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No. 2065128

AKA Heather Explores, Heather Sparkles

Previous Thread: >>2045943
Explanation of Heathertime: >>2059264
Thread #17 >>2027512
Thread #16 >>1938223

IG: @haunted_butterfly
@heather_explores (old account)
TT: @heather_explores
YT: heatherexplores19

Heather Steele is a 34-year-old former retro toy collector/Fairy Kei fashion Youtuber reincarnated as a self-proclaimed spooky Victorian summer goth nice girl on an eternal quest for the Ryan of her otherworldly dreams. Her persecution complex, constant negativity, obsession with her "influencer" status on social media, and frantic love-bombing behavior shows no signs of slowing down.

Last thread recap:
>>2045973 asks about debt consolidation loan since she is paying $200 a month in interest
>>2046116 lovebombing her new victim
>>2046431 it's revealed that Wannabeprivate Ryan is a forklift driver
>>2046431 more background info about the new Ryan
>>2046463 keeps buying more trash albeit being in debt
>>2046901 her new Ryan calls someone a whore in his FB comments
>>2046913 Heather thinks people are targeting her because someone rang her doorbell
>>2046985 Heather also comments on the FB thread where the new Ryan called someone a whore, hissing as a reply
>>2046990 End of blonde hair dye saga, start of BLACK GOTHIC HEATHER
>>2047086 showing off her new black hair color
>>2047087 Hair reveal
>>2047113 showing off her new hair to PrivateRyan
>>2047114 he pets her new hair
>>2047119 creepy shots of her new Ryan
>>2047277 Nonnas point out it was a bad dye job and blue/green tint comes through
>>2047318 hair looks actually green at the ends
>>2047368 PrivateRyan is a MAGA retard
>>2047817 more goffick Heather pictures
>>2048147 creepy video of her waking up to show Ryan what he is missing
>>2048181 selfie eyefucking
>>2048206 missing PrivateRyan bait post
>>2048389 her new hair color made her white streaks gray
>>2048453 more complaining about her hair dye
>>2048695 says fuck the haters, her new hair color conveys WHO SHE REALLY IS
>>2048701 more comparisons to her young gothic phase photo
>>2048864 walking like bigfoot
>>2048982 Heather now supports Trump
>>2049014 asking PrivateRyan to be her plant daddy, first time bringing up kids
>>2049136 calling Trump iconic
>>2049305 Heather on FB replying to PrivateRyan's question about where to move, might be their first interaction
>>2049386 Heather makes "breakfast" for her new love
>>2050648 going to a civil war show together
>>2050652 PrivateRyan's Reddit account
>>2050660 talking about his Ex
>>2050675 PrivateRyan posts on r/blondes
>>2050682 Private Ryan talking about his background being socially inept and homeschooled
>>2050708 Private Ryan's deleted posts and some Nazi shit
>>2050779 reveals that he wanted to join US Air force at some point
>>2051394 Heather posting about PrivateRyan like he is her son
>>2051394 Heather is now interested in confederacy
>>2051456 Heather lying that she has been talking to PrivateRyan for months
>>2051851 posts about the elections
>>2052618 Heather claiming she always loved Carolina string music
>>2052825 calling PR her soulmate
>>2052874 PrivateRyan's mother is pro Trump, religious and an avid hunter and posts sovereign citizen type of shit
>>2052977 Heather's 1 MONTH anniversary post
>>2053002 tells people the post wasn't against the haters but love and gratitude for PR
>>2053111 Heather fetishizing PrivaeRyan's new tinytype
>>2053380 squeezing herself in a tiny vintage coat
>>2053736 compares working at Target to slave labor, baiting to quit her job again
>>2054162 takes creepy sleeping photo of PrivateRyan, likens it to post mortem photo
>>2054370 Heather is now a woman of god
>>2054389 calls everyone men hating except her
>>2054637 intense close up of PR
>>2054741 more lovebombing
>>2054965 same amount of crazy in their eyes
>>2055355 cannibalized PR personality and now into collecting confederate antiques
>>2056619 PrivateRyan's autistic voice and mannerisms caught on video
>>2057032 enjoying this new time of autismo banjo string music at an event
>>2057124 in full confederate cosplay
>>2057258 more cosplay photos
>>2057458 says that they got a decent amount of stares
>>2057631 Heather isn't vegan anymore
>>2057794 implies the following months will be exciting
>>2057801 posting an engagement ring to signal she wants one
>>2058202 calling PR daddy again
>>2058857 more subtle hints that she wants a baby
>>2058871 WEDDING planning in full force
>>2059090 once again saying she needs help with money and a new job, bait for PR
>>2059132 plans to have PR move in with her
>>2059143 asking for baby names
>>2059264 compilation of Heather's dating timelines
>>2059476 teasing life changing news, the whispers are that she is pregnant
>>2061122 PR moving in
>>2060984 Heather claims she might be infertile
>>2061192 self diagnoses PCOS
>>2062104 Heather gets her period and is distraught, she let PR nut all month inside of her and probably most other Ryan's as well
>>2063493 saying she only needs PR, no one else
>>2063586 Heather says PR is healthy for her since people unfriended her
>>2063791 Heather thinks she found a doppelganger tintype of her PR
>>2064046 asking if antique baby cribs are safe for a baby
>>2064065 Heather buys a modern crib instead, despite being in debt, not pregnant and just with her new bf for less than 2 months
>>2064444 proclaims that the black hair dye was a big mistake and misses the blonde
>>2064517 immediately after gets her black dye refreshed again
>>2064639 compares herself to a Currier and Ives print

No. 2065131

All the Ryans in order:
>Ryan 1: Motivational Youtuber. Heather latched onto him and he apparently tried to help the dysfunctional couple by suggesting Heather seek therapy. Eventually they both threw him to the dogs.
>Ryan 2: Ryan Z. Urbex’er whom Heather latched onto and physically stalked several times by using other people for rides. Met up again Oct 2019, Heather posted some cutesy things, and in less than a day those posts were removed and she put him on blast.
>Ryan 3: Short-lived gamer boy met through Tinder.
>Damian: On-off Urbex boyfriend. Eventually put him on blast after their 500th breakup.
>Ryan 4: Craig. Graveyard photographer Heather briefly dated, but they appear to still be friends.
>Ryan 5: Clay. Ex-boyfriend who broke up with her because she was negative. Tried to lure him back by being negative on her instagram stories.
>Ryan 6: ChaseRyan. Dated for like 2 weeks LDR and were supposed to meet IRL but he changed his mind after he realised she’s batshit.
>Ryan 7: Femryan. Stated dating the second time they met irl. After multiple breakups, Heather decided to end things for good because he wanted to go to a party on Halloween instead of going to the cemetery like all of their other dates.
>Ryan 8: ChaseRyan round 2. They finally met in person but he was also seeing someone else and ultimately chose her instead.
>Ryan 9: CharmRyan/GhostRyan. He got the measure of Hag pretty quick, and confessed to ghosting her cause she was still using Tinder and living her life on social media.
>Ryan 10: BomberRyan, which sparked and fizzled within a week. >>1186214
>Ryan 11: OldRyan, ryanectomy performed in less than 48 hours of this one being on the scene.
>Ryan 12: Revengeryan / Ryanhumrevenge -@Rumhamrevenge, older alt photographer who's been hanging out with Heather. Not a true ryan because he's not a spoopy boy she wants to fuck, but comes in and out of the picture like the other ryans. Their relationship is weird and they've shared hotel rooms, but Heather doesn’t think he's a keeper for some reason. >>1288115, >>1288582, >>1289256
>Ryan 13: PapeRyan. An old friend who she lost touch with ‘because of muh stalkers’. 13, unlucky for some, certainly unlucky for him. It seemed like she had finally found a decent match but it lasted mere weeks, Hag blaming their break up on his religious beliefs.
>Ryan 14: BloodRyan aka Lurch. Heather met her match with this one- just as impulsive, insane, childish and melodramatic as she is. He promised the world, but after she quit her job and moved cities to be with him, he booted her out of his home after only a week…is he to blame? Is she? Heather claims the split was due to her plant collecting hobby, which Lurch was jealous of.
>Ryan 15: BrianRyan aka BRyan. After an initial pre-Christmas date, Hag was sneaking pics and declaring love for this new Ryan. Off-the-peg forest and sigil tattoos, painted nails, thinning hair and 2012 piercings. Heather refers to him as a "psycho" and claims she was too caught up in physical attraction to recognize his "toxic behavior."
>Ryan 16: ClockRyan. A resident of Long Island who she met over an app when he was visiting her area. She fell immediately in "love" and followed him back home, visiting NY with him over a weekend. He broke it off after about a week, apparently due to getting back with his ex.
>Ryan 17: BabyRyan. Met him on some dating app and he lived 2 hours away. Calls him her "baby boy." Dates him for a few weeks at most and manages to pull off a pregnancy scare in that time. BabyRyan breaks it off in response to the "accidental" scare.
>Ryan 18: AxeRyan. Heather matched with him on an app a year ago and forgot about him. She then matched with him again but offline about a month ago by attending the same spooky paranormal convention. He's a "Certified Paranormal Investigator" and is completely smitten by our summer goth princess.
>Ryan 19: DeadEyesRyan. 36 year old history teacher. Met on a dating app. Dated for 6 months and shortly got engaged until he breaks things off, likely because he couldn't handle the consequences of Heather's online activity. Alleged racist and creep.
>Ryan 20: Mysterious PoxRyan, gave Heather blisters in her mouth, alleged it could have been either Lurch or OG BabyRyan?
>Ryan 21: WannabePrivateRyan, aka PrivateRyan, aka Goober Peas Ryan aka Blind Ryan, real name Ethan, freshly turned 22 years old forklift driver, this half blind Ryan is a military cosplayer World War autist who got turned down when he tried to enlist and whose personality is currently being cannibalized by Heather

No. 2065141

thanks for the thread OP! looking (or maybe not) forward to what's next. also KEKKK'd at the thread title and thread pic

No. 2065168

kek touche. shame hag doesn't know how to read or we could have a bronte sister arc

No. 2065169

Wait, I don't remember anyone alleging that PoxRyan was Lurch. Where did that idea come from?

No. 2065215

Think anon’s misremembering. PoxRyan was this guy >>2026424 and also a pump and dump

No. 2065229

the only connection to lurch i can make is how she rambled about him for 6 minutes on instagram in a poor attempt to make poxryan jealous after he wouldn't make it official with her (because of all the evil e-girls!). saying how he was a sUpEr hAnDsOmE (he looks like a fucking troll) dungeonsynth artist and trying to act like she was inspiration for a song of his and/or something about him releasing an album on or around her birthday. also talked about how he's the whole reason she moved to gettysburg and was generally reminiscing. she started off the whole ramble about lurch talking about how she's so into dungeonsynth, because of course that was her whole angle since poxryan liked dugeonsynth, then she segued into how lurch was some dungeonsynth musician who was totally inspired by her or something. that was during the extreme ups and downs she was going through because poxryan (justifiably) refused to be in a real relationship with her kek.

No. 2065249

awesome thread, but hoping the next thread will correct *World War for Civil War

No. 2065288

He’s a world war and civil war autist as well. It seems like he had a heavy WWII nazi germany phase judging by his Reddit posts and he still posts plenty of world war stuff on Facebook as well as his civil war shit

No. 2065289

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No. 2065293

They have been dating for TWO MONTHS, she has gone off the deep end entirely.

No. 2065294

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No. 2065299

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No. 2065307

The economy. Okay heather.

No. 2065327

kekkk i can't pinpoint why but this shit has me laughing
barely two months at that! this shit is going to go so wrong. i can't decide if this will be a lurch situation where he doesn't like her anymore after just one week of living with her, or if they're going to go down a long terrible path. either way i'm strapping in for potential horrorcow territory. this dude is brand new in his twenties and is getting cozy with someone who is already divorced and giving all of the worst signals. he must really be retarded or maybe him being young and naiive is really clouding his vision. i can't imagine him being able to put up with her after having to live with her for very long but we'll see i guess kek

No. 2065330

She seems like the type to get jealous of all women, family included. If his mom did try to talk him out of any of this, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Heather started to isolate him and tried to get him to stop responding to his family so he would only have her.

This must all be kind of amusing to TrainRyan kek

No. 2065335

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No. 2065341

I swear she has posted something similar about her past ryans. The whole I am an adult, and we are made for each other.

No. 2065342

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This girl is unstable.

No. 2065346

KEKKKKKKKK as soon as i read the persons concern i knew we were in for a whirlwind before i even read her response and you KNOW she took beyond personally.
>you constantly have something negative to say
no one said anything negative. KEK "constantly"! they said they were happy for her and she lectured to them like they spit on her shoes. i love so much how she was stewing on it and had to go scorched earth about it on facebook too
like this is fucking hilarious. i knew that one sentence would set her off, she moved PLATFORMS to bitch about it. she always goes on for paragraphs when anyone has the slightest remark towards her, well-meaning or not. it's fucking hilarious. real insecure. i bet this ruined her day, kek, not one unkind thing was said to her and she absolutely lost it. really showing the mature adult in you, heather!

No. 2065347

This is so fucking funny, she really thinks everyone is concerned about her! Girl no! You are not the one in danger Heather, you are the danger!!

No. 2065350

>He’s family now, he’s always gonna be there. You’re not.
KEKKK She sounds like a kid who knows she’s doing something bad so she doubles down on her bullshit… It’s clear to anyone with eyes that she’s lovebombing this much younger man - who she chose because he is much younger and lacks the experience necessary to identify when he’s being groomed - in hopes that he’ll marry her and knock her up. Like, she has to be aware that this goes beyond insane and strays into nefarious.

No. 2065352

the more you read it the more fucked up it gets. she always says that "how can you project so much hatred onto something so beautiful!!!!!" shit. she keeps saying there was "constant" and "intense" negativity but the only constant negativity i'm seeing is from her
>He's always gonna be there. you're not
oh heather you will be eating those words through tears and mouthfulls of Sheetz fries mark my words

No. 2065353

In Hag's defense, she didn't predatorially choose him because he is young and dumb.
She "chose" him because he has a heartbeat and a Y chromosome

No. 2065359

She’s starting to sound like PT

No. 2065360

gooberyan saga is more than we could have possibly hoped for. it is the gift that just keeps giving. I genuinely hope he does not break up with her any time soon because the milk is so fucking hilarious. I will actually be devastated if he bails quickly, I need much, much more of this

No. 2065362

Oh this is NOT gonna age well. Kek, on the second day of christmas the milk gods gave to thee, two goober peas… its beautiful

No. 2065375

>I'm allowed to have an adult relationship
This is hilarious because generally it's only fifteen year-olds who believe that some loser they've known for two months is their one true love and they're going to be together forever. There is nothing 'adult relationship' about trying to force an immature autist whose frontal lobe isn't even fully developed to breed with you when you hardly know each other.
Tinfoil but all of this marriage, baby and 'I win' posting has got to be her posturing for some Ryan of her past that she's still hung up on. There's no way anyone could genuinely be this level of obsessed with a goober like PrivateRyan.

No. 2065378

>hopeful the economy will bounce back
Heather you fool, the economy is shit everywhere in the world right now, and the US economy is better than almost every other high-GDP nation’s
how is it going to “bounce back,” Heather? do share your economics insights

thank you! appreciate the information
boy, these losers just love losers, like the Nazis and the Confederacy

No. 2065379

>He's always gonna be there
Oh this is delicious, I can't wait for this to age terribly.
Maybe she's still hung on on the original Ryan, Ryan z? That would be the cherry on this already delicious cake.

No. 2065382

what if it's him that's been "shooting blanks" all along?

No. 2065386

It’s not actually all that easy to get pregnant. Especially after only one or two months of trying. I don’t think anyone is infertile Heather is just a retard who decided she must be because she got her period after letting this dude nut in her for a little while

No. 2065393

Thanks for the new thread! She’s on the precipice of a spiral, I can feel it. Can we edit the Ryan list in the future to include RumHam Ryan’s death and her insane narc reaction to it?

No. 2065395

My money is either on Damian or Lurch. She's brought up Damian a lot as "the one that got away" over the years and he is now married with kids. Then she was pining over Lurch two months ago just before she got with ConfedeRyan. Not sure what he's up to relationship-wise unfortunately, lost track of his socials.

No. 2065396

>Can we edit the Ryan list in the future to include RumHam Ryan’s death and her insane narc reaction to it?
i was thinking the exact thing very recently when i was re-reading the list of ryans. sounds like a good plan for the next thread. her reaction was absolutely nuts and as expected, since goober peas showed up she's been dead silent on it obviously, i couldn't see it any other way unless she was trying to milk sympathy out of somebody. also
>She’s on the precipice of a spiral, I can feel it.
she's definitely been on edge, i do think it's coming as well

No. 2065445

How come Damian isn't considered a Ryan?

No. 2065449

I second this. Also, Ryan z posts his gf a lot but it doesn’t look like they’re engaged. She mostly posts about her job and the books she’s reading. Nothing heather seems to be trying to copy or one-up. So it seems like she’s finally lost interest in stalking their lives and has moved on to Damian and his wife imo.

No. 2065451

Does he have any siblings? I keep hoping he has older, less simple brothers that will black bag him one night to save his boney ass.

No. 2065458

Don't speak this into existence nona, Heather would make her whole life about "Solving my husband's kidnapping!!"

No. 2065471

why is she planning a wedding, they aren't even engaged? he hasn't even proposed? he had there would have been a huge post about it. why is she crazy

No. 2065473

did you notice the thread title? kek

No. 2065474

>>I'm 35 years old, I'm an adult
>>He's an adult
it's funny how she keeps repeating her age but doesn't mention his age kek

No. 2065481

That’s what I was thinking “just waiting for a few more steps” you mean like him actually proposing?! Insane.

No. 2065482

>books she’s reading
Good to know that Heather has at least one firm boundary - she will not read a book

No. 2065511

she was weird like this with deadeyes too and none of it made sense. she's desperate to get married again but you'd think someone who's already been divorced once would think a bit more about jumping into a marriage so quickly, but heather doesn't roll that way. some people are just purely stupid and trip over the same shoelace continually. incredible that she thinks dating someone 13 years younger is the solution to her problem


No. 2065519

I think the whole reason behind her desperately wanting to get married is that she wants a child so she has a reason to stay at home and doesn't have to work anymore. She has this image in her head that she will be taken care of until the rest of her life as soon as she is married. She could stay home, go to the salon ever two weeks to get her hair done, could have all the funds to buy more stupid, needless things and she could dress her child up like a doll, posting it online 24/7. I don't have much knowledge of how much money you need to buy you that dream in the US, but I guess his job won't provide that much and with that, she has another reason to be a poor, poor victim. The economy is so bad, everyone is against stay-at-home moms and everyone just hates her and doesn't want to support her adult dream as an independent 35 year old adult woman. I can't wait for the Christmas milk, kek.

but she will buy old books to take pictures of her not reading them

No. 2065525

>I don't have much knowledge of how much money you need to buy you that dream in the US
It varies by state but a $22/hr forklift job cannot support two grown adults and a maybe baby.

No. 2065528

Damian never got a Ryan nickname because he came straight into thread 1 and introduced himself to everyone before we even knew he existed. >>796624

No. 2065532

That dream is dead and gone for the majority of Americans - especially with her out of control spending habits. Although TBF her Target job wouldn’t cover the cost of childcare anyway, but that’s what the fundie in-laws are for. She’d still be better off finding a real military man instead of a washout larper because that’s the closest she’s going to get to the dependapotomous life she craves.

No. 2065533

Yeah, a real ArmyMan would have benefits that include childcare and an allowance for housing, etc. She'd be much more able to waste her life consooming with one of those to leech off of instead of her sad little LARPer.

No. 2065546

nancy drew and the single white female

No. 2065550

The dark, edgy reboot where Nancy Drew is the single white female!

No. 2065552

and they handle it fight club style

No. 2065554


It would take A LOT of money for her to live home comfortably - how does she work at target and not even see the prices of diapers and formula? The cost for her labor/delivery is going to be thousands I’m sure they both have little to no insurance

No. 2065558

Very interesting nona, thanks for linking to the post.

No. 2065567

Not to mention she still has a ton of debt to pay off and the $200 a month interest payments. Any ryan dumb enough to marry her would get stuck with her debt while she tries to quit her job because she wants pretty hands or whatever. Honestly think she's just trying to babytrap a ryan to dig her out of the hole she's in, but we might end up with a babymomma heather arc if she isn't careful.

No. 2065570

shes piss poor at planning her life. thats was she has tons of exes

No. 2065573

I’ve met Heather IRL and she’s straight up delusional. She’s exhausting to be around and I totally understand why she moves so fast; most guys can’t stand her after a while. She was telling me her tinder search radius was like 250 miles or something crazy, which was confirmed when my buddy on the other side of the state saw her on there.

No. 2065576

Seeing her so confidently talking about having a baby with this kid is so uncomfortable. I can see her allowing him to get full custody at some point so she can pine for her lost child. Or fake a pregnancy to have a fake miscarriage for the same reason.

No. 2065592

I'm skeptical but tell us more. Did you find lolcow through her?

No. 2065597

She told me about an online group dedicated to ruining her life, which I found suspicious, but did some looking on my own and found this place. At first I was stunned to think she might be right, but the more I read, the more I realized nobody is actively meddling, it’s more like a trainwreck safari, and she is constantly repeating her same mistakes over and over like she’s following a script

She seems to have absolutely no impulse control, and is completely delusional. I used to feel bad for her, but she completely ignores well intentioned advice, and this most recent maga tradwife path is unhinged. She’s reaps what she sows

No. 2065599

Welcome to the farms, new friend. If you don't have new milk, write sage in the email field. If you like watching trainwrecks, check out the other cows, you'll probably find a few that will entertain you. Take a look at the off topic boards too, don't be discouraged by the aggroposting and infighting, there are interesting conversations to be had.

No. 2065604

can you give us more details about what she told you?

No. 2065606

About this page? Or other stuff in general?(learn to sage and provide proof of your claims)

No. 2065607

No. 2065609

thanks Nonnas for confirming what I thought would be her financial situation with ForkRyan as the only person bringing money home. I also forgot about the costs of birthing a child in your country. So, if she doesn't win the lottery, she will be a poor mom with debts because of her shopping habits, hope she can't have children, it's the best for any future human being.

No. 2065611

This is when Heather gives me the sads. She is so paranoid and hostile, it's an exhausting way to look at the world.

No. 2065614

Her "oops I'm broke lol" video a couple threads ago shows she has a "magical" way of looking at money. She explained her budget as (1) money comes in in every 2 weeks, and (2) it's usually "enough," but (3) suddenly it's not. It's like a child's view, so no she's not going to be realistic about this at all. It also fits with rest of her white girl magic (hair color bestowing extra spell points etc)

No. 2065619

She doesn't actively think about her money. X comes in, she spends y with living expenses, but she doesn't readjust her current total to x-y, she still thinks she has x. She also clearly doesn't keep track of her expenses, so she's always caught by surprise at the end of the month. She's incapable of learning as we've seen, in many aspects of life.

No. 2065623

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Wow Heather I thought Carolina string music was your thing? Where is goober peas??

No. 2065624

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No. 2065625

Is this what people have been calling coworker music?

No. 2065626

Any chance you have screenshots for proof

No. 2065628

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>but I'm going to defend myself.
lmao what a psycho cunt. she is so fucking thin skinned its pathetic. shes so delusional concern is misinterpreted making her feel bad. shes so psychotic she cant understand why she has multiple exes and no friends. How does she go on in the world expecting no one to question her choices in life? What happens when she gets into an argument with stolenvaloryan, you know what normal couples do? she needs to be disconnected from her phone permanently holy shit

No. 2065630

Kek how can she piss and moan about how she's "so weird, so odd, nobody understands me" when her most-played artist is Taylor fucking Swift??? Where's the dungeon synth Heather! This bitch is so painfully basic…

No. 2065636

Okay these Qs often sound dubious but I refuse to believe there's a woman under age 70 that is asking Heather for makeup tips. Nope. Fake. She's building herself up again after last night's freak out.

No. 2065639

To me it sounds like an anon here fucking with her and baiting her for milk

No. 2065643

such a big amount of goth music, kek (I realised that I haven't listend to anyone except Avril Lavigne before and now I feel weird)

I also think it's the way nona >>2065639 described it, no one except for one of us playing with her would ask for her make-up tips. What I don't understand is the rubbing glasses, as someone wearing glasses, shouldn't it be a sign that your glasses don't sit right? But well, the optician told her to look for other glasses and she wouldn't listen, because he was a hater or something like that.

No. 2065664

being this salty about a random woman existing and making boring Instagram posts is more psychotic than anything else here. get help. or try reading a book or something. If you have the IQ and patience for it and judging by the shit you people write you probably don't.(whiteknighting)

No. 2065674

>boring instagram posts
like someone has said before, heather is incredibly boring and basic, and at the same time one of the most insane cows on this site. that’s why we’re here! if she were just existing, obviously no one would care. this thread is one of the funniest and most insane on this site right now. clearly no one is salty. we’re all laughing.

No. 2065677

I really hope this is Heather, because how hilariously ironic would it be of her to tell other people to read a book.

No. 2065678

Is this the same person crying in the Shayna thread about how everyone here is such a mean loser? Or did LC just get a new crop of tards from a regular sm site?

No. 2065691

If this is Hag’s darling boy he’d be smart to shut up and just read all the threads instead of talk to a wall about how this is mean. Read, process, make an informed decision.

No. 2065695

the most goth thing I’ve ever seen.

No. 2065696

Nah I'd be astonished if he even was literate with that Christian homeschool background.

No. 2065697

I can’t believe she posted this. It doesn’t go with what she says about herself at all. but she’s too much of a narcissist not to share it

No. 2065698

Isn’t her man a t swift hater? Kek

No. 2065720

It's O.K. He doesn't like Heather enough to view her stories. Her love for t swift will go unnoticed kek.

No. 2065745

I thought it was just nonnas joking that she listens to Taylor but omg it’s real!! No metal either? And nasty being her most played song topkek

No. 2065751

This interests me about her. I know it's been said before but surely someone's music taste doesn't change that much in time? If she was such a goffic teen then surely at least some of that would cone through now? Not becone the complete opposite. I mean my tastes have evolved to mostly listening to elton john, but the eno classics are still there too.
I guess that shit could have been a performative for her fixation too.

No. 2065761

The person responsible for these posts has emailed us proof that what she is saying is true and we have lifted her ban. She does know Heather IRL, so enjoy the milk!

No. 2065762

File: 1733572298618.jpg (62.39 KB, 462x598, AHG.jpg)

I really wonder what she equates to being "goth". She wants to be seen as one so hard yet there is nothing in her lifestyle that would even be considered as such. The closest to it she is is the American Gothic painting

No. 2065767

Thank you Admin-Sama and Merry Milkmas everyone !

No. 2065774

I had a similar thought. Like yeah, she could've done a 180 with her music taste at any time, but…
>Minutes Listened 34,910
That's the suspicious part to me! Heather listened to Spotify for a cumulative 24 days this year and none of her goffick music made the cut? Lol. Lmao even.

No. 2065797

I think her definition of goth is just anything black. Wearing black. Black hair.
Don’t you know if you listen to pop but wear black you’re totally goth lmao

No. 2065804

Kek next threadpic

No. 2065815

She really likes Black No. 1 by Type O Negative and she recycles that one in there sometimes so actually everyone check yourself SHES AN OLDHEAD

No. 2065817

Questions for heathers acquaintance:
- how long have you known heather?
- does she hate women as much as we think?
- does she have any female friends?
- do you know goober Ryan? Is he an autistic spec as we think?
- have you met any other Ryans? What were they like?

No. 2065831

I am also curious about how she interacts with women IRL

No. 2065845

Even then she only likes it because she's imagining she's the girl in the song. Everything is shallow aesthetics and narcissism.
Take this with a grain of salt because I don't remember where I saw this, but I think she said she was into Evanescence at that time. So even in teen "goth era" she preferred dramatic pop with a female vocalist, which she obviously still favors.

No. 2065846

The funniest part about it is that song is about Peter Steele’s narcissistic ex who was a fashion goth who was obsessed with her appearance. Checks out!

No. 2065856

Probably 5 years or so?

She’s actually just really awkward around other women (in the community I know her from), but she knows EVERY guy. I don’t think I’ve ever heard her talk about a “friend” that’s a woman. As much as she makes herself seem a big part of this community, a lot of people, even from her own area, had never heard of her

I don’t remember meeting the new Ryan, but apparently our paths have crossed. What I do know about reenactment guys is that if they’re not part of a group or unit, there’s probably a reason

No. 2065867

I don't think she has any tastes, this is just what's popular and fed to her by the algo. Heather has no favorite movies and apparently doesn't really want to watch any of them. She visits a specific battlefield site more often than most religious people visit church but can't sit through the Hollywood movie about it, much less read one of the (literally thousands) of books about it.
I assume music is the same way. It's something she puts on and sometimes uses as an identity marker, but doesn't really understand it or feel it, like if you left on a Spotify playlist for a dog.

No. 2065871

Oh, those who act awkward around other women are even WORSE. As if they are too insecure to express that they hate them because they're envious, and so they pretend to be friendly. I bet she's like this. I can't stand women like this. Is she?

No. 2065876

I just refuse to move on over this lmao. She religiously listens to Taylor Swift, and the most played is "Nasty". Shes always thinking about fucking like a goddamn rabbit. The way she tells on herself kek

No. 2065903

I’ve never heard this song before (to my knowledge) so I had to look it up and that she’s obsessively listening to that song on repeat thinking about any of the guys she’s been with in 224 LET ALONE GooberPeasRyan is nauseating lol

No. 2065911

BuT ShE LiKeS AvRiL LaViGnE GuYz. ShEs NoT LiKe OtHeR GirLs!1

It reminds me of when I was a teen reading teen girl magazines in the UK. I remember reading a quiz called 'what type of girl are you'. The writers couldn't fathom that any girl would like anything more QuIrKy than pink, busted, Kelly Osbourne and Avril Lavigne and you were 'a rock chick' if this was your musical roster. Kek.

No. 2065916

File: 1733605254501.jpeg (323.35 KB, 828x1463, IMG_7018.jpeg)

The way she always posts pictures of men in her bed like some kind of flex is such a strange thing for a woman to do

No. 2065920

How are some anons finding him attractive. He makes my skin crawl.

No. 2065927

File: 1733607815924.jpeg (792.4 KB, 828x1333, IMG_2073.jpeg)

>Tag yourself
I’m the curled wisp of moustache at the corner of his mouth dreading it’s next exploring tongue-feel that he likes to enjoy when he’s pondering difficult stuff and dah cannons.

No. 2065931

Also bizarre that he lets her do it?? He looks like he just woke up, imagine having a camera shoved in your face so your middle-aged girlfriend can show the "haters."

No. 2065932

He'd look so much better if he shaved and got a proper haircut

No. 2065936

Thank you Admin-Sama and thank you IRL Hag Spy. Please give us everything you’ve got.
- did you ever have one to one time with Heather? Does she ever come across as being remotely interested in female friends?
- is there anything even slightly nice and kind about her or is she the total fuckwit we imagine her to be?
- do you think she’s just really intellectually challenged and just reads the room wrong on every occasion?
- what do guys say about her?
- do you know the Goober Gang?

No. 2065952

They’re giving ROTC couple vibes aka the horniest and ugliest population of high schoolers

No. 2065992

That's fucking weird. Knowing that he's a decade younger than Heather, probably from a family with traditional values and recently had his heart broken by his first (I think?) girlfriend.. He might not realize that this isn't normal. I think Heather chose him because of the civil war stuff, but you have to wonder if she's aware that she absolutely has some power over this young dude.

No. 2065995

I have spent some time with her, and she’s exhausting. Indecisive and needy, constantly seeking validation while completely ignoring legitimate advice from people who care.

She actually is “nice,” and is kinda just…. dumb. I’m honestly shocked she’s living on her own, and I think she is desperate to get wifed up to save her from her own mistakes

I’ve had a few single guy friends inquire about her, then quickly lose interest from her online rants and breakdowns. She’s incredibly insecure, and immature as well.

I’ve never met any of her Ryans, but she’s pointed in the general direction of several exes who I never really identified. She’s paranoid of running into former bfs

I don’t know the current Ryan’s group, but they look like every other nerd in this community, so maybe??

No. 2065996

Do you know if her family sees her insanity online? Surely her mother can’t approve of this?

No. 2065997

She seems to have a strained/distant relationship with her mom. Never once heard her mention a dad or any other relatives

No. 2065999

Does she have a passion for the community that she's part of? Or does it seem like she's only interested in it for male validation?

No. 2066001

File: 1733625247218.jpeg (1.72 MB, 4437x2048, no.JPEG)

No, he would not.

No. 2066005

I thought the elementary school glasses were bad but they really help to draw attention away from his crazy, dead eyes.

No. 2066010

File: 1733626396930.jpg (229.82 KB, 828x1472, lurch-twin.jpg)

He sorta looks like Lurch in that first pic. Heather has a type - monster.

No. 2066028

Collecting ryans is like some kind of weird trophy hunting for her tbh, which is baffling because she's yet to have been with a ryan who was actually a good catch or at least nice looking? There really hasn't been much to show off.

How recent are these? Was this man born with a receding hairline? He looks like he's already in his mid 30s. kek

Nah, Lurch is hands down her ugliest ryan. Gooberpeas doesn't look like an outright abomination. He does kind of have that school shooter look to him though. He has that vacant stare.

No. 2066031

>School shooter look
Nailed (bombed) it

No. 2066034

As much as she identifies as being goth, and claims to want to find a scene and friends, she never goes to and shows or clubs that get suggested

No. 2066035

>He's an old soul
things a predator would say

No. 2066038

Was going to screen grab then got distracted. Then they did the dirty delete. Anyone else get it?

No. 2066042

no, but she called herself a cougar in it.

No. 2066046

Did he really go to some historical photo place to get that black and white stolen valor photo taken kek what a sped
I can't help but notice Lurch's Alcest shirt. Imagining Heather trying to listen to an 8 minute blackgaze song in French let alone anything that isn't Taylor Swift or Nasty on repeat is hilarious,

No. 2066048

File: 1733635607023.png (961.98 KB, 800x844, McVeighGXMugshot_(cropped).png)

Brilliant Timothy McVeigh cosplay!

No. 2066052

Wait did she post something calling herself a cougar and babyryan an old soul?!

No. 2066053

It was a screenshot of someone DMing with her. The person DMing her was asking about her age gap relationship and in her responses heather called gooberyan an old soul. Th DMer then said
>"oh, haha i thought it was gonna be a guy over 55"
and heather said something along the lines of
>"lordy, no (blushing emoji)… I'm the cougar."

No. 2066056

I can smell this picture, why does she literally have to post every waking moment of her life. She seems like the kind of woman who would get him one of those shirts with her camel-ass face as the pattern. “Just kidding! Unless…”

No. 2066057

he's got a blanket pulled up to his neck too, that and the messed up hair. I really hope this wasn't taken after her getting goobed.

No. 2066060

Getting goobed is insane anon kek wtf

No. 2066063

>getting goobed
This is your legacy, Heather.

No. 2066074

Yeah I'm not buying this. Dumb? She's not dumb at all. She's a scheming little bitch. Do you think she is clueless about the fact she's grooming the little autist stolen valor boy?

No. 2066080

She’s definitely dumb. Goober is just an actual sped so her grooming schemes are like 4D chess to him

No. 2066088

She's petty and spiteful but she is objectively very dumb. She would be pulling these antics regardless of who she's with or how old they are, this is a well established pattern for her. It's gross he's as young as he is but I doubt she went into this thinking "he's young and retarded, let's groom him". She's just a thoughtless moron and hasn't considered how creepy this entire situation appears because she has no self awareness or social skills

No. 2066093

Nah. If she wasn't aware of the situation, she wouldn't keep treating him like her child or mention her age while never mentioning his age. She's aware of the fact she's grooming the little moron.

No. 2066094

Oh please, he's several years into adulthood and is not being "groomed." He's an avid poster in porn subreddits, not some precious pure flower of youth. Men like him have no innocence to protect. Heather is clearly extremely emotionally stunted, this is a far better explanation for her behavior than her being some scheming Machiavellian master manipulator.

No. 2066095

He's like four years over "grooming" age

No. 2066115

Dumb people can be scheming too, nobody is saying she is a literal sped retard

No. 2066117

NTA, grooming is not only done to children nona. This Ryan appears to have the mental capacity of a teenager anyway kek, just how Heather likes them.

No. 2066122

It's completely ridiculous to compare an adult retard fucking another adult retard to actual insidious behavior. It's pathetic and weird of her but come on

No. 2066125

File: 1733667119117.gif (933.74 KB, 500x369, IMG_0449.gif)

> imagine having a camera shoved in your face so your middle-aged girlfriend

No. 2066130

agreed, being awkward around women at her big age is very weird
…my god relax anon. theyve interacted with heather irl versus us. they mean heather is quite dumb intellectually that if you were to ask her opinion on any topic or news, her response would be lacking in the educational department. it confirms what we know because she spends all her time on social media and tinder. shes not reading articles or doing anything researching on a topic that interests her. nope, shes busy proving us wrong (by providing proof were right), and thinking about dick 24/7

No. 2066138

Just like heather likes them is "with a Y chromosome" and "with a pulse"…

No. 2066151

Rude because McVeigh was actually a vet lmao

No. 2066160

isnt he only 22 why the fuck is he bald

No. 2066170

Dat stolen valor

No. 2066177

Kek you don't think she's capable of behaving in an insidious manner? After 19 threads?

No. 2066210

She’s not as scheming as you give her credit for. She literally has a one track mind, and that is to find the man of her dreams. It completely consumes her. When she does find one, she immediately goes into full fantasy mode; planning the wedding, kids, etc. it’s more sad than seditious

(And I’ll try and repost that screenshot, not sure what I did wrong)

No. 2066218

I'm not saying she isn't dumb, I'm saying she's dumb AND scheming. Her schemes might be the ones any person of decent intelligence can see from a mile away, but they're still schemes.

No. 2066219

File: 1733685243752.jpeg (288.35 KB, 1170x1764, IMG_1662.jpeg)

Is there a way to post more than one photo at a time?

No. 2066221

>hasn't wasted any time on girls
So she confirmed that she wants an inexperienced ryan despite her having slept with half her city's moids at this point. While I don't feel particularly bad for her maga manchild, she is being outright predatory. I wonder if things don't work out with him if she'll continue trying to seek out much younger autistic men.

No. 2066237

its not deep she schemes because she no idea how to communicate like a normal person with her one track mind like milk-chan says. if she put her phone down and actually communicated with people she wouldn't. its not as nefarious as you seem hellbent on, its a symptom of her severe immaturity and phone addiction. she really seems to have never left high school mentally imo

No. 2066241

Saging my retarded armchairing, please excuse me nonnas, but as someone with experience of bpd I don't doubt one bit that she fully believes she's being genuine and authentic with each Ryan. The second she has her sights on a new Ryan she develops this new skinwalking personality and retroactively rewrites her past as someone who "has always loved goober peans, even before meeting GooberRyan". And so on and so on with all the clocks and owls and wanting a baby. I don't feel bad for the retarded misogynistic maga idiot she pulled this time, she's fully wanting to indulge in his stupid fantasies of a traditional American nuclear family and she no doubt currently believes she actually wants this. We know she doesn't though because she has no personality. It is scheming in a way but she can't help herself. Although I'm kekking at the screenshots there, you nonitas are right on your money thinking she has for sure realized it's easier to lovebomb someone young who won't understand what kind of a shitstorm hit him until after the ring and the baby(armchairing)

No. 2066246

No there isn't but you can use a site like this to combine them all into one image and post that:

No. 2066291

> Goober: "He drove da U-Hauw unda tha builwding an den the bomb bwow up"
> Heather: "Wow!"

No. 2066304

19 threads of idiot plots isn't insidious. This is twitter tier histrionics, he's getting laid and she's getting the attention and validation she so desperately wants. Their relationship is symbiotic retardation, not a hostage situation.

No. 2066310

If he’s Christian fundie homeschooled, there’s a real good chance a lot of his peers are already married or engaged, so it probably isn’t setting off any alarms with his family.

My fundie cousin was practically in panic mode cause she wasn’t married by 25. Both her sisters got married right after high school(learn to sage)

No. 2066313

>hasn’t wasted anytime on girls
Virgin confirmed. Also, this is such a weird thing to say. I’m guessing she’s happy she was picked kek

No. 2066321

That's such a creepy thing to say though, because she's glad he's inexperienced and doesn't have a reference level. I agree that she's not a scheming vixen but she's an opportunist at the very least.

No. 2066322

I keep forgetting heather was actually married before, the way she posts about her current relationship makes her seem like it's first ever, kek

No. 2066337

>hasn't wasted time on any girls
not only is heather saying hes a virgin, but shes also showing her internalized misogyny. lmao its ok for her to waste her life getting porked by every generic white guy within a 250 mile radius but shes glad he never gained any experience with past relationships because with her peon sized mind shes doesnt have to compete with his exes. abso-fucking-lutely delusional.

No. 2066344

Does anyone know if she went this fast with her first marriage?

No. 2066348

I don't know if you're the same anon who keeps transliterating goober's thoughts, but I genuinely kek out loud every time, thank you for your service.

No. 2066356

comments like those are why I love lc tbh kek

No. 2066363

okay so she's dating a barely functioning autist

No. 2066382

alrighty, nona, i looked for you. adam told some chick he was sexting on snapchat in 2018 that they were married for 3 years but together since 2012. so presumably heather just had a mental breakdown bc of adam and is permanently broken idk

No. 2066388

It really seems like the divorce broke her brain. You'd think she'd be hesitant to marry again after that experience but she is truly delusional

No. 2066406

I think her shitty (ex) husband broke her. I’m still fairly new to heather, but I’ve been reading her old threads. Her ex was a freak. I have no idea how she didn’t become instantly repulsed by men after that. She needs to just enjoy being single and stop latching onto men. She has no idea how to function as a normal adult.

No. 2066426

File: 1733724150345.jpeg (1.6 MB, 1170x1741, IMG_1674.jpeg)

Ohhhhhhhhh my

No. 2066432

File: 1733724790533.png (4.2 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_6581.png)

No. 2066436

>when I can get better health insurance
>manifest something
Is she unaware of what infertility means?
I’m convinced she’s posturing for a “miracle baby” with this “infertile” talk and “manifesting SOMETHING”. The kid hasn’t even been conceived and it’s already a prop. I hope she really is barren.

No. 2066440

>begging for a miracle after not getting pregnant in one whole month
It really is instant gratification or nothing with this bitch, huh.

No. 2066441

Ha nonny you were faster kek Heather what infertility has she not googled at least how long it can take to get pregnant? And since when is she Christian? I’ve seen her reference christianity more and more recently

No. 2066446

>better health insurance
Target healthcare provides fertility support. Did she bother checking? Did she quit already?

No. 2066449

Kek she’s posting these for forklift Ryan to let her quit and be under his insurance (which is probably awful let’s be real). While she is low intelligence, she is 100% conniving and manipulative and I think she did prey on this stupid yokel.

No. 2066462

lol yeah mostly, thanks!
She's trying like hell to get to "horrorcow" status.
It would be so interesting to sit down with someone who knew her in her teens/early 20s. I just can't imagine someone acting this way hasn't always been this way.

No. 2066468

since she met the new Ryan because he has "christian values", she absorbed his personality per usual

No. 2066475

goober peas ryan is probably on his parents’ insurance and he’ll lose it as soon as he and heather get married
she started it after a different recent ryan but really ramped up when she started posting about wanting to find a conservative man. now that i think about it, i wonder if she already had her sights set on li’l goober peas?

No. 2066487


Trying all month - heather you retard you have AT MOST a 24 hour window once a month during your cycle to get pregnant - you don’t even understand how your own body works yet you want to be responsible for an entire living breathing human

No. 2066498

File: 1733742338225.mp4 (7.37 MB, 720x1280, 1716745192497.mp4)

Knew goober-ryan looked familiar

No. 2066499

I lose my shit every single time I see this

No. 2066502

We need to repost this every month or so for improvement of morale

No. 2066509

its a l.f classic at this point

No. 2066513

She needs to go get an actual fertility test and not spout nonsense kek I bet she’s afraid of finding out she has STDs or rendered herself infertile via HPV from all her years of hoeing

No. 2066518

There's a hole in the bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza,
There's a hole in the bucket, dear Liza,
There's a hole.

Then fix it dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry,
Then fix it dear Henry, dear Henry, fix it.

With what should I fix it, dear Liza, dear Liza,
With what should I fix it, dear Liza, with what?

No. 2066525

Right? He “hasn’t wasted any time on girls”, meanwhile she’s wasted ALL her time on every autistic train dork in Pennsylvania. In a way I’m glad she was cursed (blessed?) with a little goldfish brain that resets with every new Ryan, because actually considering the big picture of how she’s spent her adult life chasing mediocre dick and accomplishing nothing is pure ropefuel.

No. 2066526

Please, if Goober had these type of moves he could do better than Heather kek

No. 2066535

I was gonna try to settle the nona parliament uproar on wether Heather is stupid or evil and capable of wily plots, by appealing to both sides,saying that she is a perfect encapsulation of the phrase "a low kind of cunning"
-but then that "infertility" post came and rocked me and now I don't know up from down or what she thinks words mean, or anything at all. Wtf

No. 2066548


And I think this should clear it up for anyone claiming Heather "doesn't realize she is grooming".

No. 2066551

Sorry but I see a lot of internalized mysoginy here. HUGE internalized mysoginy. Case 1: "oh her ex husband is the reason of her behaviour!" - because a woman's actions depend on a man not on her own idiocy. Case 2: "oh she's so stupid She doesn't even understand she's sleeping around!" - even the dumbest man ever would not be accused of NOT knowing he is not sleeping around.

No. 2066565

Maybe she's pushing the infertility route so she can babytrap him. Tell him you're infertile so you don't need to use contraception, oops a miracle baby!

No. 2066575

what she is calling infertility suggests she wanted Goober Peen to get her pregnant from like 1 week of discovering he exists.
Are all his friends and fam as lead poisoned as him or something? How is his family not seeing this baby trap shit for a the terror it is?

If he can just avoid putting a pea in her pod til after Xmas.. after she's had a decent chance to make a full, in person, psycho impression on his family-overbearingly mopping his chin of gravy dribbles, getting jealous that nana is sitting beside him at dinner, screaming at a child for trying to pull a cracker with him - then they will have a real sense of the danger that he is in.
They probably just haven't had the time to stalk her Facebook to belive that she's actually trying to get his forklift fortunes via creating a human life within a matter of weeks.
They could be the most trad people ever but a short pressurised time like the holidays convince him that they do not want to be indelibly linked to this woman forever, no matter how much of a Fundie gramma who wants her granpeas his mom could possibly be

No. 2066582

lmao we appriciate the attempt, if you spend too much time trying to crack heather's mind youll loose sense of reality
but surely she isnt the only broad in the area thats tried the baby trap card before? this dude cant be that dumb?

No. 2066598

I genuinely don't think he's a fundie since he's openly been sleeping over at her house and trying to get her pregnant when they aren't even engaged. Fundies aren't even allowed to hold hands before marriage.

No. 2066599

NTA, I doubt it, but she's likely the first to try with Goober. He doesn't appear to have much experience in relationships, and judging by his Christian fundie background, his friends and family don't either. Nobody's gonna tell him this is weird, and he might not figure it out on his own until she's waving a pee stick in his face with two lines on it. Nightmare scenario!

Does he follow her socials? Forgive me if that's already been confirmed but I wonder if he actually sees everything she posts.

No. 2066611

Case 1: Questioning if someone's ex has to anything to do with her subsequent behavior toward romantic partners is kinda… normal?
Case 2: Heather is the one that introduced the concept of his lack of sex partners as being virtuous. I think that's where the uh "mysoginy" comes from.

No. 2066616

File: 1733768056457.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1179x1829, IMG_3980.jpeg)

Heather. Stop.

No. 2066623

How long until she says hitler was actually a stand up guy?

No. 2066637

Heather has a endless pile of exes. She's Just a slut, a nasty, self-centered, deranged slut.

No. 2066639


No. 2066649

What is with the twitterfag “internalized misogyny” morality police here lately no one gives a fuck

No. 2066664

does this mean goober collects "german militaria"

No. 2066671

My personal tinfoil regarding her blatant moves to alienate herself on social media, is so her parenting wont be criticized down the road.

No. 2066673

Go back

This is the scariest heather arc. Trying to get knocked up in a 2 month long relationship is absolutely psychotic

No. 2066677

if only you could explain internalized misogyny to heather because she probably has one of the biggest cases on this site. hate to break it to you.

No. 2066678

Has heather mentioned meeting his parents yet? This dork is on the verge of ruining his life forever, but I bet if his folks meet her they'll be able to suss out how nuts she is and that might be the end of that. Didn't lurch's parents essentially tell him to dump heather right after she moved in? Goober is an inexperienced sped who might be completely clueless, but if heather starts talking about how theyve been "trying" I'm sure his family is gonna freak out.(sage your shit)

No. 2066682

His reddit handle is Panzermann_1944 lol

No. 2066683

thats a 22yo man that looks in his mid 30s. He's probably hagmaxxing and using her to get sex and relationship practice before dumping her for a freshly 18yo girl like moids often do.

No. 2066688

Are you serious? The guy is a stunted autist, there's absolutely no way he's going to just casually get a new "freshly 18" girlfriend if he dumps Hag.

No. 2066703

stunted manchild moids go for young girls all the time because they are easy to prey on, he's an stereotypical discord mod.

No. 2066709

Stereotypical discord mods spend their whole lives online and therefore have plenty of opportunities to groom discord kittens. GooberRyan spends all of his time stealing valor and cosplaying the Civil War in his small town. Where's he going to meet these vulnerable young girls, exactly?

No. 2066721

can we not derail this thread because of your possible encounter with a discord creep. all we know so far is his reddit handle and history from it.

No. 2066730

kek nonna, he was literally an incel before her. Unless there's some autistic 18yo girl interested in "duh canyuns" I think heather might actually seem like a catch for him.

No. 2066733

his own beliefs aside, he was homeschooled using the one of the most extreme fundamentalist Christian homeschool programs

No. 2066737

Bill Gothard by any chance?

No. 2066749

He said on reddit that he had one girlfriend before and she cheated on him.

No. 2066765

A lot of fundie's don't actually follow their own beliefs though. "Rules for thee and not for me" type of thinking.

No. 2066780

A Beka from Pensacola Christian College, iirc

No. 2066939

"Girlfriend" -> female acquaitenance. "Cheated on him" -> got a boyfriend.

No. 2066997

File: 1733871328126.jpeg (182.47 KB, 828x1329, Picsew_20241210145457.jpeg)

Fucking gross Heather

No. 2066999

How is any of this just accepted by their friends and family?! It’s insanity.

No. 2067003

yes, and what we know so far is that hes a weird basement dweller military autist which is on par with discord mods

No. 2067004

what makes you think they accept

No. 2067006

He looks like he has sores all over his nose and lips

No. 2067019

I just find it very weird that she is claiming to be infertile after one month of trying and then telling everyone on her socials. This is odd behavior even for Heather. I'm tinfoiling but I think that it's possibly goober who wants a baby and she's secretly taking birth control. She's pretending to try for one with him to keep him around. Heather doesn't actually want a baby now, if ever.

No. 2067029

This isn't the craziest tinfoil considering Heather is clinically insane but she's talking about buying baby clothes and already picked out names. At this point I'd be scared to leave her alone with a pregnant woman

No. 2067031

The fact that she is saying this about an uneducated, not-from-wealth 22 year old moid is INSANE. This scrote isn't ready to settle down Heather, he's not even fully developed

No. 2067032

but nona, he's an old soul

No. 2067041

Heather buys all sorts of junk. Even if she wasn't intending to have a baby, i wouldn't put it past her to buy baby clothes or at least post them on social media. I'm 60% sure she's larping trying for a baby.

I won't go into full detail because i don't want to blog for too long but when I was younger and stupider I got very close to a man quite similar to Heather and he did shit similar to this. When he was around other people he didn't have his own personally and he was a pathological liar just telling everyone exactly what they wanted to hear and making up stories constantly to seem more interesting. He had so many plastic toy dinosaurs that he had no space left in his bedroom. He would get all weird over objects and obsess over them and he needed to be constantly entertained. If you asked him to jump he would ask you how high but he would pretend and put on a huge larp and then breakdown and start self harming and threatening people when it all went wrong for him.

Heather tells ryans what they want to hear and larps the role they want her to play just so they keep her around. She isn't even thinking long term, people with BPD never do, its all about what they want now because they never actually think about the end result.

If she does intentionally get pregnant i will be surprised.(blogging)

No. 2067046

Men who want kids rub me wrong. Thats how all the prison reform classwork papers i read start. Nasty moids have kids young and act like theyre excited to be dads but in reality they are foaming at the mouths to groom and rape their own kids. Every. Fucking. Time. Men are the scourge of the earth.(derailing)

No. 2067049

i don't understand why people are so outraged over the fact that this scrote is 22. It wouldn't be the same if the sexes were reversed. Women don't usually seek control over men like vice versa. Men are also physically stronger than women and more capable of being violent to a significant degree. Men who date younger women are usually doing it intentionally. Heather doesn't show a pattern of dating and causing harm to younger scrotes. If anything he's the one benefiting from the arrangement. He gets access to sex, he gets to move out of his parents and not pay rent, she probably does all his cooking and cleaning. He's not some vulnerable drooling retard with an IQ of 50, he's a young adult man with a job. Stop being so sensitive.

No. 2067050

Wtf is DigStock, is it actually a hole-digging event? Finally Heather has met someone with interests as extreme as hers!

No. 2067052

She does have a pattern of dating early 20-something scrotes though. I dont think anyone here is outraged that he’s 22, but it matters, not because she’s taking advantage of him in the same way a man would but because it shows how fucking desperate and retarded she is to be dating these immature scrotelettes just because they’re the only ones dumb and inexperienced enough to not run as soon as she starts getting crazy. She likes that they aren’t experienced, she said it herself >>2066219

No. 2067066

i think it's fair to say she has a pattern of being manipulative and this scrote is clueless and young. i don't think anyone's said it's the exact same thing if the roles were reversed, it's not the same. but this dudes definitely slow, young, and heathers experienced in manipulating men. it's also a pretty considerable age gap, it's not like it wouldn't be commented on. someone upthread said this is like 4D chess to her and i agree. i think it's somewhat calculated. i don't feel bad for the sped scrote i just think he has no idea what he's getting into and she has only her interests in mind and is trying to achieve what she's been desperately seeking for the past 19 threads. it's not about being sensitive it's just being observant. she wants someone inexperienced because so far she's had no luck with men around her age. there's often a reason when someone's with someone much younger, and we know in this case why heather can't get anyone her own age.
>Men are also physically stronger than women and more capable of being violent to a significant degree. Men who date younger women are usually doing it intentionally.
no one ever would deny this fact and i don't think it has anything to do with the conversation either. it's weird regardless of gender, it's not comparable but it's weird nonetheless and heathers trackrecord shows she's desperate to do anything to lock down a moid including skinwalking them

No. 2067079

>heathers experienced in manipulating men
How though? By convincing them to let her be a manic mommy bangmaid?
These scrotes are getting a good deal, it's her desire for connection that seemingly isn't possible to have with them that makes it sad imo.
I would add to the discussion about age by saying they are almost always younger than her, but this probably plays into the mommy bang maid thing again. Pregnancy arc is going to be insane

No. 2067080

Tbf he is way younger, homeschooled and sheltered, pointing that out isn't coddling a poor moid, its just facts that he probably has no idea what he is getting himself into and can't spot the red flags.

No. 2067088

Realistically, I am staunchly against a Heather/Goober pregnancy. These nitwits shouldn't have a baby, much less raise one. From a farmer's standpoint, though, I want Heather to have twins. I want Goober to bail in the third trimester. Pregnancy arc? Think bigger nona! We could have single mom arc.

No. 2067097

If he can't recognize that she's trying to baby trap him and expects to be a SAHM off his piddly wages that's on him. I have a feeling he's feeding into it just as much as she is because in his retarded mind it's some ideal trad existence but he does not have the funds to start a family. He's going to be broke, miserable, and exhausted while baby goober screeches and Heather descends into horrorcow postpartum psychosis. If these two actually managed to reproduce it will be genuinely horrifying and I really hope it doesn't happen. I don't want sour child abuse milk, it makes me sick

No. 2067099

I think (I hope) if this happened, she'd immediately give the baby to her mom. She wants it as an accessory to her perfect life so she can show all the haters that she won. As soon as it became more inconvenience than trophy I have a feeling she'd metaphorically shove it into the back of the closet.

No. 2067101

>metaphorically shove it into the back of the closet
Hopefully just metaphorically and not like that "beloved" doll that was her and rumham's "child" that she shoved into the back of a closest wrapped in garbage bags and left until it's head caved in. I suppose a real living baby would garner her more attention than some dusty old doll though.

No. 2067108

I have a feeling there will be no baby. She's just going to cry about her imaginary infertility to get attention and sympathy. She's going to start collecting reborn dolls and pushing them in antique victorian carriages and she will talk about her 'infertility' to anyone who starts a conversation with her about it. I think goober is just happy to have a mommy bangmaid. He doesn't exactly have women lining up for him. He will quietly tolerate Heather's crazy as long as she puts out, washes his shitty underpants and cooks his meals.

No. 2067126

don't be daft theres a reason shes not dating men her age or a couple years older. she could be dating a 40 yr old yet she doesnt. why? because they can tell right off the bat shes completely bonkers. remember shes on tinder all day set to a 250 mile radius. she absolutely has a type and its younger dudes who will not pick up on her insanity as quickly

No. 2067144

What does goober peen mean in that post by DIV? Dick in vagina? Is that what that means?

No. 2067154

Exactly! She reminds me of some manchild scrote who only dates barely-legal women because everyone his age has had enough time to wise up. I wouldn't say younger men are her type (well, maybe a little) if she can only pull younger men, though. She's exhausted her supply of age-appropriate dick, so she scraped Goober off the bottom of the barrel.

KEK not quite nona, I think DIV = DigStock IV.

No. 2067163

Please imagine if Heather was a man. A manipulative loser dating much younger inexperienced girls and wanting them "pure and naive". Then bragging about dating someone much younger.

No. 2067170

that would also be gross! two things can be gross! this MotherBoy shit of hers is gross!

No. 2067192

Kekkkkk nonna elite reference

No. 2067197

Goobershooter is not being manipulated and it's pathetic to see anons trying to Reddit-tier "um aktchually" it. There IS a difference between a reversal scenario where a 35yr old man is saying this shit to a 22yr old, she has no power over him. Oh boo hoo she's a retard and keeps making dumb cougar jokes. Ok and? She can't rape him and forcefully have a baby like in that reversal. Who gives a fuck if this 22yr old manchild is choosing to Start A New Life with this insaneo.(derailing/infight baiting)

No. 2067200

It's really funny to me that she's openly taking credit for his whole year's development when they've only known each other for two months.

No. 2067205

Please imagine if a mouse did this to a Kia Sorento?!(derailing)

No. 2067249

We're not talking about rape here, but deceit and manipulation of someone younger. Which is exactly what Heather is doing. Why should she get a pass because she's female?(derailing)

No. 2067279

>I've certainly made a man out of you
>hasn't wasted his time on girls
>He's an old soul
>calling herself a cougar
While I agree that we really shouldn't feel bad for this awful maga tard neo-confederate would be incel if not for heather ryan, she is also exhibiting some really sketchy behavior. I don't really think it's black and white though either? Instead of shitting up the thread with endless debate let's just get back to enjoying the milk.

No. 2067298

Kek not only is saying a woman can't rape a man some brainlet shit, but you're the first and only person in the thread to even bring it up in relation to Heather. She's obviously not raping Goober, but she has been publicly lovebombing him since day 1. That's not creepy and manipulative to you?(continuing derail)

No. 2067402

File: 1733977044882.jpeg (943.26 KB, 828x1470, IMG_7056.jpeg)

>WHEN my baby is born

No. 2067404

She’s doing a poor job of pretending to be infertile

No. 2067409

she's batshit crazy i cant wait to see how this baby heather saga unfolds

No. 2067410

He's not pure or naive he's a vile MAGA tard KEK whats up with anons writing fanfiction about this scrote, he literally larps as a neocon he's not innocent in the slightest.(derailing)

No. 2067412

Yeah I feel like some anons itt want the goober peen for themselves or something kek what is up with WKing this tard

No. 2067419

>Trying to infantalize 22 year old adult man

KEK(derailing )

No. 2067421

Being a neocon magatard who larps as a confederate soldier is even more proof he is a sheltered dweeby basement dweller. How is pointing that out wanting to suck his dick? Nobody is saying he is a pure boy who has to be protected from evil scheming mastermind Heather, we are just saying he is a sped with no life experience who'll get chewed up by Heathers crazy ass.(derailing )

No. 2067426


Sad as a baby having to this existential hell would be, it would be karmic af for famed sisterhood member Heather to be trooned out on in the 3rd trimester.
Goober PP doesn't exactly look the type but then neither do any of the Troons of the Now. He has active hobbies which is a mark against him, but a few months of Heather plus pregnancy hormones is enough to break a man easy. He is skirting by now on being dumb as rocks and not noticing. That will be impossible at anything but catatonic levels of scrotetarded, soon as she's comfortable to start shouting at him, when she gets her baby moorings affixed.
(called him Goober/ryan so much now I can't actually remember his real name to think what the low effort woman version of it would be)(unintegrated troonfoiler)

No. 2067428

I had to read this like 4 times to slightly understand what you’re saying. I think this site is making me extra retarded.

I think anons are just saying 22 year olds are stupid and ignore red flags, and this one is especially slow and it’s just shocking behavior. But moids can and always walk away from marriages and children tho. He has nothing to lose by rawdogging her and getting her pregnant.

No. 2067429

Name is Ethan.
Troon name Bethany perhaps(troonfoiling)

No. 2067440

Troons live so rent free in anons head they now have to write schizo fanfiction about how Heather's alt right man is gonna troon out mid pregnancy… Why the fuck they would assume this instead of him just walking out on her, I have no fucking idea.

No. 2067443

File: 1733998456151.png (2.15 MB, 1375x878, veganqueen.png)

I blame winter break, nonna. There's been an insane amount of bizarre WKs, retarded tinfoil, and derailing across multiple threads now. It usually isn't this bad. Anyways, have a lovely photo of our vegan queen and more of her "antique finds" to throw onto her hording shelves.

No. 2067452

Really working on cleaning up your diet and working out huh Heather? I guess you can worry about fitness until AFTER the baby arrives, after all she IS going to be eating for 2 she may as well get a head start lmao.

I wonder if she knows the first thing a fertility doctor will tell her is that she should try losing weight first as the first thing stopping women from conceiving. Even dropping 5-10lbs could help her. Guess the doctor would want her to change herself too much to be a mom.

No. 2067456

File: 1734005073263.mp4 (401.53 KB, 720x1280, 1000018920.mp4)

My new tinfoil is that she just wants to get pregnant so she has an excuse to not diet and request Sheetz every night

No. 2067457

KEK nonna. If she gets pregnant she will gain like 70+ lbs I predict, her body type is the kind that becomes a bubble on legs too, so her prairie target goth dresses will look even funnier

No. 2067458

Heather can't even commit to seeing a therapist, and now you expect her to see a fertility doctor? Lmao. She's lazy enough to think just letting him raw dog her is fine enough for her eventual baby trap and mentally ill enough to think her insane plans are going to have her set for life.

No. 2067460

>I blame winter break, nonna. There's been an insane amount of bizarre WKs, retarded tinfoil, and derailing across multiple threads now. It usually isn't this bad. Anyways, have a lovely photo of our vegan queen and more of her "antique finds" to throw onto her hording shelves.
thank you nona. i agree that this site has been infested with retards because probably winter break, i hope this thread eventually goes back to its usuall chill atmosphere. not gonna go into the derail because anons won't stop seething(and even bringing it to other threads), being retarded and keep putting words in other peoples mouths. it makes me really miss when the threads were slower.
i'm gonna say i actually really prefer her black hair a thousand times over that fried blonde straw mess on her head. i know nonas don't like it but i know i can't be the only one who loves the black hair on her

kek creepy video, i always wonder if she has any thoughts in her head before she posts these things or if she simply posts out of impulsive neurotic tendencies without thinking

No. 2067469

This chilled my bones kek. A video of heather and a grinch green smoothie has struck fear into my heart. Why is she staring at me like that? This is the type of video you prop your phone up for, the arm shakes and lack of blinking is unnerving.

No. 2067470

kek it seriously is so crazy how even the most mundane things she makes into something this fucking creepy looking. and not in the way she hopes either

No. 2067483

It feels like she accidentally made a boomerang

No. 2067486

heather what was the point of this? that youre drinking a healthy green smoothie i guess? I know she lives online but idk

No. 2067524

I didn't know "treasure hunting", "relic hunting", whatever was this popular.

Digstock is just a bunch of tardlets digging holes and walking with metal detectors

No. 2067526


oh god it's a video. this is so eerie, I was expecting a jump scare circa early 00s

No. 2067584

Her beady little eyes are staring right through me, unblinking.

Gotta have a green smoothie to offset all the Christmas cookies she was scarfing down in the earlier stories I guess? That's how it work, right? kek

No. 2067592

Statues aren't something you put in a nursery you dumb cunt.

And what nursery? You live in a one bedroom apartment. You're in debt, you have a shopping addiction, you hate your retail job. How the fuck are you going to afford a child. What are you going to do when the baby becomes a toddler? How are you going to toddler-proof your hoard of a hundred breakable tchotchkes everywhere. Are you going to pay for another storage unit?

What are you going to do when you have to actually make other mom friends to socialize your kid? If you can't afford proper healthcare for yourself, how are you going to afford it for your kid? You have no fucking clue what you're in for. For the love of God, Heather, please rethink becoming a parent.

No. 2067594

Lmao nonna me too, I had to exit the video bc I got scared kekk. It's the vacant bpd stare with her levitating silhouette in front of the horror closet for me and the green drink is the slime green goober pea on top of the cake

No. 2067622

File: 1734053330613.jpeg (796.53 KB, 1179x1473, IMG_4012.jpeg)

Seek therapy.

No. 2067628

She's so insane. Also the chances of them having little blonde haired blue eyed kids is slim to none with her being a brunette with brown eyes. Using your "blonde bombshell" photos in the app to get little aryan kids is cheating heather. kek

No. 2067638

i'm so close to hiding this thread. the thought of her having custody of a child is making me ill

No. 2067647

This is terrifying. I really hope there's a sliver of truth to her infertility

No. 2067651

File: 1734058562700.jpeg (637.87 KB, 1179x1442, IMG_4015.jpeg)

She’s not infertile she’s just an idiot.

No. 2067654

>A high stress job
Any nonas here work/worked at target? How "high stress" is it?

No. 2067657

Not at target but I worked in retail and as a server from the she of 18 through my early 30s and guess what the highest stress job I've ever had has been? Being a SAHM. She is not prepared.

No. 2067660

I have family who works in electronics. It’s your typical retail job. I can’t imagine stressful enough to prevent pregnancy. She just wants her retarded man child to let her quit.

No. 2067665


I work the exact same position as Heather and would never describe it as high stress, or even stressful at all.

No. 2067671

I'm aware, that's why I said "sliver of truth". She is technically within the window of what would be considered a geriatric pregnancy but only someone as dim as she is would announce themselves infertile after only 2 months of trying. I hope she realizes that the older you are the more likely you are to end up with a sped baby

No. 2067679

Remember a few threads back when target was her dream role Kek what the hell happened. She just doesn’t want to work

No. 2067691

that’ll go over big with Goober’s fundiegelical parents (most people who homeschool with A Beka would think that a Madonna and child statue was idolatry)

No. 2067700

Doesn't target provide a Healthcare plan? Why not ask an expert instead of being a fucking dramaqueen?!

No. 2067702

Keeeeek troonfoiling
If she's claiming to have these "blackouts" would a doctor even advise that she get pregnant? I don't think it would end up well if Heather was near a flight of stairs in a second or third trimester.

No. 2067704

I've just realised that her creepy future babies, Eliza and Henry, are named in honor of their names, Ethan and Heather.

No. 2067707

Shes admitted to letting any guy she dates have sex with her right away. Wouldn't be surprised if all were without protection. I also wouldn't be surprised if she had HPV, honestly.

No. 2067708

one month in heathers world is the equivalent of 10 months(learn to reply)

No. 2067711

Goober P and his lady wife, Dog Years.(learn to reply)

No. 2067731

80% of sexually active women have HPV, nona.

No. 2067736

agreed, like, look lady, you aren't walking around antique china shops and battlefields all day with a baby strapped to your belly. esp if you have more than one kid, kiss your hobbies and personal time goodbye. Heather is going to ditch that kid with her mom as soon as she realizes how hard it is. you can't be extremely selfish and take care of a needy baby

No. 2067749

So she doesn't even know what her reproductive issues might be? She's supposedly "blacking out every month" but hasn't gone to a doctor to check to see if she has endometriosis or something before trying to get pregnant? God only knows what STDs or STIs she might already be have from boning every tinder match who'd go on a first date with her.

I've never worked at target, but retail can get kind of miserable around the holidays. Really don't think it's anywhere as bad as it used to be though now that you can order online for in-store pick-up and black friday isn't a big deal anymore. She's just lazy and looking for excuses to quit and become a stay at home mom even if she's in the "just trying" phase.

She 100% has HPV, there's no way she wouldn't and now would-be-virgin ryan has it too. Wouldn't really be surprised if she has something else though too considering how she handled the pox she caught from sleeping with poxryan unprotected.

No. 2067751

when I saw this scrolling past, I thought a nonnie did it as a joke only to realize Heather actually made her own AI children to fantasize over…I hope she is barren for the sake of everyone close to her

No. 2067763

momma heather
>this baby is the great thing that's ever happened and my favorite person, little HenLiza will always love and support me and all of my hobbies and interests are now baby-related
>3 weeks later
>i can't believe this one month old infant isn't supporting me the way i deserve. it's not even telling me how goffic my hair looks? its crying all the time? i am an adult woman who deserves to set boundaries and to be happy, and it's okay to get rid of toxic people in your life if they are not supportive of your goals
>i feel so alone, even my own baby has betrayed me, nobody likes me, here's a selfie of my tits

No. 2067782

>I’m sorry you’ve inherited our eyesight

Goob Jr already predicted to be ineligible to serve in the Armed Forces just like Daddy

No. 2067797

Does her beloved confederate Ryan know she's been with black dudes? Isn't that why her last Ryan left?? I wonder how far the confederate larp will go.

No. 2067832

>Isn't that why her last Ryan left?
i don't think that was confirmed
same nona, she would instantly become a horrorcow if she had a child. i think i would have to stop looking at these threads. i love these threads because they're hilarious but the thought of heather having a child is incredibly bleak

No. 2067905

>horrific pain
>blacking out each month
What is she even fucking on about. Everything has to be just the worst it could ever be for anybody with her. Poor, poor dying Heather. My tinfoil is that there is a tuberculosis arc coming.

No. 2067908

When? Every dude documented in these threads are white, and I don't recall ever seeing any mention of her dating black guys before being married.

No. 2067937

She's a chronic oversharer, especially when it's something she can use to victimize herself, and I don't remember her mentioning this even once. Does anyone remember her talking about this before?

No. 2067947

Yes, she’s been oversharing about her periods since she was with Adam. She uses it as another reason that she is the ultimate victim in this world

No. 2067949

The average childcare expense for a newborn is $812/40-hour work week. I'm assuming she's planning on being a SAHM for the rest of her life so this won't affect her in any way; otherwise one of them would be working specifically just to pay for daycare.

Formula is $25-50/container. $100/month for diapers. Assuming this baby is going to be on geeksquad's insurance, there are checkups and copays for those checkups (not to mention if anything is actually more serious and requires medication or treatments). She's beyond fucking dumb, she's beyond clueless. Having a baby isn't just getting cute onesies at a baby shower and having a little mini-me to tote around. She can't afford it, she can't handle it, and she's going to be right back on Tinder because her depression spiral with send this dork running and then she's just going to be a boring old fat hoarder with a kid.

I wish you could call CPS on someone who's thinking of conceiving.

No. 2067950

anytime someone tries to share their experience with Heather, her response is always Me me me me me me me. I am such a victim.

No. 2067963

I posted in an earlier thread, but it is honestly pretty stressful because Target is a shitshow. I wouldn't say it's stressful enough to cause infertility though.

> Really don't think it's anywhere as bad as it used to be though now that you can order online for in-store pick-up
They're probably poaching her out of her work center to do these online pickups lol. If it's anything like the Target I worked at, she is doing a physical and time-sensitive job she didn't sign up for. She probably has a Visual Merchandising Lead that is doing the actual merchandising and giving up Heather to do menial stuff whenever a middle-manager demands it. This is me giving her the benefit of the doubt, though. I wouldn't be surprised if she thinks operating the WAV and setting up signing is "high-stress".

No. 2067975

File: 1734122526417.jpg (145.87 KB, 854x720, Screenshot_20241213-154029_Chr…)


It was from that cowtipper who posted a bunch of screens a few threads back.(the cowtipper never provided proof)

No. 2067976

yet she lost track of it the last time she tried to baby trap a Ryan. I guess I'd remember such agonizing pain that it makes me black out every month, and generally know around the time that happens, but I'm a nerd.

No. 2067982

This needs to stop being shared.

No. 2068034

Yup, she’d be a SinnaBunny-level horrorcow with a kid. She runs through bottom barrel Tinder moids with zero screening, so god knows whose influence the child would be exposed to in addition to having a raging BPDemon mother.

No. 2068055

File: 1734141310632.jpeg (685.23 KB, 828x1469, IMG_7096.jpeg)

No. 2068060

File: 1734142124229.jpeg (1005.38 KB, 828x1444, IMG_7098.jpeg)

Fucking groundhogs day with this

No. 2068064

File: 1734143348242.png (6.82 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_6793.png)

She’s so helpless she can’t even make Brussels sprouts right

No. 2068065

other than honeymoon phase psychosis heather, gym/vegan for 2 days heather is my favorite

No. 2068068

Who are we kidding?! She's not married, she qualifies for WIC and medicaid. As long as she doesn't marry that sp'ed she won't have to pay a dime. We'll be the ones footing the bill.

No. 2068074

She looks like she's balding. I can see why she never wears her hair up.

No. 2068087

Mine too. We will see a boomerang of her on a treadmill tomorrow and making smoothies.

No. 2068110

>I'm so fat! I gotta stop eating Sheetz deep fried lard!
>Cooks brussels sprouts like absolute shit with nothing else to go with it
This is cartoon logic

No. 2068159

Imagine she gives birth to a brown-eyed Goober-adjacent brunette and she calls her Bertha instead of Eliza

No. 2068162

Honestly I know multiple couples that are in long-term relationships that won't get married because single mothers get better healthcare than married mothers in blue/semi-blue states. I don't think Heather realizes this though, I think she is just dumb.

No. 2068174

She's mooning and uwu~ing over an AI-altered photo of herself lol
She's doing this because Goober is out digging his holes and she simply cannot stand NOT being the focus of her moid's attention for even a day

No. 2068203

>very overweight
yes, she is chubby, but not very overweight, why does she have to be so dramatic about everything?
>struggling with infertility
has she ever been to a doctor with this or her experience of close to death periods? Does she even know that there are doctors out there?

No. 2068207

She does appear very overweight tbf; she could stand to lose 15kg at least.

No. 2068216

Not to blogpost but PA has some of the best benefits like SNAP and the limits are really high. I’ve got kids and tbh you can make 60 grand with 2 kids and qualify for 1200 bucks of food stamps. She wouldn’t even need to stay unwed lol(blogpost)

No. 2068226

Don't fucking encourage her

No. 2068239

The thing that pisses me off about her claiming infertility is when she eventually gets pregnant she will say it’s her miracle baby. When it’s not. She’s just mentally unstable and a moron.

No. 2068256

That’s almost pt level of medical paranoia? She didn’t go to a doc once and is already grieving her diagnosis. And since when was she fainting every month? When was she the last time at a gyno? I think she’s publicly setting breadcrumbs for some strange scheme she’s trying to convince this ryan of.

No. 2068257

She is so delusional it's starting to not even be funny anymore. This is not what your future child will look like, Heather. This is literally a picture of you with a baby filter. Your kids have a much better chance of being weak chinned, dark haired, dark eyed gnomes.

She is sitting around crying over imaginary photos of herself. She is seriously so unwell.

No. 2068265

So just to be clear: she self diagnosed with infertility and now self prescribed a diet, telling herself that getting healthy will fix her "infertility"? I'm all for her working out and eating better but she is insane. Someone should tell her that therapy cures infertility

No. 2068268

Imagine being her real daughter with brown hair and brown eyes and doing something wrong or loving Heather not enough. She will probably get a print from that ai picture and shove it in her daughters face saying something like "why can't you be like the real Eliza?". She needs help from professionals, not a diet, not a husband and mostly not a child.

No. 2068272

File: 1734198281651.jpg (297.04 KB, 1080x1919, 1000019015.jpg)

Great diet hagther

No. 2068280

I wonder if he’s calling her fat.

No. 2068287

She's probably been googling infertility and weight certainly can be an issue there. She's suddenly calling herself 'overweight' when she used to just talk about gaining weight, like she's calculated her BMI and is reading about weight in a medical context.

No. 2068303

Digging his holes KEK she really found a retard lmao. “Sorry babe I can’t I’m digging a hole”. Hilarious

No. 2068307

Damn, she's gonna be shitting all day with all that fiber-y slop at once, especially if she's been eating bland, greasy foods before today. Her 'cooking' is so unappealing. Yet another reason ElizaHenry would be fucked.

No. 2068311

>de shovel goes oer da shoulder oer an oer

No. 2068323

KEKKK i really can’t stop laughing at this. I imagine he was sperging too much about the civil war and duh cannons as a child and his mom said “honey why don’t you go outside and start digging” to wear him out and get a break. Now he’s a 21 year old hole digger that paints little patches on his coats.

No. 2068329

He probably pretends he's doing trench warfare the whole time.

No. 2068330

their irl conversations must be surreal, you have a narc bpdemon that has to make every single thing about herself and a legit sped that's completely spaced out daydreaming about holes and trains all day. maybe the reason they're "compatible" so far is that they're just talking past each other 100% of the time lmao

No. 2068340

the first thing doctors will tell you to do is get yourself into the healthy BMI range or as close as you can get before they start considering other shit

No. 2068349

KEK. You are the last vestige of how lighthearted this thread once was. Thank you for your service nonna

No. 2068351

File: 1734213845601.jpg (262.17 KB, 856x1022, mole-people.jpg)

She wanted a spoopy boyfriend and instead she's attached herself to a mole man.
That's a diff nona so at least two!

No. 2068374

As lame as his hobbies are, the contrast between his happiness and un-self conscious enthusiasm for his special interests vs Heather's superficial, performative engagement with hobbies, switching to new ones with every new Ryan, and endless whining about how others perceive her as a result is sooo jarring. The only thing she can work up a sperg-like dedication to is Ryanquest.

No. 2068396

that’s absolutely false unless your BMI is over 35
they will start doing basic tests and also encourage you to get to BMI 21-25 (from either direction) at an infertility intake
has she ever even been to a GYN at all? she’s crazy enough to be afraid to go

No. 2068411

File: 1734228081077.jpg (222.93 KB, 1080x1919, stay-puft-marshmallow-bride.jp…)

She was alone and sad so she bought a bunch of new garbage and stuffed her face with treats.

No. 2068413

File: 1734228291063.jpeg (716.09 KB, 828x1471, IMG_7103.jpeg)

Great job on the diet so far Heather

No. 2068423

Does targets insurance pay for rehab? Asking for a friend. Everything she does is so heavily influenced by addiction that I wonder if her reaction to birthing a baby would be "I need another one right now!".

This picture is fucking revolting at first sight.

No. 2068432

I thought the same thing at first sight. She could have atleast gotten a healthier option that would have contained some color like a fruit parfait or even a fruit tart.
When she doesnt lose 30 pounds in the next 30 days, she will start claiming thyroid or metabolism issues i bet. Just like how one month of trying to have a baby and shes thinking shes infertile. Kek
Run gooberyan! Run!

No. 2068441

Always 1 step forward, 2 steps back. I wonder if her junk food addiction is related to her shopping addiction. She's like a spoiled child.

No. 2068450

Definitely. She's addicted to the instant gratification dopamine hit of getting herself "a little treat" over and over and over and over and over and over…

No. 2068454

KEK aw, the AI child has on (only) grey eyeshadow too.

Heather is calling herself 'very overweight' not out of rare self awareness, but to bait someone into going "omg no are u kidding me?! Not at all!"- that this has not been forthcoming will be taken as a direct and brutal attack, so expect a new rant next week about evil diet culture, people are trying to gaslight her to starve herself to death*, when eating 9 daily portions of deep fried veg hasn't had results.

*the same "people" who "said" she "wasn't goth", probably.(learn2reply)

No. 2068455

absolutely deranged and also that dress is at least three sizes too small for her

No. 2068460

Heather is stupid and crazy and will gain weight on a vegan diet because she will just be eating carbs Kek she knows nothing

No. 2068503

I will never ever understand retards like Heather who think the occasional veggie and green smoothie is gonna save her from being fat. Calories in, calories out. Eat less junk, limit your portions, move more. Pig out one day? Have goober peas drag you to some battlefield and walk it off. You can lose a significant amount of weight just by slightly tweaking your caloric intake and being less sedentary. Weight loss doesn't require massive lifestyle changes unless you're a death fat, she could easily shed some pounds with basic discipline but she has no discipline whatsoever

No. 2068509

Bitch did he even propose????

No. 2068544

Am I the only person itt that finds the digging for little bits of history interesting. It's nice he has a hobby with substance. Not purely surface level aesthetic shit

No. 2068549

no, I feel the same, it's interesting and he tries to research the history behind it. It's not going to a store, buying a lot of stuff and then asking your followers about all the information about said piece.

No. 2068558

I don't really find it interesting myself, but I fully agree with the anon who said this >>2068374

Other than being Maga Ethan is pretty wholesome. I really hope Heather doesn't get to ruin his life

No. 2068565

coming from experience as a former fat fuck myself - heather is nowhere near 21-25 so my point stands in her case. unsure what the sperg is here, we can all see she’s gouging herself on sheets and other bullshit and i’m not trying to bone rattle.

No. 2068571

the person seemed to be implying that the OB wouldn’t do tests or treatments for a patient at Heather’s weight, which is nonsense
they would do everything while also encouraging her to lose weight; you have to be super fat before they withhold treatment until you get the fat sorted out

No. 2068583

Dressing as a confederate is retarded lol
The diet is part of costuming, as she changes her hair and it changes her. When she surrounds herself with green things it's a costume of health, maturity, self-care.
Unfortunately because it's a costume the actual science of eating green things is unimportant, so she's dousing them in a quart of vegetable oil, only eating them on camera or grabbing things like >>2068413 that are horrible for you but visually cute.

No. 2068593

>Dressing as a confederate is retarded lol

sure, all I'm saying is he's still a much more sympathetic character than Heather. Considering his background, age and literal autism, he probably just doesn't know better, but there's hope for him yet(whiteknighting)

No. 2068640

It doesn't pay for rehab, but there is a mental health resource

Heather if you read this thread, please visit the link above. Also, go on workday and look at your last payslip to see how much vacation time you have accrued. Make sure you arrange for those vacations hours to get paid out before you put in your two weeks. Talk to your HR-ETL, it can be done. You're clearly dead-set on this, so at least do it right.(talking to cow)

No. 2068659

File: 1734308389814.jpeg (778.92 KB, 1179x1460, IMG_4049.jpeg)

No. 2068663

…isn’t open enrollment happening literally rn until mid January?

No. 2068664

"nerve issues in my hands"
it's carpal tunnel from being on your phone 25/8.
Being retarded is a chronic condition tbf.

No. 2068668

That's usually not covered by any insurance

No. 2068669

I searched it and it looks like Target starts open enrollment in February.
I still can't believe she is trying to have a child without proper health insurance.

No. 2068670

If she has an HSA she should have some money saved up. Was she contributing to it?

No. 2068673

Am I being retarded or is the only chronic condition she's mentioned pcos? How would that give you nerve damage in your hands? Also kek at the fertility specialist thing. She would probably still need a referral from a gp to see a specialist, and they would make her wait seeing that she hasn't been trying to conceive for very long and she's borderline 'geriatric pregnancy,' not 40+. I wonder if she would lie about that, though, or if she's always painfully honest about the stupidest stuff. Anyway, of course it's expensive. It's something people turn to as last resort after years of habit changes and meticulous tracking of every aspect of their lives. Not two months of having sex with a new partner.

No. 2068674

People are recommending planned parenthood to help and in true maga fashion she is refusing stating they aren’t a helpful organization.

No. 2068676

So much for quitting!

No. 2068688

File: 1734315499245.jpeg (390.83 KB, 1179x916, IMG_4051.jpeg)

If I even have ovaries

No. 2068699

Does she think she’s intersex? What the fuck goes on in her brain

No. 2068702

If it weren't so common it'd be pretty funny that she's politically taking up arms against liberal america just in time to become a welfare queen.

No. 2068723

If she'd said FUNCTIONING ovaries, or 'if I even have eggs left' it wouldn't have been so weird but that sentence is very PT-brand schizo and so weird.

No. 2068724

Yup. Most of my conversations with Heather were her buying something then asking what it was. She really doesn’t know what most of the things are that she’s finding

No. 2068725

imagine the schizo word salad debates she and PT could have

No. 2068742

>trying to see a chiropractor for "nerve damage" in her hand
>sudden claims of "blacking out" every month, is infertile/has pcos
>might not even have ovaries despite clearly ovulating
God, she makes it so obvious that she doesn't have any real diagnoses and has not even seen a doctor for any of what she's already claiming to have. If anything is wrong with her reproductive health it's likely linked to the fact she's boned around two dozen ryans without protection over the past few years. She was just getting over a literal pox when she got with privateryan.

>it's carpal tunnel from being on your phone 25/8
kek at her self inflicted hand injury from non-stop swiping on tinder all day every day. Insane she thinks it's "nerve damage" and that a chiropractor would be who she would even see for that though. Her Munchausen phase is certainly amping up to be interesting.

No. 2068745

She’s obviously ramping it up now that they’ve gotten a month into the relationship because she’s trying to trap him into letting her quit, or whatever the hell she wants from him. It’s funny she can walk around cemeteries and shitty antique shops with no issue but when it’s time to go to work she’s blacking out from pain and missing ovaries Kek

No. 2068755

heather's munchie arc is so fucking annoying. treating social media like its her dumping ground for whatever health problem she wants to treat as like it's a deadly issue when she constantly makes the biggest deal over any small thing. it literally sounds like PT tier shit sometimes. every time i see walls of texts about her supposed self-dx'd medical issues i get a headache, she's keeps claiming such crazy fucking bulshit

No. 2068764

annoying: yes
milk: yes

No. 2068793

If you can’t afford your own medical bills you can’t afford a child

No. 2068794

I hate this new heather arc tbh

No. 2068803

at least heather's milk is usually funny (fondly remembering her poxryan "it's all the evil e-girls fault" spiral), this shit is just grating to read about made-up medical issue #182. it's not even that milky. she's just trying to manipulate her scrote when he's not around, they always have to be on a tight leash with her. speaking of that, haven't seen pictures of both of them together in a bit. wonder how the "moving in" plans are going

No. 2068808

>serious medical problem
Who’s gonna bet her “serious medical problem” is just her not being pregnant after one(1) calendar month of trying bc she doesn’t know how human reproduction works? Also it’s literally insane to be trying for a baby with no health insurance. As if we needed any more proof she is NOT fit to be a parent. Praying little ElizaHenry has the sense to stay away and not incarnate into that shitshow.

No. 2068813

once they break up i'm sure she is going to make this about her medical "issues" and how the moid left her because she is just soo ill and broken

No. 2068818

He's been digging holes, nonny. He is back now.

No. 2068849

File: 1734367947391.jpg (97.71 KB, 867x867, find-da-bullit-uner-da-groun.j…)

lol every single post he's made has been about digging holes and finding bits of civil war junk while his girlfriend is stranded at home and LITERALLY DYING from hand nerves and psychic ovary removal

No. 2068854

>psychic ovary removal

No. 2068857

I'm surprised she even allows him to go digging. Hopefully she really is infertile or he is shooting blanks or he can kiss his holes goodbye. I imagine next Heather will be saying she has Fibromyalgia or Lyme and asking how hard it is to get on Social Security Disability.

Also I'm having visions of Heather giving birth to a real autistic retard with insane strength like the Applebee's tard. That'd be some real shit.

No. 2068865

It really fucking sucks. She's on the precipice of horrorcow and I can't stand munchies, they're too annoying to laugh at. I hope they break up soon kek

No. 2068908

Considering this kid had cataracts at 18, it’s good chance his gene pool is pissed in and he’s the one that’s lacking

No. 2068935

>next Heather
This was probably a typo but it fits so well. She really does change into a new person with every Ryan. I wonder what the next Heather will be like kek

No. 2068952

they’re both eugenicists’ nightmares, not a mandible between them

No. 2069090

Have you forgotten that Heather lets every Ryan raw dog her? I do think there's a good chance she's infertile since she has not managed to baby trap a Ryan yet.

No. 2069127

that’s how we know its just being heather kek

No. 2069168

>Heather trying to get on Social Security Disability
That seems very possible at this point, kek. Anything to live in her fantasy world while doing as little work as possible.
She brings up her "chronic health conditions" when she's afraid of being abandoned. And also when she's thinking about quitting her job so she can devote herself to being a full-time parasite. It's absolutely hilarious that PrivateRyan can't see it. They are so retarded.

No. 2069194

It's crazy how she just vented about not having enough money to go to a doctor but she went on another antique shopping spree while also being in debt. The new Ryan must really be very naive to not understand what's going on

No. 2069226

tell me which rule I broke.(take it to /meta/)

No. 2069265

yeah, the mod must have had a bad day, I don't really see how this was >>2068593 whiteknighting either kek(take it to /meta/)

No. 2069377

The Heather thread after birth would be Alice Llani redux. There was just no point to it after awhile except to document parental neglect and an influencer's bad attempts at hiding it. Heather has not been able to maintain a single relationship in her life and that's probably the real saving grace because the crazy going on behind the scenes makes it too hard for her to get one to stick around long enough to knock her up.

No. 2069506

File: 1734541265143.jpg (614.96 KB, 1284x2282, 1000019305.jpg)

She reposted this as if she is mourning her non existent child

No. 2069529

That's a bit too much speedrunning.

No. 2069564

No wonder she's doing everything in her script to keep PrivateRyan. Changing her political beliefs, acting religious, being dramatic about her "bad health," lovebombing, etc. Deep down she knows he's probably the only person she's met so far who is young, stupid, malleable, and naieve enough to not run for the fuckin hills from all this batshit insanity.

No. 2069567

She has absolutely fucking lost her mind and not in a "haha funny hagther's at it again" way. We're a month away (if that) from a phantom pregnancy saga

No. 2069582

And meanwhile her Ryan is just off digging holes and making TikTok’s and YouTube videos.

No. 2069639

He truly has no clue. Fucking bleak

No. 2069663

18 minutes of Goober mushmouthing like Jame Gumb about his holes

No. 2069676

Wow, he's really mushmouthed. So all these men just keep going to the same fields, destroying the soil in search of the very last bits of metal and bullets, then do it again and again? It's been centuries of digging up the same ground, looking for the same shit. How much more is still there to find? Goober found lots of bullets, which surprised me. Maybe the older ones go back to the fields at night and bury more bullets for the younger autists to find. Weird hobby.

No. 2069689

File: 1734585201988.jpeg (484.52 KB, 1068x594, IMG_9810.jpeg)

This is genuinely the most aspie Ryan yet

No. 2069706

File: 1734588703930.mp4 (2.18 MB, 480x220, Video 6.mp4)

He has the cadence of that one autistic ROTC kid every American school has at least one of. Do they make these retards in a lab? He’s clearly uncomfortable on camera if that wasn’t obvious enough by how he looks with Heather constantly shoving her phone in his face

No. 2069723


Listen to that rural Pennsylvania accent! "if yur fonnin' stouf" what a goober!

No. 2069728

thank you nonnie for this very wholesome and yet still retarded image that brought to mind.

No. 2069767

This war is infamous for the horror of people who were ripped apart by low-tech guns and died slowly. Not to mention the equally well known fact of easy, rampant raping and pillaging done by soldiers on both sides because the country was undeveloped. War moids are so insidious. Of all things, the life path you've chosen is dictated by your disappointment that you can't be a soldier, due to the dopamine you get from thinking about soldiers in the civil war. It's literally a soldier's job to kill and be killed. She is lucky he seems to have been raised to be meek and submissive to a motherly figure.

No. 2069854

Maybe Heather can start leaving her baby dolls in the ground for Confederyan to find. He can also practice making mini graves for the dolls so she can play pretend and mourn her non existent loss. They could even do a gender reveal for her phantom pregnancy, digging up a reproduction of an old soldier outfit if a boy, a Taylor Swift album if a girl.

No. 2069865

Honestly this is the safest possible outcome for everybody involved. This. Just do this, Heather.

No. 2069974

File: 1734664508061.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1179x1831, IMG_4077.jpeg)

Okay Heather. We get it. You’re better than all the other moms

No. 2069982

No, she'll be the one glued to her phone while her poor child sticks a finger in an outlet or falls down the stairs.

No. 2069989

> person who has repeatedly fucked up her life due to addiction to her phone denounces bad mothers who are addicted to their phones

No. 2069996

the way he talks reminds me of Heather herself. a match made in Hellam, PA

No. 2070018

kek doesn't want her nonexistent child to mirror her terrible behavior? i think kids shouldn't grow up with tablets in their faces but this is really rich coming from someone like her. like a pillhead mom saying "drugs are bad mmkay" to their child every day just after doing drugs in the other room. also, she says "ipad" but where does she really draw the line? it feels like she has no real opinion, just saying something to try to feel different or appeal to something her tard moid said. will the kid have unlimited phone access as soon as they turn 8? i hate imagining it, i don't want to imagine her having kids. she'd be making posts like this all the time acting like she's mother of the year when >>2069982 this scenario is too likely

No. 2070111

lmao nah heather, your kid's parent will be an iphone or an ipad like every other terrible mom because how else is she gonna live on her socials? how else is gonna post every little thought in her head? she would have to sacrifice her socials for her kid kekk she isnt gonna do that

No. 2070144

Her child will never have an iPad because she'll be too busy spending all her disposable income on antique mall tchotchkes.

No. 2070200

File: 1734744028733.png (2.27 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_7045.png)

She’s so lame for pretending to care about this. Heather is so painfully stupid

No. 2070203

I wish she could meet the kind of disgusting, ill-bred, smoothbrained, un-hygenic old white men in Dyersburg TN who would give a shit about this sort of thing.

No. 2070206

File: 1734746397808.jpeg (541.35 KB, 1179x1955, IMG_4084.jpeg)

The weird confederate obsession is getting too much for me.

No. 2070357

This was a Union guy and abolitionism was a good thing, anon. As boring as it all is at least it’s not solely confederate-brand retardation - ie racism.

No. 2070420

Either way this shit is dumb.

No. 2070427

it’s weird to cosplay and collect both, imo
of course Goober cosplays Nazi shit so it figures he would think that Confederates were something other than traitors and fools

No. 2070432

just came across the boymom thread in /ot/ and that's exactly where this bitch is heading. scary

No. 2070448

She's already a boymom to her retarded childbride.

No. 2070487

File: 1734857841080.jpeg (221.1 KB, 1290x439, IMG_7618.jpeg)

i just discovered heather but she’s quickly becoming one of my fav cows. she’s entertaining enough but not a horrorcow like shayna.

reading the previous threads i discovered this kek, nona predicted the future

No. 2070507

Predictions for Goober Peasmas? Will Hag attempt to ring fence ConfedeRyan all for herself, keeping him in their Ghostly Love Shack on Peasmas day? Will they spend it together at his parent’s house? I don’t think she’ll go back to her mom’s. I’m hoping for potential friction with his mom or maybe a wise Final Boss Karen auntie who clocks on to the Way of the Hag. Or we shall have a day of solo Hag mourning, just her with her tintypes and Dead People Stuff. Focus will be on rekindling her infertility woes, and her Peasmas wish will be being sent a baby Eliza.

No. 2070523

Vote for Heather and Goober! Today's the last day to vote for the lolcow awards. Let's get our goobers the award for best milk and favorite cow

No. 2070554

File: 1734885198644.jpeg (336.69 KB, 1179x959, IMG_4089.jpeg)

I hate this bitch.

No. 2070555

Kek can this loser get some real problems. Absolute melodrama

No. 2070556

Goober and his family are definitely maga retards if she's playing the "Christmas is cancelled" card. Thoughts on what's the next step on her trad transformation?

No. 2070560

I think she's the real horrorcow, not Shayna. Heather is much more dangerous.

No. 2070562

Shat doesn't want kids, has some old dude watching her pets, and only dates other ugly degen poly fags. Heather feels like she could do real harm to a moid, kid or pet. I hope she never gets into hoarding animals like she did plants.

No. 2070585

lmao her need for victimhood is a spectacle.

No. 2070591

FB anon show us more replies if there are any. Shed definitely gonna sperg out at anyone disagreeing with her special snowflake victim narrative and it's gonna be hilarious.

No. 2070594

i agree. i've always side-eyed the posts of people saying heather isn't that bad. i noticed a lot of those types of posts definitely died down after she showed exactly the type of person she is when that guy she hardly knew or cared about enough to answer his messages killed himself and when she eventually found out she went absolutely balls to the wall insane over it and even somehow made me feel bad for a dead moid. now that’s accomplishment. the fucking spectacle she made over that was appalling. acting like he was her best friend and soul mate and airing out his dirty laundry in ways i couldn’t fathom. that was an unexpected saga i didn't see coming and it was shocking to witness even though it was well-established to me that she is the type to stoop that low. she is an awful person (that's why no one sticks around that long unless they're retarded like her goober pea!). every time i picture what heather's version of parenting looks like i genuinely hope that all her infertile talk materializes into reality because little eliza-henry would be doomed for life. i want goober peas ryan to stick around at least ‘til spring next year because he's hilariously retarded but i hope he doesn't stick around long enough for a horrorcow-heather-single-mom-arc to begin. that would be dreadful to witness
>Shed definitely gonna sperg out at anyone disagreeing with her special snowflake victim narrative and it's gonna be hilarious.
kek agreed. whenever people say anything to her that isn't completely on board with what she's saying she sends giant paragraphs that have such an arrogant lecturing tone to it, it really is fucking hilarious. i don't know why but it gets me every time
i voted!

No. 2070596

>when that guy she hardly knew or cared about enough to answer his messages killed himself and when she eventually found out she went absolutely balls to the wall insane over it
Oh that was horrific. She managed to make it about herself and proudly showed how their relationship was basically him being her hype man and how she would send him nudes and rely on him for a quick ego boost. None of the screenshots she posted showed her paying any attention to him. And she had the gall to say they talked every day even though their last message was months before his death and it took her what, a week to find out he even died? She's a case study in personality disorders.

No. 2070600

New super special victim status unlocked: Celebrates Christmas in the United States of America

No. 2070604

Well I can’t believe we’re at the point where I’m keeping track of a cow’s cycle but her period is due around Christmas day. So either she gets some “great” news and the horrorcow arc officially begins or she’s moping and posting deranged AI pics of Eliza and Henry.

No. 2070612

Shayna is gross, Heather is scary.
The great thing about bpd is that we know we're going to get one or the other.

No. 2070624

Victimhood off the charts. She literally works at a Target putting up all the CHRISTMAS IS HERE!! and MERRY CHRISTMAS signage kek, the entire store looks like Santa puked on it. If she has kids they're going to be so sheltered and paranoid.

No. 2070628

It’s mostly other retarded assholes agreeing with her. Looks like she has a few smart friends but they eventually backed down to her maga friends. Nothing worth sharing. I’m shocked she didn’t delete it after the first comment.

No. 2070634

I'm putting my money on posting random bible quotes in her insta stories. Has she questioned vaccines yet? If not, my backup guess is either blaming vaccines for her health problems and posting about how she won't vaccinate her non-existent kids.

No. 2070669

Nonnie, this is so bleak but I also love you for it. I'm sure we're all going to get hyperfamiliar with Heather's cycle as the INFERTILITY saga builds.

No. 2070672

File: 1734922154127.png (3.72 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_7136.png)

What was so dark about the rumham Ryan saga is that she ramped up the “look how bad he wanted me and I ignored him” posts once she found out his wife was a beautiful blonde woman

Also, blind goober Ryan is not only hideous but he looks miserable. He’s got that lightbulb physiognomy

No. 2070677

I can see it in his eyes, how exhausting heather is.

No. 2070701

He’s growing out his beard is he? He’s going to be one of those who get bald but have a beard to cope kek

No. 2070709

exactly nonnies! what you both brought up was what i was thinking about when i was mentioning that awful saga. it was atrocious to witness. every single thing she did during that time was horrifying. i keep cringing thinking about the video where she was holding the two baby dolls up to her chest. also
>blind goober Ryan is not only hideous but he looks miserable. He’s got that lightbulb physiognomy
kek. he really does look miserable. i really wonder how long he will stick around for
kekkkk, before it was wanting children now it's wanting to celebrate christmas. she's so unique and special

No. 2070721

He looks miserable and as far as I can tell there's no ring on her finger, she's just wedding and baby sperging without any tangible commitment from him. He's less chronically online so it's an incomplete picture but sometimes I wonder if she's just deciding that's what they're going to do and he's not challenging it because she's batshit insane and will lose it on him at the slightest rejection. He's clearly completely retarded but he has to have some sense of self preservation, her online presence has been terrifyingly unhinged for weeks

No. 2070725

the RumhamRyan thing should have been soooo embarrassing for her because it was clear from the dude’s socials that his divorced dad energy meant he spent a lot of time messaging with various women who posed for his photoshoots
which, whatever, typical tragic scrote behavior
but Heather Leeroy Jenkinsed on in there and decided that that meant they were soulmates and tried to pull focus from the actual ex-wives

No. 2070736

Not all women have a 28 day cycle. Average cycle is between 23 and 35 days so you don't know that.

No. 2070786

Why are you periodsplaining on a woman’s only imageboard kek, you know you have to be 18 to post here. We know how long her cycle is because she’s posted about it online on the internet on a public facebook more than a handful of times.

No. 2070822


No. 2070867

I think periodnona means that every woman's cycle isn't exactly the same number of days every time, so we've got anywhere from a few days to a week before she starts infertility sperging again lol

No. 2071075

File: 1735078402927.jpeg (781.55 KB, 1284x2282, dead-inside.jpeg)

Calling it. Two more weeks.

No. 2071076

He’s got the autist uniform, wire frame glasses and cycles through one or two comfort hoodies

No. 2071078

With all of her Ryans, you can literally watch the life force being sucked out of them bit by bit and you can see the gleam in her own eyes grow stronger as it happens. Unreal. You hear people be described as "soul sucking", but to actually witness it so clearly via photographic evidence is startling!

No. 2071079

The light colored eyelashes are such an awful look on her. Why in god's name does she not put on some mascara?

No. 2071080

kekk you're absolutely right about that

No. 2071082

Looks like she’s really trying to suck in her gut in this picture.

No. 2071092

my exact thoughts. Even no makeup at all would be better than just this muddy grey eyeshadow with nothing else. I think that's why her lashes look like that, they're covered with that terrible eyeshadow too. Just whyyy? I'm not even trying to be mean or snarky, it actually grosses me out.
I think this is the worst possible "eyeshadow look" for her considering her eye shape, eye color, and the fact that she is severely myopic.

No. 2071093

agreed, cant believe were seeing her soul sucking parasitic behavior in near real time.

No. 2071099

It looks as though he’s been crying lol

No. 2071104

What is this ugly, lame hairstyle? Anyone have a guess at what civil war era style this is supposed to emulate in her delulu world?

No. 2071106

Makeup nonnies, remember when Hagitha posted her "makeup tips" a few weeks ago? She smokes out her eyes and wears mascara "occasionally", duh!

It's been years since I've seen her wear mascara. Her perception of time is so warped. She used to post constantly when she was new to her job at Target about "getting a rare day off." Bitch, you get 2 days off every week. Thank goodness she finally stopped saying that. But seriously, time means something different to Heather. She truly lives in her own mad world.

No. 2071107

Idk but i think it's her ugliest look she's done yet. The contrast between her Heather Sparkles kawaii days and now is quite the difference. Hard to believe it's the same person

No. 2071126

She’s never looked worse. She’s twice his width and her eyes look like crab stalks.

No. 2071127

He looks like he's been crying kek. Run, goober peas. It's not too late to escape her clutches

No. 2071143

File: 1735119870775.jpeg (216.94 KB, 1080x1919, kfg.jpeg)

She took two similar shoots but he definitely looks done

No. 2071149

File: 1735126922223.jpg (450.59 KB, 1284x2282, doom.jpg)

> last week at this time I was digging holes

No. 2071163

I love how no matter what makeup style she does, she can never normalize the legit crazy behind her eyes. thats the truth coming out kek

No. 2071183

File: 1735146767942.png (1.07 MB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20241226-011231.png)

I'm going to get red texted for this but I just had to improve the photo

Heather download meitu like everyone else ffs(fan art)

No. 2071184


They look like they are at Heather's place over Christmas. Interesting. I wonder why they didn't visit family?

No. 2071201

Probably because isolating him is her best chance of keeping him.

No. 2071231

Kek don't give her ideas

Hopefully these are just pics they took before visiting family, keeping him from seeing them on Christmas would be absolutely insane

No. 2071294

File: 1735164874038.jpeg (9.55 KB, 159x131, IMG_5377.jpeg)

she is really looking like a plain lady from 1865 with that hairstyle

No. 2071300

Don't flatter her kek

No. 2071319

File: 1735170031695.png (5.22 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_7293.png)

Bootlicking at the cemetery on Xmas..

No. 2071321

File: 1735170581056.jpeg (2.63 MB, 2080x1802, You_Doodle_2024-12-25T23_46_39…)

>blowing my mind
Detective Hag and the Case of the Consumptive Victorian Child Thief on a Rope. Fucking kek she’s such an idiot.

No. 2071324

Yea someone put a child in through a window to retrieve a skull. Be fucking for real.

No. 2071331

File: 1735174369869.jpeg (440.26 KB, 828x1460, IMG_3534.jpeg)

Don’t worry, she has Other Theories.

No. 2071335

her lizzie borden slay

No. 2071338

How disrespectful!
> shoves tongue down scrote's throat over the grave of some dead guy

No. 2071339

It's like these are all scenarios she's already thought of because she was trying to dream up a way to steal the skull herself. And now she's jealous at the thought that someone beat her to it.

No. 2071342

maybe the cemetery moved it because they were sick of weirdos climbing up to look through the window and photograph it?

No. 2071346

It was likely an animal that knocked it down while using the building as shelter from the cold. A cat or large rat could get in and out of there fairly easily. Absolute massive kek at her unhinged "lowering a small child with rope to graverob" scenario though.

No. 2071360

Ayrt absolutely what I thought. Of course it’s that. This total and utter numbnuts never fails to make me snort. I love to imagine her seriously considering these wild tHeoRiEs. Okay Sherlock.

No. 2071377

sometimes I really wonder if she is delayed or has a learning disability or something on top of her craziness

No. 2071415

Both her and private ryan share the same mental age, they both strike me as perpetual 14yos

No. 2071458

Usually when anons call cows retarded I think it's just another way to insult them but wow, this really makes me think heather is slow.

No. 2071465

Damn that thread is embarrassing

No. 2071473

lol her stories are like a snapshot of two brains grinding away at full hamster power
> Mebbe dey took the long po'e and slid it oer da gate and troo da ho'e and powked da skull ovv the sheff
Heather: "Maybe the SHOT IT."
> Or dey had a smol ninja bebe on a rope troo da ho'e!
Heather: "Wow!"

No. 2071475

KEK Oh my god I'm so sorry, I erased the last number on the post I was referencing, it was supposed too be >>2071377
What even is that thread??

No. 2071480

It's just filthyfrank and the guys but there's so much seething dickriding and too many male posters in there.

No. 2071488

Kek anon this is precisely how I read it too.
>long tool
>shot it
Both took me out in two different directions

No. 2071516

I would love for her to call up a local news station and tell them about this deplorable situation in hopes of them doing a story on it. I'll even just take a tik tok of her explaining her theories in more depth.

No. 2071561

My one Christmas wish. Kek.
You called it, I agree. I wonder how quickly she’s going to drop the civil war fagging after ConfedeRyan dips in the NY.

No. 2071656

I wonder if this is just damage/image control to a degree, referring to a Union soldier as a "brave warrior" so nobody can accuse her of being weird for being obsessed with the confederacy.

sage for OT but kek what a funny mixup, I used to post in that thread as a teenager and was one of the embarrassing dickriders.(blogging)

No. 2072116

File: 1735432130922.jpg (168.45 KB, 1080x1919, 1000019952.jpg)

Diet is going well

No. 2072125

File: 1735433785787.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1179x1747, IMG_4137.jpeg)

I feel like this is the only time I’ve seen him even acknowledge her.

No. 2072126

He talks about his good time on the battlefield where actual humans got slaughtered. And he is just there digging holes

No. 2072143

> I met my forever person
lol feel the passion

No. 2072162

Bless the anon(s?) writing the Goob Verses, letting us in on their dialogue.
My favourite part is always the breathless Heather '-Wow!'s

No. 2072195

“A lifelong dream” doing what exactly? Cleaning? Because that’s what 90% of active duty is…fucking cleaning. Does this kid think he was gonna man a cannon or storm a beach or something? Modern warfare is boring mostly and the military is genuinely prison you sign up for….I’m genuinely confused what he thought “serving your country” is actually like. Did he think he was gonna be Special Tactics or something?

No. 2072199

so hes been going to gettysburg once a friggin week to cope with being rejected by the army (or was it navy? military? idk the difference) a battlefield where people died? is it clicking at all for him? stolen valor cope indeed

No. 2072233

For real becuase this gives me the vibe of "welcome to your forever home adopted cat" and not referring to the love of your life.

No. 2072235

Is it bad that I wish he had made it into the Air Force? Military life is great for autists like him and he would have dodged Heather. I wonder what she would do if he re-enlisted and got accepted? Play the "Military Wife" card or dump him?

No. 2072258

Maybe he imagined some heroic deeds but I bet it was mostly that he'd wear a uniform, and strangers would automatically respect him, because that's what he does. The costume makes the moid.

No. 2072275

I don't even know Heather and I'm already sure she'd dump him.

No. 2072299

File: 1735507820808.png (155.95 KB, 720x266, Screenshot_20241229-172843~2.p…)

What makes you think that? I think she'd be all for it. In fact she'd probably be one of those military wives who are full of themselves

No. 2072300

File: 1735508265930.jpeg (652.88 KB, 1179x1145, IMG_4139.jpeg)

No. 2072313

What stress does she have exactly? She doesn't even work a front facing job at Target, right? She just makes displays. Considering her only hobby is buying shit and placing it on her shelves, you'd think this job would be ideal for her. I also thought this was her supposed dream job? Starting up the chronically ill larp the second she has a dude willing to pay bills. He's the kind of guy who has no real world experience and never had a girlfriend, so I don't expect him ever to dump her. She'll likely gain 50lbs once they move in together, and she'll eventually get bored and cheat on him like she did with other exes.

No. 2072314

All of this sounds bad. I feel bad for the people who are going to try and do the right thing and tell her to hold on to her job for a while before relying on a boyfriend to help pay bills. She could be doing other things to lose weight while she waits to "cure" her chronic pain. She seems so dumb for someone of 35 years of age.

No. 2072321

>Approved to live with me
I don't understand this, approved by whom? His parents?

No. 2072322

She said her landlord approved it? I wonder how she’s going to react when he brings in his TV and starts watching movies.

No. 2072329

Ah yes a fake doctor with no medical license that she has to pay out of pocket for will cure her recent onset chronic pain. She’s so dumb and I can’t wait for stolen valor goob to move in

No. 2072371

File: 1735523070274.jpeg (322.19 KB, 828x1442, IMG_7281.jpeg)

Does she not realize that she can visit places and do things without posting on Instagram? Like, people with actual interest in things do them for their own enjoyment, not for social media.

No. 2072379

Her recent "nerve damage" larp is so annoying, it's obvious she isn't diagnosed with anything and doesn't even know what she's talking about. Nerve damage from what, heather? Stocking the shelves at work? The reason why she feels like shit is her diet and lack of real exercise outside waddling around the occasional cemetery or antique store (or sheetz kek). If she quits Target for an easier job she's guaranteed to balloon up even further and start experiencing even more mysterious "chronic pain" from her shit diet and being fat. The future is looking quite grim for privateRyan. Kid's going to be bald and financially supporting his fat munchie middle aged wife in just 5 years if he follows through with heather's plans for him.

No. 2072393

File: 1735530922041.jpg (244.58 KB, 692x1225, memememe.jpg)

> I have photographed many old graves, to create art that tells a story.
Heather, a few minutes later, creating art that tells a story:

No. 2072409

Kek smiling sexily in front of gravestones where people are laid to rest is so crazy. Her and stolen valorryan are so insane for that.

No. 2072422

A mystery to rival that of "would Heather psychologically damage male or female offspring more?" - we now have "what job that even exists is less stressful than arranging displays in Target?"

Unlike the child question, which was an unanswerable oroborous of misery and horror with many potentialities, I'm coming up with absolutely nothing for the job.
Aside from the voluntary jobs they give tards working in charity shops.. No waged job comes to mind at all.

No. 2072430

Technically bringing in another person who isn’t on the lease is breaking a lease contract and she could be evicted for violating those terms. It’s not her house, so yea, she legally needs permission to move another person in.
A chiropractor isn’t going to fix her issues. I’m convinced she is just larping a chronic illness so she can be taken care of. Why would you want to get pregnant and have a child if your hands are sooooo damaged. Damaged from what? If she’s experiencing tingling/numbness in her hands it’s because she spends too much time on her damn phone.

No. 2072449

she has always been scared by everything. in one of her old YT videos she thinks the cops are pulling up because she has a camera in a cemetery only to find out it's a geico salesman. for someone who says she does urbex, she is pretty allergic to exploring places

No. 2072464

She looks so much better here.

No. 2072495

She would make a great Dependapotamus or TRICAREatops!

No. 2072504

Is it possible for him to fix his eyesight issues in order to be accepted?

No. 2072528

I'm so confused. Is this really a thing that happens, people get in trouble for photographing monuments in a cemetery? That seems implausible. But assuming it is true, what does "getting in trouble" even entail? It's not like she's going to get arrested, somebody would probably just ask her to stop. Get a spine, Heather! Absolute wimp behavior.

No. 2072538

Googled "Harrisburg cemetery photography" and the first result was a blog post from 2021 that said "all photos were taken by my 10 year-old daughter" kek. She could simply call the cemetery staff or municipality, either of whom usually set the rules for photography in National Cemeteries containing veteran graves/monuments. Or she could try being as brave as a 10-year old girl but we know that will never happen.

No. 2072583

> "How am I going to explain all this filming gear to the police?!"
She's got bunny brain, remember when she was scared of the poll worker with a clipboard knocking on her door before the election? Yet apparently getting smashed unprotected by the creepy loner population of Pennsylvania is not scary to her at all lol
> for someone who says she does urbex, she is pretty allergic to exploring places
Like cemeteries, metal shows and ren faires the whole point is just to pose in front of "cool stuff," and that is mostly to spite her exes.

No. 2072623

Your last sentence makes me think she asks these dumbass easily researchable questions about cemetery photography because there is still a Ryan out there she's fishing for. Possibly someone specific, but tbh I think if any guy she perceived as 'hotter' showed interest in her then Goober would be shoved out of the way so fast his replica hat would spin.

No. 2072661

It's been a known thing that past Ryans have caught her with dating apps still on her phone because she is always waiting for someone better to come along.

No. 2072670

>Goober would be shoved out of the way so fast his replica hat would spin
You and the nona(s) who transliterate GooberRyan's Pennsatucky tard accent are the only reasons I check this thread kek

No. 2072676

File: 1735619756624.png (616.42 KB, 830x372, Screenshot 2024-12-30 at 10.30…)

she used to look so much better.. also insane image lmao. she loves smiling by graves.

No. 2072679

>not leaving a gun at Valerie Solanas' grave
Tsk.(sage your shit)

No. 2072708

She looks like she's about to have a speech.

No. 2072730

File: 1735647207822.jpeg (310.41 KB, 1080x1919, 1.jpeg)

she got a plant milk maker, probably from the Ryan

No. 2072731

File: 1735647233773.jpeg (173.07 KB, 1080x1919, d2.jpeg)

and then messed up the recipe she couldn't follow

No. 2072732

File: 1735647305375.jpeg (176.12 KB, 1080x1919, 3.jpeg)

I don't know why she loves to showcase her stupidity, maybe to attract a new knight in shining armor

No. 2072814

For someone who makes photographing cemeteries her entire personality she doesn't post about the gear or the technical side of photography at all. If she doesn't care about any of that and just wants to "tell stories" she could use her phone to take pictures of graves and no one would suspect a thing. I don't get why she insists on lugging around a heavy DSLR.

No. 2072836

That's a sweet gift. Most scrotes are so bad at choosing gifts. I don't think stolen valor Ryan is a bad guy.

No. 2072848

There is no way it’s from him. She would have absolutely blasted it all over her socials how much he loves her. It’s gotta be from her mom.

No. 2072850

Oy it's a piece of Chinese-branded junk ("CZLIFE") from Amazon lol. I'm not piling on but it's one click for a thing that will probably break in a few months.
Is the bar that low? Demand more in 2025 nona.

No. 2072856

From the wording I think she just bought it herself.

No. 2072872

>I don't think stolen valor Ryan is a bad guy

He's a MAGA retard who doesn't give a shit about women's rights. He will never be a good guy.

No. 2072901

he’s a pile of shit rightwing lunatic Confederate and Nazi cosplayer, be for fucking real
not that Heather deserves any better, but being an apologist for this ticking time bomb of genetic syndromes because he’s “sweet” is complete handmaiden shit

No. 2072904

Be realistic, he's a 22 year-old autist. He probably got her a handful of bullets from his last metal detecting excursion. She definitely would have tagged him if he bought it for her, it's probably a gift from family if she didn't just buy it herself.

No. 2072905

It's hilarious that you think he picked that gift. Even if he was the one who bought it for her, she probably directly told him what he wanted and sent him the link herself.

No. 2073072

Oh come on, absolutely nothing points to him hating women. He's a young guy who's obsessed with digging up war relics and he probably had issues fitting in growing up because of that.(whiteknighting)

No. 2073120

Lurk more, this is even included in the ‘previous thread’ summary >>2046901

No. 2073154

Yes. There were a few other stories OP didn't add that show her "reviewing" it, giving positives and negatives. Which she definitely wouldn't do if it was a present from the scrote who is other half of the "Most Beautiful Love Affair Ever (So Far This Year)".
Chinese Amazon slop is the weirdest thing to white knight a moid over lol

No. 2073155

Absolutely disgusting moid. Retarded too, since that's clearly a bot, or his tiny ant brain decided to pretend that's a real woman so he can feel desireble by anyone other than a woman who's was in middle school when he was born and is only with him because she has no other prospects and has a personality disorder. Iirc his reddit account also had some insight on his misogyny.

No. 2073235

Lmao the nonnas who white knight this ugly scrote are obviously kissless virgins. I hope you are all able to realize he’s gross in 2025! Happy new year

No. 2073381

File: 1735837427271.jpg (805.47 KB, 1284x2282, 1000007601.jpg)

Lmao this friendless bitch.

No. 2073383

She's been deteriorating since getting with her enabler moid.

No. 2075050

File: 1736276976666.jpeg (810.14 KB, 758x1914, IMG_4170.jpeg)


No. 2075082

Kek good for them. I'm glad people still dare to challenge her, she needs to hear it more.

No. 2075157

>aren't you dating someone
this is the kind of thing that would make her rant on insta about being stalked by haters. OTOH if she replied "no" all of a sudden it would be very funny

No. 2075181

Funny, I can't think of a single kind thing she's ever done. She probably thought sending her dumpy nudes to Rumham was charity work or something.

No. 2075195

Always the victim. And every time she makes these sob posts there are people in the comments wanting to be her friend, inviting her to things etc. It's insane how incapable she is of learning and of self reflection. Everyone is a big meanie and yet people manage to create relationships with each other. She's excluded because of her "extreme" interests and fashion but there are whole entire urbex/antique/cemetery/goth fashion communities of people who have tons of friends and are constantly doing fun stuff together.

I really can't understand how her brain works that she can't see all of this. Like she honestly, whole heartedly thought she was being excluded and rejected because she was blonde.

No. 2075257

she is just doing this to read the comments and feel wanted, that's all she needs out of it, that's her piece of validation for the week. I can't believe people are still offering to hang out with her out of pity, when they can see it's just her typical cycle and she never follows up on any of it

No. 2075284

I'm not sure she does it for the comments or that the comments even really get to her. I do think she feels like this and doesn't just say it to get invited to things. Sure, she's an attention whore, but I also think her brain really is that broken and these are 100% her true feelings.

No. 2075487

File: 1736382910589.jpg (376.3 KB, 1800x1067, saw-face.jpg)

Heather posted these three images consecutively and I can't stop giggling

No. 2075502

kek i don't think she understands the words that she's saying. her being alone is due to her own actions, but she doesn't want to hear that. that's not what a "lonely kind outsider" is; she's just a bad person and that's it. i'd have a semblence of respect for her if she just owned up to it and admitted she's a garbage person who steps on people and discards them and that's why she has no friends or people in her life outside of her retarded scrote. but that would require self-reflection. glad the people in the replies aren't having it


No. 2075503

File: 1736387438714.jpeg (1 MB, 1179x1334, IMG_4176.jpeg)

Very flattering.

No. 2075524

Kek she went a little too heavy with the filter on the third image but at least her flat personality is shining through.

No. 2075541

Don't dye your hair way darker than your natural color if you're not prepared to do your brows. That and the light lashes with no mascara make her look like a cancer survivor with a wig.

No. 2075542

whoever dyed her hair needs to be fired. i’ve never seen jet black hair look so dead, dry and dimensionless

No. 2075570

Her stylist specializes in blonde, it's even in her instagram handle @theblondehairaffair. Blonde hair had basically all pigmentation removed and the stylist dyed a blue/green black over it without adding in the red that blonde lacks. When Heather first got it done it looked even worse, I guess she got it touched up.

No. 2075630

File: 1736418278807.mp4 (2.66 MB, 720x1280, c4r.mp4)

No. 2075631

File: 1736418301518.jpeg (235.9 KB, 1080x1919, h5h454.jpeg)

No. 2075662

How did she get so fat?

No. 2075691

>Mmyeah I'm gonna turn around after the waddle make sure you're recording okay

No. 2075694

Relationship weight. I pray she keeps getting fatter so her chances of being infertile are high. He looks like he is about to cry.

No. 2075705

Bro has one shirt.

No. 2075709

i agree. she seems completely unable to regulate her emotions like an adult while simultaneously only thinking about herself and sex. idk what it would take to make her change

No. 2075716

She really ballooned up. I see that diet is going well for her.

No. 2075772

File: 1736452970914.jpg (Spoiler Image,32.93 KB, 640x465, leno.jpg)

Imagine the wedding photos
A combination of terrible hair in a style that is very unflattering to the shape of her face, terrible make-up, her generally downy selfie expressions and as brow nona says, her eyebrows seeming to vanish because of the bad dye job. When I look at the thumbnails all I see is a chin. She should be glad FailedPrivateRyan is taller or she might take out his eye every time she leans in for a kiss.(nitpicking)

No. 2075777

her smile gives me the creeps, why does she do that squinty thing constantly.

No. 2075785

I'm sorry, but the nonas who said they like her hair better this way are crazy. With blonde hair she looked basic yet still kinda cute. Look at her now: she looks old, frumpy and special needs.


No. 2075833

The blonde was bad too. Straw-like and wispy. A darker reddish brown would look okay. The hair isn't what is making her look like shit though. It's the weight and her unfortunate face/makeup choices.

No. 2075864

This is so terrible. He once again looks like he was just crying and Heather is Heathering too hard. I have absolutely nothing against getting grey hairs, but the inch of grey-blonde popping out of the black is pretty ick. Also I thought when she went back to the stylist she was getting a touchup but it looks like she only did the shitty front blonde pieces. I hope she's not waiting for those to grow out too kek

I think it's just a combination of all those things. Oh and clothes.

No. 2075971

Waddling as if she's in a third trimester of pregnancy
And what in the Debby Ryan is that tucking her hair behind her ear and smirking at the camera kek

No. 2076007

File: 1736506516451.jpeg (380.58 KB, 1080x1919, newbf.jpeg)

I think it's fair to say that the diet is off

No. 2076014

I'm not pro-blonde so much as I'm anti-black. All I'm saying is black is even worse. Her face and her makeup choices were always unfortunate, but with blonde she could get away with it somewhat.
Maybe it wouldn't be so hideous if she started doing her makeup like a normal person, but it's Heather we're talking about.

No. 2076070

It's like she can only do makeup on the bottom half of her face

No. 2076081

For the people who keep arguing that Heather isn’t chonking up, there is a very clear and visible double chin. She is starting to look as wide as she is tall. She looks about 165 and at 5’1-5’3 that’s definitely overweight.

No. 2076314

I know filters are powerful and her coat is fluffy but when did she gain all this weight? I don't recall her being like this a month or so ago. was it really just the filter

No. 2076402

File: 1736593197502.jpg (38.38 KB, 640x1136, 1000020476.jpg)

They kinda look like siblings here

No. 2076460

You all are looking at her double chin, can we look at her hands? It shows.

No. 2076691

The way he smiles reminds me of how people who are self conscious about their fucked up teeth smile. Have we seen his teeth at all?

No. 2076891

His teeth are fine >>2047334, >>2046436, >>2051405
He's just miserable because he's dating Heather

No. 2077278

File: 1736776319199.jpeg (227.45 KB, 1080x1919, 94948384843.jpeg)

No. 2077279

File: 1736776402113.jpeg (284.24 KB, 1080x1919, 44848484848.jpeg)

No. 2077774

And took her to McDonald's? Please be infertile

No. 2077849

She's probably in the parking lot wherever she bought it, a lot of highways in burgerland look like that.
The rhythm section of an unsuccessful metal cover band?

No. 2077876

PA anons, is there not still a huge risk of sinkholes in Centralia? Nothing there is worth falling into a burning coal pit for, least of all this photo. Wonder if he was alone, I can't see her braving it.

No. 2077883

Last legit unsaged post was 20 days ago. I didn't expect goober Ryan to kill the milk.

No. 2077896

Hang in there nonna, let's ration our peas and weather this drought together. The bpd episode is bound to happen sooner or later. Although I'm quite impressed at GooberRyan('s stupidity), can't imagine seeing all that marriage&infertility insanity during the first 2 months and still continuing to date.

No. 2077930


yes, the whole town and a highway around it is condemned. There are like 10-25? residents that refuse to leave, but it's like walking on a mine field.

But that's not too far off of a lot of PA if you read about the cat grandma and the person in Fayette who set their tree on fire.

He might have not went into the town proper, which garner him a whole instagram page's worth of abandon building photography and graffiti if he did…and you know hagther would love that, too.

No. 2078492

File: 1737032120529.png (3.05 MB, 1080x1915, Screenshot_20250116_135353_Ins…)

Wish she'd either apply eyeliner or quit with the ugly eyeshadow.(nitpicking)

No. 2078535

The recent posts made it look like she'd gotten her hair filled in to have more warmth but it must have been the warm lighting. The gray hair matches her gray eyeshadow and it's all so, so bad

No. 2078577

File: 1737050066023.webp (11.85 KB, 587x425, IMG_7762.webp)

Whichever nonna called her eyes crab stalks is so right. She needs mascara, her eyes are so creepy.

No. 2078579

still smh at black-hair-preferring anons >>2075833 yeah and now her hair is so luscious, not straw-like at all.

also, why whyyy this grey eyeshadow? It's not a very flattering color for anyone, but on her it's just tragic

No. 2078603

File: 1737054000973.jpeg (925.84 KB, 828x1385, IMG_7406.jpeg)

(sage this nonmilk)

No. 2078605

Her prime kek. Which Ryan was she lusting after in this phase? Was this DamianRyan-era? I can't keep up, I feel like her hair might have been pink when she was with him. Anyways this is a fucking retarded thing for her to post and say.

No. 2078607

Incredibly bleak that her "prime" was just her peak of being a tacky poseur.

No. 2078609

If he likes you now what does it matter? And if you want to look like that again it's not impossible. Very weird and attention seeking post but what else is new. I wish she saw how absolutely pathetic she looks posting like this in her 30s

No. 2078627

God she still looks so crazy here. She looks like the kind of little girl that would bite people during recess.

No. 2078632

This entirely achievable, she just needs to stop stuffing her face. She honestly looks terrible here, she's just thinner

No. 2078664

He was like 10 years old back then, calm down. He likes you now that you’re middle aged and fat. Be happy about that.

No. 2078672

She's literally telling her boyfriend that she's old and past her prime. Is it a self-conscious moment where she's realizing even the turboautist kid ISN'T a loser enough to be dating her?

No. 2078691

that's what I thought too. Why would you care that your boyfriend who is supposedly your soulmate didn't know you when you were "younger and hotter"?
I'm old enough to have these moments where I look at my old photos and feel sad that I didn't appreciate how cute I was when I was younger, but not once have I thought I wish my boyfriend knew me back then. Oh wait, that's probably because I've never dated a guy who's 12 years younger than me. Dating this young stud makes Heather feel old and haggard.

No. 2078692

File: 1737065519645.gif (1.56 MB, 220x249, B99B111C-1FDE-4BF0-BDE8-BDB5AE…)

Lmao she’s giving a hillbilly version of this

No. 2078697

She filled in her eyebrows darker when she was blonde than she now does with black hair, I want to scream

No. 2078702

Remember when she had loads of failed urbex missions, ranging from not going into abandoned buildings alone (fair enough I guess) to not crossing a little dip in a hill to get to that well. She attempted quite a few trips, one just to some graveyard but pulled up too scared to go in because everyone is SkEtChY. Point is, she has a seemingly perma companion now to do all that shit with, but has she forgotten or did she just not really care about that stuff in the first place? I’m guessing the latter.

Literally no one was expecting this run. Crazy how she’s not posting the crazy. She still must be crazy…right?

I thought exactly the same nona. She hasn’t aged terribly in the face. Just stop the daily ice cream habit and do some exercise.

When you put it like that…

No. 2078766

kek this made me double-take because some bitch bit me during recess in school(no1currs)

No. 2078797

she literally looks the same(except fat) while her young bf is already balding. Insecure pickmes like her piss me off.

No. 2078820

Personally I'm team brunette heather (with highlights) but, really I'd prefer she stopped picking all these cool toned hair colors that only seem to wash her out. Her granny glasses aren't too bad, but I wish she'd go for the 2-inch thick eyeliner that always seems to accompany those glasses she wears or warm toned eyeshadows she can smudge over her eyes. It would still be bad but by embracing her normieness her chances of catching a Ryan would vastly improve. If she played her cards right and dropped "muh spooky mallgoth" larp potential ryan's could be lulled into a false sense of security before getting blasted by crazy kek.

C'mon heather be a brunette who drives to starbies while blasting taylor swift in her car and reposting some inspirational quote you stole from a facebook boomer's minion post.

No. 2078926

I don't think Ryans care about her makeup nearly as much as women do

No. 2079269

File: 1737231252784.jpeg (163.58 KB, 1080x1919, tiny-face.jpeg)

I can't wait until Heather turns into a MAGA barbie complaining she's not accepted by the "MAGA influencer community"
big if true

No. 2079272

they think they don’t, but if you do the experiment of going to the bar with no makeup or shit makeup one night and makeup that does its job the next night, you may be surprised by how much more moid attention you get when your makeup is working (especially eyes/brows)

No. 2079279

>I just think it's hilarious
Think what is hilarious, Heather? Would love to hear her explain her position. I guarantee she has no more insight on this matter than "China bad."

No. 2079323

File: 1737244025557.jpg (291.21 KB, 1080x1058, 1000006884.jpg)

No. 2079330

What is this mysterious medical condition that could only be cured by pregnancy? Her personality disorder?

No. 2079333

It’s probably endo

No. 2079338

holy shit, she’s telling goober peas that he has to get her pregnant to cure her mystery condition

No. 2079341

She stated she's infertile. And since she knows what caused it I'm assuming she finally went to the doctor. Ryan dodged a bigger bullet than he could ever dig up!

No. 2079343


No. 2079351

she’s been saying she’s infertile for ages. i’m guessing she’s gunning for a “miracle baby” now that goober peas thinks they don’t have to use protection.

No. 2079352

I'd like to think she's too egotistical to adopt and we never have to worry about her inflicting her problems onto a child now. Fake baby dolls arch coming soon.

No. 2079363

This bitch probably started her period after being raw dogged for two months and think it means she’s infertile.

No. 2079425

i don't believe her because if she went to the doctors and actually got diagnosed with something, she'd never shut up about it. this is more vague sympathy-baiting munchie bullshit


No. 2079435

Definitely this, she always starts claiming infertility around her period lately. No way she consulted an actual doctor. That being said, I sincerely hope she IS infertile, the misery she would inflict on a child would put her into horrorcow territory.

No. 2079446

Has she ever claimed infertility or other issues previously? I feel like she didn't really start this nonsense until privateryan came into the picture. Didn't she have a fake pregnancy scare with babyryan after only a week or two? Did she not think she was infertile then? In what world would pregnancy cure endo or pcos? No doctor would tell her that because that isn't a real thing. It's very likely that her inbred blind & balding-at-20 ryan is just shooting blanks.

No. 2079453

Just how insane can she get?

No. 2079473

this new infertility larp is so ridiculous. it is true that pregnancy can temporarily help with endometriosis symptoms for some women (it is not a cure) and it’s also true that a lot of gynecologists (especially male ones) are useless with endo and disregard pelvic pain. but this is heather so it’s definitely just more histrionics. she’s never complained about painful sex (not a universal symptom but very common) and we know she has a lot it. fellow snow cow kathy/parkavenuepinup brings up her endo surgery all the time and uses it as her excuse why she can’t work/is “disabled”; heather has never mentioned any kind of symptoms that would fit. and for someone as chronically online as she is, if she really were having these medical problems she claims she has had for so long, i don’t believe that she wouldn’t be whining about them constantly. she posts every negative thought she has.

No. 2079499

i cant imagine having such severe communication issues that i would actually post this on the internet for people to see. shes seriously batshit over this infertile shit

No. 2079546

I feel like endo is kind of a 'welp' diagnosis to get from doctors because it's like, suck it up and have pain or we can give you a hysterectomy? Usually not a ton in between. The 'gets better after babby' thing is also a real piece of medical lore that gets slung around but obviously it's not that comforting for most young to mid-30s women. Unless they're prone to magical thinking like Heather. I don't want to white knight for her about endo TOO much because you know she's not actually seeking advice now and anyone retarded enough to call themselves infertile after 2? 3? cycles at 34 is beyond saving.

No. 2079573

File: 1737314208003.jpeg (503.8 KB, 828x1456, IMG_7496.jpeg)

Poor Heather, her one change and acceptance for her extreme lifestyle, stripped before her eyes. She’s so dramatic

No. 2079579

I don't think she has endo, this is just her flailing because she's too fat to get pregnant immediately. Endo is diagnosed through either laparoscopy or imaging and she'd absolutely be posting crying selfies from the doctor's office if this was real. Hysterectomy isn't the only option at all, if someone is actively trying to get pregnant they can attempt to remove it through surgery, address it with hormone therapy, or try IVF. We would have years of her posting about the discomfort every month if this was truly a years long thing for her, endometriosis severe enough to cause infertility is a miserable experience. Heather is absolutely dumb enough to get raw dogged for a few months and start googling conditions that cause infertility so she can play munchie

No. 2079584

>expressing themselves freely
You can get a strike on tiktok for posting a clown emoji. It has contributed to a whole generation using stupid euphemisms like "unalive," "corn" and "grapist." Free expression where?

No. 2079603

Well it’s back now, can’t wait to see how she uses TikTok to the max and express herself freely!

No. 2079637

"Infertility" to "miracle baby" pipeline is a common midwit woman larp. Its a way to farm asspats before pregnancy and feign surprise when there's a positive test. She's not too fat to get pregnant at this moment and always talked about regular periods so I reckon it'll happen IF she really is trying (I don't believe she is)

No. 2079644

Tinfoil but untreated chlamydia from one or several of the many Ryans before did it if she is actually infertile (which she hasn’t had confirmed by a doctor)

No. 2079684

I'm pretty much with you on this train of thought. She's really pushing the possibility of infertility because she's hoping to get knocked up by PrivateRyan. God I hope it doesn't happen.

No. 2079721

Before there's a massive derail about obesity and fertility I want to clarify that I don't think Heather's weight would prevent her from getting pregnant. It might take a little longer but literal death fats can get knocked up. I worded that wrong

No. 2079730

File: 1737345842547.jpeg (627.14 KB, 828x1477, IMG_7518.jpeg)

He always looks miserable and exhausted

No. 2079731

File: 1737346002626.jpeg (751.82 KB, 828x1235, IMG_7519.jpeg)

Also it’s her birthday

No. 2079732

File: 1737346233079.jpeg (755.33 KB, 828x1301, IMG_7520.jpeg)

Kek he didn’t post anything today for Heathers birthday

No. 2079733

>"Waah nobody likes me because I'm too spooky"
>Someone got her a birthday cake
>Received multiple birthday wishes
That's more than a lot of people get

No. 2079734

File: 1737346504409.jpeg (1.04 MB, 828x1459, IMG_7494.jpeg)

She got herself the cake ofc, her moid is useless and she has no friends

No. 2079735

Holy shit this fake black hair does her no favors

No. 2079743

absolutely disgusting praise of a traitor and enslaver

No. 2079778

God his face looks like they were just fighting two minutes before this picture. I bet she spends all day sniping at him

No. 2079851

it’s so weird how she never accepts any of the overtures to friendship or invites from others we have seen. she seems totally uninterested in maintaining any relationships outside of the ryans. posting proof that she bought this for herself when she’s in a relationship with someone she crazy posts about wanting to marry is so sad. she totally baffles me

No. 2079868

File: 1737392267272.jpg (291.06 KB, 853x869, 35.jpg)

Oh he posted something…

No. 2079869

>Threes and five's
The backwater Christian home education is really showing

No. 2079890

The beard is doing him no favors.

No. 2079892

He posted this the day before her birthday, no actual happy birthday for her just general Lee

No. 2079894

i don't understand what she gets from posting pics of him obviously tired and irritated when all that will do is invite people wondering if something is going on in their relationship

No. 2079898

Can a numerology nona get on this and tell us what this means?

No. 2079920

It is very telling that the only photos of him genuinely smiling are from when they've just started dating or before he knew Heather. >>2076891

kekk how romantic

No. 2079984

only the finest for his Queen

No. 2080054

No, you are right nonna. She has quite a few factors that would make it somewhat harder, namely her weight and age, but neither would lead to full-blown infertility. She's just being dramatic because of course she is, it's heather. I stand by thinking her retarded child-groom is shooting blanks though.

>ugly pic of privateryan looking absolutely over it
>him wishing a dead traitor a happy birthday but not heather
>heather buying her own sad grocery store cake
>him unable to do the bare minimum in buying her $1 walmart candles
KEK, god I would feel so bad for her if she wasn't so awful. This is so pathetic.

No. 2080121


Is she gonna leave him and move to the next Ryan if he can't give her a baby?

No. 2080174

guys break up with her,
not the other way around because heather never understand how completely insufferable she is

No. 2080443

And the pictures of the cake prove that he didn't make the effort to go buy number candles elsewhere when he found they were out at Walmart, lol.

No. 2080877

File: 1737592835036.jpeg (883.5 KB, 1284x2282, fat-baby-blues.jpeg)

> I went oer to the WalMart to buy candows for my garlfren but they didn have no 3s or no 5's so I bought an 8 an a 0 but she dint think it was funny

No. 2081084

That baby looks retarded and inbred, very onbrand Pennsyltucky of her and her goober.

No. 2081116

I've read all the threads but have bad memory. Has Heather ever mentioned that she's aware of her shopping addiction?

No. 2081184

She mentioned she is in debt and has monthly payment plan to pay it back which is also why she tried to sell some of her items but she quickly forgot about it and then continued shopping. Like with everything thing else, Heather never acknowledges that she is or has a problem

No. 2081265

Being "fixed by pregnancy" makes me think her uterus is tilted. A tilted uterus can make it difficult to get pregnant. mine was also tilted until pregnancy and it took 5 years to conceive

No. 2081294

File: 1737679170749.jpeg (521.26 KB, 828x1367, IMG_7548.jpeg)

I mean “dream” is accurate, he has not proposed and you’ll scare him off before he does if he’s not completely retarded

No. 2081366

File: 1737693142666.jpeg (492.67 KB, 828x1207, IMG_7550.jpeg)

They are a cringe match made in hell

No. 2081380

>but that's just stone cold
What the hell could he possibly mean? Old man looks increasingly senile?

No. 2081382

It was her birthday and she didn't post his present with a claim that it was the best present ever given for a love unlike any love before? What do we make of this?

No. 2081395

She didn't post a Christmas present either. He probably didn't get her anything, you know she'd be bragging for weeks if he did.

No. 2081403

Tinfoil: Is part of the Trump turn here that she actually believes the “free IVF” grift? Kek

No. 2081476

I'm surprised she's not upset over this, but honestly I want them to fight or break up already, this arc is getting boring

No. 2081493

Kek at this stupid BPDemon sucking Trump dick just to nail some young sped to impregnate her. When she runs him off I'm anticipating an OMFG he was soooooo super problematic!!!! Deet spilling.

No. 2081504

it's sickening when she calls the guys who stick around for more than a month her husband. it was weird when she did it with deadeyes but it's even weirder with this prematurely balding tard scrotelet. anyways, wonder how that "moving in" is going…
honestly same here
>OMFG he was soooooo super problematic!!!! Deet spilling.
i just don't understand how she does it and doesn't see how spineless and pathetic it makes her look. she was trying to act like deadeyes was a racist and pretending she had morals (even though it backfired & looked shady that she would stay with someone like him for that long if what she was saying was true) only to completely change her """views""" the moment this retarded goober pea child comes into the picture. i genuinely don't get it. zero self-awareness, no personality, just a leech attaching to a moid so she can try to absorb whatever hobby he has to make up for her lack of substance

No. 2081517

File: 1737736192023.jpg (Spoiler Image,55.68 KB, 634x845, dinnerwithheather.jpg)

while hubby makes us dinner 🖤(emojis aren't allowed even in shitposts)

No. 2081539


No. 2081540

It truly is. I thought the goober peas saga would be fun but it's just the occasional horrorcow baby fever sperg interspersed with maga larp retardation. Yawn.

No. 2081541

KEK. No nonna, this is a meme.

No. 2081549

Lol I remember the few hours when she was going to sell some stuff and got packaging materials or was planning on it, not sure anymore. The horde has only known since then.

No. 2081592

Some religions and cultures don’t celebrate birthdays or do presents. Maybe he’s not accustomed to it and he explained it to her idk. I don’t think they will be together much longer.

No. 2081594

Yes she purchased a label printer for her "parcels" as well. It must be collecting dust

No. 2081601

She jumps real fast into the “husband” thing. That usually means they’ll be gone in a month(learn to sage)

No. 2081648

Thank you nonny, apologies for my ignorance lol.

No. 2081658

File: 1737758750224.jpeg (239.41 KB, 828x1340, IMG_7553.jpeg)

Probably why he looks annoyed all the time

No. 2081660

following her bf like a dumb blonde constsntly on her phone. sorry ethan, the terms and conditions with heather is that your also in a relarionship with her social media. dude better grow a pair of balls and break up with her because I just cant stand this phase shes in

No. 2081667

>dude better grow a pair of balls and break up with her
i meaannn its pretty inevitable that they'll break up but honestly i cant see it being in the next few weeks :c(emoji)

No. 2081683

File: 1737764746135.jpg (52.45 KB, 797x368, manifest-your-destiny.jpg)

She's following "@preggo af!" because of course she is.

No. 2081685

I would like to see how tragic her valentines day is. He gives off the vibe that he doesn't believe in holidays. I imagine it will be hard for her to put on a fake smile and pretend that everything is ok when he doesn't shower her in gifts.

No. 2081687

>happy valentines babe, i'm taking you on a romantic hole digging date
sorry, i can't do the accent

No. 2081697

Considering how cluttered her house is, dust is here main collection >>2081601
Goober has been hanging on for the hubby larp, I'm starting to think he's actually up for marrying and having a baby with her
I get loving your partner but what kind of brainworms does a woman have to have to see this video and think "omg me and hubby!" And go through the trouble of making a meme

No. 2081741

If his backwater flavor of Christianity didn't celebrate birthdays I don't think he would be celebrating the birthday of a dead traitor on Facebook. >>2079732 I also think if that were the case she'd be squee-ing about her special Jehovah's Witness boy being so unique and holy

No. 2081808

As she is in Pennsyltucky, I am hoping that once she runs off this Ryan, next we get Rumspringa Ryan, where she lurks the local Amish and finds herself a strapping Amish Jedidiah that is in his temporarily worldly phase before committing to their church. She could lurk Hershey park in the summer to find her overall wearing farm lad. I just beg her to make sure they are over 18. I’d bet she’d brag about corrupting a youth on Rumspringa, she’d get more wear out of her ugly prairie target dresses too, then melt down when he chose his community over her.

No. 2081833

where is the proof shes following this

No. 2081867

Bitch hes never going to propose. Look at the low effort shit he does for her bday or xmas, the actual proposal would be so underwhelming.

No. 2081909


If she's buying her own bday cake she'll buy her own ring too

No. 2081999

kek I can see it. Rejected and shunned everywhere else poor long-suffering Heather finally finds a place where she belongs… among the Amish.

No. 2082039

>starting to think he's actually up for marrying and having a baby with her
That much was kind of obvious from the start because of his christian homeschooling background. Then again, he hasn't broken up with her despite the infertility drama which means he'd potentially be ok with not reproducing. Or he knows she's not the one and is sticking around until he can dig up a less crazy and infertile woman.

No. 2082287

File: 1737916540197.jpeg (311.14 KB, 1080x1906, Picsew_20250126103308.jpeg)

I don’t understand why she’s making an apology post about this. It didn’t even get posted here or anything. kek at her sending her severely autistic scrote in to haggle for her

No. 2082288

File: 1737916578188.jpeg (395.81 KB, 1241x1080, Picsew_20250126103250.jpeg)

The portraits in question

No. 2082328

File: 1737923541741.jpeg (501.91 KB, 828x1437, IMG_7579.jpeg)

She already deleted this from her stories

No. 2082336

This is easily one of the funniest apologies I've ever seen kek, who cares. The "I'm shy so I'm asking Ethan" has me rolling. She's 35 and she can't even haggle, holy hell

No. 2082337

>Cud I get a bundow pleaze becos mah giwrfren wants boff of da powtrets but she dont have 'nuff money

No. 2082339

KEK please please please let her document goober peas bravely asking the shop owner for a wee discount

No. 2082362

What the hell is she even talking about, is she full-on schizo now? Her imaginary haters at least had plausible criticisms before but this is just. Girl what.

No. 2082374

This is basically schizobabble at this point. Instagram anons, have you noticed anyone commenting on her having "separated them"? Who would care about this? Though I guess fighting windmills has always been her thing.

No. 2082385

People with her "attachment style" (BPDemons) are almost always at their worst in relationships. Imagine spending all day faking a personality, obsessing over speedrunning milestones to prove it's really "true love", and living in fear of the inevitable embarrassment when yet another Ryan saga fails. She's going crazy right now, and she wasn't sane to begin with.

No. 2082389

Is it sad I look forward to these kinds of posts now

No. 2082392

They're truly a single ray of light in the increasingly dark, dank well of Heather's spiralling madness. Bless you, tard translator nonna

No. 2082447

Right? She could have made it a casual remark like "i know its silly but i feel bad not buying a whole set when purchasing victorian portraits. It feels like im splitting up a family!! Lol" and just been cute about it. She has to make it seem like the internet was gonna see her as a monster for trying to ever purchase them seperately.

No. 2082476

>they were of real people and I respect the past
And yet she gleefully shows off post-mortems of babies and children to demonstrate how unique and dark she is. Where is her respect for real people then? I'm not sure if it got posted but she was even baselessly speculating at one point that a picture labeled "sleeping girl" was actually of a dead kid, I guess because a picture of someone sleeping just isn't edgy enough for her. Super respectful of those real kids and their real families.

No. 2082547

File: 1737979972673.jpeg (639.01 KB, 1440x1798, 84.jpeg)

No. 2082550

File: 1737980003671.png (108.77 KB, 936x342, shtrtr.png)

this was her original post about the 2 paintings

No. 2082555

Just buy the portrait, Heather. It's a picture. The people are dead and she probably wasn't even happy in the marriage with a 1800s moid.

No. 2082574

>Kindred souls
>Rescue them
>Haunting me
She's such a tryhard.

No. 2082578

File: 1737990990061.jpg (238.12 KB, 920x1380, image.jpg)

and these are the comments regarding the paintings by the way… the comments she felt a need to post an apology for

No. 2082583

KEK of course the reason she wants it so bad is because she's decided that this woman (who she knows literally nothing about) is a reflection of herself. Heather is a narcissist to her core.

No. 2082590

The woman looks special needs. And why does she get bad vibes from the husband? Something something Sigmund Freud. Sure, having two of the same frames would be nice, but no one going to know they were husband and wife. This is so dumb.

No. 2082624

Every now and then she posts a photo and it makes me gag comparing Heather Sparkles to this. I think she's still trying to look cute and content here but she looks worn out and HARD. These threads are only 6 years old!

No. 2082711

Looks like paying off the credit card debt is going swimmingly.

>I'm just soooo shy uwu
>has slept with multiple ryans on the first or second date

You just know she doesn't like the husband because he looks nothing like privateryan. She's trying to see herself in this poor dead woman's portrait.

No. 2082808

His take is 80 IQ "1 rapist was killed and look how many more popped up!!" kill them all, fuck china(derailing)

No. 2082818

File: 1738041821631.jpeg (509.22 KB, 828x1469, IMG_7611.jpeg)

He’s trying to get a new shitty job so he can move in with her

No. 2082827

>>2082818 these two bozos. Why the fuck did heather ask her landlord if Ethan could move in if he can’t even afford rent and needs to ask Facebook what to do??

No. 2082862


boy, I don't know if you know, but it's called an internal transfer. That's how you work up to the good jobs.

Like no couple has ever worked rotating job schedules.

No. 2082867

he is starting to sound like Heather. also makes sense they haven't broken up yet if they don't see each other often

No. 2082873

Wow. He….. he sounds like Heather. All of a sudden I think they may be a good match. They're both insufferable morons.

No. 2082875

…..Also, if a manlet like him referred to me as "his woman" like he were some rough manly chauvinist, I couldn't help but burst out laughing at his face.

No. 2082885

>the job I really want (railroad)
Jesus, could this child be any more of a sperg?

No. 2082899

>my woman
>I be working on the railroad
Kek. But seriously, dude needs to get an education. I bet if he had an engineering degree or schooling under his belt, they would consider him. Why would they hire some cotton-mouth stolen valor autist when they can hire someone who’s educated.

No. 2082936

As far as I know he still lives with his family, right? And now he plans on moving in with Heather without ever having experienced life as an independent adult. Heather is making sure her little autist stays socially stunted.

The poster child for homeschooling.

No. 2082966

i think the reason they work together is because they're both retarded larpers. like i genuinely believe they're true dimwits who wish they could pull off the larp they're desperately trying to achieve but they're so dumb they can hardly see what's in front of them. heather is shallow and empty and he seems completely stunted. we all know heather is the type of person to continually make bad/dumb decisions over and over and he seems like the type who will be making retarded decisions his whole adult life too. he's young but not showing any promise that it will turn around for him kek
KEK seriously

No. 2082967

> Mah womin oer in Carwyoh ask da lan'lor if I culd move in but its too fahr away for mah jawb. I wanna werk on da train but da train doan want me - halp Fazeboog!

No. 2082987

Army doan wan him, train doan wan him, our poor little Goober Peas' prospects are looking thin.

No. 2082988

No. 2083011

Lol, ruthless. I hope he never comes across this for his egos sake. Although I'm not entirely sure he'd get it anyway.

No. 2083034

File: 1738107185524.jpg (312.4 KB, 1080x1016, 1000006962.jpg)

No. 2083038

Looks like she might be trying to move out to privateryan if privateryan can't move out to her? She's really putting the pressure on this 22yo leaving her job while he's desperately looking for one.

No. 2083039

looks more like she's getting fired kek

No. 2083044

She's probably been doing her best to get fired without ryan realizing it was on purpose. She's already complaining in advance about the job she supposedly wants, you just know she wants him to tell her she doesn't have to work and he will support them when they move in together.

No. 2083067

>self employed
She's been talking about being a seller (toys, antiques, etc) for literal years and she never does. It will absolutely not happen, she'll just use it as an excuse to buy more shit but never sell.
Absolutely. She only ever complains about her job or about the prospect of being fired when there's a Ryan to take care of her (in her mind at least. Iirc she tried that with RacistRyan and he didn't buy it)

No. 2083072

Something's def afoot with both of them posting about job searches on Fazeboog, despite both being currently employed.
If she was about to be fired she'd finally live her dream of grifting off unemployment?

No. 2083078

How convenient, she’s losing her job for real just as privateryan is looking for a new job to be able to move in with her. Thank goodness he can pay the rent now

No. 2083120

you'd think at her big age she could fill out a resume template by herself without needing her child bride's input

No. 2083146

i feel like a well-adjusted person would stop their spending habits immediately if they were already in debt and losing their job but i am certain this won't stop her from going shopping within a day or two

No. 2083150

File: 1738122772093.jpeg (645.43 KB, 828x2717, Picsew_20250128195158.jpeg)

Nope, she went antiquing today. She also posted a haul 2 days ago

No. 2083171

Still collecting owls because of owl Ryan I see

No. 2083176

Owl Ryan was Lurch. Of course she's still holding a candle for him, she was crying about him even while she was first trying to sink her hooks into Goober Peas.

No. 2083193

Bruh who tf asks this kinda stuff on Facebook of all places. It's weird enough he actively uses it at his young age, but asking job advice? That shit is so embarrassing. Not even the biggest simpleton I have in Friends on fb would do sucha a thing. I'm just in awe.

No. 2083201

File: 1738143275816.jpg (267.39 KB, 1080x1919, 1000021506.jpg)

And so the cycle repeats…

No. 2083226

What the loss of the DEI initiatives at Target mean they don't support her female so-called "autistic/ADHD" ass anymore?

No. 2083238

I don't get it at all because when I'm job hunting, the last thing on my mind is posting about it because…I'm busy job hunting. looking at multiple places and submitting applications. I don't think either of them are trying hard enough

No. 2083257

Oh lol.
1) She's asking someone much younger to make a resume for her.
2) She clearly can't wait to lose her job.
3) In a totally not suspicious "coincidence", she is losing her job juuuust when her current moid is moving with her.

She is trying what she always tried. But this particular Ryan seems stupid and young enough that he might actually fall for it

No. 2083259

Kinda notable that Goobs fawklif job isn't suitable enough to move into Heather's and split rent.
Sounds like she's asking him to come there and take over the entirety of the rent Kek.
So she can be a SAHInfertile,would-be,M.
And i guess, provide the antique budg'.

No. 2083291

See, the thing about addiction is that addicts lack healthy coping mechanisms and usage skyrockets when they're stressed.
You would actively look for new jobs after being at risk of losing your current one, because doing something to ensure you'll be able to keep paying your rent is what makes you feel better. Heather goes shopping because it is what makes her feel better.

No. 2083295

>Kinda notable that Goobs fawklif job isn't suitable enough to move into Heather's and split rent.
This is notable… If he has a forklift job, he must be forklift certified. For some industries, that's a desirable thing to see on a resume. It's the kind of thing a company would use to filter incoming applications (like "certified in one pile, non-certified in another"). He'd drown in offers if he put that shit on Indeed or ZipRecruiter. Unfortunately he is too stupid/inexperienced to understand the value of his skills kek, he'll probably take the first lowball offer he gets.

No. 2083374

Her new fixation on civil war photos via moid osmosis (moidmosis?) is like crack for her. She can only have so many pee-stained chests or mirrors because there's only so much space on her floor or walls, but she can buy thousands of these. I can't be be the only normie nona wondering how many are fakes too, she's literally buying them off the wall in some junk shop.
Underrated post in light of >>2083150 and >>2083034
She's never going to get to the point where she even breaks even on the junk she sells vs the junk she buys but that's her cope. Not many people try to make a business out of a cope but here's Heather Sparkles!
Notable also that it isn't suitable to move out on his own despite living in a low-rent place and working full time. Or he never even considered it. It's probably why his family isn't throwing up red flags like crazy. After failing out of being cannon fodder and the stinging "train rejection," moving in with mah gawlfren probably seems like the first thing like a "life plan" that he's had.

No. 2083458

I wonder if Heather is harsh enough to artificially inflate the numbers when she's told him what the rent and bills come to..? So he doesn't realise he's paying all of it. To kind of trick her way into that unemployed heaven.
It's wild that his current job seems to be not enough to move in.

Unless GOOB is the true sneak, and this post is a red herring for Heather to see, to throw up an excuse as to why he can't move in?!
Goober you sly dog!

No. 2083547

She is absolutely baiting him into paying for her coveted neet saga. There's no reason two employed people can't move in together, she wants him to make more and is mysteriously getting fired soon because Goober is going to get bamboozled into paying 100 percent of the rent. The SAHM let's have a baby thing didn't come to fruition immediately so now she's pivoting to this. I'd almost respect the grift if she wasn't so incredibly dumb and realized tons of men wanna play big man provider, they're just not the kind of men that go for crazy.

No. 2083554

Getting fired isn’t exactly a process. You’re just…fired. The way she words this is so weird. She might be TRYING to get fired, but honestly that’s not a very difficult thing to do (just don’t show up for a few days kek).
I guess getting fired from a job you’ve worked at for a few years is a good way to stay unemployed. Touché Heather.

No. 2083565

File: 1738217169405.jpg (158.08 KB, 1080x549, 1000006967.jpg)

If she thought Target was physically difficult…

No. 2083566

Yes exactly. Getting fired is spur of the moment. Even getting laid off isn’t something you’re aware of until it happens but there’s been a plan to lay off people for economic reasons. She must think everyone is as stupid as her goober to talk this way!

No. 2083568

A warehouse?!?!? After setting up displays at target left her in debilitating pain?!? Wow this will be good

No. 2083569

I definitely wouldn't put it past her to lie to everyone about getting fired to take the responsibility off her for quitting, but I'm admittedly entertained by the possibility that she fucked up really bad at work and knows she's getting a special conversation next time she goes in.

No. 2083572

Imagine working with her; stocking shelves or dealing with point of sale for 8 hours and she is photographing her corporate standee child.

No. 2083585

Is she doing this on purpose? Is she really this dense and retarded? Target left her crippled and in agony but a warehouse job is…what? A walk in the park? Easier on the hands?

No. 2083662

But you see, if she just doesn't show up at work, then she can't lie to her child bride about "being unjustly fired".

No. 2083679

Anon of course she is. When she can't find any job she can do She'll convince baby Ryan to man up and take care of her.

No. 2083680

Before applying for a job always share on social media that you're not sure you'll be up for the job and that you're only applying because you have no other options.

No. 2083724

File: 1738247758857.jpeg (552.68 KB, 561x1024, You_Doodle_2025-01-30T14_35_27…)

Search for the perfect Freudian slip is over.

No. 2083727

>wounded by early autism. why did I kek?

No. 2083730

His greatski uncle was part of the union army. He and Heather are such spiritual losers for knowing this history yet being dumb magatards.

No. 2083733

File: 1738249790244.jpg (270.69 KB, 1080x1472, Screenshot_20250118_232846_Red…)

lmao is reckon it's HIS warehouse?
It's giving this

No. 2083734

Oh my god.

No. 2083747

I could be wrong, but I am under the impression his job hunt is more a location thing (i.e. he wants to move in with her in Carlisle but his current job is too far away from there).

No. 2083758

File: 1738255500583.jpeg (672.18 KB, 1179x2145, IMG_8047.jpeg)

You can’t tell me that this isn’t a mother/son exchange

No. 2083770

"wounded by autism" HAS to be the next thread title or I'm reporting

No. 2083772

Agreed, it just has to. Usually this is the part of the relationship where she's pretty quiet, not posting much, whatever Ryan she's with slowly connecting the dots. With Toddler von Goobenbald it's different. It's going to be such a milky spring, I love it.

No. 2083822

Very forward thinking and edgy of them to not use outdated slang from 10+ years ago. Goober is truly an old soul for rejecting trends he saw on Vine when he was quite literally 10 years old

No. 2083836

>wounded by early autism
This shit keeps making me giggle everytime I visit the thread. Ty nonnies.

You can really feel the homeschooling through the screen tbh. Even though he's so young he really does both look and act like a middle aged man though. He'd probably look suspicious dating someone his own age.

No. 2083842

>toddler von goobenbald

KEKKKK ily nonna. Heathers thread makes me consistently laugh like all the time

No. 2083843

If she wasn't so weird and mothery towards him I'd forget he was even younger than her. He has boomer tier maladjustment and I wouldn't be surprised if he had very old parents and little to no outside interactions with people his age during his childhood. Homeschooling makes you weird, many such cases, etc.

No. 2083854

This is some of the funniest shit I've read here. On another note, I think Hags is applying for a warehouse job because her autistic moid worked with a forklift and she simply cannot stop skinwalking, even if it means doing totally ridiculous things

No. 2083859

Good point, it could be skinwalking, but I think if she were to apply for a forklift job at the same place as Goober, it would be her wanting to be by his side 24/7. She's definitely the suffocating type

No. 2083955

>Toddler von Goobenbald
I’m sending you my funeral bill

No. 2084040

She will immediately hate any other unfortunate female of the species who happens to work at the warehouse,irrespective of age or attractiveness level - Ofc she will hate the younger ones more and start a rich new psychodrama that young Ryan will bare have seen, being homeschooled.

Naturally, there'll have been women who worked at target by and large (who she weirdly seems to be not friends with at all despite working there years) but because this is a moidcentric workplace, she will probably be something of an attraction, in the immediate before they twig on to the crazy, anyway . She might even trade up if there's a better moid in stock there. Who knows?
I was gonna say this Ryan liking the same genre of shit she currently likes is a big tick in his favour, but she probably would be totally happy to just change tack if she wanted to. Idk. It would take effort and an evil kind of bravery, ig..

No. 2084299

What the heck? This moid doesnt like what she likes, she has rebranded her likes for this moid. Like she always has, does and forever will. Shallow like a puddle.
Do you need to lurkmore? Or am i misunderstanding the end of your spiel?

No. 2084304

He does like antiques and history like her. though his interest is exclusively towards wars and thee confederacy it still had an overlap with her.

No. 2084323

nayrt but if I remember correctly they met through their shared hobbies and mutual friends. The civil war/military thing is absolutely a larp but they do have some common interests

No. 2084386

I think the Ginger Goober Gang member aka the FriendZoned Ryan that's their moots, might be the only hope GooberPeas has to avoid a derailment of his autistic choo-choo train of a life.
He definitely has seen Hurricane Heather blow in & out of Ryans' lives. I wonder how well they know each other. Probably doesn't much matter since isolating is definitely part of her Forever Ryan agenda.

No. 2084489

I've wondered this too. It's one thing to have matched with Heather on a dating app with no previous knowledge of her antics but he had to have heard a few things from his fellow speds. He seems thoroughly obsessed with the idea of traditional relationships, not sure why he'd try to settle with the town bicycle kek

No. 2084543

File: 1738454934124.jpeg (543.78 KB, 828x1321, 1729977418422.jpeg)

Think he just wanted any relationship, trad or not. He had one gf before, it's probably not from being overly selective. Seems possible that Heather took his virginity.

No. 2084671

When you don't have any social interaction with women growing up red flags just look like flags. And he's an autist so he probably likes flags.

No. 2084730

That's entirely true but what makes me question it is how territorial trad scrotes tend to be. It has to bother him to some extent that she has a reputation for sleeping around, if he's calling bots on facebook whores I can't imagine how he'd feel knowing she's basically been sleeping with anyone dumb enough to meet up with her for literal years now. His lack of experience compared to her massive body count would only deepen those insecurities

No. 2085011

File: 1738564390826.jpeg (297.43 KB, 1179x1335, IMG_8144.jpeg)

Have they been together 100 days yet? If so.. Heather he’s talking to a girl on Reddit! You better watch out

No. 2085073

He's so weird, he's misogynistic sometimes and polite to women other times.

No. 2085086

File: 1738589170963.jpeg (134.15 KB, 1080x1919, momandson.jpeg)

new proud mother picture dropped

No. 2085141

(Un-?)Fortunately I don't think like a man but would he even be aware of that? Sure, one of his friends fucked her, but would he realize that she has literally exhausted all local tinder matches and needs to set her radius to 2 states away to find a match she hasn't fucked? It's really difficult for me to tell what he actually knows about her and when he just takes what she says at face value. Men want women to only fuck them (evolution, I guess) but also be experienced in bed.

No. 2085213

They have really similar facial features. Same nose shape, same thing lips with a slight underbite, same small eyes and glasses, if her hair was her natural colour they would legit look related

No. 2085332

I thought lurch was the owl Ryan

No. 2085712

that’s not weird at all anon.
I just cant stand it whatsoever, this wannabe motherly trad wife shit because its too cringe.

No. 2085887

File: 1738804354273.jpeg (687.45 KB, 828x1461, IMG_7683.jpeg)

Does she think the term “what’s left of the day” is “was left?” Her and privateryan having a retard off

No. 2085889

>going to find something creative to do around here
i'd love to know what heather's definition of "creative" is

No. 2085935

She is def soft-launching a munchie arc.
Can't work, mysterious chronic illness, lying in bed in a ebay lace dress like the queen of sheba while Goob scuttes around her tending to her needs. Whole new well of complaining to be tapped as a #chronicIllnessWarrior now that #foreverAlone has been shut off

No. 2085942

Shes definitely feeling insecure about her age. The blur on her skin in that photo is fucking insane.(learn2reply)

No. 2085947

lol trying to justify leaving target. then how are you gonna survive a warehouse job idiot. its worse.

No. 2086076

File: 1738849686742.jpeg (317.27 KB, 1080x1919, 539434893895845.jpeg)

retrying the plant hobby after most of them died

No. 2086094

That's a really nice monstera. Anyone got any idea how much this could have been?

No. 2086101

They used to cost hundreds of dollars, but the price of these completely collapsed after Costa Farms started using tissue culture to mass produce them and now they're sold in major retailers like Home Depot. Hard to say exactly the size of that one, but my guess would be that it cost about $50.

No. 2086131

>what heather's definition of "creative" is
Sage for dumb commentary opinion but what bothers me most about Heather is she doesn’t appear to have a creative bone in her body. Ever since she posted >>2080877 I’ve been annoyed because she could make this herself. There’s no artist or date listed on it and we know that it doesn’t even matter to her whether it’s an genuine antique or not, so literally why not just try to recreate it? Tons of people on Instagram make a business of restoring antique furniture - why doesn’t she do that? She has unlimited time that she spends addicted to swiping and shopping and then wonders why she’s so unfulfilled.

No. 2086154

Right, her basic concept of "creativity" is to find something that looks interesting and stand in front of it:
She's certainly not the only person like this but they seem to actually have fun.

No. 2086180

“creative” for Heather = “shopping”

No. 2086187

File: 1738878000329.png (3.44 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_8250.png)

Is she negging her goob who just got rejected from dah rairoad?

No. 2086193

It looks like his shoes are on the wrong feet so it's basically how I imagine Goob anyways.

No. 2086220

AI always shows

No. 2086241

File: 1738886787385.jpg (765.54 KB, 1079x1521, 1000001546.jpg)

It has to be exhausting having everything be lit up on social media all the time

No. 2086244

I'm trying to imagine what it's like to think "I heated up a can of soup" is worth posting about online. What a bleak existence.

No. 2086245

Poor goober. Hes an ipad kid. Cant sit and enjoy a big boy meal with his girlfriend, he needs is video. Like the tot in the resturaunt who needs his mommys phone to sit still and stay quiet. Lmfao

No. 2086247

Kek every picture of him reeks of autistic man child under mommy's thumb. Heather is absolutely desperate for a man to love her, she'll accept neck cranked down on phone probably watching a video about civil war coins after her endless journey for a spooky boy, this is what she ends up with

No. 2086250

Hahaha thank you for pointing this out I am cackling.

No. 2086269

I think that might actually be homemade tbh? The chicken still seems to have some fatty yellow skin stuck to it's surface and is in big chunks, also that looks like poorly chopped up kale? Honestly one of her better looking attempts at cooking, but considering she's made strawberry covered everything bagels and chocolate milk for breakfast in the past anything seems like an improvement.

No. 2086302

I agree that it looks homemade. Maybe the broth is from a can but everything else looks fresh. Its ok to admit she cooked chicken soup successfully.

No. 2086316

Mommy-Heather on full display. At least pretend you see your boyfriend as an equal adult.

No. 2086341

any idea what they are watching?

No. 2086352

At first sight I assumed it's Elon Musk but I am a face blind autist, so it could be anyone

No. 2086384

"Hubby" looks healthy like a toddler. But he probably has a slight cold. So….. Did they marry? I don't think so.

No. 2086391

Lmao, I didn't even fully process that she called him hubby. Imagine being 20 years old and being called hubby.

No. 2086394

They're not married. If they do shell probably post so much about the process of will probably full up a whole thread

No. 2086395

they’re not getting married, calling it now; she’s squeezing too tight and he will ooze through her fingers

No. 2086413

I can't help but feel she really resents herself in her current relationship. She's always been the younger partner, and she had a borderline-DDLG dynamic with her husband (her Heather Sparkles persona was literally just her sitting at home dressed like bootleg Ramona Flowers playing with dolls and ponies all day). She's extremely childish and has never wanted anything more than to be a NEET who is doted on like a little girl.

Her current tradwife/Christian mommy larp just reeks of self-loathing. It reminds me of Shayna's attempt at "femdom" where she clearly sees it as so contrary to her persona and desires and clearly hates that it's the only way she can get male attention at this point.

No. 2086443

I think at first she was like "I pulled out someone younger than me! That totally means I'm desirable (and not that he's a sped)"! You can see how she used to constantly bring out her age - at first. Now she realizes she's stuck in a relationship with a manchild that's more childish than her, and it's not what she wanted.

No. 2086534

File: 1738971554885.mp4 (3.43 MB, 720x1280, heather-interrupted.mp4)

Heather wants to return to YouTube but her audience hates her life and will persecute her

No. 2086536

File: 1738971688305.mp4 (3.8 MB, 720x1280, etsy-betsy-tiger.mp4)

Big news: she's also going to put up her etsy store! w0w!
(And Gooberpede was in the ER with a "flu thing)

No. 2086537

File: 1738971695843.mp4 (2.1 MB, 272x480, Video (2).mp4)

The reason she doesnt have any friends is her extreme lifestyle

No. 2086552

nah, highly doubt. if she had cooked a homemade meal she would have documented what a good house wifey she was. honestly looks like progresso or a made in store soup she heated up.

No. 2086558

It's just struck me that pretty much all lolcows have those same beady soulless dark eyes. Huh.

anyway, Pro tip Heather-You can turn off youtube comments!
Now you don't have to… deal with comments from people who hate and abuse other people for buying antiques, who I'm sure definitely exist and are a scourge to all creatives.

No. 2086560

No store bought soup is going to look like that mess nonna. That chicken wasn't even prepared properly? It's not cubed? There's big clumps of yellow fat floating around? The kale? hello?

And yet nothing ever changes. The Etsy shop will never happen. Her old heather sparkles hoard is still left to rot in storage somewhere. Her "super extreme" lifestyle of… antiquing? Taking selfies in front of her IKEA shelves? Eating sheetz?

No. 2086565

File: 1738976192873.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1179x1983, IMG_4318.jpeg)

I love how this dumb bitch is sharing how sick her retarded boyfriend is, then sharing this page immediately after. This is the Make America Healthy Again anti vax bullshit instagram account.

No. 2086566

File: 1738976475415.jpeg (622.03 KB, 828x700, IMG_7699.jpeg)

Yeah the way she keeps saying “flu thing” acting like it’s a mystery while resposting antivax shit makes me think it’s just Covid but she (aka privateryan) doesn’t believe in Covid so it couldn’t possibly be

No. 2086568

> oh im so sorry you're sick baby here lie down, wipe the puke off your chin and let mommy stage a photo for her insta lol

No. 2086579

Holy shit, if you crop out the manchild from the photo, you'd think she's one of those mommy influencers who post about their child 24/7. She is a literal mommy influencer.

No. 2086589

Has she fully been converted from new age spirituality twin flame occult reincarnation shit to tradcathism now?

No. 2086590

I mean, she did document it by showing a picture of it and saying she made soup. My guess is roughly as follows:

~ Mama Heather's Totally Trad Nourishing Chicken Soup ~
>One rotisserie chicken from Weis (or Wegman's if you're feeling spendy)
>One baby carrot
>One bag Steamfresh frozen corn
>One can of black beans
>Chicken broth (store bought)
>Rotini pasta

>Cook pasta
>Heat up frozen corn
>Chop the baby carrot into roughly 3 pieces
>Rip chunks of the rotisserie chicken with your hands
>Rip chunks of the kale off the stem with your hands
>Drain and rinse the beans
>Throw it all into a pot, pour in chicken broth, heat up
>Serve to hubby with a big smile! If he doesn't even notice that you put food in front of him because he's too busy watching an SJW cringe compilation on his phone, just thank God that you got yourself a keeper who isn't infected with the woke mind virus!!!

No. 2086607

Weis mention on lolcow, I'm dying. I love fellow PAnonnas.

No. 2086631

I know its a mega nitpick but his stupid hitler youth hair style makes me laugh everytime, he looks so goofy

No. 2086638

Shes so nasty. This dumbass has no morals and still thinks people dislike her because she wears black.
Instagram is full of alternative women full of tattoos, piercings and colored hair who dress extravagantly and have tons of fans. Does she not see them? Does she not realize she's a normies compared to them? I cant tell if she's lying to herself as a cope or if she really thinks she's as "extreme" as body modders and dedicated goth/alt fashion bloggers.

No. 2086645

Because of the way she dresses? In target jeans and a shirt? No one would even notice her in public

No. 2086668

>I cant tell if she's lying to herself as a cope or if she really thinks she's as "extreme" as body modders and dedicated goth/alt fashion bloggers.
it's really hard to tell sometimes. she seems like she has zero self awareness and is always trying to blame everything else for her problems and never looks inward. she could have potentionally deluded herself but she could also be one of those narcissists where she might deep down know the real reason why she's alone and disliked by many, but is too emotionally immature/stunted to admit she was wrong and so she doubles down and projects hardcore at lightspeed to quiet the inner demons. then again, she seems extremely delusional and has one of the worst persecution complexes i've ever seen, and is really dumb so i also wouldn't be surprised if she is so delusional she actually sees herself as this extreme alternative girl because of some weird mixed up psychological shit. what i really think is the most likely answer is that she knows and is just straight up lying because posturing on social media is all she really knows how to do; she's superficial, so she only care what things look like. in that one video she says she "keeps to herself" but that's because she had to sleep with every guy in PA until a braindead autist landed in her lap and she doesn't ever think beyond getting a moid, skinwalking his hobbies and pretending theyre married and posting about the ~journey~ on social media. her priorities is having a boyfriend and then she becomes completely aimless. her head is full of air

No. 2086675

>we thought ethan was dying!
>so I made a makeshift shrine
I kek'd so loudly at this nonnas. I almost wish she was one of those cows that vlogged everything.

No. 2086688

>what is this mystery virus that’s going around

She truly is retarded. The whole east coast has been plagued by Norovirus this flu season. Everyone I know has been affected in some way whether themselves, spouses or coworkers. It’s like across the eastern seaboard and has been making news for weeks. Her job would have warned her about its high communicability and how severe it is. What is this mystery virus ITS FEBRUARY ITS FLU SEASON DUMBASS(sage your shit)

No. 2086696

Same kek she was so excited, she almost got her forever ghost Ryan! Just imagining his corpse piling up with random trinkets she chucks at him as he lays dying. She doesn't even notice he's dead and just keeps snapping pics and coming home from work everyday bitching at his corpse about how the world cannot and never will understand her.

No. 2086701

Her posts are indistinguishable from sad, old women with reborn dolls.

No. 2086734

goober gets food poisoning from hag's dishwater soup, also gets the sniffles.
>omg he's dying! let me post it on insta
he actually dies of the flu because antivax (kek)
hag goes full jeffrey dahmer and keeps the corpse around
>don't ever leave me ryan
starts bitching about people who hate on her because of the smell

No. 2086765

That is a grown ass man curled up like an infant while Heather takes pics for instagram. I really hope they break up soon, this is the most boring Ryan saga and maga mommy Heather is insufferable. Gross

No. 2086846

File: 1739054499820.jpeg (632.28 KB, 828x1439, IMG_7700.jpeg)

No. 2086852


No. 2086858

File: 1739055709314.png (425.7 KB, 687x546, baby.png)

this is literally what mothers write underneath photos of their toddlers in baby photo albums

No. 2086866

kekkk spot on
this should be included in the next thread pic

No. 2086893

Kekk nona oh dear lord. In the photo ol' Goobs looks like he's completely done with Heather taking pictures of everything he does

No. 2086902

File: 1739062643278.jpeg (836.62 KB, 828x1439, IMG_7701.jpeg)

Another for the baby book

No. 2086935

A young, generally healthy man going to an Emergency Room for the flu?? The amount of eye rolls from the drs and nurses must have been astounding.

No. 2086964

The pic on the right somehow looks like she shoved the thermometer up his ass kekk

No. 2087012

File: 1739095382958.jpg (175.42 KB, 1080x1919, 1000021825.jpg)

I thought having a boyfriend solves all her problems in life..

No. 2087017

I used to hope they'd break up for his own sake, but now that I saw what kind of person he is, I changed my mind. They absolutely deserve each other.

No. 2087030

I think we just saw in real time the progression from girl to dumb lead brained boomer adult woman. She not going back from this. This how it happened to so many women before us. Read your books nonnas.

No. 2087057

File: 1739113016358.jpeg (6.54 KB, 350x144, images (61).jpeg)

"Bought living beings for a quick boost of dopamine in my empty skull, even though my job situation is unstable. I'll eventually kill them from neglect OR overwatering. The horrors. The horrors."

No. 2087070

>The horrors of being alive
This is ironic, because most Americans who express this feeling recently are upset/depressed about Trump returning to office. You've got RebornRyan and Daddy Trump, Heather, what could possibly have you so down?

No. 2087076

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No. 2087112


I fucking cackled nona

No. 2087126

File: 1739129093774.jpeg (439.64 KB, 1080x1919, 304584848933.jpeg)

need to get her empty calories. she is still in her eating/buying spiral despite her money problems, job problems and wanting to get married/have children with her manchild

No. 2087134

this is one of the funniest things i've seen on this site today. his face
>cope with the horrors of being alive
or you just bought plants because you're feeling empty inside since you got what you wanted and still aren't happy, it's okay to say that too

No. 2087136

Only misunderstood goths eat ice cream in winter. Her town looks kinda cute, though.

No. 2087140

Pretty sure that's a tourist trap in Gettysburg, not Carlisle.

No. 2087194

Yeah, the town she lives in is like 45 min from Gettysburg(sage your shit)

No. 2087303

fucking kekkkk lmao another vote for next thread pic

No. 2087346

File: 1739191117756.jpg (208.29 KB, 1822x1196, 6z4tv0pflrz41.jpg)

Wonder if it was goob or Heather who decided on the emergency room for a touch of flu, lol.
Men are wimps, but I can see it being Heather's doing.
Making a big production, over his tummy ache, bossing the nurses about, saving his life so he sees that she's his faithful wife who'd die for him.

Oh well. Maybe she'll start to poison his soup Kek.
She needs a new hobby and focus now that she got her a man now, it needs to be suitably depressing and insane.

No. 2087387

> You sprinko da arsenic oer muh food an den i frew up all weekind n go to da hospitoh
> Heather: Wow!

No. 2087477

coincidentally, good ol' Peas are a very good way housewife-poison someone. Apparently if you defrost then refeeeze frozen peas a bunch of times, they become deadly af.

(inb4 redtexted for calf-murdering encouragement)

No. 2087501

She's going to see this and in a few months we'll see a photo of him eating peas like an autistic child, followed by hundreds of posts about how she's a widow and she will never get over this, followed by thirst traps and then the cycle starts once again
(It's probably an old wives tale btw, can't find anything corroborating it)

No. 2087606

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No. 2087607

Praying for Heathers munchie by-proxy arc in 2025.

No. 2087650

How to get your boyfriend, who is ill enough to (allegedly) be suspected mono, to come around to be the one comforting you?

Pretend to blame yourself that your bacteria has somehow emerged from the permafrost to endanger the new generation of fauna!

No. 2087660

>taking a sip of contaminated water
does she mean that she got mono from sharing a drink with someone who had mono, or that she drank water contaminated with the feces of people who had mono? because that second one doesn’t really happen in the US

No. 2087724

Heather ate doodoo confirmed

No. 2087731


Heather trying to say she DIDN'T get the kissing disease from kissing someone.

No. 2087742

bound to happen with her long list of guys shes fucked

No. 2087752

Are there any receipts for what she was doing 17 years ago? Going by today I'd say fucking everyone in a 50 mile radius but maybe she changed over time?

No. 2087755

100% lol
Mono/Epstein Barr is a form of herpes and transmitted the same way herpes is, she was 18 then and as she never stops reminding us, in her peak goff mode and utterly fuckable to every moid in the greater tri-state area
I wonder if he hears these stories and replies "I was 4 years old then lol"

No. 2087805

Without context, you'd think she is talking about her child. Mommyfluencer type of shit.

No. 2087822

Exactly, don't want to remind Goobs that his modest little wifey has a long history of fucking everything with a dick across multiple state lines. I can only imagine how he'd feel about being sick with a virus that she got from another man.

No. 2087869

>about 17 years ago i nearly died after taking a sip of contaminated water
this munchie arc is pissing me the fuck off
>somehow i think i gave him my mono from 17 years ago
what the fuck is she talking about. i swear to god she's bored and dabbling with munchie stuff because she has nothing better to do. i'm sick of her talking like she's always sick and has a deadly disease. every facebook post she's supposedly suffering some mysterious illness. she was also saying she was sick in that series of videos she made while she was in bed definitely pretending to be sick while yet again rambling on about her persecution complex. is this it nonas? is this where heather is no longer funny and we're just going to see her degrade from a bpdemon chasing ryans as if they're her lifeblood, to a munchie who still won't shut up about how every community is out to get her? man this is getting old.
i hate that this made me laugh kek. imagining her putting her munchie shit onto him so she could take care of him makes me feel kinda sick but also… the side of me who saids who cares what happens to a magatard moid says it would be funny as fuck

No. 2087994

she would have been 17 herself if my math is correct, so maybe?

No. 2088007

File: 1739337147445.jpg (195.55 KB, 1079x715, 1000001562.jpg)

35 on her feet, 100% wants goober to work to death for her

No. 2088010

This bitch doesn't have the education necessary for a desk job. What could she even get?

No. 2088014

Most state jobs are entry level. You take a test and if you pass it you get eligibility for said job and can apply and interview for them. For office tech and office assistant you have to pass the entry level (not based on experience) eligibility test and get a word per minute of 40 on a typing cert. Then she could do literally anything that falls under that title. Mailroom and receptionist in the DMV or at colleges are all entry level state jobs she could do with no experience. Literally could even work in a dr.office or bank even. Those places dont even require eligibility tests. You just have to apply.

No. 2088031

She's going to balloon up so fast. Pretty sure the only exercise she ever gets outside of work is waddling around the occasional cemetery or antique store a couple times a week at best.

Basic data entry if she's any good at typing, maybe a receptionist gig at a smaller business if she can hide the crazy enough. It would be funny if she landed a receptionist gig tbh, I feel like she'd definitely use it to ryan hunt.

No. 2088061

she is acting like she works in a warehouse doing heavy work all day like millions of people. she is literally working on a sales floor rearranging displays. she is so dramatic and this is all a ploy to be able to quit work

No. 2088076

She can't even google or has used something else than her smartphone in years, so how will she get a job where she needs basic computer skills? And don't some employers look at the online history before employing someone? Hm, well, I don't know, I don't see her in any position with contact to customers, she can't hide how crazy she is for more than 3 days. Oh, now I know, she could work at a funeral home, telling the grieving customers how hard her live is, how she suffered all alone on this planet, how Trump will make it all go away and then taking pictures of every dead body for instagram.

No. 2088091

She's not getting old, she's suffering from serious health issues! Kek. Drinking water, eating a vegtable, regular exercise, no that's too hard. Better get a desk job so she can get fatter.

No. 2088115

Her job is the only exercise she gets. She's not far from the age where muscles start to deteriorate. If she thinks her body is falling apart now she's in for a big surprise once she spends her entire day sitting in front of a PC.

No. 2088161

can't wait for her getting fatter every day and complaining about her hurting back and telling everyone how annoying all the customers are for talking to her

No. 2088249

wasn't she just talking about potentially working in a warehouse kek what the fuck is wrong with her

No. 2088292

It kind of pisses me off that she can't do bare minimum job hunting on her own. Can she not Google things? Search state, county, city, school district, sort by distance, check the minimum requirements. It's not that hard.

I was going to say dispatch but the thought of hearing her voice when you call 911 or even Non-Emergency is too horrifying to bear.

No. 2088327

Being stationary at a desk is the worst thing you can do to your body kek. She’s gonna be obese by the time she hits 40.
It’s amazing how stupid some people are. Does she actually believe this shit or is it cope? Might? It’s pretty easy to tell if you have mono and the symptoms are different than rsv.

No. 2088331

Surely target has desk jobs, just ask to be transferred

No. 2088335

Not from her position. She's not getting a desk job at Target any time soon.

No. 2088341

The only thing I can think of is call center. From what I understand you don't need experience to be IT support for old people or to try to sell things to randos on the phone. You just read a script. You get to sit all day, and many even let you work from home. It doesn't pay well. You also need basic communication skills. That's very questionable with Hags. She is living human repellent, and it will likely translate over the phone.

No. 2088355

Apparently she’s right but it’s pretty rare? Love how not a single anon has suggested he might be cheating on her kekw it really is more plausible that she gave him a virus she had 17 years ago (when he was 5) than this goober having a side piece.

No. 2088386

Could that illness have something to do with the sores she had in her mouth a few months ago before she started seeing wannabeprivate?

No. 2088432

it’s not “pretty rare,” it’s completely unknown in the US; the only way you can get Epstein-Barr virus from water itself is if the water is contaminated with the feces of people with active mono
if she meant “sharing a drink with someone who had mono,” which is a transmission route, then she should have said that, but I think she’s crazy enough to think she got it from tap water, which is 0% possible

No. 2088438

File: 1739466140125.jpg (11.6 KB, 225x225, my_sides01.jpg)

>Heather almost died from drinking doodoo water 17 years ago when she was a trve goth and now the doodoo ghost is infecting wannabeprivate Ryan

No. 2088469

File: 1739474283102.png (211.58 KB, 1003x1024, disappointed-relieved-poop-emo…)

> Dear Jesus, thank you for answering my prayers, but I said I wanted a SPOOPY boyfriend

No. 2088486

>Love how not a single anon has suggested he might be cheating on her
That's literally not an option, have you seen him?

No. 2088495

honestly, I've seen worse looking and behaving men cheating on their girlfriends. We just know that she has a high "bodycount" and had sores only some months ago. He could be cheating, but she is the adult here with a long history of changing relationships.

No. 2088497

Yeah mono can cause mouth sores almost exactly like what Heather had. I bet PoxRyan gave her mono and now she’s trying to find a cover story that won’t reveal to babygoob the fact that she was trying to get dungeonsynth dick only 6 months ago

No. 2088537

You dont have to cheat to get mono, maybe someone in his goobergang or metal detector squad has it and shared a drink with him

No. 2088544

I hope he got mono from some other forklifter using his coffee mug at forklift

No. 2088546

I meant contagious recurring EBV is pretty rare. It sounded like bullshit so I googled but didn’t want to medfag. I agree her saying “contaminated water” is just her retarded way of saying she drank after someone. Probably trying to make sure she sounds chaste.

No. 2088697

File: 1739504373423.png (1.52 MB, 828x1792, IMG_7748.png)

I wonder if she’s going to start Ryan hunting to feel alive again. It’s obvious once she actually has the Ryan she gets bored pretty fast when she realizes it doesn’t fill the void

No. 2088734

Maybe he been sucking on the antiques on the shelves when she goes out of the room

No. 2088767

Hi, medfag. I have seentons of cases of reoccurring rising EBV markers (it is actually an indicator of certain cancers) but no reoccurrences or "re-contagious" mono patients. She is crazy.

No. 2088780

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No. 2088852

there are so many things that I hate about GooberRyan era, but the worst is her fangirling over Confederate traitors

No. 2088869

>Traitor who tried to violently destroy her country
>He HaS GrEaT eNeRgY!!
>"Pretty Wild!"
One thing I hate most about these MAGAtards is how ball-less they are about their bigotry. "It's so crazy how he did this! I do love it, though!". Just be a hateful idiot if you want, but at least stand by it and say it proudly without fake ass qualifiers. It's like Hegseth changing (the former Fort Bragg) Fort Liberty back to "Fort Bragg" (but a totally different guy no ones ever heard of, not the civil war traitor) hahah le epic tr0ll! Woke mind virus = Defeated !(derailing)

No. 2088894

I didn't mean his physical appearance alone, just that he seems like a pathetic man child and not like a man who would cheat when he's got a mommy-girlfriend.

No. 2088899

They're gonna become so delusional together, I'm looking forward to the folie a deux

No. 2088923

> He ran oer dose hills to find da colurds and raped erry gurl he foun
> Heather: Wow!

No. 2088933

Of course she would like his inbred weak-shoulder energy. Probably reminds her of her child bride.
>he was a traitor to our country, but…
Kek. Classic.

No. 2088943

They deserve every new virus. Them getting sick is the universe making us laugh.

No. 2088955

Good energy? Yeah I'm sure the women and not white people in that man's (hopefully short) life thought he had good energy. She thinks she's connected with history but is absolutely oblivious to anything other than "wow neat pictures and objects!"

No. 2089076

If young Goob actually does have Epstein Barr virus, he will never escape her clutches.
That shit wipes you out for like 2 years. EBV with autism complications Kek.
Prisoner on her couch. imagine he loses HIS job and she has to take on double target shifts. Uno reverse for her Neet gameplan. Wow!

No. 2089172

Heather truly is a medical mystery. From her mystery "not an STD" pox, sudden "chronic" infertility, and her mangled hands from stocking target shelves. Paper skin and glass bones, nonnas. kek

No. 2089234

She would dump him immediately.

No. 2089425

This guy was a Confederate. She is actually starting to piss me off.

No. 2089467

Typical maga distractions missed this(learn2sage/learn2reply)

No. 2089468

File: 1739681847922.jpg (512.16 KB, 1044x1477, 1000001580.jpg)

No. 2089470


My bf is sick and might quit his job (?)
So I'll make half of what I made before

Make it make sense(learn to greentext)

No. 2089477

Like at a factory? Is she okay?

No. 2089490

>factory job
>I'll be happy and energized to post on etsy
Top kek. I have some experience in factory jobs and unskilled labor, she's going to be working with a bunch of low iq hicks doing something stupid. Considering the pay is so low most jobs running machines are higher pay even if you have no experience. She'll be working with old women and trailer trash with missing meth teeth or possibly uneducated young women with children. I imagine Target sucks but she should go for a high paying job running a machine. She's absolutely retarded if she thinks taking a pay cut and working in manufacturing will be better than Target. She's going to be mentally exhausted dealing with people who would choose those types or jobs or from the job being mindnumbingly boring. Along with physical exhaustion of course because it's Heather here kek.

No. 2089536

nothing she says or does makes any sense
>i have zero manufacturing experience
>but i build displays and signage which require a lot of problem solving
>i've never had these problems before and i work so hard
bitch where, where is your hard work, where are your problem solving skills
>i hope this is the first step to getting healthy again
working in manufacturing will heal you from your made up diseases???? that's not how it works heather. first it was a warehouse, then it was a desk job, now manufacturing along with "side hustles", please…

No. 2089537

HALF the pay??? Does she realize she can’t buy any more garbage? I don’t care how bad setting up an end cap is (kek), she has no idea how hard physical labor is. And for half the pay? She’s batshit and obviously trying to transition herself into not working. Her and goob are two idiots with not one brain cell between them(learn2sage/learn2delete)

No. 2089538

SORRY FOR NOT SAGING don’t ban me it was an accident

No. 2089546

you can delete nona

No. 2089552

kek, half the pay, doesn't she have to pay of her debt? She is really trying to make GoobRyan pay for everything, while she sits at home, collecting more bullshit and never selling anything. I feel this year will be an amazing Halloween year

No. 2089561

>no experience
>minimum wage
>manufacturing job
In what would would any of this be better and less stress than setting up pre-made mapped out displays at a relatively "nice" retail store? I kind of actually hope she gets it so she can see what an actually shitty labor job is like. She's so delusional it's kind of incredible sometimes.

No. 2089647

this is going to be the worst Lars von Trier movie ever

No. 2089658

Girl you are ruining your life, don't do it

No. 2089675

I looked up manufacturing jobs and general consensus is that they are all looking for:
Stand for prolonged periods of time, walk distances, fine motor dexterity,bend, stoop, squat, crouch, kneel, crawl, climb a ladder or stairs, pivot, twist, extend and rotate your neck, handle and lift parts and/or equipment of 42 pounds and push/pull , work on and around heavy machinery in a loud environments and working quickly and efficiently to meet work deadlines even under stressful conditions

No. 2089686

Wow can she be any dumber? She's leaving her job for a WORSE job with LESS pay?

No. 2089715

File: 1739735688975.jpeg (46.74 KB, 1024x576, IMG_0612.jpeg)

>zero manufacturing experience
>will make half of what shes currently making
>will do side hustles so shes gonna be working more for less
I cannot wait until this drama queen gets a taste of her own medicine.

No. 2089719

I don’t think she has the choice to stay at her current job

No. 2089723

>building displays and setting up signage at target requires problem solving
lmao calm down, heather. why does she have to dramaticize EVERYTHING she does?

No. 2089727

She never has problems at work when she's Ryanless. It's been speculated before that she's actively trying to get fired so she's probably fucking things up and burning bridges. I agree with you that she has no choice at this point and it was entirely her fault and exactly what she wanted.

No. 2089747

The ONLY logical (using that term loosely) explanation is that she wants to work at the same factory as privateryan so she can be with her precious baby boy 24/7. This doesn’t make any fucking sense

No. 2089995

KEK warehouse arc is going to be so good.
If she gets it-she might not. Jobs sometimes don't like to take people who seem overqualified as they sometimes start union-style troubles re working conditions that the other tards were happy to just plod along with-they might also find her suspicious enough in her obviously deceptive reasons for applying, and think she's a reporter or something. I know, she doesn't seem smart enough, but it will still come across like there's holes in her story, because there is.
If we are indeed gifted with this arc, I am betting on a pretty immediate "workplace/management bullying" saga.

No. 2089998

Did she have these threads back when she first started working at Target?
If I had multiple lolcow threads I would be sticking to my already entrenched job like a limpet kek. That full legal name is not surviving a quick Google.

No. 2090006

I would let her work there for a week to see if she fits (knowing she doesn't) and then tell her, that she isn't made for warehouse work

I interpreted that post >>2083034 like she was actually fired from her job. Maybe I'm wrong and she is extremely dramatic, like always, but if she was fired, she has no other option than to search for another job.

No. 2090008

File: 1739807186679.jpeg (270.58 KB, 1080x1919, 87878.jpeg)

here we go

No. 2090013

Hopefully the munchies arc is more interesting than goobhog day

No. 2090016

>posting pictures of her medication
she's so annoying. who is she even talking to

No. 2090018

50 years ago this bitch would have used a diary but unfortunately we have social media and so every thought and feeling has to be a public announcement.

No. 2090025

Heather is a medical mystery. The first thing google says is foot numbness is from hiv, diabetes or vitamin deficiency. Anons were already speculating her having stds. If she does maybe she's lying to the doctor about it and preventing her own care or lying to everyone else.

No. 2090037

Well I said it upthread, but this confirms my theory. Even if it isn't the same factory as GooberRyan, she wants a manufacturing job because she's a chronic skinwalker. She'll adopt their interests, clothing style, favorite music, and now she's going for one of her biggest feats ever: getting into a job she knows nothing about and has no experience in. Her obsessive compulsion to skinwalk truly knows no bounds.

No. 2090047

Spot on. The only injury she has is mental.

Underappreciated kek, I lol'd

No. 2090051

> partially paralyzed
This is prednisone, usually the pill-of-first-resort for reducing inflammation.
> no one is really sure why
In other words, she went to the doctor (because Goober went to the doctor) and a nurse found that it wasn't broken or fractured. Heather would like to imagine a team of people in white coats holding up test tubes to diagnose her but it's more like "take these for a week and wait for the swelling to go down."
Munchies arc is pretty scary tbh, in the course of about a month she's adopted the pose of a total invalid. Making herself chronically ill so Goobie can take care of her is really sick (no pun intended kek)

No. 2090054

Mysterious numb foot.
Bringing crutches to work.
This girl is trying to get fired and get unemployment/file for disability lol
She has to be exhausting to work around/be around at all.

No. 2090056

lol this is so teenager-brained your not dying heather

No. 2090066

Her first thread is from 2018, and she got hired at Target in 2019.

No. 2090128

PT tier foot injury no job posting is upon us nonnas

No. 2090235

she’s so ridiculous. they gave her a week of pred and what sounds like gabapentin or lyrica. the only other thing she’ll get out of this is a PT referral. she’s so bad at this munchie arc already.

No. 2090309

She's going to have insane BPD chimpouts, and eat a bunch of food. Exciting times ahead

No. 2090316

maybe she will get moonface from the pred but hard to tell since she already has it

No. 2090323

A walking (or hobbling with crutches) OSHA disaster I can see it now.

No. 2090387

setting up displays while on crutches, imagine

No. 2090394

Plus she's absolutely not going to get them fitted, so I hope we get lots of pictures of stumpy little 5'1 (or whatever she is) Heather with her armpits up to her ears trying to use generic crutches designed for a 5'8" man kek.

No. 2090708

File: 1739987734403.png (633.6 KB, 518x792, 30484848u384374.png)

not the same anymore because she used hair dye?

No. 2090709

File: 1739988269843.jpeg (365.07 KB, 828x1970, Picsew_20250219100354.jpeg)

No. 2090733

It's so frustrating to see her repeat this same nonsensical narrative to herself for years. I don't understand how she can write this out, read it back and not question herself even a little bit, it's an unbelievably obvious example of cope/rationalization. Like DID a bunch of strangers decide they hate you because you like antiques, cemeteries and photography? Does that make sense? Could there be another reason? She says herself that there are people out there making the kind of videos she would want to make herself… are those people also widely disliked for their interests? If not, might it be worth considering that perhaps the interests themselves are not a cause for hate? Food for thought. Too bad she's too cowardly to see a therapist who might challenge this story she tells herself.
Side note, but anyone concerned with getting "revenge" on others has a personality disorder and I will not be convinced otherwise.

No. 2090736

this is so dramatic lmao

No. 2090737

I don’t even have anything funny to say right now she’s just insane. Girl lolcow dot farm did not force you to take your meds but the good backwoods inbred homeschooled Christian lord knows you clearly need them. This is approaching gangstalking levels of schizo.

No. 2090744

I would be embarrassed posting this picture of myself she looks like grandma in this. The potato nose, the glasses holy crap but I gotta admit I was really in favor of the black hair but the blonde was better for her.

No. 2090749

I thought this was an old image being reposted…can't believe she is repeating the same cycle word for word over and over

No. 2090755

And the only reason she wants to restart YouTube is because privateryan makes YouTube videos, I guarantee it

No. 2090764

This is absolutely the reason, and also why she wants to change jobs to his line of work. And, as other anons have said for years now, she doesn't get any criticism for her hobbies and never has. Antiques, cemeteries, and wearing black are all basic things for any person to be into, and nobody cares. There's nothing extreme about her hobbies. It's all her personality. She is exhausting

No. 2090774

File: 1740000248373.jpeg (332.59 KB, 828x615, IMG_2439.jpeg)

The reason she thinks she was “cancelled” on YouTube is because overnight she went from pink-haired toy content to the gothiest goth to ever goth and her subscribers said “this is not the content I subscribed to.” I’m assuming so anyway, because she turned her comments off on every video from that period. In her mind she’s flattened Adam, lolcow, her former fans, scorned Ryans, randoms on Facebook, people in her various “communities,” etc into a single MegaHater as though she genuinely believes it’s all a unified campaign against her and not several distinct, separate aspects and phases of her life.

No. 2090791

Ugly picture heather. Take that shit down.
You looked better here, with the pink hair, side part and makeup. Now you look retarded. Black hair or blonde.

No. 2090807

Good old times when she would use mascara

No. 2090817

Imagine your whole life being negatively affected by moids at every turn and then blaming women exclusively for your years long mental breakdown.

No. 2090832

Women with no close female friends will die the most alone and miserable. I dont even feel bad though. They just have to not be internally misogynistic.

No. 2090836

it's always so drastic to see how ugly she's gotten since the heather sparkles days. her horrible attitude and demeanor is really showing on her face.
>>2090709 oh here we go again! her mind is a prison. i know goob's mentally handicapped but soon i think even he will see how crazy she is

No. 2090915

She’s so full of crap. She stopped posting on YouTube when Ryan Z got a girlfriend. In 2020 she posted 25 full YouTube videos. Ryan Z and gf got together end of 2020. She’s posted 5 videos since 2021. She stopped putting effort in when he wasn’t available anymore and now she wants to start making them again because her current Ryan does.

No. 2090944

>I don't understand how she can write this out, read it back and not question herself even a little bit, it's an unbelievably obvious example of cope/rationalization. Like DID a bunch of strangers decide they hate you because you like antiques, cemeteries and photography? Does that make sense?
>might it be worth considering that perhaps the interests themselves are not a cause for hate? Food for thought. Too bad she's too cowardly to see a therapist who might challenge this story she tells herself.
completely agreed. it's stunning the way she revisits this over and over with the same narrative. genuinely how can anyone get CANCELLED for liking those things. she's absolutely insane, she will do anything to shift the blame on anything else, no matter how ridiculous it sounds
>The reason she thinks she was “cancelled” on YouTube is because overnight she went from pink-haired toy content to the gothiest goth to ever goth and her subscribers said “this is not the content I subscribed to.”
i've also felt the same way. if people are subscribed to her for toys and she changed over to something completely different, then it only makes sense that they'd lose interest. they're subscribed to her for toy videos not urbex. like… that makes sense and i feel like would happen to a lot of people. like if someone who had a following for kawaii art suddenly started doing only black and white art overnight, they might lose some followers because that's not what they signed up for. if heather continued youtube she could have gotten a newer following overtime of people who would be interested in that stuff but of course she writes everything off and signs it with a big fat "i'm the victim everybody!!!"
>In her mind she’s flattened Adam, lolcow, her former fans, scorned Ryans, randoms on Facebook, people in her various “communities,” etc into a single MegaHater as though she genuinely believes it’s all a unified campaign against her and not several distinct, separate aspects and phases of her life.
i completely agree 100%. it's so stupid. her victim complex is nuts. these things are all very separate but years later she rehashes the story the same way, that everyone was out to get her and did all these horrible things to her, stalked her, cancelled her yadayada. god she's insufferable repeating this same shit every time. it's so old and overdone. fucking move on, like she's so obsessed with this insane crafted narrative that it's actually holding her back. i wish she could see that she's the problem but narcissists would never

No. 2091050

I wasn't around during the YouTube days but the urbex video has way more views than the other two in this screenshot? And she still had pink hair. That's hardly an extreme change.

No. 2091091

The video at the bottom has 1.2 million views, the other ones didn't break 5 thousand. flood detection

No. 2091107

Yes, she seems to have a weird idea that the people watching her YouTube videos should be there for HER and not for her content, so when she changed from toys to urbex and people lost interest/expressed surprise, she took it as a personal attack. In her eyes, her viewers were disloyal and hateful for not following regardless of the subject matter she posted.

No. 2091114

A situation where the (empty shell) content creator is the one getting lost in parasocial relationships, not the fans.

No. 2091127

"Content creators" who think people are going to follow them no matter what they do are fucking insane. She'd most likely have entertained a new audience although I do think a small part of her old viewers would have stayed.

I'm not up to date with guidelines for monetization on YouTube. Am I wrong in thinking she could at least make some money on YouTube?

No. 2091197

if she posted four videos a month that got 5,000 views each, she’d make a couple hundred bucks a month

No. 2091881

File: 1740235136464.png (2.39 MB, 1091x1913, ig stories.png)

No. 2091892

I read this as Poopman

No. 2091956

Top right has Goober Music playing in the background lol

No. 2092000

Kek same.
>big news!
I guess it’s big news if you’re a pick me who needs to latch onto your moid’s hobbies in an attempt to keep him interested in you.

No. 2092034

I'm not an American, so please correct me if this is untrue, but I would guess that it's pretty common to have a Civil War connection in your ancestry, especially if you're from somewhere like Pennsylvania. Is this really Big News?

No. 2092102

File: 1740267096369.jpeg (531.07 KB, 828x1058, IMG_7789.jpeg)

It’s Big News if you’re constantly skinwalking every aspect of your boyfriend who found out yesterday he had an ancestor in the civil war

No. 2092123

and yet he continually fanboys the treasonweasels whom his relatives fought
I hope these dudes haunt his pussy ass every single night of his life

No. 2092132

>is this Big News
No, not really. I could see her wanting to be a DAR for her larping goober - although that’s for descendants of the Revolutionary War and he seems to be exclusively a Civil War autist.

No. 2092149

File: 1740274941985.jpeg (1.03 MB, 828x1439, IMG_7790.jpeg)

It’s interesting how deeply she carries the personalities of former Ryan’s in her life. Like the the ryan who was a train/clock autist was so long ago now but she’s still using his skin to make herself seem less boring. Same with the plants and the owls from lurch. She’s just a Frankenstein made of little parts of different men’s skins

No. 2092205

I hate this saga it’s so fucking boring. Anything ancestry related I will zone out because it is sooo lame and boring and no one cares

No. 2092206

I really think the railroad and train posts are narcissistic jabs at stolen valorryan because he got denied from working at the railroad. It is still crazy to me that the predatory US military who canvas at schools in poor neighborhoods to find more people to enlist did not want goob. He really is damaged goods

No. 2092212

Your "second great grandmother" (Idk what that means)'s great uncle is literally barely related to you. You're talking about the sibling of one of your great great grandmother's parents. I can understand being excited about being distantly related to someone famous or whatever but this is literally just some guy. Oh, he was enlisted in the civil war? So was literally every single man who was available

No. 2092303

They'll say "oOoOoOO you couldn't even qualify for enlistment?" while rolling in their grave.

No. 2092348

iirc he tried to enlist in the Air Force. He’s too blind and retarded for that branch. I’m sure he could join the army. They’ll take anyone.

No. 2092355

File: 1740333181983.jpeg (787.47 KB, 1179x2082, IMG_4394.jpeg)

This bitch wants to be a part of civil war history so bad. This is absolutely the worst Heather arc.

No. 2092364

Not defending GooberPeas but the Air Force has the highest entry standards and ASFAB scores. He would do better as a crayon eater (marine) plus he could get stationed in Japan/Korea/Okinawa and meet superior Asian waifu lol

No. 2092386

Did he say that directly? I know he said "the armed forces" here >>2042273

No. 2092433

Army and marines definitely aren't going to take him if he has any variety of certain health issues. They don't want someone who is going to be a money pit of chronic health complications.

God, she's so desperate in the weirdest ways.

No. 2092505

You KNOW gooberryans dream is to be saluted by civilians and by proxy it’s now heathers dream. If he ever did get into the military (kek) she would be all over that military wife shit

No. 2092530

Thankfully she doesnt have friends, because if she did, she would shoehorn this 'brag' into every conversation.

No. 2092549

File: 1740370621713.jpeg (282.08 KB, 828x1666, Picsew_20250223201340.jpeg)

What, heavy because you’re quitting your cushy target job because you’re so sickly and disabled so you can go work at a factory to be just like some 21 year old autist? Or is there trouble in goober paradise?

No. 2092553

The high of her new Ryan has worn off and maybe she is realizing he’s immature and off putting. Also “spent time” with a doll she’s such a loser.

No. 2092684

>I don't really work on any of my hobbies. But that will change.
I'm sure a soulless dead end factory job at half the salary will allow her to invest more time into hobbies than the target job that you could argue is somewhat creative. If she thinks she can exist on half her current pay, why doesn't she cut back her hours at target? This woman needs someone who cares about her and tells her she's making a huge mistake in her life.

No. 2092696

There's a reason that she doesn't. She takes any kind of criticism, no matter how well-intentioned, as a betrayal, as a personal attack, being hateful and bringing negativity. We have 19 threads of proof of this.

No. 2092765

Exactly, anyone who dares to even slightly question her is met with a full day of unhinged ranting and defending her decisions. Which makes perfect sense, I mean it's got her this far in life right? Walking success story.

No. 2092862

I wouldn’t doubt if this was her way of subtly reminding her audience that she’s consumed by grief over being infertile.

No. 2092891

Let's see, our Hag claims to have: endometriosis, infertility, partial foot paralysis caused by a foot infection, inability to lose weight due to a hundred different excuses, along with hating her job and not being engaged to be married let alone even living with her goob. 2 months ago she exclaimed "yes, very soon!" when she asked herself in her insta stories if they would be living together.

Which of these do we think she's referring to as "heavy stuff"?

No. 2092892

the “heavy stuff” is “people on the Internet think I’m an idiot,” same as it always is

No. 2092972

wasn't she also claiming possible nerve damage in her hands or were they just "ugly and torn up"? It's getting difficult to keep all her random claims straight these days.

No. 2093068

Yeah don’t forget the nerve issues that she needed to find a chiropractor for >>>/snow/2068659

No. 2093201

File: 1740544693155.jpeg (610.57 KB, 1284x2282, skinwalker-detected.jpeg)

New hobby unlocked, and it's the gayest one yet

No. 2093212

inkwell lid or piece of an embossing die, most likely
worth exactly nothing, good job Heather, you found trash

No. 2093235

as a bjd collector, Volks dolls are some of the ugliest/most basic out there. they coast along because the company name is so well known as sort of the OG BJD brand, but their sculpts are basic as hell and really ugly compared to the other brands on the market. in the BJD community, almost nobody buys Volks dolls anymore.(derailing)

No. 2093289

Just an amalgamation of the current and Ryans of old. I pray next Ryan will be into mascara.

No. 2093338

The next time she has one of her meltdowns about how everyone hates her she will blame her hobby of metal detecting.

Lmao. I want a fitness Ryan.

No. 2093459

File: 1740610644778.jpg (133.27 KB, 1079x620, 1000001607.jpg)

No. 2093460

File: 1740610711537.jpg (414.52 KB, 1079x1224, 1000001609.jpg)

No. 2093467

I’m so sick of this bitch. FACEBOOK IS NOT YOUR DOCTOR HEATHER

No. 2093471

> my body has become dependent
lol hasn't it been like a week
yes it has! >>2090008
Who is going to be the brave soul that says "Are you sure you're it's not in your head?" Probably an urbex-er or some other HATER

No. 2093473

File: 1740613022579.jpg (281.34 KB, 1079x1089, 1000001612.jpg)

No. 2093486

The goodbye at the end lol

No. 2093487

She is finally admitting she doesn't care about friends? All the baiting…now that she thinks she secured a young idiot she believes she won't need anyone else. She will come crying once they have broken up

No. 2093506

File: 1740619389110.jpeg (849.16 KB, 828x1467, IMG_7815.jpeg)

>I don’t want to home
>said any leads my way

No. 2093515

Is this some kind of new Openly Depressed Heather? It would make sense (Heather sense though) that she self-diagnosed and moments later she doesn’t care about anything kek

No. 2093517

>calls what she does on instagram art
KEKKKK good lord

No. 2093531

Continually used Facebook for validation, ass pats, sympathy, and medical advice but has no desire to keep up with anyone or having any friends. Go fuck yourself you awful hateful selfish narcissistic mascaraless Hag. I hope you get exactly what you deserve in life, to be miserable and alone.

No. 2093533

I don't remember her writing this poorly. She's not exactly Sylvia Plath but she usually corrected the words with the red lines under them.

No. 2093557

It must be her super sudden crippling drug addiction to gabapentin making her type this way. Next thing you know heather will be in her tuna arc. Poor heather and her bum foot, hands, nerves, womb, etc.

No. 2093609

What are the Facebook comments on this one?

No. 2093638

you can always count on heather to be an overly dramatic cunt lmao

No. 2093653

Funny thing Gabapentin is a non narcotic.

No. 2093693

kek yeah it's so gentle they give it to dogs to slightly decrease their anxiety

No. 2093725

I knew we would get a metal detecting arc! >>1933955

No. 2093817

>I'm not interested in keeping up with anyone or having friends
>send any leads my way!
Why would anyone care to send her job recommendations or rentals unless they were her friend kek

No. 2093904

look, she can't have friends, because no one understands her and everyone is just wanting the worst possible outcome for her life. But, well, she also can't do anything on her own, so, someone needs to help her find a new job. And there will be a stupid person that will still try to befriend and help her.

No. 2093911

File: 1740721954951.png (2.25 MB, 828x1792, IMG_7820.png)

God damn she looks so ugly lately. That hair does not help

No. 2093917

She’s gained quite a bit of weight and it’s really showing in her face more now. I guess if you act like a giant pig person for long enough…

No. 2093932

she's not aging well

No. 2093942


people do abuse gabapentin though when they can't find anything more.

No. 2094030

Just because it's not a narcotic right now doesn't mean people don't abuse it. It depends a lot on the dose. Think about lean (cough syrup) or "robo tripping". The munchie arc could absolutely lead to drug addiction and I'm here for it.(derailing)

No. 2094035

what the fuck does this has to do with heather.

No. 2094038

She's and addict and she was posting about having physical withdrawals from gabapentin

No. 2094076

>she's an addict
She's been taking gabapentin for like a week. I know the milk is not exactly flowing, but don't play into her munchie shit just because you're bored with this arc.

No. 2094139

Are you new? She's had a shopping addiction since way before she ever even had a thread. The consumption of fast food and how she always repeats going to places where she had a good time. All of it screams addict.

No. 2094142

>shes a shopping addict so I know shes a drug addict!!!
youre asking if the other anon is new, but I'm wondering if youre stupid. this dumb bitch is freaking like like the idiot she is only for you to to play and feed into it. you know there are othwr cows you can follow of this thread is dry rn right? you don't have to invent unfounded claims.(infighting)

No. 2094155

You replied to >>2094139 without reading any of the prior posts and it shows

No. 2094279

Heather is throwing it all at the wall and seeing what sticks with making her sympathetic. Munchie this, infertility that, broken body from the mines.. it's possible that she is breadcrumbing a drug addiction, mentioning withdrawals from steroids AND gabapentin, performatively "withdrawing" from sociability on facebook.. even her weird post about wanting to live in the cemetery forever could be read a certain way.
I'd say it's a big misstep to try for Goobs extra attention like that, but logic is out of the window and this is just BPDemon brain sparking out desperate to make a problem where there shouldn't be one.

No. 2094293

I am not new (I've even been the OP of some threads) but I will admit that I was not thinking in the bigger picture. While I don't think she's addicted to gabapentin or steroids, you're absolutely right that she has a shopping addiction. That being said, I still think it's very important to make the distinction, now that she's claiming withdrawal symptoms from chemical dependency. Otherwise you're just playing into her attention-seeking hands.

No. 2094335

File: 1740822353664.png (4.83 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_8964.png)

Stolen valor heather saga begins… copying her pathetic reject moid. Meant to post this the other day, but this is her posting her hypothetical “ancestor”’s battle spot

No. 2094352

Crab stalk eyes, smile that doesn’t reach her eyes, extreme SIF angle. She deserves this

No. 2094377

Did she complain this much with deadeyes Ryan this early on?(lurk more)

No. 2094419

I'm really confused about what it is that she romanticizes so much about the Civil War. Initially it could have been the "heroic men fighting for justice and their country" angle but now that she's playing both sides and apparently loves Confederates too, I doesn't make sense anymore. What's the appeal? Does she just romanticize the idea of historical wars in general? If so, why fixate on this one? She loves finding the names/pictures of random soldiers and acting like they were the most pure baby angels to ever walk the earth but why?

No. 2094458

Well the thing we have to remember is that Heather is likely about 5 IQ points from being retarded. She doesn't have the self-awareness or curiosity to answer any of your questions.
She likes things that are old. She likes posing in front of them. Standing in front of old things is how she understands the concept of "personality."
When I look at people online I always try to remember there's more to them than what they show. There's not more to Heather than what she shows. There's less. Work, so she can go into debt buying things, which she stands in front of, is the sum total of her experience. Few family connections, no friends, and the moids are included under the "things she stands in front of."

No. 2094527

kek nonna, I hate how accurate this is. Her "hobbies" really only ever seem to extend into standing in front of said thing. Be it retro toys, urban exploration, antiques, cemeteries, ryans, etc. She couldn't even go out to see a band without taking a selfie at the stage with the band in the background? Everything she does seems to be to "show" how interested she is in these things with little other depth to the interest. Her using gooberpeas to research her very distant civil war relatives is the closest she's ever come to doing any actual reading or research herself and I doubt any of that would be happening without him there doing most of it for her.

No. 2094648

nona this is a perfect description of heather. couldn't agree more with everything you said, especially this:
>When I look at people online I always try to remember there's more to them than what they show. There's not more to Heather than what she shows. There's less.
>the moids are included under the "things she stands in front of."
she really is pathetic. it makes you wonder what her life would be like if she wasn't completely addicted to social media, or if social media didn't exist. she's so empty inside and out

No. 2094721

You ever been to a place with lots of history and felt like "damn, this happened right here where I'm standing"? I think it's that, kind of. But also because the current Ryan is into it. Heathers life is so devoid of meaning that she gravitates towards things that objectively have meaning, like tragic battles and shit.

No. 2094844

File: 1740963057977.jpeg (720.01 KB, 1179x2071, IMG_4420.jpeg)

So she posted this.

No. 2094846

File: 1740963106650.png (3.35 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_4276.png)

And here is the listing. She can’t be for real.

No. 2094867

Holy shit kek she is so fucking retarded with money.

No. 2094879

that is fucking crazy to do when you’re broke and worried about losing your job and ordinarily I would say “well at least she could resell it for most of what she paid” but since it’s Heather she will just hoard it forever like everything else

No. 2094919

in her long rambling stories, she says that he feels like her friend and she will take the picture to all his family's graves. methinks that she wants this picture so bad because he's attractive, much cuter than her recessed chin gooblet

No. 2094920


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2094931

wow. do you nonas think the debt she's in is only going to get worse? will she have to move back in with her parents at some point? her decision-making skills are seriously lacking, it's amazing that she's made it this far (living on her own with a job… shocking) when she's clearly retarded. her scrotes forklift job isn't going to carry them both into security any time soon. as if any of her relationships last. wasn't he supposed to move in? any guy she dates longer than a month she starts calling "husband", i wonder if someone had to step in. girls cooked

No. 2094956

File: 1741001432878.mp4 (8.25 MB, 720x1280, 1000022556.mp4)

Her talking about the tintype

No. 2094957

File: 1741001499905.mp4 (8.38 MB, 720x1280, 1000022557.mp4)

Pt 2

No. 2094979

I hate to say something like "oh, she's gotten fat", but damn, that face got another layer. She should definitely get/take that warehouse job, being on her feet and moving stuff would maybe help her lose some weight again.

No. 2095013

She sounds like a husbando-fag, taking her husbando’s merch around on trips to places that mean something to him. It’s almost kind of cute but I don’t find her genuine about it at all.

No. 2095018

I genuinely thought this was about FakePrivateRyan and meeting his parents rather than a piece of paper she bought for $500.

No. 2095026

I remember he saying in the first few threads that everyone had a "thing" and all she wanted was to have her own "thing" she'd be known for. At the time it was toys and a sparkly colorful look, but when her marriage imploded she wanted to change and start fresh. Watching this >>2094957 she doesn't really seem excited about the photograph or the history, she seems excited to have her thing and show it off. It's what gives her a sense of self and it's also why she sees herself as this radical woman with extreme interests: she wants to be extreme and unique and then looks for things that will build that image. the interests didn't come first, they're just a tool.
It really is a tale of a woman who has so little sense of self, introspection and internal world that she will do anything, will spend all her money and will play any part to try to fill a hole that should be filled by herself internally.

No. 2095187

Damn, she looks awful. Barely recognizable. Her hair looks like a cheap Walmart wig. And she sounds…idk, joyless? Lifeless? She definitely looks older than mid 30s. When does she turn 40?

No. 2095218

She's 35.

No. 2095236

>I feel like he's my friend
>when I collect these objects I feel an instant connection
>I feel like they are my friend, my family, instant ancestors
Jesus. She's so lonely and self isolated she's really making a pretend family out of random dead people. She hasn't even received the photograph yet, just won the auction.

kek, big time husbando-fag energy. But of course she's "not like the other girls" and picks random long dead soldiers she knows absolutely nothing about to project her weird fantasies onto.

No. 2095384

I really wanna know what Heather's wedding day was like lol

No. 2095566

>She's so lonely and self isolated she's really making a pretend family out of random dead people

it would be sad if she literally didn't just say she doesn't care about maintaining relationships with anyone but her ryan. but oh yeah, to please follow her "art" on instagram to give her likes

No. 2095615

File: 1741136769057.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1179x2040, IMG_4425.jpeg)

This hair is not it.

No. 2095663

File: 1741141409237.jpeg (388.4 KB, 828x1467, IMG_7869.jpeg)

Posting Ryan bait cleavage shots again. She hasn’t done that since she was fishing for the last Ryan. Clearly getting bored

No. 2095749

File: 1741169258685.mp4 (4.24 MB, 720x1280, 1000022596.mp4)

I thought she doesn't have or need friends yet she addresses them in this video

No. 2095750

File: 1741169364056.mp4 (8.88 MB, 720x1280, 1000022600.mp4)

Not going to post all 8 stories where she has 5 chins but she is still sperging about the skull missing from a crypt that she thinks got stolen by someone… She goes.om and on about how selling and collecting skulls is bad

No. 2095751

File: 1741169400828.mp4 (9.57 MB, 720x1280, 1000022601.mp4)

Going on about how human skull collecting is bad but has taxidermy in her collection

No. 2095772

this is so fucking weird. gushing out over a dead guy like hes ine of her hookups. people who act like this while in a relationship always wonder how it becomes strained and/or fails. shes so hollow and isolated even while being in a relationship.
ah yes the return of the cleavage, a sign of heather being bored.

No. 2095796

How did the skull end up in the open inside the crypt anyway? Did they put the decapitated head of a child there and it went through deterioration/animals ate at it until only the skull was left?
Or did someone desecrate a coffin, took the skull out and put it on display?

No. 2095819

No. 2095827

She only feels this way because she doesn't have a skull. If she had already acquired one she'd be justifying how she's their eternal guardian against revenants or whatever. I can't recall her ever once talking about organizing a cemetery Friends group or joining an existing one to perform care and maintenance. If she cared so much about their "stories" she'd be doing that, quietly, without needing attention. She could start an anon blog cataloging the photos she collects. But a tintype is worthless to her if she can't hold it up next to her face.

No. 2095870

It's not looking good for current Ryan. If she was still invested in him, she'd have sent this to him directly. RIP current Ryan. I have a feeling she's going to claim the breakup was because she's infertile.

No. 2095880

The comments you linked don't address what I meant. They're about heather finding the skull and it disappearing, not about how the skull came to be which is what I'm asking.

No. 2095896

She's definitely already looking for a new Ryan. Probably realized this 22yo forklift driver can't actually give her the stay at home mommy life she so desperately seeks.

It's a very old crypt that hasn't been well maintained. Happens all the time, especially in the south. Weather or poor maintenance will damage the tombs, causing leaks, stone walls will crumble, wood and flesh decays. Small animals or insects do the rest, etc.

No. 2095907

File: 1741209421938.jpg (324.99 KB, 1080x1918, 1000007937.jpg)

Claiming to feel irresponsible for buying $7 teacups when she just spent $500 on a random picture of some guy she has absolutely no connection to. She makes absolutely no sense.

No. 2095924

Looks like she hasn't actually "lost her job" at target yet tbh? Probably why she's already sick of her current ryan and looking for a replacement. Who could've guessed a ryan barely into his 20s couldn't pay all her bills, kek. Insane that she's still getting herself deeper in debt though. She's one serious medical emergency away from losing everything and moving back in with her mom (again).

No. 2095938

File: 1741216667159.jpeg (942.3 KB, 828x1420, IMG_7879.jpeg)

And she went antiquing yesterday too

No. 2095952

I wonder if Target just pays her in store credit at this point lol

No. 2095956

File: 1741221110045.png (3.65 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_9149.png)

I was scrolling reels and saw that Heather liked this horny furry reel kek

No. 2095979

Kek privateryan needs to watch his back, Heather is on the prowl again. I see her liking and commenting on the most random reels too, she’s always interacting with 90 day fiancé cast members posts

No. 2095981

kek, this is so embarrassing. I wonder if she's feeling sexually repressed lately or something. I remember her talking about how "hot" her and stolenvaloRyan's confederate roleplay was getting her at one point, but I guess their gross honeymoon period is over now and she's left lusting over whatever the fuck this is. Honestly would almost welcome a degenerate furry arc over the current magatard/confederate stuff. Hasn't really been all that funny since the gooberpea incident. Furries usually have a lot of money too AND she can hide how fat she's getting in a suit.

No. 2096037

Getting back to her roots I guess.

No. 2096095

Since she realized that this Ryan isn't the one she's probably no longer thinking about quitting her job. She's able to do her work again now that the opportunity to become a housewife has been taken away.

No. 2096125

to me this is like someone trying to justify a purchase. like she spent 500 dollars on a fucking photo of a dead moid. and now she has to make it worth the money she spent (by spending more money on travel & having delusional fantasies)
>i feel connected to these people/i see them as instant ancestors/i want to take care of them
>i want to tell their stories
again just trying to justify this purchase, i think she's just gonna hoard it and not do anything she said. also gooberpeas is on the way out if she's acting this unhinged over a goddamn tintype of a dead scrote. remember when he was "moving in"? kek
completely agreed, very well said nona
i hate the way she's been talking in her recent stories. she seems weirdly medicated or as if she's trying to pretend she's in her element or something, but i suspect some sort of unhinged spiral is coming
oh it's definitely over between her and goober, strap in. is anyone working on a new thread? excited to see what the next saga/cycle/identity crisis will be about. agreeing with you nona, >>2095981 a furry arc would be way more entertaining than this shit. i'm hoping it helps her magically get over her "crippling medical condition" kek. her leaning into furry stuff would be a breath of fresh air compared to the munchie/politically retarded fb posts. i'd love to see her have to move back home after spending 2k on a fursuit

No. 2096146

She already has her fursona drafted up >>738840 although she'll probably need a bit of a redesign. I can't wait to see what a Civil War fursona looks like.

No. 2096209

File: 1741291875011.jpg (166.64 KB, 856x1024, 1000032495.jpg)

There was already a confederate flag furry that got kicked out of cons years back. Could this be her next dream ryan? kek

No. 2096318

File: 1741320849895.png (3.52 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_9228.png)

She doesn’t even live with him.

No. 2096319

File: 1741320938178.png (2.23 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_9229.png)

And presented without comment

No. 2096348

I bet shes either cheating on him or is actively trying

No. 2096411

Because he's a man child without self esteem who lets you post all kind of embarrassing shit about him on social media? What I'd give to have insight into why she posts this unhinged shit

No. 2096435

we already know he is no catch. he is 20, balding and without prospects. he is all yours heather

No. 2096446

File: 1741362587727.jpeg (138.11 KB, 828x699, IMG_7884.jpeg)

Further proof she’s bored, shes back to posting ryan bait captions. Privateryan wasn’t in any of the pictures. She’s also stopped posting weird lovey mom comments on every single one of his posts, she hasn’t commented on any of his ig posts in a week, not even the selfies. I think she has cheating on the brain for a reason

No. 2096454

The honeymoon period is absolutely over and she's definitely bored, but also not going anywhere until another ryan appears. >>2096318 feels like she's trying to convince herself it's still "exciting" somehow. It is funny that she is out liking these weird furry thrist traps though because you just know she'd have a huge meltdown if she caught him doing the same. I wonder if privateryan will be making another "my girlfriend cheated on me" post on reddit in the near future.

No. 2096473

i suspected this relationship would end with her cheating and it's not looking good for him. i think she'll cheat with the first scrote she feels a rush over. maybe she’ll go back to poxryan for another round of STIs. wonder if she's been secretly using dating apps again
>I wonder if privateryan will be making another "my girlfriend cheated on me" post on reddit in the near future.
kek yeah seriously, i can see it coming
jesus they're both retarded. maybe he won't cheat, but him putting a hood over his head and posing in a retarded way doesn’t mean shit kek, i absolutely agree with the other nona, when i saw this i also thought she has cheating on the mind. i also suspected her last relationship quietly ended because i think she might've cheated on deadeyes too. the way it ended and she was strutting around outside posting unbothered, smiling, and some weirdo WK was claiming she was abused while heather's posting all livelaughlove after they broke up. the way both a cowtipper and a very suspicious white knight was shitting up the thread while heather gave like 3 different reasons why they broke up on her social media and supposedly he was racist (really rich considering the last 2 threads). she seemed absolutely fine when their relationship was over despite that being one of her longer relationships. she calls these moids husband so quickly because she gets sick of them so quickly, jesus christ she’s so empty

No. 2096483

Won't or can't, Heather? Because the latter isn't exactly flattering.

No. 2096488

File: 1741372308018.jpeg (958.04 KB, 1179x1867, IMG_4456.jpeg)

Girl cannot do anything on her own. She doesn’t know how to do any actual research on anything.

No. 2096491

>Upgrading iPhone 12
NGMI, Heather. These things can be googled so fucking easily, wow. I know she likes to spend, but it's so fucking retarded. It's so vexing seeing someone stupid like this. Successful videos exist out there JUST using an iPhone.

No. 2096537

>An actual proper camera will raise eyebrows

No. 2096557

File: 1741387320736.jpg (61.83 KB, 384x714, everybodylovesraymond.jpg)

This is a terrible screenshot even for Hag but I can't believe how small this stupid thing is (picrel).
Kek, such fucking drama. Jesus Christ.

No. 2096616

File: 1741401319602.jpeg (691.8 KB, 1284x2282, shes-just-like-me.jpeg)

> wow she is literally me!

No. 2096757

File: 1741454122430.jpeg (179.39 KB, 1080x1919, iiisjjdjd.jpeg)

no way she is going to fit into a dress from 1800s anyway…

No. 2096762

File: 1741454238293.jpeg (380.61 KB, 1080x1919, 495839484.jpeg)

No. 2096896

the nineline hoodie, lol. Worn by wannabes across the nation. I actually made it to basic training and I would still never be caught dead wearing a nineline hoodie because I wasn't a fucking medic.

No. 2096972

> no longer "looking for a wedding dress"

No. 2097068

this reminds me of the time (years ago) Taylor R spent 1100 dollars on a fucking hoodie, took like 4 pictures in it and had to sell it at a 300 dollar loss.
Except nobody's going to buy this stupid shit off of her ever.
and on that note…
yes hag, do blow 2000 bucks on a new phone. you know it's the right thing to do in this economy
>i'm gonna walk around a historical site in period clothing!
but people will give her the stink eye if they see her with a camera, right.

No. 2097257

Yes, skinwalking an old illustration will definitely make your scrote(or a shiny new one!) love you

No. 2097475

File: 1741599722564.jpeg (249.83 KB, 1080x1919, 40495959504.jpeg)

No. 2097496

File: 1741606909769.jpeg (265.71 KB, 1080x1919, 9595955995.jpeg)

No. 2097545

Can she even sew?

No. 2097646

File: 1741644915185.png (122.33 KB, 368x490, IMG_0798.png)

there is a huge industry of overpriced poorly made Civil War cosplay outfits for idiots like Heather, and they come in size fat, she’ll be fine

No. 2097763

She will look iconic.
>'Frankly my dear, I don't Goob a damn'.

No. 2097797

File: 1741690211886.jpeg (543.76 KB, 1080x1919, taken.jpeg)

sorry ladies, he is taken

No. 2097798

File: 1741690451115.gif (19 MB, 540x960, 5da4263d40158f.gif)

No. 2097849

File: 1741704697432.png (54.66 KB, 273x364, Dale_Gribble.png)

Oh they're finally making that live action King Of The Hill movie

No. 2097996

Rude because Dale had a hot and successful wife thanks very much

No. 2098055

She's obsessed with filming herself doing weird slow-walking like she thinks it makes her look elegant and thoughtful or something. It's so funny, you can see her thinking really hard about how much of the main character she is while she waddles around in her puffer coat.

No. 2098112

she’s trying to look pensive, but it’s coming off as fat and wheezy

No. 2098215

File: 1741755433545.jpeg (564.39 KB, 828x1470, IMG_7904.jpeg)

I’m sure it has nothing to do with the fact that he’s retarded

No. 2098224

Blind, retarded and lacking any college or trade schooling. He should be thankful for his forklifting job honestly.

No. 2098225

LOL the deliberate distancing language despite the fact that everyone knows about Ryan's cataracts and "desire to help people" from his Facebook. "They been" and "they wants" were clearly "he has been" and "he wants". I know she makes grammar mistakes all the time but she clearly changed the gender after writing it out and missed a couple kek. She's Ryanfishing ladies!

No. 2098228

>someone close to me
why is she being so cagey with her language? she's made it absolutely explicitly clear that she has no time for/interest in anyond besides Goobs.

No. 2098236

I think it might have something to do with looking for a replacement ryan since this one is no longer feeding her need for inane levels of new relationship energy

No. 2098270

Their life situation gives me secondhand stress. She's jobless applying for a warehouse position (long time no response, will probably get rejected), gets health issues with shitty insurance. He's clearly job hunting too and he's partially blind so no one is considering him (in my country he would get some level of disability for this, and while he wouldn't probably get a "normal" job, at least he could apply for work specifically targeted for the disabled /so the employer gets extra gov bucks for them/. No idea if something like this works in the US but still, job market for someone half blind is scarce, everywhere). Maybe he knows they are preparing to sack him, maybe his condition started to affect his forklifting. In this shitty financial/work situation, Heather is splurging for moldy trinkets.
On top of that, they are trying (?) for a fucking baby.

No. 2098286

he probably ok with his forklift, but heather wants to "help"

No. 2098293

she wants him off the night shift, probably
but yeah, he has no skills and no training, plus the vision thing, plus his autism probably shines through in interviews
he should figure out what trade he can do with his level of vision and get some training in that at the community college

No. 2098295

That orange pube beard is fucking awful. And those tiny little steppers kek

No. 2098313

If he's actually blind/clinically 'low vision' in one eye, he should be able to file for disability but he's a weird libertarian type so maybe he doesn't want handouts.

No. 2098323

The way out of their situation is getting job training/ community college/ certifications, but Heather would rather spend $500 on a picture than on a class.

No. 2098325

Cataracts can be removed. His "blindness" is a nonissue. He even has a forklift job - wouldn't be able to get that if he was as blind as she claims kek.

Whhyyy is she asking about jobs for them? If she's serious, she needs to look for herself. Now I'm curious about how she went about getting her Target job. Did a 'friend' get her in and she thinks that's how job hunting works now?

No. 2098337

Target was hiring like crazy the year she started, she probably had no trouble getting a job there. Finding a job is tougher now but it's no excuse for her relying on social media to find jobs for both her and gooberyan.

No. 2098354

He probably has high deductible "insurance" (or no insurance) and can't afford $5k+ for the surgery. Can't believe they let him drive a forklift though, that's fucked up.

No. 2098356

File: 1741801363450.jpeg (380.88 KB, 828x971, IMG_7906.jpeg)

This is his “blindness” situation

No. 2098370

so his vision isnt that great. it doesnt prevent from gettings jobs period, but its def hindering him getting his…dream jobs I guess. hes probably having a hard time accepting this, didn't he fail getting into the army or whatever? he needs to separate his hobby (civil war history, idealized view of america) and accept his job, quit pretending being the breadwinner is possible, and quit telling heather stuff because she always overreacts and plans like a retard. the economy is still in the gutter, these two nerds needs to wake up.
fucking first world problems bullshit

No. 2098373

I'm blind in one eye never had problem finding a job. Most of my bosses and coworkers probably don't even know. I mean, I know I'll never be a pilot, a train conductor or anything like that, but for most jobs (from flipping burgers to answering phones), you don't need to pass a vision test? Is that an American thing??

No. 2098377

no, he failed the military vision test and the railroad vision test
he has a forklifting job, he could get a lot of jobs in the trades (maybe not electrician’s apprentice if his vision is that bad)
he could get trained for other jobs
but he had the bad luck of having “dream jobs” that require excellent vision

No. 2098389

File: 1741813512624.png (98.04 KB, 752x364, shut-the-fuck-up.png)

The comments are people who seem to know what they're talking about telling him to chill the fuck out, because he's applying for a job as a FREIGHT CLERK lol
He's not driving the train, Hetter's sweet boy just wants to be around the choo choos

No. 2098437

Wow, Heather really went for the munchbyproxy there didn't she. Gross.

No. 2098439

>missing out on life changing career opportunities
topkek. she's so dramatic. "life changing"… for her maybe. as if that knob would get hired to make enough money to take care of her and pull her out of her debt, he's clearly a sped and the eye thing is another convenient handicap. i love how she seems to be afraid to say "my boyfriend is partially blind" because it probably makes her self-conscious kek

No. 2098441

> and quit telling heather stuff because she always overreacts and plans like a retard.
Definitely, he doesn't seem any more chill about it though. Sounds like they're keying each other up until they convince each other that they're both disabled and retarded. What an exhausting way to live!

No. 2098463


he's a ww2 nazi weirdo on top of the confederacy dickriding? she really finds 'em

No. 2098464

No, it's generally only for federally regulated stuff. Pilot, railroad worker out on the tracks for any reason, military, yes. Basically everything else no. The eye damage of your average white collar employee over 40 probably exceeds anything this guy has lol. Problem is his parents are retards and never told him to go to college or trade school.

No. 2098476

File: 1741839836022.png (3.89 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_9482.png)

Oh great some more muted grey shadows she will wear on her lids without mascara. Also her spending has been out of control

No. 2098521

File: 1741859287839.jpg (178.17 KB, 1080x1919, 1000022841.jpg)

Isn't every day her day off going by her food intake?

No. 2098559

Why doesn't she wear mascara, anyway? It's not expensive, not hard to learn, and she would look way better. Is she simply too retarded?

No. 2098577

I wonder why she's so devoted to Jeffree Star. She only ever seems to buy his lameass palettes.
She used to wear it, so she definitely knows how. It's baffling.
The day after yesterday she posted a massive cheeseburger (notably not a veggie patty) followed by her usual three-scoop tall ice cream cone that she seems to get multiple times a week. She's not addicted to gabapentin, she's addicted to "little treats" – a constant stream of spending on junk food and antiques.

No. 2098649

Why did she use this specific picture for this post kek like "this is what a cataract-free good eye should look like" she really thinks people want to see her face all the time.

No. 2098656

but nonnas, she has to eat well for her future child. How shall her child grow without the right nutrition.

No. 2098692

she probably got an eye infection from using cheap expired mascara once and now is askeered to wear it again

No. 2098699

The cheeseburger made me lol. I love vegan Heather

No. 2098700


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2098715

>The day after yesterday
Girl you mean today?

No. 2098727

File: 1741910073367.png (4.25 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_9495.png)

Health saga again lmao

No. 2098732

kek what does rapidly declining even mean with her. i can't take anything she says seriously with how exaggerated she talks. everything is life changing, world ending, disastrous and drastic. her histrionics never fucking end

No. 2098735

>Dead end job
>Drowning in debt
>"Declining health"
>Her solution is to buy the most expensive version of every food based solely on the number of marketing buzzwords on the labels
She's an awful person but I can't help feeling sorry for her because she's also so fucking stupid. Is she even capable of understanding what's wrong with her behavior?

No. 2098741

File: 1741915702214.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1179x2137, IMG_4477.jpeg)

She’s definitely packing on the weight good lord.

No. 2098742

Slightly related IG, but is she not vegan vegetarian? Isn't Ethan a meat eater? I do not remember exactly, but I know she at least at one point, had a vegan diet.

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