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No. 378712

>FUJOSHI (腐女子, "rotten girl"): a self-mockingly pejorative Japanese term for female fans of manga and novels that feature romantic relationships between men.

>Discuss yaoi and BL here, as well as other media aimed at (or with fanservice for) fujoshis.

>Discussion of BL games here is okay, but please do not cannibalize the otome game general.
>Discussion of Male/Male ships outside of strictly BL series is allowed, try to avoid divisiveness between slashers and classic fujos.
>No straight shit, there are other threads for that.
>Feel free to ask for recommendations, but specify what kind of material you're looking for (Genre, oneshot/series, doujinshi, SFW/NSFW etc).
>Being reasonably critical of BL is welcomed but don't come here only to bait or excessively moralsperg about fujos or how much you hate BL as a genre. Take it to Twitter.
>Be mindful of others and hide your spoilers. Use the spoiler image option and wrap your text inside spoiler tags.
>Reminder to ignore the baiting males and trolls who come to provoke.
>Keep the armchair psychology to a minimum, we've heard it all before.
>Be nice to each other, we fujos should stick together.

Previous threads:
1# >>>/m/20688
2# >>>/m/105134
3# >>>/m/137122
4# >>>/m/165351
5# >>>/m/181933
6# >>>/m/190376
7# >>>/m/241364
8# >>>/m/262912
9# >>>/m/283524
10# >>>/m/298322
11# >>>/m/316001
12# >>>/m/331811
13# >>>/m/345951
14# >>>/m/361298
15# >>>/m/369491

No. 378715

>Couldn't even be bothered to choose a picture where they don't look clapped

No. 378716

The only thing they're clapping is Azuma's cheeks.

No. 378717

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I'll just post it here since there was already a thread made

No. 378722

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one more month until summer, then we will get an actually good thread pic

No. 378723

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Yummy fish and cigarette scent

No. 378725

File: 1715410430651.png (669.4 KB, 600x600, DQ2do4kUQAADPtZ.png)

Did you not enjoy Paradise, NTYfag?

No. 378727

They're literally smelly jizz-covered hobos of course they're all clapped

No. 378728

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I'm a paradefag at heart but paradise is pure kinography. Sasuga lychee.

No. 378729

Next thread should remove the be nice to each other rule because nobody follows it anyway

No. 378730

File: 1715410843106.jpg (Spoiler Image,370.96 KB, 1423x2048, 20240505_015218.jpg)

the base game was just ok. fandiscs slightly better, also liked it a little more than dystopia no ou but i liked the mc of thay game better. cage is the superior and more sovlful kyuu lychee project to me.

but the thread pic is lame. even i have better paradise art saved but i'll be holding that hostage for sure now.

No. 378731

I'd be nicer if some people here weren't severely mentally disabled

No. 378732

The ugly threadpics are directly contributing to the decline of conversation quality in /fujo/ btw.

No. 378733

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you also could've just used a cg

No. 378734

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>the base game was just ok. fandiscs slightly better, also liked it a little more than dystopia no ou but i liked the mc of thay game better. cage is the superior and more sovlful kyuu lychee project to me.
I swear lychee's strength is doing mcs, konno's been one of my faves for years and azuma is basically the entire event in paradise. I'm getting the same issues I had with cage though where the plot bits feel extremely dragged on for no reason. Character interactions are good and funny just like in cage but the plot, eh. At least in cage the plot's not the point.

No. 378735


No. 378736

You forgot to take your pills today.

No. 378738

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This was cancelled right? Fuck I have a priest/nun fetish too.

No. 378739

Shame, these designs are pretty sexy.

No. 378740

Go play Shingakkou sis

No. 378743

>Kyou Kara Maoh
Sell me on this. It was one of the series I ignored in the past. Is it worth checking out now?

No. 378745

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It's honestly not very good but it gets god tier fanart.

No. 378746

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i think so too, her character writing and love for violent bastard degeneracy (and mostly legal schizo shota top degeneracy i guess) are definitely her strong suits. but her plots stay a little tarded up, dystopia no ou is arguably the worst about it as much as i loved kirku. with that one you can tell pil/slash is deeply broke, i'm excited for the next game under lovedes but worried this might really be it for pil/slash.

No. 378751

I wish i could really get into shipping anime boys. I much prefer original BL. Almost all of my ships come from series/vidya/books, and they're far and few between. The only exception is Doumeki/Watanuki and Lupin ships. I even had a phase where i 'dropped' BL because i couldn't bring myself to care about the ships my friends were raving about, even though it looked really fun. Idk maybe i need to find one very specific ship i love and stick to it

No. 378755

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>her character writing and love for violent bastard degeneracy (and mostly legal schizo shota top degeneracy i guess) are definitely her strong suits
Real. Nobody does them violent crazy bastards like she does, kek. Cage is such a kino doujinge I'm also excited for the remake.
You think? They haven't done anything new in years despite the paradise FDs but it's my first time playing paradise so I didn't keep a particularly close eye on them. In a way they kinda remind me of tennenouji with their endless lucky dog 1 shilling and re-shilling, making the same game over and over.

It's kinda the same for n+c, announced slow damage in 2016 and then radio silence for literal years culminating in an honestly half-assed game after 5 years of development. I think the golden age for commercial bobge was definitely the first part of the 2010s. But I'm glad lychee is still working on stuff, maybe she can fix cage's plot issues. I love cage but it's a drag to replay because of all the boring filler scenes, it's 70% filler 20% nonsensical plot and 10% crazy bastard konno abuse kino.

No. 378788

I wouldn't mind companies going back to making games without voice acting. I've seen rereleases of 10+ year old VN's cost 9000 yen, that's a lot of money for a game that doesn't have real gameplay and maybe not everyone wants to or can spend that much.

No. 378790

the thing about pil/slash, and somebody brought this up in the last thread, is that they've actually been a bit broke for years now. they had to crowdfund paradise (or at least an fd which recieved something likd 9x its goal) and dystopia to get them made. it's the reason why they milked paradise dry after it got a little popular, but dystopia didn't that well. cool b itself almost went under not long ago so it is concerning… honestly i've always suspected their money problems have something to do with why no one has gotten their hands on the rights to shingakkou yet, they might be asking more for it since it's widely known as their best game, but i don't know how any of that stuff works so i might be way off. maybe a new game and gofuckme combo announcement is just around the corner, or maybe they've still got some paradise money to spare, who knows?

can't blame tennenouji for milking ld1 and it's universe either, it was a massive success. at least the spinoffs have been good. n+c is different from other companies, they've always gone ham on brand recognition so this behavior is more or less to be expected of them. slow damage's development hell remains a mystery, though part of it can be attributed to cockvid19.

>I love cage but it's a drag to replay because of all the boring filler scenes

yeah, i get that. the addition of voice acting and the new visuals will need to carry some of that weight.

No. 378797

spekaing of lucky dog, is the vn finally completely translated? feels like its taking an

No. 378801

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yes! now where the hell is the friendly lab dlsite translation because that game is too hard. the only cope left is to pray they were waiting for the ld1 translation to release it.

No. 378809

when is it gonna be available to buy?

No. 378840

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Honestly, while it's worrying they had to crowdfund their last few games I think I'm happier that they're still trucking even if they have to /beg/ instead of shutting down completely because of the industry issues. Video games themselves aren't doing so hot right now and that worldwide, even AAA game dev studios are getting shut down so of course the ultra niche japanese bobge industry feels it extra hard. I blame it on mobile phones and mobage rising in the 2010s, but we've already had this conversation here. Despite owning dysou I still haven't gotten around to playing it kek, but I bought it full price to support them like I always do.

Iirc, BLVNs don't sell very well in general. I'm not sure if it's the same for bishoujo VNs but if a BLVN sells a couple thousand copies then it's a resounding success. The margins must be extremely low, which is why they all cost up to 6-9k yen. I'm honestly surprised pil/slash ended up being the ones to go the crowdfund route and not adelta, to be fair. Kurosawa works like mad and makes almost everything herself including the OST tracks, the workload must be the typical insane japanese karoshi level and yet she pays the bills herself somehow.

>Shingakkou loc costs

It's all speculation but my tinfoil is the seiyuu rights are too expensive. Tennenouji themselves replaced the seiyuu for the spinoffs which probably means a) they were too expensive to get back on, being A-listers or b) they didn't want to go back on. Iirc I read somewhere the Jast loocalizer said it's around 60k dollars for all the seiyuu rights. Pil/slash themselves are OK with giving loc rights without the voices but it's Jast who doesn't want to take the deal.

>cage VAs

Gimme kansai-ben yagasaki now….

No. 378846

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Hopefully this year still? Lkyt and room no 9 took a little under a year to release after reaching 100% dev progress.

No. 378856

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Cute but Zenya still has the hottest stage play actor

No. 378861


No. 378877

They're so meitu'd out it doesn't count anymore

No. 379003

I'd rather if yall here censored the 3DPD moids instead of the gore shit.

No. 379035

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Same nonnie. All the ships that have a permanent place in my heart are from BL manga. Idk if it's because anime ships aren't cannon or because they aren't fleshed out romantically that my brain doesn't care.

No. 379096

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I'm the same too, I literally have never shipped two random characters from any anime. For me to ship a pairing it must have a minimum level of pre-existing romantic vibes/sexual tension, reason why I mostly stick to shipping characters from BL games.

No. 379107

This pic is cute nonnie, what's it from?

No. 379112

Saiaku no Jinsei manga, I think?

No. 379128

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Nonnies, I'm extremely new to fujo stuff. It never interested me until recently when I realized I'm into male ryona and femdom and I'd like to ask for recs. What I'm looking for:
>any media except drama CDs
>bishounen artstyle
>preferably no age agps but I'm fine with smaller ones
>no high school setting
>dark themes like stalking and/or physical violence
>mature/engaging story, something that's not just an excuse to see the guys make out and/or fuck, idk does seinen yaoi exist?
>can be nsfw if it's not the main focus
>no oneshots please unless they're long
The only yaoi story I have read and I'm familiar with is Killing Stalking, you can laugh kek though I enjoyed it despite its ridiculousness. As I said I'm a complete newbie so I hope my demands aren't ridiculous.
Picrel random Death Note yaoi I found.

No. 379193

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i feel a bit bad for young modern fujoshi in western circles…i mean picrel is the ultimate fujob8 imo i think most female weebs will be able to appreciate and be drawn to brat x a darker, more dominating personality (that's still submissive for varying reasons), the size difference, all the moe fanservice with ciel relying on sebastian for everything, etc. but all the newbies to the fandom can't even enjoy it openly without getting shit on for being "pedophiles" or whatever. very sad

No. 379199

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Yeah that's it. I'm so sad the author never continued the story beyond that one doujin.

No. 379207

even this thread has a problem with anything that includes "shota" even though ciel is written more like an adult. if you like any shota ship you're considered as bad as a lolicon scrote

No. 379212

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bishojo vns might do better because they have less adult content and heavy subject matter so they appeal to a younger crowd. rinko probably doesn't have a problem churning her games out since they're passion projects she does for next to no cost and makes bank on. she definitely knows how to cut corners-the obvious using and reusing of low end vas and her art too is pleasing to the eye but actually very simple on a technical level, which allows her to make large quantities of it at a steady pace all by herself.

>it's around 60k dollars for all the seiyuu rights

rip to it ever getting translated with the vas then. it would be nice if they did it anyways, surely someone would step up and make a fanpatch for the voices eventually.

No. 379217

does rinko have another job? i mean sure she probably does, but where does she get all the energy and time to be a wageslave and then create an entire visual novel by herself??

No. 379220

people still care about black butler? zoomer fujos only care about satosugu, bakudeku, soukoku and whatever anime ship is popular at the moment

No. 379230

people write 300k word fanfics on ao3 between fulltime jobs and med school, i don't think it's so strange. this is their escapism.

No. 379231

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I mostly read webtoons/manga, here are some relatively dark ones (of varying levels) I've read
Black Mirror
A Tree Without Roots (I actually dropped this because the seme got too toxic for me but you might like)
Dine With a Vampire
Interview with a Murderer
Kokoro wo Korosu Houhou
Color Recipe (most stuff by the author, Harada, should interest you)
Tourou no Ori
I also often see my edgy BL loving friends shilling Kyuuso wa Cheese no Yume o Miru (I hated it), Saezuru Tori Wa Habatakanai (the premise doesn't appeal to me) SaukuraGari (didn't read yet) and Ogawa Chise's works (they are very stylish but I wasn't impressed by the plots)

No. 379234

Your preference for lack of age gaps and sex really narrows my list down a lot, but try Harada, but especially Color Recipe. And I know you said no one shots but her oneshots are good, try Hikizuru Oto and Yajirushi. Besides her, try
>The Warehouse
>Ibara no naka no hana
>Stalkers Game
These ones have an age gap but it's too good not to rec
>A tree without roots
I'm stuck on mobile rn and can't properly browse but I'll reply again if I think of anything else

No. 379246

but i feel like fics are less time consuming and don't need as much energy especially if you get in the writing mood, but on top of writing she also draws a lot, and works on the UI, game coding and everything else

No. 379251

remember the time when kiribaku and tododeku were the most popular?

No. 379252

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I'm actually impressed at how she perfected churning out huge quantities of art so quickly 100% of which have interesting colour compositions and motifs. All while most probably holding down a 12 hour a day jap kaisha job. One the great masters of our generations tbh, complete with genius-appropriate freak fetishes.

No. 379253

Some people just have more drive than others

No. 379256

BL has a lot of abuse and toxic stuff. I don't read much of that so I can only rec a few things, but I think you'd like Harada, Asada Nemui, Nakamura Asumiko. Thanat's Sneaky Red had ryona. Maybe you'd also like Banana Fish and Haruka Tooki Ie.
There's Nitro+chiral's visual novels too, known for being violent and fucked up.
For anime you'll have more luck with older stuff. You can try Ai no Kusabi, and I think Maiden Rose but tbh I don't really remember what it was about kek. Banana Fish also has an anime.

No. 379258

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>the seme got too toxic for me
Heeseo is the perfect pathetic yandere and I need more people to read this so we can psychoanalyze him together. The mindbreaking was phenomenal.

No. 379264

only love for korean fujos but manhwa characters are ugly as sin

No. 379268

im pretty sure bakudeku was always the most bnha ship

No. 379269

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as i said her art is technically very simple, but she buries it with a clever mix of stylization and image/color composition. though i do think her approach to working this way contributes to her burn out, at some point she just wants to get it out the door.

No. 379280

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speaking of black butler i think ciel's hot dead father should get fucked in the ass

No. 379283

idk about the hot part he looks kinda average and boring

No. 379289

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he's sexy to me

No. 379292

Honestly black butler fans need to move on, it’s still nice for sexy art but the show was never good.

No. 379293

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>it would be nice if they did it anyways, surely someone would step up and make a fanpatch for the voices eventually.
Exactly, I don't know why they don't just agree to the voiceless loc and then a few days later a mysterious voice restoration patch is uploaded to a Canary Islands-hosted torrent site. Well, that's not my problem anymore since I learned jp

No. 379295

File: 1715443477083.webm (2.65 MB, 1280x675, b-baka na!.webm)

>I wouldn't mind companies going back to making games without voice acting.
What would be even the point of such VNs? You can just read manga and play some music track in the background.

Neck yourself.

Founder of Diabolism (the animation). If you can't stand Mandarin, it also has a Japanese dub.

No. 379296

I think he and Ciel should have sex

No. 379297

I like the aesthetics and I think yana still designs some of the best ikemen and bishounen but the plot is a borefest. it only peaks at torture porn and sebaciel fujobait

No. 379302

based dadson fujo

No. 379304

NTA but I checked and Tododeku and Kiribaku had just a smidge more works on AO3 before like 2018, but judging by mrm, bakudeku was more popular early on.

No. 379308

Whatever. MHA was always ass anyway and we need to start doing historical revisionism and wipe it from the fujo records somehow.

No. 379309

This but with every shounen

No. 379313

there was a time when the western fandom heavily favoured kiribaku and tododeku, i remember seeing so much tododeku fanart. it was at the peak of tumblr ship wars so bakudeku was considered bad and zoomies were avoiding it

No. 379315

i like killugon (and yes i hated the last anime arc, lets all pretend it never happened)

No. 379317

glad those times are over kiribaku and tododeku are fucking boring

No. 379320

Gon is the most ugly shota I've seen in my entire life
Sadly never gonna happen, shounenfags are always gonna have the most popular ships.

No. 379321

Because it damages the company in the long run, Sherlock. If companies start releasing defective (incomplete) products, people will devalue them and think it reasonable to pay much lower prices than the company demands for their second-class goods.

No. 379322

dont forget haikyu, it was super popular with fujos, especially kagehina and iwaoi

No. 379324

I hate all shark teeth anime boys

No. 379325

i dont care about him being ugly, gon and killua being cute together matters the most

No. 379327

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We'd have to coordinate a way of knocking the shounen off this list. I remember when YoI and Free! was on top. Those were the days.
Haikyuu, is still going strong thankfully

No. 379328

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No. 379329

It's aspirational kek

No. 379330

>That fucking gap
MHAtards must be dealt with

No. 379332

theyre probably the ones keeping the series alive kek

No. 379334

They make me think of Souda from danganronpa and then I get mad since I hate him.

No. 379335

bsd is being hardcore carried by soukoku, its kinda insane how popular that ship is

No. 379336

i hated him too, but his free time events with hajime were kinda cute, especially when he kinda got a crush on him lol

No. 379337

I feel like Naruto is way more popular overseas than it actually is in Japan.

No. 379338

Define "ugly."

No. 379348

Agreed. I tried watching it as an adult and I just couldn't get into it. The show hasn't aged very well imo.

No. 379354

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move on to red ciel

No. 379355


No. 379357

too bad its a gacha game

No. 379368

What's incorrect? It's just my opinion.

No. 379372

that red faggot and his stupid haircut will never be as appealing as ciel. yana can't recreate ciel anyway cause nowadays all her shotas go more in a femboy direction

No. 379375

File: 1715445563309.gif (490.25 KB, 364x570, tumblr_0804664695feae44844e2d4…)

it's the like the least taxing gacha game ever made. all you do is read stories, get free shit, let your free dorm riddle/leona + based jamil carry you through every fight, and make a house where they beat eachother up.

there's a manga adaptation too, treyriddlefags won in that.

No. 379376

is there a english version?

No. 379377

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not based

No. 379378

I played it and it was too boring for me

No. 379382

the english version is almost at its 2.5 year anniversary, nona

No. 379383

Alois is better than both

No. 379394

File: 1715445923213.jpg (329.5 KB, 1500x2082, 20240415_053234-1.jpg)

i know it's boring but it's soooo cute and twst fujos work overtime

No. 379398

its sadly not on google play store

No. 379403

Glad to see other nonnies with perfect taste.

No. 379406

region locked to na, taiwan, and aus. need to download it with apkpure.

No. 379407

i thought its a yume game? my friend said its for husbandofags

No. 379408

It's a general joseimuke, but I've heard of the popular ones it's more fujo while enstars is the more yume one.

No. 379411

Baraki >>>>>> Shingakkou

You can also read manga and play the drama cd in the background. I guess there's no point in any VNs at all.

No. 379413

really? i always thought its the opposite considering most enstars characters act so gay

No. 379418

A lot of otome guys act gay too, that's just popular with husbandos in general.

No. 379419

ah reminds me of kpop idols

No. 379425

the english community has no shortage of autists with shit taste (malleus) but the japanese community who makes all the pretty fanart is full of fujos, you run into very few yumes there these days because they got sick of never getting pandered to and moved on kek.

No. 379426

I played this game for a while and even though it has a lot of husbandos, the yume pandering is well almost non-existent or rather everyone feels incredibly platonic other than maybe malleus. I don't know if anything has changed since I last played it but yeah despite the format of the game there are zero actual otome elements. It has a very big yume fanbase but I think that's mostly cause it's based on disney characters and japan has a lot of crazy disney otaku kek even in the manga two of the protagonists were a fit muscular guy and a fat guy, and the one female protagonist was very gnc, she basically looked like a twink

No. 379431

>all her shotas go more in a femboy direction
i mean ciel has
>crossdressed at least 3 times
>is often mistaken for a girl
>wears heels all the time
he's already pretty femme

No. 379444

it's the haircut, even if ciel is feminized his short haircut allows him to still keep his boyish qualities. while characters like riddle, epel and the touken ranbu shota have longer hair so they look too girly

No. 379451

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Releases later than Guodongsubs (and any official streaming) are censored (removed some gore scenes), so be warned.

No. 379452

at least he makes up for it with his brash personality, need Vil to rape him into shape.

No. 379461

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>the touken ranbu shota
He's cute but they pretty much inserted every single shota trope onto him.

No. 379464

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his whole personality is hating looking like a pathetic girly faggot and getting rape corrected by biru-san everytime he tries to be masculine, he would've hated this conversation

No. 379465

not this one, yana designed another one

No. 379468

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this one

No. 379470

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Kek, the one Yana did is way less tropey.

No. 379476

yana's character reads more like an elegant bossy femboy (which is her type)

No. 379482

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I blame Rin (minus the elegant part)

No. 379486

she isn't thinking of this flop

No. 379489

Please don't bully Rin.

No. 379490

traps are the absolute worst, i hate them and how popular they are. I just want cute boyish husbandos.

No. 379491

>calling ukes femboys
I'm too old for this site

No. 379501

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blame him for alois, that's where the lewdness came from. maybe lilia since he's also lewd and voiced by shiki.

No. 379502

i mean they aren't really that popular and them existing isn't depriving you of "cute boyish husbandos" kek

No. 379503


No. 379504

I will never use that word. Twinks either.

No. 379505

pack it up granny

No. 379506

>Cutest boys of their respective series
Based Rin truly inspires the best Yana boys.

No. 379509

They're popular with moids, not really women though except for like, Nagisa Shiota.

No. 379516

>them existing isn't depriving you of "cute boyish husbandos" kek
they basically obliterated the niche of shotas for women. Now they all have to be hyper feminine ''draw a girl call ti a boy'', at least ciel was still boyish.

No. 379527

Idk, there's still popular shotas like the blue genshin faggot.

No. 379532

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erm ackshually cutest in twst is karimu

No. 379540

true, but they are rarer than before. Back then that type was the norm and trapshit was reserved for hentai like boku no pico or shonen kun(the hentai), or moid games like GG.

No. 379544

i dont think scaramouche is a shota?

No. 379552

i think she means the one that looks like a bootleg touken ranbu, don't know his name. the new one that looked a bit like hyuuga was cuter to me.

No. 379553

Naaaah he’s definitely shota

No. 379558

he is though, to me he looks just like a shota. a very classic shota. the shorts, the face, the behaviour. and he got the most autistic fanbase, for some reason shota-coded characters have the craziest fans (and tifs) who will kill you if you ever call them shota
hey we got hanako-kun recently at least

No. 379559

will never understand how an entire class of boys has the same model and look the same age but the fans still fight eachother tooth and nail over which is shota. they all look prepubescent, gz. who cares their canon ages.

No. 379560

No one should. Why use 3dpd (tranny) terms to describe 2d boys?

I will but I'm only 22

No. 379561

im pretty sure he isnt, aether and him are the same height i think.

No. 379568

imo if you genderbent them and they dont look loli they dont count as shota

No. 379570

yeah but genshin is full of loli characters that look like 8

No. 379571


No. 379577

Aether’s also a shota

No. 379579

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ugly nonsensical genshit design aside the shorts + knee socks combo is pretty shota coded

No. 379581

if this was a tomboy no one would say its loli

No. 379582

imagine thinking this is not a shota, reminds me of his autistic unhinged tif fanbase (for some reason shota coded characters attract tifs like moth to a flame) who would kill you if you called him a shota

No. 379584

Different trope, shota characters generally have coding to them that makes them shota and Scaramouche is 100% an example of that.

No. 379586

not even, those look like toddlers. if len kagamine is the posterboy for shota and he's 14 (looks 12) and they don't really look any older than ciel or hyuuga they're shota as far as i'm concerned.

No. 379588

women are great at cosplaying shotas this is not news

No. 379591

damn god forbid a man that isnt super buff wears shorts

No. 379592

No. 379593

what >>379584 said…but also i think she'd still count as a loli. she'd just have microshorts and thigh highs and long hair instead

No. 379595

I think there's "shota" and then there's "shotabait", if that makes sense.
Characters that aren't, but the fans like the idea of them being shota.
That being said, shota have always been taller than loli haven't they?

No. 379596

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>shota characters that people get mad if you say they’re shota (ignore the trap)

No. 379597

also they're all popular with deranged tifs cause it's easier for them to self-insert

No. 379599

he's a cartoon kek not a real person. going further he's a cartoon in a game where everything exists to get your money and time, it makes sense that he comes with certain coding that appeals to certain people (like shotacons)

No. 379600

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i wish there were more traps in bl

No. 379602

now this is going too far all, its like saying kirito is a shota

No. 379604

Yes, shota characters that are popular with women look to be 12-14 in physical appearance, younger looking ones are usually gay moid territory. It's not completely comparable to loli because the audience is different.

No. 379605

i just dont understand the argument no one calls characters like xiangling, barbara or lumine lolis despite them looking young aswell. so why is bennett now a shota? i just dont understand it

No. 379607

Read hibari kun, unironically.

No. 379609

any moid that isnt 6feet tall and looks like a jojo is a shota actually

No. 379610

How is that comparable at all? Kirito has literally no shota tropes and is just a self insert protagonist.

No. 379612

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long legs are the sex i mean sexo i mean mlem i mean the essential part of boy

No. 379614

stop trying to gatekeep shorts and socks

No. 379615

This. There’s a reason why you see women into Hanako kun while men are into that Jeanne figure/doujin.

No. 379618

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are you a newfag to weeb stuff/a casual fan (only watching shonen or whatever is currently popular) by any chance? i ask this because only newfags see a character like this and peg her for being "young/loli-ish," to me she's just a regular anime girl and she could be anywhere from 16 to late twenties or a 100 years old

No. 379619

they don't look the same age just because they're the same height

No. 379620

an anon in the anime thread once claimed kirito is actually a shota, it was hilarious to witness

No. 379621

Why do shotacons like legs on shotas so much? I have never heard of female attraction to male legs anywhere else.

No. 379622

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my favourite shota

No. 379625

already have. every joke revolving around hibari not actually being a girl/being an okama gets tired fast

No. 379630

Probably because
>contrast of boyish face+long legs
>a lot of shotas wear shorts so you get a good look at their legs

No. 379631

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the art is pretty at least. I hate trapshit but i enjoyed it because of the artstyle. When hibari dresses masculine he's actually pretty hot.

No. 379632

>while men are into that Jeanne figure/doujin.
funny that you'd bring that up, when the author of that is a fujo herself

No. 379635

waa sis he's so moe and cute

No. 379637

Fujo with shit taste though

No. 379639

It's because male and female height is different. Do you guys just forget this somehow?

No. 379641

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yeah the lolis in genshin are especially offensive, picrel looks like 5 and acts like a baby

No. 379642

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i'll never actually play genshin, but venti appeals to me as a legfag

No. 379643

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>Sexier than Bridget
>Looks like an actual boy, is a boy
>Flashes his underwear every single match
>Better personality
>Better lore
>Better design
>Better moveset
>In a better game
>Will never be retconned into a tranny because he died.
>156 cm tall (2 cm smaller than bridget)
>Basically a mesugaki shota

No. 379644

He gets lots of shota porn and gets tagged as "shota" on pixiv and twitter.
He might be classified as "shotabait" like how >>379595 mentions. Of course in this site people take that as saying he's literally a toddler.

No. 379645

its anime they are all toddler height irl

No. 379646

I hate his stupid ass braids, if he didn’t have the braids I’d like him more.

No. 379649

kek pls kirito is literally a generic self-insert for fucking men. women making weird ass shota art of him aint gonna change that

No. 379650

Yes, but it's confusing since I've never heard of women attracted to adult men legs

No. 379652

And voiced by hikaru midorikawa

No. 379654

moids legs irl are hairy as fuck no one is attracted to rugs.

No. 379655

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i like the braids, i just dislike that they're blue for some reason

No. 379658

all the archon outfits for the men have been hardcore ugly

No. 379663

I'm talking about 2d though

No. 379664

most designs in genshin period are hardcore ugly

No. 379665

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When it comes to men, it's thighs

No. 379666

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yana groomed a generation into boy calf thight and garter sock fetishes tragically

No. 379667

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Based as fuck

No. 379669

but women into bishies do like legs/ass too. They just dont draw their moids in shorts, but rather skin-tight pants.

No. 379670

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We are not having that 'is x character a shota?' conversation again. Farmhands, ban everyone.

I hate his voice he sounds like a retarded faggot.

No. 379671

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huh why? please dont insult my pretty parrot anon….

No. 379674

>how many colors do you want?

No. 379675

i used to be, it made me want to get into scouting male models but then i saw a runway show where a scrote's legs were unshaved and it turned me off from that career path entirely.

No. 379676

Kill it with fire

No. 379677

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ten seconds on google

No. 379679

nobody knows who this uggo is

No. 379680

ntayrt what search query did you put?

No. 379681

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spoiler pls

No. 379682

Doesn’t change that he’s cute

No. 379683

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nono,now i actually want justice for bishies, they need to be on those 70s booty shorts more

No. 379686

What exactly did you like about male legs? I do not understand the appeal in the least.

No. 379687

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It's because shotas actually show legs. Adult characters don't usually wear short shorts like shotas do or have leg focus, so women don't have the opportunity to enjoy it.
More feminine adult characters do tend to show some leg and women are definitely into that.

No. 379688

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No. 379690

I think he's cute, anon. He's the only genshit design i actually like.
nta but male legs are cute, legs in general are cute both in men and women. But no one likes male's legs because they are covered in hair that makes them look yucky.

No. 379691

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You should know by now that asking for reading comprehension on lolcow is like pulling water from rock.

No. 379692

not meant to be rude but please get some glasses you obviously need them

No. 379693

i don't know, what do some women see in men's abdomens or arms or ass or even pecs, i just like long pretty men's legs.

No. 379694

sao has yaoi ships???

No. 379695

we do not pull cock

No. 379697

its actually canon in one of the games and you can sleep with him

No. 379698

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Male ass and thighs are peak, but their calves are hit or miss imo. Don't look smooth. Skin tight pants or no pants paired with knee high socks is the way to go

No. 379699

people have different taste.

No. 379700

thats weird

No. 379702

its hilarious that out of all animes, sao is the one with a shit ton of yaoibait

No. 379703

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the problem with the really small ones is lanklets look scary in them. i like when men wear the japanese pe uniform with bloomers or track shorts which would be about an inch or two longer but ideally still short enough to see a peek of their panties in the right position.

No. 379704

Every long running harem protagonist needs a token gay guy

No. 379705

believe it or not this was a popular yaoi ship and it even has canon bait kek

No. 379706

>canon bait
Crazy ass term

No. 379707

Most isekai/naroukei has the "that is unironically very gay" option.

No. 379708

i thought he was meant to be alices love interest

No. 379709

And of course the shotasperg never gets punished, just in case you wondered what kind of bias lolcow mods have: >>>/m/370265
Imagine getting triggered by Kuroshit in AD 2024. Such people should be locked up in wards, with no Internet access.

No. 379711

he is but he's also kirito's boyfriend. it's complicated

No. 379712

i hate crossdressing so i cant agree. I like both fat and lanky legs. Ones are sexy and the other ones are precious, delicate and pretty. Both are for kissing

No. 379714

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I thought the author was a male? Jeanne always reminded me of scrotier shota works. Either way, i like that doujin so that's pretty cool.

>Younger looking ones are usually gay moid territory
Tell me about it, i can like some younger shotas but it's so easy to clock a shota artist as a gay moid based on what they draw. I feel like female shotacons are becoming increasingly rare, i hate it. Probably pot calling the kettle black moment but i always feel like those scrotes are actual pedos.

No. 379716

i never understood why people use ''but its made by a woman!'' argument when someone calls traps scroteshit. Japanese women are notorious for being weird pickmes that catter to moid's fetishes, like the kodomo no jikan author and the three billion yuri/ecchi/hentai female artists there are.

No. 379717

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No. 379718

Ironically the kodomo no jikan mangaka does BL now too
Just thought that was kinda funny

No. 379719

>I feel like female shotacons are becoming increasingly rare,
shotas will always be popular in japan amongst fujoshi, you might not see a lot of it these days because none of it is getting translated due to how cucked western fujoshi are mentally

No. 379720

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No. 379721

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yeah shotas seem to be popular with moids now. picrel is airing this season and its supposed to be a boy but he honestly just looks like a little girl with huge thighs for some reason?

No. 379722

i am glad she found god. The artstyle is so different too.

No. 379723


No. 379725

/ss/ has always been a thing and most men think feminine = woman so this is probably a roundabout way of not having to look at a guy as they goon

No. 379726

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don't have pic to post but its just navy blue panties, if anything this should be the mens outfit too imo

No. 379728

That thing is a creature

No. 379729

we live in the worst timeline

No. 379730

Kek no fucking way.

No. 379732

Shield Hero's gay Madoka rip off spin off is still the funniest, weirdest shit to happen.
Who asked for that? Why did it happen? You'd have to read through so much to even get to that.

No. 379733

those arent bloomers then, you mean the shorts? the bloomers are read and used to be for women only until japan banned them, lol

No. 379734

No. 379735

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Yeah, i mostly meant in the west. But even then i feel like i find less (eastern) female shotacon artists nowadays. If you have any good shota artists let me know pls bc most of the ones on my tl are scrotes for whatever reason.

God i fucking hate that retarded anime and that character. Ironically enough his ln design (picrel) looks more normal. Still not the best, but i think it's cute.

Redo of a healer is the moidiest anime to ever moid, but somehow has gay scenes of the mc being graphically raped and a closeup shot of him being chained and abused in the opening. What the fuck was that anime

No. 379737

No. 379738

Slightly related but I wished we had more terms to describe male looks and tropes in anime characters. All we really have are
There are so many more terms describe female characters. We need more for males

No. 379740

Made bank off scroteshit then started making stuff she actually likes, based

No. 379741

>There are so many more terms describe female characters
Such as?

No. 379742

the average moid self-insert has always been shota-adjacent and now it's straight up shota, what's up with that? ikemen self-inserts are so fucking rare

No. 379743

Oh wow it's not even shota or traps either, full blown BL. I love when female authors suddenly turn into fujos.

No. 379745

I think we need to use the term shounen more for teen male characters that are neither shota, nor ikemen, like luffy from one piece, hinata from haikyuu

No. 379746

i assume moids just want to be children again and get a hot waifu to be their bangmaid mommy

No. 379747

but they still include loli love interests though…

No. 379748

>ikemen self-inserts are so fucking rare
not really, every shaft self insert scrote looks normal except for the actual shotabait.

No. 379749

honestly, hibari is so cute. fujoshi need to claim him from the trannies.

No. 379750

>Slightly related but I wished we had more terms to describe male looks and tropes in anime characters.
i mean, i'm pretty sure jp people/fujoshi do. off the top of my head, there are kichiku and bidanshi and otokonoko and etc. get into more jp content/utilize mtl when you go poking around on the jp web

No. 379751

no pic was unrelated, i mean the bloomers. they can be red blue pink purple whatever as long as it makes them to be self conscious about jumping.

No. 379753

It's because male otaku are afraid of ikemen. They feel inadequate when faced with a better man than them and can't self-insert

No. 379755

isn't otokonoko just trap?

No. 379756

she probably just liked loli at that point in time…pretty sure clamp has had plenty of loli x adult male pairings, for example, and it's common in shojo works for the underage lead to get with an adult (sailor moon is a commonly known one). it's fiction. i wouldn't say these women are "catering" to anything, that's their personal preference

No. 379757

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I think it's for a very specific audience.

I think she's always been one, but now she's found drawing BL profitable.

No. 379758

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Author decided to write a spin off about the mc's misogynistic lolicon rival travels back through time and becomes yandere obsessed with the mc. Instead of the racoon slave they raise a bunch of bird kids together.

No. 379760

No. 379761

>that detail on the torso
….what the fuck is happening in shield hero?

No. 379762

Unless it’s the guy from monogatari I guess

No. 379764

otokonoko is closer to femboy than trap but it basically covers both

No. 379766

some of these isekai have stronger fujobait than some actual joseimuke series….

No. 379767

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i have already reclaimed him as a bishie. It helps that unlike low effort trapshit like astolfo he doesnt dress like a 500 yen an hour prostitute. He's pretty stylish actually.

No. 379772

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I was surprised when the Solo Leveling MC turned into a chad. The original series is Korean right? Maybe that's why. Male jp otaku are pathetic.

No. 379773

most joseimukes dont really have good fujobait most of the work is done by the fujos.

No. 379774

korean and chinese male leads are always the biggest chads

No. 379776

my brother is obsessed with this anime kek

No. 379778

nahh tbh "femboy" means feminine boy whereas otokonoko specifically describes male characters that are indistinguishable from women. e.g. vil from twist is a femboy (feminine male), but he's not an otokonoko (recognizably male), that's epel. this character is also an otokonoko >>379767 as he never looks male and isn't intended to

No. 379779

I have a threshold for how much scroteshit I'm willing to put up with for fujobait and isekai crosses it by a lot, I'm sorry. Korean narou-adjacent stuff like ORV and My S-classes can deliver on the bait without egregious treatment of female characters so I'm good.

No. 379781

it seems to be a relatively new term and isn't popular, but i stumbled upon "メスお兄さん" in a doujin once. it means a relatively masculine character that still exudes ~female sex appeal~ but there is probably more terms that just haven't been translated and we don't know about.

No. 379782

please don't give korean moids any credit, they make jp men look like saints

No. 379783

yeah i don't get it, i think it's ridiculous for shit like kirito x eugeo to have more meaningful interaction than some actual female oriented series. is it cause kirito is already confirmed "straight" so the creator can go full fujobait while in joseimuke series they're afraid the character might come across as too gay instead?

No. 379784

In moid shit if the female audience leaves it’s no big deal
But in joseimuke if you piss off the fujo or yume side then you basically lose half your audience

No. 379786

but wouldn't the moid audience be put off by the random fujobait?

No. 379787

>female/bitch brother
i forgot about this one. a lot of the art coincides with bara to me visually, or that trend in western art where men are slutted up like nucarni characters. somewhat interesting that this phenomena takes place in both the west and the east

No. 379788

File: 1715455515009.png (1.25 MB, 825x720, narita minako mangas be like.p…)

narita minako is the fucking queen of fujo bait. spoilers for cipher ahead
>manga about twin faggots that kiss eachother
>one of the twins gets a gf
>the other one falls in love with a girl
>she fucking dies
>he mets a guy that looks kinda like her but male, they become friends
>it scalates and the fujobait becomes intense

wish more of her stuff was translated. Alien street seemed like the one with the most fujobait since it doesnt have a female mc, but it's the only one that's untranslated besides the first chapter.

No. 379790

As long as it isn't the "true route" I don't think they care. Then there's also the gay and trap moids who will enjoy the homo.

No. 379791

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Eh, as long as they can deny that it’s there then they’re usually fine with it
Just look at 2000s Eva fans

No. 379792

>Then there's also the gay and trap moids who will enjoy the homo.
I think more guys are into trap x woman these days

No. 379795

I thought he was a tranny in canon or is this another classic case of gendies pushing their woke shit in everything

I swear every single man in these moidy korean manga look like dollar store bleach characters, not complaining tho.

>or that trend in western art where men are slutted up like nucarni characters
I hope it stays, it's the one cue i wish eastern artists would take from western. I don't know why eastern, specifically japanese, artists are so afraid of making slutty males.

No. 379796

>I thought he was a tranny in canon
yeah he's a tranny in canon. The author is a closeted trannoid himself.

No. 379801

how much cope do you need to deny kawoshin??

No. 379803

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it is pretty interesting because i stumbled upon the term while reading a sfw twst doujin, where it was applied to the character jamil. it seems that it does apply to mainly muscular, feminine characters.

No. 379804

Even Re:Zero, there's like 6 different gay ships because the mc is a crossdresser that can't stop flirting with men and thinking about how pretty and long legged they are.

No. 379805

>or is this another classic case of gendies pushing their woke shit in everything
he never goes on hormones, he never gets seriously angry about being seen as a guy, and several times says he's a boy whenever he wants to get out of a hole he dug himself into by jokingly referring to himself as a woman. the only actual tranny in the series is a tif. i also still doubt the author said he wanted to be female, westerners have mistranslated things on purpose to fit their ((agenda)). eguchi does a lot of fashion magazine art (or did…?) so i feel it's more likely he was bemoaning not being able to wear female fashion. tl;dr he's about as "trans" as grell is

No. 379808

Go on any old evageeks thread, the cope is hilarious.
The most common one is ‘Kaworu isn’t human so it doesn’t count’ and ‘Shinji is straight because he masturbates to Asuka’ because apparently bisexual people don’t exist?

No. 379809

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gurio0505 has an adorable shota oc and yandere couple + has kawoshin alt. tsubonari (picrel) is my favorite, she does original bl and has done some beautiful work for the gacha onmyoji which has an abundance of cute shota characters and skins for the male protagonist. there's also ssize's old doujins, aji_skn02, and naoconococo/noaaaako for len. it's easier to find fujo artists for shota characters in series popular with women.

No. 379817

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he is not but he does come close, though. he has only ever been referred to as a guy in interviews and such.

No. 379818

File: 1715456430792.webp (77.89 KB, 500x730, IMG_7937.webp)

>he's about as "trans" as grell is
So he’s a tranny then

No. 379820

maybe i am just retarded and didnt get that from the anime. He seemed genuinely angry when called a man.

No. 379822

go back to twitter

No. 379823

grell is such a joke kek

No. 379825

Thank you so much nonnie!

No. 379826

How is this twitter shit? Yana writes a tranny and then I point out that it’s a tranny.

No. 379827

iirc his reasoning for dressing up isn't even "i want to be a woman" anyway, it's because he doesn't want to succeed his father as a yakuza roidpig and being girly/a "daughter" is the best way to convince the guy that he's not fit for it

No. 379830

grelle being feminine was an editors choice, not yana. he is referred to as male in extra materials and its clear she didn't know the different between crossdressers and trannies and were just making fun of both, he is a joke character. don't take him so seriously.

No. 379832

grell is fucking ugly and annoying

No. 379833

he's an okama. imo that's the jp equivalent to drag queens and hyper-feminine gay males who obsess over britney or whomever

No. 379836

He is absolutely a tranny, especially with the womb envy, it's just that Yana wrote his trannyism to be a negative trait/joke and calls him what he is: a man.

No. 379837

Agreed, trannies can have his obnoxious retard ass.

No. 379838

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I love the seductive eyes and smiles male sluts have, it's so good.

No. 379841

Terf queen Yana

No. 379842

File: 1715457012739.png (Spoiler Image,415.11 KB, 677x850, 83251677_p0.png)

>I hope it stays
same. you might like the male bitch (メス男子) tag too. lots of culture in there

No. 379846

Wouldn't necessarily call it terfiness, it was just how these characters were written back then when there wasn't an ideology made to coddle and worship them: you wrote them as what they were, delusional mentally ill men. See buffalo bill

No. 379847

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he literally isn't a tranny though he's just a flamboyant fag. womb envy isn't exclusive to troons anyway, that's why men came up with god

No. 379851

nta but i am pretty sure that anon meant it as a joke

No. 379853

Flamboyant fags don't go around murdering women because they wanted to get pregnant themselves. That's AGP serial killer behavior.

No. 379854

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No. 379855

it's been such a long time, but wasn't madam red the one who wanted to get pregnant?

No. 379856

tbf vil's arc was pretty redpilled on gender business, and she's still a flaming harry potterfag and borderline westaboo kek

No. 379857

Speaking of black butler, is it worth watching the fillers of it and s2 for the shota fanservice? Alois is cute but i don't wanna waste my time

No. 379858

It's been years but I do remember enjoying S2 with Alois. I'm not black butler fag so idc about the plot, only the fanservice.

No. 379859

whats the source? looks cool

No. 379872

wait is that a girl or a aboy

No. 379873

yes kek grell was only helping her because, like a faggot obsessing over a female celebrity, he idealized her for wanting that

No. 379881

reminds me of that meme of faggots supporting women who are sociopaths kek

No. 379882

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onmyoji! it's a great little gacha. great art, addicting gameplay, high quality fujobait, bishie protag who isn't a silent self insert, meta dominated by male units including sp onikiri, (mostly) good story, etc. they're about to have a vocaloid collab with len as an ssr, in the past had collabs with clamp, mononoke, hoozuki, and yoshitaka amano.

boy, sp onikiri. he's a sword, his normal form is a bratty bishounen owned by a sadistic incel seme version of minamoto no yorimitsu, but he was broken and reforged as a femboy in his sp version. as expected their ship has the most degen fans.

No. 379886

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not sure if was released yet but I saw this new BL on twitter

No. 379890

We are going to get a wave of monster boy works after hikaru's success. I hope at least one doesn't disappoint me the way hikaru did

No. 379895

the mangaka of the summer hikaru died is such a cow. advertised her manga as BL as first and then when it got popular pretended it was all just horror from the start. probably worst case of sellout fujo. also after she dropped the fujo the plot got boring as hell

No. 379896

didnt the author of hikaru completely remove the bl aspect of the story?

No. 379897

yes she did, she also removed the scene where hikaru kiss yoshiki

No. 379898

damn thats lame as fuck

No. 379899

I like it so its fine by me. This is the second recent one I've seen around, don't remember the name of the other one though.

No. 379905

File: 1715459624361.jpg (293.72 KB, 812x1280, FoqS8rvacAAWNiy.jpg)

>Shinji explicitly says he loves Kaworu, who loves him in return is directly stated to be a "same-sex love interest" who spends a bazillion years time looping in order to make him happy, is shown in all side material and spinoffs to be ultra turbo gay for Shinji all the time, they can elope in one of the spinoff games, still get fujobait merch to this day
>uhhh not gay enough
What would these fanboys accept as definitive proof of them being gay, both of them giving EoE-style monologues about how much they love cock and then fucking onscreen? If only Anno had been that bold kek

No. 379908

annoyed by those people who are like "this is horror it can't be romantic" no you're just boring and the mangaka is washed up

No. 379916

I doubt this was her, it was most likely the publisher/editor. They initially ignored it because they thought it was just going to be an unnoticed manga from a new artist, but then it blew up with all demographics and they took the gay away to make it more friendly for everybody.

No. 379918

I hate fujos like these, once they get popular off fujo stuff they feel the need to make straight or at least non-bl shit because they want to be taken seriously by a few moids. Cowards, we really need authors who are bold and aren't afraid to go all out with the bl. There are tons of "deep" plot heavy stories that also have explicit straight sex scenes and no one bats an eye, so why can't fujos do the same? Make the manga both horror and bl, make the cool monster scenes and also do a raunchy sex scene, it's not that hard. It doesn't have to be one or the other.

No. 379923

It was a horrible move. Even if they removed the label, everyone online still calls it BL because the beginning chapters were so blatantly gay, and the rest just feels hollow because it's obvious how desperately they're trying to ungay what happened and it doesn't mesh.

No. 379924

I'm surprised it's still popular, like aren't the readers disappointed by how tame the story got? it's seriously so boring

No. 379925

I'm sure the series would have sold like hotcakes even as a BL, shota x oni is thriving and that one is way more controversial

No. 379927

Its just dumb. It blew up during the gayest chapters. There was zero reason to walk it back. They are just chickens.

No. 379928

shota x oni is just getting more controversial every chapter kek

No. 379929

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hell yeah

No. 379933

That author also wrote Blend S, tbf. If your loli trap show can get an anime, the sky's the limit and you don't give a fuck.

No. 379938

Is that why hideri was always the cutest of the moidslop trap icons

No. 379940

iirc it was both of them, they teamed up because they had the same motive.

No. 379952

she also apparently started as a hetalia fan. remember friends, hetalia was the big fujo convention back in 2010 and inspired many young fujos who are now mangaka themselves. my fringe theory is that it popularized the old uke/young seme trope

No. 379958

>my fringe theory is that it popularized the old uke/young seme trope

No. 379974

That wide mouth snake eyed look is ugly

No. 379985

how common were old uke/young seme pairings before 2010? young uke/old seme or same age rival shounen pairings were the most popular at the time, older ukes weren't very "mainstream". it was still natural for fujos to eventually get a taste of older ukes but i can only think of usuk as being one of the very first actually popular brocon pairing where the uke is older and the younger one becomes a seme, also with such a crazy age gap

No. 380018

>>Be nice to each other, we fujos should stick together.

No. 380277

>it's common in shojo works for the underage lead to get with an adult (sailor moon is a commonly known one)
Mamoru is not an adult. He's 16

No. 380284

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For those who still want to play Paradise

No. 380296

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Nona, I am here for you. I love him so much. He's such a little manipulative creep. Older, reserved, put-together uke reluctantly letting a younger, volatile, needy seme have his way with him because of a guilt/pity/affection cocktail is such a good premise. I need the next season now, I need to see how the kidnapping will go down.

No. 380311

its oneeshota brainrot, which in itself is autopedophile garbage.

No. 380312

how dare you, vil is a femMAN, not a boy!

No. 380314

this, i feel like Hikaru's feelings for Yoshiki only being expressed after his death was tragic and compelling.

No. 380354

Stop coping nona. He is literally a tranny and Yana has said that herself.

No. 380409

Why is yaoi so co-opted by the walking Y-defects? Can a nona dream of a place to go to for everything fujoshi that isn’r dead like fujochan or overrun by tranny pedophile/barafag moids posting their disgusting repulsive male gaze fetishbait like 4?

Why is every barafag a filthy
gigantor-penis bugcatching ultra faggot? What is so wrong with the male brain that they see synthol muscles and 2 foot long dicks and get horny?
Trapfags aka futanarifags piss me off even more, they claim to like yaoi but their entire fetish revolves around being straight but hating women until women have penises drawn onto their female frames. I’m convinced any nonnie that says “she” likes traps is a pornsick scrote in disguise.
Fudanshi are true moid filth. The men ruining yaoi all need to hurry up and troon out and ruin their bodies with HRT and rotpocket surgery for their trapfag f*mboy disease. I miss the golden age of fujoshi and the kinship with real women before trannies and scrotes turned ukes into TiMs.
Sorry nonas and farmhands.. I’m angry ..and sad. I want women’s spaces and hobbies back.

No. 380544

regarding trap discourse, japanese otokonoko culture is significantly different from modern tranny/drag culture in the west. Crossdressing has a pretty large "community" over there, most of the time it's not even seen as a fetish thing, moreso as a way to relax or be somebody else for a while, which is why you see stuff like crossdressing salons. Compare that to crossdressing in America where the closest thing we have is tranny cabals. You'd almost never see people like vid related over here, they'd just call you an "egg" and try to force you to become a tranny.

No. 380549

you are a bit schizo but i agree crossdressing is filth. I never understood the fetish and it has ruined so many shows for me. We could be having men dressed in cute MALE clothes but nooo they gotta dress them up in fetish woman clothe. I think that's what bothers me the most, i love guys in cute clothes, just not female ones.

No. 380553

File: 1715522823527.png (146.79 KB, 898x1277, dame_bl.png)

>never heard of female attraction to male legs anywhere else
I wish it wasn't the case, i need to see more 2D delicate, not hairy male legs. There isn't enough leg-centric BL like picrel (Dame BL anthology)
>to relax
Western trannies say this aswell. But you're right, japanese crossdressers are quieter and often treat it like the fetishistic hobby it is.

No. 380559

bit ot but i always feel mildly envious of these people who get to experience certain jp sub cultures in the moment of hearing about them. i knew about crossplay cafes/host clubs for years and years and this guy just gets to attend both because he is a youtuber. hate

No. 380562

>two dudes with facial hair
>ugly art
thank you for the link pirate sis but i'm going to have to pass

No. 380568

>You'd almost never see people like vid related over here
'Regular' scrotes are also to blame for that. They harass any of their fellow scrotes for being pro-womens' rights/a feminist/caught acting feminine or gay in any way possible. Then their weak scrote brains give in to peer pressure and they troon out en masse looking for acceptance. It all always boils down to 'women bad'. You know what, at the risk of sounding schizo, I agree with >>380409 men are a blight and their gross fetishes only serve to tarnish yaoi and every other enjoyable medium they touch.

No. 380624

>rambling schizo nonsense whining about things that aren’t happening

No. 380635

Kek it's so ugly, the artstyle is atrocious too. Why would anybody play this.

No. 380646


No. 380653

Currently playing his route and yeah, he's the only saving grace of this game, especially his voice.

No. 380654

>mfw nonnas here are calling you schizo but I've seen everything you're talking about on all-male ffxiv guilds/discords and I'm not even a fujo
You have my sympathies, Nonna……

No. 380660

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He's peak rapechad

No. 380662

I fucking love him nonnies….. What a chad…. Mitsugi cannot compare, incel chuunis on suicide watch

No. 380665

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>thread pic so bad it's getting the game bullied by locals
that's so unfortunate, if only someone could've suggested a better one!

No. 380666

File: 1715531293870.jpg (208.04 KB, 1421x1421, b803cc3740ea5a72cf13b12846da9b…)

The dynamic is so good. Yandere tops are almost always stoic faggots but Heeseo is super expressive and emotive all the time it's refreshing. It's also so interesting because Heeseo genuinely has no tangible power over Taekyung (who has money and status as a lawyer) but still manages to have such an iron grip over him with nothing but guilt to leverage. Heeseo is a traumatized broke kid with zero connections and too mentally ill to even hold down a job. His manipulation methods are crying and threatening suicide and it works. He has no pride or sense of shame, his entire existence revolves around Taekyung and he will do literally anything to keep him, even stooping so low as crossdressing as his own mother because that's what he thinks tye uke would like. He's like if you took the young puppy seme archetype and grafted the yandere genes onto him. I think people starving for good yandere and psychological BL should get over their webtoon fear for this one because the author has put a lot of thought into this one and the story is quite well written. I also am patiently waiting to see what will happen in S2 after Heeseo's heart was shattered into a million pieces.

No. 380667

File: 1715531487490.png (Spoiler Image,1005.26 KB, 1200x805, matsuda's eternal waifu.png)

Both of them are miles better than Takara though.
I think Mitsugi wasn't bad in his bad end route (though Azuma was the most interesting character there) but in his main route he's kinda just basic tsundere.

No. 380669

I couldn't fucking stand Mitsugi lmao. I hate long haired tsundere semes, he reminds me of a worse version of Senge. Also the plot in paradise is extremely retarded, I'm sorry.

No. 380671

File: 1715531690410.png (451.83 KB, 656x428, zuTvxKw.png)

>Western trannies say this aswell. But you're right, japanese crossdressers are quieter and often treat it like the fetishistic hobby it is.
nta from what I understand, Japan has a "don't ask, don't tell" approach towards both fetishes and sexuality but on a societal level, you can basically indulge in whatever fetishes you want, and you can even be gay or lesbian, you just have to never discuss these topics in public.

No. 380672

Now that I think about it, Heeseo's character type is usually the uke
>Super young
>Cute face
>Abused and neglected
>Emotionally volatile
>Falls in love super easily
>Lacks friends
>Getting bankrolled by a rich older man and indepted to him
But he's also the most mentally ill fucker in existence and quite dangerous tbqh

No. 380673

>I hate long haired tsundere semes
I don't hate them but I do wish he would have bottomed
>he reminds me of a worse version of Senge

No. 380675

File: 1715531966134.webp (52.51 KB, 600x486, 102063271_p7_master1200.webp)

The rapecel from mebiusline

No. 380710

>mink bad but matsuda good

No. 380712

Nonsense, both mink and matsuda are my faves.

No. 380717

Matsuda actually loves his rape victim
Mink can't get away from Aoba fast enough

No. 380728

>Mink can't get away from Aoba fast enough
Kek. US immigration will get Aoba first

No. 380740

He sounds pretty gay. IDK.

Is the English release full of such typos?

Mink has no character outside of being rapey and abusive. He doesn't have any charisma or personal charm to cover for that either.

No. 380742

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For real. I am also bored with stoic yandere tops (although Checkmate had a pretty fun "stoic" pathetic yandere bottom). Heeseo is great because he's such an unrepetant BPDkun who relishes in the grip he has over Taekyung because it is literally all he has. Heeseo lives in this constant state of mild delusion where he knows full well Taekyung is only staying with him out of guilt and manipulation, but still wants badly to believe that it's more than that. It's why he's constantly "testing" Taekyung by upping the ante to see how far he can take it before Taekyung rejects him for real. Taekyung intermittently feeding Heeseo's delusion and then taking it back will be his downfall, and it makes you somewhat sympathetic to Heeseo. You understand why Taekyung is placating him and trying to reassure him, but you also know he's really just making everything worse because he's leading Heeseo on. His biggest fuck up was definitely comforting him after the crossdressing debacle and then going back on it by trying to abandon him and saying things that were contradictory. You cannot send mixed messages to a yandere after soothing their worst insecurity and not expect to get stabbed. It's so crazy because sometimes it really does seem like Taekyung could love Heeseo, but never enough and never the way Heeseo truly needs him to. It's just so good.

No. 380749

>Is the English release full of such typos?

No. 380754

jast's main translator is a fat retard

No. 380756

s1 is bad because most of it isn't canon. everything from yana directly is great though, imho

No. 380760

File: 1715543400240.jpg (40.96 KB, 828x460, 20220920_201416.jpg)

>Mink has no character outside of being rapey and abusive. He doesn't have any charisma or personal charm to cover for that either.
Your onion. Minku a cute

No. 380762

>Trannymai edit
exit the premises

No. 380764

I like when he uses the floral ointment on aoba. Can't help it, I'm a scentfag. Sorry he's the hottest for me I can't control my coochie impulses Clear is still the best though

No. 380767

>AGP is fine when the japanese do it

No. 380773

Your coochie has shit taste mink is an uggo

No. 380781

my coochie is just ratchet like that

No. 380783

Mink is ugly af nonna. 3DPD moid tier. Koujaku and the rest are abominations as well but Mink's the Mordor-tierst.

No. 380785

File: 1715545864614.jpg (1.18 MB, 2048x1152, DRAMAtical-Murder-image-dramat…)

Clear is cute

No. 380786

wtf koujaku and clear are literally s-tier husbandos you fucking retard

No. 380796

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I get the designs are a bit unconventional but none of them are truly ugly besides Mink. Genuinely ugly anime characters would look like the Gate mc.

No. 380797

File: 1715546938533.jpg (317.83 KB, 1200x1120, dmmdbb.jpg)

Don't besmirch his name like that, he was my first musky basement-dwelling ojisan

No. 380798

Clear/aoba lovechild is the cutest.

No. 380803

Isn't kojaku kinda like a manwhore or sum?

No. 380807

Really wish stupid scrote shit would stop being brought up in this thread

No. 380808

yeah but when koujaku begins to date aoba he stops being a whore

No. 380809

It's filled with 4chan addicts who unironically shill moid isekai as fujobait without a shred of self awareness unfortunately

No. 380810

ren being erased as usual

No. 380813

Sadly, he has the most vanilla route. he is my lowest rank next to Mink on the route poll.

No. 380814

Their lovechild would just be an Aoba clone

No. 380815

One is just a meme image and the other was an example of undesirable males in anime. Nobody is actually talking about the shows. Calm your tits.

No. 380818

i love vanilla and hes hot so thats a big plus

No. 380819

Yeah, worth a watch. And Alois is cuter than Ciel imo.

No. 380821

File: 1715548197266.jpg (258.66 KB, 797x630, 26417101.jpg)

I love sluts. Especially when they're just whoring around because they couldn't get the guy they really wanted, and they redeem themselves once they get him.

No. 380822

What manga is this? I'm salty af the BL was removed. can I read it with the BL in tact anywhere?

No. 380824

File: 1715548365958.jpg (108.65 KB, 1369x797, IMG_20200909_235918.jpg)

He's the most massive faggot who ever faggoted

No. 380825

the name is the summer hikaru died i think. also no i think the bl was conpletely removed and hikaru was made straight?

No. 380826

wasnt he constantly fucking his women customers?

No. 380827

The scanlated chapters were translated as they got released, so they have whatever bl it originally had.
I never checked to see if it actually got removed or changed for the volume releases. Maybe they were referring to how the author retconed the BL by saying Hikaru can't have romantic feelings.

No. 380828

manwhore in practice but not in spirit. Imagine fucking your gay hairdresser.

No. 380831

mink and aobas kid doesn't look like aoba. looks like mink was a single mother aoba was the father who stepped up.

No. 380832

>unironically shill
Do you seriously think anybody is unironically telling people to read series like Shield Hero or SAO in a thread like this? Are you autistic?
It's brought up because it's a strange and silly thing about a series no one would otherwise notice, ln are way too fucking long to begin with.

No. 380833

eh i remember it being said in the vn that even after dating aoba he still like girls

No. 380834

It's funny the first time you bring it up, by the tenth time you're just being annoying

No. 380835

If it's mamages to be the tenth time you're seeing something like that you're probably staying online way too much.

No. 380836

What 10th time? SH barely gets brought up and nobody is having active discussion about it.

No. 380838

>complaining about repeated conversation
>while the thread talks about a vn that came out over a decade ago

No. 380840

File: 1715549588694.jpg (127.72 KB, 1000x828, 20240218_110010.jpg)

let anons be autistic and bring up the same shit repeatedly if they want wtf your problem

No. 380841

Over a decade later and there still hasn't been a new blvn as iconic and fun as dmmd.

No. 380842

Why would I complain about blvns? It's the retarded moidshit lovers that pollute the thread

No. 380843

thats just an issue with vns in general, the new stuff just isnt as good

No. 380844

Nta but appropriating moidshit to make yaoi of it will always be halal. Why do you even care this much? No one else is bothered by it.

No. 380845

File: 1715549981654.jpg (536.39 KB, 2000x1583, 20221123_161450.jpg)

When you're an EOP, maybe

No. 380846

At this point, there are more posts from you complaining about it than actual posts from people posting non-bl stuff. Follow your own advice.

No. 380847

I'm actually not an EOP but I'm not active in the blvn scene so you might be right nonnie. Are there really other vns out there as fun as Dmmd? The ones that have been posted in these threads don't look very good.

No. 380849

Depends, what exactly was the stuff that you found fun about DMMd? Because if it's for the plot, DMMd is basically a nukige for me.

No. 380850

i know its kinda hated here but i really recommend slow damage. its really beautiful and the characters are fun.

No. 380851

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unironically hadaka

No. 380854

File: 1715551187324.jpg (352.03 KB, 2125x1895, 20240503_154439.jpg)

haru-kun's game is fun too until it gets into the depressing human trafficking and death parts. also, nie no machi.

No. 380856

too bad all the love interests are kinda ugly, only hiroshi looks okay

No. 380859

I don't get complaining about fujos fujoing for moidshit when the average fujo is shipping shounen and mecha which are moidshit for moids.

No. 380864

File: 1715552180241.jpg (546.15 KB, 1378x1996, yaeru.jpg)

the story and characters are so good they had to nerf it somehow. bl game art is rarely super good, it looks fine for 2013. if only norizane had been around back then, lkyt had some of the strongest character designs in bl games period.

No. 380867

File: 1715552706921.png (2.8 MB, 1280x1893, 10558666306106be7e4b46a.png)

I wish I was still so new to the hobby that I could be picky like this…

No. 380869

I think mostly the characters and their interactions. Plot not really, I barely remember it kek. Also yeah I did like the nukige aspect.

I tried it but did not like it enough to go beyond Rei's route. I know the later routes are supposedly better but the characters still look ugly and boring.

tbh this was too gross for me.

No. 380870

File: 1715553253019.jpeg (730.26 KB, 1020x1378, F4FS9tHbkAIoCNO.jpeg)

If it's about the character interactions and the porn, doujinge but nie no machi should be up your alley. It's pretty fun and also has a fandisk with even more porn, even though the good ending continuations are questionable just like with re:connect kek. Otherwise there's pil/slash dystopia no ou which may also interest you.

No. 380883

File: 1715560562167.jpg (93.01 KB, 1080x903, 173995_30698132~2.jpg)

It's also interesting to think about: just what could have Taekyung even done to deal with a walking lit fuse like Heeseo? What even was the correct decision? It certainly wasn't the "give him the validation he craves and then snatch it away" approach. And you're right about how you can't help but feel sympathy for him because of how badly Taekyung mishandles him, but also just because of everything he went through as a child to his adulthood makes his situation feel hopeless. Would therapy even work on him after all that? The author also avoids woobifying him because of his sob story and his threat level is never downplayed, which I liked a lot. Either way, season 2 can't come fast enough so we can see just how mentally broken he's gotten after so many years of separation from his favorite person. I want to know if he is still pursuing Taekyung because of his twisted love/attachment or if he's switched gears to revenge.

No. 380884

No one cares about Ren

No. 380894

File: 1715563173196.jpg (150.22 KB, 1080x1080, fbe51be76653abbd0f65dacbe4f381…)

It really feels like a case of "no good deed goes unpunished" because the only reason Taekyung is in this mess is because he's a good person who wants to do right by Heeseo and has no idea how. In fact, he's the only person who has sincerely taken any pity on him or wanted him to be happy. I think you're right that there is no real way to save Heeseo anymore. The best thing Taekyung could have done was continue to check up on Heeseo more carefully to notice that he had been pulled out of therapy and was being abused by his foster family. A little too late now, though. I think the only thing that would satisfy Heeseo is if Taekyung genuinely reciprocated his feelings with the same intensity, and even then, he'd probably still be paranoid and prone to surveillance. It's sad because Heeseo wants to be good for Taekyung, but he also can't help but do things he knows alienates him from Taekyung because he wants Taekyung to chase after him. Based on the scene in the beginning, my guess is he'll defend what he's doing under the guise of revenge, but really he's just hurt and desperately clinging to any shred of Taekyung he can get his hands on. I'm so excited to see it, either way. I just wonder how Taekyung will react. I kind of hope he's relieved to see Heeseo, maybe even just a little. Maybe immediately disgusted with himself for feeling that way, but I think a bit of turmoil over seeing Heeseo would be delicious.

No. 380895

File: 1715563548877.jpg (98.01 KB, 1427x468, 111.jpg)

I care him

No. 380896

File: 1715563639070.jpg (142.88 KB, 1388x778, 20240309_071155.jpg)

you should play omega vampire too

No. 380906

love shingakkou but baraki's writing blows it out of the water

No. 380914

hey that's Azusa, my little gooner

No. 380915

Ren is just a filament of our imagination anyway

No. 380917

Give another example besides Koujaku

No. 380930

Of all the boys you picked that one? His design is the very definition of visual vomit.

No. 380935

File: 1715572897823.jpeg (58.18 KB, 640x480, 1621376771851.jpeg)

>The thing he needed the most to get better, love, is what destroys him in the end
Special kind of fucked up. And I think the author is also aware that he isn't fixable, which is why I'm interested in how she's going to end it. A happy couple ending isn't feasible with the current trajectory, so either we get a unique ending or something really really drastic has to happen with character development for the romance end to make sense. S2 is apparently starting in June, I hope the English version also restarts soon so we can see the aftermath. I haven't been this invested in a BL webtoon, ever.

No. 380954

No. 380956

It definitely seems like the author realizes there's no fixing that man. I really hope she stays faithful to that to the very end. I'm always scouring comment sections to see whatever "red flag" character moralfags are whining about so I can go read it (how I found this series), but I'm usually let down by the author ultimately trying to redeem those characters or make their story fluffier. I much prefer narratives where the fucked up psycho stays a fucked up psycho to his dying breath, which is rarer than one might think. It's why I appreciate Passion, Codename Anastasia, and Roses and Champagne (although I vastly prefer Passion) even though none of them are quite as compelling as Tree Without Roots. I have accepted that there is nothing like it out there, but I am still looking…If s2 is published in June, I'm sure Jujucat will upload it at lightning speed.

No. 380957

What webtoon is this?

No. 380958

The lovechild of Aoba x Ren would be retarded because he wouldn't only have to be born from two sperm cells, but he would also be the product of incest, twincest, and selfcest, with a cyber furry twist. I can't believe I typed all this shit out, help

No. 380959

File: 1715576813713.jpeg (48.22 KB, 739x415, BEST_BOY.jpeg)

I love him so so so so much. He is just too cute. I wish tanned guys were more common in BL.

No. 380961

File: 1715577308281.jpeg (51.18 KB, 600x727, d5d84742d5fad2ab0c7229573bbc79…)

It's called A Tree Without Roots, basically it's about an orphaned teen who realizes he has a mysterious benefactor and goes to great lengths to draw him out and find out why. https://bato.to/series/121899/a-tree-without-roots-official

No. 380967

This anime legitimately gave me brain damage.

No. 380968

Is this the incest American brothers that kissed each other in that one video?

No. 380970

Probably for the same reasons lolicons are obsessed with stomachs and armpits

No. 380971

'Cause its target audience moids are ones who don't want to/can't grow up since they were traumatized by society by icky things like responsibility and jobs.

Self-inserting as a shota is much more easier since it brings them to the time where shit like bills and rent weren't a thing.

Also, I suppose self-inserting as an ikemen would make them insecure as they know they don't look like that IRL, kek.

No. 380991

Finished A Tree Without Roots and isn't heeseo more of a bpd-chan and less of a yandere? or a yandere written realistically. although yandere do have bpd traits. i feel like even if his mom was alive he would still be a bpd who chases after taekyung, mental illness is also genetic

No. 380993

File: 1715587906148.png (619.89 KB, 703x861, Rudeus_Greyrat_Adult.png)

Isn't Rudy meant to be an ikemen self insert?

No. 380997

He was a sho(shit) in the beginning though. Ngl, despite Mushoku Tensei's pedo tendencies I really like Rudeus's design. Shame he's such from a degenerate series.

No. 381006

no thanks, hes ugly and should have stayed dead

No. 381012

It's difficult to find a good balance without over or under designing.
Suits are always the go to.

No. 381013

Shit taste, you probably like futa.

No. 381047

File: 1715602721309.jpg (60.03 KB, 600x800, 1000015828.jpg)

Tired of the bait posts here these days callikg random ikemen ugly, what are you, a moid NEET that plays eroge with fat ojisan self inserts raping beautiful women and hates ikemen? At least post some images of hot guys (whoever manages to pass your weird stardards) making out to be on topic.
Interesting discussion nonnies, I had fun reading. I'm the one who dropped it when Heeseo stabbed Taekyung, I can usually handle fucked up dynamics and sht in fiction but straight up attempted murder just ruins my interest in a pairing kek. It was objectively good psychological drama though, so that's why I recced despite my own issue. Maybe if the story ends well I will return to reading it, especially now that I've put myself through the wild ride that's After Killing You, that webtoon literally opened with murder lmao.

No. 381056

Same I dislike attempted murder, I don't like when yanderes kill their love interest so they can keep their head in a jar or some unsexy shit like that, but at least in this case it was a case of "if you don't love me I'll kill you and then kill myself" which I tolerate more

No. 381062

The characters in this were too unlikable for me to even care. Their backstories weren't compelling at all either

No. 381068

>isn't heeseo more of a bpd-chan and less of a yandere? or a yandere written realistically.
It's like a "the making of a yandere" nature documentary kek. He doesn't start out as one but by the end he's finished his transformation.

No. 381135

isnt he just naturally dark-skinned

No. 381137

So is Heeseo a bpd moid?

No. 381138

File: 1715613496055.jpg (250.08 KB, 1317x1567, 1711049116787.jpg)

tanned probably refers to darkies in general, which we do need more of especially ones that aren't just asshole semes.

No. 381146

Pardon the ignorance but who is this eyepatch hottie? Also is he uke?

No. 381154

File: 1715614742591.jpeg (58.19 KB, 473x531, d9f096a13d3d929395436878af9c77…)

I think the attempted murder is easier to stomach if you read it not as a romance but as a psychological thriller, like killing stalking. The author keeps the tone of the story very consistent so I never felt the need to turn any part of my brain off to deal with the whiplash of abuse into romance — because it's not there to begin with.
Yes. Textbook BPD scrote honestly. But he's cute so we let it slide.

No. 381157

File: 1715615401109.jpg (196.71 KB, 1018x1200, yr_013102.jpg)

Yael from Lkyt. and yes he's the uke kek

No. 381162

I don't see it like that, all of these "psychological thriller" BL to me are just torture porn

No. 381171

Picked up, I love this type so much, either a bottom or top.
Bonus if they have genuine intentions buried deep in the bpd shenanigans.

No. 381184

I understand nona, attempted murder isn't for everyone kek. I really enjoy that trope, even in TV shows like Hannibal and Killing Eve, but it's tricky to handle correctly. I find it a little boring when the other party does nothing but cower in fear after, but I think it's top tier when the attempted murderee truly understands why it happened and has mixed feelings about it, even though everyone is telling them (and they rationally know) they should feel nothing but rage and contempt. They know they shouldn't empathize with or pity someone so awful, much less feel any affection for them, but they can't help but feel lingering attachment to them. I know this is not a dynamic that works for everyone, but the doomedness scratches some sort of itch in my brain.

No. 381201

sup losers do you have any recs for fucked up and/or gorey yaois that aren't heavily censored?(baiting)

No. 381203

why losers?

No. 381204

Ask again nicely ♥

No. 381207

im one of you, sorry for the rude introduction, im socially awkward, may i please have some yaoi?

No. 381208

just read killing stalking

No. 381209

already have. it ripped my heart out.

No. 381215

Sheeps mask

No. 381216

File: 1715622279746.gif (62.12 KB, 500x400, m88o4hhLTl1qjs1ymo1_500.gif)

we don't read that messed up crap here, weirdo

No. 381218

File: 1715622551865.jpg (561.71 KB, 2039x2894, Ft079QpacAABpkA.jpg)

MADK, anything by Nishin Masumi

No. 381220

then why did i see some guy with his guts out the second i opened this thread >>378730
thank you dear anons i will take a look

No. 381225

File: 1715622959514.jpg (115.46 KB, 1000x813, EjznyHjUYAA81Fq.jpg)

they're just kidding anon, we love guro here

No. 381229

anons im home ♥ im so sorry i called us losers

No. 381234

File: 1715623458483.jpg (2.38 MB, 3000x3035, slappu.jpg)

that's just a crazy fanart, cage is cute and sweet it's not like that at all

No. 381240

Hard agree.

No. 381243

Boku no Pico
Now get lost and get banned.

No. 381245

File: 1715624600185.gif (5.42 MB, 480x480, 8A3E2B06-286A-474F-8FD8-BA0D67…)

>reversible couples
>shorter seme
>buff, manly ukes (unless it’s a josou seme)
>no rape or coercion
>seme can’t keep the uke in line
>fluffy wholesome uguuu uwu shit
>given tier bl

No. 381246

File: 1715624615891.jpg (33.47 KB, 500x333, IMG_4441.jpg)

Omg pico

No. 381247

File: 1715624738527.jpg (1.78 MB, 1535x2047, 84835912_p5.jpg)

>reversible couples
>shorter seme
are based actually, I agree with the rest tho

No. 381248

is this the ryona nona from the chatbot thread?

No. 381249

File: 1715624916752.jpg (29.46 KB, 352x395, 123454687.jpg)

You will never know the joy of an uke who has to tardwrangle his human dildo. Awful taste.

No. 381250

Ayrt, I like the art I've seen of this game but how depressing is it? Is it basically only sad endings? I want samurai amputee-kun to be happy.

No. 381251

i hate slutty ukes. disgusting

No. 381252

File: 1715625221477.png (456.25 KB, 479x395, 1644518365274.png)

>She hates sluts
I can only pity you

No. 381253

>not liking switching, shorter semes, muscular ukes, OR slutty ukes
looks like we got an unthawed neanderthal on the loose itt

No. 381254

File: 1715625426688.jpg (25.01 KB, 589x235, you.JPG)

No. 381255

>>given tier bl
What's wrong with Given? I never read it or watched it, I just know it's about some teenagers playing instruments or something.

No. 381256

Its just boring and melodramatic for no reason. I agree with her on given and uguuu uwu BL sucking ass but she's painfully wrong on every other account

No. 381258

File: 1715625604566.jpg (477.47 KB, 900x1200, 95143079_p4.jpg)

>how depressing is it? Is it basically only sad endings?
I am very regretful to say but yes to all of those kek, the epilogue is bitter sweet I would still reccomened playing it, the moments between the charathers are great

No. 381259

Only the student characters are boring. The adults and their stories are alright.

No. 381260

File: 1715625800144.jpg (120.71 KB, 1200x1200, 029.jpg)

>Is it basically only sad endings? I want samurai amputee-kun to be happy.
well. yes, but they at least have a degree of sweetness and romance to balance out the tragedy in true endings and even moreso in the epilogue. but if by amputee-kun you mean ango… you can play his route and see for yourself ♥

No. 381261

aoba isn’t even a slut canonically he is a pure tsundere and a good example of a good uke

No. 381262

File: 1715625899979.jpg (1.95 MB, 3600x2605, ad3f174fgy1gnlmnc93vlj22s020dn…)

>shorter seme
>buff, manly ukes (unless it’s a josou seme)
I hope you acquire some taste soon nonnie.

No. 381263

omfg KEK

No. 381264

Are you forgetting his years spent as the public onahole known as sly blue

No. 381265

I am just saying, I need characters who actually enjoy taking cock and react well. The same blushing virgin uke who cries prettily as he gets raped is trite. Whores are the new uke meta, cope.

No. 381267

Yes, the seme should be the blushing virgin who cries pitifully as he gets reverse raped

No. 381268

chinese fujos based as always, I'm so upset that you cant view lofter without making an account anymore it was a hidden, treasure trove for good fanart

No. 381269

The closest title to Killing stalking that I could find is Sadistic beauty Side B. Aside from that here's others that can fit your request: MADK, FEEDING LAMB, The Warehouse.

No. 381270

File: 1715626410404.jpeg (Spoiler Image,470.69 KB, 2048x1664, GDT2xlvboAAQtpl.jpeg)

play mebiusline

No. 381271

blushing pure maiden men can take a cock well

No. 381276

each to their own it’s all boring to me

No. 381285

But what about a whore uke who thinks he likes dick then gets brutally raped and is never the same?


No. 381295

we need yandere uke

No. 381298

I didn't even know there were adult characters important enough to be mentioned.

No. 381300

Yes I meant Ango. I love that he is a cute deko dashi and that he looks like asamurai-type (?), but if the story is bittersweet, I'll avoid it right now…

I will keep the game in mind for the future still, it sounds interesting, good and lewd.

No. 381306

File: 1715629859320.jpg (8.36 KB, 222x208, gayyy.jpg)

You get me nonna…just imagine some khhv loser who cums in three seconds every time he gets a taste of hole and gets super embarrassed and insecure over it. He's going to be molded into the perfect dildo after so many repeated humiliations.
Boooring. Inexperienced dead fish uke are snoozefests, as are stoic seme who just mindlessly ram assholes with no reaction. Virgin seme x Whore uke is the perfect pairing because they both have good reactions in bed.
Rape correcting whores is always based
THIS! The lack of yandere uke is our next problem to solve in the wokejoshi agenda.

No. 381310

File: 1715630908577.jpg (219.1 KB, 919x1369, 1709666819436.jpg)

i will warn you that ango's story is just outright tragic 80% of the way through, he's a depression samurai who needed soul healing from the cute dog boy

No. 381315

File: 1715631327171.jpg (510.38 KB, 2048x1472, fishy.jpg)

great route though i've seen very few anime men suffer as much as ango did, king deserved so much better. and his deer familiar is my favorite

No. 381316

what the hell is this image communicating

No. 381318

first impression vs impression after playing the game

No. 381322

oh kek. love that the pic shows how different fujoshi are from east to west, can’t imagine anyone from here using a straight shota show in a meme

No. 381325

He has an unfortunate hairline…

No. 381328

File: 1715632603048.jpg (205.71 KB, 736x1045, 89bf8950ab310569883b27e0df0499…)

Are you really gonna make us have the chonmage talk again

No. 381330

Spoiler pls

No. 381332

File: 1715633058334.png (278.12 KB, 879x648, 628698089941.png)

It's a part of history, nonnie

No. 381343


No. 381354

Deko dashi is a patrician moe point. Big forehead = more space to kiss.
What's the name of this? I hate chonmage but if it became popular it must mean that the story is good despite the chonmage.

No. 381373

Based take and agree, whore ukes are my favourite and they're too rare.

No. 381376

nobody post that balding scientist

No. 381377

>liking whores

No. 381378

File: 1715637053171.jpg (145.58 KB, 876x398, Sleeping-Dead-c7-60.jpg)

say his name

No. 381380

File: 1715637212032.jpg (663.33 KB, 2048x1182, tumblr_cbdaf678d6e3dc1749e82c6…)

>is based

No. 381383

if you’re the bald headed moid lover from the last thread, I still hate you. so much so that the lines between hate and lust are blurred. I can’t help but admire you a bit for having such horrible taste

No. 381385

File: 1715637522007.png (309.65 KB, 446x692, 85b5f63c-29e3-4ad5-ab47-948f9a…)

No. 381386


No. 381389

File: 1715638516998.jpg (331.7 KB, 880x868, Sleeping Dead - 178.jpg)

No. 381391

alright, fine. I’ll have sex with you

No. 381393


No. 381397

File: 1715639823164.jpg (45.82 KB, 275x319, Sleeping-Dead-180.jpg)

No. 381398

hercule poirot lookin ass

No. 381402

Ntas and I honestly only liked it because of the music aspect. Does anyone have decent rips of the drama CD 2 with "fuyu no hanashi" performed by Saito Soma? The anime version sucks ass.

No. 381403

File: 1715640606308.jpeg (179.5 KB, 1040x470, IMG_5411.jpeg)

I miss his autism RIP

No. 381404

does anyone have recommendations for josou semes? All of the examples I've seen are just 'femboy tops' and seem male-gazey. I'd prefer one that still visibly resembles a man, rather than just being undiscernible from a woman

No. 381407

What manga is this? It's hilarious

No. 381408

No. 381409

File: 1715641821319.jpeg (533.01 KB, 1031x858, IMG_5412.jpeg)

Sleeping Dead

No. 381410

File: 1715642082548.jpg (121.27 KB, 420x595, b3614.jpg)

No. 381411


No. 381413

File: 1715642353183.jpg (77.92 KB, 1000x714, MERE - スロダメ (107850030) p17.jp…)

Towa forma rubio

No. 381416

please for the love of god stop posting that ugly piece of shit.

No. 381418


No. 381419

File: 1715643349045.jpeg (397.75 KB, 1289x1462, IMG_1712.jpeg)

No. 381422

File: 1715643634756.jpg (179.61 KB, 950x554, Sleeping-Dead-5-182.jpg)

No. 381423

When is this thing gonna get fully posted online, it's been YEARS

No. 381426

It actually is completely translated on mangadex, except for the twitter extra about Sada

No. 381427

Amo mucho a Towa rubio de verdad

No. 381428

Not surprised that he agreed to wear the blindfold, kek

No. 381430

What ending?? He looks so cute sorry never finished playing, couldn't stomach the heavier stuff that well

No. 381435

File: 1715645719071.jpg (777.43 KB, 1036x1400, さかの - スロダメログ2 (90685879) p13.j…)

It's in Madarame's route (flashback to when Towa was a teenager in his gang)

No. 381437

File: 1715646063137.jpg (192.98 KB, 1060x1062, babushka.jpg)

No. 381440

hideously based

No. 381443

can anyone recommend manwha/manhua with incest? something dark, i'm reading bongchon bride and i'm way more interested in mc's evil half brother trying to get into his hands than i am his fluffy love story with the actual romantic lead

No. 381449

But like, for what reason

No. 381451

Shikabane to hanayome
Deichuu no hasu

No. 381461

thank you, but i've read both of these already. also this is manga, not manwha/manhua (kr/chinese) webtoons

manwha/manhua is always especially messy and dramatic, i think it's because of how wild kdramas and cdramas get. i just want to gasp at the screen and slap my knee

No. 381467

File: 1715649673583.jpg (114.78 KB, 840x1120, tall (1).jpg)

This one isn't BL, but the entire story is about the younger brothers creepy obsession with his older brother so it might still scratch the itch

No. 381471

kek i've read this one already too…hated the ending

No. 381474

File: 1715650126813.jpg (115.88 KB, 800x1138, Lovely-Allergen.jpg)

…you are probably more well versed in incest webtoons than I am then, sorry kek. Placebo exists but it's just trashy brainless porn. I can't think of many more. Lovely allergen exists but it's a cutesy story, not really dramatic. Paper Plane is a bit more dramatic but I dropped it too early to give any thoughts on it.

No. 381483

How grotesque is Sleeping Dead? In the gore/body horror aspect. I see it tagged as Gore on MD though I've never seen any grotesque pages posted. Should I expect something on the level of "Hannibal"?

No. 381499

File: 1715652230877.jpeg (Spoiler Image,199.58 KB, 1000x808, ImageDrain-20240414T182622.701…)

Thots on Dog Booba(spoiler nsfw)

No. 381503

not bad at all, not even as bad as hannibal really. the only thing that sticks out in my mind as far as gore goes was one scene involving handcuffs and even that wasn't too nasty.

No. 381504

File: 1715652421313.jpeg (Spoiler Image,50.58 KB, 704x800, EC2F7DAE-D6BD-41C4-9B04-0F994D…)

No. 381506

those nipple suction things gross me out

No. 381511

They're just preparing the boy milk

No. 381512

Too femboy + Genshin Impact is poop

No. 381515

File: 1715652930691.jpeg (Spoiler Image,19.13 KB, 404x541, BE9CA3B0-8357-4E01-9C61-0D0436…)

That’s what cowboy means in Japan.(baiting/spamming images to get a reaction)

No. 381517

File: 1715653141802.jpeg (Spoiler Image,415.01 KB, 1000x563, IMG_9926.jpeg)

Scholar hands wrote this

No. 381519

File: 1715653602050.png (116.59 KB, 571x288, 1714228455100633.png)

Some of you are not my sisters.

No. 381520

could you at least get new images to bait with
some of us browse both /cm/ and this thread

No. 381523

The MC gets stabbed to death and has his stomach cut open in the early chapters, so that's about the goriest it gets. It also shows a guy regaining consciousness after all of his limbs are amputated but there's no blood.

No. 381524

Some schizophrenic retard posted caps from the last thread and name-dropped lolcow on /a/ a few days ago as well.

No. 381525

Idk how long you've been here but the annoying 4chan edgelord is from the discord that was constantly posted in these threads during the last couple years. That's also where the rance schizo was hanging around. Mods removed the link but they all still post here.

No. 381545

that explains a lot
And reasonable request
This artist is good
Yeah(do not post porn here)

No. 381633

File: 1715677083668.jpg (97.67 KB, 472x800, where'd his glasses go.jpg)

>Official dakis

No. 381635

File: 1715677144668.png (889.3 KB, 620x1000, 1708591.png)

No. 381643

File: 1715678778476.jpg (81.22 KB, 564x808, 8de64ea1ba1e9ea67d375a59d0a0e6…)

Sleeping dead was my latest favorite bl story, it holds special place in my heart. Even Chanisawman author recommended it.

No. 381644

File: 1715678967911.jpg (73.75 KB, 563x797, 60e702e0e7f514088ea3f695d4cca4…)

Samefag, in fact I LOVE all Asada Nemui's works, her Classmate, Circus, Skin, Brothers anthology, Dear My God, My Little Inferno, Enigma, her current work is also looks interesting.

No. 381648

Sorry am ESL. To me "tanned" just means anyone who's a bit dark-skinned.

No. 381665

File: 1715681696788.jpeg (Spoiler Image,40.6 KB, 468x655, shuper_wholshum.jpeg)

>anything by Nishin Masumi

Sasuga. A nonnie with supremo taste.

No. 381666

Need a BL version as these interactions fr.

No. 381667

I used to be obsessed with Dear My God/The Talking Flower and I'm glad the series sensei made after are just as good

No. 381693

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>sadistic megane ara ara niisan
>slutty easygoing gyaruo otouto
Why couldn't they be porn game characters instead of appearing in the most sleep inducing Ace Attorney game… they're both such an amazing collection of fetishes.
This is one of those moments where I wish we could have custom character porn games like Koikatsu except ero BL-themed because I need to see these 2 get railed in all kinds of ways.

No. 381695

When I was a Fujo I preferred tall, muscular bottoms and small tops. It was unpopular back then, has anything changed?

No. 381704

I'd say it has gotten a lot more popular in recent years, but small bottom is still the norm. Even in BL where both are muscular the top is usually still bigger, it's so boring.

No. 381705

I’m glad it has gotten more popular, but I guess it will never be the norm.

No. 381733

Blvns that have incest in? Blood related preferably.

No. 381735

Takes 5 seconds. Why are you so lazy? You're the reason why asking for recs should be a bannable offence.

No. 381736

I like how you still helped her

No. 381737

Not to start an infight, but what exactly is the appeal of incest? I have siblings in real life and have accidentally seen one kind of naked which made me want to kys myself so obviously I'm gonna find it gross. But it's popular for some reason even in straight shit. Why?

No. 381738

That's what fujosisters are for. <3

No. 381765

For me it’s the taboo. I like when the story involves a lot of guilt and angst which is par for the course when it comes to incest. I do have siblings and find irl incest gross.

No. 381766

File: 1715691811931.jpg (340.59 KB, 2048x1498, 1715691662377.jpg)

I'll help you fellow incestfag
Dramatical murder + fandisk
Nie no machi + fandisk
Koibito Yuugi

That's all I can think of. Very sad lineup, need more fully blood related oniichans

being an only child, also it's taboo/forbidden romance. pretty typical shit tbh. I also like it that they look alike and the drama about fucking your niichan who raised you maybe is hot

No. 381767

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No. 381772

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>assigning you yaoi from a Dostoyevsky novel
All this talk in the book thread about fujobait in Dostoyevskys novels and I found this kek. I like one-sided crushes and corruption so this fits.

No. 381773

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Bless the era of small tops and hunky ukes

No. 381778

I got Porfiry and Raskolnikov

No. 381796

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Is Yomi and Juuro’s route considered incest/selfcest? I pondered this for awhile after finishing the game.
Either way we need better incest routes in blvns, I’m surprised that it’s not more common or explored more in the genre considering what kind of godless shit happens in these games.
Real incest is gross. But there’s a lot of potentially interesting writing matter for 2D anime boy incest

No. 381797

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>Feel free to ask for recommendations, but specify what kind of material you're looking for (Genre, oneshot/series, doujinshi, SFW/NSFW etc).
Are some of you illirate or just never read the rules etc?
Thanks though but vndb doesn't include a lot of specific tags since most are in Japanese and those 10 max people who play the games don't bother adding them all (including me). Take hanamachi and hanakage for example. Both games had seke and one has incest it's a spoiler though that's why i censored it.
I like how immoral it is and the characters breaking down and having to fight their urges. Shift their feelings from family to romantic ones. The contradictions, how dark they can get if one of them is obssesed but the other doesn't want to give in, fighting their feeling and urges, people around them being grossed out and condemn them. The bls that I've read so far (manga) with incest in were mostly "I fucked my brother but welp it's okay we can't help it we'll just be happy like that". In otome it's done much better and there are a lot of otome like that but idk why they don't bother in blvns.
I find non blood related siblings or relatives just as immoral because shifting from family feelings to sexual ones it's so weird gross and immoral but at the same time so based and kino. I like rape and a lot of dark themes though nonna, I do understand your feelings though I'm grossed out by certain stuff too, but I've been reading shit like that for years, never associate them with real life and never thought of fucking my brothers or sisters lol.
Based incestfag nonny arigato!
I liked uuultra the most I think. I've recently went back to bl visual novels been so long since I last played a blvn i feel really left out. I'll play nie no machi thank you! In return here some blvn titles that have incest (blood related one)
hanakage (first cousin or half brother), laughter land (great grandpa/uncle? cousin or uncle some shit like that I played them years ago sorry
ENNEAD has a lot of incest too and Osiris obsession with Seth is fun to watch even though he is a horrible piece of shit. His son is as obssesed but toned down schizo.
Picre, is Papas assasin. Veeeeerrryyyy slow updates but niche kino shit. About an assasin saving a baby and raising him as his son. The son when he grew he started to like him and can see him as his dad. There's a lot of drama and kino stuff. My favorite scene was when they were having sex the dad was having flashbacks raising him up He suffers the most because basically his son forced his feelings on him, was basically whoring around with other men and he is still in school. It's immoral in so many aspects kek. But the slow updates killing it. Shoowa is based.

No. 381807

Who likes irl incest nonna? Literally no one. There is Alabama,Mormon related cults and third world countries that shit like that is acceptable and the kids that are born by incest end up looking like hills have eyes abominations, have iq of a potato and 10000 medical issues which is actually sad.
First it's disgusting, secondly most irl cases are rape related unfortunately.
You don't see shit like that in fiction though. It's usually schizos obsessing over their imoutos or oniichans/otoutos, locking them in cages or go "teehee it's okay love is love".

No. 381817

Yeah, now you get called a regressive misogynist pedophile for liking smaller bottoms and bigger tops and all BL is just a same sized reversible couple. It's a grim, dark time for smaller twink bottom enjoyers like myself.

No. 381829

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Holy dadson kino. Thanks nonnie, I'm reading it immediately. As an incestfag I love the type of brocon where the age gap is extreme and the older brother is basically the father figure of the younger brother, it's like a double cocktail of drama and guilt over being both siblings and a parent figure needless to say dadson that really goes in on that angle is extremely delicious. Bonus when both parties feel gross about it and fight their feelings for a long time.

>the otome angle

This about chou no doku? I've heard a lot about it but I've never played an otoge before. Is the incest drama that good?

Also I've got laughter land on my shelf kek, I really need to give it a try now. It's true that even in BLVNs full blood related incest is hard to find, DMMd was honestly kino for having both selfcest and incest at the same time, I greatly appreciated it especially the drama about it in the fandisk. Ren best boy.

Another game with a dadson angle is no thank you. Probablement the best drawn-out incest drama I've seen on a game.

No. 381830

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Turn off Infowars conservajoshi-chan, no one is putting your traditional pure virgin twink uke through slut and muscle conversation therapy. yet

No. 381845

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uke-kun will be roided soon alhamdulillah

No. 381861

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fuck you, the blue haired wokey leftie feminists have gotten to my good old fashioned yaois anon and are making it illegal to be cute and fuckable and I for one won't STAND for it

No. 381864

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They are blood-related (parent-son), so yes. Regardless, incestfags are not picky - they'll go for cousins, protag- distant uncle and the like.

No. 381865

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MYGA (Make Yaoi Great Again)

No. 381866

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No. 381867

If she promises to bring back cute feminine ukes and old fashioned fujo way of life she's got my vote. someone needs to put all these roidpig fuckers in their places and we've been waiting for too long!

No. 381868

The gap moe between a more muscled dude being dominated by a younger, cuter twink is pure kino.

No. 381869

no. holy shit that's disgusting. get out of here pervert, you'll be put in a camp once fujotrump is wins the elections.

No. 381870

She's needs to build the fucking wall, protect traditional fujoshi values!

No. 381875

shit taste, you deserve to be oppressed

No. 381876

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Cry harder. Muscled uke enjoyers
have already won.

No. 381878

You quote unquote people claim to be above omegaverse yet you still want a disgusting girly uke, barefoot in the kitchen and pregnant with the ass baby of his boring boyfriend who has the haircut of a 14 year old on a manhwa NBA body? lol lmao(bait)

No. 381880

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No. 381899

File: 1715706924042.png (2.06 MB, 1230x2070, superseme.png)

C'mon anons, don't infight and go read Super Seme-Sama to Toki wo Kakeru Ore kek

No. 381901

What does roidpig mean?(do not post porn here)

No. 381902

I always thought it was a little weird how so many illustrations, not just in yaoi, have the characters looking at the viewer. Would be hotter if they were focused on each other imo.

No. 381904

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I think it's mostly so the reader can get a clear look at their faces just from the cover and decide whether its to their taste. Another illustration from the same series where they are facing eachother.

No. 381905

I love pathetic ukes, but what I don't like is hulking cold semes and those pathetic ukes are usually paired with them. If it was something more like sebaciel where the implied seme is actually a hot bishie then yeah then we're talking

No. 381907

Yes. Stoic tops should only be paired with slutty brats. They are fucking horrible with the weepy virgin uke.

No. 381908

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nothing is worth the foojing nothing is worth the foojing nothing is worth the foojing nothing is worth the foojing

No. 381910

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Based nonnie we share the exact same feelings. I love the agegaps for the reason that sometimes you'd expect the older one/father figure to be the obsessive one, the one who is manipulating, gaslighting and preying on the younger one, but when it's the opposite, it ends up being super based. Sons manipulating their fathers , otoutos raping and then threating their oniichans. (Btw also recommending kokoro o korosu- stepsiblings) Younger brother is little schizo who rapes his older brother and then threatens him to report him to the police and his parents for rape if he doesn't do what he says from now on. He has the advantage since he is still in highschool while his brother is 10 years older about and gaslighting him about who'd believe it was the opposite. Not executed 100% but it's still good!
I wish we had more brothers in blvns we are truly starved. We do have selfcest, which depending on the plot and situation can be based, see shingakkou but we really need obsessive schizoid siblings. I think you'll really like kokoro and papa (papa is more light hearted while korosu pretty dark!) Have fun and do tell please your impressions nonna. It's still ongoing papa btw and latest chapter was a freaking cliffhanger.


Otome suck at things that bl does right and vice versa. One thing that otome does right is that they do focus and explore the the LIs more, compared to blvns. We get POVs, and it's especially delicious reading a schizoid oniichans POV.
Chou no doku yes, that's an incestfag otome kino classic. I've met fellow fujos and saw random incestfags online who are allergic to otome but have played this one and liked it. You'll probably like it too if you like psychological dark incest plotwist stories. Has some fujobait in too from what i can remember? One of the LIs was weirdly obssesed with the heroines brother and [spoiker]her brother basically raped him through his sister in a bad ending and he did[/spoiler]. If an otome writter has worked on bl before, you should expect your otome to at least have some fujobait. Not a lot though because yumes are autistic and don't like the idea of their 2D hubbies having their anal canals explored before (shit taste).
Looking at the vndb page, the same writer has written koibito yuugi and a few other blvns. And these blvns by the plot alone do seem to have incest kek. Stalled them all, thank you nonny, will write my impressions!


Kek. The android doggo/twin brother/self-conscious autism thingy was lowkey retarded but at the same time based ngl haha. I like creative incest stories like that.
Nty one was good yeah agree. If only they went ahead with real one like they do in their eroge… And laughter land won't disappoint. Had some creative storyline behind too. Underrated game.

No. 381911

girl its 2024 get better taste than sebaciel. move on.

No. 381912

>when it's the opposite, it ends up being super based. Sons manipulating their fathers , otoutos raping and then threating their oniichans
So based. Especially when the older one dotes on the younger one in a pure way and is accustomed to indulging his whims, only for the younger one to misinterpret and twist that familial love into something darker. When the younger one comes on to him, the older one feels disgusted and violated but loves him too much to push him away, and their relationship just keeps getting more and more twisted until they both break. There isn't enough Younger x Older incest BL out there.

No. 381916

You get it nonnie! Exactly this. But-
nowhere to be found in a blvn unfortunately. Maybe it exists in an old freeware bl doujin circles game with shitto art in web archives somewhere. They shouldn't deprive us of incest blvns! That's so racist.

No. 381917

fuck off wokejoshi scum

No. 381919

Lots of twittards on this thread as of late

No. 381924

i'm talking about their aesthetics, they're both twinks just in different sizes

No. 381926

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I like both traditional and woke yaoi. Am I a yaoi centrist?

No. 381930

cold stoic tops, the manhwa tops in particular, are simply not interesting most of the time. we get it they're tall, buff and have dark hair, but usually they follow the most boring tropes, like a CEO with some mommy issues, or a rich guy who is also a rapist and there's nothing more going on. it's not the abusive trait that annoys me, i'm an unhinged yandere connoiseur i love abusive little shits it's that they don't have much depth beyond that. they don't express their feelings, they're just a walking dildo. also if you can't write a semi-compelling seme, i have doubts the uke will be much better

No. 381931

File: 1715712122683.jpg (39 KB, 483x400, 20240329_220740.jpg)

tradfujos totally abide by the one drop rule

I can accept the bottom being smaller if he's also older and more mature, with the top being a little stupid but cute. hags need to conserve their energy, they should no longer top after a certain age.

No. 381937

Wtf is woke yaoi

No. 381945

i don't give a fuck that sebastian is a pedo, i love other creepy fucks but sebaciel is boring and old news. neither of them have any personality, at least talk about alois instead.

No. 381948

File: 1715714253234.jpg (145.96 KB, 750x455, 1664228372458.jpg)

Boring as it may be Sebaciel is a classic and deserves its place in the yaoi hall of fame. If it wasn't for Yana and reading black butler when I was 12 I wouldn't be a fujoshi today. Pay respects to the mother

No. 381950

fuck i forgot about this pic. god fucking dammit i love stridercest thank you anon

No. 381951

We are probably the same age nonna and agreed. I liked Sebastian as straight in my mind more (the scene with the circus girl and nun in the anime were hot) but I understand the fujos who ship them and Yana has a shotacon fetish so. I'm sure young gen fujos will start shipping those two too thanks to the anime. It's a classic ship like sasunaru.

No. 381956

nta but troon shit

No. 381957

Why do you people insist on replying when you can't be bothered to scroll up and figure out what it is that's being discussed?

No. 381960

Ironically troons love nothing more than a tiny uke they can self insert as x big seme who is their husbando.

No. 381962

Not to become a fujo again but I want to see a perfect young stud manipulate and rape an old man. I want to see a son kill his father. Stud on haggot violence is so underrated. Clap your hooves if you agree, everypony!

No. 381963

It would be epic if a straight guy was groomed into being a gay hooker btw

No. 381965

The only correct opinion and dangerously based at that. Marry me nonnie.

No. 381966

To reply honestly instead of just shitposting, "woke yaoi" is a tongue in cheek reference to the current day gentrified, more approachable BL that panders to bigger masses than the old edgy kind with lots of problematic themes and smaller ukes being railed by bigger semes. It's basically parodying the conservative vs progressive culture war.

No. 381967

We are not starting the "everything I hate is for trannies" discussion, especially not the moidbrained "they self insert into the uke!!" narrative when most fujoaidens larp as big hunky dadbods

No. 381969

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>t. giga autist who can't recognize shitposts
We are soulmates now.

No. 381970

room no 9 ending A

No. 381972

File: 1715717382649.png (1.68 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (3156).png)

Matsuda is so fucking sexo

No. 381975

based nona, it is also hot when a straight guy is so traumatized that he has intrusive gay thoughts. any straight men being forced, or coerced, into gay sex is hot af.

No. 381978

tayrt but no retard i meant the zippertits on bl characters or saying "theyre so autistic uwu! and hes a they/them!" where the fuck did i mention ukes?

No. 381979

File: 1715718053471.jpg (19.13 KB, 300x271, F3jatrbEAALuoW.jpg)

That was so sad, he made him do it for free too. Room no. 9 is like a social commentary on how easy it is to meme the moid sexuality into absolute depravity and gayness.

No. 381985

File: 1715718590871.jpg (1.15 MB, 2889x4096, 20211117_130012.jpg)

Right nonnie? That game is real psychological horror about the minds of moids and their fucked up sexualities. It takes absolutely nothing for them to be raping and killing each other. Amemiya definitely has a fetish for turning straight guys into cockhungry whores though based af

No. 381995

File: 1715720571535.png (7.04 MB, 3035x2150, 72390396_p8.png)

I'm glad my fellow nonnies can appreciate based Matsuda

No. 381996

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That it was, I love the writing of that game. Scenes like the one where Daichi subconsciously started to objectify Seiji so heavily he described how disturbing it felt to get horny just from watching him do normal things like eat a sandwich were like windows into the moid brain.
>Amemiya definitely has a fetish for turning straight guys into cockhungry whores though based af
2nded, this will never not be hot.

No. 381997

I'd have sex with him myself. downloading both fandisks rn for more Matsuda only

No. 381998

back in my day ukes used to look like ukes is all i’m saying

No. 381999

File: 1715721921939.mp4 (78.08 KB, 320x328, 1623404335045150.mp4)

>I'd have sex with him myself

No. 382000

File: 1715722063019.jpg (Spoiler Image,227.59 KB, 1169x1620, 3c7579799ad2ebb2a3f8d876aa186c…)

I mean, they still do tbh. Jinx is probably the most popular running BL atm and Dan is a textbook wimpy cute uke (aside from being older, but his age doesn't show in his personality at all so I don't count it)

No. 382002

i dont mind traditional ukes, but Dan is so fucking gross. i dont know why i find him so repulsive.

No. 382008

>Jinx is probably the most popular running BL atm
amongst who? i’ve never read this

No. 382012

that's the plot of Loved Circus

No. 382013

amongst the tiktok crowd

No. 382021

I don't know, Jinx has a really weird following. It seems like that whole crowd just reads it to bitch and moan about Jaekyung being abusive. I see next to no positive discussion surrounding it, but it's consistently one of the most read ongoing BL webtoons. I don't get it. Why are they reading it if they hate it so much? Is it just residual love for BJ Alex?

No. 382026

File: 1715726887771.jpg (305.07 KB, 2508x3541, 1715726365722.jpg)

Despite being known as a nukige I think the writing in room no 9 is the strongest thing about the game. The psychological aspect is extremely well researched, it ends up as so realistic and unsettling.

Playing it more than once made me appreciate the details even more, the sandwich scene you mentioned is extremely good character development for something so small. The way Daichi slowly cares less and less about Seiji's wellbeing to the point where he really becomes just a piece of meat to him all because of the conditioning is unsettling as fuck. I'll never forget the playing it blind and getting ending A first because I wanted to bully Seiji as hard as possible. That shit made me feel personally responsible for what happened, kek.

Both room no 9 and no thank you are extremely good moid psychology deepdives imo, the writer/director really knows their shit. That's rare in blvns.

No. 382052

My theory is that most people who read Jinx do genuinely enjoy it in all its toxic glory, but because they feel guilty for being fujos and therefore "gay fetishisers", they've memed themselves into reeing about Jaekyung being abusive so that they can go "I'm not like other fujos. I call out abooos" despite not actually caring.

No. 382054

I liked room no9 (especially the sex scenes) but it's writing has a lot of flaws I remember Daichi repeating over and over again how he finds Seji attractive b-but not in a gay way, like we get it try being a little more subtle. overall the writing was really lackluster there were little moments I liked that I wish were more expanded on, like exploring their past together how they met a flashback or something. I remember seeing an art on the official twitter of their middle school days and I couldn't help but think how harder the game would've hit if they had showed it in game.

No. 382057

Where can I dl this game for free? I aint paying steam $30 USD

No. 382059

You're right. There's been a weird shift with recent BL/fujos (or so called fujos) where they want a happy ending all the time too. I was reading a doujin where it was just straight up mob x mc and all the comments were like "I wish he escaped and had a happy ending! whaa so sad. i hate this. maybe we can write to the doujin artist to give him a happy ending?" it was several doujins like that.
They just want the seme/uke to hand holds and kiss and nothing else. they cant handle sad, but well written doujins either. It's annoying af.

No. 382069

>getting ending A first
Kekkk I got D first because they made me feel bad for only torturing Seiji and I folded on the last choice kekkk. Ya the psychology and humanity they bake into their characters is parade's forte, their writers have nice prose. Being able to do so much with such a simple concept is a testament to that.
>there were little moments I liked that I wish were more expanded on, like exploring their past together how they met a flashback or something
It's not bad writing to omit that, it didn't fit the game. It's a short horror game about what's happening to them in the room, not their past. We're able to deduce everything we need to about their relationship on our own from observing their interactions with eachother starting from the moment you turn the game on and any noteworthy details about their pasts are mentioned in passing. It would be bad writing to spell that out in big red letters, overindulging in reminiscence would be out of character for the narrator over the subtle approach taken and it could also interfere with the unsettling tone they were working to establish. While what you complain about being unsubtle is in part just a running joke.

No. 382070

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At least consider buying a dakimakura cover to support the company

No. 382072

I'm not saying it's bad per say but how can I be sad over the loss of their friendship when I don't even know what it was like? They could’ve very easily integrated even a small flashback that would showcase how they were as friends in the past, it doesn't have to be unsubtle. it would actually emphasize and add to the horror of the situation and what they have to go through.
>While what you complain about being unsubtle is in part just a running joke.
Well it's an unfunny joke then

No. 382079

in retrospect i should have realized that the reason there wasnt a bravern thread on /y/ was because it was all being posted in the fujo thread

No. 382081

This is a behavior I've noticed is very, very extensive with Tiktok fujos who like BL webtoons. Very troubling to imagine the curse is spreading. I see so much whining about how problematic BL is, and I always wonder why they even bother reading a genre they apparently have so much contempt for. It's like they want all BL to be slice-of-life slow burn fluff where nothing happens for 103 chapters, but they keep clicking on Super Uke Stockholm Syndrome Rape Party and then getting pissed off and alogging the author over it. I can only conclude the virtue signalling is performative to compensate for the fact they either like it or don't actually care.

No. 382083

File: 1715746735024.jpeg (58 KB, 528x339, ImageDrain-20240514T033221.340…)

Why are gay men drawing their bottoms with gyno tho? It’s mostly male artists doing it but it’s getting more prevalent.

No. 382084

The weird looking barashit on mrm has dudes with fat bellies and D cup boobs more often than not, but I haven't seen it ever in Japanese yaoi drawn by women. The fat boob ukes I've seen women draw have always been Twitter fanart from woke fujos kek

No. 382085

It has to be virtue signalling. It's not like there is ever a shortage of fluffy soft BL, but the series with the most hits are always toxic rapefests, just look at everything that blows up: killing stalking, BJ Alex, painter in the night, jinx, low tide in twilight. They are popular because that is what new gen fujos like. The thing that baffles me is the need to virtue signal in a group where everyone likes the same problematic shit but still pretends like they don't. Social media doesn't make sense to me anymore.
Porn addiction escalating. I assume it works something like straight men memeing themselves into liking futashit. The male mind is a mystery.

No. 382091

File: 1715747801759.jpeg (Spoiler Image,31.67 KB, 850x850, Prolactinoma.jpeg)

Fujo do it too. You’d notice just by looking at Japanese fandom hashtags. Doubt they even know what woke means. It’s definitely a trend vs the past.

No. 382092

I enjoy all types of BL with a lot of "toxic" BL in the list of stuff that has left an impression on me, but I dropped every webtoon in that list lmao. I think I went back to BJ Alex just to check out the ending (it was my first "this kind" of webtoon kek), but for the rest I was just yawning within 3-4 chapters since what those webtoons had to offer was mostly pretty art (which is subjective) and sleep inducing rapefest (killing stalking is probably the only one that could be at least enjoyed as psychological horror). I don't get how they become popular, maybe because the titktok generation is very visual and they just salivate over the random sex screenshot compilations?

No. 382096

I think it's because of a few reasons:
>Webtoons update way faster than manga and get picked up for official translation very fast. Important for ADHD generation that won't wait for months to get their next hit like it is with manga scans.
>They run for like 100+ episodes so the weekly hit is guaranteed for a few years per series.
>Younger gen is split between weeaboos and koreaboos
>When it comes to slop quantity>quality.

No. 382100

File: 1715748502002.png (296.49 KB, 680x804, IMG_9955.png)

Maybe. Yeah at least some cases. A lot seems to be irl kinks bleeding into their work and then influencing others.

No. 382101

I don't see such stuff at all, ever. Maybe it depends on the fandom, I've never been into shounenslop and mostly hung out in fandoms of BL manga/games or anime with canon/close to canon gays like Yuri on Ice. Plus I don't check the tags for fandoms vigorously, so I manage to avoid the oddballs with their weird super niche fetishes trying to get attention kek

No. 382103

I've also been steering clear of the fujo fandoms of non-BL media for years now. They just seem more mentally ill for whatever reason.

No. 382104

File: 1715749130022.jpg (288.23 KB, 919x1300, 1000015853.jpg)

Samefag but I also am a pretty boy fucker so I follow artists with sparkly art and shit, went to my Twitter feed and grabbed the first art I saw to contribute to the thread kek

No. 382105

those arent fat tits

No. 382106

File: 1715749175476.jpeg (144.88 KB, 1450x2048, A07A57D5-34F2-43BE-8A3D-CCF89A…)

Non bl works with BL >>> BL

No. 382108

I'm old (in titktok standards) with a 9-5 job, I don't have the energy to make up scenarios in non BL works, I enjoy sitting back and being served with fully homo content by the canon kek

No. 382109

Depends, I think BLVNs are much better than non BLVNs with BL/shipping elements (me and my friend are playing an otome together and remarking on how a lot of the guys seem more faggy together than with the heroine, but we both vastly prefer BLVNs) but I think a lot of BL elements manga works better than actual BL because they're longer.

No. 382110

Enjoy your half a crumb of bait kek
Cute Binghe…I should reread but I already have so many fucking novels that I have yet to read…pain. Also what's the artist handle, nonnie?

No. 382111

File: 1715749684455.jpg (228.24 KB, 1436x1000, 1000015854.jpg)

@Shigaraki_Akira !

No. 382113

File: 1715749816313.jpeg (123.75 KB, 1080x719, ImageDrain-20240502T214623.310…)

Goes to show how much more successful non BL works with homo themes are.

No. 382114

File: 1715749982742.jpeg (641.95 KB, 1312x881, B4699E11-0733-4B44-A9A5-AE2210…)

haikaveh is boring as hell, get better taste. alhaitham is too much of a turbo autist for any of the characterization to make sense.

No. 382115

>Thing popular means thing good!!
You're a neanderthal bankrolling a company that will put waifufags first 100% of the time and only throw you a pity scrap out of obligation.

No. 382117

File: 1715750845280.jpeg (559.24 KB, 1390x2048, IMG_9917.jpeg)

Find a single general audience western company that makes characters like this or throws in homo in some way that isn’t virtue signaling.
Western “bold” characters are “strong women” aka waifu obese bald obnoxious designer guys want to sex. Non western bold characters are male harlots who never would be allowed in a game in west.

No. 382118

File: 1715750847472.jpg (Spoiler Image,587.79 KB, 1078x2187, 1000015857.jpg)

Ntayrt but korean smut webtoons sometimes have stuff like picrel, I consider these as an example of fat tits (if you're brave enough, look up the full volume webtoon which felt like big male boob fetish materialized)

No. 382119

Ukes were ukes and semes were semes!

No. 382120

This just looks like someone with a poor understanding of how male pecs work, not boob fetishist

No. 382121

File: 1715751027820.jpg (580.17 KB, 2048x1457, Fw09zpiaEAIRG7A.jpg)

haikaveh is one of the rare good genshin ships
>kaveh older then alhaitham
>met when they were young students
>kaveh forced to stay with alhaitham because he's broke
>alhaitham is an autist and they always argue but you can tell they still care about each other

No. 382122

File: 1715751250984.jpeg (312.86 KB, 1475x2048, IMG_9496.jpeg)

>turbo autist
And Kaveh is lolcow tier.
>better taste
The game has a lot of fodder so it’s not just them.

No. 382123

File: 1715751445310.jpeg (51.57 KB, 528x399, ImageDrain-20240514T033221.340…)

>the virgin webtoon pec drawer
>vs the Chad dog booba artist (avatarfagging)

No. 382124

Are you done baiting? Get enough attention yet?

No. 382125

It wasn’t as crazy as expected. A little disappointing but w/e. Can save the pics here that’s cool.

No. 382127

genshitters please go, hoyoverse slop is the worst thing getting attention from fujos right now

No. 382129

worst will always be disgusting 3dpd shows like good omens

No. 382131

They don't shit up the site with their brain damage so idc

No. 382132

File: 1715752310453.jpg (930.11 KB, 3754x3030, dade0c76eae35cfc826b1fc01adabd…)

I only played genshin for 20 minutes but I look at Zhongli x Aether fanart sometimes.

No. 382136

I don't play genshin but why are you going crazy for other fujos liking genshin, what's your damage
Is it a rule here to hate on gacha games or something? Considering how nu carnival fans got kicked out to their own thread despite no one spamming it that much in here

No. 382137

>Is it a rule here to hate on gacha games or something?
Yes, there's a reason that gachashit gets kicked to containment threads, it's because some of the most insufferable schizo posters on LC are gacha game players.

No. 382138

File: 1715753469411.png (143.28 KB, 640x461, 1000013043.png)

Considering starring watching Trigun after making plushies for friend super into vashwood, and wanted an objective opinion on how much fujobait to expect. Is it regular shounen close male friendship or thr super intense "I'll give up my life for you but no homo" stuff? No actual spoilers please I wanna go in blind

No. 382139

no one else wants to see that shit, they can go spam it in their dying thread

No. 382144

File: 1715756277115.jpg (392.31 KB, 1467x2048, 20230419_204306.jpg)

For the intensity of its fandom it doesn't really have that much fujobait. I did enjoy it for the brocon and zoomer Vash is cute. Do not go in with any fujo expectations though, it's a cook your own meal kinda show. All the boys are cute so it's worth a watch.

No. 382150

Ok nonna, thank you!

No. 382156

i think the point is that they already did it in the game, they don't need to do it again in flashback form because the game tells you everything you need to know but its up to you to pay attention

No. 382167

wait what? no fujobait? vash and wolfwood are the totally typical "enemies to lovers" trope in both the old and new, and knives 100% wants to fuck his brother.

No. 382171

File: 1715760938743.jpg (Spoiler Image,276.5 KB, 595x842, 20230510_164839.jpg)

As a seasoned incestfag I scrutinized knives/vash closely and precisely and while nai is indeed obsessed with his brother, they failed to succeed my brocon test with passing marks. Mayhaps my standards are too high. As for vashwood, I didn't really see it tbh. Wolfwood was too retarded of a character for me.

No. 382173

kek anon i'll give you it's not extremely blatant pandering or anything but there's plenty of fujo material there imo

No. 382174

No. 382179

Yeah there's no way they don't actually enjoy it. There were times when I read or watched material that was a complete shitfest like school days just to see what's all about, but who would torture themselves with this type of manhwa just to bitch about the rapey seme, unless they're secretly entertained but don't want to admit it cause it ruin their social status

No. 382180

How does NTY works? No spoilers please but it's saying I read 10% of the VN, I'm in the second chapter and I'm not seeing where the routes split yet.

No. 382181

he treats the circus girl like garbage, basically rapes her and that's hot to you? meanwhile ciel is the only character he actually cares about

No. 382183

in the manga there's a scene where he throws her scarf in the garbage looking at it with disgust. that's just yana fujobrain drilling in the point that he doesn't actually enjoy having sex with people that are not ciel

No. 382186

Use a non-spoiler guide. Easy to find online.

No. 382230

File: 1715780397515.jpg (253.92 KB, 1536x2048, 20240515_083547.jpg)

this new figure looks a lot better than the gk version, wow

No. 382231

File: 1715780421489.jpg (376.49 KB, 1536x2048, 20240515_083554.jpg)

No. 382232

File: 1715780471076.jpg (148.6 KB, 1312x2048, 20240515_083548.jpg)

dick out too

No. 382234

inclined to agree i just hate the designs

No. 382245

tbf this has always been a thing in porn. jp artists also aren’t thinking of gyno, it’s just a way of eroticizing the bottom. it isn’t the reality of a guy with moobs it’s the fantasy of a twink with feminine features/an especially sexualized male. same reason why men get called “male wives” or referred to with female pronouns in fandom or why most of the nucarni characters are wearing outfits women in eroges might wear

No. 382247

Ugly af flat ass

No. 382248

His ass is so flat. Tragic that it's canon. Towa is such a BPD ana-chan…

No. 382251

File: 1715783296199.jpg (Spoiler Image,150.2 KB, 1080x509, Screenshot_20221223_032854_Kin…)

non-ass is peak sex in shinkomi i guess

No. 382252

File: 1715783406482.jpg (74.85 KB, 1012x657, 007cMGocgy1hpkuxum8jyj30vw19a4…)

2nded use guide, very easy to get neutral bad end

No. 382256

rattle rattle and bones creaking sounds instead of plomp plomp

No. 382257

Post it then, coward.

No. 382261

File: 1715784371563.jpg (233.38 KB, 1536x2048, 20240515_094306.jpg)

beg uiro for it, she scammed us

he better be flaccid, big erection would look awk like one of those goofy chinese figures

No. 382266

Someone on Fujochan derails literally every thread to bitch about Genshin even if it's mentioned in passing and in completely different context, that game makes people insane hating it.

You mean the most insufferable schizo posters on LC are the people constantly complaining about gacha kek, The NuCani people were being extremely normal until someone started having a schizo meltdown over that dog boy and screamed until they left.

No. 382270

File: 1715787188509.jpg (958.29 KB, 1000x1400, 20220812_004904.jpg)

Seeing this I can appreciate Towa for being an unabashed whore MC but after playing paradise I think Azuma did it better.

The best scene in slow damage though was when he willingly got gang raped by a bunch of junkie hobos and enjoyed it. That was pure kino. The rest of the porn was sadly mid. Even rapechad Madarame knocks him around a little in the beginning and then becomes a gentleman deflowering a virgin. Refund/10

No. 382272

>being extremely normal
They were baiting, spamming, and chimped when everyone called the characters ugly. One of them was literally rancefag, there wasn't a normal one in sight.
>implying it's all one person
Nah, a lot of us are sick of it. A fanbase full of retards with a history of shitting up threads will always give whatever it is they're fans of a bad name, and Hoyo games are already notorious for being some of the most generic gachaslop out there with flat characters, weak fujobait, and ugly designs. They're games for people who only want porn. Lo and behold, they were never posted here before until some attention whores from 4chin were linked here. If they actually behaved themselves like the fgo and twstfags here there wouldn't be a problem.(infighting)

No. 382275

>If they actually behaved themselves like the fgo and twstfags
>The worst sperg in this thread periodically starts spamming Arjuna and Karna while ban evading and calling mods trannies

No. 382277

>The best scene in slow damage
>happened offscreen

No. 382278

Oh no I love Arjuna/Karna too

No. 382279

This isn't helping gachafags image

No. 382280

Kek this, they’re all fucking worthless posters. Death to all gachafags.

No. 382282

File: 1715788986194.jpg (476.51 KB, 1508x2217, 20221013_022651.jpg)

Yeah fucking exactly. Mid and trash game

No. 382284

arjuna and karna >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any midshin impact or nucarni faggot. pls go.

No. 382285

FGO is moid coomershit, what did you expect. And I say this as someone who played it for years and in the end got tired of it being blatant scrote garbage. I don't remember a single NuCani person being a sperg ITT expect the one who started screeching about Garu at everyone and I don't think she even actually played the game. If anything the NCfags need their own containment thread due to their absolutely braindead superiority complex over every other form of BL because they can't just scroll past and let people enjoy things without insulting them and thinking their edgy Wattpad bullshit for 16-year old gendies is peak fujo writing.(infighting)

No. 382286

just say you've never looked at the sexism in video games thread and go

No. 382287

they’re all garbage and so are you

No. 382289

No one cares about your ugly currymunching no chin husbando. Get better taste, Indian men are repulsive both irl and in fiction(racebaiting)

No. 382292

File: 1715789576365.jpg (84.58 KB, 943x514, 8006e08edb7591f6.jpg)

I felt so salty there was no Eiji end, but I can understand the logic, not everyone must be into stinky hobo with flat ass, and he's supposed to be one the morally uptight character looking of reveal.
Koutarou toilet end was too fast, I don't mind oldmen not having scenes, one is hideous and other (to my surprise) tried himself on crossdressed Towa, it was the most hilarious moment ever in SD, in general his domain was my favourite for atmosphere, locked women, breaking bones, blackmailing Taku, loved the darkness and helplessness.

No. 382293

I think it's the best scene too. Also the one where he beats his head and cuts his face rememberig his mommy is great too.

No. 382295

My room is gonna get about 100 times more lewd with my guro Towa and toilet Towa figures…

No. 382297

File: 1715789938129.png (822.62 KB, 1275x715, Screenshot_205.png)

Samefag I also loved the Ikuina and Mizuno counters

No. 382298

“Everyone I don’t like is Rancefag!”
I think most reasonable and non pickme women know how repulsive street shitting moids are(derailing)

No. 382299

Stop bitching and back to your groomcord, rancefag(hi cow)

No. 382301

>Sees an anime boy
>Immediately thinks about street defecation
You are the mentally ill one here

No. 382302

File: 1715790092281.jpg (230.41 KB, 2000x1814, 20220117_003530.jpg)

>No Eiji end
He was so cute and sexy I was also sad. TnC-era n+C would never have skimped out on his ending. The most fun parts of slow damage were really watching Towa fuck randoms like the alt guys or Ikuina and the doc, as for the LIs I couldn't care less about them especially Taku, sorry nona, he was just a worst Kouichi from no thank you. It's actually an interesting choice to finally make a mc who is mentally damaged and loves dick only for 4/4 routes to be about muh healing his trauma and having consensual missionary sex. Extremely boring. Even Madarame disappointed.

No. 382304

Kouichi is disgusting looking, Taku is hot and grooming your father figure into being your lover is way hotter than raping a hideous ojisan.

No. 382305

No. 382307

File: 1715790400457.jpg (63.26 KB, 1200x760, 20240505_011613.jpg)

shit taste literally, ossan was moe

No. 382309

goddamn I wanna read those scenes so bad but I don't want to go trough all the shit in between. I guess I'll just watch a playtrough on youtube or something.

No. 382310

>grooming your father figure into being your lover
haru was the one who did this, all towa did was get conveniently horny drugged by that sexy hag that should've gotten some bad end seggs

No. 382312

The gangbang "scene" is like 5 lines of dialog from the climax of fujieda's route, don't expect much

No. 382313

File: 1715790867383.jpg (35.37 KB, 698x432, 20240502_062324.jpg)

bootleg sorato was ass juice, but ikuina was cute

No. 382314

File: 1715790925684.jpg (652.26 KB, 1393x2006, 88924180_p0.jpg)

I hate Fluttershy so fucking much.

No. 382315

>grooming your father figure into being your lover is way hotter than raping a hideous ojisan
You obviously haven't played no thank you kek

No. 382317

Best lewd figure ever honestly, granted there aren't that many options in general for ones of yaoi boys.

No. 382318

I have I just hate barashit.

No. 382319

File: 1715791176482.png (119.82 KB, 600x600, 43566856_p4.png)

you're just jealous of her

No. 382320

It's time for me to play lykt, what should I expect?

No. 382321

Nah she sucks, Rarara best glue.

No. 382324

File: 1715791448130.jpg (477.25 KB, 1644x2048, 20220920_001924.jpg)

The genshit thread is that way, nona.

No. 382325

File: 1715791505432.gif (283.3 KB, 910x752, 1563852824017915904.gif)

suffering, depression, death, violence induced boners, cutie mc who like to play shadow of the colossus with big uke, typical parade business

No. 382326

well thats true but fluttershy is cute…

No. 382327

File: 1715791681247.jpg (30.57 KB, 720x654, FYEl5umUYAAPo2v.jpg)

you have to be baiting, barashit is so faggoty.

No. 382328

based exactly what I like

No. 382330

File: 1715792262673.jpg (180.9 KB, 987x983, 007cMGocgy1hpes0657u6j30z214md…)

thats why they cut it with cute long hair genki slutbag, baka

No. 382331

File: 1715792317520.png (534.85 KB, 779x1100, 1644031757602.png)

Big pecs in BL are fashionable rn. Just check the front page of any webtoons shite hoster

No. 382335

>bootleg sorato was ass juice
I'm sorry I'm new to BLVN, who is Sorato and what >ass juice means?

No. 382348

File: 1715794712921.png (1.11 MB, 1706x1982, DlWtZwUU4AAIbxV.png)

I like both Towa and Azuma, but to me they're kinda hard to compare
Azuma's more of a pick me type of uke (at least in best boy's route). Towa gets smacked around by Madarame but he doesn't go all battered wife like Azuma (which is also based don't get me wrong) and starts defending how much of a great guy his abusive hubby is, Towa just likes being smacked around.

No. 382349

I'm a yaoi centrist as in i like when the uke and seme have very similar body types (i love contrasts though). Two chiseled and manly men or two frail androgynous guys. Sadly the latter is rare, i'd love to see more josou seme with the old school girly uke look/manners. It'd be hilarious (picture two extremely weak anime boys pounding each other and whining) but a part of me finds it incredibly hot

No. 382353

>liking muscular men is…le homosexual male behavior!?
kek girl

No. 382354

>two frail androgynous guys
when will fujos awaken to the joys of twink x twink…?

No. 382355

File: 1715795318018.jpg (244.49 KB, 1325x795, 20220426_211522.jpg)

I accept them only when they're twin brothers

No. 382359

Maybe it’s just the fandoms I’m in but the majority of what I see is twink x twink
It’s very moe though so no complaints from me

No. 382361

File: 1715795607507.jpeg (226.8 KB, 2048x1536, GD6r6HTXoAApSqK.jpeg)

twink x twink is the only reason I still look at enstars fanart because I can't get it in original BL

No. 382362

With that being said only twink x twink ship I can think of from a R18 BLVN is Clear and Aoba (Rin and Akira don’t count since Rin is a shota, not a twink).

No. 382363

>can get into gacha trash but can’t get into actual BL

No. 382364

that's not what i said. i said i look at enstars stuff for my twink x twink fill because it's rare in original stuff. most of the stuff i like is original but it doesn't service this one fetish of mine, so i go elsewhere for that

No. 382374

By twink x twink do you mean young and slightly underage-looking? Look to any middle to high school bl for that

No. 382376

uke x uke is kind of rare i guess. at least translated content. modern western scanlator fujos largely just want definitely legal hunk x definitely legal hunk holding hands blushing maybe ruminating on how hard it is being gay and a few pages of obscure censored sex

No. 382379

Towa is no unsexy.

No. 382381

enstars has some cute ships so its understandable

No. 382383

He's so hot. His starved body is hot.

No. 382385

File: 1715798898889.jpg (1.52 MB, 2500x2884, 20211005_163428.jpg)

>Towa just likes being smacked around.
That's the problem, he doesn't even like dick per se it's just the easiest way to get someone to physically assault him. He even says it what he really wants is to get beaten the fuck up. As a whore mc he's a failure. There's this and then the fact he turns into a tradwife in 3/4 of the routes, absolutely completely ruined. At least Azuma actually wants to get fucked. Nitro really dropped the ball with slow damage, I'd say even DMMd is better by comparison.

No. 382388

The high school sappy romances get boring. After you've read like 50 it's just too fucking predictable. Even the sex is predictable.
I really can't procrastinate on learning JP much longer, kek

No. 382389

File: 1715799142547.png (1.52 MB, 1837x866, GITm9ZNWsAACSiG.png)

Eh, guess it just comes down to personal taste, personally I really liked that in most of Towa's routes he was on the road to recovering as a person instead of just being an eternal whore.

No. 382391

good character design but agree, for a "cumdump" every man is supposed to instantly go gay for he sure had the most boring sex I've seen in my life spiced up only with some edgy cutting here and there. he was so unsexy I was never sold on his alleged whoriness, he just looks like a stinky goth boglim.

No. 382395

I don't get what people find attractive about a MC not liking getting fucked, it's just so unerotic to me to see someone constantly take a dick just to hate it. I'm all for a MC being turned from disliking it into a cockslut, but if he just keeps being completely uninterested in it it doesn't do anything for me. But that said my preference is for whore bottoms who unapologetically lust for dick anyway.

No. 382397

>can’t appreciate the traditional value of dubcon

No. 382398

Dubcon is dubious consent i.e. the bottom still likes it but doesn't straight out admit it. Even noncon can end up with the bottom loving it despite initially finding it unpleasant. Someone just never getting into being fucked is boring and unrewarding.

No. 382399

It's fun in the beginning of the relationship but if he keeps resisting after the third time it's just uninteresting

No. 382402

Right? You could just replace the cold fish uke with a fleshlight and the scene would still work kek

No. 382405

File: 1715801297586.jpg (121.58 KB, 960x723, 1663431966776.jpg)

dubcon =/= dead fish. Nothing better than some dub or noncon where the uke fights like mad to escape. With Towa he literally doesn't care and doesn't even like it. Zzzz

No. 382406

Kau is UGLY and I don't like DOG BOYS

No. 382415

File: 1715802139599.jpg (300.78 KB, 1578x2000, 2740.jpg)

But why ?

No. 382418

Dumb doggies are annoying

No. 382468

File: 1715808510118.jpg (150.25 KB, 1000x638, roomno9-screenshot-1737425798.…)

Any intel on where to buy them? I've been looking all over for the seiji daki for a while but I can only find a couple places selling them used, which seems not ideal

No. 382471

No. 382489

i hate this stupid character but it's hot ngl

No. 382496

i tried reading this vn as a youngin (maybe around ~15) and this guy filtered me so hard that i just never finished the vn

No. 382521

>sold out on parade
>sold out on suguruya
>sold out on mandarake
Shit. Pray for restock or look for the used one with the least stains, sorry nonny.

No. 382525

Why does the pillow look like a woman

No. 382535

What do y’all think of Banana Fish? I just finished reading the manga on Monday and personally I found the ending to be a bit anticlimactic

No. 382545

He is sexy as fuck, my old phone is filled with him kek

No. 382548

I bought the manga before the anime and stopped reading five or six volumes in, it just wasn't that interesting to me

No. 382572

File: 1715830994619.jpeg (245.65 KB, 2048x1140, IMG_0016.jpeg)

>dog boy
Based furfag enjoyer

No. 382578

File: 1715837366999.png (Spoiler Image,1.13 MB, 1225x768, Screenshot_4731.png)

he was trying to get a handjob from his bro the straight way

No. 382585

I'm gasping at you right now

No. 382594

>Someone on Fujochan derails literally every thread to bitch about Genshin even if it's mentioned in passing
i am 99% sure its this single autist >>>/ot/1962319 >>>/ot/1962443
that went to the antifujos to cry about her boogeyman aka everyone who likes things she doesnt like

No. 382600

Both of their expressions are so cuuuute. Two people being forced to fuck or they die or some other sci-fi/fantasy bullshitery is my kryptonite.

No. 382649

File: 1715867322138.jpg (749.96 KB, 632x750, 79175347_p11_master1200.jpg)

sex with azuma

No. 382662

this is so hot

No. 382665

File: 1715875261591.png (655.22 KB, 1280x722, IMG_1905.png)

Is he a lol cow?

No. 382668

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No. 382672

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he would be, unfortunately. drunk posting galore, but he's hot so his nude leaks would be tasty.

No. 382676

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>lolcowveh doing only fans to pay debts
(newfag pic spam)

No. 382688

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Back to your containment with you

No. 382775

First chap got translated. It's more of a horror comedy, the premise is funny the eyeball ghosts are in love with the seme and possess the uke's body to try and date him. Hope we get 2 volumes.

No. 382819

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I see this thing everywhere on my twitter feed its really cute and i love the glasses dude but i have no idea if its a ship or a manga. Still, very cute uke.

No. 382820

looks like karaoke iko. it's fujobait i think, but hard fujobait.

No. 382822

I love fujobait, more than actual yaoi tbh…

No. 382823

thanks nonny i hope its translated
same, i am glad i am not alone. In general I prefeer sfw because it inspires me to draw the nsfw myself.

No. 382825

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First volume is fully translated. Sequel series is currently ongoing and also being translated. I enjoyed it, so I recommend. It's mostly just a comedy.

No. 382826

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I recently got back into playing dmmd. I couldn't stand Mink 10 years ago but now I'm just fixated on him.

No. 382827

nonas, can I have manga/webtoon recs please? I semi-recently caught up with Jinx and would love to read more of this trope yes, I know I have shit taste

I'm looking for something involving a shitty seme who later on grovels/regrets, but with a (undeserved, probably) happy ending.

No. 382828

Anon, two questions, are you okay with Chinese works and willing to put up with lack of smut and also, what is your tolerance level for asshole tops?

No. 382829

Why tho?

No. 382830

Yes, yes, and very high tolerance

No. 382832

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No. 382834

Kek come on give me an actual answer, I'm not going to judge you

No. 382835

KEKK the radiohead lovefest on the front page is making me smile

No. 382836

Honestly it's mostly because of ReCon. Yeah he did horrible, terrible things but I think he's one of the more complex characters and the ReCon good end is one of my favorites.

No. 382838

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Then I have no choice but to induct you into the world of 188. Gonna split this post into two parts.

>My actual rec

Picrel, Drunk in Love/Years of Intoxication. This will make you want to shoot yourself in the head I am joking, that is how bad the seme is. Chinese writers are the queens of horrible scum seme, Korea and Japan have nothing on them, proceed with caution. It's about a super popular singer (seme) and his non-famous friend (uke) who's been in unrequited love with the seme for years. They are sex "friends" and he basically treats the uke like a bangmaid while also constantly fucking other men and women in front of him, he's a violent man child with zero emotional intelligence. You will have to put up with this for a while but the groveling in the second half is phenomenal, cathartic as hell.

>My sekrit knowledge

But wait! This story takes place in an extended Asshole Top Cinematic Universe of novels called 188(some have been adapted to webtoons but not all, with varying degrees of quality) where there is one consistent gimmick in all the stories: the top is younger, exactly 188cm tall (hence the name) and is the literal scum of the earth in how he treats his uke. The first half of the novel is seme abusing uke, but then it gets turned on its head halfway through where the seme has to endure the suffering of a lifetime and win back his uke (this is called a cremation novel in China). There are 12 novels total so if my rec's premise isn't interesting to you, you can check out one of the others. I'll stop here and link the carrd with more info if you want to look at it yourself, but feel free to ask more questions if your interest has been piqued.
https://188info.carrd.co/ (this one is a bit spoilery but I linked it anyway)

No. 382839

I love you for this nonita, thank you so much. These sound like exactly what I was looking for. I will be getting into these immediately.

No. 382840

I really hated him in the first game, but all reconnect good endings are so good and nice and fluffy tbh. I like his good ending too but I can't pin point why. Like, I like Clear's because it's innocently bittersweet, Noiz's because of talking to granny, Koujaku because of cute living together time, so I wonder what's exactly about Mink that I like in this version kek. I like him though, maybe it's the weird combo between roughness and caring + I like a good forgiveness story. If my computer could play it I would play this game again so hard, unfortunately I can't make this shit work on windows 10 and looking for a working download was hell

No. 382841

No problem! Remember to report back with your thoughts when you're done, and remember to take deep breaths every now and then.

No. 382842

What's the sequel series? I've read everything I can find translated of her work and nothing struck me as related.

No. 382843

The sequel is called famiresu iko. It's post timeskip continuation. There's only a few chapters currently translated.

No. 382844

I agree. He had a lot of good character development and I also think his appeal for me was that discrepancy between his initial brutality and his later hesitancy and tenderness. also I just think he's really hot kek

No. 382847

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You're in luck nona. Webtoons are chock full of evil semes with dubiously earned happy endings. It is also my guilty pleasure.
- Can't Think Straight (hilarious, retarded)
- Painter of the Night (a classic)
- The Ghost's Nocturne (seems to be headed in that direction)
- BJ Alex (by the author of Jinx, also a classic)
- Low Tide in Twilight (it's omegaverse but I'm ridiculously invested)
- Mad Dog (side stories have smut, main story is more slow burn)
- Roses & Champagne (seme gets insane, like attempted murder insane, but it works out fine)
- Cherry Picking (main couple is boring as fuck, but the side couple would probably fit your bill perfectly)
- Payback (kind of slow-burny, graduates to dubcon by s2 finale)
- Exotic Love (although, the uke and seme are actually both terrible people)

No. 382851

I think I finally get it. Why people tend to fixate so much over bottoms and actually projection does play a part in it and I'm gonna explain why. When men love submissive waifus it's because they want to fuck them obviously, but I feel like women's appreciation of uke is slightly different. I don't think most fujos actually self-insert on the seme fucking the uke, usually seme characters are not very relatable. They do play an important role, but I don't think it's like a persona of the author, especially NOT the rapey scum semes. At the same time most of us don't self-insert on the uke either, but he gets an interesting treatment. I think when people fixate over the uke, is a mix of husbandoism and projection, and projection here means "I want my husbando to be put in my position". The idea of a man placed in a position traditionally feminine, having the same experience as most women, feeling the same as the writer, is highly attractive. So it's not a case of wanting to be in the uke's role as much as wanting the uke to get the same sexual experience of being a woman. Also even regular waifufags and husbandofags, a lot of people want their "lover" to share their feelings or they try to make them more similar to themselves, in an attempt to bond (see men obsessing over beautiful women that have moidy traits or traits that parallel their own such as being dirty, musty)

No. 382853

some of us just like submissive men

No. 382854

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it's not that deep nonnie

No. 382855

I think it's obvious I wasn't talking about fujos like you. A lot of fujos who are fixated on bottoms prefer the bottom position themselves. 2 bottoms can't fuck

No. 382856

I like your theory, anon! Definitely rings true to me, a little bit. When i read "revenge" yaoi or omegaverse, it rings true to me. But i'd say it's mostly liking submissive men, like >>382853 says.
Kek, for me it's the opposite. He was my favourite back then, but now he's just meh and i imagine him having a huge forehead under that pink headband, i just stare at it whenever he's on the screen. Although whore Aoba getting fucked into the ground is still one of my favourite endings.

No. 382857

Can't relate. My current favorite ship is one with an uke I'm attracted to and think is perfect, and I want to see him fucked so bad. While the seme kinda reminds me of myself personality and story wise, and even kinda looks like me, so he's perfect for self-insertion where I can imagine fucking the uke's brains out. But I also genuinely like their dynamic and the idea of romance blooming between them. I also have ships where it's totally about the romance and dynamic and no self-insertion at all, one even with an uke who is a character I actually hate, but I see the potential and dynamic between him and the seme so I like seeing fan art of them.

No. 382858

>Keep the armchair psychology to a minimum, we've heard it all before.

No. 382860

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Anyone remember when we liked yaoi just because watching two guys fuck was smexy and gave us nosebleeds?

No. 382862

Based response, audibly kek’d

No. 382865

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That's a fascinating take on it I had never heard before. I think you're onto something.

>The idea of a man placed in a position traditionally feminine, having the same experience as most women, feeling the same as the writer, is highly attractive.

You are spot on. It's not about the sexual role itself of being submissive but about the entire experience of romantic attraction with a man. As a fervent BLVN MCfag I tend to like protags more than the LIs be they uke or seme, and I think what you said plays a role in it. Protagonists with their own developed personalities, agency and internal struggles are highly attractive because the story, being told from their POV, is actually about how they live the "traditionally feminine" experience of well, having romantic feelings for someone and all the complicated shit that comes with it. This is the fundamental difference with male-targeted stuff which is just about sexualizing the heroine and cooming. The same can be seen in bara games if you play one.

>So it's not a case of wanting to be in the uke's role as much as wanting the uke to get the same sexual experience of being a woman.

I'd wager being an uke or a seme doesn't even play a role in it, it's all about being a POV character and the exploration of sexuality through a male character but in truth, by a female writer. I hate the "BL is just heterosexuality with extra steps" discourse and I don't think this is it but it's true that in a medium written by women for women the sexuality that will be depicted and explored is the one that's seen through the female writer's lens.

On that topic, I think this is why parade games are so controversial between fujoshi. They're written and directed by moids (Akutsu Ryou/Amemiya Mitsuru) and have a more moid-like outlook on sexuality without being fully comparable to a bara game, however. I personally find them fascinating because it follows that they're pure psychological horror explorations of male sexuality through traditional-looking BL characters.

Needless to say I also like BL because I enjoy seeing men be submissive or even better, getting completely physically and psychologically destroyed by other men. In that sense, I find parade games excellent because deep down, only a moid understands the psychology of moid-on-moid violence. And I want to see it sexualized for my own enjoyment.

No. 382866

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Same nonnie, I also love Minku. His H scenes were kino and his re:con end was the sweetest

No. 382869

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Nonnie I stayed up all night to read Years of Intoxication. Picrel was me with the seme for 100 chapters. I love how much he suffered. You weren't kidding, man groveled like no other. 10/10 satisfaction.

tysm nonita I will be reading these next. The only ones I have read are POTN and BJ alex! I loved both of course.

No. 382870

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Nonnie kek you reminded me of that one bleach character without his headband. Thankfully Minku doesn't need a cosmetic tourism trip to istanbul yet.

No. 382876

>Painter of the Night (a classic)
I will never forgive BD for bending the knee to retarded Nakyumstans and getting rid of Mumyeong x Jihwa.

No. 382883

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What's funny is he actually looks hot with his hair down, he just chooses to look ugly as fuck just because

No. 382888

zoomers trying to ruin yaoi as always

No. 382891

Do you have a webtoon/manga recommendation where the protagonist is the the psychopath?

No. 382895

There's different enough types of fujo that the one fits all approach won't ever really work.
Dont have the animal (snake, frog, turtle) type fujo picture on me though.

No. 382899

does hypnosis mic have any fujobait? all of the doujins i read of it were very sexy, so now im interested in the game but sadly its not available in english.

No. 382908

women cant be bottoms, its a gay term that only applies to moids

No. 382911

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Hypmic is pure fujobait. I don't play the game personally I just listen to the music/drama CDs and I've watched the anime.

No. 382912

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anon was using bottom to refer to the submissive aka receptive role in sex

yes, it's full of it. hypmic is extremely retarded, like even if you think the idea of sparkledog anime boys having rap battles with eachother already sounds like peak retardation nothing will prepare you for how retarded it is in execution, but it's in such a fun way that i can't help but love it. very much a fujos and seiyuufags only thing.

No. 382913

Hypmic talk now I gotta plug the catchiest and best song ever.

Sasara a cute. Hate how that baby reindeer moid dresses exactly like him, kek

No. 382920

Scarface was hot to me, bromance is immeasurable

No. 382923

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the game is garbage, so just listening to the songs and reading drama CD translations is better. the mangas are also getting translated but its in a weird, locked discord. it is the most fujobait shit to ever exist, though.

No. 382931

I was so convinced she was at least gonna have them in side stories then she just seriously sent them away. Inconceivable.

No. 382961

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Echoing what other nonnies said and telling you it's really retarded but also has amazing fujobait. Picrel is my fave ship. I love enstars for the same reason. It's a gold mine for fanart.

No. 382965

My fellow chicks and dicks from Yokohama…

No. 382968

Based transphobic samatoki

No. 382983

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Ukes who are addicted to masturbating are the cutest

No. 382985

shinji is so hateable

No. 382986

Explain your bad opinions

No. 382992

you should have been aborted(infighting)

No. 382994

I like this couple, but I also feel like it doesn't take full advantage of blondie's fear of women.
I like seeing him cry.

No. 382995

You're welcome! Song Juhan is a special kind of insufferable, I had to take several breaks to prevent myself from snapping my phone in half out of anger. And you know about how I said it's an Asshole Top Cinematic Universe with interconnected novels? The uke's boss also has his own story with his own scummy top called Beloved Enemy. I haven't checked out the webtoon for this one but as always the source novel is superior (and has smut scenes)

No. 382996


No. 382997

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Calm down Fuyutski

No. 383000

I’m not a faggot like fuyutski If I wanted yui 2.0 I’d just make rei dye her hair and have sex with her instead. Shinji should get raped just the way he is I don’t want him to cross dress

No. 383009

Rei’s a dead fish though, if you had sex with her she wouldn’t react to anything the entire time.
Not that I want Fuyutski to have sex with Shinji though (I’m not into mob or ugly bastard) I just thought it was funny.

No. 383012

Shinji is cute but only as an uke, seme shinji makes AIDS stronger and a prolonged exposition to seme shinji makes people develop leukemia or ass cancer.

No. 383013

is what your mother thought when she had you(infighting)

No. 383014

>seme shinji
This is an oxymoron. He can't even top the girls

No. 383015

He also shouldn't be anywhere near girls, seeing him around them WILL make you want to kill yourself. Shinji is an uke, anything else is unnatural.
Kek, you're absolutely right.

No. 383018

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What if it's Shinji x Shinji though

No. 383020

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You FOOL what have you done?!

No. 383021

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No. 383022

This is fucking haram, sister.

No. 383024

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Yeah but this doujin was hot

No. 383026

Which one is it? I don't remember reading this one.

No. 383027

No. 383030

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>the mega turd nukes he must be dropping on the toilet from only eating pizza and pasta for 19 years
the absolute state of his colon right now

No. 383031


No. 383032

I'm trying to decide if Noiz or Ren is worst DMMD boy.

No. 383033

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No. 383040

>she forgot about mink

No. 383042

mink hate is so forced

No. 383043

nah its not hes hardcore ugly and also boring

No. 383044

He's ugly and has no redeeming qualities

No. 383045

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He's weirdly grown on me since he's my friend's favorite.
Clear is obviously best though.

No. 383046

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They’re all good boys to me

No. 383050

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Anyway, Noiz was worst boy because he's a German weeaboo who moved to Japan

No. 383051

Nah Noiz is worst boy because his fashion is ugly and he has no personality.

No. 383052

His only redeeming quality was having piercings on his dick. Truly haven't seen that before or since.

No. 383055

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According to VNDB this guy does

No. 383058

No way, from fucking Pigeonkek? Maybe I should give this slop a try one day. Paradise's plot is already retarded enough

No. 383060

I've this this trope pop up in KR webtoons 2-3 times now where a guy who was part of a gang or in prison or some other type of thuggish character has a beaded dick, I wish it showed up more often.

No. 383061

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>Paradise's plot is already retarded enough
Who cares it has the best rapechad

No. 383062

File: 1715977813518.jpg (Spoiler Image,78.73 KB, 888x491, resized_pigeonblood1_64.jpg)

Non-Shingakkou pil/slash games are the pits

Yes but it's forced on him. He gets raped by monster dogs too.

No. 383063

>He gets raped by monster dogs too.
I can accept a lot of things but beastiality and poop are too far tier.

No. 383066

Ayrt but I agree with you completely nonnita. Only Matsuda's gigantic gorilla dick makes up for it

No. 383068

I genuinely think Matsuda being best is one of the few times everyfujo here agrees with something

No. 383069

I know Slammer Dogs has a beaded dick, but what are the other ones?

No. 383070

Didn't the one anon who played it and enjoyed it enough to not forget about it a month from now like mitsugi

No. 383072

>beaded dick
please god don't tell me you're talking about the lumpy latino dick pearls

No. 383073

Kek. He's definitely the most supreme rapechad who ever walked these dry and deserted BL lands. Lychee is really good at writing crazy bastards, CAGE is also full of fun rapechads like Matsuda though he takes the cake for me for being such an unapologetic bastard and also hot. Takara and Mitsugi can both be deleted.

No. 383074

Its been so many years I completely forgot, I'm sorry. I just remember it was some gang member character in something. It's rare. Slammer dogs is fun so far though.
Idk anything about dick pearls, but they implant beads of some sort under the skin layer of the dick, I have no idea what it really looks like though since it's always censored I'm not googling what an IRL beaded dick looks like.

No. 383076

File: 1715979183985.png (1.29 MB, 1180x789, SPOILER_image.png)

He’s basically the ultimate alpha male. Beats the shit out of people who question him and the only thing he cares about is himself and his waifu and is fine with letting everyone else die.

No. 383077

and that's for making me have a ptsd flashback to the first time I found out what it is, you're welcome. it looks like the bubonic plague on a weenie.

No. 383078

…my comment wasn't an invitation for you to post a link to a picture…

No. 383082

He's truly the perfect man. I wish he'd beat and rape Mitsugi too, that would be kino to see.

No. 383083

He’s too loyal to rape someone other than Azuma

No. 383087

Nothing more romantic than a mentally ill gorilla manchild schizo and his loving DV victim slut…

No. 383088

File: 1715980059348.jpg (22.92 KB, 463x455, nano_rope.jpg)

you deserved it for making me remember they exist. i double dawwwg dare the mods to give me a (this is an imageboard) ban for that one and all it would imply.

No. 383089

Not a coincidence that Matsuda fell in love with the best cook there, truly the way to an abusive man’s heart is through his stomach.

No. 383090

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>b-but you're supposed to feel sorry for him
At least pick the hot abusers if you're into that, anon.

No. 383091

Never got the appeal of these two, I was more into Ryuuhou for side characters

No. 383092

old men dont belong in yaoi its why only tifs like post wall scrote yaoi.

No. 383093

Hey, some of us have a terminal illness called an attraction to ojisans, we can't help it

No. 383094

Old men getting dommed is erotic but he needs to keep up the fitness and beauty routine and look nice.

No. 383095

>anon was using bottom to refer to the submissive aka receptive role in sex
she's stupid then. PIV isnt equal to gay sex and it's not inherently submissive.

No. 383096

False and untrue.
Older guys can be very sexy as long and they’re not bald and don’t have a beard (some shadow is good shit though).

No. 383097

I think you two just have a DILF fetish. Wrinkles will never be sexy.

No. 383098

Go argue about straight sex somewhere else

No. 383099

fake and gay

No. 383100

That's pure /g/ cope talking. /G/o back.

No. 383101

Middle aged guys in BL don't even look middle aged, they just look like standard ikemen with two lines by their eyes. It's the maturity that's sexy, if they actually looked old I bail

No. 383102

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Azuma is so lucky….

No. 383104

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Every so often there's some ojisans that I actually think look older and attractive, but that guy who gets posted sometimes with the glasses and the bald spot head is mad ugly.

No. 383105

File: 1715981091857.png (2.08 MB, 2123x1461, 115407544_p1.png)

did you not know that when people say old man yaoi what they mean is a man over 30 is involved? even in japan

No. 383106

he gets posted so much specifically because of how offensive his appearance is kek

No. 383107

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