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No. 2019042
thread rules:
>no racebait >no infighting >don't reply to bait >rest of /ot/ board rules apply >farmhands are always watching previous thread:
>>>/ot/2013679 No. 2019064
>>2019061wealth doesn't mean shit if the average person is on the brink of homelessness. do you what people do when they lost everything? start using drugs because they've lost it all.
>>2019063I hope you kill yourself soon.
No. 2019068
>>2019065treating people like animals is why you have psychos breathing down your neck asking for money.
>>2019066you are absolutely delusional lmao
No. 2019069
>>2019047What if you hate the drugs and alchohol trash they leave behind?
Or don't want to get into an ambush with drug addicts? They will attack and do fucked up shit, I remember reading a news story about a homeless drug addict guy found eating a human leg while schizoing out.
No. 2019075
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>>2019071Do you like this one?
No. 2019080
>>2019076Are you confused? Not everyone in America is blessed enough to have a trust fund, some of us have to actually
work for our livelihood and material goods. Can't believe you assume everyone is either homeless or a trust fund baby good Christ…
No. 2019083
>>2019077 Usually you want to take down what causes the homelessness to begin with. High costs of living, drug usage rising up, people not receiving help before it gets too late, people in jail being released without any prospects.
You might not want to pay for that, but at the end you always end up paying for that because it's a vicious circle, homelessness decrease the value of your properties, it brings in criminality, more drugs consumptions, so more drug crimes, kids get into it, and before you even realized, you now live in a shithole.
No. 2019098
>>2019079all of these things already exist, though. at least in Oregon, where the homelessness/drug use crises is so rampant, you can walk right into a rehab facility, you can go to AA/NA, you can go to one of the tens of homeless shelters on each goddamn block, there are resources available in these businesses to help homeless women and men get back into society and finally work as a legitimate citizen.
>>2019083>high cost of living the cost of living is obviously going to be high for you if you don't have a job and sit around smoking all day?
>drug usage this would require hiring more police patrolman, DEA officers, and law enforcement professionals which is currently considered to be a very undesirable career path for zoomers. I am unsure of why, considering how abundant the benefits are.
>people not receiving help you have to understand, the majority of drug users
do not want help. they
enjoy being high. they
enjoy being seen as
>people in jail being released without any prospectsi've known multiple women who went to jail, and they offer you a wide array of resources to assist you if you need help upon your release. they don't just hand you your clothes and shove you out the door, at least not where i live.
>>2019087>>2019090>>2019091I opened and operate a medspa, but before I did that I was in the marketing department for a makeup brand.
No. 2019101
>>2019094she is the queen of appalachia
nonny kek
No. 2019102
>>2019098samefag from this post,
>>2019094 I am from Portland. One of the most expensive cities to live in kek.
No. 2019105
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I wish "feminine energy" bullshit wasn't so divisive on lolcow because sometimes it's pretty fun to play into it kek
No. 2019107
>>2019104Funny you mention that because I
hate massage, we only do injections/cool sculpt its a lot of fun actually
No. 2019111
>>2019004Dangerously based. People act like the homeless are just sweet, misunderstood hobos from the 1940s cartoons, walking on the railroad tracks with a bandana on a stick, in search of a better life. You can tell they’ve never lived in a city with them around. I used to feel sorry for homeless people when I was younger and grew up as a sheltered kid in a quiet suburb, and then I learned what the reality actually is when I moved to a bigger city. 99% of the time they’re not just regular people who are poor and “just a little down on their luck”, they’re violent, dangerous, unpredictable alcoholic crackheads and junkies who gladly break in to people’s homes, or steal their shit, or scream at you and potentially physically harm you in the street. Something has to be very, VERY wrong with a person to be in that situation, most of them are just completely unable to assimilate with society long term. It’s actually pretty sad in a lot of cases with these severely mentally ill people, and nobody can do a damn thing or help them at ALL because they’re so mentally far gone or so addicted to drugs that they refuse help. We’re not allowed to institutionalize people anymore, so they’re just left screaming, pissing, stealing, and threatening to kill people on the streets.
No. 2019118
>>2019117I'm a single lady, my parents didn't appreciate what I wanted to go into for my career so yes it was
my duty to create my own livelihood, which I am blessed enough to say that I did and I guarantee you there has to be hundreds of other anons on here who have done the same thing. A woman working hard
for herself is not some crazy concept kek.
No. 2019121
>>2019111When I worked at a shitty liquor store, there was a giant nearly 7 foot tall black guy that would just stare at me for 30 minutes straight.
Turns out he was a dementia patient that his family just, left there. They'd bring him food sometimes.
They weren't even poor, better off than me who had to hope the window separating me from him would hold.
No. 2019131
>>2019098Look, you have countries where homelessness is a less of a thing, then you have countries like the USA where homelessness is rising. Do you think you're an unicorn or do you think it's just bad luck?
All of your personal experiences don't make up for actual backed datas. is not about homeless being good or bad, i don't give a shit because most people will do bad things if given the right circumstances, it's about not letting your society degrade itself to the point of becoming a shithole.
No. 2019133
>>2019125>>2019130I don't work in marketing any longer so I don't really have to pedal it, a lot of my business is now word of mouth because I have the sweetest most wonderful patients ever, and if I can make some lady feel better about herself by making her forehead wrinkles disappear then I'll do it. If that makes me a garbage human being, then thats your opinion.
>>2019129When did I ever act like I had it hard…I didn't complain about the cost of living ever? I said that the
cost of living will be high for you if you don't have a job , which is true. Also
>sheltered charmed lifethis is a really weird assumption to make. Do you assume all Americans are just born rich or something?
No. 2019137
>>2019134You really think every single homeless drug addict ever is some
victim of child trafficking kek? Really? You need to close your computer and spend some time out in the real world because believe it or not, there are people who purposefully choose to make shitty decisions.
No. 2019138
>>2019132>Where have you been for the last ten years if you're not seeing that in the general publicin her privileged bubble or realistically speaking, in his basement festering on his own dirt while trolling in a chinese basket weaving website.
>>2019133I want you to know I hope a homeless person spits on you.
No. 2019139
>>2019137nobody said every single drug addict ever is a
victim of child trafficking retard, learn to read
No. 2019147
>>2019144They sit in my chair and complain about homeless people too,
nonnie…you gotta understand that the majority of this world hates disgusting homeless animals.
No. 2019150
>>2019138I hope a homeless person pisses on her or she falls in their shit. Idfc I am SO fucking TIRED of people who can't fucking look outside of their own life to understand what the fuck is happening in their country. And you know what? When people like this actually have a hardship happen, they want all the sympathy in the world because it happened to
them. Fucking tired of this fucking attitude in America. If it isn't happening to them, then that means that everyone else must be the problem because
she never experienced it.
No. 2019161
>>2019150Americans have a hard time separating the individual from large scale politics, she keeps talking about them "deserving" this, when in reality politics do not care if you deserve something, it's about bettering the ecosystem as a whole. We don't actively punish criminals because they "deserve it" it's because it'd create civil unrest if we didnt punish criminals. That's life.
>>2019152Again please tell me where i said that, you act like it'd be a personal attack on your being if the governement tries to prevent from becoming a shit hole.
No. 2019163
>>2019150After spending 40 years watching homeless people exist all around the United States, I'm confident that "looking outside our own lives" is not the problem. It is their mental illnesses, shitty decision making skills, and
choice to continue doing what they do. Zoomies don't fucking understand that yes, you're in control of your own life.
No. 2019166
>>2019161For the third time during this conversation, the US government does offer a myriad of resources that
homeless people choose to ignore because they want to stay high and useless. They do not want to get better.
No. 2019173
>>2019141Then how do you not understand that your circumstances are not common and that most people are closer to homelessness than they are to your living situation?
>>2019149Finally someone gets it. I don't want to live in an ill society that can't even shelter its people. I don't even care if a homeless person trashes a free government house; at least they're off the street and keeping their squalor away from other people. Homelessness is a public health issue and it's better to have people exhibiting mental illness contained inside four walls than on the street where they can harass other people.
No. 2019187
>>2019179homeless pepole can have guns too
sometimes they walk into your house with a loaded shotgun
No. 2019196
>>2019185Shooting a gun takes 1 second, coming at someone with a knife is a lot more difficult kek. Have you ever tried to attack someone with a knife before? It is not easy
>>2019187I've encountered 100's of homeless people in my life, I've never met one who was able to afford a loaded gun KEKK. Now you're just fantasizing.
No. 2019207
>>2019206Thinking that it makes up a large part of the homelessness is stupid, i'll stop engaging because none of your arguments are
valid or backed up by any datas. Bye boomer.
No. 2019219
>>2019215No, I do, and I go downtown basically every single day, and I guarantee you; that is what they are. That is why they purposefully
choose to stay in the same places, buying the same drugs, and never ask for help or utilize the resources that are constantly offered to them by the thousands of volunteers who work across the city our of the kindness of their hearts in an attempt to help these people.
No. 2019223
>>2019209I guess the quality of homeless depends on the area.
I'd rather get a botox granny than a fat homeless man waiting for me to leave work at night.
No. 2019233
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What the fuck, shouldn’t you people be asleep?
No. 2019238
>>2019226Have you just been reading my posts halfway and then ragetyping responses? I have already said, multiple times, that I do frequent the downtown area because
that is where I work. Also, you're acting as if the suburbs is some extreme distance from downtown when it's not even 10 blocks away…?
>i have family there So you don't live here and walk down the downtown streets every day. Thats all I needed to hear lol.
No. 2019240
>>2019227I can't control what homeless people look like. If it was a woman, I would have said a woman.
I did once see a homeless women on a bus spray people without masks with some mystery liquid because she was paranoid about covid. I'd say that's pretty equal to botox granny though.
No. 2019248
>>2019245I never said I'm rich
nonnie, I just said I own my own business and also happen to be a landlord, that doesn't make you rich. Also, I
promise you there's always gonna be people who desire the ~*facial rejuventation*~
No. 2019255
>>2019251nice backpedalling
>>2019252wow, you're so powerful for overcoming hardship with the help of your family, friends and not having mental illness. truly a stellar girlboss.
No. 2019256
>>2019254Sooo enlighten us
nonnie whats your idea of a good person? Are we supposed to hand money over to them on the street so they can continue killing themselves with fent?
No. 2019259
>>2019253work sucks can i fill it with exercise and husbandos instead?
>>2019254unironically yes. the only time i've seen someone look better after getting work done is when they started with a literal deformity or survived an accident.
No. 2019261
>>2019255>help of your family lurk moar, I already made the embarrassing admittance that my parents didnt appreciate my cool squlpting dreams.
>not having mental illnessThats the bottom line you reached after this conversation? thats very kind of you nonna! Thank you!
No. 2019270
>>2019260Ntayrt but I've never gotten any injections because I'm too afraid of needles being put inside
me specifically, I got no issue handling them or shooting a little botox into someone else but me I'll chimp and sperg like a sped kid who isn't getting his favorite toy if someone comes at me with a needle kek. I have however coolsculpted and that was actually the best thing I ever did.
No. 2019284
>>2019173>>2019149This. I'm one of the anons that they're mad at, I absolutely do NOT think that homeless people "deserve it" nor do I wish them harm, it's really sad actually. Because seriously, what the fuck can we do? What do you do for someone who is so far gone and mentally incompetent that they can’t take care of themselves, and can’t actually make any decision for themselves, and are actively making the environment worse for themselves and everyone else? If institutions were run by people who actually cared about the patients, it would be a much more humane solution than just leaving them to rot on the street and drink/overdose/starve/freeze to death “because it’s what he wanted!” And sure, institutions are expensive too, but god, we spend millions of dollars when these repeat offenders keep getting arrested and thrown in jail for the night, and then released and they’re right back in again. It’s ridiculous, there has to be a better way.
And yes, selfishly, I’m annoyed that we literally can’t enjoy any public space. Can’t even enjoy a walk in the park because of hoardes of homeless men around and I’ve seen too many things that I wish I hadn’t. Can't go outside alone after sundown because it feels too risky with mentally ill men roaming around screaming.
No. 2019289
>>2019282To be fair there's like eighteen "cool sculpting" places in Portland
I just looked it up kek. An anon could get bored enough and look through all of those websites to see if they're owned by a millennial lady, but that's a lot of digging for just one dumb infight.
No. 2019324
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>>2019289I'm currently looking at every coolsculpting place in the center of Portland. better hope you're lying. my adderall just kicked so you're screwed.
No. 2019344
>>2019342You sound worried kek
Btw, could it be your fear of needles and bitterness towards others stems from a traumatic car accident in your teens?
No. 2019345
>>2019344I'm lucky enough I've never been in a car accident I just hate foreign objects going inside my body, and I don't feel bitterness towards
the world, I just hate homeless junkies there's no harm in that.
No. 2019347
>>2019340ntayrt but
>the locals why not just her?
No. 2019352
>>2019347because I don't care about ruining her mental health, ruining her business would be funny though.
>>2019345unless you're lying about being the owner of the medspa or your medspa is actually a dingy piece of shit with no website, I already found you. you mentioned you don't do PS or botox so it was extremely easy to rule out the establishment that don't do that.
No. 2019361
>>2019355No I did
>>2019107and here kek
>>2019270>>2019358Lowkey it makes me feel kinda special hehe
No. 2019368
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No. 2019386
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>>2019383one of my candidates. would be hilarious if this is her because it says this on her profile:
"She is a native Portlander who is passionate about public health work and how it can dramatically improve lives and strongly believes she has a duty to give back to her community using her nursing expertise."
No. 2019387
>>2019386You think I'm ASIAN? ouch
(racebait) No. 2019391
nonny you're making this too fucking easy lmao
No. 2019402
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>>2019398>millenial>40yoyou're just fucking with me now.
No. 2019407
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>>2019401Do you think millennials are just barred from using the internet or what
>>2019402Yeah, we're getting up there. Hard to believe…
No. 2019411
>>2019406I had to start my own because no one was selling, and it was easy you just get an office, secure your licensure, and then start selling. Starting a business isn't hard lol immigrants do it with a snap of their fingers I'm certain that American citizens have a
much easier time.
No. 2019427
it smells like rotpocket in here but maybe thats just trapschizo's desperation nightly meangirl larp being unmistakable from an agp chud desperate to target any woman in his path
>>2019384has literally happened before where someone posts a random womens info while pretending they're cows. you're all so new and retarded it disgusts me
>>2019385any woman intrinsically has more value than a male, your radfem larp is never going to get across no matter how hard you try. actual radfems especially hate homeless men because they're an extreme risk to homeless women to the point where women chose prostitution over being raped by hobos when they live on the streets. you will never meme women into caping for the inferior chromosome, you thundering turbofaggot
No. 2019433
>>2019427NTA but
>radfem larp ? thats not even a part of this conversation
No. 2019440
>>2019431>normal people dont say whiteoid who ever made the claim that im a normalfag?
>she wouldnt be mixing whiteoid with no cap right, because you know every single 40 year old woman ever…ok
>you don't really have time to be this terminally online it's 1am on a friday, it's the weekend lmao. Am I supposed to be giving someone lip injections at these wee hours?
>your life is pretty pathetic i'm fine with that so long as i'm paid kek, i think i'll survive
No. 2019442
>>2019439Oh no I never made that claim. I'm just saying thats what the laws are. And it's
horrifically unsanitary.
No. 2019452
>>2019450>preying Do you think injectors walk around town like
>ouuuu come to my office and fix your face little girl Like no kek. They come to me and
pay for services that
they desire.
No. 2019453
>>2019442so you have a nursing degree? or are you just a grifter?
>>2019445you're the same as a drug dealer.
>>2019441some website from portland actually doesn't have staff bios. they do have a ton of stuff about actually helping the community and doing volunteer work. which makes me think she could be lying about owning the business but forced to do volunteer work to homeless people and that's why she hates them so much. just a tinfoil theory though.
No. 2019455
>>2019427It is a bit weird that nonnas are just posting random women's faces now in order to protect homeless moids, especially when the examples of what they hate are
>jerking off in public>following women at night>eating human legThe human leg thing was even caught him on video too, damn.
No. 2019460
>>2019452So they come to your location to ask you for something that you know they physically do not
need to live but will make their existence feel more bearable in their eyes. And they give you money for it.
No. 2019470
>>2019466>kills them well none of my patients are dead so
>>2019467>making women hate themselves I don't know if you're just retarded or something but, the work I do makes them hate themselves less kek. They cause their own insecurity through their self judgement and hatred, and thus seek out something to make themselves feel more beautiful and digestible. That is not "making women hate themselves".
No. 2019495
>>2019491>preyingyou keep using that word as if thats whats going on, when all of the women who walk into my building of their own free will are
paying me for a service. I'm not gonna turn them away or give them some self-help speech kek. Get real.
>>2019492I dont give a fuck
and I am helping them get skinnier and prettier. I am making their lives better kek.
No. 2019500
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>>2019495>botox and fillers>prettieryou're making everyone have the same face. on the bright side, it's pretty easy to tell who is mentally ill and vain nowadays. anyone with lip fillers should be avoided at all costs.
No. 2019515
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>>2019512it would be hilarious to see luna botoxmaxxed instead of a drug addict. frankly, her life wouldn't be any better though.
No. 2019524
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>>2019520most celebrities never stop at the middle image (which is in my opinion already uncanny valley looking), they always keep going because aging happens and they have to retouch it.
No. 2019529
>>2019526>heavenso you are a christcuck.
>>2019388 was incorrect.
No. 2019532
I think she sucks too but don't be cringe like this please
>>2019522BPD chans thrive off of this kind of response kek
No. 2019548
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>>2019542You have to accept the cringe to overcome the cringe nonita. Stop trying to play cool.
No. 2019561
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No. 2019562
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Lmao I know some oldfags will complain about this in meta but this ordeal was very early 2000s-esque fun IMO
No. 2019578
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>>2019573Get rich or die tryin didn't come out that long ago though
No. 2019583
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>>2019578It's been 20 years, anon…
No. 2019596
>>2019581How dare people be dumb on this very serious discussion forum!!!!
p.s creepypasta is newfag shit
No. 2019608
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>>201960450 cents in another life
No. 2019616
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>>2019591bpd-chan nona versus crackhead at the gas station
No. 2019629
>>2019624Wym came back
nonny I never left!! I'm here till death
No. 2019651
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clementines and tangerines>>>>>>>>>
No. 2019653
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we fucked the welcome page
No. 2019655
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>>2019647Millennial coded, you say………
No. 2019680
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>>2019678Could it be, this is one of Vargs daughters posting??? I want to believe
No. 2019692
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>>2019689If varg was not such a self absorbed mysoginist tinfoil murderous piece of shit hed' have a husbando dedicated page for sure. Nonas love ugly looking long haired neets.
No. 2019709
>>2019702>>2019703I think he's too cryptic for normie altrightoids.
>>2019701he killed his bandmate(?) at some point by stabbing him several times, according to varg was because he was a filthy commie, he served time in the 5 star hotel norwegian prisons are, did his time and not a day more. his mother is also a massive boymom, gave him a house after he left prison but apparently everyone hated him in that town. then he met marie and went to france to ruin her life.
No. 2019710
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my unpopular opinion is that i would
No. 2019742
>>2019727>>2019723Wait why are these marked as derailing these are just replies?
>>2019741Vietnamese fried chicken in fish sauce>>>>>
No. 2019744
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>>2019743Its so good, sometimes the sauce can be a little extra salty so you might wanna get it on the side so you can apply it at your own discretion kek
No. 2019817
>>2019615this, i can't believe anons alogged and posted random women itt over one anon hating homeless people?? wtf. even tradwives and TRAs don't get this treatment. disappointing
>>2019710i get it but he gives psychopath vibes sometimes
>>2019742redtexting random shit as they do recently
No. 2019858
>>2019856because I was sleeping
>>2019857yeah but his bootyhole looks wet and sweaty from the shadow covering him in the gif and it’s gross
No. 2019881
>>2019878how would you outlaw anal sex
surgically attach to everyone a butt shutter that only opens when they need to poop?
No. 2020353
>>2020330In the sense that he's a massive
abusive piece of shit, yeah
No. 2020377
>>2020347I guess so, what a shame. The last time I remember there being a strong band fangirl culture was way back in 2015?
Maybe 2016??
No. 2020785
>>2020761Right. It's true that maladaptive daydreaming is more of a problem when you have too much free time but it's a
valid definition. It is an incredibly maladaptive behavior that sinks you deeper into a depression or isolation and inhibits you from doing things positive or healthy for you
No. 2020828
>>2020737I think it's more a crypto form of narcissism honestly. I've done it my entire life and I just imagine achieving something and giving interviews, or reliving my life a different way. Even as young as 10 years old I'd run around on the playground imagining giving interviews for a book I wrote.
It's 6-8 hours a day lost in fantasy and yes, I don't work because I prefer to imagine a life than to live it. Even when I did work I'd get distracted and fall into imagining things. I like that I can control what happens in my mind and everything goes in a set way.
No. 2020954
>>2020951There were a lot of posts by other nonas that I thought were really black and white on the issue, like women complaining (in good faith I think) about schizo junkie moids masturbating in public and other anons talking about girls who got thrown out on the street by
abusive families or whatever arguing with each other, when in reality both these groups exist and the solution for one of these groups is completely different than the solution for the other group. Places like California have spent tens of billions recently on free housing programs for the homeless and homelessness has only increased, lots of academic papers talk about how the homeless themselves are resistant to the free housing or just trash it, whereas other people who would kill for that opportunity just slip through the cracks. I also get why people who work really hard just to barely afford rent get frustrated when their tax dollars go to free housing for people who don't make proper use of it and I think the most practical solution is some kind of screening program so it's available to people who will likely get out of homelessness or are motivated to, but not available to people who obviously just want to freeload and do drugs.
No. 2021050
>>2020998kek it's not the first time that after a long intense debate with several anons posting at the same time, someone declares "no but it was obviously just one troll". troll or not the point is that a lot of people were upset to hear that measures to prevent homelessness do not always work because a lot of people genuinely do not want to get help or are mentally ill.
>>2020922 is the voice of reason, it's not all black or white
No. 2021059
>>2020959Ntayrt but the post about homeless people jerking off and spitting on people was me. Not botox nona and I don't take it back.
That being said, I was taken advantage of since it was my first job and sent to an awful majority homeless location. by the time I quit I was basically suicidal from having to deal with all that bullshit.
I'd have to an absolute doormat not to hold hate over that.
No. 2021173
>>2021145One of my childhood friends is homeless and lives in a shelter with her husband and children. Her mom and stepdad both died from cancer a few years ago and their house was taken because of debt (idk if it was foreclosure or repossession but it was vacated and sold). I had no idea she had to deal with so much after their passing because she's always had a job and she doesn't look like a stereotypical homeless person.
>>2021166Abusing people does not help them.
No. 2021188
>>2021158What are you talking about? Where is anyone abusing the homeless here? If a woman is complaining about homeless men harassing her, there is only one crime being committed and it isn't by her.
(repost replying to the correct person this time)
No. 2021255
>>2021235I think when it comes to the elderly it depends.
I knew a woman that nearly killed herself taking care of someone with dementia.
Some people need 24/7 around the clock care.
No. 2021272
>>2021240Ages of majority reflect broad social views on when a person has reached the beginning of the stage of their life when they can start to be independent and no longer the legal responsibility of their parents. The whole 'brain finishes developing at 25' thing does not matter, as that isn't something that precludes a young adult from being able to make independent decisions and act in the world as an adult– if anything, a period of developmental plasticity would be helpful in learning new skills and to navigate a more independent, adult life. Besides, even in earlier periods of history, most people were not getting married until their 20s and were marrying peers/not older men– there's a very dumb pop-culture perception of women in particular being seen as wife/mother material the second they have their first period (and the age they have it at is also often too modern) and getting married off pronto. The fetishisation of 18/barely legal is a result of porn more than anything else, which caters to subhumans so of course is gross and predatory.
People are incapable of making wise decisions not because of the final stages of brain development but because they have never been asked or taught how to think things through properly. The brain is like a muscle, if you never exercise it it'll be a weak piece of shit no matter how much knowledge or modern conveniences are out there to help you.
No. 2021533
>>2021499Idk, most people have shown that the decisions they take before their 25's are pretty bad. Like women who get with obvious walking redflags, who believe in "sex work", who fall for cults like the gendercult, who believe in pro-nazi shit, who become addicted to drugs, drop out college, and so on.
Yeah, you can fall for that and fuck up your life later on, but it can't be a coincidence how most people seem to fuck up their lives the moment they turn 18 years old, because they're legally responsible of everything they do.
You can always get a permit or whatever to do whatever you want the moment you turn 18 years old if you're /so/ mature, which isn't something new as far as I know.
To me it's more about the stuff you can fall for when you're learning how to be a proper adult than just dating older moids/women, which yeah, I also think it's weird how there's people out there waiting for the 17 years olds to have the magical 18 age which lets them cope with the whole "i-i waited that doesn't make me a pedo!!".
So yeah, you don't need to "stunt" your adulthood, you could just have certain guides or help so you don't legally fuck up your life forever, that's what I think about the most, no one should have to suffer some heavy consequences while they're learning the stuff that high-school never taught anyone in the world.
No. 2021992
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>>2021989just shut up retard
No. 2022001
>>2021992>Using a gif of a flamboyant man dressed up as a woman slapping another flamboyant man dressed up as a womanAnd you're saying I'M retarded? Maybe try looking in a mirror and then you'll see real retardation.
>>2021996I can tell you're a go-getter. A real business-brained individual. A lot of people in your generation don't have the spunk that you have. You're a dying breed. Once you make your iPhone-cardboard-box-house rental company public on the market I'll be sure to buy shares ASAP. It seems like it could be a very viable business model.
No. 2022017
>>2022005>Weeb moids do not give a shit about women enjoying yaoi and BLBlatant lie, they get ultra
triggered as soon as someone posts their self insert getting fucked in the ass kek.
No. 2022020
>>2022003The original "incel" was not what "incel" means now, she was literally just someone who was involuntarily celibate shortening the term, incel as we know it is an official right wing term that has a specific meaning outside of its original origin, she no longer fits the bill.
There's a reason incel's are considered a risk, a reason they might be put on a watchlist, because it doesn't simply mean "involuntarily celibate" anymore, language constantly evolves.
Femcels do not exist because the modern usage REQUIRES violent misogyny, be it thoughts and/or actions, women can be internally misogynistic but cannot be in the way modern incel usage dictates. You are factually incorrect and playing into the role reversal BS males try to, to try distract from how many of them cannot be trusted around women and children.
No. 2022021
>>2022014>"30 an hour is 60k a year, you realize only 60% of Americans make less than that right?"So 60% of Americans are working class, is what you're saying? Why would middle class and upper class people be the majority? What I'm saying is that if you're working class, which apparently 60% of Americans are, there are parts of life that just aren't gonna be available for you, like living alone in a 1 bedroom in a city centre.
>>2022011I know that the economy sucks right now, but it seems like a lot of people would prefer to work themselves into the ground and pretend they're rich rather than getting together through unions or political groups to lobby law-makers in their area to better regulate business and renting practices. I empathize with people in the hood struggling to afford rent increases, especially if they've been there for a long time and were affected by gentrification practices. It feels like things are getting harder and harder for the average person because of the lack of government intervention and regulation. My thing is just I think it's equally delusional to be 22 making less than 50k a year and expecting to be able to live alone downtown NYC, eat out every day, pay for 10 subscription services a month, and be financially illiterate. It's like too many people want their cake and to eat it too, if you get what I'm saying.
No. 2022070
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>>2022067Picrel because you're reading words that don't actually exist.
No. 2022077
>>2022069Nta but no they don't even If a woman has a problem with orgasming or has a problem with her clit she's not going to blame the world for it and kill and rape men .
femcels arent real the only ones who think they are troons and 4channers
No. 2022099
>>2022078>Poor people can't have luxuries!Well, yeah. It's a luxury to live alone in your own apartment. That's what I said in my OP. Most people live either with family or with roommates, because most people can't afford the luxury to live alone, which has been the case for decades if not centuries.
>>2022080>Poor people want nice shit in their lives too.Well, yeah. But if someone is poor they can't really afford the nice shit. My OP was about how it seems silly that so many people want to rent alone in big cities while earning very little because they're under the assumption that that was possible in the recent past, when it wasn't.
>A salary that can cover rent, food, and at least basic entertainmentYeah, most working class salaries are enough to cover either living at home with your parents or renting with roommates. That's not gonna change. Again my OP was about how it's not viable for most people to live alone in big cities if they aren't in the upper class, and I think it's disingenuous to pretend that that's not the case.
No. 2022101
>>2022085IMHO, depends on a rich person in question. I'm in good terms with two well-off families. Like, crazy rich. Rich bitch level of rich.
One family lives really frugally, if you don't notice their mansions and businesses. They even save up on food even though it's not an issue for them and basically never spend more money than necessary.
Another family flaunts their wealth all the time and buys only things with biggest price tags on them even if it's some benign shit like butter.
No. 2022128
>>2022113Again, my post is about wanting to rent an apartment alone in a big city. Unfortunately it is a luxury, and it has been a luxury for some 200 years, and no amount of pretending is gonna change that. It feels like this generation, the one that lived through participation trophies, just expects so much from life for no reason. It's a very entitled outlook. Boo hoo we have to live with roommates if we're working class. That's the material reality of the world.
>>2022122Most people lived with roommates or family throughout history. Just because you read novels and watched television shows where the protagonist lived alone in NYC doesn't mean it was real. It was always considered a luxury to live alone. You can check stats if you don't believe me. I honestly didn't expect so many people to get aggressive about my opinion, it's like you're willfully misinterpreting what I said because you're angry at the government for not building 100 million affordable 1-bedroom social housing units for you downtown.
No. 2022136
>>2022099>It's a luxury to live alone in your own apartment.what a sad life if you think that's a luxury, no wonder american women get abused to hell and back, cause people like you will reee about how living alone is a luxury instead of trying to help fix housing prices so abuse
victims can escape
No. 2022140
>>2022128in 1980, med rent was 243, min wage was 3.10, meaning you can make about 500 or so a month by working 40 hours a week, given most places paid way more, even jobs that required no experience , ave salary was like 11,000-20,000
med rent now is 1900, min wage is 1200 by working 40 hours a week, do the math and stop cucking yourself so hard. at least back then if you had to live on your own in an emergency situation it was a little bit hard to budget but possible, now you'd have to go into debt to do that if apartments even approve you
No. 2022171
>>2022162I'd happily switch to no phone or even a crappy flip phone if that was possible for most jobs/schools. Majority of jobs now, even lower end ones require you to have certain apps for clocking in/clocking out/ pay stubs/ schedules, etc. it's almost like a trap
>yeah welcome to burger king you have to install this app to clock in and this app to get your pay stub>okay ill get this cheap 30 dollar smart phone I found on facebook marketplace>>umm how dare you ? you're not poor and suffering if you have a phone you moronreminds me of those charities that pressure people to sell their car/couch surf with anyone who lets them or else "you're just a bougie bitch wanting hand outs"
No. 2022176
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>>2022173samefag. It looks so sad, delicious
No. 2022208
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>>2022196Does this count?
No. 2022260
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>>2022238Warrior of darkness-Chan? Don’t forget to take your pills today okay?
No. 2022411
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>wake up late at night>remember infight I forgot to give a real shit about>nothing else to do>okay let’s get it now>>2014803>because i am dumb and unable to separate fiction and realityFirst of all, I never said that. Learn to read before you call somebody dumb, you tard. I specifically said that art is almost always made to represent concepts that exist in the real world, despite being drawings. A cartoon man is obviously a fucking cartoon, we can all see that. But it’s not rocket science to understand that the cartoon man clearly meant to symbolize the or any concept of men or males.
>and see a real male when i look at a cartoon anime boyI have a working brain, and I’m able to grasp artistic symbolism of real world concepts. When I see an anime boy, I think of boys. Maybe not specific ones I know in real life, but boys as a concept. Cartoon boys, any random 3D boys, just boys. All of those versions of boys have one thing in common: the concept of a young male. Kind of like how you see a painting of an apple, and the imagery is an obvious stimulation for your brain to think about apples, not just the art apples trapped inside of a drawing or a painting.
>everyone else does too I mean, I sure hope not everyone is as artistically slow as you. You have to be a TV-static retard to not be able to think about what an art is clearly meant to make you think about.
>>2014818>You gay cunts constantly cherry pick what to reply too kekFor one, I’m not a faggot, or some confused little puppy like you. Second,
>whining like a crybaby about some anon not responding to youThis isn’t a fuckin’ daycare. What am I? Your mama?
>>2014825>Whose this gay bitch demanding a performanceYou’re the type of retard that has to be told something obvious more than once.
>demanding a performanceI certainly didn’t demand some angry bitch who thinks and types like she’s menstruating sand all over her keyboard just to virtually yell at me kek, so I think you got my order wrong
>go watch str8 pornI made yaoi of a dozen male classmates with my own two hands and a shitty number 2 pencil, I have read explicit yuri while sipping tea, I have fallen asleep to NSFW audio footage of the voices of cute men roleplaying a nice date, and everytime my cheek lays on the pillow—my mind can remember the skin of my old best friend’s bare thigh when she was only wearing her underwear. I never watch porn, I drew it, read it, listen to it, and use my personal experiences with living, breathing people to go off of. The fact that you suggested watching typical, gross, industrial, corrupt porn is only telling that you have never experienced a touch, hum, or artistic inspiration from a high quality male or female. I, for one, don’t
run from and
deny my attraction to men. You will never be up to my level of sexuality, no matter how hard you want to look with that little “own”, dear anon.
>str8Based on all of your replies, I can smell the tumblr right off of you.
>>2014830>Newfags like you can’t stop showing your ass holy shitOkay first of all, I’m gonna stop you right there. Nobody is automatically a newfag just because you have the emotional intelligence of a five year old, and cannot accept that people just disagree with your clearly confused and honestly sad take on how sexuality works. I am highly confident that there are plenty of oldfags who disagree with your take on lesbians enjoying sexual fantasies of yaoi but somehow still being 100% gay. This goes for you specifically, and
every single retard who tinfoils that it’s only newfags that disagree with them. Your beliefs and delusions are not the Holy Bible, and ancient script of how LC operates or SHOULD operate.
You gotta stop huffing your own farts.>Women being interested in yaoi isn’t the same as subhuman XYs being into children and rape hentai.Never said it was exactly the same, just said the thought process is very similar, if not, identical. Moids using cartoons to stimulate thoughts of children as a concept, and liking such perverse thoughts about children as a concept is strikingly similar to the logic-train of “lesbians' using cartoons to stimulate thoughts of males as a concept, and
liking such perverse thoughts about males as a concept. Both are basically identical forms of thought pattern to sexualize real world things, and everyone can understand that lolishits is still telling about a person’s sexuality. It makes no sense to me that yaoi wouldn’t tell on a person’s sexuality as well. I never actually called fujoshis “pedophilles”.
>Women aren’t the ones kidnapping gay boys to fulfill their 2D fantasies nor are they the ones taking it out on society for not catering to themThat is irrelevant to the conversation. Plus, that’s not even a good argument. Sure, women are relatively harmless, but when has the lack of sex told everything about a person’s sexuality? Actual lesbos will tell you straight, they hate straight and bisexual women who call themselves “lesbians” just because they have some grudge with the male gender. Being a lesbian is more than just not fucking dudes, you have to be specifically and exclusively attracted to women, which is impossible if the sexualized concept of
males draws you in so much that you regularly enjoy thinking about, reading, writing, and drawing about it.
>>2014837>Not sure what gay bitch you areYou are really obsessed with wanting me to be gay. Even if I was, I would still never fuck you, just a heads up. If you keep calling me gay, why did you tell me to go watch “str8 porn”? Were you so seethey that you forgot your own script of what I’m apparently supposed to be?
>but I came out as bi todaywhy should anyone care about this?
>with the help of the progressive nonaswhy should anyone care about this?
>here and as a member of LGBwhy should anyone care about this?
>I have to say your homophobic rhetoric is not appreciatedsucks for you.
>>2014841>If i watch straight porn and get turned on by both genders does that make me bi nowIf you’re enjoying sexual fantasies about both genders, or sexually aroused by both genders…I’m pretty sure that’s the definition of bisexual. Not sure why you’re asking me instead of turning this into a Dr. Phil segment though.
No. 2022413
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Part Two.
>>2022411>>2014856>If I wanted to see real men fuck I would watch gay porn not read BLYet BL still stimulates your brain into conceptualizing the male gender and sexualizing thoughts around it, even if the
trigger is a cartoon.
>the appeal is that they don’t represent real moids and don’t act like it.But do they really not? Just like the point I’ve made some greentexts ago, art is almost always meant to represent real-life concepts, despite being drawings and paintings. There were and always are going to be twinks and “feminine” males in this world. Where do you think yaoi stereotypes had to come from? Even if you’ve never met an actual moid that’s similar to an anime boy protag, anime boys are still meant to be visual concepts of males.
>Its the same mindset for anons that are straight but can get off to lesbian porn even though they would never be caught dead eating pussy let alone date another womanHonest to god, women like that are not straight in my eyes, anon. I don’t know how many times I’m gonna have to take breaks to attend IRL responsibilities and come back just to repeat myself, but sincerely believing that “straight” women totally have sexual fantasies about their own gender enough to regularly watch lesbian-fucking-porn WITHOUT being semi-gay is one of the most clownish takes I have ever seen in my life. I would trust the voice in my uncle’s head faster than I would trust a woman’s word that she’s “straight” while watching and LIKING lesbian porn.
>There’s women who watch straight porn and that’s all male gaze so does that mean they secretly must be men because the main focus is a woman being fucked?…who said anything about this tranny idea of wanting to be a guy? I’m keeping it like pancakes, short and stacked. If you have sexual fantasies about the opposite sex or concepts ABOUT the opposite sex, while you enjoy such fantasies, there is some part of you that’s attracted to the opposite sex. It’s like a supposedly gay man liking explicit yuri so much that he reads it, writes it, and draws for it. There is some aspect in that man’s mind that draws and excites him to the opposite sex, even if he’s running on the sexualized idea of two lesbians that don’t exist. He could easily fantasize about yaoi, and let the visualized concept of the same gender occupy his mind. But no, he chooses the visualized concept of WOMEN. Why would that be? Because his mind, to a strange degree, likes women.
>>2015031You probably need to start understanding sexuality is an expression and if you don't express same sex relations with an actual person only in fantasy while actively seeking relationships with the opposite sex probably means you aren't gay.
I fairly disagree with this. Sexuality isn’t
just an expression, if actual fucking is what you mean. Sexuality is also how the
mind operates. If a man told me that he has regular, sexual fantasies of other men but merely chooses to not have actual sex with other men, he may
live like a straight, he may be “mostly” straight, but he’s not all the way there due to his mind crawling back to keep loving so many sexual thoughts about other men. This is precisely what I meant about “lesbians” who love yaoi. I’ll give it to them that they may live like lesbians, and “mostly” be lesbian, but objectively there’s an inch of their mind that goes to men, which is where I say they’re not as gay as they think they are. If a student gets a 90 on a test, that’s a pretty high score—but that number isn’t 100.
>Are men gay cause they watch other men fucking women in straight porn.If they are
watching other men fuck women and enjoying the view, they’re not as straight as they think they are. Interesting choice of words.
(highly autistic infighting with days old posts) No. 2022449
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I'm not the biggest pop star consumer but I do prefer the fake artificiality of western singers than the fake artificiality of k-pop ones. Anyone else? Can't pinpoint my finger as to why, I guess it's less cringe to me.(kpop)
No. 2022456
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I see so many women outing their abusers but I just can't join their ranks because what is the point? I just know I will be made fun of, blamed, uno reverse switch carded 'actually you were the abuser all along' and if it goes viral I'll probably get a snark subreddit. His own Mother acknowledged the abuse and even threatened to call the police on him for what he was doing.
MeToo has not done anything meaningful for victims. I fucking hate him so much and I wish everyone would know what he did.
No. 2022458
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>>2022449Kpop artificiality is more extreme, they look almost unreal and very similar these days. They also prioritize a really youthful look.
(kpop) No. 2022482
>>2022476This, specially after she herself said
>wake up late at night>remember infight I forgot to give a real shit about>nothing else to doNobody is going to read a full essay on shit she doesn't even care enough about kek.
No. 2022486
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I miss when kpop was cringe… like the charming kind of cringe… like the ring ding dong type of cringe… it had CHARACTER. The youth these days are simply missing out.(kpop is a banned subject)
No. 2022594
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>>2022549I'm into sexy robots like CASTs and everytime I tell moids about it they don't try to gatekeep, they just get uncomfortable.
No. 2022607
>>2022549I like robots too anon, though I'm pretty basic and just play around with kits or read about them kek. What do you like?
Autistic men have never been a bother to me, so it is sad to me when other women won't try something out just because it's 'for boys' or they say they couldn't go to a hobby meetup like I do for a hobby they already have because I'm the only woman there (if we both went then there'd be two women, imagine). I'm currently working on a diorama project with a couple old guys on the weekends, it's great, but my female friends find it super weird.
>>2022569>robots in media are designed for war or sexmost fiction surrounding robots has a philosophical bent and focuses on subjects such as what it is to be human, what counts as a person, and what such constructs would be capable of (either emotionally/behaviourally, the hierarchy between us and them, automation fears or the fear of us being replaced, etc). Sometimes war or the sex industry are used alongside robots to discuss these topics (to varying degrees of success and cringe, ofc), sure, but even if they didn't, women can enjoy pulpy war machines and sexbots too kek.
No. 2022626
>>2022594good taste anon, who is best robot?
my male friends seem to find my interest mildly fascinating and ask for my rating of robotic designs kek
>>2022615The social influence that discourages female interest in these areas doesn't really come from the male autists also into them compared to how interests in similar topics was discouraged or encouraged during childhood, mostly in regards to a girl's parents and the other authority figures in her life, then her peers. They're what teach people that some stuff is 'for' you or acceptable for you to engage with. That's what stops people from trying things out as an adult even if it's a solitary hobby, not the male speds into it, because they have to get over a kneejerk reaction that says 'I can't like that, I'm female and we're supposed to only like x and y things, not icky boy things' and fearing how others will perceive their interests.
(autistic men can be annoying though, sure, but a lot of them are easy to manage as long as you keep redirecting them to the hobby they're interested in, and are usually genuinely helpful, so I still don't see them as that much of a barrier to entry)
No. 2022731
>>2022720Americans always dominating the public discourse, lately in regards to the housing crisis.
>>2022722>all the good feelings none of the dramaNo reciprocation and no one to physically abuse, though.
No. 2022789
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>>2022740to me it's always really insulting when someone says "oh but you have EQ though" because it implies, or is usually meant to compensate for, not having a high IQ. it rubbed me the wrong way when we started talking about the gender gap, whatever the cause is, in the 'precise' sciences and I hear 'oh but its all autistic moid shit who cares we have feelings' I found it annoying, especially because it sounds like sour grapes. similar to 'well why would women even want to create something, they get to create life and thats better than anything cerebral' like picrel. if you didn't mean it that way then mb.
No. 2022902
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>>2022890>Yeah it's already here, losing moneyThis is categorically false, picrel. Many of the anti-AI spergs are coming out of a place of fear and ignorance, not knowing what it actually entails. This is why STEM needs to be prioritized in schools. You know a basic statistical regression is an example of machine learning? It's used all the time in various fields of science to understand predictor and response variables. Machine learning is also, allegedly, what filters out the CP and gore that got spammed on this website not too long ago. Machine learning has many practical uses which may benefit society, so long as it is supplemented with human oversight—after all, there is no such thing as a perfect model.
No. 2022929
>>2022918As an artist and scientist(-in-training) myself—and I assume you're referring specifically to AI art and not the practical applications of AI/ML—I can see both sides. Very early on, I also felt slighted by the existence of models like Stable Diffusion, DALLE, and MidJourney. But eventually, especially once I tried them out, I came to accept them a bit more. I don't necessarily see AI as an enemy but as a tool that I can use for inspiration and incorporate into my workflow. And speaking of workflow, I do absolutely find it cringe when AIbros referring to their click-clack-moo "prompts" as a "workflow" as though it requires much effort at all. You aren't an artist by typing a few keywords into a machine.
I do think, hopefully sooner than later, that lawmakers can come up with enforceable and stringent policies to prevent the misuse and abuse of AI by companies and laypersons alike.
No. 2023152
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>>2023148>compromisingyou are part of the problem
No. 2023162
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>>2023158I got a better one for ya: stop shaving yer pussies!!!!!
No. 2023180
>>2023166Who said it was "our" (women?) responsibility?
>>2023169Please touch grass.
>>2023172This is the way that it's always been on /ot/. I just assume they're either trolls, very young or very sheltered, or perpetually angry autists.
No. 2023181
nonnie. Give us your solution for how men can be fixed and women can achieve real equality.
No. 2023200
who would've guessed that feminism would be such an unpopular opinion on lolcow. half of you are probably larping trannies.
No. 2023229
>>2023207Legitimate question, why is teaching empathy being treated like more the mother's responsibility but not the father's?
>>2023195 asked about men teaching their sons empathy, but you said that it's part of the woman's responsibility and left out any mention of men's role in teaching their sons to be decent.
No. 2023240
>>2023229I didn't say it was the mother's responsibility
only, just that it is a part of her responsibility. Or, I should've worded it that it is
partly her responsibility. No one likes a deadbeat dad. He still has to pitch in on raising the kid. Don't want to teach your kid how to act like a normal person? Then don't have kids, simple as.
No. 2023250
>Psychologists Pauline Rose Clance and Suzanne Imes developed the concept, originally termed “imposter phenomenon,” in their 1978 founding study, which focused on high-achieving women. They posited that “despite outstanding academic and professional accomplishments, women who experience the imposter phenomenon persist in believing that they are really not bright and have fooled anyone who thinks otherwise"It's entered into that watered down territory now where average people with average doubts wanna add it to their personal list of disorders and syndromes.
No. 2023268
>>2023259what part of my response absolves boymoms?
in any case, they're no different from all the fools posting here like
>>2023164 who believe being nice to scrotes will cure them.
No. 2023284
>>2023270Where is your opinion?
>>2023258 isn't an opinion. Am I supposed to be a psychic and know who you are? Kek.
No. 2023314
>>2023145 is an opinion. The keyboard warrior shit after that is whining. Your (collectively) knowledge of feminism is superficial at best, and the logical fallacies and black-and-white approach to real-world matters is what gives off the scent of bait. When you get a little older and become a little wiser, you'll realize that not everything can be solved like 1, 2, 3.
No. 2023350
>>2023330I feel like I shouldn't have to explain every word of every sentence I type but
>collectivelyAny anon who replied to
>>2023266>>2023240>>2023207>>2023180>>2023164You obviously have nothing new or interesting to say, so just drop it.
No. 2023359
>>2023145Men are just warmongers and that is all there is to them. It's beyond me why women will always wonder "why does he do that ?" or assume a man's good will behind his acts when he's just a warmonger going about his daily warmongering routine. It is not any deeper, he is fighting to win. Whetever a man says is just a move on the battlefield. Meanwhile most women barely grasp the idea of it, even though it's plain as day, because we are basically a domesticated species.
We get steamrolled because we are so abysmally bad at warfare and can't make propaganda for shit. Men predict moves from us that we haven't even thought of yet and already have their counter-offensive planned. They project on us and assume that anything we do is a move in the battle as well, every gift is a Trojan horse, even though we are truly just standing there asking for peace like honest idiots. Because the lack of understanding is mutual and they can't grasp the idea of it, either. They take it as a move and think of a way to counter it, instinctively.
My life has greatly improved since I gave up on the cheesy "meanie moids don't get invited to my superior civilized woman tea party !" shit. Rain's not going to start falling upwards just because you ask nicely.
No. 2023364
>>2023350Nice try.
>>2023240, is that you?
If so, it's ironic that you're accusing anons here of having a shallow understanding of feminism and how the real world works, when all you've offered is "don't be a shitty parent".
No. 2023411
>>2023364At this point I'm not sure what you're on about. I did not and still don't propose any solution to dismantling patriarchy—realistically, I don't
have one, and neither do you. However,
>>2023145 makes a strong implication that they
do (they don't), and the burden is on the original anon to outline concrete and actionable means of deconstructing patriarchal systems.
No. 2023432
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>>2023413>>2023413Everything Freud believed makes sense when you think about modern men and their infatuation with hentai/porn. The perspective is utterly predictable when you think about it this way. Ergo Freud was a proto gooner.
Examples of parallels:
>kid sucks it's thumbOmg loli so kawaii obviously being sexy!!
>girls play with their dadWincest!!!
>mom takes care of her sonOmg milf wincest!!!
>all women's orgasms are allegedly fakeJust like hentai!! They should cry and scream
>someone had a dream last nightIt means you need cock!!
No. 2023580
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i don't see anything wrong with men having sex dolls. i actually really hope sex dolls catch on so men leave women alone. i mean look at the consumers. literally a bunch of low tier riff-raff no woman with sense would look at twice, who cares. trash taking itself out etc. etc.
No. 2023831
>>2023817You're supposed to eat the rind. It's usually either served by itself or on bread/sandwiches. Sometimes it's in other recipes like in baked pears or pasta or whatever.
Personally I don't really like the rind but I like the middle, but I try not to be weird and eat the whole thing.
No. 2023924
>>2023885You're right, people in general have higher standards for women, which can already be observed in kindergartens and schools. Girls are expected to be more civilized and often forced to sit near a chaotic little asshole to "rehabilitate" him (at least we had this practice in my country). And surely there's always much more judgement towards women that act rude or violent. Uncivilized and aggressive men are often perceived more like a natural disaster: they're just there, they're just the way they are, can't do nothing about it. Which is so paradoxical given the whole "men are rational, women - irrational" bullshit. The same goes for cheating, for example, men are believed to cheat for totally irrational reasons (something purely physiological/emotional) which makes it less serious and forgivable for some reason, but it's always highly controlled and deliberate if a woman does it, therefore she's morally corrupt if she cheats. There's always this expectation that women are more humane, have more self-control and stronger will but no one would ever admit it, and it's not customary to praise them for it because it's just taken for granted.
>>2023892I know some people that I wouldn't even call empathetic, they have a rather below average level of empathy in that sense that they don't understand some pretty simple things in someone's behavior and get annoyed with them but they still act as saviors with people who don't even deserve it just to get this "thank you, thank you, you're a saint!". It doesn't even help these people, it's just eliminating a couple of problems that they keep creating, over and over again. It's so frustrating when it's someone from your close circle. And it's mostly women, too. "Good girls". Yeah, it's important to understand that someone being miserable is not a signal to drop everything and run to solve their problems and make them happier, especially if they don't intend to make some profound changes in their life at all and if the shit is always self-inflicted.
No. 2023981
>>2023922Kek I used to think I would want that when I was younger and coombrained. But when I talked to "submissive" men they would just list their fantasies, even what I should wear in them. Apparently the point is not that a woman gets to decide. Also when I said some of the stuff didnt appeal to me they just whined of women being "fake dommes". One time I remember a woman writing on a forum how she dominates her moid and mentioned she has never given him a blowjob. The scrotes in the responses chimped out completely calling her horribly
abusive fake dom. Yeah so they manage to be even more selfish and demanding than regular moids.
No. 2024008
>virtue signalers are stupid assholesdid i get it right?
No. 2024106
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>>2024097>whenever I have to interact with a bitch like that I think of kicking her like a football and sending her flying across the streetwe know what you are
No. 2024197
>>2024195NTA but out of all the posts in that convo
>>2024123 was way moidier
No. 2024207
>>2024097I don't get violent thoughts and weakness is often involuntary but learned helplessness sets me off.
I recently spent a couple days with my parents in an unfamiliar city and my mother didn't once bother to navigate, look up something she had a question about, or solve any of her problems on her own. It's fucking infuriating that somebody can live most of a human lifespan without having the drive to overcome the most basic everyday roadblocks. Spoiler for blogposting/mommy issues
No. 2024218
>>2024204insulting women by calling them "angry lesbos" and saying
>and bitter from not getting any.isn't at least a bit suspicious to you?
No. 2024251
>>2024222Wanting to beat someone up/feeling violent towards someone - normal emotional response.
Actually fighting someone - moidlike, caveman-esque, often reserved for lower class women.
It's literally one of the reasons males die earlier, they get drunk, they fight, one bashes his head, bing bong.
No. 2024258
>>2024251anger is a normal emotional response. feeling violent is within the range of possible human responses but it’s not something you should regularly be feeling? that’s a sign of emotional instability at best and something you need to be concerned about and work towards stopping. like it’s
valid to feel angry about someone but to talk about feeling violent towards people is not okay. especially if you let people know you want to hurt them.
No. 2024266
>>2024260eh in Sabrina's case she has lyrics like
>"I'm full grown but look like a nina"so that doesn't help. and wearing shayna-tier outfits that don't fit well
No. 2024308
>>2024298White women don’t know how good they have it. They have access to the cutest femboys but still fuck people who look like they crawled from under a dump site.
(autism) No. 2024342
>>2024337I didn’t know you have to be a literal troon to be a fem boy my bad. He’s a pretty boy then.
No. 2024343
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>>2024316>From what I’ve seen it’s not even black men who consider black women lame or desperate for liking white guysthey're the ones who seethe the hardest about them tho
No. 2024355
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>>2024342I know what you are
No. 2024360
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>>2024355You don’t because I’m actually a black woman(pic related). Take this as a lesson or reminder not to scrote foil. You people make the conversations lame and boring for everyone.
(retarded selfposting) No. 2024393
>>2024390no, a troon is someone who's transitioning into a woman or attempting to appear
as a woman. A femboy is a man who identifies as a man but still presents effeminately, thats why its called a fem
boy No. 2024404
>>2024398I don't. I consider him a man wearing a dress.
If he wears nail polish, that's still a man.
If he grows out his hair, he's still a man.
He can wear make up and do all the plastic surgery he wants, he's still a
No. 2024416
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>>2024386This is what the original femboy looks like
No. 2024420
>>2024413Where is the word man in "femboy"?
It's a word clearly meant to hide that they're a grown ass man and make them sound uwu, childish and feminine.
No. 2024424
>>2024420ntayrt but
>hide that they're a grown ass manwearing nail polish or calling yourself a femboy isn't really going to hide anything though..themselves and everyone around them still know they're men kek
No. 2024431
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The reason the one anon is calling him a femboy is because this is what the average black moid looks like or aspires to look like, and they shame any men who don't for being "soft"/"gay". White men just get away with more. It is a cultural matter, just a misunderstanding.(racebaiting)
No. 2024432
>>2024424It's not to hide that from women, obviously, it's so pseudo bisexual men can justify "femboy ≠ gay".
Frankly I wouldn't be surprised if they start calling women who wear pants, don't act like a girly, and not wear nail polish maschags, in that case.
No. 2024438
>>2024431>they shame any men who don't for being "soft"/"gayThey shame men who don't by calling them soft, gay, and
Obviously by going by that term, you're just making it less of a standard men should all do and more of a just a fruity gay thing.
No. 2024449
>>2024442that's not true
gay guys tend to have a few very specific looks they find attractive
No. 2024451
>>2024447Tbf the square jaw on the tiktok moid is pretty ridiculous.
He looks like squidward.
No. 2024453
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>>2024449oh and you know this…how?
No. 2024457
>>2024453because I know gay men you dumb retard
can you try not being so aggressively retarded?
No. 2024466
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can we use this for the next pic
No. 2024468
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or this
No. 2024470
>>2024438I'm not going to lie. I've never seen a normal, straight black man use the term "femboy". Not even once. It's a very white/Asian male term due to AGP and hentai/anime culture, and it's also taken off in the LGBT community among Hispanic people, but most black people aren't involved in the same online culture, have the same level of tolerance for AGP as other groups or are into the same kinds of porn. The black men who know and use it are either weebs beyond the casual DBZ watcher, gay or part of imageboard culture (sometimes incels).
Easiest example is that Drake would know the term "femboy" because he is a hentai addict and has plenty of non-black friends/family, but someone more on the 50 Cent side of things would raise a confused eyebrow.
No. 2024474
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White-adjacent women never beating the self-hate and thinking whiteness is peak civilization and humanity allegations. Also I just wish some of these summerfags would take the time to learn proper internet slang and lingo because they’ve been throwing around a bunch of words they’ve seen from other anons like impressionable babies when it doesn’t even apply. Just call them “decent looking men”, they’re not femboys, femboys are the faggots who’ve spent 2020 making maid thirst traps and like to solicit nazis for sex and HRT. Those examples you posted are normal men you would see working a job or going to the store. Take a break from this website for a bit or lurk before you say stupid shit that will embarrass you
No. 2024501
>>2024496>japanJapan is fun for rich people only. For anyone else it’s going to be hell with their
toxic work culture.
No. 2024517
>>2024507I've seen plenty women take manly as a compliment.
People called Justin Beiber and Di Caprio fem as an insult and look at them now, it clearly effected them.
No. 2024519
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>>2024510Women don’t like women either and look at the apes women date. Their opinions don’t mean anything. You’re talking like women actually have good taste in males appearances.
No. 2024520
>>2024517Those guys are
victims of the natural aging process. They'd still look like they do now regardless of what they were called.
No. 2024525
>>2024520Natural aging process doesn't explain the shitty moustaches and tattoos.
Beards and moustaches are grown as an effort to appear more masculine.
No. 2024542
so anyway back to the main point, this
>>2024342 does NOT equal
>>2024405 this
No. 2024549
>>2024545I'd hope that a person would strive choose better partners as a given.
Healthy Bowel movement that won't send you to a hospital is harder to make sure.
No. 2024550
>>2024525And women are valued for our femininity so we preserve it and them ageing into bloated apes just shows they had no pressure because their attractiveness isn't dependent on being cute and pretty. I wonder if that
nonnie is a fujofag
No. 2024558
>>2024507People are capable of seeing men as attractive in various ways, where as with women you have to fit a very very narrow set of rules to qualify, and even then you're still ripped apart
Cue the VS fashion show every year and moids and fat bitches had to come in to bitch about how they're all shaped like little boys
No. 2024579
>>2024576because gay men do it way more
why are you retarded?
No. 2024582
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>>2024543>nonnaS>mystery meat person This u?