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No. 2085229

Previous thread: >>1971031

Thread recap:
>SuperMega returns >>1971032
>Rooster Teeth officially shuts down >>1973320
>Alex Kister of The Mandela Catalogue is outed for being a nasty AGP with minors >>1975610
>Vareena Sayed is in a terrible motorcycle crash >>1976103
>Jameskii posts 52 page google doc of twomads crimes >>1976745 >>1977140
>Pathetic MRA whining >>1978460 >>1978629
>Oompaville being a misogyny apologist >>1981003
>SSSniperwolf re-monetized, breaks up with her moid, assault accusations >>1985037
>chuggaconroy posts long statement, wont be making videos anymore >>1986158
>Japan is not safe from Nick Robinson >>1988156
>Adam22 is dating Caroline Calloway >>1988836
>Kyra Renee is pregnant >>1994937
>Brandon Buckingham made a response video with interviews from Wendigoon and Oompaville on IPOS's now deleted video >>1999100
>Creators for Palestine charity live stream >>1999830
>Jocat has started crossdressing, prelude to trooning? >>2000464
>iDubbbz went on Cold Ones and no one is happy about it >>2001844
>Jaiden has ADHD (and autism) >>2002830
>Tana spills milk on other YouTubers >>2004015
>Imallexx is accused of abuse, domestic violence by ex Alice Hez >>2004071, >>2005445, >>2005834
>Griffinilla accused of grooming >>2004726
>Scott "Scoot" Henson, of "Adum and Pals" has died >>2005259
>Ian/Anisa hellspawn speculation >>2006166
>Think Before You Sleep and Brittany Venti broke up >>2007631
>Count Dankula’s (Nazi Salute Pug guy) wife left him >>2007819
> Lord Miles, British Christian fundie war tourist vlogger, threatens to single-handedly colonize North Sentinel Island >>2010308
>Jacksepticeye unfollows Markiplier on all platforms, as well as their shared clothing brand Cloak. Markiplier's long-term friends unfollow as well >>2011100
>Boogie lied about having cancer to scam his fans >>2013687
>D'Angelo makes a video about Cody >>2014675
>Boogie meltdowns >>2016141, >>2018247, >>2020525
>Kris Tyson allegations >>2017124, >>2018608, >>2019431, >>2019733
>Mr. Beast allegations >>2018573, >>2020261, >>2023611, >>2024304, >>2025433
>Papa Meat makes video criticizing romance fantasy, ironically >>2018931
>Charlie defends children taking hormone therapy as long as the parents and kid consent >>2019547
>Cr1tikal is taking an indefinite hiatus >>2021171
>A bunch of old racist tweets from Brooke Schofield, Tana Mongeau’s podcast cohost, have gone viral >>2022419
>Penoplasty >>2023002
>Leafy's total twink death >>2024111
>Projared never learns, is disgusting with fans >>2028078, >>2037504
>Brad taste in music meltdown >>2029392
>Amouranth ASMR channel >>2030762
>nikocado avocado is skinny now and claims he got fat as a social experiment >>2032291
>Lil Tay heart surgery rumors >>2033669 are fake >>2037339
>Tati confesses she was a serious alcoholic throughout her life >>2034632

No. 2085444

Ethan Klein from H3 dropped the content nuke on Hasan Piker that he had been teasing for months. The reactions seem to be mixed from what I can tell.

No. 2085445

I just feel sad for his children. This fucker would rather goon to Hasan shirtless pics rather than spend any time with them.

No. 2085456

wow, he hit the Ozempic hard, I guess

No. 2085460

I didn't even recognize him at first. It's an improvement I guess, but he must have curtains of loose skin under that suit, kek.

No. 2085470

I don't even think it's improvement. Sure, he is skinnier, but he looks like a miserable drug addict.

Of course the video didn't cover what a horrible misogynist Hasan is (since Ethan is just as bad or even worse). Instead it was almost two hours of this dumb fuck crying about how people aren't coddling Jews enough.

I stopped watching Hasasn when he argued it was okay for trannies to be women's sports because "no one gives a shit about women's sports", but calling him an anti-semite is incredibly retarded. I know H3 views are down since the genocide, and I guess Ethan is feeling the pinch.

No. 2085486

I stopped watching Hussein when I found out that he's an actual sex tourist who traveled to visit a brothel. He spent 10 minutes trying to justify it to his chat too by screeching "it's legal there and that's what they do for work!!!" It's still exploitation of women's bodies, retard. How would he know they aren't in a bind that keeps them there? The fucked up part is that he's physically a "chad" and probably barely has to try to get women to sleep with him. It's not like he's some desperate touchless incel, he just wanted dub-con sex.

No. 2085493

repost from the youtube hate thread
>jessica kellgren-fozard and her wife are having twins
given her health issues, it's likely she won't be around by the time these kids are in their 20s(not milk, don't repost your own posts)

No. 2085565

I’m honestly failing to see how this is milk. I was going to say I had no idea people hated them, but I checked the other thread and no one responded to the post from 6 days ago, so I assume you just have a hateboner for them for some reason. I don’t agree with them on everything but they generally seem like a loving family, and even if something did happen to Jessica, Claudia will likely remain plenty well-off enough to care for the kids. Not to mention 20s are adult years, so your post is kind of confusing.

No. 2085612

yeah, fuck off forever, people with worse health issues have kids all the time, eat a bag of dicks(infighting)

No. 2085651

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>I don't even think it's improvement. Sure, he is skinnier, but he looks like a miserable drug addict.
He's been obsessing over Hasan ever since Hasan stopped co-hosting. He's so obsessed with Hasan, it's pathetic. Even his own cult followers been complaining and unfollowing since the whole podcast is revolving around Hasan. When the fires been raging not far from his house, he was still thinking about Hasan.

No. 2085652

Sage since it's kinda dry milk, but this clown is back. Did not address Tana situation, heavily moderated comment section, heavily moderated subreddit. Came back with generic reaction video, even tho The Cut deleted all their collab videos with him. I guess his money is running dry.
Did a soft come back last year on his CodyTrains channel and Instagram account posting updates about his marathon preps.
Don't see him regaining any relevancy tho since any self-respecting YouTuber will know better than collab with him.

No. 2085657

fuck off, anon. the reality is any parent could die tommrow , i dont know them but they seem like kind and loving people.

No. 2085663

It's crazy how obsessive he gets with certain friends he falls out with. This feels like deja-vu from the Frenemies breakup, down to everyone around him getting sick of him not being able to let go. It's pathetic

No. 2085764

So then you never drive a car lest you get into a car accident and leave your kids motherless? Never take medication or have surgery in case you have a deadly reaction? Live in a one-floor house so you don’t risk falling down the stairs and snap your neck? Etc.? Christ, it’s not like they won’t have another parent. Won’t someone think of the poor future 20 year old orphans with one living mother

No. 2085807

>Don't see him regaining any relevancy tho since any self-respecting YouTuber will know better than collab with him.
I disagree. I think he's just going to pivot which YouTubers he collabs with. Do you think the Barstool types and their gambling addict fans give a fuck about plowing a teenage girl? Pods like Almost Friday haven't even deleted any of the videos with him in it. If he can secure a bro-y audience to replace his audience of young woman, he'll be Portnoy famous by the end of the year.

No. 2085983

Keyword self-respecting. I don't think Barstool scrotes can be considered self-respecting lol

No. 2085986

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Hila Klein crying because her favorite artist refused to work with Teddy Fresh. Somehow Hasan is at fault for this. (wasn't able to embed the clip) https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxQhaGIFxmPRjnyO8CGOJMTwThhVcZDHTE?si=kXKTfea2JOHiGGRP
Apparently not the first person to drop TF, according to her stories.

No. 2085991

she keeps repeating that it’s bc she’s an Israeli but it just looks like the dude doesn’t fucking like their company lmao. blame that on your husband always crashing out, honey.

No. 2086050


No. 2086068

I for sure thought he was gay. Wow now that’s more shocking than the antisemitism or whatever.

I hate Hassan more than Ethan. At one point I did enjoy h3 content especially his stuff where he would shit on keemstar and the skits (I was in high school plz forgive) but hasan has never been more than a grifter pos that just whines all day long for money on twitch. Also fuck twitch.

No. 2086246

maybe he’s bisexual in the sense that he likes to control women and use them for his pleasure but yeah, everything about him screams gay. if he didn’t defend the brothel thing so hard, i would’ve thought he made it up like a loser 15 yr old boy in the gym locker room.

No. 2086268

Maybe because your husband cant stop running his mouth.

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