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No. 383328

Yaoi boy summer loading edition
>FUJOSHI (腐女子, "rotten girl"): a self-mockingly pejorative Japanese term for female fans of manga and novels that feature romantic relationships between men.

>Discuss yaoi and BL here, as well as other media aimed at (or with fanservice for) fujoshis.

>Discussion of BL games here is okay, but please do not cannibalize the otome game general.
>Discussion of Male/Male ships outside of strictly BL series is allowed, try to avoid divisiveness between slashers and classic fujos.
>No straight shit, there are other threads for that.
>Feel free to ask for recommendations, but specify what kind of material you're looking for (Genre, oneshot/series, doujinshi, SFW/NSFW etc).
>Being reasonably critical of BL is welcomed but don't come here only to bait or excessively moralsperg about fujos or how much you hate BL as a genre. Take it to Twitter.
>Be mindful of others and hide your spoilers. Use the spoiler image option and wrap your text inside spoiler tags.
>Reminder to ignore the baiting males and trolls who come to provoke.
>Keep the armchair psychology to a minimum, we've heard it all before.
>Be nice to each other, we fujos should stick together.

Previous threads:
1# >>>/m/20688
2# >>>/m/105134
3# >>>/m/137122
4# >>>/m/165351
5# >>>/m/181933
6# >>>/m/190376
7# >>>/m/241364
8# >>>/m/262912
9# >>>/m/283524
10# >>>/m/298322
11# >>>/m/316001
12# >>>/m/331811
13# >>>/m/345951
14# >>>/m/361298
15# >>>/m/369491
16# >>>/m/378712

No. 383336

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Glad to have a picmix OP image

No. 383341

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new thread yippeee

No. 383342

File: 1715999058677.jpg (Spoiler Image,25.43 KB, 501x501, 1699780231664.jpg)

That one takes me back to funpost hell

No. 383343

Hi, fellow funposting nonnie, we meet again.

No. 383344

this is it you guys, this is the thread I stop being autistic(don't post porn)

No. 383345

File: 1715999184805.jpg (38.66 KB, 600x391, sweetpool_bathtime04.jpg)

the last thread brought that energy back, there were yaoi trucks in there too

No. 383346

One day we will return

No. 383353

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which side does that make us again

No. 383354

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Nonnies, what are your comfort reads? Any stories you circle back to? I've probably read tonari no metaller-san at least 5 times through some bouts of sadness. It's so cute.

No. 383355

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Tetsu sabi Kawoshin doujins

No. 383356

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Reminds me of back when I was a highschool kid getting into yaoi.

No. 383357

File: 1716000028008.jpeg (1 MB, 1445x2048, GNsRKSBbUAAPQOI.jpeg)

Why the hell did the last thread move so fast?

No. 383358

Probably because Paradise just got translated and people were excited.

No. 383359

Paradise, infighting, and infighting about paradise kek

No. 383360

Paradise talk does not account for us randomly filling up a thread in less than a week when it usually takes us 1-2 months. There's something in the /fujo/ water supply

No. 383362

File: 1716000436729.png (4.76 MB, 1666x2048, GLk_u5ZXgAA72aN.png)

Newfriends maybe?

No. 383365

File: 1716000662217.jpg (Spoiler Image,54.64 KB, 600x1125, 1461542_19403686.jpg)

Spoiler for kbl roidpig, but totally agree with sounding nonnie in last thread. We need more of it.

No. 383366

Never read this but I always thought these looked like expies of Luffy and Sanji

No. 383367

This webtoon is the ultimate fuel for my darkest fujo desires. Roidpig straight ukes are my Achilles heel. Hope it gets 12 side stories (it won't, probably forever hiatus)

No. 383368

File: 1716000920575.png (1.87 MB, 1600x1225, 83255217_p0.png)

heat causing us to hallucinate smells of boysweat wafting off our animu figures, summer coming in nicely

No. 383369

I swear the only time I come across it is when it’s obviously meant to appeal to barafags without being pure bara. I want it in more bl works

No. 383371

I like big guys being fucked.
I like big guys fucking.
And I love big guys fucking eachother!
It's the best ♥

No. 383372

File: 1716001275395.jpg (Spoiler Image,70.69 KB, 600x1215, 315728_35179791.jpg)

kek for some reason this reminded me of anti-griffith seme x guts uke anon. This webtoon is literally that.

No. 383373

Ntayrt but same, I wish it was longer.
His nipple development was a highlight, though I'll admit I'm a little mixed on the time skip.

No. 383375

What's it called?

No. 383376

File: 1716001466333.png (506.81 KB, 1080x1712, 1688938866871313.png)

Korean ukes could beat the shit out of Japanese semes

No. 383377


No. 383378

man i wish i was born in k/j/c sometimes. western fujoscene is trash kek even this thread isn't the best

No. 383379

>look up the height of CN characters
>195 cm

No. 383380

i am a midriff enjoyer so i cant get into this bodytype, but i love their big asses. Nothing worse than a hank hill ass uke.

No. 383381

Living in Korea is literally life on capitalist nightmare mode though, not to mention that moids there are the worst.

No. 383382

Just learn the language if you want to participate in fan spaces, you really do not wish you were born there

No. 383383

Also I shouldn't have to mention why you definitely don't want to live in China

No. 383384

well when i wish that i'm also disgustingly wealthy so

No. 383385

Alright respect then, though I'd rather live in Japan over Korea since it's nicer and I don't care about Kpop.

No. 383386

Frankly I just wish there were bl cafes and easier ways to buy merchandise.
I have no store and I must consoom.

No. 383387

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the elongated cn top kekk

kbl ukes really are a different breed though. I was reading wet sand the other day and the uke's profile tickled me. So hypermasculine.

No. 383388

File: 1716002149813.png (8.43 MB, 2048x2048, surprisingly this actually loo…)

It's extremely easy to buy stuff from overseas though (at least from Japan and China, no idea about Korea)
I do wish that I could go to one of those themed cafes though even if the food sucks.

No. 383389

>no interests
That’s a lie. Ian definitely has interests which include murder and being a slut kek

No. 383390

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everything's overpriced and too sweet. i've never been able to forget about the made in abyss one where they had a drink themed after the robot boy's piss.

No. 383391

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I don't wish I lived in those countries, but I do wish bl was a little more popular in the west so I could have fujo friends. The only fujos I've met irl were the gendie kind that I couldn't click with. Every so often I'll see someone from k/j/c post their outing with their friends with their faves' merch and I wish it was me. I want to wear cute outfits and talk about BL over desserts at a themed cafe.

No. 383392

>mods spoiled the op pic
>early made thread when there was only 16 posts left in the last thread
Big thanks to whoever reported because they didn't get their way, the thread didn't get locked so now we're stuck with a spoilered thread pic for the next month for nothing.

No. 383394

>Spoilered for NSFW
What the fuck? The three drops of cartoon blood are NSFW? Are we in kindergarten?

No. 383395

A single line of red kek. Should've edited a red sharpie over the scalpel.

No. 383396

It literally sparkles, it's probably a jello.
Nonna, i posted a gift for you in the last thread.

No. 383397

File: 1716004849117.gif (1.33 MB, 498x309, 20240517_225558.gif)

It's just ketchup

Request in meta or the reports for it to be removed, some of the autists here can be so immature. As if every other op pic on /snow/ isn't softcore.

No. 383398

kekk I love this

No. 383399

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Ian is so moe to me kek. I love the whole gangster uke thing, they need to make more besides Ian and Jin from UTGL.

No. 383401

File: 1716005997051.jpg (Spoiler Image,77.37 KB, 600x1389, 351266_35648616.jpg)

ayrt, totally agree. I'm not a huge fan of the plot of Miscreants and Mayhem but the uke scratches that gangster uke itch like no other.

No. 383409

File: 1716008850015.jpeg (696.26 KB, 1290x830, F92EFBC6-BF8B-42D6-A34F-2BDCDC…)

>gangster uke
Definitely one of my fav tropes kek. It’s not very common either which is a shame.

No. 383419

Can someone pls give me an update on Junjou Romantica and Sekaiichi Hatsukoi… I think I stopped reading them like a decade ago

No. 383421

Imagine failing so much at making an OP. How does it feel disclosing your newfag status?

No. 383423

the yaoi equivalent of the simpsons

No. 383432

File: 1716016874141.webp (167.92 KB, 844x1200, c4-Naisho-no-Stalker-san-Page_…)

To be honest I have a hard time fully getting into office worker BL where it's an incompetent guy who fails at everything in life x a perfect ace. I can't suspend my belief enough to get behind them somehow working for the same company. Like yeah there are definitely some retards working for Google but they're not the awawa I'm so useless type of retard, they're the type of retard full of unfounded bravado.

No. 383436

Tbf your pic guys are freaks lol. His glasses aren't even real.

No. 383440

Ayrt picrel isn't a good example because the uke is hardworking and good at his job he just sucks shit at managing his personal life. It just occurred to me while reading their series and i couldnt be assed to find a diff pic kek

No. 383442

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Rest in pisser threadpic.

No. 383443

there were only like 4 people genuinely interested in paradise in the last thread

No. 383446

File: 1716023989380.jpg (407.63 KB, 2048x1536, 1714894324987-0.jpg)

The first cute pic we've had in months and someone had to ruin it by being petty. Can't have shit in /fujo/

No. 383447

So, so true. I don't even know where to look for sounding aside from looking up tags on moidsites.

No. 383448

>4 people
Sounds like a lot.

No. 383449

File: 1716024375563.jpg (561.98 KB, 1200x1446, 20220717_182715.jpg)

>4 people
Pretty good number for a bobge kek even one translated into english. Zoomers don't have the attention span to read visual novels and they're scared of downloading an .exe file so I'm surprised other people were even playing it ITT. God knows oldfags have moved on, though this is the busiest year with bobge releases since like 2016 or something.

Only this year we have
>paradise English loc
>Tokyo satsujinki
>haiiro no arcadia
>possibly mangagamer luckydog

That's more than my 9 to 5 allows me to play in a year.

No. 383452

The timeskip was a bit disappointing tbh, you'd think Ilic would've gotten used to being his whore by that point. He acts like he's still surprised and annoyed by everything but I was hoping to see his spirit fully broken kek

No. 383460

I always mute voices when I play BL VNs. Imagining a real moid sitting in some studio pretending to moan is such a turn off. Which is why I also never got the appeal of drama CDs.

No. 383463

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Let's post some our favorite brocon fujo ships
-ed x al
-floyd x jade
-diluc x kaeya
-eiden x rin
-sesshomaru x inuyasha
-shiro x keith (the one that got me into brocon)
-mob x ritsu
-osamu x atsumu
-hanako-kun x his twin
-ciel x the real ciel

No. 383464

I used to be like you nonnie until I realized they probably don't care and some of them even enjoy doing it e.g. Netoru. He did room no 9 and liked the experience so much he's a staple of BL games now even doing monthly slop like nucani. If the moids moaning in the studio are having fun there's no reason you shouldn't be, too.

No. 383465

>shiro x keith
how the fuck is that brocon. you have the age gap, but there is no tabu to be broken in that pairing

No. 383467

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>NBR shit
Bad. But I'll add mine:

- stridercest not sorry
- D twincest from elden ring
- princes twincest from dark souls 3
- aoba/ren in sei's body
- hisora and sata from nie no machi
- P/Carlo from lies of P
- yomi/juurou

No. 383468

>diluc x kaeya
they’re not related by blood, but if we’re counting non blood-related but familial brocon relationships, can I toss in lyney x freminet as well

No. 383469

>diluc x kaeya
Garbage taste and they're not even real brothers
>not knowing tsukasa's name

No. 383470

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>P/Carlo from lies of
now this one's actually deeply based. I wish more people gave a shit about this game, my 2023 goty.

>brocon tax

No. 383471

the point is that he sees shiro as an older brother at first
so what they still refer each other as brothers, they're adoptive siblings it's still brocon and it's easier to think of the ship that way
i forgot tsukasa's name but it doesn't matter, hanako kun is only good for the incest

No. 383472

ambiguous brocon (not blood related) is still brocon to me as long as one of them sees the other as a brother

No. 383473

File: 1716028884391.jpg (378.58 KB, 2048x1405, 20230104_130739.jpg)

Twitterfags chimping out about "b-but they have a brotherly relarionship, that's totally problématique incest!!!" has been a disgrace for real incestfags all around. Real brocon is about coming from the same pussy, and miss me with that half-brothers shit

No. 383475

File: 1716029014722.png (306.14 KB, 676x1000, 42697915_p0.png)

"ambiguous" """"brocon"""" is but a pale imitation of real brocon no matter what you heard from twitterfags

No. 383476

not to be mean but youre really fucking retarded if you think older brother figure is the same as actual incest brocon.

No. 383477

so diluc/kaeya can't be brocon to you cause they're not blood related even though kaeya was literally adopted by diluc's dad? isn't an adoptive sibling still a sibling kek

No. 383479

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Based fellow lies of P enjoyer nona. Also my 2023 GOTY I had so much fun and P was cute as fuck, played the entire game with the schoolboy outfit. Needless to say I also ship Geppetto/P slash Carlo. Otoutos fighting over their father's attention is pure sexo.

No. 383480

old and forgotten, but my first bl pairing
yeah, they are a felix/mildmay knock off, but an improved one, like oreo. i fucking hate felix, and mildmay is way to good for him

if we are accepting NBR

i get the appeal, but i really cant ship those two. the fact that in canon there is nothing sexual between them is the sweetest thing ever.

No. 383482

File: 1716029363087.jpg (633.3 KB, 1280x1785, tumblr_a09592d85b3a9af0774c85c…)

>so diluc/kaeya can't be brocon to you cause they're not blood related even though kaeya was literally adopted by diluc's dad?
>isn't an adoptive sibling still a sibling kek

No. 383486

I’ve been around too many moids who mock women for their interests that I keep thinking about how much the japs voicing my yaois all hate the women they owe their jobs to. I also did the mistake of looking up how some of them look like. But I’ll try to learn to enjoy voice acting. Thanks for the encouraging words

There’s brocon in no thank you? I have to get over my male whore hate now

No. 383488

i'm sorry but this makes no sense, this kills the stepbro/stepsis porn category

No. 383491

>I’ve been around too many moids who mock women for their interests that I keep thinking about how much the japs voicing my yaois all hate the women they owe their jobs to.
I understand your feelings here but I see it like this: yeah maybe they're manwhore moids irl who hate women in the typical jap fashion, but 1) I literally don't give a shit about them as long as they sound hot 2) they're objectifying themselves for my pleasure and are thus literally objects to me 3) I paid for this shit so they better deliver a good performance. Also think about moids playing eroge, none of them have these sorts of feelings because women doing sexual degrading shit for moid pleasure even if it's just voice acting is just a normal day here on earth. And tbh if you read some interviews even some eroge VAs say they have fun and how silly doing it is. It's literally just acting and probably funny as fuck IRL.

>I also did the mistake of looking up how some of them look like.

Classic mistake kek

No. 383494

File: 1716030431406.jpg (561.9 KB, 1219x847, 1716030316007.jpg)

stepsis/stepbro porn is for normalfags who want to dip their little toe into the taboo aspect and not for real incestfags. Incestfags find stepsibling shit boring and not real incest. Personally I drop BL manga as soon as it's revealed they're stepsiblings or not actually related, it ruins the whole point and screams cowardice. This is why the genshitter ship is a pure nothingburger to me, funny to see twittertards still losing their shit over it

No. 383495

no, it's an adoptive sibling. it's even less messed up than childhood friends to lovers.

same omg, except my favorite outfit was workshop master lol. ot but the reused djmax music in that game made me lose my fucking mind when I heard it, three of my all time favorites and the arrangements were done so beautifully, a little embarrassing to admit but it was one of the only times a vidya ost has ever brought me to tears.

I get that too, their relationship was pretty precious all things considered. the q&a where they threw a bone in the form of saying if they ever fucked it would only be because they had to (as a punishment) activated my fujocoom.

No. 383496

you're clearly a radical incestfag and i respect that, but for me brocon =/= hard incest. i see it as a fetish too of being obsessed with the idea of a brother you fuck

No. 383502

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I am so desperate for more content for this ship

No. 383503

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>they finally made it out of spoiler jail
another win for team friendship

No. 383504

File: 1716033195617.jpeg (82.06 KB, 457x500, 4A65725F-C3B3-47CB-87E7-EB2ADC…)

vincent x gilbert haunted my childhood, they used to be my "one exception" to incest

No. 383507

File: 1716034424284.jpg (72.37 KB, 700x495, AmeCan.JPG)

Only if you squint tbh. Now move aside for the GOAT brocon hetalia ship
Based. They don’t even look like brothers so it was easy to forget sometimes kek

No. 383508

File: 1716034686275.jpg (449.41 KB, 1414x2000, FN4cAuQVcAM2dk1.jpg)

After a long while of not being into fujo shit, I have returned to my fujo roots. I'm happy to see that the community is well and alive to this day.

No. 383509

Netoru posting his nucani pulls and merch shopping sprees on Twitter provides me so many keks on a monthly basis, bro literally gives back like 10% of his wage to the devs in the form of ingame currency and character merch. Based

No. 383516

i gotta thank gege for giving me my first viable "ot3" with sukufushidori

No. 383520

I still remember finishing room no 9 back in 2016 in a total traumatic state and then reading his part of the staff notes and being shellshocked at how genki he was irl and how much fun he said he had voicing seiji kek. Based Netoru keeping the hobby alive, him as Azuma is also kino

No. 383522

You're right, USUK is technically dadson

No. 383526

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No. 383531

File: 1716044839848.jpg (88.48 KB, 736x552, 1000025545.jpg)

FloydxJade is the best shit ever, I love animu twins, but idk, when it comes to twins, I like it when you ads a third and then stuff gets messy, as in there's jealousy and insecurities added to the whole "b-but we're brothers!!!" Stuff, plus I hate when one of the two characters that aren't exactly uke material get turned into the ugüu uke with a tiny body, when it's twins with a character in the middle, both retain their seme-like personalities.
I honestly only like incest pairings when they're twins, otherwise it feels retarded to me because the characters aren't often even similar so what's the big deal? No one will know that brown skinned hot beauty with blue hair and blue eyes is the brother of hot pale skin redhead beauty with red eyes and that they're both fucking.
But with twins it's kind of impossible to ignore it, everyone just knows that they're brothers and that it would be weird if they were to fuck, like it means there's more risk of being harshly judged.
Meanwhile when there's two characters that don't even resemble each other, they can move to another country and pretend they don't know each other and fuck in peace, it's not like they're going to have retard babies like in straight incest.

No. 383536

File: 1716045806858.jpg (324.04 KB, 1000x1333, 20240509_204509.jpg)

with floyd and jade I love how it's canon that they fight over dumb shit all the time like actual siblings and azul hangs out with each of them alone as friends. their already degenerate and sadistic personalities along with being given foreign human anatomy to mess around with make it so easy to see them fucking and 'sharing their food' so to speak.

there's also azul's ceremonial robes vignette which speaks for itself

No. 383538

File: 1716046436096.png (1.25 MB, 1062x1500, 106990220_p8.png)

I also love falena/(aged up)cheka x leona and how leona is always the bottom

shroudcest is ok too, sometimes it feels like yana pushes it extra hard, but it would've been better if they let her go through with making idia the shota and ortho the older bro but still a robot.

No. 383540

Really? I couldn’t imagine playing vns without voice acting, it’s the one thing that differentiates it from manga. It’s the best aspect to me, especially if the art is bad (ahem ahem paradise).

No. 383544

hiiro tops

No. 383546

What's with the constant complaints about Paradise art? Takara is ugly yeah but that's his design and not an overall art problem? What is the standard of good art in this thread? I don't think Paradise art is amazing or anything, just genuinely confused cuz I see other VNs with way uglier art being shilled here all the time. Post some "good art" to compare

No. 383547

I really wish we had more of it. Like anon said earlier I mainly see it in gross bara. We need more qt3.14s having metal rods put up their holes.(don't post porn)

No. 383549

the fuck you see them as then? groomer ship? that's also sexy

No. 383551

>Zoomers don't have the attention span to read visual novels
Most of the people who read VNs nowadays are zoomies though. Obviously there's a large number who just pretend to read them but an equal portion actually do, it's why most VN discords is people in their early 20s.

No. 383552

while we're on vns and sounding here's another from ego to kokai no dilemma(don't post porn)

No. 383553

i love when the coom oozes out after the rod is removed(don't post porn)

No. 383558

File: 1716051939227.jpg (34.1 KB, 540x341, tumblr_pfie2yvkWo1xgf7b8o4_540…)

I love all the weird resident nonnas ITT. Big kiss

No. 383559

File: 1716051958253.jpeg (137.15 KB, 818x579, 51756707c8a0187022ed4d1e02d229…)

>Ragna x Jin
>Hanako x Tsukasa
>Schenizel x Lelouch
>Uncle and Nephew but Dojima x Yu is pretty good shit
I don't dislike incest (though father x son is pretty creepy), but most of the ships that get considered 'incest' aren't it (ie: USUK)

No. 383561

I'd argue if you were there for the DMMd craze in 2013 you can't be considered a zoomer tbh. Anything after that is dependent on loocalizer slop and is scared of downloading a torrent

No. 383562

NTA but if you think paradise's art is bad you obviously haven't yet had to play any non-nitro BLVN pre-2011 or worse, gone down the dark dark mines of doujinge. A couple of those under your belt and paradise's art looks like an AAA tier prime wagyu beef cut

No. 383563

>Gen Z age group includes people born from 1997 to 2012
Nonna…I'm pretty sure a lot of zoomers were there for it (lots of girls at my middle school were into it for reference).

No. 383564

>Most of the people who read VNs nowadays are zoomies though.
Yeah, nonnies really have to stop acting like every person in this thread is 30+ because the entire BL/VN community + most language here is clearly zoomer. Not to mention a lot of people get into BL communities when they're still underage.

No. 383565

Guess it's about where you draw the generational line. I don't consider anything born pre-2002 a zoomer

No. 383566

DMMD is the new cutoff for generations???

No. 383567

Well, then you're incorrect.
It kinda makes me roll my eyes whenever I see literal zoomers saying 'W-WELL THAT'S NOT A REAL ZOOMER' like yes, yes they are and so are you.

No. 383570

File: 1716052663498.jpg (38.85 KB, 500x604, 5a605f646def5cb810a6fe29234282…)

Proud 2013 dmmd craze zoomer here. My parents didn't give a shit what I did on my computer back then kek.

No. 383573

Sneaking around and using the family computer when everyone is sleeping to look at yaoi, good times good times….I did indeed download a virus before that gave the computer AIDs, learned my lesson

No. 383574

File: 1716052975697.png (431.23 KB, 500x459, tumblr_msvtktjP6T1seyv5wo1_500…)

No. 383576

who tf is that green haired boy and why is he in the picture

No. 383577

N from pokemon
Because they all are the same trope character.

No. 383578

many zoomers are entering their mid to late 20s now, so I think treating them like a monolith of 14 year olds is stupid. you don't magically become a millennial when you hit a certain age, if you were born in '97 you're still a zoomer even if you don't act like a 13 year old zoomer.

No. 383580

but what do clear and komaeda even have in common? nagito is fucking insane and clear is just some robot dude

No. 383581

File: 1716053335762.jpg (258.3 KB, 663x691, 20240311_112709.jpg)

manic pixie dream boy

No. 383583

>White hair
>Strange personalities
>Have some sort of special power (luck and being a robot)
>Plot knowledge before hand
>Love the protagonist
>Best characters in their respective games
>Both pretty clearly based on Kaworu Nagisa
Also this.

No. 383586

File: 1716053517941.jpg (734.75 KB, 1165x787, __nagisa_kaworu_sachiel_and_cl…)

Oh and most importantly
All are super duper autistic!

No. 383589

>Best characters in their respective games
kojaku is the best dmmd boy for me

No. 383591

File: 1716053924937.jpg (954.26 KB, 2800x2399, ab46604f126dd34051c772e182dbbd…)

I'll accept that as an answer, but I still like Clear best.

No. 383592

File: 1716054090914.jpg (4.48 MB, 2000x2828, makoharu cuties.jpg)

i rewatching free and my love for makoharu is coming back.

No. 383600

File: 1716055296783.jpg (132.88 KB, 1280x720, 1000016659.jpg)

>AAA tier prime wagyu beef cut
Kek nona you're such a wordsmith ily

No. 383604

Is it time to shitpost? I need to post this

No. 383618

This dub sounds like an abridged series kek. I didn't expect this series to have an interesting plot though, now I'm even more interested in watching it and checking the games out. Nta.

No. 383625

File: 1716058299208.jpg (134.09 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20240518_094959.jpg)

>this guy is about to shit himself
black butler everyone….

No. 383626

I never saw it this way but you know what, you're completely right. Also this trope is 100x better when applied to male characters.

No. 383627

Kek, i just watched it too, i don't remember it looking like the corset scene in the manga. Poor Joanne.

No. 383631

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No. 383632

it actually looked the same but the panels were small. he also pisses himself

No. 383637

File: 1716059546261.webp (Spoiler Image,167.99 KB, 800x1200, 34.webp)

Oh no, you're right. Yana Toboso staying in her lane, keeeek

No. 383639

there were so many ways to draw this scene but she chose the most sexual one, why did it have to be for scat though

No. 383640

she's crazy

No. 383641

How the fuck did tumblr types ever get through this manga?

No. 383645

It's been published since 2006

No. 383648

Based scatstacy Yana god I need her

No. 383661

they read it for the "plot", allegedly

No. 383690

File: 1716065113218.webp (115.05 KB, 840x1120, Eyes_Clouded_by_the_Tiger_Full…)

Caught up reading Taming the Tiger. Holy dorito uke. Bro is yoked. Still enjoyed it for a bit, but it got boring quick. I'm not a huge fan of bussy-whipped semes.

No. 383693

File: 1716065328286.png (251.75 KB, 722x330, Screenshot 2024-05-18 at 2.48.…)

where is clear smh

No. 383695

Fell off a roof, couldn't make it to the meetup.

No. 383704

rip, thot

No. 383705

Kek this is hilarious, based Yana. I need to watch the new anime

No. 383706

So many damn newfags in this thread

No. 383710

fuck off only brought it up because of the meme >>383574 posted

No. 383717

nta but the banner is brand new, fag. all those gay newer banners scream "made by an /ot/ newfag" except the jill and shay ones, and shayfags have their own set of issues.

No. 383719

File: 1716067736905.jpg (253.41 KB, 654x760, aee9667f40710b58f1a0ac7317301f…)

To be fair the fanart itself was made over a decade ago…

No. 383732

File: 1716070574606.jpg (66.51 KB, 736x612, 1a8a7d3fe0f86d8334ef3eec3ae9c5…)

I plan on getting into blvns after finals. Any lesser-discussed or dated titles you recommend, nonnies?

No. 383738

Could never get into this one. It's a shame because I love historical BL. I feel like there's not as much of it as you might expect.

No. 383743

You're so fun anon

No. 383744

My issue with historical BL is that a lot of authors put too much sex into it when it's a genre that needs more time spent on the story. I love smut as much as the next fujos but when it's happening in every other chapter, it's gets annoying.

No. 383746

Ayrt, yeah honestly plot-wise it was a big old nothing burger. Some of the sex scenes were kino but I lost interest pretty fast. I stuck around hoping there would be some angst or event but nope, just roidpig sexo. I think it’s a fine read if you’re only looking for smut.

Nta, agree. I enjoy the smut but sometimes I wish they made better use of their setting and actually tried to add more of a story rather than every single “plot” point being a setup for sex almost immediately after.

No. 383748

I see korean manhvas often have a problem with too much smut, it annoys me too, just smut is boring. In manga it's either 90% buildup, or 1 chapter porn-without-much-plot ones usually.

No. 383749

Yea it always cheapens the story too. Idk I feel like in manga they keep it short but sweet. And the focus isn’t really on the dick but the physical and emotional chemistry.
But in Korean manhwa it’s only focused on the massive shlong and the uke squirting everywhere. It’s just repetitive and boring.

No. 383765

Yeah, agreed. I think some plots set themselves up specifically to be smutty, like POTN, but it's often not well-justified and feels like a waste of a setting. Steel Under Silk, for example, didn't need to include as much smut to get the fundamental conflict across (although it does have good political drama/revenge story focus, all things considered). Granted, there's also just not a lot of examples to compare though, kek.
This is a very hit-or-miss thing in KBL. A lot of it is just long-winded porn with a fragile veneer of plot, but there is also plenty like Semantic Error, Tell Me You Love Me, Mad Dog, and Payback that have quite a lot of build-up to the sex, and when it does get there, it feels logical and earned. Besides, I wouldn't say yaoi manga is typically 90% buildup. Yaoi manga is rather infamously smutty and always has been. I think it's just par for the course in yaoi/BL that there will be a lot of variance in how much smut is in it.

No. 383864

Speaking of Free! you reminded me of a story. It came out around the time I was budding into fujoism and I remember shipping Rinharu hard. I showed the anime to my friend, who was a total normie who only ever watched anime because I put it on for us. We ended up fangirling together over the guys, then I asked her what ship she liked and she said something like "I ship Haru with the redhead, what's the name again…?" and I got so excited because I thought we both liked Rinharu, only for her to go "Kou!", and she only shipped them because she was the only available girl and no other reason…I was so embarrassed. That's when I found out fujoshipping was considered weird.

No. 383870

I had a similar experience. We were both playing My Candy Love and while browsing the forum I found a fanfiction about Castiel and Nathaniel. It blew my mind because I had no idea you could do that and in my excitement I sent it to her but she replied something like "I don't get it, so is this about the two guys getting together? That's kind of boring" KEK

No. 383875

File: 1716100266327.png (214.83 KB, 640x900, 1483832709176.png)

>Also this trope is 100x better when applied to male characters
Probably because they generally have a lot more angst compared to their female counterparts. Kaworu was originally meant to be a cutter after all.

No. 383878

It just never registered to me that shipping two guys was out of the ordinary until someone said it to my face, which was extremely weird for me specifically because I grew up in a super homophobic environment anyway. It wasn't even a sexual thing for me because I was too young at the time and didn't even participate in fan spaces to accidentally get exposed to racy fanart. Cute anime boys being together bypassed all religious conditioning somehow and I didn't even notice.

No. 383879

File: 1716101078477.png (132.42 KB, 451x813, he likes ferris wheels.png)

Also the trope comes across as more just extreme autism as opposed to cute and quirky when applied to a guy instead of a girl.

No. 383881

There's just something about a reveal that a genki/manic pixie guy is a cutter, I can't explain it at all.

No. 383882

File: 1716101620801.png (1.1 MB, 1200x1200, vc58yqk8mkr61.png)

What about that he strangles kittens?

No. 383884

I feel like that'd depend more on the character, but in Kaworu's case, yeah sure.

No. 383886

that's hot

No. 383887

File: 1716104202997.png (925.69 KB, 753x1024, 118020568_p1.png)

You know it

No. 383910

File: 1716113385481.png (352.98 KB, 1277x720, 1000016672.png)

Do you require English translated titles, nona? In that case your options aren't that much and they have already been discussed a lot in these threads. It also depends on how exactly is your focus (romance? plot? specific fetish?), personally I would just rec starting with DMMD, it's a classic that people love to hate because hating popular things are in fashion, but it's honestly pretty fun read and a good choice for a first VN. Plot is nothing to write home about, I mostly enjoyed it for the characters. Some brutal and/or mindfuck BEs but the romances are pretty wholesome (even the one that isn't ends up so in the fd).
If you have already played VNs before and are specially looking for old VNs other than the ones usually shilled in this thread (by parade, n+c, adelta etc) the following come to mind (disclaimer: I only enjoyed a few of them)
>Absolute Obedience: pure meme game where rape is treated as comedy (except some rare occasions which honestly was such a whiplash), do not expect any serious plot and skip if you need it
>24-ji, Kimi no Heart wa Nusumareru ~Kaitou Jade~ Phantom thief plot + high school setting, I am super into the former but bored to death by the latter so I couldn't advance past one route, I should continue some time for the seke options
>Gakuen Heaven 1 and 2 are other school life centered games I dropped because they bore me, plus the first one translation is incomplete
>Silver Chaos: RPG like fantasy setting but no battles, was interesting to me because I love fantasy hero fight demon lord shit but it's a very dated title, instances of odd rape and the shota route was cursed
>Blood Domination: I played it on android but now has a PC port. The concept is the super cringe dom/sub shit but there is a lot of effort into the world building so I honestly enjoyed it. It has an pre-established couple setting as in you don't get to choose LIs. I hated Izayoi/Uzuki to death but loved Takamine/Chihaya, just the right amount of toxic kek (funniest shit was how the text mentioned dicks but sprites had Ken doll anatomy)
>Tokyo Onmyouji: the only rec I have that I haven't played myself but friends with very similar taste swear by it, came out relatively recently but I don't see people talking about it much online for some reason. the art doesn't appeal to me but apparently the mc being cool and the good translation makes it for it

No. 383913

>really like the uke from pic rel
>check the title
>android trash
why. nta but i will check silver chaos. I have been trying to dl gakuen heaven 2 for months but the torrent is dead.

No. 383914

No. 383930

File: 1716122619835.jpg (360.42 KB, 1200x1190, 59830256_p12_master1200.jpg)

play animamundi. and muh paradeshit.

No. 383990

Do any nonnas have experience with selling secondhand yaoi doujinshi online? I have a bunch of Japanese DJs that I've owned for 10+ years and I think I'm ready to let some go (to make room on my shelves for more doujinshi) but I'm not sure what's the best platform to sell them on. eBay, Reddit, something else?

No. 384062

Manga Kaworu is too moidy to be a cutter

No. 384066

I don't have any experience selling but I've seen people selling them on xitter. Your mileage may vary however. eBay is pretty good for old manga, maybe doujins also works.

No. 384124

File: 1716150135311.jpg (723.67 KB, 1200x838, 77278997_p5_master1200.jpg)

Why is Shimada kinda cute…

No. 384129

File: 1716150391084.jpg (228.39 KB, 1280x1684, 1716141090950.jpg)

shaun is definitely the only cutter in eva manga

No. 384139

Why do they have midget proportions here?

No. 384147

Ty nonnies I'll be checking all these titles out. I've played dmmd/recon and slow damage but that's about it, really. Paradise is also definitely on the list for the summer.

No. 384155

He cuts himself by accident when he's trying to cook.

No. 384156

File: 1716155618330.jpg (113.69 KB, 600x450, Animamundi.~Owarinaki.Yami.no.…)

>that's about it, really
oh, then definitely do the parade games (rn9 nty lkyt), animamundi, tokyo onmyoji, and i'd add in sweet pool as well. i liked to loved all of those.

also recommend:
>sorcerer's choice
>luckydog1 and friendly lab when they come out in eng
>akaya akashiya ayakashino
>am2:00 - short sweet and to the point, has the nostalgic vibe you were looking for, fan translated
>togainu no chi and hadaka shitsuji - classics as meme games, the former has great music
paradise is mid but you'll probably walk away at least liking the mc and either mitsugi or matsuda somewhat. there isn't a lot else in english, but you can still dip in to machine translation with textractor.

No. 384157

Japanese 14 year olds are short

No. 384158

>Togainu no chi
>Sweet pool
>Lesser discussed
Also kinda OT but lucky dog is so fucking ugly that even when it comes out I'm probably not gonna play it.

No. 384159

There's not many canon male cutters out there tbh.

No. 384160

they're cardboard cutouts and can't help it

No. 384162

>Not BL but Azusa
There's a few

No. 384163

it's 15 years old, of course it's fucking ugly. only teenagers on tiktok and gooners play vns for the art alone.
>Lesser discussed
idgaf when anon has barely played anything in general and there are like 20 bl games in english

No. 384164

I mean it's a visual medium, I'd hope the art is at least decent kek. Also Togainu no chi is older and it's art looks fine just saying.

No. 384165

Males who cut are extremely unattractive. It just reminds me of mentally ill young girls.

No. 384166

Ok, this is the worst take I've seen in quite a while.

No. 384168

We're talking 2d only.

No. 384169

off model Chinese cutouts

But canonically they're 5'2 and 5'3, so pretty short anyway

No. 384171

File: 1716157218555.png (54.24 KB, 1003x268, shin manlet.png)

Shorter actually (at least for Shinji)

No. 384172

>but the game by one of the biggest vn companies that had several times the amout of money put into it looks fine!!!!

No. 384174

>at 14
Actually a midget, holy crap

No. 384175

File: 1716157461024.jpg (40.77 KB, 736x460, 07159417ac7e8f735e8c2b1c606f98…)

I req lesser discussed because I already plan on playing the commonly mentioned ones from previous threads such as rn9. I am basically totally new to blvn despite being into BL for over a decade so I really appreciate the recs; I'm not a stickler for art! As long as the story is interesting, I'll give it a try.

No. 384177

File: 1716157608295.png (950.83 KB, 992x1452, a67790e07458ec33f9970ca26dd8e6…)

This makes him shorter than Ciel by the way (who's 5'2)

No. 384178

File: 1716157654336.jpg (63.88 KB, 358x500, 20181206134312.jpg)

If you have some Japanese and are willing to put in some effort into researching Japanese history I highly recommend Taisho Mebiusline nona, literally my kamige and probably the best BLVN ever outside of parade's gigakino. Literally a beautiful and heart wrenching story that had me sobbing at the end. I've got a whole dedicated shrine to my husbando now.

No. 384179

That's his NGE height, in the rebuilds everyone gets a height boost of about ~4 inches iirc. There's an official rebuild height chart somewhere out there

No. 384180

Yet another reason why rebuild is trash…

No. 384191

File: 1716160647872.jpeg (Spoiler Image,171.38 KB, 800x1000, 6AD79E09-9D8F-43C1-983F-D2F6D4…)

it truly is a tragedy, we need more canon male cutters. nothing better than depressed and suicidal males, always puts a smile on my face.(spoiler this)

No. 384193

File: 1716161327738.jpg (72.32 KB, 850x821, EKKgb5EUEAAWzrr.jpg)

If anons itt want a story about cutting, I suggest "raising a bat". There's a side straight romance though, heads-up just in case you're not into this.

No. 384194

men are rarely cutters that's why you see it less

No. 384200

men aren't fucking each other pregnant but that is everywhere in BL, it doesn't have to be realistic. cutters are hot and its about time fujoshi caught on to it as a trend.

No. 384201

I wanna see some pregnant ukes who are cutters and I wanna see 'em NOW

No. 384202

I think I recognize this as the same artist who draws reigen ryona

No. 384203

Wrist slashing is gayer than getting fucked in the ass.(low quality posting)

No. 384208

File: 1716164080523.jpeg (296.96 KB, 626x900, 6E22770B-FD5E-41C7-AD28-FB70F9…)

im sure a lot of doppo ryona artists also like reigen, they're similar as bullyable guys in suits. i don't think reigen is as depressed and suicidal as doppo is, though.

No. 384212

File: 1716165122016.png (1.2 MB, 784x1252, emo ass bitch.png)


also, wasn't a huge fan of incidentally living together but it's a rare one where both seme and uke are (ex)cutters

No. 384218

File: 1716166430940.png (35.71 KB, 678x401, BPD demon.png)


Kaveh would cut tho. He’s basically a tranny

No. 384219

Ty for the rec nonita! This definitely has my interest. I'm already drawn to the purple haired guy kek. My Japanese is rudimentary but I'm willing to put in the work for translating.

No. 384220

File: 1716167153740.jpg (102.45 KB, 800x1000, Ftwvoe5aUAEoCMc.jpg)

ok I will admit that I don't know very much about hypmic but everything I see about that red haired mf makes me want to get into it just for him, I love freak loser suitmen. reigen tax

No. 384221

File: 1716167446967.jpeg (499.65 KB, 1762x2048, 36D39671-B5A2-4E86-9D2A-9FFA98…)

kaveh might be a little depressive, but he is also a moid with anger issues. he'd probably punch walls and get his fists all bloody, not cut.

No. 384230

File: 1716169833172.jpeg (94.23 KB, 600x772, IMG_9297.jpeg)

If there are no my starry sky haters left in the world , it means I’m dead.

IDC how much the seme groveled. Not because what he did was particularly unforgivable but he’s just annoying and ugly.

No. 384232

File: 1716170008957.png (2.22 MB, 1140x1744, most_of_the_pillow_punchers_cr…)

>he'd probably punch walls and get his fists all bloody
I still stand by the best way to rank characters is how they let out their rage

No. 384237

File: 1716170901607.jpeg (358.37 KB, 1448x2048, IMG_7524.jpeg)

Is common for effeminate twinks to self harm rather than become outwardly violent. They know it’s way more likely to cause guilt(and also know they can’t win fights). The stuff hospitals have to fix is usually more gruesome than women. Basically credible suicide attempts.
> he is also a moid
So then if drunk and feeling extra spiteful and violent Kaveh would slash his arm down to the bone and nearly bleed out because he hit an artery.

No. 384240

File: 1716172476426.jpeg (443.08 KB, 1530x2047, BC29B833-959F-4FCB-85B4-8F73A9…)

girl, he isn't an effeminate twink. he is just a metrosexual moid that blows his money on wine and female prostitutes at the bazaar. anything gay he does with his sexless autistic roommate is just a desire for intimacy after he ran out of money for his favorite slut of the week, sadly. if he is self harming, he'll drink himself to black out or pick a verbal fight with alhaitham then punch a mirror or stomp around. there is no cutting, there is no fag here.

No. 384242

All edgy genshin impact headcanons remind me of those egirls who say hello kitty does heroin and plays with knives. I don't think they would do any of those things because they're kids game characters with 2 personality traits and will never be relevant to the story again.

No. 384243

File: 1716173323079.jpeg (412.27 KB, 1484x1822, IMG_0006.jpeg)

The game and spinoffs go out of their way to bully some characters. They treat emasculating Gorou as a joke which is kinda dark.

No. 384244

File: 1716173657813.jpeg (171.23 KB, 600x1067, 8FD9F295-967F-41F9-B4E5-DD11DD…)

i absolutely recommend getting into hypmic for doppo alone, suicidal salarymen are so hot. he gets lots of good fanart and doujins where he is a pathetic, mentally ill freak. very tasty.

No. 384245

Are you 12?

No. 384246

File: 1716173954991.png (2.06 MB, 1366x768, IMG_9299.png)

why has this thread devolved into genshit character analyses? the game doesn’t even have good fujobait kek.

anyways, replaying dmmd and finished Noiz’s good ending. I can’t believe I forgot how lame it was. They got rid of everything that made him an edgelord and turned him into a parent appeasing weenie.

No. 384247

>They treat emasculating Gorou as a joke which is kinda dark
Lol lmao

>was about to reply the exact same thing
>same age
I'm spooked

No. 384248

i'll never understand the genshin fanbase. is it still riding that high of being a botw clone + giving everyone the virtual outdoors experience during covid

No. 384250

File: 1716174740752.webp (33.69 KB, 446x446, IMG_0334.webp)

It’s a lot nicer than most western games which are written by literal soyjaks. There’s no way they’d put out stuff like this or design characters like this in the west.(where's the bl)

No. 384251

Yes, mixed with characters designed to be as one dimensional and inoffensive as possible to make it easy to write and draw porn of them. This type of series is the fujobait equivalent of fast food, and GI is still uniquely low quality within the standards of that realm.

No. 384252

and literally who here is talking about western games? there's a genshin thread here you can post these ugly bastards in

No. 384254

>not bl
>zero fujobait
idc about slash convos but this isn’t even that. take it to the genshin thread.

No. 384255

Honestly, my biggest issue with noise route was the way the narrative treated his gratefulness towards Aoba for fixing his brain. If they were going fix his sensations, they should've done it before any romantic confession. The way thr story plays out makes it seem like he mostly likes Aoba and is willing to work on his personal growth only because he's "a real boi who can feel now uwu", he keeps talking about his past self as if his condition made him completely unworthy of love up until now
But you're also right, I don't get how him appeasing emotionally abusive parents is supposed to be something we're supposed to root for

No. 384265

File: 1716177389266.gif (Spoiler Image,2.98 MB, 520x293, IMG_1766.gif)

>not bl
Do their dog versions count?
It’s an official animation.

No. 384266

Do it. Doppio was made for ryona

No. 384267

>genshitter and furfaggot
Pick a fucking struggle

No. 384268

no, your husbando as a dog is not bl. stop shitting up the thread and go back to twitter.

No. 384273

i know gnsn is ghetto but that's too amateur to not be a fan animation. also the ship sucks, from what i remember gorou had more straight shota fanservice with that ara ara hentai mommy milkers woman than he ever did gay fanservice with itto. shit game.

No. 384280

File: 1716182253742.jpeg (344.48 KB, 1387x1918, IMG_0338.jpeg)

>>genshitter and furfaggot
Only figured that out now? The game has playable furry males and that’s a big draw. Yiff in hell.
It’s official https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mpGi_X2re6Q CCP somehow let gay dog humping go on air.
> fanservice with that ara ara
Miko just bullied him and the only thing that remotely counts was forcing him to dress like a woman.
Meanwhile Itto tried to hump him in their dog forms and simps Gorou in drag.(derailing)

No. 384281

>special livestream
that's fanmade. they do compilations streams of fanmade works on their anniversaries called hoyofair and upload them, they're in no way official. go here >>>/m/357977 to spam slop

No. 384282

File: 1716183078292.png (1.08 MB, 850x828, kissu.png)

based dog boy appreciator. Their size difference does it for me.

No. 384341

yae humiliating gorou is a fun gag because yae is a kitsune and she does this to everyone. and itto is canonically in love with the crossdressing version of gorou, made by yae. the implication is more that yae is a fujoshi

No. 384403

as much as i hate genshin, general ship posting should be allowed, right? or was the genshin thread specifically made as containment for genshin players

No. 384404

atleast post ships that actually have fujobait

No. 384405

it seems to have fujobait, judging by all the fanart that exists. the concept of fujo goggles is also a thing and has been since forever

No. 384406

genshinfags make ship fan art of everything, even characters that never interacted have ship fan art.

No. 384407

genshinfags have crack ships? in 2023? that’s crazy

No. 384409

diluc x childe is a ship for some reason and it has over 2000 works on ao3.

No. 384411

You guys have your own whole-ass thread, why do you need to come here and spam it too? Actual BL media or real fujobait anime and games are so rare already. Genshit may have fujo ships like any other moidslop gacha but coming here to spam it is quite selfish imo.

No. 384414

Unpopular opinion but these days there's too much BL and fujobait media, like bravern, that is focused on old farts, ugly manly dudes, and muscley dudes than bishies

No. 384415

and itto x dilic have 22. popular crack ships are a thing

No. 384425

maybe its because of korean bl stuff having so many buff men?

No. 384432

this: >>384406 all genshin ships have such weak fujobait that they're all bordering on or actual crackships incl. two guys who stood near eachother once.

No. 384433

the yume and yuribait is also weak, genshin in general is just terrible for ships.

No. 384434

that's all gacha

No. 384435

I agree. There is no way in hell i am watching something as ugly as Golden Kamuy for the supposed yaoibait. Don't get me wrong, the show and manga are great and all and i enjoyed it, but i cannot feel horny thoughts towards those guys, they look way too goofy.

No. 384437

I'm sure most women into Golden Kamui started the manga or the anime for other reasons and just ended up liking some gay pairings here and there, while Bravern is actual fujobait to begin with.

No. 384438

Fake news, all my gachaslop ships are thriving

No. 384439

then why not post your "thriving" ships anon?

No. 384442

there is a lot of 'manservice' on golden kamuy. Its obviously done for laughs but some women might like it unironically.

No. 384443

does golden kamuy have a single good looking guy?

No. 384444

No. In the fanart they bishify them.

No. 384445

Golden kamuy is heaven if you're a fujo into roided ojisans. Yes we exist and no we are not barafags, the line is thin but it is there, I find geicomi baras physically repulsive and the guys in GK do not fit into the box, they are still facially pretty. I also like hairy anime moids so Tanigaki is pure sex to me. The fujobait is there it's only for a specific type of fujo.

No. 384459

File: 1716213710172.jpg (66.59 KB, 937x768, 14.jpg)

I already do sometimes, I don't ship anything hoyo though.

No. 384460

>they are still facially pretty
no, they arent. In the fanart they always have to draw them extremelly off-model to make them look good. Maybe if you called them handsome or manly i would concede but they are definetly not pretty.

No. 384470

barafujos are almost as oppressed as trapfujos on lolcor

No. 384472

how? there is so much bara content thats normally higher quality than bl content.

No. 384475

I know but my post was more about how things are advertised and presented compared to the plot. Bravern is a short anime about gay shit, Golden Kamui is about beefy guys and one teenage girl hunting down escaped criminals to find gold but it just happens to have gay shit on the side because from what I've seen so far and that shit lasts for 30 volumes more or less so there has to be a more developed plot than your average 12 episode anime.

No. 384478

File: 1716215631706.png (89.84 KB, 250x499, Sugimoto_Ch24_04.png)

Fine, they're not bishounen-pretty but I still think they look hot esp. Sugimoto and Ogata. Yes they make goofy expressions sometimes but they're miles away from being faggot-gaze baras for males. I'll defend my soft-featured musclepigs to my early grave.

No. 384479

its not the expressions, its the retarded design choices like the sonic donut steel tier scars and eyebrows, and neckbeards that make them goofy and retarded looking.

No. 384482

File: 1716216033083.jpg (407.8 KB, 800x1150, 1641748658228.jpg)

Say it, sis

No. 384483

I don't mind barafujos, they just have bad taste. Trap"fujos" need to kill themselves.

No. 384484

File: 1716216243701.jpg (264.48 KB, 750x1051, MV5BYjQwNjUyNDUtYThlZC00NmI0LT…)

Hey, Ichi the Killer scars are iconic in jp, even Asada Nemui ripped them for Sleeping Baldie (and the chainsaw man moid from Nemui).

No. 384485

barafags have scrotes by their sides so they have endless amounts of content. Go play gyee or bastard bonds. Fujos are never getting any game that isnt a vn or mobage.

No. 384487

The body type hotness ranking goes like this: lean muscle bishie > super slender bishie > realistically ripped man >> women >> bara bodies >>>>>>>>>>>>> traps

No. 384489

they look cool on ichi because they make sense and have a flow, they dont read very well on sugimoto and a single scar would have looked miles better

No. 384490

Sugimoto having just one scar on his face while his entire body looks all messed up would look weird too though.

No. 384491

what genocide did you commit in a past life to make god curse you with the worst taste on planet earth

No. 384492

>barafags have scrotes by their sides so they have endless amounts of content.
Simply untrue, the type of bara scrotes like is miles different from the type of bara fujoshi barafags like. To the unfamiliar the difference may be suble, but it exists. Moids have no sense of aesthetics and want their baras to be as ugly as humanly possible just like IRL.

No. 384495

the bara haters are my least favorite reoccurring characters itt

No. 384496

I dont see the difference.

No. 384497

i like my musclepigs to be clean shaven

No. 384514

File: 1716219588044.jpg (116.26 KB, 736x1115, 426c0d424b98cf51dc396f7d5ac0d4…)

i love heroXvillian so much nonnies…. what are your favorite heroXvillian ships? i need mooore

No. 384519

File: 1716220240864.jpg (206.69 KB, 782x782, 1000010755.jpg)

does shuake count?

No. 384530

File: 1716220818138.jpeg (90.6 KB, 450x440, D4CB6EAA-2F10-4178-B8D0-D6851C…)

I need to shill my favorite obscure(ish) jrpg ship; weissmann/joshua from trails in the sky. Their 21 year age gap and weissmann essentially using joshua as his plaything (nonsexual bc it's a pg game but if you're aware of the trends and tropes around when it was released in 2004 you can see there’s definitely something more) for 10 years is so fucking good… I hope it gets a remake and other fujos can see the light, they are a perfect predator/prey ship

No. 384544

File: 1716222339732.jpeg (1.61 MB, 1262x1761, 0412DA4E-6704-4F2C-A59E-F48FA5…)

Yesss same. I used to love seph x cloud. X also had a lot of good enemy pairings (I feel like this was a big thing back in the 90s but maybe I’m just misremembering).
Lately I’ve been really into sukuna x megumi.

No. 384548

it’s funny because i actually enjoy more bulky unrealistically masculine bodies in yaoi alongside the unrealistically feminine ones. twink x twink with no size difference or contrast takes me out

No. 384570

File: 1716226385003.png (Spoiler Image,133.3 KB, 348x324, 118415242_p0.png)

My take is that bara is probably halal unless they have that stupid fucking bara sameface that I hate. Somehow the men and the dog furry baras all have the exact same face and thats probably why the line between human and furry for gay moids who like it is nonexistent.

No. 384575

File: 1716226717428.jpg (1.03 MB, 1000x1414, 1000010761.jpg)

gross just gross. i prefer my sexy bishounen/ikemen yaoi boys

No. 384614

File: 1716234903022.png (6.43 MB, 2208x1242, kek'd at the random anime wome…)

Bara characters always look like snub nose monkeys because their noses are so high up

No. 384618

I absolutely do not want to see what modern Falcom would do to the Sky games

No. 384621

File: 1716236337006.jpg (217.4 KB, 1000x1752, afgsdfgsd321.jpg)

nonnies… just finished the sadistic beauty bl sidestory after putting it off for ages because of bad reviews. why do I love it.

10/10 recommend for sangwoo apologists.

No. 384622

I need to get around to this one too. I've read the original and the GL sidestory but I never liked either of these characters personality or looks-wise, I wish the twink from the original got dicked too.

No. 384623

File: 1716236625825.jpeg (310.68 KB, 700x858, 37B11A44-BFA0-40A4-AC0D-DA78CF…)

Filename is me right now. They aren’t even sexualized (which I obviously don’t mind) and look so out of place that they’re kinda just there. What’s the point

Yeah part of me doesn’t want it to happen for that exact reason. I especially fear how they’d treat Renne because cs/kuro Renne was effectively reduced to waifushit fanservice and if that happened with a hypothetical sky remake that’d make me so mad. With that said, I do wish sky was more popular and I attribute that to its age and a remake would help, also I wanna see weissmann, loewe and sky joshua with the new models kek. It’s pure copium that the probable remake won’t have coomshit tacked onto it and in that case id take no remake at all

No. 384624

>10/10 recommend for sangwoo apologists.
Kek. Bad reviews were probably moralfags, i was ignoring them as much as i could. But i'm always happy to see the pushback against them in the comments too. It's a nice manhwa, the uke is so pathetic, it's perfect. I would recommend to skip through the non-bl main part even, i think he was cute there too.
I wish the twink from the original would dick him too, tbh.

No. 384626

exactly this, kek. muh rape #cancelseme. I love stockholm stories.

No. 384627

The ryona is excellent and the art is amazing, but plotwise I found it boring and formulaic. Thankfully the plot can be safely ignored kek, the porn was very good.

No. 384629

That schizo translator had it out for the FMC and her boytoy from the original as well, she pretty much just hates anyone who isn't her husbando Minho

No. 384633

The translator had me in stitches. The walls of text after every single panel sperging about the author and then the eventual backtracking when she got shit for it gave me a hearty kek. Imagine being into bl but getting so assblasted about ryona because your husbando is on the receiving end.

No. 384643

File: 1716238215149.png (505.2 KB, 978x613, Amazing writer.png)

She does say based things sometimes, i absolutely agree with this quote, for example. Author is, indeed, a queen.

No. 384645

File: 1716238662636.png (51.94 KB, 562x437, Screenshots_2024-05-20-15-56-4…)

She censored the character name like it's a slur, I'm gonna die laughing

No. 384648

File: 1716238790417.jpg (43.84 KB, 451x451, FLkFajLVUAEwjp5.jpg)


rapechad-1, virgin translator-0

No. 384649

Is there a version without the obnoxious translator notes?

No. 384650

yeah, same translator uploaded notes free version after getting bullied kek

No. 384654

File: 1716240120813.png (47.62 KB, 564x186, Virgin translator.png)

She wishes she was them.
Can be found on Myreadingmanga.

No. 384674

File: 1716242793794.jpeg (463.33 KB, 1536x2048, C398E3B7-6532-4A8F-8DA8-9D0858…)

while iori is maybe less of a villain and more so a schizophrenic closeted transvestite with a murderous hard-on for kyo, i think kyo/iori is such a classic hero/villain ship i can't help but still love.

KOF fujo resurgence when?

No. 384679

File: 1716243375761.jpeg (257.56 KB, 1514x2048, F1EnvIxaIAE59Gb.jpeg)

Had to do a double take. Thought you meant the other kyo/iori ship.

No. 384680

The schizo translator was the best part kek the commitment to scanlating the entire series while massively seething in every chapter was insane
Somebody should release an edition of her(?) translation with all of the notes scrubbed off to trigger her more

No. 384696

File: 1716246469592.jpg (206.66 KB, 1431x2048, NeuteredGorou.JPG)

>itto is canonically in love with the crossdressing version of gorou
>implication is more that yae is a fujoshi
Dangerously based

No. 384702

File: 1716248188447.jpeg (323.45 KB, 1125x947, IMG_2663.jpeg)

>Asada Nemui ripped them for Sleeping Baldie (and the chainsaw man moid from Nemui).
It was fun seeing the couple fujos that noticed

No. 384709

I cannot stand this kind of tumblrspeak, just be normal already

No. 384713

that's twitter baby

No. 384714

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No. 384715

File: 1716249827556.gif (344.55 KB, 400x230, bc30d89abd8427438d9c8925201d1c…)

finally determined to play and beat this fucking game before the end of the month, is there a route order you recommend nonny? so far i'm making choices based on my own feelings kek

No. 384719

The language used is Tumblr export

No. 384730

>uses awful slurs directed at women (raxa, quenga)
brainded twitter genderfan.

No. 384769

File: 1716261993678.png (Spoiler Image,2.16 MB, 1764x2064, fucking kek.png)

read this a long time ago and i'm 90% sure it's supposed to be a horror comedy. like i refuse to believe i wasn't meant to kek very loudly at picrel (left to right)

No. 384774

I just wish I didn’t have to deal with overseas shipping costs

No. 384778

The whole thing is a riot, the author just fucking hates Minho's guts she gave him a micropenis and erectile dysfunction and also made him poor and forced him to watch his ex-gf cuck him (he pisses himself when he sees this) I can't even list how many anti-Minho elements she put into the story, forcing him to shack up with his psycho rapist for the rest of his life was the final and biggest fuck you.

No. 384779

File: 1716263462673.jpg (Spoiler Image,89.42 KB, 720x1080, 41103_15891337.jpg)

I just reread it now, and she managed to add her obnoxious edits at the end of some chapters, kek. She still couldn't contain herself.
It is pretty much a comedy for me too. Minho's character is pathetic to such a ridiculous extent.
>censored part
I was waiting to share this, my favourite frame from the original story. He's such a cutie and he deserved it.
>forcing him to shack up with his psycho rapist for the rest of his life was the final and biggest fuck you.
Fucking kek. Wasn't there a rumour that Minho was based on her real life ex?

No. 384782

Holy shit, I was going to read this once I finished up Beware the Ides of March, but I'm starting it ASAP because this just fucking killed me. This is amazing.

No. 384790

Can't believe how wholesome Akuheki ended up being. With the way it started and the author's past works, I expected one or both of them to die in some degenerate way.

No. 384832

File: 1716275435458.jpeg (101.3 KB, 1000x850, GIo8lP_bkAA7W9N.jpeg)

Yay my nonnie! Enjoy this absolute heart destroying kamige experience, don't forget to play the fandisk afterwards too for peak emotional damage.
Route order rec is:
>Misaki (true route, locked)

Shigure and Misaki are best boys.

No. 384835

is this possible to play in english? why is there a russian translation but not an english one…

No. 384841

Quality won't be excellent but it's perfectly readable with good old MTL in >current year. That's how I played it and it was fine for me, the real difficulty with Mebiusline is the references to Japanese history and mythology that are familiar to natives which you have to make an effort to look up to understand the story. The Russian fantranslation VK page actually has like 10 documents that help explain this stuff which I translated from russian and helped a ton kek. It helps to be able to read basic Japanese though and also have a dictionary app enabled at the same time (like in old-school Translator Aggregator) so you can look up the individual terms. A lot of the complicated kanji is actually common Japanese terms like 何故 > なぜ, cue dictionary.

No. 384844

File: 1716278670690.jpeg (164.24 KB, 1864x915, GIPF3dqaoAAG8TX.jpeg)

Samefag but an English translation of the common route exists in text form: https://lookiamnotcreative.tumblr.com/post/64251758474/taisho-mebiusline-common-route-route for the rest you'll have to MTL. Pretty good for a start though.

No. 384944

File: 1716293918902.jpg (435.38 KB, 2048x1536, 1716265523617.jpg)

arigatou, really looking forward to misaki booba mlem mlem

No. 384961

File: 1716297938750.jpg (21.62 KB, 236x364, 519168e5c7c46df3bd0834b01f9d05…)

what do you guys think of selfcest ships?

No. 384970

I think they're too autistic for my taste, reminds me of onceler fandom. I feel like the two selves must be different enough and have a narrative purpose to work. Twincest beats it anyway

No. 384972

File: 1716298836680.jpeg (114.24 KB, 600x452, IMG_8083.jpeg)

Pretty hot, only ship I can really think of though are the danganronpa V3 guys and their pregame selves, different colors in fighting games, many many Hetalia selfships and pic (obviously).

No. 384974

File: 1716299030197.jpg (142.77 KB, 850x1028, __hinata_hajime_and_kamukura_i…)

with danganronpa do you mean hajime x izuru?

No. 384975

Kek the guy in picrel kinda looks like Alfred… What's it from?

No. 384976

File: 1716299268526.jpeg (290.1 KB, 920x1096, IMG_8084.jpeg)

That also counts, but I mainly meant stuff like Kagehara x Saihara and Bonkichi x Ouma (yes those are the actual fandom nicknames)

No. 384979

File: 1716299365191.jpeg (77.95 KB, 798x598, IMG_8085.jpeg)

kichiku megane

No. 384980

File: 1716299558575.jpeg (Spoiler Image,56.77 KB, 780x488, IMG_2684.jpeg)

Nonnies, I just downloaded rn9 thanks to you all and so far I’ve done 1. ending D/no ending(?) 2. ending A. This game is so unsexy but I can’t stop playing. Maybe I just hate bdsm gear (gross), but only a few of the sexo scenes have been hot, like picrel. Still, I’m enjoying the psychological aspect of the game

No. 384984

File: 1716300041376.jpeg (541.85 KB, 1901x2048, IMG_2355.jpeg)

I thought anon posted USUK for a moment kek

No. 384986

all the hottest ones are in B/C and F, that's where all the consensual sex, frotting, and mutual masturbation went

No. 384987

KEK same

No. 384988

There’s probably some fanfic out there where Arthur and Alfred are the same person who fuck each other

No. 384990

Thank you nonna, doing these routes next

No. 384991

Literally every time someone posts this ship I keep thinking it’s Kichiku Megane

No. 384993

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Speaking of selfcest, I’m surprised this isn’t more popular.

No. 384994

File: 1716300795437.jpeg (410.23 KB, 2048x1347, IMG_0839.jpeg)

KEK they do look similar, gotta check out Kichiku Megane now

No. 384996

who are they?

No. 385000

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>misaki booba
superior taste nonna

No. 385001

File: 1716301307721.jpeg (214.7 KB, 532x745, IMG_8090.jpeg)

Battler and Black Battler

No. 385003

File: 1716302012293.jpg (203.43 KB, 685x960, movieactorapp1.jpg)

novel I never finished but guy with DID falls in love with himself kek

No. 385005

I never finished umineko because they kept introducing new characters and now you’re telling me there's black battler guy too?

No. 385010

Why is it heart wrecking nona? Does it have bad ending? I'm interested in the guy with the long hair and military suit. How is his route? I don't like tragedies so I might skip. Spoil freely.

If it's not trouble can you share the link to the Russian site and the patch just in case?

No. 385011

It's fun when one of them is evil.

No. 385027

File: 1716306496790.jpeg (Spoiler Image,203.45 KB, 832x1216, IMG_0429.jpeg)

Ah yes. The classic ship:
Lolcowtranny Kaveh and his tard wrangler

No. 385031

File: 1716306871169.jpg (Spoiler Image,164.15 KB, 1391x1080, 03182251_5c8fa24b3759c.jpg)

>the guy with the long hair and military suit. How is his route?
Nta but I have this meme saved kek

No. 385042

i wonder what would happen if madarame and matsuda meet

No. 385046

quoting myself but i now wonder if this isn’t a mistranslation or something kekkkk

No. 385068

File: 1716308191667.jpg (158.58 KB, 1024x768, ea1qTf.jpg)

Super rapeape brawl shiki is meta knight

No. 385071

File: 1716308432420.jpeg (285.14 KB, 2048x1516, GC2OPQrbEAAUo_N.jpeg)

>Long hair military guy
That's Senge, the game's rapechad or dare I say, rapecel he's the most popular character. His route is at first the typical rapechad route type of depression which I don't usually enjoy (except with Matsuda) but just while you're about to throw him in the garbage the plot picks up and his route ends up being where it's at its strongest. It's really well written and the "falling in love with my rapist" surprisingly, actually makes sense and ends being believable due to the jujutsu shinto/buddhist mythology shit happening in the route. At no point the MC also acts retardedly and only ends up in the military's hands because Senge threatens to pin his entire family as being commies, kek. He's not my favourite but probably the most well written character in the game and has a huge fanbase. The fandisk is even more well-written and actually made me cry for this piece of shit bastard kek.

Long hair guy (Misaki) is my husbando and also 4shiki's (oldfag bastion of good taste for those in the know). He's the true route so his route is mostly the plot route, but it's amazing and again, incredibly well-written.

Tragedy I'd say is mild until you play the fandisk and there are definitely happy endings in the mix. Misakifags we suffer, however. It just made me incredibly emotional so many times so that's why I think it's heart-wrenching. It's a beautiful story that's worth being experienced, it really got me to ride out every single type of emotion and I'll always treasure my time with it. If you love Meiji and Taisho history as well as shinto/buddhist mythology it's also kamige tier.

Russian fantranslation page https://m.vk.com/mebius_line just send them a request.

No. 385074

File: 1716308585570.jpg (611.97 KB, 900x1200, 90036925_p2_master1200.jpg)

Matsuda 100% would rape Madarame in his stinky ass rat-infested basement.

No. 385106

but is matsuda stronger than madarame? i feel like madarame would just kill him kek

No. 385112

File: 1716312200946.jpeg (7.73 KB, 183x275, images.jpeg)

Thank you nonny!
Yes senge is the guy that piqued my interest but Misaki looks as hot, I like long haired guys, thanks China novels for the brainrot. The fandisk has good endings or end in tragedy like dying separate etc. for example. Asking so that I can avoid it. I absolutely can't take tragedies. Lol it has an anime?

No. 385114

File: 1716312538574.jpeg (590.68 KB, 2048x2046, GDzkNRCaAAAqn3y.jpeg)

No, the FD doesn't have anybody dying separate or any other parade-tier tragedy. Every pairing gets a happy ending, whatever that might look like for them. Also yes there's a short anime that's memey as fuck.

No. 385116

Matsuda already kills everyone on the island in both of his bad ends. Madarame meanwhile took like 10 years to kill one gross old man in the most cucked way possible a.k.a. with a gun. Also he's too nice to Towa, Matsuda would never.

No. 385117

The pil/slash dudes are based. Well written story explaining why they are schizos. Madarame has zero personality however. Just a rape shell of a man. He is hot if you are into hunks tho. And Jūro was far better written compared to Hanazawa. Hanazawa,Hakase and Kaoru needed mina and kawase sized routes in order to understand them.
Well written schizos in bl games rare thing.

No. 385120

File: 1716312904326.jpg (44.35 KB, 256x362, Tokyo Satsujinki Gakkou no Kai…)

Thank you nonny! I'll get both this week then and tell you my impressions. Did you try this new game btw? It's from the same company according to dlsite.

No. 385129

File: 1716313710816.jpeg (319.9 KB, 1622x2048, GN8L4gIaYAA8ety.jpeg)

You're welcome! I'm looking forward to your impressions, I'm always hanging out ITT. And indeed, I've got it pre-ordered will full bonuses kek, It comes out on eroge day at the end of the month. I'm excited for all the new chuuni shit and hopeful the writing is good.

No. 385151

File: 1716315840182.jpg (201.37 KB, 900x1000, arcadia.jpg)

I'm playing the trial and it looks fun! I'll play mebiusline next and 24. How i never played games from this company before.
I'm reading the reviews from the 4shiki person and I can't stop laughing. I miss this type of humor.
I want to buy haiiro no arcadia because I really like the artist.

No. 385159

i wonder what 4shiki is up to now

No. 385176

I greatly approve of the current nerding out over Taisho Mebiusline, finally some actual BL discussion instead of infighting

Do you like RenAo from DMMD, nona? I feel like it fits both bills

Based, nona. You explained it perfectly. Madarame has so little personality that Towa literally peeked into his mind and found nothing kek. Meanwhile Matsuda is a complex, pathetic but human dumbass who started well meaning but absolutely failed in self management and coped with a stressful situation in the worst way

No. 385177

4shiki is a relic of a time when the woke mind virus still hadn't completely taken root in nerdy online spaces. I used to follow so many VN bloggers who have now deleted many past jokes and comments from their reviews and sanitized their writing to the point that the reviews feel less like reviews and more like news articles, so disappointing

No. 385178

Oh I love this art style. Will haiiro no arcadia have an english trans anytime soon? I’m a bit of a noob when it comes to blvn

No. 385182

Only holicworks game ever translated in english was Tokyo Onmyoji with no others in progress

No. 385183

It is possible! New games have more chances. But machine translation tools have improved a lot nonny, give them a try. 15 years ago me wouldn't bother to learn Japanese in this day and age of AI. I'd off myself if I went to translation school instead of what I studied in university. I can't be replaced by an AI unlike poor translators and graphic artists.
The artist has done a lot of fanarts for paradise that's why I'm familiar with her and want to buy her game.

No. 385186

File: 1716319306437.jpg (233.83 KB, 1072x988, Screenshot_20240521_212109_Chr…)

I miss her so bad nonnies. She was a queen and I can't believe I thought her reviews were cringe when I was 15. Her sweet pool review cracks me the fuck up every single time.

No. 385187

Wasn't 4shiki a male actually?

No. 385188

>diabolik wifebeaters
I can't believe I liked this shit as a teenager.
Nessa no Rakuen review has me rolling on the floor.

No. 385189

File: 1716319616470.jpg (125.05 KB, 1300x1666, 20230414_181012.jpg)

I swear her art for paradise is better than paradise's art itself, kek. I'm holding out on haiiro until I hear that the plot is actually interesting and then maybe I'll buy it on dlsite. I'm shipping my new holicworks game from JP at the end of the month yippie. Hope you like Rosa Nakajo's games I think she's one of the best writers working in the blvn space right up with Love&Destroy and parade's Amemiya. Kurosawa I wouldn't call a great writer but she is a schizo. Also, Misaki love.

No. 385191

a dude who plays otome? I don't believe it. Yes she sounds crass but her co-writer was female too so I'm betting 99% she was a woman. I'm sure there's evidence for it somewhere in her reviews.

No. 385197

Cute artstyle! I liked the writing in Laughter Land and Kannagi tori some ends really made me break down crying but made sense and these endings were for the best. Since then I can't take utsuge and nakiges. Kurai Nichiyoubi and Melancholic Dreamtower. Hidden jewels.
I played lkyt from the parade games and I liked the writing cried a Niagara. Funny how I say that I can't take tragedies yet every game that I mentioned has tragic and bittersweet endings. Again thank you nonny for the analysis. I was very active with bl games until 2011-2012 and got into the hobby again with lockdown in 2020. That's why my top games have Yu-Gi-Oh art and hairstyles haha.

No. 385205

Black Battler isn't really a character and more of a concept he's literally the personification of the Battler culprit theory, but they made him playable in the fighting game

No. 385213

Kekkkk. I remember this, holy nostalgia.

No. 385243

it was a guy (supposedly) and a girl yeah. i can see a gay/bi weeb being attracted to anime men

No. 385250

File: 1716336146085.jpg (329.69 KB, 747x719, 20240505_020719.jpg)

>Melancholic Dreamtower
i brought that game up here the other day, still haven't played it because lazy. someone else was very interested in playing it too, was it good nona? any review?

No. 385256

bit ot but do you read jp or are you using mtl?

No. 385267

both, mostly mtl. my jp bad, can't go long without having to look up the meaning of something and reading speed is like a snail - voiced lines are less problematic. unless you're reading a real book or poem mtl will get the job done, try combining textractor with sugoi japanese translator.

No. 385279

Samefag as >>384990, binged the rest of the routes today and you were right! The h scenes were much hotter in the other routes. I really shouldn’t have gone for the darkest one the first time round

No. 385545

>accidentally ended up on sengay route
welp, will try again tomorrow. mebiusline nona, please tell me at least one of the twins dies. that kusogaki kaoru is the resurrected person the hand zombie was talking about isn't he? i want him to die again.

glad you liked enjoyed them! ya A is just the super degen route kek best for me will always be the pov switch into seiji using daichi as a human dildo then almost choking him out, 10/10 that entire ending was kino

No. 385546

File: 1716410455700.png (Spoiler Image,743.78 KB, 940x652, lol.png)

(dropped my spoiler so reposting pic)

No. 385547

File: 1716411382402.png (113.31 KB, 1250x133, 7899.png)

Holy shit, I can't stop laughing at Takara's route, what the fuck is that. I'm fucking kekking but I'm also mad, this is one of the worst things I've ever experienced literally a 1/10 plot. It's hilarious, feels like Lychee is literally trolling. What a scam ass route, megakek. Him admitting to everything 3 seconds into the route and even Azuma questioning it like "doesn't the villain usually leave his monologue for the end?" is way too self aware for this not be an intentional, massive troll. I couldn't stop laughing at how retarded and awful this is. Thank fuck this game has like 2 fandisks to abate my hunger for turboslut Azuma because my god.

No. 385555

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>that kusogaki
kek nona, careful what you wish for. I agree they're annoying as shit and only good for one bad end which was honestly kinda kino. They'll grow on you nonnie maybe. Their FD scene is diamonds.

Also pretty intense experiencing sengay on your first try, kyo couldn't beat the commie allegations after all kek. Sengay's H scenes tho look so fugly his rapecel anticts are kinda hilarious to me. Shigure is still the best first route to do since it's a 10/10 also I kiss Shigure.

No. 385613

File: 1716423879527.jpg (Spoiler Image,228.99 KB, 1080x2022, Screenshot_20240522_Mihon_1.jp…)

Okay, I read this because of you and I have no idea if it was intentional, but it was so hilarious. Wookyung is so funny from start to finish, picrel killed me. 10/10, excellent yandere x pathetic man fever dream.

No. 385635

ntayrt but i'm glad you like this as much as i do, i love this, i love how much he gets tormented and somehow in all of this Mr.Seme is just as tormented and is reduced to a whiny dribbling mess at the end.
i honestly love it, nothing else can fill the Sadistic Beauty BL Side Story sized hole in my heart.
i wouldn't care much for her notes or seething if she hadn't tried to shill that garbage fanfic in every chapter, some gall she has. trying to have the hot yandere and hot loser without the yandere and loser part is like trying to have the milk without the cow.

No. 385648

File: 1716443110968.jpg (Spoiler Image,72.37 KB, 720x998, sadisticbeauty.jpg)

>somehow in all of this Mr.Seme is just as tormented and is reduced to a whiny dribbling mess at the end.
This honestly made everything so much better. The fact he started off purposefully making everything as miserable as possible for Minho and by the end he's shoelessly sobbing after him and the best Minho can muster is resignation was so beautiful. Wookyung was not fucking around when he said picrel, kek. They are going to be a codependent disaster until their dying breaths.

No. 385701

File: 1716458394688.jpg (11.27 KB, 184x144, 39419764_p4.jpg)

shigure moe moe, hating the shiki phenotype supernationalist a little extra for his sake

fucked up that kyoichiro got posessed by a gooner with ojisan complex and then we were robbed from the hot wincest by proxy action, rip to him. everytime i saw that cg of them together in the beginning i secretly hoped they would fuck too…

No. 385719

File: 1716474233421.jpeg (108.77 KB, 838x739, F6oqV5rakAAVPfe.jpeg)

Nonnie…we are literally the same person we were truly robbed, I wanted kyo to sex up his ojisan uncle from the first moment I laid eyes on him. Gooner ghost ending was some mega blue balls. maybe in our dreams.

Kek at shiki phenotype, for real. After shigure's route I was so anti-military it was a double whiplash sexing up the hardcore japanese imperialist. One of the things that makes this game so good is how historically accurate the character's mindsets are, even kyo ideologically is an accurate portrayal of early 20th century inaka landed gentry japanese mentality.

No. 385742

She's an unintegrated 4chan shitposter fresh from the genshin threads on cm.

No. 385816

File: 1716490873604.jpeg (272.41 KB, 1448x2048, IMG_0638.jpeg)

Cyno is an unintegrated 4chan shitposter

No. 385818

The gorouposter for those in the know.

No. 385823

File: 1716491564085.jpg (128 KB, 640x1016, poridentidad-594464095.jpg)

Can someone here explain this to me jk but idk why the algorithm recommended this to me

No. 385827

He fucks an ugly old man

No. 385832

What bl game are you playing anons?

No. 385833

i’m pretty sure that’s the trapschizo cross baiting. not the artfag but the one who posted that ramble last thread about traps replacing shotas or whatever

No. 385835

Not playing anything other than nucarni right now, to be honest.
Speaking of, fictional birthdays, yes or no?

No. 385836

File: 1716495757460.jpg (373.32 KB, 1975x2048, Nohomo.JPG)

That’s a different anon. You can tell because they’re more aggrieved. Would much rather furry-lite femboys than underage characters.

No. 385844

File: 1716497824009.jpg (840.87 KB, 900x810, 69489461_p0_master1200.jpg)

Still playing paradise, almost done with it. Waiting on Tokyo Satsujinki.

No. 385857

File: 1716498846751.jpg (Spoiler Image,58.35 KB, 424x608, lol.jpg)

No. 385858

Nothing right now, next VN I'm gonna play is otome instead of BL.
Keeek this is fuckin funny.

No. 385877

yea sengay gets more vile with every appearance, getting through more shigure bad ends, shiki phenotype real… i assume he won't stop being an imperialist shitbag later in his route and instead he'll seduce kyoi into being his bitch? i prefer that over a total redemtion arc for a character like him but cringe taste if they really let a shitman be most popular. but i love the historical accuracy, my knowledge on this stuff has been good enough so far. i'm excited to see misaki pp and more ghosts. the sanzu river, yama/enma, and other cool underworld spirits have always been my favorite topic in jp mythology.

after taimebe and its fd, waiting game for parade4 announcement (and lkyt official works book) its time

No. 385900

I usually hate 3DPD but I really love stage play adaptations for some reason?

No. 385905

im writing one in my head

No. 385924

File: 1716520346504.jpeg (78.68 KB, 600x538, IMG_1306.jpeg)

Nonnies here got me to play room no. 9. It’s been great so far, I love watching Daichi’s descent into complete gayness, and observing minute details about the two. Anyone have more recs for bl nukige in a similar vein or is rn9 just that unique? I know it’s slim pickings for english offerings but im willing to mtl some japanese ones

No. 385928

File: 1716522936491.png (1.52 MB, 1447x2047, volo sama....png)

>Franchises that you just like for the hot guys and fujobait

No. 385938

The perfect body type. Who's the artist and on what platform?

No. 385939

No. 385942

Thank you.

No. 385944

File: 1716526615008.jpg (1.08 MB, 1447x2047, 1716518779583963.jpg)

You're welcome, most of their stuff is him shipped with the loli protagonist though since that's the most popular ship.

No. 385946

I'm not familiar with the franchise, I just want to see more art with that specific male body. Thank you for the heads up though!

No. 385960

then why the fuck did you post this here, just post it in the husbando thread?

No. 385962

Because he isn't my husbando? I just think he's hot. I prefer him with the shota ship wise anyway.

No. 385985

Did parade announce any new game or that they are working on one nonna? I know that clock up is working on two new games but haven't seen something about a new bl game. I saw that nitro chiral is working on a new game though but they haven't specified. Mada Labo (naked butlers, patient S) works on something too. I wish Pilslash was working on something.

No. 385991

File: 1716544843292.jpg (356.84 KB, 1079x1284, Screenshot_20240516_165419_Chr…)

The guy behind parade (Amemiya Mitsuru/Akutsu Ryou) has been on sick leave since 2021, he isn't even directing the newest CLOCKUP game. It looks bleak for parade. If he croaks or retires it's gonna be a huge loss both for eroge as well as BL.

No. 385993

File: 1716544978199.jpg (428.01 KB, 1080x1749, Screenshot_20240516_165423_Chr…)

No. 385998

I finally got the time to play sweet pool and then I realize I'm playing the censored version. Fuck this game.

No. 385999

I don't think that's the same person nonna. Amemiya is a woman and along with Nty artist, Shima they worked on the first bl game. They were the main people and amemiya did the main plot. Amemiya has been the director for all bl games of parade since then. Norizane in now the artist and while the plot is Amemiyas idea, various clock up artists write the routes. There's an interview with Shima on mangagamers site. But if that director is involved like a heads chief or something it's possible to be on hold all their projects. Sucks overall.

No. 386000

The interview
Lol forgot shima had the idea queen.

No. 386002

Literally only NTY until friendly lab gets an english translation.

No. 386003

>But all I could think about was how I didn’t have the ability to make a BL game that I’d be happy with using the things I like (depressing western games, foreign detective shows, crime novels, and stuff like that) as inspiration, and even if I could pull it off, it’d be full of elements that would make it unviable commercially.
Kek these inspirations are so based

It can't be the same person because Amemiya has been the main one tweeting from the parade staff account for years, infrequently but you can see they've been doing it from work and not from home.

No. 386007

Huh. That's the first time I hear of them not being the same person. The interview doesn't specify Amemiya's gender. Good haro who directly worked on it said back when mangagamer was first licensing NTY that Amemiya and Akutsu were the same person, and she had direct ties and communication to the company since she was the lead translator. Everyone in the VN space always says they're the same person, if it's not true then it's a huge misunderstanding that has been going on for a decade. Also, around 2015 or 2016 some of the staff for parade/clockup had a panel at AX or some other con where Amemiya was present, and of the people who showed up Hamashima was the only woman there (as confirmed by people on 4chan who attended). Anectode but they said she was the most beautiful woman they had ever seen, kek.

The tweets doesn't mean much, he/she could be officially on sick leave but still coming in the office every once in a while to handle side stuff like the lkyt setting book. You know how Japanese "sick leave" is.

No. 386010

File: 1716553245733.jpg (Spoiler Image,32.98 KB, 600x450, 1000012026.jpg)

no announcement but this should be the final year of lkyt's promotional period. once that's over and they can release its book(s) compiling all the official content thus far, they'll probably move on to the next project. in the staff notes they mentioned wanting to revisit its world which i'm down for, i would've liked to see yael's saudi arabia home country but setting a whole yaoi game there would be absolutely batshit and i'm scared might get them bombed.
>I wish Pilslash was working on something
i wonder about them, i don't know if they'll revisit dysou with a fd since it didn't do great. lychee is still supposed to be working on the cage remake and her new game, that's the new release i'm 2nd most excited about, but it's unclear if she's still working with pil/slash alongside that.
idk whether amemiya is akutsu or not personally. if they are, the implications of that are hilarious. amemiya has not appeared to be on full sick leave and the mainline clockup titles did not recieve the same level of polish, promotion, and attention as the parade games while he was busy doing this: https://twitter.com/pa_staff/status/872510798035156992?t=ojitJSM-2j0OYRtMLoObJw&s=19 https://twitter.com/pa_staff/status/872509955412078592?t=ojitJSM-2j0OYRtMLoObJw&s=19 to his seiji pillow, "my son and his sister." i guess we'll have to wait and see what happens after lkyt promotion is finished, maybe he'll officially prioritize working on bl games or they too will get a new director.

No. 386011

I didn't know that info nonna, thanks for sharing. I trust Haro. It would make sense since the writing style is similar to the ones Akutsu worked but that doesn't necessarily mean something since the writers worked on clockup games. Did I remember wrong that amemiya along with shigeo were women? In the interview amemiya does say that she/he was the one most familiar with bl genre so I shouldn't have assumed she was a fujo but a fundan instead? But why use different name? It's not that they shy away with bl in order to not make their moid audience sad, Fraternite had a dude sucking cock and fucking old hairy men. It's a mystery indeed.
And not surprised that fujos and yumes are beautiful af. And majority I've seen online are very beautiful girls.

No. 386013

File: 1716554277833.jpg (91.65 KB, 600x847, Shingakkou.-.Noli.Me.Tangere.6…)

I liked the shingakkou writer the most. While I did enjoy paradise a lot, Shingakkou's a masterpiece. Lychee should focus on cage, it was a very expensive crowd fund after all and it's been years since we got an update. Working on another project instead of focusing on that it'd be an ass move.

No. 386014

Maybe Amemiya is a huge fudanshi, kek, that would be hilarious. Maybe working on BL is his real passion and parade is like his baby or something. The writing is indeed similar to other works he's directed for as for other clockup games, the ones that aren't directed by him are completely different. He's really the one who brought all this #society aspect to their stories. Maggot baits also had a bit of a homo thing going on between the MC and some blondie ojisan. Akutsu games also make sure the male mc is always fully voiced (including in H scenes) and conventionally attractive. He sure puts a lot of emphasis on the guys for an eroge director.

I mean, it's like seiyuu who work both eroge and bl/otome, it's simply not statistically possible all of them are hardcore straight dudes who only do fake gay for pay. A minority but plenty of solo guys buying BL manga in japan.
>And not surprised that fujos and yumes are beautiful af. And majority I've seen online are very beautiful girls.
Also kek, for real, when I visited the aforementioned yumejoshi floors of manga shops while in Japan for a while some of the fujoyumes I saw were ridiculously beautiful and fashionable. I know Japanese beauty standards for women are extremely strict but it was still a doozy, as a western fujoshi used to only having online fujo friends you get beaten down by the stereotype that fujos are gross and smelly failedwomen.

No. 386017

Kek. Garus seiyuu for example who is married and has what 2+ kids is so proud of his bl roles and he admitted that he was so curious about prostate orgasm at one point that he inserted a hairspray up his ass to understand better the ukes he voiced lol. He is a funny guy and often does lives on YouTube with his other two fellow seiyuu buddies. Tgey are all together in hypmic I think.
Matsudas VA said that he doesn't like voicing ukes pfft. I mean he is right it's a waste he has such a nice rapechad voice after all! But he is cute in Kaniteki pervert.

No. 386018

File: 1716555005947.png (1.36 MB, 1200x849, 1598740466028.png)

I managed to submit some questions for the setting book so I'm also incredibly excited. It's depressing though that they seemed to have slowed down (and more evidence towards the theory Amemiya is Akutsu) as they regularly released a game every 4 years before the rona. No evidence they started working on anything new, I'm afraid it's looking a bit bleak.


God I hope she's not working on anything else besides cage, she better finish that remake for real or I will cry. After that I'll let her go back to pilslash.

Amemiya did mention last year that they were consulting on another company's new BL game. Any more info on that? I wonder if it's Mada Labo? I really need to keep in touch with what's in cool-B lol.

No. 386019

yeah the moid audience has been sad for a while now because the clockup games keep giving their male characters more attention lmao hottest by far is the smelly looking sheep man sorry but would, director being a homo would probably explain a lot
i'm indifferent to paradise overall, i agree she seems to work better alone. pil/slash have always poached their lead writers to mixed results. no idea what the shingakkou/baraki lady is up to now or if she'll ever return to bl. imo it was their only really good game. funny enough i think the writer of inui's route worked on gore screaming show which she directed + did the art and scenario for.

No. 386021

File: 1716555377434.png (636.86 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_98d2e9bf9da728cb9465015…)

Did you know the NTY setting book says NTY was inspired, among other things, by breaking bad?

No. 386022

>Amemiya did mention last year that they were consulting on another company's new BL game. Any more info on that? I wonder if it's Mada Labo?
Now that you mentioned it togo did say that his new game will be serious and that he wants to make something completely different. A collab with those two would be based. Togo has shown that he is very capable of making depressing dark stories but he kept inserting his trolling and fetishes in.
Nothing new about it though. I remember his tweet a few years ago, it was a guy wearing a suit? facing us with his back under the rain.

No. 386023

Kek Togo Mito is the real original fudanshi director. His mom helps him sell his games at comiket, if you can believe it or not.

No. 386024

File: 1716556502554.jpg (258.48 KB, 800x1000, Mada.jpg)

My memory is shit, confused it with another bl project. Here the original tweet nona.
And based supportive mom.

No. 386025

Puppy like seme is very amemiya-tier.

No. 386027

File: 1716556973044.webp (38.89 KB, 584x438, 2db086h.webp)

…well that wouldn't age well kek

No. 386029

File: 1716557677029.jpg (316.77 KB, 1840x1381, 011226.jpg)

omg congrats nona!! my cope is still strong, also because of rn9 falling inbetween nty and lkyt as a low budget short game comprised of ideas scrapped or originating from nty, who knows how long the gap would've been if they'd gone straight into their next bigger game.
wheeze, that wasn't what i had in mind…

No. 386032

File: 1716559526526.jpg (920.42 KB, 1462x1500, GCvLAlsbEAAZQTa.jpg)

>no idea what the shingakkou/baraki lady is up to now or if she'll ever return to bl
she still posts art of the baraki characters sometimes. it's to promote the rerelease but it still gives me hope she might bless us with another game in the future.

No. 386034

Should I play this, nona? Shill me on baraki. It looks like some boring mid-2000s purple prosey tropey BL at first glance.

No. 386038

File: 1716561421004.jpeg (698.37 KB, 1242x1045, IMG_9333.jpeg)

Sage for kinda ot but I needed to share this kek. Following fujo topics on tumblr gives you golden single digit posts.

No. 386041

>yaoi king
You know this is probably a tif, right?

No. 386043

I thought this was joost

No. 386046

File: 1716562954926.png (4.29 MB, 1048x1489, 土日.png)

I don't know what her plans are, but she did recently release a lengthy non-BL fantasy novel. She seems to be relatively inactive, but you can tell that Baraki is her baby and she lavishes attention on it to this day.

Whether you should play it obviously depends on your tastes, but I can explain some of its appeal as someone who considers it their favorite BL game. First, although it was made in the 2000s, the writer was heavily inspired by y24 artists- she likely grew up reading them like many older Japanese women, and she has explicitly cited Heart of Thomas, Hamidashikko, and maybe most pertinently, Mari to Shingo as influences on her work. As someone who loves early proto-BL, Baraki does a beautiful job capturing what makes it special. The boys are willowy and effeminate, but it also uses its setting draped in decadence and aestheticism (it's frequently literally advertised as 耽美) to peel back the characters' psychologies and sexual neurosis as deeply as it possibly can.

The way it does this is really remarkable and there hasn't been anything quite like it before or since in BL games- the game features a whopping 17(ish) routes, none of which are overly long. About six of those are the main character with other boys, but they can also be coupled with each other in side routes, many of which are as good or better than the main ones. The boys all have issues and problems they're dealing with, but giving each one several routes allows the game to explore those issues from many angles and form a very complex but cohesive picture. I also want to emphasize that while the psychological writing is great, and the story at first glance looks like a dour rapefest, Baraki is legitimately fun. Many of the characters in side routes have amazing chemistry (albeit not every single time), and there's plenty of comedy that builds the characters' dynamics and gives a bit of a break from the heavier scenes and aspects of the work. It's a lot of fun to find livereads in the wild, either JP or English, where someone expects pure utsuge and is slowly won over by the sheer charm and heart in Baraki. A lot of effort is even put into conveying that the central couple really care about each other and enjoy spending time together, and the extent to which it can be viscerally felt is very remarkable given how troubled and tumultuous and frankly abusive the relationship can be. Additionally, all of the couplings are reversible, and you can make whoever you choose be the seme, which leads to some really amusing bits where you can have the little 5'2 boy-coquette railing the stoic kendo boy who's a full foot taller (sorry for the Amerimuttisms)

No. 386048

Anon I had completely removed this game from my memory and you just unlocked it kek, I can't recall the name though, can you remind me? Also yeah call me whatever you like but I enjoy the tropey orientalist cheesy shit.

No. 386053

I didn't particularly dislike it too anon kek
https://vndb.org/v4600 enjoy!

No. 386055

i liked it because you can rape one of the characters and then get that character to rape the others. i thought that was fun and unique. most of it isn't voiced though and there aren't that many cgs sadly.

i could never finish that game because one of the characters has the same name as my boss and i kept thinking of him

No. 386066

File: 1716567736165.jpeg (328.48 KB, 1582x2048, GEnYFvnWkAEh6hY.jpeg)

>cringe taste if they really let a shitman be most popular.
Kek nonnie I was literally extactly like you extra judging jap fujo's taste for finding sengay the peak male specimen but you will get it. And the getting it is so, so, so good, I won't spoil you. Misaki pp literally made me go insane. Climbing the walls staring into the dusk like a fentanyl-addicted crackhead insane. Hes the real peak male specimen I put him up there withMatsuda. You'll see why. Misakyo is also the best ship.

Btw kyo is my favourite moany uke. Out of the famous ones (azuma/seiji, hiroyuki) he is my number 1, and it's such a shame most western fujos sleep on mebius cause he's diamonds. It's a fuckton of plot to get to the good bits though I understand.

No. 386068

I have a similar retarded reason that I can't play the barafags route in no thank you/touch the game. Im talking about the ossan with the black hair, keichi however he is called. He looks like my uncle. Exactly like him. Even the t-shirt he wears my uncle has an identical one. At first it didn't bother me much and found it funny and overthinking but what made it worse was one day my cousin, that uncles daughter, came to visit me, and I was playing the game back then, just left it open to get back later, it wasn't in any weird part but keichi was in that scene.
And when she noticed the game she went like <eww that character looks like my dad lol, hope he suffers in the game you play>
Obviously didn't know what exactly I was playing just <Japanese anime games> lol and never bothered to ask titles was never interested but still I don't know can't unsee it now.
Haven't touched the game ever since and was in hiroses route. Want to know what happens in his route and play the game but my uncles face keeps flashing and his voice plays everytime I see him.

No. 386074

Kek nona, that's truly tragic I'm sorry. I don't think there's a way out of it

No. 386076

your reason is much more understandable than mine since guys in bl mostly have jp names and jp women must know real men with the same names too. for nessa no rakuen they just happened to have a different ethnicity for once. it's one thing if they just kind of look alike but getting confirmed that he literally looks like your uncle by your cousin is awful

No. 386090

>Daichi’s descent into complete gayness
Was the nohomo true ending your favorite part? Two "straight" dudes that fucked and shat on each other, that vn was terrible I would've thought it was for closeted married scrotes if not for knowing who worked on it.

No. 386091

i'm just writing homo stuff with chatbots

No. 386093

Kek anon. NTA but the nohomo ending was my most disliked ending, as straight dudes the only thing I'll accept them to do is rapekill each other

No. 386096

Thank you! I remember wanting the slave protag to get with the other slave kek but I don't really know how the story progressed since I only remember seeing a playthrough of the beginning.

No. 386099

File: 1716578350786.jpg (1.62 MB, 2045x2045, 2.jpg)

Hey nonnas. Do you want to play with AI and generate BL game scenarios/characters together with me?

No. 386104

File: 1716578941233.jpg (335.21 KB, 1080x1274, Chou.jpg)

I don't do genAI but these are cute, love the pathetic orange bastard

No. 386106

I think I might have an old camera like that somewhere in my house.

No. 386108

NTA but can you generate a picture of matsuda raping mitsugi while force feeding him a whole fish in his mouth kek.

No. 386115

I've been laughing my ass off at that post all day kek

No. 386116

Same kek, if AI can't do it I'll consider a commission not kidding. Virgin mitsugi vs rapechad Matsuda had me on the floor too.

No. 386314

File: 1716649530454.jpg (273.26 KB, 1080x1571, Screenshot_20240525_170028_Chr…)

parade discussion nona from yesterday - Akutsu/Amemiya being the same person or not kept nagging at me because I was so 100% sure of it but I didn't remember from where I knew - here it is, directly from Good Haro: http://blog.19.04se.cc/2016/06/room-no-9-july-cool-b-interview-w-director-amemiya/

That's actually insane that NTY was his real first time directing a game. His first directed game is commonly misattributed as Euphoria but he was only a production assistant/programmer for it. Fudanshi director confirmed. Parade really is his baby.

No. 386349

thanks for posting, anon! after reading this, even if he does abandon eroge I'm not worried about him abandoning his BL projects anytime soon. this sounds biased but BL suits him a thousand times better; it allows him to put more emphasis on story and characters while still having space for a hearty amount of coom but with eroge its 90% ultra degen shock porn with great concepts, characters, and themes buried underneath. faggotry aside, it makes sense why it always seemed like so much more care went into them.

No. 386714

What are some translated gyaruo BL?

No. 386725

File: 1716756601441.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.5 MB, 3024x4032, B848F152-5AC6-47F2-A5F6-447C19…)

I love when doujins include additional pieces of art at the end. Hope this isn’t barafaggotry

No. 386747

Nice art! Can you tell me the artist nonna?

No. 386755

File: 1716763065757.png (798.64 KB, 1264x774, we back to fujos winning.png)

No. 386762

File: 1716765104311.png (715.58 KB, 600x600, B07954DD-86E0-4675-B983-43E5B3…)

Andoupcw, sadly she does the thing a lot of jp artists do where they’ll delete their old works for no discernible reason so a lot of her best content can’t be found online anymore

No. 386766

my bf caught me drawing bara yaoi and I'm so fucking angry. I've been hiding it for like the past 2 years but I fucking mis-tabbed on my PC and it flashed up for a second and he saw it because he commented on it. I wish I lived on my own. He also never leaves so I don't ever have time to draw when he won't just come into the room.

How do other nonnas draw nsfw without being seen? I've been considering picking up an ipad just so I can leave and draw at a library or something so I don't have to worry about someone constantly walking in on me with porn on my massive monitors.

No. 386773

A woman into bara yaoi. Now, that's new to me. I'm not judging, just fascinated.

No. 386775

kek i usually have a sfw art work opened to quickly shift to if someone comes in or alt tab and keep it saved in a hidden folder not on my desktop. just say it was for a commission and def buy a ipad if you want to be extra careful.

No. 386776

huh? it's extremely common

No. 386780

Eh, it's super common with tifs, not so much regular women fujos. Not that it's rare, just pretty uncommon.

No. 386787

How new are you to bl to think bara bl is uncommon, have you fucking seen korean manwha or even old yaoi?

No. 386788

a woman into a muscular guy…? that's crazy

No. 386789

Oh you're talking about that bara. I personally wouldn't call it bara. I thought you were talking about monkey faced ugly bastard bara. Is Korean BL even considered bara though? It's not like their hairy and ugly, just muscular.

No. 386790

They're in that inbetween area of not bara but could easily rip the head off of any jp seme.

No. 386791

Ah you're talking about that bara shit. yeah no fujo are in that only gaymoids

No. 386793

File: 1716774022430.png (Spoiler Image,1.42 MB, 1042x1772, unfinished i know its wonky.pn…)

ipad or if you're in the market for a new phone, samsung phone or tablet with an s pen. i don't know how low the latency on apple pen is but i use an s pen on a phone to draw and i like it, much better than the shitty wacom tablet and laptop combo and more convenient for me. even if apple does do it better their software is gay, you can pirate things on android.

No. 386796

File: 1716774786269.jpg (209.39 KB, 1600x737, he'd bottom for the blues eye …)


No. 386797

this is just plain wrong unless you're a zoomer ig, i'm a millennial and there were just as many barafag enjoyers as twink enjoyer fujos in my circles

No. 386798

how the hell do you people even find this website

No. 386799

You should be asking how I find these weird ass scales instead.

No. 386803

I'll never be able to see Marik as a top after watching those abriged videos in middle school. And Neo should switch.

No. 386804

File: 1716775152121.png (396.69 KB, 1000x729, IMG_5450.png)

There are so many zoomers around nobody knows how homogenous the BL community used to be.

No. 386805

>I'll never be able to see Marik as a top after watching those abriged videos in middle school
The guy who made those vids actually wrote a fanfic where he topped oddly enough.
>And Neo should switch.
Never seen the matrix but I'll take your word on it.

No. 386807

and we all used to get along for the most part aside from fanfic "flaming" lol. i am bewildered by 90% of the arguments around yaoi these days

No. 386808

File: 1716776094846.jpg (85.91 KB, 720x687, vintage.jpg)

>and we all used to get along for the most part

No. 386811

nobody was calling anyone a pedophile or abuser or trying to dox them for a pairing back then

No. 386813

Off-topic but I love the Genshiken picrel nonnie, one of my favorite mangas ever

No. 386814

I saw plenty of the first two things since moralfagging really isn't a new concept
I'll give you the doxxing though.

No. 386815

>batman's placement
lol, lmao even

No. 386816

korean roidpigs aren’t even bara. it doesn’t just mean muscular lol

No. 386817

Yeaaah I've seen enough fanart of him getting fucked by his wards to know that's inaccurate.

No. 386819

What is your definition of bara? Maybe I'm just on the wrong page because I've always associated bara with the ugly hairy roidpigs that act like real gay men.
Maybe their getting it from MRM, it list bara as "bara/muscles" which is inaccurate imo.

No. 386820

File: 1716778074825.jpg (82.47 KB, 720x914, muscle muscle.jpg)

I mean you gotta admit they're pretty muscley

No. 386821

Their heads are always so comically small. It drives me nuts. I don’t mind the muscle but the anatomy in general is always a mess.

No. 386822

File: 1716778481249.gif (62.54 KB, 750x525, a17.gif)

They've never been to a library before.

No. 386823

Meh. They're all hairless and have pretty boy faces. And I doubt their stories or personalities line up with real gay men.

No. 386824

I think it's supposed to make them seem really tall since the head really doesn't change its size no matter how muscular you get

No. 386825

Anon its 4am here and I am laffin out loud. Thank you!

No. 386826

Harry Potter ISN'T a fucking Top Jesús, I hate anyone who gaslights themselves into believing that fallacy, it's like saying that Ayase from okane ga nai can top, it's just idiotic.
Like Harry Potter would clearly crumble in front of Draco given the opportunity to be intimate, Draco is 100% a top and I will die on this hill. But nooooooooooooo everyone still believes in the
>blond with light eyes = sub subby bottom
No way, he has money and power, he can easily bribe Harry into wearing a slitherin uniform if he was headstrong enough, plus I bet Harry would just accept Draco for the power of friendship or just because he's hot tbh because Let's. Be. Honest, no one is as handsome and exotic looking as Draco, specially to someone like Harry who was rapunzel'd to hell and back.
In conclusion, that scale is fake, gay and propaganda made by lizard people.

No. 386827

I can't even imagine Harry topping Ron, Cedric, or Voldemort

No. 386828

File: 1716779397265.png (330.15 KB, 611x836, image_2024-05-27_130749129.png)

yeah bara like closer to manhwa (picrel), not ugly bastard fat bara kek. It's very hard to differentiate because I do not like twink yaoi which I feel is more socially acceptable. Also I am woman who is very secure in her gender I just like attractive masculine buff men sucking and fucking

No. 386829

Harry can't even put toppings on his yogurt.

No. 386830

I think it just comes from Draco being such a little whiny rich bitch, I think Harry usually bottomed for the not ugly version of Voldemort.

No. 386831

No I get it but if they can make their dicks literally the same size as forearms, they can pretend heads are proportional.
This this. I like their head sizes kek.

No. 386833

File: 1716780162330.png (Spoiler Image,1.43 MB, 904x1200, image_2024-05-27_132117081.png)

fyi you've been responding to anons who aren't me (the op), my personal definition is extra muscular men who are very masculine and often hairy. A masculine face is important (picrel). for example, >>386820 these are too feminine to me personally, the faces are too uke/cute.

Thank you nonna! I own a tablet laptop but it's really bad to draw on. I might look into a Samsung tablet because I love the portability of an iPad but I don't like IOS

No. 386834

File: 1716780722403.jpg (Spoiler Image,432.39 KB, 1280x1777, massivecover.jpg)

Korean doritos? As bara? Nah, when it comes to what is and isn't bara I go by the official books on the topic. If it doesn't look like pic related, it's not bara.

No. 386835

File: 1716781044735.jpg (Spoiler Image,165.58 KB, 581x820, this is apparently shinji and …)

Not all bara guys are fat though

No. 386836

True. I think in Japan, a big marker of bara (outside of the artstyle) is obviously the story and how it targets an audience of gay men instead of women. Common story elements are probably stuff like sleeping with older men and other stuff that's common in gay men culture.

No. 386838

File: 1716781750830.png (71.12 KB, 553x201, ciel this is not.png)

They even have their own shotas to counteract ours

No. 386842

File: 1716782145786.png (Spoiler Image,1.58 MB, 1186x640, Opera Snapshot_2024-05-26_2254…)

They also have a decent amount of vns that get english translations.

No. 386843

Yeah, no this list is stupid

No. 386844

File: 1716782325571.jpg (518.18 KB, 2560x2560, 1702263040696.jpg)

Why is every single barafag also a furry though? The only furry fujos I can think of are Sonicfags.

No. 386848

It's almost as if some people take advantage of the vagueness of the word bara to call whatever they don't like moid slop

Give that word to god already, geez. Gay male barafags are inyo furry because they're there for porn featuring muscular bodies, grotesque-looking dicks, and body hair, the faces they typically draw are simple, replacing it with an equally simple dog furry face doesn't make a difference.

No. 386849

You gotta admit it's kinda weird that they're pretty much synonymous with furries though, usually waifufags and furfags are pretty separate but with barafags I've never seen one who wasn't also a furry.
Maybe it just comes from taking bear stuff literally.

No. 386850

File: 1716783167013.jpg (433.92 KB, 1000x1412, 01-Ookami-sama-1.jpg)

I feel like furry fujo are slowly becoming a thing. Rather, they are stylized quite differently and look more… realistic(?) compared to gay furry.
There's also furry x person

No. 386851

Oh yeah forgot about this type of thing, it's really recent though so I guess that's why I forgot it.
>There's also furry x person
Yeah it's always this when it's by a fujo from what I've seen.

No. 386852

File: 1716783546546.jpg (Spoiler Image,207.78 KB, 1139x717, Untitled.jpg)

here's the difference between irl faggot bara preferences vs fujo bara preferences. i hate that disgusting pigface art too.

No. 386856

When someone says bara, I think of the abomination on the left 100% of the time.
Anything that has the bara-type body but lacks that monkey face is like …bara-lite kek

No. 386858

File: 1716784803903.png (3.27 MB, 1600x1500, chqbshkkpf571.png)

It's the sort of thing where if you don't think a bara fan would jack off to it, it's probably not bara.

No. 386867

File: 1716786517128.jpg (127.97 KB, 868x1216, 91771673211742.jpg)

Bara fans jack off to anything and don't have uniform taste. For example, the Bravern guys count as bara. Barafags ate them up and more often than not they draw them on-model. The definition isn't as narrow as you're making it out to be.

No. 386920

File: 1716800188024.mp4 (476.31 KB, 428x360, ssstwitter.com_1716720013719.m…)

Hikaru is getting an anime. Will they completely remove the homo now? They can actually do a full retcon with this.

No. 386921

probably, im also assuming that one of the girls will become the mcs love interest to make it completely straight.

No. 386922

Hate this bitch for making a really good one-shot BL and then selling out to the moidslop masses and retconning everything. I won't watch it out of principle, the mangaka is a shame to the absolute queens who came before her like Toboso and Kubo.

No. 386923

i'm thinking the blonde one, she's had more moments with Yoshiki than the other, also the manga likes to exaggerate the girls' bust difference, it leans towards her being the more favourable LI.

No. 386924

Seconded. Shame because eldritch horror BL is rare as fuck.

No. 386925

File: 1716802214691.webp (488.2 KB, 2260x3228, 78ca2cd82bf0bf51829144bf8e6d4a…)

there was a new horror bl translated recently but it only has one 1 chapter for now.

No. 386926

I want to believe it's the publisher's fault and not hers. I just wish they would admit it and make a statement.
It'll be interesting to see what happens with the anime. They either retcon it completely and make a portion of the fans angry, which could cause problems, or change nothing and make more people realize it was/is supposed to be BL.

No. 386927

File: 1716802959019.png (65.53 KB, 291x519, very platonic and not at all h…)

kek i'd like to see them try

No. 386931

File: 1716805867560.png (1.44 MB, 1400x1991, 68ce7790-5def-4364-90a0-ded764…)

I hate it. God I hope the animefags get angry and send hate mail to the publisher.

No. 386933

i doubt animefags will care

No. 386934

No fans will get angry, Japanese fans will keel over and accept their half-assed bait like they always do and make hundreds of fanart that actually depict what they wanted to see because that's just how things are now

No. 386935

>make hundreds of fanart that actually depict what they wanted to see because that's just how things are now
wasnt it always like this though?

No. 386937

Well back in the day Hikaru wouldnt have been ashamed about its BL aspects

No. 386940

eh im not so sure about that. companies backtracking is nothing new just look at persona 4 with yosuke

No. 386954

furry waifufag and barafags overlap because most male furries are bisexual

No. 386957

god this hikaru manga is getting on my nerves so much, i actually think the storyline is shit as it is right now and the only appealing part was that your crush turned into an eldritch horror, it was hot for the monsterfucking theme. but my totally platonic friend is an eldritch horror and i'm gonna get paired up with a random girl plot is actually a total snoozefest. i can find better written plots in horror vns catered to moids. fuck it i'd rather just play saya no uta again than this overplayed drama and fujobait. and fuck the author for being a cowardly sellout with no backbone and fuck the jp fujos who eat up and hype this bland bread of a story

No. 386959

Word anona. "M-my publisher made me do it!!" does not fly at all because look at how many BL manga are actually published. If she wanted to make it BL then it would have been BL and it would have been published accordingly. The sad truth is that she sold out for the bigger paycheck. I also agree that the plot became retarded and megaboring after the retcon, I don't even keep up with it anymore.

No. 386960

Aw hell no, just removing the bl and leaving it as a horror story with no romance was still somewhat acceptable (still a coward move) but making it into some shonen waifufag slop? Even worse, it feels insulting kek. How can you make a bl story that gets so successful so quickly and then feel the need to retcon it completely?? The fans liked it as it was and it was going great, why change it?

I really loved the first chapters. The mc's grief and despair over the death of his crush/best friend was so strong BECAUSE it was clearly more than friendship. It was so well-portrayed and it was my favourite part. Plus having your former love interest come back as a vessel to an eldritch monster that also develops a crush for the human adds so many more layers to the horror imo, and the mc potentially getting sexual with the monster and the body of the deceised crush could have made things even more fucked. So much wasted potential.

No. 386964

File: 1716815205033.jpeg (90.3 KB, 418x470, 7EA17495-2CB1-44E6-9FF5-1D2938…)

>Decide to bait on a scrote game subreddit (pic unrelated) about how these two male characters probably fucked
>Hoards of angry comments most of which are moids about how I’m a crazy yaoi fangirl and that it’s “wrong”
Why are fujophobes so easy to trigger?

No. 386969

kek nona you cannot post this without giviung us a pic of the seething moids

No. 386971

File: 1716817035286.jpg (2.11 MB, 1600x2275, 6-o.jpg)

>I really loved the first chapters. The mc's grief and despair over the death of his crush/best friend was so strong BECAUSE it was clearly more than friendship.
This, the most compelling parts of the story was how tragic it was for Hikaru's feelings to be revealed after he's dead. Another being that Yoshiki can't move on or grieve bc he has to pretend "Hikaru" is Hikaru(this at least is portrayed in the manga). Hikaru's dying wish was also for Yoshiki is not be alone even after his passing.
>Plus having your former love interest come back as a vessel to an eldritch monster that also develops a crush for the human adds so many more layers to the horror imo, and the mc potentially getting sexual with the monster and the body of the deceised crush could have made things even more fucked.
Agreed, the "good" feeling Yoshiki gets when Unuki enters his body or what the latter feels when the former puts his hand inside is interesting due to Unuki not really having human instincts and no understanding of sexual desire only really "having something enter him". Yoshiki also gets more desensitized the more Unuki enters him, it's only the second time that this happens that Yoshiki "feels good" because he's getting "mixed". He is adopting more of the Unuki's instincts. I just can't see how they'll "fix" the utter homoness of these scenes.

No. 386995

The main character is canonically gay, isn't he?
They name a big deal about how some other gay guy had to leave the city because vay and everything.
The mc isnt turning straight, but the eldritch abomination won't turn gay. There's probably just going to be no romance and the end will be from blonde's pov about how monster boy dissappeared and the mc moved to the city or died or some shit.

No. 386999

idk if hes gay, but even if he is, it wouldnt surprise if they still put him with that big short hair girl.

No. 387002

The abomination isn't gay either. The author retconned it into him not being able to have romantic feelings and in the latest untranslated chapters he said he loved the MC but "probably not in a romantic or friendship kind of way". So idk, maybe in the same way you'd love a family member? It's stupid anyway.

No. 387011

What's the author and mangaka called? When I searched for "Hikaru manga" I got Hikaru no Go

No. 387012

What is this manga? Thank you

No. 387016

Summer Hikaru died

No. 387019

So it is capable of love, just not the unmarketable kind KEK, but watch fujos support it anyway after such a blatant betrayal. It's not even a case of fujos being delusional here, the gayness was deliberately written out.

No. 387024

its called: Otsukaresama, Kurose-kun

No. 387036

is he still canonically gay though? yeah he was at first, but don't expect him to be anymore it will obviously be left ambiguous

No. 387037

>tony stark
ma'am, those are bottoms

No. 387040

Yes, he's still canonically gay.

No. 387042

i understand that jp fujos are intrigued by any type of male-male relationship but how can they willingly ignore the prior gayness and not be at least a bit disappointed by the sudden retcon? i feel like it's a different situation when you fujoship in non-BL media or general joseimuke, but here is just embarrassing for the author

No. 387045

all i remember is that it was never brought up again, i know that he was explicitly gay in the oneshot but i don't remember if he also is in the published manga

No. 387047

To be frank, I've always despised yuri "horror" for turning away any sense of plot to focus on bland romance, drama, and fanservice, I'd rather there be no romance and just focus on story than the other way around and I'm not going to have a double standard when it comes to yaoi.

No. 387049

yuri is complete garbage in general, these two aren't really comparable

No. 387050

Batman is very switch to me
Tony I don't care about since he's just a moid self insert character
I've never watched DBZ but everything I know about it from cultural zeitgeist tells me Vegeta is in fact a bottom

No. 387051

"not focusing on romance" and "intentionally retconning the story to nohomo your characters" are two completely different scenarios

No. 387052

>how can they willingly ignore the prior gayness and not be at least a bit disappointed by the sudden retcon?
Something called respecting the author's descisions. You want them to demand she does what they want her to do with her own story? I don't like it either but if she or her publicist want to retcon the bl that's entirely up to them.

No. 387053

Until black haired guy says anything to the contrary, he's still homosexual.

No. 387054

Or, you could have both. I hate that it has to be one or the other. You can have focus on story and also have the characters be in love and show more explicit things, in Hikaru this fit well too especially because the reason the story happens is because of the two main characters's strong feelings towards each other.

No. 387063

>Tony I don't care about since he's just a moid self insert character
he is also the avenger's bike in the fujo circles. poor guy is always a bottom, an omega or a sub.

No. 387078

>Something called respecting the author's descisions

No. 387079

this manga has literally no plot outside of my crush turned into an eldritch horror that's it that's the plot. also you can write good horror + romance if you want

No. 387102

isnt the plot to find out what hikaru even is?

No. 387119

I like that everyone is complaining about Hikaru’s plot being aimless and meanwhile it’s the only manga nominated for best writing in the Eisner awards (useless awards anyway but I digress)

No. 387120

idk what about it even qualifies as good writing

No. 387331

File: 1716929048551.jpeg (418.44 KB, 2150x3035, IMG_1029.jpeg)

>when ur roommate is a schizotrannylolcow who never pays rent on time
>but the sex w him is good so it’s okay(avatarfagging)

No. 387332

No. 387334

File: 1716929898750.jpeg (Spoiler Image,151.57 KB, 832x1216, IMG_1031.jpeg)

crazy blonde guy who shares a bed with a Chad in muh Chinese cartoons.(avatarfagging)

No. 387335

Jesus Christ you're personalityfagging at this point. Knock it off

No. 387338

No. 387344

You are the lolcow

No. 387350

File: 1716933844938.jpg (65.11 KB, 736x736, ❝High Clear┆하이클리어┆BL┆Manhwa❞.j…)

Nonnies I'm in love with this manhwa so far

No. 387368

Laughing at troons makes you a lolcow enjoyer not a lolcow

No. 387408

No. 387479

I think what's good about it is the atmosphere the author created. Like you look at >>386925 and you can immediately tell the difference between it and Hikaru. It felt genuinely creepy, the characters aren't cute bishonen which adds to the sense of dread, actual bad things happen and people die. But there's less of that now that Hikaru nerfed himself and tried to leave, so we'll see how it lives up. He's kinda lame now, it was better when he was a crazy uncontrollable monster obsessed with the MC.

No. 387593

Nonnie this is obvious bait kek. Don't waste your time
High Clear!

No. 387594

Sorry to derail but I’m the anon who called the avatarfag a lolcow. How was that bait? They literally admitted to fucking a troon kek

No. 387595

God that scales reeks of late 00s.

No. 387596

>DBZ and 3D men on chart
Ew… Invalid.

No. 387597

>that filename

No. 387614

Eeewwww spoiler that shit

No. 387615

That isn't bara though. Bara stems from ugly moids like
Tagame self-inserting their fat hairy '''average''' bodies and no actual self respecting fujoshi enjoy it.

No. 387618

its been 3 days. let the bara discussion die

No. 387619

Stop trying to police relevant discussion.

No. 387620

>Shinji topping

No. 387629

I know right, when anon posted that, there was an earthquake in my city, earth hates top shinji because it's unnatural.

No. 387631

ok. would you like a 4 day long infight about omegaverse to go along with that

No. 387635

There was no bara infight, only anons calmly exchanging opinions. The only infighter here is you who cba'd to tab off when an on-topic post that she personally doesn't care about is made.

No. 387643

File: 1717039132461.jpg (Spoiler Image,113.83 KB, 581x820, evil shinji.jpg)

Yeah I don't know what the person who made this was smoking either
Everytime someone draws Shinji topping a natural disaster occurs.

No. 387682

File: 1717051406023.jpg (64.9 KB, 474x692, th(6).jpg)

What was the first non-fandom, original BL you remember reading/watching/whatever? Do you still like it?
Mine was picrel and I can't remember shit about it. I vaguely recall I was more into some rarepair involving the Chinese guy from it than the main couple though.

No. 387684

I'm not sure, I've watched and read some fujobait series as a kid back then, so it's probably the Gravitation anime on TV while changing the channel anytime it got too gay when my parents were in the living room and then putting it back on 10 seconds later.

No. 387685

File: 1717051602979.jpg (49.28 KB, 420x600, 5231_original.jpg)

Why does it look like the art's regressed back to 2000s semes

No. 387695

Those who forget history….

No. 387696

Tbh, the overall discussion has been much slower and infighting free so far compared to the last thread, I wonder if some of the usual trolls and spergs got banned

No. 387697

File: 1717055169081.jpeg (82.21 KB, 689x1000, IMG_1350.jpeg)

When I was a freshman in high school I got this from the local comic book shop because I wanted to graduate from sasunaru and sebaciel and dip my toes into “real” “indie”Yaoi literature kek. My friend was there with me when I bought it, and I wanted to show her that I’m not into that boring mainstream shit. To this day I don’t remember a single thing about the plot.

No. 387698

It's been a slow week in general. Most euros in college are having exams, idk about americucks. Only NEETs and bored wageslaves here atm.

No. 387704

Christ, Dear Door's art is so horrendously fugly. Anyone who flicks her bean to that manhwa should be sent to a mental institution.

No. 387705

Kapitan Chinchin.

No. 387723

I think it was either Super Lovers or Junjou Romantica. I remember being 12 and reading them on MRM although apparently Junjou Romantica isn’t on MRM so maybe I read it on another site. Definitely read Super Lovers on MRM though

No. 387730

enzai, then pico and the other ova with the boy who gets sold to some rich pedo who ate food off his body and made him cum on a salad lmfao len kagamine sent me down a pipeline. somehow I don't like shota basically at all anymore, not even sebaciel.

No. 387822

I’m raiding /y/ and /cm/ on 4chan and trolling the barafags trapfags and pozzpigs there. Come join me. Let’s fuck with scrotes!(not your personal army, retard)

No. 387823

>yaoi thread
>sex with him
Fuck off scrote.

No. 387886


No. 387897

the red text, kek

No. 387899

File: 1717115979305.jpg (550.15 KB, 2048x1779, tumblr_5dc76d4757df2969c2ec9b2…)

Which one are you nonnies? I'm FujoBoss

No. 387901

feels really out of touch with fujo culture to me but i will go with fujoshi boss

No. 387902

PhD? Kek

No. 387903

Fuobachan. It should be "fujobachan" shouldn't it?

No. 387904

A mix so…fuobachanboss?

They drew an old lady so it should be -obaachan with 2 a’s so who knows.

No. 387905

I'm fujobachan kek.

No. 387912

File: 1717121659253.jpg (68.42 KB, 540x529, 2d7_e27f211a_540.jpg)

A mix of Fuobachan Boss for me.

No. 387913

>and/or has been a fujo for more than 10 years
why would this make you a grandma? this is like normal for anyone who likes bl over age 20

No. 387914

This lol. Fujobachan status needs 20 years minimum.

No. 387915

Mine was Fake. I probably read it when I was 15, I can’t remember anything about it now except that it was about a cop in NYC. Before that I got my start in BL shipping with GetBackers and InuYasha.

No. 387917


No. 387918

FujoshiBoss, I literally was reading yaoi on the clock today kek

No. 387922

Am fujoshiglasses wearer. I'm ashamed to admit it, but when I seen IRL dudes (not talking about celebrities) being nice with each other my lizard brain starts clicking.

No. 387924

So you're that fujoshit the fags on those boards keep whining about.

No. 387934

Fujoshiboss. I'm working to be able to buy BL manga and visual novels and merchs.

No. 387935

Secretly bingereading Junjou Romantica on mangafox under the covers at night on my ipod touch… real throwback experience kek

No. 387936

Fu 腐 rotten + joshi 女子 woman : 腐女子 fujoshi
So if you switch it out it becomes:
Fu 腐 rotten + おばあちゃん grandma : 腐おばあちゃん fuobaachan

No. 387937

fujoglasses wearer I ship almost anything male x male

No. 387939

File: 1717135956606.jpg (289.22 KB, 1125x1523, 2092dbebdbcd3f9dd8.jpg)

PhD in yaoi studies for me. Learned jp so I could read all my favourite yaois without translator cucking kek. But of course I also read yaoi on company time, being paid for reading yaoi is essential for any card-carrying fujoshi.

No. 387940

Huh, I can't remember. I'm guessing it was either Loveless or Junjou Romantica, but it could have also been No. 6. Nabari no Ou and Black Butler were also early BL-flavored anime I enjoyed. I remember none of them enough to say whether I'd like or dislike them nowadays, I got yaoi fever when I was around 10 years old.

No. 387948

The お is a honorific so both options could work.

No. 387967

Fujoshiboss on the outside, fujoglasses on the inside

No. 387975

Tradjoshi sun, fuobachan moon. PhD in Yaoi rising (very interested in manga's history, the meta of yaoi, psychology behind fandom etc)

No. 388008

Did you get arcadia and satsujinki bl games nonnies?

No. 388012

No I'm germancucked and can only buy physical (impossible) or pirate.

No. 388023

Shipped out my satsujinki copy from my proxy today with the sexy orange man's bonuses. Gonna wait till it arrives before playing it. As for Arcadia, waiting on some reactions to it before deciding if I buy. Did you buy them nonna?

No. 388025

I had to choose only one and chose arcadia which sucks because someone shared it online already but it's okay, it's a new company so I wanted to support them.
I like it so far, it seems to be heavily inspired by Paradise but school setting and no starvation mode lol.
My fetishes are in too so I shouldn't be complaining! It doesn't seem to be long, so I'll be over with it next week probably, so I can write down more details about it. x3 sex scenes each LI + 1 more in bad endings.
I kind of regret not getting the other game instead because I'll have to wait more than a month to get it, unless a kind soul shares. The tokuten I got is the same one that was shared online, luck really isn't by my side.

No. 388039

Do share your 感想 here nonna! I'm really curious what's it like. I'll also share my Satsujinki ones when I get around to playing it, but it may take a while.
I didn't look up almost anything on the game before release, anything interesting? Is it true doc is MC's uncle? Blood related?

And don't worry I'm sure someone will upload it soon. Holicworks games are famous

No. 388042

Samefag but kek inspired by paradise in which way?

No. 388055

I sure will nonny and hoping that you get your copy soon.
Yes he's his uncle but I'll wait on that tbh.
Fetishes I've encountered so far were ryona, in one particular bad end tamaki gets gang raped and they piss on him and inside him and his mouth on top of that and another one is the route that I'm playing right now,Kouichi, he goes Matsuda and beats the living hell out of tamaki while raping him to the point Tamaki bleeds from everywhere, including his anus and pisses himself too. Both bad endings were pretty violent.
The LIs have character traits by the paradise characters and moving more into the game it has Nty and Rn9 elements too. Peaky mostly inspired by pilslash games though, they're using the same engine on top of that.

No. 388090

I was expecting something more varied but sounds pretty kino. Reminds me of pilslash games indeed. Is the plot good at least? Is it all about going to school or does it have more psychological aspects (since it doesn't have any supernatural ones?)

No. 388127

ive been looking and looking for this harada doujin but i cant remember the name

No. 388128

Fuobachan and fujoshiboss. I read porn in class and now i read porn during work hours.

No. 388131

File: 1717200735068.jpg (52.18 KB, 750x914, homo product.jpg)

I'm calling BL merch homo products from now on

No. 388133

No. 388246

File: 1717255482607.jpeg (210.83 KB, 732x828, GO5OsYfboAAdw-v.jpeg)

New parade pics of slut niisama and slut otouto

No. 388247

File: 1717255527440.jpeg (404.46 KB, 732x828, GO5OtMobAAAkfdx.jpeg)

setting book soon!?!

No. 388279

No. 388293

bob shota takeru my beloved

No. 388304

File: 1717267925919.jpg (424.98 KB, 1442x805, hngggggggggggg.jpg)

There is a route with shouta sex?

No. 388305

>he's mentally disabled
finally, retard representation in my yaois

No. 388306

Kurosawa said that she'll respect his age and promised to the ones who complained that she won't do anything sexual. Maybe timeskip? Or he pretends that he's that young and he is orphan 2.0.
It's not supernatural so 10000 years old vampire excuse can't happen but if he is an experiment case like Hakase's maids in hashihime it'd make sense. Shotajiji age excuse might appease the butthurt ones? I don't know.
Or lock him in a basement until he's of age? Kaoru

No. 388307

>finally, retard representation in my yaois
Nonna, aren't nitro chiral protagonists mentally disabled

No. 388308

What a coward, but she can't write smut to save her life either way so not a huge loss

No. 388309

Why does Rinko keep pussying out on the shota sex?
I don't think he's full on retard like Kau.

No. 388315

She already baited me with the shotas in hashihime I will not let her bait me again. If she makes a shota route but no shota sex I will not be buying her game

No. 388320

I get her tbh, shotas are just fun to draw.

No. 388339

This is such an ambitious project but with so many characters and ideas I'm afraid it's gonna have a strong start but end up muddled by nonsensical plot later on like what happened with hashihime. I wish she got herself an editor.
I love that our protagonist is a seme this time, but I'm a bit confused how is the sex gonna work with his personality. Like he doesn't seem the kind of character to fuck anyone. Are the other guys gonna jump on his dick instead? Didn't she say somewhere all the characters are straight? Well ariake is clearly not straight judging by his okama appearance. Daiba is most likely the secret love interest and he's clearly a brocon and probably a dominant uke. But the rest are so questionable…. if oosaki was just gay and horny I could see him coercing them into sex but how is he gonna fuck them otherwise?

No. 388345

File: 1717278651600.jpg (147.83 KB, 650x500, IMG_20200101_220951.jpg)

Excuse me, Tamamori and Kaoru are that way.

No. 388346

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Seconded patrician taste nonna. I may only compromise on my morals for blood related brother route.

No. 388347

but they aren't related

No. 388348

Neither were Juurou and Yomi at first. Kurosawa can work miracles.

No. 388351

I wonder if ariake killed his wife and then he started skinwalking her, he's mad enough to do that

No. 388354

I love incest too nonnie but she disappointed me as well in that regard by not even giving the faux incest route in Hashihime any real thought. There is incest in her other games? I refused to play Uuultranny.

No. 388355

Yeah uuultraC basically has father son incest

No. 388356

i read ultraccc ages ago, and i have no recollection of them being related. wasn't yomi a fucking kaiju?

No. 388367

it's just as disappointing

No. 388369

Nonnies this is such a retarded question but are there any BLVns that you are able to play on MacBook?

No. 388371

I had a macbook a few years ago and installed windows using boot camp. This way you can switch between macos and windows and can play any game you want.

No. 388375

File: 1717284478897.jpeg (23.54 KB, 780x439, IMG_1381.jpeg)

Yomi is an alien that basically created kaiju and split himself into two. one of the halves became a woman and fell in love with a human male and became juurou’s mom. the other half was pissed about it and killed her and her husband which is how yomi and juurou met

No. 388376

Ahhh, i get it now why it didnt register as incest to me ty nonna!

No. 388439

File: 1717318824294.jpg (36.96 KB, 309x266, staff.jpg)

> I refused to play Uuultranny
Why? You can skip the faggy fruitcake route (who the drooling retard translator called a 'drag queen' despite no drag - here's the translator according to VNDB, btw).

No. 388441

UuuC's TL refusing to translate kuso gay homo okama as anything other than "drag queen" is pretty kek-worthy in retrospect considering paradise's TL straight up has every character call each other homos and faggots. Even Azuma goes "I'm not a fag". Respect for cucked Jasstblue for once in a lifetime.

No. 388446

I boycott any media that deals with troons. I won't play a game with trans characters even if I can skip when they appear, knowing they exist is enough

No. 388461

No. 388694

Woke up to cute anime guys ryona’ing each other on my timeline. Today is gonna be a very yaoiful day

No. 388704

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No. 388706

He was the one that caught my eye too, and he's a bottom… Who redpilled her on old men yaoi?

No. 388707

Really really really hoping the plot is good and not UuultraC but even more cracked. The number of LIs makes me fear for any kind of character development worth a damn. Kurosawa has only struck gold twice with Minakami and Kawase's routes, anything after that was a complete mess. I love her games though but after UuuC I worry.

No. 388709

No. 388710

File: 1717427701493.png (368.44 KB, 562x891, Screenshots_2024-06-03-10-14-1…)

Lmao does anyone play this? Should I download it and give a review?

No. 388714

KEKKKK I'm literally reading yaoi on company time at the moment, count me as a fujoshiboss but also a fuobachan.

Your picrel was one of my first BLs that I ever read and it changed me. I'm surprised that Yamane's work is relatively unknown with younger fujos, she used to be a superstar back in my day.

No. 388722

I said it before but she needs a real editor

No. 388727

File: 1717432182157.jpeg (136.79 KB, 658x1000, IMG_0946.jpeg)

Been a fujo for around 20 years so I’m bonafide fuobachan, but I never dared to read it on company time. The oldest non-fandom thing I remember reading is picrel. I remember Viewfinder too, and I blame it for my undying, pronounced taste for mafia, gangster and otherwise underworld-adjacent yaoi. (In reality all I remember is a fucking camera film roll being inserted somewhere it shouldn’t be KEK.)

No. 388731

excited for the visuals, everything from this game has looks gorgous, but my gut tells me it will be another pretentious style-over-substance midfest that will be worshipped by plebes.

No. 388735

Kek nona. I'll admit I found UuuC fun even though it was utter trash. It was so bad it's good. Hashihime I enjoy for introducing me to Dogra Magra and early 20th century eroguro Japanese lit, it's been my favourite genre ever since. The Taisho era is also unbeatable, and I also liked what she did with the 70s in UuuC. When it comes to historical settings and atmosphere, Kurosawa is really great at making it fun (even though she doesn't hold a candle in terms in historical accuracy to stuff like Taimebi). The plots do leave a lot to be desired though, the only strong points are her schizo ramblings.

No. 388747

>pedo stache
pull that shit off

No. 388749

> Kurosawa said that she'll respect his age and promised to the ones who complained that she won't do anything sexual.

No. 388755

File: 1717440251413.jpeg (400.99 KB, 900x1200, eerie queerie.jpeg)

Holy nostalgia bomb, nona. I bought that novel at a Borders Bookstore when it was published by June, the Tokyopop BL branch. Picrel is the oldest thing I remember reading.

No. 388766

Me, too, nona. I'm hoping, because it's a mystery story, maybe it'll be a little more tightly-plotted, but it could go either way.
I genuinely cannot play mobile VNs, but if you do play it, I'd be interested in a review.

No. 388777

Yeah I like Rinko's writing but her major weak spot is she puts too many characters in her VNs, Hashihime could have easily been shortened to two or three routes and it would have been better written for it. I overall enjoyed UUULTRAC despite it having a lot of flaws though, I think the off the wall sort of writing was a lot of fun (didn't care for Choutsugai's route with all the troonshit though).

No. 388848

File: 1717457740650.jpeg (319.98 KB, 3024x1923, IMG_8364.jpeg)

Got a bunch of nitro chiral merch in today (not everything pictured)
I think Aoba looks the gayest of this set though

No. 388852

modern street fashion is so ugly. They all look like they are wearing garbage bags.

No. 388860

File: 1717463637154.jpeg (109.86 KB, 480x720, 56FACC29-A220-4B4D-8534-6D47D5…)

Is this fujoshi one piece?

No. 388861

Those ancient BL manga take me back, but do you guys remember when FAKE! was the only BL manga in English? God the art was so fucking ugly, I was mad and refused to read it for years because of it

No. 388866

Seriously, I need form-fitting male fashion to make a comeback

No. 388869

File: 1717466260250.webp (105.77 KB, 1014x1441, 53288458_1014_1441_108308.webp)

This is completely giga-retarded so far but in a fun way and the pretty colors are nice.

No. 389017

are there any cartel bls

No. 389040

File: 1717535048802.png (100.89 KB, 599x413, 1717263754154-2.png)

Maki-chan was in the cartel…
There's also nacho x lalo from bcs. I wish there was more set in latam, no one tops them in the fucked up department.

No. 389044

Nah, it's fujo isekai but before isekai had a name.

No. 389061

File: 1717542507198.png (1.02 MB, 1140x554, Tierlist.png)

Found this list. I don't know majority of them, but the ones that have English translations are included.
Share your game lists nonas.

No. 389062

list so dogshit it makes me question if you've even played half of these

No. 389063

Is Absolute Obedience a joke rating, or is it actually any good? I kind of assumed it was a nukige. Also, what did you hate about Sorcerer's Choice? I didn't love it, but I thought it was okay. Definitely not bottom-tier, just aggressively average.

No. 389067

And what makes it dogshit?
Super fun. Good sense of humor, hilarious characters. Plot nothing special but gave me good laughs.
I found sorcerer boring and the protagonist annoying, thus the bad rating.

No. 389069

Share yours,don't be shy
>has slow damage or no thank you as kamige.

No. 389070

It's a horny meme game in the same vein as Hadaka Shitsuji, Patient S, Masquerade, Nie no Machi, etc. I don't know what could carry it that high but nostalgia. These rankings are pretty crazy.
>Paradise that high but hasn't even played either FD
>Whole top tier is meme games and Lamento
>Cage OPEN that high (yet CLOSE is missing entirely)
>S Remedy above Hadaka
>Messiah that high
>Rn9/No Thank You that low
>Clean dishes below vanilla Slow Damage
>Galtia above the lowest tier
2nded doubting she's played some of these, otherwise I'm worried for the media literacy. I remember a boomer vn fan on twitter posting her list on twitter and she also the very unusual Lamento and Nie no Machi top 2, she had an excuse (huge nostalgia boner for Lamento) and this definitely isn't her so maybe anon just copied some from hers.

No. 389073

nta and i agree her list is shit, messiah should be even higher up

No. 389079

>Clean dishes below vanilla Slow Damage
She put them in the same tier, didn't she? How can you tell which is lower?

No. 389089

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No. 389123

File: 1717574078469.png (1.17 MB, 1140x829, 1000017161.png)

Some of you have no concept of media enjoyment being subjective and it shows. One nona's trash is another nona's treasure. You can also greatly enjoy games that are objectively garbage, for example absolute obedience was pure meme but it had plenty of hilarious moments so it managed to entertain me. >>389061
Paradise high rating, I like you nona.

No. 389132

the coom scenes were the worst part of the game. i unironically liked it for the plot and the high amount of good quality cgs. kou and takuto were the blueprint for shingakkous michael and august

No. 389136

Messiah has good plot? I started up the game but have been too lazy/busy to continue. I really like the artist's old timey but stil crisp artstyle, thinking of going back to it if the plot isn't boring (coom alone can't keep me interested)

No. 389144

File: 1717588227713.png (847.86 KB, 1140x648, don't take it too personally …)

Based shingakko and paradise nonnas. I don't like kiwames art at all,it's utter shit, but I'm bearing with it just for Matsuda and of course Azuma. It's a good break between hairo SOLzzz and mebiusline 漢字 and history shill schizophrenia.

Curious about messiah too. I'd like to see more lists.
Just ignore the ntyfag, she gets pissed when people don't like and don't dickride her barashit nukigefag game as much as she does.
Play shingakko if you haven't.

No. 389150

File: 1717588813052.png (1.81 MB, 950x1203, list.png)

>Hardest 1v1 was the Surodame v Dysou mid off
>Some games are missing because I couldn't find them
>Galtia and Si Nis Kanto killed any interest I had in Kintouka
>Bully, MGS2, DOL go in kami tier

I remember just thinking it was super drawn out and absurd with great cgs and a lot of murder but then again I played it a long time ago with a friend

No. 389156

>shaming like the 3rd most fun part about being autistic over a piece of media you consumed isn't the high you get from using your autism like a torture device on the rats who consumed said media incorrectly

No. 389196

File: 1717598979417.png (1006.52 KB, 850x678, vnlist.png)

i'm missing lasting show which is in my ok tier

based kannagi no tori placement anon

No. 389212

Based shotalover anona.

Why'd you find Hashihime insulting?

No. 389239

What's the top left one in the top category?

No. 389240

How is mori no kioku nonny? Never played a marine heart game but I want to play tayutau, nabari and naraku?

No. 389247

Kannagi no Tori

No. 389256

>multiple shotas but not a single one is a LI
>bait-y cgs, picrel
>groomer!tamamori not having sex with kaoru until he is grown up
and the worst offender
>one of the shotas is a tranny

short and cute with imo nice cgs and likeable characters. it doesn't compare to games with actual plot or more complex characters like laughter land but afaik it's one of the few shota-centric games we have and i appreciate it for what it is(posting shota)

No. 389287

File: 1717614183541.jpg (37.53 KB, 400x400, s-l400.jpg)

>just bought Si Nis Kanto
Can't be that bad right
What's so bad about it? Japanese fujos seem to love it. The artist is pretty well known bl mangaka, that's why I bought it + mafia plot

Can nonnies here recommend me some games with cults or yakuzas? I don't like too much porn focused games, I'm fine with non sexual content too. Is Hanakage good for example?

No. 389290

File: 1717614590971.png (256.22 KB, 788x185, 0000.png)

Samefag, games that ive played so far and own. I have completed some endings in 2nd category.

No. 389330

I'm not trying to browbeat anons who are into it (I don't care) but I don't see the appeal of shota. I like when the guys are tall, handsome, and slightly muscular. Shotas just don't seem sexy to me. My brain puts them in the same category as moe girls, basically. Sometimes I wonder if anons who only enjoy shota casually exaggerate their enjoyment of it online just to be shocking/contrarian.

No. 389333

>Sometimes I wonder if anons who only enjoy shota casually exaggerate their enjoyment of it online just to be shocking/contrarian.
You're still too innocent nonnie

No. 389334

>but I don't see the appeal of shota
They're cute
>I like when the guys are tall, handsome, and slightly muscular
I ship those guys with the shota

Personally though I'm up for most things body type wise as long as it's not furry or bara.(posting shota)

No. 389338

You could ask chatgpt to write you a yakuza bl and it would mog Si Nis Kanto. If you didn't care that much for ld1 I think you might hate it. It's also retarded but in a not fun way and it drags on forever. The routes after Carlo's are the trenches and Carlo's isn't even good. You eventually get to see him without that ugly pushed back hair at least, and he's the only one that got a full set of sex cgs.

Most of the good yakuza and cult bl is in manga not vns tbh. You'd think it'd be more prominent with how edgy they are.
Clean dishes is about a death cult and there are yakuza involved, you don't need to play SD to play it and it's short. Pain in the ass to play though. Si Nis Kanto artist did the character design for it too I think?
Lkyt is similar to sweet pool and maggot baits. It's asexual by clockup standards, some guro, might scratch the cult itch.
+Begg is much better than og ld1.

No. 389344

you're right and you should say it. flexing shota complexes is for zoomers who make being proship their whole personality.

No. 389349

File: 1717622547801.jpg (147.49 KB, 672x1000, 91xyzVEssoL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

Are you me? I thought it was hideous too, it legitimately made me angry that Tokypop picked that title to translate. I don't think I ever read it.

No. 389359

No. 389360

File: 1717624804157.jpeg (263.64 KB, 1125x502, IMG_5530.jpeg)

>it legitimately made me angry that Tokypop picked that title to translate
Are you like 50 years old, there's plenty of other BL manga around

No. 389361

I think nonna was just talking about how it was the only one translated in English when it came out

No. 389368

No. 389369

The proship vs anti wars feel like watching a late stage schizophrenia patients paranoid hallucinations, fighting with their tulpas. Antis are too out of touch with reality while the self-proclaimed proshippers are weird and gross at times. It's not just fujos liking shota, proshippers make it their whole personality and like you said some exaggerate just to piss off the other anti schizos or sound sooper award worthy edgy -cringe. Both are annoying fucks.

Thing is, in western fandom, especially EOP otomefags, have no idea what a shota actually is, they're confused. The moment they see a younger LI they go "shota". I've seen retards calling Takara and Rin shota for example. When by term shota the ones who are is Anel from absolute obedience, or Yoan from laughter land. Maybe younger looking LIs have another term in Japanese, I've seen them being called 弟ぽい for example. Is googling so hard, or doing some research before speaking up?

No. 389371

>I've seen retards calling Takara and Rin shota for example.
I don’t think Takara counts but Rin counts as shota.

No. 389372

He does not. He's 2-3 years younger than Akira at best. Shota are much much much younger. He doesn't even look like shota.

No. 389378

Shotas can be older, he looks like Alois anyway.

No. 389380

>gets mistaken for a girl
>visibly younger than everyone else
>fukuyama jun's shota voice
>typical genki shota personality
>only character who looks older in the future
Shotacon and toddlercon are two different things

No. 389381

With that logic all school settings LIs and protagonists are shota then?

No. 389383

File: 1717627785542.jpg (187.57 KB, 732x1044, eriol .JPG)

If shotas can’t be older than 10 then with that logic picrel isn’t a shota because he’s 1000 years old?

No. 389384

That's a shotajiji case.
Isn't that what you'd call a femboy?

No. 389386

I think shota is more so a body type rather than just age. Like some JJBA characters are underage, but anyone calling them shota is probably retarded. It’s a case-by-case basis

No. 389387

who fucking cares, girls

proship edgelords latch on to whatever makes them sound the most degenerate, incest, shota, rape, guro, beastie, anything and antiship retards will call a man with no leg hair prepubescent

No. 389388

femboy is not an anime or yaoi term.

No. 389389

>Isn't that what you'd call a femboy?
No. A femboy is a 4chan groomer tranny who has nothing to do with the 2d world

No. 389391

I’ve been a shotafag since I was their age (11) and part of it is: liking said content for over a decade and in turn shaping my preferences, innocence, how taboo the relationship between a shota and an older man is, and just because they’re cute. With that said I like handsome ikemen as well, I just like attractive animu boys in general. Also I was groomed as a kid so it’s a way for me to feel powerful through projecting onto the seme (sometimes) kek

No. 389394

Weirdly, I'm chill on shota but I'm into characters turning into shota.

No. 389397

File: 1717630723708.png (176.17 KB, 396x650, 381.png)

Kek you are so right nona. But it's just a friendly discussion/sharing info without any fighting. I'm being autistic too and althought I hate being a labelfag, it pisses me of at times, searching tags on vndb, for example, let's say <yandere> and they have LIs that just got a bit angry and possessive towards mc at a single bad ending LOL.
And hanging out to japanese fujo places never once have i seen the fujos consider or call Rin a shota lol. Maybe Lamentos Firi is closest to that category?
I don't care either way in terms of moralfagging, even though I find the very young looking ones very unappealing I don't care what other fujos rub their dicks to, as long as they don't make it their whole persona.

Nonnas I'm retarded and got confused with otokonoko term. Literally crossdressing but that's in eroge usually. The closest to bl they do.

No. 389399

Same can be said about bara and furry shit at this point? Some are autistic enough to consider kemonomimi and tails only furryshit or any character with muscles bara.
If it turns them off can help it.

No. 389401

They are just so cute and lovely. I liked shota characters since I was young myself and I will continue to do so forever, one of the best things 2d has to offer

No. 389404

sex. sex between brothers. incestual male sex. sex between uncle and nephew. sex between father and son. incest. forbidden love. forbidden valleys. forbidden peaks. anal sex with father, brother, son uncles and cousins.

No. 389407

> I like when the guys are tall, handsome, and slightly muscular
you're probably a yumefujo who's self inserting somehow. for me, i want to be a voyeur. i have no actual attraction to the men themselves, but rather their relationship dynamics

No. 389408

File: 1717631869503.jpg (150.18 KB, 1838x1376, 54852.jpg)

i miss when the thread was dead. i liked it.

No. 389409

File: 1717632015621.jpg (171.21 KB, 550x547, afda340da5c8a184188cb7676ca846…)

Father and son does nothing for me, just feels a little too taboo I suppose.
Only example of uncle and nephew I can think of though is that one OVA and Dojima x Yu.

No. 389410

Same I want these newfags to fuck off

No. 389411

i wish bl games lack in that

No. 389412

hide the thread retards

No. 389413

Play arcadia and shitoku

No. 389415

I honest to god see regular ass bishounen twinks be referred to as "shota" now, either by edgelords who want to trigger le antis or by said mentally ill antis who think everyone not looking like a generic yumeslop husbando is a shota.

As for actual shota, I don't really care about fujos who like it (if it's not toddlercon level degeneracy) as long as they're mindful about it and don't go out of their way to make people uncomfortable. The people who sperg about being based and redpilled shotacons normies just don't get are unfathomably cringe and need to grow up.

AO is a nukige, but it's a fun one imo and the sex scenes are fairly good. My main problem personally with it was that I didn't find either of the main characters that interesting so the routes fell flat for me despite liking most of the guy options in it. Also Yura's art sucks kek

No. 389416

and miss out on the havoc when it gets swatted by the mouthbreathers in the antifujo thread? i think not

that time of year, s s summertime fagness

No. 389421

This nona, it's thrown a lot around in English speaking fandoms. The LI being slightly younger, shorter or cute looking doesn't make him a shota. It's a trope. Having a LI who is a year or two younger/looking younger to MC.
Just googled that shit and that's fucking yikes

No. 389424

>not liking child body types means you're a self-inserter
Braindead. Completely braindead.

No. 389426

>implying i like them
>when in the post i explicitly said "i have no actual attraction to the men themselves"
play on this site for an hour https://www.readingrainbow.org/(baiting schizo)

No. 389428

I'm with the other nona. Liking certain body types doesn't mean you're a self inserter, stop thinking like a moid.

No. 389429

>implying i was speaking in absolutes when the first word in my sentence was 'probably'
again, please consider: https://www.readingrainbow.org/(infighting)

No. 389430

Anyway, I assume pirating is okay to talk about? I want to play shingakkou, but where would one find a download for it? Is it on Aarinfantasy? Are most untranslated blvn on Aarinfantasy?

No. 389431

If you're going to keep spamming your favorite website to play with, do it in another thread that's more appropriate.

No. 389432

It's retarded with or without a qualifier, literally what the fuck does being attracted to specific body types have to do with self-inserting at all? Zero correlation

No. 389434

Yes, has everything. Except for the new ones, arcadia and the other shinigami one.

No. 389435

>ost of the good yakuza and cult bl is in manga not vns tbh
NTA but do you have any examples or recommendations for those manga (especially cults)? I've read Twittering Birds Never Fly. I've heard of Acid Town, but I'd prefer not to start anything unfinished.

No. 389438

if you weren’t stupid you’d get it. have a good day(infighting)

No. 389439

>Makes outlandish claim with no proof or inherent logic
>Calls other people stupid when it's pointed out.
The schools should be open year round for people like you.(infighting)

No. 389495

No? I just like when the characters are attractive and the dynamic is good. We just have different ideas of what we find attractive.

No. 389496

It's weird how anons get super assblasted about bara but are super defensive about shota. I say allow both or neither, bc in my opinion roided musclebros and ten-year-olds are equally moidy to thirst over. I say this as someone who is neutral about both for the record.

No. 389497

Same anon. I'm tired of edgelord newfags arguing

No. 389509

you explained it in your own post. You like masculine tough guys, some other women like cutesy guys. Personally i dont care about body type as long as they are cute, but most roidpigs have the personalities of rabid pitbulls and its a huge turn off.

No. 389516

Why did >>389334 get banned, does posting sfw pictures of anime boys warrant a ban now?

No. 389528

There's a rule against posting and discussing sexualized lolisho

No. 389529

No, it doesn't. Mods on this site are simply lolcows themselves.

No. 389534

Because the edgy shotafags are are the ones uncontrollably seething about bara. Have you noticed how any older male character also causes sperging unless the other guy in the ship is related to him and/or underage? I was in opposition of the shota ban when that first went down because of how nutty the ones in favor of it were, but now that we actually have the type of anons they imagined back then from proship cows, fandom discourse, and dumbass shit threads, I think mods cracking down harder on it might be a good thing.

No. 389538

I’m so sorry someone said no thank you is bad nonny

No. 389541

While I do agree that sometimes people go too far about old man hating, I don't think that's shotafags as much as it's the psy ops crowd and people who really should just stop blowing twitter because it makes them mad.

No. 389549

File: 1717678049554.jpg (24.84 KB, 311x393, degrees of furry.jpg)

Calling ears furry is a hardline stance some people choose to take because they have seen worse furry stuff and don't want anything to do with it. Yiff-in-hell sentiment in fandom has almost gone extinct but some still hold strong, they are the brave fighters for a lost cause; future generations will learn from experience if they don't want to listen to the old wisdom. Picrel is what conventional wisdom dictates but I would like to point out it was drawn by an extremely prolific and degenerate japanese man who once drew fanart of the little boy from free willy sucking off the orca. To be clear, all of these are furry; we don't have to live by the rules of the degen doujin circles po-ju was drawing for. We are not furries. You call it autism but some of us have just been online long enough to Know It When We See It.

No. 389551

File: 1717678580293.jpg (100.61 KB, 1080x1565, 40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b…)

>everyone who doesn't like the shotacon edgelords is NTYfag
Meds. I got a great big laugh out of her post on fujochan though, sperg on sperg violence never fails to produce the tastiest milk.

Psy op thread is notoriously home to raging shotacons and femboyfags

No. 389560

>Psy op thread is notoriously home to raging shotacons and femboyfags
it was one single shotafag and she got shitted on by everyone in that thread. You people need to stop making boogeymans in your head because that anon you called based once is probably the same anon that likes and shares opinions on things you also dislike. It's like some retarded newfags cant understand how anonymous imageboards work. Zoomers get out of my imageboards, you clearly dont understand the culture.

No. 389561

you literally can’t read. i don’t find them attractive kek, i said that in my post. it’s like how i don’t find the balding guy from sleeping dead attractive but i enjoy the story. some people who enjoy shota just like the taboo of the relationship and not the shota itself. needing to find the characters fuckable is self-inserter behavior yume-chan

No. 389563

this poster was probably a baiter who just grabbed a random image from pixiv anyway

No. 389570

If fujoshi don't like characters to be fuckable then why does any bl have long onscreen sex scenes at all?

No. 389574

You keep calling them edgelords but I don’t see a single person in this thread mentioning shota in an edgy way. There’s a few anons discussing rape unrelated to shota but that's just part of the BL genre

No. 389577

its funny she calls them edgelords in a thread with an op image of a faggot cutting another faggot

No. 389581

>she got shitted on by everyone in that thread
>half of the replies to her posts were calling her baste and stacypilled
See for yourself >>>/ot/1961259 It's possible it was bait but the shotafags took it and ran with it kek

No. 389584

>needing to find the characters fuckable is self-inserter behavior yume-chan
so should we all be watching ugly bastard x ugly bastard go prove we're not yumes

No. 389587

you dont need to bring your infights here. You sound exactly like antifujos that think all fujos are self inserters who are going to troon out. Stop being so schizo and making retarded conspiracies just to ''win'' internet slapfights.

No. 389588

File: 1717680531156.jpg (130.93 KB, 702x1000, 913dcxC6U-L._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

Have you read the opus yet nonnie

No. 389589

is it true this guy used to draw deranged bara porn

No. 389590

>Being attracted to the men in your porn is yume behavior
Go LARP as a asexual on Tumblr, not here

No. 389591

anti shota stuff always ruins the thread (threads) more than the occasional screenshot of shota oni or gon x hisoka pic ever has. hate the way farmers melt down so hard over shit they dislike being posted, ignore it. keep scrolling. it isn’t killing you.

No. 389594

>is it true this guy used to draw deep and complicated yaoi porn
We don't see body type here, it's all about relationships.
And yes.

No. 389595

fuckable = you want to fuck them. i’m done for real now though you lot are just illiterate x

No. 389596

sorry i forgot we dont body shame around these places

No. 389597

>my infights
Lol lmao

No. 389598

Why not go back to 4chan? You can post all the pedo shit you want there

No. 389599

are you done shitting the thread? i find it funny you are trying to spread your retardation when the literal first shotafag post in that thread got 9 responses, all shitting on that faggot, and a red text calling it what it was, bait. So please, stop making shit up just to get mad at imaginary boogeymans.

No. 389600

I agree. There will always be users who post about shota, incest, ryona or other fetishes not everyone is into. I doubt reporting them and making callout posts is going to stop them. What happened to "don't like don’t read"?

No. 389601

exactly like personally i hate a lot of crap discussed in here, e.g. nty and parade games and ryona. do i sperg about it + go to /meta/ to cry to the mods for hours and hours that the big bad mean anons uwu are sullying my imageboard experience and they need to come clean up? of course not. i leave the thread or mentally filter it out. fuck them and fuck the mods that constantly cater to whiners kek

No. 389602

>unpopular opinions ruined by retards
>fandom discourse ruined by retards
>kpop threads (deceased) ruined by retards
>funposting (deceased) ruined by retards
>dumbass shit (deceased) ruined by retards
>retards itt can't go 5 minutes without pedoposting
Is it time to start writing our will, /fujo/?(derailing/take it to meta)

No. 389603

It’s time to let it rest.

No. 389604

>muh pedoposting about 2d characters that dont exist reeeeee
The irony of you not realizing that you’re the same as retards you hate

No. 389605

The thread literally died overnight outside of the retards spamming their mental illness so I'm assuming most normal people have already fucked off.

No. 389606

the way farmers lie about things that happened in a certain thread while in the thread will always amaze me. like i can scroll up kek

No. 389608

File: 1717683982773.jpg (65.55 KB, 706x998, yuki26.jpg)

I have been trying to get back into Bl lately(mostly enjoyed yaoi in the form of ships, not manga) and i cant get used to how modern BL looks. I miss 00s BL so much, especially the fashion. Well, at least its easier than ever to find older stuff translated. Time to get my fix of yaoi hands, chad chins and anorexic alien looking ukes.

No. 389609

Can confirm. Just checking back in because of the pedoshitter whining in /meta/, but I stopped checking this thread because they literally ruined it

No. 389610

can you quote the supposed spam and ruination shota posters brought upon the thread? i’m genuinely curious as to what you’re looking at

No. 389611

nona don't post that, murakami is a shotacon

No. 389612

KEKKK no I'm 34, I think there were 2 or 3 other BL titles when I started perusing the shelves at Borders but that was one of them and I hated it

No. 389613

File: 1717684609807.jpg (34.04 KB, 237x314, ryuichi.jpg)

good for her

No. 389614

Wtf I love her now

No. 389615

No. 389620

File: 1717687418846.png (642.46 KB, 900x632, 1000012092.png)

rent free. sorry you thought it would be a good idea to spend months shoving links to your groomcord in everyones faces then spam edgy shitposts about your special interests all over /m/ and /ot/ and make a convenient little list of them for all to see tying those posts back to you complete with your main groomcord account at the same time.
welcome to lolcor, this is what /snow/ /pt/ /w/ farmer autism looks like this website wasn't created for creaming over fictional faggots. idgaf who hates nty bc i love it and that's all that matters, but if pretending everyone who's sick of you is a sole vendettachan bitter over her game getting boolied helps you sleep at night then keep me on your shitlist as long as you want, takujifag sdchan kawoshinfag shotasperg groomerchan whatever personalityfag alias you prefer. like all those other anons said, at least take the pedo shitposts to 4chan or groomcord before you get another one of our threads killed.(infighting)

No. 389621

god that game looks so ugly

No. 389624

Gravitation is so stupid, it'll always have a spot in my heart.

No. 389628

Thank you for calling out this retard nonny

No. 389629

Are you a mod, ntyfag? How did you identify that those 2 posts were written by the same person from discord? There is nothing linking them together (not liking parade isn't exclusive to that anon)

No. 389632

Sorry but you are replying to two different anons and I'm not the anon you hate due to some discord drama I don't give a shit about. It might be hard to believe but there are multiple users disliking no thank you. Also I don't think you have a right to call anyone edgy or a pedo when you sperg about bara rape scat games written by men who hate women. You are in no way better than the annoying trapfag who also pretends her degenerate eroges are kino.

She's just delusional

No. 389633

Okay, fair enough, the visuals aren't as important as the writing for you. But I don't think that caring about how the characters look automatically makes someone a yume. I'd be willing to bet that at least some of the shota anons in here find the shotas themselves attractive. Why else would there be posts like >>388315 complaining about how they feel "baited" when shota characters don't get sex scenes?

No. 389636

>it was drawn by an extremely prolific and degenerate japanese man who once drew fanart of the little boy from free willy sucking off the orca
Excuse me?

No. 389639

File: 1717692494834.jpeg (816.6 KB, 1838x2194, GJhEXOHakAA6bAi.jpeg)

Is there more schizo shit like LHC? I need to be catered to…

No. 389641

if i could get rid of a single person on earth, it would be po-ju. He's the reason we have so much trapshit.

No. 389644

what’s picrel from

No. 389645

Looks like Lychee Light/Hikari Club. The play and movie are pretty neat too. HAKUEI did a few albums of J-rock inspired by it.
Kaneda was best boy for me.

No. 389647

File: 1717692933972.jpeg (154.15 KB, 565x700, IMG_0329.jpeg)

fanart of litchi hikari club

No. 389652

Don't be such a newfag. Go on MRM and see for yourself

No. 389653

File: 1717693142135.jpeg (645.66 KB, 2298x2347, GH_U3TsaYAAAgkp.jpeg)

as other nonnas said litchi hikari club. the artist is @suzrai63 on xitter

No. 389654

Can i get some shota recs(baiting)

No. 389659

File: 1717694394820.jpeg (260.99 KB, 1140x646, IMG_0330.jpeg)

rookie numbers i know.
i also couldn’t see laughter land on there but maybe i’m just blind.

No. 389660

File: 1717694396646.webp (69.94 KB, 505x720, E4CE23A6-0EE6-44B6-B324-7D69BD…)

try oponicus no kokyuu, they're pretty closely associated with each other.

No. 389662

will pick up tanks

No. 389663

File: 1717694692706.png (112.51 KB, 900x1300, 34d247c7-516e-4b49-b0a0-6937f3…)

I love this one. Second it as a rec. The art is trippy. You missed a letter in the title, it's Copernicus no Kokyuu

No. 389664

i really wish i knew japanese. Noli Me tangere is probably the only BL VN i am interested in and its the only one that isnt translated.

No. 389668

i’ve said this here before but even if you have only rudimentary jp knowledge, its worth playing shingakkou using textractor + machine TL! i’m grinding my jp reading skills so i can one day enjoy it in its original language, but i really think that even w the flaws of machine translation it was still very playable. i believe in you nonna its not too hard to set up textractor & 100% worth it imo!!

No. 389671

thanks, once i have money to buy the game i will give it a try.

No. 389676

I haven't played it either but I OTP August and Michael anyway.

No. 389691

if you are okay w pirating stuff you can also find it free online, can’t remember where i found it but most likely the aarinfantasy forums since they have everything anyway. good luck anon!

based. you are really missing out on their H scenes though anon

No. 389700

fuck i didnt know about this, thanks

No. 389769

>criticizes NTY for being a "moid game" that's "made to be like a male eroge"
>discord profile image is Mamiya Takuji, from rape eroge subahibi, in the scene where he's forced to crossdress and forced to give oral to delinquents

No. 389776

File: 1717704325166.jpg (404.66 KB, 1000x1419, 32-kyoudai-to-1.jpg)

with all due respect take your retarded discord beef to the shithole where it belongs and post some anime boys

No. 389779

why does hypnomic have all the good doujins? every doujin i read was pure kino especially the ones of the white and black haired boy.

No. 389784

wtf is going on in this post, is this retard linking lowcow posts to some discord user? Lmao. We truly have the most autistic thread.

No. 389789

why did you even quote me when that’s the first post i’ve made regarding my dislike of nty/a post where i explicitly said i hate when people bitch and cry over things they dislike being posted. reading comprehension on this site is terrible now

No. 389791

Ntychan…come on girl…
Haru was raped by the age of 6 and 7 by men and his dad and later killed, cannibalized and raped kids and women himself too. This wasn't shown in the game but it's in settei, so making a call out post about a shotacon? shitscord who as i can see allows 18+ people only it's so contradictionary. And clock up games have lolis and other grotesque stuff too so you really shouldn't be talking about these stuff. Not judging your taste or anyone liking these fictional stuff (as long as they're women liking them kek) but shitting on sdchan/shotafag whatever over her fictional taste like..girl come on!
And >>389629 is right only if you are a mod you can tell that. Tinfoiling much. There are a lot of people who didn't like nty enough or dropped it especially here on lolcow many girls don't like bara and I say that as someone who does like them and didn't find nty bad overall. Nty isn't considered a kamige by majority, unlike shingakkou, many people don't like nty as much as you do and it's okay to love it and wanting to shill it but expecting every person who shits on it or disagrees with you is sdchan it's mental lmao.

No. 389794

File: 1717706091643.jpeg (100.7 KB, 600x407, 8C897D10-C1F0-47C7-A3AA-A75A96…)

all the boys were manufactured purely for their shipping potential with one another, truly peak.

No. 389798

File: 1717706183753.jpg (69.58 KB, 792x749, intrigued_scholar.jpg)

It's because for a few threads, someone linked a discord link to a fujo server made of lolcow users. One of the owners of the server is very active on there and on here, so her taste and posting style is blatant so people have started recognizing her, also because she baits a lot and she publicly posts about her baiting. Like with all nonas that stand out, nonnies started personalityfagging her even though I don't think that was her intention.
But due to this being an anonymous imageboard, it's easy to confuse an autist for another, especially when there are so many spicy shotafags who bait and try to start shit.

No. 389802

File: 1717706482245.jpeg (63.92 KB, 750x695, 1664376871748.jpeg)

Okay nonna, I'll indulge you. Deets on this cow? What makes her cringe other than not covering her tracks between LC and discord and liking subahibi? I love some blvn fandom fujo beef. Full of autistic bitches and narc cows.

No. 389805

correct me if i'm wrong but isn't this >>389150 your list?

No. 389818

She’s very tsundere for sdchan

No. 389821

long retired. i was at a time when we were compiling post histories to expose. it involved digging through ip after ip and paying close attention to posting patterns, it sucked it was like eating the forbidden fruit never been the same since.

i know. i was against the shota ban when it happened, i don't mind the subject matter as much as the way it's being posted about. rules are rules.
meant it that i don't care what anyone says about nty either, i'll take anything as an excuse to talk about such kino, it's just a farmer's nature to pursue perceived milk. /m/ and /ot/ have seen new lows in the last few months because of trends in shitposting, that's what i'm sperging out about. i'm having fun for once so i have that even if everyone thinks im (more) crazy now and this drama amounts to nothing.

No. 389824

File: 1717708658322.jpg (54.68 KB, 491x405, 1424293812243.jpg)

More or less I said everything. We have far worse posters on this website, she's just bad at covering her tracks and containing her baiting sprees and her malding over things she doesn't like (which are common traits for raging nonas, as shown by everyone who combusts everytime they post the old man yaoi with the balding guy and the chonmage yaoi).

No. 389827

yes yes of course, taking our banter to the next level is all. i'm rutting.


No. 389828

File: 1717708992782.png (4.91 MB, 2048x1499, Ft8SI8raEAAEOxU.png)

>i'm rutting.
Too bad sdchan is taken by Rancefag

No. 389831

i'll ntr one of them

No. 389832

What the fuck is this

No. 389833

god the state of this thread.
can we just have one thread where you guys are normal please im begging

No. 389835

>NTYchan x Rancewife
that's lewd
Some unrelated pic from some random VNfag, I just thought it was funny

No. 389836

KEK i chocked. No seriously sdfag and ntyfag could actually become really good friends (kaworu and shinji style). Should try and talk to her ntychan if that's her on discord.

No. 389839

File: 1717709531162.gif (63.62 KB, 500x335, tumblr_lls3ppYuWm1qb0hm6540.gi…)

We have literally never had a normal thread. Being retarded schizos is the status quo of /fujo/. Yaoi tax.

No. 389842

All fujos are retarded schizos, some just haven't awakened yet.

No. 389843

I thought this was ntyfag for a sec too. Whatever anon based taste, definitely play Arcadia, Melancholic and add Shitoku no Gyokuza. Ntyfag should play these too actually. It's freeware shitoku.

No. 389849

File: 1717709969603.jpg (199.35 KB, 1077x1005, Licking.jpg)

>Shitoku nona
Glad to see fellow patricians ITT

No. 389853

>as shown by everyone who combusts everytime they post the old man yaoi with the balding guy and the chonmage yaoi
No regrets. Fuck that chonmage BL and everyone who shills it

No. 389855

File: 1717710422189.jpg (20.98 KB, 1080x360, 1000012104.jpg)


still playing mebiusline, wanted to finish tatebayashi's route today but this is how i spent my free time. i'll add that to my backlog.(personality fagging/avatarfagging)

No. 389856

Waiting for her new kamige nonny. If only kinshiku wrote bl too.

No. 389857

Do you like it so far? If you haven't played shingakkou play it too.

No. 389858

Same, unica's really good at psychologically fucking me. Hope she heals from whatever happened to her make her like that though.
Not familiar. According to vndb some otoge doujinka?

No. 389859

File: 1717710751165.jpg (35.7 KB, 293x314, omdwob.jpg)

Nonny did you finish Shigure's route? Impressions?

No. 389861

Yes otome doujinka. Style very similar to unicas. If you don't mind otome definitely play majo, garasu and cinderella. Haven't played seibogari yet.

Back to bl kino, this fatherson all ages game is very good. Based writing https://vndb.org/v39355
Idk doujins are always better. Include my fetishes, don't give a fuck about moralfag rules and shit.

No. 389864

kek what a coincidence, I just starting playing nanana like two weeks ago but got burned out so taking a break to roleplay orphanage yaoi on DOL. Fatherson is seriously kino. Wish western anons shared more weird obscure doujinge in general.

Will definitely check her out then. Between the three, which one do you suggest starting with? The comparison has me intrigued.

No. 389868

Majo. Start with it nonna. You'll love the writing and obscurity. It has a sequel too so it'll keep you occupied for a while.
I wish bl games had more incest in general. Rare breed.

No. 389869

File: 1717711777822.png (441.96 KB, 2048x1773, GO_-pUMXwAA_vNH.png)

What is freaky about any of these ships exactly?

No. 389870

File: 1717711831767.png (285.76 KB, 652x744, 1717269686789416.png)


No. 389875

Any freakier than this and anons itt will lose their minds

No. 389876

kek in 2024? What the fuck

No. 389877

File: 1717712077588.png (2.87 MB, 2048x1773, GPQlWlrWMAE0haD.png)

And yet somehow it's made it to the top 4
What's frerard I'm a zoomer

No. 389879

>No incest ships
Western fujos are so cucked

No. 389881

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>no twincest kino

No. 389882

No canon ships aside from the Chinese dudes too

No. 389884

yeah i'm loving it! not caring for kyoichiro's characterization as much in tatebayashi's route so far but i really enjoyed shigure's route. the plot was great, their relationship and the build up to it was super cute, i'm a sucker for that kind of awkward inexperienced vibe in h scenes + kyoichiro's moans were hot, and his true end is better but i still like his other good end bc fuck senge and his whole manifesto. i started shingakkou to kill time the week sekiro came out, got part of the way through leonid's route and just never went back to it after hue. but i'll restart it one day, might save it for winter.

No. 389886

There’s a shota in Shingakkou be careful.

No. 389890

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Incest scawwy

No. 389892

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Senge is my fav after Misaki. I wish Senge and Tatebayashi fucked in at least one bad ending. Their hate boner so strong.
Do go back on Shingakkou kino.

No. 389895

is this readable with mtl do you think

No. 389916

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No. 389917

Phew i have a ton because I was a hardcore Hetalia fag. My favs are death note ones, kinbaku ouji memorable. I liked the haikyuu and tennis ouji sama too. Free too.

No. 389919

>i have a ton because I was a hardcore Hetalia fag
yeah hetalia still has a niche fangame community which is nice to see (mostly rpgmaker to no one's surprise)
>My favs are death note ones
I've only played d.nd poisoned for DN ones.

No. 389921

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I forgot that Lamento's soundtrack was so good

No. 389926

Based Lamento anon! Love the game and OST so much.

No. 389946

Yes, but I'm too embarrassed to say what the source material is

No. 389947

This was made by a 15 year old

No. 389948

>What's frerard I'm a zoomer
Two of the 3DPDs from MCR.

No. 389949

>Two of the 3DPDs from MCR.
Not into 3DPD shipping or music so that does explain why I don't know them.

No. 389950

Is it something really bad?

No. 389957

The farmhands locking Dumbass Shit was the Lolcor equivalent to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The yaoi thread is the Battle of the Somme.

No. 389959

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Some 3DPDs won apparently.

No. 389964

Twitter is full of retards, and in other news, bears continue to shit in the woods.

No. 389965

respectfully hannigram is pretty good 3dpd

No. 389966

>'some 3dpds'

No. 389969

No. 389970

Well, at least it does count as freaky. I remember liking the show, the kill scenes were great.

No. 390013

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Feels good. S4 never. Like and subscribe >>>/m/284279

No. 390041

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>but i really enjoyed shigure's route. the plot was great, their relationship and the build up to it was super cute
So glad you enjoyed it nonnie, I also enjoyed it so much which was a surprise to me because Shigure looked like such a generic seme at first. But I loved his route and his brother complex. The plot was so good and beautiful. The three-way brocon jealousy triangle with Kyo was also serious kino. Love Shigure so much nonnies. You'll love the FD, prepare some multipurpose tissues.

>i'm a sucker for that kind of awkward inexperienced vibe in h scenes + kyoichiro's moans were hot, and his true end is better but i still like his other good end bc fuck senge and his whole manifesto.

Right? When I first played Taimebi I didn't expect the H scenes to be so good kek. Shigure's other good end with the inexperienced H scene was the best one in his route branch imo, sold me on the entire game. Kyo my favourite slut.

And kek fuck Senge and his manifesto indeed. Curious what you'll say once you play his route.

Tatebayashis route is the weakest and reminded me of some otome kek. Took me like a month to go through it cause he kinda bored me and I have an irrational hatred for blondies. At least it's funny to see how down bad Kyo is for some of that millionaire blondie dick.

No. 390043

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Tate's zzz redeemed itself for me when I went to visit his mansion in Tokyo. I understand the military fuck's old money's appeal. Place is majestic. And if you're wondering what's up with the Japanese residence inside his western-style mansion it's cause that's literally how the house actually is irl.

No. 390044

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Samefag, also visited the cafe where Tate sexs up Kyo. Hella expensive but worth it, would also be wooed/10.

No. 390045

I never watched this show but at least it involves an actual cannibal so it's as freaky as it gets

No. 390049

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Still grieving that they cancelled S4, will's actor hit the wall and we'll never get mads mikkelsen yaoi again outside of a Kojima game maybe. I tried to read hannigram fics to fill the hole in my heart when I finished the series but none of them understand their characterization and I don't have time to go through dozens of slop fics while avoiding omegaverse at every turn like I did when I was a teenager. Rip.

No. 390051

The sub Hannibal tag has the best fics in my opinion, and fewer to skim through anyway.

No. 390052

>mads mikkelsen yaoi
Let's pray that JKR will fujo out again and we'll eventually have another Fantastic Beasts movie with Mads and Jude Law acting like a divorced couple that still love ecah other deep down.

No. 390054

>sub Hannibal
That's it. That's literally it. The only people who actually get their characterization would realise that Hannibal is the sub. Can't believe I didn't realize this myself before, hannibal literally went to prison to make will like him like is there anything more submissive than that. Meanwhile when hannibal put will in prison will was trying to murder him kek.

No. 390055

I can't stand that alcoholic fat fuck Johnny Depp so I never watched any movie after the first one where they tragically discarded Colin Farrell. They should have cast Mads from the start.

No. 390057

Exactly, Mads and Jude actually have chemistry on camera and match the characters' descriptions, no clue why they picked Depp of all people. Even if he weren't a piece of shit and a wife beater in his personal life this role is not made for him, he doesn't have enough charisma for me to believe he could have convinced so many people to try and kill muggles.

No. 390059

They're old and ugly be serious. In comparison to anime/manga they are disgusting moids.

No. 390063

Definitely quite readable, writing is not that complicated. Important vocabulary to know ahead: 家畜

No. 390066

>Tatebayashis route is the weakest and reminded me of some otome kek. Took me like a month to go through it cause he kinda bored me
thats my problem too and sengay beckoning me at the end of the tunnel hasn't been peak motivation but if his route is THAT good maybe i'll pound through the rest of tate's and try to at least put a dent in it on the weekend. already saw his bloody rape scene kek.
that's so fucking cool, you actually went on an otaku pilgrimage hahaha did you get to tour the inside too? and was the cake good? jp sweets always scam me with good looks and meh overly sweet flavor

No. 390067

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Can't deny fujobait anime Mads became a thing because of Hannibal.

No. 390070

Don't know and don't care, it's 3DPD.

No. 390071

Just ignore the bait

No. 390072

my friend analyzed hannigram for a college project, got an A on it too. god tier westshit.

No. 390077

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I just wanted an excuse to post an anime Mads tbh

No. 390078

fuck that thing is ugly, reminds me voltron or those shitty faux anime

No. 390079

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>but if his route is THAT good maybe i'll pound through the rest of tate's
Yes do it, don't be like me and spend a whole month slogging through Tatebayashi's frigidity at mindnumbing slow speeds. Won't say too much not to spoil Senge's route but you'll see why he's the jp fujos fave, it's not just cause he's Mr taisho shiki believe it or not. Going into it while hating him bc of Shigure and Tate's route also elevates the experience imo.

>that's so fucking cool, you actually went on an otaku pilgrimage hahaha did you get to tour the inside too?

Yes nonnie I did almost the full taimebi tour. Tokyo university, Yushima, Ueno park, Nezu, Hanazono Inari and Hie shrines, etc. Went down to Nagoya and visited Senge's mansion too. It was fucking fun as hell.

And yes I did go in but I acted like a good gaijin and didn't take pictures since they weren't allowed inside. The inside didn't have furniture but it was beautiful and the flooring had this lush red carpeting everywhere.

The cake at this cafe was actually really good, surprisingly. I also didn't like jp's sweets in general either tbh so it was a welcome treat.

No. 390081

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And got senbei from Ooguroya too.

No. 390084

Some of you need to learn what bait actually means.

No. 390094

gross, at least censor that hand

No. 390096

do you speak jpn at all? also how old are you?

No. 390106

wahh glad you had fun nona, cute nails! i visited a few shrines including the one the inspo for one of my favs was enshrined in and it was such a sick experience, some people feel like if you've seen one or two you've seen them all but when you're on a yaoi business trip only then can you truly appreciate them. would've hit even harder if my ship wasn't mondo degen but oh well kek. if i ever get to go again when i'm back in asia maybe i'll try to visit one of these.

No. 390111

no those nonnas are right, hannibal is really good. I know we don't do 3dpd in here much but it's top-tier. they might be old compared to animu boys but the on-screen magic worked. not often you can scratch your fujo itch with a regular american tv show.
I never looked at the online fandom for it so not sure how bad it is.

No. 390112

What's wrong with it?

No. 390113

Damn I guess vns are the only type of fujo here

No. 390114

nona I would date you simply for being ungodly based for going on a fujo pilgrimage and having such cute nails, I need to do something like this on my next Japan trip.

No. 390152

In what world is Narumitsu freaky

No. 390158

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Twitter world

No. 390162

If you're reaching you could argue that Phoenix's backstory made him a borderline stalker for Edgeworth, and Edgeworth was insane enough to be ok with wrongly throwing Phoenix in jail and potentially getting him executed for a murder he didn't commit.

No. 390172

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not to defend the twitter users but if they called it a slash poll instead, which is a word i don't think younger zoomers really know, it would make sense that kirk/spock is a winner. calling it yaoi was probably just a joke/for recognition. and to be fair, the supernatural fandom did bring omegaverse to yaoi so i would even argue that counts. it just isn't as bad as the freaky poll, but i have no idea who those chinese guys are and if i'm being honest they all look identical. i have no idea how people tell them apart.

No. 390174

Didn’t know Twitter was so fond of 3dpd BL, although I do like that fan music video of Spock and Kirk set to Closer by NIN but it’s more for a laugh

No. 390175

Destiel wasn't nearly as influential as Wincest. Should've been them in a showdown with Spirk. I agree with >>390172 about the chinese ones. They should've been knocked out by Superbat and Stucky (or Clex and Stony) if it were really an influential slash ship poll.

No. 390176

>Destiel wasn't nearly as influential as Wincest
Too scared to put an incest ship in the poll no matter how big it was lmao, twitter fujos are a joke.

No. 390177

They're such cowards. Western fujo ancestors are probably looking down on us in shame and rolling in their graves

No. 390183

I can understand being into some 3dpd (like 2.5D), but not these ugly ass old moids. Sorry nonnie, no amount of fujobait would make me fantasize about ugly old wrinkling botox lips moid x ugly old unshaven unkept moid.

No. 390184

No1curr, hide it and move on then go cry in the psy op thread.

No. 390187

i wish they would keep their 3DPD simping on tumblr. Its fucking gross when they bring it here.

No. 390188

3DPD sucks

No. 390190

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Then post about non3dpd yaoi you do like, the thread isn't going to pander to your tastes 24/7 so grow up and contribute to posting yaoi you do want to see.

No. 390192

>3pdp simping
It's like, three nonnas saying the show was good without posting pictures and one that posted fujobait inspired by it. You'll live, I believe in you.

No. 390193

>all the zoomer entries that made it on this list over the actually influential ships
>no harry potter
Did johnlock really deserve to lose to klance? I guess in terms of pure impact klance did irreparable damage to how people treated ships as a whole while all johnlock did was spark some retarded analyzation videos so maybe so. Assuming this is west only, no one wants to hear this but phan and larry belong way up there. Shit ships with shit fans left paths of destruction in their wake.

No. 390195

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Did anyone else have the unfortunate experience of knowing a phangirl irl

No. 390196

(ayrt) ah well Hannibal (major show spoiler) wasn't even bait, their love is canon and revealed in the final episode and the show in general was good and I could talk about it with, like,