File: 1426434510809.jpg (77.79 KB, 900x600, s_i_l_e_n_c_e_by_gutterface-d4…)

No. 18930
>>18929tumblr fuckboys?
try tumblr girls pretending to be fuckbois
your use of the term fuckboy makes me wonder if you're one of them lmao
No. 18934
>>18933oh my god elfgutz is a girl on tumblr who painted bjds and was stupid as fuck
fatty who claimed to be vegan and would say anything with glitter/blood/fleshwounds/bandaids was "copying her"
No. 18935
>>18934Ok. I thought anon meant that the girls were wearing the makeup and not the bjds.
I find the dolls to be super creepy, especially the bigger ones. Not to mention its so expensive and they're viewed as children and have play dates.
No. 18936
>>18935Girls have been doing makeup tributes/plus using them as inspo for their bjds I guess.
She had something in her bio about not liking people to cosplay as her dolls or something? Really embarrassing person.
No. 18941
oh it magically poped on to your desk which looks like someones perfect pet rat…..wait didn't you have a pet rat gutterface? hand that looks freshly used? don't buy her bullshit anymore is this funny? kid huh?'s always people bringing her stuff No. 18943
File: 1426441770073.png (848.26 KB, 682x574, bnes.PNG)

Poor people living near that.
No. 18952
>>18951what the fuckkkkk…?
I am new to this cow so forgive me as I get caught up.
No. 18955
>>18953>>18954No, it was Gutterface.
>>18943 No. 18957
File: 1426475560700.jpg (26.12 KB, 640x480, johanisdisappoint.jpg)

> refering to gutterface as male
stop that.
No. 18961
>>18959You can actually buy real human skulls, but they cost a few thousand. Doubt guttercunt would spend that.
I wonder if she would kill a person for their bones.
No. 18963
File: 1426476461194.png (169.4 KB, 500x281, tumblr_ly4ruwujUf1r4zft0o1_500…)

>>18962Thats gross.
I don't get how her"fans" still just give her money.
No. 18965
>>18964cant wait until she gets rabies from some roadkill she finds
its seriously only a matter of time
No. 18968
File: 1426478177309.jpg (Spoiler Image,119.29 KB, 640x640, tumblr_n3dgt9F4Im1qepv9eo1_128…)

"At the end of bone season last year we found a kitten beside the road. We kept her under a bucket outside so she would get lost under ice and snow. She hasnt changed much over the course of the winter. Hopefully she will start to clean up a bit"
No. 18970
File: 1426478560973.jpg (95.35 KB, 640x640, 10785081_705454199530244_17493…)

>asks everyone for donations
>spends everything on tattoos, BJD and other crap instead
No. 18975
File: 1426479799277.jpg (139.53 KB, 640x640, 10522798_470403103100191_18739…)

"6 maceration tubs dumped so far. Now begins the sorting and soaking! Even the prettiest bone jewelry starts out in a giant, stinky mess like this one."
No. 18976
File: 1426479866305.jpg (Spoiler Image,192.17 KB, 640x640, 1971445_1503313239912882_19563…)

>>18975"Ass deep in the rot pit today. Bluh. So much work left to do."
No. 18979
>>18975Think of all those poor missing pets in that pile.
I dont care about her other stuff, but her killing animals and getting away with it to make a profit is what gets under my skin.
No. 18980
>>18979Really, nothing else she has done bugs you?
>she got an innocent man sent to prison>stole or damaged hundreds of dollars' worth of dolls when she had her BJD faceup service>used fan donations for her mother's funeral costs to buy shit for herself>shat all over the reputation of the only biological male willing to fuck her when he dared suggest that she and her sistercousinlover Eerie get jobs and help out wih bills when they lived with him, called him abusive and claimed he beat her and Eerie and abused them verbally as well Just for starters.
No. 18992
>>18990In this
>>18941 (the kid post) IIRC her "dad" was still living there and found a new girlfriend and let the kids move in. I'm pretty sure that's the only time I've really seen give bones irl. I have GF added on facebook tho and people are always offering to send bones and teeth. Fuckin weird.
No. 19000
>>18998 of my fav ancient lolcows, from back when lolcows were outrageous and did stuff way worse than daring to parade their shopped pics on Tumblr.
any new info on this embarassment to transgender will be appreciated. sadly, i live a few continents away from its smelly roadkill garden.
No. 19001
File: 1440458461128.jpg (35.75 KB, 375x500, ENJOY_YOUR_AIDS.jpg)

>>18999Oh, wait, nope. Sorry, I was incredibly wrong about how the incident went down. Pardon my stupidity.
Here's the real story à la ED>One of her more well-known scamming feats was to try to sell a doll that had yellowed and claimed it was in "omg-perfect condition" (See: Jew). After everyone pointed out she had posted proof of the doll being yellow through her photos and after their butthurt reactions she decided not to sell the doll. This doll was srsly painted with blood and now has the AIDS. Has your dorrie been tested? However, a few days later she posted up photos of the same doll, COVERED IN HER OWN GAY MENSTRUAL BLOOD claiming "you can’t tell its yellow now! Can you bitches?" No. 19003
>>19002problem is, he/she/it has been "transitioning" since, like, 2007 and multiple times, it spent the donations given to it for transition on frivolities. it also used to be super drama-prone, fought with EVERYONE on the internet, everything was "MUH ORIGINAL STYLE DO NUT STEEL DURRR", it lied a lot and manipulated everything to make it seem like the victim, etc. now it's way less drama-prone when it used to be younger, but it's still lying, probably killing people's pets to make bone jewellery, still asking for donations from people to live even though it sells the poor animals' bones and jumping on whatever subculture bandwagon is the coolest currently. it used to be a decora kid, then a "gentleman", now it's a "feral pagan boy".
case in point: "scruff" on its eyebrows and the upper lip "peach fuzz" looks pretty fucking drawn-on digitally: i'm saddest about is though, he/she/it really seems to be creative and good with its hands. potential unrecognized by hicks of bumfuck, ohio twisting itself into lolcowism.
No. 19010
>>19005They're biologically cousins, Joji (legal name Ayla Chisler) was adopted by her aunt and uncle because her mom is/was a drugged out drifter peice of shit. Eerie is their biological daughter.
Soooo yeah they're sistercousins.
>>19008She kills the pets and small animals in her neighborhood. Cops have been called in the past but she just takes a hiatus whenever the heat gets too thick and switches over to "art" or whatever else as a focus for a while.
No. 19012
>>19011It was confirmed there was real human blood on many of her faceups.
She also stole some dolls too.
Man, I used to be in the BJD hobby and remember this special piece of work.
It pisses me off she is doing "go fund me"s, no one deserves it less than this piece of shit. Why the fuck do people support her?
I'm also surprised she hasn't been locked away yet.
No. 19018
File: 1440689940018.jpg (Spoiler Image,381.17 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_ntgyh5YQyA1s0ds9bo1_128…)

>>19014She's 27?! Could've fooled me.
No. 35675
>>18955But in
>>18941 he's telling people not to boil bones for the exact reason you explained. I think you must be thinking of someone else.
No. 37518
>>19022To me GF has always looked like she has a really narrow frame but with too much bodyfat.
So yes, she is fat, but is as wide as a typical average/healthy girl because her skeleton is so small.
No. 38839
Oh fuck no. That is traumatizing. The lip piercings are awful but those earlobes are on another level entirely.
No. 39090
>>38680Holy fuck, I didn't recognize the ear until others pointed out how gross it is.
I think my mind filters things.
No. 39856
File: 1444228884144.jpg (45.98 KB, 572x692, ew ewwww.jpg)

oh dear
No. 42276
>>38680He's admitted he had blowouts in his ears when he was younger due to lack of info on stretcing. i enjoy all types of mods, from little ones to heavy, more extreme mods. Stretched ears are very common nowadays and they just so happen to look like this when plugs/eyelets aren't in them.
shrug not a big deal people.
No. 54778
File: 1446782908548.png (20.49 KB, 504x272, ss (2015-11-05 at 11.05.56).pn…)

Oh dear. Bonus pixielocks in the comments.
No. 54787
>>54785More than likely it's fake. She claims her bone jewelry store isn't doing well (which I believe, her jewelry is tack and ugly af) and she's begging for money on FB claiming they have bills stacked up and their lights/gas/internet got shut off. Apparently people donated money and whole foods gift cards so they magically have Internet (but not light/gas?) but they're still begging.
I find this fishy considering she just drove 11 hours round trip to Michigan to get a huge vulture sleeve tattoo, and since she still lives at home and doesn't have any real bills, which is how she can afford all her body mods/tattoos. But I seriously don't think her dad is gonna let the lights get shut off without a good reason. I'm calling fake on this.
No. 55967
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No. 55969
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Who's gunna take the bait??
No. 55970
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No. 55977
>>55284You should have called the police.
>>55966The dad dipped out? As in left? I heard he moved some woman and a kid in after his wife died, but that's it. Did he kick GF and eerie out or just up and leave?
No. 56182
Someone should tell her about what happened to Brian. That dude they moved I. With a couple years back for a hot minute? He had to stay out of his own damn apartment and call Joji's mom to ask if it was safe to go home. One time he was out for three days, and then after they left they used his money to buy a game.
After all of that shit he still got branded an abuser and publicly shamed by everyone who kisses Joji's ass.
No. 56190
>>56185100% serious, he was really hurt by it but kept his mouth shut because he knew Joj would always be the one listened to anyways. Hope he's doing better now, he was really broken up.
I used to know some people who were always giving Joji money and shit, and they sent him a tablet and in exchange he was supposed to send them handmade stuff. Guess what they never got? Well these two made it pretty public.
So Joj responded by putting up all of their personal info. Names, addresses, phone numbers. Eerie had to do a lot of talking to get it all taken down.
No. 56265
I really think they're just running out of money making schemes. They're both around 25 and neither of them have managed to hold down any sort of job?
How many things has Joji done (and dragged Eerie into)? Dollheads, photography, decoden, bone jewellery, chibis, pixel art, handmade books, writing, tarot readings, online domming (tho this is a new one I've heard about) probably more that I'm forgetting about.
The bone shit is failing now because of bad reviews, some straight up lies and tbh the IRS is probably catching up, afaik they were not paying taxes. (I believe this because Joji once asked about credit card readers for flea markets etc and was hesitant to use square b/c it required a tax id, or so he thought.)
I really liked a lot of Joji's jewellery, not so much the bone stuff, but the stuff with crystals, and I live close enough to be able to go to a flea market if I had the money to. A lot of people liked it but the same couple hundred people will not support him forever, even if more people found the business and bought stuff, it'd probably be too overwhelming for them both. I feel bad for saying this but it was destined to fail as a main source of income.
I took a look at Eerie's fetlife account and it seems like he probably tried to get into the recent trend of making money through sex, judging from all of the sugar daddy etc interests.
>Eerieroticism is into being taken care of by a Sugar Daddy. 16 days agoIt's sad because Eerie seems like a nice person who is too attached to a toxic, lazy, over sized baby. Shame he has no GED or anything, but IIRC that's fairly easy to get, right?
Idk, rambling now.
No. 56325
>>56265"I identify as male, my body and looks do not reflect that and I am aware of that, but don't make a pass at me if you are looking for a woman. Just because I dress like a woman, like lingerie, nun's costumes, and wearing make-up, doesn't mean I'll let you call me your little fucking girl, got it?"
she's just as bad as joji, holy fuck that's cringy to read
No. 56481
File: 1447191451920.jpg (27.2 KB, 600x422, full[1].jpg)

Eerie used to be such a qt. (Pic from ~2005)
No. 56788
File: 1447263709638.png (205.66 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-11-11-11-40-05…)

Another way to make money is have an unexplained illness and beg your followers for money…another gofundme is predicted. When shit hits the fan joji gets sick or someone dies.
No. 58895
File: 1447503845647.png (797.88 KB, 939x606, joji.PNG)

Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
No. 59630
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No. 60238
File: 1447781626015.png (442.83 KB, 634x594, ss (2015-11-17 at 12.32.30).pn…)

Awesome, another shop.
No. 60437
>>60398Eerie doesn't even had a GED.
Not sure about Joji. Probably couldn't get a job because of the ridiculous hair, tattoos, piercings, hideous horns, and the split tongue.
>>60431Doesn't Joji have scoliosis or kyphosis or something?
No. 60447
>>60238Bibliofox? Lol, I guess Bookfox wasn't
goffick enough.
>>60398>why can't they get a job?They can. They just don't want to because, like so many lazy entitled narcissists, they think they're better than and above regular jobs. Jojo claims to be ~disabled~ which prevents her from getting a real job, yet she doesn't collect disability (because any doc would tell her to just stand up straight and do stretches regularly). She pretends to have some spinal problem so she can justify the mad slouch she puts on to hide her poorly bound tits.
No. 60841
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I'm looking at this and wondering, of all the people without basic needs in this world, what makes them feel so entitled that they deserve money for thanksgiving.
No it's not a regular Facebook post, this is begging for money and using any pity story possible.
No. 63646
File: 1448326131801.png (738.76 KB, 768x1024, image.png)

>Kills animals to use their bones for "bone jewelry"
>Fucking animal abuser.
>Graveyard vandal
>Begs for money only to use it on stupid shit.
>Horrid fucking stretched ears that are disgusting and the size of golf balls (poc who do this for tradition and other purposes should only do this.It looks stupid and its cultural appropriation.)
>Literal trash
>Vile sick person is setting such representing the trans community so badly that she doesn't deserve to be called a she.
No. 64963
File: 1448653387361.jpg (28.5 KB, 640x248, image.jpg)

Of course.
No. 65037
File: 1448666101557.png (2.1 MB, 922x1764, lolscammer.png)

so one week ago he's in the hospital with a fever & they have no money for bills/food/sending out orders
but a few days later he's got enough money for fancy coffee & $29.99/month for a book crate
scammer extraordinaire
No. 66428
File: 1448933770134.jpg (160.54 KB, 720x1166, IMG_20151130_193444.jpg)

Joji's new store. Bookmarks.
While eerie uses social media to beg for money, joji has been coloring and buying books!!! How lovely.
No. 66429
File: 1448933843967.png (389.76 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-11-30-19-36-32…)

Please, feel sorry for these people.
Body image issues really suck and they need your money to pay bills. Have a heart.
No. 66512
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No. 66608
>>66518Now eerie is advertising jojo's shitty new storenvy (bibliofox)
Would it be possible to leave reviews about how Ayla is a known scammer
No. 66624
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No. 66874
>>66608Funny how when Joji made that IG account it was called BookFox, and was supposed to be for sharing books and book related stuff, now it's called something else and it's a shop too? Smh.
Joji could easily sell crappy "art" for extra money, offer services as a MUA or photog for little alt kid photo shoots at cons they go to (I know their fans would be all over that), even something simple like thrifting cheap junk and spray painting it/gluing beads and bones and stuff on it to make it goffick and selling it on Etsy is an option. There's no way they have so much time on their hands and so many extra luxuries and yet can't pay their bills. They're probably just not paying rent to the other girl and making up excuses, I feel bad for her for taking them in. They're both know for being lazy, manipulative scammers/liars who steal money and damage other people's things. And it's not like proof is hard to find with a quick Google search, so how do people keep falling for their shit??
No. 67241
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the willy wonka–i mean dandy phase was my fave
No. 67242
File: 1449141252904.jpg (172.8 KB, 854x1280, tumblr_lwxiq81brW1qepv9eo1_128…)

wait no the kaibot/space alien phase was pretty good too
No. 67243
File: 1449141602874.png (609.86 KB, 987x344, Screenshot (36).png)

says the scammer
No. 67244
File: 1449141920261.gif (981.8 KB, 250x167, tumblr_lxxq49aioq1qepv9eo1_400…)

>>67243also it used to make gifs of itself
No. 67247
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>>67246Of course you do, you're dating your sister after all
No. 67254
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>>67247As long as the siblings in question don't create children, I don't see the problem to be honest.
No. 67260
Gutterface/Joji/Kazekai/Stars in the Gutter has been a lolcow for sooo long! Maybe 10 years or so? I can't believe how someone just won't won't grow up. When I look at her profile, it's like nothing has changed, still the same edgelord she used to be. I remember in my first years of 4chan and finding out about her.
I can understand people going through phases when growing up (went through some myself) but how old is she now?
She even has those horn things, wtf, she's supposed to be an adult!
>Q: If you are trans* why arent you on T, or in therapy?
>A: This is a very personal subject for me, obviously. My current situation with my home and location is neither ideal nor safe for me to start HRT or head towards getting my surgeries done. the closest therapist is really very far away from me, and even still, i cant afford the rates to drive there and back for an extended period of time. my lack of HRT or surgery does not, however, make me any less of a man.
This is literally the same thing I read in her faq 10 years ago or something.
No. 71649
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No. 72290
File: 1450117411779.png (431.01 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-12-14-12-15-20…)

Again, no one gives a shit about a grown ass adult (who's not worked a day in their life) having gifts for a gift exchange.
Doing chores around the house is not a job joji, it's what people do.
I am betting readinginhongkong (middle aged mom with a "book review" IG) will send those lazy assholes shit.
Someone warn her.
No. 75066
File: 1451034469668.jpeg (137.35 KB, 640x868, image.jpeg)

It's starting again!
No. 75189
>>75066This doesn't surprise me, they take peoples money and ship things whenever they feel like it.
They give no shits and have no shame.
No. 75541
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No. 75744
>>75541This makes me happy. As someone who has been dirt poor and too busy working shit jobs to pay my bills/no money for luxuries I love seeing spoiled lazy shits like this cry and panic when they realize they blew all ther money on bullshit and have to have the consequences for it now.
They need to get their GEDs, it's fucking easy as long as you're not completely retarded and it opens up so many more doors for you vs. not having one.
Also watch someone donate money to these cons and then Joji will make a post about being "gifted" something in that price range immediately.
No. 76181
File: 1451413085666.jpg (39.07 KB, 720x418, IMG_20151229_121640.jpg)

Oh, does it bother you eerie? You never bitch
No. 76584
File: 1451553272564.jpg (84.51 KB, 640x677, image.jpg)

>>76181Seriously though why do people still give them money? Joji was just talking about eating hot fudge and ice cream and playing a new dlc for fallout 3 they got but oh they don't have any money
No. 77484
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No. 77506
>>66512>balms or salvesWho the fuck in their right mind would buy balms or salves from these people? Just looking at them and some of the other shit they do, I feel like their house is probably hella dirty and "balms or salves" are probably full of germs.
>>75541and why do they need a car if they haven't got a job to go to? These people. A couple evenings of babysitting would get those 64$ sorted (not that anyone should trust them around their kids honestly…)
No. 116411
>>18950bleaching and boiling is the last thing one should do when cleaning bones
that shit turns them into glue
No. 139915
File: 1465939464200.jpg (31.49 KB, 581x284, whiny tranny.jpg)

gutterface's ugly girlboyfriendsister being a stupid dramatic bitch as usual
No. 254655
>>254468Thanks for the update! I was kind of wondering whatever happened to them as they both kind of went MIA on their old social network accounts.
By the looks of things, the shop they had went under, and they got behind on orders, bailed on the shop, disappeared on their old accounts, and now Joji is back with a new personality and scheme.
The dandy thing was a lot better than this gross pretend hillbilly swamp creature shtick.
No. 272321
File: 1489870146575.jpg (78.27 KB, 480x640, 17140_900.jpg)

This is old old old milk like, spoiled curds that went black milk but it's an interesting and hard to find read. It's Celebare's account of living with jojo (who was going by kai/kai biernot/kazakai) and it's really pathetically hilarious to see how inept this person has been for their whole life. No. 282229
File: 1491058336456.jpg (152.22 KB, 956x736, jojiwall.jpg)

>>272321Replying to myself but I found another interesting screenshot taken from his facebook post. It's been years but I'm super interested to know what happened, and I only got to communicate with Brian very shortly before he disappeared from the internet. I'm fascinated as to why no one ever posts openly about Joji's behavior when it's so awful.
No. 282230
She is now a streamer under the name TheFeralBoy.
Who are you when no one is watching?
No. 282332
>>282237Yikes, thanks for the update haha. I'm glad to see that the mindless follower count is dwindling, though. Back when I was a part of that count, you couldn't say even a slightly negative thing about this jerk without everyone swarming you.
I, myself, was actually scammed by Joji when I was younger and didn't know to look people up before doing business with them. Not so bitter about it anymore, just very disappointed that it keeps happening. I lost in total around 250$ to Joji, and I just wish I would've had the foresight to look up past business deals first. I hope karma comes 'round and makes the bad reputation more prominent so people stop thinking Joji is a good person at all.
No. 282898
>>254468She's not from the south? That's hilarious. On her Instagram, she claims that she had the southern drawl "bullied out of her".
>I'll be 26 in a matter of a few weeks and it's taken me 20 of those years, it seems, to understand why I mourn the loss of my voice as it was before I felt the stab of shame any time my words shot through the air with a twang of mountainsides full of coal and poor blood that persisted through it all. Ignorant, uneducated, small minded, unworthy. It was beat out of me by teachers, children, the world around me that sat up on its high horse, ignoring that the wounds of self-depreciation would last in me longer than my kin would.
>That it's hard to find the drawl in my throat where it used to bleed freely. That I let a part of me die. I try so damned hard but sit me down with the film rolling and my voice twists into a sterilized, generic monster that I know was never meant to be my voice. ~*So dramatic*~
No. 282900
File: 1491178777664.png (551.42 KB, 927x585, jojicat.png)

I wonder what she did to this cat.
No. 283000
>I'll be 26 in a matter of a few weeks and it's taken me 20 of those years, it seems, to understand why I mourn the loss of my voice as it was before I felt the stab of shame any time my words shot through the air with a twang of mountainsides full of coal and poor blood that persisted through it all. Ignorant, uneducated, small minded, unworthy. It was beat out of me by teachers, children, the world around me that sat up on its high horse, ignoring that the wounds of self-depreciation would last in me longer than my kin would. I shoved aside my memories of running those mountains as a barefooted, dirty little heathen child aside and with it went the joy of that freedom, the memories of catching bees and picking wild berries, of the last time I felt at home. I stabbed at that part of me with broken glass, knives, sharp words, casual jokes. I began to hate it. I began to think hillbilly was a curse. That country was a vulgar word. That southern meant I had to be ashamed.
>I am ashamed. Ashamed that I let people kill that part of me. That it's hard to find the drawl in my throat where it used to bleed freely. That I let a part of me die. I try so damned hard but sit me down with the film rolling and my voice twists into a sterilized, generic monster that I know was never meant to be my voice. >I will find my blood again. I will find my roots. I will not spend another 26 years with a dead voice inside my throat. No. 283390
>>282229probably b/c there's still a significant amount of people that will defend joji and like, no one wants to deal with a bunch of annoying angry fans. there were a few 'exposure' blogs that either deleted from repeated harassment/threats or left floating.
>>283000 when you've fictionalized your life so much you forget you come from fucking ohio. sure, the appalachians pass through but that doesn't make you southern.
No. 286855
>>282332That sucks, I used to follow a lot of goth/alt online personalities and knew about Joji from his ED page so always stayed clear, but I know a few people who donated to him when he said he needed money to see a gender therapist, and then where upset when he just spent it on clothes and a tongue split and horn implants.
If I'm being petty, I have a theory that he's laying low online not because he's learnt to stay clear of drama but because his looks have started to fade, now that he's on T he's going to actually look more like a man and not a kawaiiii yaoi boii like he wanted to look, and now he's in his late 20s his metabolism and all those years of lazing around doing nothing and drinking starbucks are catching up to him.
No. 286861
>>282813Yeah Joji def has BPD which he refuses to get treated, the constant cycling thru different identities and subcultures, mood swings, manipulating others, etc. Unfortunately he has a lot more people willing to enable him than most people with BPD.
There was an old thread on /cgl/ about the Brian incident, apparently it was mostly Joji acting like a child, and when Brian issued an ultimatum Joji took to the Internet saying he was abused and needed money to come back home. Someone volunteered to drive Joji and Eerie, and Joji spent the whole trip sulking and ordering Starbucks and didn't even give the person any gas money. Hilariously, Brian didn't know at the time that Joji had told hundreds of people he was abusive and was helping the person pack the car up and stuff.
I sympathise with Brian going through that, but at the same time he seems like kind of an idiot. Joji and Eerie are in their late 20s (mid 20s at the time I think), have never had jobs, both claim to be mentally ill and physically disabled which they dont get any therapy or disability benefits for, both claimed to be pre-transition trans, etc., plus there's a decade of online history of Joji's behaviour and how he treats friends and housemates, even if you cared about them you'd have to be an idiot to think you could move the two of them in your house and it would all go fine and dandy and be functional and you'd be a perfect little queer alt poly family.
No. 286876
>>254468She sounds like a 17 year old faggot entering Broadway.
Kek'd at the Minecraft videos
No. 286886
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>>285297I thought it was the sisterbrother adopted from FL - see crappy screenshot. Eerie = Xanth, Joji = Ayla
But I'm pretty sure eeries online profiles show her as being like, 26, when according to the records, she's 31..
No. 286893
>>286886I'm confused about Eerie's relationship to Joji, I always thought she was just some random friend who managed to stick with Joji through all her BPD fits (I've heard people say that Kaz/Joji used to treat her to like shit) and who's been living with Joji and her (adoptive) parents for some time now. And people on /cgl/ said that Eerie was actually a cousin of Joji, and so when Joji's aunt adopted her they became legal sisters?
I don't think Eerie is Xanth. But I'm not sure whether she's actually related to Joji somehow or not, I remember once she talked about a relative dying and her inheriting a house or something, which seems that they're not related, but they've been living together for years and never really heard much about her family only Joji's.
I remember Joji used to lie on deviantart and livejournal that he was dating his brother or something, but that was probably just to look like more of a goffix edgelord.
No. 286906
>>286893Yeah, they're super confusing people.
I feel like if eerie had inherited a house, they would have found a way (beg for donations) to get there, as they're always short on rent for the house they currently live in.
The cousin thing is plausible, the adoption record shows the birth mother has a sister living in rittman, OH, which is the same place they live now. If the record means anything, I think it does, I've found webarchives of eeries old dA page (from 2007) saying she's 21, but who knows when she's lying ~so MYSTERIOUS~
No. 286978
>>286906Yeah I don't think Eerie is Joji's biological half-sister, she's around the same age as Joji, she's in same of Kaz/Joji's older stuff as Corset Corrosion or something, and it would have been obvious back then as teens if she was five years older.
Biological cousin is plausible, who knows, but I feel like Joji would have milked it more for Internet asspats, she used to make all this videos and posts about how she was a femme boy, a goth, a pagan, a ~~trans boy who wore make up and dresses, a trans boy dating another trans boy, in a proud poly relationship, etc., I feel she would have played up the incest angle more to seem more controversial, or to have another excuse for why people don't like her (when 90% of the people who don't like her are also alternative or lgbt and hate her coz of her scamming, lying and shitty personality).
No. 303321
>>298576That isn't Eerie, I'm not sure if or how Eerie is related to Joji, but she's not Joji's half sister, and she's around the same age as Joji (26) or a bit younger.
Its all fucked up, not sure if they're blood relatives or not, but if it's any consulation Jojie and Eerie have never had sexual relationships with each other, friends have said that they cuddle (clothed) sometimes but have never been seen even mouth-kissing (Joji said she was asexual but had sex with Brian and has had sex with other men before).
No. 303808
>>283480Joji does not take care of their animals, they had a snake die because they weren't feeding it properly. eerie and joji are currently without power and I know they have animals that depend on heat.
eerie actually has a job, but isn't making enough to take care of joji ( surprise, surprise)
i know for a fact that one of their snakes that has passed in this past year, died from neglect.
No. 304416
>>304303>>303808How are you getting this information? Are there any more public accounts?
No. 304512
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>>304303Joji and eerie are more than likely going to be evicted. They are currently looking for a new place to live and to my knowledge they have no fucking money for it.
Joji puts the black profile picture as a signal that things are shit.
>>304416I have spoken directly to their most recent roommate that they kicked out, which is insane because she paid their bills. I can ask her permission to post our conversation, but I she wouldn't want that.
I reached out to her out of genuine concern because I have always liked her.
Photo is eeries public IG, read the captions on the photos. Tells just about everything about their current issues.
No. 304764
>>304512Reading Eerie's posts is worrying. Not gonna lie, I feel bad. They sound very empty and hopeless, and I'm worried they might hurt themselves now that Joji's e-fame is dying and people are sending less money.
And it makes me really mad to think this poor broken soul is working their ass off while princess joji sits on her ass all day, complains about a back problem she doesn't have (she said her doctor misdiagnosed her and got all butthurt about her back pain identity/pity party) then went right back to saying she had it and plays video games all day. Probably isn't even the least bit grateful either.
The sad part is, maybe this is a stretch, but I don't think Eerie even stays with Joji out of love or smth. I think it's the fear of being alone that keeps them around, and that's really sad because I personally think they deserve so much better.
No. 305136
>>304764>>305010Hey, maybe this is it then. I don't think eerie understands that their is nothing for them to be dependent on Joji for, Joji is solely dependent on eerie.
I really do hope that this situation shows eerie that they aren't responsible for Joji and could probably easily find a roommate.
Eerie is employed, has been employed at the same place for over a year now.
The solution is clear, drop Joji and move on.
I think for the first time ever Joji needs to be put in a situation that he needs to survive.
No. 305141
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Also this is what Joji is doing during all of this, receiving things off of a amazon wishlist and playing video games.
While eerie works, "disabled" Joji treats getting up and making food a chore.
Sits on their ass and plays for hours on end and then says "oh, I'm exhausted".
Feralboy is the twitch name. You can hear Jojis voice change from the HRT.
It's cringy so beware.
No. 306704
>>305675Amen anon.
I think eerie may be at her breaking point rn.
No. 306812
>>305010Same. I know she lost a lot of weight the past few years, and she seems like she's trying to be a decent adult whereas Joji wants to act like like a spoilt teenager except now with the gifts and adoration.
I've always wondered why Eerie stuck with Joji, I assumed it was because she doesn't have much contact with her own family (still not sure if they are related, but anyway they lived with Joji's (adoptive) parents) and seemed to get on well with Joji's parents so being with Joji gave her a stable place to live with relatively-decent parental figures (who honestly seemed really chill and lax and let the two of them get away with a lot). Also because of Joji's e-fame.
But I've heard rumours that Joji used to be physically abusive to Eerie, and that one of the reasons why Eerie claimed to be trans was because Joji used to tell her "I'm the man and you're the woman so you have to make my food" and similar things. Still think the Kazbeast is a fakeboi even with the HRT but Eerie never seemed comitted to even that, or even cared about insisted how much of a man she was, I always thought she was bullied into a trans identity by Joji who wanted a "boyfriend" to complete her "femme gay boy" image.
Sorry for the rambling I just hope she managed to break free from Joji once and for all and pull herself up from this mess.
No. 306918
>>306802She started going by Joji a while back when she was in her weeb/cyberpunk/dandy phase. I vaguely remember her pretending to be a hapa at one point, some bullshit story about a family member calling her "george" and "joji" as a nickname. (Might have been her ~totally Japanese~ grandmother, if I remember correctly?)
At least Joji of the Filthy crew is actually a hapa and named George/Joji. He gets a pass.
>>306812Honestly, I could see this. Eerie never seemed as into the attention and internet fame as much as Joji was. She always kept a pretty low profile for the most part, and when she was a "boy" she didn't seem to make a big effort to change who she was, still dressed the same as now, makeup, etc. I could see it being something she was pushed into or as a way to keep Joji off her back. I'm kind of indifferent to Eerie over all, but I'm starting to feel for her, she sounds like she was kind of brainwashed/mindfucked into staying for as long as she has, and is finally seeing the situation for what it really is. I hope she can get out and make something for herself and finally be happy and parasite free.
No. 307003
>>306918years ago joji refused to send some old buddies of mine stuff in return for the tablet they sent her. When they got the police involved and she had to send it back, she pitched a fit on tumblr about "not being able to create art now" and even posted their public info for everyone to see and i guess hoped ppl would go after them.
Eerie had to beg Joji to take it down, my buddies told me that Eerie had to go to some lengths just to get the bitch to remove information that could cause harm to people who were totally innocent. I could believe Joji is physically abusive. Her old old old old blog shows a totally unstable, immature person. Let me see if I can find anything interesting/relevant in it
No. 307016
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>>307003Some choice entries, i think this was before eerie but notice the aforementioned "POOR ME" attitude instead of a sane "maybe I should have some remorse" attitude
No. 307034
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so basically still the same ungrateful violent person as always, who has no appreciation for eerie and zero remorse but a lot of self pity. +better at spelling. That's it.
No. 307134
>>307044Yeah, Eerie's realised that she's forced to grow up now (also I really doubt she put her name down on job applications as Illiad or makes co-workers call her Eerie, whereas I can see Joji insisting everyone call him Joji and he/him while he's wearing make up and a skirt) and so is driving, working and looking for a house.
Idk like clearly it's mostly Joji's fault for not growing the hell up but also he was enabled by his parents and fans for so long (I remember him saying that he got presents for Halloween since it's "goth kid christmas" and the presents were some expensive pens from his parents) that he never really had to fend for himself, I guess he just assumed he could mooch off his parents and/or fans forever and now that he can't refuses to wake up to reality.
(Also I know he has a personality disorder which sucks but so do I and a lot of people, I haven't seen any evidence that he's been trying to get therapy or learn mindfullness/coping strategies or try and take responsibility for his whole life and mental health.)
No. 307293
>>307134The personality disorder bit is tricky. I think it takes someone standing up to them and telling them to take of themselves or get out.
Jojis dad left them and Joji played it off as abandonment. What I think happened was, his 70+ year old "dad" decided he wasn't going to take care of his lazy white trash kids anymore. I think he stood up to Joji and Joji went psycho.
can you imagine living in a house that you pay for and having Joji dictate your life?
Letting animals rot in the backyard.
Joji really pisses me off, more than most internet presences.
No. 320515
This is from an anti-trans site and reaks of vendentta, but it's a comment that mentions Joji being physically abusive to Illiad (Eerie): and pasted:
(I tried to email you this, but it failed. I'm sorry if you get this twice.)
I've seen you around the internet, and I figured this person would be of great interest to you. She's a female transitioner and a former friend of mine, but she frequently tried to scam me for money and talked about women being disgusting.
Here's a few links I hope you will find helpful. her tumblr her deviantart is her youtube, where she spews made up things about FtM superiority. her ED, which as I send this is currently down. When it goes back up, it details the girls she's scammed and the animals she's abused. ED is generally over-exaggerated, but the information on hers was true.
Her real name is Ayla Chisler, though she goes by various things (usually in Japanese). She also has several LiveJournals and Blogspots but I do not know what those URLs are.
She is very confused about her gender, and claims to be male, but has no desire to pass as this gender or transition at all. However, she continues to shame females with her behavior and the things she says about herself, women, and other female transitioners.
I bring this to you because, as I said, she is a former friend and tried to scam me. I fell for her FtM lies and bought her a binder, because I was told that she would pay me back by snailmail since she did not have a paypal. I never got the money, and I guess I deserved it because I did not look into her beforehand. I donated several dollars to her because she said she had dental bills.
I became suspicious when she asked me to buy her a $600 doll from Korea, promising she would 'pay me back later'. I refused her and cut off all ties with her.
She has several girl and boyfriends, and states she is in a polyamourous relationship with them all, but I spoke to one of her girlfriends on several occasions. She stated that Ayla would scream at and hit her if she wanted affection, and rarely paid attention to her except to borrow money or demand things from her (usually saying to get in the kitchen and make her food, a stereotypically misogynist male role of course), and Illiad (the girlfriend) said it was supposed to be a joke, but hurt far too much. She is afraid to leave this relationship because of "what Ayla will do to her", though she never said what that was.
Please help me bring attention to this lying, woman-shaming scammer. I feel that this is my payment for all those that she has scammed, including me. Thank you for your time, I really appreciate this.
No. 352415
This is Brian, joji and eeries ex. Someone forwarded this forum and i would like to set some things straight. Yes I was an idiot. This happened in 2012 I believe. So around 5 years ago. Sure I could have researched them and found out all the red flags. Unfortunatly at that time I was just barely even getting into social media. I met them through my friend who is trans and they thought we would get along. They would write me love notes, send me items in the mail, basically wooing me into submission. I could have left, but I wanted to give them something better. I wanted to help. Unfortunatly I was used, and they did destroy my apartment. Holes in the wall from them throwing items. Joji would cut themself and bleed into glass jars. Would leave them on the table for me when I got home from work. They would scream that I was abusive (because I would calmly ask them to see a doctor or call them out on the abuse), but they did not want any help. Do not feel sorry for eerie. They enable this behavior and are part of the problem. Yes joji is abusive to eerie. More emotional abuse than anything, but I have had one on one conversations with eerie and they are willing to continue a ruined life, if that's what makes joji happy. It shows zero self respect and zero drive. When they destroyed my apartment, they turned up the heat all the way, took raw chicken and left it in the sink. It turned to liquid. They burnt the carpet with charcoal and food all over the place rotting. I slept in my car the last few weeks. They are desturbing enough to cut you in your sleep. It is satisfying to watch their downfall. Yes I was an idiot. No I don't regret it. It helped me move to this side of the country and find my wife and a much more prosperous job. I was manipulated and lonely. As all of you have either experienced or will experience. But hey. We only lived together for 3 months before I kicked their asses out. At least I'm not a true tool like eerie putting up with that bullshit for so long. Also eerie is not their cousin. But I laugh at these comments. Please keep it up. Seriously. They are both failures. No I didn't help them move out. I left my apartment and told them they have 3 days to leave. I offered to pay their way, pay for items to ship back, pay for the tickets. Unfortunately they tried to destroy my name, scream abuse for money and then had their friend drive down to pick them up. The friend (who will remain nameless) was paid no money. They used the money they received for the move for horns. You can call me an idiot honestly. Its fine. But at least I tried to help them. Lesson learned, and never again so it doesn't matter. If any of you have questions, I will answer them all. They deserve zero respect.
No. 359160
>>359057People could try reporting her to her local law enforcement and any animal protection agencies in her area. If she still has any animals I think that's something that should be done ASAP since all animals that end up in her care seem to meet untimely ends. Of course whether or not the reports will be followed up on is anyone's guess especially if the animals she currently has are reptiles (many officials either don't care about cruelty to reptiles or don't know the signs of them not being properly cared for), but it's certainly worth a shot.
Does anyone have any evidence she currently has any animals, and if so do they have a location for her?
No. 359198
>>359160Last I heard, he was talking about being homeless or something on his last Skyrim stream. I don't know if he has any animals, I doubt he does since he might be homeless.
My guess is he probably got evicted from his parent's house since he doesn't have a job, and can't pay for utilities. Oh, and I think that "rot pit" was a health hazard, so that was probably another reason why he got evicted.
No. 359269
>>359198If she doesn't currently have any animals I don't think she can be reported. Unless there's something like a recording or other hard proof that can be shown to authorities of her harming animals in the past I don't think they can do anything unless she currently has animals. While I completely believe the accounts of her neglecting animals to death I think for there to be an actual investigation there either needs to be undeniable proof or animals currently in potential danger. Granted if she mentions she does have animals currently she should be reported ASAP.
Didn't her mom (biological aunt) die and she begged for donations to supposedly cover funeral costs only to turn around and use the money to take a trip to Baton Rogue? If so I wonder if that's part of why her dad kicked her out, I know I'd be pissed if my shitty kid used the death of my wife to scam people into paying for a vacation.
No. 359470
>>359368I think this site. It's been a few years and I don't know how reliable the original source was to begin with, but from what I recall she and Eerie took off for Baton Rogue right after the funeral donation drive, which is sketchy as fuck especially given her long history of scamming.
>>359394If that's their place are kaz and Eerie renting it or are they couch surfing? They've got to be at least couch surfing no matter what since I doubt she'd be able to stream Skyrim if they were out on the streets.
No. 359679
>>359628I don't know, I forget when exactly she got the horn implants. It wouldn't surprise me if that were the case though.
Do she and Eerie still have any enablers or have they pretty thoroughly burned their bridges?
No. 378400
What was Eddie's roll in your relationship? Was he a third wheel?
Also what is the nature of his and It's relationship in the time you knee them? (I know it's shifted over the half decade they've been together)
No. 378405
I knew Eerie before he met GT. The house that he stood to inherit was his grandfather's and is located in VA.
Corroborating Brains statement: GT and Eerie are in no way related. Barring any adoption would that may have occurred as Eerie was under 18 when they moved in with GT.
They met through deviant art and it was the height of GT's efame as he only had the doll/fakeboi drama behind him and hadn't started loosing fans via store scams.
Eerie did not come from a good home life and went to stay with GT on several occasions over the course of two months before moving to Ohio permently.
Prior to moving, Eerie was already exploring their gender and already identified having BPD, but had developed numerous coping mechanisms and was great friend and pleasant to be around.
Due to bullying he dropped out of high school and despite beginning to work towards his GED, he stopped when GT suggested he move in.
Eerie was starstruck that his idol was talking to him let alone letting him move in (specially since it was conveyed to me tbat GT had a better home life re: his adoptive parents) –dispite GT always complaining about how they were 'abusive'.
From there GT left their relationship in limbo for the first year, switching between pursing other's or expressing his fans wouldn't like it.
While Eerie was exploring gender identity, Gt pushed the term brothers.
When GT finally decided they could come out about whatever their romantic relationshio had become, he had already been refering to Eerie as his brother for so long that it judt became another special snowflake badge.
Tl;Dr Eerie is 27, moved in at 17, is not related to GT
While I 100% believe Brian that Eerie enables GT to do the most destructive shit and would follow him anywhere – I truly hope Eerie can break away from this codependent relationship and make a better life for himself and be the person he wants to be.
No. 380140
>>359686it's private now, wonder what happened.
so here's an old story about my one and only online interaction with joji when they were going by kazakai. they posted on a forum i frequented about hair extensions looking for something to made for them to wear [possibly for a birthday] so i contacted them and we agreed on materials, colors, etc. this would be an exchange of item for photos i could use to promote myself. anyway, i'm in the middle of making the thing and this girl contacts me on myspace to warn me about joji, telling me that i should be careful b/c they've been known to scam people in the past. well i knew nothing about this but learned very quickly doing a web search, though at the time our interaction seemed friendly so i kept working on what i was making.
not long after, joji makes another post claiming they "forgot" who they had talked to and for some reason were now asking for a wig. like, not that i believe this but it would've been very easy to go into the messages and see it was me. anyway, i post and all but get attacked by others on the board defending joji for 'forgetting' but no one cared i put money, time, effort and materials into making something specifically for them that was now apparently not wanted, so like, just fuck me right.
eventually joji was banned from the board for fucking over people, no surprise there and i honestly didn't feel bad for any of them b/c they'd been the ones previously kissing joji's ass. that was quite a few years ago and not that i really expected any change, it's funny and sad that they've spent so much time scamming people and don't even have a space to bask in attention and compliments b/c things are finally catching up to them.
No. 522669
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>>380140holy shit anon I was a frequent poster there too! hairextensionsforum right? she was definitely a forum darling, but she scammed quite a few people out of dread wigs. I remember loads of stories like yours, people who sent her ones basically for free in exchange for "exposure" or her taking pictures of herself wearing them to promote…it still blows my mind that she was so lazy she was getting wigs JUST TO TAKE PICTURES OF HERSELF WEARING THEM and she couldn't even muster up that much. She'd rather go down as a scammer than take some quick selfies. Unbelievable.
No. 522847
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Meanwhile Joji is just going to concerts and is semi=active
Eerie is in love with someone in a drunk confessions video on her channel and could possibly be the girl who gave her a Valentine's gift that she took a photo with. 'Amoch' or whatever
No. 523076
>>522669yea that's the board, i feel bad for the people who sent things and never even got one photo.
>>522817all the looking down and away from the camera makes anything she says hard to believe.
funny how some of the biggest attention whores become incredible boring b/c they've run out of lies to make themselves relevant.
No. 524580
>>524391Joji did start growing a patchy stache, but this looks like it's been colored in with makeup to darken it?
Joji dropped the whole "kawaii" thing and is a "swamp prince punk boi" now or some shit.
No. 527097
>>527045True, it's closed so there's no point.
I don't live in Joji's country (USA) so don't know about the laws or animal/environment inspecters, etc.
No. 528374
>>528356I mean, most attention seekers like her would be puffing out their chest and making sure everyone knew '
she started it' and 'look how clever she is', but Joji is a weird kind of narcissist when it doesn't matter if everyone is following her lead and praising her; it makes her mad because she must be the only one. The only bone person, the only SiSen copy, the only fakeboi etc, Probably why she needs to move on so frequently once she has maxed out the attention she can get from something
No. 528455
>>527097Honestly, unless there was blatant evidence of Joji killing animals/pets, or a neighbor had suspicions, I doubt the local police will bother at all with it. Especially n the south, they don't really care.
Here's hoping it was all roadkill and actual finds though.
No. 529824
>>529646>almost certain post proof then instead of bumping the thread with unsaged speculation.
i know it's hard for cityfags to get that it's possible to find dead things that aren't completely bone on a frequent, but i don't even live in the south (neither does joji) and i see plenty just driving around.
if you're you going to make these claims at least provide caps ffs.
No. 567239
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eerie/illiad broke up with this person. it sounded way too codependent, i hope at least one of them moves on from this.
No. 567703
>>567239Fucking hell. I love how through all this, Joji manages to dob Eerie in it by basically saying 'my mum's good with ebay, eerie was shit with managing the shop and it was all her fault it fucked up'
At least that's what I gathered from that part of the post. I hope Eerie's okay and finally after so long able to keep away from joji.
No. 567935
>>567607Joji was one of my first internet lolcows and I always hoped that Eerie would manage to get away.
Obviously I don't know whether Eerie did cheat or not, but knowing Joji and his BPD and narcissism I wouldn't put it past him to lie, same as he lied about Brian being abusive, it just seems like something he'd say to make all his fans feel sorry for him and take his side, "my long term partner cheated on me" is just another thing to add to his list of reasons why his life is so hard.
Also very convienent that his shops always failed because the items never shipped out and now it's all Eerie's fault, nothing to do with Joji's own history of scamming or using the funds to buy useless crap and body mods.
Joji's kept in touch with his bio-mum online for years now, wonder why he's only now moving in with her when literally every week he telling everyone he was going to be homeless if he didnt get money quickly. Maybe she could only take one person in.
No. 568767
>>568375lol how dramatic, doing a photoshoot for the ring with a sad story attached to it.
I wonder how long he's going to milk Eerie leaving him (if his online stores get back up, I predict that "I'm still sad about my boyfriend betraying me so that's why the orders didn't get sent out").
I really hope Eerie has therapy to recover from being in that narc enabler BDP relationship, and also gets over the artykawaiigothtransboyzz shit and lives happily as an alt bi woman (it was pretty obvious that she never really wanted to be a boy or trans, I think she just took it up because Joji wanted to be a kawaiiyaoigayboy with a boyfriend).
No. 569122
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>>569119>gross>transphobesgo back to left internet
No. 571699
>>571642I think it was meant as a general BJD thread, but ended up becoming a Joji thread. Also, it's a three year old thread. I don't think Joji deals with BJD whatsoever anymore.
>>571684I don't believe so? It's going to be difficult to find receipts that old as it's extremely expired milk at this point. Joji has used blood in other things though, so it's not completely out of the question.
No. 572581
>>571468What I meant isn't that he holds out, it's that he's making it up (or at least the time it went on for), "Eerie has been cheating on me for months!" - as if he wouldn't tell everyone about it the second he found out. Same with how he used to, iirc, make posts about how "I've secretly been addicted to (hard drug) for years and I'm finally now brave enough to get help for it".
I think he does have back problems (though can't blame people for being suspicious, same as how if Eerie did legitmately cheat, when Joji's cried wolf so many times before), but disabled people can still work, there are agencies specifically to help them find suitable jobs that won't aggravate their conditions, and I doubt it's because of discrimination for being modified or transgender, it's because he's lazy and doesn't want to work and until his adopted father left he never had to.
No. 594820
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That was fast, maybe his mom kicked him out?
No. 595136
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>>594820Literally feel like he won’t help out in any way if someone lets him stay with them. I seeiously hope no one falls for this. No sympathy.
No. 595327
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>>595136Honestly surprised his mom maybe kicked him out so quick. Good for her, I’m sure he cannot contribute in any way since makes no income
No. 595378
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>>595372This was just posted
No. 595495
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>>595443 the desperation is real
No. 595663
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I grabbed this a few months ago. Eerie has disappeared off instagram and seemingly the net in general but last I saw, they had adopted a very feminine look and worked long shifts at Walmart while Joji did nothing.
90% of the posts were just videos of them crying/crying whilst singing over background music. As far as cheating goes, I suspect it would've been with Ruuface, who has also disappeared.
No. 595940
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>>595663Eerie’s ig has been private for a while now, no idea what’s going on with him as of late
No. 596120
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>>595970>>595663I found Eerie's facebook
No. 596394
>>595495small hope that very few people feed into this, fix your own shit for once.
>>596202yea it seems like they are pre-excusing their behavior.
>>596235while i respect the right to privacy, vague posting only incites curiosity and i kinda want to know what went down. also, not condoning cheating, but joji used to talk about others all the time and don't doubt he's guiltless of doing the same.
No. 597401
>>595359I don't feel bad, he was adopted at a young age by his mother's aunt I think, and from the sounds of it his adopted parents spoiled him, gave him presents on Halloween since it's "goth kid Christmas", posed in lgbt photoshoots with him, pretty much financially supported him until his mid-20s since he's never had a real job apart from selling online and was constantly buying useless crap like clothes, goth/kawaii toys, Joji moved Eerie in when they were young teens so his adopted parents supported Eerie too for like a decade, iirc he moved out once in his teens and the parents payed for his rent/bills/groceries.
He's had way more help and opportunities than most people born into working class families.
No. 598162
>>598118I agree, I remember when John made that dramatic post about Brian abusing him, someone went out of their way to drive hours and move Joji and Eerie and all their stuff back to Joji’s parents house. Apparently Brian helped her load up the car, since he had no idea at the time that Joji was calling him abusive he just thought they were moving back since they couldn’t find jobs. Then the whole way home Joji sulked in the car and took selfies, made her (the driver) stop for Starbucks, and never offered her any gas money despite taking donations for their move back from fans online.
This is speculation but I’m guessing something similar happened with his bio-mom, she was expecting a semi-competent adult to move in with her but got an overgrown toddler who only knows how to take and use people, constantly plays the victim and blames others, probably never thought to help out with chores or look for a job once he had somewhere to stay because those sort of things would just never occur to him.
Not to mention Brian has said Jojo was physically and psychologically abusive - people close to them said he abuses Eerie too, which I’m hoping she’ll talk about. Also hoping she’ll confirm other stuff people have guessed over the years, like where all the money from donations over the years went, whether John used killed any animals to get their parts for his photography and bone store, whether Joji dating Ruuface and Brian was truely something she agreed to or whether Joji bullied her into it, etc.
No. 598698
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>>598219I really hope people are not helping him. Like seriously? I guarantee the next person he stays with he will take advantage of and not pay a dime. Tired of his pity billshit. How did eerie deal with him for so long?
No. 599411
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>>599367Found it! I think maybe she felt really guilty about abandoning Joji as an infant and tried her best to make it up, but because she missed out on those years it was impossible to deal with his/her psychotic, manipulative personality.>>599367
No. 599413
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>>599397This is how Joji responded lol!
No. 599462
>>599355Yeah I think most of his fans either realised how full of shit he is, or just grew up and grew out of thinking a “tortured artist” using flowery language who acts like a child is interesting.
It’s a pity, because I do think he had talent as an artist and photographer, it’s just all the crap he’s pulled over the years - lying, taking peoples money, being nasty to friends, making crap up, scamming, never sending out items, constant online drama, trying to be the biggest edgelord/alt/goth possible, playing the victim - that makes him extremely unlikeable.
No. 601200
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>>601181He is so going to regret taking joji in
No. 602711
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>>602482T shirt with his art of the band
No. 602713
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>>602711Lol this status, super hipster thing to say
No. 602913
>>602194They have a decent following, but aren't super popular or mainstream in any way. They were signed to Virgin, but got dropped and went on to make their own label.
Peter seems like a kind of quirky, quiet guy? I'm surprised he's letting Joji move in with him, but I suppose we'll see soon enough how that entire thing will play out. Hard to think a 40+ year old man is that naive.
No. 605204
>>604053Oh damn. Called it!
I hope Peter Hayes doesn't have any pets of his own. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club isn't actually an awful band and I'm pretty surprised that one of them would let this obvious sociopath into his life. Poor naive idiot.
No. 607466
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>>599411Always a shit storm with joji. But it’s always someone else’s fault right?
No. 607546
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>>607536Holy crap. His mom is selling his stuff on eBay
No. 607547
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>>607546Honestly don’t know how to feel about this. Kinda fucked up
No. 607785
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No. 607812
>>607785His mom seems like sort of a cow too, but she's not wrong. Also, for her to try to mend things with him, despite him pulling all this shit for so long, she still took him in and tried to give him a place to stay. He freeloaded off of her for how long? Turned around and made her the bad guy? I also do think it's interesting that his own mother, as angry as she is at him is still calling him Joji and everything.
I do think trying to sell Joji's stuff looks a little bad on her part, it's fuel he can use for his pity party. I'm sure she's just trying to cover the costs of him living there and cut ties with him, but it looks bad. Especially at the prices she's asking for? That whole family seems a mess.
Also, did she delete her FB now or?
No. 607845
File: 1528748821306.jpg (120.33 KB, 1600x1200, s-l1600.jpg)

man, I wonder if he's gonna be able to drive back and take back his stuff before she sells it. When Joji was scamming people in the BJD community I'd never have guessed that this'd happen years down the line. Isn't this doll the one he was supposed to have painted with his own blood?
No. 608117
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>>607904I’m so glad she kicked him out
No. 608553
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>>608436Like who needs that may leather jackets anyway. She seems to keeping track of everything he says on Facebook. She posted this earlier
No. 608602
>>608596It sounds shitty when you say it that way, but consider she was probably on drugs when she had him, and giving him to her sister and her husband probably did seem like the best option. Also, she dodged a
major fucking bullet with Joji, so at this point it’s like she should be doing a victory dance.
No. 608668
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>>608436Kinda crazy to see how cheap she’s selling Jojis old cyber stuff for, guess she’s expecting him to come back and have it all sold.
No. 609332
>>608436lel, it looks like she's a experienced ebay seller, buying stuff that looks promising from thrift stores and garage sales and selling it for a profit, which means she knows exactly what she's doing, she's probably not the expect on the price of ball joint dolls or cyber stuff but I'd say she's trying to figure out how to price them to make them sell quickly while also getting as much money as possible out of them.
I really want to see what's going to happen once Joji gets there, hopefully she'll just lock her door, threaten to call the cops and Joji leaves then sulks online about it for weeks, but he might go into a rage since he's never learned to properly manage or control his emotions and might get arrested for the second time in his life.
No. 609586
So I see people are keeping tabs on Joji…well I have been pulled into this chaos…so here it is…Joji got kicked out because he wouldn't work, clean himself, his cats etc…I did everything I could to help…yes I am selling the stinky crap he left to try a recover a small amount of the funds Joji has cost me over the years…should I have thrown it in the garbage instead of selling it…maybe…I had to replace my carpet etc due to his filth. I ahve seen and heard things in the last month that makes me think my son needs professional help…he left his things here, we beg him to come get them…he wouldn't due to his license being suspended, car hasn't been paid on for over a year, he's up to his old tricks again scamming people ie not sending jewelry orders, asking for money for his cats etc…the whole time he lived here about 2 months..he took 2 baths total, wouldn't feed his cats, even after someone sent him money for cat food…the list goes on and on. I can only hope Joji will get help, but I doubt he will, he makes a good living off of peoples pity. p.s. I don't do drugs I smoke weed that's it. so don't believe the lies and bullshit.
No. 609605
>>609586People have been following him for years. I was a 'fan' for a year or so a few summers back until I realised there was a pattern to his behaviour and it turned out he was scamming people out of their good will. Selling his shit on ebay is probably the most tame thing you could have done given the circumstances. You should probably check his statuses on FB as there are always replies to them from people asking where their stuff from year ago is. Contact them and maybe try to build some sort of case against him.
I'm pretty sure failure to fulfil your part in a sales exchange is illegal (it is here in the UK at least due to trading standards laws).
No. 609929
>>609730I sort of figured as much. The "look at how wonky my back is, guys!!!" posts just looked like they were just awkwardly hunched over, not that their spine was warped.
Also, I read somewhere before where they claimed to have been raised pagan, then "lost their faith" and became an atheist, then became a born-again pagan. Were they actually raised pagan, by you or their adoptive parents? Or is this something they might've picked up as a new identity of sorts?
Also-also, did Joji ever come by to pick up their stuff?
(Sorry for all the questions, I've been fascinated by this mess of a person for years.)
No. 610447
>>610426Thank you, I honestly wish you the best, you seem like someone who's had some rough times in life but is determined to rise above them and be an empathetic person.
There's only so much you can do for people who aren't willing to even help themselves, maybe Joji will one day look back on all he's done and feel remorse and try to make things better, I wouldn't hold my breathe though. I don't blame you for kicking him out if he was going to behave horrible.
It's funny that back years ago when I watched his youtube he complained about how he got so much hate for being goth or transgender or body mods, yet the majority of the people who disliked him were also alt or lgbt and just hated his lying and thieving. And he still hasn't grown out of this mindset, that anyone who dislikes him its only because they're bigotted.
No. 610498
>>610477I know you don't want to hurt him or anyone else. I have a brother who is a lot like Joji, so I understand at least somewhat. It's not your fault or anyone else's fault no matter what anyone says. When someone is dangerous, it's natural to try to blame the parents, but that's not always (or even usually) the case. Please don't ever blame yourself for how he turned out. It's a mental sickness, and I hope your son can get help, but he has to choose that for himself
Take care.
No. 610512
>>610510You are getting awfully defensive about this.
His mother seems fairly tech savvy, has demonstrated that she's aware of the Pretty Ugly Little Liars thread on her son, has been hurt by him, and is not really telling us anything new except that Joji doesn't bathe, which isn't entirely shocking.
Who else would it be if not his mother?
No. 611091
>>611035It just seemed weird to me, considering for a lot of their early years as a cow, they were an avowed atheist - no word from them on having been a pagan or believing in it at all. Then suddenly, it's been a part of their life all along, they just lost their faith for some reason.
Idk, just strikes me as odd is all. But then again, a lot of their fixations pop up out of nowhere with the added excuse of "I've enjoyed this my whole life, I just forgot about it."
No. 611287
>>610500I think it is his biomom because why else would she say on here ‘contact me on Facebook’.
Also she mentioned Joji not bathing as one of the many reasons she kicked him out, a grown adult who refuses to bath despite not being bedbound or mentally handicapped has clear issues.
No. 611297
>>611091It’s not weird, Joji obviously has personality disorders, he constantly lies and changes his stories, his encyclopaedia dramatica page lists a lot of his earlier ones (dead best friend, him being biomale, Eerie being his brother), he changed his sexuality from bi girl to gay man to gay asexual man (despite still having sex, most people think he just pulled the asexual thing to seem more special and to explain why he and Eerie didn’t have sex) to gay asexual poly man to pansexual, his interests change from cyber to goth to dandy to southern boy (he’s from Ohio), I think in the early days he used to lie about being Japanese and German (that was actually a common lie for lolcow weebs in the 00’s), I remember a YouTube video where he said “I’m a gay man who’s marrying a woman” (I think that was some poly relationship thing, he always had poly relationships with him, Eerie and a third, and always talked about marrying the third but never Eerie despite same sex marriage being legal years ago (they’re both legal females).
Joji was one of my first cows since he’s scammed some friends of mine (he was pretty well known in the goth/alt online communities in the 00s because of his art, fashion, photos and horrible reputation), and I’m amazed that over a decade later he’s still producing quality milk.
So it’s unsurprising that someone who lies, has an unstable sense of self, jumps from hobby to hobby to subculture to label, would change religions and have little idea what he was talking about (another thing I found hilarious years ago when he used to make goth YouTube videos was advice on finding a job while goth, when he’s never had one). I’m actually surprised he held onto the trans thing for so long, and started hormones, everyone thought he’d go from fakeboi to femme transboy and then a bunch of nonbinary or demiboy bullshit.
No. 611386
>>611354Yeah it's def the mom. She seems to have an online business so knows her way around a computer and this thread comes up when you google Joji Grey (hell she may have even been keeping tabs on it before she was mentioned, I know if I knew a lolcow irl or was related to one I would). Plus why would she say to message her on Facebook if it wasn't her.
Yeah it's disgusting to not shower, and Joji's history of animal abuse/neglect is well documented.
No. 611392
>>609616>kittens in jarsIt's like, I KNOW I shouldn't be surprised, because I've heard she does that already
it's plural
No. 612383
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>>612104Waiting for Joji to stop blaming everyone else for their problems
No. 612503
>>612104The thing that wasnsuspiciois when Joji opened the taxidermy shop and started selling dead animal jewelry was that he never seemed to run out of “material”, and that other people who were into taxidermy and bone jewelry were questioning Joji over and over about the sheer amount of dead animal he was “finding” while walking around their residential neighborhood and the patch of woods by their house. People who legit live out in the sticks were saying how unusual it was for him to keep finding
so many dead animals without any rot or broken bones. That’s where the rumors of them killing and trapping animals for the store started up.
No. 612652
>>612503Yeah, a lot of people in those businesses have sources for their bones/parts such as butchers and similar. Yet Joji had no sources of where these bones and animal parts came from, just kept "getting lucky" and finding animals on the regular? Super suspicious.
With his own mother coming forward and saying she too was suspicious of his behavior and thinks he's a serial killer in the making. Yikes. But I mean, this is the same person who literally vandalized and tried to dig up graves as a teenager.
No. 620257
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No. 622143
>>620490Is it fucked up to do a slightly unethical thing like hacking into a storenvy to prevent people from getting scammed? Everyone with half a brain cells knows that Joji is going to scam more people. Joji did worse things than his mom possibly hacking into a storenvy to prevent more scams.
Also, who knows if Joji is the one who modified the storenvy? It's possible that he's fucking up his own store so he can seem more like the victim. He's done manipulative and sociopathic shit before, so I wouldn't pass it by him.
No. 651800
>>651633What did the BRMC fan guy Joji stayed with post online, can you screenshot it?
He’s really ruined his life, Brian breaking up with him because he refused to get therapy should have been a wake up call. Now where’s he going to go, any “friends” or “fans” he has left must be aware by now that he’s not the victim and no normal person gets kicked out of place to place so quickly. I suspect that why he had to go live with his mother then some rando, as sympathetic as online friends might be, they’re smart enough to know that offering Joji somewhere to stay or lending money isn’t a good idea given his track record.
No. 658464
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Looks like he’s planning the good ole lolcow identity switcharoo.
No. 659289
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Really. "Faern". FFS
No. 660350
>>659289Fern leaf…? Seriously?
Joji, despite being eather weeby, sounded somewhat less dumb.
No. 660909
>>659289Joji is the poster child for BPD, constantly switching phases and identities. Like a proto Abby Brown.
Is she still living with that guy, what did he post on fb about Joji?
No. 660914
>>659344It makes me think of some leafy fairy from a viking children's story who lives in the woods and snatches naughty kids.
That's probably exactly what he was going for, honestly. This has got to be one of the cringiest names I've ever seen.
No. 661121
>>660909According to
>>651633, he no longer lives with that guy. We didn't get that screenshot though.
No. 760334
File: 1546843265921.png (1.84 KB, 526x18, sorry but this dude is so emba…)

i still rememeber when he was japanese lol
i feel old.
No. 760355
>>760344It looks like the bio from joji's new insta, theoldgods_
Just a heads up it's super boring and there haven't been any life updates or mentions of any new scams. My guess is joji found someone new to mooch off of and is enjoying that honeymoon period before it all goes to shit.
No. 760448
>>760355I checked that instagram and he seems to be somehow involved with this person - they even have similar profile descriptions. now he's into Old Norse mythology and such, hmm. I wonder how long that will last.
No. 766892
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I don’t think she is, Joji lmao. Half of the junk wasn’t even legally yours.
No. 774109
I know this is a thread about GF and her BJDs, but I don't really know how else to clear my chest of this:
I knew Eerie growing up as a kid. She was my sister's best friend until the middle of high school when she dropped out. Eerie was extremely abusive and manipulative to my sister to the point where my sister is not able to function and I want justice. Eerie was always into the occult and things of that nature. My sister would always come home terrified and would cry to me about how she didn't want to do anything that Eerie made her do. My sister to this day can not talk about this and it has effected her ability to make and maintain any kind of relationships.She doesn't know about this page at all. Eerie and my sister were writing a comic together that they fought about regularly. If it wasn't the way she wanted it she would make my sister feel guilty and risk their friendship over it. She would manipulate my sister about everything that she did; how she dressed, what she liked, how she would draw, etc. Eerie's family was very chaotic and abusive to her. I witnessed them verbally abusing her and neglecting her while I stayed with them overnight with my sister as a kid. She would drink underage while having extreme meltdowns and then would cut herself in front of me. I knew her from around age 7-12, currently 24. There are other things that I won't mention here. I am diagnosed with PTSD, I do not blame her for this, however I do have flashbacks about it. Since she was my sister's best friend and my sister would tell me everything, I knew all about GF when they were first influenced into Eerie's life. I can confirm that they met online through dA. Eerie would show me all of her fan made stuff that was really close to GF, she really did idolize GF. She would make my sister draw their characters in a similar style. My sister fell out with Eerie and it caused a really big rift in my family because of the way it happened.
Finding this thread really helped me out. I was able to find out that Eerie wasn't dead like my sister had thought. I never thought she would end up like that. I am glad that she was able to get out of that situation finally. All of the stories about the way she was during that time period don't surprise me at all. I believe she was completely in on what GF was doing every time. She blindly followed everything GF did and probably came up with a lot of the schemes. With all of this evidence that has come up about GF I completely believe that they are just as manipulative.
This thread was really hard to get through, but I felt the need to speak up about this for the first time in my life. Thanks for reading.
No. 774120
>>774109first i want to say, i am sorry you and your sister went through those things with eerie. yet, eerie's trauma due to home life does not justify what she did to your sister.
eerie and GF are toxic manipulators and the situation with them together was going to fall apart at some point. i can see why you believe that eerie came up with the schemes. they haven't worked much for GF since eerie left.
i hope your sister and you are happier now and thank you for sharing this even if it's difficult.
No. 774161
>>772302Their facebook is pretty locked down and you can't see much if you're not friends with them. Still seems to be in a relationship but that's about it.
>>774109I really hope you and your sister are doing okay, beast of luck to you both.
No. 777524
>>760334Lmao now she’s pretending to be Native American, why does she think ethnicities are subcultures she can just change as she pleases.
Also her bio now reads Cherokee/Danish wow, I’m sure it’s not a coincidence that suddenly she has ancestry from Denmark was she’s getting into Scandinavian mythology stuff.
Funny thing is under all the body mods and spooky accessories, Joji was always just basic (not that there’s anything wrong with that), obsessed with make up, drinks Starbucks all the time, pretended to be part Japanese back when she was into kawaii stuff, now is part native because it makes her seem more interesting.
No. 777837
>>777670Yeah her birth name is Ayla, her (bio) mum is white (she was raised by her mum’s aunt and uncle) and not much is known about her bio dad but people have speculated by her facial features that he may have been part Hispanic.
One thing I found funny is that apart from subcultures that anyone can get into, like goth or cyber, most of her identities have been obvious lies - first that she was a cis male femboy (it was only when it came out that she was a bio female from people irl that she started talking about being trans), that she was Japanese (when internet weeb stuff was big on deviantart), then Japanese-German, I remember in the past few years she had a “I’m a southern boy” or something phase even though she was born and raised in Ohio.
And now the most basic bitch identity, being part Native American (weird how Joji has never mentioned this ever before despite over a decade of posting personal details online). And her bio said Dutch but then changed to danish now that she’s interested in Scandinavian stuff. Also she’s dating another fakeboi who also claims to be part Native American, what a huge and not suspicious coincidence.
No. 780873
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>>766892>>777524Also claiming autism since that's on trend right now I guess? I haven't had a look at her social media in forever and I can't get over that drawn on mustache.
No. 781394
>>780873The mustache is amazing. Like, how do you think no one will notice that it's made of liquid eyeliner?
The thing that kills me about the IG account is the switch made from "Dutch" to "Danish" when they realized that Dutch people were actually from the Netherlands and not Scandinavia. And naturally that's the
least cringey aspect of the whole ethnicities-as-costume thing.
No. 782327
>>781619Agreed. Plus it's not like he has any money or a reliable place from which to get the hormone treatments. Which honestly has to be not great for his obviously already-fragile mental state, to be kind of in like a hormonal limbo. (I mean, it sounds that way to me, idk really how this stuff works.)
This new "heathen" fad is really cringey, though.
No. 782337
File: 1551480727931.png (443.13 KB, 814x594, hudrekall.png)

>>781619Joji's current instagram: of that other person he's probably living with can be found here, not sure if they have any other social media: No. 783002
>>782337She looks like an actual human being in her caretaker's care…
so, he must be doing something right
No. 786303
>>785913Could be a troll.
But if it's her, then… middle child? So she has more children? Yikes.
She sounds as unstable as Joji with her emotions constantly changing from one extreme to the other.
No. 790565
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No. 790566
File: 1553598659987.jpeg (128.1 KB, 640x521, 7114B294-EEC3-40A6-99D6-7FBD9E…)

Recent post on ig
No. 790731
>>790565>>790566so does this mean she's not with/mooching off off this hudrekall person in
>>782337 and finally found herself a regular cishet dude?
No. 791397
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No. 798401
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>>790731Nah looks like she's living out of a hotel with hudrekall and their partner? This tall dude is all new.
>>791164He def looks cis to me, he's very masculine in build/height and has a proper mustache. I wonder if she tones down the drawn on mustaches and stuff when she's with him or if he's actually queer in some way. His body language definitely doesn't look as comfortable as her's does though.
>>790565In most recent news, she posted a shooped pic saying she plans to get her nose tattooed, her ears pointed, and her eyes tattooed. Wonder how she plans to scrounge up / scam the money for all that. I'm not even sure how she's paying for her portion of the hotel at this point.
No. 798409
>>798401I doubt she's paying for anything. My guess is that her new "friends" are footing the bills. Based on her repeated behavior, I doubt she's put up any cash. The only thing she spends money on seems to be body mods.
(I feel like she's trying to look so ~hard with all these extreme mods but her face will never not look like an infant's to me.)
No. 903173
File: 1575776203106.jpg (1.41 MB, 1628x1080, gothicbanshee76.jpg)

not sure if elaborate troll or average fujoshi…
No. 987616
File: 1592218125345.jpeg (213.01 KB, 1125x1645, 83C52486-A007-43EB-AA8B-14402A…)

Has anyone noticed Joji’s YouTube has been hacked for a while now?
No. 1020276
>>987616She's actually got another channel with vids but they're all unlisted.
Found this one though.
No. 1067482
File: 1603604131991.jpeg (Spoiler Image,24.72 KB, 540x720, DF46B6BA-621A-4F12-A8DE-284CD1…)

Since this was necroed anyways, joji’s been posting somewhat frequently on reddit. Nothing super milky but you’re welcome to comb through her posting history. The only thing of note was that she had posted a few times to r/ftmporn. Just a few pics of her weird hormone addled clit and one of her tits(along with a “pls don’t misgender uwu”). These have since been deleted but she’s left a few pics and most of her posts up No. 1067486
File: 1603604433191.jpeg (205.17 KB, 819x221, 432BB462-2FEC-4D54-9268-2D8634…)

>>1067482Oh yeah, she’s currently claiming to be married and ~autistic~. I guess they live together in a hotel in Tennessee. Her husband is employed but she spends the day playing animal crossing, fallout and Minecraft. She also claimed to be Appalachian when she was big into fallout 76 kek.
No. 1082567
>>1077139Someone mentioned up above the Reddit username she’s been using. Maybe read once in a while.
The lack of sage was an accident, my bad.
No. 1122452
File: 1609838457390.jpeg (210.96 KB, 828x530, CB7EBF36-A889-4FAF-80F4-AF40C6…)

2021 & we still not done scamming i see.
No. 1123521
>clergyLmao. Atleast she's honest about the scamming now.
Look at this fucking nonsense.
>pay us 400$ to get a fake diploma
> get to call yourself a community counselor. Is this crazy cunt for real.
No. 1129007
File: 1610414273739.jpeg (982.53 KB, 828x1074, AB4E480B-F9FB-4EFB-A279-CBBF2B…)

No. 1153920
File: 1612612899453.jpg (570.27 KB, 1080x1633, 20210206_125951.jpg)

Is this really Joji? It doesn't look much like him, but if it is, has he detransitioned? Comments made by him on this picture also claims calling him "queen" is not misgendering.
No. 1153931
File: 1612614537174.png (226.37 KB, 575x383, notJoji.png)

>>1153920it is this person anon,i saw em on jojis fb page
No. 1170160
File: 1614267876414.jpeg (199.03 KB, 1125x815, 0F9B7194-A436-48ED-9E04-20549E…)

No. 1184134
File: 1615704737815.jpg (306.56 KB, 1080x1171, Screenshot_20210313-225035_Fac…)

Jesus this was so cringe
No. 1184978
File: 1615816387800.webm (10.67 MB, 320x240, All about Kai!~_Aug_10_2010.we…)
Managed to find and archived some of her old videos!
This is one of the first ones I ever saw and she was still going by Kai and into kawaii deco.The quality isn't great but it was 2010.
Might post them somewhere else since some of the files are too big to post here.
No. 1330223
File: 1632246475684.jpg (Spoiler Image,610.28 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20210921-104507_Red…)

Joji is posting ass pics now lmao(unsaged ass necro)
No. 1453881
File: 1646046119638.jpg (Spoiler Image,252.16 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_20220227-114449_Pho…)

He does have sexy feet though.
No. 1453940
File: 1646059209712.jpg (Spoiler Image,189.5 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_20220228-083644_Pho…)

This is joji husband. Apparently he has a foot fetish. That's Jojis foot there too.
No. 1545400
>>1545380Yup, he's never been asexual, he was just using someone he wasn't attracted to (Illiad) as a source of income and shelter. But since he was masquerading as dating illiad, he had to act like he didn't want sex so he wouldn't have to do it.
It's pretty obvious he wanted to fuck every side-guy he dated and that he was always into BDSM/sadism/wtf ever else there is.
Anyways, the dumbass goes by a different name now and acts like an uwu
victim with self diagnosed autism. Still treats his current bf like garbage and a source of income. They "live" in a hotel bc the fragile uwu softboi refuses to get a job
No. 1546065
>>1545400What's she going by these days? Is she still dating the methhead dude in TN, or has she already moved on?
Kaz was one of my first cows, and probably the first fakeboi cow I discovered.
No. 1546148
File: 1654113527414.jpg (45.73 KB, 476x845, 260787595_611391546977184_6030…)

>>1546065sorry meant to reply to the post above you. Yeah, she's still with Chance. Probably will be until she can find someone else to leech off of.
No. 1551212
File: 1654542158600.jpeg (176.4 KB, 750x689, C047D6F3-7E66-47C2-937A-6C6801…)

“after” referring to the fake suicide attempt after Iliad dumped her ass, confirmed by her birth mom when it happened to have been faked as a last ditch effort to get her ex back
she was always physically violent and abusive with her partners, including Illiad and that Brian guy from tumblr
pretty old milk but her pity party today gave me a good chuckle
No. 1593601
back on youtube
that voice, lmfao No. 1607089
File: 1659628628477.png (111.71 KB, 1236x647, Screenshot (730).png)

ole Kazakai hasn't changed one bit
No. 1736318
Listen I just have to get in on this. I haven’t seen or spoken to Faern, who went by joji when I first met him, since about 2018-2019 and lately I’ve been like “i wonder what’s up with this asshat” so let me start by introducing myself. For the sake of confidentiality I going by Hope. Joji ended up in Tennessee because of me. I’m originally from tennessee and was living in Illinois at the time when we met. We were friends from playing NeverWinter online and we were both looking for a place at the time. I was working at a guitar center teaching music in Illinois at the time and was about 25 and suggested that he could come to Illinois as long as he would be okay with moving to the Nashville area around a month later as I was going through a split with my ex fiancé and was transferring my job with GC back down there. So he comes from Kansas, can’t recall which break up this was after but I believe it was eerie. ANYWAY he moves in with me everything is cool we go in nature walks together and out to eat etc etc just generally having a good time with friends. I think the first time I ever saw him become a little aggressive is when the only apartment I could find in my budget was something that was a shared space kind of deal. We all rented out our rooms individually which I know now he was upset about because he just wants a fucking free ride. So whatever, we move everything is fine. He moves into his room and I move into mine and things are normal. We meet a girl upstairs who was super nice and became acquainted with her friends and we all really hit it off. We would go out to eat, go to dyers cemetery to ghost hunt some nights, cook dinner etc. So a few months go by and I decide I am going to pick up a friend I started dating who was in rehab across the country. I bring him back. He’s a fucking train wreck. We fight all of the time I mean it’s bananas. By this point Joji who was now going by Faern gets himself kicked out of the apartment because he isn’t able to pay his rent even though he has a million people ordering from his shop and is taking orders while ignoring emails and not making jewelry or even trying to. Just straight robbing people fucking blind on Etsy and whatever else he used. But couldn’t come up with rent. Also around this time our other roommates slashed his tire which we pulled money together to help him get it fixed and he took the money and bought snack cakes and dumb shit with until he was broke again and guess whose life was in fucking shambles with no car and no place to live because he couldn’t prioritize and be responsible. And of course he rants and raves and makes it everyone else’s fault even though we tried to help him.
One night this guy I’m with relapses on alcohol and beats me up. The next morning I go to the hospital and they 5150 me after treatment and send me to a psych hospital for a weekbecause I was just absolutely in extreme distress from this entire situation.
I call our upstairs neighbor to feed my cats because my door is locked but I let her know that the window is unlocked. I tell her I’ll pay her well for the time and energy and inconvenience etc etc. so instead of going herself she sends our mutual friend who is like in love with Faern because you know UWU super spook goth boy or whatever -eye roll-. Anyway, so Faern is with this friend when they go into my apartment to feed my cats. I know it was Faerns idea because LOL history but when I got home they had robbed me BLIND. Keep in my this was during a period of my life where I had lost EVERYTHING and had to up root my entire life. They stole a PlayStation I was finally able to afford after working 6-7 day weeks teaching music and running an entire lessons facility, vinyl, cassettes, pop figures, comics, a portable light up speaker I mean all kinds of shit.
I had to threaten police action and the only thing I got back was my PlayStation. I still don’t know what happened to the rest of it.
The point is that this person is a piece of shit. They KEEP fucking people over. This person has no remorse and is a complete fucking liar and sociopath. My story is not nearly as bad as Brian’s or Eeries but I just wanted it to be out there because I had no fucking idea until literallt last night that all of this about them being awful was online. Idk why it didn’t occur to me to look them up until last night but I am floored and honestly it’s hilarious to me because it fits his character to a T.
I am a good person and didn’t deserve this. He absolutely kicked me while I was at the lowest point in my life. I gave him a way out of a bad situation and was robbed as a thank you.
Please fuck yourself Ayla. The only reason you even change your name online so much is because you think you can run from past yous but you can’t if you don’t change your toxic problematic behavior. Like actually grow the fuck up.
No. 1737041
>>1736625From what I can tell it’s the guy he’s with now. Apparently his name is Chance. Idk what Xander or “Moss” or whatever else the million names everyone seems to go by is doing. I know he didn’t work when I knew him. It’s honestly just really sad because the good parts of Faern are SO good he’s fucking HILARIOUS I mean we were ALWAYS cutting up and laughing and joking and he’s also incredibly talented which I’m sure a lot of y’all can see and agree with. It really sucks that the bad part is as bad as it is. It also is disheartening because we were all really good friends. I had just gone through losing the person who was the most important to me and it was like the universe gave me great friends and then they turned on me and robbed me. Because that’s the thing, if you bow to Faern and bend in whatever way he needs you too it’s cool. If not, well he flips like a switch and will rob you or smear your name. Its sad. It was a loss. Not just the things but the people I had grown to love and hang out with just vanishing and then all of the sudden I was alone. I still miss the times we all had. It was great while it lasted. I’m not gonna act like it was all bad because it wasn’t, but people who do bad things to people deserve to be outed period. We don’t tolerate that shit and should never.
Sorry if I did this wrong I don’t know wtf “sage” means. I haven’t been on a forum since like 2006 haha
No. 1859984
>>1856611Omg I love this classic horrorcow. She reminds me of Heather Sparkles in that she never changes, just repeats the same unhinged BPD antics in different locations with different
No. 1860033
File: 1688786507618.png (627.85 KB, 678x597, 234045823.png)

>>1856611kek at the face filters warping the sheet in the background as she's talking. Looking at the other recent uploads I can see why she's resorting to using them now tho woof
No. 1860278
>>1856611She still living in a hotel in TN?
Kaz is like the primordial fakeboi
No. 1883261
File: 1692291429814.jpeg (305.1 KB, 1290x1098, IMG_7691.jpeg)

Homeless again
No. 1890890
>>1883261Not just homeless, no longer with that Chance guy either. Not sure if ~Faern~ (Joji) dumped him or he dumped him/her. Probably the latter though.
I can post caps later but the guy has been ranting about living in cat-piss soaked squalor for the last five years while he pretended to be happy but really wasn't, so. Turns out grifting for life gets you kicked to the curb every 5 years.
No. 1891145
File: 1693467967444.png (165.97 KB, 750x764, C400ABBE-3B18-40FF-94C3-4F1807…)

>>1891052Yup, here they are.
No. 1891146
File: 1693467989578.png (206.33 KB, 750x949, 14CE5D93-8C9F-4FB0-A5D4-47DC9E…)

No. 1891147
File: 1693468103595.png (44.86 KB, 775x320, Screenshot (1533).png)

No. 1891554
File: 1693534028740.png (55.43 KB, 778x311, Screenshot (1536).png)

>>1891145Still blind for uggoface. Also confirms that one or both of them look at lolcow.
No. 1892235
>>1892112dudes throwing a fit rn scrubbed his fb friends and somehow missed me lol in one breath he's talking about misery, in the other he's being an edgelord
dudes almost 40 and talks like he still in middle school
No. 1892668
>>1891146>>1891371Could he not have googled this scammer before marrying her and shacking up with her? She’s a sociopath with a long trail of
victims behind her. I’m sure she’ll have another sucker lined up to pay her bills and keep her in the disgusting piss-soaked lifestyle she’s accustomed to within the next month.
No. 1892713
File: 1693712492641.jpeg (420.74 KB, 2129x561, IMG_5833.jpeg)

Did he delete this?
No. 1892740
>>1892713Bless you nonna, I saw it but it was gone when I got in the thread.
I don't understand this guy, was talking shit about her then comes here to say they were happy? Whats up with that?
No. 1892752
>>1892713delusional af. love him coming here and talking with a buddy buddy tone but above hes yapping like a dog with anger
all bark no bite
No. 1892949
>>1892917yes and the lying/scamming etc has been documented by many ppl for fucking decades across several creative communities, but surely they were the ones being manipulative fuckwads.
ignoring that for a handful of “happy moments” and the delusion of things getting better was a choice, take the consequences and go already.
No. 1912697
File: 1697148407957.jpeg (179.25 KB, 828x323, 2763F457-F310-4B8B-9ACD-65B586…)

Any updates from someone with access to her Facebook? She posted this recently on Reddit but also posted something about her partner that struggles with adult literacy yesterday so I’m guessing her living situation might have stabilized again
No. 1932735
>>1912697Guttertrash is still living in her car with her poor cat, begging for handouts on reddit now and barely touching facebook. I think that recent ex tipped her off because she's staying quiet on most of her socials.
Almost wish her ex would come back and share more tales from the crypt
No. 1941228
File: 1702259040550.jpg (586.35 KB, 1080x1627, Screenshot_20231210_174243_Red…)

> Stand on the corner with my sign
Damn, she really burnt all her bridges this time. I used to look up to her as a teenager and I would of never imagined this outcome.
No. 1954892
The new development of this whole thing is not even surprising at this point tbh. I used to follow him for years and looked up to him as a creative even throughout the scamming, specifically when it came to light about the BJD debacle thinking, "Oh people change" and it's the same rinse and repeat cycle. For 10+ years. Refuse to get help/job, take advantage of people/partners, is abusive/manipulative to partners, uses Selfharm as a way to get what he wants, adopts animals but then he gets bored or unable to take care of them, begs for money, begins a business then runs with the money, etc, etc, the same shit different day. The homeless stuff? Sad, sure with the increase in cold, but he refuses resources when it's offered. Just sad sad.(unsaged newfag)
No. 2031919
File: 1724923165303.png (Spoiler Image,418.14 KB, 866x646, Screenshot 2024-08-29 021843.p…)

No. 2032414
File: 1726067997349.png (Spoiler Image,28.71 KB, 568x116, Schermata 2024-09-11 alle 17.1…)

faern started posting again on fB so they're still alive, still asking for money. looks like her ex bf still likes her but now goes by the name of James??
No. 2037632
File: 1727100174993.jpeg (56.84 KB, 654x653, 8741C4A4-A745-4359-8FAE-0A75D2…)

Looks like she ballooned up, too. Pretty funny for someone who’s so “poor and helpless and struggling” imo
No. 2068477
File: 1734256007133.jpeg (140.09 KB, 750x792, 2357CD4F-4EA8-4445-95CE-D846B9…)

>>2066739Next time post screenshots.
still throwing pity parties, that ex (now going by James) is still making useless platitudes in his comments but doing nothing to help like the hypocrite he is.
No. 2070525
File: 1734874886752.jpeg (463.03 KB, 750x1009, 76B2CEE8-9FC7-4622-BDF8-5E11A7…)

Right, sounds more like she just wants people to tell her that her grifting isn’t as sad and pathetic as it really is. Just get a damn job you lazy bitch.
No. 2070553
>>2070525And she has no one but herself, her selfishness, her laziness and her bad life choices to blame for her current situation. Suck it “Faern”, you get zero sympathy.
But I do feel bad for the cat,
No. 2070629
>>2070525>>2068653Legit, why doesn't she post a gofundme or something where she whines about how she's a homeless tranny in danger of being genocided by the police or whatever. Troons don't care if you're a scammer or a shit person, they'll give you money. Literal rapist, murderer moids can get donations when they put on a wig and dress. But maybe it's different for TiFs, idk the intricacies. Or maybe she realizes getting her van fixed isn't really going to fix her situation other than being able to keep her van from getting impounded. She's too lazy to even apply for fucking food stamps by the sound of it and too goffik to ask catholic charities for help.
I've lived out of my van, and yeah no shit a cop is going to come when you pile up trash outside your van. That's disgusting. Walk to a gas station and throw your nasty piss bottles away and trash. Put your van in neutral and push it down the street. God damn, after all these years Joji's self pity still pisses me off beyond belief.
No. 2070755
>>2070629She keeps posting her cashapp but it doesn't get the hundreds from her fans that it used to, so every couple of days she posts it again begging for money 'for my cat to eat'.
funny her methhead simping ex from further up hasn't said a word on her posts either, maybe the dumb shit finally realized she's not worth it.
No. 2071596
File: 1735259120835.jpg (245.97 KB, 1080x1008, Screenshot_20241227_012042_Chr…)

This one wasn't posted. ~dollhairs~ kek. As retarded as it can get.
No. 2083553
File: 1738213549958.jpeg (41.27 KB, 600x375, 820.jpeg)

There you go nonnie.
Hopefully I did that correctly. Technologically retarded.
No. 2086703
File: 1739021834507.jpeg (118.97 KB, 750x413, 9341F00C-58F2-4C08-80D1-9A27F9…)

Sage for nothing important, but this little tantrum had me rolling
No. 2089198
File: 1739626155514.jpeg (162.13 KB, 750x1223, 8C7ADD6C-9B2B-40B2-AA3B-B29CEB…)

Jesus Christ, look at guttertrash. revolting. and yeah seems like the ex can’t let go
No. 2092984
File: 1740482830159.png (286.97 KB, 1336x1204, Schermata 2025-02-25 alle 12.2…)

according to facebook, faern became single earlier this month, then went on a date and now has a new bf named Cevaun. I didn't know he had a partner after James.
No. 2095757
>>2093554Probably not. Just seems homeless and unwashed. If they're living in a car I'm sure it's a lot of truck stop showers and quick wipe downs if absolutely anything.
>>2095710I have also been wondering, I used to follow illiad on Tumblr. Always wondered what happened to that wet specimine collection.
No. 2095764
>>2093554Probably not. Just seems homeless and unwashed. If they're living in a car I'm sure it's a lot of truck stop showers and quick wipe downs if absolutely anything.
>>2095710I have also been wondering, I used to follow illiad on Tumblr. Always wondered what happened to that wet specimine collection.
(doubleposting) No. 2095875
File: 1741203000066.jpeg (837.5 KB, 828x1696, IMG_8596.jpeg)

>>2095710I think it was mentioned in this thread earlier but Iliad and one of joji’s other exes (ruuface/ benji hovarth I believe?) ended up becoming a couple after joji and eerie broke up. Idk if they’re still together the last picture of them online together was posted over two years ago. eerie was going by “thelounatick” online last I knew, she might be a bit more active on TikTok, I don’t have an account though so it won’t let me check.
No. 2096316
File: 1741319821069.jpeg (71.82 KB, 750x222, 22E992A6-085D-4820-B013-DFBE41…)

Dipping our toes back into e-begging, are we? ~Faern~ is in a new relationship and the guy has been letting the loser stay with him rent free, but of course we can’t be satisfied with that.