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No. 1972401[Reply]

>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans "community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this
/ot/ gender ideology general thread: >>>/ot/1894283

This is a series of threads about fakebois and trans-identified females (TIFs).

TIFs are girls and women who take on the 'trans' label to any extent, including undergoing ("gender-affirming") surgery under that label.

"Fakebois" are girls who pretend to be boys, either by becoming TIFs or larping biological males through the screen (classic move). Fakebois usually style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking boys, or wearing girls' clothing and make-up while insisting on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female.

These threads are also now a catch-all for any minor TIF cows without threads of their own. Even "serious" troons, (like Kalvin Garrah and Ellen Page) are fair game, as are horrific troon surgeries and pregnancies. Just remember to spoiler that shit.

**TIFs, no one cares if you think you're ~more legit~ than the cows posted here.**

Additionally, occasional discussion of fujoshis is fine, but don't sperg and infight about it. Report and ignore bait.

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No. 1984774

Kek, the testosterone is making her mad but she has nothing to do with the anger and no where to place it so she’s just flailing her arms, putting up the middle fingy like a middle schooler, slapping her clit around and angrily biting her lip kek. And I like how she’s trying real hard to be quiet, like her parents are sleeping in the next room. This is so embarrassing, imagine a clip like this following you around the rest of your life. I’d kill myself

No. 1984790

If an actual teen moid saw this they'd call her weird and roast her to hell. I swear these women have never been around normal people in their lives.

No. 1984801

>Tattooing a woman that use male pronouns because she wants to be like her idol, not because she feels like a man.

These people missed the point with this character. Let's not mention that infamous drawing of her with her tits chopped.

No. 1984809

New thread: >>>/snow/1984807

No. 1984831

>two guys say mean things to her
>"i was hate crimed!!!1!1"
i'd be uncomfortable too if a stranger referenced how he wanted to hit me, but i feel like calling this a "hate crime" is a bit of an exaggeration

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No. 1960684[Reply]

ok so I'm a girl who recently fucked danny behind powerviolets back (im danny her boyfriend ) she was making eye contact with me in the crowd  and after I snuck away from violet while she was getting her phone jacked, and we went bathroom separately, and I did a special knock, and then when I came in, he sucked my face off and lifted me in the air, pulled my breast, and started sucking on it while pressing me against the wall, and I could feel his erection, it was good

He told me he we had to make it quick, so I bent over the sink, and he then proceeded to press my face against the glass while pounding away

And then came on my tramps stamp, and said he had to go and give me a kiss bye

And then, when I asked about violet, he told me we’re kinda on the rocks right now

so I’m not sure if they have an open relationship or if he was cheating

https://www.instagram.com/powerviolets?igsh=c2t6Z3c1OXUxbWVl(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1984196

None of this is true hahaha. Be something else if it was tho.! I would say it’s a pretty good story but I have no idea who’s prospective it’s being told from. …. Oh well, At least my imaginary erection was “good”.

No. 1984197

Highly inaccurate. Everyone knows you fuck like a lesbian.(necro just to samefag)

No. 1984170[Reply]

Meet the Singapore guy Kurt Tay who is apparently the lolcow of Singapore. He has created many dramatic events over the years and is still ongoing. But one of the strangest things he has done was actually to himself. He underwent breast enhancement surgery to get himself c cup breaststroke. According to this doc this is something he had wanted for years and felt a version of gr8 joy on having them. Thy have since come out because his wife insisted. I this a common event in lolcows? Wanting breastfeeding enhancement? And then removing them?
Kurt has got himself in a fair bit of trouble in recent months. Having experienced Singaporean culture thy would be very shamed of this Kurt. Do these lolcows exist in other places with tighter social structures where individualism is squashed?
This is the doco I watched.(shit thread)

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No. 933276[Reply]

Belle Delphine skinwalker who was enjoying the association until people started posting her on BD fan pages and she was posted in the PULL BD copy cats thread. Has been having a meltdown over it ever since, as she is posted about and exposed near daily.

>Camgirl/sex worker

>Hairdresser school alumna/mullet afficianado
>Used to do furry art
>Claims to not be a BD wannabe despite the same makeup and snow app abuse, might even have overlaid BD’s face onto her own
>So plagued by BD accusations that she has to clarify in her pornhub titles that she’s not BD (not for, like, publicity or anything)
>Has a live-in BF/pimp that she denies just like BD
>Screen grabs from her diddling videos are posted on PULL and reveal her true face
>Blames bad lighting, an old camera, late-stage puberty, and caked on makeup for the reason she looks so consistently inconsistent
>Insists that she is naturally young looking and not pandering to pedophiles with her content
>Posts clips from a commercial she was in when she was 12 to prove that she ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT CATER TO PEDOS
>Was scammed by a creepy incel into sending provocative video clips, claims PULL users are behind the “hacking”
>Tries to prove her natural looks by posting video clips that include makeup, angles, favorable lighting, blurry quality, and filters
>Encourages her orbiters to white knight her at every opportunity, including joining PULL to give negative reputation on posts that mention her and getting angry at IG commenters who compare her to “Bill Dolphin”
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No. 1261859

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Idk if she's going to go back to providing milk like she once did but it seems like she's given up on consistent Photoshop cause she's got a whole new face

No. 1261861

The love child of Taylor swift and belle delphine

No. 1357887

She looks like she's having an allergic reaction to something. attractive.

No. 1357905

What the fuck? Why would you even want tits like this in the first place? I'd say she got a breast plate but I don't think any cosplay stores sell babushka breast plates

No. 1395589

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No. 1876568[Reply]

DO NOT COWTIP, fucking with Daniel will not bring any good milk to the table. He has hundreds of people fucking with him a day. He already has made enough milk to keep someone entertained for years in the past month.

Daniel Robert Larson (born November 15, 1998), is a self-proclaimed professional singer/songwriter, fashion model, actor, and internet celebrity who has gained a large following due to his intriguing and controversial content, including his multiple bans for nudity on live streams, him running for President of the United States, and his obsession with Grace VanderWaal. He has Autism, ADHD, Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder. He’s a pedophile and elder abuser.

Daniel’s most well known moments include:

>The May 6th Incident, when he went nude on TikTok live

>The Mac And Cheese Incident, when he thought his caretaker put jalapeños in his mac and cheese so he threw everything in his fridge out

>NYC arc, when he flew to NYC just because Grace Vanderwaal was there

>Likee Meltdown, when he had a meltdown on a the Likee app, an app filled with children. He was using this app because he was banned from TikTok. Multiple videos are of him threatening to kill himself because Grace Vanderwaal’s parents won’t let him on her team.

>December 10th incident, when he punched himself until he bled then blamed it on the motel staff. He ran to his caretaker and screamed “The motel tried to kill me” while punching himself. His caretaker was confused, so Daniel started punching his caretaker too. His caretaker then started bleeding.

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No. 1972601

Why would you feel bad for a pedo with CP on his phone? Go back to kiwi farms

No. 1978585

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Kek Danny is in jail again, let’s hope he stays.

No. 1983120

and just like that he is out again.

No. 1983169

I've been following that subreddit since December and if you want to lose any hope in men being capable of anything that isn't irredeemable sociopathic trash I wouldn't recommend it. moids make, and I am not joking, like dozens of posts on this man a day, even when he's not sharing anything worthwhile. they're constantly and I mean constantly plotting to provoke some kind of mental breakdown or fit so they can record it and laugh at it. they will admit to this all the damn time. some of the humiliation and abuse they either fantasize about or actually plan on subjecting him to is sexual. there's so much weird sexual talk and "content" on there, which is funny considering how much homophobia runs rampant in that sub.

No. 1983439

thats bleak and depressing, like actual cyberbullying. this guy an utter train wreck himself, but that doesn't mean I condone the literal stalking and manipulating behavior like a psycho stalker. hopefully one day in the future this is no longer possible and can actually be prosecuted.

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No. 1983074[Reply]

After all the denying and insisting her boobs are “100% real” we can actually see the scar where the incision of the surgery took place. She claimed so hard taht she had no scarring thinking people are stupid and wouldn’t se this(shit vendetta thread)
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No. 1983082

For real these girls? need jesus

No. 1983087

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all natural kek

No. 1983092

Jesus Christ LOL how did u find this(sage your shit)

No. 1983093


No. 1983095

no1curr vendetta chan.

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No. 1982723[Reply]

Meet the cows:
There is more to this thread, but I am not used to doing this so I apologize for the lack of updated information to add to this. Please, feel free to do so in the posts.

Jake Munro - Kaya's ex boyfriend, after dating for around a decade. Cheated on her with his girlfriend's tattoo artist's wife, Kat. Fancies himself a musician, though since his bandmates left, doesn't seem capable of producing music on his own. Used Joker-esqe makeup and mimicking other artist's makeup for attention on Youtube, but has since generally given the gimmick up as his popularity rapidly declined post break-up. Appears to be rapidly aging into the bloated corpse of a chav gordan ramsay due to a suspected alcohol and nicotine addiction. Has big dreams of being the next big V-tuber star. Used to occasionally scar us with his ugly nudes via a rarely updated OnlyFans account. Latest internet persona is a literal clown: "Jester Jake".

Kat Paine - Previously married mother of one, cheated on her tattoo studio owning husband with their client's (Kaya) long term boyfriend (Jake). You can find her posting heavily filtered lewds to her OnlyFans when she isn't tracing Disney coloring book sheets part-time at the tattoo shop. Her most popular phrases include: "Daddy! Shots!", "Drinks! Shots!" and incoherent giggling at Jake doing literally anything.

Notable mentions:
Clair: A sad, 30-something fat American woman with a poo obsession and an apparent marriage on the rocks. She dropped thousands on Jake over the course of a month or so before disappearing without a trace. Anons speculate she's possibly going through a divorce with her dom-daddy older husband.

Kitty McPancakes: Some American png tuber and lolicon loving neckbeard that Jake has latched onto for new material and so he's not stuck playing videogames alone forever. Kitty has his own small crew including his loli roleplaying girl(?)friend and some actual nobody hiding behind a big titty zombiegirl avatar. Neither of them seem interested in Jake in the slightest besides Kitty however.

Highlights from last thread:
>1832669 says that his dwindling views don't bother him. vtubing is his passion. will work at a tesco if he has to!
>1833919 >>1833925 the obvious reason for him growing his fringe out these days
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No. 1982726

Did you really copy paste the entire recap from two threads ago instead of just not doing one? Also Clair and kitty aren't even relevant anymore.

No. 1982730

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his pot belly growing

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No. 1971812[Reply]

Name: Katina Gerstein
URL: https://www.instagram.com/autismsupergirl/

>Dating 'Love On The Spectrum' castmember Subdoh

>Her Diseases she has listed: Addison's disease, Adrenal Insufficiency, anemia, arteriovenous malformation, autism lvl 2, avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder, brain tumors, Calcification of her Aorta and surroundings blood vessels, colon cancer, chronic pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, dystonia, deep vein thrombosis, eating disorders, elher danlos syndrome, endometriosis, fetal alcohol syndrom, functional neurologic disorder,general seizure disorder, Graves disease, Hearing impairment, hiatal hernia, hypoglycemia, insomnia, Irritable bowel syndrome, kidney stones, Laryngopharyngeal reflux, leaky gut, mast cell activation syndrome, median arcuate ligament syndrom, MRSA, nesidioblastosis, ovarian cysts, postural tachycardia syndrome, Premenstrual dysphoric disorder, psychogenic nonepileptic seizure, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, sensory processing disorder, sepsis x2, severe allergies, strabismus, superior mesentric artery syndrome, supravalvular aortic stenosis

>Likes comments from fake accounts about how Subdoh's past girlfriend (who has down syndrome) isn't as pretty, smart, and that Katina is better.

>Claims she's a pilot, nurse, award winning violinist, accepted Olympic equestrian, vet, etc.

>Her pets have similar medical issues and she has to give them lots of shots/medicine
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No. 1981179

>he's like a savant autist that can do all sorts of crazy math shit
He has high school competition level mental math abilities (and he would not be a medalist). It's a party trick that's impressive to laymen, but it is ultimately very superficial and just requires a little bit of studying and practice.
He is seriously intellectually disabled. He is not a complete drooling idiot, but he's borderline unable to live on his own and will always require some support. There is no way he could function in a normal work environment without near-constant supervision. I doubt that he can understand practical application of mathematics at all, and there is no job where you crunch contextless numbers all day. He was paired up with a girl with a very normal presentation of Down syndrome on Love on the Spectrum, and they were a very good match.

In this interview from 9 months ago, he talks a good bit about what he does for work.
Basically, his parents let him feel like he's being useful at their accounting company by letting him count things and do basic data entry. He also works for a bakery, a job that he only got because the owner is a fan of the show, and where he could almost certainly be legally paid the subminimum tard wage.

Please Nona tell me that you did not watch the show. If you did, you should consider getting checked.

No. 1982225

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No. 1982226

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No. 1982242

So a munchie woman with a porn past is planning to whisk away a severely mentally disabled man from his caregiving parents. yikes.

No. 1982525

she's disgusting, she's not getting what she wants so she's spinning the narrative that caretakers are somehow automatically controlling abusers. Obviously anyone with power over an intellectually disabled adult can use that power badly, but the power being exhibited at all isn't abuse. To get this much power over your adult child means you proved they are incapable of making decisions themselves so yeah, they are going to inevitably have to make a decision for him like parents would to a normal child because he legally and mentally speaking is one. She's the equivalent to a hs relationship parents would put a stop to while they can.
It's people spreading shit like this on twitter and tiktok making serious autists automatically distrust and rebel against their caretakers because they get the idea in their head that it's wrong they're not being treated as regular adults for some decisions they're not at an adult capacity to deal with. I'm sure his parents are probably overprotective, but better that than Chris Chan's parents level of treating him as if life will shock the autism out of them. If he's in a shit relationship he doesn't have a normal adult's capacity to deal with it nor would he be on an equal footing to his partner on a mental landscape making it ripe for worse abuse than an overzealous parent.

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No. 1453221[Reply]

This thread concerns itself with male-to-female (MTF) snowflake behavior. This entails individual events, trends, and characters that do not deserve their own thread. Rules of /snow/ apply on this thread; don't blog about your tranny ex, don't derail with essays on feminist theory, don't post /pol/faggotry (not even ironically), etc. This is supposed to be a thread for MTF related milk, not a receptacle for autistic spergouts. Calling others handmaidens or scrotes is infighting. GC discussion is limited to this thread and Fakeboi General– do not take your autism outside the containment zones.

Do not respond to anything you suspect to be scrote bait or trannyposting. Report the post and move on.

Notable MtF-related subreddits:
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No. 1458034

>U-um, I-I was only pretending to be retarded!!!
Yeah as an actual female engineer with XX chromosomes this stupid scrote can die in a fire. I get that he was trying to be all snarky turning the tables and shit but it just doesn't work this way. For all their ladybrain bullshit you'd think they'd feel kinship with women and actually enjoyed their company and blended in, but all they consider women good for is being sexual fetishes or targets of jealousy and hatred. Just like incels, weird amount of overlap huh?

No. 1458176

>"even cis women are interested in learning this stuff guise!!!"

Lol this is the biggest cope I've seen in a looong while..

No. 1460704

late but it looks like Andrew Ramon Victor Carrera

No. 1460705


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1465944

omg youre right! we DO have the privilege of not being drafted. instead, we get left behind to be brutally raped and tortured by foreign invaders along with our children. yay!!!(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

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No. 1981110[Reply]

>Friend cut her off because she couldn't handle her strange behavior anymore

>Would freak out if she didn't get a reply asap when she would dm someone, going onto their other socials to harass them
>Had the end goal of chasing the person she was stalking off the internet, and would make tweets complaining about the person she was stalking venting abt being stalked and copied, and then immediately delete it if the ex-friend deleted their own tweets
>Stalked her ex-friend who cut her off for months even after being blocked and banned everywhere
>Copied her ex-friends tweets, graphics/themes, twitch panel texts word for word and 3D models after she'd been exposed/cut off; example: her ex-friend changed their theme/model because they were uncomfortable after having their celestial model's elements copied, to a fairy/butterfly graphics, chuubii added butterflies to her graphics and changed the color to match her ex-friends, her ex-friend changed to a fox to not be copied, chuubii made a post 11 days later saying she was now going to be a red fox
>Lurks in her ex-friends streams to copy her personal life issues; i.e. bit.ly/49bXYU8
>Denies any wrongdoing when called out, gaslights and sends her community to attack the person she'd been stalking. bit.ly/4aexMtd bit.ly/3TXiPpM
>Made a PSA in her community claiming she had OCD, when anonymously called out in a YT video for changing her username/pfps/backgrounds ect over 14 times in three months bit.ly/3vx08zU https://twitter.com/The_VtuberSimp/status/1773724975922593816
>doubled down claiming she's innocent when there is clear proof of all the shit she's done http://bit.ly/3PBTWxi
>claimed she didn't have borderline personality disorder when she showed clear signs, such as identity inPost too long. Click here to view the full text.(shit thread)
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No. 1981121

No one cares or asked for this lmao

No. 1981122

if you don't care, then why are you bitching? you clearly do care.

No. 1981125

first you samefag multiple times in the personal cows thread and now you made a thread? give it up girl kek

No. 1981132

anon is forcing it way too much, nobody gives a fuck about this nobody vtuber, bpdettes come a dime a dozen. she needs to kill this obvious vendetta

No. 1981137

who the fuck is even this? no one fucking cares. anon just wants someone to feel sorry for them kek

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