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No. 2020355

'Restocking' useless an overabundance of useless items edition.




VEGAN/VEGETARIAN THREAD(thread made too early, and its shit)

No. 2020361>>2020384

Bruh just make a containment thread for this girl already

No. 2020384>>2020433

There's really no need, she can be discussed here with no problem. Not really producing enough cringe for an entire thread. LC is overrun with too many threads that just die because of the sheer amount of them.

No. 2020386>>2020388

>make general about broad topic
>find one specific woman
>whole general becomes speediest about one individual
Lolcow moment

No. 2020388

Speediest? What

No. 2020407>>2020411>>2020412

Not trying to be mean but why didn’t you include the thread number in the title? That makes it much easier to find the thread via search. Can someone who isn’t a newfag please remake this?

No. 2020411

Samefag fuck it I’ll remake it, unless anyone has any objections

No. 2020412>>2020414

what's it like being perfect, anon?

No. 2020414

Pretty nice, thanks for asking anon

No. 2020417>>2020454

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Dandelion crayola girl

No. 2020422>>2020423>>2020425>>2020455

shit thread that should be remade but i see the addyharajuku whiteknights are in full swing. nobody capes this hard for brooke, the my little pony autist, the new 0.75x speed girl, or the fried blonde potato woman. makes sense addy has lurkers here considering how many times she pity baits and namedropped lolcow on instagram and twitter. have fun whiteknighting the rapist defender, pedo apologist freak shopping addict addy. 25 years old and still dming 14 year olds with boohoo why are you bullying me walls of text. literally pixielocks tier

No. 2020423>>2020457

Can we see these walls of text? Sounds milky

No. 2020425>>2020433

I don’t follow this cow but I’ll gladly make the next thread with her as threadpic. This thread was made way too early though, the other thread isn’t even filled up yet. Also OP fucked up the links

No. 2020431

The previous threads are all out of order? You also forgot to add a thread number and link the vegan/vegetarian thread

No. 2020432

Previous thread isn’t filled up yet. Let’s just use the old one and then we can remake this one afterwards >>>/ot/1938489

No. 2020433

She needs her own thread. Lot of anons including myself got bans for talking about her, even if it was related to consumerism. I’m not mentioning her again and getting a longer ban.
Thank you, someone said they were going to make it but it never happened.

No. 2020454

pic for ants

No. 2020455>>2020463

All Brooke/etc posting has been on-topic, but as soon as this bitch is brought up the discussion instantly derails about either her looks/makeup/hair/clothes, or a spergfest about plastic anime figures and “””problematic””” media. It’s fucking annoying having to sift through the same shit every time, and making her the threadpic is an instant recipe for more of the same shit.

No. 2020457>>2020464>>2020479

File (hide): 1716671543508.png (407.14 KB, 585x1071, addyharajuku.png)

i don't know the age of this girl but she has multiple tweets about school and the people she replies to frequently have 14-16 in their bios, so i assume she's around that. imagine beefing with someone 10 years younger than you, just block the retard

also she's definitely lurking because the other week, she had several lolicon figures on her myfigurecollection but they've since been removed from her "owned" tab. wish i screenshotted it(if it doesn't relate to consoomerism it's offtopic, I suggest you make a thread on her)

No. 2020463

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as if potato-chan didn't spark a massive spergfest on her appearance at multiple points, literally the replies are all about her appearance. why is addyharajuku off limits? sperging about anime figures is on topic too, or do you think buying hordes of plastic isn't consooming?

No. 2020464>>2020466

The is exactly why she should have her own thread. What exactly does this have to do with the topic of overconsumption? You just want an excuse to sperg about tiktok-weeb-girl no.16384849473 because she annoys you

No. 2020466

i dunno, explain how potato-chan being ugly and red is on topic? does she deserve her own thread? if you want addy to have her own thread so much make it yourself

No. 2020479

Christ. I learnt the hard way that you can't control other people's opinions of you, how does she not know this aged 25/26?

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