File: 1597303855452.jpeg (1.83 MB, 2880x3840, 5BB0D2E1-5B37-415C-9C98-707B7D…)

No. 1022186
Social Media
Ig: bratoutofhell
Fb: Amanda Bret / Amanda Schafemeyer / Labozetta/ bratoutofhell - 32 year old self obsessed woman living in Long Island with her parents while promising to move back to Brooklyn or beyond soon! Her life goal is to remain relevant on instagram, cannot help but constantly air out her dirty laundry online and constant oversharing, public breakdowns, etc. Has spent quarantine lurking in her parents' garage, getting engaged and then dumping Eric from Tiger King, not using her Peleton, photoshopping herself to oblivion, not bothering to make any sort of statement about BLM or police brutality, and of course "recovering" from "a partial mastectomy".
previous thread 1
>>943302previous thread 2
>>971778New milk since last thread was formed:
Erik and Amanda are engaged!
>>975716Complained about her family and ex, who she mooches off of constantly:
>>976332Trouble in paradise?
>>977128 >>980262
Pretends to not know who Bret Easton Ellis is
>>977610Parents start moving her into the garage
>>977668 >>980153
Went through a wig phase
>>978740No longer sober, she asks her friends and their children to bring her bullshit during a pandemic:
>>979059Did Johnny and Amanda ever actually marry? The jury is out
>>979404 >>996454
More grifting
>>979672A vaguely supportive BLM rally cry from our woke queen
>>981183 >>982849
Oh wait… maybe not
>>982873Her "elective" "cancer" surgery finally gets a date:
>>986072 >>986621
Her parents finally let her out of the garage
>>986490We bid an official farewell to Erik "Tiger King" Cowie
>>986631 >>1017570
The Anachan Princess is trying her best
>>986638 >>988387
Still insisting she knows how to ride a motorcycle
>>986695Banned on BOTH her FB accounts
>>987018 >>987032
Employee accused of rape; an inquiry about it on her business Instagram goes unnoticed for a long time
>>989422Happy Father's Day daddy! Here's some Juuls
>>990888Surgery time!!
>>992608 >>992660
>>993963 >>994059
>>994206 >>995264 theres a ton, it goes on
Smoking 2 packs a day for 20 years, since she was 12
>>996044The magically healing scar
>>1001601No routine cancer follow ups lead to speculation
>>1006922 >>1007010
Another deceased friend leads to another sadness spiral
>>1009884Serious about getting fit, Amanda gets a peloton and uses it exactly once
>>1010271Begs for donations >> 1011472
But is also very successful
>>1011623Why can't we not be sober? Amanda officially breaks edge after posting about a harrowing detox last year
>>1019099Amanda's lumpectomy is now a partial mastectomy… with possible worse to come?
>>1021907 >>1022026
No. 1022211
File: 1597310555973.png (3.82 MB, 750x1334, 0593950E-1CCA-4BF1-A626-088D30…)

Only half of her face caught the filter in her newest video lol
No. 1022247
File: 1597316401205.jpg (40.94 KB, 600x450, ladybirdamandabret.jpg)

Found some extra links:
personal: music page: in case these were already posted and I missed it. The music on Myspace didn't work for me. If it does for you, let me know what kind of genre-defining classics you find.
No. 1022481
>>1022212Here ya go. Like I said. It isn't really that funny.
I got sober a while back and now I have livestock and a badass lifted truck and other redneck shit so I figure she was probably fetishizing me. Lol No. 1022803
File: 1597406765211.jpeg (148.8 KB, 828x373, BFF01A7D-820A-44A1-BD4A-FAE10F…)

“Declining health” but still got an active social life even though you haven’t left the garage in a year.
No. 1023734
File: 1597585888614.jpeg (507.96 KB, 828x2939, B5F20B92-4517-4B9D-9117-CA53B9…)

Someone was up late going in about Erik Cowie. Acting like he pulled a gun on her over the phone. Didn’t she say he did this before but he was a “confused soul” or something enabling like that? Claimed he was sober too…
No. 1023735
File: 1597586012888.jpeg (334.85 KB, 551x1037, 78020170-B0EF-45AD-9F56-C7517B…)

Went to his friend page, who she also made friends with and this is her comment on a video he took of Erik walking around…
No. 1023736
File: 1597586050969.jpeg (288.81 KB, 819x635, 52B585F9-5822-4B13-96AA-40A743…)

And then this comment on another video of him…
No. 1023806
>>1023796She literally does this every single time. Every single things end, they are usually the following: a rape apologist, a rapist, an abuser, an emotional abuser, a loser, psychotic, narcissistic, racist, a drug addict/alcoholic, and a pedophile. She runs to social media to blow them up, tear them apart and make herself look like a
victim. Amanda, you wonder why you attract trash? Because you are trash. YOU ARE the alcoholic, drug abuser, emotional abuser, physical abuser, and rape apologist.
No. 1023814
File: 1597598204789.jpeg (178.08 KB, 1242x625, B41E50FE-447F-4323-98D5-3E8260…)

No. 1023890
>>1023734Not for anything but there was literally a video of him with a gun in his bed and her chatting him up like it was the funniest thing in the world. Pretty sure there was another video of him yelling racial slurs too. I'll try to find it. So why is it bad now? Suddenly you're against it and talking street talk to "karma"? Embarrassing.
A guy with a gun a thousand miles away isn't going to shoot you, Amanda. Calm down.
No. 1023913
File: 1597616076983.png (2.69 MB, 1242x2688, 5132E565-F67F-41A6-AC54-68B087…)

There’s a lot to unpack here
No. 1023934
>>1023925Thank you! I knew I didn't imagine it
>>1023913What the holy hell? Who is she talking about here? Erik? An ex? Who is she to hate on anyone doing meth when she sounds like a rambling lunatic? Amazing.
No. 1023960
File: 1597620572942.png (4.54 MB, 1242x2688, CC9214BC-01D7-451A-8FDB-4DFB60…)

>>1023934I think she’s talking about the younger dude who lives with Cowie?
And this is the woman she’s talking about
(emoji use) No. 1027618
File: 1598192524777.jpeg (136.44 KB, 828x343, 7D600ECC-A072-4B16-85DE-9A3C6F…)

She’s back from her hole!
No. 1027923
>>1027618Guess she's still ~in love with an outlaw~ huh.
Or she's getting bored with her garage and realized there's no way she can make it back to bk.
How stupid or lonely is that dude to willingly invite this trainwreck narcissistic pathological liar back into his life? Is she that good at sucking dick with her dry ass ~kiss pillows~?
No. 1029353
File: 1598485863520.png (405.71 KB, 496x805, Screenshot_20200826-184825.png)

She's so gross when she acts like she's the best dog owner, even though she dumped Clyde at her ex's parents place months ago.
No. 1029570
>>1029483If I recall correctly, her parents have a dog and the dog doesn't get along with Clyde.
Not totally sure about this, but my guess is that their parents dog is on the smaller end of the scale and they don't want a hulking 150lb beast that was bred for pit fighting around for fear of their dog's life.
No. 1030381
>>1029483So Bonnie, Clydes sister, died mysteriously years ago. She says that her dog walker brought Bonnie onto the roof of her building where allegedly she jumped off the four story ledge to her death.
Anyone have the real story?
No. 1030918
File: 1598790721408.jpeg (803.8 KB, 1242x2084, D235D7CF-FA5C-4B52-88A7-5236A0…)

Can I get “staying in your parent’s garage for ever” Alex?
No. 1031325
File: 1598874977538.jpeg (683.95 KB, 1125x1646, 157D2B3A-FC51-448C-89C6-D75510…)

I actually think she’s dating this person now. Who is in Lancaster.
No. 1031367
File: 1598885269442.png (4.54 MB, 1125x2436, 0DE7A3C6-2542-4B24-95E7-2116A0…)

She had mentioned them before but like maybe once. So not sure if it was for teal but there is claim of dating a woman!
No. 1031401
>>1030918Portland OR - she's got some dude named John Brest she's been tagging in her food posts on FB, I have a feeling its him, he lives in Portland
Lafayette IN - Denver "Riddle" her FB friend
"Austin" TX - altho her ex fiancé doeslive in TX, he's in San Angelo
Lancaster PA - is her new "wife" she's never met
Miami - Johnnys parents condo
No. 1031494
>>1031401Ding ding ding There’s a new
victim in each of these places, that’s the only reason she ever does anything! Also, there’s loads of half-stupid chopper guys in Austin, and they live for IG clout.
Toxic Utopia.
No. 1032262
File: 1599047422664.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1232x2336, 31795C2E-0814-485F-BAE4-70CD6C…)

Seems like a good thing to do during a pandemic. We all know she won’t go anywhere but my god the delusion in this woman
No. 1032302
>>1032262honestly, could she be anymore cringey? “concrete sherpa” yikes.
also, doesn’t she not have a license? why’s our dear Scamanda buying a car if she can’t drive? will her money pig, johnny be schlepping her around?
No. 1032540
File: 1599085879152.jpeg (724.9 KB, 1242x1964, FE6665F4-B124-4591-8C44-43155E…)

This Instagram exchange is just bizarre
No. 1033323
File: 1599220139187.jpeg (209.63 KB, 828x748, 0F67CFA3-3D09-4EB6-8727-21952D…)

A great post a delete from last night. Some dude comes over for sex and brings a bunch of randoms from Craigslist over?
No. 1033564
>>1033551That's still not okay.
But the whole story sounds exactly like the one she tells about GingerBeard's friend finger raping her - except with different people. Sometimes she'll portray herself as this fantastic mythical see-through vintage tee wearing kitchen goddess. Making the most luxurious meal pantless for her guests, serving plates of coke for appetizers. It varies you know - gotta keep the new fans entertained and the old lurkers on their toes
No. 1033634
>>1033323>being able to put a down payment on an apartmentThis girl just gives herself away. No one calls a security deposit a down payment.
Also who would willingly pay 4x more for nudes? Her prices were really high. I can't find the pic but I remember a 10 minute video being $150+.
No. 1033700
File: 1599256443303.jpeg (299.46 KB, 828x613, 4B977C1C-AE69-4546-A8A4-2F4A47…)

>>1033323Wait, now she said she’s going to rent a place after “saving her pennies” (aka johnnys penny’s and literally zero income from her store.) bet her parents kicked her ass out.
No. 1033913
>>1033781She's told this story often and it's changed a million times by now.
No one deserves to be assaulted but I just believe her. Any sorry Amanda but if every single person you ever meet rapes you there's something wrong with the company you're keeping.
No. 1033945
File: 1599312682304.jpeg (908.09 KB, 1125x1713, E7FFE689-AF4C-4812-9AE0-E459EA…)

When you literally live with your enablers.
No. 1033964
File: 1599317350514.jpeg (40.26 KB, 828x255, A7EFB958-E4C4-42B8-BFFD-EFA376…)

New car day for someone with no license must lose some of its luster, no?
No. 1034180
File: 1599358796298.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1459x1459, B011E0F7-87E6-477B-878D-A0C034…)

Slow Saturday night, Amanda? Your lies are getting more dull.
No. 1034288
File: 1599388777661.jpeg (114.03 KB, 828x370, 97594BC4-A7F5-4FD1-A140-DA2F5D…)

>>1034213Shopping for a new car (probably John shopping for a car and her tagging along) is so exhausting.
No. 1034407
File: 1599409172560.jpeg (168.08 KB, 828x394, C788F31D-AB8E-4615-8BBA-671304…)

Your nostrils are so “tiny” but you want to get 3 nose piercings… she knows you have to clean piercings right? Barf.
No. 1034447
File: 1599415027197.png (248.84 KB, 390x390, foundonthegaragefloor.png)

>>1034273with one of these, duh. good thing her parents forgot about a whole megapack in the garage!
No. 1035013
File: 1599514802602.jpeg (574.94 KB, 828x1070, DA3972DB-849C-4286-9558-A29D4D…)

I will see this in my nightmares…
No. 1035047
File: 1599518039569.jpeg (721.29 KB, 828x1594, F1A02F4F-5943-46B7-AA07-7D321F…)

Just a successful businesswoman hawking her panties through an “agent”
No. 1035118
>>1035047Not trying to knock the panty selling hustle, but i always wonder how women who sell a lot of them that are almost never made of cotton manage to maintain a healthy pH balance. Amanda seems kinda gross tbh, those yeast infection caked thongs are gonna be a delight lol.
Sage for gynosperg
No. 1035157
File: 1599529536937.jpeg (35.55 KB, 225x487, 6B9080F1-6CAD-4034-924B-3D7008…)

Is she wearing clown makeup to Home Depot?
No. 1035173
File: 1599532018524.jpeg (651.93 KB, 828x1418, DC6CC46F-07FE-4B82-8872-21639F…)

>>1035157It’s those creepy contacts
No. 1035977
File: 1599673619749.png (221.37 KB, 828x1792, 9412C99C-9A26-43CD-8DC7-2942C6…)

Well, apparently the breeze DOESN’T live.
(FYI: only the business owner can change that status to permanently closed on google)
Was that trip to the city this past weekend not to see new apartments but actually to clean out her “successful” storefront?
No. 1036000
File: 1599676807915.jpeg (115.05 KB, 1242x552, BA83B80F-82BD-4DFB-83EB-E53C3F…)

Five days ago she was boasting about having saved money by not paying rent.
$2. Two. Dollars.
No. 1036097
>>1035977Well there’s that old saying that if you can make it in NYC, you can make it anywhere. So I guess that means if you can’t make it here, then lie about it?
Nah jk, your city pass is revoked Scamanda now GETDAFUCKOUTTAHEA
No. 1036252
>>1036097Mooove bitch get out da way, get out da way, get out da way, move bish get out da way…
$2 bet she’ll switch to another ny borough while claiming she’s still in Brooklyn or lie that she’s “looking for lofts” in LA again, kek.
No. 1036340
>>1036000She can't scrounge 2 dollars but can send a care package? Dafuq?
How broke is this bitch? Did her ex finally cut her off?
No. 1036626
File: 1599787835207.jpeg (422.9 KB, 1125x957, 6451387B-DFFB-4480-A545-7C99A1…)

Buys a car.
Looks for an apartment with her saved pennies.
Asks for $2.
Plans a tattoo.
Honestly what.
No. 1036751
>>1036641Didn't someone mention in the previous thread she was actually 86 from greenpoint tattoo for trying to fuck reardon?
Whether I'm tripping or not, she's a mess.
No. 1036912
File: 1599843953565.jpg (550.79 KB, 1079x1470, Screenshot_20200904-153040_Bra…)

Dont think this was posted, it made me kek
No. 1036946
File: 1599849553629.png (708.7 KB, 720x1035, Screenshot_20200911-133928.png)

Is that a pepper spray dangling from her hand, phone or whatever? Tf she needs mace to go to home depot, what a try hard.
No. 1037198
File: 1599876518322.jpeg (354.83 KB, 1181x1433, 0DEB6D9F-8010-4795-8A30-D218F1…)

Just an absolutely normal thing, dressing like this to go to Home Depot for the ninetieth time this week
No. 1037447
>>1037445Imagine bragging on the internet about walking around in public "in rags" cause that makes you a better worker kek
No need to put on a face full of make up, but if I see someone walking around in sweatpants in public and looks like they haven't showered in a week I think it's fucking gross. Just because you are "just going to the store" doesn't mean you can't put in the least bit of effort and change into some proper clothes. Maybe it's an american thing.
No. 1037755
File: 1599956877346.jpeg (373.5 KB, 579x924, 8A89A505-A6EF-422F-8467-EA66A8…)

Spotted on a mutuals page lol she keeps the grossest company. All these industry people is do cocaine and drink together.
No. 1038004
File: 1600012973024.jpeg (1.18 MB, 3264x3264, 5C62C08B-EF60-4389-89A4-112A4D…)

She poor, so she’s selling her used makeup and other things she’s bought from Poshmark again. But not poor enough to have the new AirPod pros. She gave away her other ones kek.
No. 1038213
File: 1600040777330.jpeg (49.61 KB, 313x640, 60FBD034-ED83-426D-8241-B898AC…)

>>1038004Selling totally not used shoes retail value $98!
No. 1038216
File: 1600041007363.jpeg (211.62 KB, 750x1294, 9942BB92-5DF1-4CAD-9483-82E8A6…)

>>1038213Not even a good deal, those shoes have been on sale for less than $50 for months. Stay scamming.
No. 1038218
File: 1600041336038.jpeg (359.76 KB, 828x3040, 35C83060-882E-4FCB-BD7A-3C2845…)

>>1038004Even better… she’s reselling shit she bought. So now you REALLY need the money? Habit getting that bad?
No. 1038221
File: 1600041777465.jpeg (249.45 KB, 828x953, 00EBB51A-DCD6-4BB3-B896-37A846…)

She’s getting a new job! Is this like the job at Sephora she was gonna get? kek. November 3rd is voting day in the US, doubt she even knows that.
No. 1038969
>>1038221Why would you get a job as a poll worker if you run 3 successful businesses?
Stop lying Amanda.
No. 1039862
File: 1600269985601.jpeg (471.64 KB, 828x1293, 2494C7E7-7F9F-4FF4-AB60-323951…)

If she’s so broke and her Venmo account is locked… why is she still buying used makeup on Poshmark. Not gonna save up for that car, apartment, boob job and more tattoos?
No. 1041434
File: 1600492598671.jpeg (530.61 KB, 1241x1816, B07163BC-1EF8-432D-ABCB-8B3C15…)

I accidentally deleted the screenshot of Amanda claiming she doesn't want kids (even though she's talked about it with every boyfriend) and her mom demanding that she have them anyway. But here's a delusion from today. Amanda, you didn't look like that a year ago, either.
No. 1041651
File: 1600526979685.jpeg (757.89 KB, 1125x1648, 6E18232C-4EA6-4AA9-BD48-B0ADAD…)

“anti-cop” but pro-justices? doesn’t seem like scamanda even understands her own backwards ass punxxxx politics.
No. 1041815
File: 1600550569583.jpeg (229.65 KB, 828x1415, BEDBE9E5-4910-475D-B41D-510DDD…)

Good job showing your whole boob and no dent but somehow complaining about her “scar”. What about that goFundMe that you scammed for your super amazing surgeon? Still have taken out any of the money…
No. 1041850
>>1041815*where they removed the lump
Not cancer Scamanda, stop lying
No. 1042039
File: 1600604987681.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1125x1919, 6371DDBD-8256-4BAD-856A-DA0F1F…)

Lol..really? If she actually ever had roller skates and or bladed we would have seen over hundreds of posts and pictures of it. LIES.
No. 1042272
File: 1600634553950.png (2.4 MB, 750x1334, FF2916A0-8C23-4E88-BA0A-B35657…)

How long is she gonna drag this fake cancer shit out?
No. 1042618
File: 1600701993873.jpeg (529.17 KB, 828x1220, 6DD06E0E-76C9-481E-AC96-A7FDCA…)

So she’s been staying at some AirBNB in Flatbush while she “figures some things out” I bet she was kicked out of the garage, I mean her parents house. Also, where is she getting money to rent this place?
No. 1043390
File: 1600816605603.jpeg (182.29 KB, 828x558, 6703F848-11B1-435C-9015-8BEA27…)

Sorry for off topic but she has this listed on her FB profile as her job. Is she serious? “Passion project” kek. That John’s family’s medical supply company. I think she made a logo…once? Does that make you a partner?
No. 1043567
File: 1600845057163.jpeg (964.28 KB, 1242x2080, CF5E7102-4700-4660-B552-A821B5…)

Probably my most favorite thing about Amanda is her utter joy over a perfectly normal hotel room.
No. 1043569
File: 1600845196281.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1242x1884, 0AD62EAB-23D6-4DD5-83B1-57B1BB…)

>>1043568I'm sure they love you smoking in their rooms. She trashes up everything
No. 1043825
File: 1600882977741.jpeg (707.55 KB, 824x1615, 0371E2B2-6176-4816-BC0A-D64BD6…)

When has her face ever looked like that?
No. 1044048
File: 1600900580764.jpeg (449.12 KB, 750x904, B4B57F28-EC43-4840-9848-B280C2…)

Must be all the snow filters
No. 1044075
File: 1600904186241.jpeg (764.32 KB, 1125x1744, 795E79A1-5DD6-4FFF-B2E0-3F9E71…)

Here’s photo for reference
No. 1044372
File: 1600954275799.jpeg (470.73 KB, 1125x1762, 4F5F56EE-1FCF-464D-8B61-159456…)

What “thing” did you do, stick your fingers into a bee’s nest?
No. 1044378
File: 1600954806665.png (1.02 MB, 1125x2436, F4696549-42FC-414F-AC58-0171C3…)

>>1039862She’s been buying stuff non-stop (even though she’s “cash punched”), including the All Saints boots she’s wearing in the pictures that definitely weren’t taken by a gay couple.
No. 1044387
File: 1600956322078.jpeg (272.89 KB, 828x1442, E4A454A2-4D73-4221-B9B0-C71D31…)

>>1044378$300 boots, 2 nights in a hotel $500, room service and a carton of cigarettes $100. Store has been closed 6 months. Still has $4000 in her GFM. Sounds strange for someone asking for $2 to pay their phone bill a few weeks back….
No. 1044453
File: 1600963433016.png (2.9 MB, 1242x2208, C5E50846-78C8-481D-BB7F-00AA6C…)

>>1044378Don't worry, Johnny is there with her! Spotted in her most recent Instagram stories, she panned away as soon as he was visible but we saw, Amanda. He must be the only person on earth who can tolerate her.
No. 1044895
>>1044861He has an IG account and an FB but he never likes or responds to anything. I imagine she hides the posts like she probably does with her family/parents. Also… he doesn’t seem to care she’s a raging asshole, so maybe he knows and doesn’t care.
She’s told John that she’s fucked with a guy to his face, upon meeting said dude…and he just shrugged.
No. 1045072
>>1044895>>1044861>>1044453He's such a beta cuck. She purposefully hides him being there like she's ashamed. Honestly what is wrong with him? There was some sad anon in the last thread lusting after him so we know he can get
someone else.
No. 1047902
File: 1601393743596.jpeg (153.86 KB, 828x597, 78FEB1E3-EFAC-44C6-9093-AA7102…)

“So proud”
No. 1048508
File: 1601485278355.jpeg (Spoiler Image,766.19 KB, 828x1388, F6ADB891-BAD7-4A88-9EDF-897346…)

Her finger is stained with nicotine and she wants a tattoo over a 3 month old “scar”.
No. 1048600
File: 1601494929035.jpg (489.83 KB, 810x1488, Screenshot_20200930-124228_Ins…)

her left eye is especially bugging out. it looks….. inflated
No. 1049146
File: 1601550838278.jpeg (255.6 KB, 828x1229, 64C95976-ACBC-4C2D-8DB8-41065B…)

Still stringing Texas guy along… he doesn’t even follow her back on IG kek
No. 1049225
File: 1601559128311.jpeg (515.16 KB, 828x1039, E72AFA37-FE03-43F1-B0D5-47D4C9…)

>>1049146He hasn’t taken it off in 6 years… since 2014? You met him in Feb 2019 for the first time. How wet is her brain?
No. 1049640
File: 1601596598844.jpeg (1.02 MB, 828x1649, 95E92398-3B60-45ED-8F73-73BA44…)

When was she ever sober for that long?! Also this is not a glow up this is called two different face filters
No. 1049693
File: 1601602928770.png (3.17 MB, 828x1792, CE6EFE57-C322-4CD5-9E94-B9F9B6…)

>>1049640Also on her IG she says 46 days today - and them also 2.5 months
Her math doesn’t add up once again - 46 days is not 2.5 months
No. 1051392
File: 1601804025599.jpeg (977.2 KB, 1242x1762, 25981BD2-38DE-4194-9298-D96074…)

Didn't see anyone post this. Another victim lined up?
No. 1052240
File: 1601910115104.jpeg (574.96 KB, 813x1256, 3CF3C24C-E50F-4CB7-9BEA-AFAF7A…)

Well, maybe that’s what happens when you hang out in highly infected areas in Brooklyn, with your husband who’s family lives in the center of the Brooklyn Orthodox outbreak. Also, his family runs a pharmacy, so probably not the best place for a “cancer” patient to be chain smoking Marlboro reds, around people who work with possibly other sick people in the Jewish community. She’s a genius.
Tinfoiling, but I think her parents kicked her out. She’s posted some comments about how things are “complicated” at home.
No. 1052485
>>1052445“I know what stomach cancer looks like. I've seen it, and you don't eat three cheeseburgers a day with french fries when you got it.“.
Or smokes enough cigs to stain ur fingers probably isn’t how you ward off cancer.
No. 1052530
File: 1601936448456.jpeg (386.87 KB, 828x2266, 51F0801D-DC36-4D9C-9DEF-D7099A…)

A filter on a choking pic Yes you a dumb bitch.
No. 1053456
File: 1602038868931.jpeg (196.65 KB, 828x440, EACEEE30-39EB-446D-9C4C-72EF7B…)

Typical “conversations that never happened” Why wouldn’t she just name the show since she such a name dropper… also didn’t she drop out of high school at 16?
No. 1053691
File: 1602077910005.jpeg (318.28 KB, 828x683, EF4CE9A2-57F8-4C7F-8ECD-52C118…)

>>1053456She knows this is visible right? She’s so full of it.
No. 1053904
File: 1602100903136.jpeg (361.63 KB, 1241x1729, 0BEB4A00-3F29-446F-B268-6850CA…)

No. 1054222
File: 1602157281199.jpeg (1.38 MB, 3264x3264, 3980BE75-2CB2-4D62-B448-78BE44…)

Just posted the photo on the right complaining Ginger is in such a great photo. Can’t render that it was 3 years ago, not 2 years ago. Look at how much his eyes are edited by her filter. Can only imagine what she did to her own face.
IRL she looks like a drag queen in all that makeup during the daytime.
No. 1054993
File: 1602250626091.jpeg (889.29 KB, 828x1556, 184B3DB6-C230-4764-AA8B-5B7E62…)

What it should read:
“I’m 33, having my 19 year old cousin/sister/daughter sleepover because she broke up with her boyfriend, while I put a mask up to my meatball eyes because I claim I’m moving out to badass Brooklyn, but really I’m just going to be in my garage forever”
No. 1055011
>>1054993for some reason I immediately thought she was larping a geisha before scrolling to read her caption
sage 4 stupid
No. 1055781
File: 1602347307381.jpeg (604.42 KB, 828x1509, E02807EE-3167-4EEA-A246-9C1B94…)

Saving up for that apt, I see. Hasn’t gotten her license yet either kek
No. 1056055
File: 1602375319908.jpg (Spoiler Image,369.93 KB, 1286x2130, IMG_20201010_191041165.jpg)

>>1055781I entered those measurements into a body visualization tool. All hail the curvy queen of photoshop lol
(Sage for autism)
No. 1056916
File: 1602500413328.jpeg (165.98 KB, 1144x1144, 4ACCA005-45D5-48AB-8578-5FB1D6…)

Most people just shared the original post, gotta make it seem like you thought of it to get all the praise.
No. 1057977
File: 1602626047241.jpeg (219.53 KB, 828x469, 9957E836-932B-4CC6-8858-845D3A…)

A verbal agreement with a commercial landlord. What a wonderful business woman.
No. 1058045
File: 1602629573312.jpeg (398.92 KB, 828x1034, 93A8F9C2-44D2-4944-B493-E03675…)

Don’t worry I’m not going to post my address for weirdos on the internet to find me, but here’s the address in a house that only has two units. You’ll never be able to find me.
How dense is she?
No. 1058681
File: 1602695934541.jpeg (333.25 KB, 828x699, E71B178B-9948-4F9A-9CE7-3643F3…)

No… no one here wants to fuck you. Maybe if they did, you’d have money for your “store” because I’m positive there are more people who hate her, than like her. Hence this board…
No. 1058775
File: 1602703962550.jpeg (81.29 KB, 1144x476, A5D78A65-CABB-49FA-9D78-05807D…)

What the hell roommate is she talking about? $10k Esquire? Sell it and pay your landlord you dummy.
I love that she thinks everyone is an incel basement dweller and she has one leak feeding everyone info. There's at least 8 people I know trashing her and they're all friends with her. Maybe it's you, Amanda!
Also having makeup for 14 years isn't sanitary you grossout. Selling it is even worse. You're not supposed to keep makeup for more than two years tops.
No. 1059271
File: 1602767053679.jpg (237.98 KB, 1080x802, 20201015_150506.jpg)

Anyone knows this guy?
Tagged her in this picture but I'm not sure if it's really her
No. 1059814
File: 1602849586958.jpeg (320.61 KB, 828x1382, 1074D1C6-A2BB-4302-AB53-ECF605…)

This photo is from 3 years ago. Stop trying to promote yourself, as if this is what you actually ever looked like. You have two chins and weigh like 20 more pounds. Even this is photoshopped to shit, the missing arm, the bendy plant on the right photo… not even her best work but she loves promoting it.
No. 1060286
File: 1602909893262.jpeg (845.55 KB, 828x1159, BC13FE4C-38D7-4E9B-A4B8-ABA7AA…)

Yes you are weird and air bnbs don’t have landlords. That’s like… the whole point.
No. 1060480
>>1060430That’s Johnny’s parents condoning Miami. The same people who own the pharmacy, medical supply company and the lease on her store. What the fuck does she actually do? Nothing.
Lies, lies, lies.
No. 1060734
File: 1602972999365.jpeg (927.43 KB, 828x1442, ED4C36A6-AC35-40AD-9CBD-D8F878…)

Guess no one needs to see about opening the store until you can relax enough after none getting an apt… but are staying in an “Airbnb” that isn’t listed anywhere on their site.
No. 1061942
File: 1603143668939.jpeg (272.25 KB, 828x864, 603BBF19-BB36-4D92-BEE7-5722E1…)

You called our ex brother in law for his HBO password.. can she do anything without mooching off his family? (She apparently is still at her airbnb)
No. 1062459
File: 1603221548908.jpeg (205.78 KB, 746x989, 380CD580-80B9-4D49-BF0D-F8C4B4…)

>>1061942Bipolar? Is this a new thing she’s claiming?
File: 1603221570922.jpeg (206.85 KB, 1194x360, 6C8A3915-56E7-4519-AC75-62FD3E…)

Sounds fake to me
No. 1063047
File: 1603299542603.png (3.02 MB, 1125x2436, 14636194-C1C9-4270-A5F4-6CA50C…)

“Jon” the realtor, kind of ironic that the dude below him on the Nooklyn website (@burn.wizard.matt) is one if ex fuck-buddies.
No. 1063235
File: 1603317860593.jpeg (1.82 MB, 2880x3840, 803DF4D9-F968-434A-BEB1-4A3CE0…)

Desperate times call for desperate rekindlings
No. 1065608
File: 1603367587201.jpeg (263.65 KB, 828x855, CC6CE240-9CF1-4C4D-8DDC-69FC4C…)

>>1063235Another trip she’ll never take
No. 1066060
File: 1603413672584.jpeg (233.2 KB, 828x873, 909A81BB-069F-4C51-B837-C51AFC…)

She posted videos looking at two apts, of course w Johnny in tow. She is beyond exhausted. Now she’s going to spend more money and go back to her airbnb.
No. 1066288
File: 1603461218564.jpeg (639.03 KB, 828x1264, 24D4650B-130D-4B95-AF06-B717E2…)

>>1066060You can clearly hear Jon and the realtor talking specifics about the apt and she’s just walking around taking video and talking to herself.
No. 1066609
File: 1603492116017.jpeg (215.43 KB, 828x709, BD532A33-2A33-4FA8-9AFA-51B9D2…)

>>1066601But then she begs for money ….
No. 1066611
File: 1603492168416.jpeg (460.77 KB, 828x1269, 06FCE05C-08BA-4503-99E9-4086B7…)

>>1066609But she also brags constantly about buying things…
No. 1066923
Dollars to donuts no one sent her money
And she didn't buy anything
No. 1066983
File: 1603552788965.jpeg (652.06 KB, 828x1100, 6A0FBB26-327C-4E26-8B23-4B5FB1…)

I have no words
No. 1067608
File: 1603628565435.png (767.21 KB, 720x1450, Screenshot_20201025-072137.png)

Johnny gets to go apartment hunting for this leech on his bday. Blessed!
No. 1067981
File: 1603671771805.jpeg (463.57 KB, 828x1289, 6E2D586F-AD3B-4D22-A72D-0EEAD6…)

Still not any closer to getting an apt if you have zero income. Makeup rehab group? kek
No. 1068115
>>1067981Hol’ up…. didn’t she claim to have gone to Suffolk Community college for some bullshit? Which one is it Scamanda?
No. 1068245
File: 1603742694679.jpeg (275.53 KB, 828x1476, 51842334-0043-48CE-8532-789187…)

>>1068115She tried to claim she was signing up a few times. This year and last year.
No. 1068350
File: 1603749598086.jpeg (265.05 KB, 828x615, D11DD1DF-09DD-4C77-AA7E-E87A64…)

But so much more money for air bnbs! She didn’t even offer gas money.
No. 1069525
File: 1603897810639.jpeg (387.75 KB, 828x1334, 52682EF8-F260-4ADE-87D6-83D080…)

Wow a 350 piece kids puzzle. No one thinks you’re confused, they think you’re a liar and a scammer. But yeah “gifted” is totally what you are.
No. 1069699
File: 1603914710229.jpeg (72.6 KB, 400x373, 2330039C-3C2F-4E04-B602-F7CD2A…)

>>1069656The box says 14”. For ages 9 and up!!
No. 1069714
File: 1603916856587.jpeg (858.9 KB, 817x1463, FF9273C1-5FA1-46B1-B991-26335D…)

>>1068350Guess dad had to drive her to her appointment. No friends to take her kek
No. 1069885
File: 1603927129434.jpeg (483.46 KB, 750x1177, C643D106-DFE5-409D-ACE2-A4CB82…)

why is she trying to sell the idea that the nurses thought she was a badass with sclera tattoos? You’re not Grace Neutral, Amanda. You’re a beat-to-shit Ed Hardy bag from a goodwill.
Also thanks for the in depth bile story. Spoiler because it’s TMI.
No. 1070942
File: 1604056421740.jpeg (631.61 KB, 828x2057, 3C9774F2-80A0-41B0-9DA6-38626E…)

“May need to begin chemotherapy”
No. 1071116
File: 1604082894020.jpeg (352.4 KB, 546x839, 5EAAD2F9-A6CA-4A5F-B1C2-98D9DC…)

Love bombing “James Lee”. Must need even more attention.
No. 1071232
>>1071060i understand the point you are trying to make, but thinking 30 year olds dont smoke cigarettes might be the dumbest fucking thing ive read on here.
>>1071116recreating a photo of him just standing in the fucking subway? kek
No. 1071719
File: 1604159053301.jpeg (125.23 KB, 1125x299, BCC13E5A-F769-4EF7-AC79-4A9186…)

are we really “roaming like a tumbleweed” if we don’t leave the garage that our parents have banished us to? also, still hanging onto to owner/operator of a store that no longer exists, huh? yeesh
No. 1072152
File: 1604200376764.jpeg (426.73 KB, 828x953, 9A38FC33-F625-4128-998D-4B31F2…)

Ghost Malone. What a great excuse to draw on your face (or buy fake tattoos) for Halloween, where no one will see you.
No. 1072663
File: 1604264529608.jpeg (200.3 KB, 828x1021, 28FCCC0F-959F-4E21-8C69-0B5143…)

Wow you let your license expire and lost your SS card… getting them back and still living in your parents garage doesn’t mean anything Scamanda. Good for you for being a fuck up addict for 9 years and have nothing to show for it except a closed business and cuck husband who pays for everything.
Also, tinfoiling here but “If your New York State driver license is expired for more than two years, you must apply for a new driver license. You must pass a vision test, a written test, and a road test.” $5 bet this girl never got her license today. She managed to do all that in the past few weeks? Doubtful.
No. 1073034
>>1072663Yeah she didn’t get her license she got her state ID. I moved to NY and never changed my out of state license then lost it. When I went to get my NY license I had to get a certified copy of my driving record from my home state. She has told us multiple times she never had a license. So this is just a street ID.
Also signing on an apartment in a matter of weeks is just an idea she has. When you find an apartment you sign immediately and put down a deposit even if you aren’t moving in for a while.
No. 1073085
File: 1604329705549.jpeg (396.99 KB, 828x1636, 6A102E4A-273F-4C72-BE4D-677433…)

>>1073044One of my favorite post and deletes. From March 12, 2020
No. 1073188
>>1073085That post makes me chuckle.
I would just hate to be in a car with her. It’ll probably smell like tar, cigarettes, four Loko, and patchouli. Plus that air filter would need to be replaced each week. Her and her little put put mobile.
No. 1073482
File: 1604358031037.jpeg (93.91 KB, 828x287, 42BE9B63-14A7-4E22-A739-74F7F8…)

Where is she moving stuff to and from this whole time? She acts like she has 7 properties. She has, I guess, a storage space (provided by daddy’s job) and no apt and half her shit in her parents garage. What’s with all the trips and moving and Airbnb’s in Brooklyn when there is no apt. You don’t need to stay overnight in Brooklyn to look at apts when you drive an hour in from Long Island.
No. 1073910
File: 1604405794813.jpeg (93.33 KB, 828x617, A6536B20-A3E9-48AE-BF2E-F9AA83…)

Quick post and delete because of how stupid this post sounds. Looks like someone isn’t working the polls today, they opened at 6am. She apparently doesn’t care if her mom is a Trump supporter or not. Did you vote Amanda? Or too busy “moving” and “getting a license”? Bet she uses her moms “I voted” sticker for a post later today.
No. 1074052
New York apartments usually need at bare minimum first months rent, security deposit, and brokers fee (usually equal to one months rent). For a $2000 apartment that means around $6000 cash. Most of them also need proof of income anywhere from 20 - 40 times monthly rent for your annual income. Now all this could be moot if Johnny Moneybags is cosigning, but NYC is definitely not the place you go apartment hunting if just a few months ago you couldn't scrounge up $2 and the only job you have is a fake store that's been closed for months and probably wasn't making any money before that anyways.
Her whole story is just so hard to follow, nothing ever adds up. 17k behind on store rent, buying a new car, doesn't have $2, living in an AirBNB ($$$), nonstop buying on Poshmark, selling nudes, owns three thriving businesses but out of money. Lives in parents garage or airbnb or brooklyn or moving to texas or penthouse suite in miami??? Guy she's dating is ride or die best there is never been better or serial abuser rapist piece of shit??? Ex-husband best friend gaslighter hide him from all stories except when you lovebomb him randomly???? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.
No. 1076339
File: 1604677536499.png (2.17 MB, 828x1792, 1508870B-EA09-4DAF-BD53-A84162…)

>>1076006….No Poll job like she said, and did she really vote - or did she take her mom’s pen from her vote….
No. 1076483
File: 1604689519451.png (1.94 MB, 828x1792, 051215F0-243A-4563-B2DE-0280B8…)

>>1076020She went to a shooting range on a vacation to Isreal and now she trained military
No. 1076497
File: 1604691078506.jpeg (452.25 KB, 828x1102, 67640515-A1A0-40F5-B42F-10B67A…)

First she says she has trigger discipline (because she shot a gun like, once.) then she learned it in an Israeli base, then it became a central command training camp. I can’t with this bitch’s embellishments.
No. 1076507
>>1076497what a weird thing to brag about and she’s only been to a range once? no one should be handling a firearm if they don’t have good
trigger discipline. that’s like, safety lesson number 1. what’s her need to “show off” basic af shit all the time?
No. 1076540
>>1076483I refuse to believe anyone likes her irl. She has never ending
that happened moments.
No. 1076678
>>1076497Even if there was the remotest possibility of this being true, I would not brag about learning from the IDF if I was her.
She’s such a fucking fantasist. Top of the class.
No. 1076700
File: 1604708257019.png (828.97 KB, 828x1792, 768EFEF8-238E-4038-B9CD-376688…)

>>1076678Here’s the IDF training, available to any tourist- including children, and Amanda
No. 1076716
>>1076700lmaoooo Amanda Bret / bratoutofhell / Israeli counter terror soldier. This is pure comedy. A whole two hours of family fun activity made her a pistol carrying bad ass mama with major
trigger discipline. Don’t fuck with her y’all.
No. 1076723
>>1076497This is one of her best and cringiest exaggerations yet. There’s some pics on the site of participants- just families with kids all around 12/13.
From site- “As per Israeli law, adults will participate using .22 caliber rifles and 12 gauge shotguns and anyone under the age of 18 will use a paintball gun.”
She’s in her mid thirties and truly believes people are impressed by this? God she’s so insufferable I’m actually embarrassed for her dumb ass.
No. 1077268
File: 1604773137201.jpeg (707.05 KB, 828x1208, 453FB15D-D525-4CFD-A502-123A1C…)

She posted from Austin Texas with her babe (Ken) but she posted a picture of him yesterday with a black eye - which he doesn’t have here - and she said she has cancer dr appointments in four days- there are still quarantine restrictions…..and she went to Austin for three days? Doubt it
No. 1077273
File: 1604773275802.jpeg (244.17 KB, 828x884, E8214DB7-14E0-45A2-A9E2-EEA6E7…)

>>1077271Today’s post, same day she posted that she is at the Austin airport
No. 1077300
File: 1604774941398.jpeg (514.46 KB, 828x1792, B9642132-F147-4B47-86FF-5C70D4…)

>>1077268Shes also pretending that she’s been with Texas guy during the quarantine
No. 1077359
File: 1604779322434.jpeg (768.04 KB, 828x1510, 80980946-ADDA-49DF-80AA-DC731E…)

No filter! Why does she specifically make a point to say it when it’s so fucking obvious.
No. 1077440
File: 1604785646670.jpeg (1.47 MB, 1534x1676, CE29CD21-4575-4FBB-838A-C0D3E1…)

the filth
No. 1077889
File: 1604839258610.jpeg (249.2 KB, 827x1364, C899C6B8-477B-4834-B726-34758E…)

Same pic but different caption than on her Facebook. No filter? Her bangs blend into her forehead. And she’s in BK at TX at the same time?
No. 1078057
File: 1604865702279.png (601.47 KB, 640x1136, D7A81A7B-7E99-4B89-BA6E-672A7A…)

She has a YouTube account with 2 videos… I’m fairly certain this hasn’t been posted
No. 1079564
File: 1605045371191.jpeg (178.04 KB, 822x828, F26FC548-E13B-4A2A-BB68-76C2A4…)

very much looking forward to whatever shitshow spirals into
No. 1079599
File: 1605048654154.jpeg (644.23 KB, 828x1274, 3F3C6D79-0645-4DA1-B192-3954B9…)

“Can continue operating during the pandemic” Most retail shops in Bushwick have been open since the spring. There’s no reason she can’t open the store except if she lost the space. Oh and room for the cat but not taking Clyde back from your in-laws yet? Good choice pet mom.
No. 1080034
File: 1605104853998.jpeg (212.26 KB, 828x681, 0F464596-E68A-4A7E-9CFE-FDCA40…)

Right cause you don’t have breast cancer… so you better edit it.
No. 1080164
>>1080121Glad to hear you're doing well enough to afford that, anon, that's impressive. If only amanda would work instead of being a bullshit artist she too could pay for a place.
I dont get her larp, so poor and punk rock but so successful entrepreneur? Pick one.
No. 1080847
File: 1605186163064.jpeg (371.13 KB, 828x710, 9B5F71B2-E77A-4B49-8EE7-C23451…)

Can’t forget to lovebomb “James Lee” while you vaguepost about your fake cancer.
No. 1081630
File: 1605293255917.png (459.88 KB, 828x1792, F20BC913-4208-4ECD-B923-061842…)

So after a little digging, wondering why she doesn’t own the domain… someone got it months before she opened the store and made this site… now turned into a Wordpress blog. So if people have been calling her out for at least 6 years and she doesn’t seem to care… what do we think will ever change with her from people calling her out? Nothing obviously, because she doesn’t care what people say about her… she lives in her own world. In the garage kek No. 1081850
File: 1605313412313.jpeg (687.82 KB, 828x1424, 88270C1E-019E-4351-8103-4E7B65…)

“Will open back up in 2021.” I can’t with this girl. I take the subway everyday to work in NYC and work in retail. Been here the whole time. She’s been in dad’s garage since last year….what the fuck does she know? I’m sure you can open a hole in the wall store that no one ever shops in, Scamanda.
No. 1082847
File: 1605444991912.jpeg (158.55 KB, 828x389, F857B34A-082F-489D-8A85-6241EF…)

It’s called a single mastectomy when you only need one breast removed. A double if it’s both. She isn’t using the right terminology at all… $10 she isn’t even seeing anymore doctors. Also an oncologist would have suggested this FIRST and then the surgeon would help decide what’s best. You don’t get a lumpectomy and then all of a sudden need a double mastectomy months later. That means your doctors are shit.
No. 1082904
File: 1605452512830.jpeg (698.44 KB, 3264x3264, 2F9D1512-D46E-43B6-A697-0DF114…)

Here’s the videos she posted about going to see that apt in Bushwick. She claimed she put a deposit on it but isn’t moving until December.
When she point to a wall and asks “is that the…the yellow one? No? What?” And the realtor has no idea what she’s referring to.
She walks around talking to herself about what a big place it is, Jon and realtor actually talking money.
Avoiding walking in front of the full length mirror (spoiler: she’s not a 25” in jeans)
She’s so out of breath walking up one flight of stairs.
How she thinks she can sneak a pitbull into an apt with hardwood floors, where she can’t have a dog and then repeatedly asks if he can ”visit.”
1. No. 1083013
>>1082904Whatafucking moron.
>like that the kitchen is closed in cause that’s an eyesore She means kitchens in general, doesn’t she?
Love that she tries to say she isn’t gonna tell the landlord about the dog, agent says no you gotta play it straight, she assumes that means the landlord lives in the building and agent is like “no, you just have to play it straight”. She’s so fucking dishonest.
Also refers to convo in flat with agent as “in the video”. As in, she refers to real life as a video she’s going to put online. Mental case.
Also, the interminable bragging. What a vile creature.
No. 1083769
>>1083761The whole way she acts looks like she has no fucking clue about how to present herself and what to you say in this kind of situation.
The excited 'whaat whaat' made me cringe so hard. Calm the fuck down, you're with a stranger, ffs. Act moderately interested and listen what he's saying instead of acting like a 9 yo.
No. 1083774
>>1083769Everything made me cringe, but especially the “bro….broooo…bruh!”
What. A. Dick.
>>1083761She does this cause she tries to be all cool and friendly with literally everyone. Then is totally disloyal and will bitch about them. She tries to play everyone off each other. I can almost hear the cogs whirring in her clunky old brain.
No. 1083932
File: 1605551546053.jpeg (171.25 KB, 828x1082, 38EF06CA-EE52-4E41-A954-9CE388…)

Cue a new GoFundMe
No. 1083982
File: 1605554168256.jpeg (679.72 KB, 1125x2323, 321E1793-8B9F-40E4-9C81-675FE2…)

>>1083958Dr. Cohen isn’t a radiation oncologist so I’m calling bullshit.
No. 1084033
File: 1605557152172.jpeg (727.16 KB, 828x1588, D86127D6-ED6F-4F3F-8E55-E71BE1…)

>>1083982He’s an oncologist, but he doesn’t work with radiation.
No. 1084035
File: 1605557381434.jpeg (193.62 KB, 828x383, BC7E991E-D068-47BF-A955-51B621…)

You don’t lose hair from radiation therapy. That’s a chemotherapy side effect. Not unless she’s getting radiation on her head. A cursory google search can tell you that. Not buying it.
No. 1084040
File: 1605557516286.jpeg (429.26 KB, 828x1022, 19FC511D-05FD-4B48-A203-E470F8…)

>>1084035Same anon, this is the second thing on google.
No. 1084096
>>1084078ooof, if you’re going to correct someone you should probably check to make sure you’re right.
Wait… Amanda is that you?
No. 1084112
File: 1605563076009.jpeg (632.35 KB, 1125x2070, 7548CB16-171A-42C2-A60F-E07824…)

>>1084033“Former” - I wonder if this man still even works there…
No. 1084133
>>1084050She milks every thing for the most amount of attention ever. Imagine being this flippant if it is actually true…
>I might choose a double mastectomy if it makes me that sickSeriously, just fuck off. I understand that people deal with things in different ways, being flippant and extreme is one way. But a) I don’t believe this is real and b) you’d lop off both breasts to avoid sickness and hair loss (which isn’t going to happen anyway).
No. 1084158
>>1084064Idk man, if she gets mastectomy, she will not get some soft beautiful fake boobs. I don't want her to actually have cancer, it sucks but I also cannot believe someone really lies about this shit even though cows keep doing it.
For the oncologist, you sometimes get referred to the right one for you once the treatment starts so it may not be a chemo specialist at this time? This bitch is not deserving my gullibility wow
No. 1084608 this website clearly outlines that all insurance providers in NYS must cover all aspects of breast cancer screening, surgeries, preventative treatments, reconstruction etc…
Due to her little income - Amanda would clearly qualify for state health insurance - which obviously covered all of her surgery costs. The same insurance that would cover a preventative mastectomy.
Just further proof that the go fund me was all fake. Even if she was dropped from her original insurer, she would’ve qualified for state health insurance and they would’ve covered her pArTiAl mAsECtOmY
No. 1084620
>>1084617My mama also had a double mastectomy. They literally had to take a 12 inch x 6 inch chunk of skin off of her back to replace to removed tissue. She had drains in for months, dealt with so much pain with the expanders, reoccurring cellulitis and so much more that I won’t go into.
This girl is vile for even throwing getting a mastectomy around like that - she has NO idea what it actually entails.
No. 1084883
File: 1605646006553.jpeg (752.89 KB, 828x1217, E66F51E6-73DE-46A7-8D92-76B5F4…)

She just posted this. Nowhere near covered her scar if that’s the actual bandaging.
No. 1085103
File: 1605664016408.jpeg (433.26 KB, 1081x2062, 551E3A8C-E8A3-485D-B962-0CC108…)

>>1084883She posted this pic like 4 months ago so I’m calling bullshit. I don’t know how to properly link the previous thread so I will just leave this here.
No. 1085110
File: 1605664282044.png (1.12 MB, 1000x1000, FB72D7CC-4922-4DEC-A176-E49729…)

>>1085103Edited together for your viewing pleasure. Fuck this vile piece of trash.
No. 1085111
>>1085103I mean, read her caption, then it makes sense.
She’s using the old pic as yet another fucking reminder that she has >kicked cancer’s ass
Um no. You had a benign lump.
Anon that said about preventative mastectomy because of BRCA genes but she hasn’t even mentioned any family history like that. She was just throwing the suggestion around like she owns it, like she does with everything.
No. 1085127
File: 1605665830989.jpg (379.96 KB, 1065x1568, Dcis.jpg)

Radiation is a normal follow up procedure to her lumpectomy. It's not like the "cancer" came back.
No. 1085339
File: 1605700799276.gif (317.11 KB, 290x480, F70850C6-0032-4FB3-AE73-551BF1…)

She also edited her body 100% different from how it looks.
No. 1085369
File: 1605706624824.jpg (75.55 KB, 750x735, 1600514098294.jpg)

>>1084620Seeing what my mother went through and the permanent effects chemo had on her make me really want to a-log this cunt. I'm sure there's a lot of us here that cried a lot over the REAL thing. And this useless windbag lies and uses it for some sort of internet cool points. I honestly want to drive over to LI or wherever she's hiding and beat her ass.
No. 1085914
File: 1605756534651.jpeg (326.99 KB, 827x1119, 140E304C-24C3-407E-8DDA-9A6A66…)

Off topic, but I found this and just had to chuckle. Of course he was “abusive”…. over the FaceTime… during Covid. And you stalked him online and conveniently placed yourself on his radar and scared everyone else away from him. Knowing he had addiction issues and still pursuing him anyway, then vilifying him for it. And…to each their own but he was the same age (to the day!) as her father… ugh.
No. 1086485
>>1085914 nobody but her thought he was a great or cool guy. also, if he was so
abusive why not just hang up the phone? it’s not like she’d ever even met him. god, the drama with her is unreal
No. 1086914
>>1085914"So much of my life wasted"
It was like a month
No. 1088581
File: 1606041452905.png (5.25 MB, 1242x2688, 821A67AC-0012-4EE1-BED7-76198C…)

I notice the lack of a response to "what neighborhood are you moving to"
No. 1090393
File: 1606237461371.jpeg (145.52 KB, 828x1055, A05DB34C-0D98-4761-9642-AA502A…)

>>1088663Kek they raised the rent 2 days ago
No. 1090830
>>1085339lol, I love the unintended side effect of this being animated together. The wings of the bird tattooed on her chest look like they are flapping.
As if the bird is trying to escape her body.
No. 1092336
File: 1606424423116.jpeg (1.3 MB, 3264x3264, 35B2A651-F7ED-4027-BB53-8ACFAD…)

No. 1093212
File: 1606522628226.jpeg (237 KB, 790x1124, 1ECE3CE2-0BBB-4C31-93C8-AF3FCD…)

Is she getting a bald spot near her bangs? All the hearts are just to hide the photo warping on the carpet
No. 1093724
File: 1606584956037.png (612.88 KB, 1125x2436, 8BAFB6A6-EB92-4141-A740-47F0C2…)

This confrontation/joke thing in the comments was resolved but her dropping how she has black relatives….feels like the first thing a woke adult learns when trying to argue how they’re not racist….this is also news to me. I have seen her post about maybe one black person ever and as we have stated a million times she documents every fucking mundane moment and always has.
No. 1093809
File: 1606595159875.png (649.31 KB, 1125x2436, 955DFA9A-BDEA-42DD-A3B1-906AD4…)

Oh it was in response to that photo of her tonguing her dog which major cringe for me.
No. 1093881
File: 1606601871374.jpeg (162.83 KB, 750x741, EB57B090-2B41-4266-B3A5-B8660E…)

Can you imagine the huffing and puffing going on if she did actually try to skate?
No. 1094419
File: 1606659568703.jpeg (516.93 KB, 750x1269, 0E5ABCFF-CCA3-4725-9418-6BBFBC…)

Still looking like a sleep paralysis demon.
No. 1095074
File: 1606730202328.png (609.63 KB, 1125x2436, F20E81F7-6617-4BB1-8033-F33F39…)

found her reddit account and holy shit what a psycho
No. 1095236
File: 1606752323564.jpeg (1.52 MB, 1125x2004, 6968FA5A-3A96-4C9E-B1C3-16ECCC…)

found on her reddit. anyone else really creeped out by her relationship with her dad? am i the only one that feels like there is/was something going on there? eww
No. 1095267
>>1095236We’ve done her Reddit before - at the time she was hooking up with Meth Eric.
I don’t think her relationship with her dad is weird. You’re reaching. Or have your own issues.
No. 1095401
File: 1606763917006.png (1.7 MB, 1080x2520, Screenshot_20201130-201457~2.p…)

So she's engaged now?
No. 1095403
File: 1606764001545.jpeg (690 KB, 750x1080, 4488E994-2293-4205-B0CB-B969D5…)

How many can you repost this since you broke up last year? Still got that old ring you already owned and turned into an engagement ring?
No. 1095408
File: 1606764419763.jpeg (375.56 KB, 1125x2319, C1291054-B361-49EC-AD47-9DBD0B…)

Not sure if anyone has ever viewed her train wreck of a Tiktok page…
No. 1095417
>>1095403She keeps lovebombing him but he's not tagged, she deactivated the comments on that post and he doesn't even follow her.
What's her malfunction lol
No. 1095550
File: 1606773959191.jpeg (491.43 KB, 750x943, E2B662C2-77A4-4E5B-9F2C-703F3C…)

Commence the lovebombing to someone who doesn’t care and who dumped you.
No. 1095576
File: 1606775652637.jpeg (75.07 KB, 826x1097, 6BCA5F0D-28C0-4EC3-8C1A-17FA89…)

>>1095568Well he doesn’t follow her, but is the sole follower of an obviously fake but hilarious ig page called @bratoutofheck
No. 1095589
File: 1606776593295.jpeg (684.55 KB, 1242x1966, 1183CAC9-8001-4EE7-9A90-60B6F2…)

>>1095576Which was set up like two hours ago…
No. 1095648
File: 1606782201851.jpeg (278.26 KB, 750x1161, 3F9F663F-4C71-43D9-88EA-DFAFEF…)

>>1095589And this account only follows her, her side accounts and him and links to this site in the bio… so someone’s cowtipping.
No. 1095709
File: 1606785759181.jpeg (46.94 KB, 340x253, F79E7B22-5525-424B-AFCD-6E9B7A…)

>>1095648Don’t worry, we’ll catch them
No. 1095724
File: 1606786936256.jpeg (197.38 KB, 828x748, 9D9682B1-2B0F-46DE-B120-491A34…)

Here we go, asking for money again-
Posted vaguely the other day about bad news….tomorrow she was allegedly moving in to her new apartment……
No. 1095757
File: 1606789564680.jpeg (460.23 KB, 750x1240, 30914793-0549-4539-A1CB-B1E781…)

>>1095743Not the same anon but … he was placed on the ballot for a Grammy? Ok crazy. Self nominated? Pretty sure he didn’t win in 2019…
No. 1095769
File: 1606790375247.jpeg (194.7 KB, 828x1421, C8F0231D-3225-43F7-A334-1B6142…)

>>1095757Oooooof, not with numbers like this fucking LOL. Seems like they’re a lot alike since they both spout outlandish shit that can easily be fact checked
No. 1095805
File: 1606794036538.jpeg (267.46 KB, 750x778, 41B39BA4-1C6B-4BC1-8F36-6BADA3…)

>>1095757This is from her Reddit. She calls her brother a “dbag”. Class act
No. 1095816
File: 1606795608742.jpeg (220.87 KB, 750x704, 03797123-BD00-4A9D-947D-B52EEE…)

Any of “MY” treatments, to just “treatments”.
No. 1096055
File: 1606828884775.jpg (49.86 KB, 800x445, Love-After-Lockup-Shawn.jpg)

>>1095769Reminds me of this trainwreck from Love after Lockup.
No. 1097533
File: 1606945873571.jpeg (562.12 KB, 750x3670, 9C2E7033-43E4-4290-88F5-63C197…)

So the rootin’ tootin’ pile o’ love in Texas had a huge party for thanksgiving with many people and no masks anywhere. He’s a tattoo artist and someone called him out on it and he went to social media to get people to harass her. Of course tone-deaf “immunocompromised”, breast cancer Amanda doesn’t even away anything about the masks and just makes fun of the other woman for being a pseudo-intellectual. Have you heard yourself Amanda? So random cashiers at Target get a thank you post for wearing a mask, but her hunny can have a huge unmasked gathering during a pandemic?
No. 1097625
>>1097621Post away, Spooky. I read you’re sharing caps on your stories. Let’s see ‘em.
> but this is a meatballs eyes thread! What we really wanna see are any caps from convo with Scamanda. Did she Dm you?
No. 1097631
File: 1606956028277.jpeg (367.28 KB, 1125x2020, B4471722-6A50-4E95-8D7A-6D595C…)

Lol I feel like Amanda is talking about herself….oh nope just attacking another woman bc she’s such a feminist and so self aware. What a POS.
No. 1097635
File: 1606956332092.jpeg (147.27 KB, 1125x385, 3F1AF948-16EC-48DE-B7D0-1F43C4…)

Ahh such a wonderful role model for women
No. 1097682
File: 1606962020860.jpeg (354.64 KB, 750x858, 09EF584B-D03A-4E94-BC3C-B54CE0…)

>>1097533I count 29 people…
No. 1097683
File: 1606962073627.jpeg (499.38 KB, 750x1454, 4D9C86A1-2AB1-4B48-8289-67326A…)

>>1097682For reference on how Texas is doing…And she thinks she’s gonna visit him kek.
No. 1098014
File: 1607003305584.jpeg (511.09 KB, 1125x2354, 0638D09C-4ED4-4DAC-86E2-B6AEDD…)

If you ever needed proof as to how her employees were paid.
No. 1098688
File: 1607056829164.jpeg (401.91 KB, 828x854, 95B5CDDA-AFE3-4419-93BE-B00210…)

Another fantasy trip that’s not going to happen….
No. 1098784
File: 1607073622777.jpeg (64.6 KB, 750x501, 9A5A8BC7-B14B-4757-B60B-A31542…)

No. 1099091
>>1098688ah, yes, radiation treatments and a weakened immune system from “cancer”, a trip to a coronavirus ravaged state seems like the intelligent answer. and when done in Florida, maybe a quick hipskippydoo trip to Texas, another Rona ravaged state. She is more concerned about “hair falling out” (even though MULTIPLE friends have literally told her that it won’t) than catching COVID or giving it to someone during her doctor visits at a fucking cancer center.
Also, how tacky is it to ask for money during the holidays, when folks are financially challenged right now? Then to brag about multiple trips you are planning and a 2K deposit on an apartment? We have mutual friends who are worried about their kids not getting presents or not being able to afford rent.
No. 1099286
File: 1607113212547.jpeg (188.25 KB, 828x805, 8498AFEA-531B-4F9B-BAFF-11128A…)

Caught this gem of an exchange before the account disappeared. I don’t even know where to start
No. 1099316
File: 1607114386500.jpeg (141.33 KB, 750x739, B21A5132-837B-4DE6-840D-205BE6…)

>>1099286Looks like she made him follow her.
No. 1099339
File: 1607115858751.jpeg (329.76 KB, 750x1284, 4EA22B6A-54E4-414F-B2AD-530976…)

>>1099316Small IG hack here: if you log in via web browser, it will display someone’s following and folllwers list in chronological order. As in, the people the followed most recently will appear first on the list/on top, and the account they’ve been following the longest will appear at the very bottom. Looks like that bratoutofheck comment really got to her and she made him follow her back lmao. This is so rich.
No. 1099482
File: 1607122493063.jpeg (281.46 KB, 750x1682, 20CED16B-3BD0-47FA-A80F-038192…)

“These people are jokes who literally wish Covid on children….” No, you’re right, the people who had a 30+ get together when close to 3,000 people died today of Covid, are not willingly exposing their children to Covid.
No. 1099726
File: 1607137223090.jpeg (297.04 KB, 750x849, DCA6C2D8-51C9-4ACE-A868-6F2974…)

You’re vagueposting to your “friends” but ok.
No. 1099764
>>1099726lmao good for her for standing up for her anti-mask, dipshit “boyfriend”. very brave of her.
if she were “anti-piece of shit” she’d understand the outrage of having a gathering of like 30 people NOT WEARING MASKS during a pandemic. god what a fucking idiot.
No. 1100212
File: 1607191887844.jpeg (454.89 KB, 750x2268, 8CC6698D-62A9-4E21-AF41-CD7A46…)

Virtue signal much? She copied that word for work from the UN site… also it was two days ago but I guess time has no meaning in the garage. How’s that dope/sick/bad ass new apt?
No. 1101388
>>1101369Sorry didn’t mean to
trigger you, and congrats on being high functioning enough to use the internet
No. 1101547
File: 1607290903172.jpeg (149.8 KB, 1015x528, 37814C1C-BEB3-4E88-AFE1-459B69…)

>>1101369You shall not pass!
No. 1103456
File: 1607488340196.png (90.51 KB, 494x345, Screen Shot 2020-12-08 at 8.29…)

How has it been 5 biopsies already? Was her "partial mastectomy" just 4 biopsies at once? this girl……..
No. 1104172
File: 1607564362119.jpeg (790.31 KB, 750x2951, 18B9058E-01E7-4E3B-A5D2-533C26…)

Attention everyone: I have no plans of actually working anytime soon, so I’ll pretend to half learn a skill but never produce anything. Is she talking about making stained glass with Twiggy?! Amazing. Let her assist you in making your stuff so she can say she’s a pro at something. She can’t even use a fucking sewing machine because “hand sewing is stronger” Right, definitely kek
No. 1104178
>>1104172Ok there’s a lot to unpack here
1- what happened to your 3 successful businesses and 2021 being your year? Now you’re putting out a rambling ass cover letter/resumé on your Facebook begging for a job nobody is going to give you?
2- if you have that much material, tools, and experience; why would you be taking a entry-level position?
3- on what planet do you just declare that you can start work at 10am, you come to work when the workday starts (you’d know that if you actually knew how a successful business runs)
4- nobody in their right mind in NYC would hire her (guess what Scamanda, employers typically look up potential candidates and this website is high on your results)
No. 1104380
>>1104172No attached examples of work she’s completed, just lists all the expensive tools that her personal cuck Jon bought for her as her ~credentials: brilliant.
I assume she’s typing this from her new BK apartment that she definitely got and moved into like she said she was going to at the start of the month. Good for her.
No. 1104401
>>1104172Twiggy lurks. If you imply anything remotely negative about her, she will go rant on a live.
And i think any suggestion of being connected to scamanda qualifies as an insult.
Saged for off topic.
No. 1104405
>>1104172So many grammatical errors in this employment pitch. 'Preferably not those house'?
Writing while drunk isn't a good move. This post showcases her inability to focus. The extra info about her aunt just doesn't make sense.
Multitask my ass. You can't even focus enough to write coherently.
No. 1104458
File: 1607616332274.jpeg (583.73 KB, 828x1792, 7E502FCA-9849-41B7-9567-92CDEB…)

>>1104419And what happened to her Flower arranging biz - Daymade- she was looking for a storefront for it and it was opening in the spring….
No. 1104476
>>1104472It was her lifelong PASSION
No. 1104479
>>1104401Saging since not really relevant, but holy shit Scamanda and Twiggy are cut from the same cloth. Both have a history of taking people’s money, not sending stuff, and making up sob-story excuses. Follow the link if you want a good read. you’re reading this too Twiggy 👋
No. 1104496
>>1104479Oh, she is definitely reading. I also think she might be one of the anons. She was getting lightly called out a few months ago, and as soon as that post showed up, she went on live/ranted for 30 mins about hate boards being
toxic. But, how did you find out so fast, Twiggy?
What you shared is a pretty common opinion of her business failures. And she goes on live, with so many excuses about why she hasn't filled orders a year later..
She also calls out anyone who is upset about their order and rants about them on live as well.
She seriously should be added to the cow catalogue.
Saged, again for off topic.
No. 1104502
>>1104488I'm so experienced due to owning a shop for years. Which flourished due to all of my creative abilities like blah blah.
But, hire me as an apprentice. I'll constantly tell you how successful my business *is, but I'll also go pick up coffee for you.
No. 1104536
File: 1607624794765.png (604.06 KB, 1242x2688, 98431890-C7A7-41CC-AC5B-94497B…)

>>1103456What happened in her life to make her so fucking dramatic about everything?
She used to talk about doctor’s appointments like a normal person would.
I’m starting to wonder if this entire harrowing cancer tale is 100% fabricated and just loosely based on the events surrounding a lump she found 10 years ago and was treated for No. 1104540
File: 1607626135878.png (13.18 KB, 492x135, ok.PNG)

i mean that's kind of the general consensus of people who have had to deal with cancer. she really doesn't try
No. 1104631
File: 1607635836713.jpeg (365.73 KB, 750x710, 8642FE65-141C-42DF-ADBC-8829E3…)

>>1104479“Love you like a sister” kek. From an Etsy blog about Twiggy.
“ I run a side business with my best friend Amanda called LYLAS leather .We turn iconic images into pyrography on leather. It’s nice to be able to do something with the images I love that I can’t make in glass. Eventually we’ll get our shop up and running on Etsy, but for now it’s a friends-only kind of deal.” No. 1104740
>>1104172She “OWNS 3 businesses” but wants to make coffee runs for a ….crafts person?
Did she ever say anything about the apartment? I can’t wait to see why she says she didn’t get it
No. 1105777
File: 1607788876424.jpeg (516.47 KB, 750x1027, 403A304E-746C-4A37-9741-83364D…)

Hanukkah matters y’all. Cause her husband lwas ate to buy wrapping paper DURING Hanukkah (not before, like normal people) she has every right to cause a scene about it at friggin Target. Way to slum it girl.
No. 1106047
>>1105885The last sentence in the paragraph says she was hung up on. She most likely didn't set foot in the store.
>because gas ain't cheap, y'allIf you can't afford the $2.00 in gas to drive to your nearest Target/Wal-Mart/any other big store, you probably shouldn't be buying wrapping paper in the first place.
No. 1106099
>>1105777She is literally a disgusting idiot. Of course stores are sold out, we are halfway through Hanukkah rn.
With prime shipping, you can get guaranteed delivery tomorrow and looks like there are plenty of options. Or guess what? The super creative artist could hand draw wrapping paper for her best friend aka John because how cool is custom wrapping paper? Dumbass could get off of minimum wage worker's dicks and think about an alternative solution rather than being self righteous with your Hanukkah matters bs. I'm surprised she didnt hash tag that shit.
No. 1106506
File: 1607878238554.jpeg (137.53 KB, 750x677, F9FBC668-27FB-404E-B1CD-37428E…)

This account showed up commenting on the stores IG
No. 1106788
>>1104803Check out twiggys Reddit thread too. Absolute thief.>>1104738Glass/comments/ju3jcw/twiggy_levy_scammer/
No. 1106826
File: 1607903954624.png (11.43 MB, 1242x2688, 43CA5688-D39E-44B0-A749-428951…)

When you zoom in on all that non-Santa wrapping paper
No. 1106951
File: 1607912254372.jpeg (320.71 KB, 750x1283, 5FCBF6C3-83B6-4D97-AC50-80E3FF…)

“Self isolation that nearly drove me insane” You couldn’t handle living alone anymore because you were an alcoholic mess and nothing has changed much.
She sticks her dirty fucking fingers in the cookie batter in her video.
Who is shipping food to people she doesn’t know, during a pandemic, in the mail?
No. 1107134
File: 1607947635538.jpeg (480.32 KB, 750x3166, AB7F4970-EE98-4B91-B35F-E7F230…)

How long did you spend photoshopping yourself to look “thin” when we all know you are a wheezing, 140 pounds, and filled with 7/11 gas station snacks and cigarettes? 17 pounds to go plus another 5? 22 lbs? What a weird number.
Good job paying $90 off Poshmark (not legal on the app) for a garbage Unif tee. Is she 15?
How’s that dope badass sick new apt you got in Bushwick that’s still listed as active?
No. 1107141
>>1107134me: please send donations for I am in a financial bind and cannot pay bills
also me: buys a $90 yellow discolored white tank with a cigarette burn on it because it represents the trash can that I am
No. 1107282
File: 1608036893589.jpeg (532 KB, 750x1126, 509809A9-CFFF-414B-9435-6BD7DC…)

Drug free and alcohol free, still smokes weed. Definitely not sober. Definitely didn’t “lose 17 pounds”
No. 1107284
File: 1608036981333.gif (16.75 MB, 480x284, 9B09C091-107F-4C2B-B070-3E167C…)

>>1107282Same anon. Who seriously wears that much makeup to an MRI? Aren’t you supposed to not even have lotion or deodorant on?
No. 1107346
File: 1608044256116.jpeg (655.46 KB, 828x1792, B614A1DB-BCE8-4FA0-A1DF-2F7D71…)

>>1107328No - even her response to someone complimenting her mom turns on to a brag about herself
No. 1107347
File: 1608044372086.jpeg (676.32 KB, 828x1792, 10539CA3-1F04-4924-8CB5-8DDC7B…)

>>1107346Sorry the whole response here
No. 1107398
File: 1608049165511.jpeg (345.66 KB, 750x1162, BE483984-E8EE-451F-8699-58185B…)

Just airing out some family business online… maybe her aunts have seen this board kek.
No. 1107769
>>1107529Pathetic tagging your shop that is permanently closed.
Next thing you know, she will have a bakery added to her businesses she owns.
No. 1107912
>>1107421Honestly every single time I see this bitch commenting on anything it reads like a paid amazon review.
No one cares! She always feels the need to overfill everything with unnecessary details like, why do we need to know the colour of each part of the cookie? Why do we need to know why you made the cookie for?
Ironically, over explaining is a mark of compulsive liars. People would just naturally say “Yeah my mom taught me everything I know, and now I even make my own cookie cutter shapes!” and done.
I noticed she often feels the need to over describe everything especially when it comes to her work, she might be aware of how shit her skills are so she drowns everything in unnecessary info and hope this will impress everyone.
No. 1108789
File: 1608177086950.jpeg (153.04 KB, 750x463, 223C7010-EE52-44F4-9014-D4B596…)

Oh didn’t you move into your new apt that you definitely put a down payment on?
No. 1110301
File: 1608351164625.jpeg (399.04 KB, 750x1142, 0E39CD40-C549-4F68-AAB2-E84866…)

No. 1110305
File: 1608351930271.jpeg (1.15 MB, 3264x3264, D3B7D2EA-E2BE-4284-A804-53375D…)

Also back to editing old photos to look thinner… left is from a story. Right is from today. It truly is a sign of how warped she is that she sits around and edits these things and then posts them as if we think she isn’t posting an EDITED photo of a photo. Don’t you have cancer to be busy with or picking up a new skill while someone pays you kek Psycho.
No. 1112833
File: 1608676192848.jpeg (357.41 KB, 684x1308, AE790B2B-A563-4920-9BC4-5D8F29…)

Just carrying on about herself for no reason in the comments.
No. 1112922
File: 1608682122354.jpeg (494.76 KB, 750x1090, E0303A5C-F478-4693-ADED-51C44E…)

>>1112833Because it absolutely is possible to make everything about herself
No. 1113334
File: 1608736896340.jpeg (490.03 KB, 1125x1087, 14113D6E-FCAB-4B2D-BA17-CCDEDC…)

A true talent to make literally everything about herself. You do not get congratulations for being a decent human fucking being you trash.
No. 1113345
File: 1608738458934.jpeg (295.22 KB, 827x976, AE029E91-402D-413E-940F-F04B4C…)

>>1113334Her drug dealer thinks she’s special
No. 1113438
File: 1608747150015.jpeg (280.25 KB, 828x1792, 3C667CA5-E0EE-409A-90A2-3EE9DC…)

>>1107328Yet another brag post that nobody asked for
No. 1113520
File: 1608753601399.jpeg (413.85 KB, 750x797, ECF0FE21-6263-438F-BA80-F6A4B3…)

But the same girl posted this to her Twitter after they made the video… which wasn’t for Levi’s. They faked it, hoping to get picked up.
No. 1113525
File: 1608753900669.jpeg (413.35 KB, 750x1496, 72402F27-42F2-44A0-AAFB-B39F57…)

>>1113520 is the Vogue article she wasn’t even mentioned in or has any photos. Doesn’t mention her name. Basically just saying they have a cool IG
No. 1113927
File: 1608784560890.jpeg (216.25 KB, 750x472, 45DCEB1D-32A0-4A56-9501-68E57A…)

Who is giving her hundreds of dollars on gift cards? It literally sounds like a junkie scam.
No. 1114089
File: 1608816100759.jpeg (516.23 KB, 750x1324, E2F5D014-9A96-44F9-B801-EE8133…)

Someone has not quit smoking, even though the definitely, really have cancer.
No. 1114251
>>1113927What the fuck? Maybe you can't add them to venmo but you can use them exactly like visa/amex cards. I've payed bills with visa gift cards. How the fuck else do you think they're used?
Fuck you for trying to scam people.
No. 1114753
File: 1608912181861.jpeg (915.46 KB, 3264x3264, D05E5387-9FD8-493A-ADAA-C1E96B…)

So broke guys. Buys my gift card from me so I can pay “bills” (bills for WHAT? You live at home) but sure a $1600 bracelet sounds good. I’m sure Johnny boy got it for her. Wow you have no place to live but sure, jewelry works.
No. 1114782
>>1114775Idk about u guys but to me, Tiffany jewelry just screams punk rock as fuck. Kek.
How does she pull every contradiction possible?
No. 1114783
File: 1608917229489.jpeg (90.85 KB, 828x397, A7900574-A6F4-4612-8AA3-91BAF0…)

>>1114753Yes this is true, it’s def doesn’t feel like Christmas for the unemployed, truly sick, and less fortunate- but they probably give out about it way less than her- what a spoiled lying scammer
No. 1114812
File: 1608920769402.jpeg (625.88 KB, 750x1204, 8A737DE2-C5F0-4952-BC50-E9FAE3…)

>>1114791I think he actually dropped that money on some girl who lives in a garage and won’t admit that they’re dating. So romantic.
No. 1114855
File: 1608928114127.png (895.8 KB, 828x1792, CAE21002-90AA-4070-B428-8A8990…)

Of course she deleted my comment immediately. Merry Xmas y’all.(cowtipping)
No. 1114878
File: 1608930175204.jpg (481.52 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20201225-154603_Bra…)

Saged because I'm not 100% this hasn't been posted but I took a little gander at her fb and found a woman discussing how hard her life has been, Amanda replies with this
No. 1115225
File: 1608985789920.jpeg (234.24 KB, 750x1349, 003168C3-E242-4061-A748-657F98…)

The same guitar Johnny cash used. $6Gs. Still def doesn’t have a new apt
No. 1115592
>>1114878I've had the most terrible trauma to the point therapists cant help.
I'm responding in sympathy and this comment isn't about me, it's about you.
No. 1115708
File: 1609048609129.png (246.2 KB, 828x1792, 58688E7B-1E4D-495F-A095-89F712…)

>>1115283Is she pretending again that she is getting married - for the alleged second time?
No. 1115885
File: 1609084387865.jpeg (437.24 KB, 743x1006, 5F18BF00-507C-4C21-B844-B4F5E4…)

>>1115708Gonna recycle that old ring you tried to pretend was from Texas dude but was really 5 years old? They broke up last August after meeting a few times and getting engaged with no knowledge of who was moving anywhere to be together. So how are they going to figure it out this time.?Thought she had “cancer treatments” she had to take care of. FYI -NY suspended all non emergency surgeries again so I’m sure she’s not getting anything done anytime soon (even if it was real)
No. 1115907
File: 1609087536078.jpeg (59.57 KB, 750x439, 1B4F8F56-FA61-49CC-ACEF-2DD253…)

>>1115708 Love the reactions from the actual guy Jay, and her dude from RVA 5dread
No. 1116731
File: 1609182964897.jpeg (243.51 KB, 750x1843, 8072D980-1C36-40A3-8105-3668BB…)

>>1115708“It makes dating hard, but worth it” What!?
No. 1117239
File: 1609250708848.jpeg (215.97 KB, 750x574, C0C7E6B6-5E4D-42A1-8693-0F3382…)

Imagine being Shamanda, living for free at her parents, waking up at a leisurely 9am to smoke in the garage and HEAVEN FORBID your mother, whose house it is, dares to speak on the phone and have fun with her friend whilst you awake from your “I don’t have a job, I don’t have cancer, I’m a successful businesswoman smoking in the garage as opposed to my own apartment” sleep. Must be so hard. Enjoy that new apartment!
No. 1117386
File: 1609266077536.jpeg (163.06 KB, 828x1229, D3CCBC76-F4F9-493C-B71B-345F80…)

She admits to wanting fake tits……
No. 1117518
File: 1609274586848.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1204x2060, 47B3DE10-C280-48E3-AF89-298682…)

Look how Amanda looks today! She also looked like this on July 28th.
No. 1117521
File: 1609274846924.jpeg (226.52 KB, 1242x424, 9A13FAC2-B420-4BBA-B0A1-DEE05F…)

>>1117520Same Anon but realized I cut off the date of today's post and want to make sure it's there for prosperity
No. 1117556
>>1117518Yeah it's def the skincare, nothing to do with facetune.
Also a tube of grandebrow is $70. Glow Recipe ain't cheap either. But she needs to sell those xmas gift cards to pay her bills right?
No. 1117692
>>1117518“As my sister puts it…”
Amanda I’ve known you since we were 15, you don’t have a sister
No. 1118063
File: 1609340756208.jpeg (641.31 KB, 1125x2000, 88B8CB95-EFC8-46F3-A485-44F92F…)

No. 1118382
File: 1609377186455.jpeg (827.08 KB, 617x5356, 27C9F454-ED80-432C-8766-4CB3F6…)

How does someone even have the energy to type this kind of self appreciative, narcissistic crap? Me, me, me. No shame.
No. 1118455
File: 1609382142104.jpeg (226.14 KB, 828x1792, B6C8A258-4E8D-4C9C-B1B7-2B61ED…)

>>1118382What her timeline for when she was allegedly was married? Because this reply was on the same post as this reply- where she talks about her second engagement ring to the dude she was dating - in 2011- wasn’t that when she was already “married”?
No. 1118457
File: 1609382328679.jpeg (953.44 KB, 828x1792, 8849C02A-80F3-40D5-8E9C-9AEC62…)

>>1118455This was the post - where she is wearing the second engagement ring - from the owner of the dog on her lap- in 2011 - when she would have been married already to Jon - and this second sucker allegedly still wears his engagement ring (dudes don’t wear engagement rings!?)
No. 1118496
>>1118457Learn to read, she said he still wears his wedding band. And she’s talking about John, lurk previous threads she often brags about how John still wears his wedding band and her rings around his neck.
Not that smacanda isn’t the biggest liar there is, she didn’t say she wasn’t already “married” in her fb post, just referenced her engagement ring, which people, yanno, wear still after they married. They just add a wedding band.
No. 1119035
I had a rather amusing encounter with Amanda a few years back. Apologies if I may have shared this story before in part or in full, but I don't think I ever really got around to typing it out here.
I met Amanda, Johnny, and her boyfriend at the time at a bar in Williamsburg sometime around 2012. I'm pretty sure this boyfriend of hers was Benny, but one of the details about that night I can't recall exactly was her bf's name. It was a Wednesday night a bit past happy hour, a certain mutual friend of ours I won't name was tending bar (hint: her name starts with a T and rhymes with "Wiggy"). Anyway, we were all just marveling at what a trainwreck Amanda was and making dumb jokes amongst ourselves like maybe she was some sort of sentient tattoo flash book. 8 o'clock or so rolls around and her boyfriend says something about needing to leave because his sister is in town and they were supposed to meet up for dinner. This INFURIATES Amanda, and she is so wasted that she starts having the dumbest argument with him for wanting to see his own family. I didn't catch the whole argument as I was sitting a few barstools away, but I do recall there being some kind of "would you rather fuck your sister or me?" false equivalency thrown at him… Like, what?
Anyway, my friends and I duck out to the backyard to smoke, and maybe a minute later Amanda and her bf come storming through the door, and briskly walk past us to this little shack at the opposite end of the backyard. I'm not sure what that shack was, like maybe a supply closet or a walk-in, something like that. I'm pretty sure that room is normally locked, we just assumed Amanda got the keys from the bartender and went to have a quickie with her bf before he left. A couple minutes later our conversation is interrupted by what sounds like screaming and a crashing sound coming from the general vicinity of the room where Amanda and her bf were. Amanda stomps out of the room and screams "FINE! I'm calling my HUSBAND!" and comes barreling towards us (we were smoking by the door that connects the bar to the backyard). As she walks by us she slows down and very intentionally dips and brushes her entire body up against my friend's, and she looks him in the eye and says "hhhheeyyyyy" - clearly she's making moves to try and piss off her boyfriend who was following not too far behind. Everyone was laughing hysterically except for my poor friend who was subject to her impromptu full body twerk.
We recover our composure and go back inside to discover Amanda's boyfriend has left. About 15 minutes or so later Johnny shows up to pick up Amanda. Meanwhile we're all just so bewildered by the situation. This is the kind of shit you hear about behind closed doors but rarely see unfold in such a spectacularly public manner. My friend feels bad for Johnny so he offers to buy him a drink, he asks Johnny "do you like scotch?" Amanda says something like like "he doesn't know shit about whiskey", so my friend inadvisably buys him something decent, like a neat top shelf single malt. Johnny takes the glass and downs it like a shot, we all laugh and laugh and feel so bad for all of them and go home and go on with our own little lives…
No. 1119556
File: 1609513953598.jpeg (1.69 MB, 4000x4000, 5DFBC950-5FD1-4A95-8F5F-55F0DE…)

Sage if this has been posted before but even her "claim to fame" shirt was stolen from a vintage design.
No. 1119591
File: 1609518786770.jpeg (195.78 KB, 750x1053, DC6ED41B-BE0C-43C3-A4D1-2B8115…)

Moved in… but hasn’t fully paid for it… bu living in Brooklyn… everything is in storage… the deposit might fall through?? I don’t even understand how she’s thinking she’s living somewhere if she didn’t sign a lease?
No. 1120597
File: 1609633801508.jpeg (373.65 KB, 750x1936, D0F52DDB-5DB4-464D-8B58-2CDDE7…)

She keep posting food pics “for one” but you can hear someone moving around in a video she took of an omelette (eyeroll). All her food sounds like vomit.
No. 1121115
File: 1609702433671.jpeg (474.95 KB, 750x2679, 1D61278C-0286-407A-AE61-2750AC…)

Conversations from a 7-11 with someone who definitely isn’t Johnny, helping her “move” to this mysterious Air Bnb (because she doesn’t have an apt, and that gross food is on plates she’s posted from this air BnB that doesn’t exist on the air BnB site)
No. 1121317
File: 1609718471602.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1125x1708, A153DDB7-1E96-4A92-8FA4-D4D17B…)

Lived here for 7 years in 5 different neighborhoods this shit doesn’t happen like this.
No. 1121328
File: 1609718978520.jpeg (572.18 KB, 888x1081, 23E4FC21-E064-4A3C-B697-25E54C…)

Amanda, it’s okay to say you had no idea that this super passionately thorough and accurate depiction of you that you paid someone make was a direct Sailor Jerry ripoff. And when someone mentions it she spirals like the lunatic we all know she is…
No. 1121331
File: 1609719015628.jpeg (79.21 KB, 779x437, 7B443114-C2F1-4C2D-A068-3097E8…)

>>1121317Her reply on this post…
People don’t buy pastries for their new temporary neighbors - in East Flatbush - or anywhere else…
No. 1121431
File: 1609726400852.jpeg (457.11 KB, 750x1097, 21006491-8FEA-4502-87EF-C8EFEA…)

>>1121331Shes at the “air BnB” she keeps claiming. I figured out the address, but don’t want to doxx her. She posted a video from a balcony (she said the street so it wasn’t hard to find) It’s not listed online as a furnished rental, that’s for sure. But it’s in btwn crown Heights and East Flatbush. She hasn’t moved anywhere. This is all part of her facade of actually living a functional, adult life. Her store has been closed for almost a year and she hasn’t sold anything. She’s a fraud up and down. Grifter at best.
No. 1121437
File: 1609726951649.jpeg (283.22 KB, 750x1131, D3C6FA70-2818-4D0B-B9BA-93AE70…)

Take literally 20 weeks, 4.5 months to get back to a potential customer to tell them they’re closed because of Covid
No. 1121514
File: 1609733801399.png (293.82 KB, 828x1792, 58679ABF-7CBA-4381-BB3F-0F4474…)

>>1121502Who hurt you this time? Luckily the sap ex is always there
No. 1121674
File: 1609760375433.jpeg (553.32 KB, 750x1201, 602FA4EE-E6C3-4AE6-90EF-B800A2…)

Found on that artists page that made the Sailor Jerry drawing. Amanda won’t have a mailing address until February…
No. 1121753
File: 1609772250816.jpeg (1.91 MB, 1242x2074, 5D5E8EC1-9DAF-4238-AA28-6985FE…)

>>1121328 Wow they really did represent our curvy queen anachan so well!
No. 1121788
>>1121674 >>1121328
Someone's not happy the cathedrals on her feet are missing from her 'portrait'..
No. 1121796
>>1121674Sage for no milk but commissions aren't cheap. The artist tattoos flash for $80-$100.
Where does this money come from when you don't work, you stay at air bnbs often and you are moving into a new apt requiring a deposit and first months rent?
No. 1121807
File: 1609777000041.jpeg (522.99 KB, 828x1336, 0FB9D95B-E567-4AF1-9C47-FA0DDD…)

>>1121504Posted this am then deleted
Are these the neighbors that gave her welcome pastries? She only just “moved” to her “temporary” apartment this past week- that’s a lot of observation in a few days……
No. 1121830
File: 1609780222542.jpeg (55.67 KB, 750x304, 29948741-9DDD-4A10-A88F-ACB94C…)

Do you have illnesses causing chronic pain? Nope. So why bother said it? Does the guilt of faking cancer not hurt your insides? Congratulations.
No. 1122070
File: 1609797067796.jpeg (729.77 KB, 750x1447, 23CB6198-5B38-4194-834A-4E0713…)

Whenever Scamanda panhandles for money online, or brags about how much she has, or owns or has purchased…. I like to think of this post where she claims that “her” “medical supply business” is worth 8 figures to someone… but they won’t sell. What an actual psychopath.
No. 1122087
>>1122070I don’t know which part is better; the first sentence about all of her “paid-in-full collaborations” when her name on the list for the class action lawsuit against Forever 21 for (get this….) not paying people for using their designs? Or her claiming ownership of a medical supply company that was founded by Johnny’s dad in 1990.
Fucking pathetic
No. 1122234
File: 1609810541801.png (2.82 MB, 750x1624, 6B198280-846E-4097-85C7-B7A472…)

Ok Scamanda, you can change your name and erase your Poshmark profile so no one can see the constant purchases you made. Good call. Nice fake name kek
No. 1122663
>>1122587Why go to school? she's like, soooo wealthy! She owns a pharmaceutical business worth over 10 mil, plus her hobby store which brings in massive bucks despite being closed all last year. She always chased down by fashion magazines for interviews, duh. /s
These lies don't add up and idk how her "friends" don't call her out more on fb. One day she's e-begging for two dollars to pay her phone bill or her benign cyst/fake cancer treatments. The next day she coke rant manically brags about her wealth which we all know is just Johnny's parents money. All while lowballing folks like wild on poshmark, folks who actually /need/ to make a buck. Only to then turn around and claim she got the purchases from a charity bin.
I can't wait for something awful to happen to her; her entire existence is sad, pathetic, nasty and riddled with inconsistencies in her own lies. She has no real friends anymore, not even sure she did before- at least ones she didnt bribe with coke and merch from her store. She's an overweight, 34 y/o hambeast six-chins despite photoshopping herself to convince face tat scrotes on the internet she's not shaped like a potato. In a way I pity her, but I mostly enjoy watching hit rock bottom time and time again, only to be frustrated that Johnny continues to feed her money and pharmies. C'est la vie.
No. 1122681
File: 1609867813991.jpeg (488.61 KB, 750x1010, F7822682-1B63-46A4-976F-9945CE…)

You mean not every random stranger is your ride or die? That people who randomly stick up for you and pat you giant ego have never met you IRL?
No. 1122692
File: 1609868495438.jpg (107.88 KB, 498x739, gw3Pn0r.jpg)

she's tired of all the fakes who don't keep track of when she wears pants, only true ride-or-dies can ATTEST
No. 1123202
>>1122774Funny you should ask. You see that post above about her complaining that her Facebook presence grew too much and it’s full of fake people? Well maybe if she didn’t add every single person on the Internet who looks mildly
alternative in an attempt to wrangle new idiots who haven’t seen her full saga yet, She might have one less problem
No. 1123212
File: 1609891126209.jpeg (273.24 KB, 750x1767, 49B39093-BB97-447C-B1B8-3A32E2…)

>>1122774She accepts adds from literally random people who have seen her one, mega edited Miami photo reposted on “goth” pages
No. 1124194
File: 1609979620779.jpeg (202.45 KB, 750x1415, 2736647D-2A1B-4338-9611-6EAD83…)

Sharing a friends Covid vaccine post “for the status” and also only asked him where he got it, as opposed to congratulating him like everyone else.
No. 1125156
File: 1610070245721.jpeg (96.75 KB, 750x383, CFBA9D32-14FF-493C-8B58-5A1022…)

This is the only thing she has to say about any thing that’s going on. Way to be a badass, outlaw, activist by bringing up someone barely involved in the news.
No. 1126165
File: 1610160001284.jpeg (181.43 KB, 828x781, 3DD106EC-C0CA-48D5-A3B6-0720C0…)

“Always rolls back to nyc” aka mom & dad’s house on Long Island
No. 1126702
File: 1610196690403.jpeg (114.64 KB, 750x645, D71647A3-3738-49B3-B611-3AA94C…)

Looks like someone can’t get Jay (Texas) to pay attention to her (they don’t follow each orher on IG anymore) after all her love bombing, so she’s moved back to bother Korey.
No. 1126790
File: 1610206903172.jpeg (737.05 KB, 750x1141, A08FB424-6000-44FC-8F8C-AE0D1C…)

Oh shacking up at your in-laws while Johnny finds you an apt? No more air bnb funds left?
No. 1126848
>>1126702wasn’t he super
AbUsIvE and got her arrested and pulled a gun on her and is a pedo? she’s so fucking stupid and full of shit
No. 1128534
File: 1610385147751.jpeg (326.9 KB, 750x1860, 76FB36FF-882B-4A5D-BE64-40A8A8…)

I carry three knives at me and my dog at all times, cause I’m a tough bitch who can’t go walked my dog in Johnny’s fancy community without getting annoyed about SOMETHING. Also your dog knows to sit when it sees a cop? Uhhh ok.
No. 1128556
File: 1610386756560.jpeg (214.66 KB, 828x666, E53E6069-E590-4FE1-827A-D75272…)

>>1128534She’s pretending she’s in Brownsville - which if you’re not familiar, it’s a rougher neighborhood in Brooklyn- though 2 days ago she posted video of her and “her” dog on her in laws fancy deck in the suburbs of Brooklyn
No. 1129583
File: 1610479154892.png (61.22 KB, 420x285, Screen Shot 2021-01-11 at 10.4…)

Someone commented on a post of hers that they did crossfit. You can all be assured that this bad mama is an expert crossfitter and that she had a word vomit post on the ready. I have been following her on IG since before she started crossfit so I went on the hunt for some posts. I'll reply with the evidence she has about 6 months of on and off training lol.
No. 1129599
File: 1610480287839.png (990.86 KB, 1501x673, crossfittimeline.png)

>>11295831 is her very first day and post about crossfit.
2 is her last post about crossfit in 2015
3 is her first day back. She also has a post later where she says it had been 11 months since she did it, which matches with #2 in the timeline.
4 is the very last post she ever shared about crossfit.
she consistently posted her progress and documented every single workout. So I am fairly certain this WAS her last time lol
Crossfit for 3 years KEK
No. 1129930
File: 1610499644765.png (397.68 KB, 800x432, 264AB158-86B8-41B2-8242-A97163…)

>>1129876Probably got her X-ray from the same place as her mammogram
No. 1130296
File: 1610548239670.png (1.27 MB, 1080x1797, Screenshot_20210113-152927~2.p…)

Reposting more old shite, her fingers are revolting
No. 1130297
File: 1610548363275.jpeg (633.9 KB, 750x1106, FD426EC9-AEDC-443C-9067-64989F…)

again with this fucking photo? there’s no way the dude who work at that tattoo shop in miami aren’t closing her every time she does this kek
No. 1130349
File: 1610552944935.jpeg (141.94 KB, 703x416, 7C6F1DC9-B586-4602-B1F4-2F410A…)

>>1130334The photo the tattooer tagged her in on the left versus her BDD-fuelled photoshop effort on the right.
No. 1130466
File: 1610562410921.jpeg (400.84 KB, 1125x1403, 466EEC51-BE94-4A75-8433-855FDF…)

Took this screen shot the other day knowing she would delete it and it seems to be gone but is she claiming vaguely to have covid?
No. 1130510
File: 1610565448767.jpeg (626.69 KB, 750x1439, BA764A70-F2E1-4C6A-97E6-0AE4EC…)

>>1130483’s a video of here, coke sniffles and all at Johns moms house.
No. 1130512
File: 1610565537330.png (3.53 MB, 750x1624, D52935AE-D776-422A-8DA9-A4CA69…)

You’re not stealing food from your air BnB, you’re at your in-laws and they have food for the grandkids aka not their sons 33 year old mooch wife.
No. 1130682
File: 1610575283688.jpeg (156.18 KB, 685x735, 143B6C4F-8218-45EF-B9F4-B0CBC2…)

Sure, he was accused of rape but you let this creepy kid (@alonewolf666) not only work for you, but in your apt and on your bed? Cool cool.
No. 1130731
File: 1610577038864.jpeg (69.81 KB, 828x669, 58501D1A-5942-4A79-85E2-77AF14…)

>>1130682She “cut him out of her personal and business lives completely” - except she still follows him on ig….I guess that’s excluded from her definition of “completely”
No. 1131007
>>1130682What do the facts that this person had a crush on her/is a predator/an ex employee/was w her on her bed in a
deep conversation have to do with an electric blanket catching fire?
Just say "i once had a wired electric blanket that caught fire out of nowhere" and move on. No one asked you to set the scene you dumb overdramatic narcissistic bitch.
No. 1131015
>>1130517You know how to make a hormone?
Call her out for using facetune and Scamanda will bitch & moan on live about it
No. 1131063
>>1130731Kekekek. I love this board.
And she just happened to have a mop bucket around??!?
No. 1131320
File: 1610634120447.jpeg (477.46 KB, 750x1164, C5EA215A-9D5D-4CB3-B429-393AC6…)

Here’s a tour of her air BnB in East Flatbush. Looks like a lot of clothes in the closet for one person… noticeably no talking or breathing like a late stage emphysema patient. No mention of heated floors in her video also… strange Johns moms house doesn’t have the same amenities as your halfway house. No. 1131580
File: 1610656347403.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1242x1829, F527E4F9-FB6A-433E-82DC-3D53AA…)

>>1131320I saved this too but only for this face
No. 1131920
File: 1610673820620.jpeg (300.53 KB, 1125x1614, 451F7A1B-5FE0-49F0-AF48-3896E9…)

1. what is a “full sized portrait”? why couldn’t she just say portrait
2. “sweetest binch in the whirl”? i’m gagging. why does she talk like this? does she think it’s cute? because it’s straight up embarrassing.
No. 1132015
File: 1610680432973.jpeg (193.74 KB, 1080x1080, 2C367686-5C92-429D-9798-0608E1…)

>>1131998ran the original thru that app real quick - seems like you’re right
No. 1132031
>>1132015You know, sometimes I look at this board and think, “eh, maybe it’s all a little harsh, maybe she’s not that bad of a person..”
But her making her own Toonme portrait, saying someone else made it of her themself has finally 100% convinced me that she is absolutely awful.
No. 1132048
>>1131491Tinfoil but based on the other recent vid her land lard sounds could also be due to residual coke nose/breathing.
Also, i want to slap her, really hard for slamming every door she opens.
No. 1132236
File: 1610713118636.jpeg (520.51 KB, 750x1104, B4F4E993-1F91-4520-9726-6EF586…)

>>1132019Someone made them and posted them on both her pages.
No. 1132540
File: 1610742821462.jpeg (495.1 KB, 750x861, 82E843D2-4A79-4984-9983-BEB71F…)

Who drove you around and rented that car on vacay since we all know you don’t have your license? Johnny boy? What’s the obsession with mentioning her ripoff @castlebasas tattoo? You wear shoes all winter, how often does everyone see your feet? (She didn’t report her “viral” photo in in this carousel, so I assume that’s coming next)
No. 1132613
File: 1610745742634.jpeg (501.93 KB, 750x869, B17C7BB6-F746-44C7-AF64-A82191…)

Question: why is she tagging her ex Jay in the photo? She called him a scratcher and got one tiny tattoo from him. And not in Miami.
No. 1133105
File: 1610803274637.jpeg (330.11 KB, 750x2700, 77355C2D-6AA9-4F54-B0C1-040418…)

From her Facebook stories. Maybe since 2 years has passed of her claiming to go to Miami every two months, she’ll actually get John to pay for a trip to Miami this year.
No. 1133154
File: 1610810149464.jpeg (301.94 KB, 827x1430, 815ACE60-CBBA-4F08-B51A-930A7D…)

>>1133105It’s actually been three years since she was there- she just keeps posting the same pictures to make it seem like she’s there more frequently
No. 1133172
File: 1610812143057.png (421.17 KB, 1125x2001, 9A61B324-F540-4CD4-92DB-602385…)

Well, if that doesn’t say it all.
No. 1134471
File: 1610929151770.jpeg (862.05 KB, 750x4252, 71ABDDDD-341E-4109-8EB9-85CB60…)

I mean she rarely gets tattooed if she’s not being provocative. she gets tattoos on her thigh so she can keep her legs spread the whole time at the artist. Her last post about getting tattooed at her shop and didn’t have underwear on, barf.
No. 1135404
File: 1611023799290.jpeg (288.29 KB, 750x1430, FE4B4BB0-7E67-4133-97FE-707F65…)

You’re a huffing, puffing hambeast. Not a thin little waif. No one buys it. The lack of a new photo from her in more than 2 years that hasn’t been heavily edited is just proof she can’t accept how she looks.
No. 1135663
>>1134933A lot of respectable tattooers see nudity constantly and see their clients' bodies more as canvas and less as a sexual object of desires. .. if they're respectable artists. Most artists will later talk to their friends and other artists about uncomfortable or thirsty clients, but will just do the tattoo and avert their eyes and be respectful. Amanda was just trying to come on to this dude and judging from his body language, he was trying to stay clear tf away from her nasty vag.
She knew the tattooer was coming to HER shop that day because SHE arranged it. So she planned her no underwear on purpose. Her desperation to try to be trendy and hip and sexy at all costs is painfully embarrassing to witness as a female.
No. 1135671
>>1135404We always point this out but just to reiterate, why tf is she always giving us these stupid long-winded, tmi stories regarding shit no one even asked about?!!
No one cares how many days you claim you went without stuffing your fat face. This is just as believable as Luna Slater saying she's starving and hasn't eaten in days, yet still looks like a snaggle-toothed walrus.
"Seedy crackers"? We needed to know you bought SEEDED crackers?!
Honestly, Amanda is in the running with Ariana for Most Annoying Cow in my book. We know you're a disgustingly filthy scumbag that hates yourself, yet you claim you're so talented and successful. We can see right thru these fake pieces of human trash, yet they seem to be oblivious or in denial to the reality of their situations and shitty lives.
No. 1137227
>>1135673This one actually just killed me. “Only” 3 or 4 days! She FORGOT TO EAT for days at a time. Why? Is she busy not working and not doing anything? 99% sure she’s ordering dominos on her ex husbands credit card and chain smoking cigarettes on whatever air bnb stoop he’s renting for her desperately trying to make eye contact with people walking by.
I love this. I can’t get over this. Forgot to eat. Because..she’s busy? Stressed out about having..too much free time and nobody to see? Wtf is she doing if she’s not just eating all day long
No. 1137321
File: 1611181965911.png (513.71 KB, 1138x807, Screen Shot 2021-01-20 at 5.28…)

I know it's old but she updated her old Etsy (before she had her store) in Nov 2020 to say they'll "be back"
This was never her "schafmayer" Etsy. Who are these "loyal customers" for her cottage core, cross stitch, faux punk aesthetic? No. 1137865
>>1137467Because addicts don't pop shit, they snort or shoot. And Adderall is nowhere near the feeling you get on coke, so if she likes coke, she's not gonna want Adderall.
She could be doing coke, but I honestly think she isn't because she'd post her sooo thin body for all to see in hopes she'll get concerned messages. I think she's just lying about the not eating for ONLY 3 or 4 days because she's still a lumbering fat ass that wants the same concerned messages as if she was emaciated.
No. 1137870
File: 1611232346747.png (3.29 MB, 828x1792, 13E55857-539B-4620-B6E0-F9BC52…)

>>1137865She posted this and took it down right away on Monday
This is what she’s on daily….
No. 1138003
File: 1611243568157.jpg (335.45 KB, 1015x1415, hambeast.jpg)

>>1137870Hambeast has high blood pressure at 33 and drinks that much coffee and smokes Red's? Good job…
"Avoid excessive intake of caffeinated beverages, such as coffee, since these may decrease levels of lithium and decrease effectiveness of the medication. Discontinuing caffeine use may increase lithium levels. Consult your healthcare provider before reducing or stopping caffeine use."
a Doctor would have told her this…
I love that a last year she ADORED her shrink when she thought she was going to get experimental Ketamine doses (Spravato)… for her (get this) medication resistant PTSD, never brought it up after that. Guess its not the best place in the world now?
No. 1138018
File: 1611243965336.png (29.67 KB, 569x137, Screen Shot 2021-01-21 at 10.4…)

>>1137870kek she knew a year ago.
No. 1138019
>>1138003Wow, that photoshop might be helping her hide the cystic acne that lithium can cause!!!
For someone who wants to get high, she should've kept the 800mg gabapentin. It's easy to get and can get you high af.
Why didn't she just get rich "ex hubby" to pay for ketamine infusion treatments at an actual treatment center? Anyone living in NY state can now do the virtual ketamine sessions where they mail you ketamine to take during your appointment. It's approx $250/session.
No. 1138245
>>1138020Are you all stating this because you take it or because you read that? When properly used, as someone who takes 900mg a day, I do not get high or knocked tf out.
It’s all dependent on the person and their health. With that being said, Amanda obviously wants the ketamine. Not all medicines work for everyone the same way but her consistency or lack thereof makes it hard for me to believe nothing has ever ever ever worked for her.
No. 1138545
>>1138245Having worked in psych for the past 10 years, I’ve seen people like her jump from doctor to doctor when they feel insulted at the smallest slight, or don’t hear what they want to hear, etc. Totally see her as being that kind of person.
(Not gloating on the “10 years” just saying I’ve seen it in my experience.)
No. 1138977
>>1138670Not trying to promote it in case Amanda reads this, but it's very easy to find and a well-known magazine recently even wrote an article about their experience with it and how easy it is to get. I've used the same company the article talks about.
Philly also has a virtual ketamine program like that, as does New Jersey and Oregon. I know other states offer it too and insurance won't cover it, unless you're lucky enough to have insurance through Veteran's Affairs.
It's better in the office though because they'll actually do ketamine infusions where they deliver the ketamine straight into your veins with a needle.
No. 1142787
File: 1611693894673.jpeg (116.44 KB, 375x812, 637F1688-160D-4EF9-B72F-23F2EF…)

Just for her anniversary of editing herself and all the photos that showed up this motorcycle trade show she went to.
No. 1147642
File: 1612136339371.jpeg (1.05 MB, 2554x1587, A93E52EF-35C1-49AD-9648-67296B…)

She’s alive, not in a new apartment, not driving a new car, and making more friends in a 7-11 for “crip walking”. Why is she still tagging John Vale when he doesn’t even follow or likes any of the photos she tags him in? So pathetic. She thinks no one sees.
No. 1147643
>>1147642That chubby toddler energy going on in the middle photo.
The Vale tagging makes my skin crawl.
No. 1148219
File: 1612205589584.png (2.82 MB, 750x1624, E0C7F284-C352-4A64-90A0-0CBF45…)

Working from home? A) not your home, back at the airBnb. B) you barely even worked from your store
No. 1148358
>>1148219Yeah what is…wfh? wasn’t she just begging on the internet to find a job getting coffee for a “tradesperson” (only after 10am)
She has no job to work
No. 1148413
File: 1612214040473.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1170x2001, 7FCBCA4B-8465-45E7-967B-0CC97C…)

“This is my friend” but also “I saw him irl once” which one is it, Scamanda?
No. 1155526
File: 1612758654471.jpeg (133.98 KB, 750x482, 735C4C91-8018-48E8-B7D2-74717E…)

You’re holed up at an air BnB in east Flatbush. No car, no friends. “Her” dog doesn’t even look happy to be around her.
No. 1156396
File: 1612828529566.png (2.56 MB, 750x1334, 0FB4267E-67A2-43D7-92E3-33FE40…)

oh the liesssssssss hahah
No. 1156450
"Solo shows" = the coffee shop she worked at let her take empty open mic spots on weekday afternoons
No. 1156460
File: 1612833615431.jpeg (364.45 KB, 1125x2000, A962CC5B-B104-431A-A0E1-97B214…)

ACAB but also arrest him but also ACAB but also except for the ones with motorcycles.
No. 1156539
File: 1612840033506.jpeg (462.35 KB, 750x2350, 6E94CFBD-70BA-4DC4-91CB-B4CE23…)

>>1156450Two shows at peoples apartments and one at a bar. Iconic.
No. 1156675
>>1156554SoundCloud: a Christmas record for mom
Recorded at: totallyarealalbum studios
No. 1157285
File: 1612903599814.jpeg (372.49 KB, 750x1151, 7E65FDC7-E3DE-4445-90E6-CEE5BB…)

She doesn’t have an apartment. She didn’t move anywhere.
No. 1158146
File: 1612976394063.png (2.09 MB, 750x1624, 4EE01370-7E57-4E86-9046-0552AA…)

Pretending an airBnB is your new apartment even though you haven’t moved? Did she think people just magically forgot she has no apt and faked cancer.
Oh side note: if you have a cancer diagnosis you can get vaccinated now in NYC. Let’s see her excuse as to why she didn’t go get it right away.
No. 1159594
File: 1613101993979.png (1.54 MB, 750x1624, 37B85643-856A-4291-9038-1835DE…)

$10 she in an empty building and making up people for fun. Of course she met another girl who is “tattooed head to toe” Tink? I can’t with her imagination. She’s so bored and such a loser. Her stories are just her lying in bed with Clyde. He seems totally bored.
No. 1160218
File: 1613172305014.jpeg (535.95 KB, 750x1321, 17D83DF0-67D0-487E-A793-7BE6D9…)

Ok that’s a weird thing to have on your fridge of a long term airBnB. The property is owned by Nooklyn, so I assume she got Johnny to rent them a furnished apt. Why would you still be posting only this photo on your fridge?
No. 1161407
File: 1613310625205.png (2.92 MB, 750x1624, 8C0B5D49-540F-40A8-89AA-04F664…)

Together for a decade, you haven’t lived with him in three years. And let’s be real, only John walks the dog.
No. 1161786
File: 1613345907452.jpeg (243.19 KB, 750x1327, 676B75D3-FC15-4D55-B56C-70973D…)

Apparently she’s too broke to get an apt on her own but this bad ass DIY ”support small business”/“eat the rich” has mooched her way into getting Jon to buy her some boring boots
No. 1161787
File: 1613345931736.jpeg (169.3 KB, 750x1332, D9E0DE65-5029-4FE3-80CD-D7307F…)

No. 1161789
File: 1613346011873.jpeg (489.86 KB, 750x1037, 56A4C440-C1EC-42E4-9220-84D9DF…)

Aw lovebombing 5Dread as if he was her “valentine” last year. Didn’t she spend it in a dirty motel?
No. 1162945
File: 1613487456533.jpeg (91.84 KB, 497x932, FA85315E-BA60-49EE-ABF4-CDAC1A…)

What a fucking joke.
No. 1164079
File: 1613596890385.jpeg (467.53 KB, 750x3469, 089CDD0E-A7FD-4973-8EB5-1EC4D9…)

Her sober post and some choice comments
“Living” in east flatbush in a furnished apt with none of your own stuff.
Obviously the vest person is 5dread but I edited it anyway. That’s so gross that’s they smell that bad. Also she doesn’t have a patched vest.
She hasn’t drank but she’s done “other shit” hmm ok.
No. 1164169
File: 1613603250299.jpg (1.08 MB, 1901x1629, vnkdsvksvkds.jpg)

you're fucking up the whole point what that damn filter. and we don't give a fuck that your babe remembered the EXACT PRODUCT you mentioned wanting #monthsago and gave it to you for vday. that's called gift giving - not - you guys he's obsessed with me.
No. 1164280
File: 1613612694218.jpeg (370.71 KB, 472x1022, B308FE5F-8FEA-4B55-8714-DC34B3…)

Here’s the full vid of her putting on a fucking face mask, because that’s so exciting.
Nitpicking but at the end she also has a red face and puts retinol on her eyes and face? That’s like the stupidest skincare ever. Have fun with a burnt face.’s just holed up is this like halfway house apt… is this what working from home is Scamanda? Buying yourself boots and expensive face masks because “Drew Barrymore used it” like what?!
Nice insane filter meatball head, oops I mean eyes.
No. 1164292
File: 1613614686876.png (1.02 MB, 1118x610, 2147A71B-7082-431E-A659-F80137…)

It’s like she has compass that can always find a 7-11. Also hi welcome to Brooklyn Amanda, the sidewalks have been shoveled for days. She’s such a dirtbag she can’t keep anything nice. I bet they stink like cigarettes already.
No. 1164320
>>1164280mother of god that video filter is terrifying, like AHS freakshow material
how many homeless vets or pitbull rescues could have used the money for the shoes you're already claiming to trash as if they were nothing
No. 1164352
File: 1613622740690.jpeg (534.23 KB, 750x1899, 19803BAF-92E3-43DE-B107-4C9179…)

So now she’s just totally claiming to live in a place…. with none of her shit. What was she spending all those weeks “moving” when she doesn’t have any of her things or her cat.
No. 1164524
File: 1613649873829.jpeg (470.63 KB, 828x1231, CCB45B83-26C0-4FF6-8668-E9E823…)

What ever happened to that apartment that you already put a deposit down on and were moving to permanently in Bushwick/Ridgewood? Either hoping that everyone will forget that was said or the lies are just too much to keep track of.
No. 1164535
>>1164280The myspace angle with the filter is so disturbing, but the coarse whiskey-n-cigarettes baritone voice with it is truly uncanny.
>>1164352Amanda is my absolute favorite cow because the milk is just neverending. The tone of voice in her posts does read a bit more desperate these days. I think she's just inches away from some sort of realization. Through self reflection, since it's evident that nobody visits her.
No. 1164731
File: 1613673146393.jpeg (739.36 KB, 750x1332, DDAF901F-C851-4C53-B0C9-2015ED…)

No. 1164945
>>1163826Agreed the newfag could Google this but Twiggy is mentioned often in this thread, is a big part of Amanda's backstory, and is probably deserving of her own thread as she's a cow in her own right
It's impossible to read Amanda's threads and not know who Twiggy is
>>1164079 I'll never not be grossed out by how she treats her parents, who took their adult daughter in rent free for the better part of two years. God forbid they have a say in who's stinking up their house.
No. 1165019
>>1164352Which 6’2” dude is she talking about? I’m sure he sees their “relationship” completely differently.
>>1164523Underrated comment
No. 1165043
File: 1613701531292.jpeg (570.1 KB, 1125x1296, FCCCE24A-5717-48C5-937D-601C2E…)

Accidental screen grab. Thought I’d share.
No. 1165095
nonnie you leave Cass outta this
No. 1165148
>>1164945Yes she is a ranch cow deserving of a thread can someone who’s not a retard please just start that thread
I would but I’m a retard too
No. 1165252
File: 1613734267162.jpeg (382.25 KB, 750x1168, 2A41761D-A234-499B-86E8-51ED3D…)

Oh this is just a temporary apartment. Sure Amanda, adults do this all the time. Get a loaner apartment until they can actually rent one on their own. Just get Johnny to shell out more money for you that you don’t have, so you can do face masks and lie in bed all day doing nothing.
No. 1165445
File: 1613753882883.jpeg (99.81 KB, 828x541, 6E8747AD-4868-440E-BEDD-A36431…)

>>1165252A month ago it was temporary and a deposit was already put down on an apartment in Bushwick/Ridgewood. But that’s too much for her to remember
No. 1165592
File: 1613764842755.jpeg (864.54 KB, 750x3960, 62F0198D-F443-4D22-BB74-5F1FF1…)

Look at what a righteous recovered alky that I need to show you how good I am. Also Amanda…. someone rondo FB friend brought you fireball and you bought garbage chateau diana fake wine from 7/11.
No. 1165596
File: 1613765269869.jpeg (803.64 KB, 750x1485, 188E001B-752C-4A25-A95C-2C5BBD…)

>>1165592So hard to stay sober with “friends” bringing you booze.
No. 1165849
File: 1613786583005.jpeg (1.92 MB, 1242x2074, F2BA446B-5827-4B23-BEA2-AD3FBD…)

>>1165824Fun fact: he’s the one whose stories this came from. We have him to thank for this masterpiece.
No. 1166119
>>1165592'My inevitable relapse last summer'
And then all of the passive aggressive language from 'but yeah they did the right thing for me' to 'obviously my own fault'.
No. 1166884
File: 1613859750616.jpeg (502.95 KB, 1936x1936, 0A3E3D75-5CC7-4BD3-85D0-4A26DA…)

>>1166877These were some of her posts about pic/video content for sale
She had lots more posts about it around the time of 5 dread- they were filming content in an hourly rate motel
No. 1166929
File: 1613866981278.jpeg (437.64 KB, 702x4712, 971AB318-856D-40B1-A2F4-672CD4…)

>>1166877“Extremely vocal” barf
No. 1166933
File: 1613868006141.jpeg (554.39 KB, 750x1515, D61B2727-09C8-468A-877C-03C98D…)

>>1166918Lack of accountability. She would never be able to post anything with any regularity. It would all be edited to fuck too.
Also have you seen the interface of her store website? Try to find a piece of jewelry… She can’t even make a separate listing for each item, just a drop down menu for some brands…
No. 1166981
File: 1613874414413.jpeg (501.68 KB, 750x869, 93D75EF8-2AA9-458E-B47A-180A4E…)

Just posted this on Reddit… why is this the constant story she needs to tell in her life? Has nothing else happened to you?
No. 1167046
File: 1613882265278.jpeg (272.21 KB, 828x1792, B4C69287-12BD-47BE-B60F-798AB2…)

>>1166981Did a deep dive - this was from last year when she claimed she was going to live with the Tiger king fool she was in love with - and here she says she “married a couple times when she was 20-23”
Married a couple times? It doesn’t even seem that she can prove she was married the one time to her alleged ex husband cuck
No. 1168081
File: 1614015410290.jpeg (558.87 KB, 750x1141, 38FA796C-B6C7-4219-B64A-3B269A…)

Yes get another pet you can abandon at John’s parents house. She is so wishy-washy. Don’t you have like… bills and part fees and furniture to buy? No? Birda sound like a good choice. She’s like “ooh shiny” because she saw a friend rescued a house pet bird from the street. Always one upping people.
No. 1168160
File: 1614023447776.jpeg (372.89 KB, 750x876, E07341D2-E690-4751-8D51-1530DD…)

She… is in charge of security of her building for some reason even tho she is as best a part time tenant??? Why is she acting like she owns the building?
Also, needed to call her lawyer? Why? Did you attack someone again and they called the cops on you? DELUSIONAL.
No. 1168363
File: 1614045998107.jpg (328.72 KB, 1004x1542, 06840801.jpg)

>>1168160The chance that NYPD would be relying on a short-term renter to obtain footage of an assault is absolute zero. There are staff whose job is just to deal with those things, and she wouldn't even have access because she's not the owner of the camera. Sounds more like Amanda is excited that a crime happened near her and is desperately trying to involve herself. So gross how she uses other people's suffering as an opportunity to attention whore. Pic is an article about the assault
No. 1168454
>>1168160When you consistently make large personal check deposits, banks can flag, and will often hold them for longer periods of time. Guessing due to the potential of someone stealing a checkbook ect.
But yeah, you might be still told the check is good, it's just a longer processing time.
Also, police would both contact the landlord, or security company to obtain footage. They would not ever expect or ask tenants to do either, ever.
Lawyer mention? Ok…
Also, why does playing phone tag with said lawyer constitute adding to your oh so stressful life?
The only thing believable in this post is about the duvet button. What a sad life.
No. 1168600
>>1168160little Ms ACAB seems particularly eager to help the cops (or so she says). also, echoing what everyone else said but there’s no way they would be going thru her, an airbnb guest and not the landlord.
her grasp on reality is slipping even further. i would how her cancer is tho.
No. 1168629
>>1168600Yeah would love to know how the cancer and chemotherapy and hair loss is. What a POS, she never addressed her claims of needing “treatment” but did make a big deal about losing her hair…
Also yes, if a cop asks for ur private security camera film, they would need an actual warrant, or you just tell them you don’t have it.
No. 1168639
>>1168454Banks only flag deposits over $10,000. They place longer holds (different from flagging) on personal checks because some people try to play with the float times banks use to verify the check with a MICR machine and take the money and run when there's really no
valid account or not enough funds to cover the check. Therefore most banks only release the first $100 immediately and the rest after the check clears. I think she's saying her card isn't working and she thinks she should have money because of her deposit, but the card not working has nothing to do with available funds.
No. 1168919
File: 1614117791221.jpeg (158.17 KB, 750x474, D0479BEF-7753-40B4-8494-FDC8AA…)

Oh that’s why she needed her debit card to work. Time to buy some more garbage from Poshmark
No. 1168924
File: 1614118017212.jpeg (299.18 KB, 750x726, 9B5A899B-91B6-4FBC-9BCD-FD89CF…)

>>1168919Hahaha omg just found her interaction with a seller of some eyeshadow palette
No. 1169069
>>1168924She made a huge deposit of….her “paycheck” specifically to buy things on poshmark?
People normally just put their paychecks into the bank. WHAT is her fake job this time
No. 1169114
File: 1614137786673.jpeg (187.74 KB, 750x1317, 2D21F88F-0062-4354-BE98-64AFD7…)

>>1169069She lies to Poshmark sellers in feedback for pity points. Gift for your mother YEA RIGHT
No. 1169441
File: 1614181201045.png (95.22 KB, 1076x312, Screen Shot 2021-02-24 at 9.36…)

Waify…only in the way she poorly shoops herself.
No. 1169544
File: 1614189116148.jpeg (253.14 KB, 750x1816, 097DF6E4-2DE2-4509-8B09-6FCA8A…)

“Dad bring me my Peleton” “oh yeah I ran away from home” is she 12?
No. 1169566
>>1169191>>1169406Too much unnecessary detail is a tell tale sign of lying.
"Liars are extremely generous when it comes to giving you details. They’re trying to con you into believing them by overloading you with details.
This shows they’ve put a lot of thought into what they’re going to say and probably even rehearsed it in their head."
Also explains all her edits to facebook updates. It must be exhausting to keep all of it straight in her drug addled brain.
No. 1169680
File: 1614202442160.jpeg (301.11 KB, 1125x2436, 78390333-70B9-4BC1-B025-2599A8…)

>>1169544You mean the one she hasn’t used since July?
No. 1169784
File: 1614212391174.jpeg (666.42 KB, 750x1301, 3A3E8113-73EC-47D1-838E-EA2D86…) most recent FB stories of her dad visiting her apt. They’re talking about this pre furnished, not moved into… as her apartment. How she needs som balcony furniture and a “bistro set” for the even BIGGER from porch. It’s a sublet at best! She’s totally still smoking cigarettes. I’m sure that’s great for her cancer treatments she so desperately needs. Her parents make her delusional, too. They totally buy into her crap.
No. 1169890
File: 1614220323000.jpeg (606.51 KB, 750x2423, 20B6F2C3-B385-4B0D-8704-73F608…)

I can’t even caption these next two
No. 1169892
File: 1614220395692.jpeg (167.71 KB, 737x505, AE4BAD63-DC37-496C-9252-CE33A0…)

You mean begging your dad to bring it to you…. Bet she doesn’t even have a storage space. It’s just “her parents house”
No. 1169941
File: 1614226911520.jpeg (123.52 KB, 750x296, 6445D050-08EE-4EFD-A585-733720…)

>>1169892What about her store? What about her cancer? What about her drivers license? She’s in the middle of nowhere in south Brooklyn with no subway. John is still her chauffeur and her rent money sugar daddy. “Oh Clyde is with um, Grandma and Grandpa, I mean his other grandparents.” Eye roll.
No. 1205992
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No. 1214167
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I mean a tool for a tool
No. 1217475
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Gofundme raised amount stays the same. Amanda cashed that shit out ages ago.