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No. 1996943

Passport bro, or passport bros is a movement of men who go to developing nations in order to find girlfriends or wives. These men believe that feminism has corrupted Western women, and seek to find a youthful, submissive, modest, conservative and feminine woman. Despite their claims passport bros often get caught with prostitutes, or seemingly never actually stick to one woman. Some have been robbed, assaulted or scammed on camera. But it doesn't deter most of them. A few have also been arrested. Most overlap with redpill and manosphere communities, especially the black manosphere. Which is why many have a hate boner for black women and speak on black (male) issues. 

Some examples of passport bros: 

>Auston holleman 

>was arrested in Brazil for sex tourism crimes in 2023, returned back to the country in 2024.

>International passport 


>more to life 


>The Philip Scott show 

Not really a passport bro himself, but he has a few videos on the subject.  https://youtube.com/@thephillipscottshow?si=l3mfsmr6Ep1gy8oC

>Beautiful lies 


>Skylar derouen 

One of the older passport bros. Was seeking out foreign women before the movement even existed. 

Passport bro subreddits:

No. 1996952

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>>1996943 thank you for the thread nonna, passport bros are the funniest thing ever
>although I did get drugged and robbed on my second week

No. 1997169

this sounds like sex tourism. or making sex tourism into an identity or "movement". still just as degenerate and pathetic as I remember

No. 1997171

This guy's content always gives me a headache. He's not a passport bro, but he frequently records women for obs reasoning.

No. 1997173

And what'd you expect

No. 1997175

>breaks up with Canadian
>Immediately moves to find le exotic latina
>robbed within weeks
>Spanish skill off the charts with three months practice (definitely deluded)
One thing the internet has taught me is you can meme a man into any life choice if there are sufficient other dumbass men cheering it on

No. 1997179

>Beautiful friendly latinas
Lmao let's hope this scrote tries to grope a cartel member's gf and becomes a gore video. They can't be any more open about the fact that they're sex tourists trying to take advantage of poor women.

No. 1997185

Honestly these scrotes are doing women a favor if they only went abroad to find wives and not fuck around with hookers.
>Poor woman gets green card and takes the scrotes money/helps her family
>His kids end up looking nothing like him and he exits the gene pool forever
>White women are left alone safe from the scrote

No. 1997186

Let the passport bros do their things, and we will import our own chaddy scrotes(learn to sage)

No. 1997187

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White women are highly sought after in japan and make over 50$ an hour minus tips/expensive gifts just drinking and socializing with japanese scrotes in bars meanwhile these rejects have to actually pay for japanese girls to notice them kek males are the most pathetic creatures on the planet.

No. 1997191

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Import chads with dicks twice as big from chad or go to japan and get japanese scrotes to buy us 4k handbags in exchange for a date kek(racebait)

No. 1997192

There's also passport sisters, but they're a lot less common, and passport bros really don't like them.

No. 1997193

>catching L's in korean
Bitch where? lol korean men love white women so much korean girls get their skin bleached. Wittle passport bros can't cope with the fact that women can get as much as dick as they want from any ethnicity while they gotta pay for women kek stay losing.

No. 1997194

For real, let the occidentalized indian STEM scrotes cook us nice chicken masala and buy us buffalo and DESTROy platform shoes

No. 1997195

The country with the average penis size of 4 inches whose national sport is killing toddlers by raping them? No thanks.(racebaiting)

No. 1997196

yes they're disgusting the point is that they worship us just like japanese, you know japanese arent any better right? they invented loli and their age of consent was 12 until they changed it recently, penis size wise it's not any better.
+ i'm talking about the ones who immigrated and are doing PHD in highly marketable fields.(racebaiting)

No. 1997197

Right ? kek almost all ethnic men love white women and would sell their moms for one. Meanwhile the rejects gotta pay up or get told to fuck off by Teresa and Lingling. Men are never the prize or else women would have more muscle mass to fight other women for scrote attention.(derailing)

No. 1997198

A phd won’t fix dick size.(derailing)

No. 1997199

I was talking about the equivalent to japs, you can import your brazilian hottie too

No. 1997200

They'd sell their souls just to have a date with you

No. 1997201

>racesperging less than a day into creation
I can't even say it was fun while it lasted because it never lasted in the first place

No. 1997203

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the bar is so low we need a new term for it

No. 1997204

I made the thread and regret it already.

No. 1997205

>a thread about men who go to other countries for sex tourism and take advantage of women of different races
Fuck off.

No. 1997206

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passport bros are not ready for the moroccan women they will drag things out for months to make sure you're the real deal

No. 1997207

We can read the thread don't do the backtracking.

No. 1997209

kek most them wanna leave that shithole so bad they hook up with rich saudi scrotes all the time. I love seeing these scrotes serve themselves on silver plate to be used for green cards.

No. 1997210

That wig is sending me kekkk she can do way better

No. 1997211

Morocco is not a shithole? it's not great but i've lived there they don't worship westerners like some other ethnicity i won't name.

No. 1997212

>Morroco is not a shithole
>Women are treated like shit and get cat called even with hijabs on
I'm sorry life made it so your standards are on the fucking floor anon

No. 1997213

You don't know what a real shithole is lmfao anyways(sage your shit)

No. 1997215

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this is so creepy

No. 1997216

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This reminds me of that deranged pedo from the uk that got close to Malaysian families only to rape their children. Many pedophiles do this so expect to find a bunch of them in this pathetic community

No. 1997219

When i saw his face i knew who you were talking about, what a fucking monster

No. 1997221

> "impoverished kids are definitely much easier to seduce than middle-class kids".
He said this to other pedo's on the dark web, same thing can be applied to impoverished women. These moids are the scum of the earth.

No. 1997226

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No. 1997229

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The OG passport bro.

No. 1997231

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No. 1997232

>Hilter haircut
>Dead eyes

No. 1997233

Ah yes, the educated, wealthy, strong passport, grown ass man is the one being exploited, but man supremacy right? Can you imagine having all those advantages and still being manipulated by "emotional pea brained" women??? Moids need to start picking a struggle. They're telling on themselves.

No. 1997234

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I get they're biologically defective and incomplete but imagine the mental gymnastics they pull to justify their fucked up antics

No. 1997235

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I just found this pickme freak while looking for passport bros's L, she probably deserves her own thread

No. 1997240

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Checking top posts, of course there are pedos trying to get sympathy. Poor men have it so hard, think about them before protesting sexual trafficking of minors, think about how they've been rejected by evil western women! https://www.reddit.com/r/passportbros/s/l0TmsyXpFf

No. 1997241

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this is her face anon she needs to make tweets like this in order to get that dick cheese attention

No. 1997242

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She deserves her own tread, i might work on it sometimes

No. 1997243

Fucking hell. I was going to joke that men who seek little kids in 3rd world countries are no different from passport bros, but I guess I was right.

No. 1997244

Is this piece of shit for real? He "needs" to hire minors??? Like there is not plenty of ADULTS sex workers??? Oh my god i want to hang this moid by the balls, he'll understand the true meaning of need. Who raised that thing?

No. 1997245

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It's been said before passport bros and sex tourist pedo's seeking easy to abuse kids are two sides to the same coin. A video about this scrote lately gained 6 mil views by Nick Crowley. A canadian that went to Thailand in order to rape minors and post pics to pedo sites.

No. 1997248

He needs to be put on an FBI watch list and have his hard drive searched . Reddit is full of pedophile ugly ass neckbeards.

No. 1997250

Now if only they would be as tough on this faggot as they are the drug dealers trying to feed their impoverished familes.

No. 1997252

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"western women have too high standards"
> have you ever taken a look in your mirror?

No. 1997254

No. 1997255

I can't find the post, but on kiwifarms there was a post of a passport bro who

1.is an open pedophile, he made the "first" baby sex doll, and recently a dog one

2. Admitted to living somewhere in Africa, where he sleeps with "underage looking" African women. He said he owned some kind of place home or land there, and basically invites other pedos there from his forum.

No. 1997256

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>If women were as humble and understanding as nature intends them to be, disadvantaged men wouldnt have to resort to use the passport as gateway to more accessible, foreign women.

Fucking kek cry harder scrote.
These subhumans are going more delusional and repulsive by the day.

No. 1997257

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I hope to God these women are taking those filthy sexpats (like the moid at the end of the video) for everything they've got. Just because they're no longer our problem doesn't mean I think they deserve to be there's.
>how can they steal something that isn't wanted in the first place
Fucking kek

No. 1997258

>"nature intends them to be"
>"disavantaged men"
maybe nature intended for you to work and die without reproducing you self absorbed victimized homonculus.

No. 1997259

These stupid women are looking for clicks but deep down they know they're going to wedlock a miserable moid who can't get a date in the western world. They want to immigrate so bad just to profit off the hard work of those "undesirable women".

No. 1997261

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I can smell the 5'7 height and receding hairline from this post lmao but i'm glad they're showing their true colors in these subs shouting to who would listen that it's minors they're after.

No. 1997262

I pray it's all part of the visa scam to get their familes out of poverty and they're fully aware of what they're doing. In all serious though, who is the ugly fuck head at the end saying they're "clowning on Western women"? That faggot looks hilariously milky.

No. 1997263

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They're getting eaten up in the comments

No. 1997264

Glad there’s finally a thread for these degens

No. 1997265

>how can they steal something that isn't wanted in the first place
I love top comments they're always spot on lol i can almost feel sorry for them if they weren't so smug about being such bottom of the barrel moids

No. 1997266

It could be a part but it's possible that it's a cope out from their feeling of powerlessness. Those countries don't offer a lot of opportunities for women in general. It is getting better, but usually they have a lot of responsabilities toward their families, so it's possible that it's their way of feeling better about themselves. That they're "stealing" men from the developped world because they're actually better and the world needs to know that. Basically Intersexual competition on an international level.

No. 1997267


No. 1997268

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No. 1997271

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No. 1997272

Germanoid phenotype.

No. 1997273

Let them have them kek they're doing us a huge favor. Probably the best outcome is that their kids (if they make it that far) will look nothing like them and instead look like their mothers. Let them pay to exit the gene pole and clown themselves online in the process kek

No. 1997275

Doing Sid dirty with this one nona

No. 1997276

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Speaking of fucking KEK

No. 1997277

But you're right, we should keep the high ground and not partake in the back and forth, that's what men want, to pit us against each others. If those guys can be a tramplin for these women's future, then so be it. Might consider that men in their countries are absolute manlet and they might change their minds when they move to the USA and realize they are much better options.(repeated derailing and racesperging, has not saged once in this thread)

No. 1997279

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>Western women : ….
>Passport bros: We're leaving to find desperate poor women in third world countries to fuck us cause you won't
>Western women: K
>Passport bros: …We will stop if you lower your standards.
>Western women: No thanks.
>Passport bros: Reeeeeeeeee roastie feminazi !!!

No. 1997282

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Coach redpill was another passport bro, who lived in Ukraine. He got arrested for being pro-putin, and died in jail this year.

No. 1997284

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No. 1997285

Found the faggot. I wanna know who's paying this Filipina to lie so blatantly? Men age like fine wine fucking KEK the wall is the purest form of projection

No. 1997286

mod took it personnally

No. 1997287

It's a grift

No. 1997290

that's a kid, he's sperging against a kid not finding an adult hot

No. 1997291

This girl was mentioned on one of the old tradthot threads.

No. 1997292

No. 1997293

What do you mean anon?

No. 1997311

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I don't know any Mandarin, so I can't get super deep into this. But Chinese passport bros are pretty interesting. They go to places like sea, Africa and even the middle east for wives. Unlike western passport bros they do actually marry these women and have children. They're also way more open about dating underage girls, and are on the older side themselves (like super old, think 30-60). a lot of uncomfortable videos of them flirting with very young girls, or showing off their child brides. Idk what the age of consent in China is, but I guess it's not a big deal there(?)

No. 1997312

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No. 1997313

Such beauty wasted on those old scrotes.

No. 1997314

Some of you are beyond dumb. Most of those women are prostituted. Men force them to have unprotected sex and abortion isn't available to them. Their children are bullied for being children of whores and the girls are often exploited the same way. Most of those women will get nothing out of "passport bros", sex tourists. Hating on the women of their own country is a cope for those men. They want to rape women and children. It's fascinating how they are trying to clean their image by calling themselves passport bros and it's working.

No. 1997315

No one denied how fucked up sex tourism is??

No. 1997316

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No. 1997317

Thats terrible i want to be blind

No. 1997320

What's beyond dumb is you trying to start an infight over nothing. No one is denying the reality of sex tourism.

No. 1997321

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I won't post all of them because it'd be spam, but it's freaky how many videos there are. The person who posted them on lsa is also a weirdo. Trying to promote "tall Chinese men" and casually having all these videos at hand lol.

No. 1997331

they started popping out in south europe too. They don't have much luck as most women are taken though. It's uncomfortable to speak english decently at work and be asked by these men "how can I find a free girl to date? Do women here like americans?" like?? No manners at all. So trashy to ask such things to a stranger. I'm just here to tell you about old churches. Annoying

No. 1997337

The age of consent in China is 14, but the legal age of marriage is 20 for women and 22 for men.

No. 1997340

I've read the article. These things need to be killed. Bullet is the only cure

No. 1997347

You need to start using sage in the email field. Are we out of farmhands or something? This whole thread is fucked. 10% milk 90% seethe

No. 1997353

>by calling themselves passport bros
Implying passport bros aren't also just either going for sex workers or underage girls? Passport bros are starting to get attacked by locals more because of their behaviour

No. 1997360

Meanwhile you brought no milk and i posted 40% of the things on that tread, bye bitch(retard)

No. 1997374

>90% seethe
i get that unsaged non milk is annoying.
but are you implying that anons being mad that a bunch of scrotes are defending child prostitution opnely on reddit are just Le seething over passport bros ?

No. 1997377

Most morrocans wanna escape abroad to europe kek their women often prefer marrying scrotes that migrated so they can take them too. Some retarded passport bro would be the perfect target.

No. 1997378

Children look just like their mum (as they should) you love to see it kek

No. 1997381

He looks like if Austin Powers was involved with sex trafficking

No. 1997382

Summary of the whole thing: Scrotes big mad that western women have shekels and rights that allow them to be as picky as they want so they go to countries where women don't have those things to maximize their chances. Moids being parasites. A tale as old as time.

No. 1997384

These scrotes need to start getting called what they actually are: Sex tourist pedo's that go to countries where they can get away with taking advantage of minors. The fact that the most infamous pedophiles also used a passport will tell you everything you need to know.

No. 1997397

this youtuber is a bit insufferable but holy fuck, a whole new form of passport bros I didn't know existed having "swim meets" aka going to as many countries as they can to knock up as many women as they can, often desperate women they cajole into rough sex (not insemination like a clinic would do) because it's more effective (it isn't). not only that but this "kyle" dude has a genetic disorder which he imo is trying to pass onto as many impoverished international women as possible as some weird breeding kink but making them and their baby suffer in the meantime. true evil in human form

No. 1997398

It would still be a big deal to a normal person in China, but there's definitely a lot of Chinese scrotes who are angry about women's rising standards for partners and how many more women are starting to criticise "leftover women" discourse. Men from big cities with high costs of living can't find partners if they don't own property and a car (which is deserved tbh, they'll expect a female partner to work hard AND raise their children).
Not sure the woman is 15 btw, my Mandarin isn't great but the structure is more like "15 years younger than him". The original text also doesn't say the kids are 3. It does add that "his life makes people envious" though.

No. 1997421

>"his life makes people envious" though.

Does it though? kek

No. 1997424

Okay thanks for clarifying.

No. 1997456

probably it makes other incel's jealous

No. 1997464

Holy shit these men are all SO busted. No wonder they have to go to these lengths to get laid, no sane woman would touch them voluntarily for free. They’ll do anything but admit nature didn’t intend for uggo dysgenic moids to breed, they are literally genetic flotsam. But hey, at least now they can serve a purpose by helping poor downtrodden women get green cards.

Now this is just disgusting.

No. 1997508

Passport sisters will never ever be even 0.0000001% as disgusting and problematic as passport bros. Korea is a developed country and most men there earn an even better salary than American men. Also these men aren’t interested in a visa, these women just want hookups. Passport bros stay seething after their flip wife drops a toaster in their bath lol.

No. 1997530

He died?? When? I thought he tried to escape to Russia and completely abandoned his family in Ukraine

No. 1997531

January 12th of this year. He was arrested in 2023 and died in prison

No. 1997534

Yeah i think everyone agrees with that, women are not generally interested in underaged poor men.

No. 1998595

I'm glad that at least one country is looking out for its own citizens over sex tourists. It's a more traditional country than the US, so the women probably aren't prepared for the completely deranged, life destroying degeneracy American scrotes are up to.
>"I'm a traditional conservative male, and I have to go overseas to find women who aren't whores!"
>Fucks an actual prostitute overseas.
Men deserve the rope.

No. 2000861

Is it true? A white male tiktoker in Japan was making fun of white women in Japan because they get ignored by both white and Japanese men.

No. 2001704

kek white women are literally stalked by japanese moids on the street trying to talk to them using google translator

No. 2001894

Because they think white women in Japan are easy.

No. 2005178

They also think white moids are easy to squeez shekels from but they never get the same type of attention now do they?
Men of all races would sell their souls to get with a white woman. Bottom line is moids will never be the prize. If they were they wouldn't be born with more muscle mass to fight other scrotes in order to win over the female.

No. 2008088

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No. 2011406

A passport bro was just shot recently

No. 2011408

No. 2011455

absolutely written by an indian scrote

No. 2011497

The Digital Bromad is another ugly insufferable passport bro.

No. 2011499

Why does every ugly balding passport bro think he’s seen as “superior” in every country? Like these men are so ugly, they look goofy and they think they’re so much better than American women when in fact they aren’t. Also why do they hate American women so much? Rejection? I bet they seethe so hard when American women don’t have to pay foreign men to date them

No. 2011501

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No. 2011509

>blah blah everyone is cucking me
>blah blah fug men are hot women's looksmatch
>blah blah why won't anyone use me as a wallet
>blah blah but also fucking women want money

Most original moid thought

No. 2011510

He thinks Stacy will see the sweaty performance showing off his "options" and gets FOMO'd into settling for him. Wursties often think that things that work on them will work on women (dread game, spamming your insta stories with how you've met someone new, etc)

No. 2011544

>muh American roasties only want me for my money
And why do you think those Colombian women are paying you any attention, Casanova? I can promise it's not your winning personality.

No. 2012098

Passport bro's are always medium ugly men.

No. 2012100

It's a mixture of two things: an elaborate ex-boyfried tantrum where he proves that he totally didn't even like you anyway, and fetishism of "exotic" women.

No. 2013418

A video of an ex passport bro whining about a Colombian woman calling out a pedophile in her country. Saying he "might not even be a passport bro" and "well we help contribute to Colombia" (so that's why they should be allowed to rape their kids ig.) and saying they're only angry because he's a white dude

No. 2013419

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> tfw the passport bros unironically believe that they're an oppressed minority

No. 2013420

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No. 2013421

Retarded leftover moid really doesn't understand how much third world women hate him while openly identifying as someone who has to pay them/provide US citizenship to attract them. How do I achieve this level of cognitive dissonance? Is it one of those lobotomies that separate your brain hemispheres?

No. 2013430

I hate this bitch she lied about everything concerning her background in North Korea , such a cow

No. 2013434

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Yeonmi Park needs her own thread here. Many have noticed holes in her story or have clocked her obvious lies.


>"There's no word for love in North Korea"

>starving people strong enough to push thousand ton trains to go to work.. instead of idk, walking?

>contradicting herself by saying that US campuses are worse than North Korea because of "woke culture"

I don't doubt she faced hardships in North Korea, it's just a shame she's using her fame and freedom to grift this hard for the right wing.

No. 2013444

I second a Yeonmi thread. She's been exaggerating and contradicting her defection story for over a decade and in the last couple of years has been acting like she somehow has spies giving her insider info on the NK government despite defecting at only 13, under a different Kim, and being from a family that fell from grace. Massive grifter.
The only problem is that a Yeonmi thread would probably attract tankies who'd insist one NK defector lying every time she opens her mouth means they're all liars and North Korea is actually secretly a paradise.

No. 2013449

He associated with another Youtube, Bald and Bankrupt, who's an English scrote that literally r*ped a woman 20 years ago and got off on a technicality. He's also had a lot of creep rumors around him.


No. 2013454

It’s been dead for a while but she has one >>1420672

No. 2013469

NK is not a paradise but the propaganda against them is mixed with a lot of lies, exaggerations and dehumanization.

Recent articles say that they executed a man for listening to K-pop, which sounds like bullshit because they had a SK-pop group called Red Velvet to come perform just a few years ago.

Another story circulated that Kim Jong Un cried because women weren't giving birth to enough children, that one was confirmed to be fake news and the real reason he was crying in the video was because he was reading about how Japan was using Korean women as sex slaves during their occupation.

No. 2013470

Oh man I didn't know that. The other guy already gave me bad vibes, but i guess it's confirmed if he's hanging around that dude

No. 2013513

Damn that thread is a complete trainwreck

No. 2013540

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Reading this thread hits different when you're from the country these pests love to go to.

I just pray to Kami-sama (SWT) that their trad waifus take all their money.

No. 2013546

You’d think if there was one country on earth where passport bros would know to stay in the locals good graces it would be Colombia. One day one of them is going to harass the wrong guys gf/sister/daughter/cousin and get turned into Folk Art, and then the rest of them will be crying about how scared and persecuted they are as if they’re not there preying on women in poverty.

No. 2013557

>One day one of them is going to harass the wrong guys gf/sister/daughter/cousin and get turned into Folk Art

Manifesting that this happens fr

No. 2013566

fr, real nobel prize laureate moment right there
>low-mid class american looking to abuse some women in a cartel mafia state
manifesting a barrel of acid for each of them omegalul. also surprised colombian gangs haven't yet devised pussy bait/hostage schemes for passport bros, colombian nonas should inform them of this fine business opportunity

No. 2013673

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I'm from Brazil, and here there are bunch of delulu young YOUNG (ofen minors) women who get into relationships with OLD 40+ korean men just because they are korean. it's a mix of the scrotes being passaport bros and the girls fetishizing asian and korean men due to kpop and doramas. Here doramas became very popular within normie women for some reason and they are ALL deluded thinking korean moids are like in the doramas. Some wrote even guides on how to get a man from korea to date. A lot of these young girls will get in relationship with any korean moid and move there and within one month they will be either baby trapped or abused and tortured without the means to get back home. It's so weird seeing this mix of race fetishism (nobody thinks it's race fetishism for some reason even though Brazil has a big asian descedent population and they have speaking out agaisnt it ) and deluded girls fucking geriatric men so they get the dorama boy of their dreams. they make a lot of yt videos and tiktok promoting this shit wtf man. I can only imagine what the korean bros are saying about these women

No. 2013684

Korea isn't really a passport bro destination (too economically developed), not to say that they don't desire Korean and Japanese women but it's not as common as Filipinas or Dominican women desperate to leave their country so they'll marry any ugly man with a US or EU passport.

No. 2013693

None of those women look like they’re being tortured. Anyway who gives a single fuck about Koreaboos and passport sisters. Passport bros are literal pedos, rapists etc often seeking out sex with children in SEA and LatAm.

No. 2013711

But OP said the Brazilian girls are often minors so…

No. 2013718

did you even read the post you're replying to? the Korean men are the passport bros in this case

No. 2013727

>>2013718 pasaport bros usually leave their country n seek out women from the third world, the korean men in the case never had to leave their country.. these girls just flock to them.(sage your shit)

No. 2013750

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In the newest season of 90 day fiance (Love in Paradise) you have this couple. Luke (30yo american) and Madelein,colombian, who is supposedly 19. They met (again, supposedly) like a year and a half ago. I don't know much about these idiots because I'm not watching this show but I see a lot of posts about them online and its a hot mess. Also colombians have come out saying she has been a prostitute since she was 14-15 and that thats how they met. Tbh I can totally see it but of course that's not what they are saying that happened.

No. 2013755

This video is illegal in Switzerland? Must be wild, I’ve never seen that with a YouTube link.

No. 2013757

I'm the same nonna who posted this >>2013750. Forgot to add that this dude , Kyle, is also in the same season of Love in Paradise kek(sage your shit)

No. 2013787

Sage because I'm not sure how on topic this is, but this made me think back to when my fyp on TikTok was overrun with these distressingly older Chinese men with significantly younger African wives. There was this one couple who lived in like a rural Chinese village and the wife would clean and cook meals for their entire family, particularly the elderly grandfather who had like a huge boil or whatever on his head. There wasn't anything "overtly" strange going on, but their videos always rubbed me the wrong way. Huge tinfoil, but it makes me think that old, unmarried Chinese men are poaching younger women from developing countries to make up for the gender imbalance.

No. 2013806

She has those dead lifeless eyes of a trafficked girl. Also that scrote looks horrible and haggard for only 30.

No. 2013807

>Kurt Caz isn’t a passport bro
Lol he most definitely is. He’s running around getting women pregnant then ditching them and always puts creepshots as his thumbnails for clicks. Disgusting man I hope he gets murdered over his wallet soon.

No. 2013815

That’s not a tinfoil, that’s a well documented phenomenon.

No. 2013856

This was kinda talked about up thread >>1997311

No. 2013873

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>surprised colombian gangs haven't yet devised pussy bait/hostage schemes for passport bros

It already has, kek.

No. 2013887

Lmao karma

No. 2013930

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Coomed a lil reading that, thanks

No. 2013931

wonder if there's any vids on liveleak

No. 2013934

I know you're probably joking, but LiveLeak hasn't been up since 2021

No. 2013937

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Fucking kek hope it's worse in mexico these parasites belong in cartel gore videos.

No. 2014282

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lets hope it continues. the cartel can have a side gig entrapping these losers

No. 2015809

There's a fuckton of korean passport bros. Korean moids go to south asia, especially the philippines, as sexpats or to look for a wife. There's a huge problem of abandoned half korean babies in the philippines. The South Asian women who marry Korean moids always end up in abusive marriages and they end up trapped because of a baby. In the fb groups for women in Korea, everyday there's a posting of some poor south asian woman asking for help in her abusive marriage, it's so sad.
Slavic/russian/ukraine wives tend to end up in shitty marriages with their age gap korean moids as well.
I hate that korea and korean men are so worshipped by dumb young women, korean men are so fucking trash.
Korea added a new requirement for the marriage visa that the couple have to prove they speak a common language, this was in hopes to curve passport bros/mail order brides because so many south asian women were getting abused or murdered by korean men

No. 2015811

No wonder Korean women are going 4B.

No. 2015812

Why are Colombians so based? Imagine SEA countries and other LatAm countries started doing this on a large scale to foreign sex pests too.

No. 2015815

Ngl, I thought this kind of scam (which they deserve) had already been an open secret for years. I hope it happens more often.

No. 2015816

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I absolutely love seeing pedos and passport bros getting their asses beat
Doesn’t matter who’s doing it

No. 2015817

If the Korean mens wives are white they tend to treat them much better, simply because whites get preferential treatment in Asia, both Korean men and women are extremely racist and despise brown and SEA people/black people/anyone darker than them. You can see videos of Korean women holding their noses around SEA Asians and jolting away in disgust if a brown tourist comes up to ask for directions or talk to them. Marrying a SEA person is seen as a great source of shame in Korea. I’ve even heard SEA and Chinese people say bus drivers and shop staff refused to serve them in Korea. Whites are worshipped by Koreans and if you’re an attractive slim white guy or girl there your life is gonna be literally tutorial mode and you’ll have people fawning over you all the time.

No. 2015818

According to this article the British moid was at a party with his 15-year-old daughter and 28-year-old Thai wife (no she's not the mother of his child thank goodness) when this creep just randomly approached them. At least he died in 1 punch so there's absolutely no way he can hurt another girl.


No. 2015819

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I wonder how many more Mr Swirls are out there operating undetected. For anyone wondering he was a pedophile who raped at least 15 children in Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand and Korea, filmed it all, shared it with other pedos, and only spent 5 years in a Canadian jail after being found guilty. He was banned from owning phones and PCs and accessing the internet, but they found him grooming more kids online, browsing pedo sites and saving CP again. He’s currently free as of 2017 and living in Vancouver.

My guess is he’s just one of hundreds of thousands of pedophile sex tourists, the others were just smarter and got away with it.

No. 2015821

My swirl is already out of prison or will be very soon.

No. 2015822

Sounds like the dad is kind of a creep too then. But sexpat on sexpat violence is always nice.

No. 2015827

I’ve been around the world and unfortunately encountered many passport bros and sex pests. They often try to aggressively hit on me or just talk to me because they think I’m a local (Asian female solo tourist) and get a shock when I speak in an American accent and tell them to get away from me. Honestly I’m gonna assume any western single male going to south East Asia is a sexpat by default at this point.

For some reason the worst sexpats I’ve ever met wherever I go in Asia are definitely the Australians. Theyre all pedos, almost without fail, and I’ve seen them openly hit on children and women with children, asking if they can fuck them. Americans and Brits are also pretty awful, but not as brazen as Aussies.

No. 2015830

Brothels are legal in Australia and most of them are filled with impoverished and trafficked Asian women because of Australia’s proximity to these countries. It creates a sense of entitlement to Asian women’s bodies. The men travelling in SEA might be more prone to being pedos because there’s already an abundance of Asian female sex workers in Australia if they have a preference for Asian women, so if they’re actually going to Asia it might be because they don’t want grown Asian women and want sex with Asian kids instead.

No. 2015833

They are everywhere.

No. 2015835

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vietnam and cambodia both actually had to pass laws prohibiting marriage between local young women and korean men with a 15+ year age gap. In Vietnam the law was prompted when a woman was stabbed to death by her older Korean husband within a week of their marriage. domestic violence is super prevalent in these kinds of marriages. picrel is of a different incident that became viral on social media a few years back, you can find the video online pretty easily but I chose not to include it because it's obviously very upsetting

No. 2015878

That deranged pedo Peter Scully was Australian AND a passport bro too filmed torture cp using poor phillipino children
Scrotes will always view women as lesser than and abuse them if they can it's in their nature add poor/uneducated to being a woman and it gets 10 times worse.

Moids will always do as much as they can get away with. Mark my words.

No. 2015905

Noncing is an Anglo-Aussie national pastime, guess they learned it from their Brit forefathers

No. 2015945

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No. 2015947


No. 2015955

Trash taking themselves out

No. 2015969

Weird how these 'evil, demonic, feminist harpy' American women who are all being abused by billionaire psychochad still live in these moids heads rent free. If theyre so happy and content with their 'model tier concubines' and things are soooo much better outside the US then why are they still so butthurt and angry all the time and obsessed with Western women the whole while? very strange.(sage your shit)

No. 2015970

Only women should be allowed to travel to these target countries atp. I’ve heard too many harrowing stories about creepy men taking advantage of the locals in places like the philippines and brazil, seriously if I was thai and saw some shady looking white guy i wouldn’t hesitate to kill him on the spot. I find it funny when scrotes bring up young women traveling to korea for hookups as if that’s even remotely comparable kek.(sage your shit)

No. 2015984

is 30k usd annually really enough money for a 2-3 bedroom villa and to support not one but TWO "supermodel-tier" gold digging waifus? like even in a major city in any of the regions mentioned

No. 2016052

good fucking food.

No. 2016081

I think all men who travel to SEA should have their laptops and phones checked. China already does this to people travelling in and out of known terror hotspots. Why shouldnt pedos and potential rapists travelling to sex tourism hotspots also have their drives checked for child abuse content?

No. 2016082

No he’s just coping and making up a revenge fantasy like all these desperate incel men kek. ‘Model tier threesomes’ top kek my sides.

No. 2016086

It is! Depending on the country they can live very confortably.(sage your shit)

No. 2016088

I don’t think half these reddit posts or 90% of these 4chan posts about sexpatting are even real tbh. Like, think about it, most of these guys complain about how women aren’t interested in them because they’re too boring, introverted, shy, etc.

Most of these moids are legit basement dwellers who can barely make eye contact with a woman irl because they’re so socially stunted and addicted to porn. Yet suddenly they’re morphing into these low inhibition, slayer Chad, party bros who go to the club and flirt with endless women openly and bring a new girl back to their room every night? I simply don’t buy it.

The successful sexpats and passport bros tend to be the ones who are already quite extroverted and comfortable talking to women. Send an average 4chan moid to Thailand and he’s going to be having panic attacks and holeing himself up in his hotel room alone the whole time on his laptop. Your personality doesn’t magically change just being in a different country.

No. 2016104

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So apparently, the reason he beat her was because she—a Viet from *Vietnam—couldn't speak Korean.

What the fuck was he thinking? Some Colors of the Blue Corn Moon magic will happen?

I bet he was one of the Korean incels who seethe that his own women don't want him and lash his anger onto her. I want to show this to SEA girls who worship Korea as K-pop/drama land to open their eyes. Delusional SEA girls (I'm not talking about the woman in the article, just my general experience) who dream of going to Korea because they want to snatch their mystical oppa, should swallow the hard pill that they'll be seen as a brown mongrel in that country.

No. 2016121

Because it's a performance for said feminist harpies. All of this is being done with the hope that western women will beg them to come back.

Partially the reason why the perfect third world waifu shortly becomes a target of resentment and seething hatred - she's just a daily reminder that she's all the sexpat can get, and no one's really missing him.

No. 2016137

>the perfect third world waifu shortly becomes a target of resentment and seething hatred - she's just a daily reminder that she's all the sexpat can get, and no one's really missing him.

Bingo. I remember browsing the cursed hapas Reddit by popularity. It was the same story over and over again:

1. White Dad is racist and abusive to his thirdie Asian wife and kid (poster)
2. Asian wife is either a White-worshipping, self-hating cuck or someone who wanted a desperate get out card from said thirdie country
3. Kid gets confused of their place, will resent either Mom or Dad (usually Dad) for putting them in such a confusing world race wise. The realization that their Mom must've been a mail-order bride because their Dad was such an undesirable greasy cunt creates a terrible perception of themselves.

The only hapas that seemed to (slightly) fare will from what I read were from Asian Man/Black Woman couples.

No. 2016139

Kek at him assuming wuyesteern women don't want him is because they're chasing billionaire Chad's dick—maybe they're not chasing him because they don't want him, don't want a relationship at all.

Passport bros always project their need for having a sexual/romantic partner unto us. Nah, bruh. Some of us like having our own company.

No. 2016146

Kek you’re right, all of this is done to try and spite western women which is rather hilarious. The simple fact is western women don’t care what these men do, it doesn’t affect their lives. There’s already millions of fob female Asian, Latina, Indian, Slavic and other migrants in the west anyway, if a man really wants a ‘traditional’ wife from a different culture then he can easily find one without even leaving a western city. They’re going to impoverished shitholes because even immigrant women don’t want these men and know they can do better than him. It just shows how physically life and socially repulsive they really must be.

No. 2016222

Males are biologically cucks. If you're not fucking them, it must be because you're fucking someone hotter with a bigger dick. This mentality is inborn and will never change.

No. 2016255

>There’s already millions of fob female Asian, Latina, Indian, Slavic and other migrants in the west anyway

This. Also, do they not realize their trad waifus want the lives of the Western women they (claim) to despise so much? Like greenpill bro above, once his trad waifu adopts to his home country's customs wouldn't she technically become the whores he was trying to "escape" from in the first place?

No. 2016309

This guy sounds like the next Peter Scully

Reminds me of this active case against a Canadian man who was allowed to repeatedly travel to the Philippines (confirmed for sex tourism) despite being flagged as a potential offender in his home country. Police only decided to seize his computer after a decade and now it’s encrypted so they have no way of searching for evidence. These things are never taken seriously until it’s too late

No. 2016369

It definitely can be, especially if you know enough of the language to get a place in a quieter town.
Let me guess, he's going to be released after 10 minutes and given a medal for his brave defense of the Korean language.
I hope stories like this pick up internationally, we need to fuck up Korea's soft power majorly for them to do anything about this shit.

No. 2016375

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>Model tier threesomes

No. 2016389

That's the sole reason to go for a passport bro, no? The thirdies want to live like westerners. The moid sure has a boundless capacity for willful self deception.

No. 2016392

This thread and troon ones are a source for the strongest lol worthy copium on the internet kek keep up the good work nonnies

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