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No. 2027512
AKA Heather Explores, Heather Sparkles
Previous Thread:
>>1938223IG: @haunted_butterfly
@heather_explores (old account)
TT: @heather_explores
YT: heatherexplores19
Heather Steele is a 34-year-old former retro toy collector/Fairy Kei fashion Youtuber reincarnated as a self-proclaimed spooky Victorian summer goth nice girl on an eternal quest for the Ryan of her otherworldly dreams. Her persecution complex, constant negativity, obsession with her "influencer" status on social media, and frantic love-bombing behavior shows no signs of slowing down.
Last Thread Recap:
>>1938239 Introducing DeadEyesRyan: a 36 year old ghost hunter, civil war reenactor and history teacher
>>1938382 Heather and DeadEyesRyan make their relationship Facebook official
>>1940115 Sees marriage in the near future after 3 weeks of dating
>>1943199 ,
>>1944109 ,
>>1944753 ,
>>1950568 ,
>>1945749 ,
>>1948810 ,
>>1948100 ,
>>1948982 ,
>>1948984 ,
>>1950278 Sheer romance from the lovebirds
>>1947250 ,
>>1947251 ,
>>1947252 ,
>>1948013 Making Christmas memories together with a proana Christmas tree and spoopy gifts
>>1950482 ,
>>1950754 Announces her plans to move in with DeadEyesRyan
>>1950815 TLDR; Heather lives 2 hours away from her soulmate and refuses to waste another second away from him since they will be together forever. Time to purge the hoard and start packing up
>>1951448 Rings in the new year with a COVID diagnosis
>>1951761 Good thing DeadEyesRyan is here to risk getting himself and his students sick so he could take care of this grown woman like a toddler
>>1951936 By the way, did you know Heather is in a relationship?
>>1953823 Hey Siri (strangers on Facebook), is being fired a source of income?
>>1953991 DeadEyesRyan still lives with his mommy
>>1954844 ,
>>1955211 Worries about being fired after calling out for 6 shifts while sick with "lingering symptoms" of COVID
>>1954866 , 1955193 But this doesn't stop her from thrift shopping
>>1956249 Wants kids with DeadEyesRyan in the near future
>>1957550 ,
>>1957551 ,
>>1957552 Happy Spoopy Birthday Heather! Another year dressing like a 2012 Tumblr blog as a grown woman!
>>1957919 ,
>>1964593 Heather and DeadEyesRyan are engaged
>>1960679 ,
>>1964728 ,
>>1960680 More pictures of the happy couple
>>1973081 Beginning of the hair sperging. Nonas, will she come off as goffic if she dyes her hair black? Maybe the blonde isn't reading as goff enough
>>1984418 Is suddenly a historian just like DeadEyesRyan, what a coincidence
>>1987054 Possibly Heather's final creative masterpiece at work: a home goods display at Target
>>1986717 ,
>>1988837 ,
>>1991347 Complusively buying more plants as she prepares to move
>>1997701 Tells the world she is the product of a great grandfather who knocked up his sister, changed his identity to avoid legal & social reprecussion lived as an orphan in an asylum
>>1998717 Spiraling with a photo dump of her being goth in high school (again)
>>1999743 The love of her life breaks up with her after 6 months and it's all YOUR fault for not accepting her love of antiques and cemeteries
>>2001158 Breakup details: Heather blames Lolcow for archiving her deranged behavior and contacting him; suggests DeadEyesRyan possibly found out about the forums and confronted her about it
>>2001904 ;
>>2001907 Tinfoil about the breakup: Heather allegedly tells a cowtipper that DeadEyesRyan broke up with her after finding out she slept with a black guy in her early 20s.
>He is apparently a white supremacist "groyper" who believes in the "great replacement" theory (a conspiracy about races mixing together to remove all white people in the world)>Says he wanted Heather to stop taking birth control because it's against his religion>Alleges that he told Heather he has fantasies about his female students>Told Heather she is "post wall" and looks old>Used her social media antics as an excuse to break things offAgain, there is no solid proof of this as the cowtipper claims this was said through a Facebook call
>>2002008 ;
>>2002012 ,
>>2002019 ,
>>2002023 Cowtipper returns with "proof" of the conversation afterwards
>Heather was too scared to break up with him but was relieved when he ended things; before the breakup Heather agreed to finish her last packet of birth control before getting off of it, never really wanted kids with him>>2002307 Heather vaguely confirms that DeadEyesRyan said "questionable" things around the same time that the screenshots show up here, possibly confirming what the cowtipper said
>>2002310 Transcript of the short video
>>2003582 The RyanQuest continues!
>>2003714 Now claims that DeadEyesRyan broke up with her because he couldn't handle the trolls/cowtippers contacting him
>>2005419 ,
>>2005420 ,
>>2005797 Hangs out with AxeRyan's friends (
>>2005448 )
>>2005949 ,
>>2005951 Men on dating apps aren't impressed with Heather's goff aesthetic
>>2008516 Hair transformation! If you squint, you could almost see a difference
>>2013465 Meets up with a date; isn't physically attracted to him so suddenly wants to take things slow and get to know him; he pressures her into being his girlfriend for the following days; she finally tells him she's not interested and he blocks her
>>2013523 Says she only feels safe around men, doesn't like being friends with women because women are backstabbing gossips who bring drama
>>2021656 Heather throws on a baby voice while hanging with AxeRyan's friends
>>2021544 ,
>>2021584 An ex (AxeRyan) confronts her at a convention and begs for her to take him back
>>2021712 Later she makes a public plea on Facebook to AxeRyan to remove the images of them together since he is pretending that they are dating to use her for clout
>>2021712 Surprise surprise, she's full of shit
>>2023222 Friendship with AxeRyan's friends is over after they were "acting differently" towards her at the convention while AxeRyan was hanging with them
>>2022143 ,
>>2023031 ,
>>2023019 Would black hair make her desirable? It's gotta be the hair, right? But she was terrorized for having black hair
>>2023274 Goodbye dating apps! Heather knows her worth!
>>2023375 ,
>>2023517 New life goal: wear a dress. Is that weird?
>>2025201 New Ryan dropping soon!
>>2025368 ,
>>2025382 ,
>>2025384 ,
>>2025399 Aaaaand he's gone
>>2025652 TLDR; she was just a hookup and she was the last one to find this out
>>2026424 ,
>>2026893 ,
>>2026449 The HookupRyan that got away
>>2025730 Right back on the dating apps
>>2025982 ,
>>2026852 I am once again asking you if dying my hair black will make me attractive to men
>>2026427 ,
>>2026429 ,
>>2026433 Cringe videos seeking attention from potential Ryans
>>2027165 ,
>>2027189 ,
>>2027406 Manages to make a friend's death all about herself and dying her hair black
>>2027320 ,
>>2027321 ;
>>2027323 Shallow walk down memory lane with said friend; accidentally shows that she ignored him despite her crying about how close they were
>Spergs:>>1938962 ,
>>1939160 Crying on muh kitchen floor this time last year, but now I'm in a LOVING relationship with my soulmate
>>1941534 Everyone hates and stalks her because she dared to be the true goffic woman she is after escaping her marriage
>>1957580 Ex husband ruined my life but he's married to a 21 year old (typical creepy moid behavior)
>>1961284 I'm gonna make content again, I mean it this time!
>>1980358 My followers ran me off of Youtube! Everyone is copying me but I'm the only one who gets hate for it! I'm not faking my personality!
>>1986716 The internet shames me over my unique hobbies. You don't own me, get a life
>>2002314 Spent $100 a week to see DeadEyesRyan
>>2007050 Ex husband told me I'll never be an independent functioning adult but look where I am now… checkmate
>>2016468 ,
>>2018511 I'm so lonely boohoo
>>2022859 It's everyone else's fault that I never went to college because no one believed in me boohoo
>>2023194 I don't need your validation, fuck you
>>2023232 Muh 100 sleep paralysis attacks per night
>>2024081 Muh panic attack in a public restroom
No. 2027513
All the “Ryans” in order:
>Ryan 1: Motivational Youtuber. Heather latched onto him and he apparently tried to help the dysfunctional couple by suggesting Heather seek therapy. Eventually they both threw him to the dogs.>Ryan 2: Ryan Z. Urbex’er whom Heather latched onto and physically stalked several times by using other people for rides. Met up again Oct 2019, Heather posted some cutesy things, and in less than a day those posts were removed and she put him on blast.>Ryan 3: Short-lived gamer boy met through Tinder.>Damian: On-off Urbex boyfriend. Eventually put him on blast after their 500th breakup.>Ryan 4: Craig. Graveyard photographer Heather briefly dated, but they appear to still be friends.>Ryan 5: Clay. Ex-boyfriend who broke up with her because she was negative. Tried to lure him back by being negative on her instagram stories. >Ryan 6: ChaseRyan. Dated for like 2 weeks LDR and were supposed to meet IRL but he changed his mind after he realised she’s batshit. >Ryan 7: Femryan. Stated dating the second time they met irl. After multiple breakups, Heather decided to end things for good because he wanted to go to a party on Halloween instead of going to the cemetery like all of their other dates.>Ryan 8: ChaseRyan round 2. They finally met in person but he was also seeing someone else and ultimately chose her instead.>Ryan 9: CharmRyan/GhostRyan. He got the measure of Hag pretty quick, and confessed to ghosting her cause she was still using Tinder and living her life on social media.>Ryan 10: BomberRyan, which sparked and fizzled within a week. >>1186214>Ryan 11: OldRyan, ryanectomy performed in less than 48 hours of this one being on the scene. >Ryan 12: Revengeryan / Ryanhumrevenge -@Rumhamrevenge, older alt photographer who's been hanging out with Heather. Not a true ryan because he's not a spoopy boy she wants to fuck, but comes in and out of the picture like the other ryans. Their relationship is weird and they've shared hotel rooms, but Heather doesn’t think he's a keeper for some reason. >>1288115, >>1288582, >>1289256>Ryan 13: PapeRyan. An old friend who she lost touch with ‘because of muh stalkers’. 13, unlucky for some, certainly unlucky for him. It seemed like she had finally found a decent match but it lasted mere weeks, Hag blaming their break up on his religious beliefs.>Ryan 14: BloodRyan aka Lurch. Heather met her match with this one- just as impulsive, insane, childish and melodramatic as she is. He promised the world, but after she quit her job and moved cities to be with him, he booted her out of his home after only a week…is he to blame? Is she? Heather claims the split was due to her plant collecting hobby, which Lurch was jealous of. >Ryan 15: BrianRyan aka BRyan. After an initial pre-Christmas date, Hag was sneaking pics and declaring love for this new Ryan. Off-the-peg forest and sigil tattoos, painted nails, thinning hair and 2012 piercings. Heather refers to him as a "psycho" and claims she was too caught up in physical attraction to recognize his "toxic behavior.">Ryan 16: ClockRyan. A resident of Long Island who she met over an app when he was visiting her area. She fell immediately in "love" and followed him back home, visiting NY with him over a weekend. He broke it off after about a week, apparently due to getting back with his ex.>Ryan 17: BabyRyan. Met him on some dating app and he lived 2 hours away. Calls him her "baby boy." Dates him for a few weeks at most and manages to pull off a pregnancy scare in that time. BabyRyan breaks it off in response to the "accidental" scare.>Ryan 18: AxeRyan. Heather matched with him on an app a year ago and forgot about him. She then matched with him again but offline about a month ago by attending the same spooky paranormal convention. He's a "Certified Paranormal Investigator" and is completely smitten by our summer goth princess.>Ryan 19: DeadEyesRyan. 36 year old history teacher. Met on a dating app. Dated for 6 months and shortly got engaged until he breaks things off, likely because he couldn't handle the consequences of Heather's online activity. Alleged racist and creep. No. 2027540
>>2027521I feel like she convinces herself that she believes it, which makes her emotions seem real. It's like how actors think about something generally sad to make their self cry. When the scene is over, it's still a sad situation. It just doesn't have the same effect on them in realtime. In reality she's gone days, weeks, months leaving Rumham on read without giving much second thought (not that she's obligated to reply of course). I really think she just gets a sense of purpose out of pitying herself and being pitied. Every week she types up a new synopsis about how victimized she is so she can refill up on asspats. Even if she doesn't get all the expected responses, her pity posting is enough to satisfy herself. She'll just add this to her list of things she overcame despite the odds. She genuinely has nothing else going on with her life when she's between Ryans so wallowing in pity is all she has.
I wouldn't say she is 100% faking this for attention because it's very possible to feel a strong connection with someone you don't interact with often. And it doesn't take much for her to dedicate herself to a moid.
No. 2027554
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Yikes, I hope his widow doesn’t see this.
No. 2027570
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Yes Heather, I'm sure he would have been very moved by your jiggling cleavage. If only you had posted it a day sooner, maybe he'd still be here.
No. 2027583
>>2027570Imagine his widow stumbling on these stories, god forbid, only to see this distant acquaintance go DEFCON1 about every minute interaction they had months ago. "I'm so sad you didn't get to see me bounce my cleavage for gooners on the internet". If she found her way into the funeral service she'd put on a 30 minute TaylorTalk about how she's emotionally beaten to a pulp everyday and she's lucky to come out on the other side. Oh, and she received memes from this man before so R.I.P. best friend. We'll be hearing about this for at least the rest of the year every time she needs to spice up her sadposting days
>>2027519>>2027548Thanks so much!
No. 2027619
>>2027512OP the threadpic is fantastic. i'm absolutely losing it at heather in the window. incredible OP and writeup. that picture is seriously killing me. thank you
>>2027583>We'll be hearing about this for at least the rest of the year every time she needs to spice up her sadposting daysabsolutely. just more fuel for her neverending pity parties
>>2027406>I can just picture her on a windswept moor, with her black hair and her prairie dress fluttering, fogging up her glasses in her Brontë-esque grief…kek!! also, i agree with your post.
picrel you posted is kind of nuts considering she constantly says this stuff. she said things like this while she left him on read and she's saying it now when there's probably plenty of people she's ignoring in favor of pitying herself.
it really makes you wonder how she'd react if someone actually close to her died but then again i don't really understand heathers form of "closeness" and i don't think she does either
No. 2027663
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This bitch won’t stop…then she proceeds to post in her stories random screenshots of her interactions with this guy and even audio messages that are so creepy like she can’t keep anything to herself. Who the fuck wants to hear a random dude giving her bedtime messages for her to feel better to have random internet strangers listen to.This dude definitely was trying to get in Heather’s pants but probably waited for her to make the first move.
No. 2027700
>>2027663this is so pathetic but it's even more pathetic knowing who it's coming from. she is the one who is so caught up in her own life that she has time for no one but herself and the ryanquest. she is incredibly self-involved and in her mind everything revolves around her and her insane
victim complex
that aside, imagine dying and some vain bitch just starts airing out all of your private messages. along with acting like you were incredibly close to top it off. it's absurd. i'm not even that sensitive about "respecting the dead" or whatever but even still i'm pretty disturbed by how far she's going with this, it feels intrusive and gross. somehow i feel insulted on behalf of the people who were actually involved in his life.
their messages should stay private and for her to reflect on, not to share publicly. at this point he should become a wrathful spirit, start haunting her antiques and then maybe that will be part of our halloween milk
jokes aside i'm wondering if she was even invited to any services. or if some of his actual family and friends are gawking at this nonsense, too. it feels wild to witness this, she needs to keep this shit to herself
No. 2027715
>>2027692I think the flirting from her end was just her basking in the attention/encouraging him to continue. You're right, he was solidly in the friendzone from the start.
>>2027663Yeah he must have been attracted to her because it's pretty obvious she brought nothing to the friendship except narcissism and crying about Ryans. She used him as an emotional crutch to fall back on while getting fucked and chucked by every autistic antiques guy and paranormal investigator in the Northeast.
No. 2027723
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Poor Heather, a man is literally dead and now she can’t leave him on read when he replies to her attention seeking Instagram posts
No. 2027743
>>2027663It's amazing to see all his messages and how much effort he put into being a friend (maybe with the hope of a relationship), telling her stories so she could fall asleep, motivating and lifting her up all the time and her replies are just short one liners with no readable emotions behind them. Put him on read for months while doomscrolling for a new Ryan. I think that's also a reason why so many Ryans left, they just realise sooner or later that they are doing all the work and there isn't anything emotional being returned to them, only thing Heather gives is sex and yes, many moids are stupid and would love that, but some want something different, maybe an emotional connection.
>>2027700I don't think she was/will be invited to anything, no one wants a narcissist at the funeral of a beloved person. Who would want a complete shitshow of Heather crying, screaming and fainting at a funeral.
No. 2027753
>>2027723>extremely ill from stressStill has the energy to take reels of her tits and shopping for dresses.
>>2027745>>2027747kek, as if she would ever offer her life for his.
I haven't been around for all of her threads, but has she ever claimed to be suicidal or suicide baiting?
No. 2027769
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>>2027723>This is the first time in over 3 years that I haven't heard from himApparently he died one week ago (picrel) and Heather didn't even notice, but sure, today is the first time in three years. Idiot.
Also picrel of course she's such a fucking creep she ran out and added his ex and started liking her pictures. It looks like the ex follows her back, but I hardly think this happened before his death. Completely shameless. Heather probably sent her a bunch of shit about how Nick was the lord of her ring and got a pity-add.
No. 2027795
>>2027769KEK Heather you absolute vile narcissist. As if it wasn't already obvious enough that she didn't care about him. She's making up for lost time that could have been spent reaping up sympathy. His own mother isn't losing her mind like this.
This might just be me but the fact that Heather followed his ex and liked all of her pictures makes me feel like she wanted the ex to go on her profile and see all the things she posted. People usually only do that when they want to be noticed by the person. As if she wants the ex to think Heather was the super goth dreamgirl of his life and she was so important to him. Heather hates other women so I don't see her trying to get a sympathy friendship out of it either.
No. 2027799
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Using his death to try to catch a date now, very classy Heather
No. 2027811
>>2027799HOLY FUCK SHE IS SHAMELESS. She's known her "best friend" is gone for 24 hours tops and she already wants to "forget her sorrows."
Nonnas she is worse than I ever realized and this is genuinely disgusting.
No. 2027817
>>2027795>As if she wants the ex to think Heather was the super goth dreamgirl of his life and she was so important to pathetic, why does she want to pull focus with the ex-wife/ex-partner of a dead guy
especially when they had been split for at least ten years and the ex had long ago moved on with someone else?
the people who should be comforting each other are the mothers of his two sons, not randos he flirted with
No. 2027829
>>2027799Oh, hopefully she will find a Ryan to go with her on a graveyard date and bury her there. If she could just shut up for a day or two, but no, Heather suffers, the world needs to know it. If you are reading this, Heather darling, dye your hair black, cry a little more and the next Ryan will be right there.
>>2027811That's what I'm feeling right now, I've always given her the benefit of a doubt, that she went to stuff with her ex-husband and it fucked her up, but she reminds me so much of a narcissist in my family, there is no doubt anymore that she is an awful, self-centred person.
No. 2027844
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I cant. heather has reached a new low for me. posting a dead man's text and audio she fucking recorded, following his ex, making this all about her. when she didn't even care for him when he was alive.
No. 2027853
does anyone remember paperyan?
>>>/snow/1421717He was her last OMG BESTIE that she went and dated. She clearly only used him for her own self praise and self satisfaction, too. And when that turned into a relationship that was clearly not as self serving as she wanted, it busted.
Her relationships with others are so self serving and transactional.
>>2027832 No. 2027894
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Back to our regularly scheduled broadcasting. Can't mourn all the ruddy day.
No. 2027941
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Is this a joke or does she think she’s autistic now?
No. 2027962
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>>2027941> in spiritWait, she really hangs out in Spirit Halloweens? lol I've seen her ref this recently but never realized this is a thing. I guess she's gotta show her goku get'em gothitude
No. 2027970
>>2027894>>2027941she has to be trolling. i feel like she lurks this thread every day. there was autism speculation towards the end of the last thread
>>2024127 , and of course in clusterbee fashion, she's trying to claim it now. this is just like her "panic attack" stories.
>>2027894this ones so creepy kek, the whole time she looks in love with herself and the weird "hi barbieee" at the end was the icing on the cake. i really do feel like she is trolling us and teasing the black hair
>>2027829>If you are reading this, Heather darling, dye your hair black, cry a little more and the next Ryan will be right there.agreed, heather, he is just a hair color change away..
No. 2028104
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Rumham dies and, after a slew of stories and bleatings all about me, me, me, Hags further fucks his memory off by sharing a photo he specifically asked not to be shared because of potential controversy. She’s such a fucking trip.
>>2027894The irony…Pete Steele wrote Black No.1 about an ex narc gf who was the most goffick of all and loved herself. It’s sarcasm. Love that it’s Hag’s anthem.
>>2028045Absolutely vomitrocious eye-fucking and tongue poking.
No. 2028109
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>>2028104Samefag to show pic. Honestly I don’t gaf either way but
> just a monster who collected dolls Okay Hags kek. Also
> I would give anything to have that photobet she didn’t even give them a thank you
No. 2028175
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She needs a fucking intervention at this point.
No. 2028176
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No. 2028199
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>>2028180> was such a good friend and master of spicy photography I would send him my nudes to rate> ultimate hype man, gave me confidenceYeah bitch to send your nudes to SomeRyan
> he couldn’t see how loved he was By women who wouldn’t fuck him or be in a relationship with him but friendzoned him 100% for being the safe reliable guy to dump all their shit on
> guys if you want to get hot chicks be more like rumham be a safe place and you’ll get all the hot girlsYeah be more like the guy who probs wanted a partner and maybe at least a nude for himself that wasn’t for another Ryan but instead was the dumping ground for the friendzoners inappropriate behaviour
> goes on to speak about the other hot women who flocked to him I cannot wait for them to start quarrelling about who was the bestest best friend with the guy they really didn’t give a fuck about, of, if they did, can’t why he topped himself as he had alllll this validation…for being a sexless support machine
No. 2028299
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I’m guessing Heather is trying to one up this girl picrel because her posts look a lot like what this girl said about rumham. SHE was the closest don’t you see!!! Only HEATHER!!!
No. 2028349
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No. 2028444
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>>2028376Here’s the one that
>>2028375 linked to. Ends at LurchRyan/BloodRyan, then a brief return to/hang out with FemRyan. We need to add Ryan’s 15 - 19 plus any RandoRyans.
No. 2028481
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What is she talking about
No. 2028490
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Hilarious that this one bears such a striking resemblance to Kathy aka Parkbenchpinup’s neckbeard ‘daddy’.
No. 2028535
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Add “blonde” to her list of reasons no one likes her that totally have nothing to do with her awful boring personality
No. 2028556
>>2028535This man is clearly saying he's interested in blondes
>when will i be someone's type?Honey you might've been that moid's type right there but you were too busy wallowing in self pity
No. 2028557
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>>2028299Yeah exactly. She’s giving props to this girl in a few post comments but you know she’s seething inside. By the sounds of it they both had the exact same experience with him. Incidentally, here’s Hags continuously tagging him in posts so she goes to the top of the tagged posts over and over again. Kek. I’ve circled Hag’s posts.
No. 2028595
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>>2027700Rumhamrevenge is such a weird name.
>>2027723She's so narcissistic and self centered, it almost feels ironic. She's a case study for it.
>>2027799H o l y s h i t Heather
>>2027894There's really nothing going on in her brain other than her appearance and ryanquest, is there? Her interests are all skin deep and fake to build a persona.
If no one is there to look at her, does she even exist?
>>2028109Yeah I can see why he thought it was inappropriate but I actually really like the concept, and even the execution.
>>2028349Girl…………………… What the fuck Heather. She's trying to start shit with the widow now, 100%. Idk what's going on in her manic mind, but it makes no sense to me that she would do this without it being bait somehow.
>>2028354>He should have loved life because he had hot women around him. They all added me btw!I hope they see how unhinged she is.
No. 2028602
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Obligatory apology if any of the names or orders are mixed up. I only came in right before BloodRyan so I tried the best I could.
Sidenote: I think I mistook DamianRyan for GamerRyan so disregard that one.
My personal tier:
BRyan > Ryan Z > ClayRyan > BabyRyan > GraveyardRyan > ChaseRyan > PapeRyan > DamianRyan > FemRyan > BomberRyan > BloodRyan
DeadEyesRyan disqualifies himself for possibly being a pedo and deserves to have a mild heart attack everyday
No. 2028640
>>2028535Imagine matching on a dating site and the person you just matched with starts acting like she's a pariah for being blonde and "weird" kek. She has no idea this is what repels people. Just dye your fucking hair or don't, jfc.
>>2028602BRyan was the best looking, excusing his balding hairline. Clay Ryan just reminds me of the anon who knew him irl and had a weird crush on him kek
No. 2028647
>>2028602You forgot AxeRyan
Dead Eyes really is the ugliest. Definite pedo vibes.
No. 2028671
File: 1724306480821.jpeg (1.09 MB, 828x1409, IMG_5898.jpeg)

>Waahhhh no one likes blondes cause it’s too weird and im not like other girls someone tells me they wanna fuck me
No. 2028672
>>2028216Honestly after this, any glimmer of hope that she might one day ascend from cowhood has been snubbed. She's such a vile self-absorbed person.
>>2028602Imagine all the crying and dramatics over any of these ugly moids. Bryan is the only one who is almost decent, but only when he's wearing a hat (and clothes). Even then he looks like he works at a gas station. The topless photo of him posing in her houseplants is hilarious though, shitty wolf tattoo and all. He looks kind of like a faggier version of gale from BG3 in it. Deadeyes and lurch are definitely the ugliest with axeryan trailing not far behind.
No. 2028715
>>2028672shes gonna be a cow for life. there is no indication she'lll grow up. dude killed himself and theres no shred of empathy from her, she still parrots her favorite song memememe.
Shes gonna reach 30 ryans in a couple of years.
No. 2028757
File: 1724338030539.jpeg (2.12 MB, 1492x2332, You_Doodle_2024-08-22T14_44_45…)

>>2028704She’s out here laying all her weapons on the table. Seriously Hags, his bm’s could be seeing this, his kids could be seeing this. These are private conversations and voice messages. What the actual fuck are you doing?
No. 2028764
>>2028176>>2028180>>2028199>>2028216>>2028299>>2028757it's crazy to me, because i always knew she's the type of person to go this low, but somehow it still shocks me when it happens. this behavior is absolutely disgusting… really sickening. she's never going to improve or get better, she's just going to keep getting worse
> I hate that she's making me feel like I'm defending a scrote's honor but damnit the man's dead. Just let him rest ffs.completely agreed, jesus fucking christ
>>2028535such a strange thing to say especially since she's the one who dyes her hair that color… always the
victim. she adds a new arbitrary reason why people don't like her every other month, and now her new favorite reason why people don't like her is because she's blonde. this picture speaks volumes about her personality. at least she makes it obvious how much of a repulsive person she is. i know she lurks here, so i wonder how many times we have to say it: no one likes you because you're an awful person who repels people with your vile personality. i know it will never sink in though. narcissists never learn and this will be dismissed as just some "hater". so i urge: dye your hair black, i'm sure a world of change is ahead of you…
>>2028637kek, exactly this
No. 2028769
>>2028757Everything she does is such ryan repellent. It's no wonder why she's been scraping bottom of the barrel for moids even when she was actually kind of cute. Absolutely psychotic and desperate to prove she was the center of his universe despite her ghosting him for months and only meeting with him a couple times in person.
>>2028764She's definitely going to add rumham to her usual rotation of "lost loves" melodrama despite her obviously using him/stringing him along. Fully expect her to make claims he's reaching out from the afterlife, maybe even though chippy the doll. Sad the guy had to off himself to finally get attention from her.
No. 2028807
>>2028708She needs to work on her personality disorders, not her appearance. She looks goth enough imo.
>>2028711My fanfic is that she uses lolcow frequently and slipped up on her terminology.
No. 2028815
>>2028805>A deep red burgundy-ish with some bangs would be cute and spoopy and would signal “goth” more then the blondei can picture that looking decently good on her (or even a lighter reddish brown) actually. both the bangs and the color. i think it would somehow compliment her poor choice of makeup because the colors wouldn't look as harsh and drastic against the red. but i also really want to see the black hair drama kek
>>2028807>My fanfic is that she uses lolcow frequently and slipped up on her terminology.i love this
No. 2028851
File: 1724358326810.jpeg (1.01 MB, 828x1447, IMG_5905.jpeg)

Girl what
No. 2028879
File: 1724363372825.jpeg (341.1 KB, 828x1458, IMG_6450.jpeg)

>>2028851Stop. This. Shit. You. Stupid. Cunt.
No. 2028881
>>2028851Heather finds out you can get cankers from stress kek
>>2028879Holy shit I thought this was an edit you made to make fun of her. She really made this herself and
posted it…
No. 2028886
>>2027512>>2028851 do you have to look for sores? Can you not feel them?
Do you need some hep meds, gurlie?
No. 2028893
>>2028881>>2028887Fucking unreal, I know. She keeps delivering the goods. What on earth possesses her?
>>2028882Abso-fucking-lutely. Rain makes her fear for her life ffs. Remember the car prangs? Hardship then? Nope. Mom came to fix it.
No. 2028928
>>2028851Is this another STD scare, why is she telling anyone other than a doctor this.
>>2028879biblically accurate heather
No. 2028969
>>2028904And the cherry on top of the eerie sundae is the fact that in all these pictures she's either crying about not having a Ryan to worship her or crying because she no longer has her fallback scrote to worship her between Ryans. Not a terminal disease diagnosis, not a loss in the family or even a loved one, not a pending eviction or concern about where her next meal will come from. All because she can't trauma bond to a scrote who looks like he only gets treated with respect when he has an assault rifle-sized bag with him.
I thought I was desensitized to Heather's crazy but her being engaged to a moid who "said disturbing things" that very well could be pedophilic after like 6 months had me taken aback. And she was willing to reproduce with him despite saying she didn't want a child. She'll settle down with the grimiest of men if it means she'll have someone to say I love you to. It's looking bleaker and bleaker every day.
No. 2028992
File: 1724383791458.mp4 (7.36 MB, 600x974, RPReplay_Final1724377958.mp4)

posting because she deleted this along with some videos talking about how she will be trying to get renn faire ryan dick this weekend
No. 2029035
File: 1724394434502.jpeg (199.93 KB, 828x1427, IMG_8625.jpeg)

Now she’s implying she wasn’t ready for a relationship with him??
No. 2029075
File: 1724410668362.jpeg (4.47 MB, 1720x3002, You_Doodle_2024-08-23T10_55_51…)

Back on the Rumham train, destination All About Me, Me, Me. Better get that $130 doll out of the closet and buy her all the kids clothes in Target. Diabolical.
No. 2029097
>>2028964Her mouth would look like a swollen baboon ass.
>>2028992Bitch probably got herpes and it's a legendary outbreak. That shit can pop up anywhere depending on the person's health and immune response.
No. 2029169
>>2029075>$130 plastic doll>bags it up like a dead body>tosses it in the back of her closet for two years>head is caved in from neglect>omg MY CHILD my baby! Save heeeer!Please God never let this woman reproduce.
>>2028851>>2028992>>2029164Just in time to spread it around the ren faire too! Suppose it's kind of on theme.
No. 2029219
>>2028992Holy fuck if she goes to Ren Faire with this unknown medical affliction and possibly spreads it to people…
I imagine she mentioned the back of her knee being affected too because it was starting to sound like an STI
No. 2029331
>>2029225its becauss shes dumb as rocks.
conpletely self-absorbed, extremely melodramatic over little inconveniences, parasitically adopts hobbies of ryan to look coll, and on top of that, a stupid bitch.
we got ourselves a real winner kek
No. 2029334
File: 1724453316780.mp4 (4.36 MB, 720x1280, oh-no.mp4)

I just can't with her anymore, I hoped for Halloween milk, now I just hope she has monkeypox and just shuts the fuck up. Her sores must be really bad, she must be grieving very hard and her depression is extremely real
No. 2029340
>>2029334>>2029335>>2029339this is the face of grieving the "worst month of her entire year"; extreme self obsessed ogling of herself. narcissism off the charts.
>look at the boobs guys!!!!! i'm gonna fuck a viking teeheeshe's so sick and grieving guys she really is having a horrible time, someone come save her
sidenote, i wrote this before seeing the third post and of course it was just as bad as the first two. deranged giggling and guffawing at herself… she's so overwraught by grief, it must be so hard having blonde hair No. 2029363
File: 1724458668987.jpeg (Spoiler Image,813.79 KB, 828x1463, IMG_5925.jpeg)

Spoiler for mouth sores
No. 2029377
File: 1724461589967.jpeg (787.08 KB, 828x975, IMG_6539.jpeg)

>>2028557I love that she’s done it again. MacabreModelling posts, tagging Rumham (green circle). Hag comments ‘yay proud of you’ or whatever platitude. It’s not up for more than a couple of hours before Hag posts and tags Rumham in again, thus taking herself back up to the very top of the Rumham tree (red circle). Fucking love it. Cannot wait for these two to have a blazing showdown.
No. 2029400
File: 1724466649829.jpeg (321.63 KB, 1080x1919, IMG_1249.jpeg)

>>2029395she bought her renfaire ticket. it’s happening. heather just gets worse by the day lately. mpox is no joke. she has no friends and does absolutely nothing, so she definitely caught it from a ryan.
No. 2029404
heather got pumped n’ dumped by dungeonsynthRyan 11 days ago.
>>2025201 mpox incubation period is 3–17 days…
No. 2029411
>>2029400no fucking way, she is really gonna go when she says she has sores and feels like she’s dying? I hate this dumb selfish bitch. Oh my god I thought it would be funny to possibly spot her there but now I’m just mad. Also who goes alone.
>>Maybe I’ll make friends and find a boyfriendSure, tell them all about your mouth and body sores as an opener while you shake their hand and breathe in their face. What the fuck
No. 2029495
File: 1724501495404.jpeg (958.81 KB, 1290x2180, IMG_1759.jpeg)

Recent post by Heather. Always one way conversation with people. Heather maybe you would start a friendship or a normal relationship with someone if you ask them how they are and say thank you for asking back you fucking self centered bitch!
No. 2029533
File: 1724511986668.jpeg (487.57 KB, 1179x1597, IMG_1250.jpeg)

>>2029495tbh this guy is heather’s looks match and just seems like the male version of her. they look like they would be perfect for each other. but she obviously doesn’t see him that way, hence her self-centered non-interactions. i’m normally all for women having higher standards, but this is heather we’re talking about. she thinks she deserves a young spoopy goth boi model type when she looks and acts like…
that. No. 2029543
>>2029480it's a relief seeing people change their mind about her. i remember some threads back a few nonas talking about how she's mostly harmless, i didn't engage with the posts but it feels good seeing people turn on her now that she's showing more of her true colors. to me she's always given off real deranged type vibes that i couldn't ignore
>>2029400>i seriously need a breakfrom what? pretending to grieve someone you used and ignored? airing out his dirty laundry publically and acting like you two were best friends? give ME a break heather. have fun infecting everyone else with your physical and mental diseases. you don't care about anyone but yourself. no one you meet at the ren fair will last
>>2029495she's a brick wall. so many people give her the attention she begs for, but it will never be enough. the validation she wants will never reach her because she's completely hollow
No. 2029566
File: 1724516569933.jpeg (1.84 MB, 1179x2073, IMG_2438.jpeg)

Her makeup is so bad all the time.
No. 2029572
>>2029566she really doesn't give a damn about who she infects. the ryanquest never sleeps…
No. 2029585
File: 1724518313461.png (317.1 KB, 1270x1448, Screenshot 2024-08-24 at 12.47…)

>>2028992>>2029363>>2029400>sores on throat & tongue>spreading to extremities>feeling unwell & achy>still going to renfaire>still on her ryanquest>will likely sleep with the first ryan who gives her the time of dayoh my fucking god, heather
(armchairing) No. 2029591
File: 1724519260095.mp4 (1.27 MB, 720x1280, infected_butterfly.mp4)

this is her full renfaire look. everything is bad. you’d think such a HiStOrY nErD could come up with something better than this.
No. 2029633
>>2029627>>2029628100% completely agreed nona. all i could think about when i read ayrts post was "this is heather we're talking about"
i also agree that she is the common denominator in her relationships failing, for certain
>>2029630>>2029631it's insane to witness. she wants to pretend like it's from her ~horrendous month of loss and grief~ when there's a very clear picture of what's going on here. anything to paint herself as the
victim, and nothing stops the ryanquest…
No. 2029665
>>2029614It’s not that she should give that moid in particular a chance, it’s that she is inundated with moid attention that doesn’t meet her wants list. Fine, she doesn’t have to give these scrotes a chance, not a single one of them, but her insufferable whining that no one will ever give her a chance is just a lie. People do give her a chance. She either fucks it up by being totally mental or she doesn’t like the person giving her a chance. Although, as this nona is saying, I think, she discounts people that she might actually have an enduring relationship with for pretty vacuous and vapid reasons. Like they don’t fit the aesthetic, they watch films, drink beer, like pop culture or won’t wear the fuck ugly ghost shirt she’s picked out for then ten months before knowing them.
No. 2029671
File: 1724536516334.jpeg (1.13 MB, 828x1442, IMG_5933.jpeg)

Surprise surprise
No. 2029685
>>2029671KEK so no Vikingryan to come sweep her off her feet, enchanted by the way her boobs stand out in her super goffik attire so she can inevitably give him an infection? a shame
i can imagine her walking around, completely uninterested in anything but herself, trying to make eyes at people who are there to actually partake in the event
cue the stories of her crying and moping the rest of the week. let us all strap in for yet another pity party
No. 2029687
>>2029671God forbid the general populace respect the boundaries of a woman who is in a public space alone and doesn't instantly accost said lone woman with "attention" and conversation without being invited to do so by said woman beforehand
Big ups to the moids of the ren faire for not being creeps too bad she wants a creep kek
No. 2029691
File: 1724538328103.jpeg (1.02 MB, 828x1440, IMG_5934.jpeg)

No. 2029692
>>2029691heather you have plenty of human contact and plenty of opportunities for human contact. would you have invited your dead "friend" had he been alive today? you choose to only have the human contact that YOU want and then cry loneliness every day. give me a break. you are the one who doesn't understand.
of course she wandered around hoping to meet people, not actually doing anything people do at ren fairs, couldn't enjoy herself at an event she bought tickets to. glad she didn't pass on her infection to unsuspecting people who are there to actually partake in something other than vanity
No. 2029698
>>2029691kek, what is she whining about, she had more human contact than many other people the past few weeks and it's still not enough? There are at least 2 Ryans a day telling her that they would date her, but they never get a chance, because she can't read subtext and isn't interested in anyone than herself. Maybe the word got around that it's not easy to talk to her and so people don't even try anymore? And maybe she should, well, go and talk to people first? But wait, ignoring people will make them have contact with her, like her dead friend, trying to contact her maybe one last time and she didn't bother to answer because she was so deep into her narcissistic self that she couldn't see anyone else than herself, like always. I don't feel any pity for her as I know that there are many people that are by far lonelier than she has ever been and those people don't whine about it for two seconds.
Have fun with your monkeypox, Heather, you will never find a man that stays with you, because you are the disease and there is no Ryan-Cure for you.
No. 2029702
>>2029698100% agreed with you nona, word for word. i couldn't have said it any better. i don't think she'll ever see how superficial and shallow she is, it's written all over her. she can't even see it and i'm willing to bet she never will. it's stunning to witness how tone-deaf all of her little monologues are, she can't hear anyone but herself
No. 2029737
File: 1724545775433.jpeg (933.57 KB, 828x1350, IMG_5936.jpeg)

How bleak to be living life like this
No. 2029755
>>2029737Damn, she really drives home that her day-to-day EVERYTHING is a RyanQuest. She was so excited for this, talked up being able to meet new people, etc. And what's the only thing she can comment on? That she wandered around alone, aka wasn't approached, and won't be back because of it. No interest in the exhibits, talking to people, engaging with the festival. The entitlement is ridic when literally doesn't try in any aspect in her life. It took her mom kicking her out in her 30s to give her something even a little bit to be proud of - not living with her parents still. She's tried to retcon that into her "no one can bring me down, I'm a strong and capable woman who has her own ((rented)) place" narrative, despite the actual truth of it being that she was kicked out after a week due to being a psycho, and mom standing firm on not letting her move back. And now I'm getting irritated remembering the Homeless GoFundMe arc kek.
I wonder if whatever her issue truly is can be fixed, or if she's doomed to repeat her cycles until she can permanently force a Ryan into her life via a child. Grim.
No. 2029771
>>2029755Heather's a lost cause at this point. She will never give up the
victim mentality. Every mundane "hardship" she goes through amounts to a slight inconvenience to the average woman, yet it's always the end of the world with her. She's spent her entire adult life trying to cling to a scrote that will manage her life for her. Every adult milestone she reaches has been forced on her while she puts up a fight against it. She would have to cut her internet usage, stop using dating apps, regularly attend and utilize therapy, develop her own personality and genuine interests, maybe focus on getting a fulfilling career, regulate her mental health, shed her pickme skin, learn how to interact normally with people, stop hating other women on the basis of them being a woman, etc….. and none of that sounds realistic. She loves being pitied and miserable far more than she loves building a life worth living
No. 2029907
File: 1724597803140.jpg (510.01 KB, 1284x2282, 1000006642.jpg)

I don't understand where she got the idea that corpse paint indicates "her people." Last I checked, people in corpse paint are generally into black metal, not Taylor Swift. I guarantee that Heather has nothing in common with your average corpse-painted Faire attendee.
No. 2029909
>>2029907she spent the entire time taking selfies or pics of her food and uploading them to ig in realtime. she had her nose in her phone
the whole time. of course no one wanted to talk to her.
No. 2029912
File: 1724598999621.jpeg (149.05 KB, 600x450, EBD7CAC0-0F94-46C0-94A8-6C8DFD…)

>>2029671LMAO. This bitch is from another planet, Planet Creep. She actually expected to walk around and have guys just come onto her like some stupid romance show.
Heather. In real life thats a fucking a creep, a predator at worst. Normal people at a fair leave others alone and enjoy being there. They buy things, eat food, get drunk. Some people have a great time by themselves. Its no one's fault but your own that youre so detached from reality.
I don't understand her brain. So she wont approach people and gets mad about it lmao
No. 2029930
>>2029907oh she's lurking HARD
i knew that she was exaggerating when she said "no one talked to her", of course now she's saying they did. those people in corpse paint would hate you, heather. you are shallow and have no personality and your world revolves around you. you don't want a friend you want a Ryan who will enable you and let you trample all over him
>i thought if i was gonna meet anyone like me, that would be the placein what universe? those people are there because they have interests
>>2029896i was thinking the same thing when i read that post. she's still thinking about the dugeonsynthryan that gave her some infection. she needs a new ryan to move on with, so she can infect him with her disease of a personality as well
No. 2029941
File: 1724606197430.mp4 (18.93 MB, allaboutLurch.mp4)

so, she has new stories up, regarding her "dungeonsynth"-stuff
>>2029896 >>2029930 going on lately.
I put them together and compressed the file so I don't have to upload 7 individual rants of her. I didn't check if it's the right order, didn't remove the watermark for the free software and all that, but have fun listening to her talking about dungeon daddy for 6 minutes. Oh, and please pray for her, so her curse will be lifted and she will find another Lurch.
No. 2029946
>>2029941thank you for your service nona
>i'm talkin about dungeonsynth, dungeoncore, medieval, spooky…39 seconds in and i have to put it down for later, perhaps when i'm feeling braindead enough for it
No. 2029985
File: 1724615091678.png (1.53 MB, 1521x832, talldarkandhandsome.png)

>>2029941>tall, dark, and handsome>absolutely covered in tattoosheather please. he's the ugliest ryan you've ever had, you dated a few months and the guy has a shitty sleeve tattoo plus some squiggle on his chest. she's clearly got her rose colored glasses on right now and fixating on ryans of past again. It's bizarre how she picks a new one each time to be her one true "lost love". So quick to forget runham's unfortunate passing.
No. 2029986
File: 1724615501483.png (1.26 MB, 1055x820, lurchbreakup.png)

>>2029941>>2029985>>2029958Went back to the old thread because I couldn't honestly remember, it's been so many ryans since. I didn't recall her bringing up dungeonsynth before, but she did. So it really wasn't monkeypox ryan she was pining over, it was lurch this entire time she was off catching STIs from other ryans. This was about her extent of explaining why they broke up. She repeated this in some fb posts simply saying he broke up with her for "stupid reasons" and her houseplants. The timeline was pretty wild though, they dated for a couple months, she started the new job at Target, then a week or two into the new job as she's prepping to move in he dumps her. This leads to her "homeless plant mommy have to quit my dream job" arc before her mom makes her get an apartment. kek
No. 2029988
File: 1724616081039.png (161.75 KB, 485x465, cradleoffilthshirt.png)

>>2029987It's funny that he brought her to a cradle of filth show because they are extremely anti Christian in theme?
No. 2029997
File: 1724617116971.mp4 (1.7 MB, 1080x1920, bestdayblablabla.mp4)

>>2029988thought I had saved one of the Cradle of Filth throwbacks she posted and here it is, so she has been thinking and crying about him for at least a week, video is from the 17th.
No. 2030001
>>2029988Yes they are lol, but their general brand was always just being edgy as possible
>>2029986Although she's right that men seethe when women dedicate more attention to other things than them, we all know that's not the real reason he dumped her kek. Also she looks so goddamn dumpy and fat in the left pic, she really needs to lose 30lbs and she'll get a lot more male attention that she wants, but of course Heather refuses to change anything about herself even her glaring fixable flaws.
(sage your shit) No. 2030003
>>2029963Right? She sounds like a divorced woman talking about a man who stole 20 years of her life. They were together all of 90 days kek. Also lol at her trying to hoover him back now that she's run out of attention, typical bpdchan.
>>2029978>he blocked me on everythingSays it all, she probably sperged at him and he couldnt take it anymore. If he's been in a new relationship for 2 years that points to him not being the problem, it's all Heather kek.
No. 2030011
File: 1724620604845.jpg (500.56 KB, 1050x1050, swiftswift.jpg)

>>2029907 What do you mean, taylor swift is so black metallllllll!!!???
No. 2030064
>>2029907>>I couldn’t quite figure out how to socialize Lmfao, no shit girl. Shocking.
>>I thought if I was gonna meet anyone like me, this would be the place What does she even mean by this
No. 2030086
File: 1724640211187.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1179x2109, IMG_2467.jpeg)

Holy shit this bitch is probably hoping to run into Lurch at these shitty shows.
No. 2030133
File: 1724653475002.jpeg (1.32 MB, 3464x3464, 44CA505D-D618-4703-923E-815174…)

>>2029391The thought of Heather meticulously stuffing her bra with padding for pictures and to get a bounce perk for videos is hilarious
She overdoes it with the stuffing sometimes like in picrel. Pic on the left you can see where her breasts lay naturally with a regular pushup bra vs. pic on the right where they're raised from being pushed together with stuffing in the bottom corners with an additional sports bra or something to keep the stuffed bra flush to her body.
No. 2030237
>>2030086So, she went to a concert and was filming the whole show, to post it in her stories afterwards? I would have been so annoyed by her standing in the front row holding her phone in everyone's face…
Do we know if Lurch recently became single again and now she is trying to lure him back in?
No. 2030275
File: 1724692520675.jpg (Spoiler Image,90.13 KB, 397x708, dungeonprintheth.jpg)

>>2030086Does anyone know what show this is? How out of character for her, there has to be a Ryan involved. She's back to teasing the black hair, spoiler bc of offensive face.
No. 2030281
File: 1724693401615.jpg (187.85 KB, 1080x1440, 456700270_912625277549203_5624…)

>>2030275It looks like it was this show at Lovedrafts Brewing
No. 2030299
File: 1724696923709.mp4 (2.42 MB, 1080x1920, he-looked-at-meeeee.mp4)

>>2030194I never read Elliot Rodger's manifesto but I've heard that's what his life was like. He would buy some kind of "attraction sign" like Chris Chan and Heather (sunglasses, car, designer shirt, etc.) and then go out in public and wait for women to approach him and tell him he was amazing and they wanted to join his basic bitch harem. He would sit in book shops or on a bench on the beach for hours and hours just waiting.
I have never seen a woman do this before, but then I've also never met one with such misandry that hated having women as friends and hungered for men like this, publicly.
No. 2030410
File: 1724705850542.jpeg (351.35 KB, 1284x2282, 1654105842606.jpeg)

>>2030284I think you're right. The OG Dungeon Daddy (picrel, jacked from the thread of their everlasting love, #11).
No. 2030426
File: 1724706374124.jpeg (1 MB, 1179x2135, IMG_2527.jpeg)

Feel like this is the first time admitting her and rumhamryan fucked
No. 2030537
>>2030426>muh curseyes, a man committed suicide because
you’re cursed, heather. it’s absolutely wild to watch her make this all about herself.
No. 2030559
>>2030426> A very close friend, whom I had a romantic past with as well, took his own life.Should have tagged his kids in this one Heather lol
So he was a moid that she fucked around with, friendzoned, and then used as a sounding board to decide which nudes to send to non-friendzoned moids? And someone
still only saw 3x in her life.
No. 2030563
>>2030490She's not overweight, she's perfectly normal. Stuffing her bra is a given for anyone who's starved for male attention- and it's the least concerning thing about her. Let's not titsperg
>>2030426I think you're right nona. From the moment Rumham debuted all the way to his demise it's always been said that Heather was overlooking him romantically because he doesn't look like what she would usually go for. Well I'll be damned. But it seems out of character that she wouldn't allude to it if they did fuck. Especially when they shared a hotel room and she went back to sadposting the very next day about how she doesn't have anyone. Maybe she's just trying to claim more of a connection to his death by claiming the awkward flirtation qualifies as a "romantic past". Even though it's clear that she only entertained him for sport until the next Ryan dropped in, then it's right back on the Read shelf for Rumham
No. 2030579
>>2030575Because he was completely
nothing in her life that now has become her
everything in the afterlife.
A thread about Heather is a thread about Heather, see?
No. 2030591
>>2030426She's alluded to it before. See
>>1830484 referencing their hotel room photoshoot.
No. 2030605
>>2030299>hottest man I have ever seen>short tubby man in a ski maskDid the rumham saga leave her with a mask fetish or something? Fascinating.
>>2030426Damn, she really bones every guy who shows her attention. Wonder why she didn't deem him "good enough" to date, only good enough to sleep witj. Maybe axeryan's lil goober friend still has a shot at a promotion.
No. 2030668
File: 1724721843970.jpg (69.67 KB, 620x413, DD-COMPOSITE-HABSBURG-JAW-V2.j…)

rattle rattle I can hear your deformed bones creaking(bait)
No. 2030678
File: 1724722555569.jpeg (776.82 KB, 828x1469, IMG_5953.jpeg)

She really should do red again instead of black it looks so much better
No. 2030802
>>2029941finally ended up watching this video and it's just insane to hear her talk like this. she's delusional if she thinks she would still be with Lurch if she didn't move. and now she's calling deadeyes crazy?
and the way she's asking for prayers at the end. she really is pathetic, the more she goes on about being cursed the more i roll my eyes.
>>2030426>we were made for each otherKEK she is ridiculous. how can she talk like this, i'll never understand.
No. 2030907
>>2030678why does this comment seem so out of place of heather making an ass out of herself again. cant tell if its a wk (does she even have any?) or heather herself (since she does lurk)
either way it doesnt fucking matter what color her hair is because she'll style it in the most boring way possible with her boring wardrobe with her diabolical personality
No. 2030962
>>2030952There's at least some truth to what she said about deadeyes judging from his social media. Still crazy she would have married him and had his kids if he hadn't dumped her first though. Ryanquest above all else.
>>2030678>>2030911NTA, but she honestly does look better here? Not that the bar is very high. Almost anything is an improvement from where she's currently at.
No. 2030986
>>2030490>>2030002>>2030001>>2029890>>2029371>>2028683>>2028649>>2028636Take 2 fucking minutes out of your day and learn how to fucking sage your posts so you don't bump the main page with mundane non-milk comments.
Type the word Sage into the email field when you post.
No. 2031067
>>2030678Her hair color doesn't matter because at the end of the day she'll still be her. No personality or sense of self. I used to think if she just tried like she used to, she would be better off (makeup, hair, coordinating clothes that aren't just from someone else's Witchy Amazon wishlist). She could play dress up all she wants to- it's just not who she is anymore and she can't accept it. You would think with all her hoarding and emersion into the goth-alt-witch-ghost hunting-dungeonsynth-medieval-history scenes, she would have to have some genuine interest. But she's more interested with proving these are her interests rather than partaking in them.
Also, she'd look like shit with red hair. That'll do nothing but be more of a red flag for what a BPD nightmare she is. She'll only be missing the trashy Nightmare Before Christmas tattoos and Spongebob pajama pants.
>>2030952Exactly! She had no problems with him apparently talking about his radical race theories and pedo fantasies. Again, she's ready to procreate with a pedo for the sake of belonging to a moid. I don't think Heather has the same ideals but she did a good job making herself look even more terrible while trying to fein ultimate
No. 2031103
She actually even said that 'a few' people at the RyannFaire approached her and complimented her on dress but she couldn't make it into a social situation. Because as per her aired out DMs it'll have gone like
Fat woman in corset - "I like your dress!"
Heather-"me too"
fwic- ""
Exit scene.
Respon by maybe talk about where you got it. But since the answer will always be no more interesting than Amazon, you've really got to reach into your cold little heart and find something nice to say to your conversational partners necklace by way of return in reply.
Yes she may be a woman! You may have no interest in being her friend because you're a woman hating bitch, but you might go around with her for a bit, meet her friend group, even strike up an actual friendship and meet friends at shit she invites you to, Heather! Even if you're doing this for sociopathic reasons of ryanquesting alone, if you ever want to be successful at that, you've got to realise that people tend to meet people through friends.
And actually she desperately needs to meet some kind of uncle Ted nut who doesn't have anything to do with online and can't get a read on her, so tinder is out and fat nerd boardgames nights are in. She will be the thinnest person there and can shine amongst all the dumpy ladies. Nerds also love polyamory which would be a rich vein of milk and the desperation is mounting where she'd consider it, I bet. She could cope the way they do, about how one person isn't enough to meet all her needs.. Which is actually probably true for once Kek
If Heather was even slightly more socially deft she could be undefined waist deep in unwashed nerd dick rn and the poor corpse of that guy could cool and rest.
No. 2031253
>>2031067The word is "immersion" not emersion
>>2031103You're not wrong but your writing style is really annoying
(non-contribution) No. 2031268
>>2031103>"I like your dress" "me too"kek nonna. I'm sure none of the people who approached her at ren faire were spoopy boys so also not worth making an effort for either. Also don't worry she's already forgotten all about rumham. She's back to the "look how goth I was" and "look at my tits" part of the ryan cycle. I guess spam posting all her sexts with the recently departed didn't get her enough attention.
>>2031253NTA, but it's not that serious grammar nonna
No. 2031342
File: 1724838710646.mp4 (9.82 MB, 720x1280, plants.mp4)

Heather admits to killing a lot of her plants
No. 2031362
>>2031281tik tok? christ. goth is about the music. heather was never goth. shes a poser goth because shes hollow empty shell of a person who emulates her ryan's interest solely for the purpose of dick.
>>2031342>has 50 plants>has to plan to do a YUGE plant maintenance day instead idk putting down her fucking phone and taking care of them regularly>cant seem to understand why theyre dyingshe takes care of her plants like her ryans. girl don't ever have a fucking pet for kid
No. 2031427
>>2031253I don't know who the fuck this autistic anon lurking in the Heather thread is, but someone complains about other posts' writing styles, anytime an anon uses humor, unusual descriptions, more than 3 sentences, etc. It's boring & more obvious than Clay Ryan Ex's writing style. I hope the mods have caught on with the red text.
>>2031103>undefined waist deep in unwashed nerd dick. What a disgustingly poetic image. I'm glad I can count on Hags fags for a chuckle.
No. 2031475
>>2031342>>2031362First she crushed the head of a supposedly loved doll she calls her "child" that she left in a closet (wrapped in a trash bag) for years. Now she's mass killing her beloved plant horde? Here's hoping she never meets a ryan stupid enough to actually put a baby in her. I wonder how her monkey pox lesions are doing.
>>2031422>>2031281NTA, but you obviously don't know what you are talking about anon. Maybe do some research outside TikTok and reddit next time?
No. 2031517
>>2031482Apparently their last show was in Detroit, Michigan in 2009. That missed concert would have been over a decade ago and this is the first time she's mentioned O- tmk. Idk when exactly she made the leap from teenage trugoth to kawaii toy collecting, furry convention attender but maybe she realized something in the timeline doesn't add up there.
She definitely has her bifocals aimed at a some super goth viking guy or something. And he must be deep into the gothic and metal music scene because she's been barking up that specific tree hellishly lately.
>>2031253>>2031281>>2031422These have to be the same retard, right? Unironically crediting reddit and tiktok is unchecked autism.
No. 2031520
File: 1724867239533.jpeg (192.19 KB, 828x1611, IMG_8749.jpeg)

Is this dude (picrel) maybe still in the run? In his bio it says funeral doom which isn’t goth but some subgenre of metal. Anyways Heather found a vintage doll in a thrift store and thinks she can resell it for 300 bucks kek
No. 2031590
File: 1724871926593.jpeg (202.73 KB, 828x1440, IMG_8752.jpeg)

>>2031520Apparently she’s into a guy that doesn’t like her back. Is this that ex she suddenly remembered and suddenly never stopped loving him?
Also why doesn’t she just delete tge app then? She wants to be rescued by a (dark) knight in shining armor sooo bad it’s exhausting
No. 2032279
File: 1726047159846.jpeg (331.9 KB, 1080x1919, Hagther1.jpeg)

Just dumping some of her Elliot rodger style musings from the last week
No. 2032280
File: 1726047184563.jpeg (360.67 KB, 1080x1919, Hagther2.jpeg)

No. 2032281
File: 1726047216604.mp4 (13.49 MB, 1080x1920, Dkdkdkdkd.mp4)

No. 2032302
>>2032281thank you for the updates nona. was really missing these threads. just have to say, the fact that she decided to post this video is, just… i'm honestly speechless. she didn't have to post this at all, and yet she did
i'm sure she was missing these threads too. wonder when she realized that we give her more attention than anyone else in her life does. even the downs looking reappearing friendzone moid seems repulsed by her, by the end it sounded like he was actually mad
>>2032279>>2032280>her Elliot rodger style musingskek
No. 2032342
File: 1726057146285.jpeg (48.15 KB, 960x960, 4362D795-6469-456B-AD1A-164C8E…)

>>2032279>>2032280>>2032281>be heather>be self absorbed to the point of immaturity>constantly post about wanting a guy like the desperation is real>be addicted to your phone to the point of interfering with irl socializing>post shit like vidrel in which moid is obviously annoyed and doesnt want to participate but keep going either way>sadpost all day about guys not wanting her on ig>blame everyone else but yourselfnever change heather.
No. 2032349
>>2032344i'm disturbed but not surprised. leave it to heather to keep making someone she made it clear she never really cared about's suicide all about her. this "curse" shit is getting old already. i'd love it if she actually experienced something so harrowing.
>>2032328agreed. heather was lurking hard before everything went down, sometimes her stories feels like she's just talking to us because we're the only people listening kek
>>2032327every other week it's
>guys won't date me because i'm goth>guys won't date me because i have blonde hair>guys hate me because of my (surface level hobby)she'll refuse to engage with the idea that it's just her personality they're appalled by, doesn't even seem to consider it
No. 2032350
File: 1726058159877.jpeg (343.71 KB, 1080x1919, Hagther3.jpeg)

No. 2032352
File: 1726058182674.jpeg (254.39 KB, 1080x1919, Hagther4.jpeg)

No. 2032353
File: 1726058268099.jpg (229.66 KB, 1051x1514, Boning.jpg)

No. 2032462
File: 1726072452676.jpeg (409.62 KB, 1232x1080, IMG_6128.jpeg)

From last night
No. 2032463
File: 1726072657647.jpeg (1.01 MB, 828x1427, IMG_6129.jpeg)

And from 20 minutes ago
No. 2032466
File: 1726073101923.jpg (283.37 KB, 1080x1919, everyonehatesme.jpg)

Saved all the stuff and this one from a week ago hasn't been posted yet. Also have a video from her loudly eating dry bread, if someone needs to see that, just say something, for me it's worse than her "singing" video
No. 2032467
File: 1726073438573.png (4.01 MB, 828x1792, IMG_8764.png)

HASHTAG BLONDE GOTH!11 why is she insisting on this label?!
>>2032466I also took a screenshot of this kek
No. 2032471
File: 1726073608900.jpeg (238.91 KB, 828x1472, 4C447CC7-A441-4818-8ED5-A13D8F…)

This one triggered me a little. First shares a post about trve black metal and then constantly spams Billie eyelash bird of a feather in her story with her mormon smiley face.
No. 2032472
>>2032349>i'd love it if she actually experienced something so harrowing.agreed she needs to experience genuine stress and trauma. may be that will put a damper on the Single White Femaleing shit because her privilege becomes soo blinding its aggravating on top of everything else
She doesnt have to worry about choosing between food or bills. she doesnt have a family member in the hospital or any type of family emergency. she herself does not have medical condition that would put a damper on her quality of life. shes not fighting addiction rooted in some type of childhood trauma. hell she doesnt even deal with the usual stress that comes with city living
nope, she is a full blown spoiled womanchild who thinks a guy will fix all her problems lmao
No. 2032476
File: 1726074337678.mp4 (17.11 MB, 1080x1920, schmatzender-Schmetterling.mp4)

>>2032473kek, you need to watch this one with sound
No. 2032509
>>2032467She must have 10k selfies on her phone by now and these are the ones she picked
>>2032476jfc i can't
No. 2032527
>>2032476>everyone else has kids, a social life, and i just eat bread with my trinketswow, she's so quirky…
thank you to the kind nonas updating with what we missed!
>>2032466>i get frustrated because i feel like i'm the full packagekek, never surprised when she says things like this. she's trying to be so humble but she can't. i think she really believes this, that she's such a catch. it's written all over her. there's a reason guys don't like you heather and it's not your "hobbies" or color of your hair! but keep showcasing how you don't care about anything but superficial things
>>2032467just a few weeks ago she couldn't stand up to those spooky black haired girls and had a target on her for being blonde… what a shame. a change of heart, perhaps? or is it just easier to keep doing the same thing over and over and pretending it's "work"?
No. 2032534
File: 1726082966295.jpg (44.95 KB, 540x696, F6utRJrWUAAvhpF.jpg)

>>2032476Maybe this madman is the only Ryan crazy enough to keep up with heather's quirks!
No. 2032562
>>2032466It almost feels like she is trolling us with this shit. It’s too much. How can she keep posting these over and over and not realize how insane and pathetic it makes her sound. Also one minute she’s the total package and the next she can’t compete with all the other dream girls? Which is it.
What is with her constantly saying “everyone else” has kids or a social life. This is your brain terminally online. Who are these people she’s talking about? Who is even in her life IrL for her to be making these comparisons? People are doing whatever they want at whatever age they want and people have different interests. You’re not special because you like antiques and wear black. And one more thing if you think you’re so cute but can’t get anyone to like you maybe try idk fixing your PERSONALITY. Quit fucking whining on social media for a start, if I matched with a guy and then saw him posting all this poor me shit, I would be instantly done
No. 2032580
File: 1726090056882.jpeg (938.66 KB, 828x1448, IMG_6134.jpeg)

Wow such a martyr
No. 2032617
>>2032580 kek i couldn't help but laugh while reading this thinking about the person who wrote it
>>2032472>>2032562i agree with both of you nonas completely.
>How can she keep posting these over and over and not realize how insane and pathetic it makes her sound. Also one minute she’s the total package and the next she can’t compete with all the other dream girls? Which is it. i was thinking that too. the juxtaposition of putting the stories together of her flip flopping between being the "full package" and "never good enough"
it as if it's a random nonexistent moid's opinion is the only opinion that seems to matter until she dates that ryan and he finds out how truly desperate she really is. she acts like her entire value is based off of how moids will see her (they hate me because of my hair! they hate me because i'm so spooky!) but yet she'll say that she thinks she's attractive the next minute and how she should be able to get a ryan with looks alone. she will never address the reality of the situation.
just like this post
>>2032580 she's looking for something that doesn't exist. a ryan that will put up with her and her repulsive personality.
>>2032614kek i don't think it's that deep
nonnie, she's just fishing for ryans. heather's interest are purely superficial
No. 2032621
>>2032462I love her brand of insanity. She's my favorite cow right now.
>>2032466Between this and the black hair sperging she went on some time ago, it's clear she really can't conceptualize something other than appearance factoring into romantic relationships.
>>2032580>Old useless decorative objects are the only source of joy in my lifeVery normal thing to say, Heather. Totally doesn't make you sound boring or devoid of an inner world.
No. 2032635
>>2032562>What is with her constantly saying “everyone else” has kids or a social life. This is your brain terminally online. Who are these people she’s talking about? I'm thinking of two scenarios:
1:) heather is very terminally online. algorithms are pretty sophisticated to essentially read a person's mood based on their likes, views, history, etc. she constantly spergs about dating, finding The One Ryan, kids, a social life etc so I'm thinking the algorithm feeds her posts/vids of other millennials in happy relationships, with kids, couples enjoying eachothers hobbies etc mixed in with lonely single life sadpost crap so her feed is a mix of two states of mind. heather, being the air-headed retard we love is taking this as a personal attack which is why shes always sadposting. with zero critical thinking skills shes in a near permanent negative feedback loop.
2.) she stalks her ex-classmate socials (especially fb) and is insanely jealous of how theyre living. i bet she also stalks past ryans socials and is mad about how theyre living life without her.
No. 2032636
>>2032580once again with the contradictions in the same post lmao.
>>I've accepted dying alone>>but also I hope I don't have tothat's not what acceptance means heather. kek
No. 2032685
File: 1726099517454.jpeg (732.93 KB, 1080x1847, IMG_6068.jpeg)

>says she shouldn’t have to beg
>begs everyday
No. 2032692
File: 1726100106460.jpeg (195.45 KB, 1289x1078, IMG_6143.jpeg)

>>2032685This is the only guy that responded and she ignored him, common Heather it’s your spooky dream boy!
No. 2032748
File: 1726106697864.jpeg (265.3 KB, 1225x1080, IMG_6148.jpeg)

Hanging out with axeryan’s goober friend Brandon. 45 minutes later:
>all alone AS USUAL
She straight up doesn’t deserve friends
No. 2032789
File: 1726112743022.jpeg (254.43 KB, 1179x935, IMG_2719.jpeg)

I think her and the dungeon synth Ryan are still talking. She’s still hearting his stuff.
No. 2032792
File: 1726113615349.jpeg (476.45 KB, 828x1457, IMG_6150.jpeg)

And the next story will be pining for a crumb of male attention
No. 2032797
File: 1726114433076.jpeg (896.35 KB, 1082x1998, IMG_2716.jpeg)

No. 2032834
File: 1726123007680.jpg (529.61 KB, 1284x2282, 1000006786.jpg)

So they could hit and quit too? Venereal disease was absolutely rampant during the civil war, so I'm sure she'd fit right in.
No. 2032849
>>2032834Wait until she reads about the racial attitudes and age of consent in the 19th century!
(lol jk she doesn't read)
No. 2032873
>>2032644Absolutely this. She is so cyclical in her rituals too. Mean a man, take him to the stairs at Gettysburg and take photos of our feet is like the opening for her Lesser Banishing Ritual like she’s an OTO member lmao
This first photo wouldn’t be a red flag to men if it wasn’t accompanied by her flooding the internet with photos of her and him, then posts of her love bombing him indirectly to ALL her followers, then slowly consuming him publicly by skin walking aspects of his interests. Combine all that with her nagging “do you love me still” and all her weird pestering AND I’m sure she is very sexually aggressive to try to control them and keep them from thinking rationally while being around her. It’s almost the art of glamouring BUT she can’t seal the deal, because it unwinds so quickly.
DeadEyes was really her last true shot at a long term relationship, she went offline and focused on that, she would post updates but like a somewhat normal person in a relationship. Even her own orbiters don’t want to be around her, look at that guy in the Pokémon singalong video. She’s known him at least a year and a half if not more and his sad attempts to hang out in hopes she puts out seem as though they’re coming to an end.
No. 2032885
>>2032580Her creative release? What is creative about buying antiques and arranging them on a shelf? No one is going to remember this trash horde as if it’s a single entity commemorating her beguiling charm and wit. It’s simply a personalized collection of other people’s things, not even
her things. Heather could never create anything worth the space on someone’s shelf.
No. 2032969
File: 1726153279360.jpeg (842.44 KB, 1284x2282, img (1).jpeg)

No. 2032973
File: 1726153384832.jpeg (895.98 KB, 1284x2282, img.jpeg)

No. 2032974
File: 1726153449051.mp4 (609.33 KB, 1080x1920, An8J8tkWZPN55qUhVRCQe-96l-lbd2…)

No. 2032975
File: 1726153480734.mp4 (1.42 MB, 1080x1920, An-mBEoVnYp124UTmVLmjfnHMQgo8K…)

No. 2033033
>>2032974>>2032975Keck at her posing and eyefucking herself while the AC is blasting in the background.
>>2032969What did brandon do?
No. 2033034
>>2032974If someone told me this is satire, I'd believe it
She is also back to posting her old boudoir pics so she is in full "peacocking" phase right now, but the only guy making her compliments is that Andrew guy she has been ignoring
No. 2033050
File: 1726165032691.jpg (210.46 KB, 720x1270, Screenshot_20240912_141251_Ins…)

Total nitpick but I hate how she has nonchalantly posted multiple pics featuring spotted lantern flies like they're some cute little butterfly. They're invasive and highly destructive and supposed to be killed on sight.(nitpicking)
No. 2033073
>>2033068kek, I've missed all you Nonnas in this thread.
Also, we have 49 days left until Halloween, I guess it's still time for her to get back with that
>>2032797 Ryan, have sex, get dumped, get back with him again, have sex again, get dumped again and finally dye her hair black to be the perfect goth girlfriend every man wants. Oh, and she could also steal 2 children, because everyone else her age has children.
No. 2033238
File: 1726190175876.jpeg (168.05 KB, 1303x1080, IMG_6158.jpeg)

She’s trying to track down lurch again. Or just any new victim. I’m sure she hates the music but the quest must go on
No. 2033263
File: 1726192900684.jpeg (371.86 KB, 828x2206, IMG_6162.jpeg)

Christ. A broken record
No. 2033296
>>2032975>that slow walk towards the mirroryeah she's spooky alright
>>2033238>>2033263>>2033286it's truly pathetic. she seems to care about nothing else. amazing how she still can't recognize the problem. that dark selfie with her in the bottom left corner and everyone in the background cracks me up.
missed you too nonna!
No. 2033391
File: 1726228207948.mp4 (2.16 MB, 1080x1920, ef_172.mp4)

More eyefucking herself
No. 2033393
File: 1726228267507.mp4 (1.67 MB, 1080x1920, Ef_7282.mp4)

No. 2033427
File: 1726236705103.jpeg (66.45 KB, 728x624, IMG_9023.jpeg)

>>2033393Still no mascara huh?
No. 2033435
File: 1726237613124.jpeg (432.43 KB, 1125x831, IMG_4776.jpeg)

instantly made me think of heather lmao. Perhaps she is not cursed, perhaps she is the curse(off-topic)
No. 2033447
>>2033432especially since this is more than likely filtered
>>2033438she fails the bechdel test every 3 minutes. its morbidly fascinating how male-obsessed she is
No. 2033467
>>2033435Next threadpic pls! Didn’t she just recently ask people to pray for her to find a boyfriend?
>>2033438It’s so funny how she just suddenly stopped posting about rumham and her grieving so bad apparently. Guess it got boring for her because it wasn’t about HER.
No. 2033470
>>2033238 It looks like she keeps going to this one place called lovedrafts brewing. Is that where Cradle of Filth played with old lurch?
I hope she goes to see Goatwhore sept. 23!
No. 2033475
File: 1726245523051.png (710.01 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_2455.png)

No. 2033491
File: 1726247352200.jpg (303.98 KB, 1080x1919, sogothsoHeather.jpg)

>>2033467she still posts a few things about how much she is mourning, but I guess she posted everything she had from him in the first 3 days and there wouldn't be anything new
>>2033488but Nonna, she recently bought new stuff. Well, my bad, only the lipstick is new, mascara or some blending tools or other colours for her eye shadow weren't on sale at Target
No. 2033492
>>2033475It's not your hobbies. It's you!
You would think the one guy telling her she is annoying would give her the slightest fucking hint. Scrotes literally do not care if you share the same hobbies. She sleeps with guys immediately. She tells guys they are her soulmate immediately. She cries about being lonely and how much it hurts her to be away from the man she loves after not seeing them for a day. There is no room to grow with her. It's intense immediately and then it becomes groundhog day until the scrote simply can't deal with it anymore.
No. 2033497
>>2032466>>2033475It's insane she's convinced that men are difficult to obtain or that any of these ugly ryans are a prize to be won. There are plenty of less conventionally attractive women with dedicated nigels? She's so delusional that it's her collection that's causing the problem (or her hair color kek) and not her desperation and obnoxious or pushy personality. Immediately putting out for any ryan she goes on a date with isn't helping either. Of course the dating app moid you immediantly jumped into bed with doesn't respect you and thinks of you as an easy lay, Heather, because you are. It's crazy because this is the same moid who gave her whatever that infection was that she attempted to spread around the ren faire. Unsurprising he's spreading STIs among multiple women he'smet on dating apps. Can't believe she was dumb enough to go back.
>>2033286>>2033432>>2033488kek nonnas. I can't comprehend what she thinks she looks like either. Remember that god awful dress with her whole bra sticking out? She's never looked worse than she does now tbh.
>>2032281Hands down one of the most embarrassing and cringey things I've seen posted itt. So quirky!
No. 2033525
>>2033516she doesnt understand its a
major faux pas to film people without their permission which includes asking people to join a retarded pokemon sing-a-long when they clearly don't want to.
she couldve sat on the bench and had a decent convo with him. a good chance to get better at conversing with people since its a skill set she deeply lacks. but nope, not enough dopamine as social media.
No. 2033601
File: 1726266487427.jpeg (29.75 KB, 480x480, EB0E53CC-B5A3-44A9-A0D2-C2374F…)

>>2033592who wants to explain to anon how glasses wearing and makeup skills work, there are no excuses for Hag
No. 2033714
File: 1726286464295.jpeg (399.93 KB, 1554x1080, IMG_6193.jpeg)

No. 2033814
>>2033714Like all the same things I like! Text me whenever you have any thought whatsoever, but make sure your thoughts are only about me or our shared (my) interests!
Hold my hand when we're in the car together, out in public together, and especially when I take awkward photos of us together!
Make sure you text me when you get home so I know you're not seeing anyone else!
Constantly tell me I'm beautiful and reassure me that I'm the only one in your life and you're thinking about me every waking hour of the day and in all of your dreams!
Let's become 90 day fiancees!
Pick meeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Heather, this is why you're single. You're a narcissistic stage 50 clinger.
No. 2033870
File: 1726331540682.jpeg (366.26 KB, 1179x964, IMG_2747.jpeg)

No. 2033871
File: 1726331562554.jpeg (203.76 KB, 1179x580, IMG_2748.jpeg)

>>2033870She is losing it on fb today
No. 2033902
File: 1726336574338.jpeg (939.99 KB, 828x1521, IMG_6195.jpeg)

I cannot imagine giving this much of a fuck about a hinge hookup that explicitly does not like you
No. 2033929
>>2033915Soul lesson?
Shut the fuck up. The irony is too much for me. The soul lesson is the one you’ve been avoiding by chasing these men. Fucking idiot. She’s going to die and come back as a gopher because she didn’t get it.
No. 2033953
File: 1726344976593.jpeg (1.99 MB, 1179x1946, IMG_2752.jpeg)

>>2033952I believe it’s this weirdo
No. 2034026
>>2033915i remember i had the strangest tinfoil that she was bringing up lurch as this "handsome dungeon synth artist who wrote a song about me" was to make this guy jealous, and now i'm pretty sure that it's true. when she was going off about her old flame being a dungeon synth artist (he is, but the timing just felt odd) who is so handsome(dude looks like he crawled out of a sewer), i had a feeling the new monkeypox fling was still in the picture. the way she was talking about it was so weird. yes he's the reason you moved to gettysburg but bringing up lurch out of nowhere felt suspicious. and now i get it, he was making her jealous by being with other women, so she was trying to act like she longs for her """handsome""" dungeonsynth ex to try and make him feel jealous. she's pathetic. i don't know where to begin with this post but
>we are SO much alike. i would give anything for someone like thatshe just wants a clone of herself not realizing that would be a horrible relationship. but i doubt this guy is even similar to her at all. her judgement is clouded, clearly, so much so that she can't see this guy doesn't give a flying fuck about her. god heather, move the fuck on, halloween is coming and this guy isn't going to give you a chance, especially not now.
>mourning 2 lossesgive me a break. don't mistake mourning for pitying yourself. that's all you ever do and that's all you know how to do. get a grip, get up, and girl move on!
No. 2034120
>>2033953this is the best looking Ryan to date (very low bar of course
even if she had a great personality, this would be a stretch for her
No. 2034133
File: 1726381275145.jpeg (504.27 KB, 1266x1080, IMG_6202.jpeg)

Picking someone else over her sounds much more romantic then what actually happened. You were one of many hookups, he didn’t pick someone else, he seemed pretty clear in that he was only using dating apps for sex and would continue to do so.
No. 2034157
>>2034133can't imagine how he feels when he sees these posts. blows my mind how she can talk like this over someone she met up with twice. she dated deadeyes ryan for how long, and then shrugged off the whole thing. she must be close to getting blocked by him cuz she's really acting over the top
>>2034122completely agreed
nonnie. it's messed up. i'm so over it but you know she's gonna talk like this for months
No. 2034171
>>2034120I don't know anon, I'm still leaning towards bRyan being the best looking (yes receding hairline and all kek) AND he didn't give her monkeypox! poxRyan sounds like a biohazard tbh.
>>2034133Crazy how many "true soulmates" one cow can have. Congrats on our #20th Ryan though I guess.
No. 2034204
File: 1726402597078.jpeg (967.38 KB, 1179x2223, IMG_2754.jpeg)

No. 2034291
>>2034204> And in the cruelest twist of all, one of them comes back to life and stabs me in the heart. Wow how callous kek. Wonder if RumhamRyan's friends/(ex?)wife will go feral on her for this one. RumhamRyan was her soul mate, they were the bestest friends over everyone else, but it's so cruel that this fuckboy only wants sex and not her! Two deaths, exactly the same, but only one is coming back to hurt her!
I can only imagine how she views herself projecting these thoughts to others kek.
No. 2034292
File: 1726414209562.gif (1.6 MB, 480x270, F644E24F-748E-4834-8F89-E49E6B…)

>>2034204>I've been putting all my value as a woman in whether he likes me or notYou have completely failed as woman Hag.
No. 2034354
>>2034204Wait, so now she's claiming to have been seeing poxRyan for at least four months now? She outright admitted to ignoring humham for actual months leading up to his suicide, but now all of a sudden he was "there for her" when she first met this guy? Something is very off with this timeline. Her switching back and forth on rumham being a soulmate and just her "bestie" is giving me whiplash too. Like she hadn't dropped all those embarrassing borderline sexts and told us she regularly sent him nudes too.
>>2034230>>2034291>Comparing the suicide of a friend with her dating app hookup telling her she's annoying and somehow treating them as equal losses?This part. I don't understand how she can type any of this out and not realize how unhinged and awful she consistently sounds. She truly seems to believe the world revolves around her and only for her. Main character syndrome and
victim complex to the absolute max.
No. 2034407
File: 1726435253415.jpg (171.46 KB, 600x895, 698009.jpg)

>>2034133This is the third person she's fallen in love with in the last 12 months…
(that's actually trending downward from past years lol)
>>2034171>>2033953"Rex The Wonder Ryan"
No. 2034502
File: 1726448617104.jpeg (248 KB, 1179x561, IMG_2765.jpeg)

No. 2034591
>>2034518Oh man I hope so. Those confident, recovering, self-caring, exercising, moisturized Heather posts that follow a break-up are my favorite.
Serious question: do you think this moid even knows they "broke up"? He seemed content to hit that if it didn't require too much work and then call her an uber when her discussion of their marriage plans became too annoying. Out of all the Recent Ryans I think he's the most likely to wind up here.
No. 2034720
>>2034566I think she keeps bringing up Rumham's death because she thinks it will make PoxRyan feel sorry for her and pick her
(Also, my tinfoil is that she didn't actually get sores/pox at all. She lied about it because she knew he would see the post … and she thought there was a chance it might make him temporarily pause with his sleeping around)
No. 2034842
File: 1726525481230.jpeg (45.22 KB, 500x500, 3327EA8F-27A2-45A7-817E-AA86D1…)

>>2034502this is so fucking corny. thirty-fucking-four years old. he took one look at that shit and said "thank god this bitch is off my dick"
No. 2034881
File: 1726530080572.jpeg (722.61 KB, 828x1452, IMG_6208.jpeg)

New Ryan alert all fucking ready
No. 2034905
File: 1726532195785.mp4 (3.47 MB, 308x480, Video.mp4)

Evil e-girl whores are throwing themselves at all of the limited supply spooky boys and thats why she hates them so much because she would never! pt 1.
No. 2034908
File: 1726532280705.mp4 (4.11 MB, 328x480, Video (1).mp4)

pt 2
No. 2034913
File: 1726532595636.mp4 (4.61 MB, 316x480, Video (2).mp4)

pt 3
No. 2034916
>>2034908>army of evil e-girls flaunting their perfect bodies Heather you would be doing the same as these girls if you weren't shaped like a barrel.
But yeah no shit, the spoopy community is full of clusterbee attention whores and narcissistic fuckboys using their edgy interests as personality substitutes for being dead inside (you are also a dead inside, attention seeking, bpd whore Heather, kek, even if you aren't the prettiest). PoxRyan was posting pictures of disfigured children and mentally disabled people in asylums as spoop porn, as usual you ignored the glaring red flags that he's a shitty amoral person and still let him cum in you. You have no one to blame but yourself.
No. 2034917
File: 1726532747611.jpeg (877.12 KB, 828x1456, IMG_6209.jpeg)

>>2034904Entering her tradcath era
No. 2034936
>>2034905I miss it when exposing your whole entire life online wasn't normal.
Her turbo pickmeism pisses me off so much. Evil e-girls! Why are they evil? Just because the male you were thirsting for was lusting after them? They're not at fault for something a random male did.
>>2034913The poor widdle baby scrotes are being corrupted by the evil succuibi! (crying emoji)
You gotta put effort on being this much of a misogynist.
The problem is you, heather. Not the girls, hell, not even the moids. Just you.
No. 2034941
File: 1726534575442.mp4 (1.14 MB, 1080x1920, normal and nice.mp4)

>>2034881Don’t deprive us of it in movement, Nonita.
No. 2034942
>>2034881Her hair is so thin and crispy. Mixed with her massive forehead it's very troon-like.
The only dude willing to deal with her shit was AxeRyan, but he also asked her to stop acting like a
victim, so of course he had to go.
No. 2034944
File: 1726535164665.mp4 (17.26 MB, 1080x1920, 4.mp4)

>>2034913You’re missing a few. Here’s 4/6. In this one she speaks to her potential suitors in which she says she’s not putting in any more effort. She’s will not be (and I quote) “used, abused and fucking tortured. Lied to or manipulated”. She wants to be left the fuck alone at this point in her life but do reach out if you’re pure of soul and are willing to put in the effort and come see her to be her friend and potential future husband.
No. 2034949
File: 1726535365724.jpg (117.64 KB, 666x500, 93px0v.jpg)

>>2034917I tried to make a meme. I added two random Ryans.
No. 2034952
File: 1726535438210.mp4 (17.89 MB, 1080x1920, 5.mp4)

>>2034944In this one she confirms she has started talking someone who is “nice and normal” with “similar appreciations” as hers. Casually mentioned she’s autistic and uses her special interests to socialise. Has realised she doesn’t need someone exactly like her. Ready to talk to “nice, normal and mentally healthy good men”.
No. 2034954
File: 1726535577123.mp4 (15.62 MB, 1080x1920, 6.mp4)

>>2034952 > dead ass children> you wanna hit it? You better have your shit together too, fucker!6/6
No. 2034979
File: 1726537652523.gif (905.81 KB, 320x190, sure-jan.gif)

>>2034905>>2034908>>2034913>>2034941the videos are so ridiculous that they actually feel like a parody. she's absolutely losing it. now everything is the evil e-girls fault! THEY'RE corrupting the men. this shits funny as hell, my jaw dropped. speechless, where to even begin…
>>2034910 but this cracked me up so hard kek
let's see how long she keeps up "i'm gonna be myself!!" shtick.
>>2034952wow. those nice, normal "mentally healthy" men will run like hell after they meet you and see you are anything but!
also kek of course she's claiming autism like every other attention whoring clusterbee, she 100% doesn't understand how special interests work. you don't take other peoples interests for a few years and conveniently and completely drop them when a new interest comes along. they aren't soley "used" to connect with people, but of course heather wouldn't understand what it's like to be actually dedicated to a hobby. if only she realized she's not that deep, everything she does is 100% surface level which is why her main hobby will always be her staring at her reflection all day.
>has similar appreciations as mine and appreciates the fact that i like this stuff. that's all i've needed!no it isn't all you've needed at all
>i thought i had to be with someone just like me because, to be honest i'm autisticpicrel
>>2034891agreed, i have to see it to believe it. fingers crossed, looking forward to halloween!
No. 2034992
>>2034917Damn, she's going to out-Conservative DeadEyesRyan at this point. I never expected to see her go full darksided Christian.
>>2034913>>2034908The way she's using "e-girl" and fucking "e-boy" is so funny here. I wonder what she thinks that means. It's also pretty rich that she always posts quite intense booby shots whenever she's on a RyanQuest but I guess other women can't do it (and for the same exact reason she does).
No. 2035002
File: 1726539214719.jpeg (225.95 KB, 1179x585, IMG_2771.jpeg)

Hopefully we get a picture. Hes got to be a middle aged cave troll.
No. 2035005
>>2035002He isn't real,
nonnie. It'll be just like that embarrassing story of the man who approached her in an antique store, then they drove to the mountains and talked all night.
Wig, despite being bald and looking like a who, is still much better looking than Heather, and she still had to settle for a fat, bald tradcath moid. Imagine the dregs Heather will find…
No. 2035006
>>2034986>I'm amazed at how little shame she has,nona i was recently thinking this with the giant facebook posts about poxryan, she genuinely lacks shame, it's shocking
>>2034991she doesn't need work done she needs an entire personality reset. how could anyone stand her the way she is now? her personality is rotting
>>2034992>The way she's using "e-girl" and fucking "e-boy" is so funny here. I wonder what she thinks that means. It's also pretty rich that she always posts quite intense booby shots whenever she's on a RyanQuest but I guess other women can't do it (and for the same exact reason she does).too right nona. i also wonder what she think she means when she says that kek
>>2035002>Hes got to be a middle aged cave troll.KEK. looking forward to seeing how "wildly handsome" he is. but wow she really won't let this go. she has to shoehorn in
>the polar opposite of the confusing situation i was dealing with this past monthis she hoping poxryan cares enough to even read and watch this shit? wonder how this moids gonna feel when she spends half of their date talking about how terrible her last experience. he's gonna realize he's an instant replacement at some point. also
>this past monthstill really unsure about the timeline. she's all over the place
>>2034952after listening to her talk about how she uses her interests to connect with people i couldn't help but wonder. i really wonder what her talking about her "interests" sounds like. is it just her repeating over and over "i like that" "yeah i love spooky things"? because seeing her interact with others has always shown how dull she is. when she talks to people she's just venting her frustrations about how hard it is to be a spooky girl that can't find a boyfriend. i know what she claims her interests are, but i can't imagine her actually talking about them to people. it's like how she turned up to the renn faire thinking "these are my people!" and came out of it completely dejected. she can't actually fit in with people who are actually autistic and passionate about something because she's anything but.
No. 2035008
>>2034905>>2034908KEK. She's delusional "he had an army of evil e-girls with perfect bodies". He's just a typical gooner scrote lusting after random e-girls and liking their thirst-traps, they don't want his ass heather. Also why would you jump into bed with this near stranger and then ask to be exclusive? It's no surprise she caught something.
>>2034910This bit had me dying too nonna. She's so unhinged.
>>2034952The sudden good Christian girl larp is never going to last. As soon as another mediocre flannel wearing spooky boy wanders into her twin sized bed it's going to be all over.
No. 2035010
>>2035006>i really wonder what her talking about her "interests" sounds like.I've been thinking about that, considering how shallow her interests are. I'm more willing to believe she wants to find people who are passionate about things that she's interested in
right now so that she can sponge up their data for herself and offer nothing in return
a personality parasite, as it were
No. 2035012
>>2034908Yes!! It's the confident, recovering, self-caring, exercising, moisturized Heather posts that follow a break-up! I'm as happy as Halloween nona r n
She's making a change guys!
No. 2035016
>>2035010that's a good point, i completely agree with you
>>2035012kekk yessss nona i love your enthusiasm for post-breakup heather, i'm joining you in your excitement
>>2035002kind of wondering, if this new guy is real, bets on him being a conservative christian?
No. 2035021
>>2034944Is she manic?
>>2034952>I'm autistic???
No. 2035025
>>2034905She’s making it sound like he lied to her but she immediately asked if they could be exclusive and he simply said no? That’s it? You’re grown Heather, walk tf away if that’s not what you want. He did not trick you. What did the “e-girls” do wrong? So she needs to date a conservative man??? What on earth?
The rest of this villain Heather is just indescribable, she’s angling for /pt/
No. 2035048
>>2034905Kek, and again, all the other women are to blame for her not getting a boyfriend. She totally lost it now, the last Ryan seemed to be very clear about wanting sex and not anything else. Her playing that she is so better than everyone else and has so high standards and morals is funny, because someone looking for a man of god and being morally above anyone else wouldn't have sex on the first date with every Ryan she ever met.
>>2035012Do you think she will change her appearance and get rid of all her black clothes, because honestly, a decent, conservative Ryan wouldn't want her to attract other men by her spocky looks.
>>2035021That autistic got me as well, we all know that's not the mental illness she has
No. 2035132
>>2034904kek proof?
>>2034908of course she blames other women and anyone other than herself. this was clearly a one night stand she took waaaayyy too fucking seriously. dude already was having hookups and sidechicks before her, and was under no obligation to change his ways for her and that’s why shes gone Full Retard. We already know how she parasitically attaches herself to every guy she fucks, its just fascinating seeing how she rationalizes this.
No. 2035135
File: 1726573219033.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1179x1726, IMG_2775.jpeg)

>>2035132There are multiple but I don’t want to look at his account more than I have to.
No. 2035155
>>2035135I think Heather would do well as a tradthot if she learned real home skills like cooking and settled for some loser that would be willing to financially support her like her first husband. But her need to be a
victim and act out for male attention is too high kek
>>2034941Kek. Frizzy hair, stupid facial expression, needy caption, this is peak Heather, need to be in next thread pic
No. 2035209
File: 1726592930215.jpg (63.31 KB, 720x1280, 1000006819.jpg)

She's right (broken clocks, etc) but I thought she hated media. Hasn't she claimed multiple times that she's just TOO REAL for films and books? Where's this opinion coming from?
No. 2035256
>>2035239Jumping on the MAGA train will be perfect to add to her list of ridiculous reasons no one wants her besides her being an awful person to be around. Right wingers love being
victims and martyrs because of their politics
>no one will date me bc spooky and blonde and conservative they only want evil ewhores! No. 2035263
>>2035256I thought that was what left-wingers do…. aren't they the ones feeling like
victims constantly?
(derailing) No. 2035267
>>2035263Sir are you lost? Have you seen Heather and her constant “I’m the
victim” cries? She’s clearly not left leaning. Moron.
No. 2035312
>>2035256Funny if true because the “no one loves me bc blonde and spooky” are her delusions but being a hardline MAGA right-winger… Yeah Heather that’s going to be a huge, no-middle-ground turnoff for a lot of people.
>>2035272TBH I was fully ready to believe she spent literally every waking moment on dating apps or staring at a wall, eye twitching. She’s so poised to be a “married to Sephiroth”-type cow but she just never has been.
No. 2035365
>>2035353agreed, my tinfoil is it's just the latest ryan she's talking to (if he's real) who's into that stuff. or she's ryan baiting like you said. i immediately am suspicious whenever she brings up a new thing she likes. at this point, you'd just have to be suspicious with her. i really can't imagine what it's like to be that empty and shallow
>especially if it gives her an excuse to shit on other women ie e-girl harlots in a holier then thou type waytoo right, it's so rich to boomerang to conservatism immediately after "i slept with him when we first met and then asked him to be my boyfriend" fucking kekkkk. the whiplash i get with her
No. 2035368
File: 1726616698575.mp4 (2.81 MB, 1080x1918, buffalo-bill-vibes.mp4)

Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me. I'd fuck me hard. I'd fuck me so hard
No. 2035427
>>2035368>the filenameKEK
she's obsessed with herself, seriously. it's her only interest
No. 2035674
>>2035368This is so embarrassing, especially the tongue behind the teeth thing. Full predator.
>>2035656I agree, it's all very doing-my-very-best-to-appear-feminine. Meanwhile she's wearing thick ass leggings under dresses with thick socks and ugly gothteen boots spinning around in some kind of lace tablecloth like the dangerous retard she actually is.
No. 2035774
File: 1726691006538.jpg (129.76 KB, 720x1280, 1000006833.jpg)

She really seems to think that people want to see those trotters. She probably has trench foot from wearing winter boots all summer.
No. 2035810
File: 1726694925228.jpeg (634.67 KB, 828x1377, IMG_6245.jpeg)

Get ready
No. 2035846
File: 1726698626287.gif (435.02 KB, 500x281, 999DFA9F-B458-40A8-A553-AC5350…)

>>2035810shes one of my favorite cows because the milk literally never stops, but also one of the most frustrating for the exactly same reason. she keeps doing the same shit over and over, expecting a different result.
she puts out on the first date (read: one night stand), claims shes found the One and constantly gushes like a teenager, puts every interaction online, he tolerates her for a bit until the sex doesnt not make up for her total lack of a personality, he breaks it off because it was never supposed to be serious, she REEEEEs for days on end in her live posts, gets over them, then the cycle repeats.
its like mental mental purgatory
No. 2035881
>>2035656>>2035686It's because it's very awkward performed femininity all for male approval. Also, I'm sorry nonnas, but she's never actually dying her hair black. She was just trying to get a rise out of poxRyan because he was thirsting over "evil e-girls with perfect bodies" and black hair. She turned around and started sperging about "NOT my lestat, MY lestat is a blonde"
>>2035209 immediately after deciding to drop him for good. kek
No. 2035951
>>2035846Yes. It would be even more crazy if someone was bored enough to build a spreadsheet of her posts. At the same time she's now claiming she was madly in love with Pump'n'Dump Ryan, she was still thirsting for a spoopy boyfriend nearly every day on IG.
> its like mental mental purgatoryHeather is mental illness turned into flesh. She's reconstructed her whole life to accommodate it.
No. 2035975
File: 1726714604787.mp4 (18.45 MB, spooktacular sheetz…)

Tonight's update from the Sheetz parking lot
No. 2035978
File: 1726714736280.jpeg (666.65 KB, 828x1368, IMG_6253.jpeg)

>>2035975Date must have not gone that well because she didn’t hop right into bed with him. Probably wasn’t spooky enough
No. 2035981
File: 1726715411390.jpeg (527.5 KB, 1179x1811, IMG_2815.jpeg)

She also deleted an instagram story about him not liking her for whatever reason. Then posts those absolutely bizarre lipstick stories.
No. 2036038
File: 1726731445475.png (1.07 MB, 525x924, 2020goals.png)

>>2036012>>2036016Ryhab would never work nonnas, she'd just start to fantasize a whole life with one of the poor orderlies there. She can't be stopped until the ryan quest is complete! Friendly reminder these were her goals just four years ago.
No. 2036118
>>2035975>goes on a date (questionable, reason for doubt)>mundane comment about lipstick>rambles for nearly 5 minutes about moid #572 from years ago>tries to tie it into the lipstick at the end she's so goddamn theatrical here. the constantly zooming in and out and gross faces. the lip smacking and creepy smiles. i can't help but wonder if she's trying out her new autism larp? she's trying really hard to be quirky here and it's looking real ugly and deranged on her. also, kek how she can't keep track of the moids she was dating, nor the dating apps, and pretends like she cared that guy had a girlfriend already. what an odd set of videos.
>Fuck you fuckboys i hate all of you!!!!!still seething about poxryan kek, i agree with the other nona about post-breakup heather, it's pretty funny.
>>2035981KEK of course he didn't like you heather… come on now, get with the program!
>I'm so weird for loving this city and antiques and no one can date me unless they love them as much as ME! because having these interests makes me so weird!!!yeah… liking antiques and gettysburg is real out there.. he definitely wasn't turned off by the fact that you probably spent half the date complaining about your most recent one night stand. there's just so much wrong. does she think that everyone who dates each other NEEDS to have the same interests or else it will all fall apart?
>>2035984yeah, it's probably like
>>2035005 said
>It'll be just like that embarrassing story of the man who approached her in an antique storei was doubting his existence and now i'm doubting it even more. but if he is by chance somehow real and they never see each other again, i wouldn't be surprised if she never brings up that conservative christian stuff again (unless she meets another kek)
>>2036012strap in
nonnie you're in for a ride. reading heather's old threads is always a treat
No. 2036131
>>2036118she likes claiming autism because its a convenient excuse for her actions and probably that shit online.
but her real problem is her fucking phone and dick obsession. social media addiction legit fucks people especially in the conversational skills department and no one wants to be around Desperation Incarnate. shes making herself lonely and unbearable
No. 2036263
File: 1726788368180.jpeg (56.74 KB, 193x236, IMG_8152.jpeg)

> going to where my ex lives this weekend
Oh oh she’s headed back to Scranton this weekend. Was that TrainRyan the autist?
Also picrel how have I never noticed this before? Small kek but still.
No. 2036330
File: 1726800286211.mp4 (14.51 MB, 1080x1920, 01.mp4)

Heather has found herself in a financial pickle.
> Quoted
“ Hello, uhm, so, I’m home from work and I’m about to manage a little situation I’ve found myself in. So, I’m not quite sure what happened but I’ve been totally fine living on my own for the past two years, haven’t had any major financial troubles since I got settled in, it was really tough in the beginning because that was a whole other situation, so, I needed some help in the beginning ‘cause it was just bad but other than that, I’ve been fine, I’ve been able to pay all my bills plus have a little fun, and, build a little life for myself but something happened this past month where for some reason, I am broke and that’s never happened before.”
No. 2036334
File: 1726801163612.mp4 (11.66 MB, 1080x1920, 02.mp4)

>>2036330> Explains her budgeting There seems to be none
> Considers selling her Emerald the Enchanting Witch doll “So basically, usually, one of my paycheques pays for my car and insurance and a few miscellaneous bills and then the other paycheque is my rent paycheque, so, I have a little bit of recovery in between the two but, um, usually I have like a couple hundred dollars buffer in my account, so, even after the rent comes out, like, I’m fine! You know? Um, but that hasn’t been the reality this month. I don’t know what I did but somehow the buffer is gone. It is gone! So, I need to rebuild that little buffer that I have in between those two paycheques, um. So, I’m trying to sell stuff! I have a lot of stuff to sell. I have this doll that apparently is worth quite a bit, and I’m going to sell her for quite a good deal [baby voice] if anyone really wants her! She’s super rare! Um, I’d like to get like at least 100 dollars for her.”
No. 2036342
File: 1726801945594.mp4 (18.02 MB, 1080x1920, 03.mp4)

>>2036334> Will open Etsy shop> Needs around $500 to be okay“I’m also going to be going through my closet. Uh, a while back, a while back! I got all these, like, little shipping bags to try sell some of my old unworn Kill Star clothes. Uh, so, I wanna get those up and I was deciding where am I going to post those. I thought about making a Depop. Do you guys shop on Depop? Would you do that? It just makes shipping easy-peasy for me, you know? Depop just tells me, like, what it needs and it gives me a label, and, you know? But I haven’t done Depop in years but would you guys wanna buy on Depop? Would you just wanna buy directly from me on Instagram on my selling page? Uh, let me know. And then the other thing is, either between tonight or tomorrow, I need to start that fucking Etsy shop because I have so much stuff, even if Etsy is going to take a big fee, like, hey! I don’t care! I just gotta get stuff moving. I just wanna make, like, 500 dollars from selling stuff, then I’ll be okay. So, stay tuned for that!”
>>2036332Driving hours to go visit Ryans that don’t seem to put the same effort into visiting her isn’t helping either.
No. 2036349
File: 1726802875801.mp4 (16.94 MB, 1080x1920, 04.mp4)

>>2036342> Mentions vintage toy collection she used to be famous for> Calls it dark and evil and how it caused her to be terrorised over it> Toy collection linked to trauma “Like, I had to keep pushing it off and I got so distracted and so lost by life, but dude! Like, I need to get stuff sold, like, immediately. I also have, um, my old ball joint doll collection, I’m gonna be selling off most of them. Like, anything I can do to get a couple hundred dollars just to give me a little buffer so I can get back on track because this has been a scary month and I’m just looking at things and I’m like: ‘oh my god! Oh my god!” So I am, um, going to start looking into anything I can sell and then figure out where I can sell it and then, oh my god, back home I have a vintage toy collection that I used to be famous for and it was really dark and evil, and like, people terrorised my life because they hated me over that collection, uh, so, uh, that’s a bunch of trauma linked to that collection, that’s why it’s still in storage but it’s worth, like, thousands of dollars, so if I could sell like that whole thing, that’d be great. Um, but I’d have to get back to Pittsburgh to get it and it’d be a whole big mess.”
Do you think Heather has insurance for her valuable toy collection?
No. 2036350
File: 1726803485408.mp4 (18.59 MB, 1080x1920, 05.mp4)

>>2036349> $100 would change her life right now “But anyway, the first thing I would like to sell is her [shows Emerald the Enchanting Witch doll] She does not light up, unfortunately, and I accidentally cracked her battery pack in half when I was testing her batteries but, um, other than that, like, she has a little damage to the tulle on her top, it’s like coming off a little bit and her flower is just slightly rough. You know, just a few little chips here and there but she’s not so bad specially for being such a rare doll. So, even though she doesn’t light up, she’s still a rare doll from 1972. So, if anyone is interested in Emerald, let me know. If I could get like, I was hoping to get $150 for her, they sell for, like, 2 or 3 hundred, um, but since she’s not work[cuts self off] if I could get 100 dollars plus shipping. Hundred bucks! That would change my life right now. So let know if you’re interested.”
No. 2036354
File: 1726804093726.mp4 (17.77 MB, 1080x1920, 06.mp4)

>>2036350“And then I might try Facebook Marketplace. I’ve never sold on there yet, I’m a little bit nervous to but, um, I’m sure I have plenty of things around here I can post up but, um, I’m gonna go for a walk, get a little bit of sunshine, and then I’m gonna come back and take pictures for whatever, wherever, wether [sic] page I’m gonna sell on. Probably gonna start with ball jointed doll stuff so I could post those up on some Facebook groups, um, and yeah! I just gotta figure that damn Etsy thing. I was actually looking at it a couple of days ago on mobile and trying to figure it out because I’ve only have a cellphone, so, the sell on Etsy app wasn’t working at all, I don’t know if I need to reinstall it but, um, I really wanna get that going. It looked a little complicated but, I don’t know, I think I’m going make up, make the Depop, and I’m going to try get Etsy going and yeah, I have a lot to do tonight. So, talk to you later.”
No. 2036358
File: 1726804810521.mp4 (17.71 MB, 1080x1920, 07.mp4)

>>2036354Here she discusses that visit to Scranton that
>>2036263 mentioned.
> Quoted“So now I’m kinda reconsidering if I should be going to this oddity show this weekend, right? But, the reason I’m going isn’t to buy anything because I won’t be buying anything. I’m literally just going trying to connect with other collectors, like, I need to immerse myself in any sort of event where antique collectors will be because that’s my community, that’s my world, like, [pans to trinkets on shelves] this is the stuff that I feel the most at home with, like, this, this is me, you know? And I wanna meet other people that, they understand it, they get it, you know? So, that’s why I’m going to this thing, just to try to connect to other collectors, just be immersed in it, you know? Uh, plus, like, ugh, I used to date this guy last year that lived in Scranton, and I was going to some great cemeteries up there every week and now that I have an excuse to go back to Scranton, I wanna go back to my old cemeteries.”
No. 2036361
File: 1726806044398.jpeg (445.88 KB, 1208x2833, 28 August 2024.JPEG)

>>2036334>>2036350Emerald seems to be a very recent purchase along with a hair wreath she has got in a payment plan.
No. 2036369
File: 1726808327843.jpeg (261.49 KB, 415x1305, IMG_1240.jpeg)

>>2036361it’s literally half of the money she needs - if she had to go on a payment plan for a hair wreath…. woof.
No. 2036419
File: 1726820308888.jpeg (255.21 KB, 1284x2283, police-me.jpeg)

>>2036398She's so incredibly flakey that she's begging her "friends" to text and call her to hold her accountable.
No. 2036421
>>2036381>ex husband is married to an actual goth girlTHIS. Reading the first thread made me wonder how she got from pastel retro toy collector to this wannabe killstar thot?? I Wonder if at some point she looked back and saw her ex new gf and had an existential crisis?
>>2036257Yes she used to look so polished and non grandma like!!
No. 2036493
>>2036450she was really showing her true colors in that video. it's very often that i will see her do the whole "i'm a quirky girl eating bread on the floor and am just a lonely sweet spooky goff who wants to connect with people who like the same things i do!" acting all innocent. she often keeps up this sweet persona, she'll break character sometimes but not too much. occasionally when watching her portray herself like that, i'll think back to that video. it really proved just how much of a monster she can be behind the scenes. i did suspect she was that kind of person and my suspicions were confirmed. thank you for refreshing my memory with that video. it's been a bit since i've seen it. you described it well kek. hope it can resurface here as well for the nonas who haven't seen it
>She didn't know how to set up the camera but didn't want to accept the help about it because she knows everything. She started fumbling with the camera like a frustrated child trying to put a square block through a circle holeKEK in true narcissist fashion.
>>2036257>Why did she stop wearing mascara??? Her eyes used to be a nice feature on her facei'll admit she looks better with lashes but no matter which style heather wears, i can not unsee the crazy in her eyes. i don't know how else to describe it, but it's unsettling
No. 2036494
File: 1726839365753.png (356.61 KB, 578x680, 1543465360687.png)

From thread one. Lol this didnt age well at all.
No. 2036591
>>2036430Yeah, but mainly her ex, while others did the equivalent of keeping their distance and talking about the weather.
>>2036450When she finally said what she was freaking out about, it was "You guys are getting all of the good video and I've got nothing, I've got shit, my channel is dying. It's DYING." She was screaming about other people filming things while she was filming things. I've seen this before but never in anyone over age 7.
No. 2036730
File: 1726875874737.jpeg (118.03 KB, 1200x675, 65FE4A1A-1F52-4F71-AF46-12BB09…)

>>2036493>>2036494I cant believe shes literally been doing the exact same shit for 5 fucking years with over 20 fucking guys. holy fuck, shes on her way onto becoming a neo-legacy cow in a couple more years and graduate to /pt/
No. 2037419
>>2037348no, lifetime alimony isn’t a thing in California unless you’ve been married longer than ten years, and even so it’s hard to get
California alimony usually stops after half the length of the marriage
No. 2037427
File: 1727048978942.jpeg (696.11 KB, 828x1402, IMG_6312.jpeg)

Who do we think this is pining for, poxryan, the guy she just had one date with or a secret third ryan? I’m going with poxryan
No. 2037459
>>2037303thank you nona, was hoping someone would resurface it! more people need to see this, it really shows that side of her that we never get to see because of how she presents herself through social media. i think this is more her true colors.
>>2037338i agree with you and often felt like this. whenever shit goes wrong with a ryan, sometimes i remember that video. i can picture him suggesting therapy or implying she has a problem in any way and then when i see something like "he broke up with me because he's jealous of my plants" or whatever made up reason, i just know she was a total bpdemon behind the scenes.
>>2037309>Heather ExplodesKEK
>>2037427100% poxryan. she can't get over him. she keeps passively aggressively mentioning him in all of her recent activity. this is what happens when someone says "no" to a narcissist
No. 2037584
>>2037427Outfit is the same short sleeves, red glasses, clown lipstick and necklace as the time she drove to Maryland to see poxRyan
>>2025201See, that's why she didn't block him nonnas, so she could hope he would still see photos like this.
> I swear I loved youlol this meetup was barely even a month ago, and they hardly knew each other before that. I have hair extensions older than most of her "loving" relationships lol
No. 2037689
File: 1727110029959.jpeg (209.73 KB, 1179x643, IMG_2847.jpeg)

No. 2037764
>>2037760Bold of you to assume this guy isn’t going to fuck her the one time and ghost lol. He literally has zero to lose, free sex, never see her again.
She’s right? She has earned this. She cannot recognize this pattern at all. This is gonna be the ultimate ghosting.
No. 2037810
File: 1727127379767.jpeg (790.11 KB, 828x1427, IMG_6325.jpeg)

No. 2037848
>>2037810This implies that attractive women are only that, pretty and have no heart, empathy, love to give or even personalities. Only Heather, she’s the one with a REAL personality. Every and all other women are cardboard façades.
She is so atrocious, this is why she’s alone. She genuinely sounds like Eliot Roger
No. 2037858
File: 1727134255271.jpeg (317.46 KB, 1307x1080, IMG_6329.jpeg)

>>2037810She deleted this one, kept some other cringe though
No. 2037865
>>2037820that vid gets funnier every time i see. first shes the type that when mad, argues for the sake of arguing. virtually nothing can stop those types. you literally have to wait it out. you have to stop responding to them. but thats really hard because of how baiting and insulting to you they will be that you have no choice but to respond to them, so I'm not even surprised her ex joined in. she does the exact same thing in all her stories tbh…
this is why no other woman wants to be friends with her, and the sex is not enough for the guys to stay long
>>2037860she wants to get laid on holloween
No. 2037902
File: 1727142714155.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1179x2122, IMG_2852.jpeg)

No one was asking. She looks unhinged
No. 2037917
>>2037902Just an excuse to post herself topless.
The problem with her isn't wearing glasses. It's that she picks the fugliest, least flattering frames ever. The current ones look like she is wearing coke bottle lenses. The ones before that looked like glow-in-the-dark grandma glasses. Every frame also looks way too small on her bobblehead. I don't know why she doesn't try some oversized or trendy wireframe glasses. At least get a black frame or something. It's harder to mess up.
No. 2038134
>>2038111Oh thank God she used (Taylor’s version) so we know girlie stands by her QUEEN
This is the last thing Final BoyRyan will see before she lowers him into a shallow grave lol
No. 2038345
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No. 2038347
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No. 2038348
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No. 2038349
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No. 2038355
>>2038345You just know she’s absolutely insufferable to hang out with, begging to have photos taken of her pretending to look nonchalant. They probably only caved in to hang out with her because she was undoubtedly blowing up their phones and shit with how
lonely she is.
No. 2038456
File: 1727281374795.jpeg (1.85 MB, 1179x2061, IMG_2855.jpeg)

Literally has nothing at all with how she looks. She’s insane.
No. 2038582
>>2038517Yes, at least sometimes without protection as she recently had a totally overblown "pregnancy scare" with a Ryan she just met.
A few years and a few threads ago she would get hair samples of new Forever Ryans for a locket, I think? It's such a blur with her, that was like 10 Ryans ago.
And she mirrors everything about her new beloved while demanding their total attention. I imagine it's something like meeting someone with no personality, who suddenly takes on your personality, and then demands your constant praise and lovebombing for that thing they're reflecting back at you.
She's at once the most complex and stupidly simplistic cow in /snow/.
No. 2038716
File: 1727320713141.jpeg (279.62 KB, 828x1452, IMG_6354.jpeg)

Wonder if she’s gonna try to move back in with her parents
No. 2038726
File: 1727321927915.jpeg (305.18 KB, 828x1361, IMG_6355.jpeg)

No. 2038738
>>2038348Heather is so creepy she literally looks like a parasite attaching herself to its host in that picture.
>>2038733This, she's getting a reputation as the town bike, gotta move onto greener pastures so she can suck blood from new Ryans, like the fat boring tick she is.
No. 2038767
>>2038726>the only people who tend to be interested in me live hours awaythat's precisely because they're nowhere near you
>>2038716>i don't think i'm that bad that it should be this impossiblemaybe reflect, or get a journal. try to find the common denominator. but instead she'll whine and whine on instagram endlessly until the next unsuspecting ryan comes her way and she chews through him so quickly he won't know what hit him. she's such a broken record. all of her post would make any sane person run in the opposite direction. she always baiting for ryans, she really is doomed to this cycle no matter where she ends up
No. 2038768
>>2038733>>2038757>>2038738Not sure they even need to have a network of failryans to spread the word when all they have to do is see her social media and daily >tfwnospoopybf posts.
>>2038512ily black hair nona
No. 2038937
>>2038456>>2038716>>2038726If I were friends with her I would feel so insulted by her constant whining about how she is so lonely and has no one in her life. She had so much more dates and "relationships" in the past year than anyone else I know, still she will never understand that it's not a problem where she lives or what her hobbies are, the problem is her personality and the lack of black hair.
I hope not everyone in her area heard about her behaviour and we will get some Halloween milk in 35 days.
No. 2039034
File: 1727387006335.mp4 (5.98 MB, 1080x1920, img (1).mp4)

No. 2039052
>>2039034>so quirky! this one statement i made to myself is proof of how unique and special i am, no one else has these interests and it is why i will die alone and it is not because of my glaring personality disorder!>>2038937>>2038954>>2038982KEK i love this scenario. counting down for hallloween milk and still fingers crossed for black hair milk too.
>If I were friends with her I would feel so insulted by her constant whining about how she is so lonely and has no one in her life. She had so much more dates and "relationships" in the past yearalso i agree completely, i think of how there's people she hung out with literally a day or two ago and she acts like she's DESPERATE for human contact when there's people in this world who are way more isolated than she can comprehend. there's constantly a rotation of people who have not only expressed interest, but indulged her in them and she chooses to still whine and mope. nothings ever good enough for her. she has no idea how much she shows her hand kek.
>>2039022i agree, i'm doubtful he's real (would be great for halloween milk though, here's hoping) because she's been firm on the "make poxryan jealous" train so far, but i wouldn't put it past her to be texting guys left and right making sure she has them lined up for her while she's still in a relationship
No. 2039092
>>2038716>Facetime date never talked to me againI can just see her throwing herself a pity party on camera while the moid can't get a word in edgewise and just noping out of there the first chance he gets.
No heather, it wasn't your hobbies. You're just a rotten cunt.
Even the town bicycle has repeat offenders, i imagine the word that gets out about her is how deranged she is.
Still, i'm also 100% still hoping for halloween milk and agree black hair is the way to go
No. 2039272
>>2039034Being into morbid curiosities like post mortem photography, Victorian mourning jewelry, cemeteries, taxidermy and other preservation hobbies…a LOT of married women are interested in this stuff alongside true crime and paranormal stuff…genuinely I don’t know what she’s talking about. Most antique malls are owned and operated by married ladies in the central PA area. Most Gettysburg enthusiasts….married adults…
I will say her own home decor and how she presents her antiques makes her seem mega unhinged, like if you’re not careful you’ll end up a lampshade in her collection lol. She needs some nice glass display cases, like antique wood ones, maybe even a glass top display desk. She needs to disperse things throughout her place, not just have a Walmart shelf shrine like she’s some sort of insane person collecting other people’s mementos (oh wait…). There are so many things she could choose to focus on to make her own life less intense. I am starting to thing maybe she is autistic lol, her executive functioning skills are weak to say the least.
No. 2039601
File: 1727482796414.jpeg (850.42 KB, 828x1348, IMG_6395.jpeg)

No. 2039623
>>2039572I genuinely think Heather is the most depressing cow on this site. She's not even a horrorcow or anything who's done something particularly vile or egregious, except being a jealous insecure oversharing bpdemon.
It's so grim watching someone repeatedly bash their head against a wall over and over again expecting different results. She's really going to be like this until the end of her days and there's nothing we can do but look on. I wish she would get some self esteem and self love, genuine esteem and self love, not 'self love' depending on her hair color or how many Ryans are in her mentions. It's so tragic to see a 34 year old woman permanently stuck in her insecure awkward tween girl phase and never making any signs of progress.
No. 2039726
>>2039693NTA, but I think that nonna's sentiment was that men are easy to obtain and are plentiful, which is generally true. Heather really wouldn't have all the trouble she has just because she's a bit frumpy and likes antiques. It's solely her psycho behavior driving these ryans away each more quickly than the last. It's not like her standards are terribly high either.
>>2039665It's pretty obvious she was only saying that to try to get more ryan attention. She's dropped it since and has turned around into pretending to be more conservative now.
No. 2040032
>>2039891At least one of them (someone who had gone on a date with Heather) posted a few threads ago. He made a screenshot and accidentally included his pfp.
>>2039799>>2039798Agreed but there is a strange inceldom in this thread anyway. Heather going to the ren faire and expecting spoopy boys to approach her and then crashing because they didn't was crazy. Supposedly Elliot Rodger did that. Her hatred of other women is right out of Chris Chan's hatred of boys as potential rivals for bf-free girls. And then there's DeadEyesRyan with his supposed groyper status if she's tell the truth about that.
There are incel markers all over the place, though Heather herself gets more strange loser dick than any cow that isn't being paid for it.
No. 2040093
File: 1727606962807.jpeg (1.66 MB, 2568x2282, 01.JPEG)

Heather posted a few Instagram Stories. Here are some of the relevant ones.
No. 2040094
File: 1727607091713.mp4 (6.6 MB, 810x1440, 02.mp4)

>>2040093I’ve combined some stories into groups that fit a “theme” as to not bombard the thread with videos. She posted these in between the photos here
>>2040093 (also combined)
> Transcribed“Why be basic and normal when you can be weird and beautiful and be surrounded by weird and beautiful things.
The biggest compliment is whenever guys look at my pictures and they ask what antique store I am in.”
I never want to see her complain again about how insulting she finds when guys discuss her hoard.
No. 2040095
File: 1727607251703.mp4 (15.62 MB, 810x1440, 03.mp4)

>>2040094This one is worth a listen even if you’d rather skip her videos, the voice she puts on is something else.
“After the day I’ve had, after what I did today for the corporation…You guys have no idea how good it feels to be in my room, with a clean face, comfy clothes on, surrounded by my many treasures, this is my, this is my safe place. This is where I belong and I’m home.”
No. 2040104
>>2040094>>2040095completely unhinged. i could be totally wrong but for some reason it feels like there's a new ryan on the horizon, or at least someone she has her eyes set on. prayer circle for halloween milk/black hair milk. there needs to be a ryan who's as superficial as she is and says something along the lines of "i won't date you unless you have black hair" or something. either way, if she's bored and wants some attention, dying her hair would be the ultimate move, we'd be celebrating in the streets kek
anyways, regardless if there's (hopefully) a new ryan on the horizon these stories are just so creepy and unsettling. it's more refreshing than her constant victimhood posts about how everyone hates her for every reason outside of who she is as a person, but still just deranged. she didn't tell us about the day she had but she had to start off the video with something so she could show off her "display" again. "you guys won't believe the day i had at work! anyways please feast your eyes at my physical possessions that i have deemed my safe space, i am moisturized, i am cozy." i did have a big chuckle when she put her hand on the picture frame after filming it for way too long with the sentimental music KEK
>This one is worth a listen even if you’d rather skip her videos, the voice she puts on is something's true, the way she's talking is insane
>>2040096i already thought she had her crazyEyes set on someone, and these posts aren't helping. let's hope this coming halloween will be the one.
No. 2040106
File: 1727610601223.mp4 (2.84 MB, 1080x1920, 1000015969.mp4)

She is posting her feet again, I assume it's for a moid she is trying to fish. Her Etsy page listed 2 sales made I don't know why she is acting like she had to drop so many packages off
No. 2040126
>>2040095what exactly is heathers living situation, does she live with others and rent a room or something? she's always just in this one weird room. Her home is one bedroom full of antiques?
what did she do for "the corporation" that was so rough, is this her way of saying i had a hard day at work lmao. tell us more heather.
No. 2040149
>>2040126She lives by herself and I’m pretty sure that the shelves with all the trinkets are in bedroom
>>>/snow/1930813. Whenever she shows bits of the rest of her house, it’s not as decorated. You can see a bit in the background of the videos she made around this time
>>>/snow/1922990 No. 2040160
Kekkkk the neighbours stalking her? 'they are always around'their home,are they Heather?
That old but new video of her going apeshit Urban Xploring™ was eye opening in a few ways. It shows she basically doesn't give a shit about her interests other than as a way to reflect attention back at herself. Duh, but there was really no pretense. "I should risk my life for a youtube video?!" when the guy suggests she walks up some stairs.
Honestly not surprising she feels lonely af at home, I thought for ages those pictures she posts from that room were from a shop, specifically her work, target, not anything so interesting as an antique shop. It must feel so bland and liminal in there just stuffed with pieces that all just meld together into what looks like a pile of "shabby chic" middle age woman-faire tat, so she must feel like she is standing bored, waiting for her mother to come out of the changing room,
Even antique shops that have, obv, even more antiques don't feel like that, so fuck knows how she does it. Just imbues everything she touches with the ineffable energy of Basic.
Poor soylent trio. I'm surprised Heather hasn't been reached out to by a TV company for the roster on one of the many lame dating shows that they do.
That would be a delight.
No. 2040177
>>2040106Half speed to check out this corner I haven't seen in detail before. Her plants look nice, but what is with the flashing?
To nobody's surprise her antique aesthetic is the same as her personality- an ugly, mismatched mess, devoid of soul, cobbled together from the good bits of other people's things.
>>2040160"Imbues everything she touches with an ineffable energy of basic" is a perfect description! A modern day King Midas, causing her own repetitive, banal tragedy everywhere she goes.
No. 2040184
File: 1727629040301.jpg (125.5 KB, 1080x1919, 1000015976.jpg)

Genuinely wondering if she is autistic because she cannot seem to understand how dating apps work. These idiots just make a stupid opener to engage in conversation, hagther
No. 2040198
File: 1727631540594.jpeg (840.11 KB, 828x1361, IMG_6404.jpeg)

No. 2040232
>>2040184she's not autistic, just wholly and entirely self-absorbed and constantly feels the desperate need to prove a point to everybody. lately that point is
>i'm just sooo different look how quirky i am!>>2040150>At one point she claimed one of her neighbors was showing signs of stalking her, but that claim was all but dropped.KEK that's classic heather move
>>2040198it's just pathetic. nothing about her is even that out of the ordinary. basic white bread blonde girl who likes antiques. the thing that is actually unusual about her is her behavior, not her interests.
she's completely empty and obsessed with nothing but her own vanity. that's why she obsessively posts these things on social media. she doesn't seem passionate about her interests, doesn't seem to engage in anything unless there's potentially a ryan around the corner. she only wants to talk about herself. it's that and buying stuff to use as a replacement for her hollow personality because she's just filling that void. she's always "showing off" on social media because there's no introspection or personal time for her. it's just her and her infinite ryanquest, that's why being in her threads for long enough feels like beating your head against a wall while a broken record plays the words "i'm the
victim! i'm the
victim!" over and over
No. 2040254
File: 1727639142767.jpeg (1.03 MB, 828x1180, IMG_6406.jpeg)

Nope too niche, sorry Heather no one with those attributes has ever found love. They all die alone because they’re too niche
No. 2040296
>>2040093It's such a shame tbh, she has some nice pieces, but she keeps them displayed on lopsided white IKEA shelves as if she's a vendor at an oddity expo or something. It all looks so very sterile despite being "whimsical" old antiques.
>>2040198>Too niche to loveToo basic for actual spoopy boys, too unhinged for the basic white boys. Whatever shall our spoopiest swifty do nonnas? hashtag cursed.
No. 2040323
>>2040254>goblin core creaturewords have no meaning anymore
>>2040296>Too basic for actual spoopy boys, too unhinged for the basic white boys. Whatever shall our spoopiest swifty do nonnas? hashtag cursed.KEK
No. 2040348
>>2040296The funniest part about this is that putting things on shelves in an alluring way is literally her day job lol
>>2040255> She posted that meme from possession thinking it was a vibe not knowing what the fuck it’s fromHaha I missed this. She thought Possession was romantic or something. The film begins with a demand for divorce and the two characters wind up replacing each other with clones. It would be a mindfuck if she actually thought about the themes, but obviously she would never even watch it. It's likely too "ick" for the tastes of our haunted goth swiftie.
No. 2040383
File: 1727661330572.jpeg (562.93 KB, 1284x2282, u.jpeg)

Black might still be in the cards, let us rejoice.
No. 2040412
Haven't checked in on this thread in a while, strangely comforting knowing Heather's still doing the same routine after all these years.
RIP Revenge Ryan, wasn't expecting that though. If she wasn't such a shallow attention whore, she wouldve found her 5eva soulmate in her fucking Instagram DMs by now. RevengeRyan was married but I doubt he was the only one giving her validation while she barely replies. If she stopped chasing fuckboys and saw her simps as dating prospects, they'd be a lot more loyal and willing to put up with her bullshit. But her simps aren't cute goth boys so it's a life of eternal solitude. The simps only have value when they're dead because then they're contributing to the spoopy goth aura.
>>2040383I remember this cycle though. Hyping herself up for an alt haircut (maybe copied from her ex's new gf's haircut?) because needs to get a trim. Then she'll chicken out at the last minute, she always leaves the salon with the exact same dated hairstyle lmao
No. 2040519
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No. 2040529
>>2040519I don't even know where to start with this, KEK
>>I guess i'll try to start losing weight..lmfao. she's so lazy she doesn't really care to lose weight, is literally just doing it as a last resort to win a man. Heather this is like the definition of pathetic. I've never known a female simp like this IRL I wonder what it's like interacting with her.
No. 2040580
>>2040519>I'm changing my hair color in a few weeks Fingers crossed, girlies! Although I'm willing to bet this is all talk, like every other change she claims she's going to make.
On a separate note, I know it's been said to death, but I just can't get over that she thinks dyeing her hair will somehow make her horrific personality tolerable.
No. 2040722
File: 1727740330666.jpeg (282.22 KB, 1179x799, IMG_2915.jpeg)

It is time.
No. 2040728
>>2040722Omfg, why couldnt she have dropped a date. If LC had a newsletter this would be front page lmfao.
My guess is she is going to dye it black or back to whatever she thinks her "natural" hair color looks like. The "less maintenance" part confuses me because i know nothing of hair and would think if its not your natural color it would be a bit of maintenance.
Anyways whats your guesses??
No. 2040734
>>2040096>your lore is so dense and complex> all her lolcow threadsi audibly lol'd
>>2040524>that one nonnathere are dozens of us!
>>2040722>see me for who i really amthe black hair will bring out the green in her skin and everyone will know she's the wicked witch?
No. 2040751
File: 1727744488615.jpg (41.47 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg)

>>2040722Her current "stylist" is the sadist responsible for that dry ass bird's nest so I'm expecting something really bad. Maybe she'll go back to bangs!
No. 2040845
>>2040722>black heart emojis>people will see me for who i really amshe better go through with this. in all honesty, just about any color would be better than the blonde imo… but if she actually goes through with the black hair i will be so elated. maybe our prayers will be answered. happy october nonnies!
>>2040580>Fingers crossed, girlies! Although I'm willing to bet this is all talk, like every other change she claims she's going to make. she's always teased this so much and never goes through with it and i won't be surprised if she backs out. but my fingers are also crossed and i'm really hoping this time is the real deal.
No. 2040901
>>2040519God if I had nothing better to do I wish I could catfish to pretend to be her ideal
Ryan Moid just to see and hear the crazy shit she says and does.
>>2040888 now she really is going to look like an old bitch. I like the hairstyle personally but she makes everything look like old miserable lady.
No. 2040902
>>2040888Omg nonnys I’m so excited!! It’s my birthday soon so I’m keeping fingers crossed it will be a gift kek
>low maintenance Well that colour style is the opposite though.
No. 2041014
>>2040972>>2040998fucking kek nonas
>I'm expecting her to recreate this photoshoot within 5 hours of having the new hair colorthat would actually be pretty fun, she should do that to show everyone how she's back to her ~true self~ or something.
No. 2041261
File: 1727848557464.jpeg (285.29 KB, 1079x1088, Picsew_20241001225337.jpeg)

I feel like she cranks up the crazy as a way to have something to point to for being chronically unlikeable
No. 2041265
File: 1727849530011.mp4 (2.02 MB, 292x480, Video.mp4)

Why is she always eating bread in these rants
No. 2041272
>>2041264Her baby talk voice is the most grating—
>>2041265Oh jfc it's the return of ASMR Heather Bread Mouth Sounds.
No. 2041276
>>2041261always begging…
>>2041264she's trying way too hard
>>2041265yeah right, she's deleting hinge. i don't believe it for a second.
>are there any good dating apps?no
>what can i do?start working on yourself with therapy, self-reflection, mindfulness, journalling, looking inward…. all sorts of things other than what you're doing. in fact, do the opposite of what you're doing
>where do freaky people meet?usually by common interests that they can share with each other, because they are actually interested in things other than themselves and aren't preoccupied with finding the "perfect partner" and can talk about things other than that. you know, because they have actual interests
No. 2041283
>>2041264Did she make it say
>>2041267>knowing her weight plays a role in that.It absolutely does not. She's a little fat, not a hamplanet. Nothing about her appearance is the problem, it's 100% her personality.
No. 2041307
>>2041283>Did she make it say daddy?she absolutely did
>Nothing about her appearance is the problem, it's 100% her personality.agreed. there isn't anything about her appearance that is contributing to her "~curse of being single~"
it's nothing about her appearance and everything to do with her repellent and shallow personality that will drive people away really fast. if she's this desperate and pathetic and whiny on her social media, i can't even imagine how she is behind the scenes. i'm just suddenly remembering that pokemon video upthread where she's being so obnoxious that brandon(?) kept telling her to cut the bullshit.
even when she has people to hang out with, people who give her compliments and the attention she asks for, and people who express interest in her: she can't go two minutes without reminding everyone how lonely she is, no one will give her a chance, people don't like how spooky she is, ect ect ect. she'll post stories of hanging out with people and the next day she's the most loneliest person in the world. when someone pays her a compliment she'll immediately respond with "but still not enough for a bf!"
nobody in their right minds would want to talk to someone like this for a few minutes, let alone date them. even some of the most depraved of scrotes would get sick of her
No. 2041334
>>2041331my bad
nonny, I misread that. I agree she definitely eyefucks herself constantly, every photo she takes is the "would you fuck me, i'd fuck me" meme. I have actually never seen someone so unremarkable be so openly in love with themselves
No. 2041395
>>2041265is she eating dry bread? Nothing on it, just the bread? And who told her that it's in any way attractive to film yourself speaking with a full mouth and smacking like an annoying child.
>>2041381do you think we will have another std scare and another pregnancy scare before Christmas? And if the guys don't bite after her great transformation, she will say it's because of her weight and start being vegan again for 2 1/2 days while working out once in that time.
No. 2041450
>>2041401Interesting idea. I just assumed she was bpd'ing over lack of attention and grasped at the first thing that she knew would get it. Her announcing it on FB also had the benefit of getting massive engagement, all of who would be on the side of the pregnant woman and scolding of the delinquent moid.
>>2041445True but also remember that she is constantly reposting photos from her teenage goth era when her face was much thinner and I assume the rest of her was too.
Her obsessing about her teenage years isn't rare but I've only seen it in my friends who are married and what-if a lot.
No. 2041547
File: 1727918006843.jpeg (444.52 KB, 828x1450, IMG_6428.jpeg)

She deleted this, it was a video, but there were so many messages from guys saying they wanted to antique with her and asking her about her spoopy hobbies and gettysburg and shit that she left on read and yet she still says that’s the problem.
No. 2041555
File: 1727921075278.jpeg (195.15 KB, 828x1523, Picsew_20241002190102.jpeg)

Here’s some more that I managed to sc but quite literally hundreds just over the last 2 months left on read and the only messages she would sent was the waving hand emoji
No. 2041562
>>2041555This would come off as some sort of weird humble brag if she wasn't actually legitimately upset over it all. I don't get it. She gets lots of attention on the apps and she ignores them. Just from these pics, some of those guys aren't ugly or anything, and I mean besides that she dated
Lurch so it's not like looks are the most important thing KEK. I can see some of these dudes have tons of tattoos which she seems to like. I don't get it.
No. 2041572
>>2041547>>2041555She’s so weird. None of these random thirstballs in her DMs are uglier than the men she usually entertains. She could literally pick one at random and turn him into her new Ryan to project her issues on. But she’d rather sit around at home moping about how she’s too blonde to get a boyfriend. Also
>hello handsomeI see her game is still impeccable lol
No. 2041579
>>2041555>i wanna thrift with youmind boggling how she begs online every day for a boyfriend, says she's not enough for anybody and no one can handle her ~spooky~ interests and wants to do what she's interested in. this is madness, honestly, i can't fathom where her constant woes come from. is she just constantly fishing for compliments and that's it? i already knew she was ignorant of those around her but even in her dating apps are plenty of men interested and trying to start a conversation with her. it's just like how she's so lonely after spending the day with people. i don't know how this stuff works but i presume that she had to match with these people in order for them to message her? or can anybody send a message?
i agree with the other nonas that some of them are up to her standards in the looks department, so what's the deal? why is she saying "save me" from the thing she is constantly begging for? even though i already know she's like this, just seeing it in front of me somehow still has me astonished
No. 2041606
File: 1727934870706.jpeg (871.72 KB, 828x1447, IMG_6432.jpeg)

No. 2041693
>>2041623that makes sense, i can definitely see that.
>please ryan save me from this horde of men who are after me! come sweep me off my feet!very heather behavior. makes sense why she deleted it though, it just further shows how her complaints are based on absolutely nothing. constantly begging for a boyfriend every day and crying how no one likes her or her interests and then she shows how that's a complete lie. is that why she deleted it? a hint of self-awareness perhaps? kek
No. 2041707
File: 1727970126100.mp4 (8.02 MB, 1080x1920, iioo.mp4)

Approximately 12 hours ago she uploaded a tour of sorts of her living room. This might be of interest to the Nonas curious about her house.
No. 2041734
File: 1727974347421.jpeg (889.87 KB, 828x1474, IMG_6434.jpeg)

This is such an unflattering image
No. 2041798
File: 1727983684229.jpg (217.96 KB, 1499x847, 635895793555855006-Barbie-2016…)

>>2041734Kek, why she built like chubby barbie minus the wide hips? Lol
No. 2041832
>>2041734please. we need this halloween milk. i'd also like that to change, heather. we have a whole month ahead of us, maybe the black hair will break the ""curse""!
>>2041789KEK yeah, that was hilarious
>>2041707i might be the only one but i kind of like it kek. asides from the weird broom and butterflies part, i liked the dolls sitting on the couch. i think it's more interesting than a boring living room with no decorations in it asides from a flowerpot or something. that being said i don't think she's particularly skilled at interior decoratiing, just that i like a bit of cluttered look where there's a lot to look at rather than an empty room.
No. 2041915
File: 1728009194356.jpg (22.32 KB, 365x273, 1000006961.jpg)

>>2041606pls no ban, it's just all I can see.
(shitposting ) No. 2042077
File: 1728047520277.jpeg (1.65 MB, 1179x2030, IMG_2941.jpeg)

New Ryan incoming
No. 2042168
File: 1728065142179.png (3.11 MB, 1080x1919, halloweenryan.png)

We might have gotten our halloweenryan! After being out with this dude yesterday, she seems in an upbeat mood and we all know what that means
No. 2042169
>>2042077>>2042165hoo boy… i love how we all collectively knew it was coming. whenever she posts a certain way, i got that feeling she had her eyes on someone and he does look like someone she would date. KEK strap in nonnies!
>>2042167fucking kekkk
>>2042168i am so excited right now. we are on perfect schedule. black hair is presumably on the cards (hopefully? fingers crossed) and we have a new ryan at the start of october. i'm looking forward to this.
No. 2042189
>>2042182ayrt and agreed completely, i'm worried she'll change her mind now that she has her new ryan. that's absolutely something she would do. "well now i don't have to dye my hair anymore!" or something.
but you're totally right she could go through this one quicker than poxryan, and we still have a full month to go.
i really hope she doesn't back out on the decision… really hoping there's also a chance that she booked this appointment so recently that maybe he's down for the black hair idea too. since they already knew each other, there's some overlap at least, but maybe i'm just being too hopeful. every decision she makes revolves around a ryan or potential ryan so it's hard to say
No. 2042224
File: 1728075261313.png (90.71 KB, 1080x535, Screenshot_20241004-165300.png)

Black heart. Confirmed new Ryan.
No. 2042229
File: 1728075839116.jpg (546.29 KB, 1080x2002, Screenshot_20241004_140117_Ins…)

>>2042224Already "babe"ing him?? Didnt she just post about wanting some heroryan to whisk her away from all the men wasting her time in the dating apps? Like 2 days ago…?
Either she is talking like that while knowing she had a new ryan secured (psychotic behavior) pr she just met him today or yesterday or Wednesday and is "babe"ing him? Idk maybe im stupid because i havent dated in 10+ years but isnt that a bit soon? And if she disnt just meet him, was all that ryanbaiting just to get her new ryan jealous and to humblebrag to him about all the scrotes in her DMs to make her seem higher value and super desirable? Either way she is a fucking nutjob.
His name is ethan. Phonetically soft and similar like ryan. Kek its ry-eth-an.
No. 2042234
File: 1728076601866.jpg (510.95 KB, 1080x1237, Screenshot_20241004_140936_Ins…)

>>2042232>>2042233Idk but he baby faced as fuck Dear god he looks so soy and awkward. Good for heather lol.
My guess is atleast till after Halloween but he will bounce before the family holidays when she starts hinting at meeting eachothers families and he realizes she is a crazy lady trying to take things too fast.
No. 2042236
File: 1728076622448.jpeg (57.8 KB, 1179x418, IMG_2947.jpeg)

>>2042233Holy shit you’re right.
No. 2042240
>>2042167that’s literally why she was cleaning yesterday
>>2041707 kek
No. 2042245
>>2042240kek! makes sense now why she cleaned up the place. also kek'd at
>#revelution>>2042236so wait, he's 22 as of 2 days ago..? that's quite the age gap. like he just was old enough to drink last year. i don't remember how old the original babyryan was… is he even younger?
>>2042234something about his meek pose in all 3 pictures of him i've seen posted in this thread puts me off. he has this weird stance and face i can't really put my finger on. i'm getting weird vibes, i don't know. the age gap is especially putting me off though. he has a baby face in terms of not many wrinkles but imo he looks much older than 22 because of his hair and strange.. face. maybe he'd look younger without the beard.
>>2042244she'll be talking marriage if he sticks around for ~3 weeks
No. 2042261
>>2042255True. She might think her blonde hair is what bagged the cat. But she also might still want the change for her "authentic self" (why she talk like a troon tho?)
I could see her asking his opinion on it and her going with what he thinks. And if he chooses blonde then when they inevitably break up she will spin it in a way that makes him sound controlling and like he didnt truly appreciate who she really was and he was holding her back from her
sparkle DREAMS
sparkleKek may the dairy gods let the milk flow
No. 2042262
>>2042255i agree with you nona. he does look rough for that age, and like you said, i'm hoping he's young enough to be a bit more naïve when she pulls her tricks so he sticks around longer. i think she's gonna pull out every manipulation tactic that she can, and he just might be young enough to buy it. he probably fell for the "please save me from all these guys trying to message me on a dating app!" judging by them hanging out just one meager day later.
i do also feel like (unfortunately) she's gonna back out on the hair arrangement now that things are going how she wants it to
>some of her flings are so short-lived that I fully believe that we could still have Black Hair Breakdown by Halloween if this falls through.agreed, here's hoping!
No. 2042265
File: 1728080245111.jpeg (288.33 KB, 828x1447, IMG_6440.jpeg)

Pack it up ladies, Heather has found her One True Ryan!
No. 2042267
File: 1728080539780.jpeg (689.68 KB, 1179x1100, IMG_2948.jpeg)

She’s like 13 years older than him? Is that right?
No. 2042273
File: 1728081481039.jpeg (637.73 KB, 828x4138, Picsew_20241004153625.jpeg)

This kid is a military cosplayer World War autist who got turned down when he tried to enlist. He’s one of those le wrong generation types. Also an anti-swiftie, watch Heather stop using taylor swift songs in all her posts
No. 2042274
File: 1728081781030.jpeg (346.43 KB, 828x1091, IMG_6451.jpeg)

>>2042273So this is where her new MAGA thing comes from
No. 2042276
>>2042267This might be the closest to Halloween milk we get. Enjoy it guys!
Happy Halloween everyone!!
No. 2042280
>>2042273i knew there was something messed up looking at his eyes. any moid who gets in a relationship with heather has to have something severely wrong with him. he definitely looks like an insufferable autist too. this is already so funny, kek, i worry it's doomed to fail before halloween though. unless they match each others crazy for long enough
>>2042275too right, nona
>>2042276very true. same to you nonita! enjoying this early celebration, happy halloween!
No. 2042281
>>2042273i don’t think heather has posted a taylor swift song since she endorsed harris, has she?
>>2042267kek he looks like one of jill rodrigues’ kids
>>2042273damn, that sep 7 post explains a lot. also kek
>in a differnet lifenothing is stopping you from becoming cannon fodder right now, moid. he’s a manlet and he looks like a lizard.
No. 2042297
>>2042077>>2042165I clearly spoke too soon in
>>2038363 kek. Kind of wonder how gooberfriend feels about her dating yet another one of his friends though.
>>2042236>>2042273>>2042274>New Ryan is barely 22, half blind, and a maga/military autistOh, heather. I hope this ryan sticks around for at least a few weeks because this sounds like it's going to be milky. How soon before the next pregnancy scare? Has she already given him poxRyan's plague?
No. 2042299
File: 1728085787539.mp4 (11.24 MB, 1080x1920, aHR0cHM6Ly9zY29udGVudC1mbWwyMC…)

>>2042281Her last story is literally to a Taylor Swift song lmao
No. 2042302
File: 1728087187185.jpeg (880.32 KB, 828x1355, IMG_6454.jpeg)

It’s been 24 hours, time to drop the L-bomb
No. 2042318
>>2042245> so wait, he's 22 as of 2 days ago..? More importantly: did he go out on a first date with a hinge hook up on his 22nd birthday?
>>2042244It will be "love" by next weekend if the relationship lasts that long.
>>2042265… or this weekend! Wow Heather!
No. 2042330
File: 1728092454687.jpeg (542.91 KB, 1126x1698, IMG_2972.jpeg)

No. 2042335
>>2042318It's not a hinge hookup, it's one of Brandon's friends, the goofy looking dude that was axeryan's friend originally.
>>2042330Judging by the timeline it sounds like he recently tried to join the army
>>2042273 but was denied due to vision issues. Heather took the opportunity to snatch him up while he's whining about being depressed, lonely, and lacking confidence. She's going to be so incredibly unhinged when they eventually split.
No. 2042340
>>2042236What kinda moid asks for a bag of crazy for his birthday?
>>2042274forget i asked, never mind.
Did hag come out of his cake or something?
>>2042338Maybe he was the pity date
No. 2042347
>>2042339I wonder if Mr.Tradition realizes his girlfriend has slept with over 20 guys in just a couple years.
I guarantee black hair is out of the picture now. I'm sure he wants her to stay blonde to be more presentable to his family.
No. 2042357
>>2042330Jesus fucking Christ.
>>2042353I swear every time I check this thread she's latched onto someone new kek
No. 2042375
>>2042336I'm leaning towards magaRyan or rebelRyan due to his confederate soldier cosplay and love for Trump.
>>2042353And with a kid 13 years her junior too. Desperate times.
No. 2042409
>>2042375> 13 years her junior tooHe was still underage when her first thread was made here lol
>>2042357It's new, and it's not new. You missed everything but you missed nothing. This is the zen of the Heather thread.
>>2042330> today> "we were talking & close friends for months!">>2041547> two days ago> "Hello handsome!" No. 2042414
>>2042351This, my husband had bad vision and all he needed to do was have PRK surgery to fix his vision problem and that made him eligible for service
(blogging) No. 2042440
>>2042330fucking kekkkk that whole response is gold and then the icing on the cake
>you say you wish me luck but you are projecting negativity onto my happinessi love how someone not being immediately over the moon at her hopping from moid to moid is "bringing negativity" towards her… she's unreal kek this shits so funny. this relationships gonna be a mess. that person's right to be a skeptic when it comes to heather
>>2042409>hello handsomekek was thinking the same thing
>>2042336>Oh man we are so lucky nonnas, she is in full force. What should babyryan #2 be named? Babyryan 2: heathers revenge? She sure loves that cashew skull phenotypeKEK, agreed!
>babyryan 2: heathers revenge>cashew skull phenotypealso KEK'd. i was also thinking of something along the lines of baby!cataractsRyan or revelutionRyan (
>>2042224 ). but maybe when the relationship (hopefully) goes on a bit longer we will have a more solidified name for him. she really is in full force, it's great
No. 2042441
>>2042330Kek, she is doing what a guy did with me, dated me before a certain occasion (here it's Halloween) to not be alone on that day and then dumped me the day after. I give them 27 to 55 days until the big "he was mentally unwell and it was horrible, he wanted to control me and his views were so
toxic and he was way too young and knew nothing about life"-breakdown video.
>>2042375>>2042336Hm, BlindRyan, StupidRyan, UnfitRyan, if we only had known that there would be another BabyRyan, way younger than the one before.
No. 2042442
>>2042436it isn’t you. heather never had high standards, so the bar for entry to her tj maxx house has been getting lower and lower as she dates. the standard has always been “he paid attention to me”. she doesn’t get the guys she wants, so she has to settle for the weirdos
also, the older she’s getting, the more mentally fucked in the head she is. idk whether she identifies with these low tier men or she’s just so desperate she convinces herself they’re made for each other.
there’s been an intellectual and moral decline in the ryans since lurchryan. they’ve all been very stupid and they’ve all had that dead in the eyes look. i mean teacherryan was racist and a pedo, lurchryan was a trve 2% nordic bro. they’re all guys who would be incels if heather didn’t fuck them and give them a boost in confidence.
>>2042273lmao what is this little miss sunshine??? is he gonna take a vow of silence too? god imagine being so physically inept tje government doesn’t even wanna use your body as a meat shield. and yet these are always the ones who think their genes are the most supreme ultra super rare and special.
No. 2042530
>>2042521She also has been doing that a lot lately, like she is strong, independent, doesn't need a man and if someone dislikes her hobbies, then she will stay alone forever instead of losing her freedom. I really think it's the fear of another Halloween without being in a relationship. Didn't she post two days ago or so how it will be another Halloween without a partner, like all the others before? I didn't save it as I thought about it as another Heather rant about stupid bullshit that means nothing.
And, I'm very much okay with calling him MagaRyan, maybe MagaBabyRyan? I would call him KleindkindRyan, because of his love for cosplaying WWII stuff and his age, but he is American, so we should give him an English name, German might insult him too much, kek.
No. 2042564
>>2042441BabyRyan ended up fitting the other one even better after the fake baby scare that had him running for the hills though. Truly insane this one is that much younger than even the original babyryan however.
>>2042436>>2042442Didn't think it was possible tbh, but here we are. The last few have definitely been some of the worst we've seen. We've had a few braindead and ugly as sin backwoods ryans in a row now. Even though poxRyan was OK looking and not a complete magatard/incel he was still collecting photos of deformed kids like they were pokemon cards and spreading stds across multiple dating app hookups. It's really only going to keep getting worse as she grows more desperate and reaches her 40s.
No. 2042596
>>2042530>>2042375WannabePrivateRyan? lol
Trump is going to be in Penn like 8 million times between now and November, I wonder if they'll exchange vows beneath the bulletproof glass of a MAGA rally.
No. 2042612
File: 1728166979037.jpg (35.61 KB, 500x500, s-l500.jpg)

>>2042336Babyryan 2: electric bugaboo
No. 2042618
>>2042617You nonnas have me keking so hard, I think this and wannabeprivateryan are my faves.
Serious thought though, I can really see her as a Mary Kay letourneau type. She even has the mousy blonde lifeless hair that those teacher predators have. She could keep going younger in her quest
No. 2042701
File: 1728189729280.jpeg (207.43 KB, 1251x1080, Picsew_20241005213808.jpeg)

She’s so fucking weird. Dropping the L bomb on this 22 year old right after their first date. If she doesn’t scare them off with that then they’re either fucking crazy too or just sticking around for sex, which seems to be the reoccurring theme
No. 2042802
File: 1728221713212.jpeg (262.23 KB, 1179x596, IMG_2982.jpeg)

She definitely stalked this kid.
No. 2042804
File: 1728221909244.png (449.74 KB, 410x737, stalker.png)

>>2042802yep, she posted this highlight as well (screenshot because it's just an image with music overlay)
No. 2042814
>>2042701>>2042804To the tune of
Timeless by Taylor Swift. Good luck, WannabePrivateRyan.
No. 2042863
>>2042818Heather has no concept of time. She is also a liar.
I have a feeling this is the one that's going to knock her up. She'll quit her job, and move in with him and his mom. Sometime during pregnancy she'll go full deranged mode and end up fleeing with their blind spawn back to her mother's house. Then the single goth mommy dating arc begins.
No. 2042934
File: 1728245003638.png (5 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_4766.png)

I’m convinced she just pretends to know what this shit is and then freaks out over it because she’s such an ~antique girl~. All to spend $30 on pointless junk like a ribbon and however much the “holy grail” mirror was from yesterday
No. 2042948
>>2042814Can we call her new bf SavingPrivateRyan? Kek.
>>2042701I'm all in favor of older women dating younger moids but Heather really lovebombed this guy when he was at his most depressed and low after just being rejected from his dream army job because no moid who has his life together would go near her…she really is a creepy predatory bpd parasite.
No. 2042999
File: 1728262614086.png (5.06 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_4776.png)

She has so much to show HIM, the military autist that paints his own little civil war patches for his jackets? He’s going to eventually get sick of her constant need to talk at him, especially when he obviously knows more than her
No. 2043017
File: 1728265529011.jpeg (548.16 KB, 1079x1801, Picsew_20241006184435.jpeg)

>>2043002Kek you’re so right. They’re also the only comments which makes it even funnier. Like mom pitty comments
No. 2043062
>>2043017Holy mom energy hahaha
>>2042806noooo it's got to last to Halloween and a week beyond, nona. We not only get to look forward to black hair, but also Haggy Halloween sperging AND, with any luck, Heather following her failed MAGA soldier in another march on DC.
Heather Sparkles becoming a "Person Of Interest" to the FBI and documenting 100s of fellow MAGAs in the background of her endless selfies as she dimwittedly invades Congress would cap this whole journey!
No. 2043142
>>2043131Even if she did have obscure family in a Fraternal Order, it wouldn't matter unless she was the sibling, child or wife of a master initiate, she can’t join any female equivalent social group. I also call it that because the female equivalent basically exists to fundraiser and throw parties for the men. They do not get the same initiations or knowledge. If Heather was actually into the Lodge system, you know she would only add that to her list of wHy No OnE LiKeS mE as she would be too esoteric and spooky. No…she just likes it for the aesthetic and we all know it. If Heather actually understood anything deeper than 2 inches below her surface interest in ANYTHING, Gettysburg, antiques from the Victorian era, whatever it is currently (plants, dolls, abandoned buildings, trains (???), paranormal research lol) she would actually be an interesting individual…maybe.
No. 2043199
>>2042999LMK if im knitpicking…. but his pants look dirty? I wonder if he lives alone and is still learning that pants can be worn more than once IF you didnt spill anything on them. Kek heather should talk AT him about laundry and not civil war stuff.
What i think is funny is he is probably going to school her and know way more than her about civil war stuff and realise she is a phony who does it for the aesthetics and not the history.
No. 2043318
File: 1728337084094.jpeg (198.13 KB, 1066x935, IMG_0664.jpeg)

Omg, this is too much fun you guys. I wish I didn’t have to go do adult things right now. You just write a little summary of what you want the limerick about and you can remix the results if you are unhappy. No. 2043325
File: 1728337938135.jpeg (259.17 KB, 1226x1080, Picsew_20241007145138.jpeg)

How many times can she repost this picture of his scrawny wrists with different love songs over it. This is what the 4th time? Her IG stories are such a red flag I would be so turned off if someone I just started dating was posting like she is
No. 2043388
>>2043325she has no idea what a twin flame is kek, it's not some fancy word for soulmate. it means something totally different. also agreed, she keeps posting the same two pictures over and over. everything she does is so repellent
>>2043309>>2043318ily nona
>>2043017this is just sad, he isn't even liking them. do we think he's already scared? other than the picture from 2 weeks ago is there even a photo of these two together asides from their hands?
>>2043337KEK, seriously
No. 2043425
>>2043142she obviously know about anything aboutnthis shit its not that deep so stoping nerding about it because no one cares.
>>2043325I'm weirded out by their age difference. a part of me thinks its because all the white guys her age in her area know about her, but I really think it was just the chance if him being in his photo and her going full stalker mode
No. 2043454
File: 1728364044146.jpg (322.06 KB, 1080x1918, 1000007000.jpg)

>>2043388This was just posted today. Of course with cheesy instrumental Taylor Swift music over it.
No. 2043574
File: 1728403468229.jpg (320.42 KB, 1080x1767, Screenshot_20241008_090023_Sam…)

>>2043388When you google it, it says it means soulmate. Lol
nonny, point out all the other races of men she has dated. Kek. She is probably deep down a racist MAGA fag but that doesnt fit her abused martyr larp.
No. 2043597
File: 1728408123753.jpg (1.24 MB, 1284x2282, 1000007005.jpg)

How can someone wear all black and still have their outfit look this mismatched and disjointed?
No. 2043642
>>2043454imagine if these two retards were kissing over your grave
>>2043493i agree with you, i thought the same thing
>>2043574>When you google it, it says it means soulmate. Lolgoogle is a garbage search engine. that's why heather is misusing it, anybody who's actually researched the differences between the two would know they're not the same.
No. 2043662
File: 1728418462487.jpg (531.83 KB, 697x1194, 1000027651.jpg)

>>2043658Stop baiting and derailing already.
>>2043597I'm beginning to think this is the one outfit that still fits her. She's been wearing it nonstop.
No. 2043682
>>2043662>>2043597this outfit makes her look much bigger than she is. Hilarious how she probably thought she spiced the outfit up with the 1$ Halloween tights kek
>>2043454He seems really awkward generally and we all know she will wear the pants in the relationship. Also it’s way to early to play ~so in love~ for social media when they’re only dating for a week!
No. 2043693
File: 1728424638263.jpeg (283.09 KB, 1272x1080, Picsew_20241008145555.jpeg)

Her calling these guys boy is so much grosser when the Ryan of the time is so young
No. 2043749
>>2043720>Heather doesnt do real research. She does a google search and calls that fact. Thats the depth of her and her hobbies kek.i know, that's the point i was making anon. i agree with you. that's why i've been saying she's using twin flame incorrectly and doesn't know anything about it. of course she didn't do any research on it. this is heather we're talking about
>>2043696hoping he's at least crazy enough to stick around for halloween!
No. 2043768
File: 1728440972262.jpeg (691.24 KB, 828x1214, IMG_6495.jpeg)

>>2043764This has to be his first girlfriend, this is batshit and anyone normal would be freaked out
No. 2043786
File: 1728445261067.png (4.47 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_4816.png)

Well I spoke too soon he’s much taller at this angle. This picture gives me the creeps
No. 2043826
>>2043786He's the first decent looking Ryan she's ever dated imo. However he doesnt seem genuinely interested in her at all and knowing how insecure Heather already is about her age, she's bound to go full bpd tardrage on his ass and abuse him for sure once he does anything that
triggers her
>>2043824Nona he has a severe eye condition…kek
No. 2043837
>>2043826>He's the first decent looking Ryan she's ever dated imoOh nonna, I fear you may be suffering from military-denying strength blindness as well. Get well soon.
>>2043786Even though he's a very rough 22, she still somehow ends up looking like a proud mother beside him. Beyond that they are actually pretty looks-matched though. I wonder how clearly he can see her and if he even knows she's in her mid-30s. kek
No. 2043841
>>2043809nta Age cult. There's a doco on it. No idea why some sperg is derailing about it. Heather wouldn't bother with it, way too much work and totally retarded.
(this is an imageboard. post caps) No. 2043854
>>2043802Well fuck, I thought that was her hand too.
>>2043824Kek! Nonas are hilarious.
No. 2043858
>>2043786Are we sure he’s not just a wax sculpture she’s just been posing all over the place? Making a whole personality and social media for him…. ?
Nonas remember the Great Peter Coffin Wife Debate right?
No. 2043995
>>2043979She won't break up with WannabePrivateRyan before Halloween is over, because she desperately wants a boyfriend on that special day. And he, I don't think he is the type to break up on his own, he is too young and too sad about him not going to war. He just lacks the life experience to detect a
toxic, bdp/npd relationship, as it's probably one of his first real girlfriends.
I can see a new Ryan between Thanksgiving and Christmas though.
No. 2044014
File: 1728495011914.jpeg (435.66 KB, 1179x1520, IMG_3024.jpeg)

No. 2044030
>>2044013so, you think he will stay, because he enjoys suffering and being controlled by an older person?
>>2044014kek, had to google it, but sure, it's a Taylor Swift song, guess WannabePrivateRyan will soon be a goth Swifty himself
No. 2044133
File: 1728512334168.png (4.84 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_4823.png)

Batton down the hatches, nonnas. Heather has taken her preemie paramour to the steps!!!!
No. 2044137
File: 1728513481736.mp4 (2.69 MB, 1080x1920, c3RwPWRzdC1tcDQmZWZnPWV5SnhaVj…)

She was cringe and embarrassing at the ghost hunting outing as per usual
No. 2044151
>>2044137That's a pretty genuine smile from him as he films her squealing. He actually seems into her nonnas despite how annoying she can be. I suppose her immaturity better matches some inexperienced kid barely 22.
>>2043693kek. His idea of "mischief" is par with her's. Makes me think back on the time she was trying to seem quirky while "eating bread, on the floor, with her trinkets!".
No. 2044161
File: 1728518062515.mp4 (733.3 KB, 276x480, Video (1).mp4)

Oh god this one hurt to watch. She made someone record this wtf. She acts like one of those obsessive boymoms fawning over him and his autistic hobbies
No. 2044176
File: 1728521448833.mp4 (1.81 MB, 1080x1920, c3RwPWRzdC1tcDQmZWZnPWV5SnhaVj…)

I bet she forced one of the guys to record her lol(repost)
No. 2044177
File: 1728521621843.mp4 (9.08 MB, 1080x1920, c3RwPWRzdC1tcDQmZWZnPWV5SnhaVj…)

No. 2044186
File: 1728525078240.jpeg (883.95 KB, 828x1435, IMG_6503.jpeg)

She’s used the song A Thousand Years on like 10 posts of him
No. 2044199
>>2044137You can hear someone say "oh my god this is.." like they're done and embarrassed by her.
>>2044161I just don't know how you get the energy to feign this type of love for every guy you meet multiple times over and over back to back. Seems exhausting to me.
>>2044162If you look at her mouth while she's talking it's like she's tongue-tied or has some lower jawbone issue that causes her speech impediment.
>>2044187Because she's fat and her thighs are rubbing together
No. 2044436
But this is exactly why she will never last in a long term relationship. Once all the puppylove-honeymoon-stage feelings are gone she will be bored and he will probably hate her by then since her fakeness and shallowness will be evident by then.
The only way she will find a guy to hang around with her longterm is for him to be as retarded and crazy as she is. Like her scrote from the first thread. That guy wanted to keep and control her like a possesion because he himself was no catch and knew moving on to someone else would be hard.
So unless she finds mr.desperateBPDryan, we will be blessed with the milk of knew ryans for eternity.
No. 2044498
File: 1728602069190.jpeg (485.4 KB, 1179x1089, IMG_3036.jpeg)

Gross lol
No. 2044517
File: 1728606380045.jpeg (294.49 KB, 1406x1080, Picsew_20241010172513.jpeg)

She’s skinwalking his photography style all of a sudden
No. 2044548
File: 1728611829153.jpeg (403.01 KB, 828x1788, Picsew_20241010185624.jpeg)

No. 2044553
>>2043979KEKK nona
>>2044014>>2044176i thought it was just the photos of him looking stiff, because he looks oddly stiff in every photo taken, but even in "motion" he scarily looks like a wax statue
>>2043841>No idea why some sperg is derailing about it. Heather wouldn't bother with it, way too much work and totally retarded.because heather keeps calling him her twin flame when she doesn't know what that means. therefore, she is "bothering with it" but not in the way you think she is, because whatever you linked has absolutely nothing to do with that conversation
>>2044517very creepy
>>2044548kek he isn't even looking at her in the pic
>i always knew i was meant to find youjust like all the other ryans. it's like you were meant to find everyone!
>>2044551kek i don't know what to say, is this his way of avoiding saying the words?
No. 2044555
>>2044548I hope he realizes Heather is actually incapable of loving anyone but herself. She is literally using him as a prop.
Also I know it's been said, but that outfit is heinous. Looking like a fridge even in a corset is sad.
No. 2044559
File: 1728614213996.jpeg (717.83 KB, 828x1372, IMG_6520.jpeg)

I bet she’s telling him that he’s ghostryan reincarnated
No. 2044590
>>2044548Her outfit is so tacky. If he was kind of matching it might pass as a cute couples photo. But her tights cheapen it.
>>2044551>right back at yaKEK I’ll give them two months. Thanksgiving and Christmas around the corner means meeting families and really putting your priorities first.
No. 2044607
>>2044584Of course he can't, they've known each other for a handful of months. She's cried over multiple Ryans before even introducing him and declaring she's off of dating apps (for the nth time this year.)
What even happened to ForeignRyan kek.
No. 2044636
File: 1728625623481.jpeg (624.79 KB, 828x1275, IMG_6521.jpeg)

>>2044633I think they’ve known each other for around 3 weeks, she posted the first picture hanging out with him and her goober gang 16 days ago
>>2038345 and posted this on Sep 18th. She might have been acquainted with him through Brandon or axeryan before that but no, I don’t think they hung out before that or she would have posted about it to make poxryan jealous
No. 2044639
File: 1728625673666.jpeg (666.9 KB, 828x1052, IMG_6522.jpeg)

No. 2044654
File: 1728627479623.jpeg (72.61 KB, 388x500, IMG_3401.jpeg)

>>2044133NoSavingPrivateRyan now, she took him to the tower.
No. 2044670
>>2044620She literally blamed a breakup on a Ryan being religious. I forget which one it was though, papeRyan maybe? The more Ryans she has the less I can remember who is who anymore.
>>2044636>>2044639>>2044650kek. She really does sound like a proud mother rattling on about how proud she is of her talented sweet "baby boy".
No. 2044675
>>2044548we know you never compromise in a realtionship hag thats not something to brag about its why you have over a dozen exes.
>>2044551hes trying to keep a healthy distance in a budding relationship like a normal fucking person lmao may be hes beginning to see the end haha
No. 2044683
File: 1728635693498.png (385.88 KB, 493x729, Screenshot 2024-10-11 at 09.33…)

>>2044548she looks absolutely deranged and terrifying kek, the bpdchan hormones have kicked in
No. 2044751
File: 1728658711492.jpg (362.08 KB, 1013x899, Screenshot_20241011_155743.jpg)

She do look huge wtf
No. 2044782
>>2044517Even after being up for 3hours, no likes. Privateryan cant be fucking bothered to put in even a fraction of the energy she is putting in on this relationship.
I hope when they break up she keeps this style of photography. It really speaks to her narcissism that over half her insta pics are of her…. like girl move we cant see the cememtary. But the thing is heather doesnt ACTUALLY find cemetaries interesting, its only interesting when she is in it, hence all the cemetary SELFIES.
No. 2044816
>>2044744>If he's got even one good friend, they will be in his ear about how insane this is.i really wonder. he seems like a stunted autist and he met her through brandon who seems indifferent about heather's crazy. i wonder if there is anyone who's warned him or if he's on his own
>She's really putting on a song and dance demonstrating the crazy with no help needed.agreed! she's putting on a whole damn show for this guy, it's repulsive and creepy. she looks so damn desperate it's pathetic. i really wonder how long they'll last, he doesn't seem to like her very much.
>>2044706this is an anonymous image board. i never got banned for it, you're reading and talking to multiple anons and you somehow can't recognize that
>>2044782>Even after being up for 3hours, no likes. Privateryan cant be fucking bothered to put in even a fraction of the energy she is putting in on this relationship. i wonder if he actually likes her or if he's just happy he's getting any female attention. it's obvious he has no charisma and likely hasn't had many girlfriends due to his age and interests.
>But the thing is heather doesnt ACTUALLY find cemetaries interesting, its only interesting when she is in it, hence all the cemetary SELFIES.very true, her only interest is herself. it's sad. she'll drop the photography skinwalk about ~2 ryans from now. hopefully by then she'll have black hair!
No. 2044952
File: 1728704768223.mp4 (6.5 MB, 1080x1920, dolphin-giggles.mp4)

They don't look like they're joking… 1/2
No. 2045013
File: 1728723760542.jpg (10.43 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

>>2044952Her fake little girl giggle is so creepy and unhinged. Sounds like the fucking villain from Roger Rabbit.
No. 2045066
>>2044953Every sliver of Brandon’s will to live eeked out of his body in that video, it was u comfortable watching. You can tell he is not well versed in standing up for himself but you can see he is absolutely done with being around her. I don’t get why he is still orbiting, genuinely. Especially now that she’s MotherBoy with his (?) buddy.
Also why are they in a dirt basement ghost hunting and that man has no shoes on? These people are some of the most foul individuals
No. 2045088
>>2044953theres virtually no reason to film this. seems they don't even wanna talk because of the socially retarded surveillance cunt in the back.
people don't like being recorded heather. how fucking hard is it to grasp this?
No. 2045106
>>2045097PrivateRyan seems extremely beta and timid and Hag is overbearing and domineering, it might actually work between them since that dynamic is quite common among
toxic couples.
No. 2045244
>>2045106well what do you expect? heather is proud for never compromising in relationships, for being an annoying terminally online cunt. she'll never find a guy who will put his foot down and say Enough because:
1.) thats not what she goes for. she wants a doormat.
2.) if she ever had a guy who wont tolerate this shit she'll cry abuse and pretend to be a
victim3.) no self respecting guy will never look in her direction
man oh man I cant wait until she reaches/sleeps with 50 ryans
No. 2045255
File: 1728761589834.jpeg (681.33 KB, 828x1476, IMG_6536.jpeg)

He looks perpetually nervous
No. 2045269
File: 1728762645271.mp4 (9.53 MB, 856x480, 202410130634 (1).mp4)

It's so weird to look back on ancient videos and see how she's still dealing with the same basic issue, her fundamental emptiness. The way she talks about wanting an identity to cling to and wanting somebody she can be dependent on to save her is creepy, since we've seen her try so hard to cling to identities and people since. But it hasn't helped. Nothing helps the emptiness.
No. 2045293
>>2045269>it's all my faultcrazy to see how much she's degraded. she's displaying self-awareness here: she wants someone to hold her hand through everything and she desperately wants to cling to a label or an identity. she on some level used to recognize this. pretty crazy. she's talking about how deeply insecure she is about stuff i've heard plenty of people express. they're sad and lost because they don't have a clear defined path laid out in front of them, ect. imo it's a stupid "problem" to have, but at least she's able to talk about it here. now it's just outward projection constantly. she's gotten so much worse. it's obvious in this video that she's upset about this, but even back then i think all the advice in the world couldn't have helped her.
>>2045255kek is she coping? dude looks horrendous, but i guess that's her type
No. 2045358
>>2045104this isn’t US culture, this is freaky bottom-of-the-barrel moid stank
wherever you live you have losers like this too, whether they’re trainspotters or birdwatchers or board game players or model plane builders
No. 2045376
>>2045104>>2045358>>2045365I heard someone in politics say the other day that "Pennsylvania is made up of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh and Alabama in between them."
>>2045255This lovebombing is pretty extreme even by Hag's standards lol
No. 2045390
>>2045380i agree, it's overbearing even for heather. it's very extreme, i was suspecting the same thing. some sort of insecurity, maybe because he's younger she's terrified of those "evil e-girls" out there
>>2045342i felt the similarly way while watching it, like this is something she could have confided in to a therapist because it's such a whiny nothing problem to cry over. while i'm shocked at her being even slightly self-aware compared to the heather we see today, like her actually admitting she's at fault (holy shit), i also don't feel like it was a super genuine realization either.
i guess this is another case where she was stuck at the starting line, kek. she has nothing to show for this realization, or confession. perhaps this is just another form of her usual pity parties she loves to throw. there is plenty of advice i would have given to past heather, like if someone confided in me with this feeling i feel like i know what i'd tell them, but knowing how she turned out that advice would have definitely not been heard. she clearly didn't ruminate on this enough and now here we are