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No. 383652

A thread to talk about theme parks and amusement parks! Share drama, news, your theme park experiences etc. Some fun questions:
>Favorite theme park(s)?
>Favorite rides?
>Are you a dark ride type of person or a thrill ride type of person?
>A theme park you really want to visit?
>How many parks have you been to?
>Thoughts on disneybounding and similar?

No. 383654

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Fantasy Springs in Disneysea looks so pretty to me, they really nailed down the look

No. 383657

>Favorite theme park(s)?
I really like Epcot! (World showcase in particular)
>Favorite rides?
Expedition everest, Haunted mansion, Small world, Kali river rapids
>Are you a dark ride type of person or a thrill ride type of person?
>A theme park you really want to visit?
Tokyo Disney Sea
>Thoughts on disneybounding and similar?
It's super cute! I'm not sure if it's still a huge trend or not though.

No. 383660

Oh and I also really want to go to Fuji Q highland
Japan has a lot of theme parks in general which I'd love to go to on my trip there (someday…) but obviously there's a lot of other stuff I'd also wanna do so I probably can only fit a few in hahaha.

If anyone who's been to Japan has any particular recommendations for parks though I'd love to hear them! But the Disney parks and Fuji Q are definitely the main ones I'm interested in.

No. 383663

The Tangled ride is so cute and dreamy

No. 383668

Yesss the tangled ride actually makes me want to cry! It's so beautiful.

No. 383669

i don't care how controversial it is, i'm saying it: childless adults going to theme parks on more than an occasional basis are experiencing stunted maturity and need to grow up. i mean the kind of people who watch vlogs when they can't go and spend tens of thousands to march around the same park buying the same overpriced novelty food and buying more objects for the future landfill once they die. i'm not talking about parents, i'm talking about childless millenial redditor couples who treat baby yoda dolls like a real child. the average disney trip spend is more than enough to go somewhere else in the world or travel a lot around the US and experience some culture and touch some fucking grass. unfortunately the percentage of them that are realizing that are just going to tokyo to go to that disney instead. disney makes content for children and overgrown teenagers in adult bodies and i'm tired of people acting like it isn't some weird inability to get past childhood nostalgia and discover yourself as a person in the present.

No. 383671

I don't even understand how they can afford it? it seems so fucking expensive

No. 383672

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You do realize that there's lots of things for adults to enjoy at theme parks right?
At specifically Disney parks there's Nice hotels, Michelin star restaurants, fireworks, gardens, lots of non character based shopping, etc.

No. 383675

What about the roller coaster/entertainment technology fantatics?

No. 383676

Having a good paying job + saving up? It's not that hard.

No. 383677

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Kek evermore closed last month.

No. 383680

Can't you post this on the things you hate thread in /ot/ instead? Not all child free people who go to theme parks are retarded disney adults like that. Some people just want to have fun at a fun place, I hate this cynical view that either everyone who enjoys theme parks is a cringe baby yoda "mommy" or an emotionally stunted autistic redditor.

No. 383687

I feel really lucky to live in the Midwest where there are so many theme parks. They don’t do a whole lot with the “theming” though so if you want atmosphere you still have to go to Orlando.
While I’m thinking about theme parks and the thread is new, I just wanted to say that I hate “screen rides”, dark rides with little actual movement that rely on screens to show you anything cool. The optical effects never seem to work very well for me, especially not the ones where they give you 3d glasses. Maybe my pupil distance is weird? I get that the parks I’m talking about (especially universal Orlando) are running low on growing room but I wish they’d do something more exciting.

No. 383708

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Has anyone here gone to European parks? I'm thinking Efteling

No. 383712

Nta and idgaf if adults go to themeparks but we all know adults who aren't there because of kids or family don't go because there's ~gardens and hotels~

No. 383716

Efteling is nice though I've never been in the fairytale forest. But the rides are good if that's what you care about. I wouldn't travel for it from abroad though if that's what you're implying.

No. 383736

Hey nona, I'm also dreaming about going to Fuji Q, it seems so fun!
I assume you already know about USJ in Osaka as well. They have the typical Harry Potter and Jurassic Park rides that are super fun, and I felt like the overall vibe was a bit more relaxed and fun than at Disney. But there were a lot of gross weaaboo neckbeards in the Mario area, just a heads up if you want to visit.
I'm not sure if these can be fully considered amusement parks so forgive me, but in the spirit of fun rides, there's also Joypolis in Odaiba at Decks. It's worth a visit if you are already planning to be in the area, because it has a couple of fun rides. And Tokyo Dome City is also pretty easy to get to and has some fun rides, but it's also a hot date spot ( like a more accessible Disney).

I had lots of fun in vidrel, but I'm not from the USA so I don't know if this is mild/lame compared to what's over there. I hope you get to go to all of your dream spots soon!

No. 383753

I'm probably gonna skip USJ since I'm not really into any of the franchises there and I'm not planning to spend a day in Osaka (mainly just Tokyo and Kyoto) a lot of it does look pretty neat though! I wouldn't mind at some point going to a universal studios park since I hear their rides are really good and although I don't care about Harry Potter I can't deny the hogwarts section of the park's themeing is fantastic.

No. 383754

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Finally a thread made purely for my autism!
>Favorite theme park(s)?
I grew up going going to Disneyland Paris and Efteling, so those. I think nostalgia is a very big factor of theme park enjoyment
>Favorite rides?
Pirates of the Caribbean and Big Thunder Mountain at Disney, but Droomvlucht at Efteling is so wonderful! Basically anything that's highly themed
>Are you a dark ride type of person or a thrill ride type of person?
I definitely enjoy both, but I'll always prefer a highly themed dark ride more
>A theme park you really want to visit?
Tokyo DisneySea and Phantasialand look gorgeous
>How many parks have you been to?
I would say about 6 or 7? It's not like I'm keeping count, but it's a good amount of them spread around my country and a few abroad.
>Thoughts on disneybounding and similar?
I think there's nothing wrong with it, it can be very cute! But personally it's not for me

Efteling is the beeeeest (obviously biased here). Fun coasters but mostly absolutely beautiful themeing. It actually feels comfy and magical compared to Disney's overly manufactured fantasy vibe. And the fairy tale forest is a nice time if you want to just be at ease and look at some nice scenery. It can be very easygoing compared to Disney's nightmare of planning.

No. 383758

Evermore (as Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser to an extent) as a concept had such high potential to do cool stuff, but they just messed up with the execution. Also apparently there were regulars who got a bit too parasocial with their favorite characters, which must not have been comfortable to the actors working there. I'm not sure how they could've made it work. Maybe have some actual rides there instead of purely focussing on the live roleplaying aspect? I'm not sure what the main audience for Evermore was really. Overly eager theater kids? I know I'd be too awkward to interact.

No. 383759

Woooo new Jenny vid about the Star Wars hotel

No. 383760

I didn't think of that but there probably were some guys who got kinda creepy with the women who worked there…
Overly active actors is the type of thing that kind of works in theory but in practice at best leads to that small tumblr fandom of girls who liked Peter Pan actors (probably because they're regularly swapped out and women are less creepy) and at worst leads to stuff like guys who stalk workers at themed cafes and such.

No. 383762

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Alright nonnas, who are you

No. 383763

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Better food, World showcase, I like the retro future vibe and there's a lot of nice areas to just hang out
The expansions they've done since I was last there look pretty incredible too like the ones in the China pavilion and the new sushi restaurant (the German pavilion is probably my favorite but that could change!)
Also magic kingdom is usually really crowded and for some reason people get into fist fights there.

No. 383766

Googled Efteling and it's so so gorgeous, makes me a bit sad I'm an American.

No. 383770

>Also magic kingdom is usually really crowded and for some reason people get into fist fights there.
Kek what? I need to see that

No. 383773

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No. 383774

No. 383788

Epcot. The area is so beautiful. I can walk around for hours. They have Guardians of the Galaxy ride, which is top notch. The food and drinks are the best. There's also live music happening in multiple areas.

No. 383789

This was in disneyland (CA) not world. Disney world has a lot going on to, but all the most ghetto behavior seems to be in land. Like the guy getting completely naked and swimming around the water in the It's a small world ride.

No. 383802

I'm going to universal studios for my 30 birthday which is 2 years, so i have time to spend saving for it. I also want to revisit disney florida at one point, it think it will be fun going without having my family bring me down and i will be able to do what i want. I also really want to try eating at a fun restaurant. Very lucky to have family who live in florida who can get me discounts.
Magic kingdom is really ghetto even though i love the aesthetics of it. The crowding puts me off spending too much time there, i'd prefer to just walk around a bit then move on.

No. 383804

>Like the guy getting completely naked and swimming around the water in the It's a small world ride.
Is there a vid of this?

No. 383848

there's also even better versions of those things not inside a theme park made for families with children
i'll give that a pass because you can't exactly indulge that hobby without going to a theme park
the more money you make and the more money you can justify wasting on going to a children's playground, the sadder it is and the more i judge you. if you had better reading comprehension, you'd realize that i already said it's a dumb thing to waste money on versus others that would educate or culturally enrich a person.
it's relevant to the thread, nothing said this had to be entirely pro-theme park. i'm speaking about a very specific class of person who goes there. i'm not making another post in a thread you think is more appropriate lol who do you think you are
exactly, you get it(infighting)

No. 383867

Wow you're totally not mad and so fun to be around.

No. 383876

>it's relevant to the thread, nothing said this had to be entirely pro-theme park.
I made the thread and you're absolutely retarded. Look at the op and how many times it mentions the words "favorite" and "fun". Casual banter and drama talk isn't the same as absolute hatred and disdain of all theme parks based on very narrominded terminally online opinions like yours. Learn to read the room. Go bait elsewhere.

No. 383896

You're right and the anons reeeing at you are just mad that they're a bunch of stunted disney adults.

No. 383903

I haven't been to either of them so I can't say. I think I'll probably like EPCOT better when I finally do end up going to Orlando, but who knows. I just think World Showcase looks cool!

No. 383906

epcot! amazing food, and my favorite ride at disney is there (gotg)

No. 383907

Overpriced trash for manchildren. If a theme park has a recongisable brand name, it's not worth going to in monetary terms. You're not paying for the experience, but for the brand.

No. 383918

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If I ever have a daughter I really want to take her to Eftelling. I’ve watched YouTube videos of the fairytale rides and it’s like looking into my mind at 7 years old lol, I was so obsessed with fairy tales and fairies I would have transcended if I got to ride the dark ride in picrel. My parents never took me to theme parks because they were poor and jobless lol. But when I was 13 my brother took me to Alton Towers and I had the time of my life, I’m very thankful to him for providing me with experiences my lazy parents didn’t. If I ever have children I want to be like him and provide them with experiences I never got to have. Sometimes I go on the Eftelling website and fantasize about going there with my family, I imagine which rooms we’d book, where we’d eat, what rides my hypothetical kids might want to go on, what shows we’d watch etc.

No. 383925

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Aw that's really sweet. I hope you get to go one day!

No. 383981

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I've never been to a real theme park in my life (too poor third worlder) but I've always been curious about them. As a kid I remember going to some local museums and restaurants that were themed (not just for kids, mind you) and loving it, I don't think my fascination for places that look like something else would ever diminish just because I got older. It's fun! I would love to go one day. I also have a soft spot for those cute drinks and food type of stuff that you can find in restaurants all over the world (not just theme parks). Unironically though the park that I'm least interested in is Sanrio Puroland lol. Like it's cute but unless you are hardcore into Sanrio is there anything to do there at all? Still would love to go, it looks pretty. I just love themeing. There's so many things I would love to try that cynical people that perhaps do have the means just take for granted.

No. 384008

I love Sanrio but Sanrio puroland looks pretty bad, there’s like two rides (so the lines are always crazy long) and the food is well known to give people food poisoning because it’s so bad. I’m guessing people mostly go there for live shows and taking pictures, which is fair but Japan also has a lot of other theme parks you could do that at kek.

One of the two rides there is quite cute though.

No. 384223

>Fantasy springs has the most gorgeous hotels
>the most gorgeous park
>the most shit looking food with like 5 options
What the fuck?

No. 384227

Kek I agree. The bread with the cardamom meat inside looks weird, the only appetizing thing I saw was the Rapunzel hair pastry. Everything else is mid, gross even. How can they justify this as "it's for a Japanese audience!" is beyond me.

No. 384229

>How can they justify this as "it's for a Japanese audience!" is beyond me.
I really don't think Japanese people would be into this either kek, also I'm not a vegetarian but it was really strange to me that there wasn't really any vegetarian option?
I guess I'm sticking to Magellans kek.

No. 384253

Nagashima Spa Land if you go to the Chubu region. It’s the only park I’ve been to besides Disneysea in Japan but it was great because lines were short for great coasters.

Speaking of DisneySea, I went alone and it sucked ass. 2.5 hour lines standing around kids dressed like eachother, for lame rides. Never again. I think worth if you’re with friends though.

No. 384270

Omg I've never heard of people getting food poisoning there… I wanted to go eat the cute food

No. 384274

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The desserts and drinks are probably safe, but apparently the other food is real fucking bad. Looks wise, taste wise and health wise.

No. 384277

The last review is killing me.
>Maybe you like children.
Definitely lost in translation but it comes across as a scathing attack kek

No. 384386

I am often curious about theme parks and sometimes I do look up footage from vloggers but I just can't get into it. Especially things like Disney parks, I just can't imagine paying so much money and having fun walking around for hours only to look at a bunch of plastic decorations with tacky cartoon designs. Maybe the rides are fun (I've never actually been to a theme park so idk) but all the cartoon stuff, the overpriced trinkets, the trained employess in themed clothing, the silly naming of foods, the decor that's all made of huge chunks of plastic… it all just depresses me for some reason. Not shitting on them of course, it's good if some people can enjoy them fully but they've always had that weird effect on me.

No. 384390

To be fair there's an entire rest of the park with other food options, but yeah I get it. Something about that bright yellow hamburger bun really rubs me the wrong way, almost like it's a natural warning for poison or something.

No. 384429

>Phantasialand look gorgeous

Don't go. Don't. Save your money. Local here and it's a terrible park these days. It used to be nice but these days it is just sad, an entire section of the park is closed down, it is still closing down rides and the ones that are left are mostly thrill rides.
Europapark is a lot nicer, think Disney's Epcot without the Disney branding.

No. 384493

Tbh not all theme parks are Disney, there's plenty of other ones that are less tacky if you are looking for better all ages entertainment. There's plenty of rollercoaster and ride oriented amusement parks like Six Flags and Hershey's. Water parks count too (I'm a big fan of them), or places like SeaWorld are also considered a theme park. Thinking that all theme parks fans are disney adults is very misled lmao. Even Universal is cooler than Disney, though they do have very interesting classics like The Haunted Mansion that so far has survived the tacky "let's turn everything into a disney IP" treatment (except for Halloween where for some reason they retheme it to Jack Skellington). There's a lot to chose from nonna, don't give up.

No. 384585

Really? I always heard amazing things and have been meaning to go. Klugheim and Rookburgh look incredible and while I'm not the biggest coaster person I'd love to do them just because the areas they're in look so gorgeous.

No. 384612

Oh thanks anon, I'll look those up! Water parks do sound like my thing. However I would never set foot in a SeaWorld (or look shit up) because it's THAT bad, I can't enjoy things with trained animals performing (aka getting abused).

No. 384686

Disney as a theme park is a shell of what it used to be in the 50s (the Davy Crockett craze) and the 60s (audio-animatronics, Haunted Mansion) right up until the mid-2000s. California Adventure was a good idea with terrible execution, made even worse now by most rides being based on whatever dumpster fire IP is popular at the time.

No. 384727

>Favorite rides?
I’ve never gone on it but I absolutely love the beauty and beast ride in tokyo disneyland. It’s the one ride I can say is so beautiful and nearly breathtaking. I don’t usually feel that way about those type of rides, I find them kinda awkward, but this one has a sense of rococo prettiness and scale that I find so endearing. And I feel like I haven’t been on enough coasters to make a good assessment.

Have any of you nonnas been on end of the year field trips to any parks? I only went in middle school for two years out of the three. I remember waking up early to get on the bus and the ride over was always memorable. And at least in my experience, there was so much drama and politics over who went in what groups and who got which teacher chaperone. One of my teachers was quite fat so he a fast pass for back problems and my group was with him the first two years. Then our friend group splintered and instead of her leaving, she threw us all out so she could keep and provide the fast pass cheat code. I remember everything that happened outside the park the most kek.

No. 385165

Oh sweet

No. 385640

This is beyond autistic. You honestly just sound like a miserable, broke retard. People enjoy theme parks at all ages because it's fun. It's not that deep. Disney excels at being entertaining for all ages.

No. 385643

Nta but nona is right, i've never seen an accomplished, mentally stable disney adult. They're always some kind of dysgenic creatures.
It's okay to like disney even as an adult but when you make it an important part of your personality, something's weird. I'm sure there are exceptions, but the rule exist.

No. 385647

Not everyone who goes to a theme park is going to make it into their own biggest personality trait kek. It takes a very specific type of retarded person with low IQ to even resemble something like that, I assure you most adults are normal with healthy degrees of curiosity and simply want to have fun. Seriously not all theme park enthusiasts are Disney adults, I'm pretty sure not everyone who goes to those parks are carrying baby yodas in strollers or have a collection of a thousand minnie ears. Those people need to be mocked but I'm pretty sure they're not in the majority kek.

No. 385662

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idk why this comment got so much hate. you clearly specified "more than occasionally" and i agree. but then again, i can't fathom spending that much just to go to the parks. honestly though if it was cheaper and i lived nearby i'd go pretty often because i fucking love some of the coasters. wish they were more easily accessible. i have fantasies of being rich and living near a big theme park and just going to ride coasters all fucking day to clear my mind.

No. 385663

btw, me and my best friend went to disneyworld last year and were just messing around going on pretty much every ride, even the boring baby rides, and at one point we were in line for some stupid thing in animal kingdom and there was this young mom in front of us with her toddler who kept glaring angrily at us, i stared back at her and she would NOT break eye contact, it was kind of psycho. either she thought we were disgusting lesbians or she was judging us for daring to be childless adults at disney kek

No. 385667

>thinks going to a theme park as an adult makes you a disney adult
Jesus christ I wish neanderthals online would stop throwing around buzzwords.

No. 385670

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>People ITT

No. 385672

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Reminds me of this famous copypasta

No. 385674

The post specified that it was about going to theme park more than occasionally and spending thousands of dollars, maybe the neanderthal has better ready comprehension than you do kek

No. 385675

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Cherry picked as fuck but I still laughed.

No. 385678

You're the lamest troll ever. You're never even part of the discussion and just come into threads looking to infight and have been easily recognizable the entire year. You're boring.

No. 385679

tf you're talking about i wasnt even posting a year ago kek(infighting)

No. 385680

zzz kek(infighting)

No. 385682

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KEKK yeah me and my friend were giggling about it, i imagine she must have been seething to be stuck there with her whining child while the two of us were hanging out with no cares in the world

No. 385688

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There's a bit at the end I want to highlight, because it's the reason I have zero interest in ever going to a Disney park again. Over the course of the last ten years, Disney went from having lots of things be part of the cost of the on-site hotel package (fastpasses, magic bands, parking, etc.) to nickel-and-diming people for absolutely everything, all while cutting the number of character actors in the park and raising prices. They were doing the shrinkflation and austerity bullshit long before any other company. They used to pretend to care about giving people a better quality experience than other parks, which is what made the price tag worth it in the past. Now they've gotten complacent, they're confident that people will pay higher and higher prices for worse products because they've successfully made their parks an obligatory thing for every family.

All this is going on while other parks are giving Disney a real run for their money, most notably Universal, who poached all of the former Imagineers who quit because they were pissed off at what Disney parks were becoming. Wizarding World totally takes Magic Kingdom to the cleaners, and has even outperformed it financially some years.

Picrel encapsulates it all really well. This is a ten dollar "piece" of cake someone ordered at the Blue Bayou.

No. 385690

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Samefag, picrel is what the same menu item looked like before.

No. 385713

That was very interesting, thank you for sharing nonna

>so much hate
3/6 anons disagreed and only one of the replies would qualify as "hate". Plus later on OP said only technology entertainment fanatics had a "pass" kek. Why would someone who can't imagine theme parks being entertaining post itt

No. 385730

>Why would someone who can't imagine theme parks being entertaining post itt
Because it's bait and causes infights, duhh

No. 385733

To be fair they had more budget for Fantasy Springs kek. But yes, I love how in the Asian parks, the technology is so top notch it just looks like you're looking at drawings that came to life. I think that's the key to make them work, don't go for the realism look necessarily just be cartoony with the movements. As far as I know I think they first rendered some 3D models and then built on top of that to replicate it with the machinery.

No. 385734

>cutting the number of character actors in the park
I went to Disneyland Paris as my first ever theme park and there were no character actors at all. Is it just a Disneyland America thing? I had seen videos before and thought I'd like to interact with them but figured it must be unique to American theme parks

No. 385765

When did you go? They're definitely there. Last time I went in (I think) 2021 with my sister, we were walking when we saw the queen of hearts from Alice in Wonderland from across a pond, mingling with guests at the teacups ride. She had to leave so she walked off, but then suddenly spotted us from across the water. She just stood there for a few seconds, staring at us, and then out of nowhere did a super sassy vogue pose and me and my sister lost it. Another time there was a guy playing Jack Sparrow hanging out on the balcony above the exit to Pirates of the Caribbean talking with people. So yes they're definitely there. But that nonna is right, they used to be much more frequently roaming around, now they stick most of them in some specialized meet and greet area you have to wait in line for.

No. 385774

I went in March this year. We were there for 2 days in 2 separate groups and none of us saw any of them roaming around. I was looking around all the time so if they had meet and greet areas I probably would have noticed, maybe we were just that unlucky.

No. 385792

That cake went from yummy to depressing wedding slice

No. 385806

That’s why it’s extremely cherry picked, they’re comparing a clearly budget made ride from over a decade ago to the newest ride. I actually don’t think it’s that far off from the frozen animatronics at the American parks, but the newest ones faces are a bit cuter.

No. 385839

I think US Disney can definitely hit the same level of quality, but the Tokyo parks hit that level very consistently while in the US it feels more like "once in a while". I think the animatronics they've showed for Tiana's Bayou Adventure look incredible, but after that ride is finished it'll be a long time before we get anything like that again

No. 386943

How is Osaka's Universal Studios park? I'm considering going there at some point but if anyone knows that park I'd like your opinions first.

No. 389318

Tiana's bayou adventure vs splash mountain comparison, thoughts?

No. 389320

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Shorter version

No. 389342

This is so sad. There's some cool stuff in the new version like the animatronics and the finale scene looks gorgeous, but half of the ride feels so empty compared to the original.

No. 389373

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The fall makes no sense now. The new stuff looks great (feels like frozen as in its empty and needs more to it), but I don't get why Disney keeps wasting its time on refacing shit like this and not invest back into rides to make them work. Or do new fucking rides you have all this fucking land.(so fucking lazy and greedy)Last time hubby and I went here was for my birthday 2 years ago (for free never giving them money if I can help it) and rides were trashed. Jungle cruise had actual trash on the land areas all throughout, paint was chipping and scratched badly on tons of rides. On top of everyone looks fucking miserable (from workers to families) now a days that go, shit cost too much from tickets to food and merch, lines are too long, and its just not fun. (on top of shit pay)

They wasted too much time jerking off with Disney+ during covid to make a comeback, The new Universal park is going to wipe them out and I hope it humbles them and makes them realize the money should have always gone back into the parks and rides. Disney really needs to take a page from Tokyo Disney and bring that magic back.

No. 389607

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Going to Busch Gardens VA today. I'm hype. I've been to 4 so far all in the states and my favorite so far has been Hersheypark with the number of good thrill rides. I really love coasters and missed out as a kid and making up for lost time now that I have the freedom and money. Really hoping to get to Cedar Point hopefully later this year and I'll have 6 parks and it's rated the top and has the most intense coasters. Disney is overrated and overpriced, the rides aren't even that great.
I'm using my hard earned money to enjoy some roller coasters, why would that even bother you? Let me have my one autistic interest in peace lol

No. 390012

Report back when you can nonna. Also interested in the Hershey park

No. 390243

Ooh, nice. When I see people mention Busch Gardens they're usually talking about the one in Orlando, so I'm not super familiar with this one. How is it?

No. 390624

>2000's disney

my heart hurts just thinking about it. i live near disneyland and when i was a little girl, my family would sometimes randomly take me to the park after school or on half-days since the park tickets were so much cheaper for just a day and i think residents could go in on blackout dates. youtube for some random reason recommended old disney vlogs to me and i forgot how peaceful and relaxed the parks used to be. no crazy lines, no anxious adults or screaming kids. the best times to go were always around christmas on a cold, clear day. i haven't been to disneyland in over a decade since it just isn't the same and all the fights started and the park became too crowded, but man do i miss this era.

No. 392292

My bf is taking me to Kings Dominion this month, have any of you nonas been there? I've heard conflicting things about the crowd levels and trashiness of the park.

No. 392302

No. 392303

>Der Autobahn
stop misgendering her, it's DIE AUTOBAHN

What's the 'Verbolten' attraction?

No. 394030

God Epic Universe looks so cool, I can't wait

No. 394035

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That's excellent news for everyone inclunding the people itt that want a more mature yet still family friendly theme park experience. I wasn't expecting this to be so cool looking, I wasn't so sure about it at first because I thought they would play the old horror movie aspect of it pretty straightforwardly but now I think this perfect for people who love fun horror attractions. It's less niche than the other properties on the land as well, and although technically still based on multiple IPs it doesn't feel like it, it's less infantilized. Also kek at the vampire stake restaurant I hope to see some real larping goths in there picrel lmao

No. 394038

Kekkk that would be hilarious. I'm kind of a scaredy-cat so I hope the big monster ride isn't THAT scary, but it looks super cool. I want a cool Frankenstein animatronic

No. 394040

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sorry that my mind goes places but someone really needs to cosplaybound picrel in there please it would be so perfect

No. 394059

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Reporting back 2 weeks later and I also went to Hersheypark since then! Busch Gardens Williamsburg was a lot of fun; it's a really gorgeous park. They had a food and wine festival when I went, and some of the food from different countries was really yummy. Otherwise, the regular food was meh. I also recommend making it a two-day trip to visit the nearby water park called Water Country USA, which has great slides and tube rides.


Normally, I love inverted coasters, but I greyed out too many times on this one and felt it was too rough to enjoy. Maybe if I rode it more, I would've liked it, but it was really hot when I went, and I was probably dehydrated, which didn't help.

>Apollo's Chariot

Simple and smooth with beautiful greenery, and you feel like you're floating on the drops-no complaints! There's a backstory about Fabio getting clipped by a bird in the face on it. (Pic related, spoilered due to blood.)


An okay inside dark ride that I would only really recommend if you have a fast pass or the lines are short - if you wait a long time you'll likely be disappointed. It's a great ride for cooling off in the hot and humid Virginian heat and the snowmobiles are well designed and comfortable.

>Escape from Pompei and Le Scoot

The 2 water/log flume style rides in the park, you don't really get that wet on either but they're both still good.


AMAZING! Definitely one of my favorites, I highly recommend riding front or back row on the edges. You get a really good view of the park and lots of airtime. If you ride in the very back though you might get a little wet as a heads up!


Usually a big fan of wooden coasters but this one was just okay, I think I would've liked it more if it wasn't so short.

>Loch Ness Monster

The only roller coaster in the world left with interlocking loops. You can tell it's pretty old but it's alright and it has updated themeing.


Incredible, 10/10. Very strong, lots of airtime, and it has a lot going on. Super fun and it just really got me with the launch backwards then forwards before you go up a hill.


Almost feels intense just for the sake of it, I think I would've liked it more if the harness/train wasn't so uncomfortable. Kind of disappointing but still worth a try if you like intense coasters.


Super cool ride, I like that part of it is indoor/dark and the drop. Great view on this one too over the water. It does kind of remind me of Hagrid's Motorbike Adventure and I wonder if they were inspired by Verbolten.

LMAO, I have to say, for a park themed on European countries, there were quite a few missed opportunities.

I've never been, let me know how it is! I really want to go on the Intimidator.

No. 394073

Man, I'd love to go to Hersheypark against some day. I haven't been there since I was like five.

No. 394155

I want more nonna theme park reviews so please share your experience!
Thank you nonna! If you have more to say about Hershey please share!

No. 394315

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Just learnt today that they lost (read: demolished) this incredible mural in Epcot and corporate greed wasn't smart enough to preserve it. Like, this mural was absolutely fantastic. This tumblr post goes more in detail about it https://googiekitsch.tumblr.com/post/752943108628594688/that-might-sound-laughable-if-you-do-not-give-a

No. 394316

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>inverted coasters
In my experience those tend to be the roughest of the bunch, I tend to avoid them if possible. Last time I went on one I really felt it in my neck afterwards. I've only ever felt myself greying out once, on a boomerang coaster. That cobra roll can get pretty forceful, especially backwards.

This is gorgeous! It's really sad stuff like this does not get proper appreciation just because it is in a theme park. Imagine they ever tore down this famous Mary Blair mural at the Contemporary Resort because they wanna force more Disney characters in there. I would go insane

No. 394338

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I have insane respect for Mary Blair for all the incredible work she did not only for disney parks as an imagineer but also as a female illustrator. I really look up to her!

No. 394879

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The handwich needs to come back, look how delicious this shit looks

No. 396795

Very serious question, please don't laugh: are there usually 90% to 99% Chinese people at Universal Osaka?

No. 396800

chinese people are the most touristy of tourists, so probably

No. 396827

I've never seen such a huge concentration of Chinese tourists in one place, it was worse than in the Louvre or Versaille and in both places there was one Chinese tourist guy burping on my face in the crowd (of course, two separate guys). At best they were yelling and screeching on the phone or facetiming their friends or family to show them the park, at worse a kid kept trying to throw himself down stairs and balconies right on top of me or other people every five seconds and his parents didn't care.

No. 397774

There will always be Chinese people, there's no way to avoid them, but 90% is a massive overstatement. A significant portion of the people going to USJ (and Disney for that matter) are locals, similar to how Disneyland in Anaheim is a locals park.

No. 397875

The only people I heard speaking Japanese there were the employees and a few teenagers and young adults but more like in the evening. I swear I wasn't exaggerating. Osaka and Kyoto were full of Chinese people in general so I assume there were on a school break and that's why there were so many of them, especially because they had a bunch of kids with them. Last year I went to Tokyo Disney Sea in July and it seemed like there were mostly locals though so it might just depends on the dates. And they were mostly teenagers skipping school or adults, I didn't see that many kids there now that I think about it.

No. 397889

The yen is extremely weak rn so at the moment there's a massive influx of tourists, I'm sure there is far more chinese than usual.

No. 397890

So that's why they were all buying way too much crap and face timing their friends and relatives while shopping kek. Ngl I'm also buying souvenirs and clothes for everyone and myself thanks to the weak yen but the things sold in Universal looked like shit. I'm a bit of a consoomer but nothing appealed to me there, for once. In hindsight I wish I never spent that much money on an express pass because the rides I did with it for Mario and HP were a bit disappointing and the more extreme ones didn't have very long wait times to begin with. That shit was a lot more expensive than the entrance ticket too so now instead of thinking "it's a fun park but the Nintendo area is overcrowded" I can't help but think it wasn't worth its price. I couldn't even go to the restaurant in the Nintendo area because too many people made a reservation and the two guys in front of me and I were just a little too late for it.

No. 397893

I didn't buy much at universal when I went last year, is everyone still wearing those stupid furry hats? I'll pass on that kek.

tbh the Harry Potter World tour in tokyo is 1000x better than universal's HP World. No rides because it's about the making of the movies but in terms of merch and photo ops and generally being interesting it's soo much better.

No. 397898

>tbh the Harry Potter World tour in tokyo is 1000x better than universal's HP World.
I went to the one near London two years ago, it was really good. I went there with a friend who also likes HP a lot so it was even better and we were taking pictures of each other and together, meanwhile I went to Universal alone because organizing a huge trip like this with friends is too expensive and complicated.

>is everyone still wearing those stupid furry hats?

No but it was raining a lot so maybe that's why. But I saw a lot of these Mickey ears like accessories, but with minions or the mushrooms from the Mario games or the characters from BNHA because of an event about that manga. Since they weren't imitating cutesy mascot ears they looks weird so I didn't get the appeal.

No. 397963

The nintendo area looks really cool, but very poorly designed. With all of those little minigames you can play I would imagine lines forming at them, which get in the way of the regular park goers and causes massive congestion and overcrowding. Was that the case?
Also, did you go on the flying coaster in the Jurassic Park area? I've heard it's crazy intense

No. 397992

The Nintendo area is way smaller than I thought based on pictures online. It's congested but not even because of the lines. It's just that everyone goes there with an express pass or because there aren't "too" many people during week days sometimes, there are a lot of stairs and everyone walks very slowly or stops ro take pictures. It was raining a lot when I was there so on top of that everyone was pushing their umbrellas on other people's umbrella by accident as well. As for the Jurassic Park ride I considered it but it scared the shit out of me when I saw what it looked like. I did one of the Hollywood rides though. Not the one that goes backward because it was too scary too and I'm a pussy, but the one with music. The guys next to me looked like they were very confident first but at the end they were yelling at one of the guys for choosing this ride kek.

No. 398393

Her art is so gorgeous, I wouldn't mind collecting art books of her stuff (I think I have one of Alice in wonderland concept art somewhere)

No. 401710

Wow this looks pretty terrible. Where's Facilier? Why are there cheap dancing okra? Why is Tiana's outfit so ugly?

No. 402231

I think it looks fine, more of a sidegrade than an upgrade. The new animatronics are phenomenal and I really like the exterior (despite the lack of a good weenie), and I love the finale scene, but there's definitely some dead space in the ride and the whole shrinking thing is just dumb. It could've been a lot worse honestly.

No. 403920

There was so much more happening in Splash Mountain… I hope they don't replace it in Disneyland Tokyo as well. This is so stupid.

No. 409082

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Lots of news for Disney parks this weekend, including a Villains park! I like the dark feeling this land has. Thoughts on this and the rest of the news?

No. 409086

Knowing Disney in recent years, the final version of their "villains park" will probably just be an over-decorated outdoor mall with like two rides and a restraunt you can't get into without a reservation a year in advance.

No. 409112

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That's pretty much exactly what they announced lol, two rides and shopping/dining. But that's how literally every theme park is so I don't see the issue. My only hope is they don't screw themselves over with budget cuts and have to scale back like they often have to do. They are fully aware this land is their golden goose with how rabid people have been about wanting it, so I hope this makes them really want to nail it. I'm very excited for the coaster you can see on the left/bottom, I hope since this is in a darker part of the park they're gonna make it a bit more forceful than their usual stuff.

Also the Monsters Inc. door coaster looks great too, and I'm happy it's finally happening. They've had this idea for 20 years.

No. 409130

I hope the new area has more seating and shade. I'm in my 20s, in decent shape, and fully-able bodied, but I cringe when I see pictures of Star Wars Land and how barren it is in terms of benches and canopies. It makes me feel really bad for anyone elderly or with mobility issues, and I'm amazed more people haven't been hospitalized with heat stroke. And don't tell me that benches would be "immersion breaking," because it's literally their job to integrate that stuff into the space. They're intentionally choosing not to do it because they think allowing old people to sit down for five seconds is "bad for foot traffic."

No. 409141

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They're giving so much money out to the construction of several new cruise ships so I'm kind of iffy on this
They're going to half-ass everything in the parks and the cruise ships because they don't have enough money nor hands for all of it despite being a billion dollar company and they'll keep making shit tier movies like wish and lion king while cancelling every other animated project ever

No. 409325

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My hope for this new land is that they'll make it as pretty and detailed as fantasy springs. It feels like a direct reply to Universal's new land as well. We'll see if it'll hold up.

I'm also excited for the new Encanto area. I love Latin American themed things (I'm hispanic), but for some reason they always feel so fake and forced inside themed parks to the point that it makes me uncomfortable. Maybe the added whimsy and colorfulness will make for it, and I did enjoy that movie way more than any other recent disney/pixar movie we've been seeing in recent years. Encanto is better than the red panda movie, sorry.

I agree to be honest. Tiana is super cute and I love her but there's something off with the new ride. It's cute but it feels soulless. I can't pin point as to why because I never cared about the original ride that much.

No. 409381

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They're getting rid of the Rivers of America and Tom Sawyer Island to build the cars rides at Magic Kingdom
I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

No. 409445

Don't they already have a bunch of Cars crap? The movie wasn't even that good idgi

No. 409471

Kids (mostly boys) love cars, it's one of the best selling IPs in that demographic, so they want that appeal

No. 409587

Movie being lame doesn't change the fact it is Pixar's biggest cash cow by a massive margin, the merchandise sales are insane. I've seen the first two Cars movies multiple times because our neighbor's kids I used to babysit from time to time were fucking obsessed with it. Cars is massively popular.

No. 409614

Excusé moi? Cars is one of my favourite movies. It made me cry. And lightning mcqueen is cool as hell. And the soundtrack is great. What's so bad about it?

No. 409626

Cars are ugly

No. 409694

It's not as "high concept" as the other 2000s Pixar movies.

No. 410336

None of Pixar's movies are high concept lmao

No. 411117

Thoughts on Ghibli park?

No. 411266

Like all things in Japan it’s just a place to pay to wait in lines to take photos of things to upload on instagram. Shit.

No. 411289

When I did research for my own Japan trip, I was told to steer clear. The same applies to the Sanrio park, too. The Ghibli Museum is also really crowded (there's a line when it opens) and they don't allow pictures inside.

No. 411293

about to sperg the hell out but ghibli park nagoya is absolutely overrated. i lived not too far from nagakute (where this park is located, it's around 45min by subway + linimo from JR nagoya) and everyone i know who went genuinely didn't care for it all too much and found the pricing/passes to be downright ridiculous. also you needed to book several months in advance and that can be a nightmare and a half if you aren't a resident or have zero experience with japanese booking services/conbini payment.
nagoya/aichi prefecture in general isn't well-known for having crazy good theme parks, but if you're going there for something like that… legoland is where it's at. ultimately though other theme parks like tokyo disney land/sea & usj in osaka are better. i'd even rec the tokyo ghibli museum over ghibli park. that's how much of a hater i am

No. 411347

No the fuck way was there another Aichi farmer! I’m in Nagoya (unfortunately)

Never went to Legoland as it looks like it’s too kiddy and not fun but I love Nagashima Spa Land. I don’t love that it’s comparable in price to my home theme parks in America yet way smaller and only operational until 4:30pm. Ridiculous

No. 411558

Trust me it's way worse in Korea. All theme park content I've ever seen from there is photo op after photo op because everyone is obsessed with selfies. And to be frank a lot of "attractions" in the US are like that too (a lot of shit in Vegas is selfie spots sold as "museums") but at least in the US there's some fun to be had. I literally don't know what Koreans do for fun other than makeup, surgeries, bbq and kpop (and if anyone knows, by all means, do illustrate me)

No. 411574

Luckily Japan has lots of non-selfie stuff to do. Tokyo is overflowing with amazing restaurants and street food, for one, and there are lots of interesting districts to explore. Then there are parks, gardens, and shrines if you're into outdoor stuff. Plus you don't have to rent a car because of their train system.

No. 411860

I was supposed to go there with a friend in 2020 but we failed to get tickets on time and then the park was closed because of the pandemic so it was for the best. I never tried to go there again, it really was just for my friend, I'm not that into Ghibli movies to begin with.

You can't even take pictures iirc, except for a few specific things.

Since you're in Aichi I've seen some Japanese women on twitter posting pictures of their day in Meiji Mura once on my TL, it didn't look amazing or anything unless you're into history but I wonder if you heard about it or even went there?

No. 412025

holy shit kek i actually never got a chance to visit nagashima, but i heard a lot of good about it aside from the timings obviously. i also kinda liked the botanical gardens out in higashiyama, was very nice for an evening stroll.

i've not been, but some peers of mine did for a uni trip. as a bit of a history/japanese religion nerd i reaaaally wanted to check it out, but i had stuff on that day. inuyama in general has such beautiful historical landmarks and is so worth checking out if you're keen on that kind of thing

No. 413131

Get this: if you've ever signed up for Disney+, even on a trial basis, you've agreed to never sue Disney for anything. Their TOS has an arbitration requirement that extends way beyond Disney plus. Meaning if you're injured in one of their parks or by any of their products, they'll try to argue that you can't sue and have to agree to arbitration.

In the case described in vidrel, Disney backed down from pushing the arbitration clause, but only for this specific trial. They did not remove the arbitration clause from the Disney+ TOS, meaning they could do this again in a wrongful death or negligence case involving their parks.

No. 413161

Generally agree with you for Seoul tourism, there's nothing to do there except clubs, being a consoomer, and extreme indulgence. But I think there are a lot of beautiful pockets in SK that are worth exploring and are quite empty, they're just not in Seoul and require longer bus rides or a rental car.

No. 413162

From the videos I've seen it looks incredibly boring, I'm not really a ghibli fan but I feel like if you were you'd be better off going to the ghibli museum.

No. 413212

I’ve been to Meijimura, I like it a lot. But I love Meiji and Taisho stuff so
I love the botanical garden part but I will not go as it gives the horrible zoo party money, even if it’s only 500yen.

No. 413254

Could you please give examples? I'm interested

No. 413259

There's no way that's legal, I don't know American laws as much as the laws of my own country but I've never heard of a contract between two private parties being able to override the law. I know for instance that in America NDAs that contradict the law like the ones where a someone tries to force the other person to hide their crime are void. I'm sure Disney is powerful enough to do things their own way but I hope that will never happen in their favor, fuck them.

No. 413440

I haven't explored too much myself but enjoyed some temple locations when I went last time, there are some located in mountains (such as Yongmunsa) which make for beautiful scenery and walks, especially in the fall. I'm also planning on checking out Gyeongju and Jeonju in my upcoming trip which is full of traditional architecture. Since this is the theme park thread, I'm planning on checking out a small theme park in Gyeongju which probably isn't an "impressive" theme park by any means, but I get a huge kick out of random empty theme parks Korea seems to have.
Also for relevance, I wanted to look into Yongma Land, an abandoned theme park. Sorry I can't give you a megalist but I do know they're out there, just takes a bit of digging.

No. 413523

If this is actually legal and mega corps begin to practice it then American people should start huge riots because shit like this is unacceptable

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