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No. 2022906

A thread for venting about difficult stuff going on in your life

Previous vent thread:

Follow all the /ot/ board rules & don't reply to bait.

No. 2022911

threadpic is so pretty

No. 2022928

I wish I looked like threadpic but I’m black kek. Hot

No. 2022958

I feel like such a bitch but I just want to be left alone. The people I know make me feel alone, I haven't had a genuine connection in years. I have more fun doing things by myself nowadays than with other people, I just wish we could al collectively ghost each other. I'm so clouded with negativity I hate it.

No. 2022988

Speaking about abortions I think women should be allowed to abort 1 week before giving birth. Maybe if I'm being extreme, even 1 day before. Not gonna elaborate why I think as long as the baby is not born it's fine.(wrong thead)

No. 2022996

Just agreed to meet this freak again and I know we are gonna fuck and I hate her, no I don't hate her, I think I like her but I hate everything about her, she likes me too much and she's insane and we've cut things off a bajillion times and yet we're gonna fuck again tomorrow and then she's gonna probably cry. We just cried like idiots on call a few days ago and I told her to leave me alone but she just hit me up today and I was like 'let's fucking go' This is the last time. I can't be doing this as a grown adult.

No. 2022997

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>tfw you got diagnosed with all five types of imposter syndrome

No. 2022999

Wouldn't it be just a c-section with subsequent murder of a baby?

No. 2023000

>all five types of imposter syndrome
Post them

No. 2023001

No. 2023005

i'm a full extremist that you should be able to abort any time before giving birth, because men ramp up abuse during pregnancy and any restrictions can contribute to slowing down women who need to abort due to medical emergencies. very few women seek out late term abortions in the first place.

No. 2023007

I hate that there is no healthy way to smoke. I love smoking. Smoking weed, smoking cigarettes, I don't care, I just love how it feels and vaping does not scratch the itch at all. I especially love smoking on really cold nights. Ahh, I want to fucking smoke. I know it isn't worth it for health reasons, but I am starting to think I'd sacrifice a few years of my life if it meant I got to return to my balcony smoking habit. I'm so sad.

No. 2023010

You're about to summon that anon who thinks smoking cigarettes is perfectly safe and doctors are just lying

No. 2023012

No. 2023030

if you plan on offing yourself by 45 like me then theres literally no downside

No. 2023032

other than stinking like shit and feeling nasty overall

No. 2023033

If you smoke menthol the mint cancels out the bad side effects!! It's why they put mint in toothpaste because it makes it healthy and turns your teeth pretty same with cigarettes! Also smoke slim or superslim cigarettes as you actually smoke less with them and the filters are more dynamic and blocks all carcinogens when you smoke! Happy smoking!

No. 2023043

started watching korean league videos cause im bored. why do all the women have the same high pitched voice? Fiora, Syndra, Sejuani ? They usually have a deeper voice. It's actually annoying lol

No. 2023050

I feel terrible for having wasted months thinking about this one person who I believe liked me back, but whenever I tried to approach them casually they ignored or curtly dismissed me.

I feel like they wanted me to treat them like I was their soulmate at first sight, but I wanted to learn more about them before doing anything that implied closeness. They never made any effort in getting to know me and every time I approached them to try to create casual opportunities to get to know each other better, they got increasingly distant.

I don't get why they keep checking my social media activity, and mirroring my activities. If I'm inactive, they're inactive. If I'm active, they're active. It's like they'd already decided before even once interacting with me how we should treat each other, and whenever I tried to interact them in a more grounded way, maybe distant from their perspective, they got upset and disappointed. My demeanor is normally a little cold and cynical, and I didn't treat them any differently. Why would I have treated them any different from others, when in reality, we should've been complete strangers when we first started interacting?

It's like they'd been observing me for months before we began interacting, and decided on their own how our interactions ought to be, and when I didn't act in ways they wanted me to, they got upset. They started saying vaguely mean-spirited generalizations whenever I was around that I felt targeted me, like stuff about there being no real love and how one shouldn't talk about certain things in the ways I had been.

I've cut contact with this person entirely, and it's for some reason so painful thinking about how our relationship could've been. I thought maybe they could be the right person for me, that I'd been looking for, for years. Whenever they were around, I felt warmer in my heart. In reality we interacted a handful of times, never really in depth. Just a lot of vague psychological games. Maybe I'm just imagining all this, and they never wanted me.

No. 2023052

Mint cigs just smell worse

No. 2023092

i relate to this so hard nona, i think about smoking all the time and miss it so badly

No. 2023147

People feel like I'm very innocent and naive which can come in handy sometimes, but being infantilized can be incredibly annoying. There's a few instances I can think of, but the specific thing that spurred on this vent was yesterday I told my grandma that I'm going to an event/party with a friend and she started telling me to not leave my drink uncovered, not to set my drink down, that I don't know these things and that I need someone to watch out for me. I told her that I'm not an idiot and I have common sense, and she told me that I'm booksmart not street smart. I know she just wants me to be safe and she doesn't think of it as rude so I'm not mad at her, but I'm literally 22. It's just annoying when people create an image for you and believe they know you better than you know yourself

No. 2023167

>trying to correct some homework my sister did on my laptop
>software stops working halfway through what I've read and corrected
>nothing saved even though I saved the document little by little
Sorry sister but don't blame me if you're grammar is too horrible to graduate college.

No. 2023184

>you're grammar

No. 2023185

are we the same person. I also had to correct my college age sister on her grammar and it was atrocious. Did they fail to teach proper writing in highschool or something everywhere?

No. 2023235

>If your grammar is too horrible to graduate college
Not to be this person but if a college student has such poor grammar that they need other people to check their work and edit it for them to improve their grammar, they shouldn't be graduating from college. I was a TA for a while and I had to grade papers and I'd go on a limb and say 60% of college students should not be in college, just because their grasp on the language was subpar and their writing skills weren't at the college level.

No. 2023273

Our first language isn't in English and my brain is fried from reading her text like 10 times in a row after working for 8 hours and seeing that I can't save anything, my bad. Now she's begging me to find a solution at nearly midnight, I wish her nothing but the worst.

It's not even just grammar, some students, my sister included, write the same way they talk so it makes reading their homework unbearable.

No. 2023291

Yeah the informal speaking language vs. formal written language thing used to get under my skin a lot because it's something that's taught in secondary school, at the college level nobody should have to be reminded not to use informal speech patterns. I think by accepting the lower quality students and giving them degrees just causes degree inflation and creates a system where degrees are worthless because you don't know if the person that has it was an actual normal student or just someone that bullshitted for 4 years and got through college by the grace of lazy professors that didn't care enough to fail them.

No. 2023292

I agree, i actually left college because i knew how to wrote full blown essays when the vast majority did not even knew how to write well (and other reasons). The state of academia can be quite shocking. People don't wanna hear they're not cut for it.

No. 2023300

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Thanks it was either the one I chose or picrel but I wanted to be nice to the non-Spaniard anons.

No. 2023306

You have great taste in thread pics nonna.
What does your pic say? I'm getting
>everything was wrong, but I continued Linda
from Google translate

No. 2023313

>You have great taste in thread pics nona
Thank you, I try.
>Tudo dando errado, mas eu continuo linda."
>"Everything is going wrong, but I'm still beautiful."

No. 2023327

That's pt-br I think. Text in the watermark says "cartoons mad at life"

No. 2023347

Isn't that Portuguese?

No. 2023349

To me, Spanish and Portuguese are the same language just one is spoken with a funny accent and written wrong.

No. 2023353

She went back to college to get a degree after spending a decade with just a high school diploma, which she got later than she would have if she took studying seriously back then, and given how she wrote her 30 pages of homework I'm going to assume she simply doesn't read anything during her free time, whether it's novels, magazines or newspapers. It's insane, it's worse than I thought because I don't even speak as badly out loud as she writes for a graded assignment so I did the bare minimum and sent her whatever I corrected because it's either that or I would have had to rewrite the whole thing.

No. 2023360

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No. 2023403

I feel like my neighbor bringing in her plants from the patio to do her gardening indoors has brought the whole ass ecosystem outside downstairs but I don't know if that's too schizophrenic of a theory. I had fucking ants inside my bathrobe earlier. Either way not fond

No. 2023415

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i have a family vacation in a week and I’m dreading it. I don’t get along with my parents and my sister is a bitch. Plus I couldn’t lose as much weight as I wanted so I know I’ll look like shit in pictures and then cry myself to sleep. I wish I never agreed to this

No. 2023418

Nonnas my mom lost something so now she is upset and was throwing stuff around. I'm so scared lol I feel like I wanna throw up. I know someone she is going to blame me for whatever she lost. I need to hurry up and kill myself already bc Im over it.

No. 2023421

I accidentally brought in a ball of hundreds of baby spiders when I brought in my outdoor tropical plant. They scattered in every direction and while I was sitting on the floor in terror I felt one go up my asscrack.

No. 2023422

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Threadpic is so cute I love that artist

No. 2023428

Lois in this style makes me think that the problem isn't the character, it's the writer that doesn't know how to handle the character.

No. 2023441

Why not put all your energy into moving out before languishing in suicidal ideation. It's worth a try.

No. 2023444

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I just wanna know what it feels like to be pretty and tall just once and then afterwards the clock strikes 12 and I turn back into my old stumpy little self. I’m so jealous of pretty women, so many unique pretty women around me and that I see on the internet..

No. 2023475

all the tall women i know wish they were petite. all shorties i know wish they were taller. idk where I’m going with this it’s just an observation

No. 2023482

They only want to be short because of the attention it gets from moids, they don’t even recognize their own power and beauty. Shorties like me who want to be taller want to respect, power, and regal beauty and it pisses me off the only reason tall women want to be short is to get the attention of males like who tf desperately wants the attention of men so badly, they aren’t worth a shit

No. 2023484

The way things are in my life, moving out is almost impossible

No. 2023485

How tall though? Do you want to be tall enough that the only sizes you find is in the men section or tall enough to tower over a moid?

No. 2023486

eh i’m tall but tallness doesn’t automatically make you regal or powerful. personally i’m pretty awkward looking and my tallness makes it worse. but i guess grass is always greener on the other side

No. 2023491

I’m 5’4 but my proportions and body weight distribution make me look shorter than I really am. For instance my sister is the same heigh as me but she genuinely looks taller than me because the proportions of her legs. I wish I was like 5’8-5’10 and for both of the reasons you mentioned, I would look so good and I would carry my weight nicely.
Not true, you probably haven’t grew into your tall woman powers yet..

No. 2023509

My boyfriend just blocked me on all platforms after I said he was stupid and dumb because he said that it’s okay for men to cheat and women should be beaten if did the same.

My emotions are all over the place! I don’t really seem much sad but I’m used to be with him all the time (as he wanted) so there’s a void

What a double standard SoB

No. 2023513

Only loser 19 year old moids are retarded enough to be interested in me.

No. 2023517

yeah he was probably cheating on you lol

No. 2023522

Definitely lol

No. 2023526

Trash took itself out. Do not engage with him ever again, do not talk to him when he eventually crawls back.

No. 2023529

>I don’t really seem much sad but I’m used to be with him all the time (as he wanted)
he really does sound like a controlling cheater who is projecting being untrustworthy/a whore onto women

No. 2023530

This. Dumb cheating cunt got triggered lol, watch him try to lie about it too

No. 2023533

KEKKKK what the hell nona, and you didn't try pulling it out? I'd kill myself if that happened to me

No. 2023538

Woah killing myself

No. 2023600

I got rid of the reminder for his birthday coming up in a few days. I just don't think he loves me anymore especially after the way I behaved. Wish I could say good bye to him but I doubt he wants to hear that from me. He is done with me.

No. 2023606

You should've immediately got to stomping lol. Enjoy your new roommates.

No. 2023616

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really need to kms
and i was bitten by dogs. cats also don't like me

No. 2023622

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every time i try to draw i just start crying. i've been on antidepressants for a while now and overall i feel good, great even, but i still can't draw and i really have to. it's not that i dislike what i create, i think i'm pretty decent actually. it just makes me feel absolutely horrible and i don't know why. it used to be my favourite thing in the world and for my whole life i was certain i'd never stop drawing. why can't i just do it like i always did

No. 2023707

big fucking bug crawled out of nowhere five minutes before i’m supposed to sleep. sprayed it like three times with raid (flying insect killer) so i hope it’s dying a slow death wherever it ran off to. regardless this is not a good way to start off my work week god damn

No. 2023741

Feeling left behind.
I think everyone that has known has been laughing at me behind my back and looking down on me for not having a college a degree yet.
I feel so small and worthless and alone.

No. 2023760

NTA but I wish I was 6'4, that would be amazing. I'd love to tower over everyone.

No. 2023762

For not having a college degree? Girl get up

No. 2023775

Tbh there are plenty of people who pursue higher education in their later adult hood. And anyone who looks down on someone else for getting an education is the real loser.

No. 2023782

coming back to this website for the first time in a long while just to vent about something that’s on my mind and that I feel I can’t discuss on any other platform without getting hatebombed. i identify as a bisexual. my ex was a woman. i am currently dating a man. the further that this relationship progresses, i realize that i am not actually that into men. i still acknowledge that i am bisexual because i am physically attracted to men but I honestly believe that there is no longterm romantic potential with any. i find them less physically attractive than women, I find the sex unfulfilling (and frankly kind of disturbing, I just feel like i’m putting on a mask the whole time), and I feel that I relate to other women better. I know that I need to do something about this and that it would be ultimately more hurtful to not disclose it early on but honestly I feel as though my insecurity (a flaw that i admittedly need to work out) has put me into this terrible situation where he’s (my boyfriend) done nothing “wrong” or creepy or unruly and I was so desperate for any sort of romantic validation that I just pursued him desperately. And now that it’s finally happened (I’ve gotten into a relationship with a man) i am really uncomfortable.

No. 2023790

I understand you. That "stuck" feeling. Please understand that it's not everyone, it's you projecting on them. People who would feel that way are worth less than shit on your shoe.
Circumstances are different for different people, that's just fucking life. Anyone who disagrees has literal tard brain and doesn't understand anything. You will be okay.

No. 2023809

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My rejection sensitivity makes me swing from being ok in my relationship to wanting to break up constantly. Obviously I do not voice these thoughts to him. The way I was raised loving someone means no harsh criticism or needling of the other. I did not grow up with any siblings so my brain does not comprehend being in a conflict but still loving someone the same either. I had fightless relationships wih friends and lovers, and when I did get frustrated enough to voice disliking something, it was the end.
So my brain does not compute how he can deal out criticism and say he loves me, because if he did, he'd treat me like losing me would scare him. Just for a minor example, when I see a cat on the street, I start calling them over, but in the country my family's from, calling cats sounds slightly different from the local, so that's what comes naturally for me because of my childhood. So now whenever he sees cats he tells me not to do my call, because "none of the local cats understand that, you're scaring them". No cat was scared of it ever if they had any interest in approaching us in the first place. But whenever he says this I picture a future where I'll be miserable with him.

No. 2023821

Ok so what I blocked your number but you didn’t have to send your dad to scope out my workplace. So fucking weird

No. 2023823

Wrong thread.

No. 2023849

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I want to kill myself badly but I don't know why

No. 2023878

my best friend died suddenly this year and i’ve never felt more alone. i’m trying to maintain friendships in the mutual friend group but it’s not the same without her (she was the glue.) i know it’s not fair bc i know they’re grieving on their own but i feel like things keep getting harder for me the longer she’s gone and i don’t get that impression from anyone else. maybe im just the only one that wants to talk about it. the only advice from my therapist is “you’ll learn to live with it in time” and i hate it. i hate that i’m gonna have to go through this over and over when my parents die and other people i love and she won’t be here, i’ll just have to live with all my grief alone. we texted every day and shared so many hobbies i can’t do anything without wanting to tell her about it and hear what she has to say. i’m never going to have a friend like her again and that hurts almost as much as her being gone. there’s a void in my life i never knew could exist. it feels like no one will ever know me that way again and i feel like part of me died with her.

No. 2023898

Nonnie, I'm saying this just as an outside perspective but you will never agree 100% with someone else, it's healthier for you to say the things that you don't agree with/ don't like even if the consequences are kinda shit. If you can picture yourself with him in the future and you feel like you'll be miserable it sounds like he doesn't make you happy, maybe just content.
I can imagine it hurts like ass to go through these feelings, but it's much easier (albeit lonelier) to overcome or temper rejection sensitivity without constantly worrying that you want to break up with him.

No. 2023903

stayed up till 5am out of stress oh my god i'm fucked.

No. 2023908

im doing the same thing lately

No. 2023915

I cringe when homeless men ask me for money or other women. No man of any status should be asking a woman for money. It's pathetic.

No. 2023920

I feel this so much. It makes me cry to see how I am now, I'm disappointing my younger self everyday. Everytime I draw I feel like an imposter, and in my case my skills have degraded a lot from 7+ years of not drawing. I used to be the art kid, that was my identity and depression, bad experiences took it from me and I don't know how to gain it back, I want it back so bad. I'm sorry anon, I hope we both ge where we want to be, wish I could help you.

No. 2023923

I'm sorry, this hurt to read. I'm happy you had a friendship like that and I'm sorry she's gone.

No. 2023949

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>take my ADHD meds to wrangle my retardation and do something worthwhile like cleaning, writing or studying
>instead use all my focus on making the perfect Spotify playlist
Love my brain so much

No. 2023954

I hate it because it’s obviously an intimidation tactic and expecting women to be kind and obedient by ~doing the right thing~. Like no freak get away from me, where I live some of them will even follow you to your car it’s disturbing as hell.

No. 2023991

My mom married a man with awful genes (balding, bad teeth) and now I’m paying the price for it. Remember when you procreate with fugly men you are punishing your daughters.

No. 2023992

That's a task I've been meaning to do you've done well anon, ambience is important

No. 2023996

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No. 2024014

Lol, are we the same tard? I think I need to up my dose, because lately when I take them, I become ultra focused on something pointless instead of my work. Played solitaire for twelve hours one day instead of cleaning.

No. 2024016

I've been telling my parents this for so long and every single time they're offended but I don't care. It's just the objective truth. Why is my mother surprised all her daughters are shorter than her when she married a guy who's also shorter than her? Who knows.

No. 2024042

White people talking about racism constantly irl are so annoying. You don't have to virtue signal to me Becky, go tweet about your white guilt, I just wanted to go shopping.

No. 2024049

I hate that pathetic brand of person who just thinks of this place as female 4chan and spews pickme bullshit. Worse is when they think they're smart for accusing others of being pickmes to fit in, but the more you let them speak their mind, the more they betray that their lives are centered around pickmeism (eg that one weird racist pro-ana sperg). I wish they'd fuck off, but they're too incompetent and boring to make any real space of their own. All they can do is stalk any places that actual women with personality go, demand concessions be made for them and have meltdowns when it doesn't work out that way.

No. 2024055

>racist proana anon
show pics or you’re making this person up

No. 2024059

I can think of like five people

No. 2024061

I don't feel pretty nonnas, I am so ugly…I feel so silly having a meltdown like this at my big age (I'm in my mid-twenties) and it's even more embarrassing to admit that I cried because I saw some pretty girl on an Instagram reel having the perfect face, body, and husband while I'm just here, existing. I hate my chubby/asymmetrical face, my large skeletal frame, and my deep manly voice so much. Why did I even bother existing?

No. 2024062

I see no value in "making a person up" in a vent post. Check the last unpopular opinions thread, most of her posts were deleted because she samefagged and ban evaded multiple times. She even posted a photo of her own arm to "prove she was underweight and beautiful", and raged even harder when she didn't get the validation she was after. I admit it could've been a tranny, but I've seen this exact type of person multiple times and have nothing but disdain for them.

No. 2024063

Me when I was 14 and just discovered this site. I was a pro-troon average Tumblr kid and was horrified kek. Peaked at 16 though

No. 2024064

>pretty girl on an Instagram reel having the perfect face, body, and husband
Sorry anon but you're clinically retarded if you cry because of some plastic girl showing off her fake relationship online. Nobody irl looks like that or expects you to look like that

No. 2024067

what is your definition of racism and when do you decide to call something racist? i really want to know your answer
her posts were deleted because all of the mods are jealous fatties

No. 2024069

I love my parents but I need them to go back home now. Every time they come to town they give me whatever sick they either have or got from the plane (compromised immune system sucks, 0/10 recommend), and then they turn my life upside down because "we're only here for so many days, so let's do everything all at once instead of doing the logical thing and just visit longer so we have enough time to get things done." I also hate that every time they visit my old ED issues resurface (love my parents but holy damn they have the most unhealthy relationship with food and appearance like Dad almost turned Mom ana-chan when I was a kid and I'm still untangling all of their problems. Fucked up.) I'm too stressed to eat so I accidentally skip meals and fuck up my health issues worse, then get sicker when I make myself eat something. Fucking annoying. I just want my body to function and it barely does, but any and all progress I make goes out the window when they visit.
Nonna instagram is fake and that lady probably has at least one other lady on instagram who make her feel just as awful for her body and life. I'll bet there's someone who thinks the same about you and you'd never know it.

No. 2024073

Tired of how even the nicest or more ok people I meet are always tranny supporters and drank the koolaid and shit on anyone who hasn't. It gives me cognitive dissonance to know I can like talking to someone but then see them say people like me are the devil(they don't know my opinions). Idk how I'm suppposed to feel connected to anyone when it's either this or retarded conservatives. In general I'm tired of being nice to people or investing into friendships and relationships only for them to give me bad feelings or just not really be worth it. People suck ass

No. 2024075

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>going to weekend event solo, want to meet up with other women who are also going on their own
>find a few close to my age who are also looking to meet up
>things are going good, having some back and forth convos through DM's for a week or two before the event
>happy because i'm trying to be more social this year and we seem to be getting along enough that it wouldn't be awkward to hang out in person
>night before event comes around
>"hey, did you want to meet up around 9:00 tonight? i'll be free then if you aren't busy"
>no responses
>"oh well they're probably busy packing and getting ready, i'll check again tomorrow"
>check DM's again the day of the event
>still no response
>"no worries, they're most likely on their way there and not checking their phone"
>checked into hotel, getting ready to leave to go to the event
>not a single response back from any of them
sorry for the wall of text but what the fuck is wrong with people? why would you bother DMing me for 2 weeks acting like you wanted to meet up and make friends with new people just to ghost? luckily people there were friendly so i got to chitchat with others everyday over the weekend and exchanged contact info with a few of them but god that pissed me off kek. why are people so flakey?

No. 2024082

I’m highly convinced a lot of the people we talk to aren’t even real. For all you know you could have been talking to like 4-5 fed agents trying to spy on people and they led you no where. Sorry that happened to you nonna some people just really don’t give a fuck about giving common courtesy and sending a heads up that they aren’t able to come. You should try making friends at the event, you never know who you’ll meet there

No. 2024085

So it was you. Seek help.

No. 2024099

I think my friends at uni think I'm some dumb kid. They don't take me seriously, which is kind of annoying. I know I can be a little stupid sometimes, but other times I just jokingly act stupid kek. I also like joking around and talking about light-hearted shit but now I feel they think I'm just some court jester, dammit. Or maybe even a pet. Some of the girls always pat my head when they see me which feels kinda nice in a weird way kek but they don't do it to anyone else which is just… weird. I can be serious and mature too. Just because I like joking around doesn't mean I;m some actual vapid idiot. They're always nice to me, not rude or anything. But I don't like the image they have of me.

No. 2024101

I wasn’t that anon but I want to know what your limit is with racism or do you only react when your ethnic group of women is lambasted on the internet?

No. 2024105

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I'm getting tired of the gender war, gendies, gender affirmations etc etc etc. Most of the time I don't even think about being a woman but lately there's been so much gender related shit been thrown my way thanks to the stupid algorithm that I'm annoyed. Just let me live life, I know what I am.

No. 2024107

go back

No. 2024109

I’m guessing it’s the latter therefore don’t cry about racism

No. 2024110

Why project on others when they don't spoonfeed you? I'm not the anon you were seething at btw.

No. 2024111

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My coworker gives me so much anxiety idk why. I know he’s into me, I rejected his advances last year, but somehow he’s my manager now. He’s really into body building and conspiracy theories. He’s a total narcissist and think everyone’s into him, he even brags every time a woman or man looks at him for 5 seconds. When he sees me he doesn’t stop talking despite me trying to literally walk away. He leaves me with a feeling of dread and disgust, it’s so weird.

No. 2024113

I have yet another thing wrong with me that I want to fix - I'm constantly looking for attention. Whether it's talking on the internet or IRL, it's like a "fix" interacting with someone. I figure it has something to do with not getting much attention as a kid. How the fuck do I kill this annoying child inside of me so I never have to be so annoying again

No. 2024115

Autistic people stop interfering in a discussion about a topic where you know your skills are deficient. Stop

No. 2024116

So, you're autistic on top of hypocritical? Crazy.

No. 2024124

It’s pretty normal to desire attention from other humans. We’re social creatures. If you engage in ridiculous histrionics to get looks, sure, that’s unhealthy and immature. But people generally want to be liked, make friends, and strengthen their bonds with their friends, which means more attention, care, and time together. I’d say at least generally speaking the solution is not to condemn your desire to be seen and valued, but to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy avenues/behaviors, and focus on pursuing normal, healthy forms of that.

No. 2024135

How am I being hypocritical? Some groups of women only respond to injustice when it’s finally done to them.(infighting)

No. 2024142

No. 2024146

Thought I cleaned up good and the ants were just from the rain but nah I think it is an infestation. Can't do any repairs or extermination without the landlords approval and all she says it's normal (well yes but I don't want it happening!)
Too broke to break the lease, I just want to leave. Sick of pests and deadlifters upstairs

No. 2024150

Oh yeah I almost forgot like electrical in the kitchen doesn't even work and nobody has come to fix it. Of course I ask and get a "have you tried using your kitchen appliances elsewhere" like sure let me just use my toaster in the bathtub

No. 2024151

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All of my friends’ lives are significantly improved because they found a good moid. It pisses me off because no matter how smart, capable or hardworking all of us were before, it sucks that only a guy can actually bring any real upward trajectory.

That said I’m honestly just jealous too. I hate that my life is going nowhere / getting worse and all I seem to meet is absolute worthless scrotes. I hate that my friends are all moving into nice homes and better cities while I’m left behind because I can’t seem to find what they have.

No. 2024160

This is why women need to cohabitate with other women. Only problem is women want Nigels more than anything so it’s hard to find long term female housemates, but still we could benefit at least a bit by trying to find some and saving up our money.

No. 2024164

Ugh, I hate how scrotes do this. I know one who is in his 40s and balding and he legit thinks that the 20 something hot girls in the yoga studio are "giving him the eye" and into him because they looked in his direction. Like no dude, she's watching you because you're teaching the class. Moids shouldn't be allowed in yoga studios imo, wish it was sex segregated. But still I wish I had even one percent of his confidence and delusion.
Improved for now, sure, but give it time. Don't know how old you are but I guarantee you at least some of those scrotes will cheat and abandon the women. Especially since they love to reveal their true abusive selves as soon as some poor misguided woman has a baby with them. Keep building yourself up, it might take longer but the level of security that comes from NOT depending on an untrustworthy and abusive scrote is so much better.

No. 2024181

I appreciate it anon but unfortunately we’re in our thirties and some of these are LTRs.

So far, none of my friend’s boyfriends have hurt them and I genuinely don’t want them to be cheated on or hurt because I love them. I just hate that I’m probably close to hitting the ceiling on my life in terms of accomplishments and pay at this point, and I can’t find any likeminded pinkpilled women to build with either.

No. 2024210

I dead ass have given up on taking medication. It doesn’t fucking help me. I have been on so so many with shitty fucking luck. I’m ungodly sensitive to antipsychotics and their side effects RAVAGE me to the point where I have pitched fits about no more to my psychiatrist because I can’t take it anymore. What I’m on now makes me barely functional enough to go in public but at home I’m a constant fucking mess. I am super depressed when I take them and fucking fine when I don’t. Doesn’t help that when I sleep lately i wake up feeling awful and then when I don’t I’m able to be a functional human being. It’s just gotten worse and I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Doesn’t help the amount of shit that is going on with me. I can’t afford another summer psych ward trip it’s always summer. I never have a good summer I’m always really fucking depressed and feel awful. Been like this since I can remember. I have barely been speaking to my friends. I don’t even want to speak to my boyfriend right now so I’m not. None of them can help me much. Boyfriend or friends. I’m a fucking neet because of health issues which doesn’t help shit. I have no life and never have had one. My family fucking hates me and has never wanted me anyway. My whole life has been clear of that. I just wish someone would scream at me and tell me what my head has been telling me. What peoples actions have told me because they won’t say the truth to me. I just want someone to finally tell me in depth how awful I am. I should be dead.

No. 2024217

Let me tell you something, good moids don't exist. Yes, they can be sweet, caring, gentle, generous and kind. But they're still incompetent pieces of shit. I'm with one of those "good moids", you have no idea what happens behind closed doors. My patience and faith takes a test every fucking day with this guy. Women can never win.

No. 2024230

yea that's true.. i just want to practice more self control before blurting whatever comes into my mind in the group chat, or when I see my roommate after work. it's more like, people are so polite, so who's to say I'm not already the most annoying person to them and they're just putting up with me? i can't ask an awkward question like that - they're going to be nice and say no, I'm not annoying. I need to just alter my behavior so there's not as much of a chance that I'm annoying the good people in my life

No. 2024238

That’s so funny because he’s bald as well
Why are baldies like this

No. 2024262

Everyone on regular social media wants to act like they are so "woke" only to turn around and call a 26 year old a grandma. It's fucking insane to witness and one of the reasons I've deleted Instagram for.

No. 2024286

>want a moid
>moid becomes sort-of available
>be absolutely disgusted and never want to see them again
Such is life.

No. 2024310

>feds trying to infiltrate an anime convention
KEK I mean I wouldn't be surprised tbh. But I do know for sure they were going, they had some plans laid out for each day, already had passes, etc. so idk what happened unless they ended up roping people they already knew into going? Like I said, I did get to chat with quite a few people and had a good time attending on my own anyway so all in all it was fun. I just think it would've been nice if they showed some common courtesy like you said instead of leaving me hanging but people just don't seem to care about that sort of thing anymore

No. 2024364

For the past six months I've been remembering cringe things I've done a lot more often than I used to.

No. 2024367

when I'm actually doing better healthwise and not actively dying I start remembering things I did in the past and most of those things are super cringe

No. 2024523

I would stomp on so many of these anons necks. Their stupidity is beyond comprehension. I must close to tab

No. 2024537

if you’re the same anon from the unpopular opinions thread who has been saying violent shit all day please do that, you’re scaring the hoes

No. 2024546

I have 2 friends that are tifs and I put up with them because they can be cool, mentally ill but cool. I don’t think they actually like me because I’m a woman and comfortable to call myself that and not be some non binary whatever like they are, and I’m not into fat hairy men like they are. I also notice when I talk about things they don’t really care what I have to say and talk over me.

No. 2024632

reminds me of my earlier friendships. save yourself the trouble and find people you actually like and respect, not mentally ill basket cases. i cant emphasize how better it is to have mentally stable/normal friends.

No. 2024644

am dumb, send help

No. 2024739

Hate that every female community is filled with women who have boyfriends, husbands and wont stop talking about them. Even for online weebshit like my fujo circles, I dont give a flying fuck about your moid. There are no spaces for true femcels. Every straight woman ends up caving in for a scrote.

No. 2024742

witchchan when

No. 2024746

I appreciate my online friend a lot but she's heavily interested in something I really don't care about and it makes me irrationally mad when she spergs about it, but I can't exactly tell her that because it'd be rude.

No. 2024752

Starts sperging about things she wouldn't care about or hates and if she says anything about it, tell her how you also tolerate listening to her yapping about things you also dont care about.

No. 2024763

this kind of situation always sounds miserable for both people, if your friend's number 1 favorite interest is something you hate, and given she loves it you know she'll probably want to talk about it a lot, why are you still friends? convenience? instead of being passive aggressive like >>2024752 why don't you communicate normally and tell her that you enjoy her company but hate xyz thing. it might be rude but imo it's more rude to silently seethe until it pisses you off so much you say something actually rude.

No. 2024764

I'm at the point where I don't want a boyfriend anymore and would rather just fantasize except it's not a cope it's my genuine feeling

No. 2024768

sick of goth girl simping tbh it is like some mass hysteria psyop

No. 2024772

I'm just so fucking annoyed of having to cover for every fucking man in my life.
I'm the only woman in my team at work, and they're all sooo shit at what they do that I'm constantly made to supervise them and see that they don't fuck up stuff. Do I get a raise? Do I get a better pay? No. As a matter of fact, I get looked over for raises and promotions over guys that do the bare minimum.
A couple of weeks ago I did a fucking 15 hr shift, after barely sleeping for 3 hours because I had cover the night shift. Did I get even a thank you? No I didn't. Worst part of all is that I keep taking all those overtime shifts because they pay me so little I've been racking a debt on my credit card. Feel so fucking stupid having to pay for food with a credit card.
Then I return home and my partner either broke something again, or needs my help fixing stuff, helping him find stuff, and I don't get to enjoy my free time. I'm constantly angry and tired all the fucking time, and these fucking moids insist on making it worse.
I wish I could just quit, but I can't because as bad as it is, I doubt I would get paid as good somewhere else. I keep hearing them talk about how I'm "such a hard worker", about how "smart" I am, about "is not fair, you're actually good at this, and I just don't know what to do" instead of maning the fuck up and using their uselessness as an excuse to pile stuff on me.
They keep telling me "but I bet in your free time you can you own stuff " THE FUCK I CAN, I have to do housechores, I have to pick up overtime, I have to do groceries, take my dog out, I don't have time to exercise nowadays and I'm starting to get fat on my neck and look disgusting, I don't have time to sleep, and I don't see myself returning to my studies. I just have to keep moving, I don't got other options. I keep doing more and more and more, and get patronized and undermined by men that do the bare minimum, and I'm so fucking tired of this

No. 2024775

I just bought a new disposable vape yesterday and it’s already broken and not hitting REEEEE I JUST WANT TO GET HIGH

No. 2024786

have you tried the trick of warming it up with a hairdryer to unclog it? those things always clog and it pisses me off

No. 2024787

Kids today need disposable vapes to get high. Back in my day all we had was stove burner-plates and butter-knives but we made do. This generation is wack.
You sound just like me at my last job. I was so burnt out when I finally decided to quit. I have a certain go-getter kind of attitude and I've realized that if I showcase this at work, I'll just end up getting piled with errands not in my job description and end up taking half the workload from the manager for no additional pay. A lot of people complain about "nobody wanting to work hard," but my advice for anyone in a job is "don't work harder than anybody else" because if you do they'll just take advantage of you until you're too spread thin to care. If your team doesn't do anything, neither should you. If it's possible, start looking for other work. You don't have to quit your job until you have something else lined up, but you might be surprised with other job options that are available to you. I took a $2/h pay cut when I switched jobs, but now at my new job I don't have to stress out all day everyday and I don't have to babysit people, so to me the work environment was worth the pay cut.

No. 2024790

>kids these days
nigga I’m 30

No. 2024797

Personally, I would be ashamed to admit that. 30 years old and still buying disposable weed pens.

No. 2024798

30 and vaping?

No. 2024800

Get high with an actual glass pipe or bong then. Vapes are a waste

No. 2024801

ok yeah y’all are right I deserved that

No. 2024802

kekkk am another anon and I just have anger issues

No. 2024804

It's okay, I know that you responded in that tone because you're frustrated about the weed pen. If you're going to use weed vapes at least buy the normal kind, not the disposable ones. They last longer and they're more cost-effective.

No. 2024807

thank u nonna, u my nigga.

No. 2024809

There are other things we do have in common, just not this one topic. I just wanted to vent about it, that's what this thread is for

No. 2024855

annoyed by E V E R Y O N E today i cant stant it

No. 2024916

>"Thanks for visiting!! Why don't you store you're beautiful $400 jacket that's not in production anymore in the closet?"
>Well… the closet is pretty dirty I don't want it to get stained…
>"Nooo don't be silly!! Do it!!"
>Wake up the next day to find my jacket stained with paint.
Fml. I don't trust anything these people say because I know they're mentally challenged but I have to get better at saying "no" when I know that something is wrong. They don't understand how stains ruin clothing because everything they owned is stained and raggedy. I'm so annoyed now because this was a beautiful jacket and one of my favourites and now it's as good as garbage because it's unwearable. I can't even buy a replacement because they sell for $1500 online now because they were produced in a limited run.

No. 2024921

My sister and I inherited a trustfund of sorts when my dad died, it's a very large amount for me but my sister has kids and a husband, so naturally she took out her share the second she could. I still haven't touched my share as I also got some stock and see the money as an extra, not something to spend just because I feel like it. It's become pretty obvious to me that my sister feels kinda bitter, she keeps asking my mom why I still haven't touched the money, will I touch the money and whining how it was so unfair she used her share for a house and I still haven't touched mine. I even told my mom how lucky I feel about it actually, I don't need to share it with anyone, I've only considered taking some out for a breast reduction but I can't take time off work, but I don't have kids, no obligations. I don't know what my vent even is here, it's weird hearing how my sister clearly wants me to not have the money anymore because she doesn't, she always has seen me as a dumb kid yet I've always been very good with saving and she never has been, maybe it's that. I just don't get how she can get huffy and puffy over having a family and then having some money to share with said family, could never be me, but why so salty. She also has beaten her husband before so maybe she is just fed up with the whole family thing but she is one of these social media influencer wannabes so maybe it's all the fake pressure of it all.

No. 2024931

It sounds like your sister is just curious about how you're spending the money since she shared how she's spending her share. If anything you sound a little insecure that she used her share quickly instead of investing it like you.

No. 2024937

Crabs in the bucket mentality is very real. Is your sister able to see into the account to know you haven't spent the money? Also, depending on what interest percentage you're making from it, you may want to move it into mutual funds or a high interest savings account.

No. 2024955

I stopped by a mall after work even though it wasn't planned, didn't even check stores because I got lazy and really tired as soon as I arrived, went to a restaurant to eat something there instead of cooking because I got really tired and the service sucked. Thank god tips don't exist there, I wouldn't have given the waiters anything. I waited 20 more minutes between when I decided what I wanted to eat and actually telling what I wanted to order, the waiters were actively ignoring me, the food was pretty bad for its price so it made me a bit sick, and as soon as I finished putting the last bit of food in my mouth of the waiters nearly jumped to my table to make me pay and nearly kick me out. It's not the first time I'm treated like this and it's seriously making me wonder how I'm perceived by others because it can't be a coincidence. I guess I look like a thug who tends to dine and dash? I used to be treated like a crazy thief in stores before and it's less often the case now but I have no clue if things like this happen because of racist stereotypes against me, or because I look young so I don't look like a paying customer until I use a credit card instead of cash, which could look like pocket money? It can't be because I was alone from what I've seen today.

No. 2024986

She has invested her share in a whole house why is she so pressed you havent used your half? Its not like her half is gone, she is sleeping, eating and living in her half of the money every day.

No. 2025043

I don't want a moid but I'm sick of men either ignoring me in favour of each other or 'hot'/feminine women. I don't want the greasy sexual attention these women get and feel for them when they have to fend off advances from weirdos, that's not the life I want - I want to be left alone, to live my own life without being judged. But the way I dress and act seems to put me at odds with most other women and I don't know why. Maybe it's because I'm neurodivergent and wasn't socialised around women much growing up? It feels like other women see me as an incompetent child and men just look straight through me. I just want to make friends and have functioning relationships. I must be doing something wrong, but have no idea what it is.

No. 2025051

Technically she still has her money it's just in the form of a house. Depending on what house she bought and when she should have more "money" than before in real estate actually, unless she fucked up. You might even have less "money" than her now.

No. 2025086

Is your money safe in an account only you can touch? Not accessible by your mother? Your sister is probably gonna end up whining about how she deserves some of your share since she has a family.

No. 2025141

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>applies for multiple jobs every single day
>gets my first technical interview in three months
>spends countless hours preparing
>finally gets ready
>completely fucks it up

No. 2025153

>why don't you weak makeup
Because I don't need it. My bare face mogs your clown paint.

No. 2025158

Fuck, I'm so sorry. Can it be salvaged with a follow up email?

No. 2025165

I’m so sorry anon. How bad is the stain? Are you sure it cannot be saved? How was there fresh paint inside of a closet? I’d be so upset too, that sucks. Ugh.

No. 2025172

It's pretty bad it's a whole splash on the right sleeve. It's on the back of the sleeve so it might be okay if I always keep my right arm down to my body but I don't know if I could commit to that. I have no idea about the paint I'm thinking they tried to paint something and for some reason they store the paint on the top shelf of the closet so when they were getting the can down or putting it back up some of it brushed up against the side of the jacket. My friends and I are brain storming right now and we're thinking about finding a shade of paint that matches the fabric colour and then painting that on top of the brown paint. It's really noticeable too because the fabric is a light taupe colour and the paint is quite rich brown. It sucks but whatever I got a good 2 years out of the jacket, but the material and construction is so nice so I know it could've easily lasted 25 with how I take care of my clothes.

No. 2025226

If I had the chance to I’d kill every single man on planet earth I’ve never hated these subhuman knuckledragging cementbrainded hobgoblin useless fucks more in my life I’d commit so many acts of unhinged violence towards men if God allowed me to fucking hate this whiny shit for brains victim complex fucking monsters I hate them I hate them I hate them I hate them I hate them I hate them I hate them I hate them I hate them I hate them

No. 2025232

Can you leave a couple of them. Please

No. 2025234

Twiddling my thumbs waiting for 988 to message me back. Forgot they take a bit sometimes.

No. 2025244

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I almost responded with "based" to a months old post I made but had almost forgotten I made.

No. 2025249

Yeah we need some of them as punching bags for our entertainment or to use as slaves in the underground death-mines to harvest our mineral wealth

No. 2025279

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Ive turned so bitter and jaded these last few years. I genuinely wish i never peaked because its only made me more miserable, i wish i still just thought "teehee its ok just let people identify as wut makes dem happy!!! even if it makes no fucking sense." but i cant do that anymore. Everywhere i look everything i interact with and everything i see i can find the misogyny, the retardation… i feel like its only made me more depressed. I feel so much bitter hatred for every retarded troon around me (i live in portland) and i genuinely have so much trouble making friends due to how much i fucking hate everyone. I hate moids so much and everything they do and how they talk and smell but my only friends are typically male and autistic. Im slowly turning into a full recluse, people are not worth interacting with anymore. i just want to see the beauty in people, in life again. I only find happiness in interacting with animals and insects, sometimes online friends or my mom. Im totally lost in life and just want everyone to kill themselves. if i could press a button that'd destroy the universe and all life id do it instantly without hesitation. Sometimes i wonder if ill start killing every retarded faggot that even slightly pisses me off one day, just completely snapping. i sound like an edgelord, sorry. i come across normal irl i just have a lot of feelings i dont know what to do with. not enough prozac or therapy in the world to actually fucking change anything.

No. 2025308

The pain of finding a nice utaite just to find out she's Vtubing 70% of the time…

No. 2025381

>(i live in portland)
I'm so sorry, nonna. My condolences, genuinely.

No. 2025424

I forgot how shitty hotlines were. Last ditch effort didn’t work. My hope has fizzled out.

No. 2025461

No, bitch

No. 2025565

I now see why people end up killing themselves after speaking to hotlines.

No. 2025580

You’re right, spanish is a truly ugly language.

No. 2025591

scrote at work has been sniffing around trying to ask me out, and I finally give him the oportunity by asking him out myself. And the whole time he was sniffing after my much younger employee just trying to spend time with her instead. TMD

No. 2025595

sucks, sorry to hear that

No. 2025687

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This year is so shitty when is it finally gonna be over. Let me make it please let me make it

No. 2025699

No. 2025704

I have a pretty intense resting bitch face that I've tried to fix but can't seem to soften lol. I guess my natural face is just…intense. On one hand, it keeps moids away, but on the other hand, everyone thinks I'm this mean person. I keep getting comments telling me to smile or to lighten up or life can't be that bad and really, I'm just minding my business and not angry at all. A lot of people say they think I'm mean until they talk to me. I get it but at the same time I don't, especially when there are people who will literally smile in your face and ruin your life.

No. 2025727

No. 2025746

Probablemente eres alemana

No. 2025754

Y probablemente está retrasada también

No. 2025764

Lo mismo

No. 2025776

No. 2025784

Kek. When I look at years old threads I can sometimes feel the vibe of the post is me and younger me makes me chuckle.

No. 2025808

For two days in a row I've been unable to fall back asleep after my usual 5 am pee wakeup and that's depriving me of precious sleep.

No. 2025850

File: 1716958204280.png (16.42 KB, 623x78, wtf.PNG)

I'm going to live with an older lady for a few months and she was being EXTREMELY nosy the entire time and insisted on making me rich food that gave me acid reflux and I don't want to be a bitch but I'm a bit nervous about the situation

No. 2025864

>She insists on making me rich food that gives me acid reflex
Kek surely you can't fault her for that?

No. 2025871

Oh you are about to be so fucking miserable it isnt even funny

No. 2025876

Wtf is "rich food"

No. 2025884

It just means expensive luxury foodstuffs like caviar or the Rubyglow pineapple. I think anon is trying to say that she's afraid the old woman will make her pay her back for all the expensive food later on or something.

No. 2025885

I think anon's a selfish crybaby that can't handle anything other than mcdonalds or she will cry about her acid reflux like a toddler. I honestly feel bad for the older woman.

No. 2025902

I said I'm not trying to be a bitch kek I'm just not used to eating heavy foods and didn't want to offend her

No. 2025913

I think you must be an old ass granny that feels attacked because by rich foods she probably means heavy in oils etc.

No. 2025958

In a very hot town for a day and a half and wow the heat is so putrid, and the home owner is cheap so no AC.
Hell to heat.

No. 2025967

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>tfw my comment on pinterest got reported and removed because I told some girl she'll always be a woman

Pinterest you are out here hosting ryona images and racist memes dont come at me with your shit

No. 2025974

File: 1716965018714.jpg (195.6 KB, 1170x1347, 1000003749.jpg)

God, I see what you have done for others. I see the blessings you give to those who do not appreciate

No. 2025979

File: 1716965228185.webp (25.84 KB, 1024x514, Rubber-Duck-in-Pool-1024x514.w…)

I enjoy being an adult, I'm not one of those retards who complains about "adulting" when I have bills or jury duty or whatever. But man, I really miss the feeling of being a kid in the summer time. It's not any one particular thing I miss, it's mostly just the vibe. I was in summer daycare for most of my childhood because my mom worked, and I have such fond memories of that now. All the little crafts we did, the field trips we took to museums and the local pool, watching movies on the projector. Summer really does feel less "magic" once you reach high-school age.

Ever since I stated college, my depression has been the worst in the summer. I think it's because on some level I want to take advantage of the nice weather and do "summer" things, but I don't have the energy anymore. And the pool just seems kind of gross and unappealing now, because as an adult I know how gross other people are and I dislike the idea of being in the same water as strangers. I can't eat ice cream because I've developed lactose intolerance. My friends and I all work different weird hours, so it's hard to arrange things. On top of all of that, I just feel numb in general. Holidays and friendships don't excite me the way they used to. I have to work up a lot of motivation spend time on my hobbies. I mostly just lay in bed and look at shit on my phone most of the time. I desperately want to have the energy and motivation to do things again. I'm horrified at the idea that I'm wasting my twenties by working a dead-end job and laying in bed all day on my days off. I hate this! I want to accomplish things and experience life, but this fatigue, it's like my ankle is chained to my bed and I have to drag it with me wherever I go. I'm young and attractive, but I live like a reclusive elderly cripple. Fuck.

No. 2025980

mcdonalds and acid reflux don't go together kek. I have severe reflux and will happily down my extra extra spicy ramen and puke it all up just because I can't live without spice

No. 2025987

Maybe just… have an actual conversation with her about what foods give you reflux. I'm sure there are "rich" items that aren't excessively acidic or oily. Some of the fancier cuts of meat are pretty lean, for instance.

No. 2025988

Tifs are so annoying on pinterest, i installed a comment blocking plugin on google chrome just so i don't have to see them post nonsense about random men being their transition goals and the man in question will be Peter Steele or something. Before that, i was just blocking them.

No. 2025991

how has nobody made an addon that directly combats garbage like Shinigami Eyes so that we never have to see teen girls calling jacked 40 year old action movie men "sooo gender" on random websites

No. 2025994

wtf is the appeal of this.. he would have to bend over and stick his ass out just to give her a kiss

No. 2025996

Can you plan a vacation/holiday? That's more or less what adults do to try and keep the magic of summer alive.

No. 2025997

If she slouches a little, her face will be on the level of his genitals, fucking gross

No. 2026003

Was horny for the first time in months today and I was glad my libido and imagination was back but then I became lonely and cried instead. I went to watch porn and only watch the beginning where they have conversation. I’m becoming a scrote. Girlbossed too hard and I’ve become permanently masculine. I realized I act like the man in every interaction I have. I’m always the pursuer, the doer, the chaser the loner.

No. 2026011

I hate moids who smoke weed, do drugs in general, are fat, bad with their money, and addicted to games. There are so many holy shit.

No. 2026014

I need to fucking do this because I hate watching them post their tif autism on fanart posts. Also I found an account on Pinterest that literally posts edited pics of women where they give them big boobs and giant nipples poking out from their shirts. I reported it but of course it’s been reviewed and someone how is allowed to stay up. shit ass website .

I’m wondering the same thing.

No. 2026018

File: 1716970064520.jpeg (35.96 KB, 640x445, IMG_7927.jpeg)

>Insta video of some alt girls making a joke video about getting moids numbers
>comments from moids calling them busted
>every single moid saying this is fat/ugly as sin and also have a public profile complete with pictures of their kids

Kek busted used up men with kids who spend their days seething about women on the internet are my favorite thing to laugh at.

No. 2026020

Good, moids should bend over to serve us
Can't wait to see this get banned for racebaiting

No. 2026026

the absolute state of scrotes in 2024 is legit horrible. Every single one of them have 0 plan for the future and are just nishing around and giving into any vice. Weed and porn turning them into absolute fucking faggots doing nothing but being nasty all day. Abolishing of all moids needed asap, only the top 1% is allowed to survive and gets to be locked up in underground sperm harvesting facilities for procreation but that's about it. We have far surpassed the need of scrotes

No. 2026037

>I realized I act like the man in every interaction I have. I’m always the pursuer, the doer, the chaser the loner
What's wrong with that? I'm like that too and this is how I feel the most comfortable, I would hate to make myself soft and nurturing or whatever just to be more palatable.

No. 2026062

>I realized I act like the man in every interaction I have. I’m always the pursuer, the doer, the chaser the loner.
It has nothing to do with sex

No. 2026064

I hate mornings so much, I don't want to get up to go to my stupid job. I just want to be a comfy neet again.

No. 2026065

being a student in a hospital is like being thrown in a sandbox videogame
"ok so just be in this weird chaotic place for 24 hours straight and try to learn something or make yourself useful or whatever"
it's kind of fun but i'm too sleepy for this

No. 2026066

take addicted to videogames add addicted to porn that's 100% of moids

No. 2026075

It's always the midgets and giants that love dating each other.

No. 2026078

how the fuck do they have sex

No. 2026085

Because of greedy midgets tall women have to date 5'9 manlets. Shameful!

No. 2026100

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I hit a new highest weight, I feel like shit. I know I'm not obese (yet) but idk how to stop myself from eating too much sugar. I'm not even a binge eater, I just can't stop myself from eating a few cookies, or some ice cream, or a cinnamon bun, just once or twice a day and in the end it all must add up to a calori surplus.

Why can't I just NOT eat them? Or should I attempt to cut down on food instead to compensate, since that's easier? But surely that will only make me crave more sugar…

I feel like every "dietitian" online is going "don't cut out the foods and snacks you crave, you will only crave them more! Instead just have a bit of it because nothing else will satisfy your craving" but that feels like the ooposite of helpful when you struggle with a food addiction! I'm not just craving it, I feel like I absolutely need that sugar, and as soon as I've had it my body calms down. It's scary, and I'm worried it'll escalate. The only time I've been able to minimize the craving is when I've forced myself to not eat any sugar for a few days (though I always fall back…). I just don't know how to quit. I don't want to get even fatter.

No. 2026105

I used to think height gaps were cute as a teen now it just seems so… awkward and impractical. On every level. Plus as a woman, if I were to have kids I do NOT want them to have those abnormally large genes, I'd like my downstairs to not rip and tear to oblivion thank you very much

No. 2026109

>I can't eat ice cream because I've developed lactose intolerance.
There's banger lactose free ice cream these days nona! My best tips is to ditch the phone. Turn it off, put it down somewhere where you can't reach it. You don't need it unless you have to call someone really. You will be bored at first, but it's just the lack of quick dopamine you've grown acustomed to. Eventually you'll be so bored your mind would rather do anything at all and you're forced to start doing things. If you catch yourself scrolling tell yourself "no, this is not productive and I'm not even having fun" and stop it.

No. 2026119

Maybe try to go (added) sugar-free instead of dieting to lose weight? Sugar addiction is real.

No. 2026143

I was gonna bulk this summer but now it seems I gave myself rhabdo again and I just want to give up

No. 2026147

I also used to think height gaps were cute until I got a tall nigel and now it's actually a hindrance on top of the fear that our hypothetical children could be gigantic like he was. Height gaps are fun for like a month and then you have to learn the hard way by trying to use stuff in a kitchen while he's standing there

No. 2026148

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I’m tired of responding to people on here but other people are able to respond to other people and have full blown conversations

No. 2026168

I’ve read that sugar is one of the most addictive “substances” and thus one of the hardest addictions to beat. Up there with coke and opioids iirc. First I want to point out that the system is rigged. Depending on where you live the sugar contents of food and drinks are insane, and it’s on purpose. Addiction makes you spend, and that’s exactly what the companies want you to do. You mention having been able to cold turkey for a few days and you should be proud! People are different but many find slowly cutting down on their addictions helpful, and if you gave yourself an allotted amount for each day, and if it works, it’s possible that this “safety” of knowing that even if you hit your quota today, you’re still allowed your quota tomorrow. Quitting the overconsumption will take time, and you will most likely have relapses- but if you do, you need to be kind to yourself and simply start over. There are support communities for everything on reddit, so there’s probably one for sugar addiction as well. Yes yes, reddit bad etc, but some communities on there,like for sober people, are really welcoming and sympathetic. Stock up on healthy snacks, it’ll maybe feel redundant to eat a lot when you want to lose weight, but you need to wrangle your addiction first and foremost, and you can have a LOT more healthy snacks than sugary treats! I believe in you. Do it for your health and your mind, the weight will drop naturally as you progress. Don’t be ashamed, you can do it! Fuck Big Sugar!

No. 2026181

>I act like the man in every interaction I have. I’m always the pursuer, the doer, the chaser the loner.
Probably a result of being ugly or awkward and people not wanting to invite you out or pursue you of their own volition, in my experience. It really sucks to know that no one is thinking of you without you making plans first.

No. 2026182

I was opening the eggs my dad gave me yesterday (he has hens) and the first one had a newly formed fetus in there. Fucking hell. I feel weird and disgusted now, it had veins and a membrane. Eugh

No. 2026183

All I do is get high on painkillers and stare off into the void because my hobbies don't give me joy any more. It's both horrible and weirdly comfortable at the same time. The moment I try to introduce some form of entertainment to the three brain cells I have left, they reject it because I don't deserve it, and I'm consumed by self-loathing and thoughts of suicide. If I wasn't such a mama's girl I'd end it all.

No. 2026214

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Every time I try to improve my life I seem to keep getting ill. I got super ill over the weekend and had to go into A&E, they took some tests quite fast and then eventually I was discharged and the doctors there told me to go book some blood tests when the regular GP was open on Monday.

So I do that. I ring them up and ask for blood tests which is what I was asked to do, as well as provide a urine sample. They say they can only get a blood test done for me at another doctors which is 30~ min walk away or so. Whatever. I'm tired of feeling shit so I walk there expecting to have everything in order. The walk is quite nice and wasn't a problem even despite me feeling dizzy and tired.
I see the nurse and she barely even says hello to me, has absolutely no kindness for patients then tells me that there isn't any request to have bloodwork done on my file. What the fuck? I tell her that I was asked to come here for more bloodwork and she says "No, it says on here you need another GP appointment, then maybe blood tests etc" when I was never even told that. She looks at me like I'm retarded or socially inept - I rock up to the doctors looking like shit because I'm ill so I already feel stupid and insecure enough, her attitude makes it all 10x worse.
She takes some very basic blood test of me anyway and then I leave. I drop off my urine sample at the reception and get an Uber home because I'm already pissed off enough by this huge miscommunication and if I walk home I'll probably walk in front of a moving car.

I get home and try to relax. Then I get a text from the NHS saying "the urine sample you provided is not in the correct bottle please come in to do this again". The bottle I was given was literally given to me FROM THE DOCTOR IN THE HOSPITAL. NOW I HAVE TO PISS AGAIN. Why are they so fucking disorganized? They want me to take time and money out of my day and yet talk to me like shit and then they're not even clear of what they want from me, and then things are apparently "incorrect" when all I'm doing is what I was asked to do?! What is the fucking point?! Now I have to wake up super early tomorrow and be stuck in a phone queue for like 2 hours just to get a normal appointment. And then when I do get this appointment I know for a fact they're about to look at me like I'm the issue here and not the fact the doctor told me something completely different to what's on my record. Fuck this I'm so tired I'm so exhausted all I wanted was to get my shit together and now this. I can't be arsed.

No. 2026225

>apply for job
>get interview
>I think it goes well. We discuss hours. Tells me he'll call to arrange bg check/drug test
>he doesn't call for a week
>I call Monday, get infinite ring
>whatever it's memorial day
>I physically go there yesterday
>dudes not there
>I call today, get through to a person
>she transfers me and I sit in literal silence for ten minutes

Wtf yo I just wanna work at lowes

No. 2026232

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My mother won't braid my hair

No. 2026238

I have met a rare few who wake up early to exercise, never touch drugs, works a lot, went to college, and has future goals. Wish me luck everyone, I am trying to bag one right now. God please. He seems so innocent (joke's on me, no moid is innocent, but he seems sweeter than most)

No. 2026239

also holy shit kek I agree so much with this line
>Abolishing of all moids needed asap, only the top 1% is allowed to survive and gets to be locked up in underground sperm harvesting facilities for procreation

No. 2026241

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It's been four days of nonstop activity. I have been sick the whole time, my period's supposed to start within the next three days, and I am fucking ragged. NO. FUCKING. MORE. It's time to stop and it's time to fucking rest. And if my family does not respect that, they're going to see the very unpleasant side of me that we all know is there under the sunny surface. I need to fucking rest otherwise I'm going to cry.

No. 2026249

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I've been at this job for three months now and May was the first month where I had full responsibility of all tasks related to my position without help. Every week you can see how much money you've made for your department on a large screen in the office which compares you to the previous month, and everyone were so impressed that I was doing so well, even better on my own than with a supervisor, until today where a bug was found which showed that they had not recorded some expenses for the whole month and once those were added I was thrown right down to the bottom of the screen.

I'm fucking devastated because I thought I was doing such a good job. Two days left of May and it turns out I was doing terribly. I've just been crying all day since I came home from work. I'm so angry that this mistake wasn't seen earlier so I could have known how I was actually doing with time enough to do something about it. It just sucks going three full weeks thinking you're doing something right only to find out that you suck.

No. 2026262

sorry if theres a thread this fits better in, but has anyone else experienced false rape allegations? no one believed her at the time because she had an established history of lying but it still really bothers me. it makes me sick. i dont know why she did it. please tell me im not the only one who has had to deal with this. the worst part is not even being able to be upset with people who cast doubt on me afterwards because i agree with giving the benefit of the doubt to the victim. i feel like ill never have a normal sex life because this has made me too passive in bed because im scared of being too forceful now and being actually raped means being passive makes me suicidal.

No. 2026275

Perhaps they don't. Sex is not present in every romantic relationship, nor does it have to be.

No. 2026279

>Every week you can see how much money you've made for your department on a large screen in the office
Is… is that normal? I hate the word toxic but damn that sounds like a toxic workplace.

No. 2026292

When a man is involved that's basically impossible unless he's closeted. That one looks like he has sex anyway.

No. 2026344

Talked to building management again and being told that having carpenter ants is normal and isn't an issue and that "everyone has ants in their light fixture"
I'm not responsible when the apartments structure goes to shit

No. 2026345

Thanks anons. I can't really afford a vacation right now, but this is good advice otherwise.

No. 2026354

I don't think it's normal, but the purpose is to make people competitive and work harder which in my experience it really does. I'm not a competitive person by nature, but as you see from my post I got pretty sucked into the game this month which is probably why I'm so devastated by the actual results. I've had a good crying sessions now so I shall try to clear my head and try not to get so torn next time.

No. 2026366

I feel this, nonna. also because summer is a rare treat here, most of the year we're covered in snow. I crave for summer experiences the entire year. it's a bit consoomery, but I usually make fancy cooling drinks on cute glasses, wear summery outfits even at home and try to make my home decoration a bit more colorful in the summer. sometimes I go out and pick some flowers or look for some summer markets to visit. I've made it kinda of a summer tradition to go through my things and get rid of what I don't want anymore and redecorating my house in the summer. I avoid doing it all year so it's something to look forward to.

No. 2026403

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I got my hair cut like picrel, except my longest layers are waist length. I thought that I have the perfect face for it, but so far I’m just feeling like it aged me from 20s to 40s. Do you think I’ll settle into it or have any tips? Or have you gotten a haircut that makes you look old? I’m so upset(wrong thread)

No. 2026410

moms love is really transactional and it really fucks me up kek

No. 2026429

File: 1716997982635.jpeg (60.76 KB, 602x752, IMG_0982.jpeg)

>that one /meta/fag being happy the dumbass shit thread was taken away like how the grinch finds joy ruining christmas (take it to meta)

No. 2026519

I just spent 500€ on prescription glasses with frames that I fucking hate. All of the choices are ugly as shit and don't really suit me, the frames that I did want (basically no frames at all) wouldn't have worked with the thickness of the lenses.
I hate hate hate going through this shit every few years but I can't get lasik or some shit because my prescription keeps changing so they won't do it, contacts are expensive as fuck and I've got dry eyes so they're a pain to wear (and eyedrops tend to fuck up my makeup). I just can't win in fucking life

No. 2026526

Looking androgynous is only hot in fiction. In real life, it makes you a freak. I'm obviously female, but I have such extraordinarily masculine bone structure and proportions that some zoomies have started playing the pronoun game with me. I have to wear men's shirts because they fit my massive troon shoulders better, and I look like Honter when I wear dresses. I don't even have the nice kind of angular jawline because mine is a legit Henry Caville-tier, rock-crushing caveman jawline. The only time I looked somewhat feminine was when I was badly underweight and had no muscle, but now that I'm getting fit it's completely hopeless. All aboard the freaky shemale express, I guess.
I don't even want to be super girly, I just want to look elegant and refined without having to style myself like a goddamn man to do it.

No. 2026527

I love being feminine and petite(baiting)

No. 2026531

can we change bodies? you can be a round womanlet and i get to have the chadette features

No. 2026533

There is no hope dating locally. Not one person is attractive. Should I be desperate and make a dating profile? I wasted 9 years on a ldr what can I do to avoid this.

No. 2026539

I think ldrs and internet-based relationships in general are almost always hopeless

No. 2026540

Kek sure anon, enjoy the ungabunga jumpscare you'll get every time you look in the mirror.

No. 2026556

File: 1717002475990.jpg (199.81 KB, 1000x900, 20240529_100711.jpg)

I just found out this was a thing.
I would've played these games as a kid if I knew they were meant to look like the left and not so cheap, it feels like such bullshit.

No. 2026564

Are these the same games rebranded for a Western audience?

No. 2026566

lol the right ones look like covers for cheap YA books

No. 2026570

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Yeah, apparently they thought little girls wouldn't like cute anime pictures.

No. 2026581

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Amerilards hate good looking designs, what else is new.

No. 2026589

what does the game play look like?

No. 2026611

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Cursory search, the gameplay seems the same but they changed the sprites slightly and took out any Japanese stuff like Shinto shrines.

No. 2026617

File: 1717004632226.jpg (49.58 KB, 800x533, Rainbow-Hair-Unicorn-Pastel-st…)

I'd braid your hair nona

No. 2026633

Ameritard localisation moment.

No. 2026641

that job sounds toxic, get a new job nona

No. 2026648

I liked a few songs of A Pale Horse Named Death until I heard this
I know when you squirm like a little girl
I know you're addicted
I know when you scream like a little girl
I know you're addicted

Fucking nauseating. WHY

No. 2026654

aren't those guys boomers from brooklyn
what did you expect lmao

No. 2026658

I once saw my cousin scratch his balls and flick the accumulated dead skin underneath his nails next to his couch. I don't know what to do with this information.

No. 2026662

I'm not American, does it mean something? Should I avoid bands from Brooklyn? kek

No. 2026663

I've been waiting for 20 min already, when will these women show up?

No. 2026665

generalizing but boomers from brooklyn tend to be pretty crude old fashioned men

No. 2026672

idk if anyone remembers but I’m the same nonnie with the mom that always says I smell bad (nobody but her says this, yes I shower)
Well she did it again. Should I be petty bitch too? She’s fat and when she was my age to was morbidly obese and had to get bypass surgery. I never brought up her weight before but I’m really tired of the repetitive “lolz you smell bad” bs

No. 2026673

Gross. Kinda unrelated but I hate when I see moids spitting outside. I see it like every time I go out and it's repugnant.

No. 2026674

That's just going to sour your relationship further.. If you still live at home you probably shouldn't.. but I can see how it's tempting.

No. 2026680

>Should I be mean back?
No, what she's doing is trying to egg you into an argument or trying to get attention from you. The best thing to do when someone insults you is to just downright ignore it, or if that's not an option say something like "That's nice" or laugh and play it off like a joke. You gotta remember that you don't actually smell, so her words shouldn't have an effect on you. It's like getting scared when you see a schizo screaming about how the world is gonna end, you should know they're just being crazy.

No. 2026683

I'm used to old men who smoke doing it so seeing millenial/zoomer horking up their lungs is extra disgusting. The moid at my job does it after he vapes and I guess he thinks it makes him look cool or something? Fucking gross.

No. 2026693

How does she know if she doesn't smell for sure though
Could be olfactory fatigue

No. 2026699

I don’t think I smell because I take showers, wash my clothes, and people who hated me and roasted me for other things never brought up me being smelly, it’s only my mom. idk though maybe I do have a particular aroma..

No. 2026702

Can you stop trying to be a weird creep and stop taking her mum's side and stop gaslighting her she is obviously going through something and your mean nasty posts don't help anybody. How about you call your mum right now and say "Ha I said someone smelled online today!!!" and see how she reacts. Probably would be disappointed and disgusted by your behaviours.

No. 2026703

I had to report someone on a dating app for sa, waited 2+ days for them to sort this out. Got a caring email and all. In the email they say they blocked the user from the app. I go on the app a few hours later and see a message that they got a warning in fact. these apps don't care. needless to say how humiliating that felt after I saw their email first and for the first time felt someone took my experience seriously. every time I go on these apps something bad happens. I'm so sick of it.

No. 2026704

not the same anon you quote but showers are not enough for making you smell good… i think you could improve this and see if she stills complains about the smell

No. 2026709

File: 1717011626893.jpg (57.7 KB, 325x292, Rockin_pretty_boxart.jpg)

I had this game as a kid it was awesome

No. 2026712

Actually I'm going through the same thing. My mom keeps saying I smell but I don't smell anything.

No. 2026715

samefag, I asked other people if I smell and they said they don't smell anything. It could be that my mom is more sensitive to smells more than others for whatever reason. I don't know(integrate)

No. 2026720

Don't know why you got banned, but maybe you just need to style it differently. A little more curl of less volume or something. Layers typically need a lot of styling.

No. 2026722

im a neet who gets money weekly but its not enough even to live. i need a laptop for this course and nothing is cheap and nowadays i'd be unable to get an OK one for 300 and fb marketplace deals are always 5 hrs away from my city.(also i cant drive) would hate to loan off bank or family though what would you nonnas do because its stressing me out bc its required. youd think an IT majority branch would have computers but no all students have to bring their own devices

No. 2026732

I'd ask around family/friends if they have an old device laying around you can have/buy for cheap/loan first.

No. 2026736

i love ignoring people in public so much. dont ever try to talk to me

No. 2026737

I don't need to put up with shitty online relationships.

No. 2026752

can i go ONE month without an awful giant cystic acne appearing on my face, fucking ow

No. 2026756

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A lot of women are so fucking stupid I can’t take it anymore. There’s not enough smart women to go around so they just put anyone in these social roles and you have a bunch of manipulative bitches running everything and backstabbing people to compensate for their lack of intelligence and then when everything is all over, the real ones gotta pick up the mess they started. Letting women into these colleges is a scam, they don’t start out bright and then going through college won’t make them so.

No. 2026759

File: 1717014295223.jpg (157.78 KB, 965x1500, sulfur treatment.jpg)

I used to go through the same thing, every month a new large cystic bump on my face. What I ended up doing to fix it was I bought some facial sulfur (its supposed to help with rosacea but I found it worked well with cysts too) and applying it once a week to areas where the cysts would usually form. The other thing is when you feel one coming on, smoke 1 or 2 cigarettes every day. The cigarettes will help dry out your skin and usually it's enough to get the cyst to go into remission.
You could try going through your school's financial aid office and see if they can do anything to help. A friend of mine got a free laptop this way.

No. 2026764

bait used to be believable

No. 2026768

I feel really ugly today. My period should come any moment , my skin is super dehydrated and my fine lines are visible. 1 week ago I felt good about myself.

No. 2026782

Not even bait, it’s so frustrating having to deal with women irl

No. 2026820

File: 1717018199508.jpeg (1.67 MB, 2500x2000, IMG_5353.jpeg)

>asked for a 1/2 day at work with the last of my personal time
>received two emails saying I have to give a reason for why I requested the time off
>only want it off because I was forced to cover the event last year for someone else who skipped and it sucked
Maybe I should have just lied about a nonexistent appointment or called out sick the day of…I don't think I can just say "I'm tired and I don't want to do that"

No. 2026826

I agree with you so much. I think for a lot of women though its intentional sabotage, they purposely act like braindead retards because they dont like the idea of thinking critically and potentially embarrassing themselves. At the end of the day a lot of women’s first priority is how they are perceived by others, especially on the surface level but even within social groups

No. 2026862

Yup. A woman’s enemy will always be herself at the end of the day. Men are terrible but when are they going to fully realize they do so much harm to themselves and other women in the process, they’re basically slaves to their own social perception and basic survival and that’s why many of them will never peak consciousness about their own existence. They are happy being domesticated and stupid and there’s nothing to do about it or help, it’s a done deal

No. 2026907

Just say you have an appointment with a gas leak inspector or some bullshit

No. 2026972

I went into my husbando's Tumblr tag just to see an x reader post where someone basically wrote him as a pedo. Now I'm sick to my stomach and my fucking day is ruined. It's bad enough that my other husbando (well, not quite a husbando because I dont take him as seriously as my main. More like a boyfriendo) is a "DILF" character so I have to deal with all of that. Sick of these freaks.

No. 2026976

File: 1717027504857.jpeg (85.93 KB, 773x582, 684F02C2-6DFA-4E87-B4A7-74BFF2…)

This has happened to me unironically though. Why the fuck is there so much gore and violence on Twitter?

No. 2026983

File: 1717028133784.jpg (1.05 MB, 1079x1344, 1000018399.jpg)

I support Palestine by all means for obvious reasons but I hate guilt trippy shit like this, realistically what should the average person do, you surely can't expect them to drop everything to try to stop a genocide which no average person has power over. Shit like this really just turns people away from a good cause.

No. 2026986

shaved my happy trail for the first time in like…twelve years. legs and arms will be next. i wanted to remain fully gnc but there's no way i can attend this fancy work convention with hairy legs around all these highly conservative big shots. i won't wear makeup though

No. 2026988

I have such nostalgia for 2015 wish I could go back, everything was more normal or something

No. 2026990

its always been this way,every social media is infested with either cp or gore as a user its best to vigilant and not interact with the content although no matter how unfortunate it is to see surfing imageboards can a hell in it self thank god for lc's farmhands

No. 2026993


No. 2026997

Ah, another body hair fetishisst, tipping my hat

No. 2027009

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Going to a concert in the hope I might make a friend, it won't happen but I'd like to imagine it will. I just want a best friend again, someone special to share all your nonsense with and laugh about the same dumb shit. I miss having that type of connection, I don't know if I just stopped letting my guard down or something because I can't get close with anyone since I graduated high school.

No. 2027010

File: 1717029831388.jpg (32.17 KB, 279x261, 1000018346.jpg)

right on sister

No. 2027013

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I thought visiting my childhood neighborhood would make me reminisce and be happy. Instead it gave me a weird sense of coming home but knowing that house isn't ours anymore and my parents are gone. There's just no home to return to. No rental unit I live in will ever feel that way.

No. 2027018

Annual crisis about the type of male I am attracted to not actually existing outside of picture perfect Hollywood movie scripts. How are all you other delusional girls holding up because it's freaking me out to think that real moids are so lacking in character, personality, good looks and charisma that I'm forced to be 4ever alone. Should I buy a male mannequin and dress him up to my taste and stare at him until I become schizophrenic?

No. 2027020

Oh my god anon I just rewatched Shallow Grave and I wish Ewan McGregor type dudes existed irl. No one can overshadow a shit personality with such smart wit, I wish men were more like him.

No. 2027025

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I saw some old photographs yesterday and now I am just filled with dread of the future. I wasn't able to get in college this year so I will try the exam again in hopes I get a better score but honestly I don't think I will succeed into getting in public college. What is left for me is private school but the bachelor I want is so expensive I might just go for my second option, which is cheaper but comes with very harsh work conditions, and while my first option also got its problems I am not as passionate and enthusiastic about my second option as I am about my first. Idk what to do, I just feel there is not enough time, I am wasting my life by doing nothing and I am constantly worried about finances. In less than a decade I'll be 40 and I accomplished nothing of value.

No. 2027032

You can't even find guys that look like McGregor on screen these days much less ones that can have a coherent conversation about anything other than vidya or porn. 60 minutes of screentime can treat you to the most ludicrously hot heart pumping pussy destroying gut wrenchingly attractive characters you'll ever lay your eyes on and not only will average guttertrash not compare to old Hollywood standards in looks but they could never have a personality so perfectly curated to what you find attractive. Alas. I'd still rather flick the bean to the same movies a thousand times before settling but man it hurts some days. Thank you for listening to my retarded vent.

No. 2027033

Just gaslit a troon

No. 2027036

Kek what happened. You go girl whichever way.
I feel you anon, a relationship seems so nice when it's in media but in real life it's usually disappointment after disappointent.

No. 2027045

hmm its difficult bc they dont appear on a specific part, and I'll just wake up one day and itll be a big red spot on my face, I've just been applying some salicylic acid like I usually do daily. Like its going away its just annoying to have a big noticeable bump on your face for 2/3 days

No. 2027051

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There is a nearing his 40s old moid that got interested into me and im giving in on his delusions to make him feel like he has a chance, he does everything i ask him and just acts nice and non-threatening even if im rude kek, i can't help but feel disgusted with this terrible feeling on my gut because i know he is doing this to other young women as well and there are many others like them out there, men are disgusting especially predators.

No. 2027063

then why are you entertaining him?

No. 2027074

Student activists are so fucking annoying right now. I don’t need to be virtually yelled at by you on this ultra liberal campus bitch. You’re fighting the air at this point.

No. 2027075

Through my life I have been friends with mostly guys, and i don't like that i find friendship with other girls really annoying, i also have a brother, as far as I know I'm straight.
Anyone can relate?

No. 2027076

I know he didn’t mean it the way I’m taking it, but my fiancé said something so hurtful just now and I’m trying not to let my period hormones make me absolutely crazy about it. I made way more cookies than I meant to, we have an absurd amount, so I suggested he take some to work since he has to go into the office tomorrow. He said no, he wanted them for himself. I insisted he take them to work because he’s not even really a big dessert guy, and he said “who would I even take them to? Kristen?”
Kristen being a woman at his work that he has to work pretty closely on projects with. She’s married with a kid now, but she did ask him on a date when he first started working at his job. He doesn’t have feelings for her or anything and there’s nothing weird going on, but he knows I’m irrationally jealous about this woman so it was just in such bad taste to say what he said.
He started saying “I didn’t mean it like that, I’m sorry, don’t be upset” but I felt like I was going to cry even though I didn’t want to so I just walked away.

No. 2027077

After 2 years of every sexual interaction feeling like an uphill battle, my moid finally outright admitted that instead of initiating sex, he literally just waits for me to go to sleep and then pulls up pornhub. He also said it was easier to watch porn than it is to sleep with me. I've put up with a lot of bs for him, but I can't do it anymore.

No. 2027082

He's just so easy to deceive so it's fun to play with him and i forgot to mention i do tend to ignore him all the time as well, but i agree with what you said i'm starting to feel gross about this and i have conflicting feelings it's why i wrote about it here, i'll stop this after a while and just block him and hope he gets suicidal.

No. 2027097

that was incredibly cruel of him, and over fucking cookies? holy shit. there are things you say to be plain nasty during arguments but to get that heated over cookies and rub salt into your partner's worst insecurity is cruel. i'd cry if my partner said that about another woman to make me feel bad, your emotions may be heighted due to period hormones/symptoms but it's not irrational or an overreaction to feel that way.

No. 2027101

he better be rich

No. 2027111

I never experienced genuine love and affection in my life. Each guy I dated was abusive to me. I've been raped so many times it is a normality to me yet it still leaves me devastated each time. I'm quite bad with social cues. Go open-hearted and friendly when I meet a new person. They always end up taking advantage. So I isolate and go away. I don't really talk to anyone on a regular basis. People don't know my everyday life. I've always been withdrawn, my parents abandoned me and neglected me, and "I was just fine by myself". I experienced all sort of abuse since I was a toddler. I escaped, moved away, moved a lot of times. Tried to find love, someone who would be my companion, someone to share life and plans with, maybe start a family with one day. And I've been a mess in the process but I've been always trying very hard. The last time I decided to give it another chance and went out with someone, they assaulted me, they kept touching me though I said I don't want to take it any further that night. I end up used in my own bed. That happened before. I try to be strong. I wash the bedsheets, I let myself cry but I'm in pain, physically and emotionally. He made me shake his hand after the act and said "it was nice knowing you" and I was so stunned I took his hand. I didn't think I would feel like killing myself anymore. I put in a lot of work into building myself, some kinda sense of self, the boundaries, make plans for the future. I made steps to improve my life, went back to college and I am about to start at a really good school with a promise for a more secure life. But I feel like going to sleep and never waking up again. I want to grab that helium bottle from my wardrobe that I got when I wanted to die before and put the bag over my head tonight and never have to feel pain again. I'm so tired. I'm so so tired. I can't even be mad anymore. I am just so defeated. I feel duped this whole life. I just want to die.

No. 2027115

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I miss being skinny and wearing whatever I want. I miss having no insecurity about leaving the house and going downtown just to walk around and look pretty. I hate being fat. I need to be locked up in a cell with nothing but water and vitamin supplements. I never leave my house anymore unless it’s to go to work. Because of that, I have abnormally pale and lifeless skin. I’m 5’3 and 170 lbs, I used to be 100 lbs. how did it get this bad

No. 2027124

nah fuck skinny… its time to get fit nonny. trick yourself mentally and pretend you'll get turbocancer if you don't exercise a little every day and eat below TDEE. sounds silly but im an OCDfag and visualizing calamities happening unless I do ___ is very effective. start with one 20 min walk a day minimum. get a walking pad if you need to.

No. 2027150

Just exercise at least a few minutes everyday trust me, it helped me with my stomach fat.

No. 2027228

>trying to fall asleep
>ok time to think about all my depraved sexual fantasies
>hmm maybe i shouldn’t be thinking about sex so much
>spend half an hour internally panicking about various life shit, insecurities, bad memories, etc.
>nvm, back to fucking

No. 2027230

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Got banned from /tttt/ for telling trannies YWNBAW… god it was fun too

No. 2027231

I'm sick and suffering bad. I hate everything.

No. 2027243

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Whatever happened to robot pets? Can't they make cool shit by now

No. 2027247

I've been eating fast food almost everyday for like a week and I can see my body getting pudgier. I hate it anons.

No. 2027249

thats such a beautiful artdoll, whos the artist nonnie?

No. 2027254

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No. 2027257

I ate spicy instant ramen after abstaining from it for a looong time and woke up at 5am to a horrible stomachache and now shitting my brains out. Send help

No. 2027260

Just wanted to offer you some support, because I am on my way out of this predicament and had kinda similar proportions (5'1 and 175 lb). I managed to lose weight by going on walks. That way I got the benefit of exercise and also psychologically worked against the shame I felt by making myself be seen by other people. I know it's hard when you feel so bad but as long as you're wearing normal clothes people don't care what you look like.

No. 2027262

Nearing 30 and still as suicidal as when I was 13. It doesn’t get better for garbage like me. Looking up suicide and it all says “don’t be afraid to ask for help!” And the fact that I can’t relate, because I have literally no family to count on, literally zero close friends, literally fucking anybody by my side. I’m such a loser piece of shit that one of the things that ruin my mood is seeing overly introverted people with close friends and girlfriends. Incel ass lol I can’t wait until I have the guts to kill myself. Literally not one one single good thing about myself, literally zero skills that aren’t mediocre, no noncringe interests, zero charisma, truly not everybody was born to be loved. Even my mom recoiled when I was a kid and wanted to hug her. Even my dad is a deadbeat. The only people who have ever been eager to be close to me are pedophiles.

No. 2027265

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No. 2027271

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Anon, just because your environment failed you doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you. Be there for yourself in the way your family was supposed to be. Try and cultivate the mindset of nurturing and taking care of yourself despite everything

No. 2027273

i feel like there is a secret everyone is in on except for me, yet at the same time i feel like i know all the secrets and everyone else is a droid, an npc…

No. 2027289

No. 2027295

No. 2027310

Just say women or female! Oh my god enough of this femme crap.

No. 2027321

In my country it's common for little girls (<10) to wear leggings instead of pants and seeing a group of mixed sex kids is always so jarring - boys wearing shorts and loose tshirts while girls are in leggings and tight tops. Not only they restrict breathing but I remember I started getting conscious about my looks when I was 5 so the way those girls get indoctrinated into beauty standards so young makes me want to puke. I don't get how parents can't see how idiotic their daughters look. Women liberation my ass.

No. 2027331

My mental health is so bad right now and I can't tell if it's my hormones influencing it or just my lifestyle but I feel so bad nonas. I had a horrible job and left it at the end of last year but I still have nightmares about it.

Then I took a course to change my career and give me better opportunities but I got to the end and even though I did well I didnt pass the exam and realised working in that field doesn't even seem like a good idea anymore. But I was telling everyone about it and now I feel like such a failure.

And ironically the most pathetic thing is that I have this art project I really want to do and my partner is so supportive and he's encouraging me to finish it and so is my family but I can't even do that right and I feel so ungrateful that even though I have support I'm so stressed out and give myself so much pressure and cant even do it right.

It's gotten to the point where I have a bunch of stress related health issues and every time I have a slightly negative interaction or have to do something out of my comfort zone my brain just spirals and I'm not eating or sleeping right or using the free time that I should be grateful for. And knowing that just makes me feel worse and even more like a failure. Why is my brain like this?

No. 2027342

Been awake since 5am.. I am sick.. It's now 2am… I cannot sleep.. Why god why!!!!!

No. 2027345

too old to literally walk away from any situation I don’t like yet here I am once again hiding in a bathroom cubicle

No. 2027351

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I have ADHD and have been trying various meds in order to not lose my job but they have been giving me really bad side effects. The latest one is causing random bouts of chest tightness and heart palpitations to the point that I'm afraid I'm gonna get a heart attack. I just don't want to get fired

No. 2027352

Kids' fashion is weird and unnecessarily gendered in general. My local news station published a comparison of toddler shorts for boys and girls in local stores, and while boys got long loose shorts to play in toddler girls get sparkly booty shorts. For what?! A lot of people commented "just buy the boys' version then?" but some girls want sparkly clothing. They deserve to have girly clothes that are comfortable too.

No. 2027356

My 8 y.o. niece goes to cheerleading classes (we don't have it at schools, it's basically just dancing/gymnastics lessons), and I hate that it's a standard to make little girls wear makeup. Not just face paint and glitter but mascara and lipstick. It's the same for dances in general, I remember my friend in elementary school wearing mascara and lipstick while performing traditional dances, it makes no fucking sense. I can understand a bit of eye makeup or glitter or something like that for a theatrical effect but why do you need to turn a little girl into a mini version of an adult? Is it absolutely necessary?

No. 2027357

Two of my hens are broody. One had her first chick yesterday night. Today it's lying metres from the hen, dead, with a broken foot.
I know it can only have been one of the cats and it's fucking killing me. How do animals keep dying around me. One of my hens looks like death warmed over too and it's fucking heartbreaking. I don't know if I can do this

No. 2027361

Poor chick, I'm sorry nonna. Wouldn't it be safer to keep them in a coop at night?

No. 2027362

Do you have an enclosed coop/hen yard nonna? Like with a wire roof? That's the only thing I've seen that keeps cats out of a hen house.

No. 2027364

I moved them to a closed indoor coop a while back, I had the door open for them to go grab water and food. The chick wasn't there in the morning. I was sitting outside and noticed nothing like a fucking idiot. We have a young cat and he's not interested in other chicks so I didn't think. I just didn't think and I hate myself for being so damn dumb. Guess that's what you get.. thank you two though, thank you.

No. 2027366

It's okay anon, sometimes bad things happen and all we can do is learn from it. Can you keep your cats indoors since it seems one of them is getting too comfortable around the coop?

No. 2027372

Have we gotten invaded by moids or something? While it's not an overwhelming amount of posts regarding it I've seen an uptick of anons that seem to be outright hostile towards tall women in their posts. They are hard to take seriously, but it still makes me raise an eyebrow.

No. 2027376

The only times I've seen such posts they're reactions to anons insulting short women. Maybe I'm avoiding the right threads though.

No. 2027384

Honestly I've seen that a lot on here throughout the years

No. 2027397

I have two bosses now and one of them keeps finding fault with EVERYTHING I do. Literally everything. My other boss told me to do something a certain way and then this one who is supposed to oversee my work saw it and complained so much. I told him the other boss said so but he says I DON'T CARE STOP MAKING EXCUSES FOR YOURSELF. I feel so awful I'm crying. I feel so incompetent. And he says this is so easy why do you make so many mistakes. I feel so stupid. I hate everything.

No. 2027398

tbh it's kinda badass when people hawk loogies like everyone needs to know

No. 2027408

I had a short online interview and it was only 10 minutes long isnt that too short?? She booked a 20 minute slot but I was done so early I feel like I barely sold myself properly… ugh I hate myself so much

No. 2027409

I have been feeling pretty lonely lately, I wouldn't say I'm 100% friendless but it's almost like a crucial piece is missing, especially on the female connections side. I wish finding women who got me was easier, it's harrowing to always feel like you don't belong anywhere.

No. 2027416

Cant stop overthinking I think I fucked it

No. 2027426

I want to dedicate myself to my career because growing up, I was told I would never amount to anything and people have never really supported me, and career success is the only way I can think of to "prove" otherwise. The issue is that I have the tism and don't do well in "boring" corporate full time work. And now I have an opportunity to pursue a career in my degree in a small town and it's something I never thought I would able to pursue because it's impossible to find work in my degree, but it would require uprooting my entire life and moving out to the countryside. I really want this opportunity, but I'm a tard and I worry I'll regret it if I do and be stuck with nothing.

No. 2027445

You don't need to prove anything to anybody because those people won't care. They will just find something else to hate you for.

No. 2027453

my friend has a fucking annoying mtf friend and he is creepy and i wanna do violent things to him that i won't say

No. 2027468

Go for it, anon. You might regret turning it down, as well. You might as well try it out. If it doesn’t work out, you can reassess and go a different direction. It’ll be a new experience with an opportunity for not only professional, but personal growth. But you also need to figure out how to find peace with yourself so you’re not defining your worth by other’s expectations. You’ll be miserable if you continue to do so.

No. 2027488

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Did someone say tall women(baiting)

No. 2027500

I'm looking for an apartment and reached out to a real estate agent about an apartment I like but now I'm full of anxiety about her calling me back for literally no reason at all. I'm worried I'm going to miss her call because I'm asleep or something and she'll think I don't care about getting the apartment/am unfit for renting it.

No. 2027504

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I am once again reminded on how hard it is to be a straight female coomer. Ik this sounds retarded (it is) but fucking christ I just wanna coom to males in a pixiv log without being greeted by tits and female ass. Even on my Twitter feed where I like nothing outside of hot anime guys I still get scrotey art and the worst part is? A lot of the time it’s by other fucking women. Congrats on bending over backwards for moids who’d never do the same for you. I blame bihets and polilez artists for that one. Inb4 I get called a pickme but I don’t care, I’m sick of some women being so fucking spineless we refuse to raise our standards and pander to us alone.

No. 2027518

I feel you on every level and spirit in my soul

No. 2027520

I hate the tarotfag that stole my shine

No. 2027528

My face is a gazillion degrees and every muscle hurts. I'm genuinely very angry at my folks for passing this one to me, it's bad and I haven't been this sick for awhile. I know if I tell my parents they're just going to laugh it off because it doesn't matter how many times the doctors tell them that I need to be careful with my immune system and that regular shit like this can literally kill me and that they need to stay home when they're sick. They still don't think any of it is real. I hope one day they pass something to me and it kills me. That'll fucking show them.

No. 2027529

I hugged a moid who I assumed was my friend and today when I saw him he asked me "I'm just curious why did you hug me" and I was like "because I'm friendly?" and he was like "you have a good soul" ew tf never hugging a moid again

No. 2027532

i wonder why receptionists (whoever answer the calls) at clinics tend to be such unhelpful idiots. spoke to a woman who was rude as fuck and had me confused because she didn’t know about a doctor who worked at her own clinic. but maybe she was new. still a rude bitch either way i hope she stubs her toe

No. 2027535

I feel guilty about cheating and I think I will stop. My bf actually is a good person who loves me

No. 2027536

I am anti BC pill and anti IUDs and it blows my fucking mind women insert copper or shit like that in their UTERUSES.
that shit can fuck you up

No. 2027541

tbh willingly sleeping with unsnipped moids is the dumbest thing someone can do. don't let him shoot into a bulletproof vest, unload the fucking gun

No. 2027553

tbqh this is why im ok with celibacy until marriage. i could sleep with women and avoid pregnancy, i like women a lot, i cum so easy thinking about women, and feel strong chemistry with them, even broke my heart over them, but i hate myself for liking women so i ignore it until i get this kind of repulse instinct when i lust for a woman. and for a guy, yeah, i could wait until marriage or be single. i don't feel desperate to have pp in me, that's actually scary, even though i guess in some circumstances it could be nice, i practised accepting it mentally and getting into it. but yeah i would be totally fine not touching a pp until my thirties when im ready to have kids, rather that then try hormonal stuff or a weird metal thing. apparently many women feel pain during the iud procedure, and i know it will get dismissed a lot, which makes me sad. i totally get why you're anti bc, women's medicine will always be half baked in comparison to what it could be, and will always have some negative effect.

No. 2027558

the pill set feminism back several decades. now any time some dusty scrote wants sex he'll be all "lolol just go on the pill". It's a get-out-of-accountability free card for moids that pretends to be a boon for women.

No. 2027564

My mum put me on the pill at 16 and I took myself off it around 28 or 29 and I honestly think a lot of episodes I had can be contributed to the combination pill I took several different brands and they were all to appease a fucking man or make my mum comfortable that she wasnt going to be a grandma.

No. 2027565

period. ruin your body with birth control so you can be public property instead of private property.

No. 2027573

i have an event coming up this weekend that i'm desperately trying to lose a couple pounds for so i've been eating less than 500 calories a day for the past week and a half, and ive been steady going down every day except this morning i went up half a pound. the only thing i ate extra last night was 1 chocolate cookie. i havent had sweets all week and i went to the gym yesterday so i figured i deserved it. what the fuckkkk it better go back down tomorrow morning.

No. 2027577

why does losing a couple of pounds matter so much, it's not going to be that noticeable. you have more control over bloating or picking nice outfits that flatter you. you're going to fuck with your metabolism and body will store more, hence why you gained a pound.

No. 2027580

Tbh I don't know the risks of copper, but I highly prefer it over hormonal, I've seen the effects hormonal has on my relatives. And the only reason I have the copper in is because even with condoms, I felt unsafe having sex with an ex, who would continue thrusting after he came and would keep going until he came again. I liked it, but I also don't want children at the moment. I don't know of any other alternatives.

No. 2027583

Planning on going on an overnight trip with old college friends I rarely see who are pro-trans where there's a TIM in the group. He actually seems like an alright person but I usually avoided him. I feel guilty about still interacting with them and hiding my TERF-y views, but I don't want to disappoint my closest friend in the group. I could lose the rest of them though.

No. 2027588

i know but the number on the scale is driving me nuts and i just want it below that number at least. i dont plan on doing it for much longer, i have issues with binge eating so restricting is the only way i've found that really helps me kick the habit. i know i can do it because i did it 2 summers ago and once i kicked the binge habit i was able to control my eating and lost a good 20lbs that way. i just got lazy and depressed this winter and gained some back by binging and not exercising

No. 2027596

nona that's not sustainable. binging and restricting are both unhealthy and pendulum into each other. right now you're doing it for just for one event, but what about the next event?

No. 2027598

>i have issues with binge eating so restricting is the only way i've found that really helps me kick the habit
going from one extreme to another is not helping you reach a healthy eating pattern and again, is fucking with your metabolism which will make it harder to lose weight.
>i just got lazy and depressed this winter and gained some back by binging and not exercising
Weight loss is mostly about what you eat, not exercise amount. Please stop fixating on the scale and focus on limiting binging, even if it means in the short term you gain some weight.

No. 2027601

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Been feeling self-conscious lately. Is weird if I've only been intimate with 3 guys at the age of 31? I was dating one for several years before he cheated. Then had a mental breakdown and that's when the other 2 happened. But I haven't been with a guy in 2 to 3 years now and it doesn't bother me that much. The few experiences I've had really have been awful, so it makes it easier to split between reality and fantasy. I just mainly feel left out when coworkers talk about their love lives is all. I feel like if I had more adventurous time in my 20s, maybe I wouldn't feel this way.

No. 2027605

> who would continue thrusting after he came and would keep going until he came again
>I liked it
>feels unsafe having sex with guy
>still does it
sometimes I wonder what kind of deranged guys nonnas date because the shit I've read is questionable

No. 2027609

>Is weird if I've only been intimate with 3 guys at the age of 31?
anon im not saying this with malicious intent but honestly get a hobby

No. 2027610

> Is weird if I've only been intimate with 3 guys at the age of 31
I'm 3 years older and only slept with 1 (and a half, if i count a failed attempt kek)
whoring yourself in your 20s isn't something to be proud of, it's easy to do, it's much harder to find relatively decent men that can actually make you feel good in bed

No. 2027615

ill seriously never let some moid make me put a piece of metal in my womb or take medicine that gives me crazy acne and dries up my coochie, just use a condom holy shit

No. 2027616

Doesn't sound unusual or weird, no. I'm not sure how realistic it is but I agree with the nona who said you should ideally be in 4 relationships before you settle down with someone long term or you don't know enough about yourself and what you need from a relationship to be sure you have a good one that will last. Not that you need to have 4 but just that 4 shorter term relationships seemed to be the sweet spot from her observations.

No. 2027626

i appreciate both of you, thank you for the advice. i know it's a problem i have to fix and i probably have to do a lot more research than i have. i just find it so hard to stop binging and the only way ive found to force myself to stop is by restricting until i can trust myself to eat normally and healthily without binging. that usually works until something happens and i start binging again. it's a rough cycle and i want off this ride

No. 2027633

i’m on a new development project and they want me to meet at 6am every day for the next 4-6 months with the cheap ass indian developers they hired. they won’t move the meeting because “it’d be like 8pm for them” i don’t fucking care!! what about me and my time!! fuck outsourcing.

No. 2027639

India having internet access was a mistake

No. 2027644

i heard too many horror stories about copper IUDs making periods more heavier, more painful, and lasting for months. like heavy enough to send women to the hospital

No. 2027743

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My dad keeps on fucking reaching into my mailbox to pull out letters that are addressed to ME because I FUCKING LIVE HERE, NOT HIM and then hands them to me as if he's doing me a favor. I HAVE A KEY FOR IT. I CAN GET MY OWN LETTERS. He even looks at where they are from and whatever else is written on them. Why would you reach into the mailbox of your twenty-eight year old daughter and inspect her letters like that???
I stealth quit uni and haven't told my parents yet due to crippling shame but have signed up for some online courses and shit for a different major. Now, OF COURSE my dad pulled out a letter that says the online university on it and "CONTRACT" (I haven't signed it, I'm just looking at the classes with a free trial month so far). He's too oblivious to understand this isn't the university I attend, but he did make a remark on it, and if he tells my mom about this then she's going to talk to me about it.
I don't want to have this conversation with them. I don't want to talk to them about anything private going on in my life. Not that I have a bunch of mental illnesses I take medication for, not that I quit uni, not that I was suicidal the entire past 5 years. It's all none of their business.
I've gotten a part time job to not be a waste of space, which my mother heavily disapproves of because it's some shitty job in the service industry and I'm supposed to "focus on my studies". I'm such a sham. And I'm such a disappointment for starting and quitting university a million times. I hate myself, and I'm so mad at my parents for not respecting these very obvious boundaries anyone in their late twenties has.
I had a great day today and now I just want to cry.

No. 2027751

I hope you die soon in a painful way. Absolute scum, on par with a rapist moid.(baiting/alogging)

No. 2027767

Boyfriends are so fucking gay if you're better at computer games than them. They suddenly don't ever want to play the game you're better at. So I asked to play his current game of the moment with him and he doesn't want to play it anymore. Sorry I'm better than you at games you faggot, do you think this translates into a survival situation or some shit. Do men literally think playing a first person shooter makes them an actual war hero? He's being so annoying I need him to bring his gay friend and him into a coop situation with me so I can finally kill this nightmare boss I literally need them as fodder and he won't fucking do it. Grow up

No. 2027772

After the decline of shock sites, people have just been posting gore they find elsewhere

No. 2027773

>Do men literally think playing a first person shooter makes them an actual war hero?
Yeah, and they think being good at strategy games would make them good generals. That's why they get so invested in competitive games.

No. 2027778

Moids self-insert and project onto everything, even women

No. 2027787

Game I need help with is literally an rpg strategy game and he's saying he can't get to my level bevause I invested way more time blah blah. Literally if you're too retarded to be spoonfed all the information on the tool tips in the fucking game there are literal copy and paste builds to use. It's not rocket science he just hates I've picked up on the game quicker. Yet he saw me playing big kitty little city the other day and downloaded it for all the easy gamer points. Get good retard

No. 2027789

I just saw a homeless lady snatch a bunch of baby chicks from the street

No. 2027792

…to eat or to keep?

No. 2027796

File: 1717092961070.png (65.92 KB, 680x266, 1710282745777277.png)

>mom leaves clothes in the dryer for hours cause she doesn't have time to fold them
>i need to get laundry done
>eventually say "fuck it" and take the clothes out so i can dry my stuff
>"anon you can't take my clothes out of the dryer without folding them, if you just put them in the basket they'll get all wrinkled"

wtf do you think they're doing sitting in a pile in the dryer???

No. 2027798

Like omg there are times he is dying constantly and I'm like pull up your stats look your stats are shit do this easy thing and you'll be fine and he's like nope I want to play it my way and it's like I didn't invent that part of the game everyone does it my way that's a function youre suppose to learn of. He refuses to listen to my help and instead acts indignant then after dying a couple of 1000 times decides he's had enough. Then will later tell me he played a few hours with his mate and he helped him and taught him how to do x y and z which I tried to do but guess I'm just a dumb girl!

No. 2027803

>mfw theres a farmercaps account on tumblr
>one screenshot has 50k notes
Explains the newfags

No. 2027804

She was petting them, so I think maybe for companionship?

No. 2027808

Can you post some? I'm constantly surprised tumblr is still going I thought everyone left when yahoo bought it or something back in like 2013

No. 2027811

oh good lord kek. summer is gonna be interesting

No. 2027812

my whatsapp account got banned. i only use it to talk to one friend and it randomly banned me in the middle of our conversation this afternoon. we were talking about vacations so i have no idea wtf i did to violate their terms. sigh

No. 2027813

No. 2027814

You should sue them

No. 2027815

the tumblr is called farmercaps

No. 2027816

Have you considered getting some random moid online to help you out and casually tell your boyfriend that you don't need his help because another person helped you?

No. 2027817

That account has been discussed here a hundred times already, it's years old. Highly unlikely the new users are coming from there.

No. 2027818

I've partied up with randoms before but it's such a hit and miss experience but I get what you mean and I doubt it'd inspire him to help me. I think he chats to random girls on day z probably and why he doesn't want me to play or that's what I'll suggest eventually if he doesn't help me. I reckon it'll come out next week if I don't get my way kek

No. 2027819

I'm just surprised it's still active and the post with 50k is still going around. People are tagging it 4chan like dumbasses. You know a few are coming from there. Why did an anon even make that account?

No. 2027821

Attention whoring most likely, social media users love to show off how edgy they are by posting/reblogging caps from imageboards. The amount of genderspecials on Twitter posting 4chan caps proves it.

No. 2027822

It should be called newfag central it's essentially a highlights of dumbass shit posting anons. Suddenly getting premonitions about the creator of that tumblr muttering not enough content and having a panic attack

No. 2027823

The post with 50k notes isn't even funny. What a lame account

No. 2027825

File: 1717094018948.jpeg (23.71 KB, 464x385, IMG_7864.jpeg)

casually ignoring my moles mutating in shape as well as the new appearances +weird breast and lymph "sensations" i've been having for the past like year because i'm a poorfag thirdie. i'm stoic af. honestly if this somehow kills me i wasn't meant to live long anyway even if i really want to be a dope ass 80 year old woman someday, but if nothing's happening then nothing's happening. not like i can do shit about shit anyway

No. 2027827

For some reason every once in a while someone I follow who I know who hates men and is anti tranny will reblog something from there and it makes me side-eye the hell out of them.

No. 2027831

File: 1717094331810.jpeg (65.57 KB, 1170x939, IMG_8499.jpeg)

I got fairly drunk and vented about everything in my life. I want to kill myself, yes, but not right now. I don’t want to kill myself anymore than the average woman who has to live in the shitshow that is the modern world. Yet, i Made myself out to be drunker and more suicidalthan I am so the men in my life - high earning worthless pieces of shit- worry about me. I want them to lay awake at night terrified about what might happen to me while I do a slightly buzzed face mask treatment. I’m a piece of shit, my life is shit. Mother fuckers, give me money.

No. 2027845

Same, just today thought about it

No. 2027869

this is exactly how I feel nonna, we're risking our fucking bodies just so a moid could come unbothered
sure, raw sex might feel good but it's the women who suffer long term for this shit

No. 2027892

File: 1717096474267.gif (997.04 KB, 480x270, IMG_0962.gif)

It’s been a few days and I still have that inflamed lymph node lump near my ear. Nigga am I dying!? hopefully

No. 2027926

Tampons feels so fucking uncomfortable

No. 2027927

I wish I didn't have a neanderthal tier skullshape so I could just shave my head already. I'm so jealous of women who can rock that look, too badass.
The picture fucking kek

No. 2028006

File: 1717099684039.jpg (209.4 KB, 935x1054, 1000002345.jpg)

moids are so fucking stupid, i'm so tired of the trend of idealizing having an autistic girlfriend. as soon as the autistic girl shows autistic symptoms they get mad. sorry my autism isn't like the cute quirky manic pixie dream girl kind you see on tiktok i guess

No. 2028017

Ore your teeth ok?

No. 2028026

Push it in deeper, you shouldn't be able to feel it at all

No. 2028032

My first job was in public service and had a lot of responsibility, long hours, and stress. Through reasons, I was transferred (not my choice) to two other jobs within the company. These jobs I could slack off more and nothing serious was on the line.
I quit because I wanted to move (and also I hated management and the people I worked with there, even though it was simple I dreaded going to work and it was like walking on eggshells) and now I’ve been out of a job for months now. Been applying for whatever is relevant, but there’s a lot of competition.
It’s been so long since I’ve worked a job with a lot of responsibilities, that I’m not sure if I can do it again. I feel like I’m not capable anymore. I know this is stupid, but I want the high pay and benefits without having to learn a million things, being responsible for multiple duties, and the stress of “you can’t ever mess up”. I think I burnt myself out picking something extreme in the beginning, and I probably have low esteem from being rejected so many times. I wish I didn’t have to work at all.

No. 2028043

>as soon as the autistic girl shows autistic symptoms they get mad.
they live in a fantasy world where they don't need to guilt trip the woman into staying in a basement and being a submissive NEET but she just does it out of her own free will. Reality is that unless she's a trust fund baby or heavily autistic enough to get disability all tism women have to work and get an education, majority of tistic women in therapy get encouraged to make friends, hold down jobs and education and not be some moids retard slave like how they predict having an autistic gf is going to go. Even if they somehow accomplish this - the woman will just end up ditching their asses since their expectations of women wont be close to reality

No. 2028047

I may be laid off soon, and I realize that although I can manage, it may fuck up all of the time off I have requested. Most jobs aren't really cool about you requesting time off as needed, and there are two things I have to do, period, regardless of whatever my next job may say

No. 2028068

>heavily autistic enough to get disability
Even if they do get that, they'll just cheat on her with women they actually connect with and just plan on using the poor girl as an ego punching bag but won't treat her like an actual partner, likely plans to ignore her 90% of the time

No. 2028071

i hate being gullible, easily manipulated, trusting, and the honest oversharing type. these words might sound like a humblebrag but it's not. i am an idiot who literally doesn't know how to lie for self preservation from guilt, i don't know how to say no to people, and i believe everything people tell me. why can't i learn my lesson? i wish i wasnt such a massive retard

No. 2028082

File: 1717101828530.png (384.19 KB, 450x624, hiki_daytrader2.png)

i am weak and useless
i wish to die
i hate my life

No. 2028089

i accidentally unfollowed a guy i've been talking to/crushing on. i pray he doesn't notice but if he does i'm cooked. how am i supposed to tell him i was checking his account obsessively and accidentally tapped unfollow. humiliating

No. 2028090

I used to feel guilty for getting free things from guys but I've learned to use this shit to my advantage, after all, if they offer why would I be dumb to say no? If they expect anything in return, that's their problem, not mine. I've gotten some pretty expensive things too.
Sometimes it's good to be selfish and hustle, especially since these dudes earn/ed way better than I ever will.
I remember a post from some nonna that said men should be used and milked dry, I dunno if I fully agree with that but again, if they offer, not our fault!

No. 2028092

friendship is a lie. every friend you have is a relationship without the sex. you are a faggot if you have any friends. sorry.(derailing, baiting)

No. 2028099

No. 2028103

i'm falling off

No. 2028105

File: 1717102696928.png (791.72 KB, 2494x3237, 1000017048.png)

>friendship is a lie
Friendship is Magic? More like Friendship is Faggot.

No. 2028122

god what idiot thought girls wouldn't like cute anime girls wow i feel so cheated now lmao

No. 2028130

god nonnas i want to go insane. loser ex e-bf keeps texting me to whine to take him back, how he's miserable without me, sending 10+ messages at a time etc and i want to claw my eyes out. this is what i get for falling for the edating meme when i was younger

No. 2028143

On the contrary I'm glad I wasn't ever someone who slept around. I'm glad I don't have to deal with having slept with my friends new boyfriend before they got together, I'm glad I don't have to worry if some random guy I slept with also fucked some of my friends, I'm glad I'll never walk into a store with my boyfriend and the guy behind the counter fucked me before he did but I can't tell him so he just talks politely to this guy and tells me he thinks he seemed cool while I die inside. I'm glad guys can't have their locker room talks about women they've slept with and I come up and they all go "me too, I also fucked her" and they high five over it and compare me to other women.

Also just imagine your friend having a kid and you slept with the guy before they got together. I'd feel so weird around that kid, their dad fucked their mom's friend and now I have to live with being that person forever.

No. 2028156

File: 1717105161313.jpg (102.21 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

i was waiting for a friend outside a bar in a an area know for its prostitutes today and the moment i stopped 2 men started licking their lips as they looked at me. I'm so disgusted, you can't even stand in the street without being sexualized

No. 2028159

I’m trying nona but for some reason its not going deep enough no matter how much I push it, I always end up feeling it when I sit down or lay down. There was only 1 time last month where I finally got that “i dont even feel its there” feeling, it was so good but every other time it’s PRESENT

No. 2028165

samefag but it's so unbelievable to me how grown moids act like selfish mopey 14 year olds, this is sending me into a fit of rage

No. 2028167

wtf left is so cute! Why does America hate cute things??

No. 2028169

You should've done something unattractive in response. Like gratuitously pick your nose or scratch your ass.

No. 2028173

I worry about you guys sometimes

No. 2028177

fuck that's such a good idea ! i was a coward and simply read a book

No. 2028249

And Europe. If you guys are over 20 you know damn well anime was not popular or accepted in the west back then and the game covers had to be changed to market the game to young girls at the time.

No. 2028257

Please just block this fucking loser already. If you can't do that for whatever reason switch your phone off so you don't have to put up with his retarded attention seeking.
Be normal about it, if he brings it up laugh about your fat fingers and pretend you never even noticed.
That sounds like autism, not a humblebrag. Can you recognise when you're being manipulated or lied to, or do you need someone else to point it out to you? You sound like you have a lot of empathy that makes you easy to exploit. Learn to keep your mouth shut, don't share anything about yourself so others don't immediately latch onto your weaknesses, and always put yourself in the other person's shoes. Why is the person telling you something? Does that person stand to gain something from you, or from your reaction? Does that person act that way with others, or just you? How do you know the other person is being honest when it's so easy for others to lie? Remember, you're not going to get anything from being a doormat. No need to be rude or unpleasant, just learn to say no to things that make you uncomfortable or unhappy, and if they press the issue, learn to stand your ground. Figure out why you feel guilty about lying or saying no. I think you're being unnecessarily harsh on yourself here. Sure, you're a bit of a sped, but we live in an age where kids genuinely believe that they can astral project into books, you're not nearly as retarded as you could be. Take it slow, you're not going to undo years of intense retardation overnight. Work on it little by little and don't beat yourself up for your mistakes, you're trying to get better and that's what matters.

No. 2028264

Depends on where in Europe, because Italy and France have been countries of weaboos for several decades now.

No. 2028287

My supposedly super woke activist friends who constantly repost stupid thoughtless activism posts are all so fucking supportive of a singer who is KNOWN to get pedophiles out of jail. It makes me feel fucking sick because they keep playing her around me and mocking me because they know I really don't like it but it's because she's a pedophile defender? I don't just not like her music or anything. It makes me so angry and I keep reminding them no I don't like listening to this because it makes me think of CHILD VICTIMS but they just go quiet and ignore it.. then eventually say "but her music is so good!!"
Like just fucking admit you do not care or it makes you uncomfortable to admit that you care more about a fun rap than child SA victims. It pisses me off so much because all day I see them posting activist bullshit and trying to cancel random celebrities for the dumbest shit but when someone's actually fucking gross they dont wanna hear it.
I just feel sad and sick and uncomfortable. It makes me feel like they're just complicit and actually can't have that much of a problem with pedophilia if their fav's music is fun enough.

No. 2028289

I just had the most absurd interaction with a moid that made me realize I still have the capacity to be shocked and appalled by them in new ways.
I mentioned offhandedly that I was cooking my boyfriend a roast, and a moid responded something like "I just know that shit is going to be unseasoned and gray". So I sent a picture back where I had chopped up the roast into cubes and was browning the pieces in the pan. He said "Nice job letting your boyfriend do the hard part, all you have to do is throw it in a pot and press a few buttons and be lazy for a few hours". So I responded back that my boyfriend wasn't even home to be helping cook, and he was being weirdly aggressive and wrong for no reason.
He proceeds to tell me that it's super weird that I'm "butchering" meat, and cooking and cutting meat like that is super masculine, and I should be cooking "feminine" foods only not cutting up meat. What??

No. 2028315

>and a moid responded something like "I just know that shit is going to be unseasoned and gray". So I sent a picture back where I had chopped up the roast
Nonna no, it's baiting you so it can continue to berate you every time you try to prove it wrong. Moids like this are a drain on every woman around it and prod at women in order to get the attention it would otherwise receive if it was a halfway decent creature. Don't give it attention. Don't respond to its texts, and don't try to prove yourself to it. You're already better than it and don't need its approval.

No. 2028323

I am TRYING to talk to A HOT WOMAN online but I am RETARDED and ANNOYING so I am having a panic attack on what to say because oh god she's a real woman for real i checked. hot and goth. I have no chance but by fucking god i am trying.

Also threadpic is cute tbh

No. 2028330

File: 1717110798695.gif (1.27 MB, 500x383, IMG_3103.gif)

i believe in you anon

No. 2028332

men enjoy any female attention and feeling like you care about their opinions, you should have ignored him after first comment

No. 2028333

File: 1717110912339.gif (414.88 KB, 220x175, chill.gif)

Kek anon relax and just be yourself. For all you know she might be just as anxious as you to seem cool.

No. 2028354

Do I ever bother with the hotline or do I just call the ems and have them take to the hospital? My family will be really upset with me and the hospital has not been helpful at all in the past. None of my friends or my boyfriend can be here for me. My family won’t do anything for me but make me feel worse. I am very tired. Do I even bother?

No. 2028358

File: 1717111832200.png (797.22 KB, 1283x968, 1696192042230.png)

not sure what to think of this. apparently the neighbor has a ladder against the brick wall separating our yard and his. I really hope it isn't anything creepy and he's just keeping it there.

No. 2028377

Set up an old phone or laptop recording the fence if you can, you never know. My father spied over the fence into our neighbors' garden all the time and even took pics (and they spied on us too), you never know. Sometimes neighbors are fucking creeps and/or assholes, better safe than sorry.

No. 2028395

File: 1717112877239.jpeg (15.31 KB, 592x352, cry puddle .jpeg)

If there is ONE THING I could change about being a woman, it's the FUCKING mood swings that come with PMS. I can deal with bleeding for 6 days, whatever. But I hate that for 7-10 days out of every month, I just feel "generally crappy" and low and nothing sounds fun and I feel bad about myself. No matter how much I take care of myself, exercise, eat healthily, drink plenty of water, and take my vitamins, and get sunshine, I STILL feel like absolute ass every month and it's just not fucking fair.

No. 2028409

I have a ladder next to my neighbors fence. I put it there because I thought my cat climbed the fence and I had to look over it, then I forgot about it.

No. 2028410

Do you want to talk about what’s going on and maybe we can help you come up with a plan? It’s obvious something in your life needs to change and maybe we can help you figure out what that is and how to fix itso you don’t have to feel this way anymore.

No. 2028427

I don’t have much I can do. My hands are pretty tied. My friends and I have been trying to figure something out but not much can be done. I have a therapist appointment but ngl she’s pretty useless. My case worker has done what she can. My family will help me with the bare minimum. I live in a rural area and I am on what resources that I qualify for (not very many). I’m a useless NEET on welfare who lives in a tard apartment because I’m just that retarded. Me being dead would be more relief to our government, my family and the resources I take up by being useless that don’t even help. Me going into a psych ward is just. It keeps me safe but I will just be thrown back into the current situation where I’m alone and doing everything I can by myself (which isn’t enough to assist me). I feel so embarrassed by talking about things here. I have no where else to go but my friends who I burden so greatly. I hate this. I have been through a lot of shit. My whole life has been a bunch of shitty situations just bombarding me. Nonstop. Idk if I have ever been happy but this is actually the lowest I have ever been. Unironically. I have been keeping myself asleep as much as possible. I have had a plan for a long time. I see my boyfriend next month. Trip to see my friends in August. I told myself after the trip. I am not making to either one.

No. 2028436

I want to have a baby but I feel guilty for wanting this. In a shame way. Like I feel that pregnancy would be shameful to me, as if I were a teen mom and not a functional 30 year old woman. I keep thinking that my family would be disappointed in me, even though my sister already has 2 kids and started when she was like 25. I am really struggling with this, and it makes me wonder if it means that I’m not mature enough to be a parent. In my past relationship I didn’t feel inclined to start a family at all and was very adamant at being childfree but after leaving that and finding someone who is far better suited to me as a partner my views have changed. I think this might be part of my shame feelings, that I’ve changed my mind and perhaps am unprincipled. I’m driving myself crazy.

No. 2028438

File: 1717114978272.jpg (160.22 KB, 1278x752, 1689451734684602.jpg)

Agreed. Also for me it's very annoying because I can lash out at someone or do something else stupid when I'm at my lowest, then period comes and I feel much better but also feel ashamed about what I did that few days before because it was just my period coming.

No. 2028440

hey but what has changed that you won’t go forward with seeing your boyfriend or your friends?

No. 2028447

You don’t sound like you’re stupid, you sound like you are traumatized. I think that you’re doing a great job making use of the resources you have available to you and a lot of people in your position do not have friends or are capable of being in a relationship. Already I see signs that you are a strong person who should not be given up on. A lot of people in your position would have given up by now or would be living in a far worse way alienating everyone. A lot of people in your position are not living independently or do not have the amount of financial independence you have, you seem more capable than you are giving yourself credit for.

What’s the situation with the boyfriend and how often you see him? And how long have you been together? I think moving in with him could make you feel a lot better. I sleep too much when I’m alone because I don’t know what to do with myself and am depressed too. But being around another person could help you find that inner drive I guess I would put it? Like how when you’re by yourself it’s like meh to clean up little things because you can do it later but around other people it becomes way easier to just do it instantly. I think it’s cos we’re a social species.

I think that if you were around people more you’d perk up a bit and then at that point you could maybe think about what you want to do. School could be great cos you’d likely get low tuition and more money than you’re getting now with grants. You can start out super slow and you can miss more classes if you email your professors and keep doing your work than you could miss shifts without getting fired. I think just being less alone and finding a goal and working towards it would do wonders for you. I didn’t know what I wanted to do for a long time and went through a lot young and really struggled in some of the ways you have, but working towards my dream careers and developing the skills I want to have has done wonders for me. I feel less suicidal less often because I can imagine a future for myself and I think that is probably a universal thing for all human beings.

No. 2028468

I'm not quite a teen but I'm very young and unexpectedly pregnant. I did feel ashamed but now I don't, and I thought my family would be disappointed but they're not, they just love me. What I'm saying is even if you have a reason to feel ashamed, which you don't, shame goes away, self judgement goes away and you're left with excitement and happiness! It's okay not to feel like you want to be child free anymore. People and situations change! It sounds like you've found a partner you're more secure with. There's this narrative that pregnant women are happy and at peace and joyful but if you go on any pregnancy support site.. they're not. It's full of emotions and fear. Don't be so unkind to yourself!

No. 2028486

I’m just having a really really hard type coping at this point. Idk how to keep hanging on.
Moving in with him has been something talked about. We have been together a year almost. He lives on the other side of the country and is closer to Russia and Canada than any other state. I’m in the Midwest. I have a lot of really huge concerns then I do like… comforts? Resources seem just as little as they do here. Moving a lot of my insurance stuff is a big issue to me and Medicaid is a bitch to fight. I have health issues that need addressed and can’t be ignored or I would ya know. He doesn’t want to come here and I can’t seem to get it to his head why he shouldn’t even stay there (his irl friends are shit heads and his family is smthin else). I also don’t think we could live on our own without at least a roommate. I would fair better in the state I am in if I wasn’t… in the bum fuck no where part of my state that is ravaged by the opioid crisis lol. It’s why I have zero resources.. it’s all about curbing that.

I have considered school but the problem is that I don’t have my ged. I really need to do studying and classes for them cuz I feel like it would help me greatly. I have done some on my own but it’s been very hard to do. My isolation is not helping me much in cognitive function to do it. I have the issues of transport also. My family has told me I’m SOL and have to figure out shit in my own. I basically have to beg to get them to interact with me physically now that I don’t live with my parents. Sometimes they surprise me and will have me come over but that’s not often esp now that they are relived to be rid of me. There’s also another situation I feel weird getting into. My dumb ass parents decided to be foster parents for a drug baby who isn’t going anywhere. So my step mom and my dad get their do over baby in their late 50s after fucking up their kids between the two of them. Idk there’s a lot I hate to speak of on here cuz it feels too power level like. I am just tired of my shitty hand just getting shittier. I have had years of isolation on top of my current situation. I have online friends and boyfriend only for a reason. I spent so many years like this. My family thinks I’m happy despite me telling me them how it’s kinda like… worsening me. Yet living with them is no better. Idk. I got a huuuggggeeee head ache rn

No. 2028516

Ugly men ruin my day

No. 2028530

recently visited my mom, she had a party for a relative's birthday. While there, she retold this old story that was kind of racist, and she knows it's racist. I decided it wasn't worth my energy to get her to stop, so I just walked away and she got offended by that. I think she expected me to perform the people-pleasing shit she raised me to do, and laugh politely at her dumb story, but I'm just over it.

I'm not in my home country very often bc of work and school, I wish we could have better conversations than decades-old stories.

No. 2028535

>Why did an anon even make that account?
when the blog was first discovered a few years ago she came to /meta/ to defend it, saying how she wanted an archive for caps or some shit (even though half of it was just reposts from the caps thread)

No. 2028557

I think an actionable first step could be assessing where you are academically. There are probably online tests you can take but I suggest buying a GED test manual on amazon and timing yourself and seeing how well you do. You can try one subject a day. You may not need to take and get yourself to classes if you’re not that far off passing a practice test, which will likely be slightly harder than the real ones you can take subject by subject. It can be good to get yourself into a different environment in order to focus. I like to go be in public so I can’t just slack off and do nothing. Like a bookstore or cafe, both of most of those will have coffee to help with attention span and mental clarity. You will feel so much better once you get your high school equivalency, trust me. You probably feel the way you do because you feel so trapped. You can’t get out of the house, which means you can’t meet new people or work or go to school. I think if you also worked on getting your license or relocating to a different area of the same state you would also feel better. Like moving someone with public transportation which you would probably qualify to get for free. Maybe see if your parents would be willing to help you get your GED since out of anything you could ask for help from them with, that can be emphasized as most important and will help you get more independence. I know it is very overwhelming. I think you are just mentally overwhelmed and shutting down because it all is a lot to figure out. But you’ve got your welfare figured out and your apartment. That’s a lot already. But if you focus on obtaining one thing at a time, it is doable. I have had points of my life where I have had nothing too or lost things and had to rebuild everything. It is hard and takes time but you will be unstoppable one day too.

This sounds kind of cold but if your boyfriend doesn’t want to make any effort to help you with your situation and be there for you in person and move on together, then maybe it’s time to look for someone nearby. Because honestly getting on apps and meeting people near you is going to benefit you a lot. Even if the person you meet on the app isn’t it, sometimes you are introduced to their friend group and suddenly you know a lot more people by just getting to know one. Someone who you can hang out with in real life would probably make a huge difference for you even if you don’t move in together right away compared to online dating. They could also help you with your transportation issues and even getting a job and getting to it. That might be the easiest way for you to get enough money to get a car eventually, getting help from a friend or bf to carpool to a job you both work at. I

No. 2028588

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I feel so fucking evil for leaving my cat with my parents in my old home state. I love him so much, he’s my baby but he’s getting so old (almost 20 years old) and already has some health and mobility issues. I don’t think he would survive a plane ride or 24 hour car trip. He already hates the 15 minute car ride to the vet so I don’t know how to even begin moving him. I moved across states for a job but found a relationship and new community while here and I don’t want to move away from this new life but I don’t want to live it without my baby. I feel like he’s going to die soon and I won’t be there. I know he thinks I’ve abandoned him because I did.

No. 2028589

I wish I could give u a better reply nonna. Ur really helping me out and r right about a lot. I feel so bad rn and don’t know what to do. I can’t keep sleeping. Idk how much the hospital is going to help me cuz last time it was me sitting there for a week then being kicked out without any real help. Idk what to do at all or where to turn. This really sucks

No. 2028611

That's retarded. The catalog IS the archive for this entire site.

No. 2028624

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Fuck anon I know that feeling, I left my cat with my parents the last time I moved because he'll have a big house and lots of people to give him attention instead of being alone in a small apartment all day. When I visit him he's friendly enough but he treats me like a stranger. I got him as a feral cat and he bonded to me when he was still scared of everyone else, he was my baby for 9 years, now he's not my cat anymore. He won't even sleep in my bed when I stay at my parents house, I miss feeling the weight of his little body plop against my leg at night, it helped me sleep. Sigh

No. 2028662

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>me reading this going on my 3rd week out of state on work while my doggo is at my mom's
It's pet friendly hotel but it would be cruel for doggo and inconvenient for me. I hate this shit.

No. 2028665

>He proceeds to tell me that it's super weird that I'm "butchering" meat, and cooking and cutting meat like that is super masculine, and I should be cooking "feminine" foods only not cutting up meat. What??

You interacted with a literal faggot.

No. 2028672

pls stop interacting with this obnoxious scrote, dont give him any attention

No. 2028687

I’m just barely coming into this thread but wow, some of you nonas are so incredibly kind. I’m at a super low point myself and just seeing how helpful at least one (possibly more) of you are is bit more encouraging. Please never change. I try my best to say what I hope are helpful or encouraging words to others on here when I can although I feel so completely incapable of helping other humans but still sometimes make that attempt. Just to let some anon somewhere know they mean something even if they can’t see it themself. I hope any trouble nonas out there can get through whatever difficult times they are stuck in. I still feel aimlessly lost with no desire to be alive. My commitment to and love for abused and abandoned dogs is what keeps me around. They would be so sad and confused if I was gone.

No. 2028688

Also love how down to earth some of you are. Sometimes it takes typing it out to realize how stupid we can be in situations and others anons laying it out straight up like it is. We all need some sense talked into us at some point.

No. 2028692

>Can you recognise when you're being manipulated or lied to, or do you need someone else to point it out to you?
i usually need someone to point out put. sometimes i recognize patterns after people tell me them which helps me, but this is rare because people usually aren't perfectly patterned.

>You sound like you have a lot of empathy that makes you easy to exploit. Learn to keep your mouth shut, don't share anything about yourself so others don't immediately latch onto your weaknesses, and always put yourself in the other person's shoes. Why is the person telling you something? Does that person stand to gain something from you, or from your reaction? Does that person act that way with others, or just you? How do you know the other person is being honest when it's so easy for others to lie?

this is very good input. i end up getting manipulated and hurt a lot. i will try to think of these as i talk to people. i had someone point out manipulation to me recently which is why i made the post. sometimes i want to warn people they should be careful with me because i believe everything, but that's really stupid…

>Take it slow, you're not going to undo years of intense retardation overnight. Work on it little by little and don't beat yourself up for your mistakes, you're trying to get better and that's what matters.

thanks nona. i feel hurt by the recent happenings, but this inspires me a lot.

No. 2028702

I feel like im walking on land with ticking time bombs on the ground but instead of bombs its misogyny. No matter what kind of woman you are, you will always be put in a box. You will always get stuck with some sort of misogyny like youre swimming in a lake full lof venomous leeaches. Each day that passes, everywhere i go, the degradation of women gets clearer in my eyes. Porn deepfakes, slowed gifs focused on their body parts, no matter what they sing or what they wear and if youre not the perfect troon loving girls girl nlog sex doll youllbe pulled apart to shreds. Meanwhile, men get to look like a creature from the undiscovered part of the sea, send dick pics, believe in whatever they want, commit war crimes and still find succes and are cherished for who they are. Im depressed that no matter what, women will never love me or other women the same way they love men. I will never be fantasized about by women like im an amazing wonderful person or respected for my achievements and talent if they are not attracted to me. I dont wish to be a man (potential rapist/pedo) but i dont think i enjoy being a woman anymore.

No. 2028708

you should have told him cutting meat is a very feminine thing, like chopping his dick off and feeding to stray dogs.

No. 2028712

he sounds butthurt about you mentioning your boyfriend

No. 2028718

I keep looking before I step back so I don’t step on her paw and putting away plastic bags so she won’t chew on them and it’s just me in an empty apartment and I hate it!!!!!!! I just figured she’d be with me forever.

No. 2028743

He's mad you have a bf and cook. He wishes he was your bf.

No. 2028751

This year was my peak excitement for life, too. I feel like that's when I split off into the dark timeline.

No. 2028809

i live on a military base and heard my neighbor getting beat up by her shitty husband and kept yelling at him to stop. i yelled at her that she could come in our door whenever but now im fucking scared this idiot will kill us all

fuck i hate men

No. 2028814

Don't bother trying to prove yourself to someone who wants you to be wrong no matter how right you are anon

No. 2028827

I can't tell if I am losing or have already lost the use of my front teeth. I am so fucked, I'm sure it's my molars next.

No. 2028831

best reply

No. 2028838

File: 1717141341239.jpg (Spoiler Image,89.24 KB, 1919x1079, fG6cFJrgnoDgH-h6GdDc6Z_6QMPwIp…)

I hate sunscreen, I hate summer

No. 2028848

And I hate that picture.

No. 2028860

Why is this faggot in your life? You better cut him off

No. 2028864

I think I was just born to be an outcast. I had no shot from day one, and any attempts I make to change are an embarassment

No. 2028885

What happened?

No. 2028913

Not brushing my teeth for a decade. I'm not even 25 and I can't chew normally. Point and laugh, this is the place for it.

No. 2028916

My attention span is so fried, I've to finish my last few uni assignments and then I'm done with my degree but I'm so fucking lazy I cannot begin to explain, I'm just doomscrolling going to the gym and sleeping

No. 2028920

I hate my friend/roomate's boyfriend so much ugh. Fat nasty lazy moid

No. 2028929

Why didn't you brush?

No. 2028946

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I really fucking wish some people would realize that there are no positive sides to mental illness. My mental issues have only made me worse as a person (less social, less motivated, less responsible, less curious, less everything). OCD in particular being treated as a cute quirk instead of something that ruins your life is fucking obnoxious.

No. 2028958

I hate my friend's father so goddamn much. The latest fun fact she's told me about him is that he tries to get her to wear pants that are tight on her ass and does "inspections" of the size of her chest. Figures. I was surprised thus far that I hadn't heard about him doing that sort of thing.

No. 2028982

>hook up was meh a couple weeks ago
>get bored and horny and hit him up again to retry him
>"I can't even afford drinks right now"
>uhh ok that sucks hope it gets better for you
>silence for weeks
>messages me yo and asks me to come over randomly today
>tell him sorry can't afford it
These men are so pointless I'm not even that mad just annoyed. Also he was literally shushing me the whole time like who gives a fuck if your roommate wakes up pussy

No. 2028996

I am fucking fuming right now. My shrink is on vacation right now and I ran out of my meds, but he assured me that if I call his office, his assistants will call in another doc who would prescribe it for me. I call his office, first the assistant scolds me for not realizing that I ran out of my meds sooner, then tells me that there are no doctors in, I should call again in the afternoon, then she slams the phone without even saying bye. I call the number again in the afternoon, and after about 10 unanswered rings, a recorded message plays saying that the doctor is out of his office right now and will be in again on Monday. They literally blew me off because I was inconveniencing them and they did not feel like working. Boy I'm gonna write a saucy review, I just wish I knew the name of the assistant

No. 2029000

i have ocd and i always think it's funny when amberlynn reid pretends to suffer from it kek. she claims to have an obsessive fear of germs yet eats at restaurants indiscriminately without worrying if she'll catch food poisoning, rarely bathes, and something tells me she doesn't wash her hands much. i think the only intrusive thought that ever enters her head is the one telling her to eat.

No. 2029058

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my brother regularly takes hours long giant elephant shits that result in clogging one of the toilets and now it's gotten to a point where it's permanently clogged and everyone has to share one toilet now. i'm scared he's going to break that one too (he almost did months ago). i don't fucking get it he eats the same slop as everyone else and we manage to shit normally, what the fuck is he doing? again his marathon megashits are DAILY, not even occasional

No. 2029064

That's amazing. How does he do it?

No. 2029069

>forgot to give grandma her dementia meds yesterday
I'm fucked, never happened before but I fell asleep early last night.
What's worse is that nobody is fucking responding to me at all, I'm no med expert man.
I'll just give her her morning pills and hope for the best, man I fucking hate myself.

No. 2029071

he's probably using too much toilet paper

No. 2029074

My best friend is being such a pickme recently and I don't know why. It's in front of all of our friends and also our crush, but she just loves bringing me down. It's not obvious enough for me to call her out on on because she'll just say I'm being dramatic but I KNOW her intentions. She keeps bringing up stuff she knows I haven't watched/ played just so she can loudly proclaim "omgggg you haven't even played X game??". We're the same size and she randomly decided to say "well you're closer to the size above and I'm closer to the size below." Also if any of our friends bring something up she always turns to me and says "oh you hate that don't you?" Even if I've never voiced an opinion on it. I don't know why she's doing it? I have no interest in her crush, I'm literally engaged !
She was even kind of insulting my fiance's appearance the other day by describing all of his characteristics and saying ugh I just think it's sooo unattractive when men look like that.
Pisses me OFF

No. 2029076

Oops, *her crush. Definitely not mine !!

No. 2029080

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So I went to a job interview yesterday and I don't know if I should be mad at all.
>be me
>be at job interview
>first person to arrive there
>It's a school
>they avoid referring to me
>don't notice tbh
>they just say my name
>moid comes in
>he will also take the test and try to get the coordination spot for sure
>put in my test that I want the coordination spot
>(I don't have the experience but I consider myself to have a great knowledge in the area that needs to be coordinated)
>they all refer to him as "professor"
>I also graduated from uni so yeah, I'm a "professor" too
>but he's older than me
>get slightly annoyed
>still probably do great at the interview
>get told "Oh, but you surely want to teach, don't you? That's what we talked about via messages!"
>she never specified the spot via messages
>still try to sound more like a coordinator
>get asked to give a class next week
Whatever, I will take the teaching job anyways, but I just know that he will be the coordinator because he's a moid and he's older.
Hell, she wanted me to go to primary school to teach, like what? No girl, read my fucking curriculum you idiot, it says I'm not an integral teacher, I literally can't teach in fucking primary school, but I guess I look "too young" (as in I don't look like I'm a dying old lady in her 90's that had to go through a war, 3 abortions and a few murders in her family) or maybe I speak too softly? I don't know anymore, I'm just annoyed, that's it, I'm annoyed because it doesn't matter where I go, everyone wants me to fucking teach in primary or even preschool and NO, I didn't fucking study for that, stop asking me to teach there, there's young teachers at high-school level, I've seen them with my glasses and even bare eyes, why are they accepted as teachers in high-school and I'm not? Should I get a fucking postgraduate to be a fucking high-school teacher or to even be fucking considered? I want to kill myself.

No. 2029082

That sounds suspicious, either her crush likes you or she likes your fiance.

No. 2029083

girl this woman wants you DEAD. just block her.

No. 2029090

It's sooo weird but when she's being herself we're super close and everything is really good. I don't know where this behaviour has come from, I know she has no interest in my fiance and her crush is honestly not the slightest interested in either of us lol so it's all just strange

No. 2029094

That's a classic, they act like bffs with you in private and then tell everyone your weaknesses in public, that's toxic as fuck.

No. 2029095

You need to assert your dominance in public. That's how these animals think.

No. 2029112

All those things are absolutely obvious enough to call her out. Who cares if she calls you dramatic.

>She keeps bringing up stuff she knows I haven't watched/ played just so she can loudly proclaim "omgggg you haven't even played X game??"

You could respond with concern that she forgot you literally told her that you hadn't watched/played that thing, doesn't she remember? is her memory okay? maybe she's been drinking too much or her bc is melting her gray matter. offer her some ginkgo biloba supplements.

>she randomly decided to say "well you're closer to the size above and I'm closer to the size below."

That's just rude. You can just respond flatly "we're the same size, why are you splitting hairs?" Pull out a tape measurer if you want, she's clearly the rude on there. that's just a weird thing to say and it's not dramatic to point that out.

>if any of our friends bring something up she always turns to me and says "oh you hate that don't you?" Even if I've never voiced an opinion on it.

Treat her once again as if she has some unfortunate memory problems and make it clear you have never said you dislike that thing. There is no reason for her to do that in front of other people except to drive a wedge between you. You can ask her why she thought that you disliked it as if you're genuinely confused, make it awkward back at her.

You could straight up ask her what her damage is if you care, but I'm partial to just ghosting her for being awful.

No. 2029135

I hate when people say that you can't ban porn because prohibition never works. And then they give alcohol or drugs as an example and how the prohibition never worked on them. So instead we're just supposed to suck it up and "educate" people even though that shit that barely works

No. 2029154

this is so wild to me because imagine something that causes divorce, erectile dysfunction, increases the rate of sexual abuse in children, long term psychological effect and has literally 0 LEGAL gatekeeping or legislation to control it. nothing else under the sun comes close. even alcohol requires ID

No. 2029256

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>can't get a proper job without education
>decide to look up colleges
>15k€ for 3 years

Guess I'll keep doing shit tire jobs since I can't even get a loan.

No. 2029263

damn why can’t you get a loan nonnie? I thought they gave loans to just about anyone they could extort

No. 2029265

I'm sorry nonna, other women throwing you under the bus for the slightest crumb of male attention when all you want is to try and be their friend is always mindnumbing.

No. 2029267

Because I don't have a job atm and I wouldn't be able to pay it back with the shit jobs I usually do

No. 2029291

that’s weird because they let college students with no jobs get loans. have you tried filling out financial aid at the very least? also some of these shit jobs give tuition reimbursement, you can also look at voc rehab sometimes they pay for your classes. it’s for disabled people but they classify mental issues as disabilities now kek, if you get through the evaluation and be considered they could pay for classes but it’s only available in US/select states

No. 2029298

You can't be in America with those prices, it's too cheap. But if you are in America, you can get a loan for school no matter what, you just have to apply for the FAFSA loan.
But still, if you think the education will get you a career and you'll be able to pay the loan back with that career, you shouldn't hesitate. A degree opens many doors, as long as you don't get something really stupid that makes no money. For example, my friend got a bachelors in Bible Study at a private college and it cost her $120,000. So that was a poor choice. But then my other friend got a bachelors in Fine Art, and she never used it but the government only allows you to get certain jobs if you have a bachelor's, so now she works on grants and makes $70K a year.

No. 2029311

Yea I'm not american, I'm easter european and our wages are pretty low

Guess I'll try to save up, it'lltake a few years but it's not like I'll be the first person in their mid thirties to go to college

No. 2029321

hope you’re able to go to college nonny

No. 2029329

Are you sure there isn't any government support for adults going back to school? Sometimes things like that aren't widely known so it's worth doing some research if you aren't 100% sure.

No. 2029350

I'll have to ask to be 100% sure, but we had something along the line of a "voucher" that allowed the user to attend a "requalification" bootcamp that usually lasted 6 months. I did that and turns out employers don't give a shit about it kek it's why I'm looking to attend college. Sucks ass to be poor

No. 2029364

I think a Stacy is stealing my work crush, grrr! An attractive Stacy that is good at things, too. I've already lost on virtue of being ugly and a loser. Well, that was to be expected though.

No. 2029372

It makes me sad that greyhounds can’t really sit comfortably.

No. 2029375

do you think your life would be better if you were christmas european instead?

No. 2029402

Kek anon

No. 2029441

Friend vented to me about her manchild of a scrote. I was stoked to hear she was ready to move on after he threw a tantrum in the car and screamed at her “to shut the fuck up”. She sounded mature for once but all that came to a halt during dinner when she told me shes considering giving him a second chance. HUH?! i told her straight away it wasnt a good idea but i dont even think it registered in her mind. This man was DEAD weight to her and she legit babyed him and yet she is giving him a chance to speak to her?!

I cant hang with people who are this insecure so im dropping her as a friend

No. 2029465

she is jealous of you, that’s why. She is trying to lift herself up, and the only way she is creative enough to do it is to be rude towards you.
Nona that was a good one

No. 2029480

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If I was a Christmas European, I would frolick in the snowy, European mountains with my long, beautiful, Elsa blonde hair, while drinking all the eggnog, cow's milk, and rich Slavic alcohol my Christmas European tastebuds can embrace. My skin would be as pale as the milk I gulp, and the snow I made angels in. My round, pretty blue Christmasty eyes would blink up at the surrounding Anglo Saxons, Slavs, Aryans, and frog people, as my cherry-red Christmas lips would smile at all the fellow Europeans. My silky, fur coat dress would be the slightest taint of lavender, as it flows and swirls around my peak Christmas European female form, with matching boots to protect my dainty, pale European feet. All of the European animals would gaze upon me, their forest goddess, as they never lay a tooth, claw, or talon upon my supple, pristine Christmas skin. The European vegetation would blossom and bloom out of hibernation to compete and create the perfect Christmas Tree. My Christmasty aura is so connected to the continent of Europe, that the earth shifts, curves, and caves upon itself to form a perfectly livable house for me in the highest point of Europe's tallest mountain. Anyone who gets a kiss from me, will be blessed with an extended lifespan, bluer eyes, blonder hair, whiter skin, and will taste only the flavor of the finest, buttery, milky, biscuit to ever be bestowed upon the human race, and they will only shit gingerbread men as their body as now become as cleansed as their mortal bodies shall be.

No. 2029537

I might have fucked up quite a bit at work and I won't find out until monday, so I've been ruminating on it to mentally prepare myself for the guilt I'm going to feel if I really did, but it's not like ~mentally preparing myself~ is actually going to do something, it's still gonna ruin my day if I really did fuck up, so I don't get why I can't let go of it at least for the coming two days if it doesn't change anything about the results, anyways.

No. 2029542

I have a friend who suddenly started doing things like this after years of being on good terms, can anyone explain why this happens?

No. 2029544

Good for you. The cycle is going to continue. Friends like that aint worth shit. They're disappear when they are tendering to their nigels, but try to call for you when they suddenly need 'advice.'

No. 2029545

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When I was around 8 or 9 I stayed over at my mother’s friend’s house. Her sons bullied me for “acting too much like a boy” and having a deep voice. At one point they locked me in a basement and beat me with a metal rod until my skin turned green. I found out today that one of them is now a trans woman. I can’t help but find joy in the fact that he’s going to suffer for the rest of his life. I got the last laugh, I managed to escape the cult and detransition before it was too late. Karma’s a bitch, enjoy the estrogen induced bone disease and rotting frankenvagina bro

No. 2029546

i keep seeing that farmercaps account in the wild on tumblr. so fucking cringe

No. 2029548

So i was supposed to give my boss a gift today but i didn't, i had just asked him for a day off to celebrate my dad's birthday and i didn't wanted to seem like i was paying him or giving him something in return for the day off, but today he told me I'll be getting a salary rise and now i feel worse for not giving him the gift.

No. 2029555

I wish him many years of suffering and frankenvag rot. Happy you get to witness his descent.

No. 2029562

Thank you nonnie. God is good

No. 2029570

I love having constant anxiety. Thanks Mom for the PTSD

No. 2029571

I don't know why, but everytime I tell a dude I'm vegan they start getting really strangely aggressive. And only calm down if I lie about it being for religious reasons

No. 2029572

Men hate anything women do.

No. 2029575

I am never buying a blind box figure again. I never get the one I want! I'm so fucking mad!!!

No. 2029583

Crazy how some women would rather invest in a BBL or a boob job than in their homes.

No. 2029584

insecurity and over compensation. They are directly attacking someone you love. It's obnoxious. I hope you cut them off entirely

No. 2029613

They presume you feel morally superior to them and it hurts their ego. And/or they presume you belong to the type of people it's customary to hate on in places/circles they frequent, so they feel like it's their duty to fight you and put you in your place.

No. 2029626

The idea of artificial beauty has been normalized just like dropping out of college, some people prefer to work at places that objectify them rather than invest in long-term plans that will eventually give them what they want and probably dream off, we live on an era of stable mediocrity in which we are too human to leave those who prefer such a way of living behind

No. 2029627

I was at a concert and I was the only one alone, fuck me I had a good time but I feel so lonely. Why am I retarded, can't even have a good time on my own anymore. Isolation is so crippling.

No. 2029630

invest in the bbl to attract a rich dumb moid and you don't have to pay for your house or anything else

No. 2029633

>implying most working women can afford a decent home anymore with solo income
Makes sense to looksmax, as long as they're doing it for valuable men who can give them a decent home that is.

Wish my mother would have had some self fucking control herself and had made better health choices for us both so our bodies would not be looking so rough right now and we wouldn't have to sift so hard through seas of underachieving, ugly men who think they deserve us.

No. 2029639

>implying a bbl will get you a valuable man and not a fuckboy dusty

No. 2029640

>eventually give them what they want and probably dream of
Carpal tunnel
Retirement at 75
Chilis margarita
600k 2 bedroom with an 8% mortgage rate purchased at age 50 1.5 hours from a major city
20 year employee reserved parking spot
Corner office with view of your parking spot

No. 2029651

I'll invest in the bbl and they might give me a job at hooters.

No. 2029660

That absolutely sounds like autism. Look through websites that have resources for autistic people and use any advice that applies to you.
People aren't perfectly patterned, but a lot of scams do follow patterns. Always be wary of anything that claims to be urgent, where you have to act now or suffer the consequences, or that threatens you if you don't do what you're told. Scammers put their victims into high pressure situations to force them to act in a certain way. So, if you work on noticing high-pressure situations where you're put on the spot and feel forced to do something you don't want to do, you know you're being manipulated. Scammers also use emotion to manipulate their victims. About 90% of the people who come sobbing to you about how they're depressed and stressed and suicidal are lying to you and manipulating you for their own gain. Same with e-beggars who scream about their mental illnesses and suicidal thoughts to guilt trip their followers into throwing them a few bucks. Always step back and take time to think things over when someone is using strong emotions and emotional situations like that. Sometimes it might not even be manipulation, it could be that the person was venting and exaggerated things.
Once you learn about these patterns, you'll be able to spot manipulation and lies more easily. Don't get upset if you're fooled again, learning this stuff takes time. I'm proud of you for acknowledging your problems and working on them, no matter how long it takes.
Wtf, nobody's going to point and laugh at that. Can you go to a dentist? If you can't, get a very soft brush, about as soft as the ones for kids, and very gently start to brush your teeth and gums. Use a tiny bit of toothpaste for sensitive teeth. Some of your teeth might be fucked but you'd be surprised at how much can be fixed. If you can't chew normally or use your front teeth properly it could be an alignment issue, which a dentist or orthodontist would be able to fix. You haven't brushed your teeth for ten years but you can always start brushing them again now and work back to having good dental health.

No. 2029673

This kek. Unless you marry a rich rapper or something majority of moids who like BBLs are broke. There's a reason why Monaco and Milan are filled with skinny flat girls broke areas are the ones with retarded BBLs or stupid bolt ons in bumfuck Alabama or hoods of Chicago

No. 2029697

Found out today the guy won the national award with the work I did

No. 2029707

Sucks. My coworkers at my old job tried to take credit for work that I did without even thinking twice about it. It was so amazing to see how casually they could attempt to take credit for something they didn't lift a finger for.

No. 2029721

ive seen it before, some guy at an old job asked a girl junior to him to do some work then when she gave it to him he just handed it straight to a director saying he did it

No. 2029727

i saw him on the street last week with another former coworker, they said hi, we did some catching up then i said "congratulations on your nomniation by the way" in quite a monotone way, and i didnt expect his reaction to be what it was, he got really nervous and sheepish when i said it and quickly changed the subject so he knows what he did and i hope is at least somewhat guilty

No. 2029744

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At a gig some old guy started talking to me and he kept talking when the song started, then got mad at me for turning away to dance. What the fuck, I couldn't even understand him through the music and he acted all pissy when I ran into him again. Go talk to your aa buddy instead of some rando twenty something while you're in your sixties. Why are moids.

No. 2029745

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No. 2029747

It's honestly dystopian. Women in the past fought for our rights to go to school, learn, have careers, but some women would rather open up an OF and become a thot to pander to men. I t feel so vile

No. 2029748

take note from the three body problem guy who killed his boss kek

No. 2029749

He doesnt feel shit. When men steal from women, they do it guilt free. I hope he has a very painful health issue happen to him recently. So sorry this happened to you

No. 2029750

NTA But elaborate? kek

No. 2029751

trannies and men have won kek. even when normie women do make a good insight (man versus bear thing) it lasts for ten seconds then they're right back to gurgling balls

No. 2029772

it's just the economy taking effect unfortunately, due to employers paying almost nothing, abusing right to work laws, and the job search process taking years, a lot of women get promised stability if they open an OF or become a trad wife. It's just closed door after closed door and then you're presented with the "solution", and the economy is set up in a way that a woman escaping poverty, abuse, etc would be impossible unless she whores herself

I also feel like thats why a lot of white moids in particular are more hesitant to admit to economy issues or even ADMIT there's an issue, since if they get fixed, single moms and college girls will just happily work in diners or something than to deal with their gross asses

No. 2029775

lol, thanks nonna, I know a lot of the women in the office would agree, he was/is a major fuckboy, he would date and then dump half the girls in the office, at 29 was regularly sleeping with new joiners who were 18, i heard a rumour he also sold coke to people in the office

No. 2029780

holy shit this is the first I'm hearing of that

No. 2029782

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This better not get me fucking banned because I don't even want a ban I want to help this anon so farmhands don't fricking ban me for schizophrenia
Okay here's my suggestion to you. Do this in the middle of your period. Write out his name on a piece of blank paper (if you know his birthday, that too), not lined. On the other side, copy picrel as best as you can. Fold the paper twice over (so there should be 4 lines across the paper when it's unfolded) with the second image on the outside. Go for a walk in the woods and be silent the entire time. Don't check your phone or speak or anything. Just be alone with your thoughts. Bury the folded piece of paper beside running water, at least deep enough that animals won't uncover it. If there's no running water near you, try finding a tree with a hole in it and put the paper down into the hole. When you're going to sleep that night, draw picrel again on a small piece of paper and fold it once over and put it under your pillow and sleep on your left side. When you wake up the next morning, burn the paper without unfolding it (do this before anything else, including morning urination). After this cast him out of your mind and if you think of him or what he's done say a prayer and forget again. If you do this then the Will shall upend him and he will not prosper.

No. 2029785

I'm sorry this is def off the current topic but I had this week off and I feel like i'm losing it all of the sudden and maybe it's too much time without busy work or maybe it's because i'm on my period but I'm thinking about how life is so scary and how scared I am of one day being by myself. I know this is silly but i'm so scared of being alone in my life and not having security or someone who knows me and understands me… i don't have a big family but i know one day i wont have anyone and it terrifies me. I'm fine when i'm alone and i'm not even a fan of going out with people or romance but just having a person to be totally open with and rely on if i need them and trust is something i'm scared i'll never have. I say this as someone who straight up doesn't date and has commitment issues what is WRONG with me. i need my parents god

No. 2029788

I saw a woman who lived in a shitty looking house bragging about her bbl and bolt ons on instagram. You have the 3-5k needed to get a BBL and a boob job but can't bother to paint your walls?

No. 2029791

absolute kino of a thread pic nonna
only difference is skin tone, just get a cute wig and go full health goth on the betas

No. 2029794

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lawyer is mad at his boss and poisons him, literally inspired by Breaking Bad.

No. 2029803

I feel mostly ambivalent towards furries but admittedly a little weirded out by them. Many people I know irl do furfag shit and make money off furry art and stuff, so because of these experiences I've always thought of fur shit as having at least a small amount of sexual connotations. Until now I just saw some video of the most adorable cosplayers in China who do basically furry shit while wearing ultra cute lolita and it doesn't look even vaguely sexual or jarring. I'm honestly a little upset that the concept of furries is ruined for me because of degenerate freaks online while a community of women wearing really adorable fluffy bunny helmets with sweet lolita existed this whole time instead. Why is burgerland so fucking cringe in our subcultures.

No. 2029808

No. 2029815

I wish this man a very merry die of coke OD in public shitting himself

No. 2029817

furry culture goes further back in the west and is tied to kids developing crushes on animated animals and communities around comics/art that are male dominated. male asian degeneracy has a different history and the communities you describe have more women in them (less likely to be insane perverts).

No. 2029818

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unironically it's because we allow faggots and coomers to freely be disgusting degens everywhere in english online spaces.

No. 2029823

the most insane part is that the furries I've known irl who go to cons and wear fur suits and have fursonas or do furry art are all females. I also can't express how much I hate that I even absorbed enough information to know all those working parts of the furry ecosystem. Just kill me.

No. 2029836

>playing Soraka support, losing in botlane. adc can't do much either because it's a bad matchup for us
>jg doesn't gank at all, doesn't even get objectives
>enemy team tears us down to our base
>jg: soraka wake up bro

No. 2029841

I'm playing Cyberpunk 2077 and I'm still mad as fuck about the romance options for female V. We get River's ugly roid ass or nothing. There are so many actually good-looking moids in this game and the only romanceable one is a moid who looks like he shoots testosterone up his ass 3x a day and his head looks like an egg. Only thing I hate about this game. It's like the devs went "what do women like? Oh yeah dudes who are 6ft 5 and 500kg of greasy muscle and bald with no personality" it feels like a male's version of what they think women find attractive. I don't want this ugly scrote give me my Takemura romance or I'll flatline/Synapse Burnout myself.

No. 2029843

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I fucking can't stand when my bf is going through a depressive/anxiety cycle. He becomes such a hypochondriac and literally doesn't do shit but hyper-fixate on every little sensation and google shit. He did get less than ideal health results back from the doctor on his blood work, but only just and he's a fat ass anyway so it's not like working out won't resolve the issues. I've gotten him to eat better in general and he's gotten back into working out again (only seriously this week) but it's already been weeks of this and when I try to just help him work through the obsessive thoughts about his health and ask him about what techniques he's supposed to do when his hypochondria he gets pissed off. I literally don't even know what he wants from me. Just to sit there quietly while he obsesses and googles every "symptom" he experiences? Affirm that in fact, yes, it does sound like he is dying and an anyeursm is just around the corner. I don't fucking want to talk about how you feel a weird sensation in your fucking arm!!!! it's fucking nothing!!! He's in a particularly shit mood about it tonight and I'm particularly pissed off about it because I don't want his attitude to ruin my Friday night. If I have to I'm just gonna eat my dinner in another room, fuck this.

No. 2029845

going to the gyno on monday, if it's another yeast infection I'm killing myself

No. 2029847

Survive nonna.

No. 2029851

Samefag and like, I'm not saying it's impossible for me to have done anything wrong cause I'm not great at lol, but it's so annoying when the jg who didn't even try to help your lane blames you and they weren't even doing their job around the map.

No. 2029868

Almost did some fucked up shit to someone who immensely hurt me in the past today. I really could have, but I stopped, it just wasn't worth it. It just sucks when someone who was so horrible gets to live on cloud 9 and will never get what they deserve. Tiring. Exhausting.

No. 2029871

I just remembered something my mom did and got second hand embarrassment so fucking bad

No. 2029876

I genuinely hate my mother after she told me that she chose my fat sack of shit, alcoholic, immature, and retarded father over another guy who was from a healthy family, religious, and not a genetic nightmare.

No. 2029887

nonna, im glad you didnt do something, my mother believes in karma, someone who lied and fucked over our family dropped dead of a heart attack the other day, she says it was karma
horrible people often fuck themselves over in the long run, they often bully their way through life then they encounter a situation where they cant or someone they cant, or they come across a bigger bully and it leads to their downfall

take this guy, won an award based on my stolen work, his career will shoot up because of it, but the stolen work can only get him so far, what happens when he needs to innovate as there is no work to steal, how will he come up with new ideas when he has run out of the ones i wrote, he wont, then he may revealed for what he is

Im sure the person you are talking about will be revealed for who they truly are

No. 2029901

Same, Devil ending every time and I came up with a whole mary sue headcanon of how V and Take-san could be together.

But you know you can post about games on /m/.
There's an LoL thread too.

No. 2029903

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my world of warcraft guild git disbanded after some drama a while back and now i need to go find a decent guild again… and become friends with people all over again… sigh i just wanna play with people

No. 2029922

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There’s this one fanartist in my fandom I hold a massive vendetta against. I’ve blocked her long ago, yet she’s popular (and extremely talented unfortunately) so I always end up running into her stuff - even in places I don’t expect.

No. 2029942

I was in a similar situation once. Do you feel like sharing who that artist is?

No. 2029949

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i have also spent the last 5 or so years not drawing as i should, and not improving at all.
but a couple months ago i heard about pewdiepie learning to draw girls for 100 days, and when i learned he just spent an average of 20 minutes each day since he was busy with a newborn, it realy hit me as something i should do.
i decided to focus on few specific things, faces, rooms and cars.
i noticed small improvements after 5 days filling 2 or 3 pages with uninspired headshots, cars and rooms with bad perspective.
now when i wake up i imediatly start sketching 2 pages before i get out of bed.
most of what i draw is still pretty uninpsired, but in the last 60 days i have improved a ton.

No. 2029961

I want to believe in karma so badly, but it hurts when it seems like that person just keeps getting good things and opportunities in their life, and I’m still struggling with everything when I try my best to be the best I can be.

No. 2029964

Nice to know that I’m not alone in my situation kek. I’d be outing myself if I namedropped her, but I’ve posted about her on some other thread. Her artstyle appeals to my aesthetic and she wastes her talent pondering to moids. Sad.

No. 2029974

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Have you guys seen the posts on twitter about /petravoice AI art? It really is destroying years of work and creativity people have put their whole lives into. I only ever see grifters defending ai art, and one of them I know for a fact only does because they use AI to give them prompts and then trace it. So bleak.

No. 2029979

>Her AIshit gets put on billboards around the world
I'm sick to my stomach, truly a soul is worthless in today's world

No. 2029984

Is it even actually a real her and not some random dude

No. 2029988

Her art is AI? Wow, I've been seeing it around and I thought it was beautiful, I wouldn't have been able to tell.

No. 2029989

Samefag, as soon as posted this I went on Twitter and immediately saw a tweet about this. How disappointing..

No. 2029991

Corpse Party reminded me of how I'm eventually going to die. It did not feel good

No. 2030006

i find it difficult to move on a bit but i know ill get over it eventually. hes not good for me nor for my life. hes stepped over my boundaries too much and it hurts me just thinking about it and thinking about him. i know he said he loved me but still it feels all too rushed. i felt objectified and disrespected over my concerns. nonas how do i blast my brain so i can forget what happened to me

No. 2030016

noooooo wtf not the generic busts of pretty anime girls under heavy noise filters! the human spirit is truly being challenged…who cares kek it's boring slop. boring slop being mass reproduced harms absolutely nobody, if you think picrel or anything in that artist's gallery is worth anything more than a passing glance and a like on socmed then you're hopeless. ai slop is just like shein, it sucks but good clothing will always exist and be preferable to everyone with a modicum of taste or bank

No. 2030017

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Does anyone else get these weird random autistic obsessions over some kind of media that are like… almost painful? Like you're distressed by how obsessed you are with it? How do you uhh stop that from getting worse…. do I lean into it? Or just wait it out? I've been this way ever since I can remember.

No. 2030020

You are incredibly insufferable. It's not a crime to like pretty girl art.

No. 2030055

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Some guy is probably generating the AI and she's the faceclaim kek

Do you ever hear yourself or what you say?

No. 2030058

This is so boring.

No. 2030060

Yup, it's not something that has a lot of fans so it's painful to want to talk about it but can't because there's just not much people out there that won't find you annoying, trying to shill something they don't care about.
I just try to keep myself in check and not annoy people with it too much. Get a diary or something and write down the stuff you want to talk about in there.

No. 2030063

this is just a 2016 tumblr art composite

No. 2030066

Yes, I thought I had outgrown that behavior because it hadn't happened to me in a long time (maybe since high school?) and now as an adult I'm suddenly obsessed with Hazbin Hotel and I feel like the most autistic Tumblrfag ever. I have no idea how this happened, it's fucking weird

No. 2030068

the mental retardation that happens when an ai user unironically believes that they've created something is insane. Definition of a mindless consumer

No. 2030069

Well yeah

No. 2030070

>check the twitter account
>so much nft shit
Man, to be completely shameless is the only way to get anything isn't it?

No. 2030071

it makes me sad crappy low effort ''art'' like that becomes popular nowadays

No. 2030075

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This happened about a year ago but it still pissed me off
>Become friends with a girl online
>She adds her bf to our groupchat
>Her bf starts chatting in the chat and DMing me
>I let her know, she seems on board
>Sense that he is getting flirty so I block him
>She messages me asking me to unblock him
>I follow her instruction and mainly just vent to him about some loser faggot I was chasing at the time
>Receive angry messages from her calling me a bitch/cunt/snake etc
>Try to explain the sequence of events and insist to her that I'm not a homewrecker

Her bf was gross anyway, wtf. Was I wrong?

No. 2030084

Missing winter again

No. 2030086

No some women are just paranoid like that, it's her moid thats the issue but good luck convincing her of that.

No. 2030087

>She messages me asking me to unblock him
is it possible the scrote used her account to tell you to unblock him? she might also be in an abusive or toxic relationship so it's easier to take out on you rather than than him. you weren't wrong.

No. 2030095

I did wonder if he had access to her account. I don't talk to her anymore because after this happened she befriended the man who groomed and beat me as 'revenge' and told him everything I confided in her about him.
I did feel quite bad about potentially interfering with their relationship but I honestly didn't mean to and just needed someone to vent to.

When I stopped talking to her and found a new boyfriend she messaged the new boyfriend asking about me and a few weeks later her friends started messaging him trying to convince my bf that I was 'trying to pursue' her bf.

Idk I was really upset that this happened cuz she was really nice and funny. She is why I don't make new friends anymore.

No. 2030122

never have dental problems in the US. you'll realize how poor you are how broken the system is. and want to kill yourself after the crushing reality hits you that proper dental care is really up to your parents in your childhood. if you have a narc parent who never taught their kids anything, you realize how younwete set up for failure and are forced to learn everything like a crash course

No. 2030147

I'm sorry nonny, he sounds exhausting and you've done all you can realistically do to help him. He needs therapy, is he open to seeking help? Otherwise I'd question whether this is even worth it

No. 2030179

ayrt, there's actually a text in the game where your female character can try and flirt with him so I wonder if they had a romance planned but didn't have time to finish it. Anyway I'll take my Cyberpunk sperging to /m/.

No. 2030199

nona this is unhinged I love it, I want to marry rich can you do one for a love spell?

No. 2030203

it pisses me off that you still don't get it that you were really fucking lucky to get that job
and yes,I am better than you, it's not fair and I'm sick of pretending this shit is ok

No. 2030205

Is there a witch thread? I want to learn how to do magic shit

No. 2030207

I'm so fucking ugly I wish no one had a phone, whenever I go somewhere and there's a video taken I look so horrible. Legit a fucking Gargamel lookalike.

No. 2030211

I went to the dentist ONCE when I was a child, the dentists told my parents I’d need braces and then they just nope’d and now at 28 I have a fucked up narrow palate and teeth that overlap

No. 2030219

Hey, this happened to me and I went to a dental school to get it fixed for cheap. Now my teeth are a-ok. Maybe try that, it's way cheaper than a regular orthodontist.
If I remember correctly the dental school in pittsburgh where I went capped the cost at $2500 no matter what you were getting done from orthodontics. Since they are students your treatment plan matches up with the school year and takes longer tahn a private practice would take but it's worth the savings. (pls no nonna from a nicer country come in and says that's highway robbery kek, that's extremely cheap in the US I don't even want to know if it would cost you $3 in your country I don't live there)

No. 2030223

Actually that’s what I’m doing right now lol, but in NY. the wait times are kind of slow but it’s worth it imo. Maybe this is cope but it’s also nice to get multiple professionals looking at my teeth (the professors/teachers that overlook the student doing my teeth) compared to a single dentist at a private practice.

No. 2030229

Hey good job taking care of yourself! after my dad died I spoke to my mom for the first time in years and mentioned in passing I had to get adult orthodontics and it's too bad I didn't get them as a kid (I might have been a little bitter, not my proudest moment) and she acted so apologetic and appalled and said "you should have told me you needed them I didn't know!" kekkkkk wtf?

No. 2030231

don't listen to them nonny you're right

No. 2030235

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You will learn to shut up some day

No. 2030243

I genuinely feel like the internet ruined my life and took something fundamental way from me. I don’t even feel like a real person - my interests are fabricated and I don’t know how to interact with the real world

No. 2030272

No. 2030290

I feel like my life is made of bad choices, one after another. I think my parents made some wrong choices for me but I’m no better now that I’m in control of my life. I have no idea how to get of out this situation.

No. 2030299

Im in this never ending cycle of migraines that keep me bedridden—> unable to work out —> high blood pressure—-> migraine.

These migraines last for 8-12 hours. I puke, Im in pain, any motion is unbearable. Im on a monthly shot (Emgality) and its reduced it by a few days a week, but I am so worn out. It used to be over 40 hours a week in pain and now its down to 20 ish if im lucky.
Can anyone help me?

No. 2030302

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Samefagging sorry heres part of the issue of the migraine cycle

No. 2030303

Are they related to your period or is it only stress? Do you smoke/drink or eat garlic regularly? My mother has always had migraines but they have almost disappeared with menopause. She gets some occasional migraine when she's unable to sleep because the cat won't shut the fuck up. She says that drinking coffee with sugar helps her a bit.

No. 2030305

I dont drink… I do smoke weed; but only when the migraine is so bad I cant take it (usually 4-6 hours into the pain).
God, I love garlic… dont tell me I have to give up garlic!!! cries in italian, but please share info
My periods are all over the place; had one in 2020 that lasted 100+ days. The pain alone from my periods pushed me to an IUD; now they are less frequent and less painful.

No. 2030308

Botox therapy
Link is from the UK but it should be available in other countries.

Also try a keto diet. There's now significant evidence that's it an effective management for migraine and other neurological disorders.
>we observed a significant reduction in monthly headache days from the baseline to the second evaluation after 3 months of diet initiation (12.5 ± 9.5 vs. 6.7 ± 8.6; p < 0.001). In total, 17 patients (73.9%) reported a reduction in the headache days, and 15 patients (65.2%) reported a reduction in headache days of at least 50% and were considered as responders. The days of acute medication intake were also significantly reduced, passing from 11.06 ± 9.37 to 4.93 ± 7.99 (p = 0.008). PGIC at three months was 4.8 ± 2.3.

>The studies by Di Lorenzo et al and Bongiovanni et al demonstrated a positive effect on the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks. Some studies reported that the percentage of patients achieving a decrease in the number of migraine attacks (generally of at least 50%) ranged from 58 to 83% of patients, and full resolution of attacks was reported in 63% of patients in the study by Di Lorenzo et al. There were five single-arm intervention studies and one randomized trial.

>Both groups presented a statistically significant reduction in migraine days/month and intensity; MIDAS and HIT-6 scales also improved significantly. Both chronic and high-frequency episodic migraineurs in each group had significant improvement in these variables.

>The clinical characteristics of migraine patients before and after 1-month of KD are shown in Table 1. We observed a significant reduction in attack frequency (t = 5.27, p < 0.001), attack duration (t = 4.12, p = 0.001), and disability of headache attacks (t = 5.17, p < 0.001) after 1-month duration KD compared to baseline. BMI remained stable after KD.

No. 2030309

Garlic triggered her migraines, I have an aunt on my father's side that has the same problem too but theres not much scientific evidence to support this. In my country the first thing doctors recommend is to write down what you eat every day during a month to see what food could be triggering your migraines (garlic, onion, spices…). From what you say about your periods it sounds like migraines could be related to that. You should go to the doctor to address this properly. Sorry about your migraines, anon, I hope you get rid of them soon.

No. 2030310

No. 2030311

Okay, so there’s this group of “friends” (using this term loosely since I’m sure whether they really like me or not) I’ve known for a couple of years don’t invite me to anything unless I tell them. Like I have to constantly ask if they’re doing something or if they’re at this place and tell them I’m coming. For the past two weeks they’ve stopped talking to me and now they suddenly call me and tell me they’re traveling and to tell them if I’m in or not. The paranoid part of me thinks they want me in because the more people show up the cheaper it’ll be since they money will be divided, and that they really don’t want me because they don’t invite me to stuff on their own, while the normal part of me is like who cares just go. To add to this I’m unemployed right now so maybe it’s not the best idea to do this right now. I don’t know. I wish human relationships were simpler.

No. 2030313

Sorry if I suggest anything that you've already tried, I just wanna cover all the bases:
Whenever you feel one coming on, try to write down what you were doing for the last hour before it came, after a month of doing this look for any patterns and see if there is something that triggers them. Then you could avoid that trigger and see what happens. Also write down the foods you eat and try an elimination game to see if it helps.
>Scalp pressure
Try to put your finger on your scalp, press down and see if you can feel the skin of the scalp moving with your finger. Sometimes a lot of stress is stored in the scalp and it leads to scalp tension which can aggravate migraines. Try starting a routine where you massage your scalp gently for 10-20 minutes twice a day.
This one gets a lot of flack, but it did help my friend when she suffered from chronic migraines. The acupuncturist targets the scalp, head, ears, and neck. Getting it done thrice weekly to begin then winding down to thrice per fortnight is the recommendation.
This is a weird one but if you have the budget, switch to lamps instead of overhead lights. Use warm toned bulbs instead of cool toned. Sometimes cool toned overhead lighting can cause headaches or migraines.
>Cold cap
Sometimes you can find caps or fittings that have a pouch to keep a cold-pack in, they fit tightly around the head or scalp and can help reduce the pain of migraines and make them
more bearable.
Depending on where the migraine starts or where the pain is focalized, Botox treatments can help. Botox is used a lot in medical settings outside its cosmetic use, it works by paralysing the muscles that may constrict and cause a migraine.

No. 2030318

Thank you so much for the resources; I will try keto and bring up botox to my doctor. (As well as a referral to a neurologist)
Screenshot, thanks!
Unfortunutely, I have regular hormone testing and have had 2 biopsies on my uterine lining, and nothing has been conclusive; all the gynos dismiss it as stress. But thank you!
I will try acupuncture; my dad has offered to help pay for those sessions. I never considered scalp massages to be part of the solution. I do keep a log; but not much shows in the data that I can see as a pattern. I will say, my blood pressure is alarmingly high during the migraines, and the veins running across my temple throbs. Sometimes pressing my finger into it helps alleviate some of the pain for a moment. I have lightbulbs that change color throughout the house- red dimmed is usually my go to during an episode.

Thank you sweet nonnas, I really appreciate all the advice.

No. 2030319

ntayrt but how does anyone do this diet without getting super extremely constipated?

No. 2030322

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I got too excited with another poster. I feel horrible, gross, disgusting!!!!!!

No. 2030324

If I were you I would politely decline because of unemployment and then I'd seriously reconsider if I want to keep those people on my life since they don't seem to consider me an important part of the friend group. You could spend a bit of money on treating yourself instead nona

No. 2030326

I have to remember that in exchange for the unfortunate reality that other people can dislike and criticise me, I get to dislike other people. Now if only everyone else was over-sensitive we'd all be on even ground.

No. 2030345

Death to all men who catcall me and all women. If I was president I would make it a law that women can shoot any man who catcalls.

No. 2030356

We don't have a president but I'd vote for you nonnie.

Going schizo here but I'd be ok with, at birth men would be lobotomized and put in breeding camps. Semen would be available at every grocery store like cheese or bread. If you wanna get pregnant that's your own business. Kill them when they stop producing and make their meat into feed for other animals and skin into stylish leather.

No. 2030363

i have so much weight to lose n i just dont know how to push myself to get there. i want to be slim so bad but it's the same kinda laziness that comes with depression. do i just simply start n get into the groove?(integrate)

No. 2030370

It hurts, i‘m 33 and thinking of how I imagined i‘d be at 33 when i was in my early 20‘s. Skinny, fashionable, an expert at my very intellectual job, hot husband, dinner parties with friends and for some reason going to art galleries etc kek. Like at 25 after saving up with shitty jobs I was embarking on my masters degree and i was sure I’d be fully into my ‘adult life‘ which would then continue similarly for decades at 33.

Obviously some of this is just fantasy but the fact I’m still struggling to eat a balanced diet, don’t even consider myself mature enough for a healthy relationship, eat junk as the first meal of the day and can spend my weekend doing nothing and feeling bad about it. No cool hobbies, no cool group of friends that just get me. I have a hard time accepting that this IS my life and not some embarrassing, momentary “ before i got myself together“ phase of life. Like it’s where i‘m AT and where I’ve been for a long time with a little progression and a lot of regression over the last decade.

No. 2030378

Early 20's is the time for dreams and delusions for everyone. The future doesn't exist, thinking about it is moot. I've also yearned and hoped and craved but in the end it was all for naught because only the present moment is viable. Just remember that whatever you're not changing: you're choosing. You don't have any cool hobbies yet, you don't have a cool group of friends yet, it's on you to woman up and change this otherwise you'll stay the same. Change happens spontaneously and nothing ever remains the same anyway. I know it hurts sometimes to take a look at your life, but that hurt fades away and passes with time as you continue to grow and mature into your life. Your early 30s are about taking long pauses to think about what you want, and then making strides by leaps and bounds to get what you want.

No. 2030387

I just hope I don’t fuck things up

No. 2030404

Baby steps anon! With weight loss, it's 80% diet. You can eat whatever you want, just less of it. Get smaller plates, eat more often but with smaller proportions. And be patient. It took me a year to lose 40 lbs and I didn't notice any difference until 20 lbs in and no one saw any difference in me until 30 lbs in. It doesn't happen overnight, you have to make lifestyle changes and keep them like that for pretty much the rest of your life, which is why you have to make small changes over time so it doesn't feel so overwhelming.

No. 2030407

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This is the second week of my diet and tbh it hasn't gone great. I lost 4lbs in the first week and when I overate for 2 days my weight shot up back to my original weight (I didn't eat a grotesque amount of food btw). I know that dieting isn't a linear road and you have to experiment a lot to find a perfect diet just for you, but here are a few lessons I've learned during the span of 2 weeks or so.
>Eat enough calories (1000-1200kcals) or else you can face the risk of constipation
>Enhance your cravings by distracting yourself by doing chores or sth
>Sleep well
>Don't stress and beat yourself up too much when you don't reach a certain goal

No. 2030412

idek how people can find it hard to lose weight
like just replace your usual feculent with salad, your usual snacks with fruits, your hot chocolate with tea and such(not a vent)

No. 2030418

Exams are coming up and I just can't do it. Today I was supposed to study but the thought makes me sick to my stomach so I ended up doomscrolling all day instead of doing anything. My family asks me how I am doing, they are clearly counting on me passing these exams, so I say "yeah sure i'm doing fine i can do this" while I die on the inside. I can only hope that one day I find the resolve to hang myself

No. 2030420

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No. 2030422

i want to be folded in two and fucked into oblivion tbh(not a vent)

No. 2030439

omg nonnie i have huge exams coming up too…im having a break because my head just feels clogged as hell.
one thing i can say is that you won't always be motivated. you're going to hate it sometimes. but when you hate it, just do two minutes. do a LITTLE more than you think you can do. after those two minutes, you'll find the ball is rolling, and you can do a little bit more.
forgive yourself. yeah, you didn't achieve your goals yesterday, but what will shame achieve? if you intend to work hard today, you are hard working. that's it. do not self flagellate.
also, set a timer, after which you can take a break. if you see that 'oh, it's only 40 minutes left until im done'. and then you refresh, and it's not so bad. i watched barbie princess charm school over my breaks and tbh it made it worthwhile
if you can't run, then walk. so…if you can't learn everything, learn what you can. it's ok. you don't have to do perfectly.
also, remember that you probably can do whatever you need to do next year. yes, it will suck, and be a little embarrassing, but it's SO much better than thinking that it's the end of the world if you don't succeed. you will know that you did your best, and that's all that matters. if you keep getting back up, if you keep trying, you've already won, and should be proud. you'll pick yourself up and try again next year.
so don't hang yourself. i know this is a stressful time, but the power is in your hands, you will be ok, and your mindset will make a huge difference. i believe in you nonnie

No. 2030466

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I’m about to use every thread as an off topic one if they don’t allow us to shitpost. This is absolutely crazy as hell, moids on 4chan don’t get this amount of moderation and they need it more than we do. Let me shitpost good god let me let it all out

No. 2030522

>you probably can do whatever you need to do next year
I actually can't, I'm already a year late on my graduation, my family said they won't/can't pay another year of tuition (which is fair, we've always struggled with money, I don't want to be a burden for another year). I can feel the pressure and it's extremely soul crushing.
Still, thank you for your kind words, anon. Wish you luck on your exams

No. 2030528

told my ex I missed them and they replied they did too lol… rip

No. 2030538

Are the both of you cringe THEYfabs?

No. 2030539

no I just want to keep the details ambiguous here

No. 2030543

Good idea, lest someone identifies your ex out of 4 billion members of their sex. Retarded THEYfab.

No. 2030546

what's your problem faggot, I just told you I'm not one

No. 2030548

calling someone a theyfab clocks you as a troon more than the AYRT

No. 2030551

Then are you a straight woman or a lesbian?
Calling out cringe Enbies does not make me a Troon.

No. 2030552

do you realize in the English language "they" can replace "he/she"?

No. 2030556

Your fourth post in this thread and you still desperately don’t want to misgender your pinkhaired, yaoiboy THEYfab ex.

No. 2030557

wrong on every level. work on your bait quality because it's pathetic right now.

No. 2030559

You and your exes’ sex are determined by your chromosomes.

No. 2030566

Nobody is saying it doesnt take the stick out of your ass and chill out holy shit.

No. 2030567

Then why are you so hesitant to describe your ex as a he? Or a she?(infighting)

No. 2030568

you're preaching to the choir retard
I'd appreciate it if you could go back

No. 2030570

im not>>2030528 you newfags need to stop being so quick to fight all the time, not everything is about trannies. Ok someone wants to keep their relationship details anonymous on an Anonymous forum you'll fucking live.

No. 2030572

This has to be projection kek

No. 2030581

i'm so fucking tired of feeling sad all the time. especially today, i've just been nonstop crying for no particular reason and i want it to be over so bad. i want to go outside for a walk because i know it will help, but i know i don't have it in me to get out of bed, and it makes me even more upset. i also don't trust myself to not burst into tears in public randomly. i really don't want to be alone today and i'm so miserable that i can't eat, which is hilariously unlike me at all. but i also don't have the mental energy to do anything about it, so i just keep crying. i've decided to reward myself with husbando merch from a popup shop, even though it's a ripoff and i'm broke, if i manage to leave the house. it's funny but at this point i wish i was suicidal, because i don't see the point in existing rn but i don't have the will to die.

No. 2030582

For once in months my nigel decided to go to bed early to watch things. Couldn't remember my laptop password so instead of coming down a single flight of stairs to ask me, he went and got me locked out. Sure I'm a bit annoyed, but I promise the heavy sound on the stairs came from me wearing hiking boots right now not because i meant to be stepping annoyed.
Now, he started berating me, being mad, talking over me.. until I fixed it and turned the screen towards him to see. (I did not do that calmly, I know. Just that he'd leave me alone with the sudden meanness he got today) and he lost his shit again.. I just left because what the fuck dude, was close to crying on the stairs but caught myself.
Nigel actually went after me just to call me too sensitive and that I always cry and oh god and what not. Except I wasn't crying and could just stare at him coldly. Threw him a bit.
I used to cry a lot, I still do about animals and nature. He just doesn't get that it's not a good sign when I'm no longer upset or "sensitive" or even cry about him anymore. He truly thought, he could just come after me and rub it in that I'm crying and sensitive. Never happened before and it does irritate me a lot. Like how many other times did he do that but I was indeed crying?
It generally threw this grown man for a loop that I wasn't getting emotional. I talked rationally and calmly, let him finish, but told him to stop interrupting me when he did. He ended up apologising, hoping for a conversations and I simply said that I'd see him later and closed the house door in his face.
Where the fuck are all those "good" nigels, or is this just the best we get.

No. 2030601

>me sipping lemonade being nigel-free reading these hilarious vents

No. 2030603

I was having a good day being outside and decompressing after a long week at work, lo and behold I completely bled through my menstrual pad, underwear and running shorts. Good thing they had a really weird pattern so it wasn't super noticeable but it really sucked finding out at the trail I was running at

No. 2030625

I wish things were easier and I could be happy

No. 2030626

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I have been these past few months slowly changing out furniture in my home, which means I put my old furniture up for sale on FB marketplace or other sites that allows it when I've found something to replace it with. Always, within the first couple of days, there is one or two that message me starting the conversation with "I would have bought it but the price is too high". Okay? That sounds like a YOU problem?? I don't mind a bit of haggling and I'm far from against lowering the price if it's considered to steep for someone but not when they starts off like that, the rudeness just pisses me off. Idk it just comes off self-victimizing and I don't trust that they are going to agree to a price that would be reasonable for both parties.

No. 2030627

I ended up going to the doctor to have the lump checked and I've been referred to the hospital to get it checked with ultrasound in about 20 days. They said to just go ahead with the surgery too so I had that two days ago with no problem. The incision scar stops just above where the lump is, so they wouldn't have been able to see anything I guess. Anyways, I have 17 stitches and feel like shit. I quit smoking weed a few days before surgery so I'm dealing with withdrawal on top of post surgery sickness and pain and the cancer scare and it's humid and hot as hell and I'm AAAAA

No. 2030630

Good for you, as the anon I'm generally happy for women that manage to untangle and don't have one! Now tell me, what kind of insect repellent do you use?

Else, thanks, but.. did that reply make you happy? Like, did it give you something giddy as to why or.. anything actually smart to say? I'd be sad if I spent my time being nigel free just making shitty comments on posts that don't get neither of us anywhere. Thanks? I suppose? Hope you never look for a good fucking vent— without having your wounds dragged through salt and shit. Wishing you nothing but what you deserve I guess?

No. 2030649

ugh that's so annoying, why do people think you can hear them at concerts?? I always just smile and nod and hope they go away. I can barely hear people in everyday life let alone a busy music venue.

No. 2030651

just break up with him how impossible is it

No. 2030663

I’m tired of not being special to anyone. I’m never invited to anything, I barely have friends who try to reach me out. I always think that I’m being annoying when I try to talk about my interests because nobody seems to be interested on that. I know that unfortunately some people are rejected by others because of their appearance but that’s not my case, also I always try to not be incredibly unpleasant, so why does that happen to me? I want to know what could be the reason for that so I can fix it, or, at least, know how to cope with this.

No. 2030667

im sleepy

No. 2030670

I'd love to stop feeling like beating the shit out of myself or cutting when I'm around other (normal) people. I'm so worthless, ugly and stupid and I can't stand it. I'm so angry at myself for being so inferior. I know everyone around me thinks the same. I'm so fucking embarassing and insufferable that I want someone to beat me.

No. 2030677

Was there a cultural shift I missed re using the term Nigel? Sounds like a plain old scrote to me. Anyway hope you find freedom soon, obviously he sucks shit and you should leave.

No. 2030678

i have scars all over my body and tattoos i hate from when i was 15 and retarded and i try not to let them get to me but it's really wearing on me lately. like my life hasn't even started yet really and my body is already fucked up and defiled, i don't know. i'm working to get the tattoo that i really hate removed but i've had 10 removal sessions and it's still there only a little faded. i just feel like dying sometimes. i feel like my body has just been absolutely ravaged by my own stupidity. even my parents gave me the money to get stupid illegal underage tattoos done, i wish they had just stepped up even a little and helped me learn the worth of myself and my body. i wish anybody had taught me so i had been more confident and careful i don't know i guess it's all my fault though anyways

No. 2030679

nonna that is not a Nigel.
Get rid of him and love yourself.
The not crying anymore is an obvious sign you're just on cruise control now, dont do this to yourself, you know what you need to do.
I dont know your situation but please take the time to plan and leave him

No. 2030695

scars can be reduced in appearance by microneedling (with straight microneedles that go up and down your skin perpendicularly not the cheap curved ones) regularly, like once a month, but ONLY if you know you heal well by having a good diet and being overall healthy

No. 2030696

did chatgpt write this or are you esl? if your english is this bad don't post on a English language site. sorry. leave your scrote, you'll feel better.

No. 2030698

I'm starting to wish I never formally made a plan to kill myself. Don't get me wrong, I will rope one day. It's just now that I've made autistic plans for it, I find myself struggling to have all the fun I'm meant to having before I do it. My brain's just like "fuck it, I'm gonna die anyway" and I can't find any joy in anything. I thought mapping out the next year or two before I end it might clarify things for me, but it's completely backfired.

No. 2030704

Her english is fine…. I even read that post and thought it was pretty eloquently worded. I was like damn nona has a point

No. 2030709

>I'm retarded and don't know words so it must be AI!
Even if she was ESL, her post was well-worded. You seem weird and bitter. Freak.

No. 2030714

another bright red pimple on my cheek

No. 2030729

Throw in therapy. If not to get better with your suicidal thoughts, to help you find a better way to enjoy the last few fucked up years of what this earth has to offer. Make it crazy, make it selfless. Go volunteer in a dog shelter in Guatemala, go hitchhike through europe, get a good therapist to psych you up and be your coach but damn well make the most of it all.

No. 2030736

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i looked back on some childhood photos and holy shit I'm uglier than i thought kek. i have the most negative of negatively tilted eyes in existence, i don't think i've ever seen anyone with eyes as droopy as mine it's like god put the character slider all the way at the end. and very empty, lifeless and dead eyed too, it looks like i was born without a soul. it's way worse now as an adult, no wonder people thought i was retarded and scary.
even Droopydog looks more friendlier and inviting kek honestly i can't even compare to him.

No. 2030751

I feel so fucking angry all the time, I don’t know why. It might be my anxiety and depression with my sprinkle of autism and work is so fucking retarded. Everyone at work is such a fucking troglodyte and I have to treat them like princess uwu babies and hold their hand to order fucking coffee (I work at a Starbucks). They piss me off so extremely bad, coupled with how fucking shit everything else about my job is. I’m never angry at my family or friends so I don’t think it’s an anger issue but I don’t know.

No. 2030760

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Being one of the only non-BPD female members in my family is so frustrating. I just wanna take a nap but my mom and sister are screaming at each other again.

No. 2030761

On one hand I'm glad I finally got my endometriosis diagnosis, so I know why I've felt this pain for over a year now. On the other hand I'm pissed I'll have to either take the pill or pass out of pain twice a month.

No. 2030790

I went to see Furisoa today and all I can think how good my life would be if I had a robot arm and lived in Australia. It's dumb but my current job is dumb af at least in Mad Max land I could wear a sick outfit and murder anyone I don't like kek

No. 2030804

I would smoke ice all day and send out the warboys to die for me while I'm chilling. Literally heaven

No. 2030814

Honestly dealing with the public in this type of setting is probably doing it honestly I have the same type of job and even though a lot of the regulars are cool and chill, the majority of people are halfwits and the subtle disrespect and degradation that comes with “service” is bad for the soul. As far as I’m concerned anyways .

No. 2030815

This is so kind of you and honestly really changed my outlook so I sincerely thank you for taking the time to respond and share your experience

No. 2030819

girl just get up and go for a fucking walk, even if just a short jaunt up the street it will make you feel better than you do now, if not outright good, at least for as long as you’re walking. Just do it!! Just do it do it do it

No. 2030855

>the pill set feminism back several decades
It had the opposite effect, it enabled women to choose when they got pregnant and how many times they had children, or to not have kids at all. It allowed women to have a life outside of childbearing and to better pursue their passions (yes including married women). It has its issues, but I hate when people in the modern day just dismiss it entirely without understanding why it was invented or why women want it.

No. 2030858

How do i stop the pain by proxy i feel for my ex who's a veteran (irak and afghanistan) ? I'm literaly crying about how the state failed young moids and i don't want to feel that.

No. 2030860

It's spelt Iran not Irak and there wasn't a war in Iran so your ex was probably lying to be a veteran for discounts and such Good luck

No. 2030862

Iraq dumbass

No. 2030863

I have been having this weird upper arm pain in my left arm off and on for like… 4 months?
It hurts like a motherfucker and I’m terrified to say anything to a doctor about it. I keep telling myself it’s just maybe fibro, muscle spasm or something. My muscle relaxer doesn’t seem to do much and ibuprofen dulls it. It’s not near any joints. It feels like it’s deep in bone for some reason. It’s just deep muscle pain I don’t know. I see my doctor soon but I am worried they will brush it off as me being paranoid but something feels Wrong

No. 2030864

Irak and Iraq are both legitimate name stfu

No. 2030866

i swear what a retard lmfao

No. 2030868

it's irak (or iraq) and you can't fake photos, gear and medals. you're just weird and bitter kek.

No. 2030869

I take back my post I didn't know about that one But you don't have to call me mean names
I didn't think that
Stop insulting me This is what I get for helping out I guess thanks for bullying me today like I didnt already have enough of that
Im not bitter dont say that about me and Yes you can fake photos and gear and metals on Photoshop

No. 2030873

Nigga why would the first thing you assume is that he was lying when he's my ex and you don't know him, you know people do actually go to war right?

No. 2030874

2 distinct situations have traumatized me over the past couple years, and they are randomly converging today and I am a wreck and I want to scream and I want to cry. I hate both factions so fucking much as pointless as that is and having to think about it all today is awful. both happenings were bullshit, and unjust and I was treated objectively wrong and yet it still hurts to be rejected on both sides and excluded from this benign event. I have hate in my heart and I wish nothing but the worst for the involved parties and that sucks but it’s my truth

No. 2030875

do you play video games? do you hold your phone in your left hand primarily? so you work an active job? it could be nerve damage from these types of activities. sometimes the pain travels and feels like it's coming from elsewhere because of all the bundled nerves. try giving your hand a rest, and get a hand brace.

No. 2030877

Its your ex. Set off fireworks outside his house.

No. 2030878

why would you feel bad? a lot of these american scrotes raped and tortured civilians abroad.

No. 2030881

i use to drink tons of coffee and caffinated drinks but now i can't even a small amount. i just had a large coke and my heart feels like it's going to burst out of my chest. this reaction happened out if nowhere too! what the fuck?
anyone else ever had this happen to them? i love coffee so i am pretty bummed out…

No. 2030882

I hate that I have to rely on a moid to live. I'm smart and capable and I could do a lot of things potentially, but because I was a stupid cynical idiot who assumed I would be dead by this age I made horrible choices and now I am stuck here being a bangmaid for an alcoholic loser. maybe I should just kill myself now instead of prolonging my suffering. fuck.

No. 2030883

Most of them did not though

No. 2030884

That's actually incredible, it means your blood vessels have grown accustomed to life without constant caffeine dilation. It's a gift.

No. 2030885

Can't you get a job as a waitress or something?

No. 2030886

sure but they're still part of the system that did and don't really care. the entire culture of militaries is usually sexist.

No. 2030887

Your adrenal glands are tired

No. 2030892

check your glycogen stores

No. 2030895

Yes it's definitely sexist, i can't help feeling bad for them, they get enrolled when they're as young as 17, it's fucked up.

No. 2030897

decaf coffee and espresso is a thing….

No. 2030899

i hope this is all, but now my body can't handle even mild caffeine. it sends me into an anxiety frenzy but i love coffee…

i looked into the symptoms of this and they don't mention anything of the sort. most of the symptoms don't fit me

could you explain this more?

i know, but they aren't as common. when you go out places or travel, a lot don't have decaf. also even soda sets me off now.

No. 2030902

this happens to me all the time, ever since i first had it really even in tiny amounts. never understood how people were able to drink this regularly tbh. it also gives me headaches and makes my body shake.

No. 2030909

if you consume caffeine without having enough glycogen stored it can cause an increase in adrenaline

No. 2030915

I am so sick of being alive. Just let me eat a bullet breakfast and do nothing. I want to do nothing. So sick of this shit. My insurance payout is terrible too. I'm financially worthless.
I'm only keeping myself alive so my mom won't be sad. If you feel empathetic or sad, think about my mom who had to carry my useless cells for 9 months.

No. 2030916

what would cause low glycogen stores? i am going for my annual visit soon, so i can mention it then.

i guess yours is nice since it means you never hit hooked. i use to drink 6-8 espresso shots a day and now i can't even drink a watered down coffee. what the hell is up with that?

No. 2030917


No. 2030918

you can restore glycogen by consuming carbs

No. 2030919

Probably should of included it but I'm worth 60k euros

No. 2030923

i eat a decent amount of carbs and this issue has been going on for months now, so i don't think that's it.

No. 2030926

I hate everything nonnas. Not a single thing i truly enjoy in this world. Something about my brain. University is torture. I don't give a fuck about a single thing they are talking about. I want a second chance on teenagehood.

No. 2030933

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I’m so sad. I got massager Botox and my tension headaches have almost completely disappeared but I did get a little jowly. It hasn’t aged me that much but I’m afraid it’ll get worse if I continue. I feel a lot better but vanity still has a chokehold on me.

No. 2030936

That's why you're in college silly. You endlessly network and constantly work a series of short jobs throughout your twenties, and then, your thirties are your teen years but with money, and some extra back pain.

No. 2030938

Go take a walk, anon, smell the flowers, watch the clouds drift on by. The world is lovely if you give it a chance.

No. 2030939

You look like such an asshole saying things like this when someone is venting about their despair. You'd be better off just saying nothing

No. 2030943

There's a que. Don't get me wrong I love my free health care but if you aren't bleeding out on the floor they push you to that back. Triage is a good thing but for emergencies but if you are sick and not about to die in 30 mins your getting ignored. Not great for my schizo ass. I'm applying for another therapist but I'm getting no replies right now

No. 2030946

it's weird when some anons randomly assume you're fat when irl people assume i'm ana (i'm neither). and over posts that have literally nothing to do with weight in the first place…

No. 2030950

People with disorders are absolutely a fucked bunch. You’ve ever been on ed-twt? They’ll make every little thing about weight, especially anas because they center their whole life around it.

No. 2030952

Insecure fatties taking their neuroses out on others online for the rush.

No. 2030957


I've been having suicidal thoughts since I was 11. I think one day I'm going to go through with it and that day is edging closer and closer to me. Statistically I mean, it makes sense. I have a lot of hope for others but I have none for myself. Here's hoping I make it past this year.

No. 2030961

A thousand curses on those responsible for this god forsaken housing crisis. Because of it, despite having a relatively high paying job, I can't afford to live outside and am forced to stay with my toxic ass family. From just this week
> I've been pulling longggg hours this week to meet an important deadline for our team (the previous iteration of our team were literally all fired before and our performance hasn't been super great so I felt the pressure to deliver)
> despite this my mother scolded me for not doing enough housework, despite her having two layabout barely employed sons who are perfectly capable of doing housework. I am literally paying the mortgage.
> my mother asked me to babysit a house full of kids "for just a few hours" in the morning and stayed out partying till after midnight. Ofc her sons had convenient plans to attend to so I had to babysit all day alone (nothing against the kids they're innocent in this grownup foolishness)
> got told off for "not binning my trash" on trash day (the bin was full. I left my sealed trash next to it because i was commuting that week and i was in a hurry). Her sons were too lazy to pick up the extra trash there all week and ofc it began to smell. I threw it out as soon as I had the time to notice but I still got berated for letting my "dirty period blood" offend her precious sons delicate sensibilities. There weren't even any pads in there???
And I know I should just leave but it's complicated for several financial reasons, the mortgage multiplier means with my mother and I's salary we could afford a house but on my own it's not possible. Not to mention I've already had one mortgage so even I sell my share I'd incur extra taxes when buying that would wipe out my deposit. Renting is really risky here atm and I wouldn't be saving too so I just have to stick it out unfortunately and ofc bc I "earn a lot" I don't qualify for any sort of housing assistance so I'm p much stuck :/ just wanted to vent/spare my irl friends another rant

No. 2030967

i see so many retarded soulless replies in this thread to people who are just earnestly venting. it makes me real sad

No. 2030968

I've been trying so hard to poop but nothing works

No. 2030972

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What is with youtube feeding me this disgusting age gap shit?! Both hetero and gay. I fucking hate age gaps

No. 2030977

Fags getting psyop-ed into sucking limp wrinkly dick is funny as hell ngl

No. 2030982

Is it a psyop if the dude probably has a lot of money? I think that’s the only reason why they’d do that shit

No. 2030985

That doesn't look like a "twink" moid but a actual teenager what is this epsteinesque shit

No. 2030988

Theyre so braindead, they think that infantilizing eachother and blowing hot air is showing support when it's so condescending and vapid

No. 2030989

Molestation and lana del Rey

No. 2031033

this causes jowls? i got it done and now i have jowls that i didn't have before. i thought i was just getting old kek

No. 2031042

How does it give you jowls? Lack of tension in your jaw relaxing your muscles?

No. 2031047

I feel for you, oh my god. Are the young kids your siblings or nieces/nephews?

No. 2031048

If it had stayed in the realm of allowing married women (and the few women who wanted to have sex out of wedlock) to keep from getting pregnant, I don't think anyone would be saying what they are today. But instead the pill is used both by doctors to dismiss women's health issues ("Oh, you have literally any malady ever? Have you tried either getting pregnant or going on the pill? Those are the only options we have for you.") and by society/moids to pressure young women into having risky sex with males. ("Baby I don't need to wear a condom, you're on the pill, aren't you?" / "We don't have to wait for me to commit to you. You're on the pill so I'm off the hook if you get pregnant.") In theory and in its early use, it was liberating for women, but for the last 30+ years it has not liberated women and has in fact set feminism back.

No. 2031146

Made a bigger mistake today than I even thought I was capable of making, and now I’m so fucked

No. 2031176

what sort of mistake?

No. 2031322

I'm AYRT and I know this is like 100 years old (23 hours) but I needed to say that my new obsession is also related to HH. girl we are suffering together

No. 2031336

thank you, kind nonnie, i eventually did and feel better now. i hope you have a good weekend too

No. 2031420

There was a comic convention in town and my young niece really wanted to go to see one of the voices of Scooby/Shaggy (Scott Innes). He was the rudest voice actor I ever met. I was standing with her right in front of him and and he was ignoring us and focusing on his phone. I had to say “hello” three times until he finally acknowledged us. She was excited, but he didn’t say much at all in return. We left and came back later when my niece had a drawing she wanted signed. He did the same thing, rudely ignored us while we were standing right in front of him, focusing on his stupid phone again. We got it signed eventually (after we bought something from his booth, the money grubber) but I literally had to ask over and over could we please get a signature for her as she left the drawing on the table for him. He only wanted to talk to other old scrotes and give them the time of day, he was ignoring a lot of fans and I could see them walking away discouraged. The guy had a stick up his ass. We even overheard him complaining “Ugh people are going to be following me to my dinner plans”. As if, self-centered asshole. My niece felt pretty upset after all that and I was annoyed too, I liked those movies as well when I was a kid but he couldn’t give the time of day to my 10yo niece. I told her to forget about him. I just had to rant about this. I’ve met some arrogant and rude actors but damn he was the worst by far. At least try to act grateful and appreciative. It wasn’t even late in the day yet.

No. 2031444

ayrt and holy shit, kek! I'm glad you understand. Are you an alastorfag too because if so I'm going to feel so seen

No. 2031629

I'm a filthy self shipper and I hate seeing all the gn!reader shit in the tags when I'm looking for fanfic. I'm trying to escape my shitty life by fantasizing about a perfect, idyllic universe and my perfect husbandos. They wouldn't be doing something as uncool as catering to gendie shit. Gendie shit doesn't even exist in the universes I like anyway. It ruins my immersion with the awkward way everyone has to talk when I know 99% of the readers are women or women who hate themselves

And I guess this isn't a vent but I think the cope posts about characters dealing with an unconventional reader is funny. Like yes every single person in this cast of handsome, muscular men will love and care for you even if you're fat and mutilated. I know that's the benefit of loving fictional characters but it still makes me laugh

No. 2031806

I’m scared of people. I’ve had nothing but bad experiences getting close to “friends” that ended up actually despising every one of my little autistic ticks, recently one of them whom I’ve divulged a lot of my private life to went and told everyone I’m a walking disaster and a bpdchan that should be avoided at all costs. Now I don’t even have the desire to forge any deep bonds out of fear of someone misplacing my trust. Usually I’m very independent and I enjoy the solitude and freedom I have by putting myself first, but now being alone all the time is eating away at me. I’m one of those people that loves making jokes and being funny all the time but whenever I’m alone at night I feel miserable and start crying by myself. Sometimes I really want to end it all and jump off a building but there’s still a few people I know would have to carry a heavy burden for a long time if I were to die suddenly. I do see a therapist once a month to manage my depression but I still entertain the thought of suicide more than I should. I know people are capable of being kind (like the lovely nonas in here) but I’m never letting anyone too deep into my life ever again. I don’t even care if it’s the most beautiful lesbian girlfriend of my dreams kek I just want out of this life already.

No. 2031810

Yes, they're sweet kids for the most part, it's all the adults fault for not having their shit together. Literally boggling my mind how YOU can agree to take care of children and then fuck off for the whole day expecting others to fulfill your obligations that YOU made.

I thought it was a few hours nearby which is why I agreed but it was
out of town. Literally woke up pissed off and in pain today

No. 2031864

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Sometimes I think I'm just a fucking asshole. My own therapist called me a curmudgeon kek. I'm trying to use dating apps again and I swear everyone sounds the same and has no voice of their own. Was it always like this? It must've been to some degree, right? I swiped no on three women who said the same exact thing–that they're "yappers." It actually freaks me out and I feel like I'm surrounded by robots. But then I feel like a pretentious douchebag. It's not like these people are stupid, they just all say the same shit and get their morals from tiktok and don't use their brain to their advantage. Man I'm just pissy at people today.

No. 2031867

latina or arab mom right? i recognize the misogyny

No. 2031874

Bruh, I thought this was a father and his son until I read the title.

No. 2031878

The boymom cringe thread here in /ot/ might suit your needs.

No. 2031879

The bpd mod on cc permabanned me or something it's so frustrating

No. 2031882

kek that whole site is frustrating

No. 2031883

Nonnas defending shoes tradcath husband because atleast he isn’t preggory is how I know this site is going to absolute shit and the children of those posters will live miserable lives.

No. 2031886

It's even worse because they are literally everywhere in tech jobs in the states. I hate it

No. 2031890

Are you subscribed to that "truly" channel? They constantly post trash like that and it creeps up on suggestions too if you used to watch those videos (I know I did for the alt fashion cringe part of their channel kek).

No. 2031892

Why would you want to post on CC anyway, it's literally all trannies now.

No. 2031896

you’re right. I think they have troons as mods there too because I reported an obvious tranny thread and they did nothing about it.

No. 2031905

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my friend has a stalker and i'm kinda paranoid he might've heard me come out to her when we were out together yesterday and out me even though he doesn't know me out of spite and blackmail against her live in a muslim country so it's dangerous for me honestly just hope he dies and kills himself. i'm really scared he was following us. he stole her keys and even knows who she lives with without them ever interacting before aside from when he told her that he had been stalking her for more than half a year now, in person so she doesn't even have any evidence if she reported him to the police if they're even good enough to do something about it. he's not even from our city either. he's been quiet these past few days but that's even more frightening because she doesn't get updates on what he's up to anymore so he could be doing anything. my heart's been pounding ever since she told me. i really hope he doesn't do something crazy to either of us because i did keep saying that i hoped he killed himself on multiple occasions with my big loud ass mouth ugh i can't stand myself. he's even threatened her for being friends with a (different) girl because "why would you talk to her but not me". he's threatened people with violence who go to the same gym who've spoken to her because he has some cuck whistleblower that goes to the same gym as her. he's even told her that he would kill people for money but idk if he was just trying to psych her out. he's even told her that she can't do anything about him even if she keeps ignoring him because he "knows they're made for eachother" and that she shouldn't ever think about being involved woth anybody else. we don't know how much farther he'll go. i'm seriously sick with worry i can't focus on anything and i don't know what to do, i just told her to screenshot/record anything related to what he's been sending her online. i just want this all to be over. i hope he fucks off to the european country he was getting a language diploma for forever and never bothers her again. sick freak

No. 2031933

My mom is starting to tell me "when you have a salary you'll pay me this you'll pay me that"
Bitch you just bought a 100k appartment and 10k of jewelry, leave my money alone
God I can't wait to fuck off from here

No. 2031937

Besides she's so misogynistic
When my brother comes back from a night shift, she's all over her, doing everything in his stead and even telling me to do his chores
When I come back from a night shift, she starts asking me to clean the house, prepare dinner and whatnot
Idk I just fucking hate her and her preference for my brother these days
I'm going to do fuckall because even when I do my best to be a good daughter, she still favours my brother, so you know what, I'm going to do the bare minimum just like him
At least I'll be less tired

No. 2031946

She said she wants to charge me like 400 a month for food and shelter
Lol as if I'd pay 400 to live 1h30 from every single working spot, have the children she keep sleeping in my room, have her boss me around and tell me when I can come and go, who I can see, what I can do, hear her yell with my father and all this toxic shit I'm desperate to leave behind

No. 2031968

My coworker keeps giving me clothes and it's so damn awkward because I try to say no or give reasons to not take them and she still makes me take them. She and her daughter never donate anything or buy used so I guess I'm like her dumping ground for stuff they stained or never wore.

No. 2031975

>own home
>main sewer line issue last year, $13,000 to repair, home owners insurance doesnt cover it because its not a part of the "existing structure" of the home
>bawl my eyes out, go with the repair companies finance system
>$100 payment every month due on the 2nd
>last month the minimum payment shot up to $253 and the due date changed to the 1st of the month
>no email, no notice, google no help because all the returning results are about when your credit card payment goes up
i have to just…. call them tomorrow… probably just for the customer service person to be like "to bad, so sad". this kind of shit gives me so much anxiety and makes me feel like such a retard getting overwhelmed by what allegedly everyone else is able to do. this is one of those "adult" areas i just feel so uninformed to handle, i would pay a person just to make these kind of calls for me while i sweat and stress next to them. glad i have therapy tomorrow so maybe my therapist can be more helpful than google and give me some insight before i make the call

No. 2032017

I'm in love with some rando from the internet. I tried everything to stop myself from feeling this way. Cut contact everywhere. I wake up with a sinking feeling in my chest knowing I sabotaged all possibility of a relationship. People I know IRL don't make me feel anything like this. I don't know if I've made a mistake. I strongly believe that internet relationships are doomed from the start. I hate this.

No. 2032032

my ex is literally the perfect tall white twink bf but sadly his personality and location make our relationship impossible. sigh.

No. 2032035

do you like the clothes..?

No. 2032070

I'm a 30 year old virgin and I'm so sexually frustrated I feel like I'm going insane. I needed to have sex like… 10 years ago it's too late now I feel like I have caused permanent damage to my brain with daydreaming, fanfiction and porn

No. 2032087

Forgot to pay my credit card yesterday because it was a Saturday (like, my rent is always due on the first WEEKDAY of the month and I usually do them both at the same time) and I got hit with a $25 late fee and I feel like such a fucking retard. I also got a $40 speeding ticket in the mail because my entire highway commute is now a work zone with a speed limit of 45mph but I don’t feel safe driving 50mph when the retards around me are still driving 65-70. I literally just lost $60 due to my own retardation, and I need to sink like $50 into my guitar sometime soon too cause something is broken. And I’m about to go back to school and won’t be able to work for the next year minimum. I had so much fun in my year and a half with an adult office job, I’ve been shopping at bougie grocery stores and buying secondhand designer clothes and going out drinking multiple nights a week and now I’m gonna have to become insanely frugal and won’t even have time for the fun shit. I’m making such a huge mistake with my life whyyy am I doing this.

No. 2032090

A guy I work with is in this sort of thing and it gives me the ick every time I see them together. Co-worker is mid 20s and his bf is late 40s at best. He says bf came out late in life but it still feels gross. They are trying to adopt and I want to put in a warning or something.

No. 2032095

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>call up various places to fix a serious health issue because the other one cannot use my insurance
>every response is "sorry we only accept x-Care/x-Aid/etc insurance"
Guess I'll just die then

No. 2032097

It's only too late if you believe it is. You have like 50 years of being unfucked left, might as well put yourself out there now.

No. 2032098

I had sex after years of fantasizing about it (not as much as you, but I started fantasizing at 13 and actually had sex for the first time at 22)
TBH fapping is better you're not missing out

No. 2032126

The farms are so empty it makes me sad. Every time I check in it's like a ghost town. I guess I should be happy for all the nonas who graduated, but still.

No. 2032127

GOD I’m so angry and uncomfortable and I don’t even know why. Someone end my misery

No. 2032141

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Out of all my friends only one remembered my birthday and then refused to come to my birthday "party" on the first date, and then on the second, and isn't gonna meet me at all. I love baking, we always used to bake a cake with some stupid shit written on it for my birthday. I'm not gonna bake it alone and just have it by myself. I know it sounds stupid but it was always more of a symbolic thing. I just don't understand why all of my once close friends don't really care about me anymore. I always show interest in their hobbies, what they're doing, I go out of my way to spend time with them, and in return I "get" none of that back. I don't know if I've grown too boring, predictable, old, or different. I'd just like to know what I can do with myself to have the good times back.

No. 2032151

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I'm not suicidal but fuck me life is making me think I should just end it. I'm trying so hard but nothing is working out. Just throw me a bone? Give me something. I think I'm just destined for misery and struggle. I feel like I've been cursed from birth.

No. 2032160

I relate a lot Nonna. It's just so fucking pointless. Even if you have a "good" portion of life its just so empty and the only good part is "not constantly crying" They say it gets better but it never really does

No. 2032165

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FUUUCK bipolar it's ruining my life, I've been trapped by this chronic anxiety/depression/etc for way too long as I don't got money for meds and my family refuses to acknowledge the diagnosis, it damaged my mind and body to extents I don't think I can fix anymore. No one will ever understand the way my brain literally fucks me up at the most inopportune moments and right when everything is going well, once it starts I've a mental breakdown every 2 days and this dreadful feeling doesn't seem to stop no matter what I do, I literally just raw dog severe anxiety/suicidal symptoms everyday. How did it even got this bad? It all seemed so perfect then it crashed so suddenly, I used to be just a normal woman then out of nowhere my mind crashed and ruined everything I worked for. Everyday, I wake up in fear of things going south again, I avoid mirrors and going outside, I'm so ashamed of my current state and everyone keeps getting worried about me yet no one actually admits what's actually wrong, no one wants to face the fact that I'm bipolar because several other mentally ill relatives traumatized us. I'm tired of posting about it, thinking about it, talking about it but it wouldn't leave me alone I'm unable to heal.

Everyone keeps talking about the old me, how cool and full of life she was, how healthy and radiant she used to be, she was perfect, confident, diligent, etc. Well she's dead and my current circumstances killed her, she's not here anymore, just me

No. 2032178

if i can't make it by the end of the year i'm killing myself

No. 2032180

Me with any kind male professor
I've never been attracted to a male my own age
Please tell me how to fix it
Also I'm a volcel, don't worry

No. 2032181

This one friend is always such a bitch when she comes to my place. She'll be here for 2 seconds and start to whine about how I don't recycle every little thing, that my bread is weird, that I don't do my own dishes correctly according to her, just complain about everything. If you think everything is so bad here just fuck off and don't come around anymore? I thought it was common sense to not complain about people in their own homes but I guess not. I don't understand, I never did nothing to her and she treats me like a school bully.

No. 2032184

This morning was pretty stressful. After I did some grocery shopping this morning, I tried to start the car so I could go home. It wouldn’t start and I started to panic and cry while calling my parents on what to do next. I wish I didn’t panic so easily and cry while my dad was telling me to get it together. I’m home now but damn there are still a lot of things I don’t know/haven’t gone through yet.

No. 2032191

Seeing the anons insecure over their age in the shayna thread is really funny, 18-20 IS a lot younger than 27 that’s two life stages entirely, insisting that it isn’t reeks of insecurity of aging. In a majority of cases it’d be weird for them to date. Even 22 vs 25 is a kind of big jump because again, different life stages (usually). Acknowledging that it’s a lot older is not the same as going omgzzzz 27 is sooo old wrinkled grandma. Like for example, a 13 year old is way older than an 8 year old but they’re both still stupid kids, but one is way more mentally mature and has more life experience. Would those anons say a 13 year old isn’t that much older? Wtf? And i say this as a 25 year old who doesn’t really want to hang out with 18 year olds. If they’re calling me old, they’re too stupid for me to care about their opinion

No. 2032195

i don’t go there but that’s insane to me. 18-20 is basically a teenager and not finished with college, most likely living at home. if it was someone saying like 25-29 sure, but even mature under 21s have drastically different levels of life experience and in the US can’t even go to bars or some shows?? why do those people want to be grouped in with those people in their late twenties? like do they want to hang out with teenagers or are they coping with being neets in a weird way i do not understand.

No. 2032200

I can't even speak to cashiers without trembling and stuttering and I have terrible hearing, I would make a terrible waitress. but thank you for the suggestion, truly.

No. 2032207

I’m in an age gap relationship(30 and 21) and I’m probably one of the bad older people in the relationship that people would consider a predator(I’m a drug addict and always asking my bf for money). So yea I hope when his frontal lobe develop he won’t come back saying I groomed him or some shit.

No. 2032229


No. 2032232

better men than women is what i always say

No. 2032233

My desire to have someone with a full head of hair trumps my morality

No. 2032234

heavy sympathy with you both. but at least my mother has majorly mellowed out since i started paying her rent. she throws a temper tantrum if i don't buy her shit but it's not nearly as bad as it was before

No. 2032235

I will be turning 25 soon and I am still a virgin. I need some kind of motivation to get rid of my virginity. Any time it gets serious I back out.

No. 2032236

You don't have to. Virginity is based

No. 2032267

Just kinda sad about the state of the world today. Women stay suffering, moids stay moiding, nothing new under the sun…

No. 2032293

Yeah I feel like life is a hole and everything I do is just to keep myself a little higher in the hole. My mother asks me when I'm going to settle down and have a family. Bitch I can't buy a house, can barely afford rent and keeping my shit box I call a car running. Why would I bring a child into this pit? Should I whore myself out to some rich moid so I continue your linage? I'd rather die.

No. 2032298

Disclaimer I love my mother but she's from a different generation. She could do with learning some empathy though

No. 2032302

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I’ve been taking frequent depression naps for the past three months and always wake up to panic attacks over the most mundane shit

No. 2032306

God I just want to be a neet. I can tell no one enjoys my company just as I don’t theirs but I have to leave my house every day and take care of my responsibilities. It’s so frustrating and worse yet I’m finding it harder and harder to control my impulses making me less likeable than before. Spiralling.

No. 2032307

God same it feels like shit. I hope you feel better soon noanna

No. 2032308

Felt. Let's be neets together

No. 2032311

Don't be a drug addict just be addicted to online shopping like the rest of us

No. 2032326

i'm the anon whose mom recently passed, but this time i am not venting about her but my family. my mom left me a really big inheritance, and my family is envious and hating on me because she left everything she had to me and not them kek. she had her house in a trust and i discovered last week that i had technically inherited it when i turned 25 four years ago. she left all her stocks, all of her pension, and pretty much everything to me. since she died, i've discovered that some of my family were trying to manipulate me to take the money from me through probate as my mom had lied (thank god) and told them she had dissolved the trust after she had divorced my dad. she hadn't; it was actually hidden in another state and my father signed off on its release as the surviving trustee so that i could get everything. and my dad told me i am the beneficiary of all his stuff too and he has a ton of assets as well, so even though my parents split up, they still secretly agreed to protect their assets so that when they die everything goes to me automatically.

so, there's a bit of good that has come out of my mother's passing. it's kind of funny too as i guess my family thought i was naive enough to believe their overly kind act, but i saw through it as many of them were mean to me growing up and i know how they are. ever since they found out i am my mother's heiress, they've had to give up the charade and admit that they need to stop trying to take what my mom legally signed me as beneficiary of. now a lot of them aren't talking to me as well, which doesn't bother me. i don't need haters in my life and never liked most of them anyway.

No. 2032337

Cut all your family and live your best life. I'm rooting for you

No. 2032340

>When a SCROTE develops his brain lobe
This is how I know this is just bait. We all know that no scrote has a fully developed brain.

No. 2032342

Stacy shit tbh

No. 2032351

Hey, trust anon here too. My fuckass dad helped me the most by dying and leaving my sister and I all of his shit, it's tricky having relatives circling you like that. My dead uncle's wife tried pulling some very odd "anon, your dad actually was in the progress of buying a watch from me so could you give me the money", like as far as I know she seems to be doing very well money wise and I went through all of my dad's stuff and he was not a watch guy, there was only one that he died wearing, the whole thing reeked of a weird scam from her. She even told me they texted or emailed about it and I said great, I have all his devices, let's go and suddenly she was good actually, no need. This was right at the start of the pandemic and I was very sick as well, so it was extra ugly to pull, I was in my early twenties too, like way to be weird about it, she didn't do that to my sister though because she's older and she wouldn't have entertained her for as long as I did. It's really sad when someone dies and family runs after money that is already someone else's, you get your own dead dad, damn. So sorry for your loss, nona. Make the best out of the situation and have a nice life, shit family doesn't deserve you!

No. 2032357

So much of my anxiety is based on thinking normal things that I do are not normal. I just found out that the way I am attracted to women is actually normal. That’s literally insane to me because I thought that I had to literally be basically wet all the time or else it wasn’t real attraction. I’m such a fucking sped. I was raised by the internet and I’m just learning what normal attraction is.

No. 2032359

My condolences for your loss. I'm glad she left you a lot of money and a house. Cut your family off. Live your life. You dont need parasites or leeches trying to manipulate you.

No. 2032392

It's so weird that even when you want to do things and enjoy them it's still mostly to make life bearable and not kill yourself. It seems like there are people who don't see it that way and probably genuinely love life?? super weird

No. 2032402

Men have never invented anything ever. You literally can't prove me wrong.

No. 2032412

men invented crime

No. 2032413

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>moid cant recognize obvious sarcasm
male intelligence moment(do not respond to scrotes)

No. 2032415

A couple years ago I made up my mind once and for that I wouldn’t kill myself, but now that I have to just struggle through life in front of everyone with no escape route I have different problems. I really believe a lot of mental illness can be alleviated by just changing your mindset and finding things to be grateful for, but even with real good faith effort I’ve fallen into the pit again

No. 2032427

Amazon order didn't deliver because we were doing yard work by front door and blocked it, but the delivery driver could have delivered by our side door. I'm so annoyed.

No. 2032429

My ear is like painfully plugged up on the right side, and our water is shut off right now because of a leak.. Man I just wanna cry!!

No. 2032434

Based. Ignore the moid capers I hope you keep taking advantage of his retarded ass.

No. 2032438

thats not what grooming means, he's a grown adult

No. 2032440

What manga is this?

No. 2032442

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True. Let us shitpost.

No. 2032452

Obviously not, but moids love to cry about how 'a woman took advantage of them when they were young' even though they were 100% complacent and into it. And zoomies fucking love painting grown ass men as innocent widdle babies so it'd be in his favor to do so. See that fag Aaron Taylor Johnson.

No. 2032454

Based. This is truly the last place we have to shitpost without scrotes and trannies to ruin our fun, LET US HAVE FUN DAMMIT. I’m standing here with you Spartacus-style to proclaim IM ELSIE

No. 2032466

Came here to say the same. Arab and Latina boy moms are crazy, they coddle and love their precious little baby boys (who are grown men) and are always weirdly hostile to the girls for some reason

No. 2032477

Holycrap, that's so awful. Like, wtf- the only reason he even has a job is because of fans of scooby doo, which has been kept alive by 4-5 generations at this point. I'm sorry both you and your niece dealt with that.

No. 2032479

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made the very poor decision to lurk a bunch of former classmates instagram accounts and i feel like shit. day no. 9,761 of wishing i could get over the fear and just kill myself, i will be a loser who accomplishes nothing forever and my life is only gonna get worse, there's no hope. sometimes i think about finding a hitman and paying them to kill me since i cant do it. i want the entire earth to blow up.

No. 2032484

Really need to vent about this and I'd like to know if any other nonnies experienced anything remotely similar
I don't know if I'm really jealous or if I was brainwashed by the media but I'm really jealous of those 2 fucking popular girls I had back in highschool in my class, who have become like sisters and are just as close 17+ fucking years later
what annoys me even more is how these 2 seem to have won and are living their best life, one of them was slutty and lost her V card at 17 (back then this was considered young especially around here), had so many bfs I lost count and eventually married rich. She's not THAT smart (academically) but made it. Her foundation shade is always wrong and it still irks me sometimes. She loves to be glammed up (respect tbh) and I'm so fucking salty she lives a cushy life with her rich husband, had a kid in her 20s and basically got everything in life she could've wanted: no stress,family, friends, gets to be pretty and not stress about shit.
The other one oh boy, the beautiful tall leggy blonde thing that used to get so drunk she blacked out at parties, not academically smart but extremely extroverted, the party girl a la Gossip Girl who managed to network and make friends easily and landed a job I would have never expected. Even she got married and lives the fun life full of traveling. Was a bit shocked when I heard her since she got into smoking and sounds like one of those old bitches who smokes 4 packs a day, have no fucking idea what she sounds like now but anyway, tall, skinny, gorgeous face and hair, that definitely helped her get as far as she did, if she was a fat extroverted bitch she wouldn't have had the opportunities she had in a million years. I am so fucking jealous of her.
I know I shouldn't be, they were fun girls and I wanted so badly to be their friend, but I was too shy and awkward.
Ofc most colleagues kept their ties with them , I was invisible however. Sometimes I feel like crying when thinking about it.
I'm not even ugly but I'm just secluded. I studied very good, had very good grades but for what? for these 2 bitches to get what I thought would be guaranteed for the academical kids, it's such a fucking tough pill to swallow, if you've been through this you KNOW. I hated my jobs, I had problems with colleagues and management for the most retarded reasons (from their side) , stressed so much and put in so much work and for what? NOTHING, nothing. And I look at these girls and they've lived the life I always wanted, I'm happy for them (I know it might seem impossible) but I just can't help and COMPARE and be bitter about how life deals the fucking cards.
It's so unfair I want to scream and smash things into pieces. I HATE THIS SO FUCKING MUCH, I HATE IT

No. 2032518

I fucking hate moids so much, especially moids who take their tard rage out on women, children and/or animals. I hope they all get fucking cancer and die alone and broken in the gutters.

No. 2032529


No. 2032540

Makes you wonder what the hell the dads are doing in these situations

No. 2032571

friend flipped her phone around to show me a pic she took of me a couple months ago and i finally had to admit to myself that i’ve gotten straight up chubby, terrible feeling

No. 2032576

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If I get to be totally vulnerable for a moment… I confess I have a truly horrible mindset that unfairly deems those who speak up about the hardships they've faced as 'weaker' or even annoying and place those who 'suffer in silence' on a superior ground than them. I realize this perpetuates my mother's point of view which is also the reason I think I learned this behavior from her, and I'm trying my hardest to get rid of it because I don't want to pass it onto my potential daughters, like at all, because this whole behavior stems from my own cowardice of never reaching out when I was struggling and thinking I'm inherently better because I went through everything without anybody's help- which is not true, obviously. It makes me weaker. But to be completely truthful, it does also stem from how I always had the perception that nobody would want to help me, because it did always seem like that. I find myself scoffing at my friend who rants about her phase of anorexia and unrealistic body standards because nobody decided to help me when I was visibly emaciated and losing hair, and then I decide that she's just fishing for attention. It's bitter jealousy. I'm trying to change.

No. 2032611

I just got back from an anime con and everybody was really fat and unattractive in the absolute worst ways. One in maybe twenty people weren’t absolute hambeasts and it was just a bummer trying to people watch when everybody was painful to look at like is it so hard to maybe take care of yourself

No. 2032628

I know how you feel nonna. I'm in that exact position, and it's really hard to break down your walls for someone new when people constantly use you. I hope you find companionship soon, and I know you'll find some friends who will laugh at your jokes and want to be your friend. Don't give up hope!
Those "friends" want you to loose, and you can't let them win. Make them seethe by living and finding the people that are going to care about you. And you WILL find them. I'll keep you in my thoughts. You are strong and deserve people who will think you are silly and love it!!

No. 2032631

I applaud your self-awareness, because I have some friends who have a similar mindset but don't bother to reflect on why this behavior is harmful (not just to others but to yourself too). I think that mindset does stem from jealousy, but that's not something to be ashamed of. When you were hurting, maybe you wished that someone would have been able to recognize that and help you. And if you find yourself struggling to empathize with you friend, that also makes sense to me because when you were having a hard time it sounds like you didn't even have empathy for yourself so of course it's harder to have empathy for others. So when you're trying to change, I think it's important to try having empathy for yourself and that you were deserving of help and support, or at least someone to listen to you the same way you listen to your friend. In short, you shouldn't make excuses for behavior you want to change, but you also don't have to shame yourself for it either.

No. 2032650

i truly hate my city so much. i was born and raised here and have never lived anywhere else and i am constantly jealous of people who get to live somewhere that is actually nice and conducive to a good quality of life. i recently spent a few days just 3 hours out into the country and i am shocked by how much happier, healthier, kinder and just overall better and more REAL the people who live out there are. i felt like i was actually living a real life and that i was a real human the few days i was there. i just want to end things sometimes because i know i won't be able to leave this city for a long time, maybe not ever, and it's wearing on me. i feel like i'm missing out on so much by being stuck here, i feel like a caged animal here, like i have zoochosis. i look around at all the people living here and i can see it on their faces and bodies too, even if they don't notice it. it makes it hard for me to stay positive about anything

No. 2032680

… The fucking repairman is here. Has tried like 4 times. "Duhhhh it keeps shooting off!!" I'm gonna fucking launch him into the sun i don't care how hot he is

No. 2032713

was it offkai? yeah it was kinda surprising but also not really.

No. 2032718

Watching videos of people in my city being interviewed about their profession and how much they make is really making me kms that I didn't go to something more lucrative like engineering or CS

No. 2032748

I hate my fucking brother. How the fuck is someone be so retarded that they cannot put there gotdamn dishes in the sink? The faggot just leaves them on counter. He also doesn't toss out his garbage when the trash is THREE FUCKING FEET AWAY FROM HIM! I want to tired that retard up and shove a hot curling iron up his ass. Once the intestines stick to the curling iron, i will pull out. I wish he die. I ahte(spamming hornyposts)

No. 2032751

Let's say you have parents who verbally&/physically&/sexually abuse you, in almost all of these cases you are going to be neglected too. You are going to go to school and get bad grades and/or drop out because you have physical and severe mental health issues from being treated like a POW under literal psychological warfare 24/7. This is going to seriously affect the way you perceive the world and your priorities bc you never had anyone to trust or bond with in your life, 90% these ppl will become criminals, addicts, vagrants, and even Jokers. Now compare this to the kid who has normal parents who may have problems but at least treat them like a human and ensure basic needs are met, and that person has life on easy mode in comparison.

No. 2032765

Not sure about the context of this, but yeah. I always wonder how wildly different my life would have been were I not constantly verbally and sexually abused. It's something I've gotten better at avoiding thinking about as time passes, but it's still so odd to me when I see people with silver spoons who are evil just because they can be and have had everything handed to them. People like that also like to taunt people from rougher backgrounds as well which I also don't understand. It sounds so repulsive to have had everything you could possibly need your whole life and still turn out a shit person

No. 2032767

I am so tired of being alive. PCOS flaring up, BC no longer working. Near constant cysts, random bleeding, pain. Losing more and more hair while growing more on my chin every day. I need a hip replacement. I've needed it for years, I am in agony every day while doing simple tasks. I got a top denture a month ago, poor health and neglect destroyed my teeth. I'm 36 fucking years old. My youth was stolen from me by illness and being a retarded alki. I'm reaching a breaking point. Tried to find solace in religion but dropped it after realizing I could never justify any "loving God" making me a fucking cripple in my 20s. I try so fucking hard every day to dothe right things and be a good person. I'd be dead already if it weren't for my daughter. I have to stay alive for her, there is no other option.

No. 2032778

I don't fucking understand how to make new friends now that I'm 30
I simultaneously feel too old for my interests/ hobbies and too retarded to get along with normies 30+
I know how to socialize but it feels fake as fuck. Where are all the ancient retards such as myself

No. 2032779

what did you expect from an anime con kek

No. 2032789

I dont want to make assumptions but have you ever tried changing your diet? I dont have PCOS but i have horrible cystic acne. i have started eating a mostly pescatarian diet two years ago. I also avoid certain foods, even if they are healthy as they are scientifically proven to make acne worse, and some were just suspicous. I dont eat diary, grains(all grains), junk food(obviously), cane & brown sugar, soy and other foods i think are suspicious(peanutbutter & bananas). My ance has reduced dramaticaly. Its not gone but its definitely better than it was before.

No. 2032802

Fellow oldfag (and old fag) here, if only the 30+ thread was more active. I am also at times a social retard, best advice to make friends is to be yourself around people who share your hobbies/interests instead of trying to be fake. People appreciate honest spergs more than you think these days when everyone's a tired doomer bogged down by social media and the status quo. Additionally, try making friends with people into your hobbies even if they're outside your age group. Ime younger women like to see that getting older doesn't mean you become boring, older women tell me it's refreshing because they miss being 30 AND you get to learn a lot from them. You're not ancient, if you're still breathing then you still have time to have fun and make friends. I love you, ancient bitch.

No. 2032803

I could make more improvements but I have cut out 95% of the junk from my diet. I used to weigh 310, I weigh 145 now. I work out 3-4 times a week, use as many natural products as possible to cut out endocrine disruptions etc. It doesn't seem to make a difference. I don't want to take BC anymore but if I stop my testosterone levels skyrocket and I lose so much hair it's insane. I expect to be wearing a wig within the next 5-10 years. My husband is trying really hard to help me find more natural ways to balance my hormones but I just have no faith in anything truly helping.

No. 2032806

No. 2032850

I hate how, as of late, I'm getting anxious at night before bed. The looming fear of cut hours and no work alongside questioning my relationship is such an awful combo. Where am I going in life? I feel so small during these moments. I'll try to sleep.

No. 2032862

people escaping through media naturally will also include those escaping through food.

No. 2032948

I'm tired, stressed and things just aren't going well

No. 2032967

I hate how being raised in constant abuse makes you not realize when people in adulthood are treating you like shit

No. 2033151

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I was reading about a (gay) serial child rapist and murderer scrote and got led down a rabbit hole and now I officially hate gay men. I know that grown scrotes having relationships with teen boys wasn’t uncommon in ancient civilizations but the extent to which is was practiced and how women were considered mere incubators (we still are to this day but it’s not as bad, still bad tho) fucking revolts me. From Ancient Rome to Greece to Japan, pedophilia was completely normal. I also read more on nambla and found out it was mostly lesbians who spoke out against their disgusting shit, you guys are based as hell and I love the lesbian nonnas on here.

It genuinely makes me feel so miserable how far back misogyny goes and it probably goes back even further than the aforementioned. I actually think if I read extensively on misogyny in history I’d genuinely kill myself.

No. 2033392

I have no idea when I’m getting my period because I fucked up and stopped tracking like a year ago, and I think it’s late from stress? I have PMDD so I’ve just been wanting to end it all for like a week and my mood swings are god awful and I’m acting like a monster to everyone I love. I’m eating poorly, I hate every creative thing I make, I’m jealous of people I don’t know and I feel so empty and tired even when I sleep all day and then have insomnia all night. The things I normally love make me miserable and upset and angry. I really just need to stop feeling like this. I’ve even been trying to socialize and exercise, hoping it’ll make the pit in my stomach stop. It doesn’t, please give me my period before I give up. I just want to feel sane again

No. 2033430

not being able to cook as a grown up woman/man is not funny at all

No. 2033458

I don't want to make it a reality writing how I'm actually uncomfortable here, it's just 3 more weeks I can do this. Hopefully finding a job won't be too hard and I'll get my life back with my cats.

No. 2033569

i heard a gay man talk about the predatory nature of the male gay community and how he was hated for speaking out about it

No. 2033570

I have to get on a benzo taper again and still function at my job when I can't sleep and my heart is constantly pounding from stress. I want to die, wish I actually tried to od back then.

No. 2033612

how tf is that a horny post? Farmhands, seek mental help

No. 2033619

you weren't around last night to see the others.

No. 2033655

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I wouldn’t call myself a vegetarian but lately I’ve been struggling to crave or eat meat. I’ve gone through periods of this since I was a kid but recently I feel like anytime I cook or go out to eat the taste and texture of beef and chicken makes me gag. It also doesn’t help that I watched the Earthlings documentary years ago and a lot of imagery from that is still stuck in my mind.

No. 2033663

>wait 3 months for an appointment with my psychiatrist
>day finally comes
>on my way to the clinic, an hour before the appointment, get an email
>she's sick and can't come in today
>earliest reschedule they can offer me is in October
The last time I saw her was in mid DECEMBER, and back then she prescribed me a new medication for my bipolar disorder. I've been doing fine, but I'd like to fucking talk to her about this instead of waiting almost an entire year to see her again.
Isn't that negligent as fuck on their part? To give a patient a new medication like that without even checking in with them other than with a brief "how are you doing?" question while writing me my prescription every 3 months. In fact, this med did throw me into a hypomanic episode all throughout February, and they have no way of even knowing that because their way of scheduling appointments is retarded. It's only by sheer luck that my brain reeled itself in and has been stable since then.
I've also been wanting to tweak my other medication for a good 4 months now, but I can't do that without seeing her.
How pissed do I get to sound in the email I'm about to write these people? I did only schedule this June appointment in March and wasted time by doing that, but holy fuck, OCTOBER??? That is so absurd. I wish I was a richfag who can use money as a cheatcode to instantly get doctor's appointments instead of having to wait months and months and months with my shitty free healthcare.

No. 2033684

I saw a woman remove the hair from her friend’s hoodie today and almost cried afterwards. I’m so touch starved

No. 2033699

No way. You get on that phone and you demand she see you sooner. If you hadn't shown up to your appointment, she would have charged you a no show fee. So because she didn't show up, she has to pay you a no show fee by getting you in within the week. Don't let her secretary put you off, tell her you're sorry for the inconvenience, but that your time is valuable and she will just have to for you in. She can absolutely fit you in, she just doesn't want to work more. But that is not an option with your full schedule.

No. 2033711

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I wish I knew how to properly hotfoot a nog so I can get my stupid brother to finally move away for good.

No. 2033786

I had the moid I'm dating over for the first time on Saturday and cooked us food. The next morning, he told me he slept well but had a weird moment while he fell asleep where his eyes did that slow rolling eye movement shit that can happen during stage 1 sleep. He left pretty early in the morning because we both separately had things planned for the day.
Today, he tells me that he couldn't sleep last night because that eye movement stuff kept happening and that he feels dizzy. I seriously have no idea what the fuck is going on with him, but I'm incredibly worried he thinks I poisoned him or that my apartment is some type of biohazard that gave him a neurological condition kek. We both ate the same food, and I only use those types of cleaning products that are also good for the environment and safe around pets, nothing super harsh that might make a person sick. I have absolutely no clue what's happening with him.
I'm going to cry if he actually thinks he feels bad because of his stay here, or if he really did get sick because of something in my home. But even if there was something here that made him dizzy and sleep bad, shouldn't that have resolved after being away from my place for 24 hours? So fucking weird, I've never had anyone feel bad after they slept here.

No. 2033802

Holy shit this is fucked, I've seen this art floating around and thought it looks really nice. RIP my sanity

No. 2033803

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It’s crazy how moids will destroy you emotionally and then date shittier versions of you just to relive the relationship without hurting their ego. Especially when they insist you’re not what they normally go for. I feel like he’s turning her into me too.

No. 2033808

currently on hour 37 (with rest and bathroom breaks ofc) of a feverish neopets binge. I'm in a certification class and have only so much time to study and get the tests done. I'm a slave to this stupid fucking child game that I missed out on playing as a kid and now for some reason am watching several hour long youtube tutorials on pet trading as if I'm EVER going to do that and lingo while obsessing over making as much NP as possible to buy stupid fucking water paint brush for my peophin horrible name honestly wtf were they thinking

No. 2033812

you're not in the wrong nonna, this womans mind has been infected with abusive scrote rhetoric and either 1. she is going nuts on you for shit that has nothing to do with you but you're now an easy target as a fellow woman 2. shit is happening behind the scenes that you're not aware of and this interaction could have been orchestrated by her gross moid trying to have his cake and eat it too, while enjoying knowing that two women are 'fighting' over him

No. 2033823

This women I met recently is going through an actual horror movie plot right now. Her retarded neglectful parents refusing to help their chronically ill bedbound daughter and doing straight up dangerous shit like 'forgetting' to add dental onto the health insurance for her. Don't want to get too into the details for obvious reasons but even though she and I haven't known each other for very long I feel a weird sense of protection for her and a real hatred towards her parents. This is not a 'lazy NEET adult child siphoning off their aging parents' cow situation either. It's bordering on medical abuse. She needs dental shit done and everyone in her life is so seriously dropping the ball. I'm scared of this going on for a few more months and finding out she's too weak to even get online to talk anymore. I don't want to be dramatic but dental emergencies don't exactly allow you a lot of time to waste taking care of them. I just want my friend to be okay.

No. 2033835

This might sound retarded but most female beauty shit is in our heads. Look up ways to do your hair that fits best with your face shape, fix your posture best you can, breathe out of your nose, invest in learning how to clean your face well and moisturize every single time, learn to do makeup that compliments your face structure/shape, learn to dress in ways that compliment your body type, etc. I am a fellow ugly, biracial with weird mixed features and never going to not be ugly, but once I found some photos of women that looked like me who leaned into their weird appearance I started copying parts of their style and after a few years I feel more confident in how I look. Do not let the moids win by burrowing their weird shit into your head about how you look if that is the case for you

No. 2033838

i'm still pissed at how one of the dentist places kicked me out for getting too nervous (and the others cannot work on anything even if they want to because they can't accept my type of insurance, same anon from >>2032095)

No. 2033847

I hate dentists. I have a whole dental rant ready in my head. Firstly, I hate dentists that talk about themselves the whole time. Honestly that's all of them all dentists are narcissists and self obsessed except my beautiful wonderful angel female dentist I met a year ago who only has female staff and manages her entire practice and advocates hella for saving every tooth. I hate male dentists and oral surgeons that press their junk up against my arm and hand while I'm getting drilled and scraped so I can't do anything. They also gaslight and will make you have worse dental problems and do shit wrong to get more money from you so you have to go to other dentists to fix what they did. I hate the essential oils and their patronizing attitude towards me for having a PHYSICAL shaking reaction to the anesthetic, and making light of me needing more numbing shots or anesthesia because I'm a "redhead" (so adjust your level of care then if it's so obvious?). Also I hate morbidly obese dentist assists leaning over me crushing me with their smelly girth and acting too affectionate rubbing on my arms calling me sweetie and shit. Also they get personally offended and I have to comfort THEM for physically shaking from the numbing shots. 95% of dental assistants and dentists are narcissists

No. 2033852

Honestly it's misogyny and implying I should be comfortable laughing about enduring more pain because I'm female. How about you adjust the fucking level of care in the first place if it's so obvious? My pain is NOT A JOKE, ever. I am not fucking laughing. I felt majorly disrespected and uncomfortable and this is like the 5th time I've heard it. I'm sick of comforting and assuring dentists they are like, totallyyyyyy finnneeee for neglecting my pain and using the bare minimum on me for relief because I'm a le redhead. It's disrespectful and actually misogynistic and fucking weird. I doubt redhead men endure it. It's a female thing no doubt.

No. 2033859

voting for you as world president nonna

No. 2033863

And just like clockwork, I want to lay on someones chest and have them petting me. I know it's only because I'm about to get my period and every damn month it annoys me. At least I recognised the pattern and know how to handle it.

No. 2033867

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Im going to lose my mind if I see another retard claim that traveling to a different country=being educated on the culture. No, Becky, going to Paris for three days doesnt make you knowledgable of French culture. The average 14 yr old koreaboo K-Pop stan probably knows more about Korea than any travel vlogger who only goes to popular tourist destinations. Also, just the implication that people dont travel because of """ignorance""" is retarded enough on its own. Ive literally never met anyone in my life who didnt want to visit a foreign country some day, but they literally cant because they dont have the money, schedule, or both.

No. 2033878

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No. 2033893

my father is such a useless retarded hysterical faggot. you failed as a father and husband, you miserable old scrote. maybe if you weren't such a seething sack of shit i'd be normal and you wouldn't be embarrassed all the time.

No. 2033896

e scooter producers and riders need to be killed they're so unsafe

No. 2033915

idg why some anons get so defensive if their youtube/celeb/other 3D/etc. crush gets made fun of. i bully mine all the time, i'm pretty much one of the few of his fans willing to criticize and poke fun at him, the other fans elsewhere baby him too much even when he does something legitimately weird and think that joking about his looks or behavior means you're not a trve and honest fan lol

No. 2033916

I actually fucking hate .webp it's so stupid. Why the fuck is that even a file format. I hate this stupid shit let me save it as a .gif and fuck off.

No. 2033918

Cockblocked by a fucking e-scooter, I'm sorry

No. 2033928

bc this is anon and ppl lie although no idea why someone would in a vent thread and equally no idea why a retard would try to correct your spelling that did not need correction in the first place kek

No. 2033933

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>goes to local post office to deliver something
>just all around confused
>only got proper help from another person there who was delivering
>just two ghetto ass workers at the front who couldn’t care less and a fatty in the back
>feeling that overwhelmed i want to cry
>shit making me want to vote for trump

why is every freaking place in this country so chaotic? I hate people who can’t even properly help or explain something. can someone please send good vibes to the rest of my year because so far it’s been so fucking shitty I just wanted to kill myself, nothing has gone smoothly

No. 2033934

holy fuck nonna I hope you and your friend are okay. That guy should be tied to several horses and ripped apart. I think you gave her solid advice in keeping all interactions recorded, it might also be good to keep a written record of every time she feels there is an irl interaction with him or one of his retard wingmen. Is there any way she can have male friends around her semi-frequently to hopefully create a witness situation so those male friends can back her up as evidence for stalking?

No. 2033943

I have a special interest in the USPS and I can tell you without a doubt that the guy that Trump appointed to run the post office (DeJoy) is actively making it worse. my tinfoil is so that it can be run into the ground, dismantled and privatized (longstanding goal for some conservatives who don’t believe in the government running valuable services) but who knows he also might just have spreadsheet brain rot and be out of touch with the reality on the ground so he’s enacting bad policies, but whatever the reason he is doing actual harm. Vote for whoever you want but know that Trump made the post office worse so he’s not gonna help with that lol

No. 2033946

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I want to cry how bad I am in social interactions, I am ruining every first impression with slow gloomy stare unable to speak without stutter and shaky quiet voice. I can approach and small talk, but I'm also fine with little to no interaction, but seeing how enthusiastic and happy faces changing to disappointed and uninterested so hurts.

No. 2033954

Late reply but I like your perspective
Thank you nona

No. 2033971

Too much low-effort racebait as of late and it’s not even the funny kind

No. 2033981

I hate cashiers and I feel like they all hate me too. Why did this lady treat everyone in front of me with a smile, greeting them, chatting, and telling them to have a nice day, and yet when it was my turn she didn’t even look at me, barely said “Hello”, and then ignored me when I thanked her and told her goodbye? This always happens and the fucked up part is I can’t use the self checkout either because literally every time I try it will think I’m stealing and refuses to open the gate so a CASHIER has to come open it for me and treat me with even more poorly hidden disdain than usual because now I made them get up and scan their card for me. I think I might have to order groceries online.

No. 2033987

I hope farmhands permaban those retards. I’m going to kms if what happened to 4chan thanks to /pol/ happens here where edgelords and schizos ruined the site culture for everyone

No. 2033989

As a cashier I promise I’m the same with everyone. Are you doing something to piss them off like paying with a check or insisting they use reusable bags for your groceries?

No. 2033991

>trump annointing some millionaire fucktard to run the USPS into the ground
I was joking about voting for trump but holy shot no wonder it reminds me of what a post office would be like in an ancap/libertarian capitalist fantasy, just no help, no free tape, long lines, everything is priced up the wazoo (thankfully I got free shipping from the website I’m using). I gotta look more into it, thanks nonna

No. 2033993

Plus the weird uptick in tryhard (like outright breaking the main global rules/alluding to illegal shit) edginess. They sound like teenagers who just discovered imageboards for the first time.

No. 2033999

Famously shit courier service in my country emailed me to say they’d delivered my parcel 20 mins ago. I’ve been sat by the front door all afternoon studying and they absolutely haven’t. Feel like the scrote courier has probably just nicked my parcel and I’m fuming tbh.

No. 2034004

It’s probably the summerfags, so yes

No. 2034007

Nona, I'm so glad you shared this because this made me realize that I do the exact. same. thing. You really opened my eyes here

No. 2034023

yeah reading this post made me realize i do this as well. i'll never tell anyone what i'm going through because i feel like if you're aware of what you're doing then it must not be serious and it's going to be brushed off as attention seeking, and so i also brush other people off as attention seeking when theyre vocal about what theyre going through.

No. 2034032

I pay by card and where I’m at the customers pack their groceries themselves. My country is famous for apathetic customer service so I wouldn’t even care, but oftentimes I see them being all nice to the people in front of me only to go stone cold once I get to them. I really don’t think I’m doing anything to piss them off so maybe I just have bad vibes or something idk

No. 2034033

can i ask if you have social anxiety?

No. 2034034

I really want some cookies but I only have a 100$ bill, I refuse to give a whole ass 100$ bill for a craving so they can give me smaller bills, but this craving is so strong. I wish I could stop having intense cravings when I'm stressed.

No. 2034053

Yes I do actually, I was diagnosed with social anxiety disorder years ago, but I’ve gotten much better since. Why, do you think I’m exaggerating things in my head? I could see them being put off by my anxious body language maybe (basically what I meant by bad vibes).

No. 2034055

my lower back is killing me today. usually i can twist or bend and crack it but it's not doing it this time. i wish i could snap it in half

No. 2034059

she's a serial cheater and a guy commited suicide because of her and you're telling me you don't care about these details and it's ok for her to be part of your friend group? don't get me started on those other bitches
one more reason for me not to bother with you anymore

No. 2034063

I can just tell that my boyfriend hates me. I really don’t understand why he stays around me though. I’ve attempted to break up with him on several occasions but he always finds a way to stop me or convinces me to change my mind. I hate this shit I can’t wait to i get out of this. I need to stop my brain from fucking me over

No. 2034068

You can do it, nonna, free yourself from that pig disgusting moid.

No. 2034069

I haven’t slept well in a week. And now weird stuff is happening. I also abused caffeine pills to stay awake.
Like my heart just stops and then flutters and it hurts. I hope other people reading this but health first and don’t push themselves too hard. I feel so much regret
im a little scared in case it stops i don’t want to die

No. 2034073

I would suggest having a wank and getting a husbando to divert your focus, maybe ask someone to hold you accountable for leaving, and know that it’s going to happen at some point. Someone out there will love you nonna, they’re waiting. And for now, that someone is going to have to be yourself. You’ve got this ♥

No. 2034081

i love how i just can't lay down to sleep because of my stomach pains and discomfort pretty much every single day. i get woken up prematurely every morning because of it. i can't get anything done.i am so exhausted i just want to end it all

No. 2034102

There was a House Oversight Committee hearing with him not long after he got appointed because everyone could tell his plan sucked, he used to work for private shipping businesses, etc. Also just general anti-trump sentiment and mail-in voting drama meant he was under a microscope. I watched like 3 hours of it but it was the biggest joke, absolutely no one asked him good questions. If you really want to get into it you can search his name on C-SPAN
https://www.c-span.org/video/?474917-1/house-oversight-commttee-hearing-postal-service-operations-mail-voting (literally 5+ hours long, there might be shorter versions on youtube but in my experience they all have a political slant or are edited to make a particular politician questioning him look good which is annoying)

I didn't watch the recent grilling (from like a month ago) because I was so disappointed in the first one I saw, but I guess he's in hot water again for how shitty mail delivery has gotten under his direction.

No. 2034157

I've wondered the same before, but I've realized it's just because sometimes cashiers know the people they're being extra friendly with. Either because those clients are chatty regulars, or because they're acquainted with them outside of work. If you went to a grocery store every day and always talked with those cashiers enough to make them remember you, they'd also be all smiley with you.

No. 2034202

It's really weird and funny when racists are obsessed with tanning.(this is an observation not a vent)

No. 2034210

The ones about Jews?

No. 2034213

I'm pissed off because of shit happening today and want to make it everyone's problem but I won't. I just want someone who has wronged me to realise they've pissed me off and be the one to apologise to me and seek my forgiveness instead of it always having to be me doing it.

No. 2034215

>when she starts replying everytime later

No. 2034224

I feel like I need a 2 days nap, I don't get it, I sleep and sleep and sleep and I wake up tired or like a zombie.

No. 2034242

The bus just sped by me waiting at my stop and kept going. You're supposed to stop here you retard. I hope that bus driver sprains their ankle.

No. 2034286

File: 1717451652525.png (58.44 KB, 480x317, Doom_Crow.png)

Sometimes it feels like God is giving me a sign and that sign is to go fucking kill myself.

No. 2034293

No. 2034336

Sorry if this is unwanted advice, but your post reminded me of myself. I used to sleep 12-16 hours a day and still wake up wanting to sleep. I was very deficient in Vitamin B12 and now I have to talk shots for B12 a few times a year. Maybe you can check with your doctor if this is something you might struggle with? I just wanted to reply this because I would have never known about B12

No. 2034338

Life clearly doesn't want me here. I just live out of spite.

No. 2034344

>I have a special interest in the USPS

No. 2034379

Unless you have a heart condition or drank enough caffeine to kill a whale you're going to be fine. But don't do that again, look after your health! Going outside, or even looking out of a window, for 30 minutes a day, will help to fix your circadian rhythm, which will help you sleep better.
Adding to >>2034336 's post, you might be deficient in iodine and vitamin D. It could also be a medical condition like a thyroid issue. Eat nori, go outside more, take vitamin D pills, if you still feel like a zombie after a week or two go to the doctor.

No. 2034387

thanks nurse nonnie. i definitely need to spend more time outside

No. 2034392

ntayrt but some autists just randomly fixate on things, I have a friend who is super into flags for some reason and if you ask her any country's flag, she can accurately describe it 99% of the time kek. Also a lot of autistic scrotes are really into trains for some reason

No. 2034402

But I feel like they should still be able to explain it, like trains are usually given to young boys and they have a very pleasing flow of movement, plus the small parts in the trains and building the network of tracks that would delight a young autist's brain. Not an autist but pretty good at flags and it's just because I like learning about different countries. I would just like to know why someone would find the USPS interesting

No. 2034439

I wish I didn't know how much of a shithole South Korea is. My stomach sinks whenever someone mentions visiting or traveling there or watching and reading Korean media.

No. 2034444

kek sorry it's not that kind of special interest, didn't mean to steal autism valor. I have personal reasons for taking an interest in it that are mundane and practical.

No. 2034451

File: 1717457560103.png (969.7 KB, 570x784, il_570xN.5334295110_kol7.png)

I've been going out on weekends and looking for rocks, really getting dirty, falling on my ass, wiping out in waders in creeks that smell like open ass, getting stuck in a bush over a ravine for 25 minutes (don't ask) and not really finding anything at all (a little disappointing but it's half about the 'adventure' anyway… or so i tell myself). Last weekend my dad wanted to come so I reluctantly brought him with me to another creek that smells like ass. I gave him a hammer to occupy himself while I looked other places and the guy comes back with BLUE KYANITE, which is not even supposed to exist where we live. Local rockhounds talk about it like a myth, like it doesn't really exist. And I hand my father a hammer for 5 minutes and he comes back with BLUE KYANITE?! I mean sure I picked the location by research so I will take half credit, but there WAS NOT supposed to be blue kyanite there. What the fuck?

No. 2034454

this website is breaking again kek, posts have unusual spacing

No. 2034455

I cant believe we've been accused of being racist for criticizing SK. It truly is a shithole. They beat the shit out of women, exploit women, rape women, women can't do anything about it, they shave off half of their fucking face to be accepted, everyone is hateful and racist and copies western media because they have literally no identity.

No. 2034458

Turn off hide saged posts

No. 2034540

Industry artists having public twitters is so fun. Why did I have to find out my favorite creator follows lolicons.

No. 2034543

oh shittt thanks anon

No. 2034547

he bought it on etsy and pretended to have found it

No. 2034550

korean identity has little to do with whatever media they export. if anything koreans are too attached to their extremely conservative traditional culture and values. I keep seeing retards thinking they know shit about korea because they watched some kpop fags shake their butts or visited it once. so ridiculous.

No. 2034568

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Man, the vibes were rancid here today. Almost entirely unpleasant. I hope nonnas can act less shitty soon so I can enjoy lolcow again. There are also a few borderline personalityfags I can recognize atp that I find especially annoying. But, well, here I am with you all. I need to take a break from this site lol

No. 2034577

I haven't lurked in like 3 days and have just rolled a smoke and here I am shaking my damn head at the state of the threads

No. 2034581

Sorry nonna, you picked the worst day to visit. I’m not sure what the fuck is going on except lolcow is in the gutter today

No. 2034583

Unfortunately not, I saw him out of the corner of my eye whacking it off the underside of a boulder with a hammer. I didn't even know kyanite grew on fucking boulders. And most importantly, I cannot stress this enough, there isn't supposed to be blue kyanite in this geological area. I'm trying so hard not to be bitter that he was the one who made that discovery on his very first trip out kek

No. 2034586

sorry to hear that your father is the chosen one

No. 2034588

that's so awesome lmao I'm sorry you're salty though. there's probably more… unless your dad is fucking with you which i genuinely thing you should consider

No. 2034593

I miss the house my parents had before I moved out. it over doubled in value. I drove by it but I moved about an hour and a half away to a cheaper, less desirable area.

It's hard not to compare your living arrangement, it's easy to get into your own bubble, but driving around you constantly compare neighborhoods and houses whether you like it or not.

No. 2034595

The last personalityfag I’ve seen on here was paki-chan, anyways that word is becoming so overused and incorrectly used by moofags. Paki-chan is a good example of a personalityfag but a bunch of users talking with the same ib typing style is not personalityfagging because we all type the same and you can’t tell who’s who with the anonymity

No. 2034599

My dad is mentally incapable of fucking with me, he's the most gullible man alive and 100% genuine in everything he does, like a dog. My mom says that's why she married him (he can't pull one over on her, or anybody).
I'm taking the fucker back to open-ass-creek bright and early this Saturday and we're bringing a chisel.

No. 2034604

What is that?

No. 2034605

That's what he wants you to think.

No. 2034607

Because people who are bad with money spend it before they even get it, and people are are good savers just hoard it

No. 2034609

So hilarious how trannies in """"underground"""" music scenes think they're doing something transgressive and innovative by making their music revolve entirely around being a tranny when every single multinational corporation and even the US government egg them on to be as disgusting as possible as publicly as possible

No. 2034615

Speaking of tranny music, "sewerslut" has absolute garbage music, and I believed this before I even found out he was a tranny who fetishized and skinwalked that dead Japanese girl (Junko)

No. 2034619

I wouldn't even complain if the music were interesting conceptually or whatever. But it always ends up being the most banal, shallow and vain exposition of the subjects. Cheap results of attention seeking behavior.

No. 2034626

When it has the gross breathy attempt at sultry whisper-speaking to a bad looped ableton monstrosity ewww

No. 2034637

this is why you listen to machine girl and don’t even try to learn about the people behind the music kek

No. 2034646

YWNBKM - you will never be kylie Minogue. @troye sivan and his nasty ass music too

No. 2034651

NTA but Troye Sivan's music is so boring, it feels offensive that he's even a celebrity. His personal take on why he's not more popular in the industry is backward. He isn't being "sabotaged" because he's a fag. Him being a fag is the fact of why he even got any spotlight at all.

No. 2034653

There are at least two anons that are not pakichan who are active here that I can easily spot. I’m not including other “personalityfags” like lolipedo who were infamous but not always easily detected unless they’re straight up avatarfagging by spamming the same type of bait. The ones I’m referring to aren’t malicious beyond being obnoxious, but I know where they’re from, their controversial takes, etc. Both are very distinctive

No. 2034677

>but I know where they’re from
they're mentioning their location in every post? this is so confusing to me because i can't tell anyone apart kek and usually assume there's multiple people from one location/with weird takes/etc.

No. 2034678

Not every post. I know I sound schizo, but they also have distinctive typing styles and takes kek

No. 2034682

File: 1717473386893.png (42.09 KB, 178x206, 2DCC3738-4768-438F-AD2A-4A8BBA…)

I’m thinking about how there was an open pedophile on this website I frequented when I was 12 who boasted about how much she wanted to rape little boys. It was not on tolerated, but celebrated, and (you) were considered weird if you pointed it out. It’s a footnote in my memory nowadays but it creeps me out. It wasn’t even the only instance of pedophilia on that site, she was just the one most open about it. Looking back on it I was preyed on a lot without realizing it but through some autistic form of divine intervention I ended up a lot less fucked up than I should be.

No. 2034684

what website?

No. 2034692

Myanimelist specifically its forums. I don’t know if this is identifying information but it was a pedo hotspot and I think more people should know, can’t speak about it nowadays though

No. 2034694

Was it yaoimaster?

No. 2034696

i think i just experienced for the first time what it's like to interact with a possible pick me type of girl.. i was playing an online game with a guy i know irl, he asks me if he can invite a friend (that i didnt know). i swear she was the nastiest woman i've interacted with (but just to me!!), for example in game if i made a mistake she was like "what is this rando doing, she's pissing me off" and spam pinged me. at one point he even called her out but she started using a weird baby voice?? saying she didnt know me anyways, and that he shouldnt be angry at her.. or when i was carrying our team and died once she started ranting about me wanting to lose on purpose. like girl wtf we're all in out twenties, i wouldn't care if we were still in middle school or whatever. honestly i was so sad about it because i love making girl friends in online games which mostly have moid players. pity

No. 2034701

Yes kek

No. 2034715

Not surprised lmao

No. 2034718

File: 1717474504455.jpeg (80.71 KB, 941x529, IMG_3679.jpeg)

>discord dedicated to ship for western media
>some fucking anime dork ships them with fucking kingdom hearts sora and won’t stop bringing her pants on head retarded “OT3” up

God I fucking hate weebs

No. 2034763

i bought a pack of the wrong size underwear. wasting money feels bad. now i need to buy it again but i don't know if i should go one or two sizes up.

No. 2034764

I was gone for two days and already feel like I missed a lot

No. 2034777

Men are such a lost cause its insane. I have to stop reading comments sections. They can't read, they can't comprehend, they actively do not want to know women beyond the sex caricatures they think up with their dicks. I know this sentiment has remained unchanged since at least the dawn of agriculture but they've appropriated therapyspeak and are now even more convinced that everything they do is based in facts and logic when their tard rage is literally palpable in everything they say and do. It's incredibly telling that they feel safe enough to express their violent fantasies on a public forum with their name and face attached. They know no woman is going to creep through photos of them or their families, find their workplace or address etc. to harass them the way they themselves do every time they are called out on this behavior. And it's gotten so much worse and more intense, it's everywhere, I saw a cute comic about a cartoon cat misbehaving and there were a bunch of men writing angry paragraphs about how modern women are useless sluts who can't raise children, or this is what happens when youre a single mom, etc. Over a cartoon cat not beating her child. It's incredible to see women actually trying to decenter men, I wish I saw it more irl with the women I know but whatever. My point is it's clearly having some impact, men have resorted to blasting their unhealed word vomit across every kind of post on all platforms and its only going to get worse as women continue to prioritize their own healing while men kick and scream and flail in their tantrum over not having the big titted bang maid that the pornified media stream has convinced them they deserve. And complaining about their non-problems on social media, blaming them all on women, and waiting for replies is the only way they remotely know how to get attention from us. I feel good that I've gotten to a place where I don't feel the need to lash out in response or interact at all, but even observing is taking its toll on me now, they are such genuinely frightening creatures with no interest in changing. Social media sabbatical may be in order

No. 2034852

File: 1717477981374.png (477.75 KB, 823x1561, 1717477661031.png)

I'm so tired of males bringing their dicks and useless opinions in everything

No. 2034878

I’m hung up on the same person from 7 years ago who we weren’t even involved romantically albeit they were overtly friendly despite our professional relationship and sometimes it kills me I’ll never know how they really felt.
I’ve tried asking about it and got a very HR esque answer but always asking to meet up outside of professional setting and visiting me at a different job doesn’t seem to be strictly friendly.
Also I was ugly around the time (weight gain + hair loss from before I had a chronic illness diagnosed and treated) I asked so I was wondering if that had anything to do with the answer.

No. 2034897

Daydreaming about being with someone who had no interest in you just because you are no longer overweight or balding is really unhealthy for you. I don't think you'd be happy exploring that any further outside of your mind.

No. 2034948

I haven't been able to sleep properly in forever. My breathing is fucked up because I got a nose injury. No idea the extent of the damage but for example if I get stuffed up or cry, the mucous membrane of the right side nostril pulsates, hurts like hell which gives me a bit of a headache, and can't breath through it at all. Kind of makes me freak out because I feel like I'm not getting enough air. Right nostril is noticeably smaller than left. I don't have money to get it fixed. I miss being able to breathe properly and actually sleep. Can't sleep for shit.

No. 2034958

I know but I just don’t know how to stop. I think sometimes it’s easy and I completely forget about it and other times it comes up and I can’t stop thinking about it again.
I wish I could just get over it

No. 2034976

File: 1717482053461.gif (2.96 MB, 540x300, 1000013999.gif)

Fuming right now. Landlord decided to raise our rent by 17%, which was to be expected, but she also said that this pertains to the DEPOSIT we gave her LAST YEAR when we moved in. Is this a thing they do now??

No. 2035009

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I want to post on 4chan (in /cgl/ specifically), but the captcha isn't loading for me. It tells me to verify, and when I try, it just perma-loads. I tried going to 4chan's homepage, and the same thing happens (though I can still at least look at boards).
I tried resetting my router, using a VPN., and using my phone to visit. Same thing. I'm not banned, and I don't seem to have any malware (according to MalwareBytes). I'm so frustrated, nonnas. Is it Cloudflare blocking me? What the fuck is going on??

No. 2035010

yeah it's been broken for a while for me too

No. 2035019

I regret being friends with men especially the ones who have adhd, dramatic ass niggas for no fucking reasonnnn. Like god forbid I have a life or don’t beckon at their every call oh but they can interrupt me, they can put me in the third wheel. Sensitive, all of these dudes have fucking mommy issues, victim mentalities, hedonism and live in bedrooms that look like fucking crack dens. But I always have to validate a nigga or I’m being unkind ohhh I’m such a meanie. Males have gotten so fucking soft ever since the draft was lifted, it needs to come back so these men can find something to be victimized from. Pussy ass

No. 2035031

>befriend my ex-boyfriend and talk to him regularly after ghosting him because i can’t stand not having him in my life
>he continually updates me about this one woman he’s madly in with whom he’s endeavoring to pursue and all but confirms to me that i was merely a rebound for his last relationship
>fantasize about stabbing him to death
>continue to talk to him
what is my fucking problem

No. 2035036

Make up a guy you're madly in love with, get excited about your first date together, see how he reacts. That should put you right off him.

No. 2035039

why are you friends with your ex boyfriend?

No. 2035078

Guy I was really into sent me a vid of him masturbating completely out of the blue and now I've caught the ick. Oh well at least I didn't waste too much time on him cause we've known each other less than a month. It's a shame though, I liked him a lot.

No. 2035082

wtf, why did he do it?

No. 2035083

Ghost him please

No. 2035086

Have to go to court for my ex I pressed charges on him for breaking shit he was prone to that tard rage when I lived with him and I never called the cops cause he’d apologize, but we saw each other after we broke up because I fell for the sweet nothings it’s crazy cause when I told people he broke my phone they asked if I cheated. I didn’t but even if I did, why would that be a good reason to break my phone? Anyways I’m not dropping the charges contrary to his protests he’s so stupid, he said he’ll never have sex with me again if I go through with it which tbh I do miss but it’s not worth it he said so many nasty things about me, he called my boobs saggy said I have no ass, said my nose is big my head is small, I’m a tall Fay ugly monsterous woman. just a whole bunch of shit about my appearance and then about how annoying and cringe I am personality wise, my self esteem is in the shitter. I feel ugly and unloveable I can’t believe I slept with him that’s not even the first time he’s insulted me like that he called my boobs udders and said I should get a BBL and yet I dated him for a year longer whyyy did I do that im so stupid that man never loved me and I can’t stop thinking g of him, I’m looking at all the new girls on his social media. They are nothing like me.

No. 2035090

did he grunt like an asthmatic gorilla while doing it

No. 2035091

Why are men like this

No. 2035095

People tend to exaggerate things when they're angry. I wouldn't take them at face value.

No. 2035096

We were dirty talking last night, he prefaced the video with "this is how I wake up thinking about you." I guess he thought it was sexy and a continuation of last night? I completely told him off and he apologized and said he won't do it again but I will definitely ghost him now. Gross.
No grunting luckily but just a close up of his dick and him going all deathgrip on it.

No. 2035099

Became close friends with a sweet guy when I was in an abusive relationship and I fell for him instantly. I decided to hide my feelings for him after my best friend told me she liked him too. When after a few dates they didn't get anywhere I still wanted to be loyal no matter what. He'd sometimes hint he liked me, even stood up to my abuser when nobody else would, but being loyal to my best friend having feelings for him was most important to me. As the years went by I never spoke about my feelings for him, even after I left my abusive relationship and my best friend was dating someone else. Surely I had cemented myself as just a friend, there was no way he'd like me romantically again even if he did at some point. Hoping my feelings would die out I tried no contact for a while, felt terrible for being such a bad friend. I found a healthy relationship and ignoring everything else seemed good until about a year ago when I started to obsess over him again. Feel bad for my boyfriend who has done nothing wrong. Lately the crush has been liking sappy posts online and I feel insane not being able to sleep and always thinking about if he's okay. As edgy teens we made a cheesy promise to never off ourselves if the other one was still alive and he liked a post reminiscent of that. I've had these feelings for 12 years now but this year has been the worst one so far. Screaming crying "release me" into the void why do I have to be so pathetic.

No. 2035101

so it wasn't completely out of the blue
still kinda gross but I can see why it happened

No. 2035115

A few years ago my ex bf became a transbian and we broke up, and eventually he would go on to date another transbian, typical stuff right? The messed up thing is every now and then he will text me asking where I got something, for example this Cinnamoroll wall organizer, or ask me about where I got certain articles of clothing because he thinks his "girlfriend might like to have that too". That's just so weird and off putting.

No. 2035118

Totally for his gf, creep.

No. 2035129

I can't believe we have unironic christcucks posting on lc. There's just something so cognitive dissonance about them.

No. 2035135

Thats okay, Jesus loves you even if it doesn't make sense

No. 2035142

Wow let's believe in humans that deny obvious natural phenomenon instead and try to defy natural cycles to the detriment of our planet. Woo

No. 2035147

How would Jesus love anything if he isn't even alive

No. 2035149

Block him lol

No. 2035156

Sisters, shouldn't you be saying grace before polishing nigel's knob instead of posting on the "kill all men" imageboard.

No. 2035178

knob polishing is not allowed in christianity

No. 2035183

GOD I can’t call my mom without her arguing with me about literally anything

No. 2035188

He is alive actually, that came with the whole ordeal of being the Son of God. I know, I know, kinda confusing given the fact they killed Him but 3 days after they did, He came back!

Yes all men are sinners and Jesus Christ is the only good one

No. 2035213

I really needed this holiday, why didn't you buy the tickets then?! they doubled in price and now the whole thing is too expensive,I feel like crying, haven't been on a holiday in years

No. 2035234

Your religion is made up by moids as a say to impose social control

No. 2035272

the number of times I read "it hurted" today on this website hurt

No. 2035276

No I actually do a service by posting good Christian like takes here and seeing them parroted off site. I'm starting a social revolution and the unlightened can't even comprehend

No. 2035284

No. 2035289

>starting a social revolution
>by posting on lolcow

No. 2035292

No way. A deposit is a deposit. You don't have to give more deposit. That's not a thing. Don't agree to that, don't sign anything that says that.
Also 17% is actually insane. You should move.

No. 2035294


No. 2035295

a guy in my friend group is 24 years old, unemployed, living with his mom, has BPD or some other PD, doesn't have a car or license (he has a permit, just cba to get a license), and plays dota 2 all day. he went 3 weeks without leaving his house and as of today hasn't for 10 days. everyone in the friend group has jobs, so what does he do when everyone's at work/busy? he sits in vc streaming to no one and waits for someone to join. he has notifs on for the entire server so if someone @s someone else to join vc he'll either join immediately or already be there.
the reason he quit his job? they changed his schedule to day shift and bc he didn't want to try to fix his sleep schedule, he just quit. he was working with 2 other friends but one quit because they got a better job. this was kinda the only way he was able to hang out with them. he would get driven to and from work by my friends but since their schedules changed and he couldn't get rides anymore, he hasn't tried to get another job. he's been unemployed for a month now and this is now his daily routine, he'll be awake at 6am playing dota while alone in vc waiting for someone to join.
his BPD is unbearable. he's been part of the friend group for almost 3 years and in all those years he would suicidebait and be manipulative. he avoids doing it directly but does it on twitter. he has a private account that's basically only for this. everyone in the friend group has tried to reach out, offer support or help him in any way, i tried by trying to see if his insurance covered therapy, recommending DBT, and what does he do? blow everyone off, say he's never gonna get better, he can't be helped, or just ignore you. so in return no one tries to help him. he broke up with his girlfriend but before that he'd either post lovey-dovey slightly manipulative subtweets about her or just suicidebait. once they broke up he went right back to suicidebaiting while she was still following him. it doesn't matter if he's at work, home or at a friend's house because he'll just be on twitter suicidebaiting. one of my friends had to tell him to get off twitter because he was making some shitty apology thread about his ex making accusations about him… at said friend's house. if you wanna know the summary of the "apology", it was basically self-pitying emotionally manipulative gaslighting nonsense with him still saying how much he loved her and poor me. all to make himself look like the kindhearted soft boi he thinks he is, followed by bitter and spiteful tweets about her.
even better though, he's constantly trying to find the e-girl of his dreams. he goes through these cycles of finding a girl, orbiting her, eventually dating, they break up and the girl wants nothing to do with him. he does this every time. during one of his breakups he started schizoppsting about "date's already set" or how he was gonna disappear, so i try to talk to him. i give him some kind words, offer to be a shoulder to cry on, etc. he tells me "you don't understand what i'm going through… i'll never recover from this…. you can't help me…" guess what? the date passed and he's still here, nothing happened. that's not me saying i want him to die, but this cryptic vague "date's already set" rambling isn't a one time thing and has happened several times. he takes advantage of some of his mutuals not having contact with him outside of twitter and can't check up on him in any way, so they're clueless on if he's okay or if he hurt himself. he does this by deactivating after making a threat or how he did recently where after my friends begged him to log off he just had to end it with a bang with one last thing "if you don't hear from me, who cares" bravo. the final suicidebait.
i know this is already long but it really is frustrating how much of a loser this guy is. he's 24, his birthday was a while ago but even then he didn't even leave the house, instead came back to twitter to try and get birthday wishes. he got 5 btw. i guess twitter validation is better than hanging out with people, like the friends he lives 5 minutes away from. those friends btw have all tried just as much as i have to help him but everytime he's shot them down, there isn't much we can do but ignore it. i've talked to a lot of them about it and they all think that he should stop which is why they tried to get him to log off to begin with. when his birthday came around one of our friends was gonna pick up a cable from him which would've been a chance to pick him up as they were on the way to see everyone else, but instead he puts it in his mailbox. he can't be bothered to just hand him it directly and instead chooses the most avoidant option available. it bugs me that no one in the group wants to address it, no one wants to confront him or stage an intervention of sorts to wake him up. he has the money for a car and license but doesn't want to do anything. this isn't someone who's a victim, disabled or affected by any serious issue, but someone who doesn't value their relationships or life enough to get a grip and grow up. i've tried to help him but if he's getting solutions/advice instead of comfort and validation, he doesn't care. i hate having him in the friend group and being around him, he only talks about himself, talks over people, tries to humblebrag about how he's better than everyone but obviously bitter whenever someone is doing better than him. i just wish my friends weren't enablers because if i alone tried to confront him and tell him to get help, even in the most comforting and validating way imaginable, they'd get mad or feel awkward about it.

No. 2035297

then dont hang out with him

No. 2035301

Tinfoil: Younger millenials and zoomies are getting into organized religions for a sense of spiritual purpose, but because the majority were not raised institutionally within them nor in their family structures, that they truly do not grasp what it is they are purveying.
It's funny when they laugh at things like astrology and the occult because they feel the people who practice just pick and choose what elements they like, but young people identifying with traditional religions do much of the same, with consequences if not worse due to Christianity's power to influence society more than pretty woo woo crystal magics can.
They have no roots nor grasp to the source texts–if they read them. They do not practice masses or rituals as their religions dictate. Most of them are so cognitively dissonanced that they ignore the parts of their religions that are insolvent with our modern way of living.

It's definitely a human nature thing, but still annoying granted our powerful tools to educate ourselves and critically think yet we are still subject to entertain lunacies under the umbrella of tolerance.

No. 2035304

He gets what he deserves.

No. 2035311

you should put all this in an anonymous letter and put it in his mailbox

No. 2035315

i'm damn near fixin to this guy's gotta go!

No. 2035323

I support your beliefs nonners. I'm not religious, but I think it can be a great source of structure and comfort within a person's life. And I think that Christ's teaching are good morals even if you don't believe in God.

No. 2035334

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There's a constant battle of good and evil in the heavens and this earthy plane.

No. 2035352

At my work I constantly see Ukrainian/Russian parents with kids who already speak the language here perfectly, barely even an accent. On one hand good for them but it's just so fucking sad.

No. 2035361

I really hate it when I feel like shit for the dumbest reasons and know that objectively I'm overreacting but I can't just tell my feelings "shut up" and make them go away instantly. It's mainly social activities that make me feel that way. I've always been a shy and awkward person which I'm able to control in some situations but others just make me want to smash my head in the wall. With some people I get this weird unexplainable anxiety which makes me act like an absolute idiot. I hate it even though I know damn well it really doesn't matter. No one cares that I made a dumb grammatical mistake or that I forgot what I was talking about but I care and I can't make myself not care even though I've tried everything. It feels like the harder I try to solve the problem, the worse it gets. But then when I stop trying I still fuck it up. Drinking is the only thing that helps because when I'm tipsy I am confident, cheerful and don't pay much attention to my surroundings or the thoughts in my head. But I shouldn't drink every time I have to face someone who isn't a friend or family. I think medication is the only solution I have left. I've exhausted all other options and they've failed. It gets worse and worse with each passing day, I can't live like that anymore. What pains me the most is that the entire problem is 100% made up by my brain. There are so many people out there who say even weirder things than me but they don't let that ruin their mood for hours and even days. It's my overthinking brain doing tricks on me. Hell, even writing this all is another example of my overthinking but the day isn't going well and I needed to get this out.

No. 2035364

I keep having nightmares about violence against woman. Trigger warning. I don't watch pornography or hentai or anything because it disgusts me. It's all rape. Especially hentai, it's ALL RAPE. I did use to watch porn when I was a teenager and I did run into some fucked up shit in my life and I think it just stuck to my brain. Sometimes (usually when I'm stressed) I'll have nightmares about it. Tentacle shit, straight up rape and violence and degradation. I always wake up literally wanting to puke and cry. I really don't understand why this keeps happening. I've never suffered any of it.

No. 2035375

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>date person with BPD
>still doesn't love with the intense, all-consuming obsession that I bring to relationships
I guess it's as close as it has ever gotten, but it makes me feel lonely that someone who has the lovesick disorder isn't even a match for my passion.

No. 2035385

My grandma always cries about how she's going to die soon whenever we talk so I stopped picking up her calls. She's been doing this for a decade and she's still here. Maybe one day she'll die and I'll feel bad about not talking to her but it's too morbid and I don't know what to say anymore. Once I was silent completely over the phone and she stopped crying and in a normal voice asked if I'm there. I'm not saying she's faking it but she's been calling like this for so long it doesn't feel like an urgent need to fakecry and say "don't say that" anymore. This vent sounds like it ends with AITA

No. 2035392

I prefer the type of love that isn't selfish, like a mature adult man's love that wants to spoil and cherish me, not consume me. Talk to me with care don't treat me like a buddy, I am precious and can be lost. I don't like the vulnerability of being the one that loves more because I feel like the moment I relax and get mushy they stop trying as hard

No. 2035397

No. 2035422

AYRT and I respect that. It makes sense to be guarded and preserve yourself, especially when dating men.
When I love someone I think of them non-stop, adore even their flaws while urging them to grow, would suffer for their well-being, and I put every ounce of my intellectual effort into learning as much as possible about them. It becomes ritualistic and would approach criminality if I wasn't so self-aware and controlled myself. It's like I become possessed by them and remain so for years.
My dream is to have that returned but it won't be by a man or a woman. The last one especially has never happened, otherwise my current partner is matching my intensity of emotion.
I only know I'm not alone in feeling this way because stalking is a crime. And nonas here have posted about being just as nuts.

No. 2035439

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I was doing a few surveys since I’m desperate for chump change (i’m currently a poorfag) and this question made me really depressed

No. 2035448

I think the depression was there before the question was posed, nonners.

No. 2035449

I wish I had the kind of autism that would make me huperfixate on actually useful shit like programming and engineering and not the annoying kind of autism where I'd just absorb useless information about a topic. I would be so financially well off by now.

No. 2035470

I mean I guess? I guess he was still horny but what I don't get is how, in lord's year 2024, a guy still doesn't know that women hate dick pics. How. I sent him a completely innocent good morning text too and he hit me with that and now I can't unsee it anymore.

No. 2035527

I feel like I don't really exist. I'll post art and no one cares or engages with it. I post fic, same thing. Even here, no one interacts with me ever. Do I exist? Am I so repulsive that even online people can feel that I'm subhuman and instinctively ignore me? Am I here??? What's the point of existing if no one cares or even recognizes my existance?

No. 2035529

No. 2035530

everyone tells me to be quiet/stop talking too loud but they talk just as loud. It’s like they just want to put me down I fucking hate these people

No. 2035555

I think I have PMDD. It is so severe that I have gotten diagnosed with Bipolar I in the past, which I do not think I have since it matches with my cycle. I hate that there is nothing that anyone knows about it. I feel if men had this problem, it would have been medically solved ages ago. But of course, women should have to just deal with it. It is very upsetting and it feels there is no way out. You just have to keep trying medication or vitamins which could very well ruin your life for many months, and the cycle just repeats.

No. 2035565

I have severe anxiety of going to the dentist due to possibly being sexually assaulted while under sedation (he was convicted in several other cases but I have no way of truly knowing if it happened to me).
I haven't been to the dentist in like 6 years and I know I really need to go because i'm pretty sure I have a cavity that is making my breath smell gross but I'm both terrified to go and mortified that it's been so long since i've gone. I keep seeing tiktoks of dental hygienists making fun of patients for having bad breath and stuff; even when I used to go regularly I remember them being rude to me bc I didn't floss enough. Anyway I know I need to just bite the bullet and go but I just can't…

No. 2035570

I have the same experience however it's for more practical reasons- you're not catching people's attention. You're words on a screen to them and they have no idea what you're like to make any judgement on you. Whatever it is you're drawing/writing/posting it's not either appealing to a popular trend, or it's not inflaming people enough to respond. It may also be that you're not putting yourself out there enough, not self promoting, keeping to yourself and getting a proportionate response.

No. 2035571

I spent all night working on an essay but still got a 0 bc i didn't do a presentation because i have a terrible cough and can't even speak. Im embarrased i always have an excuse: cancer, kidney stones, a cold, depression… maybe i was supposed to die. I don't enjoy being alive and never really have. I don't care about making friends, or a career or anything. Everything always felt underwhelminh and no matter how hard i tried im always unsatisfied. The only thing i enjoy is imagining im someone else,and even then i still end up hating the hypothetical me.

No. 2035572


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No. 2035573

I suspect I have PMDD too because I have a lot of symptoms that have persisted during years and I feel your pain, nona. Two capsules of 1000 micro grams of evening primrose oil a day have made a lot of difference to me on treating joint and muscle pain. You're not alone on this ♥

No. 2035575

Was at the park on my lunch break to read my book for a bit and a woman and her kid showed up. Her daughter went running over to the swings and she went and sat down on a bench and started looking at her phone. The kid kept asking her to push her, then went over to the monkey bars and wanted a lift to reach them and the mom just told her to go play on the slides instead so she could sit there watching tiktoks. Idk, something about that made me really sad for some reason especially seeing the little girl just walking around aimlessly by herself because her mom refused to interact with her. Like is it really that hard to get up and play with your kid for a few minutes? I would hate for that girl to remember her mom preferring to look at a screen rather than push her on a swing. Makes me wonder why some people even have kids in the first place tbh

No. 2035612

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i wish i could carry people princess/bridal style but unfortunately i'm got a serious case of twig syndrome. i wish i could go back to my kid days when i used to be one of the strongest despite being skinny. i'm seething hard rn because no matter what i can't seem to gain weight let alone muscle, and honestly i'm mostly fine with the way i look it just sucks being so weak. guess i'll just have to fantasize about it. sigh

No. 2035627

There must be a way, nonna, have you gone to a nutritionist or even visited an endocrinologist? Maybe there's a reason why you're not gaining enough strength/muscles.

No. 2035637

> 26 year old woman
> dates 39 yr old man
> he's shorter than her
> they're happy
look I'm happy you're happy but damn girl, this shit ain't normal
(idk why there was a quoted post intially)

No. 2035638

I hate when people say taking away internet/phone/computer isn’t emotional abuse. It’s one thing to take a phone away for a few weeks and giving a goddamn deadline, but I remember my mom unplugging the internet and computer every day when I wasn’t even 10 yet when I didn’t have school (no phones yet) and I’d just be at home by myself for months. I had no friends, they didn’t care. When I did make friends, they didn’t care. No taking me to friend’s house, no going to friend’s house. Just be at home by yourself, no games or talking to people and if you disobey you get beat and she calls my friend’s parents to say I can’t go over. Read a book (I read every book already) or study for school as a fucking 8 year old, no social interaction allowed. This happened until I went to college, other than unplugging the internet (she’d just take all my devices) because my younger brother needed it. She never did this to him, ever, as well as a litany of other bs she did to me like throwing my stuff away because she bought it when she was mad, smashing my laptop with a hammer when she was mad, trashing my room and ripping up my homework when she was mad, beating me if I didn’t get at least A grades (vs A- and jfc I see now she was so insane for this), threatening to cut off her fingers or kill herself and me or divorce my dad if I didn’t listen to her, calling me ugly and fat all the fucking time, cutting me off from my friends when I was older, telling me all my friends were fat and ugly, calling all her friends fat and ugly, threatening to kill herself when I told her I was depressed, told me I was too stupid for certain majors, beating me over stupid bs, constantly shitting on my interests, etc, and he grew up with a healthy social life and talks to her daily while she always whines about me not responding to her texts. Gee, I wonder why.

No. 2035659

I mean, I didn't have internet as a kid and I read books and played with toys, so it really wasn't a big deal, I also got my TV privileges removed for years and that only made me stop watching TV altogether, which honestly is probably why I'm creative.
Nowadays the internet really is more important than it was to me back then, but I think the real issue isn't the whole cutting your internet thing, but the abuse and the reasons why and how the internet was cut off.
Like, your mom sounds like a bitch I hope she gets an autoimmune disease that rots her, but I still think that the internet isn't really that necessary for a child have fun or to do homework, like what the hell was your homework like at 8 years old? An 8 years old child should only play on the barbie website and girlsgogames at best, maybe find pictures on Google images to print out for fun.

No. 2035716

Because we aren’t sterilizing adult tiktok users, that’s why. Everybody loves to joke about tiktok being an online zoomer daycare but I mostly see grown ass adults causing drama and making terminally online think pieces against each other. Most adults are not mentally equipped with the task of childrearing yet we keep giving them the freedom to do so

No. 2035728

fucking sciatica

No. 2035740

I feel you anon

No. 2035747

Congratulations, anon! I'm sorry about your situation but don't let that disuade you from celebrating your achievements ♥

No. 2035752

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Oh thank you sm nona this means a lot, I deleted it because I forgot to attach the reaction image haha

No. 2035756

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I stalked my boyfriends old social media from 12+ years ago when he was a teenager and now I feel grossed out. But I don't know if it's fair to judge someone on what they posted well more than a decade ago when they were a teenager.

No. 2035759

well what did you find?

No. 2035765

Edgy atheist comments (don't care about this but I think it's cringe when men are atheists/leftists since it comes from a selfish perspective) and gross comments about women.
What makes me uncomfortable is that I used to be a very morally correct person as a teen so to see someone say objectively stupid or offensive stuff makes me upset. But I'm not even a moral person now and feel like people can change over time so I feel weird and conflicted.

No. 2035767

Np nonnie, enjoy your moment!

No. 2035825

I'm completly unable to socalize properly. it's truly a headache and takes too much effort, that's all in vain because nothing ever comes out of doing so. the way that I act doesn't help either, I can't belong anywhere, nobody understands me. i'm so tired, I guess I'll just focus on my studies and myself. everyone judges me and probably see me as a retard, it's not worth it even if I crave for friendship.
sorry for my weird grammar, didn't speak english for some time

No. 2035829

I think people like to dog pile because it takes the attention away from themselves. "Well I can't be that bad because x did this" blah blah blah.

The problem with centering your platform around social justice or promoting yourself as some martyr for the underclass is that you have to hold yourself up to that standard at the same time and because everyone is a human being eventually dirt gets dug up. I miss when people didn't give a fuck about petty shit. Unless your favorite social media star is running for Congress or trying to obtain a job that will significantly impact our world I don't understand what the point of making 12 hour documentaries on people's fuck ups is.

No. 2035843

I am having a post shopping depression. Why can't I just be happy about the pair of jeans that I bought. Stupid

No. 2035922

I spent a month interviewing for a job, over five hours of interviews and a task that took me 20+ hours to complete to be rejected in favor of a moid with less experience. Can't seem to get interviews consistently when I've never had trouble with that before. I hope the shitty moid ruins everything. I'm so fucking tired of having to answer their dumbass questions and perform like a clown when they base it on their own personal biases anyway.

No. 2035941

Saw a new endocrinologist today and she dismissed everything that's been happening to me due to being on the lower end of a healthy weight. Didn't even look at my past labs. Meanwhile my primary care doctor thinks it's all in my head an due to stress and anxiety. Is gaslight gatekeep girlboss what they learn in med school these days

No. 2035953

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Wish me luck, nonas. I am going to take driving lessons starting next week. I've been getting picked up at work by uber, but the few times I choose lyft, they always ALWAYS end up canceling on me because they cant find my work entrance. it's literally a gate with a security guard. All you have to do is say uber or lyft and they let you in. Outside the building is just straight highway, so i cant meet them anywhere else.
One idiot got to my gate and didnt want to come in, so he canceled and left. The second lyft driver drove to the front and not to the gate and waited there until a guard had to yell at him to pull him since he was blocking traffic. I hate lyft drivers. I am learning to drive. I cant do this shit anymore

No. 2035966

i hate working with fat middle aged men so much. comes in the office huffing and puffing, i can hear his breathing as soon as he walks in the front door and i'm at the back of the office, complains about how hot it is in here and immediately turns the ac on without even asking other people if they're hot too. has his fan running in his office 24/7 even though it's barely 15c outside and blames me for turning up the heat (i didn't, i haven't touched the thermostat). maybe if you weren't damn near 300lbs you wouldn't be so hot and sweaty all the time just from walking up the 3 steps into the office… this is the same man who claims to go to the gym at the crack of dawn every morning and brag about eating a strict bodybuilder diet

No. 2035972

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>Give up compulsive behavior
>Have started binge eating instead

No. 2036001

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How are you supposed to heal if you just work shitty jobs, are always starving and weak? Sometimes I wonder what normies are even trying to say because I’m tired of hearing therapy buzzwords, I just need money it will fix all of my problems

No. 2036022

hate my dad for dying and not leaving me anything of worth. he had a 15k insurance policy and it took 90% of that to get him in the ground. i almost hope my step brother and aunt (his jew sister) did scheme to keep a larger insurance policy to themselves because wtf was that.(back to /pol/)

No. 2036057

stupid beautiful country I went on a year study abroad in having property always 1mil+ knowing i'll never live there again so annoying and I can't vent to anyone irl because they take it as a weird humble brag that I've studied abroad like it's hard or something. feelin like pure shit just want her back

No. 2036069

I genuinely think tradtards have taken over lolcow. We didn’t bully them hard enough. Not sure how much longer I genuinely feel like sticking around. Sad

No. 2036077

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I literally cannot lose weight. I'm literally doing everything I'm supposed to. I'm counting everything honestly, I have a food scale, I don't lie. I don't go over 1200 calories. I just sit at 196lbs. Or I go up to 197. And then I'm back to 196. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong here!!! And when I talk about it, I'm told I'm lying somehow. I. Am. Not. I want to be healthy. I'm hungry every day. I do IF 18/6. I do like 15k steps every day. Do not get fucking fat, nonnies

No. 2036078

Are you delusional?

No. 2036084

Why did a vent trigger you so much kek

No. 2036085

What country?

No. 2036088

I'm similar as you. I think we honestly just have bad metabolisms. I'm from a family of fat busty women too and I've been around them and know they don't even eat that much. Shit's hard I feel like my form was born to work the fields bear 5 kids and labor but I ain't trying to do that shit

No. 2036089

HK which I know will create issues with the believability of thinking it will be good to live there but I feel like it's the type of place where if you're rich you can ignore every issue. Like London or NYC

No. 2036095

>favorite manga after a long time finally gets an update
>the art style is more moefied than usual
>the second main lead's large breasts suddenly gets a lot of focus for the sake of a joke
>the first main lead, who's a gacha-playing husbandofag yumejoshi, makes a weird forced shotacon oneeshota joke.
I fucking hate when this shit happens.

No. 2036098

I do have hypothyroidism so, ya know. But like at 1200 cals I should be losing weight!! I'm so frustrated. I'm starting to have issues with my knees so I really want to be at a healthier weight, but it just doesn't seem like it's in the cards. I'm gonna keep trying, I guess. I used to be 225, but that was 6 months ago. Like, at 1200 cals I should be losing like 8lbs a month. Do not be short, do not be fat.
Thanks for listening.

No. 2036106

If you haven't already, try going to take a basal metabolic test. Everyone's metabolism is different, and the "1500 cal is normal metabolism!" thing is a huge overstretch. My own BMR is 1250 calories a day, so if I only eat 1200 calories per day I still won't lost much weight. Make sure you're avoiding salty foods or foods that can cause your body to retain water. If you really wanna lose weight, do it the old fashioned way: cigarettes and ephedrine.

No. 2036108

My dog has hypothyroidism too and without proper medications, she won't lose weight at all even if I damn near starve her and walk her frequently. Don't let people scream at you or try to sabotage you out of seeking proper medical help because you think you're just being lazy, you deserve to feel fulfilled and full of energy

No. 2036115

I am a lazy fattie now but I used to have the same problem. Going to the gym 6 times a week and doing a combo of lifting weights & running on treadmills gave me a leaner and fitter appearance even though I only lost a few pounds. If it weren't for the pandemic I'd probably be fit now. Also try not to weigh yourself often and do it atleast once a week. I used to do it everyday and it made me so depressed lol

No. 2036159

Just realized that if I was a moid my temper wouldn't even be considered bad. People tell me all the time I'm so quickly ticked off but if a moid has the same type of reactions people brush it off.

No. 2036160

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>have a date on thursday
>get two big ass pimples

No. 2036163

>when I talk about it, I'm told I'm lying somehow.
It's the Dunning Kruger effect, when you see Reddit nerds talk about weight loss it's clear that they haven't even took an introductory biology class to be able to speak with such confidence. For me, for some reason my body holds onto a lot of water weight so taking spironolactone helps a lot, I'm literally planning on getting a phlebotomy certification so I can do some self experimentation on a discount. But I know there are many reasons why someone's body can hold onto excess weight, yet the Reddit-tier crowd will just parrot what they heard each other say with very low understanding of the actual science
Hydrocolloid bandages

No. 2036165

Hard agree. Seeing too much right-tard women talking about how it’s natural to like dick.. sigh. All of that hard work with man bashing has gone to nothing

No. 2036166

>Hydrocolloid bandages
dont have those, i am fucked

No. 2036168

Yes if you don't buy some

No. 2036169

no, we dont have those in my shithole

No. 2036205

I really hate how much having kids is pushed on women. In my entire existence, I've met very few women who were happy to be mothers. I have very early memories of my own mother lamenting about the career she gave up and life she could've had if she never had kids or married my father. She has been miserable for as long as I can remember. I had a classmate who dropped out of high school to have a child, never saw her again. Had another classmate in college who eventually dropped out to take care of her daughter.
My sister has a child and has random emotional outbursts because of the constant stress she's under. A friend has two kids and is depressed. We hardly see each other anymore because she moved to the suburbs with her husband and either the kids are always sick or she's sick with some nasty illness the kids brought home from school. Whenever we do video calls she looks awful, like she's been drained by a vampire. Another friend of mine has a special needs son and is working herself into an early grave to pay for his medical care.

What's the point of giving up years of your life for such misery?

No. 2036208

It’s op again. Thank you for the kindness and support to the nonnas that replied .. I’m here to vent again. My boyfriend has been kinda mean today, off putting and has been yelling at me a lot. I asked him for a hug last night and he seemed so pissed about it and it sparked a fight after that the whole day has been so tense. I don’t understand why he just won’t break up with me if he hates me. Seems like he’s really trying to get me to do it for him. I honestly feel really sad about it even tho I shouldn’t. I called my mom to talk about it because I just wanted comfort from her and she just spent hours yelling at me about how I need to get my shit together (true) and how she’s tired of me. I mean she said a lot of good and true advice so I’m not upset at her. I just need comfort from someone I just hate the feeling of self soothing because it tends to manifest into isolation and video game binges

No. 2036212

No matter how many years pass, I still feel his hands on me. Make it stop…

No. 2036226

Stop wasting your years oh my gosh, I cannot understand this is so childish. Your true comfort will come when he is gone, I do not enjoy the fly buzzing? I open the window. I do not like the taste? I do not eat it. Help yourself in the long term NOW.

No. 2036236

>came home much later than expected (went to a seminar with a few friends and we ended up chatting afterwards for longer than planned)
>needed some time to settle down before I finally got to bed at 1am
>cat wakes me up at 2:30am for some reason
>can’t go back to sleep and now it’s almost 4:30 am
>I have a shitload of things to do today, starting with a really important meeting at 9am

Anyone want a free cat?

No. 2036254

my cat used to do the same until i started calling him a faggot. I think he understood and he doesnt bother me anymore

No. 2036293

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I wish I could skinwalk Kurt Cobain sooooooooo bad but unfortunately there's no fucking way
1. I can't play guitar
2. There's no way I can get my hair blonde
3. I'm not suicidal or even brooding
I know he was filthy and definitely would be annoying to hang out with but he's pretty sexy too

No. 2036298

the eager dad in my group chat pisses me off. My dad really just didn't and doesn't give a single fuck about me. I'm glad I am missing fathers day this year. Holy shit. My dad does not talk to me, does not know me, is my mom's extension scrote. I'm upset at this involved father. I take it personally. I think back to when my mom forced me and my dad to go to a pumpkim patch together and we were both super uncomfortable. He made no effort to ease my anxiety or act excited or happy he was humndrum stonefaced autistic. Little me was so anxious and felt guilty for troubling him. We have no relationship as an adult. I have had a string of bad luck with men irl and I honestly blame him

No. 2036304

it's so frustrating to me that i will never be able to experience life as a man. not in a gendie way but in a genuine curiosity way. i will never see things from that perspective and it makes me mad. i'll never know what it's like to be a boy and to grow up as a man and have my whole life shaped by it. i'm content with being a woman and don't think my life would somehow be better as a man. i'm simply curious what it'd be like. what kind of person would i be if i were to grow up in the same environment but being the opposite sex… forever unsolvable mystery

No. 2036307

Dating moids is so useless and draining, speaking to them is just a way to pass time and eventually get angry, but I don'f care
to be friends with women either for very valid reasons. Everything sucks.

No. 2036311

No. 2036317

Leave me aloneeeeeee leave me alone my stomach hurts ahhhh Ahhhhhhhhhh i am so igly tok and affaid of others to go get a lip loft people are so mean 2 me because i am too polite and “submissive” they are all in the wrong they should act like me but alas Help me help ahhh i shoudlnt have drank so mych and had caffiene my atomavh hurts ahhhh

No. 2036325

He seemed like. a wifebeater anywayz

No. 2036326

If I was a guy I'd be such a fucking retarded scrote I just know it

No. 2036328

Not only a hag but a manlet as well, jesus christ she needs to get some standards

No. 2036329

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Am I crazy for thinking my ex is following me? I’m an 18 year old senior and he’s a 17 year old junior. I went to the graduation ceremony today and he was sitting on the bleachers alone staring at me. He’s not a senior, I can’t imagine why he would be there unless he just came to watch me. It’s freaking me out because he has a shitton of abuse allegations and he’s stalked me on social media in the past (finding my YouTube channel, my Reddit account, my Tumblr, etc).

No. 2036332

As much as I hate to say it I'd unironically be some school shooter phenotype incel, being XX is a blessing

No. 2036333

you're not crazy, a scrote with history of stalking could be there. but damn, this post hit me with the reminder of all the teens coming here now, good lord.

No. 2036360

I hate how my mum keeps trying to make me interact with my extended family + my brother. Good for nothing imbeciles who were never there for me or for her, and now she wants me to fill my suitcase with dumb ass souvenirs for them. I don't want to spend my money on them and I also don't want to sit there awkwardly giving them the junk I got them. We interact so little that we'll end up probably keeping the kitschy shit I'll buy for them.

No. 2036362

I'd probably would be in jail by now if I had been born male

No. 2036371

Holy fuck I don’t know what’s wrong with me but a COWORKER flirted heavily with me a few days ago and instead of my little attention-high going away, I’ve become lowkey obsessed with him. I just watched the company’s social media videos so I could see him and went through his Instagram and his very recent ex girlfriend’s IG. They were definitely very much in love it seems and they only broke up a few months ago. TBH he isn’t even my type at all but I could barely focus at work today and he texted me and I got excited and giddy. It’s making me feel sick for some reason like physically nauseous. My manager brought him up in a meeting yesterday and I almost threw up. Why am I so moid brained and obsessed why why why am I like this. I know I’m just manic right now and I’ll forget about him in a week but I’m having a really hard time not thinking about him and it’s gross

No. 2036372

Hello babby zoomer, welcome to lolcow, make yourself comfortable because you'll be here for the rest of your miserable life

No. 2036378

Even if the stars aligned and he's not actually stalking you, you would be 10000% reasonable to assume he's stalking you based on behavior and past trail of incidents

No. 2036392

I'm pretty sure my father molested me when I was small child and my mind blocked the event. I fear telling this to my family because I don't know if it actually happened. The way he looks at me always gave me the creeps.

No. 2036395

this is cute tbh

No. 2036409

i don’t feel good about it

No. 2036479

>tfw you are gardening and singing mule skinner blues and instead of your neighbor telling you to shut the fuck up they say
>you have a good voice
>hello neighbour

FUCKING FJFIJIDJi am singing way down downont tjechathoch neverhehehtehrcere kmeant to me i whehwmaabbab i learenrne whoooo iu wanre

No. 2036486

ydmfhfh on the emday night

No. 2036488

Wish I was normal and was able to grieve and process and get over things easily. Why am I still trying to kill myself over things from months ago

No. 2036509

File: 1717569753425.gif (104.58 KB, 498x498, 7e51af9fec7e1e4f216150d8edc084…)

I think I might be going blind but I can't afford to visit a hospital or doctor right now

No. 2036674

I was telling my dad about how some guy is always staring at my friend and how she finds it creepy and his first reply is “she’s obviously giving signals back” god why are moids so braindead

No. 2036686

I only want to be friends with kind people
with good upbringings. The opposite has ended in turmoil.

No. 2036688

Me too, anon, but it always scares me I might be too shitty compared to such people and they will sense it

No. 2036697

High schoolers on lolcow is digesting

No. 2036718

>Am I crazy for thinking my ex is following me?
>clear example of ex following you and staring at you
Where's the disconnect nonny? Do you just not want to believe it? He's following you. Don't be naive. Protect yourself. You should tell some people in real life this is happening and when you do you should say clearly that he's following you, don't act like you're not sure.

No. 2036733

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NONNAS! The ex friend who made my life hell and tried to berate me online is currently in a bad place rn! SHES STRUGGLING WITH SUICIDAL THOUGHTS AND HER LIFE IS PRETTY MUCH SHIT RN! REJOICE NONNAS! THE KARMA IS REAL!!!!!

No. 2036738

another highschooler I see

No. 2036740

>is currently in a bad place rn
the twitter speak is off the charts with this one

No. 2036750


No. 2036751

posts where you can tell OP is the problem

No. 2036754

No. 2036755

lc is full of women who want to be like your friend or are/were. anyway good for you nona, hope she continues to rot

No. 2036764

Give more context so we know whether to laugh at you or with you.

No. 2036766

Lost a baby chick over night, another one isn't looking great either. I keep making myself responsible "if only you checked earlier", "if only you were better at this". My brain is my worst enemy and I'm exhausted

No. 2036771

Oh nonnas. I hate being an autistic loser

I’m trying to get my life together and talk to people and go outside and stuff therapy tells me is good for me. I’ve been slowly improving socially (still massively retarded but God can’t work miracles). I decide to do a pottery workshop. Could be fun, haven’t tried it before. Was brave, went on my own. And the whole experience was AWFUL. The teacher basically ran through all the steps and was like ‘okay your turn now’ and I could not remember ANYTHING. That is not how my brain works, I need clear written instructions otherwise my anxiety gets too bad and my mind goes blank. I just panicked. I was fucking up so bad and was so bad at retaining info that even the instructor was getting frustrated. I just wanted to cry. I tried so hard not to meltdown, I just dissociated from everything. I felt so humiliated.

Worst thing nonnas, is that this is a SEVEN WEEK workshop. I have to go again next week. I really don’t want to, but I paid good money so I guess I’ll have to. I’m trying to improve myself and put myself out there and gain confidence, and I just get embarrassed as a result. It’s so hard

No. 2036775

therapists don't know shit

No. 2036777

I'm incredibly proud of you! That took some serious courage. I probably couldn't do that. Maybe watch some YouTube tutorials until next week? Write your own instructions for yourself? Do you think that could help to feel more at ease as a beginner? I eventually liked just taping the instructions and writing it together for myself. I wish you the best, I'm sure you got this. Don't let one disheartening day be the end of something you might enjoy. Fuck the teacher and class, you focus on you. Had my first riding lesson in like 10 years, damn was I embarrassed to be on the lunge again! But despite that, the time I got doing what I liked made up for it. Now I'm downright spiteful about relearning what I lost. Can't make me quit you fuckers I'll be your worst student for years and you'll just have to deal. But I'll look things up I didn't understand and make sure I collect everything in a notebook for future references.

No. 2036778

you're being super patronizing
people shouldn't force themselves to do things that made them feel humiliated again

No. 2036779

Every time someone talks about leaving behind a toxic friend/friends and the other party being worse off afterward, the gormless faggots haunting this thread start seething and attacking the OP. It's probably because they themselves are shitty friends, or it's one set of paranoid losers from a Discord server or something who think all posts like this are about them. Congrats, nonny.

No. 2036784

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3 days ago I ate a 180 mg edible in it's entirety and the experience was awful. Last edible I took before that was 2 years ago and it was only 50 mg. I genuinely don't know why I did it. I was high for 2 straight days and had a horrible headache on the third day. The night I took it I literally felt my nervous system send shock signals through my body, and I was regaining memories of when I was a fetus. I remember asking any god before I hit the threshold to stop my flashbacks because I could tell I was going to die soon if my memories continued to unfold. I feel like any normal person would begin to believe the concept of life at conception because of this, but frankly If I was given a soul when I was a fetus I wouldn't mind being aborted.

No. 2036785

4 days*

No. 2036787

tell the instructor you're autistic and absorb information differently and you're doing this class as a self-improvement type thing and you need some written instructions to keep up with the class.
going to the pottery class will not actually make you a better or happier person, it's just a chance to figure out how to interact with people in a way where you get what you need and find a way to communicate to them and live in the real world and get more comfortable in your skin. you have to love yourself and ask for what you need from the world, the world will never just give it to you because the world is cruel and doesn't care about you. good luck.

No. 2036788


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2036792

I'm sorry that happened, anon. It's true that you paid good money, it sucks that the teacher got upset, they should have no problem running through things again for someone who needs help. I agree with the anon who suggested YouTube tutorials, they help a lot. This might be a bit much, but if it's allowed, maybe you can consider asking other people at the workshop how to do things? Just say your mind blanked.
The embarrassment of these kinds of things is hell, but you can get past it.

No. 2036797

>people shouldn't force themselves to do things that made them feel humiliated again
So what they should lay and rot?
Being awkward is humiliating. The only way to be less awkward is trial and error.
Fuck this whiny bitch mentality

No. 2036799

Why don't you take notes while she explains?

No. 2036802

try to find causes of your problems without exposing yourself to humiliating situations over and over again which will only likely make things worse

No. 2036810

It wasn't really the situation but her reaction to it that's the problem. A pottery class is not a humiliation ritual or anything. She cares too much that she didn't catch on immediately. The instructor being frustrated is literally not her problem, she needs to give less fucks. If she needs to slow down the lesson to have it explained better or ask for a written resource then she should do that, it's her right.

No. 2036896

You just described exposure therapy which is one of the best ways to treat social anxiety kek

No. 2037301

kek willing to bet the initial angry replies are shitty friends. pure projection. congrats anon, i know i've celebrated seeing my freak stalker who paid real money for info on me spiral into depression and suicide bait online but only get attention from the people she doesn't want it from, while i moved states so she didn't have my address, cut off everyone she "manipulated" into hating me, made a new friend group, got a new job, and have a stable relationship. i remember her constantly humblebragging about being engaged, too bad her drug addict nigel didn't want her. so much for that

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