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No. 1965286

Last Thread: >>>/snow/1895588

The Basic Rundown:
>Jonny craig has a well-documented history of drug abuse and physical/sexual abuse towards his exes. pretty much any woman he comes into contact with, he influences in an overwhelmingly negative way
>before his relationship with Sydney England, he had a toxic and drug-fueled relationship with and helped with the downfall of pettuber & fellow cow Taylor Nicole Dean - jonny is her so-called abuser, though it sounds like they were equally toxic in their own ways
>after Taylor was forced into rehab, Jonny made it seem like they were going to be back together ASAP. as soon as Taylor broke up with him in rehab, he got with Sydney and started bragging about her, then got her pregnant immediately.
>enter SYD, Aka sydsosmall/minnieskins. overdramatic groupie clout chaser who got pregnant with jonny’s heroin baby because she was feeling “old” & felt her biological clock ticking… totally mentally stable choice
>since syd gave birth there has been a steady stream of milky shit/stupid drama, warranting her and jonny their own thread, though now they’ve separated, so their threads becoming separate may be inevitable. until then…
>Sydney cheats on Jonny, finally starting his escape from her.
>Sydney schizophrenically vendetta posts in thread against Jonny's new girlfriend Layna
>Jonny inevitably cheats on Layna , they break up.
>Do we even need a new thread?

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jonnycraig4l/?hl=en
Twitch: https://twitchtracker.com/thepearlboy4l/clips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jonnycraig4L
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/minnieskins/?hl=en
"Art" Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/skinniemins/?hl=en
OF: https://onlyfans.com/lilthiccghost
Instagram: https://instagram.com/wigglewip?igshid=NmNmNjAwNzg=
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lazybani?lang=en

Old Milk:
Can be found in previous thread comment (body text limit hit)

New Milk:
>No new news regarding his pending felony charge for child endangerment except that he's doing parenting classes so virtue signal that he's doing about 1% of a normal parents role.
>Layna confirms schizo poster to be Syd >>1754625
>Syd retaliates with a slew of harassment >>1757057 >>1757058 >>1757068 >>1757097 >>1757098
>Confirmation Layna still cams >>1758416
>JC on a misogyny arc post break up >>1760131 , >>1764476 , >>1764854 , >>1765999 , >>1768017
>Anons find Layna has a role in JC's server, assuming they are back together in private >>1766301
>Retarded schizophrenic spamming of camwhoring ensues.
>JC tattoos his sons name on his face instead of being a decent father and person >>1766818
>JC buys a piece of shit car with his vast riches >>1768200 >>1769210
>Goiter continues to post ugly thirst traps to lure in a new victim >>1771746 , >>1791541
>Syd goes bowling with her man, calls out lolcow >>1777526
>JC continues to out himself as being to broke to afford a hotel room, begs fans for places to sleep >>1781582 , >>1791884 ,
>Resulting in someone stealing Mayor of Spookytowns back pack with thousands of dollars of equipment >>1782713.
>Cancelled show on the tour >>1792804 gives no reason why.
>Spiderhead makes it known he lurks here >>1792990
>In walks Drama-chan with some personal milk about JC's asslicker spiderhead >>1794344 , >>1794345
>JC and Spiderhead ban Drama-chan from going to the show >>1794348
>Butt-buddy Dillion is unsurprisingly a horrible person >>1794822
>Drama-chan enters the thread herself and begins spilling some milk >>1795065
>Spiderhead proving he's a retarded racist sped in video form >>1795415
>Big Jess posts birthday tributes for JC, which he promptly ignores despite reposting all of his other friends >>1795670 , >>1795671
>Goiter and Cole are clearly fuming at the remarks made in thread, spergs out in thread in multiple paragraph rants of hatred towards Drama-chan and lolcow >>1796540 , >>1796551
>The accused abuser/rapist/baby poisoner/msyogynist is called a "beautiful" person >>1833989 >>1834162
>Goiter get's owned by a child >>1835787 >>1835882
>Court intervention update >>1839871 >>1842430
>Possibly dating new copy/paste ex-scenster >>1840135
>Goiter sings at the memorial show of a fellow addict. Makes it more about him, than the memory/struggles of Jordan >>1847358
>Some shit slinging betweend Syd and Goiter >>1849108 >>1849152 Leah copes and forget the man did Fent around a child >>1849180
>Goiter one sec is flexing money >>1849995 then goes straight to using Storm as a pawn over $100 >>1850049
>Goiter gets upset >>1853955 >>1852988 and shames women as a cope, before asking for tits
>Goiter get's REALLY upset >>1856417
>Goiter buys his toddler sweat shop clothes for the gram thinking it constitutes "parenting" >>1860061
>We discover Goiter spent 10k on >>1860061

Last thread hardly had milk, just repetitive photos of JC's exes and infighting. Have some drops of what I could squeeze out:
>Spiderhead could be as milky as JC, constantly melting down online >>1918169
>Syd teases her comeback to Onlyfans >>1918553
>Schizo posting all throughout the thread of Layna's vagina and cam pictures
>JC actually defending Sydney in comments >>1919987
>Leah vague posting about being manipulated >>1919997
>Jonny spends all of his tour money instantly and irresponsibly >>1938533 Buy's cars for himself and his new girlfriend Leah

Previous Threads:
1-18 can be found in previous thread comment (body text limit hit)
19: >>>/snow/1720005
20: >>>/snow/1743708
21: >>>/snow/1769476
22: >>>/snow/1797259
23: >>>/snow/1829426
24: >>>/snow/1895588

No. 1965289

I left out any mention of all the retardation between Layna and Skid in the last thread. It's not relevant to this one and if you care then make a Skid/Layna thread.

No. 1965327

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JC you actually are responsible for everyone’s accurate perception of you. The distorted perception is yours and anyone else you manage to convince/distort.

No. 1965458

is that layna's dildo in the threadpic? lmao she's still with destiny btww
this thread and thread subject sucks now. boring ass cow(then leave)

No. 1965461

laynas socials are in the thread yet she's a banned topic. leah's socials havent yet to be added and its been like half a year, if longer
shit thread. guess we can post about the banned topic tho amirite???(samefagging)

No. 1965463

It's been 5 days and no one was making it. If you're going to complain you should have made the thread. I copied and pasted the body from the last one and tried to add milk at the bottom. No that isn't Layna's dildo schizo.

No. 1965482

Go to the camgirl general thread if you want to talk about her. It’s crazy how one random camgirl has such a tight grip on your sanity kek

No. 1965568

Two things can be true at once. There can be links to past calves socials, and they can be banned in discussion. It's a very simple concept. If >3 retards fill a thread with junk obsessing over a past calve, that discussion topic can be banned AND their socials can remain. I know it's a difficult concept to grasp.

thanks anon. i made the last thread and got equally as retarded responses. just ignore.

No. 1966049

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I find it hard to believe that 20 people paid $75 to have this wrinkled retard blab incoherent street slang and stick his hairy coated tongue out for a full minute. It's funny that he thinks he's worth that though.

Thanks for the thread nonna, I think it's just fine. It seems like the same few people always get stuck with it, I'll figure it out one of these days.

No. 1966051

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Is this new or is Syd just resharing it and either way, why.

No. 1966080

This is new, the last time she went bowling with lolcow names they were spelled differently.

No. 1966088

"Lolcow is optional"? She's been vague-posting a bunch of sad stories lately (didn't screenshot bc all so boring), tinfoil/ her obsession with Layna's asshole trickled into her relationship and he told her that she does have a choice to not read/post here kek

No. 1966096

Almost feel bad for her bf, I can’t even imagine listening to my partner obsess over thier exs ex constantly. Her obsession is beyond unhealthy and deranged at this point.

No. 1966108

I don’t think she’s obsessed with Layna or her asshole. My personal tinfoil is that there’s other deranged and obsessed anons. I do think Skid obviously constantly reads here though and posts occasionally. I seriously doubt all the schizophrenic episodes are her, but I see why she’s an easy scapegoat.

If it was Skid, why wouldn’t she have moved onto Leah? She could easily do so. I think a random farmer or maybe someone that knew Layna irl found the site somehow and has a massive hate boner for her. It’s not that hard to find this site if you google her name. Women will go great lengths to be schizophrenic towards other women they hate (or it could possibly be a moid). Ever since the anon didn’t move onto Leah I no longer think it’s Skid.

No. 1966193

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When people think it isn’t skid, I just think back to that time when Jonny’s friend died a few years back and that poor woman who lived in Texas(?), she was a mutual friend of the dead dude, got the most unhinged bpd-chan version of skid. All because she gave jonny condolences kek
Skid is relentless when it comes to layna because she knows it annoys us and she’s obsessed with us (so much so she’s constantly naming her bowling games after us despite being a dead cow)

Sage for old(but grade A) milk.

No. 1966202

Her bf also left that instagram comment mentioning Destiny, thinking this thread is full of his fans. She told him some lie about the threads, only because Layna is sleeping with him.
It's 100% skid.

No. 1966215

this type of shit is what i always think of when anons start saying shit about how she seems to have gotten better / looks happy / such a good mom! like - just because there hasn’t been a lot of leaks where shes schizo sperging and raging on someone in dms or stories doesn’t mean it isn’t happening in ways she’s trying to keep from being put on lol cow lol. when layna complained about syd freaking out about her butthole in the courtroom or whatever she said i believe it, 100% she’s on the thread religiously schizoposting about layna. that type of mental illness doesn’t just go away

No. 1966290

totally. you can see the madness in her eyes. i can totally imagine her hunched over her laptop, panting and seething. her bf must find it deranged.

No. 1966307

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I think it's been easier for her to refrain from spiraling over Leah because goiter didn't claim her so long. I'm sure Skid is barely sleeping trying to dig up dirt on her now that he is. Leah seems relatively mild, her biggest fault that I can see (which is huge) is that she's with JC. I know nothing about her as a parent but I'm curious to see how she is with Storm. Has he posted any pictures of Leah and Storm? I wonder if skidmark already flipped out and told him she doesn't want them around each other.

No. 1966412

I think she only hates layna because she didn’t receive the same hateful treatment syd did. syds not self aware enough to realize it’s her own fault. She only got so much hate because she regularly harassed female fans and put them on blast to her (at the time) decently large following. She proved herself to be a terrible person and that’s why she got unanimously dog piled and hated, while people were more apt to give layna the benefit of the doubt. I’ll never forget when “someone” posted laynas moms facebook and went on an autistic sperg defending it because “it was only fair given someone posted a pictures of syds mom years prior”. It was so obviously the little goblin getting some kind of perceived revenge.

No. 1966419

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They look like a trailer park couple.

No. 1966478

Did she post this to prove how ‘unbothered’ she is? Because if she’s spending Valentine’s Day date night thinking about lolcow, making bowling names about lolcow and posting pictures specifically for her lolcow thread, she sounds REALLY bothered actually and also kinda miserable kek

No. 1966480

Not milk but worth a good cringe, Jonny has been posting recently to tiktok and the delusion is CRAZY. I was a fan for years until I found this thread and did the research. I’m actually embarrassed for him.

No. 1966538

> lmao she's still with destiny btww
She's not, they haven't even seen each other in two months, they are both single and he's only using her for sex. She has deluded herself into thinking that she will be the one he chooses between all the women he's fucking, but that won't be the case, he barely talks to her and other that they both enjoy listening to music they have nothing in common. I've been reading his KF thread.
It's dumb to continue to talk about her in here, Destiny's thread is more about his whores if you want to talk about it, but she has nothing to do with Goiter anymore and she's betting everything on either dating Destiny or somehow homewrecking Travis' relationship.

No. 1966571

it's weird how he took a more normal/adult approach to dating leah. less of the intense love bombing, posting, commenting and weird possessive stuff. still a trailer trash couple and we will likely still see such behavior later down the line.

No. 1966661

unfortunately it seems her self esteem is low enough that he doesn't have to make up for cheating or really try at all. imo knowing he obviously hasn't turned over a new leaf, it's actually a bad sign he feels he doesn't have to try for her even when posting publicly insinuating he's fucking groupies on tour. obviously she knew he was a shitbag before dating him, but his whole thing is that he's changed and is sober so she is likely naive and believes it.
idk, i'm rather worried that his mo is different here, she seems too much of a doormat on top of it all

No. 1966778

Exactly, she’s an insecure retard who’s easy to manipulate. At the end of the day if you date a mf who has cheated on every single gf he’s ever had and for some reason you expect to be the exception you’re an idiot. Leah isn’t the exception and the next idiot won’t be either.

No. 1967052

i do find it insane the lengths some people are willing to degrade themselves, in order to obtain proxy clout through their partner. PROPER monkey brain stuff. okay let's say they can feel cool hanging around a psudo-celebrity for a year or so, but what then? goiter has no pension, savings, and a hell of a lot of court papers. he's poisoned a child, been a ruthless junkie, cheated, abused. like what more evil would he have to for Leah to draw a line? Actual murder? or is that UWU EDGY BF material like Varg and Marie in the Varg thread?

No. 1967057

It’s not about where they draw the line, it’s basically “he didn’t hurt ME (yet) so idc”. Remember Taylor laughing at Chelsea who tried to warn her about jc then after they broke up she made a video exposing his abuse, remember syd laughing at taylor for warning her about jc then after they broke up syd screamed about how abusive he was, remember layna laughing at syd for warning her about jc then after they broke up she admitted jc was an asshole who was cheating on her the whole time. These women aren’t ignorant they’re arrogant.

No. 1967064

op here. yeah i guess your right. i was under the impression maybe some of them actually embraced his chaos and abusive past as like a "I CAN CHANGE HIM" style thing haha. like the appeal to some people of dating a ganster, drug dealer, criminal etc

No. 1967140

>These women aren’t ignorant they’re arrogant.
YES. exactly this.

No. 1967181

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“He wants to do cameos, you heard the man” coaching your kid to say that just to be able to afford car parts is WILD

No. 1967184

how long do nonnies think this relationship will last?

No. 1967186

He should pander with the “this money goes to his college fund” route if hes going to use the kid.

No. 1967936

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opened insta and got jump scared

No. 1969498

shit thread. boring cow(sage your shit)

No. 1969814

The thread is shit, that's just facts. The last few ones have been so lazily made, summaries never updated. Syd's art account is in the bio still which she doesn't use. Her OF is also in the bio which she hasn't used in years meanwhile Layna's isn't? But her other socials are, yet we're not allowed to talk about her. No logic in that whatsoever. So why is her socials in the bio still? Makes no fucking sense. Take her out of the thread summary next time if you don't want people talking about her instead of bitching about people bringing her up for SEVERAL threads.
No one even posts milky IG stories from JC/Syd/Leah anymore. Every now and then something will get posted itt but it's never milk just something stupid. Leah and Jonny have been together for several threads yet her socials have never been added to the bio. Like this whole thread is a mess, the worst downfall I've seen of a once thriving thread across LCF.
If you want people to take the thread seriously and follow the rules get it the fuck together or stop making threads on this guy. It's not like there aren't other actual junkies on here to follow.(derailing/autism)

No. 1969833

Do you think your complaining is improving anything? If you want someone's social medias linked, link them. If you want milk posted, post it. If you want threads made a different way, make them. If you hate this thread so badly, don't post in it. I personally have no interest in the bloated moidlet to whom these threads are dedicated, so this is my first ever post here. Groundbreaking stuff, I know. You aren't exempt from rules (sitewide or otherwise) re: being a whiny little bitchbaby and shitting up threads, just because this one doesn't live up to your exacting standards. You are not the main character of Lolcow.farm and no1curr.

No. 1970038

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No. 1970205

If you don't like the thread, fuck off and don't add to it. No one asked for your TripAdvisor review.

No. 1970267

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“Ermagerd I wish everyone success!” That is the furthest thing from reality goiterboi, then stop hating on random IG artists who want nothing to do with you?

No. 1970269

(sorry samefag) literally goiter. down to the beanie, "grinding", and creepy hand rubbing.

No. 1970487

The sheer irony. He lives for shitting on others. It's like 75% of his entire online existence

No. 1970504

it brings me joy to ruin your dogshit thread. it's a pathetic thread why would i take it seriously or respect it? i should fuck with this thread as much as possible to get it locked. pretty soon all of you autists will need to find some other threads to participate in. maybe if the thread was better quality and actually funny and interesting like it used to be then i wouldn't feel the need to fuck it up, but no one puts effort into these threads anymore. lazy ass bitches. either step it up or hang it up.(retardation)

No. 1970505

there's another toothbrush in the photo, dummy(sage your shit)

No. 1970510

You're not ruining it, and it's not "our" thread. Remember most folks post on the shitter or in their spare time, so calm down. If you demand threads with constant drama and accurate links then go start one yourself and grace us with your superior abilities kek.

No. 1970578

It sounds like spiderweb head is having a meltdown, jonny is having some fent cravings and lashing out or syd is upset she cant sperg about layna anymore. They alone keep the thread going kek

No. 1970656

Nonnie, are you paying to be in her camshow? I refuse to believe there’s multiple farmers posting screen caps of her shows without saging. It’s creepy and weird to post her when she’s old milk, and not interesting at all

No. 1970667

Do you have any actual proof she's dating Destiny or is it just speculation because they are fucking? you do realize Destiny has a harem of women he routinely flies out, right?

No. 1970711

….k literally you’re the only one here who gives a shit. why are you so obsessed? she literally has nothing to do with this thread anymore.

No. 1973082

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I don't get it. So is he… the prostitute in this situation?

No. 1973105

Is he trying to be cryptic, or is he telling people he hides cash underhis mattress? Kek

No. 1973113

KEK I bet you're right. I can't see him having a bank account, he strikes me as a pre-paid credit card kind of invalid. I love that he's so flashy with his little pennies. He's going to get his ass robbed.

No. 1973214

Hello? Where the fuck did thread 22 go?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1973522

It was autosaged due to all the schizo infighting then deleted once it fell far enough down the catalog or something like that

No. 1973750

nvm schizo may be right, she's apparently staying with him for a month, so they might be dating.

Am I the only one that thinks the threads have slowed down significantly as of lately?

No. 1974019

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Spooder posted this on his story. Will schizoskidney try to get back with goiter once he's in a new band?

No. 1974041

So his current project is failing? Kek. He wont get those likes unless he buts them

No. 1974087

>Jonny's starting a rock band
So he's too poor to hire people to play instruments on his albums and needs to con new musicians into doing it mostly free? Or maybe he's convinced the reason he's failing is because he's not part of a band.
Either way, nobody of note will join up with him cause he's burned all his bridges in the industry. On the rare chance he gets 10k likes (or is able to pay for them), a band's not gonna happen unless he ropes his roommates and cobwebs into it

No. 1974784


Ah yes, Jonny Craig starting (or even being in) rock bands; an impeccable track history

No. 1976230

goity only has success when he is drafted into someone elses band that has good song writers and clout in the scene. nothing he does himself is original or interesting.

No. 1976287

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Sorry bout the photo, I don't usually use this device, however seems like one of his exes necro'd a thread for this post.

No. 1976290

>we dated on and off
KEK is she serious? Jess babe, he used you as a tea cozy for his dick while he was looking for someone who wasn’t busted and embarrassing. you were nothing more than a hookup in between girlfriends. cute cope tho.

No. 1976521

Here is the post in clear text:

"Y’all are really fucking dumb and bored you have all of this free time to sit around and judge other people while you sit on your ass on the couch with potato chip grease running down your shirt…fat fucks.. what have you done for the world? Oh yeah that’s right, nothing. So dumb you can’t even do your research and realize Jonny has been one of my closest friends for 15 years, And our fucking love and understanding doesn’t need to be explained. We’ve dated on and off, but we will always be each other’s biggest cheerleaders. I know your brain is too small to understand this concept. The man has been through hell and back and fought his way out, and he’s PROVED by his almost 2 year sobriety he deserves a chance. Y’all are the fucking clout chasers. Thanks for the entertainment losers
- Jessi Couture 19 hours ago"

Let's go through this together Jessi Coture so you're caught up. Firstly, no one cares if you've known Goiter, dated him, cheer for him etc. People also knew and cheered for Jeffery Epstein. All you Goiter stans fail to every give evidence. You just say you "know him" and he's "been through a lot". What does that have to do with anything? What does that even mean?

Why don't you systematically dismantle all the lies then and prove us all wrong? Go through them one by one and tell us why it's not true:
1. Rape Allegations / Forced Injection (3+ corroborating stories)
2. Multiple Assault and Possession Charges (google the court docs)
3. Robbing fans / Theft for drug purchases (mac book scams)
4. Fentanyl use withing the same location as a baby (downgraded from felony)
5. Makes jokes about how much money he has, then e-begs and doesn't save for storm, lives in a shithole, spends his money on a shitbox merc.
6. Is a complete pig online (stupid sexist posts and "throwing shade" at anyone)
7. Being flung out of almost every band he's been in for being a fucking nightmare (Will Swan's letter, GDG, Emarosa, Slaves, Colin's letter etc)

No. 1976710

U big mad. Want a cape so you can be super mad?? ^(idiot ^)

No. 1976714

>we dated on and off (this is totally super important information that I must share with you because it’s totally relevant)
>b-b-but you’re all totally the ones who are clout chasers!!
Kek. So embarrassing.

No. 1976820

kek yup. goiter and jessi cunture so mad they had to come on lolcow to wax lyrical about how EVERYONE else is wrong. then project that people who come here to read their autistic bile is "sad" and "fat". nice kek.

No. 1977281

Kek she only proved that she is a daily lurker and is mad at dogshit and embarrassing karaoke photos got posted here

No. 1977302

Guys. I feel like a lightbulb just went off. I think Jess is schizo chan. we already know that at first it wasn’t just one person and we already know that one of the people was syd. I bet Sydney started it off and Jess kept it going and I think she’s the one that’s been saying she wants to ruin the thread and posting vile shit to try to troll. Her and Syd don’t have to get along for this to happen, but it’s kind of solidified in my mind that it’s her. I wish that post wasn’t deleted so the mods could reveal her history. I think she’s salty that Jonny doesn’t want her and her definition of dating on and off is the occasional fuck when he’s in town. I highly doubt he’s taking her on a date, bought her anything, or told her I love you in a romantic way. I kind of want him to see this I would love his opinion on him and Jess dating.
weird that she says she’s been dating him on and off for 15 years. I’ve been watching this circus on Twitter since he was with Amanda (2013) and not once have I ever heard of Jess, seen Jonny talking to her, any photos of them or anything.

No. 1977309

No forreal where did this post even come from? It sounds like she’s trying to prove us wrong that her and Jonny dated but no one was fucking talking about that. No one‘s been talking about anything.
She is very busted and embarrassing (see her karaoke photos upthread) and she is the LAST person to call anyone fat. Lmao we’ve seen way better looking groupies than her

Hey Jess, if Jonny is your biggest cheerleader and has soooo much luv for you and even “dated” you romantically how come he has never supported your thriving music career? Kek he could repost your atrocious karaoke videos. You even covered a song of his, and usually when people do that he posts it to his story. He does not acknowledge you. I thought he was your biggest cheerleader? Why haven’t you two collaborated on music he’s done it with people with less followers. Lmao Jonny has never been romantically interested in you, you’re not even his type, he won’t even repost the pictures you guys took, you are nothing more than a warm hole for his dick when he’s desperate. Stay mad tho Big Jess.

This is the most embarrassing fucking thing, it came out of nowhere and Jonny is not backing her up. How do you date someone in the music scene on and off for 15 years and no one knows about it? I think you’re getting dating and a last resort fuck when he’s in your vicinity mixed up.

No. 1977317

wtf she’s deleting photos like crazy I tried to link one of her singing videos it couldn’t work so I went to screenshot a picture of her (the only one without a heavy ass filter) and it’s not there anymore lmaoooo it was right next to the video
But yeah, bitch is busted.
And her videos is the worst fucking singing I’ve ever heard and she wants to pursue music KEK hit up your boyfriend Jonny. He hasn’t liked a single one of your posts yet you two are sooooo close lmao ok

No. 1977336

She’s telling us we’re dumb for not realizing they’ve been dating on and off for 15 years and to do our research . Where is the research though? Nothing is documented, Jess is an irrelevant cow

No. 1977359

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Syd looks like a fucking tranny

No. 1977360

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Crying bc she’s discovering Jonny was “dating” Big Jess behind her back /s
Who the fuck post pictures of them crying especially 31-year-old woman?

No. 1977390

Actually it could explain the Layna posting, she's probably mad fent-boy kept the camwhore in his dms and didn't get rid of her from his discord. Syd's crazy but after a point Jess had more to lose from being cheated on and Syd at least had being ranting to her boy toy who was more receptive than us to her narratives. Plus we have been getting a bunch of non-milk about Syd like >>1977359 which makes me wonder if maybe someone's mad at her too. Syd just doesn't have a hemroid ass to spam so it's just insta pics
>weird that she says she’s been dating him on and off for 15 years
I wonder if she'd been the "other woman" all this time and this is the first time she's been made public which is why she's going ham (kek) defending herself on the threads now?

No. 1977581

Nah, she added her name like a retard to the post and then deleted it. Skizo-chan has no shame nor feels any embarrassment behind what she does (coughskidcough).

Also how do you date someone on and off for 15 years? You mean he fucked you cause you’re easy and you’ll say yes? And we’re the obsessed ones? KEK

No. 1977583

Also there wasn’t a single mention of you-know-who and skizo-chan loves any opportunity to bring her up.

No. 1977599

Layna is dating a pedophile and someone who supports actual genocide. She’s more of a cow than JC now.

No. 1977678

your precious hemorrhoid queen will never be relevant enough for a thread. cope and seethe.

No. 1977719

File: 1710805644069.jpeg (487.66 KB, 1170x1305, IMG_0812.jpeg)

She really is cowish as fuck. Btw she lurks frequently. She and Destiny and harem could warrant her own thread, not in here here, but if someone knows more about Destiny than I do (I’ve skimmed thru tea about him he is just as bad as jonny) they could make it, he’s the cow that keeps on giving

No. 1977725

Multiple people want a thread for destiny and layna. They give out constant milk. I understand Layna wasn’t that milky in the past but she is now. JC and his circus are fading as far as cow relevancy goes. I’m not saying he isn’t a cow but it’s not like it used to be, and these dead ass threads prove it. We have to wait days or weeks for something to document about him. You can bitch all you want about layna not being a cow in your eyes, but you’re not a mod, you can’t stop us from making a thread for them. Nor do you get to determine what’s cow behavior and what’s not. It’s in the rules and she is bloomed into full blown cow status.

Let’s make a thread for them so the WKs stop bitching in here about it.

No. 1977726

Harem of women* unless he got rid of them, if not, it will be funny to watch Layna try to get picked into being destiny’s favorite.

No. 1977733

File: 1710807002616.jpeg (310.83 KB, 1170x1172, IMG_0814.jpeg)

Aw Jonny she misses you!

No. 1977817

>you can’t stop us from making a thread for them!
Literally no one is stopping you. Please, go make it. Have fun.

No. 1977955

Destiny's kiwifarms thread is already THE thread to document his sexual deviancy. If you want to spam shit about Layna's and the cuck's shitshow of a life then go do it there. If you make a thread about him in here you would need to retread old ground. But if you want to do so feel free, no one is stopping you to do whatever you want.
Layna and his other whores are already discussed there to extreme detail, to the point that when they go online and offline in discord is documented by farmers to know to whom of his whores he's currently talking to.

I've been reading his thread, especially after he was trending on twitter a few days ago. Layna is apparently staying with him for more than a month, and his other whores only stay a few days, so she does seem to be his favorite.

Just stop spamming with this irrelevant shit, it has been a year since she's been relevant to the thread.

No. 1977973

>>1977725 It's not WKing for farmers and nonnies to request you discuss Layna in a "Layna" thread, rather than a Goiter thread. It's a perfectly logical thing to suggest. >>1976521 I don't think Jess or Goiter have the mental ability to face direct questions over his actions. They think that "HE A GOOD PERSON ON GOD 100", provides enough evidence to dismiss goiter using fent in a room with a baby kek.

No. 1977994

Yeah I was going to say. Farmers can make a thread here for him but really it’s a bit redundant as he’s already discussed extensively on KF. The anons on here would probably fill most of the thread with close ups of Layna which is boring. The only interesting thing involving the two of them is that they’re fucking and she’s been living with him for a month and has visited quite often. Not much in terms of milk. He in particular has a lot of milk but again it’s already discussed extensively on KF.

No. 1978016

of course she do! she’s self posting too and trying to shit tt since we started talking about her kek
sorry to break it to you nonnie and i get that u don’t know shit about lolcow but we are not the same community so why should nonitas go there?

No. 1978019

Go on then make a thread for her. Oh wait, that’s right… you did and farmhands removed it. They also removed her from the camewhore thread. That’s why you’re still here months after they split, crying and coping in a thread that has nothing to do with her. The amount of time and effort you put into hating a random ewhore would be impressive if it didn’t point to you actually being debilitatingly fucking insane

No. 1978032

>so why should nonitas go there?
Because you’re all too lazy and incompetent to make him a thread here, so you keep shitting up this one with useless posts?

No. 1978099

If they are actually talking about Layna in his KWF thread I will go there. Last time I looked they weren’t.

No. 1978129

They don't have as much interest in her since they don't think she's as lolcow worthy as some of Destiny's other whores, but you can definitely go in there and post about her and people will respond back.
Just because they are talking about other topics in Destiny's life shouldn't stop you from posting about Layna. People in the thread probably just don't know enough about her to care.
In that thread they archive everything about his life, from the women he's seeing, to his public political humiliations, even his secret affair Lauren Southern was exposed in there before anywhere else.

Layna appears to be embracing the open relationship lifestyle to be with Destiny so she's going to be more lolcow worthy than ever.
If he did already try to make a thread about her and it was removed I don't understand why he doesn't just do the jump to kf then, other than wanting to keep her connected to Goiter for some reason or hating the idea of creating a kf account.

No. 1978143

There’s nothing to talk about other than her being his most recent, longest, and most often fuck since his divorce, there isn’t more to discuss in regards to Layna there either. They’ve deemed her not a cow because she doesn’t display BPD behaviours like the other women he’s recently fucked. KF is currently talking about the relevant situation going on with Destiny, which is that he’s an avid supporter of an ongoing genocide. KF isn’t like lolcow, in that they aren’t going to repeatedly post close ups of the women he’s having sex with, they focus on the cow-like behaviour itself (for the most part).

No. 1978220

Come on goiter, do something. Save this thread from more Layna analysis.

No. 1978411

No ones made a thread for her, retard

No. 1978419

ntayrt but someone absolutely did make her a thread, it was talked about itt at the time. lurk more.

No. 1978484

i bet it was Layna

No. 1978493

If it had been Layna she would already be self-posting in Destiny's kf thread, but no one in that thread fits that description.
They all mostly don't care about her other than documenting her relationship progress with Destiny, except for the 'Nadine9' account which appeared in February, types like the people from this site and seems to dislike Layna. But they've posted in the thread during times when it would have been impossible for Layna to be them.
I used to think like you, that it was Layna herself attention-whoring in this thread and she had moved to the KF thread, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

No. 1978546

I second this ^. Please stick to the thread topic.

No. 1978590

kf is not an anonymous board as lolcow is, she can get caught in a minute.

No. 1978966

File: 1711141713523.jpeg (221.26 KB, 1284x2259, IMG_5570.jpeg)

$20 for this fucking garbage

No. 1979217

Are these saint candles getting more popular right now, or perhaps being revived with the scene revival? They were all the rage back in the og scene days so it's possible he's done the first good business decision in his life and made these. But they'd need to be sold at hot topic or some other place that's nostalgic for the scene cause his biggest chance at getting customers is people nostalgic for his old acts who know nothing about him afterwards. Since this seems to be a solo venture he really needs to put out at least an EP or something to make it worth buying new merch. Otherwise you're better off going on ebay for merch from his actually successful other bands if you're nostalgic

No. 1979959

Goiter is a CCP shill. badging his shit box merc as a china-only model, selling cheap chinese tat, wearing only the finest chinese designer knock offs. probs got his new band of aliexpress.

No. 1980389

The ‘presale’ comment with the later shipping date is a dead giveaway he’s getting this shit off an alliexpress type of dropshipping site, probably costs literal pennies to make and he’s hawking them for $20 lmfao. Only true retards would fall for this bs money grab. It’s not even a good photoshop job matching the Jesus part with his stupid mugshot.
Anyone got the link to destiny’s kiwifarms page? I lost track of the new site location months ago, I’m assuming they’re still under troonattacks

No. 1980440

really nigga?

No. 1980453

No. 1980454

what was the post?

No. 1980627

File: 1711643208770.jpeg (113.82 KB, 960x640, IMG_1006.jpeg)

I love how absolutely NO ONE has posted about Jonny’s new single or his new band old flames kek

No. 1980629

it's so unoriginal, it doesn't warrant discussion kek.

No. 1980952

Many thanks kind nona

No. 1981435

>when you’re too washed up even for lolcow

No. 1981570

kek. DGD, Emarosa and Slaves had SOME form of originality to it. DGD had the chaos and melody, Emarosa had the psychedelic post hardcore thing, slaves did the trapcore thing. Goiter's trap and rock music could be generated AI if you fed it a few spotify playlists. Totally unoriginal.

No. 1982361

Is the song track stars from the bay about Sydney? Do you think he has any songs about her

No. 1982569

File: 1712233074317.png (402.91 KB, 696x796, lol2.png)

(unsaged non milk)

No. 1982702

He follows so many literal children its disgusting

No. 1982735

Yes it’s about her, so is Sadness, Going Under, and anything else from the Find Your Home album. She’s in the Sadness MV

Is he still pretending to be dating Leah? They’ve been a thing for over a year now, I love how he didn’t make it official until January though so that it excuses him fucking other women in 2023

No. 1982761

Funniest thing is that girl isn't even real. She wears a silicone breastplate. And that's not her face it's an AI generated face that she edits in all her pictures. She has other accounts in which she does the same thing with different faces, that way she can have multiple OF accounts milking even more men from money.
Not surprised he would fall for something like that. I wonder if she's gonna milk him for money and never even actually fly out to meet him.

Instead of using the little money he has to take care of his kid he's getting scammed by ugly women who hide their real identity, worse than a catfish.
Vaguely related to Goiter, Layna has been staying for a month with Destiny, the zionist, pro-palestine genocide debater. But his kiwifarms thread speculates that he has already grown bored of her and is already looking for a replacement.

No. 1982763

lol her breast plate is so obvi

No. 1982764

Forgot to add. 'She' also uses a plastic pussy that 'she' edits into 'her' nudes, so it's speculated that it's not even a woman, but rather a skinny man who edits himself as a woman to scam men out of money.

So there's a huge possibility that Jonny is sexting with a man. It could also be that she just doesn't feel the need to put her actual body online so she uses a plastic pussy instead since why not, everything else is fake already.

No. 1982765

Lmfaoooo omg

No. 1982767

for reference, this is another of 'her' accounts https://www.instagram.com/audreyteem/, she has multiple but I can't remember the rest from the top of my head.

No. 1983257

Ew, this picture just looks like some fuzzy moldy grotesque science experiment some left in a Petri dish.

No. 1983260

The glaringly obvious Adam’s apple gives it away. Johnny being a faggot isn’t new though.

No. 1983550


For this reason I will not be 'warning' my ex's new gf. He's on the criminal register, she can use Claire's law if she has half a brain.

Warning other women never yields results because women always think they're the exception and they are superior to and somehow special and will be spared that treatment. She's fucking around and she'll find out.

No. 1983610

Is Jonny autistic?

No. 1983611

i just can't get behind someone leaving their cat so often for penis (from a horrible person, mind you), especially for a whole month? i'm not surprised he's getting bored with her, she's good for nothing. millions of pickmes just like her.

No. 1983614


whats the milk leah(sage your shit)

No. 1983615

Genuinely glad you got away from your abuser anon, but this thread isn’t the place to vent about it…

No. 1983657

File: 1712550157678.png (2.9 MB, 1290x2293, image.png)

>she can use Claire's law if she has half a brain
you act as if it's a common knowledge law and as if you're mad at her lol

anyways, in mild milk jonny continues to not do things with the kid except buy him shit and sit on the couch. the kid looks so uninvolved with him as he lies on the couch taking selfies

No. 1983709

It's just a frustrating trend. Syd, Taylor, etc, its a cycle. They warn the next woman only to be dismissed, she continues the relationship because she believes she's superior and suggests that the ex somehow deserved the abuse.

No. 1983810

File: 1712601108648.jpeg (407.13 KB, 1284x2637, IMG_5992.jpeg)

HA half the girls he follows are sex workers/camgirls like make up your mind goiter

No. 1983816

better to fall in and out of romance within a few months than to be so incapable of love you poisoned your damn child, only fought for visitation to look good, and still barely give a shit about them except to use as a prop to show off the shit he can buy for him (which isn't much and isn't impressive, plus kids can tell a gift from the heart vs a shut-up-and-go-away "gift")

No. 1983822

Is this a dig at Layna

No. 1983855

this man does not possess a single molecule of self awareness. I guess focusing on other people’s shitty relationships makes him feel better about the fact that he has a whole thread documenting his failure of a love life

No. 1983857

Yeah it must be from him reading the thread. Funny because there's still zero proof of Cuck actually being bored of Layna, they are just poly and travelling to fuck other people for a few days and return soon after.
If anything, she tweeted a couple weeks ago implying Destiny told her they should travel to Japan together.

Jonny should worry about his own problems instead of speculating about what's happening in his ex-whore's life.

No. 1983874

She’s been at his place since late February, according to some schizophrenic poster on KF who has tracked Destiny’s stream and recorded all of the things he’s done for Layna that he’s hinted to on stream, and Layna said he’s taking her to Japan. They speculate he’s bored of her because They are bored of her because she doesn’t have BPD breakdowns and supply the thread with milk like the other e-girls he has sex with. Which ironically enough is likely why he spends more time with her/does nice things for her.

No. 1984017

I'd say it's more likely just low intelligence. This combined with low empathy, foresight, and years of alcohol and drug abuse. A wrecked dopamine feed back loop is likely why he's obsessed with online attention and acts out like a retard.

No. 1985086

What made big Jess randomly come in here to defend her biggest cheerleader? No one has mentioned her in a long ass time. Shit’s fucking embarrassing.

No. 1985930

File: 1713237127949.jpeg (178.34 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_1270.jpeg)

Can someone tell me what happened with Tillian?

No. 1985933

File: 1713238095472.png (447.9 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_3713.png)

He married a nutty girl who was the wife of Danny Warsnop from asking Alexandria. Google “Danny warsnops wife Reddit” and there’s a whole thread about her

No. 1985948

They kicked him for marrying a crazy girl?

No. 1985984

I don't think it's as retarded and simplified as that. He had some allegations he worked through, and rehab etc. The band had him back in the trust he had changed. Sometimes in a band, things can't be healed. That sentiment is expressed in their post. It's likely he's too much drama for their liking. DGD always change up singers and it's well over due anyway.

I'm surprised Goiter hasn't been back on the "PICK ME PICK ME" game again with DGD now singer-less. Like fuck they're gonna take on a baby poisoning retard with 20x more SA accusations.

No. 1986012

File: 1713271008242.png (388.85 KB, 1080x410, 1bdhv3qbznuc1.png)

i spoke to soon. he's already in the bands comments being slimey

No. 1986173

I wonder how upset syd would be if he became their singer again

No. 1986203

She'd be elated anon, she's a narcissist. She would get off on the fact that he's her baby daddy and playing the victim. Any attention is validation to Eggplant Sydney.

No. 1986234

100%. She's the type to forgive him for something awful if he's pulling big numbers. But if he's fallen off, suddenly he's abyoosive

No. 1986422

This is not the way to go about this. Lmfao he looks desperate, you already know behind the scenes he’s been begging them give him a chance.

No. 1986428

He got rid of her though for cheating I don’t think he would take her back. I think originally she was a rebound and then he accidentally got her pregnant.

No. 1986452


That is literally his only way of contacting them(sage your shit)

No. 1986557

likely for good reason.

No. 1986893

Leah tell ur man to get the bumps around his dick checked out. Nasty ast(retard)

No. 1987943

File: 1713804694141.jpg (282.83 KB, 1290x2293, 439078239_396841346590671_1027…)

No your three-year-old son did not ask you why "they left you out to die" you dangerous retard.

No. 1987959

totally believable. im sure right after that your toddler used his literary genius to eloquently forgive you for literally leaving him out to die while you were "uwu sick"

No. 1988145

What a fucking wild propaganda piece. Using an innocent child to project an image of yourself. Imagine using a 3 year old as your spin doctor. I can promise you no 3 year old is having grand thoughts about existentialism, mortality and morality. What a wild cope.

No. 1988337

Lmaoooo if he did it’s only because he’s repeating what he heard jonny say

No. 1988681

Why has no one posted skids stories as of today. Talk about cringe. Reminiscing 2019.(sage your shit)

No. 1988702

If its so milky why dont you post it instead of bumping the thread with unsaged nonmilk?

No. 1988715

File: 1714020101376.png (55.72 KB, 450x203, IMG_7182.png)

he did the meme

No. 1988928

Can we please lock the thread if nothing milky happens in the next month? Not a single milky thing has happened in 2024 at all.

No. 1988967

why not leave the thread open so if something milky does happen there’s a place for it? you’re acting like you can’t move on with your life until the thread is officially dead, almost like it’s personally effecting you somehow. that’s weird.

No. 1989058

We don’t lock threads when they die. Are you new? Have you ever visited /pt/? Dead threads just fade into the catalogue until something milky happens again.

No. 1989402

Yeah that is sus and I’m sure something will happen eventually

No. 1989731

How did you get the thread personally affecting me from what I said? Sounds like projection ,it was a simple question because it’s been done before to multiple threads, it’s been done to lilboweeps, lilxan thread and others. Sounds like the likes of turtlemom will throw a conniption fit if the threat ever gets locked. I don’t care if it does or doesn’t it was just a question

No. 1989733

Like what? What do you think is gonna happen other than Syd maybe throwing a fit which is normal she does that a few times a day.

No. 1989986

pretty sure lilxan never had a thread ? he was just mentioned the tp/soundcloud thread and lilboweeps thread was locked because she died. similarly other threads have also been locked because the thread subjects died but … jonny is still alive unfortunately

No. 1990051

oh you sweet summer child

No. 1990106

>sounds like projection
I dont think you know what projection means
>I don’t care if it does or doesn’t
you specifically requested it be locked, dont back peddle now kek

No. 1990414

Some milk must be about to come out for someone to not want the thread up and running

No. 1990418

File: 1714490283803.jpeg (721.44 KB, 1170x1785, IMG_1536.jpeg)

Peep her caption.. “I may not be a pro skater with skills” she is no doubt talking about Leah but why even mention her? She’s so fucking autistic and embarrassing. At least she acknowledges that she has special needs

No. 1990428

KEEEEEEEEK Stalking your exs new gf and posting a thirst trap of your literal ass indirectly mentioning her skateboard skills is hilariously deranged. Does she not realize she looks like an obsessive idiot?

No. 1990450

im sure jonny and leah are dying of laughter over this immature bullshit. shes so desperate and pathetic

No. 1990590

the way sydney lets us all know she’s still mentally ill and unhinged by explaining to everyone how pretty she is in the same instagram caption she openly compares herself to leah is… well.. it’s very sydney. she doesn’t even try to hide that she obsessively stalks jonny and his new boo. it’s just a casual day for her, trying to find ways to skinwalk and emulate what she thinks other people would find desirable in her. what a miserable existence.

No. 1990591

>>>/snow/1761387 Anon was right

No. 1990661

It's not that simple. She has become poly to be with Density.
I'm still not sure if she's actually into the whole poly thing or just forcing herself into it because if she doesn't do it Density will just replace her for another one.
I guess we'll see.

Also, I do not see her being with Density for clout, maybe for money.
Density doesn't seem to want to make their thing public and it will probably remain that way since he attributes that to being a huge factor to his last marriage failing.
He was still calling himself single until very recently, and only a few days ago stopped himself from saying he's single. So other than him flying her out to his place for months and going to trips to other countries together, I do not see her camwhore career benefiting from it.
Most of his audience seems clueless that she even exist or that he wasn't rotating whores for a while since she was living with him for two months.

It will be funny if he does end up replacing her after she fucked 20 of her ugly friends just to make him happy.

she definitely has to be on the spectrum, no way you can post this without being autistic.

No. 1990685

I think he only sees them as friends. Kiwifarmers that have followed him extensively for years believe it’s out of convenience as he mentioned he would rather die than spend a night alone, and due to her job it’s easier and convenient.

I really don’t think she is into poly stuff, she was cheated on twice in the past so it’s hilarious for her to suddenly become poly and cope.

Either way time will tell and I predict an incoming meltdown on her end as he keeps saying he’s going to remain single, and then finds someone he actually wants to date.

No. 1990692

I also used to think it was the convenience thing, but no.
Her sugar daddy, 'Dark' something, who is her number one simp and donator, called her 'PolyHolly' during one of her shows two weeks ago. She laughed and said she liked that one. Her chat was calling her nicknames which is how that came up.
And she seems to talk to that guy when she's not caming so she has probably explained her current sitation to him.

During the two months she spent with Density she also took a short trip to Orlando to go fuck one of her friends, while Density flew one of his whores in. After that she immediately came back and they spent another month together, that's the kind of behavior that he used to do with Melina, his ex wife.
She has also tweeted about 'monoganoids', a word Density uses to make fun of people who don't understand his open relationship life, although she usually deletes those tweets.

No. 1990703

Either way she’s going to get mindfucked hard. She was already fucked over twice, and with jc she ignored all his previous relationships and expected to be the one to ‘change him’.
Melina continues to talk about her ex marriage on her streams and how miserable and traumatic it was for her. Not only is Layna not getting picked (at least not officially), she’s going to spend her 30s repeating this cycle of finding these men and ignoring all previous women and thinking she is the one who will rise above.
She will always be a filler, and she will never ‘complete’ or change or fix these men. Watch

No. 1990908

How is it convenient for him when she lives in another country? He could have a different live in whore where the flights would be cheaper, and one who doesn’t level their cat with a babysitter for two months. Fucking evil shit pet mom. Theres no reason she couldn’t have taken her cat with her.

No. 1990919

She was only going to stay for two weeks originally, Destiny just kept extending her stay, first for one month and later made it two months.
Probably why he didn't think she should bring her cat.

No. 1990928

Well, now that she’s officially poly, I can’t wait until she contracts something incurable for being a dumbass all in the name of getting picked

No. 1990930

Layna is a bad person. She is a reflection of the people she dates. No one in the right mind would date Johnny Craig or Destiny. She deserves what’s coming to her

No. 1990935

Interesting that shortly after this was posted and Skid was being roasted, and after someone tried to get the thread shut down, the thread shifted to talking about the non-cow who is irrelevant to the thread again, and her current relationship. Skid, I promise you no one gives a fuck what the non-cow is doing but you.

No. 1990941

Sorry, not Skid. I brought her up because I wanted to commend whoever made that prediction a year ago.
Also, Melina psychologically tortured herself for years to be poly for him, she now seems much happier in a normal relationship. He neglected his ex wife and child and Layna looks at their past relationships and thinks she can be the one to garner respect from them.

No. 1990944

>Layna looks at their past relationships and thinks she can be the one to garner respect from them.
That's a lot of mind-reading. Unless she's said this at some point. On stream?

No. 1990946

Mind-reading isn’t required when you can just look at someone’s actions. Why date shitty men who have made their exes miserable unless you are expecting a different outcome? If she’s expecting the same shitty treatment as Melina then she wouldn’t be doing all of this. He rarely prioritized his own marriage and child, so after he fucks her over after she pretends to enjoy being poly, I don’t even want to imagine the next man she chooses.

No. 1990947

okay but who actually cares? she’ll fuck around and find out? unfortunately she doesn’t have meltdowns or make a scene or cause drama when things dont work out, she’s a boring whore, it’s not remotely milky. move on.

No. 1990951

Looks like Layna prioritizes the same things he does, temporary fun and hedonism. Perfect match. Didn't she cheat on Alex, and the guy before Jonny? She probably cheated on Jonny to and he just never found out. Destiny probably loves that she's a whore. I bet he let her live in his apartment for two months because she was willing to fuck all of his friends. His KF thread suggests he's a cuck who likes to watch so.

No. 1990952

these kind of replies itt always aligns with her being active on social media and immediately resort to accusing everyone of being Skid.
Fwiw, I discovered Layna and this thread through the Destiny poly shit,
Also based on everything I read her she absolutely does have social media meltdowns after getting cheated on, it happened with jc and she’s about to get mindfucked even harder with Destiny. Just yesterday he said he doesn’t like women with tattoos and when asked if he would be okay with his child doing sex work, he said he’d hope for something better for them than that. He will fuck her and keep her around for months because it’s easier than rotating women every few days and he doesn’t have to worry about spending a night alone like he says he hates, but he will keep saying he’s single until he finds someone he actually wants to date.

No. 1990955

He is a cuck. He said he used to watch videos of his ex wife getting her back blown out by different men.
He's into hotwifing.
Agreed, one of the most autistic guys who posts in that Destiny thread has downplayed how much of a lolcow she can be sometimes, don't know why he's doing it but I also don't plan on calling him out. She still reads this thread and tweets about it on her twitter but tends to delete them.

No. 1990958

File: 1714625081525.jpeg (160.68 KB, 918x2048, IMG_3313.jpeg)

this is what he’s doing when Layna’s in the other room btw, sexting other women and referring to her as a friend. I don’t understand why this is what she subjects herself to.
Leaked creepy sexts: https://x.com/thesonnyfaz/status/1780066050375139469?s=46

No. 1990960

It’s so obvious you’re samfagging and having a conversation with yourself and it’s unbelievably embarrassing that you think anyone believes otherwise
Because its very literally Sydney

No. 1990962

The date of those sexts was February, not when Layna was there. But he does spend the majority of her visit sexting and talking to other women.

No. 1990963

Layna accusing anons of being Skid when it’s multiple anons will never not be funny kek

No. 1990964

The 'friend' in question here is Samantha, another of his whores, not Layna.
I agree with what you are saying tho.

No. 1990965

NTAYRT, but I was the >>1990935 poster and am not Layna. I don't know if she's posting in the thread also calling anons Skid, but it's pretty obvious when Skid starts posting.

No. 1990966

Eh, I'm from Destiny's thread, I just lurk this thread too because sometimes you find things about Layna or Destiny through here that hasn't been posted in the KF thread yet.

No. 1990972

why is everyone obsessed with layna?
because she’s dated cows?
she’s not milky at all, it’s like a hyperfixation with some of y’all(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1990978

For one, she dated Jonny Craig. Fangirls (or former fangirls, now turned anti-fans) become obsessed with the significant others or exes of their idols (or former idols.) Not to mention JC's baby momma shitting up the thread every once in a while. She had(has?) such a fixation on Layna, I wouldn't be surprised if she posts in Destiny's KF thread now as well, she even mentioned Destiny in an Instagram comment recently.

Apart from that, Layna has no discernable talents, she skates by doing the bare minimum, but despite that, she has her own apartment through doing degrading behavior online (fucking herself for all to see) and she's currently getting flown out for months at a time to Miami Beach, where she goes to expensive dinners (Destiny brags on stream a lot about how he has multiple $400 dinner's every week), and probably gets money from the guy too. Hate stalking is addictive, and Layna fits a certain type of infuriating person who seems to have no consequences for her actions. When these relationships fail, she doesn't seem to react or care, and continues posting retarded tweets and floating to the next clueless guy. I hate to say this, but many lcf users are women who aren't happy, and spend much of the day fighting with other women on here, and dissecting the cows to pieces (typically women). Someone like Layna is exactly the type of woman people on here despise. No critical thinking, using body for money, and no consequences for actions. Yet seems constantly rewarded. It's enough to drive a lot of people crazy, enough to hate stalk and obsessively root for her failure. She's also proven she reads here, so posting about her is satisfying, knowing she will read it and cry herself to sleep, knowing she's always the rebound whore and never the wife.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1991109

Sounds like Taylor levels of self-victimizing. Remember when Taylor made a 3 hour long youtube video detailing Jonny’s abuse and the worst offence she cried over was that he didn’t cuddle her enough.

No. 1991133

the best part about this is her disclaiming her body and making sure everyone knows she’s so uwu smol when realistically she’s so short and disproportionate that she looks like unfortunate boxy little midget kek. at least she has an ass because her deflated pancakes are an actual horror show.

No. 1991229

See this shit is entertaining. Not sure why we can’t talk about it, nothing going on in goiters life unless I go out of my way to read and post stories of several people I don’t even follow since you lazy bitches won’t do it.

No. 1991232

Lmao what was deleted that you replied to

No. 1991235

I think it was Destiny's ex wife's DMs about how he ignores her all day and spends the vast majority of the day sexting other women. He also spends money on them and pays for their apartments.

No. 1991236

File: 1714701278975.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1170x2025, IMG_1571.jpeg)

How was Leah getting backstage for enter shikari? Is she another scene groupie? I highly doubt she works in the music business

No. 1991238

He definitely pays for Layna's apartment. She has no job and there's no way her camming money pays for it.
Definitely a scene music groupie, why else would she date goiter? He looks like a thumb, doesn't have a personality outside of being a wigger, and is broke.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1991242

You can bring it up in the youtuber or twitch general, OR if you think he's milky enough, you can make a Destiny specific thread. He constantly has leaks, and falling outs with the various women he interacts with. Constant stream of milk. It was crazier a couple years ago, but even a couple months ago some girl was sperging out online after he rejected her, saying he secretly records women in his apartment, and other fucked up shit. He deals with 3-6 breakdowns/freakouts from women per year. Only mentally unstable women go near him, and he probably manipulates and drives them to this madness.

No. 1991246

it is, but it's not relevant to Goiter, the only connection is Layna. And she barely appears on his stream and can only be seen in the background of his apartment.
If you want to discuss it go to his KF thread, almost nothing about his life is private and has been autistically logged.

No. 1991304

I've watched a few of her streams, she's constantly gushing over 40 year old me. So yes, she does have a thing for older men.
She probably has a thing for Avoidant personality men.
It's just mental illness, they attract each other.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1991310

Reminder: Any discussion of Layna in this thread (that doesn't center around JC) leads to a ban.

No. 1991323


No. 1991327

that wasn't a well thought out analysis, that was you describing your irrational obsession with a stranger on the internet in broad daylight.

No. 1991329

See name of thread ^
It's not a Layna thread.
Really. Really simple stuff gang.

No. 1991420

>you spam layna posts
>farmhands remove them and/ or ban you
>you spam layna posts
>farmhands remove them and/ or ban you
>you spam layna posts
>farmhands remove them and/ or ban you
kek, are you having fun yet anon?

No. 1991424

Ngl I thought it was spot on actually

No. 1991425

lmao layna trying to do damage control in the thread trying to blend in as a farmer is so embarrassing

No. 1991435

>in broad daylight
NTA but it’s an anonymous gossip board, I don’t think anyone cares how they’re perceived kek

No. 1991436

Yeah nonnie, totally. Layna has infiltrated the mod team and the farmhand telling you to follow the rules (for the 100th time) is so very obviously just her doing damage control. You’re seriously experiencing delusions. Take your meds

No. 1991443

Layna Derangement Syndrome has begun.

No. 1991458

as an observer who doesn't participate in the thread, it is funny. But it's also funny that you don't even try pretend to be a different anon who always starts these Layna posts.
You and Layna are like different sides of the same pathetic permanently online, good for nothing, coin.
Both you and Layna seem like below average IQ retards who won't achieve much in life, just my two cents. But at least Layna is a smart enough to realize she needs to suck off ugly rich men to become something in life. Although like always, she will end up discarded. I give it less than a year before Destiny replaces her for another whore who's prettier, lives closer, and is more entertaining.
If it happened to Melina it will happen to her.

Now stop spamming the thread with your braindead obsession with this broad.

No. 1991466

>Although like always, she will end up discarded.
Afaik she broke up with the last 3 men she was in a relationship with. The Alex guy was crying on his story about getting dumped. She left Jonny for cheating or something. And the guy before Jonny was crying in the thread because she left him for Jonny, or cheated on him with Jonny I can't remember. She's just a whore running from dick to dick. When she leeches what she can out of Destiny she'll leave him to.

No. 1991471

File: 1714775314865.jpeg (172.78 KB, 1170x658, B0ECA40A-1918-4F82-8DC5-90164B…)

very obvious to anyone whos not brain dead

No. 1991473

I am indeed the 'gushing over 40 year old men' reply, other two aren't me tho.
There's probably layna hate boner anon (who has probably made the move to Destiny's kf thread too), one or two kf thread posters, and myself, who's also from Destiny's kf thread but I've also become mostly a lurker because after reading the archives I've become fascinated by Goiter.
You are probably the same person who always complains about the Layna replies, and you don't seem that interested in Destiny, but if you read his thread it wouldn't come as suprising that there's people from his thread monitoring this one too, it has been referenced and posted many times over there already.
this >>1991246 is also me, just fyi.

No. 1991509

> If Destiny is reading this, heed my warning.
You don't know Destiny if you think your text would do anything else other than give him a boner.
That's exactly what he wants, whether she's what you describe or not is completely irrelevant to him. As long as he doesn't fully know, and she acts the way he wants her to act, then she might as well be a robot who lacks consciousness.
Agreed, but a lot of people's problems with her being talked about in the thread isn't that she's 'not milky' but that her milk, and Layna as whole, has nothing to do with Goiter. And they are right.
Whether Layna is a sociopath or not, whether she cheats on her bfs, whether she became polyamorous, whether she has fetal alcohol syndrome/BPD/autism. All of it is irrelevant to Jonny, and people in this thread rightfully don't find her interesting.

As >>1990978 said. This thread is mainly for former fangirls and anti-fans of Jonny, most don't care about whatever the fuck Layna is doing with her life.

No. 1991666

tinfoil but I seriously think skid is having an episode. it explains her post calling out jonnys new girl, blatantly asking for the thread to get locked, the cringe post that got deleted a few days ago where ‘someone’ spitefully swore to ruin the thread by spamming layna and the sock puppeting she’s doing now. its no secret she’s severely unwell and unmedicated and I think this thread is her only outlet now that she doesn’t have public meltdowns on social media.

No. 1991667

Seconded. Thinking Destiny and Layna are posting itt for her is also some mania induced schizo-thinking.

No. 1991684

Thinking everyone is a schizo is retarded. Destiny has a kf account and has posted in his own thread before, he spends all his time in his own subreddit under his account there, you really think he wouldn’t do the same here?

No. 1991689

this thread has nothing to do with the streamer destiny. its a Jonny Craig thread. hope your mental health crisis ends soon.

No. 1991808

File: 1714863997924.png (662.48 KB, 708x1261, THE_ONE._(@jonnycraig4l)_•_Ins…)

No. 1991816

wasn't he posting yesterday about God being good to him?

No. 1991840

how is he always so consistently cringy. the dramatic b&w selfie looking longingly into the distance paired with the vague bait caption asking for good vibes? stop it you’re like 50
apart from his promotional shit, he pretty much only post to complain how hard his life is, or flex about how good his life is. I think we all know which is closer to the truth.

No. 1992111

no one cares

No. 1992159

they’re only coming over here because nobody on kiwi farms cares either. just report and ignore

No. 1992180

>how is he always so consistently cringy. the dramatic b&w selfie looking longingly into the distance paired with the vague bait caption asking for good vibes? stop it you’re like 50
He's a narcissist, he's not self aware of how he looks and is delusional enough that people say 'Wow Jonny, you really are mistreated by everyone surrounding you, you deserve way better'. There's no helping people like that.
No one cares 'Nadine', or whoever you are from that thread. And it has been obvious they've been dating for months now, you people trust way too much the opinion of random people in that thread and completely ignore the obvious things that's infront of you, she stayed with him for two whole months and is flying back soon.

No. 1992196

>Wow Jonny, you really are mistreated by everyone surrounding you
I hate that this is probably exactly what he and his enablers think. nobody is against him other than himself. he’s a horrible person who took for granted every opportunity he ever had because he thought he was SOOO talented and irreplaceable that he could get away with it. every time he goes on about people leaving him out or giving up on him I laugh out loud, he’s had more second chances than most and ruined every single one of them all on his own. but I guess pretending the world is out to get you and blaming everyone else for your failures is far easier than accepting you failed all on your own.

No. 1992224

This entire thread is against him, but I always assume he's referring to this thread when he says that shit anyways kek. He spends too much time here.

No. 1992251


No. 1992265

he stays reading the thread cuz he likes hearing people talk about him and lolcow is the only place he’s still “relevant”. he posted something the other day ragging on another musician who was mentioned in a music magazine and you could tell it was coming from a place of pure jealousy KEK

No. 1992268

mod, this poster has been here for years. they're just a schizo. when it was uncovered that layna is a camwhore every other post in the thread read like this.
"HAHAHAHA FUCKING NASTY CAMWHORE" including gif reactions.

No. 1992370

You know things are bad when you are surprised to see posts actually related to the thread topic lol

No. 1992535

It's bad. lolcows is in shambles. He's literally begging for people to talk shit. He is literally losing haters as well as fans now.(unintegrated newfag)

No. 1992563

I can only think of one person who would be this pressed, kek. GROSS, so this means jonny’s lil johnny is circumcised? I bet it’s all dried out and desensitized and wrinkly hahaha nasty. a shriveled, scaly little pink nub.

No. 1992567

He's boring, no one cares about him or his hag now, not his fans nor his haters.

No. 1992573

Claiming that an uncircumcised dick is cleaner/better than a normal dick is crazy. Idc who it’s attached to, they’re both gross, but Destiny takes the cake because he rawdogs sex workers constantly and JC is loyal and in a relationship

No. 1992575

they’re both nasty but
>JC is loyal and in a relationship

No. 1992576

Love that there’s so many nudes of Layna on the internet all you have to do is type in cuteholly or just search her first and last name KEKKKKKITY KEKKKK. I’m gonna ruin her fucking life, her entire family will see how she really makes money and will never look at her the same and she will forever be unemployable. I will not leave Layna alone until she kills herself from shame(a-log)

No. 1992594

Unironically probably kinda true. Lolcows get attached to the hate they recieve because it's the only sort of "clout" they have.
>JC is loyal and in a relationship
Bait, but I'm not sure why you are pretending to be Jonny. Since the only reason why you would spam all these unhinged messages softly defending him, and attacking Layna and her new bf, is because you want us to think you are him.

>I’m gonna ruin her fucking life, her entire family will see how she really makes money and will never look at her the same
Hasn't she said that her family already knows?
> and she will forever be unemployable.
She probably doesn't need to work anymore, her small community of simps gives her enough money to live confortably in Edmonton, and as long as she keeps Destiny happy he'll not break up with her. She just has to play for long enough until they have a kid together and she's set for life.
>I will not leave Layna alone until she kills herself from shame
Seek help.

No. 1992626

File: 1715177128520.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1035x1865, 95E00AAB-E772-42DC-8184-BFE90A…)

No. 1992660

File: 1715188188168.jpeg (173.14 KB, 1170x1919, IMG_2432.jpeg)

Just because you have no self control and ruined you life doesn’t mean everyone else in the scene will too. What a ridiculous cope kek

No. 1992692

kek this is clearly bait nonitas

No. 1992727

Did Jonny really buy Leah a car? He must really like this one lol

No. 1992914

It actually is creepy how much Layna changes her personality to fit that of who she’s currently dating. I don’t hate her but watching her shift from acting like JC to her current bf is fucking creepy

No. 1993021

You do not understand Destiny if you are seriously typing this, you look like a giant retard to him.
He doesn't care about cheating, if a partner cheats on him he takes that as an opportunity of sleeping with a bunch of other women without feeling bad.

Please stop derailing the thread you retard.

No. 1993036

They need to make their own thread already, especially if there is so much "milk". Feels like Schizoseethingsid vibes relentlessly posting it in this thread at this point. Layna may be a cow but it's irrelevant in this thread any more.

No. 1993093

most women do this. It's only cringe and creepy if her new bf finds it to be cringe and creepy, otherwise who cares if she's trying to be like him.
Everytime I see him my first thought is that he must have some rare unidentified syndrome.
It's amazing how from every picture of him you can be certain that he's either braindamaged or has 50 IQ.

No. 1993245

why would they ever stop? all they want is attention and someone to argue with and anons are giving them exactly that. yall are being successfully baited by a literal schizophrenic keek

No. 1993327

I don't think it's just one schizo, I think one of them is her ex bf that posted in the thread about her when JC and her started dating.
The posting just seems so vengeful.
The whole 'heed my warning' that he does seems like jealousy to me.

No. 1993426

Meanwhile Destiny’s dick is festering with bacteria and diseases in his little nasty dick flap. I really can’t believe you just tried to defend him by saying Jonny’s dick is worse kek

Destiny is ugly as sin, I love this for Layna kek she will never date a hot man ever again

No. 1993427

All these bitches are severely autistic and you all find them facisnating? TND, Skid, CuteHolly are literal retards

No. 1993443

File: 1715430314297.png (7.32 KB, 773x24, 0gOGq15.png)

Again implying Jonny is hot with this comment. Such a sad reality to simp for an ugly 40 year old man in a niche gossip image board.
Goiter is not only mentally ill, incredibly insecure, and ugly, he's also completely broke.
Uncut > Cut

I'll feed into your Layna hate for once, her current bf, almost 6 months after getting divorced, is still refering to his ex as his 'WIFE'.

No. 1993493

The context there is that the person in question has been making fun of Destiny for years, making fun of his wife back when they were together during drama years ago. The grammar wouldn’t make sense if he used the term ex-wife in that scenario. (I don’t care about Layna, I just know about the drama from 2018 with that group of streamers he’s talking about).

No. 1993576

Don’t compare wholesome pure retards to these harpies(sage your shit)

No. 1993585

It's not the first time he has done it, he constantly refers to his ex as his wife. He's not over her.

No. 1993586

File: 1715463453212.jpeg (774.13 KB, 1290x2268, 1706138131887.jpeg)

All this derailing reminds me of this comment from the biggest destiny/layna autists >>1959026
No one is as obsessed with Layna more than saggy eggplant sidney and her hideous dicknose nobody bf. Sidney wishes her eggplants were as successful as Laynas busted hemorrhoid and is extremely jealous she "bagged" someone with more popularity than goiter.

No. 1993605

This covert narcissist covert sociopath girl does not care her dune worm penis multi-millionaire bf isn't over his divorce from 5 months ago As long as she gets to live on Miami Beach and has his private chef cooking her meals every night for months at a time, and has her rent back home paid for.
This unemployed BPD woman won't make it out of the trailer park even while cramming her weird tits together and takes it out on this thread.

No. 1993607

Kek? I missed this the first time. Always wondered how sydsopsycho got a bf but apparently he’s also mentally deranged. It all makes sense now, two delusional peas in a pod! I bet date night is them just schizo posting together itt

No. 1993625

You must have also missed this sad gem from last February >>1777525 following Skid's meltdown in the prior thread on Valentine's Day

No. 1993665

Go suck off an uncut dick then bitch. Go on. Try not to gag or choke from the smell of dirty SMEGMA(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1993666

File: 1715484883390.jpeg (405.98 KB, 1170x926, IMG_1660.jpeg)

Yummy course just for YOU anon!(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1993671

moid who doesn’t know how to wash his own dick detected(replying to bait)

No. 1993678

I don't read this thread but smegma only forms on unwashed dicks. If he bathes properly then sucking an uncut dick is no less unhygienic than sucking a cut one. Please take a shower.

No. 1993940

I don't read this thread either but shut the fuck up. Pretty bold of you to assume most (if any) moids practice general hygiene, nevermind take proper care to clean under nasty foreskin. Sorry you felt self conscious because your Nigel is uncut.

No. 1993944

imagine being pro genital mutilation in 2024. ok jew.(jew derailing)

No. 1994148

Literally almost everyone in North America is circumcised at birth, it’s the normal thing to do. Unless you’re a certain religion there’s absolutely no fucking reason for you to have a dick sleeve. It’s not fucking normal. Not to mention Destiny has said multiple times that he masturbates eight times a day, I’m shuttering picturing it right now knowing he has all that extra dick skin, and I am absolutely judging Layna 100 times harder now that I know this. Lelayna cuteholly would fuck a dog or a pig if they were rich. Can’t believe her standards are so low

No. 1994152

Skidmark, I know you read here. Stop shitting up the thread, stop bringing up Layna or her pedophile retard boyfriend. If you don’t stop I will send your nasty nudes that couldn’t even make you a dollar to everyone you’re following on IG. I will also tag Anthony green and that dude from the used. Don’t fucking test me. I will do it. It’s about time someone got a taste of their own medicine.
Let’s see if you can go a week without bringing up Layna. It not, prepare for everyone to see your low hanging deformed eggplants. Going private won’t save you either as I’m already following you.(hi cow )

No. 1994154

i wish i could run into steven bonnell in person i would seduce him and lure him into an alley then shoot his dick off. no more masturbating, no more rawdogging prostitutes. he’d probably kill himself which would be funny as fuck.(alogging)

No. 1994283

I'll help you. Just spent the last 20 minutes scrolling down all the way to her very first follow, and copied all of the @s to a notepad. That way even if she privates the account, or starts unfollowing people to protect them / she wants to hide them from us, it won't matter.
If she continues to shit the thread what we can do is you start messaging them downwards (most recent to oldest) and I'll message them upwards (from oldest to most recent), that way we'll meet at the middle.

Once you have enough of her just let me know in the thread, post the nudes you want me to use and I'll do my thing.(threatening cow tipping)

No. 1994318

hahahahahhahahahahahahah moids foreskins hahaha what hill to die on. wild.

No. 1994356

File: 1715707453463.jpeg (1.56 MB, 3368x3020, 8649A722-CFD1-47AA-8EE5-E040C3…)

a few days he found a (wild?) baby rabbit and appears he’s taken it in as a pet…?

No. 1994414

He kidnapped wildlife and it died. Now he’s saying “might as well buy a rabbit” since he already has the stuff. Idk wtf that chest is, but it’s absolutely not an appropriate rabbit enclosure.

No. 1994418

File: 1715720910713.jpeg (437.66 KB, 2972x2794, C938C187-C95F-4FB3-BC10-8F0693…)

he just gave it hay, bunnies that young need milk, usually hand fed by dropper or a teat-bottle. it very likely starved to death. if he couldn’t find the den he should’ve brought it to a wildlife rehab or at least done a simple fucking google search … rest in peace poor little bunny.

No. 1994422

>past away

No. 1994423

File: 1715722039118.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1170x2147, IMG_2918.jpeg)

Peep the caption, LMAO. Skidmark is letting us know if she doesn’t fan girl over anyone. OK sure… What’s up with her saying she wants to get pregnant by Bert not to mention every single picture of her with him or Anthony Green there’s a creepy ass caption on every post that gives off stalker energy. Jonny already told us the story about how they got together, she wouldn’t leave him alone.

No. 1994424

I’ve taken in a bunny I found outside before and it died the next day. I’m no animal expert so I’m not sure why but when he posted pics of the bunny, I thought he bought it at a pet store for storm lol. Why does he acting like Taylor kidnapping wild animals lmao. Does anyone know if he still with Leah?

No. 1994444

They are still together but he’s hiding the relationship so he can cheat. He realized he got more bitches if he pretends to be single.

No. 1994497

Syd is so psycho and obsessive I genuinely wish Layna would fuck/date Bert from the Used next or now if she is "poly". That would be epic milk and would send skid spiraling for sure

No. 1994799

whatever happened to jonnyboy going to seattle for six months?

No. 1994810

appreciate you nonna, that sounds like a solid plan. i just kind of feel for layna (just a tiny bit) and i don't even exactly like her, i just wish syd would get the same treatment. five years from now (if the site lasts this ong) i feel like she's still gonna bring her up. is syd against therapy or something? i know she doesn't like medication but holy fuck, she needs someone with a rational mind to bring her back down to earth, we all know Ian isn't doing that for her, if anything he's probably encouraing it and possibly joining in. i can picture them together on date night laughing and snickering and trolling the thread together. i mean why did he name drop destiny in her comments? how would even know about that? he either a) reads and/or posts in the thread (you would think that would turn him off tho, if i found a thread of someone i was dating i would read the entire damn thing) or b) syd told him. they are both losers. i was hoping he was a good person because he's so fugly (honestly worse looking than jonny and that's hard to beat)

No. 1994818

I know it's Eggplant Sydney and Fugly Ian trolling hard in here. I recently saw a twitter account allegdly made by one of Drakes babymamas bashing and trolling one of his side chicks with unhinged posts calling her trans, a gold digger etc and it was the same energy and style as the Layna posts in here. That jealousy and hate hyper-focused onto some boring, irrelevant plain bitch can only come from someone like Syd. Her generic style was similar enough to Syds (hair color and bangs) that she was more threatened than anyone else Jonny dated. It's no doubt Syd failed at trapping him and the fact that Jonny spoiled Layna and treated her better made her an eternal target. I think Syd deserves a miserable life with Goiter and I hope Layna makes her seeth for all of eternity despite moving on to other fuggo idiots with more to offer.

No. 1994819

Sure. I'm just annoyed because even with all of Layna's and her bf's lolcow behaviour, I still think Skid and her bf are probably far worse.
So I don't like them acting all high and mighty, and they should know their place.

No. 1994894

ya i noticed there's no pics of them together (he stopped posting pics of him and his partners sometime after he dumped skidmark) but why isn't leah posting pics either? i know layna didn't post pics of them cuz jonny told her not to or something to appease his babymama, in those screenshots when she stupidly spilled all her relationship secrets to a random stranger on IG.
i'm still confused why leah doesn't post pictures. also… how come Skidmark isn't targetting her? i don't think i recall a single instance where someone messed with her, NOT that they should, but why is she so triggered by layna's existence? i mean JC bought leah a fucking car, Skidmark doesn't even have one and doesn't drive. that alone you'd think would set her off.
i went back and checked and they've been together for over a year now? it's just odd. he publicly claimed her right before valentine's day and then nothing since then. Leah seems like such a doormat for being okay with this. but that's Jonny's exact type. his entire relationship with her is suspicious.

it's funny that anons would think it's anyone else. everytime it's brought up there's always one anon saying "It might be syd but I think it's another unhinged anon" - it's been said quite a few times and i'm pretty sure it's queen skidmark herself trying to convince us it's not her. it's way too late for that. the cat is out of the bag because she's so retarded she keeps telling on herself. same with dicknose.

No. 1994930

>cuz jonny told her not to or something to appease his babymama
>i'm still confused why leah doesn't post pictures
>how come Skidmark isn't targetting her?
Maybe JC said the same to Leah that he did Layna, that if she posts them together Skid will target her? He could've used this thread as proof.

No. 1994939

>how come Skidmark isn't targetting her?
I actually have a tinfoil about this. when Leah and him first went official someone posted a super weird post requesting us to “dig up dirt on Leah” they specifically “said something we could use against her” Im almost positive it was skid looking for Leah’s version of the famous but hole pic. she never found anything milky so she doesn’t have anything to hold against her and spam the thread with like she does with laynas online whoring.

No. 1995123

someone did dig up “unflattering” pics of leah before she changed her style iirc

No. 1995184

Im sure we all have an unflattering picture or two, that’s not remotely the same as being a cam girl or having public nudes lol

No. 1995610

Those pics weren’t even unflattering either. Skid is probably seething that there’s nothing milky (that we even know of) to post about her

No. 1995631

The average IQ of this thread is so low that two separate posters don't understand what quotations around a word mean.

No. 1995710

The absolute irony of calling us low IQ and misunderstanding the post is hilarious because we both absolutely understood not only the post but what quotations mean. You are the one not understanding our replies. I posted this
>>1995610 and I was literally agreeing with the anon I replied to about how the pictures weren’t unflattering. Retard detected.

No. 1995820

Damn anon sounds like projection kek. Pretty sure everyone over the age of 12 knows that quotations mean sarcasm. Sorry about your low IQ

No. 1996113

Anons here are some of the most retarded people on earth. Most of us discussing Layna nowadays are from Destiny sphere. Notice how the latest post in the kf thread are old destiny kiwifarm accounts that like discussing his love life. Are you idiots going to accuse them of being skid as well? Retarded.

Melina was harassed by the entire internet for years and continues to be. After the divorce everyone has eyes on destiny. Layna is going to become the target of so much from the redpill to his own community to basically anyone who hates destiny, and you’re all going to accuse each person shitting on her for being skid kek

No. 1996118

> Most of us discussing Layna nowadays are from Destiny sphere. Notice how the latest post in the kf thread are old destiny kiwifarm accounts that like discussing his love life. Are you idiots going to accuse them of being skid as well? Retarded.
Just to clairfy, I'm the guy from Cuckstiny's latest big kiwifarms thread reply, and I do lurk this thread. But I have only posted in here twice before, and it was to correct things. (just want to clear my name since your reply makes it sound like you are me or that I reply to the thread regularly to derail it when I don't. I'm not one of the derailers in here nor do I care to speculate whether it's skid or not who constantly brings up Layna, it's completely irrelevant to me).(no1currs moid retard)

No. 1996119

Blav Layna is irrelevant to Destiny idk why you think he picked her she’s a retarded whore you’re giving her false hope KEK

No. 1996120

Stop derailing the thread, if you want message me in KF. Stop bringing all this unrelated shit in here. Create an account if you are a regular in there and don't want me to know who you are, or just message me with your normal account I do not mind people disagreeing with me.

No. 1996137

It’s not worth giving kf my information. All I’ll say is Melina has been opening her mouth about the divorce and the LS cheating arc:
This was on one of her recent streams titled ‘GOOD MORNING! YOGA TODAY?’

No. 1996145

he doesn’t like the fugly retarded whore

No. 1996188

No one in here gives a fuck about Melina omfg.
Layna is not irrelevant to Destiny, it’s very obvious he likes her the most and wants something long term. She is, however irrelevant to this thread and so is Destiny so there is no point in posting about the the three of them in here.
You are the retard. Talk about Layna on KF if you want like you guys have been doing. We don’t discuss destiny in Jonny Craig’s thread.
In case anyone is confused, this thread is for
JC and his friends/associates
Leah, his girlfriend
Skid, his baby mama and occasionally Ian since they post things about this thread and post in it.
That is it. Any random who has a milky interaction with any of the people listed above can also be posted. I think some of you are getting confused. Destiny, Layna, Melina are all cows but this is not their thread, it never will be, it won’t even turn into a containment thread since they have no ties to any of the people this thread is about. If Layna talks to JC again then sure. But seeing how (in her eyes) good she has it with Destiny, there’s no way that’s gonna happen again.

No. 1996201

Idk how hard it is for them to lost about destiny/layna in the twitch or camwhore threads that ALREADY EXIST.
>>1996113 here you go
Twitch >>1874473
Camwhores >>1904192
Or make them their own damn threads if they are so milky. No one is stopping you from talking about them on this site, just dont derail threads with offtopic bullshit. It's not a hard concept.

No. 1996221

File: 1716228372054.jpeg (120.1 KB, 828x1528, IMG_3647.jpeg)

If you’re Blav, I made an account on kf but I don’t know how to message you, I’m the user who just followed you

She clearly doesn’t care she’s just a rebound. This is still a step up from the previous retard, picrel

No. 1996271

What is a set up? I’m so confused

No. 1996301

>step up

No. 1996302

just messaged you.

No. 1996368

>(no1currs moid retard)
Retarded janny I'm the one who's constantly reporting and telling people to stop derailing. Skid, or whoever you are that keeps derailing the thread, continue doing your thing, I'm no longer doing the nudes by DMs for you derailing, this thread (and shithole site) deserves the state it's in.

Layna hater, talk about Layna's hemorrhoids for the the thousand time, this janny is genuinely retarded and the thread deserves to be the shithole is has been lately.

No. 1996376

This thread is only a shithole because JC is dating a boring doormat who’s letting him cheat on her in Seattle all the time without raising a fuss so we get no milk. There is just nothing to talk about. Anons itt get mad when Layna topics are brought up but for years Taylor, Liz, Amanda, and that other one were brought up all the time and the milk was re-hashed and people would post about what they’re doing now. Anyone in the goiter-verse is fair game for posting. Liz got married and anons posted about it. People would stop posting about Layna if his new girl stopped being a doormat and Syd stopped pretending to be mentally stable. Then we’d get some milk.

No. 1996385

File: 1716267668295.jpeg (207.15 KB, 1080x1239, A3676D6F-466D-43A1-A0E4-E9F1C0…)

Skid had a glow up she looks hot, and I seriously doubt she’s bothered by little people like Layna still. She has a man who’s not fucking other women, like Leah and Layna. She’s winning.

No. 1996510

Wait till she wipes off her eyebrows and makeup, she’s not actually hot lmao. She wishes tho. Tbh neither of them are winning, they are both losers.

No. 1996511

Also her man is isn’t fucking other women because… have you SEEN HIM?? He’s absolutely repulsive. Skid had no glow up, she literally looks the same ad 2019. Is she working, in therapy, in school? Nope. Still calling out lolcow with her Dicknose bf whenever she goes bowling, and they mention Destiny in her instagram comments, so yes, she is still worried about Layna.

No. 1996525

the real retardation shown by yourself and others when you read the title of this thread, and still decide to completely ignore and go off-topic.

No. 1996526

Yeah nothing more "winning" than filling yourself with goiter gravy to become a jobless, financially dead weight burden to society, relying on others income so she can run around LARPing. SO MUCH WINNING

No. 1996656

not only is skid self-posting again, but she is also now larping as a transwoman???

glad to see she’s still pretending to be normal and unbothered, still pretending that she is capable of being in a healthy relationship, and still pretending that getting skinnier makes that square head having box body remotely attractive. fake it till you make it my lil bpd goblin queen.

No. 1996688

Girl, learn to bleach your stash! In every photo she’s ever posted, even before Jonny, she has a shadowy upper lip. Using blur and filters just makes it look dirty!

No. 1997156

Does anyone hear read celebricows? I can’t find the new thread (108). Can anyone tell me the appropriate thread to ask in?

No. 1997450

Skid is clearly desperate for any attention. Thats why she loved JC; she thrived off of the negative attention from him and this thread.
Kek, Skid looks insane. The makeup, piercings, fried hair and shitty tattoos are nothing to be jealous of. Any woman who willingly touches JC’s junk needs intense therapy and a full panel std check. I hope Storm is ok.

No. 1998176

Here you go Nona !


No. 2000638

File: 1717451841488.jpeg (577.73 KB, 1170x656, IMG_1767.jpeg)

Found the perfect show for Leah to sign up for

No. 2000639

Wait someone should edit her and jc’s faces kek.

No. 2000682

File: 1717457944220.jpeg (167.72 KB, 1170x657, CF15F986-7CEF-44D8-A54C-F08A97…)

Just for you nonnie! reposted cuz I retardidly used an emoji heart the first time

No. 2001722

How we feeling about Jonny’s new song

No. 2002289

I’m not going to waste the precious time I have on earth listening to it(sage your shit)

No. 2002299

Your loss herb

No. 2002432

Aww you hurt JC’s fweelings

No. 2002504


No. 2002506

it's him doing vocal runs over generic alt-rock-core copy paste backing track. he's only good when he's working with (being told what to do by) creative writers and producers.

No. 2003374

Who is watching Robert while Jonny is in Seattle?

No. 2003482

Next thread pic please lmao

No. 2003850

File: 1718230651244.jpeg (454.15 KB, 1170x933, IMG_2054.jpeg)

Since these threads are pretty much dead I’ve been reading when we found out Storm got exposed to fent and that was literally the day after Layna flew out to be with JC for the first time. She’s so disgusting. They all are. But I also came across this along with multiple posts from the same anon claiming Syd did fent with Jonny. Is it true Skidney? I know you read here.

No. 2004647

time to pop drop and LOCK this thread nawatimsayinnnn?! These stalker hoes aren’t pulling their weight and don’t care to farm about these cows, farm these NUTS instead(male)

No. 2004792

Syd was too busy trying to ride local band dick to make a name for herself. She goes around telling band dudes that she's close friends with Anthony Green and can help get them signed.(sage your shit)

No. 2006781

File: 1719009565991.jpeg (761.99 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_2106.jpeg)

Jonny should be jealous look at the happy couple enjoying their time in Israel. Kek JC could never afford to take her out of North America. I don’t think Layna actually has feels for this uggo with a turtleneck dick but she clearly has strong feelings about his bank account, gold digger or not she is WINNING unlike welfare Skidmark.

No. 2006917

This is not relevant, get a life

No. 2007540

File: 1719194195379.jpeg (19.46 KB, 225x286, IMG_2165.jpeg)

Her fingers are comically long.(nitpicking)

No. 2007694

sums up this thread. you actually posted the thread topic then autism riddle retards respond instantly with crap no one cares about. i hope it atleast gives them a sense of purpose in life being layna's PR manager.

I could never tell if Syd was a druggie or not. It's 50/50 in my head. She has the temperment, but I dunno if she'd go through with it. Goiter usually likes to play anesthetist and break them down slowly till they comply.

No. 2007961

File: 1719282131678.jpeg (799.27 KB, 1151x1624, IMG_2172.jpeg)

WHY are her hands longer than her head?! Her legs are also comically long. She’s so goofy looking. At least turtleneck dick luvs her

No. 2007962

File: 1719282165706.jpeg (48.75 KB, 640x640, IMG_2170.jpeg)

SKidmark’e latest selfie - YIKES

No. 2007963

File: 1719282212981.jpeg (558.19 KB, 728x1348, IMG_2171.jpeg)

Skid also blessed us with another rap

No. 2008267

i think its just the editing or face filter

No. 2008563

No one cares about the length of her hands, especially when long skinny fingers have been seen as enviably feminine for forever (Please refer to every KPOP idol and fashion runway model ever. They all have long skinny hands).

Your post reeks of jealousy. The deformed shape of Sydney’s toes and fingers are far more relevant and laughable.

No. 2010054

Syd’s hands are fine. Layna’s look like a skeleton or an alien, so creepy

No. 2010527

Skid literally has the proportions of a midget, she looks like a freak, short legs, short arms, midget hands.

No. 2010559

You say hands are fine cause you know her feet are deformed.

Sydney has confirmed sausage fingers and weird fucking feet. Weirdest I’ve ever seen. They’ve been posted before. 1 skinny long big toe that’s way too far from the 4 other very stubby sausage toes, like a midget monkey alien or something. Can’t fix those with a photo filters.

Her son has the same feet. Poor kid.

No. 2010572

Skinny minnie mini-fridge vs actually skinny Layna longfingers 2024

No. 2010671

They both suck. The bar is in hell. Idk why it’s Syd vs Layna thing but Layna isn’t much better, they are both terrible for different reasons. I wonder how much JC is gonna cheat on this tour tho or if he’s gonna use condoms this time…
Leah looks better than both of them idk why she thinks all she deserves is JC

No. 2010732

File: 1719978214373.jpg (348.87 KB, 1080x1080, Spooder.jpg)

Layna has everything Syd wishes she looked like. Syd is more comparable to spooderweb and his lesbian body. Both are built like stocky tomboys

No. 2012385

Wiggle earned my respect for embarrassing JC and dumping him on his ass only to hop to the next band-dick without batting an eye. Now she's dating a multi-millionaire who posts her all over his social media, takes her on trips, and she lives in Miami Beach for months at a time unlike ghetto Sacramento when she was slumming it with JC. Leah must have negative levels of self-esteem being there's no sign of her on JC's socials and she lets his broke ass cheat on her every tour. They don't even live in the same state anymore, he ditched her and moved to Washington for some unknown reason. My guess is he realized how easy it is to cheat when you're long distance, and how annoying it is to have your girl live in your city. Even Syd is above Leah at this point, she has her man who's loud and proud about her and they live together now no?

No. 2012439

File: 1720398590118.jpeg (679.24 KB, 1284x944, E84D5DAA-8AB2-4E84-95ED-1C5930…)

No. 2013246

File: 1720598973689.jpeg (335.1 KB, 1284x854, CF8F9067-B6D8-4DCA-BCDC-441CC9…)

No. 2013491

No. 2013567

same. she hustled up the clout ladder whilst simultaneously driving strangers online into an autistic frenzy for free PR. A few others are wanking to her pics in denial. Classy stuff.

No. 2013568

kek, proof there is still fun people on here.

No. 2013912

>At least turtle dick loves her
There are several women he would dump her for without second thought, Lauren Southern being one of them. She’s not even getting the Melina treatment, and Melina was treated pretty badly. It’s okay to acknowledge her life is pretty pathetic, all women in this thread are bottom of the barrel women. No point trying to make any of their lives seem glamorous.

No. 2014226

She's just a rebound until he finds a girl he actually likes. If Lelayna is smart she should start looking for a way to get with another streamer because what he's currently doing is looking for her replacement.

No. 2015308

File: 1721097752489.png (621.34 KB, 1284x2778, IMG_2301.png)

I just cannot comprehend

No. 2015364

Mundane, mind numbing and Shanyaesque

No. 2015373

Damn, this bitch must actually be like 80 IQ or something.

No. 2015676

Riveting stuff. Really playing into being a trailer park unemployed single mom with nothing interesting going on in her life.

No. 2015712

She’s definitely neurodivergent

No. 2016200

and cognitively stunted. just like goiter, no self awareness or sense of irony. they are perfect for each other.

No. 2016362

You can literally tell any one of these stores with phone number discounts that you forgot your info and they’ll use a store code to move the line along. Safeway. PetSmart. Target. CVS. Michael’s…

Letting someone cut in front of her is the nicest thing she’s done all year so she had to brag about it. What a sad little retard. Enjoy your $4 you silly poor.

No. 2016863

File: 1721460835222.jpeg (73.89 KB, 250x323, IMG_2664.jpeg)


No. 2016864

Why post about this event at all? Most retail stores do the phone number discount thing for everyone, she’s not special. I miss her bipolar freakouts. This just makes her look mentally challenged and like she has nothing going on in her life. When was her last meltdown? Those were the good ol’ days. Her boyfriend is so offensively fugly that no one is trying to flirt with or smash him so she has no women to screech at. I miss it…

No. 2016865

File: 1721461456124.jpeg (639.08 KB, 1163x2025, IMG_2625.jpeg)

Did you guys know that Jonny goes to work every single morning to grind for his son? How sweet. I wonder which fast food chain restaurant he’s working at in Washington. I bet him and keep my secretions work together at Tallywackers. He’s on the come up tho!!!! This is his year guys!!!!

No. 2017074

File: 1721530030115.jpg (124.04 KB, 1080x1080, 1000016874.jpg)

Jesus Christ, Sydney nobody wants to see your saggy flop goblins. You're embarrassing yourself.

No. 2017281

If I had to pick what fruit Sydney’s floobs are, I’d pick bananas.

No. 2017765

Kek Layna’s bf is literally hooking up with Empathchan, an even bigger cow on here. If she objected in any way he would leave her for someone else, she probably has zero say in the crazy people he hooks up with. Remember when people said she’s winning, but I don’t think even JC is deranged enough to hook up with someone that crazy

No. 2017766

> Hooking up with Empathchan
Moids who think they're playing da field always hook up with the most bottom of the barrel women they can find kekekek

No. 2017937

What if they’re both hooking up with Empathchan? Layna likes girls and Destiny is openly open. Thruples gonna thruple.

No. 2018021

He's also probably going to start interacting with Lauren Southern again soon, Layna isn't winning in any way.
Melina limited Destiny for a reason, and Layna is going to find out why real soon.

No. 2018053

Maybe she’s fine with empathchan, or she’s in on it herself, but imagine how it must feel knowing any farmer, cow, even SYDNEY, can have sex with them if they wanted to. Maybe she doesnt give a fuck her man has no standards but its only a matter of time until its someone she hates

No. 2018092

I was absent here for like a year now. Is there any new milk about JC or is it just his ex girlfriends thread now?

No. 2018136

Pretty much mostly Layna's thread now

No. 2018154

Goiter has been miraculously less of a retard recently which means less milk. One person on here keeps bringing up Layna despite it being off-topic, irrelevant and banned. Seems to be the same bitter person who has been bringing her up unsolicited for months in some bizarre attempt of autistic online revenge.

No. 2018166

Goiter has been miraculously less of a retard recently which means less milk. One person on here keeps bringing up Layna despite it being off-topic, irrelevant and banned. Seems to be the same bitter person who has been bringing her up unsolicited for months in some bizarre attempt of autistic online revenge.

No. 2018170

Yeah no one bothers to post Jonny content anymore even though some of his IG stories have been pretty funny and ironic. I have noticed the spamming hatred for Layna has stopped ever since anons threatened to send her nudes to everyone Skid is following, guess Skid has stayed away from this thread since then

No. 2018475

Lol no she hasn’t. This thread is how Sydney clings to the relevancy she so desperately desires. She just doesn’t care because she thinks she is better than everyone and knows no one will actually follow through with that threat.

No. 2018780

I would follow through with it but she hasn’t given me a reason to yet.

No. 2018820

I would 100% follow through, I still have the txt file in my PC with all of her following accounts in there.
As the other anon said tho, she has definitely decreased her spergouts since the thread was made, and hasn't given much of a reason to actually do it.

No. 2020129

Anyway back to the thread topic. I think Jonny and Leah broke up. He's streaming on twitch right now and he said something about girls ghosting him.

No. 2020829

File: 1722371771833.jpeg (749.3 KB, 1284x2650, IMG_8937.jpeg)

No. 2020905

File: 1722384790840.jpeg (569.23 KB, 1759x3464, 08ACAE80-BABE-43D3-B1B7-BD7385…)

holy shit the prophecy has been fulfilled

No. 2020942

wow lmaoo this shit has me crying laughing. The humor in it all is almost too much to handle.

No. 2021118


No. 2022016

Hahaha this is the best news. Bless your heart nona.

No. 2022356

Typical attention whore narcissist. Syd was such a good fit for him.
Humbled kekek

No. 2024062

you can’t possibly tell me this isn’t a 50 year old.

No. 2024880

How many groupies has there been so far on this tour Jonny? Also why did some anon say he and Leah broke up, is that true?

No. 2025309

File: 1723505967830.jpeg (1.48 MB, 1170x1932, IMG_3007.jpeg)

Jonny posted Chelsea and other slaves memories.

No. 2025719

I’m sure she loves this after her TikTok she posted of Jonny following her and she had to block him. It’s deleted now but all of her TikTok’s are about how depressed and fucked her life is. Jonny really does ruin women’s lives. I know she’s not a perfect victim since she slept with him while he was engaged to Amanda, Taylor isn’t a perfect victim either and neither is Skid but there is a common factor / pattern going on here. At least he’s single now (I can’t imagine he’s dating Leah still and never posted her but he’s posting his ex fiancé) so hopefully he isn’t fucking up a woman’s life right this moment.

No. 2026138

File: 1723695610005.jpeg (287.43 KB, 1170x2075, IMG_3042.jpeg)

We hurt his feelings

No. 2026146

Damage control, I wonder if someone showed Leah this post >>2025719 kek

No. 2026536

I would be a livid if my boyfriend posted his ex fiancé but never posted me. I wonder if they did in fact break up

No. 2026865

File: 1723867761563.jpg (440.89 KB, 1536x2048, F1_IInCaMAA_vj1.jpg)

I really want him to get with Pumpy. She's exactly his type, face tattoo, hot, white trash, easily controllable by her man. Will let herself get cheated on regularly but will NEVER leave.
Please shoot your shot goiter, she would get with you: https://www.instagram.com/sixginn.jpg/(this isn't the thread for posting your weird fantasies)

No. 2026866

Also she makes bank being a camgirl and always buys designer shit for her deadbeat boyfriends. He could have his Taylor era money again.

No. 2028303

File: 1724221485329.jpg (73.7 KB, 750x600, 1665607549968.jpg)

So sad this thread is dead now. RIP the golden era.

No. 2028338

im hoping we get another wave of drama. he must be craving some chaos by now.

No. 2028692

File: 1724311662851.jpeg (368.49 KB, 1284x2282, IMG_3121.jpeg)

No. 2028694

File: 1724313501076.png (870 KB, 2600x1018, IMG_3122.png)

“I won’t stop until you’re dead” has Ian seen this?? I’m gonna go flirt with him so Syd can throw a fit

No. 2029412

File: 1724468684367.jpeg (558.39 KB, 1170x1212, 9C545F34-0D97-4A10-A4A4-8E8AAE…)

Destiny’s KF thread is making fun of Skids tits for some unknown reason.

No. 2029429

God fucking unnnnnnnnf I want to suck on goiters toes until one drop of sad cum slowly reveals itself on the tip of his weiner.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2032691

Kiwi farms is really unhinged kek they doxxed Layna’s address

No. 2032702

Skidmark’s feet are truly terrifying

No. 2032908

File: 1726141328649.jpeg (503.19 KB, 1284x2282, 8B0D9854-ACE5-4834-8BC5-DB4294…)

Looks like a blobfish without his dentures

No. 2033562

Never thought the Jonny Craig thread would make me want to stop whatever I'm eating. Goddamn he's so repulsive

No. 2033656

File: 1726274137928.png (33.93 KB, 592x304, scenebandsqqqq.png)

No. 2033658

File: 1726274288296.png (31.58 KB, 590x311, better.png)

looks like she doesnt give a shit lol

No. 2033923

Unbothered queen

No. 2034076

She always posts about how much she’s “winning”. She’s completely reliant on destiny financially , he pays for her apartment that she was stupid enough to dox herself using selfies, so of course she has to put up with however he treats her / all the other bitches he gives attention to. Yes, truly winning Layna. She is like 28 now? Or about to be. With no job experience other than camming which cant even afford her lifestyle with, or a car. As long as everyone’s using condoms I guess the dick sharing doesn’t really matter, but she will never find a real boyfriend that loves her who is okay with the destiny situation. All her tweets about being unbothered and how great her life is, is her overcompensating and coping. She’s also addicted to speed lmao so there’s that.

No. 2034085

File: 1726365427791.jpeg (189.65 KB, 1200x967, IMG_3404.jpeg)

Why do beautiful women go for this man? He is built really weird too, like a lollipop. How does this man have more groupies than Goiter?

No. 2034086

File: 1726365545887.webp (69.32 KB, 750x900, IMG_3405.webp)

The biggest head I’ve ever seen, then his body and limbs are abnormally short and skinny, does this nigga have muscular dystrophy?

No. 2034373


Destiny tries to avoid condoms and only uses uses them if the girl tells him to. He just gets tested for STDs instead (his KF thread thinks he has HIV)

>She’s also addicted to speed lmao so there’s that.

Destiny has admitted to giving her his ADHD meds, so not only is he funding her entire life, he's her drug dealer now too

No. 2034376

>She’s also addicted to speed lmao so there’s that.
How do you know this or that she doesn’t have a car

No. 2034510

She tweets about adderall and vyvanse constantly, and I know she doesn’t have a car because I just got done reading kiwi farms, where it was confirmed. It’s obvious she doesn’t have a car she would take bragging selfies in one since she loves to post about how much she’s constantly “winning”. maybe destiny will make her his favorite and buy her some wheels
I’m disgusted but not shocked. JC doesn’t use condoms either, both him and Destiny have slept with someone who openly has herpes, and Layna just freely lets them rawdog her. There’s no way she hasn’t caught something. STD rates are sky high at the moment also, hopefully she catches something incurable. Makes sense why her pussy is purple and grey in her cam shows, its probably rotting

No. 2034513

So sexy I want him to throw me around with those lanky child arms
Lmao THIS is the mf that gets Layna’s pussy wet… I cannot. He’s garbage and so is she.
Also Goiter & Leah are still going strong even though he’s been cheating his entire tour… smh this little girls are SAD

No. 2034524

You should read analysis of his behavior on Kiwifarm it's very descriptive and on the nose. He targets women with mental illnesses and lead them on.

No. 2034631

>Also Goiter & Leah are still going strong
doubt. he just posted chelsea on his reels. he’s probably trying to work her back in.

No. 2034638

She was at one of his shows recently, like a few days ago. it was posted by a goiter gang adjacent, the story has now disappeared and I didn’t think to screenshot it.

No. 2034639

Chelsea would 100% take him back, so would Amanda and Taylor even though Amanda and Taylor both have partners.

No. 2035083

Jonny is renaming Utah Winters to "Larkin", the only girl he never got over. lmfao if you know you know… how is Leah okay with him reminiscing about ex fiances so much and still not publicly claiming her?

No. 2035197

File: 1726587941255.jpeg (19.6 KB, 1290x2293, 77B5FD01-3B44-4130-8B1D-2EA5F6…)

Back to vague posting.

No. 2035198

File: 1726587989171.jpeg (225.03 KB, 1290x2293, 62C1C9C4-5C43-46D1-AAFD-5B608B…)

I like how his “baby” isn’t his son, or his “girlfriend”, but his car.

No. 2035204

He posted Chelsea last month, he’s naming a new song Larkin. His band is called “Old Flame”, I wonder if this is going to be a trend? I bet he’ll reference Taylor and Amanda at some point too.

No. 2035264

>inb4 he posts a big plate of eggplant parm on the gram

No. 2035591

File: 1726647469513.png (465.4 KB, 480x640, IMG_3422.png)

Yup some of the comments under the IG post knew who he was talking about
Found this from a tumblr with soooo many old pics of Jonny, this is her

No. 2035592

File: 1726647830458.jpeg (767.07 KB, 1170x2112, IMG_3430.jpeg)

Just googling ‘Jonny Craig Larkin’ this pops up
The artwork will be him in matching poses / activities with his exes

Seems like this is the only other gf other than Taylor that did drugs with him no wonder he misses her.

No. 2035593

Spoiler please, looks so gross.

No. 2037213

File: 1727004645702.jpeg (466.36 KB, 1179x1931, IMG_9334.jpeg)

keep your eyes on the road goiter. Bet skid is seething Leah is right there with storm and jc playing house.

No. 2037990

File: 1727169969588.png (15.43 KB, 613x235, lelanaquits.png)

No. 2038092

No, she means when she quits. But it’s obvious this is sarcasm. She’ll never quit, she’s entirely unemployable due to her own dumbass decisions. She’ll eventually just move onto full on escorting like all other camwhores, she kind of does that already with Destiny. Nothing romantic about their relationship is all based on money and uncircumcised bjs. She can’t even afford her apartment which is why she puts up with destinys weird ass body and disgusting turtleneck dick

No. 2038094

Here’s her parents house(doxxing)

No. 2038175


She hasn't cammed since August 14 lol. She is already escorting with Destiny paying for everything

No. 2038292

Check her mfc profile she was live a few days ago

No. 2038862

Why are we still talking about Layna in this thread? She hasn’t been relevant in well over a year.

No. 2038920

She’s not boring but Goits is.

No. 2038994

Because she turned out to be a complete cow

No. 2039842

File: 1727546630349.mp4 (1.93 MB, 1080x1920, Lurkin.mp4)

Heres a clip from instagram of "Larkin". Same overdone vocals and same spastic yet stiff motions with his hands.

No. 2040381

File: 1727660810956.jpeg (832.85 KB, 1284x2280, IMG_1090.jpeg)

“sorry that you aren't smart enough to separate fact from fiction” HAHHAHAHA what a goober

No. 2040781

Some of you are genuinely so dumb or English isn’t your first language.

No. 2041142

Lyrics to Larkin. How Leah is okay with this is beyond me, unless they broke up but they’re still following each other and he claimed his territory in the comments of her latest posts. Has he made a song for you, Leah? kek

Starting to heal
And after all of this time
I know how you feel
I know how you feel

I'm drowning in fear
And after all of this time
It's like you are here
It's like you are here

Our name engraved in skin
Carried through these veins
And tangled within
You were my best friend
And I couldn't let you in
I said this before
But hear it again

It's like walking alone in the dark
While taking a shot to the heart
And I'm out here stuck in the cold
I've been following tracks in the snow
Like a name that would guide me back home
It's a place to burn in my soul
I'm out here stuck in the cold
When will I find my way home
Find my way home

Now the time has passed
Oh, the memories we've had
And faces that changed
Oh, how we've changed

Now you won't let me in
I'm down on my knees
So tell me, when will this end

It's like walking alone in the dark
While taking a shot to the heart
And I'm out here stuck in the cold
I've been following tracks in the snow
Like a name that would guide me back home
It's a place to burn in my soul
I'm out here stuck in the cold
When will I find my way home
Find my way home

Where will we go
Footprints we left in the snow
Like walking in the dark
Like a shot to the heart
Where will we go
Couldn't find our way back home
We're out here stuck in the cold
So tell me, where will we go

So where will we go
Like footprints we left in the snow
Like walking in the dark
Like a shot to the heart
So where will we go
Couldn't find our way back home
We're out here stuck in the cold
So tell me, where will we go

While taking a shot to the heart
I'm out here stuck in the cold
Following tracks in the snow
Like a name that would guide me back home
It's a place to burn in my soul
I'm stuck here out in the cold
When will I find my way home
When will I find my way home(sage your shit)

No. 2041198

Kek and Larkin is the only name tattoo he never got covered. Despite being the oldest one.

No. 2041215

File: 1727840422052.jpeg (107.38 KB, 1024x680, 64CD81BD-3ED4-4188-9718-1B2059…)

He thinks about Larkin every time he slides his wrinkled goiter into Leah’s greasy meth snatch.

No. 2041216

File: 1727840525953.jpeg (74.82 KB, 500x335, A859F3E0-A052-42FD-857A-A5DDE6…)

He made his most popular music when he was dating her. Prime of his career, best time in his life. No wonder he’s reminiscing.

No. 2041218

File: 1727840855441.jpeg (923.67 KB, 1170x1415, 5E829706-4FC7-4E9B-8A43-8358F8…)

No. 2041268

She looks like Layna?

No. 2041451

This is milk you retarded jannies . Kill yourselves(take it to /meta/)

No. 2041490

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No. 2041612

Not wearing underwear is actually very nasty and unsanitary, not sexy or naughty like they probably think. Underwear was made for a reason…

No. 2044352

only poor people do photos like these. Holding up that months rent in cash like it's disposbile income lol.

No. 2045617

Happy to see Jonny Craig so happy with a good girl for him finally! Leah is beautiful and not a trainwreck like his exes. Happy for the beautiful couple. No drama.

No. 2046096

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No. 2046171

I bet Layna. She seems passive like that. Skid would scream and cry and post girls on her story calling them “horse faced”.

No. 2046178

He’s unblocking hundreds of women that his ex was threatened by? Guess he’s getting bored of Leah.

No. 2046886

File: 1729102246409.jpeg (387.44 KB, 1170x2407, IMG_7147.jpeg)

Poor Storm looked like he had an open heart surgery before based on the scar on his chest.

No. 2046903

This makes me so incredibly sad. I feel like they spend too much time being self absorbed on their socials and not enough time tending to their kids. Its especially sad seeing that huge scar and him coming up to his parent for comfort, and then getting a phone shoved in his face and his unwellness blasted with his photo on the parents socials. Like fuck, you idiots, put your phone down and hug your sick kid! Dafuq wrong with you?!

No. 2046912

um how old is she?! are there other surgeries that would require an incision like this? this is bleak.

No. 2046937

It was mentioned in the court proceedings that he was getting surgery. They also vague posted about it and we speculated it was a heart condition. Some people accused Syd of smoking during pregnancy but there was no proof.

No. 2046948

Can't help but wonder if it has something to do with him ODing on fent that one time when Johnny was doing fent around him.

No. 2046991

Someone said Syd was also doing fent with Jonny but who knows if that’s true.

lol damn. If he can disrespect Leah in public like this imagine how he disrespects her in private. Is she officially the most passive doormat he’s ever scored for himself?

No. 2047000

Most passive doormat who used the last 2 brain cells she hasn’t fried from meth, to decide shacking up with a deadbeat has-been warped tour singer is her only chance after hitting the wall. Bleak.
Have fun Leah, he’s unblocked all the girls his ex was worried about, and is currently reconnecting with each of them.

No. 2047053

Maybe Leah is polyamorous and doesn’t care. Goits traumatized Layna so bad that she turned poly.

No. 2047062

Old Goits would never let someone plow his Old Goat. It’s an open relationship…… just on one side kek.

No. 2047423

Layna never gave a fuck. Eggplants however goes on random blocking sprees on her own account. Definitely skyd.

No. 2047459

Layna is good at pretending she doesn’t give a fuck but don’t let her fool you. That’s what a NARC NPD does.

No. 2047839

File: 1729279734068.jpeg (109.36 KB, 1179x2303, IMG_1860.jpeg)

Jonny and Leah don’t follow each other on insta anymore

No. 2047846

Why would he shove Skids ugly mug into every one of his insta stories, but hide Layna and Leah. I guess it’s easier to cheat that way, but posting his exes didn’t stop him from serial cheating before

No. 2047847

Glad you’re catching on Leah, he’ll never post you but he will post his ex fiance Chelsea, and name one of his new songs Larkin (the only girl he ever loved).

No. 2047858

File: 1729283070612.jpeg (69.73 KB, 1284x2283, IMG_0078.jpeg)

Not sageing because this is milk finally

No. 2047860

She must have posted some anniversary stuff and then deleted it because he only shared it onto his close friends story.

No. 2047882

It’s taken her this long to figure it out? I’m having trouble feeling sorry for her. JC definitely wants to have his cake and eat it too.

No. 2047885

File: 1729286799347.jpeg (134.49 KB, 1147x1859, IMG_3791.jpeg)

Jonny’s stories. I hope Leah keeps hers up and doesn’t take it down like Layna would when they fought. He’s also reposting a lot of fan girls who claim to be “celebrating his 3 years sober”. They are celebrating for him lol can’t make this shit up

No. 2047886

File: 1729286849089.jpeg (112.06 KB, 1127x1897, IMG_3792.jpeg)

No. 2047904

File: 1729288139778.jpeg (140.37 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_0081.jpeg)

Nice defence when you get called out for hiding your girlfriend on your social media so you can sneaky fuck fans on the side. “Who caressss babe its the internet.”

No. 2047908

Welp you spoke too soon. She already deleted this one >>2047858
How does he find these pathetic doormats?

No. 2048068

Women who want their 15 minutes of “fame” for doing nothing other than fucking a scrote are a dime a dozen

No. 2048148

that’s why they get so mad when he doesn’t post them kek. without the “fame” it’s pointless.

No. 2049474

File: 1729646249359.png (151.33 KB, 1080x1923, 1000008079.png)

Syds beefing with a "831" local.

No. 2049684

Does goiter have Storm full time now or something? He’s always in gaiters stories and never in Skids for the past couple months and they live in different states so it can’t be frequent visits.

No. 2049686


No. 2049727

If he can fly out Layna internationally and so frequently it’s probably what he’s doing for storm. He’s still living in Washington?

No. 2049754

I could see that but Storm has been completely MIA from Skids stories for months now. N u know she loves showing off what a good mom she is

No. 2049785

lol what did they do? Prank call? And what exactly is she gonna do when she “finds them”? Love to see someone who goes out of their way to harass people getting a taste of their own medicine.

No. 2051067

Maybe storm is back with grandma

No. 2051083

File: 1730081563050.jpeg (294.92 KB, 2048x1152, IMG_3871.jpeg)

She is so fucking ugly.

No. 2051126

Skid deleted all photos of her and Big Nose from her instagram and has been sad posting on her stories. Just in time for goiter and Leah’s break up. Nonnie’s has the reunion of our dreams fallen into our lap? Will the milk flow once again?

No. 2051127

File: 1730098565605.jpeg (159.07 KB, 1080x1920, 80735DFD-7B88-4CC2-91C5-B2848A…)

kek nona he posted for you

No. 2051324

This is an image board

No. 2051326

File: 1730154845258.jpeg (727.17 KB, 1078x1914, IMG_3880.jpeg)

Is this skid’s new victim? Or some other emo singer she is trying to get her talons into. Is she still following Ian? I’m blocked

No. 2051334

>this is an image board
are you retarded? post images of the pictures she deleted? I don’t have a “before” screenshot of what her account looked like before.

No. 2051367

>and has been sad posting on her stories.
LOL. you're either the retarded one or a newfag. literally any story considered remotely "milky" about the goiter circus gets posted here, which is what i was referring to. i wasn't even talking about the missing photos of her and ian, but it's also possible to post proof of that as well. sorry about your low iq.

No. 2052056

File: 1730346402553.jpeg (180.41 KB, 1080x1919, 27FD7A47-A91D-4298-903F-A699BA…)

leah and lil jon follow each other again, must have made up but they still in a secret relationship
why does she look 45, girl you are too old for this

No. 2052057

File: 1730346448058.jpeg (37.86 KB, 1080x1919, B6156740-B431-4F7C-94CB-23E5B9…)

she posted this taking shots at her secret boyfriend

No. 2052339

She looks dead and sad inside.

No. 2052562

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No. 2052591

As much as I hate these two it's nice to see Storm experiencing a semblance of normalcy. I hope he had a good halloween

No. 2052599

They broke up with their significant others at the same time, I hope they get back together for Storm.

No. 2052600

File: 1730506219554.jpeg (137.75 KB, 1080x1920, EABE3C42-8F04-461B-B4C9-208ED5…)

Rooting for it. Only good gf JC has ever had. No one has loved him as much as her, and now that he’s off drugs they can actually be a family.

No. 2052610

skid is bat shit crazy and jc is a serial cheater…among other things. wtf are you on about??

No. 2052671

This is so cute, I hope they can make it work, I miss when they were together.

No. 2052680

they fought a lot but you can tell he was happy with her. he needs to feel needed and that’s how she made him feel!! she fought for him in those comments with other women and it was cringe to us but real love tbh. chelsea would fight with other random girls too and he posted her recently in that instagram reel. Layna or Leah would never and that’s why he wouldn’t post them. he knew it’s not real love with them.

No. 2052705

Delusional thoughts from fantasy island. Who you tryna lie to - us or yourself?

No. 2052732

Thread reeks of bpd for sure

No. 2052807

Nta but the general consensus of the thread is everyone wants them back together. You’re like the only one against it. They are perfect for each other and there’s nothing delusional about missing them together . I didn’t realize Syd and Ian were actually done though. I wonder what JC said to Leah to get her to forgive him, at least to where they follow each other again. He’s been reminiscing hardcore and posting his old flames, Chelsea, Larkin, now Syd. Leah is going to look so silly if she gets back with him

No. 2052809

Is Ian sad posting yet

No. 2052826

Has either break up been confirmed?

No. 2052843

Yasss! The unhinged syd is the most entertainment we got from this thread. I went thru the old threads to chuckle about how she’d white night for him, but became a little sad, she could be with a more loyal man that wouldn’t get a kick out of making her jealous.
Jcs such a damn pig, he gets with a new girl just to miss the old relationships , then will only want her when she’s moved on. Loser ass moid

No. 2052844

Idk what yall say; Syd is the prettiest one out of the bunch that JC has dated. Layna was only hot to yall because she used a crazy amount of filters, had good hair (before she boiled it in acid, and cut it into crop bob) and was skinny, TND looks like she would eat your face when you slept, and would help you look for it when you woke up. Leah looks like she’s on drugs, and is not memorable in any way. Syd looks healthy, looks like she bathes and isn’t on drugs and looks moisturized .
She’s too good for Jc and should find someone worth her time

No. 2052848

tbh all his exes look pretty normal… not gorgeous but not ugly. remove all the fried hair dye, horrendously drawn on eyebrows, shitty face tattoos, etc (shit they did to themselves) and their baseline is somewhere in the middle. solid 6s.

No. 2053137

File: 1730697359893.jpeg (219.4 KB, 1170x1830, IMG_4007.jpeg)

Who wants to bet she is going to see Jonny again.

No. 2053139

File: 1730697494933.mp4 (18.03 MB, 720x1278, inmark.mp4)

Feel like pure shit just want them back xx

No. 2053147

is this edited…?

No. 2053189

Taylor relisted the video she made about JC for those of you who haven't seen it. She talks a bit about how horrible of a person Skid is as well, and how hateful she is. (For those of you who don't know, Taylor is the girl that JC dated before Skid. Shortly after dumping Taylor, JC knocked up Skid and they had Storm. Shortly after Skid and JC broke up, he started dating Layna, shortly after Layna and JC broke up he started dating Leah. For those who don't know the timeline).


No. 2053390

File: 1730757548670.gif (359.59 KB, 400x258, IMG_9253.gif)

Taylor needs to move on, she’s got her parents house full of animals, only thing she’s consistent in doing is rehashing old stories about being a junkie and telling her “fans” (farmers) she’s gonna make a video. All she does is sit at home and eye fuck herself and pick her skin and pluck her eyebrows on meth, girl get some help for them animals and stop hoarding animals after killing more than the average pound does.
Were sick of seeing her overfilled face with twig hair. Take care of your animals and clean your room you nasty heifer.

No. 2053391

File: 1730757862309.jpeg (508.71 KB, 1170x2142, IMG_9254.jpeg)

Weird how the comments go from 2yrs ago to just 1 day. Wow nonna; top notch detective work.

No. 2053392

Weird you’re posting someone’s daughter.

No. 2053407

I don't know why that got deleted? I put an emoji over her face. But it's true. In a couple years Leah's daughter will be old enough for goiter to ask for her nudes! (15)(ban evasion)

No. 2053408

Is that skid in the gif?

No. 2053421

Baby, that’s Joan Crawford

No. 2053423

JC thread have an IQ above 7 challenge failed

No. 2053433

Pretty sure she’s like 10 years old your sick

No. 2053436

How am I sick for saying JC will be asking for her nudes soon? He asked minors for their nudes all the time if you read the threads.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2053473

Tbh most if not all of these relationships overlapped, lol I thought it was funny how you worded it. “He broke up with so and so then started dating this one” that’s just not how it went kek you’re being way too polite.
I saw her new video and knew she re-listed the abuse one, I wasn’t aware she mentioned Skid. Is it like a new add on she recently filmed? Kek I’m going to go check it out.

No. 2053479

She mentions Skid close to the beginning of the video but not by name. But she made the video hastily when she found out Jonny knocked up another girl (the girl being Skid), and had a break down about it basically. She also had a break down because her and JC planned to name their future child Storm which is funny as fuck.

Throughout the video she claims JC is not safe to be around this new baby, the baby being his son Storm he had with Skid. She mentions in the video that Skid sent her several unhinged messages about how Taylor "deserves the abuse" but that Skid herself doesn't deserve it. Unhinged shit. (And people still question who was the schizo in the thread posting Layna's inflamed asshole).

No. 2053488

Ohhh you’re right, thanks for the refresher nonnie it’s been awhile since I’ve watched it so I appreciate you! It’s actually pretty entertaining, I might rewatch to reminisce on how good we had it with the milk. Also it’s kind of weird how some people felt like Taylor was going overboard with the statements of how JC won’t be safe around his own son, and then he goes and poisons him with fentanyl. I knew there was some truth to her prediction and she DID overreact about a lot of things, but never did I imagine just HOW unsafe JC would be for him. I’m so curious as to what is going on with the whole Skid/Ian/JC/Leah situation and what exactly happened. And what that family dynamic looks like for Storm right now. I know all of his camaraderies read here, hopefully one is generous enough to spill the milk bc someone knows something for sure:

No. 2053490

I re-watched the video when she relisted it and thought it was pretty funny how she says repeatedly that that baby will not be safe.
Low and behold the baby gets taken away by CPS due to fentanyl in his system. Tay was right all along. I honestly cant believe CPS gave them custody again.

No. 2053511

Storm is so fucking cute. I hope he has a decent life, I feel so bad for him, I can't decide which parent he was cursed with is worse to grow up with.

No. 2053560

File: 1730799495732.jpeg (821.15 KB, 1170x2061, IMG_7661.jpeg)

Pretty certain skid has a new man now, no idea who he is though, she has posted him multiple times (unless she is being a crazy groupie on some unknown singer again) .. if any nonna do some detective work?

No. 2053700

File: 1730838174358.jpeg (208.54 KB, 1080x1919, 2BF7F625-697B-4282-8EF9-393D6C…)

Put the halitosis tongue back in your mouth girl.

No. 2053730

It looks like this guy?
>>2051326 can’t tell if the tattoos are the same, anyone who know this is?

No. 2053819

It amazes and disgusts me at the same time that none of these people ever give any of their genitals a break, or time to breathe in between partners. It truly is so nasty. JC’s exes are just like him, constantly need to be fucking someone for validation. I wonder how many STDs the Goiter Circus has passed around and shared?

No. 2053822

Her and Layna both need to acquire a tongue scrubber and asap. I will never understand how they are so comfortable showing the internet their white coated filmy tongues

No. 2054283

File: 1731012101143.jpeg (208.79 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_0156.jpeg)

Jonny and Leah are sadposting while Syd is unbothered and happy. Love to see it.
(pic rel is JC story)

No. 2054321

What in the fuck is this ceiling?

No. 2054406

it’s like one of those DIY cloud ceilings with LED lights in them. tbh she probably just taped up some xmas lights and glued cotton balls over everything lol.
agreed - although leah does look like she can be the rest of the girls mother. every time i pop into this thread it’s so obvious when syd is sperging about the other girls while white knighting herself.

No. 2054429

Omg they have the same lack of chin! I hope he’s nice to her, she deserves better. She’s crazy but in a loyal way.
Lets hope they’re drinking water, and wearing cotton panties kek besides syd no one else in the Goiterverse looks like they brush their tongues or wash between their booty cheeks.
That ceiling is a travesty. I’ve never seen a cotton ball ceiling that doesn’t look like a dust magnet

No. 2054460

I ran over here like a bean bag in a hurry when I saw TND posted a new video on her YT (got suggested to me).
What happened to this heifer that got her to get off the mattress on the floor and upload a YT video?
Her eyebrows look arched to the gods,
plucked by tweezers fueled by uppers, like Divine did you do her brows?
Girl the hell you mean you went light on the makeup?
I’m watching this on my 80in screen TV and the makeup and filters are putting in the work.
The part about her past partner, oooof girl. She’s so indecisive, she’d probably go back to JC if she could.
He don’t want her because the girl is broke! she made this video when JC and syd were pictured together.
I feel like this girl needs to get a real hobby, that will build her self esteem, she’s over here still crying about JC when that was years ago. She needs to put the tweezers down, and let go of her animal hoard, she’s a mess. Out of all the people in the Goiterverse, I’m proud of Syd keeping herself out of dangerous substances and keeping that baby safe. TND out here killing animals and crying about a broke dick loser.

No. 2054609

I hope he’s nice to make up for how butt fuckin ugly he is. Yikes!

No. 2054613

Is that her ex bf

No. 2054632

Two posts defending Syd, not suspicious at all. Friendly reminder that she is still a psycho jealous insecure hateful little troll, who cares if she “looks better” than his other exes or that her hygiene is better. There’s no need to compare them, they are all equally flawed in their own ways. The bar is in hell, I see

No. 2054697


matt wheeler, an ugly nobody with tragic receding hairline wispy bleached hair

No. 2054799

File: 1731167562321.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1170x1818, IMG_7729.jpeg)

Thank you anon! found'em

No. 2054802

well they sure are looks matched…

No. 2054832

lmao he looks ftm

No. 2054867

There's no way she didn't cheat once again. That was FAST.

No. 2054883

I mean he DID post a song by a literal tranny kek. Syd is bi or pan apparently so his genitals don’t make a difference. I’m just shocked, I kind of feel bad for Ian, I just KNOW she was a nightmare to be in a relationship with to begin with, and on top of that, it looks like this guy was already lined up. The way these cows move on so fast emotionally gives me whiplash, I can understand rebounding for a fuck (I guess) but all the cows itt jump straight to actual relationships with “feelings” and shit. We’ve seen it with everyone adjacent to Jonny in any way. No sane person has the capacity to have feelings for this many people at a time, and to this extent. But Ian already called her out when he mentioned they had been a thing for a decade, so there was some overlap with Jonny there, and then of course we all know she cheated on Jonny with Sterling.
At least whoever the fuck Jonny is talking to (you know there’s someone if not multiple girls), he is keeping it under wraps? For now. Skid flaunting man after man on the same platform she posts stories of her toddler son is kind of icky and immature.
Ian if you’re reading this please come spill the milk on Syd, how often she would read and post and obsess here, ect. No need to confirm she’s butthole chan because that couldn’t be more obvious. Also how often does she have storm / how often does grandma have to take him, is she medicated, does she care to be or go to therapy? Why won’t she work even part time? How often does she have freak outs? We wanna know everything please and thank you. And don’t think for a second you need to protect her, she’s already onto the next.

No. 2054884

>the greatest human of all time
I cannot wait until he discovers the threads but then again that didn’t scare Ian away, I wonder why…

No. 2054988

the way she has his initials and the engagement ring emoji in her insta bio lmaooooo. her bpd couldn’t be more obvious. also hilarious he’s following jonny

No. 2055255

File: 1731308194968.jpeg (706.61 KB, 1284x1825, IMG_9238.jpeg)

Lmfao that this fool tattooed her initials on his face that fast. That tells me he definitely hasn’t come across this thread or he might see a red flag or two and think twice about that. She really does pick the ugliest dudes just cause they’re in a band tho so I guess I can see why he’d jump the gun.

No. 2055256

He's as retarded as he looks kek. This is not gonna end well for him

No. 2055257

Holy fuck that guy is ugly.

"The greatest human of all time"

LOOOOL c'mon, we've all heard this shit before.

I actually feel sorry for the guy, cause he has no idea how bad his life is about to get after the honeymoon phase

No. 2055297

Oh dear god…. not the Skidmark face tattoo… these people has no jobs and it shows

No. 2055491

apparently he’s a chef at some brewery or something lol. funny how skid always targets dumb white trash to long distance with. prob because it’s easier to hide her spergouts if it’s long distance but damn that was a fast progression from breaking up with ian to getting some random dude to get a face tat of her initials lmao.

No. 2055492

File: 1731375111211.jpeg (1.94 MB, 1290x2263, IMG_8272.jpeg)

Damn I could eat soup out of Syd’s marionette lines. All the laughing she’s doing with that chinless dork must be aging her quick!

No. 2055507

He looks tiny and petite and soft in the face…I would not be surprised if this was a ftm. Getting a new gf’s initials tattooed on your face also seems like bpd-chan power move.

No. 2055515

File: 1731381614897.jpeg (260.36 KB, 1170x2064, IMG_4183.jpeg)

I think this may have triggered Jonny. Perhaps he wanted to work it out for Storm. Looks like anons itt were right about him being the primary caregiver if he’s really taking him to Florida…. What’s in Florida anyway?

No. 2055517

Kinda sad that this can’t be the next thread pic now that they’re broken up.

No. 2055542

Maybe they still are

No. 2055561

Tinfoil maybe Ian saw this and dumped her?

No. 2055584

ew look at her crepey neck

No. 2055655

and she’s still doing the fucking bindi stick on gemstone on her forehead… lmao.

No. 2055862

at least she doesn’t have the HORRIBLE FUCK UGLY FACE OF LAYNA

No. 2055868

take your meds stop sperging about layna lmaooo she has a cute face and she’s not stumpy eggplant tit skid

No. 2055939

This is a bold move, has Ian's sperm even finished marinating in Syd's crotch yet? They say sperm lives in the vagina for quite a while, yeah?

No. 2055947

Nothing says aspiring homeless crackwhore like her stick on bindis. That hot topic beanie shes been wearing with all these guys since she was 12 years old is trying so hard and making her look so old there.

No. 2056029

No. 2056240

Omg her tits are among the worst I’ve ever seen. Not even kidding. She’s ugly on the outside, underneath her clothes, and on the inside. No wonder our precious little malformed mutant has bpd and the constant need for validation.

No. 2056243

Syd herself said she had an ugly goblin vomit face so idk why you’re getting so defensive when we are just agreeing with her

No. 2056386

Look at these beautiful insults, this is what the thread is for, I missed when it was snarky and fun. And then there's this… >>2055862 lots of effort put into that one.

It's Syd, and she refuses to be medicated. We were informed of this in the very first thread via Anthony, and I doubt she's changed her tune. Those kind never do.

Someone should cowtip and show her new stud girlfriend this thread, so they can know what they're getting into and feel ashamed for getting that tattoo. (insert red text warning "do not encourage cow-tipping)
fuck these loser mods a silly little ban won't stop me.
Really though, I want Syd to be humiliated and this is the best way. Funny how she used to publicly complain about Jonny not being there for Storm when she is just as codependent for sex and validation as he is.(encouraging cow-tipping)

No. 2056392

no seriously it’s obvious she’s obsessively checking the thread and still sperging out about layna while whiteknighting herself. i wiiiish mods would out her like they did dasha and creepshow art

No. 2056431

File: 1731589185088.jpeg (627.62 KB, 1290x1425, IMG_8288.jpeg)


Apparently it might stand for “south end”? Still dumb. There’s still a chance this guys as retarded as he looks and its Skids initials.

No. 2056458

Probably because the average person wouldn’t assume you’d get a facetat of your new girlfriend’s initials. So they made sense of it the best way they could kek.
He claims it stands for “summers eve” and then Syd comments a skull emoji and he comments a clown. I still think it’s her initials.

No. 2056613

File: 1731623817913.jpeg (717.38 KB, 1284x2104, IMG_2921.jpeg)

No. 2056673

Summer’s eve the pussy soap? Yeah it’s her initials. It’d be less retarded if it was for overpriced vagina soap.

No. 2056712

wtf is south end? I believe that’s what those initials means as much as I believed Jonny when he would say that giant AR tattoo stood for Artery Recordings and not Amanda Rogers kek. Man if this thread was around during the Amanda/Chelsea/Liz saga… he would have by far been the most popular cow on this site. Kind of sad the drama has died down, but it also feels like people aren’t checking the Goiter Gang stories as much lately. I know I’m guilty of this because it seems like no one cares about this cow anymore

No. 2056730

>hall of fame tier comeback
Ah yes, that was the sickest burn I’ve ever seen in my life, that only a genius could come up with. What a turbo pickme retard hoping ol Jonny boi notices her

No. 2056752

I check but he hides all his gfs now to cheat, and they're too embarrassed to post him if he's not posting them. So it's just boring. I liked that Leah had a backbone and made some snarky stories but that lasted all of .3 seconds. Big Jess still posts him but she's just a cringe desperate side chick so that's boring.

No. 2056754

File: 1731644098590.jpeg (891.24 KB, 1170x1590, IMG_4275.jpeg)

Samefag, this is her. The jokes write themselves.

No. 2056756

File: 1731644408828.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1170x2346, IMG_4276.jpeg)

She actually goes out of her way to type like this. Every caption looks like this. Okay I’m done now sorry. Her IG is funny to look at though

No. 2057191

Is there some kind of Dolls Kill product description generator I don’t know about? Or does she truly slave over these captions, meticulously placing every typo?

No. 2058744

File: 1732129786942.jpeg (2.38 MB, 1284x2403, IMG_6237.jpeg)

Not only a face tattoo of her initials, but I guess they are engaged and moved in together now? That is an engagement ring right? All before their first grocery shopping trip….

No. 2058759

What makes you think she’s engaged? Because of the ring? That could be anything. And I lot of women wear a ring on that finger without being engaged. But it is interesting that they’re moving so fast. It doesn’t seem like she’s been broken up with Ian all that long. She sure moves on fast kek. Anything to stay out of her mom’s trailer I guess (except for getting a job).

No. 2058790

They’re already living together? She was dating Ian literally last month. What the actual fuck is going on? Does anyone know what state this guy lives in, or what Jonny was talking about when he posted about moving to Florida? He’s at the airport with Storm right now… did Syd move away from Storm? I’m so confused

No. 2058791

I am begging someone to cowtip. This man needs to see these threads and the real Sydney. I’m too scared of karma to do it. I volunteer that Blav guy.(do not encourage cowtipping)

No. 2058903

Could that be her ring from Jonny? I’m too lazy to dig through old threads to compare

No. 2058907

File: 1732162084141.jpg (392.57 KB, 1080x1594, 1000034079.jpg)

How shitty of a mother must Syd be for the kid to go to Jonny full time?

No. 2058911

It seems like she ditched Storm to start a new life with her FtM stud.

No. 2058926


No fucking way. This poor kid. I’m actually in shock right now. No way..????!!!!!(sage your shit ??!!!)

No. 2058928

That poor kid was doomed at conception. Not surprised Syd dumped him to live her best life, hopping from one band dick to the next. I guess since storm didn’t get her the 11:11 wedding she dream about, she discarded him like an old pair of shoes. Poor kid.

No. 2058929

That would be super weird if she was still wearing jewelry from Jonny while love bombing this next one.

No. 2058935

the ftm lives in north carolina.
judging from jonny’s post about being a full time dad now it really does look like syd took off to be with her ftm fiancé in nc. insane going from full time mom and a boyfriend to being engaged to someone else and relocating cross country to move in with them. seems like storm really was just a prop and a pawn to her.

No. 2058952

Kid almost died because of Jonny. The fact that Jonny has full custody and is able to whisk his son across country from where he was born…dang. Syd either messed up bad or really dgaf about her child.

No. 2058963

Sydney, what the fuck. That's your son. I always knew she was garbage but this is next level.

No. 2058968

She’s disgusting…

No. 2058990

What will all the Eggplant-Shitney simps and white knights gonna say now? She fully abandoned her child like the bpd, retarded fuck-up that she always has been.
Happy and unbothered because she gave up custody of her child. She can't larp about what a great mother she is anymore. Jonny is a pathetic loser but Eggplant manages to make him look better. Totally sad and pathetic.
Eggplants is the real cow and exponentially more retarded, ugly, untalented than any of his exes. At least doormat leah has her daughters and layna was smart enough to not get knocked up so she continue to milk men for all they're worth. Eggplants couldn't even earn 1 subscription for her 4 inch areolas.

No. 2058997

I thought only scrotes did blunt, unwarranted descriptions of how they value women based on their looks. Everyone in the goiterverse is ugly by default. Goiter is the shit, and his girls are the flies.

No. 2059006

You miss the hostility and smoking fent around babies?

No. 2059009

Doesn’t she have his initials tattooed on her face? Ironic. Imagine telling the backstory when asked “what’s that mean/for?”

No. 2059017

File: 1732204935494.jpg (97.42 KB, 680x680, 82b.jpg)

>Syd looks moisturized
Lmao goddamn it was a mistake ever dropping this thread, all y'all BPD bitches fighting over a decrepit old man with no money or future are amazing. Syd MOVED ON to another man, why is she still trying to control the narrative in this thread?

She literally gave up her baby for this new dude but she wants me to believe there are diehard fans who want to see her and Johnny reunite as Emos best Power Couple? Who the fuck "misses" Jonny and Syd except Syd lmao, the milk sucked and Jonny/Taylor are the lolcow power couple I miss.

No. 2059033

File: 1732207367188.jpeg (304.01 KB, 1170x1652, IMG_9367.jpeg)

So he’s had full custody and she’s abandoned the kid since Halloween then? Have to say even though Storm’s face is blocked out in both our posts, the differences in the kid’s facial expressions in both is pretty telling. With Skid he looks in pain and about to cry. With Jonny, big smile in every picture

No. 2059068

I am genuinely not defending Syd but I wouldn't doubt Storm has a very "weekend dad" impression of JC at this point in time and vice versa in a way. Bigboipimpin liked spoiling his son and taking him out, but now he has to parent. Once the novelty (and disposable income) wears off I am super interested in seeing how this plays out.
I hope for the sake of the kid I am wrong though and maybe Johnny will actually step up for the little guy.

No. 2059073

Yup she definitely moved there, I posted this screenshot of her traveling with her cat and I thought it was just a trip, but she confirms in her own words here >>2058744 that they have a “home” together. I still don’t understand why Jonny moved or is in the process of moving to Florida? Maybe to be close to Layna in Miami when she’s not with Destiny? I’m being so serious because it’s such a random state to move to kek. What happened to the Sac apartment, did the Goiter Gang break up? Why did him and Leah break up? I have so many questions…

No. 2059079

10000% This always happens. The mother is the boring one who tells them to go to bed and that they can't have X or Y. Then dad shows up one day a week, showers them in sugar and toys, becomes a hero.

No. 2059081

Nonna I would agree with you if it were literally anyone else but this is Sydney fucking England we're talking about. She abandoned Storm to chase some manlet, don't disrespect actual mothers in this predicament by comparing skidmark's escapades to their legitimate plight.

No. 2059084

I'm not comparing. I'm saying that two things can be true at once. Syd is a terrible person AND Storm is smiling/being grumpy like most kids are around different parents based on what I mentioned. Pretty sad you defaulted to "nonna loves syd and disrespects good moms" lol. But I guess the state of this thread might give you some reason to doubt me haha.

No. 2059087

Absolutely nowhere did I state you love Syd, this isn't a subtle hi cow or a whiteknight accusation. You're going off of a handful of cherry picked images and running with it. This psycho just abandoned her kid. Infight into the void if you must but there's no defending this

No. 2059093

I'm not defending it? I said: "Syd is a terrible person"
I'm trying to encourage people to do the opposite of running with it. I'm saying let's not make conclusions about why Storm looks grumpy in a few pics. Nonnie said "With Skid he looks in pain and about to cry. With Jonny, big smile in every picture". I was stating the logical likely hood of why that's the case based on most kids. That can be true at the same time as Syd being an absolute piece of shit abandoning her child. Apply some critical thinking and don't jump at any chance to find an enemy to argue with.

No. 2059104

>don't jump at any chance to find an enemy to argue with

I disagreed with you and you immediately took it as a personal attack. I hate this thread kek

No. 2059122

Kek a tail as old as time.
Wait until that kid realizes his mom abandoned him, and dumped him with his dad who nearly killed him from his fentanyl addiction. Wild.

No. 2059224

I just want Taylor to play step mom so the milk can actually flow instead of the stupid shit going on in the thread now.(sage your shit)

No. 2059225

in situations like this the kid almost always ends up being raised by a grandparent. in a few years when JC can’t stand him anymore he will ship him off. It’s sad. (JC lived with a grandparent for a while as a kid didn’t he? These cycles of parents who don’t care always continue. Storm will likely grow into a mini JC and knock up some trailer trash and then send THAT kid to live with grandma Skid or something. It’s just what happens.)

No. 2059236

Kek, that was the most retarded attempt at devil's advocate I've ever seen. Sorry you had to read that shit anon.

No. 2059249

Jonny named the kid what Taylor and him were supposed to name their kid. It’s like Storm was meant to be hers all along aww.

No. 2059269

I don't want to be the person to screech "hi Sydney" but the direction of this thread is getting weird. Between the Layna sperg (who posts almost every few days, I've caught a few that got deleted within minutes) and the anons rooting for them to get back together I can't tell who's an actual farmer or who's just here to bait.

No. 2059344

What did you disagree with? I thought we agreed Syd is a piece of shit and that kids sometimes prefer certain parents? You then replied with: "don't disrespect actual mothers in this predicament by comparing skidmark's escapades to their legitimate plight." Which isn't what I said. You then said "Infight into the void if you must but there's no defending this", yet no one was defending such behavior. That isn't me taking it as a personal attack, you accused me of defending Syd's behavior (quoted above), which I never said? (in fact, the opposite was said multiple times)

No. 2059349

File: 1732275862807.jpeg (115.04 KB, 972x1600, 1.jpeg)

i dunno, made sense to me. nonnnie accused them of defending Syd's behaviour, which they didn't.

in other news, goiter has been doing cringey "screams" in his latest stories and flexing about buying old a Lexus that a boomer likely sharted themselves in multiple times before it was sold at 1/50th of it's value to a mexican kid who's mom goes to goiter shows.

No. 2059934

Looks like Slaves/Rain City Drive removed all of their previous albums with Jonny off of Spotify. Something happening behind the scenes?

No. 2060034

This happened quite a while back. I think almost over a year ago? Rain City Drive on Spotify have the Matt era stuff and SLAVES is the goiter era stuff. They separated it into two bands to distance themselves from goity. He did a no show to their EU tour to take Heroin so they probably just want to draw a distinct line between the two bands.

No. 2060076

Really sad that this kid can’t have a normal childhood and is passed around like a hot potato by the people who are supposed to love him. What’s gonna happen when he has to go to school? Is someone finally gonna make him a priority? Can’t be flying him all over the country at that point. I knew syd was a piece of shit but this is just cruel. Makes me wonder if she did something to lose custody again and that’s why she took off. Even that would be better than straight up abandoning him for a man she just started dating. They were literally just bragging about being great coparents a month ago. Can’t coparent a kid you moved away from skid. Phone calls and facetime don’t count.

No. 2061421

yeah for real. poor kid gets dosed by his junkie dad, they lose custody, they gain it back, for what? junkie dad to gain sole custody while the mom jumps into an engagement with some random ftm she met off instagram? what a joke. wondering if this is just some extended coparenting agreement, like several months at a time for each parent? cuz syd just giving up any sort of custody is insane even for her.

No. 2061490

Even if they still have shared custody she's a complete moron for not fighting for full custody with weekend day visits at max. But i guess sydney is pretty incompetent and selfish

No. 2061691

I dunno, made sense to me and I thought it was a reasonable point. Not sure why they got dragged for something they didn't say.


100%. It's so psychologically damaging for a young developing brain to have absolute psycho parents who prioritize short term reward feed back loops over the life they created. Actual Scum. I'm surprised the State/Fed is allowing all this to happen despite the track record.

No. 2061790

File: 1732759284904.png (295.28 KB, 370x601, Untitled.png)

the caption is moving and actually says "FUTURE HUSBAND" but still…..

No. 2061794

I refuse to believe that person was born a man.

No. 2061809

File: 1732761925560.jpg (479.55 KB, 1080x1694, Skyd.jpg)

He looks like he smells like BO. Kek this psycho ig post def gives the vibes she cheated on dicknose for a while, or she's pulling a u-haul lesbian moving in with a dude who looks like he's simultaneously low-T and on hormones with his feminine features and stringy thinning hair. I wonder if she was cheating on Ian when he wk'd her in this thread.

No. 2061887

agreed. kinda even looks like the ftm could be a jc fan who’s transitioning to try and look like jc. ugh and the wispy ass gollum hair is disgusting

No. 2061908

syd only dates the ugliest uggos. at least she’s not shallow…?

No. 2061911

File: 1732786119852.png (324.06 KB, 366x627, Untitled.png)

"Our little family". What a fucking slap in the face to Storm. Syd is trash for this, how the fuck do you move on so fast to someone else and call them your future husband, move in with them, possibly engaged, without letting yourself heal and be single first? Matt needs to see these threads.

No. 2061922

jeeeez. not a good look.

No. 2061962

The one thing Layna did was to out destiny and the scope of what a massive coomer he is.
She's based when she want too.
Wow, one good day w storm and then immediately back to being retarded on social media. Wow, such a rich badboy

No. 2061971

I wonder how much % of time that Goiter has his phone out around Storm. Not to mention the chronic vaping. Kid is probably caked in a cloud of cherry vape smoke watching his dad insult women on Instagram

No. 2062034

you’re so right. bro dosed his kid with fent. i don’t doubt storm really is walking around in flavored clouds. jc is a dumbass and probably just has him set up with a happy meal and an ipad while he slides into dms on insta

No. 2062070

>The one thing Layna did was to out destiny and the scope of what a massive coomer he is.
Don’t make me hi cow. He is a KNOWN coomer and a massive cow in the twitch space which is why his thread was made, he has been a degenerate for years before meeting her, she revealed nothing, she is just the same as all the other girls that he flies out and she encourages it so I’m not sure what’s so based about sharing dick, degrading yourself online so you can move out of your parent’s home at 28 and have your whole life / apartment funded by a complete piece of shit because camming & OF doesn’t pay the bills. I know this is OT but like I’m curious what made you come to this conclusion that she “outed him” kek

No. 2062096

AYRT i know nothing about destiny except this. If everything was shared before so be it i just think that part was funny
That doesn't mean I don't find her sad in every other aspect. I don't follow any of the sad debate bros out there and just saw her mentioned in destiny's last leak.

But yeah, her taste in men is pathetic. Goiter to destiny, I didn't even thought she could downgrade from that but I guess life finds a way kek

No. 2062190

i still don't understand what's so based, she didn't reveal anything…

No. 2062323

I hope that her and goiter have 50-50 and she didn’t leave him to start a new life with some guy

No. 2062348

That's exactly what she did. Ditched the kid for a dude. She never cared about the kid in the first place, poor Storm was just a pawn she used to cling to goiter.

No. 2062369

File: 1732853360296.png (906.66 KB, 1080x1743, 1000008626.png)

Engagement confirmed

No. 2062394

She’s a fucking psycho. Her balding FtM must be desperate to get engaged to someone so fast.

No. 2062423

not to nitpick but damn even his hands re weirdly delicate and femme. did she copy paste this from a post she made about jc?

No. 2062474

planning to get married during the honeymoon period is certainly a choice that won't backfire

No. 2062476

proper reactionary ooga booga monkey brain shit. it's like they are still in the playground at school playing boyfriend/girlfriend. it's almost sad how predictable they are.

No. 2062478

Hideous freaks. I’m glad she dumped Storm, these two don’t deserve to be around children.

No. 2062622

File: 1732898915841.jpeg (1.74 MB, 1179x1952, IMG_3939.jpeg)

Skid knows how to choose them. Broken down wannabe musicians who have hit rock bottom and are seeking solace in her perpetual hot topic alt mommy facade. Looks like this one got fat like JC too. I wouldn’t doubt that they’re strung out together.

No. 2062639

lmao fat ftm jc wannabe is all i see. that midwest lesbian mullet with the receding hairline and wispy bleached hair was a choice.
fr, this is just the type of shit she was trying to pull with jc too. wonder if she’s going to get pregnant next week. lol.

No. 2062650

Where are all the syd white knights? Those posts must have all been done by Syd herself. She has always been the looniest, milkiest of the bunch.

No. 2062721


The amount of validation her posts scream is scary.

Like she NEEDS someone to " make her feel whole". Like, what? That in itself screams issues. And the fact that theyre on what looks like a park bench makes it even funnier, cuz she probly has no money. Sydney you should learn to love yourself 1st. Then you can see how fucking dumb you are in this moment. Shes actually 16 years old forever, you cant make this shit up.

No. 2062744

>park bench
They like to romanticize that midwest "Swing life away" 2005 scene lifestyle lmao.

No. 2062797

File: 1732920179781.jpeg (1.83 MB, 1284x2009, IMG_6478.jpeg)

Wait, did they already get married? He has a ring now, too. I have seen men getting engagement rings too but I dunno. Kinda fits the MO.

No. 2062799

Sydney knows what real love is like and loves with her whole heart unlike Layna who dates for money with not a drop of romance in her relationship. You’d never see her pouring her heart out like Syd because she doesn’t have one at least Syd does(whiteknight)

No. 2062802

“Man”, I like how he copied JC’s knuckle and hand tattoos and nose chain. I thought it was JC’s hand at first kek.

No. 2062803

Oh hello definitely not skidney lmao

No. 2062804

Nice bait kek

No. 2062831

>dumps her kid to move across the country with someone she just met and gets engaged
>at least Syd has a heart
I know this is bait but at least make it good bait.

No. 2062851

STDney, grow up.

You are the type of girl to tell any guy what they want to hear just to get your way.

You're evil.

Youre no better than a homeless crackhead tryna get some validation by blowing their dealer so they can get their next hit.

Get a job, take care of your kid. Youre fucking 30 for christ sakes. Act like it. Some people at age 30 have lifes. You are not one of them lol. Stop depending on others for your happiness you dumb bitch.(hi cow)

No. 2062882

>lost in your perfection
is the perfection in the room with us right now?

No. 2062952

this is so embarrassing lol. true love? bpd bitches always be calling their short lived relationships the love of their life until they inevitably blow the relationship apart. also why tf is she so obsessed with layna? is it some weird groupie thing where syds jealous about layna’s track record? while syds settling with some random midwest emo nobody who’s 36 and in some irrelevant band

No. 2063037

nonnas, I havent checked this thread in forever but I am in the same city as Syd now and will absolutely go to the FiAnCes next show KEK. Cant wait to see the unhinged midget irl. I have said it before- she never wanted a kid, she wanted a prop and a tool to use against JC. That poor kid. Not whiteknighting JC, but maybe its better to have a BPD mom across the country and not involved.

No. 2063039

File: 1732971467912.jpeg (656.06 KB, 828x1078, IMG_8121.jpeg)


No. 2063044

U-haul lesbian theory confirmed, no wonder it happened so fast. Skyd is dating kikomi KEKEKEKEK

No. 2063046

File: 1732973451122.mp4 (14.87 MB, 720x1280, ftm.mp4)

He's definitely a jonny wannabe.

No. 2063064

At least she doesn’t have to worry about any Mexican moms trying to steal this one

No. 2063073

File: 1732978461573.png (26.91 KB, 160x160, IMG_3366.png)

my face rn KEK this cannot be real

No. 2063076

Plot twist he’s secretly in love with Jonny and using skid to get closer to him lolol jk but seriously. I pray to god they dont reproduce, if (s)he’s even able to?? But syd would prob be the first to intentionally have a band aid baby to try and redeem herself since she failed so miserably at mothering the first one. What man looks at a woman who doesn’t put her kid first and says “Yep, she’s the one for me!

No. 2063090

this is a halloween show but i can’t figure out what his costume is.

No. 2063094

File: 1732982564371.png (2.08 MB, 2532x1170, IMG_9378.png)

He had a failed fat Twitch streamer arc just like Jonny kek

No. 2063095

oof that hairline.
did he have a junkie arc too??

No. 2063116

Those feminine ass legs kek. One anon said this was Halloween so this proves nothing but I still stand by my belief that he’s a tif.

No. 2063160

Love how the flex is that he lost weight, not that he's debt free kek

No. 2063226

File: 1733004193064.jpg (489.99 KB, 828x903, witch.jpg)

nona can we stop fucking pretending she isnt the living embodiment of the dreaded witch skull kek. its the reason for the long midface and jowls anons make fun of her for

just like skid too, they dont have good bone structure(derailing)

No. 2063234

>Replying to an 18 day old post with fanart of someone who is completely irrelevant to the thread now.
Get a life outside of desperately trying to convince the thread a decently cute girl is horrifically ugly.
"Angel vs Witch" seek help.

No. 2063236

call it whatever the fuck you want kek, she doesnt have forward growth that constitutes a cute small face. she has downward growth that makes her face long and recessed.

replying to it so combatively and immediately is very telling. repeating she’s cute over and over again won’t give her nose and lips the bone support it needs to actually look cute, sorry. the ‘fanart’ took a minute, she’s just the first person that springs to mind when i see the angel vs witch face make its rounds. she has all the unfortunate features on the right.

the angrier you get the more i’ll continue btw(infighting)

No. 2063238

No one cares.

No. 2063239

>when given explanation as to why you’re wrong, resort to no1cur

i believe you anon. this thread is filled with horrific faces like skids i felt it necessary to show what an angelic face actually looks like kek. the left one is actually cute

No. 2063241

>Recent topic of thread being Skid abandoning her chiold to u-haul marry her ugly FtM bride.
>Effort post with accompanying fanart explaining in detail why her nemesis is ugly.

No. 2063242

be fr anon skid isn’t smart enough to understand the mechanisms of facial beauty. if she did she wouldn’t purposely sabotage her face with hideously drawn on eyebrows. sorry to disappoint but i dislike skid too.

No. 2063245

I agree as much as I hate the dumbass Layna posts when this thread was just getting good again, even those are too literate to be skid herself lol

No. 2063246

Physiognomy is not a smart persons task. It’s the task of insecure women and men who fell down the rabbit hole of obsessively researching plastic surgery and what makes a perfect face. It’s meaningless and nobody outside of incel forums/subreddits cares.

No. 2063247

At least skid wont get knocked up again and abandon another kid. Lol

No. 2063249

Is that Keffals?

No. 2063254

it’s layna. no idea who the girl on the left is though

No. 2063259

physiognomy is a pseudoscience, what i was explaining is orthodontics though, which is directly related to facial development. stop moving the goalpost kek, nobody ever associated with goiter is cute because cute girls would never give JC time of day.

No. 2063264

If you’re spending time posting looks reviews about random women who aren’t the thread topic or even tangentially related anymore you probably resemble the witch face more than the angel face anon.
Liz was gorgeous btw and she unfortunately dated goiter. Probably never stepped foot on this site either.

No. 2063401


That outfit is giving some kind of Cyndi Lauper or Madonna vibe but I can't place it.

No. 2063524

I see Regina George from Mean Girls lmao

No. 2063725

I found it on his band page wow they sound terrible

No. 2063904

read this as a joke, then felt bad as the poster is likely in an metal health home for vulnerable adults with severe needs.

No. 2063994

Cant wait to see STDneys side by side cause if layna is a witch, then STyD is fucking cyclops from the illiad lmao

No. 2064031

Not that anon at all, but you’re acting like weird schizo nitpicking doesn’t happen in nearly either thread. I’ve seen way more vile shit be posted and this is pretty tame, the best thing to do is to ignore the troll and report the post, they said themselves they will keep going the more you reply. Not sure why none of you have tried this out yet, someone always ends up falling for the bait. Then the same argument happens and the troll is getting attention and satisfied that they’re getting reactions and the thread is derailing. It’s best to not acknowledge

No. 2064041

Layna had not been relevant to the thread topic for nearly two years. It’s entirely different than schizo nitpicking Shayna in the Shayna thread for example. If you want to discuss Layna’s physiology make her a thread or take it to the personal cows thread.

No. 2064069

>If you want to discuss Layna’s physiology make her a thread or take it to the personal cows thread.
I literally said I didn’t make that post, it’s some schizo anon. You’re still not getting it. Bitch and moan into the void all you want but it only fuels their bait posting even more

No. 2064083

File: 1733187250568.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1073x1932, IMG_4558.jpeg)

Is he saying she has a beak? lol. Why are her hands so veiny like an old lady

No. 2064092

She has a cute nose and an angel face.

No. 2064164

One of the only side profile pics I’ve seen that she doesn’t visibly have the witch nose lol there’s a prominent bump in most of the others. Even if she didn’t who tf is on here calling her nose cute if not herself or her (wo)man. You know what’s cute? Not abandoning your child.

No. 2064610

bruh. stop lurking just to white knight and go spend time with your chiold.

No. 2064764

She hasn’t seen storm since Halloween they don’t even live in the same state anymore

No. 2064808

Angel requires good “almost perfect” proportions as anon pointed out, but we all know Sydney has some of the most messed up proportions from head to toe:

Stubby arms and legs that visibly bend weird. Crooked toes. Sausage fingers. Little short square fridge body. A mountainous forehead with receding hairline. Big nose, kinda jewy, especially the tip. Pretty eyes but way too small and high up making her nose seem even longer. The way her lip curls when she smiles.

All that + how she goes out of her way to make it worse with a dumb face tattoo, hair dye that makes her look like a stuffed animal, cartoon villain eyebrows, tons of eyeliner to make her tiny eyes appear bigger…

It’s all fucked up. No where near “angel” and more of a midget trailer park cherub.

No. 2064878

i cant believe i got called syd so many times itt because i thought she wasn't that bad AND NOW SHE DOES ALL THIS DUMB SHIT fuck all these people they're doomed

No. 2064987

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I think I accidentally stumbled across Jonny’s Reddit account KEK they’re whiteknighting him hard under a post, and then talking about a “restricted” license in a Subaru thread and said they live in Washington. Hmmm

No. 2065126

I don't think it's "Weird Schizophrenic Nitpicking" behavior to mock the Weird Schizophrenic Nitpicking posts on here. I get your point though.

No. 2065132

jesus titty fucking christ. what even was that post.

OMG this could be gold if we can cross reference his other accounts and see what crap he posts on Reddit. He seems to speak the same as Goiter. Random bursts of child-like nonsensical crap.

No. 2065133

Nice find, what else is there? Kek
Don't cape for shitty people anymore, how could you not see through syds insane bullshit? You should probably analyze other relationships in your life too

No. 2065139

I had a look and only those two posts :/my guess is he has a number of burner reddit accounts to upvote and self reply like North Korean propaganda worker.

No. 2065343

… exactly. that’s why i said she should stop white knighting and sperging out and actually be the mom she loved to paint herself out as when she had him. like wtf is she doing, she drops her own kid for some ftm nobody

No. 2065416

I know but if she’s in another state how is she supposed to see him? I’m not sticking up for her at all, we all know she’s broke so I don’t think she CAN go see him (I don’t think she even wants to), and something is telling me she’s not allowed to. Ian where you at, come give us the teaaaa

No. 2065484

>she's in anothet state how is she supposed to see him
idk maybe by not moving states away from her toddler son in the first place. She's the one who moved away, it wasn't the child's decision

No. 2065734

that’s the point, like instead of ranting about layna’s chin on here she should be trying to be an actual mother. like maybe not pawn him off to move states away to play house with a new fiancé. ian isn’t coming on here i doubt he wants anything to do with her shit, including this thread. i bet she only told him about it because it makes her feel special lol

No. 2066345

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👀👀 guess he’s watching and waiting not the first time I’ve seen him post

No. 2066355

What is he waiting for? Spill the tea on the dead beat mom, Ian. Tell us how she cheated on you with a tif.

No. 2066371


No. 2066376


No. 2066379

She still follows him, too. You know she saw that.

No. 2066387

Fucking kek. Get in here, Ian

No. 2066420

Is it encouraging cow tipping to get a Nona to message him asking for the milk? I really want to know why skid moved away from her kid

No. 2066422

Not an admin, but I would think yeah…

Given that has went out of his way to upload a SS from here to his story, he will probably see our responses here again and respond on his own.

No. 2066437

Yes, it is. No one needs to go begging some moid for milk. If anything, he will just confirm our tinfoils. I doubt he has anything new to bring to the table. And he’s had plenty of opportunities to do it. He’s probably been banned for wking Syd kek
He’s mentioned LC before in his insta when they were together so I know he’s salty af.

No. 2066438

Ayrt yeah honestly if he wanted to come in here and shit talk her he would've just done it anyway. Now I think about it, seems like he's just begging for attention.

No. 2066492

They used to go bowling and make their names references to the thread to show how "unbothered" they were. He capped that post right after it was made. He's in here every day which is extra pathetic now that she dumped him.

No. 2066510

Kek he's banned for sure. What a loser. Imagine being with someone as nasty as skyd and only breaking up because she cheated with a hairy TIF. Not because of every other 1000 red flags. Dicknose allowed it all to happen

No. 2066547

Well any hope that he would provide new info is probably gone. He doesn’t owe us anything, why would he come here and spill tea to people who are still actively shitting on him? Theres a good chance he does at least know if she did something to lose custody again.

No. 2066557

We called him dick nose in earlier threads and he posted on his stories he was “happy to discuss” just a day ago. No one is shitting on him currently. If anything he’s just enjoying stirring the pot. Again, if he wanted to say anything he would have already. The fuck is he waiting for?

No. 2066605

Sydneys exes always say how she's a horrible human being after their relationship is further proof that she is a master manipulator of feelings. Makes sense tho if you think bout it

No. 2066842

Idk if this will get me banned for “hi cow”ing but it’s so obvious Skid is pissed and posting in here to try and deter him from talking about his experience with her.

No. 2066907

Nothing smells like skid in those posts. No one is stopping you from sucking his jaggon to get a little milk. I just think it’s unnecessary as the moid can crawl in here on his own and post whatever he wants on his own free will and we don’t need to act like starved baby birds.

No. 2066962

He also doesn’t have to post anything at all, and we kind of are starved baby birds as this thread is pretty dead since JC is so boring now. But good job scaring away the milk.

No. 2066971

>skid dumps her 4 year old onto goiter and no longer wants to play mom
>moves across country with a dollar store goiter-look-a-like tif
>immediately gets engaged
>b-but we are starved!
Kek ok

No. 2066991

Big whoop, Skid cut all ties to goiter including the kid and is now happily engaged and getting married.
I for one think the thread is at its most milky when we hear about the cows outbursts and I’m sure Ian has stories. But if you don’t want milk so be it.

No. 2067011

If he wanted to, he would have. People were already ripping him to shreds before he posted that vague ig story. If he's not banned he can still come here to spill, quit being dramatic.

No. 2067092

obviously she’s fed him a lot of lines like she does to all the other guys. love bombs them etc. who know what she’s told him about this thread, even if he did post that, we already know she’s suddenly chioldless and off in nc engaged to some rando she probably met on instagram. that drastic of a shift in so short a time span is unhinged so i’m sure he does have stories. he really should do an AMA lol.

No. 2067219

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Same energy.

No. 2067221

File: 1733941634305.jpeg (545.36 KB, 1170x2404, IMG_4684.jpeg)

I spoke to Ian the other day about what happened. The only thing I don’t believe him about is that Syd doesn’t go to this thread, we all know she never closes the tab.

No. 2067223

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Kek at the 50 minute voice message

No. 2067224

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No. 2067225

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She and her mom call storm “Wes” for some reason???

No. 2067226

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She wanted to abort storm (like she aborted her first child) and her starting OF back up again is what made Ian not want to visit her

No. 2067227

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No. 2067229

While you’re reading lolcow as a guilty pleasure you should maybe read the rules

No. 2067230

File: 1733942377213.jpeg (618.52 KB, 1170x2401, IMG_4691.jpeg)

Ugh so sorry if these were a little out of order this is my reply to the last screenshot so people don’t get confused

No. 2067232

File: 1733942544880.jpeg (570.1 KB, 1170x2422, IMG_4690.jpeg)

Cowtipping? I could not give less of a fuck. I’ll take my ban. I knew someone would complain about this( even though others wanted milk, which is why I didn’t post these for a few days.

Last screenshot, then I deleted my burner account(egregious cowtipping)

No. 2067243

This is called cow-tipping Nona…why does he think she needs residential care though?

No. 2067264

She’s severely mentally ill, an emotionally stunted retard and a shit mom. Shocking. She’s a good actress but he doesn’t believe she was on lolcow. KEK. Bullshit. Her schizo butthole posting was so obvious.
>I gave her two years to get a job and a driver’s license
Hope he had fun playing skidmark’s father kek

No. 2067265

Also we got a lot right on here. We knew they didn’t have custody of storm before they came out with it. We knew goiter was Getting high. He only knows what the good actress told him.

No. 2067269

>talked her out of aborting
Why would anyone talk her out of getting an abortion when anyone can see she’s not fit to be a mother, Jonny’s not fit to be a father, and there was zero chance they would stay together? People like this will say lolcow is so horrible and then go and single-handedly convince a severely mentally unwell woman to have a child with a heroin addict who has proven time and time again he will NOT ever get clean when she was considering not having that child. If lolcow’s bad then this guy’s a sociopath.

No. 2067271

>single-handedly convince a severely mentally unwell woman to have a child with a heroin addict
Kek Ian single-handedly gave us two solid years worth of milk with that move and doomed that poor kid.

No. 2067277

Maybe he thought Storm would make Syd a better person, or give her a purpose? Idk, men aren’t the brightest breed but I think he was trying to be helpful. Maybe he’s one of those pro lifers? I wouldn’t say he’s a sociopath kek that’s reaching. I do think he’s lying about how often he and Syd visit this thread though, unless she lied to him. Remember when he posted under her selfie, “I’m told if I don’t comment a bunch of unhinged Destiny simps will come after me?” Yeah he heard that from Skidmark. And also her threatening to send a photo of layna’s asshole to Jonny’s mother on new years. We did already know a lot of what he said but I think it’s really weird and random that Storm answers to two different names now, I wonder what the reason behind that was. Maybe she was tired of seeing all the posts saying that was what Taylor and Jonny were gonna name their kid but Jonny has had that name picked out for like a decade now and has told every girl that will be their future child’s name, she was just stupid enough to go through with it.

No. 2067281

So does anyone know skid’s only fans? Kek

No. 2067301

File: 1733951368604.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1290x2180, IMG_9872.jpeg)

>we never visited lolcow u guise. You’ve got it all wrong even tho I’m only taking my psycho girlfriend’s word for it

No. 2067303

Cowtipping or not I appreciate you nonna! Holy shit I dont believe there is worst thing than just being a horrible person in general. her poor mom and megan! And Storm/Wes! (Kek even skidney thinks Storm as a name was stupid as fuck)(encouraging cowtipping)

No. 2067314


Sydney has mentioned lolcow and responded directly to posts on her Instagram stories many many times over the years, so she either lied and hid it from Ian or he’s lying about it now. Not gonna comb through 70+ pages to find proof, but it’s there.

No. 2067361

Kek shes trying to hustle the eggplants again

No. 2067373

>>2067269 obviously he had no idea how bad her bpd was until he dated her and most likely thought he was just doing the right thing. at times she was very maternal, like he said. it was just not sustainable to her in the long term.
>>2067314 she most likely lied out her ass. she’s reading these rn.
it’s kind of sad how much we got right while she is probably spinning another story to him. poor storm. also LOL @ syd getting so psychotic about layna when she’s back on OF. her mental illness does seem debilitating enough not to be able to sustain a steady job or keep her own apartment. her immediately getting engaged with a fanboy and having him get her initials tattooed on her face is crazy

No. 2067445

She never sent that fucking ugly bitches asshole to anybody. Nobody gives a FUCK about that stupid bitch and her WEIRD ASSHOLE. FUCKING FREAK.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2067465

I’m sorry but KEK #1706887 this ended up being true, she was using Jonny for money and now she found a new richer moid to use for money this bitch is SHALLOW and has no love in her, she is a user and UGLY KEK(newfag)

No. 2067487

File: 1734016775807.jpeg (177.13 KB, 990x1053, IMG_4708.jpeg)

From JC’s story kek.

No. 2067517

Kek imagine being a rebound from dicknose

No. 2067575

Linked the post wrong but HERE >>1706887

No. 2067688

>links to a post about Layna from 2022
Sigh… Okay… but Syd is the same way. They are both gold diggers, they are both groupies, neither of them want to be a proper adult, grow up and get a real job. So this really isn’t the own you think it is. Syd literally “took time off Storm” and moved as far away from possible, carolina is literally on the opposite side of the country.

No. 2067726

why keep sperging about layla literally nobody cares about that shit. you really wanna bring back up some old post thinking you’re making a point but the only point you’re proving is being obsessed with layna. go stalk her on your own time and stop bringing her up on this thread. she’s not affiliated with jc anymore. jfc.
seems like syds big mad about her ex doing an AMA about her and still hyper fixated on layna lol. stop trying to make money off your eggplant tits and get a real job syd. when ian said she was vicious talking shit about other people i think we can all see glimpses into that with some of these posts on this thread

No. 2067742

>moved as far away from possible
Bit dramatic, no? She moved to North Carolina, not fucking China there are people who live on the opposite side of the world from their brats. Jonny fucked off to Seattle while Skidknee and Storm were still in Oakland, did he not? We knew neither of these retards gave a fuck about their bandaid baby social media prop from day one. Idk why any of this is surprising

No. 2067744

Why do you bitches have to compare everything to SYD? Who gives a shit if she's the same way I wasn't fucking talking about her. I was going through the old threads and found that post funny because as time passes I see more and more how fucking shallow Layna is. She had NO love for JC, didn't Alex say she cheated on him or something? Probably wasn't rich or famous enough. Then instantly after she dates Destiny, obviously does not love him and is using him to fund her lifestyle because there's no way camming is paying her bills. She's a shallow fucking dipshit.

No. 2067900

And? She’s no longer relevant to the thread. Take your realizations and obsessing to your therapy sessions and leave her out of this thread. Go start your own Layna thread if you want jfc.

No. 2067907

That bpd-chan wanna "B-B-B-BUT" about layna instead of bringing her up in the twitch/camgirl threads because she knows noone cares. Reminder this was the Sydney England/JC thread.
Also, what ever happened with JC's favorite bf spiderweb head? Did they break up?

No. 2067917

Let’s be real Skidmark could never get into china she doesn’t own a passport. NC is the furthest she could get. Jonny moved away to work on music and had money to visit Storm. Skidmark dumped her chiOLD to go play wife and leech off someone else. And has NO fucking money. I cannot believe I’m defending JC, but Sydney is obviously the worst parent here and I hope she sees this because this isn’t rage bait, it’s the fucking truth. I see it’s very obvious she’s camping out itt right now, bitch I will send this thread to your fiancé if you don’t shut the fuck up. Ian has already caught up and read everything you’ve lied to him about.

No. 2067923

Jeez, now everyone is gonna be cow-tipped? I am sure she has already told Matt about lolcow and has spun it to where if anyone approaches him it’s gonna be worthless because he will be ready to fight for her immediately.

No. 2067933

>I am sure she has already told Matt about lolcow
Bless your heart, you really think that? He would dump her if he saw all the evidence of her being psycho, there’s only so much she can spin to her narrative.

No. 2067940

fr like i don’t want to hi cow here but if it’s not syd it’s someone with similar cluster b issues fixated on layna.
she’s manipulative. all she needs to do is convince them not to come here. it’s not hard to believe she’s spinning lolcow off as some snark community run by 4chan creeps. that’s probably what she told ian so he would avoid coming here. she can’t sustain relationships for long especially if she’s living with the guy and not taking her meds anymore so most likely her trans man will come here to see what’s up sooner or later. but i agree once he sees everything i would only hope his ass kicks her out and invests in some tattoo removal. this guys seems especially vulnerable Nd easily manipulated tbh

No. 2067945

I'm just curious about what her OF is since Ian said she started it back up again

No. 2067948

I doubt she’s even brought it up. There’s nothing that could convince me to stay away from a thread about someone I’m literally getting married to and living with, my curiosity would get the better of me, and I think most if not all people would feel the same. That’s why the thread subjects and anyone associated read this thread, they can’t help it. Not saying they’re in here every day like Syd but there’s even (old) evidence of Layna reading here, she would post screenshots to her twitter. Best thing for Syd to do is to not mention this thread to Matt and hope he never hears about it because we KNOW he would want to read it. She manipulated Ian because they were long distance; she can’t hide her crazy for too long with Matt.

Storm starts kindergarten next year, I wonder who’s gonna take him to his first day of school. Fucking sad. I don’t have children but I could never imagine leaving their side, especially a young child.

No. 2067994

If it’s not Skidmark, it’s Athena.

To recap, Athena is an irrelevant JC dick rider that came out the woodwork after Skid and JC broke up. JC was already in Layna’s streams not giving a fuck and Athena was LIVID that JC wouldn’t give her attention. She loves attention, made lashing out ant farmers and sowing discord on the thread her obsession, ban evaded, admitted all of it on her instagram stories, and even tried to get her own thread made. She’s a worthless cunt and I wouldn’t put it past her to still be smoking crack and shitting up the thread cause she thinks it’s funny.

No. 2068003

I think it’s both of them. We know for a fact they’ve both posted in here. Not saying they are conspiring together, I’m sure they still hate each other, but it’s not just Syd. Wait is Athena the one posting caps from Goiter’s discord server? I’m surprised he allowed that crazy bitch in there. I have a tinfoil the discord anon is one of his male friends that he trusts

No. 2068023

Yes, I do. When you’re in a relationship with someone like Skid, they spin that victim card and hook their claws in early. They plant seeds that people they’ve hurt in the past are the perps and so if those people (actual victims or people with the truth) come forward, they’re automatically discredited. It is a huge part of the love-bombing cycle. And it especially works if the person believes they’re “the one” which is clearly happening in their BPD crazed love fest rn

No. 2068053

agreed 100%. and also this matt guy seems like an especially easy prey, for someone like skid who’s good at hooking their claws into the right people.

No. 2068099

I could believe the Athena tinfoil. Especially since retard bpd-chan only had a gripe with layna "using" goiter for his money and never "loved him." Sincerely, I believe the only reason someone would be with him is for whatever clout he still holds on the music scene. It's kind of a no brainer, especially with how young layna is too.

No. 2068223

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No. 2068245

Unbothered, but also a horrible mother/person

No. 2068304

>unbothered by the fact she’s a bad mom, a psychopath and is getting married to a tranny she just met
Checks out

No. 2068319

lmao the acronyms are back

No. 2068326

File: 1734209877510.jpeg (264.71 KB, 1290x1465, IMG_8937.jpeg)

Sydney’s neck, armpit, or camel toe? Challenges level: impossible.

No. 2068427

wait yeah actually i want to know more about this. he thinks she needs long term residential care and is incapable of being a better person and talks about how she’s actively losing her mind and was generally hateful and vile af to people (which has been documented on this thread). sad to think there were some nonas who actually believed she was a good mother >>2067225
i wanna know what horrific shit was in those damn messages lol.

No. 2068524

> Bit dramatic, no? She moved to North Carolina, not fucking China there are people who live on the opposite side of the world from their brats.

Not dramatic at all, infant let's use your example
Length of China 3,100 miles
Distance of Storm to Syd 2,700 miles
So it is like flying across china, or from London to Saudi Arabia.

No. 2068528

I find it funny that he claimed lolcow was wrong about so many things. It actually seems like we were spot on about a lot of it kek. I wonder if he knows the truth behind what happened in the beginning with Jonny supposedly getting storm high. If that’s one of the things that he’s referring to then why wouldn’t he at least clear Jonny’s name on that? He owes skid nothing at this point.

No. 2068534

Im going to assume he doesn’t like Jonny that much either.

No. 2068542

I wonder if he realizes a lot of us listened in on the court proceedings and found out what happened from THE COURTS. That they were BOTH charged for poisoning their son with fentanyl. We didn’t make that shit up.
And it was obvious from anyone who’s a parent that they didn’t have custody of their son. Constant outings but no storm, Up at all hours of the night live-streaming with loud music blaring, a house that showed zero evidence of a child, random parking lot visits…like come on kek. He just chose to believe her and turn off his brain because that’s what pathetic desperate men do for sex.

No. 2068551

>He just chose to believe her and turn off his brain because that’s what pathetic desperate men do for sex.
You’ve never been manipulated and it shows. They were long distance, but sure, he was with her for “sex”. He wanted her quality of life to improve, tried to help, & failed because she doesn’t want to even help herself. I’m sure she love bombed the fuck out of him and made him feel so special, she actively pursued him for years before he gave her a chance.

No. 2068554

File: 1734283181158.jpeg (494.57 KB, 1073x1930, IMG_4730.jpeg)

Yes, moving nearly 3000 miles away from your four year old who needs you is so goofy and silly. I hate her. She really does seem unbothered now that the “brat” isn’t bringing her down guise! Some women can’t have kids and would be amazing mothers, subhumans like Skid piss me the fuck off. Waste of space

I just have one question, does anyone think she’ll come back for him, fly him out to live with her? Like HOW is this gonna play out. “Took time off storm” what a fucking piece of shit. Poor kid doesn’t even know what his name is, all before kindergarten!

No. 2068555

File: 1734283415410.jpeg (553.08 KB, 1079x1901, IMG_4733.jpeg)

Storm will never come first for her.

No. 2068557

File: 1734283744255.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1088x1947, IMG_4731.jpeg)

Looks like she flew out to see him to save face - (that Matt undoubtedly funded), there’s other stories after this of her on FaceTime with her fiancé. It’s too cringey to post; he’s like 36 and putting all adventure time stickers around a screenshot of them on FaceTime. She captioned another photo of just storm “love of my life” yeah right FUCK YOU SYDNEY.

No. 2068590

How do we even know Matt has enough money though? I wouldn’t be surprised if Jonny was the one funding her flights. Matt’s band isn’t that big and he’s like a barista?

No. 2068646

How could anyone poison and abandon this gorgeous creature! I pray Storm doesn't end up on the Misery Machine and I hope that DCFS are supporting and monitoring them.

No. 2068667

I bet these are old pictures. Remember when JC and Syd kept posting old photos of them witj Storm after he was taken by CPS to try and give the illusion they still had him?

No. 2068692

he likely isn’t rich bc he works at some brewery but the cost of living out there is probably nothing. although he did mention he was tens of thousands of dollars in debt, i bet syd just wants to have a roof over her head above anything else. if he pays rent for them and for basic necessities etc that’s prob good enough for her. she probably gets some money through welfare and jc (although idk if she gets child support now that she doesn’t have custody). doesn’t seem like she has high standards for men and likely wouldn’t be able to land a rich sugar daddy anyway. maybe that’s why she spiraled with layna who has more pay pigs than she does. waiting for the day one of you nonas unearth her OF tho lol.

No. 2068927

File: 1734382239327.jpeg (40.07 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_0184.jpeg)

Posted by Leah, the year she dated goiter was the worst year of her life. Girl spilllll.

No. 2068995

Yes girl come on here and spill please.

No. 2069139

Doubt she will. They still follow each other. I wonder if they’re even really broken up

No. 2069140

Also I think it’s funny how you all think she would want to come “spill” here in the first place, when the majority of you have said the worst things about her, her appearance, even disgusting things about Jonny grooming her daughter in a few years. Like I don’t feel bad that Ian got made fun of because he’s a moid but he was not planning on coming here, I had to get it out of him. But anons itt pick these girls apart and THEN when they are done with Jonny you’re on their side, praising them, and want them to come spill the deets. Lol delusional. And I’m not referring to myself because I only make fun of men on here, and Skid… because she’s Skid.

No. 2069176

chill, you’re taking it way too seriously. who’s on her side? a cows a cow even after a break up. clearly skid became a cow, then layna, big jess, leah. doesn’t seem like anybody is on their side just because of a breakup? and just because we want them to come spill doesn’t mean we are on their side lol. it’s just milky when they come on here trying to talk shit. not the first time it’s happened.

No. 2069189

Skid is the only cow out of them tbh. The others are half calf’s at best.

No. 2069191

Everything you said is true but
>THEN when they are done with Jonny you’re on their side, praising them
Not a single person praised Leah.

No. 2069198

File: 1734459767643.jpg (500.02 KB, 1170x2097, when THIS is an upgrade lmao.j…)

Not wk’ing a TIF but he’s/she’s a Director of Operations at his/her restaurant, not some regular restaurant wagie scrub. Not that my screenshot is necessarily 100% accurate, but I bet it’s more steady income than Ol’ Jonny boy

No. 2069208

He probably makes 50k per year

No. 2069303

uh, post proof he’s director of operations, he’s not on their website. i think he’s just a glorified cook there.

No. 2069760

File: 1734609314028.jpeg (1.96 MB, 1170x2111, IMG_8585.jpeg)

Dating skid is like a full time job, I can imagine how insufferable it is when she travels and will lambast 10000 different things that mildly annoys her. No wonder goiter relapsed when he was living with her

No. 2069785

>lovebombing stage

No. 2069799

100% lol. judging from his post about losing the most important person of his life and going into 20k in debt seems like he perpetually seeks out toxic relationships and this relationship with skid is gonna be the holy grail of toxic relationships

No. 2069909

Who was the most important person in his life?

No. 2069915

File: 1734650149258.jpg (88.92 KB, 1000x1000, lovebomb.jpg)

Sydsopsycho will always be the biggest cow

No. 2069975

Is she blind he is really gross
And poor

She should try being alone and working on herself

No. 2069991

no idea, i’m just going off of what another nona posted caps of. he had an insta post saying he gained 40lbs and is 20k in debt after losing someone. too lazy to scroll up and find it
yeah especially if he’s actually cis why tf does he have such soft doughy features? he’s like a chubby gollum when he had the long wispy hair. and that goddamn double nose chain like good ol jc. as a fanboy he must be so happy to be the new step daddy to his idol JC’s son

No. 2070000

Usually if you have to broadcast it this loudly it ain’t real. Who you trying to convince Sydney, you or us?

No. 2070022

Can’t be a step-dad to a kid your new gf ditched. Poor Storm.

No. 2070236

File: 1734767609591.jpeg (83.67 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_0196.jpeg)

Staying the exact same for 11 years and never growing is not a flex

No. 2070240

i me myself

No. 2070894

File: 1735016664715.png (567.71 KB, 1284x2778, IMG_7448.png)

Sorry this was from the other day but why does it matter?

YOU chose to leave your kid. For two weeks or forever you did that.

No. 2070921

Yes. Its wrong. Even if its two weeks every month, you still choose a man over your son for half the year. Do this until Storm reaches 18 and you’re missing 9 whole years of his life.

Asking this question publicly proves you're conflicted, meaning some part of you knows its wrong.

No. 2071006


No because you gotta pay rent and bills qhere you live and i doubt ahe does any of that KEK

No. 2071096

Goiter turning a new leaf and becoming the more responsible parent was NOT on my bingo card this year

No. 2071138

Wow so sad she didn’t even have him for Christmas

No. 2071220

California almost always defaults to giving the mother full custodial rights. She must have been really really bad for Goiter to get his kid, especially when he was the one who was responsible for smoking fentanyl around him. I wonder what she did.

No. 2071283

I think her options were give Jonny more time with storm or stop leaving to another state for weeks at a time. she needs someone to take care of her because she’s so retarded and mentally ill that she can’t hold down a job to do it herself, so of course she’d drop her son in favour of a man of willing to support her. all she cares about is herself and what she wants, I really don’t think she’s gunna let her kid get in the way of that.

No. 2071427

File: 1735233839812.jpeg (341.65 KB, 828x1383, IMG_3540.jpeg)

Wow. Reading between the lines, and also the subtext, just…wow.

No. 2071479

Sounds like she is only happy that he’s single (for now). Lmao at the shade at Leah or whoever the “unimportant” person is. But Matt is soooo important. lol okay

No. 2071481

I hope he sees this and fires back lol she tried to come off as so loving and supportive of his relationship with his dad but all I saw was her trying to shit on him for being absent until now. While it’s sad that her ditching the kid is prob the only reason jonny is stepping up now… that doesn’t take away from the fact that she abandoned him right before Christmas. The real reason she’s not with him. Anything to point negative attention away from herself. Also she was cringe level defensive here >>2070894
The guilt is eating her alive, as it should.

No. 2071515


It’s almost like she saw this >>2070921 and wrote out the opposite reality for herself in a caption as a response. What does this bitch even know about priorities? Who is she trying to convince cause even her followers that don’t come here see through her bullshit.

No. 2071601

unimaginable amounts of copium kek. nobody can convince me this was a choice she made. storms consistently been with jonny for months, he had him on halloween, thanksgiving and now christmas. she didn’t randomly decide to not be evil and spiteful, jonny just has full or major custody and she has no choice anymore. also this
>I have way too big of a heart sometimes but it's never too big for the love for my son
is a downright insane thing to say after abandoning your son for a crusty moid you’ve known for 2 months, like what? she’s delusional.

No. 2071702

Holy fuck the cognitive dissonance… she literally met a guy for 5 minutes and cant wait to drop her kid and move away from him. Mother of the year

No. 2071925

Yeah the guy she flaked on her son for is ugly, lame, and has no money. He probably just said he’d take care of her.

No. 2072013

seems like they both find validation through “love”. hilarious that he’s a jc fanboy tho - they have that in common.
fr like - she has to throw shade at the fact that he was dating leah during the holidays but she gives up being a full time mom just to move to north carolina for a lesbian hobbit she’s known for 2 weeks.
makes sense she always goes for long distance relationships, like ian said it’s easier for her to mask her psychotic nature when you’re not together everyday. good luck to the balding lesbian hobbit, although it seems like she’s flying back and forth every 2 weeks. if the fact that she thinks that’s sustainable goes to show how much of an idiot she is.

No. 2072045

The way she tries to act like she is the supreme authority of morality and good decision making is hilarious.

No. 2072055

Why would she fly back and fourth every 2 weeks? Who is she even flying back to her mom? It’s not like she has a job there and didn’t JC move to Florida with the kid?

No. 2072075

Im assuming she flies to FL. Her jonny fanboy TIF uhaul lesbian lover probably approves and funds it since it makes him feel relevant. Skyd probably thinks she's living some cool girl jetset life

No. 2072079

He lives in Washington, it’s in his bio and if you look at his car pics his plates say Washington.

No. 2072122

Does she stay with JC for two weeks then? It’s not like she can afford two weeks in a hotel and she doesn’t have any friends. Kek I wouldn’t put it past her to cheat with JC. Co-parents stick together.

No. 2072128

I think she sees him way less than she says. Apart from Halloween the last time she saw him seemed to be this instance >>2068557
And two days later she posted about her tranny picking her up from the airport so the visit couldn’t have been more than 3 days. She flew her cats out to her fiancés house, she’s living there no matter what dumb technicalities she tries so make.

No. 2072138

File: 1735440870655.jpeg (78.42 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_3394.jpeg)

Prove us wrong then Skiddo! Prove you didn’t ditch your kid for a fling with JC if he were a fat lesbian with down syndrome

No. 2072201

I love how she constantly proves shes obsessed with reading this thread, but projects “unbothered”. Ok skid, kek
She doesnt want to be a mother active in her sons life, she just wanted to lock down JC with a permanent commitment. When that didn't work she moved on to the next victims to once again, find a way to permanently lock them down.

No. 2072431

She’s mad she’s so easy to figure out. Just because she can fool broken men, doesn’t mean she can fool the masses. Any semi rational person can see through her bs. Marrying a person you met 4 months ago is literally insane and all you need to know about the two of them.

No. 2072469

File: 1735566221590.jpeg (401.28 KB, 1841x1779, IMG_7571.jpeg)

No. 2072489

Wow Syd has such a big heart. She is a good mother and great human and totally wasn't obsessing over Layna for years on lolcow. Ian was right. She would never do such a thing!

No. 2072686

It’s not even her IG handle. It would have been funnier if it was actually her that liked it.

No. 2072762

Thats literally her. She removed her ig profile icon

No. 2072896

Lmaooo how did you even find this

No. 2072907

File: 1735692004744.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1284x2620, IMG_7597.jpeg)

Yeah.. it’s Literally her.

No. 2072909

Sorry I’m drunk I had to delete and repost a few times.

Basically Instagram shows you when people you follow have liked a Reel you are watching. Since I follow her, it shows me sometimes when she has liked something.

No. 2072977

liking something on social media is not milk and cheating with someone is a pretty dastardly thing to do to another woman.

No. 2072978

liking something on social media is not milk and cheating with someone is a pretty dastardly thing to do to another woman.

No. 2072990

File: 1735726702816.png (1.26 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_9164.png)

Nothing like goiteroo having an ephiphany of finally being a dad after 4 fucking years….

No. 2073043

As if syd isn't a cheater herself kek.

No. 2073109

lol he’s finally realizing how he says “this year will be the year” every damn year

No. 2073196

Oh, gosh, I’m so sorry. I forgot this is not a thread to laugh at how ridiculously blind Syd is from seeing how the very actions she is so against others committing are the very actions she commits.


No. 2073226

fr. classic bpd victim complex.

No. 2073227

Ah my bad. The lack of photo and just “Syd” threw me off kek.
At least he gained a crumb of self awareness i guess. Although being forced to be a full time parent isn’t an accomplishment.

No. 2073274

File: 1735800377944.jpg (236.72 KB, 1080x1890, 1000038105.jpg)

Someone paid $70 for Jonny to give himself a peptalk on cameo. What a waste of money.

No. 2073278

Starting off the new year with the cringiest shit. God damn.

No. 2073391

File: 1735841198346.png (1.07 MB, 1080x2400, 1000011637.png)

Did Jonny have to get a legit job? Does this look like he's working in a call center or something? You can see what looks like someone at a desk behind him.

No. 2073395

Call centers aren’t going to let you show up to work wearing all of that kek. It could literally be anywhere. DMV, library, etc.
it would be smart if he got a legit job. Idek how he’s going to afford being a dad otherwise unless he’s leeching off the system. And even then, it’s not easy.

No. 2073396

Really locking in that 'I'm a single dad because my ex is a pshyco whore also I hate my kids mom"-look.
Stay classy Goiter

No. 2073399

Oh I see the mic on his ear now. Maybe he is working a call center. But why would you show up to work looking like an absolute tool?

No. 2073407


Yeah a few weeks ago he posted something similar with an ear piece in, looked like the same building, but I couldn't get a screen shot of it. That's the only reason I jumped to that conclusion.

Also I've worked in a call center before and you can't imagine the shit people wear.(sage your shit/learn2integrate)

No. 2073415

Agreed, he lives in Washington and is wearing a knit Seattle SuperSonics sweater, a hat, and a nose piercing. Really not that outlandish for a call center where no one can see you, and it’s not like he can take off the face tats. Dying at the thought of someone getting him as their support agent and asking for someone who speaks English

No. 2073420

His bf spiderweb face works there too, he wears a headset in his stories too. Most places can't find employees they probably take who they can get
They just look like typical seattle hipsters im sure

No. 2073429

I get that no one can see you but still kek it just seems so unprofessional. I guess I just assumed there was some kind of dress code even if it was relaxed. But wearing a ball cap? High school peacocking at its finest.

No. 2073474

>But why would you show up to work looking like an absolute tool?
It’s goiter. Do you really have to ask that question?

No. 2073528

Sounds like this came from Big Jess. Or someone who wants to fuck him

No. 2073533

File: 1735871117085.jpeg (268.46 KB, 1170x1959, IMG_4870.jpeg)

Skid’s story, kek she is so dumb. So hateful for no reason, and so casually.

No. 2073544

Makes sense why she has an ugly goblin vomit face

No. 2073584

Lmao it does look like an office and he is potentially working there. Maybe he is in one of those call centers that does phone sales, they'd hired anyone for those to read from a script. At least goitz is finally realising his music career is dead and honestly its somewhat of a growth if he is not acting like a clown here

No. 2073649

>implying my parents were ever in love at any point

No. 2073674

File: 1735922370475.jpeg (308.51 KB, 1290x2134, IMG_8644.jpeg)

Fucking disgusting. Big boy pimp yourself out on cameo till your balls fall off but leave your defenceless child out of this. Ffs.

No. 2073675

People actually spend money on this shit? And absolutely, leave the poor kid out of this. How creepy

No. 2074210

File: 1736024734108.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1170x2077, IMG_9216.jpeg)

Called it, goits be working in phone direct sales. Karma's a girl's girl. At least he is working a real job unlike skidney

No. 2074213

Sydney tried breaking into Taylor’s house. She has it on video.(post proof)

No. 2074217

yea for sure. syd travelled out of state to break into her exs exs house because ? don’t get me wrong she’s certifiably insane but this is an absolutely ridiculous tinfoil kek

No. 2074328


No. 2074389

That's like the shittiest job you can have because it's taxing af.
Goiter almost killed his child by smoking fent so I still hate him but if he can keep this up I can at least respect the choices he's making. If he's gonna have storm full time this is the best he can do (also stop posting cringe car shit). Btw, where's the Mayor of Spookytown?

No. 2074724

You cannot be serious. It was obviously a joke

No. 2075088

I'm kind of surprised he would even share that. If he does work there and he consciously posted pictures of his call center job, I guess good on him for being slightly less cocky. But wtf is his kid doing at his work though?

No. 2075247

Too young for school and Goiter too broke for daycare or preschool is my guess

No. 2075915

Now let’s watch Skidmark get a job for her chiold. That’s why she moved, right? Also I totally called it, she’s not gonna visit him every two weeks. That’s insanely expensive unless you’re literally rich, who the fuck funds her flights anyway? I doubt Jonny would, even if it meant a break from his kid. How the fuck did he turn out to be the better parent? Are we living in a twilight zone?

No. 2075920

Matt should know about the 50 minute voice message she left Ian while getting engaged to him. And then bothering him again on his birthday, which was after that, because Ian’s birthday is in November. I’m not encouraging anything… just saying I think he should know.

No. 2075952

He's still in the lovebombing honeymoon phase with Sydney. He loves the idea of dating jonny's leftovers. He will just defend her until their relationship goes to shit. Then he will tell everyone how crazy and psycho she really was despite willingly staying and enabling the behavior for far too long. A tale as old as time.

No. 2076119

I don’t think she has the mental ability to have a job she has a lot of mental issues.

No. 2076155

Exactly. He will reject anything and everything sent to him. Whatever, let her ruin that man’s life. More entertainment for us. I just wish she didn’t bring a child into her chaos.

No. 2076202

It's what happened with dicknose too. Defended and enabled her until she left him. Then he "exposed" her to a farmer. These people all deserve eachother.

No. 2076254

If you think about it she got goiter at his absolute lowest so idk all the rest will be bottom barrel people

No. 2076529

Many mentally ill people with bpd have jobs, anon.

No. 2076549

Yes but she is different
I think she will always need someone to take care of her I don’t think she could live on her own

No. 2076608

Wish we had the story of her fall out with her bestie Meagan she lived with after Jonny gave her the boot. She claimed they were painting a room for storm there and everything. She must’ve really fucked her over.

No. 2076656

iirc in one of the threads there was talk that she couldn’t hold a steady job because of her inability to control her vitriol and big mood swings. she probably freaks out, lashes out, and then gets fired
i don’t think she can keep a single friendship or relationship. she burns every bridge. she probably just victimizes herself and sperges out over perceived slights despite all they do to try to help her.

No. 2076731

File: 1736684661020.png (96.71 KB, 1319x694, IMG_9615.png)

Her teenage ex she got an abortion with said, “she cant maintain a normal job, because shes unmedicated, she will literally cuss someone out and yell at them” Also said the longest she had a job was “maybe a year. At a froyo place.” Link to his first post in Taylor’s thread, you can scroll down to see the rest >>>/pt/744359

No. 2076816

The thought of this midget sized girl cussing someone out or trying to fight them in person and not behind a keyboard has always been comical to me. Especially at places like a froyo establishment.

No. 2076864

Damn that was 5 years ago where does time go

No. 2076986

Bpd fag but being unmedicated isn’t Skid’s issue. Meds just help with some of the symptoms experienced with bpd. The #1 treatment is DBT, this bitch will never get therapy or commit to bettering herself. Her only concern is faking her life on social media as a good mother, a good girlfriend, etc. you know this shit stays chaotic and messy behind the scenes. Until she gets her shit together and gets therapy, she’ll continue this cycle. I sincerely hope her child will never have to deal with anymore of her shit, Goiter is another issue.(sage your shit)

No. 2077105

Goiter is sober, has a normal job, a car, and isn’t love-bombing and cheating on some random new girl. He actually looks like he matured a lot which is crazy to say.
New goiter is still plastering his kid all over social media and is probably still a dirtbag.
But old goiter would’ve been plastering some poor broad with him and pitting her against Skid, while cheating on her with some other random. All while having no job and spending your money on drugs. IMO he’s come a long way. (Just to repeat, he’s probably still a dirtbag and always will be. Just nice to see him go from horrific human being to dirtbag level.)

No. 2077106

Tour money*

No. 2077124

yessss this is where it was from. forgot this moid came out of nowhere. and lmao i especially forgot she wanted to be famous have groupie babies since she was a teenager. is that why she spiraled so much about layna - she thought layna could potentially be some sort of influencer? lmao

No. 2077336

Don't be a shill. The Goiter effect is in full flow here and you are falling for it. This is how he works; he sets the moral bar so fucking low, that ANY inch of progress appears like he's doing "well". Remember the guy smoked fent around his kid a few years ago, rap3d and assaulted women, injected some with heroin. Hes a sexist, childish bigot. He happily flaunted his cash poor lifestyle whilst his kid sat at his Grandma's. Just because he isn't displaying bad behavior on Insta, doesn't mean it doesn't exhist. The man is scum.(learn2integrate)

No. 2077368

yeah, “barely functional single dad with marginal job” is not anything to write home about, but the bar is on the floooooor compared to his past

No. 2077596

File: 1736815497280.jpg (213.9 KB, 1080x1836, 1000038622.jpg)

Looks like poor storm is at the doctor

No. 2077744

Did he actually inject some of his ex gfs with heroin? I thought he just pretended like he was going to with one of them. Which is still despicable ofc. I’m just wondering what I missed.(sage your shit)

No. 2077748

He pretended to shoot up Liz.
He did shoot up Taylor, because she was bad with needles and was nervous to do it herself, so she asked him to. She was already smoking heroin at that point.

No. 2077753

Hmmm. When Storm was with Skid there were no doctor visits. Now that Jonny has him he has “heart issues” again? Remember y’all, “heart issues” was the original lie they used to explain why Storm was in the hospital, when in reality he had fent in his system, and was taken from hospital by CPS.
Could it be that Storm stumbled into more fent residue at the Goiter residence?

No. 2077767

The kid has a huge scar on his chest from heart surgery. I think it’s fair to say he was born with a heart condition that causes him issues now and then. I dislike goiter too but no need to go full retard.

No. 2077777

File: 1736880918591.jpeg (116.31 KB, 1080x810, IMG_9796.jpeg)

Saw this today and got flashbacks of Skidmark. I think I still have PTSD from seeing her bewbs.(shitposting)

No. 2077990

I think skid drank when she was pregnant and that’s what caused his heart issues

No. 2078116

"(learn2integrate)" on a post fully integrated in the goiterverse. nice one mods.

No. 2078118

imagine walking in as a pediatrician and seeing some midget with face tats, taking pics of the ward and his childs x-rays for sympathy online.

No. 2078228

Probably for the retarded use of “rap3d”

No. 2078311

It does seem like goiter likes getting the attention a sick child brings him .who does this ? Seems like every chance he gets he’s posting the boy really sick. Exploiting him for cameos. Did anyone notice how most of the time he never has a shirt on?

No. 2078406

Self-censoring like this is xitter deserves a ban.
He needs that pity money now that he was forced to be a full time parent.

No. 2078499

swoons how ever will we cope?
a ban for a character? oh no, what ever will i do? we don't ban schizo off topic crap, but god forbid types rape wrong. lol go fuck yourself.
he has emotional intelligence of a wooden spoon. it's shameful.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2078540

“how ever will we cope,” says retard still crying about being put in timeout days later

No. 2078834

I'm not crying about being in timeout. I'm still here wanting to post about the thread topic whilst you go off topic getting upset about a 3 replacing an e in a word.(derailing)

No. 2078837

File: 1737110284162.jpeg (115.9 KB, 1057x1600, 333.jpeg)

1 th1nk the m0ds n33d to ch1ll k3k
actually heartbreaking

bigboi is posting about building in private, whilst doing the complete opposite. if he's so into privacy, a good start is not posting your kids personal medical procedures online.

No. 2078851

>Date in private
>Love in private
I wonder if he posted this for Leah kek they still follow each other on instagram after her meltdown about him hiding her. Girl he’s cheating, not hiding you to keep you safe.

No. 2078921

most likely. cheat in private, but objectify your son in public. goiter logic on full show.

No. 2078929

He can plaster his kids face all over social media, which is arguably worse because kids can’t consent to things like that. But posting his secret relationship is too much. I thought Leah had a backbone

No. 2079274

what the hell, like abusive shitbag Jonah Hill using Ozempic and roids to get from blob to linebacker is something to aspire to?

No. 2079752

File: 1737354698835.jpeg (204.78 KB, 1170x1987, IMG_5122.jpeg)

Riveting stuff. This is a 31 year old woman btw. How are those every two week visits going, Skidmark? Or the job that you supposedly had lined up when you moved…

No. 2079849

this made me giggle. a bunch of retards derail the thread into a slop farm for Layna outrage for months and mods do nothing. a nonnie uses a '3' and suddenly the mods put their gestapo boots on.
i was thinking this too. what a garbage example of a human to use as your "glow up" character. Goiter is 100000000% gonna get on that Ozempic game if he gets chubby again from too much MacDonalds and Kratom
her life really has been lived a billion times before and she's completely unaware kek.(derailing over the rules for a week now)

No. 2079937

The thread was on autosage because of the Layna retardation. Idk why you have to pretend things happened differently.
>gestapo boots
>gave a simple ban for a simple rule break

No. 2080155

File: 1737459037894.jpeg (34.66 KB, 956x1600, 6436.jpeg)

my posts reply to the thread topic, yours don't. maybe have a read of the rules mainly 1.5, 7.1. and stick to the thread topic. get over your gripe with the number '3'. or ban yourself for derailing.
skidderz vague posting and not making any sense as usual. one second it's "I CANT BREATHE IM SO HAPPY" then it's "I'm going to be sad forever". not far off the goiter flip/flop of emotion.

No. 2080168

>it’s always something
When is she going to realize that she’s the problem?

No. 2080213

It's like that saying, "If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, YOU are the asshole". That's saggy sydsopsycho all day every day.

No. 2081479

File: 1737725199121.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1170x1932, IMG_5196.jpeg)

She loves to post body checks, like what was the point of this pose? also I bet storm would have loved to do a puzzle with you, deadbeat.

No. 2081485

File: 1737726628264.jpeg (792.98 KB, 1170x1672, IMG_5197.jpeg)

Layna’s last selfie on IG is in this exact pose. I’m sincerely not trying to derail but hear me out, I’m only bringing her up because her and BBP are talking again and I’m pretty sure they are gonna get back together. She not only unblocked him on IG so that all of his possessive comments will show up, she un-archived this photo of them and it doesn’t show in this screenshot but he’s tagged. She’s also following him again which has been recent. I only know about the recent following him again + unarchiving posts because I read Destiny’s thread and I’ve noticed they haven’t been bringing her up as much.
Idk, maybe they’re not getting back together and she just wants everyone to know she dated JC once upon a time. I don’t see how Destiny would be okay with this if she’s still his girlfriend, even though he talks to as many women as he wants.
She’s also very bipolar with her IG and unarchives / archives posts daily because she’s very hyper fixated on her online persona.
Sage for possibly just a tinfoil, but we know he’d take her back in a heartbeat, I think besides Larkin this is the only girl who’s ever left HIM, he had to break up with all the others.
I mean he’s probably talking to all his exes and flings that will still have anything to do with him during his single dad era, but I think he loved Layna and would take her back.

No. 2081614

Syd is soooo painfully jealous of Layna and will always be competing and comparing to her for the rest of their lives. Syd probably obsesses and dwells over layna more than she did jonny

No. 2081780

She preggers again? Her abdomen looks weird

No. 2081964

No, she’s already engaged. There’s no need to baby trap her TiF boyfriend. If she was pregnant she would (rightfully) abort it.

No. 2082570

That's just life for everyone. Being alive is to parry that "always somethiny"and do the best of it. People like her could go through the most mundane shit but they're still the most heroic people ever for "surving".
Shes not gong through more than anyone else she's just a bigger drama queen about it since she apparently hate healthy coping mechanisms

No. 2082575

imagine if they both Syd and TiF cheated on each other with goiter and both got pregnant. Then they had to dual pregnancy Goiter gremlins. kek

No. 2082630

lmao no way in hell goiter would touch syd again with a 10 foot pole… she wishes though!

No. 2083910

You have brainrot. She looks fine

No. 2083956

i thought so at first glance too though until i realized it’s just the weird hand gesture looking like she was stroking a baby bump. i agree tho her abdomen doesn’t look weird i think it’s just a weird angle.

No. 2083993

I thought this too. The angle and the shadows all made for an odd looking abdomen at first glance. She made it the focal point of this picture, your eyes go right to it before anything else.

No. 2085475

Kek she has bigger things to worry about than Syd’s skinwalking. Layna’s reputation is in the toilet, imagine choosing to stay with someone who sexually violates women and records them during sex without consent. Her cat is in the background of his streams.

No. 2085571

>imagine choosing to stay with someone who sexually violates women and records them during sex without consent.
I’m sorry… WHAT???

No. 2085575

File: 1738713826825.jpeg (167.66 KB, 1170x632, IMG_5392.jpeg)

She’s gonna have a heart attack, what a retard. I knew she was addicted to speed kek. Also her edge lord posting is so annoying.

No. 2085586

She’s also scrubbed her twitter of association with destiny, she used to have thousands of tweets, now she has 50. Never seen someone so hyper fixated on their online persona in my entire life

No. 2085864

Layna is definitely mentally off and manipulative and makes shit choices but is still more careful and in control compared to sydsopsycho. Syd would have gone out with that destiny idiot in a heartbeat posting 11:11 bullshit online and probably would have bragged 10000000x more and baby-trapped him. Any sane person would rather deal with a layna than a sydney any day.

No. 2085962

someone that invested has no life wtf

No. 2086917

I think she seems more manipulable and malleable than manipulative to me. Maybe I’m fooled because of her dumb childlike face, but I think she just goes along with stuff that might get her attention or free food. The bigger the fish, the bigger the cope. She ditched Goiter after he got caught cheating and scrubbed Destiny after the revenge porn stuff, so her attention seeking orbiter behavior has a limit of some sort.

No. 2087062

File: 1739113746256.jpeg (753.74 KB, 1170x1380, IMG_5452.jpeg)

She is very much still with Destiny and wants people to know. Not sure why she scrubbed her twitter, but she’s a terrible person and this >>2085864 post is pointless.
> Maybe I’m fooled because of her dumb childlike face
Anon, be so fucking for real right now. They are both pathetic little girls (not women in any sense or the word) and way more similar than you think, Layna is just better at masking her psychotic tendencies. She is morally bankrupt, didn’t give a fuck about Jonny’s victims and now Destiny’s. Skidmark is a deadbeat mom and has threatened random women with violence so it’s easier to hate her more, but there’s no need to compare, they are both bottom of the barrel subhumans.

No. 2087065

Also she did not ditch him after he got caught cheating. She walked back her claims and said it didn’t happen when it did, she still went to spend new years with him and tried to hide it from this thread by unfollowing him because she knows how pathetic it looked but she’s a clout chaser she just can’t help herself. Goiter doesn’t have a lot of clout in real life but he does on the internet which is all Layna cares about, growing her following / her online persona.

No. 2087511

File: 1739232430761.jpeg (153.66 KB, 1284x2282, IMG_4908.jpeg)

From Leah’s story. About Goits?

No. 2087513

File: 1739232981364.jpeg (960.61 KB, 1068x1865, IMG_4909.jpeg)

He posted this shortly after.

No. 2088311

Didn't she expose him like months ago? Why is she posting like this happened recently. She exposed him on their anniversary which was back in October… so what is the point of this post? It's so vague too, it's not like anyone other than us know who she's talking about. I have a hard time feeling bad for her because she allowed this to happen for over a year before even saying anything.

No. 2088338

She probably didn’t actually break up with him and they’re still together. I guarantee it.

No. 2088427

Oof yeah they’re still following each other. Girl either have a backbone or don’t, you know what it is with him, you don’t get the right to complain. He should treat women better but he won’t and he proved that to you for over a year. You’re both in your 30s subtle shading each other on instagram stories of all places, pick up the phone and call the man ffs. Or get a therapist. What’s up with all of his exes still following him when he was downright terrible to him? Like Layna and Taylor for example, although he’s not following them back. If they’re still dating that’s funny because he literally lives in Washington now and is constantly posting about being a “single dad”.
I don’t understand these women, does he have crack or some highly addictive substance in his penis or something?

No. 2089292

I think they did break up, she posted this song with “because this happens every time like I knew it would”

No. 2089293

File: 1739645096589.jpeg (1.07 MB, 3464x3464, BC1CBE1E-E427-4FFB-BAFB-46C9AD…)

oops forgot to add the picture

No. 2089294

File: 1739645217795.jpeg (102.99 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_0276.jpeg)

Poor goiter, heart broken and alone. No one loves him on Valentine’s day kek

No. 2089295

File: 1739645413177.jpeg (167.19 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_0277.jpeg)

At least he has SkidSoPsycho. She’s still reminiscing on photos JC took of her.

No. 2090442

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No. 2090444

File: 1739914904149.jpeg (1.58 MB, 1170x2001, IMG_5561.jpeg)

Leah’s story

No. 2090746

File: 1739995177960.jpeg (24.14 KB, 1284x2283, IMG_5333.jpeg)

Leah getting micro-bangs in hopes it will make Goiter love her.

No. 2091309

File: 1740100349387.jpeg (2.12 MB, 1170x2075, IMG_5573.jpeg)

No. 2091314

Inb4 she dyes it black.

No. 2091508

She looks miserable and dead inside. Which would be accurate for anyone willing to date jonny cringe. She looks like your typical elder emo hairstylist clinging on to her 2008 days. She probably feels empty with motherhood from a child from a previously dead relationship. She probably stays with jonny so she can talk to her clients about her "rockstar" boyfriend. She's like a more successful, mild Syd. They have that same smug look on their faces

No. 2092933

File: 1740463993971.jpeg (191.6 KB, 1179x1669, IMG_4225.jpeg)

Dance goiter dance has been very emo on social media lately (1/2)

No. 2092934

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No. 2092993

File: 1740484408095.png (11.63 KB, 580x78, 1740445740346.png)

Layna's boyfriend Destiny is being charged with sex crimes, so she decided to join a discord to defend Jonny Craig:


No. 2093061

OMG, is self awareness finally kicking in?

No. 2093064

I see girls like this alot and it reminds me of the "80s rocker moms" but just 20 years later.

No. 2093403

what a dumbass pick me bitch

No. 2093405

layna is the worst out of all of his exes whether this thread wants to admit it or not. she's an objectively bad person, imagine WILLINGLY dating and defending two different abusers back to back. she's seriously such a piece of shit

No. 2093616

Layna just have daddy issues, skidward is way worse by far

No. 2093637

I for one think karma is finally catching up to goits now. Working in a call center, music career down the drains, single dad, even bottom barrels want nothing to do with him. It's good to see that he is also in a foul mood now.

No. 2093901

You must not be aware of the recent scandal, I suggest reading kiwi farms

No. 2094770

File: 1740949029478.jpeg (107.89 KB, 1170x2001, IMG_5725.jpeg)

Who is Skidmark talking to, and also she can be outdone in anything and everything, she literally does nothing with her life and contributes no value to society. She has a negative value and aura. She can’t even be a mom. She has no right to be cocky about anything it just makes her look delusional.

No. 2094964

she's probably referring to being financially dead weight and a non-contributor to society.

No. 2095150

No one can outdo how psycho she is and that’s a fact.

No. 2095277

Can't outdo her horrid titties

No. 2095288

LMAO this is why I love this thread

No. 2096129

File: 1741276374255.jpeg (660.05 KB, 1063x1962, IMG_5807.jpeg)

Skidmark is regretting moving to the other side of the country, who woulda thought.

No. 2096130

File: 1741276536781.jpeg (663.53 KB, 1170x1964, IMG_5808.jpeg)

Her priorities are so skewed. More like overdue for a visit with your chiOLD. Seriously when is the last time she’s seen him? He’s gonna forget who she is or grow to resent her, crazy how we all thought he’d grow up to hate Jonny instead. She’s posting so many retarded sad stories that aren’t really worth a post on here, but good to know she’s miserable. Wonder how long this “marriage” will last.

No. 2096180

File: 1741287053090.jpeg (69.79 KB, 794x1437, IMG_6001.jpeg)

Why is she so miserable isn’t she getting married

No. 2096181

File: 1741287148374.jpeg (31.15 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_6010.jpeg)

Willing to bet she had a BPD meltdown and smashed it.

No. 2096251

This is pathetic. She has spat in the face of every friend she’s ever had and they would all hide from her if she ever came back.

No. 2096308

She’s already married lmao. I’m assuming they just went to the courthouse. She only knew him for a month, and not in person either.

No. 2096842

JC liked Leah’s newest IG pic so the doormat probably took him back.

No. 2097208

File: 1741539758310.jpeg (171.59 KB, 883x1592, IMG_0342.jpeg)

Sounds like her ugly manlet is a slob and she’s realizing this is why you don’t get married after knowing someone for two minutes.

No. 2097209

File: 1741539789357.jpeg (91.1 KB, 881x1588, IMG_0343.jpeg)

No. 2097227

Hope that includes Storm, but I doubt it.

No. 2097251

Syd is so predictable and the funniest one in this thread. She's crashing out now that the love bombing phase of her cluster b relationship is over. Instead of communicating with her ugly moid she's vagueposting about him on ig KEK. How could anyone who looks like >>2062622 NOT be a fucking slob. "The most perfect human to ever exist" according to Syd is about to hit rock bottom again. Imagine going from a deep depression to getting uhaul married to Syd. I'd rather go to prison or kms.
>inb4 the tif comes here to expose Syd next

No. 2097278

Real rich coming from a forever unemployed leech. Try working full time and see how motivated you are to clean. What do you all day skidmark that you can’t clean you and your man’s hovel? Certainly not taking care of the kid you ditched for him, that’s for sure. You’re not even a stay at home mom, just a stay at home wife, formerly a mid-30’s stay at home daughter. Making big money moves in the world I see

No. 2097453

Agree 100% but most full time workers do and should still clean their homes. But if she's staying home all day while he works then she should do it.

No. 2097721

Kek get on medication you fucking psycho. Anyone with two brain cells could have told you you’re making a huge mistake. But whatever. Hope abandoning your chiold for an ugly slobby moid was worth it.

No. 2098554

What do ya'll think? Is she aware of her retarded, repeatative, predictable behavior? or is it a case of low cognitive functioning limiting her foresight? It's really hard to tell. She literally shoots herself in the foot knowingly, then complains about the mess and being unable to walk, as if someone else was responsible. It's mad!

No. 2098730

Oh she's knows. This is part of her manipulation. Make her followers think she's in a issue so another knight in shining armor swoops her off her feet

No. 2098986

File: 1741991067221.png (2.34 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_0447.png)

Kek is goiter making fun of skid?

No. 2099041

File: 1742004780002.jpeg (503.03 KB, 1179x1999, IMG_4295.jpeg)

Pretty sure he’s making fun of her, this is Chelsea’s TikTok, right?

No. 2099315

Yeah idk why but one of DGDs songs went a little viral on TikTok and of course there are the pick me’s supporting him because “allegations” aren’t real or whatever.

No. 2099325

Yep, blue dream is the one that went viral. I started seeing alt girls posting their outfits to it about a month or so ago, so that must’ve been where it started. Also, JC claims he was getting head while recording blue dream kek https://www.cameo.com/recipient/62bfb00e5e4cd64f2ef13e17

No. 2099941

Saging because not milk, just here to confirm that she does this "move across country to fix all my problems" thing, because there's a song by Silverstein that romanticizes leaving CA to MA to be with someone who turns out to be abusive, and the character in the song longs to move back to CA. She recreates this narrative every few years or so and has since 2013. As someone who dated her when that specific album came out, I can say with full confidence that it absolutely developed apart of her martyr complex. We're watching it play out in full circle the exact way it played out with her ex in Indiana just before meeting Jonny.

No. 2099969

File: 1742239145283.jpeg (176.39 KB, 1284x322, IMG_9528.jpeg)

Are you talking about this right here

No. 2099972


Indiana isn’t exactly east coast but you catch my drift. Also wait, who are you?!

No. 2100063

I’m guessing it’s her ex that posted about her when she first got with Jonny, many threads back. He posted pics of them together as proof.

No. 2101031

File: 1742482526966.jpeg (39.89 KB, 1179x2096, img2.jpeg)

>I want to listen to romanticize jonny's old music but I remember i already fucked him and had a chiold we helped OD and abandon, because I'm All About Music™️ and feel and understand things so much more deeply than everyone else on this planet

No. 2101506

If you change music to her kid it fits better
>Hard to cope with loving my chiold tied to such complicated parts of my past
>Wanting to see him but also never wanting to see him is a lot to feel

No. 2102307

File: 1742833954257.png (106.7 KB, 978x883, 67584urtzuri.png)

not familiar with the drama but why are moids glazing him today didnt he got his gf addicted to heroin?


No. 2102308

the interview

No. 2102350

moids don’t care about accountability

No. 2102380

because normal people move on

No. 2102586

kek true

No. 2102587

they really, really don't

No. 2102606

clearly they do

No. 2102609

You're right, anon. It's totally normal to overlook someone getting their gf addicted to heroin and abusing her. That's Normal

No. 2102649

Reach. No one said that Goiters behavior was normal. They said normal people move on. People can rehabilitate their bad behavior and move on. That is normal. That is good. Redemption doesn’t make bad behavior good or overlook it, but it shows that growth is possible and that a person isn’t forever defined by their worst moments. Those who refuse to acknowledge that often cling to punishment over progress, mistaking cruelty for justice. That mindset is not normal. It’s bad for society as a whole and much worse than someone who did very bad things and changed for the better.

Americans are pretty stuck on punishment over progress, like locking someone up is the end of the story, but my country focuses on rehabilitation and actually helping people rebuild, and it works. He’s sober and stepped up to raise his kid on his own, and while that’s not the punishment or accountability you hoped for, it’s a rare and meaningful step forward for a lifelong heroin addict. For Storm’s sake, I hope Goiter continues doing better.

No one is obligated to forgive him, but not moving on hurts you more than it does him.

No. 2102660

You are a cunt and Lolcow was designed to make fun of women like you. Go back

No. 2102840

He WANTS everyone to move on and stop talking about it because he doesn't want more people to find out who he really is. He doesn't deserve redemption. This isn't some kid getting picked up by the cops for a baggy of weed and having their life ruined by the broken justice system. This is a guy with a wrap sheet of pretty extreme abhorrent behavior. His victims likely have to replay their trauma, why shouldn't he have to replay his delivery of said trauma?

No. 2102927

this is the most sane take i’ve ever seen on lolcow, but lolcow wouldn’t exist if it catered to sanity. deranged righteousness and obsessive hatred keep this hellscape alive. cows are bad people. farmers are bad people. get out while you still can.

No. 2103503

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