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No. 348679
What have you watched? What are you looking forward to? Who deserves an Oscar?
>>254795 No. 348680
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as i was saying
anyone who thinks fucking oppenheimer or mission impossible are better than KOTFM should die
No. 348731
>>347741If this can teach us anything is to always trust your instincts, never fall for a scrote's bullshit no matter how confident he is in it. She knew the bears were dangerous and he ignored it. It was close to the season when they need to hibernate so they have a strong need to feed and get as fat as possible before that. There was a lack of salmon that year, so the bear that attacked them was probably desperate and hungry. The moid knew all this and still stayed, must be some suicidal death drive there among all the alpha posturing.
>>348699Same, I just hid the pic kek
No. 348779
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whenever i spend time with my parents it's basically impossible to find a movie we all want to see. my dad likes action heist movies, my mom likes lameass woody allen films, i like funny braindead ones and idfk what my brother even likes other than marvel if he also happens to be hanging out with us, we need lowest common denominator wonderbread films, otherwise someone will hate it. i suggested bullet train last time and we had an amazing time though.
No. 348919
>>348832Lol what the fuck. Do you expect people to feel sad every time they see humans die in a movie?
Plenty of movies about real life catastrophies are fucking boring.
No. 349034
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Watched The Graduate for the first time yesterday. I really liked the iconic ending, besides that it was a bit too simplistic for me I guess? The one plotline feels kinda unfulfilling, although I can see the point of it. Maybe I’ll like it more after I graduate. I love Mrs. Robinson though kek.
No. 349186
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saltburn reminded me of the occupant (2020). barry looks a bit old to play a freshman. i'd like it more if the story happened at the collage only. the whole explaining part at the end was so predictable. the movie looked great tho, i took a bunch of screenshots
No. 349214
>>349186I was underwhelmed. I was waiting for the suspense or twist but it was just him being gross. It’s like uhm.. ok.
Also it would’ve been better if at the end, it showed him talking to his parents instead of during the movie, didn’t feel bad for anyone that died and I wasn’t rooting for Barry Keogahn
No. 349495
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Has anyone else watched Sick of Myself? It's a Norwegian film about a young woman who fakes an illness for attention. It's a dark comedy with body horror stuff (nothing too bad, just lesions and mild disfigurement) but the focus on the way her narcissism functions is really interesting. Let me know if any of you watch it and what your thoughts are!
No. 349497
>>349284>It’s fucking retarded to make a remake of a 20 year old filmand yet they'll keep on doing this. If this film didn't have the recognisable name of 'Mean Girls' no one would watch it. It's just a way to keep making shitty films but receiving easy publicity and guaranteed views because people will have expectations based on the original.
>>349324totally. it's very 2020s. that weird mixture of censored and sanitised whilst also being hypersexual.
No. 349545
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I watched the World of Kanako yesterday and I am genuinely appalled by the fact that it has decent reviews. I expected at least one thing to enjoy but just came out with nothing but disgust and misery. I cannot emphasize enough how this is perhaps the worst movie I've ever seen in my entire life; the editing is like someone with ADHD did a line of coke and then went to the editing room, the pacing is atrocious, the two halves of the story never intersected so they were meaningless, the story itself was somehow simultaneously barren and cluttered, and this movie is just two hours, two entire HOURS of women being abused. There's so much rape, abuse/beating of women, incest, pedophilia, etc. just for the shock value. It's cartoonishly evil torture porn: the movie. It wants to be Oldboy and a bunch of other shit all at once and fails in every regard. There is no weight to anything happening in the movie because nothing has stakes and you never get to process anything that happens because the main character just goes off beating and yelling at and assaulting a woman every 5 minutes. I consider myself to have a strong stomach and an interest in tasteful brutal media but this was all so senseless, I could only imagine the lowest common denominator male could like this (but a lot of women seem to like it too?) Absolutely baffling.
No. 349588
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Just got back from watching the Poor Things and I think I'd rate it a solid 2/5 at best. Spoilers:
Stunning visuals (reminded me of paintings by Hieronymus Bosch), but the story and pacing itself were awful. Not sure if I'm missing something, but I hated how all of the sex/nudity scenes felt like they were made by men for men, all the while reviews rave about it being packed with feminist and liberating messages.
Yes of course this infant brained woman will experience sexual pleasure for the first time by showing food inside of her vagina and making obvious moaning sounds. Yes of course the shots of her getting fucked and humiliated by ugly men were neccessary. Yes of course people were only interested in her because she was hot and had the mind of a child and some were even rewarded for it in the end.
I did like how the movie outright says that prostitution is harmful to the spirit and I did enjoy how the madam of the house ouright states that some men love the fact that the women don't enjoy it. But other than that nothing is actually done about it. Sure she has a scene or two were she says the women should have a choice, but literally nothing happens and the black woman is punished for agreeing (by being orally raped by a decrepit man). And the fact that the director made her a whore in order to showcase the horrible nature of people (read: men) is so lazy and porn-brained due to the way the scenes were shot.
Other anons in the celebricows thread nailed it by bringing up the Born Sexy Yesterday trope.
Also were we really expected to believe it was a decent ending? They made the other infant brained woman a dog/slave (she's mostly seen playing ball and at the end is the only one who fetches things), which reduces the weight of the scene where she is devastated after learning about the poor and dying kids below them.(learn2usespoilers)
No. 349598
>>349588Sorry about the typos, hands are still freezing and I was annoyed that I spent my time on such a thing.
Also the accents threw me off, some of the actors kept dropping theirs. Mostly Mark Ruffalo when he had to be more emotional, not to mention the black american guy who felt completely out of place.
The sound mixing was lacking as well, felt like the movie would have benefitted from having encoded subtitles.
No. 349646
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>>349588did pic related actually happened?
No. 349855
>>349836It's pretty much what the film is all about. Instead of portraying just a basic messy B cluster being a shitty person and making impulsive decisions, it gave some more space for psychological insight or to see narcissism as something more abstract - the desperation, competitiveness, need (but also fear of) love and validation, enabled by other narcissists in her environment and in particular how self-destructive her behaviour is (the
real sickness she is suffering from). But no matter what happens, even when she seems like a new person who can intellectually describe her faults, she never truly learns - her narcissism just adapts. Everything is always justified in the end. I found it quite insightful but curious what others think.
I should also add that it's pretty hilarious too. Not too heavy.
No. 350236
>>349811I saw it in theaters yesterday and i REALLY didn't like it. I never saw the stage musical but I loved the original Mean Girls for years and the new musical film adaptation was just super lame comparitively. I know musicals aren't known for subtlety but it was so dumbed down too. For example:
In the OG film, the "Too gay to function" page from the burn book is read by Janis and Damien in the hall during the riot. In the 2024 film, Damien and Janis read it also, and then Damien says aloud, "Only Cady could have written that!" Like holy shit, duh. The entire scene for 'Sexy' was super obnoxious. It's insane how sanitized some parts of the movie are (no more dreaded R slur and no more D slur), then they have 2024 Karen literally spanking a girl whose twerking, flashing her underwear/bouncing up and down while emphasizing her chest, and the coach mentioning choking in sex ed. It was a gross scene, I didn't know the lyrics we're changed but that makes it even more gross. Events from the original film are shuffled out of order. Idk if that's the same as in the play, but it makes me sperg because certain scenes make less sense. Lindsay Lohan's cameo felt really out of place. Social media montages were used in lieu of the scenes where characters just spoke to the camera in the original. There's literally a snapchat video that appears for a second where the caption is like "tfw the Plastics are gone" and i physically cringed.
I'm a zoomer, a year younger than Renee Rapp, but it made me feel especially old cause my theater was full of middle school-highschool aged kids reacting to everything like it was the first time. No. 350940
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Just been rewatching Lynch movies again. Lost Highway is my favourite
No. 350941
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>>350940i hate david lynch but i really like wild at heart and blue velvet
No. 351303
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Poor Things makes me want to kill myself and burn the entire world in flames
No. 351445
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>>351305Thanks queen
>>351303everything I hear about poor things is overwhelmingly bad but it keeps making me want to watch a bad cam theater rip of it out of curiosity. I'll probably regret it if I do
No. 351712
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need more movies like this
No. 351747
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>>351717Bright Star, or any of Campion's filmography
No. 351868
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saw Poor Things today and fucking hated it, wanted to leave. 2 and a half hours of pornography / excuses to watch Emma Stone get fucked by various horrific, grotesque men while she's supposed to have the brain of a literal infant, glazed impotently with this male libfem messaging about how it's ok because her sweet fiancé back in London "doesn't mind" that she was "a whore" because it's "her body". i hope the director kills himself.
No. 351889
>>351747Jane Campion makes good films and I think The Power of The Dog and Bright Star (from what I remember…It's been a very long time) are fine for anon's criteria. In The Cut and Holy Smoke for example would not be good choices for her though? Isn't there so much sex in them and not even to mention The Piano?
Speaking of The Piano, I love that film, it was so perverse. I don't even know if I should say '"but" it was so perverse', honestly it has to be part of the twisted charm somehow. Shaking my head and saying "oh man!" and "this guy!" so people don't think I condone it. I'll never watch Poor Things but the way nonas here and other reviewers online talk about it and argue for/against its "feminist" messages, it makes me think of the small-scale discourse around The Piano's feminist messages (if they exist).
No. 351890
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the abrupt ending of this movie sebastians sudden death by taxi had me fucking rolling. it almost made me forgive how dry reese with her spoons character was and how I wanted more screentime for selma blairs character instead
No. 351894
>>351892Poor things
was based on a novel, right? Has anyone here read it and can anyone confirm if it's as degenerate as the movie?
No. 351896
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>>351303>>351868I fucking hate this degenerate ass movie, and I hate that it's been nominated for a fucking oscar.
You know something is going to be ass when any criticism about the gratuitous sex scenes gets you called a prude or "you don't know art!!" Picrel is the exact same argument I saw some retarded male use for the rape scene with the disfigured guy in the hills have eyes. Terrible ass movie made by a guy who wanks to cp.
No. 351994
>>351982When does he glorify pedophilia though. The people who lust after Bella when she’s a “child” get their comeuppance. I haven’t seen any of you respond to that. The man who first takes her away and tries to control her gets put in a mental institution after she throws away all his money, all the men she sleeps with are categorized as revolting subhumans, and her former husband gets lobotomized and turned into a goat. So how does any of that glorify pedophilia? Do you also think the book Lolita glorifies pedophilia?
>>351986When does KOASD have weird shots of children’s bodies?? I’ve seen that movie several times and the only truly gross part is when Colin Ferrell’s character talks about his “secret”
No. 352004
>>351868My boss went to see this movie during the weekend, he called it "Barbie but for edgy Bjork fans"
What kind of metaphor is that?
No. 352008
I watched the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo because I've seen it recommended many times and I could not believe it. It has graphic violent disgusting rape scenes that could have either not existed or could've simply been heavily implied. Story wise, the girl had enough of an excuse to do what she did without getting violently raped. But ignoring that, they chose to make the scenes way too graphic with her crying screaming squirming and struggling. I had to skip that shit.
And then later one there's a graphic consensual sex scene between the 23 year old girl and the main character who's old enough to be her dad. Absolutely unnecessary plot wise, both the sex and the relationship. It felt very weird and disgusting.
And then there's the other part of the movie about another girl who was being raped by her serial killer/rapist father, then by her brother after he died, and the brother went on to torture kill rape women in his sex dungeon.
If this isn't a rape fetish movie I don't know what it is. I cannot believe people actually praise this shit.
>>351922I'm sorry but you absolutely do not need to show someone fucking a legal toddler to say "pedophilia is bad guys!". The film is so anti pedo it became a pedo wet dream. You really think a man is going to see this and feel sorry for and relate to the hot young sex crazed woman? Or do you think he's gonna relate the moids living out their sexual fantasies?
No. 352017
>>351994First of all, I never said the film glorified pedophilia. I said it was a degenerate film directed by a man who wanks to cp and I stand behind that.
What about the scene where she has sex in front of children that had to be censored in the UK?
And you seem to think that pro pedophilia means that there has to be some blatant pedophilic scene. It's about desensitization. Hollywood has been trying to push pedo stuff for a long ass time. Look at brook shields and Natalie Portman in Leon the professional.
And funny you bring up Lolita the book, not the terrible noncy film that was made for it in the 90s. It's almost like degenerate directors will highjack sensitive media to push their sick fantasies onto others and use "it generates discussion" as a defense to showcase their degeneracy. You can have nuanced discussion without have such exploitative scenes in it, yet men always seem gung-ho about shoehorning exploitative sex scenes in everything.
(infighting) No. 352018
Men do not see the scenes as depraved and disgusting like women do. Men are so desensitized to degenerate sex due to their porn usage. Women are the only ones truly calling it for what it is because they don't have their brains melted from porn like men do.
No. 352054
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>>352042I love SMG! and her character was the most undersold in the movie. Sebastian was an annoying little shit, I would've killed for a Kathryn focused movie or a subplot of her pursuing a girl on girl affair with Cecile or her affair with Ronald. All three of them would've been a better focus than Sebastian and Annette flouncing around in their weak sauce romance subplot
No. 352058
got killed off because that's what happens in the original novel, which has a moralistic ending (
he gets killed in a duel, merteuil is disfigured by smallpox and has her reputation ruined, cecile becomes a nun) since it was from the 18th century. i would have loved for the movie ending to be more subversive but i guess they wanted to respect the source material.
No. 352068
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This film was a compelling exploration of nature vs nurture. Nature, Kevin clearly had unhealthy tendencies and behavior from a young age. Nurture, Eva was clearly not fit to deal with a difficult child, broke his arm, and shows herself to be rather cold and distant which rubs off on him. Also how could the parents ignore so many red flags and not send Kevin to therapy or the looney bin? As someone who had a mom who hated me from a young age because I was a strange child, not psycho, just strange, the moms behavior in this film struck an unsettling chord with me. It reminded me how many people bring children into the world who shouldn't. shot and edited so well, but an absolutely offputting and emotionally damning film.
(Side note, Ezra Miller clearly never stopped method acting in this role.)
No. 352086
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I've been fixated on movies from 1990. What's your favorite 1990 movie? Specifically 1990, not the 90s in general.
I think it's The Witches for me but there's a surprising number of my faves in there
No. 352150
>>352117Lol yeah all these prudes right? How could they dislike a scene where a girl is knocked out, tied up, and then raped by a fat scrote? I bet they don't watch real porn either haha.
Here I found this cool porn website that uploads all these movie rape scenes for men to masturbate to:
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(wrong thread)
No. 352444
>>352166no I agree, "Men Who Hate Women" is a literal translation and fits the story much better too. Lisbeth gets the tattoo pretty late in and the story is more about the mystery and overall anti-woman crimes and the dude than her.
>>352178bad people get off to horrifying things, it's not enough to film the act and assume nobody would get off to it. How many times have you seen a rape scene that on paper is meant to be a horrifying moment for the character but instead is filmed in a way that's porny for men? "I Spit on Your Grave" and all other "rape revenge" films on paper could be decent revenge fantasies, but instead you spend most of the movie watching a woman get raped and tormented and maybe ten minutes of her setting up a trap for her tormentors to die off-screen. That's a movie that on paper is "woman takes revenge on her rapists" but is nothing but scrote porn for men who watch rape porn but want to feel better than rapists. You don't have to show rape explicitly for it to be horrifying and so the choices a director or cinematographer takes does shape the results entirely regardless of what the on paper "intent" seems to be.
Not necessarily arguing that TGWTDT was an example of rape filmed bad, but given hollywood's track record of filming rape like porn, you can't blame someone for avoiding all depictions made by men ten years out from a sexual assault lawsuit
No. 352481
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Do you have a movie you just can’t show anyone but you wish you could? For me it’s Adam’s Apples. I feel like I would die of feeling judged if I watched it with other people due to all the dark humor (some of which I don’t even like) but a lot of it is extremely funny
No. 352495
>>352490lmao are the slurs not as bad in Danish? As a burger that’s just a hard no sort of thing, the subs translate it as the N word. Also the ex-con who is a former
rapist and child tennis prodigy when he spirals and puts on his old tennis uniform then ties up Sarah in his room (but doesn’t do anything? and she cheekily asks the next day if they fooled around and its jaw dropping/ kinda funny in a dark way since they’re both alcoholics) makes me feel like I couldn’t even watch it with nonnies kek. I mean it’s not like it A Serbian Film but I seriously hesitate to show it to anyone casually as a funny movie
No. 352526
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>>352481i'm not really ashamed of anything i like, but i absolutely love rope (1948) and to normies i'd have to pretend that i like it because it's some masterpiece of film and a cLaSsIc of hitchcock instead of just liking it bc it's basically a dramatized au of leopold & loeb
No. 352682
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What are you anons favourite Carpenter movies? The Thing for me
No. 352683
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>>352526Omg nona I love Rope too! I'm not a huge Hitchcock fan normally but Rope is so unlived by folks I interact with or they just want to talk about the filming.
I will admit I mostly love it because it hates on dumb men and James Stewart is hot in it.
No. 352721
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>>352682Halloween or Big Trouble in Little China lol
I’ve seen They Live and The Thing the most times and they’re great. Everyone shits on Vampires but it’s a gem. I like the music in Assault on Precinct 13. Christine is very creative but I preferred Herby Fully Loaded for sentient car movies
No. 352726
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>>352682Escape from LA is also great. Plus it has Buschemi in it
Not as sophisticated choices as The Thing but I will re-watch these forever. The Halloween theme will pop in my head at random too, it's so good. The president's reaction at the end of Escape from New York is probably one of my favourite movie endings too
No. 352784
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>>352683yeah, i'm a hitchcock hater tbh, i can't separate how he treated women from his other films. but rope is his rare based exception not only for the subject but he also hired two gay actors to play the leads which is shockingly progressive for the time. and beyond that it's just a fucking great movie
>>352716are you not a millennial? every millennial i know adores napoleon dynamite, we grew up on it
No. 352809
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Tacky movie by a tacky director about a tacky man. Sorry nomas, I loved it
No. 352821
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>>352682Prince of Darkness
>>352526I have not heard of this movie, I'm going to add it to my list and watch it sometime.
No. 352938
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>>352682it's not a movie but i love his masters of horror episode
No. 352953
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i just watched the talented mr ripley, i really enjoyed it! idk if saltburn was inspired by this film or not but there were too many similarities, this one is way better tho. matt damon was fine here and gave a great performance, jude law's british accent kinda slipped out sometimes. the scene on the train was bittersweet. felt bad for tom and peter's relationship
No. 352982
>>352849Kek and his giant goiter prosthetic.
The writers of Walk Hard should sue the Elvis movie for plagiarism
No. 353086
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If anyone is in the mood for a stylish revenge film, I wholeheartedly recommend picrel
No. 354007
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Rewatched John Carpenter's Vampires this week. Wow what a hilariously bad movie, it was better in my memory. I still like parts of it and the lines are so bad they're good, but I forgot how they treat the hooker character like shit the whole fucking time. I watched the sequel (Vampires: Los Muertos) yesterday and I honestly thought it was more fun to watch even though it's bad too, it's just a more fun type of bad.
No. 354471
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A New Leaf (1971) 10/10 recommend
No. 354611
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>>352481Thanks for mentioning this movie, anon, I really enjoyed it. You kinda know how it'll end from the very start but the way it's unfolding is pretty unpredictable and unusual. I get why you hesitate to show it to other people, but I personally feel like the main problem is that some won't have the patience to continue watching due to its "weirdness", even though they could've actually liked it if they watched it fully, if it makes sense. I just feel like some people would be afraid of the possibility of watching the unnecessarily upsetting film kek
No. 354737
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>>354734>the green butchersOh my god I forgot about that one! Yes, I loved it too, it was so funny and Mads looked insanely hideous lol
No. 354979
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I just saw Poor Things and I hate this movie so fucking much. It looks great and the music is good but that's about it. Every time I consume a piece of art I ask myself, what was the intention behind it, why was that a thing that someone made up etc. And with this story and this book (written by a moid of course), what's more behind it except perverted moid fantasies? He would never write this story with a male main character going through the same things and "growing" because of it, because, of course, only a woman can experience the world through getting fucked by men. I hate the false juxtaposition between the prudish evil husband who wants to cut off his wife's clit (the symbol of sexual pleasure) and free sex and fucking with every guy and getting STDs (good uwu self-discovery shit). Like there's nothing else, and like it's implying that if you're opposing the second choice, you must support the first choice. I hate the idea that this movie/book shows how a truly free woman would behave like if she wasn't "chained by societal norms" (that's the retarded take I saw in many reviews). In reality, more and more women now choose celibacy because the less they need men because of socio-economic reasons, the more they can truly see how parasitic men are. Less patriarchy means less engaging with men. More patriarchy means more engaging with men (casual sex included). I hate that the movie doesn't even reflect on the fact that Bella perceived her brothel experience as enriching even though an average prostitute (and the wast majority of prostitutes) has no choice to opt out of it at any given moment like she had. It didn't even show any instance of abuse from johns even thought that's something prostitutes go through normally. I hate the fact that I had to look at naked Emma Stone getting fucked by ugly, fat, disgusting old men twice her age. But of course it's le deep because she talks in autistic manner and the more "independent" she becomes (independence means fucking with men for money instead of fucking with men for free) the less her first fuck-buddy likes her and it's le deep because it shows how evil patriarchy wants to control female sexuality. Scaruffi and YMS loved the movie and that means it's le good.
No. 354990
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>>354737>>354741whenever i see any reference to Mads Mikkelsen I remember this awful, awful vintage tumblr post where a bunch of women go to bat for Mads after an anon accuses him of having a pencil dick No. 355063
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Recently watched Pee-wee's big adventure, I was surprised how funny it is. This dude is so autistic and you can't help but cheer for him and his dumbass bike. Burton really peaked here
No. 355158
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Just saw Poor Things yesterday, and the more I think about the movie the angrier I get, because it could have been so good if the director wasn't a porn-brained voyeuristic moid. I don't know how Emma Stone produced this and is defending it as if it wasn't glorified born-sexy-yesterday porn. I loved the directing when Emma Stone wasn't being fucked on-screen, but of course we need to divert from the philosophical topics and instead focus on the toddler-like girl having sex. I didn't even have that much of a problem with the male gaze at the beginning since it does a good job of portraying men as the beasts they are, but slowly the movie stops pretending that the sex is used for artistic purposes and becomes gratuitous. Not really sure what to make out of the movie, but I know for sure I wouldn't be as mad is this wasn't being praised as a feminist masterpiece. This movie is gonna age terribly.
No. 355204
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just watched picrel in the cinema. it was pretty good, not too graphic which i appreciate. i don't really enjoy movies like the pianist because they feel too "hollywood". overall this felt serious and heavy in a subtle way. i sort of wish it was longer because it ended just before a major event in the holocaust was supposed to take place. as for the characterization of höss, i think it did okay, but it was kind of ambivalent and almost too humanizing at certain points. this movie is ofc in the perspective of the perpetrators and not victims of the holocaust, which is interesting, but i didn't like that they completely left out any interaction between höss and the prisoners. but again i do appreciate that it wasn't so explicit.
No. 355214
>>355211already did
>>347570you're extremely weird if you saw it as a "porn film" and didn't catch the condemnation of men who sexualize and take advantage of children/women
bet you'll cry when it wins oscars lol
No. 355216
>>355158In my opinion, my interpretation rather, is that the gratuitous sex is
supposed to disgust you and make you feel uncomfortable. I didn't take it as sexual empowerment, I took it as blatant exploitation and felt that's what the movie wanted me to feel. Like I'm not supposed to be celebrating her having all of this weird sex, I'm supposed to be concerned and worried for her and her naïve and childish decisions. The only relationship that felt truly glorified was the one she had with the other sex worker she became close to and ends up living with. All throughout the movie the mc is taken advantage because of her lack of knowledge of the world and exploited right from the womb, by the doctor, by whats his nuts, the lady who owns the brothel, they all emotional and mentally manipulate her into doing what they want while also gaslighting her into thinking she's making her own decisions. It's only at the end where she really does start making her own decisions and sees how horrible the world really is where she is able to find stability and peace in her life. I hate that she marries the doctor, but at least he's a just a submissive loser. My interpretation leaving the film was that it was against the "sexuality is empowerment" bullshit that's being pushed on women and the bizzare ways society tries to justify it's treatment of women.
No. 355221
>>355219Samefag, in regards to the pedo shit, I think that people are taking the baby brain thing way too literally for the camp and unseriousness of most of the movie. In my opinion, it's just used as a device for the plot, and something like amnesia would have worked the same way. It's a device used to explore the world through the experience of someone who never has experienced
any of the world.
No. 355237
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New trailer just dropped. I have very mixed feelings. I really want to like it though.
No. 355240
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>>355237it looks so bland and uninspired. the trailer reminded me of that oz great and powerful movie that looks nearly identical in CGI. The costumes are going to increase in quantity instead of quality and Ariana is going to go down as the worst Galinda by far. The current elphaba also seems bland, I don't think the director knows how to direct more theatrical performances out of people so here's to hoping she at least sounds nice. She just has zero charisma, how is "Popular" going to land at all when it's her voice singing it? "Thank Goodness" also needs some serious acting chops and punch that I cannot see her voice doing. The original story is going to be doing some serious heavy lifting to make this passable. Considering this movie has been in production since Ari was a little girl, the move to put in a sudden celebrity cash grab feels like they never had faith in the project and are just pushing it out now which is probably why it took like 20 years to make. They seriously were better off releasing a pro-shot of the original cast decades ago, but broadway has always been stupid about that.
Also it's not a good sign when the trailer only shows a very few number of scenes and sets and avoided showing most of the important bits. most of those shots are from a small number of mostly act 1 scenes and unimportant establishing shots that unfortunately make munchkinland look empty as fuck
No. 355243
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This was really underwhelming I expected better at least the animation was nice but Dolores and Pepa were so annoying.I don't get the popularity at all.Did not resonate with me despite being Hispanic.
No. 355247
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>>355229no bc it's quite literally about men trying to control and destroy a woman, men don't experience that the same way
>>355237elphaba being a black woman and glinda being ariana fucking grande sure is a choice. not only due to them being sisters (how?) but ariana's frequent accusations of blackfishing. i bet people will also be asking why the character frequently accused of being a jewish stereotype is the black lady. can't wait to popcorn all the discourse tbh
No. 355257
>>355237This same director made Now You See Me 2 and even that looks better than the trailer for Wicked. Even Crazy Rich Asians looks more visually appealing. I don't understand why for the fantasy themed fucking movie that the sets look so flat and lifeless, especially considering they looked okay in the preview photos.
Don't get me started on Ariana as Glinda. Awful casting choice
No. 355264
>>355247elphie's been played by black women before, other races too cause she's green at the end of the day, what should matter is voice and attitude.
if there's discourse all over again about an elphaba's actress's race that would be pretty stupid tbh
No. 355267
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>>354735Sorry you didn't like it anon, here's something that might be more your speed
No. 355299
>>355267nta but this is such a twitter response, disliking something for being edgy and pointless is a
valid criticism.
No. 355848
>>355691Could Poor Things actually be like a bad adaption of Lolita? Or potentially I suppose kind of like the intent vs execution of Cuties which was supposed to be a cautionary tale and biopic about the horrors of current child-dance routines but actually showed a bunch of children performing disgustingly adult routines with explicit camera shots.
To any non-pedo Cuties reads as absolutely horrific, unfortunately pedophiles had a different reading and it was pretty obvious to some in the former category that that would happen. I'm wondering if there might be a similar disconnect here that some nonnas with the movie. Basically we're probably all not pedos here
aside from any lurking troons and see the scenes in the movie as horrifying, but some of us might be more sensitive to pedophile red flags than others and see recognize what they like.
No. 355912
>>355893Easy A, though she plays a girl who is willing to further nuke her reputation in order to boost boy's which feels appropriate. she learns better (at least that she shouldn't be known as a slut, not to put herself before men necessarily) but i don't remember liking the general feel of the movie in regards to messaging. It's been a while but i don't care to rewatch to find out it's probably even worse than I remember.
I guess the spider man movies too. I remember she said some performative "feminist" shit at the press panels that got gifed and passed around tumblr.
No. 356080
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I watched Anyone But You since it’s the Valentine’s Day and it has decent reviews. It’s shit though, the main conflict is idiotic (he gets mad at her for leaving him in the morning in true incel fashion and she obviously overhears him shit talking her) and the tension is so staged. The director’s coomerism is written all over it, so Sydney’s boobs are on display half of the time and the moments where they are supposed to accidentally touch each other are visibly forced. The dialogue is terrible and it’s all painfully unfunny, like your typical 50-something scrote’s lazy idea of humor. 'Rom-com revival' my ass, it’s just riding on nostalgia for the genre while keeping it as mid and uncreative as possible.
No. 356084
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>people itt unironically defending poor things and believing a moid director had the critical analysis of female roles and male gaze in mind when he filmed all the erotic scenes including one with kids as spectators
is this site now called
No. 356098
>>356084picrel is accurate bc it's what you look like
go back to twitter
(infighting) No. 356119
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>>356084If you scroll up you'll see that the majority of anons abhorred Poor Things.
No. 356257
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>>356080This should've had Zoey Deutch instead. She's a better actress, her and glen previously starred in another romcom and had decent chemistry.
No. 356258
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This was dumb as hell but I liked it. Nice way to waste an hour and a half. I enjoy a good old irresponsible older sibling responsible younger sibling dynamic
No. 356293
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>>356119she's just obsessed with the fact that not everyone agrees with her and unfortunately this site is not her conservative christian facebook group
can’t wait for the oscar sweep
No. 356340
>>356311Your constant sperging bringing up how mad you are that some people ITT liked Poor Things says otherwise
Can you maybe contribute to the thread instead
>>356317Men are incapable of not viewing everything through a sexual lens
(infighting) No. 356590
>>356538No, that isn’t what it’s about. You could try watching it and forming your own opinion instead of letting others decide for you though.
>>356583Dead Poets Society 2024 this is not.
No. 356624
>>356239imo it takes skill to actually cover dark topics without just badly shoving it in your face to shock you. that plus it's easier to direct actors if you force them to reenact something bad directly or experience real shock instead of acting around it and getting them to react to something that isn't physically there or happening (aka acting). the aftershocks of the event are what actually matter anyways, not the event in the moment as much regardless
it's like this stupid jack the ripper film (based on pedoshit alan moore's comic) from a while back that decided to get "real" reactions out of their actors by shocking them with the real crime photos of the real
victims during a police scene they were expected to be shown fake and less graphic pictures. you could tell even the hollywood moids were legitimately disgusted by seeing the butchered
victims. it's disgusting but also just supremely lazy and untalented behaviour
No. 356634
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>>356623Poetic Justice thanks to my sister being obsessed with it. I could recite the lines from memory.
No. 356636
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>>356623you've got mail. very comfy film that i never tire of.
No. 356640
>>352691late seeing your response but i agree. and how being a self-inflicted
victim can one-up another person's positive success in this climate. or at least people are aware that behaviour is rewarded and strive for it, instead of success.
>>352526loved this film too. it rivalled rear window for me.
No. 356642
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>>356623Her probably, which is weird because I don’t even like this movie. I watched it first when I was 12 and didn’t really get it, the second time was three years ago after I talked about it with my ex bf and the third time when I wanted to show it to my father and compare it with Lost in Translation after I learned about the correlation. I like Lost in Translation much better though, I find it way more touching. Her has admittedly very good script, but feels kinda stiff overall and doesn’t really move me. I like the soundtrack though.
No. 356656
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>>356623Or maybe it was this one (I’m
>>356642), it’s European fujos’ Holy Grail.
No. 356657
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>>356654omg one of the first DVDs I bought and would watch over and over for years. think I'm due another rewatch.
>>356642this was one of the most uncomfortable films i ever watched, i don't think i could ever put myself through it again. it's been 10 years since i saw it though and i bet it hits very differently now, considering how far AI has come.
No. 356658
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>>356623one of the funniest, sily movies ever. i don't know how to describe it because the movie starts with a crazy premise, goes off the wall with it, and then ends in a ridiculous climax. within the first 2 minutes danny devito plans to kill his wife (bette midler) but comes home to find her kidnapped and ransomed by two "ruthless" kidnappers already and tries to get them to kill her but hijinks ensue instead. 10/10 totally recommend. there's a weird blackmail subplot involving a politician that involves sex but you don't really see much and it's too over the top to feel real.
probably gonna re-watch it this weekend actually
No. 356661
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>>356623For me it's either Silence of the Lambs or But I'm a Cheerleader. random af, I know, but I love both.
No. 356667
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>>356623eisenstein's ivan the terrible. i don't even need subtitles anymore.
No. 356670
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>>356623Coraline, it's just a super fun and entertaining movie. The plot is cool, intriguing, it's just the right amount of creepy. The sets are interesting, beautiful and immersive. And Coraline kicks ass. My only nitpick is that some characters are almost too ugly, but they're still charming and well designed.
No. 356677
>>356657mine was an overused VCR copy. I lost the original copy but I bought one at an antiques store years later and still have it on my bookshelf.
I hate Jim Carrey now for all the horrible things he's done to women but I cannot deny he had a massive influence on me as a child and teen and actually made me a little more comfortable in my own skin. I grew up very quirky and felt like nobody understood me, but if someone as crazy as him could be famous then maybe there was hope for me as a person.
No. 356680
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A little late but I loved sing 2. This is one of those times I think the second movie is better than the first. I guess the huge colorful metropolis atmosphere and the saturation of the colors plays a part cause honestly, so many live action remakes have that greyish murky atmosphere and I'm suppose to get feel good vibes off of that? the plot is also interesting and keeps me on edge since you want to know how things will turn out in the following scenes. I'm a sucker for feel good movies but there's a limit, since most movies like these fall flat in the end. This one didn't. I just loved how each character built there confidence to fulfill their roles and the story made you feel like a big part of something. I really found it bizzare that I enjoyed it this much. Anyone else seen it too?
No. 356742
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watched this the other day. basically a traumatized woman goes to stay in a small secluded village after her crazy husband kills himself and realizes that all the moids in town share the same appearance (with the exception of having different hair and clothing). increasingly creepy incidents occur. i got high before it started and when i got to the part where the creature gives birth to itself over and over again i thought i was losing my mind kek
No. 356745
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I don't want to scare other nonas with this moid but i just want to say that i keep thinking about how i would want to fuck this character if he was a woman, sorry.
I know it's a reach and probably she wouldn't exist but i can envision it, god i need female characters with his attitude and aura, i'm in the verge of tears yearning for it.
No. 356879
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This movie, especially the scene where she visits HR, is so fucking bleak.
No. 356897
>>356876Who got botched out of curiosity? I find it helps knowing going in to feel less disappointed
Also you nonnas have convinced me to watch Lisa Frankenstein
when it's available to torrent kek No. 357380
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Watched May December and loved it. Julienne Moore is phenomenal in it. Many interpretations and fascinating psychology covered under slightly campy aesthetic, it's hypnotizing. And it kinda pains me to say this, but it shows the process and effects of grooming way better than Priscilla.
No. 357900
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First time a movie made me go from wide awake to almost falling alseep. Way too boring. I don't mind long and slow scenes but just don't make it boring. I knew when there was an official break I should have watched part 2 on the next day, but I decided against it which was a big mistake. It was painful to reach the end of the film. The imagery was stunning though. Too bad because I was prepared to love it based on all the positive ratings.
No. 358010
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any other nonnas like found footage/mockumentary films? they're my biggest guilty pleasure when it comes to movies. it is true that many of them are garbage, particularly when they're formulaic and do little more than attempt to replicate the blair witch project or paranormal activity, but they're also an excellent way for indie filmmakers with small budgets to tell compelling and sometimes even unusual stories.
No. 358011
>>358010The last one I watched was Final Prayer aka The Borderlands. It was pretty good would recommend. A
nonny told me to watch it, could have been you I don’t know kek
No. 358388
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The first and last time I watched this movie it must've been 2005-06 at my aunt's home. I have no idea why she had this downloaded on a dvd, maybe she thought it was a fun spy movie aimed at little girls with some girl power themes and comedy. She's a rightwing woman so I'll have to ask her one day but I'm almost certain she never checked what was actually the plot by herself. My little brother and I watched the movie unsupervised while she was doing stuff around her flat and I remember being completely mesmerized by the girls and, frankly, very uncomfortable with the plotwist (calling myself repressed doesn't even begin to describe it). Well, even though I was only 5 or 6 years old at that time this movie has been living in a corner of my brain for the past 18 years. I didn't remember the actresses faces so I was very surprised to see Jordana Brewster (I love The Faculty) as the main villain. I did remember the plot and the ending. This movie is a little gem. You can clearly see that the budget was low but the story and the script make up for it. D.E.B.S. is fun and uplifting, the themes it explores are actually interesting and I think that the chemistry between the two main actresses is huge. I was also very surprised by the soundtrack because it has two songs by The Cure and New Order. I highly recommend it and I hope I can stream it in a movienight someday.
No. 358481
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As far as Coen brothers films go this one is mid. All the hype over it and the memes and the awards and watching it the first time I guess I expected more… bombast?
No. 358482
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>>358481Of the two thrillers I watched this week I preferred Zodiac. But I also like the cast better.
No. 358486
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>>358483he was the most memorable character. I admittedly found out about the existence of NCFOM through pictures and memes (I know, I know) and after finishing it I totally understand why Anton is so iconic and lauded
>>358484A lot of acclaimed film bro-y movies with a predominantly male audience are hit or miss imo. Once you've seen something praised one million billion times you go in with lofty expectations and sometimes come out of it saying "that's it?". I'm hit or miss on horror movies too though. Like I'm not a woman of taste and I unironically grew up watching bad comedies, my palette has expanded and grown overtime, it's just that moids cannot convince me to like The Godfather no matter how hard they try.
No. 358507
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>>356623Can't name just one movie because I would rewatch some movies a billion times as a child and watched them a few or more times when I was older on TV. It's Back to the Future (the trilogy), Raiders of the Lost Ark, Terminator 2, and Merlin (1998; I've ruined the vhs lol).
No. 358518
>>358483I loved his character but hated how the media illiterate (men) seem to act as if he's a terminator like figure when he's totally killable
see the ending and also a whiny lil bitch autist who gets upset when people don't follow his quirky serial killer routine. I really like his character but dislike how he's been wrongly represented outside of the film.
>>358486Based and true, so many movies on the 100 movies you must watch!! lists are ok but if you're not an easily manipulated man they just fall short. Don't even mention Christopher Nolan around an educated woman.
No. 358554
>>358481I love it but I love pretty much every Coen Brothers film out there. I enjoyed Tommy Lee Jones's character and Anton was fabulous. Though I don't enjoy it over some of their other films, and I think Fargo's execution of its old man messages was better (the stamp conversation between the husband and wife) plus prefer their movies where Frances McDromand is the star, it still sticks with me and I remember it fondly. The conversation between Tommy and the old man where the old guy basically goes "why are you being nostalgic for simpler times? people were psycho back then too" is one of my favourites of theirs even if it isn't as well executed as the stamps scene mentioned (which granted was also rather on the nose too but it was cute so idc). It felt like a self-aware reminder which was nice for a couple of filmmakers who quite often are nostalgic for other times.
Though I am a little surprised it got the extreme love it did, I think most of it came from people who'd just seen the gas station scene and think the movie is mostly about Anton plus feel like they have to praise it cause it's by the Coens (aka most of the academy so the awards makes sense). It's a good movie imo, but like their other films, isn't for everyone and I think most people who say they love it haven't actually seen it kek. It's also one of the more "Coen" of Coen films if that makes any sense, sure it's not the Big Lebowski level "different", but not total normie tier nor typical film bro stuff. Maybe it's more accessible than I think but I just cannot see the average man sitting down and enjoying it start to finish unless they're a boomer who can at least relate to the old man stuff. Girls yeah, but I see men mostly going apeshit for the film and they're not the best at analogy or hammered home messaging.
No. 358586
>>358570The way male film bros actually get seduced by the evil men in films, the film is representing a man who is evil but clearly charismatic and instead of recognising his character as a manipulator they become the people who fall for the charisma and play that into their viewing of the film, it's ridiculous.
I think a part of it is how easy it is to watch most films, to consume most types of media, males love giving their opinion even if not educated enough to do so. Piss poor literacy, one film class would do them good, a whole degree would blow their tiny minds.
No. 358771
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>>358743Midnight Cowboy had me completely entertained throughout and sobbing by the end. RIP
No. 358807
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I'm high af right now. Can anyone recommend a great movie? I just watched Happy Death Day last night and loved it.
No. 359358
>>359085There's some I enjoyed (Kill Bill, Nightcrawler, American Psycho, Scarface was fun but not a masterpiece and I love Pacino's hammy acting, even in movies where I don't care for the plot) that were standouts, and others are a bore. NCFOM was one of those 50/50 for me. I still need to see Taxi Driver.
Speaking of film bro-y directors I was pleasantly surprised by Shutter Island and went into it not even knowing it was a Scorsese film but it kept my attention for a 2.5 hours. You couldn't pay me to watch The Irishman though
No. 359360
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Saw Dune 2 today! The story is interesting enough but god I loved the visuals
No. 359377
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>>359374Nah the movie was much better. He was completely shafted for his performance in Nightcrawler, downright chilling, atmospheric, tense trip of a movie
No. 359433
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>>359401ayrt and right! I actually like how they handled the way women are treated in the family. kay and connie are integral parts of the story. it's not just a moid movie. filmbros who actually think michael is just a stone cold badass are total retards who missed the point of the entire saga.
>>359423yes yessss. part ii is so good. the paralles between vito and michael and the way their stories ultimately differ are so well executed. and there's nothing like watching a character hurtling towards inevitable doom not because of fate, but entirely as a result of their own choices
No. 359736
If they don't have a femdom bisexual threesome in this movie I will be very sad
>>359360 The Bene Gesserit were the most interesting characters in my opinion, loved them.
No. 359923
>>352504late but thank you
No. 360273
>>360243full disclosure, this is all shit i remember from skimming wikipedia after reading the first book, but in later parts of the series, there’s a scene where
an adult’s brain is put into the body of a child clone, and the only way to “awaken” the adult brain is with sex. and iirc there’s also a villain later on who literally causes drug-level addictions in any man she fucks which is of course the most terrifying thing in the universe in this moidbrained novel (although it’s not nearly as bad as all the pedo shit).
No. 360294
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Reading about some chinese movie drama
>YOLO, which takes its name from the acronym for "you only live once" in English, is a drama about a female boxer. It is the highest-grossing movie so far this year and sparked strong debates on social media because of the star's dramatic weight change. Jia Ling, the successful actress and director who also starred in the Chinese 2021 blockbuster "Hi, Mom," first gained 20 kg and then dropped 50 kg for the film. This is not very common among Chinese actors and generated controversy as to what kind of message such an abrupt weight change conveys.>In recent years, netizens expressed concerns over her health due to her growing weight, but they have also judged and criticized her, even likening her to "a balloon about to explode". That's why many were surprised by her transformation from a once plump and bubbly comedian into a muscular, strong, and healthy physique. Jia has clarified that her film does not center on weight loss or aim to perpetuate body image concerns but rather is about portraying the mental and physical transformation of her character, a jobless, people-pleasing, and socially isolated woman who turns to boxing to enjoy and control her own life, and telling the audience that it's never too late to change and love your life. Jia’s decision to lose weight was also influenced by a desire to break free from typecasting because of her previous body shape.
>The film centers on a reclusive woman, played by Jia, who takes up boxing after feeling disconnected from society. it sounds like a cool movie I want to see it now
No. 360311
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This movie is too damn sad oh my fucking god. I wanted to watch it but I turned it off because it was making me feel physically upset lmao. I'm not usually such a wuss.
No. 360322
>>360294This kind of thing reminds me of how women’s bodies are seen almost like a public property. Scrote actors can gain and lose like 50 kilos to play a part and they’re “method actors”, and dedicated to their roles, but anything a woman does with her body, even if it is for a role where it makes sense, is open for criticism and “sending a message” like just having a body that is female is a political thing.
Sorry for the sperg. It does sound like a cool movie. Like Million Dollar Baby but (hopefully) not as depressing.
No. 360326
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>>360284obsessed with the people who like poor things, aren't you
(replying to bait) No. 360327
>>360311I heard they die at the end in the movie?
Cause in the book they are almost dying, but then the writer pulls a deus ex machina and they are saved.
No. 360329
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>>360311"share the adventure of a lifetime" my god the producers were REALLY struggling to try to make it seem like this isn't one of the most fucked up movies ever made huh
No. 360473
>>360439the whole thing is actually on youtube (if you still want to check it out). tbh i’d say it doesn’t feel nearly as “artistic” as watership down or the plague dogs, but it’s def still a worthy watch if you like that category of dark animated films. fair warning though that felidae legit has
cat sex scenes in addition to violence. like, they’re a fairly big part of the plot.
No. 360504
>>360503Nta but most of it doesn't feel like a furfag movie, but I'm not really sure. It does kinda fit the theme of the movie
that is genetic experimenting and breeding a superior race of cats while killing off all the unfit ones in various ways but it's not like that scene was necessary… maybe it's there for the shock factor or because it's an adult movie therefore it has to mention sex even if it's about animals.
No. 360512
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Just watched Made in Dagenham and it was really good, don't know why I'd never heard of it. Based on real events, it's basically a feminist victory story. Felt good to see. The actors are good too and there's a good bit of comedy in the drama, it was entertaining.
No. 360587
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Olaf was way creepier than I remember. Like another anon said in a different thread he's so molesty. Pardon me it's been awhile since I watched this or read the books, and I don't mind adaptation villainy- I haven't watched the Netflix series sans a few episodes, is he supposed to be coded as a creep? Or is that just Carey Olaf? I'm tempted to give the Netflix series and books another whirl because I love the vibe of ASOUE, the last time I watched series I was with my ex and we broke up before finishing it so I never did
This reminds me that I wish Emily Browning were in more things. The kid who plays Klaus wasn't half bad either, doesn't seem like I see either of them in much nowadays. I know this movie was panned but it has a solid cast and setting. It's one of those adaptions up there with Percy Jackson that while it's not loved by book faithfuls, I enjoy it on its own.
No. 360597
>>360594I'll probably read and watch both then, thank you for the recommendation!
One other thing I really enjoyed about the movie version: the ending animation. This was so cool to me as a kid and is still cool to me now
No. 360606
>>360587I agree with
>>360594 the tv series Olaf is lot goofier, the movie version of Olaf and his allies are genuinely scarier, cause he is a deranged murderer who is gonna marry a teenage girl.
No. 360815
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Been a few weeks since I watched Poor Things and I'm still thinking about how the only character to face consequences for their actions is also the only one shown to be abusive to both men and women.
Everyone who limits their victims to women gets a happy ending.
Feminist masterpiece btw
No. 360874
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Can anyone recommend me movies that are more character driven, less plot driven? Idk if there's like a word to describe this genre but like films where they mostly focus on one character, tends to be more grounded in reality, not very dialogue heavy. Usually kind of a depresso vibe, generally doesn't have a happy ending. Tends to be more of the artsy fartsy variety. The kind that gives the vibe that it would win awards at festivals. You know the type?
Some examples off the top of my head: Welcome to the Dollhouse, The Lacemaker, The Match Factory Girl, and The 400 Blows.
No. 361100
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>>360874have you seen ghost world? it's free to watch on tubi
No. 361176
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I will take the heat if you all hate me for loving Hedwig I don't care it's hands down one of my favorites, just cried through almost the entire damn thing. Love the set designs, costumes, THE SONGS, the jokes, everything. I'm just extremely touched by the identity stuff, not in a tranny way I promise.
No. 361233
>>360874the word is mumblecore, i believe. or its a genre close to what you're looking for. anyway, some movies i enjoyed that are similar (not maybe not completely..) are: microhabitat, wasp, the days between, irma vep, la cíenaga, christine (1987), cure: the life of another, frances ha, and frownland.
No. 361256
>>361100i love this movie so much it hurts, i always feel guilty
being a little jealous of enid fucking seymour, i was SO much like her as a teen. i can relate to everything about her on a personal level down to
wanting to have a weird relationship with an older put-together guy No. 361258
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>>360874I watched picrel recently and I felt it had a similar vibe to Welcome to the Dollhouse imo.
No. 361608
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Goji Minus One won best VFX
Im so happy nonnas!!
No. 361616
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>>361569It's over for your foot
nonnie, stream the feast.
No. 361619
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The academy should sudoku themselves for this one. I know none of them take animation seriously and probably only picked based on the titles but it's never been more blatant than this (animated shortspilled nonnies will know)
No. 361624
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>>361616lol, i loved poor things but lily deserved that.
still gonna laugh at the butthurt weirdo who was obsessing over people liking poor things ITT cuz of this
>>361568freaks who think it's pro-pedophilia garbage on suicide watch
No. 361639
someone I know really is pressuring me to watch poor things with her. how bad is it really, nonnies? also I did read up and
>>360815 bugs me a lot, enough to resist watching it.
No. 361653
>>361647>>361641yeah that was more what I was weary of. at least I know to avoid it now.
>>361644is my first time bringing it up. I think the confusion is happening because there seems to be such high praise for the movie so the idea that it is that blatantly scrotey/perverted is unexpected?
No. 361654
>>361653Go ask the others tweens in your discord if a movie is
problematic uwu
(uwu) No. 361661
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>>361659continually asking a stupid question like "should i watch this movie if i think it looks gross" is more bait tbh, i don't believe you that it's your first time asking, i have never seen anyone do that for any movie in these threads so much as poor things and it's obvious there's an anon furiously samefagging here because they're mad that some people like it and it's getting awards lol.
(infighting) No. 361674
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It was bad night for me, personally.
No. 361678
>>361625Do it!!
>>361248oh shit I remember seeing this movie on cable TV in the early 2000s I should rewatch it, I remember it being really good but I was like 13 so I'm not sure if it holds up kek.
No. 361679
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>>361608the crew had amazing godzilla shoes too
No. 361763
>>361705As long as he doesn't adapt the sequels. Or figures out a way to explain the mystery without the stupid human drama.
It would probably be really interesting visually.
No. 361787
>>361639The book is better. The movie fucked up the ending.
All of the disgusting things that happened are revealed to be lies made up by a moid to slander the main character. The movie got rid of this twist, implying that everything was true in the universe of the story and even having the baby-brain thing happen to another woman. The moid filmmakers must have disliked the idea of their wank fantasy just being slander kek. I'm so glad it didn't win best picture. Oppenheimer may be a sympathetic portrayal of a man who murdered thousands of innocent people, but at least I can be reasonably confident that the moids involved didn't pick the script because it made their dicks hard. I'm sick of coomer torture porn trash like Blonde and Poor Things being passed off as feminist when it's the exact opposite.
No. 361819
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I might not sell it well but I really liked Clockwatchers. I love the portrayal of the highs of new friendship and the sadness of eventually drifting apart. Directed by a woman as well! Watch it. Totally in love with Parker Posey's character.
No. 361828
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>>361784>Hard to Watch based on the novel Stone Cold Bummer by ManipulateCrazy to give an Oscar to a mid movie that basically turned a 30 Rock joke in to a full length movie, 15 years later and less funny
No. 361883
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>>349186this movie could have been fujo kino, what a waste. and damn, barry keoghan looks so fucking damaged, why the fuck did they pick a leather raisin to play a college kid?
No. 361907
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Finally saw Poor Things. It was so visually beautiful, I loved the freaky architecture like picrel and the outlandish deep-sea creature/vagina shirts she kept wearing paired with incongruous modern boots. Very Camille Paglia.
As for the pedo accusations, I agree with previous anons that the way the sex scenes were shot left something to be desired, but I saw enough seinen anime as a teenager to know the difference between disguised porn and this. It clearly freaked out right wingers by seeming to confirm their jewish pedowood fantasies. Libfems wanted a Barbie movie a sequel and this didn’t hammer home the message that Exploit Women = Bad hard enough. Radfems saw the first sex scene and instantly passed out.
No. 361919
>>361916It’s not, anon’s brain has just been fried by all the
hentai I mean “seinen anime.” It’s a classic case of the trope “born sexy yesterday” which caters to the male pedo gaze
No. 361921
>>361907I think the anons calling it ~literal pedophilia~ are being overly dramatic and taking the movie too literally, but there are plenty of reasons to despise this movie beyond just being icked by the sex scenes. Men have no business attempting to make "feminist" films, especially ones with sex scenes, because they're literally incapable of visually portraying female sexuality in a way that isn't tainted by the male gaze. I imagine what this movie would have been like with a female director and I weep for what could have been. Also, it's extremely obvious that the producers, director, etc chose this script because it was shocking and made their dicks hard, not because the gave a rat's ass about women or women's problems.
The way the changed the ending from the book gives the whole game away. Seriously, the twist ending is that the whole story was made up by Bella's scorned ex-husband because he was intensely jealous of her success and wanted to slander her. The author was basically saying that these are the sort of sick fantasies men cook up about women they resent. The filmmakers, as male perverts themselves, clearly took offense to the concept, which is why they changed the ending to not only be the true story, but also for the doctor to abuse another woman in the same way, because they were just so enamored with the idea of domestically abusing baby-brain women. The fact that they changed the ending is the biggest proof to me that this movie stripped all the feminist intentions from the book, and that the men behind it are chauvinist pigs trying to pass themselves off as ~arteests~. I wish the next male who tries to market his wank fantasy as a "feminist" film winds up like David Carradine.
I can't believe I'm even still contributing to this discourse. You are never going to convince me to like this movie, and the people who like it (notably the dogfucker from YMS) will never care about the film's issues. It's okay to like this movie, but stop treating people who don't like they're hysterical pearl-clutching bra-burners.
No. 361926
>>361916ayrt, I agree that she has a child's brain in an adult body and couldn't consent. all the male characters who had sex with her while knowing that were in the wrong. some of them like the doctor's assistant got good endings, just like in real life where sometimes people do questionable or downright bad things and get good endings.
the genital mutilation scene, i thought to be about her own personal sexual freedom rather than a political thing. if this had been Barbie, someone would've done a speech about FGM = bad but bella had "matured" from a overgrown child into a selfish and hedonistic woman. she decided to leave her ex-husband/father's house because she wanted to preserve her own pleasure.
overall i interpreted the movie not as an attempted feminist statement or really anything positive, more of a fucked-up surreal reality, a horror movie basically.
No. 361933
>>361932It's like being reborn, but she's not a child. It's a new discovery movie. This isn't even a new trope. I think the issues
>>361921 are bringing up about the male director and everything being changed is more of the issue. If this was a problem you'd think people would've been in uproar when the book was around. Nope. They are mad because you can't grasp what reanimating a body does in fiction and would instead fight over invisible pedophilia.
You'd think the fucking full frontal of a female baby in A24's High Life would be more of a pedophilia on screen discussion, but in the context the baby was being changed. That doesn't stop the people who are watching that who are pedos having a movie that is recently doing that and is available FREE TO WATCH. The priorities are hilarious. Anons would rather argue over an adult women acting out a reawakening trope rather than actually focus on dangerous showcases of children [or a fake body, idc, it was a full shot and it made me turn off the High Life].
No. 361942
>>361938Isn't this just the "their an old soul therefore ignore their actual age argument" kek?
>>361938>>361939Brain's have stages of development, a new borns brain is that of a child, aka has no experience? It's like saying what makes an IRL child a child is their body not the combination of their brain and form. You want to pretend they're two seperate things when they aren't, they're interlinked. What are you even talking about. The cope is unreal. Also, again, cope that everyone who hates the movie is one person. If you really think so, report them as samefagging and see if it's banned, if not, accept you're wrong. It's the opposite seeming honestly.
No. 361943
>>361940>>361942It's pointing out the absurdity that a transplant equates to age rather than someone coming back to life in general. Does Franskenstein's monster really have an adult brain with his fumbling nonsense and get married off to a fumbling female version or were they all children to begin with and the book is actually promoting child marriage? No.
You can try to argue it's pedophilia but it isn't even in the slightest.
No. 361948
>>361947You brought it up to try and prove your point which it doesn't and are trying to backtrack now because you don't actually know the story beyond pop culture/adaptions that leave things out and change the story? If it's not a child (as if souls are real) why does it act like one while literally having a baby brain implanted.
>>361907>>361919>Anime watcherShould've ended here. Opinion discarded.
>>361915Probably kek "you wahmen are just too stupid/juvenile to see art of emma stone being brain swapped with a child and railed on screen for 90% of the movie".
No. 361949
>>361916>It’s against the law to fuck severe retardsI honestly feel like this is the bigger issue with the movie. Pedos won't get off to it, Emma Stone is an obviously grown woman and they are attracted to a child's body more than her brain. But she is literally acting retarded, and moids are more likely to develop a fetish for handicapped women if they're watching softcore porn of a hypersexual retard with an adult body.
I have really mixed feelings on the movie overall. I hated the gratuitous and unpleasant sex scenes, I don't buy the idea that a child would be that compulsively sexual in the first place, I hated that her partners were almost all revolting and old (if a child is having sexual feelings it will be towards cute young boys ffs). I don't trust the male creators intentions with any of this, even if they did get tantalizingly close to a good point occasionally. But I was entertained throughout, visually it's fascinating, and it had some really funny lines. I keep thinking about it so I think it's inevitable I'll get the urge to rewatch and get mad all over again at the sex scenes while reluctantly enjoying the rest of it.
No. 361958
>>361949>I don't buy the idea that a child would be that compulsively sexual in the first place,They wouldn't it's male fantasy. Children are traumatized by it, it's just as anon linked
>>361919 , men like the idea of corrupting a women/moulding her into whatever he desires. It's why JFG likes retarded women and rees when anyone points out it's suspect to prey on them, and why tradfag moids ree about needing to marry women younger aka more impressionable.
>>361951Anon linked it
>>361919 , it's so common it's a trope.
>>361957>Brings up the book as defence>Fails to prove point >"N-no1currs anyway"KEK.
No. 361959
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>>361958The author of Poor Things has said in interviews that she thanks Shelly and Frankenstein as inspirations. I think that sums up what the point is. Just opposite sex. I swear the point of the movie went over everyone's head and they are trying way too hard to read into it to force a controversy that isn't even there. Maybe read anything the author has said and it will give clarity. I'm not going to derail about books. No. 362014
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I love horror movies but I struggle finding ones I like because gore that’s super believable or intense makes me feel physically ill, but this one was so damn good. It’s a foreign flick! I watched it October of last year and was very impressed with the cinematography and the writing. It’s super creative and the ending was crazy. Would highly recommend and love to hear the thoughts from other nonnas who have watched it. Incantation is another one I liked a lot and genuinely creeped me out.
No. 362102
>>362014I think I might've posted about this in some previous thread. I liked it, it was gross but not in an over-the-top way. I remember hearing from an interview with the directors that the main character was supposed to be a boy at first but one of the women involved in the process asked the writer to change it into a girl, made it so much better imo. They also mentioned that they had a team making the different types of puke
she feeds to the hatchling and that the girl acting in it got to taste test them and pick the ones she liked the most kek
No. 362160
>>362154there's like 1 or 2 fucking schizo obsessed anons in here who keep bringing it up because they hate it and most people don't hate it, don't worry about it anon.
>>361974maybe if the aforementioned schizo stops bringing it up constantly to provoke infighting, but this is lc after all
anyway what's the best horror movie you've seen this year anons? i'm in the mood to be scared.
(infighting) No. 362169
>>362160You're the schizo anon seething people don't like it. It was literally bought up by someone who did like it sperging about those who hate it for the most recent slapfight
>>361907 and reeing because anons disagreed with their opinion kek.
(infighting) No. 362204
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just watched picrel and it was pretty fun, a bit convoluted but it was interesting to see some horror based on buddhist themes
No. 362316
>>362312Ntayrt but I thought it was true because of what was described in this article if I'm misreading it or if it's worded strangely
(this is an imageboard) No. 362554
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I appreciate the energy it brought and its goofy premise, It's nice to see a mid budget comedy that channels the 90s-00s energy I'm sometimes nostalgic for.
Zac looks so botched now it's distracting though I'm sorry
No. 362558
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Enjoyed this recently and how it touched on the difference in cultural norms between the east/west and the value of family. I also enjoyed how it was based on the screenwriters real family. Between this and Quiz Lady Awkwafina actually has more potential playing strait laced roles, it's better than her over the top acting.
No. 362818
>>362651nayrt but it's a blatant hollywood lie and a quick google provides tons of evidence. This video is great for disproving his bullshit narrative but you might want to watch on a faster speed as she talks a little slow. The guy started fucking with his face and hairline pretty much from the moment he was an adult, he just can't hide how bogged he is now which is why he started using the jaw injury excuse (if it's even a true event that happened to the extent he claims tbh).
>>362558>>362554these look interesting in different ways, thanks for the recs nonas! but i have to ask going in, is john cena playing a troon or skirting the edge of playing one? cause if so, amazing and it's being watched tonight
No. 362949
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>>362818>is John cena playing a troon?No his characters original job before he's hired to play Ricky Stanicky is a lewd song impersonator (the costume reminds me of Britney Spears but is never coupled with a song).
I also thought it was a veiled reference to his "teenage girl" skit character on The Tonight Show kek
No. 363031
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Wonka was surprisingly whimsical, way better than I expected it to be based on the trailers. If I were a kid again I would've eaten this up
No. 363079
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>>359360Saw it, the visuals are indeed the best part. The costuming is just beautiful, music was great to. Also really loved the arena fight. Feyd Rautha was weirdly hot
No. 363278
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Just watched Strictly Ballroom (1992). This may be the best movie ever made, but I'm also big Hairspray fan so maybe I'm just into unserious movies about weirdos in dance competitions where love wins.
It's 3 hits out of 3 Baz Luhrmann movies I've watched so far, Romeo and Juliet is next.
No. 363345
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I've been on a mob movie run and have binged Goodfellas and American Gangster the past couple days. I'm wondering if I can actually watch the Godfather without falling asleep like the first time I saw it. I fear I slowly may be becoming moidbrained. But I appreciate that as I've gotten older I've been able to expand my horizons when it comes to films I either doubted the first time or had never seen and passed on
>>363317kek that would be hilarious
No. 363653
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I know that I'm months late but I finally watched Barbie and I cried quite a lot during it. I don't even really know why but it felt really touching. I know that it's only very soft libfem and yet it felt good to finally here something feminist on screen.
I also feel really similar to the Margot Barbie, I really have nothing going for myself, I have no idea what to do with my life. I wish that at the end Kens got punished and she went back to live like she did before, because as sensitive as she turned out to be, real life will be hell after the first excitement wears off. I also wish I had that many female friends, that everything was more pure and much less male-centered and that our world, clothes, houses, everything were more colorful. Even tho they were at a sunny beach in California, everything nevertheless suddenly looked so grey compared to Barbieland.
No. 363656
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>>363653On a side note I'm so mad this movie didn't win for best sets and costumes because while it was majorly snubbed at the academy awards that is the category it excelled in. Real shame. Barbieland was so gorgeous and colorful and the outfits and styling were magnificent, plus they used lots of practical effects to bring it to life. Even if it is just a mild libfem take it's still a nice movie with a nice message and seeing it the second time on the small screen made me as happy as the first, plus all the women the first time i saw it in a packed theater with their girlfriends, moms, sisters, and some even inviting their bfs or husbands, everyone was laughing, just a wholesome experience
No. 363667
>>363656I actually watched it with my little sis and my mom and surprisingly she liked it despite usually being annoyed by anything even remotely pro-women.
Something that struck me was how long it took her to see how male-centered our world is. Ken walked through the streets and buildings for a good 5 minutes and only then she suddenly exclaimed "Oh, it's all just men?!"
Maybe this is the most feminism a movie can show and still be palatable to a broader audience than just very young and already woke women.
No. 363816
>>363667My mom who's usually a strange hybrid between lolburtarian and moderate-right with some occasional shitty conservative conspiracy theorism loved the movie and actually appreciated the feminist message which surprised me. Although she's grown more liberal over the years I expected her to complain. It was nice to see older women watching and enjoying it, not complaining about it, and moreover while the message was a little obvious, it wasn't presented in a forceful or weird way, which I think is baby's first step to educating the uneducated about feminism safely without offending the skeptics. I appreciated it for that alone and it was nice enough to turn my brain off and appreciate the jokes and aesthetics. The fact that it plucked at my heartstrings so much surprised me, especially the What Was I Made For scene
>>363666I'm honestly pissed that Poor Things swept so many categories at the Oscar's. I'm going to watch it eventually to form my own opinion despite my skepticism of the premise, but I think people are right to cope and seethe over Emma taking best actress from Lily Gladstone and it stealing best costumes and set from Barbie. The entire sweep of Poor things during award season feels bought and paid, not authentic. I know the Oscar's loves weird shit (Everything Everywhere All at once was weird but at least enjoyable with an original concept) but what was Poor Things bringing to the table that made it deserving of a win? Sorry, I don't get it. Born sexy yesterday janked up to 11 doesnt sound Oscar worthy
No. 363820
>>362154> It's a genuinely hilarious movieThere wasn’t anything funny about it, I didn’t smile once throughout it and I didn’t find anything amusing. The director is a try hard who tried to be funny and quirky and failed.
>>361962The sex scenes were very porny, from the context to the specific positions they put Emma stone in, I don’t care for sex scenes as it is but these ones were awful and particularly unappealing.
>>361959The author is a male
>>361952Pedos aren’t going to see a late 30s woman as a child, no, but the movie is arguing that children love sex and would be nymphomaniacs if they weren’t prevented from participating in sex. The fact that she has an adult body is to show that the old men “aren’t wrong” for using her sexually, and it’s arguing that mental maturity matters less than physical maturity- something that pedos have always argued (teenage girls are ready to be sexual partners for adult men because their bodies are mature enough, so to pedos it doesn’t matter that they’re kids)
It also presents sex as enlightening (it literally turned her world from black and white to technicolor) and that adult women and children are held back from experiencing this
No. 364084
>>362859Yeah, and in the book there are two parts: first is what we see in the movie as woman-baby born sexy yesterday and all that whimsical whoring. It was written as a fiction that a husband wrote about his wife in a form of, supposely, his memoir and, supposedly, her words.
And then the second part: after the husband's death, his wife is writing about this book he made and asked her to read, and also about her real life - that she was raised in abuse, got married to literallywho, wasn't pregnant, didn't even want to commit suicide, that Dafoe's character wasn't an ungodly freak but the opposite - that's why she fled to him (after discovering her first husband's cheating on her), that she wasn't necessarily oh so horny trembling about her future second husband (as he wrote in his fanfic) - well, basically, that all things described in the first part, written by her dead husband, was an obvious absurdity driven most likely by the husband's jealousy, because Bella/Victoria was in love with God
Should I say that prostitution part was just a couple of sentences and there was lot more economics, politics and culture talk than sex?
So yeah, that all was the director's deliberate choice he made (and other people said "uh huh cool") and it is rather telling
And what about banning for "no receipts" on fucking media board? And what images do you even want from me? Dogtooth screenshots? Imbecile
No. 364087
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>>363820it's almost like people have different opinions on what's funny than you
>sex as enlightening (it literally turned her world from black and white to technicolor) not because she was having sex. because she was no longer caged and kept away from reality. the world didn't turn to color when she began masturbating. it was opening her eyes to the way the world can be both fun and horrible.
>>363831me and my gf were laughing so hard we cried in the theater. whimsical, fun, sometimes depressing movie. loved it and love bella
No. 364105
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watched chameleon street from 1989, it is a fictionalization of william douglas streets life and WOW. i absolutely loved it, and it made me sad to see the director only had one film. very strange, very stylish, with an unsettling edge to it. has an absolute perfect end credit sequence.
No. 364129
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So apparently the kickass kid might be the next James Bond, i liked him better as the Twink/nerd be played on kickass but I don't really mind this choice, thoughts?
i know most of you probably don't care about the James Bond franchise because it's mostly just top scrote power fantasy but i like it.
No. 364187
>>364087It happened when she had sex, not when she masturbated.
>me and my gf were laughing so hard we cried in the theaterI’m sorry but I’m just imagining two obnoxious fat pickmes with onlyfans, shrieking and bellowing as they guffaw in laughter with tears streaming down their fat faces.
All the women I know irl and have spoken to about it online just despised the movie and thought it was cringy and disgusting. The only people I’ve seen praise it are pedophile moids, women with onlyfans who dress like kids to appeal to pedos, and autistic women who like Bella and the premise because they’re literally mentally challenged by definition
(infighting) No. 364207
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>>364187you have intense issues you need to sort out lmao. sorry you're so miserable that you have to cope by telling yourself that anyone who liked poor things is fat and ugly, you sound more misogynistic than anything in the movie
>>364193>i don't want to infight but i'm going to infight>>364105this sounds awesome. gonna watch it soon
(infighting) No. 364210
>>364187This comment stinks of projecting landwhale. You saw that anon said she had a GF and got
triggered into a rage knowing you’re forever alone, hating other women who are prettier than you, obsessing over the nasolabial folds of cows. Your hatred of her manifests as insane assumptions and trying to insult her taste in movies because you know nothing about her. We get it, you’re unmedicated and don’t remember what fresh air smells like.Now can you stop derailing constantly (especially unsaged?)
(infighting) No. 364215
>>364210I didn’t accuse her of actually looking like that, I said it’s the image that came to mind at the thought of a woman actually enjoying that repulsive pathetic movie. This
>>363820 was my first post in this thread, I’ve never derailed. And new posts should be unsaged in order to move the threads along, this isn’t /snow/
No. 364237
>>364189>It seems like most actors would die to play BondI think it's not always a guaranteed success for the actor. Back in the old Bond days people would be very critical of everyone's performances and rate them against each other harshly and it would cause a career to suffer if they didn't do well. There's a lot of pressure, plus as the years go by the legacy only increases.
Also the reboot hasn't exactly been that great minus Skyfall imo, and even then I can say I think I prefer the spectacle of the movie over the movie itself and just love Judi Dench. Plus every film it seems they're trying to go bigger and more Hollywood. They also keep adding to the legend of Bond instead of being their own film so any scripts or story ideas might be daunting to a new actor. Plus they're coming off of Daniel Craig's well liked performance and a franchise more or less rebooted around him (or at least a series that wound up being about him).
Plus I think the series fucked itself by confirming that this bond is all the other bonds in Skyfall then
actually killing him. Now when they pull the "007 is the moniker not the agent" thing legit (right after disproving this theory as canon in their series up until now) it'll put the newest actor (and the writers) on the backfoot because Daniel Craig is all Bond, and this guy is going to be actually nothing at the start. Unless they claim plastic surgery
No. 364345
>>364221I’ve seen it, and it’s supposed to promote the idea that children want to have sex and should have the freedom to do it.
And by the way God said he couldn’t have sex with her because he was a eunuch, it sounds like you’re the one who didn’t watch it
That’s why he tried so hard to get her married off to the assistant, because he couldn’t sleep with her himself. Your claim that he didn’t want to take advantage of her is completely false because he was trying to convince a man to marry her, and said he could tell they were “in love” despite her being a baby
No. 364349
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>>364345>>364321jesus christ enough. get a containment thread already.
anyway does anyone have recs for good recent asian horror movies? any nationality
No. 364369
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>>364363sorry for the derail but the departed is a remake of a hk movie called infernal affairs that's actually pretty great. haven't watched the departed bc i hate dicaprio but infernal affairs I and II are really enjoyable, definitely recommend
No. 364395
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Movie: Late Night with the Devil
This is going to come to Shudder too. I guess they used AI for the quick break segments, there are 4 images total. Some posters were saying that they could easily go in and edit the images before fully releasing the movie but why would they even do that when they saved money to begin with?
No. 364414
>>364321I was agreeing until she pulled Igor out of thw movie canon and went for a coombaya Frankenstein and Monster on the same team type ending. Victor Frankenstein was never an outcast he just felt guilty for playing God in secret. If he revealed the monster to the world the moids of the time would have ate that shit up as scientific advancement while mostly women and priests argue against it. She also completely ignored Elizabeth's existance in her rewrite and never mentioned that the original story was already a Feminist take.
Eyes Without a Face did the mad scientist and freak daughter better.
No. 364416
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>>364349lmao this exact image is what i've been thinking every time i see that retard posting. poor things was great and i refuse to engage with them
>>364399even if it sucks i'm gonna watch it because david dastmalchian is cute
(just stop) No. 364433
>>364414It's not supposed to suck. That's the problem. This actually garnered a lot of attention and the people who know about the AI are going to be conflicted with wanting to not support job theft and wanting to see a horror movie that everyone is pretty hyped for.
The problem I have is that once movies start implementing the AI replacement of jobs little by little, it becomes a slope. Supporting even the indie stuff with this, which you would think indie artists would know better about protecting jobs, everyone is going to just do it. Normal people aren't going to care or even know about the AI because they don't have stake in the business, but everyone else who knows, artists, graphic designers, and concept artists… People you need to do basics in movies, all movies will do this. The movie looked so good and now I'm just going to wait for a recap or pirate it. I'm not giving money to the creators for probably putting the actors in a situation where they will get harassed over the use of AI too. This also opens up the movie for people to judge if other aspects were written or conceptualized by AI.
No. 364436
>>364416ths image was aimed at everyone posting about poor things whether they liked it or not. yes, you too.
>>364433you're right. they start by cutting corners but even background elements are important. a good set designer and well-done props will go a long way in making a movie look unique and interesting.
it tells me the ppl making these movies have no artistic vision if they think they can just replace that with AI slop. and unfortunately you know studio execs are going to push it snce they care only about the bottom line and not the artistic merits of fimlmmaking. bleak.
No. 364454
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>>364399It was three still images, and they did some further editing
No. 364524
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>want to watch Eyes Without a Face 1960 on the TV youtube for free
>subtitles can't be translated off desktop
At least knowing the plot is getting me through it
No. 364623
This looked interesting until I read the comments and googled the director… he’s a tranny. And some commenters saw this at Sundance or some other film festival and spoiled it, the entire movie is a metaphor for trooning. This is going to suck so hard. (Please god don’t let the fact that Emma Stone produced this crap make the PT infighters come back)
>>364414“Coombaya” is genius nonna
No. 364638
>>364526It's about the dangers of plastic surgery before people understood it
>>364532That's smart, thank you!
No. 364691
>>364661Very disappointed in Dune 2. It felt like they had to fill the plot with things that were covered in the first movie to justify the bloated run time, instead of adding things from the other books instead. Also disliked how self conscious the movie was about being about the most special white boy in the universe. Paul would not fucking say 'they deserve to have one of their own people lead them' kek. Austin Butler was an unexpected highlight for me considering I do not like his face, but he really commits. His impression of Stellan Skarsgaard was really good.
Also disrespectful to the Bene Geserit. Why are they constantly gasping and flinching.
No. 364797
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>>364663Tracked down the comment I saw, just a random comment so take it with a grain of salt I guess but based on the director I wouldn’t be surprised, plus that seems in line with what’s shown in the trailer.
No. 364809
>>364414> and never mentioned that the original story was already a Feminist take.Nonna, she mentions that 2 minutes in.
>Eyes Without a Face did the mad scientist and freak daughter betterGood taste
nonny No. 364914
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>>364105NTA who replied to you, but I watched this last night, thank you a lot for bringing it to my knowledge! Unsettling is right, I had to fast forward in one part (keeping it vague) where the little girl was cut. So I don't know what happened in that scene. Some of it especially at the beginning was tricky to follow, it was super stylish, kind of fantastical, and maybe I'm using this word wrong, but…campy? The script had so many great lines and quips. A very sarcastic kind of delivery style. It was a great watch and the context I read afterwards about its showing and prize-winning at Sundance and all that and then crickets afterwards seems such a shame.
No. 364922
>>364661I loved the cinematography and atmosphere, the harkonnen planet scenes especially had such an oppressive and breathtaking presence.
But the writing and acting itself wasnt impressive. The main leads have no chemistry, and they dont show pauls rise to power and prominence very well - they made the timeline so much shorter than the book. Also it's like they were scared to show the evil of the harkonnens, the power and manipulation of the bene gesserit, it all felt very sanitised and like paul was never in any danger of losing. I don't want to say spoilers outright but even the destruction later on felt weightless.
Also the dialogue in some parts was ridiculous and I could hear other people in the cinema laughing at some moments too (that are supposed to be serious).
All in all even though its better than most trash that comes out these days it's not great - it doesnt seem like a classic or something people would watch over and over.
No. 365380
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the AI bits were distracting and bad. pretty indefensible because they could have easily hired some artists to do better work for a decent price without having to deal with the backlash. as for the movie itself, i loved it. fantastic writing, atmosphere, everything. i definitely want to watch it again. i loved how the ending made it fairly ambiguous. you could argue that there were demonic forces present, or that all of it is jack having a psychotic break from the guilt of killing his wife, triggered by the hypnosis session.
No. 365659
>>364469I just watched it on Paramount+ myself and I don't know how I got through it, especially considering I hate musicals.
Sanitized and yet more sexual makes a lot of sense. Like they took out the part about
the coach and the underage student (fair honestly), Regina's mom offering her condoms. But then there's a whole sexy Halloween dance number and they explicitly say that Karen has fucked 11 different people.The acting felt like high school theater kids trying to re-enact Mean Girls. I guess it's hard not to when the original is so iconic so imitations will always pale in comparison, but there's this specific brand of Gen Z acting that this movie suffers from and I can't put my finger on it. Every character feels like a watered down version of their original counterpart too. Janis's characterization in particular I was super not a fan of.
>>349258My god the fashion was atrocious. The outfits they chose for the first scene of the plastics were so ugly. None of it was preppy rich girl, just cheap knock-off costumes and sheinshit
No. 365701
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>>365423there are already reviews out for this movie, it is literally a metaphor for being transgender.
No. 365820
>>365701lol letterboxd is so retarded. this isn't even a film review. this person just goes "this film rocks, dude. it's like, so good and emotional. and it like, makes my transness feel so
valid. it's so freaking awesome"
No. 365907
>>365895Nothing about this makes me want to watch the film but I am the type of person where seeing a bunch of celebs I know in films just tires me out immediately. So many just repetitive celebs.
Not a film I'd go to watch straight away, one I'd wait for reviews.
No. 365923
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I really liked Possession and I find myself thinking about it often since I've watched it. Both Isabelle Adjani and Sam Neill were great in their roles. Do you know anything similar in terms of atmosphere, nonnies?
No. 365988
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>>365923Made me think of 3 Women 1977. You might want to check out the art house horror movies that were made around the same time frame as Possession. If you liked performances there is also Nosferatu The Vampyre 1979 with Isabelle Adjani and In the Mouth of Madness 1994 with Sam Neill. Both are horrors. I didn't watch Nosferatu yet but Mouth of Madness was pretty good.
No. 366115
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>>365967I’d love that because I was looking up reviews for a movie I want to go see and found this hysterical review. She’s crying over this shit
No. 366191
>>366189>>366183It was this one, it is this one. Why did youtube give me an old trailer? I'd heard that after the Barbie movie success there was going to be a movie based on the books. I assumed that meant they were going to make more than the ones they already had and this was the follow-up to that article from last year.
I'm confused about getting a trailer for this.
No. 366274
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>>365923Jacob's Ladder, Repulsion. Wish there were more movies like these with female leads though.
No. 366287
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>>366270hope you enjoy anon! i don't think anyone who wasn't told it was ai or plays around in ai programs would notice it at all.
>>366273ayrt, i'm a huge fan of the VHS series and no… they aren't at all the exact same thing. LNWTD had a completely different vibe. 94 is among the worst in the series too, 1 + 2 are the best.
No. 366598
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>>366595idk anything about argylle, did she gain weight on purpose for the role or is it natural? she seems very covered-up and ashamed of it in pics i'm seeing of the movie which makes me sad
No. 366608
>>366595>>366598She talks about it in time interview.
She didn't gain for the role, was approached for the role and said she would't lose weight for it, kinda love that she does still look great. She was absolutely tiny doing Jurassic world.
No. 366617
>>366598She's so pretty in Jurassic world. I don't know why she would gain so much weight, even for a role. Seems like she regrets it.
>>366608The movie actually looks good, but I hate henry cavill and his ugly vegeta hairline.
No. 366943
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>>366936may not perfectly fit what you're looking for but I always liked Freeway (1996). Have you seen any you like?
No. 366944
>>366936not sure if these all qualify as "rage" but i do think they deal with similar ideas: daisies, raw, thoroughbreds, excision, the loved ones, the novice, fun (1994), in my skin, sick of myself, 2DLK, and thelma
No. 367015
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Just watched The Cell. I had hoped it would be awesome but it was just okay. 13 Ghosts is way better and Jlo is a bad actress. Vince Vaughn threw me off a little too. I liked the concept but it focused too much of her being a savior and then she turns into a serial killer. Or rather it leaves that open to interpretation. I took the ending as she was just starting out.
No. 367117
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speaking my truth! i liked this is me… now
the movie is genuinely objectively bad but what i love about it the most is the visuals. it’s a fun movie to watch! also jlo basically had all of us listen to her album by using it as the soundtrack… i might have to give her her 10s for this
No. 367131
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>>366936I think the Craft fits your criteria though it's not extreme rage, more like extreme emotions overall
Also First Wives Club for a more comedic approach to female revenge and rage.
No. 367197
>>367117I love the text on screen in the trailer that says
from the HEART from the SOUL from the DREAMS of Jennifer Lopez lol
No. 367198
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>>366944NTA but The Novice looks like an amazing movie thank you I'm gonna watch it
No. 367649
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Just saw that shitty Sydney Sweeney romcom from last year and Sydney hate aside, it just really bad and the black guy friend was insufferable and maybe the worst character i have ever seen on a romcom, no chemistry between the leads and kinda wanted everyone to murder each other at the end. My god what awful fucking movie.
I didn't cared enough to find a high res version of the poster, I'm glad it bombed.
No. 368091
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We should do a Cannon Movie Tales watch night, these are so charming. Rumpelstiltskin is one of my favorites, I like how Amy Irving as the heroine is older than your usual teenage fairytale lead, and the prince is cute lol. She performed the songs herself too
No. 368096
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>>365988yes anon, i adore 3 women! i wrote a paper about it. i highly recommend it, the way altman portrays women is the best we can get from a male director, the cinematography and costumes are beautiful and the idea to put sissy spacek and shelley duvall in main roles was simply divine (it actually came to him in a dream). a masterpiece for autistic weirdo women.
No. 368441
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>>368427the first spongebob movie is amazing even if you're not into spongebob
No. 368442
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>>368427hot fuzz always makes me laugh too
No. 368460
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>>368427have you ever seen galaxy quest? it's a fun movie with a great cast (tim allen is the main character but everyone else outshines him).
No. 368532
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>>368524the garden of the finzi-continis (1970) by vittorio de sica
No. 368546
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>>368524blue valentine, the life aquatic with steve zissou, lost in translation, big fish, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, everything everywhere all at once (ymmv on that one, some people hated the humor of it, but the way they portrayed the multiverse shook me to my core)
No. 368554
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>>368524Lilya 4-Ever, Oslo August 31st, The Life of Oharu, Au Hasard Balthazar, Han Gong-ju, Bastard Out of Carolina, Happiness, Johnny Got His Gun, Kids, Silenced, Precious, The Green Mile, The Florida Project, The Innocents (2016)
No. 368571
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>>368524microhabitat, a death in the gunj, nothing bad can happen, christine (1987), hotel coolgardie (not sure if documentaries are cheating), nitram, control (2007), sound of metal, and vagabond come to mind. maybe these are more so just depressing instead of tragic, though.
No. 368584
>>368546EEAAO was SO good and so hard hitting. I watched this with my friends too, and I cried so much I was choking and hiccuping and used up an entire box of tissues. In retrospect it really wasn't THAT sad… but very very good nonetheless. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is definitely something I want to watch but I think my friend has already seen it.
>>368554I've been meaning to watch Lilya-4-ever forever (lol). I predict it'll majorly fuck me up. I've seen The Florida Project and it was good, the acting was amazing especially for such young children but the ending was dumb for me and ruined it.
>>368578I appreciate it though!! Thank you everyone who replied, we're aiming to flood the room with our tears.
No. 368654
>>368524I didn't think I had any recommendations nonas didn't already suggest, but there's also Plague Dogs
>>360311If you want something you won't be able to watch, there's Earthlings
>>>/m/284034My Girl is also good if you want a regular sad movie not too mentally scarring just good for some waterworks. I don't like to recommend movies with mainly child actors because i don't think children should be acting lol but it's a good movie they do a good job
No. 368664
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>>368524grave of the fireflies is the only ghibli movie i've watched just once because it was so horribly depressing
No. 368691
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>>368685let’s watch silly action comedies together anon
No. 369443
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>>368524PULSE (Kiyoshi Kurosawa) Japanese language
>Set in Tokyo, ghost have begun invading the world of the living via the internet. Plant shop employee Michi Kudo discovers that her coworker Taguchi has committed suicide and become a ghost.TWO DAYS, ONE NIGHT (Luc Dardenne, Jean-Pierre Dardenne) French language
>A working-class woman learns that she will lose her job because her coworkers were promised bonuses if they voted to make her redundant. She must convince each of them to give up their bonuses to protect her livelihood.THE HUNT (Thomas Vinterberg) Danish language
>A kindergarten teacher is wrongly accused of sexually abusing a child. The village takes the child's side.THE CELEBRATION (Thomas Vinterberg) Danish language
>A family gathers to celebrate their patriarch's 60th birthday. A terribly family secret is revealed.INCENDIES (Denis Villeneuve) French/Arabic language
>After their mother dies, Canadian twins Jeanne and Simon travel to their mother's native country in the Levant. Her tragic past amongst a bloody civil war is revealed.TOWER (Keith Maitland) English language
>Semi-animated documentary film about the 1966 University of Texas shootings. In a country plagued by school shootings, one day in 1966 proved to be one of the deadliest school shootings in the country's history.ROOM (Lenny Abrahamson) English language
>A young woman has been held captive for seven years in a garden shed. Her five-year-old son is a product of rape. The two hatch and execute an escape plan.GREEN ROOM (Jeremy Saulnier) English language
>A broke self-made punk band arrive to perform at a bar in Portland, Oregon, only to realize the venue is a Nazi skinhead bar. They stumble upon a murder in the green room. The proprietors will not let them leave so easily.BLUE RUIN (Jeremy Saulnier) English language
>A homeless man discovers that the man who killed his parents 20 years earlier has been let out of prison. He sets out for revenge.THE RETURN (Andrey Zvyagintsev) Russian language
>Two Russian boys' father suddenly returns home after a 12 year absence. He takes the boys on a holiday to a remote island on a lake. No. 369469
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>>369443>INCENDIES Seconding this a hundred times, it's so good
No. 369660
>>369616I only have a vague memory of it but I did watch it. I don't remember thinking it was a moidy
boo-hoo but what about how false accusations ruin men's lives? sort of film but it has been a while. In the reality of the movie plot he is innocent and it's more about how everyone else acts or decides to believe whatever they're going to believe sometimes without their reasoning being very logical because they are so swept up in their emotions that they stop listening to anyone
even the kid when she tells them he didn't do anything. I need to watch it again though because I vaguely remember wondering
wait, am I supposed to think he could have done it? No… The movie gets in your head a little.
I get where you're coming from though, I watched some netflix slop with a similarish premise and it irritated me the whole time how it was handled (a priest was being accused of having CP on his compute but it wasn't his…. he was protecting a pedophile out of pity though so it was hard to feel bad for him and the entire plot just seemed in poor taste because of the rampant sexual abuse in churches.) But Hunt wasn't super shitty like that where the guy is clearly trash but you're supposed to feel bad for him. The character in Hunt is actually likeable and the drama is intense.
No. 369664
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>>360311This movie and Watership Down scarred me for life when I watched them as a kid.
No. 369785
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i recently watched play misty for me. clint eastwood plays a radio show host who attracts the biggest stalker bpd chan on the planet and she spends most of the film fucking up his life in every possible way. i'm a big fan of movies with a completely insane female character tormenting a moid, like fatal attraction and swimfan, so i thoroughly enjoyed this one.
No. 369835
>>369823Ok here it goes: first, the women. They don't even speak. The camera lingers on their tits. All they do is cry and get raped. The film doesn't tell their story at all and treats them like exploitation porn. The camera itself is a nazi towards women.
"6 million was murdered but let's celebrate the 600 who weren't" is a mindset I don't approve of. I fucking hate Schindler in general. He's morally grey but is turned into a Chris Evans type of "he's so me" character. It's meant to appeal to the audience. The focus isn't even on the jews, it's on the Hollywood Hero Man. It's a misery porno meant to excel in profits and nothing else. Also 3 hours? Fuck off.
No. 370042
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watched christine (2016) tonight, and i'm not sure how to feel about it. i'm not sure if there should have ever been a film made about christine chubbuck, or if a man deserved to write/direct her "story." is there even a "story" to be told? can you reduce a real woman to a character in a 123 minute long film? i suppose it is better than that god awful movie network that was inspired by her, turning a tragedy into a male power fantasy…
its always the films you see yourself in, huh.
No. 370046
>>365967I feel like I have to just scroll down the letterboxd homepage to "popular reviews this week" to get instanted turned off from seeing a (often recent) movie. I don't believe that's always the movie's fault. But man is the average letterboxd crowd doing the opposite of selling Monkey Man.
>>370042I met a moid film program grad type guy who said Network was in his top 5 faves. I haven't watched it yet. Should I now be worried?
No. 370066
>>370042I've seen this a few times, I enjoyed it but I am also conflicted about it. She was a seriously troubled woman, but her last words were a statement about how news media prioritizes blood and gore over uplifting stories. And here we are watching a movie about her that wouldn't have been made if not for how her life ended in blood and gore.
I think at least, it's a very honest look into the mind of a severely mentally ill person, and how they can slip through the grasp of the people who love them. Same as you, I think a lot of my fascination with it is because I relate to her.
No. 370622
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I never liked Twilight but i like Warm Bodies, i don't think it's a good movie or that it's a good romance but it makes me feel like it was almost a shitpost on that era where spooky/creepy gf anime was kinda popular (Sankarea/Another/Dusk Maiden Of Amnesia).
I want more cheesy monsterboy bf movie attempts.
No. 370764
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rewatched picrel again, now wanting to watch more sandra huller or courtroom dramas in general.
is toni erdmann worth the watch? i've heard a few good things about it, but also the person that recommended it to me has no standards so i'm taking the rec with a grain of salt.
No. 370893
>>370622I love this movie with all my heart.
>>370785holy smokes thanks for this! The world need more zombie bf movies.
No. 371202
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Nonas. Drop me a movie that sticks with you. I mean in the way that it made you feel so many things, had you thinking about it for weeks after watching. For me this was nocturnal animals. Not only was it incredibly beautiful to watch but the tone so brilliantly conveys the darkness between the two leads. Jake Gyllenhaal was fantastic, so was Amy Adams. I watched it years and years ago but my mind goes back to it often.
No. 371206
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>>371202happy together (1997)
No. 371207
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>>371202Can't pick a single one. The Turin Horse, Au Hasard Balthazar, and Poetry were the ones that stay with me the most.
No. 371282
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HUNGER. I thought this was going to be a fun takedown type of movie, but it wasn't. The ending was so dumb and completely disappointing and unsatisfying.
No. 371284
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>>371202Curse of the golden flower (2006)
also ivan the terrible (1945) but if i keep bringing it up ill look like a personalityfag
No. 371904
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>>371202wake in fright. what a fantastic and disturbing movie, truly captures the horror of
toxic masculinity and the way men spur each other on. haunting ending, but in such a mundane way.
others that stuck with mind include let the right one in (literally my favorite romance movie, i think it really does capture the purity of love you feel for others as a child), top of the heap (fascinating and unique look into the struggle black men feel at wanting to be "the man" similar to white men and the ways they lash out at never truly being able to achieve this fantasy), daddy (1973) (a slightly fictionalized exploration of niki de saint phalle's tragic childhood due to the abuse of her father), and i could go on and on but i'll stop lol.
No. 371909
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A24 using ai too now
No. 372047
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>>371909Samefag, but just got wind of the Netflix one too. We don't acting like LNWTD wasn't too bad are the ones who enabled this. So many jobs are going to be lost in movies and production in the next year because of this.
No. 372127
>>371909Eh, not that bad.
>>372047While i disagree that this is wrong and really fucked up
and that they are massive retards for not hiding it well enough Late Night with the devil was an amazing movie and AI art shouldn't be detrimental to it's reputation, it should infact be a plus for artists experimenting with new tech.
No. 372182
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>>372127>it should infact be a plus for artists experimenting with new tech.except it looks like shit and there's plenty of artists who drew better renditions for free. i loved the movie but come on now.
No. 372659
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I just watched this movie called Butcher, Baker, Nightmare Maker and I thought it was a lot of fun if you're into shitty, low budget 80s slashers. The standout point for me was how the final girl is a cute guy instead and there are multiple scenes where he is vulnerable and crying, which was refreshing. Are there any other horror movies that feature a guy as the "final girl" instead?
Also, is it just me or were men more sexualized in movies than they are now? I mostly watch horror movies so I can't speak for movies as a whole, but I've noticed that quite a few movies from the 70s and 80s will feature male nudity in a way that is obviously meant to objectify the actor, which surprised me. Nowadays if you do see male nudity, the guy is usually out of shape and not very attractive and it's not in an objectifying way.
No. 372686
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>>372659that movie is an old favorite of mine, just so much fun! we definitely need more final boys, but some classic examples i can think of are: tommy jarvis in jason lives (he has a trilogy but he is only cute in this one), NOES 2 and the 2012 reboot (its shit but quentin is pretty cute, he isn't as big as a focus as the female lead is tho), the hitcher 1986 (absolutely delicious male whump, probably the closest to what you want), the lost boys, night of the creeps, the burning, the loved ones (a cute boy with long hair and a female villain, very good), and fright night.
some of these are debatable, but its hard to make a good list.
No. 372702
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AI controversy aside, Late Night With the Devil was one of those horror movies that leaves you frustrated because everything about it was mediocre. Every character was a walking trope, full of exposition dumps and bashing the viewer in the head with foreshadowing that made the reveal pretty obvious in the first twenty minutes. So many movies have done closed-room mysteries/confined sets really well and the camera work in this made it one of the least visually engaging ones I've ever seen. Mostly I'm embarrassed for the production team because for a big theatrical release it felt as cheap as a Youtube creepypasta vid with it's jumpscares and special effects (I'm sure there's creepypastas made by teenagers that are more fun to watch). You'd think all the references to real life happenings and people of the time would make it interesting but it's so dry. The skeptic was just James Randi. The psychic was just Uri Geller. Wow the satanic panic, not like every possession movie set in the 70s hasn't done it twenty times over. The entire thing was a linear vehicle with no buildup for an overplayed, predictable ending. If anyone was even slightly intrigued by this I advise you to watch Berberian Sound Studio. If you're more into the possession stuff watch Session 9.
No. 372710
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>>372686Incredibly based taste. NOES 2 is so fun and I didn't realize they made a reboot of it! Thank you for all these recommendations, I felt bad that I couldn't think of many other movies to recommend the other nona who replied to me. It seems as though sexualizing men in 80s horror movies is quite common and yet I can't think of too many examples off the top of my head from specific movies.
>>372666Sadly I can't remember a lot, but I do remember that the Killing Kind (1973) was another movie I watched where I was surprised by how objectified the male lead was. Also Nightmare on Elm Street features pre-wall Johnny Depp in a crop top. Even Cannibal Holocaust has a gratuitous nude scene with one of the young male actors (who had a surprisingly nice body lol), although I don't know if I'd recommend that movie just for that one scene because it's a very brief moment. It's just weird that horror movies don't do that anymore. You'd think that with changing social expectations that you'd see more of that stuff, not less.
No. 372990
>>372987Actually it was your post that finally inspired me to watch it because you mentioned Bohemian Grove. The big cultural and media shift of 70s America is interesting to me but disappointingly the era had absolutely no bearing on the plot in that
the cult itself wasn't really relevant and could have been any cult from the 60s/70s/80s, maybe they chose Bohemian Grove to be subversive since it's not as ubiquitous as the Mansons. I felt the same disappointment as you about Parasite, too. Thanks for your interesting review!
No. 373507
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>>373140gary bond? no, he isn't.
No. 373531
>>373005nta but it really did feel like a tv show. why are the uri gellar and james randi archetypes bad? the host was just a carson wannabe and gus was just ed mcmahon, so what? all the actors were great and believable. i also feel like this is the first analog horror movie we've gotten because it's not really found footage.
the only complaint i had with the movie was that i'm not sure how we, the viewer were able to see behind the stage for the necessary exposition but that's a minor nitpick. this was incredible for an indie movie breakout with a small budget.
No. 373586
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watched the passenger. extremely boring, absolutely nothing going for it aside from having kyle gallner in it (he's ugly now but i can appreciate a good scream king). i'm very sick of these thriller films about some guy and another guy driving around and committing violence in order to kind-of skirt around discussing their trauma, or whatever.
No. 373599
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The worst scene was when the Aunt died but you could see her breathing and laughing.
No. 373605
>>373602that's not true.
>>373603ignore them they're lying. there were some bans upthread when poor things sperging got out of hand.
No. 373606
>>373605>that's not true.???
>>366230 was a normal non-infight post that got banned
No. 373622
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It was ok. Predictable, but still somehow managed to capture a bit of interest for me to finish it. It's the typical story of how a girl gets into the fast money lifestyle and ends up losing everything. Not bad for a Tubi movie. Way better than this
>>373599 crap.
No. 373840
>>373755They are ghetto-independent Tubi movies. They have over-the-top plots, usually about street life or some raunchy revenge-type shit. It's low-quality entertainment. I like them because they're unintentionally funny.
>>373647Thank you nona.
No. 373841
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Suffocated. Watch this shit if you want to laugh. It's terrible, even by Tubi ghetto standards. TLDR; Lexy has a shitty, cheating drug dealer boyfriend, but she's too dumb to break up, so chaos ensues. The MC was so dumb, I got pissed off at her. Picnic in a driveway? Not even a park? And all the unnecessary sex scenes with the terrible soundtrack were just overkill. I keked at the druglord giving Mike the coke in a ziplock bag. It's a dumpster fire movie. 0.5/5
No. 373851
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I enjoyed the reenactment of Andrew's interview in this kek. Although of all the journalist movies I felt this was one of the most "mundane" if that makes sense and packed less of an emotional punch
No. 373853
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finally saw this after years of seeing it shilled on social media and I can see both why people criticize and enjoy it. it's a very aesthetically pleasing movie that glimpses into the haze of adolescence the girls are going through, but at other times is very tense, heavy and unnerving. also I feel like a lot of 13 year olds unless you were either very popular or a loose leashed LA 13 year old are nowhere near as promiscuous or risky as the characters in it are either, even if part of it was based on reed's own experiences
No. 374093
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Watched Challengers for the first time. Was scared at first because I don't like seeing women getting shafted for the sake of men in movies, especially gay men, but this one was good. Zendaya acted perfectly, and was a Stacy the whole time, despite her being pretty abusive. I know people came out of the movie hating her, but honestly, she was living the dream. The blonde one was cuter than he looked, but I wish the other guy was more attractive. Still gave it five stars for the drama because I love to see a dominant woman in media. Zendaya was so cute in this movie. Also to anyone who was scared of seeing this movie just in case it got weird, Zendaya doesn't get naked, the men are all sexualized, sort of in a gay moid way but if you like men then you'll be alright.
No. 374096
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>>361608Not that Oscars mean anything, but at least the franchise will get more exposure. Here's hoping for a sequel to -1.
No. 374187
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What are your thoughts on Labyrinth? I fully admit that most of my love for it is from nostalgia since I grew up watching it with my family and associate it with good memories. even watching it now I’m still mesmerized by it. I know most people view it as the David bowie bulge movie but I guess I can overlook it since I didn’t see anything weird about it as a kid kek. It makes me so sad that nothing like it will ever be made again since cgi is replacing puppetry/practical sets.
No. 374241
>>374093Nona were the guys' looks more tolerable in motion? Because I saw a picture of them in the Ugly men psyop thread and I was devastated both for Zendaya having to go through that AND the female audience for being denied a FMM scene with actually attractive guys.
Beyond that, your description of the movie sounds intriguing and maybe I'll end up watching it.
No. 374299
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>>374241They're more tolerable, and I guess it's a "different strokes for different folks" because the girls I saw it with all found picrel hot and I thought he was ugly. By lolcow standards, you probably will find the guys ugly. But by regular, normie standards they're fine. It might just be a vibe thing too because some girls liked that his personality was abrasive, meanwhile, I preferred the blonde one because he was basically a doormat for Zendaya. Also if you don't mind spoilers for the FMM scene
it's much shorter, Zendaya doesn't even sleep with them. She just watches them kiss and then says she doesn't want to be a homewrecker and leaves. No. 374503
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>>374093I also loved this, it’s super entertaining and one of the sexiest movies I have ever seen (and it doesn’t have any actual sex scene). I don’t know how anyone can hate Tashi besides failmales, she was based the whole time.
And yes, the blonde one didn’t look too bad, especially with longer hair. The other one is way too British looking but we never stood a chance, picrel are other possible casting choices. All fucking uggos.
No. 374521
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>>368546thanks nonna for the recommendation, loved the film. it was really sweet, and i've been recently loving everything that has to do with the chinese immigrant experience so this was a fine time to watch it.
on a different note, i saw Take This Waltz and seems it was a good time for that too, it hit me. the reviews are pretty mixed, others thought it was empty and the mc was annoying, but idk i found it poignant and sort of relatable?
No. 374534
>>374493huh? i've never been to /tv/ in my life, "flick" is common slang. even the mainstream press uses "chick flicks" or "action flicks". where do you think the "flix" in netflix came from?
>>374299im sure o'connor is a good actor but i'll never be able to think of him as anything but prince charles ngl
No. 374665
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Twisted Marriage Therapist. Part of the "Twisted" Tubi movie series. It's a spicy suspense drama. TLDR; A couple with marital issues seeks guidance from a therapist, not knowing her sinister motives. This is a Tubi original, meaning no iPhone cameras, better acting, and better wigs. In other words, they upped the production, and it is similar to Lifetime's (but don't expect anything too stellar). As with every movie in this niche, it's predictable, but the plot is (somewhat) interesting enough to keep the viewer engaged. It also features lesbianism, if that piques your interest. I would recommend it if you're looking for a silly thriller. Don't look too much into the plotholes or MC's naiveness.
No. 374786
>>373600I agree some of his previous movies were far better. I watched and mostly felt it didn't deliver anything well. It goes all over the place and it looks bad. Honestly, I wasn't completely surprised, I remember the first movie I watched from him was dogtooth and that movie is also kinda pointless.
>>374187I always liked the movie and the song, but even back then Bowie's character weirded me out but I couldn't say exactly why. I still love how it looks.
No. 374825
>>374093I seem to be the only one who found it boring and dragged out. I found the characters to have no chemistry, the sex scenes were clumsy and the music design was really fucking annoying, could barely hear the actors when the techno music was blaring
The visuals were nice, I saw what the director was doing with the colours and I thought that was kinda neat
No. 374885
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>>374665I love when nonas come here and post about movies like this. No pretentious artsy stuff with a deep meaning, just some silly movie where you can turn your brain off and enjoy. Reminds me of that one Omar Epps movie Fatal Affair where picrel from a scene got turned into a meme for a minute kek. Similar low budget, predictable story but it was decent entertainment for an hour and a bit
No. 375164
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what was even the point of this movie?
No. 375204
>>375164Oh, I went back and watched this in October when I was looking for spooky movies. It took a while to remember the plot to find it because all I could remember was "woman's husband died, she keeps having flashbacks and tries to stop it".
I think they wanted it to be a suspense tragedy which is fine, but I wish they kept it from being a groundhog day mystery and more of having her cope after a sudden death and living with survivor's guilt. Like, we didn't need to see what happened in order for her to cope, especially when it just comes back around to her being fine in the end when getting out of bed with her kids. Should've just been her trying to live her life and maybe have made it "Who killed my husband", but the tanker truck makes that's obvious lol
No. 375240
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This was a great horror movie and I will die on that hill.
The director's short film "Heck" is even more disturbing.
No. 375344
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>>375243Reminds me of this poster for Pyewacket.
It's like the stuff i would make in 2008-2010 for my friends screamo-band. No. 375424
>>375204The plot ultimately makes very little sense to me and the only highlight was Sandra's acting which she seems to give even in bad movies. It's even more empty than the average bad nonsensical "mind screw" movie which I usually like watching for shits and giggles
No. 375583
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Someone recommended this movie to me
>it's just like Jacob's Ladder
Yeah sure, if Jacob's Ladder got turned into a bad movie with terrible acting and script. Keira sounds and acts so bad. I can only imagine the director asked her to act like a complete idiot, some scenes are just dumb, like the one she is biting her lip. Don't get me started on the "romance" of this movie. It's been so long since I watched such a pointless and shitty movie.
No. 376396
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>>375424AYRT, I would always just revert back to 'The Others' as being the perfect mind fuck movie. I've rewatched it so many times because the scene where they realize what's happened is such a shock. They directed it so well.
No. 376443
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>>375240this movie filled me with a dread i've never felt in another horror movie. this weird innate fear we seemingly have all felt as children when it's dark in the house and there's a sense that something is off in the atmosphere. also,
one of my greatest fears is being stuck in a time loop and that seems to be all this entity is doing. trapping people in some repetitive hell they can't escape No. 376468
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has anyone seen the outwaters? i saw multiple reviews describing it as a disorienting and unsettling viewing experience but i found it so underwhelming that i fell asleep watching it. the idea of wandering aimlessly through the desert with no hope of rescue while suffering from a serious head wound and being stalked by your attacker who has also violently murdered your friends is pretty scary but there was way more emphasis on the experimental aspect of the film than on the actual storyline.
No. 376549
>>374093I don't understand the takes about Zendaya being evil or being a villain. But I don't agree with you that she was
abusive or that she was living the dream. She was too good for both the men which is why she was never truly happen with just one of them. I got the impression we were supposed to think she was perfect aside from the cheating. I think she lost her dominance and conscious manipulativeness after her injury and she only started rediscovering herself towards the end of the film, in between she was acting on subconscious instinct. I'm not angry with her at all. Loved the movie.
No. 376553
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Have any anons seen Civil War? I saw it last night with my dad and ended up really liking it. Ngl I didn't know anything about this movie before my dad asked me to go see it with him, but I saw it was directed by Alex Garland, which piqued my interest. Based on the title I felt a little skeptical, but the direction the film took was pretty interesting. I liked how it ended up being more of a character driven movie about the photojournalists than about the civil war itself (like it's never said how it started) and how fucked up being in a war zone is. I know a lot of people are probably expecting some rightoid shit since right wingers are the ones who want a civil war to happen, but that's not the case at all with this movie. On another note, Jessie (the one on the right in picrel) is so frustrating, she's such a dumbass at times like how she ended up getting Lee killed…also I don't understand why she was using a film camera kek. Barely any photographers use those anymore but also who the fuck has time to develop film when you're in a war-torn area trying to survive
No. 376620
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The past few months on here and other websites people have brought up about Aaron Taylor-Johnson and most of it is in relation to his marriage but other than that I don't know anything about him so I figured I would watch some stuff he was in so I picked Kick -Ass. It was alright and I just started 2. As far as 1 goes it has some slightly disgusting teenage boy humor but overall it's like hearted enough and jokey. One thing that continued to throw me is how high ATJ's voice is. It was so unexpected to me based on his looks that I had to rewind parts and retake it in. I'm two minutes into 2 and he still talks like that. He was also apparently in Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging but I haven't seen it since it was on Nickleodeon years ago
No. 376623
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Watching picrel for the first time (I know, I live under a rock) and finding it not as compelling as I was expecting. The romantic upper class vibe is vaguely annoying to me, not sure pretentious is the right word but it's something close. Should I give it more of a chance?
No. 376625
>>376623I think the
#cum peach scene is too specific to be fictional, I'm 100% sure that came from real life. Certain scenes and actions seemed too cringe to be imaginary which was the most interesting part about the film to me. It was like the 4th wall kept being broken while I was watching it.
No. 376718
>>374187I was 19 or 20 when I watched it for the first time so it doesn't have a nostalgic value to me and I found some parts a bit annoying (like with those creatures in the woods?) but in overall it's a good old fairytale movie and I share this feeling:
>It makes me so sad that nothing like it will ever be made again since cgi is replacing puppetry/practical sets.I always think about it rewatching The Neverending Story. Movies like this have a lot of charm and what I also like is that they're filled with various emotions, so they don't seem as superficial as some newer fantasy movies. They can be pretty gloomy and even somewhat depressive at times, and in newer films, when something tragic happens, the plot just quickly moves on… You're not really emotionally involved there. I wonder if kids ever get sad or scared watching these movies.
>>376396Nta, it's such a nice movie, I also rewatched it many times. It's pretty simple, not overcomplicated or anything, and yet it works so well.
No. 376918
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I watched the City Hunter live action movie, don't know the comic, don't know the anime, the only exposure i have of it was him being playable on that shitty bamco crossover 3D fighter, Jump Force.
The overall meme with him was that he was a character that just used a normal gun in a context of super powers and magic and I have to say the movie has some more of that and absolutely does not explain his whole deal with weapons, i guess he is just really good at shooting.
So from the beginning i can tell this was directed, written and choreographed by a moid, the main character is like a huge pervert but also just "perfect" he can't lose a fight nor get hit, he lands every shot and barely ever gets hurt.
is that his true super power?
The protagonist's friend is not as perfect and i guess he is the self insert for every fat weeb that was hyped for this movie because he is just as much of a pervert and dies 20 mintues into the movie, but like gets hit by a truck and doesn't die until 10 minutes after some druggie stabs him
the friend's sister takes his place and she is pretty much useless and barely does anything in the movie because according to the script she is just inferior to her brother because she is adopted and a woman.
The McGuffin of the movie is a girl that just happens to be a cosplayer that gets introduced to also be a druggy who has super powers but once the main guy "rescues" her she just doesn't have them anymore, don't know what's up with that.
There's a scene where he obstructs the view of perverts that want to take upskirt pictures of the cosplayer so I guess he is a "good" pervert and i swear that convention scene could be an Andrew Dobson reference
The super henchmen that fight with City Hunter are a fat guy and a woman and he obviously wins because one is a fat guy and the other is a woman.
The friend's sister ends up moving with him and trashes all of his porn which i guess is a good ending, Netflix at it again with the endless trash
So yeah, City Hunter the tale of an invincible pervert with the super power of giving a power fantasy to the 0% self aware moids.
I probably wrote this somewhere else but this why fuckin hate anime because it appeals to like the male fantasy and that's just totally wrong.
No. 377466
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Yesterday I gave Persona (1966) a try since one anon posted that she didn't like it and it was in my list. I enjoyed this film, mainly because the acting was excellent. Some of the dialogues made me very uncomfortable though I hate when men write about post partumdepression, pregnancy or sexuality from a female pov, it feels wrong, unrealistic and inaccurate. The tension between Elisabet and Alma was perfectly achieved through each of their interactions, despite Elisabet being a mute. I knew beforehand that there was some jungian thing going on and it made me have a different perspective while observing the women, that was very interesting. My favourite line was delivered by the doctor at the beginning while she was talking to Elisabet. Another aspect I really liked was being able to see so clearly the actresses' skin texture, it gave a very raw touch to the photography, almost as if I was watching a play in real life in a theater, something intimate. I feel like my mind and my eye are not culturally educated enough to appreciate films like this but I still liked Persona and I'm looking forward to watch more of his movies. His short series, Fanny and Alexander (1982), is actually really good but, again, it has some of the flaws I pointed out in the first spoiler.
No. 377493
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>>377466It's a beautifully made movie, but I kind of got filtered towards the end. These kind of films are frustrating to me, since I always like many of the individual parts, but they don't come together into a cohesive whole. Pic related.
No. 377529
>>376549She had Art trapped in that marriage (even though, yes, they could've divorced), but she was pretty obviously emotionally
abusive and even did so while knowing she had control over his career and the decisions he made in his life. But I mostly agree with all you're saying, and I don't think our opinions are saying two entirely different things
No. 377533
>>377493> These kind of films are frustrating to me, since I always like many of the individual parts, but they don't come together into a cohesive whole.Yes, exactly, I guess they're made that way, at least it seems partially intentional. I just watched the trailer of
Jacob's Ladder and it's the kind of movie I enjoy kek so I'll add it to my list
No. 378686
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What do you think about Spring Breakers nonnas?
No. 378762
>>376549I think people tend to pit the 3 together too much when they're all flawed and hurt each other in different ways at different times (shrug). Tashi wasn't too "good" for either of them, what she wanted was a pet tennis boyfriend to live through vicariously since she couldn't play anymore. She loved tennis above all which is why she could never fully connect with Art or Patrick, and Patrick calls this out pretty explicitly.
And I think her continued draw to Patrick was that he could "challenge" her in ways she needed as someone obsessed with competition, whereas Art was like a dog at her heel. But Patrick wasn't willing to put tennis first for her, so even though he had a better dynamic with Tashi he would never give her what she wanted. And I think the ending kind of shows the only way the trio work is AS a trio, or at least Tasha can only have 100% of what she needs if she has both Art and Patrick.
No. 380741
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Nonnas, I just saw the first Terminator movie for the first time and I'm kinda pissed because Arnold was actually slightly cute at the beginning, but then they burnt off his eyebrows and his hair so he spent half of the movie looking UGLY until they fucked up his face some more so that at least it actually looked cool with the robot effects. The fake head was also laughably bad, though.
As for the actual movie, I don't really have any strong feelings. I just feel that Robocop did the soldier roboguy concept better, especially in terms of acting (Arnie kept doing funny faces during the action scenes even tho he's supposed to have no humanity whatsoever, it was actually distracting to me).
I don't really see the hype for The Terminator, but I've seen some people say they liked Judgment Day better so I'm looking forward to whenever I feel like watching that one anyway.
No. 380886
>>380741>>380865yeah sometimes the first two terminator movies blend together in my mind but Judgment Day is the more fun one. You have to see them in order though, The Terminator sets you up for Judgment Day. I bet it was super hype for everyone in theaters in 1991 when Arnold went from being
the bad guy to being the good guy 7 years after the first movie. I know it got me going when I was a kid watching them on VHS.
No. 381434
>>378762I agree with this. Neither Art nor Patrick could give her everything that she wanted/needed, it took two to do so. I don't think Art or Patrick would have been satisfied with only Tashi either, same as they wouldn't have been happy if they just got together. Like I think they did kind of want to be together and did have sexual chemistry together but it could never be expressed without a woman mediating that between them. It's why Art and Patrick didn't just continue in the bedroom together after Tashi left.
They were only ever gonna be happy as a trio. I've seen takes about how they should have ditched Tashi at the end which IMO neglects the needed role she plays for them, Patrick and Art aren't interested in each other like that unless Tashi is there to bring that out of them.
No. 382574
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Does anyone know if this movie was at some point shilled by coquette/pickme/edchan/minor girls at some point? I had to watch it with a woman i knew and it just seemed odd that she would pick it for certain reasons.
i was also surprised that there were no sex scenes
No. 382765
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>>382574Screenshots of Christina Ricci in Buffalo 66 were all over tumblr back in the day if that means anything. I like Ricci and I always noticed they got a lot of notes. Her makeup and hair were probably style inspo, shots of her in the skimpy dress were reblogged hornily imo.
No. 382904
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Horror nonnas, what did you think of It Follows?
No. 382917
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The quotes are full of people saying that critics are always wrong. I don't know about the quality of the movie, but can't people just accept that not every movie will be good just because it's from a critically acclaimed director? Seems like Twitter film bros just want to prove some point and they're determined to cope their way in.
No. 382928
>>382904I liked it a lot. I like the rules of the curse. A monster who can only
walk towards you and can
change appearances is fun, it was like a nightmare.
No. 384031
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The Virgin Suicides premiered 25 years ago today in Cannes! Not my favourite Coppola movie, but I still love the soundtrack, visuals and eerie atmosphere.
No. 384233
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>>382904one of my favorite modern horror movies ever. i'm so impressed by how they managed to make a normal guy in a white t-shirt terrifying.
>>384226picrel is the type of man to call zendaya mid. she's beautiful. it's fine if you don't think she's attractive but calling her mid is insane
No. 384777
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>>384770Not my thing either, bored me to death for some reason. I watched Mustang which is kinda like a turkish Virgin Suicides and I liked it better.
No. 385837
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>>385831If I remember correctly, Alien passes the Bechdel test (Ripley and Lambert talk about the spacechip alone) and I think Silence of the Lambs passes it too
No. 385854
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>>385849Correction, the alien spared the one male worth saving: Jonesy
:)(no emojis) No. 385856
>>385842I am going to kill Ridley Scott in minecrat
No. 385865
>>382904Didn't age well for my tastes. Concept is cool and creepy, but wouldn't watch it again ever. I think it would feel like a chore. I didn't even think about this movie after i watched it and never wanted to talk with somebody about it, so my opinion about this film is like "eh".
>>385831There is bechdeltest[dot]com
No. 386409
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So Atlas staring Jennifer Lopez, it's just bad
I tried liking it but at some point JLo's acting was very hard to take seriously and by the end it seems like she is simping for AI.
I have never fully played Titan Fall but my mind went on that direction while watching the movie since the sentient robots are introduced (which also feels like an unintended tranny analogy because the first sentient robot is voiced by a woman and says that "she" prefers that people refer to it with "she/her pronouns") i guess whoever made this movie was a fan of the titan fall concept.
kinda sad this is what Randall from this is us is up to now days
No. 386506
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Finally watched The Usual Suspects. It was ok. Overrated but it was intriguing enough for me to finish it. How much of Söze's backstory was real and how much was fake?
No. 386997
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Has any nonna seen Été 85/Summer of 85? Upon rewatching I realized what a wet rag of a character Alex is, no wonder David got bored of him lol.
No. 387006
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I watched Near Dark recently, it was pretty fun. If it wasn't for all the violence it almost felt like a family movie. I know it seems to disappear from streaming sites randomly but it's on Tubi now.
No. 387066
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>>382904I actually really enjoy it and have rewatched it a few times. I like the liminal feeling of the scenes in between the action, of the kids just hanging out together. It reminds me of being that age and just lazing about with no real responsibilities. Which sounds like paradise but there's something sad about it, maybe because it's not forever. Our youth passes us without much fanfare and death comes for all of us–that's definitely one read of the film. Also I like the weird technology they use at times.. like the shellphone(?). It helps the film kind of feel somewhat ageless when we don't have specific iPhones, etc to date it.
No. 387098
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>>387006i fucking LOVE near dark, and i hate vampires generally, near dark and the lost boys are top. did you know near dark was directed by a woman?
No. 387101
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>>387006i LOVE near dark, all those 80s vampire movies are such a treat. fright night is another underrated one, but the subtle homoeroticism of them all is my fave aspect.
>>387098nta but i love kathryn bigelow, she has some really underrated gems. strange days is a masterpiece, i don't care what anyone else says.
No. 387130
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>>387006Near Dark is so good! I love all you Near Dark sisters, 80s vampire movies have my heart.
No. 387153
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speaking of 80s/90s vampire movies, are there any where the goody two shoes protagonist doesn't win? i hate that they always end with the cool ragtag found family group of vampires being murdered with glee, literally could not care less about the losers who got turned and acted like big babies about it. i think it's from the oversaturation of movies where we're meant to sympathize for the schmuck because they still have their humanity or whatever. carpenter's vampires at least painted the coven as truly awful people so you actively want to root for the good guys. i've already seen queen of the damned but is there even anything else
No. 387169
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I have been watching tons of action movies lately. I specially really liked hard boiled by John Woo. Modern actions movies are so insanely soulless though. I refuse to watch john wick, no matter how ''good'' it is i already know its going to look extremely sanitized and clean. Thank god there are tons of 80s-90s hidden gems i can watch.
No. 387326
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I generally hate remakes but I was curious about this one, is it any good?
No. 387608
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"The Exorcist universe" shut the fuck up there's two movies and two novels and nothing else. I wouldn't even be so angry if Doctor Sleep wasn't such an affront to Kubrick, can't wait how he fucks up yet another classic. Only condolences being the new prequels/sequels are so bad this is just another drop in the bucket.
No. 387758
>>387608Flanagan can be weirdly hit or miss but more hits than misses soo that's ok but the exorcist is so boring, I know it says a "new take" but a new take on shit is still just new shit.
He makes such inventive and unique stuff so yeah
>>387612 really seems like a waste to have him do the exorcist of all things.
No. 387782
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Anyone watch this? The title seems familiar, like it’s a remake or a book maybe, but I can’t find anything on Google. Idk, might just be some crazy deja vu.
No. 388318
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The Death Note movies from 2006 are terrible but entertaining
No. 388936
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had Firelight on my backlog for years, finally watched it and it was great. its jane eyre if Jane wasnt retarded, Rochester wasn't an ugly douchebag, and they got to fuck. and the dialogue made me laugh a few times. super underrated as a period piece tbh. if you like historical romance you'll probably love it
No. 388963
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Has anyone seen Furiosa? I liked Fury Road but I mostly disliked this aside from like one action scene. I didn't see ATJ in anything else but I thought she was kind of mediocre as Furiosa. Charlize Theron gave a lot of depth and emotion to the character whereas ATJ's acting felt very flat. Also she looks so tiny and frail compared to Furiosa in the first movie, it's hard to take her seriously. I wish they at least didn't put her in the same costume as in Fury Road because it just looked like she was cosplaying. I hated the stupid ass friendship/romance with whatshisface, he was fucking ugly and boring and underdeveloped and their relationship comes out of nowhere. It's a shame because I thought the characters in Fury Road were fun and interesting, I liked the way they worked together and they had plenty of little interactions and moments where we see their personalities. Chris Hemsworth's character started interesting but by the end I thought he was annoyingly repetitive and felt like a bad comic relief. It's a nitpick but I wish they didn't give her long hair midway through the movie because it would've made a lot more sense for her to keep it short at that point and it felt like it was only there to make her more attractive. And the ending was stupid and too long. Overall the movie felt weirdly paced and messy
No. 388966
>>388963ATJ being picked is the most confusing part for me because she is such a waif, I thought Hollywood was getting less hung up on using visibly strong women but it feels like they scared themselves back to old habits (maybe they think that’s what woke is).
I haven’t seen it yet, I probably will eventually because of the director, but from your description it feels like they potentially tried to humble furiosa’s character by making her visibly more feminine (and therefore less practically because what are women but vain creatures meant to be beautiful and inept).
Is it set when she’s a young teenager or something? I thought the story was she lived as a war boy, had a stint as a wife but lost her arm so stopped being a wife or something, that’s the only position I could imagine she’d have where the impracticality of long hair wouldn’t be a detriment. Anyway, I guess I’ll reserve further judgment until I see it, just don’t want it to end up being a waste of time and money because they decided she needs to be more feminine as apposed to a fully fleshed out character.
No. 388995
>>388963i was very excited when this movie was first rumored, but when the casting wad revealed, i instantly knew it would not live up to fury road. it makes me upset that charlize theron, who truly did elevate the character and had such a strong and incredibly presence (i really could see a woman like her demanding her place on the war rig), wanted to be in their prequel but was dismissed for being too old. as if they couldn't slap some makeup on her, or do some editing. too bad, because i agree about ATJ- she was not believable as a badass, at all, and was horribly miscast. if they had went with a young actress that looked more like charlize, okay, maybe… since she is supposed to be young, but it definitely felt as if they were almost discrediting her as a character by reducing her physical strength.
another nitpick i had was while in fury road, you can very much feel the love she has for the women she is escaping with and the women she is fleeing to see, and these relationships are her priority and what keeps her going. but here in this movie everything she learned was from a man, even though she helped build the war rig, and some of the dialogue choices, particularly near the end when she is talking to dementus (who i understand is supposed to be a dark take on max, as a former father who loses his purpose in the wasteland, but is far too cartoonish to live up to immortan joe in fury road), it makes her feel genuinely stupid. it is almost like the director felt he created a female character that was too badass, and has to make her a braindead, little feminine girl.
he also nerfed the vuvalini, i noticed, by having a bunch of men in the background of their society (even though in an old interview it was canon they would kill their male offspring), and having furiosa instantly trust a male. tragic.
i have some other complaints regarding pacing, the cgi usage, ect. but i just want to say i did really enjoy watching the war boys in this movie. makes me sad that they were my favorite part, even, especially since furiosa has been my favorite female character since i watched fury road as a child. sad
No. 389087
>>389058i definitely agree, and i'm glad to see so many others who feel the same way about the movie after i had moids in my life get mad at me for disliking it.
maybe if she had a shaved head and a lovelock or something similar she was hiding the pit it, it would be more believable. especially with her long hair, i sincerely doubt that she was able to pass as male for as long as she did, i was surprised the war boys seemed completely oblivious. i suppose none of them have spent much time around women, though.
No. 392453
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What do you think of this movie? I'm downloading it to watch it tonight, I'm concerned about the possible rape and grandpafucking scenes mostly
No. 395241
>>395155I am surprised by how bad the trailer looked. I really liked his other movies and this might be okay but the trailer itself is just awful. I blame the studio.
>>395228I agree with you, but I do think in this specific case there was sometimes a sexual element to how Dracula treated and interacted with Harker. But the focus is still on women, yes.
No. 395256
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>>395228>>395239You are both so real for this.
No. 395258
>>395239it should be used as a rape allegory against men, and it should be hot young men being predated by vampires too. not just vampire movies, but horror movies need to get over their obsessed with sexual violence towards women, we already had 50 other movies about their in the last few years. it used to be my favorite genre but i'm so burnt out on it by now.
>>395241that is true, but i would prefer it to be the focus. i honestly think harkers time in the castle is the scariest and best written part in the novel, and i would love for a movie to give it a proper focus, with lots of uncomfortable homoerotic sexual tension. the guy playing hutter in the movie is kind of ugly too, so i don't really care if he is getting predated on, but i hope with its inclusive they don't chicken out and they do make it obvious he was getting molested.
No. 395268
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>>395228>>395239>>395258which is weird because dracula, the book which arguably kicked off the "vampires can be sexy" trend in the first place, was extremely homoerotic.
No. 395282
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>>395206a truly weird trailer. door to door god-botherers don't look like this.
No. 395295
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>>395258>and it should be hot young men being predated by vampires tooonly if the vampires are hot and young themselves, speaking of which I really hate seeing older vampires in media, the point of vampires is not that they are supposed to be immortal and alluring and yet we get too many old and fat vampires
No. 395363
>>395282Yeah I was looking at them like yeah fuckin right these types of girls are going around preaching the good word can't have a he's got them in his basement film without sexy young women. I actually love the type of trapped scared under a mastermind type films (or even just a generic creep if he's handsome) but the
victims always being young women is just tiring. I love films where women and men are
victims who happen to be women and men not female
victims and male
victims (the conference on netflix is a good example of
victims simply happening to be women and men, love that film)
No. 395366
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I’m 2 years late but this movie pissed me off terribly. Then I went to read articles about the true story behind it and got pissed off more.
No. 395368
>>395295To be fair, isn't this a comedy?
I doubt the intention was for any of them to be alluring.
No. 395422
>>395368Personally I think Nadja and Nandor were hot in the first season. But this is a TV show not a movie. There was a movie but that’s
>>395295 not it
No. 395560
>>395363>>395282There were some religious groups that sent attractive young women out to preach or whatever to get more converts, it was called "flirty fishing" by one.
>>395295To be fair, in pic related that was the joke.
No. 395911
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Just watched Blue Steel, it's part of an assignment I have regarding "the daughter archetype and the fathers law". I enjoyed the 2/3rds of it, then it got a bit too much for me. What do you other anons think of it?
No. 395918
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My new favourite film, Hoard. Finally some genuine weird girl representation kek. Made me cry so much & I've watched it 3 days in a row.
No. 395919
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>>395918A moid-free pic in case that's offputting
No. 395948
>>395486The rapes were horrific and systematic and repeating and no one was angry enough, the one angry woman got browbeaten about how angry he she was and the religious shit was maddening and unimportant unless you were trying to make a point about how religion oppresses women which this movie was NOT doing because all the women remain devoutly religious and the religion is not questioned. The fact that someone heard about this story and then made a movie about the fictional conversation that they imagined all the raped women would be having, a conversation that never took place…. What the fuck would compel a person to make this?? And they had to add a male community member that was a good boy and an Ally[TM] which is just irritating frankly. As if he wouldn’t know exactly what all the other men there were doing.
The articles I read were mostly uninformative because the real story is about a closed Mennonite community in Bolivia and they’re very secretive so few facts are released, and one article was bad because it was a Vice journalist complaining for most of the article that she thinks the movie used her reporting but didn’t credit her and she has an oh so special relationship with the women there even though she doesn’t speak to them anymore and she barely gave one sentence of her piece to mention the rapes never stopped in real life which… what? Report on that then omg.
The fact that any men actually got turned in to the authorities from this closed community is actually shocking and the real story of what exactly compelled them to break their insular societal structure and turn those men in would be a much more compelling story but it’s probably so dark it couldn’t be aired in theaters unlike this slop.
No. 396656
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I don't get it how this movie is getting such a high praise, is it's the emperor's new clothes type situation where people are worried if they speak negatively about the "trans story" they'll be excluded from the movies fanclub or something? "We're all going to the world's fair" was pretty interesing and a solid story so I went into this one hopeful, especially since the reviews are better than the world's fair got, but this was just aesthetically packed, pretentious nothingburger; just that the director made sure to tell everyone beforehand that it's related to his transitioning experience.
No. 396678
>>396673Yes! I forgot about that. They made one woman a tif. But they don’t misgender her ever because Mennonite woman totally accept being trans and follow the trans rules, obviously, and they go out of their way to say she did not become a boy because of what happened to her obviously (fucking kek / grim.)
She got raped by her brother and multiple other men and in a scene before she dons her boysona she speaks to her brother in the rapist shack/prison-cell and it’s revealed her brother impregnated her but what she’s actually sad about is that she lost the baby because she loved her incest rape baby so much I guess. She also implied it was deformed due to inbreeding and that’s why she lost it, which… ok. Just keep making it more salacious. So now she’s a boy (but NOT because of what happened.)
No. 397634
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Anyone have any recommendations for me based on my 3x3?
No. 397639
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>>397634not quite the same vibe, but it came to mind
No. 397651
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>>397636i watched this a few weeks ago and i enjoyed it. i wasn't a fan of the horror parts but i enjoyed the concept
i loved seeing them all have fun being witches together and doing magic and hanging out. the drama was interesting toowhile i was watching it, i was even thinking of asking movie nonnas for recommendations. does anyone have any suggestions for movies that are centered around a girl group?
preferably no comedy or horror genres. i like elements of those things, just not as a main genre No. 397715
>>397651Now and Then (1995)
Set It Off (1996)
Made in Dagenham (2010)
The Little Hours (2017)
Polite Society (2023) just sisters not a group
Just listing things from the moovie room really kek
No. 397738
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>>397634Ginger Snaps
Perfect Blue
Any Park Chan-Wook movie but especially Thirst, Stoker, and Lady Vengeance
Have fun Nonna
No. 397797
>>397738Already seen perfect blue (second favorite movie but I only had live action films for this list)
Ginger snaps is on my list and I'll prolly watch it tonight
>>397636Also on my list
>>397639Looks cool I'll add it.
Thanks for the recommendations everyone!
No. 398474
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Best movie of all time 10/10
No. 401346
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>>397368boy did this suck ass. i was covering my face with embarrassment from several scenes. offensively stupid plot with some cool cinematography and a great performance by maika monroe, that's it.
No. 401361
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I liked this one, but I made the mistake of going home and rewatching the first, and now all I can see is how cheap looking it is compared to the first one, even though it was made almost 10 years ago. All the human characters have that creepy gummy look of 3d characters in the past few years (think Encanto) it felt very similar to the first movie, including the same scene of Joy crying while surrounded by memory spheres before coming to a realization by exhamining them. But the characters are a lot of fun, and overall it was an enjoyable movie, I'd recommend it if you liked the characters in the first
No. 401522
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>>401486I bet they’d feel like this to touch
No. 401546
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i know it's old news, but i loved this movie. it was a huge departure from the first movie in the X trilogy. i almost didn't watch it because the first movie was way too gorey for me, but i ended up loving it. watching the first one did actually improve my experience too. it added to the tragedy since it basically tells you the outcome. made me feel better for wasting my time watching X, kek
No. 402068
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Has anyone watched picrel? I did recently and I'm still thinking about it, I could make an entire iceberg chart out of this movie if I was motivated enough. If anyone has watched it please give me your thoughts and if this post is old by the time you read it but you still want to share your thoughts please go ahead
No. 402219
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I didn't like it. I think it is one of those things, where the hype around it made my expectations way too high. I was really expecting this movie to make me feel things, but instead it felt like a yawn fest. It doesn't help that I didn't feel like I was really the target audience for it. It would've been an alright movie if I went in completely blind, but instead I am left disappointed.
No. 403755
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has anyone seen the blackcoat's daughter? it's by the director of longlegs. definitely recommend it if you're looking for something eerie to watch.
No. 403771
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>>402219I remember watching this and being bewildered that everyone was like 'oh this is such a touching mother and daughter story, loved it!!!' when the mother was very obviously narcissistic and
abusive towards Lady Bird and it's WILD that people failed to notice it and just write it off as being a 'complicated' family dynamic
No. 403828
>>403771nonna, there are many mothers like this (
mine was), and it's complicated, you can't love them like you used to but you can't hate them because you know they went through worse, all you want is for you to forget about the bad times and tolerate each other
No. 403908
>>403755I liked it, but i thought that
the exorcism scene was silly and the demon-thing didn't fit the film well.
No. 404074
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>>404069You should watch more horror movies from the 70s, there are a lot of gems from that era. I suggest Let’s Scare Jessica to Death if you like gothic stories.
No. 404219
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>>404069if you're looking for older sci-fi horror i highly recommend the thing
No. 404333
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>>404069These might be kind of obvious choices, but Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974), The Omen (1976), and The Wicker Man (1973) all hold up incredibly well.
No. 404374
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Tonight I watched Kryptic and The Beast Within.
Kryptic was a fun weird movie that I have yet to fully understand. I will watch it again when it has a video release to make more sense of it. Chloe Perrier performance is great. Most reviews seem to hate it. It is Kourtney Roy first full lenght movie and it shows a little but she has great potential as a filmaker.
The Beast Within had amazing acting, direction, photography and beautiful scenery but it was so boring. Most people in the audience seemed to think the same.
No. 404405
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Watched this last night at the theater. I think it's one of his weakest movies, I still can't decide if it's better or worse than Killing of a Sacred Deer but it's definitely down there. The three story aspect was interesting, the first one and the last one were the strongest in my opinion but the second one had the highest ups and downs for me, I actually wheezed at the dog island scene, the music and Emma's acting and the final montage with the suicide dog and human roadkill were just too absurd I wish he had chosen one to develop into an actual movie though. Felt like Lanthimos was pulling a Wes Anderson.
I've seen people compare it to Dogtooth in terms of absurdist surrealism but I think Dogtooth is much superior as it actually has a coherent narrative and takes its time to build up its crazy world. Anybody else watch it? What were your thoughts?
No. 404438
>>404427Surprisingly, no. If you're a fan of the being uncomfortable horrified, and then laughing at the absurdity his movies cause then Poor Things is a better narrative. The only thing I hate about it is the ending trying to be a "feminist message", he should stick to bleak endings like in Lobster or the Favorite, yes it makes the movie unpopular but it's much more interesting imo.
If I had to rank all the Yorgos Lanthimos movies I've watched, it'd be The Lobster>Dogtooth> The Favorite>Poor Things>Kinds of kindness>Killing of a Sacred Deer.
No. 404929
>>404333I've seen TCM and The Omen a while ago, but I watched The Wicker Man for the first time last night and liked it. The movie length seemed short but it was like the perfect amount of time for the plot. I've also never seen Christopher Lee act so silly because I'm only familiar with his acting from his older years.
>>404219I actually got to see The Thing during its anniversary screening, which was really fun. Unfortunately it was on the first day when they played the really fuzzy looking rip so it was like watching a VHS tape at a movie theater
>>404074I'll add this one to my list! I also watched Audition this week, and while it was good I don't think I'd watch it again. The moid abuse scenes were entertaining
especially after the reveal of how sleazy the main character actually was[spoiler]but I disliked the amount of [spoiler]child abuse scenes No. 406703
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Sorry for bringing up capeshit but the Deadpool vs Wolverine movie is pretty alright if you like Deadpool and Wolverine as characters. There were some good laughs. The car fight scene would have made my 16 year old fujo heart skip a beat had the movie come out back then, but overall I hope this is the last Deadpool movie because the whole schtick is really tired at this point. Some very dated jokes but it's kind if hard to be snappy and relevant in this turd of a decade. The emotional scenes dragged on, they were the most crippling part of this movie overall. The scene with X-23 and Logan… it's like holy shit wrap it up already. They made plenty of jokes about desecrating the legacy of Logan which was all fun and stuff, but the scene between those two at the fire was really the worst offender of them all, and it sucks because that scene was supposed to be a heavy-hitting emotional one. It failed to hit that mark but whatever.
The trilogy is fun. Obviously movie Deadpool is a far cry from his comic counter part but I was really hoping to see Ellie Camacho and Emily Preston at some point, though those characters are definitely way too modern for the comic to film adaptation beast. It's a shame because the relationship between Deadpool and Ellie is the most fun parent-child relationship to come out of contemporary comic runs. Way more interesting than Cable and Hope. Kind of related but (spoiler) there was a Warda Wilson cameo. That was fun… it was weird how they very obviously highlighted her but an Ellie Camacho Zenpool cameo just didn't happen. That was kind of wack.
No. 406993
>>406963It’s not good. The plot twist of
The mother’s son being her rapist and father of her twins was so retarded.
No. 407059
>>407052Ayrt, amd I agree with you. I only really liked it because I do like Deadpool and Wolverine is cool too. But yeah the entire time while watching it was just kinda like… yeah the well has run dry. The reddit-tier humor is so apparent, and that's the movies' whole thing but man, the novelty of being the first mainstream R rated marvel character movie has really worn off.
Also Josh Brolin's fugly, midget ass should have never been Cable. And Ryan Reynolds' whole thing with playing Deadpool is just to act like a faggot with ADHD. His voice is kind of too gay to hit that "weird/disturbing" kind of je ne sais quoi that comic Deadpool has. He's weird and disturbing precisely because he's childish and still a skilled mercenary who kills whoever for money, he's also weird and disturbing because he's such a sorry piece of shit due to the way he's been constantly taken advantage of. They kind of got it in the first film but every other one has been the "snappy gay ADHD" version of Deadpool that's just annoying and tired and also kind of boring. Part of his appeal is how he can be kind of scary. Ryan Reynolds is just kind of faggy.
No. 407695
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watched single white female the other day. thrillers with a crazy bpdchan villain are my favorite so i quite enjoyed this one. jennifer jason leigh's unhinged skinwalking reminded me of some of the cows we have here.
No. 409201
>>406703I enjoyed it, but my main complaint was the music montages and action scenes upstaging the plot more than usual. I feel like the writing was weaker than in the first two movies. The first two movies had their silly moments but something about this one just felt… cheaper and like it was trying too hard? Which sucks because I really was enjoying Deadpool and Wolverines interactions. The
Bye Bye Bye scene in the intro was fucking hilarious ngl
No. 409798
I thought Longlegs was supposed to be a TIM so that was the scariest part of the movie for me.
>>402219My perfect older sister described this movie to me as “a mom who’s a poor hardworking nurse in the early 2000s Sacramento and oh yeah she has an annoying daughter”. I felt for both the mom and daughter when it came out in my highschool senior year but when I rewatched it the other day I hated the mom more because I could feel how young the daughter was. The prom shopping scene broke me because her mom couldn’t just fake something nice about her. As a norcal suburb loser who always wanted my emotionally unavailable mommy’s validation it was really relatable sadly.
No. 410078
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So i just watched pic related. For context i have played the first and second game. Let me start of positive
>The guy who plays Krieg has a really nice body and was tall.
Okay now everything bad
>Roland is played a by a manlet.
>Casting of Lilith and Tannis was also odd, because the actresses are a lot older but it makes moids seethe so don't care to much
>None of the actual jokes were funny.
>They tried to create some emotional scenes, but the writing and acting is pretty bad so it didnt really hit.
>Lots of predictable stuff in the plot.
>Lilith's hair looked ass.
>Bad cgi
>Not a lot of creative fighting scene's
Yeah it was bad, also if you really want to watch it i do recommend brining a friend because otherwise it might get boring. Most of the time it was just us looking at eacother after a dumb scene and then trying to hold our laughter. I think if i would watch it alone it would just be to frustrating. We also were seated at these motion chairs even though when i bought tickets it said the chairs would be normal. At the end we turned the setting to high and it was just moving so wild, it was a funny experience. Dont recommend those chairs if you want to actually concentrate on the movie tho.
No. 410817
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This movie felt very Sorry to Bother You esque but I don't think it was nearly as good. I felt like everyone turned in a good performance though and it got me thinking of our beloved Boyegachan
No. 411314
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I really liked this movie. Some lines and scenes felt a bit forced but overall I really loved the vibe of this film. Highly recommend.
No. 411396
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Watched Angel Heart recently. Good but predictable. Enjoyed the setting , it reminded of Jacobs Ladder in certain parts
No. 411981
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I just watched In the Mood for Love, my third Wong-Kar Wai film. I honestly found it a bit boring but it looked very beautiful, and I really liked all the rain scenes for some reason, as well as the cheongsams. If anyone has any other Hong Kong movie recs, preferably "period pieces", do let me know.
No. 412045
>>411981Oh boy. Let me tell you I had such a blast watching whatever recommended back when the site was active.
>preferably "period pieces"Off the top of my head: No. 412054
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>>411981if you want cool rain scenes and beautiful period clothing try wong kar wai's "the grandmaster". (picrel). it's a masterpiece imo
while not a cinematic masterpiece, "bodyguards and assassins" (set in hk in 1907) was also pretty fun.
if you want to branch out to the mainland, "raise the red lantern" and "farewell my concubine" have beautiful costumes and amazing photography
No. 412414
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kinda want to see this. it's gotten good reviews and i liked the director's other film caveat.
No. 413118
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I like a lot of old school slasher movies, so Terrifier was intriguing at first. I don't know if I'm just biased toward old = better (which I acknowledge isn't always true), but this movie didn't really do it for me and Art the Clown is a really bland slasher. Maybe the movie will grow on me with time, but we'll see. It hasn't done anything that other popular slashers haven't done before and from what I've heard, the director has a huge ego or something.
I did think the special effects for the movie were awesome though. Maybe my mind will be changed when I watch the second one (and the third one when it comes out).
No. 413363
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It’s been a long time since a movie caught me so off guard. Also, the character Marmalade was such an insufferable MPDG, but with a dash of violence. I loved her.
No. 413438
>>413118I enjoyed the first Terrifier movie a lot. For me it was an homage to the big slasher names.
I enjoyed the twist at the end, it wasn’t great but it was fun.
The second movie was a disappointment to me, it was boring and kind of cringe.
I am not even a huge slasher fan and just recently got into the genre, but I love horror. What kind of slasher do you like?
No. 413600
>>413438I'm halfway through the second movie and I totally agree that it's kind of boring. I don't know if the movie needs to be more than 2 hours long. But I will come back with more to say once I actually finish it.
I guess my taste might be pretty basic, but off the top of my head stand outs have been Halloween, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Black Christmas (I'd highly recommend this one if you haven't seen it before!), Driller Killer, Scream, Rise of Leslie Vernon, etc. Slashers are ridiculous and fun and sometimes they can explore interesting themes at the same time. I didn't find Terrifier all that fun, even though there were points that were supposed to be silly. But it wasn't a bad movie by all means.
No. 414292
>>414245Malcolm (1986)
>Australian train autist makes friends and robs a bankWallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit
>A bumbling fool and his competent dog sidekick try to eradicate a rabbit infestation before the big vegetable growing competition>stop motionThe Naked Gun movies
>Rapid fire comedy with a lot of visual gags in the back ground>3 of them No. 414293
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>>414245Practical Magic or the Paddington movies
No. 414295
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>>414292Seconding the Wallace and Gromit movies except the one with that sociopathic penguin
No. 414924
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I didn't expect anything out of this movie and it managed to disappoint me in every possible way. What was the point of this movie if not Shyamalan desperately trying to promote his daughter's irrelevant music career? This movie is rated PG-13, so I guess it makes sense why it sucked ass, but it's still unjustifiable. Very few movies make me want to rewind in time and get the hours I wasted back, and this is one of them.
No. 414944
>>414846That movie sucks fat donkey balls, "woe is me I'm a moderately successful old white american male and I'm BORED WITH MY MID JOB in this SHITHOLE ALIEN COUNTRY with all these CRAZY WEIRD JAPANESES who will NEVER UNDERSTAND ME and my anguish like 17 year old Scarlett Johansson does!!"
American Beauty also fucking sucks, gen X fake deep shit is not dunked on anywhere near enough
No. 414960
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Has anyone seen Ravenous? I was looking for a new horror movie to watch with my mom and found this one being suggested a lot. It is supposedly gory, which we don't mind as long as it isn't at the level of Martyrs.
No. 414988
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Nonnies what did you think about beetlejuice 2? I watched it just cause I heard it was good(and wanted to go to the cinema) and while it was ok, it felt like they introduced too many subplots so it was too busy. The first one was simpler and I think it made it more wholesome. Monica Belluci's role was totally unnecessary to the plot and she was probably only there cause she is Tim Burton's current girlfriend.
What I find weird is that Tim Burton said that he doesn't plan for a sequel and that it wasn't made to be a cash grab but the ending was pretty open-ended and I really thought they set it up to make it into a franchise
No. 415148
>>414988I thought it was a fun little diversion. The trailer made me think it was going to be a lot worse than it actually was. I was pleased that it wasn't just a rehash of the plot of the original, which so many of these sequels/reboots are today. I thought the bit about Lydia selling out and becoming a TV medium was a fun idea. I also thought the way they got around having to use Jeffrey Jones (now a sex offender) was funny.
>Monica Belluci's role was totally unnecessary to the plot and she was probably only there cause she is Tim Burton's current girlfriend. Completely agree. The sequences with her were cool (especially the part where she puts herself back together) but her whole subplot could have been cut. I heard the guys on RLM say that it feels like they took every plot idea someone had for a Beetlejuice sequel over the last 35 years and tried to cram it into one script.
Not going to spoil it for any anons interested in seeing it. I thought it was kind of retarded that they didn't wait until October to put it in theaters, but whatever. Maybe they thought it would be more profitable to have it on streaming in time for Halloween.
No. 418142
>>418125>>414944I liked American Beauty because
it frames the teenager as this horny succubus that is trying to seduce the dad at first only to show that she was actually trying to mimic older people and that she's super scared and that the situation is actually horrific and abusive, thus deconstructing that lolita trope The dad soon realises this as well, although that doesn't make him a good person and I don't think that's the intention of the movie anyway. I also liked the subplot with the teenage boyfriend.
YMMV though.
No. 418398
>>418146Well, that's just usual moidery.
>"wishing for what you'll never have again"It touches that theme as well, because the guy is on a dead end job, the wife also cheats, the teenage daughter is aloof, so it's about getting your life back together again
especially since their daughter's bf kills himself it has that whole "seize your life and choices, don't waste it on stuff you hate" thing going on, but the wanting to fuck a teen is completely scrapped. They even have a visual separation of that idea, when he puts the blanket on her.
No. 418454
>>414988I saw it opening night, it was a lot of fun and actually better than I expected. I'm glad they stuck with a lot of practical effects and that it focused on Lydia's story. Jenna Ortega wasn't as annoying as I assumed she would be. I also laughed at
the portrayal of the "deep" softboi who reads Dostoevsky and turns out to be a murderous ghost.
"As Dostoevsky would say…'Later, fucker!'"Re: the sequel thing, since this one is "Beetlejuice Beetlejuice" they have to make a 3rd one now right? To complete the rule of 3s
No. 418516
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I saw Hubie Halloween and thought it was hilarious. The naysayers don’t know what they’re talking about
No. 418908
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Who else has seen this clusterfuck? I just watched it by myself and it's hard to process. It's on YT for free if anyone's interested. It's a dark comedy about a clown who perform's at kids' birthday parties, one night he gets raped and has to fight the trauma. In other words, we got Joker at home
No. 419351
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I don't mind Jack Black, but holy shit is he going to be in every video game movie now? He was in the Mario movie, the Borderlands movie, and now he's going to be in the Minecraft movie.
No. 419365
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Just watched 30 Days of Night and it was a good thrilling dark movie. Great premise but it would work better as 10 episode miniseries imo. I did kinda disliked the ending, it felt tad goofy when the film spent the first hour to build this brutal and realistic atmosphere but overall I had a good time.
No. 419806
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I have to talk about this movie because I personally found it awful. It seems like the book itself sounds great but for the movie adaptation it falls short. It almost felt like a fanfiction of what it would be like to be in an abusive relationship and the ability to leave so easily. I kind of felt insulted in that sense because it is way harder than the movie makes it out to be. The script also felt kind of stupid, fair enough its got that hollywood touch to it, but often times I felt like I was watching a Hallmark movie. And why is everyone stuttering so fucking much. Also it jumps too fast ahead for me to feel that invested in what's happening to the characters. On top of all the I found Blake Livelys acting to be ok. Maybe I was just too tired watching this movie but I really don't see the hype around it
No. 419899
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This movie really is about how settling for a moid will make you lose your life force huh
No. 419945
>>419806To be fair, the only 'hype' I heard about it was people roasting Blake Lively for promoting this movie as if it were a quirky rom-com and only talking about the flowers and fashion or something instead of the serious subject matter.
>I felt like I was watching a Hallmark movieIt feels like Blake Lively wants her life to be like a Hallmark movie, kek
No. 419987
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are these movies any good? should i watch them? i really have been meaning to because i like mia goth/her look in them, i even bleached my eyebrows like her rofl, i am just worried they are pro-sex work or pro-porn? i don't really know much about the movies
No. 419990
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>>419987As the other anon said, Pearl is the only good one.
I recently watched May and I really liked it. Dare I say, I would recommend it. It felt fun and different, and it one of the few good movies I have seen in such a long time.
No. 420014
>>420010There's also
a weird white guy cuckolded by black guy porny fetish thing that happens that comes across as really… "grew up in the age of x-hamster and reddit porn" that just kind of distracts from the time and setting of the movie overall. This might be a nitpick though.
No. 420037
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This was an incomprehensible mess of some sort of wacky bullshit.
Worth watching if you want to see the cast struggle spiritually, Adam Driver especially.
No. 420179
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But why tho?
No. 420355
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>>420179I can't imagine what this horror is going to look like. What if it turns out like picrel kek
No. 422066
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Holy Shit. I understood everything. 10/10.
No. 424588
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You know. I’ve watched terrifier 3 just now and. How should I put it. I kind of have many thoughts that could be expressed in one word - why.
I went to it blindly, never seeing previous two, only with a knowledge that this is a torture porn slasher, that’s it. And I was truly close to walk out, I have never walked out a movie, the other walk-out urge was years ago, it was Norbit. That time I was with a friend, that’s why I couldn’t go, this time too, so I stayed and for the most time I was just, you know, looking at the screen with a clear thought: “What am I doing here? Why am I doing this of my own will? And payed money for this? What is happening here, why all these people gather here, to do exactly what with exactly what purpose? What drives them? Why this movie got made, with what goals to be achieved? Why is it popular, what does it say about humanity? Why people even laugh at something like this, what make them think it is funny?” etc etc. So I was just partially watching, partially staring unfocused at the matter of the universe, like you do when you zone out. I don’t know, think I am a christian pearl clutching prude or whatever but jesus christ what the fuck wrong with you people.
I am ok with horror, splatter is fine too, occasionally, like something like hellraiser stuff I don’t mind, but what is this. I just see it and think - ok, so this is a pornography made by a person who is certainly once paid someone to go to morgue to fuck a corpse, at least I am absolutely convinced he (moid of course) did masturbate to fake or real snuff (with women of course). I sincerely do believe that - that he made this movie not for the sake of moviemaking or vfx artistry or whatever bullshit, he just make it for mentally challenged moids who have a raging boner for stuff like this. I mean of course main audience are rage apes, like no shit. And they find it funny even? Yes, there were funny moments, but only because of the main killer’s actor, he was great, really. But it was mere seconds, all of the movie was really unaesthetic psychopathic wet dream. I do understand that there is a genre, it is specific, and there is an audience. I am wondering WHY is there an audience for deranged movies like terrifier, are THAT many people are pathetic 4channer ogrish or whatever “cool” now dweller edgelords? Who like to watch people being graphically mutilated, tortured and murdered for the sake of “oh duuude I am soo tough, I’ve seen shit, that was sooo cool! I am soo speshul and so non-npc”
Like wtf, what’s wrong with you, and that’s not rhetorical, I am genuinely curious what is wrong with people who like this and, even, laugh at this. What is the clinical picture consist of, what is the diagnosis.
No. 424590
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Was anyone else massively disappointed in this? I went in blind like everyone suggested and still was able to predict everything that happened. It was so Tumblr/sex-posi “feminist” and I was not surprised to find it was directed by a man.
No. 424630
>>424588>Yes, there were funny moments, but only because of the main killer’s actor, he was great, really.I agree with your entire post. I only saw the first Terrifier and I really liked Art The Clown's character just because the actor did so well playing him. I hated everything else about the movie though, especially the scenes of women's genitals and breasts being mutilated. I hated all of it. I wish the actor and character were placed in an actually decent horror movie. I read that he's trained professionally as a mime so that's why he's so good at conveying emotions and creepiness through his actions and not words. I also read that the director was working on the second one during covid lockdowns and was pissed off he couldn't finish it so he used the time off to extend a scene of a woman being tortured and killed in her bedroom. So your assumption about him being a degenerate misogynist are no doubt correct. The fact he simulated a fictional brutal murder of a woman because he was angry is a major red flag. I hope this franchise tanks, so tired of it.
>>424590Agreed, although I did like it a bit just for the layout. I definitely saw the "twist" coming a mile away, but I still enjoyed the layout of the chapters and how they weren't in order. But yeah it really did seem like something straight out of Tumblr.
No. 424668
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This actually kinda sucked ass. Like ohh, they're all gonna die what a twist!! Also the main girl was so fucking lame, she had zero personality and acted like a spoiled little kid the entire time, despite being sooo working class and of course she gets to live because she wanted a cheezburgur like all the million other cool girls who eat greasy food yet look like ana-chans huh funny original so clever and anti-elitist.
No. 424686
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I didn't have very high expectations for this movie, figuring it would just be a soulless cash grab, but it was better than I expected. I really liked that they kept the gritty space environment from the previous movies, rather than what a lot of Sci-fi movies use nowadays like super advanced touch-screen holograms, etc.
No. 426047
>>425673I think the movie was more about how older women are suddenly discarded because they aren't considered attractive anymore to the male gaze and how it reflects on women self esteem.
I really loved this movie, my favorite one of the year so far. I really enjoyed Revenge and I was excited to see it.
No. 426134
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>>423268one of my favorite movies ever made
No. 426135
>>425673This is when I think reading in to a movie too much is going against what's being shown at face value. Kind of like
>>426047 says, it has a clear narrative. Not everything needs to be philosophical. Honestly think that's why people hated the new Joker film. They read way, way into what they hoped it would be and read subtext when there was none.
No. 426144
>>426136Agreed, I felt like scenes of Sue being objectified were very fitting to the story, and it's honestly no different than what we see with a lot of influencers and celebrities. The over the top, in your face nature of it suited the film so well because everything else seemed quite over the top too. And it made scenes like the chicken leg one all the more uncomfortable and anxiety inducing without completely coming out of left field.
One of my favorite scenes was when Sue first met the producer that fired Elisabeth she was smiling and he said something along the lines of "look how happy and peppy, positive you are" or something like that. Maybe even innocent or light or something. But it's so accurate to how men view women in society, Sue was birthed out of Elisabeths anger, resentment, betrayal and bitterness towards her boss and the world at large. But because Sue is beautiful and has a nice smile he assumes all these positive traits about her, when in reality Sue harbours some pretty negative personality traits. I feel most women have experienced that, when your young and bright eyed men just assume your nice and kind and happy even if your really going through it or in a bad mood.>>426047Completely agree
No. 426689
>>423268I didn't like it, it was hyped so much but it ultimately fell flat. There isn't anything especially clever or unique about how the movie delivers its message, which it relentlessly beats you over the head with for the entire runtime of the movie. It's like the director thought that the audience wouldn't get it if she didn't reiterate it every ten minutes. She literally named the tv producer Harvey for fucks sake and yet didn't have anything to say about how men like that use their power to abuse women, just that it's mean when people call middle-aged women old and ugly.
The story is nonsensical, in particular Elisabeth's motivations don't make any sense
why doesn't she quit using the substance when it becomes clear that going over the seven day limit will permanently age her and Sue doesn't give a shit if that happens to her? What benefit does it bring her? It's not as if her consciousness is transferred into Sue's body when it's her turn, nor does she share memories with Sue. They are two separate people, one of them just so happens to parasite off the other. Also does nobody notice or care that she (and Sue) are AWOL for a week at time? Nobody is trying to contact Elisabeth when it's Sue's turn, and Sue doesn't have any filming or work commitments when it's Elisabeth's turn? How convenient. I also hated how
Elisasue is modelled after a real person (Joseph Merrick). It's cruel to model your movie's monster after a real person who suffered for his entire life through no fault of his own, and then have characters in your movie mock it for how hideous it looks. Overall, I thought it was an empty, repetitive, derivative and dull film, and I am so glad that I didn't pay money to see it.
No. 426730
>>426689Finally someone I can agree with. I didn't like the movie either. Yes, it makes you think and it doesn't let go of you for some time, which is great, the cast did a brilliant job, the picture is juicy but then there's this pretentious ugly tone. It thinks the audience is retarded, repeating every idea, shoving the clues a thousand times from different angles (in slow mo over them) into your throat, stretching the movie's runtime so much it overstays its welcome.
There's so much lip, food, gore smacking and asmr elements that weren't that necessary too. And not only the body horror is done distasteful, makeup looks offensively plastic (The Fly did it better and it was almost 40 years ago).
>Elizabeth's motivations don't make any sense I've had a thought that Elizabeth is so deep into her self-hatred it's terminal clinical condition at this point. Probably meant to be this way too, plus I feel like celeb women are even more insecure than any other woman, so I'm surprised that we sort of saw this side to a Hollywood star. Also why she didn't kill Sue immediately after she started feeding on her: it's only because she was still able to sort of live through Sue, like mommagers live through their stage daughters. There's a theme of dysfunctional maternity lying here somewhere but I don't think many people, including the director herself, see it at all.I've seen reviews where people mentioned there were women in their theaters who laughed at Elizabeth as she struggled with her aging process. On one hand, right, she's rich but mad that people don't think of her highly anymore, fucking laughable just retire and enjoy; on the other - some people would laugh at anyone's struggle without ability to relate to it. And it's scary that the message they try to bash into the heads of their supposedly dumb audience gets lost in the narrative, violence and blood, and people walk out from the seance with tasteless porridge overfilling their heads. So who was this movie made for?
No. 427186
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I just watched The Shining for the first time and it's so so shitty, I hated it, it aged like milk and I don't get why people still love it so much outside of nostalgia.
No. 427489
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>>427186blah blah male auteur blah blah stanley kubrick is a genius and everything he touches is amazing blah blah
anyone see smile 2? definitely my favorite horror movie of the year next to the substance. i rolled my eyes when i saw it being described as better than the first one but it really was.
No. 427490
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I don't get one flew over the cuckoos nest like something about it just agitated me and I couldn't finish it. I've liked other movies set in mental wards so it's not like it's the plot, it's just the movie itself annoyed and didn't do anything for me
No. 427491
>>419987Pearl > Maxxxine > X
x had too much porn, but I enjoyed the aesthetics and the acting. Pearl was probably the best acting and plot wise. Maxxine is good but it's lacking cohesion as to what Maxine's backstory was that I think they should've included. Mia kills the roles in all of them so I watched them just hearing about her performance and she delivers. I just wish x didn't revolve around porn so much, that's why I don't find it very rewatchable.
No. 427563
>>424686I liked it but it was a bit different in an essential wasy from the other Alien movies. There were a lot of jump scares and the aliens were treated more like scary mob monsters than in any other Alien films. The Alien and even them big guys (whatever they were called lol) in Promethius were more like characters with personalities. The Aliens and the
abomination she gives birth to were scary but had no personality, if that makes sense. Just pure scary.
The android was really good, I liked that plot angle.
No. 427613
>>427490I remember I used to like the movie a lot because I almost completely missed the very beginning where they tell us how McMurphy got into the ward. After paying more attention to that and reading the book I couldn't stand him anymore. In the movie he's brought some life into this place but he ruined everything in the perspective, and seeing how it affected other patients
poor Billy can only make one angry. Definitely check out the book and I recommend to check out a different movie on semi-related topic called Awakenings (1990).
No. 427614
>>427490I remember I used to like the movie a lot because I almost completely missed the very beginning where they tell us how McMurphy got into the ward. After paying more attention to that and reading the book I couldn't stand him anymore. In the movie he's brought some life into this place but he ruined everything in the perspective, and seeing how it affected other patients
poor Billy can only make one angry. Definitely check out the book and I recommend to check out a different movie on semi-related topic called Awakenings (1990).
No. 427615
>>427490I remember I used to like the movie a lot because I almost completely missed the very beginning where they tell us how McMurphy got into the ward. After paying more attention to that and reading the book I couldn't stand him anymore. In the movie he's brought some life into this place but he ruined everything in the perspective, and seeing how it affected other patients
poor Billy can only make one angry. Definitely check out the book and I recommend to check out a different movie on semi-related topic called Awakenings (1990).
No. 427788
>>427602I understand what the movie is trying to say, but it was executed poorly. It so desperately wanted to be seen as subversive, but fails miserably.
>>426730>I've seen reviews where people mentioned there were women in their theaters who laughed at Elizabeth as she struggled with her aging process.So many of the reviews I’ve read mentioned that the audience was laughing during the final scene, which is strange because the audience should be feeling sympathetic towards
Elisasue not laughing at her expense. Just another casualty of the film’s off tone.
No. 427887
>>425673>>427788I agree that it just lacked deeper…substance. It had barbie-tier feminism to me. But seeing how society and others react to movies like Barbie and the Substance, maybe people aren't really craving a deeper look on feminism. Like we all know how society treats women who are actors and how ageism affects them, and although you'd think it would be an overdone message, I guess it isn't to the casual viewer and that's probably why they really enjoy this movie. I think the only parts I didn't enjoy were the prolonged shots of ass from the younger actor. And inb4 "HURRR you don't get it, its SUPPOSED to make you uncomfortable!!" I understand why she put those shots in the movie but I still don't like them so whatever
But I still did think it was a good movie.
>>427883Not at all what she said.
No. 428412
>>427969When I was a kid "Candyman" and the 90s version of "It" scared the shit out of me. "Candyman" because it's people getting attacked in gross scary bathrooms by a bee monster; "It" because Tim Curry is terrifying as a clown. I'm drawing a blank for what the adult version of myself finds scary.
I hope more anons answer, I'm so curious what scares everyone here. Happy Halloween.
No. 429443
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I watched Venom 3 and it was so horrible I think I'm gonna cry.
the fake positive ai reviews also aren't helping.
my advice if you enjoyed the first and second venom movie then avoid this cashgrab.
No. 429454
>>427969hard to say. i love horror movies, so i think it'd be best for me to put them into subgenres.
- scariest paranormal? it follows (2014).
- scariest slasher? the texas chain saw massacre (1974).
- scariest found footage? the blair witch project (1999).
- scariest sci-fi? nope (2022).
- scariest psychological? the lighthouse (2019).
No. 429767
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Loved how unpleasant the main character was. There's nothing better than loserish women with huge egos. 10/10
No. 430330
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No. 431734
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saw this last night. it was good. great acting not a single moment that didnt have my attention. twist was crazy. love a good pressure cooker thriller
No. 431740
I watched hereditary bc I kept seeing people online mention and how good it was.
The actors of the parents carried the movie. The mom was the perfect mix of going insane and desperately trying to keep her cool, and the dad looked pretty realistic in that he stayed passive and actively avoided doing shit so as not to cause a fight. The woman who played Joan was also pretty good, but mostly in the manipulative aspect, she didn't carry over when it started going full cult possession. The buildup was okay, and the ending wasn't bad, the pacing and the whole premise of the movie was just shit, and seemed too tryhard.
Also, I lost it at the scene where the mom finally looks through her moms shit and reads the demonology book and the passage in the book mentions paimon goes by he him pronouns, lol. It could've just left it at the paimon reveres the male form part
The way the teens acted in the movie seemed super stereotypical to me. The movie didn't have a good buildup bc it really went nowhere, and it wasn't one of those movies that has an uncomfortable heavy atmosphere to it, even though it seems like that what the director wanted. I feel it would've been better as some kind of psychological horror than what it ended up being, and I think people who talk about movies like it being genuinely scary are talking out their ass to seem different. It was not scary, and the horror scenes were grating against the rest of the movie.
No. 433098
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I won't see this but I still hope this isn't the actual colour scheme. It's supposed to be a romantic comedy and darkness like this doesn't match that mood at all. I hate how dark movies are these days, looks like the very definition of "slop" and gives me nausea when I try to watch.
No. 433263
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I just watched this substance movie and oh wow - I, for some reason, had some expectations, not much but I expected it to be somewhat decent. Never would I thought it would be bad - and that bad! It is such a moronic movie! Why!
I get it’s oh so physiological but did we really need that much pornified objectification - yeah we get it - butt, I got it the first time, killing for peace, same old. And super fan of repeating stuff remember they give her a gift? Oh poor stupid you, of course you don’t remember it, I’m gonna place a line track riiiight here. And also I will do shit like this a dozen times or so.
Idk if I need to comment the in-universe logic, for example the movie extensively telling us that two are the same, but they are fucking not, because the same movie just proceed to show us exactly how they are two separate entities. And no, it was done not to show the substance provider is misleading and deliberately lying, because it has never played out if he was like that.
Bitch, ok, what’s the idea? Is it a story for a very niche problem of a very few people? Ie actresses who need to look young to be “presentable” and employed? And how they chase looks making a lot of procedures ending up abusing it and becoming botched “monsters” just to be mocked by people? Ok? Then why it is played so comical and mocking itself, the movie tone? Clearly making fun of main character? The bitch director thinks she is so smug she is not like those stupid hoes who care about their youth and appearance? Or what? I can appreciate (I guess??) the story of a character who is not relatable, but it is mostly laughable, again, but now regarding the story itself - oh poor rich woman, what a first world problem, how sad.
Males depiction is also what is laughable, they are so cartoonishly villainous, yet never close to real life villainous - they would say some poster sexist thing like “girls should smile” yet never try to harass a character. The author is that much sheltered it seems, I assume she was born rich, all this is so shallow, no wonder basic bitches and celebs loved this movie so much, I should’ve known.
The look of a movie is super cheap, it’s painful to see greenscreened tv, like would it hurt to actually play the fucking footage. Yeah, I get the giant billboard shooped by an eightgrader supposed to be super comical and more of a symbol than real in-universe thing, but come.on.
And the guy who told her about the substance, what’s his deal in the story - besides being the plot tool - to make people around him miserable because he is miserable himself? What.
The only good things were that monster bmovie audience reaction and splashing at the end, and ok, let it be the geting ready scene too
No. 433283
>>433263Sorry nonna but it feels like you watched the movie while scrolling on your phone, sue and elisabeth are the same person because they have essentially the same personality and flaws, not that they are one entity. Their issues would've been easily avoided if they talked (through notes or some shit) to eachother but neither ever thinks of bridging the gap because they are so self absorbed, they both think their version is the one that should be the boss.
The whole thing is presented as a twisted fable and it follows the conventions of a fable to a T.
No. 433603
>>433283>Their issues would've been easily avoided if they talked But that's not true, what's it is for Elisabeth to gain of this? She is not an actor of Sue's life, there is no point for her to sustain Sue's life, because (at least) she has no control over it. It doesn't matter if they both narc and self-obsessed workaholics, there is no point for mc to not terminate the process right away. I get if the point is that mc's using Sue as a proxy for her dreams or whatever, but what exactly is the big "fable" idea regarding that?
It's not even beware of your wishes, because Sue's actions are not Elisabeth's actions - and we've been shown exactly that, no matter how they depicted complaining about each other - metaphorically implying mc being contradictory and fighting with her own self conscious in reality. It just doesn't work.
>>433284Where did I called her that? Bitch director as in if she was like that and indeed her idea was mocking aging women - "stupid hoes" as if she called them, making them a joke with her comedic tone of the movie and character's struggles, obviously. Weird that you can't read but ok
No. 433667
>>433603Elisabeth cant work anymore, she got booted from her tv show and its implied no one wants to hire her due to her age. She needs Sue to continue maintaining her lifestyle. She refuses to let go from it even if it means just having Sue do it instead, hence why she does not go on the date with her classmate and ultimately tries to reverse the termination. She doesnt want to be a normal person.
The fable part comes from the fact that they disobeyed the "magical" rules, like cinderella overstaying at the ball past midnight, and is punished for it.
No. 434282
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Some movies I saw lately and my thoughts
>I liked La La Land, it was beautifully shot and I liked the chemistry between the two characters. I could see myself watching this again. I thought it was fun to watch and clever.
>I just watched Requiem for a Dream for the first time and it was so sad and it made me almost cry, I do not like Jared Leto, but I loved that movie. I don't think I would rewatch this movie because it is so heavy emotionally
>One drama that a lot of people say they can only watch once is American History X, not me, I love Edward Furlong in this movie he was such an honorary cutie. It's truly sad how he turned out, waste of a perfect squeaky voice and some youthful huge bright eyes and boyish features. I love his edgy delinquent look. I rewatched it and it's so powerful and hard to watch plot wise but I love seeing my mischievous little boy with them intense eyes makes me come back every time.
>The Wild Robot made me cry, a bit predictable and I think it should've wrapped up a little faster but otherwise, I would consider it a perfect animated film. I enjoyed it thoroughly.
>Snake Eyes I watched it cause Henry Golding is hot, but action really isn't my thing and he didn't take off his shirt in the first 40 minutes so i didn't watch it all the way.
Any movie recs? I like drama and I will consider watching something if a guy is hot and cries or whines in said movie
No. 434294
>>434282Because of your gif and filename I thought of Emilio Estevez in Repo-Man, so I would suggest Repo-Man to you.
Also Anatomy of a Fall if you haven't seen it already.
No. 434305
>>433603>She is not an actor of Sue's life, there is no point for her to sustain Sue's life, because (at least) she has no control over it. NAYRT, but Sue and Elisabeth are the same person. The movies repeats it over and over again. Elisabeth hates herself so much that when she goes into Sue she dissociates so badly from her own, older self that she basically develops another personality. But they are one and the same.
>because Sue's actions are not Elisabeth's actions - and we've been shown exactly that, no matter how they depicted complaining about each other - metaphorically implying mc being contradictory and fighting with her own self conscious in reality. It just doesn't work.I fail to see how "it just doesn't work". You yourself already got it, Elisabeth after taking the substance is so dissociated that she fights with what is supposed to be another part of herself. It couldn't be more explicit. It's an allegory of the female experience of thinking that one day you look like the hottest, most beautiful person on the planet but the next thinking that you look like a disgusting, fat ugly ugly monster that the director was trying to portray.
No. 434458
>>434351I really liked the neon demon because of all the different aspects of "villains" in the movie. And I felt like it really highlighted every area that a young woman can be mistreated in, like used, commodified, abused, taken advantage of, tricked, sold, lied too, abandoned, killed and consumed. It made me sad and I didn't like how they made the 3 friends closest to her the final villains of the film but at the same time it fit the story of betrayal and jealousy they were aiming for. And I liked how the attitudes of the ones closest to Jesse completely shifted once Jesse became more confident and almost arrogant about her beauty. It's so accurate to the way women are treated, everyone in the film was just throwing compliments at her and continously telling her how beautiful and perfect she is. And once she started believing them and internalizing that praise she was immediately punished for it. I also really liked the soundtrack and color scheme.
No. 434729
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Went to watch wicked yesterday. I have nothing much to add other than my original criticism that Ariana is playing pretend as Glinda, but in a way, the flavor of Ariana that she puts on the table was interesting to me, real diva vibes as she always has had, except with less "yuh" and more hair (read, wig) twirling. I didn't hate it.
I was impressed hearing her sing. Her singing was better than I expected, I do like Ariana Grande's music but when it comes to her songs, her lyrics have always been unintelligible. They must have had vocal coaches because that wasn't the case in this movie, and for a moment I thought "yeah, she could do theater if she wanted to". I'm not an expert in that field though, but I can tell this makes her way happier than singing on big stages and touring. I hope this new love for acting lasts, because I'm afraid that once she isn't the center of attention anymore something will happen and maybe she will get disenchanted with it. Oh well.
She needs more experience when it comes to acting though. The heights for me were "No one mourns the wicked", "What is this feeling?" and "Popular". She did some maneuvers I never expected to see her do, and it was fun and immersive. I forgot she was Ariana for a while, a truly pleasant surprise. But when it came to the action scenes, the monkeys chasing Elphaba inside the emerald city, it was clear that she cannot act as anything but herself. It threw me off. It was as fake as her SNL skits and it felt like I was watching one of them if I'm honest. She's better playing pretend as a princess, a damsel in distress, than an actually distressed person.
In any case, she cannot mask her eyes well. This is what distinguishes her from Cynthia Erivo. Cynthia is completely professional and you can see it when she acts. When dancing with Fiyero, Ariana tried her best to be interested in him and yes she conveyed that well enough. But then you add Buck to the scene, and Ariana's eyes are completely enamored with him even though her actions are saying the opposite. "Oh god, she REALLY likes spongebob" I thought to myself. And yes, Ethan Slater is absolutely more hideous in the big screen.
Another instance of this was "Defying Gravity". Maybe I'm proyecting way too much, but seeing Ariana cry as she sung it with Elphaba just made me think of previous interviews about the casting, and I didn't see Glinda crying. I saw Ariana crying because her dream as a little girl came true. Stark contrast to Cynthia, who was actually in character. Then Ariana has to get in character again, so on and so forth.
As for the rest of the movie, I have nothing much to say. The actor performing as Wizard of Oz reminded me of Walt Disney, I'm guessing that was the intention. I enjoyed Cynthia as Elphaba a lot, even the little kid that played young Elphaba was an excellent actor, though there's a very corny scene near the end that was honestly very lame. The person that played Fiyero is absolutely too old to be in school, most of the cast look so old in comparison to Nessarosa who looks just right for a freshman college student. "The Wizard and I" was nice and "One short day" was very fun. It's a shame that sometimes they interrupt their own songs to add things to it, but I get it. I do not understand why Cynthia and Ariana cry in every freaking interview because there was nothing in the movie that makes me think "ah, it now all makes sense" and now after watching it, it's clear it's all faked so more people go watch it.
Getting out of the cinema I took a taxi home. Moid driver was one of those guys who are talkative and asks things they don't even care about. He asked me what movie I watched, I said "wicked", he had no clue what that was. I responded, "it's a movie with Ariana Grande in it". "Isn't that the latina girl?" he asked. Awkward conversation.
So would I recommend Wicked to people? Not really. Watch it at home and only if you have 3 hours to spare. I came in blind and didn't know how long it was, needless to say I did go to the bathroom when they rescued the lion cub and that reminds me, the CGI is atrocious sometimes. The costumes, sets and real props are better than the CGI. I never got bored but it is a long movie so it's better to do it at your own leisure. I don't think this is a good movie to watch with the family on the basis of length alone, little kids may find it tedious even if the editing is fast paced, and, well, not everyone likes musicals.
If you want to see another review, another nonna posted hers in celebricows over here:
>>>/ot/2272942 No. 435032
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Has anyone seen The Substance? All I had seen from it was clips on the /tv/ board of an aerobic scene and I assumed it would just be pornified brainrot horror or something, so I had no desire to see it. But now I’m seeing people talk about how it’s about women viewing aging and dealing with internalized misogyny and my curiosity is piqued
No. 435034
>>435032It's been discussed further up
>>423268 >>433263 I personally loved it although I would say it's more of a surrealist body horror/satire than a deep feminist critique. Aging was the catalyst for bigger themes of self hate and self destruction in the pursuit of admiration, imo, and there were parallels to
toxic competitive mom/daughter relationships (or the old gen living vicariously through the new gen in the similar vein of Perfect Blue). There's a lot of gratuitous nudity and gyrating of the younger actresses so if that's a deal breaker, this might be a skip for you. Otherwise, it's got top notch cinematography, practical effects, and acting.
No. 435046
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>>434458while i found the movie to be a little shallow and obvious, i'm glad you enjoyed it. there are a lot of interesting themes that came up and decent visuals, but i think you would really enjoy the movie pleasure. it does a really good job exploring the relationships women form in these exploitative industries and how fragile they can be, as well as the corruptive nature of forging success in such an environment. you'll enjoy the color palette here as well.
No. 436091
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recently watched she's the man after all these years. I honestly expected it to be terrible but it was SO funny, it requires a lot of suspension of disbelief but it's worth it lol
No. 436432
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I genuinely have no idea whats the point of ''Once upon a time in Hollywood''. I thought it was going to be a documentary based on Sharon's Tate murder, but it's actually a fanfiction chucked inwith foot fetish scenes about Tarantino's donut steel gary stu self inserts saving Sharon Tate from getting murdered by Charles Manson goons. It's so bizarre, it feels like a movie version of that ''men with a time machine'' meme. I don't know if i am supposed to laugh, cry or feel like i got played by Tarantino. The foot scenes feel so in the nose, same as the ''Tarantino'' blood bath fight scenes. It feels more like a parody than a real film, like he's making fun of all the tropes from his movies, but at the same time it feels too personal, like he had a parasocial connection with Sharon Tate and this was his way of coping with her murder. What a weird as shit movie experience.
No. 436433
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watched The Devil's Backbone last night, thought it was really good. interesting how even in his earlier films del Toro had a distinct style and tone
also I found the evil moid hot
No. 436454
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>>436429it's one of those movies you see as an angsty rebellious teen and it seems like the best ever. i think if i saw it as an adult i wouldn't care for it. as a teen i would watch it over and over again when i stayed with my dad because he had a movie subscription thing my mom didn't have. while he was locking himself in his room drinking i would watch ifc movies for days.
>>436432just another fapfest for quentin tarantino. he really huffed his own farts extra hard for this one. fuck him, i fucking hate white male "auteur" directors
No. 436538
>>436432I watched it in the plane in 2020 when I was half asleep and could barely hear the characters talking or screaming, I was sick and tired, I stopped watching it and slept for good when yet another foot fetish scene started. It pissed me off and disgusted me so much I was too angry to fall asleep by then kek. All I know besides that was that one of Bruce Lee's relative didn't like how Bruce Lee was portrayed at all but I don't remember that part very well.
>>436454>i fucking hate white male "auteur" directorsMe too. I don't even get why these pretentious tards get to be called "auteurs" in English sentences like fuck off with your 2deep4u foot fetish you're not special, a 10 years old could writer better than you.
No. 436900
>>435032I watched it yesterday because of nonnas talking about it. I haven't felt so disappointed in a long time, but from the start it felt like a cartoon world with the set design, so I should've known better. The movie and the director seemed to mock rich old women rather than men and the core of the issue as well as you, the viewer. There were hints of what I truly wanted from a movie like this - psychological horror with serious body horror, but instead I got mockery, being laughed at, a farce for no good reason. I am not surprised the director is a French woman whatsoever… It's rather sad. Over the top, too on the nose, infantile and I feel like it was sexual in a way where, if it was a critique, it just became the exact stuff it was critiquing. All of it felt like that. It also felt very cheap and Sue's casting was odd. Demi had a lookalike daughter, why not get her? The nurse guy's actors looked so similar, is it, perhaps, because Demi didn't want her daughter so grotesquely, pornily objectified without a cause? Good for her, but still. Very disappointing and I don't know if I'll ever understand why nonnas liked this movie, unless they knew it was basically body horror comedy.
No. 436909
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>start watching Baby Reindeer
>a tranny in the second episode
Is the show worth watching regardless? The troon character kind of killed my initial interest.
No. 436916
>>436912Nta but the show is sympathetic to him because the entire premise of the show is a "if this happened to a woman it would be FUCKED up but it happened to a MAN…. MIND FUUUUCK". That's literally it. It's making a big statement about
victim blaming men and shit even though SPOILERS the retard brought everything onto himself through his own actions kek.
No. 437111
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Just watched Conclave, a solid watch. The acting and cinematography were great. I expected it to be more like the Spotlight but it focused on Vatican political drama instead. The ending felt a bit on the nose but I still enjoyed it.
No. 438230
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>>438222>Ariana also looked a little scary to me in the film. It felt like her facial bones wanted to bust away from the skin of her face every frame of the moviebasically
No. 438325
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Were those film also popular in your non-French-speaking country? I'm curious about how their spread.
No. 439052
>>436432The historical fanfiction part of tarantino movies are what put me off about them originally. It really is just a 12 year old boy mindset of “if I ever saw hitler I would’ve totally shot him and blew him up!!”. It kind of grew on me though. We all wish that the mansons hadn’t killed Tate, why not just pretend it just didn’t happen and she went on to live a happy life? To me that’s better than having her death sensationalized for the millionth time.
I hated that his gross Brad pitt Gary stu was the one to kill them though, at least in inglorious basterds Jewish characters were the ones to kill hitler and the nazis. Also don’t understand why he went through great lengths to honor Sharon Tate just to use her as wank fodder with her feet out in that one scene. That whole movie felt more perverted than usual.
No. 440727
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can anyone recommend movies with this feel? i've probably seen whatever you'll recommend but go ahead anyway. it's one of my favorite movies and has a vibe that i haven't ever quite found with anything else but i'm tired of watching it over and over lol