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No. 2098831
AKA Heather Explores, Heather Sparkles
Previous Thread:
>>2065128Explanation of Heathertime:
>>2059264Thread #18
>>2045943Thread #17
>>2027512Thread #16
>>1938223IG: @haunted_butterfly
@heather_explores (old account)
TT: @heather_explores
YT: heatherexplores19
Heather Steele is a 34-year-old former retro toy collector/Fairy Kei fashion Youtuber reincarnated as a self-proclaimed spooky Victorian summer goth nice girl on an eternal quest for the Ryan of her otherworldly dreams. Her persecution complex, constant negativity, obsession with her "influencer" status on social media, and frantic love-bombing behavior shows no signs of slowing down.
Last thread TLDR: In the last thread, Heather wanted to marry, have babies and move in with her new Ryan. She diagnosed herself with infertility and said she was too broken to work at Target. She had her eyes on a new warehouse job. She said she will start her Youtube Channel again and proclaimed she had withdrawals from gabapentin. She started and ended several diets. In her latest posts, she has her chest out again and is clearly prowling for a new relationship.
Last thread recap:
>>2065289 says the wedding is going to happen in 2025
>>2065294 says WannabeRyan aka Goober Peas shooter and her will move in together soon
>>2065299 thanks god for her relationship and health
>>2065335 one of her followers suggests she might be moving too fast and she hits them with this Moby Dick style response, speaking of how Goober is her soulmate
>>2065342 Facebook posts saying that anyone who isn't supportive of their relationship can fuck off
>>2065624 giving makeup tips how to smear on grey eyeshadow without mascara
>>2065916 more bed pics of her beau
>>2065927 more pics of them together, he looks like he is about to check out
>>2066001 nonna suggesting he would look better shaved, evidently he would not.
>>2066219 Heather calling WannabeRyan an old soul and calling herself a cougar
>>2066426 Heather looking at baby clothes, she diagnosed herself with infertility and is hoping for a miracle
>>2066432 wants to them her babies Eliza and Henry
>>2066616 reposts memes about World war
>>2066997 comments that she "made a man" of WannabeRyan
>>2067402 shopping for decoration for when her baby is born
>>2067456 trying a healthier lifestyle to battle her self diagnosed infertility
>>2067622 uses FaceApp to create images of her future children
>>2067651 blames high stress job for her issues and says that she doesn't have much time to become pregnant because she is old
>>2068055 feels emotional about the children pictures she created with AI
>>2068060 complains about being overweight and having nerve issues, set up to quit her job so Goober has to take over
>>2068064 starts the healthy eating cycle again
>>2068351 meanwhile GooberRyan is out metal detecting
>>2068411 looking for a wedding dress
>>2068659 now says she has a serious medical problem saying she needs to see a reproductive healthcare specialist
>>2068688 needs a scan to find out if "she has ovaries"
>>2069506 mourning her non existent child
>>2069706 video of GooberRyan aka WannabePrivateRyan talking
>>2070200 absorbing Ryan's personality and now caring about confederate images
>>2070554 Heather thinks that people saying Merry Christmas instead of happy holidays restores a sense of normalcy
>>2071075 Ryan looking more pensive and annoyed in the couple shots
>>2071321 Detective Heather thinks a skull was stolen out of a crypt and comes up with theories
>>2071331 more theories
>>2072300 says her biggest goal is a new job and Goober to move in with her, says life will be great once she shed the weight and fixed the infertility
>>2072371 thinks she needs permission to photograph a cemetery
>>2073381 rediscovers her ball jointed dolls
>>2075050 complains she is a permanent outsider and has no friends
>>2079323 says she has suffered with a medical condition all her life and it's the reason she is now "completely" infertile
>>2079573 hopes President Trump will make everything right
>>2079734 Heather buys her own birthday cake
>>2079868 Ryan goes to Walmart to buy her a candle, that's the only post he made about her birthday
>>2081294 now refers to him as HUBBY
>>2081366 more Pro trump sperging with her hubby
>>2082550 posts about how she doesn't want to separate two paintings in a wife/husband set but she has bad vibes about the husband
>>2082818 WannabePrivateRyan seeking a new job
>>2083034 Heather saying she is losing her job "for real", now has her eyes on a new job 40 min away
>>2083201 she will start her Etsy sales again (plot twist, she never followed up on it)
>>2083565 she is applying for a warehouse job although her Target display job is too exhausting
>>2083724 WannabeRyan's funny Freudian slip
>>2083758 Heather calling her hubby her little shit, sounding like mother/son
>>2084543 WannabeRyan's old Reddit post, he only had 1 relationship before Heather
>>2085086 Proud mother/son picture
>>2086076 revisiting her plant hobby
>>2086241 made some gross soup for her sick hubby
>>2086534 Heather wants to return to Youtube but claims her audience hates her
>>2086536 Goober was in the ER
>>2086566 Heather thought Goober was dying so she took more photos of him
>>2086846 proud that Goober put an orange peel on his head
>>2086858 treats him like a baby book
>>2086902 More baby book tier photos of Goober
>>2087606 thinks she gave mono to Goober because she had it 17 years ago
>>2087755 Nonnas tinfoil that she got it from kissing someone else
>>2088007 now looking for desk jobs
>>2088780 Goober connects with an old photo
>>2089468 lined up a screen call for a manufacture job she has 0 Xp for
>>2090008 now on steroids for a foot injury
>>2090709 more sperging about her YouTube channel and how she was cancelled years ago
>>2091881 discovered a civil war ancestor
>>2092102 evidence of skinwalking her boyfriend
>>2093459 claims steroid withdrawal syndrom
>>2093460 now blames the gabapentine she has been taking
>>2093473 Facebook post saying she doesn't need or want friends
>>2094335 more ancestor obsession
>>2095750 March, Heather has her tits out again and is on the prowl
>>2094956 talking about a tintype she bought like about a husbando
>>2095751 complains about human skull collecting but has taxidermy
>>2095956 reposted this horny furry
>>2096488 seeking advice how to restart her YT channel
>>2096757 wants to buy 1800s dresses
>>2097475 using her old camera lens again
>>2098215 looking for jobs for people with 1 blind eye (for Goober)
>>2098741 tits are out again, we have come full cycle and Heather is bored of Goober
No. 2098833
All the Ryans in order:
>Ryan 1: Motivational Youtuber. Heather latched onto him and he apparently tried to help the dysfunctional couple by suggesting Heather seek therapy. Eventually they both threw him to the dogs.>Ryan 2: Ryan Z. Urbex’er whom Heather latched onto and physically stalked several times by using other people for rides. Met up again Oct 2019, Heather posted some cutesy things, and in less than a day those posts were removed and she put him on blast.>Ryan 3: Short-lived gamer boy met through Tinder.>Damian: On-off Urbex boyfriend. Eventually put him on blast after their 500th breakup.>Ryan 4: Craig. Graveyard photographer Heather briefly dated, but they appear to still be friends.>Ryan 5: Clay. Ex-boyfriend who broke up with her because she was negative. Tried to lure him back by being negative on her instagram stories.>Ryan 6: ChaseRyan. Dated for like 2 weeks LDR and were supposed to meet IRL but he changed his mind after he realised she’s batshit.>Ryan 7: Femryan. Stated dating the second time they met irl. After multiple breakups, Heather decided to end things for good because he wanted to go to a party on Halloween instead of going to the cemetery like all of their other dates.>Ryan 8: ChaseRyan round 2. They finally met in person but he was also seeing someone else and ultimately chose her instead.>Ryan 9: CharmRyan/GhostRyan. He got the measure of Hag pretty quick, and confessed to ghosting her cause she was still using Tinder and living her life on social media.>Ryan 10: BomberRyan, which sparked and fizzled within a week. >>1186214>Ryan 11: OldRyan, ryanectomy performed in less than 48 hours of this one being on the scene.>Ryan 12: Revengeryan / Ryanhumrevenge -@Rumhamrevenge, older alt photographer who's been hanging out with Heather. Not a true ryan because he's not a spoopy boy she wants to fuck, but comes in and out of the picture like the other ryans. Their relationship is weird and they've shared hotel rooms, but Heather doesn’t think he's a keeper for some reason. >>1288115, >>1288582, >>1289256>Ryan 13: PapeRyan. An old friend who she lost touch with ‘because of muh stalkers’. 13, unlucky for some, certainly unlucky for him. It seemed like she had finally found a decent match but it lasted mere weeks, Hag blaming their break up on his religious beliefs.>Ryan 14: BloodRyan aka Lurch. Heather met her match with this one- just as impulsive, insane, childish and melodramatic as she is. He promised the world, but after she quit her job and moved cities to be with him, he booted her out of his home after only a week…is he to blame? Is she? Heather claims the split was due to her plant collecting hobby, which Lurch was jealous of.>Ryan 15: BrianRyan aka BRyan. After an initial pre-Christmas date, Hag was sneaking pics and declaring love for this new Ryan. Off-the-peg forest and sigil tattoos, painted nails, thinning hair and 2012 piercings. Heather refers to him as a "psycho" and claims she was too caught up in physical attraction to recognize his "toxic behavior.">Ryan 16: ClockRyan. A resident of Long Island who she met over an app when he was visiting her area. She fell immediately in "love" and followed him back home, visiting NY with him over a weekend. He broke it off after about a week, apparently due to getting back with his ex.>Ryan 17: BabyRyan. Met him on some dating app and he lived 2 hours away. Calls him her "baby boy." Dates him for a few weeks at most and manages to pull off a pregnancy scare in that time. BabyRyan breaks it off in response to the "accidental" scare.>Ryan 18: AxeRyan. Heather matched with him on an app a year ago and forgot about him. She then matched with him again but offline about a month ago by attending the same spooky paranormal convention. He's a "Certified Paranormal Investigator" and is completely smitten by our summer goth princess.>Ryan 19: DeadEyesRyan. 36 year old history teacher. Met on a dating app. Dated for 6 months and shortly got engaged until he breaks things off, likely because he couldn't handle the consequences of Heather's online activity. Alleged racist and creep.>Ryan 20: Mysterious PoxRyan, gave Heather blisters in her mouth, tinfoil it was Rextyoung aka OG BabyRyan?>Ryan 21: WannabePrivateRyan, aka PrivateRyan, aka Goober Peas Ryan aka Blind Ryan, real name Ethan, freshly turned 22 years old forklift driver, this half blind Ryan is a military cosplayer CIVIL WAR (hi nonna) autist who got turned down when he tried to enlist and whose personality is currently being cannibalized by Heather No. 2098846
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>>2098831The baby voice is back
No. 2098924
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Great job it looks much better now!
No. 2098997
>>2098871I've been 99% vegetarian for years and just got iron infusions, because no one can tell me meat is actually good enough, especially heather's date night food pics from their fav sub par burger restaurant
>>2057631 (I wish I screen shot the last pic the day before she did her healthy grocery shopping). /vom
(blogposting/learn2integrate) No. 2099026
>>2098959whatever the next unfortunate ryan's interests are. she has to collect all of their hobbies as an excuse for her to consoom to fill the empty void. i hate how inauthentic she is. that she can't even find a hobby, it’s sad she needs to absorb whatever is the interest of every scrote she dates. Like how when she wanted a guy who liked dungeonsynth and kept posting “who wants a dungeonsynth girlfriend?”. It's so blatant and it's fucking creepy, she must be really empty inside no doubt
>>2098997heathers veganism is fleeting just like everything about her. it's a phase she goes through, it's inconsistent because the only consistent in her life is behaving like a parasite. i feel like she’s been on-and-off it for so long but she's almost always off it. i don't understand her reasoning for pretending like she's vegan in the first place, it feels like some weird larp like everything else she does.
people who firmly stay vegan/vegetarian for years have real reasons for it that they are able to be consistent about because of the real convictions & reasoning behind it… which heather genuinely could never. there is nothing behind her blank stare. her life revolves around ryans and her
victim-complex, she goes through phases like the weather because she has zero sense of self, there is absolutely no identity to be seen.
>>2098871>then two days later a bunch of stories of her binging Sheetz in her car. Heather loves a good cycle.exactly this, she can't be consistent with it at all. it's like how she's claiming that ""content"" is coming soon, or that she's getting her etsy shop going and she's also going to make youtube videos again but she can't because the world is against her and she's been cancelled for liking antiques, kek. always with the cycles
>>2099015this is what i'd like to see at this point. going back to her natural color and a hairstyle change that suits her better. i believe she could benefit from more volume in her hair. it always looks way too limp and unflattering. i also think she needs some type of fringe (but not like the old bangs she had), the middle part isn't doing her any favors imo.
No. 2099099
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I think I figured out who she looks like to me: Tobias Fünke
No. 2099436
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I actually snorted. Okay girl.
No. 2099531
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>I miss who I was three years ago
No. 2099533
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>>2099531Meanwhile, I took a casual glance back at the thread from three years ago and this was kind of shit she was posting.
No. 2100089
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Oh she’s trying to get a rise out of goob for sure, now she’s toying with the idea of OF. I’m sure homeschooled Christian “women are whores” retard hates slutty women even though he probably beats off to them.
No. 2100118
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This is what, the third day this week?
No. 2100120
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Count your days privateryan, Heather loses that crazy new relationship energy and needs to fill the void
No. 2100129
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>So you mean to tell me that I am crying myself to sleep every day trying to be good enough for a corporation, and there are girls that just get to be beautiful and not have gross hands from work, and they just get to be skinny and attractive because they're not constantly stress eating because they are trying to cope with life and men give them money and that's their career.
>Why did I get into that whenever I was young and skinny and pretty and. I'm so pissed. Life just isn't fair
>I mean, I respect the hustle. I really do. I'm just like, if I could redo my life… But no, I had to be a good honest woman.
No. 2100140
>>2100124I don't think she's posted about her upcoming wedding (lol) in months.
>>2100129> gross hands from workhahaha someone needs to armchair this one. Out of everything why does she obsess about what her "work" does to her hands?
No. 2100143
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Heather's got the sads, time to binge eat and shop compulsively for that ONE THING that will enable her to become the beautiful, creative person she knows she can be
No. 2100144
>>2100129Same as guys who say ohhh man I could've been a badass buff dude getting laid and being king of the football team!!
You did none of that, because you have zero discipline. You worked at Target, you didn't grind through college or grind through work without college. Many who do neither are very creative still and just don't have financially viable talents. You fucked half the men in PA, that's how you spent your youth.
People who cry about youth annoy me, you're in your 30s get over it people do cool stuff well into their 60s you just have no work ethic
(sage your shit) No. 2100167
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Weight loss begins tomorrow.
No. 2100168
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So they’re still trying for a baby I guess
No. 2100169
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>>2100118This is such ALR logic. "I'm sad and fat, better eat a whole Ben and Jerry!"
>>2100129>"Why didn't I get into that whenever I was young and skinny and pretty". No, Heather used to get naked for men FOR FREE. Picrelated.
>>2100140I've been assuming it's related to that tradwife/sugarbaby meme that's like "my hands look like this so her hands can look like that".
No. 2100179
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>>2100129This is such a fence-sitting take. It's like she's hoping either men will encourage her to pursue OF anyway and validate her body, or she's hoping men (or anyone) will congratulate her for being "good and honest" and give her validation for her life situation.
No. 2100206
>>2100140Her hands are probably fat and calous because dumb bitch doesnt know you can workout and exforliate your hands.
She needs to stop eyefucking herself and eating in her free time and work on getting fit. The obesity arc gonna be crazy.
No. 2100390
>>2100138Not only that, some people have incredibly high stress jobs that still make time to work out and who don’t stress eat.
making time is the key. It’s work ethic and their mentality. Sure it might be difficult to get into the habit, but it’s possible. She just doesn’t want to put in the hard work.
No. 2100507
>>2100129Hey hag remember when(ever) you were so excited to get your "dream job" at target? Because I do. Don't try and act like you were duped into some awful job situation. You were over the moon to get this job and posted many times about how much you loved it.
I think she's bored and depressed because he's not living with her. That's what she wants more than anything, to be attached at the hip with her Ryan of the month 24/7. She went so far as to get permission from her landlord for goober to move in, so why hasn't he? Because his job is too far to commute from her place or what?
No. 2100555
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>>2095956>>2100179She better not reproduce with Goober peas because their child will just be picrel
No. 2100566
>>2100507I love that she went through with asking her landlord if goob could move in like 3-4 months ago and he hasn’t. Her existence is just phone, buying shit, flavor of the month Ryan, and ice cream.
>>2100524Yes she was married and he paid her bills and she cheated on him. He was cow ish too but now he’s married to a younger way hotter woman and that must kill Heather lmao
No. 2100584
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Just when you think she can’t get more pathetic
No. 2100589
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This is fucking bold coming from her
No. 2100590
>>2100523If she spent less on the ice cream than she did on the gas cost of driving there, that would make no financial sense nonna.
No. 2100596
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>>2100383>>2100590Someone more autistic then me can do the math
No. 2100607
>>2100152even with the trade in rebate, she blew like 1500 bucks on that new 16 (which likely is the pro max too with the most storage, because what else would she get)
>>2100129e-girl heather arc would be hilarious. move over shatna and moo, there's a new hot mess in town. but we all know it will never happen
No. 2100611
>>2100584>>2100585>work hardKek, as if most of these people even worked a day in their life, but Heather would know, she is a very hard working woman and very close to owning an expensive bullshit car herself.
>when one side consistently attacks peopleI don't know what she thinks "her" side is doing, but it's exactly that and the consequences go far beyond one or two burning Tesla
>>2100601No money, a woman, no children, not married, yes, she doesn't know. But many stupid people admire billionaires and would defend them without hesitation.
No. 2100676
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why does she always press her tongue against her teeth
No. 2100745
>>2100705I was about to say you're being dramatic by claiming her tongue is too big for her mouth and she just does this because she thinks it looks cute, but actually… she does have that weird lisp too…
You might be onto something, nona.
No. 2100781
>>2100676The head tilt is back! Everything she does is a signal, I wonder if this one is part of a new pattern of making Goober Ryan jealous or baiting a new ryan altogether.
She looks like someone strapped a RealDoll™ into a car though
No. 2100790
>>2100765But let's be honest, she isn't on a budget, she is in dept, but she never said that she really tries to watch her finances or wants to get rid of her dept. For an adult woman in her 30s with very limited financial possibilities, she is very irresponsible, but it's just how she is, she rawdogs random guys, how stupid can one person be?
Would be nice if any nonna could test that icecream to see if it's really worth the money and the drive.
No. 2100807
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>>2098871She lives to consoom. Doesn’t matter if she’s in deep debt buying things and Ryans are the only thing that fills the void of her empty soul
No. 2100883
>>2100790Ayrt. Youre right. But she has talked about saving money. So its definetly a budgeting type situation. Bust still youre
valid because she is so stupid with her health in all aspect, why should we be surprised? Kek
Nooo nona, nobody needs to go check that ice cream out because no ice cream is good enough to risk your health, happiness and future on.
No. 2100892
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No. 2100956
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>>2100941Another boob shot from today
No. 2101024
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Holy shit she has so much fucking garbage. Also with the new iPhone camera we will probably see only edited selfies here on out Kek she could make herself look better with a shitty camera but now we can see what she really looks like
No. 2101036
>>2100952This exactly. She's the most predictable person I've ever not met in my life
No. 2101040
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>>2100995>>2101036He's going out digging his holes next week, I would guess she's not coming.
No. 2101105
>>2101055Honestly this is as good as it's going to get for her. I don't have a very high opinion of moids and this ryan is too young and more than slightly retarded, but heather brings absolutely nothing to the table either. She's not that cute, she's gaining weight fast and refuses to change that, she hoards overpriced junk, thinks she's too good for regular hobbies like reading or even watching TV, is deep into credit card debt, paranoid and a BPDemon, has a history of cheating and STDs? She isn't going to suddenly attract a moid who is going to step up and take care of her, pay off all her debt, make her hands pretty (kek), etc. She'd be best off learning to be alone and getting her shit together before trying to date again tbh, but it'll never happen.
No. 2101175
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>sorry guys I’m just laying down because I’m so tired
With her boobs hiked up to her neck. Ryan search continues.
No. 2101225
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Broken fucking record
No. 2101235
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And she’s just going to have to keep seething because we know she won’t. How many times has she claimed she’s coming back to YouTube?
No. 2101342
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>>2101235The thumbnail looks like picrel
No. 2101386
>>2101235Finally, this [purchased item] will be the thing that unlocks her creativity and allows Heather to shine!
She's still gonna be doing this at 60 isn't she
No. 2101417
>>2101289of course he
it’s funny to me because his massive tism that makes him not understand or care about any of her BPD scheming is the only reason this lasted this long but it’s now also driving her away because BPDs need conflict and the prospect of actually just chilling and digging holes forever without a source of constant breakup/makeup drama is making her antsy
No. 2101451
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From Ethan's instagram. I wonder if it embarrasses her that he has a better social/hobby life than she does while she's just dicking around alone in graveyards, eating, and making empty promises at her brand new phone. She seriously should just get some fucking friends, but she already burned bridges by telling everyone on facebook that she just wants to be left alone.
No. 2101541
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Heather called 911 and went to the hospital because she had a migraine
No. 2101548
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>>2101546She’s so fucking dramatic, crying over how she thought she was going to die. Goober really hasn’t been giving her enough attention has he
No. 2101551
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Once again claiming she’s going to go vegan like a broken record. Also that the hospital was fun and better then doom scrolling, so we can expect to see more hospital visits in the future now that she’s got a taste for the attention
No. 2101562
>>2101552>Tinfoil but could she be trying to sabotage it and get attention from him because he will be out digging all weekend??that was literally my first exact thought when i saw this. i absolutely believe this is perfectly timed with goober going digging. i'm willing to believe her fragile ego has been insulted by the fact that her tard finds digging holes more interesting than her, since she can't imagine what having real interests or hobbies is like. she doesn't know what dedication to a hobby means, and she is devoid of any substance. i don't find it coincidental that she stopped larping autism after she started dating him kek. Imagine you’re heather and being faced with someone with actual hobbies. she can't wrap her head around someone having a life outside of her own narcissism. i also think she probably knows that if she had the opportunity to cheat while he’s away, she would. what a sad and pathetic cry for help
>>2101550>I hate the munchie arc so muchthe munchie arc has made the thread borderline unbearable when it used to be more lighthearted and fun. i haven’t watched the videos because i’m not in the mood hearing her ramble on for minutes acting like she’s on deaths doorstep. it's irritating watching her perhaps finally realize (maybe i'm giving her too much credit, but on some level maybe) how empty she truly is that she's now resorting to this bullshit. she’s always looking to find more excuses to sit on her ass and do nothing. any excuse she can find to prolong making """content""", anything to make people feel sorry for her and coddle her
victim complex. she’ll resort to some of the most pathetic measures in order to have any scrote to run in her direction to give her the constant validation and attention she desperately searches for once she realizes a boyfriend won't fix her problems. she’s been obviously fishing for DMs from newer potential ryans, she really won't ever learn and i think she's the type of person whose personality will only get worse as time goes on. she bought a new phone so she could use social media as a diary the same way she used her previous phone.
No. 2101600
>>2101546The way she pans down to the little bandage where she had her IV placed for just some fluids is crushing my lungs right now. Heather you were given the same stuff you can order home for a hangover, you’re dehydrated, gaining weight, eating a fucktonne of sugar, clearly driving most places, probably have a shit diet outside of the sugar binges, you are simply an unhealthy individual but you are
not sick. Veganism isn’t going to magically cure her malnutrition, if anything its going to make it worse because shes too retarded to understand how dietary needs work and CICO doesn’t mean anything for your health besides weight if you don’t pay attention to
what you eat, not just how much. Shes going to cycle the same bullshit symptoms no matter her weight because she has a gradeschool level understanding of nutrition (and the world at large)
No. 2101651
File: 1742659083355.png (2.89 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_9867.png)

She’s carrying on today despite her ER visit and goob out digging holes.
No. 2101660
File: 1742659942383.jpeg (436.55 KB, 1179x930, IMG_9870.jpeg)

Did a vibe check on goob’s Facebook and apparently he’s a weather geek. He posted like 15 tornado images. Heather has not liked any of his posts in a while. She’s getting bored but also it would be funny if she became a weather nerd/storm chaser. Anything but the munch arc, please!
No. 2101675
File: 1742661667935.jpeg (974.12 KB, 828x1491, IMG_8017.jpeg)

>>2101671It was just the aura kind
No. 2101685
File: 1742663386592.mp4 (10 MB, 720x1280, Video-192.mp4)

She survived deaths door to post a fit check praise god. She can’t zip up her kill star dress so she has binder clips holding it in the back. I don’t think I understood how much weight she’s gained until this video damn
No. 2101687
>>2101660>>2101673i just find it mind blowing that an incel maga retard like goober manages to be a more rounded out person that heather could ever hope to be.
sure, the bar is in hell, but still
No. 2101737
File: 1742672799843.jpeg (992.83 KB, 828x1463, IMG_8019.jpeg)

Guess where’s she’s at again?
14 hours ago
>I’m going vegan again because I’m having so many stomach and health issues >>2101551Ofc she deleted all those videos from last night though
No. 2101786
>>2101737How's your healthy day out going?
ER visit for a migraine, crying over her bad health, showcasing her ootd shameless describi7how her ootd doesn't fit and is being held together by binder clips, then posting another ice cream gorge session the very next day after crying over her health. Lmfao I can't, this is all too much.
No. 2101805
>>2101735i was thinking she's probably had it installed for a bit
>>2101737>playing around with my new phone camera by taking a picture of icecreamjustifying her purchases again as if she's doing anything different with this new phone
>>2101675>It was just the aura kindkek'd
No. 2101810
>>2101778The "vegan era" will never last more than a couple of days because she associates it with suffering and denial and she has zero willpower. Right now her test is "just don't eat gigantic fucking ice cream cones" and she's failing that within literally hours.
>>2101551> going vegan is gonna suck so bad because I love my ice cream One thing I missed during this recent psychosis jag is Heather admitting she's been paying for a gym membership for "years" and has used it "maybe 5 times" lol
>>2100167 No. 2101829
>>2101546>>2101548>>2101551All the dramatics over a migraine and low potassium is absolutely insane. The "prone to retina detachment" when she doesn't even know what that would look like? It's so obvious she doesn't know what she's talking about and hasn't has any real medical emergencies before if she genuinely thought this was anything other than a migraine. Put down the ice cream and sheetz garbage and eat a banana a few times a week, Heather. Take a daily vitamin. Drink some water. It really isn't that hard. I can't believe she's going to put herself into medical debt on top of her regular debt over nothing.
>>2101737Honestly, I'm kind of expecting her to double in size in another year or two at this rate. Maybe she's intentionally sabotaging herself for another "fun" trip to the hospital since Ethan won't pay her enough attention. Maybe there was a cute male nurse or doctor she's hoping to see again.
>>2101810She's so stupid. Even just cutting back on the ice cream would be a step in the right direction. But she really had to turn right around and order another fat doublescoop on a wafflecone the day after her "I thought I was dying" ER experience caused by her poor diet.
No. 2101873
File: 1742697956347.mp4 (3.01 MB, 720x1280, pov.mp4)

POV: you're an ice cream cone
No. 2101924
>>2101873kekkk she's unhinged and not even in the fun way, it's just sad
>POV: you're an ice cream conekek'd hard
>>2101551she does grocery shopping…isn't she aware she can save the gas money and can splurge at home on store bought vegan ben n jerrys and other vegan icecream flavors? even regular ice cream shops often have a few dairy-free options. i can't understand her logic with anything. there is no rhyme or reason when it comes to heather
No. 2101970
>>2101840I tinfoiled she was visiting so much because she knew about GooberPeas and how he'd visit from the Goober Gang. She even "accidentally" caught him in her pictures once while trying to engineer something in her low cunning way.
I think it's a similar thing here. She's not autistic enough to make an Attraction Sign & sit with it, but she's stunted enough to drive to Gettysburg 3x a week to eat ice cream alone, take graveside selfies, and wander antique stores and hope for a "meetcute". Like the exact fantasy she made up between DeadEyes and GooberPeas that went nowhere.
No. 2101984
File: 1742739541371.mp4 (3.68 MB, 720x1280, 1000023188.mp4)

This is definitely for a new Ryan. Her selfies died down when she was at her peak with Goober, now she is back to full force showing him and all the other guys what they are "missing"
No. 2102006
File: 1742743395468.jpeg (359.33 KB, 828x1460, IMG_8023.jpeg)

She’s claiming she’s going to relaunch her YouTube channel this week
No. 2102100
File: 1742764115872.png (3.23 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_9921.png)

More horny furry content.. turns out Heather follows the furry guy who makes the reels. Brotherboofer
No. 2102103
File: 1742765074209.jpeg (199.34 KB, 828x1715, Picsew_20250323142228.jpeg)

>>2102100Kek I saw her in the wild commenting on jasmine from 90 day fiancé’s pregnancy announcement with her affair baby
No. 2102105
>>2101737late but ofc she's having so many stomach issues with as much ice cream as she's having, christ
I don't think she's faking the ocular migraine though, the symptoms she described were too clearly an ocular migraine and it can be very freaky for someone who's never had one before
if anything she could count herself lucky she only got the visual aura and not the migraine afterwards (which is interesting in and of itself), the different types of auras you can get are pretty varied
I'm curious if this experience will evolve and change over time (I almost died, etc etc)
she'll think it was cute and fun until she gets that hospital bill – that'll sober her up
No. 2102114
File: 1742766677823.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1179x2054, IMG_4518.jpeg)

She looks like uncle fester why did she post
No. 2102115
File: 1742766724899.jpeg (610.39 KB, 828x1472, IMG_8029.jpeg)

What an unfortunate shape
No. 2102146
>>2102115In comparison almost the same outfit but a year and 2 Ryans ago.
>>>/snow/1948982 What a difference. Her new proportions make her look like a midget
No. 2102157
>>2102128What flavor do you think her next double scoop ice cream cone will be
nonnie? My money is on strawberry and she'll cope by saying it has fruit in it so it's "healthy"
No. 2102161
>>2102114what an apt comparison KEK
I kinda love her for posting this.
Entertainment value: 10/10
Ryan bating potential: -20/10
No. 2102192
File: 1742784268306.png (3.18 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_9942.png)

Anything but taking accountability.. how could dishes from meal prep set you back for tomorrow? Just do the dishes or do them in the morning. She’s just talking herself into getting an ice cream tomorrow
No. 2102193
File: 1742784695440.png (5.44 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_9943.png)

A well balanced vegan meal of plantains, potatoes, and Brussels sprouts. No protein in sight. She’s going to be starving
No. 2102197
File: 1742785476706.png (2.88 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_9947.png)

No. 2102198
File: 1742785508702.png (2.81 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_9948.png)

No. 2102264
>>2102100wtf heather.
>>2102114can this please the next thread pic lmao. guys heather is officially Fat. will she do anything about it, or will continue driving miles out for ice cream like come fat kid? stay tuned.
>>2102192nvm shes an immature bitch whining about chores and making dinner like god punished her or something. she just wants to stuff her face and cry about gaining weight.