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No. 173919
Acacia Brinley Clark
- 19 years old
- "youtuber" (doesn't make videos anymore)
- originally got her "fame" from tumblr drama
- now suspected to be pregnant with 25 year old Jairus Kersey
- constantly buys pets only to rehome them after a year or so.
- claims to have "self harmed"
- claims to have anorexia
- stole boyfriend Jairus Kersey from her ex friend two weeks before friend was supposed to move in with Jairus.
Links: No. 173938
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I mean…. She claims eating disorder
No. 173940
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Is it me or do her legs look shooped in this picture???
No. 173941
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No. 173975
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Also, her faking self harm multiple times and all of the drama with 5SOS and Ben and the O2L boys before that…I'm surprised there wasn't a thread about her already, but I guess she isn't that different from your average attention seeking band whore. She makes my blood pressure rise nonetheless.
Oh, and this gem (1/2)
No. 174168
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Her dad, Rich Clark. Some people think he dad is a pedophile because of some stories people have told and his photography (pic related). Also use to threaten to sue/hurt/whatever else anyone who would bad mouth Acacia. This would include very young girls.
No. 174169
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Acacia is also a very well known liar, some examples include leading people to think she was dating some guy in the band 5 Seconds of Summer and then pic related. She tweeted that she and Harry from 1D made eye contact and that she was dancing around stupidly or something like that? IN reality she was on her phone the whole concert.
No. 174178
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>>174172She broke into a house so she could pretend she's friends with a band?
No. 174305
>>174300They were living in LA everything seemed peachy, they adopted two dogs and bought a puppy, she still had her naked cat at the time. Lease was up, they move to a house in Santa Clarita, get rid of the cat "there's no room for him except in the garage", then suddenly he moves back to Oregon and they weren't following each other anymore for a while. He deleted all of the photos of them together and her off his instagram. Then they quietly follow each other back, while she's still in Santa Clarita, she goes to Oregon to visit him (its where he's originally from), she decides to break her lease early in Santa Clarita and pack up to move to Oregon. He stays up there, she moves in and all of a sudden makes Pinterest boards about babies.
She hasn't said anything yet, but people suspect she's pregnant.
No. 174338
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>>174172I've never heard of this girl before but this is giving me the giggles…
>we only let really cool people see our test kitchen, so you should be psychedI don't think Taco Bell would send out a note that appears to have been hand written by a child.
No. 174347
>>174346She's already had music projects flop.
The girl group
Her "solo career"
No. 174543
>>174481I'm surprised how long they lasted considering she was underage the whole time and he was constantly being called a pedophile. Current boyfriend was called that too because she was only 17 when they got together. She turned 18 shortly after.
Jarface and acaca have matching tattoos they got not long after being together too.
A sun and a moon bc got
No. 174548
File: 1474075504044.jpg (595.88 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_2201.JPG)

Her hair looks so greasy and stringy today. Fried as hell too.
No. 174584
>>174548Her hair looks like actual hay here…
Also I hate the trend of drawing on freckles. It looks like you're trying to do creepy doll Halloween makeup.
No. 175086
>>174548Did this bitch drawn on black freckles? She looks like she was using ink and got it splattered on her face.
Also, I freckles aren't black. Source: Have natural freckles.
No. 175211
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Her fathers photography is.. questionable
No. 175215
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No. 175220
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No. 175221
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Racism pt. 2
No. 175236
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Sure jan
No. 175302
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iTunes was trying to save your ears.
No. 175702
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Age appropriate
No. 178654
File: 1475401210628.png (87.97 KB, 640x1136, IMG_2458.PNG) where her pets are now (excluding one she kept or so I'm assuming)
She makes it sound like this is a one time occurrence when really this is a usual thing for her. Her ex best friend even called her out for it once.
No. 180275
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Is this the next-generation Kiki?
No. 180308
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No. 180977
>>173919her face reminds me of miley cyrus's. not that they look alike, but their faces have that same kind of vague homeliness that never go with whatever style they're going for. it just looks so slightly off
sagin' for OT
No. 181065
>>181044I feel incredibly bad for the baby.
As sad, fucked up, and mean as this will sound, I sort of hope she miscarries. Not because I want her to suffer, but because I'd rather the child not suffer. And judging from her behavior with her past pets, and the fact that she's so immature with no realistic career.. the child is going to suffer. No way that Jairus sticks around much longer. He ALREADY tried to leave her..
Did she even graduate school or get her GED? Does anyone know?
No. 181076
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Wanted to see if her ex best friend said anything about acaca announcing she's pregnant. She didn't but I found this and it's pretty obvious it's about acacia, considering acacia had just made a statement (I believe around the same time) about giving her sphinx away because he has health problems she couldn't care for
No. 181406
>>181391They moved out of the apartment they were in for a year bc lease was up, move from LA to Santa Clarita, there for a few months at most (they apparently didn't even have a fridge that's how little time they spent in SC). He goes to Oregon, where he's from. They unfollowed each other on Twitter and ig. He deletes all of the photos of her off his ig. She chooses to keep theirs up. And about a week or so later they're back together cause her crazy ass went up to Oregon to follow him. It was clear they still weren't on great terms for a little because there were no photos of the two of them. Yet she would post selfies in Oregon. They still weren't following each other for a little, and then she came back to SC to break their lease and pack up all by herself, so she could move to Oregon… to be with him. I'm not sure if there are pictures of her on his ig again or not. But before the announcement there still wasn't anything on his instagram.
He also generally seems like he's not really interested in being a dad, but like he's trying to force everyone to believe he is
No. 183125
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It could just be me wanting to see a shoop flaw, but her arm looks off??? Anyone else?
No. 183132
>>183125I'm too distracted by her face… it looks scary here
But I see what you're saying about her arm. She might be wearing a bracelet or something underneath?
No. 183221
>>173920Her tumblr drama is realllllyyyy old. It dates back to 2010. First of all, she's not 19, she's 22-24. She's lied about her age since she was 16 and was first using tumblr in 2010, and has lied about her age claiming she's three or four years younger. Basically she gave someone a handjob in a movie theatre when she was claiming to be 12 (she was actually 15/16) and got enough loads of hate and people ganging up on her, she's remade about 7 different tumblrs and buys fake notes on her selfies to look popular.
She also was hated and slut shamed for being a rich, white attractive 'young' teen and her pictures were plastered all over swag pages in 2012.
She also threw herself at members of 5sos and got rejected by all of them. And she has a failed band called watercolours
No. 183249
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She's got an unfortunate figure to be honest. Flat chest, broad shoulders, too tall looks very garish and manly
No. 184050
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I only found out about this girl because of this thread and I'm in awe. That poor baby they're having.
Bonus: went on her twitter and she claims to have 'invented' that Trump meme that's been everywhere lately.
No. 184051
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>>184050Her 'original' tweet
No. 184516
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No. 184526
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~*mAkEuP gUru*~
No. 184531
>>184516that has to be a bad shoop
No. 184534
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>>184531Straight from her twitter
No. 184719
>>184538Yeah. Besides, an imperfect child would ruin her perfect new family.
Or maybe she wants a kid born with complications cause it'll grab her more attention..
No. 185398
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Still trying to act like Taco Bell gives a shit about her…
No. 188042
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Mad bc she wants to be the cool pregnant Pinterest mom and no one is taking her serious lmao
No. 188061
>>188042Oooooooooh this grinds my gears. I am currently 8 weeks pregnant and getting sick all the time. It's not 24 hours but I suck it up and I gym and go to work.
But, I'm also an adult with a husband who didn't make shitty life choices to have a baby at 19 with a shitheel.
No. 188280
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I feel like she chose this makeup look to make herself look more tired and sickly so everyone will reply with"OMG cacia u look so tired r u okay??????"
No. 191768
>>190120I don't think she's ever discussed it, but I'd be willing to bet she has.
She also had a "non-surgical" nose job.
No. 194397
File: 1478426693849.png (118.59 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3009.PNG)

That's the food you are eating throughout the day caca.
It's almost like someone filled your head with air.
No. 197226
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"Waaah I'm so sick waaah" poses happily for selfie
No. 197227
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Her legs look off to me, and not in a "she's so skinny" kind of way. In a "something anatomically doesn't look right" kind of way
No. 198244
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It's the prime time because you ate a ton of food throughout the day.
No. 206350
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Isn't piercing while pregnant bad???
No. 206382
>>206358cus you can get an infection in the blood (idk what it's called) and if you're pregnant it's bad to be on antibiotics and I guess maybe it could harm the baby?
Tbh it might just be a myth but I've heard this about both tattoos and about piercings.
No. 206776
>>206382Okay, never in my damn life have I met anyone who pierced their ears and got fucking sepsis. Never.
Cutting their hand working, sure. Poked by used needle, absolutely.
But ears pierced? No.
>>206757I mean, that's bullshit. But, okay.
These aren't needles dipped in shit.
There are tons of ways to sterilize pens if you're doing it at home.
Boiling water, hot flame, rubbing alcohol. And if you're using a piercing gun, it's even more sanitary because no one is touching the jewelry.
I'm going to have to call bullshit.
No. 206787
>>206776on the low chance she got an infection, the doctors not just gonna be like "oh welp can't give you antibiotics cuz of that fetus, just tough it out and die or whatever" they'd sort it out.
Fuckin hypochondriacs, take the damn chill pill.
No. 287385
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Anyone else seeing a shoop mistake or am I just high?
No. 339733
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Caca is engaged now. Baby trap was a success.
No. 539420
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Possibly boring update but she is pregnant again, her first baby is under a year old.
No. 539423
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>>539420…and is also planning to get married next month. Semi-retired cow?
No. 597993
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I really can't believe what a douchebag Jairus is. He looks like someone's grandmother in this pic and the caption is his sad affirmation to himself that he's not a sissy
>>594902>bumps thread again with no content>kill yourself No. 597998
File: 1527721395943.jpg (2.53 MB, 2400x1920, inCollage_20180530_153957768.j…)

Look at that punchable face. I included the far right pic because it's fro before Acacia was preggo and you can clearly see how annoyed he is with her.
Idk I'm no stan but he should be grateful Acacia gave him some manhood in the form of children. Does he support them at all?
I know positivity towards cows is generally frowned upon here but I think Acacia seems really natural as a mother. She is more selfless with the baby than I imagined she would be. Imo
No. 598001
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How old is he? Jesus.
No. 598022
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>>597998Ok I take it back he doesn't look like he hates her in the last pic really but I feel like he strongly resented her for a while pre-kiddos. He looks like underneath that cheesy grin, he actually wants to be anywhere but there. Idk
No. 660333
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No. 660334
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You can read more on his insta
No. 755293
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I can't believe her dad still has clients. Was hoping the #MeToo movement would have come for him but I guess the parents of his past and present "models" are protecting him. They've known for a long time about his behavior and did nothing, it's been an open secret in the dance and social media worlds for YEARS. At this point, it would hurt their careers to be linked with him if he got exposed…
No. 838935
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this was how she promoted her book. a ‘published author’ who doesn’t know the difference between there, their, and they’re lmao
No. 839313
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What the fuck is her problem honestly? She’s receiving tons of backlash over the pricing of the book from people (and she’s selling a product so why wouldn’t you want criticism so you can tweak your product and make it more accessible for people?). This response is so snarky- there are bigger problems in the world than people complaining about her expensive, unoriginal book.
No. 839526
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No. 841658
>>839407Looking at her girls' room tour video, she appears to have no idea what most young parents can actually afford to spend on children's things.
One hopes she's receiving comped products due to influencer status, and not actually spending out of pocket $500 on toddler bedsheets, $135 toy stroller, $200 balance bike, etc.
No. 844156
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she got her boob job and is posting a vid about it tomorrow. also did a twitch stream where shes high and it seemed really out of character, never heard her talk about smoking weed before.
wish this thread was updated more especially now because it seems like shes going through some sort of identity crisis lol
No. 844265
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>>844156Yeah she started talking a ton about smoking and getting high. At first she claimed that she never got high when the girls were home but that clearly turned out to be a lie.
Anyway, she posted a picture of her without the bandages but quickly deleted it. I'm just curious to see how well she's gonna take care of them post-op or if she's gonna fuck them up like Ariana/PNP lmao.
No. 844269
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No. 844272
File: 1564142917293.png (5.16 MB, 750x1334, AC3C0CE3-F6AB-42D3-B2B5-D2FA5A…)

An update on the cat Acacia nearly neglected to death. Healthy and adorable!
No. 844284
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Can’t imagine why she dirty deleted this gem.
No. 844615
>>844272Who owns the cat now?
It’s sick she specifically bought an expensive, high maintenance, animal just for the clout and to treat it like trash. She’s had several animals she’s bought and disposed of like trash once sne was bored with them
>>839640>>844156Acacia had babies way too young and unprepared, with the wrong man. Now she’s having a life crisis with the fake boobs and publicly smoking weed when she has small children. Too bad kids aren’t pets she can get rid of when they inconvenience her. The disabled baby was a slap of reality for Acacia and her doofus baby daddy. Now she’s neglecting her child and her child’s health issues. Acacia’s insecurity over her flat titties is more important, financially as well
No. 844624
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looks so weird and disproportionate to her small body.
No. 844636
>>844615not to wk but why is smoking weed when you have kids bad? As long as you’re responsible and keep it away from them, there’s no reason for people to moralfag.
Also, lol at her new titties, I wonder how botched they look under her clothes.
No. 845070
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She refuses to wear her compression bras. She thinks her skimpy little bralettes that offer virtually no support at all are ok. You can sort of see the separation.
No. 845142
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Any reason she would still need to use a wheelchair?
No. 845182
>>845142nope. she didn’t even need a wheelchair in the first place, honestly, but she said she didn’t want to “raise her heart rate”. then… don’t go out to a festival? the day after she got the surgery she was literally out shopping instead of doing bed rest.
imagine her being wheeled around the festival, standing up to take an ig picture with her tits out, and then sitting back down lmao. an actual disabled person could use that wheel chair, acockia
No. 845493
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>>845185Prioritizing your tits, and the surgery that you can’t shut the fuck up about for even 1 second of the day over your disabled child, and not getting them PT isn’t milk? She has 3 bedrooms in her house, shoved the girls into one (though they still sleep in her bed most of the time)
so she could have a closet.
Rosie has a chromosome deletion, and isn’t in PT. Brinley gets virtually zero interaction with kids her age.
Meanwhile Acacia had this “life changing” surgery that makes her feel so happy, and so content, and she can’t even take care of it. You need to wear compression bras.
No. 846133
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No. 849725
File: 1565130523428.jpeg (606.77 KB, 1242x1440, F673DEE0-30A3-4028-9417-448945…)

not celebrating her disabled daughter’s birthday as she did with her first. poor kid
No. 849840
>>849725>>849748Im reaching but it seems like Acacia's constant purchases might be draining the bank lower than what they're comfortable with. Perhaps after looking back at how much they overspent on Brinley, coupled with Acacia's constant unnecessary purchases, they were shocked into seeing through their wasteful delusions and decided to reign it with on Rosie (unfortunately).
sage for tinfoil and being incoherently baked whilst typing.
No. 849956
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>>849955they renovated a double wide. pic related the ceiling slopes and meets in the middle where the two parts of the trailer are connected. it actually looks pretty good. if you go back a while you can see a lot of before and afters of their process
No. 850789
>>849957They probably look better/rounder/more perky when she takes the bra off
Women usually get breast implants more for reshaping their breasts rather than just bigger ones
No. 852227
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How long til Jairus troons out?
No. 853904
>>838910I came to this thread solely to find answers on how she's making ends meet nowadays. I guess YouTube is paying the bills? I personally doubt anyone is actually buying her clothing merch or overpriced children's book, and idk how much she's making on Twitch.
Nobody else here seems to be really concerned about her financial situation, though, so she's probably fine?
I'll see myself out No. 856900
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No. 856938
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Found a hilarious comment from one of her earlier twitch streams. She's definitely misleading people into thinking her boobs were just fine and needed no special care after surgery.
No. 864363
File: 1567696599565.jpeg (415.41 KB, 828x1107, 0CCD7F57-B1A1-4F0C-B44D-99FE7A…)

repost from gurugossip
No. 875385's got a new video, apparently they're moving. and a few things…
1. she's planning a disney trip right after moving. She said she planned it 4 weeks ago which was before her disney trip with Rosie. This bitch planned two disney trips in a row basically…
2. her new live intentionally merch is just the best example of cognitive dissonance cuz i'm pretty sure her merch is mass produced lmao…
and just the overall retarded kissing, no one wants to see that shit
No. 878747
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Jairus looks/sounds strung out as fuck.
No. 890545
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>>875385possible tea on the moving video…anyone know more about this?
No. 890560
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>>890545Apparently Jim Yanes is the one to watch for in the comments, these are from their recent morning routine video.
No. 890609
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>>890560meth isn’t a crazy tinfoil unfortunately…
No. 890610
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>>890609nah Jairus is just uwu anachan goals
No. 930547
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She got another dog after abandoning and neglecting her multiple pets a short while ago. She purchased from a breeder.
No. 931744
>>930776'muscles were asleep' some of the dumbest shit I have heard her say. I used to rag on Acacia for everything other than her kids bc I have a kid and I really don't like assuming how people parent just judging by what they do or don't post or say, but as time goes on that has completely dissipated. Also, Acacia is looking more and more Amish as time goes on and has an incredibly "trendy mormon neo boho mama" aesthetic so I'm surprised she's not foraying into literal Mormonism. They mentioned something recently about wanting to go to Utah but that they'd discuss why at a later time and that's all I could think of lmao
Plus she's apparently pinning pregnant women to her Pinterest boards again and in a recent picture she posted (and deleted) there was a pregnancy test visible. Yes Mama, have a third child when you spoil the shit out of your first, neglect your second, have 2 dogs you cannot take care of, and you have the intelligence of a boiled carrot, you go girl~
No. 931758
File: 1581615734994.jpeg (103.32 KB, 827x1485, vegandog.jpeg)

This dumb bitch actually feeds her dog a vegan diet and is working on transitioning her new puppy too.
No. 931759
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No. 931760
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No. 931780
File: 1581619134009.png (468.26 KB, 469x835, Screen Shot 2020-02-13 at 1.35…)

>>931758She's not even vegan herself, why force the dogs to be? Especially a growing puppy.
Blogpost but as a vegan I'd never feed my dog a vegan diet, wtf. She deleted the post btw and deactivated the comments on her most recent insta post with the dogs.
Also, let's see if they'll hire a nanny…
No. 940014
File: 1583192519612.jpg (1009.26 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20200302-101837.jpg)

Her opinion Twitter made a huge deal about her racist tweets and videos from the past yesterday and she's scrambling to cover her ass.
I think my biggest issue is that she has a black adopted sister,she should have known to never say what she said, her being young and trying to be edgy are not good excuses. A lot of her "racism" came out when she was 17, way past old enough to know better, especially as a public figure with a following as big as hers.
No. 940015
File: 1583192583146.jpg (49.55 KB, 374x768, Screenshot_20200302-092943_Ins…)

No. 950861
File: 1585485928061.png (1.47 MB, 1231x902, Capture ak.PNG)

Recent post about Rosie
No. 951043
File: 1585523300998.png (677.31 KB, 813x602, Screenshot_2020-03-29.png)

Aaaand she's pregnant with baby #3 now. Poor Rosie is gonna be the ignored middle child once Acacia gets her new non-disabled perfect blonde blue-eyed Pinterest baby.
No. 979231
File: 1590496102697.jpg (345.77 KB, 1890x1417, acacia.jpg)

>>979142The pictures and videos of the baby are tragic. Meanwhile the captions are cheerfully dissonant.
No. 1112330
File: 1608599448007.jpeg (310.98 KB, 750x1186, F97C4B33-9697-4E34-BE40-C019F7…)

Anyone know why her account is private ?(necro)
No. 1112452
File: 1608614822775.png (3.05 MB, 1242x2688, FEC8372F-618F-442F-BAC0-5D259A…)

She posted this to her story
No. 1142446
File: 1611663372311.png (255.68 KB, 828x1792, 37AFA96F-D5A4-446D-8605-64CD69…)

She’s exploring her sexuality in her new patreon, how close is she to having her own onlyfans?
No. 1164422
File: 1613632616752.jpeg (1006.31 KB, 828x1696, D6AA2132-54D1-480C-850C-DCC42D…)

She named her child calliope, not Cali.
No. 1164423
File: 1613632665320.jpeg (Spoiler Image,282.45 KB, 827x1694, 0A18E0A5-EDFB-456A-80E5-EB6500…)

All I can say is poor kid
No. 1164449
>>1164422As in the carnival music machines?
Circus clown music?
No. 1164458
>>1164449More than likely no, it's the Greek muse the kid is named after.
Although it's a horribly weird name for a boy.
No. 1164460
File: 1613639207298.jpg (997.51 KB, 1080x1809, Screenshot_2021-02-18-17-05-50…)

What is this nose
No. 1164569
>>1164458>>1164449It may be the name of a Greek muse but she got the name from Grey's Anatomy lol.
She went four months claiming his name was Cali because their families hated it and her haters found out the name from her easy ass clues early on in her pregnancy and made fun of it. Now that she's moving to California she knows it's going to be embarrassing to tell people there his name is Cali so she's finally admitting she named him Calliope. She really acted like she took a week and a half to choose his name when she knew it all along and still lied about it lololol.
Honestly every single big announcement she's tried to make for the last year has been spoiled before she can announce it. She must be lying out of frustration to have some kind of control and it's hilarious.
No. 1164575
File: 1613658115060.png (165.26 KB, 1080x989,…)

>>1164460She claims to have not used and ounce of editing on that photo kek.
No. 1164752
File: 1613674302385.png (1.41 MB, 2270x567, 98B740D9-790D-4616-92DF-C7F5C6…)

>>1164575lmao not even the same eye color
No. 1212624
File: 1618879890707.png (4.74 MB, 828x1792, B3F189AC-B079-4318-BDFD-96DCC3…)

So she’s smoking weed while breastfeeding… Who’s to say she’s not smoking weed while pregnant?
No. 1212626
>>1212624I’m sure her baby loves the smell of weed over the smell of his mom.
I’d be more concerned about 3rd hand smoke than a transfer through the breastmilk.
No. 1212652
>>1164422Can someone explain why the kid's face is covered? Is it because GuruGossip users figured out what was wrong with Rosie before she announced it? I wonder if her terrible self management like
>>1212624 might have caused birth defects…
No. 1239658
File: 1622098805901.png (3.26 MB, 828x1792, DF992A0A-2AB9-4582-8FCD-E6D20D…)

She literally is still breastfeeding her baby and decides to smoke weed the night before. Who’s to say she didn’t smoke weed during pregnancy?
No. 1240250
>>1239658>Who’s to say she didn’t smoke weed during pregnancy?the baby not being genetically deformed actually does vouch for that
absolutely shouldn't smoke while breastfeeding either though
No. 1241295
File: 1622303408625.webm (5.18 MB, 1080x2352, 21-05-02-11-53-57_01.webm)
>>844661>>1142446She finally made an Onlyfans. There are leaks but not of the videos so here's one since her thread has been bumped recently. There's another video that got deleted because her kid appears in the end of it. I might post it later if anyone cares.
No. 1241296
File: 1622303865109.jpg (536.92 KB, 993x1801, Screenshot_20210529-115324.jpg)

One of her birth videos got reposted to a porn site and this is her response. "Children don't need to stop existing from the internet, pedophiles do".
No. 1241342
File: 1622308147782.png (319.99 KB, 750x1334, 1448BD8E-0685-4104-BBC5-68CE67…)

i found some screenshots of people DMing her about the situation and these are her responses. she's disgusting
No. 1241343
File: 1622308232396.jpeg (226.51 KB, 828x1792, 47BBB7CD-7D20-4885-B879-0DC930…)

here's part 2 of some other DMs people shared
No. 1241387
>>1241365she's always had her head up her ass about shit like this and never listens. When she says "a child's life shouldn't be catered to predators", no one fucking said that lmao, your posting of your child on the internet should absolutely be guarded, that's not the same as their life. nothing about your child's life needs to change for you to not constantly post everything about them online. She needs to post everything, constantly, to be seen and validated because she's so terminally fucking online and obsessed with looking at herself and watching herself. Her reaction to this is ridiculous, she is a total dumbass.
re: the discussion about her smoking weed while pregnant, as other anons said that wouldn't cause Rosemary's conditions, but one of her friends, possibly Brogan, once mentioned that someone she knew smoked weed during pregnancy and it wasn't for her personally. Everyone speculated it was Acacia, because she is such a massive poser who would totally pick up some "herb during pregnancy" shit from some Instagram hippie parenting delusional post.
No. 1241404
File: 1622313973638.webm (7.26 MB, 1080x2352, 21-05-02-12-03-08_01.webm)
Brinleys first onlyfans appearance. It got reported and deleted otherwise Acacia would definitely still have it on there. It's just a glimpse of Brinley but it's still weird that she's making content she knows she's going to put on onlyfans with her kids around.
No. 1241988
>>1241343The weirdest thing is that she sees herself as the
victim. Absolutely no one is blaming her children who did not and cannot consent to having their every moment plastered online. If anything, she’s the one victimizing them (if that weren’t obvious enough with Rosie.)
She’s such a retarded narc and her kids are going to be so unbelievably fucked up.
No. 1241992
File: 1622369053225.jpeg (1.57 MB, 1215x1874, 8ED2960F-2691-44B2-B401-BC1408…)

Jairus looking pretty rough these days….
As the oldest (and exposed to being photographed/filmed the longest) you can see that Brinley has started acting up for the camera and how aware she is that every move is being recorded and broadcast onto the internet for everyone to see. It’s really going to fuck her up. On another note Rosie is absolutely adorable but it’s sad to see that her less than a year old brother has overtaken her in size and development….
No. 1245264
File: 1622746687801.jpeg (535.99 KB, 1242x1581, 6C05D901-E447-4286-8455-457FA0…)

Let’s see how long this lasts
No. 1245330
…what the fuck is she influencing?
No. 1274951
File: 1626019212007.png (3.8 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_7840.png)

>>1245293her arse looks fine please shut up jesus
this however is not okay! caca what are u doing!!!
No. 1275066
File: 1626034169926.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1242x2550, 07AB63BC-1150-4959-9590-AFB0EE…)

>>1275016ntayrt but lately on her IG stories she's been hiking up her jeans so much that it just looks uncomfortable
picrel is from her IG this week
No. 1276666
File: 1626300177687.png (450.13 KB, 828x1792, C7D92215-AC5A-4321-A606-10B41E…)

>>1276627Her apology. Seems like in a story she told her followers it was only two that she didn’t sell, but the person she stole them from said it was more.
No. 1276678
File: 1626301368463.png (4.36 MB, 828x1792, A6967D64-5F8A-4A56-8562-6CBDF8…)

>>1276666Captions are cut off but this girl declined the PERCENTAGE of sales that Acacia offered her because Acacia brought up how she was financially struggling.
She bought a Dyson Airwrap and a new espresso machine like. Last week.
No. 1276827
File: 1626314075996.png (1.53 MB, 828x1792, 725AD86D-89E1-4DDA-833F-A55E93…)

>>1276742Ash seems really cute and genuine and tbh the hairstyle and fashion are both trendy rn but Acacia really looks like a bad knock of off her.
But yeah this is pretty much how all of her scandals and controversies go. Rife with non-apologies and she won’t accept blame until there’s absolutely no other way around it. This story post where she’s like “I’m a liar and a thief and I’m not going to refund people but I’m being so brave about it. Namaste” talking about her “learning experience” like she isn’t old enough to understand stealing is wrong. Her preset grift is so retarded to begin with but who sells a pack that’s half stolen presets and then comes back and says “I’ll only refund the two that I admit were stolen.” Like…? Vile human. Don’t you have children to neglect.
No. 1277226
File: 1626372900475.jpeg (143.86 KB, 827x1668, ashacacia.jpeg)

>>1277225Dropped the photo lol
No. 1277229
File: 1626373163012.jpeg (141.58 KB, 826x1664, ashacacia2.jpeg)

Ashley is also now saying that it was 13 presets that Acacia copied, she mentioned suing her but she's still thinking about things. Inititally Ashley only saw 7 copied presets, so that means over half of Acacia's 24 presets weren't made by her. It took Acacia 2 days to stop selling and now she's at a photoshoot with adore me showing off her corn yellow teeth.
No. 1278196
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>>1278165Receipts Ash posted.
No. 1278201
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No. 1278202
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No. 1278203
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No. 1278206
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No. 1278208
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No. 1278209
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No. 1278213
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No. 1278215
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No. 1278217
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Ash stated the unsent message pertained to personal family matters/financial struggles like pity party messages.
No. 1278218
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No. 1278222
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No. 1278224
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No. 1278225
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No. 1278226
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No. 1278229
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This pertains to making a public statement, which Ash says she left a bunch of stuff out and didn't really take accountability.
No. 1278233
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No. 1278236
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No. 1278238
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No. 1278239
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No. 1278243
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No. 1278244
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No. 1278248
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No. 1278251
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No. 1278254
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No. 1278256
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No. 1278257
>>1278243Kek Acacia couldn’t let this go because she was upset with the idea of people believing she’s poor? Does being broke not match her aesthetic?
>>1278254How many presets did she steal holy shit
No. 1278258
File: 1626470377534.png (859.86 KB, 768x1580, Screen Shot 2021-07-16 at 2.19…)

Ash is a saint. I would've reemed this bitch.
No. 1278261
File: 1626470470169.png (727.29 KB, 774x1532, Screen Shot 2021-07-16 at 2.21…)

its sooo shady she won't just refund people. Let it go caca
No. 1278263
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No. 1278266
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No. 1278269
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No. 1278793
File: 1626521567127.jpeg (1.48 MB, 1242x1851, 6F633885-A37E-4D01-8F83-AF965B…)

No. 1278965
File: 1626541866961.gif (768.97 KB, 236x240, 4D0D74C7-3429-472C-8C6B-3F6918…)

>>1278793This was literally posted 3 days ago and being talked about for days. Their whole conversation was JUST posted.
No. 1279295
File: 1626578272338.jpeg (217.92 KB, 750x1062, ADA44442-A26D-4DC6-B580-B14762…)

yet another dramatic exit from social media
No. 1279296
File: 1626578298597.png (106.79 KB, 750x1334, 20A35544-5510-46EF-BE97-53A58F…)

>>1279295she posted this story first, it’s since been deleted
No. 1279297
File: 1626578327016.png (315.88 KB, 750x1334, DCF6C64D-2D5F-48B5-A50C-502FA2…)

>>1279296and followed up with this one.
No. 1279555
File: 1626623698941.gif (956.66 KB, 500x282, 7AE4E0EC-C71C-4CDA-8571-AD5F07…)

>>1279396Kek ok archive-chan
No. 1314427
File: 1630637137264.png (243.21 KB, 1242x2208, 976D5441-A45D-44E9-BBD3-728F10…)

>>1279297She’s been posting to her only fans
No. 1336622
File: 1632855037959.png (889.89 KB, 953x1267, goodbyecaca.PNG)

glad to hear she'll be a full time sahm and jairus will finally start providing
No. 1337901
>>1337186acacia's family is lower class. acacia has spoken about how they struggled with money and she was a breadwinner for a while. her parents couldn't afford a new retainer when she lost hers. idk how well her dad's photography business is currently doing, but it's probably just enough for a bachelor to live well. her mom is probably makes within 30-60k/yr.
jairus's family, yeah, they're definitely well off. they can take care of them, but I saw a twitter account that claims to personally know jairus say that jairus's family hates acacia
No. 1337973
>>1336622Kek she’s such a
victim. Stealing people’s presets and money. Then is like “ok byeeee”. Poor thing.
No. 1339876
>>1337122it’s common knowledge that when jairus went to rehab for his drug problem he was fucking another girl while he was there. idk if it’s in the thread but there are plenty of twitter accounts dedicated to talking about it
>>1337901it would not surprise me at all to find out his family hates her, look at what she’s done to him, she’s sucked the life out of him completely
No. 1340843
>>1340685Yea they didn’t say or bring up any of the shitty things she’s done. Not even WHY she’s quitting. It was just an ass-sucking article.
Uwu everyone loves to hate her.
No. 1354337
File: 1635003260462.jpg (1.19 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20211023_113203.jpg)

This bitch is like a cockroach kek. She's back only a month after announcing that she was going to step away from being an influencer but behind a paywall. She will most likely continue to use her children for content because living a life on the internet and exploiting her kids is all she knows.
No. 1354359
>>1354337Not surprised. Being a SAHM(especially to multiple kids) is draining and can be monotonous. She’s a POS and should stay off the internet. But creating a patreon isn’t the stupidest idea she’s had. It’s smart if you have a following willing to pay you $20 a month to see you decorate your house and dress your kids for Halloween.
She has a lot of people who hate her but she also has a lot of people who still follow her.
No. 1377311
>>1359984where is proof of this??
>>1367675damn i wish this thread wasnt dead i have been waiting for her dad to finally get called out on his pedo shit
No. 1414201
File: 1641864707142.jpeg (311.32 KB, 828x1369, 0FD622EF-8F34-4C78-A204-77F364…)

She was posting on OnlyFans up until Nov and deleted her acc there and on Patreon (?) while also changing her profile photo, deleting old photos on Instagram and seemingly changing her look again. A lot of people believe baby number 4 is on the way and so is her “comeback”
No. 1414782
File: 1641937446559.jpeg (124.75 KB, 1080x767, FB7004C3-2C9D-48CA-8300-FA7227…)

Acacia cleared up in DMs that Jairus didn’t cheat on her early in their relationship, instead they supposedly both fucked other people when they were broke up.
No. 1425377
File: 1643036631419.jpeg (797.2 KB, 828x1339, 10097B98-69E8-413A-A9E7-3A23DA…)

One of Acacia’s oldest friends Brogan Burnside confirmed that she cut Acacia off. Acacia is also allegedly claiming to have an autism diagnosis now, which might be connected considering Brogan is a big autism advocate (her husband & son are autistic and supposedly her daughter might be too)
No. 1669698
File: 1665169888080.png (133.06 KB, 518x780, richclark.png)

I can't find literally anyone posting about this online despite all the chatter about him being a pedo/creep but apparently Acacia's dad Rich Clark was arrested for possession of CP and resisting + battering a police officer in 2016. This is public record.
No. 1721923
File: 1670480509656.jpeg (264.3 KB, 1170x1877, 2A7002E9-5764-4FAE-A9BC-5D9571…)

>>1721827Apparently cheated on her
No. 1721926
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No. 1721993
>>1721923Whom was the
No. 1722155
File: 1670514909650.jpeg (1.01 MB, 828x1282, A32FBCE9-33B1-4411-B67A-02CD9E…)

>>1721993Jairus is claiming the girl (who he met at a bar and went home with) got him drunk and took advantage of him. Sounds like he’s just an alcoholic cheater who got caught. Looking for the video to post or transcribe
No. 1722299
File: 1670525681882.jpeg (549.13 KB, 1170x2180, DB1F87AB-FB34-4A8C-AB6B-8A75F6…)

Jesus Acacia has just been taking L’s left and right…getting cheated on by her husband who’s children she carried and gave birth to, getting raked through the coals for stealing presets (rightfully so), who knows what’s next!
No. 1722318
>>1721923He's cheated on her multiple times. If they are actually divorced then good because this man ain't shit and never was. Before she got pregnant with Brinley he cheated on her, which was why she went hard trying to get pregnant to "keep him".
>>1722252Yes he did. And I know the ex before that ex, he cheated with prostitutes. He's scum.
No. 1726891
File: 1670988856126.jpeg (513.93 KB, 701x1348, BD7D636D-EB09-480E-90C5-AAD4A0…)

Acacia is about 5 seconds away from spilling the beans kek she’s just building up a base of supporters again with posts like this
No. 1726978
>>1726891My own parents had a terrible breakup and badmouthed the other constantly so hear me out: people who serial cheat (with prostitutes apparently too?!?!) should not be in children’s lives. If you really cared about your kids you would not cheat with hookers which is literally used in custody battles if there’s proof. Ik some kids are resentful towards moms who take them away from their dads but no father is better than an emotionally
abusive father with all sorts of issues that the kids will internalize as they get older. I bet money on it that he’ll remarry and get some other girl pregnant to continue the cycle.
No. 1727297
File: 1671043770037.jpeg (281.8 KB, 719x1100, D1B27EDE-0016-4315-965B-DF3673…)

found the screenshots of Jairus in the bed of the girl he cheated with who apparently had a dedicated hate account to Acacia/Jairus
No. 1727301
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No. 1727383
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No. 1728052
>>1727383I hate it when people push adult situations on their children. If they’re older (late teenaged or more) then ok. But in no way is it ok to talk to your kids about your divorce and why youre divorcing. Being a child means your free of the burden of stress and anxiety. Your parents not explaining their messy divorce until you’re much older is what they’re supposed to do.
If you start pushing into your kids heads that “your dad is
abusive” etc etc(even if it’s true) the courts WILL use that against you and for good reason.
No. 1728402
>>1727383>>1728052I was kind of amazed at first to see that Acacia was advocating for not speaking down on her kids father to them or forcing information into their heads that could potentially traumatize them (beyond what could’ve happened behind closed doors, of course!) or make them feel biased to have a negative/distrusting view of their dad - but also this is the internet and who the fuck knows if A herself isn’t getting drunk in front of her children and whining about what daddy’s doin kek…guess we won’t know until we find out! All we can do is hope those kids are safe.
It puts bile in my throat when I think about the fact that J was a grown man when he knocked up teenage A with baby #1, and then let his mentally pre-pubescent wife give birth two more times just to turn into a cheating drug addict. It’s just pathetic to see these traumas repeating themselves like this; especially when they were
so vocal about growing a strong, healthy, lovingly bonded family and made it their entire brand that some idiots paid to watch and have a parasocial relationship with! They fell flat on their fucking faces. So goddamn sad.
No. 1729318
File: 1671254028506.jpeg (557.43 KB, 725x1258, 41AA3215-82E6-4546-A3E9-FDAE20…)

assuming she’s referring to her dad?
No. 1826567
>>1729318It really feels like she's abandoned her children. She's always on trips to see men, posting herself in her room smoking weed and playing video games most nights, posting herself going on fun thrift hauls. I know she still sees her kids, but it's clear she's not the primary caregiver, or even 50/50. And Jairus sure as hell isn't the primary caregiver eitherg. It's his parents. I know her kids miss her so much.
My point is… doesn't she think her actions are "fading the special" from her children too?
(necro) No. 1870231
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No. 1870232
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No. 1872776
>>1870229>>1870231>>1870232thanks for the post
nonnie, it honestly blows my mind at how dead acacia's thread is bc this bitch is literally the biggest cow sucks to have to rely on fags on twitter to keep me updated on all the minutia related to her
No. 1982179
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Crazy how little this thread gets updated considering how milky acacia is kek, she no longer has full custody of her kids, to the point where she can only see them on weekends. That makes sense though considering the documented neglect.
No. 1982744
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>>1982179This was Acacias response to everyone finding out that she doesn’t have full custody of her kids. I’m really calling bullshit on this instagram stories post because why would she feel the need to prove herself to a bunch of strangers if she really was with her babies? Wouldn’t she just, yknow, get off the internet and spend her limited time with them? Not only that, but she also lied about taking care of her pets and taking care of her children for years. She could easily lie about this too kek
No. 1983240
File: 1712423982097.png (836.26 KB, 1170x2067, stalking right .png)

Now that everyone’s catching onto her behavior and kvetching about it online (because she’s been an online personality for the last 12 years, obviously people are going to discuss her behaviors), she thinks that that’s stalking kek. Sweetie, if you go to the cops and you say
>look!! they’re talking about things that i posted myself and made the decision to put out in the world on my own accord!! that’s stalking right??
She’s gonna be real disappointed lmfao. What a dumb bitch.
No. 1983542
>>1983240Sorry but this is absolutely crossing a major line and is actually stalking, the reddit pages dedicated to 'bad moms' are generally very extreme and bad faith, and are creepy.
Yes, this is the literal definition of stalking. Lolcow farms is not comparable and has a strict policy against cowtipping. That reddit sub is creepy and should be taken down if this is what's happening.