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No. 67876
File: 1449287798400.png (449.09 KB, 479x506, 1414483129226.png)

There's already a thread about her in /pt/. She's a lying cunt who used to whore around for free shit and it's even sadder that she keeps up the voice facade around her boyfriend and friends. I bet she feels guilty about her entire existence which is why she's always saying she feels like shit. She constantly whines about her life on ask fm and is full of self loathing even going as far as covering her face with huge sunglasses at a panel. Fucking cringe.
Watch her video "deepest voice i can do" and her old LoL character voice acting videos. The low, womanly voice is her natural voice and it sounds really lovely so it's a damn shame that she uses that annoying banshee voice. She slips up all the fucking time too during streams when she gets too into a game.
Pic very related
No. 67943
>>67876talk about granny panties.
any more?
No. 68070
>>67876When I moved this thread to /snow/ I didn't realize we had a thread for her in /pt/, and could only find her mentioned in the league whores thread when I searched /snow/'s catalog. Sorry! My mistake!
I've moved the old thread to /snow/ and locked it. It can still be read at
>>68014 but since this one is newer and the last one was very inactive, this should be the designated LilyPichu thread.
No. 68102
>>68000>I've probably watched more streams than youCongratulations. Only takes a few of her old streams to listen to her accidentally use her real voice and her high pitched one quiver.
>>67999>m-muh real life loli kuwai gaming idoru can't be this fake!!I already mentioned that she uses her fake voice irl around her boyfriend and friends. Did you just suddenly expect her to use her real voice around her fans? She knows it's the only thing that makes her have any sort of following so of course she's keeping up with it. Why are Lilypichu fans so delusional?
You should just read her ED page really. It's filled with embarrassing, lulzy shit.
No. 68126
>>68102Then link me to the streams for proof?
her ED page was made by some stalker named serbia who stalked her for years. most stuff on it isn't even true. half the stuff on her dox isn't even true.
No. 68758
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>How dare they make fun of me, so insensitive! only I can pick on other people!
No. 68938
>>68803Yeah she used to be anal about keeping her real name and age private. I remember she used to ban you from her stream if you called her Yuri, kek.
>>68867Nah she still whines about her small boobs. She's trying to play up the "loli" but she probably is actually insecure about that.
I love how all these mediocre League girls stick together. Lily and Uguubear are friends with a bunch of other girls (Little Jenny, Natsumi etc). Seriously, it's a circlejerk of insecure females trying to act loli or hot shit.
No. 69066
>>68977I don't really see why that makes her a fake ho…I wouldn't want my real name out on the internet either TBH
I do agree she is a fake ho but not because of that
No. 98190
>>98146Didn't she say she wanted to be a voice actor?? Why would she get surgery on her jaw?
But honestly, she goes on and on about wanting to be a voice actor but never puts in the steps to do it. Getting into voice acting is hard and this probably just fucked her up for creating different voices.
No. 98255
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>>98146She went from saying it was for her voice acting to admitting it's mostly for aesthetic purposes in her blog post. Feels like a cop out in case her VA career still remains stagnant.
Pic related, her one week post surgery progress. Still some swelling but she looks completely different.
No. 98260
>>98255>for aesthetic purposesI found the blog post where she talked about it and she said the surgery was also for her improper bite, misaligned jaw, speech problems etc.
I almost thought it was just another Korean American girl caving in to the plastic surgery craze, be it double eyelids or jaw, due to peer pressure and superficiality.
No. 98514
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Find her annoying.
I don't think her voice is fake, but she keeps whining about people saying it is.
No. 98620
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>>98255I was looking through her fb and saw this pic posted in october, do you think she also got her nose done or it's just the angle?
It looks big here but small in that update pic
No. 100554
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No, she didn't get a nose job it's still bulby as usually and she'll probably continue to cover it stickers like usual.
No. 100569
>>98313Reminds me of that film… something pounds of beauty? Where the fat korean singer looses weight and gets surgery to get that manager
No. 100638
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>>100569Oh I know what you're talking about is was on Netflix. Her face shape is so off now, I know it's still not fully healed but she looks bad now, and kek she is covering her nose like anon said.
No. 100691
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>>100569200 Pounds Beauty, love that movie.
No. 100732
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>>98258Yeah its not flattering without the angles.
No. 106447
>>100638She fixed her juria lip thing idk what it's called
She looks cuter than before
No. 106691
>>98514Wow, what a fucking bitch. I already heard she was a bitch by people who met her at conventions and in person in general. But really, you can't even gracefully accept a gift from your fucking mom? This girl fucking sucks.
Pisses me off how so many guys seem to be obsessed with her. She's not particularly pretty or funny and it's sad she has to constantly keep up a fake voice. Why are guys obsessed with this shit?
No. 107132
>>107003It's Wendy isn't it?
Lily's closest circle of friends are some of the worst people ever, including Jummy. Most of them are insecure as fuck. If you ever want to
trigger Lily, ask her how old she is point blank.
No. 107418
>>107132YO THIS! She's 24-25 right? I still wonder what she's going to do for a career, all her other roommates are like nursing students or have some sort of plan. Then here's her with one minute she wants to be a voice actor then the next animator.
Voice acting is competitive and hard to get into if you're new. It's not all about having a unique voice you need to know how to you know act, and versalitlity means more job offers. Here she is at 24 and every other post is about how she wants to be a voice actor and I'm just like when are you going to start when you're 30???
Same with her animation she doesn't even draw anymore just doodling. I remember she was using flash and made a tweet about how hard it was. It was a simple doodle, something I did in high school for class. She just comes across as so lazy and wanting hand outs. Like the voice acting job is going to fall on her lap cuz kawaii desu voice. That voice won't even get her into funimation.
No. 107643
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Her swelling as gone down and she has posted videos from an editor app on her Twitter.
Oh and she got her braces apparently so those will be in for atleast 2 years
No. 107658
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>>107643Along with her features being out of proportion now, namely her potato nose, she has turtle lips going on after the surgery.
No. 110433
>>110353Oh that makes sense, but yeah if its only the bottom she risks getting an overbite depending on her situation( I mean I can't see her X-rays)
Her face looks off now, she did look more mature before. No, she always had insecurities with herself in general. She'd always cover her chin for pretty much every selfie or her nose. Everytime she takes pictures with her friends some part of her face is covered up or she's like in the corner of the photo.
No. 113690
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lol ok who linked her here
No. 114412
>>113690I loooove the "I've never begged for donations" comments streamers always make.
Yeah, they just leave their paypal email and wishlists around for donaters because obviously they don't want money and buying products for them isn't money!!!!1
Yeah bitches, you're just asking for it in a roundabout and indirect way.
No. 114470
>>114277Oh yeah I remember that! I never watched the interview but I do remember her mentioning it. Still one oppurtunity? She should be taking any decent voice acting job and going for it because she needs to build a portfolio. I also remember the funimation oppurtunity and she "chickened out" and did even try….if they liked her they would of kept her on record even if she didn't get the role she wanted.
I work in Cali from time to time (although I do animation and concept art) and getting any creative job there is hard but I bet my ass she isn't doing shit or she's waiting for those lead voice acting roles. Refuses to take the scraps.
No. 118278
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I love how now her twitter is her face, she was always so self conscious about it but now that she got the " surgery she tots needed for medical reasons" she has no problem showing her face.
She used to cover it all the time at conventions with over sized glasses or that dumb medical mask but now she has "confidence". Still waiting on her to do anything with voice acting so I can go to the same audition (to bad she doesn't really try, I'd say its cuz of twitch/youtube/conventions making her busy but I haven't seen much shit from her)
No. 118371
>>118278Is that Mira?
But on a more serious note, even if I don't like lily I think it's nice that she can show her face now?? I'd do the same if I actually learned how to wear makeup, id have more confidence too after changing and looking better
No. 124918
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Something about her looks so off now.
No. 137190
>>137013Nah, shit's definitely fake as fuck unless she has a medical condition such as pulmonary hypoplasia. No grown ass woman has a voice like that naturally, it would develop sweet and nasally at most (like Catherine Lloyd Burns) but not child-like. Notice how all these girls in the league community sound the same and/or are obsessed with anime. All of it is bullshit and I don't get why people would buy any of this one bit.
>>124918Greasy, flat hair and a part that doesn't fit her face shape is doing that. Her eyes make her look like a turtle.
No. 137553
>>137190nah, i really think leah's voice is legit. she also only plays league with her boyfriend, she's a pretty casual player and doesn't even like anime.
idk why you're trying to rip up leah, she just looks like the socially awkward girl who was obsessed with horses in 8th grade.
lily on the other hand is pretty lulzy
No. 137768
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Anyone interested in talking more about these league whores and their drama?
Pic related, it's alittlejenny
>had an all girls team, the sirens
>they wanted to go pro but were not even top ranked players
>they disbanded partially bc of jenny's toxicity
>she is a constant try hard, posting on twitter 2edgy4me shit all day long
>sucks and fucks league people to get by
No. 137803
>>137764I only listened to the beginning and her voice doesn't sound atrocious to me…
I have a high pitched voice in real life and I hate it. At least this girl sounds feminine but I get mistaken as a prepubescent boy sometimes so it's just high and annoying and not girly. I read about how some people went out into the desert and screamed until their vocal chords were damaged to deepen their voice, and I thought about trying it but I'm also worried that it may have unintended side effects or that my voice will just get raspy and not deeper.
I also do the thing where my voice gets a bit higher when I'm nervous in social situations and not conscious of it. If you listen to most people, when they're trying to sound kind while talking to kids and stuff their voice gets a little higher, and subconsciously I do this in a bid to seem friendly, but it just makes my voice more annoying.
No. 137985
>>137882I'm considered to have a high pitched voice and I'm black. I've been told that my face doesn't match up with my voice and etcetera. At the end of the day, I can't really change it so..
I wonder what causes it to begin with.
No. 138670
>>138649fan girl? nah i just think leah's voice is legit and isn't a cow like lily or the other asian girls so i just said what i wanted..
>pointing out the truth where?
No. 139346
>>138657Why does George tolerate Jummy constantly flirting with with Lily on stream?
It's so obvious that he likes her. In most of the videos and streams where he is with Lily, he makes some 'joke bet' where if he can successfully do something he gets hold hands with Lily.
No boyfriend would appreciate some thirsty guy joking like that with his girlfriend.
No. 139603
>>138670>abloobloo :^( Thread is about lily not leah. Go take your hissy fit elsewhere.
>>139346George probably doesnt give a fuck because jummy isnt on his level. as the other anon said, lily wouldnt drop hotshot for jummy it would be a major downgrade lol.
No. 140496
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I'm tired of her boohooing, living in the gold mine area for persuing everything creative and she can't do some simple networking. Like grow a pair, you're an adult if you're so hungry for being a VA like you say go for it with everything.
She wants hands outs, she was a roll literally handed to her. Thinking just doing some classes are enough for that business. If classes are so expensive as you say just pocket the money and seek a mentor or reach out to a working professional actor. At the very least make a voice reel.
Collab with animators on YouTube or people with small projects to build a portfolio. She goes on how she doesn't want to do YouTube forever, then put in on the backburner. Because honestly once you reach 30 on the internet you're literally a grandma unless you're doing something like tutorials or using YouTube as a tool for your job in some way.
No. 141268
>>141212Diff anon here but
>Someone disagrees with me giving valid points>It must be whiteknights/Lilly/whatever! Commit sudoku pls
No. 141449
>>141417>>141417when did this happen?
how did people find out?
No. 141577
>>1414492011 maybe? When she played RO.
She was 19 and they had been "online dating" for a few years. It really wasn't a big deal, but naturally all her RO fanboys freaked when she told them for one reason or another and it became big news.
Then they broke up and she started dating a guy who was like 30.
No. 141668
here I thought George was her first and only boyfriend and that she was a virgin.
No. 141684
>>141668I'm guessing that is the image she wants to portray.
Her old photobucket (with fan art of her ex), but it's not very interesting: No. 141691
File: 1466284689408.png (575.53 KB, 615x475, image.png)

She always tried to pretend to be the "pure loli waifu". It's sad.
Her dramatica always gives me a kek at the Hentai moan part. She knows what she's doing, not very loli innocent desu if you ask me. Nothing
triggers her more than addressing her age, honestly I think she doesn't put on makeup on purpose to seem young. No. 141823
File: 1466336368410.gif (1.21 MB, 320x240, 567.gif)

Misinformation yet 4chan has archives, and you can just find caps a few years back.
No. 144539
>>144467>>144489The guy who swatted her is OUT of jail now. He's a huge fucking creep who thinks threatening girls = online gf/nudes. He would do it to multiple female streamers usually for that reason.
Here's an article about him isn't allowed to use the internet but he is still secretly using twitter now.
No. 145713
>>144539I hope her family has already reported that to the police so they can search his computer and phone.He can go right back to jail for that. That's awful nobody deserves that.
>>145710She sounds like a copycat stephanine sheh.
But Lilys voice just sounds straight forced. That VA sheh who's been voicing high pitch characters forever. When I first heard lily she reminded me of her and the other designated high pitched voice actors. If she wants to make it she better have more than one voice, because going against pros who already have a better high pitch voice and an awesome portfolio, is no different for applying at a competitive firm right after graduating. No wonder she isn't getting hired for anything, why would they want someone with a shaky high pitch voice and barely any previous work/ no connections from networking when there's already 3 voices actors who do a similar voice but extremely well. High pitch with emotion.
No. 145805
>>145713I have no idea if lily or any of the other victims are aware he is out of prison.
He will usually harass my friend and spam her inbox about how the police took his tablet and pc away. But he always seems to get a new one.
No. 146141
>>146138Chill, you're the one quoting someone from 4 days ago who said she wasn't pretty. I agree with who you quoted. She improved but she isn't pretty.
You bumped a thread with nothing to contribute
No. 149952
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/vg/ thought that the coach Chris was kicked because Lily fucked him.
No. 178814
>>149938yeah but keep in mind they're cringey as hell and have baggage of their own. not to mention, they were average looking at best.
>>178688it's all subjective and point of view. in my experience, special snowflake white sjw hoes from tumblr seem to get the best guys.
No. 178944
>>178814SJWs don't get anyone fam. You're thinking of the cute nymphette crowd who occasionally virtue signal.
They do get cute guys, but that's only because a lot of them are really attractive themselves.
>>178814HotshotGG is attractive.
No. 179202
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This gif kind of looks like her
No. 180807
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It's alright, Lily, we all know the truth anyways.
No. 180829
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>>180807>>180810She claims it was only for medical reasons, but she clearly thought it was a win win that it would fix her jaw. Why go to Korea to get simple jaw surgery if all she wanted to do was align her jaw to fix the TMJ problem she talked about 3 years ago.
I believe she did suffer from it because it was obvious she had a serious over bite, but I don't think it was as bad as she made it seem. Last time she talked about the surgery on fb it was going on and on about how insecure she was about how it made her face/smile seem then medical reasons.
She just wanted to hit two birds with one stone.She just won't admit it.
Oh well
No. 180858
>>180843Heh it'll pile up more on surgery money anyways. I mean I'd have a lil' more respect for her if she wasn't so much of a little shit. She can just be straight honest about it without having to cover up how insecure she is with her looks instead of giving people excuses.
>>180842And yeah she hasn't gone anywhere, she just has retarded humor coupled with an annoying squeaky voice and for some reason people find that endearing. Voice acting takes a lot more than that, and she got where she is because of her fan base.
No. 182422
>>182289I thought you were joking with the two voice cycle….christ….I can really see those Voice Acting classes paying off.
I really truly hope this isn't what she's sending to auditions.
No. 186644
>>186591What do you mean by passive aggresive friends?
I don't follow Popushi on Twitter, but I do find it amusing how much pride she has in working at Atlus…as a QA tester.
No. 186719
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>>186644>What do you mean by passive aggresive friends?It's hard to pull receipts since they post so much, but one of the things that still happens is that she always makes sure to point out Lily's bad habits. She unnecessarily mentions how late Lily is, how she always picks her up because Lily can't drive, and just subtle jabs at how flaky Lily is. This is one of the things that stand out to me because they only hang out probably 3 times max in the year and she never fails to mention these things under the guise of "haha lol XD jk we good".
There's also this weird competitive vibe I get, mostly from Sandy's end, of wanting to one-up each other since they're both trying to become voice actresses. From what I've heard, Sandy really pushes herself into social circles then namedrops whenever she can to show off her connections. She does it a lot with the kid who voices Steven Universe.
No. 193213
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I probably see drama where there isn't, but this was all too coincidental. The timing of their subtweets are perfect.
No. 193440
>>193405I can see that. But they both seemed really enthusiastic about it. I feel like this is something else that came up since Sandy has been complaining a lot lately about people judging her.
Anyway, here's another example of Sandy taking the opportunity to throw shade at Lily - No. 196279
File: 1478758803498.png (18.48 KB, 577x174, Capture.PNG)

Of course you have to quote mean tweets with people's usernames, you couldn't just reply privately or ignore it.
No. 231882
Sorry if I bump the thread, newfag here.
Briefly friends on Facebook with Yuri around the time she uploaded that pomf video. No longer friends though.
>>141577She went all the way from New Jersey to Canada to hang out with him for a month or so. Even made friends with his circle, so it must've been pretty serious in my opinion. The guy himself (Danny Tran) was into loli girls. He mentioned before that anything bigger than an A cup was gross or something along the lines.
>>216739Just her jaw. She never did anything to her eyes.
>>180842She has a lot of insecurities. She almost never posted pictures of herself on Facebook and called herself gross a lot. Often she would post pictures of her hiding under her blanket cover in a dark room.
Any picture of her actual face had comments regarding her lack of boobs, and Danny would often comment about her having a pig nose.
Despite all this, she seemed to be well liked among her friends. Lots of like and comments on her profile. Many of them found her adorable.
>>141826>>144441I personally think she enjoys being regarded as a loli. The constant jab at her lack of boobs that she makes herself sometimes, the pomf video that gained her attention, and her league names are "cute little girl" and the other is "lolily" (for loli lily rather than lol lily).
No. 231887
>>231882I think it was them actually fucking that wasnt a big deal. Esp compared to everyone after going "OMG HE TOOK ADVANTAGE OF HER" when really it was a fairly normal age to have a relationship and lose your virginity.
She is definitely into being seen as a loli still even though she is 25.
No. 231959
Anyone see lily's ranting on FB about being called a bitch? She says these things don't bother her anymore but she sure does give it a lot of her attention.
>>229978Go ahead anon. A lot of people know of her since she's always in everyone's face.
No. 232056
>>231959She always say those things don't bother her, but continually brings attention to it. So clearly they do. She just wants to put on the facade that she's above it all yet she comes here frequently and makes passive aggressive tweets about lolcow or people bashing her in the comment sections.
>>229981I agree that she's totally a cow, half the stuff she's done in the past quallifites as cow level but currently she doesn't do much of anything to give consistent milk.
No. 232336
>>232063My ex was a massive fan of hers and after we broke up I found out the guy was a pedo. Literally nothing else about him implied that - grown ass man, not a NEET, air Force trained.
Makes you think.
No. 242972
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Was curious on how Lily's recovery has been doing after her surgery. These are from a recent video just a few days ago. I honestly feel like the surgery was an unnecessary waste of money. It gave her a weirder looking chin and makes her look bloated. It doesn't help that her default expression is a slightly open mouth.
No. 243099
As someone who was in their school jazz band, I had to perform on stage it's probably the harsh angled lights that are making her face look weird here.
But still every time I do see her at a side view it hasn't been the greatest. Her face looks squished
No. 243239
File: 1485986713314.png (437.4 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-01-17-05-29…)

New pic, lily lurkin??
No. 243810
>>243239She's always lurking here, hence her passive aggressive tweets, Facebook status and such.
I wouldn't put it past her if she check every week to see if the thread was bumped or not.
No. 245966
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No. 254354
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This artist on Instagram looks like her and its freaking me out
No. 278521
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No. 280934
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shes look way too different on other photos taken from her fans compared to her photos on instagram. She's so fake, she's fooling everyone with her korean kpop star look with wing eyeliner and circle lenses. At least her friend Ariasaki looks beautiful without make up
No. 280943
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Dude Lilypichu has the gummy smile. That's why she said she didn't like smiling
No. 281037
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Honestly I'm sick of the circle jerk fest that goes on between her and the other girls, but behind each others back via fb or in person they talk mad shit.
Lily has no sense of style and for the longest time relied on others to do her makeup(well still kinda does if it's anything beyond eyeliner), and basically style her. She clings onto any asian girl that is slightly attractive to be her friend, but those same girls talk shit behind her back. But she does the same. Which just caused a clash between the "squad"
For a while like clock work whenever the lilypichu thread was updated the league of legends girls thread was "magically~" updated too. Some of the posts in that thread is her, I know it because she whenever she gossip to us the phrasing was almost the same as in the thread.
I'm glad she's clinging so desperately to her youth that she dresses like a goddam child, it's not even so much for her fans either. She legitimately doesn't want to wear heels or anything a women her age would wear because she wants to be seen as someone 16-18. I thought it was a joke but it triggers her whenever someones like "w0w you're that old!!!!"
No. 281075
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>>281037LMAO so you're telling me anon chan who mass posted pics of that hyon person is actually jelly grandmapichu?? AHAHAAA
No. 281076
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She doesn't look young, looks like she's in her mid 20's
No. 281080
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Looks like she got the eyebags injections
No. 281089
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>>278521She still looks awkward as fuck. She should go back to korea to fix her nose. Her crappy makeup skills is not doing her any favors either.
No. 281097
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>>281096Can't find any pics with the mask, she looked ridiculous
No. 281100
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She totally had eyelid surgery. She straight up looked like a guy before.
No. 281106
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>>281096>>281097Lily also use to stream like this
No. 281111
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No. 281114
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Even after her surgeries, Lily still doesn't look particularly attractive or unique. She just looks like a very bland east asian girl
No. 281122
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Posted sometime ago on warosu (I think)
No. 281235
>>281215That's her in granny panties, that's undeniable. People send nudes to their boyfriends all the time though.
Sexting and holding cam shows though, there's bound to be solid proof of that somewhere if that's true. Considering you could secretly record and screenshot it.
No. 281313
File: 1490927900285.png (227.65 KB, 709x706, image_crop__2017_03_30_22_37_5…)

Her face looks wonky
No. 281317
File: 1490928065241.png (347.12 KB, 703x737, image_crop__2017_03_30_22_41_0…)

Actually, she looks weirder in this pic
No. 281325
File: 1490928503309.png (578.52 KB, 479x637, ww.png)

even after her surgery, lily's chin still doesn't look that good. did the surgery push her jaw forward or did she get an implant?
No. 281357
>>193213>>193440>>190338>>190395I realize this is Lily's thread, and I really don't want to derail, but I used to be in a very close-knit skype group with Sandy.
God it must have been nearly 7 years ago. Holyyyyyyy fuck. I never thought I'd see mention of her on here. If y'all make a general thread or something I'll spill everything I can. I know for a fact she is a hyper-sensitive bitch with a huge ego. She got hacked once and someone deleted her youtube, she had a massive temper tantrum and announced she'd never sing again. Extremely over dramatic and an attention whore. Not surprised that she has tried to ride Lily's coattails.
Sage because OT.
No. 281697
>>281037She constantly loses friends and would always just move from one boyfriend w/ status to another when I knew her. 100% would not be surprised to find that she is bitching about people behind their back because that's exactly how she always was. She constantly had a bunch of ugly desperate fanboys who she lead on.
>>281126I know she used to post on 4chan in a maid outfit and go on /c/ a lot, too.
>>281122Since I knew her (age 16 or so jfc) she had always sounded the same whenever voice clips of her were posted. Sorry!
No. 281708
File: 1490980379537.png (78.18 KB, 166x287, greht.png)

Caught half of her face. Can actually see she's ugly af without circle lenses, winged eyeliner, angles and filter
No. 281716
File: 1490980842410.jpg (81.72 KB, 600x800, BlIjVy_IAAAXrnA.jpg)

>>281708what do you mean? she's kawaii!
No. 281718
File: 1490980887811.jpg (364.21 KB, 720x720, CYMERA_20170331_132033.jpg)

She tries so hard to be the "flat" anime girl with the high pitched voice archetype. Life is not a anime Lily.
No. 281723
File: 1490981092891.png (8.61 KB, 235x214, download.png)

>>281708Looks like troll face
No. 282418
She's not a model, but I personally still think she's cute in a girl next door kind of way. I find her facial features endearing and sweet looking.
No. 282566
>>281716is this recent lol
she looks (somewhat) better now due to makeup and confidence
No. 282607
File: 1491125975070.png (382.22 KB, 720x911, image_crop__2017_04_02_05_39_0…)

At least lily knows she looks like a potato unlike himeweeb
No. 282816
File: 1491168409112.jpg (419.36 KB, 720x1029, CYMERA_20170402_171828.jpg)

To be fair poki isn't all that good looking
No. 283653
>>283141Lies lies lies lies.
Just because she only dated a 30 year old neckbeard online doesn't mean they didn't date :)
No. 284199
>>283690She dated some 30 year old nerd (Gene) on an RO server after she broke up with a guy more her own age (XiaoUnlimited - Dan). She also maintained close friendships with stupid guys who just brownnose her so at the least she strings them along, lol.
Not a huge scandal but she is not a pure innocent loli waifu who never dated before, like anon wanted to imply.
No. 284823
>>284199I don't see how a 26 year old who's only been in two relationships is somehow impure or whatever you're implying. And how is a Ragnarok RP relationship real? If that's true then I was a fuckin playboy in my teen years breaking up and gettin in "relationships" pretty much every week in Mabinogi. It hardly counts unless she was like being intimate with the dude and sending nudes and cybering I guess.
I'm all for shitting all over her but you need some spicier snacks to work with than "such a sl00t 26 years old and 2 (3 if you count online) BOYFRIENDS!" My little sister has had more and she's 16.
I'm only saying this because you're just making her look good, dumb ass.
No. 285356
File: 1491447145873.png (341.77 KB, 658x646, image_crop__2017_04_05_22_52_2…)

Grandmalily's ugly asian slut squad
No. 285543
>>284823I am not saying she's impure, I'm saying she has dated before and i even said its not a big deal, lol. I was just responding to anon who was like "omg she only dated 2 ppl EVER!" because it's blatantly untrue. Putting her on a pedestal as some kind of being without any kind of sexuality or history is just as bad as calling her a slut or whatever.
>>284652Sending nudes, ERP, and meeting IRL counts as dating, ok.
No. 285547
File: 1491484262406.png (194.36 KB, 320x320, fzkCX2l.png)

I, for one, can't wait until HotshotGG cheats on her and everything implodes.
No. 285664
File: 1491498657214.png (23.05 KB, 720x150, image_crop__2017_04_06_13_11_0…)

Gmalily must be so happy to see these kinds of comments of her videos No. 286934
File: 1491661022361.jpg (254.68 KB, 720x700, CYMERA_20170408_101615.jpg)

>27 years old
>still dresses like this
No. 287187
File: 1491690734357.png (91.9 KB, 319x337, rzgr.png)

Why tf does she look so different in here ?
No. 287223
>>281357I actually knew Sandy as well back in 2007 or so. Met her through a mutual friend and she was very shallow and rude to almost everyone in the group under a "haha jk" guise. Any girl in the group call (skype/MSN groups) would immediately be pinned as some sort of competition, and she would make sure to establish that she was the "cutest girl" in the group. Even going as far as to put down the chicks she was apparently pals with and smearing their names behind their backs.
There were also multiple times in which she would fall in love with some guy in our group and obsess over him, but right when she found out what he looked like and it didn't fit her definition of attractive, she'd block/delete him and act like she never knew the guy.
A few other times she was petty was when she dated one of her friend's exBFs for a couple of weeks just to get back at her. She apparently broke up with him right when she found out the friend wasn't pissed off at her for doing so and the kid ran around ranting about how he thought she liked him.
One more story, as I don't want to clog this thread (as I could go on for hours about some of the crappy things she did to my friendgroup and I). She told me this personally and I found it cringey the moment she pressed send: she said that the way to becoming popular is to befriend people who have talents and use them for them, i.e, artists, video makers, audio mixers, etc. and that she would not befriend someone who does not benefit her in one of those ways.
No. 289935
File: 1492021208810.jpg (140.89 KB, 960x1200, CttqXHIUEAAkIAW.jpg)

Lily and ariasaki look like guys dressed in drag
No. 290057
File: 1492032318974.png (363.84 KB, 720x689, image_crop__2017_04_12_17_24_4…)

>>290043Are u sure about that?
No. 290452
File: 1492082526361.png (401.4 KB, 720x993, image_crop__2017_04_13_07_20_5…)

What's the point of getting jaw surgery if you're still gonna shop your jaw??
No. 292413

>>290470Lily is annoying as all hell but lets not pretend she doesn't make a lot of money when you add up her twitch,youtube, and selling her shitty doodles/merch.
She probably wearing a shitty cosplay because she most likely can't make anything herself. She can't even dress her own self properly, you expect her to be about to cosplay?
No. 292468
File: 1492318945900.png (513.84 KB, 921x500, 67sIcHk.png)

>>292455buying cosplay isn't bad as long as it's good. and lets face it, it usually isn't good…
No. 293129
>>292085Sorry he is. :(
>>292413>>292455>>292468She has bought the cheapest shit possible. It looks like paper. Wtf is she doing. Buy some real clothes.
No. 293147
File: 1492439295319.png (142.7 KB, 750x1003, IMG_3506.PNG)

>>278521There's gott be photoshop involved for sure. Cause she still look like shit.
No. 293149
File: 1492439439779.png (116.8 KB, 682x680, IMG_3508.PNG)

>>293147 And this recent tag
No. 295299
File: 1492713000768.jpg (614.25 KB, 1872x1254, comb.jpg)

>>295294the picture that the random person posted of the bedroom matches her old bedroom
>>67876 >>141691
>>141823 No. 295327
>>67876>>141691>>141823Actually I am convinced that
>>295269 is lily.
But not
>>295299 No. 295392
>>295269>women really are the devilwow she really hates herself, huh? no wonder why she's so insecure. she sounds like a hateful bitch too but waaah how dare others talk bad about her. :'^(
ugly on the inside and out lol
No. 295409
File: 1492725557585.png (348.47 KB, 1920x685, postses.png)

Just put together her post on r9k and linked it to the stuff on this thread / stuff she says.
No. 295575
File: 1492738463586.jpeg (16.45 KB, 236x284, 6b66bf28e78ee2696dbf621c074b26…)

>>295269thank you anon, my favorite read thus far on this thread. hahahahahah she described herself as a 6/10, 7/10 with makeup, and 8/10 with good angles. now all those cucks think its anisa HAHAHAHAHA lily didn't even come into their realm of 6/10 .
No. 295585
File: 1492739260286.jpg (11.42 KB, 320x320, 17933732_434103436923067_91025…)

>>295409 I don't think the random knew exactly wtf was going on, but Lily directly quoted this thread lol.
No. 295900
File: 1492791019404.png (1.72 MB, 1920x1520, lilypichur9k.png)

>>295863lowkey i wanna find out how much she posted on r9k over the years.
wonder if she fought with mystery and eliza and that's why she was so keen to drag them?
No. 295906
File: 1492792087464.png (597.18 KB, 1400x693, lilypichu tendies.png)

Hi Lily
No. 295911
File: 1492792550334.png (503.18 KB, 2000x1200, lilypichuu.png)

>same wall
>same hair
>same shitty tshirt she wore all the time
>pikachu in the background
Who is it then? :^)
No. 295925
File: 1492793702423.png (182.78 KB, 1840x817, bawwleted.png)

No. 295928
File: 1492794127861.png (193.71 KB, 1838x357, oh please oh please.png)

>>295925>>295924Well. I wonder what is going on.
No. 295953
>>295943Just checked r9k to see if she had posted there and found that. I actually think it's fake, though.
Has Lily fallen out with someone recently?
No. 295966
File: 1492797860716.png (242.84 KB, 246x627, dEK7NAO.png)

>>295954Part of me hopes that it's potatochu but it's too good to be true.
No. 296033
>>281037Even today, the League whore thread wasn't updated until this one was. And the update was cyattie as hell.
>>295269>>295409>>295900>>295925>>295928Let this be a lesson to you farmers that no amount of plastic surgery or pandering can fix your insecurities or your self-esteem.
Let this be a lesson to Lily that your self-hating generalization of women is just a coping mechanism for your poor life choices.
You can either choose to either let go of your ego and try to make a world a better place by preaching "women empowerment~~~!" or some sort of shit like that, or you can choose continue to participate in all of this "contempt exuded daily from lolcow a bloo bloo ;w;" and pretend like you're better than the rest of us when really, you're the same.
No. 296052
File: 1492806519517.jpg (47.63 KB, 640x640, 12627861_1554565474859722_7826…)

God lily is such a fugly korean.
No. 296054
File: 1492806584522.jpg (47.36 KB, 413x650, 221546ea1154dfde524046303ede6e…)

A lilypichu body pillow. Lol. You gotta be kidding me
No. 296058
File: 1492807812424.jpg (28.87 KB, 320x362, 12317371_1561844604105482_1526…)

>8/10!That's actually a good picture of her.
No. 296060
>>296054The high quality version of this is closed off from the public. Only the artist and a few others have the high quality version that can be used for a pillow case.
You guys can't seriously believe that the OP of that thread is Lilypichu. It's probably someone else. Lily doesn't seem like the type of person that posts on 4chan
No. 296063
File: 1492808078317.jpg (36.51 KB, 320x320, 12299043_1049176135126563_9090…)

>Lily doesn't seem like the type of person that posts on 4chanYou clearly don't know her very well. Sorry, she is not actually an loli, she is a 26 year old woman pretending to be innocent and pure for betas. She used to be an avid 4channer when she was an actual teenager. :>
No. 296081
>>296060>doesn't seem like the type…just like she doesn't seem like the type to post nudes or lie about her age or voice being fake but here we are?
Is she really trying to push that she's 22? She said she was 24 about 2 years ago. Why lie half way into the fame?
No. 296088
File: 1492810842417.jpg (13.39 KB, 320x320, 17494616_1040414999424954_7086…)

>>296081Lololol is she telling people she's 22? That's fucking hilarious
No. 296100
File: 1492812433993.jpg (72.34 KB, 600x800, CZX7tUvWIAEMaGh.jpg)

>>296087>>295953>>295928>>295943Honestly seems like grandmalily is trying to convince everyone that she didn't expose herself when she clearly did lmao
No. 296108
File: 1492813174036.jpg (64.86 KB, 595x595, 17494493_1868195010113080_8005…)

Isn't it common knowledge at this point that LilyFakevoicechu lurks here? Right after someone made fun of her shitty chin job she posted a side profile pic and the funny part is it was photoshopped. Lily is so funny. She also makes annie the champion look like a dyke.
No. 296111
File: 1492813582190.jpg (43.66 KB, 480x480, 917582_1715197045392097_413100…)

>>296100>>296108True, but how could she be so fucking dumb to post on r9k knowing that she would be found and she even tried to drag mystery/Eliza (implying she knew of / followed them and their drama and doxxing etc.). I mean, jesus christ, how dumb can you be?
No. 296152
File: 1492817631550.jpg (22.5 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (1).jpg)

Lily prob thought she would looks like this after the surgery. Too bad she still looks painful average then ever.
No. 296159
>>295900Whoever's pretending to be her here was trying so hard and yet still managed to get her age wrong lmao
You guys will believe anything it seems as long as it's something bad about someone you dislike.
I'm all for shitting on her and discussing her bad traits but if you're going to blatantly masquerade as her and make things up for drama it discredits a lot of other perhaps true things in this thread.
No. 296172
File: 1492819737552.jpg (33.92 KB, 480x480, 10919200_252938911706526_24741…)

>sells footjobs at anime north>parades as sweet innocent lolilily did nothing wrong u guise!!
>>296159>>296167Go home Lily. Or is this her ex bf who is still obsessed with her - Eaguru?
No. 296189
File: 1492821065440.jpg (51.81 KB, 640x640, 12357514_197675530584103_13941…)

>>296187Is someone in her discord server? 10bux says she is crying about it to her fanboys as we speak.
No. 296201
>>296172whats wrong with selling footjobs?
also are you sure she did that?
No. 296205
>>296201To ForeverPandering.
She used to show feet on stream for money, too.
No. 296217
File: 1492823323144.png (46.02 KB, 720x380, image_crop__2017_04_21_21_07_2…)

Hey Lily, if you say your face is so irrelevant, why did you stop wearing your mask and bulky sunglasses + started posting mad selfied after your cosmetic surgery??
No. 296230
>>296226This is probably bait, but yeah she does. She's been browsing /a/ for about 7 years now which is the only reason why she became famous. She spammed her videos all the time.
>>296228Please stop shitposting if you're just going to get mad at everyone who gives you legitimate answers.
No. 296231
File: 1492825051437.jpg (28.21 KB, 320x369, 13380956_1257528007621361_8093…)

>Lily is a nice person>Posts on r9k saying she hopes female tripfags get rapedReally makes you think.
No. 296244
>>296239>>296240Someone calling themselves a potato is common slang for Anime fans/gamers in their early 20's. I'm not trying to whiteknight her. If you guys are going talk shit about her at least have some bases for your claims. She's a nice person that goes out of her way to please her fans while dealing with life, friends, and family. You think you're better than her then you end up believing some sloppily put together screenshot that the person didn't even bother fact-check before accusing Lilypichu of being a sperging edgelord who wishes harm on Eliza. She probably doesn't even know Eliza.
Everything in this thread is just speculation. There has been no proof of her having a fake voice, actually being older than 25, giving out footjobs, sending nudes, backstabbing friends, manipulating betas, shilling on 4chan. A Lilypichu thread does not belong on this site. She is not Kiwifarms material.
Those screenshots need to be deleted.
No. 296245
>>296241all the evidence is in this thread that youre in. try reading it some time or just looking at it. or watching any of lilys video where her voice always slips :^)
u ok bud?
No. 296246
File: 1492826078937.png (220.52 KB, 600x338, xnvzU5F.png)

>quotes thread word on word>whines about age >whines about sucking at make up / hair / fashion>animation>league of legends>cheating boyfriend>same keywords>>296242I doubt anyone from here made the thread, because everyone thought it was Anisa posting at first.
>Please keep things credible or we'll just have people saying shit like lily once ate a bag of dicks.Yeah except "posting on r9k" is a world of difference to "ate a bag of dicks"
You sound like a thirsty fanboy sent here to damage control.
No. 296250
File: 1492826294322.jpg (14.05 KB, 304x403, lilymake.jpg)

>>296248Which is why I think you are here doing damage control after Lilypichu fucked up. How hard would it be for her to make a stupid post? Managers aren't going to watch her phone, you know. Get real.
>>296249IF someone faked her, they fucked up because it almost got pinned on Anisa. Making me think it was actually Lily and everything now is damage control.
No. 296252
File: 1492826416794.jpg (18 KB, 366x380, 1334329164853.jpg)

>>296244>potato is slang for gamers/weebs in their late twentiesWhat the fuck? Potato is slang? For gamers and anime dweebs? Do you think we were born yesterday? WEW
Nobody calls themselves potatos especially not anyone in their 20s except for Lily. Thats something a middle schooler would say in 2011. And what does being in your early 20s have to do with anything? Is potato a meme exclusive word to those in their 20s? Wtf.
And who cares if shes nice to her family or friends or tries hard in life. Sounds like youre one of her beta friends.
>acting like majority of farmers are not in our 20s and into anime/gaming No. 296256
File: 1492826531852.jpg (33.32 KB, 600x600, wikipedian_protester.jpg)

>posting style is way too differenthow? just how?
>none of these posts match Lilypichu's posting styleprovide proof please.
>Lily isn't the only one who struggles with make uptell me who else?
>gets her own age wrong ???everyone knows lily is salty as shit about her age now she's getting elderly.
No. 296257
>>296252Potato is new generation slang. People who grew up in the early 90's and late 80's would be too old to be exposed to what teens are calling themselves when they're being lazy.
An 80 year old man wouldn't see something extraordinary and exclaim "YO! THAT IS DA BOMB!"
No. 296259
>>296257>potato is slangyou really are reaching with that damage control.
no one says that. it's an internet thing not an 80s/90s thing. and you're a retard because shes not even in her early 20s like how she wants everyone to think.
No. 296265
File: 1492827165314.png (12.04 KB, 240x210, download.png)

Lily is a 0 self esteem e-hoe. She never posted pictures of herself without garments covering her face or scribbing over it with a face. She only started posting selfies after she did the surgery. Why doesn't Grandma'sLily's fans even reading before they breathe heavy and start typing? Bahahaa Grandmapichu tries so hard to damage control but it's actually making things worse, your minions are fucking you over.
No. 296268
File: 1492827440396.png (100.26 KB, 1013x597, roastiechu.png)

>ditches friends
>fake shy
>cheated on bf
>physical assault
No. 296269
File: 1492827449106.jpg (45.59 KB, 300x419, emoji-head-guy.jpg)

>>296265>mfw she's so insecure she hides her real voice>mfw she actually attended her own panels at anime conventions with a hood, face mask, and pair of giant sunglasses to hide her fugly face as to not ruin the illusion of being a cute loli waifu>mfw she said it's because she wants to be anonymous >has no problem attention whoring otherwise the cringe is real she is such a bad liar. ur track out ma
No. 296273
>>296263Pretty sure it is too. There were those of us who were genuinely curious of drama in the beginning, now there's a group just spreading baseless info and reposting it, dismissing anything reasoning contradicting them, and now these baiters.
I've already listed the contradiction in the r9k post but if people don't have the observational skills or reasoning to deduce it's 99% not her I'm not going to waste my time trying to argue it and I'll go back to lurking.
People only here to read what they want to believe lol. lolcow has become a shitshow
No. 296275
File: 1492827744532.gif (616.86 KB, 498x498, 971.gif)

>>296271>not struggling with insecurity still>photoshops her pictures>still has problems showing her smile>gets plastic surgery>calls herself ugly potato sandwiched between hot girlsJust stop now.
No. 296284
>>296277Samefagging's allowed on this unfortunately.
>>296275>>296269>>296265>>296252almost definitely samefagging or part of same social group though.
No. 296286
File: 1492828539000.png (48.75 KB, 705x530, roastiechu.png)

Everytime lilypichu gets mentioned on r9k these comments crop up.
She 100% posts there.
To celebrate, I'm going to post some old drama where Lilypichu assaulted a guy!
No. 296290
>>296268An anonymous person saying things is not proof. Nyanners has dozens of guys on 4chan claiming they knew her in highschool and said that she was a
**. If they haven't posted verified pictures it's probably not true.
No. 296291
>>296286This might be too out there but that defensive anon is listing while using dash marks just like in
>>295928I just find it weird because everyone on imageboards would just greentext. You never see anyone make lists with dashes on the chans, you know.
No. 296294
File: 1492829210943.png (397.05 KB, 1028x2139, roastiechu.png)

This is back when Lily had just dumped the guy she was (secretly) dating Eaguru aka XiaoUnlimited aka Danny (who is still clinging onto her). Before she fucked hsgg at a con and then dumped him. He wasted 5 years of his life on her and is still waiting for me.
No. 296298
File: 1492829267734.jpg (57.11 KB, 936x380, ayWYw2c.jpg)

>>296295try again you piece of shit.
No. 296299
File: 1492829327296.png (Spoiler Image,207.82 KB, 257x355, 1414540267454 (1).png)

>>296294And here's a close up of her vagina, that may or may not be hers.
No. 296302
>>296300I'm all for shitting over people when they've actually done something worth shitting on them for. But most of this thread is just false rumours and speculation.
also I wouldnt even dare to reply after failing this hard at calling out samefags, I respect your courage even though you seem to be dumb as fuck.
No. 296305
>>296299…I'm sorry to break this to you, virgin anon, but that's what people call a canker sore…
>>296294Wait, we're using screenshots of old evidenceless threads as evidence now?
No. 296306
>>296300Yep takes a lot of effort to correctly call 2/3 posts samefagging. Especially when youre dumb enough to leave a giant fucking gap between the response and sentence like the other dipshit who cant into imageboards. But sure, its a fail just like
>>296284 failed miserably at their attempt. Please stop licking lilys brown butthole and get help for your loli fetish.
No. 296307
File: 1492829865726.jpg (10.91 KB, 544x99, GFV2MSM.jpg)

>>296305look this guy licked her toe once, he also know her real name. he must be legit.
No. 296308
File: 1492829883183.jpg (113.82 KB, 1280x720, 1280x720-x9e.jpg)

>>296305I know who posted it, I know everyone involved in these stories. I was very close with her back in her animaRO days and maintained contact up until a year or so ago.
No. 296309
>>296294A bunch of fake stories. Sounds like someone got a hold of some old pictures of Lilypichu and claimed they knew her.
>>296299Looks nothing like a vagina. More like someone showing their canker sore or something. And it's probably not Lilypichu.
>>296302Exactly. No proof has been posted in this thread. Lilypichu has no dirt.
No. 296325
>>296321whoa youre getting too real, lets stick to shitting on her shall we?
On this occasion I want to tell you about that time where she killed a homeless person stole 10 grams of meth from them and smoked that shit on the spot, afterwards she snorted the biggest line of coccaine I have ever seen.
trust me I've known her since kindergarden and I've maintained contact up until a week or so ago.
No. 296342
File: 1492832492133.png (139.16 KB, 960x430, ivebeen22since2012.png)

>>296337Ok, but why does she keep lying about her age?
No. 296349
File: 1492832728597.jpg (42.21 KB, 350x434, commission8___soul_linker_by_b…)

>>296338Danny Tran from Brampton, Ontario, shouldn't be too hard to find him, especially since I gave you his usernames.
>>296342She also had the msn email
No. 296361
>>296352No proof has been posted. What we got:
-Anons on 4chan making up stories and posting old pictures of her
-A chatlog of 2 guys who don't know how to effectively dox someone and get lots of info on Lily wrong . They're just compiling pictures from google, social media, and deviantart. They refer to her complaining about cyberbullying as 'CRYING' 'WHINING' when it was reasonable for her to be upset since she wasn't a big Youtube celebirty yet and someone digging into her private life
-people posting old forum posts from when she was still a teen and act as if they have never done cringey/awkward/embarrassing stuff when they were in highschool
No. 296363
File: 1492833859811.jpg (58.96 KB, 720x343, CYMERA_20170422_000356.jpg)

Y do u always gotta be lyin??
No. 296370
>>296361Finally a sensible anon, I'm starting to think this one person has a vendetta
>>296365Not a fan/lily/friend just scrolling through threads,I don't even know who she is but this thread is shit.There's no milk. Again, sperg alert.
No. 296375
>>296371People should be more self-aware in their 20's but it doesn't mean they still won't do cringey things. She's isn't perfect. Especially when she deals with depression, insecurity, and lack of social skills. She's bound to screw up some times and that's okay. No need to shame her for her mistakes. She's already knows she screwed up and is dealing with the embarrassment.
So the only dirt this thread has on Lily was that she did cringey stuff when she was young. This thread shouldn't exist.
No. 296379
File: 1492834533732.jpg (72.88 KB, 514x720, Cn2QoqEVUAAGspC.jpg)

>sending feet for free things but I'm still kawaii so I'll add a rilakkuma plush in the background :33
No. 296382
File: 1492834650799.jpg (154.89 KB, 765x1024, CmFR5LMUgAAHDbQ.jpg)

that face you make when you fuck up and post about yourself on 4chan featuring high definition awkward turtle mouth, steve buschemi eyes, and greasy, open pores
No. 296383
>>296381her whoring for free stuff has been known for years. its already been discussed itt a year ago too.
take a trip to ed some time and ask them all about it
No. 296392
File: 1492835095635.jpg (61.51 KB, 640x640, 12292861_496571033836944_17257…)

>>296386>>296381>>296375How many lily guardians are in this thread? They are always so quick to dismiss everything and to put lily as the victim. Lol.
No. 296398
File: 1492835414386.jpg (41.59 KB, 596x628, retard.jpg)

>>296392You seem to be the only one here who actually cares about her enough to save pictures of her and consecutively sperg out over her. So how did she traumatize you anon?
No. 296399
>>296389>>296392>>296389Other than her cringy voice acting and the jaw surgery (then again, plastic surgery craze and self-consciousness), she really doesn't have a lot of milk to be made.
It's also common for some Asian girls to cover up certain parts of their face so that they aren't easily identified (depending on the situation).
>>281114I do. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
No. 296428
>>296251The posting style is different? Are you retarded?
I can type correctly like this.
or i can type like a stupid tumblr kid uwu
Or!!! I can mix them up its really easy to type in a different style,,
Your argument is completely invalid there.
No. 296519
File: 1492850844815.jpg (336.14 KB, 664x1289, YpIgPzT.jpg)

>>296342Where has she been doing this?
>>296349I meant that a Twitter couldn't be found but you said they still interact on things including Twitter.
>>296352Screenshots of another thread claiming shit is hardly proof guys
>>296363she WAS 21 3 and a bit years you go. Unsure if you don't know how these timestamps work on these sites or you just can't do basic math.
>>296379aaaaand a quick Google proves this was taken out of context; not a private foot pic for free shit. Who the fuck you trying to fool?
>>296383Trusting ED, lol.
Can we get some real shit on this girl here please and not a high school level rumor mill
No. 296548
>>296530This thread started out OK but has now gotten to the point of
>Accusation with questionable "evidence">Reasonable counter-point with evidence>HURRR DURRR MUST BE DAMAGE CONTROLIf people can't construct a reasonable argument, do us all a favor and stop posting because you're adding nothing to the discussion.
No. 296570
>>296548You're on Lolcow.
Yes hello people cry about/discuss shit like this all the time. If you're going to defend lily go defend all the other threads because 90% of them are the same as this one.
You're just as bad as the rest of us for being here, defending or not. Either get used to it or ignore it, easy.
No. 296698
>>296570>just as badNot that Anon, but really? How are people defending her (not white knighting, but at least disproving everybody else's theory) just as bad as everybody else making fun of her? You're acting like they don't have a choice in the matter and HAVE TO have hostility towards the subject, like they have guns pointed to their heads.
Sage for OT
No. 296761
>>296698i'm not on anyone's side here, i just lurk this thread when it's bumped and I think its my first post in this thread.
I just don't get why people come to white knight when they feel as if this particular cow shouldn't be here, there's plenty of other threads that are just as dry and have nothing but nitpicking. If you come to defend one cow, you may aswell defend the others who are just as dry or stay quiet and not use the website and choose to ignore it.
No. 296783
File: 1492892539191.png (263.1 KB, 720x729, image_crop__2017_04_22_16_20_5…)

Lily is 26 now, isn't it time for her to grow up already?
No. 296839
>>296819what's up with the file names? sorry new fag
are they from FB or something
No. 296964
>>296953I would love to see how beautiful you are.
mind sharing?
No. 296972
File: 1492916707490.jpg (28.25 KB, 320x399, 17439236_623356454525395_57473…)

>>296964Hi, yes, this is me. See how kawaii I am?
No. 296985
File: 1492917413740.jpg (20.77 KB, 480x360, e94s3.jpg)

>>296979Please anon, tell us how Lily traumatized you for you spazz out this much over her. Your samefagging is too obvious, it's cringey and sad at this point.
No. 297000
>>296994True,I honestly don't even follow her to be "defending" her I'm just lurking. I just want to know why this one anon is so traumatized though and what she did for said anon to be this spazzy.That's all.
Also kek at you bumping this thread and at
>REGULAR lolcow users No. 297007
>>297000lawls good point, I should have used another word other than regular
There seems to be two kinds of spazzes. The spazzes who shit on her for every selfie she takes and the other spazzes who are white knighting everything
But I do want solid proof of a few things. And by solid I mean shit she cannot absolutely deny.
The foot fetish thing and giving people foot jobs is the biggest stretch ever
No. 297184
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Coincidence or…?
No. 297208
File: 1492953366578.jpg (701.19 KB, 1200x1200, CYMERA_20170421_183623.jpg)

She's like 26 and still dresses like a child. Why is she so obsessed with appearing as a "loli"?
No. 297223
File: 1492956746100.jpg (117.51 KB, 1080x1080, wtf.jpg)

>>297209tinfoil hat Aria is screencap-chan.
>>297208This! Lily, since we know you're reading: you're 26. Grow the fuck up. Also your outfits are ugly.
No. 297234
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>>297208i just looked through lilys tagged photos found one of her friends who is also doing the loli shtick. they must have some circle jerk of adult women trying to be babies. i mean really, look at this chick called l0llicon, at least she seems cute, though. sage for offtopic.
No. 297259
>>297234Sage for OT but something looks off with her.
I don't get why they're obsessed with looking like they're 12 year olds. And the ridiculous amount of photoshop is unreal
No. 297266
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>>297259She just over edits I think. Her face always looks so blurry and ghosty. But she dresses like a normal person despite the weird pedo pandering.
No. 298645
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You'd think she would wear real clothes at this point
No. 298702
>>2986951. send me a pic of your neck just to confirm that you're not the neckbeard here, from what I'm reading it really seems like it.
2. wew told me the 2nd time now to go back to r9k when I havent even been there once.
before hanging yourself you should make sure your parents dont breed anymore, would be for the better for everyone involved.
No. 298721
File: 1493139378104.jpg (9.33 KB, 225x225, download (1).jpg)

Does lily fans have a radar for this shit? Lmao. They get so triggered and come in hoards whenever one person says something about this fugly korean, also they fail at making it seem like they are not apart of Lily's 24/7 protection squad.
No. 298723
File: 1493139548870.jpg (91.9 KB, 720x907, IMG_20170425_125905.jpg)

>>298702Your goddess is here to pick you up anon
No. 298728
>>298645The most offensive thing about this is how CHEAP IT LOOKS. God damn.
The second most offensive thing is her dressing like a fucking teenager when she is almost 30. Fucks sake. Grow up.
No. 298749
File: 1493141854000.jpg (131.09 KB, 720x713, IMG_20170425_133045.jpg)

Yuri has no sense of self, all she does she mirror the person she's hanging out with for awhile before she finds someone new to clone.
No. 299157
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Who dressed you up this time?
No. 299291
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>>299165Lily the adult baby
No. 299295
File: 1493231845618.jpg (70.03 KB, 640x640, 11875469_1481926632134677_1556…)

I bet yuri wished she was japanese. Her history says weeb all over. She just started embracing her heritage ex. Having some korean streams after kpop became a thing.Too bad she was born as the race that was enslaved by them.
No. 299684
File: 1493305135892.png (759.64 KB, 900x1200, SKzwKkd.png)

She definitely made the r9k potato post.
No. 299710
File: 1493307876098.jpg (124.15 KB, 871x1024, c63a7c708526ee2e18b4bdbff355e3…)

even her friends do a shitty job at dressing her up
No. 300180
>>300171they all look like they put effort into their outfits, but it looks like what my friends and I wore in highschool tbh.
looks like cheap taobao/spreepicky clothing
No. 300182
>>300170Let me elaborate on this shit, in case any of these girls are reading this thread and want constructive criticism.
Far left girl: Honestly the best dressed one here. only problem is SHOEHORENED BLACK for socks and shoes. Like what the fuck? Your outfit is pastel and white. Nitpick that the bag is teal while the coat is blue, but it could be bad photo lighting. Match your colors better and DON'T THROW BLACK AT THE BOTTOM OF YOUR OUTFIT IF IT'S A LIGHT OUTFIT. White socks and white shoes would have fixed this shit. Also those shoes look fucking terrible design wise, but it;s hard to see them. Those super chunky bottoms are unflattering on your slim legs.
Girl mid left: Decent but bland as fuck. Honestly can't see your outfit too well. You actually have good color balance; ditch the "I just wiped my boyfriend's anus with my hair" dye and you'll be better. It looks like a sweater, or some knitted top. Could be bad angle - but a tank top would have been more fitting for your summery look. I'd diss the sneakers and tell you to go for girly shoes but this is just a casual outting it seems so do you.
Lily - don't do this to your hair, those shoes are very ugly, and paint your toenails black if you're going to show them off and wear a black outfit. Ditch the Rilakkuma bag for this outfit, it clashes. The top and cardi isn't bad in itself, just everything else around it and definitely that hair.
Girl on right: Again, don't just fucking throw BLACK shoes onto your light outfit. Do none of these girls know how colors blend? I guess not caus that fucking hair dye exposing her roots HOLY FUCK. The top looks really cheap, and the fitting of it looks off I don't know if that's how the cut of the dress is really made, or if she got the wrong size. Get something that doesn't look like a granny nighgown, somehthing that hugs the skin better. She really looks like she just draped a tunic over herself.
Guy in the back with glasses and the yellow graphics tee: Lookin hot, my dude. You should teach these gals how to dress, after having all four of them line their asses up for you to pound in succession. Just be sure to control your kegel muscles so you can nut at least one shot into each one of their cunts.
No. 300183
File: 1493354007472.jpg (26 KB, 480x343, If you could choose one loli h…)

What Yuri aspires to be, which is pretty disturbing.
No. 300188
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>>300182>>300180This is Yuri we're talking about guys, she has no style.
No. 300191
File: 1493354889622.png (167.08 KB, 750x974, IMG_3969.PNG)

>>297266She looks like average Asian. Also check Lily's balding hair
No. 300195
>>300187Are you a newfag? lolcow sprouted from /cgl/ and lolita livejournal. Knowing fashion should be the bare minimum for using this site.
>coordSeeing as you used this word, I'm sure you understand.
No. 300196
File: 1493355207872.jpg (86.83 KB, 640x640, IMG_3971.JPG)

>>300192You seriously can't blame someone for thinking this. It genuinely looks like it.
No. 300206
File: 1493355451524.jpg (8.5 KB, 190x190, exorcism-the-power-of-christ-c…)

Yuri's band of autistic white knights are back
No. 300215
File: 1493355736256.jpg (24.23 KB, 320x320, UHBUBUBU.jpg)

>>300188She has no style, she has no grace. This Kong has a funny face :^)
No. 300220
File: 1493356046279.jpg (284.93 KB, 720x830, CYMERA_20170428_010721.jpg)

No. 300223
File: 1493356299958.jpg (55.71 KB, 600x660, 808a983acb2e5b55395e6a32c800c2…)

Yuri prob always wanted a pedo onii chan to feel her up
No. 300232
File: 1493356816604.jpg (43.56 KB, 463x405, IMG_20170428_011810.jpg)

>>300228Bitch.. do you even know what you're saying?
>testimonials from people who know herThere was. Multiple too.
Why don't you try reading the thread next tine.
No. 300270
>>300268Isn't the whole point of this board is harassment? Isn't the whole point of this place to out women who take advantage of their Internet fame and connections to famous/talented people for their own personal gain? Isn't this a place for women that backstab friends, act abusive, scam people, break promises, and take advantage of vulnerable people who have low self-esteem?
Lily has never done anything distasteful just to get free stuff, bump up her social status, or make easy money. Criticism is a necessity for any artist or human being to grow. What you women are doing is not criticism. You women are just making fun of the way she looks. You women are fantasizing about how her faking her voice and sperging out on the Internet. You wish so hard that Lily would have a cringeworthy moment publicized on the Internet. She's so high up the social ladder and you are just waiting for that one vulnerable moment to see her fall so you can laugh about it.
No. 300274
File: 1493361323803.jpeg (36.79 KB, 661x349, 537C49D5-67EA-4ECC-A692-E7F08F…)

>>300270Someone want Lily vag so bad
No. 300276
>>300274Why can't someone defend someone without being accused of whiteknighting?
Lily isn't perfect, but she's not some Frankenstein's monster .
No. 300322
Her things in
>>296167 look so much bigger in comparison to
>>300220>>300188Everything about this cosplay is awful. Especially the shoes.
No. 300343
File: 1493383928848.jpg (156.94 KB, 395x714, CYMERA_20170428_085150.jpg)

One of yuri's white knights ayasuna/ayasunyan
No. 300345
File: 1493384424234.jpg (6.19 KB, 275x183, images (5).jpg)

>>300270>FantasizingNo one is doing that though. You should get your head out of your ass lmao. No one is gonna stop making fun of yuriifakemyvoice.
No. 300505
>>300270i hope this is bait
"yuri's social ladder"
"no cringeworthy moments"
"real voice"
No. 300521
File: 1493404007359.jpg (117.89 KB, 430x287, fZc3S4J.jpg)

>>300448>>300398Atleast behkuh was a attractive. Can't say the same about Yuri though.
No. 300769
File: 1493433535549.jpeg (204.42 KB, 720x540, 190F384E-7B6E-488D-BFD2-0C00C8…)

>>300521Nah all these twitch girls are basic asf. That or cake face. And I'm confused as to how is her nose small but at the same time look like a potatoe.
No. 300784
File: 1493435394175.png (73.94 KB, 300x256, confuzius.png)

>>300761what the fuck is your grammar anon?
No. 300786
>how is her nose small but at the same time look like a potatoe.are we looking at the same pictures bro? just look at that thing.
Also kek at that makeup, looks really scuffed with her right eye being much smaller than the left one.
No. 300792
>>300270>>300276This so much. I don't know why people are blowing this so much out of proportion. And the A-Logs… Oh, Lord.
>>300327And how do you know that without checking their Internet history?
No. 301017
File: 1493486282385.png (58.6 KB, 586x650, wheres the ass.png)

Someone posted lily on The comments are pretty funny, everyone is disappointed.
No. 301344
File: 1493523615799.jpg (134.31 KB, 720x747, IMG_20170429_233942.jpg)

The whiteknight could be ayasuna, he did defend her in the past and his this on his twitter bio
No. 301686
File: 1493583585727.jpg (6.37 KB, 417x41, HY0WTF4.jpg)

>>301653this is how my chan tabs look like. you can tell there are many more other tabs open by the size of them.
No. 302069
File: 1493650883452.jpg (249.06 KB, 720x893, CYMERA_20170501_110008.jpg)

Everytime yuri posts a performance clip it always ends with her doing a forced "cute" bow. She wants to look like a nervous shy loli so hard.
No. 302075
File: 1493651934158.gif (3.51 MB, 260x394, 1o7w13.gif)

No. 302076
>>302070sshhh, don't let them know that they're being extra, or they'll accuse you of being her!
In all seriousness, people here need to chill, and quit reaching.
No. 302080
File: 1493652380972.jpg (72.45 KB, 1024x576, Ep1-4Yukiarrives.jpg)

Keep sending your 24/7 watch knights yuri
No. 302152
>>302077how about 'Defend Lily because people are saying hurtful things about her and are overreaching for reasons to bash on her'?
Not everyone whiteknights for for senpai to notice them.
No. 302165
>>302164meant for
>>302162The League thread is mostly girls that are not as popular as Lilypichu
No. 302167
>>302163Sorry she can't just magically 'get a better face'. Not everyone can look like a natural 8/10.
How does one simply get rid of gummy smile, bad chin, and baggy eyes? She can't help the way she looks. She didn't learn how to be fashionable or use make up while she was young.
No. 302185
File: 1493663244262.jpeg (28.33 KB, 801x534, lmaoo.jpeg)

Poor Yuri. Even her #1 bitch thinks even after surgery she still looks like a potato
No. 302198
File: 1493664413751.jpg (33.43 KB, 367x425, Fuck that bitch.jpg)

>>302188Keep trying to convince everyone otherwise Ayasuna. Yuri is gonna not wanna hangout with you anymore after this, kek.
No. 302266
File: 1493670981588.png (57.22 KB, 237x461, image_crop__2017_05_01_14_53_1…)

Lol. Monkeysuna blindly follows Lily. You should open your chink eyes, if you did maybe you would see why people don't like her. If anything you make me hate Lily even more. It's nice to know that she sends a knight on watch to defend any and everything said about her.
No. 302267
>>302266What reason do you have for hating Lily?
People in this thread seem to just diss her for things that beyond her control. yeah her cosplays aren't very good, but she's a voice actress/musician. Cosplay , fashion, cosmetics aren't her specialty.
No. 302544
>>302487Mods/Admin would only highlight posts if the samefag breaks a global board rule.
Lurk moar.
No. 302566
File: 1493697448781.png (175.96 KB, 750x1068, IMG_4254.PNG)

>b-b-but her vioice is naturally high pitch n real!!1!!
No. 302599
>>302532>>302544when it's offtopic and derails the thread
see: venus, kota, etc
lily sperg pls chill
No. 302605
>>302566i hate lily but her voice is real. i guess its hard to believe a random anon but i've noticed that at least one other anon has known her from her RO days and I can also attest that she's always sounded like this.
voices like these are pretty uncommon and it's kind of weird that so many people stream/do youtube videos with these baby voices. a lot of them fake them, my friends ex gf has a semi-successful stream where she fakes her baby voice and her voice is naturally deeper than mine.
meghan mccarthy is an example of a natural baby voice. also, video related is another streamer with a real babyvoice.
No. 302719
>>302605>>302686>>302714Pretty much everyone with these baby voices is Asian from Asia or a weeby Asian American/Canadian etc. I believe people can raise their voices to sound cute so often that it does become their real voice, but it's definitely cultural (I've lived in Asia and Asian-American dominate parts of the United States and Asian women speak with voices like 10x higher than Asian American women besides those who are into Asian shit like anime). Personally I think it's cute sounding to have a baby voice, so don't gaf if it's fake or real…but it's definitely possible to be "both" (faked because of cute culture so much/from such a young age it becomes natural/real).
Another example of the ability to change voice pitch is in metropolitan Africa, where weebism is growing and machoism is slowly dying. Older people (men and women) will often have deeper voices than young people into asian/white cultures. People often stereotype black people as having naturally low voices, and asians as naturally high voices. But Asians into hip-hop, working out, and shit will often have lower voices and blacks into anime and kpop will often have higher voices.
TL;DR: When you get used to speaking in a certain pitch it becomes natural, just like having good or bad posture.
No. 302849
>>302760Lily doesn't like it when strangers refer to her by her real name rather than her stage name. She isn't ugly. Lily doesn't have an eating disorder. What's wrong with her being 26? Her voice isn't fake. She acts cutesy, not like a kid. She isn't a weeaboo. She's just Asian and enjoys anime/asian things.
>>302794Surgery for what?
No. 302984
File: 1493758471897.jpg (92.75 KB, 720x715, lily.jpg)

>>302849Any time she appears IRL rather than in a posed and angled photo with heavy filters/editing she looks like a grinning chimpanzee.
No. 302994
>>302981Do you know where you are?
God forbid that anyone acts mean on
fucking lolcow.
No. 302995
>>302994Lolcow isn't a website for hating on famous people for no good reason. Women girl don't really "hate" on someone. They criticize Internet famous people for being shady or acting like terrible people.
Lily isn't conning people. She isn't abusive. You have no reason to hate on her.
No. 303005
>>302995Go to PULL
We don't care.
No. 303041
>>303034Rule 29 states: In the internet all girls are men and all kids are undercover FBI agents.
Rule 30 states: There are no girls on the internet.
No. 303043
>>303042accusations of samefagging, how original.
especially on a board where you can't disprove it.
No. 303050
File: 1493764429362.png (66.34 KB, 234x248, tufjh.png)

Reasons she's annoying af:
-She acts as if she was clumsy all the time, so people will find her cute
-She insists on her shyness so people will find her cute and will sympathize
-She dresses in kawaii/children style, like a character from an anime so people will find her cute
-She makes her voice higher and talk like a child so people will find her cute
-She retweets some hateful comment so people/white knights will immediatly defend her and that will show people how -she's always the victim/the angel/the innocent person
-She fakes her appearance, she tries to look like an ulzzang with her winged eyeliner and circle lenses when in reality she looks ugly af. Lying to all her followers by trying to look like someone she's not
-She will always say she's the "potatoe one" among her friends on photos to enhance the fact she's insecure and people will tell her she's as beautiful as others
-She never replies to her fans on instagram, haughty bitch
-She always says she's insecure so people will like her and will give her compliments
-She always says people do her make up and dress her to show people she's innocent, she's bad at make up, she doesn't know the grown-up women stuff, that she's like a child, a sweet doll
I think there are more…
No. 303058
>She acts as if she was clumsy all the time, so people will find her cutebelieve it or not, some people are clumsy by nature
>She insists on her shyness so people will find her cute and will sympathizebelieve it or not, some people are shy by nature
>She retweets some hateful comment so people/white knights will immediatly defend her and that will show people how -she's always the victim/the angel/the innocent persontweets are public, don't tweet if you don't want it to be public.
She fakes her appearance, she tries to look like an ulzzang with her winged eyeliner and circle lenses when in reality she looks ugly af. Lying to all her followers by trying to look like someone she's not
you can say this about 90% of the female population
>She always says she's insecure so people will like her and will give her complimentsbelieve it or not, some people are insecure by nature
>She always says people do her make up and dress her to show people she's innocent, she's bad at make up, she doesn't know the grown-up women stuffhow is this even a reason to hate someone?
you gotta get more creative anon.
No. 303059
>>302995That's literally what lolcow is for, lurk more or read up its origins, you're thinking about PULL.
I hate people who try to make it seem like this website has any moral high ground. This is a nitpicking shit talking board, nothing else.
No. 303066
File: 1493765603272.png (65.08 KB, 1338x542, 000001.png)

why did you delete your post, lily? too bad i took a screenshot, eh
No. 303069
File: 1493765670510.png (221.64 KB, 328x331, fzgrfg.png)

You can possibly have all these traits but the fact that you show to people how you are ALL of that and ALL THE TIME makes it fake, makes it seems you aren't ashamed of that behaviour but proud. And she IS proud, she wants all the people to see how she looks like an anime character in real life : the cute girl who is clumsy, shy and insecure. That's so fake, we all know she loves anime and if she can look like a character that will be loved by billions of weaboos, she will continue to be fake. She needs to stop. No one is like this in real life. She's a stereotype.
No. 303106
>>303006Go to PULL fag.
Lolcow is not any of those things you have described. If you want higher grounds or "nice peepole speak" go to PULL. They fit what you have described.
No. 303109
>>303107Dumbass. That's flirting.
Fucking trolls.
No. 303195
File: 1493779637391.jpg (44.95 KB, 500x364, 2c1431924f60f8757b72f73565ea16…)

>>302544>>302599Read the thread ffs. These League whore threads are fucking cancer at this point now.
It's worse than the ana-chans ffs.
No. 304335
File: 1493904616267.jpg (47.88 KB, 1096x394, C-8Unl3XkAAXsVs.jpg)

Blametruth's emote for weeb lmao
No. 304396
File: 1493909567328.jpg (33.27 KB, 564x460, d84e22fe76b7958dab2ea511253e94…)

What Yuri strives to be
No. 304751
File: 1493939445891.jpg (40.68 KB, 640x640, 11357831_135393713458879_21060…)

Is Yuri actually a guy in drag?
No. 304871
>>303195>>302544>Do not spam or flood any board or thread. This means repeated contentless or identical posts that add nothing to a discussion.Surely someone is spamming this and the League Whore thread, thats a global rule. They're not detailing but some of the shit in the League thread sounds like a vendetta, and posting more than 10 pictures with "omg she so ugly" captions are pretty bad. In this thread it's all white knights.
Either way, some people have way too much time on their hands. It's a shame because these were threads I lurk if bumped.
No. 304875
>>304871It's funny when you know it's just white knights, why aren't you on every other thread on the board? 90% of threads are us shutting on people for no good reason.
You got to be dumb to think her voice is real, you can actually hear her struggling to speak at times, her voice cracks. She probably doesn't have a low voice but we can stop pretending her kawaii voice is real. Unless admin locks the thread this thread will stay. Probably longer with you white knights bumping the thread and making it worse.
I'm stupid for taking the bait but fuck it.
No. 304923
>>304871How does samefagging and white knighting relate to spam? Saying "omg shes so ugly" isn't unique to this thread or the League slut thread.
Every. single. thread. has comments like that. We might as well out each and every user who had posted a comment just like that, right?
The best example of that rule being broken was when Kiki became sperg-chan. She flooded /pt/ with pictures of gore and text post nonsense that made no sense.
At least the white knights in this thread are using what little mental capabilities to post something warranting discussion (such as asking for proof other than screenshots from a chan board) instead of shit like "sukka sukka ma puss".
Come on anon.
No. 305114
>>304923Logical? All of the knight posts are denying everything with a little sprinkle of bullshit. So you're telling me the reason why Yuri, as a 26 year old adult woman, fetishes and acts like a child is because she was raped as a kid?
>>303256The knights are not very bright. But atleast they try to come off that way, kek.
Yuri is a stupid ass cow that can't stand it when people call her out on her shit and gathers her minions to attack any forum that talks about her slightly.
No. 307856
File: 1494301949777.png (488.03 KB, 1816x510, Screen Shot 2017-05-08 at 11.5…)

I keep seeing these posts on r9k over and over again, are they her?
No. 307881
>>307856That isn't her. All because some femanon mentions Lolcow it doesn't mean it's Lily . It doesn't mean it's actually someone who has been mentioned on Lolcow. It could be someone who is just roleplaying.
Please, just let it go. You all have nothing on Lily.
No. 307972
>>307856>post made at 11:48>puush made at 11:51yeah you totally didnt make that post and just stumbled upon it on r9k where posts get pushed off the page in seconds
No. 308066
File: 1494335440643.jpg (287.88 KB, 720x757, CYMERA_20170509_090611.jpg)

Whoever hired her must have really low standards. Her voice acting is worse than the voice actors for hunipop.
No. 308070
File: 1494336501181.jpg (37.42 KB, 555x391, IMG_2534.JPG)

Honestly I'm glad you're trying really hard this time to wreck this thread for once Lily, and the white knights, truly it's the hardest you've ever tried.
But I'm not going anywhere and the few others that matter aren't either. We just point out what you already show, your pitty fest was annoying too. Congrats on the upcoming train wreck of a game you got to voice act on btw, the pincale of your voice acting career. At least I can't say that you haven't done anything with VAing recently anymore, right?
No. 308087
>>303107Yeah I send my male friends nudes in a friendly way when we are just having fun, too lol.
>>304751Definitely a guy in drag.
>>307856She used to post on r9k as did her friends. I wouldn't be surprised if she had fallen out with one of them so they were framing her.
No. 308093
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When is yuri's game gonna be released? In 2004?
No. 308105
File: 1494340663920.jpg (29.26 KB, 320x320, 15538903_1365428313502561_2904…)

Ayy lily you can save up for a nose job now with the va money
No. 308148
>>308066>>308093>>308070Everyone has to start somewhere. Lily's voiceacting has improved over the years. She'll do fine. She may be professional sounding yet, but she's not a bad voice actor. Lily isn't going to immediately start voicing for some big company videogame. She'll start small and work her way up.
>>308084The artwork isn't stolen.
No. 308184
>>308178>>308183not that anon but hiring her does say alot about the developers. she's not gonna RUIN the game, but chances are it's going to be mediocre since it's starting out that way.
as someone who works in this industry, the best thing to do is not have VAs out of the gate on your first project, and either patch them in later when you get money or put them in a future project.
No. 310076
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Even hotshot doesnt want to deal with her shit anymore lul
No. 310174
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>>310076>>310110Looks like Lily deleted a drawing/tweet about Hotshot. I hope this is real.
No. 310335
File: 1494542151451.png (8.1 KB, 412x304, single now.png)

>SINGLE NOWI bet HSGG found her sending naked pictures to some thirsty fanboys. I love this shit.
No. 310450
>>310360Did you just assume that Lily's only full length mirror is always in the vicinity of George?
>>310232Uhhh, yeah he's totally going to do that now… Lily was several steps down in maturity from Behkuh. And Behkuh's maturity isn't worth writing home about either…
No. 310455
>>310452Now you're assuming I've never spoken to her; I've known her since she started on YT and have her on Skype. She's one of the pettiest people I know and people who aren't/or are no longer apart of her current clique would agree with me.
I have no idea who you are, whether you're just a random fan trying to support her or another one of her immediate dicksuckers. Get out of her hugbox and ask yourself if the way she acts is becoming of a 25 year old.
No. 310459
>>310452>Real lifeDo you really think that how a socially awkward person acts in person is indicative of their true personality? Get real.
Sage for samefag.
No. 310460
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>>310455Everyone grows at their own pace.
No. 310464
>>310076im sure he got sick of all her lying and the shady shit she does online. i cant imagine how much fighting that would cause over the years.
>>310163more like not everyone is rich enough to afford a bed frame. especially someone in her mid twenties who doesnt have anything going for her. furniture is expensive.
>>310345no just typical asian hair
No. 310486
>>310478You disregard everything anyways
But now Yuri is single you gotta amp things up so she notices you
No. 310803
>>310483Just trawled through the ED article and found nothing on that. Want to ss for me?
>>310600Joined the discord on a throwaway and ran a search, nothing came up from her about hsgg.
No. 310863
Unless you post transcripts or ss you're lying. No one can track a fucking print screen to one single person smfh do you think we're retarded?
No. 310906
File: 1494586210418.png (150.04 KB, 750x1082, IMG_0692.PNG)

Hotshot and lily broke up, anyone know why?
No. 311053
>>311003bitch have you looked at /snow/?
Lily is an obnoxious little goblin and that's enough for a thread tbh. Just look at her.
No. 311298
>>311143Anon I'm sorry but that's retarded
Kind of OT but her gamer ex's home looked big but it was constantly empty
So gamers just not give a shit about their homes
No. 311564
File: 1494634022549.png (771.09 KB, 1080x810, WX8ILkV.png)

TBF I am completely behind HSGG breaking up with Lily. Imagine living with and supporting someone like Lily. Her entire persona is based around quasi-pedophiles worshipping her and her making "lol my flat chest" jokes."
Aside from that she has "lol depressions" which isn't necessarily her fault but instead of maybe paying for therapy to get help she spends her money flying to Korea to get plastic surgery. I'd be so fucking mad. She wallows in being depressed because it makes her interesting.
She even had the gall to forget Valentines day and wrote like "i have no money anyway."
She was a total fucking leech.
No. 311572
>>311570Lilypichu is an ugly hoe who sends shitty sub par nudes to pedophiles. She puts on a squeaky voice and dresses like a child because it's what her fans want.
If it wasn't cosmetic she would have gotten braces like they suggested to her. She spent her money on going to Korea multiple times because all Lily cares about is herself. She was happy to live with HSGG rent free because it gave her status and she's a fucking leech.
No. 311663
>>311660Oh they're all losers with useless degrees. Thanks for additional proof, fuggo.
Hotshot probably couldn't stand losers like you stroking her ego into thinking she's always right even though she's wrong.
Aww, hawking the thread like a good little bitch!
No. 311673
>>311665Hotshot broke up with her because of losers like you(you're still not getting with her), deal with it you loser.
Probably couldn't stand how childish a 26 year old is. Haha!
No. 311677
>>311497ok but have you actually convinced someone? other threads have plenty of people speculating random drama/gossip/rumors anyway (i.e. take 5 minutes and look at the cryoatic thread - its 3? threads about speculating a break up/dakota threads about how she can still afford to live in japan)
this thread is the exact same shit and yet this is the only one where I see this level of whiteknighting
No. 311683
>>311677I can't convince people to stop hating Lily, but I can get people reading this thread to not believe all the pictures and stories being posted about her.
>>311680Lily is an innocent bystander who doesn't deserve to have this level of harassment. I'm not even whiteknighting. If I were familiar enough with other girls I would be defending them too. It would be demanding to go in every thread and telling everyone they're in the wrong for hating on someone for petty reasons.
No. 311697
>>311683You are whiteknighting. Literally. I other thread is getting knighted to this extent
>innocentwhy are you assuming these things? Take your own advice, ugly loser.
No. 311711
>>311708It is okay that's why the threads still up. So sorry that you don't realise the world doesn't revolve around you dumb opinions. She's a snake bitch and you're the grass she slithers on, ugly loser!
Losers like you jerk off by whiteknighting- so pathetic!
No. 311812
>>311810People that google "lilypichu" and see this thread. Don't want bystanders getting the wrong impression of Lilypichu.
-she doesn't sell or send nudes
-she doesn't send feet pics
-she doesn't purposely act childish to cater to certain crowds
-her depression is real
-her voice is real
-she doesn't lie about her age
No. 311814
>>311805Nah if anything the rest of the thread only showed more about how youre a whiteknighting fag and embarrasing yourself.
I guess that helps divert attention from lily? Well anyways youre still pretty pathetic to be here defending someone who doesnt give a fuck about you. Shes still lolz worthy at times and theres nothing you can do about~ so cry more
No. 311836
File: 1494659077264.gif (1.16 MB, 480x358, 1492138267022.gif)

>>311812Googled lilypichu. Lolcow comes up at the very end of the second page, which most people only look at the first page
I usually lurk lilys thread but for once I actually feel like saying something and thats that this newfag infestation here is getting out of hand. If you're in love with her, go praise the cunt on her social media. cow/snow threads arent here for your whiteknighting faggotry. If people choose to gossip about a public figure-someone who goes out of their way to put themselves out there and get attention like she does, then that's that and no amount of your fucking bitching and moaning is going to change it
"There's nothing to talk about" Yeah so thats why she's always had a thread here right? Thats why she has threads on other sites too right? Not going to waste anymore time.
Take your mentally ill cringeworthy commentary about good a person you think she is somewhere else. No one should be this new that they actually go to a thread to defend someone-you dont belong here if you do and it shows. Painfully.
No. 311903
File: 1494675032749.png (414.5 KB, 720x972, image_crop__2017_05_13_07_29_0…)

Funny how lily still covers her face even after the surgery
No. 311915
>>311912Still covers her chin even after having jaw surgery*
There I fixed it.
No. 311921
File: 1494677236290.jpg (52.23 KB, 600x900, Cek8Z35W4AQtdmj.jpg)

>>311903what did she get surgery for?
oh yeah, her jaw
it is weird she still hides it, might b a subconscious thing since she did fix it
habits die hard
No. 311924
>>311816>What was the last thing she did was that "lolz worthy"?Got dumped by HSGG.
>>311903She overuses filters because … tbh have you seen how she actually looks in candids?
No. 311926
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No. 311962
File: 1494685994388.png (32.19 KB, 720x354, image_crop__2017_05_13_10_33_0…)

Musta been delighted in doing it anyways
No. 312377
>>312053didn't she major in music or something? did she expect someone to ask her while she was out to sing or to conjure a piano and play? wtf lily
>>312096wtf wk, first you argue that her high pitched voice is real, now you're saying that she doesn't want to be typecasted into high pitched female characters. lily has said in the past that her low voice is straining and she can't do it for a long time… and it doesn't really sound anything special, they can easily get another va who can do it better and make it sound natural.
No. 312622
>>311803I'd like them exterminated tbh.
Let's be honest, we all know her knights are the ones who feed her ego and helped ruin her relationship.
No. 312623
>>312096I'm sorry I usually ignore the wking but if you're going to wk don't do it over something you have no idea about.
If you automatically think a 5 year old voice has to have a high pitch voice than you clearly know nothing about voice acting.
What they asked of her was standard, and no 5 year old should have a high pitch voice so I hope for her sake she didn't pull that out. Let alone it didn't have to be a female, she could of easily did a little 5 year old boy voice, which is also normal for female voice actors to do.
Lilo and her "friends" in lilo and stitch w
ere all 5 years old in age, did lilo have a high pitch voice??? No. Because no 5 year old should sound like they sucked on helium.
I don't know why she posted this, if it was more asspats that she's chasing her dream or to seem quirky. I'm not going to bother disscecting this post because being able to voice act children is standard skill she should have by now because that's usually what the market wants. To voice children for shows. All this post revealed to me is that she has the same two voices under her belt from that one demo she did
No. 312626
>>311928Talk shit about Lily instead.
She must be getting too wrinkly for hotshots tastes. He can get someone younger and less childish.
No. 312724
>doesnt get bf a valentines day present because "no moneeyy!">gets plastic surgery in korea>refuses a voice acting job>"wahhh why am i single?" GOOD JOB LILY THANKS FOR RUINING YOUR OWN LIFE FOR US
No. 312940
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No. 312993
File: 1494813207168.jpg (16.33 KB, 600x600, e9d.jpg)

>>312969>>312983Obvious derail attempt, but I'll bite.
I s2g the logic in this thread is astounding.
Anecdotal screenshots and farmer accounts in the thread are considered "dry milk" and "nitpicking" yet these god damn white knights are here doing the exact same thing by pointing out the most mundane shit about farmers here like they're something better.
Yet when
>>312724 is posted, with screenshots of Lily's own posts and tweets that correlate with these statements that have been posted here months previously, ya'll ain't saying anything.
Now would be a good time to tell us why we're wrong and just ~jealous bitches~ who don't understand why she isn't a shitty person who didn't remember Valentine's Day and said herself on twitter that she didn't have money to get her bf a gift and got an elective plastic surgery done in Korea when numerous medical professionals told her she shouldn't do it.
I'll even help you out by saying stuff like "Well Valentine's Day is just a capitalist ploy to sell marked-up themed products!!!"
Come on, I shouldn't have to do your job for you.
No. 313000
>>312993I can tell you worked hard on that post anon, but I'm afraid its all for nothing.
also nice meme.
No. 313075
>>312993At this point, it isnt lily whos even getting offended; the white knights are being personally offended and
triggered. So its still funny and sad to me. Its an evovled form of whiteknighting that got surprisingly even more pathetic
No. 313087
File: 1494828083080.jpg (106.73 KB, 422x317, New canvas.jpg)

I kind of thought you guys were just being nit picky about her face so I looked at her twitch streams and wow she really does shoop her pics
No. 313090
>>311497> The point of whtieknighting Lilypichu is to stop misinformation from spreading. Everyone go home, Lilypeechu is innocent guys.
If you really are trying to defend her, you're doing a pretty shit job of it considering every time you respond with your autism you bump the thread back up.
>>311564>>312839Basically this. I had a friend like her at one point, at first it's funny but then it gets uncomfortable, cringey and annoying real fast. It's no fun to be around someone who's every second sentence out of their mouth is about how ugly or useless they are. I mean what can you do? You awkwardly laugh it off. You try to deny it? WEHHH YES I AM OMG UR LYING. You don't deny it? WEHHH UR NOT DENYING IT. There's no winning with these kinds of people, no matter what they'll play the pity game and think everyone hates them when in reality, they're causing everyone to hate them with their pity party bullshit.
Add the weeby loli flat-chested shit in there and it's not surprising that HSGG couldn't stand her. Her whole persona is based off being a forever alone loser, it's just "cute" because she has a high pitched voice and is an Asian girl. Imagine a dude doing this kind of shit? Hell imagine a white girl doing this kind of shit, that wouldn't be taken nearly as well.
Depression sucks. But she's not doing shit about it to fix it, instead she decides to wallow in that and self-pity to the point where she literally is useless and then jokes about it for sympathy.
No. 313265
>>313000>>313019…I'm curious to know why you think I worked hard on that post and need help lmao.
Didn't expect to
trigger you this hard.
No. 313302
>>313212alright, if you cant identify between a polish and french face then you're racist too.
go back to your weeaboo tumblr, retard. its obvious what i meant. you're a tryhard and no one cares that you can identify the difference in asian faces. so can everyone else, special snowflake. she has major chinese farmer face
No. 313382
>>313264thought you were joking but nope
she's doing the airheaded innocent uwu lolibaby shit like yumi king and her "w-what you call dis??? dis iza a claw?? what is claw?? :((( my engulish no good"
"h-how do i open a can of beans?!?!"
No. 313456
>>313151Okay my post was in agreement to you but you're still in defense mode, chill the fuck out
Her images that she shoops push her to an average on a symmetric level. Whether or not she is attractive is subjective but taking into account proportions she is not completely horrible.
In video her proportions are off, where her nose takes most of her face. In newer streams where she shows her face she heavily contours her nose which make it seem smaller.
No. 313459
>>313264oh god how does she not know how to hold a knife correctly
you're a fucking adult now, lily
No. 313464
>>313459>>313264samefagging but is anyone else
triggered by how she's wearing a long-sleeved jacket while cooking
No. 313497
File: 1494877423881.png (748.74 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2017-05-15-15-41-42…)

Is she retarded? Why does she act like she can't do anything on her own? Bitch needs people to do her hair makeup and dress her and she pretends she can't do basic shit?
Lily is really pushing the loli shit, you're an able adult. Christ she's like the korean Yumi King.
No. 313596
File: 1494885235943.jpg (71.45 KB, 355x413, IMG_20170515_175154.jpg)

How much does it suck to get surgery cuz you hate your jaw and then even after surgery you still hide/hate it
No. 313687
File: 1494893293067.jpg (376.08 KB, 696x659, CYMERA_20170515_192801.jpg)

*disregards everything when proof is given
Also lily makes wendy look good lawl.
Did she have double jaw surgery or just her chin?
No. 313705
>>313687You're no different than the wks believing lily if you blindly take information without source
That image is just a misplaced hair and shadow making it seem like a double chin. This is an instance of reaching. Calm down 32" Waist Chan
No. 313734
>>313687Yuri is like a 6.7/10
Wendy is like a 7.2/10
They're both average looking. Stop calling them ugly.
No. 313737
>>313728>>313730>>313731>>3137341) You could've made this in one post, please don't sperg spam like this.
2) Don't make low quality one word posts, at least have a sentence. Subject noun verb, come on.
>>3137313) Have the decency to sage:
Step 1. Locate the Email field
Step 2. Type in "sage"
Step 3. Write at least a sentence full of meaningful content
Step 4. Click New Reply
No. 313738
>>313631She has a pretty average healthy BMI but skinnyfat figure. I wouldn't be surprised if she watches what she eats. Blogpost: I'm super short like her (5'0) and I'm pretty careful with what I eat. I'm 98lbs with a small frame and my TDEE is 1300. People usually eat that or even more to lose weight as a lot of farmers know. I'm pretty aware of what I'm eating because I want to maintain my weight. I don't look very good over 19.5 BMI, being so short I look a bit chubs for my body type.
But who knows, she could very well be starving and binging behind the scenes.
THEY EAT ana chans do this wk
No. 313754
>>313737do you even know what saging does m8?
>>313738if you think the picture is staged and she just pretends to eat but actually starves herself, I feel really sorry for you anon.
No. 314070
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No. 314071
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>>314057unreliable you say?
No. 314072
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>>314057what exactly do you mean by unreliable?
No. 314073
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>>314057I'm not sure what you mean by that.
No. 314104
File: 1494954487190.png (153.64 KB, 1191x761, diet.png)

>>314103yeah cuz eating a lot of junk totally isnt ever a part of eating disorders…….
No. 314136
>>313973Wow way to dodge the question.
Let me ask you again: are you fucking retarded?
No. 314138
>>314136funny that youre the one accusing me of dodging a question.
off yourself
No. 314139
It's really funny how this thread just keeps getting bumped and more attention is being brought to rumors and unflattering photos. Good job guys, let's get this bumped to the first page of Google search results for "LilyPichu"!
>>3141075'3"-ish, give or take an inch. She's average height for Asians.
No. 314587
>>311805If that's the case why didn't you go defend Kelly Jean when people assumed she has a eating disorder as well?
Lilyknights are full of shit. As they say, birds of a feather flock together.
No. 314620
man i'm loving that, let's bump this thread forever and make it get to the top results so hopefully we can get more ex friends of her to talk shit/spill the milk, godspeed wk!
>>314533>I have never seen such a sad pathetic bunch of people in my life>patheticDUDE you're the one camping here, on LOLCOW, monitoring every post so we don't "spread false rumours" about your princess, which you quickly regard as false just because they don't match the perfect image of lily you have in mind. you have to be pretty damn obsessed if you ask me to pull this shit. if that's not the case and you're just following your wk moral code and doing what's right for the poor and defenseless, please, take a look around and pick another cow to defend. we got plenty of that here. stop shitting this thread, even the new people you're trying to show the "truth" to are seeing the same i'm seeing right now, a desperate samefagging wk retard.
sage for first and last time i'm replying to this sad fuck, I'll just ignore from now on
No. 314825
>>313265Not the same anon dumb ass, kek.
Sage for shit post
No. 314841
File: 1495052330943.jpg (106.59 KB, 758x1200, DAAKtd1UwAA3lQa.jpg)

Lily should take her own advice
No. 315030
File: 1495068767919.jpg (232.59 KB, 720x995, IMG_20170517_205212.jpg)

Did she edit her nose? Looks weird
No. 315179
They're called uggs anon.
No. 315386
>>315325>are those bootsboots=/=uggs
dont get mad cus youre fashion retarded
No. 315520
>>315030LMAO she's wearing those boots all of my little sisters friends are wearing. She's in 7th grade wtf haha.
i get that they can look cute with the right outfit but jesus christ lily can not pull that off.
No. 315691
gerund or present participle: arching
have the curved shape of an arch.
"a beautiful bridge that arched over a canal"
form or cause to form the curved shape of an arch.
"her eyebrows arched in surprise"
Everyone here is braindead
No. 315755
>>315691Yeah i genuinely didn't understand what they meant when they said "arching" at first lol.
>>315550Ummm no because i'm not a child and i don't need to cosplay as a character for every event that i partake in.
I guess the next time i go out to eat noodles i better cosplay as a naruto character then cuz that's not cringy at all.
No. 315933
>>315844Who fucking cares?
If you are going to be anal about it, UGG is the BRAND and they sell boots, slippers, even fucking sandals. If they are UGG BOOTS, whoever called them boots were right. Who knows if Lily even has the branded ones or if they are some cheap rip off look-alikes.
Sage for angry OT rant about boots/uggs
No. 315995
>>315933Because anon who was nitpicking about that clearly doesn't know fucking shit about fashion if they call uggs fucking boots.
If you don't know fashion then how the fuck are you going to criticize someone else for their clothes. It would have been okay if anon wrote:
"wtf are those UGGS with that dress?"
Anon is fucking butthurt because they were called out for being fashion retarded.
No. 316064
>>315997haha this argument
i say ugg boots lol well like in 2012 i did. how about all uggs are boots but not all boots are uggs
No. 316089
>>315997Are you pretending to be stupid or are you literally retarded? It's most likely latter, but how autistic do you need to be that this is the only way you can white knight her.
Most people I know calls them ugg boots, as other anon said its a brand not a type of shoe.
Where are the mods? I feel like this is getting to be way too much, it's now just borderline trolling and shitposting from the white knights.
If this isn't a bunch of samefags going on I'm actually going to be surprised.
No. 316154
>>316089You must be mentally retarded if you thought that OT was whiteknighting LMAO
stop defending being fucking clueless at fashion you mongoloid, hold your L up high 32 waist chan
No. 316321
>>316095Wk is pretending to be someone else, cute.
>>315997It wasn't about saying ugg boots, someone got assblasted that they said "those boots" which isn't an incorrect statement. They are boots.
>hurrrrr how dare you call a cat a cat, it's a Siamese!!!!!!!!! No. 316684
>>316321why are you so fucking butthurt, get over it
you don't know how to dress yourself
No. 316781
>>316684If someone nitpicks and says a statement is wrong, they better be damn right that statement is wrong.
In this particular case, anon wasn't wrong, which is the issue at hand.
If you can't make any valid points other than, "you have no fashion sense, you don't know how to dress yourself", you should stop posting since you're making a fool of yourself
No. 316806
>>316522being ugly doesn't prove what an e-slut she is.
She can't dress and she isn't as hot as her anime self and she's hella annoying. Everything else in this thread is just weird accusations with no solid proof. Like there are only two spazzes on this thread.
No. 316807
>>316781>>316788lmao you're all so
triggered, go back to tumblr fags
No. 316898
File: 1495238249352.jpg (245.92 KB, 720x1024, IMG_20170519_195455.jpg)

Knights, your goddessu is here~
With new cg technology
No. 316990
The grandma undie pic? Ah haa I would hardly count that as a nude. I see more skin in bikini pics. Hate to be picky but I define a nude with a nip slip, butthole or showing some ho ha or full on nude while covering herself.
>>67876That is the only "nude" apparently. Over a year ago
No. 317025
>>314104she's caught between wanting to be "QT loli neko girl who eats sweets all day but stays slim cxx girls who eat a lot are so cute" and "I am cyoot slim child like waif body to attract pedos"
guessing her coming to the realization that she can't do either is fucking her up
No. 317099
>>316821>>316946>>316961OK let's get some things straight before continuing. The "proof" you're actually offering are the posts by
>>281126>>281215whose contribution is a (pretty shitty) suggestion of the source of the underwear post.
Probably the same retard who said"APPARENTLY THIS IS HER VAGINA" and proceeded to post the picture of what was clearly not a vagina.
>>316898Man, that op really ruined her nose LOL.
No. 317107
>>316946Not this anon
>>316821 but it's common knowledge that she was in a long term, long distance relationship with Danny for 5-6 years. It was serious enough that she flew from New Jersey to Canada to spend time with him. Out of no where She suddenly broke up with Danny and dated George.
No. 317566
>>313264Not to defend her, but I'm sad to say that every girl I've been with is legitimately like this even though I'm 27 now. It's really weird, and I hate the fuck out of it. Why can't you girls have actual parents who teach you stuff? Why am I teaching you how to cook fucking scrambled eggs when you're 28 years old, Sharron? Why would you think you can stab a hole into a can of beans with a fork to open it? Holy fuck.
I think all girls are just retarded; anecdotally that's what I get. There's a reason they're paid less.
File: 1495444084420.jpg (284.36 KB, 720x875, CYMERA_20170522_050646.jpg)

why does it look like she liquidfied the shit outta her body?
No. 318747
File: 1495444428666.jpg (31.76 KB, 720x227, IMG_20170522_051250.jpg)

I never knew she lived with hsgg
No. 318760
File: 1495446591116.png (35.43 KB, 720x455, image_crop__2017_05_22_05_48_2…)

Lily loves baiting these kinds of posts
No. 318767
File: 1495448138111.jpg (28.14 KB, 720x181, IMG_20170522_051205.jpg)

>>318760These comments too
No. 319044
>>318767I'm always surprised these genuine "wow you look like an anime character" people exist.
Are you really such a recluse shut in seeing a thin girl is like seeing an irl animu girl to you?
No. 320711
File: 1495647034658.jpg (330.76 KB, 720x720, CYMERA_20170524_125148.jpg)

It looks like lily is wearing a push up, I thought she always was proud of her "loli" animu flat board chest and she would wear outfits that accentuated that
No. 320809
>>320384lul u
triggered, kill yourself mongoloid
No. 321808
File: 1495763012988.png (488.19 KB, 481x607, gmalily.png)

Why does Lily look like she balding?
No. 321809
File: 1495763122236.png (515.79 KB, 590x588, fugly clothes.png)

Also ya gurl's workin hard on baiting a new guy to use
No. 321811
File: 1495763177329.png (375.05 KB, 394x584, fugly clothes 2.png)

No. 321882
File: 1495767250743.jpg (277.37 KB, 716x1024, 20170525-85722219.jpg)

No. 321983
File: 1495785798720.png (145.32 KB, 750x1012, IMG_0810.PNG)

Lily's milking the break up for all it's worth, painting herself as she a victim, what a wonderful person!
No. 324320
File: 1496056516535.png (546.34 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-05-29-07-00-52…)

Nice clothes lil
No. 324322
File: 1496057347153.jpg (124.88 KB, 719x449, 201705291339337219.jpg)

Funny how Lily is streaming and interacting with fans alot more now she has to pay for rent. She finally has "time" to answer her askfm l0l
No. 324323
File: 1496057480301.jpg (228.41 KB, 694x749, 20170529-154792789.jpg)

>i wouldn't pay attention to these kinds of stuff
>constantly lurks here
No. 324324
File: 1496057532529.jpg (76.39 KB, 716x437, 201705291297375479.jpg)

Why does she try to be a kid if she likes being 26?
No. 324419
File: 1496069350673.gif (2.67 MB, 260x462, 1pwqms.gif)

She pretends like she can't throw a punch so she doesn't ruin her image of a ♡-pefect helpless little loli girl-♡
No. 324453
>>324323This. Clearly cares the most out of everyone lol
>>324419Are we really implying that she can actually punch like Mike Tyson but pretends not to now. Really reaching here.
No. 324626
File: 1496086704917.png (620.27 KB, 597x583, lily.png)

omg guys look how smol and fragile my hands are!!11!
No. 324876
File: 1496107493469.png (599.66 KB, 808x607, photoshopchu.png)

Nice shop too, what's the point of getting jaw surgery if you're still gonna photoshop the shit outta your face?