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No. 8771
Please post all general issues and complaints here. If you want mods to do something, or have some issue with or suggestion for site content, you should use this thread.
>>>/meta/6821 should only be used for technical issues and suggestions (can't load site, site slow, bugs, site feature requests). This thread is for non-technical issues.
No. 8777
File: 1549819901754.png (233.04 KB, 1321x331, screenshot.png)

I was kinda following this in the Azealia thread and the last Complaints thread, but this is just really confusing as a user, can you offer some clarity here?
nta but Why was this person banned (pic related)? I thought "hi cow" was against the rules too but I checked because of what this anon said and everything (regarding rules) was correct? So…you're banning the users that actually know your rules now instead of the user who is trying to enforce rules that don't technically exist or deciding what people get to talk about in that thread? If there's a reason other than that an explanation would be helpful because this makes mods look terrible tbh.
So, saw that in the AB thread, and then saw (what I assume was the same anon sperging about "hi cow" doesn't get redtexted or something in the last complaints thread) and mod said:
>We do not redtext everything, we do ban them though.
So then how is it a bannable offense if it's still not in the rules? Even after the rules were updated as recently as "January 22, 2019" according to the page? If you're banning people for it I guess I just don't understand why you still haven't added it to the rules or why it's not stated anywhere?
So then I guess my other question is are we not allowed to discuss the possibility that a cow is a farmer at all? Even if no one is "hi cow"-ing? Cause half of that thread (and past Celebricow threads) is talking about how Azealia is probably a farmer, and there's plenty of examples to allow for speculation. Is that still considered "hi cow" if we're not specifically accusing any user of being her? Just discussing the probability based on her actions?
Honestly not trying to argue or anything I'm just really trying to follow the logic here and understand the rules. Also cause Azealia is one of my favorite cows and but because of this I'm not sure what we're allowed to talk about anymore. Cause like I said just as someone seeing the situation from the outside it looks like:
>user a mini-mods thread, says they're breaking rules that don't actually exist (without reading any of the thread it seems like?)
>user b tells them the rules, says to read the thread (in a bitchy way, tbf)
>user a goes and whines in the complaints thread about "hi cow"
>user b permabanned…because….? person a threw a tantrum?
Anyways, any clarity would be helpful, thanks mod-senpai!!
No. 8778
>>8777obviously not a farmhand, but i think a lot of them are tired of seeing infighting and general autism relating to what is being perceived as "mini-modding"
i saw the post you're referencing and thought it was warranted simply because of the unnecessary sperg-out
No. 8783
>>8777This is one of the most autistic posts I have ever read on this site and I was here during Kikis sperg. Wow.
Just…wow. got any official diagnosis, buddy? If not I recommend getting it officially diagnosed, I bet you qualify for a tugboat.
No. 8785
File: 1549844089047.gif (1.59 MB, 332x332, F11vuyrf0_540.gif)

>>8778I guess so, but then why not ban all parties in that case? They were both being obnoxious and shitty, so if both were banned that would make sense to me. I guess I just don't understand anons that go into a thread to be mad at people for discussing the subject of the thread. If that's not mini-modding or derailing then what is? Like, if one anon goes into a thread and picks a fight by basically saying anyone who believes x thing is "fucking retarded"….how is that "infighting"? Isn't that just 1 person starting shit with the rest of the thread?
I've seen a lot of confusing bans that don't seem to follow any rules (or logic), I just picked that one cause it seems like a good example. (Also because it was so clear that that one anon was the one sperging in the last thread about "hi cow").
>>8783….asking for clarification on users being banned over rules that don't exist is "one of the most autistic posts you have ever read"? You must not read much friend.
No. 8786
>>8785>if one anon goes into a thread and picks a fight by basically saying anyone who believes x thing is "fucking retarded"….how is that "infighting"? Isn't that just 1 person starting shit with the rest of the thread?It's
instigating infighting by virtue of seeking so start a fight on the site lol
No. 8788
>>8786>It's instigating infighting by virtue of seeking so start a fight on the site lolAre you having a stroke anon? What's happening here?
>>8787you're literally quoting the exact post I said didn't make any sense in the first place
>>8777 No. 8790
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>>8788>how is that "infighting"? Isn't that just 1 person starting shit with the rest of the thread?You asked how the situation you described is infighting so I tried to explain why picking a fight in a thread is violating the no infighting rule even if nobody has responded to it yet.
No. 8793
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>>8790Right…but the anon who started shit isn't the one that got banned, the anon that apparently followed the rules was, that's why I'm asking for more clarity here because it doesn't make any sense. Honest to god, can you not read? Why are you so personally offended by me asking a question here?
>>8792Mods already approved the thread, so take it up with them if you're that upset. Already said I'm not that anon but judging by the established pattern, I'll end up getting banned too for asking a question in the complaints/issues thread, and the anons inciting the infighting and starting shit will not get banned. Because that seems to be the logic here.
Can we just stop with this already? Honestly this is why people think Azealia is a farmer, if you say anything about her anywhere spergs come out of the woodwork to scream about how she's not a cow or derail everything. I just came to this thread to ask for some clarification on rules in general, and you turned into an Azealia thing. Christ.
Mods, can you please just answer my question so I can leave? That's all I came here for, just some clarification.
No. 8795
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>>8778>>8791>>8784We're still working with the old rules so I'm unsure about where the confusion is. Here is a sneak peak of the new condensed global rules.
>Right…but the anon who started shit isn't the one that got banned, the anon that apparently followed the rules wasYou have no way of knowing that. Sometimes the more mass reported post get red texted so users know it was dealt with.
No. 8796
>>8795>Sometimes the more mass reported post get red texted so users know it was dealt with.Right, but what was being dealt with here exactly? That's what I'm asking for clarification on, just in general. What rule was broken here, so we can know not to do it in the future. Again, it's not just that thread, that just seemed like the most glaring example of it.
>You have no way of knowing that.Right, I don't know that because there's no way for me to know that with the way the information is presented…which is why I'm here in this thread, asking for more clarification. But instead of answering any of my actual question you just picked out one random sentence that had very little to do with it. I still have any way of knowing that, because you haven't answered anything?
I appreciate you getting back to me Mod-sama and I'm really not trying to be combative or anything….but do you see how this is confusing for other users? Publicly displaying a ban on a comment that's literally quoting the correct use of your own rules, contrasted with no acknowledgement of the user who actually broke/is writing their own definition of the rules?
Can you just offer some more clarity on the rules here, since it seems like you the anon who directly quoted the rules was incorrect? Like on mini-modding or "hi cow" etc.
No. 8797
>>8796I was the anon who asked why redtext isn't for every ban in the previous thread.
The answer seems to be that there is no fucking reason for who gets redtext. It's arbitrary.
No. 8798
>>8795Happy to see new, succinct rules! I wonder if the phrase 'posters with a phallus' is going to
trigger anyone.
No. 8802
Q: What is considered infighting?
>>8761Can we define when exactly an argument turns into an infight thus making it bannable?
Because I get real sick of seeing a discussion where things start out reasonable/civil and then someone starts slinging personal attacks, and then things snowball from there.
I do feel like there's always one or more people more in the wrong than people who didn't really start it. Although I realize arguing is unproductive on either side and I'm guilty, I just hope this sort of rule is weighted.
No. 8804
>>8795Is there going to be an expanded version? There's a lot of "this isn't <thing>" and confusion over terms like cowtipping lately.
>>8796The post you're (still) going on about was pretty obviously infighting and sperging. It shouldn't need any clarification, let alone this ongoing discussion.
Anyway, can someone please clean up the Miranda thread? It's been a swamp of Shut up, Miranda, ranting and useless commentary / shitposting for at least two threads now.
No. 8806
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>>8796>>8797>>8800>>8802Glad to see I'm not the only one who's confused by this all the time and could use some more explanation. I feel like 85% of bans I see make zero sense and just look like mods are banning whoever they feel like for no discernible reason (because we can't see who's samefagging or whatever), but knowing that not all bans are redtexted just makes it even more confusing. The rules are all numbered, would it really be that difficult to just put the number of the rule broken instead of just a catch-all "(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)"?
>>8796>>8777this makes less than zero sense, if that's possible. I always considered mini-modding to be anyone who says what can or can't be discussed in a thread, is that not correct? I see users all the time act like their opinion is the law on what constitutes nitpicking or what's worth talking about, and there's never any consequence to it at all (that we can see) even though it's super disruptive and derails conversation and leads to infighting.
Basically "fighting" in threads should only ever be people's opinions on the subject. The rules should be so clear that there should be no room for users to constantly fight about their own interpretation of them in threads. If a thread is already in motion with active participants or mods have specifically approved a subject, comments like
>>8792 or anything similar should be bannable. If you don't like a thread or don't think a cow deserves one, then don't look at it. Just move on from that shit, this shouldn't still be happening.
No. 8808
>>8796>I still have any way of knowing that, because you haven't answered anything?No, you actually still have no way of knowing. For the record you were being an extreme minimod to the point where you were derailing the thread. It wasn't even one person responding to you, it was multiple anons. If you're here to ask me if I spanked the other anons instead of reflecting on your own ban then you've come to the wrong place.
>>8802I would think slinging personal attacks randomly is infighting. However I think the person instigating should face the hardest ban, not the anons responding unless it's gotten way out of hand.
>>8806The put of of pasture message should be used when the ban reason is obvious, like male posting or an obvious samefag or spergchan.
>>8797Pretty much but it really depends on how many anons have reported the post and whether or not the post can serve as an example of frowned upon behavior.
No. 8809
>>8805Right, but remember the context is infighting which is different from a debate on a real topic. Intellectual discourse within the thread's framework is kosher as far as I've seen.
If you're debating something OT or flaming back and forth you are part of the problem too so how "firm" you are doesn't really matter since LC isn't debate club. You should be dropping it instead of trying to win.
No. 8810
>>8808>For the record you were being an extreme minimod to the point where you were derailing the thread. It wasn't even one person responding to you, it was multiple anons.Wait, what now? Your replying to my post, I'm
>>8777 who was trying to understand the ban logic here, but I'm not the OP of the post I was asking about…which I think is who you're trying to address here? I have no idea what any of this means or who you're talking about. Who was being a mini-mod? Who was derailing the thread? There's only 5 posts in that entire "infighting" interaction, who was being responded to by multiple anons? What are you talking about?
>If you're here to ask me if I spanked the other anons instead of reflecting on your own ban then you've come to the wrong place.Again, not that anon and I literally never asked that, I just asked for clarification on what rule was broken there to earn a ban, because it's unclear
>The put of of pasture message should be used when the ban reason is obvious, like male posting or an obvious samefag or spergchan. Except nobody can see any of that info except mods? How is it "obvious" to the rest of the site's users? Again, there's only 5 posts in what appears to be a multiple-person interaction, so what exactly counts as being a spergchan and who's the "obvious samefag" in that situation?
>No, you actually still have no way of knowing.What does this even mean?
Seriously? Is this the new farmhand tactic? Ban people for no clear reason, start fights with users who ask for clarity and accuse them of being samefag (despite being able to see IP info, etc) because info that no one but farmhands can see is "obvious"? Literally all I was looking for was "they were banned because of rule #x" but you just made it 100x worse and more unclear. I've been on this site for years and that was some of the worst sperging I've ever seen.
No. 8811
>>8796>>8808This is amazing.
>Get banned for being an autistic spaz>Go on /meta/ pretending it's not your post>wHy DiD tHiS aNoN gEt BaNnEd? ToTaLlY wAsNt Me>Why was this anon banned omg no reason for it>Multiple people explain why >Buut whyyy?>Continue on insisting you were dindu>BUT DID THE OTHER SIDE GET BAAANNEED TOOOYou clearly didn't get banned for long enough.
Btw, I think diagnostic response is a month so I reckon a two month ban would get you enough time for therapy AND a diagnosis?? Just throwing that out there.
No. 8814
The majority of bans look like a mod picked a word from the rules and slapped it into a post they didnt like.
>>8807Dont be disingenuous please, the majority of bans dont make sense and its pretty obvious.
Also, very rich of you to tell the other anon to integrate when the mods stick out as very new to imageboards.
No. 8817
File: 1549889973322.png (139.25 KB, 686x416, pnp.png)

Why was this anon banned in the PNP thread?
>>>/snow/753018The post is saged and doesn't seem to break any rules? It's a screenshot of that t-shirt design she stole from Lolcow (and pretended it was her idea), so IMO it's relevant.
No. 8818
>>8809Well sis that's why I'm asking for clarification of what constitutes infighting, because there's never been a set definition. I'm saying lots of arguing starts as debate but some anons turn into an infight so where's the line. It made sense back before we had general boards because nobody wanted to browse dedicated lolcow or snowflake threads and have to scroll through a million replies of ot arguing.
However, there's always been a free for all attitude when it comes to arguing on ot though, and the rules for what is permissed have always flexed depending on the moderation team. So that's why I'm bringing it up to maybe add something into the rules since 'infighting' was specifically mentioned. That way there's no more arbitrary interpretations.
No. 8819
>>8807am i in the minority agreeing here?
i rarely see bans that don't make sense besides the little issues we were having with the new farmhands a couple weeks back.
hell, i've caught a few bans in the last week or so i can't really argue with.
sometimes you just have to take your L and wait out the ban.
everyone has a right to appeal too.
No. 8823
>>8814I'm not being disingenuous in the slightest. Like
>>8819 I generally have no trouble understanding the context of a redtext I see in a thread. I've only been banned unfairly once on this board and it was not under this new team nor under the first admin. If the staff and other experienced users can see the context, then the problem is
you. No. 8825
>>8824a picture of her wearing a t shirt everyone's already discussed is not milk and not worthy of being posted
the pnp thread is under strict moderation because it was highly contested that it even be brought back
so post better content or deal with the bans and possibly see the threads closed down again
No. 8826
>>8825NTA but redtext not giving a reason is the reason you guys are having this argument now right? Admin claims it happens when the ban reason is "clear" but it's evidently not because there are anons who don't think so.
I called out weeb insecurity when /w/ was made, now gonna call out unnecessary infighting bait on the redtext being temperamental. Declare a number of reports for redtext to appear, and always give an actual reason for the ban in the redtext. End of the stupid vague arguments I am so sick of reading in these threads.
No. 8827
>>8807Nta but nah. I've been coming here for years and some shit is just mysterious because mods, etc. don't explain bans as they occur. It seems flippant sometimes, even. I'm so sick of the LuRk MoRe attitude. It reeks of falsely inflated ego. Stop.
>>8826>Declare a number of reports for redtext to appear, and always give an actual reason for the ban in the redtext. End of the stupid vague arguments I am so sick of reading in these threads.It's really very simple. Idk why the mods are making this so convoluted and retarded.
No. 8829
>>8826i'm not one of the anons arguing about it, i'm one that doesn't give a fuck about micromanaging the mods and admin as far as bans are concerned
most of the (put out to pasture) redtexts i see are pretty obvious to me idk
No. 8833
File: 1549916192918.png (111.11 KB, 720x720, IMG_20190211_121549.png)

I see you farmhand!!
Tysm for considering the will of us plebs!!
No. 8837
>>8834Obvious rule breaking can just have the [USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE] redtext as far as I'm concerned. But seeing as this is an anonymous board, it's not always apparent when someone is excessively posting in succession (just one example). I don't understand why calling out users publicly and elaborating on bans is such a big deal to you. It will actually help integration. Don't we all want better posts?
Admin and mods don't have to do anything they don't agree with. I'm just gonna leave this at that.
No. 8839
File: 1549946570877.png (84.21 KB, 800x460, Screenshot_2019-02-11-20-40-20…)

This type of shit needs to stop, ie. derailing to infight after the offending anon has been redtexted.
>>>/pt/128373 No. 8844
File: 1549948483979.png (29.21 KB, 901x577, fuckingstupid.png)

this was pretty fucking stupid and i don't even care if i get banned for evading.
/ot/ is supposed to be a lax board.
No. 8847
>>8844Admin, your email address in ban notices needs to be updated!
>>8839Also, this thread should perhaps be locked since she is imprisoned. Even KF locked their thread on her.
No. 8848
>>8844Imagine giving a 2 day ban for someone's hurt feels. FFS infighting is
arguing and how the hell can you ban someone's opinion as trolling if they've only written one post. Her post after that
before she got banned was fine. I was happy in the townhall, but I hope these aren't the changes we'll be seeing.
No. 8854
>>8851Yep, no contribution. Like how is she even in this thread complaining.
Seems like she thinks /ot/ has less rules or something.
No. 8855
>>8854>Seems like she thinks /ot/ has less rules or something./ot/
does have less rules, asshat. Admin even stated that /ot/ and /g/ are getting a new set of rules. They have never really had the same rules anyway.
No. 8861
>>8856no it's a place to bitch about a 30 minute ban that already expired or red text. that said, I disagree with
>>8844 's ban.
No. 8865
>>8860Yeah, that was the first thing I did before asking. The rules page only has specific rules for /pt/ and /snow/.
>>8862Thanks for the heads up! Appreciate it.
No. 8873
>>>/snow/777551Was the redtext for this image? is no personal information on her LinkedIn page, and the information that is there she posted herself.
A screencap of her LinkedIn page was posted on GG via Imgur. It was removed almost immediately from Imgur, presumably because she lodged a complaint. Then the link was posted. The GG mods have not redacted it, and their policy regarding doxing is far more strict than ours.
No. 8883
File: 1550105348926.jpeg (161.1 KB, 944x638, 647DFE6E-CD36-4F59-8530-9AE774…)

I kept trying to post on snow, multiple times, and every time I couldn’t because of someone else’s ban notice. It’s not my post. I don’t even post in jill’s thread and I’m not an anachan. I assume it’s from ip cycling, since it’s happened before to many anons. So I was like whatevs, since it said it would expire as soon as it I saw it. But now anytime I try to post in snow this ban shows up (which I appealed) and won’t let any of my posts go through. It’s kinda annoying.
>pic related is before and after appealing ban(infighting)
No. 8888
>>8887Yikes. Does that mean there are farmers close to you that are constantly shitposting or something? You live in an unlucky area lol.
>>8834I don't really get the issue with mods redtexting. It makes the moderation visible to everyone and is usually humorous. It helps out everyone who sees it, not just the farmer who got banned.
(so this is why most boards don't do this) No. 8892
>this is an infighting exampleBut
>>8883 and
>>8884 are not part of that thread.
No. 8893
>>8892I think the mod was just trying to show what infighting bans WOULD look like (ie back to back redtexts) not that those posts were actually infighting. But I could be completely wrong.
>>8890Yeah they always make me chuckle when I see them.
No. 8894
File: 1550210693947.png (42.79 KB, 653x179, dont type.PNG)

just curious, i've seen this type of thing getting banned before, but when people are posting like this referencing the meme, should they really be banned?
No. 8895
>>88945. Integration
Express yourself in a way that doesn't make you stand out from other anonymous users. This means avoiding:
emojis or emoticons
a lot of punctuation??????!!!!!
other obnoxiusoius typign sTYLES
Emojis are banned too even when people use them to reference memes.
The anon wasn't banned for long but this is a textbook example of an obnoxious typing style.
No. 8898
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>>8895But admin it's a meme.
No. 8901
>>8894I feel like the new farmhands are noobs and we're going to have to deal with retarded bans from here on out. Admin seems to stand behind them, so gotta accept it and move on I suppose.
Also I'll never understand how they Shay thread is allowed, especially in the face of the PNP thread ban/perma-sage. I've accepted that rule enforcement here isn't objective anymore. It blows, but whatever I guess.
No. 8902
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>>8833Been starting more clear and descriptive red-texts pop up in /snow/, just wanted to say it's not going unnoticed and it's nice to see our requests for more clarity be acknowledged. Even this
>>8895 is so much more helpful for following the admins' thought process. It just makes it so much more cut and dry, and takes the "emotion" out of it. For what it's worth if this pattern continues, I just posting the rule number is clear enough. I don't think you should ever have to repost the whole rule for someone (that's just more work for yall), even just a point in the right direction is a 100x more helpful.
>>8888>It helps out everyone who sees it, not just the farmer who got banned.Just seconding this notion in general. This kind of
>>8834 elitist bullshit attitude is just stupid and the cause of so much infighting all over the site. There's literally no possible way clarity could make the site worse unless you're
triggered by the color red. Can you
imagine how much less derailing/infighting there would be if you just subtracted the amount of anons throwing tantrums and stomping their feet calling everyone retarded or autist because they had to read one extra line of text? Obviously sometimes idiots/newfags do pop up in threads and then its very clearly warranted, but the amount of fighting over rule interpretation/acceptable site behavior has gotten excessive. It's an anonymous gossip website, not an elite club you can only be in if you know some secret set of rules and behaviors that don't align with any rules or board culture info posted.
Anyways, just wanted to say we appreciate it!
No. 8908
File: 1550276861399.jpg (27.07 KB, 500x330, yndnxyf597c21.jpg)

how much longer til we get news on that leech kelly jean's threads? it's been months and nobody has said anything.
No. 8915
>>8911It actually doesn't make a difference. Farmers still report the same posts even when we do redtext for that exact reason. (and there's usually never report reasons either)
>>8913This isn't a bug, the only time window to delete posts is the first 30 minutes.
>>8898>>8906I know it's a meme but this isn't twitter. Second of all, I placed the ban myself because obnoxious typing styles violate imageboard culture and show a lack of integration.
>>8907I think you guys just got used to being able to nitpick moo's facial cleanser choices and obesity without repercussions. If you disagree with a ban, appeal it. Crazy nitpicks are being moderated and it
should be noticeable. Actually upholding the rule against nitpicking isn't a newfag thing to do.
No. 8923
>>8915You misread/misunderstand. I am sometimes unable to delete within 30 minutes. This has happened with both image posts without text, image posts with text, and text only comments.
Also, there have been a couple of instances where I posted a series of images, needed to delete three images, but was able to only delete two.
I first posted about it in
>>>/meta/6610. Other anons replied saying it happens to them on desktop.
At the time I asked if it was a browser issue because I had just updated Chrome. After that update my browser window reloads every time leave the tab and return to it.
Since then I have come to believe it is more than an issue related to the update. The error is intermittent and inconsistent. And I can close the tab completely and reopen the site and still delete my comment as I did with
I posted about it again in the last thread, and Admin did not reply.
No. 8944
>>8915"obnoxious typing styles violate imageboard culture and show a lack of integration."
lmao what the actual fuck … violates imageboard culture should be a meme unto itself, jfc.
>>8939I am so surprised this hasn't been abused a whole lot more. Is it still the same host?
No. 8952
>>8951all the redtext is because of the people itt insisting that every single minute ban needs a redtext
>>8911>>8902>>8888>>8837>>8827>>8826>>8814etc etc etc
No. 8963
File: 1550590583209.jpg (145.68 KB, 971x817, Into the trash it goes.jpg)

>>8962Maybe if you posted according to the rules, you would not get banned.
Let me guess you're one of the retards on RSN thread spamming or the nephew pedo fucker who wouldnt shut up about it?
>banning nitpick on a website full of womenOh wait nevermind, spotted the femcel.
No. 8965
File: 1550604231833.jpeg (340.92 KB, 1242x2208, 631F24B2-B40F-499B-9EC5-B0B53E…)

We have an alt-righter / male on the mod team.
Why would I be banned for saying this 3 DAYS ago unless there's a male/ female tradthot salty I said this about one of them?!
No. 8967
File: 1550604469083.png (311.02 KB, 1242x2208, 42CF3AC0-197F-4B04-8260-F5183E…)

>>8965Also I tried reporting this post for racebait in the Stell Bell thread but I couldn't becuase the dialog box came back as
Agreeing with them I see.
No. 8970
>>8967you can't report until your ban is expired, you hadn't tried to post yet so the ban hadn't cleared.
can you please learn how this site works before you come in bitching about nothing?
No. 8972
>>8971banned 02/18/2019
it is now 02/19/2019
do better
No. 8973
>>8971…reread my post.
since you received the notification that you were banned and it is now lifted, you should be able to report.
if you tried to report before you tried to post and received your ban notif, that's probably why it didn't let you.
is it still not letting you report? doubtful.
No. 8974
>>8972Well I was able to report it now so mods were watching
No. 8976
>>8974or your ban expired.
it's okay to be wrong, you know?
No. 8978
>>8967>"true">Agreeing with them I see.Lmao, I'm not even that tech savvy but I'd greater assume that's a script message or error.
Anon, you're a little too mad about this. Just a tad.
No. 8980
>>8964In October I discovered that Admin had moved her thread to by searching for " kelly jean". When I asked about it here Admin did not reply and quickly removed the directory.
Now when I search the only pic I can find by key words is
>>>/pt/82417 may be more images in the old CGL threads.
DMCA complaints are required to list each individual file. Did she or her attorneys actually comb through the entire site for all of the images?
IIRC, Admin stated that her complaint regarded any unauthorized use of her image. This right is only granted with personality protection laws. Neither the US nor the UK (her country of residence) has such laws.
If her complaint is valid internationally then she will be able to have this archive removed No. 8983
File: 1550611285122.gif (366.02 KB, 267x200, giphy.gif)

>>8981IKR? They are bitching over literally nothing.
No. 8991
>>8990it's on par with everything else in /snow/ and /pt/ tho
when the milk is sparse the low blows come out
No. 8994
>>8989Yeah the new rules will be uploaded soon and I agree that we need better guidelines for threads. Too many subtle vendettas out there and being a camgirl or fat doesn't automatically make someone a cow.
>>8991Nitpicking is a huge issue because of this. Anons don't know how to take a break and insist on posting nitpicks for the next 2 threads.
>>8992That's where you're wrong anon. GC is for tranny sperging and the radfem thread is for radfems to fight about who's the most radfem of them all.
>>8993Discussion stays in /ot/.
No. 9001
>>8994Admin can we please get some kind of answer for
>>8980 >>8908
New thread or nah? Doesn't need to be in-depth. Thanks
No. 9002
File: 1550788249109.jpg (155.05 KB, 636x1170, wew lad.jpg)

people were right about the bans. is ur team autistic? i didn't know blowjob would be taken so literally and it's obvious from my post history on that ip that i'm a woman.
the least your team could do is check their shit before getting all ban happy.
No. 9004
>>9002>>9003sorry but are you retarded? your post history doesn't factor in making anyonymous male-posting any less annoying or anymore okay and why would farmhands need to check your history or how would they even have the time?
you're mad for getting a slap on the hand and then you're mad for not getting banned longer because hypothetically a dude?
and how would you know what bans other male-posters get and how they're dealt with?
Maybe try being funnier if you want it to be perceived as a joke.
No. 9005
>>9004are you new and have trouble reading? Farmhands talk about checking user's post history all the time. don't tell me the mod team don't have time when they're running a site, otherwise they wouldn't be running it.
and how was my post a joke lmao glad you thought it was funny enough to be one though.
No. 9007
>>9005staff do not check user post histories all the time. it's for special cases - it takes time, and users here expect anonymity so they only take that away from someone when the rule breaks are bad.
the narcissim to think they're all over your post history checking it out over one minor ban, lmao. a ban which had expired by the time you saw it, no less.
No. 9014
>>9002It was a one hour ban and since you weren't permabanned it means the mod was unsure or saw your history. Would you have preferred to have been permanently banned?
>>9000>what i'm annoyed with is the veiled threats in minor bans like "you've been warned" or "if you keep this up your bans will get longer" etc. etc. How is that a threat or power tripping? Obviously an anon who keeps making the same rule violations will get longer bans for repeating them.
>>9001The previous admin must have moved it. I discussed the issue in depth at the townhall . I don't think it's a good idea to make a new thread right now. The server memory has been upgraded but we haven't switched hosts yet. When we do switch I'll make sure to make an announcement beforehand so it's not unexpected downtime.
>>9006>>9012Are you done pretending to be a different person than the salty anime blowjob anon?
No. 9015
File: 1550827254617.jpeg (28.41 KB, 540x546, DsY0MkUV4AAWFO8.jpeg)

No. 9027
Is still
>>9026The Global Rules have been updated, but the rules for /pt/ and /snow/ have been omitted.
No. 9028
>>9026The previous admin hard-coded the no sage feature onto /pt/ so I need to reverse it. It's not as easy as switching a button on or off but it's a work in progress.
>>9027Yes, that's the new email. The rules page is currently under construction.
No. 9029
>>9028I could have sworn I typed I asked because that address is still appearing in ban notices
Do we really need more words added to the redtext filter?
triggered and now
valid and
No. 9033
>>9029Ahhh, I see you have a filter that changes @ to the new address.
Way to fuck up my attempt to communicate with you.
No. 9034
File: 1551009874939.gif (1.79 MB, 282x150, a04038648ee0310af731fc2a75f593…)

>>9033>>9020>>9019>>9018>>9000Why is this thread milkier than almost anything else on lolcow right now?? Who could have known farmers generate so much milk by just being so fucking autistic?
>blowjobs for females are totally valid>REE mods telling me to stop shitposting so much or theyll permaban me REEEEE>admin is fucking with muh brain injury by correcting posts automaticallyThank you farmers for the laughs!
No. 9036
>>9029I find that red text pretty annoying when people are talking about things like crime and skincare in ot and g ("the serial killer with the highest
victim count" "
triggers my acne")
No. 9037
File: 1551010303694.png (9.69 KB, 871x122, caughtuanon.png)

No. 9044
File: 1551011770840.png (Spoiler Image,60.86 KB, 238x128, 107154e4c26bb01308ed5376c4cf5f…)

>>9042Like, I doubt you acquired the TBI from admin trying to kill you by using word filters to correct an email address, which means it is pretty obvious she is not trying to mess with your memory.
Yet here you are, blaming admin.
No. 9046
>>9035Or are you saying that Admin already replied to whether the gmail address is still
No. 9048
>>9047What's so funny about asking if the gmail address is still
valid and being irritated that the filter fucked up the question?
No. 9049
>>9048I.. I can't
I just can't. I'm wheezing. Anon, you're answering your own confusion as you go, but you don't even realize
that's some legitimate mental fog, if I weren't laughing so hard I'd be concerned for you
No. 9051
>>9049If the gmail address is still
valid or forwards to the address, then why did Admin change it in the rules on January 22nd?
No. 9065
>>9059>>9060>>9062The vote was nearly tied and when asked again users showed an interest. Two new boards isn't a million boards.
>>9061Lolcow is continuously growing.
Aside from the /m/ board, the new rules page has been updated although it's still a work in progress. The rules for /pt/, /snow/ and /w/ will be the same for the most part. We are now ready to effectively prepare for a hellweek sometime in the next week or two.
No. 9078
>>9077Started browsing a few years ago and I get what you mean. Seems like more and more anons have an extra helping of sand in their vaginas over the most inane shit.
I might also be retarded, but I can't seem to locate the new m board.
No. 9081
>>9075Is there a way to "un-bump" a thread on the mod team's end?
It's frustrating that they still stay up after a mod addresses the necromancer. Could be a good feature to add to the list of things you're considering.
Also thank you for the /media/ board. I'm excited to talk about stuff there!
No. 9084
>>9083>>9081A proper link will be added later today.
Emoji use falls under rule #4
Adhere to board culture and the culture of this board.The new rules have been condensed, most rule violations fall under derailment or a lack of integration after all. The use of sage falls under board culture too.
No. 9087
>>9086Adding to this I think the biggest issue is reptititon.
Maybe anons could collate photo sets rather than post one at a time if they're able? And like if for eg, Lainey's appearance looked drastic or something of note, it could be discussed but repetitive points discouraged.
I understand its hard to moderate quality, but rather than discourage posting it seems the biggest issue is reptititon.
Sorry if this is repetitive lol
No. 9089
>>9086>It's all just a laugh. We use to create so many funny photos from inspo posted in the form of a hilarious screen grab.Nearly every thread does that but for the onision thread there's more screencap nitpicking than actual milk, and it's not even really that funny most the time. The thread reads like a bunch of childish insults for a reason.
>A lot of the onion fun is getting overly moderated and not just by lc staff. I personally think it's been under moderated for awhile, momokun anons got more backlash last year for things the onision anons have gotten free passes to.
>When 'milk' such as court docs or leaked convos with girls they're flirting with isn't posted anons get wound up someone wants to discuss a non serious topic relating to a video/twitter post/insta post they've made.That's not a moderation issue that's just newfags not caring about milk and preferring to nitpick.
>Posts don't get deleted. We don't need 2 or 3 posts supporting a statement by rehashing it in other words. We get it. I'm not going to allow my staff to delete posts people don't like unless it's spam or illegal content. Yes repetitive posts can get banned but I won't allow censorship on an imageboard, that's a bit silly.
>It's discouraging discussion. I'd rather skip over a dozen smaller posts critiquing their aesthetics rather than paragraphs about JG and EG and how sad her plight isYou realize you're apart of the problem right? I hope I don't need to go into detail why that is but you
are apart of that exact problem.
>There are dozens of threads on this site discussing cows appearance, why should onion and Lainey get a pass.There is a crackdown on nitpicking and the onision thread is no exception, so actually they don't get a pass at all. The thread quality at this point is an embarrassment for a /pt/ thread.
>>9085They're both image topic threads but not personal enough to be in /g/ like the wedding dress inspo thread.
>>9088We'll try to be more on top of the thread but mira has plenty of reasons for being in /pt/.
No. 9092
>>9089Also admin chill out, I called a mod a dick face for coming on to an onion thread several hours after anons were discussing something. It came across wild patronising of mod.
I also got a ban for derailing for pointing out if onion hadn't discussed the dirty dan video the topic is dull or redundant as in it had fuck all to do with onion drama.
Looking over the new rules too and let me just be the first to say chill out. I bet no one liked you if you were around in tempcow.
No. 9093
>>9092So you bumped the thread to call a farmhand a dickface for telling users to stop nitpicking unless they want to stay on autosage? A well deserved ban.
>I also got a ban for derailing for pointing out if onion hadn't discussed the dirty dan video the topic is dull or redundant No, you got banned for derailing about Jaclyn Glenn then decided to come here to complain about anons derailing about JG's plight. Again, you are apart of the problem.
>>9090Both threads are more image oriented but I an move them back to /g/ if that's too weird. There will be stickies posted on /ot/ and /g/ later today and the link to /m/ has been added to the index.
No. 9097
>>9094You're way too hostile sis.
I don't think the image spam threads should go on /m/ either, though I also think they're stupid threads to begin with so maybe I'm too biased. I was picturing /m/ as a place of media discussion rather than a place to
share wallpapers personally. I'd say a thread like kpop critical even is more /m/ material than idol spam for instance. One is discussing a music genre and the other is… idk fap material? Not sure why people hoard images of random people.
No. 9098
>>9092I thought the dickface comment was hell funny because you'd have to know you'd be banned for that and I thought you just didn't give a fuck… but now here you are giving a fuck. I am disappoint.
>>9084Onion thread regularly has posts by people so ridiculous, I wonder if JoySparkles is there. However, sometimes there's no explicit rule to report them under. If we report hoping that it falls under rule 4 will mods hate that?
No. 9115
File: 1551451123072.png (1.21 MB, 1960x1310, rep.png)

How come the Repzilla thread on /snow/ was deleted? Milk was being posted.
No. 9117
>>9116Are you retarded? It's not even my thread, but I was looking through it.
This is for mods to reply to, not your salty ass.
No. 9124
>>9109You guys aren’t some special snowflakes who get separate rules from the rest of the site. Culture is board-wide.
>>9120At least the munchies left, it seems tempfags don’t realize they are shit and were not liked for the most part. Remember when most of them didn’t even know what lolcow was because they only posted on temp?
No. 9128
>>9127>>9110The rule wasn't applied to OT because some NSFL imagery is posted in gender critical and the art thread (drawn porn) but it's usually posted to mock it. Because OT is a random discussion board the idea was that porn threads wouldn't even be allowed to be posted. I can add the rule explicitly though.
>>9115There was no milk aside from randoms DMs from two vendetta chans.
Subjects must meet 3 out of the 5 following criteria:
◦ An unhealthy desire for attention
◦ Failure to accept criticism
◦ A lack of self awareness
◦ Delusions related to their skill or self importance
◦ No willingness to improve upon their behavior
>>9121As far as I know, nobody has made a new thread.
No. 9129
>>9128Going based on what was posted, he seems to meet 1, 2, and 4. Not sure if he's aware that he's acting like a turd or not.
Will the next Onion thread go on autosage too?
No. 9130
>>9129When I was awake during the posting and reposting of the first 3 threads nothing but personal DMs were posted. There was nothing to support that he met any of that criteria. It's only two people posting the same caps, a clear vendetta.
Not to mention the fact the OP keeps ban evading.
The next onion thread will be on autosage until the post quality improves.
No. 9135
Mods, I think you should forgot to put the
>>>/ot/361130 (Dress Up Games) thread in the m/ board, it's in ot/ and it may seem nitpicky but, it would be nice if it's put in the right board.
No. 9136
>>9133Not that Anon but this is literally untrue lol. Threads have gone on into full derail because someone called a cow she instead of he.
Does what you suggest happen a good portion of the time?? Of course. But that still doesn't change the fact that most of the pink pill posters will take any chance to derail a thread about gender shit when no one cares.
No. 9142
>>9139in retrospect is there anything that admin did that didn't bend over and assfuck board culture?
I say this in the least offense way possible towards that admin, as I understand being in that position isn't simple and they did what they felt was best
I appreciate that current admin does seem more cgl-centric, it's what we needed
No. 9144
>>9143I can't speak for the others but Margo has a significant history as a cow both with Venus and since she ran away. Margo's only dormant, she hasn't reformed in the slightest in her cowishness.
This compared to a thread that comprised someone getting mad about several Discord interactions. Those Discord interactions don't prove repzilla's a cow, anon needs to do better or forget it.
No. 9145
Why is the moderation so shitty and inconsistent?
Also implement this
>>>/ot/382217 instead of banning people who unknowingly replied to a thread that got bumped to page 1 due to spam. And before you ask no that wasn't me.
No. 9148
File: 1551529338809.gif (1.31 MB, 413x200, 200.gif)

>>9146…Are you retarded or just pretending to be retarded? The thread is allowed but no one has made a new one yet. You do realise a regular farmers make new threads and not staff??
>Someone didnt make a new thread REEE>FUCKING MEANIE ADMIN WHERE IS MY THREADcancer.
No. 9158
>>9156Those threads got put off autosage because they didn't have the posters rush in and claim they're totally speshul and different from the other boards.
If you want to help the Onision board and prove it - stop posting. Deadass just you in specific, stop posting. You didn't help your case, in fact you pretty much just clarified that maybe the onision thread SHOULD be on autosage forever. You represent the worst qualities of that thread, especially since now you keep making autistic post after post. Do yourself and your thread a favor and lurk for the next month instead of posting.
No. 9164
>>9159LOL you read tons of threads but don't even know that autosage usually isn't permanent or how to not be this stupid?
Your reading comprehension is abysmal holy shit. I didn't say you were speshul for reading it. Anons from that thread have come into THIS thread to claim the board is special and has different culture fuckin KEK.
Also what milk, from the Onision thread where everyone is repeating
the same point at each other like a bunch of seagulls?? Lmao you're better off as a lurker because nothing you posted here makes you look smart or like you even know how to browse LC
No. 9166
>>9164Read what i wrote again and try to use your brain.
>i mistook the no thread sperging as if it were some kind permanent situationSo since autosage is not usually permanant, and people are freaking out about something that isnt permanant didnt make sense to me so i THOUGHT it ws because why sperg if not something like that?
You are too invested in this shit, if you want to suck Gregs dick just DM him.
(derailing by white knighting yourself) No. 9169
>>9168maybe i'm missing something but i rarely see any "pronoun sperging"
like who gives a fuck either way lol the people that are so insecure with their gender identity that they are getting upset when their selected pronoun isn't used is as retarded as a straight guy getting pissed when someone calls them gay
everyone in the situation needs to get over themselves and move on
No. 9171
>>9169Last time I'm reiterating this bc some responses straight up sound like the anons have poor reading comprehension skills.
In this case people doing the sperging are against using someone's chosen pronouns and are yelling at other anons for using pronouns the cow might want. Nobody should be policing other anons' choices in what the fuck pronoun they want to use when talking about a cow or whatever else. Consider it like minimodding, it derails discussion because how dare some anons not go out of their way to see someone as a different gender than they present as.
TL;DR radfems are yelling at anons that don't use biological pronouns for troons
They're trying to evangelize radfem shit in threads that don't need it. Good for you if you haven't seen it but it happens and it's a problem.
No. 9174
>>9173tbh wouldn't be suprised if that anon did have a vendetta.
Ever since the gender crit and radfem threads have came back people have been trying to get them taken down by complaining about trivial shit.
No. 9175
>>9174Only the manhate thread was shut down. I don’t see how it is vendetta to say that they shouldn’t come into threads to make useless derailing posts.
Not the same anon and I also post in the GC thread before you call me a troon. GC should stay in GC. Lolcow is supposed to be apolitical.
No. 9176
>>9173this, if anyone is derailing it's the spergs with hurt feelings throwing a wall of text at someone making a
>shereply, just move on and don't reply if it bothers you that much
>>9175Anon if anything is taking a political stand it's when someone is willing to call the rattiest man a woman just to cater to their self-identification meme lmao
No. 9177
>>9175>>9171Being a gender speshul is a delusion of many cows. We don't cater to their other delusions, so why should we cede to their delusional gender identities?
>>9174The GC thread was never shut down; read the OP. The RF is new; I posted it after a group of us in the Town Hall discussed starting it.
No. 9185
>>9183It falls under no contribution, rule 7.
>7.2 Repetitive comments>>9180Sure thing.
>>9173>>9171Anons are free to believe whatever they want as long as they're not derailing threads and infighting over pronouns, period. That goes for both sides.
No. 9186
>>9185The pronoun thing makes me want to ask Admin a question - are we taking a course towards the culture where you can just go to meta to complain about someone having an opinion you disagree with and get them banned? It just seems like for the past year a lot of things have become a "bannable offense" because some oversensitive anon lost an argument and cried infighting afterwards. Racebaiting is understandable because it completely shits up the discussion and brings in robot tier demographics but it seems as if some anons have realized that they can report anyone who they don't agree with under some vague reasoning. Like the tranny issue, people yell radfem baiting and femcels when most people who hate genderspecials are just normal posters with no strong feelings towards radical feminism or any other ideology.
The "widespread pronoun sperging" is usually something like this (demonstrated in a hyperbolic sense to make a point):
>Chris-chan just released her newest Sonichu issue!>">her" reactionimage.jpg>REEEEEE SHUT UP LOLCOW IS APOLITICAL IF SHE CHOOSES TO IDENTIFY AS A WOMAN THEN THAT'S HER OWN BUSINESS WOW STOP BEING SO TRANSPHOBIC THIS AIN'T A TERF BOARD I AM GOING TO REPORT THIS FOR DERAILING ADMIN THE RADFEMS ARE AT IT AGAIN PLEASE BAN THEIR ASSES AND DELETE THE CONTAINMENT THREADAnd it's not just the pronoun question. I get that it's derailing and infighting when anons keep going on for 70 replies arguing about dieting in Momokun's thread but it seems that a lot of anons have gotten used to being able to silence people by just whining about it on /meta/ a couple of times. Anons need to grow a thicker fucking skin, someone disagreeing with you and challenging your opinion in /ot/ isn't supposed to be seen as infighting.
No. 9187
This page needs a lot of updating
>Threads that are missing any of the above information will be removed and the user will be sanctioned with a 30 day ban.Has this ever been the case?
No. 9190
>>9189And this
>>>/pt/635716 got moved to
>>>/snow/774420 then locked. Can threads like this be deleted to declutter the catalog? The catalogs are so lengthy they cause some mobile browsers to crash.
Double posting because I get a password error trying to delete.
No. 9193
>>9186>are we taking a course towards the culture where you can just go to meta to complain about someone having an opinion you disagree with and get them banned? Absolutely not, on the contrary, it's amusing to see anons come here to tattle-tell on each other. The radfem/ pronoun debate is an infighting issue most seen in the Blaire White or fakeboi thread.
>Anons need to grow a thicker fucking skin, someone disagreeing with you and challenging your opinion in /ot/ isn't supposed to be seen as infighting.This is true, discussion is supposed to happen organically and it's only natural that anons are going to have different opinions. The infighting and derailing i'm referring to is pointless banter and circular arguments.
>>9187That's a thread the previous admin made, all rules and posting FAQ is all in the new rules page.
No subject is officially banned for now. >>9188It's however you want to interpret it but we can all agree "hi cow" is no contribution 101.
>>9190I'll see about decluttering catalogs. Some threads in /pt/ and /snow/ need to stay archived. The good news is that I'm working on something that automatically archives old threads + watch thread permanently integrated.
>>9192Any celeb can be discussed there so it's general discussion. Even on /mu/ all kpop threads devolve into oogling or shitting on idols so it's only fitting k-critical and k-general stay in /m/.
No. 9195
>>9193nta but not wanting pointless banter is fine, but when do you decide that's what it is? we have
so many threads on /ot/ that i think we should just not fucking have because anons think all of their opinions are gods gift to the world.
No. 9206
>>9205comments don't
need to be important, especially on /snow/. ffs, this site isn't ED or knowyourmeme. these threads aren't just to archive milk, they're for us to
talk about the cows. whoever banned all those comments is autistic.
No. 9208
>>9207>>9206The infopage states explicitly that even if you sage you have to follow the rules.
>Note: Sageing a post doesn't make wildly off-topic comments okay. You still have to follow posting rules.>7. The following contribute nothing, even globally.>7.1 Nitpicking>7.2 Repetitive comments>7.3 Milkless social media statuses and images>7.4 Spamming low effort edits and candid images>7.5 Tinfoiling with no basis to a claim Sageing has never been a way to circumvent the rules, last admin did not enforce it regularly. The ones before last admin did though. Jill has not had milk since her hospitalization, but somehow you guys have still filled up a whole thread with nitpicking about her weight. The last 40 posts are about what filter someone used in a photo she was tagged in and whether she has lost or gained weight. If you guys want to have PULL type conversations, you can go on PULL you know?
No. 9212
just stop getting mad people think differently. lolcow isnt and echo chamber and i like that admin isnt enforcing something like that. are you a tumbler or twitterfag? just go back to that if you cant handle such tame premises
No. 9220
>>9209not the same anon but here's an actual comment sample of what you're defending:
>the teeth whitening was a good move. as derpy as her face looks in this>For one she doesn't look fat but overall looks different and like a different person>you know she has a double chin when she laughs, and lighting makes her look like she has no neck>pixie looks infinitely better with eyeliner>some uncanny valley shit. it's creeping me out big time>went to Japan and got magical huge kawaii eyes out of nowhere!these were redtexted. according to
>>9204 they are "relevant" and according to you they don't break a rule. except they're nitpicking and repetitive, so…
>>9208 No. 9230
>>9228Lol we
are talking about threads from 3 years ago. If you want LC to be how it is now, just go to fucking reddit.
No. 9239
Did I really just get a tiny ban for telling a blogposter that nobody cares about their blogposting? C'mon lmfao it's not infighting. Choose your posters carefully.
>>9227I'll second this. Miss the old days
No. 9241
>>9239>I’m actually kind of amazed that people are still talking about vkei, I though it was a dead genre at this point.This isn't a blog post when it was posted in the J-music thread. It was a warning against infighting because it was such a random no1curr comment, 10 minutes is nothing
>>9235>>9237If there is something you want me to improve you might as well express it instead of hurling insults. See
>>9231The site changed because the userbase changed, newfags need to be wrangled.
>>9238For me, the replies take a bit to load on mobile. Maybe other anons are experiencing the same issue.
No. 9242
>>9227I miss the guy too but he had a thing with Anisa and let her be a farmhand here and jumped ship of his own accord because of it. Remember he also did dumb shit like lock the Aly thread at the peak of her popularity.
We are now three more admins down and finally have one who is engaged, let's just let them do their thing before we judge too hard. I personally like that it's become stricter but I think the last admin really let things go so bad here it's going to take time.
No. 9249
>>9242NTA but i disagree with you, admin has already done stupid as fuck shit like have a useless townhall but then proceed to do what
she wanted, we didn't even talk about /w/ in the townhall but she added that without even announcing it. even if you like those boards, her lack of transparency and lack of discussion, or better yet, going against a vote that she organized is stupid.
i'm judging her even more harshly now because of how poorly she's starting out.
No. 9251
>>9249I like admin but
>going against a vote that she organized is stupidAgree with this. Reminder of the votes:
>Return of manhate poll: Yes by a large margin>/ot/ and /g/ merging poll: No by a large margin>/media/ board poll: No >Return of PnP poll: No by a large margin>sage in /pt/ poll: Yes No. 9259
File: 1552323388895.png (88.14 KB, 185x192, Angry_Dairy_Farmer.png)

>>9256What the fuck, Admin?!
Could the lack of enthusiasm across the boards have anything to do with the emergent draconian moderation? Even the OP anons for the most popular threads have abandoned the site.
No. 9260
>>9256>>9257>>9259At work but if this is true, this was done without my knowledge. I'll check up on it later.
>>9251Just wanted to reply to this real quick, votes were done so I can see the general consensus. Final decisions are up to me. I like to listen to how people feel.
>>9249If you want to call it a lack of transparency then you're ignoring the fact I asked and mentioned it twice after the townhall.
I allowed PNP back because she is a cow, I don't feel right banning threads just because people don't like them. If they are a cow then who am I to ban discussion of a cow?
/m/ vote was nearly tied and when asked again users expressed an interest.
The others votes were won by large margins and I am working on the sage issue in /pt/. Thank the previous admin for the spaghetti code I have to fix.
EDIT: looked at moderation logs and it turns out a staff member autosaged the thread 2 days ago, I was never told but it may have been an accident. I don't know yet. I put it off autosage.
No. 9266
>>9259I completely agree. I don't mean this in an insulting way, but it doesn't seem like the new admin understands what makes imageboards appealing. At all.
Not every post needs to be some enormous revelation or leak. Banter is normal, that's what makes the conversations fun. As long as it's saged and not autistic powerleveling, there shouldn't be problem.
Excessive moderation is ruining the appeal of this site. I shouldn't visit a thread and have my eyes assaulted with a wall of red text.
I strongly suggest admin and the mod team go visit other chan sites to learn 1. what makes them appealing, and 2. what a proper level of moderation is.
No. 9268
>>9247I'll move any threads that are active, if they have been dead for awhile then I don't think it's necessary.
>>9262We currently have about 3 active mods, everyone else is a janitor with all different timezones. Janitors can't autosage or move threads, only experienced mods can.
>>9261>>9265The mod who autosaged the thread didn't realize they autosaged it, they frequently moderate manhate and gendercrit and as an active contributor to the threads I doubt it was intentional. Based off of their moderation history I don't see a reason foul play was involved.
>>9266The red text flood was done by one mod, and it was dealt with. A few weeks ago anons were here saying they wanted all bans redtexted.
Banter and discussion is normal and encouraged but I emphasize again that sage isn't an excuse to break rules to the point where a thread only devolves into nitpicking.
>>9267That's why sage isn't in the rules anymore, it's part of board culture but sage shouldn't be a big deal as long as the post isn't spam or some random necro.
>>9263>>9264I hate to break it to you but /m/ was discussed a few times here after the townhall. /w/ wasn't but /m/ was.
No. 9279
>>9237>>9263>>9264>>9276>>9277If you're going to keep IP hopping to pretend to be 4 different anons, at least do it right.
Still mad about the spongebob meme? God I must be such a fat normie.
>>9271Responding to scrots is against the rules, it's also in the OP. I removed the ban for you but just report and ignore robots and incels.
No. 9282
File: 1552367274807.jpg (39.1 KB, 750x422, UnL0e7A.jpg)

Reading this thread like
Milkier than snow because of the pearfags and tempfags
No. 9287
>>9286where have you been, anon?
just scroll through meta every admin change has been announced/explained
No. 9288
>>9286Here are some relevant posts, you can see the atmosphere in /meta/ was pretty fiery at the time
>>7090 and her formal announcement
>>7078 No. 9290
>I'll move any threads that are active, if they have been dead for awhile then I don't think it's necessary.Well, I tried to warn you before I posted.
>>>/ot/284289 has been resurrected.
No. 9291
>>9281How many fucking times does the admin need to say that they use more than just IP to identify samefags?
You are so fucking embarrassing and if I were the admin, I'd consider rangebanning your entire fucking country. This site and it's userbase clearly doesn't want you here so fuck off.
No. 9293
>>9292>Not trying to hide>IP hopping and using VPNsIf you have such a fucking problem with this site GO AWAY. How many more fucking times are you going to call the admin a retard? Just fucking email her your complaints instead of shitting up this thread with your asinine word vomit.
Jesus Christ, I can only imagine what it looks like from an administrator/farmhand side of things. Constantly dealing with these absolute dregs and actually having to spend the time detailing what they did wrong and explaining the same fucking rules to them over and over. I feel blessed I get to use this site for free, without having to seriously interact with the absolute worst retards on here.
No. 9301
>>9299is something wrong with you?
i'm the 1st two posts, but posting more than once in a thread isn't samefagging. you guys are more childish than i am lmfao.
No. 9302
File: 1552438638871.jpg (115.17 KB, 1000x600, 2wePLmp.jpg)

>>9301iM NoT sAmEfAgGiNg
Can the amount of K threads in m be limited because anons made a k girl spam thread when there's already like four threads.
No. 9303
>>9302be careful not to get banned for weird typing bb.
idk why admin and farmhands don't just ban me instead of this weird high schooler chest puffing if they have such an issue. poor babby admin can't take insults so her big sissy farmhand has to come in!
i wouldn't be surprised if you and admins are fucking samefagging and ganging up on me, but it's okay. anyone who wants to fucking mod this website has to be fucking nuts anyways.
No. 9304
File: 1552439027112.jpg (13.03 KB, 301x349, Question_calf.jpg)

>>8771I got a ban notice thanking me for my help. Was that a genuine communique or sarcasm?
No. 9305
>>9303The only insulting thing in this thread is that you actually think your samefagging isn't obvious. Here's some advice anon, stop using the same IP ranges on both your mobile device and PC. Have a nice day.
>>9304It wasn't sarcasm, your reports have been helpful!
>>9302The two threads are pretty active right now but we can merge future kspam threads.
No. 9306
>>9305do you
seriously think that multiple people can't be in the same area? i know atleast 3 people who live in the same town as me that browse lolcow lmfao.
No. 9307
File: 1552450607234.gif (4.4 MB, 480x268, literally you.gif)

>>9306>do you seriously think that multiple people can't be in the same area?All you have to do anymore is not reply and it's over, there's no need to go on this next level charade. This is too much cringe.
No. 9309
>>9308There is always infighting in this thread and nobody gets banned really
>>9307This thread should go to snow at this point
No. 9310
>>9308I've rarely ever seen anyone banned for breaking rules in meta lmao
At this point I wouldnt ban you either because having an autistic girl constantly dig herself deeper in the whole while thinking that she's better than anyone on the same forum she uses, and let's be honest, daily is ABSOLUTELY hilarious.
I can't tell you how sad it was to see you genuinely thought this was "ganging up" on you.
No. 9311
>>9302I second this.
It's obnoxious and the more threads there are, the more it attracts kpop fags from twitter/PULL/etc who refuse to integrate, and are only here to shit anonymously on their disliked group while spamming/stanning their favorites. Shit shouldn't be encouraged with multiple threads.
No. 9315
>>9314don't be silly anon, she'd be rainbowtexting everything.
cheers to the best thread on the board right now.
No. 9316
>>9313>everyone is more autistic than me>I'm just an alcoholicChrist
>>9311I noticed this too it's really just a fanwar
No. 9321
>>9320Because other farmers get
triggered by idol spam in non kpop threads and the thinly veiled thirstposting was cluttering up kpg, bitch.
No. 9323
>>9321Then how about you stop spamming and only post 1 or maybe 2 pictures like any other normal person as well,
No. 9324
>>9323No thanks, I neither want to nor need to. This is an
image board after all.
No. 9332
>>9327We'll be sure to make sure the thread is merged once either one gets locked.
>>9329>>9318The investigation is complete, we're getting ready to label posts. It's best to keep this here for maximum impact.
>>9331I don't mean to make moderation stricter, if anything the condensed rules are meant to make things more lax and enjoyable for everyone. If you have any recommendations for improving moderation I'm all ears.
To make it a bit more clear, derailing a bit or being catty shouldn't be a reason enough to get a hard ban hammer in my opinion. I think bans should get issued when the user(s) have been going at something for hours or have a history of repeating offenses.
No. 9334
>>9333There's nothing wrong with the idol threads themselves, having 4 active k threads is just excessive. Merging kboy spam and kgirl spam just means 1 less thread.
That is k-critical, k-general, and the future k-idol spam for both genders.
No. 9340
>>9332I had a few complaints about the new farmhands. I mean a lot of bans are well earned but some are wtfs. Overall, I don't care that much, but this makes it all better, Admin-kun. We've all been really suspicious and while it's been kind of milky, not enough to become Raven's personal army.
Thanks for the investigation!
No. 9346
>>9341Necroing on /ot/ should be fine… it's a discussion board and documenting milk isn't a priority there which is the main reason necroing is an issue on a cow board like /pt/. Afaik it's not even considered necroing if you post new milk in the most recent thread on a cow, even if the thread hasn't been active for a long time. It's only bad if you made a non-milk post.
For /ot/ it's just bringing up an old topic and shouldn't cause issues for anyone since nobody will click a thread only to find out there's no milk, it's just some anon who decided to go "wow she's fat" or something lel.
No. 9348
>>9217>>9221>>9227Some of the rule enforcement does seem to be over-zealous, but you guys are completely missing the fact that the audience of lolcow has grown and changed demographically to an extreme degree over the years. When a community only has a couple hundred or thousand members, it's piss easy to maintain without creating or enforcing many rules. There's been a huge influx of PULL, Instagram, tumblr, Kiwi Farms, etc. over the years, and I can guarantee you that this place would be unsalvageable if strict rules hadn't been created and enforced. Gossip communities are catnip for the worst kinds of people, and the rules prevent them from swarming the place and ruining the culture.
It'd be nice to be able to have heated arguments without getting banned tho.
No. 9362
>>9358afaik It's not because Lolcow is trying to be particularly PC but it's more because it attracts either reeing /pol/posters or ignites whites vs asians vs blacks dumpster fires, completely shitting up the thread with 400+ replies of circular arguments and derailing. It used to happen all the fucking time and ruined multiple threads until it became a bannable offense.
>>9361Yeah this
No. 9367
>>9354Yes, report it so we can see it and access the situation.
>>9360Actually, most chans don't care for it. In fact, most boards on 4chan hate /pol/ and /b/. Saying something edgy isn't racebaiting on it's on either, usually it's an anon sperging about something in /w/ thread.
>>9363Those cows are cows for being delusional and paranoid, not just their politics. Take someone like Laura Loomer for example.
So yes you're right that politics alone don't make a cow unless it's very outlandish but there are usually other factors involved.
>>9364Thanks for the heads up.
No. 9369
Why has cropped child pornography within Discord logs been up for 11 months?
>>>/snow/544188>>>/snow/545064>>>/snow/574953Does this mean anyone can post cp as long as they crop it?
No. 9376
>>9374Funny how you want cropped photos of what
you sent removed, Michael.
No. 9379
File: 1552825278319.gif (996.99 KB, 245x200, retard.gif)

>>9378>>9377For being someone who has been in an imageboard before, you sure don't act like it with all the sperg. Posting shit on sites that are used to archive antics of people, especially posting your own antics… Wow that is sperge galoré, it is almost like… Wait…
Wow, it is almost like posting your antics on a site used to archive ends up archiving them?!?
That thread does not constitute CP. You are making a fool out of yourself even more now, and I hope admin labels every single post everyone in your crew has made. Because this sure has warranted it in the past.
>Child pornography is considered to be any depiction of a minor or an individual who appears to be a minor who is engaged in sexual or sexually related conduct.The posts you referenced contained a picture of a person holding their own neck fully clothed, a censored ID and a cropped picture of a womans sternum. None of these are a sexual act nor sexually related conduct.
No. 9380
>>9379>The posts you referenced contained a picture of a person holding their own neck fully clothedA 14 year old choking their neck.
>a censored ID I'm making a complaint about the sexual depiction of a minor and cropped nude of them lolcow has hosted on its site not an ID.
>cropped picture of a womans sternumYou mean a cropped topless photo of a 14 year old showing their breasts.
No. 9381
File: 1552842280405.jpg (73.92 KB, 300x250, gleeful bulgarian frog.jpg)

>>9380I really don't think you know what CP is although you just got the legal definition of it explained to you, but hey maybe it's dyslexia.
Those do not constitute as CP. If you really actually feel it is CP and believe it constitutes as CP, you can make a complaint to the police and get the exact same reply from them.
Up to you, do remind them though that you posted them yourself Michael and actually have child porn in your possession and distributed it.
Which your dumbass has already admitted here three times and get slapped with actual possession and distribution of actual child pornography.. How embarrassing and cringeworthy, trying to wave around legal jargon without understanding it to cover up your dumb behavior and accidentally snitch on yourself. Instead of screeching autistically at the admin here, you should be worrying that someone has capped your dumb threats here and you admitting to distributing and possessing child pornography and filed an online tip with the info.
You just keep on digging that grave for yourself here, this is hilarious.
No. 9383
>>9382You are just a gift that keeps on giving. Admin already confirmed the thread in question has you posting the cringe. Everyone already saw those posts and your threats there, dumbass.
As for the cropped photo of the sternum and claiming the whole photo contains sexual features of a minor. The media in question is not indistinguishable to the viewer, as the whole photo has never been posted. Due to this the admin nor anyone not in possession of the allegedly uncropped image can confirm is there a visual depiction of a minor engaging in sexual acts nor is there any actual evidence to confirm that the subject of the photo indeed is an identifiable minor.
Due to this there is no evidence that the photo in question qualifies as media that would be classified under the exploitation of a child label.
You can obviously Michael mend this little problem, very easily in fact, and prove it is actually CP as you allege by posting the whole photo in question. Obviously though if you happen to post CP, do not be surprised if you have the cops contact you after about possession and distribution of child porn. But thank you for snitching on yourself three times already, can you make it a four?
No. 9392
>>9390maybe it's the cows posting in her thread that
trigger the autosage, anon
No. 9393
>>9392This. Idk what it is but the anons posting in her thread are somehow cringier than her. there’s one person who I’m pretty sure is the posting in here and tried to make the new thread who seriously doesn’t get sarcasm or being flippant. They’ll post tweets where she makes a bad joke three years and uses it for tinfoiling how she must be a human trafficking
victim lol. She’s a flop weeb still clinging to relevancy, has been a hoe for years which is open on her part…dime a dozen. Nobody is a cow just for being a slut.
No. 9394
File: 1552913869668.jpeg (280.3 KB, 1125x1483, DD676C59-39D3-4289-A551-DCF65D…)

>>9390Why are you so fixated on hookers and whores? You’re the same person tinfoiling and spamming up the Galaxy thread with super old receipts on Mikan after nobody on PULL cared on EITHER of your accounts. You can’t spam the site because nobody cares about your frothing radical feminist bullshit. Stop complaining about auto sage. The way you’re acting the Galaxy thread is going to be contained because of your spamming.
No. 9395
File: 1552914333535.jpeg (350.54 KB, 1102x2211, 78DFA8A6-8FFD-41B6-856D-A51E13…)

>>9394literally chased off your alt account on PULL for spamming this autistic moralfagging radical feminist shit and came here to spam more, getting mad that nobody cares. Get the hint.
No. 9397
>>9396I’ll ask the other mods, but as far as I know no one has touched it. Sometimes threads get accidentally autosaged from a misclick. I’ve done it in the past myself, if it was going to be truly autosaged we would say something.
Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
No. 9398
>>9396It hasn't been autosaged or moved, there's no record of anything changing.
>>9390Read the rules on the cow criteria. Amina sperg is a clear vendettachan
I wanted to say that a new thread on Kelly Jean may be created under the condition her patreon content isn't posted.
No. 9399
>"Amina sperg is a clear vendettachan"Please for the love of pt, it has to be Himeka or Micky. After all of these years they STILL haven't learned, even after previous Admin confirmed it.
These bitches really can't let it go. Jfc.
No. 9400
>>9394Imagine actually reading pull. Nice try but no, I just was surprised to come back to her thread after finding it again months later to see it's still in autosage with actual things going on but someone like Himezawa has absolutely nothing yet has a new thread.
>>9398Uh I hope to god you're not saying I'm the Amina sperg when I haven't even posted in there recently until today? Yikes.
No. 9411
>>9409I second this. Kpop General should be a legit general thread and include both the positive and the negative discussion. It would alleviate a lot of other issues with those threads too.
The thirsty, circlejerky posting can go to the spam threads and the anons with genuine hateboners can fuck off to the vigilant citizen forum lol.
No. 9413
>>9410? I've been part of the critical threads since they've initially began I just thought it would be a helpful solution.
What do you propose then?
>>9411Exactly. That's why it makes sense to have it all in one massive thread.
The idol threads will be merged and kpop over-wanking can be in there.
The General can have critical and positive things so it's not a hugbox thread nor get awkwardly close to a Anti-Korean thread.
No. 9431
>>9397Maybe that user was encountering this bug
>>>/meta/9191. She didn't say if she looked in the catalog.
No. 9432
>>9427>>9426the tip that
>>9424 suggested (hiding saged posts and then unhiding them) fixed it for me
No. 9436
>>9396It hasn't been autosaged or moved, there's no record of anything changing.
>>9390Read the rules on the cow criteria. Amina sperg is a clear vendettachan
No. 9454
>>9332"The investigation is complete, we're getting ready to label posts."
Any idea when this will drop? Assuming it will be announced in-thread.
No. 9458
>Do not post photos of minors where there is an expectation of privacy.Mom Bloggers thread
>>>/snow/480735 and
Expectation of privacy when the moms parade them out to millions online and in the media? Yay or nay?
No. 9460
>>9458Yeah it's fair game. Lolcow historically had the hartley thread for years and I don't see why that can't be done for mommybloggers with milk potential.
I guess
>>9456Yeah it is, bans have been issued for nitpicking over the past few days. All three threads attract the worst newfags afterall.
>>9454We'll be working more on it this weekend. Can't put a proposed date though, sorry for the tremendous 100 year wait on this.
>>9459It might be related to the current bug unfortunately.
No. 9462
>>9459, this bug has existed for as long as I have used the site. I have posted about it several times.
No. 9463
File: 1553281219995.png (118.05 KB, 494x368, Screen Shot 86.png)

Is Repzilla sperg back again?
>>>/pt/647869 No. 9471
>>9467I have had a strange feeling about the overly baity pedo confessions in /ot/ and /g/ overall. The posters are usually newfags and yeah. I can't be 100% sure though. I bet there are also some serious posters, naturally.
>>9470You can appeal things like this, it's hard for me to follow up on the ban because you're on another device but you can see the new revised rules in for some more info.
No. 9477
>>9476It's not really random, anons in the onion thread are just incapable of integrating because the majority of them flocked from tumblr, twitter, and temp. It's pretty obvious that most oldfags abandoned the thread to only check up once in awhile because of how bad the thread is.
Lainey can be posted in fakeboi, if there is something relevant to Greg than it can be posted in the onion thread. So yeah that pretty much kills most nitpicking potential.
No. 9484
>>9481Lainey does awful things too but the myth that she's a bigger cow than greg is the product of a bunch of bored stay at home moms who want to nitpick her looks. find a
behavior to nitpick.
>>9477you called this 100% admin
No. 9487
File: 1553339323349.jpg (34.08 KB, 350x350, image.jpg)

watching lainey anons lose their shit has been delightful, thank you admin
No. 9489
>>9460Just happy to hear there is movement on it tbh. And by the sounds of it, some milk.
>>9483>Banning people with great contributions to the the thread. Where? Those threads have been worse than usual for a while, which is a decent effort.
No. 9492
>>9491the point of the site has been lost for some time. and the no nitpicking rule is one reason why people left fucking /cgl/. this isn't an imageboard anymore.
i know imageboards have rules and aren't just anything goes, but these threads aren't for archiving purposes, they are for
us to use to
discuss cows and stuff. the fact that admin is trying to "crack down" on /ot/ and /g/ should be a huge red flag to anybody, but she's using the trump method of saying stuff people likes in an attempt to distract them, then chimping out when people notice. she purposely refuses to answer questions and does things of her own accord despite having prior discussions. guess we can't expect much more from someone who was friends with the previous admin.
No. 9493
>>9492Ironically, excessive nitpicking made me stop wanting to contribute actual milk to the onion the thread. It gets tiresome when something that actually is milky gets overlooked to discuss why a cow is soooo ugly/fat.
/cgl/ didn’t ban nitpicking, they banned drama. There’s still threads discussing ita “coords”, shit cosplay and shit makeup.
No. 9494
>>9493As a user that was around years before tempcow I always found some anons would come in and soapbox an issue they thought was milk. Or they posted something and there wasn't much more to be discussed like how some anons get annoyed when we apparently sweep text message screenshots from
victims under the rug cause we're not reiterating the same point 1000 of times.
Honestly it's not hard to scroll past a nitpick comment they're usually a line long. It's longer to come on to minimod the post and contribute nothing.
Some anons are aware cows themselves read the thread so sprinkling in an insult sometimes is just banter, I don't get how other posters get offended when comments aren't directed at them.
No. 9495
>>9479You can 100% use a VPN. Maybe you got a IP that was already previously banned, just appeal and we'll remove it. If you're still experiencing issues with posting you can email me at with screenshots of the error message.
I know VPNs are banned on 4chan but they aren't banned here. I don't think VPNs are really abused much to care anyways.
>>9480The Shay thread as been littered with repetitive nitpicking and derailing. And then you also get those constant "SAGE" minimods. It hasn't just been the new thread, I would say it got worse around the Dawn era.
>the mods couldn't be assed to just delete stupid, nitpicky comments and set hard rules for future threads.This is an imageboard, we don't simply delete posts for no reason.
>>9483>modOh, anon.
>>9486Seconding this.
>>9488That's not how bandwidth works.
>>9491Mira, Raven, Vicky, and Luna threads are generally good about this. I would even have to say I'm proud of the improvements in momos thread. Onision and Dasha's thread have issues because of constant newfags.
>>9492You realize nitpicking has been in the rules for years?
No. 9497
File: 1553357750070.jpeg (58.79 KB, 545x363, 99DE6F0D-2C34-4A15-AF36-BAD298…)

>>9494How can you scroll past nitpicking if 89% of the thread is nitpicking?
No. 9503
>>9495i know what rules have been around for a while dumbass, i'm saying they're stupid. when i was a janitor with regina they were in the rules, but they were meant to punish users who had a history of nitpicking and not just stop it from happening in the thread.
i honestly can't wait until you get chased out because you're the exact opposite form of shit that the previous admin was. regina had issues but she certainly knew what the site was for.
>>9496this. the heavy moderation is getting even worse. coupled with the fact that admin is making her own decisions for the site despite the fact that people voted against them
>inb4 the votes were close tho guise!!!they were, but there's no point to voting if you're just going to make a decision based on your feelings.
No. 9506
>>9505It can go in the onion thread. The grooming is like a team effort between the two anyways. It's not a fakeboi thing at all so you're right.
>>9503Users are banned for having histories of derailing,nitpicking, and blogging overall. Nitpicking happens in all threads, it's just the way it's always been. One off-topic post or nitpick isn't a big deal. When you look at the onion thread it's all some anons have in their post histories. Some anons are legitimately there just to nitpick Lainey while glossing over Greg's milk.
>there's no point to voting if you're just going to make a decision based on your feelings.If that were true I wouldn't be asking users (who couldn't attend the townhall) for their opinions twice again after votes.
Complaints of "heavy moderation" come from the same handful of threads with moderation issues. Only a few bans are issued per day, more if there is a raid.
No. 9507
File: 1553365419450.png (123.24 KB, 640x1136, E167EB9E-AA11-4F0E-BD90-60CA96…)

>>8771Lolcow has become USSR.
The threads you mentioned are just as nitpicky as the others, its just that you personally dont like some threads. Moderation is supposed to be about the userbase, not your ego.
Photo from the “hq” moo thread
No. 9511
>>9506admin, you know who i am, and i will say it again. i
was at the town hall. you said yourself you decided to make the new boards
despite the votes, hell we didn't even have a vote for /w/ during the townhall. the votes literally didn't matter. and by stricter moderation, those were your own words about your intentions. you need to stop trying to double talk everyone and thinking you're slick by half-addressing these issues that are brought up.
you said that
you are bringing about stricter moderation.
you said that
you decided to make /m/ because "votes were close" and you still refuse to explain why there was no vote for /w/. and you still keep trying to assert that you're being transparent when you're being everything but that. a transparent admin doesn't make a new board and have mods move threads without even announcing the board first. they don't make a board after a vote vetoes it. like others have said, all you're doing is making the site more hospitable for newfags and being weirdly anal about shit that no one gives a fuck about. and it's all because you clearly don't into image boards. anyone else who is made admin after you will revert a lot of the changes you made.
No. 9514
>>9512If Greg is in the video it's related to Greg isn't it? That's ok. Sarah grooming is already Greg related and is okay as well.
>>9511/w/ was made without a vote or townhall yes, /m/ was asked about twice in this thread or the previous thread. That vote was a close tie.
I explained before that /w was made because it was
my own choice to make moderation easier and to organize threads. This was said in /meta/. Since the creation of /w/ threads are more active and it's been easier for mods and janis to go through reports.
Think whatever you want. All the decisions I've made were discussed with the new staff and thought over carefully. People will always complain about the moderation here, no matter what. A few years ago an admin banned a bunch of threads on the basis of not "liking it", now making new boards to organize things a bit better is the absolute worst.
I really didn't expect any different. I'm going to continue doing my volunteer side job to the best of my ability, have a great day.
>>9509Yes, autosage is discussed collectively within the staff. At the moment moderators cycle through whichever thread they're assigned for the month and will report back about certain issues or trends.
Getting to complaints happens quickly because we're covered across most timezones now. It's been a blessing when dealing with raids. As for the redtexting, it's not currently encouraged in the new ban guide. Before, redtexting was somewhat random from my understanding.
No. 9516
Re: the red text word filter
Have you considered the fact that it truncates URLs? In this example Daily Mail autocompletes, but not all pages will.
>>>/snow/789166 No. 9522
>>9511>admin, you know who i amlook at liam neeson here with the you know who i am shit.
why does /meta/ always attract autists who have nothing better to do than larp as internet tough guys
No. 9525
>>9511Imagine seething so hard bc admin made an executive decision with the goal of improving moderation and organization. A decision that ultimately improved the site already.
You crazy bitches think town halls are a direct democracy or something. Whoever's in charge will take the feedback into account but they call the shots in the end. Are you all 12 or something?
No. 9533
>>9532i still think the nitpicking was on par with most other threads in /snow/ it was just being very heavily moderated
idk i just like laughing at retards
No. 9535
>>9534i just feel like it's more natural to just let an autosage fizzle out but there are obviously a lot of anons that feel strongly about not talking about her for whatever reason so i get it i guess.
banned topic just seemed extreme to me.
No. 9538
>>9531Make a thread on PULL if you want to nitpick her lips everyday.
Make a thread on kiwifarms if you want a friendly wholesome user experience.
>>9529>I don't want anons to talk about something I don't want to talk aboutThis is strange anon, the thread is moving fine. You can try to switch topics if you want or just ignore.
No. 9539
File: 1553557633760.jpeg (37.37 KB, 552x457, 64022138-73AC-44FB-8A91-B9A242…)

No. 9541
File: 1553584888464.jpg (11.98 KB, 258x245, 0134 - WlHOCzS.jpg)

>>9538>Make a thread on PULL if you want to nitpick her lips everyday.>Make a thread on kiwifarms if you want a friendly wholesome user experience. wtf i love the admin now
No. 9544
>>9531Lots of the threads "content" was literally porn and talking about her lips/boobs/makeup. It was like robots talking about how a pornstars elbows are too pointy so they can't fap to her. I reckon the thread was full of fellow degens and dudes jacking off to her. Anons never spoilered stuff and used the thread to record her every move like an obsessive ex.
No. 9550
>>9538That wasn't what I was saying calm the fuck down. I'm saying since there is so much too it would make sense to have its own thread like Melanie Martinez. I think most have been pretty harsh towards you but you are pretty shitty when it comes to speaking on handling the website with it's userbase. An MJ thread would be better for discussion because it'll have the info a person needs to make either argument as to whether or not he did it because posts about him end up taking a lot of space and dominating a conversation. You deadass just brushed over the whole notion and summed it up into some juvenile ~u no wanna speak u whine muh~.
I hope you become better at this because I've watched other admins behave on this site the way that you do and it always ends up with them being pushed off. You're too busy trying to sound like a persona of what an admin on here is supposed to be instead of just having a normal conversation with the people.
No. 9553
>>9552My phone is being stupid again sorry but I want to reiterate that I deadass was just making a minor suggestion that might be more interesting for everyone but I forgot this thread was cancer.
I agree that the hand that happen in Jill's and momkun's threads don't make any sense also
No. 9555
>>9552there are a surprising number of posts ITT defending the admin in the exact same pissbaby way she types. very mysterious really.
admin doesn't answer questions, so asking is just useless at this point. she's still never answered any of my questions unless it was her bawwing off-trip to defend herself.
No. 9556
>>9516The link in
>>>/ot/391208 is broken because of the word filter.
No. 9558
>>9548did she go to the shops again? or post a nude?
she had potential as a cow but the autism ruined that. admin even defied a majority vote not to allow hr back to give you all another chance, you blew it.
No. 9560
>>9557If you have (accidentally or not) hovered over the butchered link it adds the [archived copy] text to it, so you have to select the link, then remove the tag manually. It's a hassle and it shouldn't be a big issue for the dev to disable to word highlight inside anchor tags such as links. Stop being
triggered over someone addressing a clear issue with usability that can be fixed in 5 minutes.
No. 9570
>>9563I don't get why
oof is in red text.
No. 9571
>>9563>>9570maybe its because anytime anything regarding onion ppl start sperging about how everything he does is
abusive then they blogpost about his abuse.
oof is probably bc its such a way to start argument. like "
oof are you sure you wanna say that?" its like what liberals say before they dogpile
i'm not admin or mod so this is all just tinfoiling
No. 9589
>>9579reported a few, saw redtexting. works for me.
>>9584The fatveg threads are like 10% milk and 90% cancer with nothing in between. hellweek when?
No. 9591
I've noticed that the use of contractions like ngl, lmao, lol and smh are becoming increasingly frequent in the threads I visit. These acronyms don't add much substance to sentences and I feel they should be discouraged. Even remarks like "I'm yelling/crying/D Y I N G" are rather obnoxious and have nothing to do with the cow. I don't care about the poster, I care about the cow.
Perhaps the moderation could consider deleting posts that break the rules? Since not all ban-worthy posts get redtexted, the posts are left up and users start to emulate them, presuming that those kinds of posts and attitides are allowed. The worst should be redtexted and left up as examples, but the "minor" offences (sage, non-contribution, etc) only clog up a thread. If you can't follow the rules, you shouldn't get to use the site.
>>9584The language of the posts on Phoebe's (and Shay's) thread look more like twitterspeak to me. The "exposure" stunt in Phoebe's thread was especially cringeworthy. I'm glad it was halted in its tracks, kudos to the farmhands for that. It's curious to see farmers so actively wanting to sabotage milk production.
No. 9594
>>9591>>I've noticed that the use of contractions like ngl, lmao, lol and smh are becoming increasingly frequent in the threads I visitI'm sorry, anon, but how is this bad at all? They are super common internet acronyms. So long as the post is contributing then the user neding their sentiment with a "ngl" isn't really an issue. It's just shortening a common phrase, like what?
That being said I super agree with the point about Phoebe's thread. It's flooded with newfags and the who expose page was cringy and cowtipping. Like when the anon tried to make an expose video in Jillian's thread. Mods need to nip that shit in the bud asap (thank you for that) - it really does clog up the thread and it always gets encouraged for far too long and I don't get why. Exposing cows will just ruin the milk flow.
No. 9597
>>9586??? then they'd hate the stuff they'd have to moralfag about??? libfems are more of an issue, all their
toxic sex-posi tumblr bs is painful.
No. 9602
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With how the website is being run, I had some ideas that could really make lolcow better!
First of all, because moderators like to ban anyone for posts they deem to be a non-contribution, we should have some sort of system for promoting posts that contribute to the thread, like some sort of 'up' vote button, and also a 'down' button we can press for bad posts, so we don't have to see them in the thread! That way the mods wouldn't have to ban or delete anything they don't like, the content would be buried for them.
Secondly, I think we should get rid of anonymity on this website. Some people like this 'image board' format because lets them post whatever they want and have a free discussion. Sometimes they even like to make posts of little value, I believe this is called a 'shit post'. This is very dangerous because it can sometimes lead to off-topic posts or people disagreeing with each other. Because the moderators have decided that anything outside of a narrow, arbitrary and vague definition of 'quality' or 'contribution' posts must be banned, it's only natural that we should attach our posts to a username. Having a name attached to an account would make each user think before they post, leading to better quality posts.
This way, the mods can have more control over their users!
Additionally, we should get rid of the image board style format. Image boards are designed in a way that anyone can make a thread on anything they want. Because the moderators have such strict standards on what is deemed thread/post worthy, we should just have a forum-style design. Having a forum-style thread for every subject of interest would save the mods having to make more boards and fracture the website further.
TL;DR Let's stop acting like that CREEPY "4chan" and make this place truly epic!
Hope to see these ideas implemented some time soon my fellow farmers :)
No. 9606
>>9602Anyone who suggests turning an image board into a boring, pandering site like Reddit or a forum should be banned, imho
Just go to Reddit
No. 9609
So we have an unholy chimera of radfem AND libfem moralsperging going on here.
>Why is it ALWAYS le white ppl shooting people down???? kek>You want to date a guy shorter than you? Ew pedophile alert!!!!>You acknowledge male overrepresentation in rape statistics? Y-you're a misandrist!>RRREEEE stop liking problematic sexist media it makes me angry and I can't deal with people liking something I don't!!!!! >Look guys you shouldn't misgender people gender dysphoria is a real illness!!! >yeah anon but you do realize face taping IS racist and yellow facing….????Replying to this sort of bullshit results into them throwing a tism fit with a rhetoric that doesn't make any logical or common sense, but allowing this sort of faggotry to exist here only attracts more of these types.
>>9602I'm giving you an upvote OP, this is too epic for words lad
No. 9610
>>9602You are the best lmao
>>9591and you are the cancer that would love lolcow reddit
No. 9611
>>9609Agreed, some threads started to be unreadable because of it and ot is starting to feel like tumblr 2.0 with that fuckery going on everywhere. Also looks like the respond "scrot" is a follow up to "handmaiden", whenever anons see opinions being posted that don't line with their own worldview. Take it to your MH thread or whatever.
Also wonder what happened to the hellweek plans? I think a week of banning all newfags and etc. would improve this current situation.
No. 9613
>>9529>>9550>>9552>>9553Just wondering why a separate Michael Jackson thread was made even though Admin specifically said here
>>9538that it wasn't necessary?
There's a lot of people doing shady shit, basically ignoring admin and I think it's fucky behavior.
No. 9616
>>9614I've noticed the soundclout thread is constantly bumped but with no new posts. is this the same issue? (ie. I'm just not seeing the new posts?). the last post it shows for me is the uh, image of 'normie' DA which I keep thinking 'why is this still here'
too lazy to try clearing my browsing data but that might fix it, if you haven't tried it already, anon
No. 9619
>>9612People are allowed to say a thread is badly made or like the recent random new Luna one, completely ill-timed. Don't assume someone better than you at doing them doesn't have a good thread waiting ready to go. Unless the cow is sitting without a thread for a day in a time of high milk flow, there is zero urgency to make a new one. There seems to be a panic that as soon as the first notice comes in, we need a new thread - when we do not.
Creating a bad thread for a cow who regularly has good ones is not a safe bubble where you only get congratulated for your hard work uwu. The type of threads that get bitched about are the badly written ones with lack of accurate updates, shitty thread pics that no-one wanted and so on. Read the room and no complaints will come in.
No. 9621
OP sniping is a thing and the result is usually a shit OP.
No. 9622
>>9611Report 'handmaiden' and 'scot' spergs for infighting or derailing if this happens.
>>9613I didn't say a thread couldn't be made but I expressed that I didn't see it as necessary. Now we have the wonderful
Finding Neverland thread.
>>9616Just clear your cache anon you'll feel better I swear.
>>9618Seconded, I'll lock that thread and leave the new "good guys" thread open.
>>9619Basically this. Rarely do anons complain about a thread OP that has considerable effort put into it.
>>9612There are bans issued for obvious derailing over a photo OP but if it's an anon pointing out missing information then it's fair game.
No. 9626
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Tfw no April fools surprise
No. 9627
>>9622Sorry for replying again but i think that one might need to be locked too imo?? Didn’t post in it but it quickly turned into the same thing?? I'm not trying to make it sound like people disagreeing that there are ok men should be banned, but every man centered topic gets derailed and suddenly there’s walls of text about abuse and at least 20 links for no real reason
OT is usually super chill, but in a sense i feel ever since the man hate/pink pill was reopened yet heavily moderated, anons are just finding anyway they can to sperge about it.
Like jesus, the nice guy thread literally turned into “if you let your bf watch porn you’re a cuckquean - unlike i who gave my bf pics of me in my underwear to jack off to”
No. 9628
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>>9626it’s in the momo thread. it reminds me of a long time ago on here, we had some kind of random post generator. it was pretty funny.
No. 9631
>>9604Have standards really gotten this low? Still, nice to know shitposting is now being encouraged. Imageboard culture and all that.
Anyhow, is sage still a thing?Because it doesn't seem like it much any more
No. 9632
>>9631Admin is inclusive in recruiting towards all bodied and minded individuals. Your hate and bigotry towards different abled posters and being inclusive has no place on lolcow.
#spotthenazi #CANCELLED #bigot
No. 9638
>>9629Why would anyone want something that brought in more pull users to lc?
That was perhaps the worst April fools joke. Still can't believe that admin thought that was a good decision
No. 9645
>>9641you would have hated the bot prank then, where every single comment was parsed by a bot and replaced by a catty nitpick. every single one in every single thread, even threads with time-sensitive milk happening had the bot there replacing every comment, some for days.
this prank left the threads still going and didn't upend the whole board, it's probably a good choice for admin in this first year. it also makes mockery of some of the past farmhand fuckups as well as the userbase. It's harmless.
No. 9651
>>9645Under admin that did botprank tho users weren't getting banned for their post not being deemed 'quality'. I'm sure another anons aren't a even engaging with the lolz so funny prank cuz they probably think they'll get banned for derailing.
This April fool prank did slow down discussion. Probably would have been funnier if mod team weren't so unpopular and seen as the fools most days.
No. 9665
>>9664Anyone who wants shay in pt just doesn't want to browse through the catalog. There is no difference between shay and any other camwhore thread except shes the most active flake in that category right now.
Her milk is always the same butt boil and e begging.
No. 9667
>>9660jeez, look at the panty twisting begin
you might prance around with a stick up your ass over nitpicking, but what do you think even pixyteri was? you think even /cgl/ wasn't full of threads about her work out lines?
some of you act like this is some kind of news report site and not a catty gossip board. shame we've lost our roots, guess all good things go sideways eventually
No. 9669
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>>9668hahahah when did you start coming to LC to believe such bullshit?
or is your memory that bad?
at least argue that you think the direction of the site should change instead of such lies. here, I will spoonfeed you a little from the catalogue, even, to refresh your memory of what lolcow 'used to be', so you can get such a silly notion from your head. some common classics that are not even that old since the catalogue doesn't seem to host further. enjoy. SUCH DOCUMENTATION, WOW!
when did that retarded meme start hahaha which one of you started saying it was just for documentation instead of gossip and then the rest started parroting it? is that the real april fools joke? some of us actually participated since well before PT was ever brought up in /cgl/ and aren't struck with Alzheimers.
Try looking up some others common qualities like zerodomon, kai, charms, jessica nigri on /cgl/ archives if you want to REMEMBER how GOOD EVERYTHING WAS, next time.
No. 9671
>>9670that wasn't their argument though, was it? even if to an extent I agree with your logic there, their reasoning for why nitpicking like shay's thread isn't the same as classic LC is blatantly incorrect and I took 5 minutes of my life to provide them some screencapped evidence of it.
even if we nitpicking needs to be 'brought in' because of the influx of new users sperging, we're not a fucking documentary news article site and there's always going to be SOME LEVEL of nitpicking whether these QQers like it or not.
No. 9677
>>9673lmao why can't you get over that there are obviously anons who have a different idea of what defines a 'true' cow? do you need to go read the nice little image cut out I made upthread of a bunch of 'true cows' threads that the same thing as shays? it really seems like you just have a huge hateboner/vendetta over this particular subject. whether you like it or not, I feel she has and has had lots of milk, and based on the topics currently in /pt/, she definitely qualifies as much as many of them. (really, name one cow in /pt/ right now that doesn't have the same amount of physical appearance nitpicking. one. give it to me.) if all she was, was a literal whore with no milk she could go in the camwhore thread like the other 'literal whores with no milk' - but as it stands, she's had quite a few 'milky' moments even in the past bit. like I said up thread, in my opinion, all it needs is one more big milky moment break and for the users to reign in just a little during that moment to be 'PT WORTHY'.
not sure why you are having a spazz over the idea I think she should be in /pt/, as if you couldn't just hide the thread if it ever happened. you know what's even more annoying than 'ass boil nitpicks'? when people like you come into the thread to reeee over the 'quality'.
so buckle up, buttercup, since you seem to enjoy having your jimmies rustled. maybe one day you will be able to handle the jarring reality that there are people who just don't agree with you.
No. 9680
>>9679I disagree. I also feel the reason people like pumpy, meg or even now charms have been lumped into that thread are because they are not actively milky. if they were consistently producing milk to fill threads they could have their own again, too. short of a few who are perma-/pt/'d (like pixy herself), those in /pt/ who are not consistently producing new milk are moved to /snow/ (as they have been before). that doesn't mean they aren't "REAL" cows when they do produce it. if you are basing your criteria off of the current cows then your judgement seems skewed because it's very close to fitting them. I say very close because I have already stated I feel she needs another 'big scandal' milk wise and for users to reign themselves in during it for her thread to fully qualify.
the bottom line is we have no set in stone check off list criteria for what is '/pt/'. it's more-so vague criteria plus the active feelings of the userbase. it's just not that black and white. and as someone who has been around for a long time I am arguing that she is very close to what /pt/ status has ever been in the past. if you want to redefine what /pt/ status should be in your eyes, then go for it. I have no issue with users aiming to change the site for their idea of improvement. but people complaining against mine and other's opinions of what is milky/pt worthy/whatever by throwing out little insults and spazzies is not improvement. its just autism-tier melties. improve the site by clearly outlining your new standards and contributing quality posts yourselves if that's what you want to do, don't try to tell me, who remembers old LC and old /cgl/ and went out of my way to show concrete evidence of my memories, that nitpicks and banter aren't what this board started as. (not saying that anon was you specifically, just putting that out there as a whole because I've seen nothing but 'twisted panties' when this subject comes up which does nothing).
No. 9684
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>>9678try again retard, when you hover over it
No. 9687
>>9685there we go, reasonable discussion. this is something much more understandable and I think most people can at least partially agree with it.
the last admin's actions (or lack there of) threw the entire site culture off, no doubt.
>>9686but I also agree with this. under the guise of fixing everything that's been 'ruined', are we going to lose everything we have had, too?
I've also noticed an influx of newfags pretending to be oldfags and parroting a lot of blatantly false garbage, mini-modding rules they don't even understand, asking to be spoonfed instead of lurking to integrate. these are much more harmful than an abundance of nitpicking, in my opinion. so are posts like some of the above where it's just shit flinging 'NO U ARE WRONG FAGGOT!' instead of properly explaining /why/ they are wrong, or offering their idea of a solution. if newfriends read these things without any rhyme or reason to them, they'll just end up parroting garbage too. it's like that stupid monkey ladder thing.
it's the same reason we went from no sage to people constantly screeeeing 'sage, sage or else!' because that's the saga of shit they joined the site in. only now has current admin started to even fix that. it's going to be a while til this crapshoot settles and there's going to be a lot of agreeing to disagree in the mean time.
No. 9689
>>9678A few words were already removed last weekend
>transphobic, transphobia, abuse>>9675Abuse is the new
triggered here.
>>9680I don't really care much about the nitpicking because it happens in all threads, there's just a limit of how absurd it can be. Shay hasn't done anything legacy worthy or as crazy as some of the cows over at /pt/. That's not to say she isn't milky it's just not "marrying your son's best friend" or "trying to chain up your girlfriend" levels of crazy.
>>9683You can report it and we can evaluate if they're newfags or not. It's not that much of a big deal as long as nobody is spamming or standing out but it sucks I guess.>>9686That is the opposite of what we want holy shit. The rule revision is meant to condense things as much as possible in a way that penalizes newfags the most. Oldfags aren't going to be banned left or right for a shitpost or a standard nitpick. My moderators and janitors are told to ban based off a pattern of rule breaking and a lack of integration. I have staff from different timezones to be able to handle spam and gore, not to overmoderate. I hope that eases your concerns anon.
>>9687>I've also noticed an influx of newfags pretending to be oldfags and parroting a lot of blatantly false garbage, mini-modding rules they don't even understand, asking to be spoonfed instead of lurking to integrate. these are much more harmful than an abundance of nitpicking, in my opinion. I agree with this and it's been noticed.
>>9688You just noticed? It was getting hard to read between all the 'trot clot slop grank stank lamp shruggly gruggly'.
I noticed some people were upset with some of my previous responses in this thread so I wanted to just say I don't mean to come off aggressive in any way I'm just very stoic.
I also wanted to ask if a townhall would be better before a hellweek or if you guys would prefer a hellweek first.
No. 9693
>>9689>I agree with this and it's been noticed. it puts me at some ease that, that's the case. thank you.
even if I haven't agreed with every choice made, I think you're doing a pretty decent job at trying to clean up this site. so, thank you. I appreciate it.
No. 9697
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2 days ago this person started that "argument" and then it died down again.
No. 9698
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And now, half a day ago, somebody restarted it again.
No. 9702
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>>9701Things you'll find in the dog love thread
Yes, this anon got banned, but not before a fellow dog friend could express their joy:
>This made me crack up anon! Thank you for the life lesson No. 9703
>>9702keep pretending those two deranged anons are the norm and did not get criticised
No. 9705
>>9703That's exactly my point, I know that they're not the norm, I'm just trying to get you to realize that you can't judge an entire group by what a single person wrote.
>one anon said you should hurt dogs -> everybody who hates dogs is a psycho!>two people laugh about a cat getting killed -> they're exceptions!Liking dogs does not make you better, same as disliking dogs does not make us mentally ill.
No. 9712
>>9694>>9695>>9696*Don’t go into a thread to complain about the exact same thread. Hide threads you don’t want to see and take topic complaints to /meta/. Rule 7 of /ot/, it'll be taken care of.
>>9711As long as it isn't illegal or racebaiting it can be discussed in /ot/.
No. 9718
>>9594Like I said above, these acronyms tend not to add anything of substance to the discussion.
>There's a pimple on her ass cheek>There's a pimple on her ass cheek lolI'm fine with acronyms, but reading "lol" 20 times in a thread is quite exhausting.
>>9610I come from /cgl/. It saddens me to see Lolcow become so much more…congested than 2 years ago. It's feeling more and more like farmers are here less for the fun of these larger-than-life personalities and more for the sake of attacking someone.
Have a look at a Kotakoti thread 2 years back: >>>/pt/280970
No. 9720
>>9719I agree with you.
Like some other Anon said, this is a gossip and drama imageboard, not some dignified info gathering forum.
I understand that overly nitpicking someone's looks deserves an one day ban if it goes overboard. But honestly, almost every other thread has people poking fun at someone's looks. It's part of the gossip. How do you decide when it's just fun and when it's too much?
Banning any discussion about Lainey is just nuts. She is part of Onision's family and any discussion about her is also connected to him. Almost everything she does is because of Greg. It felt very balanced to me, when Onision wasn't as milky, people discussed Lainey. When he did something, it turned back to him.
Censoring the names is just way too much. Farmhand complains about Trot and Clot but weren't those nicknames made so no one would use their children's real name? And those are only names people use for them, so it's not that hard to understand.
I never thought it was hard to read at all, maybe for newfags. Creativity of the nicknames was lol-worthy a lot of times, it's just a shame.
Thread is killed.
No. 9724
>>9721Why would two currently under 6 kids randomly stumble upon old threads on lolcow with parents who will most likely monitor them so they don't say anything bad about them? That's silly.
>>9719I also agree with you and loving the new admin and staff. However, this decision wasn't the smartest. Censoring the names does feel way too far, especially when you consider how much effort must have gone into it considering how many nicknames there are for Greg and Lainey. We all call Momo Moo, not by Momo and yet this isn't okay? It's going to start scaring people away and not making them want to post at all cause who knows what's okay and not okay.
No. 9726
>>9725Bored housewives on tempcow get a fucking life. Where you ever active on tempcow it essentially was just another feature for onion anons at the time I remember other uses complaining their cows threads weren't getting as much traffic cuz half the cunts on snow are there mostly for being weird looking obnoxious bitches, Onion has been online for like a decade consistently being the least self aware wanker alive and he has tried several times to start cults and he has filmed his exploits with girls he essentially paid for to live with him. I remember being on tempcow and seeing over 1000 active users in the thread. I doubt it was all bores housewives and it also split into a couple of different discord groups which one seemed to belong to a group of mods who came to be absolutely fucking hated much like the current team.
You only need to see how not active the main board is to see evidence of what a shite jobs new admin and mods are doing. How about for the recruiting of farm hands they need to prove they've actually been an active member of the site.
No. 9729
>>9728You do realize that excessive nitpicking has always been against the rules, right?
The Onision thread has been on a steady decline since tempcow and it was pretty much unreadable because of the nitpicking.
There’s a difference between contributing to the discussion and “lol Lainey and Greg are ugly and stupid.” Sage doesn’t mean you can nitpick and it never has.
>>9727>It is not our responsibility to hide his kids identity and protect their fucking names. Posting about minors has always been against the rules. It’s not only the onion sprouts. The newfaggotry is strong in this one.
No. 9730
>>9729This doesn't make any sense, anon. First of all, people aren't criticizing the children, they're criticizing the Onions' bad parenting skills. Most comments I've seen tend to be sympathetic towards the children because of how little attention Greg and Lainey seem to give them and how from what little evidence we have T seems to have behavioural issues.
In any case, the children are still extremely young and unlikely to be able to Google themselves. Besides, nicknaming them and their parents is more likely to protect their identity than some word filter constantly autocorrecting to Onision. It's not as though anons are continuously typing up the Onions' full first and last names over and over to make this thread the first thing that would come upon googling the Avaroes.
No. 9734
>>9730The nicknames are used in a degrading manner and discussion of even more degrading tinfoils about the kids being potential serial killers or being retarded.
>>9726>>9727>How about for the recruiting of farm hands they need to prove they've actually been an active member of the site.All the farmhands are verified posters and contributors because I'm not that much of an idiot.
>>9723Are you implying it wasn't already a fan thread with how often his genitals are discussed?
>>9720>Banning any discussion about Lainey is just nuts.Discussion of her isn't banned altogether.
>>9719>Filtering onion's name was a stupid move as wellHis name wasn't filtered. A few annoying nicknames were filtered.
>>9732I guess you're right in that sense.
No. 9737
>>9735if I were forced to repeatedly answer questions I'd already stated my position on I'd be a little butthurt, too
that said, nothing about admin's post seems inherently butthurt. more like they're just casually replying. the kind of posts that made an admin look bad were the hilariously wild bs we got from last admin where the farmhands had to frequently backtrack for them.
I like this admin's posting style in this thread just fine, personally.
what did they need to reply with for your seal of approval, short of agreeing with your personal perspective? just saying 'hurrhurr you look bad' makes it appear more like you are the butthurt one, to me. hardly constructive crit.
No. 9740
>>9738oh I'm sorry did I
trigger you MISGENDERING admin, using common ambiguous english terms? god forbid I don't recite that admin is female, you might get scared there could be a male on our site! like the first admin! oh no! I realize now the error of my ways! how frightening that must have been for you, to have been so confused!
holy shit, admin, for the love of god please ban me just so I don't have the temptation to make fun of the retards that currently make up our user base. I don't have the will power to refrain at this rate.
No. 9745
>>9743uhh, hello? it's an anonymous image board, it might as well be 'they'. I don't give a fuck if admin is a girl or a male or xir or whatever the hell, it isn't relevant to the discussion. policing my use of pronouns over the singular 'they' in that one post is beyond retarded. this isn't your tumblr where you get to decide how every one else talks or labels things, what special princess are you that everyone else needs to adhere to your preference?
>>9744nah, it makes sense to give a containment area so no one shits up threads. some of the complaints may end up
valid/being worth taking into consideration. just because people sperg here doesn't mean it will happen, no reason to mute people from stating their opinion. likewise, having a place to bitch doesn't mean they can't still learn how to use the 'hide' function. or so I would hope. they definitely weren't using it prior to having a space to complain.
No. 9746
>>9745This is weird and spergy.
There seems to be more infighting in /meta/ than in the other boards, holy shit.
No. 9755
>>9734Frankly I think you're doing alright Admin, Ya'll don't realize, The less attention greg receives, The more explosive the eventual sperg will be.
Clogging up the threads will nitpicks at this point keeps him relevant. He's at that point of being ignored by all, Youtubers, Twitter peeps, Even hate sites. He's done at this point, Its all just about waiting for the reality penny to drop.
No. 9756
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>>9748Implying that making multiple edits of Greg’s sweaty dick print doesn’t make you a giant faggot. Please go back to tumblr and/or your hugbox discord server.
>>9755This. No one cares about Greg anymore. Onision farmers need to stop trying to play hero and let the thread die down for a bit. Just because a thread in /pt/ isn’t consistently active doesn’t mean the world is ending. It just means there’s nothing milky or interesting to comment on.
The Onision newfags are entitled as hell.
No. 9758
>>9757this has been addressed a lot
>>9089>I'm not going to allow my staff to delete posts people don't like unless it's spam or illegal content. Yes repetitive posts can get banned but I won't allow censorship on an imageboard, that's a bit silly. >>9495>This is an imageboard, we don't simply delete posts for no reason. getting
triggered is not a reason to delete a post.
No. 9760
>>9758That's about Onion threads, anon.
Even if you apply that logic to the site as a whole, scrote posts have continued being deleted in the Pink Pill as early as yesterday, if you look at the thread and see the amount of "gone" posts.
I'm just wondering about the change of heart. In the first place, men are not supposed to post on LC, period. I don't think it's even an issue of censorship (their thoughts were never promised an equal platform as other users or respected as
valid), it's pretty much an issue of rule-breaking for them to be making posts in the first place.
No. 9761
>>9720>It's part of the gossip. How do you decide when it's just fun and when it's too much?Because it's not funny anymore, and it was only mildly amusing in the first place. Unless your comment is a new and witty observation, you probably don't need to post it. The amount of discussion about lainey's herpes and gregs genitals and all the weird fanfic tier shit anons write about them fucking is so cringeworthy. Some posts make me seriously worried about the anons posting them. It's obvious a lot of them are ex-patrons who legitimately want to do him, and a few people even admit it openly as if it's not admitting they're retarded?
>Banning any discussion about Lainey is just nuts. She is part of Onision's family and any discussion about her is also connected to him. Almost everything she does is because of Greg. It felt very balanced to me, when Onision wasn't as milky, people discussed Lainey. When he did something, it turned back to him. You can just
not post though. It's always been an option, we don't have autopruning so there's absolutely no need to stop threads from dying, because they wont. I don't understand why people actually
want to beat a dead horse and repeat the same shit over and over and over again.
Honestly if I were admin I'd consider locking the onion threads in milk droughts. No posts is better than eight million
>H E R P E S>close up of onions dick>lainey is transtender>her hair is bad>untidy housead nauseum.
some general shit;
I've seen people banned for "no contribution" when using reaction images and I reckon that's bullshit, especially if it's board relevant OC. Reaction images are a good way to encourage higher quality posts - I'd rather see a funny image than a boring text comment any day. It's a good way to screen newfags because usually they don't have a good reaction image collection and will make a shitty boring text comment. Encouraging OC is a nice way to cultivate board culture as well.
and can you tell newfags to stop telling people who've attached images to sage? Images cancel out sage. It's one of the most annoying newfaggy minimods I see and it takes all of my self control not to minimod the minimod every time.
and and I think a mod needs to keep an eye on the phoebe thread, it's all good atm but there are a lot of anons using sjw terminology legitimately and I think they're newfags only aware of that thread who think this is a callout site.
No. 9766
>>9760I don’t know where everyone gets men aren’t allowed on LC, they just aren’t supposed to be like
>guy here>I’d bang herIm guessing you only post on /ot/ or are a newfag, go read the rules again.
No. 9767
>>9766I think you're the one that's new. Men have been disallowed from Lolcow since its conception. The only male allowed was the first admin.
If it's any different, that must've been a pretty sneaky, underhanded way of changing the rules.
No. 9768
>>9767Samefagging to add, going to the rules page and ctrl+F "male", "man", etc has no results, but:
>/ot/>6. Don’t report a post simply because you disagree with it, not everyone who disagrees is a man >not everyone who disagrees is a man The only implication here is that men are, indeed, banned. It's always been that way. Maybe you were thinking of Crystal Cafe with the "Men are allowed, just no "I'm a guy btw stuff" idea. They're the ones with that rule, not Lolcow.
Kind of a blunder that you told me to read the rules without actually reading them yourself.
No. 9771
>>9769I personally like /ot/, and I've been using LC since it was first made. It's not easy finding other women who know about or are involved in chan culture.
It's opened me up to new opinions and perspectives that I definitely wouldn't have come across on 4chan, and I'm glad about it. Obviously, it won't always be some fun, happy club of purely civil discussion (I've witnessed and/or participated in enough foolish arguments and bans to know that), but I'm happy that such a place exists at all.
No. 9774
>>9771i see where you’re coming from, and in the past i’ve had some good times on /ot/ too. i guess it just feels different now so i’ll just steer clear of it but i get why some people do enjoy it now that you mention it, because there are a couple threads on there that aren’t that bad at all.
>>9772yeah, i’m complaining… it’s literally the complaint thread, anon. and to clarify i’m not saying just /ot/ was better years ago, that comment was more directed to the entire site in general, sorry if i wasn’t clear enough on that front. my post was pretty rambly. i don’t really see the need to draw comparisons to male dominated boards bc i don’t use any and so don’t have a great reference to compare. honestly it’s probably just nostalgia telling my brain lies and this site hasn’t changed as much as i think but who knows/cares
No. 9775
>>9773>didn't read the rules>starts insulting people who actually didWhat is greentexted there is from the rules page, which was updated in February 2019. That is from the most recent iteration of rules. It's not anyone's fault you are retarded.
Go ahead and point out where in the rules it states males are allowed, or link to a post where the most recent admin herself has stated that male posters are allowed on the whole of the site. Or even the administrators before that stating that males are allowed, ever. You can't, because it does not exist.
I'm sorry your oldfag cosplay fell apart because of your illiteracy, but try actually reading the rules before shooting off your mouth.
No. 9780
>>9774I know you're complaining, but complaining to complain is different. Regardless, I think it is nostalgia in this case. The only notable difference I remember, really, is that we never used to have to sage? I don't really see much of a difference in posting styles except that there was a lot more shitposting all over the site because we had basically no moderation, which is more like most chans, but I appreciate the moderating. I like /ot/ and I'm glad we have it, personally. It's not perfect, but if you've spent years on male chans, it's really a breath of fresh air and nowhere near bad, imo.
No. 9782
>>9764>censorship I didn’t know implementing word filters was censorship?
No one but a few nitpicky farmers actually care about the nicknames being filtered, for the most part we’ve continued posting like nothing really changed.
No one cares if you aren’t happy about simple word filters. No one cares if you’re leaving lolcow. Get over yourself.
No. 9784
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The previous rules.
No. 9785
>>9783nta but that doesn't mean men aren't allowed, they just have to pretend to be women to fit in with the anon board culture. I know multiple men who come here and fit in fine; just like how on most of 4chan we have to pretend to be guys or derail the thread via incels sperging.
there has never been a 'no men allowed' rule. only a 'no actively stating or saying things that show you are a man' rule, which your quoted rule only reaffirms.
No. 9788
>>9784>>9783Any males who come here and make themselves obvious instead of pretending to be female are pretty clearly only there to seek validation or shit up threads (which is precisely why their posts get deleted to begin with). If you're acting like a normal human being, there's no reason for anyone to believe you're not a female poster. For all practical intents and purposes, males are not allowed.
To get back on topic, I just want to back up what
>>8928>>8929have said. It seems like the mods listened before and went back to deleting their posts, but that's suddenly stopped. Robot bullshit doesn't belong here, or at least not in designated man hate threads. I believe it should continue being removed. They get validation from their posts being left up to mar threads, and from being given cute participation pixel trophies to show that they're special.
The practice of deletion that was implemented up til just yesterday was stellar. Not only did it clean up threads, it ensured no one else would or could respond to their bait. It seems like it's suddenly stopped, and I'd like to request that it be rolled back, or at least hear an explanation for the change (and a reason why it won't be reversed) from a farmhand or admin.
No. 9793
>>9782Omfg chill. Nobody said anything about leaving the site. People posting concerns are people who want to stick around obviously? You're everything wrong with the site at the moment if you're sitting around waiting to be offended by someone's opinion. People lashing out at each other are way more damaging to the site that a few stupid nicknames or a reaction image.
It's a minor issue but it makes me wonder what other changes will take effect in the future. Changing the nicknames feels very counter to the culture that thread has created. What jokes from other threads on /pt/ will be deemed "annoying" or "bullying"? Why is the punishment for derailing now to kill a thread and essentially punish all that enjoy it? Banning reaction images is very counter to imageboard culture. But you only chose to respond to one of my concerns and it was the most minor one.
No. 9799
>>9791I've always seen it as a derailment topic. I want to believe /meta/ is full of samefag with some of the retardedness we get here and that our entire user base isn't this stupid.
there's a specific kind of poster similar to that pronoun corrector/the grammar corrector who got banned up a few posts I see all over the place that must have came from some specific site and is holding onto it's culture, because their annoying derails are such carbon copies of each other it'd have to be a massive samefag otherwise.
No. 9805
>>9800Unless you are misunderstanding my post, your post (or the person's I was referencing as banned) is literally redtexted.
Also what the fuck is this useless reply, what is your thought process that you needing to clarify your banned status has any merit? Almost completely irrelevant to the point of the post or discussion. If these are what the general quality of all your posts are like I hope admin seriously considers banning you til you can contribute to a discussion.
No. 9808
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No. 9815
>>9814Oh boy, another example of "pls ban anything i dislike, admin-chan uwu"
>threads have very basic rules for what types of content should go on them, but barring that seemingly anything goes.Yeah, that's… kind of how imageboards work and always have.
No. 9825
>>9782I almost never post but personally I don't like calling the ugly gargoyle by his dumbass internet name because of exactly that - it's a dumbass internet name. He thinks it makes him cool or some nonsense and it sounds super dumb and I don't want to oblige him by using it.
And personally, I don't like this shit:
>>9734Like it's just whatever nicknames the new Admin arbitrarily finds annoying, apparently? It's not what the people who actually use the thread find annoying, it's one person's personal preference being imposed upon everyone else. Its petty and incorrect for a board admin, and perhaps a sign of worse to come.
No. 9833
Someone claiming to be Kady Rae is back in the Alt Cow thread
>>>/snow/797606. Will mods respond this time?
No. 9926
>>9885Granting him his edgy chosen online handle seems like a bad move to me too. Everyone knows whom you're referring to in the fucking Onion thread despite the weird nickname variations. At the very least filter it to a demeaning name and meet us halfway admin-sama.
The kids are better off without the gross nicknames. I don't know who thought that was a good idea to call a child "Clot".
No. 9927
>>9926I don't know but I've wanted to complain about that one for a while, it's really gross and the kids did nothing wrong. I never said anything because especially with the old staff I thought it'd just start a dumb argument and nothing good would come of it, but I hope those "nicknames" are filtered out now at least.
But yeah, here's hoping they'll relent Greg's side.
No. 9929
>>9925You're good, it was a 1 min ban warning so the ban has been expired.
>>9926Come up with more creative demeaning names for him then.
No. 9940
>>9782It's annoying censorship. The thread is dead most of the time now so no, I would disagree that things have gone as usual. gEt oVer Ur sElf
>>9734I wish you'd fuck off and stop baby sitting the Onion thread. Who cares if you think the nicknames are annoying? As far as I can see, the nicknames aren't something anyone has ever complained about.
Also wtf with banning talking about Lainey? Wtf would anyone go to the transtrending thread when we don't care about that? Lainey is a cow and Greg's sidekick and I don't see why we can't talk about her in the Onions tread without it being attached to Greg. Literally not a single soul asked for this policing. Kindly fuck off.
>>9939No one wants to see any of the dumb shit greg posts either but we still do. She's a cow, and she did the Sarah grooming all on her own. The thread is fucking boring.
No. 9941
>>9940Agreed. I'm starting to think people and mods are going softer on Lainey because she's
actually trans supposedly now. She's still a child groomer and still defends Greg so I still think she's terrible.
I also whole heartedly agree about the nickname thing. Nicknaming the kids I guess IS a bit much although Clot and Trot isn't that offensive imo. I don't think anyone has ever complained about nicknaming Greg or Lainey though, and that rule is absolutely retarded. If their nicknames are forbidden, then shouldn't Raven's or Momo's be not allowed either?
Is there an actual reason as to why we can no longer use names like Onision ect?
No. 9942
>>9929What's your problem? What's so bad about G urg? Why does it bug you so much? Why is something no one in the thread ever had a problem with now filtered because of a singular person who happens to be admin? It sounds like for whatever reason your autism is
triggered by a nickname and you're trying to force it on everyone else like a big dumb baby. If for some reason a silent majority hates the nicknames then do a poll or something, otherwise this is just petty bullshit that's killing the thread.
No. 9943
G urg and S hreg have always been used. I haven't heard anyone except mods complain about the nicknames. I'm happy to follow rules but an explanation as to actually why we can't say it would be nice.
No. 9944
>>9940Talking about her isn't banned. The strawmanning is amusing. Grooming and poly discussion or anything related to Greg would be relevant.
I guess I'm sorry you guys can't discuss her soda video in the onion thread.
>>9941Why would being trans matter or not. She's been larping for years.
edit: filters removed so you can stop being insufferable about your god given right to call him gruggly
No. 9946
In a broad sense all of Lainey's videos have to do with Greg because he is pushing her to be the breadwinner since he is losing income. He is probably the source of these lame video ideas.
>>9944So her soda video should be discussed in the Fake Boi thread as the red text instructed, despite it having nothing to do with gender?
Would starting a thread for Lainey on /snow/ be a viable compromise?
No. 9949
>>9941stop even slightly defending giving lousy nicknames to innocent children.
>>9946oh god I suggested that when she started beautybot and
naaawww we don't wanna.must be sad to have your lainey shitposting circle broken up but the rest of us are fine about it.
No. 9950
>>9946Yet onion anons chose to nitpick about how soda has just as much sugar Starbucks is and other
hot and quality takes. /s
No. 9951
>>9944How is that straw manning when people were being banned for talking about her? As another anon said, arguably everything she does can be considered related to onion, especially since she’s been groomed by him into her own shitty person? And like another anon, how does her video have anything to do with trans trending to even make sense to take it there? Why would we need to discuss her independently when everything she does is related to onision. You shouldn’t be banning anyone.
The real straw man is you pretending like she’s just nit picked just because and not because she’s a shitty person shaped by Greg.
(Ban evasion, yet again.) No. 9961
>>9956NTAYRT, but that would be derailing the Transtrender thread.
They should just start a Lainey thread in /snow/ to dissect her boring videos. There would be nothing barring them from also discussing her relationship with Greg.
No. 9963
>>9962>why can't they be discussed about together??They can, see
>>>/pt/647967It's only a problem if you're
solely talking about her.
No. 9964
>>9962I only suggested that they start a thread on Lainey as a compromise because Admin will not cede. Like I said earlier, Greg is pushing her to become their Youtube cash cow.
The prohibition on nicknames for gREEEg baffles me because we have some downright derogatory nicknames for other cows. But it looks like Admin has removed the filter since yours got through.
No. 9966
>>9963together as in the same thread.
Yes, i think they're basically synonymous with each other but I AM aware that they have some videos or spregs about themselves.
For example that soda video, why can't we just let them chat about it in the thread. It's just going to be 10-15 comments about what a stupid cunt she is and how onision has further destroyed her perceptions of reality with his grooming. Then we move on.
If you make them post that shit in the fakeboi thread then the rest of us have to shift through that shit to get to her updates, which I know I personally wont fucking do. We end up just missing out on context for her future spregs this way.
And then when milk does finally roll in, we get all these anons referencing shit we don't know cause we cbf following the other thread, and it'll probably end up being just a constant stream of 'lurk moar newfags' call outs with sprinkles of lengthy referencing from the few dedicated farmers left.
For the sake of future archiving and referencing, can we just fucking let them talk about lainey in the thread? She will inevitably be once again heavily involved in onion milk and ofc anons are gonna want to start digging up all her old shit to testify what kind of character she has.
No. 9967
>>9966>For example that soda video, why can't we just let them chat about it in the thread.Because it's 1) not milk 2) nitpicky 3) boring.
>And then when milk does finally roll in, we get all these anons referencing shit we don't know cause we cbf following the other thread.Crossposting isn't hard. Look at the Onion Flakes thread for a good example of milk that's been crossposted. Stop being lazy and making shitty excuses. If you want to nitpick Lainey, do it in /snow/ not /pt/. Better yet, take it to the anti-o discord servers.
No. 9969
>>9967hearing about lainey making an entire video bashing the sugar content of sodas when her own matcha fraps from starbucks is almost double the sugar content is a helluva more interesting than Greg's #1001 twitter spreg about how shane dawson is a pedo.
Without greg, lainey is just some fakeboi who enjoys making videos showing everyone how much more superior she is in terms of nutrition, childcare and healthcare. Without lainey, greg is just a dying cow, mooing the same old milk over and over again until he fades into obscurity.
But together, they're still a producing diary cow, albeit a pretty sickly one with clogged teats.
Leave them together, anons. Alone they don't deserve their own threads, but together we'll at least have some material to read while taking our morning shits.
No. 9971
>>9953Thank you for mentioning the Luna thread. It's been so stagnant for the last couple of threads but it still gets wow ugly nails, lol she fat and so on. And it has that weird clique of stans.
For the folks fighting about Lainey and Greg, did you miss the years of warning? Like, actual fucking years. And yet it was still durr Lainey looks like a foot and has terrible skin. The same old nitpicks ad nauseam aren't milk, and if that is all that is keeping the thread alive then what does that say about the milk to be had?
No. 9974
>>9956I honestly almost never post in the threads but o k sure, I'm shitting it up with my non existent posts.
>>9967No one goes and checks the onion flakes thread to get information on what the onion and lame are up to.
Lainey is literally only in our sphere because she married Greg. She's not important enough to have her own thread, I think most people only keep up with her because she is married to Greg, not because she's a transtrender. That's why she doesn't belong in the transtrenders thread. No one would care about her if she wasn't with Greg. I don't want to bother with digging through the trender thread because I really could care less.
(Ban evasion) No. 9981
>>9949I'm not 'slightly' defending the children's nicknames. I said I can see why it should be banned although it never offended me. The reason it never offended me is because I don't find it interesting at all to talk about their kids.
Learn to read. It's completely understandable why they shouldn't be even spoken about. The only time I can even see a reason to mention them is concern when these two retards have teenagers in and out of their homes, eg the billie saga and sarah's visits.
I was asking why Lainey and Greg are no longer allowed nicknames. Greg especially. Noone has complained about their nicknames and it seems like a sudden rule.
No. 9983
>>9979>I stg it feels like onion snowflakes itt pushing for discussion in discords and wk cuck KaikingfagLainey.Not wanting the Onision thread to be snowtier (filled with nitpicking) isn’t whiteknighting Lainey.
It’s obvious that the people complaining about Lainey not being able to be discussed on her own are the ones that are responsible for the thread quality declining for the last 2 years and are
triggered that farmhands are actually banning for things against the rules. If you want Admin to permit Lainey’s content without Greg in the Onision thread then get your act together.
No. 9984
>>9983I agree.
Just wanted to say that I appreciate the ban on n Lainey talk when it doesn’t pertain to Greg in the Onision thread.
I don’t give a shit about her boring videos. They aren’t milky at all. I don’t need a recap about her trying different sodas. And comments like, omg she’s totally overreacting. Drink diet soda. So nitpicky, pointless, and completely devoid of milk.
No. 9991
>>9989I can confirm, the only difference is the auto refresh timer isn't shown like on 8ch. If you want fun leave your favorite threads open to see deleted replies.
>>9981Nicknames were never a rule, some nicknames were temporarily filtered for making the thread confusing to read. The filter is removed now like I've stated before.
>>9987Anon, don't flatter me.
No. 10010
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Hellweek ended today at 12AM GMT, in order to evaluate what worked and what didn't we will have a townhall on May 5th 8PM GMT, same time as our last townhall. The time may be changed if there is enough demand.
The primary topic will be related to the future of lolcow and possible major technical changes, I think it's major enough to discuss collectively.
Of course moderation can also be discussed along with feedback about how hellweek went.
If there is a specific topic you want brought up in the townhall then you can post about it in this thread.
I'm still debating between hosting the townhall on cytube or irc. I'll post a channel name or link to cytube regardless of what I choose.
No. 10023
>>10020Yes, it should be taken off the default in a few hours.
>>10021Original admin or previous admin? Ever since I became admin I've been responsible for server costs. Some anons were pledged from before I became admin so I only cover the difference.
I'm asking for patreon donations because I don't think many people know we have a patreon.
€49.99EUR a month for our VPS
No. 10027
>>9983>>10023Glad to hear I’m not the only one that is happy with the new administration and crackdown. If the sperges in the Onision thread would stop or go away, it would feel like old times. They don’t seem to understand what milk is and want to use the thread as their personal coffee clutch to talk about Greg’s micro peen and Lainey’s foot face. They can’t step away when milk runs dry. They complain, yet they can’t seem to stay away.
I would definitely pledge to the patreon if things keep going this way.
No. 10032
>No threads or subjects are currently banned. If the Munchie thread is allowed, is medfagging that pertains to the discussion allowed?
Ember and whoever else was on the old rule's list of prohibited subjects?
>**PNP thread is locked thoughIsn't that in effect a ban?
No. 10033
>>10031Every month threads are split among the janitors and mods, it's about one mod per /pt/ thread and maybe two for some /snow/ threads.
The only people getting frequently banned are the samefags that keep ban evading.
Certain members of staff can only see two boards, so not all staff can moderate /pt/.
>>10032If I remember, it was locked a second time because users complained about the thread. I can unlock it if people really want to talk about her but we know how that went last time.
Munchies are fine and medfagging is fine as long as it is relevant. The line is crossed when it becomes blogging.
No. 10036
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hey admin, i know "hi cow" is annoying in most threads, but can you make a note to the new staff about mira's thread? it's common knowledge that she lurks and constantly posts in her thread. i also think it's weird only one of these got red-texted (and not even the 1st one to call her out)
No. 10037
>>10036The person being accused of mira is an active contributor and they didn't say much to indicate that they were in any way Mira aside from one ESL like post.
I get having legroom because Mira posts so much but this instance was entering infighting territory.
>>10034It was banned because of how shit the threads turn out but as a subject I'm willing to leave the thread open in case any milk happens.
>>10035Sorry about the themes but that's just how tinyboard is. I am working on major technical changes to the site though so that shouldn't be an issue by then.
No. 10046
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Why are PnP farmers such utter fails?
>>10043Admin already addressed this
>>9398. Command + F, anon.
No. 10048
Since you are reversing the previous Admin's actions, can
>>>/snow/740653 be taken off autosage?
No. 10056
>>10050Thanks, admin.
>>10052Yeah, you can't say anything at all without them jumping down your throat which makes for a very unhealthy discussion.
No. 10065
>>10060You are getting confused, the art thread indeed have a bit of self masturbatory stuff like "i am so good i got to this gallery, yt artist would never", but the redraws are at the redraw thread. Which, you know, fair.
>It makes no sense to have the Kpop gossip thread on /m/ but not the OG celebrity gossip thread on /ot/I dun goofed, I mean to say that makes no sense NOT to have the normal celebrity thread in /m/, and have it at /ot/ instead.
No. 10067
>>10065Kpop is a genre of music.
>>10066No, universal rule.
No. 10071
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>>10070So you're telling me Ariana Grande, GRIMES, Azelia Banks, Britney Spears, Kanye West and the Kardashians etc etc are not media related and should stay in /ot/?
Again, what's your point?
No. 10072
>>9185I was going to ask about this because I'm still seeing it a lot. People (on both sides) sperg over pronouns constantly, usually the radfems, and bump/shit up threads.
Can infighting or derailing over pronouns be a bannable offense outside of radfem/gender crit containment threads? It happens too often.
No. 10083
>>10082first, smokes, go
second, learn to sage and stop being a part of the problem
No. 10085
I asked two weeks ago here
>>9953 but never got an answer. Can the Luna and Dasha threads get the same treatment as the Onion, Moo, Venus, and Kota threads? "Dasha's skinwalking Mina and she's photoshopping!", "Onion is ugly and Plainey looks like a foot", "Luna is real fat and her art is ugly.", "Moo is fat as hell and she shooped it". All of these things have the same issue and it's that these are repeated nonstop for the majority of the threads. We already know that Dasha wants to wear Mina's skin and copies her clothes and hair. We already know that Tuna's a hella big girl with scary as hell makeup. It eventually devolves into nitpicking just like it did in Moo and Onion's threads before staff stepped in. I can't tell if some of the rules that were once in place by the old staff still are, either.
No. 10087
>>10085luna's threads are as sluggish as their subject.
dasha is a stalker and it still is her storyline - to the point of hooking in Mina's sister's clothing and a Mina wig - so long as the thread traffic doesn't go crazy it still is a part of things with Dasha.
neither of these threads are the high traffic messes that moo or lainey had going on. there's always room for reducing nitpicking anywhere but the thread volumes are hardly comparable. I get it, you're seeking parity over having your lainey nitpicks taken away but the thread characteristics don't match up.
No. 10091
>>10090How about we
fix the userbase so threads aren't full to the brim of shit. If you could read, you'd know my issue isn't really with certain threads, it's with the users. I also hate /ot/ because robots use it to spam, should I filter threads that robots are in too? I don't think so. We used to have robot containment threads and then we got rid of them and banned the robots because they are unsavory posters. I think we should nuke the board that is filling up and attracting other unsavory posters like radfems. I'm sick of radfems infecting the rest of the site, especially with GC shit. And I'm not saying radfems opinions need to be banned, but we need to stop encouraging them to come to the site and act like it's their site.
No. 10092
>>10087>you're seeking parity over having your lainey nitpicks taken awayThat makes no sense at all because I'm in favor of the Lainey nitpicks being taken away. Terrible assumption that makes you look like an ass.
>>10088This is it pretty much. They're both snow material at this point because they haven't really done anything terribly milky in a long time. If people are able to sage, it would make those two threads much more bearable, but if I recall, the admin said that no sage on /pt/ was hardcoded in.
No. 10096
>>10092>Terrible assumptionSo what is your grievance exactly.
Lainey has been fully dealt with, that one.
Moo threads are just… ugh, I have no comment. I do see some nitpicking being flagged.
I'm personally not against any cows going to /snow/ if they no longer deliver - Luna has less milk than Shay even, dying is the most interesting thing Luna will ever do. It just seems like culturally once a cow gets to /pt/ there they stay? Vicky is another one who hasn't been milky for a long time either.
With Dasha, she is dormant right now but she did some grievous shit involving this board not that long in the past and likely will do something grievous again, only time will tell with her.
No. 10097
>>10096I don't see the harm in moving the Dasha thread to /snow/ until she is worthy of /pt/ again. She's been "dormant" for fucking
No. 10109
>>10108Yes it fucking does, calling Kalvin she and Blaire he is rude and unnessescary. If a camgirl is selling herself shes a kawaii naive
victim and its all the evil menz fault, which is fucking sexist and reduced her intelligence. Plus the derailment always goes lik
person 1 >>“ damn why did she do that?”
person 2 >>” ACTUALLY its HE handmaid!”
person 3 >>” whatever, she looks female, moving on”
No 1curr unless on topic or transtrender
Scenario 2
P1 >>” how pathetic she wont get a job instead of piss porn”
And it goes on for waaaaaay to long..
Contamination boards are in order, and i even mostly agree with you guys, wish you knew how to stop sperging or baby women and disrespect legit transpeople
No. 10110
>>10109So basically, what I'm gathering is that you're upset that people disagree with you on an imageboard. Another board is a stupid idea when the non-cow boards already move slow as fuck.
>stop disrespecting legit transpeopleReally?
No. 10111
File: 1556887093005.jpg (41.13 KB, 720x720, 44692931_1852009328229742_6959…)

>>10109Congrats on the most embarassing post in the thread. Now fuck off to PULL or neck yourself.
No. 10112
>>10110No. Its just that i dont give a shit about your opinions, and would like it if you didnt try to fight everyone for several replies on pt and snow about tranny bs or all women being kawaii innocent
victims and just stay in your own threads or go back where you came from.
No. 10113
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>>10109>Calling a woman, a woman, and a man, a man, is rude and unnessescaryRefusing to entertain the delusions of circus freaks isn't rude at all. It has nothing to do with feminism either.
No. 10122
>>10108GC anons≠manhate-spergs
The GC anons are pretty cool and the thread is a good source of informations imo. You can have nice discussions with them, even when you're not considering yourself as a feminist. They're not bitter and aggressive like the bunch of crazy spergs derailing every /ot threads with "muh manhate" and calling everyone a scrote/handmaiden. They are tarnishing the GC thread rep and honestly, they need to be permaban.
No. 10126
>>10109>stop disrespecting legit transpeople!!!!my fucking sides
now leave
No. 10129
>>10127I don't give 2 shits about this gender critical thing or who believes in what pronouns/trans shit, but that redtext, really?
I imagine they have other post history I can't see, but it /looks/ a little fucky this person gets the redtext for arguing against the handmaiden derailment, when laddy up thread literally calling someone a handmaiden/tranny for complaining people take handmaiden/tranny claims outside of gendercrit doesn't get slapped with a red text for that.
I know not all bans are public and lots of people bitch about too much red text, but really? we can't have a
little more consistency with the transparency?
Similar complaint:
I got banned the other day for arguing that Venus hasn't shown signs of BPD in her thread, for arm chairing. (This is legit that I was banned for that, I'm not arguing against the ban here or I would have appealed). But only a single person got red texted (twice I might add, and who wasn't me) for the same offense. Why? Now it looks like me and that other poster and whoever the fuck else were part of that discussion were samefagging up the thread. I'm not asking for red texts on EVERY ban because I get where people don't want constant clutter. But if mods are going to red text one post in a group of different offenders, is it that bad that they do one post of the other poster's, too?
Because now it just makes it look like they're on the side of the opposing argument. Which I'm sure they aren't and they banned the faggots screeching hand maiden or 'BPD!!' too in these instances, but to anyone else reading that, it doesn't look that way.
No. 10130
>>10129I mean to be fair, all of the above anons were at least replying to the original argument that the poster was making about deleting a board because of radfems/GC being meanies and derailing.
>>10127 Was just trying to moralfag and frankly deserves it
No. 10131
>>10130Normally I would agree but if OT moralfagging deserves a redtext, shouldn't:
>>10099>>10094type posters also get a red text for the same reasoning? it's like the exact same thing, just the opposite side of the supposed argument
No. 10134
>>10132apparently they don't, because like in my venus thread example, only one poster got redtexted. I definitely made more than one post in that discussion, but received no redtexting (though I did get a fat 3-4 day ban, so you'd think I contributed enough to warrant it..)
>>10133you can't possibly be that big of a mong that you can't conceive the concept that it can give the wrong impression to the userbase or new users, right?
and is this not the literal place to complain about my personal feefees on how I feel the site should or shouldn't be moderated? was last time I checked… apparently no one gave you that memo, though, snarky-chan.
No. 10141
>>10136That thread has been in the garbage for a while now. I wish staff would actually do something about it, but the last time staff stepped in was when the last admin was around.
Everyone there responding to the troll is just as cringy too cause they should know better. They keep falling for the bait like newfags.
>>10139Also, this. They need a place to talk about Mina cause these idiots keep doing it in the Dasha thread and then the whiteknights (and probably Edwin) come out and then fighting happens.
No. 10142
>>8771I am satisfied with my experience if you ask me. For far too long have I complained about the third admin sama and just shitposted here and there. I was the one who made this post >>406715
I have now opened my eyes and realized this admin is a real woman, and I'm in love. I'm in no way a lesbian but I just am in love, the heart does what the heart wants.
No. 10149
>>10148Hi, the link is being posted in announcements right now.'s also been linked on discord.
No. 10152
>>10151Thanks for the summary Admin-chan (I was late…again)!
I wanna take this opportunity to tell you that I love how you're handling the board. You seems super invested (unlike previous admin) and it's greatly appreciated. Keep up the good work!
No. 10156
>>10154Do you have difficulty copying and pasting the text of your post?
Some users have encountered an issue wherein their password is no longer
valid within the alloted 30 minutes. Admin, any info on this?
No. 10157
>>10151Are these samefags too goth to sage? I have been reporting and there's been no improvement and no redtext.
>>>/snow/802386>>>/snow/802388>>>/snow/802389>>>/snow/802515>>>/snow/802540>>>/snow/802618>>>/snow/802705Thanks for your devotion to the site!
No. 10162
>>10160I'm sure the staff have more important things to worry about than that, anon.
And as this anon said
>>10161 this isn't new. it's only going to get worse since summer is around the corner.
No. 10166
>>10160I think this is a good idea, in all honesty. It would curtail the bullshit dramatically, at least for a while.
Blocking Reddit, 4chan, that one incel forum, certain normie sites and maybe KF and/or PULL would let us breathe.
No. 10172
File: 1557383679293.png (18.55 KB, 537x86, Screen Shot 15.png)

Can mods pls deal with the dick-hungry samefag whiteknighting Jared in the Game Grumps thread? Obviously more info is going to come out about the Heidi/Holly/Jared situation, and we'll talk about it then, but there's literally no sane reason to doubt any of what Heidi is saying at this point in time.
No. 10174
>>10172To add onto this, can we have extra moderation in the thread for now? There is a lot of unsaged infighting going on and backseat moderation.
I know this was a different admin/mod team, but when Shiena got v&/deported from Japan the thread was almost immediately put on auto-sage despite moving much slower than the current GG thread. The GG thread is in a similar situation
(heaven forbid anyone suggests the thread moves to /pt/ though) but I was wondering if extra moderation would be applied to it since it's gaining a lot of traction atm.
No. 10187
>>10181Holy shit, I had no idea. Not sure why some other anons were saying this is "impossible" or trying to insist it's a bad idea (I'm guessing they came here through the sites we get shitty run-off from, lmao).
Now I'm even more on board with this.
No. 10192
>>10180>>10179So it is door #1, I'm blind. Thank you, kind anons.
Only 4 people, that is a surprise.
No. 10195
>>10193i second this but for /m/ and /ot/. it gets a lot of weird infighting.
i missed townhall cuz of traveling. heck.
No. 10199
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>>10174Came here to say this same thing with the new thread. I have truly never understood the people who sperg about sage-ing until now because holy shit is that thread full of newfags. Drama hasn't even being going on that long and there's already reposts of caps/info from people who clearly didn't read the last thread. Even OP of the new thread is so clearly a newfag.
If that thread maxes out (which I'm sure it will as well soon) can a mod make the next thread? Or just ensure it's someone who's actually used the site for more than 1 day? Peak GG drama/Suzy threads from years are how a lot of us ended up on this site in the first place. I dunno man, it just feels disrespectful to so blatantly disregard an OG topic's history like that. It'd be like if some fresh Kiki milk exploded worldwide and some newfag made a new thread about it who knew nothing of the Ostrenga legacy. Some threads should be handled with more care.
No. 10205
>>10203>>10204I haven't added it back yet.
>>10198No but that's hilarious.
No. 10219
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>>10215>>10216This. They're playing coy with 'oop, looks like her twitter's gone again' but I'm sure they're also the ones doing it.
Admin can we please please get the sperg curtailed in the Mira thread? She doesn't understand Mira's history, the temporary nature of this Muslim identity Mira has or even the purpose of the thread.
Pic related is peak autism
>>>/pt/661058>No one hasn't exposed her copying from LOLcow. This is the first and it'll be out soon on Youtube.and she just posts and posts and posts. Any fart Mira makes about Islam on her twitter is reposted to the thread as a cap with highlights, commentary or stupid reaction images. Mira's story is her identity issues and scamming, her fake and paid-for marriages. Her stupid views are funny too but in reasonable doses, not like this. This woman has mental health issues and has become fixated on Mira. I don't care that Mira gets harassed by this person on twitter, but the thread should not be this hysterical woman's
>>>/pt/660104 playground.
No. 10223
>>10221Actually I'm not sure - did that one have a black line painted over the address? I'm going back and looking for it now.
I wonder if it was some totally retarded effort to start a new thread? i was in /pt/ and the post included the name 'TrixieJ'
No. 10231
>>10228Maybe don't respond to people not liking (gay) men with entire essays doing nothing but bashing women under the guise of "being wary of straight women because they might hate lesbians like me too uwu", and that won't happen next time.
I mean, really, what else can it be taken as
except defending men when you respond to man hate with woman hate? And no, nothing in that post was "reasonable", let alone "
the most reasonable". It was just a mess, and far more
toxic than 99% of the actual on-topic posts in the thread.
No. 10233
>>10231the thread as a concept is
toxic, bb.
No. 10238
File: 1558121029672.png (39.39 KB, 1057x624, fixyourshit.PNG)

this shit is ridiculous. i don't care if if was just a warning.
>not letting me know what the reported post was
most reports are a matter of opinion, it's literally a mod's job to determine if the report is valid or not.
No. 10241
>>10239Maybe you need to
>Do not make threads on subjects under the age of 16.>Do not post identifiable information on minors such as full names, addresses and schools.>Do not post photos of minors where there is an expectation of privacyNone of those apply here
No. 10249
For the love of god can we PLEASE get some actual coverage in the YT Makeup thread. We've literally been begging for something to be done about the Jeffree stans since last year, multiple times in the previous complaints thread, every single time a Jeffree scandal pops up which is often. The James Charles/Jeffree/Tati drama is probably the most mainstream milk being discussed on the website right now, as is anything with Jeffree. I don't understand why mods keep outright ignoring it for actual years on end. Letting the Jeffree grunts completely steamroll every discussion of him is part of why he keeps getting away with this shit. Literally all we need is something like
>no baseless speculation
That's it. That would literally solve all of our problems. We're not talking about people's opinions of Jeffree, we're talking about the people who keep shoving everything under the rug. It's the same situation over and over again of having receipts of some shitty behavior and anons suddenly swarming in to divert any attention away from him and on to the person accusing him or just going "idk seems fake" for no reason.
If this had been addressed last year when we asked, we wouldn't have to keep going over and over the same shit every day. There's literally 4 separate threads that discuss Jeffree (a dead Jeffree thread, YT Makeup 1&2 and the Shane thread) and over a decade of milk and somehow that's still not enough for mods to pay any attention to our complaints. Jeffree has more milk than most of the cows on /pt/ combined, but you would never let someone in the Onion thread come in and say
>idk is grooming underage girls even that bad? :// i think you guys are overreacting
>idk can we even believe the 138 girls that have come forward with proof of the same behavior being repeated for years?
>idk [abused girl #28] is obviously just posting caps for attention
>idk [abused girl #72] probably made up those dozens of caps of conversations that can be confirmed and cross-referenced with dozens of other posts
>idk [abused girl #47] tweeted this thing 5 years ago so she's REALLY the one we should be talking about
>idk i just don't trust [abused girl #86] i think she's lying
Like you let happen with Jeffree's behavior. There hasn't been one single redtext for any of it. Idk if that's because you just ignore it because it's constant attacking his accusers instead of outright defending him, but I don't know how that's not considered whiteknighting.
Sorry if I seem butthurt but this has just been going on for so long and we literally have to keep having the same discussion and go through all the same motions and spoonfeed every. single. time. and nothing ever gets done about it. I've been on this site for years now and I've never seen something so blatantly ignored as this, it's infuriating. Lolcow has clearly played a huge part in not letting Gurg or Moo or Taylor get away with their shit anymore, I don't know why mods keep letting this go on. You are actively contributing to his narrative that keeps him living in a mansion and making millions of dollars by letting it go on on this site, why doesn't he get the same treatment? Even the GG/ProJared thread shuts down senseless wk-ing, and it's not nearly as big as Dramageddon 2.0, and there's not receipts spanning a decade like Jeffree has either.
inb4: "kek [insert any of the dozens of people who have jeffree receipts]-stan" as per usual
No. 10254
>>10250please. the influx of newfags, whiteknights and people unsagedly derailing about their totes succesful polyshit relationship is shitting up the thread. newfags will bump the thread to discuss whether a poly relationship is
VaLiD or not, or not bother reading ANYTHING that's posted before WKing.
No. 10259
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Regarding the projared thread, the previous one, after the new thread was made, right before it hit post limit, these posts appeared with Holly’s name. Even responding to one of their own posts pretending to be someone else. Has holly been officially namefagged by mods or is it some retard writing “holly” in the name field? Anons were wondering since she had been suspected of self posting previously. Just wondering if based-staff could shed some clarification? Thanks!
No. 10264
>>10261Chill, I was just asking for clarification since we actually have had cows that (through their ip) automatically gave them a name whenever they posted, as soon as they posted, w/o being announced such as Cindy pop cosplay 1-2 years ago which was simply for ban evasion and spamming the board and was not announced bc it wasn’t a big deal. Also sources can get namefagged like that as well. That’s why I was asking. Seeing the name appear the sec the post goes up would be per norm is situations like that, like they have done previously on this site a few times. It doesn’t hurt to ask?
Also I posted this in meta while the discussion was still occurring over it. That’s why I said “clarification”. And I wasn’t the only one who was wondering.
No. 10266
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why did you guys not delete this? This is obviously a spam bot and not a newfag.
No. 10272
>>10271i disagree, most of the people correcting are crazy GC/radfems getting
triggered that someone called a tranny man a woman. most of them stalk those threads anyway so they're quick to jump on anyone who uses the "wrong one".
No. 10273
>>10269 and I've also seen anons derail over TrAnSpHoBiA on the reverse, it's just something people need to get the fuck over. Let feminazi and genderspecial anons use the pronouns they want without getting assmad about it. Doesn't matter what you call cows at the end of the day.
No. 10282
>>10275I don't see how that was fun. Spam bots just clutter up the board, what's the point of leaving them?
Besides, by letting them post their SEO crap you are basically helping them out.
No. 10300
>>10298Why can't anyone on this thread just use the report function
>>10299wtf thanks for sharing this anon. i hadn't heard of it yet