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No. 192045
What do you guys think this tranny?
>caters to her alt-right fanboys despite them misgendering her and voting against her rights>is blatantly racist but denies it>is an MRASome things she says I agree with but she's mostly an edgy /pol/tard. No. 192071
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I hope op pic isn't supposed to be an example of her racism because it's just an exfoliating mask.
Don't think she's milky, though. She has a lot of cow crossovers and alt right people are inherently cringy but she doesn't chimp.
No. 192076
>caters to her alt-right fanboys despite them misgendering her and voting against her rights>is an MRAAll true ^
Not sure about the racist thing though.
I don't think Blaire deserves a thread, he's not a lolcow imo. I also loved the Onion video. The only thing I really dislike about him is his awful makeup.
No. 192088
>>192073Just gonna say it, I have the feeling OP is more of a lolcow.
Because Blaires drama is all basically people getting offended by her saying the edgy stuff, making a bigger deal about it than is even remotely necessary.
No. 192094
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I don't mind him, but I don't get this weird trend where some trannies are so blatantly non-PC, like just to say, "Look, I'm not like those OTHER trannies." Shit gets old.
Also, I wish he'd learn to do his makeup better. I hate that shit colored lipstick he always wears and the general lack of depth. He looks like a corpse most of the time.
No. 192161
>>192088>Blaires drama is all basically people getting offended by her saying the edgy stuff, making a bigger deal about it than is even remotely necessary.So no tumblr snowflake should have a thread either, because that's all they do, too.
Basically, because they're MRA and ~alt-right~ they're exempt from being made fun of for being as cringey as your far-left tumblr flakes?
Far it anon, extremists on each side are stupid as fuck and funny to laugh at. Your precious MRA tranny isn't excluded.
>>192045I think the funniest thing about them is the try-hard "I'm not like other girls! teehee" act when, well, of course you aren't, you're a male, trying to appeal to a group that consists mostly of other males lol. No different than a snowflake trying to be the most oppressed to get tumblr points.
No. 192313
>>192299I think alt-right trannies are more interesting to discuss than tumblr trannies.
Alt right trannies want to be popular among a demographic that usually hates them. so if anything, they are the bigger snow flakes, they want to be edgy and try hard to prove to MRAs that they are "different from the rest!11!" so that they can be the most special tranny and be used as a token. It strokes their egos basically, to be "accepted" by a group that usually hates them. Pretty narcissistic. They'd rather be the one of the few MRA trannies than one of the many tumblr trannies.
No. 192315
>>192313That's a pretty spot-on explanation of this stupid trend among alt-right trannies.
Accurate but kinda pathetic and sad.
No. 192322
>>192315Exactly, as one of the few MRA trannies, they can get way more attention than if they were one of the many many tumblr trannies. Both are attention whores, but the alt-right trannies come off more pathetic imo because to me it is so transparent why they do it.
It's like the gamurr gurl phenomena, why be a normal girl when there are too many normal girls to compete with when you can be a rare and special ~gamurr gurll~ and get all those beta cookies.
No. 192325
>>192246>she's transitioned, she's on hormonesso he has mutilated his male genitals and pumps estrogen….
that's not being a woman, that's being a delusional man with body modification fetish
No. 192331
>>192246I thought Blaire knew that he was male, and wouldn't be
triggered by being called as such, being such a ~logical~ tranny. Or are alt-right trannies just as sensitive and validation seeking as their liberal counterparts?
No. 192339
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I don't think she's that much of a cow but I'm really morbidly curious to know what she looked like before transitioning.
Also lol she edited her waistline so sloppily here.
No. 192360
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>>192339>I'm really morbidly curious to know what she looked like before transitioning.A fag.
No. 192369
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>>192310>>192325Guaruntee she's hotter than you.
No. 192374
>>192310It's funny how people on this site try looking down on the mentally ill whenever they think it helps them.
This site is basically like a giant mental hospital with all the delusional anas and every third person claiming to be bipolar.
No. 192377
>>192369A butch woman is still a woman and an effeminate man is still a man. The effeminate man can have their jaw shaved, implants, inverted dick, trachael shave, electric hair removal, but it doesn't change the fact that he was born male.
>>192373Blaire is a male that has had surgery to resemble a female. That doesn't make him a girl.
>>192374How is that person looking down on him? All they said was Blaire was mentally ill. You're the one that takes that as a negative, instead of the value neutral statement that it is. Transgender people are mentally ill. That is not a mean statement. It's a fact.
No. 192379
>>192375I'm imagining a hambeast dyke with hairy armpits sitting behind this post.
You just mad a biological male looks more like a pretty girl than you.
No. 192387
>>192374How did I look down him just for stating a fact? I believe that it does more harm than good to encourage transitional surgeries for people who have gender identity issues. They should be given alternative therapies to cope.
Before you think I'm talking out of my ass, I've had Gender Identity Disorder for as long as I can remember and recognize from personal experience (something you don't have, I'm sure) that it's not something that needs to be treated with invasive procedures. Rather than trying to mold a dick out of my own thigh meat and cut off my tits, I'm in therapy, which is obviously the smarter approach than becoming a mutant.
No. 192389
>>192381Because they are men trying to become what they think the ideal woman is: young and hot. I can't wait for them to all get old. Nobody likes old women. They won't be able to handle it lol
>>192385Why are you defending a tranny so hard? You know most of them hate "cis" women, right? Because they hate that we got to grow up with the """girlhood""" they were robbed of and they """"chose"""" being a woamn which makes them more of a woman than you. You really think a man cutting his dick off makes him a woman like you? You been drinking that tumblr trans kool aid.
No. 192396
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>>192391All vaginas look like infected axe wounds even if you were born with one.
Trannies are sought after more by men than whiny feminists ya know.
No. 192397
>>192392Who said anything about conversion therapy? Do you not understand what talk therapy is?
You clearly have no idea what the fuck you're even talking about. Instead, you're just parroting the shit you heard from other morons on Tumblr.
Are you going to start speaking up for and talking over minorities too now?
No. 192408
>>192397Have fun killing yourself after you realize what an idiot you are.
You can't talk a biological female with no gender dysphoria into becoming a man. Same with trans women. They are mentally female like you.
No. 192409
>>192407But I thought male trannies were sought after by men as per
>>192396 why oh why would male trannies feel the need to hide the fact they have a dick from a guy in a bar?
No. 192415
>>192408There's that tumblr kool aid again. Brain sex isn't real you silly twat.
>You can't talk a biological female with no gender dysphoria into becoming a man. Same with trans women. They are mentally female like you.You call a regular woman a man, what will she do? Laugh and get over it. You call a tranny male a male, what do they do? Threaten to kill themselves. that don't sound mentally female or for that matter mentally sane.
>>192411And yet here you are not listening to this trans anon
>>192397 because it doesn't fit the narrative you like ie the Brain Sex line they have been feeding you which, again, is disproved.
No. 192416
>>192408Seriously, what the fuck are you talking about?
I accept that I'm a woman and will never become a man. Talk therapy is about accepting that and finding ways to cope with how I feel.
>>192411So no personal experience then? lol Let me guess, until you read up on it on Tumblr instead of legitimate medical studies?
No. 192427
>>192418Those were Tumblr idiots who bought into the "gender is a social construct" bullshit made up by 16-year-old transtrenders.
Gender dysphoria is a real condition that you don't just suddenly snap out of unless you were a transtrender.
No. 192429
>>192422They're not hard to find, you know.'m not going to bother finding more for you, because you don't actually want to read them and possibly reconsider your position. You'd rather just argue, which I'm getting tired of.
If you really cared about people who consider themselves trans or have gender identity issues, you'd be willing to look at all of their different perspectives to understand them better. Instead, you just side with them ones who fit your narrow minded ideas. It's really sad, and you're not helping any of them who decide not to transition or are unhappy and want to detransition.
No. 192430
>>192424Yeah: Brain sex isn't real, you twat.
Nice job linking one study that had such a small sample size as to be completely meaningless.
Here's a paper that's a review of
>76 published papers, involving more than 6,000 healthy individuals. guess what they found?
>"Many people believe there is such a thing as a 'male brain' and a 'female brain,'" Dr. Eliot said. "But when you look beyond the popularized studies – at collections of all the data – you often find that the differences are minimal.">Meta-analyses by other investigators have also disproved other purported sex differences in the brain, Dr. Eliot noted. There is no difference in the size of the corpus callosum, white matter that allows the two sides of the brain to communicate, nor do men and women differ in the way their left and right hemispheres process language.paper:
>brain sex is real hurr durr cus a shitty study says soCome again? :^)
No. 192431
>>192427yes, it is a real mental condition, and like all mental conditions it is not cured by cosmetic surgery.
all it does is leave the patient with the same mental issues they had before only made worse because the surgery didn't actually change their sex and they don't measure up to real women or men and on top of it all they have an x amount of additional health issues and organ damage caused by pumping their bodies full of wrong hormones.
No. 192456
As i said before, I know Robbie/Blaire personally.
• I knew them before they identified as trans and always just said he was a super gay guy.
• they don't experience dysforia and they don't mind being misgendered. i honestly don't think they actually identify as trans…
• also, they looked just like this for years before ever identifying as a woman or taking hormones. they've always worn extensions, makeup, dressed feminine, and talked the way they do.
•they haven't has any surgeries either. it's ALL photo manipulation, tricky angles, and butt/hip padding. irl they appear much more manly and have a strong jawline.
• I can confirm they are racist. they just know better than to go spouting ignorant shit like that because they'll lose credibility points.
• "blaire" loves the attention they get from trannie chasers, people who just look at them as a sex object and a fetish. i believe that's why they identify as trans now more than actually feeling that way. they cheated on their ex boyfriend with a trannie chaser as well.
believe me when i say they are a shitty fucking person and extremely narcissistic, and an attention seeker. that's all they care about. being the center of everyone's attention and getting famous for everything and anything. this is not the first time they have tried to gain e-fame, they only just became semi successful at it. there have been many attempts to get noticed on tv and the internet.
No. 192465
>>192460 you can see his whole dick in
>>192369 photo
No. 192468
>>192456None of that comes as a surprise to me. He has a really narcissistic air about him.
I doubt any of his fans would give a shit though since they're either tranny chasers or too blinded by an alt-right tranny to care.
No. 192479
>>192474So… A dude with a dick can be called female? Lol. Also why wouldnt it be the end goal, only males have penises, doesnt it
trigger them? I thought they were "born in the wrong body" and all.
No. 192504
>>192486>>192430Every one of these articles states that there are differences, just minimal.
One even says that being nonbinary trans is real. "Tumblr" much?
>>192429>le trans suicide memeI guess we should stop giving cancer patients chemotherapy since it doesn't save everyone.
And yes, there are risks to just about every medical treatment imaginable. HRT/SRS is not an exception.
I'm not going to bother arguing with you anymore, either.
But since you guys are so keen on calling trans a mental illness, you ought to read the ADA's opinion (they wrote the DSM-5): there is a better method to treating gender dysphoria, SRS is the way to go. Sorry other people's medical problems bothers you this much…
No. 192527
>>192504None of the people you quoted said anything about SRS? The argument was about brain sex, which there isn't.
>Every one of these articles states that there are differences, just minimal.Wrong. Actually, the conclusion to be drawn is
>as we explore multiple datasets and are able to coalesce very large samples of males and females, we find these differences often disappear or are trivial.The differences between male and female brains are either not there or
trivial. Brain sex isn't a thing, anon. There are slight differences between the spleens of males and females, does that mean there are Male Spleens and Female Spleens? No.
The point I, and the other anons, were making is that brain sex is not real, thus, a transgender person can surgically and hormonally alter their body, but that does not change their sex. Nothing can.
If a male having breasts makes him feel better about his body, sure, whatever, go for it. Does that make him female? No. Only a mental illness can explain why trans people get suicidal over being "misgendered".
No. 192620
>>192396Only for guys who watch way too much porn.
Stay away from 4chan for a little while, it's not very common outside of there.
>>192045I just wanna know why Blaire's face looks so crooked all the time, and why the upper lip always looks so stupidly big in comparison to the lower…it's honestly all I look at while watching
No. 192629
>>192584i don't want to spill anything too personal about them because that isn't my place. so nothing really juicy i can share. all i can really say is they are just a bad person. the kind of person who yells and swears at employees, starts fights with random people in public, ect., for example.
probably won't be posting in this thread anymore though, talking about people you actually know is kind of nerve wracking and weird. so i'll just stick to my regular threads.
but my 2 cents is 'blaire' is fair game for a thread and no better than onision.
No. 192685
This is not the place for transgender discussions. Take those to
No. 192700
>>192369As a bisexual I'm not fussed
id take that for sure
No. 192713
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No. 192716
>>192045OMFG the
problematic alt-right
You're so right OP
It's time to launch a moral crusade due to her evil evil views! Ugh it's 2016 after all!
No. 192720
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No. 192723
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No. 192725
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blaire has 100% had surgery
No. 192730
>>192716The same reasons inspire threads about tumblr snowflakes, so what's the difference? People like to laugh at extremists. What's wrong anon, don't like the fact people are making fun of your favorite MRA tranny?
>>192722I thought the point of the alt-right was to fight against political correctness. seems ironic they'd get
triggered by a ~slur~
No. 192733
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I don't even like Blaire White but y'all sound like a bunch of single, bitter fatties.
No. 192735
>>192733that doesn't work when talking about trannies
no one is jealous of them but other trannies who look even worse
No. 192738
>>192720What's the problem here exactly? This is
genderfuck, and it's been around for a long time.
No. 192746
>>192730There's literally nothing wrong with being right wing.
Such witch hunts over political views are for tumblr
No. 192747
>>192744This. There are these anons (or only one) that have been all over lolcow saying transphobic shit without ever saying anything actually related to the topic. Just gtfo.
>>192685 No. 192755
>>192045>is blatantly racistBlacks and Muslims are some of the most homophobic/transphobic people there are
It makes more sense for a lgbt person to be racially aware in the sense of self preservation, than to not be
No. 192774
>>192768That makes no sense anon. Anon is not insulting the other party.
They're commenting on the fact that these anons are defending this guys decision to live his life masqueraded as a female(liberal shit) while also defending men's rights (alt-right winged nuts).
No. 192778
>>192766>>192769t. tranny
lmao you were right the first time
fat people are literally disgusting and I'd rather be fat than destined to a life with manface, manhands, manshoulders, big feet, hair everywhere, fag voice, having a dick or a disgusting post op "vag", etc.
all trannies who look decent at 23 will be thrown in the trash in 10 years
only a tranny would say otherwise
No. 192779
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>>192776Really made me think
No. 192780
>>192774It's like I said hombre, why complain about someone being racist if you're going to be use words like tranny (OP)
That would be like saying, "this porch monkey was being transphobic guys"
It doesn't make sense
No. 192787
>>192780>implying we are all the OPI havent commented on the supposed racism, in fact, it has only been mentioned barely.
Im just loling at you guys getting
triggered over people not being PC enough when discussing an alt right tranny.
No. 192791
>>192787Are we holding a raffle for whoever can say "
triggered" the most times in this thread or something?
No. 192794
>>192780Anon, the other anon did not specifically discuss details concerning Blair's discussion about race, so idk why you're bringing that into the fold.
It's apples and oranges.
No. 192798
>>192796The autistic arguments about trannies that make up most of this thread seem sincere, but posts like
>>192054>>192064>>192065>>192069are suspicious. Weird how the thread instantly got replies from people who know all about some youtube tard with a handful of views
No. 192803
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>>192797>I guess the liberals are bigger for accepting and defending those that vehemently disagree with themHahaha, holy kek!
Your post made this thread worthwhile for me anon
No. 192899
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>>192862The hits just keep coming
No. 193033
>>192796i think this is a self-post. i've been seeing other awkward posts about blaire on lchat and other anon comms i frequent, that are written in such an awkward way that it's obvious they want attention>>192796
. just another way for blaire to get hits for their youtube channel and make money.
No. 193045
>>192407"Every time"? Yeah no I kind of doubt that.
>>192543>Shoe0nhead>Alt-RightPick one anon.
But yeah, back on topic.
>>192360 Looks kinda like Milo Yiannopolis lol.
No. 193103
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>>193061if you need more proof that liberal """"people"""" are vicious little shits, look at how savagely they turn on any other women who don't support their narrative.
It's almost impossible for a woman to disagree with neoliberalism without being attacked by a gaggle of insecure loonies.
No. 193137
>>193103>look at how savagely they turn on any other women who don't support their narrative.And that is exactly what Blaire and shoe0nhead and any other alt-right MRA women/tranny does. They throw other women under the bus because they are lel so enlightened MRAs tee hee silly boys I'm one of the guys xDDD narcissistic attention whoring.
>It's almost impossible for a woman to disagree with neoliberalism without being attacked by a gaggle of insecure loonies.Then you can say the same thing in this situation. Apparently alt-right/MRA retards are immune to criticism even though they do the same click bait bullshit tactics that neoliberals use.
Your bias is showing.
No. 193426
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>>193158I agree there's distinct marks of sexual dimorphism visible on trans-folk, Blaire looks great but is lacking the nuances of femininity in anatomy.
>>192360>>192369- The face is still very masculine, much improved from the pre op but still not feminine.
- the ears are quite large and look disproportionate, mens hands, ears and heads are larger on average than women this is notable in Blaire.
- the waist looks full and muscular as opposed to a women of that sizes which would be much less pronounced in the abdomen and navel, there is notable volume around the ribs where a fine curved supple area would be present instead for females.
- The legs lack as much fat as a woman and appear quite lacking in volume as many ectomorph male bodies.
- The hair just doesn't look right, the positioning of it looks strange it may not be Blaires fault it could be because it is extensions.
- Arms are indiscernible from the photo
- The chest area is indiscernible as well it's almost completely covered perhaps Blaire is self conscious about it, it appears very feminine compared to most post op mtf transfolk though.
Even still in general Blaire has managed a good transformation probably the best I've seen aside from androgynous Thai lady-boys that can put wigs on and appear feminine.
I think the main thing that helped is the obvious ectomorph body and composition of fat and muscle that he had.
I also noticed the arms are very long and extend very far in the photo as expected male arms are much longer than females sitting at about the mid thigh region, females arms are much shorter it is notable in this photo that the arms extend very far past the length of a womans, male and female proportions are very different regardless of body composition.
I don't agree with all of Blaires content but it seems to be well communicated and thought out rather than just baseless ramblings, I can't scratch this feeling that it is an obvious attention grab though, they dress provocatively and overly flashy like all trans people which causes me to think it is a self-gratifying fetish.
No. 193897
>>192396"All vaginas look like infected axe wounds even if you were born with one."
wew lad, have you ever seen a vagina in your life
No. 193926
>>193908>>193897Well this threads quality certainly went downhill fast
I think their may be some milk from Blaire but that milk may only be their pre op stage and their cardboard cut out imitation of what they think women are like since all trannies are embarrassingly living out their fetish of what they deem is a woman, I want to respect, lament and sympathize with them as people with mental illnesses but the way they present themselves is an embarrassment to women they are almost always overly sexual and proactively obsessed with fetish as with Blaire, they seem very vain in every video I've watched in body language and I can't help but despise that behavior.
No. 193929
>>193884Not only that but at the time
>>192796>>192798Were posted suspecting self post, the thread (which was receiving something like a post every 10 - 20 minutes sometimes every 2-3) pretty much died.
No. 194853
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>>193137And this is what's really disgusting about them.
They will viciously attack and dismiss any woman who disagrees with "lol ur edgy and dumb" and talk down to them on one hand, and then cry "abloo bloo bloo why are you so biased ;_;"
I don't know if this double standard liberals always pull is done out of maliciousness or stupidity.
Probably both.
No. 226709
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>>226701(sage for off topic kek)
No. 232847
>>228889you're downplaying the impact of SJWs on society. academia is full of these people and its a serious concern for a lot of people because children are being indoctrinated with this ideology by teachers in schools and thats… dangerous
i dont really care about blaires videos but i dont think theyre bad and not like her videos arent serving a purpose. its quite likely that a lot of people are learning from her videos. she's at least giving something to the people unlike most of the other lolcow narcissists who are manipulating for self indulgent reasons
No. 235090
>>235073im sure Blaire uploaded many videos stating she wouldnt care if she was misgendered
Nil edge points 4 u
No. 235639
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>>192045I personally don't even like Blaire White that much because reasons but:
>she caters to her alt-right fan boysHow, because her stances on LGBT things are moderate-leaning conservative?
>is racist[citation needed] my social justice friend
>she's mostly a /pol/tardExcept her and little friends on youtube hate /pol/ because /pol/ are actual nazis. I'll never understand how the skeptic community on youtube gets lumped in with /pol/, both sides absolutely hate eachother with a passion.
No. 236557
>>236547Agree, and I can't help but say "she" to some thing I've briefly glanced at.
Blair will never be a woman, and I don't feel pressured to consider him one, but I'm naturally inclined to say she because he's so effeminate, even though he's a man. Guess that's gender play for ya.
No. 240071
>>226701mad tranny detected
what is it like, living a lie? it's kind of like faking an accent for your whole life, people will be able to tell and at some point you'll get tired because it's pointless. are you planning on stopping or just offing yourself?
No. 250705
>>235755In Blaire's defense, she has stated that she was born a biological man and will die as one.
I like Blaire though, she seems genuine and honest about her feelings and thoughts even if they are non-politically correct. I like how she came out and talked about the ridiculosnoess of the Nonbinary nonsense. I mean,'m not saying that it's bad for a guy to be feminine or a girl to be masculine, it's awesome but when you have to take it further and call yourself some new gender, that's where you've crossed the line into stupidity.
I appreciate Blaire's candidness and telling it like it is a lot of the time.
No. 265736
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I don't agree with Riley Dennis but the nerve of Blaire to constantly refer to Riley as a man when Riley prefers to be labeled as "she". Blaire acts like she wasn't a man in a wig at some point in time. And coddling up to alt-right keks who consider her mentally ill for being transgender is insanity at its best. Blaire constantly bitches about growing up in a liberal city, when that liberal city is the reason why she was allowed to be a feminine dude in wigs and dresses before transitioning. Let her grow up in Bumfuck, Alabama and she'd still be living as a dude, scared to come out. Blaire's days are numbered,like Milo. Shit will hit the fan for Robbie.(namefagging)
No. 266412
>>266386>cant afford makeupwut makeup is extremely cheap.
Sounds like a tranny excuse for not passing, like the trannies who have facial stubble but still REEE when they're misgendered.
Androgynous women don't look like men, because of their traditionally feminine features. If you try the "andro" look with masculine features, as a woman, you will be called a dyke.
If you're happy with the way you look, not passing, good for you. But don't expect people to pretend you pass, or call you a woman.
No. 267318
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>>266695>the 1950s and earlier>there were no transgenders in the 50sbitch pls
No. 270535
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No. 272290
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>>267401why are we acting like nazis in the 1930s were anything other then autistic failsons like they are today.
No. 273267
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No. 273291
No. 313034
>>277994holy shit looks awful and completely different
nose job when
No. 330132
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blaire stop doing this now, your upper lip is ridiculous.
No. 334054
>>265736also, riley doesn't like going by she, THEY like to go by THEY cause THEY are non-binary and totes won't conform to your gender roles~
I thought scrolling through this thread I'd see a ton of sjw's freaking out that blaire doesn't agree with them. But I'm surprised to just see a ton of people that don't think trans people are a thing and are simply taking pot shots at her make up/misgendering her (oooooooh the edge) rather than addressing her points.
Why is there no middle ground on this site? It's either sjw's screeching about
problematic behavior or (what I hope are trolls) random closed minded people that are just trying to piss people off and be oh so edgy.
I will never understand this site, and yet I will always love it …
No. 366280
>>334054Her points are so dumb it's very obvious why she's wrong unless you're missing chromosomes or something. Also trannys are just men who took their crossdressing kinks too far and acknowledging them as anything else normalizes this creepy shit.
sage for replying to a month old post like an autist
No. 366290
>>366287>>366288magdalen is my waifu please back off
but really I'm glad to see someone here who watches her, I wish she was more popular
No. 366361
>>366354it feels like he's just pretending to be shocked by the photos
mate you're fucking a dude and you know it
No. 366548
>>366438She did the exact same thing during the Onision debate, she sipped her 'vodka' in this 'oh snap' fashion after every sentence and it ended up amounting to like 400 times.
She was trying to be cute and slick but it just ended up making her look nervous and dumb, like a nervous tic.
Why do so many trannies all have to adopt the same affected sassy black woman personality. And with all their weird blue haired fans going 'yassss queen slayyyy' they start believing their own hype.
No. 375564
>>375495She looks amazing. Honestly I thought she had already had breat implants all this time?
This is probably really shitty of me to say but I hate when trans women end up being more attractive and feminine than me. It makes me feel like a failure.
No. 375612
>>375564>>375582they only look good when they can control the lighting and angles anon
plus their voices are awful 100% of the time and they all have fridge bodies
No. 375762
File: 1503209828328.png (3.28 MB, 2208x1242, IMG_1358.PNG)

Looks like a busted Roman Reigns post surgery. I honestly don't see much of a difference in the "new " look. I'm not gonna hate and say Blaire is ugly because I don't think that…. I just don't see a dramatic change.
No. 375847
>>375564all lighting and contouring. hell, plenty of biological women who are "titty streamers" or more "ordinary" things contour themselves some cleavage.
men obviously fall for it consistently.
No. 376467
>>375762I don't think she was going for anything dramatic, she still wanted to look like herself, just with few small changes.. and if you look at her profile before and after you can definitely see a change in her nosetip and her eyebrows, she looks alot more lifted and "open" in the face now.
And getting boobs are a pretty big deal for transwomen.
No. 376518
File: 1503326778103.png (1.25 MB, 750x1334, 1503173721561.png)

Here's a pic of her without makeup.
No. 376565
>>376518This is probably a very stupid question, but she gets lip injections, right? I honestly can't tell if she gets her top lip done or it's just constantly overlined.
In this picture it definitely looks like she has that typical ducklip that people start to get when they go overboard on injections, but I've always been a bad judge of whether someone has work done or not.
No. 376579
>>376515This tbh
Bob White has all these anons cucked
No. 376750
just said in a livestream (referring to his penis) "my dysphoria doesn't come from that part of my body, it comes from other parts"
he is fine with being a feminine man
I don't blame him for not wanting to invert his dick, really
but it pretty much confirms he's just a glorified crossdresser if he's totally okay with that body part and doesn't really care about being ""misgendered""
>>376668tranny detected
you can't have a penis, inverted or not and be a woman, it's really that simple
our ancestors would be laughing their asses off at this shit
No. 376863
>>376750>>tranny detectedIt's funny since I'm literally on my period rn but kay lol
Gender is fake and society is a lie and I love having existential crisis' and all, but let's stop derailing as I've already said.
No. 377724
>>376750why so
triggered, anon? you'll find someone who thinks you're attractive one day. probably.
I can't stand Blair personally, but the surgery has really worked out well for her. She looks gorgeous.
No. 378311
>>378287Lmao you are so
triggered for no reason
No. 383573
File: 1504157950659.png (68.74 KB, 600x466, 48d.png)

>>383565Are you baiting, mate? At least sage it.
No. 384888
>>192372Basically. The alt right is as weak as their dick. They'd fuck anything that'd actually sleep with them.
>>330132That nose, though.
No. 385223
File: 1505180903220.jpg (49.83 KB, 562x557, ffs.JPG)

>>384888She had FFS and got a boob job. I think she looks good. The overlining is bad but mostly I wish she'd fix her eyebrows.
I also find her new vlogging channel with her boyfriend cringey. I feel like he saw her rising star potential and latched on.
No. 385506
>>385446It's subtle but I bet it makes an enormous difference for her because she has to look at herself in the mirror every day.
>>376518She looks a TON better without the tranny makeup. Maybe she should take a makeup class or something.
No. 390136
>>389874Yea lol they are extremely arrogant and narcissistic and idealize the 'other' gender as an escape from their problems without realizing that they're only going to create a whole new set of problems. The fakeboi transmen do the same thing.
I wonder if this is why so many trans folk kill themselves.
No. 392773
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No. 392774
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No. 392775
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No. 392776
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No. 392777
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No. 392779
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No. 392780
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No. 392781
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No. 392827
>>384642Is it? Because I have seen quite a few transwomen say they are mra's, they are not as rare as people think.
>>392784woah, guess I am offically stupid because i didnt realise how much makeup could change a persons looks, thanks for the illustration anon.
No. 394140
>>392911…oh. I expected her no-makeup post-surgery face to look better than this, since she looks good in makeup.
Without makeup she looks like a 14 year old boy.
No. 396031
>>396019I don't think so. I have a strong feeling that it'd be the same thing if June came out and said she was raped the same way Blaire has.
Since it was about how she learned from it and how she doesn't victimise herself, I can see why her fans aren't harassing her with questions and demanding proof.
No. 396033
>>395987I love Blaire. I don't see why she needs a thread here aside from giving radfems a place to bitch about muh womanhood. She's good and pure.
>>396019Anti's harass trannies who cry rape too and blame it on them being mentally ill. They're obviously letting Blaire slide with this because she isn't pulling a victim card or trying to make some pointless #killallmen message out of it.
No. 396041
>>396038If you scroll down far enough in the comments, you'll see a good amount of shitposts attacking her for being trans and "ur fault for being a fag who fucks dudes hurr hurr".
The video is fairly new so it's mostly her subscribers who have seen it. Just wait until it circulates /pol/ and Twitter a few times.
No. 396681
>>396559I wonder what her views on Skeptic's comment on rape from yesterday was.
Did she tweet about it or something?
No. 398158
>>396019As someone who watches Blaire regularly and likes her channel, the reason why I don't badger her with questions about it is because I don't know her that well, I'm not a close friend or anything like that so I just don't think it's appropriate to get into it.
I don't see why she'd lie about something like that, she even mentioned it in her debate against Laci Green a long while back.
Again, maybe she is lying. Maybe she isn't. It's not really up for me personally to decide unless I was like on a court jury or something lol.
It's just one of those moments. I know it's bad but what can you do?
No. 398160
>>393935Well she feels more confident now so it makes sense why she feels more comfortable with the camera and showing her day to day life. I think we all know that Blaire just plays up an entertaining side for her normal videos just to keep audience attention but in her vlogs, we get to see how she really is which is more chilled out and less valley-girl'ish.
It's like watching Shoe0nHead's vlogs. In her normal videos, she's loud and spastic for entertainment but in her vlogs, she's much more relaxed and goofy.
No. 398430
>>398158Yes that makes perfect sense and I understand what you mean. But my point was that portions of her audience are the same type of people who will pile on some woman on the internet who manages to open up about her sexual assault and call her a liar, a whore, or insist she is just trying to ruin a man's life without knowing the details. These are women that they also don't know that well, and are not close friends with.
I don't believe that Blaire is lying at all. I was more so making a comment on her audience and internet anti-feminists in general rather than attacking her. They almost automatically assume that any woman who says she was raped is a lying whore, but they suddenly change their tune when a woman they like and agree with discusses her own rape. They don't question her at all, they offer support and empathize with her instead of publicly trying to discredit her. This is good for Blaire, bad for other victims.
No. 398790
>>398430I think it's more an effect of people's tendency to see those they identify as part of their in-group and those who are in the out-group. Most people have an instinctive reaction first and rationalise afterwards: she's part of their tribe and therefore more trustworthy, while the other women you talk about are probably in some way at odds with their beliefs.
It doesn't help that in recent memory a few high-profile cases (UVA, the GoT actress, etc.) made a certain portion of the media look like they'd believe anyone who cried wolf without checking their story at all. That sort of shit makes people feel justified in generalising whole swaths of the population based on their perceived tribe.
No. 398932
>>398430very true
almost every time a young teen or young adult girl gets raped/sold into sex trafficking/gone missing etc
people say the most repulsive shit
IE comments under this video, one even said that it's better her to end up dead because no one wants a daughter who has been fucked by thousands of men, and what's worse is that anti fems go out and claim "WOMEN NEVER GET BLAMED FOR RAPE WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT THIS ISNT THE MIDDLE EAST" but fail to realize that it's their own kind doing it to women
No. 398933
File: 1507301719206.png (218.75 KB, 1920x1080, disgust.png)

>>398932needed to attach pic related, this is just the tip of iceberg
No. 399087
>>398933Holy fuck man. Just…holy fuck.
This is how some people feel. This is what some people think about women. And you know the upcoming generation is going to be so much worse because they've grown up with the type of sentiments pictured here. Not even counting places like 4chan, twitter, all of the psychotic anti-feminist youtubers.
Women are going to be fucked over.
No. 399090
File: 1507319635191.png (20.37 KB, 502x90, Screen Shot 2017-10-06 at 2.52…)

>>398933And then there's this kind of shit that excuses it. People are rightfully disgusted that a bunch of fuckers are saying this 18 year old girl deserved to be sexually assaulted and whatever else happened to her because she was promiscuous? They must be
No. 399128
>>398933I also hate how they're always going against 'white sluts'; whose incels come and comment how all white girls are hoes and than a bunch of 'poc' woman write how always white girls falsely accuse somebody of rape and even if it's true, nobody would care i she was black…
Just imagine how the parents blah blah, i'm sure they don't give a fuck whom their daughter fucks,they only care about her well being, so imagine how they feel when they read all these degenerate comments!
Whenever i get sucked into this part of youtube with videos about those poor woman, i'm always fuming inside about how most commenters seem to be literal shit!
No. 399134
>>399090oh boy, funny how people like this claim we don't need feminism and mock them, then give the perfect reason why we STILL need feminism today in 2017
given there are people such as blaire who claim "they're just asshole trolls you can be anti fem and being against this" but not one anti feminist has spoken out about it, if blaire was some girl on crime watch daily and she was biologically female and wasn't outspoken right-winged, the people sucking her dick would be the ones saying shit like "haha she's a slut she deserved it thats what being a thot gets lmao at
triggered feminists"
No. 399169
>>398933everytime this channel posts a story of young girl who got raped/assaulted/ etc, people ALWAYS want to blame her, it's disgusting, and then it's the same people who claim that a 17 yr old who got in a sexual relationship with his teacher willingly is nothing but a poor little victim and the teacher is a child molesting pedophile and that if she was a man she would go to prison for life
sage for OT btw
some of the repulsive comments:
hasani hall
6 days ago
sorry no proof, her hymen just ripped.
they were both drunk and having sex.
also this is just a story that you heard and now you're taking side because she's female.
eat a dick, cry more, feminism will get no where and you women will probably commit suicide to put your craving for dick to an end."
Hafsa Abdulwadood
2 weeks ago
Drinking under age went to this guy house willingly why are the guys always to blame?!"
a lot of them were deleted too thank god
No. 399292
>>398430Responder here. Yeah, I understand that some of the people who watch her do this but I find that they're mostly trolls who try to get rise out of people. Well that or those annoying MGTOW extremists who blame women for everything wrong in their sad lives.
>>398471I don't consider myself an Anti-feminist but I do align with their general ideas and I don't believe Blaire just because she used to be a man. It's just that knowing how she is, I don't think of her as someone who would lie about something like that. I'm the same with women too though, I will have a bit of skepticism but open to hearing the story.
The main reason why I am this way is because an acquaintance of mine (who was a lesbian) had a situation like this where her ex-girlfriend claimed she was raped by their friend. She of course told everyone in their friend circle and they ostracized the guy but it was later learned that the ex was lying to save her own ass because she got caught (my acquaintance walked in on them and found her girlfriend hiding in the closet and a few days later, she was on her phone and discovered her text messages where she actually had their sex date planned). And she got knocked up too… lol
But yeah, it was after that where I learned that sometimes it's okay to be a little skeptical on rape claims unless there is solid evidence/proof. The only reason I'm giving Blaire the benefit of the doubt is based on what I've known that she's shown of herself and she doesn't seem like someone who would lie about something so traumatic. She may make attention-grabbing topic names but that's about it. I'm more inclined to believe her over someone like Tana Mongeau.
No. 399307
>>399292>>I find that they're mostly trolls who try to get rise out of people.Okay, and who gives a fuck? Stop making excuses for this piece of shit behavior. These 'trolls' are influencing an entire generation and propagating ideas and theories that promote hate towards women and the belief that empathy is the absolute worst trait a human being could possibly have. Fuck em all. "Trolling" is no longer an acceptable excuse.
Anti-feminist is an acceptable way of saying anti-women now. They go after women indiscriminately, not just women who consider themselves feminists.
No. 399549
File: 1507395537183.png (2.23 MB, 1116x740, etf.PNG)

>>399307THANK YOU!
The population is too fucking stupid to recognize that many people enjoy stirring the pot! they don't have weight to anything they say, except for the fact that it is offensive. Anybody with a tiny bit of empathy and an ability to think outside of their bubble of existence would recognize that the edgy behavior leeching into mainstream conservative communities is simply there to stir the pot and further that pot-stirring agenda. Who cares about how things effect others when a bunch of people can be pissed off? Fucking shit.
love how people nowadays still screech about how useless feminism is to them while failing to acknowledge the ongoing birth control and abortion debate, in addition to child brides and incels swimming about
sage for fuck my entire fucking life
No. 399552
>>399549Anon, what….. is that picture? Gave me a fright tbh
Sorry for derailing
No. 399558
>>399307No. The internet has always been a very cruel place and you either deal with it or you may as well stop using the social side of it all around. People can bitch and bitch and talk about "morality this" and "morality that" but it's pointless because people will say whatever they want at the end of the day on the internet. It's called free speech for a reason.
>>399534Oh I'm sure she did cut out some of the sane ones and I am grateful that Theryn Meyer shed some reality of how the Anti side can be just as echo-chambery (yeah I know it's not a word) as the SJW side but I laugh at the femininst thing because most people in my life who identify as feminists are kinda the ones in the video where if you ask them a question, they can't answer it completely, use out of date examples, or don't even have an opinion altogether and just think that everything is offensive and hateful if it has something to do with a woman.
But I know there are rational feminists like Christina Hoff Sommers. I haven't watched many of her stuff but from what I've heard of the few videos I've seen, she's very rational and reasonable and I enjoy listening to what she has to say.
No. 399560
>>399549Abortion and Birth control is always going to be a controversial thing that won't have any definitive answer.
I personally don't care if a woman gets an abortion but if she gets them as often she changes clothes, than hell yes I'm going to judge her (and her boyfriend/husband, wrap it up you knob).
No. 399563
>>399560What is often, anon? Who do you actually know who gets abortions like they change clothes?
Sounds like stupid robot propaganda to me.
No. 399571
>>399558>>399558"Free speech so stfu about morals"
Go back to 4chan, since when is having basic human morality an insult? No, no ones saying to be uptight,but ffs if you resort to blaming girls for being sold into trafficking, telling girls they deserve assault for being thots, saying repulsive stuff such as "its better for her to be dead who would want a daughter to be fucked by millions of men" its not just about morals, its about basic human decency, if you use your free speech to do vile stuff such as that you don't deserve it, even anonymous the group the advocates for free speech is against nasty shit like that
No. 399580
>>399577Right? I'm quite sure that isn't even healthy. Anecdotal, but I've never known a woman who has had more than one abortion. I wonder if there are any stats on this?
I sure as fuck have never met or even heard of anyone who "uses abortion as birth control", like some people like to say. I know it's a popular opinion that women are dumb and irresponsible these days, but they aren't that dumb and irresponsible.
No. 399800
>gets them as often as she changes clotheswhat the fuck, anon. you know damn well you're talking out of your arse here. this does. not. happen.
stop that, it's embarrassing
No. 399841
>>399803I was referring to the idea of women not taking any precautions while having sex, ending up pregnant over and over again, and using abortion as their form of birth control over and over again. And STILL never taking precautions. Not "oh no the condom broke and I'm pregnant." I know that technically it is a form of birth control.
It's not common. Nobody gets abortions as often as they change their clothes.
No. 400025
>>399563No I'm being serious here. I remember I had a friend, well we're not friends anymore but I digress. Anyway, she had a grand total of 7 abortions, on the last one, she barely made it through because she couldn't get enough money that time (Her mother helped pay for the first 4).
After she had her 7th abortion, I asked her why she doesn't use condoms (because she gets knocked up by her on/off boyfriend) and in her words, she said and I quote "Because I trust him." Do I even need to explain the stupidity in that?
And I've read a few stories similar like this. Not the "I trust him" thing but just some women who use abortion as their get out of free jail card when having unprotected sexcapades and I just find that very reckless.
No. 400027
>>399918How do you know Shoe would lose her shit if she tried an interview style video like Blaire did? She's never done one before so you never know, she may be reasonable.
The Slut walk video was hilarious though.
No. 400136
>>400129thank you for proving everyone's points
incels are idiots
No. 400192
>>400026No, there is. There are still ignorant parents who won't provide birth control or teach their children about safe sex, and still many neglectful parents that allow unsafe behavior to fester in children, aka teen pregnancies.
There will always be excuses for where there is ignorance. To think that people getting abortions should be scrutinized because we have the "tools" to prevent pregnancy is naive. You assume that there aren't active forces preventing people from making intelligent decisions.
I'm not the first one to roll out excuses for irresponsibility, but if you see the fucking people that are raising these irresponsible kids / young adults, it becomes pretty apparent the question isn't "why", but "why not".
No. 400196
>>400193I think she would choke, personally. Whenever steps out of the internet and into a public space, she stops being the aloof/funny personality she is on Youtube. She seems meek and insecure. I first saw that during the debate between Contra and Blaire when Shoe moderated - she had no backbone. Then her appearance at Mythcon or whatever solidified it for me.
I doubt she would be able to call a feminist on her shit. She would just be too uncomfortable and not outspoken enough.
No. 401463
>>401390You obviously can criticize him for his content, but writing "he'll probably start stuttering like the tard that he is" is absolutely uncalled for and makes you seem not an ounce better than these poltards jumping on a female rape victim.
Him making a video defending gay couples in movies and than being surprised by the negative response, just shows that his views aren't as extreme as a lot of his viewers…
No. 401502
Just imagine how a male posing as a woman after years of taking hormones will look while aging. Plus being as focused on looking as much as a feminine, real woman (=bimbo) as possible will make it even harder for him… not that i feel particulary sorry, but you can bet that these aren't his last surgeries.
No. 401670
>>401652Pretty sure they are.
I get that some anons refuse to say she/her but it's unnecessarily confusing.
No. 401748
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I mean, no shit Blaire is treated better now that when she was Robbie. Helloo….a flaming gay dude is gonna be treated worse than even homely, dumpy looking women. Blaire/Robbie just used that b.s as a talking point to get MRAs on her side.
No. 406859
File: 1508581050644.png (527.78 KB, 1080x858, a deluded broad-shouldered you…)

>>406343do u mean pics like this?
No. 406863
>>406859He might still be swollen from FFS (kek), but even then, his jaw is massive and he should've gotten it shaved down.
I bet he forced himself to allocate more money towards the boobs than the face, cause:
1. Trying to feminize a man's face costs way more than fake tits.
2. He didn't have tits to work with; just estrogenic fat on a man.
But I guess a flat chest causes more disphoria than having a male facial structure.
No. 406868
>>406859those large shoulders, though
it must suck, it's not something she/he/whatever will ever be able to change
No. 407225
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>>407195>>407204>>407205i dont think they misgender robbie cause they think he's a man, they do so because he's a vile piece of shit, utilizing his trans identity to act ~SpeCiAl~ #notlikeothertrannies. also pic related
>>407221this, if he was i'd have no problem calling him, her.
No. 407470
>>407195I mean, it's not wrong to call a bio male by his male pronouns. I cannot resolve the cognitive dissonance it causes if I don't call a spade a spade. Deciding not to drink the cool-aid doesn't make you edgy.
But it's funny that anyone would bother to care about calling him a "he" when he wouldn't pay the same respect towards Riley J. Dennis for the longest time. And yet he still says that at most it only annoys him if someone "purposely misgenders" him.
No. 407693
>>398933>>399169This is just the logical conclusion of the sexual revolution. Back in the day when most people waited until marriage, a woman would get raped, she would tell the police/her family etc. and there would be no doubt in anyone's mind that she was telling the truth, because she had an innocent reputation as most girls did back then; it was unheard of for a normal every day Christian girl to go out every weekend, get drunk, slut it up with 4 different guys and then deeply regret it the next day. Nowadays this is a common occurrence. False rape accusations/regret sex/blackout drunk sex/hookup culture etc. is the norm for a large percentage of the female population, particularly college aged. It's no longer possible to take a girl for her word because we know what the average modern day Western girl is like, and the words innocent and integral do not apply.
An extremely unfortunate side effect of this is that true victims of rape and sexual assault are scrutinized and put under the microscope, as we can no longer simply assume a girl is being truthful. When we so often see "So and so was falsely accused of rape and lost his college degree/committed suicide etc." articles in the news, or when we hear feminists talk about how virtually any type of unwanted human interaction is literally rape, it throws these real victims right under the bus.
No. 407700
>>407693Just because you typed out more than one sentence and tried you're best to not sound like the complete subhuman that you are, doesn't mean that anybody on here would disagree any less with you…
Alcohol is something that both males and females consumed since centuries;"slut it up with 4 guys" and those guys are not as much of a hoe as she is, or what?
Do you know who really hurts a rape victim?
The man who did it!
No. 407701
File: 1508699461011.png (351.97 KB, 425x709, fashioncurrentyear.png)

>Alcohol is something that both males and females consumed since centuries
Your point? Drinking alcohol does not imply promiscuity. One can drink alcohol without sucking 4 dicks in a night. Only since the sexual revolution has the latter become a normal part of our culture.
>"slut it up with 4 guys" and those guys are not as much of a hoe as she is, or what?
That's not what the issue is. These guys aren't the ones going around making false rape accusations because they regretted what they did last night.
>Do you know what really hurts a rape victim?
*alleged rape victim
No. 407740
>>407693>False rape accusations/regret sex/blackout drunk sex/hookup culture etc. is the norm for a large percentage of the female populationDo you know how big the female population is, dude? If false rape accusations were the norm you would see a hell of a lot more of them than you do, so many that it would no longer be a big story or scandal because it would happen every single day.
Like most robots, I assume you are focused on a certain type of woman because these are the only type of women that you care about and want to fuck. And you are actually upset that these extremely attractive, sexually active women are not fucking you, but someone else. Sucking four dicks every night and accusing men of rape if they regret doing so is certainly not the norm. If you want to claim that it is, you are going to need more than anecdotal evidence. Because we all happen to have that too, and most of ours says that it is not common.
You choosing to discredit rape victims because they may have been sexually active prior to being raped says more about you than it says about them. Just because a woman has had sex before doesn't make her fair game for rapists now.
You're making a judgment about large swaths of the population that you have no facts to back up. It almost seems like you are referring to a specific case, but you aren't. However robots are not known for their logic and are prone to hysteria so I shouldn't be surprised.
No. 408077
>>407693>when we hear feminists talk about how virtually any type of unwanted human interaction is literally rapethis isn't a thing
stop pretending this is an actual thing
No. 408078
>>407720>>407706>>407725>>407740this! all of this
>>407730yeah I'm 1000% sure women were believed less "back in the day" and that rape in marriages was at one point not even legally considered rape
>>407693btw dude I actually IRL witnessed someone lie about a rape once but I still think your entire summation is some next level neckbeard bullshit
No. 408309
>>407225tbh it's depressing to see this kind of picture posted here as if it's a gotcha or something. god forbid some women don't conform to your idea of what women should think or behave like, or they're internalizing their self-hatred. not even trying to get political, it's just sad seeing this sort of PC shit on lolcow of all places. the bitchiest site on the entire internet, where entire threads are just women calling other women fuggos.
miss me with that gay shit, anon.
and why is everyone in this thread incapable of saging? did the rules change suddenly that you can just not sage derailing arguments like
>>407693 and
>>407700 and
>>407701 and
>>407706 ?
No. 412614
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Blaire's anti-trans rant. Wonder how many likes are from non-trans people. Also, that Conservative site, Chicks on the Right posted Blaire's "Are traps gay?" video recently, and the comments from followers of that page are atrocious towards trans people. I'd like to know why Blaire continues to align herself with a community that doesn't accept her kind. Bonkers.
No. 412728
>>412614Maybe this isn't quite comparable, but in the video where Blaire discusses her rape she talks about how she had to work to not see all men as evil because of what that man did to her. She had to realize that it wasn't healthy or logical to view all men the same way because of what another man did. (She words it better than I did obviously.)
But I guess that doesn't extend towards trans people? What makes that different?
Also I feel like there is some major shade at Theryn Meyer here. They were well known friends and then suddenly they weren't. I wonder what Theryn did?
No. 412802
>>366354I don't think I've ever met or seen a trans person that wasn't a complete attention whore. Everything always has to be about them.
They just vary in the way they go about it. Some are more malevolent than others. I stay faaaaaar away from them, they are like a black hole just sucking in attention and pity and compliments.
No. 418386
>>418361This was such a shitshow I ended up just skipping around before backing out completely. I feel like this debate shouldn't have been held in any kind of public sphere. I haven't been subscribed to Rubin for about a year, but why would his audience even care about this? What was the point of it? It was just two people who clearly have a personal issue with each other airing their personal grievances and getting hostile.
I also don't get what Candace's little quip at the beginning about this not being a 'catfight' because it wasn't between two women was about. So women can't have a reasonable debate, it has to be a cat fight? Was she planning on it turning out that way or some shit?
And since it DID devolve into a cat fight, which it certainly didn't have to, there's tons of "this is why women shouldn't politic get back in the kitchen lol" in the comments. Thanks Candace!
No. 419394
>>419351I saw someone on Twitter refer to Blaire as an intellectual. I mean Blaire isn't some dumbass, but….an intellectual?
I'm not even trying to be an asshole, but what has she ever said or talked about that would lead people to associate her with the word intellectual?
No. 419446
>>412614>"I'm not like the other trans girls!!"I get why her and June are friends.
The reason she doesn't have decent trans friends is probably because she associates with MRAs and anti-SJWs, many of which openly hate trans people, so they stay far away from her.
Also fuck the raging transphobia in this thread, I know this is lolcow but fucking hell you guys. Blaire is an idiot, but you don't have to be a decent person to be trans.
No. 420131
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Yeah, Blaire an intellectual is a far cry.
No. 420145
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>>420131reminds me of freckle from the gay and wondrous life of caleb gallo for some reason.
No. 420155
>>420131Blaire does not look bad at all, better looking without makeup than most of women. Very uncanny valley looking, but transpeople often have a lot of work done. Surprise, surprise.
>>412614I am surprised that I have to agree with her here a bit, transpeople are very mentally ill most of the time. Being trans in itself is a mental disorder, so co-morbidity prevails. Blaire mixed up mentally ill/co-morbid people being messed up and acting messed up with all transpeople being shitheads. But, Blaire has a fair point that is based in reality, a lot of transpeople have bigger problems in their head that are unaddressed and act it out without repercussions due to their own social circles enabling it.
Not all people going on tangents like that are special snowflakes. Sometimes, albeit rarely, they provide context based in reality.
"Of the 298 transgender women, 41.5%of participants had 1 or more mental health or substance dependence diagnoses; 1 in 5 (20.1%) had 2 or more comorbid psychiatric diagnoses. Prevalence of specific disorders was as follows: lifetime and current major depressive episode, 35.4%and 14.7%, respectively; suicidality, 20.2%; generalized anxiety disorder, 7.9%; posttraumatic stress disorder, 9.8%; alcohol dependence, 11.2%; and nonalcohol psychoactive substance use dependence, 15.2%."
(Psychiatric Diagnoses and Comorbidities in a Diverse, Multicity Cohort of Young Transgender Women.
>>412728I would argue here as a devil's advocate, that very few men rape and only sick people rape. Meanwhile, as provided above, trans is a mental disorder and is one with a lot of co-morbidity, and Blaire did recognise the limitations of her argument within the first argument, she is aware there are decent trans people. But, she has yet to meet more than a few of then.
sage for random autism rant.
No. 420338
>>418361I seriously cannot stand this any longer. Blaire must be one of the most women-hating things on this planet; don't his fans get that he's basically a caricature of a female?!
Do they think being feminine means being plastered in makeup with bimbo fake nails, runnung around in a tank top (read: bra) thoughout the year, no matter what occasion? The other 'real' woman and the guy are wearing much warmer and appropriate clothing and yet she's the 'feminine' one…
That's seriousl so gross, i want all those ftm tumblerinas to run aroud with a huge ass belly in a sweaty muscle shirt, not showering for days with a can of beer in each hand, how would they react than?!
No. 420349
You guys can correct me if you think I'm wrong but with all these debates the past week, I feel like the tide is turning. Before I explain what I mean I just want to be clear that I in no way am happy about this.
But people like Theryn, Roaming Millenial, and to a lesser extent Blaire, are now seeing what 'their side' really thinks of them. Whether they intended to or not, and whether they want to admit it or not, they have cultivated an audience of conservatives and even far-right loons who hate women, minorities, and trans people. Now you can see people like Edgy Sphinx calling them 'degenerates' and misgendering them on purpose, and Nick Fuentes subtly trying to say that they should be subjected to shock therapy in the LS stream. Not yet, but soon, the women of the movement will get more than they bargained for I think. They preach that women should be seen and not heard, stay home and raise kids, and yes I believe that people like Lauren and Roaming truly do want that. But you KNOW that Lauren wouldn't give up her career for anything. Actions speak louder than words. However we are getting to a point where the alt-right/alt-light/whatever you'd like to call them, are really starting to scoff at the idea of listening to women and giving them airtime. It's getting more intense by the day and people are starting to lose respect for them and call them out on not being 'trad.'
It's unfortunate but I have a feeling that a large portion of their audiences are going to come back and bite them in the ass (Blaire's audience isn't as bad as some others, but with each day it gets worse). Of course they still have the moderate, more sane portions of their audience, but let's be real, they are a minority. Even repeating their talking points won't earn you respect, won't earn you a seat at the table. They're been tiptoeing around the alt-right for over a year now, slyly giving them legitimacy by repeating their talking points, laughed as if everything was a joke, and I have a feeling they are soon going to realize they made a mistake.
Sage for overthinking/dumb theory.
No. 420543
>>420349No i don't think so; there's not a single comment that isn't kissing Blaire's ass.
But hey, let's face it, Blaire will always be better, because he's still a man and therefore can have an opinion.
No. 420859
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>>420543you guys are jumping all over the place here
>that community doesn't respect Blaires gender identity>It' doesn't matter because only mens opinions are considered valid, and Blaire is a man No. 421652
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>>421618>>420131If you wanna expose Blaire's "True face" it makes more sense to post candids from before his surgery
No. 421659
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blaire broke her nail on a pull tab or something and is now blaming it on male feminists? I figure it's kind of hard to ask for clarification on someone's position on feminism while they're beating you up… either way that hand is notably unfucked up for being stepped on.
No. 421668
>>421659Maybe he had blue hair and so they assumed he was a feminist. They seem to think that anyone with a nose ring or short hair or any shit like that is a rabid ~sjw.~
Or maybe they had a conversation beforehand that she isn't mentioning (yet.) I find it hard to believe he just attacked her out of nowhere, unless he knew who she was from online and has a serious problem with her content. That nail looks incredibly painful though. I feel bad for her.
No. 421674
>>421618lol the reach. I won't be edgy and misgender her but she does not "look better than most women." stahp
>>421659why does she look so smug about it? is it because this is supposed to signify that all feminists are bad? plenty of shitty people subscribe to every ideology. can I start saying that a thot like lauren southern represents all trads now? lol
No. 422205
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Dude in the pussy hat is said to be at all of the anti-trump rallies. Sounds like a paid protester to me. Hmmm.
No. 422686
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Investigative……wrong use of word. I'm thinking back to when someone called Blaire an intellectual. Lmao.
No. 422696
>>421966just noticed her index finger nail is broken in the beginning of the video..weird
Anyway, it's hard to feel sympathy for someone who intentionally wants to stir up animosity during an already hostile enough time.
I understand that she wasn't going out of her way to be an antagonistic cunt (or that's just what she says) so I DO feel for her in that respect,
but she obviously wanted this reaction so she could post about it in her echo chamber and somehow vindicate her
problematic views. (It really doesn't prove anything, Blaire, notice that actual conservatives hate you and call you a degenerate, while people who would normally be on your side hate your #notlikeothertrannies bullshit.)
She is doing nothing of substance. Not adding to the discussion in any constructive way, not even explaining how her political views would be good for Americans(lol guess why), and to top it off she and her buddies constantly fan the flames while yelling about how not
triggered they are. Doesn't she realize how played out and transparent this all is?
Again, I feel for her because I wouldn't wish that nail shit on anyone as it hurts like hell, but I'm very minimally sympathetic to this bitch. I could make a video about how rude conservatives are to me while I wear a "pussy hat" but that doesn't suddenly make me 1000% right ideologically.
Yes, I realize she didn't actually say any of this stuff in the video but it's pretty obvious what her goal is by even doing the "social experiment" in the first place.
sage for autistic blog rant
No. 422791
>>422707Yeah, that was weird. I mean Blaire said it was burning her eyes. Any normal person would go get something to rinse it out, and a more impulsive person would run after the culprit. Joey did NOTHING….oh wait, he was filming.
You’re truly asking for trouble when you do stupid shit like that in these times. When you’re purposefully engaging in annoying behaviors & expecting a particular reaction from particular people, you really are just trolling. To his disappointment, he didn’t get that attention from the gays, which is why he probably transitioned too.
No. 424401
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So Snopes is talking about the "attack". That NoBullshit dude called bs on it from the jump. Lol. I thought the same exact thing. The gays were too nice and made for a boring video. So she provoked by crossing police lines to get some "juicy" footage for her narrative.
No. 425293
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Why did Blaire delete this tweet? I’ve noticed that she deletes tweets quite often. Either her fans started calling her an sjw or people who don’t like her called out her hypocrisy since she purposely misgenders other trans people. I think the bitch has a screw loose tbh….and thrusting yourself into internet stardom isn’t going to help the situation.
No. 425426
>>425384I used to watch him here and there to hear their talking points, just for some care free keks as well, but I can’t stand the tired and lazy schtick anymore. Also waited to see if any of these morons could objectively and logically admit that the current US administration is full of fuck ups. But of course they can’t.
Much like Blaire can’t stand to realize that he’s getting a taste of his own medicine here
>>425293 . On snap he tried to sic his followers on that person because he was ~misgendered~ by them repeatedly. Blaire must’ve already forgotten what it was like to get death threats by keyboard warriors.
No. 425466
>>425293Of course she has a screw loose, she’s trans. Dysphoria is a mental illness and is comorbid with other mental illnesses.
I imagine she deleted that tweet because it conflicts with her agenda to pander to redpillers. Her entire schtick is being an edgelord untouchable tranny who can laugh at herself, and not condoning misgendering is too sjw for her fanboys.
No. 427004
>>426940Blaire’s dad died before he transitioned, so only the mom had to deal with it.
>>426557Blaire is in college?
No. 427945
>>427004in her earlier vids she talks about being in class and being annoyed w/ da evil sjws at her school
>>427629ironic and true
No. 428008
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No. 432300
>>432275I constantly see trans activists discuss this subject and the fetishization of trans women….where has she been?
I hate doubting people but I REALLY don't believe she wasn't condescending and bitchy towards the other trans people who were sex workers.
No. 432364
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saged but I think its funny that so many alt-right guys claim blaire is so attractive when all I see is nigel farage.
Actually come to think of it they all have a hard on for nigel too…
No. 432498
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I’m new to this thread but Blaire looks like JoySparkleBS
No. 435065
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I lol’d when Blaire made a “joke” that her boyfriend was a bottom. It’s not a joke. He’s gay af.
No. 435066
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No. 435070
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Why so serious.
No. 435293
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>>435200>>435292facial feminization is expanding the facial planes, depending how bad you have it you can just look like a more boy-ish (younger) version of yourself.
No. 435325
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>>435293Kind of reminds me of Shrek in human form
No. 435340
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>>435325Hmm shreks human face looks a bit too rectangular compared to blaires. I would say shreks actual face is a better fit.
No. 435364
>>435200I think part of it must be her weight gain. I have the same problem where even if I gain a little bit of weight I lose all facial definition and just look like a fucking sagging blob with no cheekbones or jawline. That's Blaire looks like to me, but she didn't before.
If she lost weight/debloated a bit, her face would slim down. Then you might be able to see her wide chin/strong jaw more, but her face would also look smaller and thus more feminine. Plus tons of women have strong jaws, doesn't mean she won't still pass.
If it isn't the weight gain, I have no idea how she came out looking less feminine than she was before. That's tragic.
No. 435567
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Riley has come a long way though. Blaire can't really talk too much shit anymore. lol
No. 437687
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>>435567Looks like an aging twink in shitty makeup. Sorry, but no.
>Blaire can't really talk too much shit anymore. lolBlaire mostly points out what a retard he is rather than insulting his appearance like she used to.
>>436355>Effeminate gay men make better women than autogynephilic heterosexuals.This pretty much. I don't know what it is but straight transwomen always pass better and tend to be small/effeminate before transing (pic related). Why do transbians always look like blatant men with long hair? Riley looks a bit better than the average transbian but only because he's young and skinny. Just wait until that horseface turns 40.
No. 438242
>>432498I had the exact same thought.
And in the pictures with Blaire outside, she looks like Momo (without makeup obviously).
>>435454Can't really adequately compare pre-surgery makeup-saturation in controlled lighting (aside from that podcast pic we have) to post-surgery little-to-no-makeup in poor lighting.
I don't like Blaire most of the time, but the fact she's willing to show herself without all the makeup/lighting tricks says a lot.
As for the weight, hormones definitely do that. As long as she doesn't gain more weight, her face doesn't really look fat imo, just average and more approachable.
Also I'm too lazy to go back and find the post, but in the "Are Traps Gay" video of hers, her tits are way too shiny (highlighter and/or maybe bad lighting choices?) and distracted me throughout the whole video. Looked like those rubber cleavage cutlets you can buy with how shiny they looked. Also the distance between her tits is a bit unnerving too (I think she'd probably benefit from tops that aren't so low-cut tbh), but that's likely due to the broad shoulders.
>>435567This on the other hand just looks terrifying. Idk if shooped but everything is SO. NARROW. Super uncanny valley vibes from that. Though I supposed it's an… improvement…
No. 459459
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No. 459933
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idk how this never made it here, but blaire was supposed to do a panel with contrapoints and theryn meyer and dropped out right around the time the organizers announced that all proceeds would go to a charity for LGBT kids and she realized she wouldn't make money off it
No. 464978
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>makes video about traps being gay
>knows that his fanboys disagree and will 100% buy this shirt with his ugly mug on it
No. 465185
>>464985 From what I've seen, a lot of people on this board don't like meme feminists. Lauren, Blaire, June and other anti sjws types constantly shit on other women, not even particular women they just scream other women are thots, fat etc (Blaire isn't actually so bad for this though) and hint that women should shut up, that they're too emotional etc. It does come across like they're thirsty for male attention considering they degrade themselves constantly, they're essentially cam girls who talk about politics instead of fucking themselves with dildos.
saged for sperg.
No. 465654
>>465323Its bullshit, Blaire never did any of the things shes being accused of(racism, sexism etc)
lolcow has turned into onision “i think this therefor faxx”.
No. 465925
>>465654That’s what I thought; OP is a biased retard. I also find it so funny bc people on here rage so much about everything trannies (usually trans trenders) do wrong wah wah wah but when a trans woman comes along who does none of those things they get butthurt because they can’t find an excuse to hate on her so they settle for making shit up and going “hurr u trans lmaoooo”. They’re like the anonymous lolcow versions of onionboy lmfao.
>>464998>It's pretty much a fact that they are, That’s all the confirmation I needed. Wyminz aren’t entitled to their own views unless they align with the radical left and radfem psychos. I should’ve known better. Learning so much about myself today!
>but I don't see how it relates to Blaire since he's a man.She’s in the same category as all the other girls you shit on- popular, conservative, have tons of drooling fanboys who insist she’s so much better than other girls because she agrees with them etc. Unlike the others, though, she doesn’t shit on other women unless they’re radfems or libtards (who deserve to be made fun of anyway) but she’s trans so you need every reason you can scrape up to hate her amirite?
No. 465963
>>465154It's real
Shows @ beginning of this video
No. 466100
>>465963I hate to say this, but to me Blaire looks LESS feminine after all those surgeries…I used to think she was really pretty but something looks off now. She still passes, but her features are just less small and delicate like they were before. I think it's the nose.
Anybody else see it?
No. 466131
>>466109Oh you are right, it is mostly the lips now that I look closer. She's filled them so much that she no longer has a Cupid's Bow which looks a little strange.
I also think a different texture/color would make them look better. I know it's personal preference, and a lot of people love the matte gray-ish nude look, but it doesn't do her any favors imo.
No. 466613
>>465654>literally said Blaire herself doesn't bash on other women that much.My point was people don't like a lot of these anti sjw youtubers because thy're annoying attention whores, not because anyone is lel
triggered. I don't actually mind Blaire that much compared to June, Lauren etc but she is luzly at times hence why I read this thread occasionally.
No. 466926
>>465925>Wyminz aren’t entitled to their own views unless they align with the radical left and radfem psychosUnless a woman hates herself, is too lazy or stupid to get a real job, or is desperate for attention, there's no reason why she'd follow that rightwing bullshit. This does not apply to Blaire because he would benefit from those politics.
>She’s in the same category as all the other girls you shit on- popular, conservative, have tons of drooling fanboys who insist she’s so much better than other girls because she agrees with them etc. Unlike the others, though, she doesn’t shit on other women unless they’re radfems or libtards (who deserve to be made fun of anyway) but she’s trans so you need every reason you can scrape up to hate her amirite?The fact that he's a man (an MTT at that) is extremely relevant to his alt-right/MRA politics. Don't care enough to try and find other sexist shit he's done, but being trans is extremely sexist in itself. Don't even need to say anything about le meninism and the excessive bashing of feminism. Can you stop stanning your husbando now? Go worship his uwu girldick somewhere else, it's embarassing. I swear, handmaidens make me cringe more than the troons themselves…
No. 467381
>>466926>Unless a woman hates herself, is too lazy or stupid to get a real job, or is desperate for attention, there's no reason why she'd follow that rightwing bullshit.ISTG you loons are the exact same as the misogynist creeps on all the manboards across the web. You howl about the patriarchy and how wyminz are all oppressed victims uwu but the second a woman happens to have a different view than you you resort to the same exact rhetoric as the misogynists you claim to hate so much - women are lazy, stupid, gold-diggers, can’t survive without a man, need men’s approval for everything etc. The difference is that you only attack women who disagree with you but they don’t deserve respect in your mind do they?
This might blow your mind but there are women out there who don’t want to pay sky-high taxes in order to sustain and pay for shit they disagree with, believe in stricter border control, value the military and disagree with abortion. This might blow your mind even more - you might want to sit down just in case, since you’re so considerate and for #womynempowerment and all - but there are also women who run their own independent businesses who also have a lot more to gain from conservatism than leftism. But it seems to be a consensus amongst your category of people that women who disagree with you don’t deserve their equal rights and deserve to be ridiculed and demeaned for thinking differently so I imagine arguing with you any further about any of this would be a waste of time.
>This does not apply to Blaire because he would benefit from those politics.Have you really deluded yourself into thinking this? Do you genuinely think this is how the world works? Blaire has legally changed her name and gender and presents as female. Your black-and-white fairytale idea of the evurlz men where they have this inherent privilege regardless of if they literally transition into women and risk being slaughtered in the fucking streets because psychos like yourself hate them so much reeks of the same exact idiocy as the oppression olympics that the SJWs love diddling themselves to so much. So many people such as yourself view trannies as freaks and view them as pretty much sub-human and the hatred of trannies is arguably far worse on the right. Blaire has literally nothing to gain from being right-wing since a lot of conservatives hate people like her but yeah, sure, because she was born with a dick she has all these mythical privilege superpowers.
Also, apparently thinking you shouldn’t laugh at male rape victims makes you an MRA. Got it.
>Can you stop stanning your husbando now? Go worship his uwu girldick somewhere else, it's embarassing. I swear, handmaidens make me cringe more than the troons themselves…Yes because failing to see what someone has done oh so wrong and questioning your methods of demonizing them means you’re a diehard fangirl. I suspect if someone had been attacking one of your TERF idols it would have been a completely different matter.
I’m cool with Blaire in general but even if I didn’t care for her my questions on the matter would have been the same. I know you like to think that someone being a tranny is reason enough to despise them and that you never need to worry about having to defend your points because anyone who questions you is just a thirsty widdle fangurl uwu but reality doesn’t work that way. Screeching about how being a tranny is inherently sexist doesn’t really cut it when you attack one of the few who encourage ungrateful men in dresses to step down from trying to speak over women, who respects the fact that certain spaces such as women’s changing rooms aren’t for her and who is grateful for what she has. Actual genuine trannies with real gender dysphoria are going to keep on existing after the man-in-dress trend dies down whether you like it or not so you might as well stop getting
triggered by the few who respect the limitations society has put on them and show gratitude for what they have.
>>467316Woo another
triggered TERF who on top of that is too retarded to know how to sage. Color me surprised.
(infighting) No. 467400
>>467381Oh my god, I'm not reading this great wall of autism. Lol @ "everyone who disagrees with me is a yucky,
triggered terf" tho. Also, did you know white trannies like ya boy Bobbie here are significantly less likely to be murdered than white women? ;^) keep going on about le oppression though. You guys
are subhuman freaks.
>>467342>>465925>>465654>>464985Hey mods, isn't whiteknighting against the rules? Is this all one person or multiple autists?
No. 467408
>>467400I'm not that poster but lol @ "Haha I don't know how to react to this well thought out response so I'm just going to call you an autist!"
no one cares about this thread sweetheart, and your calling out imaginary samefags is a huge projection. It's easy as fuck to be able to tell that the pointless blaire hating posts one after another are all (you). You are the cow in this thread.
No. 467411
>>467408I've made about 5 posts in this entire thread, holy shit. Say I don't know how to respond all you want, I'm not reading all that shit you typed out. I don't care that much about an argument with a wk on to spend 8 hours tackling that mess.
>no one cares about this thread sweetheartIt honestly sounds like you're robbie. I don't know why anyone else would be this buttad over an asshole like him.
No. 467570
I'll probably get attacked for saying this, but the worst thing about Blaire is her audience. Blaire is relatively tame and not shitty as far as her whole community goes, but her audience is unbelievable. I've never really seen her say anything misogynistic (I also haven't seen her saying anything racist but apparently she has? I can't speak on that though). But her audience is fucking terrible towards women. Calling us all worthless whores, laughing at female rape victims, saying we need to repeal the 19th and get back in the kitchen.
I know there are conservative and right-wing women, but can't we be honest and say that most of the right is extremely hostile towards women. Therefore, a lot of us don't understand why you would ally yourself with people who want to remove your right to vote, think you're incapable of contributing to the workforce and thus shouldn't be in it, only good for childbirth and any woman who chooses anything else is a feminazi whore, exc.
Now, it isn't fair to judge Blair on her audience because although they consume her content, she can't necessarily control them nor does she have a responsibility to, and there wouldn't be much she could do. I'm just trying to explain where I think most of the criticisms of Blaire in this thread come from. People are confusing her with her audience and the shit they've said, not just things Blaire herself has said on record. I think we are kind of projecting Shoe and Lauren Southern onto her, when she isn't nearly as outwardly shitty and hostile towards women.
*Not defending Blaire, I hate pretty much anyone who runs with the "women are worthless bangmaids and nothing more1!! too dumb 2 vote!!1" crowd and caters to them, I just don't think she is nearly as bad as some of us are making her out to be.
No. 467618
>>467608I disagree about real life conservatives being more reasonable in regards to women. It hasn't been my experience, personally. I mean both Coulter and Roy Moore are mainstream, everyday conservatives who have advocated for removing the vote for women, though Coulter hides behind that being a 'pipedream.' I grew up in a conservative town in a conservative household, and even my father wants to repeal the 19th.
I know everyone is different, so you probably know some more reasonable ones. Largely the conservatives I know either advocate against women's rights (such as voting) and want women to only be housewives and mothers (and demean those that choose differently), or they are passive about it. They aren't actively against women's right to vote, but if the 19th were repealed they would see no problem with it.
I understand there are conservative women out there, tons of them in fact. I don't agree with leftist women being hostile towards them, and saying that they are only pretending in order to get the approval of men, especially since like I said I grew up in a conservative environment and know plenty of women who are ride or die conservatives. But I do understand how other leftist women are baffled by them. For us on the outside, it appears as women working against their own self interest (and fucking over other women as a result, which I think is where the hostility really comes from). But that is their right.
No. 468953
>>467570>I also haven't seen her saying anything racist but apparently she has?She hasn't, unless you consider calling out BLM racist (it's not, it's common sense). OP used a pic of Blaire wearing a skincare mask to try to pass it off as blackface.
>But her audience is fucking terrible towards women. Calling us all worthless whores, laughing at female rape victims, saying we need to repeal the 19th and get back in the kitchen.Oh my god that's disgusting; I've never seen that? Even with her male fans, most of what I have seen are just them complimenting her or asking if traps are gay (lol). They poke fun at SJWs like she does but besides that I haven't seen anything. There is some unnecessary crap about how "lol blaire is way hotter than most bio girls xDDD" but besides that, nothing. Maybe I've just been lucky while scrolling through them?
I know she's only slightly right of center but it sounds like she might have some of the worst alt-righters in her fandom…
No. 477726
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>>467381>muh evil roasties want to recruit me into leftism>muh why can't assjews understand that not all conservative women are nazis REEEE >but all women who laugh at trannies are extreme communist feminazis tho>posing as antisj while unironically cryshilling the murdered in the streets meme>thinks preemptively REEEing about imaginary triggered TERFs will hide how absurdly triggered he is>muh blanchardian trutrannies>muh male rape victims>all that projection of lunacy>all that white hot analpocalypseThis kinda sounds like edgelord Robbie when he lets it slip that he's a rabid assjew when it comes to a few pet issues, but then deletes the tweet to prevent his neckbeard orbiters from clocking it.
No. 481153
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Confused on why Blaire still looks like a drag queen even months after surgery.
No. 481813
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>>481299I mean, there are some men that are small and have prototypicaly Female features.
But that ain’t t Blaire. I just wanna know why trannies get this horrible look and how bad does it hurt? There is literally no tissue to support that sack.
No. 482588
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Why would you ever post an unflattering pic like that?
No. 483749
>>467618you guys falling for weak bait like "get back in the kitchen in 2018"?
Maybe Feminisms gotten too soft to be helpful anymore
No. 483833
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>>482588Not only does she have the most fake and terrible looking tits, she also contours and face tunes the fuck out of them and constantly wears shit that shows them off (barlettes, low cut dresses, bustier tops, etc). I'll never understand why trannies insist to get huge D-cup fake tits when they look THIS bad. Like, wouldn't it be more feminine looking to get smaller implants or just work with whatever grew from taking hormones? If you're trying to look like a women, I'm not sure getting huge alien looking tits is doing you any favors.
ffs, I've met more real women with the body of Riley Dennis than I've met women with a body anything like Blaire's. Blaire's body looks so gross, like, not even fake, like, so abnormal that it just makes you feel weird…like an uncanny valley effect or something.
No. 485660
>>485365how do you know whats bait and whats not?
Besides, there have been people who think another group is subhuman since the beginning of time. It's like having a mental breakdown because billions of people throughout history have died in wars or raped or tortured. You aren't doing yourself any favors worrying some idiot you'll never meet thinks you are shit.
No. 485881
>>485660> how do you know what’s bait and what’s notHow do you? I’m not talking about high school boys telling girls to get back in the kitchen. I’m talking about actual ideologies and groups of adults who believe these things. Nobody is having a mental breakdown, I’m just acknowledging that it’s a very prevalent thought, particularly among conservative or right wing men. Are you trying to say that anyone who says something shitty is baiting? That just isn’t true for most cases.
And yes, plenty of groups have been seen as subhuman throughout history. The difference is that normally society eventually realizes how wrong they were, and the humanity of those groups begin to be acknowledged. Misogyny and hatred of women is ridiculously widespread and there is nothing that can be done about it. Hatred of women is something that all groups, across racial, ideological and cultural lines can bond over. I mean just look at present day “white nationalists” for example - the only thing they hate more than black people, Muslims, and Jews are women. It’s always going to be the last acceptable form of bigotry and hatred. Sad for women, but true. There’s nothing wrong with realizing this and pointing it out.
No. 486051
>>483833blaire literally wears makeup on his tits
also yes uncanny valley as fuck, seeing him walk around with his weird man body, bolt on tits and high heels legitimately makes me feel uneasy
No. 486520
>>486051Blaire looks like one of the robots from the Robots movie. The man thighs underneath that skin tight plastic leather dress..not a good look honey.
I'd like to mention that "Traps aren't gay" is hypocritical of Blaire since she likes saying theres only 2 genders…so that means a male liking another biological male must be how can liking "traps" NOT be gay?
No. 486618
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Her body looks so fucking weird. I'll never understand why she posted this photo. She doesn't even look human.
Personally I think she dresses so slutty and tacky (other than that being a common thing trannies do) because her alt-lite incel fanboys need fap material.
No. 486839
>>486618If any biological woman posted pictures like this, she would be called a degenerate whore/thot/slut by Blaire’s fan base, yet when she does it she gets a pass. It’s really proof that they all hate women. Period. It’s like Blaire has an honorary man pass or some shit because she was born as one.
And, as we all know, everything they complain about is actually fine if it’s a man doing it.
No. 488078
>>487888Exactly. It’s gayer to date a trans than it is to just admit your gay or bi (if that makes sense) so idk why they’re so defensive about being straight or why they have to announce it all the time.
Idk how a “straight” guy would be able to keep a boner while seeing a tiny half flacid dick hanging from their “girlfriend”. I also wonder how the fact that Joey could smell his gf’s ball sweat sometimes doesn’t turn him right off.
No. 488265
>>486839I agree, her neck beard fans have a double standard with her and biological women. Remember the Lacey/Blaire debate where tons of men where coming for Lacey for angling the camera downward to show off her cleavage yet they didn’t call Blaire out for taping her boobs together and wiggling them side to side every 5 seconds?
There were a lot of comments that said Blaire had nicer boobs than Lacey too and that blaire’s looked more natural. It’s like, are you kidding me? How is Blaire taping the fat together from her male chest fat natural?
No. 491842
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I don't see the Sssniperwolf comparison, but if Blaire starts gaming next then we'll know who she's "trying" to rip off. lol And the dudes complimenting Blaire's titties have fetishes for trans women. I'm not a fan of Laci Green, but her boobs are nice, bouncy, and natural.
No. 491877
>>491830Same here! Ty turner is an good looking trans guy but I feel no attraction whatsoever knowing he’s a biological woman.
I hate the “buck angel example” Blaire constantly uses to prove liking trannies isn’t gay. Saying men wouldn’t have sex with buck angel even though he’s a biological woman. Well as a straight woman I wouldn’t have sex with buck angel or any passing trans guy either! And just because a guy wouldn’t have sex with buck angel doesn’t mean that automatically means they’re attracted to trans woman just because they’re not into trans men. Its like uh Blaire most straight men would want to have sex with neither! (Neither a trans man or woman) it’s not an either or option.
She also said all the guys she dated were straight (they’re not) but especially her ex geeky beta army bf (is it me or are all army guys bi?), how is he straight if he dated her before hormones etc when still had a man body (she still has a boxy man body but had a even more of a skinny man body before, now she has broad shoulder line backer
look but atleast has ((terrible)) fake tits) she was literally a trap with a man chest and body and a man face (just did hella contour w makeup) but just had long hair and makeup, excuse me how was he straight Blaire? She had a mans body naked! Makes no sense. She also said when he asked her out she had to explain to him what transgender was because he didn’t know what that was. I smell BS, who doesn’t know what transgender is?! He was just pretending not to be a tranny chaser and playing dumb (dumb as hell).
No. 491898
>>491842Agree (not a fan of Lacey either) lacey’s boobs are way better than Blaire’s. You can tell Blaire’s fans just have a trans fetish if they think her gross hard mile apart boobs are nice. You can also tell her fans have a trans fetish because they think she has really feminine feet! Hint: they’re not, they look like teenage boy feet. They’re really square and she has big wide toes. So if these guys think Blaire has feminen feet they have a low standard of what’s feminen or just view literally any thing on Blaire as feminen (due to their obsession) even though it’s not.
I think her resemblance to sssniper wolf is the stronger jaw (except Blaire’s jaw is obviously a lot stronger than sniper’s) the long hair and big black glasses that Blaire wears sometimes but that’s it. Sssniper wolf looks like a natural beauty (like she just wakes up hot) whereas Blaire looks like a charicature of sssniper wolf and has to have lots of surgery, makeup and lighting, wardrobe and makeup tricks to do so.
But back to the boob job, there’s a trans YouTuber called “Rae Quinn” and Blaire should have taken pointers from her about the kind of fake boobs to get. Rae atleast got a nice soft natural boob job for a man
No. 492062
>>420145Oh my gosh Blaire really resembles this person at the beginning of her makeup tutorial on her vlog channel. Especially when she closes her eyes and looks down. Also I don’t think we’ve ever really seen her w no makeup, even when hiking, I think she was wearing high coverage foundation the
whole time since at the beggining of her makeup vid she’s wearing foundation already and has the same look as her “no make up” vids. If she looks like freckle or joysparkle with high coverage foundation, what does she look like without it?
No. 492605
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>>492170Look, I'm by no means a makeup artist, far from it, but seeing Blaire lining her waterline with liquid liner made me cringe harder than I ever have in my life.
Also why the fuck do her eyebrows go from straight across to straight down? I hope she doesn't pay to get her eyebrows done, they look terrible. Why is it a common theme for trannies to have terrible skinny ass eyebrows? Men tend to have the thickest and easily shape-able eyebrows ever, so why do they choose to ruin them that badly?? Holy shit, who was her brow-spiration? Gloria Swanson?
No. 492694
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>>492529> I bet her comments all say "omg hotter than a biological woman!"Lmao yep. Pic related.
I don't think Blaire is bad looking at all, but I mentioned this upthread - she looked way more feminine before her FFS and I'm not sure how that's even possible. I wonder if she's happy with the results? Has she said anything?
No. 493138
>>492933Someone who is a 1 or 5 might not identify as bi though. Sexuality is very complicated.
So people who are attracted to Blaire might still consider themselves straight, if she's the only person who isn't biologically female that they find attractive.
No. 493168
>>493138I noticed the Blaire fans, where Blaire is the only trans person they find attractive is because that’s the only trans person they know of. They’d be attracted to other averagely attractive/almost passing trannies too if they knew any. For instace, there’s new anti sjw trannies gaining momentum and “straight identifying” men like them too. They’ll say “Blaire and
names other anti sjw trannies are the only trans I would date!”
No. 493330
>>492605Yeah if she goes out to do her hair and makeup I don’t get why she can’t do something about those brows. But I think her hair is too thick looking, she should not put in extensions because it gives more of a thick wig look and it adds to her tranny uncanny valley vibes.
Did anyone see her livestream where she said gay men didn’t like trannies because they were jealous that they didn’t transition sooner? And that they were just mad that trannies date “straight” men. I think gays don’t like it for the same reason as everyone else, because they see it for what it is, a homosexual relationship, and they don’t like the delusions of it.
I also don’t get what she means by gay guys were jealous because they didn’t transition sooner? So is she admitting she’s just a gay guy who transitioned for some dick? She’s implying all gay guys want to be or pretend to be women just to get “straight” men.
No. 493437
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Blaire ruined her lips, holy shit
like a combination of terrible Beverly Hills plastic surgery and drag queen
No. 493461
>>493346Yeah, I've met a lot of gay guys who are into transwomen sexually, but think they're too crazy and annoying to date. They think everyone is jealous of them because being trans goes hand in hand with cluster B personality disorders.
>>493454I guess /snow/ and /pt/ are full of tumblr/pulltards who feel the need to respect le pronowns
No. 493469
>>493437Yeah she’s looking more and more like an aging drag queen even though she’s only 24. She should be on one of those “housewives of
insert name of city here shows”. She’d fit right in looks wise.
No. 493508
>>493346> why do trans think everyone is jealous of them?Seriously, this. For some reason all of the trans people (#notalltrans) are really aggressively defensive or something and think everyone is jealous of them. They think women are jealous because trans women “are better at being women than biowomen are” and gay men are jealous because…I’m still not sure why.
I’m not sure if they’re being defensive because they might be used to being treated like shit so they have a chip on their shoulder or what….it’s strange though. It’s almost like they’re trying to convince themselves that they’re better women or more attractive to men than other demographics are, rather than convince anybody else.
No. 493556
>>493536I think ppl criticize Blaire’s looks because all her fans only talk about how great she looks and it makes her looks the “the main thing her fans care about” Blaire also puts down ppl’s looks all the time.
It’s not reaching. She looks good to you but her disguise doesn’t full some ppl. She honestly looks average and like a tranny
and I genuinely think that. I’m not just saying that cuz I don’t like her (I think she’s ok) I just think the hype about her looks is annoying since it’s not true.
No. 493588
>>493569Because most people hate women. Blaire was biologically a man, so for some fucked up reason she gets a pass on everything. As pointed out earlier in the thread, if a biological woman dressed and acted the way Blaire does, blaires fanbase would call her a worthless thot/whore who deserves any bad thing that happens to her. Because she’s just a worthless woman, after all.
But Blaire gets praise for those things instead, because those types will extend respect to trans women, but never bio women.
No. 493650
>>493536Do you still remember when he said that he tops his boyfriend?
How could anybody be delusional enough to call this not gay?!
Maybe a lot of his fanboys secretely want to get bum fucked…
No. 493654
>>493650I think they do. All straight men love pussy and to have vaginal sex sometimes (even the ones who prefer anal). So her fans saying ‘it’s ok if she doesn’t have a pussy because there’s always the butt!’ Are def not straight. A lot of stories I’ve heard of anal (I’m not a back door betty so I don’t know first hand) are pretty gross too. Let’s just say poop stories. So if Blaire has anal ALL the time every time there must have been some poop stuff happening atleast one of those times.
Men are also biologically grassier and way fartier than women. Even the clean ones. So idk how a straight man could put up with Blaire’s smelly man farts. And her natural man smell. She’s always hot (temperature wise) in her livestreams and says that’s the reason why she wears tank tops. So basically she sweats like a man so must smell like one. Idk how a straight guy would like that.
No. 493672
>>493654yes, and if you read the bodybuilding forums (misc), where a lot of young 'chads' (muscular, socially well adjusted, not internet weebs) hang out, basically all of them admit that anal sucks (countless threads about it) and the only good thing about anal is psychological (that is, getting women to allow you to let them fuck them up the butt, and knowing it causes discomfort, but them still allowing men to do it). they say that beyond the spincter it's totally hollow and doesn't envelope and grip the cock the way the vagina does (after all, the vagina is all muscle, whereas the rectum isn't). only incels and gays prefer anal. even these 'chads' admit it, and they have 0 reason to lie, whereass these proto-gay NEETcels play down how good pussy will feel/does feel, just to pretend they're not flamers.
No. 494781
>>493588I agree with this. I bet if Blaire was a biological woman ppl would REALLY make fun of some her weird features but because she’s a man “she looks good guise”.
It’s a meme how Kate Upton has no waist but for Blaire, few ppl point that out. I know Kate is much more popular but if Blaire was a biological woman much more ppl would be making fun of her bulk and square body.
Blaire is kind of cute but come on, she is not the hot bombshell people act like she is. Has anyone seen the clip of her shooting a gun with Joey’s family? She literally looks like lanky man in a wig.
No. 495657
>>495288>Unpopular opinion but I think she wanted the kind of reaction that she got or else why would she do it.Don't worry, that's not an unpopular opinion. It's obvious.
Also I totally agree with you about the hand. Maybe "stepped on my nail" doesn't have the same woe-is-me ring to it.
No. 507438
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Hi guys, it's Robbie! So…
No. 507697
>>507684Or she could be trying to cover the penis bulge with her knee, that’s why her leg is so ridiculously far over to the side. That material looks unforgiving and like it shows
every contour and cranny
No. 507720
>>507710Like on her merch that says “dissapointed but not surprised” she looks so pretty. She would be pretty if she ACTUALLY looked like that picture. But she doesn’t.
Also the merch that says “don’t tread on me” uh why is she using super conservatives phrases from the outlaw country song? Those are the kind of conservatives she thinks are retarded. It’s kind of dumb that she used that phrase because those conservatives sure as hell wouldn’t want one of their favorite catch
phrases used un-ironically on a shirt with a tranny on it. Since her fans aren’t real conservatives I’m sure they’ve never even heard of that phrase and are confused by it. Stupid merch all around.
No. 508228
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>>507720>“don’t tread on me” uh why is she using super conservatives phrases from the outlaw country song?>don't tread on me>from the outlaw country songfucking kids today, I swear to god
No. 508354
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>>507720>Don't tread on me>outlaw country songI hope you're not American, then you're a little less dumb. Just a little, I'm not an Amerifat and even I know that it's the Gadsden Flag from 1775.
Anon, the Gadsden Flag is the symbol of American independence from the British Empire.
No. 508693
>>508354Yeah but it’s a conservative phrase now.
eye roll. Yes I know that snake flag. I’m sure Blaire meant it in the conservative phrase way and not in the America gaining independence from Europe way. Pretty sure Blaire likes Europe.
No. 508876
>>508810Yeah I’ve seen comments from ppl who used to know her on vids saying that she hates women. Blaire even admitted on stream that she used to feel salty about women before she transitioned. So turn out trannies are jealous about hot real women. So much for the neckbeard’s delusions that women are jealous or trannies. Maybe just unnatractive women are, but I seriously doubt that even they are.
Tangent: I’ve seen cute fresh (not much makeup) young women who were more attractive than Blaire complaine that Blaire was “hotter” than them. If those girls just wore push up bra’s and more makeup they’d have the same kind of look as Blaire (the look that they’re jealous of). But I doubt they’re actually jealous, I think they’re just trying to gas her up
No. 508971
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>>508693>>508705>>508727kill yourself, retard
>>508971You absolute idiot. Yes I get where it’s from. Conservatives use that phrase now, meaning don’t tread on me towards liberals. is what I’m saying. Do u not comprehend
that? I’m not talking about the phrases fucking origins. I’m not sure about internet culture but out in the real life conservators use that all the time and have it on their stuff. I’m sure u wouldn’t know that cuz u prob dont interact or see ppl outside the internet.
No. 508995
File: 1519086434726.jpeg (569.85 KB, 1242x1148, 418A1541-2888-47DB-BADF-B3014A…)

Blaire pushing the envelope again.
No. 509024
>>509016There's a thing called "log cabin" conservatives, which are LGBT people with right wing beliefs but still support their own rights.
That being said I think Blaire is definitely more moderate/center-right but calls herself conservative because that's the edgy contrarian thing to do when you're trying to stray away from SJW activism.
No. 509371
>>508693>Independence from EuropeNo, BRITAIN. The Gadsden flag represents independence from the BRITISH EMPIRE. NOT EUROPE. They hung it
>>508971as here,
as a Maritime flag on the navy whom's job was to stop British supplies from reaching Brits. That was their sign and still is used by moored navy due to their maritime history. Not EU, their only significance was rebellion against the BRITISH EMPIRE, which reached through Asia, Oceania and Africa and all the way to America.
It was obvious you have no fucking clue what you're on about the second you mentioned "Independence from Europe way".
>>508727>>508987>liberals>liberalismYou're so retarded, Libertarianism is the one that uses the Gadsden Flag, not LIBERALISM THOSE ARE A DIFFERENT THING.
Blaire's using it for Libertarianism, which is Blaire's political demonition – which is not the same as a conservative. Libertarianism is a middleground ideology that usually leans to the John Locke European style left.
>Libertarianism is the group of political philosophies which advocate minimizing coercion and emphasize freedom, liberty, and voluntary association. You're so dumb, it actually hurts. Could you stop making arguments that make zero sense? We get it, Blaire likes to cater to neckbeards, but you have zero clue what you're talking about.
No. 509397
>>509371I knew someone was going to give me crap and post snake picture flags. Ooh I said Europe instead of Britain who cares stop being so technical.
You are the idiot, are u the one who’s not
from America? Conservatives use that phrase here in a different way then what it oringally means. U just don’t comprehend that? and I’m sure Blaire is using it in that
way.Blaire identifies as a conservative now idiot! You’re calling me dumb because I said Europe instead of Britain and you’re getting info wrong yourself lmao. I don’t know much about internet culture or how the term don’t tread on me is used on the internet, but in real life, conservatives use that phrase now. I’m talking about the way tons of conservatives use it, which I’m SURE is the way that Blaire meant it.
When I keep saying conservatives use that phrase now, I’m sure you have no idea what I’m talking about and have never seen the
way they use it because u don’t know any conservatives irl.
No. 509408
>>509371“libertarianism are the ones that use that flag not liberals”
Wait what? I’m not saying liberals are using the flag I said conservatives use that phrase now AGAINST liberalism. It’s clear you have no idea what my point is, if you’re misenterprering what I said that badly.
You’re saying my argument doesn’t make sense but I’m just saying conservatives use that phrase now (I keep repeating this) and you’re so stuck on the origins of its meaning. Can u actually argue against what I’m actually saying? So u don’t believe that rednecks and conservatives use that
phrase now? (Please argue my actual point) And if it’s about freedom etc yes basically against liberalism. Let’s not get so
No. 509477
>>509371I think they meant conservatives just use the quote not the actual snake flag. I’ve seen them use it too but on American flag stuff.
And honestly who knows all those little details that you named off. If you didn’t just google that now, that’s kind of random to know all those details…
No. 509504
>>509477Mostly googled the dates, but I love history. My point still stands, Blaire is a supporter of Libertarianism, who use the Gadsden flag as their symbol quite commonly.
I have no idea why the other anon seems to go on about conservatives, when the point is that if you follow Blaire's posts at all - it is pretty clear that it's a reference to the libertarianistic beliefs Blaire has.
No. 509553
>>509504Blaire has recently been identifying openly as a conservative for several months now.
Check Blaire’s twitter description. It says transgender conservative not transgender libertarian.
No. 512695
File: 1519413909182.jpeg (340.34 KB, 1242x894, 87AC743F-B64D-4341-AA21-E513A1…)

Blaire defending the second amendment.
No. 512760
>>512746Blaire doesn’t even seem socially conservative though. She is not even half as right leaning as other libertarians who are socially conservative. She just seems
center and anti sjw. To me, she is just using the conservative label to get more views and for shock value. She is not conservative at all, even socially.
No. 512788
>>512726I don’t think most of her followers Are redneck or conservative. Most of them just seem anti sjw, leftists who make the exception for her “I disagree with your views but I love you though” (she gets that comment often), or ex-sjw’s. Whenever she’s on a popular conservatives YouTube channel as a guest there is a ton of comments with “can you stop having this man Blaire on?” with hundreds of likes.
But yeah she does try to pander to that crowd, I’ll agree with that.
No. 512910
>>512894>>512782>Calling someone cringey for criticizing rapey j. penisLiterally the only redeeming thing about robbie. Please choose literally anything else to insult him for.
Has this thread just turned into the same two or three handmaidens samefagging or what?
No. 520032
>>519992That’s funny, I think that Blaire has a long horse face (like most trannies). I think it’s her forehead that looks short. I actually think her chin is quite masculine, i was surprised she didn’t get it shaved to a more feminine shape when she got FFS.
What’s with Joey overly using the word “girl” friend, woman or girl for Blaire? It’s like he’s trying to make a point that she’s a “woman”. Men who date real women never overly use those gender terms. It also doesn’t sound right when he calls her his “girlfriend”. For obvious reasons.
No. 520321
File: 1520155455943.jpeg (198.95 KB, 1101x741, EF0DC74C-91FE-48A7-B7E1-35CD75…)

Bahahahahahahaha….Geico needs a new caveman mascot.
No. 520401
>>520032Even though he’s in denial about being gay, I think Joey is sweet to Blaire. I’m kind of jealous of how he spoils her with surprises and gifts.
Also he may be overusing those words to help Blaire with her gender dysphoria too. He seems like a supportive partner.
No. 520447
>>520423Joey’s face is kind of feminine in a way. The slanty eyes, tight skin and plump lips.
But yeah Blaire looks so bad idk why she chose that thumbnail, she’s just begging for ppl to tell her she looks like a man.
No. 520781
>>520406I’m with
>>520775I think he’s overreacting to give the appearance that he is straight
No. 529929
>>529854Oh my gosh every YouTuber gets threats! Especially political youtubers (if you can even call Blaire a “political YouTuber). She must have ran out of video ideas. I didn’t know SJWs were still a thing. It’s funny because she had images of weird looking ppl on her thumbnail (I know what she was trying to do) but she also looks weird in that trans way. Not as weird as them but still has that weird trans look to her.
Her fans are always so over the top with their sympathy and kiss ass comments towards her. She seriously has the cringiest fan base ever. Like in her “I was wrong video” yeah it’s good to show humility but they acted like she was soo virtuous for that. It’s like uh tons of skeptic and anti sjw youtubers and other youtubers in general have made vids like that, calm the F down with your kiss assery.
No. 532350
>>530568What’s weird is Joey implying he’s not gay because he’s into hot girls and Blaire LOOKS like a “hot girl”. I feel like it wouldn’t be that easy for a real straight guy, like “oh he looks like a hot girl so that’s fine”. A real straight guy wouldn’t want to date a biological man who used to have a penis or a “woman with a penis” no matter how hot they looked. And Blaire’s not hot enough to go gay over. So he’s def gay.
Also why do men who date trans always say the main reason they date their trans “gf” is because she’s hot. You notice men who date hot biological women would never say that? They name personality characteristics (she’s a good person etc.) not physical ones. Whenever a guy tries to date me only because he finds me physically attractive I am immediately put off. But for trans I guess that’s a compliment and they like it? Kind of sad.
No. 543345
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Why do gay men and trannies always post “lol I’m pregnant xD” on social media? Like ”hurr get it? I don’t have a womb lol look how funny I am!1”
No. 543429
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It happened lol
No. 543450
File: 1522610492586.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1242x1840, C3270E6C-DD01-40B0-B72E-FBD2C0…)

>>543446There’s a paparazzi photo with Blaire in the background.
But it could be really skilled photoshop, who knows.
No. 543892
>>543778Yeah it’s ok to be gay or bi these days so
Idk why he insists so much that he isn’t. Pretends to be disgusted at Blaire’s boy pics. Maybe men who date trans do this because they know trans would like to think their men are straight, and would be put off if they find out their bf is gay or bi (since the trans likes to think they’re a real woman, who attract straight men not bi ones).
I think the act of dating a trans is more gay than just saying you’re gay (if that makes sense), so why not just admit you’re gay or bi when the act of dating a trans is more gay or by than just having the label. So ridiculous. Homophobic in a way.
No. 556109
File: 1523796655148.png (2.04 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_20180415-143744.png)

Not sure if this had been posted before, but he looks like a legit bodybuilder in this video. Always nice to see candids lol No. 556160
File: 1523803555946.png (137.46 KB, 540x960, tweet-about-blaire-whites-heig…)

>>556145That's midget-tier for a man.
No. 556218
>>556160>5'5/165cm doubt tbh>>556109Nikkietutorials-tier
>>546011>She looks even more manly when caught off guardyeah and low foreheads really does not help.
>>543450Eden the doll is supposedly 173cm/5'8. They both wear heels that look to be the same height and somehow Eden just looks a little taller. Idk tho, they might look similar in height because Eden is standing further back and seems to be standing on something. Anyways it reminds me of Gigi who says her shoe size is 6.5/EU 37, which is one size smaller than me and I'm a 175cm female lmao.
Both Gigi and Eden must lie about their weight, so I bet that Blaire lies about her height.
Also can we take a moment to see the tan difference between Blaire's face and legs?
No. 556229
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>>556218For context, Maddox (center right) is 6’2” and Rucka (far right) is 5’6”. Blaire is clearly shorter than Rucka, so a confirmed munchkin.
No. 565431
>>557727I mostly meant munchkin for a male. But I’m 5’10” so either gender is a munchkin compared to me at 5’5”, sorry if that offends your little-person feels D:
Anyway Blaire decided to live as a man for a day. Kind of looks like a lesbian rather than a man in all honesty.
No. 565465
File: 1524684754950.jpg (97.48 KB, 875x549, ladybrainz.jpg)

>>565431Ah, yes, pumping gas. Only something the most manly brains can achieve. As a single female and car owner, I feel more and more masculine every time I pump gas.
No. 565699
>>565440Yeah I think Blaire passes as a woman but a masculine bodied broad shouldered bodied big faced woman. The fake tits and square hip padding doesn’t help. When I first saw her channel I thought she was a woman with a super long face and male upper body (this was before her fake boobs). So I agree, she passes but very awkwardly.
I’m not subbed to her anymore but did her content switch from anti-sjw, or as she calls it “political content” (kek), to lifestyle content? Someone mentioned that once she got her surgeries from milking money from her anti-sjw incel fans that she would stop pretending to care about “politics”, they were so right.
No. 565802
File: 1524707117668.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1242x2055, EF9CE9BA-8E11-4805-AD1F-FF2972…)

>>565723You’d have to be way stupid to believe bio women would ever be jealous of a tranny, which unfortunately a lot of people are.
But if you go on /tttt/ all the transbians there have a raging hateboner for Blaire and it’s pretty clear it’s out of jealousy.
If she filled in her eyebrows, wiped off the foundation, and found a short wig rather than stuffing her hair in a beanie then maybe she could pass for a 15-year-old boy, but not a 24-year-old man. So for the most part the transition was successful.
Anyway sage for sounding like a whiteknight.
No. 565849
File: 1524710550347.png (523.04 KB, 558x834, 918376578483931.png)

>>565711It's not just you. Blaire looks especially masculine or drag queenish in any videos that she doesn't film/set up herself. She's honestly one of the least convincing trannies out there, especially with the exaggerated blow-up titty and overdrawn lip look. That's why she looks more natural in her dressed-down "boy" getup.
No. 566064
>>565431This video seriously disgusted me the way he acts in it is fucking gross, typical men fetishize women and oversexualizing them to a level of obscenity.
>Walking like a autistic flamingo>talking with latent valley girl accent>covering face being over obsessive over every little superficial thing>flipping hair x10>acting stupid as if no women have never heard of nor drove a car in their livesThey have an image of what femininity is and dial it up x10 to just look like over inflated caricatures of real women. Because pumping gas and eating jerky is so manly.
No. 566079
>>565431To be fair, Blaires boyfriend seemed to be the one who picked the "Manly things".
Not saying it's right but she even seemed to think the whole thing was ridiculous
No. 566093
File: 1524735968928.gif (11.52 MB, 818x564, le real woman.gif)

wow, what a woman!
definitely passes, yup
No. 566095
File: 1524736556572.gif (9.91 MB, 800x518, le real woman2.gif)

>>566093this naturally womanly lady is definitely not a flaming gay man
No. 567086
>>565431Hmm! I wonder if Rob posted this just to hear his fanboys say “wow a true woman so feminine and bad at being a man XD”
Really not obvious at all.
No. 567206
>>567080Autistic screeching over pronoun usage is annoying from both sides of the spectrum.
I just say she because it’s less confusing. Blaire passes great for female so I feel like I’d be going out of my way to say he, and I’m too lazy. You’re free to say he yourself but don’t shit up the thread because others’ free speech offends you.
No. 567420
>>567206Agree, it’s annoying from both sides. I don’t think it’s confusing to call or hear Blaire be called a he but I just say she because I don’t mind using people’s prefferred pronouns. I will say I don’t really understand the “it’s going out of the way” argument ppl and Blaire use. Like for me
it would be easy to call a trans their preferred pronoun even if they don’t pass (and to me Blaire passes but not super well and I still got her a she), it really doesn’t take that much effort the way ppl make it seem.
But anyway I know and think Blaire is a man, I don’t see her as a woman, I think men who like trans are bi, I just don’t mind using the correct pronouns.
But I also see the other side and can see why ppl call her a ‘he’ (she is a man after all that just dresses like a woman and has fake tits) so I agree that it’s also annoying when ppl are like “it’s she!!!!”.
No. 567591
>>566331Anterior pelvic tilt can affect anyone and is not specific to gay men. Lack of exercise, large amounts of time spent slouched over a computer and poor posture all contribute to its development, behaviours not exclusive to either sex.
On the flip side, anterior pelvic tilt is also frequently found in female gymnasts and dancers, who are far from inactive couch potatoes. This is in part down to the more pronounced curvature in the female lumbar spine (lordosis), in part due to women generally having a greater tendency towards joint hypermobility, and also in part because of the muscle conditioning from their training that strengthen the hip flexors.
>>566095Now THAT is what you call mincing. Women's hips sway because of the wider set femurs and shallower angle, whic Blare will not have as a biological male.
No. 568622
>>565802Couldn’t agree more with you that a lot of people are stupid, since so many believe a biological woman could possibly be jealous of a tranny. About the transbians being jealous, yeah I could see that, transgenders are probably jealous of other trannies all the time. Even Blaire since she blocks them from following her bf.
I think men just like to say women who make fun of men who are into trans, are just jealous as a defense mechanism. They can’t handle the fact that a woman is actually disgusted and turned off by that fact so they would rather believe they are jealous as opposed to just turned off by the guy. Since a lot of women would not want to date a man who has dated trans women before, straight women want a straight man.
No. 569688
>>568622Yeah, pretending women are jealous when you couldn’t get one to date you no matter how hard you tried so you had to date a man is funny but sad almost kek
>>568625Yup, they also say that dominating another man (trans) is the straightest and most alpha thing you can do, unironically.
Side note Robbie and his bf are so degenerate, I really feel like he is only a glorified crossdresser. They are both so into the fact that he has a dick which doesn’t scream dysphoria to me.
No. 569717
>>569688Oh my gosh I’ve seen men say that in her comments to try to rationalize that they are “straight”. That “having sex with a smaller man and dominating him is alpha so it’s straight”. And that comment had hundreds of upvotes. Yikes.
Yeah when those nerdy ugly fan boys of Blaire call girls who disagree w Blaire jealous and ugly, it’s so ironic because I bet those girls that they put down would never even date those guys in real life if the guys asked them.
So the question is do they really think they’re jealous or are they just salty at women cuz they can’t get one. So white knighting a tranny makes them feel better cuz trannies don’t remind them of real women who turn them down.
No. 572175
>>571836I highly doubt she is bitter, Blaire is not even that hot at all and is a man to boot. I don’t think that person is old either I think she is just saying most trans women don’t look good after 30-35.
Tell me, are u one of those nerdy men who can’t get real women, who pretend that women are jealous of trannies to make themselves feel better, or are u one of those average looking women who thinks Blaire is hot for a woman because they themselves are ugly for a woman?
No one is bitter or jealous of trannies, ppl like u are as delusional as trannies.
No. 572177
>>572175Yep, that person is either a tranny, a guy who can’t get a hot girl so he has no choice but to turn to trannies, a tranny chaser, or an average looking female Blaire fan.
I noticed hot women who are fans of Blaire simply compliment Blaire but never say she’s hotter than real women or call others who disagree with them ugly and jealous. It’s ironically the ugly men and women who say that, hmm interesting…
No. 572421
>>571834They knew her pesonally, I think they would know if that she hated them, not pitied them. Why would she try to be a woman if she pitied them? That makes no sense. and she has admitted on stream that before she fully transitioned she did hate on real women out of jealousy.
And Yeah because Blaire’s broad shouldered man body with fake tits is so much more normal looking than a real woman’s, who actually have curves/look naturally feminine with no surgeries/paddings or appearance tricks. An “axe wound” (vagina) is much better than a hormone induced, plastic surgery-d up man with a tiny shriveled up dick that can’t even get fully erect anymore due to hormones. That is just creepy and gross.
No. 572650
File: 1525355854506.png (300.53 KB, 822x468, bout to strangle a hoe like a …)

>>566095his hands are G I G A N T I C
No. 572651
>>565849itty, bitty
blaire has a nose like,
missy piggy.
No. 573547
File: 1525441491513.jpeg (Spoiler Image,99.22 KB, 620x1102, 987BC264-52A9-4E92-BE6A-7F2115…)

I saw this and couldn’t help but think about how this is what Blaire’s probably going to look like at 60
Bad fake tits, fridge bod, blowup doll lips. Just photoshop a spray tan and black hair on this thing and you’ve got grandpa Blaire
No. 573925
>>573904Yeah women have a natural feminine walk to them but Blaire is forcing it (as men don’t have hip structures the same as women) so it just looks ridiculous. Blaire probably comes off like a caricature because natural womanly ways don’t come off natural for him so everything is forced or with a conscious effort.
TERFS actually make more sense than feminists do about trans. I don’t get how feminists are ok with trans because trans try to represent the type of femininity that feminists are fighting against. So it’s contradictory to the movement. TERFS actually don’t contradict in that sense. Not a feminist or terf by the way, but the way trans women act/the woman they strive to be (and fail at as they just come off as flamboyant as opposed to hyper feminine) is totally contradictory and hyproctial for feminists to represent. Atleast TERFS are in line with the principles of their own movement, I’ll give them credit for that.
No. 584093
Blaire fans are so annoying. They all say the same unconvincing come backs over and over. If u read far back up, u didn’t notice other Blaire fans have already said what u just did?
>>583577 “Even Blaire knows Blaire isn’t a woman” ok and? So he agrees with me, is that supposed to make me change my mind? Why do all Blaire fans say this. Yes we know Blaire says he’s not a real woman and i agree. He still wants to be called one and seen as one even though he knows he’s not one. I don’t care if he has dysphoria, or if he tries to look like one (and fails). Take that lame argument somewhere else.
Blaire always makes fun of other trannies for not passing (even though he doesn’t either to anyone with common sense) he doesn’t care about their disphoria does he? (And yes he still does it, what recent apology are u talking about?)
I hate when ppl say “but Blaire has disphoria!” they say it as if anyone cares. Ohh boo hoo. Do u or Blaire have such sympathy for ppl with other mental ill-nesses? Probably not, I already know Blaire doesn’t, seen him putting down other ones like anorexia.
Not gonna reply if u respond, cuz I know you’re just going to repeat some other unconvincing repetitive Blaire fan arguments. “Blaire’s not a woman but we should call ‘her’ one out of respect!!”.
No. 584130
>>584093Ugh yeah. They get so moralistic when it comes to “Blaire’s” dysphoria. Do they really give a fuck about it or any other mental illnesses for that matter? They don’t care when an ugly tranny has dysphoria (even though Blaire is kind of weird/ not good looking to me but her fans find her attractive). Blaire certainly doesn’t care if an ugly tranny has dysphoria. To her they should be called he and him if they don’t look the part. I have literally seen a comment that said “I don’t care about an ugly trannies dysphoria” on one of her latest vids that had quite a lot of likes.
I notice her fans have two conflicting arguments. “We should call Blaire a she cuz she has dysphoria! How terrible!” And “we should only call passable trans she for practicality reasons (like a previous anon
mentioned), if they look the part they’re a she, if they don’t too bad I’m calling them a he.”
Even the Blaire fan here did that. “We should call Blaire a woman cuz she has dysphoria!” And then “well we should call her a woman cuz she puts in a lot of effort and tries to be one!” . You know damn well they wouldn’t cry dysphoria with an uglier tranny lmao.
No. 584392
>>583581You are an idiot. Blaire thought a vagina was gross because she doesn’t want one. She’d rather have a penis. She didn’t mean it in the way that u meant. Why are trans allies so obsessed with thinking ppl who prefer to have the genitals that correspond with their sex, or ppl who want their partners to have genitals that correspond to their sex and gender, are genital obsessed/only care about genitals? I’m a woman and I prefer to have my vagina/am
not totally repulsed by it or by the idea of
having it. That does not mean I am obsessed or am in love with my genitals..what is wrong with you?
No. 584591
>>584093So if he can admit that it's a mental illness, doesn't shame straight men or gay women into dating him, and will only get annoyed whenever he's called a he what exactly is the fuss? So long as he's not hysterical about and isn't calling for anything to be written into law it's hard to give a fuck. She DID always make fun of some other cows for not passing but has apologized and reformed so that's not an issue either.
Now putting people down for having anorexia, THAT is fucked up. Let's talk about that instead.
No. 584654
>>584591Why did u switch from calling him a he then later you call him a she in the same
post? Just call him a she if that’s what you’re more comfortable with. I also don’t get why you’re calling him a he while defending using his preferred pronouns. Typical Blaire fan with no sense.
No. 584667
>>584591Blaire actually hates when ppl use the reasoning that you do, about calling him a she. If you’ve seen the Shapiro debate he mentions not liking it and on a live stream he really bitched about it. He wants to be called a she because he
thinks that he “passes” and thinks other trannies who don’t pass should be called a he. It’s about practicality not about feelings or respect to Blaire. So to Blaire if a tranny doesn’t pass they can be “misgendered” regardless if those other trannies are forcing ppl to call them a she or not. So he doesn’t care about non passing trannies dysphoria. And he basically doesn’t care if other trannies get misgendered if they don’t pass.
No. 584750
>>582114People literally like them BECAUSE they are gross and no one else wants them, they also satisfy the degeneracy
That or they are dating them for sjw points
No. 586811
>>584369I never knew about the Black man thing but if that's true, how fucking petty. It's either gay for all or not gay for all, you don't get to pick and choose lol Though I agree with you, it's bi.
The thing I get annoyed of is the fans trying to justify their "straightness" to Blaire because "Lol traps aren't gay" or "Blaire is a woman" (but then denounce Riley as one and I don't even like Riley so I mean lol). Her WK fan are just idiotic and delusional. Because the truth of the matter is no heterosexual guy would ever go for a transwoman no matter how good she passed. I mean fine, it's one thing if the transwoman is post-op but Pre-Op and it's pushing it. You're just trying to justify your penis craving and sorry but heterosexual men don't do that. Accept it and move on.
No. 586989
>>586839According to the video, he says he's only ever dated women. Women taller than he was and then they had to reiterate that Blaire is only 5'5". lol
>>586877Yep. I mean it's 2018, it's not a big deal if you're gay or bi lol just stop mincing words because you can't handle the fact that you're not as heterosexual as you think you are.
>>586884This is also true. I remember coming across a guy from my high school who I thought was straight as he had a girlfriend but then one day I see him on a gay hookup app lol So yeah, just because one dates a girl doesn't mean he's automatically straight.
No. 587085
>>587063Yeah the word is "Gynephile", an attraction for Femininity while "Androphile" is the opposite meaning attraction for masculinity so I mean, I suppose that could be but it definitely sides on the LGB side of things for sure.
>>587076Yeah I've noticed this as well. "No gay man would go for a traswoman" or "Gay men only like masculine men" and it's like no dude, gay men are attracted to men. It doesn't matter if the man is masculine or feminine. Yes it is true that more gay men are into Masculine guys but there are gay men who are attracted to feminine guys too. But of course they like to act like we feminine gay guys don't exist.
No. 587306
>>587291Yeah, because a teenager is totally responsible enough to make the decision to permanently fuck up their body. Teenz are notoriously great at decision making and there's no way they'd regret something like this later on! /s.
Go back to tumblr, retard.
No. 587805
>>587666Ageee, the new video they made, they were trying to act like they didn’t care or it didn’t matter what Joey was, but they were still clearly trying to convince everyone that it was more straight. It may not be gay or straight but it’s definitely more gay than straight. Blaire is a biological man, with a penis and some manly features after all.
The commenters were still using that ridiculous buck angel example. “Well a straight man wouldn’t fuck buck angel or any other trans man who had a vag, therefore liking trans women is straight!”. No, as a straight woman I wouldn’t date buck angel or a trans man either! Real straight men and women just don’t like trannies in general.
No. 587983
>>587805Exactly. It's just like I said in my other post how Blaire oh so conveniently left out feminine Cis men as if they aren't a thing. I don't like the Buck Angel analogy because obviously a hetero man would not go for someone like him. But try posting one of those "Fakebois" on there and see what they think. I'm talking about those trenders who try to look like anime femboys but still look like women. Or hyper feminine gay/bi guys who crossdress and doll themselves up to look like women despite being comfortable being male.
A good example of this and forgive the weebness but the character Bridget from the video game Guilty Gear. There's a meme that goes around this character called "Everybody is gay for Bridget" and some of the comments "straight" guys make to justify this male character is some of the funniest shit ever lol
And you're right that at the end of the day, a real Heterosexual cis person would not date or fuck a trans person no matter how much they passed.
>>587810Hm I didn't notice that. I thought she was getting mad because he was talking about dating cis-women, I'll have to re-watch haha.
No. 588156
>>588055Yeah, it's because they're trying to lowkey say "Oh well Buck Angel has a vagina and is still a female so that would mean I'd want to have sex with him" when it's like, obviously you wouldn't but how is having desire to have sex with a hyper feminine guy with a penis justify you're "straightness" when it's a scientific fact that natural women don't have penises? The mental gymnastics is just astounding.
And I'm familar with these tranny chasers going after ultra femme gay men. I'm not a hyper femme gay man but I am pretty fem and anytime I open up Grindr, I'm bombarded with "Straight" men who think I'm trans and when I tell them I'm not, they still try to get at me and in the back of my head, I know these guys are full of shit because no hetero guy would be on a Gay hookup app, stop lying to yourself and accept you're not heterosexual.
As for Joey, I think you may be right. I remember in another blog they talked about his work in LA and he worked with a lot of Drag Queens and I'm pretty sure that was his gateway to being curious about femme men and even more, Transwomen to justify his penis fetish. They don't talk about their sex life but I'm willing to bet she rails him every now and then.
Because this also takes me back to one of her old streams I caught where she answered a superchat that asked her if she'd ever get SRS. Man I wish I could remember exactly what she said but the gist of it was that she didn't see the need to remove it due to the complications that can possibly happen plus the annoying aftercare (which fair enough I guess) but then I remember she got another question about tranny-chasers/trans-attracted men and she said that if pre-op transwomen didn't have their junk, there would be no reason for a guy to go for them as opposed to a normal, natural cis-woman or something like that. It was a long time ago back in 2017. Maybe someone else here may have caught the stream as well.
>>566095Uhhhh this is why Blanchard was right all along and everyone gets so mad about him for being stating the obvious before it become a trend.
Blaire is a gay man who overly identifies as "feminine". Its like drag queen taken to an extreme (pathological). Thats it. These guys are way more convincing as trans compared to AGP trans though. It also explains why AGP's are so mad at Blaire.
Speaking objectively, the average homosexual m2f trans is way more convincing than the average m2f AGP "trans lesbian". Both are men, but at least the former… sort of makes sense. A drag queen that let the persona get to his head. AGP's like Contrapoints are just straight up narcissists and wouldn't even be able to pull off the sassy gay character the homosexual M2F's do and their "femininity" is enforced by way more pathetic view of what makes a woman
No. 598418
>>598382His transness has more to do with him being a horrible person than you'd like to admit kek.
Anyways, go bitch about the alt-right bs on tumblr.
No. 600646
>>600524LOL Oh dear. Yeah, Contra was obviously parodying Blaire White, Dave Rubin, and Riley Dennis lol
Though yeah, I kek'd at the "girl dick" comment. Like bitch, sorry but there's no such thing as a "girl dick" or "Female penis". A penis is a male organ. Deal with it.
No. 601432
>>600524>tiffany tumbles touching her hair every 10 secondslol
yeah he's definitely throwing some shade towards blaire
No. 603837
>>603191I'm sorry but… No. Blaire destroyed Contra in their last debate. I know some people may not like Blaire but you'd have to be an idiot if you think Contra won this
>>603209 debate.
No. 603979
>>603837Even just having Contra claiming that a trans woman is a biological woman because they altered their biology with medication was enough to just dismiss her as an idiot.
I think Blaire panders to a certain kind of idiot online just to satisfy her craving for attention and that has negative repercussions as these idiots then feel validated, but she definitely gave reasons for what she was proposing, whereas Contra seemed to mostly base her opinions on delusion or simply thinking that if you hurt someone's feelings by pointing out the obvious, then you're wrong.
Having seen some of Contra's videos and her parody character of an alt-right sympathiser trans woman, I can't help but wonder whether he goes on and on about it because she still looks (and talks, in that debate) like a man in a wig.
No. 605543
>>603979Oh I'm sure there is truth to this. I feel like she panders to that crowd of tranny-fetishists. A good example was her "Is Joey Gay" video where she purposefully didn't ask him about whether he actually found Drag Queens or hyper feminine men attractive (She only used the masculine man angle in her "Gay" angle). So yeah, she's a sneaky snake she is but at least she is not delusional and she's one of the few trans people on YouTube who accepts their reality and that's something I will give her credit for.
And yeah, Contra will forever look like a man in a wig, there's nothing feminine about her face or body at all. The only thing I'll give her is she has a nice sense of fashion and is a step up above Blaire's slut-chic style but that's about it.
>>604797Sure but at least she never said that transwomen are the same as bioloogical woman and that "Transwomen are real women".
No. 613155
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Eden and Blaire…..2 gay men. lol It’s like a get them before they get me mentality because they know most people are thinking this. They joke about being 2 gay men but yet still check female on forms. Bonkers.
No. 615411
>>613155Eden saying that is especially weird, since she made a video crying about buzzfeed asking her questions about periods. Eden is one of those transgenders who is SUPER sensitive about that kind of stuff. If someone else called her a gay man she would cry.
The thumbnail with Blair on Edens new video…her implants look gross, you can see the outline of the implant and it’s lumpy. This is why men shouldn’t get implants, there is not enough previous breast fat to cover the outline of the silicone.
No. 626845
>>613155Eden is generally much more passing than Blaire, who is basically a caricature of what gay men think women are but without the makeup skills (her eyebrows alone
trigger me something chronic). Also, fucking kek her engagement to her totally not gay beefcake. Why the fuck does someone think that she is worth making a documentary about? It’s not like there’s a shortage of infinitely more interesting trans people out there.
No. 626867
>>604797>>626852To be fair the complications and results of bottom surgery are outright horrible and definitely not worth the time, money and risk. But don't get me wrong, I completely think he's just a misogynistic gay man who wants to date straight men, not a woman. And that's why he acts like a drag queen/a gay man even after transitioning. I just believe he has some amount of self-awareness to not be delusional enough to dig a rotting, hairball-growing open wound in the place of his dick.
>>626854It's not. Most of them who go the full 10 miles like Robbie/Blaire did, transforming into a bimbo blow-up doll come crashing down once they start aging. They might feel euphoria of finally "being who they really are" but there's a high risk of the illusion dissolving. That's another reason why I believe Blaire still isn't too far gone as he hasn't gotten bottom surgery. He can still go back. It often isn't until they get bottom surgery that they finally realize what they've done to themselves.
No. 628117
>>626845I think the problem with trans people like them when it comes to makeup is that they do things that Drag Queens do. Drag makeup is fine for drag but for day to day wear, it can look pretty unorthodox. I don't think Blaire's makeup is completely bad. I think she shoots for the minimal look and I think that it works for her except when she puts that white liner under her eye, it just doesn't look good ay all and she'd be better off without it.
>>626850Sadly I can kinda see that. I think the problem with some trans people in terms of how they try to present is that again, they talk like drag queens. I don't know very many women who talk like Drag Queens unless they are fans of RuPaul's Drag Race but aside from that, the average woman doesn't act like that. It's not even about "Women need to be a certain way" but it's just something I have noticed.
>>626852It's not so much the drag queen thing, it was just how she was going about things. Like how she's never pumped gas. I was shocked she never done that before considering she lives in southern California where it's kinda useful to have a car and she doesn't strike me as someone who would've taken the bus but hey, maybe she was just being driven around by friends and boyfriends so never mind. I just was slightly rolling my eyes at that because I've seen plenty of women pumping gas. Also the walk thing. I seriously hope that was a joke because no woman walks like that lol
i dunno, the whole video was kinda lacking, especially because she wore her fake nails. Who does that for an experiment like that?
As for the sex change thing, I can understand why some transwomen don't get sexual reassignment surgeries. I've heard that there can be complications that arise from it and the aftercare for it is just not the business (I aw a chart of how to properly care for it and it's insane lol).
>>626854Yeah, I hear it's called the "uncanny valley" look. But maybe she only looks that way on Camera and looks more natural offline?
>>626867I think Blaire looks fine right now. A little uncanny but not like Gigi Gorgeous levels of fakery (Yes, live and let live but Gigi looks like a plastic synthetic doll and I have a feeling she's going to age like milk). I seriously hope Blaire doesn't get any more work done because she doesn't need it and any more tampering is just not going to bode well and age and may cause her a huge amount of distress.
>>627246That's because Transwomen still have the body of a man and men unless they have something like Klinefelter syndrome, they are not going to have the natural curves of that of a female unless you get some really big invasive surgery. Blaire was a very thin dude as a guy and most likely had a straight body shape as thin guys tend to have.
She's recently put on some weight from the hormones but hormones don't change your body shape (giving you the hourglass figure). So she wears a lot of shape-wear. I'm pretty sure during the early stages of her transition, she followed tutorials by drag queens. The only reason I think this is because of how she used to fake having boobs before she got her implants. The technique she used is something that I've only seen Drag Queens do so I'm convinced that's where she got her baseline in trying to learn how to do makeup which goes fine for drag but not for an every day woman look.
>>627269Another interesting observation and I think you may have a point as I've seen this kind of fawning as well. Sayings like "Slay" and "Goals" and all those other dumb phrases. It's true that if Blaire and Eden were biological women acting the way they do, they'd be thought of as conceited bitches (you know like Nicole Arbour) but because they're transwomen, it's seen as "witty".
This is why I never gave gay men a free pass when they act obnoxious and rude but mask it as "sassy" or "real". Like no dude, you're just being a bitch and the only people who will like that are other bitches lol
No. 628560
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>>628506It’s not so much outdated as it is cheap and tacky. She is short and tubby and wears clothes that accentuate how corpulent and stumpy she is. She must have caused a tear in the space/time continuum because her eyebrows are stuck 1998, and with the Cheeto tan, broke wig and gross plastic tittyballs she is well on her way to cementing her status as the second coming of Big Ange.
No. 631067
>>628302Yeah same. I mean when I first discovered Blaire back in 2015, I did think they were real until I started paying attention and noticing that she was just using the push-up bra/makeup contouring trick.
>>628506Seems like it. But I mean as someone who dresses pretty "out of date" as well, I won't begrudge her too much on her fashion choices though she could do better. Her style just makes me think of a street walker to be honest.. I think it's called "Slut Chique"?
>>628560She doesn't wear a wig from what I remember? I think she wears extensions and last I checked, didn't she dye her hair black?
>>628836Facially she looked better but her body looked like she was barrel chested because she couldn't bind her breasts lol
>>628839Oh god no lol Sorry, I hate when people say "YAAAASS QUEEN", so obnoxious lol And yeah, you're probably right because what average woman says that except for Drag Queens and Transwomen? It's like one in the same syndrome when you take notice of that because I've never been seen a woman say something like that when they were around their gay friends.
>>630754Pre-Transition, Blaire always had luck of the draw looks in my opinion. Sometimes she looked pretty and passing, other times she looked more rough around the edges. Post-Transition, she looks… Fine? It's just that I stare at her nose a lot, I feel like she got it done too narrow. That or the makeup contour she does for it, something just looks a bit off.
No. 631165
>>631069Haha I hate “yaaas Queen” too. Yeah I don’t see any women doing that as much or at all on any other biological female youtuber’s channel.
When I first found Blaire I thought she was a biological woman but a weird acting and looking one. Her head and body had more masculine proportions although she was skinny, but I didn’t think she was a man because i know a woman like that in real life, with more male proportions. Her voice really stood out as super weird to me too. Then I found out she was trans and all the weirdness of the looks and voice made sense. I was never a fan of Blaire’s looks, her looks are beyond overrated which I assume is because she’s trans, but I think she looked better back then. She looked more masculine and male-Ish then but better than now atleast.
No. 634125
Well this was interesting…
>I’m not wearing any makeup except for eyebrow pencil because the internet loves to drag me about my eyebrowskek, we do
No. 634230
>>634217Yeah, she's clearly wearing makeup, just not as overdone and more subtle, minimal. So yeah, was not buying that.
That said, it's always weird hearing her talk about this kinda stuff because she goes on and on about how "they're so fake" but yet she comes across as shady herself. And the thing that always kinda lowkey annoys me with her sometimes is how she tries to paint everyone else as "fake" while she's the only "Real" one. It's even more ironic how she says ShoeOnHead is "real" when she's known for deleting tweets and blocking people who call her out on stuff (Magdalen Berns being one that comes to mind). It's clear the only reason she thinks she is is because she kisses her ass like she does most trans people on YouTube who are young and have a following.
Anyway, Blaire also did the same thing with the trans thing. "I'm the only sane, Conservative trans person on YouTube" was one thing I remembered her saying quite a bit back then. I'm not sure if she says this anymore and if she doesn't, than fair enough but that's something that always stuck out to me back then.
And now she's going on about how everyone she meets in LA is fake and it grosses her out because she's "real". Yeah sure. I think that's the thing that always bugged me with her. Like the pronouns thing, I call BS on that. You can tell that she doesn't like being addressed with male pronouns. If she really didn't care, she wouldn't have brought up during the Candace Owens cat-fight (as trainwreck as it was) and just continued rolling with it. And watching her debate with Ben Shapiro and noticing her eyes every time he addressed her as "he" and "his", you could tell she was secretly not happy with that.
I dunno, that livestream was hard and uncomfortable to watch. I want to believe she's being sincere because when she did talk about how she was such an angry, depressed person back in her early years, it kinda made sense but I dunno, something just feels… Off. The only thing I'd ever give her is that she's not alt-right and anyone who thinks she is is kinda dim. But the rest, questionable.
No. 634239
>>634230Yeah, I’m conflicted about this. I don’t hate Blaire, even though I’m opposed to her more conservative views. I think she can be shady (as can most people, especially when it comes to online personalities) but I don’t think she’s an inherent cunt. I like that she’s showing a more vulnerable side here but I do think she comes across as
disingenuous at times. Moves to LA, the perceived pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for many people in the entertainment industry and arguably the Mecca for fakeness yet was surprised when she met people who were actors/fake? Gurl. All that aside, if she is sincere about not wanting to be cunt (and I mean legit not wanting to be a cunt as opposed to not wanting
people to think she’s a cunt and call her out for it) then good for her. She says she’s worried that her friendship with people like Jaclyn Glenn reflects badly on them; I think it reflects just as badly on her to be associated with idiot narcs like Jaclyn and Shoeonbaldhead.
No. 634348
When she says she lost respect for people she used to like… she referring to Andy Warski, Dave Rubin, or who? What went down with them? I know I don't see her doing collabs with people from the "skeptic" community anymore.
>>634239ShoeOnBaldhead……..stopppp lmao.
No. 634411
It's really annoying to see this thread get bumped every day when he's produced no new milk. It's always someone nitpicking his appearance or irrelevant shit like
>>634348 , never anything remotely interesting.
No. 634654
I found it at 10 minutes for prime self sucking
there were some valid things but some of the things in here were made to look like it had good intentions when it did not
hope you guys can get some good timestamps
No. 634752
>>634654>>634552Lurk moar, it was already posted
>>634125 (hence why the thread was bumped) and was the milk being discussed until you autists decided to derail the conversation
>>634348I would put money on Warski being one of the people she is alluding to. I think he is a garden variety liberal who likes being ~controversial~ and as much as Blaire has said she doesn’t want to name names or cause drama (kek, good one) I think she’ll end up spilling. She did also say in her stream that “if you have to ask…” so that pretty much confirms that anyone who was mentioned in the chat that she didn’t explicitly state was “real” is who she is referring to.
No. 636907
>>634230Basically anyone willing to be her friend is “real” and youtubers who don’t like her in LA or who don’t want to hang out with her aren’t “real”. That’s convenient…
She’s not very real herself. She unfollowed some of the anti sjw and right wing youtubers that she used to be cool with,
out of nowhere, as soon as she surpassed them in subscribers and couldn’t social climb off of them anymore.
No. 639672
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this milk's not exactly fresh but no one's mentioned it here yet
No. 639937
>>639672ummm is his nip blurred out wtf lmao
also nice sparkly makeup on those bolt ons, who the fuck does that? jesus
No. 639960
>Also, fucking kek her engagement to her totally not gay beefcake. It was mentioned a couple of weeks ago
>>639672 but got buried amongst all the other nonsense.
In Blaire’s “is my boyfriend gay?” video Joey talks about having a crush on a “girl” when he was a kid and she actually turned out to be a he, so make of that what you will.
No. 641376
>>636907It's because she's kind of an opportunist herself. It's just laughable that she seriously believes she's 100% real and has clearly never been disingenuous in her entirety of her YouTube "career".
>>637979Yeah I can see that happening honestly. She tried to roll as the right-wing conservative intellectual tranny who was not like the other trans people but when she got the audience that she used for Patreon and SuperChat bucks to pay for her FFS, she saw how most people don't like her outside of the conservative, centrist, and alt-right sphere and how most people in LA don't want anything to do with her because they don't see eye to eye with her views.
No. 641378
>>639831Nah, he's just a bisexual in denial, especially when Blaire made it clear she's never getting the snip-invert operation. And I remember back in an older livestream she did where she said that had she (transwomen) not have their penises, men would not really want to be with them and Joey just screams this kind of person. Wants to stay in his "straightness" but yet likes to suck and take dick (I'm sorry, he just seems like a bottom lol). But "It's not gay if the person looks like a woman guys" lol.
>>639909Nah she has stated a few times in livestreams that she would never get SRS.
>>639960Yep remember that. And don't you find it ironic how when she was asking him if he'd ever go for a man to which he obviously said he wouldn't (because he was thinking masculine men), she didn't elaborate and say "Okay, what about a very feminine, androgynous guy who may crossdress?" I think we know the answer to that lol
No. 644923
>>644921ops *weak and deformed creature, created by nature.
My bad
No. 644943
>>644921Actually, straight men love pussy. So nope not everyone finds them disgusting. And only trannies and tranny chasers find trans women superior to real women. Literally no one else does lol. Like it or not THAT’S the
No. 644981
>>644921You do realise that the reason Freud came up with all these stupid theories was because he couldn't believe that so many women were being sexually assaulted and raped by family members and men they knew? He assumed they had penis envy or something and came up with a lot of nonsense theories to explain away what they said.
Women literally grow other people inside them. Men are the deformed ones that can't do this. The Y chromosome is a malformed X.
No. 644983
>>644921What’s up with incels and trannies always claiming that “even women find vaginas disgusting”? That’s some next level wishful thinking. I would love to know which woman is “disgusted” by female genitalia.
Fuck off with your weak bait.
No. 645251
>>644436Yeah I have to agree. I think this is the case with most trans-women because I remember seeing photos of other Trans youtubers like Ella Grant at Vidcon. In videos she passes extremely well but as soon as I saw those candid pics of her at Vidcon, she definitely looks more masculine in person just like Blaire.
I guess it's true what they say, natural daylight is a trans-woman's worst nightmare because they have no control of how the light hits them when they're out and about.
No. 645502
>>644983Saying "incels and trannies" is a bit redundant at this point. The majority of trannies
are incels.
>>645251That guy looked like bruce jenner. How can a teenager look so old and busted?
No. 649835
>>649825>it's still natural, but it makes a difference~blaire on plastic surgery for her nose
No. 649894
>>645826Nah, it's actually because estrogen-horse piss cocktail they pump into trannies ages them rapidly. Most men are shit about skincare too, which makes it even worse.
>>649835More delusion. Literally nothing about his nose looks natural
No. 650793
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Why does Blaire look like this fail princess Leia tattoo?
No. 659349
>>658948They needed to use a less masculine / more normal looking woman than Jaclyn for this experiment. If they would have used any other girl ppl would know Blaire was the man. Of course with using Jaclyn ppl would get confused over which one is the guy. I think Jaclyn isn’t showing cleavage either to sway the vote more towards Blaire’s favor. She always shows cleavage but for this vid she’s wearing a t-shirt? She’s such a
No. 660825
>>659349this, that's what I was thinking too. It was funny the first two girls clocked her and she was upset. Also when the one girl was like "look at her boob size, it's obviously her"
If they used any other girl, and had them showing skin equal to what blaire had it would have been a no brainer. I didn't like the fact they would lie and after a while and say "oh you're right" when they picked jaclyn. It was almost like she didn't want them to say "oh I see it now"
No. 662663
>>658948And Eden in the comments also wans to "steal" this idea…
Just further proof hat no tranny would ever care about the feelings of their female friends. Can't they imagine how hurtful it must be for them to be considered male, much more than if you're trans? Yet this is exactly what they want, to be "better" a real girl.
No. 662672
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>>658948o o f
I don't understand why any woman would do this, how fucking humiliating. Love yourself, Jaclyn.
No. 662798
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>>658948Are all the people picking Jaclyn blind?
No. 662804
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It also appears Blaire has taken inspiration from June and is now wearing buttpads. Unless June is the one who took inspiration from Blaire?
No. 662844
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>>662804Saged for ot, but I just wanted to write that dressing in only a (sports) bra to flaunt your fake tits should be a dead giveaway for not being a real woman, but then I noticed that the girls next to him are wearing the same…
Goes to show that dressing just a little bit more modest like Jaclyn here looks heaps better.
Also, I don't think anybody would truly mistake her for being trans and Robbie for 'cis', they just don't dare to say it to his face.
No. 662875
>>662844Actual underwear is a bit different than a tube top though. I've seen girls wear sports bras out before but they're usually exercising and wearing sports pants with it. Blaire looks like a girl who got too hot and took off her shirt. Though honestly, even if I couldn't tell from Blaire's face, if two girls asked me which one of them was trans and one was dressed up in underwear trying to be the center of attention and not really understanding how girl clothes actually works I'd immediately suspect them. Blaire as usual cherry picked things to go with an agenda and fit her preferred narrative.
Side note, who is this video for? It doesn't really fit her audience, and it feels like some stupid buzzfeed "trans girls blend in easier than you thought!" video that is totally faked. I do believe that Blaire is really trans and a girl but this video and her "living life as a boy for a day" video are just so weird. It's like now she has to try hard to show off her transness. Despite her, for example living most of her life as a boy, she's still going out and acting as if she were born a valley girl who's never seen a boy in her life and is trying to imitate what she's seen on tv. And in this video Blaire is randomly checking if she passes as cis as if she thinks that passing is all that matters. Sure her audience thinks passing is all that matters and sure, in order to prove she is a girl to these people she'd need to act as if she always acted this way her whole life (despite girls having, gasp, different personalities), but Blaire has shown that she kinda knows better. I almost feel like her audience is getting to her. Good riddance though, she pandering to those who hate her. It's like Latino people who love Trump and show up at rallies, like you know they'll appreciate your vote, but they'll also fuck you over when you're no longer useful
No. 662898
>>662804god blaire's body is a wreck
how do people look at that and think "yup, thats a woman"?
stick legs, barrel chest, and buttpads/implants right in the middle of """"her"""" ass, with the fakest looking DD implants around, that crotch bulge too kek.
if he wore normal clothes hed pass better but this is just embarrassing, how do you delude yourself into going out in public like this?
No. 662900
>>658948Fucking kek at the comments:
>Blaire is too perfect, that's how they know that she can't be real!>blatantly calling Jaclyn manly (because cis women don't have feelings…)But this one get's it correct:
>Damn its funny most of the girls immediately clocked Blaire, but the guys chose Jaclyn.>it's cos from a girl's perspective Jaclyn hasn't put as much effort in as Blaire (at least that's the way it looks). Both are super hot but Blaire has her knockers on full display, flaunting the body and gorgeous hair/ makeup so it looks like more over the top and I'd pick Blaire cos of that, not cos she actually looks remotely masculine. I can imagine guys picked Jaclyn cos they just go for the taller one haha>That's because Blair is hyper-feminized and men tend to pick up and like hyper-feminized features and assume Jaclyn is male by default… Women on the other hand instinctively register that as well and can discern Jaclyn as being a biological female.>I can definitely see guys picking Jaclyn just because she's tall. She's like 5' 9 or 5'10 and most women aren't that tall. Girls can kind of figure it out better generally.Surprise, surprise, most men think with their dick…
No. 663983
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why is he putting his dick out like this? lmfao.
No. 664103
>>663983Ew, i was just about to point that shit out too. So nasty. Blaire looks like a man irl and without photoshop. Even the most plain woman will still look more feminine beside him.
Anyone with a basic sense of anatomy can see that man body right away.
No. 664643
>>658948 >>664622
I always feel like such an asshole judging these experiment videos she does but it's so obvious she conveniently pulls little strings to make things turn out in her favor. Does anyone else find it ironic that Jacyln Glenn who's known for showing cleavage in most of her videos conveniently covered up for this video? I mean still, even covered up, Jacyln looks and sounds obviously "cis" than Blaire does. Blaire passes in poised photos and her videos (lighting) but out in the wild, her masculine features seem to be a bit more noticeable (fan meet up video).
But even then, the thing that gives Blaire away to me personally is how she talks. To me, she sounds like a reality tv character and she uses a lot of drag queen lingo ("Living!", "Tragic!") which I hardly if ever hear cis women say out in public that aren't gay venues. And oh man that obvious fake butt padding, I'm so glad I'm not the only one who noticed how ridiculous she looked. She has no weight or shape in her legs at all which only makes the fakery stand out exponentially lol.
>>664103Pretty much. Like if you were to pair her next to Magdalen Berns, Magdalen Berns would still read as female because even though she is more masculine in her personal style, her female features are still noticeable. But you know men would just say Blaire looks more female because she goes for that hyper-sexualized blow-up doll look lol.
No. 664728
>>664643Yeah she uses such gay guy or drag queen lingo, and that voice… it should be obvious with that alone let alone the legs not matching the hips and then not having a waist. Girls who have hips usually have a skinny waist, not no waist and big hips.. I’ve never seen that on a female.
I agree Jaclyn didn’t show cleavage this time on purpose. Jaclyn has admitted to feeling like shit about her looks in the past (feeling like shit about being too skinny, not having boobs) she clearly doesn’t feel the best about her looks so for her to partake in an experiment were ppl think she’s a man, the girl has no self respect to be ok with that if she already has image issues.