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No. 1894283
This thread is to discuss your grievances with gender ideology.
>What is gender ideology? Foundational to transgenderism, gender ideology is the belief that one’s “internal gender” can contradict one’s biological sex.
Gender ideology operates much like a religious cult. There is no scientific evidence that supports the notion that we have an “internal gender,” and yet doctors now medicalize and sterilize children with “transgender identities” who have been groomed by the cult. Anyone who does not reaffirm these delusions is labelled as a “transphobe” in order to discredit any dissenting voices of the cult.
Relevant threads (these threads are for posting and discussing milk from specific cows
>>>/snow/1961046 (current MTF thread)
>>>/snow/1956070 (current FTM thread)
Gender critical in /ot/ resurrection edition!This thread is a spiritual successor to, a now hidden board that includes further discussions on this topic.
No. 1894297
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yay, finally a discussion thread since apparently we're not allowed to do that in the tim and tif threads.
what kills me is how massive and complete the takeover has been. ten years ago most peoole were laughing at even just asexuals being included. now "lgbtqia+" is the norm everywhere , in the mainstream press, in insitutional and corporate diversity policies.
its very success is telling. the fact that it ws able to take over this fast is because it actually benefits existing power structures and does nothing against the status quo.
and it's been very successful in in defanging both homosexual and feminist liberation movements.
picrel isn't just a meme imo, it's important to examine exactly who pushes this ideology and why it benefits them.
No. 1894358
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Good thread, anon.
No. 1894411
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Sorry for the ovarit screecap kek but I thought this succinctly describes gender ideology through a metaphor about religion
No. 1894439
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it's crazy how samey all tifs and tims are. i know a tif that models herself off of jesse (breaking bad) and is obsessed with that twink from hades like 10,000 other tifs. i know a tim who's so…blatantly a gay male who hates being homosexual, he's really feminine in the way only a gay man can be, that really gaudy and overwrought type of feminine that's being pushed on women more and more these days – this archetype exists everywhere in timdom, e.g. hunter schanaffer whatever. i dunno, they're all so fucking cookie cutter, and whenever i see one i realize that troonshit really is an offshoot of npcism at large. the tim in particular has admitted to having no unique thoughts of his own kek
imagine having this thought and still thinking your desire to troon out is totes natural and sensible
No. 1894448
>>1894443>insightful for a boring narcissist yeah maybe
>sadif by 'sad' you mean 'pathetic and stupid' then yes
>they, theirit's a male who thinks 'woman' is either itty bitty baby-voiced coquette or vamp. he also has a buffalo bill tier oc he loves to parade around and gets very pissy at gnc women for just existing because they aren't "femme" enough. pls
No. 1894532
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I am tired of people acting like "transphobia" is even a cancelable offense and we should all be outraged about it, especailly when the person in question has done worse things. It's abhorrent to compare it to racism, antisemitism or even homophobia, forms of discrimism that people have literally been murdered as a result of. I am sick of seeing shit about trans people are dying or geing genocided and more people should hound them about producing proper statistic because they can't. They fetishize actual oppression because they are not content being in the shadows undisturbed. It's funny that the more they try to get acceptance, the more everyone realizes how awful and sick they are, how they've grown from a being perceived as fairly harmless fringe group to one of the most harmful cults to exist.
No. 1894577
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>>1894532The worst part is that not only are they not an oppressed group, they actively oppress other groups! Transgenderism is fundamentally incompatible with same sex attraction and women's rights and actively harms both groups. I want to scream whenever I see some blatantly misogynistic male or libfem retard lumping transphobia in with homophobia and sexism. YOU ARE THE SEXIST HOMOPHOBES! And there's often a big dash of racism thrown in there too.
No. 1894611
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Based. Welcome back to /ot/!
No. 1894647
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It’s called L community.
Seething comments obviously. Every Gay bar in the UK is effectively a trans space as well. Just let women have this one
No. 1894755
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>>1894647based, i hope they are able to stay afloat economically though.
also looking through the reddit post i saw comments like picrel, they really think that butch women are gonna get confused for a other lesbians…kek
No. 1894823
>>1894532>I am tired of people acting like "transphobia" is even a cancelable offense and we should all be outraged about itI see it as the satanic panic, it has as much value to me as someone going "that person is possessed by satan to dance to rock music" all I get from it is that the person saying it is insane and delusional in their belief.
I loved that teacher video going around who took a student saying "given that JKR is a transphobe…" and within minutes got him to realize that he was being stupid for assuming she was when he actually agreed with her transphobic tweets. Because in 99% of cases transphobia is just wanting sex based rights for women, not wanting to harm kids, protecting gay people etc. It's rare that anyone actually says "I hate trans people and want them all dead".
No. 1894946
>>1894788Redditors are so delusional about sexual dimorphism, maybe because they don’t go outside and jack off to heavily filtered photos of trannies online kek. My local lesbian bar has unfortunately been overrun with trannies, but I can spot them in .2 seconds. Anyone can. It’s not hard to tell. They usually stand a good foot taller than anyone else in a room filled with actual women and dress like kinky underaged animu girls despite being adult men with the stubble to prove it. Furthermore, even the early transitioners who also shelled out tens of thousands on plastic surgery and
may pass better to the untrained eye are pretty much all gay men and would not be at a lesbian bar. AGP troons never even remotely pass kek. Love to see them seethe!
No. 1894947
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I don't like Libs of Tiktok, but how we went from "trans genocide" to "trans terrorism"?
No. 1894971
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>>1894966Transgender Activism, colorized
No. 1895084
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No. 1895120
>>1894358>Sussex NHS trustBrighton is a tranny hellhole. Glad I got out of there.
A man will straight up post his lactation fetish porn on his socials but will still be allowed to perform this fetish with an actual child and not only malnourish it but potentially poison it with their pill-induced galactorrhea. they don't even have the developed ligaments to sustain the amount of breastfeeding needed for the baby, but it will just enough for them to get off on it. meanwhile women will avoid chemicals and let their nipples turn raw for the health of their child, and are still shamed for it.
>>1894407what is really retarded though is when gender ideology attempts to change the concept of motherhood, yet still relies on the biological (eg, breastfeeding). I mean, if you were going to be more gender neutral and progressive, you would make bottle feeding more socially acceptable since it's very inclusive. But no, they have to fetishise breastfeeding instead which is not only gross and
abusive but impractical. like you say, many women struggle to do it so why are they wasting so much time and energy on promoting it to men? it's stupid and offensive on so many levels.
No. 1895160
>>1895136yep, even going back to Confucius and the yin-yang principle. yin (feminine) = negative, passive, cold, dark. and this concept of femininity is then projected onto women, in order to complement the lives of men.
>>1895116it's especially dumb because transvestites will say they "feel more feminine" (or masculine in TIFs cases) but it's not even about feminine and masculine attributes, it's always about clothes and pornified body parts. It's not even like transvestite men are more passive, nurturing or tend to take over the household chores (those sexist ideas of a woman's role still exist but only enforced on actual women, even if those women pretend to be men). there is nothing more "masculine" than taking over spaces that weren't meant for you.
No. 1895211
>>1895116YES. There is no fucking "feminine" or "masculine", it's simply a label used to describe trends but they mean nothing.
A gay man acting "feminine" is portraying a fully natural variable of MEN, it's an entirely male expression of his manhood - it is masculine. A woman can never act/be like a gay man because she isn't one. A straight woman's attraction to men is never gay, her feminine mannerisms aren't a variation of maleness.
Same with "butch" women, lesbian or not, they're an entirely female way of existing that naturally occurs. A man can't act like a butch woman, because he's a man. It's just so fucking stupid to pretend a man acting like a variable of men, or a woman acting like a variable of women, are suddenly acting like "the opposite sex" instead of just assuming "some men/women act like that" just because they happen to differ from the majority of their groups.
No. 1895223
>>1895211i disagree. a man enjoying the color pink, playing with barbie dolls, liking fashion, and being homosexual (very extreme example)
is feminine, not masculine. you said it yourself, these are labels used to describe (societal) trends. (societal) trends and socialization are not natural. society dictates pink, dolls, fashion, and liking men are feminine traits, so they're feminine.
the thing is that feminine =/= female and masculine =/= male. butch women are masculine females, mtfs are feminine males
No. 1895229
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I just finished The Eunuch Woman by Germaine Greer and while looking for more information about the author I realized that it was her who said picrel. Such a Stacy.
No. 1895235
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I would like to talk about the companies who push + fund gender ideology. This document is from Gilead Sciences, which is known for their HIV drugs. Statistically, transwomen are more likely to have HIV. That isn't a surprise, but it's the justification they use to give generous funding to these organizations. The organizations that Gilead Sciences fund are the same "informed consent" clinics that will prescribe one hormones rather quickly. All over the country, there are small organizations that claim to be charitable, offering free medical care to trannies. Imagine if they could do that for actual women? Anyway, they peddle hormones to people. It's a big fucking scam. I'll provide more documents. We should name the companies involved.
No. 1895236
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>>1895235They also acknowledge it's unscientific. Kek.
No. 1895288
>>1895223No. Males who naturally want to play with dolls and like pink are a natural variation of men and therefor a natural variation of what masculinity is.
What you are saying is that if a woman has a stereotypical masculine feature, let's say broad shoulders, she now has masculine shoulders. Now if an entire race of women (who are on the whole an minority on earth) naturally has broad shoulders, that means an entire race of women are now masculine, by your definition. Are you starting to see how fucked up that sounds? A man is never feminine simply because feminine describes trends in females, so an observed male trend that can only ever happen in men can only be masculine.
No. 1895296
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One of the things I hate most about gender ideology is that activists push medical intervention as if it's no big deal (and yet, they also say that trans people will die without it, because this is a fundamentally hypocritical and contradictory movement). They'll say that questioning your gender is proof of trans-ness, try to "crack the egg" of anyone who is remotely gnc or has ever wondered what it would be like to be the opposite sex, and connect new converts to clinics or distributors that give out hormones like candy with no questions asked. They promote hrt as life-changing, life-saving treatment that literally turns you into the opposite sex, but also insist that it's reversible and something you can experiment with for fun to achieve any desired result on the "spectrum" of sex. They promote surgery as no big deal, saying that no one regrets it (lower regret than knee replacement is the go-to comparison) or has major complications. In fact, trans communities don't even allow criticism of surgery results because it might hurt someone's feelings. Never mind that gangrene and urethral fistulas are probably hurting these people way more.
There's a strong element of toxic positivity in the trans community around medical intervention. They attack anyone who says anything negative about it, and they accuse detransitioners of being fakers and grifters. I think trans activists must have the mentality of crabs in a bucket. They are so miserable that they can now only thrive on dragging others down with them. Misery loves company. So why don't you just try a shot of your friend's testosterone? You never know, you might like it! One of us, one of us!
No. 1895349
>>1895333>They mostly agree that men and women have differences in their brain and someone who is transgender will have the brain more similar to that of the opposite sex. What do you think about this theory?If this was true, doctors would use brain scans to diagnose gender dysphoria. They don’t do this because it’s not true. Truscums/transmedicalists want to feel more
valid than other trannies but they push pseudoscience all the same. I don’t doubt that
some troons do feel gender dysphoria, but I personally believe this psychiatric condition is closely related to body dysmorphic disorder and gender-focused OCD. It’s not any indication that a troon actually has an “opposite-sex brain” because that is simply not how biology works.
>The studies being done on this kind of topic are ambiguous.Liberal academia is currently ideologically captured by the gender ideology movement, so any study that might challenge it can be blacklisted for “transphobia.” However, I do think the tides are changing as transed children continue to sue their doctors for medical malpractice as they grow into sterilized adults. It’ll be interesting to see the research produced about this phenomenon after we overcome this period of mass censorship and reckoning.
No. 1895364
>>1895347>Those labels have nothng to do with gender that society promotes thoughwhat world do you live in
nonnie kek. Little boys are getting trooned because they play with dolls and little girls are getting trooned out because they play with trucks. And why? because those things are tied to femininity and masculinity. All because moids think playing with dolls is feminine and therefore female. I just think it's insane that everything needs to be labelled, specially when it's so subjective. Men genuinely believe everything a woman does that isnt cooking and cleaning is masculine, so why listen to them and keep perpetuating their ideas and therefore the power they have on women and children?
No. 1895369
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>>1895333It’s pseudoscientific pyschosurgical nonsense like the rest of this bs; may it go the way of its psychosurgical predecessor the lobotomy amen
No. 1895375
>>1895364The majority of TIMs troon out because they are consumed by their AGP fetish, not because they played with dolls as little boys. I agree that youth transitioning can and does happen, sadly. I also agree that gendered stereotypes are regressive. But I think you’re overstating how much our preconceptions about “masculinity” and “femininity” have driven the
modern trans movement. I think it’s usually the AGP adult troons who push for youth transitioning in order to legitimize their movement and distance transgenderism from its fetishistic origins
No. 1895398
>>1894496I am also bisexual and I've avoided any kind of Pride-related events for the last 10 years because I do not want to be associated with trannies and kinky polyamorous attention-seeking spicy straights. I am attracted to women with vaginas and men with penises, not narcissists with mental illnesses.
In my first year of college (in 2007) I had a crush on, and kissed, an extremely cute short lesbian girl who then told me that she identified as a man. She proceeded to get on testosterone and get her tits cut off the following year. It's all been going downhill since then.
>>1895296This shit is even more glamorized than eating disorders are in pro-ana communities. And, while it's true that skinny people are promoted as more beautiful, sexy, and just better than non-skinny people by the fashion and entertainment industries, there aren't doctors zealous to give anorexic patients liposuction so that "their outsides can match how they feel on the inside" like the troon doctors handing out hormones and surgery.
No. 1895542
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Let’s get this thread started right.
No. 1895569
>>1895548nta but i read this
>>1895339 and decided she was a midwit. i think most rfs have had the "omg!! femininity and masculinity don't exist!! we NEED to get rid of it and i am SO hardcore for realizing that!!" before thinking it through and arriving back here
>>1895334 No. 1895575
>>1895551The genital fetish line is so dumb. Tell them to look up the definition of a fetish:
‘a form of sexual desire in which gratification is strongly linked to a particular object or activity or a part of the body
other than the sexual organs.’
By definition, you cannot have a genital fetish.
No. 1895593
>>1895584No, ever-changing gender roles doesn’t mean they aren’t oppressive. I actually think the social constructs of femininity and masculinity change
in order to preserve patriarchal control of women in an evolving culture. For instance, today women have more political and economic autonomy than ever, but women also get more plastic surgery, wear more make-up, photoshop themselves, and struggle with eating disorders more than ever. These social behaviors are of course enabled by modern technology and medicine, but it’s interesting to think about
why women concentrate so much on capital on “improving” their appearances when we have objectively have more social power than ever. It demonstrates the societal pressure put on women to conform to extreme beauty standards for the benefit of men
No. 1895602
>>1895598That is not what I’m arguing against. I just wonder why some anons ITT got so
triggered about calling butch lesbians “masculine”
No. 1895609
>>1895606Anon…just because
you don't call yourself masc doesn't mean there aren't women out there who do. Stop applying your hang-ups to women as a whole
No. 1895651
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>>1895648nonna don’t engage the sperg kek
No. 1895654
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No. 1895657
>>1895648They are fetish terms sorry you dont see it like that. When you say you want to date a butch you are sexualizing them for their perceived masculinity. Same for scrotes into 'tomboys'. Different sides of the same coin.
>>1895651this is literally proving my point though. This is what obssesing over gendering everything leads to.
No. 1895658
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Sorry for the boomer meme but this actually made me kek
No. 1895667
>>1895659Even the Wikipedia article for gender dysphoria now differentiates between "early onset" dysphoria (typically same sex attracted) and "late onset" dysphoria (typically opposite sex attracted). I think once this concept becomes common knowledge, people will start to put the dots together that those heckin
valid transbians and trans mlms are just straight people with ugly haircuts.
No. 1895751
>>1895703I do. A ton of people blame feminist in general as a scapegoat for so much. They lumped troons in because a lot of feminist do help their shitty cause. The entire lgb movement is set back because of all this shit. I am a radfem and a
terf, but people think all the twt and tiktok enbies are what all feminists are.
No. 1895794
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The worst thing about gender ideology is how it literally makes women stupider, forcing them to take mental detours to not offend the troon-cop in their head.
Gender ideology seeping into the minds of even some so-called 'radfems' is a good example. They will go on and on about how radical and incredibly misandrist they are, only to humiliate themselves for their pet TiMs (it's never for TiFs). Picrel is an indian 'TIRF' kowtowing to Colin (check out the last TiM thread for repulsive proof of his AGP). She lives in India, a notorious hellhole and still calls for a 'gatekeeping' of feminism to please male fetishists living on a different continent, troons who pretty much have nothing in common with her and won't help her cause in any way.
I used to think TIRFs only wanted a get-out-of-jail card to discuss their politics, but it also looks like they're too online, too rich and disconnected from the world around them to really risk anything. TIRFs and TiFs alike are constantly bargaining for a moment of peace, a permission to discuss female matters, not realizing that most troons will always be suspicious and hateful towards their beliefs. Just like how millenial tumblrinas joked about 'male tears' only to become handmaidens when troonism started trending. When will they finally learn?
>>1895703They will definitely try, and it won't only come from the right. I've seen anti-troon leftist moids relish in the backlash to feminism
No. 1895849
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Love it when this happens
No. 1895871
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>>1895849>waaaah why can't I literally just invent an entire ideology with no basis in science or reality, be publically degenerate, make increasingly absurd demands to be treated like the opposite sex, and steamroll over the rights and safety of women and girls without minor pushback from sane normies unwilling to do extensive mental gymnastics to accommodate my fetishThis is only surprising to them because they live in a reddit tranny echo chamber where even the most mild dissenting opinions get deleted
No. 1895905
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I don’t like trannies but I don’t like the idea of TIFs being preyed upon by men because they know TIFs are easy to take advantage. I genuinely hate pic related being pushed as some kind of tranny acceptance/ally thing when it’s literally some horny moid trying to get sex from some loser girl who he knows is looking for validation. Even worse that he wants anal because moids always try and pressure that from women anyway but some TIFs delude themselves into thinking that’s what they want because actual gay men do it. It’s all so tiresome. TIFs can be so fucking annoying and pick mes to the max but I can’t help feel protective of them sometimes. (because they’re mentally ill vulnerable women)
No. 1895920
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>>1895882It's their allegance to nonsense.
No. 1895923
>>1895919Yeah protective of
some of them. Coddling doesn’t help them either.
No. 1895966
>>1895962I went to college for a bullshit arts institution BFA and the boomer professor was like “I don’t know about you all but I’m a Fendi girl” (or some bougie brand name I don’t remember, I’m not into that shit). And everyone is just silent because no we as college students are not in fact bougie brand girls. Academics are insanely out of touch.
This was 2018 when gender shite was around like people wearing flags as capes but not taken over quite yet. I don’t even want to think about the retards in charge there now.
No. 1896104
>>1895731So the ultimate problem is the mobile gamete carriers and their ilk of supporters, kek.
Sentiments have already discussed this throughout this thread but I'd agree with the idea that troonism is by in large an excuse to cast males (the ruling violent class) as a underprivileged
victim class to "win" against women again as always through history and cast male control and supremacy again as progressive. TIFs are caught in the crossfire of moid supremacy and are unfortunate
victims of the most severe misogyny.
Males are chameleons who will change their shape, ideology and political agenda to suit current sensibilities set by society in order to safeguard their control and/or violence. But the goal always remains the same; to retain complete control over women and continue to terrorize the earth, children, women and animals. It's pretty obvious that gender is biology/biological sex and cannot be erased but gendered expectations are not and this is a great concern for men who want to retain a system of control over women and everything else. Men are so committed to destroying everything they will claim the opposite; that gendered expectations ARE biology and gender or biological sex is not. Pink clothes, skirts, stereotyped feminine bimbo shit, and insidious misogynynistic shit like child rearing is what makes them a woman and that biology is not real. That the forces that cast women as inferior created by men aren't real and that they are inconsequential. However oddly biological sex is real when men are deciding who to rape. When rape subreddits don't have problems distinguishing between women and transwomen(men), biology is suddenly real and trannies are just stupid trannies to be delegated to their smaller tranny fetish subreddit. The women being raped subreddit is only for women being raped. Men know exactly what they're doing but women are by in large too nice, good natured and trusting for their own good. Socialized into utter empathy above all else.
This logic is predictable and falls in line with the ultimate goal of what males want; women to uphold gendered expectations, rights to be eroded for mens
victims; children, women, and animals. And the acquisition of all extractable resources in the control of these men so that they can further control, and continue to terrorize their
victims indefinitely with no challenge forever. There is no end game to this. As others have said abolishing gender will do nothing. Trying to opt out of rape and violence won't work with rapists and violence mongerers being allowed rights over yours. We have to make up stories about how our oppressors are
victims in order to tolerate any of this insanity in the first place. We have to create false narratives that socialization is the reason 50% of the population rapes the other 50%, to excuse violent biology. And you'd have to severely gas light your
victims who compose 50% of the worlds population to get them to go along with any of this. So far it's been a pretty successful psyop as all male constructed and benefitting psyops go. As for any of us speaking out about this, if we were to put a face to our words we will be mass gathered and culled on the spot because all that men know and their enablers by extension; are violence. Speaking the truth about gender against the oppressor class will have you killed just as it does in cases of domestic abuse. It's a tale as old as time. Women cannot have a voice because that voice may threaten mens control.
No. 1896106
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I'm kinda torn whether I should this or not, cause this isn't technically troon milk but still something that I feel iffy about, there's this British's kids' school book called "Bill's New Frock." It's about a little boy who one day wakes up as a girl and has to live out the rest of the day in a very exaggerated feminine way. The point of the book is to show how sexism is bad for girls and how children should be free to do whatever they want. That's fine, but it has some weird adaptations. I'm not going to post them because there's no need to post real-life children. However, its TV adaptation and its play adaptation always feature a little boy cross-dressing, and there's a plot point of the kid getting harassed by an older boy. Knowing what we know regarding pedos in the world, it just gives me strong groomer vibes.
No. 1896131
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>Author JK Rowling has donated £70,000 to a feminist group taking their challenge over the legal definition of "woman" in Scotland to the UK's highest court.
>The Harry Potter author, an outspoken supporter of women's rights amid the culture clash with trans rights, pledged £70,000 to the For Women Scotland (FWS) fighting fund after their application for a judicial review decision to the Supreme Court was granted on Friday
>The news provoked an angry backlash from trans activists, with Tom Harlow of Cabaret Against The Hate Crime, posting a rallying call on X and branding FWS "a terf organisation" (trans-exclusionary radical feminist). He shouted out to StonewallUK, LGBTYS, THTORGUK, Scottish Trans, TIE campaign, SwitchboardLGBT, Mermaidsgender and PrideUKORG.
>FWS took the Scottish Government to court in 2021 to challenge its definition of "women" in the Gender Representation on Public Boards (Scotland) Act. The legislation aims to ensure that non-executive members on public boards are at least 50% women, which was defined as those living as women or those who intended to or had already gone through the process of legal gender recognition. No. 1896190
>>1896106I’m not familiar with this or its adaptations, but I understand the discomfort solely due to the fact that this is common fetish material for agp pedo troons. Example from this thread
>>1895092. Pedophiles will taint the most innocent shit
No. 1896386
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>>1896131I am feel uncomfortable when we are not about me.mp3
No. 1896617
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I'm using a script on tumblr that changes the dashboard style to the old one and this popped up today kek
No. 1896691
>>1896617where did this myth come about that trans women created everything popular on tumblr??? almost all the trannies are recent twitter and Reddit refugees..
tumblr 'culture' has always focused on how women were using the website, and to me it still seems like it is
No. 1896692
>>1896680Please refer to
>>1896608 to understand troon behavior
No. 1896714
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do you think the tumblr aidens are about to get a wake-up?
No. 1896725
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>>1896708is it this girl? seems like a case of a girl being bullied for being awkward or autistic, which autistic people are disproportionately targets of bullying. No. 1896733
File: 1708555811878.jpg (160.14 KB, 720x937, Screenshot_20.jpg)

>Like many parents, Sue Benedict and her husband Walter at times struggled to understand the nuances of Nex’s gender fluidity.Ms Benedict is Nex’s biological grandmother, and raised them since they were two months old along with her five other children. She formally adopted Nex a few years ago.
No. 1896735
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>>1896733Adding for more context.
No. 1896750
>>1896733gender shit aside, this is really sad.
but someone being bullied for being non-binary is like someone being bullied for being an emo or not liking their fashion tastes or something. it doesn't translate into a hate crime or oppression, like these journalists badly want it to.
No. 1896762
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uber mega cringe…
No. 1896767
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>>1896442>>1896447It was something Magdalen Berns said during her life, so of course it stuck into their damaged brains.
No. 1896768
>>1896762Imagine being so fragile that being called "they" hurts you. And they claim the fragile are the
Terf with the "but my biology!".
No. 1896786
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>>1896770They're even claiming that said girl admired the teacher that was fired thanks by LoTT, but then she was killed due bullying? They're not trying anything and the ones dancing over her grave are the TRAs since a new
victim will be used for their gain.
No. 1897597
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the novelty of living out your fetish will eventually wear off, every time
No. 1897695
File: 1708624189722.jpeg (128.77 KB, 1223x824, GG390CXaYAARWVs.jpeg)

Like if people care about the opinions of straight moids.
No. 1897853
>>1897846>Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't LoTT only ever used content posted publicly by others like tiktoks and tweets?LoTT mostly reposts publicly shared troon degeneracy and that’s how she’s rose to notoriety among troons, but she’s now a conservative political commentator as well
>Also if anyone else has noticed, now that the news has come out she might have not died from the fight people are saying it's a cover up.It’s all about their fucking narrative
No. 1898292
>>1895620Sorry anon if you're the person I replied to just above, I wanna say that I still do agree with you on this though. It's stupid to associate women who don't fit societys standards regarding clothes with moids. Also I hate how a word that simply means woman (femme) is associated with performing femininity.
>>1895542Great comment, thanks for sharing anon.
No. 1898489
File: 1708675418360.png (852.56 KB, 720x1360, IMG_20240223_020434.png)

Can't believe people are defending this trannoid on Tumblr.
No. 1898577
>>1898413That's how they all start out, saying "it wasn't for ME, but trans is still real and
valid and could be great for others (please don't attack me)" because the trans community is often all they have and they are relentlessly mean to detransitioners.
Later once they're more comfortable in their peaking and healing they typically denounce all of trans ideology. A lot of troons know this will happen, so they attack any detransitioner even when they're super careful with their words and still trying to affirm trans ideology.
No. 1898610
>>1898603Omg nobody is saying that it didn't affect her, but why would a known complication that happens to every person who gets puberty blockers not affect her too? Being weaker from transition is a real side effect that should be taken into consideration because it makes these kids even more vulnerable. Just like how that troon wrestler did fine against men, but once he was competeing against a woman he broke her fucking skull, becuase women have thinner skulls than men. These are differences that matter. Trans kids having weaker bones matters.
The hospital said she was fine and sent her home. Why didn't they check her properly, why was she being medically negelected to the degree that she died with 24 hours? Or did they check her but didn't account for side effects of transition? Did they check her according to male or female standards? "Oh boys come in with these light head injuries all the time, he'll be fine" not taking into account it was a female, with weaker bones at that?
No. 1898686
File: 1708697096134.jpg (150.69 KB, 1080x1255, Tumblr_l_198427982801647.jpg)

My god, they are comparing the troon having his porn blog deleted to the holocaust. Those people never had a real problem in their lives
No. 1898779
>>1898622>Also nobody looked at her and then assigned male standards be for realhave you-
have you heard of trans ideology?
>>1898772I think it's still a first step for them, a lot of detrans people have said they didn't even know it was an option to detransition until they heard someone talk about it. Just like how they got into being trans by being a cis ally first, it takes a few times of "oh yeah I do/think like that too" before it hits them
No. 1898823
>>1898610She was not medically neglected, it's very difficult to diagnose a brain bleed because the symptoms can be as simple as feeling sleepy, a headache and nausea/vomiting. In order to diagnose it, especially when there's no external injury (and she didn't have any), they need to perform a CT/MRI scan. Her skull could have fractured, causing the bones to cut her brain and cause a hemorrhage that later killed her. But it could have also remained intact, we're just speculating. That thing about osteoporosis, although it could have made her more susceptible, is still not the cause. Judging by her picture, I doubt that her dose of T (if she was prescribed it, even) contributed that much because it seems very low. She doesn't even seem like she takes T from that picture. Nevertheless, that's not the point. The contribution of T to her death can't be longer than 2%. I guess it's like when someone dies from being bitten by a snake and they already had a bit of a cold beforehand, it would have obviously contributed to a lower immune system but it's not what we should focus on right now, is it? And there's no male or female standards for brain bleeding btw.
No. 1898834
>>1898779Nta but most normies know what sex someone is if they're trans and are just being nice at most.
Anyways the discussion about whether or not she was taking testosterone is retarded and almost just as gross as the TRAs trying to force their narrative. Grown men can be killed by a single punch to the back of the head (do anons forget the old coward punch PSAs or what), a teenage girl having her head slammed onto tile probably could have killed her or given her a traumatic brain injury regardless. At the end of the day, a mentally ill or autistic girl was killed as a result of bullying, it could have happened even if she wasn't non-binary.
No. 1898856
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>>1898489"I don't know shit but here's some fear mongering"
No. 1898970
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>>1898834The thing that gets me about this whole thing. She started the fight and I don’t see anyone mentioning that. She got between three girls and another Transgender individual who hasn’t been identified and she dumped water on the girls starting the physical altercation, it was in her texts.
No. 1899108
>>1899054She started the physical altercation anon, that’s all I meant. She wasn’t randomly jumped by three girls. Also I was taught as most people were
>fight words with words and fists with fists. You can’t physically attack someone and not expect them to attack back, she didn’t deserve to die and kids shouldn’t be bullied, but lying about the narrative to make her a
victim of a random gang attack is also wrong.
>she didn’t deserve to be killed like that Nowhere did I say she did. Stop projecting and we still don’t have a cause of death or the story. We are are waiting on toxicology and the police have said her death was not related to trauma at this time. My point is exactly the reactionary attitude you have where you’re already assuming facts and refusing to even listen to one’s we have.
No. 1899190
>>1899108NTA but blaming her for
her death just because taking bullying for god knows how long and then lashing back in the mildest physical way possible (poured water on someone) is some actual disgusting low empathy behavior. Who cares if she was some kind of an autistic theybie, she was a teenage girl and a bullying
victim who got tired of it. This kind of retarded antagonism is why I left GC spaces years ago, turning dead teenagers into monsters who got what was coming their way just because they were roped into trannyism is repulsive no matter how much you try to "rationalize" it for yourself.
No. 1899272
File: 1708733795935.jpeg (28.77 KB, 554x554, images - 2024-02-23T210941.676…)

Although it's only in December, this year it will be ten years since Joshua ""leelah"" killed himself and kickstartert the whole "if you don't let your kids transition they will kill themselves. People blamed his death on the parents and sent death threats to them on Facebook, there was a lot of uproar and they even made a law baning conversion Therapy after him. Joshua was clearly a mentally ill gay boy with homophobic parents, and I belived he could have lived if he never made a tumblr. He also died in the most male way possible, by weaponized suicide and traumatized a truck driver for life. Girls who were also on tumblr back, what's your take in this story and how do you think his suicide was a starter to all the bullshit we have today?
No. 1899285
>>1899272It's really strange because this was actually my first introduction to this ideology outside Jerry Springer and random documentaries on tv. My perception was that mtfs were effeminate gay men who enjoy crossdressing and just took it too far. Joshua was no different, i saw him as nothing more than a troubled gay boy who clearly was very effeminate and was likely at odds with people in his life. Never did i really believe that trooning out would solve anyone's problems, but at the same time, for some reason i actually thought these people were brave for doing whatever they wanted when they could have easily conformed. For this boy, there was no way he could do that, but i feel like me thinking that way about men who turned out to be agps was wild in retrospect, especially since i finally understand that not all troons are tortured gay men. I think it's gross how his death is weaponized because at the end of the day we will never understand what was going through his mind. I think being bullied and having nobody to look out for him is what killed him, not being trans. If his parents are at fault for his death, then tumblr should take some accountability for not trying to make sure that he could find some services in person to take advantage of or actually being a friend to them, they just saw him as a pawn to be used for their agenda, they don't care about him at all.
No. 1899364
File: 1708739854890.mp4 (14.81 MB, Surveillance-video-from-inside…)

Police released some surveillance footage of near the scene, obviously not inside the bathroom, on youtube. I went ahead and put it in mp4 format just because.
No. 1899464
>>1899463you people are so fucking gross with your
victim blaming ITT. they slammed her head into the ground get real.
No. 1899465
File: 1708745839870.mp4 (11.06 MB, 911 call.MP4)

This has both 911 calls. You'll need to skip a part because it contains the same footage as
>>1899364 No. 1899472
File: 1708746426277.jpg (177.24 KB, 1095x778, talkanddie.JPG)

>>1899448>>1899439It's referred to as "Talk and Die syndrome, and here is an explanation.
No. 1899484
File: 1708746948567.png (60.69 KB, 855x376, image_2024-02-24_145748702.png)

>>1899477NTA but there's a reason why there's a 24 hour observation period following head injuries.
No. 1899486
>>1899033For any handmaidens paying attention to the predstrogen drama, I hope it at least plants seeds of doubt that maybe the people they're defending aren't all poor little innocent
victims. It seems like a lot of women who peak on tumblr do it by hate-reading radfem/
terf blogs, then realizing how reasonable their enemies are and how insane trans activists are. It's hard to ignore reality with all those receipts in your face. I'm hopeful that reading dissenting opinions on this drama will peak some of them at least.
No. 1899515
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>>1899502Depends on the state and then the judge. Mine was considered "harmful or offensive touching" due to getting the lady wet but the cop talked the drunk little league parent out of it because the cop reminded the lady he could charge her too for several things.
No. 1899564
File: 1708753760457.mp4 (10.05 MB,

>>1899412Clip from twitter with Nex talking about the girls. The girls were freshmen.
No. 1899765
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My question is, why is this being heavily promoted by seemingly every progressive group? It's not just about "letting troons do whatever they want" it's about actively wanting kids to be recruited into this degeneracy and that's what ultimately peaked me and when you start going after children, average people will have no option but to choose any sort of political movements that is against it.
No. 1899964
File: 1708791474122.jpg (234.12 KB, 1075x1282, 081749.jpg)

There's already a Wikipedia page on the kid. Is this typical?
No. 1899973
>>1896735The fact that they had to pass a bill to tell these tumblrtards to use the bathroom of their own sex is pathetic.
>>1896746Yeah, they are twisting words around to make it seem like the bill and anti tranny stuff was the reason for her death, when it wasn't. It's honestly so disrespectful to her.
No. 1899984
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>>1899977It's also not good for the youths they so badly want to pretend that they're protecting. Yeah, let's tell the mentally ill teenagers "even though we don't have the full picture, this is definitely a hate crime against people like you." No. 1899998
>>1899272I remember how disturbing it was to see all these kids draw sparkly fanart of a real boy who killed himself. Tumblr was a really strange place and a perfect breeding grounds for TRAs. I remember that TRAs went through reblogs and posted anonymous messages to people if they had reblogged someone who had been branded as
terf. And instead of going "who the fuck are you, fuck off", most of these tumblr kids would be like "gosh I didn't know thanks for telling me I'll delete it"! All while having a very vague idea of what
terf meant. It was crazy to see group pressure play out online like that. I was an adult posting non-political fandom stuff so just a bystander.
No. 1900000
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>>1899964Nope it’s not, also it makes perfect sense if the autopsy hasn’t been released to the public yet because why would it? Everyone is pretending like this faggedy little kid was murdered by the hospital staff or beaten to death by a group of girls when really it’s just another retard who’s committing suicide for attention.
No. 1900062
>>1899272I was a bit annoyed that everybody was spamming my dash with this. I had my oldest female friend start to transition at 15 in that time and i was just starting to learn to cope with it. Pronouns and all…yet i couldn't care about this kid. He lived far away and i knew that teens just kill themselves no matter the problem they have.
I think it was for sure one of the biggest things that introduced a lot of kids on tumblr to trans.
No. 1900120
File: 1708804892026.jpg (51.34 KB, 1178x353, Screenshot_20240224.jpg)

>>1899983Supposedly she had a MRI before she left. Here's the article This whole damn thing is a mess because of the stupid
she was nonbinary. There's a lot of misinformation going around and of course lots of screaming about trans people which is taking the forefront. It's sickening how much they really don't care. A teenage girl is dead. We won't know until the autopsy but the damage is being done.
No. 1900272
File: 1708813397435.png (49 KB, 460x211, Screenshot 2024-02-24 at 22.19…)

>>1899976the only stats i could find on this were from wikipedia and based on 2015 data. the TIMs who identified as straight are attracted to men only and only make up only 20%. The majority are attracted to women or are bisexual. I think Blanchard also stated it was 60/40 split.
8 years later I'm sure it has become even more dominated by straight men, because the culture has changed. Men used to be ashamed of their transvestism mostly because it was seen as "gay" when they were not. Now that the stigma has been lifted, a lot more AGPs are identifying as lesbians.
No. 1900651
File: 1708826170364.jpeg (601.66 KB, 2048x2048, AD91CCBB-5366-44C9-BBBB-61D97E…)

I’ve been seeing this mentality more and more. Women adopting styles they swore off but when they associate it with men (eg: long hair, silver jewelry, skirts, makeup) all of a sudden it’s ok and actually cool because “its in a man kind of way” despite them never looking like that.
I’m not sure when this haircut became associated with men, it was the most feminine hair style you could, used to signal “fashionista” characters 10 years ago.
No. 1900674
>>1900665A male who destroys his own life by ruining his marriage, neglecting his kids, and forcing everyone around him to participate in his fetish, lest they be called a “transphobe,” is indeed the worst kind of male. They even get off on invading women’s spaces, which makes it my problem too. They have been completely consumed by the coom. I don’t have a particularly high opinion of males in general, but many men in my life do not live and die for their fetish, and they are respectable people in public (not adult men dressing like underaged anime girls because they’re agp lolicons). Troons
are worse. Now fuck off
No. 1900757
File: 1708834071288.jpeg (34.47 KB, 680x409, images (3).jpeg)

The amount of tims in communities of all age games like Minecraft drives me insane. I sincerely wish there were more girls interested in coding and modding but then every she/her is gonna have a trans flag with their wispy falsetto. It's just so bleak they're essentially grooming kids into being tras and troons.
No. 1900838
File: 1708842320333.jpg (262.62 KB, 720x1911, 86432457.jpg)

It's going to get worse, isn't it? This sucks that her death is being used to weaponize that boys should be allowed in the girl's bathroom. Weak ass argument perpetrated by perverted men obsessed with infiltrating women's spaces.
>>1900689Tims are male entitlement on steroids. The bastards know what they are doing trying to do by using another label to cover up their true intentions. Fuck them and their shitty play on words.
No. 1901009
File: 1708862732350.png (190.56 KB, 426x682, dagny-texts.png)

The whole issue regarding Dagny is the fact there are narratives being spun which are trying to spur other trannies. The facts are these: she had an isp (guessing it means in-school suspension program and there was talk of vaping situations), she did not know the girls before that week, the girls were freshmen, she does not know the girls' names, the girls were supposedly making fun of her and her friend's laugh and clothing, Dagny and fellow tif were in the bathroom, Dagny decided to do something and she poured water on the girls, the girls respond back, Dagny says fought back and threw one of the girls at the paper towel dispenser, Dagny says the girls got her feet from under her, she said she hit her head and the girls were still attacking, Dagny claims she blacked out as her tif friend tried to join the fight, this all happens in less than 2 minutes before broken up by students and a faculty member, the school did not report incident, the school does not call ambulance, according to texts the other tif is put on the bus to go home, Dagny gets 2 weeks of suspension, her grandmother is called and it is suggested Dagny get checked out by ER, picrel of texts to a family member from Dagny, cops are notified by hospital about the fight, a cop interviews Dagny as shown by body cam, Dagny is released from ER, complains of sore head before going to sleep, next day she collapses on the floor with eyes kind of rolling back in her head breathing shallow and hands posturing and grandmother calls ambulance, grandmother use to be a nurse she told the 911 operator, grandmother lets it be known Dagny is on seroquel and fluoxetine besides the vaping, sadly Dagny dies at the hospital, police claim in the preliminary autopsy that she did not die due to trauma from the fight which would mean that opening up her head showed no signs of trauma that corresponds to injuries related to death by head injuries, the rest of the autopsy is now waiting on results from the toxicology report to see if there was anything in her system which takes a while, and the grandmother is now claiming there is a big cover up and wants her own independent autopsy which is her right.
Words matter. The girls did not respond physically until the water was poured. It was not a premeditated attack. The action of pouring water angered the girls, the girls saw red, and the girls responded. Make no mistake that doesn't mean Dagny deserved to die because water was poured. The media is obviously not giving a shit and purposely giving out bad info like that she was being bullied for months by these girls, who supposedly were older, due to being a gendie. This is nothing new. Lots, not all, of journalists don't give a shit about the truth. It isn't uncommon for them to not publish info based on the fact it ruins their narratives. A great example is Columbine. Despite lots of media members trying to pretend the cops did their jobs it came out later the police had an unsigned warrent for Eric Harris prior to the attack, a year even. Oops. One of the saddest things that came out is that the police just left the bodies there for 24 hours because they were afraid of something being booby trapped which also lead to a teacher who got shot succumbing to his wounds. It was amateur hour that they tried to cover up. I mention this because the media was portraying all of this as the cops having no idea and so heoric when in reality the assholes knew something was up but decided not to do their jobs. That's the power of propaganda as some people still don't realize the warrent part as it came out later. Even with the body cam being out, Harvard hired cyberlaw tranny Caraballo is trying to spin that the cop who visited Dagny wasn't doing his job. Oh btw Caraballo used the wrong pronouns but it's okay when he does it 'cause he a tranny. Caraballo is pushing that Dagny was a target of transphobia and being builled by these older girls for months when this wasn't the case. This is just more added fuel for trannies to scream their the ones being targeted. I fucking hate this whole thing and you damn well know none of this would have gotten the amount of attention it did had Dagny not been nonbinary. Also the obsession that she has to be a perfect victim because otherwise she doesn't deserve sympathy is creepy af. It doesn't lessen the fact or take away that she's dead. She acted impulsively which led to the fight. It's understandable why she did it but according to the law it would be viewed as something punishable which while the officer explained, he said he would follow up and if Dagny wanted to pursue charges, she could as it was her right. He gave her some advice because he's most likely seen it before but he let both Dagny and her grandmother know that decision was still largely Dagny's and he would do what she/grandmother wanted. It's just so fucking annoying that no discussion can be made without being accused of victim blaming. It also doesn't matter that you don't agree with the law nor does being underage suspends what is punishable under the law. At the end of the day this teenage girl is dead and before rushing with pitchforks and branding the girls as murderers (it would most likely imo be considered involuntary manslaughter as it was not their intent to kill her and result of reckless conduct), take a step back and understand there's more going on. Things aren't making sense with what has been released vs propaganda. Everything is getting drowned out in false narratives. To quote a stupid ass meme: you are not immune to propaganda. These things matter and guess what we're already repeating history as mentioned by another anon. I deeply despise the gendie cult for making this into a spectacle. These freaks needed her to be murdered for their cult, y'know twans genocide so let those boys/men in the girls bathroom before they too die, which is downright monstrous. Reminder that the gendie cult does not give a flying fuck if a minor dies as they are gleeful they can use the kid's death as a way to force their narrative.
No. 1902561
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considering yourself a victim of genocide while living in the US is insane. transgenderism just seems like mass schizophrenia at this point, no country in the entire world is going to consider you an asylum seeker
No. 1902682
>>1901009Honestly kinda scary to see that lies about the Nex Benedict case got repeated even here, such as "repeatedly having her head slammed into the bathroom floor by her bullies" when she just fell and had her head hit the floor then. Obviously no one here could have known, but the fact that we still trust woke media enough to repeat what they said as if it's true is worrying. I mean what else are they lying about? Everything got so exaggerated, first she was "beaten to death by relentless transphobic bullies" - turns out they didn't even know her. Did they even know she was identifying as trans at all?
And then the actual nurse mom lying about her daughter's meds while she was literally dying on the floor in front of her is so fucking weird too, what the fuck? The 911 operator mentioning cpr and mom going "nah she totally doesn't need that fam" while going on to calmly and accurately describe the symptoms of literally dying. Obviously speculating here, but it seems there is something
sus going on with the mom and what drugs she had given to her daughter.
No. 1902734
File: 1708975536548.png (291.83 KB, 697x993, twans is wearing clothes.png)

Gender is when girls wear pants, guise! I'm glad the author didn't pander to these retards. I wonder how many TRA authors and artists peaked when they released their troon characters into the wild and only got endless bitching and death threats back.
>>1902629Can you imagine how much the before pic made TIMs seethe? Even when she's LARPing as a man with haggard T face she looks more feminine than them under 50 layers of makeup and filters. The endless negging will never stop, I just hope the TIFs will learn to be just as passive aggressive towards the untouchable TIMs with time.
No. 1902809
File: 1708978641520.png (804.55 KB, 1179x1601, IMG_1212.png)

>>1901009Nex also lied about what happened. Apparently she called the girls the n-word as she dumped water over them.
No. 1902813
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>>1902809These are her classmates fyi
No. 1902908
>>1902897Doesn’t really reflect Dutch society’s view on this whole thing. In Iran the state pressures gay people to transition but doesn’t mean that MTFs are somehow less oppressed than say the US.
Canada, US, and Netherlands are all supportive, he’s delusional
No. 1905160
File: 1709135867310.jpeg (275.13 KB, 1170x818, IMG_3342.jpeg)

Kek, I love her and her snark
No. 1905216
>>1905160Oh no not the spine out…the standard way of placing books in a bookshelf. Gender specials are so retarded.
And yes JKR has been terve posting like a boss again on twitter.
No. 1905326
>>1905250Alot of them that hate her with a passion admit they were part of the whole
> when I was a poor lil awkward, depressed kid/teen harry potter saved my life. No literally it saved my life!Crowd
Then they moved on to saying that finding out about tranny shit online and promptly trooning out saved their life next. That's how flippant they are. Everything is either some life saving, validating, affirming, community creating, beautiful but fucking obsessive all encompassing thing or it induces a rage that's just as obsessive and all encompassing. I swear if some other tempting/cultish social contagion took over tomorrow they'd flip again and lash out at the tranny cope because it'd be bad as soon as they find some new community to be a member of.
No. 1905999
File: 1709189607312.webm (7.51 MB, -Q3eMw2d1SVsTapl.webm)

these are the people who tweet about "beating up transphobes"
No. 1906303
>>1905326All the ex-Potterhead TRAs I grew up with lied about being bullied for liking HP in school, when in reality they were the ones bullying others. This series may have gotten kids to start reading but most of them never developed reading comprehension or grasped any of the messages in the books.
So after JKR was denounced for wrongthink, most of them switched from “I was the only HP fan at my school and everyone picked on me for it” to “I always knew she was a wrongun and everyone picked on me for being the only kweer”. I’m sure that once the tide fully turns, most of them will be saying they were GC the whole time (and everyone picked on them for it!!). Always alone, always right, always persecuted, despite being part of the mob the whole time.
No. 1906826
>>1900668>Femininity is seen as vapidit is inherently vapid yes
>>1902724>when a dumb ass man puts on makeup or a long skirt, he's suddenly breaking boundaries. he is. it's like if a rich person decided to live as a poorfag for a few years. way bigger deal than a poorfag being a poorfag; implicitly, it's all about giving up that male privilege in favor of tools used to oppress women, that's why it's such a big deal (and gendies don't want to admit femininity is bad and actively harmful towards women but you know how gendies are)
(baiting) No. 1906858
File: 1709244756463.jpg (753.05 KB, 1179x1579, tumblr_mft6b2T5EM1s1e3tyo1_128…)

>be at uni class
>teacher screens this photograph
>my 150cm tif classmate with an animal crossing water bottle on the table, frilly shirt and laptop full of chibi anime stickers: "Omg they look like ancient funkopops"
No. 1907180
>>1907094You gotta learn how to
sus out the extreme TRA types from the ones that are neutral/just don’t really care that much. You’re gonna have a harder time finding people that are outright gender critical or TERFy because it’s like painting a target on your back. I have a group of artist friends and gender stuff pretty much never comes up because it’s just not something most normal people actually think about.
No. 1909085
Who else is ready to see all the international women's day posts somehow focusing on men? I'm fully expecting it at this point.
>>1907183Before that it was disabilities, and while that is still happening I feel like people who used to say every character they liked was autistic, are now saying the characters just so happen to be the gender identity they themselves are.
No. 1909090
>>1907079Can I get a source on this so I can pull it up whenever someone claims troons are murdered en masse? I've heard there are ones that even compare troon murder stats with female murder.
Would also love the ones that shows troon crime rates. Would love to find all these stats myself since I've seen other anons talk about them but my google search skills are boomer level. Would also be handy to have these stats in OP in the next thread perhaps?
No. 1910189
>>1909090I don’t have the link ready atm but a few years ago a TIM wrote a pretty long and informative blog post calling out his own community for misrepresenting South American (Chilean?) TIM prostitute murder/life expectancy stats as general trans murder/life expectancy stats. It was great because TRAs can’t claim this TIM is a
TERF. I’ll go looking for it if I have time, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it has been deleted.
No. 1910545
>>1909085Literally every women's day/women's history month post I've seen so far features Trans Wimmin in a "Don't forget our marginalized groups!" section, before like… actual marginalized women such as
woc or disabled women. It's so, so tone deaf I'm seriously baffled.
No. 1910578
>>1910558I think that it's also easier for women who detransition to get sympathy from peers and in the media, because (as long as they go back to being feminine women and don't continue to wear men's clothes and be butch lesbians) they can spin themselves as poor, unfortunate, confused
victims of the Big Bad Patriarchy (which they are!). But men who detransition are less likely to get sympathy because they have to admit that they trooned out because they're a faggot who likes to suck cocks and/or because they're a pervert who gets a boner from wearing a dress.
No. 1910591
>>1910578Interesting, you're actually right. When the detransition wave comes it may be that it will be more common for TIMs to an hero than to sue and speak out against troonism like some rare (female) detransitioners are doing now.
It's almost ironic considering the fact that for a man, going on estrogen has almost zero noticeable effects on their appearance other than gyno so it would be in theory easier for them to revert back to presenting as man. While for TIFs the effects of testosterone are irreversible. And yet, society might as well make it harder for the former to reintegrate than for the latter.
No. 1910605
>>1910501Watching different detrans interviews, Tifs tend to actually want to open up and talk about personal regrets, get a bit of introspection going on. Not just bang on about lost body parts for an entire hour. There's more depth, more honesty about their role in it and a balance between telling their own story and linking it to others to reach the people who need to hear it.
TIMs that're sharing their stories, poor me n muh designer vag they promised me that never came to be. They're not talking about their story to reach others. The social aspect and worring about future kids always gets the most fleeting mention in a sea of me me me and my body parts. Imo they'll be the ones to try it. Not to save anyone else or because of the bigger picture. Just because they feel hard done by and their crotch is the centre of their world.
No. 1910640
>>1910578I think currently it's true because women are the most supportive of detransitioners, of course we have sympathy for other women and hate coomer fetish males.
However I think men won't truly listen until other men speak out, and it will be the male detransed kids who speak about how they can't have an orgasm and men who have had their dicks removed, because men can then contemplate the horror of losing their dick and never having sex or an orgasm (their worst nightmare). And then those men will be listened to more and become the main spokesperson… because they're men and people still love to ignore women.
No. 1910642
>>1910501Men will be the ones to sue. For the very simple reason that men are A LOT more likely to sue than women in general.
But I also kinda think the first wave won't be troons so much as angry parents of detransed kids, but it will look like the kid is the one doing it.
No. 1911559
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They’re so stupid
No. 1912123
>>1912013different anon but adding onto this: he/it TiFs, specifically the breed who are controlling enough to insist upon never being they/themmed, are the worst and most rabid loons of the bunch. usually obsessed with men too. they/its are just edgier they/thems, and i've never seen she/it used by an actual woman.
>>1912042can confirm. even though i never took the troonpill, i myself went by she/they because i just didn't care about being they/themmed. i feel like so long as they're not throwing a shitfit over people "not using they/them enough", these women are likely to be the most normal of the bunch.
No. 1912161
>>1912013He/hims are usually tankies, either black (studs irl) or white (anything goes), tend to be "edgy" or at least try, and are hopeless degenerates 99% of the time. Actual autism and furfaggority are almost guaranteed. Also they tend to have religious backgrounds AND actually qualify for religious trauma (no "my parents made me wake up early on sundays" bullshit) if they're on t are prone to roid rage and attention whoreing but if they aren't on anything usually they're too depressed to be actually annoying.
It's either that or irl kikomis that pull some kind of female to mtf to "boymoding". In that case, they're identical to the they/it and "Neo user", that is to say batshit insane.
No. 1912165
>>1911685I’ve been following Scientology for a while now and it used to be more common for critics and ex-Scientologists to endorse Free Zone or Independent Scientology groups, who are scientologists who practice their ‘religion’ independent of the CoS and usually left due to some kind of personal beef with Church officials, not because they don’t believe in the cult teachings anymore. The existence of these groups also made some critics hesitant to refer to the belief system as a whole as a cult, because hey, here’s these people who aren’t in the CoS but still follow the teachings! Who are we to say this isn’t a religion if it’s helping people? It used to drive me crazy. But lately I’ve been seeing more critics refer to these groups as ‘cult lite’ and portray them as a kind of soft out, for people who want to escape but aren’t ready to drop the whole thing cold turkey, instead of a totally legit religion for people who want a more affordable way to rid themselves of their thetans.
I expect the trans narrative will follow a similar trajectory. Most people aren’t emotionally capable of admitting that they fell for something that was complete bullshit all along. It will probably take decades
or however long it takes for the entire current and future generation of ‘trans kids’ to detransition or die out for society as a whole to admit there was never any validity to transgenderism at all.
No. 1913074
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Seeing things like this makes me so sad. Trans shit really is just a cult. The post this was in response to was to a young hispanic girl who was so close to escaping the transcult. I looked through her posts and she is clearly very depressed and has low self-esteem and the trans stuff was making her feel even worse. The whole idea that you need to question your gender, sexuality, identity is dumb to me. Why can't people just be who they are? Not everything about yourself needs to fancy label or fit into a nice box, just do what feels right. I wish i could reach out to her and tell her that, but she would just call me a transphobe.
No. 1913229
>>1895673white guilt is one hell of a drug
>>1895703yes, they're already blaming us for low fertility rates and shitty wages
No. 1913388
>>1913074>Cis people don't think they're transThat's like saying people without cancer don't believe they could have cancer. Or something. Either way thought policing is extremely harmful to minds. It's like saying someone cannot have a fleeting thought without automatically being put into a category. I've suffered with OCD and it's common to have a thought basically control a part of your life for a few days or so until you realize you've been partially living in a delusion and everything is okay. When I was in OCD groups years ago, a few random women would get stuck on the belief that maybe they could be trans and that's why they feel the way they do, which is false. They just have OCD, that's the end of that, nothing deeper than that.
>>1913382I'm honestly surprised gender shit has shifted to be so prominent in Latino communities compared to years ago. We've always been known to not be the one to follow the crowd, even to the point of economically we're the demographic less likely to vote and rely on government assistance when in poverty.
No. 1913444
>>1913422Why is that so hard for them so get? It's so harmful. Like, I was a woman growing up who loved video games and comic books. It never struck me as 'this is more a boy hobby' I just knew more males were into the hobby. It's so detrimental for women to be told 'this is a boy's job and this is a girl's job' when there is no such thing irl. Hormones and chromosomes separate women and men, not jobs or hobbies. I've been saying it for 8 years now. The trans cult is making it worse for women to just be women who like things. They are not men and never will be.
Same with men who think liking makeup makes them women?? What about the hair and makeup artists since like the 1980s?? men have been the head of fashion bullshit for women for decades– and that's what needs to be called out. It's pure sexism at the end of the day.
No. 1913480
>>1913444I think so many people struggle with it because they dont get a sense of fulfillment just being themselves. Social media promotes the idea that you’re whatever you label yourself as but reality doesn’t work like that. In reality you can’t just show up with a label and that’s it everyone understands you now. You have to socialize, you have to hone your skills, just having the label on isn’t enough but people don’t want to take the time or they’re too scared to because online is easier, you just say it and BAM it’s reality.
My parents asked me throughout my childhood and adolescence if I thought I was a boy and I would scoff because as a young child I’d been given the language to express “I like it because I’m me!” Kids now are only given the language to express discomfort with themselves because they’re the wrong sex, discomfort stemming from anything else is never addressed or given voice to and often for young girls/women is actively spoken over/ignored. And in young boys/men is downplayed as not a problem, when it’s incredibly destructive for them and people are them.
I wish we could go back to “you like what you like because you’re you” instead of this nonsense that says “because you’re you you have to like this and if you don’t something is wrong with you!” I thought we were done with that.
No. 1913707
>>1913422>>1913480>just having the label on isn’t enough but people don’t want to take the time or they’re too scared to because online is easier, you just say it and BAM it’s realityI used to be into lolita fashion and for as long as I can remember there have been “lolitas at heart” - people who don’t actually wear the fashion but identify as lolitas anyway and insist on being included in the community and even real life meet-ups, jeans and all. Most lolitas thought this was stupid and people often made the same argument, that it’s a descriptor and not an identity, that you have to DO the thing to be considered Someone Who Does The Thing, you can’t just declare yourself something and make it true.
But then trans shit exploded and suddenly these same people were like “Oh you’re male but you identify as female? Well you ARE female then good for you queen!”, often while arguing with a lolita-at-heart in a different tab at the same time. It’s what peaked me, and I’m surprised most of these women haven’t dropped dead from the cognitive dissonance.
No. 1914301
An early Women's Day present courtesy of WPATH: leaked documents from WPATH show they're shills and their trans kid recommendations aren't based on science.
No. 1914456
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Spain introduced a new trans law last year that doesn't allow anyone to question someone's gender identity, not even psychologist because that'd be "conversion therapy", and all people have to do to get their gender ID changed is go to the civil registry and say they now identify as the other gender. Obviously everyone with a double digit IQ digit realised men were just gonna use it in their advantage to get access to female only spaces, etc and troons said that there's nooo way that's gonna happen, no one is gonna do that! Now a bunch of men are changing their legal gender to women for the kicks, people on twitter are going insane saying they're breaking the law, not actually rEaL tRaNs PeOpLe, and acting surprised this is even happening when it was more than obvious.
It'd be funny if it was just a bunch of harmless men showing how unfair it is that they don't need to change their appearance whatsoever, not even change their name, and don't have to have any screenings to verify they're actually true trans people. But of course they aren't, because some of them are women beaters changing their legal gender to women so they can't get prosecuted for domestic violence, and getting access to women's only spaces without any issues or else they can scream transphobia.
picrel, one of our very valid and brave trans lesbian female army member, Francisco Javier!
No. 1914515
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I wonder if pooners would second guess their identity if they knew how men viewed them.
No. 1916256
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So, I'm a poet from a non English speaking country and for the past few years, the poetry scene in particular, has been flooded by gender specials and it's become unbearable to participate in any social events related to the field.
I was at a panel alongside a TIF author recently and for the entire duration of the event the lady who lead the panel kept talking about how brave and revolutionary she is for writing about "queer" subjects and how she's rebelling against the system and yada yada yada. Mind you, she wasn't even a popular author as she debuted very recently and was certainly not the first TIF who wrote about how queer and special she is, so it's not like she was trailblazer for other gender specials. I swear there is an epidemic of mediocre masturbatory books about "queerness" coming out and the quality is so low that I'm always in disbelief how anyone could publish it let alone an established, respected publisher (which happens all the time here). Some of the shit that gets awarded here would have never in a million years even been published 10 years ago. Whenever I get invited to an event I pray that they don't try asking me about the brave transgenderinos because I've already had one interviewer try to imply that I might be one of them because I wrote a poem in which I used male gendered verbs… It's insanity.
I live in a conservative country where gay marriage and abortion are illegal but spicy straights are treated like they're the biggest victims and get promoted like crazy! Some of it is just old men who aren't up with the times and think that using they/them pronouns and neutrally gendered verbs (which NOBODY does because it's literally the third neutral "gender" that's only ever used for objects and animals…) is an avant garde writing experiment which is funny sometimes because they treat enbies like they're doing a stage persona and gawk at them which they (enbies) always complain about online lol. I want this to end already, I want to get back to how things were before the gender craze. I can't remember the last time I was excited about going to a panel, especially as a spectator. Nobody fucking talks about poetry there, they talk about how anti-capitalist it is to dye your hair blue and wear pronoun pins and all the established people from the field eat it up! Ffs we don't even have any feminist authors or actually homosexual authors getting published but yes, we're all so progressive giving a platform to nlogs and sex pests (a tim author was exposed for sexually harassing his female peers through instagram dms recently). Art has gone to shit and I feel like I'm being stripped of what I love.
No. 1916294
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>>1916256>I swear there is an epidemic of mediocre masturbatory books about "queerness" coming out and the quality is so low that I'm always in disbelief how anyone could publish it let alone an established, respected publisherEugh same here, I'm an aspiring writer but the whole literature scene in my (liberal EUfag) country is so offputting these days that I don't know if I even want to participate. Just last year at least the following has happened:
>two low-quality books by TIM authors (read one out of morbid curiosity, it's textbook AGP with disgusting sex scenes)>not one but two biographies about two different Somali HSTS TIMS shilled, the only positive thing about this is that behind the scenes they must be seething hard at each other, competing for the same spotlight lmao>extremely Tumblr-esque fart-huffing autobiographical novel by a 18-year-old TIF who went to the one high school known to be troon central>an essayist cancelled by leftists and her work removed from an alternative book fair for daring to speak about female-specific issues with biologically accurate terms instead of licking TIMs' asses>two low-effort "enby" soymoids publishing the shittiest poetry known to manOne of the last mentioned moids also published a fucking masterpiece of a poem where he fantasized of "hanging TERFs by the guts of MRAs" in one of the most highly appreciated literature magazines of my country. It's fucking shitty trying to be creative rn.
No. 1916314
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Does anyone have a link to this essay or was it scrubbed from the internet?
No. 1916391
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The education system has failed this retard
No. 1916411
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>detransition grifter
Could anyone fucking explain what they mean by this? Is this another term to denounce detransitioners?
No. 1916469
>>1916448It's probably because 90% of my watched content history is from leftists and the algorithm thinks it's a fluke that i've stumbled onto ~
terf propaganda~. but i 100% get what the above poster is saying about suddenly also getting an influx of right-wing grifters because some channels platform truly unhinged political opinions at the times when they are not talking about gender ideology. there is an unfortunate venn diagram between reasonable people going 'wait a second, this doesn't make any sense' and podcasting lunatics who think there's a worldwide illuminati conspiracy to make people trans (bruh people are crazy enough on their own, they don't even need the illicit encouragement).
No. 1917107
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So Jane Ward is a very stereotypical queer academic who discusses "feminist porn" and the radical aspects of non-heterosexuality. She essentially 'encouraged' her adopted son, Yarrow to transition by initially dressing him in mostly girl's clothes and strongly encouraging him to embrace a transgender identity. He did so for a while, but then he realized it wasn't what he wanted. He asked his mother to allow him to be raised as a boy. She became upset and blamed "cis-hetero-white patriarchy", calling her son a coward for not wanting to confront his true identity. It's incredibly fucked up to read about.
No. 1917110
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>>1917107mind you this is how she was raising her kid, this wasn't trying to raise him without sexist bullshit, it was basically gaslighting and grooming to hope your child become trans.
here's the full article for anyone wondering No. 1917336
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Wasn't sure which thread to post this in but just found out a TIF I know irl and have to pretend to be friends with writes a bunch of gross tranny fanfics. Which was already uncomfortable but the blatant AGP fetishizing is unreal. Posting since I often see people claim TIFs aren't as pornrotted as TIMs or aren't as aware of their degeneracy. Idek what you would categorize this as, the level of cognitive dissonance you have to have to write something like this as a female and think its not violating/creepy.
No. 1917636
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>>1917482>>1917494Perhaps it’s the algorithm, but the first three hits on google for me are all from liberal/leftist news sources, which makes me feel optimistic. It’s obviously not only being talked about in conservative circles
No. 1917640
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>>1917375Yes, because of course it is.
TIF claims to be a lesbian but is a fujo, and its pretty funny how her fic ratio is multiple 3k+ yaoi fics, plenty with explicit nsfw, and then one measly f/f fic that isnt even over 1k.
Picrel is another excerpt. I won't flood the thread with more sc, but it's crazy to me that I can explain how women are fetishized or why guys who get off on crossdressing are gross, but it doesn't matter. I just don't understand the cognitive disconnect between claiming to be progressive yet seeing no problem with this shit.
It sucks because before this I thought maybe I would have a tiny chance of peaking her if I explained myself, but fetishizing creepy blatantly misogynistic AGP shit is too far gone. I absolutely hate how society is so whipped for troonery that I can't just outright call this out.
Makes me wonder how many other seemingly harmless TIFs are hiding AGP tranny fetishes and its a bit scary, in a cosmic horror kind of way.
No. 1917645
>>1917336TIFs in my experience have a different porn brainrot than TIMs. I've been in fandom since high school and TIMs tend to watch IRL trap/lesbian/sissy/etc. porn, TIFs are often into kinky fanfic (omegaverse, BDSM, etc.) and sometimes real gay porn. I'm not one of those radfems that thinks fictional stuff is equally bad, but I noticed that TIFs with the worst grasp on reality get equally addicted as "normal" porn addicts do. I left Tumblr but I notice TIFs are becoming equally as porn-addicted as AGPs on there and vocally support them.
>>1917640I can understand being a lesbian and liking M/M ships, but not writing graphic smut about their dicks and whatnot. If she wrote F/F just as much I'd buy it, but most "lesbian fujos" are like this.
No. 1917670
>>1917645I've also been in fandom spaces for ages, but I suppose I was naive enough to think that since she doesn't talk about nsfw stuff very often that she wasn't a creep. My guess is she just doesn't share with the class because she knows it's weird, but her gendie/tranny peers online are enlightened enough to get it.
Obviously we would still have gendertards even if Tumblr didn't exist, but it's heartbreaking to daydream about a universe where it didn't help trans ideology explode and drag down gender equality and gay acceptance.
No. 1917692
>>1917640I'm really trying not to make fun of this lady too hard but
>gets his thigh rubbed and the feeling goes right to his dickIs somehow the most female thing I've read in a long time. But of course TIFs are true and honest menz.
No. 1917731
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>>1917688>>1917712>>1917670I always thought of transgenderism was a symptom more then anything, it's one of the most noticeable but it's just one of many things, it's the end result of extreme porn-addiction, consumerism and dying stages of liberal marker capitalism.
No. 1917910
>>1917743The only
POC I know who buy into the gender stuff are often middle class or above and extremely westernized. White enbies love talking about how "many ~
POC~ cultures have third genders and ~white people invented the gender binary~, but nearly every "third gender" I've read about is either for intersex conditions, gay men, or celibate women.
>>1917862I don't think this shit will last until 2030 at least. More people are snapping, half of the "trans" and "queer" friends I've had in the last decade have detransitioned or peaked in some way. Gender woo will always exist but I think the affirming transition model will be seen in the future the same way we look at lobotomies and bloodletting. It's not going to be cool to make money off of the more capitalism gets worse.
No. 1917987
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>>1917666Double posting to show The Guardian picked up the story. The Guardian is pretty liberal, which is promising, but Hannah Barnes is known to be GC and will likely be discredited. Still, if the NHS is disavowing WPATH based on this, then it does feel like this leak has potential to get bigger and have more repercussions. TRAs are scrambling to discredit it, but the more official bodies give it credence, the weaker their arguments will become. Although, it's also possible it'll just be another piece of evidence for the ~trans genocide~ and perpetual victimhood.
No. 1918011
>>1917885I feel like I have to walk on eggshells even though I'm arguably a "moderate" on the gender issues. I don't want to be on the GC side of the internet but it's the only space where not believing in TQ+ shit isn't the elephant in the room I don't want people to know about. I get paranoid of reconnecting with online friends I had a decade ago because they drank the "ally" koolaid.
>>1917976I've been noticing a lot of rapist and/or misogynistic male characters are getting headcanoned as "transfem" which I highkey hope makes people peak. It's telling on themselves.
No. 1918055
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>>1918011>I've been noticing a lot of rapist and/or misogynistic male characters are getting headcanoned as "transfem" which I highkey hope makes people peak. It's telling on themselves.There’s also the similar phenomenon of headcanoning violent, creepy, misogynistic men like Charlie Kelly as soft uwu trans bois and it also makes me sick.
No. 1918123
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>>1917482The entire document is a really interesting/insane read but this one is just depressing. There's another pic under this in the doc where they discuss a 16 year old girl who got top surgery and detransed. These medical professionals are trying to justify performing irreversible experimental surgeries on schizophrenics and children with TikTok-induced folie à deux. You have to get consent from every single one of the patient's DID alters if you want to start HRT and apparently stinkditch urethras still excrete semen.
Document: No. 1918160
>>1918123The way the person writing this forgets to say 'him' by the end of the letter and keeps saying them instead kek.
But yeah that's fucking miserable, how do these quacks live with themselves??
No. 1918415
>>1918272samefag, here's an example of what I mean, in Ireland there was a major vote regarding "who can identify as a woman", with most every left-leaning party having the same position as
>>1917731 and losing in a landslide.
No. 1918674
>>1917885Same, I’ve honestly given up on trying to make friends online. Every time I meet someone who’s into the same things I am it’s only a matter of time until they start talking about how JKR is evil incarnate or whatever. They’ve all been primed to recognise and reject wrongthink too so there’s no point in trying to get them to question anything. Anything less than full agreement sets off their
Suppressive Person TERF alert.
>>1917979It’s not just TIFs. I’ve known many libfem women who think that being wary around men is hateful/bigoted/ignorant and that “women are just as bad”. I don’t think most of them are even thinking about trans-identified people when they say this. It’s simply become unfashionable to recognise that there are significant physical and behavioural differences between men and women and that men pose a threat to us. And if the man in question is in any way marginalised (mentally ill, homeless, immigrant background or, of course, trans) then you don’t even get to complain about it after he has harmed you. His life is worse than yours, Karen! Stop weaponising your trauma!
Most TIFs I know are t4t or still dating the same guy they were pre-transidentification, and stick to female or all TIF spaces, so hopefully they’re not in any more danger than other women. I do despair for the ones who seek out male spaces, though, and the ones who meet strange men off Grindr. It’s only a matter of time before that goes horrifically wrong.
No. 1919487
>>1919398I feel like womens and trans issues always need to be seperate. They aren't the same and most women are not okay with men in women spaces.
It's sexist imo because you don't see people fighting for the rights of tifs or trans men at all because they still see them as women.
Most trans women I see are so unsettling and induce fear in me because 99% of the time they just let the coom rot their brains. They don't look like women, they look horrorfying. Like that serial killer who wore the skin of women.
No. 1919517
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How are these people real and how are these women dumb enough to be lesbians and scream "lesbians like dick"? Wouldn't that be rape?
No. 1919579
>>1919517>Wouldn't that be rape?Yes, but they don't care and support it. Gendies unironically believe that sexuality is based on "identity"/pronouns and genitals are irrelevant.
>>1919576One of my peak moments was a decade ago when so many liberals who supported "no means no" and "people are born gay" turned around and decide that didn't apply to lesbians. I noticed how these "genital preference" posts sounded identical to what rapist straight men said about lesbians, but my "queer" friends were cheering it on. It's so hard for me to care about them anymore when your allyship depends on if you'll let them fuck you.
No. 1919591
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>>1919517This reads like it was taken from r/actuallesbians, in which case these are not women. There are no real lesbian communities left on Reddit because any lesbian subreddit that doesn't talk about girldick 24/7 is banned. Actually, alright, just checked out every single user here (who didn't have obvious usernames like TransbianMoonGoddess) and they are all transbians except for thelightbehindureyes, who is a suicidal TIF with BPD who was raped by her ex boyfriend and talks about self harming all the time. So.
No. 1919669
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Checked out some troon communities to see what they thought about the WPATH files leak. Didn't find a lot of people talking about it, the ones who are sound like they're in denial and also delusional kek
No. 1919714
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>>1919653This gave me an idea, picrel
No. 1919725
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JKR showing that even if she uses the "inclusive" words they want to be used, they would still tear her away.
Although is obvious she did it sarcastically.
No. 1919731
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>>1919714>two autism subs on the ftm sideWhen are people going to catch onto the fact that this movement, regardless of what its intentions are, is causing mass sterilization of autistic women?
No. 1919808
>>1919799Because it is. Reproductive freedom is a human right. The U.S. once tried to sterilize disabled people en-masse and it was a humanitarian nightmare. I don't think the world needs more kids, but that's a decision each person should be allowed to make if they are capable.
>>1919805Here's a thought: eugenics is bad, actually.
No. 1919816
>>1919799>>1919788>>1919804Not sure why people focus so much on reproduction, cross hormone drugs and procedures such as hysterectomy can have horrible implications on your overall health. It's a huge deal to play with your hormones the way troons do, it leads to serious cardiovascular problems, mood swings, development of allergies and debilitating issues with bone density. Granted, most people, including troons, will reproduce whether or not we like it.
>>1919810Well, you are still condoning troonery either way even if you intend to use the procedures to hurt them because you are still allowing them to engage in their delusions. Most troons will not get bottom surgery anyways or with the moids, plenty of them troon out after impregnating women. Also, not a single agp is born an agp, it's purely social conditioning.
No. 1920150
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No. 1920919
File: 1710192212225.png (77.46 KB, 326x612, Screenshot 2024-03-11 at 5.24.…)

>>1919763Menslib is the "inclusive subreddit for healthy discussion of all men (including trans men) issues". These fools won't last a second in r/MensRights or r/MGTOW
No. 1921123
I'm slowly peaking my classically liberal "be kind" mom and it's so satisfying kek. since I was a little tomboy dyke as a kid, first I told her how I was concerned about the erasure of tomboys and how transgenderism just puts people in more boxes, perpetuating homophobia, such that I might have transitioned myself if I was a kid today. next, I told her how self-id is dangerous for women because creeps can now enter the women's bathrooms as long as they say they're women, despite the "harmless trutrans just wanting to pee" (you gotta peak them slowly). finally, I pointed out how it's mostly autists who transition, so it feels like a eugenics program (an autistic relative of ours recently trooned out, making this point extra salient). now she always sends me articles from liberal media that dare to question gender ideology (she only trusts mainstream liberal media, of course). success, nonnies!
No. 1921152
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I've seen multiple of these tweets about how if he was a drag queen it would be a totally different story and how it's um, so hypocritical! to not treat this any different. It pisses me the fuck off how blind these retards are. A naked man on stage as a joke is completely different from a misogynistic man who's in full-fledged womanface promoting the ideology that the public mocking of women is tooootally valid and brave. It's a man's natural (albeit built) body for chrissake, I wonder why they have such a problem with seeing a body that hasn't been modified? Oh right…
No. 1921173
>>1921163>John Cena >Hot>Nice to look atLies.
Say whatever you want but do not try to peddle your ugly man agenda here.
>>1921152>seeing a body that hasn't been modifiedThat man's body is pumped full of steroids.
No. 1921189
>>1921173It's funny how all the losers come out of their lonely caves like roaches to make fun of us roided muscle-crackhead enjoyers.
I'm feeding my pig carcinogenic protein dust by the spoonful and he let's me punch him in the jaw because he's too poor to buy his own MEGA BIG-BOY PROTEIN EXTRAVAGANZA CHUM BUCKET from Decathlon. I don't have to worry about when to dump him because his heart will give up on him before I do.
You will be buying diapers for skinnyfat faggot with your own retirement money in a couple decades but MUSCLEPIG will already be six foot under & STILL mogging your faggot even as a skeleton.
Imagine being too scared to drop kick your Nigel becuase he might fucking die. Couldn't be me! Mine is already dying. A heart attack wouldn't be out of the ordinary in an autopsy situation.
Bucktooth Becky's stay seething over the PIG-PUNCHING Stacy. #mindset
No. 1921195
>>1921189kek, nonna. still agree with
>>1921173 tho, he looks like a roided out retard
No. 1922054
>>1921958belittling my experiences with misogyny because I’m a white women, because everyone knows white moids are the true
victims of all bigotry!
>>1922031based bongland?
>>1922044I’m sorry, nonna. that sounds horrible. unfortunately, it’s not the first time I’ve heard of something like this happening either
No. 1922056
>>1921958I dated two bpd troons (yeah I know I should've stopped at the first one but I thought that he was the problem, not the troonism) so I can't remember all the basic insults and accusations, like being a narc, but they worst thing they did, carbon copy of each other despite not being in the same state and not knowing each other, was claiming to be asexual or some kind to sex repulsed wacky identity, assault me in my sleep, wear my underwear and then change gender, claiming that they were going through a rough period of experimenting and "finding themselves." I shit you not, I know it sounds clichey but it's 100% what happened. They got offended when I said that women don't assault people and tried to pull a reverse card on me saying that
I assaulted them. The assault on my part? Kisses and hugs in random moments of the day. Apparently I was supposed to ask for permission to touch them because they were feeling dysphoric and didn't like to touch me when I wanted but they were free of fingering me in my sleep. I wish ill and infections on both of them. I went to therapy for both of them and the second one knew me when I was in therapy and after me, he chased other mentally ill girls, sure the male is showing when they target vulnerable girls.
No. 1922287
>>1921958That I asked to be sexually assaulted because had I not wanted to be assaulted I could have become FtM and they wouldn't hurt me
That you could identify out of being a
victim, and he was a
victim for being enby
Same mf thought that the world should be like a Mizuryu Kei h-manga unironically so I guess thats where that statement stemmed from
No. 1922303
File: 1710280264454.png (593.08 KB, 1080x1154, Screenshot_20240312-214758-897…)

puberty blockers will no longer be supplied in England (although private clinics may still provide them, not sure) but still great step in the right direction
No. 1922311
>>1922303I think that people already on them will continue getting their supply, but they won't be allowing new prescriptions. They called it a pause rather than a ban as well.
But yeah, definitely great for the kids who may only appreciate not being allowed to ruin their bodies in a decade or so, but I'm dreading the influx of trannies whinging about being genocided. They're going to feel very vindicated about being oppressed over this.
No. 1922783
File: 1710302903363.jpg (318.08 KB, 1080x1291, 1000016534.jpg)

>>1922303Picrel, are they genuinely fucking retarded? Not asking to be condescending but out of actual concern. Imagine being chemically castrated as a child by an imcompetent doctor and some twittertards are reducing you to a statistic to prove that the people advocating to NOT deliberately harm children are actually just all worked up over nothing. That's 83 too much for anyone to be comfortable with.
No. 1922822
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>>1922783If it came out that someone personally sterilized 83 children in the UK, no one would be handwaving away the statistic. Plus, in the US, over 17k minors got on puberty blockers or hormones in just the span of 4 years, so it's not some niche thing that never happens anywhere. Not to mention that despite all the screaming and crying about them being genocided and how we have to be outraged 24/7, their murder rate in the UK is even lower than your average citizen at a whopping 1 per year. But that's not a moral panic, that's a real principled concern, unlike being wary of letting children self-prescribe experimental medication. (source:
No. 1923071
>>1922783About 300 trans people are murdered globally every year. Yes, in total. And yes, that includes the whole entire world. Tell me again what thing is a "moral panic"?
But despite trans ideology being hateful and awful I still personally don't think those people deserved getting murdered, because unlike them I'm not a hateful person who thinks harm done to people is a good thing. To me 1 single child getting unnecessarily harmed by puberty blockers is too many, I strongly believe the ONLY moral number of unnecessarily hurt children is 0.
No. 1923314
>>1922783Oh, well, isn't that great news though? Getting appropriate therapy for only 83 childred to come to accept their body isn't as challenging than it would be to do the same for hundreds or thousands. Unless they actually do mean to say that it's puberty itself that's somehow evil, and not the mental anguish over bodily changes.
I wonder how much stress over not getting pills would young teens even be over if insidiuous fuckers weren't all over social media screaming at them how they
need puberty blockers and will suffer otherwise, intentionally setting them up to feel like there's no other hope.
No. 1923614
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Nex Benedict died of suicide. This is why we cannot trust the media especially when this story was initially released. No. 1924783
File: 1710424676470.png (361.82 KB, 603x675, trooninthedungeon.png)

Kek, I can't believe JKR liked this on twitter
No. 1924917
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No. 1925090
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>>1924917Oh, this goblin of a man is still around?
>>1925074Here you go
No. 1925225
>>1925150It's either NLOGs who need attention or a fawn response so they don't get dogpiled. I don't hold it against them. A lot of the TRAs I follow online are clearly peaking, they've all but stopped posting troon shit and posted quotes by actual women on women's day and point out how a disproportionate amount of violence is committed against women, but they post obligatory 'transwomen are women' posts every so often to keep the executioners at bay.
>>1925191This is why everyone's peaking, I think. You bend over backwards and they still demand more. The more supportive you are the more they mald that they're not being oppressed and genocided, the less supportive you are the more they scream that they are being oppressed and genocided. Giving them what they want only makes them angry, refusing to interact makes them angry as well. No matter what you do, it's not enough.
No. 1925468
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Have you nonas seen JKR being called a Holocaust denier? It's so infuriating how they say she's denying the Holocaust when she's simply saying the Holocaust wasn't all about trannies.'s especially disingenuous and ironic because I guarantee that some of these people are the same ones obsessively condemning 'zionists' aka witch-hunting random Jewish people to see which ones support Palestine and which ones don't so they can publicly crucify them like actual Nazis kek.
No. 1925479
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>>1925090>tranny voices DBD character>didnt know character he’s voicing is a hideous disfigured creature>trans community up in armsI dunno I think it’s pretty fitting kek
No. 1925820
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>>1925479Turns out that is just a bonus skin, the standard look for the creature is male. Although that is kind of a troon reference on it's own kek
No. 1925844
>>1925468i've seen a lot of backlash from normies (towards trans people trying to paint themselves as holocaust
victims) over this, it's so refreshing!
No. 1925920
>>1925848Exactly. Pre-nazi Weimar Germany had something called a transvestite pass, which was a government document essentially saying that certain men were allowed to wear women’s clothing and go by a woman’s name in public. These passed were issued to both gay and straight men. When the nazis came to power they took away the transvestite passes but only sent SOME of the men to camps. Even pro-trans sources admit this. If they were killing these men for being trans (as opposed to being gay) why not kill all of them? Why were “trans lesbians” somehow considered less offensive to the nazis even though by todays standards they are the mostest opressedest kweer minority ever? What could possibly underlie this discrepancy?
I have to wonder how many of these ex pass holders shrugged, put their trousers back on and signed up to join the party to reap the benefits. It wouldn’t surprise me if most of them did, honestly.
No. 1926658
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Got reminded of this Web 1.0 relic and damn, it looks better than 90% of actual trannies
No. 1927042
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Thoughts? This shit is annoying
No. 1928834
File: 1710695182651.png (2.66 MB, 2616x1958, Frog cow.png)

The artist who posted this is adamant that this is not about troons, but the trannies in the comments are having meltdowns about transphobia so I figured I'd post it.
No. 1928861
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the girls are waking up!!
No. 1928864
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>>1928861of course, as soon as I interacted with that tiktok, I saw this retarded moid speaking over actual women. I hate males so much
No. 1928873
>>1928864Why is everything race related? I feel like
woc get used as a shield against troon criticism way too much
No. 1928882
>>1928873moids love to bring up race to sound woke when they’re really just misogynists
>>1928877he’s gay which is probably why he’s dickriding for dylan kek
No. 1928885
>>1928864If they didn’t “exclude
woc” they’d just be accused of “co opting
WOC struggles” or some shit.
No. 1929200
File: 1710713002447.png (3.84 MB, 3752x2564, troon propaganda.png)

hey nonnies i know this is a hate thread but I'm trying to do something good here. i've been reading this webtoon drawn by a TiM for a while (and it's fucking retarded but that's not the point). it has a massive audience of children and the most recent update is selling them a straight up lie about hrt. adult pornbrained agps can go kill themselves but these kids need help.
i wrote a comment and it took me a lot of effort to be nice and come off as non-confronting as possible (i even spoke negatively about being against gender ideology, called TiMs MtFs and put a heart emoji at the end FOR FUCK'S SAKE) because otherwise they won't listen to me.
if you have a webtoon account please leave a like so it gets brought up. idk if it's any use but it's worth it if at least one kid will get doubts and desist No. 1929235
>>1929200I don't have a webtoon account but your comments are well-put,
nonnie. Outside of being critical of trans, they don't look like something so harsh it would shut down the thinking of a gendie zoomer and throw them into rage mode. Hope the kids see it.
No. 1929304
>>1929200 i was able to find your comment, but i fear it may get buried eventually so well-meaning nonnas might not be able to help.
i don't want to give a more obvious clue in your stead to offset this, but i will say sorting by recent helped me personally. that said, i second
>>1929235, very well-put. thank you for putting in the time to do this, you never know if it might make a difference.
glad to see this cancerous comic being brought up too. how is the name "i want to be a cute anime girl" of all things not peaking material by itself?
No. 1929363
>>1929340For late 20s and early/mid 30s, it's because they're the younger millennial crowd and still grew up online or spent time in liberal spaces and still have a chance of drink the koolaid as teenagers/early 20s. 35 to pushing 40, there's social clout in being a "queer elder" and having a tragic story about how you "hid from your true self" for decades.
>>1929359Yeah, I know lesbians in their 30s and they still have a lot of baggage from growing up during the conservative 90s/00s. I've read that gay men with internalized homophobia tend to troon out pretty young (16-24), but lesbians do it a lot older than that (30+).
No. 1929390
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Something i have noticed is that a lot of GC treat TIFs as men, as ironic as that sound. They are incapable of understanding they might have reasons to troon out related to being born and socialized female, like the insane beauty standars, being seen as objects for male consumption since childhood, being socialized to always be on the lookout for men trying to hurt you, being shunned for wanting the freedom men have, etc.
Their mental illess always gets dumbed down to ''they did to be gay animus like in their yaoi'' or ''they did it because they hate women''. Essentially, they are being treated as TIMs. As shallow beings who only trooned out for their selfish porn-induced fantasies and misogyny, and not because they might have any real, genuine mental illness worth of empathizing with. It's almost never seen as what it really is, self harm. They are seen as traitors, undeserving of understanding and empathy. As a GNC woman i get them, being a troon sounds miles easier than being GNC. To this day women going out unshaven is unheard of, seen as gross, while as time passes men become lazier, grosser, unkept, unbothered. Unlike GNC men GNC women don't have a community, they get mocked by both men AND women. Men shun and loathe GNC women, while women kiss the ground scrotes who wear nail polish walk on. The only way for a GNC woman to get some sort of love and understanding is by the act of trooning out.
Sorry for my rant, it just makes me angry when TIFs get treated as men.
No. 1929664
>>1928864how are these trends excluding "
WOC"? some of the most common movie scenes used as examples of "female rage" on tiktok/insta are scenes played by
WOC. and how is the whole thing even related to some troon's misogynistic song anyway? retarded woke scrotes should shut the fuck up more often.
>>1928834hahah always with the self own. im glad the troons themselves pointed out that this comic is applicable to them.
No. 1929715
>>1929390>Something i have noticed is that a lot of GC treat TIFs as menWhere? In actual GC spaces like ovarit, GC women show a lot of compassion to TIFs and absolutely do not consider them as men. On LC, the MTF and FTM threads are not for deeper discussions, yet in my experience such discussions still do happen fairly often in the FTM thread and everyone seems aware that trooning out is – for women – a self-destructive behavior and coping mechanism for internalized misogyny/homophobia, childhood trauma etc. (I’m talking about women who actually troon out here, not ‘enbies’ and he/they who are otherwise ‘average’ women – for lack of a better word – just hopping on the pronoun and genderspecial trend). The thing is, TIFs’ discourse can be extremely insulting towards women and often implies that women who do not troon out do not know what it is to struggle with beauty standards/femininity, body image, trauma, etc. which is of course completely untrue. So naturally, a lot of anons are rather defensive and sarcastic and will point out how naive/ignorant it is to believe that trooning out allows women to escape misogyny. It does not, and it’s also very selfish. I am genuinely curious as to why you think that trooning out is ‘miles easier’ than being GNC? TIFs are GNC women in the eye of the vast majority (a lot of them aren’t even GNC), and constantly being ‘misgendered’ only seems to add to their pre-existing issues. Unless you get extensive surgery and manage to look male (which is very rare and will lead to health issues), you will not be considered as a man by society, and even then, your past experiences/trauma/internalized misogyny will not magically disappear either, so trooning out is not the secret path to happiness and self-acceptance. Trooning out does give you access to a big, seemingly understanding (online) community, but disagreeing with the majority on anything leads to being cancelled and excluded as fast as you were accepted. Is it really worth it if you have to constantly walk on eggshells and ‘‘‘‘educate yourself’’’’ until you think like everyone else? I don’t think so.
No. 1929833
>>1924783God this made me kek audibly
>>1929390Anons will always fight this and claim that this literally never happens and ackshually GC spaces are so welcoming to TIFs but we all know the shit that goes down in places like ovarit and all the reddit clones with a GC sub where conservative mothers and hysteric polilezzies will freak out over a butch lesbian in their bathrooms because as much as they try to deny it they share the trannies' view of gender being about "expression and dynamics" instead of chromosomes and biology. People there will claim to recognize the oppression and subjugation women face and how it affects their desire to escape womanhood, then fake concern over young women being transed on yet for them the perfect cure for troonery isn't to allow women to be as they are but to abandon gender nonconformity altogether. I stopped trusting any GC community once I put two and two together considering the suspicious amount of right wing sympathizing, idealization of motherhood as the peak (and only) female experience and women posting their "glow-ups" from a mousey tomboy to a floral dress wearing tradwifes with a face full of makeup. But bring this up to them and watch them go into damage control descending post by post into admitting that yeah their feminism actually is "trans-exclusionary" and considers TIFs male adjacent, those porn addicted yaoibrain misogynists don't deserve their charity!!!.
No. 1929855
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>>1924783JKR enjoying Harry Potterf memes makes my day.
No. 1929914
>>1929833all the reddit clones I ever found were almost exclusively populated by mgtow-tier males, please do share all those gc websites for women you're talking about, as well as lc anons and ovarit posters collectively shitting on butch lesbians and urging women to embrace gender norms and beauty standards? sounds interesting, i just hope this is not a case of conveniently claiming that any conservative under the sun is totally gc and a
terf like tras do.
No. 1929934
File: 1710778511687.png (54.26 KB, 603x576, i am not like other girls i on…)

>>1929914NTA but you have feminist scholars like Helen Joyce rt NLOG shit like this and putting all the blame on women trooning out on yaoi like its 1980s and she's a boomer blaming satan for her daughter not wanting to wear dresses.
No. 1930066
>>1930036I found lolcow mid-detransition and tbh it used to be a good middle ground like you seem to be hoping for. TIFS could come for the cows or fandom threads, and get subtly influenced by the cool anons who were a lot like them but figured out their neuroses without harming their bodies. I remember reading manifestos from other detrans/GNC anons who understood
why women troon out, and could pick apart the logic with a certain level of empathy that's lost on straight normie terfs who've never had dysphoria and frankly will never fully understand. the detransition and lesbian threads in particular, and reading how autistic nonas dealt with the discomfort of not "performing femininity" properly were a huge influence on me. if this site is really going to tradthot hell (not here enough to notice the trends tbh) that would be really sad
No. 1930093
>>1930048NTA but tradfags of the GC community are just the flip side of gender ideology believing that short hair and masculine clothing equals male so it's on topic. Different opinion, same conclusion.
>>1930066Very relatable. I also found Lolcow years ago while teetering on an Aiden identity and the cool gendercrit farmers who patiently explained the holes in gender theory and its ties to misogyny made me peak. If someone dipping her toes in troonery came to this site now and saw all the anons being a repeat of all the crabs who never grew out of their high school mindset of branding insecure depressed tomboys and butch lesbians as ugly NLOGs "thinking they're better than us" who should be shamed into suppressing their internalized misogyny instead of resolving it and put on a pretty dress while posting Breitbart articles she would definitely dig her heels in even more.
No. 1930352
File: 1710802105940.jpg (284.82 KB, 1077x1436, X.jpg)

No matter how a tranny dresses, if it's correct or not, it's always embarrassing. All this will do is further highlight how obvious their moid body is. There's no point to following these rules.
No. 1931035
>>1929934>she's a boomer blaming satan for her daughter not wanting to wear dresses.ok so she's clearly lost the plot. i'm not saying that there aren't self-proclaimed feminists who aren't feminist at all, whether that's on the libfem side or on the gc/radfem side. but acting like any online community with a space to mock trannies, or any person mocking trannies, is representative of gc women/"terfs" is disingenuous. anons itt have to understand that virtually everyone on the planet - besides western trannies and their 'allies' - acknowledge that there are two sexes. most people are going to think that trannies are delusional, except most people aren't feminists. so of course there are a lot of people/communities branded gc simply for not believing in tra nonsense but this alone does not equal being gc/pro-women.
>>1929976it's true that ovarit does not immediately ban anyone who admits to be conservative-leaning, but overall ovarit is progressive, they condemn homophobia and gender norms. gender ideology is much more homophobic and misogynistic at its core, how could a movement erasing sex and sexual orientation be better? the movement is only barely friendly to TIFs if they agree to believe in gender norms to the point of building their entire personality/appearance around it. like, to the point of butchering their own bodies, renouncing their sexual orientation, re-learning how to behave based on their "gender" etc. it is batshit crazy. and it is a vicious circle because the further tras and libfems go in this direction, the more normies are going to turn to conservatism.
No. 1931072
>>1929340The women (mostly lesbians) I know who trooned out in their late 30’s and 40’s honestly seem very mentally stunted and still think and act like teenagers in many ways. It probably doesn’t help that they’re all very into various fandoms which, at least on the internet, skew very young and are dominated by “queer” shit so they want to fit in. Of course lesbians ought to fall under the LGBTBBQ+ umbrella already but we’ve all seen how that’s going. The L pretty much stands for tlansbian at this point.
They’re heading towards middle age but don’t want to become the dreaded Middle Aged White Woman so hey presto it turns out they’re not women at all! Unfortunately the communities they’re part of look down on white “afabs” who don’t commit to the part by going on T and getting mastectomies and hysterectomies so they’re often pushed in that direction even if they never had body dysphoria before. It’s very culty. They feel like they must prove their devotion to The Cause by cutting bits off themselves.
The only married mom I know who trooned out did so after her husband went full AGP, which is its own special kind of fucked up dynamic. Their kids are going to need a lot of therapy.
>>1929654TIFs and wannabe tradwives are two sides of the same coin imo. I can understand how they ended up where they are and feel empathy for both while still being irritated and exasperated by their misogyny and readiness to throw the rest of us under the bus. It’s not black and white.
No. 1931158
>>1931072>Of course lesbians ought to fall under the LGBTBBQ+ umbrella already but we’ve all seen how that’s going. The L pretty much stands for tlansbian at this point.The alphabet soup really fucking hates actual lesbians in my experience. It's only accepted if you're male or bisexual ("comphet/ace lesbians" who obsess over yaoi and kpop boys). Even when I was a libfem I was quizzed over if I was "one of the good ones"/not a
TERF. I almost don't blame lesbians of any age for trooning to escape it, people are more receptive to a "he/they/she nonbinary on T that's attracted to women and other nonbinaries (women)" than a boring "cis" lesbian.
No. 1931229
File: 1710862458422.png (310.92 KB, 1702x888, czz.png)

>fakeboi posts on /tttt/ about making her MtF boyfriend have PIV sex with her
>MtFs get angry and call it rape, say she's a monster, etc
So how come it's not rape when they sperg at lesbians to fuck them or else they're transphobic genital fetishists, but this is?
No. 1931274
File: 1710868983509.jpg (183.6 KB, 1140x641, a003e5e9-dbd1-441b-8369-547afb…)

>>1931259>Transracial isn't the same because a white family may see themselves as superior for being white and would not stand to have a "lesser race" family member.Probably not white-to-other race, but the other way around (like they'd be okay with gay son to straight daughter, but not vice versa) Example: For whatever reason, a white family ends up with a biracial child. Child identifies as white, gets "race affirming" procedures. Family now has all white kids, with one who was "mistaken" for only being half white and is now "fixed".
"Transracialising" kids also wouldn't be too far from racist "we're civilizing the savages" logic ala picrel, or the "mejor la raza" mindset in some latin-american cultures. Racists would feel even more superior for "fixing" and "uplifting" other groups, erasing their features, etc.
I agree with your other points, though.
No. 1931275
>>1931259>literal right wing ideology touted as progressiveI'm not sure I understand what you mean by this being right wing. It's dystopian and authoritarian, but that's never been exclusive to the right. In soviet russia Lysenko had scientists credentials revoked for subscribing to the theory of evolution.
You also call gender ideology an inherently right wing ideology, which I guess I can see since it relies regression back to very strict gender roles, but I'm still curious what exactly you mean by this. Can you elaborate?
No. 1931846
>>1931259>once fixed the family will not be embarrassed by their son anymoreIf people could actually pass as the other sex past the age of 7, sure, but they can't, and having a son that is not only gay but also gender-nonconforming is something that most religious families are ashamed of. We do hear about families (both conservative and "woke") transing their small children based on their interests alone, but we also hear about families rejecting their child's transidentification, especially conservative/homophobic ones like "Leelah"'s family.
>which is also why transracial isnt the sameBut it is the same, although less nonsensical (only slightly) because people can actually be mixed race, "pass" as another race, or grow up in a culture/language different than that of their race and thus "identify" with it. A male can only ever have a male experience, even if it is one of a gender-nonconforming male.
>a white family may see themselves as superior for being white and would not stand to have a "lesser race" family member.A white supremacist family wouldn't accept it, but a white liberal family playing into the oppression olympics would. Why are (younger) people jumping at the chance to mention that they aren't exactly straight or exactly white? To distance themselves from the boring and oppressing class, of course some people larp as a different sexual orientation or race.
>Despite being an inherently right wing ideology>>1931281 said it very well, not every authoritarian movement is right-wing. The vast majority of religious and/or conservative countries see the TQ+ as yet another example of western deviance and decadence. I think one counter-example that's brought up often is Iran where they trans homosexual people. At the end of the day, the left in the west does promote gender norms and censorship, but in a different way than the right. They do it in a progressive, "anyone can be anything!", "nobody can reject/mock your identity/feelings" kinda way, which ends up hurting the same people - women and gay people.
No. 1932001
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No. 1932006
>>1932001Why are men so aggressive when women don't want to fuck them? Also…
>Autism FetishKek, how does that even work? "Oooh baby yeah, keep infodumping, don't stop."
No. 1932058
>>1931035>but acting like any online community with a space to mock trannies, or any person mocking trannies, is representative of gc women/"terfs" is disingenuous.Plenty of anons here brand well-meaning pronoun respecter normies as "TRAs" and "handmaidens" too so it goes both ways.
>it's true that ovarit does not immediately ban anyone who admits to be conservative-leaning, but overall ovarit is progressive, they condemn homophobia and gender norms. Like said, only when it's convenient. Also not banning homophobia in their ranks but just "condemning" it (whatever that means) is accepting it.
>gender ideology is much more homophobic and misogynistic at its core, how could a movement erasing sex and sexual orientation be better? If it wouldn't be the more appealing option, they wouldn't be a part of it, right? If there's some community telling you that you're a disgusting anomaly for not shaving and having short hair and the other one completely accepting you as you are but calls you a man it's much easier to take up the latter offer.
No. 1932098
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>>1932058>If there's some community telling you that you're a disgusting anomaly for not shaving and having short hair and the other one completely accepting you as you are but calls you a man it's much easier to take up the latter offer.Are you seriously implying Ovarit is the former? With such a black-and-white wordview, yes, I can see how some people people would rather go for for trans community hugboxes. A point well made.
No. 1932260
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I saw this on display in the horror section at a Waterstones and I was horrified that they compared the author to Shirley Jackson
No. 1932442
>>1932338People are peaking, nonna. Look at the Dylan and TIM threads. It's not safe yet to call a TIM 'he', but it's OK to call him out for being a misogynistic pedophile. Most TRAs are women, so the mass peaking you're waiting for will show as a lack of support for troons, not a vocal pushback against troons.
There are other signs to look for. HP merch, swallowtail pride flags, fan art or fic of frequently transed characters as their actual gender, carrds and bios reworded to get rid of the gendie shit, more posts about how gender exploration is normal and
valid even if you go back to being cis.
There's less tranny asskissing online. Even if most of the comments on a troon's post are kissing his ass, there are less comments overall, or none at all.
And the best part is that narcissistic AGP men are still lining up to get the chop. They still go out in thigh high boots and fishnet dresses. They still post about how hard it is to be attracted to infants, boo hoo. This is peaking the general public much faster than you can imagine. Your TIM and his animu schoolgirl skirts are doing us all a favor. Every normal person who sees that hulking man wearing fetish clothing around town is going to have a really good think about just how something like that can be legally allowed in a woman's bathroom.
No. 1932463
>>1932388Honestly, even the newer type of fandom-y TIFs often only hang out with other fandom-y TIFs. I'm always surprised anons here don't seem to realize most of these TIFs only understand TIMs in the abstract because they've never spoken to one. TIF spaces are pretty much self-selectedly female exclusive, and they are full of nerdy women who have been socially maligned since they were children. Their only exposure to anything gencrit is seeing women transvestigate Lady Gaga and hype up Republicans. If you primarily read about TIFs through threads here, it's easy to think that all TIFs are fujos on Grindr who argue for corrective rape, cape for TIMs all day, threaten women online, and push surgeries on confused lesbians, but it just is not really an accurate reflection of reality.
>>1932338I don't know if there's going to be a mass peaking in the way many anons hope there will be. Like I doubt it's going to ever be okay to go hardline anti-tranny across the board. I suspect many TIFs will continue detransitioning, a lot of young girls are going to keep making memes about how cringe their TIF phases were, and normie women are going to continue being uncomfortable with TIMs being extremely misogynistic. Most reasonable people have a sort of "I don't care what adults do, it's not my business" mentality, but when confronted with the details ("do you think a biological male with a functioning penis should be in a woman's prison," "do you think teenagers are capable of making life altering decisions when they can't even get tattoos") they push back immediately and see it as wrong. So I think the pendulum will swing back until it just becomes out of vogue and niche again. Their death grip on the cultural conversation already seems to be slipping.
No. 1932493
>>1932305Also I forgot to mention, the copy of the book I looked at it said
TERF, not transphobic woman.
No. 1932641
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No. 1932652
>>1932261These books always show terfs being violent and male pattern crimes yet you look irl and
terf protests are always like 15 middle aged women either sitting on benches or holding up signs outside a library.
No. 1932707
>>1932388I'm not sure what you mean by "constant antagonization". Gender critical feminists (and even many conservative-leaning women) are well aware of the hodgepodge of misogyny, homophobia, porn-culture, neurodivergence, social alienation, socialization and what have you when it comes to TIFs, and certainly see them in a more sympathetic light than TIMs. You make it sound like "these girls just need to pray more and get their legs shaved" is some common take in GC discussion.
It's true that the GCs can be patronizing towards TIFs, but that's sort of inevitable when it comes to adults taking concern for troubled young people, especially when those young people are doing something as drastic as seeking surgical mutilation and extraneous hormones. What trans people do themselves is so extreme, it can't be just taken with "it's just a phase, it'll pass" like the fashion fads of the yesteryear. And while Helen Joyce's podcast on fanfic seems to have struck a nerve for some people, you can't just expect the psychologists, academics and sexologists to not look at the culture and art TIFs immerse themselves in and try to make some sense out of it, even if you think their conclusions are wrong.
I'm curious, what approach do you think GC feminists should take when trying to connect with TIFs, because trust me, you aren't the only one who has thought of "let's try understanding their mindset". But it's easier said than done when the whole trans movement is essentially a cult that has been grooming it's
victims since they got hold of cellphones under age ten.
No. 1932934
>>1932707>You make it sound like "these girls just need to pray more and get their legs shaved" is some common take in GC discussion.That's because it is. They might not say it as blatantly as this, but anyone can read between the lines and every now and then they let it slip.
>It's true that the GCs can be patronizing towards TIFsI don't think the correct word is "patronizing" but precisely the mentioned "antagonizing". People in GC spaces often frame TIFs (and GNC women in general) as NLOGs thinking they're above all other women which is why they present more masculine to differentiate and to feel "more special" to justify their reactionary disgust and hatred of them. It's a tale as old as time, every woman who grew up as a tomboy can relate to being seen this way. Take a peek at the fakeboi thread in /snow/ which is basically filled to the brim with people sharing this exact mentality - the popular opinion there being that TIFs are just porn addicted nlogs who need to get over their internalized misogyny and grow back their hair, everyone trying to bring up the effect of patriarchy and the misogynist society around them gets shot down because "they should just read less yaoi". A lot of farmers upthread were practically dancing on the grave of that one 15-year old nonbinary-identifying girl who apparently killed herself after being beat up by her bullies
while accusing TRAs of weaponizing her death. Children committing suicide is always a devastating tragedy, trans or not. If all of this isn't antagonizing then I don't know what is, and it's not just Lolcow either, it's a large part of the "gendercrit" scene on social media.
>I'm curious, what approach do you think GC feminists should take when trying to connect with TIFs, because trust me, you aren't the only one who has thought of "let's try understanding their mindset". But it's easier said than done when the whole trans movement is essentially a cult that has been grooming it's victims since they got hold of cellphones under age ten.People upthread have already mentioned what peaked them personally and it wasn't screaming and shaming them for being evil gender traitors. They're women who were born and socialized as women, not barely human chimps like men are. You can reason with them by being empathetic and sharing a common ground as women. You probably won't make them detrans or desist at the snap of your fingers because years of culminated trauma isn't undone in one imageboard post but it's a long, gradual process of mutual understanding. If the endgame is to stop transing altogether then that's not going to happen, ever, the genie is out of the bottle and it's not going back. Trying to pretend otherwise is a waste of time. The only thing we can do is to work at the root of the problem i.e. female rights and the abolishing of gender stereotypes.
No. 1933246
it really bothers me particularly when trannies from privileged backgrounds think they're now at the bottom of the food chain for being trans, when it's entirely a choice. they think transphobia is the worst crime and that it should be the first thing to be highlighted when talking about "bad" things someone has done, let's say a internet microcelebrity gets exposed as a bad person, the first assumption people come with is that this person is a transphobe.
i hate seeing trannies talk about "mUh twans genocide!!!11" when you just know they're sitting in their comfortable homes, in a nice area, using the latest phone model and with a supportive family. without the super speshul trans label they would be the oppresor, and they know that, but if they knew better they wouldn't speak over actual minorities victims of discrimination… but that doesn't help them, they just have to be the ultimate victim!
homophobic, sexist, racist jokes are quirky, but when you make a transphobic one you cross the line. many trannies commit crimes, many of these crimes have directly affected actual innocent people, but respect their pronouns or you'll be as bad as them. jkr is the celebrity devil incarnate, she's funding the mass killing of trannies and other minor celebrities supporting her are sooo evil too, but let's ignore actual criminal celebrities because they haven't acknowledged sex is real yet. gay people and black women have to "check your transphobia sweetie, aren't we all the same anyway?"
all of this is nothing new, but i'm so tired. i'm a zoomer and i hate seeing so many of my peers being consumed by this stupid ideology. oh, to still be a clueless ally who thought these were pained people coming to terms with their actual selves.
No. 1933441
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i've seen many posts like this lately where tims admit that being trans is a fetish and even being a trans "girl" and disagreeing makes you a transmisogynist. i wonder if it's going to be the next truscum vs. tucute discourse.
No. 1933445
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TikTok zoomers are getting sick of the tranny shit. It might finally be over soon.
No. 1933472
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>>1933459skeletroon model that some zoomies love
No. 1933486
>>1933472Why do they like him so much?
>>1933474What are people's reactions when you say LGB instead of LGBT?
No. 1933487
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>>1933486Mostly don't notice or try to not to, if they ask or try to correct me by saying shit like "Uhm it's LGBT!" I say "I'm talking about sexual orientation, being trans is not one of them and it should be clear" without going much further to the point I don't look weird for them. So far, it has worked. I'm also thinking of printing picrel stickers.
No. 1933499
>>1932388>The traditional kind of GNC woman to TIF person keeps to their own circles with fellow TIFsSo you agree, what is appealing to TIFs is being with like-minded people who comfort them in their beliefs. I only brought up the homophobic beliefs of the trans movement as a whole because you (or previous anon) pretended like TIFs compare and interact with both communities and have no choice but to join the TQ ranks because GC women specifically are too homophobic and misogynistic. Mind you, even the perfect GC space wouldn't be able to snap a TIF out of it because at the end of the day, it isn't therapy. Same for women dealing with anorexia or other mental illnesses. No amount of preaching self-acceptance about weight or body hair would be enough. Still, acting like the average teenage girl experiencing dysphoria seeks out or is even exposed to GC spaces before transitioning, and/or transition or do not detrans because of GC/TERFs mocking her short hair and body hair is incredibly dishonest.
>How do you ever hope to reach these women if you have absolutely no idea of the mindset they have and constantly antagonize them?Audacious of you to say when you keep talking about GC women and spaces and then literally use the fakeboi thread as an example. It does not claim to be a GC, radfem or even feminist space, but a space to discuss "cows" (and yet there are often posts that are very understanding of TIFs e.g. >>1978183 and the surrounding discussion about Ellen Page, to use a recent example. Another example from Ovarit - supposedly calling GNC women anomalies - one of today's top posts is about why women transition and discusses how the movement prays on traumatized teenage girls and lesbians). LC as a whole is not a feminist space and anyone can post anonymously including males. I don't know if you've noticed but outside of threads that are specifically for feminism and debates, anons make fun of all women in very misogynistic ways. Fat women, older women, libfems - why are you expecting things to be different for TIFs? Do you think that other non-TIF/detrans anons are never confronted to posts that are hurtful or ""
triggering"" about their own situation or appearance?
>it's not just Lolcow either, it's a large part of the "gendercrit" scene on social media. It has not been my experience, but I understand that it has been yours. I just want to point though that TIFs can be incredibly misogynistic as well which can lead other women to be defensive or mocking in return. TIFs themselves can also spread the whole "genital preference" thing and other harmful TRAs beliefs. It's not all black or all white on either sides.
No. 1933518
>>1933491It’s ironic because the notion that troons have “brains closer to the opposite sex” is blatant misinfo based on a famous study from the early 2000s (so it may be considered outdated science now) that found there were similarities between
homosexuals’ brains and the opposite sex, but somehow this was extrapolated by the trans movement to claim that twannies akshually have opposite-sex brains (they don’t + most troons today are heterosexuals, like our beloved transbians). Peak transpseudoscience
No. 1933567
>>1932934Ah, you're using lolcow farms as a blueprint for gender crit discussion. That explains some things.
This is not a feminist site, even if we have some feminist discussion on the side. It's a gossip site dedicated to gawking at people (most of the time women) willfully exposing themselves online. You are not going to get comments up to sensitivity standards. To make this place a fully feminist site you'd have to purge most of the boards here, which ultimately destroys the purpose of the site. Unless you are ok with all the other women being torn down, and think it's just TIFs that should be a "protected class" shielded from criticism, and other troubled women, such as the pro-ana subculture, are a fair game.
And I still think that the idea that the most GC feminists just want to force TIFs into dresses and make them go to church smacks of some "fuck you mom, you'll never understand me, no one understands me but my friends!" way of thinking. Many gender criticals are older women who can very well imagine the damage they could have done to themselves had the trans movement been around in their youth, and most TIFs are young women who think they're the first women ever (as young people always do) to think they don't fit in, who are suffocated by what society expects of women, who wish they could have what boys have, or what they imagine boys to have.
No. 1933624
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JK Rowling is now suing an ex super-fan turned deranged TRA for spreading lies about her, her daughter and an unrelated young mother. His twitter handle is Wizardingnews and his real name is Jeff Guillaume.
Has this been discussed elsewhere on the site? There must be milk on this crazy moid.
No. 1933672
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>>1933567Did you not read all the posts talking about other GC communities like ovarit, radblr and various other social media sites being the same?
>Many gender criticals are older women who can very well imagine the damage they could have done to themselves had the trans movement been around in their youthYes, I've seen them. They're the kind who post about how "they were a tomboy but they grew out of it and now they love being a mommy to their precious beautiful god blessed children". The kind of unironical conservative boomer satanic panic behavior in picrel is why nobody takes GC spaces seriously, we all hate trannies here but I wouldn't have a full on documented mental breakdown on an internet forum obsessing over some TIM inside my head like this because I'm not a mentally ill person. People like this make me feel so much second hand embarrassment but also anger because GC spaces are filled with them.
No. 1933696
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>>1933624The moid in question.
No. 1933722
>>1933672You have such an absurdly black-and-white view on things. You act like the average women concerned over trans ideology are all consevative stepford wives for having the audacity to have normie shit like "families", followed by "why do I get treated like a misogynist NLOG by these bangmaid tradthot pickme cock-worhipping walking wombs?"
You say you want GC feminists to approach TIFs with sympathy and understanding. WHAT is the right way of doing this? Wanting to understand TIFs, while not expressing enough self-contempt over shit like "having kids", is clearly the wrong way to do it.
What. do. you. want. them. to. do?
(infighting/learn2integrate) No. 1933756
>>1932681All forms of troonism are rooted in misogyny. Men see women as objects, or want to live on easy mode like 4chan says we do, so they troon. Men want to live their fetish of forcing lesbians into fucking them, so they troon. Women want to escape from sexism and all the baggage and expectations that come with being female, so they troon. Neither group sees women as people. TIFs'll sic their Timmies on the ebil bitches who don't want to be raped in changing rooms but won't dare say a word against the men who openly admit to trawling Grindr for TIFs to gangrape. The more violent TIFs are towards women, the more they see themselves as men, and therefore human.
It's misogyny all the way down.
No. 1933808
>>1933774He is giving me Mark David Chapman vibes. Chapman was obsessed with the Beatles until he became religious and Lennon said something that he didn't like. He also believed he would take over Lennon's fame by murdering him.
Guillaume is obviously unhinged, became famous because of Rowling's work and was obsessed with it until he joined the modern troon religion and she said something he didn't like. Now he is obsessed with ruining her instead.
I do hope she sues the shit out of him, it sounds like she is preparing to do so.
>>1933624 No. 1934247
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There’s a post on one the lesbian subreddits basically complaining about transphobia and jokester left this comment
Yeah just make a subreddit for terfs lol. Side note I love how any small lesbian community starts off as very transphobic, super based of lesbians
No. 1934680
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I tried discussing "transwomen are women" talking point with ChatGPT for shits and giggles and it's hilariously given a script to suck tranny cock as much as it can (absolute acceptance of gender identity over reality), and I constantly get warnings for possibly harming usage policies lmao. Even if I try to break it down into talking points it looks like picrel meme.
>women deserve to be safe in their paces
>men might attack women in vulnerable female spaces
>yes, it happens
>men have penises
>transwomen have penises
>most often, yes
>"people with penises" shouldn't be in women's spaces
>Safety concerns in public spaces, including changing rooms, are important to address. It's crucial to ensure that everyone feels safe and comfortable in these environments.However, it's also essential to recognize that transgender women are women and have the right to access facilities that align with their gender identity. Barring transgender women from using female spaces can expose them to harassment, discrimination, and even violence.
No. 1934689
>>1934680>Barring transgender women from using female spaces can expose them to harassment, discrimination, and even violence.And who is that supposed "harassment, discrimination, and even violence" coming from? Is it… penised individuals? Because those are more violent?
Imagine getting somehow sneakily getting chatGPT to peak, that would be funny
No. 1934800
>>1933830>She's clearly talking about Christian conservative women who have regressive ideas about women and treat gender nonconformity as a childish phaseSo she's not talking about GC women then? Or do you consider porn-addicted male trannies to be feminists just because TRAs claim they are?
>Many TIFs are told they shouldn't troon out on the basis of their fertility and desirabilityNot even gonna reply about the claim that GC women are worried about teenage girls being less "desirable" by trooning out, but regarding fertility - the point is that this movement has for consequence the sterilization of gay people primarily (not only girls btw) before they can even consent to it. If you don't think that's an issue that's fine I guess, but don't misrepresent people's concern.
No. 1934805
>>1933457I worry about this too, and it doesn’t help that all the LGB people I know are publicly very pro-trans and anti-
terf. I need to go online to remind myself that sane LGB people exist.
>>1933474>>1933487I do the same thing, and generally saying “I’m talking about sexual orientation and not gender, many trans people are straight” keeps people from freaking out at me. It has the added bonus of confusing people who think of all trans people as Extra Gay because even the TRA-approved answer (that some gay men are “straight women” and some straight men are “lesbians”) can help peak people who’ve never even considered that transwomen could be attracted to women. The very existence of transbians shatters what they thought they knew about transgenderism and it’s very satisfying to see it happen in real time.
No. 1934910
>>1934796update, I tried to debate with it and kept asking to provide studies but it's always "further research is needed to understand this complex and multifaceted human experience" oh my god FUCK OFF
I pointed out the similarities in TRA's and pedophiles rhetoric regarding the ability of children to consent and it told me "not to conflate these two topics because it's harmful and promotes discrimination". and also "while there are some similarities, we should approach these two topics carefully and with consideration of social, cultural and environmental factors" lmao ok
No. 1934921
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>>1933457That's basically the current day GC community for you. I don't know why anons are so prepared to die on the hill of denying it, nowadays everyone who openly identifies as "gendercrit" on social media always blames lesbians for "enabling trannies" and homosexuality and gender-nonconformity in general for being a perversion and a slippery slope to further degeneracy and pedophilia. Every time you check the replies for some flavor of this "unpopular opinion but imma just say it trannies are mentally ill" there's a ton of actual white supremacists defending them.
No. 1935081
>>1934800I'm a bit torn on this - on the one hand I do understand that sterilization of gay and autistic people is a major human rights violation that echos eugenics movements of old, but on the other hand I think the focus on fertility alienates a lot of people who might otherwise agree with GC views. If a GNC woman who doesn't want kids hears people talking about the importance of preserving fertility, that's going to prompt a knee-jerk negative reaction even if the speaker isn't a conservative who thinks women all need to be feminine and be mothers.
Personally, as the sort of woman who probably would have trooned if I'd been born a few years later, hearing about general health consequences like painful vaginal atrophy and incontinence was more effective in convincing me that these treatments are quack medicine.
No. 1935187
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>tHiS NeVER hAppENS! TERfs aRe trying tO sCarE YOu!!!111!!
No. 1935206
>>1934800Being GC =/= being a radical feminist, and these conservative women do absolutely call themselves GC. You can no true Scotsman all day long, it doesn't change that these women exist in GC spaces, claim the banner of GC politics, and do espouse these beliefs loudly. And yes, they will absolutely tell girls not to troon out because then they'll be ugly and no man will want to marry her. I have personally met women like this in irl GC spaces, and they're a dime a dozen online. Also, of course it is important to note health consequences of HRT, including fertility, but focusing on it when many women don't want children does put the focus back on women's roles as mothers and wives, the very thing they're running from.
>>1935152It's evil. TRAs insisting she didn't actually kill herself (what happened to "every trans suicide is a murder"?) and it's some Epstein tier conspiracy is weaponizing a girl's death for political gain. Not a huge fan of the opposition making light of her death or gloating about how they knew better all along. I hate how culture wars turn children into pawns, whether they become martyrs or laughingstocks.
No. 1935232
>>1935193What consequences are you expecting? I don't mean that in a snarky way, but I can't really see how anything will come from this, or to who it should happen.
>>1935206There's some sane comments here and there and one of them mentioned some of those people sounding like QAnon and honestly they do.
No. 1935263
>>1935152Nex suffered was SA'd by her father since she was a child. He's in jail now apparently. Unclear what her mother's role was in the whole situation, but the grandma sued for custody of her. Nex was hardly well-adjusted before this incident happened, yet TRAs are foaming at the mouth and demanding for the girls she fought to be tried for murder. Most females who id as trans/nb are
victims of SA. It's really telling how TRAs NEVER speak about CSA because it would only reconfirm all the disgusting foundations of their movement.
No. 1935675
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So anyways, I hate men.
No. 1935680
>>1935206>Being GC =/= being a radical feministYes, but it still involves recognizing that gender norms/roles are oppressive and opposing them, which is not the case if you think women should perform femininity and have the duty to be a wife and mother. Just because conservatives and libfems alike call all non-believer - including males - "
TERF" and "GC" doesn't mean it's accurate. Anons usually agree that the term "
TERF" has lost all meaning, but I guess here it's a convenient argument. Taking everything at face value isn't to the advantage of TIFs either though because, again, they also spread misogynistic and homophobic beliefs, including adult TIFs whose actions and activism have very real consequences. Tradthots aren't the only ones scaring girls and young women about womanhood and making them believe that freedom and safety lie in surgery and hormones.
No. 1935740
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>>1935675Genuinely thought this might be satire but no. Just a failmale troon telling on himself kek
No. 1935845
>>1935832i'm in the same boat as you, nona. it's so over.
>>1935834nta but this video is from twitter and was posted by a tra, of course with a caption that moaned about the comments. i know this because i gleefully downloaded the video too to post it here when i saw it on my tl but the nona you replied to had already beaten me to it kek.
No. 1936044
>>1933487Based picture
>>1933445The mento illness luv already spread all over the world and changed normies into complacent people and entire governments now accept trannies into the mainstream, thanks america
No. 1936050
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Transing your gender is a valid decision, just like getting a regrettable haircut or a shitty tattoo!
No. 1936054
>>1935832something something crack and black communities something something nerds and estrogen
you're not alone
nonny… i feel your pain. i will get crucified for saying this but some of these guys are actually kinda cute - could be, if they weren't coombrained degenerates Т_Т
>>1936050nothing yummy about rotdogs and rotpockets. ew
(T_T) No. 1936172
>>1935832Sometimes not only pornsick, but also fucked up beyond repair because of ideological views.
It's so over for the nerdy/slightly bishounen enjoyers.
No. 1936631
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Why is it socially acceptable for trannies to wear whatever they want in public?
There's this tranny who goes to my gym wearing something like picrel, except he's a wide-bodied 6'2" hunk with linebacker shoulders so it doesn't even fit properly and is stretched within an inch of its life. It's stretched so much that it's almost see-through, and his dick print, ugly pointy nipples, and hairy buttcrack all show through. Plus all the sweat that gets on it and doesn't dry. He looks disgusting and everyone keeps reporting him for being inappropriate yet management won't kick him out for fear of being "transphobic", even releasing a statement online that the gym is a "welcoming space for all genders". Yet if a women dressed even remotely like this, she'd be mocked and harassed and would be kicked out immediately, even if it fit properly.
Why do trannies get special privileges?!??! I'm about to lose it reeeee, it takes every fiber of my being to not record him and post it to TikTok to "name and shame". If I didn't pay $600 for my yearly membership upfront, I would've stopped going already.
At least he's a great weight loss aid. One look at him and I lose my appetite for the rest of the day.
No. 1937105
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worst type of TIF
No. 1937144
>>1937105There is camaraderie between men, she's either not seen as a man or seen as the wrong type of man. It's most likely the first one. Most TIFs can be instantly clocked. Even if she is one of those gymbro types, she's probably around 5'2, so men look down on her. But I doubt she is one of those types, sounds like she was a gender conforming woman if she thinks there is camaraderie between women. Being a gnc woman, both men and women treat you worse. Now she's experiencing life as a gnc woman but she's deluded herself into thinking she's experiencing life as a man. Because people don't like her, and she thinks she's a man, that must mean that no one likes men! The alternative is realizing that men have no problems socializing with other men. Which could totally shatter her worldview.
I also find it funny how there are so many posts like this by TIFs but I've never seen a TIM write something like this about women.
No. 1937161
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It's ebil to say that HRT doesn't work, you need to take it for a decade to get fat enough to pretend it makes any real difference
No. 1937165
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>>1937161Some more gems from this TIM's blog. Not all troons are pedos in public, some of them are pedos in private.
No. 1937256
>>1937144Spot on. Even her current belief in 'no camaraderie between men outside of war' betrays her gender conformity and egotism. Men will readily display camaraderie in the right context (like male work environments), and she would know that if she had been in manual/'masculine' jobs (which is something that GNC straight women and lesbians are more familiar with).
>I've never seen a TIM write something like this about women.Oh yes. I've seen TiMs try this but it's very formulaic and reliant ln buzzwords, as if they hadn't put much thought in imagining what it's like to grow up female. Or it's just a device to validate their true and honest feminine socialization
No. 1937491
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cap from the MTF thread, as I think it fits this thread better. I don't usually buy into bioessentialism/evolutionary behavior theory like this, but anon makes a compelling argument
No. 1937592
>>1937491Reads like a radfem schizo armchair blackpill who is either detrans and depressed or would have transed if she could have done it without negative effects and become a sexless man.
Sure would be nice if blackpill posters stopped hating motherhood to this level.
No. 1938057
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They'll claim anything but their actual sex
No. 1938214
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Plenty of anons have said this before in various threads over the years, but I gotta say, hanging out in GC spaces has made me happier to be a woman. I look at all these people (particularly TiFs) driving themselves insane and butchering their bodies to be yaoi boys and it reminds me of the importance of self-acceptance and pragmatism. What a lot of trannies fail to understand is that disliking how women are treated broadly is not the same as disliking being a woman. Even though female socialization creates a handicap for women in a variety settings, there are certain aspects of it that I appreciate. I like that (on average) we're more emotionally intelligent, that we're more meticulous about cleanliness, and that we rarely resort to violence. I work at a charity and 80% of my coworkers are female. I love that about us. I also have a newfound appreciation for my body in the context of femaleness. I like having small hands, being less hairy, having less body odor, and being petite in general.
I'm a high-functioning autist, and as a teenager I was into Tumblr fandoms and somewhat tomboyish. I have no idea how I avoided getting roped into the trans cult, but I'm so grateful I didn't. So many of my fandom friends fell prey to it. Maybe it's because I'm a bit of a contrarian and I've always been averse to fads, or maybe I just have a good family. I don't know.
No. 1938402
>>1938351Yeah it's a bit cringe. I was going to say I kind of agree with
>>1938214 in the sense that being in GC spaces and engaging with radfem talking points has made me more comfortable with and even happy about being a woman, but the thing is I'm actually socially on tard level and very unfeminine in my appearance and personality, and I've even become more so since discovering GC. I think it's because I've gotten more confident in being myself. Just knowing that femaleness is a biological trait which cannot be changed no matter what I do has brought me some peace of mind and freedom. I've also found some GNC women I can relate to, which has made me feel less like a weirdo.
I'm also glad to be a woman for biological reasons though, because the Y chromosome is basically genetic waste and testosterone makes the body age faster lmao.
No. 1938416
>>1938349>>1938351it's ok smelly nonas, you're
valid women too and we still love you
No. 1938420
>>1938418Between petite coquette chan and
>>1938280 we are truly becoming teadthot central
No. 1938421
>>1938280While I also agree with
>>1938407 there IS some truth to it. I've heard of at least 3 girls who hated their breasts and wanted them chopped off but the moms who were against it instead in various ways allowed them to have different surgeries to fix what they didn't like about their breasts (like getting a breast reduction) and they stopped being trans after that. While it would be better if they could just accept their bodies, things like breast reduction can really make a massive difference in life quality. So the option of "you can fix it without going overboard or pretending to be trans" is a good thing overall.
No. 1938422
>>1938418Nta but anon here
>>1938349 implied she's not clean lol
No. 1938484
>>1938215'Muh natural selection' you sound like a failscrote, go away.
>>1938280Yes, because what we need is women spending even more money on useless crap which is supposed to make them feel insecure.
No. 1938640
>>1938472What I said:
>I like having small hands, being less hairy, having less body odor, and being petite in general.What you retards somehow read:
>Women are all hairless, tiny, and perfectly clean.Do you guys not know the difference between the word "no" and the word "less?" Women have
less hair on average. That's literally a fact. Christ.
No. 1938683
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>>1938647Nta but in a minor way, those traits kind of are. Obviously you don't need those traits to be female, you just need to have been born female. But if you're born with a uterus, statistically you are going to be less hairy and shorter than someone born with a penis. The size traits are a large part of why moids have an advantage in sports– they have larger hearts, more lung capacity, longer limbs, a low body fat ratio, etc. It's not reinforcing gender roles to point out the physiological differences between the sexes.
No. 1938722
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>>1938714I know I probably shouldn't even answer this because I feel like anons reacting to that one poster are intentionally concerntrolling at this point, but she compared herself
to men, she did not say she's oh so feminine for being less hairy or smaller than women. I'm a hairy woman whose living conditions are like picrel half the time, but I know what people mean when they say women are less hairy and proper (even if because men are unsocialized beasts), even if it doesn't apply to me directly. The have to interpret her in the most bad faith reading of her post to think she was targeting GNC women.
No. 1938771
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>>1938683Agreed. Of course having large hands or being tall doesn’t make any woman less of a woman but if we’re going to deny that physical differences between the sexes exist we might as well welcome TIMs in women’s sports and campaign for pic related to be taken off the shelves. Pretending that certain physical traits are unrelated to sex ends up obfuscating a lot of systemic misogyny.
No. 1938837
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Everything about this post encapsulates america: trannydom, delicious sugary slop fast food, and the medical-industrial complex which are all connected, kek.
No. 1938955
>>1938147I'm on your side
nonnie. It's pretty ridiculous to call ugly women genetic failures when the reason most are considered ugly is because women aren't allowed to exist as our natural selves and are held to much higher standards. Like we're talking in this thread about how many women trans themselves because they're autistic or they've been sexually abused, and it's pretty… moidlike… to say they're actually all ugly genetic failures who transition because they're ugly, and being ugly makes a woman worthless. Ugly women are still women, it's not like they're moids who have nothing to offer if they're not hot.
No. 1939162
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I hate this shit. I participate in a lot of research for easy money, and the majority of studies will include screening questions like picrel. What is even the point of "other," in screening purposes? What will the researchers gain from hearing from xyz gendie? What will that add to the study? I guess it pegs them as an immediate outlier not to be counted.
No. 1939335
>>1939326No, lol. Maybe my dad was a bear idk. I am very pale too, so maybe it's more noticeable that way. I just find it funny someone prides themselve in being less hairy than men, i think its pretty cool to be hairy i love seeing the reaction of people when they see my legbeard kek.
>>1939320Are you mexican? i am from argentina, i heard brazilian women are also as hairy.
No. 1939838
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The mental gymnastics these retards do every second of the day never ceases to amaze me
No. 1939842
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>>1939838Helpful pinned post on this retard's blog, in case anyone was wondering why hulking 6"3 hons in Joker makeup and schoolgirl outfits being subjected to any sort of pushback from the general public is worse than cis women being trafficked
No. 1939949
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I hate how TIFs advertise hrt as some life changing miracle medicine that excludes u from misogyny while every before and after picture of hrt is like picrel, just sad to see
No. 1939981
>>1939233You're delusional if you think you're hairier than moids your ethnicity. You're taking what I said way too personally because you were emotionally abused by your mom. Take your meds.
>>1939229I only "shat on" an imaginary group of women with extreme back hair because you retards completely misconstrued what I said in the least charitable way possible when I was trying to make a
positive post about the community.
No. 1940007
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>>1939991Have you seen Robin Williams before he passed? He was always wearing a sweater under his clothes with all that hair.
No. 1940143
>>1939867Much like there are way more slurs for women than for men in general (whore, bitch, slut, skank, ho, thot, etc. vs…bastard? for men) it’s telling that MTFs have developed a new insult for women (theyfab - for specifically women in the queer scene who parrot all the right woke phrases but are still doing things to antagonize the MTFs through their (female) existence). Do TIF communities have any specifically negative terms used to refer to TIMs? Or is the best they can do “Jessica the transwoman over there is being kind of
problematic each time she says she’s jealous of my uterus…”
No. 1940151
>>1939964As a term to refer to being othered for not performing gender roles well enough, it's fine. I've been treated like a freak for not being a girl in the Right way, and it impacted my self image and how I grew up- but I don't think it's a term that should be identified with outside of a social commentary setting. IMO a huge part of troonery and misogyny at large is the idea that women are feminine and men are masculine, and to not align with those requires a special label which perpetuates your otherness. And some anons might not like this but labels like "Masc" and "Butch" don't help either. You can just be a woman who happens to have masculine traits.
There are also gendies who think GNC means nonbinary or genderfluid in some way, which is just insulting.
No. 1940170
>>1940167You have poor reading comprehension kel the first anon never talked about loving how much of a smoll weak completely bald baby being a woman made her.
>i am proud of my body and what makes it unique>unique>IE, not commonMost women are not as hairy as Robin Williams kek give it a rest.
I also love how I'm not as hairy and nasty as a scrote.
No. 1940194
>>1940185This thread has tons of disgusting tradthot comments like
>>1938280 and tons of anymosity against tifs, calling them ugly for not being perfect waif material. You cannot expect anons to not call out a retard claiming she loves how petite uguu she is in the same thread that calls women with not perfect, simetrical porn titties ''genetic failures''.
No. 1940230
>>1940225Oooh, so close
nonnie! That is actually referred to as "exaggeratiom"! It's quite common to encounter hyperbole and exaggeration when communicating with others! Can you try again? I really want to get to the bottom of your misunderstanding!
No. 1940236
>>1940234>you admit you are okay with anons shitting on TIFs that dont have perfect breasts Where did I say this
TIFs are annoying as fuck too and I interact with them daily kek so no I don't care if anons make fun of TIFs. Are you a TIF or something?
No. 1940239
>>1940237See here anon
>>1940238and put down the pipe! Meth is bad for your skin.
No. 1940242
>>1940238its weird you have a sick fascination with women amputating themselves what the fuck. Would you also laugh at women who self harm by cutting themselves or anachans?
>>1940240go back to your containment thread.
No. 1940252
>>1940248They're saying I think women with "imperfect tits" (whatever the fuck that means) are "genetic failures" like okay schizo. And if you forgot this entire infight happened because hairy schizo anon here
>>1939233 said (hispanic) women ARE as hairy as men AND HAIRIER don't you know! And then retards started slapfighting about how "coquette" the original post was.
The original post
>>1938214 is clearly an autist trying to be positive about her body and sex. Arguing about semantics is retard behavior. So a woman didn't use the preferred words to refer to her body? Who cares.
No. 1940279
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>>1940275But whos to blame for misogyny?
No. 1940287
>>1940285Nta but yaoi and other forms of media autistic and nerdy girls gravitate towards can be
contributing factors. What is your end goal? Do you want everyone to just repeat what you're saying word for word? Like are we not allowed to talk about contributing factors to troonism?
No. 1940313
>>1940259I agree, this is basically the /snow/ thread part 2. There was some good discussion early on but then quickly devolved into calling women ugly, newfags posting weird takes, and stupid arguments- good example is the fujo discussion going on right now. Like yeah, troons are fucking annoying at best or horrifying at worst but this is supposed to focus on discussion on them as a group and the factors that cause and enable them- not shitting on random mentally ill or stupid women (irony of saying this on lolcow I know lmao)
Comments like this
>>1940255 and the anons who were cheering on Nex's death/suicide are sordid imo. LC isn't a inherently feminist site but we don't have to act like scrotes either
No. 1940334
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>Leave thread for a couple of hours to wait out the retarded infight about body hair
>Come back to Fujoshi Infight™ Round #1836
No. 1940383
>>19403672X literally has a thread for shitting on women's behaviour though, so that's not even a correct statement, since they are the ones who should move there and discuss thoughts like this.
On a bit of a tangent as far as conservative GCs go, I think they're interesting to read, but a lot of "abnormal" (in their eyes, meaning childless/childfree, some flavor of autistic, etc.) women seem to fall into the trap of thinking they can make friends with them just because they both hate trannies. Like I really like to read one of the only few women in my country who calls of gender ID for what it is, but I also know she'd fucking hate my guts because I'm everything she dislikes in "women who aren't responsible enough to be mothers".
No. 1940398
>>1940367Any excuse to shit on other women.
>>1940281>they then delude themselves that they’re having totes gay sex like in their yaois with whatever straight moid convinces them that he totes sees them as true & honest men, when he really just wants an easy lay. Can I ask a genuine question since you're the same anon from the TIF thread speaking about TIFs being easy lays? What's the difference between a typic straight woman being a "easy lay" who has mental illness/porn sickness/BPD from a TIF obsessed with yaoi being a "easy lay?".
No. 1940413
>>1940403Oh really its not just me?
The misogyny leveraged at TIFs and the overt excuse of gay anime shit to other women even harder like yaoi makes me want to alog. While anons play nurse to each other in /g/, /ot/ in vent, unpop opinions, relationship advice threads about how their ex moids fucked them up, used them for sex, they got taken advantage of and made easy lays they show sympathy to each other yet mentally ill TIFs being made
victim of the same shit are just easy lays by no fault of their own. Peak delusion. Female solidarity is a fucking lie with these moid loving misogynists.
No. 1940437
>>1940413I kinda get why they don't like Tifs and aren't empathetic to them as much as they are to random other women on /g. I think they are just tired of Tifs, I've been there, I felt sorry for them because what they go through is just horrible. All the tifs I know irl have some really bad trauma and "autism" on top of it but when you compare it to other women going through the same thing, at least in my life, the random normal women are still much better people no matter how crazy they are.
And I get that it's not objective to single out one group of women above the other but on the other hand when the group, be it traumatized and victimized, is destructive to the world I just can't feel the sympathy anymore. It's been years and these Tifs are still fucking terrible and worse and I belive there is always a proper time to draw the line. We aren't anybody's mothers to give any destructive creatures empathy and understanding when all they do i bite your hand. At some point it's healthy and okay to not be nice to evil people.
No. 1940447
>>1940436NTA while we should be allowed point and laugh or bitch about certain TIFs (and all TIMs) the infighting with weirdly misogynist takes on both sides does take a drain on you, and the reaction to Nex's death was really vile. I know some TIFs personally and interact with them daily
(and I'm trying to slowly detransition and peak them), and I can tell you that the choronically online porn rotted ones are the loud minority, for the most part they're just socially awkward women. I've also had bad experinces with them and I won't defend them- just like you can't defend Venus or Soren or any of the anachans on the /snow/ thread. Like I don't know can basic empathy be the bare minimum in
this thread only? Go ahead and shit on them in the countless other threads you guys have, but not here where we're supposed to be talking how the ideology is cult-like and harmful to women and childern by enabling or pressuring them to make permaent changes to their body and allowing men to prey on them or take opportunities from them.
No. 1940462
>>1940451I apologise, I worded that really poorly, but that was sort of the correalation I was going for, all the people I mentioned are self inflicting (were in the case of Soren) pain on themselves but they still do harm to others in proccess. Soren and some of the anachans (let's say Enara for example) are definitely the more selfish and outwardly destructive lying catergory that a lot of the more harmful TIFs fall under, but there's still some harm being done to themselves. Venus I have much more sympathy for, but iirc she's stabbed someone? I haven't caught up with her thread for awhile.
Basically I'm saying that we don't have to coddle them, just be aware that they're harming themselves and not just condense that to "they just want to be gay boys" and "yucky they're amputating parts of their body"
No. 1940519
>>1940457>apologize pedofiles while being abused themselves as a kidKek real, the amount of abused tifs I've seen tell lesbians they need to "unlearn their rape trauma and transphobia because
they did so there's no excuse!!1!" These absolute
victims have no concept of boundaries and then become perpetrators themselves. My friend said she thinks these women have to believe their behaviour is normal or they would have to comprehend what happened to them was bad and it's too painful. So instead of overtly assaulting women, they power trip by peer pressuring other women into being assaulted by trannies. It just makes me imagine they had narc mothers who allowed their boyfriends to abuse their kids and now these tifs are continuing the cycle.
No. 1940540
I'm in a more traditionalist european country and I noticed that gender shit here is being so force it's almost insulting. Ofc I'm talking about pop-culture-level of diffusing, it's not like we have gender shit in the media, but I hate that the gender shit here is being viewed as a fashion statement. Idk how to explain properly, but do you remember how in 2006 to be emo you had to have bangs and checkered belts? Now here you have to wear binders and wear shitty hairstyles and I wouldn't mind if these were actually fashion choices, like the girlies being all the about pinterest "core", but now the situation is being reversed in a dangerous way.
Since most people here can't read english and don't really know what crawls all behind the gender shit, like only nerdy millennials who stayed on tumblr have somehow a grasp of this madness, the thing is being reversed.
I saw girls being totally okay with their body claiming the transness and only then buying binders.
"I'm trans so I need a binder, if you're afab you need a binder." No, even if we had to believe in true transness, it's the other way around. I can't wrap my head around the fact that they cannot see that anything done to your body is a permanent change.
"I'm nonbinary, sometimes my chest gives me dysphoria". Nu uh girly, either you have or you don't, you can take it off when you have to take spicy of cosplay pics.
"People can experiment with their bodies and everything is reversible!"
I know this is a Big Gender Pharma lie but it's also rooted in common sense. You can't get out of middle school and not know that some medication may affect your whole life like really, we had sexual education in middle school (it's a talk about stds, safe sex, body differences, how that happens and such), you can't read about hormones on a biological level and then believe that you can revert the effects.
They claim its "who they are", treating it like a fashion mix and match situation and then scream if you say that it's a fashion statement, like emos did in 2006. But you can grow out of being emo.
I shouldn't be so mad about this, like I know it's a phase, but there's a difference in between dyeing your hair crazy colors when you're a teen and permamently mutilating your body. I don't care about moids, moids have a shorter lifespan anyways, but I don't want to see a wave of depression/suicide attemps in the future because they've been sold a lie. I don't want to see future women breaking down because they can't give birth/breastfeed.
I don't want to see women not having fun at the pool/beach anymore because their scars are hideous. I don't want to see women crying in the mirror for their beard. I don't want to see women that stop speaking because their voice sounds like a frog. I don't want to see women crying in the shower because clumps of hair are falling. I don't want to see women with chronic rib pain. Everything is a lie that's made to hurt women.
"Like I don't feel like a girl but do I have to wear a binder? Do I have to start T?"
They can't realize that if this shit exists it comes within the inside, it's not a checklist and people are playing about it because they know that these girls desperately need a group to be part of. I hate it.
No. 1940617
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There’s an unhealthy amount of rage that aidens give me when they try to make their whole existence appeal to men, as if you didn’t troon out because a bunch of men have raped you and did you wrong and you’re trying to hide away from them by pretending to be them. Disgusting cowardly bitches transition, I can’t stand cowardly ass bitches trying to LARP as the very thing that hates you and tortures you.
No. 1940626
>>1940609Most of the times, it's not weak will, it's mental illness. Trooney is often a result of autism and personality disorder. They're retarded, literally, they can't comprehend shit and they're at the same level of a small child in terms of critical thinking. It's like getting angry at a molested child that followed the stranger with candy. They're obnoxious, sure, but they're
victims and in cases of disruption you don't get angry at
victims, you get angry at the cause: money hungry men. It's always men.
Troonery is not a result of abuse, it's groomed autism/bpd/low self esteem.
No. 1940635
>>1940624Everyone is different, some women have shit families, shit friends, shit experiences and never troon out, while some women never experience anything too bad and then they Troon out.
Each individual case of women that troon out is something that you would have to evaluate in order to consider if they deserve or don't deserve your empathy, that's how I think makes the most sense.
You can even "train" by just looking at the cows that are posted here and anons in the detransition thread, you have someone like Pixielocks who is in the verge of trooning out for the sake of being popular and mentally ill even though she has had quite the nice life, and then you have anons saying that they've been abused or that they're too autistic and are surrounded by the wrong group of people.
It's all subjective, anon, just use your reading comprehension.
No. 1940637
>>1940630If it's not autism it's mental illness, they can go both ways.
Nerdy autistic girls get told "You're not a girl" and they believe it because they don't fit the stereotypical girl picture and BPD women troon out because they crave attention and have no sense of self.
I didn't say that autism is a mento illness, but it sure stems from mental disruption, which autism is. Autism is not a "difference" in the brain, is a disorder that makes women vulnerable to whatever magical thinking is on the table that day and a lot of them bite into it. "You can't be a girl who likes short hair and doesn't like skirts for sensory issues, you must be a man" and they believe it. That's it.
No. 1940639
>>1940634And yet not all women would agree with you either. You seem to think every trans man is an abused lesbian or something. My boyfriend works as a substitute teacher for middle and high school and there are so many feminine girls who look like normal girls going by he/him and he/they pronouns. I don't believe these girls troon out because they hate misogyny I think these girls troon out because it's literally a trend akin to being emo a lot of the times.
And no I am not disagreeing about the misogyny but jesus christ there can be more to it than that.
No. 1940644
>>1940643Nice bait you quivering retard. Men do work as teachers sometimes yes. He's not desceibing their tits he just says it doesn't make any sense for a normal girly looking girl to say she's a "man".
In case you forgot, a lot of normies still think being trans is due to crippling dysphoria.
(infighting) No. 1940670
>>1940664You're being dumb. It was either conforming by wearing makeup, doing your hair and "being fashionable" or getting relentlessly bullied, even when gendershit wasn't a thing, you had to try and be feminine unless you were actually capable of being yourself and not conforming to what everyone wanted you to be.
Back then it was being emo or a NLOG into dad rock, now they use gendershit to cope with being sexualized to hell and back from the moment they're 8 years old.
I don't support tranny shit, but saying that being feminine means you're comfortable with being feminine is just lying to yourself.
No. 1940672
>>1940668Right but I don't think misogyny is at the forefront of their brains prior to trooning, I think what's at the front is fitting in and also establishing a "unique" identity. Sorry but not only did I spend a lot of time around trans guys growing up but prior to that they were the average teen girl who, even with their bad experiences with men, staunchly defended men and would often times shit on feminists too kek.
>>1940669Okay so your anecdotal evidence is prior and mine is just made up shit. It is the new emo because teen boys are trooning out too. Poor reading comprehension strikes once again. I didn't say "he/they" pronouns are the new emo I meant that "preferred pronouns" are the new emo IE the transgender fad in general. Keep up lmao.
No. 1940681
>>1940680Well, it
was a fedora.
No. 1940699
>>1940678That explains why you don't understand how the average girl thinks. In my school every girl that wasn't considered attractive was bullied to hell and back, if you didn't wear makeup as a 10 years old you were a failure and everyone hated your guts.
In the end it's just dumb to assume that just because the girls are feminine they feel comfortable in their femininity, they don't feel comfortable and that's why they use the pronouns as a shield, it's just a card they can throw at people when criticized.
No. 1940711
>>1940699>you don't understand how a teenage girl thinksAnon, I was a teenage girl. And I was a tomboy for a bit. In hindsight, yes the tomboy phase was to push males away. But at the time I fully believed I just really, really liked the style.
Just because noboyd bullied me or my friends in middle and high school for being weirdo tomboys doesn't mean I don't know how the average teenage girl thinks.
I was an average teen girl too. Sorry you grew up in a shithole.
And even still I never made myself up like an instathot and raged at everyone calling me "she" because I'M A GAY MALE!!!! Lol.
No. 1940726
>>1940413Nta but the might not be the same anons. I've seen a few anons admit in meta that they only use the site for the non-cow boards.
>>1940367While I agree that the rhetoric here and in the TiF threads sometimes devolves into misogyny, I think it's entirely possible to be critical of certain women without being misogynistic. Like other anons have said, trans cows are often assholes beyond what can be explained purely by trauma or autism. There are certainly TiFs I feel bad for, but there are others that completely deserve to be ripped on.
No. 1940755
>>1940750>tifs comes to this thread out of curiosity>sees weirdos calling her traitor, calling her genetic failure, blaming her transitioning because of clout/yaoigee i wonder how she will react after seeing all that schizophrenia. I am so sure she will change her mindset after coming across such a welcoming, rational community.
>>1940751you know they arent the ones behind women getting trafficked, right? they are prostitutes who become too old and are forced to become recruiters. They arent completly guilt-free, but the blame is always on the men.
No. 1940761
>>1940755Anon I am beginning to think you're a TIF with how personally you are taking what is being said kek. Sorry anons don't like troons in the…. gender ideology hate thread.
Funny enough you are also doing a "women are wrong men aren't responsible" by saying what anons say is PERSONALLY STOPPING tranny females from detransitioning. Yes, so right. It is absolutely the fault of females for preventing their fellow female from detransitioning. What a groundbreaking theory.
No. 1940771
>>1940757I don't see how stating the truth is a mask off moment
>>1940764Rejecting liberal feminism and embracing radical feminism or other forms of feminism that recognize the biological reality that men are not and can not become women.
No. 1940790
>>1940781im severely mentally ill too but i also don’t pretend to be a man, why should i pretend to feel bad for delusional psychopaths who
desire to either be men or some weird “third thing” like an enby
No. 1940791
>>1940786that's true. none of them seem to remember what the "RF" in
terf stands for
No. 1940795
>>1940790kek your mento illness isn't somehow more
valid than TIFs just because you dont mutilate your body, if anything you should be glad its not that bad.
No. 1940802
>>1940789I’m one of the anons you replied to and I don’t even use the TIF thread. This whole retarded infight started because some
triggered ESL anon started accusing anyone who dared to criticize TIFs of being tradthot anti-fujo misogynists. I literally called out anons for being callous misogynists over the “genetic failures” post earlier in this thread. Where were you all then? Why are we not allowed to discuss TIFs critically in the gender ideology hate thread? Why do some anons keep trying to shut down on-topic discussions?
No. 1940813
>>1940805The OP of this thread says
>This thread is to discuss your grievances with gender ideologyHave anons not been discussing their grievances and have retarded ESL chans not been trying to silence them this entire time? Kek.
No. 1940819
>>1940795Yeah it is more
valid sorry you had to find out this way, women troon out solely for attention, not as some kind of cry for help
No. 1940821
>>1940816its just to fit in a world where GNC women have no spaces for themselves left
>>1940819can you stop talking like a moid please and accussing women of doing everything just for attention?
No. 1940829
>>1940825Were you the
triggered anon shitting up this thread last night? Because it seems pretty clear you didn’t disprove anything. In fact, it seems like you continually missed the actual points anons were making, earning you the name “ESL-chan”
No. 1940866
>>1940718I went to high school in the late 00’s and I had a TIF classmate. They were much less common back then, yeah, but they were definitely around. Even more so online in weeb spaces. Gaia online was full of “gay” fakeboys who’d post hilariously badly shooped photos for other girls to thirst over. Half of them called themselves Damian and the other half went by a Japanese name.
>>1940826Every TIF I know over the age of ~28 is/was super into yaoi or Superwholock m/m shipping. Obviously misogyny is the main factor in women identifying as trans but that doesn’t make the slash connection magically disappear. I think a lot of women turn to slash because of misogyny in the first place.
>>1940855That anon seems to think she’s only arguing with the same one or two people at a time.
No. 1940887
>>1940855I hate to defend esl-chan (and I agree with everything else you said), but unless she edited her post, you misread this part
>yaoi has existed since the 70sI assume she might have edited it since the original post you replied to was deleted
No. 1940892
>>1940871Every thread is a yaoi equals tranny thread, same topic (without the infighting) is happening at the fujo cringe thread, where there’s screenshots of aidens acknowledging yaoi was their excuse for trooning out. Hell, I’m a fujo, but this TIF girl I know IRL actually called herself aiden because of nu:carnival’s uke main character.
I’m on spaces irl that almost strictly center around shipping and m/m and while everyone is a female, 90% of them are some flavor of they/it or “nb any pronouns”, simply because they think their interest in fictional gayness must translate to real life.
I think both themes are very much linked as much as anon doesn’t want them to be, I just wish it could be brought up without infighting.
No. 1940912
>>1940887>I assume she might have edited it since the original post you replied to was deletedThe original post stated that Japan had existed since the 70s.
>>1940892I think it's no different from people becoming weebs after watching anime in the 2000s. Anime and other fiction is an idealized world. Anyone that's miserable in their own life uses it as an escape and then begins to believe that their lives would be better if they were like their favourite characters. This doesn't happen to everyone. Many people watch and enjoy anime without idolizing Japan and wanting to live there, the same as some women are able to enjoy yaoi without wanting to become men. However it does seem to be a factor for those that are susceptible to it. The fact that yaoi has existed for decades and only now is it being blamed for girls becoming tifs is enough to prove that yaoi alone isn't the cause.
No. 1940951
>>1940931I agree that it's definitely a factor but it's also been discussed to death anytime someone dares type the y word in any thread. There's tons of reasons people troon out, why do we only focus on that one kek. Plus like I said there's already a thread specifically created to discuss the yaoi-tif connection so I'd be sad if this thread just becomes a rehash instead of talking about troon culture more generally. For example the more concerning nazi-MTF pipeline, what the fuck is up with that?
Also how within my time in the tranny community (starting in early 2010s) the culture around hormones went from "if you're an adult, talk to your doctor to start the process of getting hormones. They will have to diagnose you with gender dysphoria first. Here are the permanent side effects" to "hey teens, inject this mystery liquid from a Ukrainian alchemist and you will shrink 6 inches and grow DDs. Here's a website on how to order black market untested sterioids"
No. 1940967
>>1940951The way trans ideology has changed and shifted goalposts is so incredibly outrageous and insane. It's crazy how I know so many (admittedly gendie, but still) tumblrina girls who have been on tumblr since they were like 12, same as me, who witnessed the rise of the trans movement who don't realize what a sham it all is. First it was "some people have male brains in female bodies [smile emoji] some people are just born in the wrong bodies!" to "sex is all an illusion made up by the cis hetero white man and gender ( and no gender) is so real and
valid and you don't have to go on hormones to be trans!!! Everyone is kweer!!" And not question a thing. It's crazy how one incredibly retarded ideology turned into this grand cult.
No. 1940984
>>1940969I hate this sort of
>um, I'm not on either side but I don't know why the other side gets mad, not that I agree with either, but um..Internet arguments are so fucking dogshit.
No. 1940988
>>1940987Ah yes, the second wave of
>ha ha lol I don't actually give a shit u sound so mad lmaoooI hate this shit so much.
No. 1940995
>>1940948I think Mind Hunter points out that crossdressing is a major red flag for sexually sadistic serial killers, and it’s based on real events and real people.
And I’ve never seen this series brought up, but the French detective thriller La Mante is terfy as fuck. The reveal might be a bit on the nose if your friend has banned trans topics but I still recommend it to terfy nonnies itt. Warning for heavy csa themes near the end, though.
It’s about a female serial killer who gets brought in by the police to help catch her own copycat. The woman was a vigilante who killed
abusive men, but the copycat’s
victims don’t entirely seem to fit that profile.
The killer is a troon who kills men who sexually rejected him. He admires the female serial killer and claims to be emulating her, but one character calls him out on the fact that he’s nothing like her and he’s just an entitled scrote and refusing to have sex with someone isn’t abuse. It’s been years since I’ve seen it so I’ve forgotten a lot but I remember thinking it was very ~
problematic~ for Netflix even back then. My only real gripe with the series is that the troon character is played by a female actress but I guess it wouldn’t be much of a twist if the character was clockable from the start.
>>1940966Nta but yes. Autism is also heavily correlated with trans identification and as much as I wish it weren’t so, it’s not helping anyone to deny the connection.
No. 1941062
>>1941010And zerodomon, faunkegin, and that girlfriend of Charlotte Charms whose name I’ve forgotten… So many people were in denial about them really being girls for the longest time. I knew another one in real life who never made it to proper prommie status and certainly didn’t fool anyone irl, but we were still supposed to call her ‘he’. She had this mini-me BJD that she’d take suggestive shirtless pictures of. Those were the days.
>>1941056Exactly. There are so many factors that came together to cause the current trans boom, and different factors are more or less influential depending on the individual and their circumstances. You can’t put the whole thing down to one cause.
No. 1941796
File: 1711638061506.png (548.79 KB, 750x750, IMG_0946.png)

Hi nonnas, any suggestions for next threadpic? I’ll post some options, but feel free to add more
No. 1941812
>>1939964Being GNC for women is just not being feminine, how is this making things more complicated for us? I hope you mean specific kind of GNC people and not the idea od gender nonconformity itself, because otherwise we are really turning into tradthot central kek.
>>1939981I absolutely know women hairier than moids, sorry to burst your bubble.
No. 1941814
File: 1711639649556.gif (264.38 KB, 608x768, terf queens.gif)

>>1941796I love this art somenonnie made, it's so good
No. 1956474
>>1921958I begrudgingly let a TIM play card games with our group and he made constant sex and dick jokes, also insisted on driving us home because he “just wanted to make sure we were safe because of all the rapists out there!”, and made passes at my partner. Kicked from our group for being a gross creep.
I also tried dating a TIM before I got peaked, and he used BDSM as an excuse to beat me regularly. After we broke up he ran off with his TIF partner and he got his dick cut off lol!