexuality is through being diddled. To rid yourself of this disease it's best to visit your local priest!

No. 2092185

>it's best to visit your local priest!
You mean brothel.

No. 2093539

File: 1721181297926.jpg (10.17 KB, 339x408, lightbulbimp.jpg)

the priest will just finger your bootyhole some more and make you double gay
mid would be hotter if she had a bbc

No. 2097025

They complain about rape only when its some ugly incel.

The truth is most women like rape. As long as its chad. All the top best selling erotic books have all been about raping women. 50 shades of gray, the most purchased one was about some bitch who got kidnapped, raped, the kidnapper killed her husband

68% of college aged women admit in surveys to having violent fetishes/rape/BDSM kinks, yes even feminist women

Most porn searched by women has been related to BDSM, Rape, Beating women, Owning women, women as pets, men being called daddy/master

While most men want teen/ametuer/big ass tits as thier results

The victims of the nightstalker were seen in court DEFENDING HIM saying how he needs a second chance and how handsome he is. This isnt fucked up ewhores either, He raped random women so the pool is normal, average women

In the US during the 1920s, (Yes racist america) A japanese porn/film director made a film about how he killed a womans husband, claimed her as his, and raped her throughout the whole film. It was so attractive to women they orgasmed and beat off in the theatres and it was a huge success. He then proceeded to become a sex icon during this time period.

There are books about rape that detail most men who rape women as being attractive, having wives/children and many female friends who question in disbelief as to why he even did it in the first place

Women imagine some disgusting, ugly, brown old incel as their rapist. Meanwhile incels are too scared to even go out of their house to talk to women.

No. 2097027

damn did you steal this post from an incel forum or something

No. 2097038

Why do you guys act like this is a TIF slaughtering ground

No. 2097217

your bros must be troons themselves, bozo

No. 2102542

True and chad killed my family, set my house on fire, and bomb my country. I hate this guy named chad he’s an asshole.

No. 2102565




ow I stubbed my toe, momm halp ;_;

No. 2102568

so glad I took the femboy pill bros I fucking hate women, girls (male) are so much better hnnnnng bussy I only fap to tranny porn nowadays that's how much I hate women
I will never go back to bioholes no matter how much they beg
nothing straighter than fucking another guy In the ass
greeks did it all the time and they were chad as fuck

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