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No. 2011008

miffy says:
>don't reply to bait
>no infighting
>no racebait
>report and ignore
>board rules apply

Prev: >>>/ot/2002950

No. 2011018

that’s Nijntje to you

No. 2011026

Fuck miffy, fuck miffy’s mom, fuck miffy’s dad, fuck miffy’s brother, fuck miffy’s auntie, fuck miffy’s great-grandma. Fuck miffy I fucking hate that son of a bitch bastard child scoundrel called miffy

No. 2011032

File: 1716237175179.gif (773.84 KB, 500x370, IMG_2881.gif)

haters gonna hate

No. 2011038

Thought I was the only one kek

No. 2011048

why? isn't it jsut a cratoon bunny?

No. 2011050

I like Miffy, but you wanna know who I fuckin hate? Peppa Pig. Fuck that bitch. Her head looks like a lil chode and balls

No. 2011058

File: 1716238591183.jpg (48.55 KB, 933x928, R (5).jpg)

well she is supposed to seem like shes drawn by a child soo..

No. 2011059

File: 1716238592837.jpg (22.77 KB, 307x460, 1000026097.jpg)

Seriously Peppa pig is fucking hideous, best animated pig is Olivia.

No. 2011060

File: 1716238643013.png (78.57 KB, 596x800, IMG_0757.png)

That’s extremely fucking ableist against the pig community, please take that back you pig-exclusionary turd that kind of language is NOT allowed and uncalled for in this space. Pigs are supposed to be smelly and hairy with snouts, they cannot help eating heaps of slop when they need to eat a lot so they can become breakfast bacon for the breakfast-industrial complex to make ends meet for the CEOs of breakfast. Your human-privileged beauty standards and respectability politics against pigs trying to live their lives and be happy is unethical. No more slurs or we are going to have to mod you, better not cross the line.(no soyjaks)

No. 2011062

peppa pig is a cutie. she makes burger kids speak with an English accent and use the word mummy

No. 2011069

Peppa is adorable. fuck

No. 2011072

File: 1716239610010.webp (18.92 KB, 320x320, ugly ass bitch.webp)

I'm about to drop a real unpopular opinion. This bitch is ugly.

No. 2011080

File: 1716239781143.jpg (73.38 KB, 512x512, 1000016837.jpg)

Anyone who doesn't like Miffy has a negative IQ. Miffy, Olivia Pig, and Maisy are the three empresses of animal childhood figures.

No. 2011083

>this is what you see before a BPDette kills you with her pocket knife because you left her on read for about less than a millisecond

No. 2011084

No. 2011085

File: 1716239950718.jpg (24.5 KB, 474x632, kuromi.jpg)

kuromi? is that you?

No. 2011087

Milly kills palestinian children, she’s beyond redeeming

No. 2011098

File: 1716241551038.png (5.94 KB, 369x232, Cinnamoroll.png)

since cinnamoroll is a boy does that mean i could fuck him?

No. 2011105

that's furfaggotry

No. 2011109

My unpopular opinion is that the default theme for LC should be Girltalk. Whenever I see the lolcow default theme I get angry and change it immediately to my Girltalk theme. I just think it looks better and cuter and a lot nicer in general.

No. 2011114

actually the what is wrong with you thread was a good idea i think

No. 2011116

File: 1716242423397.jpg (630.94 KB, 1079x1832, 1000016843.jpg)

>March 6, 2001
TIL that Cinnamonroll is an adult zoomer and not a shota despite his manlet height.

No. 2011118

File: 1716242465621.gif (488.75 KB, 498x380, tenor-2002865867.gif)

No. 2011138

Too cutesy and reminds me of /shay/. Szalet is where it's at

No. 2011171

men like diddy, R kelly, harvey weinstein, dan schneider etc etc should just be given the chair. all they do is abuse people for their own sick sexual reasons and contribute nothing positive to humanity.

No. 2011196

Speaking of R. Kelly, not enough normies are realizing that Kendrick isn't a good person either between him and Drake. Kendrick defended R. Kelly and Kodack Black even though it's abundantly clear that they are both disgusting pigs. Kendrick isn't some hero just because he's pointing out the obvious (that Drake is a predator).

No. 2011197

Ugh no what about the gif we agreed on! This is way too cockette core

No. 2011214

jeez why is everybody always fucking moaning about threadpics. i don't even like coquette shit i just thought it would make a cute threadpic. didn't think pissants would find even miffy objectionable

No. 2011263

Your mother is more embarrassed of you than you are of her

No. 2011268

nta hasnt this been a threadpic before?

No. 2011270

Unpopular opinion: cute threadpics are the best and far superior to ugly poorly cropped gifs like the last one

No. 2011273

I hate gif thread pics because they're always blurry

No. 2011274

>poorly cropped
well it wasn't cropped (at least not by myself) so blame the camera man, not me

No. 2011275


No. 2011277

File: 1716252100018.gif (957.47 KB, 220x220, 1715726779140.gif)

does this not fit the unpopular opinions thread better

No. 2011278

Olivia was my favorite kekk

No. 2011279

so are you saying i should have cropped it instead of just posting it as is? no it looks perfectly fine kek

No. 2011282

Yes. You can crop gifs, you know? Every time I saw that black bar at the bottom of the screen I seethed. I fucking hate threadpics where the OP can’t be bothered to crop. It looks sloppy and it hurts my eyes and my heart. Yes I spend too much time on here

No. 2011284

File: 1716252366411.jpg (52.14 KB, 640x623, klu87d5afrj71.jpg)

Complaining about thread pics is inane because threads are ephemeral

No. 2011287

Ignorance is bliss regarding body counts cause one time I found out a guy I dated exclusively dated a girl I knew that wasn't abused or from a bad family but would suck off boys for drink in a park when she was 15. I am a year younger and you didn't need to suck anyone off to underage drink, she was just a desperate fat ugly girl and when I found out a man I was interested in thought she was decent enough to date I thought less of him

No. 2011290

Nah, even the fastest threads usually last a week. I’m going to complain

No. 2011291


Honestly not surprised that he liked you too

No. 2011292

This is exactly why it matters who someone dates before you because I am so offended rn

No. 2011293


Learn to handle your autistic hyperfixation

No. 2011295


No i mean your deshumanising description of a teenage girlµwho felt insecure and invalidated enough by her peers that she resorted to sucking dick.

No. 2011297

File: 1716252649305.png (5.09 MB, 3570x2859, IMG_2639.png)

No, I will not

No. 2011300

I'm not going to feel sorry for her that she seeked validation being a dirty slut. In fact that behaviour lost her a lot of friends so she threw away good people for dick(bait)

No. 2011302


Sure.. you know what, you attract people that are in your league. You sound trashy too.

No. 2011303

At least i have the sense to not publicly display such trashy behaviour that's undeniable

No. 2011304

I love it when my bedroom gets hot in the summer. I always hear people complain about it but for some reason I just love being passed out in the dead heat, feels way more like an actual nights' sleep for some reason.

No. 2011305

It's better to be alone, always, when it comes to people.

No. 2011306


Promiscuity at such a young age can underline many many issues, BPD, alcoholism (if it's just for alcohol), abusive household, rape victim..

No. 2011309

>dirty slut
that's such a moidy way to talk about promiscuous women like i'm sure you're not but ew

No. 2011313

No harm redditfag, I'm not her keeper or her therapist, she exhibited trash behaviour you even insinuated I'm just as bad so you're picking up on some negative vibes too. I don't want to date people that have no standards. The dude I avoided was a manslut and later found out he frequents prostitutes and a gay sauna, what tipped me off with his association with her and I investigated.

No. 2011314

This is lolcow, I'm not in denial that sluts exist. There's trash woman. Sorry to burst your bubble.

No. 2011318


It is trashy to suck dick for alcohol yes, but the way you're describing a 15yo with no empathy, calling her a dirty slut, is what makes you trashy too.

No. 2011319

if you love it that much you can always use it in a future thread, they fill up within days anyway
not that i can recall but there's too many threads to keep track of so i could be wrong

No. 2011321

>>2011319 It was a thread pic before i saw it too, but it was for unpopular opinion

No. 2011324

Tiktokers making videos where they ask random people questions or use random people down the street for views knowing most of them don’t want to be recorded is a loophole for them to commit legal harassment and stalking. It’s kind of disturbing when they force you to comply to their clout chasing and dance around, oh how dare most of the women not wanting to dance around like a bunch of monkeys for this egotistical jobless scrote. We stopped sending these scrotes to go die in a war and now they’re sitting around trying to stunt queen on social media kek

No. 2011325

Isn't it funny that anon saved all the insults for the teenage girl but not the moid who probably took advantage of her?

No. 2011327

She's literally a peer I've known since I was 13 she's a year older. It was a weekly emo night held at a church and local bands would perform and there was a park nearby teenagers would drink at. She would literally get dropped off by her parents with a carryout already. She did not need to suck dick for beer that was how she seeked attention.

No. 2011329

Nta but girls like this remain trashy even in adulthood, so it doesn't matter much that she was only 15. "But she was young!" she will keep acting that way well into her 30s.

No. 2011330

it's "sought"

No. 2011332

You need to be eighteen to post here. Grown adults know that if a girl is sucking rando dick at age fifteen that she's probably been abused or conditioned into that behavior long before she turned fifteen. Try again.

No. 2011333

Not an unpopular opinion my worst fear is to be in someone's video when i didnt agree to be filmed. Happened to me once, a guy came up to me and told me "i'm attracted to you", i was coming back home from a flight, looking like an absolute mess, it was humiliating because i saw the guy with a camera few minutes after.

No. 2011335

She was sucking her peers dicks in the bushes in a kids play park. There would literally be groups of other teenagers and young girls and your woman would be making a show and yelling she's sucking dick. People were horrified. I don't even think she realised other guys were running around fake vomiting and if she passed by they would flinch from contact acting like they'd catch a disease. Tbh after weeks of that shit drinking at the park ended only creeps wanted to hang around that shit

No. 2011336

If Azaelea banks was a man her career would've gone unaffected. She didn't rape, steal, kill, torture, abuse, is not a pedo, hasn't even done drugs (or haven't heard so, still not a big deal) or has any allegations of the above mentioned. Why do men get away with everything? Even if their fans are gendies they will still suck his dick. Cockbreath is a mental illness.

No. 2011337

Yea I'm definitely not 18 attending emo nights in the late 2000s

No. 2011338

File: 1716254473911.png (94.81 KB, 618x644, azealia-banks-tweets-stonerose…)


Love her, even though she's clearly kookoo.

No. 2011340

I would not want to be anywhere near a dickbrained woman regardless of whether she was abused or not tbh. Women obsessed with cock and relationships with moids are insufferable.

No. 2011343

File: 1716254684659.webp (8.61 KB, 610x214, faggot_0.webp)


To be fair, she did say outrageous things that'd grant any white man cancellation lmfao

No. 2011345

so you still have a hateboner 20 years later? sad

No. 2011346

god you couldn't pay me enough to obsess over people from my youth like this. you remember how many engagement announcements she posted on facebook in the last three years? how do you do it nonna?

No. 2011347


following that, she kinda is similar to MIA, thought-provoking, indie artist that found success with few hits, but overall their music is much more niche and experimental. Superstardom was never for her.

No. 2011348

That reputation isn't going to dissolve after 20 years, no. Witnessing public sex acts isn't the normal for me, if she was an adult and caught it would have been an offence. She's a walking ick to me and I wouldn't want to be intimate with someone that's been intimate with her. That's a big no from me.

No. 2011350

Girl idk if you have fb or know people irl or realise you're on a lolcow site but you think I don't know how to find info on cows or gossip lol

No. 2011354

lol you sound obsessed. im in my 30s and i couldn't give less of a shit about what randos from high school are up to

No. 2011355

Lol alright, a guy you've been on dates mentions a massive slut from your past and you think absolutely nothing of it when it's specifically a girl that ruined emo night.

No. 2011356

finding gossip on lolcows is one thing. keeping track of how many engagement announcements someone you knew from high school posted on facebook is just plain weird. post her in personal cows if she's that milky otherwise you just sound weirdly obsessed with someone you probably should have forgotten about once you left school

No. 2011357


It's the way you come accross that makes all the other nonnas side with her you sound like a bully and everytime you talk about her you dramatize that girl's life to justify yourself

No. 2011358

Yea I've got a notepad to keep track it's not like they're the public posts on an otherwise private account I couldn't possible of had the manhours to deduce the information. I've never talked about people from the past with friends we make a point to retire memories after a certain time frame.

No. 2011360

>we make a point to retire memories after a certain time frame
Your friends sound smart. You should do what they're doing.

No. 2011362

>the massive slut that ruined emo night
well no, im not particularly hung up on who did what at some party two decades ago

No. 2011363

I stg influencer scrotes do it to humiliate women. I would’ve fully supported you if you smashed his fucking camera, such obnoxious retards trying to impede on women’s boundaries and privacy because they have no other way to do it.

No. 2011365

See that's the weird thing redditfag my opinion wasn't about is this girl trashy which you already called her behaviour in your distinctive Reddit spacing posts, my opinion was a person's dating history can put you off them.

No. 2011366

i already exclaimed i just uploaded the gif as is, i am sorry about the black bar but if its making you
>hurt your eyes and heart
i do apologize but i also recommend getting an autism test nonners

No. 2011367


Notice how they always go to party areas, and make sure to always record drunk girls to make a statement about how women are "stupid n' slutty"

No. 2011368

but complaining is healthy

No. 2011369

Idk what to say maybe you don't have friends you share mutual memories with

No. 2011370

I never used reddit, moreso discord if you're curious about my past too.

No. 2011371

Honestly, it just makes me sad. If a fifteen year old is performing sexual acts for alcohol then that's fucked up and if she's doing such for attention then that's even more fucked up. It'd be one thing if she was in her twenties but at fifteen you just know something fucked up had been going on behind the scenes for such a thought or action to be carried out at that age.
>church emo night
That explains so much as to why you'd call a fifteen year old a dirty slut.

No. 2011372

Figure out how to format or samefagging?

No. 2011374


Just happens that sometimes i do it and sometimes i don't

No. 2011376

there are several peole replying to you lmao
I have friends from kindergarten. surprisingly enough we manage to talk about common interests such as music and books, we don't spend our time getting seething mad at people for something they did 20 years back

No. 2011378

Lol you didn't have to be a member of the church to go to emo night. Maybe gen z don't know that communities use to offer spaces for the youth to ironically stop us from drinking.

No. 2011379

I clearly was replying to the Reddit spacing fag idk why the other poster thought it was directed at them they weren't tagged?

No. 2011380

That wasn't the point I was trying to make. I'm saying that the type of course the type of person to call a fifteen year old a slut would definitely go to those organized church events.

No. 2011381

Nta but gossip about lolcows is weirder, because they're literal strangers. It makes more sense when it's someone you know or used to know irl.

No. 2011382


Someone is seething

No. 2011383

The church didn't organise emo night they rented out a performance hall and had security there which is why the underage drinking was done at a park a few minutes away

No. 2011385

I don’t think Ariana grande looked black at any point, even during the period where there were constant jokes about it I just don’t see it. I agree obviously she had a very dark (but imo very orangey and obviously fake) tan and maybe could have looked some kind of Latin or Mediterranean ethnicity possibly but beyond that I don’t get what people were seeing

No. 2011386

No but apparently not being a member didn't stop you from picking up the absolutely-ever-so-Christlike Christian tradition of slut shaming teenage girls.

No. 2011387

>they rented out a performance hall
…Anon that still means they organized it to some extent.

No. 2011388

this is why ppl say you're obsessed lol. who cares about the finer points of how hickstown organized church emo nights twenty years ago

No. 2011390

A lot of chronically online leftists will cry wolf about black fishing, black face and cultural appropriation.

No. 2011391

Her behaviour was shameful. Do you think it was cool of her to suck dick in front of other minors? I don't think you need to go to church to be of the opinion you're probably above sucking highschools boys dicks for something to talk about at school

No. 2011392

It's not even slut shaming she's doing, she's just incredibly dense and retarded to what is obviously being witnessed to what's possibly a teen-aged girl from a broken background.

No. 2011394

They weren't giving sermons in between screamo bands. There were teenagers in fishnets and basic emo attire of the 2000s. Modesty wasn't a virtue. Sucking different spotty teenagers dicks in a night is another level

No. 2011395

Do you guys want to discuss the possible unconfirmed mental illnesses of another girl this time my age that was at a sleepover and the girl who was hosting had stables. There was a video of a girl sucking off a horse. I know the girls and I know there was no alcohol or adults involved. Go nuts with that.

No. 2011396

What trashy town do you reign from if I may ask?

No. 2011397

You guys have been so uncool towards me I'm not saying

No. 2011399

Nobody here thinks that kind of behavior is "cool". What we're saying is that it's pretty obvious that girl was abused or groomed or came across something seriously messed up in order to behave in such a way at fifteen years old. Pretty much every anon here is saying how she acted seriously not normal and points to signs that things were probably not okay in her life.
Jesus Christ I really hope you're a moid because I refuse to believe that any grown woman can discuss videos of teenage girls doing things with horses without realizing that such things nearly 100% of the time come from abuse.

No. 2011400

She fucking wasn't lol

No. 2011401

The one that exists only in her head and is populated by strawsluts.

No. 2011403

How do you know? Was she your sister or something?

No. 2011404

Anyway you guys got hung up on the wrong thing and I'm bored. People's past dating history can be a deal breaker especially if they have a preference for dating sluts!

No. 2011405

no one's saying it was cool we're all saying she had underlying issues.
why are you so mad about high school shit anyway? grow up

No. 2011407

No. 2011408

I'm so sorry that your conjoined twin gives you so much grief dear anon

No. 2011410

>You guys have been so uncool towards me I'm not saying
I mean most aren't exactly going to be cool with people who call fifteen year old girls exhibiting tell tale signs of mental instability and possible sexual abuse dirty sluts. I mean, it's not like she was in her 20s or even 18. You gotta have some awareness to see why calling a fifteen year old a dirty slut is a little strange?

No. 2011411

jesus christ i can't belive you're an adult

No. 2011413

She's probably a trashy BPD-chan let's be honest.

No. 2011415

I can't imagine being a failed tradthot who worships dicks that grow hard to porn stars, have been inside other women (including women you dislike/look down on) and malds to this day at one adolescent girl from decades ago for tainting "emo night" at your local church, and further tainting your current dating pool. That's such a self-inflicted L.

No. 2011416

right lol. imagine being this mad about some high school dramu from 2004

No. 2011419

File: 1716257632900.jpeg (121.67 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_3212.jpeg)

Every single man is just waiting for the opportune moment to inflict pain onto woman. All men secretly want to hurt woman in some rhyme or fashion. Men get off on torturing woman. They only desire to ‘get back’ at woman. All men are built in with the desire to subjugate woman. You cannot be in an equal relationship with a male ever, because his kind subsists off of eating on your own. Men are parasites, they are vultures.

No. 2011420

Nah cause I literally know her I was of the opinion she was a dirty slut when I was her age until this day, she's not from an abusive family, I'm not her sister but she's not an only child I obviously went to school with her. Teenagers are promiscuous. They don't have to be abused to engage in sexual activity. Not every exhibitionist was abused. She was obnoxious about her dick sucking skills. She went to a different university and heard similar stories. If you guys want to date men that love wild parry girls be my guest I found it off putting.

No. 2011425

You find out the guy you've been dating has fucked a few trannies that don't pass, does that put you off?

No. 2011426

Anon just because you went to school with her doesn't mean you actually know her and her background.

No. 2011427

She realized she had been entertaining a man that goes to gay saunas and frequents prostitutes, but her problem is with "the slut that ruined emo night in 2009". I can't fathom it, kek. This is the same mentality as a middle-aged conservative woman who gets cheated on and blames "the devil" (other women).

No. 2011428

She was the tip of the iceberg

No. 2011429

I've more insight than anons

No. 2011431

But she and her past are the only things you want to talk about for some reason. Why?

No. 2011434

Because my op was a person's dating history can put you off. Immediately someone else went on about leagues and attracting likeness as if it was a gotcha so what are they on about if you can't unfairly label people

No. 2011435

OK girl and its been 20 years and she's a mess and her sisters and brother ain't

No. 2011437

>I've more insight than anons
Alright, go take your Abilify. Now.

No. 2011439

>I obviously went to school with her
Girl that means fuck all for how well you know someone. There was an annoying ADHD moid in my class who we all clowned on and nobody knew his dad was abusing him after school every night until years after we graduated. Most people don't know shit about their classmates, they just think whatever shows up to school is the full story until they, hopefully, grow into an adult and gain some adult perspective of what makes kids and teens act out.
sorry repost i didn't have the post in my reply

No. 2011441

lol you van't know for sure. considering how much you hate her, if she suffered abuse she sure as fuck wouldn't have told you

No. 2011442

OK girl and its been 20 years and she's a mess and her sisters and brother ain't

No. 2011444

She to me is the personification of not someone I'd vibe with so if someone had her as a girlfriend we probably aren't compatible.

No. 2011445

>she's a mess and her sisters and brother ain't
Anon, that doesn't mean dick. Abuse doesn't always target everyone in the family.

No. 2011446

How old was the man when you started dating him, and how old was he when he was hanging around the other girl? Betting there was an age gap going on.

No. 2011447

Alright would you like a list of her exes to hit up maybe her Mr wrong could be your Mr right

No. 2011449

What does that have to do with what I said?

No. 2011450

He's 3 years older than me and 2 of her

No. 2011452

okay, so you read her facebook and know all of her exes. do you live in a town with like 2k people tops or are you just really obsessed with this lady?

No. 2011453

I hate the unintegrated underage newfaggotry but I'd rather they, provided they're women, come here than spend their teenage years on places like 4chan.

No. 2011454

Yea I'm being literal with that list I'll just send her a message to get her to double check it

No. 2011455

if someone told me "oh btw i used to date that girl you didn't like in middle school" id be like "oh wow small world" and move on because i am, in fact, no longer in middle school

No. 2011457

You seem bitter about her.

No. 2011459

You don't understand, that dirty harlot ruined her sacred and holy emo night. The trauma still keeps her up at night twenty years later. Have some empathy.

No. 2011462

this is the unpopular opinions thread not the childhood friend reconnection thread

No. 2011465

Did some guy you had a crush on all those years ago have sex with her, then end up having something happen to him that you blame her for? Is that why you're like this?

No. 2011466

File: 1716259059730.gif (1018.89 KB, 500x255, IMG_3906.gif)

pouring one out for 2009 emo night rip
yeah but it's the most fun this thread has been in ages

No. 2011467

Right? Like at most I might think less of someone who dated them because it's a sign of questionable taste, but I literally couldn't get up enough energy to talk about someone I hated in high school on lolcow for more than a post or two, let alone two hours of arguing with 3+ other nonnies.

No. 2011468

Lol missing the point but yea that is her reputation and it still follows her and upon finding out someone went serious with her it put me off dating them.

No. 2011469

No literally the OP is that I was dating someone and before it got serious he mentioned a past girlfriend who has a reputation in my hometown and it made me lose interest in him

No. 2011471

File: 1716259473333.png (38.1 KB, 798x193, retardation... in space!.png)

Space is dumb. I don't care about planets or stars or black holes. I think NASA and all other national space organizations are retarded and gay. Why do I care what's happening 20 thousand light-years away? Why don't we just build more apartments or hospitals or try to cure cancer with all the money being used up by space.

No. 2011472

girls lives can and do get ruined by getting a reputation at a young age and you're part of the problem

No. 2011473

Shit bait

No. 2011475

There would be waaay more Japanese trannies in Japan if it had our American social culture.

No. 2011476

NASA's inventions used to benefit normies. Like they made shit like cordless vacuums back in the day and the rest of us got to benefit from that tech. These days they're not doing much other than going to the moon for the billionth time in a row or trying to explore Mars because all the rich scifags who run companies want colonies when they run this planet into the ground.

No. 2011478

Don't make me a bystander to you getting guys to jizz in your mouth for attention. Hardly my fucking fault she's got that reputation. I'm not warning men or others off her I made a decision to cut ties with a man that dates her. I've saw some of her performances I don't want to exist in a space where its comparable.

No. 2011480


No. 2011481

>I don't think investigating space is useful or worth the money or resources that are currently allocated towards space corporations.
I'm trying so hard to see the bait that you see but I think your retardation is just too advanced for my mind. You're impressive.
Exactly. Why should I even care what's on the moon? It's the moon. Big wop. Same with that stupid red desert planet. Why would I care if there's water on Mars? It's literally a different planet: it doesn't matter. Why is the government giving these space organizations billions of dollars a year? Just so we can see the moon? We already landed there in the 1940s it's not that big of a deal anymore the Cold War is over we can wrap it up.

No. 2011482

I agree with your sentiments but you're still trashy for calling a fifteen year old a dirty slut.

No. 2011484

No. 2011485

of course no one's making you date her ex but the way you talk about her for something she did two decades ago is misogynistic and repulsive

No. 2011487

It was coming from my inner 14 year old child. And god bless me for not imitating that behaviour and thinking being overly sexual is a viable means for attention.

No. 2011489

File: 1716260199530.jpeg (80.27 KB, 492x800, IMG_3907.jpeg)

>And god bless me for not imitating that behaviour and thinking being overly sexual is a viable means for attention.

No. 2011490

Wasn't like she wasn't being called out by her peers at the time but she didn't want that validation

No. 2011492


No. 2011493

This is why so many people abandon shitty small towns and don't have sentimentality around them. A lot of adults who grew up in them have this weird, backward mindset and think that whatever a girl does in her adolescence marks her as shit for life, but men are basically free to do whatever. Anon and her friends didn't bother to keep stock of all the teenage boys who were going to her for sex, because that's just "normal, typical guy behavior". Who would turn down a blowjob on emo night?? It's on the girl for being such a slut, she practically manipulated all those moids, duh.
It's only now that anon almost ended up sharing a moid with her that she cares about the males (but she still primarily blames her for everything lol).

No. 2011495

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No. 2011497

I can't stand when spacefags talk about rare mineral mining. "ololol just wait until we strike oil on Saturn" or what fucking ever they're obsessed with that week. Like no. Maybe we shouldn't be putting this much effort towards non-renewable technology and hoping for the slim chance we'll find whatever computer chip materials we need on other planets. How about we focus on not strip-mining this one into oblivion and keeping it habitable for the rest of us? No? Okay, guess we gotta look into Mars bunkers even though the dust on Mars can kill somebody.

No. 2011500

I notice this constantly, even if they try to pretend to be nice. I want to kill them.

No. 2011501

Sorry lol, why do you think the guys got off reputation free? I already stated the only ones that stayed drinking at the park where creeps. All those guys that were getting their dicks sucked are just as unlucky in love as she is these days. I can assure you a lot of those guys had their first and only sexual experience with her lol.

No. 2011502

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>It was coming from my inner 14 year old child. And god bless me for not imitating that behaviour

No. 2011504

I have the exact same thoughts, it pisses me off when people say they want to colonize space instead of fixing this planet. It's gotta be money laundering

Elon is a fucking idiot, mars doesn't have magnetic fields so everyone on the surface would die from cancer on Mars

No. 2011512

>Sorry lol, why do you think the guys got off reputation free?
Because of the way you're singling her out like she's the ringleader of degeneracy lmao

No. 2011517

No magnetic field, no atmosphere, the red dust is basically rusted iron. It's practically the Garden of Eden and I'm totally not a raving idiot for thinking we all need to set up shop there posthaste!

No. 2011518

My unpopular opinion is that if you're over the age of 18 and you still think about drama from middle school so much so that you obsessively share it with strangers on the internet, you're socially maladjusted (or perhaps socially retarded) and would benefit from at least a dozen talk-therapy sessions along with a 6 month course of Lexapro.

No. 2011520

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The bag would go so fucking hard with a nice pair of shades, a white collared shit and some jeans or khakis. Coastal grandma ftw

No. 2011524

Again. Op was literally someone's dating history can put you off them then I gave a personal example. You're saying I'm giving the guys a by ball when I literally rejected one on the basis of his past so obviously I do care also about a man's reputation. Yeah it's dumb to hold a grudge against people for their youth but when it comes to me engaging sexually with someone I practice safe sex and mitigating risks. If someone tells me something that is a red flag to me I will deliberate. Knowing his ex personally from my past and her reputation led me to make a decision that I wasn't going to risk sex with someone that possibly engages in exhibitionism, swinging and public sex acts all things I've witnessed via this one person. Upon further deduction I found the guy did also engage in those behaviours which is why he did not consider those things red flags.

No. 2011526

Oh, okay. So a fourteen years old anon is a "child" but a fifteen years old anon's classmate is a "dirty slut". I see.

No. 2011530

I also make no apologies for anonymously calling another unnamed member of the planet dirty or a slut when she showed absolutely no respect for herself or her health. I don't give a fuck if I'm talking about when she was 15 and I'm calling a minor a dirty slut. She was. Sucking numerous different guys dicks in a night willingly is slutty or any other similar meaning word. If you've done similar stuff and you're raging people won't forgot that's on you.

No. 2011532

No. 2011533

If the males who got involved with her had the same reputation, you would've remembered him and avoided him just by hearing his name. Bet you some of your friends are dating her crumbs and saying "Well, he was a kid", but still shit talk her.

No. 2011537

He wasn't around at that time he's not from the hometown he didn't grow up going to emo night I met him years later and he dated her while she was at university. They were both unfaithful to each other both didn't practice safe sex and that was enough for me to be put off.

No. 2011538

>I don't give a fuck if I'm calling a minor a dirty slut.
Almost had me thinking we were in the post like a moid thread.

No. 2011542

everything about you reeks rude, mean and bully
and nothing to compensate for

No. 2011544

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Despite how pissed your post is making anons, I can see why you're disgusted by him and her. A history of sucking off random dudes to underage drink while you were fifteen is the kind of shit you either keep to yourself and quietly move on from, or share to a therapist to help move on from.

No. 2011546

I actually think it's so funny people are trying to moralfag me on lolcow about being put off dating someone that went exclusive with a local lolcow. How dare I call someone a slut on a female messageboard let's moralfag for 3 hours for a 15 year old from 20 years ago. At least my nightshift is going in

No. 2011547

I hate the y2k revival trend and I wish it would die quickly
It's always the same "waaah windows xp MS paint y2k animecore saya no uta Nichijou Hatsune miku smoking weed" art, I will never forgive Snale for ruining a generation of artists with his sweatshop goyslop

No. 2011548

I don't see anything wrong with calling sombody a slut or a whore if they is one kek. If its so offensive then maybe dont be one?

No. 2011549

That's the thing. Nobody was endorsing her actions, supported such actions, or even thought her doing something so sexual was a positive. They're pissed that you'd call a fifteen year old a slut. How can someone be this dense?

No. 2011550

I'm the post above you and I don't think you're a bad person for not wanting to get involved with either of them. Sucking off random dudes when you're fifteen just to drink shitty booze is very sad and weird. I wouldn't want to get connected with people like that either, even if it was through somebody else.

No. 2011552

whats really trashy is a 15 year old whoring around, you're supposed to still think boys are icky at that age. tf is going on with zoomers wanting to compete for town pump so bad.

No. 2011553

I will never accept a y2k revival as such until weebs start walking around with Naruto metal plate headbands again

No. 2011554

>you're supposed to still think boys are icky at that age
I don't know how you're so close to getting it, and yet still so far.

No. 2011555

Don't use such a cute drawing for this take. That anon and her social circle aren't letting the girl in question move on and keep to herself, they're still mad at her for being dysfunctional at 15.

No. 2011556

I agree, but I'm still not going to call a fifteen year old a dirty slut. That just reeks of unchecked unhinged trashy BPD retardation.

No. 2011560

yes, because pregnant and postpartum ladies are in a drastically altered state of mind. the hormonal changes effect everything from your memory to your motor skills, decision making skills, and so on. sorry you were in the debris field but, if you're pissing off a pregnant woman so bad to the extent that she kills you then maybe you should treat gestating mothers with a little more respect kek.

No. 2011561

She was a slut. Her best friend att was a good friend of mine I met in class. So her 14 year old best mate told her she didn't want to gain a reputation of being a slut and you know what she said "you're just jealous of the attention I'm getting!" Low self esteem is not an excuse we were all insecure teenagers yet the rest of us knew what she was doing was 1) unsafe 2) cringe 3) a terrible idea and people were concerned it's not like her friends were goading her on she rejected her friends for the company of the creeps. Even when her friends stopped going she still went. We found other spots to go to away from that shit. She didn't exist in a vacuum

No. 2011562

>you're supposed to still think boys are icky at that age.
Think about this. You keep insisting she wasn't abused because something something her brother and sister were normal, but do you actually know what the fuck happened in that family?

No. 2011563

are you sure that sucking off old dudes for 7/11 booze isn't the true unchecked, trashy, BPD retardation? Come the fuck on nonna

No. 2011564

>keep to yourself and quietly move on from
>share to a therapist to help move on from
Or, apparently, rant about for three hours on a cambodian charcuterie forum. I don't think anon knows how to move on.

No. 2011565

That's a different anon

No. 2011567

I think it's good to allocate money for research that may become break through developpements. And we don't know which one may just be that.
Nasa is part of the economy and actually generates money and finances jobs.
It also tracks asteroids and any potential danger in the sky. It also does a ton of research on the earth itself. They're also the one managing weather informations. They helped with new cancer drugs research, they recently agreed to help developing the future of agriculture…

No. 2011568

I can find more than one thing indicative of trashy unchecked BPD retardation.

No. 2011569

i mean you don't have very much context to work off of so i'd love to hear you elaborate upon this

No. 2011571

i never said that she wasn't abused, she could've been. but that doesn't change the fact that sucking random dick for some alcohol is slutty activities, and i am saying that confidently as a child who was abused

No. 2011572

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So true, real y2k was making cute lighthearted art and watching trashy comedy shows with insensitive humor on TV

No. 2011573

Calling fifteen year olds sluts is just weird. That's it, that's what I'm trying to say. I don't see why that's such a big deal. It's reckless and retarded sexual behavior. However, calling fiteen year olds dirty sluts is retarded BPD chan behviaor.

No. 2011574

I love reinterpretated Y2K fashion personnaly
I'm actually mad because i'm a brown girl and i was like "this is sooo going to be my style" after a long quest of finding that said style, only for it to become THE trend and now i'm just basic for it.

No. 2011578

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>They help with new cancer drug research
Okay I think we should take all the money we give them and make them just research cancer and other sad diseases. Who cares if there is an asteroid that's gonna kill us. If there's an asteroid coming at us it's not like we can do anything about it. I looked up the cancer thing and I found picrel. My question is why does cancer research have to be in space? Why wouldn't they just research it down here on Earth? It's not like cancer is due to being in outer space. I just don't think space is that important. Okay we get it there's zero gravity wooooahhhh, what about poverty though? What about the millions of problems down here that that 25.4 billion USD could help solve?

No. 2011579

"as someone who was abused" kek you've got the talking stick and the self-attributed representant of abusive victims?

No. 2011581

it doesn't sound like you really know what the mental illness Borderline Personality Disorder is characterized by, if you think that calling a slut a slut is indicative of suffering from BPD. I don't feel bad for calling a 15 year old a slut, because i remember being 15. at the age of 15, you know better than to subject yourself to disease, rape, and kidnapping just for some booze; even if you have been molested/abused.

No. 2011582

It doesnt have to be an extinction level asteroids for it to be a danger, plus they always work on solutions to make sure the space is safer from them.

No. 2011584

It's been hours and you're still here trying to convince us all that this lady is every bit as bad as you say. If you didn't have a BPD-esque projection obsession with this person, you'd have just walked away and enjoyed the rest of your day but instead you're still here.
This picture makes me think of all the cringe mall cosplay me and the other local teens did. We even had an Itachi who drew on the face lines with eyeliner and everything. Good times.

No. 2011585

Get the fuck over it, it's a spicy take sure. She heard it at the time she soaked that shit up, her reputation is in her hands. I'm hardly putting the dumb bitch on blast or doxxing her I don't make a point to tell people do not date this woman! I just don't want to date anyone that's settled for her. I reckon it's a high probability they engage in sexual behaviour I'm not into.

No. 2011587

You keep thinking everyone is op and they aren't. Perhaps you need to be better at fixating your grandstanding

No. 2011588

Yeah but again it's still gonna hit us and destroy civilization so why would I care? And also why does space have to be safer for them? Why does space matter? What is actually up there besides retarded pipe dreams? It just doesn't make sense.

No. 2011589

I didn't say that I'm a representative for women who are abused, much like how children who whore out after being abused are representative of abuse victims, hence why it is illogical to immediately assume she was an abuse victim when she very easily could've just been brainwashed by the pornsick media thats fed to children via their access to the internet and television. Did you not consider that?

No. 2011590

Eh fashion revival is good but sometimes they look too modern to be from that era
I just can't stand quirky moe hoes who draw Lain Smoking Epic Cocaine because she's bpd femcel y2kcore emo scene girl

Must have been a blast tbh

No. 2011592

I'm first ayrt, and I joined the conversation like 20 mins ago kek. I started posting here >>2011548

No. 2011593

You say that and then you go on /snow/ and call random women all sorts of names. None of you lolcow users have the moral high ground.

No. 2011594

None of the lolcows are 15yo

No. 2011595

Cows can only be adults nonny

No. 2011596

She's 35 now and still a whore if it makes you feel better about it (it probably doesn't, boo hoo)

No. 2011597

Wow its been 20 years and shes still throating poopsicles for buzzballs. Heartbreaking.

No. 2011599

You care about people dying of poverty but not the possibility of an asteroid to hit a city?
It doesnt have to destroy civilization. But that'd be cool if it didnt happen and we had specialists working on that possible threat.

No. 2011600

She did it all for the nookie

No. 2011601

I don't understand how debt works and I think eventually the US is gonna have no choice but to fold and do a mass debt forgiveness kek. It's the only thing that will finally start circulating money into the economy

No. 2011602

It's def an inspired revival, 2000's clothing was questionable, and i oh so hope we just forget about 2010 and asymmetrical skirts (and jeggings)

No. 2011605

Happened in the past during the Great depression. But you gotta think most of the debt is owed to yourself aka US banks and debt bonds. The 2nd being Japan and the 3rd being China. China definitely doesnt want the USA to bail on its debt though.

No. 2011606

Nope. There's nothing you can do to convince me calling a fifteen year old a dirty slut isn't weird at best and self-imposed high-ground BPD-chan behavior at worst. I'm not saying the girl is completely innocent and blameless. Absolutely not, and far from it. It's reckless, retarded, and completely stupid behavior to engage in reckless sexual encounters especially from such a young age. Even more to continue doing it. It would be one thing if she was 20 or even 18, if she was then I'd be agreeing right with you.

No. 2011608

Multiple times it was mentionned that it could be different reasons but it's definitely the behavior of a teenager who's suffering

No. 2011609

Then maybe we can agree to disagree and you can stop being such a borebag

No. 2011610

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ok ntayrt but everyone loves to through around the word BPDchan improperly and its really biting my clit. cut it out.

No. 2011611

Sorry, Anon I'll try to tone it down.

No. 2011612

I don't know if any of us have a place to talk about whorishness

No. 2011615

I can agree to disagree, hopefully you can stop being an unhinged retard.

No. 2011616

OK I'll continue to not suck a load of guys off for attention

No. 2011617

Didn't she say that the woman has 4 kids with 4 different men? The degeneracy continued after 15.

No. 2011618

this whole discussion went over your head

No. 2011619

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Can you guys please stop fighting?

No. 2011620

i just know she has HPV

No. 2011621

That would be for the best, you've could've gotten a STD from doing that.

No. 2011622

Yea but the nonas are honing in on the 15 age part cause I originally posted my op when there were trolls about and now my post has been derailed

No. 2011623

NTA but I think you might be looking for something to be upset about if you think its wrong to call a woman who has multiple baby daddies and has been sucking random phalluses since age 15 a whore. its ok nonna sometimes i default to looking for things to criticize as well

No. 2011624

The United States' welfare budget totaled $1.101 trillion in fiscal year 2023, or 18% of all federal outlays

25 billions is nothing for the USA + Nasa actually creates jobs and makes money with the patent they create. Everything about NASA is beneficial.

No. 2011628

people are making fun of her for being a grown ass adult still mad at some 15yo for ruining emo church night in 2009

No. 2011629

>You care about real issues and not imaginary issues like killer asteroids?
Well, yes.

No. 2011630


You do realize they're not imaginary issues right? There are about 28,000 near-Earth asteroids and comets tracked by astronomers to make sure they don't pose a risk to our planet.

No. 2011633

>Hyperfocus on example when i gave many
> weather managing
> funds agricultural research
> funds medical research
> cost nothing compared to state budgets
> funds climate research
> funds earth safety
> funds satellite technology which you use on a daily basis
> create jobs
> actually makes a net benefit in money

What else?

No. 2011634

nta but the only example in the comment she responsed to was asteroids, also
>weather managing
NASA can't control the weather nonnie

No. 2011637

not only that but i bet to you she lied because she felt called out
>yes that girl sucked dick for alcohol
>actually she lost friends over it
> she sucked dick in public in a park i've seen her!
>she has 4 baby daddies
>but i don't actually care about her and don't obsess over her and don't follow infos about her at all!
>this other girl sucked some horse cock (???)
> i'm NOT like her, i'm NOT trashy teehee

No. 2011638

I didnt say they control weather, i meant to say they give the infos you receive about the weather which affects agriculture and flights… although they actually do it, they actually modify weather too

No. 2011640

NTA but i dont get the last part. Not sucking dick for alcohol isnt being all NLOGgy

No. 2011643

No, no! Don't you see Nona? NASA actually controls the weather, that's why we don't have hurricanes, tornadoes, or firestorms anymore, and they protect us from the millions of civilization-destroying asteroids that might hit us one day - because I just know it's coming because it happens all the time in the SciFi movies - somehow, even though it's never been done before and probably never will be done because how tf do you destroy a huge ass asteroid? retarded, and they also fund medical research about diseases that you get in outer space, because everyone goes to outer space so we have to make sure our outer space hospitals are well-equipped, and also they create jobs, just like our beloved scam call centers, so it's good for our economy, and NASA also researching the climate while literally everybody else is also researching the climate and already knows what's coming, and, and, we need NASA because I love outer space!!

No. 2011644

Lol its so funny that those two girls weren't friends but from the same hometown. If you guys knew these people you'd still be mentioning it years later lol. I reckon I've struck a nerve with those that have something publicly embarrassing haunting them

No. 2011645

Doesn't matter. You still harass people.

No. 2011646

You're blowing out of proportion something that i didnt correctly write because i'm not a native english speaker.
I meant to say they take care of whats weather related, that being said there is direct weather modification happening, just not on a grand scale.

No. 2011648

Kek I see whats going on now

No. 2011651

Well for once you can evacuate an area that is threatened by an asteroid hit, and the point is that we're also developping weapons that are capable of defending us from the very real threat. You're responding emotionaly to verifiable data. I didnt say anything about outer space or Mars. Also had you read what you screenshotted it said that the lack of gravity helped growing cells more harmoniously so it'd help with drug testing.

No. 2011655

You're still talking about make-believe asteroids and make-believe weapons to destroy the make-believe asteroids. I'm talking about the real world. You are so NASApilled it's scary.

No. 2011656

>if you guys knew these people you'd still be talking about them
nah bc i'm not from some two-mule town where nothing ever happens and i'm not hung up on grudges from 2009 church emo group

No. 2011660

if there really was an asteroid all that time ago then wouldn't have everything been destroyed? like all of it? how was the whole planet and all of the dinousaur bones left over? i dont think they got hit by the big rock i think they slowly stopped reproducing and just went extinct

No. 2011664

I'm not debating whether or not an asteroid causes the dinosaur extinction event because I don't care about dinosaurs either because they aren't alive anymore. Why would anybody decide to dedicate their life to studying shit that went extinct millions of years ago I'll never know. I'm just saying that this line of thinking:
>An asteroid can be so large that it causes a global extinction event that almost all life is unable to escape from and catastrophically disrupts all ecosystems.
>But NASA can save us! They will blow up the asteroid with their super-weapons and they will save us all!
Is a retarded line of thinking. If an asteroid is gonna hit us and kill us all… okay? That's just what's gonna happen. Why do we need to funnel almost 25 billion dollars into that?

No. 2011666

For once they're potential threats, and you're ignoring 90% of what i say to push a narrative that is just false. NASA sells patents and inventions unlike scam call centers. I invite you to check it out https://technology.nasa.gov/patents and the research against asteroid threats https://www.armscontrol.org/act/2024-04/features/planetary-defense-nuclear-option-against-asteroids

Also whats wrong with nasa funding projects that are funded by other infrastructure? Saying "omg the climate we know" is an illiterate take, we study how the climate affects the soil, plants, how to plan agriculture, the sea flux, etc etc. Are you proud of pulling shit out of your ass?

No. 2011668

Once again you can have asteroids that are threatening enough that they can erase cities without being major extinction events, are you unable to read correctly?

No. 2011669

I want to clear up a misconception. >>2011355
>when it's specifically a girl that ruined emo night.

I didn't mean her crime was getting emo night cancelled lol I have to say i hated emo music I preferred indie boys and they musical styling of bands such as the libertines and bloc party. I meant that her being the reason we stopped hanging out there stays in your mind. That park was where I first drank it is a time that you'll remember. Like no ones upset we didn't even watch the bands or we wouldn't have been there to witness the shenanigans. She and the park are synonymous, the mention of her name wires my brain to those times. That's what I meant. I was on a date and a guy mentions his girlfriend went to my highschool and then the conversation turned. I didn't even say to him oh you dated the slut lol I listened to his stories he overshares I didn't realise why all our 3 dates where at a bar but he's an alcoholic (surprise!). Her name was a red flag and honestly it's pretty funny. Especially when I can anonymously post this without revealing her identity but let's moralfag for 4 hours(infighting)

No. 2011671

>In 2021-2022, NASA undertook the Double Asteroid Redirection Test mission, propelling a small spacecraft 11 million kilometers into the 160-meter-wide asteroid Dimorphos, which poses no threat to Earth. The program was a marvelous success, validating the ability of the craft’s autonomous guidance system to direct it unerringly to the impact point at 22,000 kilometers per hour. The asteroid’s original trajectory was indeed altered appreciably, even more than most prior calculations had anticipated

No. 2011674

Honestly nonnas you gotta do better in education if you want to overtake moids.

No. 2011675

We cant just storm their business places and turn them into slaves the good ol fashion way? We have to study?

No. 2011676

>NASA got given money to play pretend heroes by altering the path of an asteroid, which cost money, and then shooting up a rocket they built, which costs money, to destroy that asteroid, which costs money, to prove that in the future, they can continue to waste money on pretend scenarios that don't matter.
I'm still not getting it. Why do we need to fund NASA to do stuff that doesn't matter to solve problems that aren't real? It just seems like you're brainwashed by NASA to love outer space. Why be worried about asteroid impacts when real things like tsunamis and earthquakes exist and actually happen regularly?

No. 2011683

You keep rambling about outerspace like i didnt give you a 10 examples that didnt involve outer space outside of direct strastopheric security.
That 25 billions isnt even a 1/10 of the USA's budget in welfare.
That asteroids are a real threat, just because you can't conceive it does not make it less real.
NASA also funds project that help with tsunamis and earthquake nonna… who do you think launch earthquake warnings? https://cais.gsi.go.jp/UJNR/UJNR4P/Donnellan-NASA.pdf

No. 2011686

We're talking about Asteroids now.

No. 2011689


No. 2011690

Fucking who?

No. 2011691

So what you're saying is that all the important research NASA does is directly related to our own planet? That outer space doesn't matter? That the only important things they do directly relate to Earth? So it's almost like we don't need a whole outer space agency? You're so close.

No. 2011692

They've taken away knowledge from us for so long, relegating us to house wives because we couldnt handle their groundbreaking works. Knowledge is power, but i don't mind storming few businesses with our AI trained mecha.

No. 2011694

I think outerspace is part of NASA's work but not all the work and that research in the unknown is still valuable but if you think the 25 billions are allocated in useless research you're wrong. period.

No. 2011695

Back to the topic of unpopular opinions i feel like i didn't become smarter until after i left the work force and was able to become a mother. all the mind numbing busy work doesn't feel powerful or knowledgeable, no matter how many figures you're being paid. still a wagie just at an upper level. my brain was a jar of water chestnuts when i was supposed to be at the top of my career game, but is a big strong bouncy castle now even after pregnancy brain kek. Certainly because being a mother is harder and requires 10000% more attention and cognition than typing up a document, sitting in a meeting, negotiating with clients, etc.

No. 2011696

NTA but I'm a millennial and was considered weird for not liking boys at age 12, being boy crazy was seen as more normal than the opposite. not agreeing with it btw but it isn't unusual and where i live you were more likely to get ostracized for not being like that

No. 2011697

+ their work i mentionned also involve a lot actually "from space" perspective, doesnt have to be "outer space".

No. 2011702

No i agree, i did not mean to say motherhood is in any form or shape "lesser", it's a beautiful, challenging experience, and a respectable work, i only meant that men have banned us from academia way too long.

No. 2011703

I mean you can look up stuff about their budgets that's serious podcasts like wesponized and such that shows they inflate price of equipment so there is definitely millions at least unaccounted for. Nasa isn't the only space agency and its experiential physicists outside of nasa making the breakthroughs on research. Nasa has infrastructure to take those experiments to trial in space but they're not the only ones.

No. 2011707

I'm sure it's not all black and white, yeah but the original statement wasnt just NASA it was all "space work" (she literaly stated other national space nations) bc it's "useless and poor people exist" which i mean, do i have to explain capitalism to nonnas?

No. 2011709

I know nonna i'm sorry i wasn't trying to use rhetoric that made it sound like i thought you were talking down on mummies kek

No. 2011710

>Do I have to explain capitalism?
Some of us don't understand space lingo sorry I don't know what capitalism is? You don't have to use jargon.

No. 2011712

You live in a system that favorise investements for future marketable products, military defense and international dominion.
Not only has it grandly benefited you, it has for humanity as whole even if it's not perfect. I'll pick capitalism over communism every single time.

No. 2011713

Wtf are you talking about?? I don't live in a system I live in a city??? I don't know even what you're saying??

No. 2011714


No. 2011718

I think Trump is a fun guy and I'm gonna vote for him now that I can

No. 2011721


No. 2011723

Spacefags are pretty retarded, though. Stop trying to fuck up other planets, stay on earth until you fix it. Stupid humans never fucking learn, we kind of deserve to get wiped out.

No. 2011726

I mean, unless you attribute any value to nature outside of what you can extract from it as long as it does not directly cause total extinction, why would you care about fucking up other planets if it permits us to move on to new horizons?
Don't get me wrong, it's stupid to damage the earth while we're still stuck on it kek.

No. 2011727

Samefag, imagine dumping your trash in space. We already do that. That's the same sort of stupidity mankind would continue, that's the level we're at. Horrible.

No. 2011731

We kill, rape, destroy, we're animals, but very smart ones.

No. 2011741

i hate spics, there i said it(racebait)

No. 2011742

so brave(replying to bait)

No. 2011779

Ziwe makes me cringe in a bad way. I know shes attempting to do cringe comedy but its just…falling flat. All of these old zoomers and late millennials who are trying to be comedians are just so autistic that they don't have a legitimate sense of humor they just mirror what they think other people find laughable.

No. 2011780

>what bothers you more slow walkers or racism
Slow walkers obviously.(racebaiting samefag)

No. 2011791

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I think this is a problem with a lot of comedians right now. Instead of working on their own unique sense of humour, they just look at other comedians and what's working for them and try and rip them off. Not everyone is good at that awkward cringe style of comedy, I think because to use that type of humour you have to have a really good understanding of what makes something awkward and cringe, not actually be awkward and cringe. Sort of like the quote in picrel. A lot of these flop cringe comedians only understand what cringe is, not why cringe is, and so their humour ends up coming across as stale and passé. It's like they watched Napoleon Dynamite but instead of laughing at the funny world Napoleon inhabits, they hon in on Napoleon himself even though he's meant to be the "straight man" trope, or foil, of the twisted and awkward reality of the film.

No. 2011799

She's so pretty. Either way, I prefer her humor to Amy Schumer at least, lol.

No. 2011817

Why is gen z so brain rotted they get horribly offended when you call certain influencers unrealistic/ fake? Kek almost all of us millennials have been learning this since social media was getting remotely popular. Almost all of us knew a select few losers who used movie money to make it rain, or went to the local beach and claimed they went to Europe, or take pics with randos claiming they have so many friends, etc and that's just normies, etc but now you can barely point out that someone photoshops their ass without zoomers having a meltdown about how it's normal and we're all just jealous

No. 2011827

because they feel a wierd personal attachment to them as if they're one of their own "friends". its creepy.

No. 2011829

Is loneliness that bad their closest friend is an influencer that doesn't know they exist? Why are zoomers incapable of making friends?

No. 2011830

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Not an unpopular opinion here but it’s disturbing how many males use onlyfans, like a huge percentage of the population are degenerates. And now it’s normalized and normies see nothing wrong with any of it

No. 2011831

>81mil male Americans use OF
>165mil male Americans alive
Basically if you're dating a guy rn you've got an 1 in 2 chance he's on OF and probably more if you're in your 20s like most of the userbase here.

When are normie women finally going to lose faith in dating and men?

No. 2011834

as a zoomer who has no friends, i'm too scared to form a relationship with anyone now because i'm horrified that any breath i take or move i make they'll be screenshotting our texts and looking for ways to cancel me even though im not anyone important. zoomies are so hypersensitive to anything that they disagree with, the moment they encounter it they immediately feel the need to 'expose' whomever has ground their gears publicly. it makes it hard to know who you can trust, no matter how 'trust worthy' they seem or however close you may be to them. because once that friendship is over or you just grow apart they'll start making tiktoks and twitter threads about their old "toxic friendship".

No. 2011838

If you’re a woman and you decide to have kids you need to have your own shit together and money before having kids with a scrote because he can leave and you can’t. A lot of moms get mad when i say this because “omg men should have just as much responsibility as women for their kids!” and yes that’s true, in a ideal world that’s true but we don’t live in that world….in this world a man can pretty. Much step out when he feels like it and you should be prepared for that when you take the risk of marrying and breeding with scrotes you need to be prepared for the inevitable when he cheats or leaves.

No. 2011839

At least in burgerland, unless he commits suicide or goes missing somehow, men are required to pay alimony or else they can be sent to prison (2 years + fines). the reason why we don't see it happen as often is because many baby mommas have a soft spot for their ex-scrotes and choose to avoid involving the police because they believe it could infringe upon the fathers relationship with his children, which is a ridiculous excuse because he's already destroyed the relationship by leaving/being a whore.

No. 2011841

True. I’ve seen a few baby mommas who won’t put their baby daddy on child support for those reasons.

No. 2011843

I can't be the only one who has noticed men keep shifting and pushing the boundaries, right? I'm under no illusion about older generations they looked at porn too. But looking at naked women in a magazine or calendar they kept hidden from their wives seems mild compared to 24/7 on demand unlimited access to porn, openly looking at lewd content creators on social media with their irl name attached and paying for personalized on OF.

No. 2011852

Is it weird that i don't trust these numbers? I'm not american though, but it just kind of doesn't add up because I barely ever see any men make references to it at all. Like not even the way they joke about pornhub. I feel like there has to be an absolute shit ton of bots in the equation or something

No. 2011853

Moms who let their bfs or step dads be alone with their kids and the kid gets murdered or there’s sexual abuse then mom should be charged with child neglect

No. 2011855

True, but shitty moms can and do leave too. I know of a drug addict mom who left the disabled daughter with the also drug addicted dad. (Surprisingly the dad then sobered up to take care of her and she's doing well now)

No. 2011857

Nah, women shouldn't get punished for men's crimes. She'd have to be aware the man is a sex offender and do it on purpose for it to make sense.

No. 2011860

If this was the case men would purposely sexually abuse the kids to get their gf/ex into prison over it, it's just motivating them to abuse more

No. 2011861

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Parents who marry other parents but make another child even though they both already have kids get on my nerves. Both of you already have kids and they're siblings because of your marriage now; WHY is it so important that you create a specific baby with your new spouse's DNA? Is the marriage or the family not strong enough unless you share a biological child with your spouse? It's all just so fucking tacky to me.

No. 2011862

>"A lot of"
Highly doubt this.

No. 2011863

A lot of women let men do stuff to their kids so the guy will stay and they think they will see no consequences because they’re not the ones committing the crime. Even if she didn’t know I still think she should get a few years or months in prison for not paying attention to what’s going on in her house. I also think parents of school shooters should be charged with child neglect as well.

No. 2011865

I do think that mothers should be punished for endangering their children. They are not at all innocent just because another party did the physical crime.

No. 2011866

>A lot of women let men do stuff to their kids so the guy will stay
Are these heaps of women in the room with us?
>Even if she didn’t know I still think she should get a few years or months in prison
Just say you hate your mom and go

No. 2011868

kek maybe they just want a new baby thats biologically both of theirs nonna, theres nothing wrong with that so long as they can care for it

No. 2011869

My mom never let me be around her bfs or be alone with them. You’d have to be pretty stupid to do that which is why I consider it child neglect.

No. 2011871

>I also think parents of school shooters should be charged with child neglect as well
So you think young moids aren't capable of murderous violence on their own? It's always the parents (read mothers) fault for not stopping a moid from committing violence?

No. 2011873

nta but do you expect that anon to give you a list of names of abusive and neglectful mothers or what? also
>just say you hate your mom and go
this is such a weird and unnecessarily hateful response to a very reasonable opinion. if you endanger your child, you are neglecting them and should be charged accordingly.

No. 2011875

I think they don't like that the eternal committent of having a child is with their exes rather than their partner (and also the partner being tied to their ex rather than you as well) so they feel compelled to have another baby to override it

No. 2011876

yeah not to mention they treat their step children like shit

the world is overpopulated enough

No. 2011878

I'm sure tayrt believes that the moids are capable of murderous acts of violence on their own, however children getting access to guns will always fall on the shoulders of the parents. Not ever just the mother or one parent. you're not reading the words she is using in her comments.

No. 2011879

No I don’t but a lot of parents just don’t pay attention to what’s going on in their house or ignore the signs. For example the columbine kids had tons of evidence in their house they were going to shoot up the school but the parents never noticed or that kid Ethan Crumbley who told his parents he needed help with his violent thoughts and mental health issues but they ignored it and purchased him a gun for his birthday.

No. 2011881

I just think that moids sexually abuse children on their own and women shouldn't be held accountable for moids crimes when they literally had no part in it and weren't even aware that it was happening, I think that's stupid as fuck and misogynistic to assume it's always somehow a woman's fault when a man commits a crime

No. 2011883

the world isn't overpopulated to the extent where we shouldn't have children at all. and like 700 people die every minute, so logically theres no harm in having 5 kids if theres 150,000 people dying daily kek.

No. 2011884

Thank you. I forgot the name of the girl, but there was a case of a little girl being literally raped to death by a scrote and largely thanks to the mother actively pimping her out to the pedophile. I get that there are cases where a mother genuinely doesn't know that a scrote is raping her child, but isn't the discussion about mothers who are aware and allow it to happen? Mothers like that should get the chair, honestly. Reposted because of typo.

No. 2011885

>this is such a weird and unnecessarily hateful response
oh nona please get off lc, this place isn't safe for you

No. 2011887

Nta but I think even mothers who aren’t aware should be charged. For example the Madeline Soto case, she was getting raped by her moms bf for 5 years…how could her mother not notice this in 5 years? If you’re this blissfully unaware of what’s going on with your kids in your own house you need to be charged with neglect.

No. 2011888

you're reacting as if we're insinuating that the men shouldn't be punished for their crines. no, they absolutely should, however both parents should be charged because the mother allowed it to happen. also
>weren't even aware it was happening
thats even more of a reason why the mother should be charged. the lack of attention to her own child in her own home. that is precisely what child neglect is, nonners.

No. 2011890

yeah but there are 380k babies born everyday, that's twice as much as people dying daily
the economy is shit enough everywhere of the world and I don't see why some people want to keep reproducing despite all that

Majority of step parents are fucking horrible and don't deserve to be parents

No. 2011891

These are both well made points. There would be a noticeable change in behaviour in your child too, don't understand how that couldn't be noticed.

No. 2011892

There's a difference between gossiping in the correlating threads and having a conversation about a serious topic. Other anon made a statement about how ignorance toward the safety of your own child is criminal behavior and should be punished as such, and the only response they had was "just say you hate your mom" which isn't even sensical and doesn't acknowledge any point thats made while simultaneously being rude and unnecessary.

No. 2011893

Nta but what's really depressing about all of this is that we have plenty of resources for everyone on Earth, but we're completely profit driven. It would be easy to restructure society for everyone to live comfortably, but money is the root of all evil.

No. 2011895

Right? how the hell do you not notice that your fucking baby is being hurt? It is mind boggling.

No. 2011896

Thisss, very articulate anon. Where is it written that to be on lc you have to be condescending and incapable of holding a conversation?

No. 2011897

I think a year or a few months in prison might shake these women up enough because inevitably they’re going to find another random scrote and bring them around the kids, so the next time it happens they will pay attention because they don’t wanna do jail time again.

No. 2011899

That's sad that any mother would need the incentive of not going to prison to actually give a fuck.

No. 2011900

i think the really crucial angle for me is if they're able to provide for their child, so even if the economy isn't amazing their kids are still cared for. and yeah i do concur i dislike my step parents, thank god they didn't reproduce any biological kids together. i'd hate to be that retard KEK

No. 2011901

>380k babies
Not enough there should be more, babies are great

No. 2011902

You're adorable kek

No. 2011906

yeah see? my point still stands, majority of step parents are shitty and abuse their step children a lot and favor their own biological children no matter how shitty the biological kid's behavior gets
It only adds to shitty adults later on in life

only if you're looking after all of them

No. 2011923

As a mom I agree, I always have a backup and my own money. I can't imagine being in such a vulnerable situation

No. 2011924

>zoomies are so hypersensitive to anything that they disagree with
This is exactly it, agreeing to disagree no longer exists now it seems. Obviously this doesn't apply for situations regarding racism, sexism or just something legitimately harmful, but I've seen zoomers rip their relationships apart over the COVID vaccine, diets, fashion, etc it's ridiculous

No. 2011940

>they'll start making tiktoks and twitter threads about their old "toxic friendship"
Unfortunately, not only zoomers do this. I think at this point it's just better to avoid people with tiktok or twitter accounts heh
It's just fucked up when people start sharing publicly something about their relationships - romantic ones or friendships - with details and screenshots, when it wasn't even abusive/dangerous. Pure narcissistic behavior that's instantly enabled and encouraged

No. 2011943

the permanence of the internet and text threads brings me so much anxiety. what if someones posting about a slightly ill text i sent them in 2016 and i have no way of knowing. it makes me shiver

No. 2011945

My unpopular opinion is that I don’t agree with anons who say they don’t feel sympathetic towards women who are abused by male partners if they ‘choose’ to have children with their abuser. For a lot of those women they had little or no choice in having children, their abuser forced them to have them.

Also, I hate how so many people act like women stay with abusive men because they are ‘scared to not have a man’ instead of the reality that they are scared that that man is going to kill them if they leave him. Also a lot of women with abusive partners simply cannot afford to leave, if they did leave they would wind up in a homeless shelter which are notorious for being dangerous for women and children. A lot of women fleeing domestic voices often end up on the streets with their kids, putting them all at risk of further abuse. Some women will stay with abusive partners because they believe it’s ultimately safer for their children than sleeping rough.

There’s so little real support for women and children fleeing from domestic violence and it’s tiring listening to people point the fingers at women for not magically knowing that a man is abusive and it’s therefore all her fault that she and/or her kids got hurt.

No. 2011946

Yeah I agree, the amount of people who have messed up relationships with their parents because they decided to have another child (half sibling) is just gonna keep growing if we act as if blended families are totally great and should be as blended as an ED smoothie.
Best case scenario is always 2 parents and 2.5 related children, that's not possible all the time but it should be emulated as close as possible, adding another, not even fully related to your children child especially when the existing children are above toddlehood is just cruel.

No. 2011951

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tbh I'm always put off when people talk about underpopulation and 'declining birth rates'. Mostly because, even if there were policies that made it easier for women to be financially capable of having (more) children, the data we currently have shows that , in countries that have higher gender equality and where women have better financial security, more women would choose to have fewer children. If women aren't financially coerced, most women would choose to have less than 3 children, therefore causing a 'declining birth rate'. This wraps back around to MRA and conservative talking points about why there needs to be push backs against women's rights. That being said, we shouldn't try to resolve the 'issue' of declining birth rates with taking away the autonomy of women, but instead try to accept that infinite, exponential growth shouldn't be constantly strived for, and our economies should do something about this inevitability. pic rel

No. 2011953

This + calling everything abuse/manipulative now

No. 2011957

Finances is a big issue yes but it's more about social support. There's zero consequences for moids who go and get milk, the whole "you chose him" culture ended up doing the opposite of what it was supposed to do and just made moids completely unaccountable for their actions against the mother of their children. On top of that mom culture became colder and a literal war zone, it's impossible to make mom friends, villages are completely gone and the families that do offer help will often refuse to remove dangerous family members, etc. basically all of it stems from society holding no one accountable that needs to be held accountable and then placing an extreme amount of accountability on the mom

No. 2011959

Most normies entirely blame the economy on the declining birth rate, and think the government just needs to make daycare cheaper or give new parents a bonus cheque or whatever to resolve it. But no financial incentives or affordability will ever make educated, independent women want to have a tonne of children. The burden is just too massive, physically and emotionally and in terms of labour involved. Even if everything goes right and you love motherhood, it's so disproportionately hard on women that the vast majority will be happier with fewer kids. There is no going back to high birth rates once women have been even remotely liberated and I wish people would shut the fuck up about trying to increase it because in the end, it all circles back to women losing reproductive freedom.

No. 2011965

>Also a lot of women with abusive partners simply cannot afford to leave, if they did leave they would wind up in a homeless shelter which are notorious for being dangerous for women and children.
They hate poor people, so this argument won't change their minds.

No. 2011966

It's cause women get treated like shit by the healthcare system throughout pregnancy and postpartum. Most providers won't dare prescribe you anything at all even if it's safe during pregnancy or they'll constantly blow off concerns and say "that's normal" sometimes until the woman actually dies or it resorts to something that could've been prevented like pre eclampsia. Postpartum is hellish, they won't prescribe quality pain relievers even though majority of other countries do, push pitcoin which has a ton of risks, if you are unable to get help from your family they'll laugh in your face if you ask insurance to cover a nurse to help out at home, there's no education on the importance of postpartum care and nutrition, if you're having trouble producing milk you're just pushed shitty expensive formula even though there's medications that can help you produce more that they'll happily give to trannies for some women and all mothers get is to get an unrealistic pump schedule that will make you die of sleep deprivation before it does anything for your milk supply. You get like one postpartum check up and that's it, postpartum mental health care is a joke and they actually think ssris is a good replacement for hiring help or prescribing mothers literally anything else

Even when it's not related to the mother - a lot of women get gaslit by pediatricians and told they're just being anxious/crazy when there's something wrong with the baby or they simply just won't do anything until something serious happens

No. 2011967

It totally depends on parents though: both of my parents had children (7 years older than me) from previous marriages, and we hung out together as one family. My sister lived with her mom but she would often spend summers (and just holidays in general) with us, even when my dad wasn't around, and she was accepted even in my brother's dad's extended family. My brother and sister are of the same age and knew each other since they were 4-5, they perceived each other as cousins basically. I do realize it might be a rarity, I just think that the parents' attitude is the most important thing, it's their task to make all children feel welcome and be kind to them, and not involve them in their personal drama.

No. 2011974

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That's how I feel about Hello Kitty. Leave My Melody alone. She appeals to my mental illnesses kek.

No. 2011979

>Are these heaps of women in the room with us?
ntayrt but this is a real phenomenon and denying it exists only ignores women's role in maintaining patriarchy by siding with men. same with how many families protect abusers.

No. 2011980

Women get treated like that even when there's no pregnancy, I was once told by the dumbass who replaced my doctor for a few weeks that me throwing up, passing out several times and not being able to eat for a week was normal, it's just pregnancy and to leave her office right now, even though it was because of a stomach bug and I was a virgin back then. And how would that be fine for a pregnany woman to not be able to eat at all for a whole week? There are too many incompetent doctors out there, no wonder many women don't want to do something as risky as getting pregnant and raising a small, fragile baby if some idiot is going to dismiss them for anything.

No. 2011981

I want agree but my Dad had porn mags he barely hid in all our bathrooms. So basically jacking it while we're all in the living room and he's so old school sexist in a "ruin your daughter's self esteem" kinda way.

No. 2011984

I actually agree, plus technically not all OF is porn right?

No. 2011987

There's simply just no consequences for anyone who isn't "on top" in America, doctors never get consequences for blowing off patients that lead to their death, and the law system made it damn near impossible to sue unless you actually die and even then your family is too focused on paying out the ass for funeral costs trying to sue the doctor that kept ignoring you is the last thing on their mind

No consequences for anyone relating to child care either, I've seen daycares kill kids and face no punishment, CPS will leave kids with abusive parents that leads to their death and there's no consequences, schools will ignore safety issues and there's no consequences. Like don't they claim to have a bunch of ridiculous rules everywhere we go to avoid law suits? Whatever happened to the fear mongering of lawsuits when they're not afraid of literally killing people apparently?

No. 2011989

You're not the only one, I wonder how many are burner accounts/repeat accounts or are from people who had an OF business plan that never actually went through? It would be more accurate if they included active accounts + people who are currently paying

No. 2011998

reincarnation of kirby anon

No. 2012007

In my case I'm not American. But I keep seeing women from all over the world, including American women, saying similar shit. Everything you said doesn't surprise me, based on what I see when checking the news. In the case of CPS leaving kids with their abusive parents, it's sadly a universal problems. Whenever I read headlines about courts forcing divorcing mothers to let rapist, pedophile fathers have access to their children even though it's been proven that these guys are raping the kids it's always from different countries. It's just insane. Then in another thread there was that case of the guy who forced his skinny son to work out and who beat him up to death and was biting his head on camera and the court didn't give a fuck until it was too late.

No. 2012013

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I feel like her lifestyle, even though it’s highly dramatized on social media, makes no sense because her specimen wouldn’t have existed back then where this lifestyle was prevalent. Ban me idcurr had to say it she just looks weird, this Ice Spice species is creeping me out

No. 2012016

I'm going to show my age here, but until you posted this picture, I honestly thought Ice Spice was one of the Spice Girls and had wondered what she got so popular again all of a sudden.

No. 2012018

I don't care about her but I find her followers extremely unhinged. They act like you just cursed her whole family if you point out not everything is a reflection of who she is. I even seen her followers have full blown meltdowns cause someone said it's likely she has help with editing and filming videos kek

No. 2012019

People from rural/midsize areas are ruder than urbanites. They’re close minded and call us civilised people mean names all the time but if we started being mean back they would cry and accuse us of discrimination. They’re like children scared of the big wide world and they cope with grumpiness.

No. 2012020

Your health insurance has an effect on the quality of care you will receiving and some doctors are biased towards that. There are many ways to scam an insurance company if you know the right people. Most nurses talk shit about patients but they are in no position to do so. The CNAs work harder than them.

No. 2012024

It's definitely bad, pain wise I can see why American women opt out of children regarding pain. Every other country I've been to it was basically standard to receive anything more then Tylenol after birth. I've also heard of women getting c sections with no pain relief after? Barbaric

No. 2012026

This is true plus they're a lot more paranoid than city people. Most country people act like they're going to be shot for walking past the shady gas station, you can barely ask them for directions without them thinking you're going to rob them. At least urban people act like civilized beings

No. 2012041

How can you be forced to have kids in the USA? What you’re talking about only applies to 3rd world or women stuck in extreme religious families not the typical abuse victim here.

No. 2012042

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She’s the untalented female rapper that looks like she has downs. When you mix with certain people it creates an uncanny, lovecraftian look for your children and it scares me. I feel like I’m the only one knows mixed people were created in the past in order to become biological weapons against native populations to further assimilate them into the dominant culture. Unpopular option some genetics just don’t mix properly, sorry for low quality picrel but she looks like that character from guardians of the galaxy and not in a good way. Nara looks the overgrown version of that child from Ice Age(racebait)

No. 2012045

This, and their crime rates are actually much higher than urban areas. They’re like paranoid prey animals except they’re the predators.

No. 2012049

I live in a rural-ish area and it's kinda true. Them being scared is a defence mechanism though, if you're too trusting of someone you don't know there's a good chance you'll end up in a ditch after being cut in 15 parts. It has happened in my area, several times.

No. 2012050

There’s a lot of retards after her. The first group are whites with parent issues trying to stick it to religion, the second are black moids who think they have access to a woman who was neither black nor has black children, the third are people are genuinely tired of fake influencers but they can simply just hit “not interested”. I don’t see anything that anttention-grabbing about her content that would make her stand out from the rest of the almond mom/homestead/tradwife content creators so I don’t understand the controversy I thought it was common knowledge they heavily edit and curate what they want to show and what they keep away from the cameras. There’s also a lot of male-identified women who are very obviously jealous about her having some ugly white male partner.

No. 2012058

Anti abortion laws exist and it's actively becoming harder and harder to travel out of state, religious people who would honour kill a woman who got an abortion exist in the US, communities where you can't get medical care without everyone knowing exist in the US.

No. 2012059

she's light skin privilege in action.

No. 2012063

That’s still not really force. If your bf or husband was abusing you before you had kids, it’s still a choice to breed with him. They could’ve left before the kids. The average American woman in abusive relationships isnt from some extreme religious family that would honor kill her. Most of them are there because they love their scrote.

No. 2012064

Kek it's funny cause I always see country people swear it's safe unlike those evil liberal cities, they'll claim it's dangerous when it fits their narrative and then it's safe when they want to be better than city people

No. 2012065

I had an argument with someone from here trying to convince me she was pretty. I showed her to my Dominican auntie, and she said that she was disappointed that they chose this girl to become famous when there are way prettier and more talented Dominican girls out there. Same as Cardi B.

No. 2012068

Nta and I agree but not acknowledging how strong moid manipulation can be towards these women just seems to be counterproductive, I've never seen women finally leave relationships because people called her stupid enough but I have seen them leave when other people are able to explain to her manipulation tactics the moid is using and being sympathetic rather than treating her like she's less than

No. 2012071

But still as a grown woman it’s still partially her fault if she has kids with a man who abuses her. The kids aren’t going to care that mommy got manipulated while they’re being raped or beat by her abusive scrote she loves too much to leave. Being easily manipulated by a scrote does mean you’re stupid.

No. 2012072

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The thing is that she used to be quite normal looking. Her eyes look pretty different tho.

No. 2012076

Wym? I've seen kids of abusive dads show nothing but sympathy towards their mom. Telling women they're just stupid and bad just makes them think they deserve the abuse, especially now that when women do get the strength to leave those relationships the reactions are never "wow good job for improving your life" it's always "why did you ever let this happen anyway? Dumb cunt". People forget women are human beings and not punching bags for everything wrong with the world

No. 2012079

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Agreed kek, guess it doesn’t matter the quality of true natural beauty unless it’s dipped in light skin. Anok Yai is probably the most stunning woman I’ve ever seen and probably one of the few where makeup is just enhancing her features, not another mask to cover her ugliness/mediocrity

No. 2012080

If a woman needs someone to hold her hand and baby her and tell her that a men giving her black eyes and molesting her children is abuse then she is not mentally able to handle adult relationships in the first place and is not adult enough to have kids. Women are adults and we do not live in an empathetic world. If a woman isn’t strong enough to protect her kids she then shouldn’t have them. She should want to do better for herself not just because people are mean to her or baby her like a kid.

No. 2012083

Idk what the hell happened to her kek, are we even sure that’s really her? Probably replaced with a clone

No. 2012085

enough pussy-footing, just say biracial dominicans we all know what you mean

No. 2012087

>Traumatized women who are currently in an abusive relationship aren't in the right mind
Who would've thought

Anyone if you can't understand how treating a traumatized women in an abusive relationship like a human being helps her get out of that situation over calling her stupid repeatedly you should probably stay out of it and let people who know how to handle the situation in a more educated and successful way

No. 2012088

you do realize that women typically do not like have men walk up to them and punch them in the face and then decide like oh i wanna be with him, right? like it starts out good. sometimes these women are not even abused until after they have children???? like without even getting into trauma bonding.

we actually do live in an empathetic society btw. because i live in it and am part of it and people like me get to choose just as much as people like you. just so you know.

No. 2012091

I wouldn’t call them stupid but I would be thinking it because let’s be real, most women who end up with scrotes like that aren’t the brightest tools in the tool box. When was the last time you’ve heard of a woman who is a surgeon or something in toxic relationships like that with a scrote? I don’t think being stupid makes them bad people though.

No. 2012094

>men only become abusive after having kids

Most scrotes are not self aware enough to pretend to be good people longer than 6 months. I only buy the “he was such a good man before we had kids” when the woman got tricked and ended up knocked up with a scrote she’s only known for a few months but even then she’s dumb for that.

No. 2012095

kekk anon

No. 2012096

I think you are underestimating how hard it is to "just leave him" because a woman also has to ensure that he can't FIND her. Like, potentially staying with family or friends is not enough and puts more people in danger, if the woman hasn't been isolated from her support network. Even in the case of shelters and other resources for battered women they have to hide the physical locations because abusive moids will threaten, harass, harm and potentially kill anyone even remotely related to helping a woman get away from him.

No. 2012097

Are you joking? Almost all the most successful women I've ever known have been in a relationship with a shitty or abusive moid at least once. Did your moid have a history of abusing women or something and that's why you're trying to pedal the "abused and traumatized women are stupid" narrative so hard? It wouldn't surprise that's typically the take of women who cape for those moids

No. 2012098

I have. Anyone can become a victim of abuse.

No. 2012099

I feel bad for the women who are trapped in abusive relationships because their scrotes will kill them but I don’t feel bad for the ones who stay because they’re “in love”. I don’t hate them but why should I feel bad for an adult who is making a choice as an adult?

No. 2012101

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Literally a pediatrician who did leave her abusive moid only to get killed anyway.

No. 2012102

not what i said. but yeah it does happen sometimes. sometimes reproduction coercion is an aspect of a relationship. sometimes it’s a trauma bond. i feel like you’re just trying to be nasty for the sake of being nasty and eliciting a reaction though. honestly just maybe be grateful you haven’t been forced to understand and like eat your food or whatever.

No. 2012103

I would never date a scrote who has a history of abusing other women but a lot of women do end up with abusive men who have criminal records and believe that man won’t beat them because they’re special

No. 2012104

Eh I feel bad only because a lot of it typically roots from the woman being heavily traumatized or coming from abusive parents and thinking a lot of the behavior is normal, plus manipulative and abusive moids are able to literally brainwash the woman into thinking she's responsible for all of his behavior(what usually happens). I feel like people forget women who find themselves stuck with abusive men aren't exactly happy go lucky Stacy's , they're mentally ill women with long histories of trauma who've never been given a healthy example of what to look for an expect from a relationship and aren't as good as spotting manipulation tactics

No. 2012107

Especially if a moid just suddenly changes character and become a belligerent aggressive asshole. You can't reason with the unreasonable. I've got hit by a man for standing up for myself and I have friends with similar stories. Women don't go around antagonising men asking to settle arguments with physical battles. Communication breaks down with aggressive people and they can't fight with reason so they resort to animalistic terrorising. You're not the imbecile for getting attacked. You want to argue the person resorting to violence is the clever one?

No. 2012108

You sure act like you do. Everytime an abuser gets a new gf he didn't/hasn't abused yet it's usually women like you who go around and cape for him and pull the "why didn't you leave you stupid bitch?" card. I literally see abusers new gfs spam this to other women who expose said abuser about his abuse

No. 2012109

Completely anecdotal I know but all the relationships I've encountered irl that ended with some sort of abuse the man didn't show his true self until after some milestone. Whether it be moving in, marriage or kids, these things set them off usually. I think in this case you actually might be underestimating men, they can be surprisingly calculating and manipulative. But the mask does slip off, sometimes at the point where it's too late.

No. 2012110

I feel indifferent to it unless they have kids and subject them to their shitty scrote. They chose to fall in love with abusive scrotes instead of self reflecting and getting therapy but the kids didn’t get the choice to be there.

No. 2012111

I’m not american.

No. 2012112

Yes many stupid women end up in relationships with men who have a history of abuse towards other women. That’s how the majority of them end up in abusive relationships. Most men don’t care to hide that side of themselves because they know they could get women anyway.

No. 2012115

I really like plastic males. I love the look of overfilled lips and botched botox. Only on men though.

No. 2012117

If you're extremely convinced all the abuse that your moid is doing is your fault idk what you expect to happen? As for therapy telling women who are traumatized by moids they're in relationships with that they're stupid literally makes them not want to tell anyone or go to therapy. You already know these women are easily manipulated and have an altered mindset and your first reaction is to tell them they're dumb for experiencing such and expecting them to get help for it while putting them down for speaking about? Delusional

No. 2012118

And what are you doing exactly? Why do you want to shut down abused women so badly unless you're trying to defend an abusive scrote? Or let me guess "all his exes are just making false accusations of him!! "

No. 2012119

NTA, that's literally not the way that most women end up in abusive relationships. Usually the woman might have no way of getting info about the guy or he spins crazy stories about how terrible all his exes were (that's why that's typically seen as a red flag). Usually abusive moids act "perfect" and that's how they ensnare women. Hell, watch any documentary about a woman who ends up with a psycho moid it's always the same story, not a man happily proclaiming how he beats women on a first date. Anyway at this point it sounds like a cope that you keep harping that the women must be dumb so you can feel you are "too smart" to end up in an abusive relationship, and for your sake, I hope you never fall into one and have to eat your words.

No. 2012121

>he told me all his exes are crazy bitches and that’s why he has a criminal record after beating his exes up

Well then if you stay with him that’s on you. You thought you were different from the other women and you got played.

No. 2012123

Sounds to me like she has a man in her life that abused women like a brother, friend, etc and instead of calling him out she'd rather clown the women he traumatized in hopes of him staying silent

No. 2012124

I’m not shutting them down. I’m just saying I don’t feel bad for women who stay in abusive relationships because they’re in love with the scrote. Not all victims of child abuse grow up to date men like that, it’s an excuse.

No. 2012125

No1curr go suck your wife beater scrote off or something. Literally no one hates traumatized women as much as you do

No. 2012126

Yes? You're attempting to make them feel negatively about themselves for being abused. Idk what you plan to accomplish with that other than ensuring abusive scrotes get free passes

No. 2012128

I would be think they’re dumb but I wouldn’t say it. Being dumb doesn’t make someone a bad person though. It only pisses me off when they breed with those scrotes and start a cycle of abuse with a new generation. If they want to be “trauma bonded” with their scrote the least they could do is keep kids out of it.

No. 2012130

If they have kids with an abusive scrote and they suffer then they should feel bad.

No. 2012131

>Yeah you dumb bitch, you're already abused now you have to stay with him and don't even bother making better for your kids since you're already stupid and should feel bad

No. 2012132

Idk what you’re reading but I didn’t say that kek

No. 2012133

You're the one who sounds trauma bonded tbh

No. 2012134

That's exactly what it comes off as. What would be the point of a woman trying to escape if you're just going to permanently label her as stupid and bad anyway? At this point you're just telling her she deserves it

No. 2012135

my unpopular opinion is that it’s time to stop arguing with this moron. they don’t care about any of the points anyone is making. sorry women being abused like makes you mad at us or whatever. a good strong indica strain reins me in when i get moody or hangry or whatever it is that is making you act like this. you should try it and maybe you will feel less like punching down.

No. 2012137

I was a victim of child abuse. The guy I was engaged to was a witness his family let me spend Christmas one year after they saw me bruised one day after school. He even came between my mum and me once when she tried to attack me. We were together 8 years. 6 years in is when he started beating me too and even used the fact I was still loyal and loved my mother as the fact it was OK to hit me. It took a year of therapy for me to gain the confidence to leave him and my only option was to move back in with my mother but because my mother was open and honest about her short comings and engaged with my therapy we were able to come through it. My ex did a 180 and decided if my mum could keep me in line and I'd still love her he was entitled to the same unconditional love. I left him. It wasn't easy. I suffered the entire time but you can't understand the emotional turmoil unless you live it. I wasn't under the impression it was normal to be abused and I was a martyr for being loyal to a cunt. I was scared about how to live and take care of my needs as a human in regard to shelter and food I didn't want to be homeless I had to do a lot of back and forth on my option and had to take a gamble that my homelife with my mother could be stable enough to get back on my feet. It wasn't easy. I never publicly made a show of any of this abuse in fact my ex went on to get married. I have never spoke to his wife. I have no idea how he behaves with her but if he was to snap one day and put hands on her she's hardly a fucking idiot. She doesn't know he was abusive in his past I don't know what she knows about his previous relationship. I'm also not a retard as abuse victims keep getting painted. I have a masters, I worked while being in an abusive relationship and no one at my job knew. It wasn't until I ended that relationship and opened up to my trusted friends about the truth and they also told me they've been hit by near enough every boyfriend. My friends aren't retards or deserving of being hit by some man. Women are not at fault for being abused and the signs aren't always obvious and when she does get assaulted I'm sure she's put a lot more thought into her situation than you have.

No. 2012140

It comes off that way to you but that’s not what I said. Deciding to have kids with an abusive scrote is a bad choice and they should feel bad about any of the abuse their children endured but they also should try to leave. Them deciding to leave does no absolve them from the traumatic experiences their kids had to endure like rape, beatings, violent attacks etc but they should leave for a better life for their kids because their children are innocent in all of this.

No. 2012141

You retards practically spent half of the morning arguing. You’re just as stupid as that anon kek

No. 2012142

moids suck now everybody kiss

No. 2012144

"They're just jealous of you" doesn't make sense to me as a cope, because even after coming to that realization about some people in my life, it didn't take away the hurt they caused me. It sucks that people can construct some image of you in their head where you're all these leagues above them, and in their mind, that gives them the right to treat you like shit. You can't even tell them the reality of things (ie that you're not that much better off, sometimes you're actually in a worse position than this envious person) because they'll either deny it and gaslight you, or laugh and say you "deserve" it because there's another person out there who's similar to you in some way that does have it better than them, and they view that as the standard, so your experience doesn't matter.

No. 2012145

It's a pickme caping for an abusive moid

No. 2012146

nah i replied once, saw they were not even reading what i wrote and gave up. i genuinely think everyone who is arguing has a right to and i can tell a lot of women here are rightfully triggered. if it makes them feel better, yell. it’s just obvious this is not an actual discussion and being held in bad faith. like men when they pop in to a discussion where women are talking about male violence just to say women can be violent too. i think it does benefit abuse victims to read the responses i just don’t want that to come at the cost of the women here who have been abused.

No. 2012147


No. 2012148

The difference here is you only subjected yourself to this abuse. If you added kids to the mix that would be the problem and when any empathy I could’ve had is gone.

No. 2012149

It's ok when someone uses spirituality as a cope. Obviously, there are limitations but if someone feels better for praying or using crystals then let them.

No. 2012150

Some people do act ugly out of jealousy but this sort of comeback is way over used. I see it a lot when women point out influencers being unrealistic/artificial. I almost never see people call out actual jealous acting like when moids try to downplay women's accomplishments

No. 2012151

Moids love to accuse women of being jealous of other women even when the criticism is warranted.

No. 2012152

Your argument tactics are getting old

No. 2012153

And what if a man rapes his partner and forces her into a pregnancy she doesn't want. The world isn't black and white. I'll agree there's couples out there that have too many children for their means and there's lazy parents, however I don't see the point in calling abuse victims stupid and earnestly thinking the majority of then deliberately bring children into this world to be abused.

No. 2012154

File: 1716300656021.gif (1.68 MB, 322x234, cinnabowlii - 1713855946353414…)

I miss when rock music was really popular, or at least when it was the mainstream music in america. i've been relistening to princes discography and it's making me feel bitter about the current state of music.

No. 2012156

I feel bad for women in situations where they are being forced, for example I feel bad for some 14 year old in a 3rd world country who gets raped and forced to have kids. I don’t feel bad for women in first world countries who stick with abusive scrotes because they’re in love and addicted to toxicity and bring kids into that environment.

No. 2012157

careful now this is how abused woman hating anon thinks relationships start…

No. 2012158

Pretty much
>Wow I think she got plastic surgery/used Photoshops/is presenting her life in a way that doesn't reflect reality

Yet moids will go on pages of successful women to rip apart about how they're not Elon, how they went to Yale instead of Oxford while same said moid went to their community college, mocking her student debt when they wouldn't date laugh at the student debt of successful moids or even will fight against it, etc

No. 2012159

No one wants your sympathy, but just shutting them down and insulting them is insanely fucked up and counterproductive

No. 2012162

They’re grown women with children. They shouldn’t care what anyone has to say, their main priority should be what’s right for their kids. Someone calling them stupid shouldn’t be even on their mind when deciding to leave.

No. 2012163

Normies are basically animals who only care about resource security and hiding what they have from others like cavemen, that phrase always gets on my nerves not everything is framed around jealousy or envy. It’s nearly inconceivable to them that some people are just out to hurt others with no reason or cause lmao

No. 2012164

You've been on this earth for how long and you didn't know morals and decisions is largely determined by what others around you tell you? This is basic sociology

No. 2012166

Just saw a vid of a conventionally attractive woman who’s a surgeon and there’s so many comments of scrotes asking what her grade marks were in school and trying to neg her qualifications. It hurts a moid when they know a woman is smarter and more capable than them, moids are always the ones jealous of others for everything

No. 2012167

So if we're talking about shitty boyfriends and the women who date them, can we have an honorable mention for women that date men that are obviously losers and act surprised when those men end up being…losers? No no no, I'm not talking about women that were genuinely lied to and misled by a man into thinking he was normal while he was hiding the kind of person he truly was, I'm talking about guys that are straight up, obvious losers. If you met a man that sagged his pants, can't keep a job, threw up wannabe gang signs in every photo, is littered in shitty tattoos, didn't even graduate highschool, and formed sentences worse than a five year old, would you date him? No, you wouldn't. It would be an obviously bad idea to even procreate with moids like that. But I gotta recognize a cycle when I see one because 90% of the women I personally know of who date moids like that don't even HAVE fathers or father figures to teach them what a good man is. So they date loser scrotes who run out on raising their kids or helping them in any way, and are forced to raise either a son who will probably end up just like his father due to not having a good male role model in his life, or a daughter who will probably end up like her mother by choosing idiot scrotes to make babies with due to not having a good father that would give her insight on how moids think and how to spot a good one.

No. 2012168

Most parents do what is best for their kids regardless of how hard it is or what other people think. If they can’t do that they shouldn’t have kids.

No. 2012171

Most people rely on what is the most common opinion and advice to make decisions. If you already think these people are too stupid to make their own decisions surely you'd want to promote the idea of leaving abusive relationships instead of just clowning someone for not leaving sooner? That makes no sense

No. 2012173

Like that girl Morgan who had baby with a 31 year old scrote with no job and made her whole TikTok basing him. Of course she’s back with him though.

No. 2012178

This but women who willingly become the 3+ baby momma. Like I'm pretty stupid but even I know exactly what's gonna happen if you mess around with a moid with multiple baby mamas

No. 2012179

I'm confused, you want to credit yourself/others for shaming/pushing women into making good decisions, and then when your choices go in the opposite effect it's that she should've known better and not listened?

No. 2012180

It’s not my job to baby adults. If you’re being abused and have kids with an abusive scrote I’m going to think you’re stupid and reckless. I wouldn’t say that to someone’s face but that’s what I’d be thinking of them on the inside.

No. 2012184

Probably because those women feel they’re special and he won’t make them a single mother like he did with the exes

No. 2012194

82 millions is crazy…
Like i genuinely thought it was much more niche than that

No. 2012199

its 85 millions worldwide right?

No. 2012201

Men shouldn't be afraid of animals, specially of dogs, they can easily overpower a dog. If I see a moid that's afraid of dogs or any animal I automatically assume he's a fucking faggot retard that needs to get sent to a labor camp.

No. 2012203

i don’t mean to sound like a mra but the average modern male cannot take on a pit bull kek

No. 2012205

Men who are scared of rats and bugs hahahaha

No. 2012207

That sounds like a problem with modern moids, no joke. I'd believe having trouble with a feral boar but even the XL pitties don't weigh that much. If a moid can't lift 150lbs of charging dog easily then there's something wrong with him.

No. 2012209

Honestly as much as i'm a somewhat cultural relativist (and that the past also used to have trashy boring mainstream stuff) and can extract value from all sorts off differents styles etc etc i agree that the overall state of our mainstream culture is fucking down in the gutter

No. 2012211

Pitbulls are super dangerous though, it's like saying "i hope my scrote can fist fight a bobcat. You can survive to the attack, doesnt mean you wouldnt want to be attacked in the first place.

No. 2012263

Trauma bonding is just a fancy way of saying “I get bored if there isn’t some chaos in my life”. A lot of people stay in toxic friendships and relationships because deep down inside they like the excitement of drama and would be bored living a peaceful life.

No. 2012268

Idk, i think it implies bonding with someone who has been through similar things from you and it can be unhealthy because you feed into those traumas to keep each other closes. It's not exactly the same as someone who's constantly looking for chaos. Lots of rape victims, veterans, druggies etc etc often "trauma bond".

No. 2012272

I love dogs but you do realise some dogs are bigger than men right? Or mentally so fucked you have to shoot it dead to stop it from mauling.

No. 2012280

Room temperature IQ take.

No. 2012287

This makes me realize some women really overplay moid's strength. Even medium-sized dogs can overpower and maim a moid, dogs' jaws are extremely powerful. There's a huge reason why weapons were among the first inventions to begin with. We're generally weak and powerless against animals, yes, even moids. We've adapted for intelligence, not strength. Moids should still fight each other to death, though.

No. 2012310

Nta but been watching interviews of men who've survived bear attacks. Every one of them seemed to make mistake after mistake after bad decision and still somehow came out not that bad off long term. Starting to question whether I'd take on a bear over certain dog breeds. Bears, huge but it's like they only give it half power when attacking people.

Or maybe I've fallen victim to bearpsyops

No. 2012316

Containment thread

No. 2012320

it’s okay anon, you can just say pitbulls have the same amount of worth as black men standing outside of the corner store to intimidate people. practically zero

No. 2012321

oh true

No. 2012326

I realize men use dogs like they use muscle cars as an extension of their penis and manhood. They always get dogs like pitbulls, german shepherds, rottweilers, etc. because it gives them the same feeling that a police officer has when they carry their gun visibly while they walk down the street, they get to intimidate and visually threaten people with the possibility they could get mauled and hurt by their mutt. I absolutely cannot stand male dog owners

No. 2012327

A pitbull could simply eat Dwayne “the rock” Johnson alive.

No. 2012328

All dogs are worth more than a lot of men.

No. 2012330

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Idk nonnas, moids love to say that they're the strong sex and that they can do anything in the world, if that's true then they shouldn't be afraid of the animals that they themselves supposedly domesticated.
I particularly despise the moids that are afraid of tiny dogs tbh, none of these dogs could actually manage to hurt a moid.

No. 2012345

>shetland sheepdog
I swear the english language is so stupid. "Blueberry", "Pineapple"
Just create a new word goddamn

No. 2012347

They can't overpower dogs, they only think they can. A Pitbull or a Caucasian Shepherd could deglove a moid's face without even trying. Men are out there thinking they can wrestle a black bear, they're just full of shit and unaware of how weak they are. That's why they die so often because of animals.

No. 2012349

Kek, they only create words like "transwoman" because that's the priorities of English speaking countries.

No. 2012351

Transwoman is a combination of words that already exist too anon… Transition/transform and woman

No. 2012394

My sheltie bit my ex on the neck

No. 2012397

I’m not exclusive with any man unless I’m living with him and that’s that

No. 2012438

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This is basically what heaven looks like. I'm not accepting any concrit or disagreements.

No. 2012439

If you’re scared of pitbulls you just put a muzzle on them! Men are so retarded they’ll just cower in fear instead of looking for solutions, as always

No. 2012470

It actually definitely happens, I'm the child from one of these relationships where the man got abusive only many years later after having a child (not physically abusive but still) and I know other people in the same boat. I actually do buy into the idea that some men will seem decent until the weird jealousy/ability to trap a woman with a child/resentment of her pregnancy kicks in. In my dad's case it made him completely lose respect for my mom and stop seeing her as an equal for some reason. I also have known other people whose dads became alcoholic, violent or financially abusive once they had kids. Maybe low-IQ trailer trash men can't stay on good behavior for more than 6 months but smarter men definitely can or sometimes just genuinely stop humanizing their wives/girlfriends once they have a baby.

No. 2012482

every single one of them have gotten themselves into abusive relationships..? that does sound like idiocy. if a man is disrespecting you, you leave. and there are going to be many red flags that are blatantly telling you to leave him, even long before the cork pops off the bottle and he really does something extreme. if you aren't in a stable financial situation or for some reason were dating/married to him because he could provide for you, then you shouldn't have been dating or attempting to get married until you knew that you were capable of supporting and securing yourself. i'm seriously not trying to sound like i'm victim blaming, but theres a big difference between truly being a victim and being stupid as hell getting yourself into shitty situations because you have poor decision making skills.

No. 2012488

did he deserve it

No. 2012515

File: 1716319501633.webp (30.2 KB, 964x540, best-lip-color-for-blue-eyes-b…)

Red lipstick with blue eyes is not a good look. Blue eyes pairs so much better with brown and dark purple lipstick if you have dark hair, and pinks and nudes if you have light or blonde hair.

No. 2012529

Anon, people aren't born with high standards and self-respect, and most people make mistakes before they gain experience and understanding of certain things/relationships/personality types. Also it's only recently that people started talking about abuse, red flags and all that shit but knowing the theory doesn't guarantee you'll instantly become a great perceptive judge and won't ever be lead by subconscious/irrational responses, insecurities, fears, etc.
>i'm seriously not trying to sound like i'm victim blaming, but theres a big difference between truly being a victim and being stupid as hell getting yourself into shitty situations because you have poor decision making skills
Believing in some sort of "perfect victim" is the epitome of victim blaming. Plus, sorry to tell you but sometimes there are things that are out of your control. Other people are out of your control: they change, they might have something on their mind and you won't know, they suddenly show true colors in an unusual/stressful situation. And I feel like women who victim blame want to have this illusion of control - "if I do everything right, I won't ever experience something like this". It doesn't fully depend on you.

No. 2012539

I don’t think primary, cherry red or barely pink bright reds like your pic look good on anyone really. I think the real problem here is that she’s wearing black eyeliner and mascara. If she were wearing a soft warm or neutral brown she would look less retarded. Idk why people worship black or ash mascara, especially if they aren’t dark skin with dark hair

No. 2012553

It's a case by case thing. Sometimes the signs are so small and ever so gradually increase so it's like a lobster not knowing they're sat in a boiling pot. Sometimes it really is a jekyll and hyde thing where it's a less gradual change but that's because it comes right after marriage trap, baby trap, mortgage trap, etc. And sometimes there's signs that yeah should've been obvious way sooner but sunken cost/too invested/too in love already. Then a phase of suck it up and hope it changes in time. It doesn't. Sometimes people who grew up surrounded by abuse say oh I'll never let that happen to me and yet they're at increased risk of it because our brains seek out familiarity in a twisted (subconscious) way.

Lately it feels like every other anon on here looking for advice about their bf wants to blame his behaviour on him either having tism or 'probably' having tism. It's easy to see how the blinders come on once you're already invested. He's just stressed atm.. he's just going through something.. he's probably doesn't even know what he's doing to me. Assuming these guys showing early signs are just bumbling, socially stupid and unaware is the biggest trap of all when you do have that early chance to see it and leave.

No. 2012554

No I actually didn't say theres a 'perfect victim', because I'm not talking about women who actually are victims of abuse. I'm talking about women who are willfully ignorant, which I made very clear in the post you tagged. I said that if you irresponsibly depend on a man who you either barely know or purposefully choose to ignore his redflags because you think you're special to him is making the decision to walk into a dangerous, obviously abusive situation, then you aren't a victim at all. You knew exactly what you were getting yourself into, you knew that it was irresponsible to depend on a man to begin with.
>sometimes there are things that are out of your control
I do understand that men do put on the perfect prince act to get you in bed with them, but you're supposed to move through these stressful situations that force you to grow as a couple before you move in together and depend on him. Because, if you've been together for less than 3+ years and you quit your job and move into his home with the hopes of being daddy's little housewife, you're locking yourself into a thoughtlessly dangerous situation. I didn't think you had to have high standards to know that.

No. 2012557

She looks fine, the worst part of this makeup is the blue eyeliner on the waterline. The fact that the waterline being the same color as iris actually makes the eyes look smaller is makeup 101 and it just looks tacky.

No. 2012559

I genuinely believe that men should be born in jail and have to prove their way out. Not even joking

No. 2012560

A lot of women end up in abusive relationships because they can’t tell the difference between love bombing and a guy who genuinely likes them. No shit the guy who was talking about marriage and buying you expensive gifts while telling you you’re the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen after knowing you 4 months turned out to be abusive. Women need to learn a man being too nice is also a red flag.

No. 2012579

>they can’t tell the difference between love bombing and a guy who genuinely likes them
So how do you tell the difference?

No. 2012582

File: 1716321925766.webp (3.18 KB, 330x222, TWoG_King_Harkinian_Cutscene_S…)

why does it look like she's being held by pic rel kek

No. 2012591

Giving you gifts and paying for trips and he barely knows you , talking about marriage/kids when he barely knows you, complimenting you way too much, trying to be super sweet and trying to love the relationship to loving in when he barely knows you, trying way too hard to be romantic like a cheesey romance movie(most women eat this up). Most women stay in abusive relationship because they’re chasing the love bomber that they fell in love with.

No. 2012592

Move the relationship to moving in*

No. 2012598

But what if the guy is just naturally romantic and sappy? How do you tell the difference between that and lovebombing? Or are guys only that over the top when they are trying to manipulate?

No. 2012608

What characterizes love bombing for me is times where he's giving you a constant stream of attention, offering to take care of you, buying you presents or your necessities to seem caring, texting and calling you often to seem attentive, which then slowly turns into periods of inattentiveness and sudden ambivalence, then once again following up with the loving, caring, husband-material wannabe persona. A man whos naturally romantic and sappy will try , not always very gracefully, to be more gentlemanly and willing to take things slower. Wanting to get to know you and spend time with you 1;1 without it depending on him offering you some kind of material object. It'll be less likely that he's clingy, he'll ease slowly into waiting to say I love you, things like that.

No. 2012611

Some women end up in abusive relationships because they assumed the women before them were just inferior. This is an especially common (and unfortunate) happenstance when both people are from different cultures. I've seen a lot of domestic abuse and single motherhood cases where the moid would bash women of his own demographic in front of the "new" woman he's dating, and she'd just affirm him, or even go full pickme and join in. Ultimately, the moid ends up treating her exactly like he treated the others, discarding her and moving on.
In general, too many women love to step on other women to feel superior, and they'll eat up validation from any moid who gives them that chance. It's a widespread weakness.

No. 2012617

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The first thought that came to my mind when reading your post was Danileigh. Wasn't DaBaby known for being a shitty boyfriend to his ex, and didn't it make news that he punched a woman at his concert? Yet Dani still hooked up with him. It's fucked up that he tried to kick her and their newborn out of his place and on live, but it was stupid of her to expect different from him.

No. 2012618

late but a pitbull (and especially multiple as some owners have) can absolutely kill or maim even the fittest man. The only way to protect yourself from a pit bull attack is to have a gun and shoot it, and even then they attack so suddenly you might have to have your leg amputated anyway by the time you shoot it to death.

No. 2012619

Is this unpopular though? I thought this was a known issue.

No. 2012621

This is true, my friend had a rottweiler/german shepherd cross in her small apartment when I met her and I immediately thought 'wow, that's a really weird dog for a 5'2 girl to have in a tiny apartment.' The dog was actually super sweet and well behaved but I thought her owning it was bizarre. Then I found out it wasn't her dog, she took the dog from her friend who went to prison for assault. The only time I trust moids who have dogs like that is if they're service dogs/retired police dogs. The other guy I knew with a german shepherd was the abusive drug addict ex-military dad of my friend who ended up dropping out of school because of parental abuse, and that dog was vicious.

No. 2012624

No. 2012626

NTAYRT but most of the highly educated high-earning women I know had at least one, sometimes multiple abusive relationships too, possibly not to the point of getting beaten but emotionally abusive, sexually coercive, cheating, ruining the woman's self esteem. Part of the reason for this I think is there are actually far more educated, successful and beautiful women than there are men on their level so a lot of these women end up thinking it's better to 'settle' for a guy who earns less or is less educated, and those guys end up taking their insecurities/self esteem issues on their girlfriends and feel emasculated by the woman being better than them in most ways. They might act super sweet and enamored at first but then the fact the woman mogs them in looks and accomplishments starts to get to them after a while. None of the women I'm talking about (to my knowledge) got to the point of being beaten by their moids before they left, but often they would be in relationships for many months or even years before realizing the scrote was becoming awful to them, cheating or intentionally wearing away at their self esteem.

I don't agree with you about the financial situation thing, the problem with poor people is that they have to do something until they're able to support themselves and one of the ways people do that is to lower cost of living by moving in with dating partners. If you wait until you're completely stable and secure before you get into relationships you might actually accrue less wealth because you can't afford rent if you can't find a stable roommate situation the way you can if you move in with a bf. I even knew girls who didn't like their bfs much but stayed living with them for longer than necessary just because it helped them save up and get on their feet.

No. 2012628

Nah, I've fended off a pitbull before with pepper spray.

No. 2012630

Your eye color should not affect what color of lipstick looks good on you at all, your skintone, lip color, lip shape and to some (smaller) extent haircolor are all more important. Your pic just looks bad because the makeup is bad.

No. 2012631

Red lip stick doesn’t look good on anyone

No. 2012632

Disagree, primary/cherry red is by far the best lip color on me and no others even come close. But I agree that the eyeliner and mascara is what makes her eyes look creepy here, not the lipstick (which is also badly applied).

No. 2012633

i've been a poor person, i have never needed to have a boyfriend in order to scrape by, let alone allow myself to be abused by one. if these women for some reason feel as though they're above government assistance and moving in with roommates, then i don't know what to tell them. and on the topic of well educated and high earning women being with douchebag pricks who earn less than them, i do understand why they wouldn't just choose to throw them out and be done with them as soon as the broke little faggot started flapping his beak, it is borne from insecurity and the need to be with a man/not be alone, no matter how dispensable or useless to her life they may be.

No. 2012634

>i have never needed to have a boyfriend in order to scrape by,
Nta and not involved, but this doesn't really mean anything anon. Life is different for everyone, especially when you're struggling financially. You may not have needed to rely on another person but many people unfortunately do.

No. 2012636

Red lipstick doesn't pair well with blue eyes and pale skin because the colors just dont compliment each other on a very fair skinned face with bright blue eyes. Bright blue, pale white, and bright bold red don't really work together unless its an American flag.

No. 2012638

Even without it being a culture/demographic thing (def alot of that goes on too) men do this with their exes in general. They do it with women from their town, county, state. They make up bad types of women to pit you against. Sob stories of crazy exes and one sided versions of what went down. Telling you you're everything that she wasn't. Also listing everything other woman fail at so you'll hopefully take note and treat it as your assignment to be better than 'insert bad group of woman' If he's a grown man and has so far never met a woman he can still say a good word about afterwards.. you won't be the first.

No. 2012639

Yeah, this. Not to mention a lot of times young women wind up with an abusive man because they’re trying to escape their abusive or chaotic home life and they decide to go with (what they see as) the lesser of two evils. Getting really sick of these stale, judgmental takes from NEETs with no life experience making such broad statements about a demographic they usually don’t know anything about.

No. 2012644

i feel like those are one of the nicest breeds

No. 2012645

A lot of women escape those environments without leaning on a scrote

No. 2012646

It depends on so many factors. Some people who were abused as kids or had abusive romantic relationships in early life develop a very good 'radar' for abusers and become extremely good at protecting themselves, with very high standards. Others get so mindfucked by their abuse that they can't recognize abusive behaviour at all, blame themselves or gaslight themselves that they are the abuser, and end up unintentionally getting into strings of abusive relationships even when they actively try to date someone who seems like the 'opposite' of their last partner. I know this is often considered victim blaming too but I 100% agree that abusers can 'sniff out' victim aura on certain people and know that they are easy targets, I'm not sure exactly how but I know it is true because I have seen it happening. I've also seen guys be pursued by multiple women and they will choose the one who seems like less of a 'catch' because she's easier to manipulate. The women who are walking around setting off abusers' spidey senses don't know they're doing it and it's not intentional, so blaming them is pointless. Sometimes people bring up the 'I was abused but I'm not like that at all' thing to blame other victims but there are a ton of factors that affect whether you will be more or less vulnerable after abuse.

The autism thing is just very popular right now, it also is increasing (soon over 50% of male children born will have autism if the autism rates keep increasing as they have been). But autism isn't an excuse anyway and I think women should not reproduce with autistic men period.

No. 2012647

Nona the reality is that sometimes men can keep up a perfect prince act even over 5 years of living together just to show their true colors after marriage, pregnancy, their wife getting a higher paying job, or whatever.

No. 2012650

Basically if he comes off as too perfect with no flaws and moves really fast with you he’s love bombing you 99% of the time

No. 2012652

None of this 'reasoning' changes the fact that if you choose to live with an abusive man you're willingly entering the situation and are thus complicit in your own abuse. Choosing to go from abusive parents to a random cruel scrote instead of getting a job and finding a place to live (preferably with other women) is really goddamn stupid. I know this because I have lived with such parents, so assuming that none of us have any personal experience with this topic is a redundant attempt at ending the conversation.

No. 2012653

I agree with this take but I think women fall for this because it's pushed so much in media from when you're a young child. A lot of girls (especially whose parents don't have a healthy relationship) end up having relationships modeled for them by media and media brainwashes women into thinking love bombing is desirable and a sign of 'true love.' Even female-PUA type ideologies like FDS that sometimes give great advice will also give terrible advice basically suggesting that the only 'high value' men are love bombers who will propose to you after max one year of dating. If a guy is more cautious and reserved with his affection women will be told that he doesn't really like them (which can be true of course), and women are also molded to be competitive with other women about romance so the bigger gestures a guy makes the more a girl feels 'better' than her other partnered friends.

No. 2012657

sage for blog but I experienced this myself, a guy I was dating who was from East Asia would constantly talk about how he liked me (and other 'western') women more than Asian women as partners because we're conditioned to be more assertive and less demure, and he would say it in a way where it wasn't really bashing other women but just seemed like it was expressing a slight preference although it still set off some alarms. Then I realized that he literally treats women of his own culture like they're 'supposed' to be like that and caped for other Asian men who treated their girlfriends like maids which led to me breaking up with him, but he was good at hiding it behind this veneer of 'I just prefer western dating norms.' To be fair I don't think he was abusive to past girlfriends he just didn't have many exes but it's a red flag imo when a man uses a cultural difference to insinuate you're 'better' than another type of woman.

No. 2012660

Okay pepper spray might work as well as a gun, but some kind of weapon is the only way to fight off an attack by most large dogs.

No. 2012661

Yeah I didn't really take into consideration there are a lot of mentally delayed children who are abused during their childhood years and think that kind of behavior is perfectly normal. then when they finally become an independent adult living by their lonesome, they think that now that their parents are out of their lives and forge their own relationships with their friends and boyfriend, and they don't recognize the red flags their scrote is waving because they think thats just how people act, but I did specify in my initial post that i'm referring to women who are able to recognize when they're in an abusive relationship, which most abuse victims are. Sorry i had to delete and repost i wasn't done typing kek

No. 2012663

>guy I was dating from east asia
NTA but thats the first red flag, nonna

No. 2012664

Nta but the whole "you chose to be abused" thing is pretty much just textbook victim blaming anon.

No. 2012667

Not everyone will 'need' a boyfriend to scrape by but people who are living together with someone usually do have better finances and it is a major reason why many people move in with partners too early. No one I know who did this felt 'above' moving in with roommates, they were just unable to find stable roommate situations/had a string of roommates stealing from them, moving out before the lease is over, not paying rent etc. Of course a boyfriend can do these things too but actually I think it happens less often than when you have to find completely random roommates on Craigslist or housing groups.

I don't understand why well educated high earning women don't throw these men out earlier either, but I knew so many women like this that it seems like the norm to me. It's just my assumption that they are told 'equality, you're a boss babe, you can be the higher earner' and therefore think that they have better options if they pick men less wealthy or educated than them.

No. 2012669

It's not victim blaming if you aren't a victim, and you stop being a victim when you make the active decision to stay with an abusive man. Because you're choosing to allow him to abuse you by putting yourself in that situation.

No. 2012670

You never know how someone else ended up in a situation until you end up in the same kind of situation wondering how you got there. The human brain is a powerful thing and it seeks to normalize all sorts of abnormality and pain. For a lot of people abuse is seen as normal and no cause for concern, they don’t realize how abnormal it is until their on the other side (you’ve probably experienced this yourself). You’re falling into the trap of thinking your experience and subsequent get away is the norm and very easy but there was every chance you wouldn’t have landed on your feet. “Just move in with other women” how does someone do that if it’s not an option? What if they do do that and those women are abusive? You’re making a lot of assumptions based on your own good fortune, not everyone is you.

No. 2012671

Red and blue are colors that look really good together generally, the reason red lips often look bad on fair blue eyed women is their undertones/facial contrast levels, not their eye color specifically.

No. 2012672

Yep my grandma married my grandpa (who was 10 years older) at age 19 because her own dad was controlling and she wanted to get out of the house as soon as possible, but she was from a poor rural shithole slavic country post-war and she had no education or way of getting out of the situation without marrying out of it. Luckily my grandpa was not a particularly bad husband but it's a type of situation that backfires horribly on many women, however staying with their own controlling parents on some farm in the middle of nowhere wouldn't be a good option either.

No. 2012675

This was my first post and the statement I made >>2012482
Let me reiterate,
>you shouldn't have been dating or attempting to get married until you knew that you were capable of supporting and securing yourself
Thats not an extremist or unrealistic opinion, either. You shouldn't move in with any man unless you are able to remove yourself from the situation the moment you feel threatened. And in the US, this is extremely easy to do because partners/married couples are not required to have joint bank accounts, so she could easily take her money and leave his ass.

No. 2012676

I have a close friend like this, she was pulled out of school and had to homeschool herself in a very fucked up family environment so she didn't even experience normal socialization via school, she lived completely online until she was able to move out. Then she would get into one shitty relationship after another and genuinely believe that the way the men were treating her was normal, if she ever snapped out of it she would be so emotionally dysregulated and lash out so much at the moid that she ended up feeling guilty and believing she was the abusive one after all. It's a really tough cycle to get out of and she's only starting to realize that her parents were abusive now in her thirties because she just genuinely didn't know how abnormal her family life was.

No. 2012677

>Nta but you never know until it happens to you
Nta but I don’t understand when victims of abuse claim all women are susceptible to abuse. I’m not and I doubt after 34 years of never being abused by a man it’s suddenly going to happen. Just say that you’re susceptible to it, don’t put us all in that category.

No. 2012681

>thats the first red flag, nonna
Yeah I realize that now but I went to a school where like over half the student population was either East or South Asian and honestly East Asian men are the lesser of the two evils. I've dated other EA men who were completely fine and not like the guy I'm describing too so it's a mixed bag.

No. 2012682

Denying victims of abuse the status of a victim is also a part of victim blaming. Telling people that they're not victims when they've been abused is the first thing people do kek.

No. 2012687

But you do understand that if you're choosing to be abused then you can't really claim that you're a victim because you are now complacent by deciding to allow this man to commit mortal crimes against you because you willingly live with learned helplessness.

No. 2012689

I'm the anon who said some women are way more susceptible to abuse than others, but the problem with what you're saying is they often don't know that they are, or they don't know what normal is, or they don't know what it is about them that attracts abusers. It can be a long and difficult process to figure out and a lot of these women don't go into relationships consciously noticing red flags or realizing that something abnormal is happening. I've never attracted abusers either after my first love who was a female psychopath, I learned how to spot the signs after the first time but a lot of people just get confused and don't understand how to avoid those situations in the future especially if family, media and society are sending them confusing or harmful messages about what constitutes a healthy relationship.

No. 2012691

Smiling Friends is a stale, unfunny cartoon past its time. It should have been airing in like, 2017. But in the current year it feels so fucking old and dated and not in a charming way but in a "I definitely shouldn't be drinking this expired milk" sort of way.

No. 2012692

the point of the term 'learned helplessness' is that you believe you are/functionally are helpless. Learned helplessness is usually a result of spending a long time actually being helpless (as a child for example) and your brain stops recognizing that you can take back your autonomy once you are an adult.

No. 2012693

Oh my bad nonna, I guess I should've said elective helplessness.

No. 2012704

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Not related to this thread in particular although I guess this is a bad time to say it: but I don't think most anons really love (or even care about) women. In fact, a lot of what anon's post here is just misogyny with an "I hate men" veneer on it. I've found this to also be true with some radfem spaces online that I've been in too.

No. 2012706

Yeah. I know, because I did. Only I’m not shitting on women that fell into bad situations, because my self-esteem is high enough that I don’t need to try and make myself feel better than women that have been abused.

No. 2012709

but how are you deciding that it's 'elective' and in what cases? I actually kind of agree with you to some extent (I think I'm somewhere in the middle on this argument) that at some point adults have to learn to be responsible for themselves and that some women do actively choose to stay in shitty relationships for way longer than they should even though they're not scared of retaliation, just because they 'love him' etc. but unless you know someone's life situation really well how can you tell which it is? How do you know that a woman actually recognized the signs of abuse, actually knew how to leave and 'elected' to act helpless rather than being too mentally fucked up by her abusive home life as a child to understand what's happening to her is dangerous?

It's like with the love bombing topic, some of us naturally recognize love bombing for what it is but many women don't and even in this thread are asking how you tell, precisely because love bombing is shown as a good thing in media targeted at girls from basically the time they're born. Do you think every woman who responds to love bombing positively knows that's what it is?

No. 2012712

>shitting on women that fell into bad situations
ntayrt but it is not falling into a bad situation to make the conscious decision for a man to control your life. every woman knows that that is a careless decision, even if you have not been abused in your life.

No. 2012714

>I've found this to also be true with some radfem spaces online that I've been in too.
This is also why you see a lot of radfems fraternizing with fart-right people as long as they dislike trannies. It's moe about disliking men than the welfare of women.

No. 2012718

It becomes elective when you are aware of your decisions. Being unable to care for yourself financially and opting to stay with your scrote because he'll open his wallet for you sometimes, is elective. Understanding that your husband speaking ill towards you, hitting you, and abusing you in other fashions is wrong but choosing to stay with him, is elective. Gravitating towards a man because you think he will be the whiteknight to rescue you from your abusive household, is elective.

No. 2012722

Having no money and needing to support yourself, and instead of jumping to find a job you just think
>oh! i can beg my scrote! that'll totally make everything better!
is pique dumbassery and walking into an abusive situation, point blanque. that is when men really begin seeing you as an object that they're purchasing, not a wife or girlfriend.

No. 2012724

I wasn't referring to people having no money, I was referring to people with low incomes choosing to split expenses to lower cost of living and increase their savings.

No. 2012725

i hate most fiction. not even modern fiction, fiction of all eras. i think nonfiction is superior.

No. 2012727

Thats when you move in with a different roommate and leave him, instead of choosing to stay.

No. 2012730

I didn’t say abuse nonna, I said situations because fucked up shit can come out of no where and be normalized that have nothing to do with being abused by a romantic partner.
Beginning to think this is a turd in the punch bowl situation. Just because someone has their own bank account doesn’t mean they have the money to rent their own place or that a place is available. Anyway if your empathy extends only to your own experiences and you can’t think outside yourself it’s sad but that doesn’t mean those people aren’t victims.
Unpopular opinion indeed, more like devoid of empathy/humanity.

No. 2012731

AYRT and I brought up the rent-splitting thing in response to a post that said it's stupid to ever move in with a moid 'too early,' it wasn't saying anything about leaving him if he sucks. Although even then sometimes it's really hard to find a new roommate or stop being on the hook for your half of the lease mid-lease. I was also responding to a post that said you should never move in with a male until you're already non-poor and financially stable, which often makes it harder to accrue wealth and savings so it will take longer to actually be able to fully support yourself. I lived with a male roommate or multiple male roommates basically my whole adult life which could have been a nightmare for many women but it worked out fantastic for me, even though it wasn't a romantic partner situation it could have been bad but ended up being the best financial decision I've ever made.

No. 2012742

Once again, feel free to reread my comment but I didn't just say "have their own bank account" I specifically said capable of supporting and securing yourself, which includes having your own money. And its perfectly okay if you disagree with me, but if you willingly live with a man emptyhanded and unprepared to get out if needed, if you choose to stay with a man whos hitting you, if you find it somehow more beneficial to allow yourself to continue being abused than to exercise your freedoms, you are choosing to be abused. thats not being devoid of empathy/humanity at all. my empathy goes towards legitimate victims who are trapped and suffering, not of their of volition.

No. 2012748

At least try to save some money. Tell these women to put away some of their pay check and they look at you like you’re insane but instead have 4 kids with him.

No. 2012752

I agree with this completely nona and it's why I ended up leaving Ovarit, a lot of the time the 'radfem' takes people had were just an excuse to shit on and look down on other women for the most random reasons. There was a really interesting essay posted in the radfem cows thread on /snow/ from a radical feminist from the mid-1960s who was talking about this in the radfem community back then. It would take too long to find the essay now but to summarize she described the social dynamics of feminist groups back then as specifically 1. punishing women who refused to be nurturing or who were too assertive/stepped out of line for being 'male brained' or 'male aligned', 2. using the kindness of more nurturing empathetic women until they snapped and then punishing them for eventually snapping when their kindness was not reciprocated. I think she mentioned some other specific dynamics as well but there's a long history of radfem and other feminist spaces and movements turning on themselves and resulting in competitive, infighting behaviour.

On lolcow specifically there are plenty of anons who use the fact other anons are straight/want to be in relationships with men to use every ugly moid stereotype against them. It's just women turning on other women and using male-brained reasoning against them because 'if you fraternize with men you deserve it' etc. I've also noticed radfem spaces can be the most hateful toward women who are fat or in some other way not 'naturally' beautiful, even though radfem spaces should be more aware of the fact that your worth isn't in your prettiness or even in your health and that women are more likely to develop chronic illnesses outside of their direct control. It makes sense on lolcow because it's a website devoted to nitpicking women for everything including their appearance, but was really weird on r/GenderCritical or ovarit which are more 'traditional' radfem forums.

Regarding the misandry it often turns out that the most outwardly misandrist women in radfem communities are actually straight pickmes lying about being lesbian while shacking up with abusive or deadbeat scrotes, so when women online are too extra with their misandry sometimes I assume they're overcompensating. Most women who actually live their lives mostly unburdened by men aren't as obsessive with their male hate. On the other hand I understand that some women are just looking for a community without men because they think it will be more peaceful and accepting, but then can't handle the fact that women are not all nice and empathetic either.

No. 2012753

I agree with you nona. I was abused as a child/teen and I got out of it being really confident and good at spotting the signs of abuse, I'm not targeted by abusive men like other women are and I think there is some level of personal responsibility involved but also due to being abused and knowing how diverse experiences of abuse can be I don't want to fall into the trap of hating and blaming women who had different reactions to abuse than I did.

As people pointed out earlier in the discussion, a lot of women get into what seem like good relationships only to find out the man is abusive much later. Are they also 'making a conscious decision' to get into a bad situation at that point? If they are scared of retaliation for leaving or are tied to the man financially or with children is it always 'elective' to get trapped in that situation? I guess I don't know a lot of women who ever made the conscious decision for a man to completely control their lives, but plenty of women I knew were in abusive situations with men anyway. They usually didn't start out abusive or the women didn't recognize the signs that the moid was an abuser.

No. 2012760

Unpopular opinion in itself I guess but I think a lot of radfems end up 'associating' with right wingers because they actually think some right wing policies are likely to increase the welfare of women. A lot of radfems think it's the lesser of two evils to work with conservatives on a specific legal issue like trannies even if you don't agree with all their other platforms than to associate with leftist policies that are more directly harmful, or to just keep screaming into the void as a tiny censored community of women that have a hard time getting any political clout.

Personally I associate with people across the political spectrum because I don't like subscribing to binary thinking about politics and I think peaceful civil discussion actually can change people's minds. I know some people whose surface level social media presence looks really 'right wing' but who are actually more feminist and respectful of women than your average leftist in reality and who are willing to talk about these issues calmly and be convinced.

No. 2012766

I think you just know a really different type of women than I and some other nonas here do or we're talking about different things because I don't know any women who stopped working to move in with a baby daddy or whatever, the women in abusive relationships I've seen were in very different situations than this.

No. 2012773

Having relationship/scrote issues is a rich girl problem. Rich girls have the time and money to cry over scrotes not texting them or being mean to them but if you’re poor it’s just pathetic. You don’t even have gas to make it to work there and back for the rest of the week but you’re crying over a toxic relationship? Get your money up brokey. Once you you get some money then you can play around with scrotes.

No. 2012775

A lot alt right ideas are fine (anti troon, anti sex work, etc) but it's how the radfem goes about them is scrotey. Sex work for example is a big one that a lot of radfems get entangled with the alt right with since alt rights logic is that sex workers are just lazy and stupid, a true rad fem would address the issue and acknowledge why a lot of women get into sex work and encourage programs to help escape the said situation, it's the alt right that is out of touch and think getting a job at McDonald's or something would prevent this sort of thing from happening

I guess now alt rights and rad fems are agreeing about their hate boner for traumatized women which all it seemed to accomplish is also shaming women who have been groomed or abused since they were actual kids, the slippery slope is real and scary

No. 2012776

Are you a moid tired of abusing broke girls and want to milk them of their money while also being toxic? I'm confused on why you think poor women aren't allowed to encounter bad men

No. 2012784

Damn she looks like someone I'd want to be friends with. Ice Spice the rapper is just generic thot rapper/popstar #43829992

No. 2012785

>allowed to encounter bad men
NTA the post is just saying you should avoid men noona

No. 2012787

Nope I’m a broke girl myself. I don’t get women who are as broke as me crying over scrotes when they have more important things to worry about. I’m focusing on trying to pay the taxes on my house or figure out when I can find some money to fix my car and I would feel retarded crying over a scrote right now and I think it’s pathetic.

No. 2012788

A lot of abusive men lurk here so anons trying to direct attention off what the moid did wrong and focus on insulting the woman doesn't surprise me, especially considering this is a common tactic scrotes pull when outted for their crap, just look at social repose
>Oh yeah I'm bad
>I said I was
>Don't focus on ME though question why SHE stayed around !!!
Tale as old as time

No. 2012790

Okay well "make more money than you're allowed to be human" is so scrotey

No. 2012795

well you could always choose to be broke with some shitty scrote instead of just building up your financial health

No. 2012797

There are women irl who tell their daughters to fuck off when they tell them they’re being molested etc…why do you think women holding opinions like the ones in this thread would be rare? It’s pretty light hearted and tamed compared to how women talk about each other and treat each other irl

No. 2012799

Social needs are just as important as physical/financial needs and everyone has them (social needs) and emotions, so just because it's not a good idea to care if the guy you like texts you back doesn't mean it's easy to stop caring. Sure it's best not to obsess over scrotes if you have bigger fish to fry but I don't blame anyone for wanting companionship and caring how people treat them. A lot of people end up poor and in bad situations specifically because they lack healthy relationships and support systems whether that be from friends, family, or partners.

No. 2012800

They were originally called Shetland collies but the name had to be changed for some historical fancy dog breeding dog club thing.

No. 2012801

When you’re broke you don’t have the luxury of having baby daddy and relationship problems. Your main focus should be getting out of poverty. Everytime I entertain a scrote I can’t even bother to care because I have a light bill due and he’s not gonna pay it.

No. 2012802

No nonny, no one is trying to redirect attention away from the scrotes crimes. You simply have to acknowledge women who choose victimhood, especially as people who was a victim against their fucking will. There is a world of difference between being a child whos getting molested needing help, and being an adult woman who is choosing to stay in an abusive relationship because they think its easier than getting a job.

No. 2012804

Actually the right wingers I know irl (I'm not American so 'right wing' might mean something slightly different here) including moids are vocally anti-sex work because they look down upon/hate johns and they think it's an abusive industry, not because they think prostitutes are lazy. I know a lot of right wing moids online have that opinion but in real life the conservatives I know have more 'rad fem' like views on sex work. Some of them even volunteer for or donate to programs that help sex workers escape and retrain. I think right wingers who are prominent on the internet (especially Americans) are usually pretty disgusting misogynists but irl I haven't noticed the same thing in my social milieu.

No. 2012810

I know women do it but I've also seen a lot of anons admit to letting their shitty discord bfs lurk on lolcow, which has got me questioning how many of these guilty moids come on here in attempt to make their victims feel bad about speaking out. Women are typically only defensive of abusive moids if they're family/friends/partners (like the other anon pointed out in the thread)

No. 2012811

Being broke can make your social issues worse. It’s gonna feel 10x worse upset about a scrote when you’re about to be evicted. If you’re rich you can go to brunch and cry with your other rich girlies and taking a shopping trip to relax. When you’re broke you can’t even afford to relax by going to McDonald’s and you have a toxic scrote breaking what little shit you do have. To me relationship issues are something frivolous for rich girls who have nothing else to worry about.

No. 2012814

Strange, throughout the hours of infighting the anons who hate abused women haven't said a single negative thing about abusive men. Had plenty of disgusting things to say about female victims though

No. 2012818

Because this is an unpopular opinion thread. Everyone already knows men are abusive assholes, no one’s gonna disagree with that.

No. 2012819

Probably because our conversation is about women who choose to stay with abusive men. That doesn't make you an abuse victim, it makes you complacent.

No. 2012821

Being broke can make your social issues worse and social issues can make you poorer and less responsible, it works both ways and both money and social needs are important. Even if you know it's smarter to focus on your finances and job most people are not just capable of shutting off the emotional/social parts of their brain for a few years because they know it's a 'good idea.' And healthy relationships (which presumably most people are aiming for) can help get you out of poverty. Hell as a poor person spending a lot of time and energy on my friends actually dramatically improved my quality of life financially because they ended up quid pro quoing my being an emotionally supportive and available friend by helping me out with material things (rec'ing me for jobs or giving me advice on applications, gifting me their old expensive furniture, lending me their trucks/cars to move so I didn't have to rent a vehicle, even gifting me expensive musical instruments they weren't using anymore). This isn't men I was dating specifically but having people in your life that you put energy into can end up benefiting you a lot especially since now 'networking' is often more important for finding good jobs than just having a good resume is.

No. 2012822

>Everyone already knows men are abusive assholes, no one’s gonna disagree with that.
Regardless of the justification, you DID redirect attention off of the much needed shaming of abusive scrotes to focus on how stupid the victims are. And repeating "everyone knows!" doesn't change anything especially since moids who abuse women face no consequences and typically have family and friends that back them up non stop, now they even have strangers on the internet to silence their victims for them. Maybe in my next life I'll be an abusive scrote and I'll get defended this much

No. 2012824

No, the conversation also talked about how many women don't want to stay with abusive men but are tricked by abusers who seem like good men to start, fear retaliation, fear homelessness. There seem to be only one or two anons insisting that women always 'choose' abusive relationships.

No. 2012825

If peoples first reaction to female on male abuse was to question why the victim stayed/remove sympathy because he stayed id start abusing as many moids as I can

No. 2012828

NTA but what exactly would you like for us to do? Change the topic of conversation because you don't like what we're discussing? Also, once again, not a single one of us have defended abusive men. Not once. We've simply stated that choosing to stay with abusive men revokes you from being a victim, because you are now complacent. It is simple math.

No. 2012834

Those were the responses to the original post, not the topic at hand. The topic at hand is women who choose to stay with abusive men, or irresponsibly move in with/get married to men who they barely know because they're putting on the prince charming act. That was a sliver of the conversation, anon.

No. 2012835

>We're not defending them, we're just removing the fact he victimized you aka relieving him from the accountability
Idk why it's so hard for you to understand trying to remove the "victim" status from someone is literally relieving the abuser from accountability

No. 2012837

Kekk female on male abuse isn't real thats just roughhousing! He'll survive lol

No. 2012838

This is only sort of related to the ongoing conversation about abusive men but my (seemingly) unpopular opinion is that it's idiotic and pointless for women to ever try to get into relationships with gamer men. I'm not talking about men who casually play video games for an hour or two a week but serious gamers. They are practically just as bad as complete deadbeats even if they have a job because basically 100% of them care more about their screen than their girlfriends, act like addicts, and expect their 'quality time' with girlfriends to consist of the girl acting like a maid bringing them snacks and cuddling them while they scream at their PS5. I will never understand why women actively choose to date gamers unless they're hardcore gamers themselves, most women I knew who dated gamers were not though.

No. 2012839

Not all abuse victims are isolated with no one to turn to. Sometimes they don’t want help from friends and family or they put their friends and family in danger for the scrote. For example my sister ran to my house to get away from her scrote after a bad argument, she tells him where I live, he comes over and attacks her and punches me in the mouth, the police come and she’s crying and begging the cops not to take him and guess what they’re still together. Cps said she can’t get her kid back until her scrote leaves the house and guess here they are? In foster care. Some people just don’t want to be around the drama women in love with abusive men bring.

No. 2012843

No, it isn't relieving the abuser of anything, actually. The abuser is still committing abusive acts and real crimes, however if you're willing to have a crime committed against you, you're no longer a victim. You are an accomplice to covering up their crimes and putting other women in his immediate surroundings in a dangerous position by allowing a disgusting brute to walk the streets instead of turning him in and leaving his ass.

No. 2012844

>we're not defending your abuser in court!! We're just dropping him of his charges because you stupid woman decided to stay for so long
Scary how common this thought process is for the first world. Are these anons going to start standing outside of prisons demanding abusers get released because the woman stayed? You know since they don't have any victims now apparently I guess they didn't do anything wrong

No. 2012845

It seems like you really want the topic at hand to be 'women who are with abusers all actively and irresponsibly chose this' but everyone else is arguing that that's not true/not the norm.

Saying an abuse victim isn't a victim because abuse is 'chosen' quite literally is absolving the abusers of responsibility by equating being an abuser with 'choosing' to be abused and saying both parties are equally responsible.

No. 2012850

We don’t have to do that because most of those women drop the charges and he’s back living with her in a week or she’s sending him money so he can buy ramen noodles in prison

No. 2012851

Yeah this happens too but it is not the only type of DV or abuse situation that exists. Also some women grow out of this phase and actually do learn from/benefit from the support they receive from friends, sometimes learning takes time but even women like this do sometimes learn better sooner or later. No one should have to put up with those women if they don't want to but not all women will stay like that forever.

No. 2012852

Anon, thats not how that works. Just because someone is not a victim of a crime does not mean a crime was not committed, the abusive party is still responsible for what he's done, however when you're choosing to stay with this man and keep him safe from accountability, you are now equally responsible and opting for abuse. You're no longer a victim at that point.

No. 2012853

I knew abused women who were like this too nonny. It is hard to help them when they're in that situation, maybe you even do think they're stupid or low of them but with proper help they do recover and leave. Treating them like they're the actual villains just seems to push them back into the arms of their abuser

No. 2012854

There's no way for them to charge him if you either don't turn him in or choose to continue spending your life with him.

No. 2012856

Well by the time they have learned they have burned every bridge so they have to woman up and deal with it on their own. No ones gonna want them in their house and have to worry about their scrote running in and beating everyone’s ass because she wants to go back.

No. 2012857

>Are these anons going to start standing outside of prisons demanding the abusers get released because the woman stayed?
Well there aren't as many abusers in prison as there could be because their wives and girlfriends are already demanding that they be spared prison to begin with, so..

No. 2012859

Well if she feels more empathy for a man who punched her sister in the mouth then she can recover and heal on her own because I blocked both of them

No. 2012860

Are you talking about a specific person you know?
So what is the court going to do if there's no victim? That makes no sense, you can't charge someone with abuse if you believe there's no victim. You can think lowly of the victim yeah but trying to remove them of victimhood will just result in courts pulling the whole "welp I guess no one is a victim charges dropped"

No. 2012861

One of my best friends was like this but I wasn't directly in danger because her abuser was a woman. It took her 3 years of acting like a total idiot and constantly taking out her abusive situation on me and drawing me into her drama for her to leave, but she did leave and has spent many years since then working on herself and not letting people fuck her over anymore. There were many moments where I wanted to end the friendship and even a couple where I temporarily did end it, but in the end she told me that me sticking with her was the biggest catalyst for her to realize she was being abused and leave. I probably would not have stayed in the friendship if it was a dangerous moid doing that to her because I would feel at risk too, but sometimes a situation like that is just a step in the learning process. Lots of women have to experience abuse at some point to be able to learn how to recognize it and stand up for themselves.

No. 2012863

I guess I care too much about my fellow woman to actively let her live in extreme trauma and in unsafe situation just because I held a grudge against her for being manipulated and brainwashed even after she admits he was wrong and she needs to leave

No. 2012866

The woman who let her her scrote punch me in the mouth(I lost two front teeth and neither of them payed for the medical bills)and then ran back didn’t love me for being a woman, so I don’t care about her either lol. You’re only saying this because you’ve never had to be in the cross fire of a woman who loves her scrote and the abuser.

No. 2012867

You're getting stuck on the actual word victim. I'm not saying that they were not the party who was on the receiving end of this crime, because they are. So long as they show up in court and testify against the abusive man, the cogs of some kind of justice start to turn. I'm saying victim in the sense that, when you choose to be a part of the crimes this man is committing, you're complacent. You're allowing him to use you as a punching bag. You aren't a "victim" anymore, you're just a product of his abusive nature. He can still be sent to prison, if these women did not choose to be complacent and actually reported them to the authorities.

No. 2012869

Sorry for you but we aren't talking about your specific situation, just in general

No. 2012870

So really this is all just about your issues with your sister. Has it ever occurred to you that something’s really dysfunctional about your family?

No. 2012873

Stop trying to act cute while you’re shitting on abuse victims.

No. 2012874

My issue is that for every woman who actually is complacent in her abuse there are probably several more but who are treated like they are. A good example is the Jian Ghomeshi case a few years back where some celebrity scrote had 40+ victims come out saying he randomly punched and choked them, in some cases hospitalizing them. Most of them were not even in a relationship with him at all. But because a couple of these women kept up cordial relationships with him afterwards the media painted all the victims as willing/complicit in 'rough sex' (many of the beatings did not involve sex and were not domestic) or 'kink.' The idea that women can be complacent in abuse is what allows predators like this to walk free.

No. 2012875

But I’m talking about my situation as an example. A lot of the time being around women with abusive scrotes is dangerous because they want to go back and then he comes to the person trying to help and attacks or kills them and she just sits there crying like a damsel while you’re getting choked out. That’s usually why women in abusive relationships have no friends or family to turn to because they get sick of her shit. My mom does not even let women rent in her house anymore for this reason.

No. 2012876

By removing victim status it's not going to go in the way you think anon, most courts are already extremely defensive of abusive men and proving DV is pretty hard, you can't even charge them for emotional/psychological abuse ffs. Trying to claim the women aren't actually victims will just give the courts an upper hand. I get where you're going but it is NOT going in the way that you think. I get you're trying to tough love or whatever but this would only work in a society where most abusive men are held accountable, unfortunately this isn't the case

No. 2012878

>My mom does not even let women rent in her house anymore for this reason.
Does she let men rent in her house though even though they can be predators?

No. 2012882

We are an upper middle class suburban family and even if we weren’t that doesn’t give her scrote justified reason for him to lunch me or her to cry that he’s going to jail for it

No. 2012886

you're not an abuse victim if you're allowing it. this is the unpopular opinions thread. if you see an opinion you don't like, go to a thread thats more fun.

No. 2012887

>upper middle class suburban family
Kek that explains the lack of empathy. Your family’s fucked up, people like your sister don’t just sprout up out of nowhere. Quit projecting your issues with her onto all other women in abusive situations.

No. 2012890

I think you're misunderstanding. The court will still read her status as the 'victim' of his crimes, because he did still commit crimes. However, in actuality, women who do choose to stay with these men are not victims. This is also reaffirmed by the fact that most of these women do not attempt to turn their moids in, because they LoVe hIm!!1 too much.

No. 2012891

Shouldn't you be focused on making money instead of worrying about scrotes anon? Why'd you let him punch you and stay around? You're no victim go make money

No. 2012892

I can’t wrap my mind around someone who loves a scrote that she’s known for 3 years more than a family member she’s known for all her life. If not being around people who put my life at risk makes me selfish and cold I guess I’m that the bitch then.

No. 2012893

Is it cause they love him or because courts don't take women seriously and you can literally be outcasted for outting a moid for abuse?

No. 2012894

NTA but getting punched by a random man ≠ allowing your husband to continue abusing you because you're scared of him being punished for his crimes.

No. 2012896

You can't wrap your mind around someone using romance and intimacy to heavily manipulate and brainwash someone? Weird, no wonder your sister got into an abusive relationship because you and your family were too stupid to teach about literally the most common tactic these moids get women to stick around

No. 2012901

No I've lived a long life and yeah, it's because they love him or 'don't want to take their childrens father away', or don't want to open up a custody battle, which are all even more pathetic because you're now choosing to not only let your husband harm you but other people in your life by letting this rabid dog loose instead of calling animal control. If your husband just beat you up, you can call the police and they'll be much more likely to believe YOU over the scrote with bruises on his knuckles. At least in burgerland, police officers and court justice systems often do rule in favor of women when they are able to provide evidence, which is simple in this day and age since you can record everything (audio, video) on your phone without people noticing.

No. 2012902

>you should sacrifice your own health and well being for someone who clearly shows they don’t care if you live or die

I’m not gonna do that which is probably why I’ve never been in a abusive relationship.

No. 2012903

Well, my unpopular opinion is that you’re a whiny faggot who can’t get over being punched one time but thinks that other women should deal with being beaten everyday because they ‘choose to be abused’.

No. 2012907

Yeah unfortunately men scamming women with 'romance' and lovebombing (both directly and indirectly via romantic media) is one of the main pillars of how women as a class remain subjugated in society, I understand being frustrated with handmaidens who continue to cape for abusive scrotes and not wanting them around you in your personal life but if you can't wrap your head around how or why it happens your view is extremely naive and blinkered.

No. 2012908

nta but you seem to lack empathy. most women are socialized to think aggression is a sign of affection when coming from men. from childhood we hear we're getting bullied because they like us. then we grow up and accept crumbles of affection because most women have never been taught what a proper relationship looks like.

No. 2012909

I’m the anon who got punched. I’m not the anon you’re replying to. Why is it you can’t feel bad for a woman who got attacked trying to help a woman in a abusive relationship but you think I’m supposed to feel bad for someone whose scrote could’ve murdered me and she would still be with him?

No. 2012910

File: 1716332357757.gif (569.27 KB, 320x180, 1000016864.gif)

Okay can you guys slow down and explain what you mean by abuse victims "allowing it"? If there's kids involved but the spouse insists on staying, my patience would wither because come the fuck on, you can't be that delusional to think getting punched every other day is a healthy environment to raise a child in. If the victim is delusional enough to think their obviously depressed and affected child will be okay with such an environment and dont make any attempt to get the kid out, they're a strain on the child's health too regardless of their intention.

No. 2012911

The handful of women you met in your ghetto shithole don't represent all women kek. What a sad way of thinking

No. 2012914

sheltered NEET-chans who think they got abused in 4th grade because a boy called them ugly think domestic abuse victims are choosing to stay in a shitty relationship instead of being homeless and being prey to sex work/drug addiction/mental illness (and then when it happens ofc it's their fault)

No. 2012915

if they didn't want to experience that every day, they would turn him in. plain and simple. there isn't any logical reason to stay with him. we've gone over every possible response in the book, i'm sure you also silently agree that choosing to be hit by a man is not being a victim, its electively being his punching bag. end of story. if you did not want to be a victim, you would try to remove yourself from the situation. if you put yourself in that situation without any way to leave, then yeah, that is your own fault. because you chose not to protect yourself and expected a man to do it for you.

No. 2012917

Because you're using your specific situation to put down all women who are being abused, why should I feel bad for you too? How do I know all women who got assaulted aren't trying to remove help and empathy for other victims?

No. 2012919

If you knew he was abusive then why were you even near him at all? Sounds like you wanted to get punched.

No. 2012920

>She let me do it!!
Didn't know Andrew Tate lurked on here

No. 2012922

Allowing it is exactly what it sounds like. Letting him harm you.

No. 2012923

Most women in these situations don’t care about the kid really. Unfortunately most of the time the kid is just a tool these women use thinking “if I give him a baby he will love me again and mature for his children” and that doesn’t happen. They don’t care because the kid is just a tool to get the scrote to behave but instead he starts abusing her and the kid.

No. 2012924

I get you've never done a single thing for any person in your life but you don't need to flaunt it like it's an achievement. sad people like you exist.

No. 2012926

I dont know what that is but now you're trying to deflect from legitimate points being made. If you don't want him to harm you, you turn him in as soon as he does. If for some reason you choose to allow him to do it, then you're now waiving victimhood and allowing this man in your life to harm you.

No. 2012927

So what do you plan on them? Fire bombing DV shelters? Removing report options for women who are facing DV? Idk what you're trying to accomplish

No. 2012929

ntayrt but i am genuinely curious what you were doing near him? did he live with you guys or something?

No. 2012930

I think when physical abuse is involved the mother should do everything possible to get the child out of that situation, but what about when the abuse is mostly emotional/financial and the child is financially better off and safer? I've seen a lot of situations where a mother chose to stay with a guy who was emotionally abusing her and cheating because otherwise she would either have to leave the child with the father or become homeless/poor and was worried it would ruin the child's options in life. When it's emotional abuse or sexual coercion in a married relationship but not outright violence and doesn't affect the child directly, do you still think the women are stupid for staying with the father of their children? In my social circles this is way more common than women staying with men who beat them and the kids.

No. 2012931

You’re right I should’ve known better than to be around a woman who has a dangerous scrote around. I learned my lesson and that’s why she’s blocked and disowned from the family.

No. 2012932

File: 1716332667471.jpg (116.78 KB, 1124x1071, 1695477199491.jpg)

this is what moderation did by not allowing scrotefoiling. we have scrotes rn victim blaming people who go through DV and can't even point out the scrottery of it all. the absolute state of this board.

No. 2012933

where are the fun unpopular opinions someone give a fun one

No. 2012934

Don’t try to put this on me, that’s what you say to other women, they knew their man was abusive but still stuck around so they deserved to get hit. You knew your sisters, boyfriend was abusive but still hung around him so you deserved it.

No. 2012935

Have you ever tried to turn a moid in? Seriously? All it takes is a "she is crazy, she hit me first, she is lying" and the police go right back out the door. After the amber heard trial you can't possibly believe DV is handled well even if the woman does everything right

No. 2012937

Nta but I’d think they’re stupid for having babies and getting married without a career or financial plan to fall back on for themselves.

No. 2012938

potatoes are overrated. rice reigns supreme. I'm not even asian, it's just facts

No. 2012939

>she’s blocked and disowned from the family
Can’t imagine why she ended up in such a situation in the first place, with such a supportive family environment! Suburbanites really are vampires.

No. 2012940

Nonna, I think you should scroll up to the top of the thread and remind yourself where you are. I've witnessed many of the other women in my life allowing themselves and their children to be abused. There is never any good reason to allow yourself or your fucking babies to be in such a scenario. If it sounds 'scrotish' to say that women should defend ourselves instead of cowering and crawling back over to the men who hurt us with the expectation that they'll continue to support us, then give me a jockstrap and call me Dave.

No. 2012942

Why would I want to do that? Those places are for women who want to get away but I’m not talking about them. I’m talking about the women who want to stay because they’re in love. Those women don’t care what happens to their kids because they were just a tool that they naively thought would get the scrote to go back to his love bombing stage.

No. 2012943

My fun unpopular opinion is that 'radfems' and other women who shit on makeup/hairstyling parts of the beauty industry and shit on women for 'performing femininity' with makeup/clothes who then turn around and say 'it's better to invest in a skincare routine!' and admit they're spending hundreds of dollars on multi-step skincare, facials, etc. are just as bad if not worse. They want to feel superior for being/looking 'naturally' pretty while dumping just as much money into the exact same industry that sells makeup and haircare. I'm not talking about people with a basic skincare routine or who go to a derm for acne/eczema here, just women who pour tons of money into commercial skincare.

No. 2012945

What if they had a career and financial plans that the baby interrupted? This is usually why mothers end up trapped financially.

No. 2012946

I hate how trendy lesbianism has become and I think its pathetic. im not homophobic im just sick of encountering straight girls who are stiff as a board and certainly aren't looking for a relationship to 'explore new things' like fuck you

No. 2012948

Potatoes have a lower glycemic index and are closer to the human ancestral diet but rice is definitely more versatile.

No. 2012950

Is this even unpopular? Every legitimately lesbian or bisexual woman hates these straight LARPers.

No. 2012951

those women are mentally ill and on a mindset that 100% does not favor them. I dislike the regular handmaiden or tradthot as much as the next farmer but this mindset only breeds vitriol for women who already have it bad. if you know someone like this keep your distance, show support but don't tell them what to do. often abusers will use the fact people don't support their relationship to further isolate victims. we should avoid isolating victims as much as we can.

No. 2012953

You shouldn’t be in that situation if you’re on birth control and using condoms. If you’re in a place where abortion is legal, get an abortion.

>inb4 there’s a 1% chance of birth control failing!

Then be celibate until you graduate and have the money to support a child. Get a rose toy to get off.

No. 2012955

I cant imagine why a lady would get pregnant if you're trying to save money and build up your career?

No. 2012957

in a lot of places of the world (including so called 1st world countries) not staying pregnant is not really an option, if you're pregnant you're birthing.

No. 2012958

I'm bisexual and this is exactly how I feel towards 95% of my "community" tbh. I hate to say it but the stereotype that we're annoying and fake exists for a reason kek. Lesbians get it WAY worse though, especially online. It also makes my skin crawl when it's obviously being done for a moid's fetish.

No. 2012959

i'm never saying a woman deserves abuse, i'm never saying a male is right, and i'm not even saying it's entirely her fault as she's just operating under the programming that's been instilled in her from the womb, but i have seen women have kids for the sole purpose of appeasing their male partner. and i'd argue that most births throughout history, world-wide, were the result of rape or women HAVING to have children to continue the line or whatever so it's not really a novel concept in the modern day

No. 2012960

Not having sex with a gross nasty moid is a good option though, I understand a lot of women do not consider that though

No. 2012962

This is really naive nona. My mom was the higher earner between her and my dad for the first 5+ years of their marriage but they had to escape their country and move to a western country because of political stuff. In the new country their birth control failed (my mom is from a conservative culture and couldn't go through with abortion) and my mom's education which in their home country was better than my dad's couldn't get her hired in the new country. She went to grad school in the new country but had to drop out right at the end because childcare was too expensive to complete her fieldwork, my dad meanwhile got hired. She continued to work but could only get shitty low paying jobs while my dad made tons of money and then she became disabled after multiple workplace accidents. My dad was a really loving husband until her pregnancy and started emotionally abusing her but she literally asked me when I was like 7yo if she got a divorce would I be okay living with my dad because she would likely be homeless and I said no, I'd rather live in a cardboard box on the street with you so she opted not to divorce him for my sake. It's extremely insane and narrowminded to think women 'get themselves into these situations' due to being stupid, I have several friends with similar parent situations and usually the woman was trying to get out of her situation but couldn't.

No. 2012964

that's also a luxury in many places, which you're pretty much forced to marry either through socialization (religion pressure or plain old forced heterosexuality) or literal arranged marriages.

No. 2012966

I hope every single domestic abusers moid dies a painful gruesome death and their abused gfs/wives/baby mothers/etc get all their money and piss on their graves.
Nonna's itt need to develop their prefrontal cortex and work out those empathy muscles. You need to start from the truth that if someone has a choice, they will always choose the better situation for themselves. Now work backwards: why would someone stay in a shitty situation? Either bc they don't have a choice or bc they're not able to identify that choice (due to for example childhood abuse that fucked up their sense or normality and self worth).

No. 2012967

Nonna we're not talking about women in 3rd world countries. We're talking about women who are consensually entering relationships and have the freedom and accessibility to care for themselves, if they chose to do such.

No. 2012968

I’m not talking about women in 3rd world situations. I’m talking about American women, I can’t speak on women from other countries because I’m not there. If you’re an American woman, who isn’t raised in a cult, you don’t have crazy strict foreign parents with Islamic values then there’s no reason for you to have babies in a abusive relationship. The average white American woman has no excuse or reason to do that.

No. 2012970

Yesterday, women are ugly. Today, women getting abused aren't even victims.

Tomorrow, probably something about women being whores. That's me placing my bet

No. 2012972

Ugh nonna same. All the bisexual women I personally dated are based TERFs who weren't bihets but the number of women I met who pretended to be bisexual or gay but were actually straight was staggering. I don't blame lesbians for their biases against bisexual women although personally I never tried to date lesbians only other bi women.

No. 2012973

women feeling pressured to get married happens in 1st world countries too. any region with a lot of religion presence women are conditioned to have their worth tied to men and children. it's delusional to deny it.

No. 2012974

If they can’t identify abuse what good would the scrote dying and leaving them money do? They’d just find another scrote who will abuse them and spend all the money on him.

No. 2012975

Women are often lied to about the reality of becoming a mom and their careers. They'll tell you maternity leave and sick days are fine but employers do a 180, they'll claim putting your kids in daycare is fine but not really plus it's hard to find an affordable daycare that you can make a profit with your income + daycares fill up really fast and become really unforgiving if you're even a few minutes late. This was doable in the 80s but this world is becoming slowly more misogynistic and unforgiving towards women (even on lolcow mind you)

No. 2012976

I was talking about women in third world countries as well… I don't know why people responded to my post assuming it was only about wealthy first worlders but that was not the intention behind my question.

No. 2012977

Falling for peer pressure is not an excuse if your life is not at risk. You should care about your own well being and the well being of your future babies more than some bitch or asshole at church whose gonna make fun of you for having a degree instead of being a bang maid.

No. 2012978

Nonna women being whores already happened yesterday too, remember the dirty whore sucking dick in the park at the christian emo night?

No. 2012979

I guess you don't believe women can grow out from trauma and start identifying abusive patterns they previously did not. the women in your life must be pretty fucking bad if that's your standard opinion. or you just hate women I guess.

No. 2012981

Yeah sometimes the staggering US-centrism and upper-class bias of other anons really comes out in these conversations, no empathy at all for all the situations where women (even in first world countries) don't have a ton of good options.

No. 2012982

That’s a different situation. Those women are forced to deal with that due to the countries they live in not because they love their scrote so much and think he’s gonna change.

No. 2012983

you do know this is America, right? religious 'pressure' isn't something that can force you to do anything. if you choose not to exercise your free will, that is your own problem that you need to solve. and arranged marriages are really not a thing in the US, Canada, UK..and even if they are, being 'married' to him or living in the same home as him does not mean you have to sexually service him. if he chooses to rape you, then you call the police and leave his ass.

No. 2012984

thats not really the same as what we're talking about, we're discussing women who choose to stay for shallow reasons

No. 2012985

File: 1716333869945.jpeg (136.38 KB, 887x1731, GN6JAfoWkAAVhWG.jpeg)

not to play devil's advocate too much but i feel these conversations are always about women in the west and not third worlders

>if someone has a choice, they will always choose the better situation for themselves
i mean, not always, some women are just very stupid (like picrel – left him like a million times only to return and have a kid with a guy she knew was a methhead). i think out of every class it's only ever the woman who advocates for her own degradation so much. from onlyfans models to your friend who won't stop calling herself a bad bitch, it's insane and blackpilling
>or bc they're not able to identify that choice
this is not a good excuse past a certain age. coddling isn't the way

No. 2012986

I'm not American, speak for yourself.

No. 2012988

>then give me a jockstrap and call me Dave.
Kekkk, I wanna use this in the future.

No. 2012989

Do you know how peer pressure works? Women are often promised financial stability, happiness, support, etc. this ain't like drugs where your dumbass stoner friend swear you'll be happy after, women are falsely promised a lot of extreme life benefits and security

No. 2012992

Huh? Wrong post?

No. 2012993

Being stupid and naive doesn’t mean you were forced to do something

No. 2012994

The anons saying it doesn’t happen in america clearly have no idea what goes down in places that are very devoutly christian.

No. 2012995

Yeah there's this too. When my mom first had me there were supposed to be a bunch of free daycare options and help for new mothers but government austerity/budget cuts when I was like 2-3 years old ended all that and they were no longer able to afford preschool/daycare. Also women can develop chronic illnesses, become disabled, etc. even if they aren't religious or forced into anything by their families. I became chronically ill myself in my 20s to the point of being borderline disabled and thankfully I was able to get through it due to a platonic male roommate actually being a good person (rare I know and incredibly lucky) but otherwise I would have been so screwed with my prior career plans. Pregnancy itself is often disabling, women might not know they will not be able to work after pregnancy. Sometimes women have their own bank account but their husband gets into it somehow and manages to steal their money. Not everyone who ends up in a bad situation is just an idiot with no ability to plan.

No. 2012996

I'm a woman from a third world country that has lived in a first world country for almost a decade. trust me when I say the difference of mindset is not very different, women are both trained to tie our value to men and children in both settings, women are considered "nurturers" everywhere even in the most feminist countries (I live in a nordic country nowadays). the ways it happens in the 1st world countries are way more insidious, while it's way more blatant in the 3rd world countries. but most women end up thinking their life isn't complete unless they end up with a scrote and a child no matter what career they have. the socialization, conditioning, pressure to give birth and coddle males and fear of loneliness in senior age instigated are universal.

No. 2012997

If they know they can’t afford day care etc why are they having kids? Isn’t this something they should calculate and figure out before hand?

No. 2012999

KEKKK omg i saw this video too..perfect example of elective helplessness and choosing abuse. There are many cow examples of this, and im sure you could go on tiktok right now and likely find another video just like this.
yes my bad nonners i tagged the wrong one

No. 2013001

You lived in America how long and couldn't figure out how fast these sort of situations changed?back in the day child care was pretty affordable and was easy to get into, it wasn't until now where it is the majority of ones income and 2-3 yr waiting lists. Funny how it's all stupid women's fault for not looking into their crystal ball and not the fact companies are allowed to quadruple prices for no reason out of the blue

No. 2013002

you don't even need to go that far to see women conditioned to think they're incomplete unless they get married. it's everywhere in social media, you have to be blind to not see it. whenever a woman makes a post saying anything about being independent she's shat on and people say she will die alone and her career is not worth it.
I can tell you're either 20 living with parents or the wrong chromosome to not realize how fucking ignorant you are. it's just not worth it, life will teach you.

No. 2013004

>apartments are allowed to go from 800 to 3000 overnight
>Wow that sucks there should be regulations preventing that
>Gas is allowed to go from 2 bucks to 7 bucks overnight
>Wow that sucks there should be laws preventing it, who could've predicted!
>Wages are allowed to decrease randomly
>Wow that sucks
>Food is allowed to have 300% markups for no reason
>Wow who could've predicted that!!
>Child care is allowed to go from 300 a month to 3k a month
>Ummm stupid woman!! How stupid could you have been having kids and not knowing this was gonna happen!!!

No. 2013005

ntayrt but daycare is incredibly unsafe and is handing your children over to strangers and giving them the ability to abuse and harm them. daycare bad.

No. 2013006

Yeah I see a lot of anons saying 'past a certain point in adulthood trauma, social conditioning, religion, culture, family, peer pressure, etc' is not an excuse but the whole history of humanity is based on us being intensely conformist social animals not individual lone wolves. Basically no human can survive completely on their own and women who live in societies and are fed certain messages from birth by those societies are not individually at fault for falling for that social conditioning. It's everyone's responsibility to try to break out of it if you realize it's harmful (which many people don't) but even then that can take years or decades. Your average normie young woman is not hanging out on lolcow getting constant blackpills about male nature she's hanging out at her church BBQ and with her school friends who coo about cute men in romcoms and thinks the happiest day in her life is her wedding day. She's been told by every male relative since she was old enough to comprehend language that the greatest fulfilment and happiness in her life comes from romance and babies. She sees her friends grinding at shitty jobs being abused by shitty moid bosses and thinks it would be better to get financial help from a man who actually cares about her than some abusive boomer scrote in a suit at her job who stares at her ass when she walks into the meeting room. She's probably seen some women who appear to be genuinely happy and fulfilled in marriages with kids and thinks if she's smart and picks a prince charming moid of her own she will have that too. Also most young women are looking to their boomer parents for examples and financial/economic prospects were really different for that gen, they might not realize how different things are now if they're not a sperg about economics.

No. 2013007

Nta but I saw this earlier. She’s 22 and been taking care of a man 10 years older than her for a decade and cries about abuse then the next day she’s talking about she’s never gonna leave her man and everyone can stfu. And these are the people I’m supposed to feel bad for?

No. 2013008

nta but im an oldfag and even i know if you cant provide undivided attention to your kids, dont have them

No. 2013009

>For a decade
Is this rage bait? I promise you she wasn't financially supporting a grown man at 12

No. 2013010

You're old and didn't see prices rapidly increasing out of nowhere for no reason ? Like come on you have to at least remember the 08 recession. Where you foaming at the mouth about how everyone who had reproduced previously is nothing but a big ol moron too? Why is it only now people pretend to not know how fast economic situations can change to no one's prediction?

No. 2013011

File: 1716334675962.png (56.05 KB, 713x608, care dot com.png)

i partially agree but i also really feel kids should be treated as luxury items + you don't even need to think of having one unless you've been financially stable for a few years and have savings. i mean the world has been fucked since 2017ish easily. read the writing on the wall and have some sense, wrap that shit up

No. 2013012

Oh my bad she’s been taking care of him for about 4 years and she has two kids with him. He’s never had a job even though he’s 30 and she pays all the bills for him and their kids.

No. 2013013

Proving that other anon's point that 'feminist' posters on sites like this are usually just looking for excuses to act moidbrained and shit on women while pretending to be misandrist.

I'm the anon who said my mom had me when daycare was heavily subsidized but 2-3 years later austerity hit and daycare became extremely expensive, how was she supposed to magically predict the change in government and economic conditions? When she entered grad school there was a program that if you got certain grades your entire tuition/loan amount would be paid back by the government upon completion but by her 2nd year of grad school they suddenly ended the program without grandfathering it in and she was already over 20k in debt.

No. 2013015

No one's saying just have kids when you're not financially stable,but treating someone like they're the biggest most irresponsible morons on earth for not being able to predict the economy turning around that hard is insane. No wonder Americans charge the prices they do when people like you will defend it non stop and just turn it on the consumers

No. 2013016

exactly. when you socialize with normies (not even only women, men are too conditioned to get married, but for them, there are countless benefits, statistically they earn more, do less domestic chores, live longer, while it's the opposite for women), everyone is expected to at least get married at some point. nonnies don't realize even being single in your 30s is taboo in west because they don't really interact with normal functional people on a daily basis. most people are expected to have a nuclear family by the time they are 35 no matter where they are. people who are single in their 30s with no family building prospects are considered a leech on most societies, because deep inside everyone knows they are not popping kids to contribute with future pensions and are spending their money friviously traveling or hobbies, something people with kids wish they could still do and envy. I'm not saying it is the right mindset but it is what it is.

No. 2013017

no i did, thats why i didnt have kids. but if you reproduced and didnt have savings or some excess way to protect your family and provide a cushion from fiscal crises, thats just asking for disaster.

No. 2013019


If you don’t have at least 5 million in your bank account don’t even bother having kids. Broke people hate hearing that because they think having babies is their human right.

No. 2013020

>kids should be treated as luxury items
This is so fucked up and antihumanistic to say, wow. First of all kids aren't items and second do you really think society would be better if only upper class leeches with no perspective were reproducing? You are basically admitting to thinking poor to middle class people are less worthy of continuing the species than bald beer bellied consoomer programmer autist moids who make 300k a year working at google.

No. 2013021

Wait lists are also insane too. I remember even just a few years ago almost all daycares had open spots, now I see moms having to take off semesters or work cause they won't be able to get a spot at a daycare until their kid is like 3-4

No. 2013022

I’m 33 and people try to shame me for being single with no kids all the time but I don’t give a shit. When my scrote is cheating on me with a 22 year old because he thinks I’m unattractive after giving birth or when I’m scraping by on canned food, those people who judge me aren’t going to be there to help with shit. so, I don’t care what they say.

No. 2013023

A great way to turn the next generation in spoiled entitled brats I guess kek. No wonder Sephora's are filled with kids having meltdowns over drunk elephant

No. 2013024

the billionaires and CEOs don't want people to stop having kids, because that's less labour and consumers. all this tradthot, homemaking and religion proselytizing on social media catered to zoomers is clearly propaganda because millennials are not having enough kids, they constantly make fun of us for having dogs and cats instead of children.

No. 2013025

nta but kids aren't 'items', they are a luxury though. that does not mean 'only upper class leeches should reproduce', it means that all parents should better prepare themselves for the costs of parenthood.

No. 2013029

>but if you reproduced and didnt have savings or some excess way to protect your family and provide a cushion from fiscal crises, thats just asking for disaster.
exactly. everyone with sense thinks that getting an expensive pet you can't take to the vet without going broke is dumb, buying fancy cars and paying huge car payments is dumb, spending above your means is dumb dumb dumb, why is it suddenly so evil and wrong to apply this logic to children? especially when kids are so much more precious and difficult than a dog or a car

No. 2013030

Damn, id charge 5k for a studio apartment too if I knew a ton of people like you were not gonna do anything about it and just tell others they shouldn't have had kids kek

No. 2013031

I’d rather my kids be entitled brats than white trash raised by a single mom with a dad with a beer belly. I’m never gonna be rich so I’m never having kids.

No. 2013032

if the 1% wants people to not stop procreating they need to give mothers better safety nets for raising children. I guess they're really trying to remove women's rights as much as they can to prevent us from not having children.

No. 2013035

>why is it suddenly so evil and wrong to apply this logic to children
because aborting a clump of cells is ebil and baby jesus weeps when you don't ruin your life over a scrote's failed pull out

No. 2013036

you get it. don't have a child with the expectation to rely on public services/tax payer money/favors from other people, ensure that if shit hits the fan you (and your partner) can provide well. you don't need to have a child, nobody does kek

No. 2013037

Nta but they don’t want women to stop having babies. Hood rats and white trash popping out babies for them is a good thing because their kids will be working in sewers and cleaning shitty bath rooms so the rich kids won’t need to.

No. 2013038

You’re so right, there is zero nuance between a child who can buy drunk elephant and being white trash.

No. 2013039

Yeah and all that accomplished is all shelters being full and people dumping their pets because no one wanted to bother to fight for vet bills, pet food, etc falsely inflating. Refusing to fight to make the world more affordable for families will just cause the system to get overrun with unwanted children or even children getting dumped at parks or something. I guess shaming women for not being fortune tellers is more important than fighting for a good economy

No. 2013040

you can afford to not give a shit because you're a girlboss sigma male farmer but most women don't have the mental fortitude to tell everyone in their social networks to fuck off.

No. 2013041

shelter is a need, kids are a want. if you can't afford your needs you don't get the wants

No. 2013042

Yeah I'm basically a normie social butterfly who just has been a little too online for fun my whole life (but I don't admit it irl where I seem extremely normal and functional) and it's obvious a lot of lolcow nonnies don't have normal offline social experiences when I see some of their takes on why women in reality do the things they do. I agree with a lot of the misandrist perspectives on lolcow but I also see how normie women go through the world and they're literally never exposed to the kinds of views you see on lolcow, they are completely inundated with social messaging their whole lives and probably would be shocked to find out that the kind of views you normally see on lolcow even exist. The other thing with normie women is that actually a lot of them do end up pretty happy even if they get married and have children, maybe not most of them but enough that other normie women see them and think 'oh, that could be me.'

The abuse conversation is interesting for me because I don't let moids or friends fuck me around or abuse me, even emotionally, and have always been extremely assertive and self-protective in that way, but I ended up being severely workplace-abused due to my focus on achievement, career, money. I actually did not have any of the coping skills to even recognize that it was workplace abuse at first because I was raised thinking earnings and education were of the utmost importance and I should do everything to meet my goals. Even when I realized it was workplace abuse I ended up feeling helpless looking at women who were seemingly making 'worse' life choices but were avoiding abuse from their bosses, because I had spent so long being indoctrinated into certain attitudes about work and education I literally couldn't figure out how to stand up for myself at work and couldn't even imagine quitting a job or educational program because I was being mistreated and exploited. Women will look at other women like me who were exploited at work or in education and think that we are the dumb ones for not just chilling out, marrying a moid and being taken care of and I don't even blame them sometimes. The women I know who decided to relax and let males financially support them are now in many cases much more comfortable and financially better off than I am and my mom constantly crows about how she TOLD me I should be focusing on marrying a man for money instead of pursuing higher ed and an elite job.

No. 2013043

kek no price is too high for a good stacy pad

No. 2013044

How stupid do you have to be to think not having 5 million in the bank is white trash abuse? You shouldn't have kids not only because of your financial situation but because you're incredibly retarded and will probably pass that to your bastard kids

No. 2013046

It's very difficult/near-impossible for even the average, responsible person to be perfectly prepared for the costs of parenthood these days. And while I agree we don't need to grow or even maintain the current global population, it would also make society collapse if the population declined too suddenly/rapidly. There are many reasons why working/middle class people should not be entirely discouraged from having children and children shouldn't be seen as purely a luxury, although I agree prospective parents should have some kind of plan and fallback in place ideas like 'you should have 5mil in savings before having a kid' are just literally insane.

No. 2013047

Most white American women aren’t going to lose friends and family because she decides to not marry an abusive scrote. At most she’s gonna get nagged from her mom begging for grand kids or she’s gonna have friends who feel bad for her trying to hook her up with an ugly scrote they know but nothing extreme like being honor killing is gonna happen to us.

No. 2013049

Well standing around and blaming those evil breeders is exactly what they want kek. You can't just stop people from reproducing with a bad economy or else 3rd world countries would be barren. You could get off your ass and fight for affordable living but you're too obsessed with punishing mothers for not doing what you demand of women

No. 2013051

>shaming women for not being fortune tellers
i mean when i was 16 (in like 2015) the governemnt was shutting down every other week + i lived through the worldwide recession caused by covid + a few other financial crises, etc. etc. etc. the next guy that rules over my country is either going to be a retard or a racist retard, you know?

you don't really need to be a prophet to know and see that this world is bad if you do not have paper stacked up somewhere. just watch the news, check you finances, and if you realize the inflation that's been taking place over your entire life is showing no sign of slowing down (and it's also kicking your ass) then don't……..have kids? not that hard

No. 2013055

Yeah and even with gov problems it will still livable, it wasn't until very recently it was this bad and you can thank people like you for that

No. 2013057


1. not every pregnancy is the result of rape or coercion
2. i'm specifically thinking of first world countries where you can get a condom at every gas station. condoms are cheap. if condoms are too expensive then go for celibacy or non penetrative sex

no argument. 2015 is not recent

No. 2013060

This is crazy but I think prices need to adjust to where middle class families can comfortably afford kids again. Eliminating the lower and middle class via no kids is a great way to crash the economy

No. 2013061

what the fuck you think that happens when you're socially ostracized by your own family? I guess you're like that frog boiling in the kettle but take a look at your life, does your family give a fuck about you? I'm going to guess not. families don't care about people who don't have kids and I'm tired of pretending people can rely on their families or even participate being the "weird aunt/uncle". people think exactly that, you're the "weird aunt/uncle" and at best will try to use you for free child labor. don't reply if you're not above the age of 30, this conversation is about adulthood.
>Women will look at other women like me who were exploited at work or in education and think that we are the dumb ones for not just chilling out, marrying a moid and being taken care of and I don't even blame them sometimes
I think most people want to think they have better than others who took a different direction in life without realizing not everything is for everyone. it's strikingly common seeing people with kids who are seemingly miserable and tired 24/7 but when you point out this is why you're hesitant about having your own kids they will immediately change their tune and say their children are their biggest blessing. I tend to try to not look down on people who have different lifestyles than I do, but most people have no issue doing it and even being extremely judgemental.

No. 2013062

You have no idea what you are talking about.

No. 2013064

she's completely right though. how retarded are the 30 year olds you hang around that not having kids is some kind of social suicide?

No. 2013065

Financial recessions happen every few years. We'll all live through multiple of them.

No. 2013066

What white American women do you know are at risk for being honor killed or losing all of their friends and family because they refuse to get married to someone? I don’t know any women like that.

No. 2013067

Yeah exactly. There will be no long term benefit to only 0.1%ers having children. I also grew up in poverty and it was okay and I liked my life even though things didn't go the way my parents planned, I obviously would have preferred to grow up more financially comfortable but growing up poor isn't the worst thing ever if you have decent, responsible parents.

No. 2013068

wasn't this anon very obviously being sarcastic omg you autists

No. 2013070

Never said it was rape but having kids is a goal of many (even if you disagree). Americans are pretty determined and will figure it out anyway. Look how corrupt and expensive college has become and Americans still don't give up and choose trades or something, car and car maintenance prices have become incredibly expensive and Americans will still spend their every last penny for their Porsche while working at McDonald's. Yes they can and will have kids even though the economy and everything else jumped through hoops to make it unaffordable kek

No. 2013071

nta but…not having kids is kind of the desired lifestyle, even for people who are parents

No. 2013073

you're either being willfully ignorant or you're actually autistic. there is a sea of nuance between being socially ostracized and honor killed.
not having kids is the desirable lifestyle right now because we're in a fucking recession and nobody can afford shit. in a normal economy most people desire a normal nuclear family save for the people who simply don't want children.

No. 2013074

>they know they can't afford a kid, they know they won't be able to take care of it properly, but they have them anyway
and they're retarded for doing so and i feel no pity or sympathy for them kek

No. 2013075

AYRT (second post) and I am not saying that they should be nasty and judgmental of course, I don't want to be judged for being a high achiever. I just mean in practical terms I can't blame people for looking at women with my attitude/life trajectory and thinking 'man, glad that's not me.' I guess my perspective is different because I did all the 'right things' most of the people in this thread would recommend - never combined finances with a male, never relied on a male financially, didn't get married early, focused on work and money, etc. and I got abused, traumatized and screwed over (and ended up with a severe untreated disabling chronic illness) from that instead. I see plenty of women who take a more conventional get married and don't focus on higher education/career path who are financially better off than me. I probably still have high earning prospects long term but sometimes I really regret being too career driven and I understand why many normie women would look at me and think that's not a life they want.

No. 2013076

do you call your parents retarded for popping your ghetto ass in this world or do you reserve this vitriol for random women that did nothing to you?

No. 2013077

They might think you’re weird or feel bad for you but most white American people aren’t going to disown their family because they don’t have kids or a husband

No. 2013079

She probably was but I have irl friends who say the same thing unironically lmao.

No. 2013080

You don’t have to be hostile to mothers to be child free. If you don’t want kids one day, great. You have every right to make that choice for yourself, and you should have the life that you want to live. But there’s no need to sperg out at mothers because they chose a different life from you.

No. 2013081

no, not having kids has always been the desirable lifestyle for all adults because you're not listening to a whining baby, youre not pulling your retarded kids head out from between fence poles, theres no boogers under your table, you dont have to be pregnant for 9 months and suffer through giving birth, a large host of reasons.

No. 2013082

are your feelings hurt

No. 2013083

I grew up in a very strict white christian community and have seen women beaten and ostracised for not wanting to marry the man their parents have picked for them.

No. 2013084

No ones gonna socially ostracize you in America for not having kids lol I don’t know anyone who would lost friends because they don’t have kids or a bf, at worse their friends just feel bad for them.

No. 2013085

No bc same. Grew up in a trailer park, most trailer park kids I know have more common sense than brain dead middle and upper class folk. All middle and upper class kids became bitchy nurses who relied on cheating to pass through college or useless white collar moids who's jobs will be replaced in a couple years

No. 2013086

NTAYRT but you seem to not be able to have this conversation without getting emotional or personally offended. I cant speak for that anon, but i'm not even poor and i wish my parents didnt pop me out KEKK. also, its not having 'vitriol for random women' to know that you should not have a child if you cannot support it.

No. 2013087

the defective chromosome itt probably doesn't have enough braincells to realize that even if we do everything by the book we're still at risk of being abused. then when we do everything right and something goes wrong, we still get blamed for it. women absolutely can't win.
you'd get absolutely blasted for having an abortion though.

No. 2013088

I’m talking about the average everyday white American women. Not Mormons who were raised in cults like ruby franke.

No. 2013089

If you come from a more conservative culture or religious community yes you will be literally socially ostracized, mentally/emotionally abused by your family and dropped by many of your friends if you choose a nontraditional life path.

No. 2013091

how is anyone else gonna know if you're pregnant and got an abortion though

No. 2013092

It wasn’t a mormon community, it was like most white christian towns.

No. 2013093

That’s a small demographic though. Most white American people are not like that. You’re not gonna be judged for not having kids or a husband around most normal suburban families.

No. 2013094

No one's asking for sympathy but starving the kids or demanding the parents turn them into the system is going to do more harm than good. Unfortunately it's not about how much you hate the poors you want to punish them with kids when there's a living breathing child involved. You can hate the parents all you want, denying the children of resources to punish parents is moid think though

No. 2013095

Someone has never had pushy/overinvolved relatives lmao

No. 2013096

same way literally everything gets known in any community. gossiping, cliques and circlejerking.

No. 2013097

Not American but it's not really a tiny minority where I live, I live in an immigrant-heavy Western country where most of the immigrants come from some kind of conservative culture and a lot of the non-immigrants are catholic or something too. I'd say like 50-60% of the people I know would not be socially ostracized but the other 40% would.

No. 2013098

soo your relatives are sitting next to you every single day asking if you got your period? they're making you take pregnancy tests every moment? they're tracking your ovulatory cycles? having pushover relatives doesn't mean you have to tell them anything, let alone the truth kek
but why would you tell someone to begin with

No. 2013101

The government wants poor people to have kids so they can be wage slaves and do the work they don’t want their kids doing. As a pooor person if you have kids you’re an idiot falling into the governments trap, they’re not here to help you.

No. 2013102

File: 1716336768188.gif (3.12 MB, 226x400, FAGGOT.gif)

>NOOO what do you MEAN i'm retarded for having a kid when i have 300 dollars in savings a boyfriend who's high 24/7 and works at target and 40k debt in student loans?! IT'S NOT MY FAULT THAT I'M STRUGGLING I CAN'T PREDICT THE FUTURE IT'S THE GOVERNMENT'S REEEEEE DON'T CRITICIZE ME (no kpop)

No. 2013103

Everyones talking about being ostracised from and ignored by a cult of abusive people as if thats a bad thing.

No. 2013104

Yeah I can't even talk to most people about the trauma I got from my work/school environment and shitty male bosses because most people aren't invested enough in career/education to get why I would keep myself in that position. At least the women I know who get abused by moids normally garner some kind of understanding and can commiserate with other women, people just check out when I tell them about my situation because they don't get it. Our society is just exploitative especially of women no matter what, whether you choose career or family or try to choose both you are likely to get fucked over.

No. 2013106

have you ever lived with a nosy family? they literally hound you 24/7 about anything. if you missed a period they would notice, if your body changes in any way, they notice. women are not encouraged to leave home in most places unless they get married (or leave on their own terms, often without any help). then how would you explain pain, bleeding, etc? why are you making up scenarios in your head? I guess your defective chromosome doesn't let you visualize how an abortion works but google is your friend.

No. 2013107

The blurred lines video was actually really good. The song isnt anything special but the vid always makes me laugh kek

No. 2013108

File: 1716336961570.jpg (58.26 KB, 800x600, 1000016865.jpg)

I would date Meg just to make her feel loved.

No. 2013109

Losing your entire support system and all your friends and family hating you is pretty terrible yeah.

No. 2013110

Not currently because I don't live with relatives anymore but when I was younger yes my mom kept track of my period. She would go through the garbage cans in the bathroom checking and would always snoop on my phone and devices. She would beat me if I came home later than 10pm even as an adult and call me a whore. She would contact school teachers and ask them about me including social questions about my high school boyfriend and friends and they would tell her. She would throw away my clothes and items that I bought with my own money if she found out I lied to her. She threw my cell phone out because she found out I was texting at night which she didn't approve of. And my parents were lax compared to many other immigrant parents I know, at least I moved out in adulthood but I'm still extremely paranoid and controlling of all my social media because my mom has managed to dox me before even on anonymous social media accounts.

No. 2013111

Calling them stupid over and over isn't gonna accomplish everything. You're the one pedaling gov psych ops to convince people to turn their kids into the state for human trafficking

No. 2013112

same tbh

No. 2013113

Nta but most women in America aren’t living like that. I like in Utah with a bunch of religious freaks and people aren’t going that hard on women. The ones who don’t wanna deal with the church community just move to different states and visit the family on holidays.

No. 2013114

I would date meg because she is kinda my type of girl. I would build her self esteem and write her little poems and give her flowers.

No. 2013115

>they would notice
no, they actually arent capable of confirming anything? at all..
>women are not encouraged to leave home unless they get married
we're still talking about America, in case you forgot
>how would you explain the pain/bleeding?
you don't? because it isn't their business. i've had an abortion before and no one could smell it on me or magically tell that i was in pain kek.

No. 2013116

you probably are an exception and not the rule

No. 2013117

i'm sorry you had an abusive mother nonna but that is not normal or commonplace, which i'm sure you know.

No. 2013120

>defending religious people
>If you're 18 weeks, 0 days pregnant or less, it is legal for you to get an abortion in Utah. Although Utah bans abortion after 18 weeks, 0 days, many providers stop offering abortion earlier in pregnancy.
you'd be forced to give birth because by the time you'd notice you're pregnant you're too late. congrats, mommy!
get the fuck out of here
do you even menstruate? I'm going to guess no.

No. 2013121

Well they are stupid so of course someone advising them not to do stupid shit won’t change anything. They’re just gonna plug their ears and scream “LALALA MY LEGACY I GOTTA HAVE KIDS TO PASS DOWN MUH LEGACY”, what fucking legacy? Both you and your scrote don’t have shit.

No. 2013122

I don't know who unilaterally decided that this conversation on an international website can only be about 6th generation white americans but it probably shouldn't be.

I had my mom take me to a doctor to check if I was pregnant before because of a gastric issue that was causing vomiting lmao there are signs of pregnancy that can be noticed by other people.

No. 2013124

Like I said nona my parents were considered 'lax' compared to a lot of my friends' parents.

No. 2013125

After the age of 18 why would your parents know when you’re menstruating etc? Idk any white adult women whose family track their periods and shit. I can get it for like a 13 year old but not ass grown woman.

No. 2013126

We aren't talking about what you think their character is kek we're talking about how kids still deserve food, safe shelter, education, etc even if their parents are stupid. Unbelievable that's a bad opinion here

No. 2013128

Some people can't afford to move out the second they turn 18.

No. 2013130

ntayrt but nowhere in that sentence did she defend them

No. 2013131

So you unironically think Elon Musk and bill gates 'deserve' to have children more than a middle/working class responsible moral person does? And the world would be a better place if the only people continuing the human race were the rich?

No. 2013132

did you finish reading my post? I'm going to guess no.

No. 2013133

Meg is literally me, Meg spin-off show now

No. 2013134

Even the white American women I know living at home don’t go through shit like this. You guys are trying to act like American women being treated like they’re raised in a Islamic house hold is normal behavior and it’s not lol most adult white American women aren’t having their persons tracked by their relatives u less they’re in a cult or some shit Kek

No. 2013135

Um why are you guys still talking about the same fucking topic from hours ago, get over it lol

No. 2013136

NTA but, no. nobody thinks that, nobody said they feel that way, and nobody ever stated that. We are only saying you should be financially stable before having a baby. We've reiterated this like 12 times over the last 20 minutes. Come on, its gotta sink in eventually.

No. 2013138

Your gif is extremely violating please considering deleting your post before it's too late

No. 2013139

I understand that point but you also have to be able to recognize that severe abuse is not what the majority of women experience. I do apologize if thats what you have experienced, but thats not normal in any society here. It will always be looked down upon.

No. 2013140

Stop talking please, the way you talk about women makes us sound retarded and helpless wtf

No. 2013142

Its morphing over time kek, its gone from women shouldnt be with abusers to no one should have kids unless they're financially stable, i wonder what the next stop is kek

No. 2013145

not everyone can afford to move you fucking retard, life isn't the white suburbs you live at.

No. 2013147

Abused women and mothers, everyones faves

No. 2013148

Nta but "financially stable" is going to constantly be more impossible and those who are/have been financially stable is changing rapidly. I know a lot of families who were once financially stable that are getting fucked over by the economy. If we don't put any stop to it, it literally will be only 1%s who are "good enough" to have kids

No. 2013149

my post wasn't about moving it was about your parents knowing when you get your period but okay

No. 2013150

I'm not American I'm European and live in a 'wealthy' country and am not from an Islamic culture and it's not abnormal here at all for many of my female friends, sorry. I also am not interested in limiting all conversations to American White Women Only.
You or other anons are responding to posts saying that financially stable middle class people can get easily destabilized by economic situations outside of their control so children are 'luxury items' lmao, I am not supporting people with no income having children but the whole point is that financially stable people can suddenly be unable to easily afford children just because of sudden economic or legal changes, disability, being laid off etc. People in this position make up like 95-98% of the population of wealthy countries. If you should only have children when you can absolutely guarantee financial stability for the next 18 years that rules out everyone except the top 0.1 to 1 percent.

No. 2013151

If "capable of being deceived" like every living breathing animal on the planet is enough to make you think low of women, you were likely going to think low of women in the first place

No. 2013152

It's fairly normal where I live and I don't live in the third world, sorry my experience is different than yours

No. 2013153

I am going to guess you really don't menstruate or you just eat your tampons and pads every month. if you live with someone who has periods it's literally obvious.

No. 2013154

NTA but the point is if you live with your parents they can know when you get your period.

No. 2013155

Where in Europe? Because I doubt period tracking grown women is the norm where you’re from.

No. 2013156

this isn't tiktok zoomie conversations can last for longer than ten seconds

No. 2013158

not every woman is retarded, you are the one assuming EVERY WOMAN is retarded enough to fall for psyops and bullshit, talk for yourself

No. 2013159

Nta I’m sure my mom notices tampons in the bathroom and then forgets. I doubt she remembers what time of the month I get my period and when I’m ovulating lol that behavior is not normal.

No. 2013162

I don't currently live in Europe I live in Canada in an immigrant-heavy area but I'm from Eastern Europe originally. It is fairly normal for female family members to know when you have your period not just in my home culture but also among my other immigrant friends from many different countries where I currently live. I'm actually surprised nonas here are acting like your mom wouldn't know when your periods are when you live together, even if I could eat my tampons and pads (thanks for the kek other anon) I have severe cramps sweating and fevers on my period and absolutely everyone including my casual irl friends can tell when I have my period.

No. 2013163

Not involved in this but American parents can be extremely mentally unstable/obsessive and helicopter parents. I wouldn't put it past a lot of them to track their daughters period, I already hear horror stories of parents digging through their kids trash to find something to yell at them over

No. 2013164

your parents going through your trash can is not normal, we've already been over this kek. and when you have an abortion its not like they can tell or smell the blood.
living with your parents does not mean they should be tracking your cycle..

No. 2013165

everytime anyone points out developed countries can oppress women it's always the american women rushing to defend their country's honor like they don't live in an extremely christian society that's choking full of misogyny they don't even notice because it's been normalized in their lives. it's never the european women or asian women from the richer countries. curious.

No. 2013167

>Eastern Europe

I’m talking about people who are raised and born in the west with parents who were born and raised here too. Not people whose families come from backwards 3rd worlds like Russia or some shit.

No. 2013168

You never been told information that you later found out wasn't true? Congrats you were deceived like everyone else on this planet. Sounds to me like you were waiting for a chance to insult women and used one to the easiest human mind flaws to do so. Hell even animals can get deceived, I can pretend to throw a ball for my dog and not actually throw it and boom they were deceived

No. 2013169

nta but the words youre using and examples youre choosing just makes it sound like women are incapable

No. 2013170

We as a civilisation peaked in the 90s/00s. Everything from kids cartoons, to music, fashion, film and so on. We will never peak like this ever again.

No. 2013171

Samefag but I also have a couple American friends who got abortions and didn't tell their parents but were afraid their parents would find out, because they had to cross state lines, didn't have a car, and had to take a couple days off work/school for the trip. One of my closest friends was paranoid her mom would retroactively find out about her abortion for years because she was a bad liar and made up some excuse for why she had to take time off school, and she had a friend drive her to the other state and was worried the friend would snitch.

No. 2013172

it's not the country as a whole thats oppressing these women though, it is their immediate circle of acquaintances and family members. you're ignoring that part.

No. 2013173

everyone in the 90s/00s was a cokehead pedophile

No. 2013174

Okay but I'm not and since I'm not American I don't always want to speak about every women's issue from an American perspective.

No. 2013175

that's such a zoomer opinion. did you even live at those times? bullying was extremely normalized, shitting on people was common for the most asinine reasons, jokes about women being "inferior" or jokes about rape were rampant, nobody took abuse seriously at all. I do feel nostalgic about some media of that time but society didn't peak back then.

No. 2013176

>you've never been told information that you later found out wasn't true?
I was catching up on this chain of replies and isn't this conversation about psyopping women into pregnancy and sahm shit? How can you be deceived into getting pregnant when you cant even finance a baby?

No. 2013177

where do you think the mentality of these people come from? nothing comes from a vacuum, nonnaloid.

No. 2013178

I think there were a few civilizational peaks at different time points in various cultures (the 90s/00s being one of them I agree) so I think it is possible there will be another peak again, but the way internet and tech is going it's increasingly difficult to imagine how that would happen.

No. 2013179

Ok NTAYRT but i do apologize because the discussion is about American women

No. 2013181

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watching this infight

No. 2013182

all discussion on internet is about americans according to americans. then they turn and tell you they have no issues either when you point out they're not perfect either. it's so tiresome.

No. 2013183

the mentality of these people can come from a variety of areas, whether it be abuse, their own religion, mental illness, etc. but you can't really blame the whole country for decisions made by a fraction of the population. you blame the people who did those things kek.

No. 2013184

I get that but other anons were trying to make it seem like it’s normal for the average American or Canadian woman to have their trash searched through for used pads and tampons, for their friends and family to disown them for not marrying abusive scrotes and having their babies or for being single. The average white American woman isn’t getting treated like some Muslim girl in Syria.

No. 2013185

you think shit is better now? I'm 36 and I do remember those times well. Bullying, shit take jokes and all of that is still around in full force. Spend one night out in the city and believe me that kind of culture is still alive except now you have a slurry of lib takes added to the whole mix.

No. 2013186

I'm not a zoomer but I preferred that time because I actually think society was as a whole less misogynistic and racist and whatever. Yes, mean racist/sexist jokes were common but now racism and sexism is even more rampant it's just hidden behind politically correct language. Censorship is now extremely severe and only benefits the people in power. True artistic license basically doesn't exist and social media has completely fried everyone's brains, at least the internet back then was more interesting and new technologies were more useful than oppressive.

No. 2013188

you're not wrong, people still do all of it but more covertly. I guess not being the end of the joke in every social circle anymore is enough for me to think these are better times. at least they don't call me a sperg on my face. I'm more fine with feigned niceness than with plain vitriol.

No. 2013189

american website

No. 2013190

Once again, this conversation started because we were referring to American women who actually have access to better circumstances for themselves and understand that being poor will result in becoming even poorer if you have a baby without being capable of supporting it financially.

No. 2013191

Ikr? America was looking very fucking 3rd world when they rejected giving women abortion rights.

No. 2013192

Yeah no one initially specified that we were talking about white wealthy non-immigrant American women only but as soon as women start bringing up different perspectives it's 'shut up we're talking about 10th generation white landowner Americans who aren't Mormon here'

No. 2013194

we're in very late stage capitalism and our cultural and political situation has become so seperated and problematic that we cant all possibly peak again. Everyone is in some shape depressed or anxious and can't stand the life we live now, plus they keep pushing the AI and VR models onto us so I don't think we will get into a good place again. WallE is a more realistic take of what may happen

No. 2013197

I live in Canada in an immigrant-heavy area like I said already and many of my immigrant friends (not counting women from islamic countries) had moms who would know when their periods were, go through their trash, insist on going with them to the doctor if they had 'pregnancy like' symptoms like vomiting, snoop on them to find out if they were dating, etc. This isn't all that uncommon even in Western countries.

No. 2013198

Scroll up

No. 2013199

your individual opinion doesn't represent an entire generation though. bullying is even worse now as technology means you can bully someone online or edit their pictures or worse.
the 90s/00s in all its mistakes was still a peak for us as humans and the mistakes then i would still pick over the mistakes we make now.

No. 2013200

Are yalls parenta opening up your used pads or something? Just chuck an unused rolled up pad in the trash if youre that paranoid they're tracking your menstrual cycle

No. 2013201

I really don't get american women, they really put wool over their eyes and think everything is fine. globally we all had to fight for our rights and they're literally watching theirs being taken away and not doing anything about it.

No. 2013202

Right but like you said thats behavior from the people who are from shithole countries, not actual westerners.

No. 2013203

To where nona? When the conversation started or just the last few dozen posts where suddenly people started insisting this conversation can only be about white American women?

No. 2013205

That’s not that common or average experience for most women in Canada though. That’s just your community.

No. 2013206

I still think it's possible in the future but probably not in the near future. There would probably have to be some kind of civilizational fall/collapse first or some kind of technological breakthrough that completely overhauled modern society.

No. 2013207

I guess you ignore all the shit media pushed on women back then they're slowly getting rid of nowadays due your nostalgia goggles. you should try watching some 80s mainstream movies.

No. 2013208

it started here >>2012960
moved here >>2012964
and was specified here >>2012967

No. 2013210

>re yalls parenta opening up your used pads or something?

Yes, when I was younger my mom would go through the trash. I also bled enough that it would always get on my clothes or sheets at some point.

No. 2013211

>That’s not that common or average experience for most women in Canada though
said who?
I don't think one post can dictate the center of the conversation but I guess it comes naturally for white americans to dictate what is being talked about.

No. 2013212

Depends what you mean by 'shithole' country, many are from western europe, wealthy east asian countries, or they're just canadian catholics.

No. 2013213

those are behaviors that happen in your very country and several people pointed out their experiences but you still choose to ignore and be a dick about it.

No. 2013214

Yeah so the initial post did not specify 'America only.'

No. 2013215

>but you can't really blame the whole country for decisions made by a fraction of the population
But anons do that all the time when it comes to countries like India or South Korea, why is America any different?

No. 2013216

Idk any women from Canada or America whose parent search through their trash cans for used pads and tampons. That’s definitely a unique experience to you and the immigrants who come from 3rd world countries like Ukraine.

No. 2013217

This was about marriage in general not so much exclusively having kids in situations you can't afford. Either way claiming all women are stupid because some women fall for lies pushed by their family seems more misogynistic than admitting women are human and capable of making mistakes

No. 2013219

The discussion is about women who consensually enter relationships and choose to stay in them. Not women who are being forced into shit by their parents. Seriously lurk moar because we've gone over this 32 (i checked) times in the last hour.

No. 2013220

It's a fairly common (maybe not majority, but not rare) experience for most of my Canadian friends living in an immigrant-heavy urban area. Not everyone is a white protestant from Utah or Yellowknife.

No. 2013221

Idk, I hear so much fucked up crap from American parents nothing really surprises me anymore

No. 2013222

People had attention spans back then. Things that became popular weren't a quick flash in the pan. Alot of hope that the internet was only gonna get better in the following years. Be this amazing educational tool. This real wholesome idea of where the internet was heading and how we'd be thriving with technology.

No. 2013223

Huh? Are you responding to the correct post nona? I'm the Canadian saying that helicopter parents are indeed common here.

No. 2013224

burger nonnies can fuck off to their containment thread if they want to talk about exclusively about their motherland. assume this is a global website otherwise.

No. 2013225

yes I did kek meant to reply to >>2013183

No. 2013226

Yeah I think the internet seemed like this amazing 'new frontier' back then that could open up your horizons, now you just end up in a corpo-controlled ad bubble with other people that think like you no matter where you go on the internet, you can't even get normal/unbiased search results on google, younger zoomer kids don't even know how to use excel or word processors, the internet/computing era peaked about 10 years ago.

No. 2013227

idk if you're new to imageboards, this thread in specific or just new at life. conversations change subject and you don't get to pick and choose the arguments and subjects solely based on things you want to talk about.

No. 2013228

So this was the post that started the whole conversation that later on devolved into pregnancy : >>2012482
This conversation is about women who are capable of providing for themselves, able to understand right from wrong, and are consensually entering and staying in relationships of their own volition. Not immigrant babies who are afraid of their parents.

No. 2013230

I think smartphones and tablets were a mistake. computers require some knowledge how to use and operate. but smartphones and tablets are literally built for retards.

No. 2013231

dude are you retarded? i was responding to your post alluding that americans 'dictate everything that is talked about' when thats not the situation, we were simply discussing american/far western women already. apaprently that needs to be explained like 33 times.

No. 2013232

With life360 and apps like that people find it hard to believe American parents take extreme measures to monitor and control their kids? Kekk

No. 2013233

do you wanna take a survey or something because i have a feeling i know what the results will be

No. 2013234

if the subject is pregnancy amerinonnies should just admit they got if fucked instead of being like "b-b-but it only happens when you're a sex trafficked immigrant from a dictatorship country, not in my white suburban cul-de-sac!!"

No. 2013235

Pay attention to that word, kids. Not adults who have left their homes.

No. 2013236

boomers consider anyone who lives in their house kids.

No. 2013237

thats what im tryna say nonners, dont whore about and fuck scrotes if you dont want to get pregnant

No. 2013238

I agree, there is some use for smartphones if you use them more like a regular 'dumb' phone with some internet capabilities but as soon as kids/teens started primarily using smartphones and tablets their general internet and computer literacy skills tanked and they became addicted to mindless scrolling. Plus it's much harder to adblock on those devices than it is on a computer, there are fewer really 'useful' things you can use with smartphones and tablets, it's just generally not a good device to spend most of your time on. I have a smartphone and use it for some things but I only spend a few minutes a day on it usually because it doesn't give you any of the freedom a real computer does and the internet went dramatically downhill as soon as we switched from computers to app-based smart tech.

No. 2013239

i'm sorry if youre 30 years old living with 70 year old parents but it sounds like you have other issues to solve (like finding shelter) before trying to find a hookup.

No. 2013241

Sometimes adults with stable lives and finances fuck scrotes and get pregnant and then get fucked over afterwards as anons in this thread pointed out 20x already.

No. 2013242

so if you have a stable life and can support yourself and have since left your shitty scrote, i'm not seeing what the problem is.

No. 2013243

It's common for many people in their 20s or even early 30s to still live with parents these days due to the economy, yes even Americans and Canadians who aren't from 'shithole' countries.

No. 2013245

The problem is your life can get destabilized at any moment, including by pregnancy itself.

No. 2013246

thanks fucking god I live very far from my parents. you're delusional if you think boomers aren't treating everyone below the age of 40 like retarded children though. you should try working retail if it doesn't get to your thick skull. you will learn it fast enough they don't take anyone young seriously.

No. 2013247

File: 1716339669706.jpg (27.06 KB, 512x512, 1000016873.jpg)

Would it be an unpopular opinion to say Jerma just isn't hot?

No. 2013249

What? A lot of the conversation seems to be directed around young adults who live at home and are still in college or HS

No. 2013250

right, thats why at the very beginning of this conversation it was specified that you need to have your own finances/savings/way to support yourself prepared before trying to get with some scrote, let alone get pregnant with his offspring.

No. 2013251

I hate his fucking rat face and fake teeth.

No. 2013253

nonny at the very beginning of this conversation the word woman was used, women needing to protect and support themselves. not teenage girls. young ladies were only brought up after the conversation turned to peer-pressured pregnancy and your parents obsessively tracking your period.

No. 2013254

Nah 2000s films were awful, especially the trend of parody films and nasty sex comedies. and no I don't think modern films are better, though I do like how more people online are at least willing to call out pedo "jokes", pedo directors, abusive directors, etc. Like even though that shit is still normalized I can at least find somewhere to vent about it, in the 2000s it felt almost taboo to bring it up because "hurr it's just a joke" was always the excuse, there was hardly anywhere to discuss these things. Plus the 90s with that trend of "teenage girl characters seducing poor innocent men"
this is the real truth

No. 2013256

To me it was pretty easy to tell anons were giving a good few examples of why it may be difficult to get an abortion. It's not rocket science lol

No. 2013257

Bad moms, bad moms, whatcha gonna do? whatcha gonna do when nons sperg bout you? Bad moms, bad moms whatcha gonna do?
Strap in, it might last another hour or 2

No. 2013258

Who is this ? He has the Shane Dawson pedo stare

No. 2013261

offtopic but why should one have to move out of your home as an adult? Ive seen americans shame people for being in their 20s and still live at home which is funny because most of them are living in shoebox apartments.

No. 2013262

No he's definitely not hot, who thinks he's hot? IDK who this is just going off the picture.

No. 2013263

it didn't look like we were talking about teenagers getting abortions if you reread the thread the words posted reads more like we were talking about teenage girls having their cycles tracked even when they aren't pregnant

No. 2013265

Americans value individualism, even in lifestyle. Living on your own is the American take on independence, which rejuvenates their ideal of individualism since you're literally on your own.

No. 2013266

Yeah one anon said no one can ever tell if you get an abortion and other anons were giving examples of how your parents or other people might be able to tell, I assumed this was not about 14 year olds but many adults still live at home for a while.

No. 2013268

>Bright blue, pale white, and bright bold red don't really work together unless its an American flag.
what about French and Russian flags?

No. 2013269

Another example of american exceptionalism on this thread kek

No. 2013271

its an outdated concept in this economy

No. 2013272

Do you talk to Americans in their 20s frequently, go to their houses, etc?

No. 2013273

sometimes I get stuck in this daydream where instead of the current internet and social media, we just improved the quality of what we had in the 00s but all the aesthetics and (good) limitations remained the same. I also hate how sexualised technology has made our world, I know this was a problem back then too but honestly as a teenager I don't remember it being like it is now. I wish we just perfected what we had two decades ago rather than let a few major companies own and destroy everything. I miss DVDs, I just miss all the media culture of back then. I went to a mall the other day and I never go them anymore and I'm just so underwhelmed at how capitalist cringe everything looks. So much minimalism fronted by really boring consumerist items. I feel like what we had a few decades ago was so unique.

No. 2013274

Where I live it's very common for kids to still live at home in their 20s-30s now even though it wasn't common 20+ years ago, but we're still operating on boomer assumptions of how things 'should be' in the west even though it's usually not financially viable in a lot of places anymore to move out. However I do think there are a lot of benefits to moving out as soon as possible, especially if you have a bad relationship with your parents or generally controlling/nosy parents, but for other reasons as well. Lots of young adults end up delaying basic life skills by continuing to live with their parents and then have a much harder time adjusting later.

No. 2013275

No I'm not American so I don't frequently go to houses in America, why?

No. 2013276

It's ideal but not reality. Most people in their early 20s are doom scrolling on indeed and working any shitty job they can to get by even though it isn't remotely enough to pay for rent or a place

No. 2013277

Wow. Being 31 living with your mom just sounds…yeeash dear Lord kek

No. 2013278

Because it's obvious. Even Americans will joke about how almost everyone in their 20s either is married with kids or still has to ask permission to leave the house

No. 2013280

people are still cokehead pedophiles? we even accept trannies now which are the ultimate pedos.
You picked out one genre of 2000s films and based that on a whole generation, we actually had some amazing genres of films in the 2000s, it was so good back then that even the oscars were worth watching. You could put on the TV and something fun would be on. I miss clubbing in that era too, people used to be so much fun and without phones it was way better

No. 2013281

It's pretty common in Asia, Eastern Europe, etc. for people to live with their parents until or even sometimes after they are married (often when married the woman will move into the man's parents' home, one of my uncle's wives did this in her thirties for a couple years and it's a tiny shitty communist apartment lmao). I moved out at 18 so thankfully I didn't have to experience that but it's not uncommon in many cultures.

No. 2013282

What's obvious? You were replying to my post saying nonas were brainstorming reasons why a parent might know about your abortion, I'm not clear on what you're trying to say to me.

No. 2013283

Wow, every day I find more and more reasons to be grateful that I'm a McDonalds value meal instead of a jar of pickled beets.

No. 2013284

Clubbing was fun before moids and pickmes took the "clubbing is for disgusting loose women" bait now it's all just moids cheating on their gfs and alcoholics

No. 2013286

Samefag but I live in a wealthy western country now and when I was in grad school TAing a lot of the people in my lab and classes were the same age as me (but not as far along in their education) and were still living with parents in suburbs in their mid-late 20s, this was especially common for upper middle class/wealthy families and it was mostly white Canadians. So I can tell it's getting increasingly common because growing up it was not that normal. And they weren't just living with their parents, their parents did their laundry, prepared their meals, set their bedtimes, took their cars to get repaired and paid their car payments, etc.

No. 2013287

Most Americans can easily name a handful of people they know in adulthood still being heavily controlled by their parents. it shouldn't take 10+ posts trying to convince you it happens when most Americans can just call up a friend kek

No. 2013288

That is a very creative way of just saying you're proud to be an American. Consider writing poetry, seriously.

No. 2013289

Shocking and surprising that communism didn't make for the best living conditions, truly.

No. 2013291

pickled beets are good for you, mcdonalds value meals give you obesity and cancer kek accurate

No. 2013292

I used to genuinely club for the music. So many clubs then were amazing to just go and dance and so many others would do the same. I agree with OP that we did peak then. there are always going to be problems in each decade, and anons can nitpick all they want but I lived in that era and I can seriously say that it was the funnest era to live in.

No. 2013294

that wasn't a knock on pickled beets nonnie kek i love fermented veggies, its just the first russki food i thought of

No. 2013295

I think it's fine if you're doing it to help out aging parents, get help with child care or save up for a home. it's stupid if your parents are abusive though and you still choose to be there

No. 2013297

here we fucking go again with the you choose to be abused shit. good night nonnies

No. 2013299

I don't know about you but I love my mom and would live with her forever.

No. 2013300

It's been like a decade since I last went clubbing but it was pretty fun back then and now when I pass nightclubs it looks scary/unpleasant to me, so many women in the dead of winter wearing outfits that barely qualify as clothing, huddling together on their phones silently, looking miserable. The few times I went clubbing in my youth there were creepy moids but also live bands or themed DJ sets, people would just be let in and danced in normal-ish diverse clothes, etc.

No. 2013301

Do they even play new music anymore? Past few times I've been out it's the same shit over and over

No. 2013302

I think most people with abusive parents would choose to move out if they could, but many don't have that option financially honestly.

No. 2013305

It's a lot easier to separate from your parents in your 30s than it is to separate from an abusive partner

No. 2013306

>communism bad
Really? That's the take you came up with after reading nona's post?

No. 2013308

Well yeah I never denied that it's the same, just said that people are at least more willing to criticize the pedoshit now.

No. 2013310

Samefag but I grew up poor, my family had gotten to the point of being lower middle class by the time I graduated but my parents still could only contribute enough savings for tuition for college (which is not a lot here unlike the US) and I still moved out at 18 with just some money I'd earned working jobs in high school and some small loans/scholarships but I was paying $350 for a third of a large two-bedroom apartment with heating and elec included back then. Now I looked up some of the places I lived back in college and they're like $2500+ for rent while minimum wage went up maybe a dollar in that time and a lot of wages have actually stagnated or lowered. I have no idea how people who are in the same financial position I was in then could possibly move out, even if you share an apartment with other people you're probably paying at least like $800 a month and extra electricity, internet costs etc. I live in a low COL city too it's probably double that in most other cities.

No. 2013311

phones also kinda killed the experience. also whats up with people calling strip clubs lounges? when did that become a thing?

No. 2013312

Depends on how bad it is honestly. I did sex work and split an apartment with a bunch alcoholics just to get out. Ofc I was extremely desperate and my parents were literally trying to kill me. I'd hope no one was being as severely abused they had to resort to what I did to survive

No. 2013313

I read nonas posts saying wow she's glad to be a burger than a pickled beet and I thought it was funny that she seems surprised it's better to live in America than a post-communist/communist shithole, yes.

No. 2013314

Is that what people mean when they say 'lounges'? I thought a lounge was like a cocktail bar or less dance-oriented nightclub.

No. 2013316

>criticize the pedoshit
are you just referring to that one movie that came about about shneider?
because we now live in a place where pedophiles, sex abuse, porn abuse, trannies are more rampant. Its worse than before, not better.

No. 2013317

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I've seen people theorize that's why the wealthy/rich apparently often live together like lion prides; sharing a home is a method people use to save money, since taking care of a home all by yourself is going to be harder than splitting the bills with someone you trust/team with. Nobody moves out or ventures off the owned land, so nobody has to worry about money really going to bills for an entirely different home. They have wealth, and they wanna keep that wealth.

No. 2013319

I grew up in the 2000s and hated it. Sorry nonas but I couldn't stand all the edginess I'm probably oversensitive kek.

No. 2013320

they were, well at least where I lived. A lounge would be a place to listen to Dido and hang out on bubbly chairs and drink cocktails. It was truly a vibe.

No. 2013321

Yeah pedophilia is massively shilled now especially in 'leftist' communities whereas back then pedos were considered monsters by your average person even if a few hollywood pedos were being protected by their colleagues in Hollywood.

No. 2013323

I actually find there to be more edginess now. I wake up and I have to read about more horrors than before. There is a new 'trend' every fucking third day. Its way edgier now than before

No. 2013324

my mom is my favorite lady thats why I'd feel like a big asshole if she was still stuck living with me tbh

No. 2013326

I'm curious if the same anons saying abused gfs and wives are allowing it and should just move out/find a way/pay their own way etc.. apply the same logic to adults living with abusive parents.

No. 2013327

at my uni there were women defending pedos and saying they need support not to be thrown in jail or given the chair. I think we are actually becoming more lax towards pedos. Also the trend of women dressing like kids to pander to men is at a high as well.

No. 2013328

In my case, it's not worth it. Most decent homes being built here are too expensive, while the accessible ones are ugly, far away, don't have good water, and are built with cheap materials. My home is well built and in a good area, so I would rather it be passed down and continue its use.

No. 2013329

I really don't think there was as much intentional edginess then. The internet was just less sanitized so it was harder to avoid certain edgy takes, but most people were way more normal.

No. 2013330

I'm talking about what I said here >>2013254. Idk how to explain it any better..I mean like when talking to regular people irl and online

No. 2013331

In my elite graduate program there was a high-profile professor who got tons of media stints who was an out and proud pedo and gonzo porn apologist, his whole career was based on trying to normalize pedophilia and violent porn. He obviously abused teenage students but wasn't fired for 14 years since he first started being reported for sexual assault. Another high profile professor at another elite university was involved in crafting new reddit policies allowing pedophiles to openly talk about pedophilia and he's also common on the media circuit and widely respected. I don't remember people like this being as out and proud in high profile positions when I was like 10-15

No. 2013332

being abused by people you've lived with your whole life that also created you isn't comparable to going out in public while broke and jobless, choosing to find a disgusting smelly scrote instead of filling your wallet, and then choosing to stay with him instead of informing the authorities about her abuse because she made the decision to make 0 savings and instead depend on a male who we all know are untrustworthy.

No. 2013333

AYRT and I'm not one of those anons but I am also curious. I know a lot of people who traded one for the other.

No. 2013335

Yeah I understand how it's not worth it or even feasible economically for a lot of young people now, I just think it's still preferable a lot of the time if you can swing it. If you have a good relationship with your parents and a good home situation it can be really good to keep living with them if you start taking on adult responsibilities while in their home, the problem with most young people I know who didn't move out is they never started acting like real adults while living with their parents. They would continue a 'child' lifestyle and then when they eventually moved out they would have no financial sense, no independence, no social skills or perspective when it came to interacting with independently living peers and would seem 5+ years mentally 'younger' but I also know exceptions to this.

No. 2013336

Exactly. There were definitely things wrong in the 90s/00s but we actually kept the monsters in the dark and you would be vilified by entire communities if you were a pedo. Porn addiction wasn't even that big of a problem back then. I think our world not is more horrifying than before and we are being told to support the horrors too.

No. 2013337

>Also the trend of women dressing like kids to pander to men is at a high as well.

I see it on TikTok all the time

No. 2013339

That's playing smart. I know some old money type people (the type that have peacocks as pets in the city) and they live in a very beautiful vintage house that was handed down. I was jelly of that lol

No. 2013341

talk your shit nonna!

No. 2013346

Adult living with adult/s, being abused, staying in the abusive situation. It's comparible.

No. 2013348

>kids cartoons
I actually see on tiktok now that mums are showing their kids 90s shows because they aren't as ADHD as the current cartoons. I just miss the pacing of the 90s, time seemed to move a lot slower, for me anyway.

No. 2013349

What a disturbing display of pickmeism, i hate women like this.

No. 2013350

It's usually not as simple as this though, some women move out with a boyfriend (who is employed) to split rent as a way of escaping abusive parents, some women move in with a boyfriend while having their own job who treats them well and becomes abusive later, these things can 'fill your wallet' more than living with abusive parents who charge you rent for living in their house and control all your actions can and you can't always predict when a moid will become abusive. I took a chance living with a boyfriend random male friends after high school instead of my parents and they were lovely, helpful, non-abusive (even when I broke up with the BF shortly after he was still great to live with and it was a drama-free breakup). I only learned later that this was rare. I thought I might kill myself if I kept living in my parents' home and they were demanding rent from me higher than what I paid to split an apartment.

No. 2013351

No, its not comparable at all. You sought out the man and chose to stay with him. Your parents were assigned to you and you were forced to live with them.

No. 2013354

I would do the same. If I had a kid, I wouldn't be showing them Teen Titans Go-tier crap.

No. 2013355

I actually saw/was exposed to more porn in the late 90s/early 2000s when I was a kid/preteen because they used to have porn popups back then and no adblockers, but most of it was just some naked ladies masturbating and not all that graphic, I found it annoying and could then just close the tab. But people weren't all talking about their pornhub use in polite company back then, and I never saw any 'teen incest anal rape' shit on those porn popups back in the day. Even when I intentionally searched for edgy hentai as a preteen most of what I could find was on the comical side, like weird inflation fetish and giant boob shit, which I just found funny. Now I can go on twitter or facebook any day of the week and see people talking about their pedo inclinations, wanting to rape animals, being into rape and necrophilia fantasies etc. and if you report them literally nothing happens.

No. 2013356

Samefag I mean how nowadays there's sites like this where we can point out that the celebrities "joking" about those things weren't joking at all. When I pointed out that stuff in the past I'd get accused of "being no fun" or taking it too seriously.

All the shit Ashton kutcher said for example wouldn't fly today, famous, public men (not just online) counting down to the Oslen twins turning 18, etc and all those people who defended Polanski. They'd still do it today obviously, just in a less open way

No. 2013358

If you want to truly do the best for your kids get them hardcover illustrated fairytale books and track down some beatrice potter DVDs even instead of the early 2000s cartoons, the slide into artistic and moral emptiness for children's media had already started then.

No. 2013359

i liked the dumb parody film genre. not a parody film per se but white chicks still cracks me up to this day.

No. 2013360

Killing yourself because a scrote broke your heart is embarrassing

No. 2013363

Huh back then I think I was on a lot more websites similar to lolcow now, that's actually why I'm on lolcow in my 30s because it reminds me of the forums I used to go to back then. Even shit like certain neopets boards were mostly girls/young women in the early 2000s and you could actually shame creeps and talk about how creepy shit was without anyone shaming you for not being enough of a compassionate leftist. When I was growing up both on the internet and irl people would actually shame and mock people for degeneracy, being coomer freaks or creeps and almost everyone would agree, now you'll get dogpiled. And forums like the neoboards when I was a kid or proboards forums often had moderation that deleted most depraved shit off the forums, now you can't even have that on insta or twitter.

Nona sorry to break it to you but famous male celebs these days counted down Billie Eilish and Millie Bobby Brown turning 18 too. Celebs today still openly defend Polanski, Weinstein, etc. It's not better.

No. 2013365

in a way yes and no, a lot of women in relationships often share leases, cars, have their names on the property and a whole lot of shared legal shit they have to sort out before leaving, most people who live with their parents can just leave at any time and don't need to worry about paperwork or other crap

No. 2013366

there are underlying issues that lead to that.

No. 2013367

> the problem with most young people I know who didn't move out is they never started acting like real adults while living with their parents
It can be weird working with people who hit that 28-ish mark and still live at home. Their actual age vs how they come across starts to really show as stunted. Idk how to put it nicer than that.

No. 2013369

Yup. Liam Neeson and Sharon Stone recently defended Kevin Spacey

No. 2013370

that was fun nonnies i bet the mods loved watching that

No. 2013371

Scrotes kill themselves more, as they love to point out

No. 2013372

forum discussions were actually bigger then than now, especially as all of it was so anonymous. I definitely agree on the degenerecy point, nowadays being a degenerate is almost some kind of personality trait

No. 2013373

Yes. My teacher in psychology who is a psychiatric nurse told us that in her experience, many of the men who kill themselves do it over breakups. Obviously they already had issues in the first place.

No. 2013374

As cliche as it sounds I think most people need a "crazy phase" once they live on their own. Go clubbing every night, do drugs, spontaneous road trips, go explore abandoned houses or something, etc. A lot of people, for whatever reason (not judging) have to delay living on their own until their later years end up not growing up all the way or don't develop the same street smarts or social skills the same way someone who had a "party phase" did

I also feel like this is why a lot of college grads become very mature in their 30s, where as people who had to grow up too fast or weren't given chances to explore end up acting like high schoolers until they're 60

No. 2013376

Even a break up that isn't an escape from something awful can involve alot more planning and cost and having names taken off of things. Just breaking leases where I am gets too costly and people end up awkwardly living with the ex for a few months to avoid throwing away thousands

No. 2013377

Yeah as a grad student in my mid-late 20s I was actually shocked to find out a lot of the undergrad volunteers I was supervising or people in the class I was teaching were my exact same age or older, because they seemed 18-21 to me in behaviour. They would constantly make excuses on why they needed someone to take their lab shift suddenly or didn't finish their work by saying 'my mom just texted me dinner will be ready in an hour' or 'my dad forgot to get my car oil changed so I couldn't get to school today' and I would later be shocked to find out they were also 26-27 like me. I also had a friend in my mid-20s who was older than me but lived with his rich parents and he would say really crazy shit like 'what's a studio apartment?' or when he first visited my (pretty nice) apartment he was like 'I don't get how people could live in a place like this' with no social awareness. He'd come dressed inappropriately to some event and say it was because his parents forgot to do his laundry. I also had a couple close friends who had decent jobs or grad school stipends while they were living with their parents, could have saved up 80-100k before they moved out because their parents paid all their expenses, but blew all of it on leisure activities, restaurants, expensive clothes and art and collectibles and then were completely broke when they moved out at age 25. One girl I knew who moved out in her mid-20s had savings but had to declare bankruptcy 6 months later because she had managed to get into 30k of credit card debt within 4 months of moving out, I have no idea how because she was also earning a 40k graduate stipend (double the norm here). When I went to her apartment that she wasn't paying rent on (she'd moved in 6 months earlier) she had no furniture, just a sleeping bag on the floor and her only dishes were a couple of those styrofoam 7-11 big gulp cups. I asked her how she cooks and she was just like 'oh I don't cook I just go get food whenever I'm hungry' and she also gave me a $200 bottle of perfume because 'she didn't try it before buying it and the smell doesn't suit her.' I know she was an extreme case but I met enough people like this that I concluded it's often better to just jump in the deep end when you're 18-19 rather than learning no life skills and ruining your life when you're 25 and used to having a ton of disposable income because your parents pay all your living costs. When I asked her how she got into so much debt she was like 'I honestly don't know, I didn't really buy much.'

No. 2013380

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I both agree and disagree with you, but what I will also say is that the subject of abuse, what it means to be a victim, and the different forms of control are definitely subjects that seem too complicated for the average farmer to really understand or even just maturely talk about. Like, it went from abuse, to pregnancy, to American white women.

No. 2013381

I kind of agree with you but I think it's better if the crazy phase happens when you're 18-20 than when you're 25-30. You're used to having very little income so you don't go as crazy on spending and people don't expect you to act like an adult as much.

No. 2013383

A scrote killing himself over a woman makes sense but a woman killing herself over a scrote who was probably ugly anyway is cringe

No. 2013386

It always goes to american white women whenever someone tries to bring up any diverse perspective on everything because it's easier to argue a narrow point than a wider one that requires life experience or at least empathy for other people's life experiences.

No. 2013387

this so much, I hate the push from social media that women need to get married ASAP and instantly share all forms of paperwork and ownership with the scrote. like yeah breaking a lease is hard but way better than a full fledged divorce and asset splitting.

No. 2013389

Yeah I'm not surprised scrotes kill themselves over breakups so often because usually they have no other emotionally close relationships, can't maintain a household, emotional regulation or any useful life habits without being babied by a woman, and are often emotionally retarded and need a woman coddling them to help them deal with their emotions. I get why breakups can be hard on women too (I went through one particularly rough breakup once and it really sucked) but most women are long term better off without the scrote they just dumped and shouldn't panic.

No. 2013391

Most violent autistic kids grow up with no respect and violence because their parents didn’t beat them as children. Retards don’t understand gentle parenting and they need a belt.

No. 2013392

This is what I hate the most about FDS they have some actually solid points about how to vet men and to dump them at the first sign of manipulative fuckery or loserdom but then they end up just shilling patriarchal moid logic at the end anyway because they support shacking up with/legally marrying a moid within 1-2 years of meeting him and combining finances instantly. I know they always say it's better because they support 'having your own separate bank account' even if the man pays for everything but even when women do this, if they're married they often can't retain those independent assets anyway and it's just setting women up to be way too financially dependent on a male they barely met. The one time I went through a breakup with a guy I was living with we didn't break the lease but it was super cordial luckily, even if I had to break the lease I only would have lost like 1-2k not my entire life savings on a divorce lawyer.

No. 2013394

definitely, I had a crazy phase in my late teens and early 20s, ended up being more mature and settled than most people I know. I work with multiple women who were teen moms (poor and country area) and basically had to grow up super fast and had no freedoms until their kids grew up, they were the older women hanging with college kids in the club and partying it up left and right. especially with how anti social it is nowadays I can imagine how much damage it would do to someone if they have no social development periods

No. 2013395

It really is just Dumb Bitch Hours all day every day in here isn’t it

No. 2013397

This plus women don't understand marriage gives men a lot rights to you that he wouldn't have otherwise

No. 2013398

It’s true. Autistic kids destroy their parents lives because their parents try to be gentle parents who don’t yell at them and spank them because they think they’re fragile because they’re retarded and they end up destroying their families home and sending them to an early death. All of this could’ve been avoided by spanking them.

No. 2013399

this thread has only existed for 31 hours and its almost full, good job girls

No. 2013402

I actually didn't even have my crazy phase when I first moved out at 18, I came from a poor background and was so aware of my lacking finances I was a teetotaller who didn't party or even indulge in hobbies (except one) for the first 2-3 years after I moved out. But then when I had been living alone for a few years I did have a bit of a crazy phase and it was fine, nothing bad really happened because I knew not to spend money I didn't have or do anything too dangerous/damaging. I was already pretty mature at that point I just wanted to let loose a bit after a very conservative and controlling upbringing. I have seen what you're talking about with teen moms as well, I don't know many but the one teen mom I was close with started embarrassingly posting her pornified pole-dancing shit as a 30-something professional on her social media accounts linked to her real name and job, posts teen-level 'OOTD' posts wearing weird slutty emo clothing, etc. and it's really confusing because she actually was pretty mature in high school. I agree that super young motherhood usually emotionally stunts women as does (frequently) living with parents for too long with not enough freedoms. I think living with parents later can be fine if they respect your space, expect you to contribute to the household, and treat you like an equal adult but most boomer/genX parents in Western countries simply are not capable of this.

No. 2013407

Men are actually so much more prone to health risks and heart attacks that a fat man should be fat shamed a thousand times more than any woman, more than the fattest woman alive. Men are fucking disgusting. Wards full of the weaker sex.

No. 2013410

This guys username seems familiar, is he part of a thread somewhere.

No. 2013412

We need to do our part to combat this issue by bullying anf shaming.

No. 2013416

100% every post about a dad bod should come with a health warning about cholesterol and heart attacks starting in your 40s. Nature doesn't want this cunts around longterm.

No. 2013418

>wealthy western country

No. 2013421

And just how wouldn't that make them more aggressive? It's better to just medicate them and let them get very tired so they go to sleep. A lot of them calm down on their own when they get older and learn on their own. If they don't, you don't have to put up with them, just throw them in a mental hospital.

No. 2013426

Which ones specifically? My understanding is it depends on country/region and sometimes marriage also gives women certain protections so I think it's usually a case-by-case basis thing, but in general I think very rapid marriage with someone you haven't known for more than a year or so is a bad idea. A lot of FDS followers also suggest never moving in with a man until you're married and that is also pretty concerning to me because I think a lot of the truth about a man will come out when you start living with him.

No. 2013429

It's the 15th most wealthy country you retard. You're acting like it's Zimbabwe.

No. 2013430

My unpopular opinion is you should never move out of mummy and daddy's house!! They are so great I love mummy and daddy so much I'll never leave them ever and I'll always be their good child who stays at home,just like my idol Lillee Jean! Why move out and be independent when you can stay at home for free and play Monopoly every night with mummy and daddy!?! I am almost 45 and I've never lived alone because mummy and daddy wouldn't like that and even if I moved out who would buy groceries and pay the house bills and drive me places?? It just doesn't make sense anyone who move out of their mummy and daddy's house must be retarded! I'll always stay with mummy and daddy until they die and then I'll jump into their graves and die too so I never have to live alone ever!

No. 2013434

Who the fuck reads female dating strategy seriously. Don't date unless you have other platonic relationships otherwise you're going to be a codepedent weirdo. Don't isolate from others when dating and let people into your life.

No. 2013439

You can be independant and still live with your parents y'know.

No. 2013443

That and then the boring stuff too. I'd a new neighbor close to thirty, baby in arm. First time meeting her she's outside hysterical on the phone because she didn't know anything about ultilities or how to set them up. Her mom won't leave work to come do it for her. She had a partner too. Both out of their depth over setting up ulility services. Both not wanting to be the one doing it. And me explaining it/hoping they don't actually ask me to make the calls for them next.

No. 2013444

This. If you set healthy boundaries with your parents you can do whatevet you want and just see them when you decide. I did this during uni and it was great

No. 2013445

mostly rights to medical decisions, but marriage can overcomplicate the process of moving in general, you can't just pick up and leave and depending on the situation you can't leave the state sometimes, the police can bring you back if you run away,etc

No. 2013446

Based nona

No. 2013448

Seeing this sent a shiver down my spine because my older brothers are slowly going down this path. They have like absolutely no desires outside of sitting on their computers in the basement. they have no desire to get jobs, no desire to meet others, no desire to even date. My older brother wasted five years in community college because, and I quote, he was afraid of having to get independent. Sickening.

No. 2013451

UK if you don't marry you aren't entitled to your partners pension.

No. 2013453

AYRT nona and I agree it's funny to say that but people will describe countries with higher QOL as 'third world shitholes' here all the time and say that only North America counts as the civilized world so

No. 2013454

Yes exactly!! Mummy and daddy are so good to live with and I am very independent already! Mummy buys all the food and cooks everything for me but I'm the one who eats it because I'm independent! They used to chew up my food for me but a few years ago I decided to become independent!! Mummy and daddy take turns driving me places because I'm just a 45 year old teenage girl and I never bothered to learn how to drive a car, but I'm the one who clicks where to go on the GPS device to assert my independence!! Mummy and daddy always make sure to listen to my stories and help me figure out my life every night when we sit down for our 3 hour Monopoly game, without them I'd never be able to work through any problems or improve my own sense of right and wrong because deep down I just know mummy and daddy are always right!! Whenever I see people that live outside their mummy and daddy's house I get so confused because why would anybody want to leave mummy and daddy when they are so perfect and wonderful and help me do everything?? Why would they want to become their own person and individualize when being mummy and daddy's kid is so great?!?!?

No. 2013455

There are people in my class that are in their 30s and still live with their parents due to economic reasons or help (like the grandma watches over their kids) but otherwise they live very separate lives.

No. 2013456

why are so many moids unmotivated and unemployed?

No. 2013458

I did say healthy boundaries anon. You're describing a toxic relationship and a lack of independence.

No. 2013459

how often do people in UK have pensions though? Can't speak for UK but in the US but retirement plans, employment benefits, etc are all a thing of the past

No. 2013460

there is no motivation for them anymore since women hate them and divorce is inevitable. They have no goal anymore to strive for

No. 2013462

I had to move back home in my 20s after living alone and sharing a space with someone you're not intimate with is always being courteous and aware of another in your space. It's pretty rude/disruptive to leave the house late at night come back late at night etc. Noise levels. Inviting people over. I get having to do it for economic reasons but its pure bullshit you get to live independently. You're not. You live in a shared space.

No. 2013463

Yes I know I do have healthy boundaries!! My room is right next to mummy and daddy's room so they can hear whatever I'm doing every night to make sure I don't get into trouble! I never bring anyone home because mummy and daddy might not like it so I've never made a friend or romantic connection in years but it's okay because mummy and daddy are so kind and good to me already!! Even though all three of us live in a 1500sq ft home we can all lead completely independent and separate lives and it's not just pretend!! I love mummy and daddy's house!!

No. 2013464

Why do you have to defame arguments by using a cheap attempt at comparison through hyperbolic comedy? The creavices of nuance have been lost in that smooth brain of yours.

No. 2013467

In many cultures it's normal to stay at home because you will inherit it once you get married. Usually the eldest gets the house. It's not ideal but you don't need to chimp out nonna.

No. 2013468

I'm engaged lmao

No. 2013470

File: 1716346582563.jpg (522.65 KB, 1600x1032, Hieroglyphs-temple-Ombos-Egypt…)

British people need to integrate (with the normal English-speaking world) and stop saying mummy. Just a bunch of pharaonic bitches, next you'll start trying to communicate in hieroglyphs.

No. 2013471

Feel like i've already seen you nonna, are you the same one who believed "space stuff" is useless? kek

No. 2013472

Pay respect to cleopatra our mummy.

No. 2013473

Fuck if I know. I have three older brother's and it seems like the youngest of the three is the only one who maaaybe might have some desire. The older two feel like lost causes as one is a left wing faggot with neuroticism who wasted five years in community college and fears not being able to suck on the metaphorical teat of my mother and has never worked a day in his life yet spends all his time bitching and moaning about society and right wing politics and late stage capitalism. Typical faggy tumblr shit. The other one went for an art degree and now spends all of his time on discord or doing furry art commissions and is very naive having done shit like getting scammed on discord out of his Steam account and giving his credit card details to the scammer.

No. 2013474

We have a state pension, you tend to get a workplace pension and you can take pit private pensions. My step dad passed away last year before his retirement. My mum will only get 50% of it and she's entitled to her own pension but she lives in a home for two and thankfully just paid off the mortgage she relies on his pension. She'd have to downsize again if she wasn't also entitled to his and they literally did just before his passing to clear the mortgage. Elderly people living in poverty in UK is actually horrible I give to a few charities for the elderly. Do you just work to death in America i suppose you guys don't have health care either. Land of the free literally treated like slaves

No. 2013477

No anon you don't get it I don't have a brain because mummy and daddy are my brain!! Thankfully I never have to think for myself because mummy and daddy are there to help me solve any problem I have so I never have to think!! If I do something wrong mummy and daddy will make it better too so I never have to worry!! That's why I love mummy and daddy's house!!
That's why I'm happy I'm the eldest!! My other siblings all had to leave mummy and daddy and go to live their own lives without mummy and daddy it's so sad for them, now they have friends they can see at any time of the day, have their own places to clean up, have to cook their own food when they want, have fulfilling romantic relationships without having to rent motel rooms to fuck, it's all so horrible sounding!! What would mummy and daddy think?!?!? To live on your own, to be left to your own devices, so horrid!! Mummy and daddy know that I'm here until the day they die so they never have to think about their own lives because I am their life! They never have to worry about selling the house to go abroad or retire someplace else or move into a new stage of their lives, thank goodness, because I'm here and I'm mummy and daddy's special girl!!
Hurrah!! Now you and your fiance can live with your mummy and daddy!! Now you can all four be together forever and be in love with mummy and daddy to watch over you forever and always!! Hurrah!!(extreme autism)

No. 2013478

Did your mother rocked you a little bit too close to the wall when you were a baby? Just curious.

No. 2013479

Why is someone doing age regression little ERP in the Unpopular Opinions thread?

No. 2013480

I'm not sure if I'm reading between the lines but are you trying to insinuate their childish?

Is one if the moid lurkers from the 4chan dating app taking his female larp to the extreme. Let's see

No. 2013482

Thats the only way she/he knows to get an argument accross it seems.

No. 2013484

brits housing crisis is out of control, no wonder she's mad about living at home

No. 2013485

i like the ignore feature of lsa and wish we could apply it here

No. 2013488

We like to work on the assumption the girlies here have built in ignore features such as rolling their eyes and not engaging with trolls

No. 2013489

>I'm not sure if I'm reading between the lines but are you trying to insinuate that their childish?
No!! Living at home with mummy and daddy forever and never leaving is actually the most grown up and independent decision you can ever make for yourself anon!
Fucking duh I'm insinuating that losers that live at their parents houses are immature. I'm being hyperbolic to demonstrate how childish and retarded the "I'm 25 and live at home!" people sound when they talk about how living at home is so great.

No. 2013492

You're only demonstrating your late stage brain damage. It's funny that you think you made any kind of convincing argument.

No. 2013494

Oh ok it was just so subtle it was hard to pick up on but as long as you're having fun

No. 2013495

this really is the new dumbass shit thread huh

No. 2013496

Kek it's not an argument it's making fun of you
Thanks I took acting classes at my local community college in 2016

No. 2013497

yeah but its more convenient to have them

No. 2013498

reminder ladies if you ever feel bad about living at home these are the only retards that think low of you

No. 2013499

Oh dear you broke character is the fun over

No. 2013501

30 is the new 21 so I don’t see a problem with me dating teenage boys if they’re of legal age since we are most likely on the same level of life anyway( both live at home, no car, money or education)

No. 2013503

ah that would be fair in that situation then, Yeah USA workforce is slavery unless you have connections set

No. 2013504

Yeah when retards start scrotefoiling I have to call it quits to save them from a redtext (I'm altruistic)

No. 2013505

No need to trigger your cycle early

No. 2013507

What the hell does this even mean

No. 2013508

If it helps you sleeping at night

No. 2013509

I wonder if she goes outside. People live with their parents for many reasons and she seems to think everyone that lives with their parents are Lille Jean.

No. 2013510

They're telling you they're a neet

No. 2013511

Are you void of a cycle?

No. 2013513

It's a western centric "privilege" (or characteristic) to be able (or to want) to live in a separate home.

No. 2013515

Thank you for explaining Ms Tumblr
No but why would LC trigger my cycle?? Odd

No. 2013516

File: 1716347906271.gif (5.39 MB, 640x490, retarded.gif)

No. 2013518

Do you always feel insecure when it comes to your education level?

No. 2013519

Stress can cause havoc to your cycle nona and you seem very highly strung I'm concerned

No. 2013520

Being kicked out of the house at 18 is not a privilege, go back to tumblr

No. 2013522

Yes since I dropped out of middle school because I couldn't understand long division I've always been very insecure about my education. Even me, loser retard, can live on my own though outside my parent's house, somehow. But alas I am but a humble middle school drop out, I'm no match for your psychoanalysis. You broke me!
Yes I am very stressed out, making fun on LC is my biggest stressor in life even more so than my bills and job. How did you know?!

No. 2013523

Oh wait so you're pissed that nonna's mother loved her enough that she actually allowed her to live with her? should've started with that!!

No. 2013525

Poking the neets.. you never poke the neets! They've got a lot of time on their hands to reply.

No. 2013526

we're period syncing through the electromagnetic waves. i'm the alpha female broadcasting menstruation pulses as we speak

No. 2013527

From all of this, I believe the following.
>There is nothing inherently wrong with living at home.
>Living at home only becomes wrong if you live at home and are a dependent woman child. Such as having no job, car, or life.
>Living at home only becomes wrong if you live at home and stagnate.

No. 2013528

You're right but they make it so easy

No. 2013529

It's your terminally online vibe

No. 2013530

Totally. You know those single moms that live with their parents who work and study are total loserz ha ha

No. 2013531

Kek I was not involved in this discussion until I replied to your post because of its overwhelming retardation. Stop trying to provoke a gay infight with anyone who disagrees with you

No. 2013532

Those acting classes coming in clutch nona!

No. 2013533

>Coming from a lolcow poster and a sperg that happens to have the longest replies, talk about having time on your hand

No. 2013534

How did you know I spend 3 hours online every day??? You must be a psychoanalyst and a psychic!!! You should write a book!!
Yeah exactly!! When my husband died in Afghanistan (left me because I was stupid enough to ever touch a scrote) I moved back in right away to make my mum raise my children for me. It's called being fair! She was already a mum anyway so it's great because I can go out and party while she takes care of the kids! So fair. Love her.

No. 2013535

>with the normal English-speaking world
Only americans and maybe canadians say ‘mommy’, you guys are the weirdos.

No. 2013538

Is cleopatra mummy or mommy that's what i really want to know.

No. 2013539

Pretty much.

No. 2013540

but aren't you guys replying too? are you also neets? do people who have jobs and cook on their own neets for living at home even though that's not what neet means? what is going on?

No. 2013542

Do you know what a joke is

No. 2013543

I fucking love LSA, it's a genuinely fun site. I need to make an account someday. I like coming to lolcow for nerdy internet based discussion and LSA for more IRL based discussion.

No. 2013544

Well she was a mummy and is a mummy.

No. 2013545

does anyone in this thread smoke weed

No. 2013546

Your humour just too subtle for us

No. 2013547

File: 1716348657223.jpeg (69.06 KB, 800x794, language-say-are-wrong-didnt-d…)

Well to be fair, the sperg has an unpopular opinion we can only applaud her kek

No. 2013548

Well basically I'm actually not a NEET because I'm in education and I'm employed, but somehow I still managed to be a grown up and move out of my parents house, so the label doesn't apply to me sadly. I do consider myself transNEET though so I identify as a NEET although I'm not one sadly.

No. 2013549

And that's most of the countries that speak English as a main language. Don't try to bring Australia into this either, theyre irrelevant

No. 2013550

What about you nona?

No. 2013551

Wow anon how do you do it thank you for being the only taxed worker on lolcow

No. 2013552

they shit on women way too much while defending shit moids to be "based" in my eyes, and the weird nitpicking over celebrity children's looks

No. 2013554

India, New Zealand, South Africa, UK, Ireland, Guyana, they all say "mummy." Stop with your American cultural imperialism and learn how to spell words properly.

No. 2013555


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2013556

>furry commission
Is that possible?
Her brothers happened to pick feminine dominated field ofc they fail at it. They can't compete with us.

No. 2013557

I read it out of curiosity back when I was on radfem forums like r/GC or Ovarit because there was a lot of overlap of users and people would constantly be coming in shilling FDS views there and claiming they were good for women. A lot of women on Ovarit and r/GC would get real mad if you even dared to claim that FDS was not radfem at all, I got banned once for saying that.

No. 2013560

You can’t even remember to use an apostrophe and yet you want to act like the queen of the English language.

No. 2013561

This too. It's easier to adjust to stuff like paying your own bills doing your taxes setting up utilities etc. when you have to do it when you're still young and mentally flexible than when you're older and never had to think about it until you're a harried older person with a job and maybe a kid. My mom is in her 60s and still acts like my dad paying bills, investing and doing taxes is some kind of dark arts and talks to me like her perspective is relatable and I'm like no mom I did this when I was 18.

No. 2013562

Please only join if you're black. It's a fun site, and you can actually have interesting discussions with fonts on various topics. The posters there are way funnier, too. My favorite thread at the moment is the Beyonce conspiracy thread; it's hilarious even if I don't really care for Beyonce.

From what I've seen, most pickme fonts get disliked. The fonts in the child thread are weirdos that you can put on ignore.

No. 2013563

Will this thread hit post limit after only 1 day? Lolcor is so back

No. 2013564

It's in the name, radfem don't engage with scrotes unless they need to, as far as i know

No. 2013565

Yeah this is true. I still think there's some legal protections/benefits for women of being married but often outweighed by the protections granted to moids.

No. 2013566

Cleopatra wannabes seething. Steal all the ancient Egyptian artifacts and terminology you want, britfags will still never be fabulous, luxurious pharaohs.

No. 2013567

These things idk about American taxes sounds like a scam how you guys have to do it, but paying bills and making phone calls takes like one time of doing it to learn it. Like congratulations you did an admistrative process before them they could never possible read what you did or contact a company, that's some big brained shit.

No. 2013568

I think the law is too lenient on young boys who sexually abuse other little kids. No, it does not matter if he was sexually abused too, millions of little girls are sexually abused, and they manage to not rape their peers. I don’t get defending rapists just because they’re young.

No. 2013569

kek I remember the last time this happened you guys were having back-to-back arguments about prostitutes

No. 2013570

I think this style of multigenerational living is more common in a lot of Asian and even European countries but in my experience is rare in North American families. Even the way your average suburban home is laid out in North America is not conducive to 'separate lives' with all the open plan housing and the layouts in general. I don't think my friends and acquaintances who lived with their parents into adulthood would have been socially retarded if they were just treated like other equal adults living on the same property but that's not what their lifestyle was actually like.

No. 2013571

>Stealing artefacts
Americans are one to talk.

No. 2013572

Because moids naturally struggle to motivate themselves and lack in independence and morals, plus society pushes them to be even more dependent on mommy or mommy bangmaid. Whenever they struggle with something (like, recently, schooling) they are coddled and told it's evil feminists' fault that women are better at it and life has a big grudge against them and society won't let them succeed so they give up instead of growing some balls.

No. 2013573

I mean, knowing that men own the vast majority of the wealth and that men tend to have higher capitals, assets, trust funds and paychecks, if you were to sign a mariage with prenup conditions and get a divorce with proofs and justifiable reasons it seems to me that mariage can greatly benefit women especially if you have kids. I'm not a legal expert though. Just don't marry a poor guy if you're not sure because then you're actually fucked.

No. 2013574

This is the main right wing moid/PUA/incel explanation so probably true for most men.

No. 2013576

I'm getting a degree in Business Analytics and am working as a secretary at a company in biking distance to my house. I am getting my license this Autumn and am saving up to buy my dream car a used Penske panel van.
I am black, only reason I haven't joined is because I don't know if I want to actively post there.

No. 2013578

Kek the prostitute fight was funny. All it took this time was one person making fun of people that live with their parents and bam, 100 replies in the span of an hour. Impressive.

No. 2013582

oh my god i cant believe cleopatra is being brought up even on lolcow. i've been thinking about her for 2 days, didn't google her didn't write anything about her on my phone or computer nothing at all just thought about her in passing and i've still gotten recommendations for cleopatra videos and movies on all my devices, now i see her name on lolcow. goddamn.

No. 2013583

>spelling artifact with an e
Such tryhards.

No. 2013584

I have a lurker account. The good good threads are account walled.

No. 2013585


No. 2013586

speaking of prostitutes, i feel zero empathy or sympathy or whatever it is for them. whoring out for money is inconceivably pathetic.

No. 2013587

Is there a deep lolcow?

No. 2013589

Yeah but it's not worth it.

No. 2013591

File: 1716349744120.gif (1.52 MB, 518x336, ah-shit-here-we-go-again-ah-sh…)

Here we go again

No. 2013593

Nona I mostly agree but like in my EE culture the way that housing was usually laid out and the lifestyles people have in multigen homes I would say the difference is the home itself is not really treated as a 'private space,' your own room is. In my grandma's home (which at some point had 4 gens living there) even though it was small there was a main corridor and every room, including the living room and kitchen, had locking doors and the basic etiquette was to leave people alone if the door was closed and not enter their rooms while they're not there unless it's to vacuum or something. No one would really be bothered by an adult coming or going early in the morning or late at night, if you have friends over they might briefly say hi to whoever is there with their door open but otherwise they would go to the room of the person hosting them and close the door, and not be bothered by anyone else living there. The soundproofing of the rooms was superior to most modern US suburban homes too so it wouldn't be that noisy, the room I lived in we would have little parties until 1am or 2am and my grandma couldn't really hear it from her room next door. Usually meals were made in big batches so if someone is over around dinner time there's enough food for them and it's not an inconvenience for them to come eat dinner with everyone, and if they don't want to hang out with the rest of your family for 15-30 minutes they can just take a plate into the room of whoever they're visiting. There was also more of a standard of 'decorum' around the house, since the house is not treated so much like a private space usually soon after waking up you get dressed in proper clothing even if you're staying home all day and don't feel awkward if you happen to run into a stranger in the corridor or kitchen. And this is like a very small space a fraction of the size of most suburban houses. These attitudes toward personal space are just not normal in North America, in North America the whole house and even yard are viewed as a 'private space' whereas in my home country it's more like a semi-private semi-communal space and the real private space is your own bedroom. The living room also has a locking door which is an extra sound barrier if people elsewhere in the house are being noisy and the kitchen has a door too.

No. 2013594

Please don’t

No. 2013595

How much finger sweat must i lose, terabytes of screenshots must i own, and how many hours must i spend to get to the deep lolcow?

You're right it's probably not worth my sanity…

No. 2013596

I only have respect for them if they live with their parents.

No. 2013599

Typical moid behaviour if they are allowed to stay living in their parents' houses, this is the other thing about moving out I think women can still live with their parents but 90% of moids should be kicked out by age 20 or they will end up like this. Giving men shit for free just makes them more lazy and entitled 95% of the time.

No. 2013601

Imagine not living with your parents, do you parents not love you??? do they not respect you enough to give you space??? Do you not love your parents??? Are you ashamed of who you're fucking??????

No. 2013602

Men are fully retarded with their concept of practice girls. What are they practicing for do they have an ultimate boss lady they want to bang and think she'd be impressed if she knew that he whored around viewing woman as objects trying to get his dick wet with anything willing. Why do men not understand they too also get devalued by the concept of being ran through? The type of guys to talk about practice girls are shallow enough to fully be judged on their past and mocked.

No. 2013603

nonna why? bringing random men into your parents home so they can fuck you for $8?

No. 2013604

Parents need to house you forever and if that means you're whoring yourself out in their house, in the same bedroom you've had since your childhood.. I think that's a beautiful thing, That's what family do

No. 2013605

I agree with you. It's disgusting, deshumanising, illogical and it's an absolute no for me if a guy i'm dating ever hints at this kind of behavior.

No. 2013607

They know you're working hard to pay the shared bill.

No. 2013608

Stop trying to be me freak you'll never be me. So stop trying to be a copycat. It was MY unpopular opinion not your's. Get your own life and stop copying other people's opinions and make your own as well as stop defaming me because it's unethical and weird. Thnx.

No. 2013609

why are you guys so lame when you try to be funny

No. 2013610

I'm not American and even the etiquette of not being a slob in a hallway if I couldn't be fucked is not appealing and you're still sharing utilities and stuff. Idk maybe I'm privileged and selfish but unless I'm intimate with someone I wouldn't be fully relaxed living with them.

No. 2013611

It confuses me, they're like pandas at a zoo. No desire to do the bare minimum unless pushed to do so. Hell, none of them have any desire to date or at least get to a point to date. They feel zero shame or awareness for the fact that they're nearing their thirties and have made little stretches to seek any form of independence. They're all in their late to mid twenties and still don't have jobs yet expect our mother and father to buy groceries and then they eat it all like fat fucking pigs. My father bought some hamburger meat and chicken wings to use as dinner, and you know what one of my brother's does? He makes hamburgers, chicken wings, and a sandwhich with tons of snacks to go with it. They eat as if it's free. It pisses me off because I work hard, I try to do be courteous but they act like NEET-y pig pandas.

No. 2013614

If youo're over 160 lbs you should be forced to go to fat camp

No. 2013615

oh no, the supreme justice of humor has arrived to condemn nonas to eternal damnation for not being funny enough!

No. 2013616

Well most of the radfems on 'radfem forums' would beg to differ then because I was treated like I was being extremely evil for pointing out FDS isn't feminist lmao.

No. 2013618

Agreed. Unironically anachan > being a fatty. I would rather die than become a fatass yet I have a fetish for WG.

No. 2013619

The rattle rattle farmhand is coming for you

No. 2013620

Im so sorry nonna for not being funny enough, can you teach me your ways?

No. 2013621

Nta but you do sound like you'd fit in with Redditors more

No. 2013622

Anyone who has this much time to whinge about dumb shit here is more than likely a NEET themselves. There's no way some of you have jobs with how frequent you post.

No. 2013624

>yet I have a fetish for WG
Immediately lost respect for you at this part

No. 2013625

I will not deny that I have mental and insecurity problems regarding weight and eating.

No. 2013626

christ, i'm like 3kg above it, you're cruel nonna

No. 2013627

AYRT and I'm not American, I still have to 'do taxes' though but it's not the dark arts although it is annoying. I agree that learning how to pay bills is not difficult but the older you are before you learn how to do it the more weirded out and terrified you act about it, my mom seriously thinks my dad is doing some weird magic keeping track of bills investments credit card payments and tax forms. Most of my friends who moved out in their mid 20s or later were the same way and seriously struggled keeping on top of bills, kept having their utilities shut off, didn't understand how lease/rental agreements and laws worked, etc. In theory it should be simple but people who stagnate for many years having other people do these basic things for them (same with cooking, laundry, cleaning, etc) will often struggle to learn basic life skills later once they need them. I'm not saying I'm a genius for figuring out how to do these things when I was 18, I'm saying that in my experience people who don't do them until they're 25-30 act like they are arcane dark arts they can't possible learn.

No. 2013629

oh no, a anon on lolcow told me I would fit in better on reddit! I can’t believe I have to start using reddit now. bye nonnies…

No. 2013630

mummy-chan has a job, allegedly

No. 2013631

that last part was a slap in the face KEK

No. 2013633

Of course little girls don't rape their peers, they're girls. It would be really fucked up legally but in a fair and just world laws for men and women would be completely separate lmao women can't even inflict the damage men can when it comes to most violent crimes.

No. 2013634

I can't help it. Like, the thought of me being a fatass scares me enough that it makes me feel like I might cry. However if it's my husbandos, who aren't even human or furry so it's not strange, I don't mind it and am enthralled with the idea.

No. 2013636

File: 1716350574580.gif (35.98 KB, 64x61, vaish-he-vaish.gif)

nona noooo

No. 2013639

you sound british from the way you type. god i wish we had the insane people from conspiracy alley here at least they are funny.

No. 2013640

>who aren't even human
> or furry
>so it's not strange

No. 2013642

still waiting for the fun you promised us with your presence

No. 2013643

ntayrt but what is british about the way shes typing

No. 2013644

People learn weaponised incompetence though, weird you've so many friends having stuff shut off although mid 20s is post college age, there's different expectations in different accommodations and some people are just disorganised in general. I moved out at 19 but I was lucky to have a parent help with a rental. A lot of people don't have that. No need to get self righteous your friends could be struggling with money too

No. 2013645

>you sound british from the way you type
did the voices inside your head tell you that?

No. 2013646

Yeah that is one way it can be beneficial to women, although honestly many moids just don't have that many assets or much capital at the age when most people want to get married. Marriage usually is beneficial legally if you're planning on marrying a man with a high income and lots of assets, or if you're planning on having children. But it can be the opposite if for example you are the higher earner.

No. 2013647

I mean, yeah?

No. 2013648

You have no empathy for ANY prostitute in any situation? Not even trafficked underaged girls or trafficked women?

No. 2013649

so now that we're quorate can we all agree that dumbass shit needs to come back

No. 2013650

the weird attempted sardonic humor that never hits. i knew other brits that typed in similar ways.

No. 2013651

No. 2013652

Who's WG?

No. 2013653

Nah underage fags are annoying

No. 2013654

victim of a crime ≠ willingly choosing to be a whore because you think its easy money. More and more american women are choosing sex work because they're lazy and its pathetic. I don't feel an ounce of sadness for them.

No. 2013655

that makes it even stranger anon. is it a fat robot or something?

No. 2013656

yeah that totally doesn't sound retarded. for sure

No. 2013657

Maybe they're following you around the Internet because you're so interesting

No. 2013659

in other terms you don't like OF girls

No. 2013660

but wasn't it a more fun place for newfags to come fuck around in?

No. 2013661

Weight gain

No. 2013662

I didn't say OF girls, I said sex work as a whole. That includes literal prostitution, online sex work, escorting, etc. Choosing to do that when the poor women who are kidnapped and forced into such situations, when you still have the freedom to find a real job and create a career…it is abhorrent.

No. 2013663

what does that have to do with anything i said?

No. 2013664

File: 1716351073050.jpeg (866.14 KB, 1457x828, IMG_0801.jpeg)

what’s funny is that you think I’m actually trying to be funny instead of just making fun of you. it can be hard to tell the difference for those on the spectrum, I understand. however, to dispel any further bong allegations, I’m not british and love my country

No. 2013665

Newfags are why it got autosaged you poor retard

No. 2013666

i'm a newfag, been lurking at the forum for few years now

No. 2013667

No, not human in the slightest or even human shaped. It doesn't really matter. What I'm trying to say is, as an unpopular opinion, if I had to choose between bodily illness I would choose being a bone rattler because being fat genuinely terrifies me on a visceral level. I am getting help for this though, I know it ain't right.

No. 2013668

They're already all over the rest of /ot/ especially in the fandom threads, it makes no difference.

No. 2013669

File: 1716351139602.png (588 KB, 600x450, 6d45d2f737be46538d851ef934408e…)

>feeders on lolcow

No. 2013670

This is truly bizarre and no well-adjusted man I've ever met who has successful long term relationships ever engaged in this practice, only bottom of the barrel scrotes did. Most of the functional responsible men I've met in my life who managed to sustain long term relationships were aiming for long term committed relationships even if they first started dating in high school. For this same reason even when all my female peers thought it was 'sexually empowering' to engage in hookup culture I never wanted to sleep with any moid who wasn't a virgin and committed to me and just avoided sleeping with pretty much any man for most of my adult life and don't regret it at all, I just think it's so dehumanizing to be viewed as 'practice' for a future relationship or to know a man viewed other women/girls in his past that way.

No. 2013671

but it didn't benefit the site at all, it just made it worse and totally gutted all of the other threads because now everyone needs an outlet for retardation and it gets spritzed all over everywhere.

No. 2013672

YES dumbass shit was unjustly killed for no reason

No. 2013674

Oh my God, it's fucking Kirby isn't it?

No. 2013675

>>2013662 Yeah but prostitution is like 90% made of sex trafficked, drug addicts, mentally ill and sex abusive victims or women who are literaly starving (venezuela). It's like the 10% that you actually hate.

No. 2013676

Wait a minute…kirby?

No. 2013677

No. What the fuck?

No. 2013680

Oh ok, I knew it couldn't be because Kirdedechan isn't typically hateful in her posts

No. 2013681

I agree and this is why I moved out ASAP, I can't even feel relaxed visiting my parents' house as an adult and I didn't even feel relaxed in their home as a teenager. I'm just saying that when Americans or Canadians or whatever say 'what's the big deal, most other cultures think multigenerational homes are normal' they're talking about a very different system and concept of personal/private space than what is normal in North America. Most North American adults I know who lived with their parents into adulthood didn't even have the level of privacy in their big suburban homes that my parents had in some shithole communist block apartment.

Especially if you want a relationship I can't imagine it ever not being intensely awkward to share a space with your parents, grandparents, or siblings.

No. 2013683

File: 1716351329651.gif (1.51 MB, 500x281, giphy_nene.gif)

Ummm ok?

No. 2013684


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2013685

I agree apart from only seeking out virgins, that's like taking myself off the market if my one and only sexual partner and I broke up.

No. 2013686

what other husbando that isn't furry, isn't human, isn't a robot, and isn't human shaped could it possibly be

No. 2013688

>it isnt a human
>nor a furry
> it doesnt have the shape of a human

So it's neither an animal or a human, is it demon???

No. 2013691

new thread >>>/ot/2013679

No. 2013695

Men will be like this forever if allowed, I was reading some longform article about the gender imbalance from sex selective abortion/infanticide in countries like India and China and one of the Indian women interviewed was like 77 and talking about her 55 year old oldest son (she lived with like 6 sons and her husband) and said that he can't move out until he gets a wife because 'who would tell him when to take a bath?' Men will literally do the bare minimum if they are allowed to be coddled by their parents forever, they'll let their 77 year old mother run them a bath otherwise they won't wash their ass. Men who move out as soon as possible can be shitty too but many actually learn some life skills and independence, the chance to do that is lost if they're not out of the house by age 20-21 imo. Most women and even teenage girls are conscientious enough to try to help out their parents once they get old enough to make some money or do some chores and women naturally experience morally-driven emotions like guilt and shame but men and boys seem to naturally lack those things.

No. 2013697

Dumb, fat camp won't help most people since the main cause of overweight/obesity is either eating habits or hormonal disorders. Either you need a doctor or a diet, being forced to run around some obstacle courses for a couple months won't do shit for you in the long term.

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