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File: 1715797701762.png (245.31 KB, 537x330, uglymoidpsyop op.png)

No. 2004347

Thread to discuss the current psyop regarding ugly men getting shilled as attractive. Discuss beauty double standards in media, ugly male characters being shilled as attractive, lack of attractive men in hollywood, etc
>do not try to defend ugly men ITT no1currs

Last Thread: >>1990830

No. 2004357

I recognize adam driver, but are the other two just random moids?

No. 2004362

left is some twitter retard, middle is post-wall Francisco Lachowski

No. 2004366

The middle one is Chico Lachowski, an ex model who incels love

No. 2004368

When did you realize the media propaganda about finding older men attractive? This shit is being fed in books, movies TV shows etc
Also what is it with young girls and calling 26-29 year old men "Daddy"?

No. 2004378

It's always been around but I feel like it's ramped up thousandfold in the last few (five to ten?) years. I think it's a massive push back against the fact that a lot of women were starting to wake up and openly discuss the issues with predatory men going after younger women. Notice that after that started happening the whole meme about women hitting "the wall" at 25 or whatever started getting spammed all over the internet. These things feed into each other. It's really awful because I'm starting to see young women freaking out about being single at like 20 and fearing that they only have a few more years left and then settling for the first pervert who hits on them.

Similarly, the "Daddy" thing has always been around but like I said, ramped up very recently. Women have always been socialized to have far lower standards for both the physical and personality when it comes to men but now it's an actual concerted effort not just from media executives but men all over the internet.

No. 2004381

I think this has unfortunately always existed. The oldest example I can think of is the magic flute opera, the male lead that gets the girl iirc is old and ugly. Hollywood early movies had that as well, even cartoons for kids have that. It's always been a thing. Can't answer your second question though but I remember it started around 2015-2016 on social media, and I assume it's some fetish thing that bled into the mainstream.

No. 2004391

File: 1715799068210.jpeg (310.76 KB, 1672x2048, 8QnU5XP.jpeg)

The thing with most booktok male leads, even beyond discussions about hair color, the fact remains that apart from middle-aged CEOs with perfect bodies, the vast majority of the time they end up in relationships sorta like picrel, where it's a guy slightly taller than them(as most men are) that they over-exaggerate as them being "uww small" and delicate and memeing themselves into having BDSM sex

No. 2004400

wish i hadn’t seen this shit

No. 2004415

File: 1715799588466.jpeg (84.85 KB, 1080x1236, FvydzGjWcAgDKrl.jpeg)

I hate this artist so much

No. 2004418

Repulsive art

No. 2004421

File: 1715800064022.png (2.32 MB, 1669x2048, wiMiE7R.png)

No. 2004430

I can't imagine degrading myself this way for a scrote that looks incredibly mid irl. Jfc some girls are way too desperate to appeal to men.

No. 2004434

I went to her Twitter to see who the moid is supposed to be thinking it’s some booktok character or celeb moid but she’s drawing this about her actual nigel? Kek

No. 2004437

i bet he doesnt even make her cum

No. 2004443

File: 1715801426327.jpeg (Spoiler Image,182.09 KB, 1080x812, EU9yjsf.jpeg)

from the poly thread, picrel is the ultimate end result of liberal feminism and ugly man psyop(spoiler this)

No. 2004446


No. 2004451

Not a single looker here

No. 2004454

That unspoilered picture should be it's own human rights' violation

No. 2004455

center left and lower left are pretty cute. but ewww at this picture

No. 2004458

Woke version of the Manson Family in the making.

No. 2004471

The ape in the middle is such an eyesore, even Shayna would be too good for him.

No. 2004488

Is the top left a troon? Lmao

No. 2004492

Kek same, it's beyond pathetic and feels like overcompensation for the fact that her scrote is fugly. I can't imagine what her family thinks of her posting this shit online either

No. 2004532

Top row middle girl looks so out of place, she should be on FB shilling some MLM not in a poly group

No. 2004535

>but ewww at this picture
a poly group that also produces porn

No. 2004538

no one's coming for your nigel. that's not what the thread is about.
worst thing is how you absolutely 100% know all these peole consider this progressive.

i've always been way into classic cinema and i realised when i was in hs that many moid filmmakers pushed old dudes rly hard. my very first epiphany was when i was 15, saw some godard movies and i was completely revolted by the way the female characters were portrayed. although it took me some time to fully articulate it.

No. 2004539

you know she would

No. 2004549

kekk thanks for including block-built driver in the threadpic. we need brave soldiers fighting driverfagging everywhere

No. 2004559

File: 1715806542218.png (1.15 MB, 817x1200, cfU3JP7.png)

The thing about driverfag is that from what I've seen, they basically have a monsterfucker fetish. They depict him and view as this inhuman beast more often then not and that's what they want him to be.

No. 2004563

Post his face I can't find it

No. 2004594

File: 1715809873749.png (457.42 KB, 751x716, FvyVzGjWcAgzKrl.png)

samefag, like sometimes they straight up admit it that it's a monster fetish like with picrel

No. 2004608

Monster fetishes are the final form of extremely low self esteem.

No. 2004612

File: 1715811290997.jpg (57.59 KB, 560x315, 0.jpg)

Men are at their most attractive when they are 18-22 and I am tired of seeing moids (who are straight thus don't know how to judge male sex appeal in the first place) pretend moids "AKSHUALLY PEAK AT 45!!" when they are fully bald with wrinkly balls and a gross body. The average 40 year old scrote looks much, much worse than the average 40 year old woman. Wait, this applies to all age groups, because most moids at any age are hideous.

The point is, men should have youthful features to be attractive to women. By that I don't mean looking like a little boy. They should look like a prime college Chad who looks like he produces very ripe sperm and his testicles can be trusted to give you healthy, beautiful offspring. This is what all women with a normal sex drive want.

Even Chad, a man who was just born with blessed features naturally is at his physical peak when he is young. He will experience his most attractive years when he is 18-22, he will always get increasingly uglier when he ages out of this bracket.

The wall is inevitable, even for men with the best genes. So what makes scrotes think they can "age like fine wine"? It's just delusion. There is no such thing as a man who looks hotter at 30, 40 than he did at 20. You were born ugly and you will only get uglier. Absolutely no one looks at your bald spots and your sagging man gut and thinks "god, I need to flick the bean right now."

No. 2004620

The fact is that they should let themselves age naturally. I know plenty of older men who were really attractive when they were younger. When they got older instead of desperately trying to cling onto their youth, they let themselves go. While they may not be as hot as they were when they were young, they are still way better-looking than most celebs, that's all I ask ffrom older men, just stay fit and don't get botox.

No. 2004632

In my late teens. I just noticed how badly older moids aged. It used to genuinely baffle me when girls my age would praise older ugly scores for being attractive. It was funny because majority of the time you could tell they were larping. Most of the guys they were genuinely attracted to were cute twinks in their early twenties. Granted I was involved in various niche communities like the girl blogger community on Tumblr, It was heavily influenced by Lana Del Ray. And if you listen to her music it often glamourizes older men. It became clear to me then that this was a psych-op and they were just pretending to like older men to seem cool and different.

No. 2004641

There's not a single man on this earth that looks better at 30 than he did at like 18-22. Women need to stop coddling men. It has given them such large egos. When these delusional moids who bought into the "men age like fine wine" red pill crap finally become middle aged and realize that they wasted their most attractive years believing a lie, their hopelessness will lead them down a destructive black pill incel pipeline. Men never blame themselves or each other for their own mistakes so they'll take out that anger on innocent women and children.

No. 2004643

File: 1715812801757.jpg (73.98 KB, 736x400, put him in the woodchipper.jpg)

The fact this ugly mouthy moid has not only the audacity to put women down on their looks he actually wrote this book and hes made money from it is reason alone to plummet the birth rate to zero. I dont want to hear any scrote talk about men have it bad too when this specimin hasnt been given an iota of shit for looking like shit but thinks he can speak on womens worth.

(Also thank you OP for using my pic.)

No. 2004647

I hate this scrote and his fag sidekick so much. I hope he drops dead like his fellow red pill peer Kevin Samuels. This bum was balding really bad a couple years ago, he had a huge bald spot in the middle of his big ass head. It seems like he was smart enough to get himself a hair transplant kek. I'll never forgive moids for making nasty scrotes like this popular.

No. 2004663

Reminds me of preg and shuwu. at one point i think he walked her on a leash in front of her parents.

Remember that Bumble billboard a few days ago that shamed women who are closing their legs? Women flamed them on social media and they took down the billboard. We need to see this reaction when middle-aged men get casted for a role that is best for an early 20s guy

No. 2004667

File: 1715814730162.mp4 (2.62 MB, 720x1280, cBOwt4yemwcxpds7.mp4)

Holy fucking shit we need to do more to prevent men from having access to steroids.

No. 2004676

File: 1715815374594.jpeg (230.2 KB, 2000x1000, IMG_2582.jpeg)

I know pedro pascal has been officially nominated as an ugly man psyop, but he’s an example of a man who got much more attractive as he got older (in picrel he is youngest on the right). I think it’s rare for moids to peak later in life, but possible(do not defend ugly men itt)

No. 2004680

File: 1715815574698.png (2.32 MB, 1536x2048, so-fresh-and-fit-declared-war-…)

He looks so different in this picture. It's so obvious that explanation for his behaviour is because he was constantly emasculated by other men. He probably is on of those black men who put white women on an incredibly high pedestal and got rejected by them every time. He likely also resents black women, especially East African women since i presume that's where he's from. He actually did say verbatim that his podcast was made for all the men who get pushed into lockers and rejected at high school, so it's not like i am talking about the side of my mouth on this. he gets so angry at black women on his show and always gets borderline violent with them. I hate his stupid lapdog too, the woman who he got pregnant was far too good for him and i am sure his mother would have loved it if she married him because she was very kind to her. I am not sure how a woman like her got mixed up with the ceo labrador like that, she had so many options.
Moving away from Myron. I wanted to bring up DJ Akademiks because he is a regular on their show and attempted to throw hands with a woman because she said she was going to leave early to tend to her son, saying that she was an awful mother for coming onto the show. He's like Adam22 if he was a fat incel in his mother's basement, a tired joke, but a lot of his detractors wouldn't bring it up if it wasn't true. He also has a bunch of sexual assault allegations and got popular off the back of the tragic circumstances of teens and young men in Chicago who got swept up into gang violence by practically mocking their deaths. Not that i really care about those moids either, i just need him to step into Chicago so they can have their revenge.

No. 2004686

you're blind. He looks better younger.

No. 2004691


No. 2004696

Mustaches make everything worse.

No. 2004706

What's he look like IRL?

No. 2004709

He looks the exact same except he has stupid facial hair now

No. 2004711

File: 1715817979323.jpg (86.56 KB, 596x579, mediocre.jpg)

Living for this trend im seeing of women flat out shaming men with no self awareness who insult them. Hope it continues.

No. 2004713

>He looks so different in this picture
How? He still looks ugly anon.

No. 2004716

Loving this. Based women

No. 2004723

fr like who tf finds ryan gosling hot he looks like he works at Skechers

No. 2004725

yes lmao the people are waking up and choosing to bully ugly, aging scrotes. Love to see it. I assume the looksmaxxing meme now being aimed towards moids is doing truly amazing things.

No. 2004726

This picture looks like it has a smell. and I don't like it.

No. 2004727

This is based on her irl bf. Does anyone have a photo? He has to be morbidly obese and bald.

No. 2004743

File: 1715821307222.jpg (71.31 KB, 586x391, shut it moids.jpg)

No. 2004748

File: 1715821502070.jpg (181.63 KB, 1685x1200, __emiya_shirou_senji_muramasa_…)

late, but thank you!

No. 2004749

File: 1715821540407.jpg (162.89 KB, 842x520, yep.jpg)

Let keep this energy going ladies!

No. 2004753

his instagram (the_jarhead16) is private and his twitter (The_Jared04) has nothing but the average cringe gamer posts. From this alone you can make a safe assumption that yes, 300kg minimum

No. 2004756

File: 1715821797228.jpeg (256.37 KB, 750x929, IMG_0645.jpeg)

>two good looking
moids literally think having muscles is the epitome of attractiveness kek

No. 2004765

they dont even have muscle just gynecomastia

No. 2004777

This is not contradicting at all, just remove the obvious ddlg context

No. 2004798

No. 2004803

He’s a repressed gay in denial with a fetish for masculine white men and race play. Whenever a white male comes on his podcast he is ass kissing so hard. He does everything to appease them, even going as far as to adopt white supremacist politics for their validation. Hence his overall disdain for women, especially black women. Black women are an easy target, especially for insecure Black moids who are generally low status but want to feel superior.

No. 2004992

>I hate his stupid lapdog too, the woman who he got pregnant was far too good for him and i am sure his mother would have loved it if she married him because she was very kind to her.

I mean no offense but she was confirmed to be an escort, like every other girl he dates. I don't think these guys can ever find a girl who genuinely loves them because why would they?

No. 2004998

she can wipe the makeup off her face, left can't break and rearrange his face structure and right can't take the effects of botox out of his face.

No. 2005035

lady on the left probably made this happen. what makes stacytier women do shit like this?

No. 2005060

She is mentally ill.

No. 2005075

File: 1715854096366.jpeg (462.27 KB, 1242x1639, IMG_8080.jpeg)

No. 2005089

why can't men ever grow a beard and make it have some sense. it's like they don't know what to do with their own facial hair.

No. 2005092

genuinely don’t know whether it’s worse that he’s almost thirty and still can’t grow facial hair or if it’s worse that he’s not even technically thirty yet and he looks like that

No. 2005094

File: 1715856241541.jpg (73.58 KB, 828x520, 20230205_053354.jpg)

No. 2005095

I hate the moids on the right because how do you have all that hair on your face, and still look like a total faggot? Way to stick it to the stereotype that beards are manly, boys.

No. 2005124

Sorry I know the focus is on the man here but is the woman? he’s with attempting to position their mouth to look like a specific cutesy emoji or is it like a hare lip situation I can’t tell what is going on

No. 2005136

When anons say they hate facial hair, this is what i imagine.

No. 2005140

When I say I hate facial hair I mean literally any hair that grows on a mans face other than his eyebrows and eyelashes. Zero exceptions.

No. 2005149

They don't understand that if their face looks ugly muscles don't really make them look any better. I consider muscles to be a downgrade if anything past a certain point. Knew this twink and he started going to gym and ruined his slim physique. Never found any of the pictures he posted of his progress and muscles attractive at all
I wish men got shamed about their age like this instead of women, it's what makes the most sense. They die earlier and age worse yet it's women who are supposed to be super concerned about aging, it doesn't make any sense. Even just balding should instantly make their argument that women age worse crumble yet I've had men argue with me that acksually, women go bald too (insane copium because it's nowhere near as common and usually way later in life). While I do think some men can hit their prime a bit later (like mid and late 20s) or even maintain their looks into their 30s and beyond, the majority of men still fits this because they think taking care of their appearance is gay and purposefully try to make themselves look older and ugly as soon as possible. I once knew a guy who was cute at 18 but by 23 was already fully balding so this definitely applies to men like him

No. 2005165

based and say it loudly, let the pickmes in the back hear too.

No. 2005178

File: 1715864207111.jpg (23.48 KB, 306x524, 4D8217E400000578-0-image-a-7_1…)

>johnny depp
god, picrel makes me laugh out loud every time i remember it. he's like THE example of men aging like wine being complete bullshit kek

No. 2005179

Johnny wearing that hat is too self aware.

No. 2005189

does he have a terminal illness? why does he look like a walking corpse

No. 2005192

It would be interesting to have a thread on black manosphere types, but I don't know enough about them yet to create one.

No. 2005194

delete this

No. 2005202

I don't if he counts as part of the black manosphere, he's a sudanese arab

No. 2005288

It would be good to cover however I just think it would be rule breaking as you're not allowed to "racebait" on here.
I only know of them because a lot of black women on youtube cover their content, and the awful crap they come out with. Recently they have been gassed up and saying they are kings and that every other race of women wants them because japan is asking for black men to go and help their population. Trouble is, cant find the article that says this. Every video is like a comedy skit.

Also confusing because some Sudanese consider themselves black whereas others dont. I think in general hes seen as black.

No. 2005317

I don't recognise him with the beard i mean.

No. 2005354

Maybe a general thread for manosphere types and redpill men?

No. 2005364

that seems like a good idea

No. 2005403

This man has not a single quantum of sex appeal. And that by choice, the hair and beard are his own choice. You cannot convince that those ladies did not take some hobo from the street, hosed the dirt off and then made this photo for pure shits and giggles, before throwing him out to the trash can alley, again.

No. 2005447

please god i've wanted a redpill cows thread for so long. there are multiple manosphere podcasters shitting out 4 hour episodes every day the content is endless.

No. 2005466

File: 1715881950622.jpeg (8.74 KB, 170x242, images (5).jpeg)

Not realising it then, but it solidified my belief that hollywood peddles the old man psyop hardcore when they made the new film about Napleon, history's most iconic twink, known for being young as hell, into an old decrepit man and made his wife who was older into a 20 something girl. Literally making a historical figure into their OC to pander to old mens feefees.

No. 2005492

File: 1715883286355.png (591.17 KB, 1240x696, broo.png)

kek this was on /g/ i needed to bring it here

No. 2005499

File: 1715883552660.jpg (78.54 KB, 588x517, 1715881547187535.jpg)

wtf is going on in the uk

No. 2005501

kek, they're all ugly as fuck all over the uk and Ireland and they all age like this and worse. it's the generations of inbreeding I guess.

No. 2005502

>sexiest man in the UK
Is there an award for the tallest midget, too?

No. 2005504

this cannot be real. he looks like the lobster from the little mermaid.

No. 2005526

Bongs are fugly so this is probably the best on the market kek

No. 2005536

File: 1715884982894.png (206.15 KB, 476x372, 1000015721.png)

This is unbelievable to me. Seriously, beating out Tom Holland and Cillian Murphy? Sexually midtier moids that are the hottest Britain has? The bongs voted for the literal ugly old man over their own best celeb moids? Are you fucking kidding me? Bongs get in here and explain yourselves now.

No. 2005539

i was once pretty into libfem stuff, but one thing i could never stomach was older men being shilled and especially being shilled for young girls, and it's when i compared the treatment of older men to older women, that i realized the psyop. one thing that also probably made me hesitate from shilling older men or prioritizing money over looks was that it's already written into the life set for me, i'm already bound to be married to an ugly but somewhat wealthy scrote, so it doesn't sound appealing at all even just for the sake of contrarianism.

No. 2005545

So I read the article and the poll was conducted by Illicitencounters.com which is a dating site for married people, and only 2,000 women voted. Clearly there's a selection bias here, the voters are not only cheaters, but cheaters who are stupid enough to waste time answering a poll from the dating site they use to cheat.

No. 2005551

"Males are owed women" is a key tennant of Abrahamic patriarchy. Just like teachers giving star stickers to their favorite students. A sexy man isn't one who is desired by women but one who DESERVES women according to men. It's basically a nice guy award.

No. 2005579

No. 2005652

Ah the famous british humour

No. 2005670

File: 1715891509883.png (452.24 KB, 750x678, 1689586836115.png)

This should be illegal

No. 2005682

Both grandfather pictures are excellent quality and their clothes look expensive, they must've been quite wealthy to have those portrait pictures taken. The guy looks unwashed and poor, what are the chances he's lying about those pictures? His grandmothers must have been equally beautiful yet he looks like a tolkien dwarf, it doesn't make sense unless both his parents were bastards kek

No. 2005685

He looks like a damn neanderthal. Men have been downgraded for the last 15-20 years now.

No. 2005686

I want twink Napoleon so bad. We were robbed, nonnies

kek, ugly ass JT

No. 2005691

> Notice that after that started happening the whole meme about women hitting "the wall" at 25 or whatever started getting spammed all over the internet.
holy fucking shit you are so right, I never noticed this

No. 2005699

Men should have their access to food regulated by law.

No. 2005701

I agree. With mandatory fitness programs.

No. 2005702

How old is he or his parents, that his grandfathers lived in the 1800s? He also looks like an alcoholic. You can fucking see the dorito crumbs on his unwashed shirt. Dude is trolling.

No. 2005775

File: 1715900034888.jpg (104.2 KB, 589x590, eww clarkson.jpg)

>>2005499 Sadly as a britbong im not surprised as they been pushing this for decades. I'm glad the men overseas are questioning it though.

Top kek you deserve some sort of award for this nonna.

No. 2005803

>Who is voting?
Jeremy Clarkson's money

No. 2005810

File: 1715902768372.jpeg (1.08 MB, 4095x2730, 8EFEFAD6-E0A1-4FE2-87EB-BBB56C…)

Do you guys remember the dream face reveal? KEK! Everyone was expecting him to look like a cute blonde twink but instead he was just some bottom tier looking moid. I’ll never forget how quickly half of his fanbase abandoned him and how the other half tried to gaslight/psych op themselves into finding him attractive.

No. 2005817

He was obviously fat and/or ugly. Nobody successful on the Internet hides their face unless they're generally unattractive. If they were even moderately good looking they would milk it for all it's worth. another example of this is Corpse Husband. You just KNOW this guy is ugly irl or his face would be all over the net.

No. 2005819

is that just Danny Gonzalez on the left? kek
But yeah, i don't know how those kids could have thought that it was a normal looking youthful guy and not a loser moid

No. 2005821

I think it's a morph of Danny Gonzalez with someone else's face lol

No. 2005829

File: 1715904187885.jpg (141.88 KB, 1400x1400, 1000016767.jpg)

He really thought doing a side angle and some lighting would save him. Is it a hot take that if you always have to tilt your face or the camera into a certain perspective to look "better", maybe you're just not as attractive as you think?

No. 2005835

File: 1715904406827.png (100.96 KB, 786x152, 1708411566567.png)

>Nobody successful on the Internet hides their face unless they're generally unattractive
This is 100% true with moids, with women i'm not too sure. I don't know much about Corpse Husband other than i could kinda relate to his struggles with sickness and attention but i'm so sure he looks ugly.
I wanted to do online content in the past and be myself but i don't want creeps to come at me and i don't want to hide between fake things either, i gave up on the idea because i feel like even using my own voice would attract weirdos. My opinion is that these kind of ugly lazy moids should get into monkhood.

No. 2005838

File: 1715904549623.jpg (55.16 KB, 675x1200, 1000016768.jpg)

>I'm sure he looks ugly
Here's the news…

No. 2005888

File: 1715908551261.jpg (842.45 KB, 1170x1500, bridgerton.jpg)

Where is the swoonworthy

No. 2005891

I still remember when someone on 4chan said he looked like a "Chad" just because he wasn't fat.

No. 2005911

The historical fashion?

No. 2005913

He looks 38 in this picture kek

No. 2005914

The dream face reveal was legendary, I still remember "HE'S UGLY" trending on twitter with tens of thousands of tweets kek

No. 2005915

it was so funny being on twitter when that happened

No. 2005919

File: 1715911526492.jpg (48.4 KB, 828x826, FxqMB7UWwAYQKMm.jpg)


No. 2005929

he's probably a repressed fag and lashing out at women lmao

No. 2005932

File: 1715912593773.jpeg (45.98 KB, 467x470, crusty.jpeg)

Not that he's shilled as attractive, but this recent uptick of successful and beautiful women getting publicly humiliated by their acid-attack victim looking nigels makes my blood boil. Benny Blanco's neanderthal looking ass recently said that Selena chased him and arranged the first date. DDG said Halle chased first and Mr. Simone Biles' said the same iirc. It feels like a public way of negging. Why even say it if not to boost your own ego? They're basically saying that they were chased and they are "the prize".

Goes without saying that they act this way because the women allow it. I wish scrotes like this got checked more often.

I remember when he was actively getting doxxed on other farms, I had a hearty kek when they posted his old parkour vids.

No. 2005943

Corpse was 13 in that photo. He looked worse in the 2016-2017 pics that got leaked.

No. 2005946

File: 1715914373990.png (88.63 KB, 126x318, cowpse husbwand.png)

He looked like the typical bandkid that would engage in PDA by some stairs with the Dr. Who fangirls.

No. 2005947

That's very specific, nona. Were you a dr. Who fangirl, by any chance?

No. 2005953

File: 1715915000184.jpeg (25.69 KB, 563x600, me.jpeg)

No nonnie WTF. I was her fujotard friend kek

No. 2005960

Corpse got doxed because he was dumb and posted a pic of Jamba Juice on Snapchat which led nonna down the rabbit hole.

No. 2005971

Kinda sucks for him that this wasn't the photo that was shared because he looks far more normal here than in the one of him where he's like 12 that he's clearly suicidal about

No. 2005974

But that dox isn't even all that well known, is it? I've only ever seen it mentioned here and on KF.

No. 2005975


No. 2005976

The pic of him at 12 circulated all over twitter and people were spamming it in his replies, mentions, etc. That's why he went suicidal and stopped attention whoring.

No. 2005984

AYRT. tbh nonnie unless he looked like a factory-made tiktok eboy he would've gotten bullied regardless. The problem with hiding behind a booktok-tier demon avatar and thirst-trapping veins is that it sets a precedent for your appearance. Had he just refrained from attention whoring nobody would care to laugh at him.

No. 2005988

I agree but no a diff picture would have changed things significantly because most people haven't seen any photos of him older, just that one circulated a hundred thousand times on Twitter. That and Ethan Klein saying he has to be hideous broke him. He got so fucking weird with it tho yeah when he thought posting a picture of a strand of hair was erotic eww

No. 2005995

tbh I haven't paid attention to him since his KF thread cropped up. I can kind of sympathize since his main sin seems to be being cringe online. But Ethan Klein said that? Kek. That fatty is always throwing stones from glass houses.

No. 2006020

I completely forgot he existed until you guys just mentioned him here. I genuinely do feel for him to a degree cringe shit aside because no grooming allegations came out so he was far more harmless than Dream. Plus we don't get any entertainment out of it now because he evaporated. He was annoying but in the pleasant, round table discussion way.

No. 2006031

File: 1715920667246.jpg (73.69 KB, 577x512, stonetoss1.jpg)

i remember the kiwimoids saying he looked good ackshually and defending him. Same thing happened with stonetoss. Why are men so gay.

No. 2006032

File: 1715920750918.png (105.86 KB, 1080x501, Screenshot_20240503-231249~2.p…)

They kept trying to claim he was "average"

No. 2006033

They probably feel offended becauses they look like them, if not worse.

No. 2006037

File: 1715920963689.webp (27.65 KB, 457x546, Gru_transparent.webp)

>he has good proportions
holy shit the cope, he's built like gru

No. 2006108

>a little chubby
He is morbidly obese

No. 2006112

there is a legit problem with men's diet today

No. 2006154

File: 1715930339641.jpeg (40.9 KB, 480x480, 103874.jpeg)

I think everyone knows that Clarkson is busted and this list probably a shitpost, however, let's be real. Are Cillian Murphy, Idris Elba, Tom Holland much better? I mean yeah, Clarkson is 0/10 and these actors are like 4/10 so they are technically better but they are still a part of the ugly man psyop. Cillian Murphy has too much plastic surgery and looks creepy, Idris Elba and Tom Holland look like freaky AI generated mythical creatures. Does Bongland have shortage of men above an international 5?

No. 2006168

kek why do you think he dissappeared? he decided to fade into obscurity the moment his face dox dropped

No. 2006172

>Piers Morgan


No. 2006174

File: 1715934735979.png (133.8 KB, 465x434, freudian.png)

No. 2006175


No. 2006176

>comic is focused on sexualizing the girl
>the guy doesn't even have a face
>the guy's fucking ugly and fat

pickme comic

No. 2006218

For fuck’s sake, all three of them are hideous, the middle one especially looks like a muppet or a pug. I remember when at least historical romances targeted towards women had some standards and casted ok looking men like young Colin Firth, Matthew Macfadyen or ATJ. This is bottom of the barrel.

No. 2006223

File: 1715939266678.webp (257 KB, 616x450, L_EN.webp)

reminds me of this otome protagonist

No. 2006224

>Because her dad attempted to suicide alongside her.
>she now lives alone in a project.
Why is this so funny to me

No. 2006226

she's so relatable

No. 2006230

left's ears are insane, all that money into a show and this monkey man couldn't get his ears pulled in? he could play the monke villain from kim possible.

No. 2006245

>Objectifying men rn uwu
These retards think they're doing something here, objectify HOT SEXY men not old fatties!!!

No. 2006348

I think these moids would perform a mass suicide event if they saw what nonas itt consider an 8.5/10 KEK

No. 2006397

File: 1715955068448.jpeg (198.57 KB, 1080x1049, 1705577702863.jpeg)

Obviously, I don't want men to regress into becoming steroid-freak bodybuilders, but the way certain men act like it's some great oppression to tell them to get in shape really frustrates me. Being an unfit fat male isn't a blow to the patriarchy, that's literally what they promote.

No. 2006399

File: 1715955287884.png (791.28 KB, 1389x4086, 1661140629385.png)

samefag, here's an allegedly left-wing site arguing the same thing, that asking men to get in shape is literally a form of capitalist oppression

No. 2006405

>but I'd rather draw a picture
>sucks at drawing

No. 2006411

Oh so liberal moids will claim it's capitalistic oppression for males to exercise, eat healthy, and get into shape….but the concept of a woman putting a price tag on her body to do sexual acts for money is somehow empowering and not at all capitalistic to these liberal moids? Because despite being so angry with capitalism, I've never seen a liberal/leftist moid disagree with things like prostitution.

No. 2006412

wireless headphones don't exist. there's no way to watch educational videos and run at the same time. audiobooks aren't real. it's impossible to make friends at gyms or sports groups.

No. 2006420

File: 1715956370879.png (26.41 KB, 903x192, rw-fitness06.png)

Going to the gym is literally white supremacy.

No. 2006421

File: 1715956424255.png (36.54 KB, 826x253, rw-fitness04.png)

Exercise also turns people into literally Hitler.

No. 2006424

File: 1715956577586.jpeg (1.42 MB, 1100x1455, IMG_2615.jpeg)

Kek. I fucking hate leftist moids. Do they think the bolsheviks successfully carried out the russian revolution by being obese loser NEET coomers who contribute fuck all to society? The commies were right about one thing, at least. Young men need to be put to work. Off to the gulags!

No. 2006427

All these claims and racist white "supremacist" moids are still fat and ugly, not unlike their hyper-woke counterparts. Reminds me of Stonetoss insisting women liking attractive men is "lesbianism" and something something liberal feminizing psyop. Men will make any excuse to avoid making themselves look decent or even halfway fuckable.

No. 2006430

File: 1715957364904.png (181.9 KB, 1481x729, helen keller.png)

I never get this, this is like saying vaccines are racist because people were racist in the past, many people also believed in eugenics, even Helen Keller believed in it

No. 2006431

While we’re at it popcorn, toothpaste and hats are white supremacy

No. 2006432

moids have no integrity, they just keep twisting anon's word to shield themselves from the fact all they need is a basic workout routine and to shower and it would make women like them

No. 2006437

Men are stupid bitter insecure ugly cunts. They know rightly when they're ugly looking cunts and what an ugly face is. They're just semantic bastards and think they can win every argument and debate. They are not principled or with conviction they'll force a viewpoint for a win even if they've previously argued against it. If they can nitpick and dedicate subreddits to rating women and commenting on features aside from weight and stature then they're not ignorant faceblind twats. They know when a fellow dude looks fucking weird or ugly but if a woman that would give neither the time of day would convey this in earshot they'd argue the opposite. They're just stubborn and angry and think they can surround themselves with an echo chamber of macho = class and seek validation from pathetic pickmes but they know they're ugly. The thick ones demonstrate this by trotting off to Turkey to get fake teeth, hair transplants take steroids do everything in their stupid little brains to try and looksmax when you can't transplant a personality. You'll see ugly as fuck men on tiktok that have had any of those procedures precipusly mentioned eye fucking themselves lip syncing. And I'm talking men in their 30s and 40s. Shits embarrassig especially if any of it involves an ugly cunt of a man giving the camera a wink and sticking his tongue out like a tween girl. So many men are just pure ugly and borderline illiterate just stupid as fuck I cannot stress this enough. And in their ignorance their easily intimidated. Gorgeous pretty men outside of sport get absolutely vilified by men online. The biggest threat. Actors today have to be ugly or obviously on steroids to appease men and get them to see their films. It is an absolute chore as a woman to get a man to watch a film a woman may express interest in the lead male and he's conventionally attractive.

No. 2006439

As someone from a post-Soviet Bloc country, it warms my heart to imagine how coomie-cosplaying coomers would be treated if they were in a communist state.

Electrocution, chemical castration,
Strangling and burning, and sleep deprivation,
Gulags for coomers with striped socks and strings,
These are a few of my favorite things

No. 2006443

Dumb scrotes always try to uplift 3s and 4s to 7s, 8s, and 9s. It's like they think women are actually blind and that we're not just pretending to be nice so they don't shoot up even more buildings and rope. They'll cry "women are never honest", then deny it when we tell the truth and have breakdowns over reality not adhering to their copes.

No. 2006448

I'm "ugly" but sometimes hang with 7/10s (they like to keep me around because I'm funny so I'm not complaining at all) and they're unusually nice for men. However mid scrotes in their presence act like their girlfriends are about to get kidnapped by an alien race. This type of insane vitriolic jealousy is incomprehensible to a woman's logical mind. Males notice hot boys and start being weird about it before I do. They're like anti-hottie extermination drones feigning innocence by pretending to not know what women like. Retarded evil cunts

No. 2006454

I followed this artist a while back. I once saw her lose her fucking mind because one guy implied she wasn't that short/"petite". She argued with him for hours, retweeted him three times while raging hard and posted a selfie to "prove" she was "smol".

No. 2006459

File: 1715959136032.png (612.54 KB, 968x544, fqYcvV3.png)

a lot of western commies have very misguided ideas about why many former Soviet-block people preferred communism. They don't have any delusion about it, while the system was awful for many people, it was to some extent comfortable for the majority. Most of the time, an average person didn't have to make any decisions or take risks. They would get through the education system with minimal effort and then arrive at a certain plant or factory, where they would work for the rest of their life. No one could fire them and they had no chance of being homeless, of course the levels of living were not super great, but they were standard and you'd survive and live and that's all anyone asked for.

No. 2006463

File: 1715959483757.png (1.16 MB, 1170x1992, elvispriscila.png)

She also described other women and herself as "foids" in her profile
While some women accept the psyops because of lack of good looking man, and others for wanting to maintain a persona online, other simply because they have self-esteem issues.

No. 2006464

File: 1715959606242.jpg (1.14 MB, 3856x4096, 1000016772.jpg)

I went through some of her art and uh, wow.

No. 2006465

>my beloved moid

No. 2006470

This is funny because Priscilla was a 14 year old child bride who was abandoned a year later for "aging out." Autopedophiles will never not be pathetic. A grown woman crawling on the floor for a male who would kill her if it meant getting to sniff the used diapers of a toddler. Hilarious

No. 2006471

Is that meant to be Harry Du Bois, or some other character/oc? Imagine crushing on one of the most pathetic male characters ever made

No. 2006474

ewww what a pedoshit

No. 2006479

File: 1715960633151.jpg (103.29 KB, 1080x1080, FUCKYOURUGLYMANPSYOP.jpg)

One ting that really grinds my gears is when people try to moralfag other gamers who use face altering mods for ugly male characters. They have to find 16354 excuses for why using those mods is wrong and distasteful.. "he looks unrealistic", "he looks gay", "he looks feminine", "wrinkles are a mans badge of victory", "he went from daddy to yass queen","his maturity on his face is what makes him sexyy!"," you are ruining himmmm!!". Shut the fuck up. Moids have thousands of mods making female characters 20 years younger and prettier. They change their facial and bodily proportions to the point where they look like literal sex dolls and other moids DONT GIVE A SHIT about it but a lot of gamers, especially women have to play the moral high horse simply because I dont want wrinkles on Astarion. Sincerely, eat shit.

No. 2006481

Yup, that's supposed to be the protag from Disco Elysium, apparently. The girl though? Yeah I think that's an oc.

No. 2006483

I use mods to make them barely legal femboys and no one dares to say anything because I'm publicly owning my horniness. They sniff out fear like coyotes. Being a shameless pervert is the way to go.

No. 2006486

They look so much better

No. 2006487

plot twist: it's a mpreg.

No. 2006488

That astarion looks too K-pop ew it reminds me of that hyunjin guy

No. 2006489

Wtf is this???

No. 2006498


I'd rather have kpop astarion than wrinkly granpa astarion.

No. 2006509

I still can't understand why they gave a fucking vampire wrinkles.
Why do you consider that one more ew than the original?

No. 2006523

File: 1715962158224.webp (216.07 KB, 1732x1306, zaddy.webp)

Fair. No one asked but I like the long haired Astarion mod. He's prettier without going full smooth filter twink.

I do like that Geralt mod though. I use that one myself kek. I love him but he's atrociously un-eyecandy in all 3 games.

No. 2006529

File: 1715962375602.jpg (101.76 KB, 640x420, 1685667290.jpg)

>being fit is white supremacy
>average tribal man:

No. 2006534

What mods do you use and for which games? It's hard to find mods because I dislike sifting through 999 tranny catgirl titty mods

No. 2006541

>barely legal

No. 2006542

He has fully white hair and millions of wrinkles because he turned vampire at the old age of 30 or something.

No. 2006556

He is a high elf tho which is why it doesnt make sense. He is part of an immortal race that never ages AND became a vampire that also never ages but the wrinkles are telling a different story.

No. 2006558

I was watching shaq talk about how sexy ice spice is and how he’s always in her dms trying to get her attention and I wondered “what would be the reaction if a 50 year old woman was going on and on about how sexy she finds a 23 year old man? Would she even dare admit such a thing in public?”. Im sure if she was in a room full of women and said this they would’ve ate her alive but the guys here just nod along and agree.

No. 2006563

Makes you realize what a horseface Astarion is

No. 2006570

File: 1715963898150.jpg (54.3 KB, 720x405, european.JPG)

I don’t follow the Eurovision, but this offensively ugly moid keeps getting posted on /g/ and I’ve gathered he’s from there. Eurononnies, you don’t actually think this man is attractive… right? Right….?

No. 2006575

File: 1715964077080.jpeg (322.56 KB, 713x651, IMG_8651.jpeg)

i mean if that's the picture you're choosing yeah he looks obscenely hideous in it on purpose but it isn't how he usually looks t. joostfag plus he's posted in the right /g/ thread anyway(defending rat in ugly male psyop thread)

No. 2006580

I just googled ”Joost” and that was one of the first pics that showed up. His haircut really is a crime, sorry nonna

No. 2006581

He's ugly AND talentless, he's only good for the embarrassing circus that is Eurovision

No. 2006589

File: 1715964475138.png (278.07 KB, 720x1499, 1631195582954.png)

This reminds me of how Varg argued that being muscular and lean was an "African aesthetic", and real Aryans have fat on their bodies to survive the winter. Both he and his wife are sugar addicts with beer guts, and their son is morbidly obese.

No. 2006596

A perfect example of this is the hate Aaron Taylor Johnson’s wife gets for being 23 years older than him and starting their relationship when he was like 18, despite old celebrity moids doing the same thing all the time. Bitter moids and jealous fan girls hate on their relationship constantly despite them being happily married for over a decade.

Same thing happened with Brittney Rener and Draya Michele, both in their thirties when they got pregnant by early 20 something year old athletes. Everyone dragged them for “grooming.” They claimed they preyed on these grown ass moids. The same moids complaining were literally well over thirty with girlfriends in their twenties. The hypocrisy from these moids is astounding.

No. 2006599

Don't come to this thread and defend ugly males, he's not cute in the slightest

No. 2006616

Leave that place nonna, it's full of failmales using capitalism as an excuse why they aren't chads, it's just /pol/scrotes with a different can of paint

No. 2006617

Award me an iron cross if being fat and retarded means aryan heritage.

No. 2006618

He was kinda cute 6 years ago, not anymore. Can't believe he's only 26

No. 2006620

File: 1715966126439.webp (26.92 KB, 615x345, 084646653648546.webp)

It's the current favourite ugly man, like Kaarija was from last year. Give it a couple months and they'll forget about him.

No. 2006626

sometimes i feel bad about my art and think i should give up then i remember people who draw shit like this exist, have followings and proudly display these atrocities on their profile. and then i dont feel so bad anymore and remember i need to practice more to counter all this retardation and draw actually cute men
glow up
what the hell is that hairstyle lmao. combined with the teeth and the mustache it looks even uglier

No. 2006627

File: 1715966794128.png (274.17 KB, 1886x789, unfit moids.png)

I hope nonna who posted picrel participates in these threads

No. 2006636

KEK nonna

No. 2006637

KEK! This is literally so funny to me. All these mental gymnastics just to make themselves feel better about being fat. I’ve literally never seen a cope this bad before.

No. 2006639

What a legend.
>we'll reach max post limit within half an hour kek.
She wasn't that far off, we reached it in 4 days, kek. Also this thread started 1st april, and we already have 6 of them.

No. 2006645

The last comment is so right. Men have absolutely no excuse to be fat. They build muscle and lose fat so much faster and more easily than women. Women are built to hold onto fat because it is essential for our wellbeing and reproductive system. Moids do not go through a menstrual cycle or have hormone fluctuations that cause bloating or weight gain. They don’t get conditions like PCOS which make it even harder to lose weight. They have no reason to be fat outside of laziness.

No. 2006648

File: 1715968493483.jpg (142.87 KB, 898x741, 1700016358249729.jpg)

No. 2006654

I like fit men but I don’t like gym bros. Too many of them are undercover incels and roided out meatheads. Their obsession with bodybuilding and seeing men posing nearly naked leads me to believe many of them are repressed gays.

No. 2006660

>I like muscular boys
>"did you know that fraternal steroid addicted bisexual men are deranged?"
Is every hardworking farm boy a "gymbro" because he has puffy biceps? Make it make sense. Gymbro refers to a specific subtype of man, not a body type.

No. 2006665

File: 1715969399276.jpg (109.57 KB, 640x960, vacuum.jpg)

Gym Bros are usually on roids so they don't count

No. 2006666

Boo fucking hoo, stop moralfagging over fictional scrotes. It's not like she's making them shotas or some shit

No. 2006668

isn't this the guy hbomberguy did a video on, where it turns out he's a massive 'we wuz vikings!!!' larper that pretends he's killing feminist in skyrim?

No. 2006669

whatever happened to the Corpse Husband guy? He was all over the internet for a period of time then silence

No. 2006670

File: 1715969696904.jpg (72.38 KB, 790x527, BzDsiZK.jpg)

Yeah that's him

No. 2006676

how someone so ugly and retarded got married and has kids… women are seriously scammed on the daily

I noticed the more ugly moids will always compensate by shredding themselves into a huge meat-tumour statue. but can you imagine his wife and him fucking? I would have fucking ptsd just from having him hover over me. jesus christ.

No. 2006680

If you scroll up a bit you'll see that he was doxxed as being ugly and because he felt shame he chose to fade into obscurity instead of living with the shame.

No. 2006681

bro looks like david bowie on roids

No. 2006683

He looks like a Neanderthal and a chronic mouth breather. Why tf does he have such a protruding brow ridge? I’ve never seen a genuinely attractive gym bro.

No. 2006685

You've got to be fucking retarded/male to think he's anywhere NEAR peak bowie. No fucking way.

No. 2006686

idk if this is fitting to post here but I've had friends or acquaintances in the past try to hook me up with men, some even short and fat, and I mean a round gut. I can't tell these people straight to the face that I'd rather be single than with an ugly guy I have 0 interest in but it gets frustrating especially since they know I like to stay in shape and was never fat ++ like to dress well.
Some legit thought it would be better to be with that kind of man than single, I view it as the opposite.
Maybe I'm a bitch, but if I put effort in my appearance and am ok looking to begin with, I want a dude who is similar, not a fat midget.

No. 2006692

File: 1715970598677.webp (30.62 KB, 650x430, IMG_4284.webp)

This is the uggo you’re defending? Kek. He looks inbred.

No. 2006695

I'm not even defending him but this moid looks so much worse

No. 2006697

Wtf, you have to tell them he's too ugly for you. Put them in their place.

No. 2006720

>I would have fucking ptsd just from having him hover over me
This is how I feel seeing most men tbh KEK I don't know how normie women put up with it. No wonder so many of them admit to reading romance books, drinking, or smoking weed before sex—they need to take the edge off to even get slightly aroused by their hideous moid of choice

No. 2006722

Life is a nightmare

No. 2006732

kek thanks for this, I never got the hype over bowie, always thought he's ugly and weird. and he's english and they're all ugly so why is anyone surprise kekeke

No. 2006735

File: 1715972002870.jpeg (244.88 KB, 481x553, IMG_0677.jpeg)

Average straight couple in 2024. Neolithic man with his bratz doll all done up for a baptism while he’s dressed like he’s going to shop at Lowe’s. Why do men never try anymore??

No. 2006736

>No wonder so many of them admit to reading romance books, drinking, or smoking weed before sex—they need to take the edge off to even get slightly aroused by their hideous moid of choice

omg spot on, and all this discourse about being dry and having headaches - that moids are bad at sex on average is one thing - that they are ugly and generally off-putting is something more people need to talk about in this subject

No. 2006738

File: 1715972058404.jpeg (55.77 KB, 736x956, Unseen portraits of David Bowi…)

I keep forgetting how ugly bowie was in candids kek. He only looks good when he's filtering himself like a kpop girl

No. 2006755

when I tried to subtly hint that I'm offended and/or they're not my type they legitimately were surprised
I was seriously so offended kek
I've also learned never (or rarely) to be nice to guys who are below your league because these fucking idiots will get their ego so high, it's crazy
Also I've noticed moids always cry wolf how women only go for the top guys, when they themselves to the exact shit , and if you try to tell them that a certain woman is ok looking (which is true, she's just average) they'll say she's ugly or some shit , I repeat, the moids who are not that attractive themselves
when I think of the moid who my bff had sex with I want to kill her, it was a balding mid 30s euroscrote, the worst kind, you nonnas truly can't imagine the horror, I get angry just thinking about it

No. 2006759

being right wing is kinda hot, leftist moids are always fat betas(baiting)

No. 2006764

Holy fuck, literally looks like an inbred creature out of The Hills Have Eyes or Wrong Turn kek

I saved this picture meaning to post it here too lol, how bleak. Women are expected to put in that amount of effort into their looks on the daily all for a an ugly moid with a Supercuts back to school special haircut. It's embarrassing to see fellow women bending over backwards to look perfect for men who don't even put an ounce of effort into their appearance

No. 2006771

bait used to be believable

No. 2006772

I don't know where you live, but most right wingers I know are just as fat as leftist men. Except with the added bonus that they think women don't deserve rights and kids are hot.

No. 2006778

File: 1715973888312.jpg (319.34 KB, 1539x851, 1028293.jpg)

>know gothic alt girl who has a pretty doll-like face, takes care to style herself, could pass for a model
>her boyfriend looks like a combination of picrel (left’s fat face, nasty stubble, and glasses with right’s stache+mullet combo)
>her friend is also a pretty alt girl with a boyfriend that looks like a variation of picrel
Fuck, how do moids get loved for looking this atrocious??

No. 2006779

Right wing moids tend to be just as fat and ugly as left wing betas. Both use politics to overcompensate for their insecurities. Moderate or apolitical moids are usually the most attractive.(baiting/derailing)

No. 2006787

I feel like this look is like camouflage for the modern day fuckboy. It makes them seem more safe and approachable because they're NLOM (not like other moids) but in reality they've left a slew of women traumatized by them in their wake kek

No. 2006791

The bisexual(straight girl who will have threesomes out of insecurities) hunter phenotype

No. 2006795

File: 1715974926727.jpg (5 KB, 200x229, snow.jpg)

It has to be a low self esteem thing. Also i hate men that look like that so much. they're always mentally ill psychos

No. 2006805

Left guy's stache literally looks like a stick-on costume piece.

No. 2006810

What happened to moids?

No. 2006817

post made by another fat ugly beta. might as well claim being a tranny is hot, because you are the same people

No. 2006824

It's really funny how the woman's outfit is not at all appropriate for a religious event, but the moid is so offensively lazy that the stripper heels don't even register as out of place. Also this type of woman is always dating an absolute eyesore of a chubby macho man who likes to imagine himself as a druglord.

Women into J-fashion are always dating ugly nerds and/or fat metalheads and it drives me crazy. They look freaky together like the creepy scenes from the movie Marie Poupée where the protagonist is on the old guy's knees. Can't blame normies for thinking lolita fashion is a fetish thing when they're walking around next to these creeps.

Modded Geralt looks so fine, I want edgy long(ish) haired guys to be a thing again.

No. 2006827

Improper facial development in recent years

No. 2006845

I remember when 4channers were reeeing about Henry playing Geralt because "Geralt is MEANT to be ugly! Its part of his character!". Also wow you did a good job with that vampire guy, he strangly looks more vampire-y young and really cute!

No. 2006853

File: 1715978782508.mp4 (Spoiler Image,487.14 KB, 360x640, sNReYk-vOJi1gWqp.mp4)

Censored for your mental health, but people on twitter are going crazy over this mid moid talking about showing him how the viewer of this video squirts and it has women in a choke hold for some weird reason, granted it's a little hard to tell if some of the comments were made by gay men.

No. 2006855

I have a theory that women do this in hopes that men scrolling and reading will think "Oh, they're being such good girls. And they're doing it in kindness to me, of course I'll return the favor! How can I be cruel to them for aging now? I'll just go ahead and disable my mods turning all female characters into barely legal porn stars. All these lovely ladies on the internet have set a wonderful example". It never fucking happens, but they want to dream, and they're willing to stupidly henpeck other women for just the chance of a Nigel watching and learning lmao.

No. 2006856

This man triggers my "rapists nearby" instinct and I want to rip his face off with my teeth. Ugly fuckboy.

No. 2006859

People can literally find the best out of an ugly scrote’s features but if a bitch has one fucking thing wrong with her face she is ugly as sin. Men are overall butt ugly

No. 2006860

I'm not entirely following are people sending him squirt aka golden shower videos

No. 2006863

Lol, yep. They think men are people and that it's possible to bargain with them. "You don't judge me for aging and I call you daddy, deal?" They're afraid of your honesty garnering a violent response and try to shut you down. Good thing henpecking doesn't scare me.

No. 2006865

Btw do we know how many "looksmaxxers" lurk here? I saw some guy post his face on /ot/ looking for "honest advice" soon after a the 2nd (?) thread was created. I'm sure word has spread?

No. 2006866

File: 1715979271986.jpeg (2.77 MB, 1500x2222, IMG_4233.jpeg)

Oh, it’s Noah Centineo from that teeny bopper romcom. He was public enemy number one for Asian MRAs for a little bit. The bar for making mediocre looking men feel inadequate is so fucking low kek.

No. 2006867

That gay 4chan dating app had its data leaked and you could search keywords and find moids talking about lurking lolcow. They were all ugly.

No. 2006871

File: 1715979394407.png (160.73 KB, 500x280, E9E64Dx.png)

but the guy in the photo they used isn't even a roided gymbro, he looks like what regular fit male should look like

No. 2006874

File: 1715979672541.jpg (153.71 KB, 1012x616, big yikes.jpg)

So I was looking for this tweet that went viral of him and Idubbz sporting this looks where a girl said she "sick of guys with this look/asthetic" and got set upon by a hoard of pickmes and insecure men saying she shouldnt call men like this ugly. She said she didnt call them ugly just she didnt like this style. I cant find it but found this, theres a lot of guys looking like this lately.

No. 2006877

There’s something freudian about this. Not gonna say it though kek

No. 2006882

File: 1715979875556.jpg (297.35 KB, 1079x978, 1000016784.jpg)

If they're reading this right now, I hope they ropemaxx when they realize having a roidpig body and "mewing" will not change the ugly genetics in their face.

No. 2006883

File: 1715979889699.jpg (345.31 KB, 1693x762, Take me hooooome, country road…)

Exactly, feels like another psyop like before where "chads treat you like shit but nerds/ugly guys have great personalities and will really appreciate you!"

We need to encourage the cute farmboy himbo types.

No. 2006884

Wow, 6 threads in less than a month. I’m proud of us ladies.

No. 2006886

i hate how men can have unflattering styles and everyone is okay with it, but a woman chooses an ugly style and she gets mocked relentlessly

No. 2006888

please say it nona

No. 2006891

goddam this is literally beautiful wtf i am crying

No. 2006893

My current bf and last ex are country boys. Great dick, great work ethic, family orientated and love providing. Very happy. Also they grew up running around being active and it still shows.

No. 2006894

File: 1715980271658.jpeg (85.32 KB, 1125x324, IMG_3821.jpeg)

TIRED of the guy on the right being shilled. No one really finds Idubbbz attractive and he is pathetic, but the moment you criticize the second moid you have bunch of pickmes jumping to defend him. He was mediocre at best in his peak (which was years ago), he’s not funny and his style is gross, tired of women having low standards and white knighting any moid who is not openly a rapist.

No. 2006900

I think women are scared of males (justifiably) so they're attracted to clowns who look too silly to do anything violent.
So jealous. Tonight I will become a worm and crawl up your boyfriends butt to give him erotic dreams about me.

No. 2006902

>who look too silly to do anything violent.
but they look like sex offenders. I wouldnt let my child or dog near them.

No. 2006903

Hours late but kek, nerdy moids are always so catty and judgemental for no reason.

No. 2006907

Despite all their faults, I doubt looksmaxx autists would tell him to keep the pedostache.

No. 2006910

Not to us sensible women, but to the nerdy losers with no taste.

No. 2006913

Surprised leftists are ok with this as surely this is another form of body shaming right?

No. 2006916

Yeah, if he actually did the challenge properly he would look better. Shave off the facepubes, lose weight, get a nose job, draw on shapely eyebrows, start growing his pecs, inject melanotan2, dye his hair dirty blond etc. It's pretty easy.

No. 2006926

We need to bully moids into making these glow up videos with excessive skincare, weight loss, hair dyes etc.

No. 2006929

Yess kek I want them to wake up at 4am to massage their lymph nodes and inject their trapezoid muscles with botox

No. 2006931

Men who style themselves this way make me so angry and i can't understand women who can fuck men who look like this. It's so unbelievably unsexy and hideous.

No. 2006941

Guy on the left is on steroids (look at his neck muscles), but I appreciate the pictures though. Thank you for posting this.

No. 2006944

God I love farm boys. I've always thought they were ideal men. Their accents and personalities are charming, plus they're so terminally offline, that's why they're so hot.

No. 2006945

Looksmaxx autists seem to hate any facial hair that isn't "the pewdiepie beard" (I don't know what it's called) which is a shockingly sane take coming from them.

No. 2006948

No. 2006949

File: 1715982179983.jpg (65.95 KB, 560x802, FuhzVJ-XgAAwrE5.jpg)

The guy in the middle has them too and its not steroids, men develop that depending on what exercises they do. Anyway yes more hot farmboys needed!

No. 2006951


Don’t mean to cheerlead but the mod red text had me chortling. I’m tired of seeing this dude everywhere. He should have kept the helmet on in Mando and kept it that way. The only reason why he became popular was because of the “bedroom voice” for his character and the “paternal” interaction he had with a fucking puppet. Libfems ate that shit up and now we’re here.

The body positivity movement has been a disaster in that it not only lies that you can be healthy at any weight but also attractive enough regardless of physical shortcomings. Now we have the most physically unappealing people as romantic leads. We’re now like the French who gave us such “beauties” like Vincent Cassel.

No. 2006953

I'm glad you nonnies have access to cute farm boys. The farm boys from my highschool were tall but built like an apple, and had the faces of forty year old men even though they were just 16/17.

No. 2006955

Sorry but in the real world he average male agriculture worker is ugly as all fuck. Even the young ones. They often end up here because they're stupid and poorly behaved or have a drug problem. At least that's how it is here. They are not any taller or fitter than city moids and they don't take care of themselves, they do not mind their posture or use sun protection, their diet is absolute shit (DO NOT buy the long day of hard work excuse if you ever date a blue collar moid !). And like construction scrotes, they are just as misogynistic as their elders.

Where the fuck do they work. I need to know

No. 2006956

i hate these disgusting coffee shop barista men

No. 2006958

I know those exact types and I sympathise

No. 2006959

i second this literally every hick i've ever met is inbred and has lymphedema

No. 2006961

i remember the hick boys at my school were, for some reason, allowed to chew their tobacco in class so long as they spit it into an opaque cup.

No. 2006963

Both engineering, they're very good with their hands and are able to fix things so I don't have to pay a random moid to come into my apartment I just get my lovely safe boyfriend.

No. 2006970

I got the center and left pic off of /soc/ on 4chan. The guys claimed they were their pics but idk. I'm also in the UK so our farm boys dont look like this.

No. 2006972

True, even the farmboys in the UK have that one hideous zoomer haircut.

No. 2006974

Sorry I deleted bc I cant tell my left from right, too zoniked lol. Also I live in the city so dont know about farmboys, but will say the guys at the local football club are just as cute. Guess thats fortunate?

No. 2006975

File: 1715982887246.gif (133.25 KB, 150x120, 1e6626c4d810.gif)

this is the kind of retard that gets angry at this thread

No. 2006998

Really? From what I know the trapezius muscles don't grow with exercise but with steroids only. But I could be wrong.

No. 2007012

Hot take: Idubbbz was always ugly but he looked better when he had that nerdy glass guy looks in Filthy Frank era

No. 2007015

you're so wrong nonna, and I say that as someone who had nice trap muscles for a woman
idk why so many nonnies here think most guys are on the juice

No. 2007016

Something I wonder, for the women on social media who post about fatasses what percentage of them are
>Faking it for brownie points.
>Faking it because they self-insert as the fatasses and use it as a means to make themselves feel better about being fat.
>Faking it because they have low self esteem and feel that's the best they can do.
>Are unironic fat fetishist chubby chasers.

No. 2007024

Please tell me you saved caps this sounds hilarious

No. 2007025

File: 1715985585673.gif (Spoiler Image,1.96 MB, 320x320, IMG_3822.gif)

It’s just the truth, nonna. He was never a looker but at least he looked somewhat well-kept (sorry for cringe thirst gif, I couldn’t find anything better). Moids sperging about Anfisa 'destroying' him are no better than him but he really hit rock bottom in recent years, looks, career and personality wise.

No. 2007034

File: 1715986152241.webp (30.39 KB, 282x320, average moid hairstyle.webp)

I fucking hate the lil and phill hairstyle. Modern moids have the ugliest hairstyles imaginable.

No. 2007052

This is so popular where I live with younger men (early 20s) and it is FOUL. Why do they want to look like a pedo uncle?

No. 2007065

As a weight gain fetishist I would never admit to being attracted to a fat male. They don’t deserve to feel desired. Im not even attracted to their fat selves, just the process of ruining them with food and watching their ass grow. They’re all just pickmes begging for male attention & brownie points. Us perverts have standards.

No. 2007067

I am glad you aren't like other fat fuckers anon, i am proud of you.

No. 2007075

Gymbros=/=attractive man
The average gymbros has a beard and a shitty haircut

No. 2007087

too much food

No. 2007096

this is who you end up with when you're "just not attracted to [whatever race] guys"

No. 2007105

Fucking barf. Why is she using our language, and on Twitter of all places

No. 2007110

they're called roidtrannies for a reason

No. 2007116

this sounds like that thing were some people saying fatphobia is racist because black people are disproportionally fat. like do these people not realize that they're the ones actually being racist and insulting? kek

No. 2007129

>As a weight gain fetishist I would never admit to being attracted to a fat male
Same. Not to mention, I only have a WG fetish for 2D males.

No. 2007151

I like how retarded bitches like this onethink they’re somehow dunking on men for saying “we’re objectifying YOU now! How do you like it?” and making stupid comic like these which just show how pathetic and low standards a lot of het women have. Also clearly depicting an age gap in this comic, wow such EMPOWERMENT to draw exactly what is expected of young women to engage in

No. 2007163

It's grim when even a show shilled as the ultimate female fantasy has fugly men in it. The man in the middle is the male lead for the new season, what the actual fuck. I remember during the second season of Bridgerton, everyone was dying over the man on the left and I thought I was going insane because I didn't see the appeal at all.

No. 2007178

File: 1715995684552.jpg (611.82 KB, 2999x3687, GFiY7UxXgAAQhJC.jpg)

this woman has the most retarded fetish ever

No. 2007185

File: 1715996149947.jpg (700.98 KB, 3000x2470, F0nGWOvWwAICh_e.jpg)

>Also clearly depicting an age gap in this comic
she's a straigth up lolishitter. I hate that she's from my country.

No. 2007191

This is why i will never take them seriously, even if i want to think that they're mentally ill enough to actually like old/ugly men, why do they always fetishize themselves into lolishit or what else? They're never their natural or anonymous self, it's male fetishism and attention-seeking all around. is the guy wearing fishnet legwear tho

No. 2007193

the artist called him a butch lesbian dyke so its probably a troon

No. 2007195

As in a mtf? What? Ftm? I find it funny to draw my manly men in maid outfits sometimes but i don't call them like that, what is going on.
>Beloved moid

No. 2007277

File: 1716002503080.png (959.26 KB, 1222x1040, chadmaxin.png)

>So what makes scrotes think they can "age like fine wine"? It's just delusion

thought this belongs here. it purely must be delusion. they will pick a guy that was actually good looking as a young adult and will age less unappealing than an average moid, to literally delude themselves and cope with the fact that they're so ugly not even puberty can help.

No. 2007307

File: 1716003792755.jpg (Spoiler Image,202.19 KB, 1289x1805, 1000014377.jpg)

>Noah Centineo
this guy got walled hard

No. 2007335

File: 1716004987979.jpg (57.69 KB, 735x913, be917d236acc75b608d46e60f0ff10…)

Also, they should be consistent with the pics they choose. Picrel is a better comparison since it is a similar angle and setting. I'm not attracted to Henry but I do think he looked good sometimes in the witcher, but like you said it's pure delusion that they think the average scrote will look half as good at that age. Most moids hit the wall after college at BEST. It all goes downhill from there.

No. 2007343

Did this user even use any actual recent photos of him WITHOUT wigs/costumes? The ones where he has the McDonald's hairline? I thought he left the Witcher anyway a few years ago due to acting retarded on set

No. 2007344

File: 1716006147254.jpeg (258.38 KB, 1080x1920, GBlNApmWwAAHJGG.jpeg)

This artist looks like the female Latino version of the golden one >>2006670

No. 2007348

Slightly unrelated but why are his teeth so yellow kek

No. 2007351

Holy shit, that's really her??

No. 2007352

oof she's so ugly no wonder she needs constant validation

No. 2007355

File: 1716006833806.jpeg (202.47 KB, 1080x1920, GBlGBGzWYAAnpHM.jpeg)

I think so, and yeah she's not very cute.

No. 2007357

She looks so sleep deprived, and her eyes look dead inside.

No. 2007359

Idk why i feel like shes doing that mouth shape on purpose
Is she like really into rabbits or really retarded? Either way her art is as ugly as the moids she draws

No. 2007368

File: 1716007336012.png (711.09 KB, 1164x900, Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 10.41…)

she looks exactly like someone who would refer to themselves and other women as "foids".

self esteem in the gutter.

No. 2007376

File: 1716007984891.jpg (104.74 KB, 540x675, kek.jpg)

Rip nonnies, i like this one because i'm a new vegas retard. Ngl aside him being a tsundere i never got why Vulpes Inculta seemed so popular, the albino-ish look in his official art was sort of interesting and he doesn't look as radioactive as most of the other characters but still.
Reposted because this artwork makes me kek

No. 2007380

do people really get mad about this? ive seen a shitton of coomer mods of the stardew valley girls made by men, like tits 10x the size of their head. but then women are shamed for just not wanting their husbandos to be wrinkly or have ugly facial hair smfh

No. 2007381

Creepy and a weirdo, that picture she drew gives me the creeps. Maybe she's a potential cow. Where is she from?

No. 2007382

File: 1716008235276.jpeg (291.39 KB, 1200x1656, omfwsz8r93xc1.jpeg)

kek that's fair nonita. I was moreso referring to her glee in being called a whore that a lot of pick-mes have picked up rather than the art itself. They seem to emulate picrel.

No. 2007387

nta, while I haven't seen any moralfagging I have seen tiktokers whine that astarion without smile lines is, and I quote, like an angel without its wings kek.

I wish we had more male objectification mods. My husbandos in skimpy outfits. That's a whole other story though.

No. 2007390

>Where is she from?

No. 2007398

upper lip has left the premises

No. 2007400

Knew it. Si parece

No. 2007402

File: 1716009495953.jpg (81.74 KB, 720x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

What's the point in sexualizing men that can't even pass as ikemens, she's just making porn for moids.
Absolutely true.

Aside the state male videogame characters are in nowdays, this is also why i understood maskfags, those characters are like the Switzerland of male beauty.

No. 2007404

los genes europeos

No. 2007408

she's one of those betas whose sexuality revolves around being desired by men. No wonder why, she's pretty ugly and probably has the confidence of a teenager .

No. 2007417

de ratas de alcantarilla en plena peste negra. Lo siento kek es que a pesar de que se dibuje a sí misma como una loli kawaii más bien parece un espectro fantasmal de video de Dross. Típico fenotipo de cosplayer otaku con demasiado acceso a internet

No. 2007421

File: 1716010653891.png (342.03 KB, 389x751, 1715923979020.png)

Why do all "I'm so smol I'm so petiteuwu" pickmes look exactly the same KEK. This one was posted in the tiktok hate thread yesterday.

No. 2007422

kek based. I hate how pickmemaxxing became a thing in latam i have a sanrio egirl friend and she's dating the ugliest most morbidly obese neckbeard thats too autistic to go out with us. I pray she finds a better guy.

No. 2007423


No. 2007425

>I hate how pickmemaxxing became a thing in latam
God SAME and I don't get it. Women have such shit choices everywhere because most moids are misogynistic pig retards that smell like shit and can't bother to wash their asses correctly and women still choose to chase them. I also have an egirl adjacent friend into Sanrio and Bluey lmao and she's always dating the ugliest moids I've ever seen even though she's kinda cute. The way she craves validation is insane, I don't get it.

No. 2007427

File: 1716011156346.png (727.86 KB, 1791x1169, 1712937579963.png)

>do people really get mad about this?
if men are considered people, i guess kek. pic was in response to edits of that old cowboy videogame guy, discussed a few threads ago >>1960640

No. 2007434

I feel bad for her because i managed to snatch a rich cutie that cooks for me while being a legbeard fujo autist. I feel like good moids are a bit submissive and like women that assert dominance over ones that let them boss them around. She deserves so much better for actually putting in effort into appereance and actually being a really kind nice girl. I have thought about sending the guy he's dating threats so he leaves her but that would be too mean.

No. 2007435

File: 1716012182705.jpg (60.42 KB, 596x771, scrotes scroting.jpg)

let me guess all of these are also jumping into the gaymur gate 2 bandwagoon and calling pic rel too masculine

No. 2007436

>I feel like good moids are a bit submissive and like women that assert dominance over ones that let them boss them around.
She clearly doesn't want that tho, but that shouldn't mean that she should pander to god awful looking moids and try to spread their genes either if she's really dating someone like that.

No. 2007440

>I feel bad for her because i managed to snatch a rich cutie that cooks for me while being a legbeard fujo autist
Kek basada. Tbh the rule one of pickmeism is that they never get picked by good men. The energy they put out into the world will never be reciprocated because men know women in desperate states are vulnerable. I hope one day your friend learns she's the prize and she shouldn't settle for an ugly moid that mistreats her, unfortunately moids make it almost impossible for women to actually see this because they love manipulating and controlling the narrative. I also never shave my legs btw kek, for some reason my bf also doesn't mind. Maybe some of the better moids are just like that

No. 2007443

>She clearly doesn't want that tho
i guess i dont see the appeal of dominant moids. Like why would you want a faggot that puts 0 effort into himself or your relationship when you could be dating a cutie that puts your needs above his own and is an actual useful member of society. I am a womanlet and every other guy tried to ''uguu ur so smol legal loli headpats'' me except this guy. It gives me shivers just to think about what kind of scrote pickme-chan right here is dating >>2006463
i feel bad because she isnt a pickme she's just depressed. Like she isnt those uwusmol girls. I feel like dating that ugly scrote that doesnt deserve her contributes to her depression but i dont have the guts to tell her.

No. 2007452

I know that moids have tons of issues, personality and look-wise, but even if i can understand why "dominant" moids are frowned upon here just see it like a lesbian preference, not every relationship has to have those traits but there are people who just prefer more assertive and less assertive partners in general. I'm sure she doesn't really want a disgusting moid that tells her that she is not allowed to leave the house, but i'm sure that if she had a choice between a good looking moid and those obese granpas, she would choose the first but doesn't have the guts to show it to the world, probably because of her low self esteem and the fact that she gets male attention and feels pure for seeing "attractive" things in ugly moids.

No. 2007454

He isnt assertive, he's just an insecure faggot who's a pedo lolicon. My nigel is assertive because he makes good money and asked me out while paying for the entire date and cooked for me after without me asking him. Being too autistic to even go out with your gf's friends is just being a turbo autist. Thinking that nice moids = passive is also part of the psyop and the reason why so many women delude themselves into dating moids that are assholes.

No. 2007458

File: 1716013930378.jpeg (190.4 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_4900.jpeg)

I don’t see why celebrity women choose to be with hideous scrotes when they could easily get a hot one and be a sexy power couple

No. 2007459

Don't know who she's dating sorry but ofc he has to be a piece of shit that doesn't really care for her.
>Thinking that nice moids = passive is also part of the psyop
Probably? But i'm not referring to that and i don't believe in it, sorry i'm not sure if you were talking in general in there, being a decent person doesn't count in being submissive/dominant yeah but you can't see >>2007368 and think that she's into "good moids that are a bit submissive and like women that assert dominance over ones that let them boss them around", that's all

No. 2007463

Why do women with the most hideous tumblr peak gendie artstyles parrot self-hating pickme lingo? They realize the moids they desperately want attention from think their art is gross, right? I don't understand how she can see the kawiwi ddlg instagram egirls she desperately wants to be and think hmmm yes, I will make my couples look inbred with smashed in tumblr noses

No. 2007464

Ah yeah i kinda get it now. Its just terminal lack of taste.

No. 2007466

Christ, no wonder her drawings are so ugly. if she's using herself as reference they're going to have fucked up features and a smashed in face

That tiktok girl looks better than her by miles tbh, she has actual bone structure. Still a desperate pickme

No. 2007468

File: 1716014936649.jpg (187.26 KB, 900x394, Untitled.jpg)

>tfw modern insecure moids will never dress like this for me
I tried telling a friend he would look cute and classy with his tshirt tucked in and he told me it was for fags. I hate how, out of all generations, we got the most insecure one. A man nowadays will expect you to dress like this for him but laugh at the idea of doing the same for you.

No. 2007471

Yeah im over femboys, this is their uniform now and I can't unsee it. Just weird and racist with butt pimples and loli as their lockscreen

No. 2007472

that picture was taken 40 years before femboys were even a thing. Its not a femboy and will never be and i am tired of moids making wearing anything but nun outfits a femboy thing

No. 2007477

No shit and you guys keep reposting it here. Men don't look like this anymore. I don't wanna see men dressing like this anymore because they don't look like this.

No. 2007478

File: 1716016585406.jpg (205.83 KB, 896x896, eagle.jpg)

I want men to go back to how they used to look and dress like that too.

No. 2007484

Femboy as a term is wrong and needs to be pushed out. They're men, men will always be men. Femboy is a coomer term trying to get around that by pretending only a "feminine boy" wears this shit.

No. 2007485

>he told me it was for fags
tell him refusing to do what women clearly find attractive is true homosexual behaviour and sends out a signal to any fag in the province to hit on him.

No. 2007497

this. Men literally think anything is feminine so showing one cm of skin is femboy to them

No. 2007503

Ugh so it's true the only good farm boys are the ones that left the farm, I wish I had a degree

Let me guess, you're both in engineering too ? kek fuck my life. I never really cared about income since I would probably look the same as now even if I got rich, but it does seem most good looking men come from richer households, except maybe some models that you have no chance of meeting if you don't live in a fashion capital. Broke men all drink and eat themselves into hideousness before 25 regardless of their actual genetics. Maybe I should try and find a way to interact with richer men but I don't want to deal with the arrogant ones.

At least she's actually short, before this thread I associated the irl loli LARP to 5'7 chubby girls in children's clothes who just happened to have small tits (the only two valid body types for otaku is super sonico and pedobait, you see !)

No. 2007515

She looks like Momo.
Sexo, i hope there's more of such art of him, kek.

No. 2007523

I don't care if you bitches make fun of me—kpoopie Astarion is husbando material (I've never played Baldur's Gate).

No. 2007526

File: 1716023755888.gif (9.75 MB, 500x497, tumblr_aa8c20b7afaf3b28090f052…)

I love Bridgerton but Simon is the only real hot one. The thing is most moids are ugly or mid to me, but the rare attractive ones can be stunning in (almost) the same level a gorgeous woman is.

No. 2007528

File: 1716023918224.jpg (82.88 KB, 652x639, 630a677ad37cc98bfc12ef41a510e8…)

Sage, bros yearning face is a thing of beauty, some eyebleach for all the unfortunate looking moids posted here

No. 2007538

all men should come naturally oiled up

No. 2007540

I don't see it

No. 2007549

Yeah I feel like there’s bleach in my eyes aaahhh what is this fat hairy donkey doing in my phone aaahh (smashes device against the wall)

No. 2007550

Same. I know nonnies itt hate fat moids, and I agree. Being a female straight architect is suffering because we are repulsed by IRL fat moids as much as normal women. At least 2D moids are cute. When drawn by women at least. Disgusting gay artists manage to draw fat guys as ugly as they are IRL.

No. 2007552

File: 1716027493947.png (44.34 KB, 473x561, Fn2BASxWYAMe1Yn.png)

Just go for a walk outside

No. 2007561

>need a man like that
that is the average genderfuck TIF

No. 2007567

i wish i had her problems meanwhile i havent seen a guy that i find attractive since the 80s

No. 2007582

There’s literally so many of them. Go outside if you really want them that bad.

No. 2007604

His eyes are perfect.

No. 2007606

your all degenerates who need better taste

No. 2007608

That's a woman

No. 2007630

The guy in the middle looks like that blonde Oblivion character from this meme.

No. 2007653

I’m talking about the article not the guy in the picture.

No. 2007677

I think all look good but kpop astarion is a bit weird kek
scrotes shitting on Henry will never not be funny to me, he was always handsome, you either have the genetics, or you don't
Bridgerton is such a dumpster fire , I don't find any of them attractive except >>2007526 , I thought he was pretty handsome

No. 2007680

He's not an uggo but he's not anything special either. Above average-ish.

No. 2007710

File: 1716042774729.jpg (222.83 KB, 1512x850, 576046.jpg)

Adding to the Bridgerton topic, it's very telling that the fat character (the main girl of the newest season) will be paired with the ugliest love interest of the show so far. It's almost as if they were denying women the inverse of the Adam Sandler/Hot women trope. Sorry if this is too tinfoil-y, but it pisses me of that not even in an escapist romance show like this one I can watch a fat woman get with a decent-looking man.

No. 2007712


No. 2007723

File: 1716043405579.jpeg (492.16 KB, 2165x1627, IMG_3001.jpeg)

Why do they act like this

No. 2007732

File: 1716043789045.jpg (1.35 MB, 2667x4000, 1000016797.jpg)

Hoes mad that an older Stacy managed to snag a man 24 years younger than herself.

No. 2007733

Literal definition of a jealous hater

No. 2007758

I know right, I'm still seething, they should've given her some decent looking moid, not that inbred monstrosity that they decided to add to their cast.

No. 2007823

>he was always handsome
anon he's an ex-fatty. don't make me post that one pic again…

No. 2007828

they look similar and they seem to fit
plus she's fat, getting a thin guy is already good enough

No. 2007853

Kek. The tik toker you posted is a troon. Has he considered that perhaps ATJ isn’t a fag and prefers real women?

No. 2007858

>"omg ATJ needs to be with ME! I'm woman enough to take him all the way instead of that grandma he's with!!"
>chubby-faced trannoid that probably still has a dick and testicles and probably has at least one STD because of how promiscuous TIMs are
sorry trannies, "grandmas" are more marriage-worthy than fags with mental illnesses.

No. 2007908

File: 1716051543526.png (422.09 KB, 828x731, zIFubwe.png)

It's insane how much males have declined

No. 2007912

they act like they're epic feminists but simultaneously support transgenderism and want "terfs" or any woman that disagrees with them to be burned at the stake. all while being fugly.
he didn't even do the looksmaxxing thing correctly like another nonna pointed out, imagine thinking you looksmaxxed while still keeping the disgusting facial hair and retarded hairstyle. if he actually committed it might've been a good video

No. 2007916

only one way to solve this problem

No. 2007979

can we post ugly troon 'men' that are being shilled as men or just reg men

No. 2007988

Wdym? Ftms?

No. 2007989

File: 1716055484346.png (310.56 KB, 428x542, stretched thin.png)

yes precisely or does it just have to be XY(That's a woman, derail)

No. 2007993

> I-I could take it better than she ever could
I bet these skinnyfat pickme's are impressed by any moid that can shuffle against them for longer than 5 minutes.

No. 2007996

bet 5 bucks all of the people in these comments are leftoids who love to claim that they're feminists and then turn around and be as ageist and misogynistic as they can against women who've simply lived more life than they have.

No. 2007997

i dont think so nonnie, ftms being shilled as hot is more to do with the troon agenda rather than shilling repulsive traits in men as being attractive.

No. 2007999

Ftms are women. So no. This thread is for XY genetic defects.

No. 2008000

If it makes you feel better, the moids I want to fatten up are moids by technicality and aren't even human or human shaped. Not furry either.

No. 2008002

should we make an ugly women shilled as attractive thread

No. 2008004

I knew a girl who talked about older women very snidely and she had a hot mom kek, it's always motivated at least partly by jealousy

No. 2008006

That's already a thread on /g/.

No. 2008007

No. 2008025

should this thread be on /g/ following that logic?

No. 2008028

I’m neither of tayrt but it’s just on /ot/ because it gains more traction and moves quicker that way kek

No. 2008032

This thread is more of a tinfoily psyop conspiracy theory drama vent thread than "male dating" thread so it feels more appropriate for /ot/

No. 2008035

you're saying this as if any of the guys on these shows were hot

No. 2008044

There is a thread about men too >>>/g/215207

No. 2008065

File: 1716059642042.gif (800.58 KB, 320x180, IMG_0710.gif)

>I could take it better than she ever could
I don’t like the grannoid he’s with either but it’s absolutely over if she were ever to sit on his face, triple homicidal charges just by her weight alone. His face would literally sink below the floor tom-and-jerry style if she were able to “take all that”, with her big dumpy fat ass kek keep that shit away from everyone man or a woman, nobody wants a taste of that inferno jungle down there. If he chose a walking urn of ashes over a woman his own age he was worth nothing to begin with. Girls and women around my age please stand the fuck up and learn to get over it like I have. Granny got him by grooming and he’s a cougar chaser, he’s used goods and nasty

No. 2008067

Anon, I have some news. That tiktoker is a tranny, so that "fat bitch" is actually a chubby man.

No. 2008072

I knew something was off about his michelin man pool inflatable shoulders. Not even PCOS women or the village women in Africa with a diet of carbs could ever look like that. What is the cure for the disease of overweight trannies?

No. 2008075

I feel like the average guy I see at the grocery store is more attractive than the top male celebs rn like Tom holland and Kylie’s pet twink

No. 2008076

Self awareness at a concentrate of 41%.

No. 2008081

Oh, and a very strong rope.

No. 2008082

it's nice to have confirmation the posters fixated on ugly women in this thread don't use lolcow enough to know this thread already exists

No. 2008083

File: 1716060431121.jpeg (69.07 KB, 342x700, IMG_0712.jpeg)

>women not revving up those numbers
>male suicides lagging behind
what are we even doing girls? are we here just to fail?? get it to 100

No. 2008084

File: 1716060528966.gif (608.4 KB, 200x302, 1000016806.gif)


No. 2008131

I dont understand these people. They dont bat an eye when a woman dates an old scrote but when its a moid dating a woman then her pussy is rancid and shes a granny. If aaron was dating a 18yo girl they wouldnt care.

No. 2008133

shut up loser if it was a fat moid like jack black they would give him some 11/10 woman who's way out of his league

No. 2008142

This is a discussion thread, so no. Those are just imagedumps mostly.

No. 2008146

File: 1716063930346.jpg (154.25 KB, 1080x1080, GNyN9bzbMAAvt7a.jpg)

The bar is in hell. These are being touted as the most attractive by other men. Sorry, I just dont find men with those beards trustworthy and he has a basic face anyway. I'll be honest I dont know who the guy on the right is.

I honestly put this down to being young and there not being many guys in the media that are actually attractive unlike women. I had a crush on certain youtubers which, now im older realised I fell for the psyop.

No. 2008149

tbh Anthony was also ugly as fuck. but yeah, only the skinny white woman from the first season got decent co-lead

fuck off

No. 2008152

File: 1716064239845.jpeg (175.75 KB, 808x478, HC.jpeg)

This. Also Henry peaked in the tudors which is what I first saw him in. He's certainly still attractive now but like you say its moids coping, compared to his younger self he not as attractive but compared to the average moid hes more attractive at any age.

No. 2008153

is that the same guy with and without a beard? he looks like an anime girl without it, no wonder he needs his man makeup. if you need a beard you dont have a good physiognomy.

No. 2008156

>he looks like an anime girl without it
anon are you retarded?

No. 2008158

Basic mid tier moids are chads now? Kek.

No. 2008161

File: 1716064655269.png (989.56 KB, 1080x1051, muh chads.png)

but he has a poop beard nonny, that means he's insecure, i mean a chad!!

No. 2008163

File: 1716064805375.jpg (25.67 KB, 640x540, t60ge5vpuoda1.jpg)

Given the tweet says two guys im assuming so, the right image is a bit blurry

There are men online insisting andrew tate is a 10/10 chad masculine man, moids are even falling for their own psyop

top kek, even with the beard tho he still looks like a loser

No. 2008166

File: 1716064933520.jpg (40.79 KB, 547x575, 1000016808.jpg)

front facing guy wojack is confirmed ugly as fuck.

No. 2008168


No. 2008169

File: 1716065061565.jpeg (80.93 KB, 605x675, IMG_4295.jpeg)

Take a look at the ugly moid who made this brain dead tweet. Are we surprised that this painfully basic moid with a shitty beard looks like a chad to this fat ass teletubby with a receding hairline and a gigantic forehead?

No. 2008170

he looks homosexual

No. 2008171

File: 1716065174190.jpg (95.09 KB, 894x898, 51Krgm9N2-L._AC_UF894,1000_QL8…)

It's always the round face niggas who got the most to say

No. 2008172

File: 1716065198671.jpg (196.09 KB, 605x675, tictactoe.jpg)

No. 2008173

File: 1716065317237.png (831.05 KB, 1080x1167, Screenshot_20240518-134805~2.p…)

No. 2008175

whose the guy on the right? he's kinda cute

No. 2008176

kekk nonnies

No. 2008177

A man should shave his legs first before wearing shorts

No. 2008178

File: 1716065821219.png (562.33 KB, 788x853, fsrh.png)

No. 2008183

and here's the full polycue

No. 2008188

File: 1716066332190.png (732.75 KB, 959x1062, Screenshot_20240518-140430~3.p…)

No. 2008193

File: 1716066538694.jpg (61.96 KB, 736x731, 4992987856d8aa3173f6f4f2d692a3…)

was he posted here yet?

No. 2008195

Anyone got any stats on how polyfags get themselves screwed up in these relationships? I am super curious to know.

No. 2008200

The women aren’t lookers on their own, but they look like Victoria Secret models next to the hairy deformed ape in the middle. Why are men

No. 2008232

File: 1716067954336.jpg (196.62 KB, 720x1530, IMG_20240517_182649.jpg)

Sometimes I want to beat other straight women to death with a rock. Bitch you're crazy

No. 2008238

Men think their homosexual urges are concealed when they say shit like "peak physiognomy" instead of calling each other cute. Silly goobers!

No. 2008250

Both ugly. Hope both of them die.

No. 2008259

I hate it when moids shame women for only wanting attractive men or as they like to call them “Chads.” I genuinely want to laugh in their face when they complain. Bottom tier males love guilt tripping women into giving them pussy.

No. 2008267

white gay that twerks in public and gives a rapestare bedroom eyes to any black guy he sees but still ends up with a gay that looks exactly like him but brunet.

No. 2008271

sexual predator eyes

No. 2008277

This is so insanely accurate were you a faghag at some point in your life? Kekking at rapestare

No. 2008287

File: 1716069335779.png (511.88 KB, 870x690, 1000014392.png)

>He's certainly still attractive now

No. 2008291

>that McDonalds hairline

No. 2008294

File: 1716069499883.png (714.8 KB, 811x960, 4IL4aCa.png)

just random guys hanging out form the past seem to be hotter then most men today, like it's insane

No. 2008298

That hair screams vegeta

No. 2008299

Rise and shine, miss nonnie… rise and shine

No. 2008306

you can watch a b movie from the 80s and it has cuter mcs than the ''hotties'' of hollywood nowadays

No. 2008313

This is more tragic than being average or plain ugly. He could've been so good looking, he almost got it, but lost the genetic lottery in a hilarious way.

No. 2008346

2nd place syndrome I guess. But he'd need to win another genetic lottery to get him a proper human nose instead of that tragic honker of his.

No. 2008366

File: 1716070694848.jpeg (8.77 KB, 224x224, Untitled.jpeg)

I think his too close-set eyes are more problematic. He's morphing into picrel.

No. 2008449

you know every one of these ugly, annoying bihets is gritting their teeth through so much miserable pussyeating just for a taste of trailer park hozier. there's something about the betrayal of the bihet pretending to like women while also perpetuating the ugly man psyop that is making me so genuinely mad on the internet right now that I need to log off and go back to the gym or something.

No. 2008484

Holy cow this is insane, I couldn't imagine having to inebriate yourself in order to "make love" to your significant other. Isn't this just plain rape??? What the absolute fuck

No. 2008490

Spoiler that shit. No ugly males allowed. Not even 2D.

No. 2008493

File: 1716074617720.jpg (191.76 KB, 1080x658, Screenshot_20240518_153805_Red…)

No. 2008496

File: 1716074679546.jpg (142.77 KB, 1080x648, Screenshot_20240518_153850_Red…)

Im retarded, this is the pic that was supposed to go first

No. 2008502

File: 1716074726113.jpg (439.52 KB, 1066x1470, Screenshot_20240518_164242_Red…)

Meanwhile men

No. 2008503

joe rogan skull

No. 2008508

File: 1716074825571.jpg (25.17 KB, 563x619, 1700805625442.jpg)

This was so written by a male. Yes, I am captain obvious.

No. 2008517

Male suicide rate could be higher.

No. 2008528

File: 1716075441360.gif (3.27 MB, 400x225, balls gif.gif)

>as submissive as a broken slave

No. 2008529

I was in a relationship with a moid i met online once, when i found out that he looked like a commentary youtuber i knew i was doomed because i wouldn't want to have kids with that, i really tried but didn't get any better. Only insecure women with issues settle with men they can't find physically attractive, i only feel guilty because he wasn't really hideous but as any moid above the age of 20, he thought that shaving his beard would be like removing one lung, why can't they even remove those pubes off their faces? Barely ever wanted to kiss him.

No. 2008530

Is Leia and Han not enough for her? Leia could have gotten with a cute guy her age but shit being made up as the movies went along made Luke her brother so instead she ended up with the old geezer with a shit personality who doesn’t even have cool powers. And to top it off their son is ugly as fuck (and also has romance with the beautiful girl 20 years younger than him), the incest babies would have probably looked better. Padme and Anakin were a good match age and looks wise.

No. 2008539

but losing the weight was all he had to do to become good looking (when he was younger). not all thin men are good looking and not all fat men become good looking just by losing weight.

kekk nonna

i'm afraid most males posted itt are ugly anon..

No. 2008601

No. 2008625

Alright lol I didn't see this one I was basing it off the pics I posted

No. 2008627

Pls post I ain't seen it

No. 2008640

No. 2008646

Ewww, I HATE when moids on TikTok try to act “sexy”, it’s cringe & pathetic at best and outright menacing at worst. There was also a trend of shirtless men humping the air that was equally vomit-inducing. Males want to be bad bitches and objects of desire sooo bad and it just doesn’t work bc they’re too ugly.

No. 2008653

Sneaky date rapist phenotype. I used to work as a bartender and you always had to watch this type of guy around women’s drinks. They use their goofy hipster soyboy appearance as camouflage.

No. 2008724

Insane, only fat women can be hot

No. 2008751

so you targeted an ugly girl with self esteem issues.

No. 2008762

File: 1716091952021.jpeg (34.65 KB, 750x503, IMG_2657.jpeg)

That sentence genuinely made me pause with repulsion

No. 2008769

late but 1) a lot of romances for women are actually written or at least directed by men so they get to push the creepy behaviors and dynamics and 2) romances for men are hardly a thing unless you count hentai and hentai adjacent anime as romance, so it's hard to make a proper comparison. in stories/media for a male audience, the romance is a side story at most, so the female protag does not need to be anything else than cute, vulnerable and worshiping the moid at all times, which ig yea makes them perfect in moids' eyes. however if you're going to write a book focusing heavily on the romance for avid readers of the genre, at some point you have to create conflicts or try to be original in some way, so the stories end up looking stupid or toxic when transposed to real life (but also ""bad boys"" in mainstream romances for women (by women) are still usually protective, loyal etc. to the female protag, nowhere near as bad as actual moids). plus as the other anon said, males' inflated egos vs. women's lack of self-esteem does not help

No. 2008772

Yeah, even moids were calling him ugly lmao.

No. 2008779

If he thinks those two are so attractive why don't he just start a masculine polyamorous relationship and fuck them in a straight way, lol.

No. 2008798

I hope they're just virtue signaling so the incels in the comment section won't shoot up the local elementary school.

No. 2008881

>romances for men are hardly a thing unless you count hentai and hentai adjacent anime as romance, so it's hard to make a proper comparison.
nta but if we're counting western media, most romcoms with ugly male self-inserts are basically romance for men (look at any adam sandler film, some of tom hank's films, woody allen, etc.)

No. 2008956

this and also pedoshit like lost in translation

No. 2009012

lost in translation was made by a woman and is about post grad woman, how tf is it pedoshit

No. 2009039

Nta but scarlett johansson was only 17 years old and paired with bill murray who was around his 50s, and there's some scene focused on scarlett's ass where she's wearing see-through underwear. Scarlett even said she wasn't comfortable doing that scene but Sofia Coppola pushed her to do it anyway.

No. 2009040

im gonna

No. 2009041

sofia coppola has always given me pedo apologist vibes

No. 2009046

File: 1716101656156.jpg (21.93 KB, 720x132, IMG_20240519_085035.jpg)

Nta but although Charlotte is supposed to be in her early 20s Coppola decided to cast 17 year old ScarJo. I just get that pedo nlog vibe from a lot of SCoppola's movies, didn't surprised me she wss interested in Priscilla's story

No. 2009098

Ah sorry then, I forgot that she was so young in this movie. I like Coppola but fuck her for this.

No. 2009123

No. 2009125


See, this is why we shouldn't spam the "it was written by a woman!!!!" defense as gospel. There are too many pickmes in the industry.

No. 2009217

File: 1716113363088.png (1.86 MB, 600x3583, 1712263551002.png)

Reminder that bare minimum is too much for moids

No. 2009219

I never understood the logic behind this. Most women like good looking men who dress well. There's nothing gay about a man making himself look good for women, so I assume they don't even see women as people in this scenario and can only imagine other men's reactions?

No. 2009220

I will never not be completely confused by their logic. Woman shows men what she thinks is attractive, men reeee that she wants them to be gay. Fucking retards, how being attractive to women gay?

No. 2009221

Men live for other men's validation yet, it is an unspoken rule.

No. 2009222


Men use effeminate and gay interchangeably because women are usually "bottoming." You either take or you're being taken.

No. 2009224

we need to make dressing good for men gay too so straight women stop buying expensive clothes for their tee and jeans wearing bfs

No. 2009225

Males like to keep their standards low. Punish the well groomed guys and suddenly your pedostache becomes socially acceptable. It's about power.

No. 2009232

lol this is exactly how i see andrew tate a chinlet dickheaded goblin

No. 2009233


Don't know, some men value workwear, shaving, freshening up, working out, wearing cologne, but certain things are considered to be effeminate like make-up or wearing too excentric clothing. It's a certain type of man who bullies another for being groomed and usually it's lower classes minorities and some trailer trash.

No. 2009239

fellas is it gay to make yourself look more attractive to women?

No. 2009240

>given an ounce on what women think

No. 2009242

I know that from my own personal observation but at the same time it's so strange sometimes I wonder how exactly that works. Like what's the thought process here? Once I argued with my father about some shit when I was a teenager and the topic came up and I called this type of men faggots, he got so mad, but it got me thinking. He had enough self awareness to get mad for that comment since he knew I wasn't entirely wrong but how do you not notice sooner?

No. 2009247

There is no thought process it's simply nature.
Male intrasexual competition
It's the same reason why moids are obsessed with everything being big.

No. 2009252

Bringing down attractive males is project 2 after oppressing women. Call hotties fags, make them ugly. They're eliminating enemies.

No. 2009254

> Right top corner is literaly the average christian wear, what the fuck do these men wear?

>" i'd rather wear mexican trad-wear" we found the autist

No. 2009269

other women helping pedo scrotes to groom girls is always the most blackpilling shit. Terminal pickmeism

No. 2009289

Not caring about dressing well for the opposite sex is pretty gay kek

No. 2009295

File: 1716122811779.jpeg (214.08 KB, 1242x1569, IMG_7604.jpeg)

the comb over…

No. 2009299

File: 1716123451039.png (5.09 MB, 3570x2859, Elsie dies from cringe.png)

>star wars and pokemon
jesus christ pick a struggle

No. 2009305

whenever women give men fashion or dating advice online, men love to say shit like "don't ask a fish how to catch it" or whatever, basically they don't take women seriously (and we all know how PUAs and redpillers' advice work sooo much better). but surely a man caring more about other males' opinions than womens when it comes to his appearance is gayer than wearing jeans with a shirt?? jfc these outfits are so freaking basic, what do they even wear if it's not this? sweatpants and graphic tee combo only?

No. 2009309

guarantee half the men replying are morbidly obese and are threatened by seeing a woman praise photos of thinner men

No. 2009314

I thought this was a furry is that supposed to be a pokémon?

No. 2009315

This is it, plus "how dare a woman tell me what to do." It's okay, I'll keep chasing the college age alt boys. Their loss!

No. 2009319

File: 1716125998824.webp (47.04 KB, 1100x733, all-dog-pokemon-17964d8.webp)

yeah. Men should only have, at best, one single pussy repelling attribute. More than that is haram and deserves stoning.

No. 2009327

fascinated that this weirdo has found a loop hole in order to get away with dressing like a dog

No. 2009353

File: 1716129351134.png (Spoiler Image,458.12 KB, 581x549, ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.pn…)

>doing fig drawing studies
>choose only female models
>cute girls in sexual poses, one token granny, one token fatty
>choose male models
>pic rel
not a single guy in shape nonnies, NOT A SINGLE ONE. How am i supposed to get good at drawing husbandos when they are all so fucking hideous holy shit.

No. 2009356

File: 1716129546723.png (Spoiler Image,705.7 KB, 611x722, cute girls.png)

meanwhile the female models are all in shape

No. 2009369

Kek I saw this with no context and I thought you were calling Arcanine ugly.

No. 2009375

no, he's handsome

No. 2009379

Male confidence is a disease.

No. 2009380

Are we sure he’s even dressed as that? It’s kind of a stretch, his costume is missing most of the key details and he looks like a fox.

No. 2009383

>same color palette
>exact same fur pattern
>ears are sideways instead of upwards
i know we want to retain our fate in humanity but moids are capable of unfathomable levels of cringe

No. 2009386

w-why is his belly dirty…

No. 2009395

hoping that's either prop weathering or the photo lighting. otherwise we all know why since it's basically a star wars fursuit

No. 2009398

men are so shameless, flaunting that in his PROFILE PICTURE? i was going to ask if it was still a fur suit/a furry if it’s pokémon or if it’s a different thing and if so what is the difference. it’s like a furry but worse somehow. i’m guessing the helmet is to hide the hairline.

No. 2009401

Fuck that model on the left and his nasty gut. Haven't done figure drawing in a moment but I am still traumatized by that ugly faggot constantly popping up in the photo rotation.

No. 2009403

he's absolutely disgusting i hate him so much. I hate i could only find one single fig drawing male model that isnt fat, mid or a roidpig built like a shitbrick

No. 2009404

The female models are gorgeous. Men really have zero standards, even for themselves. Imagine if they had a poster reading ' fit male models only'

No. 2009411

File: 1716132593333.jpg (Spoiler Image,603.15 KB, 1608x1990, references.jpg)

Oh im sorry nonna, here, have some of my pics i saved for drawing references
>inb4 these look gay
As an oldfag many of us used to go to the gay online magazines and they are filled to the brim with pics like this. I remember back in the early 00's men were complaining about straight women being too into gay culture but this seems to be the only time attractive men are made to be gazed at.

No. 2009415

File: 1716132895504.png (Spoiler Image,213.22 KB, 588x430, 1709961673086.png)

thanks nonny these are great. But i wish there were more lean fit guys like pic rel too. It shouldnt even be a hard body to achieve, it should literally be the default. I hate how lazy moids are.

No. 2009432

File: 1716134018444.jpg (898.03 KB, 1920x1080, female_gaze.jpg)

anyone else remember when this ugly ass male was being shilled as "the female gaze" on tiktok? kek. i feel like this was one of the biggest recent examples of the psyop for me

No. 2009444

He looks like a creepy magician

No. 2009451

Sorry to nitpick but that man has disgusting skinnyfat legs. He looks like he has never climbed a flight of stairs in his life. Far from fit, I bed he couldn’t do more than 20 squats if his life depended on it.

No. 2009454

How? He looks like he'd be cast as Edgar Allan Poe in a so-so documentary.

No. 2009459

When anons vent about having that one creepy tist male cousin that they avoid at family gatherings because his hugs are really forced and long.. I picture this.

No. 2009466

nah its fine i personally like men with sexy stick legs but if he had fat thighs too he would be husband material to me

No. 2009472

File: 1716135640178.png (1.95 MB, 1750x1065, tim henson.png)

tim henson used to look super cute. he had great bone structure and lovely androgynous features until he started getting botched plastic surgery. what is it that makes cute men like him ruin their face with unnecessary procedures? his new nose looks awful and his beautiful cheekbones are replaced by filler. he's starting to resemble a tif, it's uncanny. the changes to his appearance have made him gain a ton of female fans though and i don't get it at all.

No. 2009479

File: 1716135997669.png (Spoiler Image,1.35 MB, 1080x1658, 1000011243.png)

I use Pinterest for reference pics, when I look up 'male body reference photography' in Pinterest, most of the bodies are in shape men. DeviantArt is surprisingly helpful, but I usually find good reference photos through Pinterest.

No. 2009481

I have no idea, but for a while he was trendy on tiktok and tons of women kept calling him hot for some reason and that he "fit the female gaze" which is apparently just being ugly and having a dead eyed stare

No. 2009482

No. 2009484

Wow. On the right side, he looks like an ugly pedophile. On the left side, he looks like….an ugly pedophile. Absolutely nothing changed. Cool magic trick, dude!

No. 2009485

He looks so much better after. I had no idea he had ps done (though I don't really follow their music or social media so it's not like I've looked at his face often)

No. 2009494

He looks like JF Gariepy

No. 2009509

I don't want to derail but where do you guys find these reference pics, other than pinterest? I will be in the artist salt thread

No. 2009511

File: 1716140192722.png (1.03 MB, 599x869, 8315E29A-C7C6-40F8-BA9D-A760A3…)

Don’t know if posting kpop man here will end with a ban but I’m gonna risk it. I’ll take any ugly kpop star if they can sing over this. What are those companies doing to these boys. (A 20 year old).

No. 2009517

File: 1716140584096.jpeg (121.83 KB, 1200x675, IMG_2963.jpeg)

Does anyone else think this guy is mid ? im so tired of hollywood propaganda shilling average white male as attractive

No. 2009521

I like bimbofied men

No. 2009544

File: 1716141477833.jpg (99.46 KB, 735x987, d2fa73ee9d43181621a38465dcfd6d…)

eh theres still handsome kpop boys, my favourites are lee know (stray kids) and juyeon (the boyz) you just gotta find the handsome ones.(no kpop)

No. 2009547

You're so kind anon

No. 2009557

Can I have links to these images individually? Thanks.

No. 2009558

Wait this is the poluphia guy, right? I don't remember him looking like that on the right wtf. From a distance he looks beautiful. I never realized he did plastic surgery, is he gay? The before is ugly though so I understand why he'd get insecure and get plastic surgery kek.

No. 2009565

when this post made the rounds it left me genuinely confused. Men dress like this here in the mediterranean all the time?

No. 2009567

My tinfoil is them and Japanese idols and to an extent chinese ones are trying to make anime characters looking humans to appeal to nerds who'd buy their merch. I can't tell if manga/manhua and anime are inspired by the idols or if the idols are inspired by it anymore. It's starting to morph into one to me. And it wasn't always this way. Up until the 2000s everyone looks normal and person next door, but then by the end of the 2010s this cartoonish look started getting pushed and imo it's so uncanny. Doesn't help that filters on social media apps and the ones used to edit photoshoots are starting to resemble cartoon characters looks and dolls. They probably think it's peak beauty but it just looks uncanny to me. I miss the early mild visual kei and boy next door era of east asian music so much. same applies to female idols and groups but that's off topic.

No. 2009570

American men love to be contrarian and "edgy" because they're terminally online and have nothing better to do. The same can also be said about Americanized men from other countries who copy American pathetic males' behavior and adopt their mindsets. They all have nothing better to do and get 0 pussy and have no social lives, and they engage in these culture wars bullshit because they think it's what the real world is like. In other words they're maladjusted.

No. 2009573

Does it count as asian-fishing when they’re half? Kek. You know exactly why he’s getting female fans, it’s the kpoopies

No. 2009606

File: 1716143852310.jpg (22.4 KB, 400x400, ae1c85e07470bfc69048aaee079ce7…)

maybe it's a good thing i chose fashion over art

No. 2009615

left: sociopath pedophile, right: retarded pedophile

No. 2009625

he just looks like someone's dad

No. 2009632

I don't know this dude but I'm pretty sure I saw a video of him where he asks children to guess his age and is shocked when they say a number over 30. I can't believe he's half a decade younger than me. Why is it that male faces can't be fixed with plastic surgery procedures that can look normal on women? Kpop men end up having huge features and huge faces that don't match like you'd expect while women change their features' size to fitting their looks. Maybe it's the makeup that make them look like they glued their noses and lips on

No. 2009694

Close set eyes remind me of sun spiders. More on men though cause they are just nude tone and hairy all the time. (dont unspoiler if you hate spiders)

No. 2009700

Where's the sun spider, nonnie?

No. 2009726

File: 1716147204874.jpeg (Spoiler Image,246.63 KB, 2048x1365, SUNSPIDER.jpeg)

OH NO, anon , you were right, KEK, i can't unsee.

No. 2009751

You know what be based? An ACTUAL psyop to encourage de-beautification of women, women looking plain, women looking ugly, etc. While a reverse psyop to encourage the hyper-fixation of moids looking beautiful, young, handsome, fit, and over-sexualized.

Games and movies where all of the moids are cute or beautiful and hyper-sexualized, and the women are actually ugly. What a world!

No. 2009752

>Why is it that male faces can't be fixed with plastic surgery procedures that can look normal on women
surgeons are used to working on women or procedures are developed with women in mind. might be the opposite problem of where women are understudied in medicine otherwise, men might not have enough focus in research on cosmetic products and procedures. that or they get a bad surgeon because they can't afford the best.

No. 2009760

File: 1716148070535.jpg (139.47 KB, 558x256, 6ad7dd44-59dd-4243-a280-edf119…)

Good idea! We really should, i think.

No. 2009762

it would be a win-win since even "ugly" women don't usually look that bad compared to ugly moids, as much as retards with brain damage want to claim otherwise. an average woman just being in her natural state and women who are ugly look better than a moid doing the same thing so if this happened it would actually be far more balanced unironically. also imagine being able to see attractive men every day or it not being a rare occurrence, i think it'd genuinely improve my mood and men get to experience it all the time and still complain and shoot up schools. absolute retards

No. 2009767

I know right. I see well-maintained women all the time but an actually pretty male is so fucking rare to see. When I saw one in the wild I felt better.

No. 2009769

File: 1716148449735.jpg (258.05 KB, 1125x2223, IMG_8950.jpg)

tt is a funny place. you often get flagged for saying anything agains moids while people get to shit on women for the smallest bs and nothing ever happens to them. some other time I also got flagged for saying 'I refuse to believe men are real' or 'men are brain dead istg'. ahhhh

No. 2009771

I get what you mean, but I would want to encourage ACTUALLY ugly women and facial features becoming popularized, or a mix of ugly and plain. Chinless, or too big of a chin, crooked, hairy chin and body (hair is normal anyway), massive pimples, greasy hair, bad posture, large hands and feet, the same ugly boring t and loose slacks combo.

No. 2009775

nonnas do you have real life examples of moids not doing even the bare minimum? cause I know quite some cases where I suggested skincare and was immediately his with the " that's gay " shit, when I said: but you wash your body right, you apply deodorant, why would taking care of your face be different? … they really keep at it with the gay and noooo, that's different! god they're so fucking stupid
whenever I see well groomed and dressed men with women I am happy and jealous at the same time.
the bar really is buried underground isn't it?

also I'll say it again, beards are gross and they make me fucking LIVID.

No. 2009777

Maybe congress should ban TT…

No. 2009780

That sounds horrible though. I'm a woman and I am always going to prefer to see a beautiful woman over an ugly woman kek.
I think what none of you are understanding is that, women and men aren't comparable to each other because we are different sexes. We are different species. The whole point of this thread is attractive men vs ugly men. Not attractive men vs attractive women vs ugly men. Women are only comparable to other women. So yes, there are women who can be Barry Keoghan ugly in a female way, but not Barry Keoghan ugly in the verbatim way.

No. 2009781

What a loser. I would start a smear campaign against him.

No. 2009782

these kpop twinks are gonna age really bad imo

No. 2009783

>I'm a woman and I prefer beautiful women
No one cares. The point is encouraging the reverse of standards, you brain-dead pick me. Let women be ugly. Let women be gross. Let women be overweight, hairy, and dress like shit.
You sound like a moid in disguise. Kek. Typical.

Anyway, thanks I'm encouraged to continue encouraging anti-beauty women x pro-beauty moid psyops!

No. 2009787

Ntayrt, but this, trying to beautify women might as well be it's own field from how much moids study on how to maximize the coom they get from women. There's makeup types to suit different kinds of faces and even the personality you want to fake while fags just slather it on. There's Kibbe body types and the apple/pear/rectangle terminology which are all about making women as pretty as possible, sure there's a concept of male Kibbe body types, but I guarantee you that's not what comes to most people's mind and for sure no man's actually ever utilized it. Ever heard of a man going "men with blah blah body type should wear loose shirts with flowy sleeves to balance the masculinity of their body with the femininity of the sleeves and cinch it at the waist to create an attractive inverted triangle body silhouette"?

No. 2009790

How is thinking someone is ugly being a pick me. My opinion isn't rooted in male feelings or appealing to men. Also, being hairy and dressing like shit doesn't make a woman ugly. Having an ugly face makes a woman ugly. Being obese makes a woman ugly. We went over this so many times during in like the first 5 posts on this topic kek lurk moar.(ban evasion, infighting across threads)

No. 2009791

Based. Imagine porn companies encouraging film where it's like jabba-da-hut tier, completely clothed woman who is almost out of focus x beautiful young moid as her sex slave who is pranced around publically as her toy for consumption. And basically that times a million.

No. 2009792

every moid I met that did the bare minimum was a "feminist". they do it to get praised and if you look at sm they often get praised when they post about skin care.

now women refuse to give sex to moids that dont wash themselves. and sure, some of them catch up with this fact and start washing themselves but it is just to get sex imo.

and even though I like to look at moids that have a sense of style and do something nice with their apprearance, maybe are a bit "Howl from the moving castle" vibe - I always remember that these guys are often even more narcissistic than average moids so I just pass.

hard to say which is a lesser evil

No. 2009793

This guy got outed as a creep too, can't find the post right now but it was in one of the earlier Tiktok hate threads. His insides match his outside.

No. 2009795

> I'm a woman and I am always going to prefer to see a beautiful woman over an ugly woman kek.
same lol

No. 2009799

>beautiful young moid sex slave
I'm sorry but what KEK

No. 2009802

You seem angry, the psyops have taken a toll on you. Sorry I didn't name every single detail that makes a woman ugly, I figured you would understand the list entails a tiny ounce of the stupid pressures women face when it comes to looks. Moids are so funny. I'll just ignore you. Have fun.

A total reverse of psyops would be splendid.
I'm surprised it's not more popular.
A bunch of old overweight hunch-backed women with a massive harem of beautiful moids beckoning at their feet when?

No. 2009804

I tried telling moids who always go on and on about how they want a goth gf or a japanese gf that they should probably actually look good so these women might actually look at them and they got offended and said I was being mean kek
i think most people prefer seeing pretty or attractive people over ugly people. regardless, it's not that I don't understand, I just fundamentally disagree with the idea that you can't compare them, and I also like shitting on ugly men further by pointing out how ugly women also mog them, not just ugly men. especially when ugly women are the group that gets demonized for their ugliness the most in society. incels compare ugly women with ugly men all the time and say ackshually ugly women have it so easy and get chad (aka some ugly moid they think is chad) when it's demonstrably untrue, and in general claiming ugly women look worse than an ugly man is also part of the psyop so why not say the opposite when that's what reality is? also we aren't different species, we are all humans (moids being human is questionable but yeah)

No. 2009806

kek i've been dying for a female Ugly Bastard now

No. 2009807

meant not just attractive men* oops

No. 2009809

I think it's not more popular because women don't want to be the ugly bastard, tbh. It doesn't appeal to me either, i just like it as a revenge, i wouldn't truly enjoy it.

No. 2009810

Wasn't there some anime show about an alternate universe society where young men were slaves for powerful female lords or something? Anons were saying it wasn't very good and even the supposedly ugly women had maybe one extra line of their face to look "old". Sad.

No. 2009811

Hell yeah.
This needs to become a regular thing. Maybe I should start a company.

No. 2009814

Who wants to bet that he botted tf out of his comments?

No. 2009816

I would enjoy it whole-heartedly. The reason most wouldn't enjoy it is the same reason that elephant refused to leave after being shackled but released. Release yourself from your mental shackles, everyone.

No. 2009819

>you're a pick me
>my feelings about women have nothing to do with men
>wow you seem angry
I wouldn't use the word anger, maybe annoyed that you all think only men can say that women look ugly. Why shouldn't
women be allowed to express our opinions even when they are negative kek? If you think behaving like a woman is being all "oo uwu i'm such a heckin nice person i could never say anyone is ugly" then I recomend you lurk moar(infighting across threads)

No. 2009821

I think it's not more popular because women aren't as entitled as men in general. Like, moids will be fat and ugly and feel entitled to the most beautiful women and enjoy seeing women be in pain or not attracted to them hence why the ugly bastard thing is such a big trope with them, while women typically feel like they should clean up their appearance or look better /more equal to their partner etc. The sad irony being that their male partner always looks worse and wouldn't do the same

No. 2009823

Males are way more likely to get butt hurt and report comments from meaannn women. Don't forget to report incel comments when you see them.

No. 2009825

File: 1716149857988.jpg (138.82 KB, 816x1182, oog.jpg)

He was mid tbh

No. 2009836

he was cute when younger, and for a while was handsome when slightly older, but it's only for so long that your French scrote lifestyle doesn't catch up to you.

No. 2009872

File: 1716151076761.jpeg (410.67 KB, 828x602, IMG_3866.jpeg)

imho this was an unflattering pic. he looked good in the 60s but hit the wall after that. hes always been a piece of shit tho.
but regardless of your opinion of him, there's still a world of difference with what gets pushed as a movie star today. look at what sort of inferior lifeforms adorn the red carpet at cannes this year

No. 2009890

File: 1716152491664.mp4 (4.27 MB, 768x576, VkYMX5V.mp4)

we need to go back to whatever this was and make it mandatory

No. 2009898

File: 1716153141711.jpeg (Spoiler Image,228.73 KB, 1200x1200, F56v8IjXkAETgrW.jpeg)

You're just making shit up now lol. Trolls be trolling. Instead of infighting and getting triggered, just relax and let women enjoy a world of FUB women x Beautiful moids.(remember to spoiler)

No. 2009900

I really think he started getting plastic surgery because of his gf (or wife now I think?). She has uncanny levels of surgery and got him into it. He didn't start looking crazy until they started dating

No. 2009902

File: 1716153756075.jpg (7.79 KB, 157x320, images.jpg)

That shit was atrocious in the 80s/early 90s and it is still now. The amount of dudes my mother "knew" that had this style. The moustache or the hair alone would be already ugly as sin but then in combo.
It's giving picrel.

No. 2009909

That's communist propaganda.

No. 2009920

yea I could never understand this look or how anyone could find it attractive… they will refuse women their soft shiny pubes while looking like a coarse dick hair brush themselves kek.

No. 2009922

Not to humblebrag but my husband has actually sexy stick legs that are muscle, sinew and bone. He walks and carries stuff for work, sometimes heavy weight but mostly the extra muscle comes from walking up steps. He has visible extra muscle near his hips from the steps. that boy is seriously lacking in the leg department in my personal opinion. Absolutely no muscle definition to speak of on his stick legs.

No. 2009923

Did he piss himself or is this a stain on the photo?

No. 2009930

Nta but pretty sure that's some wee wizz on his pants, yeah.

No. 2009939

Hey, it's that dog!

No. 2009940

KEEEEK i want to know the backstory of this photo, i brursted out laughing.
Would, btw.

No. 2009949

My female gaze tells me that this dude is a creep.

No. 2009971

It's some dumb ass German that pissed himself while cheering on a burning house where foreign people burnt to dead. His name is Harald Ewert.

No. 2009992

>guys who take care of their looks are narcissists
That's not a very good mentality to have. Especially itt.

No. 2010007

this is a gay moid fetish(bait)

No. 2010010

I refuse to believe this wasn't a massive psyop. Like ffs, the man looks like a fucking rapist!

No. 2010023

this one looks like he wants to hurt someone too. very dark energy coming from the eyes.

No. 2010040

he literally is, there was a callout video about a year ago

No. 2010068

Don't want to derail but it made me uncomfortable too, i get that it's a shitpost but i don't see why one has to act as degenerate as males by posting this, it's not like anyone gets hurt about a naked pretty boy on a leash

No. 2010070

I summed up saying idk which is the bigger evil kek

guy having skincare wouldn't be the bare minimum for me anyway, and not bc it is considered 'feminine' or makes a guy 'gay' or even if they get a little narcissistic bc women will praise them for it online and not - having solid personal hygiene habits is.

also being ugly and not taking care about how one looks are kinda separate things. I thought it is the ugliness this thread is about, not things men can push as bare minimum kek.

and skincare is mostly a capitalist concept to sell you more crap to make you perform femininity.

No. 2010078

Didn't know using defirin gel for my acne and a moisturizer for my dry itchy flakey skin is performing feminity. I'd rather a guy does proper skincare and has no acne, wrinkles, or dry skin patches than being "natural" or whatever. Skincare issues are unhygienic and disgusting to look at and make people, especially men, ugly.

No. 2010080

skincare as in the whole 12 million steps and 50 thousand new products sold to you by large companies and influencers, skincare as in you have to spend another half an hour to do the routine instead o sleeping already

chill nonna. taking care of your acne is the bare minimum hygiene and health habits.

and yes, men often become narcissistic if they look after their appearance more than an average moid. you haven't gone on enough dates if you think that I don't know what I'm talking about. men will literally expect you to praise them for buying you a coffee, never mind dressing well and showing up on time.

No. 2010102

Ntayrt but I’d rather deal with a narc than an uggo.

No. 2010143

I did, the brain damage wasn't worth it but at least I can say that I never fucked w an uggo. moids will find a way to make you miserable regardless what they look like tho.

No. 2010151

I’m diagnosed npd so it’s not a big deal for me

No. 2010169

Extreme skincare routines definitely are a capitalist concept to sell you more crap but extremely basic skincare is not. If you want to know how precious a man is just ask him to rinse his face with water (cold water even!) daily and put on some olive oil from his kitchen to moisturize if he has imperfect skin and see if that's too 'gay' for him. You don't need a 12-step or SKII to basically hydrate, clean and moisturize your skin but a lot of moids will see even rinsing their face with water and using a moisturizer as too 'gay' to be willing to do it.

No. 2010177

I know plenty of moids who do basic skincare haircare and don't dress like idiots just because they have basic self-respect, this should actually be the norm. If you're going on dates with guys who are doing the bare minimum and they act like entitled narcs about it it's not the basic hygiene and style that's the issue. Men who are humble enough to take women's advice on their looks are a good example of someone that doesn't have an ego problem but is willing to try to be attractive to women.

No. 2010237

I ain't asking a man to do the bare minimum. it's you who started the topic of ASKING MEN to wash their face and do skincare. I ain't asking a man to do anything that is basic hygiene. if you don't know that putting occlusion on your skin is a part of maintaining hygiene and health of your skin then I can't help you.
reading with comprehension seems to be a problem nonna. I explained what i understand as skincare.

"not all men" who do skincare and dress well act narc bc of it or seek validation bc of it nonna, neither I claim that that's just the type of moid I encountered in my love life. I merely made an observation that they are prone to it. quit sperging and learn the word nuance. or go back to allowing ugly moids that wash their face and put a cream on it to fuck you. none of my business. washing their face is not about being attractive nonna. a man can look disheveled but still be handsome. where are your standards?

No. 2010243

Uh no it's actually not me who started that discussion, there are multiple people posting in this thread nona. I just popped into this thread a couple minutes ago, saw the argument and felt it was worth pointing out that a lot of the scrotes who act like it's 'gay to do skincare' aren't talking about SKII or La Mer, they're talking about just the most basic rinsing and moisturizing or tretinoin if they have severe acne.

No. 2010244

>olive oil as a moisturizer
My mom is on lolcow now?!

No. 2010245

I hate to be this person but it works really well, olive oil contains vitamin A and E and is actually really good for scar/wound healing for acne and is a pretty good moisturizer. I have tried a bunch of more expensive oils and always went back to olive oil which makes my skin honestly look stunning. Won't work for everyone but it was just an example, you can also suggest a bunch of other cheap oil based moisturizers like jojoba, coconut oil (comedogenic but works for some people) etc. My point is that men who won't try even the easiest cheapest thing because it's 'gay' are not trying to look attractive period and it's not because they hate the skincare industry for being predatory.

No. 2010248

ok sorry about it.
personally, acne doesn't make a person ugly. acne is just a disease of the skin. there are different reasons why people get it. I still get it sometimes. does it make me ugly? no.
you can't parent moids into looking after their skin health. "wash it and moisturise so I will let you access me this or other way". they will literally die of prostate cancer bc they refuse to get checked. they choose to host trillions of bacteria causing acne on their skin the same way. let them. it's natural selection. the thing they love the most.

No. 2010250

Of course you can't parent moids into it which is why part of my post said 'plenty of moids who do basic skincare haircare and don't dress like idiots just because they have basic self-respect.' If a man has basic self-respect and wants to look decent he will already be doing these things rather than sperging online about how it makes him gay. My response was to the nona that said skincare is a racket (responding to another anon who was talking about men calling skincare gay), in that case I said try telling them to rinse their face and use olive oil, becaue the guys who call skincare gay will call it gay even if they can use water from their sink and olive oil from their kitchen. Meaning, they're not anti-capitalists hating the predatory skincare industry, they just think looking decent makes them gay. Hope that clarifies my position.

No. 2010253

Samefag but the other point I was trying to make was a rebuttal to the claim that men who take basic care of their appearance are 'entitled narcs' lmao, men who actually care about looking acceptable to themselves, for their own self esteem won't act like you owe them something just for looking decent. I'm not suggesting any woman take an unhygienic scrote under her wing to educate him, quite the opposite. I'm saying men who have basic self respect will practice good hygiene without being asked and not act like narcs about it because they do it for reasons of basic self esteem and hygiene not to pull women.

No. 2010274

yes, I agree with what you said.

I'll say again - I didn't mean all of them who do the bare minimum of maintaining themselves in a decent state feel entitled bc of it. neither I met only those who do. I get most narc vibes from those who are specifically preoccupied with how they look. those will be some more artsy men but also the ones that do phds at fancy colleges and think they're better than an average sportswear dude bc they're wearing merino wool Ralph Lauren, the medium-ugly men oftentimes too. I guess my take is influenced by where I live as well. what men wear is pretty basic everywhere but sure some countries have differences. here, men that dress better than an average pub commoner do feel like a catch. the other won't go to sperg online about skincare being gay. you'll just look at them and know.

I'm not saying anyone who doesn't have a skincare routine is unhygienic tho. idc if he uses just a bar of soap, as long as he's clean and good looking. hygiene doesn't equal attractive. if men choose to be both ugly and filthy, that's on them. I don't find men having skincare attractive anyway. I don't find men who don't wash themselves attractive either.

No. 2010281

Based queen, in the corner of my mind I always will support older women dating young moids as long he is legal

No. 2010284

I generally agree with you in the sense that I don't give a shit about a man's skincare routine if his skin looks fine, I don't give a shit what his haircare is like if his hair is nice, healthy, and well-styled. Some men (and women) will achieve this without effort, others will need to put some effort in but will do so because they don't want to be ugly. I think looking clean, put together, and non-ugly (for your natural look) is the basic minimum to consider that someone has basic self-respect and self-esteem, man or woman. Nonas talk about this so much on lolcow because so many men will have visible signs of poor hygiene, nasty unmoisturized skin, etc. and not seem to do anything about it, but if I saw a man with beautiful glowing skin and shiny beautiful hair and he told me he only rinses his skin and hair in the shower with water I'd be like 'sure whatever that's fine.' Unfortunately a lot of moids look greasy and disgusting but still think basic hygiene and skincare is gay.

As for your other points, I live in a place that isn't maybe a World Fashion Capital but is considered a trendy world capital type city so just wearing a nice Ralph Lauren crewneck (new or thrifted) would not give off narc energy to me, it would just look like a guy who wants to look decent. Men who maintain themselves to a minimum physically here in my city also don't usually give off narc vibes or vibes that they feel 'special,' they just seem like men who care more about looking decent than your average moid. And both artsy men and regular men with regular jobs seem equally likely to try to look decent. Blog but I have a band and when we have shows I tell everyone to 'try to dress kind of decent', me and one man in my band will wear actually nice outfits, the other tomboyish girl in my band will look regular but with a nicer sweater/necklace and jeans, one other man in the band will wear kinda shitty slacks and oxford, and there's one guy who will literally show up in sweatpants even if I say to dress 'kinda nice.' It's not important enough to browbeat him over it since he's the drummer and sits in the back but to me this is just a sign that some men have their standards dramatically lowered and they won't even realize that they look disgusting no matter what you say.

No. 2010312

totally. it definitely makes a person off-putting when they have poor hygiene. i just don't think of attractiveness and hygiene in the same category. as you said, and I agree - it is the bare minimum. all animals groom themself yet human male refuses en masse and takes it out on women…
I refuse to plead or threaten a moid into doing anything with themselves tho. the narc vibe I talked about is when they will wash their ass and combat the gay spirit so now you have to give them an ovation for doing something for their self esteem and image. like, that doesn't make any sense. and dating moids, even if they're good looking, the longer you spend time with them, you can find some bizarre behaviours they have. I don't even want to give examples, bc I was younger then and super naive so I overlooked a lot of things. you'd assume they do the bare minimum like everyone should and then he'll tell you on some random day that when he was younger he wouldn't ever brush his teeth. or that he started doing xyz only when he started seeing you.

that will be a bit of a blog post from me too, but I lived in another country before the place I'm writing from now and I am sure frustrated with the difference in moid standards. some things are cultural, but then there's hygiene, lack of manners, the way they dress… and they feel entitled for doing the bare minimum for you on a date… and will neg you bc they know you've standards. also, there is a difference since I'm no longer in a city but in a small town, and even here, depending on the city the people will present a bit differently.
your post gave me yet another reason to move ;_; kek(no emojis)

No. 2010320

The sad reality is that basic hygiene and self-care (meaning fitness, hygiene, basic skincare, basic okay clothes) are considered essentially non-optional for women whereas they are perceived as an unreachably high standard for scrotes, with many scrotes considering it literally gay to dress decent or have decent hygiene. Hygiene is not the same as being attractive like you said, but a lot of men who straddle the line of basic attractiveness could be moderately attractive with basic self-care and choose not to even reach that benchmark. They claim to be straight but when they hear that women want men who have decent hair, hygiene and clothes they mock the women saying it's gay to put in that much effort. I don't think anyone here has said you should plead with a moid to put this effort in, you should never even look at a moid who doesn't put in the basic effort. Personally I have never dated a scrote who admitted to me he ever had bad hygiene, but even if he told me he had horrible hygiene in the past I would probably be too disgusted to continue dating him. You shouldn't even consider dating someone with below-the-floor hygiene and self-care standards, but it seems like some women think basic self-care is the sign of a narcissist and would rather take a chance with a moid who doesn't wash his hair and can't wipe his ass. Imo it's more narcissistic to think you don't need to wipe your ass to exist in society but maybe that's just me.

No. 2010333

Samefag but I might go as far as to say that the whole 'men who look decent and have decent standards for themselves are narcs' cope is part of the ugly moid psyop itself. How does it benefit women to think that men who take basic care of themselves are all abusive narcissists? It only benefits men.

No. 2010340

> a lot of men who straddle the line of basic attractiveness could be moderately attractive with basic self-care and choose not to even reach that benchmark


> even if he told me he had horrible hygiene in the past I would probably be too disgusted to continue dating him

oh I was disgusted, we ended shortly after. as I said - you won't know people's habits and past if you don't spend time with them first. men lie about who they are when they meet you to impress you. hygiene one thing. the same goes for cheating. you think you're safe but you really are not.

> would rather take a chance with a moid who doesn't wash his hair and can't wipe his ass

I never actually said that, just that I saw some guys feeling entitled over reaching the benchmark you described. but sure, there might be women out there who actually think so. I saw tik toks of women talking about dating men who would leave literal skid marks on their bed clothes… men won't tell you about their routines but will throw tantrums when you point out things like brushing teeth… plenty of women out there posting about it on sm. of course each of these cases is about an ex.


I really think that what I said has been taken out of proportion and with no nuance whatsoever. I didn't even talk about men with decent standards, rather those who focus too much on how they present.
your sentence sure sounds like a part of the psyop. it is not what I said though.

No. 2010351

same fag, I forgot

> I don't think anyone here has said you should plead with a moid to put this effort in

no but the whole conversation is giving convincing moids to reach the benchmark of basic attractiveness through personal hygiene and left this impression on me. and someone talking about telling a moid about using water and olive oil like they were mothering them. it's all giving "moids pls take care of yourself so we will tolerate you". and then they go sperg on 4chan and twatter about skincare and soap=GAY. why? bc women are talking about it in a tone that is bargaining.
I saw too many posts of women talking about their husbands that wouldn't dress nice or groom themselves unless she argued with them. that's why I said 'plead or threaten'.

No. 2010356

File: 1716181791228.png (455.46 KB, 900x505, fuck avif.png)

we need to get rid of the monster fucker disease. I am sorry to all monsterfucker nonnies, but its very telling there are more movies where beautiful women learn to love literal mounstrous men, while there are 0 movies where ugly women get hot men and men learn looks dont matter. A manga or anime or movie where a hot moid learns to love a mounstrous girl, like a woma who was cursed into turning into a skeleton or a dullahan or something like that would be super cute.

No. 2010384

AYRT but I'm not saying you, specifically, suggested that men with basic hygiene and fashion standards are narcs, I've seen multiple people see it throughout this thread and other lolcow threads as well as irl and on social media. I'm just pointing out that that dichotomy itself can become part of the ugly moid psyop, where men with no grooming standards at all are basically pitted against men who care somewhat about how they look (and are considered narcs, fuckboys, or gay) as though there were only two possible extremes to the spectrum. Meanwhile with women we all recognize that being extremely vain and into plastic surgery grooming etc. is probably a sign of a mental disorder but being unwashed and disgusting is also a sign of a mental disorder, and most people aim for something in between. A healthy 'in between' barely exists for moids, it's either total unhygienic slob or they're being treated like a gay fashionista.

No. 2010385

I'm the anon who said the thing about water and olive oil and I said that very specifically in response to an anon claiming that skincare is part of the male beauty industry psyop (implying it is therefore reasonable for men not to take care of their skin at all). I just said try giving them the most basic skincare advice and see if they still call it gay (hint: many men will even if it does not involve spending any money or even leaving their house to source products). I didn't say you need to coddle men and teach them how to do skincare. I said that making an excuse that women are all doing insane beauty industry money grubbing shit to maintain nice skin is fake and stupid, basic skincare can be done without spending a bunch of money on beauty products.

No. 2010388

I think bestiality is a bigger issue, because animals can't defend themselves, while monsters are creations of fiction and thus can't get traumatized.

No. 2010389

the fuck are you talking about that has nothing to do with what i said

No. 2010395

??? Even if ugly moids can be called beasts, don't forget that they can defend themselves very well.

No. 2010410

It would be cute, doesn't mean the opposite has to go

No. 2010418

alright, I see.
>Meanwhile with women we all recognize that being extremely vain and into plastic surgery grooming etc. is probably a sign of a mental disorder but being unwashed and disgusting is also a sign of a mental disorder, and most people aim for something in between. A healthy 'in between' barely exists for moids, it's either total unhygienic slob or they're being treated like a gay fashionista.

I think this idea of men who groom themselves and too much being seen as gay or feminine whatever has to do with the standards men created for themself. as much as we as women are conditioned to present well, all the things connected with it got exaggerated in the moid mind. they imposed black and white perceptions on society and got cannibalised by them when women absorbed the expectations, managed to meet them and still girl boss, all while the men struggle to fight the soap demons they created. they didn't want certain things to be associated with manliness so in consequence, some women will feel like it's not natural for moids to care too much about it, never mind trying to actually look attractive to women. that only rectifies the bipolar thinking the moids already have on the matter. and when a woman expects the healthy in between, the moid sees it as an attack on his maleness. some of these narc-y guys I brought up have similar reasoning. their black and white thinking makes it seem against their interests to try and be acceptable in the eyes of women, through something that they mostly associate with femininity. first of all they are a man so they feel entitled just bc of that, and then comes the expectation of a woman and how dare she expect him to wash his ass…

the way boys are raised also contributes to all that. they are often neglected "bc raising boys is easy". at the same time kept in conviction that being male is enough to not have to try at all, while girls are expected to strive. it is the beginning of the dichotomy. and the moid will project it onto women later in life.

and depending on the environment where the moid lives, the type of job he does (or not), and many other things, he will either conform to some societal expectations - these are higher in elegant cities e.g. - or seethe and develop narc traits that will project on the way he presents to women.

okay, I agree. sorry if my reaction was exaggerated too btw. I become retarded if I don't touch grass often enough.
off topic, but lolcow is healing me. thanks for the exchange girls.

No. 2010473

File: 1716193184254.png (1.18 MB, 3000x2250, IMG_4800.png)

yes this is exactly what we need.

No. 2010474

How quickly did great grandpa peak and start losing his hair and getting wrinkles though? I’m curious as to what the guy on the right looks like now. I’m assuming like most moids he’s mid and can’t dress himself but I’m wondering if he looks more youthful than his grandfather would have

No. 2010476

Yeah honestly this movie was cute when I watched it a while ago but the idea that oh wow an unconventional woman with a disability relates to a creature and falls in love is insulting when you think about it. It’s a really common trope and I get the draw of wanting a romance with an interesting fictional character but it’s become popular and normalized for women to say the most hideous disgusting thing is so hot and sexy and they want to degrade themselves like that because pickmes are mentally ill and egg each other on to be even more degenerate and self harming.

No. 2010481

All of the women hating on the wife due to the age difference are the reason I believe women hold patriarchial standards up harder than most moids. She is BASED. Sadly, I see more women seething about it than moids. Aaron even told everyone to fuck off and leave her alone.

No. 2010482

I know this will not help anyone but i'm never going to watch that movie no matter how nice it could be because one time i was stupid and let some stranger old man walk along me in the night as he sperged about it, kinda surprised i wasn't abducted or raped but he ended being a creepy stalker also i am the same anon that ranted about people comparing me to Belle, why is this a thing in my life kek

No. 2010486

The existence of ugly men is an insult to my self esteem, i've already had enough ugly men surrounding me in my life that i don't want to see anyone on tv or ads every where and sometimes i imagine of kicking those fugly goblins and their simping pickme monsterfuckers' heads for humanity's sake like in a football game

No. 2010487

How tf does the look of other people affect your self-esteem?
I just find moids annoying that think they are the epitome of desirable whilst looking like ogres.

No. 2010488

Nta but it makes me feel ugly when a hideous ogre tries hitting on me. Like what made them think I would want their attention?

No. 2010491

I can understand that. A long while ago a (male) friend of mine told me, that he had a friend and we would be such a good match etc. Finally, I got to see that dude at a party, I wanted tk myself.

No. 2010495

File: 1716197283154.png (519.9 KB, 730x487, barrett.png)

Jordan Barrett at 18 vs at the young age of 26. This is how a 10/10 male supermodel with exceptionally great genetics, who obviously takes care of himself because his job is to look good, ages.

What makes ugly moids whose genes are so grotesque that they would look like a completely different species next to prime Jordan Barrett so utterly schizophrenic enough to believe they will become gigachads at 50 and young women who ignored them their entire worthless lives will suddenly throw themselves at them?

Ugly men aren't humbled enough. They need way, way more reality checks.

No. 2010497

did he do that fat cheek removal things? it looks like it.

No. 2010499

He looks like he is in his late 30s in the right pic.

No. 2010501

>women are fully developed by 18
>meanwhile men's features still change until late 20s

No. 2010505

He was born looking like a bogged cat lady, always been ugly. Him being hot is such a meme, his face looks like its on the wrong aspect ratio

No. 2010506

he lost weight
he was a little bit more chunky 3 years ago

No. 2010507

He looks as if someone tried to replicate Morten Harket but messed up.

No. 2010511

Looks like those before and after heroin mugshots

No. 2010514

File: 1716198492491.jpg (108.78 KB, 1251x624, 1700016358249732.jpg)

25 vs 35

No. 2010516

File: 1716198589589.png (462.33 KB, 710x473, chico.png)

Chico at 18 vs at 32. Not even the luckiest of moids can avoid the wall. Do moids genuinely believe they can age better than Francisco Lachowski?

How are they going to compete with real Chads in their prime? Do you think Chad had to become a roided gymbeast or invest six figures in crypto over decades to attract women? No, he just looks pretty effortlessly and we want him. Then he gets too old and we forget about him.

No. 2010517

Moids get nasolabial folds so fast, someone needs to blackpill them about the fact that they need to laugh less so they don't end up looking 60 at 30.

No. 2010520

he still looks better at 32 than a lot of younger specimens around me but he's still so haggard and in some pics he looks bloated

No. 2010524

This is so sad

No. 2010531

>10/10 male supermodel with exceptionally great genetics
uh no, even at the left pic he's only about a 6 at most. super weird face.

No. 2010543

he looks fine for his age, no one looks 18 forever.

No. 2010544

Didn't expect him to have looked a bit decent at some point. But I think the aging is caused by his cocaine coffee diet and excessive drinking. Plus being German.

No. 2010565

File: 1716204575272.jpg (85.05 KB, 736x1039, 01d86d447696cc6a0b02a3c68d2522…)

He was a model when he was younger and wanted to be a singer.

No. 2010567

>Plus being German.
He is 100% Polish

No. 2010573

Ok tourist scrote

No. 2010577

that scrotefoiling makes no sense. Its pointing out the hypocrisy of moids

No. 2010578

He doesn't. His wife birthed two kids and still looks great. He has no excuse.

No. 2010583

holy shit perfect body

No. 2010626

Sorry, i didn't get the joke at first

No. 2010680


Jesus Christ nonna, this guy looks like he snacked on the inside of his cheeks because of starvation.

No. 2010737

File: 1716223096336.png (31.93 KB, 989x470, 17160633.png)

gay moids will pay for this

No. 2010740

ot but I can’t look at him without being repulsed now after the tonsil stone video

No. 2010749

Oh you're right, I forgot about that. He also claimed some gays tried raping him, explains the drug addiction to an extent. But he also raped a woman who filed a lawsuit against him, so I don't feel bad for him and hope his diet catches up with him, if you get my drift.

No. 2010765

I still can't believe the audacity some of these ugly guys have and I agree with anyone ITT who thinks ugly men should be bullied. They have the nerve to hit on women who are obv above them but if a woman did the same thing with a hot guy she'd be ripped to shreds.
I know a fat midget who was upset girls at the gym did not want to talk to him, when I asked what kind of girls he said "normal" (his type: skinny/fit lmao) and I rolled my eyes so hard thinking like wtf did u expect, why the fuck would a stacy look at YOU?
bully all fugly scrotes

No. 2010771

the sad thing is that it actually works, so many beautiful women are dating men that are awful looking. i

No. 2010773

the artstyle being amature anime drawing really gives off that too offline to be good at art but anime enough to be a strange normie

No. 2010812

File: 1716227835286.jpg (283.93 KB, 1037x1779, GN-ZckkXoAAeFW2.jpg)

Found this posted to twitter. Thought's nonna's?

No. 2010823

If he draw HC in the caricaturesque style he would have bald edges, mega bushy eyebrows, beady deep set eyes and a square jaw with ball sack as chin.

No. 2010825

None of the BTS men look attractive to me, they all are too feminine. Henry Caville is a little too "generically hot" as well. But I would still put Caville over that other guy

No. 2010829

all the bts men are ugly as sin. kpoop ugly man psyop is that they blew up globally and not literally any other group that almost certainly looks better.

No. 2010833

Reads like race bait and I don't know what's TC Candler, but I don't trust their opinion.

No. 2010841

they're both ugly, but kpoopie is still better then some old balding raisin scrote

No. 2010845

at least the kpoopie can eat pussy without skinning it alive

No. 2010849

idc about this retarded pollsor w/e TC is
Cavil's facial structure is more appealing to me than most kpop idols that are super feminine

No. 2010853

taehyung and jungkook used to look decent

No. 2010854

File: 1716229512104.mp4 (5.69 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_@itssinnabunny_17162…)

No. 2010856

henry cavill wouldn't even go near pussy at all kek (he's heavily rumored to be into anal and there's all those pics of him kissing men..)

No. 2010858

File: 1716229716492.jpg (15.75 KB, 141x186, 1000016831.jpg)

That poor cat has to be in the same house with a bunch of sex degenerates with no romantic dignity.

No. 2010859

They should kill each other with rocks. Fishfaced chinlet VS haggot.

No. 2010873

it's their entitlement, it's not because you're actually ugly, they'll hit on women out of their league and feel entitled to super models even when they're ugly
namjoon isn't a looker but at least he's shaved, doesn't look that old even though he's nearing 30, and isn't balding. meanwhile cavill is old, post wall, unshaved and balding. if it was younger cavill he'd win but not when he's post wall

No. 2010899

Seriously, nonna, 10/10? He looks retarded either way.

No. 2010909

File: 1716232806175.png (702.7 KB, 764x880, ugly.png)

Kboos are being so obvious about it. Cavill is haggot but there is no way he loses to THIS in the looks department.(no kpop)

No. 2010912


No. 2010929

his head is egg shaped

No. 2010931

Literally has the "obnoxious fat little gamer Asian brother from a Disney channel original movie" phenotype.

No. 2010963

File: 1716234120178.jpg (91.6 KB, 900x439, mrsimple.jpg)

At least Henry Cavil had his time in the sun, this guy are so fucking ugly it's insane. What i've noticed with kpop groups is that only 2 of the members would be genuinely handsome, meanwhile the rest of uggos. Shit like that could never fly with female kpop groups. Since we are here, the kpop group super junior straight up had a fat guy in the group. No way could a fat woman ever make it in a popular kpop group, even women with the slightest bit of titty and ass get treated like they a landwhales.
sorry if this constitutes as breaking the rule on kpop(no kpop)

No. 2010973

File: 1716234325823.png (29.66 KB, 508x612, 1682969166423.png)

and picrel is how fans perceive him(no kpop)

No. 2010994

File: 1716235102260.jpg (26.52 KB, 420x695, very qt guy.JPG)

Saw this on instagram, weeping atm

These kind of guys give me an aggressive urge to want to attempt to procreate over and over again.

No. 2010997

He has no jaw

No. 2011001

hate this shitty webtoon

No. 2011006

So much for "based" industry "objectifying male k-pop groups the same as female ones", kek. I remember some member of BTS whining for getting called ugly, only 2 members were visuals and getting the most attention. He shouldn't be in a k-pop group at all, since it's all about looks.

No. 2011009

out of all kpop dudes people chosen the ugliest one

No. 2011012

File: 1716236203059.jpg (165.81 KB, 900x438, 1716234120178.jpg)

God this gave me flashbacks to when the fat guy got married and people lost their shit. Half because they're jealous crazy fans who wanted him, and the other half because they thought he was too fat and ugly and shouldn't have been an idol, let alone get married. This also gave me flashbacks to all the fake thirst over Haechul and how everyone was like "he's sooo funny" but all I saw is that he was mean and unnecessarily rude. Unrelated but their music also sucks ass and so generic one note shit, those idiots had 13 members and couldn't do anything creative kek. I think there's only 1 or 2 members who genuinely can sing. Picrel are the ones I think look decent, the rest are uggos.(no kpop)

No. 2011014

Are you telling me the fat guy with nasolabial folds is a kpoopie? The two old guys in the front too? I thought they were like managers or something. wtf

No. 2011019

What's with the hambeast? Fly back to the North, ballUn!

No. 2011021

super junior is an early 00s group so yeah they're all plastic old men in their 40s now

No. 2011057

you don't need to be a kboo i literally just don't want a post wall old balding unshaved moid. i'd take some ugly asian moid closer to my age that actually shaves and still has hair over a guy in his 40s that has pubes attached to his face, a butt chin and lost his looks years ago

No. 2011097

I don't want to get banned but you picked all the plastic surgery monsters. They maybe look normal in this picture but they are extremely ugly. K-pop is part of the psyop. All male groups have one good-lookingish member and the rest are ugly. Female idols on the other hand are all supposed to be beautiful.

No. 2011198

File: 1716246134866.jpg (83.78 KB, 1080x1080, c6cd158a517d8f74dbc762b1c30bb2…)

different anon, but we really don't know what these kpop men really look like a lot of the times because they wear makeup. The men in super junior clearly wear wearing some kind of skin tint and lip tint and for men, that strangely makes a huge difference. I also think the dyed hair looks awful on a lot of korean men, especially blonde. picrel jimin, but they literally have to use makeup to force that colour to look good on him.

No. 2011199

File: 1716246207065.jpg (303.64 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240521_005838_Gal…)

I ended up stumbling upon this korean tiktokers account and she looks great especially for her age, it looks like she takes care of herself.

I decided to look through on her account and she has a younger husband who is 36 years old and people are literally calling her a predator or saying "police" in the comments because she is older than him.

Its crazy how people infantalize men so much to the point that they are infantalizing a 36 year old man.

No. 2011202

File: 1716246592957.jpg (259.75 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240521_002623_Gal…)

Here is a example.

Funny enough men date young girls so much that when a old geriatric moid dates a woman in her 30's they say how happy they are that its not a teen and that its age appropriate (even though its not and he is still older than her) women in 30's is a adult so its okay….so why dont those people keep that same energy when it comes to a older woman dating a man younger than her?

No. 2011207

File: 1716247374092.jpg (145.63 KB, 634x1025, rs_634x1025-240520112042-jason…)

Jason momoa and his new gf Adria Arjona

No. 2011212

File: 1716247777965.jpg (50.52 KB, 1050x450, jason-momoa-und-adria-arjona-k…)

Looking like some busted alchoholic contruction worker.

No. 2011217

Ayrt, it's not like the more "natural" looking ones are lookers themselves either kek. They're all weird looking but the ones I circled are ones I can tolerate the looks of more. I don't mind plastic surgery on men if it actually fixes something off with their looks. I never really got into male kpop groups though, because their whole selling point was their looks and they rarely looked good kek.

No. 2011248

File: 1716250448675.webp (119.09 KB, 1080x1080, cf1d7bee57c6-david-schwimmer.j…)

He looks like picrel

No. 2011251

File: 1716250846390.png (Spoiler Image,329.82 KB, 373x518, terraformars.png)

Normally i don't care to point out simply how ugly a moid is here but how the fuck does he look like a japanese moid's racist caricature?

No. 2011257

That face looks like when you deflate a balloon and then inflate it again, it doesn't look right. How did he managed to look worse anyway

No. 2011326

I legit thought this was a japanese moid

No. 2011463

File: 1716258915705.jpeg (63.31 KB, 705x1024, 1hdmVnS.jpeg)

I found him cute in Baywatch when he was younger, but he aged like milk and looks unwashed and horrendous now.

No. 2011825

he looks like a yassified neanderthal wax figure

No. 2011886

There was a post earlier talking about how some girls cope with their geriatric male fetish cause young men or peers their age don't like them, and it's kind of an unfortunate fact that older men do have different tastes from youngsters and might find other girls attractive even if it's in a creepy manner. I know a lot of you say we should date younger men and while I agree cause they're hotter, younger men mostly care about the body. A big rack, a big ass, yeah if you have these you'll drive them wild but if you don't you simply can't attract them. Pretty much all the girls who were dating older men were less "sexy", less sultry than the girls popular with boys their age. They weren't ugly by any means, some had very beautiful faces, more beautiful than the stacies but they looked more modest in comparison? I think a lot of older moids are less fascinated by tits, and care more about youthfulness so that's why these girls were a total catch for them. In fact I know a lot of them tend to dislike flashy sexy girls, so it's not surprising why they would bond so easily with NLOGs. But this still isn't the fault of the girls, it's young men who reject them because they're driven entirely by lust

No. 2011905

if i had to choose between celibacy and choking on saggy balls and cock i would become a monk

No. 2011909

Same, we should teach young girls to not crave male validation. If your classmates don't pay attention to you, it doesn't mean you should accept the love of an old fart. None of them are worth it

No. 2011911

she kind of reminds me of his daughter?

No. 2011912

Old men have lower standards for looks because youth compensates for it. That's literally it. Most women intuitively understand this even if they don't consciously acknowledge it, so girls with low self esteem cope by pretending to like ugly/old men so they can feel more secure and valuable in a relationship.

No. 2011917

That's literally what I said? However it's also true that young men care more about having certain physical traits and might ignore other things. A girl with a basic face but curvy body will do better than a pretty face with no outstanding body. And some of the girls that do end up dating geezers are not even ugly, they're just not very sexy (by young men standards). This is all based on what I saw and heard irl, I'm not making up this. Guys have different standards on what they see as a hot girl based on age

No. 2011919

File: 1716284940958.png (146.84 KB, 591x750, noooo dont sexualize men you a…)

remember the pickme chan that ''obejctifies'' ugly old men? she's crying over male characters being actually objectified kek. To her, objectifying a man in the same way men do to women is ''emasculating them''.

No. 2011920

File: 1716284981362.jpeg (730.15 KB, 1170x1200, IMG_7543.jpeg)

Not all female actresses have to be attractive. There’s still many who are.
The problem is, NO male actors are attractive these days. NO male musicians. Not even male models. The only hot men we are allowed are the doe eyed faggots that got passed around by countless directors (Tom Holland, Timothee Chalamaty) or the ones who are rapidly aging like shit (Brad Pitt)
Men will see ONE woman who isn’t a 10/10 and act wounded by it meanwhile women are so
starved of handsome men they’re obsessing over mole eyed Pedro fucking pascal. It’s dysgenic and it’s destroying women’s morale. How dare they post this thread.

No. 2011922

And I'm also not saying this as a cope cause old men never hit on me and I never dated one, but I know girls who have experience with this. I don't think young men have very high standards, they just chase a different type of girl. I doubt an old fart would be attracted to a typical baddie wannabe, they want girls that are still pretty but that haven't been noticed by other guys yet. Like a hidden gem. They're complete perverts who want to manipulate a vulnerable girl

No. 2011928

File: 1716285667913.jpg (43.88 KB, 720x720, FB_IMG_1668962274901.jpg)

>get redtexted for bait
>someone swallows it anyways

No. 2011930

Now this is making that one clip of him fondling his daughter's chest even more suspicious (some people claim it was shooped or taken out of context but idk, didn't look like it)

No. 2011932

This. Pedro and post malone get defended constantly and treated as handsome prince charmings but what beautiful women aren't called ugly daily?

No. 2011934

It reeked of scrote because comparing a woman who is shilled as hot and in the entertainment industry to a woman famous for being a special needs protester makes zero fucking sense. You don't see us posting politicians or random scientists who were never meant for our viewing pleasure in the first place. They were scraping the barrel with that comparison. What would be really interesting is to talk about is how many celebrity women destroy their natural beauty with botox, unflattering makeup and Ozempic trying to reach goddess levels of beauty.

No. 2011936

exactly he looks like a troll and his voice is annoying

No. 2011939

>They were scraping the barrel with that comparison. What would be really interesting is to talk about is how many celebrity women destroy their natural beauty with botox, unflattering makeup and Ozempic trying to reach goddess levels of beauty.
And then men will claim they "never cared" all along and it was only ever other women who ripped apart other women… Yeah no, lolcow aside, it was always men claiming I was fat after literally being on an NG tube to return to a healthy weight and I always see men claim random celebs are fat who look amazing and healthy, it's always men claiming random women "hit the wall" are are somehow able to find every small unnoticeable wrinkle faster than a gay makeup artist, it was moids who pushed the idea of hideous ""natural makeup"" cause they couldn't bring themselves to admit that majority of their facial attraction to women revolved around makeup and you can put a literal goblin in a smokey eye and big colored lips in the 2000s and men will think it's the hottest thing ever

No. 2011947

Yeah only men care about if Greta thunberg is hot when she was introduced to the public eye at 15 years old and most sane people still see her as that child protester

No. 2011952

Scrote used Greta Thunberg and the TV show actress of Ellie from TLOU, what a genius. This is truly a hard time for pedophiles around the world.

No. 2011954

they wanted to fuck her as soon as they saw that edited pic of her with big boobs

No. 2011955

File: 1716288739221.jpg (29.1 KB, 300x300, ab6761610000e5ebd47e61698adc0c…)

Corpse's downfall was 100% self inflicted. He built a completely fake persona, and fed his fans delusions about him being out of this world attractive. That mystique is what got him famous after all. His entire internet presence was just one big, fat lie by omission, and the doxx was him paying his debt to the truth.

No. 2011963

File: 1716289546771.webp (26.38 KB, 540x557, jvzec63xrhr91.webp)

dreams is still so fucking funny to me. i will never forget all the memes on twitter comparing him to that one shrek dude.

No. 2011964

Seeing chinese artists drop him like a hot potato after the reveal was hilarious

No. 2011970

I need more tea on this, how bad was it?

No. 2011977

they completly dropped him for vtubers

No. 2011985

No. 2011986

its the same thing, ugly men hiding under ugly avatars. They will never learn.

No. 2011992

i'm surprised he even had non-western fans to begin with

No. 2012000

File: 1716292725758.png (2.16 MB, 1308x2147, 8dCAZfD.png)

out of everything in this thread, BTS and k-media in general is an unironic government backed ugly man psyop(no kpop)

No. 2012029

westerners are fed the ugly male psyop > westerners notice bts, a group considered buttugly in korea save for like two members > korea, in need of westerner validation, thinks they must be gods
this is what happened

No. 2012031

I don't know what group he belongs to, but it seems to me like plastic surgery is less common or maybe subtler with newer generation kpop men than before? I feel like naturally good looking ones are being scouted more since there are more young men who want to become famous kpop celebrities.

No. 2012032

this poster was definitely a seething scrote

No. 2012035

why do half of these men look like 35 year olds

No. 2012039

Based chinese girls

No. 2012040

Seems like posters forget how fugly the average korean male is (out of shape, short, alcohol+cigs+high stress means they age like shit, huge flat head…). Their beauty standards being different than ours doesn't mean that they aren't extremely high and idols way more appealing to the korean girlies than their day-to-day scrotes.

No. 2012044

Aren't koreans the tallest asians?

No. 2012046

Young Korean people are tall, when I was there I think they tended to be about as tall as young American men on average

No. 2012048

because they are kek they're like 40. you can tell a korean man is above late twenties when they have that disgusting blubberlike alcohol bloat

No. 2012078

the thing is males didn't want to fuck greta because she was hot, they wanted to fuck her because they couldn't fathom a girl who isn't popular for something other than sexualization and got extremely butthurt by that. it's humiliation they get off of

No. 2012081

males wanted to fuck greta cause she looks like a kid

No. 2012082

i forgot they drink like a fish. ban all men from drinking alcohol

No. 2012127


No. 2012143

hannie is very cute(ban evading just to cape for a male)

No. 2012165

This, they wanted to hatefuck her, its not attraction is sexual hatred

No. 2012227

kekk wtf

No. 2012336

File: 1716311448155.png (2.96 MB, 1125x1786, 1893638263828.png)

How do these moids have girlfriends, it's beyond my fucking knowledge

No. 2012350

I notice this a lot. It's why we need to normalize much older women dating much younger moids. In particular, it's other women screeching about how "pedophilic" the women are. Internalized misogyny ruins so damn much.

No. 2012368

File: 1716313468208.jpeg (1.56 MB, 2056x1390, 49CE7BBD-1645-471B-871D-77FAD7…)

This is a classic example of the PsyOp being pushed by Hollywood. Ugly man good. Hot man EVIL! If they were both women, the ugly one would be evil. Or they would both be equally hot but the Russian would have blonde hair and everyone would treat her like she’s the ‘bombshell’ so the American could be the girl next door type. Only men are allowed to be ugly and loved.

No. 2012374

hear me out but I don't think Rocky IV was intended for any female audience and was mainly about an American male stand-in fighting and overcoming an invincible superman

No. 2012375

none of these men are hot. At least rocky got an autistic average girl instead of a 11/10 porn star like most protagonists from american slop movies do

No. 2012380

Yes it wasn’t intended for a female audience, but it helps men reassure themselves that ugly = good. It’s a self soothing fantasy.

No. 2012381

stallone did a porno too, men were cooming to him. Weird as fuck. His mom reads asshole astrology too, overall a really weird family.

No. 2012384

This wasn’t about ugly men being portrayed is hot. This was a lot more sinister. The Russian was dating a black woman irl (Grace Jones) and many disapproved (Grace was shockingly hideous too almost non-human and very masculine so you can sort of understand why people disapproved) so the film was created & the blond man was purposefully cast to shun others away from interracial relationships. Stay woke ladies.(racebaiting)

No. 2012386

It’s so fucking weird, he’s seriously dysgenic looking so why did they even put him in a porno? I’m assuming he blew the director. Also idk what asshole astrology is, but google says it’s a wesbite? Is it infamous or what

No. 2012387

>shitting on grace jones
opinion discarded

No. 2012389

>grace was hideous too
She was a fucking supermodel

No. 2012390

The only people who defend Post are asian women who dream of being his next asian concubine. Everyone else think he’s hideous. Pedro looks like the typical bear-y gay guy that many gays love so they flock to stan him + fujos who worship him + he’s latino so calling him ugly means you will be called racist. Stay woke ladies.(do not intentionally make your posts identifiable)

No. 2012391

its called rumpology it involves telling a person's future by looking at their assholes

No. 2012393

I see my cisters have fallen for the psyop. An MTF who passes is closer to me than Grace.(baiting)

No. 2012395

>stay woke ladies
You need to stop using that catchphrase. Integrate better.

No. 2012398

Stay woke, nonnas

No. 2012402

Kek he’s a Pole who could pass for German (phenotype wise) but was probably bullied growing up for being Polish (xenophobia towards eastern euros is real) so he changed his surname so he could larp as German kek I thought he was gay at first and had taken his German husband’s surname but it turns out he’s simply a self hating straight man kekkk. What’s gayer: being gay or changing your name so you can pretend to be aryan?

No. 2012408

the latter is gayer. At least gay scrotes have hobbies that dont revolve around needing the approval of other men.

No. 2012410

Who finds Post Malone attractive besides asian women who are happy to see a famous white moid with an asian woman? Go online and 99% of his defenders are asian women who are living vicariously through his gf. But then again asian women will find anything and anyone attractive so(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2012411

Ignoring the man-in-a-wig racebaiting & seething about gorgeous women he's jealous of, do we think the PsyOp is worse in european cinema or american cinema? I know europeans don't like the implication that they're all the same so we can discuss it in a country to country basis. I think the french are so much worse than the americans, at least the american obsession with perfect white teeth means we won't have to see yellow asymmetrical munchers with cilantro leaves stuck between them.

No. 2012414

dont the frenchoids have a ton of pedophilia in their 'cinema'? french men are hideous too

No. 2012421

Samefag but with deepfake technology its possible to edit entire movies. Techy nonnas can just insert a supermodel over Pascal the Pedo. A brighter future is possible. We can just censor the ugly away.
Frogs being pedos is such a default setting that I don't even bother mentioning it.

No. 2012436

Yes but we're not allowed to talk about it, otherwise Maiwenn will threaten to slit our throats kek

No. 2012437

Europe is the worst, e.g. German 'cinema' has countless unnecessary gross sex scenes and lots of 'natural' nudity because muh art, meaning you see a fat bald 60yo moid full frontal in the shower… At least muricans somewhat try to be sexy and appealing

No. 2012441

im german and yes our cinema sucks ass so hard that not even actual germans like it kek

No. 2012442

File: 1716315903881.jpeg (1.3 MB, 3464x3464, CBC58415-3F12-4722-9EEB-76692D…)

Twink death is literally terrifying. Men complain about their wives aging but they should genuinely be grateful their wives don’t abandon their old asses to fuck young college dudes. I genuinely believe that if older women wanted to fuck younger men in large droves they could. They’d probably be more successful at it than older men chasing after younger women because a man’s lust knows no bounds. But their odd sense of morality, caring what others would think and brainwashing from society stops them.

No. 2012449

did he start injecting himself? why does he have ugly worms running through his arms now

No. 2012450

why are handsome young men called twinks now? it is a faggot term and makes them sound like faggots

No. 2012452

whats the alternative?

No. 2012456

File: 1716316428792.webp (344.41 KB, 2410x2410, IMG_7964.webp)

thats not what a twink is, a twink is a tiny little skinny weakling man. Like timothee chalamet. They don’t need to be attractive kek

No. 2012458

NTA, Twink death is horrifying but i'll let this one pass bc he's still hot…

No. 2012459

being called twink is the least worrisome part what's more annoying is that they use this word as an insult and to shame women for finding young fit shaved men attractive. everyone uses twink in a passive-aggressive way like oh you like those twinks, as if to mean that you're tasteless and basic and boring

No. 2012461

that's the original definition but now it means just young man who isn't roided or fat or hairy

No. 2012484

File: 1716317578227.jpg (290.95 KB, 1079x1437, 1000002997.jpg)

Who wants to bet he stalks teen girls at the mall looking to get some. These mens egos are out if control

No. 2012490

I just noticed something no one else has mentioned before. His eyebrows are gone. I know they're very important for male facial aesthetics despite scrotes absolutely refusing to groom them or fill them in. Their thickness and sparsity is directly correlated with testosterone so they're the FIRST to go. The moment a male is no longer in his prime they start pointing downwards, then become extremely sparse. It changes the character of their face, they start resembling guilty bulldogs. There's a 'post wall' man expression and it's somewhere in between crying and falling asleep. It looks so gay and weak. The first sign of haggotry is the loss of eyebrow slay.

No. 2012498

File: 1716318634376.jpeg (1.24 MB, 3464x3464, DB326AE2-C542-4841-A5DC-D91001…)

Holy shit you’re right! How have I never noticed this before?

No. 2012504

and yet incels still exist and act like women only want to fuck perfect 10/10 chads when the average ugly man still has a gf
society acts like it's women that age worse and men have it so bad because their wives get wrinkles etc meanwhile moids morph into these weird creatures once they get older and lose their hair and no one bats an eye. it's seriously backwards
yeah i hate this shit, apparently you're tasteless if you just want a moid your own age who actually grooms himself and isn't fat
he's the kind of man if i saw outside i would think he's some sort of weird hobo that could rob or hurt me.

No. 2012513

File: 1716319480988.jpg (105.04 KB, 736x920, 38431601977b3624d33cf59ffeecb9…)

No. 2012518

File: 1716319550134.jpg (143.66 KB, 736x903, b98f931a6cf711e04a4534f42af3e2…)

I know you can't trust kpop bc they edit the fuck out of everything but still

No. 2012525

he looks better on the right

No. 2012531

i never thought i would see my kpop husbando be posted on lolcow, what a great day(kpop is a banned subject on lolcow)

No. 2012549


No. 2012612

Paraphilia or psyopping.
This k-pop guy is hot, i hope he didn't have too much surgery. Expecially love his hair, full head, thick and allowed to wear longer cut. Such a dollface, honestly.
Nonna, pls tell me who it is.(kpop is a banned subject on lolcow)

No. 2012623

Cant stand this ugly mofo. Was solidified when he said he got to 'rape beautiful women' during filming GOT.

No. 2012696

Stray kids minho. They make terrible music

No. 2012700

I mostly agree with you. Yes and no. Being underweight I had higher quality, younger moids chasing me, but that was when heroin chic was in. When I was a healthy curvy bmi, that was less so. I get your points though, both of you.

No. 2012702

I don't like the kpop guy either but it's so hopeless how even 25yo white guys are so hairy and redskinned and full of lines already…
That anon upthread with her eyebrow take is also so right, now I can't help but notice it everywhere, maybe that's also why so many blonds and redheads are especially ugly. Asians stay dark and with full hair for longer (on top of having better skin) but in white moids they lose (eyebrow) hair pretty much as soon as they hit 20 - and then regrow it on their body instead…ew

No. 2012703

Omg tysm nonnie, muah! \(^.^)/ ♡(emoji)

No. 2012708

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No. 2012710

File: 1716326857951.jpg (77.78 KB, 736x1593, ca42af78110ba76f6efe2ef852e3f3…)

No. 2012711

File: 1716326880336.jpg (155.28 KB, 735x1084, bc24cfe301da9fa02af96fa7509a8e…)

No. 2012713

File: 1716326912921.jpg (52.99 KB, 672x640, 2ea76a65ccb455f23cc337d2801402…)

No. 2012719

I think it's definitely worse in European cinema. At least American cinema are open to the idea of having a hot man here and there and don't completely shun good looking men. Out of all the European films i've watched, which admittedly aren't many, i can't think of a single hot one. Uk cinema/tv shows automatically gets disqualified because it's probably the only time where men and women are typically a looks match and neither are there to be titillating, but it doesn't stop them for having an age gap relationship here and there.

No. 2012720

File: 1716327229482.png (480.75 KB, 500x562, Suju.png)

Talking about kpop, why is it the UGLIEST boygroups are the most popular? I know most boy groups have one 1 or 2 handsome members and the rest of them are hideous, but all the top boy groups are the ugliest every time…(kpop is a banned subject on lolcow)

No. 2012728

File: 1716327445669.jpeg (66.47 KB, 736x736, IMG_5199.jpeg)

No. 2012732

File: 1716327636342.jpeg (63.41 KB, 571x878, IMG_5200.jpeg)

(kpop is a banned subject on lolcow)

No. 2012733

I could never take a picture with someone that much better looking than me kek scrotes have no shame. Although I assume he's coping by thinking he's better looking than any asian. My exmoid would say pretty asian men didn't count as men.

No. 2012737

Not a kpop fan but at least the guys groom themselves, it's a requirement but hey, at least they do it, unlike most dumb moids who think using a fucking moisturizer is gay

No. 2012746

This one’s actually pretty cute imo, although he looks like he’s made of plastic.

No. 2012750

Has anyone considered moving or have already moved countries because they find the majority of moids in their own country so gross? Im crying at slim pickings of men there is in the uk. Many of them are pot bellied, hairy with dirty beards, smelly or all 3 (or red pill roidpigs which is just as gross)

No. 2012755

but where would you even move to? moids are hideous everywhere

No. 2012762

You're right to an extent but at least in east asia grooming is more socially acceptable and most of them dont have beards. Not saying they all look like pretty boys or that they are better looking than other races but there is more pressure for them to make an effort.

No. 2012763

I should've moved years ago if I wanted a husband. I would've gone to the Netherlands but I'd be considered short for a woman there.

No. 2012768

>>2012763 I don't think men are bothered by short women nona.

No. 2012770

I live in Germany and whenever I go to London I'm actually shocked at how much more attractive your men are. If you think they're ugly imagine how bad german men are kek.
I wouldn't move anywhere for the men tho. I know a lot of men from different parts of europe and they all have gross personalities that kill any good looks they might have. Men everywhere are gross.

No. 2012774

File: 1716329074781.jpg (50.91 KB, 461x474, 1000016863.jpg)

>going to London and loving English moids
You have men even uglier than british? The European contest for who has the ugliest men just never fuckin ends, does it?

No. 2012777

Okay lemme be specific. Scottish men, they are grossssss not pretty boy tea sipping southerners. I dated a southern English moid who was pretty boy too bad he was insufferable.

No. 2012780

Nta but the beer guts and balding is insane, it's genuinely rare for moids to not have either, most have both. And absolutely all fashion and hygiene is gay/for women.

No. 2012782

most of them are still ugly, half of korean men are literally fat while the women are encouraged to starve themselves. i also wouldnt want a japanese moid considering how high the possibilty is that hes jerking off to loli hentai.

No. 2012791

File: 1716329595903.png (5.31 MB, 2866x986, Screenshot 2024-05-22 at 00.11…)

Germoids are not only ugly, they dress like absolute trash and are super autistic. Truly some of the most undesirable men I have ever met.

No. 2012793

Not true anon, they are getting fatter but are still under 10% while the US is at nearly 50 and Europe at 20-30. Unless you go for a guy from a third world african nation, your chances for a slim guy couldn't be any better.

No. 2012796

yes and I did and they turned out even worse where I moved. moids are gross everywhere and different countries only give them a different flavour of grossness and entitlement.

No. 2012803

Kekk which country?

No. 2012805

really i remember seeing a statistic that 48% of south korean men are fat? maybe it was false??

No. 2012826

kek but even in germany you will find a handsome moid every now and then. too bad most of them already have gfs (honestly the real problem in scoring a handsome man)

No. 2012872

File: 1716331515017.png (283.47 KB, 598x399, 1716329137067621.png)

No. 2012880

Good. Imagine looking this haggard and thinking you're hot.

No. 2012881

KEK. Cry more grandpa.

No. 2012904

He looks like a rapist of course nobody wanted a drink with him

No. 2012912

I literally jumped a little in fear when I scrolled down to see this, please spoiler next time!!!

No. 2012925

holy fuck I'm printing this in pocket size to carry around me so I can back-up my post-wall moid spotting skills unchallenged.

No. 2012947

Decrepit, haggard and roided. He belongs in a zoo.

No. 2012963

Why does this type of fuckboy always use the soyjack angle

No. 2012969

Why do males always take pics like this lol

No. 2013014

Girly hands

No. 2013026

Moids continue to believe this lie fed to them by society that aging will have zero or even a positive impact on their attractiveness. It must come as a shock when this turns out to be far from true

No. 2013028

Maybe Vietnam? China? I heard a meme where women regularly beat the men there, KEK. In Japan, I know salarymen have the women control their finances, but the men in Japan are perverted. South korea is considered the most attractive for a lot of asian countries.

No. 2013048

Those people were smart. Imagine having this amount of confidence while being this ugly.

No. 2013054

He looks like he can attract gay moids, he should try his luck on grindr next time

No. 2013072

File: 1716336225808.webp (Spoiler Image,636 KB, 1666x2082, Scorcese.webp)

Depends on the ancestry of the moid. Martin Scorcese always had caterpillar eyebrows but they got straight up feral when he started going grey. Spoiler for decrepit moid jumpscare.

No. 2013100

Unfortunately, men will think both of these dudes are hot. The bar is so low that men think that having any hair left + not being a fat blob = Chad. They both look like nasty roidpigs to me.

No. 2013129

Lmao why do these pictures exist???? The first one looks like the photo you take at one of those booths at customs/border patrol. His fat flabby arms look like a old woman's from behind.

No. 2013143

>No. I would rather dress like the traditional mexican macho man instead.
Please, even that is better than typical male fashion. Knowing twitter users though, he won't dress like that anyway

No. 2013144

Regardless of his looks, a lot of women his age are either taken or completely done with relationships all together. Besides that, he is fucking haggard and need to hang it up. I hate his stupid haircut.

No. 2013161

strapping young men

No. 2013209

And yet they look the same in terms of aging. Honestly horrifying how badly men age. He has worse forehead lines than her, and their crows feet and smile lines are basically the same. He also has ancient arthritic-looking grandpa hands.

No. 2013267

his mouth looks like a hairy butthole im sorry

No. 2013338

We didn't need a high resolution

No. 2013361

File: 1716342733426.jpg (312.76 KB, 1080x1654, 1000006451.jpg)

This creature just showed up on my Instagram feed . The worst part are women telling him he's cute

No. 2013382

26 and he's bald!!! THE WALL was run into head first with full force kek

No. 2013396

File: 1716344083572.jpg (116 KB, 1500x1000, ben-affleck-jennifer-lopez-thi…)

Media play is crazy. This dude is not a poor handsome victim that was aboosed by evil Jenny.

No. 2013400

Ben affleck was playing himself in Gone girl

No. 2013403

I believe it. He is an alcoholic gambler that was never all that handsome. Lopez and Garner deserve better.

No. 2013406

File: 1716344621922.jpg (214.7 KB, 817x1222, ben-affleck-jennifer-garner-le…)

No. 2013408

File: 1716344777035.png (410.94 KB, 417x590, Capture d'écran 2024-05-22 042…)

Another one

No. 2013411

File: 1716344818591.webp (139.35 KB, 1200x1173, téléchargement.webp)

She looks so sweet, and his demeanor is so aggressive

No. 2013414

No. 2013415

Her outfit is so cute. He looks aggressive and truculent. What is this guys pull i dont get it

No. 2013420

All the boomer and gen x wine mommies taking out their capes to defend this beast. Its so embarrassing.

No. 2013423

File: 1716345194658.webp (40.12 KB, 1536x1024, Jennifer-Garner-Ben-Affleck.we…)

>"Nor was it enough that Affleck humiliated then-wife Garner when he finally won his Oscar for “Argo” — an Oscar he won largely because she cleaned up his image from dissolute gambler, drunk, and womanizer into wholesome family man — by telling the world, in his acceptance speech, that marriage to Garner was “work.”"

It's crazy how fiction met reality

No. 2013424

Did jlo drop Ben affleck because she couldn't get past those videos of him desperately trying to get dates on dating apps. I couldn't cope with the cringe either.

No. 2013427

It’s crazy cause my mom doesn’t know who he is as an actor and only knows him through jlo since she’s Spanish speaking and ever since she saw him she was like he looks evil. And I feel like my mom has good intuition about people

No. 2013431

File: 1716345381547.jpg (181.5 KB, 1120x1555, zgbpoq0hf6361.jpg)

Gonna take my ban/redtexf for this, while he was on steroids for sure, Dolph was actually attractive, until the steroids changed his looks too much. Iirc he went on them specifically for this role.

No. 2013432

File: 1716345415189.png (198.61 KB, 295x432, dasss.png)

Jennifer Garner is 52 years yo, mother of 3, she's one of the most beautiful women out there at her age and this guy at the fucking balls, the fucking GULL to say she's why he was drinking. No you pathetic homonculus, you drank because you were never good enough for her.

No. 2013433

Maybe this is his version of bodychecking.

No. 2013452

No. 2013461

LMAO, I wasn't familiar with him the first time I ever saw an image of him with her, that image with them showing off their athletic bodies or something, and I was under the impression it's some weird incest thing and a mom and her son showing how much of an "attractive" family they are. They look related to me.

No. 2013830

File: 1716353432572.png (727.75 KB, 1440x799, 1692309161187.png)

A balding manlet coping with roids. The beanie and tank top combo is Tim pool tier

No. 2013907

I think I have yet to see a Netherland moid I would find attractive. There are two types, the gargantuan and the fatty, with their very own distinct faces.

No. 2013913

Is that the Bondi junction stabber?

No. 2013990

File: 1716358348295.png (1.05 MB, 1217x694, rocky and adriana.png)

I can't hate Rocky ngl his romance with Adriana is so sweet. He comes into the pet shop she works at thinking of puns and jokes to make her smile

No. 2014063

File: 1716361278928.jpg (158.14 KB, 960x983, 1575606657538.jpg)

Giving me these vibes

No. 2014067

agreed, Grace Jones is perfect, cheekbonecels stay coping

No. 2014072

what was that garbage movie that was about some hypersexual woman who'd let some scrote beat her and included a scene about a pedophile but the woman forgave him bc muh "taboo" good and he didn't act upon his urges so he's a good person? Mia Goth was in it too i think.

No. 2014074

kek, kiki and bouba effect

No. 2014077

File: 1716362405635.png (434.5 KB, 766x871, Mister Global 2023.png)

forget the ESC, the Euro Post-wall Moid Contest is the bigger deal, speaking of moid contests, i didn't know fish were allowed as contestants

No. 2014079

maybe because they thought your heart would give out then and there grandpappy

No. 2014082

yes please bring that back and don't let fags and faghags have it

No. 2014083

she's too cute for that spermatozoon

No. 2014089

same, she's also average looking(although miles better than rocky) but she doesnt feel like a male power fantasy, its actually very cute and probably the only couple from movies i genuinely like. They are made for eachother.

No. 2014105

Also he trooned out his kid.

No. 2014106

This kinda looks like a TiF to me ngl.

No. 2014113

I agree actually. I feel like their relationship pandered to shy wallflower women, who wouldn't be the usual choice of partner for a muscular tough guy and are definitely not the main audience for the movie. She's not very attractive or charming and he's persistent in a non-threatening manner so if you're not outgoing or experienced with men it's strangely appealing in a way most film romances aren't. I do find him attractive but I love big droopy eyes and the dark hair/pale skin combo so that's just personal taste.

No. 2014114

same here, he posted an old photo of him going to prom in a suit and he looked like a lesbian.

No. 2014115

File: 1716365842373.png (579.59 KB, 1030x733, Screenshot.png)


No. 2014117

oh wow what a rabbit hole of degenerates, but at least now i know why i dislike Wasabi, it's got Luc Besson's grubby hands all over it.

No. 2014119

except for the glasses everything else is very trailer park boys core

No. 2014120

You know it's something when ugly old gay looking moids insist on how hot they are while the sin of some young and good looking ones is mostly just being cringe and immature

No. 2014135

i dont get why this faggot shit on men is popular right now sans the glasses.
i wouldn't be caught dead with a man wearing cheap jewelry from alibaba

No. 2014136

what does this means? all of these are ugly as hell

No. 2014141

File: 1716369333020.png (778.53 KB, 1025x578, germoids.png)

I still didn't see a single one that dresses properly tbh

No. 2014149

absolute kek

No. 2014151

Hope I dont derail too much but I got a theory why Germanoids are so buttfuck ugly. It's because in WW2 all their chads and hot guys became canonfodder and the bloodlines who remained are the betas who dodged it or that were otherwise captured. War does horrible things to gene pools by killing off all the most prime men

No. 2014157

Fucking kek we need more women to bully non breedable men like this.

Damn that depressing, but makes sense. Guess the Germans were also thick as shit for doing that given they wanted to create the perfect race etc.

No. 2014158

ugly moids should be used as target practice

No. 2014162

Fucking hell I just saw that marathon video of the dad trying to sabotage his wifes victory by pushing their kids out to her BEFORE the finish line and people commenting on how this is symbolic but also literal of how men hold women back where as theres the saying "behind every sucessful man is a woman" and this is proof.

I've never heard any bad rumors about Garner as other anons have said she seems nice and after hearing that not surprised 4B is taking off. These ugly overhyped scrotes deserve nothing. Ben isnt even that good of an actor.

No. 2014165

File: 1716373351330.jpg (24.52 KB, 540x405, 85816437cfbfc92a86c897ba7c9148…)

I would believe this.
This sounds evil but as it was pointed out before, it would really be a positive thing for the whole human race since the ugly ones would go extinct and moids would whine less about being incels or alone, the ugly man psyop is actually a bigger psyop for the extinction of our species

No. 2014182

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Kek I opened up twitter and this is the first tweet that popped up. This is also true women get blamed for the babies getting defects but a lot of it (and in some cases, all of it) is to do with mens sperm which peaks around 25yrs old. Mother nature telling on these fools ladies you better listen!

No. 2014184

at what age do scrote sperm go bad, 30? i want to remind my 25yo scrote friend that he's about to expire like i remind him every year he's going to get anally penetrated in his 50s to check for ass cancer

No. 2014194

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It goes downhill after 25, because a big problem after 40 (both for mental and physical health of the child)

No. 2014197

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No. 2014198

He looks like he could have been attractive when he was younger, he should have tried to get married earlier so he would feel the need to look for a gf now.

No. 2014201

He looks like those gross faggots who walk around in dog masks during pride. He just reeks of homosexuality.

No. 2014202

My god, some nonas really don't joke when they say that moids should be given a honorable death, especially military ones.
What a hopeless dinosaur, he should be taxed just for the annoyance of being in a woman's sight.

No. 2014206

I wouldn't know that, I've never participated in that kind of events kek

No. 2014218

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I still hate twitter.

No. 2014219

He does give off gay porn star vibes doesn’t he.

No. 2014223

I think they could be right though he looks like a dick

No. 2014224

I went to London to check out some british men one time and all saw was tons and tons of arabs and 2 white gays.

No. 2014229

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Last one, i'm pretty sure he's lying about the age range since he's fine with 22 year olds looking for a "daddy", but he can't date a woman 20 year older than him. He'll be fine with all the gay men hitting on him now though.

No. 2014251

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No. 2014259

Aren't there ways to restore your hairline nowadays? Wasn't Elon Musk going bald at some point? Now his hairline is normal.

No. 2014262

>incels aren't real
>ugly is not the problem

I only agree with the part that incels aren't real bc they put themselves in the position they're in. I hate the 'ugly is not the problem' rhetoric bc a man would never settle for an ugly woman maybe unless he's aware of his league or just needs a slave that he will exploit and hate. women shouldn't settle for uggos. and grown men playing video games for hours on end is off putting as fuck imo.

No. 2014263

He got a hair transplant and is probably on Finasteride or Dutasteride

No. 2014264

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Who could have thought that the most presentable, refined wardrobe for a man would look the same of an anime character who's only flaw was being a narcissist going overboard with his god complex

No. 2014267

no that's tacky and hideous. Plus a fat moid weering these would still look bad

No. 2014272

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Nta but not everyone is into that old money rich boy look (idk what its called) picrel is my ideal fashion for moids.

No. 2014274

I don't get how ppl are finding anime boys attractive in any way and how they're dressed is visibly inspired by western fashion as in the >>2014251 pickrel anyway.
anime boys look effeminate - another ugly/medium-ugly type shilled to women under the guise of "female gaze". they look like they haven't gone through puberty entirely. why is there so many of those posted here????

No. 2014277

hit the wall fast

No. 2014279

>that old money rich boy look
It’s called “preppy” or it used to be called that anyway. Been a thing for decades.

No. 2014281

>anime boys look effeminate
That's the appeal.

No. 2014286

anime boys are the peak of sexual attractiveness that no man will ever touch, keep crying 3DPD-chan, enjoy your scraps

No. 2014287

The bar is so fucking low

No. 2014289

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>I don't get how ppl are finding anime boys attractive in any way
Don't really know how to help you other than saying that i'm not masturbating to Light Yagami kek, i can just say that him being almost perfect is not my personal opinion, but how he was written.
>How they're dressed is visibly inspired by western fashion
Do you want a rich prodigy young man working in an investigation to walk around in a kimono? What?
>Anime boys look effeminate - another ugly/medium-ugly type shilled to women under the guise of "female gaze"
Depends where you look, most of them are meant to look youthful and have a level of beauty in them, lean or muscular, bishonen and ikemen were concepts created by women for women.
>Why is there so many of those posted here?
Same reason why some posted some videogame moids, because we still seek pretty ones in fiction when we are bombarded with ugly ones in movies and real life

No. 2014291

lmao at weebs crawling out of the woodwork to defend their 2d male-shaped pieces of paper…. enjoy your noseless googly eyed drawings I guess

No. 2014293

No. 2014296

Thanks, enjoy your hairy goblins

No. 2014299

>weebs 1
>normalfags 0
All is right in the world

No. 2014301

Honestly cartoons shouldn't be included in this thread I understand there's a lot of shut in girls here but they're literally not actual men hollywood is full of enough ugly men psyops if your cartoon man is ugly draw him hotter idk what to tell you guys these cartoons obviously aren't real life examples if you hate them you can draw them different and create a fantasy world where you're also 2d

No. 2014302

The thread exists because of an anime character dumb newfag

No. 2014305

a school boy uniform?

No. 2014310

True, still proudly refused to have sex with a guy that looked like Nero because he was too fuckboy-ish to me kekkk, i see that you're incredibly interested in the topic of this thread.
??? No one is askiing men to become 2d anime guys, you see one post talking about formal male clothing and you have this reaction? Did you forget all the infight about Laios or that other hairy guy? You have people on twitter drawing obese Tif looking bodytypes and calling that the "ideal man body" in case you forgot, sorry but it's not strictly a celebrity issue, but something people are pushing on moids in general.
I have no issue with anons that aren't interested in anime or videogames but don't act stupid kek.
Yeah that's in the beginning, he gets to wear formal clothes like in >>2014289 and more casual fitting clothes with muted colors too, you can just look him up.

No. 2014312

We were also going about ugly Hollywood stars I've personally haven't had a crush on a cartoon character past puberty

No. 2014314

idc, I think lusting over a cartoon is as ridiculous as moids lusting over e-girls or anime characters or porn stars bc that all goes down the same pipeline. anime boys go in the same bucket as booktok and fairy porn in my book. you guys need to touch some grass. or get out of the closet and hit on other women. both would be great.

and the thread is about ugly moids psyop not your customised sex fantasy

No. 2014317

literally wtf is your problem? at least anime moids are sexy sometimes

No. 2014319

I asked out of curiosity and weebs are attacking me. I'll take a hairy moid over a delusion. thanks.

No. 2014321

I have always liked how Richie Dresses up in Happy Days. But i am also a westaboo so you could dress any fit american moid in a cowboy hat and yankees tshirt and i would hump him like a rabid dog.

No. 2014324

we know, both are allowed
touching grass is what made me like this personally. every man outside is hideous and smells.

No. 2014325

stop responding to bait its probably just another salty husbandofag falseflagging

No. 2014326

Before making an imbecile of yourself by trying to sound offensive and exaggerated over things no one here is hurt by can you learn how to reply to a post first? You don't need to try so hard to sound like a woman or an adult, after that try to read the thread again, take a breath before leaving a new reply, and thank you.

No. 2014328

you're being attacked because you attacked them first kek. the appeal of 2d was already answered and explained by other responses but you ignored those.

No. 2014332

already weebs are conspiracy theorizing when faced with the cold hard reality that their "husbandos" are pieces of paper (low quality paper at that). how embarrassing!

No. 2014335

my husbando is pixels actually

No. 2014339

>touching grass is what made me like this personally. every man outside is hideous and smells.
why not decenter men entirely then?
first of all they're derailing with their anime. it is not a 'create a custom husbando' thread.

No. 2014341

read the OP
>ugly male characters being shilled as attractive
now stop trying to minimod and derail

No. 2014343

>why not decenter men entirely then?
You first lmao, check what thread you're posting in

No. 2014344

>decenter men
You know cartoon men aren’t real right? That’s not what decentering men means, you retard

No. 2014345

>ugly male characters being shilled as attractive
>weebs bringing their perfect fantasy in the thread
yea bc creating a fantasy male in your head is not entering around men

No. 2014348

>why not decenter men entirely then?
sadly I am straight
>first of all they're derailing with their anime
girl this thread was literally made because of anime fights. were you not around for the first thread?

No. 2014349

Okay polilez-chan

No. 2014352

>girl this thread was literally made because of anime fights. were you not around for the first thread?
let it remain an anime thread then. I'm not participating in this nonsense. have a nice one.

No. 2014354

anime male characters are so devoid of distinguishing facial features that they have to be deliberately drawn unconventionally ugly to look ugly, there can be no subtle ugly moid psyop in anime.

No. 2014355

They hate you because you told them the truth

No. 2014356

So the newfag will no longer grace us with her presence? A tragedy indeed

No. 2014357

Fandoms can make enough noise to change animated characters appearance take that sonic movie for example. If your husband has been drawn ugly you can literally redesign him. Hollywood is harder to sort out because you're called a bitch for calling real people ugly. Which is such a mindfuck in this day and age where cosmetic surgery is shilled as normal and a fix for beauty standards. Women will literally pull I want to have huge tits and a filler face for me, nothing to do with my perceived sexual attractiveness at all. Load of shit. People are obsessed with having sexual currency and media has ridiculous beauty standards put on women yet not the same for men. Sickening seeing fat dad bods celebrated, or weird featured ugly men as actors and women have to pretend personality matters way more than someone looking like they needed to cook longer in the womb. It's such shit. The cartoons can take a backseat to the more pressing issue of average or ugly as fuck men being shilled as desirable. More men should have body image issues and eating disorders, they're role as a provider is moot everyone needs to work now. They need to step it up in the looks department. Also men are extremely stupid these days and lack personalities. They should be the sex treated like throw away bimbos these days they're egregious.

No. 2014359

I'll take a redtext for this but just stop replying to this newfag baiter, report, move on or ignore, they seriously sound underaged and it's not worth it, there are already enough retards trying to infight here.

No. 2014361

keep coping by creating cartoon fantasies idc

No. 2014362

not an argument
no weeb has directly refuted the truths about anime "men" stated above

No. 2014364

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No. 2014368

These type of anons be the ones chasing irl dick lmao

No. 2014369

anime "men" are as much men as troons are women.(bait)

No. 2014374

So a man masturbating to anime child characters is not a pedophile because anime children are not ''real children''? Lol(report and ignore the baiter)

No. 2014375

you probably also call kpop boys gay

No. 2014376

I ain't marrying or dating no 3DPD pig and you'll have to deal tbh, my husbando mogs your moid's entire bloodline

No. 2014378

That's class but why are you shilling any type of man in the ugly man psyop thread. No one cares what makes your pussy twitch

No. 2014379

who said anything about getting with any moid kek. you just can't stop fantasising about dicks can you?(infighting)

No. 2014380

so you want to be a sexless virgin forever?

No. 2014383

weebs literally can't stop posting their Japanese gaijin psyop, it's by design
very similar behavior to kpop fags(stop)

No. 2014387

nta but that’s fine by me, I don’t really care tbh

No. 2014388

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>so you want to be a sexless virgin forever?
Yes, and? Lmao

No. 2014389

Nonna, don’t reply to the scrote. He’s just mad women don’t want him and would rather just enjoy fictional men

No. 2014404

Fuck yeah

No. 2014418

File: 1716388689887.png (526.3 KB, 1080x801, ae8b1340f09b41e0acabb71d51cd61…)

Talking about animumu looking scrotes, can you believe some women are drowning in tens of thousands of dollars in debt… For this?!!

No. 2014420

bjorn andresen mindbroke the japanese

No. 2014422

> roland
the #1 host right? there' one of those animetubers did an interview with him, that pic is heavily edited obv but I really don't get the appeal, it's a culture thing
I've seen some videos on youtube and it's scary and sad at the same time
otoh the #1 woman host was very elegant iirc
he really did

No. 2014425

you will never be david sylvian

No. 2014429

found it, curious what nonnas think, she's not some ultra beauty neither is she plastic, but I get the appeal in the "hosts" relies heavy on how they act
>earns up to 100k$ monthly
actually based

No. 2014431

still a lot better looking than that roland dude

No. 2014433

Is he the same weirdo that was posted in >>2001915 ? I saw the video of some youtuber meeting this Roland, he was wearing sunglasses and i don't remember much aside the fact that he started sperging about how he found a manga with lolis playing basketball cute.

No. 2014442

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To be fair, this goes even further back. I was reading up about the Perry Expedition and how the japanese became fabricated with a us naval admiral's underage son
>This youth is extremely beautiful. His complexion is white, around his eyes is pink, his mouth is small, and his lips are red. His body, hands, and feet are slightly plump, and his features are rather feminine. He is intelligent by nature, dutiful to his parents, and has a taste for the martial arts. He likes scholarship, composes and recites poems and songs, and reads books three lines at a glance. His power exceeds three men, and his shooting ability is exceptional
basically, underage white children fit Japanese beauty ideals

No. 2014444

kek is that a drawing they did of him?

No. 2014447

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It’s crazy how a some teenage twink was able to impact the Japanese male beauty standards so greatly.

No. 2014455

But these are teenage boys. Trying this aesthetic as an adult man is going to come across as completely unnatural

No. 2014457

This whole idea of using being sexless or a virgin as an insult only works on incel men, who base their entire value around sex and are genuinely unfuckable. The insulting part of being called a virgin lies in the implication no one wanted to fuck you and you're unnatractive, but if you made that choice on purpose, and you are the one refusing to have sex with ugly men rather than them rejecting you + you are a woman who could have had sex anytime she wanted, it has no power as an insult. It only works on women who fell for the psyop and think their worth increases by fucking ugly men because men told them it's worse than being a virgin, so they'll fuck them and lower their standards. All while simultaneously shaming them if they ever had sex since they aren't "pure" anymore, of course. I don't even like anime men but it's genuinely preferable for a woman to just like anime characters than be out there fucking ugly moids she's not attracted to

No. 2014458

it always pissed me off how everyone kissed his feet for ''rebelling'' and becoming an ugly grandpa but brooke shields, who had it miles worse, gets called a tranny and ugly even though she stills takes care of herself

No. 2014459

>Bro had all the stats maxed and was ready for a boss fight
I always hated the whole obsession with children, i understand that beauty was considered feminine even in the past but it's so weird to look for the same attributes in young boys. I'm not a historyfag or anything but i think that the only culture i really appreciate for that were the Greek/Romans because they seemed to have a concept of man's beauty without associating it to women or looking like beasts.

No. 2014461

yeah it's the same guy, this is the video I believe

No. 2014470

I have literally never seen anyone simp for him when he became an old man, neither on twitter nor here. The only time he was actually hot was when he was in his 20's.

No. 2014497

Kek yeah, as if a man not maintaining his looks is in any way revolutionary or rebellious, it's just the norm if anything. He would've been more of a rebel if he had tried to keep his looks
Not really if you actually maintain your looks as an adult or still try to look youthful (which granted a lot of men don't).

No. 2014502

Yeah that's the one, i had no idea it was the same guy because i never looked him up.
I don't know much about her honestly, i do believe that people must have been softer because we're used to old men and they see him more fragile somehow, probably it's because we've got to a point where we are used to see young actresses being awfully mistreated while it's rare to see it happen with boys in general. I remember the guy who casted him saying how he already looked ugly by 19 or something. Hot take but i think he looked pretty normal and just had very beautiful hair and haircut, he looks like my brother or a kid i'd see daily here.

No. 2014511

kek men will never let go of their precious formula and realize that women simply don't need them anymore

No. 2014517

who cares if some gay scrotes sex pested that faggot, brooke shield was in fucking playboy at 10 and no one saw anything bad about it. She also played a child prostitute and they showed her naked. Everyone feels sorry for that fucking retard but literally almost no one feels sorry for brooke shields.

No. 2014519

>Greek/Romans because they seemed to have a concept of man's beauty without associating it to women
Yeah because women were considered subhuman next to men so it's no wonder they wouldn't attribute male beauty to women but most of the male beauty they did talk about was about children since both of the cultures did pederasty

No. 2014520

ye some people try to compare him getting his arm touched by a faggot once to her trauma

No. 2014525

I'm curious, any source for this claim that he "rebelled" by becoming an ugly grandpa and people celebrated this? cause feels like bait

No. 2014526

have you seen him in midsommar? everyone was praising him for it back then

No. 2014532

Yeah that's what i mean, people are used to be more defensive of men because ?? it's rare, even if nothing really traumatic happened as the things the average female child or even adult actress has gone through, and for what? Just to give asspats to men.
Don't really know if he did that to "rebel", nta, don't know if anyone really celebrated either, i just know that he went into depression while not taking care of himself and living in a messy apartment because i watched his movie, can't remember much.

No. 2014539

I remember seeing a few posts where people expressed sympathy for him, but no one simped for him when he was ab old man. The examples I came across were actually sharing pictures of him in his 20s, where they all agreed he looked much more attractive.

No. 2014543

The hysteria around his "trauma" is so stupid. The comments always go "so sad what happened, I hope he found peace! insert annoying sad emoji" and nothing really happened to him.

No. 2014544

why is he wearing those awful sunglasses inside as if he's the retard from yarichin bitch club

No. 2014551

nta but I think you're misremembering the documentary. He was actually living a quite happy life as a musician. It was the death of his son that sent him into a depression, and he literally said that only reason remained alive in this world for his daughter and granddaughters

No. 2014568

I feel like someone is planting seeds to deliberately cause an in-fight

No. 2014569

My bad yeah i really don't remember it well and can't time everything he talked about now. So when at some point he couldn't take care of his space and self it was because of his personal life and not the past experience he had as an actor right? Because i really don't remember him saying anything about rebelling or things like that, but i wasn't around social media when he was more relevant so i'm not sure if i'm just missing stuff.

No. 2014573

Japanese art was weird for a while.

No. 2014576

fuck ugly moids they're also ruining female genetic pool with their shitty genes, i took all the worst features from my dad

No. 2014587

I still think about the nona who said that she will do her part because her father has the bald gene… we don't deserve this, i love all of you nonas.

No. 2014588

samefag, another thing is, in the documentary itself he doesn't consider what happened to him as trauma. He considers it a shitty experience but that's it, his girlfriend was the one who kept insisting he was abused. It's obvious that it was other experiences in his life that made him depressed.

No. 2014595

NTA funnily enough my dad doesn't has the bald gen but almost all males on my mothers side has it.

No. 2014625

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No. 2014628

hair metal is the rare male fashion trend that's worse then modern day fashion

No. 2014633

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Found some funnies on twitter today so glad the tide is turning and I hope it means women will not be expected to settle in the near future

No. 2014636

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No. 2014637

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No. 2014639

god arianas new scrote is so disgusting, at least dalten gomez looked cute occasionally

No. 2014643

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No. 2014644

Bottom left looks like an aged Cody Fern and at least bottom middle works out for a living The rest could be burned kek.

No. 2014647

Funniest thing about bottom right moid is despite complaining about women in education, his MOTHER and WIFE are extremely educated. Lol. Whiny creatures these moids are.

No. 2014685

suits are the ugliest thing a man can wear it just scream insecurity

No. 2014690

File: 1716397268183.png (102.51 KB, 638x927, 1689860455633.png)

tbf Ben Shapiro never presented himself as “alpha” or whatever, He always made intelligence his main identity. Some radfems pointed out that he described his marriage as very similar to what feminists in the 70s wanted marriage to be like.

No. 2014694

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Arm yourselves, people

No. 2014698

this is such a strech this guy thinks the barbie movie is too misandrist, i am so tired of women always trying to make men sound better

No. 2014702

this was/is me, there's no way I'd settle just for the sake of having a kid. In my 30s now and people are getting REALLY judgemental towards me (I'm egoistical, selfish etc)

No. 2014714

why would anyone want to bring kids to a world where they cant run free and be innocent because there is a high chance of a moid raping and murdering them?

No. 2014735

she's actually a lesbian socialist feminist and marxist

No. 2014737

I want kids so much but i'm not reproducing and living with ugly and shitty moids.

No. 2014739

File: 1716398804171.png (4.23 MB, 1500x6468, ZxAs448.png)

pretty much

No. 2014750

File: 1716399282148.png (397.24 KB, 622x558, 1000014453.png)

>Bottom left looks like an aged Cody Fern
Can't tell if this is meant to be a compliment or not but Barry is only in his early 30s despite looking like..that. The pic of him here >>2009872 is more obvious. Both he and the football scrote are aggressive irl so they should burn anyway

No. 2014766

I've seen people saying he looks really cool like a wizard and that he aged well.

The problem with this "take" is that a lot of men who follow Shapiro's ideas of a partnership-but-traditional marriage want a tradwife who also works so he doesn't have to pay for her. I've long thought Shapiro isn't a serious conservative and he's just grifting, but I've seen lots of conservative/trad men insist that they want "partnerships" where the woman pays her own way, but of course she also has to do all the cooking and cleaning and child care because that's natural and traditional.

No. 2014773

he's not real so its not comparable

No. 2014787

Based and so true

No. 2014798

Congrats on missing the point nonna.

No. 2014799

File: 1716401138769.png (451.08 KB, 436x503, marryfuckkill.png)

No. 2014812

I choose GO

No. 2014819

I would just kill myself tbh.

No. 2014834

it's giving me hope but on the other hand we have tradwives practically sabotaging this

No. 2014840

A bit ot, but both of my parents were attractive in their youth yet I somehow turned out uggo. Tragic.

No. 2014846

>I'm egoistical, selfish etc.
And that's based in my book. The correct way to live as a woman.

No. 2014854

tradwives simply wouldn't exist if women were kinder and didn't held each other to impossible moral standards. teach young girls to respect and support other girls instead of encouraging competition and envy. victims of female bullying often become nlogs and pick mes as a way to cope with being rejected by other girls

No. 2014860

that's true, I really wish more old men looked like that, I wouldn't be attracted to them but it would be a better sight.

No. 2014899

>women would rather let civilization collapse than marry and have children with a sub5 male
There’s still billions of people on this planet tf is this scrote talking about.

Also it’s funny seeing incels say that women should lower their standards bc could you imagine being in a relationship where your spouse picked you as a last resort and doesn’t even feel any genuine attraction to you, why would you want that. These guys’ brains have the same consistency as piss.

No. 2014902

Why are they complaining that women are finally doing their part to prevent more incels from being born? Thought they resented being ugly and loveless, so isn't it good that women are going for more handsome men so the next generation of incels wont be born?

No. 2014921

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Speaking of psyops, I'm sick of these pickme women pushing this too. Being stalked at 14 by some ugly old scrote was not fun and grown men should stay away from teens ffs

No. 2014938

What Travis is doing here ? He's a conventionally hot dude

No. 2014939

When I was a horrible misogynist pickme teenager I thought it was a compliment when 30 year olds would flirt with me, I thought it meant I was ~ mature for my age ~ and sexy, “unlike those booorrrrring older women who aren’t FUN and hot like me!” How embarrassing for Aimee to be however old she is and still act like a handmaiden for these greasy old wrinkly-dicked creeps

No. 2014943

see an optometrist Now

No. 2014944

The fact that it's impossible to tell which one Travis is if you don't know any of these guys should tell you enough about his conventional hotness.

No. 2014946

All men pictured are ugly.

No. 2014949

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No. 2014951

File: 1716406487641.jpg (231.58 KB, 1005x1225, ugly ass scrote.jpg)

Surprise surprise ugly moid with a pornstache (who, incidently, is a ran through porn moid bragging his porn "documentary" and has women dressed as underage girls all over his twitter is going to be on hbo max) is defending this. Fuck I want the human race to end already.

No. 2014964

men always say this retarded "fertile" argument but somehow start seething if women say they also want young men kek. like men in their 20's or that look youthful in general, not underage boys. they seem to think it only goes one way so only men can want to fuck young women and even kids since they're pedophiles. it actually makes more sense biologically speaking for a woman to want a fertile younger man when they start balding in their mid 20s and die earlier than women on average, not to mention how old sperm creates tard babies. males like this always just have double standards and never expect it to go both ways, they'll call you woke for not letting them fuck little girls but simultaneously mald if a woman is dating a cute young guy. they have 0 self awareness and feel entitled to things they would never allow women to have in general just because they're men

No. 2014967

I've seen with my own eyes older men (by this I mean 30+) get absolutely bitter and jealous of teen men who teen girls are into and try to insult teen girls sexuality. Its a huge cope. Also theres nothing natural about braces kids dont suddenly grow braces on their teeth and adults also wear them, this guy is a future crimewatch candidate.

No. 2014976

the sheer size of my country's population makes up for the children i refuse to have kek

No. 2014981


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2014982

File: 1716408391018.jpeg (36.4 KB, 640x480, IMG_8143.jpeg)

I tried to play this in earnest as a joke but I just made this face the whole time and abandoned the idea

No. 2014987

Men are so loud and proud about their attraction to underage girls that it’s basically an accepted open secret. This is why I genuinely can’t find it in me to care when the shoe is on the other foot.

No. 2014995

File: 1716408834067.webp (83.13 KB, 526x785, x04pav03kca91.png.webp)

>fuck ugly moids they're also ruining female genetic pool with their shitty genes

omg this is my fucking Roman Empire

No. 2014996

watch the Swedish theory of love. sperm banks exist (the only thing moids are needed for)

No. 2015003

Also it’s totally bullshit too. During the Middle Ages in Northern Europe, women often got married in their mid-twenties and “singleness was more common, marriage occurred relatively late, and husbands and wives tended to be of roughly similar ages".*

Mediterraneans did tend to marry younger (Catholicism) but that still doesn’t back up the thinly veiled racist pedo /pol/tards who fantasize about “muh vikingz/muh blonde medieval teen bride in a wheat field”, kek.

*Bennett, Judith; Froide, Amy (1999). "A Singular Past". Singlewomen in the European Past, 1250–1800.

No. 2015006

This is true. Men love to pretend like they are somehow immune to jealousy and it’s solely a woman thing but men are very envious and bitter creatures. Incels and their ramblings about Chad have ascended beyond fringe Internet forums and become so incredibly commonplace, with normie men repeating eerily similar rhetoric. They seethe in jealousy at men that are more attractive and taller than them.

No. 2015039

Men like this act like women are the devil for not having kids and it's just annoying, imagine being so entitled you expect a woman to carry your baby without you having anything to offer to her and just being some ugly, worthless moid. Most animals in nature seem to be aware you need to impress the female to reproduce yet these chimps think something that simple is "opression". It's also easy for them to say "just have kids" too when they're not the ones getting pregnant lol, I literally never want to go through that not even for a guy I'm attracted to, much less for some retarded ugly incel
Yeah, if you go on instagram reels or tiktok or whatever you'll see them openly make pedophilic comments in little girl videos and it's sick. I also know weeb men who act like it's normal and "just a silly joke" to talk about wanting to fuck anime characters that look 10 casually. Like sure it's a drawing but the amount of times they make these "jokes" is really telling
I feel like they're more jealous than women if anything. They chimp out at seeing normal teenager couples and wish they would be the ones fucking the teenage girl, meanwhile I've never seen an old woman seething at not being able to fuck teenage boys or at least it's way more rare. Not that women can't be jealous of other women but men always come across as the more jealous of the sexes

No. 2015044

Remember when grown-ass, balding men were absolutely infuriated, red-faced and seething when Justin Bieber was new? We really had 35-year-old men jealous of a 13-year-old kid and calling him gay because preteen girls liked him. And same with any boy band, or Robert Pattinson in Twilight, we can go all the way back to The Beatles in the 1960s. Back before men insisted that they’re the best band of all time, they made fun of them because girls loved them. They hate anything that teenage girls love because they’re so seethingly jealous, how embarrassing for them.

No. 2015050

>mom is a goddess
>still end up looking like your ugly dad

No. 2015052

These are fair points, but the beatles, Robert Pattinson, and boy bands like n-synch, one direction, and the kpop ones are all ugly unfortunately. So it's not really a win of some sort. But I can see Justin Bieber's appeal even if he's not my type. I'm more shocked that people used to simp for Justin Timberlake.

No. 2015300

Ben Shapiro is a grifter first. So he panders to ideologies that literally hate him and it's why most conservative moids hate him kek. But that being said, if you watch old pre covid Ben Shapiro videos he calls himself a feminist all the time surprisingly and said he's just against 3rd wave liberal feminism. I really don't think he's as extreme or even hates women like most conservatives, but it doesn't matter if you willingly pander to the worse types of males, are friends with the worse types of males, and further sexist narratives. So please don't try to act like Ben Shaprio is good just cause he doesn't hate women.

No. 2015349

File: 1716421684994.jpg (148.49 KB, 736x1308, 9516ca34a95a3de0ccd0458f6fab16…)

Everyone focuses on Astarion but forgets that pic related is also supposed to be a lore certified Sexyman

No. 2015350

hobo rapist level of ugliness

No. 2015353

All of these males are fucking women worth like 2 billion dollars combined. This sad group is what kind of harem you'd be able to form as a billionaire woman.

No. 2015360

At least his hair in the pic isn't that Final Fantasy shit he actually sports in-game.

No. 2015365


This subreddit is 90% ugly ass moids with too high self esteem self posting.(this is an imageboard)

No. 2015367

Ooh perfect timing, I was thinking of getting my Reddit account banned!

No. 2015370

90 is being kind 95%

No. 2015376

Cats are such pure, beautiful creatures, they are even capable of loving these unsightly men

No. 2015381

Ghastly, overconfident and delusional. They need to be humbled asap. Plebbit is full of ugly moids though. The endless moid pics posted on amiugly subs are particularly grim.

No. 2015383

I've been scrolling for 3 minutes and I haven't seen a single cute guy. It's mostly the same old bearded dude posting.

No. 2015384

File: 1716424656246.png (287.67 KB, 902x676, Capture d'écran 2024-05-23 023…)

this delusional ugly old enough to be a dad keeps posting himself in the thread

No. 2015387

nona it keeps on going, if you click on his profile he posts on average two pictures of him and his cat in a day, there are hundreds oh photos

No. 2015390

i kept on going checking these guys profile and like half of them have NSFW posts, eww

No. 2015394

i retract all of them have NSFW posts, they use this thread as an advertisement for their disgusting exhib fetish

No. 2015401

Did actual women work on this game? In what universe is this troll 'sexy?' fucking hell.

No. 2015414

File: 1716426107755.jpg (44.86 KB, 646x679, disgustang.jpg)

The anons gushing about this rat creature need to get their eyes checked. I already sperged about thin is /meta/, but I'm fucking sick of /g/ banishing these speds to /m/. I hate getting jumpscared by some ugly ass moid every time I open the catalogue because these retards make threads for individual moids instead of just using the goddamn 3D husbando thread in /g/ like they're supposed to.

What the hell is with these (presumably zoomer) straight women and obsessing over men who look like a guy you'd see cleaning toilets in a Kentucky Walmart? Jerma, Paul Dano, and now this faggot. Genuinely, what is going through their heads? Do they have some kind of mediocrity fetish???

No. 2015419

All of the moids in that image look like they'd give you a UTI. Love yourself.

No. 2015421

Briefly looked at Aimee's profile. She seems like the unholy lovechild of Shuwu and Lauren Boebert.

No. 2015424

I don't get liking this particular phenotype of men. I do like some men that this thread would find ugly, but i cannot stand this quicky uncle aesthetic. i need me a MAN. Not this soy shit.

No. 2015429

File: 1716426854024.png (306.04 KB, 960x606, 1716397078543.png)

From twitter hate thread

No. 2015430

i'm so fucking sorry anon i don't disagree with any of what you've said i'm not even usually like this even i hated those threads being moved to /m/ and always hid them but it looks like i too fell victim to the psyop… this is probably my karma for something i did kek kms it's so over.

No. 2015431

No. 2015433

It’s so crazy, he’s fucking hideous but the hatred for his looks turns into something sexual for me. I want to degrade him publicly and fatshame him. I feel almost scrotelike, I want his social media DMs to be flooded with his own disgusting gay nudes. He’s not attractive, shaming him is. I was never this aggressive towards anyone before. Like I never went as far as I did.

No. 2015439

Look, I don't care if you have weird taste. At the very least, I don't get the impression you guys are trying to push it on others. But genuinely, why make a thread for one dude when >>>/g/289276 already exists, specifically as a containment for obsessing over particular guys?

No. 2015443

File: 1716427370420.gif (4.06 MB, 500x500, steeb confuse.gif)

>hatred for his looks turns into something sexual for me
I don't know how to even respond to that.

No. 2015444

Just scrolled through that thread out of curiosity and I got to say I’m disappointed. Pretty much every single male posted was ugly as fuck. I thought the women here would have better taste in men.

No. 2015445

the amount of botox that moid needs is insane

No. 2015447

File: 1716427602156.jpg (32.83 KB, 1200x630, QN2W3GNH7WJXKJIHFDDKXGLRRQ.jpg)

I miss the way swimmer moids looked back in the day. Ryan Lochte before he hit the wall was my type of guy. So many moids could look beautiful if they just regularly swam or worked out 2/3 hours a day, and maybe started to use sunscreen as they age. I do love a young tan moid swimmer, though.

No. 2015450

Botox never improves a moid's looks imo. If you're ugly you're just kinda stuck that way, the best thing you can do is just wear a better hairstyle and take care of your skin so you don't get any worse.

No. 2015453

His eyes are too small for his face, and the cheekbones make him look like handsome squidward. Not hideous, but not peak either.

No. 2015456

That’s because you can’t spot well done Botox. Please learn a little something about cosmetic operations before stating your opinion on them.

No. 2015458

he should at least get some sort of implant, his cranial structure is tragic.

No. 2015462

People say this and i havd had this said this about people I know irl who i clocked before I was told. It's a cope. It's like people saying you can't spot well done natural make up. There are still people not brainwashed by advertisement

No. 2015466

His music is trash and his lyrics are even worse. Before eurovision all of his other songs are extreme cringe-lord shit where he is trying to become a rapper but instead he sounds more like jake paul. He even had one his songs getting taken down from spotify because he was mocking feminists by saying something along the lines of im a feminist i love all my bitches.

Dear joostfags look at this music video and watch your already tiny iq's drop even lower.

No. 2015540

i dont get it either he looks like the average scrote who subscribes to only fans thots and has a loli figurine collection

No. 2015564

what about the conventional attractions threads?

No. 2015567

i remember when someone posted that ghoul barry keoghan there

No. 2015575

he looks like and reminds me of a euro jake paul

No. 2015650

you've fallen for the sad sympathetic softboi with dead parent(s) is hot psyop, every time you fall privy to this, try to imagine your target's taste in pornography.

No. 2015714

this guy even made a whole song about "milfs" but those anons still overlook it kek

No. 2015835

It’s because of all the Russians and their Mongolian mongoloids raping all the poor little German girls and women. It was documented the ones who couldn’t abort would give birth and be horrified by the babies looks and they’d drown them in rivers. Some didn’t though(racebaiting)

No. 2015854

he got sexually abused….

No. 2015873

So did Brooke Shields

No. 2015876

No, he did not.

No. 2015895

Do you have a source for this or are you just making shit up for the hell of it

No. 2015897

I didn't say you could tell or that it looks worse. I said it doesn't improve anything. Learn to read.

No. 2016022

Nona, it's "gall"…

No. 2016036

File: 1716458791437.jpg (124.28 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-1.jpg)

Anons in the fandom thread said he has fans, it's actually over. It's bad enough that he's from a kids show but why does he have to look like that

No. 2016041

The German nonas are not taking me seriously but you really should clone Louis Hofmann kek
God, German moids are so ugly, we need more cute ones

No. 2016044

File: 1716459254271.jpg (55.83 KB, 667x1000, imas.jpg)

what even is the appeal of old men? i get it if its like how men draw ''old'' women, as in looks 18 calls herself 28, but these retards are lusting after men that could be their grandpas and have wrinkles.

No. 2016052

That reminds me that they hate the fact women import sperm from Nordic countries kekkk

No. 2016069

This is my favorite thread on lolcow.

No. 2016078

Thank you for the rec nonna, i was watching it but the subtitles were in some other languages so i'll look for another source later. And yeah, the idea of going through scientific procedures like that if i have the possibility weirds me out a bit, but it's way better than being intimate with some moid i don't like.
Kek thank you and anyone else for appreciating my shitpost, these are hard times

No. 2016142

They’re much lippier than brits. Why? I thought all “yt peepo” were just like that. Or are papercut lips more common in brits than everyone else.

No. 2016159

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No. 2016174

File: 1716469411759.gif (5.95 MB, 400x170, theyliveglasses.gif)

literally They Live tier, the psyop is all around us

No. 2016179

I can only pray that was done by one of those really fat gay dudes who has a fetish for men who're basically a body double of themself. Nobody else will ever be as into fat guys.. as those guys are.

No. 2016219

File: 1716471627769.png (273.71 KB, 429x645, uqzgk0p.png)

Can we agree that British moids are just as ugly?

No. 2016224

kek so women are “too concerned with his follicles” but moids can constantly and passive aggressively remind women that they prefer (blonde) long hair only and short hair is too ugly, a warning signal and unattractive….fuck bald moids they deserve all the shame and bullying that they get. lemme see a moid trying to convince his fellow ogres that they should stop being concerned about women’s hair lengths or the mere existence of our body hair

No. 2016227

File: 1716472415224.jpeg (557.12 KB, 750x888, IMG_0830.jpeg)

>chinless brown marxist politisperg
>blue eyed, blonde hair girlfriend of course
>overcompensates with uggo gym physique that reminds you of a grocery store rotisserie chicken
>aging like caca
>aryan girlfriend with really great jawline that could slice a block of aged cheddar
>short brown man ofc
>she looks taller than him

is there really no cute men to go around so we have to settle with this???(racebait)

No. 2016231

go back to pol faggot

No. 2016235

File: 1716472685962.jpeg (226.87 KB, 750x802, IMG_0832.jpeg)

samefag look at her snuggling up with her beastly nigel. can’t even send a text back to their female friends but they’re speaking life into these ugly mennnn ugh
anon I’m not from /pol/ it’s just the truth, why are you getting triggered by it??? i didn’t mention brown women i mentioned the common phenomenon of brown men chasing over women who don’t even look like them like give me some grace please

No. 2016236

when will you retards learn the meaning of that word

No. 2016241

can you retards ever stick with the program jfc, it’s a joke get over it

No. 2016250

Why do all lefty males who won't shut the fuck up about "yt peepo" end up with blonde stacies?

No. 2016256

File: 1716473945324.jpg (119.14 KB, 576x472, IMG_20240523_171207.jpg)

Our ancestors were victims of beardfishing too.

No. 2016259

you can banish me kek but he is objectively a good looking guy - does't have any weird face features, has quite symmetrical face in fact, isn't fat nor skinny, he looks alright to me. the mullet and the moustache make him look weird tho, and what are you gonna do - that looks like his natural hair colour.(shitposting)

No. 2016262

Having a symmetrical face doesn't make you goodlooking. My turds are symmetrical but I wouldn't shove them up my pussy. He's a tiny hairy chinlet and I already reported you for white-knighting uggos.

No. 2016263

Seen too much 'men when their gf gets a short haircut' bs online. Baldos or buzz headed guys will happily declare that they'd dump a woman over a haircut because short hair makes them think 'man' and they simply can't help it. Well bald heads make me think of babies. I simply can't help but think ugly overgrown baby. Doesn't help when they act like one too.

No. 2016264

I was going to rant about this here, I'm glad you brought it up nona. Fucking hideous goblin

No. 2016265

you sound like a butthurt incel(infighting)

No. 2016268

nona you're cracking me up

No. 2016275

Love u anon

No. 2016277

Yolandi should sue him for this.

No. 2016278

File: 1716474562305.jpg (675.35 KB, 1920x1079, uglyneanderthaljoost.jpg)

Get glasses.

No. 2016279

You could at least appreciate him properly by admitting that he has unique features and that's why you like him. He looks like a drug-friendly guy that works in whatever supermarket, are the moids where you live in that bad that this is conventional attractive to you? Pedostache and dumb haircuts can make anyone look trashy.

No. 2016281

The way they went on to show the body as well kek, this is like a male going tranny to look like a male.

No. 2016282

ok you have a point kek unreport me bitch

No. 2016286

File: 1716474859333.jpg (33.95 KB, 736x324, ee60f0ee1ed81ff622347349853b07…)

Being a "chubby" male is worse than drug abuse. At least the latter can bring out their cheekbones.

No. 2016287

oh fuck that explains why they were always so pressed on beards=respected in society. they maintained the psyop for centuries.

No. 2016290

yea they ugly asf hahaha
I need to kek

No. 2016296

that’s what I meant to say kekk he’s a leftist, it makes no sense to me. ugly little rat face ahhhh

No. 2016297

in what world did looking alike have to be a pre requisite to interest? i have some bad news to tell you about white men and asian women

No. 2016302

she's not great looking either, like a default skyrim character
if anything this is an example of "looksmatching" or whatever it's called nowadays

No. 2016305

you want a fatherless degen dutch retard this badly go to an orphanage

No. 2016306

nta but she's not looksmatched with him at all lol

No. 2016309

you sound like a butthurt joostfag, sorry your lil dutch boy got booted from the contest bc he tardraged on a journalist

No. 2016310

Looksmatched? Bitch he looks like he pays her for sex.

No. 2016312

kek ik about wmaf but it’s the hypocrisy and irony of leftoid men that amazes me

No. 2016313


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2016314

they're both 6/10 at best. get a grip

No. 2016315

some retards fell for the psyop so hard they think any woman who isn't supermodel tier = instantly looksmatched with an ugly moid (literally how incels think too)

No. 2016318

Sure, the girl is a 6/10, but that guy is a 3/10 and I'm being generous.

No. 2016319

So true nonnie

No. 2016320

its bait, dont respond, there's no retard regular to this thread that doesn't know what a "looksmatch" is.

No. 2016321

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