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No. 1971031

Previous thread: >>1873055

Thread recap:
>SuperMega apology videos, Lex/Ethan/Leighton/Nick shit flinging and dead-horse-beating ft. alleged troonphobia, suicide jokes, cheating, leeching, and manipulation
>Pat and Paige, Cody Ko and Kelsey, Dunkey, and Danny Gonzalez have babies
>Leafy is fat and ugly, would fuck trannies
>Kurtis Conner is friends with a racist and called out by zoomer fanbase
>Boogie is dating a 20 year old
>Linus Tech Tips' company LMG accused of shitty behavior and making bad reviews, former employee posts about hostile work environment and getting belittled by HR to the point of cutting her leg open to avoid work
>F1NN5TER the not-tranny's friend Giggly Goonclown is a severely porn-addicted pedophile who grooms minors on Discord
>Streamy Awards hosted by MatPat ft. characters like MrBeast and Dylan Mulvaney
>GlitterForever17 gets a VICE interview about her pill addiction, gay ex-husband, and OnlyFans
>Jacksfilms is creepily obsessed with parodying SSSniperWolf's shitty videos in opposition to YouTube promoting her, she doxxes him by posting the outside of his house
>Dream argues with Amazing World of Gumball voice actor, posts more pictures of his fatty past
>Dan Howell dresses as a catboy in desperate attempt to regain relevancy among former fujo fanbase
>Shane and Ryland have two sons via surrogate
>iDubbbz and Tana reconciliation and reunion for some reason
>Maxmoefoe gets married
>Alpharad and JaidenAnimations pretend they aren't dating
>MatPat retires from Game Theory
>Ace family divorce
>Chuggaaconroy is into tranny feet and sexual roleplays with minors
>MamaMax is a creepy edgelord and fakes content for videos
>Twomad dies from a drug overdose, body found during a welfare check
>Anthony Fantano is sleeping with OnlyFans thots after his divorce

No. 1971032

I've never done a /snow/ thread before but SuperMega is coming back. They uploaded this announcement and a music video and claim they are not going to focus on gaming anymore outside of streams and will focus on sketch comedy, music videos, fanmail opening, and video podcasts. They lost over 50k subs after the Lex and Don drama but gained 7k in the past 2 days after uploading again.

No. 1971039

Good for them, that lex girl projecting her shitty relationship choices on supermega in attempt to cancel them was malicious and weird as hell.

No. 1971047

Super mega dick suckers are the worst. Trusting a bunch of Tranny fuckers lol

No. 1971081

I love when dudes publicly make it easy for you to figure out if they’re shitheads or not. Never paid attention to fantano but this doesn’t surprise me at all he comes off as an incelwith money. like why post this it makes you look so stupid.

No. 1971672

I love it when supermega faggots seethe honestly. Their fanbase is so obnoxious.

No. 1972848

twomad discussed by collosal, pyro, dolan and nerd city. They agree that jameskii was clout seeking on twitter and discuss all the allegations made on twomad. They deny the rape and pedo claims but agree that he was insane.

No. 1972879

what excuses could they possibly have for the pedophilia accusations

No. 1972881

I believe they just said that the girl who was 'institutionalised' by twomad was a fake story, idk

No. 1973320

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I know Rooster Teeth is more than just a youtube channel, it was a full company, but this feels the best place to discuss it. They hit their peak because of their youtube videos. Rooster Teeth is finally shutting down. The only part of the company they are looking to sell is the podcast division.

Here's where you can read the full statement, coming from an internal memo from RT's General Manager: https://deadline.com/2024/03/rooster-teeth-shut-down-warner-bros-discovery-roost-podcast-continue-1235847264/

No. 1975610

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Alex Kister, the moid who created The Mandela Catalogue, was outed for being a pedophile with an impersonation fetish (AGP who wanted to skinwalk teenage girls, many such cases). He sent lewd pictures of himself to minors, told teenage girls he was envious of them and wanted to look like them, and used a 14 year old girl's drawings as outfit inspiration because it gave him 'gender envy'.

No. 1975611

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No. 1975613

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No. 1975618

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No. 1975621

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No. 1975656

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>Mandela Catalogue is a horror about strange beings mimicking humans and pretending to be them
>Creator enjoys mimicking poses and pretending to be various girls as a fetish
I actually kinda liked the series, but now I’m just gonna see it as fetish slop from a moid.

No. 1975660

this is so unfortunate. Analog horror is kinda dying anyway but it always seems like these types cannot for the life of them stay away from minors. The tranny thing is weird though as he's made tweets before insinuating he doesnt support them then quickly deleting them

No. 1975663

good. i will miss funhaus (except adam he can fuck off and die) but roosterteeth was just the gaming equivalent of buzzfeed.

No. 1975672

It ran its course tbh. I was really into Achievement Hunter when I was a teenager, but I stopped watching when Ray left. I tried watching his streams, but they're unwatchable. For one, he has no one to play off of, no one to tee up jokes for him the way Michael and Gavin did. But worse than that, he interrupts the gameplay every two seconds to thank people for buying shit, or to complain about people misbehaving in the chat, or to take a dump, or talk to his girlfriend, or whatever else. The nice thing about videos is that you can edit that shit out, but not so with streams. His celebration sounds (or whatever the fuck they're called) are SO annoying. They're all loud obnoxious unfunny stale memes. Then again, I did just describe basically all of the top streamers, so maybe I just hate streamer culture in general.

There's a small window of like one or two years where the AH videos were good; specifically after Ray joined and before Ryan came along. I still occasionally watch those for the nostalgia. Honestly, the only person still at RT I feel a little bad for is Michael. Contrary to his onscreen persona, he's apparently a really decent guy. He should've jumped ship ages ago, but for some reason he just kept investing more of his time and effort into the company. Hopefully he moves on to voice acting or something, he has young kids to take care of.

No. 1975705

I always hated Analogue horror for being cringe zoomershit and i am glad to be proven right

No. 1975823

Wtf is wrong with moids they literally can’t be normal. They always have to shoehorn their fetish shit into everythinf. Mandela catalogue was stupid anyway, couldn’t stand how people thought it was saurrrr creative when it was derivative of older internet horror series and the voice acting in the later episodes was laughable and completely ruins anything that might’ve been scary about it.

No. 1975880

Speaking of Michael, Lindsay becoming a thembie was really pathetic, you're a millennial mother of two just stop it.

No. 1976103

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Not sure if this is the proper thread to post in since she’s shifted her content recently but Vareena Sayed was in a horrible motorcycle collision where her friend Bryce Gage had died on impact and Vareena is said to be in critical condition since the collision on Feb 28th, I’m actually pretty sad for her because of how young she is and what had happened and how this could’ve been prevented if her friend hadn’t been speeding on the bike. Her family has been very private about the matter which is understandable, but it’s kinda fucked up when looking for information regarding the collision, there’s already obituary sites reporting she had passed.

>>A violent crash in the San Fernando Valley claimed the life of one of two people on a motorcycle and critically injured the other Wednesday night, authorities confirmed to KTLA.

Reports of the deadly collision in the 7000 block of Woodley Avenue, between Hart Street and Sherman Way in Van Nuys, came to the Los Angeles Fire Department around 7:20 pm.

No. 1976109

I don't know she was, but I hope her family is doing well, vehicular accidents are such a horrific way to die.

No. 1976118

don't know them but this is heartbreaking, I hope she's able to pull through. The pictures look so horrific, I couldn't imagine the terror of living through that. Seems like the SUV pulled in front of them too close and they slammed into the vehicle at what was probably a really high speed considering the cash site. The SUV was totally smashed up at the back, I can only imagine the force the victims must have been smashed into it along with the motorcycle to make such an impact. I'm guessing the guy was the driver cause the driver would have probably taken the full impact against the vehicle and I don't think anyone could have survived creating that dent in a van.

No. 1976161

>cannot stay away from minors

i was just thinking about this yesterday in the context of why are so many content creators online either hypocritical bigots or straight up pervs/criminals? i get sick of finding out someone is some kind of nut who cannot practice what they preach or a porn sick degenerate with bizarre sexual urges.

No. 1976178

I find it adds another layer of horror

No. 1976369

people who seek fame and attention to such a degree that they try to become famous are not good people. content creators who clearly only made content for the views are always obviously fucked up in the head. and the extra layer to that is the fact that men who seek fame often only do so because it will lead to more opportunities to fuel their (often fucked up) sexual urges.

No. 1976745

Jameskii posts 52 page google doc of twomads crimes. Twomad was a retard but jameskii seems like he is milking the situation.


No. 1976808

Twomad was an absolute cretin and I find it weird that his behavior is seemingly being pushed aside because he’s now dead. Is this dude milking it? Probably, but I’d describe Twomad as an actual fucking predator, not just “retarded”. Let’s not sugarcoat it.

No. 1976869

Slandering a dead person is generally frowned upon everywhere since they aren’t there to defend themselves or give their side of the story. Don’t be socially retarded nona.

No. 1976871

And we're meant to care about "slander" of the pedophile moid because?

No. 1976894

Everyone has been shitting on twomad because he was an obnoxious piece of shit hated by most people. I don’t know why it’s a problem that jameskii is showing receipts, reasons that he was a predator. I don’t care if it’s because of the beef he had with twomad for the past five years either, let him rot in his grave.

No. 1976901

truth is not slander

No. 1976944

what was even the proof of his pedophilia other than the one insane message he sent that egirl? The podcast with dolan and pyro and shit went into it and they all said they didn't see any pedo shit, especially the guy who was reviewing his case for a year

No. 1977042

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his supposed side of the story

No. 1977073

you seriously buy that? the dude was clinically insane and on drugs, also those who knew him said he agreed to basically all claims made against him in order to gain popularity. That retard would have admitted to murder.

No. 1977117

>he must be innocent of violence because he's mentally ill!

No. 1977120

he's innocent until proven guilty, and I aint seen any proof other than his insane, drugged up tweets and a bunch of heresay. Crimes aren't confirmed through twitter posts

No. 1977140

here's the google doc since it wasn't posted in this thread yet
yikes, that's fucked up to say to your victim and the stupidest thing to tweet online. he's lucky he died before he ever went to trial because the prosecution would have had a field day with his self-incrimination. That's sexual harassment at the very least and you don't need to be a boss for that

No. 1977168

>he’s innocent until proven guilty
in a court of law
that just refers to people’s legal status, not to public opinion

No. 1977230

Why are you so desperate to whiteknight a grotesque moid, nona?

No. 1977257

I'm not whiteknighting, but I watched the podcast and have read a lot of info from people who knew him who are saying all this shit is false, and that jameskii is just a shill seeking clout. He is a literal insane drug addict, but I don't think he was a pedo from what I've seen since his death that's all.

No. 1977265

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>The google doc only mentions he preyed on "young girls."
>Doesn't specify age or any proof they were underaged and he knowingly pursued them.
>Two no context screenshots of him saying gross moid pedo jokes at best, taking into account how ill he was.
>Jameskii doesn't once mention the 13 y/o in mental hospital from his original tweet in the doc.
>Full severity of it can't be addressed for obvious reasons
How do you bring up potential grooming victims and not talk about them at all?
Twomad was a stalker and a deranged faggot, but insta-believing pedo accusations just because you hate him is retarded.
>Hated by most people
We already hate him, so what's the point of beating a dead cow? Jameskii should've let him actually rot. Now he's a martyr for moids.

No. 1977347

so either he was a retard who thought coming across as an abusive piece of shit was funny or he was a psychopath who genuinely thought what he did was fine. neither scenario encourages as much dick riding as you’re giving.

No. 1977365

I'm not dick riding you idiot I'm just not jumping on the pedophilia claims as they have no basis to them. Jesus christ some of you are as bad as twitter troons.(infighting)

No. 1977402

Calm down lol

No. 1977584

So manny boy was the real horror all along, huh?

No. 1978460

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This currycel's channel has been becoming progressively focused on muh male mental health

No. 1978461

"we've produced millions of lonely addicted males" the amount of coddling degenerate, shit moids receive is insane

No. 1978466

i saw a clip of him saying that men who want to kill themselves because their life if meaningless are right so hes funny to me

No. 1978467

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Dr K the currycel is turning into an MRA. Also here's a laughable comment from under Destiny's video(racebaiting)

No. 1978473

>first, I don't care how he feels, I only care about LOGICAL RATIONAL SCIENCE STUDIES
Kek why are men so retarded. Maybe care about your mates feelings and he won't kill himself, thus negating the need for studies

No. 1978507

Maybe we should just be honest with men and explain that only 8% of them are supposed to reproduce, and their natural role is cannon fodder? Maybe we should explain that most men would be lucky to get a 300 pound horse girl. Maybe we should explain that muh male variability does not make each individual male the next STEM genius who’s going to end up with a billionaire with a harem of 14 year olds. Maybe we should explain that nature is inherently unfair and no creature gets to reproduce for free. I think that would be kinder. Then maybe it wont be such a shock for them when they get slapped with the reality. Is that enough faxnlogic and biotroofs for you faggots?

No. 1978524

I adore you, nona

No. 1978572

Stopped watching this guy when I saw a video of him claiming that men aren't allowed to express their anger. He gave an example of a couple having an argument, and if one person is visibly angry while the other person is crying, people will side with the crying person because "they think being sad is okay but being angry is wrong", and of course because men get angry more often than women, this is totes soooo unfair for the menz! There were multiple women in the comments trying to explain that the issue isn't men feeling emotions like anger, it's the fact that men are fucking terrifying and DANGEROUS when they get angry because they'll "express their emotions uwu" by hulking out and destroying their surroundings. Like we're supposed to pat them on the head and go there there poor baby when they start punching holes in the wall, because guysss we need to let men express their emotions toooo!

No. 1978599

>men aren't allowed to express their anger
Good, they shouldn't be expressing their anger because they're a physical liability. They'll hurt someone. That's what their anger amounts to, and this moid coddling is fucking embarrassing.

No. 1978629

Samefag, I found the clip. How absolutely out of touch do you have to be to claim that people shame men because they just have feeewings uwu and not because they turn scary and violent when they're angry. If anything, I've seen people say "well maybe she did something to piss him off" whenever there's a domestic violence case. Often women start crying AFTER the man gets angry and does something intimidating or violent
It was also very frustrating to watch the interview he did with Sweet Anita. She was talking about how tiring it is to be constantly sexualized as a female streamer, how men use pornography to humiliate women, and how whenever men say they "can't talk to women" it's because they'll only interact with a woman when they want to date or have sex with her. She was saying all of this and venting her frustrations, but he was focusing way too much on trying to get her to empathize with the poor lonely men and trying to see where they're coming from. Yeah some men are bad at talking to women because they can't stop seeing us as just cum receptacles, now what? What is Anita, or any woman, supposed to do about it, go out of our way to befriend misogynistic incels so hopefully they'll realize we're just normal human beings too? Dr K should take a break from Discord, his biases are getting way too heavy

No. 1978670

you all would be horrific mothers to boys and create the very thing you despise and fear. maybe you should research child development and male socialization more, it really is an issue and very obviously made by patriarchy(infighting)

No. 1978683

Ah, the usual "men can't express emotions" mythos. Extra hilarious with anger, given that there's only one gender habitually benefitting from "passion" defenses (aka leniency or full acquittal on the basis of "my feelings were hurt" or "I was angy"). I'm sure I'm about to be red crayoned for racebaiting, but it takes extra audacity to whine about this as a currycel - India is one of the countries that fully recognize the penile chimpout defense, in addition to also being one of the most son-coddling places on the planet.

As per usual with lying shit-twisting phalloid creatures, the wording "expressing emotions" is doing a lot of heavy lifting here. What he actually means is "subjecting people, mostly women, to my emotions and their physical consequences", except that one is also universally allowed and celebrated. Meanwhile, women are mostly not permitted to harm or kill men in self defense - fearing for your life is not a justifiable emotion, unlike one's muh skulinity being slighted in a dream.


From cradle to grave, moids have the mentality of infants. Not children, but infants specifically. To an infant, want = need = that's how it should be, because I want and therefore need it. It does not occur to them that just because they want something, or just because it would benefit them individually, doesn't mean it should just be given to them. This is the cornerstone of the harrowing, id-driven moid existence - if it's my optimal outcome, it's the only way things should be. A moid only understands how odious it is when experiencing the business end of this mentality from another moid. A moid also severely tones it down with other moids, because it may lead to getting his face uninstalled. He knows to only make such demands from those he knows won't kill him on the spot for insinuating they owe him something just because he wants it (women).


Cute bait, but nonetheless a good premise to mention child development - male newborns show an innate deficiency in emotional self regulation despite being held more, soothed more and responded to more. They also display more anger and physical aggression than girls. Basically, make sure to start deprogramming him as early as trophoblast invasion stage, or the patriarchal socialization will get him first.

Actually, just read some Dworkin to your Nigel's testicles before he nuts, just to be safe.

No. 1978720

I'd abort a male fetus

No. 1978726

I think the most ironic thing about this guy is that he doesn't have much experience dealing with autistic people who would be over represented in his audience. A video that he's done for women was already terrible, most women who would be in his audience would likely be shut in social anxious women with few friends, not hypersexual women who cry after a hookup. He treats women like a monolith, no wonder he babies men so fucking much. These idiot men are coddled enough.

No. 1978731

i dropkick little boys everyday

No. 1978732

Nothing unusual here. Moid issues with women are better defined as "issues with specific women the moid would like to have, couldn't bag at some point or dated in his head after extensive orbiting". You know, the ones least likely to care about what he has to say to begin with or interact with him in any way. You think this insectoid creature's efforts at empathy parasitism are aimed at autistic beckies who relate to men? Like all incels he doesn't want them, so he doesn't give two shits if they empathize with his plight of unfuckability. It's the same mechanism driving perma-malding about feminists/career women/thots among moids married to jailbait tardwives. You already bagged something you pretend is your ideal, so why keep malding? Well, it's only a mystery if you take moid nonsense at face value.

A grim reminder to all the mid reddit women trying to get princess points by appeasing penile grievances - you're not the target audience of these poorly concealed mating calls - the balls you're fondling are repulsed by the fact that only ugly women respond to them.

No. 1978737

Ah yes the real victim is the moid who got scolded for beating up his wife in a fit of rage, why won't society let him express his feelings?? Pwease don't be mean to the poor little baby boy, it's not like he's a full grown adult who should be held responsible for his dangerous actions

No. 1978738

Moids who object to being beaten or killed by other moids are just misandrists who hate male feelings.

Lead by example, Kings. Do nothing while another coom chimp is frothing at you - turn the other cheek, in fact. Oh, also volunteer your holes to lonely fags. Show us wammins how real empathy is done.

No. 1978794

Why stop at lonely fags? Targeting the male loneliness epidooomic needs to start at home. Help out your fellow ubermenschen by offering your holes or maybe a bro job, I mean, you want to stop male suicide right? Kings support kings.

No. 1978815

You should be killed for having this opinion.(alogging)

No. 1978818

When I read your posts I understand how Jesus' disciples felt.

No. 1978819

Moid 1: I am a rapist and a pedophile
Women: I think that moid 1 is a rapist and a pedophile
Moid 2: innocent till proven guilty you shrieking harpy femoid! Don’t speak ill of the dead!

No. 1978821

Eloquently put, nona. I enjoyed reading your contribution. It's sad, but it's obvious how men are really allowed to get away with their emotional outburst.

No. 1979376

Cope harder racist freak. You sound like a Nazi talking about children this way, dehumanizing them on a biological level lol. it's actually psychopathic. Idc for the ban, someone needs to tell you that you're not normal.(infight bait)

No. 1979536

Based channel(off-topic)

No. 1980873

(spamming the same video across multiple threads)

No. 1980874

nonna I agree this is beyond cringe, but you shouldn't have to post this in three separate threads so quickly

No. 1980884

Of course. All of his most popular vids are ones where he tells scrotes what they want to hear. This is the fate of any YouTuber that puts out weekly content, it becomes pandering crap. Anyone with a genuine passion for a subject drops vids every few months when they have free time unless they're autistic as fuck and let the channel lay dormant once they're done instead of constantly drudging the internet for new topics. 99% of channels with over 10 videos are garbage.

No. 1981003

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I feel like Oompaville is a bit of a misogyny apologist. Like, I enjoyed his videos but weird stuff keeps happening with him. Like he refuses to outright condemn misogyny. He talks to andrew Tate and gives him a platform without the intention of actually calling him out or anything but to do a quirky interview. The dude has allegations of trafficking and is great at poisoning the minds of young men. Why would you give him a platform to talk to your mostly young male fanbase, just seems a little dimwitted. Also in his recent video about P diddy he shouts out his friend "Jamari", a commentary youtuber who openly mourned the death of Kevin Samuels and derided women who found his content to be incel-y, saying that they just don't like to hear the truth. He has expressed other opinions that I find to be a bit suspicious. I wouldn't accuse Oompaville of being a misogynist himself but he comes off as the kind of guy who would watch his friend do something horrible and then try to excuse it. I get fence sitting on unimportant topics but fence sitting on trafficking is a little insane to me tbh.

No. 1981010

You can see how incredibly fast he was driving from the video alone. I hope she pulls through, but I'm glad no one else but the driver was killed. It's insane how much they were going that they could stop or slow down.

No. 1981011

I wish more than 50% killed themselves instead of bothering women, yet here we are.

No. 1981087

I hope so too, but it seems like if she does pull through it will have its obstacles. I’ve been trying to keep up if there’s any updates and so far of what’s been said from her family; dad and sister, that she’s been in a coma.

No. 1981089

you’re not going to “reform” the horridness out of males and no woman should endure the task of doing that for her entire life. you need to give it up and admit men can’t be saved or changed, and that the only correct way is not having them or not having children at all.

No. 1981356

I haven't seen many of this guy's videos but honestly anon, I feel like 99% of male commentators are misogyny apologists. The commentary community has an underbelly of misogyny within it so I'm not surprised that a good many of the commentators themselves are the way they are because even if they don't agree with it, they don't want to get dogpiled on and be seen as a "cuck" or a "simp" or some shit.

No. 1982641

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Hannah Louise Poston released a book of poetry recently called "Julia Hungry". The cover of the book shows someone eating ortolan, a very cruel dish where a protected bird is made to overeat in the dark, then killed by drowning it in alcohol. It's worse than foie gras. The napkin over the head is the distinct way the food is eaten and you can see the small bird in the dish.

I commented about it on one of her videos and it got deleted immediately.

No. 1982642

video about ortolan (starts 5.27)

No. 1982674

The napkins over their head are to hide the offensive act from the eyes of God.

No. 1982738

What is the milk. It seems like a very purposeful reference

No. 1982770

this is non milk. its annoying when everything a female youtuber does is taken at its most bad faith extreme face value. shes clearly trying to make a provocative statement. now wether the statements hits for you personally is a different thing but theres no way a male using imagery like this would be put under the same scrutiny. people would recognize it as an edgy art statement. meanwhile if a woman does it its an affront to god

No. 1982792

It's equally annoying to here this but muh menz bullshit as well. The act is being called out so the gender shouldn't matter, you sped. 'an edgy art statement' please. You spend a lot of time on tiktok, don't you.

No. 1982817

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Why is she referencing this? Because she writes poems about cruel foods she has never tried? And wants this image to be on the cover of her first book?

It’s cruelty to animals, not an artistic statement. Why would she want a picture of such a cruel dish connected to her? To be edgy?

Or worse did she mistake it for a jewish head covering? Hannah isn’t jewish.

It’s nothing to do with her being male or female. Animal cruelty is animal cruelty.

The napkin over the head is more to do with them shoving the whole thing in their mouth at once and then pulling the bones out one by one. The “affront to god” thing is just something said, for both men and women who eat the dish and nothing specific to do with Hannah.(retarded nitpicking)

No. 1982828

I'm confused. Do you think the bird on the cover of her book is real? Do you think she really ate it?

No. 1982838

Anon this isn’t milk if its just a photoshoot for a book cover. People have made references to that specific dish before to represent sinful indulgence in an artsy way because of the head coverings and the act of hiding your face from god while eating it. Yeah it’s cruel but same could be said about the dozens of other animal products being sold and eaten daily

No. 1985037

Cross posting this from the SSSniperwolf thread since there’s some recent updates
>Has finally been remonetized after the JacksFilms beef
>Lia and her husband/boyfriend/fiancee named Evan/Sausage have broken up and Sausage is suing her for not sharing profits as was agreed >Evan also revealed she’s used him to fake her gameplay
>Azzyland (the girl Lia skinwalked for years) is alleging to have been physically attacked and insulted by Lia, also saying Lia accused her of faking her gameplays which is ironic as it’s exactly what Lia has been exposed to do

No. 1985085

the first offense you made was watching a male content creator and not havign to tune out the zillion retarded fake accents they make and bad takes they have just to get some semblance of news. i could have sworn he unironically admitted he had autism as well

No. 1985397


>after the JacksFilms beef

Offtopic, but I went to look what is up to now, and he is unironically advertising drugs. What the fuck, how is this legal? Besides, I am sure he have some chronically unfunny middle schoolers among his audience, ho this type of sponsorship is even possible(this is an imageboard)

No. 1985815

Jacksfilms has also been doing BetterHelp sponsorships recently. The company that was called out for being shitty, and even Jack himself said he was a "Shitty Person" for being sponsored by them. In video sponsors have been a catastrophe for youtube in general.(this is an imageboard)

No. 1985858

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Well if you’re not gonna post the screencap I will. I have no idea what >>1985397 is on about though. I don’t know why so many creators still support BetterHelp, they’re known for being a shady company so creators who support them still don’t shock me as much, I do feel bad he got doxxed still though

No. 1986158

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For all the nonnies that were following the Chugga drama, it looks like he wrote up his long response. He's back with new diagnoses and won't be making videos anymore.

No. 1986494

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So idk if anyone cares about anthony padilla in this thread bc I certainly don't, but I checked his page after suspecting him and Mykie (of glam and gore fame, she just announced on her page she now has a plan for her rebrand/possible new youtube account) have been broken up for some time, and he now does shit yoga, even shitter paintings, started a halfassed account for both, is still doing his trash videos, and this photo was posted yesterday which is the dictionary definition of "taking a breakup very badly" like moustache, shit tattoos that looks like someone threw paint on you, and doing yoga while hanging from a bar to prove how cool you are while your face is dyinginside.jpg like perfect. Nailed it.

No. 1986503

>Evan also revealed she’s used him to fake her gameplay

this has been common knowledge for a long time

No. 1986546

iirc he got those tattoos when they first started dating? But kek he is so try hard.

No. 1986549

This guy is an insufferable fag, glad Mykie can now move on to biggerand better things

No. 1986630

I wish I could get a time machine and save him by encouraging him to keep making food battle videos instead of acting like he wants it up the bum. What is this behaviour, Anthony…?

No. 1986657

The fact that he styles himself like a douchey eboy at 36 makes me concerned he’s gonna date 18-25 year olds now

No. 1986696

File: 1713481569411.png (40.92 KB, 1269x202, Screenshot.png)

>Mood is federally legal! How?
All our products are federally legal and have been since the 2018 Farm Bill. We have all our products tested regularly by third-party labs, to ensure our compliance with federal law.
>Technically speaking, the Farm Bill legalized cannabis products containing less than 0.3% Delta-9 THC by dry weight. As gummies are relatively heavy, they can contain a lot of D9 THC whilst remaining federally lawful, and our flowers contain high amounts of naturally occurring THCa, which turns into D9 THC when smoked, giving you the same great feeling of illegal marijuana, whilst still being federally lawful.

No. 1986816

Personally don't see an issue with this, it's just weed and most kids don't have cards to just order shit like that because you most likely need an ID too.

No. 1986855

>it's just weed
ok, enjoy your brain rot(infighting)

No. 1987010

ok, enjoy being a self-righteous retard

No. 1987205

He literally embodies "desperately trying to be cool with the kids" and identity crisis, I can see him dating a man since among his recent posts was a song "submissive and breedable" and a video of the Smosh guys all shaking their booties (fake inserts except for one of them) and it was like 140% gay. But generally he seems like a deeply unhappy person who has no idea who he is as a person, and is clinging onto millennial relevancy in an unnerving, desperate tryhard way (much like Dan Howell's catboy antics as referenced in op)

No. 1988097

When are the gendies going to cancel this faggot.

No. 1988135

Never because faggots can be as misogynistic and racist as they want. Gay men are a protected class online.

No. 1988156

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People in Japan are warning others about Nick Robinson. He has a YouTube channel where he finds the former Japanese Dominoes President (he did the Miku commercial) and other things like that. He’s famous for going to Japan so much and his brother is Porter Robinson who’s a DJ and was popular on tumblr. He did get canceled in 2017 for being creepy towards coworkers in dms and apparently ghosting girls after having sex with them.

No. 1988157

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No. 1988158

Oh wow i haved watchrd this guy's videos. He did an incredibly autistic video about the lost mcdonals ds game. What an asshole, i hate moids so much.

No. 1988165

File: 1713875296902.jpeg (269.69 KB, 1297x1304, IMG_1768.jpeg)

here’s what Nick wrote in 2017 after he got fired from Polygon. There was an investigation and most of it has been kept quiet by the company so we don’t know exactly what happened. Vito the pedo on twitter has been demanding “eviduhnce” but how can you when its irl interactions and kept locked at polygon?

No. 1988202

I'd love to hate this guy, I really would, but his accusations don't seem to stem too far from "this nerd is weird irl" which is…nothing when it comes to youtubers

No. 1988220

His videos are so painfully unfunny. 90% of his humor revolves around being obnoxious, misogyny, and scat. No wonder why Helluva Boss turned out the way it did.

No. 1988299

it was a long-ass time ago but he did shit like solicit feet pics in dms and was a known sex pest in the community. no idea if he's improved but given that even the japanese side of twitter is taking note, I doubt he has.

No. 1988303

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some old deets on what he was known for in the gaming community and why the hammer came down on him so fast. from a daily dot article

No. 1988305

and speak of the devil, there's now a reddit post and google doc out about him on r/youtubedrama https://www.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/1cb9o9o/master_list_of_nick_robinson_allegations/

No. 1988312

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Nick allegedly makes socks to harass people too.

No. 1988313

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No. 1988338

If he didn't remove his blackface and racism videos from 10+ years ago, they would have. He took them down just in time.

No. 1988582

This is a nitpick but the bird is not endangered. It's protected only by EU laws because vegans lobbied for it. France has been dragging its feet on enforcement, the reason why you cover your head is so people can't see that you are eating the bird.

Fuck vegans, and fuck birds.

No. 1988674

I think Brandon Rogers has a few really funny videos (mostly older ones) but it does surprise me he hasn't gotten cancelled sooner.

Not true, look at Jeffree Star, James Charles, Nikocado, Shane Dawson, etc. They have all been "cancelled" at one point or another. Whether or not the bounced back is irrelevant, nobody has ever even attempted to cancel Brandon Rogers before.

No. 1988723

humans are the worst animal

No. 1988785

is there any dirt on coryxkenshin (letsplay youtuber) or is he just a mildly cringe guy? i like watching his content but i’d rather not if he has skeletons in his closet (or right out in the open, like the penguinz0 guy who admitted to peeing on a girl)

No. 1988786

afaik just typical, slight cringe, loud, blerb lets player. I think the whole youtube video removal got him less interested in being consistent on youtube.

No. 1988799

Holy fuck he’s still at it?? Every time I see anything about Porter Robinson or even Griffin McElroy it reminds me of this fat fuck (it looks like he’s gained weight since 2017 too). He was able to get a substantial YouTube following after being fired by Polygon by simply never addressing it.

No. 1988806


No. 1988836

File: 1714062206005.png (542.33 KB, 1079x1162, massive-yikes-v0-gf0uggpcpdvc1…)

Adam22 is dating Caroline Calloway.

No. 1988858

she's a loser but she could do so much better then him.

No. 1988884

>Fuck vegans, and fuck birds.
i'm not vegan but there's no reason to torture an animal to death on purpose for a "ritual" of eating it. stop typing like maddox circa 2007 please

No. 1988890

They’re both massive fame-whoring tweaker cows, I’d say they’re a perfect match

No. 1988907

She wante to be cat marnell so badly kek, that coat, hanging out with grimy guys. Adam22 probably reminds her of the shithead abusive moids cat wrote about.

No. 1988908

I used to watch his videos and he used shit in jokes so much that at one point I thought he had a legit scat fetish.

No. 1988945

Isn't this the broad that put a hairbrush handle in her butthole or am I thinking of another sad thot?

No. 1988985

total cuntasaurus and he’s still with his pornwife so enjoy the side piece STIs Caroline

No. 1989698

Lex Updog has come out with another video stating the same exact things as before conveniently right around the time Supermega has come back. She has no new proof, nor anything to say about the multiple lies that she was caught in. Not only that, but the top comment in this video is from the girl who warned Lex about Don's abusive behavior years prior, to which Lex MOCKED and BELITTLED the girl.

No. 1989726

Why does she date the most ugly disgusting moids? Like that Ethan online guy.

No. 1989727


look at the way she does her hair–she doesn't know much about attractiveness

No. 1989750

there are girls who date below them as either a sense of "security" (delusional thinking he won't cheat) or to feel more beautiful when other people look at them. Mental illness

No. 1989801

kek was about to comment that at least she changed her mushroom penis head hair to something a little less terrible

No. 1990151

File: 1714411035864.mp4 (6.93 MB, 576x1024, Download.mp4)

slightly related, but this tiktok video came up on my feed and so many in the comment section were mentioning filmcooper. 1 person mentioned "danny phantom" - i don't know much about him but i saw he has the floppy middlepart hair similar to filmcooper. a lot of these "male feminist" types are getting called out lately, what do you think?

No. 1990648

they inevitably show their misogyny as soon as they're given a pass to do so - insulting and threatening "karens" or right wing women, instead of just debating their viewpoints. Not to speak of their defense of porn, ALWAYS.

No. 1991733

Ok so I'm not sure if anyone's talked about this (I've checked the recaps and skimmed through but couldn't see anything). Posting this on lolcow feels wrong but this is PLUMMCORP RECORDS which is Joji's (and friends) new comedy/shitpost channel. It's… embarassing and with old men. Not sure what he wants to do, the videos are probably for selling merch and shit. Smart of him to ride the Filthy Frank kind of thing for money though ngl.

No. 1994937

File: 1715879587483.png (231.44 KB, 536x425, Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 03-11…)

this is evil after what she did to oscar

No. 1995045

she does not need another kid. I wonder if it's a babytrap

No. 1996347

Idiot making excuses for animal torture to simp for some shitty YouTuber. Hope you face a terrible fate.

No. 1997385

Is Danny Gonzalez getting cancelled? sorry for linking video of this shrimp voiced retarded scrote, I only saw 2 people talking about it and couldn't really find a source besides this guy.

No. 1998155

I haven’t really watched any videos surrounded this, because I don’t really wanna give any moids here money, especially since a fair bit of the moids making videos on this have rancid vibes, like Darkwingdork. I’ve watched some of In praise of shadows’ and Wendigoons’ videos and they’re both pretty good content creators. It just seems like in praise of shadows called out wendigoon for being a conservative, which was kinda an open secret among his fans. Wendigoon is a gun loving, religious southerner, so I wouldn’t honestly be surprised if he was secretly against abortion or something. Like how fnaf fans like to forget that Scott Cawthon is homophobic and against abortion

No. 1998162

of course not. the comments all think this is ridiculous. i remember danny once cried while apologizing because he accidentally said "beaner" (he was quoting a guy who said it) and got all wishy washy about how he didn't want to offend anyone and would never do it again. it's just a smart tactic to be a doormat if your entire income depends on being a youtuber.

No. 1998164

More and more that scrote is becoming insufferable. When he's not reviewing random retards some of his takes are so moid brained. I also hate his chat.
There's a whiney person woth a trans child whose always bringing it up. Nobody cares.

No. 1998188

He's like part Mexican he can say it lol

No. 1998189

Why would he?(learn to sage)

No. 1998191

I honestly didn’t even know who In Praise of Shadows was but seriously this video of his is so weak and honestly pathetic. I’m not even a fan of wendigoon but Shadows comes across as bitter and jealous. While he brings up good points about wendigoon (sorta) it all seems to be coming from a place of ‘I deserve his fame’ and ‘Wendigoon’s just a rich kid’.

At one point shadows complains about making 500 a month off of ad revenue, and alludes to youtube being his full time job. If you are financially secure enough to only be making 500 a month off of youtube with no other source of income, and still live comfortably, shut up lol.
Apparently he lives in a pretty wealthy area so in my mind he’s coasting off of relatives and trust funds while trying to make his yt career a thing, simultaneously trying to cancel other creators like a petulant child. Talking about privilege in others and complaining while living in a first world country and financially secure enough to do youtube as a living is so insincere and cringe.

No. 1998199

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it doesn't matter, he had to apologize for his sins and everyone forgot about it. reminder that walmart john mulaney aka drew gooden said this and has suffered nothing for it.(sage old milk)

No. 1998274

The guy has an 8 month old kid and his dumbass fans expect him to know every company he's "supposed" to boycott lmao. Get real.

No. 1998322

The way that almost none of this tweet was funny KEK. I’m pretty sure he was trying to be racist honestly

No. 1998544

And the vid is deleted and his twitter privated.
As one nona said, that's an incredibly weak video. Half of it is a dude whining about people not liking him and having no money, because people misinterpreted one of his vids. I get it. That sucks, but he should have just done an apology/clarifier video on that and be done with it.
He spends an inordinate amount of time just reading hate comments and talking about some youtubers being conservatives.

The part actually about "bad conservative movies" is the only viable one in the vid. And even then he says "some creators are conservatives, but make good art" somewhere half through the vid and then goes on to talk about Wendigoon, who never really brought any of his possible conservative beliefs into his vids. Everyone knows he loves his guns and his god, but he still makes constructive videos with good critique on the horror merits of it.
IPOS comes off as someone who's incapable of receiving and reacting to criticism, but also jealous, because he's the one who deserves Wendigoons subs and money.
Dude, your critique and vids are actually fine on their own, you should stick to that, not bring politics into the discussion, because that's the quickest way to always lose at least half of your subs/views.

No. 1999100

Brandon Buckingham made a response video with interviews from Wendigoon and Oompaville on IPOS's now deleted video.

No. 1999144

Even though this IPOS guy is annoying, I feel like he’s right about wendigoon. The people he chooses to associate with are cancerous and say a lot about him. Especially the fact that he goes out of his way to downplay and hide these connections. He’ll specifically not post pics with the more controversial ones on his own accounts. And then lying about the boogaloo boys thing? Why is no one digging into that more? He just made that shit up about Che Guevara and he clearly didn’t found the group as he would’ve been a teenager at the time. Everyone knows that boogaloo is in reference to Civil War 2 : Electric Boogaloo. I’d believe he was involved with them in the early days when it was more focused on just being pro gun and anti government and then he left when it started getting more alt right. But why not just say that? Why lie?
Idk I never felt that weird about him before, even when I assumed he probably was conservative leaning. But there’s something shifty about him deliberately not addressing any legitimate points and trying to take the high road by telling people not to harass IPOS while knowing damn well his fans and all his loser friends’ fans are going to do exactly that. He’s giving me that typical slimy evangelical/baptist vibe where they’ll smile in your face and talk about god’s love while stabbing you in the back. I feel like he secretly supports some pretty fucked up shit but is just smart enough to not be loud about it. Mike Johnson kinda vibes.
Even if he has tame political beliefs, the fact that he’s able to be close friends with such obnoxious people still speaks to his poor judgement.

No. 1999152

People have been erroneously referencing boogaloo as a Che Guevara term for years now, he’s not the one to make that meme up. Maybe try google

No. 1999216

You're mad that wendigoon doesn't delve into his personal political beliefs, and that in and of itself makes him slimy..why? If that was a basis of his channel, it would make sense but his content isn't surrounding politics so why even discuss it? If he is a conservative, what does that change about the quality of his videos? You are making some schizo level deductions based on the small bits of information you know about him: god and guns. This is the para-social freak behaviour that I imagine youtubers are trying to avoid. Unironically touch grass.(infighting)

No. 1999236

Idk anon I don't give a shit about wendigoon but pushing back against this obsessive analyzing is for the best, if it's left to foster it will ruin women first for sure, there are "soft-terf" female creators out there that identify eachother just with what they do and don't talk about and who they interact with and I'd rather them be left alone. Boys will always have eachother back but cancel culture is a problem for us first and foremost

No. 1999296

How is it schizo for me to think if he is good friends with shitty people (Turkey Tom, Donut Operator, Brandon Buckingham and Brandon Herrera), then he probably has similar views. It’s slimy because there have been specific things people have brought up that are sus that he has refused to address. Just putting on the veneer of the wholesome Christian to dodge criticism, knowing idiots like you will dismiss any legit criticisms of him as people just hating him because he’s a Christian and likes guns. My deductions are from his intentional silence and who he associates with. Sorry, but your friends reflect on you! No matter how much you want to believe otherwise.
I’m allowed to dislike him and there’s nothing you can do about it. Go to your favorite fat retard’s subreddit if you wanna dickride him so bad

No. 1999407

It's schizo because it's grasping at straws. I don't care about Wendigoon but IPOS' video was full of retardation, even aside from the portion about Wendigoon. He says he isn't one to complain then complains through the entire 3 hour video. He says he knows he isn't owed people's time but keeps emphasizing how his channel is doing poorly and blames it on people responding in what he considers the "wrong" way to his insane Hills Have Eyes video. He admits he's had to make videos he doesn't like to make money, but condemns horror fans for prioritizing box office gross. If artistic integrity is so important vs profit, he should just make videos as a hobby, and get a real job like a normal person. IPOS talks in circles and does mental gymnastics to say Wendigoon has bad politics and is privileged, thus should not be welcome in the horror community. He acts as though he's some kind of authority on horror and says that horror is intrinsically leftist and "punk and anti-establishment" while literally saying horror should be gatekept from conservatives because they're guilty of wrong-think. How is thought-policing punk? He says people who are successful and wealthy at a young age are "not qualified" to offer criticisms of media. He wants mainstream recognition and monetary success like Wendigoon but cannot stop alienating people with his politics and general spergery. He can't take criticism. He reads out negative comments from his Hills Have Eyes video and offers no rebuttal, but insists people misunderstood him. He yaps about media having many interpretations, but has a fit when people interpret his HHE video (rightfully) as retarded. I genuinely think he's on the spectrum. He fixates on things that normies wouldn't to a bizarre degree and he cannot understand other perspectives. He's just an insecure leftoid moid who yaps too much. Nothing in that video was worth listening to.

No. 1999830

Apparently a bunch of YouTubers got together a few days ago to hold a charity livestream called Creators for Palestine featuring Hasan Piker and Frogan

No. 1999845

I can’t take anything this guy says seriously after seeing that clip of him defending the fictional rapists/murderers from The Hills Have Eyes because the family in the camper van were ~colonizers.~ I saw a meme once that said both far right men and far left men both seem to be very openly accepting of rape depending what side the victim is on politically and it doesn’t even seem like a meme anymore it’s just sad and true.

No. 1999877

Of course, men will never be allies of women no matter what political spectrum they fall under. You frequently see lefty men saying racist women or women who are right wing deserve to be raped. Same as you see right wing men saying leftist and liberal women deserve to be raped.

No. 1999900

The goalposts never stop moving for what a "good" woman is, which means dumb pickmes will assure themselves they are not "bad" (insert religion, eye colour, skin colour, relationship status, political affiliation, beliefs, etc) so they will be spared. Men who express womanhate do so equally for all, but add a few disclaimers to try and lure the stupid/accomplices.
There were years where leftie men were happily spouting and sharing posts about death/rape to all terfs, for example. And more years where adding "white woman" to any womanhate was an acceptable disqualifier and it definitely wasn't just poorly disguised misogyny.
(Also a horrible overlap where the type of women they bitch about the most is also the type of woman they want to fuck the most)
Anyway this is why you should never listen to a man's opinion kek

No. 1999943

This reminds me of a story I read a while ago of this woman being followed around and harassed in a grocery store by a moid. He kept saying creepy things to her and wouldn’t leave her alone even after she told him to please go away and no one in the store really said or did anything. She lost her shit and started calling him racial slurs and then people in the store finally took notice to scold her for it. I’m obviously not in support of her being racist it just really highlighted the double standard for me, people couldn’t care less if a woman is being targeted for being a woman but the second someone sees a black or brown moid being targeted for being black or brown suddenly everyone is concerned about fair treatment. I’m pretty sure the woman even said that he was following her and harassing her and some old white moid was like “well that doesn’t give you the right to be racist.” They really don’t give a fuck.

No. 2000057

That mentality of "it's okay when people I don't like get raped"/"if I can use a rapist to prove my point then they're okay people" men all seem to have is really highlighted when he basically sides with Keffals grooming kids, Chris Chan raping his mom, and that pedophile that was killed by police but then condemns Plagued Moth for his disgusting discord crap in order to try and make another person look bad. Why is one disgusting groomer bad but the other groomers/sexual predators are okay? Oh, it's because you don't really care about what they did, just about how you can use what happened to further whatever grudge you have against someone.

I wouldn't be surprised if he abused someone either. The guy has that "ironic redneck" styling and the overall personality of the "starving artist" guy who would roofie a girl at a party if he ever got invited.

No. 2000464

File: 1717421451125.png (508.7 KB, 750x709, jocat.png)

Jocat(the, "I like girls" video guy) has started crossdressing and might be trooning out

No. 2000466

File: 1717421669541.png (426.79 KB, 750x854, jocat_pride.png)

there's also this

No. 2000473

Oh yeah, it's so obvious. The massive egos that men have is astounding too considering how horrid he truly looks. Nobody wants to see this receding hairline motherfucker's flat ass and pasty body. Sad!

No. 2000512

This sweater is so hideously cut it doesn’t even make sense why it’s called ‘Virgin Killer’. Like it looks terrible on women with even Greta bodies. Scrotes literally have 0 taste.

No. 2000535

Men don’t care about the victims of sex crimes at all nonny and they never have. Moids only care about the political aspect of sexual activity and whether it serves them or not. For instance right wing moids get upset when immigrants date or grope white women, and immigrant moids get upset when white men date or colonize their women. But they don’t actually give a fuck about the female victims, it’s all just male egos and political points.

No. 2000823

it makes me sad how ugly men will put on cheap aliexpress whore cosplay and get praised. He's literally so ugly. 0 ass and skinny fat.

No. 2001137

love how he has a soyface even in his own art

No. 2001156

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The level of narcissism with her lately is so unholy.

No. 2001168

i had no idea blingee shut down, thats so sad

No. 2001170

every time i find a youtuber i like, they let the attention get to their head. i used to adore sarah z and then she became insufferable and smug. brittany broski overstayed her welcome like a year ago. and izzy thinks she’s a god for talking about sims games.

No. 2001190

nonnie ily but if anything he made wendigoon and friends look really good. just by existing in contrast as a jelly pooner-looking male feminist schizophrenic who whines about walking on a dirt road the other guys seem reasonable and level-headed to the average yt viewer.
BUT you can rejoice, because it's possible that while crashing into his trashfire he'll bring down all of breadtube with him for being just 2 IQ points dumber than the rest of them, so thank u POS for your sacrifice. the veil is lifted

No. 2001207

You know how moids always go on about rape accusations being used by women as a tool for social aggression? You guessed it, it's projection like everything else coming out of a moid's piehole.

No. 2001209

I was sad too when it shut down, but I've been using https://en.picmix.com/ ever since, it's a good alternative!

No. 2001226

What did Brittany do?

No. 2001297

Sorry for being retarded but what exactly is narcissistic about the screenshot?

No. 2001536

Both IPOS and Brandon Buckingham sound like such weak kneed fags with no charisma but I'll honestly rather take Brandon/Wendigoons side because IPOS attacks is pretty much a big pile of nothing

No. 2001844

iDubbbz went on Cold Ones and no one is happy about it.

No. 2001848

Ian and Anisa should have their own thread on snow at this point. Their weekly podcasts are pretty milky in the way that they constantly overshare their miserable lives together. Now that idoops is prescribed amphetamines by his quack therapist, there is sure to be more cringe worthy shit coming out at a more rapid pace

No. 2001849

File: 1717729016047.jpg (114.01 KB, 1080x938, Coldones.jpg)

I didn't bother to watch the video yet, but the comments are brutal. Between commentors making Anisa jokes and pointing out how the chemistry is lacking, I get the gist of it. He's a husk.

No. 2001872

Their thread should definitely be revived, I know the Anisa threads were shut-down for being too nitpicky but their entire dynamic just gets more milkier with time.

No. 2001878

He really is just so low energy. Is it the medication or something?

No. 2001880

Idk what this is about but it’s so gross . the try guys who “tried” to start a streaming platform for their bunk ass content. I couldn’t imagine being multi millionaires and sucking so much money from your fans. All of these YouTubers use these causes to enrich their images from fan money makes me ill. I’m so glad I never liked these dorks.

Side note: I hate the Asian dude the most, idk why but him wearing that stupid outfit during the cheating acknowledgment video made me want to hit him. The video itself is also the worst. Rant over .

No. 2001921

Based.(unsaged non-contribution)

No. 2001930

Creators for Hamas. Not surprised at the muslim women but that Gay dude? I don’t understand how LGBTQ+ members want to advocate for a group of people who’d stone them to death if they could(baiting)

No. 2001933

i have no dog in this fight but the involvement of random celebs and e-celebs in this discussion is baffling. most of them know nothing about any sort of world history and couldn't have pointed to israel on a map a year ago.

No. 2001952

I suppose they don't need to be liked in order to not want to see people genocided. A novel thought indeed.

No. 2001988

It's the ssris and the impending haters that live rent free in his head that are subduing him. I wonder how the new adderall prescription will affect his future behavior

No. 2002430

Not true plus it's admirable to be speaking out about a genocide.(sage your shit)

No. 2002648

it's actually very safe to talk about in in whichever way your audience expects you to (eg wokies for palestine and rightoids for israel). i'm so sick of politics being fucking everywhere, i miss the times when people knew they couldn't claim to expect quality political commentary from entertainers(derail)

No. 2002653

The least is actually knowing what your talking about,not just to regurgitate the same old propaganda.ask any of them who provided gaza with water, electricity,funding and humanitarian support before hamas takes everything while occupying schools and hospitals,hiding (Russian) guns inside baby cribs and have public executions for gay arabs.shere do you think gay Arabs escape from their families to not get murdered??fucking Tel Aviv.ban me for derailing I don't care(derailing)

No. 2002661

They're probably not talking about that because citizens of a country being able to purchase water and electricity provided by said country is the expected standard, not a grand, exceptional generosity no one else does. I mean, do you think it's special that you're able to pay for electricity and water? Why should youtubers talk about that lol.(derailing)

No. 2002828

File: 1717975617035.png (1.17 MB, 579x1212, jocat1.png)

drops this cringebomb then brags that he has "nothing to hide" regarding women

No. 2002829

File: 1717975652311.png (1.38 MB, 1651x823, jocat2.png)

No. 2002830

Jaiden has ADHD (and autism) but I wonder how much of this is Terminally Online Disease.

No. 2002835

I can't tell if I hate woke porn-addicts more then blatantly misogynistic one's

No. 2002837

cue that "the gun would go off" audio

No. 2002838

remember when she made a whole video coming out as asexual? she's just an attention whore

No. 2002872

>that thumbnail
>"OMG Adhd is like so quirky!!"
I fucking hate it already, you can gaslight these retards into thinking they're a schizoid by just doing certain uncommon traits. With her being "asexual" and now definitely totally mentally half retarded she's really trying hard to be unique.

No. 2002888

Doesn't she literally have a boyfriend she just went to Japan with? Also I feel like every YouTuber claims they have ADHD

No. 2002971

>when I was a kid I was the picture perfect student and extremely organized, I always did my homework on time
This dumb bitch doesn’t have ADHD then lol. ADHD is something you’re born with and it affects kids and fucks up their lives and education even when they’re little. You don’t just suddenly develop it as a teen or whatever. Yet another retard who has fried their brain’s dopamine receptors with internet and now thinks they have ADHD.

No. 2002998

You can really get diagnosed with anything in America with money.

No. 2003010

Is there ONE fucking artist that doesn't have ADHD? I know people were underdiagnosed in the past and that's why there are more autistic/ADHD people now but every fucking person on the internet doing anything art related has fucking ADHD now.

No. 2003021

Come the fuck ON. I did not spend my entire public school years feeling and being treated like a lazy retard just to have the people I would have killed to have their academic success act like their social media brainrot is the same shit. You do not have ADHD, you are just chronically online and have that you're straight and average.

No. 2003022

*Hate that you're
Not have, sorry

No. 2003037

No one cares shut up, you’re about as insufferable as that youtuber.

No. 2003043

This. Someone with actual ADHD wouldnt even be a storytime animator in the first place, something that takes a shit ton of time and effort to stick to.

No. 2003056

The only thing she has is factitious disorder.

No. 2003062

That’s what I thought unless they’re heavily medicated

No. 2003086

wtf are you girls talking about. why are you acting like if she's not a spaz running around yelling about sporks and incapable of holding a job she can't have ADHD? the persecution complex is crazy. plenty of people with ADHD lead normal lives with or without medication, you learn how to manage it. it's not some life ruining disease you can never cope with.

No. 2003098

teenagers now seem to think adhd is like, concentration-diabetes

No. 2003100

> you girls

No. 2003102

nah, moids don't talk like that, definitely a girl who has adhd

No. 2003138

outside of this thread I have seen no one getting even slightly mad at this, but twitter is full of people saying 'stop hating on jocat!!' where? where are they? anyway jocat is gross and nasty

No. 2003241

a friend suggested i watch a video from swell entertainment and she spent sooo long talking about how she was internet famous and had fans coming up to her all the time. I found it extremely offputting given I had never heard of her before in my life.

No. 2003453

File: 1718121482584.jpg (54.81 KB, 533x640, 7f234b1e44539a169dd9e7f1372a87…)

Twomad looked like picrel to me.

No. 2003454

Wait have I posted this before? I have legit brain damage so sorry if I did kek

No. 2003497

i really enjoyed her videos of trying out services or products. she had a great format for those kind of videos and i trusted her opinion. then she started going to events which was like… okay, i guess. i was never going to go but i guess i’ll watch. her head got real big after tanacon and it’s never gotten back down. she acts like she’s a reporter now which she’s not.

No. 2003910

Yeah no, absolutely. This is just people looking for milk where there is none. The girl just happened to be ace (somewhere on the ace spectrum, she didn't even specify) and autistic with ADHD, which would make perfect sense, as these three are incredibly comorbid. And yet, despite this being a nothingburger, you start shitflinging based off of completely innocuous characteristics.

Also re: adhd and doing well early in school, use your fucking brains. This makes total sense for someone who coasts by through the easy parts of school but then starts to fail when consistent work ethic becomes necessary and raw interest isn't enough. It's so fucking common that even neurotypicals caught on to the whole pattern and tried to meme themselves into the gifted child label to feel included.

Anyway, go back to talking about the Jocat tranny arc or something, at least that shit's funny and not some mean girls tier horseshit.(sage your autism)

No. 2003920

>believing asexuality is real
>not saging
fucking newfag. She's just an attention whore desperate to be unique and NLOG. Making a whole video ''coming out'' as fucking asexual is cow behaviour. Shes slowly turning into jill. Next she's going to come out as nonbinary.

No. 2003923


go back to your vegan forums, retard.(infighting)

No. 2003950

I think your either faceblind or racist.

No. 2003958

I know people with genuine, life altering ADHD and they struggle comprehending basic instructions or just tasks like showering and sometimes even eating, let alone stuff like regularly making videos or long projects where they’re drawing detailed art. This is why few ADHD people have hobbies besides passively consuming media because it’s so difficult for them to get anything done and why it’s classed as a disability. And the only way they could concentrate and get projects done is if they were on high dose ADHD meds aka meth. They also said it affected them academically even as children. I really think she’s pulling all of this out of her ass for attention.(blogging)

No. 2004015

So I hate to link a random "tea" channel but this is the best summary I could find of what I wanted to post. Tana's been revealing a lot of milk she has on the people around her.

>First being Cody Ko and her had sex when she was only 17 and he was 25, she also said he has the smallest dick out of anyone she's slept with.

>Second was that Jack Wright (the guy everyone claims Sienna Mae "raped" or whatever) is a secret heavy drug user and partier. He's apparently got a very dark side to him despite keeping his image on social media very clean and G rated. He dressed up as Jeffrey Dahmer 3 times for costume parties/Halloween. And during a game of "never have I ever" he made fucked up suggestions like "never have I ever wanted to kill the person I loved" and "never have I ever killed an animal." It's unclear whether those are direct statements he made or just Tana's examples of them.

>Third is just that Trevor Moran punched her old manager Jordan in the eye and stayed signed to him after he was playing "frogger" in the streets and Jordan dragged him back onto the sidewalk to avoid Trevor being hit by a car. And that Tana's friend and podcast partner Brooke Schofield made out with him when she was extremely drunk and verging on blacking out.

No. 2004071

File: 1718292651652.png (99.49 KB, 652x472, hez.png)

Saged cos idk how much anyone cares about Imallexx anymore but he's being accused of abuse including domestic violence by ex Alice Hez. I remember she was in videos with him for a while and I thought he was forcing the whole sickly sweet couple act att but then he gets called gay alot so I thought he was overcompensating for that

The latest podcast alex had going was one with inabber, inabber says himself and others have been basically shut out and ignored by alex lately lining up with the same time authorities got involved.

No. 2004087

imallexx is the guy who threw his friend under the bus when his ex made up allegations against him and then doubled down even after the friend showed proof, right? the irony is killing me.

No. 2004113

People who followed the Slazo situation have been waiting on this moment for years. He's had all sorts of back stabbing drama, falling outs with friends, people he worked with so you could see it coming that his relationships wouldn't be better.

Usually can't watch inabber vids as he rambles so much before he gets to the point but if he openly speaks on this I'll watch. Not the first time alex has screwed nabs over. Their channel together is wiped

No. 2004205

File: 1718315597520.png (1.52 MB, 1895x862, uzr6ur6u.png)

not sure if this is the correct thread but omegawho doodletoons clone, big time rush autist got caught for meeting up a minor. Could not finish the catch video. Crazy that he would have btr as a special interest





No. 2004228

The Cody Ko part… Fuck this has been rumored for years, I didn't want to believe it. If I was his wife I would be so fucking mortified.

No. 2004284

Same, he was like the one youtube moid I actually liked. I'm disappointed.

No. 2004333

she is so offensive looking i have to scroll by so fast whenever i see her mug in my suggestions. she's also stolen all of the content for her sims videos from other youtubers.

No. 2004343

She knew(sage your shit)

No. 2004418

File: 1718381997391.webp (10.3 KB, 320x399, ColbyLeachman.webp)

>If I was his wife I would be so fucking mortified
I mean the best man at their wedding was a whole rapist, should already be mortified.

No. 2004450

His wife Kelsey is such a pickme too from what I've seen

No. 2004453

Nta but omg I'm so genuinely disappointed, I watch very few youtubers that make me laugh and aren't pieces of shit but now that list just got smaller. It sounds dumb and dramatic to be upset about this but like every youtube channel I watch sometimes bums me out because they talk about real world issues or stuff to do with feminism and I love them but it can really depress me, Cody Ko was like the one channel that just genuinely made me laugh. Even the other ones that make me laugh touch on heavy topics that remind me how much the world just hates women and treat us like we're lesser. Channels like his were the one escape from all that, fuck I hate men so much. My heart breaks for the victim of that rapist, I can't imagine how she must feel watching these people move on with their lives, form connections, get fame and money with seemingly no pushback whatsoever. I wish people would shun rapists and sex pests, they don't deserve to be treated like people.

No. 2004461

Samefag but literally every male comedy youtuber is a bad person wtf, I just found out that Elvis The Alien supports the loli artist Shadman… please no one have milk on Mista GG he's the last one I genuinely find funny and don't think is a piece of shit. I know he's into hentai but if that's the worst of it I can ignore it and still enjoy his videos.

No. 2004464

Nonny seconded about mista gg damn

No. 2004624

Noel was always better

No. 2004726

File: 1718447001520.png (78.87 KB, 580x473, groomingrif.png)

FNAF/mlp/fandom youtuber Griffinilla, known most for his "fandroid" project that he used to make fan songs with a robot voice aimed primarily at kids has been accused of grooming. Do you guys think it's legit?

No. 2004789

>Noel was always better
Kek they both suck.

No. 2004940

the guy who simped for andrew tate? no thanks

No. 2005050

He never simped for Tate. He was saying that Tate's ideology is not brand new and you should ignore it. It's tone-deaf but it's not misogynistic. He does make a good point that Tate can say whatever he wants and people who try to "debate" him are setting themselves up for failure, because his fanbase has already made their mind up about their beliefs.

No. 2005136

I kind of want to stalk Hannah Lee Duggan. I live somewhat nearby, so I am thinking of visiting her properties at odd hours and perhaps leaving some strange gifts in my wake, just to see her freak out about it on social media. Does anyone have any experiences doing something similar?(do not suggest cowtipping)

No. 2005153

This treading really close to harassment

No. 2005198

Were you unaware of his fratty vine days? Not trying to be combative. Seems like a lot of people didn’t know. Im sorry for your disappointment but honestly I’m thrilled. I’ve been praying on his downfall for a while now and I hope he’s not able to sweep it all under the rug this time. He’s been filtering out both Tana and Colby’s names from his comments for years, as well as the word rape/rapist. The guy’s always been sleazy. You can just tell from the way he responds to being criticized, even on small things, that he’s a total tool who thinks he’s a star because he managed to figure out a way to turn mediocrity into gold.
Now just gotta wait for something to come out about Noel. I’ll admit, I don’t have much on him other than vibes. But his vibes are rancid to me and that’s enough for me to dislike him. He seems like the kinda guy who has a secret redpill account or something. I’ll never understand how those two got as popular as they did. They’re not funny, smart, or attractive enough to justify it.
I hate that women get cancelled for dumb shit like saying problematic things on twitter and people will bring it up for YEARS. But all a guy has to do to get everybody to forget his past is just settle down with some homely girl, knock her up, spend all your time DJing and training for marathons while your wife handles all the boring baby stuff, shit out low effort inoffensive content every few days…and boom! You’re a wholesome dad and Tana is obviously just an attention hungry whore trying to ruin you for no reason.
Also of course his dick is small. Just look at him. There’s gay face, autistic face, and there’s also chode face and Cody is a prime example.

No. 2005259

File: 1718574756295.jpg (229.15 KB, 1080x1917, unnamed.jpg)

Scott "Scoot" Henson, who was part of "Adum and Pals" just died. No news yet on what killed him. He was a wrestler, though, and wrestlers tend to have poor health.

No. 2005266

I'm really an advocate for believing women, but since when does Tana count as a credible source for anything? She's been known for over-dramatizing and making stuff up, it just gives me weird vibes when she says stuff like this. Is she falling off that hard that she needs this kind of drama so bad rn? Not trying to defend Cody btw, he does seem like a frat body who is just good at playing nice. Idk what do you nonas think?

No. 2005273

Whoa…I talked shit about him just a few weeks ago…very shocking. Holy shit. Was not expecting this.

No. 2005280


She mentioned it years ago casually, and if it wasn’t true Cody could easily say so.

No. 2005285

>there’s chode face
Kek nona please tell me more about this phenomenon and how to spot it using physiognomy so I can avoid moids with chodes in the future

No. 2005321

I genuinely think considering Tana's reputation, its much better not to address it since it'll lend it credence. Right now its just hearsay since Tana has literally no proof.

No. 2005372

Ayrt, no I wasn’t aware of his vine days, or any of his history. Everything I’ve learned about him was just from his channel and being a viewer for about 3 years or so now. But yeah I agree I’m hoping for his downfall now too, it’s so upsetting how no one seems to care about women enough to not support someone who supports a rapist. Especially on YouTube where the content is so closely tied to the person creating it, most people watch certain YouTubers because they like their personality. I can’t imagine enjoying content from someone I know supports a rapist, I unsubscribed right away, and I’m hoping others will as well. I didn’t even know he collaborated with Tana at one point, I guess I’m bad at reading people but he always struck me as a decent guy. I feel dumb for following him this long and liking all of his videos.

No. 2005424

I'm >>2005266 and that's kind of what I meant when I said that I'm an advocate for believing women when they talk about abuse allegations. It's super rare to have actual proof, so I'm inclined to belive her, but at the same time I feel conflicted because she's known for causing drama and not being honest.
Of course it would be fucked up for him to take advantage of a 17 year old, just wanted to make that clear. I was just interested in how everyone else is seeing things on that matter.

No. 2005445

File: 1718625617352.png (47.55 KB, 704x382, gdrive.png)

Imallexx's ex dropped the evidence of what she went through with alex. Texts, voice recordings, videos. 80 odd pages worth and apparently she's still holding back on some of it because of police involvement.

For anyone who doesn't have the time for 80-something pages
> Threatening to bash her head in with a brick and beat her head against a wall (captured in 4K on video)
> Telling her to act like a normal gf.. which he explains means learning how to roll over like a good dog in arguments
> Calling her a whore, bitch, dumb, retard, the n word? telling her her life is down the drain already (she was like 19/20 att) so she has nothing to lose meanwhile he has alot to lose
> All his friends, including her are absolute retards that he has to coach on how to.. be internet people and it's soo draining for him to deal with all the retards in his life
> Saying he's going to kill her
> Saying he's going to break her neck
> Telling her to kill herself
> Using the word woman over and over in his rants as if it's in itself an insult
> Ranting in an audio recording right after he'd kicked her in the back and she's getting her stuff together to leave
> Smashing her belongings before she could send someone to collect the rest of her stuff, computer monitor, keyboard etc
> Spamming her for months on every one of his and her platforms/accounts so he can try and suck her back in. Or other times just defaulting back to the same insults
> Leaving her 30 min long voice recordings crying and begging for her back, promising to treat her as well as she deserves, saying 'why didn't I already treat you like that' woe is me crying one minute and sounding oddly normal the next
> Sending her multiple gifts during the mad spamming era like shit sent via amazon
> Flipping from saying every issue they had was her fault and her annoying mentulz fault to saying it's all on him after all and how it'd totes be different if she just came back and he'd even.. drumroll, help clean their place if she returns.

No. 2005547

File: 1718647379984.jpg (111.74 KB, 750x1074, 1000016013.jpg)

Memeulous' reply

No. 2005548

File: 1718647414479.png (912.48 KB, 1080x1887, 1000016011.png)

Part two

No. 2005549

File: 1718647435936.jpg (189.27 KB, 1080x1779, 1000016012.jpg)

WillNe's reply

No. 2005557

Remember girls - moids killing themselves is very terrible and male suicide rates are a huge tragedy.

No. 2005558

Unfortunately moids like this rarely ever make serious attempts to kill themselves, it's always a manipulation or attention seeking tactic.

No. 2005565

adam is going to use this to delay the second part of the lion king review for another 3 years

No. 2005568

> I feel conflicted because she's known for causing drama and not being honest

This. Tana's kind of dodgy herself and probably thought she could run with/exaggerate a rumor and gain more traffic for her channel. I'm taking what she says with a grain of salt but I could care less about Cody to begin with. I wouldn't be surprised if she lurked here, even. Although if I were him and had nothing to hide, i'd nip the rumor then and there. Only time will tell if it snowballs and he ends up being forced to address it, I can't imagine the allegations laying low for long.

No. 2005575

ready to glare just posted a video on imalexx and…does this corset fit her properly? her boobs look weird AF to me. idk why, it just looks WRONG!


https://preservetube.com/watch?v=FxWygugEaX0(learn 2 embed)

No. 2005584

Sad to say I also had this thought

No. 2005642

Really sad. I fell off of Adam's content but any time I checked in on his stuff, I always found Scoot to be a highlight. He was pretty quick-witted and funny. Adam got the news while he was streaming, too (I don't have the video)

No. 2005662

Jowly chin/neck despite not being fat, prominent 5 o’clock shadow, has looked 35 since he was 20, looks “nice” (high trust features, overall dad vibe) and has a complete inability to make a serious or seductive expression (almost always goes for goofy or neutral instead). Not weird looking enough to utilize “goofmaxxing”, but just funny looking enough to not be able to pull off traditional hot guy moves. Jimmy Kimmel also has chode face but I can’t confirm his actual chode status.

No. 2005663

it's definitely picking up speed on tiktok, i think he's going to have to address it soon. maybe the imallexx thing might buy him time but not for long.

No. 2005695

I feel like even if the Tana thing isn’t true the fact his best friend is a rapist is bad enough, depending on how true that is. But honestly I wouldn’t doubt it, frat boys are always degenerate like that.

No. 2005729

File: 1718693681056.png (163.73 KB, 382x738, bitchfit.png)

he always gave me insecure bpd bitchass vibes and i was right look at these texts.
the woman is also retarded to have stayed with this abusive ugly loser for so long, i hope she learns to love herself

No. 2005731

Is there a link to the google doc itself?

No. 2005765

What other YouTubers did she steal her Sims content from?

No. 2005834

No. 2005837

>the woman is also retarded to have stayed with this abusive ugly loser for so long
They started dating march 17th 2023, now the proof drop includes months of his post break up crying too.. That's kinda an abusive relationship speed run compared to most. His suicide baiting relationship with kingani only lasted a few months too.

No. 2005898

Same here, anons. He listed every single inconvenience he experienced over the two years in his whiny Mufasa video. Scoot is definitely going to be added to his list of excuses.

His jokes were really hit-or-miss for me. Sometimes they were funny, but sometimes he would just be an edgelord for the sake of it. Adam will probably just stop doing Adum and Pals, replacing it with edited streams of him and his boyfriend watching stuff (like the Hoodwinked and Boss Baby videos.)

No. 2005899

Yeah let's not forget the James Somerton fiasco.

No. 2005957

jesus christ that's fucking repulsive

No. 2006009

Agreed, Scoot had his moments but most of his humor was misogyny and zoophilia. IMO Mark was the better partner to play off of, though it's funny the same reasons he was let go for are the same problems Adam has now, including the "He was busy with a new relationship instead of editing!"

No. 2006166

File: 1718812510786.png (525.06 KB, 1080x1645, Screenshot_20240617-161115.png)

Anisa has been getting responses like this to her private Twitter account, and parenthood was a topic on their latest podcast episode. A spawn of her and Ian would be the most gamma brained thing to walk the earth

No. 2006292

I saw some speculation on reddit that Rob and Corinne from Threadbanger have divorced, but they haven't announced it yet

No. 2006304


No. 2006305

Been discussed over here >>>/ot/1995599
They've split, Corinne has gone dark while Rob's been making shitty borderline schizo breakup art

No. 2006586

this shit is chilling, holy fuck, i hope this abusive piece of shit dies in a fire. worthless scum.

No. 2007631

File: 1719220095785.png (780.43 KB, 1112x802, tbys.png)

Think Before You Sleep says him and Brittany Venti broke up in his new vid. Says it was cause they were just 'incompatible'

No. 2007635

He dated Brittany venti???

No. 2007640

Yeah for like a year or so, he confirmed it on a stream a while ago.

No. 2007787

TBYS is such a fucking crybaby faggot.

No. 2007819

File: 1719256414861.png (85.72 KB, 587x702, IMG_1713.png)

He’s since migrated to Rumble, but Count Dankula’s (Nazi Salute Pug guy) wife left him.

No. 2007820

Isn't he a famous tranny chaser?

No. 2007823


Yep! Rumors on KF say that it’s because he was chasing.

Thread: (Warning, gross tranny porn on page 5; it’s blurred thankfully)


No. 2007827

I somehow predicted this a year ago

No. 2007839

That’s good, she deserves someone hotter and who doesn’t talk like a retard

No. 2007856

Lol the autism of the average KF user getting more upset about a single shitter post than a man fucking trannies, okay>>2007823

No. 2007863

File: 1719264738610.png (775.42 KB, 992x449, chasers.PNG)

what is it with men who look like this, getting married to women and always ending up being chasers? The more edgier the scrote the more gayer he is I guess. The types who think saying the N-word is edgy/funny, but won't dare call a man a man or openly lust after straigt up femboys (like that dude from the gun channel, i think he's russian who lusts after Finnster even while talking to his deep voice).
Edgy bros are even gayer than the "woke" dudes nowadays. I hope his wife moves on to better, it won't be hard. (the other dude is Chudlogic btw)

No. 2007869

File: 1719265020028.jpg (Spoiler Image,27.89 KB, 250x414, yuck.jpg)

I went to the thread and they are malding at the wife, when people are posting recipts of this man being a troon chasers, I guess they hate women leaving with the kids more than they hate men who openly chase after the people who tried to get their site shut down.

No. 2007872

File: 1719265230012.png (75.72 KB, 1225x235, Capture.PNG)

shit he's said from Kiwifarms, how embrassing.

No. 2007886

>she deserves-
grifters deserve nothing but shit

No. 2007905

Thought the left pic was fupa

No. 2007936

Kek Nonna, I thought it was fupapa too and had to do a double take.

No. 2008038

I can't find the cut as the channel who clipped brittany's stream bits deleted, but she had him in stream and he made it very clear he didn't believe in marriage and she did and wants kids. I don't know why they even bothered for a year, brittany wasted her time

No. 2008081

Bless you kiwifarms nonnas, I had a look at the thread but the insipid scrotespeak was really bothering me.

No. 2008131

Damn they were engaged too. No wonder Brittany took a break.
Chrissie Mayr said on Simpcast 2 weeks ago BV moved back to New York so I thought something big must've happened.
Fuck this guy, I miss Brittany.

No. 2009059

You’re not wrong about Noel’s vibes. He always gave off creep to me. I remember Brittany broski on their podcast talking about how fanfiction is like “porn with a plot” for women and Noel immediately segued into prolapsed anuses. He is a certified degenerate coomer. And he’s always had a weird vibe on their podcast like he’s holding back saying something insane. His only slip up was the Andrew Tate comment

No. 2009190

I think the prolapsed anuses thing was just a reference to her appearance on H3 tbf, where Ethan being the weirdo he is shocked her with a video of it

But I don't disagree, he literally is incapable of talking to women who aren't his wife, like actually talking to them. Whenever a woman guest was on he'd always make them "work hard" to get a laugh out of him. He's so clearly insecure it isn't even funny.

I think he's smart enough to not do anything too egregious. The "worst" he's done afaik is do standup with fucking Milo Yiannopolous at UCLA in like 2016.(learn2sage)

No. 2009229

>I miss Brittany.

No. 2009246

SaturatedContent is just as cringe as most the cows he farms on his channel and I hate that his shitty channel worms it's way into my suggested on occasion just bc I clicked on a Cyraxx arrest video once almost a year ago kek(sage your shit)

No. 2009403

>brittany wasted her time
ngl that's been most of her relationships. instead of jumping into the next relationship with a dude, she should just take a break from dating and figure her life out. She seems really… lost I guess? she's a d-list titty streamer with no personality so I imagine the dating pool isn't exactly huge for her

No. 2009422

Trad chad is such a pathetic, brainless moid, he is a waste of oxygen, i can't comprehend what kidology found interesting about him.

No. 2009423

I also did not want to believe it because, despite hating parasocial relationship, really liked their couple dynamic that they showed. If i was her, i'd be devastated, especially finding out right after having your first child.

No. 2010308

Has anybody heard of this YouTuber named Lord Miles? I haven't seen anything about him in the archives but he's pretty insane. He's a British Christian fundie 4channer turned "the west has fallen" war tourist vlogger. He uploaded a video 5 days ago detailing how he is going to single-handedly try and colonize North Sentinel Island. I'm not very good at writing summaries kek so I'll just copy-paste some relevant Reddit posts about him.

>He's basically an 'edgy' Bald and Bankrupt who travels to less-than-ideal destinations just so he can make political statements about his home country (and Western countries) in general as a strawman. He traveled to Afghanistan and after his first trip he praised the Taliban for how 'traditional' they are and pretty much wishes that his home country of the UK and Western nations in general adopt a similar regime (replace Islam with Christianity ofc) with maybe some variation of "yeah our liberal Western countries suck so bad lol that even these third world shitholes are better because at least they dont have gay people". Miles travels to a less-than-ideal destination and says "wow this is a lot better than Birmingham with all those migrants lol" and one time even traveled to New York to pretty much say "yeah man Taliban-Afghanistan is so much safer than NY because it doesn't have n-words infesting the place"…He sorta became an e-celeb around edgy right-wing parts of the internet who was basically their resident travel vlogger ever since the fall of the Islamic Republic in Afghanistan circa Fall 2021. He made appearances on podcasts and collaborated with many YouTubers within this 'edgy' sphere such as Sargon of Akkad.

>"Lord" Miles Routledge is a YouTuber and war tourist that first rose to prominence on 4chan by travelling to Afghanistan during its final days before the Taliban took control in August 2021. Since then he's gained a large online following for similar trips, including one where he went missing for 7 months in Afghanistan due to being detained. He is considered part of the alt-right, which is made pretty clear in this recent video by his comments on Indians, immigrants, the British Empire and the Sentinelese. North Sentinel Island is an island off the coast of India that is home to an isolated indigenous tribe known as the Sentinelese. The Sentinelese prefer being disconnected from the outside world, acting hostile towards most attempted contact (even going as far as to kill outsiders). India enforces an official ban on entering the island through their navy.

No. 2010311

And one of his video talking about him being detained for 8 months in Afghanistan. Basically, because he didn't get tortured, the Taliban is based, redpill bros!

No. 2010327

The Sentinelese kill outsiders on sight, good luck.

No. 2010353

I hope the islanders give him a traditional Sentinelese welcome

No. 2010371

Genuinely thought the Taliban got rid of this scrote. Clearly he wants to die and is just doing it in an obnoxious attention seeking fashion

No. 2010373


>> Says blacks in NYC make city dangerous

>> Decides to go to island filled with actual ooga boogas who kill outsiders on site

Male logic. He’s probably going to just hover right outside the island instead of actually setting foot. I think he’s too much of a coward to actually follow through.

No. 2010394

>colonize North Sentinel Island
Why? This sounds like some dumb scrote dream or an outright joke. Did the spirit of his British ancestors possess him to colonize some place?

No. 2010419

>Did the spirit of his British ancestors possess him to colonize some place?

Kekekekek, nonnie.

No. 2010457

kek nona you actually aren't too far off, at 2:57 of his invasion manifesto video he says this
>"And the thing is, guys, my ancestors from the British Empire, god bless them, went to these savage lands and actually conquered them, and made them even better. That's what colonization was, it made these lands better."
please let this white demon be stoned to death by some 70 year old sentinelese tribe leader, inshallah

No. 2010459

came here to say this, I remember her showing off her large engagement ring. Kinda sad. she's a bit of a pickme but I like her recent videos. like >>2009403 said TBYS is a loser and he gives off the vibe of a right wing incel chaser with his low T voice so I was surprised as BV really goes hard on low T men while her beloved hubby is a not-so-secret faggot. hopefully she starts making videos again

No. 2010802

He's severely cluster B and literally, unironically willing to die for attention and praise.

No. 2010893

What an idiot. Hope he gets the John Chau treatment.

No. 2011100

File: 1720062033154.jpeg (85.89 KB, 680x674, GOt8vhDWEAAVm5T.jpeg)

Jacksepticeye has unfollowed Markiplier on all social media platforms. Additionally, he has unfollowed their shared clothing brand Cloak and the entire Markiplier friend group (Bob, Wade, Tyler, etc.).

Allegations to come?

No. 2011103

Still stuck in that 16th century grindset

No. 2011104

File: 1720062652014.jpg (342.3 KB, 1280x754, tumblr_nvjzfckA291txwp1lo1_128…)

Bob and Wade (two of Markiplier's closest friends, many collabs spanning over a decade, running a podcast together) have also suddenly unfollowed Markiplier. Markiplier's girlfriend is still following everyone. I smell milk about to flow

No. 2011105

I know Markiplier (in the workspace) and have friends who have also met/worked with him. He's a complete nightmare. A total asshole that will yell but then blame it on "headaches". I'm interested in seeing whats gonna be revealed…

No. 2011107

god i hope i hate him and his retarded fanbase

No. 2011109

This better deliver. I've been bored quite recently.

No. 2011110

laissez les bon temps rouler!!

I could never stand this guys face

No. 2011111

What are you all placing bets on?

No. 2011115

I hate his annoying dollar-store-Cronk voice and how his head is too wide.

No. 2011135

I hope for something more fun than the usual pedo allegations

No. 2011269


based on what nona said earlier probably him being a menace to work with, always acting like he is right and everyone is wrong, and not properly paying his workers, I don't think i've ever watched a Markiplier video, even by mistake. but i've seen clips and he gives off this Dad persona. Guys like that always have massive skeletons in their closet. I'm thinking maybe an N word here and there. also probably yelling at his gf/wife and going like "can't you see i'm going through so much work pressure rn" (work pressure being playing video games for people)

No. 2011278

i am seated for this. the mods at lolcow have said the milk isnt ready yet and that i need to leave but i am simply to seated.

No. 2011301

Interesting….Gabsmolders posted on Insta that June was a shit month, wondering if this is related.

No. 2011322

>dubya, why are youtubers so fucking gay? (sage your shit)

No. 2011345

his live-in ex-employee who suicided

No. 2011355

I'm anticipating the pettiest of petty moid drama which will spiral to retarded levels
Cluster B moids are so annoying kek

No. 2011375

You’re not talking about Daniel Kyre, right? I feel like that’d be way too long ago for it to come up now…
But also, two ex-employees suiciding? Fuck, Mark.

No. 2011552

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Big fan in hs who still keeps an eye out whenever his name comes up. My predictions in order of likelihood:
>Business-based falling out
Whenever Mark is asked about money he is cagey about numbers but makes a weird show of how he's 'obscenely rich' and doesn't feel like he deserves the insane amounts of money he makes (see his interview with Anthony Padilla). Money is clearly very important to him even if he tries to act otherwise. Wouldn't be surprised if he's done some shady business around profits/payouts for Cloak and fucked Jack over for his own gain. That kind of thing could definitely tear apart a friendship group which explains why even his longtime friends have unfollowed him.
Bonus theory: Skimming from his charity earnings and niece's funeral's GoFundMe for his own profit?
>Moid temper tantrum
Based on what >>2011105 said and how he has spoken at length about being an angry and violent teenager/young man before his youtube career took off. Those habits and feelings don't just go away, they have to be worked on over time, and I wouldn't be surprised if he lashed out at one/all of his friends in some way. But these guys have all known Mark for 10+ years, so if this is the case I would love to know what the final straw was, since they probably already knew his tendencies.
>Freak shit
This could be anything from cheating on his gf to actual pedoshit with his fans. Even his biggest supporters thought his OnlyFans charity stunts were weird for a guy whose key market is kids and teenagers. He obviously has a big ego and maybe some weird sadomasochist tendencies too (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9d06hHgDTvE, trigger warning for cringe YouTube skits)? I also remember years and years ago there was a girl on tumblr who claimed they'd been communicating on Snapchat and he'd pressured her for nudes and shit-talked all of his friends to her behind their backs. Her account read like fanfic but she had a handful of (non-incriminating) receipts if memory serves, he addressed her in his own post and framed her as a spurned fling, and not-so-subtly sent his fans after her. If this is the case then I doubt this girl was a one-off, but it raises the question of why more girls haven't come forward in the past few years as his popularity has waned.
>Domestic Abuse
As with point 2 but with the rage being aimed at his gf instead of his collaborators. The first people moids usually chimp out on is their spouse and maybe his friends got sick of watching him treat his gf of nearly 10 years like shit. Don't think it's likely because unfortunately most men's loyalty will stay with their friend and they will pretend they don't see his wifebeating instead of calling him out on it

No. 2011557

It's impossible and far fetched but a Pro-Jared/Holly affair type situation would be hilarious

No. 2011559

File: 1720189686415.jpg (319.99 KB, 1080x1702, 2024-07-05 17_27_54.192+0300.j…)

Just found this from bird app search. Might be fake but does anyone know more?

No. 2011690

If true, this is probably the closest I'd ever feel to respect for him for keeping his kids out of the public eye.

No. 2011725

Highly doubt he’d be able to keep a marriage of 4+ years to himself seeing as he’s constantly talking about his personal life in his videos

No. 2011745

File: 1720233668174.jpg (403.85 KB, 1080x1965, 2024-07-06 05_39_52.548+0300.j…)

Welp, was fake news

No. 2011772

File: 1720239022063.png (924.71 KB, 1031x678, Screenshot (30032).png)

Did Chad Chad get a bunch of filler? She looks pillowfaced

No. 2011774

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No. 2011775

she did, she also gained and lost a lot of weight. her recent videos on her channel her face looks more normal. I think she’s letting them dissolve because they were hella obvious, the lip filler aged her like milk.

No. 2011776

Oh good she's getting it dissolved, yeah it looks awful. I didn't even recognize her at first.

No. 2012524

SSSniperwolf just got caught copyright striking a channel named OneGiantOnion for making a video making fun of her. She is, of course, refusing to address it >>2012523

No. 2012547

People also just look different when they aren't controlling the angles and lighting and I'd say that's most of it

No. 2012648

Why has he got the youtube apology setup

No. 2012969

He's lying. She didn't do anything to him. She confirmed it with other channels it wasn't her

No. 2013137

Penguinz0 made a correction video, like >>2012969 said it was some fan of her’s

No. 2013687

Boogie lied about having cancer to scam his fans.

No. 2013705

Didn't his ex gf died of cancer?(sage your shit)

No. 2013738

Here's a video Coffeezilla just put out where Boogie is screaming at him.

No. 2013756

Boogie really is a gift that keeps on giving. What an asshole

No. 2013778

Mister Metokur (actually dying of like mega cancer, currently a hollowed out zombie with disintegrating bones and shit) has been doing backflips over Boogie lying. It's crazy seeing a guy who built his persona off being unbotbered/detached start genuinely a-logging harder than he ever did with Ethan Ralph

No. 2013810

she was never his girlfriend, just somebody he knew in high school

No. 2013811

Boogie spends this whole stream making vague suicide baiting threats. He's such a dumb liar and always resorts to suicide baiting when lightly pressed on his lies. And when people don't fall for that he flips out like a retard, like when he starts getting naked at one point on this stream.

Also, the way Boogie sounds on this stream reminds me of that video of the guy shitting his pants while his mom is yelling at him to go to the bathroom.

No. 2013827

I don't think his persona was ever being unbothered/detached, there was a portion in his Doug Walker vids where he goes off on Todd in the Shadows and his stone is more smarmy than anything. Either way thought, he's right to be pissed.

No. 2013837

File: 1720748556039.png (353.66 KB, 723x768, boogie keem.png)

Keemstar hinted at boogie maybe actually having cancer unknowlingly, which would be insanely funny and poetic. Imagine lying for two years about having cancer to grift, gain sympathy and use as an out of jail card when you get accused of scamming people, just for a literal cuck like destiny to expose you to the entire internet, and then actually end up having cancer. This year has been glorious for drama. Between jirad, dr disrespect and now boogie its just the year that keeps on giving.

No. 2013874

Holy shit is this why Metokur hasn’t been making videos? Used to listen to his TGWTG series on lunch breaks and then he dropped off the face of the earth. I don’t blame him for being pissed if he’s actually got super cancer, it’s the worst thing in the world to watch happen to someone you love die to but to lie about it for internet asspats damn who wouldn’t yell. Never understood how Boogie had fans at any point, he’s always been a cowardly pos and should have killed himself years ago.

No. 2013901

sorry, what is the beef between him and todd in the shadows? isn’t that the guy who just talks about music? wtf could possibly trigger him about that guy?

No. 2014036

I honestly wish I remember. Only that it was related to Lindsey Ellis and in the middle of the screed, he calls him a cuck for something (which stuck out to me because he seemed quite sympathetic to everyone involved).

No. 2014039

yeah, jim is confirmed to have real cancer. looks like he has a stream on the docket for 7/13, should be some good stuff.

No. 2014173

Mark mentions the falling out at the start of Sons of the Forest: Solo - Part 1, and claims they've been "going over this thousands of times at this point" regarding what happened. Does anyone know when and where?? The way he says it makes it sound like it's just a weird bit they're all pulling (considering the entire group sucks at improv it wouldn't surprise me), I have yet to really see more of his videos since july 4th though so idk if it's revealed to just be a bad joke. Have there been statements on twitter?

No. 2014243

File: 1720838910608.jpg (611.53 KB, 1069x2980, 1000008680.jpg)

Bob and Wade are still listed when I go under markiplier's followers I know. (I'm not about to scrub his howevermany followers to find them that way), so I sort of wonder if this is a joke that has been taken too seriously after what happened with jacksepticeye

No. 2014247

It was just a joke, please watch the first three minutes or the video, not just 30 seconds ffs
They played Sons of the Forest together, Bob and Wade were very annoying and obnoxious and didn't make any progress at all in the game, fans were pissed (rightfully, it was unbearable), now hes playing it solo because the game is allegedly good and makes a good yt serie
Nothing much to it
They are playing a lot of other co-op games lately (chained together is the most recent)

No. 2014274

I genuinely do not mean this as a meme, listen to distractible if you want the details. It's literally just a running joke in their podcast.
What happened with jacksepticeye? His socials are a nuisance to comb thru with all the stupid coffee plugs

No. 2014329

Nothing really, as far as I can tell. Sounds like him and his girlfriend unfollowed Mark about a month ago, but people were speculating why because it looks like Sean has been removed from pretty much all of Cloak's website/branding. So I can see how a similar joke with Bob and Wade might be confusing to some people.

No. 2014356

Jack's been shit since he cheated on his gf with gabby, despite the poor girl literally leaving her home country for him, everyone's better off without those two kek

No. 2014675

I can't believe this weasel got away with it for so long, and that it's been a month and no other big commentary channel has spoken about it. I don't really like D'Angelo but good on him, the bar really is that low

No. 2014715

Why dont you like him? Is it because he supports troons and is "non-binary" or is there something more?(learn to sage)

No. 2014720

Good, I'm surprised this guy Cody and his friend Noel got so big. His humour is low IQ misogynistic and unfunny. I guess this is what appeals to the masses though.

He's got a kid and a wife now, I wonder how things will go considering how public he's made his current relationship.

No. 2014721

I just found him insufferable in his MoistCritikal and IDubzzz vid.

No. 2014722

I find it funny he failed hard as an artist and so jumped onto making drama videos. He used to browse on lolcow's art threads

No. 2014731

>d'angelo callout
cody is done
i liked cody a lot. this is unforgivable tho

No. 2014735

She was talking about D'Angelo, nona. The reasons for not liking Cody are obvious.

No. 2014757

I didn't realize he cheated with Gabs. Not surprised though because he seems to do a lot to keep up his friendly goofy image.
She'll probably lose him the way she got him.

No. 2014768

They insisted it wasn't cheating, but the time line didn't add up, especially with how Jack ended up with Gabby immediately after he dumped signé. Poor girl put her whole life on the line for him and moved country only for him to drop her. He's trash.

No. 2014802

He was defending a pedo tranny Nicholas "Sarah" Nyberg, IIRC.

No. 2015021

i remember this guy from the holly brown drama in the art community. he still around wow. never liked him, he's a vulture

No. 2015074

>"cody didn't apologize enough for saying the nword" on a video about his statutory rape
this dude is so unserious

No. 2015078

YouTube callouts are like Tumblr callouts in the sense that every single accusation will be treated with the same level of severity kek. That's why every expose goes along the lines of
> They called me cringe
> They read bad manga
> They abducted 30 minors and started a cult in the middle of Arizona where abuse and malnourishment ran wild, leading to the murder-suicides of '07
> They whitewashed Moana

No. 2015161

He was clearly pointing out how Cody has a pattern of doing the most to hide his controversies, and even when he does address them he does it behind a paywall to the smallest amount of people possible

No. 2015166

penguinz0 made a video about the situation as well. It is going to go downhill for Cody Ko now kek

No. 2015179

File: 1721072289676.jpg (327.22 KB, 1284x2274, Gabi.jpg)

Gabi Belle also commented on the situation with Cody on her instagram, for some reason both her and Readytoglare liked the post which is confusing knowing Gabi’s stance and Ready To Glare’s history of making predator exposing vids

Didn’t know D’Angelo Wallace was still making vids on internet drama, thought he just transitioned to doing celebrity drama commentary after his vids on Doja Cat and The Weeknd

No. 2015184

Exactly. I've only seen stupid people like the drama commentary guys from Turkey Toms circle say it's derailing. It's not that difficult to understand

No. 2015225

Mark 100% cheats. He has said before he had a huge porn problem and when he played RE Village he was drooling over Lady Dimitrescu. He has a thing for big curvy ladies and his gf has the body of 10 year old boy. No butt and flat chested.

No. 2015242

so this is sort of unrelated but in the subreddit r/popculturechat, someone would make a post about tana calling out cody for having sex with her while she was a teenager and within hours it would get deleted. this has gone on for like a year. not the same person making the same exact post, different ppl each time but within like 6 or so hours it inevitably got deleted. i’m guessing that was all cody or his friends. i even saw deleted posts on fauxmoi and that sub allows any speculation.

No. 2015254

Porn sure but everyone was into that tall lady, that was literally the meme. And no one has come forward about mark cheating but everyone knows Jack did cheat on signe. I'm thinking Jack's realized his attempt to branch his careers out won't work since he's a shit VA and all he's got is coffee. He's jealous of the weird movie mark is doing because at least mark is doing something. And again, the bob and wade unfollow was a meme for their podcast. They just uploaded more gameplay together.

No. 2015346

he's said in previous videos that he doesn't watch porn anymore to be fair. the lady dimitrescu thing was also played up a lot, it's just his shitty sense of humour. i wouldn't put it past any man to cheat but i don't think these are good indicators

No. 2015502

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I have always gotten strong incel vibes from Mark. Like he was severely unpopular in high school and still isn't over it, despite currently having relative success. It's like the blonde boyz song he made, you could tell it was filled absolutely seething hatred against some jocks he didn't like in high school.

No. 2015512

I don't think he's an incel, and you're sorta grasping at straws here

No. 2015522

Guys, spoonfeed me
Does CinnamonToastKen raise any red flags? I like him and think he's more adjusted than his other youtube counterparts and peers.

No. 2015526

nayrt but but every once in a while he brings up losing his virginity "late" at like 20 almost 21 and he'll play it off as a joke but you can hear the subtle seethe

No. 2015546

make your own opinions, jesus fucking christ

No. 2015548

I was asking if he's been in any controversies or had any allegations dummy

No. 2015579

I always felt like Kelsey gave off pickme vibes, but when the Tana news broke I almost felt bad for her. But then I remembered, she knows the man she married. They had a rapist IN their wedding, and they still happily hang out with him.

No. 2015581

His ‘wholesome’ persona and his stupid exaggerated radio voice always felt so fake to me. He seems like a deeply insecure dude. I can’t find it but I also could have sworn I remember some old milk from an ex-girlfriend of his, saying that he was always paranoid about being seen together or her posting pictures of him because he wanted his fans to think he was single and if he had a girlfriend it would ruin his follower count.

No. 2015583

I thought her video about anisa was great

No. 2015593

Their whole relationship is weird. I do feel bad for her because she literally just had a baby. I'm not sure she ever dug too deep into his friends - she seems a bit dim.

No. 2015618

I am deeply enjoying this Cody ko fiasco and their pathetic fans stumbling onto each other to defend his moid ass KEK is the type of milk that can only be given when the cow poses himself as "the safe funny guy" just to suck the money and time out of their fans while simultaneously uplift his rapist friend and pickme guinea pig wife. Do any of you remember years ago when he posted this video with his parents and retards where asking them "how did you raised Kody so well??" KEK!!! I live for these small moments of milk, cheers.

No. 2015670

>I can't believe this weasel got away with it for so long
Tbh there were posts about it in Youtube Hate thread on /ot/ and no one cared 'because it's Tana and she's probably lying', so I'm not surprised. He made fun of Depp-Heard trial before, but obviously his retarded fans are just now catching up on him being a misogynist and statutory rapist.

No. 2015824

During the among us streams there were accusations of him drinking too much and being verbally aggressive towards some of the other YouTubers. It looks like he’s since figured it out though.

No. 2015851

If that's the worst thing about him known to the public, then he's practically a saint. Good to know.
I used to watch xQc who is for sure far more "verbally abusive", I can look past that.

No. 2015852

Youtubers think that being told to do research is verbal aboos so you're probably fine kek

No. 2015972

I couldn't stand when she was in videos. she gave pick me holler than thou vibes. like shed call men creeps (not wrong) but then your husband is friends with a rapist and is a rapist. felt like she was overcompensating bc she knew

No. 2016022

It is lame to jump on it to ride the clout wave, though. We don't need 80 different stale takes from literal whos.

No. 2016105

Sadly, we absolutely do. If people don't chime in, it'll seem like "not that big of a deal" and he'll weasel his way back in.

No. 2016141

File: 1721284845059.mp4 (16.36 MB, 1352x746, 6192144-7be45c5dcebfc2e7e86b24…)

Boogie has a Meltdown and brings out a dull knife threatening to cut himself.
At the time he was still pretending he had cancer ( he later truly confessed he did not).
Destiny called him out on truly being suicidal (saying he's not) so boogie did this. Got this from kf.

No. 2016149

This >>2016105, he was able to sweep it under the rug for years despite Tana mentioning it for a long time. Literal nobodies and washed up yt 'personalities' trying to get clicks from it and adding nothing to the conversation sort of annoy me too, but it’s important that this gets publicity.

No. 2016150

my fucking sides why are fat neckbeards always the biggest attention whores

No. 2016167

his proportions are all kind of fucked up. Honestly I always hated his "good guy persona" from 2016-2017, but you couldn't criticize him publicly without being called a monster. People who go on and on how good they are always end up being the worst

No. 2016221

>people who go on and on how good they are always end up being the worst
i remember when boogie was at the height of his fame and everyone seemed to love him. at first i thought his over-friendliness was just a weird personal coping mechanism for him, but then he would occasionally say shit like "oh, i have A REAAAALLY edgy sense of humour that most people just wouldn't understand!!!" and it became pretty obvious for me that he was… not all there. something about the combination of trying so desperately to be admired while still hinting at "something more" (how he battles with such dark thoughts all the time, how he enjoys "edgy" things) made me feel uneasy. and it's not like i watched a lot of him, maybe one or two videos in total back then. when people say that they would've never guessed he was this way, i don't really understand how. people like him tell on themselves all the time. i really thought it was obvious the whole time.

No. 2016249

>he’s waiting for you to tell him to stop that’s what he’s doing.
It’s true, boogie constantly talks about offing or hurting himself for sympathy but he’ll never actually go through with it. I just hope his body gives out before he ends up marrying that poor girl he’s with so she’s not stuck with his debt.

No. 2016269

You should follow the whole drama and watch the whole vid, its genuinely one of the juiciest things out right now. (Even more than the Trump shooting)

No. 2016277

Between the destiny stream and now Boogie has tried to fish for sympathy by making self victimizing lies at least 3 times. First, while being interviewed by Metokour, he lied about his ex gf in high school abusing him, then he started sperging like a 14yo bpd sanrio core girl about how he ''used to cut'', and most recently he told Mutahar that his dad molested him. TOPKEK.

No. 2016306

I feel like Boogie has been accusing his parents of molestation for a long time, like four or five years now.

No. 2016317

why bring that up even if it's true? plenty of people get molested without lying about having cancer

No. 2016320

he already lied about getting molested once

No. 2016325

There is a lot in hindsight now he could've been bullshitting about or greatly exaggerated. Like his first "Draw with Me" where iirc he claimed his dad was an abusive alcoholic and then once everyone got tired of him bitching about him being a victim of abuse he upped the ante to "actually I was also molested and that's why I'm morbidly obese".

No. 2016368

There was a part in the stream where Muta brings up that during Keem's Fourth of July party that Boogie got his girlfriend blackout drunk and then kept giving her alcohol passed that. When you pair that with the information that Boogie admitted he had sex with her that night it paints a really bad picture for that night and their relationship as a whole.
Iirc according to his brother, Boogie was the spoiled child and their sister who no longer talks to them was the one who got physically abused. Boogie's exaggerating or outright lying about what happened to him, but also probably claiming some of what his sister went through as his own trauma.

No. 2016379

People are shitting on Kelsey, but realistically she doesn't go around Googling her husband or his friends all the time. Cody wouldn't introduce her to Colby as "My friend, the rapist." If she heard about it at all, it was from complete strangers sending her messages online or leaving comments, and I bet whoever manages her channel was deleting those. I can easily believe that she has been blindsided by all this and is now facing the idea of single motherhood. That's a big "if", of course, because she could be a shithead who just doesn't care, I don't know the woman. I just hope she does the right thing and leaves his ass.

No. 2016380

Michael & Lindsay are genuinely really nice people. Years ago my brother went missing while in a mental crisis, they posted the info & our contact info to help spread the word. They reached out to me privately and kept in contact. They even took my Dad & I out for drinks to celebrate once we found my brother. Lindsay being a theybie is annoying af but they are really good people.(blog)

No. 2016412

why would you dox yourself like this

No. 2016543

His wife Mary was pretty young when they started dating, like she was a teen and he was in his twenties and i think he payed for her boob job early on if that counts
Iirc she has a thread on gurugossip cuz she did titty cosplays

No. 2016554

I'm with bigbunjee's theory that his siblings actually went through abuse and boogie desperately wanted to be a victim too. Even accused his runaway sister of abusing him at some point

No. 2016573

No way she is leaving him, he has too much money

No. 2016595

Angelika Oles covered it pretty early on as well, I really like her videos about it and agree with her opinions on the matter. People were really banking off the "she was almost 18" argument and I like how Angelika said even if Tana was 18 it was still disgusting of Cody to go after a young fan who already adored him from watching his content for so long. I honestly used to hate Angelika but after years of ignoring her content I came back to it earlier this year and I like her a lot now, I feel like she's really matured with her content and her opinions and now I watch pretty much every video.

No. 2016598

Nta but same, I still go back and watch them sometimes. Same with her videos on Shoe, Belle, Pearl, and Martina Markota.

>"Are you encouraging people to cut?! I used to cut!"
Kekkkkkk is he 14 years old? Jfc what a cow, what kind of grown man admits to that. I died when Keem started scolding him like a child, ty for the laugh nonna, incredible. Sidenote of course Boogie is one of those "how DARE you laugh at Trump getting shot at?!" insufferable losers meanwhile he claims to have such an ~edgy~ sense of humor that's basically just him laughing at rape jokes. He is such a sad sack of shit with no core values or principals.

No. 2016642

Ralph says he has nudes of elissa clips. When should we expect them to be dropped?(this is an imageboard. post caps)

No. 2016721

I'd feel more sympathetic to the Tana Mongeau situation if so many commentators weren't giving the impression that they're projecting their own experiences super hard onto the narrative.
Tana wasn't traumatized. She didn't press charges. Both parties knew the other's age. Is it fucked up and gross for him to do that? Absolutely. But there are people calling it assault and it just…wasn't that, not even in a technical sense.
To me the more interesting story here is the fact that Youtube was demonetizing and age-restricting videos discussing it up until a few days ago. They were deliberately trying to suppress videos about the topic in their algorithm. To me, the fact that Youtube tries to protect their biggest creators by just covering up controversies like this, sweeping them under the rug automatically, is more of a problem than a singular statutory rape incident from nearly a decade ago.

Also I genuinely don't feel there's anything wrong, when you know someone has a reputation for fabricating narratives that never happened, to question them when they tell you another bombastic story. Boy who cried wolf, etc. You don't have to voice it out loud! But if you don't at least question it in the privacy of your own mind, man, you're living in dreamland. It's common sense. People are ganging up on creators merely for including the caveat of 'If this is true' but TBF, commentators regularly include that caveat for ANY criminal allegation in order to cover their ass, legally speaking.

No. 2016722

the age of consent is 18, its definetly illegal

No. 2016736

frankly if the legal system aint gonna/can't do anything about it, 'it's illegal' feels like it's a meaningless statement. ex: sodomy was illegal up until 2014 in certain states but nobody was getting arrested for anal in 2013. anyways, statute of limitations means the statutory rape can never be a court case, but what CAN still go to court is a slander charge against a commentator/content creator. so when i hear someone like brittany broski say 'if true' when discussing it, I'm not like 'egads they're such a terrible person for questioning the victim', I think they've just trying to avoid trouble.
unfortunately a couple of people's audiences have trouble understanding that concept, idk.

No. 2016740

>Tana wasn't traumatized. She didn't press charges. Both parties knew the other's age. Is it fucked up and gross for him to do that? Absolutely. But there are people calling it assault and it just…wasn't that, not even in a technical sense.
it's still statutory rape and a crime. if you live in a country/state with a lower age of consent, it might seem unserious but it's a sex crime nonetheless, a man being fully willing to commit one tells you everything about him. the way these online men are praised and shielded from criticism with their scummy shit getting sweeped under the rug by their fanbase, it's a great set up for future, more severe crimes. callouts and cancellings are absolutely necessary to keep them even remotely in check. besides that, men like cody are unfunny as fuck and too old to do cringey useless commentary videos on youtube, having them "canceled" and removed from the popular culture is good for the content eco system so to speak.

No. 2016746

Statutory rape is a crime nona. That's illegal. It's weird as fuck he did that. A 25 year old knowingly committing statutory rape is at best very morally bankrupt, and at worst a rapist. It doesn't matter if you don't personally think it "counts" as rape, it is legally defined that minors can not consent to sex with adults. It doesn't matter that she consented to it, because legally she can't consent to it.

No. 2016767

>not even in a technical sense.

Wrong, in the literal technical it IS assault, maybe you are expecting a charge of "assault in the third degree" which more violent but just because he didn't almost kill her doesn't mean it wasn't assault.

>Censorship is more of a problem than a singular statutory rape incident from nearly a decade ago.

Also wrong, in the sense that YouTube has a filtering system that is automatic without human intervention which means that any video with child unfriendly content will be suppressed, the only time YouTube plays favorites is with musicians. Also you're mega retarded because rape is OBJECTIVELY worse than demonitizing drama videos.

No. 2016776

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No. 2016779

Idk it makes me happy people are taking it seriously, I'm so used to people brushing off women who have stories of abuse or stat rape so I was surprised to see that Cody is actually facing some backlash for this, as he should.

No. 2016782

She literally said that the only reason she doesn’t consider it outright traumatizing is because she had even worse stuff happen to her. Go lick his balls somewhere else.

No. 2016857

take two seconds to google the legal definitions of both statutory rape and assault. one of the requirements of statutory is that it is 'non-forcible' (or else obviously it's just rape). while that's absolutely not the same as being a consensual act, because a seventeen-year-old can't give consent legally even if they say 'yes, please!', it's also not enough to automatically slap the perp with a second charge of 'assault'. Nobody is saying an assault needs to be extreme to qualify as 'real assault', it just needs to meet the legal definition in order to be presented in criminal court. Hope that explains the 'technically'.

No. 2016861

I can agree with her. After you experience enough hardship, you toughen up and even more extreme situations don't get under your skin like they used to…desensitization and all. That makes sense to me. What doesn't make sense is that Tana literally said 'I wasn't traumatized' - implying it might have been otherwise for a different person with different life experiences, yep, that's nice to acknowledge - yet somehow it is not kosher for a third party say 'she wasn't traumatized'. If she says she wasn't, maybe let's take her word for it - and there shouldn't be any problem with repeating what she said unless she makes a different statement in the future.

No. 2016866

Problem is, I'm not sure it's enough. It's good for stories like this to get out there, you're right, but eventually it'll be old news, and as long as he keeps pushing out his brand as if nothing ever happened, his brainlet followers who haven't already found out the facts and decided to part ways because of how morally repugnant he is aren't going to change their minds. I think if it gets bad enough, he could drop a tasteless apology video written by ChatGPT and the audience he entertains would probably just go along with it. I can hear the script in my head right now, 'it was so long ago…I was so young and confused… I've changed since then, guys, I swear, I'm a whole different person now…'
Maybe I'm just being cynical. At least this backlash ought to be a major deterrent to the rest of the creeps who think sleeping with a 17-year-old at the age of 25 is somehow acceptable.

No. 2016888

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iDubbbz publicly supported Tana (or can easily be interpreted as such) on D’angelo’s video

No. 2016889

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No. 2016890

Is d’angelo going to troon out?

No. 2016891

I don’t know nona, let me ask him

No. 2016902

you can't look at tana and tell us she doesn't have a few gears off. Girl has clearly been put into drugs and sex by older men all her life.

No. 2016926

You're exactly right, this isn't enough for anything. Cody will let it die down and come back just fine because his audience is men who wish they could've slept with Tana too. What's worse is that this won't even stop men from being gross. Underage women will still sleep with older men for the sake of power or money or even a chance to escape the brutality of work in a male operated society and men will continue to prey on underage girls because they all think that even if that dude got caught, THEY will never get caught cause they're "smarter"

No. 2016952

If this is true, we have a pattern

No. 2017001

Omg, praying for his downfall

No. 2017006

I always got the impression that his audience is mostly young women, praising him for being 'feminist' because he occasionally dunks on PUAs or whatever. I’m thinking positive tbh, it may be his downfall. I wonder if his wife stays with him but I’m almost sure she will. Sucks that even on female dominated website like lolcow it gets downgraded because 'it’s Tana'.

No. 2017046

I saw this pop up in my recommended on Youtube and the thumbnail caught my eye so I watched it and saw a few things I wasn't aware of yet.

>The Youtube channel 'Cut' that used to be quite fond of Cody deleted all of their videos with him.

>Cody is still getting DJ gigs and the audience seems to support him completely, the entire front row was filled with women chanting "Cody."
>According to someone who used to follow his content on Vine, Cody and his frat bros used to hangout with a lot of teenage girls. And Cody was supposedly dating one of them, there was a video of him kissing her on the head and then the same photo someone shared here >>2016889. So it seems like going after young girls is a pattern for him, I don't doubt there are more.

No. 2017053

May this milk be his downfall

No. 2017109

DJs not being horrible "people" challenge (impossible).

No. 2017124

Kris Tyson allegations regarding him possessing loli shit

No. 2017127

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Holy shit I knew Shadman was a creep but I had no idea he was this fucked up, anyone supporting him needs an immediate electric chair reposted to censor her face, sorry that was thoughtless of me

No. 2017145

Just because someone isn't popular in high school doesn't mean he's an incel. Wtf is this logic kek

No. 2017164

Finally the normies are catching up lmfao; there's also people showing up and saying SunnyV2 was right. Chris already nuked his twitter.

The next few days are going to be interesting. I predict that Mr. Beast and his suites are going to shut up and hope that everyone will forget about it, but if someone comes out and #Metoo's him, then it'll all be unironically over for all of them.

No. 2017173

Except that it's Tana so what's the problem. She built her 'career' on being a pathological liar and attention seeker.

No. 2017183

Doesn't make it ok to statutory rape her.

No. 2017187

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This you?

No. 2017205

This is well known. He's drawn porn of real kids before, one of which included Keemstars kid. I don't even like Keem but even I wouldn't wish that on him.

No. 2017230

Reminder Elvis the alien supported him. I want a list of all the ytubers who supported shad

No. 2017234

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He was complaining about teen porn being evil before revealing that he married his teenage girlfriend

No. 2017235

People are finding other girls now lol. Read the thread.

No. 2017236

What the absolute fuck? All YouTubers are predators, no exceptions

No. 2017249

Cody should've backed the hell off, but no one forced Tana to make out with him and she's not traumatized from it, it was a dumb choice on her part. Some people need to stop using the situation to virtue signal, she doesn't need anyone to defend her or go to bat for her, it was simply an event in her life. Tana is not a victim, even if Cody's a creep.(bait)

No. 2017251

Sunnyv2 was right, papa gut fat shit eating ass better admit it. I bet a lot of youtubers who whined about his video won't talk about this.

No. 2017253

>Tana is not a victim, even if Cody's a creep.
I understand you hate her but fucking hell she was just 17. a minor, sure she was a high schoolar but she wasn't a full grown 24 year old adult like pedo rapist Cody was. It's still statutory rape don't fucking coddle moids

No. 2017255

According to the law she is

No. 2017282

Yeah, she made a bad choice because she was a child, and cody was a grown ass man knowingly doing shit with a kid. Stop this bullshit for real, nona, that was rape no matter your or even tana's opinion on it

No. 2017313

Fugg. I'm sure by teenage he meant on the younger side (14-16) but still, what a weirdo. I'm 100% sure she was a fan in his DMs too cause how else would he have interacted with a random 19 year old in another country?

No. 2017314

He's not a pedo, come on. Rapist? Legally, yes. Creep? 100%. Pedo? No.

No. 2017323

Oh boy now we're in the "it's ackshuyally ephihebeoiuhgfr5tophilia" stage of this thread…

No. 2017324

She was a minor who got taken advantage of by a grown male. Even the 'legality' part is not on your side.

No. 2017337

being attracted to a 6 year old is not the same as being attracted to a 17 year old. I'm sorry that words have meaning(derailing/infighting)

No. 2017356

I don't even hate her, nothing she's said or done has any impact on my personal life. What i'm saying is I don't feel a sense of "poor Tana" over all this. She got hers and moved on. Cody deserves the shit he's getting because it was a selfish and gross choice on his part to continue even after he was informed, but it's not like he targeted her specifically as barely legal prey. He just didn't stop when he should have. We should absolutely keep moids from preying on women and barely legal teens, but this seems less sinister than people are making it out to be.

No. 2017360

>but it's not like he targeted her specifically as barely legal prey
What about the other teenagers he went after?

No. 2017372

Is there any milk on this yet other than "so-and-so said"?

No. 2017377

I mean..
>>2016889 should be obvious

No. 2017393

It takes a specific kind of man to pursue a 17 year old girl. Sadly there are many of this kind, but it does require a certain degree of degeneracy and depravity to sexually pursue such a young girl as a man in his mid-twenties.

No. 2017403

>it was a dumb choice on her part
I feel like that's what makes stat rape so deplorable, because teens and young people don't make the best decisions, it's up to the adults to be the responsible ones. I'm glad Tana is not traumatized by it but that doesn't make Cody any more "innocent." Age consent laws matter because young people often make poor choices, if I were able to legally get tattooed and pierced in my early teens I'd have probably spent nearly 20,000 in tattoo removal by now. Young people aren't the best at making potentially life altering decisions, which is why it's so gross when adult men use that to their advantage. And Tana is a victim of stat rape whether she considers herself one or not, and Cody is a stat rapist.

No. 2017404

>She got hers and moved on.
Your language and numbness is fucking disgusting

No. 2017734

Idk if it's in this vid cause I haven't watched it, but the whole story he was pedaling during this stream was so convoluted. His doctor's accent was so thick that he couldn't understand that he was telling boogie he has cancer, but once boogie asked the dr to explain it he understood that he had cancer BUT ACTUALLY his doctor didn't explain to him that he had cancer at all and he found out when he got home and googled it BUT ACTUALLY his sleep doctor told him he has cancer. Wings of Redemption said in one of the streams that boogie tells more lies to cover up his lies and I hate to say it, but he was right.

No. 2017751

I watched the whole vid and I wish someone asked him why he doesn’t see a hematologist or oncologist if he has cancer.

No. 2017761

Yeah the funniest part to me was when they asked him what treatment he does for his cancer and he said "blood tests." Kek, he's my favorite cow right now, it's like listening to a little kid lie about having a terminal illness and they can't give any decent lies cause they know nothing about what they claimed to have.

No. 2017811

Aspect of the Cody situation that I haven't seen discussed on here is that he has been trying to get a US citizenship for a while (he's Canadian). He is probably being advised not to speak about the situation because he either has to lie (which many people would not believe) or admit to a crime, which could put his eligibility for citizenship at risk.

Yeah the age gap is weird but tbh it doesn't bother me as much when the woman is a legal adult and the man is a committed provider as opposed to going around preying on different girls.

No. 2017841

Time to call ICE on his maple syrup moid ass

No. 2017848

People need to apologize to SunnyV for calling him a transphobe that one time he made a video on Kris. I don't like the guy but he was right for saying what he said and it inevitably happened.

No. 2017864

Apparently a lot of new comments on the SunnyV2's video is people admitting they were wrong about Sunny, so I guess that is something

No. 2017931

I'm not familiar with Mr Beast and his gaggle of friends but I do remember that this Chris Guy trooning out was somewhat big news but it was also seen that he was a coomer as well. I don't think anyone should be that surprised. It's like a pass-time when these AGPs come out and you learn that they've been talking with minors. It seems like it's a recurring common thing among them.

No. 2018141

Honestly kys, you try to cover up with moid hating language but you are not any different than gross males protecting him.(infighting)

No. 2018191

Thought his video was a lil weak att, missing something to really help nail his point. But he saw the writing on the wall.

We got the predictable cycle whenever this shit happens. The first person reporting on it gets hit with "umm this is nothing more than a transphobic hit piece" Then they eventually switch to the final cope when denial has only bought them so much delay time and the lid is truly blown off.. "well the trans community are askually the biggest victims here (not the kids) because it makes us all look bad!" They're the victims either way and the first messenger gets eaten alive everytime

No. 2018225

Oh so both parties knew each other's ages and are vapid pieces of shit, so taking advantage of a minor is okay. Smells like unwashed dick in here.

No. 2018247

anyone interested in the Boogie Drama, they did a livestream that reached 20k where basically Metokur quizzed him on rather his abuse was real, kek. Anyway, if you want to laugh heres a video of his retarded meltdowns. I've been dying laughing at the end where he is raging so hard that his roommate/girlfriend turn off the power and the freeze frame is hilarious.
Also they agreed that Boogie would have to get a tattoo of Liar on his face if he wants his job back. He said that he only had 3k in his account, so Muta told him they both could donate 2k to a hosptial.
Boogie did it and Muta did it & Boogie started freaking out because he felt people would say that he charged it back. I hate all the moids involved but it's hilarious.

No. 2018284

His thundertits were causing a massive earthquake the entire video. I can see the sweat underneath his shirt, probably the most exercise he has gotten in months. Maybe they're onto something, keep upsetting him so he burns calories kek.

No. 2018318

More like unbalanced PH crusty underwear fangirl

No. 2018369

Does anyone have confirmation of the possible third victim of Cody when he was in his mid to late 20s? It's mentioned briefly on this video and it reminded me of Ethan (H3H3) saying Cody definitely cheated/cheats on Kelsey when he goes on his DJ set trips which tbh wouldn't surprise me.

No. 2018395

Nonnies Boogie is at a tattoo parlor, he's about to get the "liar" tattoo live. They are voting for face or finger, he's getting it in comic sans.

No. 2018400

1 I haven't been able to find anything regarding the third victim
2 I like the way this youtuber conducts herself
3 I always found it weird how involved his friends were in his online career, from watching stories mentioning him to replying to comments with 2 likes, it's just offputting

No. 2018406

Kekk ty for this nonna

No. 2018409

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No. 2018411

No. 2018416

Kek this is so mentally ill, I'm loving this long ass breakdown

No. 2018444

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There's something so viscerally entertaining about watching someone who's despicable and who looks like that have a mental breakdown

No. 2018450

This is disturbing. It's a narc meltdown of epic proportions and it's uncomfortable to watch but I can't look away. He's making Keemstar seem like a great friend.

No. 2018467

>I always found it weird how involved his friends were in his online career
I actually had zero idea how involved they were kek just the degree of going out of his way to promote the Instagram of his rapist friend in ALL his videos, it blew my entire mind.

No. 2018541

I'm literally fucking dying at the clip of Keem calmly asking if Boogie would like to talk about the abuse his parents inflicted on him and Boogie literally grabs his man tits and starts squeezing his nipples and shaking his moobs up and down while fumbling his words and screaming "Yes my mother twist-titted my fucking tipples!!!!" I wish I could clip it but it's the 58 minute mark and it fucking kills me holy shit.

No. 2018573

An alleged former Mr. Beast employee made a video exposing him for doing illegal lotteries and selling fake signatures

No. 2018574

he was always "fake" though

No. 2018577

samefag he also said people at the company including Mr. Beast (Jimmy) knew Chris was a pedo and liked loli porn

No. 2018581

It was pretty obvious that Mr beast knew since he fucking saw the loli art framed on this troons wall.

No. 2018601

The Kris Tyson grooming situation is going horribly on reddit kek it's just a bunch of autistic porn addicted men in skirts and their female lap dogs saying "this would have never been made a big deal if ~she~ were cis!" And "nothing bad even happened!"

You even have people like notorious sewer plague rat breadtuber Big Joel making multiple tweets about how it doesn't matter and how he wasn't "grooming" minors because "you need to express attraction and have a plan" or some shit. This is basically the biggest fucking cope for a porn addicted retard I have ever seen happening in real time.

No. 2018608

Mr. Beast put out a statement on the Kris situation.

No. 2018620

>Big Joel making multiple tweets about how it doesn't matter and how he wasn't "grooming" minors because "you need to express attraction and have a plan"
I'm predicting right now big Joel's going to be outed for grooming or involved with pedo shit because only a moid who's guilty is this defensive over saying child grooming is bad

No. 2018637

Between the disgusting troon and fratboy pedo dominating the youtube dramasphere now, this honestly feels like a light, fluffy cow we can comfortably laugh at around the campfire.

No. 2018666

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Predictions on what Chris’ future looks like? I think he either:

a.) Leans into the degenerate troon lifestyle and maybe starts an OF and gets yaaas kween’d by his awful peers
b.) Detrans in a few years as the tide continues to turn against the tranny nonsense. He’ll woefully make a comeback video about how he ruined his life due to being sick and needing help.

Pic not really related, just wanted to also make fun of this guy who came up in my suggested videos. You can tell he’s going to defend Chris just by looking at him kek. In the comments he’s whining about muh twansphobia and admitted he knows nothing about the Shadman controversy.

No. 2018694

He looks like a pedo too so no doubt he's gonna defend Kris lol

No. 2018736

moids defending moid behavior. ''It's just edgy'' no, it's you being a disgusting coomer and disguising it as ironic.(sage your shit)

No. 2018757

same hairline

No. 2018761

The youtubedrama sub are still repeating the same old "nobody would even gaf if it were a cis" line days into it. Meanwhile every other post is them calling 'cis' YTers awful, sick, predatory, irredeemable pieces of shit for.. the same or less kek

Crying about muh community image too all while giving out the clear message that if pervs just go troon they'll get built in protection if their pasts catch up to em.

No. 2018764

When the Miranda Sings woman got ‘caught’ she was dropped for good. They are going easier on him because he’s a troon, what absolute bullshit.

No. 2018765

the amount of youtubers I see trying to downplay this or trying to pretend it's no big deal is sad. This situation made me realize that a lot of troons love edgy content creators who use/used the N-word, make racist/sexist jokes but do NOT like it when these moids shit on troons. It's not just youtube drama using this, it's people who regularly talk about creeps behaving this way. Every other week "Cis" moids are outted as predators and the whole internet pounces on them. Chris would've gotten MORE hate if he wasn't pretending to be a woman.
It just makes trans look even more weird to behave this way tbh. It's not doing what they think it is.

No. 2018841

Wild that he's e-pimping out his 21 year old slave girl (who also cleans house and takes care of him in every possible way. For free kek), presumably because he's too broke and lazy to work. Also the way he describes his mother's abuse sounds fake as fuck, I wouldn't be surprised if he completely made it up for sympathy. He's done it before with other things

No. 2018849

i dont understand how anyone still believes boogie was molested he very obviously made it for sympathy and hes so retarded he cant keep his lie grounded. He said his mom twisted his titties keks

No. 2018864

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Yeah I don't believe it for a second, his story always changes and the first time he even mentioned molestation was when he was in a controversy and he just blurted out "how can you say that to a rape survivor?!" So just him using it as a deflection from criticism, like he does with everything else. His sister apparently wants nothing to do with the entire situation so she probably knows he's a liar, and his brother I don't think calls him a liar for it but he only corroborates the physical/emotional abuse they went through, never any sexual abuse that boogie claims. His story also escalated with time and more controversies Boogie was in, first it was his mom grabbing his tits, then she apparently touched his privates, then apparently his dad touched him and made him reciprocate, and so on and so fourth and now apparently Boogie was raped by like 5 or 6 people including neighborhood kids. I'm sorry but I just don't buy it, it seems like every other lie he's told, multiple holes in his story, and dumb excuses for obvious inaccuracies in his retelling. He also puts on this fake sad subdued voice whenever he talks about it, unless he's screaming about it. I believe their parents smacked them or something, but beyond that I think Boogie learned that playing the victim worked for him so that's what he does. In this most recent stream he said he had cuts and burns on his body so he had to lie everyday at school about why he had injuries, but he then said they were all on his stomach, so how would teachers be seeing his stomach every single day? And then he said he didn't have any scars, so how would he not have a single scar when he was being cut and burned every single day, even small burns leave scars.

At one point Keem said "a person like that doesn't end up like Boogie without some horrific shit happening to him." And I agree to an extent, Boogie was raised in an impoverished hoarder (I believe they were hoarders, sorry if I'm wrong) home with an alcoholic father and a mentally ill mother. That's horrific in and of itself, someone could easily develop lifelong mental health issues from that without all the excess 'flowers in the attic' type shit Boogie loves to tack on for victimhood points. I think somewhere along the way Boogie realized his hardships made it easier to get away with stuff, and as he got older people gave less credence to those hardships because everyone has been through hardships. So he started adding things to sort of sweeten the pot, people got sick of the "I'm morbidly obese and my mom hit me growing up so I'm allowed to scam people and mock my dead ex wife" excuse so he started going with "I'm morbidly obese and my parents and neighbors used to rape me so I'm allowed to scam people and mock my dead ex wife" card. And when that expired he started faking other things, like cancer. I remember a very old clip of youngish Boogie sitting at his table while his mom cooked something in the pan for him, Boogie says something like "mom making something for her sorry pathetic son." And she just sort of brushes it off and remarks something about him having a tough time and having had a difficult upbringing. It perfectly encapsulated why Boogie pulls this 'woe is me' shit, because it's what worked for him his entire life. But people don't accept that when you're 50, and when you've had ample opportunity to change and haven't, and when you've proven time and time again to not be a very good person. He can't even take accountability for his binge eating, he claims his mom fed him like that on purpose to ruin his life, completely glossing over the fact he moved out at 18 and continued binge eating. Nothing is ever his fault, even coping mechanisms that would somewhat make sense for a young boy to develop. I don't think he'll ever change tbh.

And I'm so sorry but Keem covering his face and pushing his mic away because he couldn't stop laughing while Boogie was giving some Lifetime-tier performance and retelling the story of his mom twisting his balls and tits literally killed me, I was dying laughing at this entire thing and I felt so bad about it but at the same time Boogie doesn't ever extend the same empathy he demands so why should he be granted any? Sorry for the length of this post.

No. 2018866

Im agree and i'm happy nonnas are into this shit as much as I am,because it's so entertaining despite how dark it is. I think something happened to boogie, I just don't believe his ever-changing story. I also must say, despite me thinking he's faking, god is it funny. Amazing youtube comedy, him jumping up and down & his moobs bouncing. Metokur coming on, him hating Muta and going, "is it because my sister kids are black" randomly when Wings says that she sounds like she cooks good chicken", like what? How were they to know?? It was more racist on Boogies end.
Boogie (for now)is hilarious. I'll probably never watch Lolcow live again, but I'll remember his dumb ass being one of the rare youtubers being called out for his fucked up lies. I think he was a victim of neglect but he loves being a victim. He got that first look at how the internet responds to a fat moid whining about his life and that was it.
I’m kinda sad it's over, because it was hilarious. I believe 10% of what comes out of his mouth.

No. 2018891

>His story also escalated with time and more controversies Boogie was in, first it was his mom grabbing his tits, then she apparently touched his privates, then apparently his dad touched him and made him reciprocate,
you forgot that he recently also said that some other random kid molested him too KEK he's such a faggot holy shit, its hilarious to see him get questioned over his molestation stories and then instead of sticking to a single story to make it more credible he just adds more retarded bullshit. Metokour's stream on this was hilarious.

No. 2018895

Kekk same here, these livestreams are priceless.
>going, "is it because my sister kids are black" randomly when Wings says that she sounds like she cooks good chicken
That killed me kek, no one even knew that and he was so concerned about his sister not getting doxed then disclosed the race of his neice and nephew kek, he's always so desperate to be a victim of something. And he harps on about how edgy is sense of humor is and how he loves jokes about dark shit but clutches his pearls anytime he's even slightly offended by something. Yeah I completely agree with you about everything, and I also believe maybe 10% of what he says as well.

Kek I literally died when he said some kid stole his bike then asked for a blowjob to give it back, from his telling everyone he grew up around was a pedophile including the neighborhood kids kek. If that did happen it wouldn't be the first time we're hearing about it he would have been using it for victim points from the start. I dislike Keem but he's been so funny throughout these lives, when Boogie said the blowjob bike story Keem let out this high pitched noise of him stifling his laugh and then frantically pushed his mic away kek. I can't remember which stream this was but at some point someone brought up the Kris situation and he started talking about how everyone who supports Shadman is a pedophile and called out Elvis the Alien for pretending to be this great guy but being a CP supporter and I found that really based of him. Obviously he's personally involved because his kid was drawn but I was happy to hear him calling out everyone who supports him.

No. 2018904

Gotta agree, watching him constantly make himself look worse and having 0 self awareness of how he’s doing it is so funny. Even Metokur going after him which now gives Jim his only good moment other than calling out that Doodletones diaper fetishist

No. 2018910

>dead ex wife
I looked into this but couldn't find anything, are you talking about Desiree?

No. 2018911

I'm actually uncertain on her name, it's been so long since that controversy. But she was 39 and died of breast cancer. I think they were married but maybe they were just dating?

No. 2018912

Samefag I'm wrong it was his first girlfriend and she died after they had broken up. But in some stories he talks about her lovingly and sadly and in others he makes jokes about her death so it's hard to know how true any of this is, I don't know if her identity has ever been revealed.

No. 2018931

File: 1721977438309.jpeg (447.33 KB, 658x522, IMG_3145.jpeg)

Saw this on my homepage and lol’d. No way the obese faggot that made a cartoon of bugs bunny raping Elmer Fudd is trying to pass judgement on other people’s taste.

No. 2018937

Let me guess, jealous coomer hamplanet butthurt when women schlick to stuff he can't compete with?

No. 2018941

The goonette epidemic is making so many men so butthurt, lmao—also, interesting that a video criticizing so-called "pornsickness" has such a pornsick thumbnail. When women criticize pornsick men they don't use retarded pictures like the thumbnail does.

No. 2018954

His entire brand of humor is nothing but children's show characters getting raped and body horror, like he has absolutely no right to criticise anyone

No. 2018958

>24 million views
Men really get gassed up for the dumbest shit, and people really love crap that should be appreciated by no one over the age of 14. He's just making modern day salad fingers, that's it.

No. 2018965

his whole body horror angle comes from he himself being a fat fuck who realises he is in a very lucky situation having even one woman stand to be with him. He is self conscious, somehow self aware to know he is disgusting yet not enough to realise we all see through this bullshit. Go to a fucking barber, get clothes that fit and use your time better, stinky ass scrote. he is trying to go with the slight uwu route these days with his oh I'm no hottie, like rendition is and their watchers are eating that shit up, sorry for the vent nonas

No. 2019041

Interesting how she's using a vegetable instead of a nice vibrator, because of course this is how the coomer butterball that never made anyone cum envisions female masturbation.

No. 2019044

>When women criticize pornsick men they don't use retarded pictures like the thumbnail does.
That's a huge fucking lie but go off kek.

No. 2019045

>modern day salad fingers
Dumb bitch wishes he could make something as iconic as salad fingers.

No. 2019046

>seething this hard(bait)

No. 2019051

Been waiting for him to be mentioned, Meat thinks he’s special rn because of this stupid podcast and that now means his opinion on horror matters. It’s so grating. The only reason anyone gives a shit about him is because he made gross animations for tiktok brainlets and children but couldn’t summon the balls to keep going when /Taylor Swift fans/ sent him a few mean tweets lmfao. How does this asshole watch a horror movie at all if that’s what scares him? His podcast with Wendigoon showcases his complete lack of media literacy and he never has anything of substance to add beyond the same rotation of jokes. He constantly makes jabs at women in his content and belittles his wife (who probably hates him with how often he goes on long tirades about wanting a hot big titty goth gf while she looks and dresses like a 10 year old boy), as even when he does put her in a skit, it’s something degrading. It’s been hilarious watching him slowly try to back pedal from making cartoons rape each other for minors on an app so people will take him seriously while in reality all he puts out are buzzfeed react videos with even less substance. Like another nona said, he is very insecure and loud about how he hates himself, which is great for all the fat neckbeards who project on him. Dude cannot even tell you what makes his favorite movie good besides parroting the same tired huurrr practical affeks line every dumb moid uses when they can’t think of anything else that sounds intelligent. His new album is laughably terrible and has a song that is a blatant rip off of Superbeast. Dude just sucks so bad and I wish people would quit hyping his shit. Hope he screws up the podcast with Wendigoon sooner than later.

No. 2019053

Kek why do they care so much? Romance novels have been a thing for ages. I hate muh”female gooner” when referring to women who read some shitty smut books in comparison to Reddit moids who revolve their entire sad lives around masterbating to porn.

No. 2019057


No. 2019070


fucking hate this fat loser. the size/weight ratio of him and his wife is reminiscent of h3h3

coryxkenshin really popularized him imo with the SSS series he ran for a while before cashing in and then disappearing on his millions of fans (what a great guy!) i absolutely blame him for meatcanyon becoming so big (lol)

never found this shit funny- its grotesque, deranged, and something smells off here- not going to be surprised when hes outed as a pedo or a rapist.

No. 2019089

hate when youtube recommends me the gay boy she messaged, he drops a video every few hours who even cares about his opinions

i saw this too and wondered why romance fantasy of all things? i've heard good things about fourth wing, i don't think it's on the level of coleen hoover but even then papa meat needs to stay out of women's business

No. 2019090

That’s exactly who I thought of too. I think her behavior was weird as hell but technically not “grooming” because I seriously doubt she had any sexual attraction to the minors she was speaking with or any intention of having sex with any of them. People got big mad at anyone who made that point and insisted that YES what Colleen did was grooming. I don’t feel like arguing semantics and idk how much it matters if it was technically grooming or not. But the internet certainly didn’t care either. She was universally hated and turned into a laughingstock. But suddenly we care about nuance and technical definitions when it’s a man being accused.

I fucking hate big Joel so much too. Why does he insist on making himself look homeless? Is it just typical lefty poverty larping? He has major creep vibes and goes too hard criticizing women and too light criticizing troons to be trustworthy.

No. 2019091


yeah, he really capitalized off of his 'traumatizing grooming experience'. while yeah she was a weirdo, i dont think she groomed him. i think it was all played up so he could get as many sympathy views as possible and ultimately start his shitty drama channel. literally no one cares.

No. 2019116

have rhett and link been talked about on here? i have such an unprovoked hatred for them

No. 2019119

>>2018931 so weird I just downloaded Fourth Wing on audible yesterday and then it shows up here. I was about to stop reading cause honestly it’s pretty bad (and cringe, the characters can feel when their dragons are having sex and it makes them want to have sex kek) BUT if it makes this ugly fat fuck mad then I might have to finish it.

No. 2019156

He's such a tryhard, his humor sucks and his voice acting is not great(sage your shit)

No. 2019168

it's zoomers who are into that shit though. this is just an out of touch moid wanting to project his own CP addiction on girls who read smut. reading a romance book with smut is so far from actual gooning it's ridiculous to even compare the two let alone equate them like this.

No. 2019182

When a moid is severely disgusted with himself, his primary defense mechanism is to project on mommy. All moids measure themselves against women in the end.

I'm guessing his life is proper ruined by the coom with no way out. Up next is either going Catholic or trooning out.

No. 2019184

I watched this yesterday kek. I don't think they go too hard on women reading smut, most of the video is him reading book parts (which are pretty bad let's be honestl) with a "funny" voice. He should shut the fuck up about women though. I watch some of his commentary videos sometimes as background noise but he has the worst and most useless takes. His animations are too ugly, unfunny and idiotic for me to watch however.

No. 2019186

it shouldn't be allowed for moids to even speak on the booktok sarah j maas shit before they address game of thrones and the witcher which are both literally worse in all aspects

No. 2019229

>hate when youtube recommends me the gay boy she messaged
Its so transparently clear how that shit was just a marketing ploy to get attention.

No. 2019250

File: 1722048231031.jpeg (526.14 KB, 1284x2424, C89FC7FB-7FD8-4C77-8323-2F2415…)

Tiny Meat Gang (Cody Ko’s podcast with Noel Miller) has released an “official” statement re:Cody’s continued involvement. The notice was sent out to anyone subscribed to the TMG email updates, as well as to TMG app users. As far as I know, it has not been posted publicly on any social media platforms.

No. 2019251

>extremely serious and sober announcement about deplatforming a potentially abusive party from a business organization named Tiny Meat Gang Studios
>also the email for some reason uses third person to refer to both cody and noel but also is signed 'cody and noel'

No. 2019272

Makes sense to me. Keeps the statement clear as to who's leaving and who's saying, and that both hosts sign off on it. It was a practical choice.

No. 2019288

So pretty much Cody is still going to profit just behind the scenes, got it.

No. 2019292

Something i've noticed is that ironically, so-called cancel culture only seems to work on those with a shred of conscience and/or decency, such as when Jenna Marbles got canceled for a lyric stereotyping Asians (?) in some cringe music video over a decade ago. She seemed to feel really bad about how immature she was at the time of the video and gave an honest apology. The most awful ones double down indignantly and make quick and persistent comebacks to spite the audience and then never shut up about 'teh haterz', ala ProJared.

No. 2019331

Same for that ugly bastard Andrew Callagahan

No. 2019343

This seems like a message for their team that they also decided to post for their fan base for whatever reason, weird.

No. 2019345

That's not really true anon, those romance/smut books are also really popular with gen x women. Older women have always been into the romance genre.

No. 2019357

That's exactly what it is, the full email is prefaced by saying it was intended for TMG employees.

No. 2019363

Someone look into Noel Miller’s asian ass next

No. 2019364

File: 1722085968609.jpeg (29.06 KB, 196x169, IMG_1949.jpeg)

That shit made me laugh so fucking hard. His tard rage was the icing on the cake. This might be one of the very few cows that actually make me laugh so hard

No. 2019368

The thing about narcs and pathological liars is that they can never "just" have trauma, they MUST be the biggest martyr who has suffered the most awful wounds in the entire vicinity.

No. 2019370

He's a Latina and also a fan of Andrew tate and that dead schizoid twomad

No. 2019374

No, he's half filipino half white
There's a video of him at UCLA doing some edgy right wing jokes
He isn't actually a fan of Tate

No. 2019389


me too. I remember her covering it years ago actually. With Angelika I feel like she was deeply connected with the beautyguru drama commentary fags, she seems less connected with them now which helped her grow. Anyway, not really the point but I fucking hate how D'Angelo basically getting all the praise for bringing light to this topic when people, especially women have been talking about it for years. Says a lot that we don't take things seriously until a moid has spoken. His bombshell clip, which is the crux of his video (the one that was lost where Gabby talks about this situation) is stole from Repzilla, you can see it in this video. This is a great video to watch besides Angelika and some of the others regarding this matter (sidenote but I hate that she spends so long praising D'Angelo. cannot step on the toes of large commentary goid amirite)

No. 2019396

Couple of the top comments on it are 'book store guys' clutching their pearls about how soo many teenagers buy this shit and it not requiring any ID! How they totes try to warn parents or talk to their bosses about it because muh concern for the children (not millenial specific then) The responses.. men fondly reminiscing on the weird ass porn they watched from age 12 onwards. Pearl clutch attempt failures.

No. 2019420

these. obese pigfaggot is pigmad that women gasp have sexual thoughts. from what I heard, 4th Wing sounds like a shitty romance that's specifically for the niche of bored housewives, and that's fine. Seriously, does no one else remember the smut books with cowboy art covers from the 80s (I think)? The same "controversy" popped up when 50 shades of gray was a thing. it's all just a thinly veiled excuse to shit out SAHMs and teen girls I tell you. But the pork won't make a video on how porn is so mainstream these days.


me too. I haven't seen much of his video besides the one about indian food and his "joke" about his wife seemed weirdly mean-spirited. I also saw that he drew something for his waifu-cup (gag) sponsorship and it looks like something that's done with one hand. If I was married to such a vile pig I'd be disgusted. I hope she leaves him. I'm not surprised he has a podcast with Wendigoon. That retard christfag probably also has some skeletons in his closet.

No. 2019422

Its so obvious he's playing it up a bit, but its still entertaining.

No. 2019431

File: 1722093239477.jpg (269.55 KB, 1080x1134, Screenshot_20240727_101159_Sam…)


Turns out Kris Tyson sexually assaulted a tranny he got to work for him as some kind of sex slave assistant type of thing. Wow, a shadman loving pedo who was being inappropriate with children cheated on his wife and also has weird and inappropriate sexual boundaries? Colored me surprise. Apparently he also answered a phone call from Mr. Beast while getting head from the sex slave tranny too.

No. 2019440

no, mainly bc what is there to talk about? they're boring youtubers who make entertainment for people who can't stand cursing or whatever. aka parents who control what their kids watch. they do get shilled hardcore on the youtube algorithm unless you have milk that I don't know.

No. 2019445

The perfect 'non-phobic' victim appears and youtubedrama suddenly stfu with the poor ava routine they desperately clung to. Only tran on tran violence could do it

No. 2019466

KEK there are people trying to say that there was never any mass troon defense of Kris, and that everyone immediately turned against him when the shadman shit came to light. These retards just love rewriting reality to suit their narratives. Unbelievable. Can't wait for the tide to turn against all trannies.

No. 2019499

the ugly veneers make it funnier for me

No. 2019503

your link & archive link don't work btw

No. 2019507

Idk what happened there sorry but it's on r/youtube drama.

No. 2019515

Same kek, his slightly blurred face and open mouth raging with those fake teeth make him look like a fat hamster

No. 2019547

File: 1722112180842.mp4 (3.32 MB, 960x548, 6226390-6498a0cbfc806a68b361db…)

>Charlie defends children taking hormone therapy as long as the parents and kid consent.

No. 2019559

Taking any advice or opinion from a dildo collecting closet fag is nuclear levels of retarded.

No. 2019577

Happy that his wife divorced him and took the kid. There’s nothing worse than a man who not only troons out but is also a degenerate tranny chaser

No. 2019593

No. 2019600

Kek I just know this one tipped the right wing edgelords in his audience over the edge. Defending the trannies while Chris Tyson is simultaneously getting exposed for his tranny aligned antics is wild. So fuck all the hard work of detransitioners who are fighting to prevent this kind of harm happening to kids and teenagers, right? Not the moid ones- they can rot.

No. 2019606

>I fucking hate how D'Angelo basically getting all the praise for bringing light to this topic when people, especially women have been talking about it for years. Says a lot that we don't take things seriously until a moid has spoken.
Agreed, I fucking hate that shit too.

No. 2019611

Right before shit hit the fan he was posting about how much time he spends with his kid since the divorce. Trying to disprove any critics saying hes a deadbeat by.. posting pics of his son wearing sparkly heel shoes while hanging with him. Divorce ain't enough if he has visitation.

No. 2019619

he pissed on a woman's mouth and laughed at it, he's a mentally stunted manchildren with the mind of a 14yo. He probably doesnt even understand the weight of taking hormones and how it fucks your body up, he probably just thinks its magical anime girl transformation juice.

No. 2019639

> "I got very high and she invited me over"
> "When she gave me a blowjob, I pissed in her mouth"
> On purpose?
> "No. Well, I knew it was coming […] I knew I had to urinate but I didn't get a chance to"
> Verifies (practically brags) this was nonconsensual
> Says maybe him pissing in her mouth and all over her room awakened something in her; even after she was visibly disturbed and said "I can't deal with this right now" before immediately cleaning herself up
> Offers to use this as a GOTCHA moment if he ever runs into her now husband
> "It's a cool memory to have"
God, when's it gonna be this scrote's turn? I hope his Youtube hourglass is running low. Not that his fanbase would care. They heard this story nearly 10 years ago and had a jolly time with this information.

No. 2019640

If he'd said anything less than 100 percent pro tranny shit then we know the same people who've been trying their very hardest to downplay the kris situation would now be using that clip as an excuse to get back to their fave topic that matters more than anything else in the world, eclipses everything else going on.. transphobia. It'd be see we're the victims heaven at the exact time they desperately want a distraction or change of topic.

No. 2019642

Two retards fighting

No. 2019691


no, just wondering if there's any justification for my hatred of them- i think i remember them being really aggressive about other viewpoints during the covid shit

No. 2019733

File: 1722143737976.png (899.62 KB, 1202x1134, IMG_9857.png)

This is Chris’s sister’s account

No. 2019737

>such as when Jenna Marbles got canceled for a lyric stereotyping Asians (?) in some cringe music video
Also this when she smeared brown stuff on her face imitating Nicki Minaj. Honestly if there was an old photo of me going around looking like that I'd hide from the internet too lmao.
Her life is probably way more peaceful now(at least I hope so), so maybe that's another reason why she's been off the radar so long. Social media is a total shithole and nothing good comes from being an e-celeb

No. 2019764

She did not " smear brown stuff on her face " are you blind? she had a heavy spray tan which she has addressed before. She looks tan asf in all of those old videos and a neon wig makes your skin look darker.

No. 2019765

File: 1722153232180.jpg (444.44 KB, 1170x659, 10729272.jpg)

Nonna, I am not talking about her tan kek I am describing what is literally in the video

No. 2019768

No. 2019769

>dildo collecting
Are you joking or does he really?

No. 2019786

truly. he does

No. 2019860

Midget Jesus always has the worst takes. The second something happens he'll do the most rambley mild spiel with zero research and edgy swear words appeal to chronically online kids. I'm surprised nonnas even mention him.

No. 2019868

> Closet fag
Kek I knew I wasn't the only one who got this vibe. I think he broke up with his girlfriend not too long ago and he didn't really seem to care. I know you can't gauge someone's reaction just by what they're choosing to put on camera, but still.
This is why I think it's so funny when the rightoids hold someone up as a BASTION OF FREEZE PEACH because most of the time they're literally just fence sitting retards kek. I swear edgelords are like BPDchans, they're so easily pleased and yet write up 500 essays or crytweets about "being betrayed" the moment their fave flakes out.

No. 2019876

Maybe I'm misremembering, but hasn't he also said in a video that men don't need to get STD tested because STDs don't effect them?

No. 2019880

I wish this ugly fat pedo actually had cancer. Proof that karma isn't real because he deserves it

No. 2019887

Praying on moistcritikal's downfall. Not only does he have terrible takes but he's a manlet and his speaking voice is painful to listen to.

No. 2019903

What the fuck???? Actually revolting, if I said what I actually want to I'd be a-logging. May this anally prolapsed bad dragon collecting faggot never know peace and may his downfall come soon. I can't even comprehend how his shit low effort videos got so popular in the first place, the commentary community is a disease

No. 2019940

honestly i don't care if people get mad at me but this was blackface and jenna knew it, that's why she disappeared from the internet. this was inexcusable and i'm at a point in my life now where i'm tired of making and hearing excuses for people like jenna who do shitty things like this. fuck her and i hope she never comes back, ever.

No. 2020034

I'm personally glad Jenna's gone. Ever since she got with that closet-case Julien, she got horribly unfunny. She doesn't need to come back

No. 2020148

just search up dildo in his channel, he made multiple videos showcasing his collection. you might wanna bleach your eyes afterwards though

i saw on the other farms that right after he broke up with his girlfriend, he got shitfaced and pole danced to float on by modest mouse. what a faggot kek.

No. 2020153

File: 1722229860375.png (53.11 KB, 530x514, 1722136057655.png)

They leaked chris tysons 13+ gooning discord server chat logs and its not looking good for mr beast. He was in the server talking about dick sizes and definetly knew what chris was up to. Chris also talked about meeting up with at least 3 minors and cp was posted at least once in the server.

No. 2020155

File: 1722230214113.png (7.31 KB, 455x106, 1722153104483.png)

there are so many fucking ss of this faggot being a disgusting pedo, he might actually be one of the most prolific discord groomers we have ever witnessed. Here he called an 11yo a loli.

No. 2020157

File: 1722230992221.mp4 (184.17 KB, 394x854, 6233573-3c1fbe769aa478c88e198e…)

He's trying to hide his involvement in all of this. I hate that people treated him like a poow victim at first because he's always been an edgelord who was very comfortable with having a loli print in his living room, his nice uwu persona is very recent and completly fabricated to griftmaxx

No. 2020159

I wonder what's going to come out next. I know Chandler is an open christfag but I always got bad vibes from Karl. I wouldn't be surprised if they found skeletons in his basement.

No. 2020160

I ALWAYS knew mrbeast was fishy

No. 2020176

File: 1722242446655.jpg (1.43 MB, 1058x4722, Screenshot_20240727_020349_Chr…)

>his nice uwu persona is very recent and fabricated
true, real mrbeast is your typical manchild edgelord lol
this reads weird considering discount milk is chris's college friend. imagine saying something like that to someone you know irl "haha i'd totally deepthroat your giant throbbing cock bro lmaoo jk… unless?.."

No. 2020179

File: 1722244990601.png (106.41 KB, 455x543, 1722141110794.png)

i feel so bad for his ex wife

No. 2020227

>Groom kids
Fine, dandy, false allegations who cares
>Doesnt suck trannys cock back

No. 2020235

What? Nobody here thinks he’s not a fucking pedophile, there’s been multiple discussion about him being a pedo, even back when he first trooned out.

No. 2020249

Not us you retard, this is what everyone on leftoid twitter is saying. Nobody gave a fuck until it was tranny on tranny violence

No. 2020261

Stumbled across this in my recs.
Does a pretty good job summarizing the discord stuff and that it's been proven Jimmy was in the same server and all.
Some more shit about the recent contest as well, but I haven't watched any of the original vids, so can't really judge that part.

No. 2020277

File: 1722271869498.png (37.05 KB, 849x273, leavelesbiansalonechallenge.pn…)

The unsucked dick that turned the tide.

No. 2020327

Pretty much kek

No. 2020328

Unironically anyone over the age of 12 who is shocked by this should be screened for autism.

No. 2020333


Idk, doesn't look like black face to me, just cringe early internet humor. It loos closer to shit than it does to a human skintone. I'd take jenna and her shit over any of the scrotes who've done way worse and still lurk in dark corners of the internet any day.

No. 2020335

>It loos closer to shit than it does to a human skintone
anon…guess what blackface originally looked like in the old days. kek they were never going for an actual human skintone look, it's about everything else that came with it

No. 2020344

Jimmy is probably joking here, but I'm laughing at the idea that Chris trooned out because of their game of gay chicken. Like maybe Chris took it too seriously and thought that Jimmy would date him if he were a stunning and brave woman. It's extremely unlikely, but still funny to think about.

No. 2020347

>waaaah this is inexcusable
This isn't Twitter. It was a good time for her to retire because she was clearly running out of ideas. Jfc someone leaves the goddamn internet and you woke scolds are still crying about shit they did fifteen years ago. Get a fucking grip.

No. 2020352

Guess the Mr. Beast fujo was onto something kek

No. 2020353

I think the only person who would be happy if that happened would be the mrbeast fujo it's all according to her plan also I'm suspect on his wife not knowing considering how openly he was a coomer

No. 2020367

Normie women are usually terrible at predicting their Nigels' impending troon-outs. There are a couple of reasons for this. First, moids try really hard to conceal their porn habits from their partners and family, so even if they do know,it's probably just the tip of the iceberg. Second, normies generally still think that all troons are HSTSes, so they think that their husbands are too masculine or straight to troon out. In their minds, TiMs are uber-gay men who wore dresses since they were toddlers, not porn-addicted straight former military bros having a midlife crisis.

No. 2020368

>bragging about his penis size
Ah yes, the behavior of a stunning and brave woman

No. 2020370

I keep seeing this tinfoil about Chris's ex-wife and I think even if she did know something, she most likely kept quiet because of mrbeast being a rich asshole that could sue her if she said anything without receipts (which would be hard to have considering everything coming out is dms and discord chats that she wasn't a part of). And now if she says anything, she'd be put in the spotlight and so would her son.

No. 2020372

Ngl that story permanently turned me off of him. This is not something you do to someone on accident, and it probably traumatized that woman. I'd like to see his head roll someday, and I hope that woman outlives him so she can piss on his grave.

No. 2020383

Not to be dramatic but I genuinely think pissing in someone's mouth with no warning or consent, in her bed meaning she then had a piss bedroom and probably needed to throw a bunch of stuff away, because of this disgusting scrote, and then suggesting, with no remorse, that he would brag about it well after the fact to her husband - he genuinely deserves death and I'm completely serious

No. 2020417

Nonna you can't share that and not the post kek

No. 2020420

Yeah, he deserves to be impaled from his anus to his mouth. I hate that moid.

No. 2020446


No. 2020451

This whole situation makes want to a-log on most of the popular YouTubers talking about the drama. If this had been discovered two years ago, everyone would be happily shitting on Chris, but since the fag decided to let his hair grow people are suddenly walking on eggshells to "not affect the trans community". I find it ridiculous how everyone can see that liking Loli art is a major red flag, yet refuse to acknowledge the fact that him being a tranny is directly related liking lolicon and being a pedo

No. 2020489

Agreed, he's scum.(sage your shit)

No. 2020525

File: 1722316279209.png (872.31 KB, 1274x706, ew.png)

Boogie bragging about taking his 20 year old girlfriends virginity while smiling with his giant veneers is so creepy, he looks like a predator.

No. 2020529

Jesus imagine having to fuck that landwhale, i feel so sorry for boogies gf i hope someone saves her out of that quasi hostage situation

No. 2020554

Here you go >>2019935

No. 2020649


what a vivid image.

No. 2020690

They genuinely just let him get away with scamming people by faking cancer. He was so much entertaining when in the midst of that breakdown.

No. 2020777

i'm so sick of loli shit. it's ridiculous because western moids insist that lolicon is specifically used JUST for liking drawings and that they find actual kids 'disgusting' but in japan lolicon is synonymous with pedophile. as it should be.

No. 2020786

>comes from a troubled home.
>DMing boogie on twitter and "bond" about their trauma (hers real and his made up probably)
>moves in with him
>living as his maid
>Boogie told her he has cancer and will likely die soon
>she even starts crying thinking about it in the Boogie documentary
>she's so upset and saying she wouldn't know what to do without him. that even if he cheated on her she would understand
>loses her virginity to this manipulating scum
>relies on him for housing, food, etc or she goes back to her sad home
>now always high and dissociating in every video.
>Keemstar party with other YouTubers. she silent, glued to Boogie and uncomfortable around everyone
>as emotionally dependent as you can get
This won't end pretty. Boogie's ex wife had the balls to leave him when he went full narc after his weight loss surgery. This new gf seems really young, mentally fragile and had actual trauma. And boogie is a known master manipulator narc. It's a sad combo. I give it a few years. But when she realizes how bad this is she's gonna be horrified.

No. 2020991

Oh nonna, you think that’s bad? He drew so much CP of Dafne that her team were sending him cease and desist orders and threatening legal action. He’s a sick man with sick thoughts i think niggas like him should die, and I’ve been looking at Oney and Psychicpebbles differently after realising how close they are.
If it gives you any peace, the last I heard he was extremely addicted to heroin and arrested for assault with a deadly weapon.

No. 2021055

Even lolcow's (the pod not this site) misogynist fans understand that she's a textbook example of a victim.

No. 2021058

>but in japan lolicon is synonymous with pedophile
Is this actually true? I've seen that Japan's age of consent is lower and while loli art does come with a social stigma, it still exists and even flourishes (hence while lots of loli art originates in Japan), with lolis and loli aesthetic being references in mainstream media as recently as current day.

No. 2021066

>I've seen that Japan's age of consent is lower
It depends where you are. Some places it's really high like 20.

No. 2021108

Wait fr? They’re shad coomers too? I’ve never heard this but then again I don’t have social media, that fucking sucks if true. Do you remember what thread or where that information was posted?

No. 2021171

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Cr1tikal is taking an indefinite hiatus

No. 2021207

They used to have a podcast called Sleepycabin that Shad appeared in sometimes, they're all friends from their Newgrounds days although I think they've distanced themselves from him now.

No. 2021281

File: 1722458726963.jpg (14.46 KB, 445x250, 6230606-72deaea25d5cc7c22b7527…)

Weird ass manlet with toothpick legs

No. 2021300

may he overdose and die alone in a cold ditch, covered in his own vomit and shit inshallah

No. 2021361

damn what malnourished manlet is that? Charlie?

No. 2021365

I think it’s funny that a few days after Meat is critiqued here, especially about the his treatment of his wife + general misogyny, that he posts a video featuring his wife in a normal way. Makes me wonder just how many breadtubers monitor this site and KF to make big decisions, could explain Charlie’s sudden indefinite hiatus.

No. 2021367

File: 1722475338088.png (48.49 KB, 593x542, 1722453957830.png)

mr beast is sending cease and desist letters to people hosting the logs that incriminate him and his pet tranny. He also sent them to his ex employer who made the video about him pushing gambling onto minors.

No. 2021372

What crime did he get caught committing?

No. 2021374

>Charlie’s sudden indefinite hiatus
I don't feel like it's that sudden. He hasn't been super active in the official podcast for a while and I guess the recent Sneako situation where he lost the debate because he couldn't defend his moral standpoints and maybe also Kaya getting called out made him want to step back. It's not like he needs the money, he's said multiple times that he makes videos for fun so it makes sense to stop when things become so annoying. I don't know about kf though, the shit he gets on twitter for everything was probably stressful enough. He seemed genuinely upset over it in the Kris video

No. 2021377

Charlie if you're reading this, end it all you sick moid.
He committed the unforgivable crime of not checking to see what the correct general opinion of his braindead audience is before taking a stance. All because he tried to dunk on a worthless pedo by saying children should be able to self mutilate with "transitioning" if they feel like it.

No. 2021380

>gets criticized once
>fucking dies

No. 2021396

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Good riddance. This faggot should have stayed a faceless comedy gaming YouTuber, instead of an insecure manlet, with luke warm opinions, and a fake deep voice.

No. 2021399

yeah the term lolicon is used for men who are attracted to actual child as well as drawings. the age of consent isn't lower than 18 anywhere in japan but they do absolutely normalize pedo/loli shit and we all know about their obsession with highschool girls.

No. 2021402

File: 1722481330832.png (156.78 KB, 398x222, yuck.PNG)

No. 2021403

This was the only time I found him attractive

No. 2021406

Covering his face only draws my attention to his ed hardy spec tattoos

No. 2021407

No. 2021409

I saw in a YouTube video some tourist was in a costume shop in Japan and one of the costumes was “sexy preschooler.”

No. 2021413

No. 2021414

Holy shit, he's ugly.

No. 2021415

What video?

No. 2021433

when it comes to age of consent of other countries, never take them at face value. Most of the times it's between teens only. Romeo and Juliet law I think you call it?

No. 2021439

File: 1722495270432.png (143.1 KB, 425x528, Screen Shot 2024-08-01 at 12.4…)

just like cody ko! KEK moids are so fucking sensitive. 0 accountability. any woman on youtube would be publically executed for a single bad tweet.

No. 2021440

He's just leaving the podcasts and won't talk about drama as much. Very expected, he seemed like he was phoning it in the last few weeks

No. 2021452

I fucking hate this konchita wurst looking thing

No. 2021458

i hate his voice and disgusting face

No. 2021526

We don't even know if Japan actually applies Romeo and Juliet laws, which is mostly an American invention. Either way my main issue with >>2020777 is that thats very far from the truth. A lot of japanese moids use the exact same justification to get away with producing that shit. Theres a reason why the genre of loli originated from and was spearheaded in Japan. In fact pedos love to point at Japan as more "enlightened" for having lax views on sexualizing minors (which happens frequently on anime airing on TV)

No. 2021532

It was a short, I wish I saved it for proof but it’s these two sisters who recently moved to Japan, I think they have a Japanese parent or something but it’s also possible they also used to live there as kids and now moved back. I think they’re in their late teens or early twenties. They didn’t focus on the preschool uniform they just quickly showed it and said wtf or something. I might actually have a screenshot of it if I can find it.

No. 2021536

File: 1722525938251.jpg (167.63 KB, 1035x762, old but hes still mentally ill…)

screenshot stolen from >>>/snow/2001708

No. 2021547

>iT'S jUsT a DrawInG
Wonder what he thinks of deepfake revenge porn since that's "not real" either. Moids are so weak-willed that they're reluctant to cut ties with pedos, rapists, and other degenerate scum just because they were never victimized themselves, therefore it doesn't matter. They cling to their problematic friendships because they fear loneliness, since they'd probably have to cut out 98% of their male friend group. Losers.

No. 2021550

i think you're misunderstanding my point. i'm specifically saying that in Japanese lolicon literally means pedophile. and Japanese 'lolicons' have no problem admitting they find actual children attractive because it's far more normalized. western moids however insist that they're not pedophiles and that 'lolicons' and pedophiles are very distinct and totally different.

No. 2021554

NTAYRT but I found exactly what you're talking about.

No. 2021563

Charlie's life and content took a bad direction when he broke up with her gf about a year ago. Before that he didn't really drink alcohol, but after the breakup he started going to clubs (to get goth girls), did a weird dating show (to get a goth girl who was based and took his money instead of a date) and has gone to s/m orgies/sex parties (to get goth girls).

He had a cute gf, cats and dogs, but now his life is just sitting on the computer, drinking booze, gooning and desperately trying to get laid. He had meaningful things in his life but now it's just depressing to watch.

No. 2021588

This stuff with Shad is always so odd to me because it makes me wonder what kind of person he is/was (considering he's a schizophrenic tweaker now) outside of his online persona that made so many people willing to put their hands on fire for him. A lot of people have been dropped for far less worse things than what Shad has done and yet he still had people willing to give him a free room when he was homeless and doing meth.

It's always the same talking points too like, oh you don't actually know him, he's so kind and helped me out so much, he's such a great and selfless person etc etc wtf is going on behind the scenes with him?

No. 2021597

He sounds like a really prolific manipulator. I’ve met a few before. They go out of their way to “help” others, usually without being asked, and essentially groom the people around them into thinking they’re an amazing person when in reality everything they’ve ever done has had an ulterior motive. People hate to admit they’re wrong so whenever these types start to show their true colors most people will vehemently defend them until shit truly hits the fan. It’s the classic ‘Well he’s nice to me so that can’t be true’ defense.

No. 2021603

Kiwifarms said that he's a porn addict Coomer, I know it's cliché, but his obsession with Goth Girls makes me feel like he may disappear and become the "Goth GF". Is he even fucking goth? Having long greasy hair doesn't equal goth. It's also telling that even with all the money, clout and fame & he still manages to be treated like the short lame he is. Everytime these moids trade their normal Gfs/wives in for their coom based obsession they end up miserable. Same thing is happening to Kanye and no i'm not talking about Kim or Amber but he had a normal black girlfriend waay at the start of his career. Chris Tyson as well. Men are being raised to chase whatever made their dick hard in porn, rather it's real or drawn and are saving women by ejecting themselves from the their lives. They don't know but it's a blessing.

No. 2021607

File: 1722542504546.jpg (53.31 KB, 909x712, charlie.JPG)

>Is he even fucking goth?

Clearly not, but at least he tried to style himself to impress to the goth girl he liked in his dating show. Pic related.
But still doesn't bother washing his hair and actually take the time to style and maybe dye it. Also black t-shirt and basic silver chain isn't goth. The shirt looks dirty and his beard needs some trimming.
This pic just smells.

No. 2021614

File: 1722543034827.jpg (67.57 KB, 1022x703, otherchanneldatingshow.JPG)

When she chose money over a date

No. 2021617

Ugliest pair of ears I've seen, I didn't even know they could be that shape

No. 2021622

Based. She doesn't even have to date him.

No. 2021631

What an ugly bloated pig face.

No. 2021634

File: 1722547005887.jpg (529.19 KB, 1536x2048, ygfj.jpg)

why does it look like he's wearing a mask of murr from impractical jokers lmao

No. 2021639

The man has a dildo collection and thinks it's funny to piss on someone, of course he's a coomer

No. 2021667

No. 2021668

Reminds me of this one Japanese indie vtuber that self-identified as a lolicon and posted a machine translated introduction where she called herself a pedophile.

No. 2021671

kek at him sitting like that so that his feet can reach the ground

No. 2021672

kiwifag moids were defending him despite this. I hate how men pretend to care about pedos until its someone they like.

No. 2021694

File: 1722555269424.jpg (318.41 KB, 1080x604, 1000190032.jpg)

did chadchad take ozempic or something? she looks like a completely different person.

No. 2021697

Nitpick, his ear is really weird.

No. 2021760

Oh I see, at least their honest about their inclinations.

No. 2021762

She pushed her bangs back and got extensions. The bangs changed her whole face and I liked them better.

No. 2021763

I noticed this today, too. Aged a decade in a year.

No. 2021765

Not just kiwifags lol, literally everyone who pretends to care about the Tyson situation, including a lot of RWfags who just want to cancel him for being a tranny, would stop short of Chris and the rest of Oneyplays because they're their "friend simulators". Pure hypocrisy.

No. 2021775

Exactly. It's nice that Tyson is getting his just deserts, but if he wasn't trans—moids would go "where's the evidence? Where's the evidence?", "let's listen to both sides y'all".

No. 2021790

Yes that’s the one! Ty for posting, sorry I guess I got some details wrong I was scrolling half asleep kek

No. 2021798

kek, based

No. 2021810

File: 1722573603570.jpeg (669.63 KB, 1312x1444, 2A672A1B-0D64-414C-BE69-D8D218…)

She’s never been overweight, why would she need Ozempic? Bangs make you look a lot younger. This was from 3 weeks ago.

No. 2021819

…Fuck… this sucks. I had no idea. How hard is it to be not to associate with a known pedo zoo artist…dumb fucks. Thanks for digging this up nona.

No. 2021827

they were roomies too

No. 2021834

File: 1722580449881.jpeg (97.55 KB, 1293x755, IMG_2224.jpeg)

I can’t take it any more nonas lmfao I’m going to bed. If there’s a source or year you got on this, I hope you post when you can. I’m not clear on the timeline for them living together since I’m learning all this now, but if Shad drew that shit of the Keen kid while he lived with them, my god. Male youtubers be normal challenge, level impossible.

No. 2021845

check the shadman thread on kf, sorry you had to find out this way nonny.

No. 2021907

Given the age of these tweets, has he addressed this again since? Are they still as close?

No. 2022099

when he was growing the hair out i was like "okay its covid whatever men have no concept of hygiene or beauty standards" but it's been four years… if he was gonna donate it he would've done it by now. i think you're right and he's gonna troon out.

No. 2022127

no she's never been overweight but that doesn't stop people. i guess she just looks a lot more gaunt compared to videos posted like 3+ months ago, it seemed sudden to me. i saw a mention of fillers higher up in the thread so it might be that those dissolved or were removed.

No. 2022281

I've been following him on and off for years, and he doesn't give me troon vibes tbh he seems to pride too much in being a pathetic manbaby. He is probably just the type of delusional moid that believes growing his hair out is gonna hide/distract from his receding hair line.

No. 2022364

surprised mr beast uploaded a new video in the heat of all this drama against him and chris. Also, his subreddit has been locked and mods on youtube are very actively deleting comments if anyone talks about the situation, which is super shady.

No. 2022419

File: 1722737179971.jpeg (362.9 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_5507.jpeg)

A bunch of old racist tweets from Brooke Schofield, Tana Mongeau’s podcast cohost, have gone viral. People are arguing whether 16 is too old to know better than to tweet these or not.

No. 2022437

it's taboo but mainly because it's associated as a weird otaku fetish and it's not taken seriously as actual pedophilia. People don't casually use lolicon as an insult in reference to actual little girls to begin with. Plus the aoc wouldn't have anything to do with anything and it's 16-18 for most places, not 13 like how it's usually told. each prefecture has their own AOC. Even so bringing up aoc in reference to anime girls never made sense to me. I doubt that's the reason why sexualizing them in anime is such a norm

No. 2022443

Eh, that’s not that bad. The nappy comment is rude and the “said so many racist things” is weird, but for a 16 year old it’s really not that bad. And the word faggot is just funny

No. 2022446

>tweets from early 2010s

Uh yeah everyone was casually racist during this time.

No. 2022465

not really a big deal, but she's cringe and kinda milky so I've been waiting for this kek. she's addicted to lurking her snark subreddits, defending herself on throwaways and finally sperging on her podcast about what reddit is saying. also kind of a munchie who uses her alleged BPD as an excuse to why she's such a pickme

No. 2022475

I don't think they've been close in a long time but they have never distanced themselves from Shad.

No. 2022497

They’re not close anymore but no one involved has confirmed it outfight. IMO if Chris can be bothered to defend him like this then he can be bothered to clarify where their relationship stands now.

No. 2022526

speak for yourself retard

No. 2022546

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No. 2022554

Now Mr. Jomha is floundering on the "none of it's okay" side

No. 2022591

Lul I guess you weren’t online at the time. Anyways she was a teenager and teenagers say and do stupid shit all the time.

No. 2022594

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It’s literally how a lot of YouTubers got away with it for so long lol. The mid 2010s is when it barely started to shift.

No. 2022606

NTA but Shane's ministrel show wasn't even normalized back when he did it, plenty of people were disgusted and actively refused to work or be associated with him when he wanted to make his shitty movies. which is also the reason he needed to outsource his token black friend from a non English speaking country that had no context of the historical significance of the n word so she'd give him the pass to use it on camera. The only reason he got away with it for so long is due to his entire audience consisting of retarded children he could attempt to groom and make sexual comments towards. Jeffee star still has a huge gaggle of loyal faghags to this day, but I wouldn't say being a misogynistic neonazi dragqueen is normalized or accepted either.

No. 2022608

Maybe neonazi but misogynistic is still in with drag queens lol. Also edgy racist memes are still popular with teens.

No. 2022615

i will never really understand why white gay men are so hateful towards black women.

No. 2022627

That's green kek, it's an Incredible Hulk joke, she says "Nicki smash".

No. 2022689

they're funnier and more stylish than them

No. 2022921


ALL gay men are hateful towards ALL women, it's because they want to be us so bad lmfao

No. 2022948

This fag is such an annoying hypocrite. He milked and still milks the Colleen situation while being eternally bitter about people not taking him seriously. Yet here he is, putting out a bitchy video wondering why Rosanna would care about the Mr Beast shit. Maybe because it affected her personally, the same way the Colleen stuff affected him? “I won’t be silenced I deserve to tell my story reeeeee!!!11!1!” Okay well so does Rosanna, and at least she’s platforming other voices and telling stories people literally can’t tell themselves. It’s not like any of this actually matters that deeply, but his hypocrisy and how much of a faggy little cunt he’s being really chap my ass.

No. 2022949

He has the perpetual bully victim phenotype.

No. 2022965

Wow I got catfished big time by his choice of thumbnail
>Looks cute
>click in
>Quentin Tarantino's nephew

No. 2023002

File: 1722910304190.jpg (586.89 KB, 1080x1463, Screenshot_20240806_040903.jpg)

More men should get plastic surgery including facial surgery(crossposting)

No. 2023004

A Derry man with a victim complex, well I never!

No. 2023009

Ot, but what font is that? Looks nice.

No. 2023010

Even YouTubers are self-censoring? "Eggplant"?? Not even something retarded like "c0ck" or "p3nis"?

No. 2023011

Oh no! A teeny tiny amount of men feel insecure about being dicklets enough to get surgery!! What an epidemic!!! Please someone do something!!! Think of the men!!!! I’m so sick of this dumb little fas pick me cunt and her shit takes.

No. 2023025

century gothic

No. 2023072

Right, who cares? Men doing these surgeries and fretting over their "eggplants" (lol) are incel losers. I never clicked on one of her videos, but I've seen enough nonas call her out to be a pretentious pickme that it's turned me off.

No. 2023123

If it ensures that they remove themselves from the genepool permanently then I am in full support of moids mangling their wieners kek

No. 2023139

You're both right, agreed. It's such a nothingburger because it's only a minority of men wanting to do this, most men really don't care or they just ignore it so why is it really that big of a concern? It's the same when these creators were talking about how some incels want to get their face reconstructed to look like "chad" and it's like, it's a small minority and even the ones who do want it, they'll never be able to afford it so I mean, there is no serious problem here.

No. 2023142

As someone in their 30s who and kinda remembers the 2010s, I wouldn't say "everyone" was casually racist but it was a thing and you had people who did mind and people who didn't. Remember MadTV? That show had a lot of racial humor that would be seen as "racist" by today's standards but back at the time, a lot of us laughed and didn't take it seriously. And a lot of people who do grow up with sketch shows like that who went onto create sketch-inspired comedy on YouTube had that mentality.

I wasn't a fan of Shane Dawson because I thought his videos were cringe and I wasn't into 4chan spam the n-word as many times as you can nonsense (how is that funny?) but I remember how the attitude was back then and at least on the internet, it was definitely more of a casual thing that not many (well, depends who you hung around) cared.

No. 2023144

I hate how accurate this assumption is kek. But while it's great that he's getting called out, i hate how people are calling him by she/her pronouns. Then again, people were still doing it when Chris Chan got busted for SA'ing his mother and still do to this day so I shouldn't be surprised I guess.

No. 2023185

I think i'm about done watching this shit show,I watched it last night while drunk but here's what happened.
>Some bullshit with Tommy C, IDC
>People are saying boogie's tat is fake, Keem tells him to shave, fat ass does
>it's very faded, he said he's been scratching it because it got in fected
>They are finding a new host
>I reconized NONE of the youtubers/people
>Grace Thorp come on and Boogie makes a nasty joke about her (i'll rant about this later)
>Some moid came on saying they are the newest lolcow, shouted out Kiwifarms and Josh.
>Unfunny N-word clip being played by a troll
>a regular sized woman comes on (The only "Legtimate Woman" as Keem put it kek)
>Says she wants Boogie
>After she leaves Boogie goes, "She's also too big for me" or some shit
>Says he's dated fat women his whole life and he's never going back.
>Boogie makes unfunny jokes about fat women and how they don't mesh
>Keem says that women look their best in their 20's and men look their best 30a\40s after some moid talks about his 24 year old Fiance
>Wings gets confronted by a ugly troon for being "transphobic" despite his obvious fetish for transgender porn/trans.
>Says he likes "Manly looking women"
>and he likes a pretty penis, he still insists he's not into transgenders and he's not gay/bi btw, oh and the BBC shemale page 5 porn we saw in his history? Was fake.
>Is married by the way and apperently does not sleep with his wife
>He stands his ground agaisnt the troon though
>Another troon shows up and Wings clocks him. Says the troon has the body type he likes and he could tell he was a dude by the jaw.
>Wings starts asking Boogie/Keem, who they'd fuck Buck Angel or Bailey Jay, Keem had no idea who either are, says neither despite being surpised Bailey Jay is a man.
>Boogie says yes if he can be the top (So he won't fuck a fat woman but he'll fuck a dicking having moid).
>Chaser youtube Chat begins (I scanned the comments and saw a moid asking the "Second shemale to get in touch with him" kek.)
It sucked basically. Every moid was fat and ugly, the show is weird.
Now back to Boogie, Grace who I had no idea who she was, is a woman who was apparently groomed/molested by her dad and was in a "Relationship" with him. He abused her on camera and she has a restraining order against him now. She's clearly mentally fucked and being exploited. We have PROOF of her being abused/raped/molested. So what does the man who claimed his mom, dad, sister, the mailman, the milk man, the cable guy, the teacher, the Janitor and the Janitor's second cousin twice removed Raped/abused him say to a confirmed victim of abuse/rape?
>I wonder if her dad is good in bed
I don't think Grace caught it, but for Boogie's fat ass to make a joke like that, I guess my drunkenness didn't let it compute to me how fucked up it is until it popped up in my head.
Regardless, Keem went on reddit saying that he wants to do a show were Boogie goes on a date with a fat woman and Wings with a troon. Just doing anything, nobody wants to watch Boogie treat a (dumb) fat woman like shit or watch Wings pretend he doesn't like troon dick, when he can't even get it up for his wife but can for BBC Shemale blowjob porn and Bailey Jay. Keem said he liked all the women as possible hosts "The one legitimate woman and two trans women" so I can see him further tanking the show by having a troon on. In conclusion, I hate these moids so fucking much. I feel tricked by the boogie arch thinking that it'd be some big entertaining shit show. I guess thats my fault. Sorry for any mistakes nonna's.

No. 2023196

File: 1722979086966.jpeg (220.96 KB, 1125x323, IMG_4311.jpeg)

I’ve started to hate Peter after I found out his husband is like 20 years younger than him. But also that someone with a masters degree can’t decipher that people against trans grooming aren’t the same group of LGB supporters. The cognitive dissonance is astounding. But mommy extreme tinfoil is he uplifts trannies cause they engage in the same behavior that got him his young Hispanic husband. Who doesn’t seem that interested in him from the videos I’ve seen….

No. 2023224

You can say the words here kek

No. 2023226

Ty for this recap nonna, I kekked at your description of Boogies tall tales about everyone in his town raping him kek. Of course he made a joke about that woman’s abuse, but if someone did the same to him he’d have a meltdown and threaten suicide on stream again kek. Im going to give this a watch tonight but I fear the Boogie cow is thoroughly milked until he decides to fuck his life up some more in the future, it’s too bad because the clips of him during his breakdown were so fucking funny. And I hate to give Keem any credit but he’s good at pushing Boogies buttons and making him say funny shit

No. 2023608

To correct you on the Grace Thorp thing, she's still in an abusive relationship with her father. The court was the one who ordered for them not to be around each other after the father got arrested for kicking her on stream, not Grace herself. They kept breaking the restraining order on stream after that. Her and her father abuse her siblings (there's a video of her cackling and cheering on her dad slamming a car door on her brother's broken leg as he tries to escape them) and are currently grooming her younger sister so she will be receptive to fucking the father. Her and her father were also plotting to murder the mother but she left and filed for divorce before they could follow through on it. The Thorps are an absolute horror show and it's disgusting that Keem keeps giving them a platform.

No. 2023611

Mr. Beast ex-employee publishes second part of his exposé. Some highlights:
- Interviews another ex-employee who was fired from the company for speaking up about unfair wages;
- Exposes unfair working conditions and sketchy documents (basically telling employees they have to work on more than on one video at once, "no doesn't really mean no", etc.);
- Exposes torture during filming of "100 days in solitary confinement" challenge - they refused to turn off lights so contestant could sleep (which is a war crime under Geneva Convention);
- A registered sex offender was working directly on set, nicknamed "Delaware" because he is banned from stare of Delaware (fourth degree rape of 11 years old minor in 2004 when he was 16).

No. 2023630

Jfc. Why is it always _____ does ______ witha minor. I read fourth degree and thought it would be 18 with a 16 but an 11 year old…that’s a child. And a 16 year old is basically an adult. Gross.

No. 2023631

Some more stuff about the ex-employee.
>Jimmy made jokes about his locked up pedo dad.
>Destroyed his car for a video and only gave him the down payment for a new one then complained about not getting a flashier car.
>Made him run a marathon on a treadmill during the 100 days in solitary.
>Still has issues with insomnia from the challenge.
>Didn't get full payment for the days he did. I'm guessing he only gets paid if they upload it?
>Minor compared to the rest but wouldn't let him plug his channel even though he'd left Mr Beast and was working as a comedian.
The video's author has also gotten texts from current Mr Beast employees saying Jimmy is trying to run a smeer campaign against him - his ma's bipolar, he's been arrested. The video's author is unsure if their genuine though.

No. 2023634

File: 1723107535112.webp (14.44 KB, 480x600, fabrrt2v7dhd1.webp)

It's between 1 and 11. 11 is the max. Why on earth would you hire someone like this? Especially when you're working with children.
Also look at the pink ribbon on his mugshot. Absolutely disgusting.

No. 2023642

He also mentioned that there were rumors about employees who got fired for sexually assaulting young people. I'm wondering how that information will unfold if it's brought up in part 3.

No. 2023645

I'm not normally one to talk about botting/astroturfing but is it just me or are there a suspicious amount of comments on reddit about this that are downplaying what this video is talking about?
Also there's 0 chance he wouldn't have known about "Delaware" being on his payroll. No hiring team would hire someone with that kind of rap sheet unless someone from above pressured them to.

No. 2023646

File: 1723112652616.webp (92.85 KB, 968x646, 9lto0t0zcchd1.webp)

Delaware is Jake the Vikings brother in law. He could've vouched for him. Benefit of the doubt back then the channel would've been a lot smaller and it wouldn't be unreasonable for them not to vet everyone. Just a "I know a guy that seems like he'd be cool" to make up the numbers in a video. Why Jake brought him in is a different story.
There seems to be a big shake up in leadership at Mr Beast Inc

No. 2023647

File: 1723113051725.webp (48.55 KB, 750x804, jake-the-vikings-brother-is-de…)

They knew about it tho. If asked why he's named Delaware, people would say it's because he's banned from the state. Ava has pointed out that Jake's brother in law has been touching kids before deleting that tweet. If Ava knew, there's no way Beast didn't know.

No. 2023649

I suppose that could be a reason yeah. Is the Jake guy still close to his brother? Because I personally cannot imagine supporting your family member who raped a child under 11, let alone make him get a job on a channel that even back then was mostly a child audience.
>Listening sessions
Absolute kek. That's equivalent to the totally anonymous feedback you'd give teachers.
You could say the Delaware thing isn't confirmed (yet) but I agree. I'm sorry but you don't magically have multiple sex pests working close with you and you just somehow never knew.

No. 2023650

It’s so disgusting how these individuals seek out things kids like and become involved with each other like that. I’ve never heard of this jake the Viking guy but he needs to be monitored for the rest of his life .

No. 2023651

Yea. They like to jerk him off and make praise videos how Beast is a genius for building his empire, but you have to be next level dumb to hire a sex offender, let alone put him in videos.

No. 2023657

His career is so over after this. I can’t wait for the corporate apology video

No. 2023660

He's got 300m+ followers. At best 5% of them will know or care about this. Just weather it over, don't make any statements on the main channel and it will be busy as usual in 6 months.

No. 2023665

Heres the video where the pedo appears watch it get scrubbed in 5
I hope he loses sponsors

No. 2023666

Damn he was probably just jealous of Delaware seeing as he’s a nasty pedophilic freak as well.

No. 2023668

Can't believe she's STILL fucking pandering to scrotes and incels… im so sick of this stupid bitch. Boohoo men watch so much porn they think a giant cock is normal. Now look at the effects of porn on women. Oh of course you can only make videos about poor wittle men.

No. 2023669

He probably thinks he's in the right
>We'll I only groomed 13 years olds, you're the sick one

No. 2023671

>I hope he loses sponsors
If sponsors left him it would sink the brand instantly but Mr Beast has the candy to help him weather it until they come back

No. 2023688

isnt the candy doing insanely poorly though? i hope the whole drama reaches the news so parents learn about it and dont let their kids watch that slop

No. 2023691

I'm not from the US so I can't comment but it doing pretty well when it launched here a month ago. It's an alternative revenue stream to help them tick along even if it's not much.

No. 2023783

File: 1723137009841.jpg (45.44 KB, 680x703, 1654659551890.jpg)

>"No does not mean No"
You know, its depressing to think that the internet is slowly becoming Hollywood 2.0. Sure not everyone is a pedo, but there sure are a lot of shady things you have to do to get to the top, and you most definitely have to keep your mouth shut to keep your place. And don't worry, daddy big tech is always there to do whatever they can to not reach mainstream ears, or at least make sure that EVERYONE doesn't pay attention by switching up algorithms etc.

I hope this internet Harvey Weinstein loses everything, and all of the pedos that worked with him (and got paid millions for it) blow their brains out with a glock.

No. 2023785

There's a million ways to say the old salesperson adage of "don't take no for an answer" but he specifically went with that says a lot

No. 2023822

Every commentary YouTuber is milking the MrBeast drama and I'm so tired of "He's done… he's finished… it's over… he responded…" on my recommended feed with the exact same thumbnail and editing style.
It doesn't even matter anyway, most of his audience are children and ESL boomers and only one percent know or care about this

No. 2023830

Agree with everything you've said except esl boomers. My dad barely knows how to do a Youtube let alone what a Mr Beast is.

No. 2023841

Don't care, people talking about pedos is better than people not talking about pedos.

No. 2023850

I guarantee the ones milking this for all it’s worth were the same ones who were like “h0W CaN yOU hAtE hE HelPs PpL!!1!”

No. 2023869

Interesting that Jimmy did his own video that would have been similar to Jake's. Guessing based on Jake's prizes he stayed 6-10 days. Some notes
>They open with how dangerous physiologically damaging it is
> Funnily he says later "I feel like an animal who has lost all my rights as a human" and that it's the hardest challenge he's had to do
>He gets very miserable and sleeps as much as possible to pass the time, something Jake struggled to do
>He does not have to do any weird challenges like Jake
>He reaches his mental limit after 6 days and goes non verbal; from Jake's account Jake at least tried to be entertaining the whole time since he was told it was bad content otherwise
>Notably this is Jimmy doing this to himself, not a boss putting pressure on an employee
>On the flip, Jake's would've been easier is because he had "fun stuff" in the room to entertain himself and a clock to tell how long it's been. It also sounds like he could talk or hear other people rather than being completely alone the whole time

No. 2023878

File: 1723148562372.png (263.39 KB, 598x882, jake-the-viking-response-for-d…)

Jake who worked for Mr beast made a statement about Delaware's pedophile. Delaware is his brother in law and that's how he got hired. Also basically admits Jimmy knew what the guy did.
such a shame the first wave of accusations were a nothing burger because the actual accusations now are basically doing CIA level criminal torture to an ex employee and having someone who raped an 11 year old as a manager for his kids channel and now people don't care

No. 2023882

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Mr. Beast is doing som really nasty attempts at damage control by paying others to fabricate rumors. The guy and the people in his management really are the fucking worst.

No. 2023883

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No. 2023887

a man with those charges should've never been involved with the channel, I don't care what (probably lies) excuses this moid has to make for it.This is a confirmed sex offender and Kris had confirmed weirdo shit all out in public that Mr.Beast knew about but ignored. It is a pattern.

No. 2023889

oh wait so this is the dude who hated Mr.Beast for Chris but he had this secret? Kek, I guess he assumed that Mr.Beast wouldn't say anything because it'd make him look bad so he's all safe. All of them are fucking creeps

No. 2023893

It says a lot about mr beast that he would rather believe a convicted sex offender than a victim. Now i 100% believe about those sexual harassment allegations he helped to cover.

No. 2023934

He wont lose his ESL and toddler fans, but pulling sponsers would kick him to the ground and I think that's what people should push for. i can't believe he allowed a fucking sex offender to be in a video targeted towards children. But what do you expect from a guy who was chill with his troon friend hanging up shadman loli shit on it's wall

No. 2023940

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It's like he's trying to make the shittiest content with worst takes possible. I genuinely didnt think he can fall further from grace but he proves us wrong every time.

No. 2023941

>straight up lyyyinngg
why is he talking like this…

No. 2023942

because hes that cool bro

No. 2023948

holy shit hes going to troon out

No. 2023957

Why the fuck are you calling this retarded pedopholic troon his prefered name? His name is Chris not Ava

No. 2023958

One thing I noticed is they said the SA happened when she was 11 aka the max age for the conviction (1-11). I think they’re trying to make the age gap seem smaller when it’s probably the opposite.

No. 2023959

everything that comes out about the mr beast situation is batshit insane. he seriously comes across as a maladjusted manchild who grew up on nickelodeon live action shit, but always loved it when the contestants where tortured. learned about pedos from that time and wanted to become one of them.

No. 2023986

Many a Youtube personality were always just Hollywood wannabes anyway

No. 2024000

Yeah he's starting to sound like the Dan Schneider of Youtube with how much shit he let fly behind the scenes and how much his fans are like "Ok he might've hired shitty people but that doesn't mean he's shitty!"

No. 2024013

It’s amazing, I don’t mind him being liberal or having a come to light moment since it’s true that he raised bunch of edgy shitheads, but he just chooses the lamest causes and it’s like he’s trying to be as uncool as possible. It’s humiliation fetish at this point. I won’t be surprised if he troons out in a few years or at least goes by he/they. I wonder if Anisa would stay with him if he went full AGP.

No. 2024014

File: 1723182451736.png (33.67 KB, 645x204, racist.png)

rightoid to troon pipeline strikes again kek. Wouldn't be suprised at all.

Dan Schneider of youtube is a perfect way of putting it, Schneider constantly let pedos (and literal rapists) be around the child stars on set. Remember the one gay pedophile one? This situation reminds me of nickelodeon so much. I genuinely cannot believe someone who raped a girl under the age of 11 is allowed on a video targeted towards kids. I don't expect the allegations to stop here either. Jimmy has always seemed scummy to me, his voice sounds so monotone and fake too. The guy is pretty racist too.

No. 2024017

>Rosanna Pansino

Noooooo. I don't her to get dragged into this mess.

No. 2024042

If this is true, this means he was 16 when it happened, and I found this via google: "11 Del.C section 4123(c)(2) permits a child who is found guilty or pleads guilty to a sex offense to file a motion with the sentencing court asking to be relieved of the requirement to register as a sex offender or to be registered at a lower tier than that required by the offense."
So he may not have actual been registered as a sex offender if the judge was nice which might partially explain how he was able to hide it for as long as he did.

No. 2024069

I also don't understand how >>2023878 is supposed to make the situation any better or put him in a positive life. Ok yes confirmed he knowingly hired a registered offender, BUT it's ok because the charge was a plea deal? As if any sane employer would get into those semantics during a job interview, let alone even CONSIDER a sex offender eligible for hire. And if I'm understanding correctly, this totally-not-a-rapist took a 14 year plea deal over jail? Really makes you wonder what that jail sentence was looking like based on these "accusations"
According to >>2023611 it happened when he was 16 in 2004 but he wasn't convicted till 2010 >>2023647 so I'm thinking he was tried as an adult

No. 2024072

Because he is gay

No. 2024075

People probably feel more comfortable opening up to her specifically after she brought up her experience working with Jimmy. Nothing really damning or crazy, like she mentioned the challenge results are fabricated. Honestly she wasn’t making a big fuss or anything, she was like “oh, well there was this hide-n-seek challenge, and I would have come in 3rd that day, but when the video came out the guy who cheated was given 3rd, so it was a little disappointing.” I figure the reason that got so many eyes on it is ‘cause people were like “Mr.Beast drama? No one says anything bad about Jimmy…hang on is that the cupcake lady?”
Tbh that was the first negative story I heard on him too, ‘cause obviously I’m a quite removed from his target audience. But I was in Rosanna’s when she first started getting popular, and she’s maintained a great reputation for almost 15 years on YouTube, so I don’t see a lot of shit being flung in her direction over the horizon. Jimmy has an army of child subscribers. Ro does too, but she also has a very significant amount of adults that grew up watching her and know when the cute cupcake lady has something to say, it ain’t for nothing, it’s a sign the dominoes are about to fall

No. 2024111

File: 1723217953159.jpeg (158.59 KB, 828x1792, IMG_2545.jpeg)

Leafy sighting, showcasing his total twink death

No. 2024117

thats not twink death thats twink genocide

No. 2024120

Definitely could tell it was probably more serious when Ro started talking about it. People were initially skeptical, but I mean….what would she have to gain from it? She has 14.5 million subscribers - it’s not like she needs clout or anything. I remember listening to her talk about it on Trisha’s podcast and being pretty stunned that Mr. Beast would openly screw over another large fellow creator. Seems like he was kind of getting cocky and felt like no one could “take him down.”

No. 2024126

> Foreheadmaxxing with receding hairline
> Eyes trying harder to be together than Romeo and Juliet
> Banished to a wardrobe of hoodies to hide B cup breasts and vore comic worthy stomach
> Probably trying to use telekinesis at this very moment to retrieve someone's lunch out of their hands
God this weak chin edgelord went from twink to twonk. Now imagine that nasally voice coming out of this absolute unit.

No. 2024131

You forgot to mention his inflation fetish skull shape.

No. 2024139

He was never cute or twinkish but I get your point kek

No. 2024140

No. 2024145

KEK you know he's eyeballing some kids travel bag of cheezits here

No. 2024159

What in the Dr Seuss character fuck he doesn't even look human

No. 2024167

He kinda looks like a fat assmongold.

No. 2024211

File: 1723243079406.gif (944.42 KB, 399x300, kek.gif)

This thread is gold. I haven't kek'd so much in ages

No. 2024220

There's no saving that. He looks like anyone you'd find playing a table top game in a locally owned game store. There's not even a haircut that can work with his potato shaped head, especially being that he is clearly balding under those whispies

No. 2024223

File: 1723247071367.jpg (95.29 KB, 1080x801, THE WALL.jpg)

I forgot how old Leafy is, so I had to check. Nonas, even the Google photo is terrifying. Holy crap, he hit the wall hard.

No. 2024233

KEK we need to study this Yakubian ape’s cranial measurements.

No. 2024248

>twink death
He was never attractive nonnie
That’s what happens when you spend years sitting in front of your computer doing nothing but watching YouTube and gaming all day. Like did you think a guy who constantly did nothing but record CSGO footage and laugh at videos of random kids got a lot of outside time? Even nowadays he’s moved his clownery from YouTube to Twitter since Xitter is basically 4Chan ever since Elon took over

No. 2024265

Apparently he's an alcoholic and addicted to drugs according to moids on his subreddit who watch his streams. The moon face is probably the alkie bloat.

No. 2024293

File: 1723261646065.jpeg (138.13 KB, 828x1028, IMG_0877.jpeg)

Bad ending: repeatedly get banned on social media, turn into fat Cr1t1kal, get addicted to substances and calories

No. 2024302

apparently ludwig made a video reacting to dogpack404, got backlash for his shit takes, privated two reaction videos and now distancing himself from beast and feastables

No. 2024304

Another ex employee from beast's team gives interview on H3
> they made sexual jokes about one manager's 5 year old son
> manager punches camera man for one of the jokes, gets fired
> they hire SRO Delaware to replace him
> everyone was openly making pedo jokes, tyson was openly sharing loli stuff

No. 2024308

I mean, he's a male, so… becoming an ugly blob is just par for the course.

No. 2024317

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I have no fucking clue who he is so I googled some old pictures, and the contrast is fucking with me.

No. 2024348

twinks never age well, even if they stay skinny. he only got far with his looks because we never saw his body in full shot and he hid half of his face behind his huge ass mic cover.

No. 2024423

He was never attractive, people drooling over him felt like a psyop.

No. 2024425

Kinda glad both he and Idubbbz ended up being absolute losers, deserved and there’s something poetic about it.

No. 2024447

does he have down syndrome

No. 2024489

depends, usually if they stay fit and allow themselves to age naturally they end up find, but vast majority they either get bloated and fat or try to cling on their youth with surgeries and hormones(which males them look like monsters)

No. 2024582

if this happens to scott the woz i am turning into a lesbian how can moids age so badly

No. 2024607

i just wanted to shake them by the shoulders and point to the obviously greasy hair in the pics. like babes what are we doing creaming over a guy with no chin and no shampoo

No. 2024631

Same, and that most of the women they mocked turned out fine. I know Tana is massively disliked but I can’t help feel happy she’s doing just fine and Idubbz is miserable and struggling. I remember leafy also hating on that young girl at the time Loren Gray, and she’s doing just fine now too kek. Makes me smile

No. 2024638

This guy is claiming MrBeast stole his ideas. They told him they would hire him, he gave them some pitches, they told him they didn't have a job for him, and then they used all the ideas he gave them.

Definitely isn't as serious as all the pedos working for MrBeast, but it's just another drop to add to the bucket of problems coming out.

No. 2024728

he just lost genetic lottery, the not so lucky match of white and asian.

No. 2025024

he’s so lame. he spent half of his video on chris the pedo tyson defending him for being a tranny.

No. 2025092

File: 1723459767003.jpeg (199.85 KB, 1290x1554, IMG_6907.jpeg)

What do you think about YouTube strippers and sex workers? First off I’m heavily against doxxing their real names or contacting their school because it can jeopardize their safety. Whether I agree with their profession or not, the last thing I want is to compromise a woman’s safety.

But to me it feels like they’re promoting their line of work on YouTube annd even strip club managers allow filming inside the club to attract new dancers. This cherry girl, although looking a bit on the Shayna side can often pull $1000-1500 nights. Cherry has encouraged young women to become dancers.

Then there was this huge drama with Rosie Mason, another Australian stripper / sex worker. They went on each other on instagram stories and Rosie ended up being kicked out of the club.

I wish there was a thread for YouTube sw / strippers

No. 2025095

File: 1723460183285.png (346.74 KB, 528x364, 2.png)

I wasn't aware of this type of content on Youtube

No. 2025137

This would fit better in the sex work thread in /g/. A thread dedicated solely on sex worker YouTubers seems super duper niche that I'll doubt it would fit the maximum posts.

No. 2025146

Strippers, prostitutes, only fans women, any sex worker who glamorizes and romanticizes the industry while encouraging young women to do sex work are trash and deserve to have their safety endangered. The ones who are honest about the pros and all the cons are ok.

No. 2025153

I thought this was Baylee Jae before I read the name

No. 2025157

Ah so nothing of value was lost

No. 2025193

This was such a flash in the pan video. Dude completely lost the audience's trust by asking for 1.7 million in a gofundme lmao

No. 2025339

File: 1723513816361.jpg (1.27 MB, 1080x2640, Screenshot_20240813_034847_You…)

is she a cow? why won't she put on a fucking hazmat suit?

No. 2025343

I wish she would so bad, it drives me nuts. I don’t think she’s a cow, though. She seems incredibly kind and apparently does these cleanings for free. She doesn’t have a strong sense of smell and grew up seeing her mother be a cleaner, possibly even worked for or with her if I remember right.

No. 2025346

Iirc another free hoarder cleanup channel (I believe it’s @nottheworstcleaner) said that when they collaborated Auri found the PPE too hot and restricting to work in. I’m sure if she was sponsored by a PPE company it’d be a different story. She never addresses the comments about it either, so I imagine she’s enjoying the farmed interactions as well

No. 2025348

This looks like fetish shit tbh.

No. 2025350

in the nicest way possible i sometimes wonder if she has brain damage from all of the cleaning products she uses

No. 2025362

Exactly what I think every time I see her channel. I understand enjoying cleaning and she's doing good things,but I feel like she also has some kind of dirty surroundings fetish too.

No. 2025363

the context of this video (if I remember right) is boogie says that he spends all his money on mountain dew as a form of self harm (lol). Destiny says that a razor blade would be cheaper and boogie then spergs the fuck out

No. 2025433

File: 1723541183868.png (29.7 KB, 512x332, 1723494256505.png)

Following the updates on the Mr Beast drama on kiwifarms, Jimmy hires investigators and Rosanna investigates back kek. The guy he hired is the one that worked for Weinstein, Johnny Depp and Andy Cohen. If this is true then it's not making your case look any better Jimbo

No. 2025478

She just seems like a turbo basic cleaning obsessed Finnish girl with extreme ADHD, she's like a micro celebrity here but I've never actually watched her youtube

No. 2025609

Kek I find it funny that MrBreast’s current arch nemesis is the YouTube cake lady. Good for her, honestly. Nobody has had a single bad thing to say about her.

No. 2025615

Watch him hire Marty singer or a Lavely & Singer attorney like Andrew Brettler as his lawyer next kek these men are so predictable

No. 2025785

File: 1723616508802.png (66.93 KB, 577x408, 1544672065558.png)

since the sam hyde thread i locked i am posting this here, was this posted before? i do not rember if i found it on 4chan but fucked up if true

No. 2025800

is this mickey or something? i havent been on his thread in a long time the ss needs more context(sage your shit)

No. 2025929

its marky and she has talked about it before but with less detail than this screen

No. 2025932

Dear God pls let this bite Sam in his ass. It pains me that a new breed of zoomers unaware of his dirty laundry are popping up thanks to that dumbass half baked reality show he's hosting.

No. 2025939

File: 1723651109626.jpeg (345.83 KB, 1170x952, IMG_0733.jpeg)

Not every weird people thing people do is a fetish you strange, sexually obsessed freaks. I highly doubt she gets sexual gratification from this and instead just really enjoys cleaning, especially when it tangibly helps others, without having to jill off after.

No. 2025949

Kek I'm so happy to see that mr beast faggot get fucked in the ass like this. I always hated his stupid demonic smile in his thumbnails and I could never stand how everyone sucked his ass at every chance.

No. 2026024

They aren’t saying it’s HER fetish, they’re saying that there’s people out there who watch certain videos to fill niche fetish interests. Haven’t you seen those ridiculous “food hack” videos?

No. 2026116

the thing is, i highly doubt marky posted this anywhere recently. she has been away from the internet for a year if not more at this point. as much as id love for this all to happen, though i wonder if she posted this the 1-2 years before she left and has been in the process of it since?

No. 2026752

speaking of fetishes, does anyone else think EriktheElectric's constant groaning/moaning/feces jokes/bloated stomach shots are fetishy and weird? i thought his challenges seemed cool but the noises and stomach shots make me feel so gross i can't watch him anymore

No. 2026819

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I know most here people don't know/care about Brooke since she was a nobody anyways, but D'Angelo made a video on her (second channel, but still) so I guess it's officially over kek. it's been fun watching it unfold considering how thin skinned and social media obsessed she is. plus I was getting sick of her being so annoyingly self conscious about every mean comment during the podcast, yet still interrumping to talk about her ugly retarded FAS having looking ex bf for the nth time.
Sidenote, but how long will it take for D'Angelo to troon out? afaik he's already going by he/they or something

No. 2026821

File: 1723853617693.jpg (503.06 KB, 1079x900, Screenshot_20240816_205819_You…)

samefag, I wanna give him the benefit of the doubt of being a fag, but I'm not hopeful

No. 2026844

>How long till he troons out
I'm sorry to say but I think he'll troon out by the end of the year. Men who are online obsessed and get wrapped up in femininity can't seem to just be fine being a feminine man, they want to feel super special and develop self-loathing for not conforming to masculinity so they troon out and I can't see it being any different for him. I have a feeling he watches a lot of Kat Blaque so er, sorry but it's only a matter of time.

No. 2026945

hope he doesnt cause i think hes very handsome lol

No. 2027001


are we seeing the same man??

he looks like every black female college student ever

No. 2027150

File: 1723933596846.jpg (685.4 KB, 2511x1280, sp1.jpg)


i agree. Well a picture of them half naked was surfaced in 2015 along with facebook messages alluding to anal and marky came out to say on ig (blog but i even saw it live)that she was underage and he also refrence the anal with her here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2AlnVh6JTg

the evidence is there but his fans are pedos

No. 2027158

why don't living embodiments of smegma like this ever get what's coming to them? there is no God.

No. 2027166

This is really bad I’m surprised no one brings this up I see his clips all the time of that God awful show.

No. 2027173

I always felt bad for Marky. I hope shes okay. Such a pretty and nice girl.

There's rumors that Sam is a fed. He's talked about sitting down and negotiating with FBI agents before, and RI is a Fed hotspot in general.

No. 2027179

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egh she was doing the light racism stuff even back in 2019 but still she did not deserve what happened to her

No. 2027184

Marky is herself is Jewish, pretty sure the anti Jew thing was ironic. Also Sam likes to control his gfs social media accounts and often tweets or posts racist and misogynistic jokes while larping as them (he did it with his hapa ex's account too)

No. 2027187

this was between the allegations stories so i doubt it is him

No. 2027188

She cleaned for someone I know and made a tiktok of it, apparently she was incredibly nice but didn't do more than the kitchenette because she had to drive a long way over here. She also left a bunch of products as gifts and gave a little intro to them, this was before she completely blew up though.

No. 2027221

Having war flashbacks to that anon in /g/ who defended this

No. 2027236

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literally they all defend this his fans are mostly pedos

No. 2027262

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"Rumors" is crazy. I doubt that the faggot who got ran off of adult swim for being too much of an edgy retard could possibly be glowing. Him and Chucklefucks dirty laundry is all over.

No. 2027290

im not american so i wouldnt know kek

No. 2027296

Even if your statement was true, that doesn't mean he's not attractive. Unless you're implying otherwise

No. 2027388

He looks weird but unlike most moids, he actually takes care of his appearance and has a unique fashion sense. If he was a girl, he'd undoubtedly be cute. I still think he sucks off trannies too much though.

No. 2027414

He IS a fag. He dropped very blatant references to it through the Spy Kids vid (which I watched because of nostalgia for the franchise)
He's just a feminine fag, not a troonfoil nonas been talking about.

No. 2027443

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jocat returned from his youtube/twitch hiatus and did an entire podcast about how much of a creep he isn't. man seriously feeds off of constant coddling.
https://westernkabuki.podbean.com/e/the-trial-of-jocat-ft-jocat/ he talks about being a "recovered Nice Guy" starting around 31:45. newsflash, haters don't think that you're secretly creepy, you are openly creepy. bragging about having no allegations doesn't make you not creepy.

No. 2027444

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also, it's really curious that you included a teenager in that waifu video, will you ever clarify on that?

No. 2027463