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No. 1978896
After several threads filled with blogposting, infighting, and the posting of off-topic (yet still effusive with milk) cows due to low pro-ana cow activity, nonnies of the Pro-Ana Scumbag threads were finally able to agree on something: we need a separate thread for these Cluster B(itches).
This psych ward is open to: diagnosis-in-bio oversharers, headbangers and scratchers, revolving door patients (not munchies), cows with personality disorders, lurkers/posters, and probably some other criteria that are yet to be determined.
Do some of these cows have eating disorders? Yes. Maybe. Kind of.
Does the majority of their milky behaviour have to do with their eating disorder? No.
The Pro-Ana Scumbags thread will inevitably have some cow crossover with the Cluster B(itches) thread from time to time, but please refrain from posting cows whose antics aren't primarily related to their eating disorder in the Scumbags thread.
Last thread:
>>>/snow/1933243(#3 locked due to shit OP)
Laura: a 4 month “glow-up”. Such an incredible difference! A photoshopped and filtered picture compared to an unedited one! Laura reunited with Dween, her ex girlfriend, no, friend, no, lover. Whatever their relationship is, it’s weird.
Enara: presented so much to the hospital that they eventually placed her on palliative psychiatric care. She claimed she no longer has any access to opioids, benozos or antipsychotics. All her admissions were ceased and therapy was reduced. Posted her list of yearly accomplishments, which included receiving an IO line for the fourth time. Bought 19 pairs of doc martens. Enara was tubed for a week. Provided selfie as proof. Enara is currently in a wheelchair for surgery on both of her legs. Let’s not forget Rico, Enara’s PTSD assistance dog (even if Enara herself has.)
Abby: same as always: absolutely no self-awareness, head banging on the daily, going out in public with no shame and her head wrapped up like Mr Bump. The only interesting thing about her to come from this thread is the paedophile predator she is now “best friends” with. Strap in, nonnies, this is a wild one.
Paedo Becca: with trauma. She uses this to manipulate and prey on young, mentally ill girls She tells different people different versions of her trauma. Apparently her grandfather was the leader of a paedo ring at church, but this has been changed with other people. Exchanged roses with Abby on the beach and Abby was found on a queer dating app stating she is bi. Was incest with her sister. Posed for pictures in lingerie with each other. Her sister walks around the house with her tits out.
Colours: a letter inviting her to a personality disorder assessment, then promptly received another to say it was a mistake. She had already been seen by that department “without success”. Posted a concerning story stating she wanted to hurt people and they deserve it. She wanted to end them and end herself. Concerning, albeit a little funny.
Becca: been very quiet. Someone posted to her account saying that she is safe and to definitely NOT ask questions. Made a post about being discharged and spending New Years with her family for the first time since 2017.
Katya: new cow. Travelled to London to stage a suicide attempt because her local police know she won’t actually do anything. One
nonnie had an acquaintance whose mother died of cancer. Katya said, “I’d kill myself if I had you as a daughter too.” She stole someone’s pictures of a stillborn premature baby, claiming it was her son. She bullied someone for their weight until she took her life. Has been accused of killing past pets and animal abuse.
Jaycie: tiktok has been purged (excuse the pun) and now only features one video of herself with a tube (naturally) and a super long caption spewing nothing but bullshit.
Kat: baiting by saying she’s been referred to ED services for atypical anorexia. Definitely not the highest level of autistic that she claims to be. Posted about her carers inadequately caring for her. One of them didn’t follow his plan for when Kat inevitably spilled water on her feet and had a meltdown. Her needs were too great for him and he left, saying, “This is bullshit.”
May: a half naked selfie in the proana thread to prove how super anorexic she is. Presented to A&E after apparently not eating for five days. Was allowed out of the hospital to go shopping for “safe foods”. Was discharged as there was nothing wrong with her. Doctors turned down the option to tube her because she would become too attached to it. May was offered day patient again, after dropping out of the last one only a matter of days into it. Was 3kg underweight at her lowest. One doctor wrote, “Reports of not eating are inconsistent with BMI of 17.” Now trying to claim PIP. Keeps baiting that she’s going to discharge herself from ED services. Is threatening to sue the NHS. There was a cow crossover with May and Laura.
Lottie: BPD headbanger who pretends to have autism, an ED, ADHD, OCD, PTSD and can’t keep up with her own lies. Also has a terrible moustache. Headbanged every time she was taken off 1:1 observations, and got banned from attending group therapy sessions because she would have fake seizures. Stalked another patient and would constantly sit outside her door, sliding paper notes under the door to her. Rich family is now paying £4000 for a private DBT group. Headbangs the day before like clockwork. Pretends to be an expert by experience for autism. She has even conned PEACE into believing her autism lies.
No. 1978903
>>1978901Is this an actual board rule or something ornery nonnies have made up to whine about?
If it’s a real posted rule I’ve overlooked over the years I’ll take the L but right now it just seems like a lot of nitpicking from people who could’ve just done it themselves if they care so much.
No. 1979165
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>>1979114>>1979082She's already foredhadowing trouble with going back (laying the grounds to say it caused a relapse)
No. 1979176
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May apparently does not understand the idea of training. How would the number of therapists specialized in EDs ever increase if services didn't train new ones?
No. 1979184
>>1979165What a surprise. She was also told little and often w.r.t her eating by the GI consultant back in what, early/mid january, and it's taken her until now to do it.
>>1979176Considering how long she's been under MH services, I'm surprised she's never had a trainee nurse/doctor/psychologist sit in on her appointments?
Obviously, the trust is looking for folks with previous experience of giving CBT, and they wouldn't be let loose unsupervised straight away! They'll be trained in how to give CBT-E first.
No. 1979250
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Fatya update: got rid of her dog (thank god) to commit herself to full time bpd, went to A&E for a "blood clot" who told her to get lost and go to GP, GP referred to physio (for a blood clot lol cmon kat), called ambo on herself because she couldn't feel her leg or wipe her arse, claimed to be in resus and did a live whilst there, ran off from the hospital, got mad bc no1curr, lied about being sectioned, then apparently last night they had enough and arrested her and chucked her in cells overnight. All in 2-3 days.
No. 1979254
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Haley (TikTok @lifesucks2216) succeeded in manipulating the ward to put her back on a S3 after baiting them for months because she can't stand being informal (less attention). Claims it was done after she had some huge massive attempt and woke up to staff with a "resus bag" next to her. Proceeded to go on a huge defensive rant after people called her out for wanting to be sectioned.
No. 1979418
File: 1711278585164.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1179x1668, lll.jpeg)

Lottie (@lottshealing TikTok/insta) posted a lipsync from the hospital 1 day ago announcing a social media break, then immediately posted 5-6 tiktoks sporting a sanitary pad on her neck lmfao. Then edited caption on her hospital vid to remove mention of said social media break. It's also her 21st birthday so gotta have that visible SH (although if you look closely, there is obvs nothing of significance there). So back to regularly scheduled programming, which for her is SHing and faking seizures in group therapy (or SHing on her face/neck bc she said the therapy service told her to cover her arms as she was triggering people on purpose) until they ship her off to the general. She's being purposely vague about the neck and the hospital trip because 1. she did fuck all to her neck and 2. she was in the hospital for less than a day. She keeps pulling this shit like clockwork on the day group therapy happens. It's fucking transparent.
No. 1979490
File: 1711301475221.png (3.54 MB, 828x1792, IMG_0257.png)

New cow alert? Claims to be in recovery, but constantly body checks. Has lost a lot of weight, and is making sure that everyone knows of it.
No. 1979503
File: 1711304141411.jpeg (1.7 MB, 1179x1968, 333.jpeg)

kat's complaining she got "no help" again because the hospital binned her off instead of sectioning her as she desperately wants (again). fucking idiot.
No. 1979647
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here we go
No. 1979689
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Today's episode of Katya's total bullshittery. Claims she's going to be put on a DOLS…that or a coma. Or a morgue. Lol
No. 1979725
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>>1979647 lol she backpedalled on that fast. posted on her insta story confirming that she "retracted" her email because she didn't want to make "any rash decisions". may your bpd is showing
No. 1979831
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cow crossover
No. 1980006
>>1979964Ngl I thought the same
nonnie - not to bone rattle etc etc but if I saw her walking down the street I’d think she just looked like an average woman?? Idk maybe other cows past and current have tainted my views kek.
No. 1980041
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No. 1980112
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Looks like the end of the road for fatya
No. 1980132
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Apparently May's stomach emptying is only borderline delayed, despite her making it out like she has severe gastroparesis that prevents her from eating most things
No. 1980133
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May's mother is abusing her by … putting things in the cupboard? I genuinely don't understand what is so upsetting here. Can't May just rearrange?
No. 1980154
>>1980133It’s her mother’s house she can put her shit where she wants. If May doesn’t like it she can move out. If her mom is so
abusive she can go to a shelter. But she won’t because she loves drama and to play
victim No. 1980234
>>1980231Oh, she is actually diagnosed as autistic.
>>1980133Maybe her mother's put stuff away in the cupboard because May's left like kitchen in a shitheap again (and sounds like she does this frequently/ expects her mother to put up with it until she decides she fancies sorting it out.
No. 1980235
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May crying wolf (again).
Will she or won't she actually discharge herself from ED services so she doesn't have to do day patient.
No. 1980287
>>1980252The thing is, she wasn't - in the sense that it wasn't that dietetics had her on only 450 cals. You can find the meal plans that get used when you get admitted in an emergency over the weekend when dietetics aren't in, and even when you weigh 30kg and haven't eaten in a fortnight, you're still brought from sod all to ~1000kcal over like, 4-5 days.
The reason why she was "discharged on only 450cals" is because she was refusing to comply with the meal plan (probably in the hope they'd tube her). Consultant told the nurses not to NG feed, so they were effectively at a impasse; bloods were good enough for home and the hospital clearly need the bed, therefore discharge home.
No. 1980348
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>>1980330Pretty much.
Obviously May's got to flex that she's under the moderate to severe ED service… Give it two days and she'll be all "anorexia nervosa is a mental health disorder, not a weight disorder/ atypical anorexia nervosa shouldn't exist/ your ED is
valid no matter what you weigh uwu"
I still don't get why being under CMHT would be so bad - she's clearly got shit going on that the ED service can't deal with.
No. 1980351
>>1980348“Hate that it’s called that” kek, May no… no you don’t. Just like she’s definitely secretly elated that she apparently ‘isn’t allowed’ to discharge herself. But if she was discharged after apparently requesting, she 100% would do nothing but complain all over social media and play the poor
victim. She’s becoming more insufferable jc
No. 1980404
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sure May you were on palliative care aged 11
No. 1980656
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No. 1980666
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Lottie has finally been booted out ("suspended") from her private DBT because of an "incident". Does not seem to understand that actions have consequences. I bet her rich parents are thrilled considering she's just pissed £4,000 of their money down the drain
No. 1980833
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No. 1980837
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No. 1980866
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>>1980865oops dropped pic
No. 1981355
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>>1980133Wow her mother is so insufferable
abusive and narcissistic. I can’t believe such a terrible, selfish person would do such a thing! Here is more evidence of how she doesn’t care about her darling disabled daughter
No. 1981390
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>>1981355no but her mother is so cute. how could she possibly hate her
No. 1981524
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Nah, Lottie, stop pretending you don't make specific behavioural choices and that you're exempt of the consequences (caption incoming)
No. 1981527
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>>1981524 Context: she got kicked out of private DBT (caption now reveals this was at the priory, where IIRC she said before she was inpatient last year, the same place she stalked another patient) 3 days ago for what looks like cutting her neck during one of the group sessions. Big colours face-slash energy, but IRL. Is now blaming her "illness" for this and not, you know, her relentless attention seeking manipulative behaviour. Of course no one wants to help you if you take (or rather, pay for) the help and then use it as a personal forum to publicly SH for attention. Christ.
No. 1981531
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Hayley is also back after her account got banned, her new username on TT is helpme4354
No. 1981668
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No. 1982219
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No. 1982307
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Oh no not the bullying and discrimination at work poor may
No. 1982329
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Always some hyperbolic drama with this one. Of course she's neutrophenic 🙄
Not just fucked up her bloods by playing the ED game. She can eat. She's just choosing not to, as she's more likely to get attention through ED stuff than the BPD meltdowns or fake DID shit(emoji)
No. 1982368
>>1982307So according to May, at various times:
work: bullying/discriminatory/
abusiveuni: discriminatory
abusiveher mum: narcissistic/
abusivehospital: negligent
ed team: unaccomodating/negligent/insert pretty much any word for “they won’t give me special treatment and I’m big mad about it” here
She’s the eternal
victim, isn’t she? The world against poor widdle May.
No. 1982518
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No. 1982583
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No. 1982592
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No. 1982627
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boo hoo, life's so stressful and difficult for these disgusting cows
No. 1982706
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>>1982368Don’t mind me just adding to the list
>TfL: ableist/discriminatorykek at calling people to boycott a system they likely have no choice to use because y’know , work. She’s so reactionary and touchy about everything, not to mention thick as mince
No. 1982739
>>1982627>>1982671This £57 something would be all she'd have to pay to keep her 2 bed house now she doesn't have carers overnight. The rest is covered by housing benefit stuff.
It's not like she has to actually pay the whole rent. Most people would love to only pay <£60 a month rent 🤣
(emoji) No. 1982823
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>>1982706how on earth is that ableism? she didn’t pay her fee and they’ve cancelled her card because of that. it has nothing to do with disabilities. actually grow the fuck up and do something with your life, may.
No. 1982920
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imagine carrying a child for nine months, labouring to bring it into the world, clothe and feed it and it turns out to be this fucking whiny
No. 1982942
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Katya is live on tiktok right now saying she goes to the gym and walks the dog so is healthy at 17 stone No. 1983011
>>1983004Ayrt and I'm absolutely not lying. Especially if said daughter was talking shit about me on the internet trying to paint me out as some
abusive monster for talking to guests in my own home. The amount of total shit she talks about living with her mom? Leave then!! You're a parent until the day you die, yes, but
adult children shouldn't just expect their parents to mollycoddle them forever. You'd cut drug addict kids off for their own sake so why would attention addiction be treated any differently
No. 1983028
>>1982920Moans that her mother is apparently ‘
abusive’, neglectful, malicious, narcissistic etc etc
Moans/implies that her mum would prefer her not to live there (I mean, could you blame her kek)
Make your mind up May. She moans and complains that much she’s literally contradicting herself. It’s like she
always has to complain and pick at something to feed her
victim complex. Jfc she’s insufferable at this point.
No. 1983085
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>>1982706Is she actually implying that they put up a maintenance message just to fuck with her?
No. 1983111
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Is she literally taking the piss out of a premie newborn needing hospital care? Fucking hell colours.
No. 1983116
>>1983091I'm with you
nonnie. Genuinely, cannot wait until DP wise up to her party tricks - watch her either deliberately sabotage the trial day or start and then refuse to eat so she gets fortisip. She really should be just under the care of CMHT; she would be at BMI 17 for massive chunks of the north of England. I think it'd very much stop a lot of her attention seeking tbh.
(sage your shit) No. 1983121
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not well enough to hike. poor sick may has convinced some rando on the internet that she’s too unwell to go for a walk
No. 1983129
>>1983111A thing that's barely human > colours.
For once, I agree with her. She is subhuman.
No. 1983146
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I've missed recent happenings, I thought she was only getting chat bot messages, but she can't even keep her reasoning straight. Straight after making a tell account she goaded farmers to use her inbox, no one really bit nor cared. Now someone has - or it's her herself - and she's lying about the purpose in the first place and playing the victim.
No. 1983225
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>>1983190Somebody asked her that, and her
victim complex came out to play again. Wholeheartedly, fuck May. She’s a whiny, selfish, disgusting excuse of a human who thinks everybody and every organisation is out to get her. If she cared so much about what people said on here, she wouldn’t post on her public Twitter and would delete her Instagram.
No. 1983305
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No. 1983321
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Not milk, just Laura looking like a wee dainty nugget
No. 1983356
File: 1712444856640.jpeg (Spoiler Image,421.84 KB, 808x938, jkj.jpeg)

>>1980666Mustachio'd attention seeker @lottshealing has fucked herself up good and proper since she got booted from her DBT group at the priory, which was her personal forum for publicly self harming. The "incident" in the group session did not need stitches, you can tell from this picture she posted the day she got kicked out.
No. 1983362
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>>1983356Insta post from 5 days ago. Being "in and out of a&e for weeks" lmfao, tracks considering every time she makes a new post she has another stitched up wound, gotta make sure you do one every working day to get that sweet a&e trip! Especially since the priory have now chucked her. Also, "possible admission", sure Lottie. Clearly hasn't happened which is why she's ramped up the SH and moved onto the face for maximum impact. This fucking weapon is literally an NHS "expert by experience" No. 1983364
File: 1712445686016.jpeg (64.72 KB, 360x540, opo.jpeg)

>>1983362Buuuut this TikTok from 3 days ago tells us she didn't get that admission! Hence the new SH on the face. Is bitching about not deserving help because of her BPD. She had private fucking DBT her rich parents paid for and she chose to fuck it up because she just couldn't help herself by Shing/faking a seizure in the group session lmfao. Obvs she has escalated the SH and has defaulted to nOOoOoo BPD discrimination instead of taking a single ounce of responsibility for the fucked up shit she does. Rat
No. 1983427
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May trying to make herself look like she has sooper srs autisms again.
As an autistic person, her attention seeking absolutely baffles me.
No. 1983458
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>>1983456Has Kat blocked or deleted?
(learn to sage) No. 1983576
File: 1712515931029.jpeg (231.17 KB, 1170x603, IMG_1534.jpeg)

>>1983116At a bmi of 17 she wouldn’t qualify for
any treatment in some parts of the UK, especially as her “ED” doesn’t seem to actually affect her functioning in any part of her life (let’s be real, the work stuff is because she’s fucking insufferable, unable to play nicely with others and probably creates an awful atmosphere with her theatrics)
>>1983427kek, “kid earmuffs” for her teeny tiny anorexic earsies
>>1983478Yeah but she’s also a liar, see last sentence in picrel it’s obvious she was massively overeating whether or not that’s due to increased appetite from antipsychotics, she just won’t give up the ~dainty ana~ shtick when she’s been the size of a house for years & didn’t look that ’bad’ even at her thinnest. Time to change the username, katcosplaysautism has a nice ring to it
No. 1983612
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they wouldn’t fund ED inpatient for you because YOU DON’T FUCKING NEED IT MAY does she just spend hours googling inpatient and fantasising about that tube
No. 1983632
>>1983225so she only canceled the trains and didn’t tell anyone, and she expects people to automatically know she’s not going? delusional
>>1983478have you seen her diet? think of the stereotypical british war food and process it even more. sure jan, the turbo autism only lets you eat ultraprocessed garbage and it’s totally not your fault for overeating even though you’ve been off the antipsychotics for a while now
No. 1983659
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No. 1983669
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May: can’t go on a walk with a few other people.
Also May: goes to a march alone and chats with people from Instagram.
It doesn’t seem to add up, does it, May?
No. 1983700
>>1983693I’m adding it to the list.
The Big Bumper List of People, Places & Institutions That Have Personally Victimised May:
>Work (for not wanting her dramatics on a children’s cancer ward)>Uni (for correctly telling her she’s not cut out for medicine)>Her Mother (for talking to a neighbour and using her own kitchen)>Hospital (for not giving her an unnecessary tube)>Random healthcare workers (for not giving her an unnecessary tube)>Her psychiatrist (for not giving her an unnecessary tube and pointing out her BMI isn’t consistent with her claimed intake)>ED team (St. Ann’s) (for not giving her an unnecessary tube)>A casual hiking group (for not “reaching out” to her and kissing her arse)>Transport For London (because she forgot to pay a charge)>BUPA (for not covering pre-existing conditions or funding inpatient treatment she wouldn’t qualify for and doesn’t need)>The entire concept of BPD (because the truth hurts)>lolcor meanies (for documenting all her utter bullshit) No. 1983750
File: 1712586180476.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1170x2079, IMG_7763.jpeg)

add BEAT to the list!
No. 1983763
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you would be correct
No. 1983766
>>1983576Nonnie, I know - I live somewhere where the ED service wouldn't touch her, might "give advice" to CMHT if they were in a good mood i.e. tell them how often she needs her bloods and weight doing (and at best, this would be monthly).
>>1983608She did indeed. Like go and get the loops/ Flares the rest of us have to deal with noise sensitivity and still get to look 'normal'. I genuinely don't think she's realised (because she's not been told to get these via OT), that the amount of time she spends out the house (and therefore will have them on) and the extent to which they block noise - she'll end up making her noise sensitivity even worse.
>>1983750Good god May. The reason why the ground rules start with what is basically "Don't dox yourself", is because some of the online groups are for weans who have literally just turned 13.
Having had a look at the ground rules, page 2 includes "don't use numbers when talking about how much you weigh/ how much you're eating." Which is a very standard ground rule for an ED support group, along with don't refer to clinicians by name.
Genuinely, her histrionics exhaust me.
No. 1983781
>>1983750Jfc does she literally just sit on her arse every single day searching for people/services/literally fucking anyone to whinge and complain about to enhance her
victim complex??
No. 1983838
>>1983783I cut myself on a packet of monster munch
BOYCOTT THEM THIS IS CLEARLY personal victmisation of a disabled.
No. 1983865
File: 1712614200338.jpeg (338.81 KB, 828x971, AD61911E-6AD8-45F5-A93C-9AE6DD…)

Who was it? Fess up
No. 1983882
File: 1712618493604.jpeg (392.4 KB, 1314x715, IMG_3267.jpeg)

>>1983763“aww nooooo they won‘t let me poison the chat and purposely
trigger 13 year old kids with how sick I pretend to be and make it all about meeeee bloo bloo bloo”
>>1983766yep, similar here and they wouldn’t tiptoe around her PD either (relevant pic, thought it was kinda funny)
No. 1983917
File: 1712629865006.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1290x1860, IMG_0905.jpeg)

>>1983704I’m not the original anon but i still have her followed. Haven’t posted because I didn’t think anyone cared anymore after her sperg out here. But latest update is just same old same old:
No. 1983919
File: 1712629941875.jpeg (532.13 KB, 1290x2303, IMG_0906.jpeg)

>>1983917Samefag that was last post 2 days ago and this is the current story
No. 1983957
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No. 1983963
>>1983919>>1983917thanks for sharing anon
idk about most here but I'm definitely interested in seeing more from her
No. 1984122
File: 1712705604263.png (492.73 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20240409-193124.png)

lmfao so considerate of enara to white out the sizes so she doesn't trigger anybody lmfaoo girl we know you're a big bitch
No. 1984153
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No. 1984296
File: 1712752087785.png (234.78 KB, 562x2724, ss.png)

>>1984281Since anon was too lazy to cap
No. 1984391
>>1984296Starting your statement on the supposed victimization you faced with "based on a false diagnosis of EUPD" really makes it believable. A person with BPD would never deny their diagnosis or recount mildly stressful situations as incredibly traumatic.
fucking kek
No. 1984398
File: 1712782621150.png (46.22 KB, 600x157, Screen Shot 2024-04-10 at 3.56…)

> hello kitty cutlery
Does May own anything that wasn't made for children? I know that adults can like some of those things too, but it's seriously weird when all of her interests are things that are marketed towards young children.
No. 1984400
File: 1712782741910.png (210.45 KB, 597x478, Screen Shot 2024-04-10 at 3.57…)

Also, she seems to understand so little about the reality of medicine. People who work in an ER/A&E absolutely roll their eyes at and treat drunk people dismissively, especially if they're regularly showing up there.
No. 1984420
>>1984400The emojis are doing too fucking much, as always.
>>1984289Everyone can click the link, retard. But that link becomes redundant the moment May deletes the post or privates her account or gets banned or whatever else happens. This is a farm. You need to post caps so the context gets archived alongside commentary
No. 1984480
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No. 1984515
>>1984325There's usually a time limit on making a complaint like this - often something like 6 months from the date of the final incident you want to complain about - unless you have very good reason to have missed the deadline i.e. you were in hospital at the time. So everything she's whingeing about here has timed out, so the uni has no obligation to investigate, ditto if she's complained about this before, they have no obligation to reinvestigate. And there's procedures and paperwork to do, you don't make a formal complaint via bloody twitter.
I think part of what she's complaining about is that they suspended her the day SFE will have released the final installment of tuition fees to her uni. What she's conveniently neglected to mention, is that this is also the same day that her final installment of student loan also hit her bank account.
No. 1984526
File: 1712831264715.jpeg (1.81 MB, 1170x2406, IMG_8737.jpeg)

Enara saying she doesn’t eat and then buying all this chocolate really contradicts her eating disorder
No. 1984527
File: 1712832379965.jpeg (651.83 KB, 1170x2416, IMG_8740.jpeg)

How many cow crossovers are we going to get from may
No. 1984536
>now that my DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ORDER has expired i cant wait to get back into contact with the person who got the DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ORDER to keep me the fuck away from themtextbook
No. 1984540
>>1984273So from what she’s posted that’s easy to piece together, plus her past bullshit that’s now deleted off her tiktok, the timeline is sort of this:
she had an “incident” in her private dbt group session at the priory, but we don’t know if this was either a headbang/fake seizure/somehow she managed to slash her neck whilst in a therapy group (with what tho which is why it seems unlikely it was a slash)
She posts a TT from a hospital bed a few days later which is old as caption says shes had a “traumatic few days and is home now”. Does not show any neck wound and we all know she fucking would if she had one
Directly a week after the “incident DBT group”, so the next session as it’s weekly, she posts a TT from a car with a larger bandage/more cuts on her neck than before. Says she’s been kicked out of dbt. I feel like if she had somehow managed to slash her throat whilst at a therapy group session in a private hospital they would’ve suspended her soon after, not let her turn up and then do it/do it the day of. I also think they did not know she’d gone away in that week and fucked her face/neck up so when she came back like that for the attention they declined her entry to the group and suspended her on the spot there.
Around this same time she makes an “update” post on her Insta (lottshealing) saying she’s been in and out of a&e for WEEKS which lines up with a new mark appearing on her neck (or face since she’s gone back to this now lol)
TL;DR gotta get that sweet attention, backfires, gets booted from her £££ private dbt and apparently is being banished to an nhs ward today
No. 1984567
File: 1712843481155.png (1.53 MB, 853x1563, Screenshots_2024-04-11-09-45-0…)

STILL wearing her hospital bracelet
No. 1984660
File: 1712864898012.png (609.78 KB, 704x913, enara.png)

>>1984567my favurite passages from her chapter lol. the chapter is like 8 pages and its full of bullshit like this. basically her telling nurses how to better coodle her and give her more attention for self harming.
No. 1984776
File: 1712882193330.jpg (490.37 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20240412_022913.jpg)

>>1984122sage for autism but some of those items are more expensive depending on what size you get, so she's at least an AUS 22/24.
No. 1984787
>>1984783A month ago
>>1967721 she didn't renew her membership because another pony club adult was "bullying" her in front of the kids.
No. 1984836
File: 1712903441365.jpeg (236.07 KB, 828x512, CEA3A316-A123-4947-A407-27D430…)

>>1984296May obviously isn’t happy that this post isn’t gaining traction and has now changed it back to the previous pinned thread that got 1k likes. BPD attention seeking much?
No. 1984940
File: 1712947095105.png (1.02 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20240412-140517.png)

No. 1984993
>>1984863Please no, we don’t need another Paige Rivers (although as May is practically incapable of writing three words without using pointless emoji, we might yet be spared). Seriously though, we kid but she’d probably love to be published because it’s obvious her being too unintelligent/unsuitable for medicine and failing out gave her a complex. She’s always responding to med Twitter as if she’s qualified instead of the bottom of the rung healthcare assistant she is in reality (not hating on HCAs btw, apppreciate them immensely but May is just so fucking pompous)
>>1984977Thanks, that’s me not sleeping tonight
No. 1985014
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>>1984993May with her one year of medical school just trying to help newly qualified nurses
No. 1985046
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No. 1985222
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No. 1985231
File: 1713034641277.jpeg (566.1 KB, 828x1177, 841FBCAF-D55A-409D-8982-032612…)

Because that tweet needed May’s input
No. 1985254
Nonnie sage for info but yeah-pervasive refusal is extremely rare and it involves a kid rapidly deteriorating from being completely well to absolutely non functional. The treatment for that is psychiatric.
No. 1985270
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No. 1985370
>>1985046What exactly do you think she's doing in this picture? She has admittedly lost weight (not much, but some), and posts pictures in her same spot/poses for comparisons
>>1983321And here, she's posed to try and slim her legs down. Nobody walks like this.
No. 1985458
File: 1713108187360.jpeg (648.93 KB, 828x1390, 605955E8-C4D4-43D1-A288-F4027F…)

How is receiving 6 weeks of counselling problematic? She’s in the minority of people who actually receive any support from the NHS, especially when they squander it as much as May does. If it’s not enough for you, May, go private.
No. 1985464
>>1985458Not to WK, but she is right in the respect that 6 sessions of therapy does absolutely sod all for PTSD. Not so sure why the NHS outsourcing the support of their employees is
problematic - it's very common for the MH support you get via your employer to be outsourced to a third party?
No. 1985651
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No. 1985724
File: 1713181013163.jpeg (345.65 KB, 828x941, 5580D47F-702D-4752-BFFC-67E8DA…)

Here we go again. Perhaps they suggested quitting her job so she could focus on her studies, which are all paid for by student finance. How she manages to bring ableism into that (and absolutely everything) is beyond me.
No. 1985880
File: 1713219576620.jpeg (265.09 KB, 828x755, 00601DA8-7E5F-4E4C-8053-C30C61…)

Complaining yet again. A scan for what? Why is there always something wrong with her that needs investigating? If she gets told she doesn’t have one illness, along comes another one that uses taxpayer’s money to investigate. Surely having worked in the NHS for years, she would know that results take months to come back. But no. She has to spend four hours (??!!) chasing it up because no one can do their job well enough for poor little May. God forbid people are actually dying waiting for test results when she needs hers Right Now!
No. 1985970
>>1985880If they haven’t got back to you…maybe there’s nothing wrong? Maybe they’re too busy dealing with ACTUAL CANCER PATIENTS? Y’know, like the kids you work with?? I’m fucking sick of her shitting on the NHS all the time, as if they should cater to May and May only. “zero empathy” ??? Fuck all the way off.
(Sorry nonnies, it’s just too early for her bullshit)
No. 1985987
File: 1713265896854.jpeg (323.9 KB, 1170x625, IMG_2391.jpeg)

>>1985237>>1985238I might be nitpicking but I hate how she’s always implying she’s spent time in hospital as an actual adult. Like shut up, you were admitted like 15 years ago when you were 11 and a literal CHILD (and CAMHS would admit anyone back then) you have no skin in this game
No. 1985989
File: 1713266081809.jpeg (240.79 KB, 1467x351, IMG_3278.jpeg)

>>1985970>sick of her shitting on the NHS all the timepicrel. thought she didn’t read here?
No. 1985996
>>1985989Oh, she definitely reads here. She's even posted a selfie to "prove" how super sick she was, when she was in hospital.
The selfie did not prove that.
No. 1986229
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No. 1986265
File: 1713361078892.jpeg (480.64 KB, 1170x1080, IMG_8842.jpeg)

Enaras old account has heaps of milk damn
No. 1986276
File: 1713366994124.jpg (136.38 KB, 1080x1618, 1000946788.jpg)

Oh it really is a gold mine.
No. 1986289
File: 1713372702212.jpeg (806.86 KB, 1170x1639, IMG_7835.jpeg)

top kek incoming
No. 1986391
File: 1713388777662.jpeg (144.33 KB, 828x524, B51F1DAA-B3B9-45A5-A693-D3ABD9…)

May is always doing the most to be the sickest and most hard done by person to exist. When in actuality her life is perfectly fine, she has a terrible victim complex
No. 1986400
>>1986391is it illegal to pretend to be a SEED patient on the internet and co-opt others’ struggles when you barely (if at all) fit the criteria for mild anorexia?
is it illegal to speedrun every department of the NHS and waste a shitload of resources trying to get a diagnosis of something, anything, to appease your cluster B personality & factitious disorder?
No. 1986401
>>1986398>She's so desperate to have something that she is distraught that she's actually quite healthy a tale as old as time
(I miss the old munchie threads)
No. 1986403
>>1986289Picks the ‘best bits’ of her medical drama for the most attention. She literally posted on ig to say her results said she DIDNT have cancer; but obvs can’t say that here or it wouldn’t be so DrAmAtIc and oPpReSsIvE
Countdown to presentation at a&e for ‘not eating’ (or an ‘attempt’)
Sweepstake, I say 6 days.
No. 1986419
File: 1713395809487.jpeg (2.61 MB, 1170x2070, IMG_8844.jpeg)

Really may
No. 1986480
>>1986478Kek no one was serious about her being literally full of shit. It’s called sarcasm and making fun of someone.
I’m willing to bet May self discharged from DP but wants to make it seem like she’s suffered yet another injustice at the hands of the NHS since this seems to be her latest angle for getting attention.
No. 1986484
File: 1713409602706.jpg (286.43 KB, 828x1518, IMG_20240418_040419.jpg)

I just cannot with May. I don't think I've ever met someone with such a raging persecution complex.
No. 1986517
File: 1713422150215.jpeg (413.69 KB, 828x964, FF3E57F9-4959-46A3-8B60-373002…)

She’s still crying over the fact she didn’t get a tube. Wah wah poor May
No. 1986518
File: 1713422297712.jpeg (246.85 KB, 828x644, 404C1E60-4A4A-46DB-B247-2EB79F…)

And still calling everything under the sun discrimination and ableism. It’s like she learned those words two weeks ago and now it applies to everything. I truly think she’s the worst cow on this thread. At least Enara is self aware and actually does damage to herself before presenting to hospital. May just sits at home and complains online about literally every aspect of her boring little life.
No. 1986540
>>1986518Fuck me the more that this cow posts the more my actual detest for her grows. She wouldn’t know discrimination, abuse, whatever other shit she wants to spout, if it slapped her in her
mild to moderate anorexic face. She needs to grow the fuck up jc
No. 1986553
nonnie. I've been on this site for years on the pro ana threads and I honestly cannot think of a single cow as detestable as May. How tf can she not realise her own behaviour is the root cause of all her issues with absolutely every individual and every service she comes into contact with? Complete fucking idiot.
No. 1986609
File: 1713454852166.jpeg (74.37 KB, 1170x256, IMG_2276.jpeg)

>>1986230I am going to save some more caps if any more are post worthy. She lurks so she may delete it. It’s quite a look back into her. She is literally still the same. If anything out right posting about her behaviors all the time but still just as vocal. A lot of publicly sharing self harm photos and dropping hints to self harming. Though here’s this.. she was mutuals with fucking KELLY on this account.
No. 1986623
File: 1713460023885.jpeg (241.04 KB, 828x575, F50754D1-1572-4DDB-A2B1-D6EE8C…)

Yes it’s fair. It’s what everybody else gets. You cancelled the appointment, therefore you’re a no-show. Oh no, they’ve given her an appointment that’s at a different time and won’t tell her who she’s seeing. Perhaps (as she should well fucking know) that’s considered normal procedure?! Can you imagine May not being given super special treatment for her super special eating disorder and autism??!! Poor fighter May. Someone replied to her tweet saying it sounds like deliberate sabotage. As if the NHS care enough about a single patient to sabotage their appointments. She’s so fucking self absorbed. I hate her.
No. 1986632
File: 1713462788496.jpeg (374.45 KB, 1170x778, IMG_7843.jpeg)

C-PTSD now as well!
No. 1986644
>>1986633Oh yeah I didn’t think about that. I ended up going through it some. It’s actually really wild to read. She let it all hang out at one point.
>>1986623 there’s something about this girl that makes me wonder if she’s delusional or that deep in the BPD sauce or just both.
No. 1986648
>>1986647I swear I'm trying to not medfag/ blogpost.
For context as to why she's now latched onto C-PTSD: autism and C-PTSD occurring together can often get misidentified as EUPD.
She's had EUPD removed as a thing she currently has, but it's not 100% gone from her medical record because it can't be. I personally wouldn't have bragged/celebrated the way she did, considering how she behaves towards clinicians. It'll come back like a nasty case of herpes, and she'll get a shock when it does.
No. 1986674
>>1986536she can. all she has to do is light the psych ward on fire like our dear friend kat
>>1986623how can she possibly think that’s discrimination? is it discrimination if you cancel because your appointment gets rescheduled, may? also she doesn’t work right now so she’s free literally whenever. if i was on the phone with some bitch whining about how “i have to cancel because i don’t like the appointment time. it doesn’t fit with my autism and i am unwilling to put in even a modicum of effort.” i would also mark her down as a no-show. phew sorry nonna there’s something about her that brings out my inner alog
No. 1986840
File: 1713522999440.jpeg (372.98 KB, 1170x711, IMG_7844.jpeg)

crowdfund for super special inpatient incoming
No. 1986964
File: 1713546308220.png (116.34 KB, 688x563, Screenshot 2024-04-19 5.57.01 …)

>>1986887Googled it and what the actual fuck. She TOLD social services she would kill herself if they took her baby and they still did it. Manslaughter. These cunts decided to deprive a kid of his mother just because? Because autistic people aren't human/capable of parenting? Fucking insane. Hope little man grows up and take revenge on those social workers Kill Bill style.
No. 1986978
>>1986975>>1986976Imbeciles. Social services in the UK will automatically take away someone's baby if the parent has disabilities, however, they can be provided a support worker. Fern was not provided this. Pretty rich of you to assume this woman was a bad or
abusive mother when none of this is suggested.
No. 1986979
File: 1713548230985.jpg (63.77 KB, 949x380, fernfoster.JPG)

>>1986964>>1986966>>1986967>>1986968Apparently she started threatening suicide before the baby was taken, over her boyfriend not being allowed to live with her. No. 1986981
File: 1713548313454.jpg (113.62 KB, 976x715, fernfoster2.JPG)

>>1986979Sounds like she would have been a great mom.
No. 1986989
File: 1713548648299.png (92.74 KB, 863x535, Screenshot 2024-04-19 6.43.25 …)

>>1986981With the right support, yes she may have been. You don't know this woman, her circumstances, or if you might crack under the same social services lunatic mindgames.
No. 1986999
>>1986994What do you think a "misdiagnosis" means? Regardless of what anyone wants to call it, the woman in question was clearly unstable, prone to self harm and threatening suicide when things weren't going her way.
>>1986993 Why were social services concerned about her living with the father?
I think it was clearly badly mishandled, and it's tragic that a young woman died and her son will grow up without a mother.
>>1986996 is interesting phrasing- is it confirmed that she ever actually receive an autism diagnosis at all?
No. 1987017
>>1986966 Yet if someone with a PD did that, in the exact same desperate situation, everyone would be calling her a manipulative cow and crowing that this was proof of her inability to be a fit mother.
Don’t get me wrong; that’s a horrific, tragic story and should never have happened. Pure evil, what they did to that poor woman. But people would view it differently if she had a PD instead of autism, and they shouldn’t.
No. 1987047
>>1987045I never said she wasn't autistic. I said I think she had EUPD
also even if she was autistic.
No. 1987117
File: 1713568983754.jpeg (1.57 MB, 1170x2044, IMG_7858.jpeg)

Jesus Christ
No. 1987218
>>1987017controversial take here: what happened to her was wrong and terrible and i am in no way blaming this poor young woman for what happened. i think what services did to her was barbaric. but honestly after reading all of the inquests, i don’t think she should have been allowed to get pregnant in the first place/should have gotten abortion.
she found out that she was pregnant after some scans in the hospital after overdosing. regularly expressed (very real!) distress by self-harm or meltdowns, and the distress got to the point where it was life threatening. this might be american thinking where things like MBUs are unthinkable, so it’d be borderline irresponsible to become a new mom knowing full well you won’t have the capacity or support to care for the child.
EUPD or autism, i don’t think she was cut out for the absolute stressor that bringing a baby into the world at 22 is. she was unable to work or live unassisted and even if services hadn’t treated her barbarically, would have required in my assistance too much assistance to reliably care for a child without putting them both in harm’s way.
thanks for listening to this nona’s autism
No. 1987222
>>1987218samefag here but i just remembered that she only made it to one baby bonding session after it was taken because taking two buses was too much of a trouble. the family noted “a taxi could have been provided” as accommodations.
i think if something that low of a barrier was an unclimbable obstacle, it only proves my point that she was unfit for ever becoming a mother in the first place. from CPS’s standpoint, regardless of why, the mother was clearly unable to provide for her child (their primary concern). her family was unable to help if even getting a taxi was too big a hurdle, so they could not be relied on to pick up the slack. the boyfriend is a bit simple and wasn’t enough services to assist the mother (with consistent past meltdown and self-destructive tendencies who didn’t even have stable housing available) were unavailable at the time, so they made a call in the child’s best interest. was it the right call? no. but when the clock’s ticking and the mother’s competency was very much not there, i can see why it was made.
i have no doubt that this young woman was failed by social services. i also think she was failed by the people around her, who failed to have hard conversations about competency and the reality of the world around her.
No. 1987243
>>1987241Kek literally what? Every anon who disagrees with you is the same person? Yep. Every bit of misfortune you have ever experienced in your life is me. Dog shit in your yard? Me. Raining on your wedding day? Me. I'm in your walls
No. 1987245
>>1987243nah, but these sorts of posts
>>1987240>>1986978>>1986984>>1986993all sound like they come from the same person who is taking this extremely personally and projecting a lot. There were other much more sane sounding anons on both sides of the discussion
No. 1987247
>>1987245Those are me, but the other anon who called you vile is not. I don't have autism or a child. I just know that SS dropped the ball majorly on this one and pretending otherwise and playing 'devil's advocate' in a scrotal, compassion-bereft way is an insult to this woman's memory.
I know someone who had her child almost taken by SS for literally no reason. She did absolutely nothing wrong. The child was quite obese but that is not a reason to take him. SS in the UK can and do pick on people for no reason.
No. 1987255
File: 1713609353147.png (161.49 KB, 788x573, Screenshot 2024-04-20 11.35.38…)

Inquest found local authority to be at fault for failing to provide legally require support for Fern. Your revolting opinions on mentally ill mothers can cease. Discussion over.
No. 1987261
>>1987256I'm so glad you know better than the judge and coroner who made this ruling. You have bother an MD AND a JD? And you have come to to share with us your incredible wisdom and insights gained from these accomplishments?! You may be the most accomplished
nonnie on this site!
No. 1987267
File: 1713612188232.png (587.98 KB, 421x754, Screen Shot 2024-04-20 at 6.22…)

>>1987266this is incredibly creepy, she's definitely already humanizing the doll
No. 1987350
>>1987247Hi I'm other "vile" anon and just wanted to pitch in that "vile" isn't uncommon, at least where I'm from.
>>1987245Not to be an asshole but integration means that all posts should blend in. If they "all sound like the same person" but you're being told they're not then the poster
s have just integrated into the thread
No. 1987376
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No. 1987441
>>1987376Already been deleted and replaced.
>>1987377I wager she names it Hope……
No. 1987482
File: 1713674182640.png (489.11 KB, 424x710, Screen Shot 2024-04-20 at 11.3…)

May really is just befriending every cow that gets posted here, isn't she?
No. 1987540
>>1987377Reborn dolls seem to be a very common thing in the BPD community.
I think she has had a few since maybe like last year. Maybe even more than a few.
No. 1987554
nonnie. It’s amazing how many of these cows crisis’ and ‘symptoms’ suddenly disappear when they’ve either 1) got a gold star diagnosis that’s ‘in’ at the time (seems to be ASD currently) or 2) get shit loads of funding and benefits for supported accommodation or placements where they don’t have to ever worry about money, work or any adult responsibility. Makes no sense.
No. 1987556
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>>1987554>>1987549Thankfully Sunak is about to crack down on tax-suckling benefit grifters like this.
No. 1987639
>>1987618Befriending every cow for tips and tricks to get admitted and then get the accomodation and benefits. She can then escape the "
abusive" mother
No. 1987661
File: 1713726089520.jpeg (420.98 KB, 828x2380, 199F2BCF-1560-4735-ADAD-5C7274…)

I hate this fucking cow so much. Not everything is about her. She throws around those words so much that they’ve lost their meaning. She needs to grow up and enter the real world
No. 1987691
File: 1713735161524.jpeg (Spoiler Image,457.4 KB, 828x1278, IMG_2544.jpeg)

The fact that Enara posted shit like this even 10 years ago (it’s tame, but spoilered because blood), and used her studies and work as a way to “get away” with self harm, proves that this bitch has been unhinged for an awfully long time. She has no actual qualifications for all the dumb academic shit she claims to post, and if the University she co-wrote (kek) papers for saw the hundreds of disgusting posts on this account, they would be appalled. She should NOT be giving any kind of advice to anyone, given that her thinking has been so crazy for so long.
No. 1987753
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No. 1987812
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>>1987810who do you imagine "they" are? there's no regulatory body that says who can and can't publish things, it's just a matter of getting past reviewers for a given journal. And honestly the standards for review aren't all that high if you're not publishing in selective journals. A ecent measure of whether or not people are paying attention to her / taking her seriously is citation count. And she's doing terribly there. For example, her 2022 paper "
The relationship between borderline personality disorder and occupational participation: An integrative review" has a single citation (pic) and it's another review aka list of what's been written about a given topic. In a fast-moving field like this, that means nobody cared about the paper.
Think about vanity publishing. Anyone can say they're an author because they've vanity published a novel. That doesn't mean they're successful. And anyone who knows anything about literature will know they're full of shit.
No. 1987813
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>>1987812Here's what google scholar has for her work. Two publications (the second entry is a shorter earlier version of the first entry that was submitted to a conference). She's got literally six citations. That's literally nothing for an actual academic publishing in a medical field.
No. 1987824
File: 1713777178758.png (730.35 KB, 1202x1382, Screen Shot 2024-04-22 at 7.11…)

yeah may we get it you have autism
No. 1987835
nonnie, can't believe you're discriminating against May right now. You're definitely going on her naughty list.
No. 1987840
>>1987824‘Until you use your so-called“autism” as an excuse to cover your histrionics and BPD behaviour and as a reason to act like an immature twat who can’t take accountability and blames everything and everyone else around you so you can keep your
victim complex’. There May, I fixed it for you. God she boils my piss genuinely feel for those who are actually autistic and have the likes of her, Kat, Fi etc being the ‘autistic-anorexic poster child’ spouting their wannabe influential bullshit.
No. 1988058
>>1988054She’s probably penning a big fat complaint post about the professional she saw as we speak
nonnie (who probably said she’s perfectly healthy and there’s absolutely fuck all wrong with her, although she gives Munchausens vibes at this point) for being ableist, discriminating against her and her super autism and whatever else she calls anyone who doesn’t kiss her arse.
No. 1988063
File: 1713831882058.jpeg (397.09 KB, 1170x948, IMG_7885.jpeg)

Discharge whining relapse baiting incoming. Also bullshit that they let her leave alone after sedation-NHS hospitals insist you’re accompanied for 24 hours after
No. 1988132
>>1987691I did a weird write up on stuff she posted on that account for my own amusement. I didn’t get very far as it got stressful to read because it was weird made up stories and her just telling on herself. Cutting herself in the theater when she went with her housemate and housemate’s little sister on little sister’s birthday and her housemate getting mad at her. The issues she has with her stomach and throat are from her taking a crap ton of ibuprofen for fun. Her boss getting mad at her for being mentally ill at work and causing issues basically while somehow trying to be nice. Also she used to take a lot of Valium. Like a lot. Just so many things here and there that just were. Insanity. I had to stop.
I do wanna say her and casperunearthed (forget her name) have known each other for 10 years. Birds of a feather.
No. 1988143
File: 1713868671918.jpg (1.2 MB, 1170x2061, IMG_8924.jpg)

how long do we give her before she says her work is discriminatory and ableist again
No. 1988144
The idea of her working in paediatric oncology gives me the fear. It’s so stereotypically Munchausen, if I was a parent I’d be watching my kid even closer
No. 1988166
File: 1713875654477.jpeg (820.86 KB, 1170x1972, IMG_7892.jpeg)

So she’s going onto TPN which is a life limiting intervention for people whose digestive systems are completely non functional and she’s got the fucking dog on a medical ward?
No. 1988207
File: 1713889569957.jpeg (70.92 KB, 359x656, kkk.jpeg)

mustachoied borderline @lottshealing has re-emerged after a stint in an nhs ward, is seething that she couldn't headbang her way out of discharge
No. 1988241
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No. 1988343
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No. 1988347
>>1988344Not that simple, Reddit spacer. If you don't live in a big city the hospital will claim they 'don't have psych' and they can't admit you without cmht ordering it,so they send you home without giving a fuck about whatever you did, and tell you to call your cmht in the morning. If you have one. Either way you're screwed.
If you travel to a better hospital they will claim 'out of area, not our patient' AND 'your cmht would have to order it.' If they have a tiny bit of compassion or care they might actually let you stay in an ER 'bed'(but most likely a room with a mattress on the floor and the door doesn't close properly or the light go off) to 'wait for cmht to be contacted to order you to be admitted.' But that will never happen so you end up leaving because it just sucks and you get no care AND no sleep.
I have no idea how people get admitted by the nhs for mental illness. Even being brought in over and over by EMS: bloody, suicidal, in crisis…..Unless you've somehow gotten into the system already you have no chance of even getting a basic physical exam.
No. 1988379
>>1988315nonnie i gasped
>>1988343even in her first day back she manages to make it about her raging borderline personarexia
No. 1988412
File: 1713951751099.jpeg (410.72 KB, 1726x1159, 3BAB44F4-A0E4-4B20-A846-7D6F95…)

May learnt the word “scandal” last week and is now using it for everything. Also, tagging the BBC for interviews about how she isn’t BPD is so fucking BPD of her. The fact she literally cannot see it is so absurd to me.
No. 1988417
>>1988348That's familiar. Dragged to A&E in a big city, by a pal who's actually a dr. The sum total of treatment I got was hypostop, repeat bloods and "you can either wait an indeterminate amount of time for psych liaison, or bother your CMHT in the morning".
I was admitted the following week only because GP sent me, after phoning the A&E consultant. Genuinely thought they'd do the same as the week prior and be sending me home. Spent the entire admission begging every member of staff to let me go home. And yeah, got sod all sleep despite earplugs and an eye mask. The things I heard still haunt me.
(blogposting) No. 1988422
File: 1713957461644.jpeg (252.36 KB, 1170x504, IMG_7898.jpeg)

your voice literally never shuts up May
No. 1988459
>>1988430we must remember that doctors are largely retarded shitheels. which is a small part of why its so unsophisticated and basic to beg for medical attention constantly. your fantasy surrogate caregiver is the medical institution? lol, L, very lame, the top of the medical hierarcy is a bunch of glorified barbers with the personalities of serial rapists (surgeons).
>>1988443its a status symbol. proof that they were dr. mommy's favourite patient
No. 1988464
File: 1713967514442.jpeg (757.6 KB, 1170x1769, IMG_7899.jpeg)

Meanwhile back in cowsville May is “reaching out” because she’s been shockingly neglected and she’s now going to refer herself to safeguarding
No. 1988471
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this might be reaching, i just thought it was kind of amusing/fucked up her friend posted all these old pics of laura haha
No. 1988485
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Oh dear.
No. 1988488
File: 1713971136570.jpeg (156.61 KB, 750x1070, 2E463014-A703-4288-82BF-4C3999…)

Classic bpd behaviour
No. 1988489
File: 1713971187269.jpeg (315.79 KB, 828x941, D0BA6D2A-E6B3-4E4B-AE6C-0D7AD6…)

Just go back to fucking work and stop wasting your time trying to find “abuse” in an already underfunded service. People actually suffer abuse and neglect from the NHS and die from it. May just sits around on her non-anorexic ass all day googling “how to sue the NHS” and “what is negligence” and “how do I make it seem like I’m always the victim?” How on earth is she a vulnerable adult? She can post online perfectly well. She can write perfectly well. Just because her autism can cause her to shut down for a period of time doesn’t make her vulnerable. She winds me up to no fucking end I swear to god
No. 1988495
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Looks like her mum was trying to help her out but don’t forget that her mum is abusive 100% of the time
No. 1988502
>>1988485I’d love this bitch to claim how severely she’s been ‘abused’ in front of a room of actual abuse
victims. How fucking pathetic can one grown woman actually be?? She wonders why no one/service wants to touch her with a barge pole. Idk May, maybe because if they so much as looked at you the wrong way you’d slander them all over social media accusing them of abusing your poor , vulnerable DisAbLEd non-anorexic self and ordering that they are to be struck off the medical register kek. Beyond unhinged and a true top-class twat
No. 1988524
>>1988495So her mum, who does not work, sent her money for an Uber and she sits whining and complaining about it online yet a-fucking-gain? Somebody who has an “
abusive parent” absolutely would not be sharing those messages with them. May, once again, is a liar and a BPD attention whore.
No. 1988535
>>1988530My mum would perform a post-birth abortion on me if I behaved like her, how is her Mum tolerating this bullshit? Imo her mum isnt
abusive enough.
No. 1988560
nonnie, her super serious anorexia would’ve
loved having to walk, if she even had the strength and energy to walk the journey home that is… kek
No. 1988664
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may you didn't even go to day program because you boycotted it straight away stfu
No. 1988665
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does she not realise that she will have to make decisions on what to eat her whole life just like everyone else? that isn't psychological abuse
No. 1988676
>>1988667Wants to recover and be treated for her ED, yet complains about what ED treatment entails to overcome her issues.
For someone who works in healthcare she has no fucking clue how it works. Staff are busy with more than just her as their patient they can’t cater to every possible whim of hers to be notified of a new group member. Get a grip, May. The world is never going to fully adapt to you, you need to learn how to take personal responsibility and adapt to the reality of the world because it ain’t changing anytime soon.
No. 1988711
>>1988495love the perfectly scripted panic-early sends and just enough typos to let you know she’s frantic but you can still understand her.
also “please help me whistleblow, online strangers” is the perfect way to get herself blacklisted from everything. which i suppose is the point so she can claim discrimination
>>1988664this dumb hoe still hasn’t figured out that even staff don’t know until like day of despite working for the nhs herself? and good to know that if she’s not everyone’s favorite sweet beautiful fragile dainty good girl it’s abuse
No. 1988717
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oh my god samefag but the day patient dr. really hit the nail on the head
No. 1988735
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The doctors that May likes to drag for being uneducated and uncaring know exactly what she’s doing. She’s just upset that their treatment choice isn’t what she wants (a tube). In response to her comment, can she not read? They are options of what to do. Obviously they’re as sick of her as we are. She needs to catch a fucking grip. Also posting it at 12:35am? Go to bed like the rest of us and stop scrounging around for more “abuse” on your medical records. Fucking tramp.
No. 1988779
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yeah may definitely just autism. sure. definitely no bpd
No. 1988783
>>1988779So what I want to know is…if she
doesnt have BPD (which she definitely does) then
why the fuck is she constantly tweeting like some sort of authority on PD pathways, names and treatment??? Why not leave it to the cluster Bs themselves instead of being her usual pompous bitch self and shoving her opinions into everything? Like, who does she think she is? Seriously. Out there acting like she’s got ANY health/social care qualifications besides whatever you need to wipe patients backsides. Her life would improve monumentally if she tried shutting the fuck up - the astounding arrogance and confidence she has in being ‘right’ all the time isn’t gonna endear her to any of those so-called “abusers”
No. 1988797
File: 1714054412354.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1170x2189, IMG_7910.jpeg)

of course you’ll be in longer Enara, you’ll make sure of that.
Although tbh I actually am less annoyed by her than May, at least she acknowledges that she pulls this shit to get care
No. 1988847
File: 1714063611194.jpeg (938.67 KB, 1125x1255, IMG_1570.jpeg)

May is absolutely thrilled that she has managed to start getting people to call her a SEED patient. Also states that she now can leave ED services of she finds it intolerable since she’s not currently at risk of admission. The way she phrased that makes it sound like her sooper severe ed made her have a community treatment order/ would get sectioned if she tried to discharge
No. 1988867
File: 1714066379821.jpg (2.98 MB, 4096x2305, 1000022124.jpg)

>>1988847May is so full of shit about the whole "SEED" label - the only severe and enduring thing about this bitch is her raging case of BPD (which she seems to think stands for Being Persecuted Disorder, kek)
No. 1988915
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>>1988664The fact that she’s removed this as a pinned tweet from her profile because one person listened to her. And she claims she’s not BPD? Wise up May, your personality disorder is showing
No. 1988922
File: 1714075931701.jpeg (546.88 KB, 828x1201, 26960466-39E5-4366-AA4E-A7AD79…)

“I’m May and I hold onto my ED admission that happened 15 years ago and make it my entire personality!!”
No. 1988927
>>1988910Because SEED in May’s case stands for Severely and Enduringly Deluded. And everything you said is right kek. 3kg underweight at her lowest still gives me a chuckle and what the doctor wrote here
>>1988717 is very telling. “reactive response to social stressors” is a big red flashing sign saying “BPD” to every future clinician reading her notes. For all she likes to act the clever clogs she should really know that.
>>1988847>no longer at risk of admission for the time beingShe was NEVER “at risk” of an admission, certainly not for a SEDU! And she hasn’t been since she was 11. Probably never will be either. Why does she exaggerate the severity all the time when it’s DENIAL that’s a hallmark of anorexia? Does she have reverse body dysmorphia? Is that even a thing? I just can’t believe one person can be this ridiculous
No. 1988929
>>1988922“my long term EDU” (as opposed to a short term one? lmao fuck off)
No. 1988931
>>1988922Name dropping Jackie to make it look recent, I can’t…
Who remembers the name of some rando hospital cook 15 YEARS LATER
No. 1989218
File: 1714156125174.jpeg (2.45 MB, 1284x2418, IMG_9858.jpeg)

Please god no don’t start rating bars like our not-so-favorite BPD autist qween Fi. I swear all May does is copy other cows.
No. 1989224
File: 1714157257742.jpeg (222.76 KB, 1170x1021, IMG_4027.jpeg)

This fuckin munchie just will not stop
No. 1989225
>>1989224A grand total of 30 seconds on google would tell her the symptoms of coeliacs, and more importantly, to not cut gluten
before you've had the blood test done! But obviously that wouldn't get her attention and sympathy.
No. 1989289
File: 1714168615076.jpeg (1.45 MB, 1170x1954, IMG_7925.jpeg)

Calling bullshit on them just jumping out from behind a hedge and sectioning her with no assessment
No. 1989381
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may marching for her super serious seed
No. 1989485
File: 1714222954562.png (2.43 MB, 750x1334, 4B67FB01-2049-4790-9AD1-D452DA…)

Staring out the window because he wants to go outside and have some exercise, poor thing.
Isn’t she embarrassed having an emotional support dog, or whatever his actual title is, in hospital and just out and about in general?Don’t get me wrong, dogs are amazing and animals are so good for mental health but surely he draws so much attention and she’s said before she’s too anxious to even walk across the street to the pharmacy………People are going to be staring way more when you’ve got a dog in situations they don’t usually see them in: planes, hospitals etc. Just personally I would not want to feel like people were always staring and wondering why the dog is there, not to mention having to draw more attention to ask people for help with the dog’s own needs. If she’s hooked up to TPN and whatever else then she’s not going to be able to wander around to take Rico out for the bathroom (and where can he even go to the bathroom in a hospital?!) Where is his food coming from? Surely he has to go out and get SOME time to just be a dog and run around and dig holes? Enara can’t do any of that with him so she’ll have to get someone else to take care of his needs, probably hospital staff?!
No. 1989487
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>>1989485As if Enara would choose to not have medical treatment.
No. 1989489
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>>1989487On the subject of Enara: a couple of her tattoos. She has the fucking semicolon! How embarrassing.
No. 1989490
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>>1989489And this rare glimpse of her actual body with another cringey and unoriginal tattoo. I honestly expected something less cliche from someone who is apparently so intellectual and into reading and writing.
No. 1989597
>>1989381She was probably “really nervous” because she looks
nothing like the emaciated spoop she portrays herself as on Twitter
No. 1989603
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No. 1989625
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>>1989603I was just thinking, Laura’s other account didn’t have all of the old old posts visible before now did it?
No. 1989763
>>1989598The only full length photos she's posted are either in baggy clothes or dresses that hide most of her body. May did post this underwear selfie in the pro ana thread about a month ago, though, unintentionally proving that she looks completely normal/average IRL.
>>>/snow/1961942Her face probably only looks like that when she's dehydrated and sucking in her cheeks for dear life, kek
No. 1989788
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yes may totally owning her recovery
No. 1989803
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LMAO at the white knight. as if anyone fucking with Enara gives a fuck about triggering any of her dumbass followers who also swallow batteries
No. 1989839
File: 1714318578071.jpeg (835.16 KB, 1170x1821, IMG_7937.jpeg)

no you didn’t May you fainted whilst on a ward you basically demanded to be admitted to
No. 1989848
File: 1714320154310.jpeg (1 MB, 1312x1342, IMG_3291.jpeg)

“since childhood”
her only EDU admission was when she was ELEVEN, wtf you WERE STILL a child you fucking donkey. I wish someone on twitter (not from here obviously) would ask her just how long ago she was actually inpatient because I know she’d be squirming. Truly pathetic to be reminiscing about hospital 15 YEARS later and implying you’ve ever seen the inside of one as an adult. I’m not even going to touch the wishes she was diagnosed autism earlier thing bc KEK
No. 1989849
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No. 1989897
File: 1714330775286.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1170x1732, IMG_7941.jpeg)

wow back to ICU despite being sectioned under no legal power how unfortunate
No. 1989898
>>1989882Apparently! As another
nonnie has said, it's like chinese whispers, but with her own medical notes? I don't get why it's suddenly gone from syncope, to this "cardiac shutdown" and "undiagnosed sepsis". If it had been sepsis, she wouldn't have been going shopping just a few hours later!
No. 1989933
File: 1714336794655.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1170x2049, IMG_7943.jpeg)

I hate those panic attacks where you’re completely overwhelmed with terror yet still able to whine on your insta stories
No. 1989956
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>>1989839So she fainted. Her two years in medical school have warped her brain something serious. She thinks everything that happens to her is a massive, deadly response to her nonexistent eating disorder. I hate this fucking cow so much
No. 1990066
File: 1714382182533.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1335x1298, IMG_3293.jpeg)

Tell us you read here without telling us, May (and no, you don’t look anorexic)
No. 1990070
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may transitioning into edtwt?
No. 1990119
>>1989838not really, no. it's essentially all for the sweet sweet medical care.
it's urgent enough that you need quick medical attention before the battery erodes through something important, but fairly predictable in its results in that you have a bit of time to present to emergency for help.
versus say, taking a bunch of pills which can have varied or unpredictable effects or might render you unable to get help (because you just want the medical attention, not to actually
die). or the opposite, just watchful waiting and symptom management, which just isn't as thrilling or invasive as a fun little endoscopy retrieval.
or versus cutting which you could easily fuck up and go too far with since you have to make it bad enough to get a high enough level of medical attention in the first place (shallow cuts or cuts not in dangerous areas just aren't going to cut it (haha) for the panic and concern and fuss these people like to garner from professionals).
it's carefully crafted self-harm for the exact right amount of medical care vs risk. unless of course your stomach is making the rumblies that only batteries can satisfy and you keep doing it and give yourself permanent oesophageal damage like Hungry Hungry Enara
No. 1990292
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No. 1990323
File: 1714458490930.jpeg (295.39 KB, 828x788, D6BD9D48-93CD-4502-AEAC-600886…)

The way May so desperately wants to be part of the chronic illness community. She’s fucking disgusting
No. 1990379
File: 1714477172724.jpeg (858.99 KB, 1170x2068, IMG_7312.jpeg)

So shes claiming she bought half of these in just this month and the rest were second hand.
The right stack is 23 books, that’s at least $500 (books from Kmart can be $12 but some from bookstores can be $39.99).
And that’s just a month! Left stack that you can see is 22 books, another $500 worth there.
For an unemployed person, $1000 a month on books is INSANE
No. 1990385
File: 1714480391253.png (1.56 MB, 853x1561, Screenshots_2024-04-30-08-17-3…)

oh no, consequences.
No. 1990543
>>1990379I want her to post a photo of her book collection so bad. Like all of them in one photo. There has to be thousands of dollars in books in her little hoarder hole of an apartment. This is also all the Australian government’s money too…
>>1990506Oh god. I didn’t see that post. Wouldn’t be surprised if she did the same thing with the most recent stack of books. She probably has never really gone through them or looks at them often. That’s something pretty hard to do if you are a book collector. Even most book collectors know when to stop buying or when to lighten the hoard. She doesn’t. She could donate so many of these to her local library, put them in different free libraries (idk if that’s a thing in her area. Not a Aussie) and just… even sell them I am sure she has collectors editions or something in there.
No. 1990654
>>1990292None of this ‘proves’ she isn’t BPD, it’s well-known cluster Bs struggle with “interactions with others” (aka they’re a fucking nightmare to deal with) so this really isn’t the own she thinks it is.
Also OH “has no place in modern medicine” no, YOU have no place in modern medicine, May. You’re not an expert, you’re nothing more than a glorified (in your head) arse wiper and you can’t even cope with that so go away.
>>1990379I know this only shows the titles but I don’t believe any of these are second hand like she claims, they all look pristine. Not even a single creased spine?! Nah.
No. 1990699
File: 1714566666286.jpeg (283.76 KB, 828x780, 7A820B87-9BDF-4C62-8B86-49709C…)

oh shut up may, there’s nothing fucking wrong with you
No. 1990706
>>1990702>shut up and find a new hobbywhen you’re that devoted to your special interest (anorexia) you end up LARPing a whole disorder. Fuck, maybe she
is autistic after all….
No. 1990812
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>>1990802Haha May isn’t capable of thinking of anyone other than herself. Remember: she nearly died in hospital in February!!
No. 1990815
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May as a child, just before her 'critical admission'
No. 1990816
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No. 1990856
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>>1990854ayrt, yeah, I posted it because I was surprised by how healthy she looked. I've attached the other picture she included where she does look a little less healthy.
No. 1990888
>>19908162008. Makes sense. I forget how young these cows are! I guess around this time they decided to actually do something more serious about children and adolescent mh. Too late for so many people by then.
In the 90s it was mostly left up to parents to deal with and choose what to do with their kid.
No. 1990896
>>1990895samefag, the rule reads
> Do not post photos of minors where there is an expectation of privacy.So I think it doesn't break the rule since May posted it on a public account where there's no expectation of privacy
No. 1990918
File: 1714616247531.png (97.43 KB, 130x358, Screen Shot 2024-05-02 at 12.1…)

she can't claim to be underweight when this is a recent (april) full body photo of her
No. 1990927
>>1990918she should just accept that she's a normal weight and go full "eds are
valid at any weight" retard instead of larping as a spoop
No. 1990967
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Enara with her autobiographical presentations again
No. 1991003
File: 1714639617057.jpeg (459.45 KB, 1170x875, IMG_4847.jpeg)

I’m convinced this woman has only applied for PIP for extra
victim points and something else to complain about. Convinced.
>>1990815>>1990856If these are the ‘sickest’ photos she can find…oh dear oh dear. This is not the appearance of a child deep in the throes of anorexia, just like this
>>1990918 is a perfectly healthy woman. Plus none of her claims add up if you have even the tiniest bit of healthcare or treatment experience, you can see it just from nonnas posting here. It’s incredibly arrogant of her to try to dupe people into believing she’s some extremely intractable chronic case, but then she’s an awful person…for someone who claims low self esteem she sure has a high opinion of herself.
No. 1991010
File: 1714643561768.jpeg (589.8 KB, 1170x1714, IMG_8991.jpeg)

Who’d have thought may would also do a nice crotch shot
No. 1991011
>>1991003That's exactly it. None of her claims add up. She stretches the truth something chronic, says one thing but her behaviour doesn't match it.
>>1990816She doesn't half cling to her admission as a child doesn't she. The rest of this post is like "look at me, look how sick I was!!" and an awful lot of numbers purely for shock value.
No. 1991023
File: 1714646805772.jpeg (971.36 KB, 1170x1615, IMG_4953.jpeg)

Apparently May “wasn’t warned” about the fact mobile bills increase EVERY April/May. It’s literally written into every contract, what the actual fuck. Another mean ableist booly to add to the list (phone company, kek) and a not so hidden attempt at grifting for £££££ off Twitter followers. What an abject failure of a person who adds nothing to the world but shit, negative energy.
No. 1991075
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No. 1991190
>>1991170No shit but anon’s poor writing skills suggested that the esophagus is not part of the GI tract.
>>1991173Yes, it’s odd they went straight to the nuclear option of TPN since she can digest food but again that anon worded things in such a way it sounded like she thought the esophagus literally wasn’t part of the GI tract. Glad we’re all on the same page and know it’s not part of the reproductive system or some shit lol. TPN is such a retarded idea it makes me wonder if it was something she pushed for or if her doctors have some reason for choosing it. I guess it’s possible they could want her on full bowel rest but who knows.
No. 1991223
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No. 1991491
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I just want to add this one because she annoys the fuck out of me. Another throat cutter.
No. 1991492
File: 1714780823260.jpeg (531.31 KB, 750x926, BC299722-EF91-40D8-8FC6-0F0035…)

>>1991491All the hashtags and the Section talk and ‘oh no, people are looking at my neck!’
No. 1991494
File: 1714780920077.jpeg (274.2 KB, 749x1070, 30358DA6-07E1-4D53-9188-3FA4C0…)

>>1991492Older post from her.
Another whale bedblocking for years upon years:
No. 1991654
>>1991538No you’re exactly right
Nonnie, that’s how it is: some get everything, others get nothing and don’t even have access to a psychiatrist or Community MH Team. It’s actually the more severe and complex people who generally get left with nothing, especially if they’re over about 25 when they try to get help.
The only thing I can think of is that the people who get everything and are the focus of the nhs for their entire lives, always magically get beds etc, are people who got into the system as kids or adolescents when that part of the service was apparently changed up and improved around the mid 00s. It seems like it started being proactive and more aggressive with admitting kids and treating them early. (Previously it gave parents/families a lot more power and decisions over whether their child would be admitted etc and put responsibility on them to work with their own child but now it seems to just come in and take over and cart kids off to treatment as early as possible). Now they’re in the system and unless it’s just a one and done kind of thing the they’ll stay in the system and be transferred over to the adult system when they’re old enough. There’s no room for anyone not already in as a kid to get access to any real help because they prioritise the ones they’ve had for years already.
That’s all I can think of because all these bed blocking cows who get the whole nhs thrown at them for decades seem to be in their mid to late 20s and have been doing this since they were kids. I haven’t come across anyone who accessed services for the first time as an adult and became a long term drain the way these cows are. In fact it’s hard enough finding anyone who accessed services and got high level or long term care as an adult, period.
(derailing) No. 1991674
File: 1714831321006.jpeg (119.48 KB, 640x489, thetruth.jpeg)

No. 1991758
>>1991674Ahh thank you, I’ve missed Tiny Dancer as I don’t follow her current account and don’t even know what it is.
>>1991681She actually does look like she’s deflated a bit but that’s not saying much. She really blimped up and the people who put her on all those meds and kept her locked up like an animal
I know she literally begged for it but it’s still fucked up imo should be helping her lose weight in a healthy way before she costs the NHS even more money.
No. 1991793
File: 1714857580180.jpeg (542.62 KB, 750x1103, 9CC5AFEC-C72C-49AE-9DB7-7A1F4D…)

>>1991791Not sure what’s happened to her eye, maybe a spring allergy and in need of some skin care. She has lost weight but seems like she wants everyone to know she’s doing it unhealthily.
No. 1991824
>>1991793yeah i honestly don't think this pic is from today or recently, because it looks so different compared to
>>1991681this pic from today. girl what
No. 1991884
>>1991681wow. all the medication/sedatives fucked her face up so bad. it's like her muscles stopped working?
>>1991683I think these girls chew and pick at their lips so they look fucked up and blistered on purpose, beyond me as to why tho
No. 1992181
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No. 1992455
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kekeke even after a year trying to get treatment she couldn’t lose enough weight
No. 1992467
File: 1715113536380.jpeg (188.4 KB, 828x530, D85FE11A-949E-4EAE-9124-E0B00C…)

uwu poor anorexic warrior may’s ed is so bad despite zero weight loss
No. 1992507
File: 1715127414080.jpeg (342.92 KB, 1170x1002, IMG_9060.jpeg)

Oh no may what if you need to go to the hospital and they abuse you because you’re not sick
No. 1992525
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This comment from May about her mobile bill implies that this is the first year she's been paying it, if she needed to be warned about something that happens annually
No. 1992712
File: 1715204489408.jpeg (212.56 KB, 1170x919, IMG_6627.jpeg)

me me me me ME MEEEEEE
(also why does it sound like she’s implying this person would be better off doing day patient than inpatient? jealous much May?)
No. 1992773
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May and Laura really are alike
No. 1992775
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is she REALLY working, does anyone on her private shit have more info? i find this extremely unlikely.
No. 1992906
>>1992893Pretty much. Weight too high first time, she kicked off, got offered a second assessment with a different clinician and then got offered DP.
Then got kicked off it because of her behaviour - or if you ask May "they wouldn't accommodate my autism so it was discrimination".
No. 1992928
>>1992796Yes it is possible, as you experienced
Nonnie, but it's rare and there would likely be pain at onset and difficulty with movement from muscle splinting around the injured area, not just loss of sensation. I wonder if she can feel her legs again now.
No. 1992936
File: 1715267935977.png (2.59 MB, 750x1334, CED6DEDE-E2B7-43F4-8C18-4C47AD…)

Had to start at the new ward with a bang apparently.
No. 1992937
File: 1715268107116.jpeg (154.45 KB, 750x993, 2FAADEB4-C1B9-4191-B74A-597417…)

May is just insufferable. And she’s everywhere.
No. 1992940
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>>1992919She said DP was a waiting room for those who needed to be in hospital but had no bed yet. And also a transition out of hospital for others.
No. 1992941
File: 1715268835516.png (3.08 MB, 750x1334, 7DF382CC-7300-4B2B-B9AE-E2B172…)

>>1992940The ‘not nice consultant’ said she didn’t need to be there.
No. 1992942
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>>1992941Apparently telling her she didn’t need to be there validated her Ed.
No. 1992944
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>>1992942A nurse told her that her bmi and her level of severity was actually the same as everyone else there who was waiting for a hospital bed.
No. 1992948
File: 1715269500062.png (2.91 MB, 750x1334, B0ACAA56-4C5D-4B97-BC34-C11C44…)

>>1992945Sorry for all the shots. I don’t know how to upload as a collage. She’s now on a ‘harm reduction’ pathway.
No. 1992951
File: 1715269904333.png (2.79 MB, 750x1334, 1BA963CD-DBF9-482D-B379-E2F908…)

>>1992948May admitted that she hasn’t been underweight in 16 years. At least I think that’s what she meant. And that she hasn’t been in hospital Ed treatment in 16 years (but I thought she just was, when she was demanding an ng and went out to go grocery shopping).
No. 1992954
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>>1992951She was told but ‘the not nice consultant’ that she wasn’t trying and she had ‘failed’ every treatment she was given. And that hurt her, especially because she’s such an overachiever.
No. 1992955
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>>1992954The smirk. She IS more similar to Laura than I thought.
No. 1993007
>>1992948Kek. Not saying “harm reduction” pathways can’t be useful to those who actually need them, but I suspect in May’s case this is the team’s way of getting her to stfu as they discreetly drop her. They obviously know she’s not SEED and that she has a raging PD so it’s probably for the best, therapists/psychologists won’t be drawing straws in the office, other patients hopefully won’t have to put up with her presence, yet she can feel vALiDaTed even though her ‘anorexia’ is basically, well, not. She’s bad enough online so I reckon St Ann’s deserve a bloody raise for putting up with her.
>>1992944This confuses me because in what world does the NHS admit patients at BMI 17-18 unless they’re really physically bad or on CTO? She’s such a liar. Really shows how arrogant she is that she thinks people outside the Twitter hugbox will believe this shit
No. 1993012
File: 1715282428240.jpeg (1.77 MB, 1170x2121, IMG_8053.jpeg)

of course she’s commemorating the anniversary of having a huge obvious boot on a tiny injury much frail very bone crumble such ana
No. 1993024
Nonnie! I’ve had that exact fracture and lots of other repeated metatarsal fractures. I never had a boot at all actually.
No. 1993264
File: 1715363441166.jpeg (1.85 MB, 1170x2095, IMG_8058.jpeg)

inpatient milk incoming.
No. 1993417
File: 1715417083479.jpeg (215.39 KB, 828x527, 696973DA-002E-4ABF-BE7F-280F4B…)

Perhaps because they don’t want you going off the rails again claiming severe anorexia in a hospital with sick and dying children. Not everything is discrimination
No. 1993444
File: 1715430675759.png (443.32 KB, 750x1334, 2769EC07-446B-499F-9FD7-707F6E…)

>>1993417Bitching about not being allowed to increase her work hours but she just posted this the other day.
No. 1993508
File: 1715446771273.png (160.51 KB, 478x727, Screen Shot 2024-05-11 at 11.5…)

The imaginary coma would now be 12 weeks long, kek
No. 1993528
File: 1715449842234.jpg (722.07 KB, 1440x1800,…)

>>1993508is the friend who's been failed by treatment….May?
also, MINIMUM OF 12 weeks lmfao i can't stand this retarded asshole. it's so annoying she has people humoring her and feeding her delusions, i feel like that one girl is not buying it at all but just being nice about it lol ugh call her the fuck out, tell her she's full of shit!
No. 1993539
File: 1715452305013.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1179x2094, IMG_9066.jpeg)

me me me
No. 1993542
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No. 1993577
>>199350812-22 weeks in an induced coma just to make her gain weight. I have never heard of this. Almost 6 months! You can gain 10kg in less than that time, even if you have to be restrained and fed each time, which it seems like she doesn't because she keeps saying she wants to comply with actual ed treatment, or she might graciously decide to stoop to it.
It seems very medically irresponsible to put someone in a coma for that long even if it was for….Whatever they normally put people in comas for; some kind of major bodily trauma. No Dr induces a coma for that long, surely?! The patient would have so many more problems when they woke up; I have no idea what it would do to the brain but I'm sure nothing good, and the body would have so much muscle wastage she wouldn't be able to sit up or walk after 22 weeks. Loss of bone density from lying in a bed all that time, decubitus ulcers, probably have to relearn how to control bladder and bowels, maybe even swallowing. It would take so much after care it's just ridiculous.
If this was a thing that happened surely we'd have heard of it before, and people wouldn't die of anorexia because they'd just snatch them up and do this to force weight gain. But they don't, because it's an insane idea and waste of resources which would cause more problems for the patient.
The closest I've heard of to this is in Australia; people being given huge doses of Seroquel so they basically sleep about 20 hours a day with a tube, and in the time they're awake they eat a ton anyway because of the side effect of hunger (but not everyone gets hungry on antipsychotics tbf). This treatment was controversial though and I think there was legal action afterwards.
No. 1993751
File: 1715516992572.jpeg (2.31 MB, 1170x2090, IMG_9097.jpeg)

May needs to go fuck herself. She’s been given the opportunity to receive help so many times but she’s refused it all because it isn’t enough for autistic fragile may. All of this is caused by her. Maybe instead of complaining about being kept back in everything she should take a look at her actions and figure out why she’s in this position
No. 1993757
>>1993751So it looks like she’s not sick enough to get signed off for Universal Credit, didn’t get PIP, basically can’t qualify for any benefits.
Yet she was told at DP she was as sick as those waiting for hospital beds, and told by OH that she’s too sick to work.
She also managed to demand to get herself hospitalised and then left to go grocery shopping and then discharged herself.
This is not adding up.
No. 1993771
>>1993757With UC it's because she's living with mum, so doesn't qualify for the rent bit, works too many hours to get much of the living costs component. PIP takes months before you'll even have the assessment (like 6 months or more).
I don't get why she's moaning about the hours - she needs to successfully finish her phased return before they'll discuss FT hours. The phased return doesn't finish until July.
>>1993751Anyone know what she means by the "not being allowed to progress to become a nurse?"
No. 1993788
File: 1715523810484.jpeg (344.12 KB, 1170x937, IMG_9098.jpeg)

And she complains again
No. 1993789
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No. 1993790
>>1993788Well firstly May you’re not a nurse yourself and never will be, so jot that down.
She’s still living with and sponging off her mum ffs, but of course she won’t mention that. Poor victimised May, oh why does the entire world have it out for her. Bloobloobloo
No. 1993821
File: 1715536947363.jpeg (443.48 KB, 1179x987, IMG_9172.jpeg)

At what point does an adult child’s behaviour cross the line between ‘needy’ to ‘narcissistic’? Your mother’s life revolves around your so-called eating disorder. Your mother’s money has been wasted on you buying childish cutlery (it wasn’t your money; don’t lie, May). You are banned from cooking because you make a mess and don’t clean up after yourself.
No. 1993861
>>1993844She posted this on her story on the same day
>>1993789. Make it make sense
No. 1993863
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Good luck getting this bitch sectioned. She tried that herself and couldn’t even manage that
No. 1993889
>>1993756JFC the fact she is leaping domestic violence now is disgusting. Her poor mother being slandered by May. She is delusional and paranoid, defo has some
NPD going on with that and her perpetual need to be a
Oh and May, no one is celebrating you on nurses week because YOU ARE NOT A FKN NURSE!! You can barely hold a job as an ass wiper you would never be able to be a nurse!
No. 1993923
File: 1715562152695.jpeg (878.82 KB, 1170x1891, IMG_9100.jpeg)

May’s twitter followers seem to be just as dramatic as her
No. 1993954
File: 1715571250414.jpg (503.72 KB, 1440x1800,…)

this bitch lies, people know she's lying, she knows people know she's lying, and she still lies. unhinged.
No. 1994043
File: 1715606082230.jpeg (693.25 KB, 1179x1838, IMG_9180.jpeg)

Are they forgetting May is a 26 year old woman? Child protective services, Jesus Christ
No. 1994070
>>1994043This is getting way out of hand. Just the other day her Mom transferred her money for an Uber, did she not? At May's request of course. And took her to the garden centre (when May threw a tantrum that her mom wouldn't sit with her while she ate lunch). Nobody is perfect and I'm sure this woman probably has some not so nice qualities and is probably somewhat bitter after 20 odd years of dealing with May's crap. But that is not the behaviour of an
abusive parent, as far as what's shown here.
No. 1994080
>>1993821Coercive control is what cults do.That would be freezing her bank account, never mind 'analysing her freezer.'
If May's mother has looked at her bank account and at what foods she put in the freezer (I'm assuming May does not have her own personal freezer that is private, locked and she bought herself kek),it seems like a reasonable response on the mother's part. May says 'I have no money and I can't buy food', Mom says 'Let's look at what money and food you have.'
Surely she can't access May's bank without being given the details by May, but if she can and May doesn't want her to be able to, then just change the details May! Change your PIN and your online login, use the stupid 2 factor authentication thing; there you go. You're an adult and it's your account.
No. 1994275
File: 1715684145757.jpeg (1.44 MB, 1170x2082, IMG_9119.jpeg)

Not more child abuse
No. 1994437
File: 1715724373905.jpeg (229.95 KB, 749x834, 83FB3CEA-75EF-4DC6-9189-34E307…)

Is at actually some awareness week or has Laura made this up as an excuse to show pictures of her schizophrenic pensioner phase? Of course there was the one tube picture she has in there too.
No. 1994441
File: 1715724637181.jpeg (200.32 KB, 749x842, C1FA8307-A8B7-4237-8F2C-D89776…)

>>1994437The capitalisation KEK (Of the letters and Laura capitalising on the awareness week if it is actually a thing).
I don’t think they got the story straight here either. She ran away from home and then was assaulted twice and then didn’t eat for 2 weeks? Not that I actually care.
No. 1994442
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>>1994441And her followers get competitive about it and just as cracked as she is. This one didn’t eat a thing for 4 years. I don’t think that needs a comment.
No. 1994595
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No. 1994636
>>1994595if this isn't shooped i think this is a very serious symptom of something like brain damage (not a medfag)
something for all the munchie headbangers to aspire to
No. 1994734
File: 1715809808125.jpeg (821.01 KB, 1179x2028, IMG_9318.jpeg)

“To save spoons.” We have to know she’s uwu disabled by gabbling on and on the way Fi the freak does. Also, I thought you were banned from cooking, May?
No. 1994739
File: 1715811216399.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1170x1609, IMG_6741.jpeg)

Anyone remember this girl, Amalie? Claims to be on pal care. Been in hospital tubed for over a year with absolutely no weight gain… Well now she’s butchered her face… of ALL places WHY THE FACE!!
No. 1994743
>>1994739Because that can’t possibly be ignored or hidden.
I don’t know how these cows manage to do what looks like serious sh IN ip. I mean Enara cut her throat and famously ‘exposed her larynx’, needing something stupid like 4 ambulances and a helicopter, whilst she was IN a unit. How do they do it? But also why?! You can’t GET any more care and attention: you’re already in a unit. What more do you need?
No. 1994770
>>1994752My friend had a detached retina once from hitting her head accidentally on a hand dryer in a bathroom. She bent down for the garbage I think and then stood up and hit her head on the dryer. Back of her head. I didn't see what it looked like in her eye because she was living far away at the time.
Sorry, blog.
(blog) No. 1994841
File: 1715844783044.jpg (1.01 MB, 1440x1800,…)

No. 1994953
File: 1715881537298.jpeg (Spoiler Image,555.69 KB, 828x1174, IMG_2494.jpeg)

just me or is this a tasteless thing to post(spoiler this)
No. 1995004
>>1994951Female but so many of the ones who start out with Ed treatment and then stay ip for a long time go down the ‘autism, adhd, POTS, EDS, cptsd, queer, non-binary’ route and end up all looking like this: short dykey hair (often dyed badly, sometimes covered with wigs), earphones/Loops, sensory toys, special lanyard, Lucy and Yak dungarees, children’s patterned clothes: usually clashing, Doc Martens, Crocs, don’t shave body hair or wear make up (unless it’s rainbow/glitter face paint) ugly piercings (most likely septum). There is basically a formula to make these people.
No. 1995120
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No. 1995174
File: 1715944994573.jpg (340.68 KB, 990x1800, Collage_2024-05-17_07_17_14~2.…)

i don't care what anyone says, she is def lying about having a job, and it's obvious! very low effort on the job larp. "work today, do i look okay?" but it's a pic of her from after her dance class yesterday lmao. OF COURSE she chose a fucking coffee shop as her fake job, makes it easy to just go there as a customer and take pics pretending she's working.
No. 1995325
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No. 1995565
File: 1716043942196.png (2.72 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_9216.png)

She’s officially joining fi
No. 1995599
>>1995597>Don't comment unless you're qualified>Qualified person responds>YOUR DEGREES ARE WORTHLESS BECAUSE YOU WON'T VALIDATE MUH SUPER SPESHUL SNOWFLAKE ILLNESSWhat is your damage anon?
ADHD's legitimacy is widely medically debated by doctors and has been before the trend. No. 1995603
>>1995599Learn to read…if it was an actual qualified person responding then there would be no problems with that. But it was not. Do you think (for example), some rando with a degree in french should be allowed to proclaim that vaccines cause autism and that their opinion is
valid JUST BECAUSE they have a degree in french? I don’t personally have ADHD so have no actual stake in this, but I do believe that someone with no degree in the RESPECTIVE field should not be wailing about whether or not they “buy” that ADHD is a real disorder.
(derailing) No. 1995621
>>1995565This lived experience shit needs to stop. You’re not an expert; you’re a drain on services. Giving these freaks the platform to continue to spout nonsense perpetuates their
victim complex. You’re not as important as you think you are.
(derailing) No. 1995633
File: 1716057929205.jpeg (647.11 KB, 1179x1435, IMG_9447.jpeg)

Unnecessarily admitted? Or you forced them to admit you?
No. 1995829
>>1995597Not surprising that the BPD munchie thread attracts munchies.
>>1995806Inb4 salty dropout anon tells you your degrees are worthless.
(continuing the derail) No. 1995905
>>1995603Agreed, all of these are Loz:
>>1995663>>1995893>>1995567>>1995597>>1995544If not colours, then an equally milky sperg who thinks her munchie illness is totez real and she knows better than experts.
>>1995609yea anyone can have executive dysfunction but that symptom is only a fraction adhd. a LOT of people who think they have adhd and you meet just have executive dysfunction. which can be caused by anything (ipad kid, drugs, depression & trauma etc).
adhd is like full on developmental delay but instead of speech delays like autism it's usually the opposite: early speech and dozens of other global sensory emotional cognitive social & developmental delays
No. 1996031
File: 1716164255620.jpeg (1.64 MB, 1170x2065, IMG_9236.jpeg)

Don’t worry may. You aren’t part of the recovery community
No. 1996308
File: 1716245367734.jpeg (303.65 KB, 1170x400, IMG_8179.jpeg)

jealous much May?
No. 1996335
File: 1716253566476.png (6.91 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_9245.png)

Interesting may
No. 1996353
File: 1716260931876.jpeg (232.81 KB, 1037x723, IMG_9248.jpeg)

Definitely reading here
No. 1996438
>>1996437does this anon
>>1996425 think Casper isn't a cow, then? kek
No. 1996504
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No. 1996556
>>1996535She did nursing
And in her defence. Dropping out is not the same as failing
No. 1996567
>>1996461Thanks for this nona, I had it all capped too but (unlike moocher May) I’ve had a busy day and couldn’t post em.
>>1996335“LARPing” yup definitely reads here. Very hypocritical when she’s just a cluster B monster cosplaying anorexia & autism, and she can’t even do that well.
No. 1996612
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No. 1996613
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No. 1996654
>>1996461Kek what a retard, she starts off randomly being a cunt to someone and then plays
victim when people come at her for it. She is literally so useless
No. 1996693
>>1996617calm down anachan, i can see your skeleton from here. inb4 white knight but i think dropping out of uni before she hospitalizes herself and/or pulling a may and inflicting herself on others and getting forcibly removed is the better option. she did another placement before this one just fine, a change this sudden was probably
triggered by something emotional and the bpd slipped out or something. it’s something she’s going to have to live with and learn to deal with, but this isn’t milk. i hope she finds something productive to occupy herself with so she keeps moving forward.
No. 1996717
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May’s really starting to call herself out
No. 1996742
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And now she’s complaining to the nhs
No. 1996808
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Why is she so mean?
No. 1996861
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Fucking excuse me? Why should people be paying you to talk about your life? Lived experience is such utter bullshit and shouldn’t exist. Does this mean May turned down her super important lived experience opportunity?
No. 1996867
>>1996861What ‘experience’ does May actually have, anyway? The last - and only time - she saw the inside of an EDU was like 15 years ago, nobody cares what happened when you were 11. Guessing this is just a desperate attempt to validate herself as a Very Real Anorexic (a la Laura and the Dooley docu) And Unfortunate
Victim but personally I hate to think of anyone actually taking on board whatever self-serving shite she comes out with
No. 1996983
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Shut the fuck up May
No. 1997000
>>1996861May wins the Ungrateful Bee award for this thread, holy shit. Even people who present actual research usually don't get their travel costs covered for these things
>>1995565 What the fuck does she think she's done/doing that she should get paid for? Infuriating.